swp 47/87 the stock depreciation model of new car sales
swp 47/87 the stock depreciation model of new car sales
SWP 47/87 THE STOCK DEPRECIATION MODEL OF NEW CAR SALES - A RECONSIDERATION DR FRANK F’ISHWICK Reader in Managerial Economics Cranfield School of Management Cranfield Instst~e~~ Technology Redford MK43 OAL United Kingdom (Tel: 0234-751122) (Fax: 0234-751806) Copyright: Fishwick 1987 . 1 f \, THE STOCK DEPRECIATIONMODELO F N E W CAR SA - A RECONSIDERATION Introduction l This research was stimulated by a desire to see whether any single explanatory model could accommodate the large and fairly rapid changes in demand for new passenger cars in the countries over United Kingdom and other Western European tests suggested that the the 20 years to 1984. Preliminary model based on "stock adjustment" or llstock depreciation" The origins m ight well prove satisfactory in this respect. and basic features df this model are outlined in Section 1 of this paper. Section 2 shows that the model remains remarkably consistent with data for the 20 years to 1984, both for the United in demand Kingdom and F rance, despite the wide variations if forecasters had In both these countries, conditions. been able to predict changes in real consumers' expenditure of the model and the relative prices of cars, application in the early months of one year would have provided a estimate of new car registrations in reasonably accurate For West Germany and Belgium, the that year and the next. though the results suggest model proves less satisfactory, that attempts at refinement may be justified. - Section 3 reports use of prices information to analyse some the of the model, especially of the basic assumptions assumption that the rate of depreciation does not vary with research leads to rejection ,of this The empirical age. 3 assumption and it is concluded that the apparent success of \r the model in explaining new registrations in the United i Kingdom and F rance may have been partly fortuitous. 2 The Basic 1. Model The origins of the stock depreciation model are generally It was applied to associated with Stone and Rowe, 1957 (7). States by the demand for passenger cars in the United Kingdom by Dicks-Mireaux, Nerlove (4) and in the United O'Herlihy published some revised work O'Herlihy et al (2). Further reference relating exclusively to cars in 1965 (5). to the stock depreciation model with application to the United States appears in work by Smith, published in 1975 The most recent application, again to the United (6) (1) I Kingdom, seems to be that of Deaton and Muellbauer who applied it to British data for 1954-75. l l The underlying assumption of the model is that desired stock (adjustment for .equivalents (S*) measured in new vehicle has a stable vehicle size is sometimes also introduced) income relationship with economic variables (for example, The model also assumes that the ratio between and price). the value of a car of any age i years and that of the same of model aged i - 1 is (n - 1)/n, where n is the reciprocal (1 minus the annual rate of depreciation), normally Following Stone and Rowe (7) it expressed as an integer. has been further assumed that adjustment to desired stock is not achieved during the current year, so that actual stock S = rS* where r is less than unity. If r = 1 and x is an independent variable to which S* is then new registrations q in year t can be linearly related, determined by St = St - (n - 1) St-1 n =a+ X = Xt bxandhx _(n - 1) (a + b(x-bx)), n = Xt - xt-1 where ' . 3 .I This sim p lifie s into th e fo l l o w i n g 9 t = a ' + b 1 (x + (n - 1) AX), e q u a tio n :- w h e r e a ' = a /n a n d b ' = b /n first, all are required: If r # 1 , th e n tw o correctio n s b y r. th e te r m s in th e e q u a tio n n e e d to b e m u ltiplied S e c o n d l y , a n e x tra te r m n e e d s to b e a d d e d in o r d e r to ta k e into a c c o u n t th e failure to a d j u s t to l o n g - te r m equilibrium S ince, in year t - 1 , in th e previous year. S t-1 = r(S *tB l - S tB l) th e a d d i tio n a l for i n c o m p l e te purchases a d j u s tm e n t r e q u i r e d in year t to c o m p e n s a te in t - 1 a r e g i v e n b y (1-r)qtB l. T h e e q u a tio n to b e e s tim a te d for a d e p r e c i a te d w ith k i n d e p e n d e n t variables is, th e r e fo r e qt = ra' + rbIl stock ( 1 + ( n - 1 ) A )x1 + r b 1 2 ( 1 + (n-1)8 .... r&t model )x2 + 1 + (n-1) A )xk + (l-r)qtwl In o r d e r to derive this e q u a tio n , it is necessary to specify a linear relatio n s h i p b e tw e e n d e s i r e d stock a n d e a c h o f th e A ll a u thors q u o te d a b o v e h a v e u s e d i n d e p e n d e n t variables. this linear specifica tio n . 2. P reliminarv A. U n ite d T e s tin s o n D a ta for R e c e n t Y e a r s K insdom It w a s d e c i d e d to te s t a fairly sim p le m o d e l w ith only tw o to i n c o m e a n d th e o th e r to th e o n e related variables, P reliminary te s tin g c o n firm e d th e relative price o f cars. view received fro m analysts w ith i n th e m o tor i n d u s try, th a t relate d to w e r e m o r e closely registra tio n s n e w car c o n s u m e r s ' e x p e n d i tu r e th a n to p e r s o n a l d i s p o s a b l e i n c o m e . includes a n e l e m e n t o f n o n This m a y b e b e c a u s e th e latter The ( m o r tg a g e r e p a y m e n ts, e tc). discretio n a r y "savings" . 4 implied price variable used in this study was the deflator and expenditure on cars by the figures of consumers' in the National Income and Expenditure Blue motorcycles Indices based on list prices of new cars weighted by Book. registrations proved unsatisfactory, possibly because they did not capture the discounting which has taken place in the retail market since 1980.. The derived price index for cars was divided by the general index of retail prices in order The 'regression results to produce a relative price index. for 1964-1984 (21 years) were as follows:Coefficient * W R2 (ii) jp I 0.942 DW = 1.36 0.942 Constant (1+3A) CEt (1+3A) Pt qt-1 DW = 1.24 -392.80 +0.0145 -204.54 +0.075 qt = where = = Std.error 'of coefficient 123.64 0.0008 98.62 Constant (1+3A)CEt (1+3A)Pt -375.87 +0.0155 -243.58 9t = Variable 126.30 0.0014 109.97 0.089 CE = consumers' expenditure at 1980 prices P = index of prices of retail prices qt = new registrations thousands in year t measured qt-1 = new registrations in year t-l in millions of pounds of cars and motorcycles/index 1980 = 1 in in thousands The matrix of correlation coefficients relating to the variables in equations (i) and (ii) appears in the Appendix. This shows that in equation (i) there is no significant correlation between the consumers' expenditure and relative there is significant In equation (ii), price variables. in year t and new correlation between consumers' expenditure is probably not This in year t-l. car registrations - 5 . sufficiently serious to distort these independent variables. the coefficient The estimates provided by equations (i) in Figure 1 and Figure 2 respectively. evident:- on either of and (ii) are shown Some features are (1) Both equations give a good fit over the entire period; are inconclusive, although the Durbin Watson coefficients' this is mainly because of runs of very small residuals. * (2) .The value of the reciprocal of depreciation (n = 4, iteratively, is to 25%); which was derived equivalent in this This will be examined further reasonably plausible. paper. year's (3) The regression coefficient on the previous (l-r) is not equivalent to which is registrations, significantly different from zero and the inclusion of this This variable does not improve the regression results. implies that adjustment of S to S* is achieved within the year in question and that the partial adjustment factor of Stone and Rowe is not necessary in this case. These results are similar to those reported by Deaton and They Muellbauer (1) for UK data covering the years 1954-75. (real variables economic independent used two also. By iteration (to minimise the disposable income and price). standard error of estimate) they found a depreciation rate of 22 per cent (n = 4.5) compared with the 25 per cent Evidence from above. implied in equations (i) and (ii) Mogridge (3) and from calculations presented later in this paper indicates that depreciation rates have tended to rise year in the Deaton and Muellbauer since 1975, the last analysis. . _ 6 regression the that found also same authors These different coefficient (l-r) on qtWl was not 'significantly Both from zero implying that r might be close to unity. O'Herlihy 1965 (5) and Smith (6) report a similar finding. It may be argued a priori in the case of cars that postponement of purchase decisions by some consumers may be compensated by purchases of other consumers anticipating an improvement in economic circumstances. As a test short-term adopted:- % of the usefulness of the forecasting, equations following (i) and (ii) procedure (a> regressions equations were calculated for groups of with 1964-78 and ending consecutive years, starting with 1969-83; (b) it was assumed that predict accurately expenditure and the years beyond those in was 15 the forecasters were able to the behaviour of consumers' relative price of cars in the two on which regression had been based; . . (cl in the case of equation (i), the actual values for in order to obtain (1+3A)CEt and (1+3A)Pt were.inserted forecasts of new registrations in the first and second years following those included in the regression; W in the case of equation (ii) new registrations were forecast for the first year after that covered by the by insertion of the actual values for regression, (1+3A)CEt, (1+3A)Pt, and qtWl; W the result of stage (d) was also for equation (ii), used as the appropriate value for qtW1 in a forecast new registrations in the second year beyond those covered by the regression. . of 7 t be made during The forecast made "one year earlier" would the first few months of the year to which it referred, The because of delays in the availability of statistics. forecast for'the following year would be made at the same shown in Table 1, suggest that the stock The results, time. provides a satisfactory only not model depreciation explanation of changes in the demand for new cars during the period 1964-84 but may also assist practical forecasting. Table 1 Test of stock depreciation United Kinsdom models in forecasting Number of new resistrations Actual Year Equation Equation 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 _ made 2 years earlier (i) 1732 1536 1514 1639 1871 1764 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Forecast 1 vear earlier (000s) 1721 1396 1423 1540 1835 1726 1426 1377 1521 1818 1721 1737 1475 1455 1551 1840 1795 1505 1418 1526 1804 1784 (ii) 1732 1536 1514 1639 1871 1764 - 8 B. France Equations equivalent to (i) and (ii) above for the United the period Kingdom were calculated for French data covering index was that published by The relative price 1965-84. by the general index of retail INSEE for new cars, deflated prices. variable Coefficient (iii) qt = (iv) st = = 206.8 0.15 167.6 0.949 DW = 1.72 184.47 0.44 197.84 0.15 Constant (1+3A)CEt (1+3A)Pt St-1 400.29 +3.06 -460.96 -0.14 R2 Std.error of coefficient Constant (l+3A)CEt (1+3A)Pt 324.65 +2.67 -363.70 fi2 . = 0.948 where CE = consumers' expenditure 1970 prices DW = 1.81 in billions P = index of prices of new cars/index prices - 1970 = 100 qt = new registrations thousands of francs at of retail in year t measured in The matrix of correlation coefficients in equations (iii) It will be seen that and (iv) appears in the Appendix. there is no significant correlation between consumers' consumers' but price car relative expenditure .- and t is significantly correlated expenditure in time period This probably with new registrations in time period t-l. contributes to the reduced significance of the consumers1 expenditure variable in equation (iv). with the new registrations actual Figure 3 compares 4 and Figure (iii) from equation estimates predicted The (iv). predicted from equation those substitutes of the lagged . contribution to the regression negligible dependent variable is obvious from visual inspection of In the French case there appears to be no these two graphs. justification for inclusion of the lagged variable. l The test of forecasting reliability was therefore based only on the equation which did not include registrations for the with the same specification as previous year (equations from 1965-79 to 1969-83). (iii) covering 15 year periods Results of the test of forecasting capability are shown in It is clear that in this French case, the model Table 2. failed to provide a warning of the sharp decrease in the market which occurred in 1984 and three years earlier use of the model would have indicated an expansion of the market by over 5 per cent, whereas a decrease of nearly three per cent the model provided remarkably In contrast, took place. close forecasts for 1980, 1982 and 1983, still with the assumption that the forecaster was able to obtain accurate predictions of the independent variables. The French evidence reinforces the conclusion derived from the testing of the model with United Kingdom data, that the sufficiently robust to justify further model had proved research into the validity of its underlying assumptions. Table 2 Test of stock France deoreciation model in forecastino -Number of new reaistrations Year Actual 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1873 1835 2056 2018 1758 1 year Forecast earlier 1879 1971 2093 2000 1935 (000's) made 2 years earlier 1969 2121 2007 1930 - -' j' . 10 C. * Germanv and Belsium German data for the years 1963-83 were used to test 'four of the linear stock depreciation different specifications The best results were obtained with n = 5, implying model. The permutations were a 20 per cent rate of depreciation. (1+4A )PDI income variable, choice of based upon -the or (1+4h )CE (consumers' income) disposable (personal and whether the lagged dependent, variable expenditure), should be included on the right-hand side of the equation. Without the lagged dependent variable, the better result was obtained using consumers' expenditure but Ii2 was only 0.72 suggested some autoand the Durbin Watson coefficient coefficient on The regression correlation of residuals. even though this signed, relative price was incorrectly variable was not significantly correlated with consumers' expenditure (the other independent variable). Inclusion improved (VI St from ,the previous of new registrations the autocorrelation:R2 and appeared to eliminate = Coefficient Variable -383.71 +0.618 -t-1108.75 +0.461qtwl Constant (1+4A)CEt (l+wpt R2 where CE = .. P = = 0.783 year Std.error of coefficient 697.65 0.299 680.21 0.207 DW = 1.90 in billions consumers' expenditure Deutschemarks at 1970 prices index of prices of new cars/index prices - 1970 = 100 of of consumer The matrix of correlation coefficients for equation (v) is from which it may be noted that the shown in the Appendix, is due to high expenditure of consumers' insignificance This collinearity between this variable and qtml(r = 0.85). equation was not considered satisfactory enough to justify . - 11 testing as a forecasting device. been used in subsequent analysis the stock depreciation model. s However, German data have of the basic assumptions of no data were found for personal In the case .of Belgium, disposable income at constant prices and two equations were both using (1+3A)CE as the income variable and one tested, for the previous year as an including new registrations Data covered the period 1966-82, and independent variable. the best value for n was found by iteration 'to be 4 (implying a 25 per cent average rate of depreciation). Without the lagged dependent,variable the equation produced gave strong an Z2 of 0.79 but the Durbin Watson coefficient new Inclusion of autocorrelation. indications of year as an additional the previous registrations in independent variable improved both the overall coefficient of determination and also the distribution of residuals:Coefficient (vi) qt = y$ = 37.82 f0.210 -52.28 +0.447qt,1 0.830 P The matrix Appendix. = Variable - 78.79 0.102 67.90 0.215 Constant (1+3 )CEt (1+3 Pt DW = 1.45 consumers' expenditure at 1970 prices where CE = Std.error of Coefficient in billions of francs index of prices of cars and motorcycles/index of consumer prices - 1970 = 100 ._ of correlation coefficients is shown in the There was high collinearity (1: = 0.89) between (1+3')CE and in the previous year, which reduced the new registrations regression coefficient in each case by half compared with those obtained when the collinear variable was excluded. 12 did not appear to As in the German case, the Belgian results the of justify robust to any tests be sufficiently some However, of the model. capability forecasting analysis of Belgian depreciation has been included in the of the stock overall assessment of the basic assumptions depreciation model. 3. Tests of the Assumntions model outlined .in Section 1 and The stock depreciation tested in Section 2 assumes that the rate of depreciation is It also constant for all cars irrespective of age or size. Thus, assumes that this rate remains constant over time. for all ages of car i years l pi Pi-1 = (n - 1) n (P = price of one model of car) / where n remains constant over the periods and any extrapolations regression equations covered by the for forecasting. Mogridge (3,Appendix 3) has analysed in some detail the prices of cars of different ages at given moments in time, Guide Services Ltd (unpublished using data from Glass's London Greater retrospectively to information provided the Motor Transactions Survey of 1970-l and the Council), His 1965-6 and 1972-3. Surveys of Travel National conclusions included the following:larger cars depreciate more quickly than small cars and this divergence widened from 1973 to 1981; depreciation period; rates increased over the 1957-81 "as a first approximationf, median stock values show evidence of a constant rate of depreciation after the first year. 13 l Calculation of first-year depreciation is complicated by lack of information about actual prices paid for individual Such net of discount. models of new cars, that is prices discounts are. likely to vary according to the balance of The subject of discounting was dicussed supply and demand. It appears within the industry in the countries concerned. that discounting has become a major factor in the United Kingdom market mainly since 1979, though some effective discounts through trade-in allowances, favourable credit terms or rebates for cash purchases, as well as special have existed for many for multiple buyers, arrangements In France and Germany discounts have been less years. partly because of the smaller proportions of substantial, cars sold to business buyers, although there are suggestions that the practice of discounting has increased in the past The only way to find out about actual prices few years. paid for cars would be a survey of purchasers, as the is surrounded by commercial security because of subject Such a in this particular area. intensive competition su?xey, which would require a large stratified sample, lies . beyond the resources available for this study. For each of the three countries, United Kingdom, France and of car West Germany, it was decided to confine the analysis prices to cars aged from 2 to 9 years. Nine years was taken as the maximum because model changes make it very difficult than this with any equivalent new to compare cars older vehicle. The simple stock depreciation model used in Section 2 and in previous studies quoted in Section 1 assumes that in the following equation the coefficients bl and b2 would be zero: (vii) b. + b,i + b2p (1 - d)i = where d = rate of depreciation i = age of car in years in any single (integer) year ?Y - . o%~tti, Y'Aif~h-i .'-\ ‘:?>\ ., ->J-‘ , -?c + 9\ i,/ 2,.-2.'.v:. .:?-i.A._ 14 P = The simple A. \ price of corresponding the size and ,lgualityl') model also The United assumes that new car (a proxy b. is constant for over time. Kinqdom In the case of the United Kingdom, this equation was tested Data were .taken from for the period 1972 to 1984. Guide to New and Used Car Prices (Blackfriars Motorists' Press) for the months of March, June and September of each The dependent variable was the ratio of the price of year. a second hand car to that of a vehicle of the same model Analysis was confined registered exactly one year earlier.* to models available as new at the survey date where changes in style etc had not perceptibly affected prices at the time In most cases this confined data to of their introduction. about seven years, though there were'some runs to a maximum value of nine years. Equation (vii) was then tested with i x age in years P = list price of car new in terms of 1983 general prices (in f thousands) (10d)i = ratio of price of car of age i to that same model of age i - 1. Observations were pooled results of the computation from 2 to 9 of for each calendar year. are summarised in Table 3. *Because of irregular observations it was necessary to adjust some data covering slightly longer or shorter Care was taken to avoid distortion by registration periods. Thus a car aged five years bears the letter changes. registration letter of a car first registered exactly five years earlier. The Il.5 Table Test 3 Coefficients (std error in 0 :9066 _ -0;0094 (vii) parenthesis) b2 bl bO 1972* of equation with UK data Numbers Models of Observ ations - 162 0.37 (0.0011) -0.0054 (0.0009) 13 (0.0080) 1973* .0.8330 (0.1071) -0.0014 (0.0153) 0.0068 (0.0108) 23 278 0.00 1974 0.8824 (0.0050) -0.0069 (0.0008) -0.0032 (0.0005) 20 317 0.26 1975 0.8519 (0.0078) -0.0049 (0.0012) -0.0033 (0.0009) 20 341 0.08 1976 0.8596 (0.0076) -0.0060 (0.0013) -0.0040 (0.0008) 16 291 0.15 1977 0.8664 (0.0076) -0.0042 (0.0012) -0.0045 (0.0006) 13 239 0.21 1978. 0,8575 (0.0097) -0.0022 (0.0012) -0.0057 (0.0010) 13 241 0.12 1979 .>0.8596 (0.0096) -0.0049 (0.0010) -0.0024 (0.0016) 16 314 0.07 1980 0.8772 (0.0101) -0.0081 (0.0013) -0.0051 (0.0014) 14 285 0.15 1981 TO.8537 (0.0085) -0.0092 (0.0012) -0.0013 (0.0012) 12 229 0.21 1982 0.8803 (0.0077) -0.0165 (0.0012) -0.0031 (0.0006) 10 206 0.52 1983 0.8701 (0.0011) -0.0150 (0.0017) -0.ogo2 (0.0013) 11 211 0.26 -0.0212 (0.0018) -0.0001 (0.0009) 10 200 0.42 l . 0.8760 (0.0114) 1984 * Based on data for March and June only. _ 16 (a) Depreciation constant irrespective of ace? If the annual depreciation rate did not vary with age then Table 3 shows that the coefficient bl would tend to zero. was negative throughout and was significantly different from The results also zero for all years except 1973 and 1978. suggest that the impact of age on the depreciation of cars _ cars Older over the years. increase has tended to depreciate at a faster proportionate rate than cars of more recent registration and the difference appears to have been widening. l in as much as a combination of The year 1973 was unusual, and import the UK industry difficulties in supply restrictions meant that some demand for new cars was not Cases were reported in that year immediately satisfied. of almost-new second-hand cars exceeded the where prices It is not surprising list prices quoted by manufacturers. of some older cars received a positive that the prices boost. The 1978 exception is harder to interpret. The distorting effect of the assumption that depreciation is constant with respect to age may be gauged from Figure 5. This is based on calculations relating to a car worth f5,OOO The "actualV1 depreciated vaiues derived new at 1983 prices. are compared with from the regression results for 1984 those which would have applied with a constant rate (the geometric mean over the eight year period) of 24.3 per cent (depreciated value = 0.757'-l for ages i from 2 to 9). It should be noted that the acceleration of depreciation with in the age was greatest in 1984, of any year included analysis and therefore the distortion would also be most pronounced in that year. . . 17 (b) Depreciation price? constant irresoective of orisinal In the analysis price was used rather than engine guide to the size and quality of the car. model size, as a the value retention factor (lThe coefficient b2 relating d) -to car price is negative in every year except 1973, indicating that more expensive cars depreciate more quickly. The coefficient was significantly different from zero in The results ‘ for 1983 and 1984 eight of the 13 years. strongly suggest that in those years the original price of It is the car had a negligible effect on depreciation. possible that the market had.changed in the last two years. (c) Denreciation constant over time? to Since bl and b2 are not equal to zero, it is not possible assess changes in depreciation rates simply by the evolution price Table 4 shows for an l'average" car with list of b,. at 1983 prices of f5,OOO the ratios of depreciated values of cars aged six and nine years to those of corresponding These ratios are derived from the models aged one year. In addition a notional la-year equations in Table 3. based on an shown, ratio is depreciation cumulative extrapolation of the regression results for years 2 - 9 the geometric mean rates of Finally, reported in Table 3. depreciation over the years 1 - 9 and 1 - 12 are shown. . 18 Table Depreciation 4 Price II l implied bv reqression of car aqed i years II II II 1 year i = 12* results Annual average depreciationf%) 1 to 9 1to 12* Year i-6 i=9 1972 0.423 0.220 0.103 17.2 18.7 1973 0.474 0.297 0.184 14.1 14.3 1974 0.415 0.222 0.109 17.1 18.2 1975 0.361 0.182 0.087 19.2 20.0 1976 0.361 0.179 0.083 19.3 20.2 1977 0.387 0.206 0.105 17.9 18.5 1978 0.371 0.198 0.103 18.3 18.7 1979 0.389 0.206 0.103 17.9 18.7 1980 0.369 0.180 0.080 19.3 20.5 1981 0.349 0.162 0.067 20.3 21.8 1982 0.325 0.128 0.041 22.7 25.2 1983 0.346 0.145 0.051 21.4 23.7 1984 0.308 24.3 27.5 0.029 0.108 * notional (see preceding paragraph) was an 1973 which except in shows that, The table indicated by rates (as exceptional year I depreciation stable during the were fairly second-hand car prices) Between the ages of 1 and 9 years the mean rate of 1970's. depreciation varied within the range 17.1 to 19.3 per cent. Since 1981 depreciation appears to have accelerated and the effect of age is more pronounced. _ 19 (d) How serious is the distortion invalid assumptions? resultinq from the model assumes that in equation (vii), The stock depreciation = b. + bli + b2p, the coefficients bl and b2 are (1 - d)i The results reported over time. zero and b, is constant above show that all three assumptions are invalid. Why then does the use of the model to explain new registrations over the period 1964-84 provide the close fit is the distortion from reported in Section 2? How serious adoption of the oversimplyfying assumptions? l be important The significantly negative value of b2 would of the car stock by size (price) only if the composition changed over time and the coefficient was so large that the Analysis of the car average depreciation rate was affected. that the proportional shows size* engine stock by distribution has changed insufficiently for the small values Through.out this part of the of b2 to have much effect. validation exercise the value of p was assumed to be 5.0.** are-the changing values of possible significance In order to assess the distortion it was decided b. and bl. to compare the values of depreciated stock implied by using a 25% annual depreciation rate equations (i) and (ii), for all cars, with those derived by use of the coefficients for each year shown in Table 3. Of greater vans from the Department *Using data for cars and light Transport and predecessors, published in Transport Statistics, HMSO. **f5,000 being an approximate average new - it should be re-emphasised that the size coefficient means that the calculation is calculation of this figure and a laborious was not necessary. while feasible, price, of car price in 1983 of the b not sensi z ive to actual average f _ 20 the in must be considered depreciation vear First the using figure stock calculation of a depreciated which describe depreciation only during regression results, In 1972 the second to the ninth year of the lives of cars. two years covered by the analysis of and 1973, the first the new car market was very buoyant and car-price data, discounting was probably less extensive than it has been at In these two ,years the observed any subsequent time. average actual ratio of the price of one-year old cars to the current price of the same model brand new was almost exactly the square of the ratio derived from the equation:- (1-d) = b. + bl(times 1.0) + b2(times 5.0) = 0.865 whereas the average in 1972 one would derive (l-d) actual ratio of the price of a one-year old car to that of a new car was 0.750: in 1973 the derived figure would be 0.872 whereas the actual average ratio was 0.761. of applying (1-d)2 This principle, throughout was used depreciation depreciated stock values. to . . estimate first-year calculation of the The other assumption necessary for this calculation was that annual depreciation to age of the,coefficient bl ( relating car) could be extrapolated beyond the age of 9 for ages loThis assumption is less dangerous than it may appear, 15. because differences in incremental depreciation have little on the value of effect (in terms of new car equivalents) lost over 85 per cars which after nine years have already cent of their initial value. 1973 to 1981 the calculated depreciation For the years coefficients were applied to the distribution by age of cars The published statistics and light vans in Great Britain. - : ’ --.. i._ 21 of years up to age 15 and it was show ages by pairs necessary to interpolate for individual years, a procedure which was aided by the use in the published tables of For 1982 to 1984 data different pairs in consecutive years. were obtained'from the Department of T ransport for vehicles years up to age 15. In of car-body type, showing individual an average the case of those vehicles aged over 15 years, stock in age of 17 was assumed - the estimate of depreciated new car equivalents is not sensitive to this assumption. \ stock values in Table 4 The definition of the depreciated may be summarised algebraically (each variable refers to an individual year). mi = number of cars of age i years with licence current bj = coefficients individual (vii) (l-d)i = b. + bli co = 1.0 Cl = PO + bl + 5b2) 2 first Ci = Ci-1 2 = number.of while given = that by s2 for for i = 2 to 17 year depreciation cumulative depreciation i= 2 to 17 (1-d) i for cars aged over 15 years. of stock "derived from regressionll 15 c Cimi + Cl72 i=O resulting = + 5b2 from equation no depreciation on current year's registrations In Table 4 the estimate is given bySl derived year from "25% constant 15 c 0.75hlli i=O + 0.7517Z depreciationI' is - ' 22 Comparative TABLE 5 estimates Derived from equation (vii) (S1) Cars and light N 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Vehicles 1982 1983 1984 25% constant depreciation (S2) goods vehicles (million figures 5.95 5.80 of car body type 6.36 6.34 (million 5.46 5.71 '5.91 S2 as % of1 equivalents) 91 89 published) 4.92 5.22 5.28 5.31 stock 77 82 4.78 4.66 .4.56 5.46 6.01 5.91 new car 4.93 6.44 5.84 5.13 5.11 (no car stock of depreciated 88 87 89 92 new car equivalents) 92 90 93 In 1973 the prices of second hand cars appear to have been boosted by the delayed deliveries of new models, and in 1974 the new car market was disrupted by the rise in the price of oil and its effects both on the economics of car ownership It is clear from Table 5 and on the economy as a whole. that, except in those two years, the estimate of depreciated stock derived from a constant 25% depreciation rate is very close throughout to 0.90 of that derived from the regression results. Closer correspondence between the two estimates was obtained when the depreciation rate was reduced to 22 per cent (n = which accords with the iterative regression results 4.55), of Deaton and Muellbauer (1) up to 1975. Use of this figure (i) and (ii) for 1964 - 84 reduced E2 slightly in equations The and the Durbin-Watson coefficients more substantially. 23 results do however demonstrate that the assumption of constant depreciation at somewhere within the range 20 to 25 of depreciated stock not far per cent produces an estimate removed from that derived from empirical analysis. Table Use of 22 per cent depreciation 6 22% constant depreciation (S3) Derived from equation (vii)( Sl) Cars and light N 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 goods vehicles (million n& 6.44 5.84 5.13 5.11 5.40 5.28 5.17 5.09 5.46 6.01 5.95 5.80 5.43 5.73 5.83 5.86 Vehicles equivalents) of car body type 5.91 6.36 6.34 1982 ' 1983 1984 car 6.01 6.26 6.49 Tests of assumptions in overseas countries B. Analysis for France, Germany and Belgium has been confined to to prices at one point in time but has also been applied (1 - d)i = b. + bli + b2p where i = age in years P = price of a new car France Data were taken prices and from Automarque obtained years from 1lArqus with for 25 models, 97 price (13 June 1985) (June extending 1985) in and age observations for for second-hand new. some cases in total. Runs were to nine 24 For i = 2 to 9 the results were as follows:- Standard Coefficient error Comment b0 0.855 0.014 Constant bl -0.0205 0.0026 Age (2 to 9) 0.00009 New price in 000 Francs 0.00034 b2 - z2 = 0.47 l The main difference from the United Kingdom is the positive that in France more expensive cars value of b2 indicating The coefficient with time is lose their value less quickly. shows cumulative 6, which and Figure similar fairly depreciation in France of a car with a new price of 60,000 is remarkably similar to Figure 5 for the United Francs, of .coefficients gives a Kingdom, because the combination very similar equation for the depreciation rate annually to that for a f5,OOO car in the UK in 1984. France: (1 - d)i = 0.875 - 0.0205i UK: (1 - d)j, = 0.876 - 0.0212i is no information about discounting in France - the price- of a one-year old car was on average only 68% of that slightly less than the of the corresponding new car, corresponding UK average of 70 per cent. If, as we were told, discounting is less prevalent in France, this suggests that the loss of value in France during the first ,year is relatively greater. There Germany Runs Data were taken from DAT-Marktspiegel for March 1985. in some cases to nine were obtained for 23 models, extending the total number of observations was 97. years; were as follows:For i = 2 to 9 the results . - 25 Standard Coefficient b0 0.900 0.013. Constant bl -0.0093 0.0019 Age (2 - 9) b2 -0.00026 0.00025 New price in 000 marks (not significant) R2 \ Comment error = 0.20 suggesting that new price This time b2 is not signif icant, has no effect on depreciation rates - consistent with the 1984 evidence for the United Kingdom but contrasting with In the German case (see Figure 7, which applies to France. lower rate of new price of DM20,OOO) the a car with the depreciation with acceleration of age means that assumption of constant depreciation over the range 2 to 9 years is less invalid (it should be noted that the average depreciation rate over this age range is only 15 per cent There is no information about discounting in per annum). Germany - the average price of a one-year old car was only 67 per cent of that listed for a corresponding new car. This proportion is higher than in the UK and France, despite The the subsequently much lower rate of depreciation. combination of the higher first-year depreciation and the much lower subsequent figures may explain why German data do not fit satisfactorily the depreciated stock model, with its is constant with respect to assumption that depreciation age. Belsium Data were taken from a guide published by Autokrant in Antwerp showing the prices net of tax in May 1985 of individual models of cars first registered in the years 1977 are based on vehicles of average The figures to 1983. mileage (between 10 and 20 thousand kilometres a year). The reason for using figures net of tax is that in Belgium there is a registration tax payable on the purchase of . - . ;>.- I . : ” : . _ 26 . second nominal general second easily vehicles. % on the basis of which is calculated hand cars, dehreciation from the original price (corrected for The net prices for consecutive years of inflation). they cannot are directly comparable; hand cars be compared with the prices of the corresponding new Runs of data for six or seven years were obtained for 56 car models with ages from 3 to 8 years and 334 individual the consistency of To test total. observations in depreciation of car prices of Belgium with that observed in we regressed price ratios against the age other countries, The of the car and also the price of a two-year old model. results were as follows:Standard Coefficient error 0.113 - Comment Constant b0 0.828 bl -0.0106 * 0.0014 Ages 3 to 8 b2 +0.0045 0.0016 Price of 2year old car in 100,000 Francs 3 = 0.16 As in France the coefficient b2 is positive - more expensive depreciation Although slowly. more depreciate cars accelerates with age this effect is less pronounced than in any .of the other.three countries (see Figure 8 which refers to a car with a two-year old price in 1985 of 400,000 year No information is available about first Francs). and it is therefore not possible to analyse depreciation explain the relatively poor fit of whether this might partly the model in the Belgian case. 4. Some Conclusions In the case of the United Kingdom the detailed depreciation of cars as revealed by secondhand analysis of prices shows * 27 : that two basic assumptions of the stock depreciation model There is significant statistical evidence that are invalid. the rate at which the value of a car depreciates increases with its age and also that depreciation rates have tended to Germany and Evidence from France, increase over time. during 1985, which relates only to car 'prices Belgium, confirms that depreciation increases with age but the nature of this relationship differs between the countries. t The relationship between depreciation and the quality of th of a cxband new by the purchase price car (as indicated vehicle) is not consistent between the four countries. In ?.I the case of the United Kingdom more expensive cars have tended to lose their value more quickly although this feature has lost statistical significance in 1983 and 1984. In France more expensive cars appear to depreciate more is also suggested by the evidence from slowly and this in Germany the price .of the car does not seem to Belgium; affect the rate of depreciation. two previous results summarised in the The regression paragraphs do not include depreciation during the first year Because of lack of information about life. of a vehicle's it is not possible to estimate the scale of discounting, evidence from first-year depreciation with any accuracy; in the UK is believed to 1972 and 1973, when discounting ! first-year that suggests minor, have been relatively double that which occurs in depreciation is approximately Estimates of depreciated car stock based the second year. on a constant depreciation rate were found to be fairly close to those based on the regression results for the of double with the added assumption United Kingdom, This may explain why the depreciation in the first year. The stock depreciation model gives a reasonably good fit. correspondence of the two values may be somewhat fortuitous, reflecting the distribution of the car stock by age over In Germany, where the assumption this particular period. 28 that depreciation does not change with the age of the car is fit, satisfactory the model gives a less more valid, presumably because it is less able to accommodate variations problem of the time and also over depreciation in disproportionate depreciation in the first year. l The stock depreciation model l,workslV for the United Kingdom -7 simple regression and France, in the sense that a relatively model based upon it explains most of the variation in car It also registrations over a period of about twenty years. i ._ l~works~~ as a forecasting method, assuming that forecasters had been able to predict changes in consumers' expenditure However, the conclusions and in the relative price of cars. of the analysis of car prices suggest that further work is . necessary to explain why the model does "work*' so well even This though its fundamental assumptions may be invalid. further work would need to focus on first-year depreciation and also on the mechanism whereby depreciation in stock is . Direct surveys translated into purchases of new vehicles. for this purpose. would be required of car purchasers there is a case. for further regular testing of Meanwhile, the model and possibly its tentative use in forecasting. 29 CORRELATIONMATRICES APPENDIX 1 UNITED KINGDOM New Car Ress (t) Relative Price + New Car Registrations (+I 0.139 $ Consumers' Expenditure Consumers* Expenditure Relative Price (+) 0.964* 0.277 (t-l) 0.773* -0.073 + 0.265 0.733* FRANCE * Relative Price Consumers' Expenditure + New Car Registrations 0.970* 0.381 (t-l) O-899* 0.158 + 0.272 . 0.919* WEST GERMANY Relative Price Consumers' Expenditure + New Car Registrations (t-l) 0.833* 0.041 0.860* 0.120 0.843* BELGIUM Relative Price Consumers' Expenditure New Car Registrations + This variable * Significantly -0.131 + + (t-l) 0.892* 0.012 0.904* -0.114 specified different 0.885* throughout in the (1+3h) format. from zero at the 5 per cent level (or less) REFERENCES (1) J. Economics of Consumer Deaton, A. & Muellbauer, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1980 Behaviour. (2) Dicks-Mireaux, L.A. t OlHerlihy, C.St.J. Prospects National Institute.Economic the British Car Industry. Review, 1961 (3) Mogridge, (4) Nerlove, M. Econometrica, (5) OlHerlihy, C.St.J. Applied Statistics, (6) Consumer Demand for Cars in the USA, Smith, R.P. Cambridge University Press, 1975 (7) Stone, R. & Rowe, D.A. The Market 1957. Goods, Econometrica, M.J.H The Car Market, Pion Ltd., London 1983 l The Market 1960. Demand for Demand for 1965 Durable for Goods. Cars in Britain. Demand for Durable FIGURE 1 U.K.: equation TEST OF MODEL W ITH N = 4: ‘1964-84 (i) -6-l -!J L” -4 u-l -z-i if L x Actual dL u (with + Estimated 0 1964 I I I 1966 8 I 1968 continuous <with b I 1970 broken i972’ Years line> line> is74 I i.976 i / I 1978 i 99a’ 6 I 199-L‘ ‘, 1924 , FIGURE 2 U.K.: equation TEST OF MODEL W ITH N = 4: 1964-84 (ii) L -a VI G 750, L” L x Actual <with + Estimated continuous (with broken line> Line> 2501 1964 I I I 1966 1 I 1968 I 1970 I i 972’ Years i974 , / 1976 , I 1978’ issa’ i 932’ I 1994 FIGURE 3 FRANCE: equation TEST OF MODEL WITH N = 4: 1965-80 (iii) iii ks w : 0 “A 4 F! -4 VI -t-l ii? L 750 iJ dL U x Actual (with + Estimated continuous (with line> broken line> 500: z Z 250: 0 1965 I 1 1967’ / I 1969 i 1 1971 I 4 1973 Years i975 8 i977' i979 I i99f i 993 I . . FIGURE 4 FRANCE: equation TEST OF MODEL WITH N = 4: 1965-84 (iv> 2250 I k U 2 (with x Actual + Estimated continuous (with line> broken line) 500: Z 250: 0’ 1965 , I # 1967 I , 1969 I i 1971 I , 1973 Years I t 1975 i977 / i979’ 1931’ I i 993 I _ . i. ,.,. .,. . I I, 1. .,.. . . t , F IG U R E 5 U K C U M U L A T IV E D E P R E C IA T IO N IN 1984 1 .0 0 - L d % 0 .9 0 1 G !l 0.80: E ,I-4 k 0.70: l - E t -zA 4 d -l-l z k G? 0.60: 0.50: 0.40: 0.30: : *l--4 4 26 3 5 0 I I / I I / L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Years sin c e F it-st r e q istra tio n FIGURE6 FRANCE: CUMULATIVE DEPRECIATION 0.90 @I E!i -P-i k 0.80: * : 0.70: : t k -I+ -4 d -l-l t k lsi 0.60: 0.50: 0.40: 0.30: >” -A -d d d 2 3 0.20: Years since First registration IN 1985 FIGURE7 GERMANY‘: L 6 1 .00, CUMULATIVE DEPRECIATION IN 1985 1 % f 0.90: : QJ @ U .A k 0.80: * I 0.70: 6 L L 0.60s 5 2 0.50: .t-l U f 0.40. : : -0 .t-i t, d J 3 0.20: 5 0 0.10: / : 0.00;. 0 11 2I Years I 5 I 4 3I sii?ce First 1 6 registration i 7 I 8 r c FIGURE8 BELGIUM:CUMULATIVE DEPREClATlON IN 1985 X10” IIO, cx i.2 0 -I 0 cc zi > l A 9: 7: x .O oz IL 6: 0” C + a C 5: El E 4.. E W > l--l + a 2 x 3 0 31 2: 1: 0, 0 I 1 t 2 YEARS I 3 SINCE , 4 FIRST I 5 REGlSTRATlON L 6 I 7 il