WHEREAS, The Tribe operates on a Fiscal Year which began for
WHEREAS, The Tribe operates on a Fiscal Year which began for
Resolution No. 16-086-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution Entitled: "Approval ofAmended Fiscal-Year 2016 General Fund Budgetfor the Three Affiliated Tribes" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, and the authority under said Act and having adopted a Constitution and By-Laws pursuant to said Act; and WHEREAS, The Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribe generally authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to engage in activities on behalf of and in the interest of the welfare and benefit ofthe Tribes and of the enrolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article 111 of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes provides that the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Artiele VI, Section 5 (1) of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes provides that the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedure of the Tribal Business Council and other Tribal agencies; and WHEREAS, Article VI, Section 5 (c) of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes provides that the Tribal Business Council has the power to administer any funds or property within the exclusive control of Tribes and to make expenditures from available tribal funds for public purposes of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council has the authority and is required by law to adopt an Aimual General Fund Operating Budget each Fiscal Year in order to appropriate and expend its federal and general funds; and WHEREAS, The Tribe operates on a Fiscal Year which began for 2016 on October C 2015 and ends September 30'^, 2016; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Council has authority and is required by law to adopt an Annual General Fund operating Budget each fiscal year in order to appropriate and expend its federal and general funds; and WHEREAS, An FY- 2016 General Fund operating budget in the amount of $72,145,000 has been formulated; and the Tribal Business Council has reviewed and approved said budget; and WHEREAS, An FY- 2016 Special Projects budget in the amount of $107,265,000 has been formulated and approved by the Tribal Business Council; and Page 1 of3 Resolution No. 16-086-LKH alSA-ftWi WHEREAS, An FY- 2016 Investments budget in the amount of $15,00,000 has been formulated and approved by the Tribal Business Council; and WHEREAS, An FY- 2016 Disbursements budget in the amount of $29,500,000 has been formulated and approved by the Tribal Business Council; and WHEREAS, An FY- 2016 Segment Operating and Development budget in the amount of $60,000,000 has been formulated and approved by the Tribal Business Council; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council concurs with the Treasurer that deficit spending during fiscal year 2016 should be strictly prohibited and that internal controls will be used to ensure deficit spending does not occur and approved budgets are not exceeded; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves and adopts the following FY 2016 General Fund Operating Budget in the amount of $72,145,000 the FY 2016 Special Projects Budget in the amount of $107,265,000 the FY 2016 Investments budget of $15,000,000 the FY 2016 Disbursements budget of $29,500,000 and the FY2016 Segment Operating and Development Budget of $60,000,000; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 1. That internal controls shall be strictly enforced to ensure that deficit spending does not occur in 2016; and 2. TAT Finance, contracts and property shall notify the budget administrators when they have reached 90 % of their 2016 fiscal year budget allocation; and 3. TAT finance. Contracts and property shall not process any documentation and/or purchase orders for programs in the General Fund Programs or special projects that have exceeded their budget and shall require program modifications (consistent with the approved budgets for the individual line item budget change) 4. The TAT CEO and CFO shall have administrative authority to adjust program budgets within the General Fund Operating budget as necessary to facilitate the functioning of the programs to best serve the needs of the Three Affiliated Tribes BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT,the budgets established and approved by this resolution shall not be modified or amended without formal resolution of the Tribal Business Council Page 2 of 3 R. Resolution No. 16-086-LKH CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of 7 members of whom 5 constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the 12'^ day of May 2016; that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such Meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members,0 members opposed, 1 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman[ X ]voting. [ ]not voting. Dated this 12^ day of May 2016. ATTEST: y)r\ Tnbal Secretary L. Kenneth Hall Tribal Chairman Mark N. Fox Tribal Business Council Tribal Business Council Three Affiliated Tribes Three Affiliated Tribes Page 3 of3 Resolution No. 16-087-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution Entitled; "Directive to the Office of Trust Fund Management to Make Available Fundsfor Withdrawalfrom Three Affiliated Tribes Proceeds ofLabor Account PL7228700 in the Amount of$1,600,000.00" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, and the authority under said Act and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws pursuant to said Act; and WHEREAS, Article 111 of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes provides that the Tribal Business Council is the governing body ofthe Tribes; and WHEREAS, The Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to engage in activities on behalf of and in the interest of the welfare and benefit of the Tribes and of the enrolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article VI, Section 5 (1) of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes provides that the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedure of the Tribal Business Council and other Tribal agencies and Tribal officials on the Reservation; and WHEREAS, Article VI, Section 5(c) of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes specifically authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to administer funds within the exclusive control of the Tribes and to make expenditures from available Tribal funds for public purposes ofthe Tribes; and WHEREAS, Each Fiscal Year the Tribal Business Council adopts an Annual General Fund Operating Budget which includes earnings and income from the Proceeds of Labor Fund Account #PL7228700; and WHEREAS On April 14'*', 2016 The Tribal Business Council adopted Resolution # 16-072LKH adopting the FY- 2016 General Fund operating budget for the Three Affiliated Tribes; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council has authority according to the terms of the said Constitution to direct the Office of Special Trustee to disburse the proceeds derived from Oil and Gas Leases on the Fort Berthold Reservation. Fxmds are available in the Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 to be withdrawn in the amount of $1,600,000; and The Tribal Business Covmcil has decided to draw these funds down. Resolution No. 16-087-LKH SI NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby directs the Office of Special Trustee to relinquish the amount of $1,600,00.00 from the Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 to the Three Affiliated Tribes for continued operations of the Three Affiliated Tribes in accordance with the 2016 General Fund budget and resolution # 16-072 LKH; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Tribal Finance Department, within the Three Affiliated Tribes will submit a Standard Form 1034 to the Office of Special Trustee with the attachment of Resolution # 16-072 LKH; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that, the Office of Special Trustee will be given specific instructions to where the funds from Proceeds of Labor Account PL7228700 shall be transferred to on the Standard Form 1034. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary ofthe Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of7 members of whom 5 constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the 12"^ day of May 2016; that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such Meeting by the affirmative vote of6 members,0 members opposed, 1 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman[X]voting. [ ]not voting. Dated this 12^^ day of May 2016. ATTEST: ^ibal S^rfetary, L. Kenneth Hall( Tribal Chairman, Mark N. Fox Tribal Business Council Tribal Business Council Three Affiliated Tribes Three Affiliated Tribes Resolution No. 16-088-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Approval of Tribal Investment Advisors-Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Moss Adams LLP" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, and the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, The Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes generally authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to engage in activities on behalf of and in the interest of the welfare and benefit of the Tribes and of the enrolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article III of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes provides that the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 5(1) of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes provides the Tribal Business Council authority to adopt resolutions regulating the procedure of the Tribal Council and other Tribal Agencies and Tribal Officials of the Reservation; and WHEREAS, Article VI Section 5( c) of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes the Tribal Business Council to administer tribal funds; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council desires to engage investment advisors to assist the Tribe in the investment of Tribal Funds for the benefit of the Tribe and its enrolled members; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council has interviewed potential firms to provide investment advice and services to the Tribe; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council has selected Goldman Sachs, 555 California St. San Francisco, California; Morgan Stanley, 2398 E. Camelback Rd. Phoenix, Arizona; and Moss Adams, LLP, 2707 Colby Ave. Everett, Washington as the three firms engaged to serve as investment advisers to the Three Affiliated Tribes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council ofthe Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes and approves Goldman Sachs, 555 California St. San Francisco, California; Morgan Stanley, 2398 E. Camelback Rd. Phoenix, Arizona; and Moss Adams, LLP, 2707 Colby Ave. Everett, Washington (the "Investment Advisors") Page 1 of2 Resolution No. 16-088-LKH to provide investment services to the Three Affiliated Tribes with regard to the investment of tribal funds ; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council authorizes the Chairman and Treasurer to execute required agreements and account documents with the Investment Advisors, subject to legal review and approval and approval of the Chief Financial Officer. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary ofthe Tribal Business Council ofthe Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of 7 members of whom 5 constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the 12th day of May 20 16; that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such Meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [ X ] voting. [ ] not voting. Dated this 12th day of May 2016. ATTEST: Tribal Secre ary, L. Kennetli Hall Tribal Business Council Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council Three Affiliated Tribes Page 2 of2 RESOLUTION NO. 16-89-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Authorization to Applyfor a Competitive Grant as Authorized by the Second Chance Act Smart Reentry Program, to Plan and Implement Effective and Evidence-based Reentry Practices and Service Delivery Systems from Incarceration to Communityfor FY 2016, in the Amount of$1,000,900.00." WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, and the authority under said Act; and, WHEREAS, The Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes generally authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to engage in activities on behalf of and in the interest of the welfare and benefit of the Tribes and of the enrolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article VI, Section 3 of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes specifically authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to delegate to the Tribal Court such judicial power and jurisdiction as may be necessary to realize the sovereign authority granted by the People in Article 1 of the Constitution; and REAS, Article VI, Section 5(1) of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes specifically authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to adopt resolutions regulating the procedure of Tribal agencies; and WHEREAS, The MHA Nation and tribal members are experiencing an increase of substance abuse from methamphetamines and heroin that impacts families and communities; including, creating an economic burden and hardship on the Tribe and its programs such as the courts, law enforcement, social services, and healthcare; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council acknowledges and recognizes that in addition to incarceration and treatment, a "re-entry" program is needed to reduce recidivism rates and to assure successful reintegration into the communities; and WHEREAS, Presently, there are approximately 100 MHA Nation tribal members in the Bismarck/Mandan area on State probation, and 80% to 85% out of 100 have been incarcerated on drug related charges, and are in need of a support system upon re entry and eventual return to the MHA Nation; and WHEREAS, Statistics fiom the National Institute of Justice prove that 56.7% of individuals will be re-arrested within one of year of being released from incarceration and, within five years, 76.6% of prisoners will be rearrested. Page 1 of 4 RESOLUTION NO.16-89-LKH WHEREAS, A high percentage, if not all, of the above identified criminal offenders will return to the MHA Nation and will, most likely, resume their life of drug addiction, drug trafficking, and other drug related criminal behaviors if they do not have the services of a reentry program; and WHEREAS, The source of the problem for high recidivism rates lies with the fact that these individuals have no support system upon their release from incarceration and reentry programs have a much greater success rate with respect to recidivism as opposed to simply having a probation officer perform random drug testing; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council acknowledges that without an effective re-entry program to reduce the recidivism rates, it will come as a great price to the Tribe and the Tribe will continue to spend millions of dollars on healthcare, social service related programs, law enforcement, and judicial services; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council recognizes that its priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of individual tribal members and families; ineluding, providing safe communities for all members ofthe MHA Nation; and WHEREAS, The Warriors of the 2P* Century Re-Entry Program can provide assistance to tribal members who are on probation, or recently released from incarceration, for the purposes of determining their individual needs and for the purposes of developing case management and coordinating services for housing,job training, job placement, literacy skills development, GED and higher edueational courses, parenting classes, life skills, spiritual needs, and other sources of support; and WHEREAS, The Warriors of the 2E' Century Re-Entry Program, in order to ensure that program partieipants have the tools necessary to succeed upon return to the MHA Nation, will develop a reentry strategic plan describing the long-term course of action, including quantifiable five (5) year performance goals of increasing public safety and reducing recidivism; and WHEREAS, The Reentry Program seeks to further its mission by applying for additional grant funds to better assist its target market with successful reentry and reduce recidivism rates; and WHEREAS,The U.S Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs(OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), is seeking to fund five (5) applicants in the amount of $1 million, commencing October 1, 2016; provided the applicant has a commitment for 50% matching funds. WHEREAS, The Warriors of the 21st Century Reentry Program has done extensive work in meeting the Second Chance Act funding requirements by establishing formal partnerships for reentry services, maintaining statistics, gathering letters of Page 2 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. I6-89-LKH support, leveraging partnerships with health and treatment facilities, housing, probation and correctional departments by entering into Memorandum of Understandings and obtaining letters of support; and NOW THERE FOR IT BE RESOLVED,the Tribal Business Council finds that it is in the best interest of the tribe to authorize the Warriors of the 21st Century Reentry Program to apply for the U.S. Department of Justice- BJA-2016-9207 "Smart Reentry: Focus on Evidenced-Based Strategies for Successful Reentry from Incarceration to Community" in the amount of $1,000,000.00, that requires a 50% Tribal match over a 3 year project period. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council, pursuant to its express Constitutional power and authority, hereby provides a budget for the Warriors of the 2U* Century Re-Entry Program to focus on the target population as defined by the grant requirements in providing services to former inmates in order to reduce the recidivism rate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the grant funds will be administered by the Warriors of the 21st Century Reentry Program and overseen by the MHA Nation Justice Commission. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, The Re-Entry Program shall adhere to the principles of excellence in good government and accountability; promote fiscal responsibility; operate with consistency, high ethical standards and clarity; and, ensure fairness in the implementation of the Reentry Program. (SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW) Page 3 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 16-89-LKH CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of 7 members of whom 5 constitute a quorum 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the 12"^ day of May 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such Regular Meeting by the affirmative vote of 5 members,0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 2 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman[ ]Voting. [X] Not voting. w Dated this 12*^ day of May,2016. ft ■^ ATTEST: rribal Seeret&y, L. Kenneth Hall Tribal Chairman, Mark N." Tribal Business Council Tribal Business Council Three Affiliated Tribes Three Affiliated Tribes f Page 4 of 4 ox RESOLUTION NO.2016-090-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD RESERVATION A Resolution entitled: "Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding Between The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, Department of Justice, United States Attorneys Office, United States Probation and Pretrial Services, and the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation" A MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL EFFORT TO ENSURE SUPPORT AND SERVICES ARE PROVIDED TO ASSIST TRIBAL MEMBERS WITH SUCCESSFUL REINTEGRATION BACK INTO THEIR RESPECTIVE TRIBAL COMMUNITIES. WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, and the authority under said Act; and, WHEREAS, The Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes generally authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to engage in activities on behalf of and in the interest of the welfare and benefit of the Tribes and of the enrolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article VI, Section 3 of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes specifically authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to delegate to the Tribal Court such judicial power and jurisdiction as may be necessary to realize the sovereign authority granted by the People in Article I of the Constitution; and WHEREAS, Article VI, Section 5(1) of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes specifically authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to adopt resolutions regulating the procedure of Tribal agencies; and WHEREAS, The MHA Nation and tribal members are experiencing an increase of substance abuse from illegal drugs such as methamphetamines and heroin that impacts families and communities; including, creating an economic burden and hardship on the Tribe and its programs such as law enforcement, judicial, social services, healthcare, addiction counseling and treatment centers; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council acknowledges and recognizes that in addition to incarceration and treatment, a re-entry program is needed to reduce recidivism rates and to assist tribal members with successful reintegration; and WHEREAS, Presently, there are approximately 100 MHA Nation tribal members in the Bismarck/Mandan area on State probation, and 80% to 85% out of 100 have been incarcerated on drug related charges, and are in need of a support system upon re entry and eventual return to the MHA Nation; and Page 1 of 4 RESOLUTION NO.2016-090-LKH WHEREAS, Statistics from a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice demonstrate that more than a third of released prisoners were arrested again within six months of their release with that number rising to 56.7% by the end of the first year; within three years that number rose to 67.8%; and, the number of prisoners rearrested within five years reached 76.6%. WHEREAS, A high percentage of the above identified criminal offenders will return to the MHA Nation and, given the statistics identified above, will resume their life of drug addiction, drug trafficking, and committing crimes relating to illegal substance abuse; and WHEREAS, Governmental entities are recognizing that in order to combat recidivism rates, additional assistance for reentry and transitional programs for support services are needed in order to ensure greater success rates upon their release from imprisonment; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council acknowledges that without an effective re-entry program to reduce reeidivism rates, that recidivism will come as a great price to the Nation and the Tribal Business Council will continue to spend millions of dollars on healthcare, social service programs, treatment programs, law enforcement, and judieial services; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council recognizes that its priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of individual tribal members and families; including, providing safe communities for all members of the MHA Nation; and WHEREAS, The Warriors of the 2U* Century Re-Entry Program can provide assistance to tribal members who are on probation, or recently released from incarceration, for the purposes of determining their needs and developing individual case management plans and will coordinate services for housing, job training, job placement, literacy skills development, GED and higher educational courses, parenting classes, life skills, spiritual and cultural needs, addiction counseling and other sources of support; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Tribal Business Council recognizes that in order to promote mutual and effective Tribal, State and Federal government to government relationships, it is essential to share information; create an advisory board made up of the signatory parties, or their designee, including a Native American spiritual, cultural or traditional individual that meets monthly or, at a minimum, quarterly; and, work together to determine eommon goals and best practices to reduce recidivism rates for tribal members; and Page 2 of 4 RESOLUTION NO.2016-090-LKH BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, This MOU is not a commitment of funds but, instead, demonstrates a commitment between the parties to work towards common goals of finding solutions to reduce recidivism rates, restore lives and making our communities safe; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, This MOU is at-will and may be modified by mutual consent of the authorized parties, namely. Chairman, Three Affiliated Tribes; P. Diane Johnson, Warriors Reentry Program; Rick Volk, Assistant U.S. Attorney; Wade Warren, Chief U.S. Probation Officer, U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services; and, Leann Bertsch, Director, ND Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation; and, Doreen Yellow Bird, MHA Nation Justice Commission, Spiritual, Cultural and Traditional Tribal Member. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, The MOU shall become effective upon signature of the authorized officials identified above; and will remain in effect until modified or terminated by any one ofthe partners by mutual consent. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of 7 members of whom 5 constitute a quorum 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the 12'*'day of May 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such Regular Meeting by the affirmative vote of6 members,0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 1 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [X] Not voting. Dated this 12^ day of May, 2016. ATTEST: Tiibal Secretary, L. Kermeth Hall Tribal Chairman, Mam N. Fc Tribal Business Council Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council Three Affiliated Tribes Page 3 of 4 RESOLUTION NO.2016-090-LKH SIGNATURE PAGE Mark N. Fox, Chairman, Three Affiliated Tribes of Date the MHA Nation Dorreen Yellow Bird, Spiritual, Cultural and Traditional Date Member ofthe Three Affiliated Tribes, MFIA Nation Rick Volk, U.S. Assistant Attorney General Date U.S. Department of Justice Wade Warren, Chief Probation Officer Date U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services Leann Bertsch, Director, ND Department of Date Corrections and Rehabilitation P. Diane Johnson, Director, Warriors of the 2U' Century Reentry Program, MFIA Nation Page 4 of4 Date Resolution No. 16- 091-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution Entitled "Approval of62 Applicantsfor Enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, and the authority under said Act and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws pursuant to said Act; and WHEREAS, Article 111 of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes provides that the Tribal Business Council is the governing body ofthe Tribes; and WHEREAS, The Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes authorizes and empowers the Tribal Business Council to engage in activities on behalf of and in the interest of the welfare and benefit of the Tribes and ofthe enrolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article VI, Section 5 (1) of the Constitution of the Three Affiliated Tribes provides that the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedure of the Tribal Business Council and other Tribal agencies and Tribal officials on the Reservation; and WHEREAS, According to the Article 11, Section 1: Membership ofthe Three Affiliated Tribes Constitution, the membership ofthe Three Affiliated Tribes shall consist of: A. All persons whose names appear on the membership of the Tribe as of October 2, 1974. B. Any person bom before the effective date of this amendment and to any member of the Tribe who was a resident of the reservation at the time of birth of said person. C. All persons of at least l/S"' Indian Blood of the Hidatsa, Mandan and /or Arikara Tribe. Resolution No. 16- 091-LKH AMENDMENT VII, DUAL ENROLLMENT: A. Persons enrolled with another tribe and who have received benefits from another tribe in the form of land or payments shall not be eligible for enrollment with the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, provided that inherited interests shall not be considered as being such benefits. B. Persons eligible for enrollment with the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation and another tribe shall relinquish whatever rights of enrollment they may hold in the other tribe as a condition to their enrollment with the Three Affiliated Tribes ofthe Fort Berthold Reservation. WHEREAS, on November 2, 2010 a secretarial election was held to amend Article II of the Tribes' Constitution and a 1/8"' Mandan, Hidatsa and/or Arikara blood quantum requirement was adopted for membership eligibility; WHEREAS,on May 2016 the Tribal Business Council reviewed the applications of^ individuals who are determined eligible for membership into the Three Affiliated Tribes under the amended provisions of Article 11 ofthe Constitution and; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes hereby approves the enrollment ofthe attached list of§1 applicants for enrollment into the Three Affiliated Tribes. (The Remainder ofthis page is intentionally left blank) Three Affiliated Tribes - Office of Tribal Enrollment Enrollment List - May 12, 2016 Friday, May 6, 2016 8:42am Records:62 Filters Applied: Deceased: No, GROUP = 105 Full Name Anderson, Stephanie LaNae Bird, Ava Amaria Grace Castillo, Michelle Two Crow Cervantes, Marse Emillano Cervantes, Thalia Marie Chase, ChaunDee Manuel Chase-Pendleton, Cyril Wayne DeMarce, Tyra Josephine Djuric, Konstantlne Ebarb, Destiny Miranda Ebarb, Jasmine Mariah Meleka Ebarb, Justice Shane Edwards, Brian Keith Esquibel, Trentyn Kanan Ferandez, Jude Harper Fernandez, Hazel Anne Finley, Martin Jay Fox, Grace Dawn Fox, Kaldence Ellse Fox, Korday Nez Fox, Makiah Jo Garcia, Kleanah Aaliyah Garcia, Klerra Casey'Jo Goodbird, Alden Joseph Halvorson Jr., Russell Allen Hartman, Joshua Michael Hatlestad, Jory Lee Heart, Shyanne Margaret Antoinette Hoeger, Nikki Stephanie Hopkins, Chauncey Duane Humm, Ella Jean Klhega, Kayzden Carter Le Beau, Shandelle Leigh Lever, Lester Star Lindahl, Christopher Henry Lindahl, Damien Joseph Lindahl, Lillana Vess Little Swallow, Eastyn Aden Lohnes, Stuart James Lone Bear, Demaryiuz Kyle Martell, Corey Lar'ron Martell, Gabrlella Faith McDonald, Ardell Marie McDonald, Mary Alice Miner, Dominic Andrew O'Kimosh, Casey Joelle Osborne, Scott Gregory Povrarad by: Progeny'-'^-""" Page: 1 Full Name Pedro, Oh-hah-moe Harris Pedro, WInterhawk John Schumacher, Isabelle Ellse Sitting Crow, Kayden Cash Sitting Crow, Keone Lee Sitting Crow, Kyra Jean Shawnee Rae Sittingcrow, Keanna Iva May Smith, Carson Clyde Smith, Madison Mae Standish, Keilah Venn Adapon Thorton, Hunter Rose White, John Noelle Whiteman, Lynelle Raeanne Yellowbird, Aaliyah Lynn Youngbird, Erikxander Lucian Powarad by: Progeny*^""' Page: 2 Resolution No. 16- 091-LKH CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of 7 members of whom 5 constitute a quorum,7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the12th day of May 2016; that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such Meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members,0 members opposed,0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been reseinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] voting. [ ]not voting. Dated this 12*^ day of May 2016. >5/-' ATTEST: tribal Se^etary, L. Kenneth Hall Tribal Chairman, Mark N. Fox Tribal Business Council Tribal Business Council Three Affiliated Tribes Three Affiliated Tribes Resolution No. 16-092-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION Resolution Entitled: "Requesting the BIA and OST authorize access to their data system that contain The Three Affiliated Tribes Land and Trust Transaction Records" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body ofthe Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, The Federal Government has maintained tribal land and transaction records involving the Three Affiliated Tribes, namely residing in the Trust Asset and Accounting Management System (TAAMS), Indian Trust System Query (ITSQ), and StrataWeb; and WHEREAS, The Three Affiliated Tribes desires to have direct access to this data to improve accountability and efficiency of the tribal638 programs involving tribal land assets. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council ofthe Three Affiliated Tribes requests the Department of the Interior, namely the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians to grant access to the Three Affiliated Tribes to such systems: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Three Affiliated Tribes designates Valeri FastdogHosie, Realty Specialist and Diana American Horse, Realty Specialist, as the Point(s) of Contact (POC) for such access and to further designate, train, and support other authorized tribal employees for such systems access on behalf of the Three Affiliated Tribes. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. 1 Resolution No. 16-092-LKH CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [ X ] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 121h day ofMay, 2016. ATTEST: Tribal Chairman, Mark N . Fox Tribal Business Council etary, L. Kenneth Tribal Business Council 2 Resolution No. 16-093-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Cody Fredericks" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing agricultural Tribal trust land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for agriculturallease(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes ' approved procedure for authorizing agriculturallease(s) on tribal land; and WHEREAS, Cody Fredericks, 7952 7th St. NW, Halliday, ND, 58636, applied to lease Tribal Trust farm land described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the leases on the following allotments, subject to the respective negotiated payment agreed upon and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of a Five (5) year agricultural leases pursuant to Resolution No. 05-135-NH: Resolution No. 16-_g3_-LKH SEC TWP RGE Crop Acres S1/2SW1/4 27 147 90 30 $25 $750.00 Crop N1/2SW1/4 36 147 91 53 $25 $1,325.00 T1109-B Crop SW1/4NW1/4 32 147 90 69.30 $25 $1,732.50 T907A-C C/G N1/2SW1/4 29 147 90 32.8 $25 $1,202.00 Total Payment $5,009.50 Tract# Land Type Description T815 Crop T1134A-B Grass Acres 38.2 Pasture Rate $10 Crop Rate Annual rent per lease BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a _Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the_ 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: ary, L. Kenneth Hall Tribal Business Council Resolution No. 16-094-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, ''Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Paul Fredericks" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1 ) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing agricultural Tribal trust land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for agriculturallease(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Mfiliated Tribes ' approved procedure for authorizing agriculturallease(s) on tribal land; and WHEREAS, Paul Fredericks, 9952 7th St, NW, Halliday, ND, 58636, applied to lease Tribal Trust farm land described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the leases on the following allotments, subject to the respective negotiated payment agreed upon and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of a Five (5) year agricultural leases pursuant to Resolution No. 05-135-NH: Resolution No. 16- Tract# Land Type Description T2065-A Grass T969A-A Grass Crop Acres Grass Acres Pasture Rate Crop Rate -LKH Annual rent per lease SEC TWP RGE SW1/4 33 147 90 160 $10 $1,600.00 S1/2SE1/4 32 147 90 80 $10 $800.00 Total Payment $2,400.00 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular_ Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the _12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of _May, 2016. ATTEST: L~ Secr~eth~ Tribal Tribal Business Council Tribal hairman, ark . Fox Tribal Business Council Resolution No. 16-095-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, ''Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Greta White Calfe and Verlee Sayler" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing agricultural Tribal trust land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for agriculturallease(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes' approved procedure for authorizing agriculturallease(s) on tribal land; and WHEREAS, Greta White Calfe and Verlee Sayler, 5748B 11th St. NW, Garrison, ND, 58540, applied to lease Tribal Trust farm land described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the leases on the following allotments, subject to the respective negotiated payment agreed upon and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of a Five (5) year agricultural leases pursuant to Resolution No. 05-135-NH: Resolution No. 16-095-LKH Tract# Land Type Description T1758 Crop NE;{SE;{ Grass NXNW;{, SW;{NW;{, WXWXSE;{NW;{, NW;{SW;{, EXSW;{SW;{ T476A SEC TWP RGE Crop Acres 2 147 87 38 11 147 87 Grass Acres Pasture Rate Crop Rate Annual rent per lease $32 $1,216.00 Total Payment $1,900.00 $3,116.00 190 $10 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum,7 were present at a _Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the _ 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: T~.cl~ Tribal Business Council Resolution No. 16-096-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, ''Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Don Bauman" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body ofthe Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands andresources; and WHEREAS, Leasing agricultural Tribal trust land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for agriculturallease(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes ' approved procedure for authorizing agriculturallease(s) on tribal land; and WHEREAS, Don Bauman, 2592 61 st Ave. NW, Ryder, ND, 58779, applied to lease Tribal Trust farm land described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the leases on the following allotments, subject to the respective negotiated payment agreed upon and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of a Five (5) year agricultural leases pursuant to Resolution No. 05-135-NH: Resolution No. 16-096-LKH Tract# T719 T.A. Land Type Description Crop SE1/4NE1/4 Crop N1/2NW1/4NE1/4 SEC TWP RGE Crop Acres Grass Acres Pasture Rate 8 147 88 29 $52 $1,508.00 17 147 88 18 $52 $936.00 Total Payment $2,444.00 Crop Rate Annual rent per lease BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular 12th day of May, 2016, that Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: LLrndf1tt( KennethH~ Tribal Secretary, L. Tribal Business Council ~d~ Tribal Chairman, Mark N. Fox Tribal Business Council Resolution No. 16-097-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Stacy Roberts" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Mfiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1 ) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands andresources; and WHEREAS, Leasing agricultural Tribal trust land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for agriculturallease(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Mfiliated Tribes' approved procedure for authorizing agriculturallease(s) on tribal land; and WHEREAS, Stacy Roberts, 2184 68th Ave. NW, Raub, ND, 58779, applied to lease Tribal Trust farm land described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the leases on the following allotments, subject to the respective negotiated payment agreed upon and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of a Five (5) year agricultural leases pursuant to Resolution No. 05-135-NH: Resolution No. 16-097-LKH SEC TWP RGE Crop Acres W1/2NE1/4 24 149 89 34.6 55% $60 $1,141.80 W1/2NE1/4 24 149 89 38.5 55% $60 $1,270.50 Total Payment $2,412.30 Allotted Tract# Land Type Description 136 Crop 1327 Crop Grass Acres Tribes Interest Crop Rate Annual rent per lease BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a _Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the_ 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: ary, L. Kenneth Hall Tribal Business Council Tribal hairman, Mark N. Fox Tribal Business Council Resolution No. 16-098-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, ''Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Wade Billadeau" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing agricultural Tribal trust land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for agriculturallease(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes' approved procedure for authorizing agriculturallease(s) on tribal land; and WHEREAS, Wade Billadeau Farms, 2236 68th Ave. NW, Raub, ND, 58779, applied to lease Tribal Trust farm land described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the leases on the following allotments, subject to the respective negotiated payment agreed upon and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of a Five (5) year agricultural leases pursuant to Resolution No. 05-135-NH: Resolution No. 16-098-LKH SEC TWP RGE Crop Acres SW1/4SE1/4 28 148 89 27.8 $60 $1,668.00 Crop E1/2SW1/4 35 148 89 65.5 $60 $3,930.00 Crop W1/2SW1/4 35 148 89 65.5 $60 $3,930.00 Total Payment $9,528.00 Tract# Land Type Description T95A-B Crop T1290 T1284 Grass Acres Pasture Rate Crop Rate Annual rent per lease BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular_ Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the _12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of _May, 2016. ATTEST: L- ~a:r~ Mfi Tribal Se y:L:i(enneth Tribal Business Council Tribal Chairman, Mark N . Fox Tribal Business Council Resolution No. 16-099-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, ''Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Weston Schettler" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body ofthe Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing agricultural Tribal trust land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for agriculturallease(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes ' approved procedure for authorizing agriculturallease(s) on tribal land; and WHEREAS, Weston Schettler, P.O. Box 723 , Garrison, ND, 58540, applied to lease Tribal Trust farm land described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the leases on the following allotments, subject to the respective negotiated payment agreed upon and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of a Five (5) year agricultural leases pursuant to Resolution No. 05-135-NH: Resolution No. 16-099-LKH Tract# land Type Description T3028 Crop W1/2SE1/4 SEC TWP RGE Crop Acres 10 148 89 77 Grass Acres Pasture Rate Crop Rate Annual rent per lease $32 $2,464.00 Total Payment $2,464.00 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent ofthis Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a _Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May_, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of _May, 2016. ATTEST: Tribal Secretary, L. Tribal Business Council ??1J~2-~ Tribal Chairman, Mark N. Fox Tribal Business Council Resolution No. 16-100-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, ''Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Jim Pennington" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing agricultural Tribal trust land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for agriculturallease(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes' approved procedure for authorizing agriculturallease(s) on tribal land; and WHEREAS, Jim Pennington, 3489 92nd Ave. NW, New Town, ND, 58763 , applied to lease Tribal Trust farm land described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the leases on the following allotments, subject to the respective negotiated payment agreed upon and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of a Five (5) month agricultural leases pursuant to Resolution No. 05-135-NH: Resolution No. 16-100-LKH Land Tract# Type Description T.A.#S Grass Within Sec. 6, 7 & 8 SEC TWP 150 RGE 93 Crop Acres Grass Acres Pasture Rate Crop Annual rent Rate per lease 305 $16 Total Payment $4,880.00 $4,880.00 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a _Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the _12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of.May, 2016. ATTEST: ~;if Tribalhairman, Mark ~x Tribal Business Council Resolution No. 16-101-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, ''Approving Agricultural Leases on Tribal Land to Verlee White CalfeSayler" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body ofthe Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1 ) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing agricultural Tribal trust land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for agriculturallease(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes ' approved procedure for authorizing agriculturallease(s) on tribal land; and WHEREAS, Verlee White Calfe-Sayler, 5748A 11th St. SW, Garrison, ND, 58540, applied to lease Tribal Trust farm land described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the leases on the following allotments, subject to the respective negotiated payment agreed upon and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of a Five (5) year agricultural leases pursuant to Resolution No. 05-135-NH: / Resolution No. 16-101-LKH Tract# Land Type Description T144A Grass WXNEX, EXNWX SEC TWP RGE 6 147 87 Crop Acres Grass Acres Pasture Rate Crop Rate Annual rent per lease 160 $11 Total Payment BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular _ Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May_, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day ofMay, 2016. ATTEST: ~ ~-J!t(P ribal Secretary, L. Kenneth Hall Tribal Business Council Tribal Chairman, Mark N. Fox Tribal Business Council $1,760.00 $1,760.00 Resolution No. 16-102-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Bearstar Perkins Agricultural Leases on Tribal/and" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1 ) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing agricultural Tribal trust land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Rightof-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for agricultural lease(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes' approved procedure for authorizing agriculturallease(s) on tribal land; and WHEREAS, Bearstar Perkins, 1575 65th Ave NW, Garrison, ND, 58540, applied to lease Tribal Trust farm land described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the leases on the following allotments, subject to the respective negotiated payment agreed upon and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of a Twenty-Five (25) year agricultural leases negotiated at $100.00 a year for 5 acres: Resolution No. 16-102-LKH Tribal Allotment T87A, S ~ SW ~ SE~NE ~ SE ~, W ~NW ~NE ~ SE ~ SE ~, N ~ SW ~NE 114 SE ~ SE ~, NW ~ SE ~NE~ SE ~ SE ~, SW ~ SE ~ SE ~NE ~ SE Y4, Section 18, T. 148 N, R. 88 W., McLean County, 5th Principal Meridian of North Dakota, containing 5 acres for Shelter Belt for his home. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum,_ were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: Tribal Business Council Fort Berthold Spet~ll Road Port•ons /'../ Other RudWTrds /'..,/ BIA Ro•ds 8Q Tnballand 10 Tnbalfee Lind 10 Rese~Wtlon Boundary ~ TOWltfiiPI Q Secbons ~'b.. w Resolution No. 16-104-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Targa Badlands LLC for the Myrmidon 3(Jh Street Project." WHEREAS, This Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation (the "MHA Nation"), having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934 and the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of its Constitution and By-Laws, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the MHA Nation; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1 ) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council has authority to engage in activities on behalf of and for the welfare and benefit of the Tribes and of the emolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 12-087-VJB, entitled, "The Missouri River, Badlands and Sacred Sites Protection Act" which requires a half mile setback for well sites/drilling pads from the Missouri River, Little Missouri River, and designated sacred sites or villages in the Badlands; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 12-139-VJB, entitled, "Amending the Missouri River and Badlands Protection Act to Allow Variances upon Recommendation by the Tribal Energy Office," which authorizes the MHA Nation Tribal Energy Office to consider setback variance requests and make recommendations to the Tribal Business Council to approve such requests "when minerals would be stranded due to the setback provisions or where the applicant has made a clear showing that granting the variance would not cause an adverse environmental effect upon the Missouri River or the Little Missouri River"; and WHEREAS, On March 27, 2015, the Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 15-045LKH entitled, "Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights-ofWay, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land"; and Page 1 of3 Resolution No. 16-104-LKH WHEREAS, On Monday February 3, 2016, TARGA BADLANDS LLC ("TARGA") submitted to the MHA Nation Energy Division a request for a Setback Variance, as set forth in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, The specific Setback Variance requested by TARGA is, as follows: Name of Gathering Line: Myrmidon 3(Jh Street West LOCATION: Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9, Township 150 North, Range 93 West; and Sections 31, 32, 33 , 34 & 35, Township 151 North, Range 93 West, all in Mountrail County, ND ACRES OF DISTURBANCE: n/a DRILLING/SPACING UNIT: n/a DISTANCE FROM WELLPAD: 2,325 feet to the 1854 High Water Line (Refer to map or other showing set forth in company's application for the setback variance); and 365 feet from a Habitable Structure located in Allotment 438A-B. WHEREAS, In June 19 & 20, 2013 , during the environmental and right-of-way on-sites, TARGA met with the MHA Nation Energy Division to review and consider all other alternatives for the construction and siting of the MYRMIDON 30TH STREET WEST GATHERING PIPELINE; and WHEREAS, The MHA Nation Energy Division reviewed, processed and fully vetted TARGA request for a setback variance for MYRMIDON 30TH STREET WEST GATHERING PIPELINE and has determined that TARGA has made a clear showing that granting the variance would not cause an adverse environmental effect upon the Missouri River or the Little Missouri River; and WHEREAS, On April 12, 2016, at a duly held meeting ofthe Natural Resources Committee, the MHA Nation Energy Division recommended for approval TARGA setback variance request for MYRMIDON 30TH STREET WEST GATHERING PIPELINE and the Natural Resources Committee approved TARGA's setback variance request for MYRMIDON 30TH STREET WEST GATHERING PIPELINE. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the setback variance, attached as Exhibit A, submitted by TARGA BADLANDS LLC for MYRMIDON 30TH STREET WEST GATHERING PIPELINE. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby to take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. Page 2 of3 Resolution No. 16-104-LKH CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: tary, L. Kenneth Hall Tribal Business Council Tda:f~:iry Tribal Business Council APPENDIX A.1 <Attach: (1) Application Package submitted to the MHA Nation Energy Division requesting the Setback Variance, (2) Recommendation Form and/or concurrence form signed by Department Head and Chairman of NRC per Resolution 15-045-LKH, (3) map, and (4) other necessary information> TARGABADLANDSLLC 1000 Louisiana, Suite 4300 Houston, TX 77002 Page 3 of3 Resolution No. 16-105-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Mike Young Bird Fiber Optic Line" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leases and Rights of Way (ROWs) across tribal trust land require the consent of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for Rights of Way on Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for ROW(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the MHA Nation' s approved procedure for authorizing ROWs on tribal land; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council finds it appropriate to authorize the ROWs described herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Business Council hereby consents to the following ROW(s), subject to the respective Company's agreement to and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment ofROW fees pursuant to Resolution No. 14-089-VJB: 1. A Utility Corridor for Mike Young Bird that includes Reservation Telephone Cooperative for a corridor easement for the insulation of a service line for domestic Page 1 of4 Resolution No. 16-105-LKH use. Across Allotment Number T612A-A, in N~NW~SW~NE~, N~SE~NE~, NE~SW~NE~ Section 24, T. 152 N., R. 95 W., with a Tribal interest of 100.0%, McKenzie County, 5th Principal Meridian of North Dakota, as more particularly described in Appendix A.1. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, _were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [ X ] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: Tribal ecretary, L. Kennet Tribal Business Council Tribal Chairman, Mark N. Fox Tribal Business Council Page 2 of4 Resolution No. 16-105-LKH APPENDIX A.1 An Utility Corridor that include, Fort Berthold Rural Water, McLean Electric Cooperative, Reservation Telephone Cooperative and an access road, for a corridor easement for the insulation of a road and service lines for domestic use. Across Allotment Number 0258A, in NEl/4, Section 14, T. 150 N., R. 90 W. , with a Tribal undivided interest of 50.33%, McLean County, 5th Principal Meridian ofNorth Dakota UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS CONSENT OF OWNERS TO GRANT RIGHT -OF-WAY Allotment Description % ofShare T612A-A N Y2NWV4SWV4NEV4, NY2SEV4NEV4, NEV4SWV4NEV4 Section 24, T. 152 N.R. 95 W. 100.0% Three Affiliated Tribes do give permission to granting of a right-of-way, for the construction of the Utility Corridor that will be for the Reservation Telephone Cooperative Service Line to the home site. (as shown on attached map) and will waive payment. The Three Affiliated Tribes is also requiring the companies of the service lines to submit shape files to the TAT- Easement Office, as required by Tribal Resolution Number 11-047-VJB. This data shall be submitted no later than 30 days after completion of project. As a condition of said consent, it shall be required that language be added to said right of way as follows: Nothing in this grant of right of way shall diminish or be construed to diminish the jurisdiction and sovereign authority of the Three Affiliated Tribes over the above described lands and the Tribe hereby retains its jurisdiction and sovereign authority over said lands. Page 3 of4 Resolution No. 16-105-LKH i12A-G 812A.S 612A.C 612A 612A-A 612A-A SE C ;)< T. 1 ~2 - tl R. 9~ W 811A·A \ 811A-A t611A.C 611A.S Project- Mike Young Bird Allotment No. T612A-A Sec. 24, T. 152 N., R. 95 W. Nl/2NW1/ 4SW1/ 4N El/ 4, Nl/2SE1/4NE1/4, NE1/4SW1/4NE1/4 w4TE s Page 4 of4 Resolution No. 16-106-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Consent to a Right-of-Way Across Tribal land Submitted by QEP Energy Company for an Additional Strip of Land Adjacent to BIA ROW No. FBOG101015 Authorizing a 90-foot Wide Multi-Use Corridor Pursuant to MHA Resolution No. 15-193-LKH." WHEREAS, This Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation (the "MHA Nation"), having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934 and the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of its Constitution and By-Laws, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the MHA Nation; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council has authority to engage in activities on behalf of and for the welfare and benefit of the Tribes and of the emolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leases and Rights-of-Way (ROWs) across tribal trust land require the consent of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for ROW(s) on Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for ROW(s) and Use of ROW), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, ROW(s), Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The MHA Resolution No. 15-193-LKH authorizing the 14-1X well pad and 90foot wide multi-use corridor was granted on November 12, 2015. In addition, BIA ROW No. FBOG101015 authorizing the 14-1X well pad and access road was granted on February 24, 2016; and Page 1 of4 Resolution No. 16-106-LKH WHEREAS, The applications for a ROW submitted by QEP, described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the MHA Nation's approved procedure for authorizing ROWs on tribal land; and WHEREAS, QEP seeks a Right-of-Way, attached as Exhibit A, directly adjacent to the ROW granted for the Pad 14-1X, as follows : Allotment T1092A-C (an undivided 1.0000000000 interest) • An additional strip of land 30 feet in width for use as a gas gathering pipeline and produced water pipeline corridor and 377.47 feet long in Lot 10 of Section 1, T150N, R95W encompassing approximately 0.26 acres of disturbed area; located directly adjacent to the authorized 90-foot wide corridor under MHA Resolution No. 15-193-LKH and BIA ROW No. FBOG101015 mentioned above. WHEREAS, QEP understands that the MHA Nation is entitled to have an appraisal conducted for the ROW requested, but seeks a waiver of the right to an appraisal because agrees to compensate the MHA Nation for the ROW requested and described herein, based on $25 ,000 per acre. WHEREAS, In April 2015 and June 2015, during the environmental and ROW on-sites, QEP met with the MHA Nation Energy Division to review and consider all other alternatives for the construction and siting of the multi-well pad 14-1X; and WHEREAS, The MHA Nation Energy Division reviewed, processed and fully vetted QEP's request for ROWs for multi-well pad 14-1X and has determined that QEP has made a clear showing that granting the ROWs would not cause an adverse environmental effects upon the allotments described herein; and WHEREAS, The uses and purposes of QEP' s current application for a ROW for an additional strip of land 30 feet in width located directly adjacent to the authorized 90-foot wide corridor under MHA Resolution No. 15-193-LKH and BIA ROW No. FBOG101015 , described above , were encompassed in the prior ROW on-site reviews and environmental assessments for QEP' s Pad 14-1X; and WHEREAS, On May 4, 2016, at a duly held meeting of the Natural Resources Committee (''NRC"), the MHA Nation Energy Division recommended for approval QEP's ROW request for a ROW directly adjacent to the ROW granted for multi-well pad 14-lX, and the NRC approved QEP' s ROW request and forwarded it to the full Tribal Business Council for final approval; and Page 2 of4 Resolution No. 16-106-LKH WHEREAS, The NRC also considered QEP's request that the MHA Nation waives its right to an appraisal of the ROW requested herein, and the NRC recommended that the Tribal Business Council (grant/deny) such waiver request. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, subject to QEP's agreement to and execution ofthe Terms and Conditions and payment of ROW fees pursuant to Resolution No. 14089-VJB, the Tribal Business Council hereby finds it appropriate to authorize and consents to the ROW requested by QEP, attached as Exhibit A, as follows: Allotment T1092A-C (an undivided 1.0000000000 interest) • An additional strip of land 30 feet in width for use as a gas gathering pipeline and produced water pipeline corridor and 377.47 feet long in Lot 10 of Section 1, T150N, R95W encompassing approximately 0.26 acres of disturbed area; located directly adjacent to the authorized 90-foot wide corridor under MHA Resolution No. 15-193-LKH and BIA ROW No. FBOG101015 mentioned above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council hereby grants QEP's request that the MHA Nation waive its right to an appraisal of the ROW requested herein because QEP agrees to compensate the MHA Nation on a per acre basis at a rate of $ per acre. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby to take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. (SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW) Page 3 of4 Resolution No. 16-106-LKH CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 5 members, 1 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 1 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day ofMay, 2016. ATTEST: ribaliecrtacy,L. Kenn: : l:::?&::f~~ ~~-~ Tribal Business Council Tribal Business Council Page 4 of4 Resolution No. 16-107-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and Submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC for the Big Horn Pad." WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body ofthe Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1 ) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leases and Rights of Way ("ROWs") across tribal trust land require the consent of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for Rights of Way on Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights-of-Way and Use of Right-of-Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights-of-Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The application for a ROW submitted by WPX Energy Williston, LLC ("WPX") for the Big Hom Pad, described herein, have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the MHA Nation' s approved procedure for authorizing ROWs on tribal land; and WHEREAS, On May 4, 2016, at a duly held meeting of the Natural Resources Committee ("NRC"), the MHA Nation Energy Division recommended for approval for WPX' s ROW request for the Big Hom Pad, more particularly described in Appendix A.1 ., and the NRC approved WPX' s ROW request, and forwarded the matter to the Tribal Business Council for final action. Page 1 of2 Resolution No. 16-107-LKH NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby consents to the following ROW, subject to WPX' s agreement to and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of ROW fees pursuant to Resolution No. 14-089-VJB: • WPX Energy Williston, LLC (Big Hom Pad), for a well pad, access road, pipeline, and utility, across certain tribal lands in Section 32, Township 150N, Range 93W, as more particularly described in Appendix A. I. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a _Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May_, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 6 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 1 member not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day ofMay, 2016. ATTEST: ecretary, L. Kenneth Hall Tribal Business Council d~~ k Tribal Chairman, Mark N. Fox Tribal Business Council Page 2 of2 Resolution No. 16-108-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal land Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC for the BT Ext Turtles East Project." WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1 ) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands andresources; and WHEREAS, Leases and Rights of Way (ROWs) across tribal trust land require the consent of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for Rights of Way on Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The application for a ROW consent submitted by Targa Badlands LLC ("Targa"), for the BT Ext Turtles East project, described herein, have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the MHA Nation's approved procedure for authorizing ROWs on tribal land; and WHEREAS, On April 12, 2016, at a duly held meeting of the Natural Resources Committee, the MHA Nation Energy Division recommended for approval for Targa' s ROW request for the BT Ext Turtles project, more particularly described in Appendix A.l., and the Natural Resources Committee approved Targa' s ROW request, and forwarded the matter to the Tribal Business Council for final action; and Page 1 of3 Resolution No. 16-108-LKH NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby consents to the following ROW, subject to Targa' s agreement to and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of ROW fees pursuant to Resolution No. 14-089-VJB: • TARGA BADLANDS LLC ' s, request for consent to construct pipelines up to twelve inches (12") in diameter on an easement across certain tribal lands in Section 32 and 33, Township 152 North, Range 94 West, McKenzie County, North Dakota (see Appendix AI.). BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: Tribal Secretary, L. Kenneth Hall Tribal Business Council Tribal Business Council Page 2 of3 Resolution No. 16-108-LKH APPENDIX A.l For a pipeline easement I 00 ' in width (30' permanent plus 70 ' temporary), plus 1.012 acres of additional temporary workspace outside the pipeline easement corridor for the purpose of equipment and/or material storage, staging bore(s), etc. Easement shall allow for the installation of up to four (4) oil and/or gas pipelines, up to 12 inches in diameter, and associated above- and below-ground appurtenances, associated infrastructure, and pipeline markers as required by law. Oil and/or gas pipelines are to be constructed of steel or any other material approved by the MHA Nation. Attach: (1) Application Form, (2) Approval Form signed by Department Head and Chairman of NRC per Resolution 15-045-LKH, (3) signed ROW terms and Conditions per Resolution No. 14089-VJB, (4) map, and (5) other necessary information TARGABADLANDSLLC 1000 Louisiana, Suite 4300 Houston, TX 77002 Page 3 of3 Resolution No. 16-109-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal/and Submitted by Targa Badlands LLC for the BT Ext Crow Flies High Project." WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leases and Rights of Way (ROWs) across tribal trust land require the consent of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for Rights of Way on Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for a ROW consent submitted by Targa Badlands LLC ("Targa") for the BT Ext Crow Flies High project, described herein, have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the MHA Nation's approved procedure for authorizing ROWs on tribal land; and WHEREAS, On April 12, 2016, at a duly held meeting of the Natural Resources Committee, the MHA Nation Energy Division recommended for approval for Targa' s ROW consent request for the BT Ext Crow Flies High project, more particularly described in Appendix A.1. , and the Natural Resources Committee approved Page 1 of3 Resolution No. 16-109-LKH Targa's ROW consent request, and forwarded the matter to the Tribal Business Council for final action; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby consents to the following ROW(s), subject to Targa's agreement to and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of ROW fees pursuant to Resolution No. 14-089VJB: • TARGA BADLANDS LLC 's, request for consent to construct pipelines up to twelve inches (12") in diameter on an easement across certain tribal lands in Section 32 and 33, Township 152 North, Range 94 West, McKenzie County, North Dakota, as more particularly described in Appendix A.1. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X ] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: ~1kn~ T~ilkil~ =.1; rib3iiiecretary, L. Kennel Tribal Business Council Tribal Business Council Page 2 of3 Resolution No. 16-109-LKH APPENDIX A.1 For a pipeline easement 100' in width (30' permanent plus 70 ' temporary). Easement shall allow for the installation of up to four (4) oil and/or gas pipelines, up to 12 inches in diameter, and associated above- and below-ground appurtenances, associated infrastructure, and pipeline markers as required by law. Oil and/or gas pipelines are to be constructed of steel or any other material approved by the MHA Nation. Attach: (1) Application Form, (2) Approval Form signed by Department Head and Chairman of NRC per Resolution 15-045-LKH, (3) signed ROW terms and Conditions per Resolution No. 14089-VJB, (4) map, and (5) other necessary information TARGABADLANDSLLC 1000 Louisiana, Suite 4300 Houston, TX 77002 Page 3 of3 Resolution No. 16-110-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Targa Badlands LLC for the West Myrmidon Lateral D Project." WHEREAS, This Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation (the "MHA Nation"), having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934 and the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of its Constitution and By-Laws, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the MHA Nation; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1 ) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council has authority to engage in activities on behalf of and for the welfare and benefit of the Tribes and of the enrolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 12-087-VJB, entitled, "The Missouri River, Badlands and Sacred Sites Protection Act" which requires a half mile setback for well sites/drilling pads from the Missouri River, Little Missouri River, and designated sacred sites or villages in the Badlands; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 12-139-VJB, entitled, "Amending the Missouri River and Badlands Protection Act to Allow Variances upon Recommendation by the Tribal Energy Office," which authorizes the MHA Nation Tribal Energy Office to consider setback variance requests and make recommendations to the Tribal Business Council to approve such requests "when minerals would be stranded due to the setback provisions or where the applicant has made a clear showing that granting the variance would not cause an adverse environmental effect upon the Missouri River or the Little Missouri River"; and WHEREAS, On March 27, 2015, the Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 15-045LKH entitled, "Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights-ofWay, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land"; and Page 1 of3 Resolution No. 16-110-LKH WHEREAS, On Monday February 3, 2016, TARGA BADLANDS LLC ("TARGA") submitted to the MHA Nation Energy Division a request for a Setback Variance, as set forth in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, The specific Setback Variance requested by TARGA is, as follows : Name of Gathering Line: West Myrmidon Lateral D LOCATION: Sections 13, 14, 15, 22 & 27, Township 152 North, Range 94 West, McKenzie County, ND ACRES OF DISTURBANCE: n/a DRILLING/SPACING UNIT: n/a DISTANCE FROM WELLPAD: Habitable Structures within 700 feet of the proposed pipeline easement, located in non-Tribal fee lands in Section 23, Township 152 North, Range 94 West, McKenzie County, ND WHEREAS, In June 11 , 2015 , during the environmental and right-of-way on-sites, TARGA met with the MHA Nation Energy Division to review and consider all other alternatives for the construction and siting of the WEST MYRMIDON LATERAL D GATHERING PIPELINES; and WHEREAS, The MHA Nation Energy Division reviewed, processed and fully vetted TARGA request for a setback variance for WEST MYRMIDON LATERAL D GATHERING PIPELINES and has determined that TARGA has made a clear showing that granting the variance would not cause an adverse environmental effect upon the Missouri River or the Little Missouri River; and WHEREAS, On Tuesday April 12, 2016, at a duly held meeting of the Natural Resources Committee, the MHA Nation Energy Division recommended for approval TARGA setback variance request for WEST MYRMIDON LATERAL D GATHERING PIPELINES and the Natural Resources Committee approved TARGA' s setback variance request for WEST MYMIDON LATERAL GATHERING PIPELINES . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the setback variance, attached as Exhibit A, submitted by T ARGA BADLANDS LLC for WEST MYRMIDON LATERAL D GATHERING PIPELINES. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby to take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. Page 2 of3 Resolution No. 16-110-LKH CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: Tribal Secretary, L. Kenneth Tribal Business Council Tri~~d[y Tribal Business Council APPENDIX A.l <Attach: (1) Application Package submitted to the MHA Nation Energy Division requesting the Setback Variance, (2) Recommendation Form and/or concurrence form signed by Department Head and Chairman of NRC per Resolution 15-045-LKH, (3) map, and (4) other necessary information> TARGABADLANDS LLC 1000 Louisiana, Suite 4300 Houston, TX 77002 Page 3 of3 Resolution No. 16-111-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Consent to a Right-of-Way across Tribal landfor the Phase JA Northern Extension Loop Line Project Submitted by Crestwood." WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leases and Rights-of-Way ("ROWs") across tribal trust land require the consent of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for ROWs on Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rightsof-Way and Use of Right-of-Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights-of-Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, During the Tribal Business Council meeting on October 27, 2015, the Energy Division was presenting for final approval a number of ROW consents and setback variance approvals, and during the course of this discussion with regard to the then-pending ROW consents requested by Crestwood, the Natural Resources Department raised several unresolved and outstanding issues relating to Crestwood' s operations on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation; and Page 1 of3 Resolution No. 16-111-LKH WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council ultimately approved the two Crestwood ROW consent request, but subject to Crestwood meeting with the MHA Departments and Divisions, to secure their concurrences to address or resolve the pending issues; and WHEREAS, On Wednesday, October 28, 2015, Crestwood representatives met with the departmental heads of the Energy Division, the Environmental Division, the Game & Fish Department and a representative from the Natural Resources Department, and as an outcome of that meeting, the departments issued a Memorandum entitled, "Conditions of Concurrence in the Approval of Crestwood' s pending Right-of-Way Requests"; and WHEREAS, By letter dated December 1, 2015 from Robbie McDonough, Vice President, Land and Government Relations for Crestwood to Carson Hood, Director of the MHA Energy Division, Crestwood confirmed that it will "continue to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and rules of the MHA Nation in regards to its operations and activities on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation" and will continue to work with the MHA Natural Resources Department and the MHA Energy Division "in regards to Crestwood developing mitigation plans for its produced water gathering system"; and WHEREAS, The application for ROW submitted by Crestwood for the Phase 1A Northern Extension Loop Line Project has been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the MHA Nation' s approved procedure for authorizing ROWs on tribal land; and WHEREAS, On May 4, 2016, at a duly held meeting of the Natural Resources Committee ("NRC"), the MHA Energy Division recommended for approval Crestwood's ROW application for the Phase 1A Northern Extension Loop Line project, and the NRC approved Crestwood' s ROW consent request and forwarded it to the Tribal Business Council for final action subject to Crestwood's continued cooperation and efforts to comply with the applicable Conditions of Concurrence referenced herein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, subject to Crestwood' s agreement to and execution of the Terms and Conditions and payment of ROW fees pursuant to Resolution No. 14-089-VJB, the Tribal Business Council hereby finds it appropriate to authorize and consent to the ROW requested by Crestwood, as follows: • Crestwood, Phase lA Northern Extension Loop Line, to construct pipelines for additional capacity for the planned drilling and completion of customers along this route (WPX and Enerplus), across certain tribal lands on Allotments 1082A, 706A-B, 709A and 915A, tribal interest, in Section 35 of Township 150 North, Range 94 West, and Sections 3 & 4 of Township 149 North, Range 94 West all in Page 2 of3 Resolution No. 16-111-LKH McKenzie County, North Dakota, as more particularly described in Appendix A.1 and a temporary access road located in Allotment 709A of Section 3, Township 149 North, Range 94 West, McKenzie County North Dakota more particularly described in Appendix A.2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the above referenced ROW consent, subject to Crestwood's continued cooperation in adhering to and meeting the Conditions of Concurrence to address or resolve outstanding or unresolved issues, set forth by the MHA Natural Resources Department, including the MHA Nation Energy Division, the MHA Game & Fish Division, and the Environmental Department. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a _Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May_, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day ofMay, 2016. ATTEST: Td0M'f~ Tribal Business Council Page 3 of3 Resolution No. 16-112-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Consent to Survey Certain Tribal/and for the Thomas Jay Plenty Chief, Sr. Home Site -North Segment" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing tribal land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use of Right of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Rightof-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LK.H (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for Tribal Home Site Lease described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes' approved procedure for authorizing home site leases on tribal land; and WHEREAS, The applications for ROW(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the MHA Nation' s approved procedure for authorizing ROWs on tribal land; and Page 1 of4 Resolution No. 16-112-LKH NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes approves the following home site lease for the following individuals for a period of 25 years, with the option to renew for an additional twenty-five (25) years: 1) Thomas J. Plenty Chief: Lease Preparation Fee $20.00 Annual Rental Rate $50.00 For a 2.5 acres home site, more or less and located within Allotment T439A-B, within the NEY,SEY,SEY,SWY, of Section 4, Township 150 North, Range 93 West, of the 5th Principal Meridian, North Segment, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, Mountrail County, North Dakota. (See Appendix A.l - Map of Location) NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby consents to the following: 1. Thomas Jay Plenty Chief, Sr. Home Site and the Fort Berthold Rural Water will be constructing a Service Line in the North Segment. The easement will run a service line to a home site being built in the North Segment, across Tribal lands listed below in Appendix A.1 : 2. Thomas Jay Plenty Chief, Sr. Home Site and the Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative will be constructing a Service Line in the North Segment. The easement will run a service line to a home site being built in the North Segment, across Tribal lands listed below in Appendix A.1 : 3. Thomas Jay Plenty Chief, Sr. Home Site and the Reservation Telephone Cooperative will be constructing a Service Line in the North Segment. The easement will run a service line to a home site being built in the North Segment, across Tribal lands listed below in Appendix A.1: 4. Thomas Jay Plenty Chief, Sr. Home Site and the Three Affiliated Tribes Roads Department will be constructing a access road in the North Segment. The easement will run a service line to a home site being built in the North Segment, across Tribal lands listed below in Appendix A.4: Page 2 of4 Resolution No. 16-112-LKH BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, _ were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of _May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: L~~ Tribal Secretary, L. Kenneth:.: Tribal Business Council Ta~1:~ Tribal Business Council Page 3 of4 Fort Berthold Reservation .\fandan, Hidatsa & Arikaa .Vation 1\'atural R ~so uru Department Al lotment T439A·B,wi thm the NEXSffiSEY.SWJ4 of Section 4, Township 150 North, Range 93 Wes~ of the 5th Prinopal Mend• an, North Segmen~ Fort Berthold lnd•an Reservation, Mountrail County, Nord; Dako ta. l Resolution No. 16-113-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Consent to Survey Certain Tribal Landfor the Payden C. Sorenson Home Site -South Segment" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1 ) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing tribal land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use ofRight of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Rightof-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No. 15-045-LK.H (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for Tribal Home Site Lease described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes' approved procedure for authorizing home site leases on tribal land; and WHEREAS, The applications for ROW(s) described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the MHA Nation' s approved procedure for authorizing ROWs on tribal land; and Page 1 of3 Resolution No. 16-113-LKH NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes approves the following home site lease for the following individuals for a period of25 years, with the option to renew for an additional twenty-five (25) years: 1) Payden C. Sorenson: Lease Preparation Fee $20.00 Annual Rental Rate $50.00 For a 2.5 acres home site, more or less and located within Allotment T959A, within Section 12, Township 146 North, Range 90 West, of the 5th Principal Meridian, South Segment, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, McKenzie County, North Dakota. (See Appendix A.1 - Map of Location) NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby consents to the following: 1. Payden C. Sorenson Home Site and the Fort Berthold Rural Water will be constructing a Service Line in the South Segment. The easement will run a service line to a home site being built in the South Segment, across Tribal lands listed below in Appendix A.1 : 2. Payden C. Sorenson Home Site and the McKenzie Electric Cooperative will be constructing a Service Line in the South Segment. The easement will run a service line to a home site being built in the South Segment, across Tribal lands listed below in Appendix A.1: 3. Payden C. Sorenson Home Site and the Reservation Telephone Cooperative will be constructing a Service Line in the South Segment. The easement will run a service line to a home site being built in the South Segment, across Tribal lands listed below in Appendix A.1: 4. Payden C. Sorenson Home Site and the Three Affiliated Tribes Roads Department will be constructing an access road in the South Segment. The easement will run a service line to a home site being built in the South Segment, across Tribal lands listed below in Appendix A.1: Page 2 of3 Resolution No. 16-113-LKH BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th _ day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of _May, 2016. ATTEST: ~· .;;(~ T~27(} Tribal Secretary, L. Kenn"'ihH311 Tribal Business Council Tribal Business Council Page 3 of3 Resolution No. 16-115-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution Entitled: ''Approval of Consent for Residential Lease" WHEREAS, This Nation having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934, the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article Ill, Section 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Three Affiliated Tribes, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the Tribes; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, Leasing tribal land require approval of the Tribal Business Council pursuant to federal and tribal law; and WHEREAS, Applications for leasing Tribal Land are subject to the requirements of tribal law, including Resolution No. 14-071-VJB (MHA Nation Application for Rights of Way and Use ofRight of Way), Resolution No. 14-089-VJB (MHA Nation Pipeline Right-of-Way Terms and Conditions), and Resolution No . 15-045-LKH (Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights of Way, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land); and WHEREAS, The applications for Tribal Home Site Lease described herein have been reviewed and recommended for approval in accordance with the Three Affiliated Tribes' approved procedure for authorizing home site leases on tribal land; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tribal Business Counc il of the Three Affiliated Tribes consents to the residential allotted lease for the undivided tribal interests, with a rental of$50 per year for twenty-five (25) years, with the option to renew for an additional twenty-five (25) years Samuel White Owl (301U-04565) Residential Lease Consent: Allotment 550A, specifically, described as NE¥4NE¥4NW¥4SE¥4, of Section 32, Township 152 North, Range 94 West, Fifth Principal Meridian, situated on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, County of McKenzie, State of North Dakota, containing approximately 2.50 Acres. Page 1 of2 Resolution No. 16-115-LKH Dean P. Birdsbill (301U-02606) Residential Lease Consent: Allotment 550A, specifically, described as SWV4NEV4NWV4SEV4, of Section 32, Township 152 North, Range 94 West, Fifth Principal Meridian, situated on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, County of McKenzie, State of North Dakota, containing approximately 2.50 Acres. Deann S. Birdsbill (301U-09149) Residential Lease Consent: Allotment 550A, specifically, described as SEV4NEV4NWV4SEV4, of Section 32, Township 152 North, Range 94 West, Fifth Principal Meridian, situated on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, County of McKenzie, State of North Dakota, containing approximately 2.50 Acres. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: d~Secr~ry, rff=41k/ Tribal LKenneth HaH Tribal Business Council T~k~ Tribal Business Council Page 2 of2 Resolution No. 16-116-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Targa Badlands LLC For the West Myrmidon Lateral C Gathering Pipeline." WHEREAS, This Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation (the "MHA Nation"), having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934 and the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of its Constitution and By-Laws, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the MHA Nation; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council has authority to engage in activities on behalf of and for the welfare and benefit of the Tribes and of the enrolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands andresources;and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 12-087-VJB, entitled, "The Missouri River, Badlands and Sacred Sites Protection Act" which requires a half mile setback for well sites/drilling pads from the Missouri River, Little Missouri River, and designated sacred sites or villages in the Badlands; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 12-139-VJB, entitled, "Amending the Missouri River and Badlands Protection Act to Allow Variances upon Recommendation by the Tribal Energy Office," which authorizes the MHA Nation Tribal Energy Office to consider setback variance requests and make recommendations to the Tribal Business Council to approve such requests "when minerals would be stranded due to the setback provisions or where the applicant has made a clear showing that granting the variance would not cause an adverse environmental effect upon the Missouri River or the Little Missouri River"; and WHEREAS, On March 27, 2015, the Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 15-045LKH entitled, "Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights-ofWay, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land"; and Page 1 of3 Resolution No. 16-116-LKH WHEREAS, On Wednesday March 2, 2016, TARGA BADLANDS LLC ("TARGA") submitted to the MHA Nation Energy Division a request for a Setback Variance, as set forth in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, The specific Setback Variance requested by TARGA are, as follows: Name of Gathering Line: West Myrmidon Lateral C LOCATION: Sections 26 & 35, Township 152 North, Range 94 West; and Section 2, Township 151 North, Range 94 West, all in McKenzie County, ND ACRES OF DISTURBANCE: n/a DRILLING/SPACING UNIT: n/a DISTANCE FROM WELLPAD: Habitable Structures within 700 feet of the proposed pipeline easement, located in Allotment 541A-C and 541A-D in Section 35, Township 152 North, Range 94 West; and in Allotment 543A in Section 1, Township 151 North, Range 94 West, McKenzie County, ND. WHEREAS, On January 5, 2012, during the environmental and right-of-way on-sites, TARGA met with the MHA Nation Energy Division to review and consider all other alternatives for the construction and siting of the WEST MYRMIDON LATERAL C PIPELINE; and WHEREAS, The MHA Nation Energy Division reviewed, processed and fully vetted T ARGA request for a setback variance for WEST MYRMIDON LATERAL C PIPELINE and has determined that TARGA has made a clear showing that granting the variance would not cause an adverse environmental effect upon the Missouri River or the Little Missouri River; and WHEREAS, On Tuesday, April 12, 2016, at a duly held meeting of the Natural Resources Committee, the MHA Nation Energy Division recommended for approval TARGA setback variance request for WEST MYRMIDON LATERAL C PIPELINE and the Natural Resources Committee approved TARGA's setback variance request for WEST MYRMIDON LATERAL C PIPELINE. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the setback variance, attached as Exhibit A, submitted by T ARGA BADLANDS LLC for WEST MYRMIDON LATERAL C. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby to take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. Page 2 of3 Resolution No. 16-116-LKH CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th_ day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day ofMay, 2016. ATTEST: r~& Tribal Business Council APPENDIX A.l <Attach: (1) Application Package submitted to the MHA Nation Energy Division requesting the Setback Variance, (2) Recommendation Form and/or concurrence form signed by Department Head and Chairman of NRC per Resolution 15-045-LKH, (3) map, and (4) other necessary information> TARGA BADLANDS LLC 1000 Louisiana, Suite 4300 Houston, TX 77002 Page 3 of3 Resolution No. 16-117-LKH RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION A Resolution entitled, "Approval of Setback Variance Requested by Targa Badlands LLC For the West Myrmidon Trunk Gathering Pipeline." WHEREAS, This Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation (the "MHA Nation"), having accepted the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934 and the authority under said Act, and having adopted a Constitution and By-laws under said Act, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of its Constitution and By-Laws, the Tribal Business Council is the governing body of the MHA Nation; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5(1 ) of said Constitution, the Tribal Business Council has the power to adopt resolutions regulating the procedures of the Tribal Council, its Agencies and Officials; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council has authority to engage in activities on behalf of and for the welfare and benefit of the Tribes and of the emolled members thereof; and WHEREAS, Article IX Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution provides that the Tribal Business Council has the authority to manage and lease or otherwise deal with tribal lands and resources; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 12-087-VJB, entitled, "The Missouri River, Badlands and Sacred Sites Protection Act" which requires a half mile setback for well sites/drilling pads from the Missouri River, Little Missouri River, and designated sacred sites or villages in the Badlands; and WHEREAS, The Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 12-139-VJB, entitled, "Amending the Missouri River and Badlands Protection Act to Allow Variances upon Recommendation by the Tribal Energy Office," which authorizes the MHA Nation Tribal Energy Office to consider setback variance requests and make recommendations to the Tribal Business Council to approve such requests "when minerals would be stranded due to the setback provisions or where the applicant has made a clear showing that granting the variance would not cause an adverse environmental effect upon the Missouri River or the Little Missouri River"; and WHEREAS, On March 27, 2015, the Tribal Business Council passed Resolution No. 15-045LKH entitled, "Establishing a Procedure for the Approval of Leases, Rights-ofWay, Setback Variances and Permissions to Survey on Tribal Land"; and Page 1 of3 Resolution No. 16-117-LKH WHEREAS, On Wednesday March 2, 2015, TARGA BADLANDS LLC ("TARGA") submitted to the MHA Nation Energy Division a request for a Setback Variance, as set forth in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, The specific Setback Variance requested by TARGA is, as follows : Name of Gathering Line: West Myrmidon Trunk LOCATION: Sections 27, 26, 25, 24 & 23 Township 152 North, Range 94 West; and Sections 19, 20 & 30, Township 152 North, Range 93 West, all in McKenzie County, ND ACRES OF DISTURBANCE: n/a DRILLING/SPACING UNIT: n/a DISTANCE FROM WELLPAD: 1,115feet to the 1854 High Water Line and Habitable Structures within 700 feet of the proposed pipeline easement, located in Allotment 570A-B in Section 24, Township 152 North, Range 94 West; and in Section 25, Township 152 North, Range 94 West, McKenzie County, ND (Refer to map or other showing set forth in company' s application for the setback variance); and WHEREAS, In October 2012, during the environmental and right-of-way on-sites, TARGA met with the MHA Nation Energy Division to review and consider all other alternatives for the construction and siting of the WEST MYRMIDON TRUNK PIPELINE; and WHEREAS, The MHA Nation Energy Division reviewed, processed and fully vetted TARGA request for a setback variance for WEST MYRMIDON TRUNK PIPELINE and has determined that TARGA has made a clear showing that granting the variance would not cause an adverse environmental effect upon the Missouri River or the Little Missouri River; and WHEREAS, On Tuesday April 12, 2016, at a duly held meeting of the Natural Resources Committee, the MHA Nation Energy Division recommended for approval TARGA setback variance request for WEST MYRMIDON TRUNK PIPELINE and the Natural Resources Committee approved TARGA' s setback variance request for WEST MYRMIDON TRUNK PIPELINE. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Business Council hereby approves the setback variance, attached as Exhibit A, submitted by TARGA BADLANDS LLC for WEST MYRMIDON TRUNK PIPELINE. Page 2 of3 Resolution No. 16-117-LKH BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairman is hereby to take such further actions as are necessary to carry out the terms and intent of this Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation hereby certify that the Tribal Business Council is composed of seven (7) members of whom five (5) constitute a quorum, 7 were present at a Regular Meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened and held on the 12th day of May, 2016, that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at such meeting by the affirmative vote of 7 members, 0 members opposed, 0 members abstained, 0 members not voting, and that said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Chairman [X ] Voting. [ ] Not Voting. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: Tribal Sec etary, L. Kenneth Hall Tribal Business Council ~4l,;l-r Tribal Business Council APPENDIX A.l <Attach: (1) Application Package submitted to the MHA Nation Energy Division requesting the Setback Variance, (2) Recommendation Form and/or concurrence form signed by Department Head and Chairman of NRC per Resolution 15-045-LKH, (3 ) map, and (4) other necessary information> TARGABADLANDSLLC 1000 Louisiana, Suite 4300 Houston, TX 77002 Page 3 of3