Newsletter - San Leandro Unified School District
Newsletter - San Leandro Unified School District
Roosevelt Hornet Newsletter 9 5 1 D ow l i n g B l vd San Leandro, CA 94577 Important Dates Mar 2 – Coffee & Conversation, 8:15 Mar 3 – LGBTQS Mtg., 7 p.m. Mar 9 – All School Assembly, 8:15 a.m. Mar 9 – Founder’s Day Event Mar 16 – Voces Unidas, 6:30 p.m. Mar 17 – Dads’ Club Mtg., 6:30, PTA Mtg., 7 p.m. Mar 21-24 –Teacher Appreciation Week Mar 22 – AAPAG Mtg., 6:30 p.m. Mar 23 – Hornet Hustle, 10 a.m. Mar 24 – Spring concert, 10 & 1 p.m. Mar 25 – Staff Development, NO SCHOOL Mar 28-Apr 1- Spring Break-NO SCHOOL Future Dates Apr 6 – Coffee & Conversation, 8:15 Apr 7 – Art & Rhythm Night Apr 7 – LGBTQS Mtg., 7 p.m. Apr 20 - Voces Unidas, 6:30 p.m. Apr 21 – Dads’ Club Mtg., 6:30, PTA Mtg., 7 p.m. Apr 24 – Spring Clothing Exchange @ Zocalos Coffeehouse, 7-10 p.m. Apr 26 - AAPAG Mtg., 6:30 p.m. Apr 30 – Roosevelt Auction Dr. Soraya Sablo-Sutton, Principal Issue #17, March 3, 2016 h t t p : / /w w w .r o o s e ve l t - h o r n e t s . c o m / n ew s l e t t e r s / Mar 3rd - LGBTQS Mtg., 7 p.m. Mar 9th-All School Assembly, 8:15 a.m. Mar 9th – Founders’ Day, Mar 16th – Voces Unidas Mtg.- 6:30 p.m. Principal’s News Greetings Roosevelt Families! Read Across America Week: February 29 - March 4th. In concert with the rest of the school libraries in the district, our library will be actively participating in Read Across America Week. The event celebrates a love of reading and promotes reading literacy, particularly with younger students. During their library time this week, students will listen to a Dr. Seuss book and participate in a related activity. Dr. Seuss's work is being highlighted because of the love of reading his books instilled in children and because his birthday falls during Read Across America Week on March 2. In addition, the library will have several special displays up for the week, as well as fun facts and riddles posted around the library. Students that wish to come to the library during lunch recess can color pictures related to Read Across America Week. Sincerely, Dr. Sablo Sutton Principal, Roosevelt Elementary Saludos Familias de Roosevelt! Semana de Read Across América : Febrero 29 - 4 de marzo. En concierto con el resto de las bibliotecas escolares en el distrito, nuestra biblioteca estará participando activamente en la Semana Read Across America. El evento celebra el amor por la lectura y promueve la competencia lectora, sobre todo con los más jóvenes. Durante su tiempo en la biblioteca esta semana, los estudiantes escucharan un libro del Dr. Seuss y participaran en una actividad relacionada. El trabajo del Dr. Seuss se destacó por el amor de la lectura de sus libros inculcados en los niños y porque su cumpleaños cae durante la semana de Read Across America el 2 de marzo. Además, la biblioteca tendrá varias pantallas especiales para la semana, así como de los datos interesantes y adivinanzas publicado por la biblioteca. Los estudiantes que desean venir a la biblioteca durante el recreo del almuerzo puede colorear imágenes relacionadas con la Semana Read Across America. Dr. Sutton Sablo Directora, Roosevelt Page 2 Hornet Newsletter Special Thanks to… this week’s office worker’s Izabella Hearne and Edrea Tu who worked hard and answered phones. We couldn’t have done it without you! Cleaning out your kids closets? Our Roosevelt closet in the front office is in need of “gently” used PANTS/sweatpants (especially the smaller sizes 4-7), socks and long sleeved shirts/sweatshirts. With our rainy days we get lots of students who get wet, muddy, ect. These clothes have been put to good use. And is very helpful to working parents who don’t have to leave work to bring dry clothes for their child. Please bring clothing to the front office, thank you! Free! The Roosevelt School Library is open After-School! for Grades 2 - 5 After-School Library Dates for March: Mon. 2/29, 3:10-5:00! Tues. 3/1, 3:10-5:00! Wed. 3/2, not open! Thurs. 3/3, 3:10-5:00! ! Mon. 3/7, not open! Tues. 3/8, 3:10-5:00! Wed. 3/9, 2:00-3:30! Thurs. 3/10, 3:10-5:00! ! Mon. 3/14, 3:10-5:00! Tues. 3/15, 3:10-5:00! Wed. 3/16, 2:00-3:30! Thurs.3/17, 3:10-5:00! ! Mon. 3/21, not open! Tues. 3/22, 3:10-5:00! Wed. 3/23, 2:00-3:30! Thurs.3/24, 3:10-5:00 To Sign up, go to the Roosevelt School Website:!! or inquire at the Roosevelt Office Look for this book! in the left hand column on the school website to link you to library sign-ups. Please note: Sign-ups are first come, first served. And don’t forget to pack a snack! BROADMOOR Parent Cooperative Preschool 951 Dowling Blvd, San Leandro 510.569.5360 Located next to Roosevelt Elementary, Broadmoor is a play-based, parent operated cooperative preschool. Since 1939, Broadmoor has fostered the development of parents and children within our families, our school, and our community. February 3: Parent Information Night 7pm–8:30pm Broadmoor’s Directors will share the program’s mission and philosophies, the day-to-day operation of our school, what we ask of our member families, and what you and your family can expect to get in return. Adults only, please. March 6: Open House 11am–2pm Drop by with your children to explore our school, meet the Directors, and talk to currently enrolled families to find out what it’s like to be a part of the co-op. Light snacks and fun provided! School Tours Given monthly Please contact [email protected] to schedule. Applications for the 2016/17 school year will be available starting in February. All new families MUST attend either Parent Info Night, Open House, or a School Tour before their applications will be accepted. Currently enrolled students and alumni are given priority; all other applicants are entered into a lottery. For more information, please visit 中國新年教育基金慈善音樂會 Lunar New Year Celebration Charity Event Benefiting San Leandro Education Foundation a s i a n c o m mu n i t y c u lt u r a l a s s o c i at i o n of san leandro presents MA RCH 12, 2016 (S at ur day) 6pm to 8pm S A N LE A NDRO PE RFORMING A R T S CE N T E R 2 25 0 B a n c r o f t A v e . , S a n L e a n d r o , C A 9 4 57 7 T ic ket infor mation: 1- 80 0 - 819-2828; 415 - 69 9- 4 094 Gener al tic ket: $15 Youth tic ket: $10 You can also purchase tickets online at S p o n s o r s: FH DAILEY Outstanding Investment American Indian Model Schools New York Life Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. East West Bank A FREE PARENT WORKSHOP How to Talk With Your Kids About Puberty, Sexuality, and Healthy Relationships You know you should be having “the talk,” but how? It’s SO important! Research shows that youth who talk with their parents about sex are more likely to establish and maintain healthy relationships, have good decision-making skills, wait longer to have sex, and use contraception once they do start. March 23, 2016 6:00–8:00 pm Roosevelt Elementary Multipurpose Room Parents of San Leandro Unified School District students are invited to join us to: • Communicate more effectively with their kids about puberty, healthy relationships and sexual health • Get more comfortable initiating conversations and answering their kids’ difficult questions. This workshop is intended for parents only. Dinner and childcare are provided. C RSVP at C LGBTQS* Alliance * Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Straight Sponsored by the Bay Area Communities for Health Education (BACHE), San Leandro LGBTQS Alliance, and the Roosevelt PTA. For more information about how BACHE can support parents and schools around sexual health contact Nicole Maderas, [email protected]. UN TALLER GRATUITO PARA LOS PADRES Cómo hablar con sus hijos sobre la pubertad, sexualidad y relaciones saludables Usted sabe que debe de tener la “conversación,” pero ¿cómo? İEs tan importante! Las investigaciones muestran que los jóvenes que hablan con sus padres sobre el sexo tienen más probabilidades de establecer y mantener relaciones saludables, tener buenas habilidades de toma de decisiones, esperar más tiempo para tener relaciones sexuales, y el uso de anticonceptivos una vez que empiezan. 23 de marzo 6:00–8:00 pm Roosevelt Elementary Multipurpose Room Se Invita a los Padres de los Estudiantes del Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Leandro a: • Comunicarse más efectivamente con sus hijos sobre las relaciones saludables, la pubertad, y la salud sexual • Sentirse más seguro de iniciar conversaciones y responder a las preguntas difíciles de sus niños. Este taller está para los padres solamente. Se proporcionan la cena y el cuidado de niños. C RSVP: C LGBTQS* Alliance * Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Straight Patrocinado por Bay Area Communities for Health Education (BACHE), San Leandro LGBTQS Alliance, y Roosevelt PTA. Para más información de cómo BACHE puede apoyar a los padres y las escuelas acerca de la salud sexual, comuníquese con Nicole Maderas, [email protected]. Dancing, feathers, beads & masks.... What more do we need to have a blast! Auction SAVE THE DATE!! April 30, 2016 Attention Roosevelt Families! Roosevelt’s Mardi Gras & Spring Auction Saturday, April 30 th , 2016 5pm-10pm Save the date and get ready for a GREAT night out for the best cause – our kids! This year’s auction extravaganza will be a Mardi Gras Party, chock-full of fun and useful items for every budget, not to mention tasty food and drinks, excellent music and great company. If you’ve never been, make this the year. We hope everyone will be able to come, but no matter what: We need your help. Donations that come from Roosevelt parents and their extended network of friends, family, and work associates are some of the most outstanding and popular items at the auction. So here are a couple of simple ways YOU can participate: ! Donate an auction item. You may not think you have something “auction worthy”, but we’ll bet you do! Perhaps you have a special skill (computers, rock climbing, graphic design?), a vacation property, sporting event tickets, fine art, or handmade items? Maybe you like to cook (cupcakes for a birthday party, homemade meals, desserts or jams). Or maybe plan parties, teach tennis, or scrapbook, any skill? You can offer to teach a group or your services for bid. All of these (and much more) can become a hugely successful auction item or Pay-to-Play event. If you’re considering something, let us know or ask us for help. ! Take a moment to ask your employer or your favorite local business for an auction donation. This could include a gift certificate, a facility tour, sporting event or performance tickets, gift baskets, etc. It’s that simple. Thank you all for any help you can provide. Your participation is really what makes our school and our children succeed. Keep an eye out for ticket information and more details next month. See you at the auction! Best regards, Roosevelt Auction Committee Roosevelt Auction Committee 2016 [email protected] or 510-507-0109 ! February 2016 Dear Friend of Roosevelt Elementary School, The Roosevelt Elementary School Parent Teacher Association is writing to ask for your help by contributing to our school auction, our primary fundraiser of the year. We hope to purchase books and materials for our classrooms and library, as well as continuing to fund our Instructional Aide who supports our teachers in our classrooms. As class sizes continue to grow, our Aide becomes more and more important to our teachers. Auction profits will also enable us to continue implementing our successful anti-bullying curriculum. Any donation of gift certificates or Auction items that you can provide will go a long way toward supporting our students, as well as promoting your company as a community-minded business to an audience of local leaders, business owners, parents and other involved community members! All donations will receive: ! Full recognition in the auction catalog ! Eye-catching display on auction bid boards We are also pleased to display any brochures or other marketing information along with your donation, if provided. All donations are fully tax deductible. Roosevelt School PTA is a notfor-profit, 501(c)3 organization; our Tax ID is 946173865. We’ve attached a simple donation form for your convenience, and we’re happy to arrange for pick-up of your donation if necessary. Our goal is to make supporting Roosevelt Elementary School as easy and as beneficial to your business as possible. We sincerely hope you will help us this year. Best regards, Roosevelt Auction Committee Roosevelt Auction Committee 2016 [email protected] or 510-507-0109 Laissez les bons temps rouler P.S. 100% of the auction items are donated by individuals and businesses like yours who are committed to the belief that our local public schools are a great place to learn. This is truly a community-driven event and your support is both needed and deeply appreciated. Turn over for Donation Form ! Roosevelt’s Mardi Gras & Spring Auction Saturday, April 30 th , 2016 5pm-10pm Thank you for participating in our Annual Spring Auction! This year’s event will hopefully allow us to continue to enrich the lives of our students. We also hope to purchase books and materials for our classrooms and library, as well as continuing to fund our Instructional Aide who supports our teachers in our classrooms. We would also like to continue helping fund educational field trips for our students. Auction profits will also enable us to continue implementing our successful anti-bullying curriculum. Form can also be completed online at:! Participation Form Date_______________________________ Donating Company/Family __________________________ Contact Person______________________________ Email ___________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________ Address__________________________________________ City____________________________________________ Donations Zip ________________________________________ Auction Items - Cash - Other Item Donation - Estimated Value: $__________ Cash Donation of : $_________ Other_________________ Description (Please include expiration date if applicable):______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Program Booklet ! ! Business Ads & Family Ads Camera Ready Advertisements need to be supplied in digital format, (pdf files preferred). Files can be emailed to [email protected]. The space reservation deadline is April 4th. If no camera ready art is supplied we can create an ad for you! Your information is needed by April 4th. $25 1/4 page (business card size) - 4.5”w x 2”h; black and white $75 1/2 page - 8”w x 5”h; black and white $150 Full Page - 8”w x 10.5”h; black and white $350 Full Page - 8”w x 10.5”h; Full Color Please make checks payable to "Roosevelt PTA." ! All!donations!are!tax!deductible.!Roosevelt(School(PTA(is(a(not2for2profit,(501(c)3!organization.! TAX(ID#(946173865.!Please!retain!a!copy!of!this!form!as!your!receipt.! ! Roosevelt Elementary School Questions? Contact Roosevelt Auction Committee at [email protected] or 510-507-0109 Roosevelt Elementary School 951 Dowling Blvd. San Leandro, CA 94577 Phone: 510-618-4350 Fax: 510-639-0832