The Scroll - Our Savior Lutheran Church
The Scroll - Our Savior Lutheran Church
October November 2013 VOL. #1 ISSUE #5 The Scroll Our Savior Lutheran Church & Pre-School Our Savior Ministry Staff Administrative Pastor Visitation Pastor Vicar Seminary Field Worker Director of Children and Family Life Director of Christian Education Pre-School Director Rev. Dr. Mike A. Iannelli Jr. Rev. Dr. Edward Arle Vicar Jason Letsche Daniel Trempala, Nick Price Cari Hannon Mark Engelhardt Barbara Hunt Office Manager Comptroller Receptionist Director of Choral Music Organist Director of Children’s Choir Ann Broeker Janet Brett Lu Kelley Scott Taylor Billie Derham Kathy Bhat Our Savior Lutheran Church and Pre-School Worship with us every Sunday 8:15 9:45 11:00 – Traditional Worship – Education Hour – Contemporary Worship Telephone 636.947.8010 2800 Elm Street St. Charles, MO 63301 www.oursaviorlutheranchurch.o rg “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give them eternal life.” John 10:27 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As I write this newsletter article I feel a little down hearted. I just received news that a few of our members have been lost in the cracks. By this I mean that these dear sweet people have been going through some major health issues all alone. I considered how I would perceive my pastor if he never sought me out in my time of need and I didn’t like what I thought. I then had to take a good look at my ministry here at Our Savior and see where else I may be lacking. Sinfully speaking, I could say that I have so much going on that I didn’t even notice these members being gone or that I was not notified, but truthfully speaking, I didn’t notice that these members have been dealing with a situation that I should have picked up on a while ago. I have asked this couple to forgive me and they did, but now I ask that our entire Our Savior congregation realize my short comings and forgive me also. Now a special plea goes out to you as I ask that we as a family inquire about our brothers and sisters more often. We are a loving, caring congregation but if we don’t notice when someone is in need - can we really claim that we are loving and caring? So think about people you haven’t seen in a few weeks and look for them in church this Sunday. If you don’t see them ask someone if they have or better yet, pick up the phone and give them a call and see what’s new in their lives. Working through my devotions (Matthew 21:33ff), I read through the text which is about a landowner who planted a vineyard, dug a winepress, built a watchtower, and put a wall around the entire property, I envisioned how much work that must have taken. I guesstimated all the man hours to all the sweat to the months or even years that it took to complete - I became tired just thinking about it. As the parable goes; when it was all said and done the landowner rented out His vineyard to some men who refused to pay for it. When the servants were sent to collect a portion of the fruit they were beaten, stoned, and even killed. Eventually, the Son was sent and instead of respecting Him they killed Him also. I ask you then, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will He do to those tenants? I pray that we never receive what those tenants deserve, but what will happen to us if we fail to see that everyone here at Our Savior is a blessing to us? Let’s stop and smell the roses before winter gets here. Let’s realize that God has blessed each one of us with special gifts and talents and let’s find a way to put them to use. This way, as we work closer together, we get to know one another better and we will then be able to help and support each other in a deeper way. I hope that by telling you about my failings and short comings that it will cause you to examine your own life. If you and I can do something as easy as notice when our friends haven’t been around in a while, then we will truly be a loving, caring, growing, congregation that desires to share Christ’s love with not only our friends but with others as well. In His service and yours; Pastor Mike We are Looking For 50 or More.... You are invited to an opportunity to hear what Small Group Ministry (SGM) is all abut during our first congregational presentation on Saturday, October 19th here at Our Savior. You are personally invited to come and enjoy a morning of fellowship and fun. You will not be forced into leading or even attending a small group – so if your calendar is open, please mark it today..... SGM @ OS – Saturday, October 19th from 9am to Noon. We will begin with coffee and donuts at 8:30 and end by noon with lunch together. Please sign up early so we can be better prepared with materials as well as food and snacks. This session promises to be dynamic and powerful. You will not want to miss out on this new ministry opportunity. If you have any questions please feel free to speak with Sandy Bichel, Carolyn Fox, Joellyn Furman, Donna Hall, Bill and Kirsten Perschbacher or Pastor Mike. Babysitting will be provided. ChristCare Group Ministry at Our Savoir Lutheran Church Evangelism Thought -Author Unknown A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists." "Why do you say that?" asked the customer. "Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving a God who would allow all of these things." The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt. The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist." "How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!" "No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside." "Ah, but barbers DO exist! What happens is, people refuse to receive what I have to offer." "Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world." A pastor was invited to attend a house party, naturally, he was properly dressed and wearing his clerical collar. A little boy kept staring at him the entire evening. Finally, the pastor asked the little boy what he was staring at. The little boy pointed to the pastor’s neck. When the pastor finally realized what the boy was pointing at, he asked the boy, “Do you know why I am wearing that?” The boy nodded his head yes, and replied, “It kills fleas and ticks for up to three months.” From Your Elder With the temperature starting to cool, the leaves starting to fall(well in my yard anyway) and my wife talking about making a pot of chili, the thought of fall is all around. Thinking of fall brings back so many warm and loving memories of the past. This was the season to start spending more time inside playing games, reading books and drinking hot chocolate by the fire. With these wonderful memories it reminded me Thanksgiving will be coming up soon, I thought I’d write about the meaning of Thanksgiving and what this joyous occasion is really about. I won’t be talking about Pilgrims and turkey dinners however, gobble gobble. What I’ll be talking about is the true meaning of Thanksgiving: Gratitude. How many people you know go through life frustrated because they feel like they never seem to be or have what they want? It strikes me as odd to see people who seem to have so much going for them, yet never seem to be happy. How about you? Do you ever find yourself stressed and unfulfilled? What do you think it takes to be happy? You see, we all have these rules of what has to happen in order for us to be happy. For some people they need a million dollars, for others, as long as they have their health, they’re happy. What are your rules? What has to happen in your mind in order for you to be happy? Many things may be running through your mind right now, but if I could just suggest one thing… And that is, be happy for what you already have. Think about what you have in your life right now. Think of the friends you have, your spouse, the house you’re living in, the car you’re driving, or maybe the sports trophy from your school days or your college diploma or even the laptop or computer you’re using… do you remember back when one or more of these things were mere goals or desires that you had? How did you feel the moment when you finally obtained it? Often times we get so caught up in our next dream or goal and we completely forget how much we use to want what we now have but take for granted. We’ve all heard the saying about not knowing how much something means to us until it’s gone, but I say, “If that’s the case, why wait?” Appreciate what you have while you’ve still got it. Each morning when you wake up, think about all the things you are grateful for. What do you have that you would never want to lose? Don’t just think about it, really feel it. Feel the joy and happiness in your body. Starting your day like this will do wonders for the rest of the day. Do this every day and it’ll do wonders for the rest of your life So for this Thanksgiving holiday, remember, the meaning of Thanksgiving is to be thankful for what you have and it’s a day that’s set as a reminder for us to be grateful. God’s blessing to all. Your Elder, Tom Craig Youth News and Notes and Upcoming Events Missouri District Jr. High Retreat – All 7th and 8th graders are invited to join us for the Missouri District Jr. High Retreat October 18-20. Friends are also welcome to join us. This annual retreat is held at Camp Windermere near Camdenton. Cost to Our Savior Youth is $50 for the weekend. For more information go to the Missouri District website at, or speak with DCE Mark. First Communion, October 27 – Sunday, October 27 we will celebrate early communion for those confirmation students who have completed their early communion training. Please join us at the 11 a.m. worship service to welcome them into communicant membership at Our Savior. Movie Night, Friday November 1 – All Jr. and Sr. High Youth and friends are invited to join us for pizza, games, and a movie on Friday, November 1 from 6 p.m. until 11 p.m. All Saints Sunday Celebration - All Saints Sunday is Sunday, Nov. 3rd. The Youth of Our Savior will once again be hanging stars in the sanctuary to honor and remember our loved ones who have gone on to be with the Lord before us. If you would like to honor your loved one, fill out the stars in the lobby with their name and place the star in the basket at the Youth Booth. Wednesday Youth Nights Special Event – Star Party – Wednesday, October 30 join us for the Star Party – the night we hang the stars for All Saints Sunday in the sanctuary. We will have an early start time of 6 p.m. and pizza will be provided Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser – Join us Sunday, November 10 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. and help support the Our Savior Youth! Our Savior Lutheran Youth Group will receive 10% of your total food purchases! Just mention that you are supporting Our Savior Lutheran to your server! Also, don’t miss the Youth Group’s Line Dance Performance at 1:30pm. All proceeds will go to help offset the cost of our Summer Servant Event in July. Texas Roadhouse Line Dancing – Join us Wednesday night November 6 to learn some line dances to perform for those who are dining with us at the Texas Roadhouse, Sunday, November 10. Texas Roadhouse staff will be here to teach us some different dances for us to share with the congregation while they enjoy their meal. We will meet at the regular time for youth, from 7 – 9 p.m. Real Men/Real Women Retreat – Friday, November 15 and 16 are the dates for this year’s Real Men/Real Women Retreat. We will be going to Camp Wartburg for a weekend of sharing, education and fun! Cost for the retreat is $25 per person. Please confirm your participation in the retreat by Sunday, October 27. For more information speak with DCE Mark. Summer Servant Event – After considering the different options, the youth took a vote, and this summer’s Servant Event will be to serve the people of the Osage Nation in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. We will be going the week of July 6 - 12. All youth currently in 7th – 12th grade are invited to join us. Please provide a deposit of $60 to secure your spot by Sunday, November 24. More detailed information about the trip will be emailed to all interested families. Summer Servant Event Family Meeting – All interested students and parents who would like to find out more information about the Summer Servant Event to Oklahoma July 6-12 are invited to come to the informational meeting on Sunday, November 3 immediately after church in the youth room. All youth currently in grades 7 – 12 are invited to join us. We will also need parent/adult participants to drive to Oklahoma, so if any adults are interested in attending the summer servant event, they are welcome to attend this meeting too. AN ARTICLE OF THANKS!!!! 2013 BLESSING SUNDAYS We have completed our Blessing Sundays for the 2013 season. Thank you to all the families that participated and thank you to our brothers and sisters in Christ for your continued prayers for these children as they continue to grow in His Word. Operation Christmas Child A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who donated items for our Operation Christmas Child boxes! Thank you to the children who continue to complete the “All About Me” sheets that we include in the boxes. Thank you to all the families and friends that came to help back our boxes and get them ready for shipping!!! Many hands make light work! 2013 September Outdoor Worship & Church Picnic THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!! Thanks to the countless volunteers that planned, prepped, decorated, set up, & donated to make it a wonderful, fun, worship-filled, beautiful day!!! Thank you to Janet Brett, OSLC Praise Band, the Kuppler Family, Tina Kuegele, Lori Shatro, Pastor Mike & Vicar Jason for helping to organize and bringing the creativity that made the planning so much fun – we’ll see you for the next one! These are the times that create memories of friends, fellowship, family and worship. They are a lot of planning, a lot of work, and they just would not happen without the hard work of our volunteers! Let’s face it, YOU are the reason ministry is a success at Our Savior. Volunteers like you that let the Holy Spirit work in you to use the gifts, talents, and time you have been given to serve Him and serve the families, friends, and community of Our Savior. So, THANK YOU and we give thanks and glory to God above for the brothers and sisters in Christ that work together to bring others to Him. WITH THAT BEING SAID, HERE ARE SOME CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE: JAM Sunday School Ministry: A co-teacher for the Preschool Class. You would work in partnership with another volunteer to coordinate your time and ministry to our preschool JAM kids. Curriculum and supplies are provided. Children’s Church: Children’s Church Leader – this is based on your worship service preference (8:15 or 11:00), you are asked to serve approximately once a month, you receive an easy to lead lesson that lasts about 15-20 minutes. All supplies & lessons are provided for you. You can contact me in the church office for more information or to volunteer – Thank you for everything, Cari Children’s Church Leaders Schedule October October 6 November November 3 8:15a.m. – Debbie Leimkuehler 8:15 a.m. – Debbie Leimkuehler 11:00 a.m. – Carolyn Fox 11:00 a.m. – Cari Hannon October 13 November 10 8:15 a.m. – Connie Kipp 8:15 a.m. – Connie Kipp 11:00 a.m. – Terry Wynn 11:00 a.m. – Terry Wynn October 20 November 17 8:15 a.m. – Tim & Sheila Campbell 8:15 a.m. – Constance Hallemeier 11:00 a.m. – Lori Shatro 11:00 a.m. – Lori Shatro October 27 November 24 8:15 a.m. – Constance Hallemeier 8:15 a.m. – Tim & Sheila Campbell 11:00 a.m. – Charmaine & Olivia Furman 11:00 a.m. – Charmaine & Olivia Furman Welcome | The Joy Set Before Us “Welcome!” “Welcome!” “Welcome!” Lindsay and Liam and I certainly feel the warmth of this greeting as I have now begun to serve as your vicar for the coming year. Having had an opportunity to meet many of you already, we look forward to many opportunities to get to know you better and to serve with you in Christ’s name in months ahead. We have truly been blessed by your kindness. What do we have to anticipate in our time together? In getting to know one another, there will be many exciting connections made and we will have the opportunity to experience a mutual “welcome-ness” by our spending time in fellowship and bearing through joys and sorrows together. I look forward to seeing how those events draw us close and I am certain that by the end of my time here it will be very difficult to leave. I have joy, however, in knowing that in Christ, a ‘goodbye’ is only temporary, and indeed I have already enjoyed a foretaste of what is to come during these past few weeks by assisting in worship, leading the high school youth on Sunday mornings, attending meetings and trainings, sharing conversations, and even preaching. On September 8th, I was given the opportunity to preach the text of Luke 14:25-35 where Jesus speaks to those following Him on what it means to be a disciple. Christ calls those who would follow Him to pick up their cross. Picking up one’s cross is more than simply carrying on through frustrations in life. Bearing one’s cross was shown to mean much, much more as displayed by Christ’s redeeming work for us which leads to life eternal. When Jesus bore the cross for us, He suffered in order to serve and to save us. In reconciling us to Himself, He made us partners in the work of the kingdom which brings reconciliation and restoration to the whole world even now. The challenge for us is that we still live in a world where sin and death continue to exist, we are sinful people among a fallen creation and there will be trouble, but knowing that even now God is still working in our world, and that we will see the fulfillment of all things on the last day, gives us a peace that the rest of the world may not yet know. We too are given opportunities to serve others, and though it sometimes feels uncomfortable or looks inconvenient to care for others and to attend to their needs, there is still another way to look at it. Hebrews captures a glimpse from a different perspective when it says in 12:1-2 (emphasis added), “let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus knew the joy that was before Him. He knew that this was the way to restore the Kingdom of God on earth and to redeem a fallen creation. As members of Christ’s church, it is good to be reminded that because of Christ’s work for us we are given the opportunity and called to welcome others into the family of God. Christ has called us to partner in Him in the great work of reconciliation that He began with His life, death, and resurrection and which will be fully realized on the last day. I look forward to partnering with you for the sake of the Gospel in the coming year and in as many years that God blesses us in our lives that are to follow. I have been taking a class with Pastor and our field workers, Dan Trempala and Nick Price, called MissionShift. The class focuses on “reaching the world next door.” It is designed teach and prepare students for urban and cross cultural ministry. As participants, it is our hope to be better equipped to reach the world outside our doors here in St. Charles, as well, and to have our eyes opened so that we may see how the body of Christ can serve in a mission field ripe with need, both physical and spiritual. There are indeed many ways for us to reach out to the world just beyond our front door or even our church doors. One of those ways in which I have just begun to reach out to those in need is in becoming a volunteer for Lutheran Senior Services Hospice Care. This is a small commitment with great importance. Volunteers can serve as little as 2 hours a month and do things that make a big difference which can be as simple as visiting with a hospice patient, reading to them, possibly helping to tidy up their room, or even just being present and holding their hand while keeping them company. I certainly welcome you to consider if God can use you to care for others in this way also. I plan to provide more information on this new opportunity soon. Be sure to look for posters in the near future or stop in and ask me about it! There are still many other opportunities for service to our neighbors and I look forward to exploring them with you as we welcome others into the Kingdom of God and take part in the work of the body of Christ in His name. Let us joyfully look forward to that wonderful celebration to come even as we celebrate now in great anticipation! LOVING HEARTS HELPING HANDS This is LWML month (that is Lutheran Women's Missionary League). All Lutheran women are automatically members of this group. The ladies of Our Savior take the missionary part of our names seriously and have been busy in the last six years-making, distributing and sending items to our servicemen in Iraq and Afghanistan, Youth in Need, our Veterans Homes, Newborns in Need and our local hospitals Cancer Societies. We have sent cooling scarves cloth Christmas gift bags that were filled with personal items, candy, soap, etc, and thirty handmade Greeting cards for our military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have made fifty-one sheets for the day care programs at Youth in Need, this summer we sent six summer outfits to Youth in Need, two years ago we made and donated thirty of the same summer outfits to Youth in Need. We have given four large afghans to Head Start and four quilts to the Crises Nursery Center. We have brought 5 walker organizer bags, a lap quilt and 19 adult clothing protectors to the Missouri State Veteran's home. We have given Valentine gifts to our local nursing homes. We make toys for local charities, fill Christmas stockings for OASIS, make and donate cancer turbans and cancer scarves for the Cancer Societies. In addition to all of this-we have attended our Zone and District Rallys and Board meetings. We collect “Mites for Missions” to support our national LWML fund the thirty mission grant. WHEW! That is a lot of work and a lot of fun. If you have four hours on the second Friday of the month to spend helping others, having a good time, and of course sampling a lot of good food, Join us – we guarantee 'you will be glad you did!'. Our Savior Lutheran Preschool is now an accredited school through the National Lutheran School Association! On August 20, 2013 we received a letter letting us know we officially passed our accreditation. The preschool committee and I are so thankful to all who helped make this happen. When I was hired over 5 years ago, the goal of taking the preschool through the accreditation process was discussed in my interview as something the church had wanted for a long time. Our Savior Lutheran Church wanted to make sure the preschool mission they were giving to the community followed the best standards for early childhood. On January 17, 2011 we applied for accreditation through the National Lutheran School Association and the work began. We established a steering committee consisting of: Kristy Bull, Kathy Brasher, Cari Hannon, Babs Hunt, Rich Sommer, Laura Watson and Lissa Williams. Each of these steering committee members then formed sub-committees consisting of: Victoria Weaver, Connie Kipp, Linda Huning, Stephanie Hill, Janet Luetkenhaus, Amber Warren, Michelle Zamzow, Suzanne Sommer, Tim Brasher, Cindy Brinkmann, Dan Denningman, and Doug Jameson. These wonderful 19 volunteers spent many hours going through every component of our preschool and identified what areas we were doing well, what areas we needed to improve on and what areas we wanted to work on in the future. With their time and talents we finished the accreditation self study and we invited a visiting team to come see our preschool on November 5th and 6th of 2012. With all the hard work already finished by the committees, we really enjoyed our time with the visiting team. We were blessed with a very talented group for our visiting team. Dennis Gehrke, Director of Lutheran Schools Missouri District, was our team leader and he was assisted by Lee Wagner, Meagan Pemberton and Wilma Griffith who serve as preschool directors at other schools. Our visiting team was spoiled by our accreditation hostess, Mrs. Kathy Brasher. We hosted a wonderful dinner for the traveling team and invited the steering committee, leadership team, preschool committee, elders and our then new Pastor Mike and his wife Carol. The traveling team was truly touched and impressed by the attendance at the dinner. They told me many times how blessed our preschool was to have such active participation in our preschool by church members. The accreditation process is designed to celebrate the strengths of each school and find areas to improve on for the future. We only had one concern listed and it was an item we already were working on. The accreditation team was concerned with our security for preschool children. While we had been making plans for a long time to better secure our doors, the accreditation process helped it happen quickly. Thank you, Our Savior congregation, for voting to provide us with new security doors during the December 2012 meeting. The accreditation process was long awaited by our church. Our Savior first established a preschool here in 1976. Since then many teachers, committee members, church workers and congregation members have helped us to establish what we are today: Our Savior Lutheran Church’s nationally accredited preschool that serves God’s children. Thank you everyone for helping make this happen! Barbara (Babs) Hunt – Preschool Director WOMEN’S MINISTRY NEWS & VIEWS LADIES, IT’S TEA TIME! Our Guest Speaker ~ KRISTEN MYERS ~ To introduce Kristen Myers, I could state that she is a wife to her husband, of seventeen years, Paul. Or that she is a mom to two preteen boys, Sam and Noah. I could mention she has been a speaker at women's events for now ten years and has authored a published Bible study titled Coffee with the Savior. I could even tell you that she has a background in psychology and counseling. However, if I asked Kristen how she would want to be introduced to you, she would say this: “Hi. I'm Kristen Myers. I am a woman who stumbles daily, messes up hourly, and survives minute by minute only through God's incredible grace. Life and faith matter to me. I can't wait to speak about them here!” 14th ANNUAL CELEBRATION TEA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013 ~ 7:00 PM OSLC GYM Using God’s Holy Word found in John 1:16, Kristen will focus on what grace is, how God gave grace to us through Jesus, and some concrete ways in which, not only God gives grace to us, but how each woman can give a gift of grace to others. We will also enjoy the beautiful music of MR. BOB PICKERING and CLARION JAZZ. TABLE HOSTESSES ARE NEEDED. Sign up to volunteer in the gym. You may call LINDA MEYERS if you have any questions at 946-2607. Out of the Heart One of the stories that has survived from the early days of the division in East and West Berlin is this one. It seems that one day, some folks in communist-controlled East Berlin took a truckload of garbage and dumped it on the West Berlin side. The folks of West Berlin could have done the same in return. Instead, they took a truck of canned goods, bread and milk, and neatly stacked it on the East Berlin side. On top of this stack of good stuff, they placed the sign “Each gives what he has.” How true that sign was. People, who are filled with gladness, give their joy to others. Others who have spirits of anger, jealousy and greed, share those negative spirits with those around them. We should have a lot of thankfulness and love and good to pass on to others. God has given it to us. Let’s share it! PLEASE HELP WITH HARVEST HOME SUNDAY: November 17 Our Savior will be serving thirty needy families. We would like to have the congregation give different items on each of the Sundays leading up to Harvest Home Sunday. October 20 will be designated for PERSONAL ITEMS: tooth brushes, tooth paste, bathroom tissue, shampoo, hand and bath soap, etc. October 27 will be designated for CLEANING SUPPLIES: laundry soap, toilet cleaners, floor cleaners, shower and bath cleaners, furniture polish, glass cleaners, etc. November 3 will be designated for STAPLES: cereal, flour, sugar, rice, boxed potatoes, peanut butter, jelly, cooking oil, cake mixes, etc. November 10 will be designated CANNED GOODS: vegetables, soup, juice, chili, fruit, baby food, tuna, chicken, etc. November 17 will be HARVEST HOME SUNDAY and any of the above listed items and/or cash will be accepted as donations. Please sign-up to pack boxes for Harvest Home on Saturday, November 23 from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Boxes can be picked up Saturday, November 23 or Sunday November 24. Contact the family and deliver baskets no later than November 26. The sign-up sheets for these activities will be by the Harvest Home display in the church lobby. Please note that there are no out of pocket expenses for the congregation volunteers who choose to participate in this program. Thank you so much for your help and support of Harvest Home. We are a truly blest congregation. Those Who Serve During The Month of October ALTAR GUILD – Virginia Barrett & Barb Popp COFFEE & DONUTS - October 6 - LWML October 13 - Children=s Ministry October 20 – Pre-School Committee October 27 - Thrivent IN CHARGE OF BUILDING - Open: Josh Knight Close: Jeff Roach October 6, 2013 Elders: 8:15 a.m. Chuck Leaf & Bob Simcoke - Dennis Hall, Joe Pallardy 11:00 a.m. Bob Simcoke & Chuck Leaf Acolytes: 8:15 a.m. Leah Kipp, Danny Snelson 11:00 a.m. Isabella Schneider Nursery Attendants: Amy Brown, Lilly Bull, Stephanie Hanners Bible Class: 9:45 a.m. Theresa Gerger Ushers: 8:15 a.m. Virgil Petrich, Richard Hecht, Steve Furjes, John Luetkemeyer, Chuck Gross, Ray Hallemeier 11:00 a.m. Jeff Roach, Todd Lafeber, Kirk Zamzow, Paul Tremmel, Justin Zamzow Lector: 8:15 a.m. Debbie Leimkuehler Greeters: 8:15 a.m. Kristen Singer 11:00 a.m. Willard & Norma Koch Soundboard: 8:15 a.m. Bob Pickering 11:00 a.m. Ken Scherer October 13, 2013 Elders: 8:15 a.m. Mark Huning & Kathy Brahser 11:00 a.m. Kathy Brasher & Mark Huning, Sherrill Schuster, Jim Ford Acolytes: 8:15 a.m. Carson Rohlf 11:00 a.m. Rachel Kehoe, Jack Bull Nursery Attendants: Amy Brown, Lilly Bull, Stephanie Hanners Bible Class: 9:45 a.m. Theresa Gerger Ushers: 8:15 a.m. Ken Scherer, John Nathan, Glenn Mahnken, Michael Kaufman, Ollie Gosejohan, Kristen Singer, Ron Buck 11:00 a.m. Don Curry, Ron Bull, Mark Huning, Sandy Tremmel Lector: 8:15 a.m. Bob Pickering Greeters: 8:15 a.m. Jason & Tina Kuegele 11:00 a.m. Sandy & Sara Tremmel Soundboard: 8:15 a.m. Steve Freeman 11:00 a.m. Kirk Zamzow October 20, 2013 Elders: 8:15 a.m. Tom Craig & Lee Rohlf 11:00 a.m. Lee Rohlf & Tom Craig Acolytes: 8:15 a.m. Confirmation Retreat 11:00 a.m. Confirmation Retreat Nursery Attendants: Amy Brown, Lilly Bull, Stephanie Hanners Bible Class: 9:45 a.m. Theresa Gerger Ushers: 8:15 a.m. Dirk Hallemeier, Leonard Schubert, Dennis Welch, Tom Craig Rich Sommer, Tom Wicker, Jacob Ellis 11:00 a.m. Jeff Moore, Eric Lafeber, Bill Perschbacher, Kevin Kehoe Lector: 8:15 a.m. Fred Schlef Greeters: 8:15 a.m. Irma Amelung 11:00 a.m. Chuck & Kathy Leaf Soundboard: 8:15 a.m. Dave Ruprecht 11:00 a.m. Allen Fox October 27, 2013 Elders: 8:15 a.m. Barb Popp & Bill Perschbacher 11:00 a.m. Bill Perschbacher, Kathy Brasher, Mark Huning Acolytes: 8:15 a.m. Leah Kipp 11:00 a.m. Lydia Lang, Carly Hesskamp Nursery Attendants: Amy Brown, Lilly Bull, Stephanie Hanners Bible Class: 9:45 a.m. Theresa Gerger Ushers: 8:15 a.m. Gary Hemmann, Don Hallemeier, Kent Erhardt, Herb Steck, Ted Kuegele 11:00 a.m. Charles Steinmeyer, Jack Sandridge, Joe Pallardy, Gerry Thornhill Lector: 8:15 a.m. Walt McCormick Greeters: 8:15 a.m. Sean & Charmaine Furman 11:00 a.m. Josh & Leslie Knight Soundboard: 8:15 a.m. Dan Kipp 11:00 a.m. - Wayne Kuppler Those Who Serve During The Month of November ALTAR GUILD – Kim Roemer & Kit Rohlf COFFEE & DONUTS - November 3 – Altar Guild November 10 - Service November 17 - Choir November 24 - Lands & Grounds IN CHARGE OF BUILDING - Open: Joe Pallardy Close: Allen Fox November 3, 2013 Elders: 8:15 a.m. Dennis Hall & Joe Pallardy – Jon Courtney, Mark Van Dyne 11:00 a.m. Joe Pallardy & Dennis Hall Acolytes: 8:15 a.m. Lydia Lang, Mason Erhardt 11:00 a.m. Jack Bull Nursery Attendants: Amy Brown, Lilly Bull, Stephanie Hanners Bible Class: 9:45 a.m. Theresa Gerger Ushers: 8:15 a.m. Virgil Petrich, Richard Hecht, Steve Furjes, John Luetkemeyer, Chuck Gross, Ray Hallemeier 11:00 a.m. Jeff Roach, Todd Lafeber, Kirk Zamzow, Paul Tremmel, Justin Zamzow Lector: 8:15 a.m. Dan Trempala Greeters: 8:15 a.m. Lu Kelley 11:00 a.m. Jack & Suzanne Sandridge Soundboard: 8:15 a.m. Bob Pickering 11:00 a.m. - Ken Scherer November 10, 2013 Elders: 8:15 a.m. Herb Steck & Jim Ford 11:00 a.m. Jim Ford, Herb Steck, Mark Huning, Chuck Leaf Acolytes: 8:15 a.m. Carson Rohlf 11:00 a.m. Michael Iannelli, Faith Trempala Nursery Attendants: Amy Brown, Lilly Bull, Stephanie Hanners Bible Class: 9:45 a.m. Theresa Gerger Ushers: 8:15 a.m. Ken Scherer, John Nathan, Glenn Mahnken, Michael Kaufman, Ollie Gosejohan, Kristen Singer, Ron Buck 11:00 a.m. Don Curry, Ron Bull, Mark Huning, Sandy Tremmel Lector: 8:15 a.m. Don Popp Greeters: 8:15 a.m. Steve & Claudia Black 11:00 a.m. Mark & Linda Huning Soundboard: 8:15 a.m. Steve Freeman 11:00 a.m. - Kirk Zamzow November 17, 2013 Elders: 8:15 a.m. Jon Courtney & Sherrill Schuster 11:00 a.m. Mark Huning, Sherrill Schuster Acolytes: 8:15 a.m. Mia Mendenhall 11:00 a.m. Rachel Kehoe Nursery Attendants: Amy Brown, Lilly Bull, Stephanie Hanners Bible Class: 9:45 a.m. Theresa Gerger Ushers: 8:15 a.m. Dirk Hallemeier, Leonard Schubert, Dennis Welch, Tom Craig, Rich Sommer, Tom Wicker, Jacob Ellis 11:00 a.m. Jeff Moore, Eric Lafeber, Bill Perschbacher, Kevin Kehoe Lector: 8:15 a.m. Christine Casten Greeters: 8:15 a.m. Lois May 11:00 a.m. - Harold & JeanYahnke Soundboard: 8:15 a.m. Dave Ruprecht 11:00 a.m. Allen Fox November 24, 2013 Elders: 8:15 a.m. Kent Erhardt & Mark Van Dyne 11:00 a.m. Mark Van Dyne & Kent Erhardt – Bill Perschbacher, Dennis Hall Acolytes: 8:15 a.m. Danny Snelson 11:00 a.m. Carly Hesskamp, Mason Erhardt Nursery Attendants: Amy Brown, Lilly Bull, Stephanie Hanners Bible Class: 9:45 a.m. Theresa Gerger Ushers: 8:15 a.m. Gary Hemmann, Don Hallemeier, Kent Erhardt, Herb Steck, Ted Kuegele 11:00 a.m. Charles Steinmeyer, Jack Sandridge, Joe Pallardy, Gerry Thornhill Lector: 8:15 a.m. Kathy Leaf Greeters: 8:15 a.m. Tom & Ada Craig 11:00 a.m. - Allen & Carolyn Fox Soundboard: 8:15 a.m. Dan Kipp 11:00 a.m. - Wayne Kuppler November 27, 2013 - Thanksgiving Eve - 7:00 p.m. Elders: Tom Craig & Herb Steck Acolytes: Ushers: Virgil Petrich, Richard Hecht, Steve Furjes, John Luetkemeyer, Chuck Gross, Ray Hallemeier Soundboard: Steve Freeman Birthdays October 2013 2. Thomas Vanek 3. Emily Clemons, Mark Huning, Toni Kunz, Sharon North, Gavin Mittelbuscher, Brittney Stefanic 4. Donna Hall, Karen Long 5. Benjamin Clemons, Julie Engelhardt, Logan Meyer 6. Charmaine Furman, Carol Hertensteiner, Gavin Lopez 7. Jack Bull, Bill Vassar 9. Mark Engelhardt, Michael Roemer, Curtis Schroyer 11. Rebecca DeWitt, Cari Hannon 12. Olivia Furman, Iris Keesling 13. Audry Hartsock 14. Joellyn Furman 15. Dean Alinder, Emily Brasher, Louise Finke 16. Seth Craig 17. Fred Richterkessing 18. Larry Hartsock 19. Pat Flanagan, Max Jackson 22. Lou Ann Wicker 23. Charlotte Hendrix 25. Rick Ellis, Ruth Huning, Jason Plackemeier 26. Jayla Gosejohan-Brown 27. Richard Huning 28. Marvin Nolle, Hunter Rohlf 30. Eva Buffington, Debbie Edwards, Sherrill Schuster Anniversaries October 2013 3. Jeff & Abby Kepple 14. Tony & Kay Wohldmann 15. Dan & Eva Buffngton 18. Dave & Marty Garrison Charles & Monica Stancil 22. Corey & Kendra Malone Wally & Dorothy Weik 23. Larry & Audrey Hartsock Bill & Mary Ann Vassar 24. Roy & Sherrill Schuster 25. Tom & Cari Hannon 27. Mike & Kim Roemer Jim & Lisa Borchers Dusty & AmyYahnke 29. Don & Jackie Curry Ollie & Juanita Gosejohan 30. John & Claudette Snelson 25 Years 60 Years 53 Years Birthdays November 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jessica Ermeling, Emily Jackson Jennifer Brown, Mary Kuppler Jim Romberg Don Curry, Robert Lietz, Leonard Schubert Kristy Bull, James Jackson Robert Barrett, Katie Buffington, Jack Sandridge Patricia Wallace 7. Addison Nemens, Courtney Tinker 8. Patty Kehoe, Zachary Malone 9. Ellie Dressel, Allen Fox, Jill Meyer 10. Michael Iannelli, Ann Rother, Leah Webb 12. Cody Flanagan 13. Jessica Kuppler, Allison Miller 14. Erin Bratkowski, Liam Brown, Kara Fox, Krista Fox, Bruce Kelly, Kay Wohldmann 16. John Haight, Mary Williams 17. Sue Irvin, Eli Knight 18. Bonnie Petrich, Nikki Tinker 19. Kurt Hallemeier 20. Kalli Fox 22. Danette Knight, John Roth, Mikayla Sommer 23. Mary Ann Vassar 25. Jan Sunder 30. Howard Finke, Paige Vanek Anniversaries November 2013 1. Steve & Carolyn Furjes 2. Fred & Lois Richterkessing 4. Lee & Kit Rohlf 5. Mark & Gina Plackemeier 6. Robert & Karen Blum 7. Kevin & Michele Helsel 8. Irving & Toni Kunz 9. Ken & Chris Scherer 10. Dennis & Donna Hall 12. Luke & Jill Meyer 13. Marvin & Marion Nolle 14. Harry & Jan Sunder 15. Jon & Pat Courtney 20. Eric & Lisa Snelson 21. Gary & Carol Jones 22. Steve & Claudia Black 23. Rich & Nan Davis Robert & Pat Pickering Tom & Lou Ann Wicker Chris & Mary Williams 24. Robert & Carol Lietz 26. Kevin & Patty Kehoe 27. Jerry & Evelyn Sparks Don & Patricia Wallace Richard & Sharon Wilkins 28. Greg & Cindy Freitag Sam & Carol Giamanco 55 Years 56 Years 30 Years 60 Years 40 Years 59 Years 52 Years FINANCIAL STATUS REPORTING PERIOD: January-August, 2013 CONTRIBUTION ANALYSIS: COMPARED TO 2012 GENERAL FUND BUDGET NEEDS OVER OR (UNDER) BUDGET $418, 336.05 +$23,136.97 $419,053.36 +(717.31) $227,359.38 -$4,957.15 $221,263.28 $6,096.10 MISSIONS $14,711.00 +$941.00 $16,666.62 $(1,955.66) DEDICATED $84,989.52 -$1,022.24 $745,395.95 +$18,098.58 RECEIPTS PRESCHOOL TOTAL INCOME VS EXPENSES: GENERAL FUND PRESCHOOL TOTAL RECEIPTS: $418,336.05 $227,359.38 $645,695.43 EXPENSES: $448,362.15 $212,787.09 $661,149.24 $14,572.29 $(15,453.81) INCOME LESS EXPENSES: $(30,026.10) FINANCIAL RECEIPTS August, 2013 GENERAL DATE FUND DEDICATED PRESCHOOL MISSIONS ACCOUNTS TOTAL AUG 4 $12,006.00 $4,260.50 $316.00 $293.60 $16,876.10 AUG 11 $8,857.99 $7,534.00 $234.00 $1,627.40 $18,253.39 $311.00 $1,296.30 $13,286.55 AUG 18 $7,706.25 AUG 25 $14,909.46 $11,796.00 $629.00 $1,903.00 $29,237.46 $43,479.70 $27,563.50 $1,490.00 $5,120.30 $77,653.50 TOTAL $3,973.00 Thanksgiving Eve Worship Time Wednesday, November 27th 7:00 p.m. ADVENT SERVICES Wednesdays, December 4, 11, 18 5:30 pm Advent Dinners 7:00 pm ADVENT WORSHIP Choir Sunday Sunday, December 8th Our Savior’s Pre-School Christmas Service Tuesday, December 10, 2013 - 7:00 p.m. Christmas Worship Times Tuesday, December 24th - Candlelight 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Christmas Day Worship Wednesday, December 25th 9:30 a.m. Exploring Bible Times Join Our Savior on a Field Trip to the Holy Land. Rev. Dr. Mike A. Iannelli Jr. 2800 Elm Street St. Charles, MO. 63301 Our Savior Lutheran Church in St. Charles is heading to the Promised Land. Pastor Mike has arranged a distinctive opportunity for all who are interested in going to the Holy Land. Travel the Text & Bible World Seminars offers an Israel Study Program to research the Bible by visiting the places where the Biblical events themselves took place. Participants will receive an understanding of the culture, archaeology, history, and geography of the Scriptures through extensive field trips, fascinating walks, and through exploration of Biblical sites. Lectures and a comprehensive syllabus containing diagrams, maps, and archaeological reconstructions are provided to enhance and clarify the meaning of the events under consideration. Travel the Text Israel Study Program, lead by Geoff Carroll, is committed to in-depth Christian instruction. This is not a bus tour, the land of Israel is the classroom and the Bible is our focus. For most people a trip to the Holy Land is a once in a lifetime opportunity. For those wanting to study the Bible in its context, this program is invaluable. Our Savior’s Israel Field trip will be June 24 – July 7, 2014. The program fee is $2,300 per person (airfare not included). The program fee includes our accommodations, breakfast and dinner, ground transportation, all tips and entry fees, study materials, and more. Our tour guide, Geoff Carroll and his wife Jamie live in Jerusalem. He has a Master’s degree from Hebrew University in Jerusalem with his major focus being on the “land of the Bible.” Geoff has had the opportunity to provide field trip and classroom instruction in the Holy Land to students from numerous seminaries, colleges, and congregations. If you are interested in finding out more about this opportunity Pastor Mike has a PowerPoint presentation that will further explain all that this trip offers. If you are not sure but do want to hear more about this trip, this presentation will explain the logistics of sites, experiences, hotels, as well as what a trip looks like with the land being our classroom and the Bible our focus. Please feel free to join us on Sunday, October 6th beginning at noon in the Eifert Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Pastor Mike at 636-947-8010 or email him at [email protected]. Prospective Itinerary House of David – Courage & Consequences We will discover ancient Jerusalem at the City of David, and explore the ancient underground waterway known as Hezekiah's Tunnel. Additional sites include the Siloam Pool and the Kidron & Hinnom Valleys. The LORD Is One – Biblical Worldview Today we focus on Bet She’an (one of the richest & most powerful cities in the time of Jesus), Harod Spring (Gideon selected 300 soldiers), Jezreel (Naboth’s vineyard), Megiddo (aka Armageddon), and Mt. Carmel (Elijah verses the prophets of Baal). Shephelah – Crossroads of Culture We travel to Machpelah, a first-century structure marking where Abraham purchased a burial cave for Sarah. Then to the Shephelah, or foothills, as we travel through the Valley of Elah where David slew Goliath and the lands of Sampson at Beth Shemesh. Spirit & Truth - Proclaiming Messiah After Jesus prepared His disciples, it was time to return to Jerusalem. On our way we will visit the Jordan River, the Mediterranean ruins of Caesarea Maritima, Mt. Gerazim, and Jacob’s Well. Wilderness - Meeting GOD Today we head south into the wilderness. We will visit sites such as Tel Arad (an important wilderness fort), Beer Sheba, & the Wilderness of Zin where the Israelites wandered. Into the Desert – Finding The Way Today we visit the fortress of Masada, hike the oasis of waterfalls at En Gedi, discover the secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, and finish the day with a memorable float in the Dead Sea. Time Change - A King is Born Today we shift our focus to the time of Jesus. We will visit/worship with local Christians at Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem before visiting the Church of Nativity and a fortress built by Herod the Great called the Herodian. We transfer from Jerusalem to Galilee, beginning our 4-night stay at a stunning retreat overlooking the Sea of Galilee. Passion Week – Take Up Your Cross Jesus makes His way up to Jerusalem where He will be put to death. We will begin our day on the Temple Mount, and travel to places such as the Pools of Bethesda (where Jesus healed a crippled man), Bethpage (where Jesus spoke of mountain-moving faith), the Mt. of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, and the road to Jericho. Go and Make Disciples – Following & Leading Jesus called many of His disciples around the Sea of Galilee, and we begin our day with a boat ride across the waters. We will focus on the northern shore, stopping at places like Tabgha (where Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James, and John), Chorazim (where Jesus performed many miracles), Capernaum (Jesus home-base for His ministry), and Mt. Arbel for a beautiful panoramic view of the region. Resurrection – Time of Redemption Today we will visit Bethany, where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. The story or resurrection continues at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (the traditional place of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection), the Western Wall, Southern Steps and the Garden Tomb. We will finish strong with a cultural “last supper” before heading to the airport. Kingdoms Collide - Who Is Your King? Today our focus is in the Upper Galilee. We will visit sites such as Dan (where beautiful springs turned people toward false gods), Caesarea Philippi (Gates of Hades), and a first century synagogue at Gamla. October - VOL. #1 ISSUE #5 - 8:00 a.m. - Steve2013 Freeman 9:30 a.m. - Kirk Zamzow 11:00 a.m. - Wayne Kuppler November MONTH YEAR VOL. # OE ISSUE 2800 Elm Street St. Charles, MO 63301
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