The Temuka Leader. GERALDINE, WINCHESTER, PLEASANT POINT. ORAM, KAKAHTJ. AFP WAITOHI ADVERTISER 23. I Soticc.H. STOREY, MERCER, TAILOR AND OUTFITTER, GOOD FIT GUARANTEED, t F. PRACTICAL TAX AND DRAKEII f AND _ Main* South Road, MAIN SOUTH ROAlf, Temuka. TEMUKA. WINCHESTER AGRICULTURAL WORKS. HOUSE, BOARDING AILWAY TEM U K A ROBERT SMITH, SHOEING ENGINEER, f% MEALS AT ALL HOURS. GENERA& & SMUT] First Class Accommodation for Boarders. L-WRIGHT, WHEEL- AND Shop, is prefer Single and pared to talce ord Double Furrow Ploughs, rubbers, Horseand Chain Hoes, Zigzag, Diamond, Drills, Cup Harrows, Turnips and ,ys, Tipcarts, Windmills, Waggons, Spring Carts, Ac. T "TAVING built a Jl I Luncheon Room for Ladies L. TOMBS, F R G A Y ENGINEER. MACHINIST, AND GENERAL E S J. SADDLE & COMMISSION AGENTS. STOCK LAND TDlilM/ -ll London and Company. ENISLING ” . j ( . L. B / | bins and Estimates gWj/fi for all Classes of Works. Offices TEMUKA AND OPAWA, WHOLESALE /AND /RETAIL butcher/and lCyker, : SOU T H MA IN S 0 N, THOM 0 YD |> T/muka. P OA D. Residents waited upon in Town and Temuka. V NL B E Y SODA "WATER AND CORDIAL MANUFACTURER, MONTH’S CREDIT ONLY. \ Great Nortli Road, ILL I A M ENDER S 0 N, CARPENTER. B iDER, Ac., TEMUKA. YETERDfARY. U R H A M. y* Member of the/Royal College of Surgeons, (late Inspector "Veterinary TE M tAMU£L 3) Veterinary Departn|ent, Privy Council H. Gr Address ; The Criterion Hotel, Timaru. WILSON X PLASTER] beg to state that I have this clay comas above in (he Buildings adjoining the ! Leader ’ Office, Commerce street, when Business intrusted to my care shall receive prompt attention, and account of clients all monies received will be immediately paid over to them. I shall be prepared to negotiate the Sale hy Auction or otherwise of Rural Lands, Town Sections, Stock, or Implements, Produce, Ac., to Collect Accounts, to Wind-up Bankruptcy Estates, and to rebaso on Commission Town Sections, Rural Lands, or othdb properties. cln ALFRED iW WILSON, Land Broker, Ac. ADVANCE AGRICULTURE. TPARMERS DESIROUS of economising JP Seed by THIRTY PER CENT, and of securing an Earlier, Move Evenly Ripened, and Abundant Harvest, bad better lose 10 time sin informing the the probable time of requiring one or more pf bis SUFFOLK DRILLS,for Spring Corn, Roots, Ac., as all Orders arc Bookcd|and Attended to in Succession. PILBROW, J EDWARV Temuka. Drills, | each with Experienced Man. 2s per \crc over 30 Acres. N. F J. If L W S O K fades. H O M A S the PRIG E, E. PHOTOGRAPHER, I M A substance R NOLLYGOKKOOOV SSTGO ISHI HOT EL, f Under distinguished Patronage. DR. THE NEW BRIGHT’S A good (i{■ f! 1 eil-burrh■ d Brick’*. :n>d Lime always on hand. All orders promptly attended to. and delivered to .any dr mm c by read or rail. Offices : WIDTHS BUILDINGS. Ti'O'Ue Sc Rack <>| N*-v Tin \ ml. Zealand, in each month. WILLIAM ZIESLER, Local Manager. w. r|l SWIN T 0 N, (Late of the Canterbury Railways) SIGN writer, LETTER AND Geraldine. Tombs, Headstones, and Stonework of every description prepared and erected at reasonable charges. ■YGiIMGA <r l M X 0 II PHOSPHODYNE, charges. MAIN SOUTH R( T E M U K A. BREADALBANE store, NEAR CALEDONIAN THE RS RUSSELL having opej above new Store with MICHAEL BARRETT, Peopkietor. Commodious ilm is replete GROCERIES, &c., CURATIVE AGENT with every comfort and co/ytmienoe for Wislies to intimate to her friends and the public generally, that she is able to supply And only Reliable .Remedy for Nervous Ales, Wines and Spirits of excellent those families who wish to favor her with and Liver Complaints. Commercial Gentlemen. quality. most reasonable r|lHlS (Ozonic Oxygen), their support This pbgßphatic combination is pronounced iy the most eminent members of the medical profession to be unequalled tor its power in replenishing the vitality of ib) body, but its supplying - all the ersetitial constituents of the blood and nerve substance, and for developing* all the power and functions of the system to the highest degree. It is agreeable to the palate, and incessant in the action, while retaining all its extraordinary properties and surprising all Ihe known therapeutic articles of the present day for speedy and permanent cure in all morbid conditions of the system arising* from whatever cause. The action of the Phosphodyne is two-fold—on the one hand increasing the principle which consti; Attention is respectfully invited to the excellent Pleasure grounds attached to the hotel, so well adapted for picnic par-' ties, &c. Comfortable apartments for families. NSW JEWELLER of IM Y. OF THE FAMILY AND GENERAL BUTCHER every train. SOUTH A R 0 W HE |N U A, TEMUKA HOTEL, Residents waited upon Close to the Railway Station. punctually HIS Fine Hotel is F|d and offers Choice selection Silver Goods. Gold and Silver Watches lit reduced prices. for Travellers an/Yisitoj». — /a: 7 ° Business an\| GENERAL ob|;un ; AN^SEXPRESSMAN, TEMuJ ■ VS Oil ]) •!;- !. n/on H daily. attended Orders to I L LI A M J. vN. U PTON YALUA- ARCHITECT AND H( TOR. findings, Offices : Bowker’s Main South lad,2Timaru. niHE LIVERPOOL AND 1 LONDON COM- INSURANCE AND GLOBE PANY. Net Fire Premium for thf year £1,052,46? 1877 f 235,340 Net Life'Piomium, 1877} Interest derived from Invest... ... ments, 1877 ... j 249,906 ••• The net Yearly income mounts £1,537,711 to After providing for all Losses, Lxpem and Dividends, and addbm t of the Fire profits of, the year to the (serves, there rema njs in Profit anh ■ss Account, £99,106. I e ‘‘General ReservJ and Fire Re-insuranct If mid." ‘apart from the Capital) ;. now amounts t0... I ... Funds Invested tot meet Life Department obliga- £1,150,000 ,e ions now amount to 2,825,966 The Total Funds (seci vested) were at DeceuVber, £5^94,034' 1876 Increased during 1877 by 320,333 1 ... ... Accumulated Funds in hknd \... £5,814.367 December 1877 The Total Claims paid s|ieo the commencement of Jthe ... Company (including elver one. million for the Chicago. Boston, and St John great fires) amount to £14,406,814 ... In addition to the large /funds held by the Company, the public! have the un doubted security of a hirae and wealthy proprietary. Cashel , ; NT / ORT ON, ON iSOUTH RANGITATA, COCKBtojFT, Watchmaker JOSEPH and Jeweller, !.«gs to inform |the Public that he lias removed to the promises lately occupied by MR JAMES MARSHALL, and can now offer Monthly Payments. brands. STAR on* the Inspection invited. ’Wines, Beer and Spirits of the best Express to and from TEMUKA. terms. A Good Table for Boarders. Good Stabling and Paddocks. St/eet, )V. a TEMUKA, SCHOOL, HOTEL, H 'l* H 0 E i£alUE R cl TEMUKA. having taken the idmve/HiotGl he can offer superior accommodatiorn/o Families, Commercial Travellers and ali'who may favor him with a visit, and lie can assurethem no effort will be wanting on bis part to supply them with every comfort at moderate 00 T AND Ci T V A 0 momma PROPRIETOR. c J- ANDREW S, R. G. CANT. r U. PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT re-pay- and Subscriptions MENTS are due on the first Friday WINCHESTER. • Ututes nervous energy, and on the other Clocks in Endless Variety. the most powerful blood and llesh generaccurately repaired The Bar is supplied with the best brands Watches and FANCY GOODS. agent known ; therefore, a mar- and guaranteed. 120 dozen Foreign China Ornaments ating of Spirits, Wines, and Beer. renovating for impaired vellous medicine A great variety of Q&iaint and TasteIt and broken down constitutions. Moderate Charges. ful Figures, Vases, Ac. AYork-boxes, quicklv improves the function of assimiLadies’ Reticules JOHN CURRIE, Ac. lation to such a. degree that where for TEMUKA. AD, MAIN Proprietor. SOUTH Tib Concert bias years an emaciated, anxious, cadaverous Jewellery and semi-vital condition lias existed, the TOWN SECTIONS FOR SALE. E 0, E D/G E L E E, Dolls flesh will rapidly increase in quantity Toys. and firmness, and the whole system OtEYERAL SECTIONS in Arowhenua LANDSCAPE AND JOBBING | Note the Address return to a state of robust health. The IO Township for Sale. GARDNER, Phosphodyne acts electrically upon the Apply to / AY. ESSEIfAL TEMUKA. ALEXANDER WILSON, organisation for instance, it assists Great South Road, nature to generate Fuat human electricity Land Broker and Commission Agent, Temuka. Chimneys swejn; by contract which renews and rebuilds the osseous Commerce street, Temuka and muscular, membranes, nervous 'IL SO N A N D SO NS, 0HN(B R O W N organic systems. It operates on the system without exciting care or thought PRACTICAI/ GARDENER GENERAL MERCHANTS, upon the individual as to the process. It moves the lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, TEMUKA. stomach, and intestines with a harmony, R C 111 BA L m M‘G ALL UM, | vigour, yet mildness unparallolc 1 in DUNE DI N W A REHO US E, From the neighbourhood of London. i medicine Gardens attended to. OURER, MAM AND The Phosphodyne gives back to the i A human structure, in a suitable', form the TEMUKA. . ' AtG. SiAith’s, nearMr Talbot s E M IPK A Address T phosphoric or animating (dement of life which has been wasted, and exerts an S D’S H O D G S 0 N, ■i HAR LE Q/L DFI E L LINCIIAN D L L 0 Y D, important influence directly on the spinal marrow, and nervous system of a TINSMITH, PLUMBER, ZINC AND LIVERY AND BATS’ STABLES, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, nutritive tonic, and invigorating characIRON WORKER, AYood ter, maintaining that buoyant energy or TEMU brain and which the muscular system, of Te.muka Begs to TEA! 'A'- I renders the mind cheerful, brilliant and and District tVat Ijc has energetic, entirely overcoming that dull mates in 'Wood, Brick, Stone or Concommenced inactive, and sluggish disposition, which crete given. Oats, Ghafi’, and Fow'DOorn on Sale. many persons experience in all their above in a shop opposite the Bank of As Corn crushed at 3d per bushel. actions. L E VEN S G E EOR New Zealand, The beneficial effects of the PhosphoGekat South Roab, Tjemcika, shown from the first frequently dvne are. O O ILLIAAIII P E R VETERINARY.SURGEON, And hopes, by prompt attention, good day of its administration by a remarkTE M with a moderate workmanship, SMITH, able increase of nervous power, SHOEING AND elliug of vigour and eomfort to which a prices, to Temuka Hotel, Waitohx RoaJ)/ HkNUKA. ;rs left at the Royal the patient has long been unaccustomed. public share of will be punctually attended to. Digestion is improved the, appetite inpatronagJ. (Next Volunteer Hall). creases wonderfully ; the bowels become FORW' AR D DWA R D regular ; the eyes brighter ; the skin AMES R AD F O E D clear and healthy and the hair acquires A Good Stock of Chimney Cowls, 0.G., JARRIER half-round spouting (all sizes), strength, showing the importance of the BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, and Sheet Lead, always action of the Phosphodyne on the organs on hand. TEMUR" nutrition. of and goods meet eveiV train, a ■esses the maintains Finally Phosphodyne carted to any pavt\f the district, All Orders entrusted to his care will meet Istimatos Given for/Briihr, Concrete, or certain degree of activity in the previStoncOYork. with prompt attention. ously debilitated nervous system ; its •tiers left at the Royal Hotel will bo use enables all debilitated organs to repunctually attended to. A Selection of Tombstones always on turn to their sound state and perform H. H O Dq S 0 N hand. i L F B E D DALE, their natural functions. .Persons snflerTe iug from nervous debility, or any ot the BUTCHER, AND BAKER distresshundred which this symptoms THE NEW SAW MILLS, GERA I wlnchester feImONGEIIY. WINCHESTER, ing’ disease assumes, may rest assured DINE. of an effectual and oven speedy cure by (he judicious use of this most invaluable de Extensive SMITH, havi Rail}’. Families waited ing Plant, Additions to heg to ru>li fy/tj^vt'Jhcy Orders for is now able to unde supplying Dr V>R LG i IT'S PIP UP HO DYNE. WOOLS sawn /ml Ml is sold onlv in rases at IDs (id by all Soirees, Pic-nics, and Wedding Parties chemists, and patent medicine vendors Of all kinds, and are prepared 0> kike At Lowest Current! Rates with evtry description of Ccnsupplied throughout globe. the .•menial orders for quantities of Black Ac fectionery, New Zealand Wholesale Agent for Phv mid T-e;ire for bridge purpose--. and Skins purclifibcd for C<tMi at PROFFER, w CD. posrn. Mails, Siam. and Firewood KENTPTHORNE. Market Rat eg. Wedding Cakes made to order Dunedin and Auckland, Messrs, ARCHITECT. Bn nx maker. N, TIMARU B THE WING HE S T ill E OF OTAGO- ‘o.nil ( , BRICKY ARD S. BRAGcfe, J)00£) put? , menced business yjl shortest Work Guaranteed. A G E N T. Commerce street, Temuka. EMU F A on tiic All orders execu oticc. Asv) / H, AND ; LAND BROKER ALEXAN C N SLATER. TEMUKA. Estimates given fert' all descriptions of oncrote, stone, or briek work. Single chimneys, ill 10s ; double do, j*2 10s, without material Kitchen Ranges ixed to order. COMMISSI Q N > Y BRICKLAI Sa_i{qW)C< PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY no ‘-oy.'KOTSSua sas.ton opipecp-'ry N BAfON Estimates given in Town and Country ■ Office, London.) Horses, Cattle, an (Bother domesticated animals treated in disease. Horses examined a.| to soundness, Ac. and Prompt attention/ to orders, Moderate Fees. Horse and _ Cattlcj Medicines at Cheap Rates GUNNELL/pj T. W. or l[p.U OKOOJ / ; Contractors specially arranged with. ONE T EM UK A., : Country B WOXojp , N.B. —Views taken in any part of the Wishes to inform' his friends and the district. public generally that Lancashire Insurance j JL> OIiUWNH O T E L TIMARU PORTRAIT GALLERY. T Agents for AND SERVE i<: tVolico*. , ero Pet ce—THRUEraa ce Transmission Abroad for I’ublic Notices. , preserving rn Jl .d) Amnui AmmuniUrns andi Licensed Dealer in Arms and hopes by strict attention to business, ESSERY’S ll tion. AVAREFU combined with moderate charges, to ; and HOUf: Machinery of every dtescrimioiwMade U merit a share of public patronage. red. Repaired. Great South Roa|>, Temuka. •J. SALEK, order ortable Washing no- Boilers made to Maker, Saddle and 1-larnlss and kept in stock. ' Next McDonald’s Bakery, 0 N / S A L E0 AY iheasant Point ON SALE-50 dozen white and” gold china cups Self-regulating Windmills Althouse and saucers XV AI HI BUSH, GERALDINE for Pumping. 50 dozen assorted tumblers COACH. MAIL GEAR! ROYAL A 25 dozen figured whip glasses Abyssinian Tube "Wells. Large stocks of st(|ne-china plates, Host route mHB Cheapest, pl&t and she dishes, jugs, &fc., cutlery, and uss | to Geraldine and Waihi Bush is plated goods j from the Orari Railway Station -where our Original oil .paintings, oleographs, , :OACII BUILDER AND GENERAL conveyances run /fcii and from all Trains colored engravings, china ornaNorth and SouffiT j ments, Ac. BLACKSMITH, Druggctings and oilcloths, different We leave the /W;(ihAiWsii every mornM A* KA. widths M A I X S O U TH R O A Q, 7 ing at Twenty’ AtifiutesNpast Six, and U) dozen chairs, in djiflereni styles past Geraldine at Minutes Ncw/Zealjj^d. Twenty Seven, Near Bank of (J American stoves in time to catclf the Erst train to Timaru | and Christchurch. and TRAPS., All kind of BUGGIES. Parcels and Luggage to and from the BUILDERS’ REQUISITES. WAGGONS, made fo ORDER, Station will receive our best attention. g.OOO I'icccs and Repaired in the Best Stylo KENNEDY A M UNDELL. 1000 feet o.grand half-round spouting _ of "Workmanship. L eads, colours, oils, varnishes Glass, glazed sashes, Amermnn doors WILLIA M S 0 N, (best brands) nails I 'orrugated iron andlpiping Douglas pumps ARCHITECT, ENGINEER, CIVIL etc. etc., etc., ' E FRUITERER AND CONFECTIONER, GREAT SOUTH ROAD, Secure the shadow COMMMISSION^AGENTS, "Weekly Sales at King’s Yards. the inhabitants of the Pegs Pleasant Point and surrounding districts, that he has Commenced business as above, a J STATION AGENTS, AND GENERAL AND K to inform A' A Hot Pie with a Cup of Tea, Coffee, Cocoa for Gd, daily. TBMLJ Bros., Timaru), (Late with Crawford TEMUKA. AUCTIO^D^ A TIMARU. POINT. PLEASANT BLACKSMITH, CO., S * M. MAKER, HAP & R Registered 1*75) PROPRIETOR l&gs to inform Sales of STOCK and PRODUCE every his friends ana the public generally A.vj.'iri DE H. D U V A L, that having purchased the above Hotel alternate TUESDAY. op/ o) part pout pnojp shall be on his to nothing wanting roAu6[ uy ARCHITECT, etc,, make it replete with every accommodation H 0 L(L 0 W A Y. and hopes by strict attention to. the Office : Eowker’s Buildings, Timaru. requirements of his patrons combined MLKM AN AND DAIRY FARMER, with civility, to merit a fair share of pubFRUIT ! FRUIT ! 1 FRUIT ! ! ! lic patronage. A. snuooy; i(p?jj ‘sutoojp snowed^ HO W E Y Spacious Sample and Commercial Rooms. Families waited on every morning. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FRUITThe Bar is supplied with the Best •sariiKYj axYAuid gay ERER, AND CONFECTIONER, AR T & Brands of Wines, Spirits, Ac. AOL EA N STEW TIMARU. First Class stabling and paddock accomsaaTiGAvajj hyiohhkkoo yog AUCTIONEERS, Orders taken for all kinds of fruit for modation. Proprietor. . M UNDELL JOHN 0 H M GERALDINE. Jtll.OiinVMM FEBRUARY 22, SAT UP DAT, TE.MUKA. Every Wednesday and Saturday Published ; ] ; You. 2—-No. 7 jj A. BIRD. street] Christchurch Sub-Agents in the I District . C. J. Rayncr J. S. Bruce F. Grimmer W. Stcnnyea W. Rutherford F. Slee Torn uka Ashburton Geraldine Pleasant Point Tim am Waimate ~. ... HON FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEA- j LAND. lllE undersigned having been ap- pointed Agent in the Winchester d Temuka Districts, is now prepared to ;ept every description bf Fire Insurance LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Stacks insured Standing Crops re ring Thrashing andj Risks. All communieations promptly attended J. AJYOUNG a Agent, Temuka and Wochester NEW A DVERTIBEMENTS. : PRELIMINARY? at NOTICE. A C L EA N AND S T E W A KT Have received instructions to offer days and Saturdays, at 11.30 a.m. by i nine auction, at Timaru, towards the Chris-church ami Ashburton—7 49 a.m., t-lid of March Fiecholcl in Hiikatcnimea VaUey, 2 30 p.m.. and 4 2(1 p.m. consisting of 2018 acres first class Geraldine and Waibi Bush —ll.f-0 a.m. daily. Agricultural Land, being SecWinchester and other intermediate offices tions 32623, 32489, 22490, in on the line—7.4o a.m ami 4.20 p.m. two or more blocks, unimproved. Waitohi Elat—Wednesday and Saturday, On easy terms, at 3 p. n\ F.or full particulars apply to fimaru —9 10 a.m , noon, and 5.40 p.m. MACLEAN & STEWART, Dunedio, Pori Chainlets, Oamuru, PalmerAuctioneers. ston. Waimate, and other offices on line noon. (daily), South 4 p.m. ' Badham’s and Rangitata Island—Wednes- — MARCH, 1879. SATURDAY, Post Offices have now been established at Milford, Badham’s, and Rangitata Island. A travelling post office having been established on the southern line of railway, letters bearing a late fee of twopence may be posted at any station in the mail carriage attached to the express train, and they will be included in the mails made np in transit for offices on the main line and branches. WM. SMITH, Bub-Postmasler. 9.23 (12.27) 1.22 6.0 r Em- 9-8 3.7 6 49 For South. 8.56 32.55 6.32 t — 4.To.. [mi tiraßarkcd () Olwltcliurch-Dunodin train leaves Christchurch at 8.45 a.m., stops at Rakaia, Ashburton (15 minutes), Ternuka. Timaru (20 minutes), St, Andrews, Waimate Junction, Waitaki South, Oamaru (10 minutes), Palmerston, YV uikonaili, reaching Dunedin at 7.45 p.m. The through Duncdin-Christctmrch train leaves Dunedin at 7.15 a.m., stops at Palmerston, Oamaru (15 minutes), Waitaki South, Waimate Junction, St. Andrews, Timaru (20 minutes), Ternuka, (15 minutes), Rolleston Ashburton Junction (5 minutes), reaching Christp.m. TO CHRISTCHURCH. First class—single, 22s return, 33-c Second class—single. 14s 8d return, 225. ; ; FARES TEMUKA TO DUNEDIN. First class—single, 35s Gd ; return, 53s 3d Second do—single, 23s 8d return, 35 Gel ; HIRE undersigned have been appointed .1 AGENTS for his Journal Mrs Grimmer Geraldine Mr Maslin Sir Swinton Mr A. Dale Sir Liston ■Winchester Waitohi ... Air Speight Air J. King Air Small Kakahu ... Pleasant Valley Timaru Melbourne London ... Mess Gordon & Gofcch Messrs Gordon & Gotch ... 1 Weight-carrying Hackney MACLEAN STEWART, Auctioneers. Our Milford and Arowhenua subscribers can obtain the .Leader at the stores of Jlessrs A. Wilson and Sons, Temuka. Che Editor freely invites correspondence on all matters of public importance within the various districts in which this journal is circulated. TELEGRAPHIC opr easy terms Mileord Harbor.— Coming events cast their shadows before them.” The Chairman Temuka. of the Milford Harbor has shown us photoNOTICE. graphs of dredges forwarded by the Suez mail, with the sender’s request that he may Temuka Park Commissioners in- be remembered when Milford Harbor Works vite Tenders forySix Worsen Carder are commenced, with this significant remark Seats (Rustic, if tftssih lor Milford will be a port when the BreakSeats, wood and ir/n combf water will be in the never-ending agonies of Tenderers to forward plans, with price construction.” per seat, to the Chairman Temuka Parle The Temuka Mechanics’ Institute. Commissioners noi/later than 4.30 p.m. usual monthly meeting of this institute was next. on Thursday, March 6th held on the Pith instant. Present —Messrs The lowest or auy Tender not necesTildes, Mason, Mcndclson, Martin, and Dr. sarily accepted. Hayes. After confirmation of the previous CEO. BOLTON, minutes, a letter was read from the G eraldine Secretary. Institute, conveying assent to the proposed temporary exchange of books, to which the TO HARVESTERS, MACHINE Secretary was requested to reply, forwarding OWNERS, CONTRACTOR S, at the same time catalogue corrected to date. Mr Mendelson’s offer to arrange for the carAND OTHERS. riage of the parcels was accepted with thanks. Resolved that a sub-committee, consisting of the President, with Mr Campbell and the ,m preBEG to re&in incr Rev Mr Clinton, bo appointed to select, books ofi ifßOVlpared to spi nlv from the Geraldine catalogue; also, that a SIGNS at tlr further sum of fifteen shillings, in addition LOWEST/RATES. to the £5 10s already passed, be proffered to the ‘ Timaru Herald’ in full payment of the account for printing rules and catalogues. Cooks wanted to go with machines. Sundry accounts amounting to £7 12s were passed for payment, and the meeting terEmployment wanted for harvest hands. minated. THE • yc/Ithe/ afl/mndlt HARVEST CAMPS ; SUPPLIED. EXCEPTIONALLY j/OW RATES Austria ... £9 5 6 Holland 9 6 0 Denmark... 9 5 6 London £9 9 Russia 9 Spain 9 Sweden 9 Switzerland 9 Turkey 9 Portuga ... ... 8 9 6 8 5 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 5 6 4 6 9 0 G 3 6 Via Sydney the rates are 3s more France 9 Germany... 9 Great Britain 9 9 Italy ... ... i ¥ BENJAMIN/ II I B B A R D, Timaru Tea Warehouse. The Temuka Leader. ‘ ; 9£i. South Wales.—First ten words 8s Gd ; each additional word lOd. All stations in Victoria. —First ten words 9s 6d : each additional word lid. All stations in Smith Australia, All other stations in New exclusive of overland line tariff.—Same .as Victoria. All stations in Tasmania.—First ten words, ISs 6d ; Is per word for Australian and New Zealand Cable, and 2s for every additional live words or fraction uf five words, for Tasmanian cable. Messages for London and places in Europe (a word rate). —Ten slid lings and sixpence per word'; to which must be added Australian Cable and Australian charges.—First leu words or iraction, 9s fid, and: every word after ten J.ld per word. 7 ship the wool away any nearer than Dunedin or Lyttelton, and in wishing this enterprising firm every success for the way in which they have gone into their business hope the time will not be far distant when they will be able to ship their wool home direct from Milford. RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURT, TEMUKA. ; when the rain did come it was This is now proved by the thin, short heads and the thinly-stooked* fields that one sees all round. The average for this district, as well as the Pleasant Point and Geraldine districts, must be a lower average than was lately looked for. The grain will be good if the weather for the next few weeks proves favorable, but at present it is not promising What with short crops, low prices, and high wages, the farmer has his troubles. Indeed labor cannot be got, for wo know of more than one farmer who has Iris grain Ling upon the land for want of hands to tie and stock it—this, too, when men are to be seen in crowds “boozing’’ in every roadside inn. While on tin’s subject it may not be out of place to give our opinion of this difficulty. We would have every able-bodied man that is found idly loafing about any public house or other resort ordered to go to work somewhere, or take them to the lock-up as vagrants. It is really not to be tolerated the way they idle away day after day at these bars, while net only their bread, but the bread of others, is lying at the mercy of the existence ; too late to do much good. weather. There can be no compelling a man to do his hardship in share of his country’s works as others who, if they do not work with tiicir hands, are expected to work with their heads. If a house of ill fame is reported the inmates are punished for keeping open door to idlers who can show no lawful way they.have for making a living. Why should sturdy loafers be allowed any greater privilege 1 If our policemen were set upon them and compel them to go to work or to gaol fewer would be found wasting that precious time given for gathering in the fruits of the earth. The life of the husbandman is at all times a life of care and toil; the present season is a Wednesday, Deb. 19. more than anxious time It is said that [Before A. LeG. Campbell, Esq., R.M.] ills do not come singly this saying is well borne out by the farmers at the prePOLICE CASES. James Baruett, charged with being sent time. A whole year’s labour and toil in a good many cases goes to pay exdrunk and disorderly, was fined £2. Jack M'Guire was brought up, charged penses. The present prices for wheat leave to the grower a heavy loss, yet we with stealing from the person. Sergeant Carlyon conducted the case, are not sure if it would be wise to hold on. We recollect some two or three years and called Colin Archibald MTntyre, who deposed ; ago a gentleman with considerable expeOn Monday last I was in Temuka, and rience in agricultural matters saying we changed a £lO cheque at the .Bank, re- would never see wheat at three shillings ceiving a£s note and live £1 notes. Of again. This statement we did not believe, that sum I paid £1 for rates, and changed and our opinion that it would has been £1 for drinks. I was in company with more than confirmed since. We look to accused, but could not say at what hotel, cause and effect, and our experience is as I w;is drunk. I remember scuffling this : When any article runs-up to a high with the accused, because he was trying figure depend upon it there will be a reto put his hand into my trousers’ pocket. action high prices stimulate production, Cross-examined by accused : I. cannot production gluts the market. Wheat remember where I saw you. I cannot kept well up, and some were lucky in say how much money you took from me, making money by crop growing. Now almost every but you are in a better position to know the thing is overdone country in the world must try its hand at as to that than I am. wheat growing the result is that almost Michael Quinn deposed lam a publican at Temuka. On Monday night last all the granaries of the world are tilled to M‘lntyro and accused were at the bar in overflowing, therefore it is that we say we my house. They had two glasses of gin are not sure that prices have reached together, and appeared to be very friendly their lowest. If there is no demand for with each other. I saw accused, when immediate consumption the trade will be standing on tire right-band side of Mc- purely speculative, and when any goods Intyre, put his left hand down by Mc- are a glut in the market buyers will only Intyre’s side, and on taking it up immeoperate at low prices, and generally only diately put it into his own left-hand buy whoa the market is at its lowest. trousers’ pocket. I then sent for the That prices will improve before this time police, the accused and MTntyre remain- next year is more than likely, as just as ing in the bar. I saw accused arrested high prices stimulate production so will and searched at the station, when 18 or low prices deter from over producing, 19 shillings irr silver and three £1 notes consequently the markets will be relieved. The time is now upon us whentbe qualify were found in his possession. Sergeant Carlyon proved arresting and not the quantity of the land in crop will have to be looked to. It has been the searching prisoner. Accused having been cautioned in the practice of late to grow as much breadth ; ; ; : ; stated that he had changed in Timaru, from which place lie arrived at Temuka, in company with another man, for the purpose of looking for a horse. He unfortunately got a few glasses too much, and the next morning found himself in the lock-up. but could not say why he bad been brought usual a maimer, L 5 note its leading article on Thursday last its strictures upo r Sir George Grey’s conduct towards our retiring Governor are unusually just. We ever believed Sir Georgs incapable of such un-English and unmanly a procedure towards any gentleman, however much he might have offended him. That Lord Norman by showed too much party when Sir George obtained the office of Premier of this country few will deny. He has apparently accepted the Atkinson parly as his friends—perhaps his social companions and he no doubt felt wounded at the mortification of that party as such. For this and other of Lord Normanby’s evident proofs of partiality he would have much difficulty in finding- an adequate excuse. It is at all times pitiable to see men in high life and of thorough breeding stoop to such mean 'behiV' iour, which only shows that human-nature is only human, nature, even after’the most careful culture ; yet, .for all this, wc can- of land as prices crop. could be got, and fabulous promised for land for a single This season will cure that evil. It v ere will have been found out this season that those lauds that were rich and well tilled only produce good crops, to this there may be exceptions, hut as a rule it is so. If crop growers would but calculate the enormous additional expense incurred there. He was then committed to take his trial from employment of labor alone they at the next sitting of the Supreme Court would find it is a mistake. Surely a hun- to be held in Timaru. dred acres at 40 bushels at 20s an acre William Essery was charged by Joseph rental is more profitable than two hundred acres at 20 and 10s an acre, but other Runaway Horses. —On Wednesday last Woolrych with assault. Mr ITamersley appeared for the de- things will also need to be looked to the horses and break belonging to Mr G. H. fendant. besides grain growing for an income from Thompson bolted from Mr Oldfield’s stables His Worship stated that the evidence the land before the heavy prices that have before be bad time to get on the box-seat. showed that great provocation had been been paid for land lately will return He, however, speedily caught hold of the given by the prosecutor, and he would interest for the money. To some of these we will advert at some future time, meanreins and held fast, the horses going at a therefore only inflict a tine of 10s. time all that we can do is to advise street Messrs CIVIL along past the CASES. good speed holders of grain not to be outstanding Judgment was given by defeult iu the Craig and Robinson’s, and then turned up in the hope that prices will soon rise. the main road. Mr Thompson was here following cases ; —Wilson and Sons v. G. When it is remembered that from Califorassisted by Mr Duvalli, who also hung on to Dorch, LI 10s 9d F. Franks v. William nia alone this season forty million bushels Haylmrst, LI 5s same v. J. Carter, L the horses, and after proceeding another fifty of wheat will be for shipment more than 2s (id. any previous .year since it became a wheat in pulling succeeded them so, yards or up, F. Franks v. A. Pearson, —Claim Ll growing country. The other States also thus avoiding what might have been a very 2s, for goods supplied. large exporters, while the scarcity of The defendant stated that he became a arc serious accident. money at home will only allow buyers to Trotting Match.—Wo understand that bankrupt last October. purchase at low rates prices cannot imThe plaintiff said he did not know anyThe oat crop is this season more a match has been arranged to take place in thing about tiro plaintiff’ having filed his prove. and in the Otago province abundant, about six weeks time between Mr Williamschedule, and asked that judgment should there is a large breadth sown, nevertheson's grey horse, the ivinnor of the late trotbe recorder.. less we believe oafs will keep their present His Worship said he would give judgting match which took place in this district, value and by spring considerably imand a Christchurch horse named Black boy. ment for the plaintiff' but stated that no prove. As to barley it has to be remem subsequent steps could be taken in that bered it has its season if it is allowed to The stakes are LSO aside. Court. go by prices may come down. It is quite Teaiuka Park. —A special meeting of the G. H. Thompson v. William Massey.— possible the present prices may soon give Temuka Park Commissioners took place on Claim L2. way a little. Grass seeds will keep their A deal of evidence having been taken, value for some months to come. Thursday last for the purpose of electing a caretaker. There Avcre present—Dr Rayner judgment was given for plaintiff for the Since writing the above, our attention amount claimed, with costs. has been drawn to an object of pity (chairman), A. Wilson, J. Myers, and R. George Murray v. H. Hullen. —Claim moving about in our midst; such a Wood. Pour applications Avcre handed in, L 9 5s Id, wages. picture is enough to make the heart of and after duly reading and carefully considerMr Johnston appeared for the defen- anyone sore. It is that of a young man ing them, it Avas resolved unanimously that dant. in the prime of life, et a complete wreck Judgment was given for tlio full amount through drink—so much so that his very Mr G. Matson be elected, to begin his duties costs, and into Court. paid on the Ist April. leg's are shattered to pieces from acciIt was decided that an J. Woolrych v. Win. Essery. —Claim dents caused through drink. Will it be inventory should be taken of the tools and for 4d, wages. believed that this poor unfortunate was other tilings belonging to the park, and that L 5Mr14sHamersley appeared for the defensupplied by our local “pubs” to make the same bo handed over to the caretaker. dant. him drunk and almost incapable at the Plans of seats for the ground avovc submitted The plaintiff made a most contradictory early hour of nine o’clock in the morning. and two and the defendant statement, from one. establishment, and it Avas resolved We withheld the name of this poor Hamersley having inebriate, for the sake of a respectable that the secretary advertise for tenders for witnesses called by Mr evidence, given family with whom be is connected, but six wooden seats, rustic if possible, and six Judgment was given for L2 IG, without we cannot refrain from warning hotel; ; ; }7 iron frame scats, and that tenderers Land in plans for same along Avitli specifications and price, after which the meeting adjourned till the first Thursday in March, at 7 p.ra. M'CASKILL AND ROONEY’S FELLMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT. costs, which sum had been admitted to be due at the opening of the case. AGRICULTURE. The present is one of the most trying, disheartening' harvests that the farmer has had to encounter for many years. A long dry summer did its work ; feed continued scarce, and as a consequence, stock continued lean. Early sown grasses, also, were only put into the ground to die and rot. The common cereals only It is a source of great satisfaction to ourselves, as it must be to the majority of .all bona fide settlors, to witness, among other Colonial industries which are now developing themselves in this island, the showed above the ground in stunted extent to which wool scouring is beingform, to bo shrivelled up with the scorchcarried on. On Wednesday last we had ing sun. Long and patiently did (he TELEGRAMS. the seed wait for the needful- early and late rain, but it came not during several months of such weather did the sickly crops struggle for existence, but it was in many cases only 3 ' throughout. offices are open from 9 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1879. Telegraph to 5 p.m. on week clays, and from It) to 10.30 a.m. and 5 to 5.30 p.m. o Fok once we are able to agree with our contemporary the Timaru Herald. 5 In Bund ays. NEW ZEALAND CABLE. (In addition to New Zealand charges) Telegrams for Sydney only.—First each additional word, ten words, 8s wool. We can readily imagine the difllcult} they experience in not being able to sower of ; : Belgium and “ —“ INLAND. The Bates for Telegrams for twenty words or less (including Melbourne or Sydney rates) via Port Darwin and the Java Cable ; ALEXANDER WILSON, Land Broker and Estate Agent. BOYD THOMSON. FOREIGN. following are the and evidently do one feels more keenly any slight or neglect than ho does but he has failed in this instance to do as ho would have others do unto him ; he has grossly failed as an Englishman to pourtray the true English character in this instance. Compared with the extreme, civilities profusely bestowed by Statesmen of other nations—such as France, Russia, or Austria—even to tiieir bitterest enemies, Sir George’s demeanour on this occasion must appear cold and chilling, and not calculated to raise the English character in the estimation of settlers from these two years if of payment, exiAidfng Tl f#se iSecti&fls are situated near the Milforcyroad and Public School, and possess etK’ellent garden ground. They are also most conveniently situated for residences for people in business in countries who may be living amongst us. the town of Temnka. We are not sure, however, that Sir George Also, may not be able to paint as black a FOR SALE, FOR CASH, Section 174. This Section is the second north of the picture of our late Governor, and some Schoolgrounds. fronting east on the same disclosures may be made that may al er street. *jL the case, hut tbe old saying that two blacks will never make a white, will still TO LET Sections frontit is said, ing on one of/ two nM important streets hold good. One good action, in the business part of the Temuka town- deserves another, but the same does not ship. hold good on the other side if our code Por further particulars apply to of moral laws are sound. CHARGES. The raU for Inland Telegrams of 10 words is Is and Id extra for every additional word. On Sundays these rates are doubled. No charge for addresses and signature up to 10 words —ld each beyond that number. ‘ ; Without reserve. required. (2:20) TEMUR A | above date— 6 Draught Mares and Geldings QECTIONS Arowhenu/xowislls. on 7-30 •11.30 church at G.20 STEWART r auction, on the will sell by public FOR SALE, 2 A 227, 229, 244, in South. Trains leave Tiraaru for North through b AC LEAN \ For South. 8.17 12.22 (2.52) 5.2 The YARDS. AOLEAN [ & STEWART will sell by public auction, at their Rooms, on SATURDAY, the 22nd instant, at 2m., about 3 tons Prime Oamaru Potatoes MACLEAN A STEWART, j Auctioneers. TIME-TABLE FOR LOCAL STATIONS. Trains Rave Ternuka— For North. Through train’s KlNG’sj SATURDAY, 22nd FEBRUARY, 1879. NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. Trains leave Windiest For North. 8.30 12.33 5.18 rains leave OranFor North. 8.50 12.52 5.35 AT present Premier 11 10 pleasure of a trip to the above estabwere should have followed in his steps. Much lishment, and must confess that we at the amount of work done by surprised rather would we liked to have seen Sir the spirited and energetic proprietors, and George burying the past, end shaking the very superior way in which the wool hands in the most cordial manner over a is scoured, but this is accounted for by wide experience Mr M'Caskill glass of champagne to the good old the very has had in the business, lie being so thoroughly conversant with the temperaremembering that thej r are both old men, ture of water required for the preparation and may not possibly meet again on of the woo], and being fortunately posearth. It is a sad feeling to carry about sessed of one of the finest streams of soft About twenty water in New Zealand. with us a feeling of ill-will. Leaders of men are at present employed in the diffebe unblamshould of all men the people rent branches, the majority being engaged able in their character and conduct if they where the wool is washed. Mr M'Caskill expect the people to have confidence iu informs us that he finds tiio water heated to a temperature of 10 deg. best adapted them. We agree with the Herald’ that for fleece wool, and not less than 120 deg. this colony is too chivalric a race to favor for skin wool. He is at the present time such demonstrations of weakness as our scouring over 35 bales per week, besides Premier exhibited the other day. It may being busily engaged in the preparation of t'm purpose of which the firm be that the public does not know all, but basils, for have had constructed a large dock, capable until such time as they do know of some of holding over 1000 skins. Three skingreater cause than they do now, they pullers are., always at work in this must hold Sir George guilty of a gross branch of the business, and the sweatskins. slight io Loyalty itself and we do hope house is consrantly stocked with The firm have lately received a letter the head of the Government will lose no from a London wool broker stating that time in putting himself right. To say their scoured woo! found the best sale in that the Premier does not know better the London markets. We may also menwould be to say what is not true. No tion that Messrs M'Caskill and Looney have received live first prizes from the one knows better what is expected from Northern Agricultural and Timaru Agrithose in authority than Sir George Grey, cultural Associations for their scoured not but regret that the 9 Mails close at Ternuka as fo’lows Milford -Wednesdays and Silnrdays, SATURDAY, F'EBKU AMY 22, 1879 - MAIL NOTICE. LEADER, keepers that if wo witness such a scene again we will immediately lay information against that bouse, and do all wo can to have the license removed from them at once for such conduct. They are well known to us, and we say they ought to be ashamed of themselves to supply drink to such an object of misery. That business certainly is irot an honorable one that lives on the fool’s pence of such a wretclr, but if they have no sense of justice, wo. will see if others have not. What are our police doing to allow such transactions to take place in open day, and before most people are out of bed in tiro morning ? The condition of the city poor is something appalling. In Venice there were, in 1870, 35,728 paupers, eighteen times the 1111111061' there were last century, 13.000 more than in 1860, and 2000 more than in 1867. In the pearl factories of the Queen of the Adriatic” workmen are paid from 26 to 30 centimes per day, while the average earnings of the 900.000 Lombardian female flax-spinners is only one franc per week ! The Melbourne ‘Daily Telegraph’ of the 28rd says t c< The depreciation of property and impoverishment of labors, which is special to Victoria, must be caused by yurely local and artificial causes. Drought, rust, dearness of money, and the paralysis of trade, which is affecting the whole commercial world, has been felt in New South Wales, South Australia, and Queensland, as much as in Victoria. Yet in none of these colonies is there a fall in the value of real property, of from 50 to 70 per cent. In none is trade so bad that insolvencies are becoming chronic ; that employment is shrinking, and labor augmenting. In none are arc there gatherings of unemployed, or a constant stream of emigration of those who are not too impoverished to escape from the colony. In none is the domi- TEMUKA THE ,[Rrom Exchanges.] Mr Parkes unwed a Bill in the New South Wales Parliament to outlaw the Kellys, and punish their accomplices. He stated that joint action had been taken with Victoria for the arrest of the Kellys, but the arrange- ments were secret. The New South "Wales Goverment offers a reward of £3OOO and the Banks £IOOO for the capture of the Kellys. Victoria offers a similar amount, making a total of £BOOO. Numbers are proceeding to the border. In the Assembly last night Sir Henry Parkes continued the statement as to an in- creased reward being offered for the capture of the Kellys. He intimated that the Government woidd probably ask the Assembly and Council to suspend the Standing Orders to Pass the Outlawry Bill in one sitting. The brig Raymond, from Newcastle to Timaru, with coal, has been wrecked on Cape Howe. She sprang a leak and ran ashore. Three lives were lost. A diamond tiara valued at four hundred guineas lias been presented to Lady Bowen. The English Eleven, without the professionals, beat the Bohemian Fifteen in one innings, and won the match by 255 against 228. The Englishmen will not play another game in Sydney. The Garonne’s news confirms the Zulu disaster, but removes anxiety for Hie safety of Natal. The British reinforcements occupied the field aipong their dead comrades, and the Zulus were held in restraint. The British vainly fought with desperate valour. Twenty-live thousand Zulus swooped down on them. The Governor laid the foundation stone of the Sydney International Exhibition. A boat-load of pleasure-seekers frollicking on the Avon, Christchurch, on Wednesday last, were upset, and got a sound ducking, and but for a passing boat would have resulted fatally, as two of the number wore women and another a baby. The water was deep and swift at the spot. The interior Canterbury railway is to be commenced at once, instructions having been given the Railway Engineer to begin the earthwork on the Temuka-Rangitata and Oxford-Malvern sections. By the recent San Francisco mail the Railway Department has received advices of the shipment of fifty additional sets of iron work for roadside wagons, per G. B. S., from London. These wagons are intended for the Christchurch section, and as the vessel sailed on the 12 December, she may be expected to arrive in the course of two or three weeks. The Governor declined the invitation of •* — nant political party so ruthless, so rapa- vindictive as to threaten broken flaming houses to all who thwart them in their career.’^ Dr R. D. Unger, of Minnesota, writes to the ‘ New York Sun’“ In times past you have published numerous articles On the cure of drunkenness ; but none of them, as far as I have been able to discover, have resulted in relieving the victim they intended to benefit. With your permission, I will now give to the world-, through the ‘Sun,’ a sure and speedy cure for drunkenness-a cure that has been tried frequently, and always successfully. Let the inebriate—it matters not whether he is just getting off, beginning it, or is on a spree—begin by taking every two hours one drachm (teaspoonful) bf tincture of cinchona (Peruvian bark). This will make him feed good. He can increase the dose to six drachms (teaspoonfuls) without any clanger, and take in that proportion four to ten times-a cious, heads day. so and It will not destroy his appetite for food. In the course of a few days the anti-pcriodic properties begin to -tell, and he loses not only all taste for the tincture, but also for everything in the way of the Mayor and Councillors of Port Chalmers alcohol. Recently in this city a wellknown gentleman—who has, in times to lunch at Dodson’s Hotel there. The execution of "Walsh, for the murder past, been on his 500 dols. and lOOOdols. sprees—tried this remedy, telling the of his wife at Waikawa, took place on "Wed- nesday morning, in the precincts of the gaol. Shortly after seven o’clock "Walsh was brought from His cell into the reception-room of the gaol, and there pinioned by the executioner, a little under-sized Jew. who wont about the work in a most business-like way, and displayed great coolness. Walsh made no statement. On the pinioning being completed, "Walsh was escorted to the place of various druggists where he drank it that he was fighting, and would conquer, the .greatest demon on earth, but they .could hardly believe him. Yet he conquered, and the appetite for drink vanished. He was never nervous, never lost his appetite or sleep during the siege, and came out of the ordeal in perfect health. During the time the fever lasted I gave him two or three doses of simple medicine for his general health, but the tincture did the business. This case can he verified by the proprietors of seven of our drug stores. So well satisfied am I of the value of the treatment, that I will guarantee a cure in all cases, using this remeclv alone. execution, attended by Father Higgins. He walked slowly, hut without the slightest apparent trepidation, round the courtyard to the scaffold, the steps of which he ascended unaided. The service used on these occasions was performed by Father Higgins, Walsh making the responses in an audible, firm, though rauflled tone of voice. Presently the white cap was put on, and the executioner having adjusted the halter, went below to his station. Prayers were continued ; the Holloway’s Pills. —The Liver, the hangman, at a signal from-the Sheriff, drew the bolt. There was a slight click, which Stomach, and their Ailments.—Alternatold those outside that all was over. Heath, tions of temperature, muggy weather, a troubled mind, sedentary iiabits, excesses however, seemed to ha\ e taken place simulof the table, and a gay, reckless mode of taneously with the drop, as only a few convulsive movements for perhaps two or three life exert the most deleterous influence over the liver and stomach. Whence minutes took place. At a reaper and binder competition at once these organs are fairly out of order, Tokomairiro on Thursday, the result was —• great inroads are quickly made on the McCormick's, 95 points ; Wood’s, 80 points : general state of the health ; the constituMarsh’s, 75 points. The Osborne was with- tion, which has deprived of two of drawn. its noblest organs, soon gives way. and The Government of Brisbane have sent diseases quickly follow, from which, if instructions to the Agent-General to stop neglected, the worse consequences will emigration from the Continent of Europe, inevitably result. If a course of Hollo and to reduce the British emigration by oneway's celebrated Pills be persevered in, third. will be well again, as they are the The blacks continue to be troublesome in all finest and noblest correctives of the blood Queensland. News has just been received of ever known, and a certain cure for all the murder of four Europeans on the Bourke disorders of the liver and stomach. liver. At "Westport, on Thursday last, the wife of Charles Sibrie, alias Yankee Charlie, gave information to Constable Callaghan sufficient THE STAR IN THE EAST. to warrant the arrest of Sibrie for the murder of Thomas Costello, at Boatman’s Creek, Reefton, in 1872. At the time of the murder Where is the Child to Israel given, Sibrie and another were tried, but discharged. King of the Jews, the sent of heaven Sibrie and Ids wife have been quarrelling To worship him we come from far, lately. Mrs Sibrie’s statement to the police For in the East we have seen His star. goes to show that Sibrie struck Costello on the head with an augur, then rifled his All ye who watch through this dark night pockets of several bank notes, put the body For the first dawn of morning light, in a canvas bag, and removed it to a hole Rejoice ! the rising Sun is near, made by an uprooted tree. In the morning His star doth in the East appear. he shifted it into a culvert, but hearing that a search was to bo made, he again removed Christ as the Sun to rule the day the body back to the bole in which he had Shall soon His glorious beams display But happy they who from afar placed the body previously. The Jcircum? ; stantial evidence against Sibrie has always been strong. The ‘ First hail him as the Morning Star. An Angel—lntercessor—Star, Evening Echo’ (an Ashburton Before God’s presence—hid—afar paper) says :—ln the nineteenth century, when we are all engaged in the insidious pursuit of the mighty dollar, a case of commercial liberality commends itself to our senses, not alone for its munificence but also for its sweet rarity. One of our landed aristocracy (as I wish to do him unqalified honor I might reveal his name —Allen M'Lean) has, in consideration of the poor season, reduced the rents of his tenants from ,50s to 15s per acre. Mr M‘Lean has taken the initiative in a course which will be highly appreciated by those directly benefited, and which I hope to see largely imitated by wealthy landlords occupying similar positions. A story is sent to me (writes Atlas,” in the ‘World’), about the late Mr M'N’ab, Curator of the Edinburgh Botanical Gardens. When Dubufe’s celebrated paintings of Adam and Eve were on exhibition, Mr M‘Nab was taken to see them, and was ashed for his opinion. I think no great things of the painter,” Why, man, said the great gardener. Eve’s temptin’ Adam tvi’ a pippin of a variety that wasna known until aboot twinty years ago !” As genuine a bit of (riticism as that of the farmer who told George Morland that he had never seen eight little pigs feeding without c of them having his feet in the trough. Morland altered the picture. Professor Yillari, as au intimate friend of Garibaldi, declares in his lately published work in Italy, that tiro day laborers in Apulia work fourteen hours a day for 30 centimes, or about Sd. lu Milan tire laborers arc treated worse tlran dogs.” Signor Cardani, Director of the Lombardian Agricultural Institute, considers the peasants in Lombard}’ tbo poorest and most wretched of all laborers. The women at thirty-five look sixty, and peonle the vonre: in this world of misery.” In the unseen—with God alone Within the vail —He long hath gone. Dismal and dark the night has been, Athwart the gloom no Star was seen, No star lias shed its cheering ray, To herald the approach of day. Bub now—before the Sun arise, The Morning Star gladdens our eyes, We see him now, as Angel stand, The smoking censer in His hand. As Angel—Star, we see Him, —Where ? Wher’er he nears a house of prayer O’er which an angel doth preside, Christ’s Messenger, His saints to guide. - “ “ “ Wher’er we see an Angel stand, The incense rising from his hand, The Morning Star our sadness cheers, Christ in His Messenger appears. Come ! let us then who see this Star— Like the wise men who came from far, Our grateful offerings haste to bring, And hail Him as the coming King. Bring gold, truth, doctrine, pure as heaven From God, through His apostles given, And Him adore with his own light, Through the seven Elders beaming bright. * “ Frankincense bring, and fill the hands Of Him who at the Altar stands ; From dead and living let the cry Ascend before the throne on high. Bring, Myrrh,—even sorrows bitter tear, Not that wrung out by trials severe, But droppings from the heart which flow, Like Thine, O Jesus, in Thy woe. Bring Gold —bring Myrrh—Frankincense bring, And worship Him —the coming King, Who bath its led—th'as from afar To His ova mvsci'cr by ibo. kitar. THE Having spoken and written so frequently and distinctly on the education question, it is not now necessary for ns to write many words on the subject. You know your duty in this matter, and we are happy to he able to testify that you have bravely and nobly cone it. It only remains for us, then, to exhort you to persevere and to be prepared to •snys: —“ the future, if necessary, even greater sacrifices than you haA e hitherto r made. The faith of your children, your salvation, are at stake. Secularism is determined, if you permit it, to destroy Christianity, make men forget or own ignore God and their own eternal destiny. Its obiects is the unchristianising of the world, and the Teintvoduction of Paganism. Be not deceived by the sophistry and hypocritical professions of its •advocates. We are hound to be Christians and Catholics above all other things, and we should never forget the words of our Divine Redeemer, He that is not with me is against me.’ All Government schools in these dioceses are godless and hostile to the Catholic Church. Catholics cannot frequent them without exposing themselves to grievous dangers Of these to their faith and morals. schools, therefore, Catholics cannot avail themselves, except in cases of very great and when—such necessity necessit} being supposed —every possible precautions is taken to ward off all danger’s to faith and morals. Parents and guardians should bear in mind that they are responsible for the children uuder their charge, and' often reflect on these words of the Apostle 4 He that neglects his own, particularly those of his own house hold, has lost the faith and has become worse than an infidel ;’ and again on these words of our Divine Master : What will it avail a man to gain the whole world if he lose his own soul, or what will a man give in exchange for his soul V We therefore most earnestly exhort all to exert themselves to establish and maintain efficient Catholic schools wherever it is possible to do so ; and we call upon the clergy—who, indeed have not been wanting in this matter—to exert themselves with the greatest zeal and perseverance in the great cause of Catholic education. Nothing but Catholic education can save the rising generation from the baneful influence of the infidel systems of education so characteristic of this century -and so fashionable in this Colony,” A. M. Bailey, of Paris, has (according to Nature’) invented an electric spark pen which possesses some points of interest, If a sheet of thin paper is attached to a plate of copper or zinc, it is stated that an engraving may ho made with extraordinary facility by means of ‘ r , ; £ j I i ‘ Lorff machine is attached to the plate atid the other to the upper end of the pen current will ran through, and in drawing tlie paper is perforated. When the drawing is finished, ink is laid on with an ordinary roller, and the greasy fluid penetrates through the holes. The plate is then plunged in water, which detaches the paper, and it is ready for immersion in the acid. The advantage claimed for this method is that the artist does all parts of his work, and has no more trouble than if he were working with an ordinary pencil. He can even work in a dark room without any other light than the glare from the induction spark. The Bishop of Manchester, preaching at Eccles, said that people began to think, not so much in the days of prosperity, when trade was brisk and money was coming in fast, but when trade was dull and we were obliged to open soupkitchens. When adversity overtook us, then in a foolish and superstitious way we said an extra prayer or two, and God by some ex■ thought to propitiate ternal ceremonies ; for Christianity had degenerated from its early spirit. Instead of learning righteousness, and doing what was right'to their fellow men, and acting upon principles that would restore confidence—-for it was the utter loss of confidence that had broken down and depressed trade—men turned to their superstitions, and they muttered ■prayers, forgetting that the prayers of a wicked people were an abomination. Any clergyman of the Church of England in these days who ventured to speak as plainly as Isaiah did would be said • either to-be preaching politics or to he saying a good many things which were extremely uncomfortable for a great mass of the congregation to hear. We were now passing though our discipline, and the sooner we recognised it for ourselves the better. It was a severe and painful discipline, affecting all classes, and it was well that it should affect all classes, for all needed it. Such things -as intemperance, dishonesty, falsehood, luxury, and licentiousness were the causes of disaster and decline and ruin to any nation. The San Francisco correspondent of the Dunedin Times ’ writes as folI need not shock your readers lows: by any recital of crimes this month, although I have only'too much material at hand. Men and women appear to have given themselves wholly over to the devil. The cool way in which!he murder ./is planned, the cruel mode of execution, Tie paltry excuse or consideration m defence, would astound any one rimed to such details. In this mean society is certainly revt a rapid pace. The other I cattle-herders in Nebraska with two farmers. They Po arrest the farmers as Jfe and in the fight one man JT It was a fight for life for the ySpy farmers. They were taken by ‘ —“ ' ?, ; ; “ •' rode by Glenn’s house, and the latter mount*} his horse and followed. Ruling up beside the Mexican, Glenn grabbed him by the throat. Both held their pistols in their hands and both fired. Glenn’s weapon sent three bullets crashing through his antagonist’s breast, and temple. The shots were fired at such close range that the flesh was burnt. The two men were found upontheground, locked in deadly embrace. Estrada’s head was pulled under Glenn’s left arm. while the fingers clutched the hand with the desperation of death. In-a letter to a friend, dated Pietermaritzburgh, Natal, November 4, Sir Bartle Frere writes :—“ There can be no doubt that there is a great empire in the future between the Cape of Storms and Gardafui I wish you could aave come on here and seen what part the southern provinces of such an empire promise to play hereafter. It is not easy to make a great fortune out here in a few years, but a as in Australia or America bare subsistence is so easily got, and one so comfortable, that the less ambitious are soon content, and cease to work energetically, Hence the danger of a large proportion of the white population falling into a state of easy-going lotus-, eating epicureanism. But the northern races thrive here as the Kaffirs, who are quite the finest race physically on this cast coast of Africa. But they require ruling. An Arab conquest would bo a groat help, and still better a Scotch immigration. But even now there are I hope, the elements of a great dominion which, under the Crown of England, may be greater and more progressive than either Australia or America. We have here many tidings that are wanting there. The Dutch are naturally Conservatives ; the natives may become an excellent labour class, and there is little of the rowdy or Communist element. There are plenty ■ of good public men, quite equal to all the requirements of self-government. The unsettled native questions, the vast distances, the scattered population, and the local prejudices are the obstacles to progress and if I have done something to remove them I shall not regret my dreary seven months in the barracks at King William’s Town last year, or my even equally unexpected detention here this year.” We (‘N. B Agriculturist’) learn that in order to improve the breeding, and encourage the proper training of sheep clogs in the northern counties of England, the Earl of Bectivc is taking an active part in the movement, that has for its object the formation of an association entitled The Northern Counties’ Sheep Dog-trial Association,” which will organise a gathering each autumn at some convenient place selected by the managing committee. It is proposed that annual subscribers el two guineas will bo patrons of the association. How many persons would you think were drowned in the inland waters of England and Wales during the year ? We see inquests every day in the papers. They are so freqent that they are hardly noticed. Yet most people will be surprised to discover that nearly 2700 persons are drowned in our rivers, canals, or lakes. Of these the majosity are lost in rivers, about one-third as many in the canals, and 600 in lakes and ponds. And pet children are so seldom taught to swim. “ “ ; “ 4000 4-, 6-, and 8-tooth Merino Wethers, delivered at Silverstream 1800 full-mouth Merino Wethers, delivered at Mackenzie Country 2700 4- and G-tooth Merino Wethers, delivered at Rangitata 300 cross-bred ewes, full-mouth, delivered at Otaio 420 cross-bred Ewes, 2-, 4-, and Gtootb, delivered at Pleasant STEWART. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. FIRST-CLASS AGRICULTURAL FARM. 676 676 -' Point 1500 f-bred Ewes, full mouth, delivered at Otaio 2000 |-bred Ewes, full-mouth, delivered at Temuka 500 f-bred Ewes, 4-, 6-., and 8-tooth, delivered at Rangitata 3000 |-bved Ewes, 2- and 4-tooth, delivered at Temuka 1200 i-hred Ewes and Wethers, 2tooth, delivered at Temuka THE UNDERSIGNED Terminstructed arc by Mr P. McShaue to Sell by Private Treaty the unexpired of Lease of his Farm on the Geraldine road, about 27 miles from the Winchester Railway Station. The Farm comprises—- -67G Acres excellent Land, of which 150 acres are Stubble first crop, 4,00 acres English Grass after Turnips and one crop, and 12G acres magnificent surface-sown pasture. 35 pure Romney Ewes, 2-tooth and upwards, delivered at Temuka 400 §-brcd Lambs, delivered at Rangitata 70 Lincoln Rams, 2-tooth, by imported Rams 25 Lincoln Rams, 2-tooth, by imported Rams 20 Lincoln Rams, 4-tooth, by imported Rams 25 Leicester Rains, 2-tooth, by imported Rams 30 Leicester Rains, 4-tooth, by imported Rams MACLEAN AND STEWART, Auctioneers. This valuable Property is subdivided by live fences into 8 Paddocks, and in all of them there is a permanent supply of water. Improvements in addition to fences are a Five-roomed House, Sevenstall Stable, Wooished, Grainery, Stockyards, Dairymen’s Hut, &c. The Term of Lease is 9£ years, and the annual rental nominal. Also, 424 424 FREEHOLD, Being R.S. 31,656, situate 2 miles from the Waiho Railway Station, on the sea side of the railway, and 7 miles from Wairaatc. This very desirable block of Land is all fenced. There are 230 Acres in Wheat and Oat Stubble (first crop), the balance fallow. To Farmers, Speculators, and others, the above Properties offer a rare opportunity for investment. Full particulars from THE South Cmsre Club will give, yntil SHILLING fo CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S BARGAINS FOR ALL. P S W FIRST PORTAB - nearly new. 8-Horse-power SS cc EDWAR W P m / FT CLEARING H3 w tel GC ■H3 > TEAS, SUGARS, AND ALL GROCERIES GREATLY HH REDUCED. W tel g cl W W W m t ■joioaa ROTHERHAM HOUSE. H A K R 0 P, AND PROPRIETORS JgEG : to THANK their FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS for the Large Amount PATRONAGE ACCORDED TO THEM, And (Trust that, by keeping Goods of the BEST QUALITY, at the Lowest Rato they will merit their continued support. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Their SPRING GOODS are. just to hand, and comprise the LATEST STYLES IN DRESS, FANCY GOODS, AND GENERAL DRAPERY. GEORGE LOW BEATH, trading as G. Section, Geraldine, with Tools and Working Plant. Half-acre Section at Winchester, with ■ —o—- .A Choice Assortment of FEATHERS, FLOWERS, AND LADIES’ STRAW HATS, in all the latest novelties. C The Advantages offered to CASH BUYERS are immense, all goods being of the Best Quality and, to encourage the ; READY MONEY SYSTEM, MONSTER CLEARING SALE, A T LOW ES T TH E are Sold POSSIBLE Commencing on 2-room Lean-to erected thei’con. Full particulars from PRICES o— — SATURDAY JANUARY 4, MACLEAN AND STEWART, On the Premises, HOUSE. A R G Y L E Auctioneers. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. NOTE THE ADDRESS.: HARROP AND LYON ROTHERHAM HOUSE, South Road, 'Temur a. -Maix COAL. & Full particulars in future MACLEAN & advertise- W DWARD DUNEDIN WAREHOUSE, U T E M / of Wool. Three Suffolk Cmm ile. STEWART. ithout Applicants must thoroughly havelsome Park. understand knowledge of ' DRAPERY. DRAPERY. DRAPERY. We have the pleasure to inform our numerous-customers that we have received the ifetflls for / /rilled artificial manure., Turnips, Rape, &c., GARDENERS. tq A/. Seed ami with FIRST or E. PILBROW, Temuka. K A. 0 PILBRpVWpash/hircliaser combined offices-of gardening and forestry. GO 'OF CARETAKER APPLICATION® GARDENER the Tenmka SALE DURING CHRISTMAS WEEK. LYON Gr L B and London direct, and will be opened ; are invited for the NOTICE. Just Arrived, ex Opawa, — Commission Agent, PRELIMINARY MAIM OE'DRAPERY, (Third i&ipmeirt) Eh MACLEAN TO tel o 3 25 CASES mi> O L. BEATH & CO., has much pleasure in intimating that he is taking Mr F. ,S. & STEWART, MALCOLM (for many years connected instructed by Messrs Anderson with the Firm) into partnership. The and Beatson, will Sell by Auction, on an Business as heretofore will be carried on early date, due notice of which will in the name of appear, & °' eath Blacksmith’s Shop, Winchester, together with Tools and full-working Plant. Also, Quarter-acre Section on which the Shop stands. Consequent upon the above change G. L. Blacksmith’s Shop and Quarter-acre B. and Co. intend holding a PILBROW, DRAPERY, CLOTHING, BOOTS, ETC. Temuka. 1878. December 21st, R.y Temuka. FOR ALL KINDS OF f Secretary, BLACKSMITH’S BUSINESS PLANT AND SECTIONS. II ENGINE, ment. . W <1 IN TOWN South Canterbury ts head be brought to fei GEO. BOUTON, PRELIMINARY NOTICE. / For particular,! CHEAPEST HOUSE tel cine should Secretar} R. WILKIN AND GO., Christchurch. MACLEAN w fc=J <1 NOTICE TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. MACLEAN AND STEWART, Timaru J. BROWN, * SPRING GRAND CONSULTATION. AND ;S H I P M ENT SUMMER GOODS consisting of COSTUMES DRESS PIECES WINCEYS SERGES PRINTS SHIRTINGS HABERDASHERY is proposed to DISPOSE of all that I HOSIERY VALUABLE PROPERTY on the The successful applicant will be reSHAWLS South Road, Temuka, immediately rfuired to devote the whole of his time to Main above SCARFS the duties of tlie sitiSSttmTi*~Sahivy ) '36r north of the township, on the One CALICOES. per week, with house of six rooms, rent principle. The property consists or free. Acre of Land, with a substantially-built I I Applications must Ibe sent in not later and handsome brick residence of twelve BARGAINS IN -STAYS AND UNDERCLOTHING. Temuka, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, &c., &c. The whole of Shis Live and Dead than WEDNESDAY! the 19th instant, rooms. It will be divided#as follows addressed to the Chajpnan of the Temuka Farm and Hairy Stock. These Goods willbe sold at prices that must .ensure a speedy clearance. Ist Prize ; One 'Quarter-Acre .Section, Park Commission. I Full particulars wpll be given in future -o with residence thereon AT ‘duc JM,200./ further information can be obAny advertisement. i 2nd PrizeyiiDuie Quaver-Acre We have engaged the services of a first-class hand from one of the leading houses tained from the undersigned. / in -Christchurch, and can guarantee that all orders entrusted to us facing South road v;Rm_LSO. JONAS, WILDIE, GeA BOLTON, One (JBfoteyAcro Section at will be promptly attended to. 3rd Auctioneers. Pri%: I / Secretary. o back of thotabovc ; vahi</LSO. / 4th Prize : One Quarfer-Acr/ Section, PLEASANT POINT. Just Opened, and to Arrive, £2 REWARD. ditto ditto. Also, 32 other Prizes, consisting ot furALL THE LEADING LINES IN GROCERIES AND IRONMONGERY, IMPORTANT CLEARING SALE OF ; value, from Lll to L2 each. Last Wint om niture about MilCATTLE AND SHEEP. ford, AS LY, FIFTEEN HUNDRED on White TUESDAY, 4th MARCH, AT NOON. branded X tqJ: uu TICKETS, AT LI EACH. stripe down nosPossession of house can be had within Wc have the Anyone rotnruinjVthe sapre to George A CLEAN STEWART, after drawing, which Avill take givipg suprffi informa- one month instructed by Mr J. : G.-Mackay, Levens, Tomnka, the month of -during at OF BOOTS AND SHOES place Temuka BEST ASSORTMENT rettery, shall tion as -will lead to who is disposing of his Upper Farm FEBRUARY. will sell by Auction at the Point Pound receive the abo('e rcwarcL Ever yet-exhibited in any House in Temuka, T'ekets may be obtained at the underYards, on Tuesday 4th March, at 12 GEORGE LEVENS. Tombs’s Boardingmen I ioned places Comprising— o’clock—house, Royal Hotel. Star Hotel, Cale-20 head prime fat Steers and Heifers. Winchester Hotel and ; IMPORTANT NOTICE. donian Hotel, LADIES’ KID BOOTS, in Great Variety, and of the Newest Fashions, especially 40 head Stores, 2- and 3-year-olds from Messrs Wills, Temuka; J, A. Young, suitable for summer wear, and manufactured specially for this market! mixed sexes Geraldine ; Winchester ; J. A. Robertson, LOCAL HOARD OF HEALTH. 20 head Yearlings and Plante’s, L ADIES’ PRUNELLA and LEVANT BOOTS and at Messrs Gabites 400 Young Merino Ewes LADIES' PATENT LEATHER SHOE OF THE PERIOD,” very stylish -hofetoy Timavu. give UNDEIbSiQ-NED 600 Young half-bred do numbers be MEN’S, BOYS’, and GIRLS’ ELASTIC SIDE and LACE-UP BOOTS will published winning aJb deterThe public notijfoVthaythey 400 f bred Lincoln Lambs CHILDREN’S FELT BOOTS in all Colours and Sizes papers. 'tiST of the local in mined cntWcc strictly And a few Horses and PATENT LEATHER, all sizes the The drawing will take place at Temuka CHILDREN’S BOOTS in KID, The Auctioneers direct special attention the Board) the rippedavc clauses of Health }/ct tJ to the, prevention on or about the 31st March next. to this clearing sale, as the well-known Public Title Deeds ox the Property can be of ' infectious or c/>ntagiopjr judgment of FARM AND DAIRY STOCK. EARLY IN MARCH. TONAS, HARTf AND YYILDIE, instructed by Mr Henry Holloway, will sell by public \uiction, at his Farm, Lord Dufferin’s praise of the governing capacity of Irishmen, and his regret at being able only to make out that the Marquis of Lome was next door to an Irishman—being a Scottish Celt of the West Highlands—are fresh in the memories of the Canadians. A deputation from the St, Patrick’s Literary Society (says a Home paper), which waited upon the Marquis of Lome at Ottawa the other clay, was therefore somewhat surprised to receive a reply from the Governor-General showing that he is not content to be placed in the inferior position assigned to him by Lord Duffcrin. Personally, I need hardly tell yon,” said the Marquis, that the welfare of Irishmen is desired by me for I claim no inconsiderable share of Irish blood, and should not be here to-day had it notheeivthat a lady of Roscommon visited London during the last century, and consented to be taken to Scotland.” This allusion is to the wife of John, fifth Duke of Argyll. San Francisco papers publish an account received from Los Angelos, California, of a tragedy which occurred at Tehachipe on the 22nd ult. There had been an old grudge between two men, Glenn and Estrada, and on a the recent occasion they had some words, when they parted, Glean said, I -will meet you and settle this.” On the evening of the above-named day Estrada “ at Silverstreani Apply to AC under- And as it will be absolutely necessary COAL. GOAL. to reduce the present large stock very considerably, startling reductions may be STEWART looked for in every department. instructed by Mr H. Exley, will The Goods offered are with but few sell by public auction, SLAUGHTERHOUSE ACT, 1877. exceptions of this Season’s importing. The public may, therefore, depend upon On an early date, OTICE IS HEREBit GIVEN that, getting .nothing but really sound and in accordance wißi the provisions R.S. 27,321, about 1-7 miles'South of fashionable materials, combined with very of the above Act,-^intend at the Alhury, on the railway line. newest styles. Licensnext silting of the This block comprises 50 Acres Court hclsHrfi ingthis district, for a first-class Land, and also a Maglicense to slaughter/large smd small cattle nificent Seam of -Coal, which is on my premises at/Epworth, Temuka. now being worked, and only requires a small outlay of capital D. McCALLUM. to make it one of the most reTemuka, Feb. 17, 1879. munerative investments in the TO FARMERS. colony. FOR SALE RGAIN, ; cent. ‘Hastings’ took first prize at the Christchurch and Timaru Shows last year. & the by -2500 6-tooth and fud-mouth Merino Ewes, delivered at >.ilve: stream 2500 full-mouth Merino' Ewes, delivered at Temuka 1300 full-mouth Merino Ewes, delivered at Mackenzie Country 2000 2-tooth Merino Ewes, delivered -6 Bull Calves, six months old. by ‘Hastings,’ out of pedigree co.vs. MACLEAN sale, li'T'j signed— SAL E—- PRIVATE 0R ; ; For PURE SHORT-HORNED BULL CALVES. 22, IT j Bishop Moran in his Lenten Pastoral tlie sheriff, captured by a band of masked men, bound to a tree, and slowly burned to death—lndian fashion. And now their perfect innocence has been established. This is an example. Details are not wanting to make other coldblooded murders and lynching vie with, even in this atrocity. But I forbear.” Replying to a deputation at Cromwell respecting the opening of land for settlement, the Hon. Mr Stout is reported to have said r— ■“ It was not an enhanced price the Government wanted so much at true settlement in the country, and he found in other districts that agricultural leases were not altogether satisfactory in this respect. He thought, seeing the large extent of country the Government was now, and would be, opening, that entirely new regulations for its acquirement would have to be made. The two systems at present in operation —deferred payment and agricultural lease—were widely different, and on one side very unjust. Under the deferred-payment system, as compared with that of agricultural leases, more than double the price was paid, and stringent restrictions imposed as to residence, cultivation, &c.; whereas, under lease, the terms were much easier, and little if any restriction imposed, thus giving room for clummyism and acquirement of large areas by capitalists. He thought agricultural leases should be of two classes ; the first class (superior land) imposing certain improvements and cultivation, with residence on the land in not less than two years from acquirement the second class (medium and inferior lands) imposing a stated cultivation and improvement withoutresidence. However, these were matters for future consideration but meanwhile little time would be lost in affording means for settlement within the district. Several blocks would be opened in time for next season’s harvesting operations,” Mr Fredrick Turner, the oldest brewer in the United States, in his address before the Brewers’ Congress in this city last Wednesday, brought out a fact which may explain the cause of the rapid decay of the Turkish Empire. Mr Lauer said::—There are examples of nations that have practised prohibition, but it has invariably been to their great disadvantage. The Mohammedans adhered to total .abstinence for a period of 1200 years. They -constituted the principal population of Turkey on the three continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and the Turks, as a rule, have faithfully adhered to their prohibitory laws. We find as a result that of all the nations on the earth they are the most stupid, sluggish, slovenly, and even the most filthy. They are as far back in civilisation to-day as they were when they conquered Constantinople, nearly 900 years ago. Being a nation of waterdrinkers, they have become as a stagnant morass —an offence to civilisation.’ The Rassians, it should be understood, are good solid drinkers. They are what might he termed potable people.’ In a conflict with a weak water-drinking nation they naturally proved conquerors. The Germans pro hably whipped the French for the same reason. The Germans drink beer and good solid wines, while the French do very little in the way of beer and are given to light wines. The Britains are a nation of drinkers, and they whip everybody that, they can lay hands on. In our own country we have seen how the beer-drinking North walked off with the temperate and light-tippling South. We might go on in this way multiplying examples indefinitely. There is evidently a good deal in beer.” An English paper remarks that the agitation which lias been set on foot against the remarriage of divorced persons in church gives some interest to the figures which follow. From the last annual report of the Registrar-General it appears that during the sixteen years ended in 1876 there were G 96 marriages of divorced men and women. Of these marriages 77 percent, between divorced men and widows or divorced women and widowers while only 2 per cent, were between divorced men and divorced women. The number of these marriages appears to be vapidly increasing. During the eight years ended in 1868 they numbered 225, while in the succeeding eight years ended 1876 they had increased to 471, or more than 100 per ; ; lIAik 1 * ; & Session ■— , Lost, BOOTS! BOOTS! BOOTS! & “ ” THE the vendor is a guarantee of good quality of the stock. Terms liberal. MACLEAN & STEWART, Auctioneers, this district. T. O. “ RAVNEIVMrD., .Medical Officer of Health. W. WILLS, Inspector of Nuisances. Jan. 2‘2mi, 1879. seen on applying to ciiher Dr Gumming, or to J. G Fiides, Esq., Temuka. The following gentlemen have kindly consented to act as a Committee of Management, viz -Messrs Jno. Paterson. A. D. Wilson. F. Tavernier, and others. I j MISCELLANEOUS. FEBRUARY SATURDAY, LEADER, TEMUKA A, wilsoiT^ud DUNEDIN WAREHOUSE. TEMUKA TT! E q BTOXS bear testimony to their -wonderful curative effects. nre not a vile fancy drink, made nim, whisky, proof spirits and liquor?, doctored, spiced, an 1 -•■I to please the taste, and called -.q” “Appetisers,” “Restorers,” : . - ; ■. ■-. ; e following- testmion vs are given byway of example of tl; i very many received hy the proprietor from all parts of New Zealand, and require no com- ment lead the tippler on te> drunkenruin but are true medicine '.o native roots and herbs of Cali, ;Vee from all alcoholic stimulants. the Groat Blood Purifier and a . lag principle, a perfect renovator Igorator of the system, carrying ’ poisonous matter and restoring ; ■ , i ; Eton healthy condition. Xoper■•an take these Bitters according 1 to ms and remain long unveil, pro- i " 'heir bones are not destroyed by ml poison or oilier means, and the . rrans wasted beyond the point of gentle purgative as well as also the peculiar merit possessing ■ dig as a powerful agent in relieving ■ ■,-tion and Inflammation of the ■ and all the -visceral organs. Female Co-mtlaixtt, whether ■ .g or old, married or singe, at the i id'womanhood or at the turn of A-se Tonic Bitters have no c pud. inflamitory and Chronic Rhou' m and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigvsd-illious, Remittent, and InlermiiFevers, Diseases of the Blood, . are a ■■ i ;; , ;• i i i : ■ i .. the whole system. Eruptions, Tetter. ,ix Diseases, Rheum Blotches, Spots, Pimples, lies, Boils, Barbuncles, Hingis, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipeilch, Scruff, Discolouration of the Humours and .Diseases of the du of wliatever name or nature, are allv dug up and carried out of the use of ■cm in a short time by the case in bottle such m Bitters. One incredulous of i convince the most i.. d- curative effects. ■; 'leanse the Vitiated Blood whenever -. find its impuritivesbursting through ; • skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or : re cleanse it when you find it ob■activc and sluggish in the veins - aase it when it is foul, and your feelKeep the will tell you Avlien. i the sysmd the health of pure, and '■ n will follow. Bix, Tape, and other Works lurkin the system of so many thousands,. effectually destroyed and removed. . ,ivj) a distinguished physiologiogist, re is scarcely an individual on the i ;■ • of the earth whose body is exempt p- m the presence of worms. It is not ■>in the healthy elements of the body ‘ at worms exist, but on the diseased i :mours and slimy deposits that breed Fr'se living monsters of disease. Xo stem of medicine, no vermifuges, no i-elinintics. will free the system from o like those Bitters. worms to ;, ;; ; ; ;•? i, ■■ . Dunedin, 30th August, 1877. Having taken your Ghollah’s Rheumatic mixture for some considerable time, and having been completely cured by its use of the very severe rheumatic gout from vhich I had suffered most severely for the last ten years, I can bear testimony to its extraordinary am now free from curative powers. all pain, and well in my health., and have the free use of my hands and feet, which I had not previous to taking 1 think it right to your medicine. state, for the benefit of others suffering the tortures that I endured for the period above stated, that J attribute my restoration to health and freedom from pain, entirely to the use of your valuable medicine. I can strongly recommend it tc. those suffering from rheumatism or — HARMuNI LAM SALOON, U RG A X SH O W RO O M Ami MUSIC WAREHOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, DUNEDIN. •:GEORGE R. WEST, Manufacturer and ill root Importer From The Loading' English, American, •! gout. (Signed) John* Gimffex, .UP. Dunedin, oth August, 187(1. Sir, Having been troubled with Indigestion, upon the recommendation of friends, I tried your Aperient Mix— ; Wholesale Agents for New Zealand Colonies in d r. HAYMAX AXD CO. Raitray-strect, Dunedin. COX C EXBUCHAN’S \R. s TRATED COMPOUND EX: :iACT OF SARSAPARI B.LA operates ;■a mild but efficacious alterative, and . u ic—gives tone and rigour to the syst m. renovates the biood, and lluis fords protection from attacks arising ■r- )m changes of season, climate, and ITe. This very agreeable and beneficial f 'verage will be found in every respcct■Alc hotel bar, and to those who v.Ouo f.-alth and long life, ask for and Dink article in bon of trashy mid iiimom alcoholic liquor.?, iAe you gd Dr Buchan’s Sarsaparilla. gold by all druggists, storekeepers, nd publicans throughout the Colony, wholesale by :: .]! 1 MPTBORAU PROSfcOK and €O. A O EATS. r } (Signed) George Lu>nn-s. These faithful and invaluable Medi- cines can be had of all chemists and medicine vendors in Dunedin and throughout New Zealand. DAYMAN AND Duxe n j x , WHOLESALE AGENTS. P_. : CU, Trade purchasers treated liberally. rpHE GOVERNMENT DISIN- THE TEMUKA LEADER PLAIN, FANCY, ORNAMENTAL Gd Ei N E R A L nesia in common use, but being dosolved state, arid quite free from BRASS BANDS SUPPLIED RIN T £EM U from the Masses. R. Cock's glees, Novcllo’s Anthems and Glees. Complete stocks of the above publications always on hand and to arrive. Violins, Cornets, Elutes. Piccolos, Drums, Triangles, Cymbals, Saxhorns, Bassoons, Oboes, Horns Trombones, and the Strings, Briges, Pegs, Finger Boards Shanks, Tail-pieces, Mouthpieces, Lyres, Springs. Resin, Music Slates, Elutinas, Digitorium s, A.ccord ion s, Clarionets, O F F ICE, lliis Groat Household Kedicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. A Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, u* LETTER-PRESS PRINTING- GEORGE R. WEST, Practical and Theoritieal Pianiuforte and Organ Timor, PiUIs’OESS Stkkkt, Dunedin. THE ALEXANDRA HER R V TOO T H PAS T E highly esteemed for Cleansing and Preserving the Tooth and Gums, giving an agreeable fragrance to the breath, and for removing the discoloura- tion of the Teeth occasioned by smoking. use Oti the Shortest Notice and at AUSTIN em TIMAIUJ DR ICES. Its Searching- and Healing Properties known throughout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, NEATEST The Solution speedily removes Heart- STYLE CALL AND BUSINESS burn. Acid Eructations, Sourness, or irregular Digestion of Females and Children. IT- COMPOSES THE STOMACH AFTER ANY EXCESS Oil HARD DRINKING. Kruse’s Fluid Magnesia is sold in bottles, Is Gil, "is Gd, and os (id, by Chemists and Storekeepers throughout the Australian Colonies. The numerous medical testimonials arc too lengthy to insert in newspaper advertisements, hut will be found wrapped round each bottle. Sold by all chemists and druggests through the Colony. AND NEWEST DESIGNS. it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it Cures SORE THROAT, Diphtheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. Far Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, CI.RCUI.ABS, BILLHEADS, RECEIPT BOOKS, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. CARDS, BALL PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS. POSTERS, PROSPECTUSES, INVOICES, TABLES LAW FORMS, SHOW CARDS, BALANCE SHEETS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOG LES. And cveny description of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL The Pills and Ointment arc Manufactured only at 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; w th directions for use i almost every language. ‘isv* Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. NEW ZEALAND STAMP DUTIES JOB INT 1 N G*5 £ PRINTING IN COLORS OF EVERY SHADE, KEMPTHORNE, PIIOSSOR, and CO XT! LLIAM S’S A ULTRAI,! AN W YEAST POWDER. ESTIMATES LIVEN EUR EVERY CLASS OE WORK, This Baking Powder is packed in half-pound canisters specially adapted for the. climate of Now Zealand. It makes light wholesome bread ■without, yeast : also biscuits, cakes, and all TERMS OF ADVERTISING AS PER SCALE. kinds of pastry without eggs, and with less than half the usual rpnintity of bat lei'. Williams's Yeast Powder will doubtless spieedily drive all other baking powA OTI C E T 0 ADVERT ISE RS. ders from the New Zealand markets, and secure for itself that high popularity for at t has attained throughout Australia Standing advertisements for three, six or twelve months can be arranged where it is to he found in- every welL liberal discount. regulated household. Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mento the A o k nts; tioned on original order), must bo forwarded in writing, addressed Manager. KEMPTHORM PROSSOR AND CO. Orders for advertisements, if not accompanied by instructions of number of inserand continued, until tions will, in all cases, be treated as standing advertisement, notice is forwarded to tbe_Manager for discontinuance. written POST OFFICE SAYINGS BANKS ~ ~ Subscribers can commence at any date, and will be charged in proportion to the end of the current quarter. ]s[ Notice to discontinue subscriptions must be in writing, posted or delivered direct, addressed to the Manager, office to the [> 0 1 0 property ... ... QlO 0 0^ jf 1 ... copy Certificate of Incorporation Cheque or draft for any sum Conveyance, for every £SO, ... ... 0 J 6 0 0 0 0 5 0 o 0 1 or part thereof Deed of Settlement, for every 0 £IOO, or part thereof 5 Deeds not otherwise charged 0 10 Lease, without premium, for every £SO, or part thereof annual rent 0 2 Ditto, with premium, with or without rent, or with piremium an annual rent of (\ ... ... ... o £2O or more, same rate as Conveyances, on the premium and rent : Counter0 2 6 part of Lease Policy of Insurance, Marino, for every £loo' or part thereof 0 1 0 Ditto, not exceeding six months for every £IOO, Is. ; 12 0 2 0 months Power of Attorney 0 10 0 Promissory Notes on demand 0 0 1 Ditto, other than to bearer, on demand* not exceeding £25, 6d not exceeding £SO, Is ; and for every ’ additional £SO, or part 0 10 0 0 1 Receipt for £2 or upwards Transfer of Shares, where purchase money does not exceed £2O, Is £SO, 2s 6cl; £IOO, 5s ; exceeding £IOO for every £SO or part 0,2 6 thereof Transfer of Station or Pun (except as a mortgage), for 0 10 0 every .£IOO. of value ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ; ... The Lkadbii contains the latest and most reliable news of South Canterbury in th and is therefore a district, together with all general news of commercial importance, to and Mercantile comAgricultural the of accurate information valuable source munities. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. s. d. 0 G 0 0 7 0 110 £ Pee Quarter, in advance if booked , Per Annum, in advance ~ ■o- LIST'O F AGEN TS . SWINTON, Winchester. Mrs. GRIMMER, Geraldine o T, As an Advertising Medium the Te.muka Leader offers superior advantages to advertisers, its circulation being LARGE in the following places Town of Geraldine, Orari, Winchester, Pleasant Point, Waitohi,. Kakahu, and throughout South Canterbury. -o- ; y^EZARD, 1 Bill of Exchange, on demand 0 Ditto, ditto, inland, not on demaud, for every £SO or 0 part thereof .Bill of Lading, or receipt, or ... ’ 6 ... - Post or Telegram orders for Advertisements and Job Printing attended to. & 2 Affidavit or Declaration... 0 Agreements, where the value is 0 of £2O or upwards Ditto, deed, 10s. counterpart Annual License, Joint Stock Company, on every £3 00 0 of nominal capital Appointments, of power over ... ; OWING : unsurpassed. PPI INCLUDING : jyj-ESSRS. are are FECTANTS Age ntt best and cheapest. Arc the KE M P TllO RX E P 1! OBS 0 R Free from IVison. agreeable in Smell. AND CO. Used by the War Department of Her Majesty’s Government. CARBOLIC POWDER, PIIMv A EARN LEY BRICK, DRAIN-PIPE, AND POTTERY WORKS. cw(. Iron-bound and 2 Packed in 1 Casks ; also in lib. packets and KIRK beg to inform their i 1 A, 1, and 21b perforated friends and the public generally Fluid, in 1 oxes ; also that they have REMOVED their Office 1. i pint, and quart and Yards to mo’e commodious and conbottles. venient premises in The following are the regulations for COLO M E 0-S TRE E T S 0 U T 11, the above hanks THE GOVERNMENT CARBOLIC . Opposite the City Brewery. AND TAR SOAPS. I. Interest at the rate of I- to -Ly per cent per annum is given on £2U(J and NEW ERA LAND RAILWAYS. THE GOVERNMENT SANITARY under ; at the rate of o to 4 pier cent, COMPANY, pier annum on sums under £SOO ; and PUBLIC NOTICE. IW>T P. DAYMAN <fc CO., DUNE in the same proportion for any shorter WEIGHING GRAIN, Ac. time on every complete £1 deposited, Sole Agents for New Zealand and Au provided that no interest lie allowed on Indian Colonies. inconvenience and to serious more than £SOO. delay occasioned by the Weighing 2. Depositors in the Post Office and other produce at the RailACETOPATHY ok the ACID CURE of Grain direct Government way stations, it has been determined to Savings Ranks have the repayment of and altofor prompt security Yal-u PRACTICE THE Externa], Simple, Safe, DISCONTINUE An gether, and Hie Public are hereby notified their money. of able Mode Treatment in Fevers, that this will take effect on the loth 3. A Depositor in any one of the Acute and Chronic Complaints. instant. Post Office Ranks continue Ids dopositn J. LAWSON, at any other of such Ranks, and can General Manager. withdraw Ids money at that Post Office SONS E. COUTTS General Manager's Cilice, Christchurch, Rank which is most convenient to March Ist, 1878. him. intimate that their guaranteed 4. The strictest secrecy is observed ACETIC ACID, Books off Directions, with respect to the names of the deposi'T R, URE S I N BE C T .1. CID E, tors in Post Office Ranks, and the Sponges, and Spray Producers may be amounts of their deposits. obtained from— 5. Money may he deposited hy or on Persian Insect Destroying .Powder. behalf of minors. Depositors over seven Mr IL Erskino, bookseller, InverSold by all chemists, in packets at Is years of age are treated as persons of cargill. full age, hut minors under seven years Mr Hayes, chemist, and in tins at Is (id, ss, 10s, o age cannot withdraw their deposisf Messrs Galloway and Son, Riverton until they have readied the age of and 20s each. Mr W. Baird, bookseller, Dunedin This Powder is unrivalled in destroy- seven. G. Applications to the. Chief Offices Mr Leary, chemist, ing fleas, bugs, ants, flics, cockroaches each Province on the business of in Samuel Mackay, Mosgiel Mr beetles, gnats, mosquitoes, moths in Post Office Savings Ranks, and get Mr W. C. Aueell,chemist, Waikouaiti fnrs, and every other species of insects replies scut thereto are free from charge Messrs Munro and Urqnhart. Pal- in all stages of metamorphosis whilst for postage. merston it has no qualities deleterious to human Air J. Cagney, beings, and is quite harmless in its II ARLES Mr Wrn. Gunn, chemist, Tinniru application to dogs, cats, poultry, Ac. Mr Fountain Barber, bookseller C hr.'st- We ask but one trial for this powder church no other brand to secure confidence WATCHMAKER AND .IEWELLER Mr Walter Suckling, he wanted hereafter. will Air J. Watt, bookseller. Wellington Sold Iv nil druggists and storeHILL STREE Messrs Luca.'- and Son, Nelson keepers. and wholesale by A ok,vts : Mr M. Webster O II R i S T OH L R L n KEMPT HORNE, PROASOR, and CO. Mi- Lmi.-an Maclean Grey mouth. & MEDICINE, a- iiv of dry Carbonate of Mag- Ac; kkts and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended ns a never failing remedy in all eases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. Thev are wonderfully efficacious in all aihnents incidental to Females of all ages ; and as a GENERAL FAMILY DESCRIPTION IN OF EVERY nesia. Flageolets, Ac. Concertinas (English and AngloGerman), and every article connected with the Music trade. : K G These Trillions Pills purifv the BLOOD, and act powerfully, yet soothingly on the any number Liguridzolosophones. Music specially arranged for above instruments in great variety K AND most of instruments on adulteration, or contamination, its effects are more energetic and reliable ; besides, the shortest notice. it has the advantage of not forniin those dangerous concretions in the Pianoforte Tuning and repairing guaranwhich sometimes have resulted bowels teed. Operas, Oratorios, Glees. With T pf OB - Of every description of Music and almost universal use affords sufficient Musical i nst rnmonts. proof of the high, estimation in which it is held by the public 'generally, it is Pianofortes and Harmoniums can he carefully prepared of uniform strength. Each fluid ounce contains ten grains ot purchased on deferred payments. pmre Carbonate of Magnesia. Extended over throe Years. K RUSK’S FLUID MAC X ELIA Depot for the new Wesleyan Hymn possesses all (he properties of the MagBook and Supplement, ture. and received vo much benefit from (Signed) John Adams, P.G.ILAoF. Christchurch, '2lst April. 1877. The Proprietor of Ghollah’s Great Indian Cures. Sir,—l have much pleasure in stating that 1 derived so great a benefit by the use of your Gout Mixture, that I feel it my duty to add my testimonial to i had the many already published. been suffering from Gout in my bands and foot for about sixteen years, but by taking two bottles of our Gout Mixture, 1 have lost all pain or trace of the gout symptoms. My appetite is good and my general health much improved. I can recommend your Indian Medicine strongly-to others. The .Jurors of the Intercolonial Iv.nliL hi lion of JSOG and 18G7 awarded the ONLY PRIZE YE DAL for tiffi J .Magnesia (o ML KRUSE. Accompanying their report is tin result of Air J. Cosmo XL wherry’s analysis, by which it appears that onfluid ounce of Kruse’s Magnesia con tains 50 pier cent, of Carbonate of Magnesia n excess of any other Magnesia exhibited. K MULE’S FLUID MAGNESIA, For upwards of twenty years, has been approved and prescribed by the loading members of the medical profession. Its French and German, houses. , tion.—Yours truly, diseases are caused by vitiated ■, : GALLE RY, it that I have much pleasure in giving Boosey’s Cabinets, Chappel's Magayou this tcstimo>ial, and can strongly zines, Metzler's Bijou, Cramers' Vocal Gems, Enoch's Monthly, .Dull and Ividmws, and Bladder, these recommend your Indian cures to others Magazine, Colonial Cabinets, •Stewarts severe indigesas was from .have been most successful. ■mifering' I which is generally produced by > minent of the digestive organs. JPEI’SIA OK IXI > IGKSTION, HeadBain in the Shoulders, Coughs, . ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour .cations of the Stomach, Bad Taste Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpiof the Heart. Inflamation of :i 'mgs. Pain in the region of the Kid. and a hundred other painful symp; 1 are the offspring of Dyspep^a. and ; dev invigorate the Stomach and Liver date the the torpid .els, which render them of unequal • aey in cleansing the blood ot all im;dives, and imparling new life and I JT)i I - 1 NEW ZEALAND A X 0 F 011 T E : Sir, MAGNESIA. FLUID I ; - cures. The ■; ;>t IV L-TV- I ?. T A RUSE'S EsTAr.f.ISHKO DYE ' !» INDIAN Ti.e Wonder of the 10th Century. (,■ L GREAT 2J. . 1 VP FEBRUARY AVTUKOAV, : ... WINCHESTER FOR GERALDINE. E CHEAPEST AND MOST PLEA T ROUTE TO GERALDINE. OACHES will in future MEET ALL TRAINS at the Winchester Railway Station for Conveyance of passengers and Parcels to and from Geraldine. Fares.— Single journey, 2s: Return, 3s. In connection with the above, LIYERY STABLES have been opened. Saddle Horses and Buggies on hire. Orders for warded by Commercial Travellers will m promptly attended to. J. A. YOUNG, Agent, Winchester. S. M. JACOBS F A R CHITEC T, THE “TEMUKA LEADER TEMU K A CANTE RB U RY. Horeford-street, C H RTS T C II U ; '■ l\ Printed and j uiP.-dicl !\v AlevS* Wilson, at Lis I,’esitstcrod Oftirc. muk.-i, Co'ii.ty oi (!cr:ddin*‘, ('anl'evlt Now Zealand, i ■ ; |J /"I HOLLAIPS BITTER A LEADER, . 1 N* EG A R - TiaiUKA y