Payment to Govt. Servants other than salary etc. through e
Payment to Govt. Servants other than salary etc. through e
SPEED POST/FAX DISBURSEMENT SECTION Email-lD:[email protected], Phone No.033224g5077-5ogo, Ext. - 514 & 51s No. D/28lCorrlSBtCM P/Vot-Vt Dated. 05/!L12O!5 To, 1. All CFA(Fys) 2. All Br. Accounts Office Sub: Payment to Govt. servants other than salary etc. through e-payment from01./04/12. to this office letter No. D/28lNEFT/corr/vol-V dt. 05.06.2012 under which Ministry of of Expenditure, controller General of Accounts o.M No. L(L)/2oi.1./TAl2g2 dt.3l/03/2ot2 letter No. A/lllh2l\7/ECS/Comm-lX dt. 17.05.2012 (copy enclosed) on payment to Govt. Please refer Finance, Department received vide HQrs servants other than salary etc. through e-payment with effect from OL/04/t2 was circulated for necessary action at your end. 2' ln the above letter it is intimated that the Central Govt. Account (Receipts and payments) Rules, 19g3 to provide for issue of Payment advices to the bank for direct credit by electronic transfer to the specified bank account of the payee. As per the amendments, the Govt. servants are permitted to have been amended, inter alia, receive their salary by direct credit to their bank accounts through payment advices, at their option. it is intimated to make payments to government servants, other than salary, above Rs.25000/- by issue of payment advices, including electronically signed payment advices with effect from 1't April 3. ln this regard 2012. 4' Further, it is also intimated to make all payments towards settlement of retirement/terminal benefits such as gratuity, commuted value of pension, encashment of leave salary, CGEGIS, withdrawals from General Provident Fund, etc. by issue of payment advices, including electronically signed payment advices. You are therefore requested to make payment to Govt. servants other than salary upto Rs.25000/in cash/cheque/e-payment at the option of Govt. servants in compliance of the instruction issued vide Ministry of Encl. As above. ffi'r Controller General of Defence Accounts Ulan Batar Road,Palam'Delhi Cantt-1 No To AJlll/1 2157 tECS/Comm-lX 0" Dated: -17 A5 2012 g),a Pce GY\) rcoLkaE subject:_paymenttoGovernmentservantsthroughe-payment' preasefindencrosecopiesofMinistryofFinance,,Depttof Expenditure,CGAoMNo.l(1)l2o11tTN2g2dated31,o3.2012andoM No.1(1)l2o11tTN305dated12.04.2012ontheabovesub,|ectforinformation and further necessary action' Allpaymentstogovernmentservantstov,,ardssettlet'nentof gratuity, commuted value oi perrsion, aS such benefits retiremenUterminal Fund etc withdrawal from General Provident encashment of leave salary, cGEGls, advices' may be made by issue of payment other than salary above Rs 25,000 l- includingelectronicallysignedpaymentadvices,inaccordancewiththe o'M' Monthly progress repc'rrt on the instructions contained in the above mentioned to us by 1gth of the succeeding month" implementation may be forwarded Further,governmentservantsthosehavenotyetbeenoptedpayment of receiving their sarary be encouraged to exercise the option ttrrough ECS may throughpaymentadvicesfordirectcreditintotheirbankaccount. Jt.CGDA(A&B) has seen' \r It( ftr\ .,') ,/ / /1\ \ry Encls:- As above .c.:.*-,-r rirEir::::_r.lfui___r_: b1\ zq ut't* -osJli' ' . 0[l N r^,, Ya,!' / eqn F. No.1(1)/20ttnNZl2Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure C ontroll e r G e n e r a! of Accounts Ol'fjqe Memorandum Dated 31't Marctr20'i2 suh:- Payrnerrt to Government senvants other than saiary etc;. i.hrr:uEh eIraylirent frorr ,{"t April 2012 Trrei centrar Gorrernment. Account (Receipts and paynre,ts) Ruies,'rgg3 rrave been amendecj., inter aria, provioe iJ tor issue of Payment advices to the bank for cjirect Jlectronic transfer to the specified bank account of the payee. "r"Jii-nv plr As tne amendments, the Government servants are, permitted to receive'theii satary by direct crer.tit to their bank accounts througrr jayment adrrices, at therr option Funher, the amendment arso providJr t[ui a, paymenti'to-gouurnment servants other than sararies exceeding the iimiis L. .p".in"c fronr trme tr_, tirre shall be through payment advLes 2 3' lrr accordance to flre above, with effect from i.r Aprir zo1z, air lVlinistries/Departments of the Government of lndia are dirbcteci to mal<e all payments to government servants, other.tnan sarary, above Rs. 25,000, by issue of payment advices, incruding etectronicirrv-,-fin*o payment advices. in accolclance to tlre amencled rules, with effect frorn 1,,April ^^.lurther; 2012, all Ministries/Departments of the Governmenior lndia are directect to all towards iiaymerrts settlement of retiremeni /terminat benefirs T'Tt such as graturity, commutec.l rralue of pension, of ieave sarary cGEGls, ,withdrawars from Generar provident "n.rrr-,n.,"nt Fund, etc. by rs,sue oF par,'ment advices, r.4 #l I $i 4 incrucr in g erectronica Ir y signecr prvr*nt, Juiffi- All l\ilinistries/ Departnrents and HeacJs of Accounting organisations are rec;ur:sted, to ensure the compriance of above instructiJns oy nay a Accounts offices/ Accounts offices and other payment irnits uncler their #-' control. 5 !; separate orders harre been issued in respect of oayments to prrvate parties such as sLrppliers contractors, grantee, loanee institutions etc t4 ff, ;\{Pr' bir.:;tv-,'t* $,po"Y E Joint conrroiler G!s"#ir 1. All Ministries ancl Departments 2. All Financial Advisers 3. Secretary, Defence Finance 4. 5. I-,,(.at [4 Secretary, posts Financial Commissioner, Railways ( (, L (C U li^ l_/ ln, ud.\-\n' o :il:iiffil