Tayside and Fife`s highest read quality newspaper
Tayside and Fife`s highest read quality newspaper
Tayside and Fife’s highest read quality newspaper Is the best selling newspaper in Tayside and Fife! is proud of its unrivalled coverage of local news, events and people and its broad mix of Scottish, UK and international stories. It is published Monday to Saturday, delivering strong coverage in towns and rural communities throughout Tayside, Fife and Central Scotland. Advertising opportunities Throughout the year The Courier offers specific platforms, in the many seasonal, specialist and themed features and supplements targeted to meet your business needs. The Courier also provides targeted editionalised advertising. Advertising contacts • • • • • Alison Edwards 01382 575667 or email [email protected] Mediaforce 020 7583 2100 (London), 0161 828 8500 (Manchester), 0131 555 7400 (Edinburgh) Classified Advertising 01382 455666 or email [email protected] Inserts Advertising: John Craig 01382 575196, email [email protected] Page Planner: Karen Gillespie 01382 575184 or [email protected] The Courier sells more copies in its circulation area than any other newspaper. sales: 43,031* 99.5% Paid A brighter, bolder Courier • More manageable, user-friendly compact size • Full colour • Bolder, brighter, fresher design readers: 145,000** • Life platforms • Increased content • Bold signposting and a comprehensive index Life Platforms Local news will always be at the core of the newspaper however readers will now find exciting platforms on lifestyle, sports, business and what’s on. The View. Four page section at the centre of the paper with comment, analysis, readers’ letters and regular features like the Craigie Column. Monday – Life Matters, Business section and more than 20 pages of Sport. Wednesday – Business section. Expanded midweek Sports section. Thursday – Property supplement. Friday – What’s on supplement – covering concerts and gigs to exhibitions and theatre productions. Saturday – Weekend – our lifestyle magazine including celebrity interviews, style and beauty, travel, recipes and reviews from restaurants and hotels across East Scotland as well as seven-day guide to weekend television and radio. The Courier, Tayside and Fife’s highest read quality newspaper. Source: *ABC Jul – Dec 2015, NRS Jan - Dec 15 Everyday – sales: 43,031* 99.5% Paid Our readers in detail Our readers are more likely to be aged 45+, homeowners with children/grandchildren#. 50% are social grade ABC1. 42% of readers are working part or full time whilst 48% are now enjoying retirement.** 145,000** Age Profile** 10% 15-24 43% 11% 4% 25-34 35-44 17% 15% 45-54 55-64 65+ Social Grade Profile** 25% 25% AB C1 20% 18% C2 12% D E Gender Profile** 46% 54% Male Female The Courier reaches more ABC1’s in Tayside & Fife than any other paper. Source: *ABC Jul - Dec 2015, **NRS Jan – Dec 15, # GB TGI 2015 Q4 (Jul 14 – Jun 15) - All adults readers: sales: Courier Country 43,031* 99.5% Paid The Courier is sold in Tayside, Fife and Central Scotland and provides local, national and international news. Adults in the area agree that…+ readers: 145,000** “…I am interested in local issues” (234,000 adults agree) “…Local newspapers have a large part to play in campaigning and local issues” (126,000 adults agree) “…The Courier helps make me feel part of the local community” (62,000 readers agree) “…Local Campaigns are important to me” (22,000 readers agree) “…I am proud to live in this area” (55,000 readers agree) “…I have a strong sense of community” (32,000 readers agree) One in three adults in the Courier area agree that The Courier keeps them in touch with what’s going on in the local area.+ Source: *ABC Jul - Dec 2015, NRS Jan – Dec 15, + DCT Newspaper Insight Survey 2014 Courier readers agree that…+ Print Run: 60,000 Target an Audience Inserting your leaflet inside a newspaper means your message is invited into the readers environment. Inserts are a tangible advertising tool that not only offer creative flexibility but can be retained and looked at time and time again. They can also level the playing field by allowing local advertisers to run alongside national advertisers as an equal. Key Points • Targeted portfolio • Ideal opportunity to test various demographics • Very good rates available for volume We not only deliver the newspaper, more importantly we deliver you an audience. Advertising that speaks for itself “we have been Courier advertisers for many years….we’d like to thank you for the quality and level of service we have received” “advertising campaign has had a positive effect…acquired many new clients...increase in bookings” Jeanette Cohan, Robertson of Broughty Ferry Scott Jarron, Scott Brothers Butchers, Dundee “a healthy increase in customers” Steve Sidowra, Director, Allardyce Healthcare, Dundee “gained many new customers throughout Tayside & Fife” JC Barclay, James Barclay Furnishings Ltd, Perth “received excellent results” “The Courier has most definitely helped us to maximise awareness” Jim Brown, Managing Director, Barnetts Motor Group, Dundee “very successful results...gained over 80 new customers from right across our area” Karen Marr, Park Leisure Ltd, Dundee “significant interest generated following advertising in The Courier…will certainly be advertising in the future” Sharon, Solar Cities Scotland Douglas G Lamont, Wiltshire Farm Foods, Crieff The Courier offers great value and effective advertising. Display Rates (effective January 2012) Full Page 335mm x 7col £4955 Half Page 165mm x 7col £2588.25 Trade Display Mono Min size 3cm x 1col £18.10 s.c.c. Trade Display Colour Min size 3cm x 1col £21.75 s.c.c. 4cm x 7col (4cm deep x 259mm wide) £27.00 s.c.c. Page 3 Solus Max overall 49cms (Max height 15cms) £27.00 s.c.c Page 5 Solus Max overall 60cms (Max height 15cms) £25.00 s.c.c Front Page Solus All other pre-page 17 Conditions of acceptance Mono £20.80 s.c.c. Colour £25.00 s.c.c. All other sections Mono £18.10 s.c.c. Colour £21.75 s.c.c. 20% VAT rate applicable, All rates based on full display Mechanical Data Column Widths ROP Column Widths CLASSIFIED 1 34mm 5 184mm 1 30mm 5 160mm 2 71mm 6 221mm 2 62mm 6 193mm 3 109mm 7 259mm 3 95mm 7 226mm 4 146mm 4 128mm 8 259mm Copy and cancellation deadlines Classified run on adverts – 1pm day preceding publication (3pm Friday for Monday). Classified semi display adverts - 5pm 2 days preceding publication. Intimations - 5pm day preceding publication. ROP and display advertisements – 5 pm 2 days preceding publication (12 noon Friday for Monday). Cancellations – 5 days preceding publication date. Conditions of acceptance All advertisements are accepted conditionally upon being approved, and if not inserted any monies paid will be refunded. While every effort will be made to insert advertisements at the time specified, no guarantee can or will be given for such insertion and no liability will be accepted for omissions or inaccuracies, or for any consequence arising there from, or for damage to or loss of any material supplied. The Publishers reserve the right to alter, modify, suspend or cancel any advertisements at any time without notice. No responsibility is taken for any mishap in the handling of Box Number replies. Advertisements are accepted only on condition that the advertiser warrants that the advertisement does not in any way contravene the provisions of The Trade Descriptions Act, 1968, or the Business Advertisements (Disclosure) Order, 1977, or the Consumer Credit Act, 1974, and complies with the British Code of Advertising Practice. The placing of an order shall be considered as acceptance of these conditions. Some telephone calls may be recorded purely for training purposes • DC Thomson & Co Ltd • Registered Address – Albert Square, Dundee DD1 9QJ • Registered in Scotland No 5830
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