Central Asian Ovcharka


Central Asian Ovcharka
Irena Sehner
plus Aura
IRMA Publishing
Irena Sehner
Copyright © 1995, 1999, 2000 by Ph.D. Irena Sehner. All rights reserved. Prague. Czech Republic.
Copyright © 1995, 1999, 2000 by Editor Ph.D. Jan Hollauer. All rights reserved. Prague. Czech Republic.
Copyright © 1995, 1999, 2000 by IRMA Publishing. All rights reserved. Prague. Czech Republic.
Irena Sehner
IRMA Publishing
Several bluffs for an introduction
Preface to the second edition
Several words for the introduction
Chapter one
The Central Asian dog is when …
Chapter two
Exterior of Central Asian dogs
Chapter three
Standard of the breed
Chapter four
Breeding in the countries of origin
Chapter five
We are guarding, watching, protecting
Chapter six
Beware, bad dog!
Chapter seven
of Central Asians in the Czech Republic
Chapter eight
Character of the dog
Several bluffs for the closure
Chapter eight
I consider it an offence to the canine race when
I hear: The bitch is so clever – she can almost talk! stated
the female dog Aura firmly.
Oh, how sensitive you are, Aura Aurovna? said the
dog Mon honestly surprised.
While I communicate tens of meaningful things with
one look, people have to say tens of words to communicate
one stupid thing! said Aura.
Before we talk about the character of a Central Asian, please
first think about our character, about yourself. I know it is a hard job.
Nevertheless, a moment of self-searching never hurt anybody and
since you are considering purchasing a Central Asian puppy it will
only be beneficial. The only exception is my friend Vaclav – once
he was searching his inner self and returned home after two days,
totally drunk, without his apartment keys and ID. Nine months later
he was called to court to pay alimony for a child whose mother he
Character of the dog
says never saw! Why do I tell you this? Maybe because he is also
a passionate dog lover. In a weak moment he confided to us that he
has a weak spot for bitches! Oh well, Vaclav will never change.
However, let us concentrate on the basic formula:
I + Central Asian pasture dog
Anybody who wants to raise a Central Asian dog must have,
for his own sake and that of the public, a clear idea about the
dog’s specific character. The person must know what is possible to
require and what is not, and more importantly, what to expect from
the dog. An understanding of which requirements placed on the
dog are nonsensical, or even non-permissible, is necessary because
they contradict its physical and psychological qualities. One must
be aware that he will have a hard time forcing this kind of dog to
do something against its will, which means against its nature. It is
very easy to turn a peace–loving dog into a wild animal. This metamorphosis can be brought about only, and I mean only, by man and
not by the dog.
Everyone who wants to breed or own a Central Asian must
come to a non-distorted conclusion for himself of whether he is
able to communicate on an every day basis with the animal in the
same way as with an equal partner. And, unlike many of his closest
relations, the animal has a real personality.
He must evaluate if he will have the constant patience to
rectify the behavior and actions of a huge, dominant animal, not by
means of physical power but with the power of his reason, a bond
of positive emotions, a kinship of souls and a resonance of mutual
Character of the dog
He must be able to honestly say to himself – I am choleric,
a freak and a hot head. I feel like kicking something or somebody
quite often, or would like to kick out my employee, break my
mother in law’s neck, shoot my wife to the Moon without a space
suit, set my own run down house on fire… Such an individual has
a lot of work with controlling his own aggression. It is absolutely
wrong to add more worries or nerves with an Asian, Caucasian,
Rottweiler... Firstly his negative feelings and mental divergences
will be automatically transmitted to the animal causing it, not by
any fault of its own, to be worked, into an aggressive frenzy. Secondly, there is a serious risk of financial penalties if the dog gets
out of hand and bites or kills a stranger. A psychologically unstable
person can not bring up anything but a psychologically unstable
He must consider if he is capable of casting away the traditional view of dogs as subordinate creatures in all aspects. He must
also know if he is able to respect and worship a pure natural element that if taken in good hands will serve him as the regulated
courses of wild rivers serve man.
The owner of the Central Asian must not only love cats
but must understand their individual character and magic soul that
comes from being a not totally domesticated beast of prey living
close to man for hundreds of years. Why? Because the Central
Asian is rather more like a huge cat, a cat cunningly living in a
dog’s skin! That is why! My many years of experience confirm that
owners of fantastically managed Central Asians and Caucasians
are not only enthusiastic dog fans but also “cat people!”
Let us be honest with ourselves at least once in our lives,
and if we come to the conclusion that we are not psychologically,
physically or financially strong enough to keep such an animal, let
us not acquire it! It is not any shame to admit the above listed
circumstances – vice-versa, it is much braver and more admirable
than pretending a scenario that does not exist, because the truth will
float to the surface sooner or later anyway. The person who can
Irena Sehner
perfectly manage a stubborn Dachshund or a saphead Chow-Chow
is as admirable as the person who can perfectly manage a Central
Asian or a Caucasian.
Oh my God, my dog is an intellectual!
Dogs of this or that breed are real specialists for courses of
action in certain areas. If you re-qualify, for example, a Doberman
to become a pasture dog, and I can tell you this is a very demanding
job, it will never turn into an exemplary “shepherd” although it is
highly intelligent for work. As an instinctive guard it is perfect.
For example a Collie manifests an instinctive inclination towards
running around and herding a herd into “a pile” without training
even on the occasion when this herd is only the members of
the family who have gone on a Sunday stroll. Also, nobody
Character of the dog
has to teach a Manchester terrier
how to catch mice, rats and other
gnawing pests because it is an
instinctive hunter who attacks
everything that is small and
moving around in a confused way. The Central
Asian is an instinctive
superb protector of a herd
or man. Regarding its work
intelligence the Central
Asian is actually a workaholic! However, it and it alone
can decide about the work effort.
You should also show your intelligence, especially social intelligence,
and leave its paw free! Do not train it for
protection since this training only truly spoils its style and awakes
an instinct, which is sleeping with only one eye closed, that man
is an aggressive creature because he is weak and cowardly. Reconcile yourself with the fact that the dog knows best when and with
what intensity to intervene. Reconcile yourself with the fact that
your Central Asian dog, although not trained, is quality in all circumstances.
The dog that has clearly defined and strong instinctive task
intelligence is also the most suitable for this activity. On the other
hand it does not have to be able to adapt to environments where its
natural behavior is not suitable or it is not required because it has
a lower adaptive intelligence (central Asian dogs and other natural
breeds). On the contrary, dogs without high instinctive intelligence
usually brim over with high adaptive intelligence and thanks to
this they usually behave perfectly in different situations and environments where it is necessary to adapt quickly and change their
behavior based on needs (Doberman, Poodle). Therefore it is not
Irena Sehner
possible to bring up and train a dog of this or that breed in contradiction to its inborn abilities and skills. If you manage to complete
the trying training because you do not have anything else to do
anyhow its result will always be nothing special and temporary.
Your dog’s behavior is what you deserve
The scheme of cause and effect works very precisely with
animals because their actions are not inhibited by, as it is with
people, Godly testaments, conventions, morals, societal protocols,
laws, fear of policemen, of the financial office, fear, what would
neighbors, mother in law say… The behavior of the dog in all its
deeds, are consequently marked by purely specific causes. While
analyzing the behavior of the dog it is also necessary to consider its
natural characteristics, which are formed by upbringing and training. This means by the influence of people (conscious or unconscious) and that of the environment it lives in.
Dogs’ needs and wishes are natural: those that are
created based on instinct. If we
go out for a stroll with Aura,
to which I call her attention
with the word “walk” (other
activities are defined
with equally appropriate terms such
as “uriningaura”),
it is her who
chooses one of
our many trails. It
is that easy to
fulfill the modest
wish of a most
Character of the dog
My mother had it more laborious when she used to make doughnuts for our German shepherd, who would go crazy for them.
“Haryk told me that I should make doughnuts!” was
announced with the same commonplace tone as if my father had
wanted her to “whip up some goulash.” My mother never disappointed little Haryk.
If your dog seems to be sleeping in its den like a hoopoe
it does not have to be as it appears. Its sense organs continuously
work and obtain much information from the surroundings. Aura,
when sleeping and also when fully conscious, sometimes reminds
me of a living radar, very captious radar indeed. She easily catches
signals from alien civilizations and my “transmission” from the distance of several meters she “overhears.”
Man can not even imagine the amount of information that
he is unable to pick up with his senses but is being processed by
the brain of a “deep” sleeping dog: a local walked down the street
they are frying steaks in the next house Mr. Novak is coming home
drunk as a lord (beer, rum and grain alcohol) Mr. Dvorak is coming
home with three queens (mother, daughter and daughter in law);
and have a look at this; the biological clock announces to the dog
that it is 5 o’clock or the time of the master’s return from his job so
it means he gets up and moves towards the outside door.
I believe that different smells, sounds, feelings and visual
images crop up and take place in the consciousness of the dog,
which awake different emotions and behavior in the dog. I believe
that the dog has the same living color and broad screen dreams
like me and that Aura is even quite grateful to me if I, while she is
caught in the middle of some wild dream and she is squealing and
twitching her paws because the scoundrel wolves greatly outnumbered her, turn her over on her other side.
Dogs are living organisms, living creatures, and their internal mental world is far from being bad off and is not just some
Character of the dog
primitive copy of the internal world of a human being. The more
I learn about people and dogs the more I think the opposite is true.
I have believed for a long time that the internal world of
humans and the internal world of dogs, although they seems to go
through a totally different dimensions, intersect each other at certain moments and sometimes even overlap.
I have started to believe that the internal world of many dogs
is richer and more soulful than the internal world of many people!
It is sufficient to observe a dog carefully and we can quite
easily recognize three types of behavior: instinctive behavior, behavior obtained through upbringing and by training and the behavior
as a result of elementary rational activity, which is described by
some specialists as a priori thinking.
– strength and power of Central Asians
Every human whelp must learn about the world step by step.
However, each puppy is a world of its own.
Every human whelp learns wisdom from books. Each puppy
carries its wisdom in its blood. People gave a special name to dog
wisdom – instinct!
Instincts are complicated in born forms of behavior that are
particular to animals of this or that kind. They are elemental in the
ongoing changes in the nervous and hormonal systems controlled
by hypothalamus. The most important are instincts ensuring the
physical survival of the animal to which the instinct of self-preservation comes first.
Dogs of natural breeds do not take well or directly hate
being in a place that they deem as unsafe and that they have not
chosen as the safest themselves. If they are touched or someone
comes too close to them, with or without the agreement of their
master, the acceptable limits of security for the dog may be broken.
Irena Sehner
The response of the nervous dog is usually to either runaway, or in
the case of the Central Asian – to make a defensive attack.
Based on the self-preservation instinct an orientation-searching reflex is established. The animal thoroughly studies a new situation and is afraid of unknown objects unless it is convinced that
there is no threat. Not only a wolf living in the wilderness but also
a tamed wolf balks and runs away when it perceives even the slightest change in the surroundings that most dogs would not even register.
The Central Asian immediately registers the slightest difference from the normal. A puppy is afraid of the unknown (animal,
phenomena) but observes it from what is called the run-away distance. A female behaves with the same caution. Mighty sovereign
dog-male goes immediately to explore the novelty. Of what, of
whom should I be afraid you madcap? Of nothing and nobody!
The wheelbarrow that the bricklayers left on the sidewalk in
front of a pub induced terror in small Aura – there is something in
the way that has never been here before and therefore it should not
be here at all unless it is waiting for us to cut our throats! And so
she sat down and waited to see whether the enemy would run away
after growling and giving a warning bark. In this case it meant
wheel away. Nothing! The enemy stayed atrociously in one place
because the bricklayers had not finished their drinks. It was clear
that the bag of cement would not move holding steady as concrete!
With the words: “Aura, you little coward, just have a good
look. I’m not afraid,” I moved slowly but persistently so that she
would not consider me hotheaded towards the wheelbarrow.
Aura did not feel at all willingly to go towards the death.
However, her nature told her not to leave her Human and so she
was sneaking crouched down behind my heels. Only when I bravely
touched the passively lying sack of cement and NOTHING happened, she decided to sniff the alien. With the expression “Of
course I told you there was nothing to be afraid of!” she continued
on her journey. The self-preservation instinct is much stronger in
bitches than with male dogs.
The self-preservation instinct is also the foundation for the
instinct to economically manage energy (so called energy economy). Thanks to this instinct the animal does not exhaust itself
to the point that it would die but saves its energy as much as possible. The instinct of energy economy is especially particular to
animals living in the wilderness, which commonly go through long
periods of starvation and their journey for water often means tens
Irena Sehner
of kilometers. The function of this instinct is obvious in natural
dog breeds. The Central Asians belong among exemplary savers of
energy. When accompanying a herd they use every moment to rest.
In environments different from their flock of sheep the dog usually
lies calmly and watches the coming person with a calm to phlegmatic expression and turns only its eyes to follow him. While the
body of the animal is in an absolutely calm state, its mind works
like a Swiss watch. It evaluates events that are going on and anticipates any coming action. A Central Asian at rest reminds me of
a TV switched off but there is a film is being recorded to a videotape. From the electro-technical point of view I am on the level of
Zulukafr, which means that I am honestly confounded with each
apparatus (beginning with a kitchen robot and ending with a lunar
rover). I am literally fascinated by the computer inside of the Central Asian’s head and confused because I have not found a button
Before I got used to Aura’s “energy stashing away,” I considered her behavior towards me offensive. I call her and she – madam
– does not even bother to turn towards me. “Aura, come here!” and
she does not care at all – as she can see and especially sniff I am
not going to give her anything to eat, and those banal things I am
going to tell her she can hear from the living room as well as from
the kitchen, so why should she get up! “Aura, my white dove, you
drive me nuts!”
More or less economically acting individuals get segregated
in dog packs, “workers” and “idlers,” while the dogs of natural
breeds really evoke the image of a troop of loafers. Perfectly accommodated to life in rough climatic conditions they “thoughtfully”
manage with the warmth created as a byproduct of their functioning organism. As it is known, the body temperature of dogs of big
breeds is 37,5–38,5˚ Centigrade and the animal tries to maintain
this temperature. It achieves this by producing more heat in cold
weather and gives off as little as possible; in hot weather the production is brought to a minimum and the dog tries to dispose as
much of it as possible. I consider the so called leather bear mouth
muzzles, which firmly presses dogs’ mouths, while the poor dog
breaths only through its nose and can not keep evaporating through
the tongue an atrocity. In the summer heat you can kill the dog by
this otherwise fashionable muzzle. I do not know who produces
this type of muzzles and why they think they are suitable for dogs.
I know only one suitable way to use these muzzles, which disables
the opening of the chops – to distribute them in the Parliament and
If the temperature of the air is higher than the temperature
of its body the dog moves as little as possible; it lies “spread out”
on its belly, sticks its tongue out and breaths faster so that it would
somehow cool itself down by evaporating the moisture from its
tongue. On the contrary it moves more, consumes higher amounts
of food and it protects itself against coldness with thick downy hair
in the winter. If it lies down, it tries to occupy as little space as
possible – it arches its back, draws all its limbs under its itself and
hides its nose under its back paws. It coils up into a little firm spot,
which prevents warmth from escaping and protects itself from the
outside coolness.
The first winter in Prague Aura used to sleep in a glassed
in balcony or in the hallway of the apartment. The little balcony
wasn’t much warmer than the outside and the hallway, I had the
feeling, was not any warmer than the little balcony. She used to
lie curled up like a hedgehog in a little white firm ball and when
I spoke to her so that I would find where she actually started and
where she ended a little black point of a nose would came out of
somewhere and somehow untangled from a wool ball as a wave
of warmth passed its breath across me. I was flying away as soon
as possible from the frosty balcony with light frostbite all over my
Character of the dog
body followed by the entertained look of the dog miss from which
warmth and good humor was shining.
She spent only a minimal amount of time in the apartment
because it was overheated for her taste. She manifested summer
dog behavior in an exemplary way – she was breathing quickly and
was feverishly evaporating. She was lying flat on her belly or was
spread out on her back, which is something that properly brought
up dog girls do not do, and she was outright ostentatiously showing us that she suffers like a dog thanks to the fact that we did
not acquire very thick warm downy hair. So that we would not
look like sissies and outcasts in her eyes we heated the apartment
minimally and with strong colds, slowed down body functions and
totally frozen mental processes we survived to see the spring come.
My husband acquired a beard for this winter. I do not know really
if he succeed because this is unfortunately only snout under fur!
The instinct to deal with the heat economically and maintain
a consistent inner body temperature is a significant feature especially of natural breeds.
Also belonging to the group of instincts ensuring the physical survival of an animal are the hunting instinct, the nutrient
instinct and the protective instinct.
The second group of instincts consists of zoo-social instincts,
which help the animal become a rightful member of an animal
group similar to itself. These instincts can be implemented only by
living and working together with other individuals of the same kind.
In the collective appeal of the pack the animal first finds itself in the
roll of a whelp. During this period the mechanism of imprinting is
initiated. This is a way of learning in which the whelp at a significantly sensitive age (4th–7th week of life) creates the conception
of mother for the rest of its life. This learning takes place on the
basic sense level of sight, sound, touch and smell. Thus imprinting
is an inborn instinct through which the animal whelp very quickly,
almost at lightning speed, remembers the image of mother, if it is in
touch with her on a natural daily basis. Then it concentrates its zoo-
Irena Sehner
social behavior and sexual behavior on animals of the same kind
as its mother. The adult animal finds itself in the role of sexual partner and parent. All parental instincts correspond with the particular
kind of animal whether in the role of the master of the territory
or as a foreigner, when the territorial instincts come into place, in
the role of a pack leader or as a member of the pack with a programmed in instinct of hierarchy, and also an instinct for maintaining individual distance and an instinct for maintaining maximum
The third group of instincts is created by instincts aimed
at the future. The dominant instincts are instincts of freedom and
orientation instincts: the need for movement, action, new sensations, and to learn habits which can become handy one day (open-
Character of the dog
Irena Sehner
ing a refrigerator, pantry, cellar doors). Mon even adopted behavior
aimed at the political future: When you greet him, Honor to work,
comrade! he gives his right paw to the visitor. When you greet him
Hi, my friend! he gives you the left one. He never makes a mistake.
These instincts are acquired by games and by imitating the
behavior of adult animals and later those of people. Through games
the whelps obtain habits necessary for life. Through games they
practice and make them more precise. To be able to develop these
instincts you need siblings and contemporaries. If a puppy does not
have the opportunity to play with furry friends, their place must be
taken by a human, who should be professionally and psychologically prepared for this role as best as possible. Especially during the
imprinting stage the dog learns throughout the contact with people
to understand and mimic man’s facial expressions and bodily movements. It learns to accept his non-verbal signals (movement of
a hand, movement of eyes, whistling). With the maturing of the
animal a nerve mechanism, which is responsible for instinctive
behavior, matures in its brain. In connection with the physical development the programs of sexual, aggressive and territorial behavior
mature after puberty.
An intelligent animal is able to learn throughout its entire
life. To increase the training of for example a Boxer or a Dachshund after reaching the age of one year or so is very difficult if
not impossible. German shepherds, Labradors, Poodles, Doberman,
pinschers etc. possess a disposition to learn new bits, orders and
(then especially) entertaining things for their entire lives. They are
all and all clever dogs, which are able to skillfully join previously
learned practices with new ones. Thanks to your dogs you can comfort yourselves that you are not only surrounded by idiots.
How does it work with the Central Asians? The same as
with genius children. They drive you mad!
They hate monotonous activity (so they liven things up);
they learn everything quickly (but their master must not know about
Character of the dog
it!); they are able to evaluate (phenomenon, events), compare (for
example size of goodies – Aura always picks “purely by accident”
the biggest one); they can count (tomcats always regularly got
three baby-cookies. Nobody ever thought of taking the sweets from
the other one because it was fair that way – everybody had the
same amount. However, Aura and Mon one day got “by mistake”
Irena Sehner
only two cookies. They
did not take the third one
from tomcats because to
pick from a weaker one
is not fair – they stood in
front of me and waited
for me to correct my
arithmetical mistake).
They are able to
associate exactly and
quickly observe the connection among incentives, which they accept
and the activities coming
from them. They are able
to anticipate what can be and what can not be expected…
They can be quite baffled and totally finished (this state of
mind is technically called stress) because we, unlike them, do not
know what we want but we keep bothering unless we get it! Then
we are pissed off that we have it. I can tell you a proper dog would
get distemper!
Aura was able to sit without movement in the corner of the
garden and watch a German shepherd while he was training. It consisted of an order: “Come to me!” then “Sit!” then “Lie down!”
then “Bring it!” Feeee – a stick flew through the air, for which
the German shepherd, heart in hand, darted after and grabbed it
in his teeth. “Bring it!” another order sounded. The silly dog obediently brought the stick. It was taken from him and instead of
a word of praise and reward an order followed: “Sit down!” then
“Lie down!”... After one hour all the orders sounded to me like:
Auf! Nieder! Auf! Nieder! Aufneederaufneederaufneeder…Donnerwetter!
For God’s sake, what is the bitch doing there? I was surprised. Is she still entertained by this? I was shaking my head
because with the creative doggie girl this was a thing unheard of.
I was fed up by the “training” myself and in my head, like a pursuant wasp, only one idea was buzzing: One more minute and I will
go and cut this guy’s throat!
“Little Auuraaa, I haave something!” I saang to her like a
Great Trainer.
She did not even move.
“Aura, come to me!” I ordered to her like the greatest Trainer
of beasts of prey, Snake Charmer, and Ghost Buster of all times.
She did not even move.
Aura, come here! COME HERE! I screamed in a craze
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believing that she did not hear me. I was confused because of our
eighty-year-old hard of hearing grandfather. I even waited for a
little while that maybe I would hear from the corner of the garden:
“Did you say something my love? TANGIER? What happened with
Tangier? One of you is going to Tangier? If you sat home on your
ass you would be much better off!”
She did not even move.
“Ma’am what are you doing there!” I asked with respect in
my voice.
She registered the formal way and change of tone and turned
her head towards me. I could see how confused she was from the
very bottom of her soul – she did not know whether she should cry
or laugh at the fiddling of the German shepherd!
Instincts are clearly set for each kind of animal. They evolve
only extremely slowly during the lives of hundreds of sequential
generations and only with great difficulty do they adapt to the natural environment going though gradual evolution. Natural selection
Character of the dog
is strict and does not allow animals with malfunctions in their inherited programs of instincts to survive in nature.
Animals are not born with highly developed instincts.
Instincts, like every born in (unconditional) reflex, must proceed
throughout these stages: maturing, fixation and decline.
The group of instincts directed at the future is natural especially to young animals. Older animals more or less suppress these
instincts. These instincts depend very closely on and work under
the influence of the function and activity of glands with internal
secretion producing hormones. Just as the intensity and time with
which and during which these glands work are individual, so are
the influence of instincts for each animal.
So that you ladies would understand it better I will explain
it in another way but read it only quietly for yourself! Or you know
what? I will put it into brackets for you. (It works the same way
Irena Sehner
with men. The sexual potential depends on the working productivity of the sexual glands. If their activity is not keeping up with your
sex drive it does not help at all if you put your man down in your
marital bed, cast him further down by crying, hitting him, revile
him in a harsh way or choke him by the weight of your bosom! You
simply have to turn somewhere else for breeding purposes! And
that is it!)
An owner of a dog should always look to the meaning of
instincts – strong incentives for behavior. It is always wrong to
punish a dog for its instinctive behavior although it may seem
“unworthy” of a “civilized” animal since we, and many times
unknowingly, personify the dog with our ideas and desires and
Character of the dog
push them on it. In principle, we pull the animal down to the level
of human by which we hurt it because not every human is up to the
level that every dog is!
We see in our dog a close person that is missing from our
lives. It’s a partner in dialog , a loyal discreet friend, which we
are missing. It is the only one who does not tell us that we blab
nonsense and that we are dreamers removed from reality. The opposite is true. It listens to us carefully and its admiring look means
only one thing: “By God you are right as usual! You are simply a
genius!” And because it is used to watching TV with its master it
barks out: “It must be great to be great, my little clever screen, isn’t
When our child does not like to learn it is a delight to have a
dog that likes to learn! When your husband is hideous (huge beak,
fatty gut, crooked angora toothpicks for legs), how ennobling it is
to have a well built champion dog at home! If you come home from
work and you ask: “Mother where are the kids?” and she replies,
“I am weeding the linen!” how comforting it is to have a dog intellectual at home. When the entire family is afraid of burglars, murderers and mice, how encouraging it is to have a dog protector at
home! All these requirements laid on a dog are fulfilled to the very
last point by the Central Asian kept with love!
Ph.D. Irena SEHNER, Austrian Baroness
Publishing editor, journalist, writer.
Breeder of Siberian cats, Scottish Folds,
An owner of pasture dogs from Central Asia
Irena Sehner was born in Sobeslav 9 February 1952 and
graduated from Charles University in Prague, College of
Journalism (field of film and television), and after her
graduate studies in International Politics, received her Ph.D.
She is the author of a charming story book about cats
and dogs called, About Transmigration of People and
Animals, a humorous novel about an unconventional
middle-aged woman, So What?, and a successful monographs about Central
Asian and Caucasian dogs titled, Asian Demons and Sharks in Dog’s Skin.
Currently being printed are two books which are written in a very witty way –
the continuation of her first book about the Central Asian dog, Asian Demons
– Things That You Have Not Learned About Them Yet and How To Feed Dogs
– the dog equivalent to How To Feed Cats.
The sequel to the novel, So What?, is ready for publication and is called What
is the Matter?
She is currently working on a monograph about British, Siberian and Scottish
Fold cats.
A gift-style monograph about Persian cats, Persians – Cotton Candy Pussyfoots,
is being prepared for printing.
Lovers of German s;hepherds will be pleased by a humorous yet serious monograph about the breed – My Youth with a German Shepherd. More books about
other dog breeds are being prepared.