MARCH 2012 beacon BETHEL UCC worship 4 MARCH Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Always Close Rev. Kristen Curlee 11 MARCH Psalm 19 Beautiful Law Rev. Kristen Curlee 18 MARCH Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 No Matter What Rev. Carolyn Richar 25 MARCH Jeremiah 31:31-34 Deem in Our Hearts Rev. Kristen Curlee SUNDAY SCHEDULE 10 am Worship 11 am Fellowship 4347 Arlington Blvd., Arlington, VA 22203 E-MAIL [email protected] WEB BY PASTOR KRISTEN CURLEE More Important than Sleep? As many of you know, a few weeks ago my family and I traveled to Kuwait City for a ten day visit with friends. We had an amazing adventure and I am grateful for the time away with family and friends. I am also grateful for the opportunity to learn more about our sisters and brothers who worship God through faith in Islam. Kuwait is a very wealthy country of about three million people, only one million of whom are Kuwaiti. The roads, commercial sectors and places of worship are modern. Most of Kuwait City has been completely rebuilt in the last 20 years since the Iraqi invasion and Gulf War One. Situated on the Persian Gulf bordering Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait is a peaceful country in a very volatile part of the world. Within hours of arriving at our friends’ home we were greeted with a sound I recognized from my visit to India. A call, coming through megaphones, sometime from two or three directions– a chant – speaking, but almost singing – it is the call to prayer. This sound comes five times a day in the Middle East, North Africa and other Muslim countries, reminding faithful Muslims to turn towards Mecca, bow and recite their prayers. Muslims believe prayer will strengthen one’s faith, purify one’s heart, develop the mind and conscience, comfort the soul, encourage good, suppress evil and waken a higher morality within a person. Prayer is essential to their identity. The first prayer of the day comes before sunrise, sometime between 4 and 5 am., while the last prayer is late around 11 pm. I commented that the prayer schedule didn’t leave much room for sleep and Jill said, “For faithful Muslims prayer continued on page 2 Every member of Bethel are the ministers staff & leadership Senior Pastor Rev. Kristen Curlee [email protected] Associate Pastor Rev. Carolyn Richar [email protected] Church President Dave Diesselhorst Musical Accompanist Angie Stevens [email protected] Communications Assistant Laura Dely [email protected] Interim Pastor Emeritus Rev. Dr. H. Donald Smith [email protected] More Important than Sleep? CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 is more important than sleep.” Imagine, a whole day and life organized around pausing to offer prayers to God, the Creator of all. There is something to admire in the dedication and ritual of Salaat – daily prayer. Muslims are not the only ones who devote themselves to a life of prayer. In Hasidic communities of Judaism prayer is essential to their faith. Special rituals accompany their daily prayers with head coverings, attaching a small box with a covenant inside to their foreheads and winding bands of leather on their forearms. Each of these outward symbols reminds the devout of God’s covenant with them. Daily prayer is part of the Christian tradition, too. Reciting the Psalms seven times a day dates back to the apostles and the early church as is seen in the book of Acts. This practice grew in popularity especially, among the monastic orders. The Benedictine order of monks structures their day and work around praying the Psalms seven times a day. Prayer as the central order of ones life stretches across the three Abrahamic faith traditions. We are on a journey - a journey through Lent. We walk, sometimes together and sometimes alone, toward the cross, toward crucifixion, and toward death. During this season of penitence many Christians give something up as a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. In the United Church of Christ theologians and pastors are encouraging us to add a Lenten practice instead of eliminating something. This, too, is a way to remember Jesus and to strengthen our relationship with the triune God. What would your day look like if you recited the Psalms seven times a day? If you read one Psalm, just four times a day, you would make it through the whole book of Psalms with a few days to spare. Would reading these sacred words, reciting these sacred hymns remind you of Jesus’ sacrifice? Draw you closer to God? As a devout Jew, Jesus chanted theses same Psalms as he worshiped God. Maybe during this season of Lent we can draw closer to God with help from our brothers and sisters from other faiths as they remind us of the power of daily prayer. One Great Hour of Sharing Bethel Will Participate March 25 through April 8 According to the World Health Organization, for every woman who dies in childbirth, 20 more suffer injury, infection or disease. This month, UUC congregations will begin collecting donations to address maternal health worldwide in partnership with IMA World Health. One $25 donation provides a Safe Motherhood Kit™ that provides providing clean and sterile birthing supplies to expectant mothers in areas where infant and maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the world. Bethel will begin our One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday, March 25 and continue through Sunday April 8. Please give as generously as you are able. - Art Lipman 2 BETHEL UCC BEACON By Rev. Richar & Jairo Samuel Bustamante Rivera Rappaport Scholarship Fund Update In memory of Bethel’s longour Lord Jesus Christ. dreamt of being a professional, and time close friend, Norman Rap I am writing to thank you, beI hope that I will obtain my degree. paport, who had a lifelong dedicacause God put you in my life so that Sometimes school gets hard but tion to education and community I could obtain such a great blessing. I muster up my energy. I know I service, Bethel established a scholI feel super happy and words can’t have a challenge ahead of me but arship fund which is funded via do- express my gratitude. Carolyn, you I don’t lose courage. I have a lot nations from Bethel members and have a great heart and I am sure of faith that my goal is near. May others in the community who value that the God of heaven will conGod bless all of you and I keep you Norman’s contributions during his tinue to bless you. always in my prayers. life. I know it has not been easy to Carolyn Richar and family, I The current recipient, Jairo recover from the accident you had. wish you all a happy New Year and BustaI know that it is may God Almighty pour many mante, is a miracle from blessings on you. May blessings the son of God that you accompany you everywhere you the pastor are alive. God go. These are my and my family’s of Nueva knows what wishes. Amenecer plan he has for Attentively, Church in you. My family Jairo Samuel Bustamante Rivera San Luis is praying for Talpa, El you and your NOTE: Salvador – family. I am very grateful first to God A map of El Salvador, where Jairo lives. the church Keep up and to everyone who is helping that is also the site of our Vision of what you are doing and don’t give me because all of you are putting God clinic. up because after the storms and in such an effort. I will never be Jairo attends school part-time winds that weigh down our lives able to repay everything you do for while working full-time at the there comes calm. Thank you so me. I feel very happy because of International Airport in a nearby much for everything you do for me. the opportunity you have given me, town. He is scheduled to complete I also ask you to say thank because it was my dream to be a his engineering degree in informa- you to everyone who helps me. professional and I hope one day to tion technology degree in NovemLet them know that I am very make it a reality. ber 2014. The Rappaport Fund happy, because since I was little I’ve ¡May God bless all of you! covers the cost of tuition, books, supplies, and assists with transporJairo’s Report of University-Related Expenses tation costs for Jairo’s daily travel to San Salvador (approximately 35 Funds Received in 2011 $800.00 miles each way) for evening classes. Registration $150 per year — Rev. Carolyn Richar Monthly fee $55.00 x 12 months = $660.00 yearly San Luís Talpa, January 3, 2012 Dear Carolyn Richar: It is a privilege to greet you Reverend Carolyn Richar, hoping that this letter finds you enjoying rich and abundant blessings from Paperwork TOTAL COSTS: $5.75 x 2 = $11.50 yearly $ 821.50 OTHER COSTS I INCUR: Gas$10 x 5 days a week = $50 Parking $3 x 5 days a week = $15 Food$3 x 5 days a week = $15 TOTAL: $80/week. I attend five days a week. BETHEL UCC BEACON 3 Social Concerns Arlington Food Assistance Center Bethel has started off the year with a total of 298 pounds of food for AFAC - well on our way to our goal of 1500 pounds for 2012. (We’ll need to collect 125 pounds each month to stay on target.) Thank you for your generous support and please continue to drop non-perishable foods such as low-sugar cereal, whole wheat pasta, Masa, cooking oils (canola, vegetable, and olive), canned soups with pop-up lids, dry beans (not canned), rice, and canned proteins (chicken, salmon, and tuna). In April, join us for First Friday at AFAC. Fri. April 6 we’ll meet for dinner at 6 pm at the Boston Market Restaurant (Glebe and Columbia Pike), then head over to AFAC bag groceries at 7:00 pm. Contact Judy Lipman if you plan to come. up vitamins - adult, children’s chewable and prenatal – for the patients of the clinic Bethel helps sponsor in San Luis Talpa. Bandaids, ace bandages, gauze pads- (2x2, 3x3, 4x4) are also needed. Please leave donations at Bethel in the designated box in the lobby by March 18. First Friday Service March 2 is game night at Residential Program Center (RPC): If you would like to donate any homemade cookies, brownies, a bag of chips or a bottle of juice they are greatly appreciated. These may be left at the church, but please contact Pastor Kristen or Judy Lipman before 5 p.m., Friday, March 2. ASPAN News A large bag of Hotel-sized toiletries donated to Bethel were delivered to Arlington Street Peoples Assistance Network (ASPAN). As you travel, please consider returning with any toiletries you may be able to collect or purchase these when you see them in retail locations. You may leave them at the church and they will be delivered to ASPAN (no mouthwash). Fellowship Events These are the some of the foods AFAC desperately needs. Vision of God Clinic, in San Luis Talpa, El Salvador Next time you are in CVS or Target or the grocery, please pick 4 BETHEL UCC BEACON Virginia Bronze “At the Ballet” Sunday, March 25 4 p.m. Please join Virginia Bronze “At the Ballet” Sunday, March 25, 2012 at 4:00 the George Washington Masonic Memorial Auditorium. We will perform ballet-suite works by Gershwin, Ellington, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, and Anderson, among others. Contact Peter Rich for tickets and further information. Young Adult Potluck Dinner Saturday March 2 5 p.m. | Mike & Laura’s House Bethel Members in their 20s and 30s are gathering for a potluck dinner and fellowship. Join us! Contact Janna Lipman for more information. Faith Formation Lenten Dinners & Fellowship Join us on Wednesday evenings during the season of Lent for soup dinners and fellowship at 6:15 p.m. and then a Lenten study group at 7:15 p.m. 3rd Thursday 3rd Thursday Lunch in the Bethel Library | January 19 | 12 p.m. Bring your lunch and join Pastor Curlee for connection, conversation and prayer. Bethel’s Ministry of Welcome Welcomes You Creating the space to welcome worshipers – visitors and members – is the significant role of Ushers. Each month in 2012 an elder will be assigned to recruit ushers. You might get a call from one of them — please take a turn as an usher when they call. We need one person each week. March Monthly Service Project 10 a.m. on March 24 at Arlington Church of the Brethren As usual, the March project will take place at 10:00 a.m. at the Arlington Church of the Brethren, on the 4th Saturday, March 24. This month, we have a two-part project: a morning activity and an afternoon one, with lunch in-between. In the morning, we will assemble packets of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and zucchini seeds, and then break for lunch at noon. Pizza lunch will be served at noon (please bring $5 to cover cost of pizza and drinks and cookies). At 12:30, groups of volunteers will disperse the seed packets to the neighborhoods around Brethren or Bethel or St. Hildegard’s (these are the 3 founding churches of the Monthly Service Project), where they will go door-to-door to invite residents to “Plant-a-Row” for AFAC in their home gardens or to start a garden row using the seeds provided by AFAC that were bundled together in the morning. Come for the morning, or the afternoon, or both. Direct questions, project ideas, or to get news and announcements about the MSP, send e-mail to MSP coordinator at [email protected]. In April, make a gift for Culpepper Garden residents, and another for your Mother or friend, using recycled common household items on Sat. April 28 at 10:00 a.m. (You’ll be surprised at the beautiful things you can make with ordinary stuff you might otherwise throw away.) Gratitude from Jeanne Frey’s Family Beloved Member was Honored at February Memorial Service Dear Bethel UCC Community, The family of Jeane Frey wishes to thank you for your support during our mother’s recent illness and death. Mom was truly blessed to have so many thoughtful and generous friends. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude, and to thank each one of you for opening your doors and hearts to our family, and for the comfort that you brought us at this difficult time. Thank you to those who prepared food, made monetary donations to the Vision of God Clinic, called us with kind words, sent cards, kind thoughts and prayers, or who were there for us to help with anything that needed to be done. Thank you also for creating the beautiful music that Mom wanted so much to be included in our celebration of her life. It was uplifting to have Angie’s artistry, the choir’s lovely voices, and to have hymnals so each person could sing the hymns Mom had selected for the service. We were also grateful to have the comfort of the beautiful sanctuary along with the welcoming fellowship hall with the special refreshments and flowers. It meant so much for us to be able to greet and visit with family and friends in the after-service gathering. Your expressions of sympathy and loving regard for our mother and for our family have been greatly appreciated and willBETHEL neverUCC beBEACON forgot-5 ten. With warmest wishes and many thanks, The Frey Family BETHEL UCC BEACON 5 march 2012 sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday 1 6 pm Yoga 7:15 pm Bible Study friday 2 First Friday at RPC 6 pm Dinner saturday 5 pm Young Adult Potluck Dinner 3 7:30 pm BINGO at RPC 4 10 am Communion 5 6 11 am Fellowship 11 10 am Worship 12 13 19 20 10 am Worship 11 am Fellowship 10 am Worship 11 am Fellowship 6 BETHEL UCC BEACON 14 6:15 pm Soup Dinner 7:15 pm Lenten Study 11:30 am Congregational Meeting & Potluck 25 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 10 7:15 pm Lenten Study 11 am Fellowship 18 6:15 pm Soup Dinner 7 21 6:15 pm Soup Dinner 12 pm 3rd Thursday lunch in the library 7:15 pm Lenten Study 26 27 28 6:15 pm Soup Dinner 7:15 pm Lenten Study 17 9 am Building a Home for Peace Family Workshop 24 10 am Monthly Service project at Arlington Church of the Brethren 31 5 pm Monthly Movie Night
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