Saanich Fair Grounds – Livestock Barns - the South Malahat 4-H!
Saanich Fair Grounds – Livestock Barns - the South Malahat 4-H!
SOUTH MALAHAT DISTRICT JUDGING FIELD DAY - 2012 May 26, 2012 Saanich Fair Grounds – AGRIPLEX ENTRY THROUGH GATE 6 – HORSE SHOW GATE ONLY ALL JUDGING CLASSES MUST BE IN PLACE BY 8:30 A.M. REGISTRATION WILL BE AT 9 A.M., JUDGING WILL START AT 9:30 A.M. CHAPERONE ORIENTATION AT 9:00 A.M. FORM GROUPS BY 9:15 A.M. PLEDGE AND WELCOME FROM PRESIDENT AT 9:25 A.M. MARKER ORIENTATION AT 9:30 A.M. Classes available will be: Beef, Swine, Sheep, Mini Horse, Poultry, Rabbit, Wool Craft, and Goat, (Refer to District Policy #010 with respect to confirmation, commitment and non-participation). 1. All members must be registered by 9:25 a.m. (Jr. ages 9-11, Intermediate ages 12-14 & Seniors ages 15+) 2. Members must have their junior proficiency in their project to move on to South Coastal Judging in July. Needed by each member: Bagged Lunch or purchase lunch from Fundraiser Concession, Lug a Mug, Clipboard and Pencils. Wear clothing appropriate to the weather. (Leaders and Parents please also bring your own lunch and mug. I would also remind Leaders to bring extra lunches, refreshments, snacks and mugs for their helpers and judges). Needed by each club: 1 large judging card (supplied by the District) for putting the placing up after all judging is complete so members can review to see how they did. Please post at the end of the Agriplex for viewing. It will be your choice as to whether or not the judge stays so the members may ask them questions. 1 or 2 Hormel slides depending on the amount of people you have marking cards. 1 Class to be Judged (must be set up no later than 8:30) – need at least 5 specimens (animals, crafts, etc.) 1 of 5 is a demonstration specimen and the other 4 make up the class to be judged. For orals purposes, the demonstration specimen can be inserted in place of one of the other specimens to make up a new class. 1 Person to be Runner- he or she will run marked cards to the tabulation centre this does not have to be an adult and may be a pre-club member or parent of your group. -2- Needed by each club (continued): 1 Person to be Judge- he or she must set up class and present a five minute instruction period on how to judge the class on what to look for in this type of project. For orals, the judge will listen to the member give their reasons and placing for the oral class and then judge will evaluate the member on how they placed them and the justification for the placing. Please refer to attached sheet to assist in what marks are given on scorecards. See instructions for Judges below. 1 or 2 People to be markers- Name must be submitted to Susy Chung-Smith by May 10th, 2012. Marker Workshop will be held on May 17th, 2012 at 6:00 p.m., Saanich Fairgrounds. Must also attend the markers orientation at 9:30 a.m. on Judging Field Day. He or she will score cards and also check that class is marked on each card. Refer to attached sheet for example of marks given on scorecards. See instructions for Markers below. 1 Person to be Chaperone- Name must be submitted to Susy Chung-Smith by May 10th, 2012. Must attend Chaperone Orientation at 9 a.m. on Judging Field Day. He or she will move with a group of children from station to station. See instructions for Chaperones below. Scribes – Names must be submitted to Susy Chung-Smith by May 10th, 2012 along with whom they will be scribing for. Scribes will be required to attend training on May 17th, 2012 at 6:45 p.m., Saanich Fairgrounds. South Malahat 4-H District Council Policy # 010 – Judging Cards Reason: Wasted, unusable judging cards Policy: Each year clubs are asked to participate in Judging Field Day, and they are asked to confirm if they can supply a class at the April – South Malahat Senior Council meeting. If a club has confirmed a class and the judging card packages are made up, then the club cancels the class, the club will be charged $25.00 for the usable cards that have been wasted. Approved: May 25th, 2000 President ____________________________ Secretary ____________________________ Moved by Helen Christison and seconded by Rhonda Hodgkin that the minimum charge of $ 25.00 be reviewed each year. HOW TO PUT TOGETHER A JUDGING CLASS Requirements: 1. Five specimens (crafts, animals, pencils, etc.) of whatever you plan to judge. Six specimens if you are intending to do an oral class as well. 2. 1 person to mark judging cards. 3. 1 or 2 Hormel Slides 4. Instructions on how to mark cards. 5. 1 person to be the judge. 6. Judging Cards. 7. Instructions on what the judge’s comments should contain. 8. Tape Recorder (if needed). 9. Poster board or large score card to post results. Procedure: 1. Clearly identify to the group what they are judging. Be specific – for example, if Beef, are they Steers, Market Steers or Heifers. 2. Clearly number each sample from 1-4. 3. There should be five minutes of instructions from the Judge to the group. These instructions should be consistent and it is best to have a written speech from the Judge or a taped message. This will ensure all groups (if more than one) will receive the same information. 4. Review with Judge and Marker their instruction sheets and sample judging card requirements and points. 5. Use one of the specimens for explanation when the instructions are being read. Point to the areas on the specimen which are referred to in the instructions. 6. Use four other specimens for the judging class. 7. Change one or more (minimum one) specimens for the oral class. 8. Post placings and reasons of the class. -2- Age categories for Judging within South Malahat District: Juniors – 9 – 11 years old Intermediates – 12 – 14 years old Seniors – 15+ years old. Age is based on your age as of December 31 the previous year. Intermediates with Junior Proficiency should also be completing orals. INSTRUCTION FOR JUDGES 1. He or she must set up class and present a five-minute instruction period on how to judge the class on what to look for in this type of project. These instructions should be written out so that it can be read out or taped so that the instructions can be played to the group. It is imperative that the narration the members receive is consistent each and every time. The judge’s comments should contain the key words “ length”, “top line”, etc. in their speech. 2. For orals, the judge will listen to the member give their reasons and placing for the oral class and then judge will evaluate the member on how they placed them and the justification for the placing. INSTRUCTION FOR MARKERS 1. All markers must attend the mandatory training on May 17th as well as the orientation at 9:30 a.m. while the first class is being held. Exception to attend must be discussed with Key Leader prior to May 17th. 2. Bring your Hormel slide 3. Cards should be marked, and turned in as soon as possible. We ask that you do NOT hold onto the top scorecards. In the event of a tie, administration will contact you to review cards to break a tie. 4. Make sure the classes are written on the top of the cards. 5. The last comment on the card: “These are my reasons for placing this class of ________ (i.e.” MUST be written in full to get the full 2 points – there are NO ½ points. 6. Large judging cards (supplied by the District) for putting the placing up after all judging is complete so members can review to see how well they did. Please post at the end of the Agriplex for viewing. It will be your choice as to whether or not the judge stays so the members may ask them questions. INSTRUCTION FOR CHAPERONES 1. Bring pen and paper to Orientation at 9 a.m. on Judging Field Day. 2. Write a list of members’ names and their numbers from their cards. 3. Review Emergency Procedures and Guidelines (attached – District Policy #002). 4. Move to your first “ judging class” and the judge will speak for four minutes. 5. Members have 14 minutes to complete their judging cards. Please ensure there is NO talking or sharing of information until the members have handed their cards into you. There should be no names on cards, if so please cross out. Ensure class and judging number is on the cards. 6. You will have two minutes to move to your next class. 7. Again four minutes for the judge to speak etc., and repeats steps 4 and 5 as above. 8. If there is an emergency please move your group to your starting area, as described on the back of the map. 9. Members MUST advise chaperone if they are leaving, as well as handing cards in to chaperone. Chaperone then lists classes that were missed and turns them into the tabulation centre. Member will receive a zero mark for missed classes. 10. Ensure area is clear of other members or distractions when members are completing their orals. 11. If you miss a judging class due to not hearing the call to move, remove your full group for the remainder of the time, then rejoin the rotation when the next bell rings, to move your group and at the END of the day go back to the class missed. 12. If you have any concerns or questions please ask at the tabulation centre. South Malahat 4-H District Council Policy # 002- Emergency Policy Purpose: To have in place an emergency procedure for all District Events in order to maintain safety for all leaders, parents, members and volunteers. Policy: That at each District Event the Emergency Procedures/Guidelines (dated May 31, 1997) be used for safety purposes where applicable and also that the District Parent/Release Form Binder be present. Guidelines approved as of May 31, 1997. Approved February 22, 2001 President ______________________________ Secretary _____________________________ South Malahat 4-H District Council Policy # 002- Emergency Policy Procedure: If you hear three short blasts, the chaperones will immediately lead their groups to their flagged areas and await further instruction from the First Aid Station. The designated First Aid Attendant will immediately proceed to the First Aid Station for information regarding the location of the emergency or they will proceed directly to the site of the emergency. In the event of an emergency: 1. The chaperone will direct a senior member or adult to report to the First aid Station with specifics of the emergency. 2. The Chaperone will endeavor to identify the injured individual by looking for their name tag or consulting the group list. 3. The senior member or adult reports back to the Chaperone at the site of the emergency, with the First Aid Attendant who will bring a cell phone, first aid kit, and parent release/medical forms. 4. As soon as the information regarding the emergency is received, a designate will give three short blasts, which will signal the other Chaperones to lead their groups to the flagged areas. 5. Upon reaching the site of the emergency, the First Aid Attendant will call 91-1 if necessary; find the appropriate parent release/medical form; and if 9-1-1 has been called, assign a Senior Member or adult to proceed to the main gate to wait for the Emergency Vehicle to arrive and direct it to the site of the emergency. 6. While waiting for the designated First Aid Attendant to arrive, the Chaperone will ensure that the members are grouped at a safe distance from the site of the emergency. 7. Once the designated First Aid Attendant arrive at the site of the emergency, they will take charge of the situation and determine which actions have been taken (e.g. has 9-1-1 been called, is it necessary to call 9-1-1, has the individual been identified, has appropriate parent release/ medical form been identified, etc.) 8. When directed by the designated First Aid Attendant, the Chaperone and remaining members will proceed to their flagged area and wait for further instructions. 9. All others should wait in their flagged areas until further instructions are received. NOTE: Designated First Aid Attendant will be identified in the morning. South Malahat 4-H District Council Policy # 002- Emergency Policy SAANICH FAIR GROUNDS 1528 STELLY’S CROSS ROAD SAANICHTON, B.C. EMERGENCY NUMBER: 9-1-1 NON-EMERGENCY NEMBERS: POLICE 652-4441 AMBULANCE 727-2400 Phones are located either at the first aid station or on the side of the Brentwood Barn. SHOULD THERE BE AN EMERGENCY: 1. You will three short blasts 2. Chaperones should take their group to their designated colour flagged areas. 3. 4. Attendance should be taken to ensure entire group is present. Stay in your groups and a your designated areas until further instructions have been received. South Malahat 4-H District Council Policy # 002- Emergency Policy CHAPERONES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Write a list of members names, clubs and their numbers from their cards. Start the day in your flagged area (located on the map) with a 10 minute orientation, when you hear the first bell move to your first rotation of judging classes. You will hear a second bell then the judge will give 5 minutes of instruction about the class. Members have 12 minutes to complete their judging cards. Please ensure there is no talking or sharing of information until the members have handed their cards into you. Before you hand them to the marker PLEASE ensure the class has been written on the card. When you hear the next bell you will move to your next class in rotation. You have 3 minutes to move. Again the judge will give 5 minutes of instruction on the class, and repeat steps 4 and 5 as above. If there is an emergency please follow instruction on page one. GUIDELINES FOR USE OF A SCRIBE AT JUDGING FIELD DAY Members that require a scribe at judging field day need to be identified by the “A” leader of each club in advance of the event so that a scribe can be assigned for the member. The scribes are required to take training prior to the event so that their roles and responsibilities are clear. The member needs to understand the role of the scribe as someone who will write down their responses exactly but will not help them with the actual judging process. 1. The Scribe and the member should be given copies of these guidelines prior to the event. 2. The Scribe should be familiar with the 4-H judging process and the use of judging cards. 3. The Scribe and the member can be familiar with each other but should not be related to each other in a familial or guardian relationship. 4. The Scribe can read out the printed words on the judging card to move the member through the judging card process but should not interpret or prompt the member. 5. The Scribe should write the exact text as dictated by the member without editing. This is especially important when transcribing comparators: eg large versus larger 6. The Scribe should write no other text, nor go beyond the member’s exact communication. The scribe should not prompt the member for a more detailed response. 7. It is not the role of the Scribe to keep the member on task. 8. The Scribe should not discuss any matters during the event with the member unless it relates to the member’s communication of answers (eg, the scribe asks the member to repeat a phrase). (conversation should be kept to a minimum so as not to disturb other members during the event) ENTRANCE SWINE SHEEP BEEF W0OL CRAFT Tabulation Centre MINI HORSE POULTRY RABBIT GOAT MARKER TABLES