Pioneer - Trinity High School
Pioneer - Trinity High School
thepioneer Volume 3 Issue 3 The newspaper of Trinity High School November / December 2010 7ULQLW\VWXGHQWGH¿HVWKHRGGV By Aubrey Legasse Pioneer Staff my brother and sister really took care of me and helped me get After being born with a better. Even now, they disease which enlarges the still help me with every spleen, Shan Tahir, a senior, one of my doctors’ apwent in for surgery at the pointments. My sister Dartmouth-Hitchcock Mediwill take care of the cal Center in Lebanon to have appointments and my her spleen removed on Feb. brother will drive me 24, 2008. Tahir’s surgery was to them,” said Tahir. scheduled for 7 a.m. but was To keep herself delayed by the patient ahead occupied and away of her. The surgery, reschedfrom depression in the uled for 4 p.m., seemed to be ,&87DKLUZRXOGVKRS a success, and Tahir was set to online. return home the next day. ³,ZDVDOZD\VPDG However, three hours after Pioneer Staff Photo and irritable, so the the surgery, Tahir went into shopping took my Senior Shan Tahir overcame amazing odds when a routine cardiac arrest. The doctors PLQGRIIWKLQJV,ZDV surgery went bad in February of 2008. think that because of her fear NQRZQLQWKH,&8IRU of the operation, she was not my online shopping. stayed in the intensive care unit of fully asleep under the anesthetic. (YHQZKHQ,YLVLWWRGD\SHRSOHZLOO Children’s for three months. The doctors attempted to perform be like ‘that’s the girl who was the “Those three months were really CPR and damaged one of the valves hard for me and felt like eternity. online shopper,’ ” said Tahir. in her heart. Tahir was then immeAfter Tahir’s recovery period, she 'XULQJWKH¿UVWWZRPRQWKV,ZDV diately sent by ambulance to Chilhad missed half of the third quarter only allowed to leave my room for dren’s Hospital Boston. in school and was given the rest of an hour each day,” said Tahir. Once at Children’s, doctors the year off to help her recovery. (YHQDIWHUEHLQJLQWKH,&8IRU concluded that Tahir was too weak ³$W¿UVW,GLGQ¶WPLQGWDNLQJWKH three months, Tahir still had some for open heart surgery and began weaknesses, including oxygen prob- rest of the year off,” said Tahir, “but operating on the left side of her heart OHPV$IWHUKHUWLPHLQWKH,&8VKH ZKHQ,WKLQNDERXWLWQRZ,UHDOO\ instead. The doctors decided to place was sent to Spaulding Rehabilitation GRQ¶WXQGHUVWDQGZK\,KDGWRPLVV a cow valve—a procedure never be- Hospital in Boston for 10 days. so much school.” fore performed—on the left side of This surgery has given Tahir a Throughout the surgery and subher heart and within 24 hours of her few restrictions. She can’t do any sequent recovery period, her family emergency surgery, the valve was heavy lifting, and she can’t go deep never left her side, especially her )'$DSSURYHG7DKLULVWKH¿UVWDQG brother, Adnan, and sister, Farah. sea diving. She has been put on a only person in the world to have had ³,WZDVKDUGIRUP\SDUHQWVWR certain diet, and can’t play sports, this procedure. which she says isn’t much of a loss see me unconscious and hooked up Following the surgery, Tahir WRDOOWKHVHPDFKLQHVLQWKH,&8VR See TAHIR, Page 5 One dream; many lives changed By Nicole Fell Pioneer Staff Four guys, one list, and one life changing adventure. MTV’s hit show The Buried Life brings America’s attention to the amazing and life changing adventure of Ben Nemtin, Dave Lingwood, and brothers Duncan and Jonnie Penn. ,QWKHVHIRXUJX\VUHDOL]HG that there was something missing in their lives and decided to create their own “bucket list,” a list of all the things they wanted to do before WKH\GLHG,QVWHDGRIOHWWLQJWKLVOLVW just sit there, they decided to take action. So the four hit the road for an initial two week trip, hoping for it to be low budget. When they realized they would need money and other ,QVLGHWKLVLVVXH Taking a stand Alexis Kittle and Aubrey Legasse take a look at the steps being taken to combat the problem of bullying in American schools. See page 7 Send in your own post-card answering the question “What do you want to do before you die?” no later than Friday, Jan. 14, 2011 We’ll print the best ones in the next issue of the Pioneer! See Nicole Fell’s example on page 5 supplies for the trip, Ben Nemtin started calling companies left and right and, surprisingly, was very pleased with the results. “You never really realize how many people are willing to help until you put it out there,” said Nemtin in an interview with The New York Times in January. Even though this trip was about crossing off items on their list, the four felt that it was also about helping others. Along their journey, they DVNHGRWKHUVWKHIDPRXVTXHVWLRQ “What do you want to do before you die?” The four not only asked the Goodbye, Ryan Mitchell For more than three and a half years, Ryan Mitchell has helped to make this paper what it is today, missing countless deadlines along the way. Check out his goodbye as a Pioneer staff reporter. See page 3 people they met along the way but also helped the strangers with items on their lists. With this two-week trip under their belt, the four continued this trip until 2007, when MTV initially contacted them. MTV offered them a show and, shockingly, they declined. “We declined because we realized they were going to take creative control,” said Nemtin in an interview with The New York Times. For the next two years, they continued to cross off as many items on their list as they possibly could, See BURIED LIFE, Page 5 She has Bieber fever Natalie Kfoury talks to Allie Doyle about her obsession with Bieber in the wake of his Dec. 9 concert at the Verizon Wireless Arena. See page 14 Pioneer Staff Photo The Pioneers traveled to Lebanon to play in WKH'LYLVLRQ,9FKDPSLRQVKLSJDPH falling short with a score of 24-14. Football team falls just short By Jacob St. Germain Pioneer Staff After crushing every team they faced last year the Pioneer football team moved up, from Division V to Division ,9IRUWKHVHDVRQ(YHQWKRXJKWKH Pioneers moved up a division, they still dominated almost every team they faced, with the exception of Lebanon. The Division championship game started with Trinity receiving the ball and returning it to the 26 yard line. On WKH¿UVWGULYHRIWKHGD\7ULQLW\GURYH 74 yards for a touchdown that was run in by Rob Hoaglund. This drive, that ate about 7 minutes off the clock, was highlighted by a 12yard run on third down by Josh Hughes. :LWKOHIWLQWKH¿UVWTXDUWHU7ULQLW\ led 6-0. Not only was the score in their favor but so was the momentum. After a punt by Lebanon, the Pioneer’s drive began with big runs by Hughes and Adam Chambers that got the Trinity offense down to Lebanon’s \DUGOLQH7KH¿UVWTXDUWHUHQGHGZLWK Trinity in the lead, 6-0. Trinity picked up where they left off. When Trinity reached the 26-yard line there was a pivotal 4 and 1 situation. Trinity went for it and the quarterback snuck through a hole in the defense for WKH¿UVWGRZQ The drive resulted in a touchdown by Hughes and a two-point conversion that was run in by Chambers. With six minutes left in the half, every person in WKHFURZGZDVWKLQNLQJWKHVDPHWKLQJ Trinity was on its way to another championship. But Lebanon was not ready to give up. They came out strong with some big runs of their own. Lebanon scored with 4 minutes left in the half, making it 7ULQLW\,QDPDWWHURIWZRPLQXWHV Lebanon was back in the game. The second quarter ended with Trinity in the How is Santa not dead? OMG, like, don’t you know how many calories are in cookies? Ciara Speller does. She thinks the holiday are just...morbidly obese. Don’t worry; she also has a solution. See page 2 See FOOTBALL, Page 7 THS at a glance... 12/18 - Breakfast with Santa - 8 AM-11AM 12/21 - Christmas/Advent Liturgy at St. Joseph’s Cathedral - 1 PM dismissal 12/22-1/3 - Christmas Break - No Classes 1/3` - Teacher Workshop Day - No Classes Page 2 The Pioneer Opinion/Editorial Embracing adversity ,W¶VWKHKROLGD\VDJDLQ$ a time when our world most time when we gather together needs people who can emand celebrate. A time to cap EUDFHWKDWWKDWNLQGRISHRSOH off the year by surrounding who stare into the face of ourselves with family and adversity and see real people. friends. A time ,Q\HDUVSDVW when we realize the christmas isEditorial just how lucky sue of our paper we are. has been focused, Yet if there is maybe a bit too one thing we learn at Trinity, much so, on the commercial it’s that the christian spirit aspect of the holidays. While doesn’t go on holiday. All that’s all well and good, around us are people who we’ve changed it up a little have not been blessed with bit this year. QHDUO\DVPXFKDVZHKDYH,Q Read through this paper, the spirit of and hopefully the holidays, eyes will “Yet if there is one your the christian be opened to spirit, and thing we learn at just how much the spirit of adversity there Trinity, it’s that Trinity for is all around that matter, the christian spirit \RX<RX¶OO¿QG would have a story about us look not doesn’t go on holi- bullying, a conjust to our troversial issue day.” christmas that, for many trees for of your peers, gifts, but to those in need, for will hit very close to home. the opportunity to help. :H¶YHSUR¿OHGDWUXHPLUDFOH That’s always been within our midst, living proof something we embrace here. that strength and courage can Toys for Tots, Thanksgiving literally save your life. baskets, and various other Overall, we’ve gone in a charitable events around the different direction with this holidays have always been issue of the Pioneer. Rather met with a little something than embracing commermore here at Trinity. There cialism, we took a different has always been an added direction; a direction that sentiment of giving; an eager- opens us up to the strength ness to lend a hand. and adversity of people, and And in that spirit of givthat’s what the Christmas ing, we enter the holidays at spirit is really all about. The Pioneer Editor-in-Chief Joe Walsh News Editors Ryan Mitchell Tiffany Keenan Sports Editors Aubrey Legasse Jess Sweeney A&E Editors Natalie Kfoury Alexis Kittle Opinions Editor Nicole Fell Broadcast Editor Ciara Speller Staff Writers Meghan Barker Tres Beeson Kasie Bourque Maegan Conti Allison Doherty Meredith Farrell Eric Kallander Aidan Manning Jacob St. Germain Abbey Thompson Christina Tomao Advisory Mrs. Terri Greene Henning, adviser Mr. Denis Mailloux, principal Mr. Steven Gadecki, assistant principal Mr. Patrick Smith, dean of students [email protected] Opinions expressed in signed and unsigned letters to the editor, opinion pieces, and columns are not necessarily those of The Pioneer, its staff, or Trinity High 6FKRRO,I\RXGRQRWVHH\RXUVLGHRIWKHDUJXPHQWZHLQYLWH\RXWRVXEPLWD letter to the editor via e-mail to [email protected] November / December 2010 Forget about the cake and cookies, that’s not what Christmas is about ,NQRZ\RX¶YHDOOVHHQLW The holiday season is a time of giving and sharing, especially when it comes to food. :HRIWHQ¿QGRXUVHOYHVEDNing gingerbread cookies with grandma, eating all the free food there is at our parents’ RI¿FHSDUWLHVDQGVWRFNing up on all the eggnog ice cream there is. However, what we should also be thinking about is what all this food can do to us. Before you know, it we could all become victims of “holiday expansion,” meaning the most weight gain occurs during the holidays. “Holiday expansion” is most common in teens our age, so we need to pay the most attention to what we consume during this wonderful season of delicious food. There is a bunch of healthier alternatives to the foods that we consume during the holidays that many of us are not aware of. Here are some helpful tips in controlling your holiday weight gain. Maintain a regular exercise routine; whether it is walking a few laps around your block or around the mall, every bit of exercise makes a difference. Keep your regular eating schedule, DQGGRQ¶WZDLWWR¿OOXSDW Ciara Speller OPINION night with large amounts of foods. Be a contributor and bring the healthy veggie plat- “‘Holiday expansion’ is most common in teens our age, so we need to pay the most attention to what we consume during this wonderful season of delicious food.” ter rather than the cookie tray to the family events. Veggies and dip make great appetizers. Lastly, make sure to get your sleep time in! The less you sleep, the more you will crave those sugary holiday snacks to stay awake. There are also many ways to make the dinner dishes we all love to eat during this season much healthier. The average serving of macaroni and cheese, for example. has around 400 calories and about 12 grams of fat. Why not try your mac with skim milk, low fat cheese and wheat pasta. Chances are it will taste almost the same. Egg nog is another fan favorite, but one class could contain 350 FDORULHV,QVWHDG\RXFRXOG try hot chocolate with water and not milk. Pecan pie or pumpkin pie, you may be asked? Pick the slice of pumpkin pie with around 150 cals rather than the pecan with 500. Many of us are also snackaholics. We tend to go for the left-over brownies or HYHQDWXUNH\OHJ,QVWHDG try some nuts like almonds RUSHFDQV,QVWHDGRIUHDFKing for the apple cider or egg nog, try a class of cranberry or grapefruit juice, which are both low in sugar and help sustain hunger. ,KRSHWKHVHWLSVZLOOEH helpful to you during the holiday season and assist you in dodging the “holiday expansion” syndrome. Please, parents, put down your cellphones; it’s not that important “Put your phone down, nothing’s that important.” Who says this time and time again? Obviously, that would be our parents. ,W¶VDQQR\LQJZKHQ they’re constantly telling us to stop texting and go do something else. One could argue that they know what’s best for us, but nobody really wants to hear that. Now, if you’ve seen your parents on their phones while driving, then you know exDFWO\ZKDW,¶PWDONLQJDERXW They’ll sit there at a stoplight or a stop sign on their phone, and when they can drive again, they’re still texting, reading their email or HYHQVXU¿QJWKH:HEZKLOH barely paying attention to the road. Does that sound very safe WR\RX"1REXW,JXHVVDW around 40 years old, they have many important things that they need to check. Apparently seeing how the Pats, Bruins, Red Sox or Celtics are doing is much more important than making sure you and your companions in the car are safe. Weren’t we always told from our parents that we should Jess Sweeney OPINION never be on our phones while driving? They are setting such a great example. May we remind you, texting while driving is now illegal in the state of New +DPSVKLUH,IWKH\DUHQ¶WWH[ting, they are checking their HPDLORUVXU¿QJWKH:HE because that is just ten times better! 0RUHWKDQRQFH,KDYH heard my parents in the car VD\³,¶PMXVWFKHFNLQJP\ email, so it’s not illegal.” Maybe they should make checking your email and VXU¿QJWKH:HELOOHJDOWRR $FWXDOO\VXU¿QJWKH:HELV probably worse because it requires you to pay more attention to what you’re doing or reading. Plenty of car accidents have happened just because people are on their phones while driving, whether it is WH[WLQJRUVXU¿QJWKH:HE These accidents are not just caused by your average teenager, but by adults as well. According to Edgar Snyder DQG$VVRFLDWHVODZ¿UP percent of car accidents in WKH8QLWHG6WDWHVLQ were caused by adults and teenagers who were talking on the phone while driving. Many teenagers, and even kids, tell their parents to put the phone down and pay attention to the road. We may tell them to put it down for our safety, or just so they know how it feels to be yelled at to put it down. They obviously, being our parents, are not going to listen to us, even though they probably should. ,WVHHPVWKDWRXUSDUHQWV know how to give advice, they just don’t know how to take it themselves. ,IHHODVLIODWHO\,SD\ attention to the road more WKDQWKH\GR,ILWFRQWLQXHV PD\EH,ZLOOMXVWWH[WWKHP to put the phone down while WKH\DUHGULYLQJ,NQRZWKH\ will read that. November / December 2010 The Pioneer Opinion/Editorial Page 3 Christmas that doesn’t burden your budget 'R\RXVWHDOPXVLF",IVR\RXPLJKW as well be robbing a bank Holiday shopNatalie Kfoury yourself to it. SLQJ,¶PWHOOLQJ Knitting does you, it scares me. require yarn, but OPINION The crowds, ,EHW\RXDFDQG\ the bustle, the cane that your commercials that grandmother or SRSXSHYHU\¿YH someone that minutes during you know has a the post-Thanksfew old skeins giving Star Wars of yarn that you marathon, holican easily take day shopping— off their hands. and its ridiculous Buy cheap prices— seem to pop up out gifts. Make stores like Dollar of nowhere and drag us under Tree your best friends and WKHLULQÀXHQFH use them to your advantage. Now, it would be all well At stores like these you can and good if we could go buy a lot of more fun gifts about thanking and loving for cheaper prices. You just people during the holiday might have to look a little season without shelling out harder. last week’s paycheck on a Make oodles of Christmas zebra-print Snuggie, because, cookies. That’s right, raid hey, it’s fun and useful, right? your pantry and assemble the We have come to a point goods for a holiday cookie where we have to realize a extravaganza. good old friendship hug and Spend a couple hours in a homemade card that drips the kitchen and all your gifts with glitter aren’t going to will be ready to be individucut it in most situations for ally bagged and passed out the holiday season. during your next lunch mod. So, in comes the Cheap The Christmas season is Christmas Plan. one of joy, but that doesn’t /HDUQDVLPSOHFUDIW, mean that you have to break learned how to knit off a the bank. Be creative and ORRP,WOLWHUDOO\WDNHVQR think of alternatives to your time to learn, and you can holiday shopping. Being a quickly churn out a scarf in cheapskate sometimes can a few hours if you dedicate KDYHLWVEHQH¿WV These days, it is so easy to simply go on your computer, navigate to iTunes and buy all the music your little heart desires. Of course, there is an DQRWKHUURXWHLOOHJDOGRZQloading. Many of you reading this have probably downloaded something illegally at least RQFHLQ\RXUOLIHWLPH,IQRW WKHQ,WKRURXJKO\FRQJUDWXODWH you, because you are saving the music industry. Let me get this straight. ,OOHJDOGRZQORDGLQJLVMXVWDV LWVRXQGV,WLVLOOHJDODQGLWLV wrong. Would you walk into a store and steal a shirt? Hopefully not. Then why on Earth is it okay to go online and steal a whole album? ,QWKLVODFNOXVWHUHFRQRP\ those who bring us some of the most joy in life are struggling through hard times. These people are musicians, and they deserve your money, just as much as you think that you deserve their beautiful music. ,NQRZWKDWEX\LQJDOEXPV costs money. This is coming from a girl who spends the majority of her paycheck at Newbury Comics in Manchester buying album after album after album. Music is a way of life for Natalie Kfoury OPINION many people; however, in order to continue living our lives surrounded by music, there needs to be a source of where the music comes from. ,IHYHU\RQHZHUHWRLOlegally download all music, then the artists who work long, tedious hours in studio sessions to create albums would not have any money to work with. Sure, we would all have our tunes and that LVDOO¿QHDQGGDQG\EXWWKH future of the music industry would crash from lack of revenue. There will always be concerts and merchandise that people will buy, and yes, those will sustain certain artists for a bit. But what about the little guys? What about the smaller bands that depend on people spending a few bucks on an album so that they can con- tinue doing what makes them happiest in the world? ,UHDOO\GRQ¶WFDUHWKDW HYHU\RQHGRHVLW,IHYHU\RQH was going out and robbing banks, would that make it okay for you to take part? ,FDQQRWHPSKDVL]HWKHIDFW that you are basically stealing money out of musician’s pockets. Be a music fan, not a music pickpocket. Stealing music online is the same as walking into Best Buy, picking up the new Kanye album and making a mad dash out the doors without paying for it. A study released by the ,QVWLWXWHIRU3ROLF\,QQRYDtion showed the damages XSRQWKH86HFRQRP\E\ online music pirating (illegal downloading). The statistics showed that piracy caused 12.5 billion dollars of economic losses HYHU\\HDU86MREV lost and a loss of 2.7 billion dollars in workers’ salaries. 6RQH[WWLPH\RX¿QG yourself thinking about obtaining an album, please consider doing it the honest way. ,JXDUDQWHHWKDW\RXZLOO feel better about yourself. To tell you the truth, the world does not need another thief. Ryan Mitchell, signing off Due to my cluttered of our newspaper’s dignity Ryan Mitchell schedule, this is the last issue in these two pursuits should RIWKHQHZVSDSHUWKDW,ZLOO always be sacred, and, as long OPINION be on staff for, and though it’s as it is, appreciated by the sad for me to realize that, it VWXGHQWERG\,IVWXGHQWVKDYH mostly reminds me of a story DSUREOHPZLWK$1<7+,1* ,¶YHDOZD\VZDQWHGWRZULWH in the newspaper, they should DQGWKHTXHVWLRQ,¶YHDOZD\V write to the staff and demand ZDQWHGWREHJLQLWE\SRVLQJ that there writing be published Does anybody remember The as a letter to the editor. Trailblazer? /DVWO\,ZRXOGMXVWOLNH Remember the online to mention the following newspaper that used to I see the mistakes we laughed about, people for their honest be Trinity’s source for the mistakes I was ripped apart for, all pursuit to better our newsjournalistic news? Well, of the stories, good and bad, and of paper over the past four probably not, because course, Joe Walsh’s opinions that sent \HDUV&KDG*UDIIDQG1LFN let’s be honest, it was read roars through the hallways sometimes '¶,QWLQRP\¿UVWHGLWRUV by fewer students than in-chief, the sports guys, days after their publication. the readers of the Trinity who were basically the the editions of The Pioneer +DQGERRN,GRQ¶WHYHQ men around the newsroom, WKDW,¶YHEHHQDSDUWRIPDNLQJ Emma Pratte, for inspiring a remember the web address, DOORIWKHPWRGDWH,VHHDORW younger generation of photogDQG,ZDVDVWDIIPHPEHU of things. ,JXHVVZKDW,¶PWU\LQJWR raphers; Joe Walsh, for always ,VHHWKHPLVWDNHVZH say is that during my sophohaving something to say and ODXJKHGDERXWWKHPLVWDNHV, more year, when our newspafor being an excellent editorwas ripped apart for, all of the per staff and school decided in-chief thus far. stories, good and bad, and of to make the change to a print Lastly and most importantnewspaper, things became a lot course, Joe Walsh’s opinions O\,ZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQN0UV that sent roars through the more exciting. Our work was Henning, the adviser, and not ¿QDOO\WDQJLEOH6SHFLDOHYHQWV hallways sometimes days after only the reason that we have WKHLUSXEOLFDWLRQ,¶YHDOZD\V DQGJURXSVFRXOG¿QDOO\OLYH a print newspaper but also the on through a publication. And EHHQJODGWRNQRZWKDW,¶YH UHDVRQZK\,QRORQJHUPLVV though producing a newspaper been a part of a staff that’s so deadlines. She has done an hardworking and in departing, excellent job not only of dishasn’t been easy, and our efforts have often times been far ,KRSHWKDWWKHVWDII¶VDWWLWXGH ciplining me but more imporIURPSHUIHFW,WKLQNZH¶YHSXW UHPDLQVWKHVDPH:KDW,¶G tantly bringing this newspaper most like to see is a paper that out newspapers that are about to life. never ceases to improve. as good as any other high So, any last words? HmOur paper is a voice of the school publication, and that PPP«QR,SUREDEO\ student body, as well as a news VKRXOGQ¶W,¶YHQHYHUUHDOO\ makes me very proud. outlet, and the preservation :KHQ,WKLQNDERXWDOORI had a way with words. On behalf of the entire Pioneer staff, best of luck to Ryan Mitchell. ,W¶VEHHQDFUD]\IRXU\HDUV and we’ve come a long way as a school newspaper. Thanks for being a part of it all. Page 4 The Pioneer November / December 2010 News Strike or spare, Cashin’s always there By Nicole Fell Pioneer Staff “Strike!” This may be one of the most beloved words in the word of bowling. And the strike is a move that junior Conor Cashin has seemed to master. A typical Saturday morning for this Trinity High School junior consists of attending his bowling league, at Candia’s Lakeside Lanes, IURPWRDURXQG7KHOHDJXH consists of bowlers ages 12 to 19 but, according to Cashin, most are 14 or 15. Cashin’s team consists of 5 boys, who play every weekend. A fairly ODUJHFURZG¿OOHG/DNHVLGH/DQHV something that is normal, according to Cashin. Although Cashin is only 16, he is already thinking about the future and possibly sees bowling in it. Cashin says he has thought about ERZOLQJSURIHVVLRQDOO\³3HRSOH, ERZOZLWKDOVRVD\ZKHQ,WXUQ, should,” he said. Cashin has been bowling for six \HDUVQRZ³,JRWLQWRERZOLQJDIWHU P\JUDQGPRWKHUGLHG,XVHGWRJR Pioneer Staff Photo Conor Cashin bowls a strike at Lakeside Lanes in Candia on Saturday December 11th. ERZOLQJZLWKKHUDORWZKHQ,ZDV OLWWOH6R,JRWLQWRLWVWDUWHGWROLNHLW and have stuck with it.” he said. He shows no signs of stopping anytime VRRQ³,HQMR\LW´VDLG&DVKLQ³,WLV a challenging sport that takes a lot more skill than most people think.” Not only does Cashin bowl,, simply for the love of bowling, but he is also an avid competitor. He bowled LQWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO&DQGOHSLQ%RZOLQJ$VVRFLDWLRQRUWKH,&%$ZKLFK is open to any bowler over the age of nine. Cashin competes in division 4, which is made up of bowlers ages 16 to 18. Although Cashin did n’t win in the ,&%$WKHDZDUGIRUWKDWFRPSHWLWLRQ was $1,000 in scholarship money. He has competed in other competitions OLNHWKDWDQGKRSHVWRZLQVRPH³,Q P\OHDJXH,KDYHZRQVHWVRIVKRHV and free bowling for certain periods of time,” said Cashin. He may not take home a victory in every competition but he currently holds the high series (363), the high single (138), and the high average (104) in his league. Most people are unaware of Conor’s bowling, even his own friends. “Most of the time they don’t believe it and laugh,” said Cashin. On top of Conor’s already busy bowling schedule, he is an avid hunter. Some thing he does in his spare time. He also runs track for Trinity. When you see Cashin bowl, it is quite obvious that he was born to do this[TH5] , and one look at his scores and it becomes extremely evident.. And, his scores back that statement up. He may be an unknown bowler now, but look out. He is certainly going places. Are you interesting? Should The PioneerSUR¿OH\RX" Courtesy Photo E-mail us at [email protected] Trinity’s own Mrs. Patti Tortolini receives her golden graduation sash for her induction to the National Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at Manchester Community College on Dec. 10. Trinity’s Pioneer staff wants to know: What do you want to do before you die? Check page 5 for details. November / December 2010 The Pioneer Page 5 From Page One TAHIR Continued from page 1 FOOTBALL Continued from page 1 and she has regular doctors’ appointments. Other than these few limitations, Tahir is a regular high school girl. ,QKHUVSDUHWLPHVKHORYHVWR volunteer at Children’s, and brings in candy and toys to the kids. She really enjoys giving back to a place where she spent so much time. She also brings boxes of pizza to the parents who are in the waiting room and talks with them. “Life’s too short, so don’t waste it. You see just how much you really have when you look at those children who are in the Photo Courtesy of Shan Tahir children’s hospital,” said Tahir. Tahir is shown here during a recent trip to Pakistan for her sister’s wedding. Because her surGiving is an important aspect gery is such a new procedure, doctors had to limit the length of her trip to minimize risk. RI7DKLU¶V,VODPLFIDLWKZKLFKLV why she enjoys giving back to %HLQJRIWKH,VODPLFIDLWK7DKLU but she said the prayers that she had Children’s. Her family brought their says she is treated like everyone else received really helped her through IDLWKWRWKH86LQZKHQWKH\ KHUHDW7ULQLW\6KHSUD\V¿YHWLPHVD everything. moved here from Pakistan. GD\EHIRUHVXQULVHZKLFKLVDURXQG “My faith is my number one, and ³,¶YHOLYHGKHUHP\ZKROHOLIHDQG a.m.), 7 a.m., noon (which she drives nothing else will come before it,” said LW¶VEDVLFDOO\P\KRPH,YLVLW3DNLhome for), 3 p.m. and after sunset Tahir. stan sometimes and after being there (which is around 9 p.m.). Once she graduates from Trinity, a week, which is all the doctors will ³6KDQUHDOO\KDVDGHHS,VODPLF Tahir hopes to do something in the DOORZ,PLVVP\KRPHDQG0F'RQfaith and is always eager to share her hospital, especially something in the ald’s,” said Tahir. beliefs with others. She comes in and FDUGLDF¿HOG Tahir’s sister recently got married speaks to my World Literature classes ³,WKLQNLWMXVWFDXJKWP\H\HDIWHU in Pakistan, and Tahir traveled with DERXW3DNLVWDQDQG,VODPHYHU\\HDU being in the hospital for so much her family to celebrate. ,W¶VUHDOO\LQWHUHVWLQJKRZGHGLFDWHG time,” said Tahir. “The doctors were worried and she is to her faith and how well she Overall, Tahir’s surgery has gave me many restrictions; they ¿WVLQDW7ULQLW\´VDLG(QJOLVKWHDFKHU changed her outlook in many ways. wanted me to drink a lot of water be- Mrs. Courter. “This surgery has shown me that cause they were afraid of me getting Mrs. Courter has taught both Tahir you can overcome things that you dehydrated. They were also worried and her sister, who graduated in 2003, never thought you would ever face,” about the pollution in Pakistan and in her English classes and has gotten VDLG7DKLU³,WKDVDOVRVKRZQ>PH@ KRZLWPLJKWDIIHFWPHVR,FRXOG to know Shan very well. that God tests people to see if they only stay in Pakistan for a week,” Tahir said that the doctors obvican overcome the challenges they said Tahir. ously helped her during her surgery, face.” lead, but it seemed like Lebanon had all the momentum. Lebanon started the second quarter on offense. Try as Trinity might, Lebanon had an explosive running back and a great passing game that was extremely hard to stop. Lebanon marched down the ¿HOGIRUWKHWRXFKGRZQWKDWWRRN minutes off the clock. A couple key plays for Lebanon were when they threw it 13 yards on 3rd down for a ¿UVWGRZQDQGD\DUGUXQ:LWK OHIWLQWKHWKLUGTXDUWHUWKHVFRUH was tied, 14-14. From then on, it was all Lebanon. Trinity got the ball back but could not do anything with it and was forced to punt. The punt was blocked by Lebanon and recovered inside the ten yard line. With 5 minutes left in the game, Lebanon ran the ball in for touchdown. With the score 21- 14 with OHIWLQWKLUG7ULQLW\¶VGUHDPRI winning another championship was in danger of being crushed. The rest of the third quarter and the beginning of the fourth quarter were full of changes in possession WKDWGLGQRWUHVXOWLQDQ\SRLQWV,Q the fourth quarter Trinity’s defense was doing a good job of keeping the team in the game and held the RaidHUVWRD¿HOGJRDOWKDWSXWWKHUDLGHUV up by 10. 7ULQLW\JRWWKHEDOOEDFNZLWK left in the game but was forced again to punt. Lebanon knelt the ball to end the game, 24-14. ³:HFDPHRXWÀDWWRVWDUWWKHVHFond half,” said Pioneer coach Gary Leonard in an interview with The Union Leader. But Trinity’s season was not over; they still had one game left to play, the Turkey Bowl. This opSRQHQWZDV&HQWUDOD'LYLVLRQ, team that had won a city-leading 15 Turkey Bowls. Most people thought that this game against Central was going to be a blowout. The Union Leader even predicted a 36-6 win for Central. The game was a defensive battle that was full of Central penalties and turnovers. Most of Central’s turnovers were inside Trinity’s 30-yard line. The score at the half was 0-0, and that in itself was a big accomplishment. Midway through the third quarter Trinity faced a pivotal 3rd and 11. Rather than run the ball, senior quarterback, Jacob Goldstein dropped back and threw a pass over the middle to junior Andrew Lauderdale for the 31-yard touchdown. The FURZGZHQWZLOGZLWKOHIWLQ the third, the scoreboard showed the underdog Pioneers up 6-0. Trinity managed to keep Central’s offense under control until about OHIWLQWKHJDPHZKHQ&HQWUDO scored a touchdown. 7ULQLW\JRWWKHEDOOEDFNZLWK left in the game, but failed to do anything with it and was forced to punt. Just when it looked like Central was going to run out the clock, they fumbled the ball, giving Trinity the ball back with under a minute left. However Trinity could not do anything with the ball, and turned it over on downs. The game was over. Central had won its 16th Turkey bowl, 7-6, over Trinity. BURIED LIFE Continued from page 1 until 2009, when MTV saw their video on their YouTube page and came knocking at their door once again. This time the answer was a little different. MTV realized why people were so moved by what these guys were doing - because these people’s stories were real - and agreed to give them full creative rights. They produce and edit the show and MTV broadcasts it. So the men now had themselves a major TV show, for the whole world to see. ,Q-DQXDU\WKHER\Vµ adventures were showcased on 079IRUWKH¿UVWWLPH7KH¿UVW season of The Buried Life consisted of 8 episodes, featuring the most ridiculous (in their minds), list items RQWKHOLVWLQFOXGLQJDWWHQGLQJD party at the Playboy Mansion, playing basketball with Obama, helping a stranger deliver a baby, and telling a joke on late night TV. While they crossed off these crazy items off their list, they helped a total stranger complete something they wanted in their lives. One truly touching moment was when the boys took a girl WRVHHKHUPRWKHU¶VJUDYHIRUWKH¿UVW time and broke down in tears. And although the guys did not get to cross off playing basketball with Obama on the show, they were graced with the pleasure of getting to play with the president after the show aired. “We put it on the list 2 years ago because it was the most impossible thing we could think of. Looks like the bar was just raised for Season 2,” they wrote on their Buried Life blog. Along came the summer of 2010. The guys set out to complete season two, eight more ridiculous items to cross off their list and eight more chances to change peoples lives. The season started off crazy with one of the most challenging items on the OLVW³6WUHDN$6WDGLXPDQG*HW$ZD\ :LWK,W´8QIRUWXQDWHO\WKH\FRXOG not cross this one list because the night ended with the four guys in jail. Not exactly what they expected. “This summer has been unreal,” wrote the four on their blog. They also did one of the most impossible and life-changing list items, “Escape from a desert island.” The guys did it all on their own, showing people everywhere that anything is possible. Although most people tend to focus on what The Buried Life guys are doing about their 100 item list, the real magic is what these four are doing for the strangers they meet along the way. They traveled all over the place to help the people who wrote on their Facebook wall or contacted them in some way. “We’re going to be helping a lot of people this year, so if you have something on your list that’s really important to you, let us know,” wrote the four on their blog. These four guys are taking control of their lives and showing the world that anything can be accomplished. The four are changing lives and possibly changing the world. As long as they continue to try and complete their life goals, the world is going to continue to watch. Just remember the RQHTXHVWLRQ³:KDWGR\RXZDQWWR do before you die?” Page 6 The Pioneer NEWS BRIEF VeteransDay Trinity students, faculty and alumni gathered in Trinity High School’s McHugh Gymnasium on Nov. 11 to honor the alumni who have served or are serving in the military. The assembly consisted of a few guest speakers, such as Dr. Susan Peterson, who is the mother of two children and Trinity alumni in the Air Force. There was also a live video chat with Eric Martin, who graduated from Trinity in 2008, and could not attend the assembly because of his service. A slideshow of all the alumni’s graduation pictures from Trinity was presented and made by Mrs. Terri Henning. Awards and letters, which were written by many Trinity students, were given to the attending alumni. Many who attended the assembly wanted to voice their appreciation to the men and women serving. “I’m extremely grateful and humble for their unselfish service to their country,” said Mr. Bill Sheehan. About 12 veterans were able to attend the assembly out of the 75 who had been invited. In total, about 23 veterans and their families were able to attend the assembly. “I was very happy with the outcome of this assembly. I think it was rewarding to invite [the alumni] to the school and honor them for what they’ve done,” said Mr. Flaherty. Sponsoring A Family Every year around Christmastime, each senior theology class decides to do something generous in honor of the giving season. Each class is “given” a needy family to buy gifts for and with each family comes a list of suggested items. The gift ideas are often very simple, ranging from books and DVDs to clothing and basic supplies like shampoo. Theology teacher Mr. Carnevale, who teaches every single senior, is the helping force behind this project. To prepare students to give back, he gives class time to talking about the needy families, the best things to buy for them and how to best go about the buying process. Most students bring in donations that they then pool together and use to go buy the families’ gifts. Students often get together in large groups to go shopping, going during study mods and even on the weekends. Students pull together to get the job done. Donations from each student are generally fairly small, around ten dollars, but that seems to be plenty. If every student brings in that much money, each theology class has around one hundred and fifty dollars to spend on their chosen family. Students buy the gifts themselves and then send the gifts off to an organization that in turn sends the gifts to the families. Often, classes receive letters from the families thanking the students greatly. “It’s an amazing feeling being able to help others for Christmas,” said senior Sam Verney. “It would be an awful feeling waking up Christmas morning without presents under the tree. I’m glad we get the opportunity to help and make a difference.” Pioneer Staff Photo 7KDQNVJLYLQJEDVNHWVGRQDWHGE\7ULQLW\VWXGHQWV¿OOXSWKHIURQWODZQDQG wait to be donated to needy families around the Manchester area. This year, student Thanksgiving basket donations went to 356 different families. News November / December 2010 TOMS puts its best foot forward By Natalie Kfoury Pioneer Staff One movement. TOMS shoes have a unique look to them and cost ³,OLNHWKDW relatively around ZKHQ,SXWRQ the typical price for my [TOMS] a pair of shoes (a shoes in the “Classic” pair costs PRUQLQJ,¶P $54). The buyer is reminded that really purchasing ,¶YHJLYHQD two pairs of shoes, pair of shoes to as one pair is deliva child in need ered to the buyer’s to put on every doorstep, while the Pioneer Staff Photo morning,” said other is shipped out Seniors Amanda Jenks and Natalie Kfoury show off their senior Sarah to a child in need. TOMS shoes. TOMS is a company that matches every pair of ³,ORYHWKH2QH Tarr. shoes with another pair that are donated to a child in need. IRU2QH,WVHHPV ,W¶VQRW like so many chariploit people in impoverished everyday that ties aren’t as transparent as countries,” said Max Stuart, we realize how doing the TOMS, where you know a senior who owns a pair of little things can help. Things exactly what your purchase like putting on a pair of shoes TOMS. is doing and who it’s going may seem, to many of us, like ,QGHYHORSLQJFRXQWULHV towards. That transparency the leading cause of disease trivial, everyday matters. To made TOMS a worthwhile is often found through soilothers, however, shoes are a EX\,FRXOGIHHOJRRGDERXW´ transmitted diseases, which luxury that cannot be afsaid senior Christine Fontaine. can enter the body through forded. Beyond the One for One EDUHIHHW,QZHDULQJVKRHV Due to the efforts of a movement, TOMS is involved the individual is protected man by the name of Blake with other methods of raisfrom the diseases, and from Mycoskie, however, life is ing awareness. The One Day looking a little bit brighter for the long-term physical and Without Shoes program is just mental harm that can be a children who cannot afford as it sounds. For one day, on result from the diseases. the what we may consider April 5, TOMS challenges Wearing shoes can also life’s small pleasures. people to go without shoes. help prevent infection from ,QDQ$PHULFDQ Think of it as being about walking on feet that have been traveler and past-Amazing to empathize with the many painfully cut up and damaged Race contestant by the name people walking this world from exposure to the elements of Blake Mycoskie found LQOLYHVWKDWDUHVLJQL¿FDQWO\ and landscape. himself in a small village in GH¿FLHQWLQLWHPVWKDWZH Furthermore, children in Argentina. There, he met chiltake for granted. Rather than developing countries need dren of the village who had schooling as much as children taking a walk in their shoes, no shoes to protect their feet. take a walk like them, without LQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVGR,Q ,QDQHIIRUWWRKHOSWKHVH shoes. TOMS challenges this children, and others like them, many situations, children in to anyone who would like these developing countries Mycoskie set out to develop to give it a shot, for the sole and bring forth a powerful or- cannot attend school if they reason of raising awareness. ganization with kindness at its lack shoes because footwear Like many all over the heart, TOMS Shoes, a compa- is a part of the school uniworld, the Trinity community form. ny that as of September 2010 TOMS Shoes not only pro- helps those in need through had provided over one million the admirable charity that is tects the bodies of innocent children with new shoes. TOMS Shoes. A huge differchildren but also the minds. TOMS Shoes, which ence can be made, and all it began as Shoes for Tomorrow, With footwear provided by TOMS, children may be more takes is one pair of shoes. sets out to give children in ³,OLNHWKDWWKH\>7206 impoverished situations shoes able to attend school where they will receive an education 6KRHV@KHOSSHRSOHLQQHHG, that they are without. TOMS that can help a child in numer- DOZD\VOLNHWR¿QGOLWWOHZD\V created a program entitled WRKHOSRXWSHRSOH,W¶VDJUHDW ous ways. One for One, which means way to involve people into do³,W¶VDUHDOO\JUHDWDQG that with every pair of shoes nating,” said senior Shae Cole. RULJLQDOLGHD,W¶VVRPHWKLQJ that a person purchases and receives, one pair will be sent that you don’t really think 7R¿QGRXWPRUHDERXW about until someone puts out to a child in need. TOMS Shoes, visit www. it out there and that’s what ³,OLNHWKHIDFWWKDWWKLV WRPVFRP7R¿QGRXWPRUH TOMS has done,” said TOMS about One Day Without Shoes movement helps out people wearer and Trinity senior in need, especially when Movement, visit www.onedayAmanda Jenks on the One for many shoe companies ex- Pioneer Staff Photo The Junior class hosted its annual Semi-Formal on Dec. 4. The event was a hit, and the junior class sold around 250 tickets to the event. Juniors Silvere Aluko and Lia Nawn were crowned the annual Prince and Princess. November / December 2010 The Pioneer News Page 7 To bully victims everywhere: “It gets better.” By Alexis Kittle and Aubrey Legasse Pioneer Staff ,Q1HZ+DPSVKLUHXSGDWHGLWV Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Act to include language, information, and SROLF\VSHFL¿FWREXOO\LQJDQGF\EHUEXOlying. According to HB1523, bullying ³PHDQVDVLQJOHVLJQL¿FDQWLQFLGHQWRUD pattern of incidents involving a written, verbal, or electronic communication, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another pupil ZKLFK (1) Physically harms a pupil or damages the pupil’s property; (2) Causes emotional distress to a pupil; ,QWHUIHUHVZLWKDSXSLO¶VHGXFDtional opportunities; (4) Creates a hostile educational environment; or (5) Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school. ‘Bullying’ shall include actions motivated by an imbalance of power based on a pupil’s actual or perceived personal characteristics, behaviors, or beliefs, or motivated by the pupil’s association with another person and based on the other person’s characteristics, behaviors, or beliefs.” 7KHVWDWHJRHVRQWRGH¿QHF\EHUEXOO\LQJDV³FRQGXFWGH¿QHGLQSDUDJUDSK 2006 Youth Risk Survey, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth are up to four times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual Bullying. Maybe you’ve heard too peers. much about it. Maybe you haven’t heard To combat this growing problem enough. Either way, bullying has become among teens and especially among teens DPDMRULVVXHLQVFKRROVDFURVVWKH86 struggling with their sexual identity, one John Halligan and Dan Savage are man created a short video telling teens a two men working to prevent teen bulVLPSOHPHVVDJH,W*HWV%HWWHU7KDWRQH lying. One is a parent who lost his son video has grown into hundreds, and the to bullying; the other, a journalist who SURMHFWNQRZQVLPSO\DV³,W*HWV%HWexperienced bullying as a teen. ter,” features videos from the staffs of the To raise awareness of bullying and Gap, Google and Facebook, videos from teen suicide, Halligan, a Vermont parent ordinary people, and videos from famous whose son committed suicide, came to ones such as President Barack Obama, Trinity High School on Oct. 29 to share singer Adam Lambert, and actress Anne his son’s story with the students and Hathaway. faculty. Savage, the journalist behind the projHalligan started his presentation off ect, started with a video featuring himself with some video clips and family photos DQGKLVSDUWQHU,QLWWKH\WDONDERXWEHof Ryan, who was 13 years old when he ing bullied as teens and their struggles to committed suicide on Oct. 7, 2003. Hallimake it through high school—alive. As gan wanted the students and teachers “to they talk about their bullying troubles, get to know” Ryan before starting to tell it isn’t hard for someone watching the his son’s experience with bullying and video to think about his or her own probcyberbullying. lems. But just as the title suggests, the Ryan experienced bullying beginning video— and their lives—got better. The LQ¿IWKJUDGHDQGKLVSUREOHPVRQO\HVtwo talk about their life together and the calated. Seventh grade especially proved love and support they’ve received from GLI¿FXOWIRU5\DQ2QHVSHFL¿FER\ZKR their families. had bullied Ryan for ,QWKHYLGHR6DYDJH years, became even to viewers, “Your “Remember, if you are a bully, you’re not just bully- says more determined to life can be amazing, but pick on Ryan. ing that person, you’re bullying the entire family. And you have to tough this With support period out and you have if you’re bullied, don’t be embarrassed to ask for help to live your life for it to from his family, Ryan made it amazing.” because you’re not alone. Remember that you are all getTeenagers through the seventh already grade and spent the have so much to deal loved beyond belief.” - John Halligan majority of his next with. Pressures from summer online. school, parents and Later, Halligan would discover that Ryan ,RIWKLVVHFWLRQXQGHUWDNHQWKURXJKWKH peers leave little time for anything else, was online trying to quiet rumors that he use of electronic devices.” especially bullying. For many teens, the was gay. 7KHUHLVJRRGUHDVRQIRUVXFKFODUL¿issue seems almost too great to bear. But Shortly after eighth grade started, cation and attention to the issue, for the resources do exist to help teens through, Ryan took his life. statistics are alarming. UHVRXUFHVOLNHWKH,W*HWV%HWWHUSURM³,GRQ¶WEODPH5\DQ¶VVXLFLGHRQRQH $FFRUGLQJWRWKH86'HSDUWPHQWRI ect site, teens’ own parents and trusted VLQJOHSHUVRQRURQHVLQJOHHYHQW,QWKH Health and Human Services, the annual adults. Parents, may be able to offer a end, Ryan was suffering from depresrate of suicide in the country is between SHUVSHFWLYHWKDWIRUQRZHOXGHVWHHQV sion. We have no doubt that bullying and 35,000 and 40,000 per year--and of those The perspective that it does, truly, get F\EHUEXOO\LQJZHUHVLJQL¿FDQWIDFWRUV deaths, almost 20 percent are teens bebetter. that triggered Ryan’s depression,” writes tween the ages of 12 and 18. ,Q2FWREHU+DOOLJDQHQGHGKLVSUHHalligan on Ryan’s website. And, as anyone who has ever gone sentation at Trinity with a similar sentiAfter Ryan’s death, Halligan worked through high school knows, taunts and ment. to pass both the Vermont Bully Prevenwords hurt, perhaps none more so than “Remember, if you are a bully, you’re tion Bill and a law about mandatory those challenging one’s identity. Words not just bullying that person, you’re bulsuicide prevention education in public and phrases that challenge students’ sexlying the entire family. And if you’re bulschools in April 2006. Other states are at- ual orientation are among the most hurtlied, don’t be embarrassed to ask for help tacking the growing problem of bullying ful, and they’re having a profoundly sad because you’re not alone. Remember that in an attempt to prevent teen suicide. effect. According to the Massachusetts you are all loved beyond belief.” Did you know: -Teen suicide was the 3rd leading cause of death among young adults and adolescents 15 to 24 years of age. )DPLO\¿UVWDLGRUJ -Studies show that between 15–25 percent of U.S. students are bullied with some frequency (“sometimes or more RIWHQ´ZKLOH± percent report that they bully others with some frequency (Melton et al., 1DQVHOHWDO (stopbullyingnow.hrsa. JRY -Children and youth who are bullied are more likely than other children to be depressed, lonely, anxious, have low selfesteem, feel unwell, and think about suicide (LimEHU2OZHXV (stopbullyingnow.hrsa. JRY -A study by Fight Crime: ,QYHVWLQ.LGV investigated how often FKLOGUHQ\HDUROGV and teens (12-17-yearROGVKDGEHHQF\EHUEXOlied during the previous year. One-third of teens and one-sixth of the children reported that someone said threatening or embarrassing things about them online. Page 8 The Pioneer November / December 2010 News Raise awareness or intentionally offend? We’re split. Bracelets cause negative discussion Bracelets positvely support cause By Kasie Bourque Pioneer Staff ,KHDUWERRELHV:KHQVWDWHG SODLQO\SHRSOHPLJKWWKLQN,¶P being perverted. When printed on a bracelet, it’s a different story. For those of you who don’t know ZKDW,¶PUHIHUULQJWR,¶PWDONLQJ DERXWWKH³,KHDUWERRELHV.HHS a Breast)” bracelets, supporting breast cancer awareness. And if \RXVWLOOGRQ¶WNQRZZKDW,PHDQ then maybe you should get your head out of the rock you’re hiding under. )URPZKDW, can tell, many students are wearing these pink, green, blue, or black bracelets. They are everywhere. The bracelets were created by the Keep A Breast foundation for WKH,/RYH%RRELHV&DPSDLJQDQG 50-100% of all proceeds made from the bracelets go to the supporting cause, depending on where you buy the bracelet. The money made by the organization is used to create new methods for raising awareness. These bracelets are prohibited DWRXUVFKRRO,I\RXDUHZHDULQJ one, then you are asked to turn the bracelet inside out or to take it off. “Boobies,” is looked upon as a derogatory term here. Mr. Smith said he thinks the word is slang and VKRXOGQRWEHÀDXQWHGDURXQGRQ your wrist or anywhere else for that matter. We should be able to wear the bracelets because they are raising awareness for a very important FDXVH,NQRZVRPHRI\RXZLOO disagree, saying that the term “booELHV´LVQRWDSSURSULDWHEXW,WKLQN WKHZRUGLVMXVW¿QH All of the hype and controversy over the word is worth it for the cause. Faculty and staff just need to look past the word boobies and see the good. What if there was a bracelet raising awareness for prostate cancer? You would not be able to wear it. :KDWZRUGZRXOG\RXXVHWHVWHV", GRQ¶WWKLQNVR, support raising awareness for all cancers by whatever means necessary, but sometimes showing our support requires the use of controversial wording, like ³ERRELHV´,IVRPHRQHFDPHXS ZLWKDZRUGWKDWZDVRND\WKHQ, am all for it. Some people say that boys only wear the bracelet because it says, “boobies,” and because they get reactions out of people, especially teachers. This is not fair to say considering one out of every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a year and a half ago, and she loves the idea of the bracelets. On the term “boobies” VKHVD\V³,WDNHQRRIIHQVHWRWKH WHUPLQRORJ\EHFDXVH,VXSSRUWDQ\ efforts to raise awareness of breast cancer.” ,I\RXDUHJRLQJWRVXSSRUWDQ\ cause, then you should go all out for it, even if that means putting “boobies” on a bracelet. “My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a year and a half ago and she loves the idea of the bracelets.” Let your voice be heard! Write a letter to the editor. [email protected] By Abbey Thompson Pioneer Staff you’re someone who simply doesn’t want to wear a pink wristband, why does the color really matter to you? 7KHSRSXODU³,/RYH%RRELHV´ After all, the color pink symbolizes wristbands made by The Keep a what you’re supporting. Breast Foundation (KAB) sure have 7RWRSLWRIIZKHQ,FKHFNHGWKH caused a lot of drama, understand.$%RI¿FLDOZHEVLWH,IRXQGWKDW ably so. For, though they are for a nowhere in their mission statement did JRRGFDXVHWKDW,P\VHOIVXSSRUW they mention that their revenues go to they border on provocativeness and EUHDVWFDQFHUUHVHDUFK,WVDLG³2XU are disrespectful to women who have mission is to help eradicate breast had their breasts removed because of cancer by exposing young people to cancer. methods of prevention, Marilyn Aramini, early detection and who has survived support.” On www. breast cancer twice QEFGIZFRP,IRXQG and is the mother of that of the millions Gary Aramini – a of dollars KAB has New Hampshire made this year, only . man who ran $100,000 has been across the country given to breast cancer in 1984 to raise grants and awards. The money for cancer rest has gone to KAB’s research at age 19 products’ production, – had a similar opinsalaries and travel, tour LRQRIWKHZULVWEDQGV DQGRI¿FHH[SHQVHV ³,WKLQNWKH\¶UHQRW And that’s the good at all. There are WKLQJLQRUJDQL]Dso many other bracelets out there tions such as the Susan G. Komen that give the same message. They’ve Foundation – which has raised $1.5 got things such as faith and hope on billion for cancer research since its WKHP%XWµ,/RYH%RRELHV¶",WDNH beginning in 1982 – 75 percent of WKDW>SKUDVH@DVDQLQVXOW,UHDOO\ the raised funds go where it’s supdo.” SRVHGWRJRFDQFHUUHVHDUFK7KH The wristbands aren’t sensitive remaining percent of funds go to to women who have gone through international community education WKHYHU\GLI¿FXOWDQGSV\FKRORJLand outreach programs. Other founcal experience of a mastectomy. Of dations, events, including Relay for WKLV0UV$UDPLQLVDLG³,UHPHPEHU Life, clothing, jewelry, wristbands, thinking [before her mastectomy], and even food – like Yoplait yogurt µ,¶PJRLQJWRORVHDSDUWRIP\ – have also raised tons of cancer ERG\¶0\ERG\LVVDFUHGDQG,MXVW research money and awareness. can’t believe the term they’re using. 6RDUHWKH³,/RYH%RRELHV´ When they use the term [boobies], wristbands going to be astoundit’s very degrading to me.” LQJO\PRUHHIIHFWLYH",IQRWDUHWKH\ Worse, some of the wristbands honestly worth making others feel aren’t even pink. Hello? The color of GHJUDGHGDQGRURIIHQGHG",UHDOO\ EUHDVWFDQFHUDZDUHQHVVLVSLQN,I don’t think so. VS. Good luck to all our Pioneers from Mr. and Mrs. Emile Tetu. “...the wristbands aren’t sensitive to women ‘I Love Boobies’? I take that [phrase] as an insult.” November / December 2010 The Pioneer Sports BOYS’ ATHLETE OF THE FALL SEASON Hoaglund Rob Hoaglund: Rob Hoaglund accomplished much for the football team as the leading rusher for the 2010 season with more 1200 yards. Hoaglund held his own throughout the season by making plays that needed to be made when they were needed most. ³,KDYHPL[HGHPRWLRQV>DERXWOHDYLQJ@,W¶V been such a fun and unique experience. On the plus side we went out and lost to a 'LYLVLRQ,WHDPE\RQHSRLQW in the Turkey Bowl. So my class gets to leave knowing it really helped the growth of the football program,” said Hoaglund. Hoaglund moves to lacrosse, where he is hopeful he can help his team make WKHSOD\RIIVIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH in a few years. Honorable Mentions Josh Hughes-XQLRU-RVK Hughes, running back on offense and middle linebacker on defense, dominated in 'LYLVLRQ,9ZLWKPRUHWKDQ over 1000 yards rushing. Without Hughes on defense, other teams might have had a better chance against the Pioneers, as Hughes had the PRVWWDFNOHVRQWKHWHDP,Q his next year, he is hoping the team can bring home the title, unlike this year where the team fell short losing to Lebanon 24-14 in the state championship game. Ryan Carrier5\DQ&DUrier, a sophomore linebacker and running back, stood out among his peers. Carrier started out with a great season, compiling 263 yards early in the season until an arm injury sidelined him. Trying to come back for the Turkey Bowl, Carrier turned into a coach of sorts, teaching his replacement plays for upcoming games. He was not able to return for the game and hated being on the sidelines, watching his team but always there to support them at every game and practice. GIRLS’ ATHLETE OF THE SEASON Senior cross country runner Chelsey Serrano has been named athlete of the season IRUIDOO6KHLVWKH¿UVW girl in more than three years to make the New England Championship meet. Trinity girls cross country’s captain had an outstanding season with an impressive SHUVRQDOUHFRUGRIDW the Meet of Champions on Nov. 6. ,QKHU¿QDOPHHW6HUUDQR placed 14 out of 158 at the DiYLVLRQ,,PHHWDW'HUU\¿HOGRQ Oct. 30. Thanks to her great running at the divisional meet, Serrano advanced to the state meet, the Meet of Champions. She placed 17 out of 140 UXQQHUVZLWKDWLPHRI Serrano advanced further to the New England Championship meet on Nov. 13 in Thetford. She placed 90th out of 255 runners, in Vermont, ZLWKDWLPHRI Serrano always ran her hardest and deserves Athlete of the Season for the fall of 2010. Honorable Mentions Betsy Tamulonis6HQLRU Serrano volleyball captain Betsy Tamulonis was a great team leader for the Pioneer team. She was good at communicating on the court. She has been playing volleyball for six years and she loves it. Leah SherU-XQLRUYDUVLW\ goal keeper for girls’ soccer made honorable mentions JRDONHHSHUIRU1+,$$ TRINITY ATHLETES TO WATCH DURING THE WINTER SEASON... The boy’s athlete to watch for the winter season is senior Zach Stevens. He loves to play basketball and has been playing the game for a very long time. ³7REHKRQHVW,¶YHDFWXally been playing basketball VLQFH,ZDVWZR,JRWD)LVKHU Price hoop for Christmas, and it became my favorite toy. So, Marro Page 9 IURPWKHQRQ,¶YHMXVWGHYHOoped a love for this game,” said Stevens. Last year, he scored an average of 12 points a game. Last year he played the position of shooting guard. ,I\RX¶UHORRNLQJIRUDJRRG basketball player to watch, Zach Stevens is a good bet. Emilee Marro, four-year varsity player and captain of the Trinity girls’ basketball team, returns this year in hopes of leading her team to a season ¿OOHGZLWKDFFRPSOLVKPHQWV Marro is the team’s point guard and a leader on and off the court. This year, the team will Stevens graduate six seniors including Marro. This will be Marro’s second year as captain, and she plans to take her team as far into the playoffs as she can. ³,KRSHWKDWZHDUHDEOHWR do the things that we couldn’t do last year as a team,” said Marro. Visit us online at Young boys’ hoops team ready and able By Ryan Michell Pioneer Staff Each year players leave, and each year players return in blue and red for the Trinity boys’ basketball squad. But these past two off seasons have held some surprises for the team. Following superstar Jordan Laguerre’s departure to New Hampton after the 2009 season, last year’s standout David Madol departed amidst a swirling fog of rumors that eventually ended with him settling at Manchester Memorial. Losing Madol, arguably the best player in this state’s senior class, is obviously no small loss. Neither was the loss of Laguerre, but this is a team that certainly has the depth and talent to be able to rebound from such a loss. “Obviously it hurts losing a player like David, but without him, we’re more of a team. We’re still running the same offensive plays we were going to with him and we have three other monsters who have our backs on defense. Adjustments really aren’t going to be necessary,” said junior guard Hunter Viscarello. With shooters like senior captain Zach Stevens and junior Jake Hamel, stone-wall defenders like juniors Viscarello and Silvere Aluko, newcomer, point guard Wol Majong, and an up-andcoming group of underclassmen, Trinity should have no trouble competing with other title contenders. “Not going to Durham last year was a disappointPHQWWRPHDQG,KRSHZH can make it back there with this team, to again prove what Trinity basketball is all about,” said Viscarello. What is possibly most exciting about this team is its underclassmen, and the way its younger players are developing. Help will come in the form of the incoming and varsity-ready freshman trio of Carmen Giampetruzzi, Dawson Dickson, and Pat Keefe, the “Little Three,” if you will, while sophomores Travis Descoteaux and big man Mabor Gabriel will be back from their freshmen season, ready to step up. ³,¶PSUHWW\H[FLWHG We’ve got some good young talent who play hard and push us at practice,” says Hamel of his freshman and sophomore teammates. ,I*DEULHOGRHVLPSURYH he will be a strong accompaniment for fellow big men, juniors Andrew Lauderdale, and Silvere Aluko, creating a towering, intimidating presence on the court that will be unrelenting, especially on the defensive end of the ball. Viscarello, a defensive standout, will also create frustration for teams trying to score. On the offensive end, Hamel and Stevens will be relied upon to be consistent outside shooters, while the addition of Majong from Central will add to the team’s offensive power. Hopefully Central’s annual, frustrated chants of “traitor” will cease. Sophomore Travis Descoteaux’s skillful play will also add to the team’s offensive threat, as will the Little Three’s inside-outside the arc offensive versatility. With its many weapons and improved team coherence, this team is less likely to repeat its woeful playoff performance last year, which HQGHGLQD¿UVWURXQGKHDUW breaker against Exeter. There’s no doubt that this year’s team is good, but there are certainly questions that have yet to be answered. Only time will tell if young players really are ready to step up, and if returning players really have improved DVPXFKDVWKH1+,$$ basketball grapevine has told us. A lot of preseason talk is merely hearsay, as many teams seek for some player WR¿QGQHZKRSHLQ :KDW,¶PVD\LQJLVWKDW if new stars begin to shine on the court for Trinity, then Bishop Guertin, Central, and Memorial are teams that our boys should beat. But, if things don’t go as smoothly as this team hopes, victories against other big schools could be hard to come by. The starting rotation may shift around as this team begins to form. But though this team is completely different from last years, the talks of better team chemistry and improved young guns may be proven right away. “The team this year is FORVHUWKDQDQ\WHDP,KDYH been on. We work hard at practices and push each other. We are a tight group, ZKLFK,WKLQNZLOOWDNHXV far,” said Hamel. Whether the talent is there just yet or not, one WKLQJLVIRUFHUWDLQWKLV team has the right attitude. They are ready to reestablish Trinity as a perennial powerhouse atop the 1+,$$ER\¶VEDVNHWEDOO standings. The boys feel like they have something to prove this year and will come out game after game with a vengeance, ready as always, to make it out of the ELJGDQFHDW81+ZLWKD championship title. Page 10 The Pioneer November / December 2010 Sports Pioneer Sports Log Trinity student puts her heart and soul into cheering *,5/6¶%$6.(7%$// $IWHU¿QLVKLQJWKHVHDVRQODVW\HDURQDEX]]HUEHDWHU play from Memorial High School, ending with a loss is not the plan this year. Without having any seniors on the team last year, the girls already started off to a good year by knowing everyone on the team and working together for two years in a row. “We have been playing really well together; we have been trying to push each other a lot in practice, too,” said senior Emily Martin. This year with strong leadership from the captains Martin, Emilee Marro and star player from last year’s season Jasmine Theroux, the Lady Pioneers, led by head coach Pat Smith, look to put up yet again another successful season. Key players, such as seniors Marro and Paige Heslin and junior Lia Nawn, will be helpful in the Pioneers achieving a successful season Hoping they don’t end this season like the last, the girls’ basketball team is expected to do very well this season improving on last year’s overall record of 10-8. “Last year was a growing year, so this season is our chance to come together and win some big games,” said Martin. 7KHJLUO¶V¿UVWJDPHZDV'HFDJDLQVW0HPRULDORQ the Crusaders’ home court. The Pioneers fell to Memorial, 34-26. BOYS’ BASKETBALL The Trinity boys’ basketball team will begin its season at home on Dec. 17 against Dover High School. The Pioneers’ QH[W¿YHJDPHVDUHDJDLQVW1DVKXD1RUWK0HUULPDFN:LQnacunnet, Manchester Central and Alvirne. $IWHUJRLQJDQGH[LWLQJWKH'LYLVLRQ,FKDPSLRQVKLS LQWKH¿UVWURXQGWKH7ULQLW\EDVNHWEDOOWHDPLVUHDG\WRYLH for another one. 7KLV\HDUWKH3LRQHHUVORVWODVW\HDU¶V1+,$$'LYLVLRQ ,SOD\HURIWKH\HDU'DYLG0DGRO0DGROWUDQVIHUUHGWR0Hmorial, Trinity’s rival. Even though Madol will be missed, WKHUHDUHPDQ\SOD\HUVZKRDUHUHDG\WR¿OOKLVVSRW The game against Manchester Memorial might be a preYLHZRIWKLV\HDUV¶'LYLVLRQ,FKDPSLRQVKLSJDPH7KHRQO\ letdown is the fact that the game is only on the second to last game of the year. The team is led by Coach Dave Keefe and if they play OLNHWKH\NQRZKRZWKH\PLJKW¿QGWKHPVHOYHVLQDFKDPSLonship game this year. ,1'22575$&. This year’s winter track season is just beginning. The team ¿UVWPHWRQ1RYDQGWKH\EHJDQZRUNLQJWRZDUGWKHLU season goals right away. Winter track is composed of many different events including sprints, hurdles, and long distances. Last year, the team performed well in their distance events, and they are hoping to do even better this year. The team has many returning members this year as well as some new members. This year the team also has a new coach. ³6RIDUWKHQHZFRDFKKDVGRQHZHOO,KRSHLWFRQWLQXHV´ said Captain Chelsey Serrano. 7KHWHDP¶V¿UVWPHHWLVQ¶WXQWLODIWHU&KULVWPDVDQGWKH\ DUHSUHSDULQJGDLO\7KHWHDPLVFXUUHQWO\ZRUNLQJRQ¿WQHVV and physical toughness. “Our practices now are hard workouts that are preparing us for our meets,” said Serrano. The team is hopeful that their hard work will pay off and that they will be very successful because of it. $WWKHHQGRIHDFKVHDVRQWKHUHLVDOVRDTXDOL¿HUPHHW ³,KRSHWKDWVHYHUDORIXVDUHDEOHWRJRWRWKHTXDOL¿HU meet this year, that would be awesome,” said Serrano. +DYLQJVHYHUDOVWXGHQWVPDNHWKHTXDOL¿HUVZRXOGQRW only be great for the individual athletes but it would be great for the program. The team hopes that this year will be a year of accomplishments and improvements. Support your Pioneers by attending games and cheering on your friends. Visit for up-to-date schedules. Nicole Fell / Pioneer Staff Holly O’Connor jumps while at cheer practice at Trinity. O’Connor spends lots of time working on her cheering. By Jess Sweeney and Joe Walsh Pioneer Staff Bump into Holly O’Connor at any time throughout the school day DQG\RX¶UHOLNHO\WR¿QGKHU laughing or smiling. You’ll probably see her talking with friends or making jokes. What you won’t see are the WKLQJVVKHGRHVDIWHU P.M. Apart from juggling schoolwork, she spends her time as a member of the math team and the National Honor Society, as well as working part time as a hostess at Hart’s Turkey Farm. Yet her true passion is cheerleading. O’Connor cheers for both the Trinity team and the East Celebrity Elite team, spending a combined total of 14 hours per week practicing. ,WVWDUWHGLQWKH¿IWK grade, when a friend gave a presentation in school about FKHHUOHDGLQJ,QWULJXHGVKH decided to try out for a local team the next year. ³,OLNHLWEHFDXVH,OLNH the feeling of going out in a big crowd and having a really good routine,” she says, “competing is scary, but it’s a rush.” Throughout the years, O’Connor has participated in around 20 different competitions. Her East Celebrity Elite team won the World Spirit Federation Championship last year, which she refers to as her favorite competition to date. Though she enjoys cheerleading in general, she says that her favorite aspect of it would have to be tumbling, which is widely considered the most challenging area of cheerleading, as well as the area requiring the most discipline. “She’s one of those people who, when she sees someone better than her, it makes her want to get better,” says senior Meghann Clifford, O’Connor’s Trinity co-captain. “She’s especially determined when it comes to WXPEOLQJ,IZH¶UHQRWJRRG enough, it’s like she doesn’t stop, and she doesn’t let us stop, either.” With any extracurricular DFWLYLW\WKHUHLVDVDFUL¿FH as far as free time, yet Holly WDNHVWKHVDFUL¿FHIDUWKHUWKDQ most might consider. ³,FRXOGQ¶WJRWRVHPLWKLV \HDU,FRXOGQ¶WJRWRWKHVHnior night part of homecomLQJZHHNDQG,FDQ¶WDOZD\V hang with my friends,” says O’Connor, “but it’s worth it.” Holly attends all her practices while maintaining solid grades and a rigorous course schedule. ³,GRQ¶WVOHHSWKDWPXFK ,JXHVV,¶PMXVWJRRGDWPDNLQJVDFUL¿FHV,¶YHDFFHSWHG it,” she says. Holly says she wants to continue cheering through college, though she realizes it will only become more and more competitive from here. “The hardest thing in cheerleading would probably be to stay positive,” she says, “if something bad happens, you have to keep going.” November / December 2010 Sports Log, ctd. HOCKEY :LWKODVW\HDUV'LYLVLRQ,&RDFKRIWKH<HDU0LNH&RQQHOO leading the Pioneer hockey team, Trinity is bound for victory. After a 2009-2010 season record of 11-6-1, Coach Connell VDLG³,WKLQNLWZLOOEHDJUHDWVHDVRQ´ The Pioneers’ toughest competition this year will be Bishop Guertin on Dec. 22 and Concord, Jan. 22. Another tough game will be in Hanover on Feb. 12. Trinity lost six players last year, but has 10 members returning to the team along with two new freshmen, Cam Brown and Mitchell Myers. &RDFK&RQQHOOLVFRQ¿GHQWLQ%URZQ¶VDQG0\HUV¶VNLOOV ³,WKLQNWKH\ZLOOKHOSXVRXWDORW7KH\DUHERWKJUHDWSOD\ers. They will see a lot of playing time,” said Coach Connell. Team leaders this year will be David Gagnon, Dillon Kalil and Cory Kolden. Kalil saved 87.3% of the shots taken on him last year, and Kolden saved a total of 293 shots last year. Trinity’s goaltending was outstanding last year. The PioQHHUVZHUHWKLUGLQWKH'LYLVLRQ,VWDQGLQJVIRUJRDOWHQGLQJLQ the 2009-2010 season. All goaltenders have returned, three as seniors and one as a sophomore. 7KH3LRQHHUV¿UVWJDPHLV'HFWKDW6W7KRPDV$TXLQDV LQ'RYHU7KHLU¿UVWKRPHJDPHLV'HFQGDJDLQVW0DQFKHVter Memorial at Sullivan Arena. “The guys are hungry for the season to start,” said Coach Connell. &+((5/($',1* Trinity High School’s cheerleading team competed in 6WDWHVRQ1RYDW6RXWKHUQ1HZ+DPSVKLUH8QLYHUVLW\ The team has three co-captains, seniors Holly O’Connor, Meghann Clifford and Kristen Reed. The team came in fourth place out of eight teams. They ZHUHSRLQWVLQIURQWRIWKHQXPEHU¿YHWHDPDQGRQO\ three points below the number three team. 7KLVLVWKH¿UVW\HDU7ULQLW\KDVFRPSHWHGDJDLQVW'LYLVLRQ,,DQG'LYLVLRQ,,,VFKRROVDVRSSRVHGWRWKH'LYLVLRQ, powerhouse schools that Trinity has faced in the past. The team started practicing for the competition at the end of August. “We practiced like it was our job and when we didn’t have practice, we were practicing at home,” said Holly O’Connor. The team also had obstacles they had to overcome that were kept behind closed doors. ³:HKDGDORWRIREVWDFOHV,IHHOOLNHLW>WKHFRPSHWLWLRQ@ went really well,” said Meghann Clifford. ³,WKLQNRXUJLUOVKDYHWKHPRVWKHDUWDQGGULYHRXWRIDOO the girls out there,” said Clifford. 6.,7($0 8QOLNHWKHRWKHUZLQWHUVSRUWVDW7ULQLW\WKHVFKRRO¶V 'LYLVLRQ,9VNLWHDPFRDFKHGE\7ULVWDQ3HUU\KDVRI¿FLDOO\ started but hasn’t had a practice on the slopes yet. The team will be practicing at Pats Peak in Henniker, starting by the end of Christmas vacation in January. The team’s ¿UVWPHHWZRQ¶WEHKHOGXQWLOWKHPLGGOHRI-DQWKRXJK$W the start of the year, Trinity will be in a different division than they were last year so they will be up against different schools. ³,¶PQRWVXUHKRZZH¶UHJRLQJWRGRWKLV\HDUEHFDXVH we’re entering a new division,” said head coach Perry. The Pioneer Page 11 Sports Trinity Winter Sports Schedules Boys’ Basketball Opponent Score Dover ---Nashua North ---Merrimack ---Winnacunnet ---Central ---Alvirne ---West ---Exeter ---Bishop Guertin ---Timberlane ---Keene ---Concord ---Londonderry ---Salem ---Nashua South ---Spaulding ---Memorial ---Pinkerton ---Boys‘ Freshman Basketball Date Opponent Score 12/13 Alvirne ---12/18 Central ---12/20 Bishop Guertin ---12/23 Memorial ---1/3 Keene ---1/6 West ---1/8 Merrimack ---1/10 Nashua South ---1/12 Salem ---1/13 Nashua North ---1/22 Alvirne ---1/27 Central ---1/29 Bishop Guertin ---1/31 Memorial ---2/3 Keene ---2/5 Spaulding ---2/7 West ---2/10 Merrimack ---Girls‘ Freshman Basketball Date Opponent Score 12/13 Alvirne ---12/18 Central ---12/20 Bishop Guertin ---12/23 Memorial ---1/3 Keene ---1/6 West ---1/8 Merrimack ---1/12 Salem ---Date 12/17 12/21 1/4 1/7 1/11 1/14 1/21 1/25 1/28 2/1 2/8 2/11 2/15 2/18 2/22 2/25 3/1 3/4 Indoor Track Date Location Time 8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZ+DPSVKLUH 8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZ+DPSVKLUH Girls’ Basketball Opponent Score Memorial ---Pinkerton ---Dover ---Nashua North ---Merrimack ---Winnacunnet ---Central ---Alvirne ---Memorial ---Exeter ---Bishop Guertin ---Timberlane ---Keene ---Concord ---Londonderry ---Salem ---Nashua South ---Spaulding ---Hockey Date Opponent Score 12/18 St. Thomas ---12/20 Memorial ---12/22 Bishop Guertin ---1/5 Salem ---1/8 Nashua North ---1/12 Nashua South ---1/15 Bishop Brady ---1/22 Concord ---1/25 Berlin ---1/27 Bishop Brady ---1/30 Pinkerton ---2/2 Londonderry ---2/5 Berlin ---2/9 Memorial ---2/12 Hanover ---2/16 Central ---2/22 Exeter ---2/26 Central ---Date Location Score 1/13 Nashua North ---1/22 Alvirne ---1/27 Central ---1/29 Bishop Guertin ---1/31 Memorial ---2/3 Keene ---2/5 Spaulding ---2/7 West ---2/10 Merrimack ---Date Location Time 1/9 8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZ+DPSVKLUH 8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZ+DPSVKLUH 8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZ+DPSVKLUH Date 12/10 12/14 12/17 12/21 1/4 1/7 1/11 1/14 1/18 1/25 1/28 2/1 2/8 2/11 2/15 2/18 2/22 2/25 Page 12 The Pioneer November / December 2010 Arts & Entertainment Trinity’s ‘Peter Pan’ delights fans of all ages By Kasie Bourque and Jake St. Germain Pioneer Staff On Saturday Dec. 11 and Sunday Dec. 12, the Trinity High School Drama Club put on the musical Peter Pan in Trinity High School’s gymnasium. Trinity High School’s Peter Pan was an amazing show performed by a very talented cast. The show lasted two and a half hours and was very entertaining. 8QGHUWKHGLUHFWLRQRI seniors Corrine Dolan and Amanda Jenks, the production had an overall seemingly ÀDZOHVVSHUIRUPDQFH Dolan has been involved with drama since freshman year, and Jenks has been involved since her junior year. 7KLVLVWKH¿UVWVKRZHLWKHURI them has ever directed. Most excitingly, Trinity’s SHUIRUPDQFHIHDWXUHGDÀ\LQJ Peter Pan, played by junior Mo Gibbons. ³,¶PUHDOO\JODG0RGLGQ¶W fall,” Dolan said, laughing. The fact that Peter Pan was DOZD\VÀ\LQJRQVWDJHDGGHG some zest and kept the audi- ence entertained. Peter Pan was a family friendly show about the adventures of a boy named Peter Pan and a young girl Wendy, played by sophomore Emilee Thompson. Peter Pan whisks Wendy and her brothers, John, played by freshman James Gallagher, and Michael, played by freshman Aidan Manning, off to Neverland. There they meet Peter’s band of lost boys, played by sophomore Olivia Blomquist, freshman Julia Steer, freshman Emily Murphy, freshman Maelynn Hill, senior Natalie Kfoury and sophomore Clare Dalton. Wendy, John and MiFKDHODOVRPHHWWKH,QGLDQV including their leader. Tiger Lily, played by senior Emily Hinton. Evil pirates were also present in Neverland, with a surprise appearance from Ms. Kudrick. The villain, Captain Hook, was played by Pat Dolan. Hook was accompanied by the clumsy and loveable Smee, played by senior Alexis Kittle Dolan and Kittle’s respec- Photo courtesy of Mr. Fred Kfoury Peter Pan, played by junior Mo Gibbons, and Tiger Lily, played by senior Emily Hinton, lead a pow wow. tive characters had the best chemistry together. They played off of each other like they were professionals. Kittle’s Smee was humorous and made for a delightful audience experience. Alyssa Desruisseaux, a sophomore, played Tinker Bell. Desruisseaux delighted the crowd with her amazing dance and ballet skills. She knew what she was doing on pint shoes She had the sassy Tinker Bell we all know and love nailed to a tee. Another interesting add- Say ‘Hello’ to the new and much improved strength of Hellogoodbye By Natalie Kfoury Pioneer Staff Four years after Hellogoodbye’s electronic synth debut, Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!, the California band returns with sophomore album Would it Kill You? (Nov. 9). Here, the band veers away from the electronic vibe that made them instantaneously catchy EDFNLQ,QVWHDGWKH\ showcase a talent for more sophisticated indie pop efforts that pack more of a SXQFKWKDQVXJDU¿OOHGSRZerpop hooks. These past four years now seem well worth the wait. On the 11-track Would it Kill You?, front man Forrest Kline leaves behind all traces of the emo pop that brought forth initial success and dives LQWRHDUQHVWVRQJV¿OOHGZLWK open-hearted lyrics and romantic intentions. Kline’s voice hardly falters on the album. His engaging vocals drive each song to their strong points. The vocals are backed by an array of instruments including bells and ukuleles that make the album seem like it was made by an entirely new band than the one that was found back in 2006. )URP¿UVWWUDFN³)LQGLQJ Something to Do,” Hellogoodbye’s transition from powerpop to indie pop/rock is made clear. There is no disco-laden electronics or autotuning; instead, there is acoustic guitar and clear, crisp vocals that need no alteration. “When We First Met” proves to be an easy single for the album. While, for a SRSVRQJLWLVÀXVKHGRXWRI effects that seem normally associated with pop hits, its The new Hellogoodbye found on Would it Kill You? completely tops the band found on Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! hook is effective. The track is refreshingly simple and charming. Like the rest of Would it Kill You?, “When We First Met” reveals Hellogoodbye’s cohesive nature as a band. The band shows an abundance of talent on tracks such as “You Sleep Alone” and “Would it Kill You?,” where the fast-paced rock edge is apparent and Kline belts out lyrics at high speed. The rest of the band keeps the intensity consistent behind the vocals, making the songs completely tight and album highlights. “Coppertone” is another standout song on the album, despite being unlike most of Would it Kill You? Here, the vocals take the backseat as a calm guitar gives rise to the evident power of the group. “Something You Misplaced” and “The Thoughts that Give Me the Creeps” are also slower, mellower songs that strengthen the album as a whole. Each song on Would it Kill You? is enjoyable and carefully put together. The songs are short (the longest coming in at just over four minutes in length). There are no low points, and the album never drags on. Rather, Would it Kill You? makes it easy for the listener to replay the album over DQGRYHUDJDLQ,WFRXOGYHU\ well be the best pop album of the year. The new Hellogoodbye found on Would it Kill You? completely tops the band found on Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! Hellogoodbye’s Would it Kill You? is a consistently enjoyable album that shows that bands can grow up a little bit without losing their touch as effective musicians. And, hey, sometimes a little growth is what a band needs. Hellogoodbye completely shines here and leaves hope for more albums like Would it Kill You? in future years. on to the show was Emily Hinton, who played Tiger Lily, famous for doing gymnastics during dance numbers. The dance numbers were very well choreographed and organized by junior Lindsey Hanna. The music in the show was amazing. Some songs in the musical were harmonized and sounded beautiful. The principle roles all had amazing voices. ³,WKLQNZHKDGWKHEHVW SHUIRUPDQFH,FRXOGKDYH hoped for,” said Dolan. The club’s adviser, Mrs. Byron, also thought the show went great. ³,WKRXJKWLWZHQWUHDOO\ ZHOO,W¶VDOZD\VEHVWWRKDYH a crowd,” said Byron. There most certainly was a crowd. The place was so packed people were setting up extra seats in the back. Over 100 people attended. Overall Peter Pan was a great musical organized, produced and performed by the students of the Trinity Drama Club. November / December 2010 The Pioneer Arts & Entertainment New Kanye West album ignites strong comeback By Ryan Mitchell Pioneer Staff My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy opens with almost angelic, chamber choir-type vocals, exalted above the subtle sounds of a string orchestra and a bare piano. Lasting for about a minute and a half, the PXVLFVXGGHQO\GDUNHQV,Q a heaven-to-hell transition, the classical arrangement becomes a dark, hip-hop, orchestral anthem. Cue the insanity, cue the guest appearances, cue the bravado, cue the masterpiece, in comes Kanye West, in comes My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. ,I\RXWKRXJKW.DQ\H West was crazy during the unfolding of the infamous Taylor Swift incident, if you thought he was insane as he stumbled over the words “George Bush hates black people” on live television, you’ve only scratched the surface, believe me. Not only is My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy a new height of West’s artistic achievement, it’s a raw look into the mind of the madman himself. The album sounds and reads like a diary, but not any diary. This album is a rare look inside the life and mind of one of the PRVWSUROL¿FDUWLVWVRIRXU generation, one who spends his spare time hitting the self-destruct button over and over again. The man is insane. ³,IDQWDVL]HGDERXWWKLV back in Chicago/ mercy, mercy me, that Murcielago,” begins West on the album’s opening track, “Dark Fantasy,” with darkly humorous allusions to his own perverse and excessive lifestyle. No surprise, WKHDOEXP¶V¿OOHGZLWKVXFK introspective gems. “Power,” the album’s third track, and the album’s ¿UVWVLQJOHVHUYHVDVDIDQtastic archetype for most of the album’s sound. “Reality’s catchin’ up with me/taking my inner FKLOG,¶P¿JKWLQJIRULW custody,” cries West, later UHPDUNLQJ³WKH\VD\,ZDV the abomination of Obama’s nation/That’s a pretty bad way to start a conversation.” This style of clever but haunting, self-aware lyricism permeates the whole album. On “Power,” West samples King Crimson’s “21st Century Schizoid Man” a song about a maniac who has everything in the world, except the things he needs. Surely this is no coincidence. West’s tasteful sample of the song and intelligent concept-development here does not stand alone on the album; in fact, it’s probably overshadowed by a few other songs, one of them being “Runaway,” the album’s second single. $PLQXWH¿OPWKDW contains nine of the album’s 13 songs accompanies “Runaway.” A minute into the video, a phoenix crashes to the Earth before West’s car, risLQJIURPWKHÀDPHVEHIRUH him. 7KURXJKRXWWKH¿OPWKH female phoenix struggles to become accustomed to the world. From being scorned at a banquet table dinner, to eventually melting down when a stuffed bird is put in IURQWRIKHUWKHSKRHQL[¿nally decides that the world is a place where she does QRW¿WLQ:LWKWKDWVKH UHWXUQVWRWKHÀDPHVIURP which she was born. The phoenix is a universal symbol for rebirth and immortality and is always ERUQRXWRIÀDPHVXVXDOO\ symbolic of a great struggle. West is aware of the turmoil and hatred he’s caused by being the person that he no longer wants to be. Out of the ashes of his own controversy, West is looking for a rebirth, new life through his music and ideas, but is still afraid that he will be rejected and misunderstood as a person and as an artist, leading him to once again JRLQJXSLQÀDPHV 8QGHUVWDQGWKLVFRQcept, and you will, for the most part, have no problem understanding his album. Just know it won’t be wrapped in a nice bow but in a ribbon of brutally honest lyrics, contained in a black Pandora’s box of sound. ,QP\RSLQLRQLW¶VQRWD “10 out of 10” album like Pitchfork Records patheticalO\GHFODUHGLWVREXW,EHOLHYH LWZLOODOPRVWGH¿QLWHO\EH hailed as the album of the year. ,QP\RSLQLRQWKLVLV West at his best. My favorite tracks are “Devil in a New Dress,” “Runaway,” “Dark Fantasy,” “Monster” (check out Nicki Minaj’s verse), and “Lost in the World.” All of these tracks have the possibility to be West classics, and this album is not soon to be forgotten. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is a poignant look into the dark, twisted fantasy of one of our generation’s PRVWFRQWURYHUVLDOLFRQV,WLV an achievement of originality, musicality, and hip-hop perfection that could only be born from the dark, twisted, beautiful, and talented artist that is Mr. Kanye West. Page 13 Ignite offers a great dining experience ByTiffany Keenan Pioneer Staff ,JQLWH%DUDQG*ULOOH located on Hanover Street in Manchester next to the Palace Theatre, is a quaint establishment with an inviting menu. ,WZDVDODWH6DWXUGD\ afternoon right before the rush RIWKHGLQQHUFURZGDQG,JQLWH was quiet. Each of the twelve tables was spotless and had two freshly cut roses. Christmas decorations were in the process of being hung, and Christmas music was lightly playing in the background. ,JQLWHLVVHWXSLQWRWZR rooms. The right room is the dining room and the left is a small bar area with with high WRSWDEOHV,JQLWHDOVRRIIHUV outdoor seating when the weather gets warmer. The environment of the restaurant was warm and soothing with its black, red and gold color scheme and beautiful artwork. The waitresses served our needs promptly. ,JQLWH¶VPHQXRIIHUVDSSHtizers, salads, “Bigger Better Burgers,” entrees, “Straight Tiffany Keenan / Pioneer Staff ,JQLWH%DUDQG*ULOOHLQYLWHVFXVWRPHUVWRDTXDOLW\GLQLQJH[SHULHQFH from the Kettle” (soups) and a kid’s menu. For an appetizer, we ordered fried pickles ($5.99), a new treat that was recommended by the waitress. They were served with a spicy ranch sauce and were delicious. Within no time (due to the vacant restaurant), our food was ready. )RUP\HQWUpH,RUGHUHGD grilled chicken Caesar salad 7KHUHZDVDVXI¿cient amount of chicken for the price, and the salad was large, cold and very crisp. My late guest ordered an all-American burger ($7.89) that came with delicious fries. The burger was well-done and cooked to perfection. ,JQLWH¶VHQWUpHSULFHVUDQJHG from $6.99 for an ordinary burger, macaroni and cheese, or Caesar salad, to $21.99 for ¿OHWPLJQRQWRXUQHGRV The menu has an array of different, reasonably priced items to choose from, such as soups, chili, burgers and steak, along with upscale choices like escargot, crab cakes and mahi mahi. $V,ZDVOHDYLQJWKHGLQner crowd was beginning to DUULYH3DUNLQJLV,JQLWH¶VRQO\ GRZQIDOO,WLVYHU\GLI¿FXOWWR ¿QGDVSRW+RZHYHUPDNLQJ a night of going to a show at WKHWKHDWUHGLQLQJDW,JQLWH%DU and Grille and talking a walk down Elm Street will make for a great evening. Flatts and Urban thrill fans with new releases By Jess Sweeney Pioneer Staff Rascal Flatts and Keith 8UEDQKDYHUHFHQWO\UHOHDVHG albums on Nov. 12 that, for fans of the artists, will prove to be worth the wait. On these two albums, the feel is more poppy than typical FRXQWU\DQGWKHUHIRUHGH¿QHV country in a new light. ³:K\:DLW´WKH¿UVWVLQJOH off of Rascal Flatts’ Nothing Like This, is an upbeat, catchy song that will make you want to keep hitting the replay button. Songs like this are typical of Rascal Flatts, which makes them a nice alternative choice for a country fan. “Easy,” another track off Nothing Like This, features 1DWDVKD%HGLQJ¿HOGKDGWKH musical sounds of Rascal Flatts with the vocal talents of %HGLQJ¿HOG&RPELQHGWKHVH two aspects make for a great song. Other songs like “Tonight Tonight,” “Play” and “All Night to Get There” are also fun upbeat songs that fans would want to blast in the car. 7KHDOEXPKDVGH¿QLWLRQ because it is able to go from poppy, fun songs to slow and meaningful ones. For example, WKHVRQJ³,:RQ¶W/HW*R´LV slow, sad and sounds more like the country music that people would expect. :KLOHLWLVDJRRGVRQJ³, Won’t Let Go” sounds like it was thrown in just to have a different sound and contrast ZLWKWKHKDSS\VRQJV,WDOPRVW VRXQGVOLNHLWGRHVQ¶W¿WEXWLW is still a good track. Rascal Flatts’ album Nothing Like This, in my opinion, is one of their better albums. ,WLVGLIIHUHQWWKDQWKHRWKHUV because it is more upbeat, but they sound more at home. The IDFWWKDWWKH\KDYHWKHVRQJ³, Won’t Let Go” on the album brings fans back to their older songs. After a two-year wait, fans RI.HLWK8UEDQZHOFRPHGD new release, Get Closer. The entire album is dedicated to his wife, Nicole Kidman. A majority of his songs are upbeat, while three are on the slower side. Three such songs are “Right On Back to You,” “Without You” and “All for You.” These songs have a sad sort of feel that contrast well with the happier songs on the album. For example, “Long Hot Summer” is a catchy song that fans could easily get addicted to. .HLWK8UEDQ¶VDOEXPGet Closer is different than his other albums, the songs are MXVWOHVVFRXQWU\WKDQXVXDO, just prefer his earlier albums. Overall, Nothing Like This will be more lasting because more people know about Rascal Flats, and these are more songs on this album than Get Closer. Although both albums are somewhat different than their normal sound, people will still enjoy them. Neither of these albums disappoint in any way. They are very enjoyable, and fans of country music will surely enjoy listening to them. Page 14 The Pioneer November / December 2010 Arts & Entertainment ‘Harry Potter’ wows fans of any and all ages By Natalie Kfoury & Alexis Kittle Pioneer Staff You don’t have to tell fans that the end of the great Harry Potter Era is coming closer and closer. The event that took place on Nov. 19 jumpstarted what is to be one of the greatest cinHPDWLFVDJD¿QDOHVRIDOOWLPH 2QWKDWIDWHGQLJKWDWSP Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 stormed into theaters, sweeping fans into a tumbled wave of excitement, sadness and pure joy. The penultimate event reunited fans with the heroes and villains, as well as the score of fantastic actors that portray them. Harry Potter truly is a captivatLQJ¿OPWKDWPHHWVDQ\DQGDOOH[SHFtancies. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 takes off where its predecessor, Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince (2009) left off. Harry, Ron and Hermione are seeking the horcuxes that, if destroyed, will help in defeating Voldemort once and for all. While the three heroes are out doing work that far exceeds the experience level expected for 17-year-olds, the rest of the wizarding world must deal with the frequent and deadly threats from Voldemort and his Death Eaters. For a non-Harry Potter fan, the events taking place in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 may be confusing. But, it would make sense to watch the previous installRQO\LQFUHGLEOHEXWEHOLHYDEOH,WZDV ments of the saga before viewing the easy to look at the screen, see someone ¿UVWSDUWRIWKH¿QDOH ÀRDWLQJLQPLGDLUDQGWKLQN³RIFRXUVH Besides, in this day and age, there that could happen.” Actors took control are few who don’t know what the plot of their roles and pulled viewers farther of the fantastic saga holds, and if you into the storyline than anyone thought are one of the possible. few, why are The characters conyou consider- Harry Potter truly is a captivat- tinue to be some of the ing starting most fantastic of any up at the end? LQJ¿OPWKDWPHHWVDQ\DQGDOO OHQJWK\¿OPVDJD7KH\ Harry are portrayed by some Potter and the expectancies. RIWKH¿QHVWDFWRUVDQG Deathly Halactresses on the planet. lows Part 1 is ,WLVFOHDUWKDWHarry an absolute thrill to watch. Although a Potter is meant to go out with a proud great deal of viewers knew what is gobang, and anything less, to the people ing to happen before it does, the twists involved, would be disgraceful. and turns of the plot still seem fresh. The acting jobs of Harry Potter Shrieks can be heard throughout any (Daniel Radcliff), Ron Weasley (Rupert auditorium during surprising or frightGrint) and Hermione Granger (Emma ening parts, just as tears can be seen Watson) are some of the standouts here, during some of the more emotional DVWKH\KDYHEHHQIRUWKHSDVWVL[¿OPV moments. in the saga. Harry Potter and the Deathly Radcliff, Grint and Watson have Hallows Part 1 is a visually stunning grown up before audiences’ very eyes. ¿OP7KHFLQHPDWRJUDSK\XVHGWDNHV We have seen them go from their the viewer to scenic locations that are awkward pre-teen years, to years ridEUHDWKWDNLQJ7KHODQGVFDSHRIWKH¿OP den with angst and now as near-adults, only adds to the stellar plot, and acts as ready to take on what lies in their paths the perfect background for the viewer with an air of brilliance, wonder, power to sit back and enjoy. and wisdom. They act with a passion Seeing any Potter¿OPLVDOZD\VD that seems well beyond their years and thrill for fans, but for this installment, bring what J.K. Rowling presented in it seemed like every member of the her beloved Harry Potter series to its ¿OPPDNLQJWHDPSXOOHGRXWDQ\DQG pinnacle. all stops. The special effects were not The wonder, action and pure beauty This girl has Bieber Fever By Natalie Kfoury Pioneer Staff a male version of Taylor Swift.” What are some of his best features? AD³:HOOREYLRXVO\KLV voice and his hair. On top of that he has great lips and chocolate brown eyes. They’re not just brown, they’re chocolate brown.” fans and ‘Beliebers’ will get together and go after the hatHUVRYHUWKH,QWHUQHW:HDUH all just there to support him.” Sophomore Allie Doyle What sets you apart from sits next to me with glowthe other Justin Bieber ing eyes that are most likely fans? the result of pre-concert AD³7KHUHDUHVRPDQ\ excitement mixed with an people who kind of hate on insatiable infatuation for teen his choices in girlfriends and sensation Justin Bieber. FUXVKHVEXW,GRQ¶W Yes, Doyle is just like “There are so many people who care about those girls. many of the other count:KHQKHVPLOHV, less females who are livkind of hate on his choices in smile. When he’s ing examples of Bieber KDSS\,¶PKDSS\´ Fever. Yet, Doyle brings girlfriends and crushes, Describe Justin a whole new aspect to but I don’t care about those girls. Bieber in one word. the Bieber bandwagon, AD³$PD]LQJ´ as Trinity’s own Mrs. When he smiles, I smile. What makes Justin Bieber. Bieber special? When he’s happy, I’m happy.” Like many other AD³,WKLQN-XVWLQ fans of the Boy Wonder, Bieber is special Doyle will head into the Do you like him more for EHFDXVH,WKLQNWKDW,KHOSHG Verizon Wireless Arena on WR¿QGKLPEHIRUHSHRSOH Dec. 10 to see the man of her his looks or music? AD³'H¿QLWHO\IRUKLV OLNH8VKHUHYHUNQHZKLP, dreams woo an entire crowd PXVLF7KH¿UVWWLPH,HYHU was watching his YouTube of fans. Of course, Bieber heard him was in 2008 bevideos, like his Justin Timwill also manage to touch her fore he was signed. He used berlake cover, and sending heart personally. to be ugly, too, but now he is people his links way before ,W¶VQRWKDUGWRFRD[WKH hot.” he was discovered.” Bieber love out of Doyle. What sets Justin Bieber What is your favorite JusShe readily will tell you apart from other artists tin Bieber song? how she feels about him and musically? AD³¶'RZQWR(DUWK¶,W¶V KLVPXVLF$QG,¶PVXUH AD³-XVWSXWWLQJWKLVRXW one of his only songs that is that you don’t need me to there, but he has a really QRWDERXWWHHQDJHORYH,W¶V tell you that, when she gets good voice, unlike other artone of his favorite songs, going, she can talk about ists. You can see this espetoo.” him endlessly, yet, in a way, cially in his older Youtube eloquently. videos.” Allie Doyle had her How do you feel about the dreams come true on Dec. 10 What attracts you most to countless other girls who when the man of her dreams Justin Bieber? love him? performed at the Verizon Allie Doyle³+LVVLQJLQJ, AD³(YHU\RQHMXVWVXSSRUWV Wireless Arena in ManORYHKLVYRLFHDQG,ORYHWKH KLP,IDQ\RQHLQVXOWVKLP chester. Falling in love is so way he sings about everyRQWKH,QWHUQHWKLVPLOLWLDRI sweet. thing a girl wants. He’s like RIWKH¿OPGRQRWGLVLQWHJUDWHIURP opening night to a regular matinee showing on a Saturday afternoon. The ¿OPFRQWLQXHVWRZRZYLHZHUVZLWK LWVH[FHOOHQFHQRPDWWHUZKDWDJH,W LVKDUGWRLJQRUHDEULOOLDQW¿OPWKDW amazes viewers from each and every angle. As many Potter fans know, you generally get the best experience during opening night, complete with costumes, wands and comments made at the movie screen. But for this installment, such things could even be found at the Sunday afternoon showing. Although Deathly Hallows was over two and a half hours long, when fans rose from their seats as the credits rolled, it felt as though only a PRPHQWRUWZRKDGSDVVHG,PPHGLately after leaving the theater, people could be heard commenting on the LQFUHGLEOH¿OPDQGH[SUHVVLQJH[FLWHPHQWDERXWVHHLQJWKHQH[WDQG¿QDO installment. With the excitement and anticipation of the last chapter comes a sad sort of nostalgia. So many people have grown up with Harry and his friends, from students in American public schools to kids halfway across the world. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 will, without a doubt, be full of everything a Potter fan could want, but while ZHDOOZDWFKWKHHSLF¿QDOHLQWKHEDFN of our minds, we’ll know that this is the end. Give ‘Gleeks’ total happiness for holidays By Emilee Thompson Special to the Pioneer Remark–even lightly–on the popular TV series, Glee within my hearing range, and you will hear a shriek of, well, glee! ,W¶VQRWKDUGWRJXHVVWKDW, am practically the most devout IDQRIWKHVKRZ,RZQQHDUO\ all the cover songs from the ¿UVWDQGVHFRQGVHDVRQVRIWKH show. On Nov. 16, Glee released its fourth soundtrack album, Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album. ,ZDVWHGQRWLPHLQVDPSOLQJ the music via YouTube. DebutLQJDWQXPEHUHLJKWRQWKH86 Billboard 200 and number one RQWKH866RXQGWUDFNV%LOOboard), the 12-track album clocks in at a little more than DKDOIKRXUORQJ,WZDVRQHRI the best half-hours of my life, and Glee did not fail to launch PH KHDG¿UVW LQWR WKH &KULVWmas spirit. With an opening track like “We Need a Little Christmas,” there’s almost no possible way WR QRW ¿QG \RXUVHOI VLQJLQJ along and decking the halls. ,W¶V WKH FKHHU\ JHW\RXLQ the-Christmasy-mood kind of VRQJ , UHDOL]HG , VR GHVSHUately want to hear every year henceforth the weekend after Thanksgiving. Next came “Deck the Rooftop,” one of Glee’s infamous mash-ups of “Deck the Halls” DQG ³8S 2Q WKH +RXVHWRS´ Though the sound of the track reminds me more of a song from a Disney Mania album, the mash-up idea is adorable. ,ZDVGHOLJKWHGWRVHHWKH classics “The Most Wonderful Day of the Year” from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer as well as “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” and “Welcome Christmas” from How the Grinch Stole Christmas! were included in the album. A few songs from the most recent episode, “A Very Glee Christmas” were also in the album, but left me with an almost un-Christmasy feel as , OLVWHQHG WR ERWK WKH OLVWOHVV “Merry Christmas Darling” and the over-played, “Last Christmas.” 7KDQNIXOO\,KDG³%DE\,WV Cold Outside,” sung by Chris Colfer and guest star Darren Criss, to cheer me up. The rest of the album includes “O Christmas Tree,” “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,” “O Holy Night,” a particularly loveable upbeat Sinatra-jazz version of “Jingle Bells,” sung by the glee clubs guys, and Amber Riley’s soaring rendition of “Angels We Have Heard on High.” 7KLVDOEXPZLOOGH¿QLWHO\ be a memorable addition to any Gleek’s Christmas traditions for years to come. November / December 2010 The Pioneer Arts & Entertainment My Chemical Romance shines on ‘Danger Days’ By Alexis Kittle Pioneer Staff “Planetary(Go!)” is a song musically unlike anything MCR has ever done before. My Chemical Romance is Beginning with a sound almost back again with a new sound like an alarm and blending and a new identity. Since the into something like techno, the band “killed off” their alter band shows themselves in their ego, The Black Parade, in O\ULFV*HPVOLNH³,FDQ¶WVWRS Mexico City on Oct. 7, 2007, QRZ%HFDXVH,¶PGDQFLQJ´ this new revival is exactly DQG³,¶PXQEHOLHYDEOH<HDK² what fans have been waiting ,¶PXQGHIHDWDEOH´UHPLQGIDQV for. of the band’s resilient attitude. Danger Days: The True After “Planetary(Go!),” Lives of the Fabulous Killthe album breaks for a few joys was released on Nov. 19, seconds with “Jet Star and The 2010, bringing with it four .REUD.LG7UDI¿F5HSRUW´ brand-new alter egos for the before diving into “Party Poiband members fans know so son,” in which Gerard sings, well. Lead singer Gerard Way “This ain’t a party/Get off the was transformed into Party GDQFHÀRRU<RXZDQWWKHJHW Poison; Bass guitarist Mikey down/Here comes the gang Way into Kobra Kid; rhythm war.” guitarist Frank “Summer,HURLQWR)XQ time,” though a “This one’s for all slower song than Ghoul; and lead guitarist you rock n’ rollers.” most MCR fans Ray Toro into will be used to, is Jet Star. an excellent addiThe concept of new names tion to Danger Days. Though ¿WWRROGIDFHVLVQRWKLQJQHZ lyrics like “You can run away for My Chemical Romance, as with me/Anytime you want” they have reinvented themare rather familiar, the instruselves for every new album mentals of “Summertime” give they’ve come up with. But the album a lighter feel that true fans can tell, with just one the band has never really tried listen of Danger Days, that before. the band is still the same at its On “The Kids From Yescore. terday,” the band takes anDanger Days begins with other diversion from the norm, “Look Alive, Sunshine,” a throwing in techno and comVRQJ¿OOHGZLWKWKHYRLFHQRW puter-generated sounds. Again, of My Chemical Romance but MCR blends new sounds with of a man who calls himself familiar lyrics like, “You only Dr. Death Defying. As though hear the music when your speaking through the waves heart begins to break/Now we of a radio program, the doctor are the kids from yesterday.” explains that “this one is for all This mix of new and old gives you rock n’ rollers.” the song a quality sound that Shortly after, the song adds to the diversity of the blends smoothly into the album. album’s second song, “Na Na “Vampire Money” is the Na.” The concept of an albums perfect end to Danger Days. ¿UVWVRQJOHDGLQJVHDPOHVVO\ New songs certainly added a into the second is a concept SRVLWLYHÀDLUWRWKLVDOEXPEXW very familiar to MCR fans, as “Vampire Money” has just the is the voice that shows itself right amount of classic MCR RQWKHDOEXP¶V¿UVWKLWVLQJOH sound to be a perfect albumGerard Way is back in full ender. form, half-screaming out lyrics All in all, Danger Days is like “shut up and let me see another stellar album for My your jazz hands.” Chemical Romance fans to The beat of the music and DGGWRWKHLUFROOHFWLRQ,WPD\ 0DFK¿YHVSHHGRIWKHO\ULFV have taken the band nearly on “Na Na Na” are reminiscent three years to complete, but of “Dead!,” an equally quality with the blend of new and old hit off of the band’s last album, sound, it was certainly worth The Black Parade. the wait. Happy holidays from The Pioneer staff! Trinity High School Celebrating 40 Years of Pride, Spirit and Tradition. Page 15 ‘Burlesque’ leaves fans with a lasting impression By Tiffany Keenan Pioneer Staff Burlesque, starring pop star Christina Aguilera and music icon Cher, is one of the best movies seen in a long time. This two-hour ORQJPXVLF¿OOHGSURGXFtion is uplifting and fun to watch with the girls. The movie’s cast members do not disappoint and are perfect for their roles. Burlesque focuses on a beautiful girl named Allie $JXLOHUDIURP,RZDWU\LQJ WR¿QGKHUVHOILQ/RV$Qgeles. She dreams of being a dancer. She leaves her low-paying job as a waitress to make her dream come true with the little money she has in her pocket. One can feel her passion while watching her strive for excellence as she picked up a tray at the Burlesque Lounge in Los Angeles without being hired. She cannot keep her eyes off of the Burlesque dancers and knows that one day she would be one of the dancers. She goes after what she believes in and does not care what people think of her. As the movie progresses, Aguilera’s character becomes the new prodigy of the Burlesque Lounge. She keeps her head high, however naive to the world of show business. Cher plays Tess, the Burlesque night club owner whose whole life revolves around the establishment. She sings a couple numbers in the movie, but her role mainly focuses on running Burlesque. Her character is motherly and caring. Her club unfortunately runs into ¿QDQFLDOWURXEOHDQGVKH ¿QGVKHUVHOIPDNLQJFKDQJHV with the Stars represent the DUHDRIGLI¿FXOW\WKHPRYLH offers. The songs are catchy. Aguilera’s vocals are powerful. She is such a gifted singer, and her role was perfect for her area of expertise. Burlesque is not a musical but has musical-like qualities, such as the dance numbers. However, the songs do not tell the story. So, if you do not like watching musical numbers, Burlesque may not Aguilera’s vocals are be your style. One would recommend powerful. She is such this movie to dancers, singers, and entertainers. But its a gifted singer, and her role was perfect PHVVDJHDSSHDOVWRHYHU\RQH go after what you believe in, for her area of exto follow your heart. However, the movie is not pertise. appropriate for all audiences. Some content and costumes she is not used to. Kristen are risqué. The dancing was Bell plays the jealous star well performed and took a lot of the show (Nikki), whose of skill; however, such dancpopularity decreases once ing would not be showcased Ali’s talent is more proat the school talent show nounced than hers. Through- during Trinity week. Also, out the movie, Nikki’s the main setting of Burlesque character tries to ruin Agumainly takes place at a night LOHUD¶VFRQ¿GHQFHDQGSRZHU club. however, Nikki’s effort is not Burlesque is nominated enough. for a Satellite Award, (annual Burlesque’s cast members DZDUGJLYHQE\WKH,QWHUhave exquisite talent. The national Press Academy,) skills with each dance numand hopefully an Academy ber are breathtaking. ProfesAward, according to an intersional dancers like Juilianne view with Cher on movieonHough from ABC Dancing Deck the halls with beautiful music ,W¶VWKDWWLPHRI\HDUDJDLQ7UHHVDUHEHing bought, decorations are being hung and soon enough, snow is going to start falling. That’s right kids, Christmastime is here. Along with the cookies and milk comes one RIWKHEHVWDGGLWLRQVWRWKHVHDVRQ&KULVWPDV songs. Here at The Pioneer, we love Christmas and the songs that go with it. We’ve compiled for you a list of our favorite seasonal jingles that we hope you’ll enjoy. Joe: “Last Christmas” by Jimmy Eat World “Carol of the Bells” by Metallica with TransSiberian Orchestra Ryan: “Winter Wonder Land” by Animal Collective ³,:RQ¶W%H+RPHIRU&KULVWPDV´E\EOLQN 182 Alexis: “Put One Foot in Front of the Other” from Santa Claus is Coming to Town, “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/25” by Trans-Siberian Orchestra Natalie: ³,:LVK,W:DV&KULVWPDV7RGD\´E\-XOLDQ Casablancas “Don’t Shoot Me Santa” by The Killers Ciara: ³7KLV&KULVWPDV´E\%R\],,0HQ “Silent Night” by Beyonce Tiffany: ³$OO,:DQWIRU&KULVWPDVLV<RX´E\0DULDK Carey “Where Are You Christmas?” by Faith Hill Nicole: “Merry Christmas, Baby” by Brighten ft. The Maine “Last Christmas” by Taylor Swift Jess: ³$OO,:DQWIRU&KULVWPDVLV\RX´E\0DULDK Carey “Silent Night” by Taylor Swift Aubrey: “Last Christmas” by Taylor Swift “Christmastime” by DJ Billy Pride. Spirit. Tradition. Trinity High School Go Pioneers! Page 16 The Pioneer The Back Page October / November 2010 +DYHDJUHDWLGHDWKDWZLOOEHQH¿W7ULQLW\" :DQWWRZLQ" Then let The Pioneer know! The Pioneer is sponsoring a video/idea contest, open to any Trinity High School student, class, or organization. 7KHJRDO&UHDWHDSURMHFWWKDWZLOOJLYHEDFNWRWKHFRPPXQLW\LQVLGHWKHZDOOVRI7ULQLW\+LJK6FKRRO7KLQNDERXWZKDW you’d like to do/see/create at Trinity—and then pitch the idea in a 2-3 minute video. Submit your video electronically or on CD, and The Pioneer staff will whittle the entries down to the top 3-5. Then, those entries will be posted on our website and/or Facebook page for the community to vote. The winning idea will win $100 toward the project—but, here’s the catch—you won’t get the $100 until after the project is either under way or, in some cases, completed. The Pioneer staff will document the entire process in print, photo, and video. Here’s your chance to make a difference in our slice of the world. ,Q\RXUYLGHR7HOOXV\RXULGHDDQGZK\ZHVKRXOGJLYH\RXUSURMHFW Think big—we know you’re capable of making a difference. We know you want to. Now it’s time to do it. Contest rules: 9LGHRPXVWEHEHWZHHQDQGPLQXWHVDQGEHVXEPLWWHGLQDQDFFHSWDEOH¿OHIRUPDW *Any student, organization, or class may submit an idea *There is no limit to how many ideas a student, class, or organization can submit—however, each entry must have a separate video submission *The staff must receive a minimum of 10 entries for the contest to take place *Deadline for submissions is Friday, Jan. 14. *Award money will be granted once the project has been implemented at Trinity. Project must be under way (but it needs not be completed) no later than Monday Feb. 15. *All projects must be self-implemented and possible within the current school structure and policies. Fashion corner with Ryan, Ciara and Nicole: Fall do’s and don’ts By Ciara Speller Pioneer Staff By Nicole Fell Pioneer Staff By Ryan Mitchell Pioneer Staff Fashion do7KLVLVDIDVKion do for the guys. As the cold season is DSSURDFKLQJ,KDYHQRWLFHG more and more that boys are VZLWFKLQJIURPÀHHFHVDQG sweatshirts to pea coats. 3HDFRDWVZHUH¿UVWZRUQ in the 18th century by sailors, and they are now a fashion statement for males and females. Pea coats can be worn during fancy occasions, like to a Christmas party or any kind of family gathering, and even to a more dressed-down occasion like out to the movies with a group of friends. Pea coats come in a variHW\RIFRORUVEXW,SHUVRQDOO\ think they are most attractive in the colors black, navy or JUD\,NQRZDORWRI\RXJX\V out there are Harry Potter fans, and Daniel Radcliffe seems to be a fan of pea coats, and you should be, too. He’s a wizard; he knows good fashion. Christmas is coming soon, DQG,NQRZZHDUHDOOVWDUWLQJ to write up our wish lists for Santa, so don’t forget to include a nice, warm and trendy pea coat. Fashion Don’tWKHSDMDPD too-grungy look at the gym. Yes, we all know that the gym is probably the last place you would try and look good, but come on, people. Just because you are at the gym doesn’t mean that people will QRWVHH\RXDQGWKHRXW¿W\RX DUHZHDULQJ,¶PQRWVD\LQJ you should wear something ridiculous, but you should look presentable and not like you just rolled out of bed. ,VZHDUZKHQ,¶PDWWKH J\P,VRPHWLPHVVHHSHRSOH who look like they just woke XSDQGGHFLGHG³(K,GRQ¶W QHHGWRFKDQJH´,¶PVRUU\ that will never be the case. All you need to do is throw on some sweatpants, a decent T-shirt, and a pair of running shoes. No one is asking you to wear a tux or a gown. Just some sweats. But please, refrain from those God-awful sweats that shouldn’t even be worn around your house. Just wear something decent, something you shouldn’t be embarrassed to be seen in no matter who is there. Clean up your act a bit. But please, no pajamas. Fashion Do'UHVVXS like you’re from Harry Potter. Seems like a good idea, right? 5LJKW,PHDQWKHVWDUVFDVXDO clothes are incredibly fabulous, and so are their long-forgotten robes that they left when WKH\GLWFKHG+RJZDUWVWR¿QG Horcruxes. And ladies, let’s be honest, what do teenage guys want more than the beautiful Ms. Hermione Granger, herself? Fashion Don’t5D\%DQ :D\IDUHU)RUUHDOLQGLHNLGV non-indie kids/hipster kids/ everybody, Ray Ban WayfarHUVDUHQRWDWLPHOHVVEWR be worn indoors or at night; or c) an impressively clever way to hide the fact that you want to look and feel exactly like Edward Cullen, while still being able to voice your disapproval of the Twilight series. And if you wear Ray Ban Wayfarers and also happen to like TwilightWKHQD, guess you would fall under the non-indie kid category; b) you can disregard argument “c” against Wayfarers but should still c) get a different pair of sunglasses. They’re just not fabulous anymore! This Month’s Staff Picks 5HDGEHORZWR¿QGRXWZKDW\RXUPioneer staffers are obsessed with and can’t get enough of. Joe loves peac oats, Freal shakes, $3.50 movies at the Regal Cinemas in Hooksett,, not going to semi, and the song “Coming Home” by Diddy-Dirty Money featuring Skylar Grey. Ryan loves Keep Shoes, the band Animal Collective, William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, oranges, and that there will soon be snow. Nicole loves the Sprint EVO 4G, her Boston College sweatshirt, holiday shopping sales, Kesha’s new CD Cannibal, long earrings, and Christmas movies. Tiffany loves Toll House 8OWLPDWH&KRFRODWH&KLS cookies, Memere’s mashed potatoes, the Turkey Bowl, yoga pants, semi-formal, and Harry Potter. Natalie loves Doctor Who Christmas Specials, Julian Casablancas, Amélie, footie pajamas, Nestor, the LongEared Christmas Donkey and fun, as in the band. Alexis loves Jack Skellington footie pajamas, the Ravasaurus Rex, her job at +RW7RSLFWKH,QGLH5RFN Coloring Book, Buzz Lightyear and blanket forts. Ciara loves making snow men, roasting marshmallows, ÀHHFHVRFNVYDQLOODFKDLWHD and boyfriend hoodies. Aubrey loves Christmastime, hot chocolate with whipped cream, ABC Family’s Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas, Bearpaw boots, candy canes, and Christmas vacation. Jess loves Thanksgiving break, putting up the Christmas tree, candy, cranberry MXLFHDQGVQRZEDOO¿JKWV