JUNEnewsletter2016 - Bethel Lutheran Church
JUNEnewsletter2016 - Bethel Lutheran Church
JUNE / JULY 2016 BETHEL BEACON BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, 5232 Irvine Avenue NW, Bemidji, MN 56601 Bethel Lutheran Church 5232 Irvine Avenue NW, Bemidji, MN 56601 Church Office 218-444-4746 bethelbemidji.org Bethel Child Care Center 218-444-4789 Rev. Mark Kindem Pastor Home Phone # 444-8545 [email protected] Patti VanCamp Office Admin./Fin. Manager [email protected] Randell McKain Youth Director Abe Hanson Custodian PRAYER CHAIN - Day Barb Brown @ 243-2313 - Evening Judy Thorson @ 444-6944 SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:00 AM Worship Service 10:00 AM Fellowship Hour June is the month that many families begin their vacation travels for the summer. Whenever we traveled over the years, and especially when the kids were smaller, often the question arising from the back seats was “When are we going to get there? / Are we there yet? / How much farther?” Now we don’t hear those questions as often, but once in a while we hear it, even though our children are older. Long ago a similar question was asked of Jesus by the disciples: “Lord is this the time you are going to restore Israel?” (When are we going to get there / Are we there yet? How much farther?) Acts 1:6. The disciples didn’t realize that the restoration would be far different from what was popularly imagined. They weren’t going to just sit back and watch God do something for them; they would be at the ‘tip of the spear’ in God’s mission. Jesus reminded them, and all of us who are anxious about what God is up to, that the important thing is that God is not going to act in some distant, far off future; rather, God is already acting in our lives right now! And that his disciples then and now will be empowered by His very own Spirit: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses...” Acts 1:8 Pentecost reminds us that the Holy Spirit is a present reality. God’s power has been given to us all! God’s kingdom has at its center Jesus, and through his spirit we will mature and grow; constantly being shaped to the image of Jesus himself. That is our hope. That is our future. Thanks be to God. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future” Jer. 29:11 Pastor Mark Kindem Page 2 BE T HE L L UT HE R A N C H UR C H MEMORIAL CROSS This memorial cross is now dedicated to Howard, Alma, his mother and Janet, his sister-in-law. The memorial cross that hangs over the doors into the fellowship hall was originally given and dedicated at Bethel Lutheran Church, 5th St. and Irvine Avenue in Bemidji, Minnesota in September, 1951. Alma S. Dreyer She became a member of Bethel Lutheran Church in 1957 and remained a member until she was called home on October 1, 1978. Janet A. Dreyer She became a member of Bethel in 1947 and was confirmed and married at Bethel. She entered rest on September 10, 2014. The memorial cross display and name plaque were designed and made by Kirt Dreyer and Bruce Dreyer. The person for whom it was originally given and dedicated was planting a ? Pfc. Howard L. Dreyer, 187th Airborne, US Army He was killed in action in Korea, June 1, 1951. His unit was overrun by a battalion of the hostile forces and Pfc. Dreyer covered his unit’s retreat and in so doing lost his life. For his actions Pfc. Dreyer was given the Distinguished Service Cross. Consider adding a lile extra to your garden for Bethel’s Fall Bazaar. Fall produce is always in demand at the Farmers Market! BE T HE L L UT HE R A N C H UR C H Council Highlights Page 3 May 10, 2016 President Kirt Dreyer called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. and led us off with a prayer, then Ray Brown led devotions, focusing on the gospel rather than gossip. Jan Johnson is planning a Summer Salad Luncheon, to be held on July 9. This would include music by the group “Free Indeed”, salad and a light dessert, and a stroll through the garden. She invites the women of the congregation to participate in this, both by bringing in a salad and by attending the luncheon. The men’s Bible study group was volunteered to do the clean up. Refinancing was again discussed. Chairman Dreyer met with Don Drusch, chair of the Bethel Foundation regarding refinancing the mortgage with a bank. The Bethel Foundation currently holds the church mortgage. The Foundation suggests we pay off them and they will invest the payment with Thrivent at a current interest rate of approximately 7%. No action can be taken on this without bringing it to the congregation for their approval. June Birthdays Birthdays 02 June Sand 17 Penny Evans 03 Violet Suther Donna Froyd 07 Yvonne Olson Miriam Kindem 08 Cole Kindem Sandy Norrgard 10 Daniel Hoff 20 Sheila Masters Louise Wilhite 21 Harold Ugelstad 11 Alice Sadek 25 Jane Boutwell 13 Allen Evans The Fish Fry was a great success! $2,432 was raised and roughly half of this was profit after paying off the fish. Many, many thanks to all who volunteered their time and services for this benefit. Please be sure to check the doors and windows if you are the last person to leave the building. There have been some issues with this and we need the building to be secure. 01 Bruce & Sandy Norrgard 1974 18 Mark & Miriam Kindem 1988 Council member Hal Wilhite had three items to discuss. These were: 19 Bruce & Sara Dreyer 1993 Don & Alva Drusch 1953 Richard & Joyce Hoff 1998 1. Creation of a benevolent fund for members in case of an emergency - We have benefits for members when they have emergencies. Hal was asked to bring some guidelines to the council and we would discuss it further next month. 2. Getting a defibrillator for the church - Don Drusch and John Crisman are already looking into this. 3. Security - What is the plan that the ushers should do if there is a threat or an emergency during a worship service. Do we need to develop a plan? Continue discussion on this topic. The meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer at ~8:09 p.m. Respectively submitted by: Sara Dreyer, Church Council Secretary 20 “Go the Extra Mile” On the second Sunday of each month Bethel has a “Go the Extra Mile” offering taken up for local missions. Collected Offering for May 2016 : Habitat for Humanity: $ 104.00 Page 4 BE T HE L L UT HE R A N C H UR C H Abigail Crisman BSED in Elementary Education University of North Dakota Graduated with Honors May 14, 2016 HIGH SCHOOL & COLLEGE GRADUATES Jaimie Matthew Wood will graduate from Bemidji High School on June 4, 2016. He has been accepted and will attend University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND in the fall, studying Mechanical Engineering. Zackary John Seitz was born on August 20, 1997 to Amity Steffen and John Seitz (who passed away in 2007). He is an avid fisherman. He owns K & Z Tackle Company and has a lot of fun with creating his own tackle. Zack also loves photography, vintage snowmobiles and vintage car shows. This year he was on the varsity baseball team. After graduation Zack will be attending Bemidji State University. He is planning on majoring in Elementary Education. Birthdays 22 Pearl Ledin 01 Jessica Powell 05 Dean Rasmussen Amity Steffen 08 Harold Schramm 24 09 Barbara Brown Eric (Brody) Dreyer Adam Pederson 13 Jacob Gregory 17 Martha Watts 28 Katelyn Jerdee Ardella Lindseth Marilyn Zeman Anniversaries Paul and Ione McIntyre Rebecca Crisman Bachelor of Arts in English with Teacher Licensure University of North Dakota Graduated with Honors May 14, 2016 Accepted into the Master of Arts in English Program at North Dakota State University July 12, 1964 Allen and Penny Evans July 17,1973 Elmer and June Sand July 21,1954 Page 5 BE T HE L L UT HE R A N C H UR C H Church in Mission Bemidji Community Food Shelf Items of need are: Laundry detergent, shampoo, deodorant, paper towels, all-purpose cleaner and toilet paper. Office Hours: The office of Churches United is open from 12 to 4 Monday thru Friday. Thank you: Thank you for your many contributions for the Food Shelf. Thanks also to our volunteers in April - Char Espe, Karen Tank, Suze Ann Pearson and Verlie Geror. Several of the AmeriCorps youth also assisted in providing services. Clients Served: During the month of April, Churches United served 106 households with vouchers for food, clothing, transportation, laundry, medical, and utilities for a total of $1,025.50. Clients Served: During the month of April, 870 families received 58,623 pounds of food. Volunteer Training: Jennifer , the new Executive Director, provided a training for all volunteers on May 18th. AmeriCorps: The current group of AmeriCorps youth will continue to assist clients and work in the garden until the middle of July. Cooks needed at the Food Shelf: If you like to cook and visit with people for at least one day a month, please contact Mary at 444-6580. Cooking involves preparing a soup, hot dish, etc. from supplies at the Food Shelf to distribute to clients to demonstrate how a particular item could be used. (NAPS) Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors: The Food Shelf is a distribution site for the NAPS commodity boxes for income-eligible seniors. (This is a program that is in addition to the regular food shelf distribution.) Currently, about 90 elders pick up their boxes once a month on the third Monday of the month. Boxes typically contain cereal, canned vegetables, milk, juice, pasta and processed cheese . Seniors need to apply by coming to the Food Shelf and filling out an application or call Mary at 444-6580 for more information . Anita Spangler, Representative of the Food Shelf and Churches United Bethel’s mission banks for the Women of the NALC collected a total of $682.68! All monies collected will be used for mission projects locally, nationally, and internationally. Churches United “Churches United is a collaboration of Bemidji area churches led by the Spirit of Christ, organized to serve and meet the needs of homeless, persistently poor, and impoverished individuals and families by providing individuals and family’s financial assistance and referrals in an empowering manner, while also seeking the causes of poverty with the goal to reach a solution to the current concerns.” Thanks to everyone for your donations to Churches United. Thank you to Char Espe for volunteering and her continued dedication. The “I”s Have It Christmas Sale Friday, Dec. 9th & Saturday, Dec. 10th There will be free gift-wrapping! Page 6 BE T HE L L UT HE R A N C H UR C H 2016 Bethel Lutheran Church 5232 Irvine Avenue NW Bemidji, MN 56601 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid–Bemidji MN Permit No. 60 Return Service Requested BETHEL BEACON Monthly Publication - Volume # 2016 - Issue # 06 JUNE / JULY 2016 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Live Music by “Free Indeed” Come and enjoy lunch, fellowship, music and a walk through the beautiful Bethel Gardens! Summer Salad Luncheon Saturday, July 9, 2016 From 11 am to 1 pm $8.00 per person