saturday auction - HRD Auction Rooms
saturday auction - HRD Auction Rooms
SATURDAY AUCTION Modern & Vintage Furniture & Collectables, Electrical Goods, Jewellery & other interesting items Saturday 5th September 2015 at 10:30am VIEWING: Thursday 3rd September 9am - 7pm, Sale day 5th September 8:45 - 10am The Auction Rooms, Quay Lane, Brading, IOW, PO36 0AT Tel: 01983 402222 Email:[email protected] WELCOME TO HOSE RHODES DICKSON OUR AUCTION ROOMS ARE SITUATED JUST OFF BRADING HIGH STREET, BEHIND THE OLD WAXWORKS AND ARE ACCESSIBLE VIA QUAY LANE. THERE ARE DIRECTION SIGNS AT THE JUNCTION OF QUAY LANE AND THE HIGH STREET. CARS CAN BE PARKED IN THE LARGE PUBLIC CAR PARK NEAR ST MARY'S CHURCH. TRAVEL BY ROAD: From PORTSMOUTH, take the 'Wightlink' car ferry to Fishbourne and then drive to Brading via Ryde. From SOUTHAMPTON, take the 'Red Funnel ' car ferry to East Cowes and then drive to Brading via Ryde. TRAVEL BY RAIL: London Waterloo to Portsmouth Harbour, then take the 'Wightlink' passenger catamaran to Ryde, and train to Brading. The saleroom is only a short distance from Brading station. Please note all lots are subject to a buyers premium of 15%+VAT LOT 347 LOT 348 LOT 349 LOT 350 LOT 351 LOT 352 LOT 353 LOT 354 LOT 355 LOT 356 LOT 357 LOT 358 LOT 359 LOT 360 LOT 361 LOT 362 LOT 363 LOT 364 LOT 365 LOT 366 LOT 367 LOT 368 LOT 369 LOT 370 LOT 371 LOT 372 LOT 373 LOT 374 LOT 375 LOT 376 LOT 377 A silver plated warming dish, shell serving dish, together with a plated table centre with hardwood bowl to top. A collection of antiquarian and modern Isle of Wight books, together with a selection of Isle of Wight coloured prints. Various commercial die cast vehicles, Matchbox, Corgi etc (11). Four coloured engravings depicting late 19th Century fashion. A 19th Century style gilt framed reproduction oil on canvas depicting a floral arrangement - 49x39cm. A similar reproduction oil painting - 49x39cm. An antique style oval mirror in gilt frame, together with another wall mirror. An early 19th Century secretaire chest, fitted top drawer with three drawers under, original embossed floral handles - W 103cm. A 19th Century Chinese moon flask with blue painted decoration depicting warriors, three other Oriental items, together with a pair of late 19th Century Bangkok design vases. A collection of nineteen 20th Century Chinese figures. A Victorian walnut well top dressing chest with swing mirror, the upper section with two short drawers, the lower section with tow short and two long drawers - W 123cm. A Sowerby white milk glass footed bowl with red foliate decoration together with the matching jug, a blue milk glass basket, marbled glass vase etc. A pair of silver plated candlesticks with writhen columns - H 43cm. A set of twelve Beatrix Potter books 'The World of Peter Rabbit', in case. A 1950's Smith oak cased mantle clock. An African carved hardwood figure depicting a large number of warriors - H 70cm, together with a pair of African hardwood bookends. A pair of Markay glazed pottery bird figures - owl and cockatoo - H 21cm. An 18th Century inlaid walnut chest of three short and three long drawers, bracket feet, pierced brass handles - W 100cm. A piano stool with lift-up seat. A silver plated biscuit barrel on oval stand, muffin dish, oval lidded serving dish etc. A selection of Ryde property auction particulars. A late 18th/early 19th Century inlaid oak corner cabinet with fielded panel door. An oak canteen on barley twist supports, containing a six place setting of Viners silver plated cutlery. An early 20th Century kneehole dressing table/desk with five drawers - W 122cm. A selection of silver plated ware including a bonbon dish in the shape of a donkey and cart. A pair of counter top, two shelf glass display cabinets with rising backs - W 45cm. A south American white metal chimarrao drinking straw, two silver vases, together with a gold plated pocket watch in case. A late 19th Century mahogany pedestal desk of nine drawers, with pierced brass handles - W 120cm. A Black Forest carved nutcracker in the form of a bear with glass eyes. An oak canteen containing a twelve place set of fish cutlery, maker Army and Navy Cooperative Society Ltd, one knife missing. Various cigarette cards including ''Careless Moments'', together with various postcards etc. Guide £40-60 Guide £70-100 Guide £30-40 Guide £15-30 Guide £20-40 Guide £20-40 Guide £20-40 Guide £80-120 Guide £50-80 Guide £40-60 Guide £70-100 Guide £20-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £10-15 Guide £25-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £25-40 Guide £100-200 Guide £10-20 Guide £30-50 Guide £15-30 Guide £50-100 Guide £20-30 Guide £40-80 Guide £30-50 Guide £40-60 Guide £40-60 Guide £50-100 Guide £30-50 Guide £10-20 Guide £20-40 LOT 378 LOT 379 LOT 380 LOT 381 LOT 382 LOT 383 LOT 384 LOT 385 LOT 386 LOT 387 LOT 388 LOT 389 LOT 390 LOT 391 LOT 392 LOT 393 LOT 394 LOT 395 LOT 396 LOT 397 LOT 398 LOT 399 LOT 400 LOT 401 LOT 402 LOT 403 LOT 404 LOT 405 LOT 406 LOT 407 LOT 408 LOT 409 LOT 410 LOT 411 LOT 412 A collection of eight vintage Dinky toys - Massey-Harris tractor and hayrake, fire engine (955), luxury coach, observation coach, green and cream double decker bus, Bedford dustcart, Bedford tipper lorry, and Aveling and Barford steam roller. Six vintage Dinky die cast vehicles - Ferrari (234), Cunningham C-5R (133), Proteus Campbell Bluebird (153), Cooper-Bristol (233), Vanwall (Corgi), and Maserati (231). Nine vintage Dinky vehicles - Ford Sedan, Austin Somerset (161), Volkswagen (181), Riley (40A), Riley (40A), Triumph saloon car, Blue Loudspeaker van, red Landrover (255) and Austin taxi (40H). A 19th Century mahogany bow fronted chest of two short and three long drawers with brass handles - W 105cm. A Noritake Glenabbey design six place setting teaset with cereal bowls, sugar bowl missing. A box of assorted Isle of Wight postcards. A cranberry glass Mary Gregory style jug - H 13cm. A Glyn Colledge freeform bowl with painted leaf design. A MacIntosh metamorphic fold over teak table on square section column with four splay legs - 102cm square. A Stradivarius copy violin - length of back 14 7/16'', with two bows and case. A 20th Century violin marked G.S. to back - length of back 13 11/16'', together with one bow and case. A collection of fashion earrings. A Victorian pine dining table, now with red Formica top - 104x76cm. Two Victorian circular occasional tables, one with lower tier. A Royal Albert 'Old Country Roses' dinner and tea set, including coffee pot, teapot, two tier cake plate etc. A mid Victorian extending mahogany dining table with one leaf - 180x128cm.(will extend further). A shooting stick together with a carved ebony walking stick. A snakeskin handbag, Geschutzt brass ink stand, boxed chess pieces etc. A Victorian mahogany toilet mirror with shaped base. A Georgian style mahogany toilet mirror on shaped stand. A small collection of prints etc. A pair of early 19th Century country chairs, a similar country chair and two other chairs. A Cork and Son 1970's eight place setting canteen, all cutlery with teak handles. A two tier oak occasional table together with a footstool with seagrass seat. A graduated set of four handbells. Eight Corgi ''Nine Double Nine'' boxed limited edition die cast vehicles. A Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway Company Ltd 1933 calendar, other military ephemera, autograph album and sketch book. A collection of silver plated items including boxed set of six napkin rings, pair of candlesticks etc. A 1920's oak coffer with panelled front. A collection of twenty one military die cast vehicles, Matchbox, Dinky etc. An HP 1510 Deskjet printer (boxed). A 1950's oak chest of four graduated drawers - W 75cm. A Bridgwood 1930's blue and silver lustre coffee set (nineteen pieces). After Brookes - a late 18th Century print of the Royal Palace of Windsor, another Windsor print, together with a Vanity Fair spy print depicting statesman. A G-Plan style teak extending dining table - L 200cm when extended. Guide £40-60 Guide £30-50 Guide £40-60 Guide £50-100 Guide £20-30 Guide £20-30 Guide £40-60 Guide £10-20 Guide £70-100 Guide £25-50 Guide £25-50 Guide £10-20 Guide £25-40 Guide £20-40 Guide £60-100 Guide £80-150 Guide £20-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £20-30 Guide £10-20 Guide £10-20 Guide £25-50 Guide £50-80 Guide £10-20 Guide £40-60 Guide £40-60 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £20-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £10-20 Guide £20-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £30-40 Guide £20-40 LOT 413 LOT 414 LOT 415 LOT 416 LOT 417 LOT 418 LOT 419 LOT 420 LOT 421 LOT 422 LOT 423 LOT 424 LOT 425 LOT 426 LOT 427 LOT 428 LOT 429 LOT 430 LOT 431 LOT 432 LOT 433 LOT 434 LOT 435 LOT 436 LOT 437 LOT 438 LOT 439 LOT 440 LOT 441 LOT 442 LOT 443 LOT 444 LOT 445 A set of four Scandinavian style 1960's teak dining chairs. A collection of silver plated items including a three piece teaset, cased set of knife rests etc. An ebony dressing table set together with various costume jewellery. Thomas B Mackenzie (1887-1944) - Tenterden - signed woodblock print, limited edition 205 of 305 - 13x16cm. Martin Rowson - cartoon print depicting Ken Livingstone and the Crossrail railway line, 19 of 40. A collection of silver plated items including a samovar, two entree dishes etc. Charles Tomkins - three sepia Isle of WIght engravings, together with other Isle of Wight engravings, some framed. A W H Goss mug depicting a rhinoceros, a moulded green glass posy vase, sugar bowl and various ceramics and metalware. A 19th Century oak drop leaf dining table on square legs. A vintage table skittles game with scoreboard. A 1930's oak wardrobe with single drawer under and oval mirror - W 130cm. The matching dressing table with oval mirror - W 110cm. A mahogany wardrobe enclosed by a pair of panelled doors - W 85cm. An ecclesiastical pine side cabinet, top section with hinged lid, shelved cupboard below enclosed by a pair of panelled doors - W 92cm (ex Carisbrooke Priory). A Victorian mahogany toilet mirror. A boxed Dinky Supertoys tank transporter (660) together with a Dinky Supertoys Centurion tank (651). Five silver plated shooting trophies on plinths inscribed '1st M and SM Railway Rifles'. A mahogany gentleman's wardrobe with single panelled door, maker Innovation Ingenuities Ltd, London, Paris and New York - W 63cm. After Ferdinand Preiss - bronze sculpture of female dancer, on black marble plinth H 28cm. A 1930's oak open bookcase - W 46cm. Two brass inkwells together with a cameo. A mahogany framed toilet mirror. A brass three hundred day mantle clock under glass dome, needs attention. Two early 20th Century photographic volumes entitled 'Round London' and 'Round the Coast'. Hubert Garle - A Driving Tour in the Isle of Wight, 1905; A R Hope Moncrieff London; Winston Churchill - English Speaking Peoples (four volumes) etc. Various football programmes, 1980's and 1990's. A collection of postcards - assorted subjects. An early 19th Century rosewood breakfront side cabinet, single drawer to top, three cupboards below - W 138cm. Seven ceramic cats including Jena and Arthur Wood. A Carltonware ''walking'' teapot, two Carltonware ''walking'' mugs, together with a cranberry glass bowl and cover and a Black and White whisky water jug. A silver plated seal, set of six Chinese white metal spoons, cased set of medallions etc. A Georgian oak chest of two short and three long drawers - for restoration - W 103cm. A set of five NatWest piggy money boxes, all stamped Wade. Guide £25-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £25-50 Guide £10-20 Guide £10-20 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £10-20 Guide £10-20 Guide £20-40 Guide £20-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £80-120 Guide £10-20 Guide £40-60 Guide £20-30 Guide £30-50 Guide £40-80 Guide £20-40 Guide £20-40 Guide £10-20 Guide £10-20 Guide £20-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £20-40 Guide £20-40 Guide £80-150 Guide £20-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £25-40 Guide £40-80 Guide £70-100 LOT 446 LOT 447 LOT 448 LOT 449 LOT 450 LOT 451 LOT 452 LOT 453 LOT 454 LOT 455 LOT 456 LOT 457 LOT 458 LOT 459 LOT 460 LOT 461 LOT 462 LOT 463 LOT 464 LOT 465 LOT 466 LOT 467 LOT 468 LOT 469 LOT 470 LOT 471 LOT 472 LOT 473 LOT 474 LOT 475 LOT 476 LOT 477 LOT 478 LOT 479 LOT 480 LOT 481 LOT 482 An Italian 1970's stainless steel coffee set with teak handles, vintage Ronson lighter etc. A collection of Triang and Hornby model railway items including carriages, goods wagons and a turntable. An Arts and Crafts style copper kettle on stand, another kettle and a teapot. A quantity of vintage Meccano including a crane. A quantity of ephemera - mostly of sporting interest. Various Dresden floral patterned teaware including a two handled bowl. A Beswick foal, a Beswick brown gloss horse (damaged), various figures including Country Artists etc. A Lalique glass bowl moulded with floral arrangement, possibly lupins - diam 22cm, impressed R Lalique, France. A collection of glassware including a Wedgwood elephant, silver mounted brush and mirror set etc. A Royal Doulton stoneware lace effect baluster vase - H 28cm, together with a folding games board. A framed 19th Century coloured print entitled 'The Royal Navy No.4', Parker Gallery label to reverse. Various cardboard OO gauge trackside accessories etc - in two boxes. An early 19th Century gilt brass fire kerb with urns to either side - W 105cm, together with a fire grate. A Lloyd Loom ottoman with upholstered seat. A Middle Eastern fringed rug with diamond design to centre - 175x130cm. A fringed Middle Eastern rug with three medallions to centre - 200x130cm. A Middle Eastern rug with two medallions to centre - 220x130cm. A fringed Middle Eastern rug with three medallions to centre - 220x130cm. An Edwardian mahogany framed settee with spiral supports and fluted legs. An adjustable swivel armchair upholstered in mid brown leather. A small mahogany cupboard with two shelves to interior - W 57cm. An oak washstand with cupboard under - W 77cm. An Edwardian style high sided two seater sofa with muted gold upholstery, together with six contrasting cushions - W 180cm. A Corgi ''Simon Snorkel'' fire engine (1127) together with various other boxed die cast vehicles (eighteen). A Victorian rosewood side chair with balloon back. An oak framed ladder back side chair with rush seat. A cased set of four Stuart Crystal cut glass tumblers. A gateleg table on turned supports together with a smaller gateleg table for restoration. An assortment of football programmes, including many Arsenal programmes. A Georgian oak lowboy, three drawers to top, cabriole legs with pad feet - W 89cm. A selection of breweriana. An oak cabinet with three drop flaps - W 40cm. Two Isle of Wight Glass paperweights, two pieces of cranberry glass etc. A Victorian scumbled pine chest of two short and three long drawers - W 98cm. An assortment of vintage camera equipment including lenses. A collection of 45rpm records. An ecclesiastical pine side cabinet, top section with hinged lid, shelved cupboard below enclosed by a pair of panelled doors - W92cm (ex Carisbrooke Priory). Guide £25-40 Guide £50-80 Guide £20-30 Guide £20-30 Guide £20-40 Guide £20-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £80-120 Guide £25-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £20-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £40-80 Guide £10-20 Guide £40-60 Guide £40-60 Guide £40-60 Guide £40-60 Guide £80-120 Guide £50-100 Guide £20-40 Guide £10-20 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £10-20 Guide £5-10 Guide £20-30 Guide £10-20 Guide £25-40 Guide £70-100 Guide £20-40 Guide £10-20 Guide £25-40 Guide £50-80 Guide £20-40 Guide £15-30 Guide £80-120 LOT 483 LOT 484 LOT 485 LOT 486 LOT 487 LOT 488 LOT 489 LOT 490 LOT 491 LOT 492 LOT 493 LOT 494 LOT 495 LOT 496 LOT 497 LOT 498 LOT 499 LOT 500 LOT 501 LOT 502 LOT 503 LOT 504 LOT 505 LOT 506 LOT 507 LOT 508 LOT 509 LOT 510 LOT 511 LOT 512 LOT 513 LOT 514 LOT 515 LOT 516 LOT 517 LOT 518 LOT 519 LOT 520 A pine side cabinet with cupboards above two drawers - W 83cm. An early 20th Century violin and bow in mahogany case. A pine dresser, shelves to top, two drawers above cupboards - W 90cm. Five pieces of cottage ware, vintage bellows, sporting ephemera, military cloth cap etc. A late Victorian wardrobe enclosed by a pair of mirror panelled doors - W 120cm. An early 20th Century French clock set comprising mantle clock with two train movement and two vases. A vintage AA bag, double sided mask soap, various plated ware, conch shell inscribed 'Welcome' etc. A Victorian mahogany pembroke table on turned legs, drawer to one end. A three quarter size violin and bow in case. A mid Victorian mahogany dining table with circular tilt top, octagonal column and platform base - diam 130cm. An Art Deco octagonal walnut occasional table with shaped supports. An early 20th Century dressing table with triple mirror to back, two short and two long drawers under - W 92cm. A Victorian walnut corner chair with carved bow back - for restoration. A Victorian iron framed nursing chair with turned legs. Two gilt wall mirrors with bevelled panels. A Jack Vettriano print - ''Sweet Bird of Youth''. A Jack Vettriano print - ''The Missing Man II''. A Jack Vettriano print entitled 'Lovers and Other Strangers' - framed and glazed. Two framed Jack Vettriano prints - ''Back Where You Belong'' and ''Something In The Air'' - slightly faded. A Jack Vettriano print - ''Mad Dogs''. A Jack Vettriano print - ''A Very Dangerous Beach''. A Jack Vettriano print - ''Bartender Joe''. Eight Exclusive First Editions die cast vehicles - mostly buses (boxed). Fourteen boxed die cast vehicles, mostly buses. Fourteen boxed Exclusive First Editions buses. Fourteen boxed Exclusive First Editions buses. A 1970's occasional table with multi coloured top. A reproduction mahogany coffee table together with three other occasional tables. A Victorian black slate mantle clock garniture, the clock surmounted with classical Roman figure in pensive pose, the garniture as six column Roman temples with cupola tops. Fourteen mounted ships' plaques, mostly metal. A quantity of Giles cartoon books. Six shelves of assorted volumes - mostly historical and botanical. Six shelves of assorted volumes - mostly historical and botanical. A gentleman's valet together with a tray top table. A late Victorian marble washstand with marble splashback, cupboard under - W 92cm. A late Victorian walnut dressing chest, mirror and jewellery drawers to back, two short and two long drawers under - W 107cm. A Jack Vettriano framed print - ''Shape of Things to Come''. A Jack Vettriano framed print - ''Birth of a Dream''. Guide £25-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-50 Guide £40-80 Guide £30-50 Guide £20-40 Guide £20-30 Guide £40-80 Guide £25-40 Guide £20-40 Guide £10-20 Guide £30-50 Guide £10-20 Guide £20-25 Guide £20-25 Guide £25-40 Guide £15-25 Guide £20-25 Guide £20-25 Guide £20-25 Guide £25-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £10-15 Guide £20-30 Guide £50-100 Guide £25-40 Guide £20-30 Guide £40-80 Guide £40-80 Guide £10-20 Guide £30-50 Guide £40-60 Guide £20-25 Guide £20-25 LOT 521 LOT 522 LOT 523 LOT 524 LOT 525 LOT 526 LOT 527 LOT 528 LOT 529 LOT 530 LOT 531 LOT 532 LOT 533 LOT 534 LOT 535 LOT 536 LOT 537 LOT 538 LOT 539 LOT 540 LOT 541 LOT 542 LOT 543 LOT 544 LOT 545 LOT 546 LOT 547 LOT 548 LOT 549 LOT 550 LOT 551 LOT 552 LOT 553 LOT 554 LOT 555 LOT 556 LOT 557 LOT 558 A Jack Vettriano framed print - ''Waltzers''. A Jack Vettriano framed print - ''The Picnic Party''. A Jack Vettriano print - ''Someone Else's Baby''. Two framed Jack Vettriano prints - ''Elergy for a Dead Admiral'' and ''Good Days' Sunshine''. A Jack Vettriano framed print -''A Date With Fate''. A Jack Vettriano framed print - ''Midnight Blue''. A Jack Vettriano framed print - ''The Duelists''. Peter Voysey - a portrait of old lady - 50x40cm oil on canvas, signed and dated bottom right. A Wyld 19th Century folding map of Lymington and Southampton. W G Grace - Cricket, published 1891, The Golfer's Handbook 1952, The Gardener's Kalendar by Philip Miller, a Lincoln stamp album etc. A framed print of Bubbles after Sir John Millais, signed by William James (Bubbles), Parker Gallery label to reverse. Five 1908 Ordnance Survey maps of the Isle of Wight (East Wight and Gunville). Francis Wells - Swanage Bay - coloured etching, artist's proof published by the Rembrandt Guild. A reproduction classical style oil painting, framed and glazed. A boxed Scalextric Mini 1275 GT, two other Scalextric cars, a tinplate vintage car, together with sixteen vintage die cast vehicles, Corgi, Matchbox etc. A reproduction marine stick barometer by Dove Bazeley, Cheltenham - H 95cm. A cast iron floral ended bench with pitch pine slats from the old Bembridge Lifeboat Station, circa 1922 - L 5'. A cast iron bench with pitch pine slats from the old Bembridge Lifeboat Station, circa 1922 - L 4'. A three seater wrought iron garden bench with wooden slats - L 170cm. A similar but smaller garden bench - L 120cm. A similar garden bench. A Bosch 7000 Pro-T electric hedge trimmer. A Beko A Class fridge freezer in white. A hardwood garden table together with a hardwood armchair. A hardwood three seater garden bench - L 155cm. A Ryobi RSV 3100E petrol driven leaf blower with attachments. Twelve Victorian brass stair rods with attachments. A blue ground tribal rug together with a rush mat. A Middle Eastern red ground rug with guls to centre. An early 20th Century cane conservatory chair with footrest, together with another conservatory chair. ''The Windsor Croquet Set'' comprising four mallets, six hoops etc, together with a set of boules. A vintage croquet set Number 5, comprising four mallets, six hoops etc. A Victorian mahogany wardrobe enclosed by a pair of arched panelled doors - W 140cm. Two jewellery boxes containing various costume jewellery. A tray of assorted costume jewellery. A black fitted leather jewellery box containing various costume jewellery. A blue plush coin case containing sixteen Russian proof coins. Two silver and mother of pearl fruit knives, cigar piercer and sifter spoon. Guide £20-25 Guide £20-25 Guide £15-20 Guide £20-25 Guide £20-25 Guide £20-25 Guide £20-25 Guide £50-80 Guide £20-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £25-40 Guide £20-30 Guide £30-50 Guide £20-30 Guide £25-40 Guide £50-80 Guide £140-180 Guide £130-150 Guide £70-100 Guide £40-60 Guide £40-60 Guide £10-15 Guide £30-50 Guide £50-80 Guide £40-80 Guide £20-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £15-25 Guide £30-50 Guide £20-40 Guide £40-80 Guide £40-80 Guide £80-120 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £25-40 Guide £30-50 LOT 559 LOT 560 LOT 561 LOT 562 LOT 563 LOT 564 LOT 565 LOT 566 LOT 567 LOT 568 LOT 569 LOT 570 LOT 571 LOT 572 LOT 573 LOT 574 LOT 575 LOT 576 LOT 577 LOT 578 LOT 579 LOT 580 LOT 581 LOT 582 LOT 583 LOT 584 LOT 585 LOT 586 LOT 587 LOT 588 LOT 589 LOT 590 LOT 591 LOT 592 LOT 593 LOT 594 A 9ct gold ring set with lime green citrine, size T. A 9ct gold eternity ring set with blue and white stones, size K. A 9ct gold ring set with turquoise coloured stones, size U. A 9ct gold ring set with green tourmaline, size U. A 9ct gold ring set with green tourmaline, size U. A yellow and white metal ring channel set with diamonds, size L. A 9ct gold ring set with green tourmaline, size U. A 9ct gold ring set with green tourmaline, size U. A 9ct gold ring set with red stones, size S. A 9ct gold ring set with green tourmaline, size U. A yellow and white metal diamond set full eternity ring, size M. A 9ct gold ring set with lime green citrine, size T. A collection of Matchbox, Corgi and Dinky toys including a green Post Office Telephones service van (261) - thirty six items. A box of assorted costume jewellery. A small collection of continental bank notes together with Georgian and other coinage. Three photograph frames set with micro mosaic flowers. A Chinese miniature bronze model of a hare with silver splash decoration - L 7cm, together with two miniature metal figures. A carved ivory photograph frame with carved floral decoration - H 11.5cm, together with a carved ivory pin cushion/tape measure. A set of six Chinese white metal coffee spoons, five English silver teaspoons, various other silver flatware etc. A set of six vintage glass cocktail stirrers, ebony vesta case, papier mache snuff box, silver trophy cup etc. A 19th Century bamboo sword stick. A Royal Doulton miniature figure ''The Paisley Shawl'' - H 10cm. A large quantity of UK and foreign coinage. A sterling silver mounted glass scent bottle, together with a white metal model of a Chinese rickshaw. A 19th Century brass sovereign and half sovereign balance. A silver four trumpet epergne, Birmingham 1919 - H 25cm. A silver visiting card case together with a silver trinket box on four claw feet, Birmingham 1915. A pair of filled silver specimen vases, two silver spoons, two silver sugar tongs, silver miniature toast rack etc. A Dupont, Paris vintage lighter together with a Dunhill lighter. A pair of Georgian silver sugar tongs, London 1824. A miniature silver clog, Sheffield 1909, maker GW. A pierced silver lidded mustard, caddy spoon, together with two pairs of silver sugar tongs. A Waterman, Paris gold plated fountain pen with 18ct gold nib, together with the matching ballpoint pen (in original case). A Maltese .917 white metal spoon with Maltese cross to finial. A circular silver photograph frame - diam 12cm, together with a smaller photograph frame. A three piece silver condiment set, Birmingham hallmark. Guide £25-35 Guide £35-50 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £40-60 Guide £20-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £50-80 Guide £50-80 Guide £50-80 Guide £50-80 Guide £40-60 Guide £50-80 Guide £40-80 Guide £25-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £50-80 Guide £20-40 Guide £10-20 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £40-60 Guide £20-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £25-40 LOT 595 LOT 596 LOT 597 LOT 598 LOT 599 LOT 600 LOT 601 LOT 602 LOT 603 LOT 604 LOT 605 LOT 606 LOT 607 LOT 608 LOT 609 LOT 610 LOT 611 LOT 612 LOT 613 LOT 614 LOT 615 LOT 616 LOT 617 LOT 618 LOT 619 LOT 620 LOT 621 LOT 622 LOT 623 LOT 624 LOT 625 LOT 626 LOT 627 LOT 628 LOT 629 A silver bookmatch case, a silver scent bottle with chain, together with a silver sovereign case with engraved decoration. A small silver cigarette case together with a silver vesta case. Two engraved silver vesta cases, a small silver mounted glass trinket pot, silver handle and silver pepper. Three vintage lighters together with five ladies' wristwatches and a Smith's gents watch. A multi strand freshwater pearl necklace together with various other costume jewellery. Two Royal Doulton ceramic fox terrier brooches, a gold plated bangle, diamante and other costume jewellery. A jewellery box containing various costume jewellery. A 9ct gold bangle mounted with three rubies and two diamonds - approx gross weight 9.3g. A silver charm bracelet with heart padlock clasp and twenty charms - approx total weight 90g / 2.9 troy oz. A silver pendant set with cubic zirconia, together with the matching stud earrings. A ladies' silver Rotary wristwatch set with white stones, approx gross weight 53.8g / 1.7 troy oz. A Trifari brooch in the form of a tree, together with various costume jewellery. Two silver curb link necklace chains together with a curb link ID bracelet. Two silver dress rings set with diamonds and coloured stones, both size P. A collection of silver jewellery including a crucifix on necklace chain, a bracelet with heart charm, a turquoise set pendant necklace, amber ring and two pairs of earrings. A matching set of necklace and bracelet each with a Lovelinks style silver bead charm. A Pandora style silver bracelet with silver heart charm and fourteen glass beads. A heart shaped silver onyx pendant and matching stud earrings, together with three further pairs of silver earrings. A 9ct gold ring set with seven opals, size O. A 9ct gold ''dearest'' ring, size T. A 9ct gold brooch set with sapphire and pearl, a faux ivory crucifix, an owl brooch, together with a quantity of various costume jewellery etc. A G-10 repeater air pistol, BB Cal (4.5mm), together with a leather holster. An Edward VII 1907 gold half sovereign. A Victoria 1894 gold sovereign. An Edward VII 1905 gold half sovereign. A pair of 9ct gold gents cufflinks mounted with a pair of 1902 gold half sovereigns approx gross weight 15.6g. A small collection of English and foreign copper and silver coinage. A silver cased pocket watch ''The Commercial'' on chain with watch key. A Rotary 9ct gold ladies' wristwatch on 9ct gold bracelet - approx gross weight 17g. A 9ct gold ladies' wristwatch on 9ct gold bark effect bracelet - approx gross weight 27.2g. A Dupont, Paris lighter in leather box.. A Dupont, Paris gold plated lighter together with a silver compact. An 1899 Victorian crown, a 9ct gold cased watch, various medallions etc. Four WW2 medals, including Italy Star and Africa Star, and various badges etc awarded to 1283312 Cpl C I Jones. A Maria Theresa silver Thaler, together with other silver coinage. Guide £50-80 Guide £30-50 Guide £25-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £60-80 Guide £30-50 Guide £20-30 Guide £20-30 Guide £10-15 Guide £30-40 Guide £20-30 Guide £20-30 Guide £15-20 Guide £15-25 Guide £15-20 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £40-60 Guide £30-50 Guide £70-80 Guide £140-180 Guide £70-80 Guide £180-220 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-40 Guide £70-100 Guide £100-150 Guide £40-60 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-40 Guide £25-40 LOT 630 LOT 631 LOT 632 LOT 633 LOT 634 LOT 635 LOT 636 LOT 637 LOT 638 LOT 639 LOT 640 Two pocket watches, one silver, a silver plated purse and a souvenir spoon. A continental bronzed spelter female figure lamp. An oak framed watercolour of stately home, together with an oil painting of waterfall by Purchas. A collection of costume jewellery and wristwatches etc. A collection of Victorian and later silver coinage, including an 1887 crown and an 1897 crown, together with copper and foreign coinage. A German 1923 one million mark note, no.65431, framed and glazed. 1975 Start Trek exhibition ephemera including two set scripts ''The Empath'' and ''He Walked Among Us''. WW2 ephemera including German maps and confidential reports. A Kigu silver compact and a silver bangle. A 9ct gold watch chain, approx total weight 48.8g. A pearl necklace with 9ct gold clasp. Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £30-50 Guide £20-30 Guide £40-60 Guide £20-30 Guide £25-40 Guide £25-40 Guide £30-50 Guide £300-400 Guide £50-80 CONDITIONS OF SALE Hose Rhodes Dickson Auction Rooms (hereinafter called the auctioneers) conduct business under the following Conditions of Sale. 1. 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