COLLECTIVE REMARKS VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 1 UPCOMING EVENTS: ESDCTA HAS Be sure to renew your membership. You would hate to miss out on the new printed omnibus or any of the fun and excitement that goes with being part of our club. Exciting News! ESDCTA Exciting News! 1 President’s Message 2 ESDCTA Statement of Purpose 3 Cross Country: Community Calendar Community News 4 Member Milestones 5 Final Salute 6 Meet the Board: Part 5 7 Becoming a Working Student 7 2015 Membership 8 Centerline: Dressage News 9 Annual Awards Luncheon Show Results 10 11-21 Advertisements 22 Business Members 23 2015 Show Calendar 24 Our newsletter will be digital beginning with our 2015 January issue. It will come right to your inbox and will also be on the website if you want to have a printed version. The content will be compatible with your phone, tablet, and computer, so no worries about not being able to open it up on multiple devices. No more waiting for snail mail! What is also so great is that because we are not confined to a certain number of pages, more content can be added. There will be more articles of interest, as well as current news items in the horse world that may be of interest to our members. In addition, a digital version gives us more flexibility for posting show results. Advertising, whether you are a breeder, instructor, trainer, or judge, will take on a whole new level because we can reach everyone in a more timely manner. As an example, want to sell a horse, we will be able to imbed your video in our digital newsletter. The possibilities are endless! VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G EXECUTIVE BOARD President Dr. Lisa Toaldo [email protected] Vice President Heidi Lemack [email protected] Treasurer Keith Adams 1824 Easthill Drive Bethlehem, PA 18017 [email protected] Recording Secretary Beth Ann Adams 570.228.1921 609.758.4918 610.868.3615 484.554.4501 Members-at-Large Eventing Christy Pelligrino [email protected] Dressage Kari Allen [email protected] BOARD OF TRUSTEES Membership Laurette Simanski-Snook [email protected] Dressage Competitions Terry Masters [email protected] 609.912.9401 Eventing Janice Pellegrino [email protected] Youth Jill Kuc [email protected] 570.977.1406 Cindy Roesener [email protected] 908.797.9754 Education Melissa Capozzoli [email protected] 610.762.9419 Awards [email protected] Finance Gary Maholic [email protected] NJ Equine Advisory Board Earlen Haven Representative [email protected] 215.489.1557 856.769.1916 Marketing [email protected] OFF BOARD COMMITTEE CHAIRS Calendars/Activities Lynette McMoran [email protected] Grants Julie Peterson [email protected] Nominating Susan Lax [email protected] Omnibus Lynette McMoran 732.449.5322 908.326.3120 609-466-4178 732.449.5322 Webmaster Jessie Kuc [email protected] Show Results Jean Goeltz [email protected] PAG E 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE It’s the “most wonderful time of the year” we hear a lot during December, and so it is! The holidays are filled with the hustle and bustle of shopping and visiting family and friends. Here in the Northeast we get out the heavy winter blankets, stock up on hay, and plug in the heated buckets. It’s also the best time to sit back and relax for some much needed down time from the busy show season. For the club, it’s the time of year our Board starts getting ready to plan for the 2015 Education and show season plus the 2014 Year End Awards and Luncheon. We, the club, had a great year in 2014, and saw many long-awaited and much-needed changes. We renewed our relationship with USET and had our first show there in many years. We had a wonderful clinic with Ann Gribbons that was well attended. Our Website became fully functional and even won the Best Website Award from the USDF, which I will be proud to accept as your President at the USDF convention in Boston, MA. Many of our members won awards both locally and nationally, and participated in the finals. Congratulations to all! We can be proud as a club; our members are dedicated volunteers, riders, and all-around great equestrians. If you have not renewed your memberships, remember to do so, you have to be in it to win it! 2015 brings the printed Omnibus back, an online newsletter, and a host of educational opportunities for our members. Our shows will continue, adding some new classes and the new tests in Dressage. Have the most wonderful time of year this season, from myself and your Board: Happy and Healthy Holidays! 732.577.0272 Become a Friend to ESDCTA on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter: @ESDCTA Respectfully, Dr. Lisa Toaldo VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 Match n C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 3 Search and Buy Horses Shop the Marketplace Sell Horses Find a Trainer Eastern States Dressage & Combined Training MEMBERS RECEIVE A 10% DISCOUNT on 90-Day Featured Horse Listings. Use Promo Code: ESDCTA Visit today! ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: A BRAND NEW IDEA IS ON THE WAY!! The inaugural ESDCTA Final Salute: Our Year in Review magazine is coming your way in March of 2015. This beautiful full color magazine will be a wonderful tribute to your competitive achievements and will also serve as a keepsake and resource guide. The ESDCTA/Skylands Saddlery Education Series will host another lecture soon. Keep checking this space for more information. Make sure to bring your friends! Light refreshments will be served and ESDCTA members will receive a 10% discount to use that night. Come for the knowledge, stay for the fun of interacting with a group of like-minded people, and leave with some new stuff for you and your horse. VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 4 CROSS COUNTRY... New Across Our Region COMMUNITY NEWS If you’re reading this, you are probably a member of ESDCTA, but I’m sure you know of someone who rides dressage or events who is not a member. You know all about the wonderful things offered like educational programs, clinics with big name trainers, horse shows, year-end awards, and not least, that sense of being part of a community of like-minded people. The more members ESDCTA has, the better the programs we can offer. Our membership numbers are also important considerations when state and local governments decide on legislature that affects us (like open space), and we advocate for our sports (we’re working on better footing at the HPNJ). Please reach out to your equestrian buddies and tell them about all of the benefits of membership and have them sign up. The more the merrier! WHAT’S YOUR TALENT?? Let us know what you would like to help us with in 2014. All skills and interests wanted. Have an idea? We want to hear about it. Also, we are currently looking for a Membership chair, an Awards chair and Marketing chair. Remember, this club is what YOU make it. Contact [email protected] if you are interested. COMMUNITY CALENDAR December 1-20 Red Bank Holiday Horse and Wagon Rides on Saturdays. For all the details, go to visit. December 2 Rutgers Fall Webinar Series on Obesity in Horses. Contact Laura Kenny at kenny@ for more information. December 3-6 Adequan/USDF Annual Convention. Check out for the details. December 3-7 USEA 2014 Annual Meeting Convention. See for the details. December 20 ACTHA Obstacle Challenge, Pleasant Valley, NY. See for more information UPCOMING MEETINGS November Board Meeting December 10, 7:15pm USET November December 1, 7:15pm TBD Eventing Committee MEMBERSHIP QUESTIONS For membership questions including updating physical or e-mail addresses please contact: Laurette Simanski–Snook 12 Fairway Drive Toms River, NJ 08753 [email protected] NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE Meredith Rogers, Dr. Lisa Toaldo & Rebecca Kuc E-mail: [email protected] All submissions are due by the 10th of the month Due to space considerations, the editors reserve the right to edit submitted articles. If possible, the articles will be returned for review of the editing. ESDCTA welcomes proposals from vendors for goods and services. Please contact the appropriate committee. Send your Cross Country Information to [email protected] 2014 ADVERTISING RATES MEMBERS NON-MEMBER FULL PAGE $100 $130 HALF PAGE $65 $85 QUARTER PAGE $40 $60 BUSINESS CARD $20 $30 CARD FOR 3 MONTHS $45 $65 CLASSIFIEDS $10 $15 (per 35 words) Deadline: 15th of Prior Month Email: [email protected] Please have electronic ads in Adobe or .jpg format You will receive an invoice for ad via email. Send Payment to: Keith Adams: 1824 Easthill Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18017 Email: [email protected] VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 5 VOLUNTEER BUCKS CAN NOW BE USED AT OUR LOGOWEAR STORE! Calling all membe You can use your volunteer bucks in increments of $25 to purchase items in our Logowear Store. Show season is well underway and our Mem The first thing you will need to do is to set up an account at our logowear store through our vendor, Here is the link: Not available for Memorial Weekend? The Once you have established an account remit the volunteer bucks you want to use to our Logowear Rep: Debbie DelGiorno ESDCTA Logowear PO Box 307 Camden-Wyoming, DE 19934 Also provide the exact email address and name that used to establish your store account to ensure proper credit to your account. Debbie will send you an email notification once the credit has been placed into your logowear store account. Debbie will provide you with a credit buckslip for any unused amount. For example, if you remit $30 in volunteer bucks, you will receive a credit back of $5. show is just around the corner. I’m again a dedicated members to consider volunteerin dressage shows this year which will all depe Show season is almost over, but 2015 is The full calendar of volunteering opportunities is listed on our new just around the VOLUNTEER corner. section. I’m again appealing Thanks for all the help you’ve provided at p count on your support again in to all of our dedicated members to2104. consider volunteering forPlease a half full [email protected] The club contactor Terry Masters, or 609-9 features several dressage shows each year which will all depend on the dedication of our terrific volunteer staff. Please consider helping out. our terrific volunteer staff. Please consider helping out. The full calendar of volunteering opportunities is listed on our new website in the VOLUNTEER section. Thanks for all the help you’ve provided at past shows. I’m sure I can count on your support again in 2015. The credit for your volunteer bucks will show up as a gift certificate in your account to use at checkout. Contact Debbie DelGiorno with any questions at logowear@ Please contact Terry Masters: [email protected] or 609-912-9401 MEMBER MILESTONES Nancy Krial of Upper Black Eddy, PA, earned her USDF Freestyle Bronze Medal on her mare Phlyer this year. Caroline McConnell, 14, of Warwick, NY, rode her last qualifying ride for her USDF Bronze Medal at the Garden State Classic on her horse Zidane. She was a working student for Jamie Topinka-Nunn this summer and is now home training with Beth Sproule-Hansen. Lisa Mauriello of Montague, NJ, received the USDF Youth Scholarship to attend the USDF Convention. Lisa is also the winner of the USDF Morgan – JR/YR First Level All Breeds award for 2014. Congratulations! Caroline McConnell Nancy Krial VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 6 Dear Friend of ESDCTA Our “Final Salute 2014” booklet is on the way! Please join us to commemorate our members’ successes and ESDCTA’s events throughout the © 2014 competition season. Our inaugural “Final Salute 2014” booklet will cover events starting with the ESDCTA Memorial Weekend Dressage show and culminate with our Year End Awards Luncheon in February 2015. This beautiful full color booklet will be mailed to all members. What a perfect opportunity for you to both support our club and promote your business! • • • • Are you a Judge, TD, Veterinarian, Farrier, Chiropractor, Massage specialist, Tack Store or Feed and Grain supplier? Do you have a boarding facility? Are you a Trainer who wants an opportunity to congratulate your clients’ successes or expand your client base? Are you a parent, spouse or friend of a competitor looking for a way to let them know how proud you are of them? -- Then this is the prefect publication for you -Please use the accompanying advertising reservation form which contains full information regarding deadlines, sizing, pricing and submission of your special ad. Ad Prices ESDCTA “Final Salute 2014” ADvErTISIng rESErvATIon Form All ads must be submitted by January 15, 2015. $450 Back Cover (6.5”w x 8.5”h / with bleeds: 6.75”w x 8.75”h) $400 Inside Front Cover (6.5”w x 8.5”h / with bleeds: 6.75”w x 8.75”h) $400 Inside Back Cover (6.5”w x 8.5”h / with bleeds: 6.75”w x 8.75”h) $250 Full page ad (5.75”w x 7.75”h - NO BLEEDS) $175 Half page VERTICAL ad (2.7813”w x 7.75”h) $175 Half page HORIZONTAL ad (5.75”w x 3.7788”h) $100 Quarter page ad (2.7813”w x 3.7788”h) $50 Eighth page ad (2.7813”w x 1.7927”h) $25 Business Resource Listing (name/address/phone/web/35 word description) Enclosed is my payment in the amount of $________________. Contact Name Back Cover, Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover ads will be printed in full color and may include full bleeds -- overall size with bleeds must be 6.75” wide X 8.75” high, size without bleeds are 5.75” wide X 7.75” high, set artwork color to CMYK (NO RGB), 300 dpi, fonts embedded or outlined, all graphics embedded, saved as press quality, include all printers marks -- provide in PDF, TIF, EPS, JPG format only. Company/Farm Name Mailing Address City, State, Zip Phone Number E-Mail Check Number ____________________ Ads can be emailed to [email protected] Make checks payable to: ESDCTA, Inc. Mail advertising form and check to: Terry Masters, 47 Van Kirk Road, Princeton, NJ, 08540 Questions: 609.912.9410 (NO RESERVATIONS TAKEN BY PHONE) or visit the website to pay by credit card. Ad Specifications Internal Page ads will be printed in black and white OR full color (your choice) and may NOT bleed -- overall sizes are exact as noted, set artwork color to 100% black or greyscale only, OR CMYK for color (NO RGB), same specifications as listed above. Ads will be altered to fit into the specified size purchased if not sent to exact size. In this instance we will not be responsible for distortion of photos included in ad. No proofs will be sent -- ESDCTA will make every effort to review and proofread all ads and assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 7 MEET THE BOARD PART 5 The Youth Committee Co-Chairpersons are Jill Kuc and Cindy Roesener. The youth committee, as it says in the “By-Laws,” is responsible for activities to promote educational activities, experiences, etc. for the club’s Junior and Young Rider members. The Youth Committee offers 3 fix-a-test clinics yearly at different venues throughout our club’s geographic area. They sponsor 4 teams: 2 dressage teams and 2 eventing teams during each year. They also organize educational events such as pilates workshops and horse health seminars. They are always open to suggestions and help organizing and creating educational events. Jill Kuc has been the Chairperson and/or Cochairperson of the ESDCTA Youth Committee for about 8 or 9 years. She is a USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist and has also earned her Bronze and Silver Freestyle Bars. Jill is also an “L” Graduate with Distinction. She and her husband, Ed, own and operate Hidden Creek Equestrian Center in Kunkletown, PA. Cindy Roesener is the owner / operator of CLR Stables, LLC. CLR Stables is a boarding and training facility currently located in Stockton, NJ. They cater to both dressage and eventing, as the farm boasts generous training grounds consisting of indoor and outdoor arenas, grass jump field, and miles of onsite hacking for galloping and relaxing. She has served the membership as a Youth Committee Chair for 4 years. She believes the Youth Committee should strive to bring many opportunities to our youth members that allow them to excel both as a rider and overall horseperson. As a trainer she carries with her a USDF Bronze and Silver Medal,“L” Graduate status, FEI competitor, and was voted a ARICP Top 50 Riding Instructor in the USA, along with a BS in Equine Science from Centenary College. Cindy and her students compete at both the local, regional, and national levels. Many have achieved ESDCTA awards and medals, and competed at Regional finals. BECOMING A WORKING STUDENT By Amanda Perkowski So many people, especially youth in the horse world, struggle with being able to ride and lesson as often as they would like due to financial issues. I have been a working student at Rhythm and Blues Stables for the past 5 years, and my riding skills and overall horsemanship have benefited so greatly because of it. If you are dedicated and hardworking, there are so many opportunities out there for an excellent position that will allow you to work and ride, and they are often closer than you think. Through my work at Rhythm and Blues, I have learned more about barn management and horse care than I ever thought possible. I am much better prepared for my work as a future horseman. Working for 2 professional horse trainers, Jason Beck and Heidi Lemack, has also given me the opportunity to ride a variety of different horses, board a horse of my own, compete frequently at horse shows, and learn the process of starting young horses. All things I would have never been able to do if it was not for my work. The key to advancement in riding is hours and hours in the saddle. Never turn down a ride, no matter who the horse is; they can all teach you something. I strongly encourage any dedicated rider to search for a position with reputable trainers, and earn yourself rides, lessons, horse shows, and ultimately advance your overall skills as a rider. You must be wiling to make sacrifices and commit your time, but it will be so worth it in the end because of the knowledge you will gain. If you are willing to work hard and learn, the opportunities are endless! VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 8 2015 MEMBERSHIP ESDCTA Membership Expires October 31, 2014 DON’T Get caught in the DUST! and left behind! Take advantage of our early bird renewal! Renew before November 1, 2014 and receive a FREE TOTE bag! IT’S EASY TO RENEW! 1. You can renew on line : go to ESDCTA.ORG 2. Click renew 3. Sign into your account 4. Choose your membership level 5. Make sure your contact information is current 6. Pay by CC: in our SECURE SYSTEM 7. Print your Card and start to/continue to enjoy the benefits of being a ESDCTA Member OR IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER! Fill out the paper membership form and snail mail it with a check or money order payable to ESDCTA to: Laurette Simanski – Snook 12 Fairway Drive, Toms River NJ 08753 [email protected] 609-969-0569 MEMBERSHIP NOTE! All MEMBERS must be in GOOD Standing at the time qualifying scores are achieved, in order to participate in year-end awards and championships! VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 9 CENTERLINE Dressage News 2015 USEF DRESSAGE TESTS PUBLISHED November 3, 2014 From the USEF Communictions Department Lexington, Ky. - The 2015 United States Equestrian Federation Dressage Tests have been published on The 2015 Tests will be effective December 1, 2014 through November 30, 2018. In addition to the 2015 USEF Dressage Test booklet, the USEF has collaborated with the United States Dressage Federation to produce the On the Levels app, which provides examples of the new Introductory through Fourth level dressage tests with commentary from top U.S. trainers and judges, with segments geared toward improving difficult movements at each level. The mobile website will feature 31 engaging videos to help riders understand the requirements for tests within each level, including 18 videos of riders performing each test and 13 supplementary test tip videos. The videos will include narration from top athletes, judges, and trainers, including Kathy Connelly, Jan Ebeling, Hilda Gurney, Steffen Peters, and Jessica Jo “JJ”Tate, each bringing his/her own unique perspective, providing the viewer with a variety of approaches. The launch of the On the Levels app will be announced next week. To view the 2015 USEF Dressage Tests, visit: To order the 2015 Dressage Test Booklet, visit: To view the 2015 USDF Tests, visit: In addition to the new USEF and USDF Dressage Tests, all FEI Tests have minor updates in the wording of the Collective Marks as well as changes to the FEI Children, FEI Intermediate A, and FEI Intermediate B Tests. These tests become effective January 1, 2015, and can be found here: UEM E3 4I S SI SUSEU 1E -1 0J A- NDUEACRY2 021041 3 VOVO L ULM C CO O LL LL EE C CT T II V V EE R R EE M MA AR RK K SS –– W WW W W. W. EE SS D DC C TA TA .. O OR RG G 2014 Sunday, February 22, 2015 22 15, 2015 You may come early. January 25th Debra Tomajko 276 Readington Road Branchburg, NJ 08876 908-392-1774 • [email protected] email: [email protected] January 25, 2015. PAG PA GEE 180 VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 1 1 SHOW RESULTS An error resulted in incomplete results being published; these are the complete show results. LVDA at Springfields II June 9, 2014 Judge: Annett (L) USDF - A K. Lehman By Design of Genesis I. DeVos Mia D. Benfield Encouner Me USDF – B K. Lehman By Design of Genesis I. DeVos Mia D. Benfield Encounter Me USDF – C C. Deephouse Rosina M. Binder Pick Me A Daisy TRAINING – 1 C. Deephouse Rosina A. Mazzucco Apollo VVF M. Binder Pick Me A Daisy L. Thompson Early Bird C. Weber Scho me The Love A. Sauffer Roman Impulse TRAINING – 2 B. Haler Poet’s Summary M. Prange Elite Pharis L. Masters Galant J. Connor * Clifford A. Mazzucco Apollo VVF L. Thompson Early Bird K. Keating Jesse C. Weber Scho Me The Love S. Kinney Indy Knight K. Lehman Spectacular Suspense M. Kunsman King TRAINING – 3 B. Haler Poet’s Summary M. Prange Elite Pharis J. Connor * Clifford 70.938 59.375 57.813 72.500 65.000 57.813 73.000 67.750 72.917 67.083 63.750 63.750 60.625 59.375 71.250 69.107 64.464 64.464 63.214 62.500 62.143 61.786 60.893 59.821 56.071 70.600 68.400 65.400 J. Peterson Bayif Rhinestone Cowboy 64.600 T. McCreesh Mammy 64.000 L. Scibetta Peter 64.000 L. Masters Galant 63.400 G. Daub Weatherly 62.600 S. Kinney Indy Knight 62.200 M. Kunsman King 62.000 K. Keating Jesse 61.000 A. Stauffer Roman Impulse 60.800 S. Wainwright Bit-O-Honey 58.800 K. Lehman Spectacular Suspense 58.600 C. Weber Scho Me The Love 58.600 FIRST – 1 J. Petersen Bayif Rhinestone Cowboy 62.241 C. Deephouse Reahna 61.207 N. Bincarousky Rafiki 59.483 FIRST – 2 K. Corcoran Woodlander Diamonds 68.919 P. Weston Embracing Picasso 61.892 C. Schuehler Riatta 61.081 N. Bincarousky Rafiki 60.270 S. Wainwright Bit-O-Honey 55.405 FIRST – 3 K. Corcoran Woodlander Diamonds 71.774 K. Hirschman Tullibard’s Hardiman 66.774 C. Deephouse Embracing Picasso 64.032 L. Scibetta Peter 56.935 SECOND LEVEL & ABOVE – TOC S. Allen (4-2) * Xadrez 67.297 M. Dujardin (4-1) * Diplomat 61.429 M. Dujardin (3-3) * Diplomat 58.205 K. Hirschman (2-1) 57.571 Tullibard’s Hardiman HORSE PARK OF NEW JERSEY HORSE TRIALS June 28-29, 2014 BEGINNER NOVICE – A O. Hayes Mint Julep M. Bailey Christine B. Speck Rosenharley Romello M. Rafinski Banderillo J. Gould Tic Tac Man C. Okal Mi’ Amore A. DeLucci Whiskey C. Turocy Ka-Pow J. Kyuzer Harmonicat S. Miles Misty’s Rain Drop BEGINNER NOVICE – B K. Behrens Premier Jet H. Cornell Guinevere A. Bierly Irish Red J. Thierry Cashmere R. Thompson Makestic Sun M. Muldowney Sherlock M. Olijslager Alostar LAH E. Snyder Captain Morgan BEGINNER NOVICE – O W. Roberts Fernhill Singapore C. Silliman Barry J. Brannigan Wise JHarco Pibe O. Sanders Aughamore J. Jennings Deo Adiuvante H. Payne Money To Burn L. Macnamara I Got This W. Roberts Come Fly With Me E. Nesler No Doubt DSF C. Silliman Cumbre B. MacNamara Igoturback K. Rossell Alpengeist A. Jones Soverign Citizen M. Aliseo Flying Thru The Mist T. HInze Anna S. Calverley Jomanji W. Lewis Fiona N. Cole London J. Lukens Malsey Jane NOVICE – A L. Ross Steel Commander M. Stroschein Nazrullah C. Sansone Pippin VI E. Sears LA Belle Via A. Sebastiani Solar Surprise N. Brady Hurricane Hill A. Valle Traveling Chris J. Klemz Classic Garden 27.50 32.50 34.00 47.00 48.00 48.70 49.50 51.00 62.50 65.50 31.00 40.00 42.50 42.50 53.60 53.80 66.50 66.50 30.50 33.00 37.00 37.00 39.00 39.50 40.50 42.50 43.50 43.50 47.50 48.00 52.80 54.50 56.30 59.00 60.50 63.70 76.40 33.00 33.50 37.50 38.50 39.70 40.70 42.50 44.00 E. Posillico Cork Blues 63.90 R. Brink Half-Blood Prince 72.80 L. Albert 75.60 Donnybrook’s Scarlett O’Hara NOVICE – B A. Horwith Larrikin 43.00 R. Barber Mr. Popps 43.00 A. Reverendo Badlands Billy 43.50 R. Streilein Jake 45.50 K. Mitchel Never Say Never 45.80 E. Abell Illegal Intgruder 46.60 S. Montano Big Red 47.00 K. Roma Catamaran 55.00 S. Magee Sassy Sean 55.50 K. Wells Batteries Not Included 60.40 J. Gatewood Jamba Juice 65.30 T. Sims Delana Lady Wolf 77.70 NOVICE – C A. Otis Beekeeper 30.50 M. Loughnane Bruno Mars 32.00 J. Amster No Regrets 33.70 A. Gartenberg Mister Mowgli 34.00 L. Brandt Mister Murphy 35.30 L. Fonde Mr. Big Blue Eyes 37.20 C. Rucci Paint My Memories 38.50 J. Allison Diablo Centimo 40.50 S. Murray Gunnar 41.90 J. Greene-Molina Lexx 42.00 K. Kogut Yes Your Highness 42.50 L. Hila Woodstock Whitereef 48.30 C. Heitzenrater Go Devil Go 53.70 B. Wood Merlin’s Magic 59.30 A. Mameniskis Miss Diggy Bear 68.40 J. Kaye Little Black Dress 73.60 J. Morris Laugh Out Loud 78.70 M. Holman Noble Intention 96.90 NOVICE – O – A R. Wood Ruby 29.00 C. Silliman Tura Lura 33.50 A. Tunney Cartier 34.00 K. Spurlock Yoda 36.00 A. Aharoni Supernova 37.50 W. Roberts Icabad Crane 38.50 K. Prather Royal Accomplice 42.00 C. William Skip Point 43.00 R. Walker SBT Good Guy 43.50 N. Meyers Shutterfly’s Buzz 44.50 L. VanderVliet Marcus 47.00 E. Flavell Baldwin 53.50 NOVICE – O – B J. Brannigan Ideally 26.50 C. Silliman Goldthorn Diamond Imprint 31.00 V. Kager Dia De Larentis 31.50 E. Sylvester Henry 34.30 K. Elbert Patrick Henry 35.00 F. Kellogg Atlee 37.90 H. Gillette Call The Sheriff 40.40 T. Nolte George 43 48.50 C. Butler Appalling 59.50 W. Lewis Liquid Force 61.50 NOVICE – O – C K. Spurlock Nicole 24.00 R. Wood Cobra 26.50 C. Silliman Gipsie King 29.00 VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 1 2 SHOW RESULTS S. Waters Georgie’s Girl 29.50 T. Nolte King’s Blessing 30.00 C. Tribe-Kircher Linford 31.00 A. Torsilieri Birnam Wood 33.30 R. Wood Teddy Sarco 35.00 A. Leatherman Mr. Poppers 36.50 C. Nix Fusaichi 40.50 Q. Anderson Lord Fox 47.50 C. Schultz Moonpie 55.70 TRAINING – A S. Beaver Mr. Bojangles 30.90 M. Bancroft Ringwood Amistad 31.30 C. Frankel Excalibur 31.40 K. Statue Castle Jordan 35.80 J. Towner Castle Creek 36.80 C. Grover-Dodge The Queen Bee 37.20 J. Hansen She’s A Holliser Girl 37.60 N. Hathaway Dromore Boy 40.30 C. Kasmin Bagheera 40.50 L. Sherill Time Of My Life 41.30 S. Marcus Midnight Express 41.70 D. McWhirter Mr. Bounce 44.70 O. Sanders Renmore 59.20 O. Briskin Dos Partners 60.90 J. Leuenberger The Black Pearl 62.40 C. Vickery Kung Fu Panda 87.00 TRAINING – B N. Olijslager Inspired 33.20 D. Wicas Reba Dean 36.80 K. Novotny Cosmic Messenger 37.30 D. White High Stakes 38.20 N. Hathaway Beantown Player 38.20 A. Longreen Classic Storm 46.20 A. Elkenberg St. James 46.80 E. Bierman Czech It Out 48.14 C. Glowski Wow Wow Wubbzy 48.90 A. Pehowski Tyne Be Merry 57.30 C. Pellegrino Christmas Eve 57.50 A. Oster Dane Hills Nephew 57.90 E. LaPolla Pioneer Partner 61.50 D. Eastabrooks Vallto 67.80 M. Scott Mosley’s Gift 109.00 TRAINING – C C. Grover-Dodge Reminton XXV 21.40 M.Quinn Killea Gynis View 35.80 J. Yale Smooth Sailing II 40.40 M. Gallen The Scrivener 40.60 C. Horn Spy Catcher 42.20 D. Guimond Astar 42.70 E. Herman Freeman 44.10 D. Cahill Chris Bo Biss 45.80 M. Scott Irish Houligan 46.30 N. Hinze Dakota Blues 50.90 R. Rasmussen Ramble On 55.80 Grand Cru 56.10 J. Kobilinski Active Maiden 57.70 J. Tucker Happy Hunch 66.30 G. Spargo Sir Joseph 70.40 TRAINING – O – A J. Brannigan Kilkenny 17.70 M. Payne Safe Harbor 24.60 J. Brannigan As Cool As Ice 27.60 S. Halpin Contaro 27.60 L. Ashker Flagmount’s Spartan 36.70 K. Groeseck Roman Place 40.50 C. Katz-Samuels Lavendel 40.80 S. Beale Simply Simon 43.00 M. Bull Masquerade Paty 44.00 W. Lewis Natique 51.20 N. Neneman Rocky Car 89.60 K. Torrey Zumba 183.20 TRAINING – O – B A. Leatherman Runaway Fantasy 28.20 P. Humphreys Master Elf 31.40 H. Burnett Baloubrie 32.30 J. Brannigan Wise Nikolai 33.20 M. Little R F Rovano Rex 34.00 L. Ashker Potentate 36.40 E. Bershear No Pips 36.50 A. Chubb Loletta 37.70 J. Lehnes High Altitude 38.20 B. Davidson, Jr. Bounce Pass 38.60 M. McCue Shannondale 54 40.40 S. Stinneford Roman Candle 40.70 W. Roberts Fernhill Foster 41.70 S. Beale Moycullen 44.00 E. Rzucidlo Ladybug Traveller 46.20 R. Walker Uncle Ralph 54.60 PRELIMINARY – O - A K. Prather DA Calimero 34.40 R. Wood Iliniza 38.580 B. Martin William Street 38.80 A. Conner Secret Heart Throb 44.30 R. Wood D-Day Vant Plantanenhof 47.80 K. Schmolze Mykoda 51.30 M. Webb Expresso 52.80 E. Sylvester Mettralse 54.40 M. Gargiulo Adorion 54.90 A. Aharoni Sky Show 63.40 K. Young Rhodes Point 69.80 E. Bortuzzo Omina 77.10 C. McKissock Samurai Jack 94.90 N. Carolan Topgun 129.30 M. Koppin No Sranger To The Rain 135.90 PRELIMINARY – O – B M. Little R F Typecast 26.10 R. D’ysieux Mikki Kuchta 30.40 J. Branningan Right Above It 36.20 B. Davidson, Jr. Mr. Bojangles 36.20 B. Martin Brewster 40.30 L. Ashker Calling All Comets 43.60 M. Warro Not Without Me 44.00 L. VandeVliet Running Wolfe 45.20 K. Schmolze Ricardo Time 54.30 H. White Captain Fernhill 54.80 S. Cauffman Diligence 63.70 D. Hart Adhara 76.30 R. Weaver Azrael 78.10 A. Makowski Hopin’ And Praying 80.40 V. Hain Carpe Diem VII 83.80 C. Chavis The Tin Man 129.10 PRELIMINARY – O – C l. Kiefer R F Cosima 20.30 M.Little R F West Indie 23.90 B. Davidson, Jr. Legion Kat 24.80 H. Burnett R F Chigoletta 27.30 L. Ashker Jolly Good Sport 36.50 H. Nicyper-Meryman Optical Illusion 40.10 P. Wiedemann Made To Order 40.50 K. Speck Regal Dancer 50.60 A. Maude Spring Street 53.70 H. White Kelecyn Cognac 59.90 D. Bierly Cadenza Aria 64.20 N. Neneman Legate 70.20 L. VanderVliet Lady Colina 85.20 M. Kinnamon Bristol Indian 138.20 R. Gallagher Antinanco 147.10 PRELIMINARY – O – D R. Wood Powell 24.40 L. Kieffer Landmark’s Monaco 31.70 H. Siegmund High Sierra 32.60 B. Davidson, Jr. No Remorse 36.10 S. Halpin Forrest Nymph 36.10 B. Yard Divine Comedy 37.70 C. Day Malibu 42.10 M. Little R F Quarterman 43.00 H. Gillette Boris O’Hara 43.00 N. Moreira da Silva Cash 43.60 S. Cousins Quigase du Lac 44.70 M. Lorenzen Claidheamhmor 45.60 R. Wood Magic Replica 46.90 A. Jones Irish Odyssey 48.10 S. Grice Simply Solitaire 52.40 T. Nolte Quinn 59.70 R. Caldwell Olmsted 66.70 PRELIMINARY – O – E B. Davidson, Jr. Riviera 32.60 N. Moreira da Silva Paige Boy Boo 39.10 C. Matin Roller Skate 40.50 J. Thompson Femme Fatale 41.40 M. Kinnamon The Diesel Boy 42.60 A. Beale Pressed For Time 44.50 M. Koppin King Bust 45.90 T. Ziegler Cassiopia 49.20 S. Samoylenko Black Russian 49.20 J. Olijslager NQ Lady’s Man 50.90 C. Kuczynski Remington Steele 55.60 E. Sylvester Paddy The Caddy 60.50 R. Diesinger Spy N Ocala 63.60 E. Jarrell Uni Sprite 69.30 M. Herman Go Gilda 75.40 M. Carson Bo Brown 88.30 B. Chaves Tully 95.20 K. Russell Allia 123.30 ADVANCED – A M. Little R F Demeter 30.60 B. Davidson, Jr. The Apprentice 48.40 S. Cousins Ideal Contini 49.20 J. Branigan Henry 52.70 B. Martin Master Frisky 54.00 B. Davidson, Jr. Park Trader 57.20 J. Duttn Huck Finn 57.80 E. Beshear Shame On The Moon 65.50 P. Humphreys Rich N Famous 66.60 B. Martin Steady Eddie 67.90 R. Walker Freedom’s Light 73.20 J. Wendell Cavendish 92.00 ADVANCED – B K. Prather Blackfoot Mystery 36.90 B. Martin Pancho Villa 39.70 B. Davidson, Jr. Wiley Post 40.50 B. Martin Crackerjack 42.50 VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 1 3 SHOW RESULTS K. Severson Fernhill Fearless s. Cousins Westerly N. Moreira da Silva Muggie Hanna Burnett Harbour Pilot N. Battig Steppin’ Out E. Beshear Here’s To You L. Symansky Donner M. O’Donoghue Pirate T. Maynard Sapphire 43.60 49.10 51.00 52.00 56.30 60.70 61.80 61.90 88.50 HORSE PARK OF NEW JERSEY HORSE TRIALS July 26-27, 2014 BEGINNER NOVICE E. Peairs Aileron C. HendersonFWFPrincessTsifara O. Hayes Mint Julep B. Growlewski Abracadabra E. Barberra Carlingford JD B. Heitzmann Dear Cat C. Okal Mi’ Amore S. Wieland Indian Summer Keelin Hollywood K. Cibak October Tryst V. Angst John Wayne M. Verna Your Lucky Day J. Kyzer Harmonicat K. Nelson For Pete Sake S. Barton The Magic Bus BEGINNER NOVICE – O H. Gillette Hillbilly Rockstar K. Reitman Medieval Court E. Nesler Balius Drumcolligan A. Taylor Untouchable Rock E. Urban Whateverit Takes Bella Cavalia A. Magee Little Lady O. Sanders Aughamore D. Koeb Whisperer NOVICE – A A. Gartengerg Mister Mowgli K. Coleman Fagedaboudit Pal L. Santy Smoke King R. Cellini Curious George J. Butler With A Punch J. Nunn Unwritten A. Bierly Irish Red K. Wells Temple J. Bruder Herbie The Love Bug R, Brink Half-Blood Prince J. Bull Manos De Piedra A. Reverendo Badlands Billy S. Montero-Beit Bunny NOVICE – B E. Posillico Cork Blues N. Brady Hurricane Hill K. Diemand Kirkkit P. Hurley Herculon C. Solomon Digby C. Adair Isabella II E. Thomas No Option J. Bruder Social Misfit M. Grubbs Hwin 33.50 34.00 35.00 38.50 38.50 39.50 39.50 43.50 44.00 44.00 46.10 46.50 57.00 62.50 71.00 33.50 36.50 39.00 39.40 39.70 52.00 54.40 79.00 97.00 21.50 25.00 27.50 31.00 33.50 35.50 35.50 42.50 44.30 44.60 48.00 48.50 89.10 26.50 34.00 34.50 34.60 38.00 39.00 39.40 42.30 48.00 J. Morris NOVICE – O – A C. Wilmerding J. Brannigan J. Brannigan L. VanderVliet A. Aharoni J. Greene-Molina E. Nesler W. Lewis J. Jenkins C. Williams S. Camelli L. Fazio Laugh Out Loud 122.30 Swan’s Cyrus Ideally Chorale Marcus Supernova Lexx No Doubt DSF Liquid Force Vamos A Ver Skip Point Jimmy Bufgfett Young Lad K. Schmolze Ricardo’s Whistle & Pop 31.00 33.00 34.50 39.50 40.20 41.10 41.50 42.50 47.00 49.50 51.30 51.50 52.20 52.50 C. Cooper Believe In The Stars NOVICE – O – B J. Brannigan Twilightslastgleam J. Brannigan Mixed Blessing H. Gillette Call The Sheriff W. Lewis Fiona C. Cooper Vendi Spring B. Aickelin Evening Melody L. VanderVlliet Edana K. Elbert Patrick Henry K. Russell Alpengeist C. Cooper Valley Of Knowledge 45.00 N. Moreira da Silva Framboise 45.50 H. Moses Irish Turn 46.70 C. Pellegrino Stornoway Bay 50.00 S. Driscoll C’est La Vie 52.50 S. Beale Bijou D’Amour 57.70 TRAINING – A A. Scannell Epona 23.20 A. Plumb Amarillo 27.30 D. Wicas Reba Dean 31.40 J. Leuenberger The Black Pearl 33.60 L. Hila Woodstock Whitereef 35.70 G. Spargo Sir Joseph 44.90 A. Bayer Road To Redemption 61.70 H. Shultz Free Beer Tonmorrow 68.00 J. Pifer Haddenfield 74.80 J. Starke Drama Queen 92.60 N. Lee Chesterland 105.10 TRAINING– B O. Sanders Renmore 23.60 R. Sorzano Pleasant Rendezvous 31.20 K. Tester Corona 33.60 K. Novotny Cosmic Messenger 35.40 L. Kovach Bacardi Silver 37.70 E. Sears LA Belle Via 37.80 C. Horn Spy Catcher 39.90 C. Pellegrino Christmas Eve 45.30 G. CicconeSome Kind Of Wonderful47.30 M. Bull Masquerade Party 50.60 J. Towner Sonic Twist 65.00 J. Tucker Happy Hunch 65.30 M. Beach Goody Two Shoes 67.00 R. Streilein Jake 82.10 O. Briskin Dos Partners 109.30 TRAINING – O – A N. Neneman Rocky Car 30.90 S. Thornley Toga 34.10 L. VanderVliet Lady Colina 34.10 K. Russell I’m Perfect S. Cousins Christopher M. Carson Bo Brown B. Thomas Tintin B. Kilgo-Kelly Bushwick Bordello T. Nolte George 43 TRAINING – O – B J. Dutton Here’s Jonny K. Russell Alllia Q. Anderson Sprite S. Cousins Wizard J. Feiner Ticondero J. Hoey Harrison S. Bealte McKinley K. Torrey Zumba 35.20 41.70 43.10 62.30 64.50 123.60 30.90 39.80 40.40 40.50 42.60 42.80 47.10 69.60 L. Reis Almeida Anthony The Tiger 72.60 B. Yard Grissom 85.10 M. Bryner MLB Magic Man 106.10 PRELIMINARY – O – A D. Brown Dynamic Image 22.70 N. Moreira da Silva Paige Boy Boo 27.70 J. Brannigan Celtic Heritage 29.00 E. Luther Fair Fiona W 33.20 E. Sylverster Campground 39.60 A. Nienaber All Gone John 49.40 C. McKissock Samurai Jack 62.00 V. Kager California Comet 75.80 P. Shultz Wishful Thinkin’ 92.60 PRELIMINARY – O – B J. Brannigan As Cool As Ice 28.60 A. Aharoni Sky Show 33.60 D. Widstrand Restless Pursuit 33.90 N. Neneman Legate 42.80 M. Herman Go Gilda 43.90 A. MacEwen Dexter 53.60 D. Bierly Cadenza Aria 53.60 B. Lenna Marketscan 54.50 E. Bortuzzo Omina 60.60 S. Grice Simply Solitaire 63.70 INTERMEDIATE – O J. Dutton Jollybo 39.50 S. Cousins Knight Lion 40.30 K. Beaver Sempre Fino 46.30 S. Cousins Folk Hero 51.60 B. Lenna Little Oliver 62.30 M. Bryner Jak My Style 90.90 B. Dugan Kemmerlin 93.10 BCHP TUESDAY EVENING DRESSAGE July 29, 2014 USDF – A K. Lehman A Black Tie Affair A. Bacorn Bow I. Razzano LA Kool Aid USDF – A S. Fitzpatrick D. Ligorano Charlie K. Fetterman Infinito G. Kloss Frisca M. Dorschutz Oula Moola K. Brennan Arabella’s Treasure A. Justice Nynka USDF – B 70.938 65.938 62.188 68.125 67.813 66.250 63.750 63.125 62.188 61.875 VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 1 4 SHOW RESULTS H. Neary One Dark Impression K. Lehman A Black Tie Affair A. Bacorn Bow I. Razzano LA Kool Aid USDF – B S. Fitzpatrick R. Foust Itza Wonderful Life G. Kloss Frisca D. Ligorano Charlie M. Dorschutz Oula Moola E. Girondo Gogain S. Killiam Duncan A. Justic Nynka H. Yost Declan USDF – B K. Kashner Frankie K. Ketofskh Tinseltown L. Fraser Lashes K. Fetterman Infinito K. Brennan Arabella’s Treasure B. Thatcher Servis Me Not USDF – C L. Lynch Soldier’s Melody HJ. Neary One Dark Impression A. Kalinowski Simply Summer I. DeVos Mia USDF – C K. Ketofsky Tinseltown D. Drosnock Lola L. Ketofsky Regal Bay L. Fraser Lashes TRAINING – 1 A. Drosnock Mardi Gras Girl A. Fraser Royal Caius A. Dufrane Knock Your Socks Off T. Zajak Midnight Invitation I. DeVos Mia A. Garvey Frenchie A. Kalinowski Simply Summer G. Daub Weatherly L. Lynch Soldier’s Melody L. Ketofsky Regal Bay L. Chumley Nickolas A. Keller DeClan D. Drosnock Lola TRAINING – 2 M. Papantonis Jersey Girl C. Dickenson Qhuo Vadis L. Chumley Nickolas A. Fraser Royal Caius G. Lewis Opus D. Brady Wiley Coyote KL. Wright Ride The Waves A. Dufrane Knock Your Socks Off L. Nelson DeVaux TRAINING – 3 S. Benner Smilla C. Dickenson Qhuo Vadis S. Carty Oz P. Weston Let The Cat Out G. Lewis Opus K. Wright Ride The Waves D. Brady Wiley Coyote T. Zajak Midnight Invitation 69.375 66.875 66.875 64.043 69.375 67.813 67.188 66.250 62.813 62.188 58.125 54.688 47.900 70.000 68.438 67.188 65.313 63.125 61.565 71.000 68.000 65.250 64.500 70.500 66.500 64.500 64.500 66.646 66.041 65.208 64.583 64.167 63.958 63.750 63.750 63.333 63.125 62.229 62.083 60.000 69.821 67.679 66.786 66.607 66.429 65.357 64.464 62.679 60.357 71.600 70.800 68.000 67.600 66.600 66.000 65.600 65.000 A. Drosnock A. Garvey L. Nelson FIRST – 1 P. Weston M. Rusiewicz FIRST – 2 S. Farrow M. Papantonis B. Wolf M. McDonald L. Scibetta FIRST – 3 J. Feit S. Carty M. Rusiewicz N. Bincarousky L. Scibetta M. McDonald Mardi Gras Girl Frenchie DeVaux 64.200 64.000 61.400 Let The Cat Out 65.517 My First One 65.517 Dalto BLH Jersey Girl Smile Lofty Peter 66.892 66.892 66.757 63.108 62.973 Macao Oz My First One Rafiki Peter Lofty 69.677 66.935 66.452 65.968 64.839 63.226 61.935 K. Hirshmann Woodlander’s Diamond SECOND – 2 & 3 L. Mackintosh (3) Casper L. Mackintosh (2) Casper A. McAuliffe (3) Razzamatazz A. McAuliffe (2) Razzamatazz 64.762 63.947 61.071 60.921 K. Hirshmann (3) Woodlander’s Diamond59.405 EVENT – TOC B. Yard (T-A) Grissom 29.09 A. Blick (BN-B) Miss Cicilia 30.75 E. Taylor (BN-B) Gellod Gethin 32.25 B. Weber (T-A) Mr. Nibbles 33.64 M. Ferraris (BN-B) Breeze 35.25 P. Wright (BN-B) Mardi Gras 36.25 HIDDEN CREEK EQUESTRIAN CENTER DRESSAGE & CT SHOW August 31, 2014 Judges: Schmidt (S) & Munroe (L) USDF – A – STARTER M. Pacucci Phirst Phnight A. Knudsen Valentine P. Gerkovich Binyamin I. Milanese Redford’s Big Mac USDF – B – STARTER M. Paucci Phirst Phnight A. Knudsen Valentine P. Gerkovich Binyamin I. Milanese Redford’s Big Mac C. Green I Found Nemo USDF – C – STARTER – J A. Watson My Last Good Fortune A. Roecker Orion’s Midnight Star G. Graves Think Of Chocolate I. DeVos Mia USDF – C – STARTER – S K. Speziale Simply Red A. Stich Butters N. Vander Brink Mucho Macho T. Jones Ginger TRAINING – 1 – STARTER – J G. Graves Think Of Chocolate I. DeVos Mia A. Roecker Orion’s Midnight Star 70.000 66.250 65.313 63.438 72.188 60.938 59.688 58.438 58.125 61.750 60.250 59.750 58.750 61.750 59.500 56.750 55.750 57.292 55.208 54.583 R. Schreiber Starlight 53.333 M. Tichy Redford’s Big Mac 52.292 TRAINING – 1 – STARTER – S K. Speziale Simply Red 61.875 T. Jones Ginger 61.667 A. Stich Butters 61.042 N. Vander Brink Mucho Macho 53.958 TRAINING – 2 – J Re. Kuc No Strings Attached 64.643 C. Farrell Little Black Dress 63.393 D. Pomeroy Rosmel’s Amber Glo 62.857 A. Majka Cinnamon Girl 61.429 TRAINING – 2 – S B. Parise Kite Falcon 59.821 R. Vales Starlight 59.643 L. Claus Miracle Mountain Tucker 58.929 TRAINING – 3 – J C. Farrell Little Black Dress 67.000 Re. Kuc No Strings Attached 65.400 D. Pomeroy Rosmel’s Amber Glo 61.000 A. Majka Cinnamon Girl 60.800 TRAINING – 2 – S R. Vales Starlight 62.000 L. Claus Miracle Mountain Tucker 61.000 C. Kuntzman Duncan 59.600 B. Parise Kite Falcon 48.200\ FIRST – 1 H. Ahner Duncan 56.207 H. Ahner Epik 52.069 FIRST – 2 S. Witmer Tucker 55.811 FIRST – 3 – DIVISION A H. Lenci Reflection 64.516 S. Weisel Rising Sun 62.419 FIRST – 3 – DIVISION B M. Reinert Remy Martin 65.000 Re. Kuc High Hopes 59.194 H. Ahner Duncan 58.226 S. Witmer Tucker 57.903 SECOND – 1 M. Reinert Remy Martin 58.429 SECOND – 3 S. Weisel Rising Sun 57.143 PRIX. ST. GEORGES Re. Kuc Rufus 55.42 RIDER TEST – FIRST LEVEL H. Ahner Epik 63.300 MFS – USDF – TOC C. Mehnert (2) Sharp As A Tack 67.367 A. Bielinski (T) Skip, Zip And Zap 65.767 Je. Kuc (T) Just Takin’ Chances 65.633 MFS – FEI – TOC Ji. Kuc (I-1) Grande I Am 62.500 MFS – PAS DE DEUX – TRAINING LEVEL H. Ahner Redford’s Big Mac 70.000 A. Bielinski Duncan CT - CROSSRAILS L. Kennedy I Found Nemo 41.87 CT – BABY GREEN K. Kennedy Skip, Zip And Zap 32.81 I. Milanese I Found Nemo 36.87 CT – STARTER D. Drosnock Touch Of Class 43.00 CT – BEGINNER NOVICE VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 1 5 SHOW RESULTS R. Shomper H. Rowe A. Drosnock Silent Rain Wizard Mardi Gras Girl 34.00 41.00 41.00 OXBOW SHOW Septembe 21, 2014 Judge: Piccilo ( L) USDF – A B. Kilgo-Kelly Montana De Avalon J. Beutel Kent K. Yiengst Montana De Avalon J. Abassy Maverick USDF – B J. Beutel Kent L. Kalapodakis Little Princess K. Yiengist Montana De Avalon S. Abassy Mystic Sugarwood J. Cohen Coppelia USDF – C L. Kalapodakis Little Princess R. Yonker Greta K. Arthur My Jennaration TRAINING – 1 & 2 71.250 69.906 58.125 52.500 70.000 66.250 63.125 62.188 63.750 67.250 63.250 63.250 K. Kalapodakis (1) Miss Crimson Ridge 66.667 D. Kalapodakis (2) Miss Crimson Ridge 64.286 R. Yonker (1) Greta 58.542 TRAINING – 3 D. Kalapodakis Miss Crimson Ridge 71.400 C. Tabacco-Weber BJ’s Impression 70.200 C. Gruber Jarich Fan’t Alddjip 69.400 D. Kopp Wessel It 69.200 FIRST – TOC J. Cohen (1) Tres’ Jolie 67.931 C. Tabacco-Weber (1) BJ’s Impression 65.690 J. O’Hagen (3) Dreaming Of Romance 63.709 J. O’Hagen (2) Dreaming Of Romance 63.108 SECOND – 1 & 2 D. VanNostrand (1) Mr. Splash Bug 62.714 D. VanNostrand (2) Mr. Splash Bug 61.973 THIRD – 1 * C. Breslof * Nureyev 53.553 CT – TOC B. Nabors (BN) Evita 166 34.50 B. Nabors (N) Evita 166 40.52 HT – INTRODUCTORY/ELEMENTARY L. Kalapodakis (I) Little Princess 35.31 M.Muys (E) Bentley 36.87 C. Rosendale (E) Double Decker 42.81 S. Abassy (I) Mystic Sugarwood 46.37 HT – PRE-STARTER/BEGINNER NOVICE K. Vanderbeck (S/BN) Kye 38.50 S. Mayfarth (PS/S) Nicky 40.52 A. Beutel (PS/S) Rayo 42.15 N. Santy (S) Mary 43.47 J. Kleveno (S) Dave’s Gamble 93.68 BURGUNDY HOLLOW HORSE TRIALS September 28, 2014 DRESSAGE – TOC J. Troncone (T-2) Poco Whiz Chick A. Graham (A) Hop Scotch Hottie D. Murphy (T-1) Olis J. Troncone (t-1) Poco Whiz Chick 67.850 63.430 60.710 60.000 D. Murphy (T-2) Olis T. Shadduck (B) Imreloaded DRESSAGE ONLY M. Lewis (BN) Mango E. Hatenboer (N) Star W. Fischbach (N) High Times G. Oberfranc-Creesy (N) Tiger Lily E. Hatenboer (BN) Star W. Fischbach (N) High Times INTRODUCTORY A. Ellex Hillbilly Hunter D. Rustici Nobi C. Carmella Gunnar Get Lucky P. Drozal Tanks A Million C. Albinson King B. Kuchaski Boo A. Williams Like Night & Day N. Bartell Jay Bee K. Krieger Hollister D. Ligorano Charlie T. Shadduck Imreloaded STARTER – 1 S. Kleinbauer KO Aiken E. Glowacki Pepper L. Piatti Calloway H. Kendal-Middlemas Midnight Confession M. Schappert Rafi L. Colvin Dunkin STARTER - 2 J. Treharne Llawen Ianto R. Wenner Checkers J. Miller Champaigne High B. Rumore Nefarious J. Alexis Jewel A. Stanaitis Strawberry Kiwi BEGINNER NOVICE – 1 B. Yetter Kirin E. Clouston Grand Cru R. Shomper Silent Rain R. Barber Mickey Finn J. Stahl Theo BEGINNER NOVICE – 2 R. Diesinger Princess Lolly J. Garutti Annie C. Clucas Puddy M. Flaim Craving Chocolate J. Nunn BB Beau’s Smoken Kitty M. Rafinski Banderillo BEGINNER NOVICE - 3 E. Kuc Balladeer K. Sheaffer Penny C. Turocy Ka-Pow L. Czigler Milo B. Durden Ricardo’s Whistle & Pop NOVICE – 1 R. Diesinger Sandy Prince A. Weigand The Big Easy C. Starkey Bobby Magee C. Wenner Guiness L. Fonde Mr. Big Blue Eyes D. Cassirer Skittles CT 57.580 42.500 75.26 67.82 65.50 63.00 61.50 59.50 30.63 35.63 37.19 39.07 43.44 45.86 59.69 69.38 80.32 95.63 126.50 30.32 33.16 36.85 39.00 57.90 60.00 31.06 38.50 38.95 69.48 73.69 81.06 32.50 34.22 61.50 62.50 75.79 26.85 29.00 30.00 31.50 64.00 55.50 38.00 39.48 42.00 50.53 104.50 30.87 35.00 37.40 43.50 53.00 57.50 E. Monson M. Lewis S. Lewandowski H. Jablons G. Warren 401-K 33.48 Mango 34.22 Mondovi 37.48 Shadow 41.75 Zander Good Boy 45.00 APPLEWOOD FARM DRESSAGE/CT/CR October 1, 2014 Judges: Barbosa (S) & Rodich (L) USDF – A C. Allen Zackary 69.375 R. Pie RT 67.188 USDF – B C. Allen Zackary 69.938 S. Stone Noel 64.375 USDF – C C. Allen Zackary 68.750 R. Pie RT 67.750 L. Frumova Aramis 66.250 S. Stone Noel 64.250 TRAINING – 1 S. Stone Noel 62.083 L. Frumova Aramis 60.208 TRAINING – 2 S. Massone F C Fantom 68.214 K. Cunningham Altair 63.750 TRAINING – 3 R. Barber Mickey Finn 69.400 S. Massone F C Fantom 69.400 J. Herbert Enzo 65.400 J. Peterson Uberzaun 60.600 FIRST – TOC J. Herbert (1) Enzo 68.103 S. Mattos (3) R U Atticus 66.129 H. Cornell (1) Guinevere 65.517 THIRD – 1 T. Miller Bossa Nova 66.579 G. Kopp Valentao 65.921 THIRD – 1 & 2 * A. McAuliffe (2) * Frans H 65.610 A. McAulife (1) * Frans H 61.316 MFS – FIRST LEVEL S. Mattos R U Atticus 68.167 USEA – TOC N. Trento (N-B) Safe Harbor 33.00 R. Barber (T-B) Mr. Popps 33.64 R. Barber (T-B) * Mr. Popps 33.64 K. Behrens (BN-A) Premier Jet 38.42 M. Kepferle (BN-A) Theodore 39.50 CT – STARTER K. Callahan Melba 38.95 CT – BN R. Gardner Bailey 35.50 T. Whitty Mickey Finn 36.50 M. Kepferle Theodore 37.00 K. Behrens Premier Jet 37.00 K. Cunningham Altair 40.00 G. Warren Zander Good Boy41.50 CT – NOVICE M. Rafinski Banderillo 36.00 W. Luce High Society II 36.50 CT – TRAINING L. Tegelberg Santiago 33.19 VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 1 6 SHOW RESULTS ESDCTA EVENTING CHAMPIONSHIPS October 5, 2014 STARTER Kathleen Swangler / Casey 46.30 BEGINNER NOVICE Isabel Giordano / Davinci H. Cornell Guinevere E. Kuc Balladeer M. Olijslager Alostar LAH M, Rafinski Banderillo K. Behrens Premier Jet 32.50 36.50 39.00 45.70 49.50 91.50 NOVICE Kim Coleman / Fagedaboudit Pal 33.50 A. Reverendo Badlands Billy 37.00 M.Muldowney Sherlock 47.00 TRAINING Marilyn Payne / Safe Harbor M. Bancroft Ringwood Amistad J. Kobilinski Active Maiden 32.50 32.70 56.00 ESDCTA HORSE TRIALS October 5, 2014 STARTER C. Kydd Orion H. Dewey Tullymor’s Out Of the Blue 35.60 43.90 45.40 46.10 48.90 N. Hayduk Barcelona V. Vaughn Tedesco L. Parker Banda Calypso BEGINNER NOVICE – A – RIDER L. Chumley Scylla 25.00 P. Greene-Stewart Mirkwood Forest 30.00 P. Wright Mardi Gras 38.00 K. Limone Paint The Sky 38.50 A. Dobbs Paprika 41.00 K. Nelson For Pete Sake 41.50 R. Hila Space Bound 45.00 C. McCarty Yogi 46.50 BEGINNER NOVICE – A - O C. Grant Mr. Blue Sky 26.50 I. Johnston Leader’s Finale 40.80 BEGINNER NOVICE - A – O N. Nobles Deo Adiuvante 28.50 J. Jenks Fatty Lumpkin 31.00 L. MacNamara I Got This 35.20 M. Tansey Johnny Hawk 37.70 J. Lehnes Pegasus Irish Cream 57.00 M. Kepferle Theodore 60.50 BEGINNER NOVICE – B – RIDER S. Kanter Hard Alec 25.00 C. Clucas Puddy 26.50 B. Speck Rosenharley Romello 30.00 M. Lake Finnegan 31.00 L. Uthegnannt Drummer Dan 34.00 A. DiPasqua Cinnamon Toast 34.50 O. Larrivee Class Action 43.30 J. Connell Tamujlligan Fly 45.50 C. Barr Cooley Aftershock 54.00 C. Futterman Glorious Titania 86.50 NOVICE – A – RIDER K. Schroder Regent Street 29.50 M. Scalia Fast Fling 39.50 H. Daneker Classy Lady 41.00 A. VanNess Fifty Shades 43.00 C. Heitzenrater Go Devil Go 47.00 R. Jones Swan’s Cyrus 47.50 K. Little Impresario 52.50 C. Futterman Fly Me To The Moon 54.00 C. Okal Mi Amore 66.50 R. Stillwell Montague 70.00 NOVICE – A – O J. Jenkins Vamos A Ver 30.50 J. Racey Bold Point 32.00 N. Barbye Eazy 34.00 J. Donovan Theodore 39.00 A. Leatherman Fiona 40.00 B. MacNamara Igoturback 45.00 NOVICE – B – RIDER Z. Gautier Elexagente 26.00 C. Demaras Brioni 32.50 L. Chumley Avatar’s Jazzman 34.00 M. Leasure Ridley 35.00 A. Roemer Stilo Samika 39.00 T. Freundlich Vianna Gray 45.00 C. Manna Royal Ailish 49.60 E. Dottino Isiah 50.00 E. Hendrickson Wind Blew She Flew58.00 J. Kyzer Harmonicat 74.60 NOVICE – B – O K. Russell Alpengeist 26.50 N. Moreira da Silva Henry 28.00 A. Leatherman Patient Reign 29.10 T. Davis Little Miss Tennessee 30.50 A. Aurillo Rasher 36.80 E. Nolan Highland Casino 40.00 C. Williams Bella Donna 40.00 B. Yard Game Of Chance 40.00 W. Ward Vronsky’s Sword 40.50 L. VanderVliet Framboise 41.00 E. Szokol Wise Acre 81.60 TRAINING – RIDER C. Sendak * The Man In The Glass 35.10 L. Alston Allmost A Saint 38.10 J. Lukens Maisey Jane 39.40 B. McGuire Do You Believe In Magic41.70 N. Knight Harbour The Truth42.60 A. Makowski Without Grace 43.20 C. Rex Can’t Stop Coyote48.20 K. Fenn Darling Harbour 49.60 M. Beach Lucky Bucky 50.90 K. Slater Tornada 56.30 P. Hurley Herculon 61.10 J. Schlenker Sullivan’s Secret 62.00 K. Abrecht Paint It Black 63.40 M. Scott Mosley’s Gift 68.50 J. Lackey Moonlit Starz 85.90 L. Hila Woodstock Witereef 120.70 R. Streilein Jake 137.40 TRAINING – O A. Leatherman Summer Sleigh Ride24.90 N. Moreira da Silva Cash 30.50 N. Moreira da Silva Magnum’s Martini 31.70 A. Leatherman Bounce Pass 34.50 M. Kuchta ABF Special Agent 37.60 K. Elvert Patrick Henry 39.90 L. VanderVliet Lady Colina 43.60 M. Stubenberg Porter 46.70 Q. Anderson Lord Fox 47.60 M. Kuchta ABF Special Edition 51.10 L. Ogden Fling 105.30 PRELIMINARY – A – O P. Crotty Bantry Bay’s Winston 36.00 K. Prather Butts Leonie 36.10 A. Siopes Stallone 36.80 F. Johnson Herold 39.40 A. Aurillo Peace Propsal 39.90 B. Yard Divine Comedy 44.40 P. Wiedemann Made To Order 47.10 P. Wilcher Pepperbox 66.40 R. Fancher Vertical Limit 76.70 R. Sorzano Pleasant Rendezvous93..60 PRELIMINARY – B – O K. Prather D A Calimero 20.90 P. Crotty Cooley Dawn Raid 40.60 N. Moreira da Silva Campground 44.00 B. Harring Marshall Cody 51.10 N. Battig Little Miss 54.40 E. Bierman Czech It Out 58.60 A. Bean Nearing High Noon 63.40 L. Czibgler True Muse 86.30 A. Makowski Hopin’ & Praying 109.20 L. Fazio Kilcannon Pride 157.50 ADULT TEAM DIVISION TEAM 3 – ESDCTA 107.80 K. Coleman (N) Fagedaboudit Pal E. Kuc (BN) Balladeer N. Noble (BN) Deo Adiuvante K. Swangler (ST) Casey TEAM 2 131.60 H. Dewey (ST) Tullymor’s Out Of The Blue K. Limone (BN) Paint The Sky L. Uthgenannt (BN) Drummer Dan S. Yapoujian (BN) Big Time TEAM 1 – APPLEWOOD GALAS 165.40 M. Bancroft (T) Ringwood Amistad K. Behrens (BN) Premier Jet H. Cornell (BN) Guinevere M. Rafinski (BN) Banderillo TEAM 4 216.40 T. Davis (N) Little Miss Tennessee J. Kobilinski (T) Active Maiden K. Slater (T) Caraway’s Archer R. Streilein (T) Jake TEAM 5 1125.80 T. Davis (P) King Dingaling B. Kilgo-Kelly (T) Bushwick Bordello K. Slater (T) Tornada P. Wiedemanbn (P) Made To Order COLLEGE TEAM DIVISION 1084.50 M. Scalia (N) Fast Fling R. Hill (BN) Spacebound C. Pellegrino (N) Stornoway Bay PAM TURNER MEMORIAL ECRDA CHAMPIONSHP SHOW October 5, 2014 Judges: Ash (L) & Ebner (S) VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 1 7 SHOW RESULTS CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS LEADLINE – W Hunter Buchanan / Cherrie Blossom CH W/T - STARTER RIDER – J Claudia Morgan / World Class 70.000 K. Kalfayan Jumping Bean 62.031 W/T – STARTER RIDER – S Meryl Evgangelisti / Princes Ghanima 72.344 W/T – STARTER HORSE – S Colleen McGuigan / All That Jazz 63.438 W/T/C – STARTER RIDER – J Sam Allen / Dun It On A Lark 66.818 S. Puccio Coming In Hot 64.432 A. Lorenzo Sunny 63.523 M. Watt Serendipity 57.614 W/T/C – STARTER RIDER – S Serena Ceylan / Michael’s Destiny 62.273 W/T/C – STARTER HORSE – S Iris Biely / Panda 65.682 TRAINING – J Nikki Charles / Absolute Dream 67.547 K. Clark K’s Malley O’Keefe 65.189 M. Traino Dallas County 65.094 R. Pietruski Cotton Eye Joe 64.434 A. Henderson Midsummer Night’s Dream64.434 S. Bendorf Tater 58.679 TRAINING – S Casey McMahon / Dakari 69.057 K. Magaraci Mr. November 60.755 B. Temme-Soifer Secret Aurora 58.396 ND TRAINING – SHOWN ABOVE 2 – S Erin Scelba-Johnson / Couture 74.811 E. Scelba-Johnson EMR Arising 67.830 SECOND – S Kirby Bate / LL Designer 65.063 ND SECOND – SHOWN ABOVE 2 – S George Rickabaugh / Mystical Magic 65.375 I. Biely Kosmic Karma 62.188 FIRST – J Sara Allen / Barbados 67.635 N. Cribbin A Diamond In The Rough63.714 FIRST – S Colleen Curtin / Rocket Man 66.933 K. Van Ness Bonanza 63.337 N. McKinely Silver Lining 63.206 S. Helm Snickers 62.814 B. Frayman Happy Go Lucky 62.908 ND FIRST – SHOWN ABOVE 2 – S Jessica Sagui / * 61.144 Midsummer Night’s Dream THIRD – J * Alexia DiCiurcio / Sundance 64.079 THIRD – S Iris Biely / Don Cooper 72.763 S. Burgess Obelix 68.816 N. Vine Sable Bedazzled 57.158 N. Rettino-Lambert Irish Lore 55.789 FOURTH – S Sharon Lutgen / Bonjour 62.375 H. Holbrook Better Than Gold 59.500 PRIX ST. GEORGES – S Leslie Savage / Inspiration 56.842 INTERMEDIAIRE – I – S Iris Biely / Randolf Scott INTERMEDIAIRE – II – S 71.184 Samantha Hodgson / Bey Moon Zela 59.737 GRAND PRIX – S Samantha Hogson / Bey Moon Zela MFS – TRAINING LEVEL 62.800 Erin Scelba-Johnson / EMR Arising 66.167 Nicole Rettino – Lambert /Irish Lore 67.833 MFS - THIRD LEVEL * INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES USDF –A – J C. Morgan World Class 69.063 K. Kalfayan Jumping Bean 64.688 USDF – A – S M. Evangelisti Princess Ghanima 70.313 USDF – B – J C. Morgan World Class 70.938 K. Kalfayan Jumping Bean 59.375 USDF – B – S M. Evangelisti Princess Ghanima 74.375 USDF – A – STARTER HORSE – S C. McGuigan All That Jazz 63.438 USDF – B – STARTER HORSE – S C. McGuigan All That Jazz 63.438 USDF – C – STARTER RIDER – J S. Allen Dun It On A Lark 67.750 S. Puccio Coming In Hot 66.250 A. Lorenzo Sunny 65.750 M. Watt Serendipity 56.250 USDF – C – STARTER RIDER – S S. Ceylan Michael’s Destiny 64.750 TRAINING – 1 – STARTER RIDER – J S. Allen Dun It On A Lark 66.042 S. Puccio Coming In Hot 62.917 A. Lorenzo Sunny 61.667 M. Watt Serendipity 58.750 TRAINING – 1 – STARTER RIDER - S S. Ceylan Michael’s Destiny 60.208 USDF – C – STARTER HORSE – J * T. Shelheimer * Gunna Getcha 48.000 USDF – C – STARTER HORSE – S I. Biely Panda 62.750 TRAINING – 1 – STARTER HORSE – S I. Biely Panda 68.125 TRAINING – 2 – J N. Charles Absolute Dream 69.464 M. Traino Dallas County 66.429 A. Henderson Midsummer Night’s Dream65.714 R. Pietruszki Cotton Eye Joe 65.357 K. Clark K’s Malley O’Keefe 65.000 S. Bendorf Tater 57.679 TRAINING – 2 – S C. McMahon Dakari 68.214 K. Magaraci Mr. November 62.143 B. Tenmme-Soifer Secret Aurora 61.607 ND TRAINING – 2 – SHOWN ABOVE 2 – S E. Scelba-Johnson Couture 71.607 E. Scelba-Johnson EMR Arising 68.036 TRAINING – 3 – J N. Charles Absolute Dream 65.400 K. Clark K’s Malley O’Keefe 65.400 M. Traino Dalls County 63.600 R. Pietruszki Cotton Eye Joe 63.400 A. Henderson Midsummer Night’s Dream63.000 S. Bendorf Tater 59.800 TRAINING – 3 – S C. McMahon Dakari 70.000 K. Magaraci Mr. November 59.200 B. Temme-Soifer Secret Aurora 54.800 ND TRAINING – 3 – SHOWN ABOVE 2 -S E. Scelba-Johnson Couture 78.400 E. Scelba-Johnson EMR Arising 67.600 FIRST – 2 – J S. Allen Barbados 65.270 N. Cribbin A Diamond In The Rough61.622 FIRST – 2 – S C. Curtin Rocket Man 69.189 N. McKinley Silver Lining 62.432 S. Helm Snickers 61.757 K. Van Ness Bonanza 61.351 B. Frayman Happy Go Lucky 60.946 ND FIRST – 2 – SHOWN ABOVE 2 – S J. Sagui Midsummer’s Night’s Dream 60.676 FIRST – 3 – J S. Allen Barbados 70.000 N. Cribbin A Diamond In The Rough65.806 FIRST – 3 – S K. Van Ness Bonanza 65.323 B. Frayman Happy Go Lucky 64.677 C. Curtin Rocket Man 64.677 S. Helm Snickers 63.871 N. McKinley Silver Lining 63.871 ND FIRST – 3 – SHOWN ABOVE 2 – S * J. Sagui Midsummer Night’s Dream 61.613 SECOND – 2 – S K. Bate LL Designer 65.132 ND SECOND - 2 – SHOWN ABOVE 2 – S G. Rickabaugh Mystical Magic 61.184 I. Biely Kosmic Karma 60.658 SECOND – 3 – S K. Bate LL Designer 65.000 ND SECOND – 3 SHOWN ABOVE 2 – S G. Rickabaugh Mystical Magic 69.167 I. Biely Kosmic Karma 63.571 THIRD – 1 – J * A. DiCiurcio Sundance 64.079 THIRD – 1 – S I. Biely Don Cooper 72.763 S. Burgess Obelix 68.816 N. Vine Sable Bedazzled 57.158 N. Rettino-Lambert Irish Lore 55.789 FOURTH – 3 – S S. Lutgen Bonjour 62.375 H. Holbrook Better Than Gold 59.500 PRIX ST. GEORGES – S L. Savage Inspiration 56.842 INTERMEDIAIRE – I – S I. Biely Randolf Scott 71.184 INTERMEDIAIRE – II – S S. Hodgson Bey Moon Zela 59.737 GRAND PRIX – S S. Hodgson Bey Moon Zela 62.800 MFS – TRAINING LEVEL – S E. Scelba-Johnson EMR Arising 66.167 MFS – THIRD LEVEL * N. Rettino-Lambert * Irish Lore 67.833 VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 1 8 SHOW RESULTS OPEN SHOW CLASSES USDF – B – STARTER RIDER – S L. Lewis Broadway Bernie 63.750 USDF – C – STARTER RIDER – S L. Lewis Broadway Bernie 69.000 TRAINING – 3 – J N. Cribbin A Diamond In The Rough59.400 FIRST – 2 – S J. Landau Justawee Graceful 66.216 THIRD – 3 – J * A. Dicurcio * Sundance 64.487 THIRD – 3 – S * N. Rettino-Lambert * Irish Lore 61.358 FOURTH – 1 * H. Holbrook * Better Than Gold 62.143 S. Lutgen * Bonjour 61.286 MFS – FIRST LEVEL – S J. Landau Justawee Graceful 72.333 MFS – INTERMEDIATE – I E. Scelba-Johnson Lennox 70.125 LVDA CHAMPIONSHIP & OPEN SHOW October 5, 2014 Judge: Gimble (r) CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS WALK/TROT – USDF - B Susan Monsen / Liam 74.063 Y. Emerson River 73.750 E. Emerson Olivia 70.625 WALK/TROT/CANTER – USDF - C April Stieh / Butters 69.000 M. Harper Lucky Dom 67.750 R. Graham Venetti VT 60.250 TRAINING LEVEL – TEST 3 Victoria Sher / Divine FH 74.200 C. Gallagher Arturo 71.800 C. Callahan Out N About 67.200 E. Monsen 401-K 66.600 B. Frasca Cash In On Faith 64.600 FIRST LEVEL – FIRST – 3 Lindsey Ferris / Dear Henry 61.774 SECOND LEVEL – SECOND – 3 Jennifer Pass / Whuthering Heights 63.214 P. Weston Embracing Picasso 62.500 OPEN SHOW CLASSES USDF – A Y. Emerson River E. Emerson Olivia P. Gegovich Binyamin USDF – B A. Yoder Winteschein P. Gergovich Binyamin USDF – C A. Yoder Winterschein TRAINING – 1 A. Blose Preston J. Connor Clifford A. Carbine-Stauffer Roman Impulse R. Graham Benetti VT 74.063 72.188 66.250 75.000 68.125 68.750 69.375 66.042 64.583 64.375 A. Stieh Butters 63.958 L. Thompson Early Bird 58.125 I. Devos Mia 57.708 TRAINING – 2 V. Sher Divine FH 72.500 C. Callahan Out N About 68.214 J. Connor Clifford 67.143 B. Frasca Cash In On Faith 66.964 M. Morehouse Violet 65.357 K. Keating Tryan 64.821 L. Wingert New Beginning 64.643 M. Harper Lucky Dom 62.679 A. Carbine-Stauffer Roman Impulse61.607 L. Thompson Early Bird 61.250 TRAINING – 3 M. Morehouse Violet 65.400 L. Wingert New Beginning 61.600 FIRST – 1 L. Ferris Dear Henry 65.172 L. Scibetta-Devos Peter 65.172 FIRST – 2 C. Gallagher Arturo 73.514 L. Scibetta-Devos Peter 65.541 FIRST – 3 L. Jolliffe Beacon 71.613 E. Hart Bostonia 67.581 L. Higger Julliet 63.548 SECOND LEVEL – TOC J. Pass (3) Whuthering Heights 60.833 E. Hart (2) Bostonia 59.868 L. Higger (1) Julliet 56.857 SADDLEBROOK RIDGE DRESSAGE October 11, 2014 Judge: Sullivan-Phillips (L) USDF – A – STARTER RIDER – DIV 1 M. Kowal Luke 61.250 USDF – A – STARTER RIDER – DIV 2 C. Johnson Luke 54.062 USDF – B – STARTER RIDER M. Kowal Luke 62.812 USDF – A – STARTER RIDER – DIV 2 L. Potter My Painted Pony 70.625 C. Johnson * Luke 55.000 USDF – A – STARTER HORSE P. Kusnirik Misty’s Crown Prince 57.187 USDF – B – STARTER HORSE K. DiGiovannantonio A Helluva Pitch 68.125 P. Kusnirik Misty’s Crown Prince 63.437 USDF – C – STARTER RIDER L. Potter My Painted Pony 66.250 USDF – C - STARTER HORSE C. Malgrange Carmella 56.000 TRAINING – 1 – O J. Hala Drama 69.791 TRAINING – 1 – STARTER HORSE C. Malgrange Carmella 53.541 TRAINING – 2 J. Hala Drama 69.465 FIRST – 3 L. Gavan Mizar 75.000 BUCKS COUNTY HORSE PARK SCHOOLING HORSE TRIALS October 12, 2014 CT – STARTER/ELEMENTARY S. Shen Back In Black 82.10 B. Kilgo-Kelly Montana De Avalon 85.10 CT – BEGINNER NOVICE E. Griffiths Abendgold 33.80 E. Taylor Gallod Gethin 36.20 A. Smolinsky Ru Zidane 36.70 J. Hillman Daydream 38.10 M. March Kemosabe 39.10 J. Pelosi Fairfield Beauty 43.10 H. Morey McKinley 43.30 E. Gehant Pemberton 45.70 K. Holben-Reinhart Dollar Fred 54.30 CT – NOVICE D. Diqerolamo Just A Gem 31.80 E. Piechavy Cloven Spring George 34.40 E. Angotti Get Smart 38.40 M. Flaim Craving Chocolate 39.60 T. Coulton Aimin’ High 42.60 HT – STARTER – J E. Smith Black Magic 40.60 K. Clemens Sporty Spice 40.60 E. Caprez A Ticket To Ride II 42.50 R. Binder Sweet And Sassy 46.30 A. Snyder Hurrikane Mr. T 53.10 A. Cascarino Silver Treasure 53.60 A. Kress Shall We Dance 57.50 A. Bacorn Teddy 68.80 S. Greshko Silver Snaffles Mr. Michael 75.60 C. Schrotberger Pickled Perfect 98.90 HT – STARTER - S M. ChristensenHorten Hears a Who 46.90 K. Brennan Arabella’s TYreasure 51.30 G. Daub Weatherly 56.10 C. Lowndesz Alpine 69.60 M. Moran Tequila 75.40 HT – ELEMENTARY – J K. Hyduke Kya 34.20 K. Cliver Tall, Dark And Handsome 35.80 C. Mihalik Cut To The Chase 36.80 C. Estes Victory Dance 41.30 J. Johnson Paint Me A Picture 43.00 O. Hayes Rembrandt 43.20 E. Bolla Picasso 43.60 L. Colvin Dunkin 50.40 A. Ball Mr. B 51.10 K. Termini Irish 56.90 HT – ELEMENTARY – S - DIV 1 J. Treharne Llawn Ianto 40.80 G. Cunningham Morning Glory 45.80 B. Gold Dolly 46.00 A. Stizinger Caradino 48.40 C. Ditzel Prince 50.70 C. Bailey Cab Calloway 54.40 L. Gallen Close Talker 61.10 K. Richardson HSF Hepatologist 67.40 HT – ELEMENTARY – S – DIV 2 A. Shiffer Dundee’s Frequent Flyer 30.50 K. Yeich Royal Chaos 41.10 T. Romanczak Daydreamer 41.40 D. Mitchel Hercules 41.60 VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 1 9 SHOW RESULTS K. Swangler E. Glowacki H. Bornemann Casey I’m A Pepper Phoenix 41.60 41.60 50.70 ESDCTA GARDEN STATE CLASSIC October 11-12, 2014 Judges: Schmitt (S) & Wooding (S) TRAINING – 2 – BLM D. Redling Amsterdam TRAINING – 3 – GAIG S. Slater Owen D. Redling Amsterdam FIRST – 1 E. Battel Ideally H. Russell Lady Livengood FIRST – 2 – BLM R. Barstow Rio Tabasco J. Berube En La Sangre FIRST – 3 – GAIG E. Battel Ideally R. Barstow Rio Tabasco L. Higger Julliet J. Berube En La Sangre SECOND – 1 L. Higger Julliet J. Rondinelli Rojo Bar Doc SECOND – 2 – BLM K. Bate LL Designer K. Strus Cambuscan SECOND – 3 – GAIG K. Bate LL Designer J. Rondelli Rojo Bar Doc Al Borden Kismet THIRD – 1 B. Sproule-Hansen Merlin B. Sproule-Hansen Merlin A. Mcauliffe Frans H K. Borden Roquefort S. Burgess Obelix A. Tomson Dora The Explorer G. Kopp Valentao G. Kopp Valentao A. Mcauliffe Frans H THIRD – 2 – BLM B. Sproule-Hansen Merlin A. Mcauliffe Frans H M. Stevenson Zoe Claire A. Mcauliffe Frans H A. Tomson Dora The Explorer THIRD – 3 - GAIG S. Jones Ducan C. McConnell Zidane A. Borden Kismet K. Borden RToquefort M. Stevenson Zoe Claire FOURTH – 1 N. Howie Le Volte Z FOURTH – 2 – BLM N. Howie Le Volte Z M. Capozzoli Hakuna Matata D. Tomajko Storytime N. Howie Le Volte Z FOURTH – 3 – GAIG 65.357 64.800 64.232 66.897 62.586 68.919 66.216 73.548 69.355 64.516 63.710 58.286 56.857 63.816 54.342 65.357 60.238 58.571 68.816 67.105 65.789 65.658 64.868 64.079 61.974 61.842 60.921 69.634 67.317 62.439 61.707 60.976 68.333 67.308 65.641 65.513 64.103 64.571 68.243 63.649 61.892 52.568 N. Howie Le Volte Z D. Tomajko Storytime M. Capozzoli Hakuna Matata M. Capozzoli Hakuna Matata PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG B. Sproule-Hansen Liberty B. Sproiule-Hansen Liberty M. Morgounova Habana A. Tomson Teodor G. Buxton Safari M. LaBarre Miakoda M. Morgounova Habana M. LaBarre Miakoda A. Jackson Sombrero Do Funchal INTERMEDIAIRE – I A. Perkins Veredus A. Perkins Veredus N. Zaccheo Nash N. Zaccheo Nash M. Christ Tristan M. Zureck Seydiltz H K. Worm Favore L. Tascione Rubicon C. Conner Weltson M. Morgounova Habana GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG S. Hodgson Bey Moon Zela MFS – THIRD LEVEL M. Capozzoli Hakuna Matata PONY – TEAM A. Nemeth Pablo S 66.000 65.125 64.875 60.500 J. Brindle-Clark Cycloptic Dilemma 58.000 71.842 67.632 66.579 63.553 63.289 64.079 62.895 58.289 58.026 USDF – A – STARTER RIDER – J K. Kalfayan Jumping Bean 64.375 USDF – B – STARTER RIDER – J K. Kalfayan Jumping Bean 67.188 G. Castro-Rivera Mr. Murphy Jack 62.500 USDF – C – STARTER RIDER – J S. Puccio Coming In Hot 71.750 USDF – C – STARTER HORSE – S I. Biely Panda 75.500 TRAINING – 1 – STARTER HORSE – J S. Puccio Coming In Hot 67.500 TRAINING – 1 – STARTER HORSE – S I. Biely Panda 76.458 TRAINING – 3 – S K. Thiessen Santonio 64.320 FIRST – 1 – J N. Cribbin Diamond In The Rough 67.241 FIRST – 1 – S N. McKinley Silver Lining 65.172 M. Scott Ridzert 65.000 N. Rettino-Lambert Kosmic Karma 64.310 FIRST – 2 – S M. Scott Ridzert 68.514 K. Thiessen Santonio 65.270 FIRST – 3 – J N. Cribbin Diamond In The Rough 64.032 FIRST – 3 – S N. McKinley Silver Lining 64.194 N. Rettino-Lambert Kosmic Karma 60.323 THIRD – 1 – S * I. Biely * Don Cooper 68.947 N. Vine * MVR Midnight Angel 63.684 N. Vine * Sable Bedazzled 59.737 J. Sagui * The Toolman 57.763 THIRD – 3 – S * I. Biely * Don Cooper 70.513 N. Vine * MVR Midnight Angel 62.308 J. Sagui * The Toolman 60.614 N. Vine * Sable Bedazzled 58.744 FOURTH – 1 – S * S. Lutgen * Bonjour 67.286 FOURTH – 3 – S * S. Lutgen * Bonjour 63.250 H. Holbrook * Better Than Gold 59.125 INTERMEDIAIRE – 1 – S * I. Biely * Randolf Scott 70.263 71.184 70.921 67.632 65.921 65.132 64.605 62.368 60.789 60.395 60.263 63.300 72.033 66.829 BURLINGTON COUNTY 4H TO BENEFIT YOUNG RIDERS October 12, 2014 Judge: Glaser (L) USDF – A – STARTER RIDER - J C. Treat-Gorski Cryptic Prince 62.500 USDF – B – STARTER RIDER – J I. Bnonnett Athena 65.000 C. Treat-Gorskli Cryptic Prince 60.625 B. Elbertson MC Lotsa Spotlight 59.375 USDF – B – O K. Costello No Sugar Added 65.000 L. Nixon Copiana 63.125 USDF – B – STARTER HORSE - S K. Thomas Wind Soverign PW 52.500 H. Kerr Raz 52.050 USDF – C – STARTER HORSE H. Kerr Raz 59.000 K. Thomas Wind Soverign PW 55.500 TRAINING – 1 D. Sacks Daphne 70.417 K. Costello No Sugar Added 67.083 S. Mayer Tres’ Chic 57.500 TRAINING – 2 L. Murdaco Apache Moon 62.142 M. Traino Dallas County 58.571 S. Mayer Tres’ Chic 58.214 J. Brindle-Clark Cycloptic Dilemma 56.429 TRAINING – 3 M. Traino Dallas County 62.800 L. Murdaco Apache Moon 62.800 D. Sacks Daphne 60.357 BLUE SPRUCE DRESSAGE CENTER October 18, 2014 Judge: Wooding (S) DRESSAGE AT JERSEY PALMS October 26, 2014 Judge: Barbosa (S) USDF – A – STARTER RIDER R. Losso My Little Buddy USDF – B – STARTER RIDER R. Losso My Little Buddy USDF – A – STARTER HORSE A. Perkowski Valaria USDF – B – STARTER HORSE A. Perkowski Valaria USDF – C 66.875 70.000 69.375 66.875 VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 2 0 SHOW RESULTS C. Horning Romeo J. Cipo (HC)* The Gray Gatsby TRAINING – 1 D. Greco SPR Vegas A. Chernus Ahnri C. Horning Romeo J. Cipo (HC) * The Gray Gatsby TRAINING – 2 H. Horton Magic Dragon G. Gilner (HC) * Saxon D. Greco SPR Vegas C. Okal Mi Amore A. Chernus Ahnri TRAINING – 3 S. Bilder The Magician H. Horton Magic Dragon C. Okal Mi Amore G. Gilner (HC) * Saxon FIRST – 1 S. Shasko Wenda K. Lasky Logan S. Bilder The Magician L. O’Brien Springabout FIRST – 2 J. Rybakowski Chips Ahoy WH K. Lasky Logan S. Shasko Wenda FIRST – 3 J. Rybakowski Chips Ahoy WH THIRD – 1 G. Mallard MGR Prodigy J. DePalo Prince FOURTH – 3 N. Howie Le Volte Z PRIX ST. GEORGES N. Howie Le Volte Z A. Jackson Soberano 65.750 64.000 67.050 66.875 64.167 59.167 71.250 65.536 65.000 64.414 63.750 70.600 70.200 64.200 62.400 65.900 64.828 61.379 60.172 67.703 65.135 60.172 62.903 67.763 65.000 74.054 65.921 63.421 BOUNTIFUL BLESSINGS DRESSAGE November 1, 2014 Judge: Cushner (L) USDF – A – STARTER – J A. Lorenzi Loki 58.440 L. Waenjus Pic’s Pleasure 55.940 USDF – A – STARTER HORSE - S L. Wendel Denmark 59.060 USDF – B – STARTER – J A. Lorenzi Loki 58.750 L. Waenjus Pic’s Pleasure 55.630 USDF – B – STARTER – S L. Wendel (SH) Denmark 58.750 M. Tufano Rambo 57.812 USDF – C - STARTER – J K. Hennessy Equinox Chief Justice 56.600 USDF – C – STARTER – S M. Smith True Gold 58.250 M. Tufano Rambo 58.000 L. Wendel (SH) Denmark 57.500 TRAINING – 1 – STARTER – S M. Smith True Gold 66.460 TRAINING – 1 – O D. Hennessy 61.880 Ranch L Rubi Sweel Capuccino TRAINING – 3 D. Hennessy Ranch L Rubi Sweet Capuccino FIRST – 1 M. Scott Ridzert FIRST – 2 B. Frayman Happy M. Scott Ridzert S. Helm Snickers FIRST – 3 B. Frayman Happy S. Helm Snickers 66.200 60.000 61.350 60.810 60.270 60.480 56.130 SADDLEBROOK RIDGE DRESSAGE November 1, 2014 Judge: Barbosa (S) USDF – A – O P. Williams T Baaz Amiir 67.187 USDF – A – STARTER HORSE H. Weightman Gomez 68.750 USDF – B – O P. Williams T Baaz Amiir 67.187 USDF – B – STARTER HORSE H. Weightman Gomez 67.812 USDF – C – STARTER HORSE R. Johnson Frisky Whisky Frank 64.500 TRAINING – 1 – O L. McMoran Stratego 65.000 TRAINING – 1 – STARTER HORSE R. Johnson Frisky Whisky Frank 58.958 TRAINING – 2 L. McMoran Stratego 67.678 SECOND – 1 J. Goeltz Duncan 67.428 SECOND – 2 J. Goeltz Duncan 61.184 DRESSAGE AT BCHP V October 18, 2014 Judges: Boyce(R) & Mason (S) TRAINING – 2 – BLM C. Dickenson Qhuo Vadis F. Gowers Davina A. Paul Francis M. Gioffre Bruin B. Dancho Ma Coco Belle TRAINING – 3 – GAIG A. Paul Francis C. Dickenson Qhuo Vadis F. Gowers Davina P. Weston Let The Cat Out B. Dancho Ma Coco Belle M. Gioffre Bruin FIRST – 1 L. Scibetta Peter J. Frank Natoria L. Ferris Dear Henry FIRST – 2 – BLM S. Farrow Dalto BLH L. Scibetta Peter L. Ferris Dear Henry FIRST – 3 – GAIG S. Farrow Dalto BLH M. Reinert Remy Martin 72.143 67.857 65.714 59.464 52.500 72.000 69.400 64.800 62.400 55.000 54.800 60.345 58.276 56.034 62.973 58.243 54.865 63.548 61.129 N. Bincarousky Rafiki 57.258 J. Frank Natoria 57.097 SECOND – 1 L. Reilly Drifter’s Way 70.857 P. Klonaris Budari 62.714 V. Ahlers Homer 61.286 M. Reinert Remy Martin 52.000 SECOND – 2 – BLM S. Farrow Zerinus 65.789 P. Weston Embracing Picasso 64.737 P. Klonaris Budari 61.711 V. Ahlers Homer 56.184 K. Strus Cambuscan 55.526 SECOND – 3 – GAIG S. Farrow Zereinus 65.357 P. Weston Embracing Picasso 59.405 P. Klonaris Budari 58.571 A. Giulianelli Ramere 57.381 THIRD – 1 K. Hechler Tarantella 62.895 S. Burgess Obelix 60.789 THIRD – 2 – BLM W. Furlong Santa Lucia 65.366 S. Burgess Obelix 60.976 THIRD – 3 – GAIG K. Hechler Tarantella 67.949 H. Rothwell Libenstar 66.923 FOURTH – 1 B. Brobst Amadeus 66.571 K. Clarke Update 64.571 S. Hirosh CoCo Chevalier 55.857 FOURTH – 2 – BLM D. Tomajko Storytime 58.784 FOURTH – 3 – GAIG M. Capozzoli Hakuna Matata 64.500 D. Tomajko Storytime 54.125 PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG C. Stearns Lady Shiraz 68.289 W. Furlong Amazzing 62.237 K. Ortt Just Livingston 62.237 W. Furlong Jazzmine 60.658 L. Fuelle Raphaelo 58.553 R. Munroe Florale 57.237 E. Donaldson Thanks A Bunch 56.447 INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG S. Zugel Afago Da Reposa 67.632 M. Zureck Saydiltz H 53.684 MFS – THIRD LEVEL – BLM/GAIG M. Capozzoli Hakuna Matata 63.000 BUCKS COUNTY HORSE PARK SCHOOLING HORSE TRIALS November 2, 2014 STARTER T. Graham Sugar 30.60 R. Binder Sweet And Sassy 33.10 K. Krieger Hollister 34.40 A. Ball Chloe 36.30 I. Razzano Teddy 38.10 C. Albinson King Toby 44.60 A. Snyder Hurrikane Mr. T 52.40 ELEMENTARY – J VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 2 1 SHOW RESULTS K. Cliver Tall, Dark And Handsome 31.60 C. Estes Victory Dance 35.00 T. Woodeschick My Bo 47.70 R. Wenner Checkers 57.30 ELEMENTARY – S K. Richardson HSF Hepatologist 36.30 C. Ditzel Prince 44.90 G. Warren Zander 46.60 R. Morgan Miss Dolly 47.70 T. Romanczak Daydreamer 56.60 D. Sawanobori Sandman 56.90 D. Lortie Raynham 57.40 J. Kleveno Dave’s Gamble 57.90 B. Kilgo-Kelly Montana De Avalon 71.50 K. Platti Harrie Tool Box 72.20 B. Rumore Nefarious 72.40 BEGINNER NOVICE – J G. Murphy Shades Of Ireland 29.50 C. Turocy Ka-Pow 31.50 R. Thompson Majestic Sun 36.50 L. Piatti Cab Calloway 38.50 L. Calvgin Dunkin 42.00 L. Barger She’s A Keeper 51.90 O. Barone Wexford 52.50 B. Sandstead Spud O’Leary 55.50 E. Katznelson Supernova 85.00 BEGINNER NOVICE – S – DIV 1 R. Barber Mickey Finn 31.50 R. Shomper Silent Rain 32.00 C. Sellitto Happy Go Lucky 32.50 A. Smolinsky Ru Zidane 33.50 B. YUetter Martini Please 33.50 C. Dobovich Devilish Antics 34.50 J. Lieber Gordito 35.00 A. Pornovets Blue Ridge 39.00 E. Gehant Pemberton 47.50 K. Butler Take Your Time 49.40 M. Canavan Fleur La May 52.10 J. Garutti Labras Leannon 54.90 BEGINNER NOVICE – S – DIV 2 A. Smolinsky Celtic Legacy 30.50 V. Sansone Potente 33.00 G. Warren Hottum 33.50 E. Glowacki I’m A Pepper 36.00 K. Cunningham Altair 41.00 C. Wenner Guinness 43.40 J. Nebel Bushwick Bordeaux 53.00 E. Hatenboer Star 56.50 T. Sullivan Viggy 133.50 NOVICE – J C. Pellegrino Stornoway Bay 26.10 E. Szokol Wise Acre 27.00 G. DiStefano Where’s Your Aaspen27.80 D. Digerolamo Just A Gem 28.80 E. Angotti Get Smart 48.30 NOVICE – S B. Rall-Durden Rudy 28.70 M. Flaim Craving Chocolate 30.40 N. Nobles Deo Adiuvante 33.00 J. Houghton The Caped Crusader 34.80 E. Bierman Corazana 43.50 J. Dickinson Gin Diamond 63.60 B. Matthews DCF Hang On Salute 88.40 TRAINING C. Pellegrino Christmas Eve J. Grant Bull Toccet TRAINING/PRELIMINARY D. Eastabrooks Valito 33.60 33.10 164.00 Due to space constraints, the results might be a condensed version; complete results can be seen on the ESCTA website - HC or * indicates score does not count. Questions? [email protected] Know any ESDCTA members that have acheived and Milestones recently? Did they rate up in Pony Club, earn their USDF Bronxe, compete at their first CCI or CDI? Please let us know! e-mail: [email protected] Trinity Dressage Eliza Banks Training and Instruction for all breeds. Several locations available Including Golden Gait Farm, Millstone, NJ. Freelance available in Central NJ. 732-910-7952 • Dressage Saddle: County Connection Dressage Saddle in excellent condition. 18M, Black, Elephant Print Skid Row Panel. $3695 Please call 732-856-0044. CALLING ALL ESDCTA FANS! Get involved and make a difference. The ESDCTA Nominating Committee is taking nominations for the 2015 slate of officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Dressage At-Large Trustee and eventing At-Large Member. Not interested in an officer’s position just yet? Jump on board as a committee chairperson or member. Let us know how you would like to help ESDCTA bring great programs and services to our membership. Your involvement is appreciated! Please contact Nominating Committee Chairperson Susan Lax at 609-466-4178 or email [email protected] for more information. VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G BOUNTIFUL BLESSINGS FARM DRESSAGE SCHOOLING SHOWS 14 Maxim Road, Howell, NJ 07731 ESDCTA Registered, ECRDA Sanctioned, NJ Western Dressage Association Affiliate New Awards Program for 2014! Thoroughbred Incentive Program (T. I. P.) Awards For T. I. P. registered thoroughbreds only: High Point Awards High Point Dressage Thoroughbred (overall for series) High Point Young Thoroughbred Award Bountiful Blessings Farm Awards* High Score Western Dressage Award Trainer’s Award *Requires participation in at least 3 shows in the series DETAILS ON OUR WEBSITE! Show Dates Sunday, June 29 Saturday, July 26 Friday Afternoon, Aug. 22 Saturday, Nov. 1 2014 Show Schedule Opening Dates May 19 June 21 July 22 October 1 Organizer/Secretary Stephen Marciante 14 Maxim Road Howell, NJ 07731 732-272-7108 PAG E 2 2 Mini Farm Bordering State Rec Area! MILES of designated Equine & ATV trails! Just 30 minutes from Easton! Custom colonial sits on 9+ acres of level, usable land w/ 3 paddocks, 3 stall barn w/ matted stalls plus feed/hay room, riding ring, room for mini- cross country course on site. Zoned for 15 horses. 3 bed, 2.5 bath, Mstr Bed w/ WIC, whirlpool tub, double vanity, 2 story foyer, full finished bsmt (partitioned- possible 4th bed), library w/ built in bookshelves, wet bar & Swarovski crystal chandelier. Oil heat, taxes approx $5000. INCOME POTENTIAL: pad for mobile home w/ well/septic hook up ready to go... or build detached garage/barn. Priced to sell at $369,000 Cindy Stys Horse Properties Request Info & Photos at: [email protected] or 570-656-0730 Closing Dates Judge June 22 Heidi Lemack (L) July 21 Kari Allen (L) August 15 Kem Barbosa (S) October 26 TBA Nancy Clarke Instruction and Training Using Classical French Dressage techniques Creating Balanced Horses and Balanced Riders (908) 996-6152 email: [email protected] Hunterdon county, NJ & surrounding areas Improve your rides and your horse! Call Stacie at 732-208-2760 [email protected] For your equine insurance solutions call or click and connect! (800) 526-1711 • (908) 735-6362 Mortality • Major Medical Surgical • Air Transit Farmowners • Equine Liability Care, Custody or Control Blue Bridle Insurance Agency, Inc. P.O. Box 27, Pittstown, NJ 08867 Photo: © Ronni Nienstedt Does your saddle need to be fitted and flocked?? VO L U M E 4 I S S U E 1 0 - D E C 2 0 1 4 C O L L E C T I V E R E M A R K S – W W W. E S D C TA . O R G PAG E 2 3 Connect your business with our Membership New business membership package: $150/year: A listing in the newsletter, Collective Remarks, the web site (with link) and in our Omnibus. Renew now to market your business to our equine community. Need an application? Go to ESDCTA SUPPORTS OUR BUSINESS MEMBERS SEE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Blue Bridle Equine Insurance Castlegate Farm Anjelhart Equestrian Center Jersey Palms Farm Chivalry Hill Farm Opening Circle Equestrian Services LLC 1-800-526-1711 [email protected] 38 Millers Mill Road, Cream Ridge, NJ 08514 Ph: 609-758-7676 Cell: 732-580-9599 609-466-4178 Ringoes, NJ [email protected] Rhythm & Blues Stables 177 South Stump Tavern Road Jackson, NJ 08527 P. 848-222-4901 Full Service Equine Grooming & Care Doylestown, PA P. 508-404-8144 [email protected] Phone: 609-758-4918 12 Hill Road, Allentown, NJ [email protected] Windy Hollow Hunt Horse Duds and Suds Carousel Farms Amy Howard Dressage, LLC Iron Spring Farm Susan Stickle Photography Stonehenge Dressage 973.885.3203 [email protected] FEI Competitor and Trainer Colts Neck NJ 603-568-2843 [email protected] Chesterfield Farm Stone Horse Farm Hearts Journey Stables Pleasant Ridge Farm Equine Laundry Service 600 Valentine Street, Hacketstown, NJ 07840 1-800-816-3882 [email protected] D 424 Kingwood Locktown Road Flemington, NJ 08822 Phone: 908-996-6152 FEI Competitor & Trainer 908-310-9384 Seargentsville, NJ [email protected] 141 Georgetown-Chesterfield Road Chesterfield, NJ 08515 609.291.8008 [email protected] 425 Kromer Road, Wind Gap, PA 28092 610-863-6616 [email protected] 8 Linn Smith Rd, Augusta, NJ 07822 P: 973-219-1044 [email protected] 75 Old Stottsville Rd Coatesville, PA 19320 610-383-4717 35 Sutton Road, Lebanon, NJ 08833 Phone: 570 460 5184 E-mail: [email protected] 122 Barn Swallow Lane Cresco, PA 570-856-4977 Pleasant Ridge Farm llc CLR Stables Heather Mason Dr. Lisa Toaldo Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Hawk Hollow Ranch Cindy Roesener Stockton ,New Jersey 908-797-9754 [email protected] • Matamoras, PA and Dingmans Ferry, PA P: 570-491-5147 & 570-828-8000 Flying Change Farm 60 Sutton Road, Lebanon, NJ 08833 908-797-2634 100 River Road West Bedminster, NJ 07921 908-256-9787 Laurette Simanski–Snook 12 Fairway Drive Toms River, NJ 08753 [email protected] THE 2015 ESDCTA SHOW SEASON CALENDAR Please refer to the ESDCTA Omnibus for details. All ESDCTA-registered shows are eligible for volunteer hours. No more December 2014 shows WHEN & WHERE SHOW TYPE SHOW DATE Horse Park of NJ winter series Dressage Schooling Saturday, January 17, 2015 OPENING CLOSING 12/10/14 1/8/15
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1824 Easthill Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18017
[email protected]
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