COLLECTED NOTES - Cayuga Dressage and Combined Training
C OLLECTED N OTES O CTOBER 2013 F ROM THE P RESIDENT ’ S D ESK The evenings are beginning to chill, the colors are coming on, the flies are dwindling….fall is certainly in the air. I just returned from three days at the NEDA Fall Festival at HITS Saugerties. This is the largest dressage show I’ve seen – seven rings going all day long, Training Level through Grand Prix. The show included the USDF Region 8 Championships. It was fun to watch our members, Kathy Thode and Bethanne Beckhorn, compete so successfully. We saw a number of other riders from our general area as well – Jessica Eagles, Cindy Mancini, and Lucretia Galbraith were also having a good show when I left Friday afternoon. Our next meeting will be October 15, 6:30 at Stella’s, Rt. 13 just south of Ithaca. There are three main agenda items: preliminary planning for the 2014 show season; the annual election, and planning for the Awards program. Please try to attend if you have ideas about these. Our nominating committee will be sending out information soon about available positions on the Board; this is a terrific opportunity for you to become more involved in our group. Also, be sure to plan to attend the Annual meeting – more information is included in this newsletter. I hope you are enjoying the lovely fall weather with your equine friends, Carol C OMING CDCT E VENTS ! N EXT M EETING O CTOBER 15 6:30 PM S TELLA ’ S R T 13 SOUTH OF I THACA There wasn’t a board meeting in September, therefore there are no meeting notes in this issue. Membership Renewals CDCT, Inc. now offers 3-year membership options! Form is included in this newsletter Membership renewals are due by November 1 AGE 2 P AGE C OLLECTED N OTES Classified Ads Dressage Instructor - Cynthia Bradley Mancini welcomes new clients in the central NY region for riding instruction and training in classical dressage. Cindy is a USEF "r" eventing judge and graduate of the USDF "L" program; she attained her USPC A" rating, is a USDF Bronze Medalist, and has taught riding for nearly 20 years. She has experience with Warmbloods, Quarter Horses, TB, Draft breeds, Arabians, and ponies and is currently competing her own horse, a Canadian Warmblood named Lawrence at PSG. She trains regularly with Lauren Sammis, international competitor and Pan American Gold and Silver medalist. Cindy believes that riding should be a positive, enriching experience for both horse and rider, and she works enthusiastically with novices as well as upper level dressage students. Cindy is happy to travel to students' own farms or boarding barns and can teach on a range of excellent school horses in the Ithaca area. call 607-222-8814 or email [email protected]. References available. For Sale: Saddle, 2005 County, spring tree, black, all leather, size 18 M. Includes irons, girth, saddle cover and portable saddle stand. The saddle is in very good condition. Asking $675. Contact Ed Machak at [email protected] For Sale: Classic Stubben Seigfried saddle for sale. Seat is 18", tree size 30 (medium). Made in Germany. Leather and flocking are soft and pliable. Some surface blemishes. Great for jumping, trail riding, etc. Asking $400. Local trial available. Carol, [email protected] or 607-753-7256. For Sale: County Connection Dressage Saddle for sale, 17” seat, excellent condition, $2,400; Email [email protected], or call 607-292-6084. For Sale: Konig Semi-Custom Dressage Boots, German calf-leather and lining, leather sole and heel and spur rest. Stiff upper leather shaft on outside and stiffer up the back with outside Spanish-cut higher than inside for longer elegant leg appearance. Inside fulllength custom zippers. Stamped numbers inside: #9679 (model), 4-1/2 European size/7-1/2 US, 48cm/18-57/64" (highest outside dimension to the floor), 38cm/1461/64" (widest calf dimension). The tape measurements I took off the boots are as follows: 19-1/2" top of highest outside topline to floor, 17-1/2" inside lower topline to floor, boot fits my naked calf size 13-1/4". My shoe size is 7-1/2 and boot easily fits with a light sock. These boots are immaculate - worn maybe 5 times for shows with no inner calf rubs, no heel rubs or scratches whatsoever. Never seen any rain. Heel is perfect and not worn down. Ankles are all broken in. Leather has been kept conditioned, stored with premium cedar boot trees and always kept inside my home in heated area. Cost of brand new Konigs is now between $800-$1000.00. I am asking $700.00 which includes the cedar boot trees (new trees are $57.00 at Dover Saddlery) plus any shipping cost. Accepting cash (preferred), certified bank check or money order only. No personal checks. Call 607-274-1537 week days or 607-257-7445 weekends and evenings. C OLLECTED N OTES P AGE 3 F REESTYLE D EBUT Submitted by Diane Moose and Carol Van Epps This August, I had the pleasure of a ending Dressage at Stockade to watch many outstanding riders and horses. One inspiring pair who performed with wonderful poise and harmony was Tracy Durham and Take Me To Paris’ freestyle. The mare’s owner has been very gracious in sharing some of their story for Collected Notes. Take Me To Paris (TB) now age ten, was purchased as a four year old by Carol Van Epps. She has the good fortune to be trained and competed by Tracy A. Durham. Carol has a blast doing all the “grandma stuff”. From the start, Tracy favored the music of Simon and Garfunkle as a good match for Paris’ personality, way of go and the ever so important ma er of TEMPO. They worked in conjunc1on with the very talented team of Ann Gup1l and her husband, Ed Iarusso of Equestrian Arts Produc1ons, LLC out of Connec1cut. Carol was thrilled with the fruits of this collabora1on. Paris clearly likes it too. [Side note: A number of club members have seen Emperor’s Grand Prix Freestyle and Honey Mint’s Grand Prix Freestyle. They were both also developed with a Tracy/Ann /Ed collabora1on]. Running 1me for Take Me To Paris’ First Level Freestyle is 4:06/14 minutes. Developing the freestyle took well over a year. Paris’ two best gaits are the trot and the walk, so the freestyle starts briskly, at the trot to “Hazy Shade of Winter”. You can hear dynamics and drama1cs as Tracy and Paris dance together. The horns, the flute and even a cymbal crash mark the last lengthening. Then, as Paris transi1ons to free walk, the music will change seamlessly to “Homeward Bound”. Medium walk and then all the canter work…….this hot blooded thoroughbred needs the quietness of this lyrical piece with its hint of melancholy to help her showcase the elegance of which she is capable. Now as to willingness….! The last movement of this freestyle is unusual. Tracy guides Paris to a halt at G, through walk, as “Homeward Bound” slowly fades. Dressage at Stockade 2013 scores: 6/28/13 61.167% 6/30/13 65.700%, 1st Place 8/4/13 68.600%, 1st Place Their plan for next year is to complete at Second Level for dressage. Paris will con1nue at First Level for her freestyle but it is designed to evolve easily into Second Level. I look forward to seeing this inspiring team again next year! 2013 CDCT Year End Banquet Reserve your seat at the Awards Banquet! The club’s annual awards dinner will be on Sunday evening, November 17. We will meet at the Ithaca Country Club, 189 Pleasant Grove Rd. Ithaca, 14850, phone 607-257-0010, at 4pm for a cash bar. Antipasto platter and cheese and crackers compliments of Barb and Ginny. Dinner to follow. Diners have a choice of one of the following as a main entrée: ENTREE SELECTIONS: All meals (except the Pasta Primavera) come with garden salad, starch and a vegetable. Included in the meal are beverages in the form of iced tea, soda and coffee service. European Chicken – Roast European cut chicken breast (boneless with wing bone a ached), with a sun-dried cherry Port wine sauce. $28 (includes "p) Salmon – Fresh Atlan1c salmon fillet broiled and topped with champagne sauce with jumbo shrimp. $34 (includes "p) Roast Prime Rib of Beef – 10 ounces, slow-roasted prime rib of beef, served with horseradish sauce. $36 (includes "p) Pasta Primavera – Linguine and fresh vegetables tossed in a garlic cream sauce. $22 (includes "ps) With chicken $27 (includes "p) With shrimp $30 (includes "p) Dessert Tray - Assorted cookies, brownies, chocolate dipped strawberries, cream puffs, and pe1t fours. Compliments of the Cayuga Dressage Club Specialty desserts may be purchased from the regular menu at menu prices. Please make your selection below: below Your Name _____________________________________________________ Name of Guest___________________________________________________ All prices include the tip. _________ $36.00 Roast of Prime Ribs _________ $ 28.00 European Chicken _________ $34.00 Salmon _________ $22.00 Pasta Primaverda ______ $27 add chicken ______$30 add shrimp Checks should be made out to CDCT and mailed to Ginny Grove 5807 Sirrine Rd. Trumansburg, NY 14886. 607-387-9352 [email protected]. We need your reservation by Monday Nov 11. CDCT Guidelines for Annual Awards Eligibility 1. Only members of CDCT for the award year (2013) will be eligible to receive awards. 2. In cases where someone other than the owner of the horse rides the award-winning test, only one award will be given. In order to be eligible for an award, you must have volunteered to help at one of our events, or par1cipated in at least one board mee1ng. When you fill out the Awards Applica1on, please indicate when and how you met this requirement. Guidelines for General Awards (Scores of at least 55%) 1. Please indicate whether you competed in a schooling or recognized show, and be sure to include the name of the judge. If a horse/rider combina1on competes at more than one level, the award will be presented only for the highest score; however, all qualifying scores will be acknowledged as 1me allows. Guidelines for Overall and Level High-Score Awards 1. Only scores earned at a USDF recognized show will be eligible for Overall or Level High-Score awards. 2. If you think you are eligible for a high-score award, please enclose a photocopy of the cover sheet of your test showing the name/date of the show, rider’s name, horse’s name, test, and score along with your award applica*on. Please do not send the en1re test. Be sure that the judge’s name is legible. The individual who earns the Overall High Score will be acknowledged for his/her achievements at all level(s) at which he/she competed, but will not be eligible for the High-Score Award at these level(s). Guidelines for Even*ng/Combined Tests Indicate level, name and type of event, and placing. Special Awards 1. Volunteer Awards: be sure to nominate those who you feel really made the season for you: show managers, clinicians, board members, etc. 2. Carry on regardless: see note on the applica1on Others: at the discre1on of the Awards Commi ee And Finally 1. All applica*ons must be postmarked by October 25. If you do not meet this deadline, the club may not be able to award you a prize, although all a empts will be made to men1on your achievements at the banquet. 2. If you cannot a end the banquet, please arrange for someone to pick up your award. Awards will not be mailed. If you have any ques1ons regarding these guidelines, please contact Ginny Grove <[email protected]>. CDCT APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL AWARD Deadline October 25! PLEASE use this form. Feel free to make copies as needed! Rider___________________________________ Horse______________________________________ Owner____________________________________ Horse’s Breeding__________________________ Check compe11on category: Open___ Adult Amateur___ JR/YR___ Volunteer Informa1on___________________________________________________________________ DRESSAGE COMPETITION INFORMATION: Remember to send a photocopy of the cover sheet, showing score and judge's signature, for a test at recognized show that you think may earn you a High-Score Award! A ach addi1onal sheets as needed. You can comment about your show experience if you wish i.e. first 1me at this level. Name of show/Judge ____________________________________________Level/Test______Score_____ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of show/Judge ____________________________________________Level/Test______Score_____ ______________________________________________________________________________________ HORSE TRIAL/COMBINED TEST INFORMATION Compe11on/Judge_______________________________________________Level_______Place______ Compe11on/Judge_______________________________________________Level_______Place______ Carry on Regardless Award: Was this the unluckiest year of your compe11ve life? Did you succeed nonetheless? Describe your woes and how you overcame them! Or if you feel a fellow member deserves it, write and tell us why! Volunteer of the Year Awards: Awards for outstanding volunteers will be given in the categories listed below. You may nominate yourself or anyone else, in one or both categories. Compe11on/ClinicManagement___________________________________________________________ General:______________________________________________________________________________ Note: It would be nice to include a small amount of informa1on about your horse. Please limit to three sentences for 1me constric1ons. Please send completed form to Ginny Grove 5807 Sirrine Rd. Trumansburg, NY 14886 .I can be reached by phone at 607-387-9253 or [email protected]. C OLLECTED N OTES P AGE 7 Check out USDF membership services on line— CDCT Collected Notes is published monthly by Cayuga Dressage and Combined Training (CDCT), Inc. Classified ads free to members, $5 for nonmembers; full-page and half-page ads, rates available on request. Submit news items, letters, and advertisements by the 15th of the preceding month to: Diane Moose at [email protected] W HO TO C ONTACT FOR M ORE I NFORMATION OFFICERS: President: Carol Morris (607) 753-7256, [email protected] Vice President: Kathy Thode (315) 497-2002 [email protected] Past President: Dinah Guarino (315) 497-9922, [email protected] Treasurer: Ginny Grove (607)387-9253, [email protected] Recording Secretary: Dinah Guarino (315) 497-9922, [email protected] Chris Hand (607) 292-6084 [email protected] Membership: Kate Ward (315)784-5434, [email protected] MEMBERS AT LARGE: Donna Young (‘08) (604)669-4156, [email protected] Sandy Su (‘09) (607) 387-6004, [email protected] Susan Mulvey (‘11) (607)343-2701, [email protected] Michelle Blade (‘13) (570)364-5008 [email protected] Kathie Garnsey (‘13) (315) 364-8889, [email protected] NEWSLETTER: Diane Moose (315)729-0383, [email protected] WEBMISTRESS: Karen Steffy (607)342-8144, [email protected] WEB PAGE: C AYUGA D RESSAGE & C OMBINED T RAINING C LUB , I NC . A NNUAL M EMBERSHIP A PPLICATION PLEASE PRINT: Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone (area code first): _____________________________________________________________________ Business phone (area code first): ___________________________________________________________________ Fax (area code first): ____________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________ Is there information above that you do not want published in our yearly membership list, which is distributed to members? If so, please specify: _____________________________________________________________________ Birth date: _______________________ Are you an instructor or trainer? ,Yes ,No Dues renew each Nov. 1 to ensur e you will r eceive newsletter s and be included in the Annual Member ship Roster . Membership benefits: Dues cover your USDF group membership, newsletters, and discounts at club-sponsored events, except as limited by USDF and United States Equestrian Federation (USEF). Enclosed is my payment for: Individual Membership ($35) Individual 3 - Year Membership ($100) Family Membership ($45) Family 3 - Year Membership ($125) Junior Membership ($25) Junior 3 - Year Membership ($70) Activities sponsored by CDCT include a variety of shows, mounted and unmounted clinics, films, speakers, and social events. These are produced by volunteer work from our members. Please indicate below the ways in which you could contribute to the success of YOUR club: Dressage Show: Planning, paperwork, grounds preparation, help on show day, etc. Education/Clinic Committee Awards Newsletter Other: _______________________________________________ Please make checks payable to CDCT, Inc. Please mail application and dues to: CDCT, Inc. c/o Kate Ward 4431 Rockefeller Road Auburn, NY 13021 CDCT, I NC . IS A G ROUP M EMBER ORGANIZATION OF THE USDF; THEREFORE , CDCT MEMBERS ARE AUTOMATICALLY USDF G ROUP MEMEMBERS . CDCT, Inc. c/o Diane Moose 8201 Barnes Rd Port Byron, NY 13140 CDCT, I NC . IS A NON - PROFIT ORGANIZATION PROMOTING D RESSAGE AND C OMBINED T RAINING CDCT, I NC . IS THEREFORE , CDCT A G ROUP M EMBER ORGANIZATION OF THE USDF; MEMBERS ARE AUTOMATICALLY USDF G ROUP MEMBERS . We’re on the web! http:/
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