Metro Lines May 2013 Volume 21 Number 2
Metro Lines May 2013 Volume 21 Number 2
May 2013 Volume 21 Number 2 The Newsletter of the Metro-Long Island Chapter WHITE LIGHTING 1 9 8 6 T O P F L I G See Page 5 for details H T CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE By Bill Hermanek April 29th, 2013 Well spring is finally here and we had our first chapter meet after a very long winter season. We had another great meet at Exotic Classics in Syosset. We had some outstanding Corvettes from C1’s to C4’s, each of them winning a Top-Flight award. I’d like to thank the members from the New England chapter, New Jersey chapter, Adirondack chapter and the Northeast chapter for the great support their members gave us at this meet and of course our own members for judging and tabulating. There are a couple of people who I would just like to thank for making this a successful meet. First, our (2) Judging Chairman’s Bill Armstrong and Greg Picconi for coordinating this meet and getting all the paperwork out in a timely fashion. The other person who really put out a great effort was Linda Armstrong who coordinated all the tabbies and registration duties. These people exemplify what the chapter is all about. Again I can’t thank Will Branston and the whole staff at Exotic classics for all that they have done for us, providing a venue for our meet, free breakfast and a free lunch in a great setting. We also had a great Judging school the day before at Unique Performance. Nick Giordano, owner of Unique, was again a gracious host that provided the facility and pizza and soda for everyone. Thanks again for having us. Bill Armstrong and Greg Picconi did an outstanding presentation on how to judge side pipes on mid-year Corvettes. Cars deemed to have counterfeit side pipes will be put into the NCRS judging data base. It was informative and quite amusing. National Convention Many of us in the chapter will be going to the NCRS National Convention in Hampton, Va. this year. Donna Crupi one of our chapter members, will be organizing a road tour to the convention. Check out our website for further info about signing up. It should turn out to be a great event. Try not to miss the National Conventions because they have things to do for the whole family. The first night of the convention will be an awards ceremony and our chapter; will receive for the 8th year in a row the Chapter Top-Flight of the Year award. We should also receive our charter for our chapter, which means we are in business again for another year. I’ll give a recap of the National Convention in the next newsletter. Technical articles We are in need of technical articles. We need these to keep up our Chapter Top-Flight status but also to share with our fellow members of our knowledge of restoring our beloved Corvettes. So if you have a project you’re working on or just a tid-bit of info you can share with us, send it to John Waluk and he will put it in the next newsletter. 2 Corvettes at Carlisle Again this year we will have a booth at Corvettes at Carlisle on August 23-25th. Please volunteer to be at the booth to sign up any new prospective members or ones that need info about joining our chapter. Any member who wants to sell their used Corvette parts can bring them to the booth. It is open to all members in good standing. If you are going to sell your parts at the booth it is mandatory you volunteer some time there. If you have parts to sell they must be tagged with a price and your name so we can sell them and they must be picked up each night before we close or they will be left there. The booth is next to the Long Island Vettes club booth. It is situated facing the back of the stage where the girls go on for the bikini contest. If you can please man the booth for an hour or 2 or more it would be greatly appreciated. Call me if you wish to volunteer. Next Judging school and Judged meet Our chapter will have our second judged chapter meet of the year on October 6th at Wehrmann Engineering in Hauppauge and a judging school on October 5th. The location for the school has not yet been determined. If you plan to have your car judged or to be a judge you must register to be at the show. A great breakfast and lunch will be provided by the chapter to all Judges, tabbies and car owners. A registration form is on our web site @ Remember WE NEED JUDGES to make the show a success, run smoothly and on a timely basis. Only you, the members can help us make it a great meet so please sign up early to be a judge so we can guarantee you your preferred judging position. Bill Hermanek Corvettes At Carlisle 2012 3 JUDGING CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE BY CO-CHAIRS: WILLIAM ARMSTRONG—GREG PICCONI JUDGING CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE – April 29, 2013 Co-Chairs: William Armstrong – Greg Picconi Hello again everyone, I hope that this time of year finds you ready to take that Corvette out and have some fun, and hopefully over the winter you fixed any mechanical or electrical “gremlins” that might have made a drive impractical. This spring, as in past years, found our Chapter hosting a two (2) day NCRS Judging Event comprised of a Judging School on Saturday, April 20th and followed by a Flight Judging Event on Sunday, April 21st. If you attended both events and participated in judging you earned three (3) Judging Points. You can track your Judging Point totals by logging on to the NCRS website at which time you can see the points listed for these two most recent events. As an aside, if you find an event missing from your Judging Point totals that you have evidence you attended you should contact that respective Chapter’s Judging Chairman to resolve the issue. JUDGING SCHOOL: On Saturday, April 20th a Judging School was conducted at Unique Performance in Medford, N.Y. I would like thank Nick Giordano for hosting this event at his modern Corvette and High Performance Repair facility. The topic of this Judging School was C-2 Side Exhaust and included a comprehensive hand out and hands on examination of a factory installed side exhaust system as well as an examination of a factory under car exhaust. I would like to thank Chapter Member John Waluk for providing his factory equipped side exhaust 1967 for this school. Additionally I would like to thank Nick from Unique Performance for providing a stock exhaust C-2 for comparison. All areas of factory installations were discussed and viewed and a review of NCRS Judging criteria was incorporated to discuss the areas of point deductions for incorrect exhaust. The school was attended by thirty one (31) NCRS members who spiritedly interacted during discussions and comments. FLIGHT JUDGING: On Sunday, April 21st, our Chapter conducted a Flight Judging Event at Exotic Classics in Syosset, N.Y. I would like to thank Will Branson for hosting this event at his modern dealership specializing in unique and exotic classic and collectable automobiles. Additionally I would like to thank Will on behalf of our Chapter for providing the Breakfast and Lunch for Judges and Car owners. For those of you that are unaware I would like to additionally mention that had the weather been inclement Exotic Classics made available a portion of their huge indoor showroom in which to conduct Flight Judging. 4 Fortunately the “weather gods” were with us on Sunday and provided us with a sunny day (albeit a bit windy) to conduct Flight Judging. Twelve (12) cars, comprised of C-1, C-2, C-3 and C-4 were registered for Flight Judging of which I am happy to report ALL scored a Top Flight Award. The results of this Flight Judging are listed elsewhere in this Newsletter. I would like to thank those car owners and Sportsman participants for bringing out their cars to share with our membership. No Flight Judging Event can exist without the dedication of the volunteer Judges and Tabulators who devote their time to insuring a great day. Over forty (40) Judges and nine (9) Tabulators worked together to insure a successful day. I would like to mention that numerous Judges and Tabulators came from long in state or out of state distances to participate. This included upstate New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In closing, I would also like to offer congratulations to Bill Hermanek for reaching the highest level of Master Judge, the 400 point level. Bill will join a short list of over 400 point level judges in the Metro Chapter. I would also like to mention that two (2) of our most recent Tabulators, including visiting Kim Crookham from Pennsylvania and Lynda Armstrong of the Metro Chapter will be receiving their Master Tabulator Jackets and Award at the upcoming NCRS National Convention later this year. They will join our other “regular” tabulators Jane Palmenteri and Pat Meese who are already Master Tabulators. So long for now, hope to see you all at our next event. Bill Bill Armstrong (3618) Exotic Classics Chapter Meet April 21, 2013 Awards TOP FLIGHT SPORTSMAN Ted Freund 1961 Brian McHale 1967 Tom Longo 1962 William Mehrkens 1973 Howard Cohen 1963 Steve Berry 1980 Vincent Esposito 1965 Robert Spinicchia 2013 Gary Segal 1966 Angelo Milazzo 1967 Larry Sachs 1967 Larry Sachs 1967 Larry Sachs 1967 Russ Bomberg 1972 Matthew Brennan 1993 Doug Brooks 1996 5 Schedule of Events: July 18-21st National Metro LI Road Tour July 21-26th National Convention Hampton, VA. August 4th Arbors Assisted Living Display, Islandia, NY August 22-25th Corvettes @ Carlisle, Metro Chapter & Long Island Vettes Share a booth at Field Location ID 74-79. Northwest side of the grandstand October 5th Judging School TBD October 6th Judged Chapter Meet, Wehrmann Engineering, Hauppauge, NY November 3rd Wine Cruise, Laurel Lake Vineyards, Laurel, L I, NY December 7th Holiday Party, Larkfield Manor Tech Session TBD FOR SALE:: A slightly used 1965-1966 reproduction power antenna that is in excellent condition. I replaced it with an original. Price is $100 firm. Antenna new sells for $249.99 plus shipping. Contact Phil Arena [email protected] ================================================================================================================== FOR SALE In case anyone is interested!!!!!!! Lloyds Rear Cargo Mat for all C6 Corvette Coupes, brand new, in the box, labels attached. Exact match Ebony gray, with 60th Anniversary Flags with "60th" in the flag, and the word CORVETTE embroidered under the flags in bright red. This is the highest quality mat you can buy for your Corvette, its sells on line for $175.00 plus shipping. My cost was almost $200.00, selling for $160.00 (Sample only below) Call Bob Spinicchia at 516-795-6939 516-857-3837 6 ON THE FRONT COVER By Greg Gambino Back in 1972 I was visiting my cousin Mark at his home in Queens, New York when he pulls up to his house in a dark green Corvette with side pipes. I was in awe and utter amazement to see up close a real live Corvette. What an exhaust sound she had. Mark said, "Let’s go for a ride", and what a ride it was. Mark was only 18 at the time slamming thru the gears on a crowded busy street in Queens. I thought he was a race car driver. Yes I was a little younger than he at 13 years old. The car was a 1970 LT1 coupe with Donnybrook green paint and a black interior. Corvette Fever was suddenly running thru my veins. As time went on, in 1979 at the age of 19, I bought my first Corvette a 1971 LT1 coupe with Mulsanne blue paint with blue vinyl interior for $4500.00. She had a bored out CE block, with hooker headers and a Hurst shifter. But I had to enhance her like my cousin's corvette, so I put on a set of Hooker side pipes. The car sounded fantastic and was she fast. (I know it is not NCRS correct.) One spring day in 1984 I drove the LT1 to Long Island on the Long Island Expressway, with my girlfriend at the time. We were heading to the orchid farms when I noticed in my rear view mirror smoke was billowing out of the back end of the car. I immediately pulled over and told her to get out quickly and we amazingly saw it ignite into extremely high flames. We ran far enough away in case it may have exploded. The fire trucks were there in less than 5 minutes to put out the fire. The LT1 burned right up to the firewall. The fireman asked me what happened. I said "I just filled up the gas tank before taking it out for a ride". He of course said "it was most likely a gas leak and luckily I had the tank filled". I called the insurance company who eventually said "it cannot be repaired it has to be totaled". My love and my dream went up into Corvette heaven, but I swore I would get another Corvette just like it or better. So in the year 2000 I said its time to search again. I chose to use the internet in my search. I spotted one on a web site called Corvette Trader. It was a 1970 LT1 Mulsanne blue with bright blue interior, it was a stunner. The photo of the car had a background shot of an F14 fighter plane behind it. But the car was in British Columbia, Canada and 3000 miles away. 7 I did not know for sure if it was feasible to purchase a car so far away. So I began a six month relationship with the car owner to make sure he was really trustworthy and it turned out he truly was. And we still stay in touch today. So I bought it sight unseen and it was transported to my door. I then became an NCRS member both nationally and with the Local Chapter, Metro Long Island till this very day. I then entered the car at the New Jersey Regional that same year and scored a low Second Flight Award. I eventually had it judged nine more times to reach a high Second Flight Award after eight years of finding many correct original parts. The cars draw back was that the block was a date correct replacement block (as history can repeat itself), which was replaced by GM in 1971, but she ran and drove fantastic and looked spectacular. I also located the original owner who sold the car in 1986 and wondered for many years where his car was that he #7 #3 called "baby blue". He was so happy the day I called to hear the story on how I purchased the car from a fellow Canadian to bring it into the States. Then in 2006 the fever reached a higher temperature. I said what is it like to own a mid-year? I found one at New England Mike's Corvette. A 1964 327/365 HP Coupe, 4 speed, a fairly low 45,000 mile car. Every component worked, especially the cabin exhaust fan. I bought this one also sight unseen. She ran well. The only other option was an AM/FM radio. I was especially intrigued with the color combination, Saddle Tan with tan interior. I had the car judged and scored a Top Flight Award at one of our local Metro Chapter events here on Long Island, New York. Owning two Corvettes made the space in the garage very tight and needed some room for another project. So in 2009 it was time to part with my two cherished loves. After some time I decided that maybe I should try another Corvette body style. I began a search for a C4. I felt the 1986 stood out more than any other C4 year. I wanted a unique color styling that many people at the time did not order. I chose to look for the white/silver combination where only 693 Corvettes were produced that year. What a fresh, sharp, clean look it is today. The car was at a Chevy dealer in Illinois where the car was originally purchased. Again I struck up a nice relationship with the car salesman and his general manager. The car is an unrestored 17,000 mile original car with a 4/3 transmission, Z51 suspension, power windows, power driver’s seat, power steering, power ABS brakes, electronic AC , AM/FM cassette radio with power antenna, a removable glass blue roof panel and every other option possible for that year. The salesman was kind enough to include the original tires, which came off the car at the time of sale and delivery. So they made me an offer I could not refuse. And yes I bought this Corvette sight unseen. 8 This past April I had the car judged for the first time at our local Chapter Meet and scored a Top Flight Award and the event was just fantastic. To talk with all the other Local Chapter members, car owners and all the visiting people at these types of events is a very special feeling we all share for the love of cars and most of all the love of owning a Corvette. Greg Gambino (36474) 9 Mid Year Clock By John Waluk The old clock in the old Corvette is no longer working There are three options for the repair of the clock in most older Corvettes especially the Mid Years. If the clock is no longer working the mechanism can be replaced with an electronic quartz version or the mechanical clock can be rebuilt or replaced. The Quartz clock (doesn’t tick) costs about $90.00 for the parts, a new mechanical that ticks about $300.00 or you can rebuild the original for about $150.00 depending where you send it. Sometimes you can get the original clock working with a good cleaning as they are sensitive and get gummed up over the years. This tech article will deal with the removal and replacement of the unit in the dash. Disconnect the battery. The glove box has to be removed by removing the four large screws on the lower bracket and the screws inside the box. Disconnect the wire to the glove box light and set the whole box on the side. To make thing a little easier use a mirror to view the rear of the clock and bracket so you have an idea where everything is located. Much of this is done by feel and knowing the position of the bulbs, electrical connection and retaining clips makes the job a lot easier. Reach behind the clock and remove the two light sockets and the plug. The lights will have a grey single wire with a metal socket if it is original. The plug will have a single black and a single orange wire. When removing these wires remember that they are almost 50 years old so don’t pull by the wires. Grab the socket and plug and move them side to side and they will come out. Then remove the two clips that go over the posts that hold the clock in place. The high part of the clip should be depressed and slid past the clip. Do this on both sides. At this point the clock as a unit can be removed. See the attached pictures for the location and what the retaining clips look like. The clock itself actually comes out without any tools once the glove box is removed. With the clock removed the area behind it can be cleaned up with a vacuum and a damp rag. You can also take a look behind the dash just to make sure that there are no loose wires or connections or anything that may of worked it way loose over the years. Also check the light for the lighter as this is often not in it’s holder. 10 Once the clock is on the work bench a decision can be made to which method you want to employ for the repair of the clock. If you take the clock apart the front bezel has to be removed by grinding the four areas that are peened over. This will leave four small posts which you will see when it comes apart. The rest of the clock comes apart by bending the metal retaining tabs to release each piece. There is a slot where everything lines up and a piece of masking tape and a magic marker can be used. When you removed the front bezel by grinding off the parts that were peened over you removed the part that secured the whole thing together. If you are handy with a drill four small machine screws can be used to Picthe 1 bezel and the clock back together. Don’t try gluing secure or using tape to keep the clock together as the pressure from the retaining clips over time will pull the bezel apart and the bezel will fall out of the dash. The screws should be about a quarter of an inch long and the drill bit used for a pilot hole will be determined by the width if the screw. Remember not to wide or the bezel may split. #6 To install the clock just reverse the procedure and everything should be fine. One should also change the bulbs for the clock while everything is open. There is also another bulb below the clock that lights up the dials for the fan control and the defroster. Using the mirror again you can locate it by looking for a V shaped clip that slides onto the bottom of the clock support. Once the clock is replaced check that it works before you replace the glove box Pic 2 #1 Body mount removed 11 April 20th 2013 IS IT A REAL SIDE PIPE CAR AND WHAT TO LIOOK FOR A very informative class presented by Bill Armstrong, Gregg Picconi and Mark Tulley on what to look for when judging a car with side pipes. Also have to thank Nick Giordano of Unique Performance for opening his shop and supplying lunch for the Metro Members who attended the Judging School. 12 STOCK MARKET GOT YOU DOWN? If only navigating the tumultuous economy and stock market was as easy and as enjoyable as navigating your Corvette! It is important that you protect your retirement funds with the same tender loving care that you would protect your Vette! Please contact Craig Brooks - proud C6 owner - for a complimentary portfolio review: Craig Brooks, Managing Director The Spielberger Group, Inc. 500 North Broadway, Suite 223 516-605-2222 Phone 516-850-4204 Cell 516-960-3100 Fax Email: [email protected] Jericho, NY 11753 Web: 13 Sponsor of the Metro Long Island Spring Chapter Meet 14 The Metro Long Island Chapter Store is Open for Business! I’m pleased to announce a new feature on your Metro Long Island Chapter website – your own online store! While we will continue to offer hats, T-shirts, and sweatshirts for sale at all our events, you can now purchase many other types of quality apparel and merchandise at our online store – all branded with your Metro Long Island Chapter logo! You may even choose to personalize your purchase with your name or other designation. Just visit, or click on the link below to take you right to our Apparel & Merchandise store. Here's a look at some of what you’ll find there…… And remember, this stuff makes great gifts too !!!!! Best Regards, Hank Hank DeMartino Webmaster NCRS Metro Long Island Chapter 631-368-9657 (Office) 631-241-6262 ( Cell) [email protected] ================================================================================================================= FOR SALE: 1997 CORVETTE, 93,000 MILES, AUTOMATIC, 8K IN MODS. $12,000.00 NEG. CALL BILL INFORMATION WANTED: Looking for any information, sales brochures, posters, etc. that pertain to the 1986 Malcolm Konner Commemorative Edition Corvette. Contact Bill Hermanek # 31363, [email protected] ******************************************************************************************** FOR SALE 1996 COLLECTORS SILVER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE, EVERY FACTORY OPTION ,T RACTION CONTROL, 5 LINK R/ SUSPENSION, 4WH DISC, 6 SPEED TRANNY W/SHIFT INTERLOCK, PASSIVE KEY, REMOTE HEATED MIRRORS, FULL FOLDING CANVAS ROOF W/GLASS REAR WINDOW, AM/FM BOSE SYSTEM, SIX-WAY POWER DRIVERS SEAT, SPORT EMBOIDED SEATS, VERY RARE RED INTERIOR, SELECTIVE REAL TIME DAMPING AJUSTABLE SUSPESION, LOW TIRE WARNING, EXPRESS DOWN P/WINDOWS, SPEED CONTROL W/RESUME FEATURE, CAR HAS 5600 MILES, $31,900 516-606-1982 HOWIE 15 METRO LI CHAPTER MEET April 21, 2013 A great day for all the car owners. Top Flight and Sportsman Great weather….Great Turn Out….Great Location….Great Food….And all Top Flights Thank you Will Branston for sponsoring our Chapter Meet and supplying breakfast and lunch for the car owners, Judges, tabulators and guests. Always a generous host. Will Branston and Bill Hermanek OOPS!!!! 16 METRO MEET 2013 EXOTIC CLASSICS April 21st 2013 17 435 HP L88 ? Clone Exotic Classics 18 19 The Metro Long Island Chapter is grateful for the sponsorship provided by Exotic Classics for our spring chapter meet and Wehrmann Engineering for the fall chapter meet. WEHRMANN ENGINEERING Mark Wehrmann ============================================================================================ RACE PREPARATION HEWLAND SERVICE MW@ 70 Suffolk Court Suite 500 Hauppauge, NY 11788 20 Ph.: 631-467-8366 Fax: 631-658-4395 Judging School and General Meeting Bellmore Memorial Library February 16th, 2013 A new approach to the judging school was tried this week and it proved to be very successful. A 1 hour video presentation on the Judging Reference Manual was presented by our Vice Chairperson Mark Tulley. This particular video is part of a series of Judging DVDs that were professionally recorded at one of the NCRS Judges Training Retreats. 21 Amazing 1967 Corvette Survivor 1967 CORVETTE with 2,996 original miles... found sitting in a garage in Colorado Springs, Co. Before viewing the photos on this site read the story about the car and the original owner. Then look at the pictures which are presented from when the car is first viewed under the covers in the garage and then on display at the Bloomington Gold Event. You be the judge. Interesting article 22 NCRS registered marks used in Metro Lines are NCRS Founders ©,NCRS Master Judge Award ©,NCRS Performance Verification Award©, NCRS Flight Award, ©,and NCRS Sportsman Award ©, are registered with the United States Department of Commerce and Trademark Office. The NCRS American Heritage Award SM application is pending. Membership in the NCRS is open to persons interested in the restoration, preservation and history of the Corvette produced by Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors Corporation. NCRS is not affiliated with Chevrolet or General Motors. Membership in the Metro Long Island Chapter of the NCRS is open to all members of the NCRS National Organization. Dues are $ 30 for one-year membership or $50 for two years. Advertising in the Metro Long Island Newsletter is free to all active members of the Chapter for all Corvette-related items or Corvettes for sale. Commercial advertising rates are $150 per year full page, Half Page $100 and Business Card $35 Copyright 2001 - 2013 Metro Long Island Chapter, NCRS Inc. NCRS Metro - Long Island Chapter __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chairman 31 Wildwood Lane Home 631-360-1216 Bill Hermanek Smithtown, NY 11787 E-Mail [email protected]______________________ Vice Chairman 2 Clearland Ave. Home 516-997-4842 Mark Tulley Carle Place, NY 11514 Work 516-248-1277 E-Mail [email protected]_______________________ Treasurer 12 Tusa Ct. Cell 631-512-3934 Frank Erbio St. James, NY 11780 E-Mail [email protected]____________________ Secretary 2 Clearland Ave. Home 516-997-4842 Mary Tulley Carle Place, NY 11514 E-Mail [email protected]_________________ Judging Chairman 1 Columbine Ave. Home 631-728-9227 Bill Armstrong Hampton Bays, NY 11946 E-Mail [email protected]___________________ Judging Co-Chairman 59 Union Drive Cell 516-528-6005 Greg Picconi Merrick, NY 11566 E-Mail [email protected]______________________ Membership 80 Loines Ave. Cell 516-315-2691 Mike Kersch Merrick, NY 11566 E-Mail [email protected]________________________ Newsletter Editor 31 Squirrel La. Cell 516-313-7835 John Waluk Levittown, NY 11756 E-Mail [email protected]_______________________ Web Master Two Doti C. Cell 631-241-6262 Hank DeMartino Huntington, NY 11743 Office 631-368-9657 E-Mail [email protected]________________ Merchandise 8 Sands La. Cell 631-764-7962 Matt Kochman Port Jefferson, NY 11777 E-Mail [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADVERTISING IN THE NCRS METRO-LINES CHAPTER NEWSLETTER * * * Note: Our rates have not gone up in six years! * * * Advertising in the SELL-SWAP-WANTED section of the Metro-Long Island Newsletter is free to all active Chapter members. Note: Advertising in this section is limited to Corvettes and Corvette-related items. Commercial advertising rates are for a full year, January - December. These ads do not have to be Corvette-related. They will run in every issue. Full page - $150 Half page - $100 Business card - $35 Do not send cash; make checks payable to Metro-Long Island NCRS. E-mail ad (preferred), [email protected] and mail payment to: John Waluk Newsletter Advertising 31 Squirrel La. Levittown, NY 11756 23 Big Block Fuel Injection Project Part 2 By John Waluk This Tech Article is geared toward the Sportsman which is a category within the NCRS. You can go to the Metro Long Island Web Site to read part one of the Tech Article at, January 2013 Volume Number 1 Issue The bare manifold was placed on the block and bolted down as shown in picture (1). In picture ( 2) you can see the extra brackets that were added to secure the fuel rails in place. The thermostat housing, throttle body, MSD tach drive distributor, ignition coil, vacuum ports and throttle cable were attached. The throttle cable was attached to a1bracket on the manifold and later removed from the valve cover as shown in the picture. The original fuel line for the carburetor is still attached which you can see in picture (2) in the upper left hand corner. The fuel line and fuel pump were removed and a block off plate was placed over the mounting area for the fuel pump. The original metal fuel line was now used as a return line to the top of the filler next in picture (3). A new pressurized line was run from the electric fuel pump which was located on the chassis at the rear of the car and fed from the #1 #3 2 #2 original fuel sending unit. The fuel line was a aircraft grade Kevlar wrapped rubber fuel line which had to be protected from material that may damage it that the tires may kick up. A threated bung was placed in the drivers side front exhaust pipe so a Oxygen Sensor could be placed in that location, picture (4). The thermostat housing had to be changed as another location was needed for a temperature sending unit that was need for the fuel injected system, picture (5). Hooking up the system is pretty straight forward as most of the items are plug and play. Certain sensors have to be located within certain parameters so the correct reading can be obtained by the sensors sending 3 information to the computer. There is not a lot of wiggle room when it comes to the computer and the reading it needs for everything to work together. A fuel pressure gauge was added to the fuel supply line so the system could be monitored as a certain pressure is needed for the system to work, picture (6). 24 5 #4 #5 The wiring harness for the fuel injection was installed which took some time as it was close but a little long in some areas. It was a trial and error type of fit as to how it looked and how much you can hide to give that clean install look. The Mapp sensor was secured to the firewall and that had to be level , picture (7). As mentioned before the original air cleaner and base was to be used so some modifications were made to the base to accept another temperature sensor, picture (8). The computer was installed under the hood on the drivers side inner wheel housing. A bracket was made out of aluminum stock and secured by 1/4 twenty bolts and nuts. A water proof computer was used because it was mounted under the hood and most of the wiring would be located in the engine compartment. If a standard computer was used it would have to be placed inside the car along with a large wiring harness. There is not much room under the dash in a mid year corvette and if you noticed in picture (1) this car has a A/C compressor. Air Conditioning was added and that will be another Tech article in the future along with picture (9) which shows an additional cable on top attached to the throttle body which is for the cruise control, yet another story. At this point everything is pretty much buttoned up and the moment of truth has arrived. Is t his going to work is the question? After checking all connections and rechecking everything about five times the system was pressurized and no leaks were found. 25 #6 #7 #8 After pressurizing the system a number of times the car was started and the car actually ran which was a very good sign. Nothing leaked or vibrated loose and all the signs were positive except for the little problem of getting the car to idle at around 700 RPM. The lowest the RMP would go was about 1800 RPM which really didn’t make sense as everything was controlled by the computer. I contacted the person who set up the computer and he went over the numbers and they were all correct. After a little trial and error the problem was located and it was the throttle body throttle plates that were not closing enough and letting in to much air. It was about two thousands of an inch and the idle went down with a little filing of the plates. This system was made up of various parts as stated in part one of this article so there were some bugs in getting everything to work the way it should. # 10 #9 The air cleaner went on and it was time for a test drive. Pulled it out of the garage went about a mile and I was sitting on the side of the road. It would crank but would not start. So much for this experiment and the smile went to a frown. I let it sit for awhile and went over some of the connections, checked for fuel leaks and the fuses and tried again. My lucky day when the car started and back to the garage. Took it out a few more times with someone following me this time and everything worked fine. Had to make some minor adjustments and it just seemed to run better and better. The increase in power and pick up was noticeable right from the start. Went from a 720 CFM carburetor to a 1000 CFM throttle body. Just like a modern day car with no choke. Can start this car on a cold day and pull away with a wide open throttle and it doesn’t miss a beat. Didn’t mention it before but the engine is a 454 CI 500Ft-lb. of torque and 425 HP. The HP increased by about twenty five with the fuel injection and the Ford racing injectors so it totals out at about 450 HP. YEP Ford parts. By the way there is another addition to the car, a five speed Tremec transmission which gives this car about 22 miles per gallon. A/C, Fuel Injection, 5 Speed, Cruise Control, MP3 and a real nice car to drive. 26 Prestige Motor Works Tech Session March 21 2013 A special thank you to Joe Keuler and the employees of Prestige Motor Works for opening there doors and sponsoring a Metro Long Island Tech Session. Prestige also supplied the food and refreshments for the night for about fifty members. 27 METRO LONG ISLAND ROAR TOUR TO NATIONAL CONVENTION 28 Pictures By Stan Dzugan NCRS Regional Meet at Old Town, Kissimmee, Florida January 2013 About 15 members of the Metro Chapter attended this meet. 29 Pictures By Stan Dzugan Mecum Car Auction 2013 Kissimmee Florida Total of 3000 cars went across the block in a week long auction 30 31 Squirrel Lane Levittown, NY 11756 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Editor’s Note Visit: for updates and info about the chapter and BY John Waluk upcoming events IN THIS EDITION NOTE: The chapter is now going digital with the newsletter and the chapter will not be sending out paper copies. The newsletter will be e-mailed to all members as a PDF file. Another e-mail will be sent to all members with a link to the newsletter as some members cannot receive large files through there e-mail server. All flyers, notifications and updates will also be sent by e-mail. *************The front cover will now feature a Chapter Members car and a short history. The pictures should be in (JPEG) and submitted by the owner to my e-mail address along with the history. If I receive multiple entries from owners a lottery will decide which picture or pictures will be used. If an owner does not have a digital camera and want to submit pictures I will take the pictures at a judging school or a Chapter meet. Always looking for interesting stories and articles for the Newsletter. If you are working on a car we can use it as a Tech article. Do a little write up with some pictures and I will put it in the newsletter. VISIT: METROLI.ORG YOUR CHAPTERS WEB SITE 31
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