2016 Newsletter (2)February.pub


2016 Newsletter (2)February.pub
Monthly Newsletter of Bread of Life Lutheran Church
1415 17th Avenue Southwest, Minot ND 58701 (701) 838-3360
Web Site: breadoflifeminot.com ~~ Email: [email protected]
Pastor Taryn Montgomery
Pastor Alex Hoops
February 2016
Walking Faith: New Member Gatherings
Are you interested in joining Bread of Life?
Want to be a part of the story we are creating together in faith? Join us!
Pastoral Acts
August Mark Estenson
Rhoda Ingeborg Montgomery Schmidt
During Lent we will be hosting special
welcome gatherings on Sunday nights for
those who are interested in making Bread of Life their congregational home. Walking Faith will meet on Sunday evenings, FebruIn memory of Velda Schwede
ary 21 & 28 and March 13 & 20. We will gather from 5:307:00pm. Dinner is provided, as is free childcare.
from Shirley Quigley, Janice
Hewitt, Elaine Swanson,
Joylea Knutson
If you are interested in attending and joining BOL, please sign up
In memory of Loren Quandt
on the bulletin board in the narthex or let the church office know.
from Janice Hewitt
We look forward to this time together, and the new friendships
that will surely be formed!
Memorial Gifts
Lent at Bread of Life
Our theme for Lent this year is “Animate!” We will explore different practices of the Christian faith
and hear from Bread of Life members how they incorporate these into their lives and faith.
Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 for a meal hosted by our ministry teams, and then worship
together at 7:00pm.
Along with our “Sweet Deal for the CAR”, our Wednesday evening offerings will go towards Lutheran
Social Services of North Dakota and the various programs they (and we) provide across the state.
Join Us For Dinner
Feb 10
Feb 16
Feb 24
March 2
March 9
March 16
Chili & all the fixins’
Campfire Cookout
The Happy Hotdish
Taco Bout a Party!
Pasta Perfect
Breakfast for Dinner
For your calendar ~ The Burlington Community Choir will be our guests on March 9.
They always do a wonderful job with their music and the Lent/Easter message they bring. Invite
your friends
A Slice of Bread
From Pastor Taryn
Caring Conversations, Caring for Each Other
Part One
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all
made to drink of one Spirit.
- 1 Corinthians 12:13
I remember as a kid gathering for family get-togethers, often around card tables in my Opa and Oma’s garage.
That’s what you do in German country, in central Illinois. No family gathering actually takes place around the
dining room table! And depending on who was present, the conversation could get quite lively at times. We
might have had the same blood running through our veins, but that didn’t mean everyone agreed on the current
event that eventually came up. We were of the ‘same cloth’ but with different views, life experiences, and understandings of the world. Just the same, we were family. When the going got tough, and at times it did, we
were there for each other. As a family, we were one.
If you were at the annual meeting last week, you know that we discussed two important topics of our ministry
together – the first being the building project at Bread of Life. We saw plans and heard for the first time some
of the ideas that the building committee and the architects have worked up. We also learned of two “Caring
Conversations” that the council will be holding in early March to discuss the marriage policy at BOL and how
we as a congregation, as one, might respond.
As you well know, the legal understanding of marriage has changed in the U.S. In light of this, Bishop Mark
Narum of our WND Synod, is encouraging congregations to enter into conversations about what this means for
us. It is very likely that Pastor Alex or myself will be approached by a same-gender couple in due time, requesting to get married. We desire to be proactive in knowing what our policy is, rather than reactive when that
time comes. It’s also likely that the gay or lesbian couple who might approach us, will not be “strangers” to the
congregation but a member or somehow connected to our church family. In this sense, it could be “one of us”.
I fully recognize and honor that for some members, this conversation might feel like deja vu. For others, it’s
new and without much context. For those who have been around BOL for a while, the discussion around gay
marriage, and alongside that of a building expansion, might feel all too familiar. You were looking at expanding
the last time the conversation around human sexuality came up. I imagine there are feelings of anxiety,
uncertainty, and wonderment – what could this mean, this time?
That being said, I feel in my heart of hearts, that “this time” is different. Bread of Life is a very different
congregation than it was 6 years ago. We have added many new members to the family. Your leadership is
also different, and Pastor Alex and I want you to hear loud and clear that we are here to be your pastors
through this process – whether you agree or disagree with gay marriage. This does not have to be a
conversation that divides us; if anything my hope is that it can bring us closer together.
For it’s in engaging the difficult conversations, that we often learn more about each
other and ourselves, which often leads us to love one another better.
Speaking for myself, some of my most meaningful relationships are with those whom I
might wholeheartedly disagree with at times. This is where we find God.
Included with this newsletter is a prayer card. I invite you to stick this in your bible
where you can pray it every day with your devotions. Place it on the dashboard of your
car, the bathroom mirror, or tape it to the backdoor – somewhere you can see it daily,
and be reminded to pray for our congregation and those impacted by the conversation.
In the March newsletter, I will outline in more detail how these “Caring Conversations” will take place. In the
meantime, I encourage you to mark your calendars for Sunday, March 6th at 6:30pm or Sunday, March 13th at
12:30pm. And I invite you into prayer with and for one another.
In the words of Paul, we all drink from the same Spirit. So may we place our hope in the Spirit to lead and
guide us, and may we reach across the table in fervent love and respect for one another – for all of our
neighbors in Christ.
With peace and love, Pastor Taryn
A Slice of Bread
For mutual respect and genuine care of
one another as we discuss our
understanding of marriage.
For same-gender couples who are
impacted by the conversation.
For honest sharing and active listening
around the table.
For the Spirit’s guidance and wisdom as
we engage one another, and move
forward in our ministry together.
A Slice of Bread
Enjoy eating out, having
breakfast or supper with
friends? Want to meet some
new friends!? You are invited
to join Bread of Life family
when you are able:
Sat , Feb 6, 8:30 Breakfast at Perkins
Sat, Feb 20, 8:30 Breakfast at Bread of Life
Sat., Feb 27, 6:30 supper at Paradiso
High School
Each Wednesday
evening the Bread of
Life Youth have an opportunity to meet with
Pastor Alex. High school youth are challenged to be
a part. A variety of events, conversations,
service projects happen. Bring your friends.
Wednesdays ~ 8 pm
Have Birthday cake
with George Officer
as he celebrates his 96th ~
stop and have coffee and cake
after Sunday services (Feb 7)
Ladies - Opportunity of Bible Study
and Fellowship for you Merry Circle - February 3, 1:30 pm in the
fellowship hall. Come and be a part of Fellowship and
the Bible study (using the monthly study in the ELCA
Women’s magazine “Gather”.
BOL Women will meet February 22, 7 pm at the
Church. Come, meet some new faces, and be a part
Of happenings at BOL.
1 Madison Belgarde,
Shannon Hanson, Christoph Schmidt
2 Doug Bonsness
3 Dawndi Kesler,
Rusten Roteliuk
4 Hallie Abrahamson, Dennis Erber
5 George Officer, Lily Bonsness
6 Dean Thompson, Hunter Sherven
Nathan Weatherspoon
7 Bill Klimpel, Kevin Miller
9 Jayde Lindbo, Henri Schlecht
9 Whitney Shea
11 Carlene Huber, Mildred Aipperspach
Jessa Rafferty
12 Breanna Lien, Terri Huber
13 Jennifer Lien, Elaine Lowrey,
14 Ernie Conger, Elaine Schneider,
Shawn Stredwick, Elizabeth Fuller
Lois Mackey
15 Andee Hanson, Jada Dittus,
Mandi Brackel
16 Zoe English
17 Corey Mock
18 Cody Bonsness, Blenda Dahlien,
Kate Davis, Bridger Loucks
20 Gabrielle Kissner, Tyrell Sveet
Cynthia Hamm
21 Joren Boyce, Bentley Hovey
22 Carla Bartuska, Juliana Schlecht
Tyson Reiter
23 Todd Flaten, Hannah Miller
25 Brynlee Sveet
26 Beverly Larson, Ardell Skalicky
Adell Willoughby
27 Debbie Huber,
Brandon Mackey
28 Grace Redding,
Ninette Anderson
14 Mark & Marcell Johnson
Darwin & Flora Hedstrand
28 Cody & Brooke Hilliard
A Slice of Bread
Wednesday Night Faith Formation for February
Wednesday Feb 3
Confirmation @6:30 at BOL
Wednesday Feb 10
Ash Wednesday Supper 6 pm, Worship 7 pm
Wednesday Feb 17
Lenten Supper 6 pm, Worship 7 pm
Wednesday Feb 25
Lenten Supper 6 pm, Worship 7 pm
2016 Council
New Church council members: Margaret Sherve,
Kristi Schlecht, Tom Probst, Jayde Lindbo
Returning Council members: Quentin Hill, Troy
Langmaack, Terri Huber
Ministry Team Chairpersons: Stewardship Erin
Loucks; Congregational Life Janice Hewitt; Youth
Deidre Wall.
Nominating Committee: Mary Probst, Bill Klimpel
Fall conference assembly delegate: Troy Langmaack
Synod Assembly delegates: Don and Tammy Hamm
Metigoshe Ministries Representative: Erik Jacobson
Outgoing council members: Rachel Ellis, Dale Ellis,
Jacob Hanson, Kara Haugenoe.
We extend a big thank you to all the new and former
congregation leaders for the time and talents they share
in the congregation and the community.
Special event coming up, need a tempting
dessert, a delicious homemade cheesecake is the answer. Pick up an order form—
they are on the desk in the church narthex.
Each cheesecake is $30 and all sales help
support expenses for youth traveling to Haiti
for a mission experience working with
summer education projects.
Flavors are: Turtle, White Chocolae
Raspberry, Almond, Key Lime.
Does that not make your mouth water?
Order now and you will have for
Thanks for
your Help! ……
BOL Book Club -
The next meeting Monday, March 21st at Michaela
Huber’s home, book is The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
2nd Annual "Fat Tuesday" Pancake Feed!
Lutheran Campus Ministry is hosting a festive Pancake Feed on Fat Tuesday, February 9th, from
5:30-7pm at Christ Lutheran Church (502 17th St. NW). Pancakes, sausage, fruit, and a variety of toppings will be served. A free-will offering will be
taken to help raise funds for a Spring Break trip to Chicago. Hope to see you
A Slice of Bread
2016 Annual Report Pastor Taryn Montgomery
I write this report on the tail end of my maternity leave. A time when I have fallen more and more in love
each day with our new daughter Rhoda, witnessed big sister Maggie care for and nurture her baby sister,
and have spent quality time with family from near and far. I’m grateful for this leave, and thank you for
blessing and honoring it. I’m also grateful for you, the caring church community I return to. I’m equally
grateful for another year spent together in ministry with one another and our larger community.
Highlights of 2015:
In April, welcoming another wonderful group of new brothers and sisters into our ministry! Our
“Walking Faith” gatherings on Sunday evenings were a highlight for me. It was great to see new
members getting to know each other and forming meaningful connections and friendships.
Witnessing continued growth in our understanding of stewardship through Consecration Sunday and
our early conversations around a possible Capital Campaign. I continue to learn a lot in this area
of ministry.
Experiencing growth in our Faith Formation program at BOL! It’s been a joy to see more families and
individuals joining us on Wednesdays for these nights of fun, learning, service, and spiritual
growth. Thank you Faith Formation Team!
Our Fair Trade sales at BOL and Synod Assembly. I love watching this ministry grow and the awareness it brings to justice issues facing those who live in poverty in our world. Grateful for the BOL
Women who make it happen!
Leading our “vision for building” process in the fall. It was fascinating to hear your feedback, and also
the excitement many have for where God is leading us in our ministry, and how additional space
could help meet those needs and goals.
Burning the mortgage! For those who have been around BOL for many years, it was indeed a celebratory thing to pay off our debt. It’s exciting for all of us as we move forward.
Riding 130+ miles on a bike while 18 weeks pregnant was… thrilling! Truly. The ride was great, but so
was raising over $1,000 for ELCA World Hunger!
I’ve had the chance to benefit from a couple of coaching relationships this year. Even pastors need
coaches! Along with 6 other colleagues, I have been a part of a group that meets in Bismarck
monthly with Pastor Paul Hoffman. I have also been in conversation with Pastor Paul Hanson
from Luther Seminary, learning more about development, fundraising, and capital campaigns.
Both of these relationships have been valuable to me as I learn from some of the brightest minds
in the field.
I’m indeed grateful for another great year with you in ministry. I consider myself blessed, and flat out
lucky, to get to serve such a wonderful congregation. You recognize what it means, and what it takes, to BE CHURCH in the
world. I look forward to another fabulous year of growing in this
understanding – with all of its joys and challenges. Welcoming,
deepening and serving in faith – for the benefit of each other
and all of God’s creation.
In Christ,
Pastor Taryn Montgomery
A Slice of Bread
2016 Annual Report Pastor Alex Hoops
For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not
stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. Ephesians 1: 15-16
It is my third winter here in North Dakota and, I have to say, this has been the best one yet! As I reflect on the
past year I am filled with so much joy! I have been so encouraged by this community of faith as we have engaged new
approaches in welcoming, deepening and serving in faith.
A lot of the year was filled with preparations for the National Youth Gathering, and adjusting to our growing family. However, that didn’t get in the way of me seeing some incredible things this year at Bread of Life.
Following is a list of some of the highlights from last year:
At this time last year we were fundraising for the High School youth trip to the National Youth Gathering in Detroit.
Our youth took on the responsibility of the new Coffee Cart and worked every dinner and fundraiser in the book
to raise the money needed to not only attend the gathering, but offer our support to the Walk 4 Water campaign
through ELCA World Hunger.
Faith Formation grew as a ministry team and took on some new challenges, helping with the community carnival by
adding a few new games to our repertoire. These games, designed and hosted by families, added some great
new energy to an already joyful atmosphere.
With a new church council structure, the leadership of our High School Youth group was expressed this past year
by one of their own (Jacob Hanson) joining council.
Last year we began a new approach to introducing new members to the mission of Bread of Life and I was so encouraged by the discussions and opportunities offered during this time. New faces, voices, and talents are being seen every week at Bread of Life and to get to know them in this New Member setting was fantastic.
Our Sunday school program benefited greatly from all the new faces serving in leadership roles. Along with a brand
new curriculum focusing on the church seasons, we have been blessed by growing attendance and participation. The rooms are a little tight, but that is a good problem to have!
New Family and Faith Events were offered over the last year as we participated in events such as “praying in Color”
and “Family Game Night” at a local retirement home. This, I was very encouraged by the number of families
participating in our Caroling visit to the Wellington.
Our Family and Faith group, with the help of Kristina Schlecht worked together to create new Advent Banners that
absolutely exceeded my expectations. They were amazing! The kids are amazing! We have an embarrassment
of riches when it comes to talented people!
I was blessed to join a few men from Bread of Life’s Men in Mission as we helped support the build at Camp of The
Cross. Two work parties were organized this last year as we put hammer to nails on the camp’s new Dining
Hall and Welcome Center.
Our Youth took some of the fire of the Holy Spirit they received at the National Youth Gathering and were able to
direct it towards service as they participated in a Walk 4 Water fundraiser. Several of our youth walked from
Zion Lutheran Church to First Lutheran to raise funds and awareness about global water scarcity.
Our relationship with the Metigoshe in Motion program has been beyond encouraging. Over the last year we have
hosted four events with Metigoshe including staff training , Hunger meals, and another successful Advent Retreat with our Story Core kids!
Over the past few months I have identified some key leaders in our Youth Program and am currently organizing a
Trip to Haiti with a half dozen other ELCA churches for this summer. It is my hope that after this trip we can
grow into a deeper relationship with this life changing ministry.
Another true highlight this year was watching as one of our own High School youth (Cord Redding) was nominated
and elected to the LYO board. TOO. COOL!
Needless to say, it has been another busy year at Bread of Life. I am so blessed to be a part of this community
and I give thanks for you all daily as I live out my vocation as a Pastor in this place. I have been known to come up with
some odd ideas and approaches, but my favorite thing about this place is how you have welcomed me as your leader
just as I am. I have often described Bread of Life as one of the coolest “ministry laboratories” I have ever seen. I bring
approach to the scriptures and my passion for discipleship and I am, more often than not, greeted with enthusiasm and support. I love you folks!
It is my sincerest hope that as Bread of Life continues to grow, we will lean into those growing pains and challenge
ourselves to continue to respond to them daringly. I hope as this place continues to change we will always hold fast to
the belief that God is in this place, moving us for God’s purpose, and sending us to be light to the world. The spirit is on
the move, and I am grateful for your continued willingness to follow its lead.
Go team!
In abiding hope of the empty tomb,
Pastor Alex
A Slice of Bread
Worship Assistants ~ February 2016
Feb 7
Feb 14
Feb 21
Feb 28
(Camp Sunday - Metigoshe Staff will be at Bread of Life for all services)
Stan & BettyLu Ralph
Mary Zupetz, Mavis Bolte
Redding Family
Patti Redding
Worship Assistant
Michelle Schoenberg
Steve Engstrom
Tina Boyce Family
Worship Assistant
Tammy Hamm
Bev Ward, Kym Reiter
Worship Assistant
Shannon Hansons
Susan Thompson
Worship Assistant
Lisa Hillers
Lon & Sandy Drevecky
9:00 am
Worship Assistant
Corey Carstens
Wendy & Lila Striefel
Worship Assistant
Duwayne & Bev Ward
Schrum Family
If you cannot serve for some reason please find someone to take your place.
Your assistance in worship and fellowship is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
If your household would like to help out, sign-up sheets for next month are in the narthex.
Just find a time that works for you.
Summer Camp -
Register your youth early at Camp Metigoshe
or Camp of the Cross to receive “early bird” discounts . Summer
Camp brochures are in the narthex. Or go to the camp web sites.
Reminder—BOL Women pay 1/2 of the camp registration fee.
Scholarship forms are in the narthex.
Day Camp
(at Bread of Life) - The dates for Day Camp at
Bread of Life with the Metigoshe staff are May 31—June 3. Keep those days on the calendar clear for a
“Adventure in Christ” experience. Invite the friends and spread the word.
Summer Employment
- (College Youth)
being recruited. If interested, call the camp.
Summer camp may be the place!! Staff is now
At Metigoshe Ministries ~ Did you know
you can save up to 50% for an individual or family
stay at the Christian Center. Mention “Coupon from monthly Update” when making your reservation.
A Slice of Bread
Gospel Seeds… February 2016
A Monthly Update from the Western North Dakota Synod Office
Making the God Connection…
Is Sunday morning (or whatever day of the week you worship) connected to the rest of the minutes, hours and
days of your week? Worship can either be an event to attend or a way of living. If it is an event to attend – then it is
confined to one hour, to one place (whatever building you gather in), on the other hand if it is a way of life then we seek
to live immersed in our baptism, being Christ’s presence wherever we are and with whomever we encounter. Let me
be honest, it is nearly impossible to always be Christ’s presence – we are sinners after all. But I do want to argue that
faith in Christ was never meant to be a weekly event; instead we are invited to live a daily God-shaped faith journey.
So, what does it look like to be involved in a living faith journey? It might look like wondering where God at
work in your family, neighborhood, workplace, school or congregation? It might look like taking stock of how you are
spending your time – in what ways are you using your God-given gifts to love and care for your neighbor? It could
mean thinking about your daily work, whatever that is whether you are paid for it or not and deeply ponder how might
God be using you during those hours or how might God use you?
A daily faith journey is connected to God’s Word. It can be as easy as reading a chapter a day from the Bible
and pondering what God is saying through God’s Word. It might be followed by a time of prayer lifting up to God your
joys and sorrows, your fears and questions. I keep a sheet of paper in my Bible to keep a running prayer list – a way to
remind myself of the people and things I need to be praying about.
A daily faith journey is best walked with others. Who might you be able to trust to talk with about deep issues
of faith? Might you be the one to start a Bible Study/Faith Talk group in your congregation, neighborhood or place of
You are a baptized child of God, you are called to walk daily, dripping wet, remember those waters and that
you have been claimed as God’s very own child. You have been claimed, not just in your hour of worship but all of you
– every bit of you – and every moment of your life.
Synod Assembly…
June 10 & 11, Ramkota Inn Bismarck. Mission Gala June 9th!
How then shall I live???
We are called to a living, daring faith – which daily seeks to do God’s will. But how do you do that? Or have
you ever asked the question, “But what gifts do I have to share?” This year’s assembly will feature a number of people,
ordinary people discerning what it means to be faithful in daily life. We believe God has gifted us with an abundance of
Time, Talents and Treasures. The question we are left with is how, through those blessings might we bless others.
Come listen to presenters help us engage questions of life and faith. Plan to attend now and bring as many
people from your congregation as you would like.
Special Guest…
Each year a representative from our churchwide office is present with us. This year we are blessed to have
Rev. Dan Rift the Director of ELCA World Hunger. During this year’s assembly Dan will share stories of people living
their faith while working to end hunger.
Lenten Invitation…
Once again you are invited to get involved with the “Sweet Deal for CAR”. Tubes of M&M’s are available at the
synod office. Invite members of your congregation to take the tubes, enjoy the candy and then fill them with quarters.
Each year this effort raises over $35,000 to help our companion synod Central African Republic engage in Christ centered ministry. This money supports schools, medical facilities and scholarships.
Year End…
The fiscal year for your synod concluded January 31st. We want to thank each of you for your financial gifts (Mission
Support) which allows synod staff to be in congregations preaching and teaching; helping raise up new pastors, working Call Processes and much more. That money also helps support Lutheran Campus Ministry locations including
(Minot State, UND and NDSU), feed the hungry through World Hunger, send Missionaries around the world and much
more. Thanks for your faith financial support.
God Bless - Bishop Mark Narum
MINOT ND 58701
1415 17TH AVE SW
MINOT ND 58701
Address Service Requested