The Bethel News - Bethel Lutheran Church
The Bethel News - Bethel Lutheran Church
BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH BETHEL LU THERAN CHUR CH Volume 55 Issue 10 Celebrating 125 Years of Making Jesus Known The Bethel News Inside this Issue: Pastor Richard’s Article—Pg. 2 Thank you from Us—-Pg. 3 Updates and Notices—Pg. 4 A Look at our Loyalty—Pg.5 Bethel Notes & Youth News—Pg.6 WELCA News & Information—pg. 7 Church Council Members—Pg. 8 Notes to the Congregation—Pg. 8 Scripture Readings for the Month—Pg. 8 Birthdays & Anniversaries—Pg. 9 Mission of the Month—Pg. 9 Calendar—Pg. 10 SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:30 a.m. with communion 11:00 with communion 9:45 Adult & Children Sunday School VOLUME 55 ISSUE 10 Page 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God not the result of works, so that no one may boast. 10For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life. Reformation is coming! Reformation Day is on Friday, October 31st but we will celebrate it on Sunday, October 26th. Reformation is the day we remember Martin Luther’s discovery of the good news of the gospel that we are saved by God’s grace by faith in Christ alone not by our works. Our salvation is a free gift given to us and empowers us to do good works in Jesus name! Some Lutherans and other Christians think it’s a bad thing to celebrate the Reformation because it was the time that divided the church and eventually gave us so many denominations and sects but Luther did not want to leave the Catholic Church just reform it. The Christian church always needs reforming. The Lutheran Church that came of the Reformation needs reforming just like every other Christian church. We are daily called to return to our baptism and die to our selfish ways to live as new creations in Christ. There is a new Reformation going on in the body of Christ now. More and more Christian churches are working together and this is happening even at Bethel. We not only work with other Lutheran churches with Confirmation and service projects, but we share Vacation Bible School with Roman Catholics and Presbyterians! This is the work of God not of humans. Jesus prayed that we may be one and that we are all called to be one in Christ and work together for the good news of Jesus love for all people! At Kent University Parish Newman Center in Kent, Ohio, there will be a Lutheran-Catholic Covenant Celebration on October 26 from 2 to 6:30 pm. This event is sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown and Northeastern Ohio Synod of the ELCA. The topic will be on the theology of the cross! Anyone familiar with Lutheran theology knows that Luther’s theology was based on Justification by grace through faith in Christ alone with the theology of the cross focus. So Roman Catholics and Lutherans who were at one time separated are now talking on issues that once divided. This is good news! However, the fact that God loves you by sending His Son, Jesus, the crucified Risen Savior for you is good news indeed! God’s Blessings in Christ, Pastor Richard Kidd Page 3 We, the congregation, would like to thank the 12 5 t h Anniversar y Committee for it’s tireless efforts on ensuring such a wonderful and successful anniversary celebration!!! The church service was a wonderful start to a fabulous day of reminiscing and great food….thank you, everyone, for a job well done!!! PAGE 4 UPDATES AND NOTICES Saturday, October 25, 2014 – International Buffet There will be two seatings: 4:30 & 6:30, $15 adults $6 children 6-12 No Carry Outs, limited seating, No ticket sales at the Door! Tickets on sale: Sept. 28-Oct. 12 Contact: Sue 330-758-0804 Sponsored by WELCA Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is sponsoring this event by donating $1 for every $3 raised. A special “Thank you” to this fraternal organization for helping us help others! We are looking for donations of “special desserts” our members enjoy making during the holidays for the International Buffet. Please contact Diana Wiesner if you are willing to donate a dessert. Bethel Lutheran Church is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, is providing screenings on 10/13/14. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries, which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms, which can lead to ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs, which is a strong predictor of heart disease; arterial fibrillation or irregular heart beat, which is closely tied to stroke risk; and bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit On Saturday, October 11th at 9:00 join the Ragan’s and the LoSasso’s in making Italian or Swedish sausage! This will be at the church...come on out and have some fun! Let Jim LoSasso know if you want Italian and Ruth Ragan if you want Swedish!!! In addition to the sausage, on Saturday, October 18th at 9:00 come on out to the Ragan’s where you can learn how to make sauerkraut! This will be held in their garage. All are invited!!!! A most gracious “thank you!” to Andy and Ruth Ragan from Myrna Loy Rozenblad Smith. PAGE 5 Ministry Overview Page OCTOBER ASSIGNMENTS On Going Prayers, including occasional homebound folks: Communion Assistants for October Susan Ausmann Dick Almblad 8:30 Debbie Coffin Wally Binder Jackson Diaz 11:00 Helen Bendel Deanna Brannigan Dig Coffin, Rhonda Klase, Dee Snyder Mary Burkey Dottie Coffin Cora Dixon Johnny Conti Jr. Irene Wittenauer Betty Deskin Mary Gleckler Howard & Peggy Shaw Marian Miller Jack & Susie Granger Donna Fredrickson Phyllis Evans Dale Goehring Mark DeMartino Jr. Arvella Harris Lin Henry Richie Martin Alberta Nelson A Look at our Loyalty The Church is a gift...assembly required. Our Worship Attendance 08/24 08/31 09/07 09/14 110 120 183 158 Sunday School 09/07 32 (Rally Day) Rich Neff Janet Phelps 09/14 17 Frank Sherman Leroy & Lillian Robison Marie Schneider Sally Shilliday Betty Stevens Kay Varga Jackie Watson Judy Wilson Audrey Wylie Betty Davis Shirley Peterson Nancy Kissel Arlee Hamilton Tony DeMartino, Sr Betty Seeman Steve Kirr Margaret Belfrage Carol Coalmer Adair Family Eleanor Laise Henry Stinner Jean Thorpe Margaret Habanschnss Susan Haynes, scheduling 330-758-4283 Flower Deliverers: Dig Coffin 330-758-4283 Acolytes: Cheryl Taraszewski 330-788-7637 Counters: Bonnie MacKeown Dick Mumma Gerhard Blaurock Louise Johnson Altar Flowers: Bill Conkey 330-270-0113 Greeters: Don Peterson 330-533-4064 Ushers: Andy Ragan 330-549-2376 Brian Klase 330-707-0508 General Operations Fund To cover our 2014 approved budget, We need to bring in $24,202.40 per month to our general fund. Total received in September $21,688.00 Building Fund Income We need to bring in $2155 per month to pay our building mortgage Total received in September $2,449.00 Ushers for October 8:30 Maria & John Bachinger 11:00 Ron Anderson, Brian Klase, Jim LoSasso, Don Zabel Altar Group D for October Nancy Kuivila Dale Morckel Alice Ogden Linda Swanson Chairperson Janie Morckel Judy Phillips Candi Rusinowski NEEDED: Volunteers are needed to serve on communion groups to PREPARE communion for church services. We have 4 groups, so you would only serve 3 times a year. Contact Janet Conkey 330-270-0113 Dear Members: Contact for our e-mail for the Prayer chain is Sandy Dorman. Her There will be communion at 8:30 and 11:00 every Sunday email is [email protected] If you would like to be a part of the e-mail prayer chain, contact Sandy. ~Thanks Sandy!~ Contact Nancy at 330-758-9308 or Sandy at 330-758-7796 for the phone prayer chain. ~Thanks Nancy and Sandy!~ OUR PRAYER LIST is posted on Narthex Bulletin Board… so that you might be able to send cards to them. Please remember to let the office know when any of the communion supplies are getting low. VOLUME 55 ISSUE 10 PAGE 6 BETHEL NOTES & YOUTH NEWS!!! 3 year olds through 4th Grade!! Come and “Light the Night with Jesus” on Wednesday, October 29th at 6:00 p.m. for games, treats, and crafts!!! 5th through 8th grade, hang out for a party in the “Youth Cave” basement! See Beth Applegate for details or questions….Happy Halloween! Time to mark your calendars for the NEO Synod LYO Winter Gathering!! January 2-4, 2015 at the Holiday Inn in Independence with music this year by Lost and Found!! The key note speaker will be Pastor Jay Gamlin. The theme is WINGS, Isaiah 40:31. Please, please plan to join us if you are 13 to 19 years of age…. Tuesday, October 14th @ 7:00 pm Christian Ed Team Meeting!! A CHURCH MOUSE BLOG “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 As we enter into a new season, I wonder, will God want us to continue “gardening”? There are many different seasons to life as well...some more difficult than others. The difficult seasons make us stronger and less dependent upon others to nurture us. God, however, continues to nurture us even through the difficult seasons. It is his promise to preserve us until Christ returns, to look after us...we shall continue gardening through all the seasons and ask the Holy Spirit to preserve us until the time that we meet our Master Gardener face-to-face! Until next time….. Exciting things are happening with our Junior and Senior High Students! We have combined their Sunday morning bible studies (9:45) and we are now in the new and improved “YOUTH CAVE” basement! We NEED you to come and share your time with us ! You COULD win a prize if your name is pulled at our monthly drawings! Aren’t you curious? October Confirmation class: October 12th for Crop Walk with Confirmation class to follow... PAGE 7 VOLUME 55 ISSUE 10 IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES AND INFORMATION: WELCA NEWS BOOK CLUB: What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty will be discussed on Monday, October 6th at 9:00 a.m. in the quilter’s room. Delaine DeChellis is the leader. All are welcome!! Fall Retreat: A huge thank you to Marilyn, Rhonda, Lynnae, and Shelia for planning the fall retreat. It was a wonderful, sunny retreat. We hope to see many new faces next Fall. It is absolutely a wonderful, spirit-filled, relaxing time. International Buffet: See flyer for details. Proceeds for Bethel and community outreach programs. Thrivent will also contribute to this event. WELCA Board Meeting: The WELCA Board met on Saturday, September 13th at Camp Frederick. It was decided to no longer collect cellular phones. We continue to accept prescription eyeglasses for Lions Club International. They can be placed in the basket provided next to the secretary’s office. WELCA has used funds from the International Buffet and Cookie Walk/Soup Sale to purchase 10 8-foot tables in Fellowship Hall, an air conditioner for Fellowship Hall Kitchen, 4 high chairs, Christmas decorations for the sanctuary, and had the freezer repaired in the large kitchen. Proceeds also support Rescue Mission, Beatitude House, Camp Frederick, Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, and WELCA Headquarters for World Missions. We are always looking for programs and ideas for 2015 Calendar of Events. Watch the bulletin boad by the Secretary’s office for upcoming events. Piecemakers Sewing/Quilting Group: Every Tuesday from 10-2 in the quilting room on second level, you can join with the Piecemakers in making quilts, lap robes, and many other items that all go to many causes. All are welcome! See Helen LoSasso or Susan Burgeson if interested. Attention All Bakers!!! We need bakers for the Cookie Walk on Saturday, December 13th. Your fancy, holiday cookies are needed. Cookies must be dropped off by Friday, December 12th at noon. The cookie walk is open to the public from 9-11 a.m. on December 13th. Cookies are all homemade. Clothespin cookies will be made on Wednesday, December 10th at 6:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to learn how these are made are very welcome. LYDIA-RUTH CIRCLE: There will be no meeting held in October. We will be making Italian and Swedish sausages on Saturday, October 11th at 9:00 a.m. at the church. Let Jim LoSasso know if you want Italian and let Ruth Ragan know if you want Swedish. You must come out and help if at all possible. We will be making sauerkraut in the Ragan’s garage on Saturday, October 18th beginning at 9:00 a.m. If you want Kraut, you must come and help. All are invited! VOLUME 55 ISSUE 10 PAGE 8 N ote s to t h e Co ng r eg at i on : SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR SEPTEMBER OCT. 5: LECTIONARY 27 (PENT 17) If you have Altar Flowers or a Candle: Please pay when you reserve your flower date. Make checks payable to the church $20.00 for flowers and $8.00 for a candle, and mail to the church or put in the offering plate. If you have a date you want, let Susan know 330-758-4283 Isaiah5:1-7 Psalm 80:7-15 Thanks, Altar Flower Committee Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 21:33-46 OCT.26:REFORMATION SUNDAY OCT. 12: LECTIONARY 28 (PENT 18) Isaiah 25:1-9 Psalm 23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 Oct. 19: Lectionary 29 (Pent 19) Isaiah 45:1-7 Psalm 96:1-9 [10-13] JEREMIAH 31:31-34 PSALM 46 ROMANS 3:19-2 JOHN 8:31-36 2014 Church Council President: Bill Conkey Vice President: Diana Weisner Secretary: Rhonda Klase Christian Ed: Valerie DeMartino Communication: Sandy Dorman Finance: Earl Coffin Membership: Toni Juergensen Property: Jim LoSasso Welcome: Dolores Ipe Worship: Marilyn Weaver Youth Rep: Elise DeMartino 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 All Council Committee Meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. each month unless notified of changes. All Committee Members and Associate Members should attend monthly meetings. Church Council Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. each month unless notified of changes. All council members should attend monthly meetings. Mickey Schuster Meeting will be on the 2nd Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in September & as meetings are scheduled. PAGE 9 VOLUME 55 ISSUE 10 O C T O B E R B I R T H DA Y S & ANNIVERSARIES October Birthdays 2 Steve Kirr, David O’Hara 3 Laurie Nunez 1 Jon & Darla Johnson (10th) 6 Becky Butcher, Nancy Coldren, John Kish, Scott Wright 3 Diane & Steve Kirr 7 Nora Lee Klase, Arlene McAtee 8 Gil & Nancy Kuivila 9 Lori Guthridge, Teddy Conway 9 Fred & Danielle Noday 10 David & Nancy Bjorson 14 Nancy Kuivila, Kathy Schuetz 12 Stan & Sandy Huddleston 16 Edwin Anderson, Candi Thomas, Fred Noday 28 Jeffrey & Kristen Lorek 10 Thomas Billock, Bob Rider 11 Joshua Midgley 18 Brian Klase 19 Cassie Wilson 21 Marian Miller 22 Jacob Morlan 23 Shane VanNest, Ron Kinnick 24 Ian Guthridge 27 James Coffin, Franki Noday, Jacob Shood 28 Jason Butcher, Stacy Freeman, Matthew McConahy 30 Cheryl Snyder 31 Nicholas Rusinowski MISSION OF THE MONTH FOR OCTOBER IS PROTESTANT FAMILY SERVICES Let the office know of any changes, corrections or additions, or if celebrating a “milestone” birthday or anniversary. Thank you! Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. 28 Wed Thu 2 7:00 pm Choir 9 7:00 pm Choir Practice 16 7:00 pm Choir Practice 23 30 7:00 pm Choir Practice 29 8:30 am Newsletter Team 6:00 pm Light the Night With Jesus -Children’s Party 22 15 8 1 Fri 3 4 4:30 & 6:30 pm International Buffet 25 9:00 am Making Sauerkraut at the Ragan’s 18 9:00 am Sausage Making at Bethel 11 31 24 17 10 Sat October 2014 6 Tue 5 9:00 Book Club What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty 14 Mon 8:30 & 11:00 service with Communion 13 10:00 am Sun 12 Columbus Day 7 8:30 & 11:00 service with Communion All Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. Life Line Screening 20 27 21 Office Closed! 19 8:30 & 11:00 service with Communion 26 8:30 & 11:00 service with Communion 7:00 pm Choir Practice BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Non-Profit Org. 425 Crestview Drive Boardman, Ohio 44512 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Youngstown, OH 125 Years of Making Jesus Known Permit No. 224 Return Service Requested 2014 Sent with a prayer to: Worship with Communion...Sunday: at 8:30 & 11:00 am Nursery Provided at 11:00 Service Our Staff The Ministers The Entire Bethel Family Senior Pastor Richard Kidd Office Manager/Bookkeeper Phone: 330-758-5745 Fax: 330-629-8658 E-mail: [email protected] Director of Visitation Ministry Building Manager Organist Treasurer/Financial Secretary Director of Music Our Web Page: and visit our FB Page Christian Ed Coordinator Georgette Kollay Paul Burgeson David Walsh LaRue Murray Paul Orend/Sue Mallery Marc Pupino Beth Applegate