May 2015 - New Bethel Church of God In Christ


May 2015 - New Bethel Church of God In Christ
MAY 2015, Volume 10
New Bethel News
New Bethel Church of God in Christ
Equipping and Empowering for Effective Ministry
tunately, this woman was a slave among
a very brutal people. The plan was to
control the Hebrew people though controlling the male population.
Order of Services
Sunday Morning Services
8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon
Sunday School
9:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:00 am
Fourth Sunday
Evening Service 4:00 pm
Monday ~ Friday
Noon-Day Prayer
The Marvel of a Mother
Eve was the mother of all living people
who have been and who will be. Her
name means “living.” She was the first
mother and the first woman to ever give
birth to a child.
12:00 Noon
Mountain Moving Prayer
6:30 pm
Prayer & Bible Study
6:30 pm
Pastoral Teaching
7:20 pm
Saturday Prayer
7:30 am
Saturday IMPACT Service
6:00 pm—7:30 pm
Table of Content
The Pastor’s Pen
Marriage & Motherhood
Women’s Conference
Seniors of Distinction
Birthdays & New Members 7
General Information
She had three sons mentioned by name in
Scripture: Cain, Abel and Seth. Genesis
5:4 tells us that they had many sons and
daughters in their life together, but we
focus on these three boys. Cain murdered
Abel. Eve is not only the first mother,
but also the first parent to lose a child in
death. Really, TWO sons were lost because the other left and wandered the
lands. It was through the line of Seth that
people began to call upon the name of
the Lord (Genesis 4:25-26).
The Hebrew people would soon be a
stagnate race and Egypt would have total
and absolute control over them. The
problem for Pharaoh is that the midwives
did not obey his command and allowed
boys to live and the nation of Israel grew
strong in spirit and in number, which was
the fear of Egypt. However, the cruelty
did not end, but only continued. So
Moses’ mother put him in a basket to
protect him. She could no longer hide
him and feared death would come to her
son. She placed him in the Nile and
trusted God. The sister of Moses watched
him from a distance and saw his rescue.
She even offered “a woman” to be the
nurse for the baby and Moses’ own
mother became his nanny.
Mothers have protected us in many ways.
They have protected us physically and
kept us from danger. Mothers have protected us morally by teaching us right
from wrong. Many times they have also
protected us emotionally by keeping us
from things they knew would hurt us.
Mothers have also protected our spirits
and brought us up to love and serve the
Since the time of Eve, mothers have been
raising their children for the Lord. Our
mothers bring us into the world and nurture us. They provide for us, teach us,
and discipline us. Mothers have a remarkable ability to change the world II. Mothers are Supportive
through their children.
Hannah prayed for a son for many years
since she was barren. After years of
prayer and persistence,
I. Mothers are Protective
Jochebed, who was the mother of Moses,
took great risks to protect her son. Unfor(Continued on Page 2)
May 2015, Volume 10
Page 2
New Bethel News
The Pastor’s Pen
By Superintendent Tommie A. Murphy
(Continued from Page 1)
God gave her a son and she in turn gave him to the Lord.
It was a commitment she made to the Lord.
“God give me a son and I will give Him back to you.”
IV. Mothers are Attentive
There stood by the cross of Jesus, His mother. She was
loyal and attentive to her son till his death. Mothers have
this magnificent, loving capacity, that no matter what their
children do or go through, they are loyal and attentive to
Samuel was taken to the Lord’s house when he was of ap- their needs.
propriate age and he was left with the priests to become a
servant of the Lord. She continued to support him in the . Mothers do not give up. This, of course, does not mean
you condone or approve of their sin. Many of us have
Lord’s work.
Moms that could have given up on us, but instead, stood
in there and were committed to us.
There are three things that we learn from Hannah.
1. God answers prayer.
2. We should give our children to the Lord to use Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, was born of the
promise to a virgin named Mary. The love Mary had for
them as He sees fit.
3. We should support our children in doing the her Son, caused her to follow Him in His ministry and
stand by His cross as He died. Perhaps the love of all
Lord’s work.
mothers, and its importance in the lives of the children
they bear, does in fact, reveal it is stronger than steel,
III. Mothers are Instructive
Timothy was a close friend of the Apostle Paul and was softer than down, and more resilient than a green sapling
one of his chief associates in all of his missionary jour- on the hillside. It nurses wounds, melts disappointments,
neys. Paul relied on Timothy in his ministry. Timothy first and enables the weakest child to stand tall and straight in
joins Paul after he visits a city called Lystra. We see him the fields of adversity. This love, even at its best, is only a
being a faithful friend even during Paul’s imprisonment in shadow of the love of God, and only a dark reflection of
Rome. Timothy, along with his mother and grandmother, all that we can expect of Him, both in this life and the
were Jewish believers who heard about Christ and ac- next.
cepted Him. The faith that was in Timothy was first in his
grandmother and in his mother. They were an example of One of the most beautiful sights in the world is a mother
who lets this greater love flow through her to her child,
faith to him and taught him the scriptures.
blessing the world with the tenderness of her touch and
Mothers and grandmothers should always spend time talk- the wisdom of her words.
ing to their children and grandchildren about the scriptures. Children should first hear about God from you. WHAT LOVE!!
Teach them the songs about Jesus. They should be singing (Reprint from May 2010 New Bethel News)
about Jesus before they are singing about anything else.
New Bethel News
May 2015, Volume 10
Page 3
Marriage and Motherhood
By Sister LaTia Hampton
Being a mom is an amazing thing. It is the greatest thing As you can see, being a mom is an AMAZING thing and
you will ever do, and it is also the hardest thing (next to having someone to share it with is EVEN BETTER! I’m
thankful I became a mom after marriage (God’s Order). I
am able to give my children a complete home, with a faI got married at the age of 21, and at the age of 22, I had ther, and to raise them together as a family in church. It
my first child. The unknown is scary, and the fact chil- takes prayer and GOD to make it all possible.
dren don’t come with a how-to manual, is even scarier. I
feel like it was trial and error. Four boys later, I realize, no I know it seems like a lot but I would not trade it for anytwo children are the same.
thing in the world!
It is an interesting journey trying to be a good wife and a
good mother all while working 40+ hours a week. We try
to do it all like Superwoman. We cook for the family,
clean the house, help with homework, pray over our husband and children, go to sleep thinking about the events of
the day, and wake up to do it all over again. Superwomen
get tired at times, but that’s why the fathers are there, to
help and be a strong shoulder to lean on. We should not be
afraid to ask for help. Sometimes when we act strong and
look like we have it all together, no one offers to help or
even ask if we are ok because they don’t know.
With the help of God and a strong, wonderful husband,
who helps me be the mom God wants me to be, I AM
making it. It took me a while to learn that even though our
children are birthed from us, and we have to care and protect them as much as possible, our spouse should still
come first. Being a mother is a roller coaster of emotions.
You want to protect your children from everything while
still allowing them to experience life. However, you can’t
be with them at all times. When your children are failing
in school, you feel like you are failing, but when they are
doing good in school, it brings you joy and a sense of accomplishment. When you have had a long day at work,
and you come home to that precious little face and a little
kiss or a little hug from your child, it lets you know it is
all worth it!
May 2015, Volume 10
Page 4
New Bethel News
2015 Women of Destiny Conference Recap
By Sister Kassandara Timothy
“A Time of Restoration”
2 Chronicles 7:14
The Women’s Conference was filled with awesome
speakers who brought forth a timely word. It was truly the
word of God for the people of God. Because this was a
women’s conference, it’s important to point out that each
speaker spoke on topics catering to issues impacting
women. They covered how we should carry ourselves,
how we should act, how we should dress and our very important role as women of God. What does restoration
mean in relation to being a woman? Here are a few highlights from each message that answers this question. This
recap does not capture the full messages, but pulls out
common themes, points, and phrases.
Wednesday, 4/22/15 – Evangelist Cordelia Wallace
Just A Touch (Mark 5:25-34)
We received an illustration of the woman with the issue of
All you need is the enabling “touch” of God.
In this season, go the straightway (Holy) because God
will do “it” immediately.
God’s touch will open doors.
God still Can because He’s still God.
Go for your restoration, Be made whole.
Thursday, 4/23/15 – Dr. Janet Floyd (Genesis 29:31)
We received an illustration of the story of Jacob and
There are women today who are just like Leah. They
want to be heard, seen, and wanted by a man.
What happens when the outcome isn’t what you expect?
Wednesday, 4/15/15 - Evangelist Jamel Jones
Know who you are.
Call your trouble Judah (Praise).
God has given you authority; however you must remem- If you want to change your situation, change your perber authority is earned.
Without prayer there’s no power, without power, there’s This is the year of COMPENSATION!
no authority.
Something beautiful is going to come out of your ugly
Restoration cannot come without repentance.
situation if you praise him.
Repent means to have a complete 360 degree turn not a
180 degree turn.
Friday, 4/24/15 – Prophetess Janet Floyd
Serve God like we’ve never been hurt.
Coming From Behind (Luke 8:40-48)
We received an illustration of the woman with the issue of
Sunday, 4/19/15 – Dr. Rita Womack
Woman didn’t come forth until there was a need.
Lots of us are behind, but it’s not our fault. Behind while
Adam needed a helpmate (Genesis 2:20).
doing the right things.
Woman was the answer to his need.
Behind is not my destiny, it’s my itinerary because I’m
There is no restoration without repentance.
coming from behind.
Don’t miss what God has for you by not repenting and What did you leave at home on life support? Jesus makes
letting “it” go.
house calls.
Stop rehearsing the hurt.
Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus’ daughter when the
Restoration is not material, it’s getting back to God.
woman was healed.
God has an inheritance for you that you cannot receive The woman interrupted someone else’s miracle because
until you’ve been restored.
she was desperate.
God is not like man, desperation is attractive to him and it
moves him.
Take your last ounce of strength and touch Jesus.
If you touch him, he’ll touch you back.
New Bethel News
May 2015, Volume 10
Page 5
2015 Women of Destiny Conference Recap
(Continued) By Sister Kassandara Timothy
Sunday, 4/26/15 – Missionary Doris Murphy
We received an illustration of Ruth.
Ruth’s story is of love, loyalty, redemption, and restoration.
Ruth proved that:
True love will wait.
Your reputation and name will speak for you.
You can obtain favor of God.
In order to be restored, you must:
Connect with the right people who are connected to God.
Follow the right direction according to the will of God.
Make the right decision and commit to God.
Restoration is not based on the benefactor, it’s based on
Sunday, 4/26/15 – Pastor Emma White
If you know who you are and who God is to you, it will
produce a faith response in you.
When God is involved and you ignite your faith, you can
be restored (healed).
When God wants to change your life, situation, and circumstances, he sends his Word.
His Word comes with everything you need to live it out.
His Word comes with power and the possibility of it being
If God revealed it, you can live it!
May 2015, Volume 10
Page 6
New Bethel News
Seniors of Distinction (50+)
By Evangelist Sallie Caldwell
In a famous poem written by Arthor Journer entitled,
The Value of a Mother
Welcome to Seniors of Distinction! A monthly column
“The Measure of a Mother’s Worth” he states:
designed to showcase the mature woman. This is our fifth
month of publication. We trust that you were able to read
There is no way to measure a mother’s worth
some of our previous columns and found them resourceThe depths of her love and her gentle care
ful, encouraging and informative.
The bond she has with her children from birth
No gift or treasure can ever compare
In the month of May, we give special recognition to
Her words that become engraved in her children’s mind
Mother’s. This day is a part of our yearly calendar, and
Start as only seeds planted in the fertile soil
regardless of what state or country you reside, every
But they take root so the right path they may find
mother is honored in some special way. So it is only fitAs these trees mature and face both joy and turmoil
ting that our topic for this month focuses on “The Value
There is no way to measure a mother’s worth
of a Mother”.
No scale or ruler or number can calculate
There is no equal of her love here on earth
We can all attest to the fact, words alone cannot describe
No riches or value can be given to compensate
the impact mothers have on our lives. Their nurturing
Her touches that heal the wounds on the knee or elbow
alone, is invaluable. From inception to maturity, mothers
Can also comfort the wounds on the spirit or the heart
are the conduit by which we not only gain access into but
They inspire and lift up those that are low
by which we view this world. The Bible tells us that a
And encourage her children from the very start
mother is “clothed with strength and dignity, she
There is no way to measure a mother’s worth
speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her
The attention that she shows the ones she raises
tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household
The abundant supply of affection and mirth
and does not eat the bread of idleness, and her chilIs worthy of infinite gratitude and praises
dren arise and call her blessed. Charm is deceptive,
Her wisdom is beyond what words can say
and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the
The limitless strength that she uses to protect
Lord is to be praised” (Proverbs 31:25-28). What an
The love that she shares from day to day
awesome analogy of a mother that loves and fears the
Deserves much honor and respect
There is no way to measure a mother’s worth
The intensity of her love is both precious and rare
The bond she has with her children from birth
There is no equal of her indefinite worth anywhere
Take the time out this Mother’s Day to tell a mother,
whether she’s your biological mother or not, how much
she is appreciated and loved. Give her flowers while she
can “still” smell them.
We want to wish every mother a Happy and Healthy
“Mother’s Day”. May the peace of God be with you and
rest upon your lives!
Stay tuned for exciting new topics in the months to come;
Chronicling A Generation, Delectable Meals, Friendships
That Last Part 2 (the male perspective) and much, much
Until next month, “Speak Life Over your Situations”!
New Bethel News
May 2015, Volume 10
Page 7
Tanya Johnson
Caleb Goodine
Felicia Timothy
Sheana Glaspy
Aleck Scantlebury
Deaconess Wyvette Banks
Kiana Williamson
Mystie Carpenter
Jalen Dodson
Minister Robert Bell
Missionary Rebecca Littlejohn
Lenora Taylor
Nicholas Espinosa
Elder Clarence Lyles
Janet Price
Mary Williams
Earl Alexander, Jr.
Rachel Hines
5/14 Jade Spratling
Cedric Littles
5/14 Maxine Carlisle
Deacon Drytainyoun Osborne 5/15 Israel Elizabeth Keys
Julian Jordan
5/16 Mother Annie Latimore
Antoine Allen
5/19 Gladys Lawrence
Erma Little
5/19 Ahmad Marvels
Kiamesha Bell
5/20 Deaconess Beverly Clark
Debbie Miller
5/20 Ada Ruffin
Mother Jean Steele
5/21 Teresa Cornelius
Sheronda Newsome
5/22 Bettrena Farris
Rita Brown-Albright
5/23 Uriah Fowler
Christian Coates
5/24 Milan Little
Fleticia Jackson
5/25 Leve Espinosa
Jeremiah Keith
5/25 Marquez Moore
Larrissa Scruggs
5/25 Joe Major
Jamea Woods
Rosalyn Loatman
Please join Pastor and First Lady Murphy in welcoming our new members!
Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church
daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:47
Annette Currence
Lauren Jenkins
Jeanette Currence
Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore,
to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:37-38 (NIV)
Victory Campaign
24 Hour Prayer Vigil
Call-in Information
Dial: 1-218-632-9315
Passcode: 623791#
New Bethel News Staff
Superintendent Tommie A. Murphy ~ Pastor “Words to Live By”
First Lady Doris Murphy ~ Staff Writer “Woman of Wisdom”
Sister Rosalind Gathers ~ Editor
Minister Gilbert Banks ~ Staff Writer “ Tech Watch”
Evangelist Sallie Caldwell ~ Staff Writer “Seniors of Distinction”
For Transportation or Driving Directions
contact the church office:
Deacon Cornelius Gathers ~ Staff Writer “Home Repairs”
New Bethel Church of God in Christ
1520 Little Rock Road
Charlotte, North Carolina 28214
Sister Clarice Lumpkin ~ Staff Writer “Birthdays & New Members”
Missionary Joyce Martin ~ Staff Writer “Healthier Alternatives”
Sister Marsha Massie ~ Proofreader
Sister Winona Mimms ~ Staff Writer “Household Hints”
Missionary Lisa Murphy ~ Staff Writer
Our purpose is to
“Inspire” readers to seek a
closer and more meaningful
relationship with the Lord.
Bishop Charles Harrison Mason
Founder 1866-1961
Lastly, Our purpose is to
“Invite” our readers to
participate in the mighty move of
God going on at New Bethel.
Our purpose is to also
“Inform” readers of
activities and events going
on at the church.
The Church of God in Christ, Inc
Greater North Carolina Jurisdiction
Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr.
Bishop Leroy Jackson Woolard
International Presiding Prelate
Jurisdictional Presiding Prelate
E.C. Cannon Memorial District
Superintendent Tommie A. Murphy
Superintendent/Administrative Assistant
For more information and the latest news and updates from Church of God in Christ Headquarters, please visit
New Bethel is a church committed to the saving of souls for
the kingdom of God. New Bethel is a Bible believing church,
preaching and teaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
We endeavor to share the Word of God with those who
might not hear it otherwise and to show genuine kindness to
all, especially those in need of something more.
Bethel is a church that focuses on a holistic approach to
ministry. It encourages the development of the whole man,
encompassing both spiritual and natural.
This is
accomplished through not only teaching and sharing insight
from the Word of God, but also firmly encouraging
application of Bible based principles.
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