DragonTales Summer 2006 - HKIS Alumni Home


DragonTales Summer 2006 - HKIS Alumni Home
H K I S D r a g o n Ta l e s
Summer 2006
Volume 7
The Alumni Magazine of HKIS
Vol ume 7
Su mme r 2006
HKIS...The Early Years:
Tensions in China,
and the Cultural Revolution
HKIS DragonTales is published
twice a year by the Community
& Resource Development Office
of Hong Kong International School.
Christina Tung
Erik Weihenmayer (Class of 1986)visits...
Our Students, Our Rising Stars!
Artistic Endeavors Move On
Juana Cheung
Public Relations Manager
Return to 1 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam
James Manning
Communications Manager
Old and New
Loretta Fung
Volunteen of the Week, Gretchen Jennings
(Class of 2006)
Sharifah Albukary
Alumni Relations Manager
Back To The Future
June 2007: 40th Anniversary Celebration
HKIS Spearheads
St. Baldrick’s Day in Hong Kong
Classnotes & Faculty & Staff News
Who do u Remember?
Sharifah Albukary ‘94
James Manning
Alumni Directory
Are you looking for a classmate?
Email us at [email protected] or
check the Online Directory
Keep Us Informed
To make sure you continue to
receive DragonTales, please keep us
informed of any changes to your address: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni
Contact us
Alumni Office
1 Red Hill Rd.,
Tai, Tam, Hong Kong.
Tel. 852-3149 7824
Fax. 852-2813 4293
[email protected]
Bubbleyum Creative
[email protected]
Keep in touch at:
HKIS...The Early Years...
Memories of “First” Headmaster, Bob Christian
Mounting tensions in China due to the
The opening of HKIS was the result of cooperation among many peo-
Cultural Revolution resulted in thou-
ple and many groups. The Hong Kong Education Department gave the
sands of refugees finding their way into
grant of land for constructing the facilities, along with an initial loan
Hong Kong. They lived on the hillsides
in squatters huts which were often devastated by fire, in the hastily built high
rise government buildings which provided 100 square foot flats for six to
eight people or more, or on the junks
in Aberdeen, Causeway Bay, and other
places. Eight months after the September 1966 opening of the HKIS Provisional School on Chung Hom Kok
Road, these problems erupted into six months of riots in the colony creating some “interesting challenges”. China cut off the water supply to
Hong Kong during the summer months of 1967, only providing the population four hours of water each fourth day. Furthermore, the devaluation
of the US dollar during this time also fueled additional problems.
While the Provisional School was established during the 1966-67 school
year, the first HKIS facilities were being constructed in Repulse Bay.
Somehow the building went up. 35 teachers from all over the world began their ministry at the school, and the K-12 HKIS program opened
with over 600 students in September 1967. Keeping with the custom and
practice of schools in Hong Kong, which at that time had over 1,000,000
students in primary and secondary education, HKIS students attended
school in their school uniforms: “the winter uniforms” were for cool
temperatures, featuring a light blue blazer with the “Crusader’s Cross”
in support of this. The Lutheran Church in the US provided a grant and
loan for construction, the Lutheran Church in Hong Kong and other
Hong Kong church bodies “pitched in”, and the Hong Kong business
community and the U.S. State Department provided assistance in
many ways. The new teachers gave their all, and parents helped with
countless hours of volunteer work. The name for the school, “Hong
Kong International”, rather than “The American School in Hong
Kong”, or something else along these lines, was chosen because of
the philosophical and educational belief that a school in an international setting should take full advantage of the many opportunities it
was offered to provide positive inter-cultural experiences. It should
bring students and their families from various backgrounds together,
fostering international understanding and relationships.
HKIS changed my life too, and I continue to have a deep love for this
“awesome” school. As I look back, why did my dear wife, Arleen, and
I, decide to take our family halfway around the world, to a place that
had so many unknowns and so many uncertainties? We really felt that
this was a God-given call to serve God and people who were all part of
God’s creation, our brothers and sisters. We believed that an “American - type education” in an international setting, with an international
flavor and substance was important.
From the very beginning, it was our hope and our prayer that in and
through the school and its people, all persons who would be in contact
with the school, would be touched by God’s love.
That was the picture for the first years, after my wife Arleen and I, with
our three daughters and one son, ages seven through fifteen stepped off
the plane in Hong Kong in early August of 1966. We said our good-byes
to friends in the Bronx, New York, where we had lived for the previous
seventeen years, and to family in the Midwest. Yes, there were tears from
our children as they left their home, but within several months, they
were saying, “Being here in Hong Kong is great, mom and dad”, and
they quickly settled into their new school and the new community surrounding them. Their years in Hong Kong became positive life-changing
This continues to be my hope and my prayer for those who currently
attend the school and who have attended the school in the past. I also
plan, unless there are unforeseen events in the next 14 months, to be
in Hong Kong in June of 2007 for the 40th year anniversary and all
school HKIS reunion. It will be a joy to be with you. I hope you can
make it. The alumni and staff are working so hard to make this a very
special and a very meaningful experience.
God be with you,
Bob Christian
Message From The Head of School
Next school year will be a year of celebrations at HKIS to mark
our 40th year of serving and educating in Hong Kong. The biggest event scheduled thus far is the 40th Reunion to be held in
Hong Kong during the weekend of June 14-19, 2007. Alumni,
ex-faculty, ex-Board leaders and past Heads of School will
gather in Hong Kong for the event. The 40th Anniversary website (http://dragonnet.hkis.edu.hk/reunion/) is taking registrations now. Three familiar faces already signed up for the event
include Kenneth Rohrs, Diana McGregor-Brown and David
Kohl. Take a few moments to check out the site, see who else is
planning to participate, and register when you have time. Your
presence would help to make this a special gathering, so please
mark your calendars. As part of our celebrations, we will also
be publishing the Alumni-sponsored HKIS History Book. A big
thanks to all alumni who have supported this project.
Dear HKIS Alumni,
At the end of April, the Charles W. Dull Visiting Scholar
Series, sponsored by the HKIS Annual Fund, hosted Erik
Weihenmayer ‘86, a celebrated athlete and traveler who is also
blind. A high school and college wrestler, sky diver, skier, scuba
diver, marathon runner, wilderness hiker, ice and rock-climber,
and mountaineer, he is the only blind person to summit Mt.
Everest. He is one of the youngest people to climb the Seven
Summits, the highest peaks of each continent. And, to top it off,
Erik is an alumnus of HKIS. He attended HKIS from 1976-80.
His visit to HKIS was a homecoming for him. While here he
was able to meet up with his second grade teacher, Tina Adams,
who retired last year from HKIS.
Erik is an outstanding example of strong character, commitment, achievement and teamwork. During his presentations
Erik candidly shared the challenges he had to overcome. He
spoke movingly of the role his family played in his battle to
break through the barriers of blindness. If you would like to
learn more about Erik, your alum, please take the time to visit
his website at http://www.touchthetop.com/
The Celebration Ball on May 13 allowed our community to
celebrate the accomplishments of our students and our school
while raising funds for HKIS. We had six alumni sponsored
tables. I want to thank alumni serving on the Celebration Ball
Committee: Gisa Lee ’80, Pattie Bossany Gordon ’84 and Liza
Wei ’82 for their hard work. My thanks also go to our Alumni
Co-chairs serving on the Annual Fund Cabinet, Ning Li ’76 and
Timothy Zee ’84.
As I write, 193 members of the Class of 2006 are preparing
for graduation. We can be proud of their accomplishments and
wish them god-speed as they prepare for the next chapter in
their lives. Please welcome them as newly-minted alumni of
Alumni are an integral part of both the heritage and the future
of our school. I am committed to maintaining and strengthening school links with you wherever you are in the world. If
you have new ideas on how we can improve contacts or ideas
for new events and programs, please let us know by emailing
[email protected]
Have a wonderful summer, and keep in touch!
Richard W. Mueller
Head of School
Message From The Alumni Board President:
Kenneth Koo
By the time you’re reading this message, your Alumni Board have
already laid the groundwork for this “once-in-a-lifetime” 40th
Reunion to be held in June, 2007. View the progress of this Reunion’s
planning on the 40th Reunion Website as well as a potpourri of features,
infopaks as well as the ever-expanding “40 Years Of............” photo gallery which will really stoke the fires of nostalgia within your hearts.
For those of you who’ve registered for this Reunion, welcome back
as you pick up from the last time you were in HKIS and continue your
journey with HKIS. For those whom are still wondering if this is worthwhile...................believe me, IT IS !!!!!
Ken ‘77
Kenneth Koo ‘77 with his family
Message From The Annual Fund Alumni Co-Chairs
Calling All Alumni to Show Your HKIS Spirit and Support the Annual Fund
As fellow HKIS alumni, we share a common goal of upholding the value of our own education from HKIS by ensuring that
HKIS continues to provide the best education to all its 2,576
students from Reception 1 to Grade 12. Alumni support of the
Annual Fund has enabled HKIS to achieve this goal by supporting a number of important programs, which otherwise would not
be available to its current student body or would add to the already high tuition. For example, without the Annual Fund, there
would not be the Instrumental Music programs, Merit and Needbased Scholarships, the Charles H. Dull Visiting Scholars series,
Special needs programs, Services to the Community and Summer Programs.
Alumni can contribute either on a non-discretionary basis to the
Annual Fund or on a discretionary basis by designating the specific use of your contribution. For example, one of the initiatives
of the Annual Fund currently under consideration, but subject to
approval, is to set up an Alumni-sponsored Scholarship, which
would require Alumni to raise HK$200,000 per year over each of
the next three years to provide one combination based scholarship, which would be awarded based on a local student’s academic excellence in addition to his/her financial need in determining
eligibility. This would provide an opportunity for Alumni to support a gifted local student and for the individual to benefit from
an HKIS education. Although we could probably find ten
Alumni to write a check for HK$20,000, we would rather
see 200 Alumni write checks for HK$1,000 to support this
worthy initiative.
More importantly, our goal is to show that Alumni care, by
increasing the number and percentage of participants contributing to the Annual Fund. Every level of support, whether
HK$100 or HK$1,000,000, is equally valued and appreciated. Please show your spirit and support the Annual Fund
and HKIS with your contributions.
Timothy Zee ’84
Alumni Co-Chair
Ning Li ‘76
Alumni Co-Chair
AP Artwork
Homecoming 2006 was held on January 4 with 80 participants total, and the majority (73) being walk-ins
Many attendees found Homecoming to be an enjoyable time to reconnect and mingle with their former friends and teachers. The
Barbecue Lunch, Tent Reunion, and Cookies with the Counseling Department all had a strong turnout and several alumni met up
with their counselors and friends to share college experiences. The final event of the day ended with an evening reception at the
Fringe Club Rooftop garden, with a gathering of both visiting and local Alumni.
Old and New Class of1986 20th Reunion
Dear Class of 1986,
We’re looking for you! Our 20-year reunion on the weekend of September
30th, 2006 in Las Vegas!
Book your flights and hotel room (Bally’s) and reserve your space for
the reunion dinner which will be held at House of Blues, Mandalay Bay.
The price includes: dinner, drinks, a show (Boogie Knights, how
appropriate!), tax and service.
Plans for the Friday night will depend on the number of people
attending. The sooner you can confirm, the easier it will be to
organize everything.
More details and fun at http://www.hkis1986.com
Questions, comments, PHOTOS (old & new)
mail to: [email protected]
Your Class Agent and Reunion Organizer,
Christine Wong ([email protected])
Class of 1987-89 Reunion
(December 2005)
It was just as she always dreamed. A white hooded cloak trimmed with
white fur, draped around a white strapless gown with sample beaded
design. Elegant and beautiful just like the entirety of our reunion.
If anyone can pull off incorporating an Asian flare into a southernbelle Kentucky wedding, Alana Insko ‘87, now Alana Insko-Kelley,
can. And she did. On December 17th, 2005 Paige DaSaro ‘87 walked
down the aisle as a bridesmaid wearing a deep burgundy cheongsam.
She represented us all in her usual dignifed and humorous way, delivering a touching and powerful toast at the rehearsal dinner the night
before. Cheers to us all for honoring the bond established 20+ years
ago at HKIS (the original one).
Not missing a beat since we left Repulse Bay beach parties, Stanley
Market shopping fests (old-school style before the ‘upgrades’) and all
the experiences involved in Wanchai night life, now parents, professionals, home owners, pet lovers, etc. We shared stories of pur adult
lives while maintaining the purity of humor only found in adolescence. Michelle Craig ‘87, now Michelle Camelio, and husband Rich
along with Sue Steinberg ‘87 had the most catching up to do. Paige
DaSaro, Anne Getzelma, Hilary and husband Russel, Newman (aka
Hilary Lynch ‘ 87), myself, Ngina (Nicki) Tobias and partner Charlena found each other once again many years later and many miles
apart for many more good reasons.
We were drunk with curiosity regarding our fellow alumni. Names
that repeatedly came up were Rob Potter ‘ 87 (are you still a pilot?),
Rob Gvozden ‘87 (Paige keeps us all up to date thanks to your humorous email correspondence), Melissa McPheeters ‘87, Bradstreet
-where are you? Derek Capre ‘85(still a business man in NY?), my
brother Vince Tobias ‘85 (Anne shared pictures of your recent California visit), and Brian Thomas ‘86 -still a kind and generous spirit I
hear! More of you were mentioned and we are thankful for all of the
fun filled memories revisited.
Thank you HKIS for being the catayst for this beauty and success we
all share today. Stay tuned for the next “B-Crew” update.
Sincerely with peace and love,
Nicki Tobias
An Irish Blessing chosen by Alana at her wedding set the tone for
our reunion as well:
If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the
If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
So let it be
HKIS “Christmas in
California” (December 2005)
Dan and Sandie Fischer hosted a scrumptious Mexican food lunch for HKIS teachers and alumni on December
28, 2005.
Pictured are:(Left to right)
Gayle Timken, teaching grade 3 at Faith Lutheran, Vista, CA.
Karen Markin, HKIS Middle School teacher and Religious Education Facilitator
Jerry Markin, HKIS Middle School teacher and Basketball Coach
Phyllis Lebrecht, resource teacher at St. Paulís, Orange, CA
Larry Lebrecht, retired in Brea, CA
Beth Hoeppner, teaching Grade 2 and directing Grades 1-4 choir, LaPorte, Indiana
David Hoeppner, teaching Grade 5 and coaching basketball in LaPorte, Indiana
Josh Wetjen ‘95, teaching English at St. Paul Central High School in Minneapolis, MN
Karen Wetjen, teaching Grade 3 at Horizon Christian Academy in La Mesa, CA
Bethany Wetjen ‘97, teaching Kindergarten at College Park Elementary in Costa Mesa, CA
Dennis Wetjen, teaching Grades 4-7 Science & US History at Christ Lutheran, La Mesa, CA
Lois Voeltz, on-line theology instructor at Orange Lutheran High; regional Bible Study leader; living in
Phoenix, AZ
Sarah (Fischer)Roesler ‘96 and daughter Trinity Lee Roesler (born July 11, 2005), substitute teaching in
Fallbrook, CA
Fritz Voeltz, Glendale Union High School District teacher in Phoenix, AZ
Sandie Fischer retired from teaching, still trying to write, tutoring and babysitting Trinity in Fallbrook, CA
Dan Fischer, teaching Middle School Science, Math and Religion at Zion Lutheran, Fallbrook, CA; still leading
yearly biking trip in China.
The United Way Volunteer Center of Midland County Presents
Volunteen of the Week
The United Way Volunteer Center of Midland County proudly awards the “VolunTEEN of the Week” title to Gretchen Jennings ‘06, daughter of
Peter and Martha Jennings. Gary Jones, Executive Director of Midland County Habitat, nominated Gretchen for
When asked why she volunteers, Gretchen replied, “I’ve come to realize that colleges expect a certain degree of volunteerism from students. And
it is a passion in my life to help other people. I hate to see people suffering. I just have a great desire to help!”
Gretchen is President of the newly formed campus chapter of Habitat for Humanity International. Gretchen encountered Habitat while living
outside the Midland area. When she moved here, she resolved to establish a chapter. Through interaction with the Midland affiliate and Habitat
for Humanity International, she formed a core group of students at Dow High and began holding meetings. They have held several fund-raisers at
school, the mall, and other venues. In addition, the chapter played a major role in building one of Habitat’s five houses in 2005!
Gretchen is a Senior at Dow High. She is a member of the “Key Club” and chairperson for special projects. Gretchen is also a member of her church
youth group, which is preparing for their mission trip to Mississippi. As a freshman and sophomore, Gretchen was a member of the “Service for
Saturdays” in Hong Kong, and was a member of Habitat for Humanity in Hong Kong. Gretchen also has two part-time jobs, one as a telemarketer
and one working in a veterinarian office in Freeland. Gretchen plans to attend Wake Forest University in North Carolina where she hopes to study
biology and social work.
(Excerpt taken from the Midland Daily News, provided by Karen Markin, HKIS Middle School teacher.)
Henry Chien (Class of ‘92) and the HKIS Alumni Football team!
Q1: How did you all come together again to form a team?
A1: Peps (Pravesh Narain ‘92) was playing with a bunch of KGV people in a league and when I came back from the States, they needed players so
with Peps and Howard (Howard Tang ‘94) already there, it was a no brainer. Subsequently, I called Spencer (Spencer Chiu ‘93) and he too thought
it would be fun for us to all get together.
Q2: Who are the HKIS members and what year are they from?
A2: Henry ‘92, Peps ‘92, Spencer ‘93, Howard ‘94, Lyman ‘93
Q3: Do you guys have nicknames?
A3: Bulldog, Spenny, Peps, YellowHoody and Ly (Corresponds to order in A2.)
Q4: Tell us more about the league and how you recruited (or were recruited) for the team.
A4: 12 teams compete in an eight month league. We play league games every Saturday and practice on Thursdays. We also joined another larger
league called the Active league consisting four divisions and eleven team per division. League games are usually on Sunday, so we play an average
three times a week.
Q5: Anything else you would to add?
A5: All HKIS alumni are welcome so if you guys are interested, let us or the Alumni Office know!
Alumni Football Statistics
Top Assist = Henry
Top Scorer = Spencer
Most Consistent = Howard
Most Yellow / Red Cards = Peps
On April 29, 2006, the Alumni Footballers revisited the Tai Tam pitch to take on the Varsity 2005-2006 Team. Alumni: 2 goals, HKIS Varsity: 1
goal. Congratulations are in place to the Alumni team!! Old guys can run afterall! Here’s to a continuing tradition!!
Back to the future: Jeremy Evans (Class of 1993)
always enjoyed being involved in the game. Jeremy and Michael Elliot ’93 were Varsity teammates during the 1992-1993
school year, under the fine coaching of Brian Brumsickle (Humanities teacher 1992-1994). Jeremy is now the proud coach
of the HKIS Junior Varsity boys’ team, with 16 wins and only
two losses!
Jeremy with HKIS Junior Varsity Boys’ Team
Strolling by the Humanities office, still located in Room C416
at the high school, some of us might recall the likes of Mr.
Dan McCarthy, Marty Schmidt, Brian Brumsickle, and George
Coombs, two of which have continued into their decade and a
half of teaching at HKIS (Mr. Coombs and Mr. Schmidt). Suddenly you hear a student say, “Hey, Mr. Evans, I had a question
about the Civil War….” Mr. Evans? John Evans, high school
counselor in 1992-1993? Na, couldn’t be! Jeremy Evans, Class
of ’93? Couldn’t be him either!
Out strolls a tall man explaining the intricacies of the battle
between the North and South to the student inquiring about
the American Civil War. He’s the splitting image of….Jeremy
Evans, Class of 1993!!
After leaving HKIS to attend Guilford College, Greensboro,
NC in 1993, Jeremy graduated with a degree in Secondary
Education and History and started teaching in North Carolina
from 1997 (history, economics, and government). Jeremy attributes his passion and interest to teaching to his parents who
were both teachers here at HKIS during the 1992-1993 school
In November 2004, Jeremy returned to Hong Kong for an interview with HKIS to teach American Studies and AP American
History, as he felt it was time to explore other teaching opportunities. 2005 was a successful and exciting year for Jeremy! He
was offered the position at HKIS and returned to Hong Kong
in August 2005. Also during the summer of 2005, Jeremy married his wife Sylvia, whom he met in Seoul during his time at
SFS. Jeremy and Sylvia spent their honeymoon in Costa Rica
before coming to Hong Kong to prepare for the school year
ahead. After having been back in Hong Kong and at HKIS for
almost a year now, Jeremy is extremely happy that he pursued
his interest in teaching and living in Asia once again.
The rest of the Evans family is doing equally as well. Jeremy’s
parents who left Hong Kong for India in 1993, are currently
living in Columbus, OH teaching at a private school. Jeremy’s
mother (who taught American Studies, AP American History,
and Humanities) and father (who was a Counselor) returned
to visit Hong Kong in March 2006 after a 13 year absence!
They can be contacted at [email protected]. Rachel ’95,
Jeremy’s younger sister, is also returning to Asia with Food for
the Hungry, and will be living in Chengdu, China. She can be
contacted at [email protected].
So, if you are ever walking through the halls around Tai Tam
looking for a Class of ’93er, listen for the “Hey, Mr. Evans….!”
and you may well be lead to the doorway of the Humanities
department to see a familiar face! Jeremy can be contacted
at [email protected] and is eager to hear from all his old
In between teaching, Jeremy partnered with a friend to open
a club in Greensboro, where he also pursued his interest in
the record label industry, serving a stint with a local company
called “Second Coming Records”. This was a valuable “real
world” experience he feels grateful to have had, although the
daily scheduling of events promotion managing a club was extremely hectic, and Jeremy discovered that he preferred spending his time with kids and traveling.
In 2000, Jeremy decided that he wanted to seriously pursue
teaching overseas, where he spent fifteen of his childhood
years, so he actively sought out recruiters for schools based in
Asia. As tenacity and timing would have it, he landed at Seoul
Foreign School (SFS) and never looked back. While Jeremy
taught IB and American history, and Asian Studies at SFS, he
also pursued his passion for basketball and coached the Junior
Varsity boys team for the five years he spent in Seoul. Being
a basketball player himself since the Eighth grade, Jeremy has
Jeremy and family Christmas 2005
JUNE 14-19TH, 2007
Help us celebrate this milestone in HKIS History - RSVP now!
It is in partnership that the HKIS Alumni Association and the 40th Anniversary Planning Committee
announce the HKIS 40th Year Anniversary Reunion. Activities planned include “Walking Tours” around
Hong Kong, “Decade Dine-Around” eating at Hong Kong restaurants we once frequented, and much more!
For many of you, visiting the Tai Tam and Repulse Bay campuses will be a walk down memory lane. It will
also be a chance to see new expansions and additions since you last bounded down the hallways to and from
your lockers and classrooms.
Please visit http://dragonnet.hkis.edu.hk/reunion/ for the latest information on who is attending, downloading registration forms, and other reunion news.
HKIS Spearheads St. Baldrick’s Day in Hong Kong
the recent pictures of Sean in Hong Kong and she said that happy didn’t
even begin to describe Jackie’s reaction. First there was a big “Wah!!”
and then Jackie pulled everyone within reach over to the computer
screen to see the photos. “He was overjoyed”, she said. “Put this story
on the website!!” “Send Sean some t-shirts!!” “Print me out those pictures.”
Jackie then proceeded back to the movie set with the pictures to show
everyone and decided since he could not make it to Delaneys, he would
send autographed hats and photographs of himself to be auctioned.
Editors Note: Background information on St Baldrick’s Foundation In
1999, three reinsurance executives reminded each other about their proSean Kligler at Delaneys
On Tuesday March 21st, 2006 at Delaney’s Bar in Wan Chai, 15 Hong
Kong International School employees and students joined a number of
brave and goodhearted souls in giving up their hair for the most worthy
of causes - childhood cancer research. The event honored Sean Kligler,
a 4th grade HKIS student who battled childhood cancer at age five. Sean
is better now, though the sad fact is childhood cancer kills more than five
fessional and personal good fortunes and debated how to “give back to
society.” They decided to turn the famed St. Patrick’s Day party into a
benefit for a good cause. But what could they do that would really turn
the heads of their industry colleagues? Since children lose their hair
during cancer treatment, it was decided they would shave their heads in
return for financial gifts. They planned to raise “US$17,000 on the 17th”
of March 2000. Actually that day over US$104,000 was raised! Since
that first event, St. Baldrick’s Foundation has raised over US$12 Million
children every month in Hong Kong with 120+ new cases each year.
and is the world’s largest fundraiser for childhood cancer research.
Funds raised went to the Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF) of Hong
funds it contributes are required to go to research in finding a cure for
Kong. An agreement was reached that all funds donated to St. Baldrick’s
Foundation will be used to assist major public hospitals in Hong Kong
The St Baldrick’s Foundation has a clearly defined mission in that the
childhood cancer or to fund Fellowships to train aspiring researches for
careers in pediatric cancer, whereas other foundations spread out the
to perform research and upgrade equipment in pediatric oncology.
funds in many other areas besides research.
Jackie Chan and Sean Kligler
St Baldrick’s Hong Kong website can be viewed at:
In the fall of 2002, Jackie Chan was in New York City on a promotional
tour for “The Tuxedo” when he visited Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. It was there Mr. Chan met a five year old boy named Sean
who was being treated for a rare form of childhood cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma. Mr. Chan spent some time talking with Sean and took
Jackie Chan’s Website features Sean Kigler: For your reading pleasure,
visit www.JackieChan.com and scroll to the bottom of the Home Page
and click on the link with the picture of Jackie and Sean.
a photograph with him. Fast forward to three weeks ago when Sean’s
Dad Richard - the driving force behind Tuesday’s event - tracked down
Jackie Chan’s company in Hong Kong and sent a letter and email to
him describing Sean’s battle and his eventual victory. His letter also
thanked him for lifting Sean’s spirits during this trying chapter of his
life. He went on to state that Sean was happy, healthy and living in
Hong Kong.
Richard included with the letter the picture of Jackie Chan and Sean
in 2002 and recent pictures of a healthy Sean in Hong Kong. The next
morning the Senior Vice-President (SVP) of Jackie’s company called
and told Richard that Jackie was on location in Kowloon making a movie. When he came back to his office, she set him up for a big surprise.
First Jackie read the letter and the SVP showed him the photograph of
them at the hospital. Jackie said he clearly remembered Sean from that
Sean and sister, Jill
visit and was happy to hear he was doing well. Then she showed him
Edmond Chen ([email protected])
David Vaughn ([email protected])
Christy Wendell ([email protected])
Kathy Jean LeBlanc McCarthy ([email protected]):
Scott Waterman ([email protected])
Judith Porter Rower ([email protected])
Brad Doyle ([email protected])
I am currently a housewife and mother of two children, Katie(14) and
Blake (12). I left HKIS in January of my Senior year in 1969 to attend
the Institut Monte Rosa in Montreux, Switzerland.
Michael Swaine ([email protected]): My experience in Hong Kong
generated a lifetime interest in China, which I developed into a career.
I studied Chinese and Japanese, with a Ph.D. from Harvard in political
science, focuising on China-related politics and security issues. After
receiving of my degree, I lived and worked in California for about 15
years, first for a trade and consulting company active in China, but
based in San Francisco, followed by over 12 years at the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, as a policy researther. While at the RAND
Carporation, I made many trips to Asia, wrote many books, reports and
briefings on China-related national security issues, and advised the US
government these issues. In Fall 2001, I became Senior Associate for
the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC.
I continue to research, write, speak, Chinese and advise the US government on China and Asia-related national security issues. You can
find more information on my background and work (and a not-so-good
photo) on the Carnegie website, at http://www.ceip.org.com.
Rosemary Garvey ([email protected])
Jill Liddiard Hedenstad ([email protected])
Barbara Schwerdtmann Easton ([email protected]) : How do those kids
keep getting older? Time marches on; I’ve finally gone back to school
and finish my coursework for a Masters in Child Development this
summer, then I just have the final thesis paper, yuck! I hope to teach
college child development courses in the near future and get more
people jazzed about how vital the early years are. I get to give grant
money away to center and home based child care providers who are
continuing their education and professional development! I was looking forward to our 30th reunion and HKIS’s 40th, and my 25th wedding anniversary, but my youngest, Amy, graduates from High School
that week. I saw Don Rabe ‘76 on a flight earlier this year and was
able to say “Hi” to his mom and dad as well. Those HKIS connections
are just so cool! I’m hoping to see Helen Hoenig Stoemmer in May in
Tucson; her oldest, Natalie, is there for her senior year of high school
and will graduate this year.
On the personal side, I live in rural Maryland on four acres. I never
married but I had a child rather late in life with my significant other,
Monique. My daughter, Evelynne Fabienne is now two years and six
months old, and the delight of my life.
Christy McCaskill Wendell ([email protected]) : I am president
and COO of We Build and We Pack Logistics companies in Paris, Texas. I am currently working on the OPM at Harvard Business School,
and will graduate in March 2007. I have a 21 year old son attending
Southern Methodist University in Dallas, majoring in engineering,
math & physics.
Tamara Mehta([email protected]) : Just a quick update to say
we are still living in London, England (Chiswick to be exact!). My
husband, Atul, works at IBM in their consulting division while our two
Akinori Fukue ([email protected])
Wifred Koo ([email protected])
boys, Jayesh (6) and Kaeden (4) both attend local schools. I’m a stayat-home Mum who spends lots of time volunteering in the classroom,
for the PTA, and helping with the upkeep and future planning of our
local park. I also hit a few tennis balls around and try to keep up with
Debbie Smiley ([email protected])
two active young lads! The photo of the boys and me was taken on a
recent holiday in Bermuda - a fantastic mid-winter getaway for us!
Lynn Barratt Frau ([email protected]) /
([email protected])
Over the years I have stayed in regular contact with Barb Shelton
Mayben and John Langford, both good friends from the Class of
1977. Barb and John both live in Texas, Dallas and Austin respectively. Prior to moving to London, we lived in Houston so we often find
ourselves back there visiting neighbours and friends, and can almost
always work in a get-together with John and Barb. I’m still looking
Karen Staniek-Gerhardt ([email protected])
for other alumni in London so please let me know if you’re out there
Anna Margarette Agell ([email protected])
and want to get together! I’m hoping to make it to the HKIS reunion
Bob Nolan ([email protected]): Hi, I’ve been living in Mars, Penn-
in Hong Kong in 2007.
sylvania for the last ten years with my wife, Audrey, my daughter,
Courtnie, and my son John. I’d love to hear from my old classmates.
May you be happy, healthy and living your life in ease.
Michael Harshfield ([email protected]): Not sure if I updated
you since my move from ICOA, Inc. to Reactrix Systems, Inc. which
is a company specializing in Interactive Digital Media. This is a whole
new advertising medium that results in unaided recall rates in excess
of 60%, 24 hours after either seeing or interacting with the system.
I continue to live in Chicago while commuting to the Bay Area, as
well as other locations around the country. My family has adjusted to
my travel schedule and the girls are growing rapidly - taking Chinese
Tamara and sons, Jayesh and Kaeden
lessons twice a week as well as Spanish and of course Kindergarten. I
recently caught up with John Brooks who is attending Michigan State
University Medicare school - we had only communicated sporadically
Richard Grayson ([email protected])
Richael Eric Eichelberger ([email protected])
Keneth Koo ([email protected])
Kerry Gallagher-Hincka ([email protected]):
I have been married for 18 years, have four four kids, and am still
trying to get back to Hong Kong for a visit! Great memories! My
sister Susan ‘78 and brother Donnie ’84 would love to hear from any
of their old friends too!
Cindy Allen (altehexus@yahoo.
over the last 25 years and finally had an opportunity to see each other
face to face, including meeting his wonderful wife Gwen and their
very well behaved son, Lucas (2). Looking forward to being at the
reunion in Boston in August!
Our class has new babies! Elizabeth (Keenan) Johnson and hubbie
had two very welcome additions to their family on January 24, 2006:
Twins Keenan Alex and Jack Jeffry. As you can tell from their picture below the two little boys are healthy and handsome. Elizabeth
reports that she is “over the moon” with happiness over her wonderful
babies. (Elizabeth and husband are pictured below).
com) : My daughter Bijou, was
born on Halloween, 2005. The
photo was taken at Mayan ruin
Xtambo in Mexico where we
were escaping the cold this February. I’ve led a very full life, but
for all of my myriad experiences,
motherhood beats them all. Bijou
Bijou and Cindy, Xtambo, Mexico
and I reside with her father in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, where
I’ve been living and working in the communications field since 1998.
Maybe we’ll see you in Hong Kong next year!
Patrick Pang ([email protected])
Jonathan Lutz ([email protected])
C’Anne (Moore) Wofford has been living in Heidelberg, Germany
for approximately two years, barely an hour away from Karen
Staniek-Gerhardt. C’Anne was at HKIS from 7th to 9th grade, after
which she moved back to the U.S. She’s lived all over the states,
from Florida to California and much in between before her husband
Mark was transferred to Germany. C’Anne also has two gorgeous
children, 9 and 5 years old.
Denise Coon Wallis ([email protected]) : I am currently attending
Greg Furstner writes from Prairie Village, Kansas, where he lives
Illinois Central College, with a majour in Horticultural Sciences. Last
now after moving around a lot through business and six years in the
semester (Fall 2005), I received placement on the President’s Honours
army as a helicopter pilot. Greg attended HKIS from 6th through 8th
List for Distinguished Academic Achievement for a perfect 4.0 GPA. I
grades. Check out his website: Ikesteronline.com for pictures and
am employed at D.A. Hoerr and Sons, Inc. (this is a nursery/landscape
more of Greg .
business) in Horticultural Sales and Design Consultation. Aloha!
Naomi Greenberg lives in California with her husband of five years.
Margot Hamel
Sheila Baker Gujrae([email protected])
The class of 1982 is gearing up for our 25th reunion next year! While I
know there is a big bash in Hong Kong for HKIS’s 40th anniversary, I
did an informal survey while at the all-class reunion in San Francisco in
2004 and most people were in favor of having a class reunion stateside
in 2007 in addition to the Hong Kong reunion. If you are a member of
the class of 82 (or a “might-as-well-be-the-class-of-82,” as I do have
some other folks on my e-mail list), please shoot me an e-mail at
[email protected] so I can keep you apprised of our plans. As
for Hass news, Kari Black lives in Westchester County, New York, and
has two daughters, Addison (11) and Morgan (9). She recently received
her master’s degree in childhood education and is working at the Graduate School of the College of New Rochelle. She says she met alum Todd
Wong ‘81 on a chairlift at Stratton Mountain (VT) a few years ago and
got reconnected with the HKIS network through him. Thanks, Todd!
I found Bruce Casler ‘84. He is living in Hawaii after going to the
University of Michigan, then living in Oregon and Washington for about
15 years. He also lived in a few other western states for a spell, after
which he moved to Midway Atoll for 3 years. He now lives on the North
Shore of Oahu.
Michael O’Keefe found him Bruce Ciu Via the website for Bruce’s
martial arts academy, Arnis International (http://arnisinternational.
com/_wsn/page2.html). As of press time, I do not have Bruce’s update
to share with you, but I will have something for you next time. Thanks
for finding him, Michael.
I found Kyle Edlund via Kelvin Limm’79 ’s Dragon’s Lair website
(http://leadcommander.com/cgi-bin/YaBB_HKIS/YaBB.pl). Kyle is living in southern California. He has been married for ten years now to
Cari and is running an Asian subsidiary company in the U.S. Thanks for
maintaining that site, Kelvin. I was very psyched to find Kyle there.
Shaival Kapadia is living in Richmond, VA. His kids are now 7 and 5.
He enjoys reading the HKIS Alumni magazine whenever he gets it. He
says he “cannot imagine it has been that long since we were there.” No
Anna Martinson writes: “Wow, I spent a very memorable four months at
HKIS in the fall of 1980 (Junior year). Unbelievably, I’m still in school,
currently as a doctoral candidate (i.e., ABD) at Indiana University, although I’m living in St. Paul, Minnesota where I’m a visiting scholar
with the Internet Studies Center through the Rhetoric Department at
the University of Minnesota. More info available at my very old school
webpage: <http://mypage.iu.edu/~amartins> and another infrequently updated blog:
Stacy Mock Walker with husband Mark, son Reed, and daughter Alex
Stacy Mock Walker writes ([email protected]) :“After living in
Houston, and San Antonio, my family moved to Frisco, Texas in April
of 2000. We have an 11 year old daughter, Alex, and a 9 year old son,
Reed. My husband, Mark and I, are celebrating our 15th wedding
anniversary this year.
“I got my alternate teaching certificate in 2001, and have been teaching middle school ever since then in Frisco. I also earned my Master’s
Degree in High Education in Summer 2004.
“Our most exciting news is that we are going to Hong Kong this
summer and the kids and I are staying there for two whole months!
My parents moved back to Hong Kong in March of 2005, so we’ll
have the chance to stay and visit with them. Mark, however, will only
be able to join us for a couple of weeks. Please contact me if any of
you will be there this summer. I would love to catch up on old times.
Michael O’Keefe is living in Washington, D.C. He attended HKIS for fourth,
fifth, and sixth grades (six out of his nine
siblings went to HKIS).
After sixth
grade, Michael and his family left Hong
Kong and moved to Connecticut. Michael is married to Susan and they have
three children.
Maeve, Dylan,
and Quinn O’Keefe
Lee Terrill left Hong Kong in the summer of 1978 and his
Anita LAU-McElvane ([email protected]) : We moved to Ha-
family moved to Jacksonville Florida. They then moved to Warren
waii on the 31st December, 2005 just in time to ring in the new year
Township in New Jersey where he completed high school.
Hawaii style. It’s been quite difficult adjusting to life on the islands
then went to the University of Hartford, and finally attended DeVry
after living in the Bay Area for the last seven years. Even though we
Technical Institute and received his Technician’s Certificate.
are technically still living in America, most days I feel as if I’m liv-
After some time in Japan and Korea, Lee moved to Rockville, MD
ing in Asia!! During the second week of our arrival, I caught up with
for a new job and ended up back in Korea and Japan again. Lee is
Kaori Matsumoto who moved here a little less than a year ago. It
now based in Japan and has been traveling to Korea and Taiwan for
was nice seeing her after 22 years, though she claims she saw me in
his new job. Lee married Kiyomi six years ago and they are enjoying
Hong Kong about ten years ago
their life together, although he travels so much that he doesn’t get to
(I don’t recall her visit)!!
see her enough.
If anyone is planning to visit
Greg Wilcox is on our radar
screen again. He left Hong
Kong in 1981 and moved to
Arizona. He is now living in
Weatherford, Texas, 25 miles
west of Fort Worth and works
as an aerospace engineer for
Lockheed Martin. He has four
children – two boys and two
girls – ages 18, 16, 12, and Greg Wilcox (right) in front of the first
Joint Striker he helped design
Tim & Marilyn Westergren, with Katey (in the tree), Sarah and Hannah on
New Year’s Day in Santander, Spain
the Honolulu area, make sure to
look us up! We can be reached
via email or anyone can reach
me via cell phone (650) 9967300. It would be lovely to see
some familiar faces!!
Anita (left) and Kaori (right)
Virginia Todd: The company that I have been working for, MBNA
America Bank, has just been acquired by Bank of America. As a result,
job security has been a concern. I bought my own house in April 2005.
My little dog ToTo and I are very comfortable here. I’m still doing a
lot of dancing; I’ll be participating in my third ballroom competition in
Baltimore in June of 2006. Wish me luck!
Dressing up as Dorothy & Toto for Virginia with dance instructor Brain
Brott Rossuck ([email protected])
Ann Huse ([email protected]): I feel gratified to have attended HKIS:
the students were so much more mature and openminded than those I
Michael James Taylor ([email protected])
met in college. I’d love to hear from other HKIS people out there so we
Lori Delahunty ([email protected])
can have dim sum in New York!
Christi Riversocorro ([email protected]) :Wow! 20 years already?!
John Nolan ([email protected]): I am a Sports/outdoors journalist, and
married to Laura, a 1999 graduate of the University of Wisconsin. We
have a 2-year-old son, Andrew. I fondly recall my three years at HKIS
-- some of the best times of my life. My brother Bob (or Robert) left
in 10th grade and would have been in the class of ‘81. I was sick when
my family moved back to the states. I would love to hear from anyone
who remembers me.
I CAN’T believe it! Didn’t we just graduate last summer?...Anyway,
I’m sure the reunion was a blast! As for moi, I’ve been married for ten
years now and have two very active boys; Jon-jon (nine years old) and
Sam (three years old below). After produating from college, I travelled
a bit then moved back to HK for work. Three years ago, we left it all
for the Philippines and currently live in Manila. Its a drastic change...
the lifestyle, food, culture, but hey, who’s complaining?!! Standard of
living here is relatively cheaper than Hong Kong!
My two boys keep me busy so I am a work-at-home mom for a realty
Pattie Bossany Gordon ([email protected])
James Hamel ([email protected])
company. Soon, I hope, to open a children’s play center with tutorial
services for preschoolers...provided a financial partner comes along...
We try to go back to Hong Kong as often as possible because we still
have family and friends living there. I keep in touch with Eugenia and if
Francine Jacome ([email protected]): As many of you may know
I’m lucky with Wendy too, but its been a while since we last saw each
by now, the reigns of our 20-year reunion have been handed over to
other. I hope to see you guys and other fellow classmates soon in my next
Christine Wong ([email protected]). Russ Needels, Janice Walter
visit to Hong Kong...And oh, Caroline, congrats on your solo exhibit! I
and Tracey Lesher-Limone are also on the organizing committee and are
heard it went well!
doing a great job. Looks like the reunion in Las Vegas will be a blast.
If any of you visit Manila, do look me up. I look forward to our next
Please note as well that the date has been changed to the last weekend in
gathering and hope to see many old friends from our awesome class of
September. I’ve been very busy with home and business responsibilities
and haven’t been able to keep up as much with my former classmates. I
hope to be able to make it to the reunion to catch up with everyone and
swap life stories! My son, Nicholas, recently had his third birthday. My,
how fast they grow! Have a wonderful summer and happy travels to those
who’ll be taking some time out of town.
Jon-Jon and Sam
Prince Mohammed A. Mohammed ([email protected]): I attended
HKIS in Grade three in 1976 and returned to Nigeria, where I continued
my education. I later studied law at Bayero University, Kano Nigeria.
I am married and currently live in Keffi my home town some 50klm from
Abuja, Nigeria’s new capital city. It is a blessed country, with abundant
of mineral resources, with huge population of about 150 million people.
I would love to hear from my fellow classmates!
Francine and Nicholas
Christine Wong ([email protected])
Tim Michael ([email protected]) : My wife Kathy, son Cole, daughter
Gareth Matthews ([email protected])
Nora and I have returned to Taiwan. It is my fifth time living here since I
Jeffrey Tsai ([email protected])
was five years old, so I think I am finally taking the hint from above about
where our work lies. I teach eigth and ninth grade Language Arts and
seventh grade Bible at Morrison Academy’s Kaohsiung campus. I will
finally be pursuing my masters degree this summer, spending a quarter
in residence in Beijing. Though I look forward to passing through Hong
Kong this summer, I must miss the reunion because of my studies. Have
a blast, everyone!
have a daughter, Sienna who attends a bilingual English Chinese school
in New Year. After HKIS, I attended Cornell University for my B.A., and
internet start up www.igougo.com, I also saw Pamela Mar ‘87 who lives
and I am thrilled that I am able to offer my
in China.
interpretation of what it may have been like
Erin Cullen Harris ([email protected]): I recently was
to have actually been present during an Elvis
travelled through Asia and Australia on business (I work at Microsoft
concert. I structure my shows after what you
as the international PR manager for Windows). On my stop in Sydney,
might have seen in an Elvis concert towards
Monique Disney flew with her boyfriend from Melbourne to visit and
the later 70’s. Please visit : http://www.theel-
meet my husband who was along for part of the trip as well. It was great
vislegacy.com/ for further information and
Brad as ‘Elvis’
Mariano, Robert, Dinglasan III ([email protected]): I’ll be moving to
Shanghai within the year then getting married, so 2006 will be somewhat
tic Grove Press. It is a biography of Madame Chiang Kai Shek Life. We
I saw Tony Chen ‘90 who lives in New York, and is the founder of an
been an Elvis fan for the majority of my life
of a major life change.
wife, Laura Tyson will have a book published in October 2006 by Atlan-
ESSEC (in Paris) for my MBA.
Brad Bradley ([email protected]): I have
Ricky Li ([email protected]): I am currently working as the Director of
Asia Sales for LeSportsac. Before that I was at HSBC, Dior and YSL. My
to see her as our last reunion was in St. John with Eva Champagne and
Carissa Fortino! I had not been back to Hong Kong since 1980 when we
moved back to Seattle! It certainly has changed but I loved it and would
move back in a heart beat, truly it is a beautiful city.
Rekha and Pat
Erin and her husband at the Repulse Bay Hotel, Hong Kong
Betty Chung ([email protected])
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Liu ([email protected]): Hi everyone! I have been
Prescille Chu ([email protected])
living in Colorado since graduating from HKIS. I am married and a proud
Margaret Wadhwani ([email protected])
father of a one year-old boy named Hunter. My wife, Jennifer, is a labor
Debby Tuck ([email protected])
and delivery nurse and I am employed as a chemist with a pharmaceutical
company in Boulder, Colorado.
Yu Sik Hong([email protected]): I go by Douglas now, but
Michael Thompson (no email given)
Angela Stich Easterwood ([email protected])
Jennifer Fresco ([email protected])
Heather Fierce ([email protected]): Pat Bauman ‘88 came to visit Rekha
Kaula (‘88), Brooke Fierce Bronner ‘90 and Heather Fierce last week.
Pat has been residing in London for the past 3 years and is loving every
still respond to Yu Sik. Long time friends still call me Yu Sik. A recap on
some of the big milestones of my life. In April 2002 I married Hae Jin
Kang. We have a son named Min Yung, who was born in June 2004. We
currently live and work in Singapore, but business frequently takes me
back to Hong Kong and Seoul. If you are in any of these cities please look
me up! My number that roams in all GSM areas is 65 9180 3933 and my
Korean number 82 11 9981 6688.
second of it. The rest of us live in Washington DC. Photo of our reunion
Brooke, Pat, and Brooke’s daughter
Yu Sik, Min Yung, and Hae Jin
Kristina Torrado Gallagher (kristi.
[email protected]): I
ried Major Daniel Gallagher,
US Army in June 2005 in San
Diego, CA. We will be setting
up home in Savannah, Georgia
in August 2006!
Kristina and Daniel
Christine Rio Gaxiola ([email protected])
Heath Michael Van Luchene ([email protected])
Desmond Chu ([email protected])
Angela Teng ([email protected])
Asha Balasubramanian Seshan ([email protected]): After graduating
from Harvard in 1995, I went on to the University of Chicago to get a
Masters in International Relations. After graduation, I worked for Ernst
& Young LLP’s Strategic Advisory Sevices group in Chicago and New
York, followed by nearly two years at an online marketing start-up based
in San Francisco. I got married in 1997. I have been living in Pittsburgh,
PA since August 2000.My husband is a professor at Carnegie Mellon University. I am now a stay-at-home mother of two boys -- Sanjay who is
three years old and Arvind who is one.
I have lost touch with most of my classmates so it would be good to hear
from you again!
The Collard Family
Liz and Katherine
Liz McCauley Collard ([email protected]): Hello friends! We just
welcomed our first child, Katherine Evelyn Collard into the world on
January 1, 2006 (not Chinese New Year I’m afraid!). We are all doing
well and enjoying every new day. I’m living in Port Washington, NY Feel
free to drop me a line!
Kelly McConnell ([email protected]): Hello there! On November
11, 2005, my husband Jeff and I had our first child - a son named Liam. At birth,
he weighed a small 10 pounds 2 ounces
(ouch!), and he was worth every minute of my crazy delivery! :) We are
thrilled to have this new addition in
our lives. We are still living in Toronto
Canada Although I am on maternity
leave right now, I am still employed at
an international NGO called Right To
Play (www.righttoplay.com).
Liam, Kelly, and Jeff
Charlie Soule ([email protected]): It’s been a while since I checked
in with the HKIS community, but I have managed to pay a few visits to Tai
Tam in the nearly fifteen years since graduation, most recently in December,
2005. The place looks as impressive as ever. I have been living in New York
City for the past ten years, including a stint at Columbia Law School, many
different bands, two novels, the start of a music composition business (www.
soulemusic.com), my own law practice (primarily immigration - feel free to
touch base if you ever have any questions concerning the ever-frustrating US
immigration system.) Most importantly, the NYC years saw the extremely
Sanjay and Arvind at Disney World
welcome addition to my life of my wife, Amy. A third member of the family
will show up this May, perhaps even by the time this edition of Dragon Tales
Timothy Chen ([email protected])
Lain David McGlashan ([email protected])
sees press. Basically, all is very well, and I hope the same is true for my fellow classmates and alumni.
Katy Curties Jensen ([email protected]): My husband Dennis and I are
living in Atlanta and still love it after seven years. It is now home. I took
“early retirement” and am now a stay at home mom. Connor, our son, just
turned three. Our newest arrival, Madison, was born last March and is 11
months old. So our hands are full and we are having a great time!
Nancy Weintraub Randall with children Loith Hannah and Jake
Word from the reliable sources (Lyman and Shoumitro) describe a
Timothy Gregg ([email protected])
Amy Ruhter McMillan ([email protected])
Shoumes Goswami writes: Spencer Chiu (‘93) tells me he’s still a striker
in the purest sense as he’s notching up goals in a weekend soccer league
now that he has reunited with former A Grade Soccer team-mates Henry
Chien (‘92), Pravesh Narain (‘92), and Howard Tang (‘94). Their most
recent recruit is Lyman Doyle, who moved back to Hong Kong after
graduating from Columbia Business School. They complete against 10
other teams and are currently in fifth place in there. Lyman is working
with his Dad and though he lives in Hong Kong, he spends a lot of his
scene of a stuttering Tim Gregg mouthing an utter refusal to introduce
his HKIS buddies to his fiancee in fear of compromising his impending marriage. Turns out Tim subscribed to some good old revisionist
history by spinning his high school achievements (or lack of) into a
mish-mash of heroic stories of championing local community service,
environmental protection, and civic think tanks. Apparently many
things have”changed” since Tim’s old days of strange obsessions with
muscular men in Conan and the Barbarian movies, his constant whining, and his not-so secret crushes on many members of the HKIS student body .
time in Shanghai and New York. Josh Goldberg has also moved back to
Asia finally admitting to his Chinese roots. He is with the State Department up in Shen Yang. Josh got married last year and his wife Amy is
working on permanently moving to China to be with him.
Over Christmas break a number of people met up at Tiffany Yip’s wedding which was held at the Repulse Bay. Spencer was not invited and
is still feeling jilted, but all the others who made it had a great time.
Ozer Onkal came back to Hong Kong for the first time since graduation. The HKIS table had Lyman, Ozer, Angela Lee, Emily Ma, Miki
Maruko and Shoumitro Goswami. Ozer was torn between the Turkish
contingent and his HKIS roots – we all know where his true loyalties
lie. Tiffany’s cousin Jeff Liu ’93 was there as well. He is married and
Tim and Nina Gregg, October 15th, 2005.
works for HSBC and his wife is an architect. From the Class of ’94,
Sharifah Abukhary was there and continues to be the life of every party.
We don’t want to mention names….Sharifah…but the photographs do
reveal crazy debauchery. We would ask people to please not dip their
fingers in the chocolate fountains in the future….Mrs. Yip.
Tiffany, thanks for throwing a great party.
Spencer Chiu, Josh
Goldberg, Ms. Talbot,
and Mr. Handrich in
Ms. Talbot’s apartment.
Josh Goldberg spent
a weekend in Hong
Kong and somehow
we ended up waking
Ms. Talbot from her afternoon nap on Sunday and barged into her
apertment for a little chat along with Mr. Handrich
Tiffany’s wedding, picture are (left to right):
Susan, Tiffany, Ozer, Sharifah, and Shoumitro
Manesh Balani continues to live in Dubai where his business keeps
reaching target after target. His business trips now involve him ‘holidaying’ in the south of Spain with his girlfriend. Speaking of business
success, David Souza and Adrian Liang have sold the business they
started together a few years ago. We have not heard from them since
and believe both are sitting on a beach somewhere thinking up their
next venture. Pankaj Bengani who lives in San Francisco is expecting
his first child with his wife Leena.
Vinit Dutt, with young son in tow and his wife as well as Pat Liu are
all well.
Ozer Onkal, Spencer Chiu, Shoumitro Goswami, and Lyman Doyle.
Ozer stopped by Hong Kong in January with a full beard and appetite
for Hong Kong nightlife. Spencer, Shoumitro and Lyman were all out
in force to show Ozer a good time
Tiffany Bissey
Michal Fisher Pemper ([email protected])
Norman Ho ([email protected])
Well, it’s been awhile since the last 1994 report was submitted, so here
goes.....our Hong Kong contingent seems to be growing rapidly with
several new additions to the crew within the past year: Michelle Hoeppner, Sharifah Albukhary, Michael Johnson, and Jehan Chu just to
name a few! Rumor has it that Howard Tang and his posse are taking
over the PR world with publications for castor wheels (you know those
hospital wheels, hot dog cart wheels, and desk wheels?!). Howard’s
been posting his name all over the Hong Kong PR firms as he takes over
the industry with his entrepreneurial efforts. Among other successful
Uzma Farman, Sharifah Albukhary, Rupal Sankalia,
94ers, Jonathan Zeman has taken over Lan Kwai Fong as the new LKF
and Hunt Smith in New York City, August 2005
Mogul, while also blossoming his real-estate dealings in Thailand; he
does find time to occasionally present himself at the weekly Dragon-I
Recent visitors to Hong Kong have
model nights when he’s not busy building his empire. Aspiring film
been Kate Elliott, who returned to
director and cinematographer, Hannah Soule, supplements her glam-
Sydney about six years ago, after
orous Hollywood lifestyle with projects at the Bloomingdale’s Bridal
college in San Diego, CA and a brief
Registry Department in Boston, where she constantly seeks fresh new
teaching stint in Seoul, Korea. Asia-
actresses for upcoming flicks...anyone interested in auditions can con-
Pacific residents also include Kevin
tact Hannah directly.
Wee, who returned to Singapore after
Speaking of flourishing entertainers, Rizwan Farooqi, founder and lead
leaving HKIS in 1989. He served in
singer of local Hong Kong band, King Lychee, just returned from a
the mandatory Singapore Army pro-
Eastern European Tour where he and band members toured a handful of
gram for two and a half years before
cities including Vienna, Austria and Prague, Czeck Republic. Check it
getting married and is the proud father
all out at: http://www.kinglychee.com/newsite.htm King Lychee aims
of a two-year son! Kevin has changed
to increase social awareness of Hong Kong’s disparity between the rich
his ‘do’ over the years, and finally
and poor, as well as how the elderly are affected by the social security
settled on this.
(or lack thereof) system.
Ramez Sheikh, former Class of 1994 President, is flying with the likes
of Minnie and Mickey Mouse these days, in the Buena Vista International Television department of The Walt Disney Company.
A fair amount of 94ers make up the New York contingent - Rupal
Sankalia, Uzma Farman, Charmion (Mugar) Freifeld, Brian Aldridge,
Alison Overholt, although there is one defector: Michael Johnson was
on his return voyage to Hong Kong, right in time for the Rugby Sevens
this March/April 2006. Michael was accompanied by his bodyguard,
Jim Martin, who was in town for some Sevens action as well. Current
New York resident, Miles Neale couldn’t stay away even after a twoyear stint in San Francisco where he received his PhD in psychology,
Dr. Neale is available for appointments to help you sort out your life
problems at any time...
Other San Francisco residents include Caroline Wagar (and her sister
Vanessa Wagar ‘90 has been in San Francisco for several years), who is
with Levi Strauss & Co.’s advertising team. Caroline attended Robynn
(Tokuyama) D’Onofrio’s wedding in Vail, Colorado in February 2005,
along with Tiffany Bissey, and Debbie (Hill) Swanson. Robynn and her
husband continue to live in Colorado, although Robynn travels extensively around the US with her work at Accenture.
Kevin’s new ‘do’
Chris Toomer recently left Yogyakarta, Indonesia to become Head of
School in Jayapura, West Papua at a district school, and is currently fighting off the rebels in what seems to be the never ending Indonesian civil
war....David Leventhal is based in Athens, Greece at his US State Department posting as Technological Engineer, enjoys his jaunts around Europe
to explore the kebab stands of the region. He has met up with Caroline
Gazeley, Faith Fischer, Lauren Castellari, and Stephanie Marks during
his travels.
The December holiday season saw lots of familiar faces pass through town
for Tiffany Yip’s ‘93 wedding at the Repulse Bay at the end of December. A beautiful event, with a guest list inclusive of a mini-reunion: Ozer
Onkal ‘93, Lyman Doyle ‘93, Angela Lee Sullivan ‘93, Emily Ma ‘93,
Sharifah Albukhary, Miki Maruko ‘93, and Shoumitro Goswami ‘93.
Erin Tarbuck Affleck ([email protected]): Greetings from Vancouver, BC! My husband Dan and I celebrated the birth of our first child on
October 11, 2005. Our daughter Willow was born a full two weeks late,
and weighed in at just under ten pounds (and yes, with a full head of red
hair). We are enjoying parenthood immensely, and Willow is keeping us
very busy. I’m currently on leave from my teaching position, but miss my
work and student a great deal. The grass is always greener...
I am also happy to report that Marcie Holloman got married last year
to a great guy named Nate Hill. She and the lucky man are now living
near San Francisco, and by all accounts are having a great time. And on
Kelly Bissey
the note of weddings, congrats to Mike Smith, Ginger Tong and their
Sara Dallaire ([email protected]).
respective spouses, who also were married last year.
Fahd Bial Hakim ([email protected]).
Jennifer Doman ([email protected])
Fredrik Samant ([email protected]) : I am a European Marketing
Manager with Sony, based in the UK. This fall I will start studying for
an MBA at London Business School. My brother, Victor Samanta ‘04 is
currently studying engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in
Sweden. Victor wants to thank HKIS for introducing him to basketball,
which he has continued to play ever since, and most recently for the
Swedish under 18s national team.
Katherine Cho ([email protected]): Ten years ago, at the end
of November 1995, a group of approximatedly 20 students went on
a trip to Taipei, Taiwan, (together as organized by Mandarin teacher
Mrs. Joyce Ranieri). The purpose of the trip was for the students to make
practical use of classroom topics. We enjoyed the trip so much that a
Erin, Willow, and Dan.
handful of us, Iris Yeung , Jason Pau, Joanne Chow ‘97, and Katherine
Cho, ended up being great buddies. Even today, we still sometimes joke
about things from the trip. For memories’ sake, we made a special trip
Christie Faith Yih ([email protected])
David Cheng ([email protected]
to Taipei together again--exactly ten years later! Some even brought
significant others to share the experience. It was great for us to catch up
and re-live old times. We still cannot believe that it has been ten years!
Left to right: Howard Chang, Justina Wong, Alisa Ng, Jonathan Shih,
Jason Young and Stanley Ting, December 29, 2005 in Hong Kong.
Rachael (Thompson) Bachleda ([email protected]):
I currently live in New York City with her husband Simon; we moved
back to New York from Colorado last February. We met at the University of Colorado and were married in August 2003 in Aspen, Colorado.
Photo taken on November 26, 1995. From left to right: Joanne Chow,
Jason Pau, Katherine Cho, Iris Yeung
I work at Cantillon Capital Management (a hedge fund) and Simon
works for Eos Partners (a private equity firm). We love being in New
York and would love to connect with other HKIS alumni. My sister,
Hilary ‘00, is also living in New York. Her roommate Sarah Hempstead
also attended HKIS. My mom contirmes to work at the Dragon Shop.
Photo taken exactly ten years later on November 26, 2005.
Richael and Simon
same sequence as above
Cheryl Yip ([email protected])
Josephine Chiang ([email protected])
(Australia Geographical Class Agent)
Sarah Yeung ([email protected])
Timothy Lo ([email protected])
Meghan Sullivan Smith ([email protected])
Lisan Tan ([email protected]) . Victor Yeung ([email protected])
Gregory K. Lee ([email protected]): 2005-2006 has been an excit-
Kiwan Chung ([email protected])
George Liao ([email protected])
ing year for me - lots of changes, and some great opportunities. On
Eleanor Shing ([email protected])
October 9th 2005, I ran in my second Chicago Marathon - I was happy
Carman Tong ([email protected]): I work in New York City in
with my finishing time, but I was disappointed to be beaten by the
Public Relations for New York University and my best friend Sarah
Kenyans once again. This year I am hoping for a change in venue; I
works in accounting in Washifiaton DC at the eh DCAA-CSC Resi-
have re-enrolled (and will hopefully run) in the 2006 ING New York
dent Office.
City Marathon. I look forward to seeing many of you cheering alongside the race course.
In November I decided to move to Boston on a whim (I packed up my
apartment in Chicago, and quit my job with BearingPoint in under one
month). Although there aren’t many HKIS alumni in the Boston area,
I am happy to report that I live only four blocks away from another
HKIS alumnus: Doug Massey. I don’t see Doug very often, but its
comforting to know that HKIS alumni are EVERYWHERE.
In January I started as an experienced consultant with Accenture.
Travel is still a very large influence in my life; in fact I commute between Boston and San Francisco on a weekly basis. Despite my heavy
flight schedule (apparently flying 5,400 miles a week isn’t enough
for me), I am flying to Italy at the end of March to backpack around
Carman Tong and Sarah Zimmerman
Central Europe (Italy, Switzerland, Austria, and the Czech Republic)
for three weeks. During my travels, I plan on meeting up with Albi
Theresa Cheng ([email protected])
Lovison for a beer, and getting some ‘real’ exposure to Italian living.
I look forward to hearing from many of you soon - drop me a line!
Mr. Zachary Soehl Evans ([email protected]): I am currently
Lauren Elizabeth Tanner ([email protected])
teaching at Taejon Christian International School in South Korea. This
David Munho Choi ([email protected])
is my fourth year here and I am the Head of the Science department
this year. I am currently teaching physics and IB SL physics. I have
Michelle Emma Jones ([email protected])
been married for four years and just became a father in November of
Meghan Smith Heidmann ([email protected]): I was married
on October 29, 2005 in Hilton Head, SC, My sister Darcy Smith ‘99
was the Maid of Honor and my sister Ashley Smith ‘04 was a brides-
Angela Ho ([email protected])
Bob Pan ([email protected])
Andrew Chan ([email protected])
maid. My husband and I live in Chandler, Arizona where we just re-
Atsuyuki Fujinuma ([email protected]): Just graduated from Hitotsub-
cently purchased our first home. We have also just learned that we are
ashi University in Japan and has entered the diplomatic world, so he will
expecting our first child in November of this year! Married life has
be traveling a lot, He returned to HKIS for a visit this Spring. He may be
been wonderful and we are now extremely excited to start our family.
back for the 40th Anniversary if he is in the region.
I would love to hear from anyone, please e-mail me!
Brian Street ([email protected]): I am currently working as an
attorney in Orlando, Florida, having completed law school in May
2005. I was married in August of 2004 to my wife, Diane. My brother,
Patrick ‘02, also attended HKIS, and will graduate from the University
of Portland, this May.
Jenny Selvidge ([email protected]): I will graduate from
the University of Kansas with an MSEd (Masters of Science in
Education) with an ESL emphasis, in August 2006.
Atsuyuki at the Middle School
Rachel Koehneke: Rachel will graduate from St. Olaf College this
May with Majors in Social Work and Asian Studies, and a Minor in
Mandarin. In August 2006 she will begin a 12-16 month volunteer
position with LCMS World Mission in Kunming,
China, serving as a Community Development
Worker. Following in the able steps of another
HKIS grad, Michelle Hoeppner ‘94, Rachel will
be working with residents of Yunnan Province
through various projects with the goal being to
the stardard of living. In addition to complet-
Andy and V.J. Satharay, Dean/Humanities
ing her studies this spring, Rachel is also raising
US $15,000 by 31 May to support this “labor of
Timothy Chang ([email protected])
Kristen Chin([email protected]) .
Candace Ho ([email protected])
Daniel (Dan) Humsi : Daniel is graduating from Fayetteville-Manlius (Upstate NY) High School June of 2006 and he will be attending Kansas University this coming Fell 2006. Dan attended HKIS in 1996 to 1999.
Jane Sit ([email protected])
Amy Easton ([email protected])
Nicholas Wong ([email protected])
Andrew Condon ([email protected]): Andy was one of the students
who took part in the Pattaya orphanage, Thailand Interim in March 2004.
After graduation Andy went to NYU and decided to take a year out so he
could volunteer for six months at the Pattaya orphanage. At the end March
2006, he completed his six months and was able to meet with our new group
of Interim students. He shared his experiences with the students and spoke
about all he has learned. It was wonderful to have him there as he served as
an excellent role model to our students.
Faculty and Staff News
Dave Kohl ([email protected]) : High School from art faculty 1973-1980 has just published an extensive history of the Portland (Oregon) gay
and lesbian community. His church, Metropolitan Community Church, is one of 300 congregations around the world with a special ministry to sexual
minority Christians. This is the church where the 2002 HKIS worship service was held at. He wrote the 430 page book in time for the church’s 30th
anniversary in January 2006.
The work begins with the construction of their 1909 Arts & Crafts church building, dedicated by then US President William Howard Taft. The majority
of the book deals with the community as it encountered prejudice, the AIDS situation, and various local and national political issues. With over 750 photos, the book is a fundraiser for the church’s remodeling project, sells for US $24.95, and can be ordered through www.acuriousandpeculiarpeople.org
Check out the website for a good photo of the book cover!
Jim Holland, who taught math in High School during the 1971-1972 school year recently passed away at the age of 55. During his time at HKIS, he
worked as a student teacher for Paul Caritopn, the head of the Math Department. Judy Porter Rower ‘75 was one of his favourite students.
His brother William Holland ([email protected]) who resides in New York shared this sad news with us; please join the entire HKIS community to
express our condolences for Jim passing.
Alumni Office Graduate Contact List
The Alumni Office has the following graduating students on its list, if you know the contact details of
anyone in your class year who is not listed herein, please let us know by emailing [email protected]
Andrew Yau
Ken Szeto
Adeline Eu
Major Andrew
Angie Mason
Barbara Lee
Barty Manseta
Barbara Mok
Becky Raborn
Chap. Richard K.
Ben Wu
Cheryl Mushett
Chris Johnson
Edmond Chen
Edward Lui
Erick Mache
Ginny Hadinoto
Glenny Hadinoto
Harry Waddell
Jan Blair
Jan Terwillinger
Jane Wong
Karen von Behren
Mindy Gooch
Mary Loh
David Vaughn
Pamela Yih
David Weisz
Peggy Raborn
Dennis Minich
Peter Lam
Doreen Soong
Philip Brewin Cheney
Earlene Hornbostel
Phillip Nelson
Etsuro Hayakawa
Princeton Cates
Gregg Grimsley
Rev. Blair Truett
Hilda Malaihollo
Kathie Booth
Kathy McCarthy
Lindy Anderson
Ken Wong
Mark Schmidt
David Carl Christian Mickey Pendraat
Kristine Brannigan
John Strouss
Margaret Rankin
Margo Bordwell
Maria Cristina Del
Margie Hornbostel Patricia Gilhooly
Ford Dotterer
Lucille Figueiredo
Kathleen Patt
Rebecca Christian
Paul Dunn Jr.
Paul Robbins
Robert Gould
Dea Peterson
Lavinia Chu
Catherine Falwell
Sylvia Siu
Sandy Grimsley
John Pinard
Daniel Chung
Jeffrey Finkbeiner
Judith Solomon
Jennifer Haigh
Lori Rosenbaum
Alan Claassen
Scott Flanegin
Dianne Steele
Stuart Hall
Yoko Sadayasu
Deborah Clark
*Akinori Fukue
Sally Stott
James Hu
Jody Saunders
Karen Cooper
David Gepford
Dawn Tebor
Seth Isaacs
Dwight Scarbrough
Marc Crawford
Karen Gindraux
Ronald Verma
Nancy Israel
Leslie Schilling
Dennis Dean
L. Gail Gould
Elizabeth Von
Don Jesu
John Shostrom
Terry Decima
Thuan Vuong
Jonathan Slaton
Helmut Ebert
Thuy Vuong
Peter Keller
Michael Stastny
Carol Echols
Peter Wang
Myong-su Kim
Stephen Sum
Charles Eu
Robert Wheatley
Jean Kirk
Kim-pang Sze
Steve Figueiredo
Betty Wong
Becky Kirkpatrick
Audrey Szu-tu
Laurie Garvey
Freda Wong
Jeffery Kitain
James Thai
Patricia Garvey
Richard Wong
Wan-hoi Lam
Mang Tia
Robert Gerety
Elizabeth Woo
Wan-san Susan
Francis Tien
William Gerety
John Tsang
Dave Golay
Barry Laubach
Richard Vaughn
Stephen Goudey
John Laughlin
Rosaline Wai
Seanna Laughlin
Robert Wang
Scott Lazenby
John Wong
Marco Lobo
Helen Young
Cynthia Gustine
Noriyuki Hachiuma
Katherine Kelly
Yolanda King
Steve Israel
Anna Lam
Terry Lewis
Alan Young
Robert Lee
Caroline Young
Christopher Lim
Charles Lin
Julie Ai
Pete Fishel
Sheryl Scarbrough
Steve Barnard
Pete Swaine
Steve Adcock
Tim Beare
Peter Lipshultz
Steve Tsui (Zee)
Corwin Boake III
Ronnie Lau
Valmere Lynne Kasala Victoria Sue Bonner
Sharon Carte
Barbara Brown
Won Yong Lee
Alex Koperberg
Patricia Cheung
Anthony Krouk
George Chow
David Kung
Ann Christian
Devon Parr
Viki Clarke
Elizabeth Hum
Nancy Collins
Eric Brackmann
Frances Liddiard
Cedric Chan
Herbert Kwok
Robert Auman
Ruth Dionne
Bradley Challberg
Kim Osborn
Roni Weinstein
Robert Kwok
Stuart Ong
Samuel Rankin
Velda Kwan
Pamm Munn
Mitchel Brown
Trina Ebert
Robert Glassburner
John Aspaturian
Junko Okada
Ivy Dobrenky
Wilfred Ku
Janet Adcock
Jerrold Brown
Kay Raborn
Richard Scott Henry
Lisa Obayashi
Pedro Lobo
Julia Locke
Steven Logan
Lisa Luk
Wayne MacCoy
Robert Mache
Terrence Moy
Amy Munn
Deirdre Murphy
Anne Olenik
Vera Ong
Mary Jane
Cinthia Alexander
Archambaud-Chao Wilfred Loh
Alan Au
Mary Loh
Audrey Bernhardt
Steve Long
Lee Marks
Richard Busacker
Stephen Mason
Michael Carpenter
Grahm McAustan
Clemant Cheung
Mary McCoy
Arthur Chung
Cinthia Divis
Gillian McLaren
Robert Dorfman
Manuel Michalowski
Brad Moy
Julianne Young
Talmadge Albertson
Patrick Allen
Gary Anderson
Jonathan Ballou
*Lynn Barratt
Kris Bliss
Robert Boake
Gerhard Bochow
John Bordwell
Roberta Hickcox
Donna Kaddourah
Naomi Kaner
Diane Kasala
Margaret Koon
Mike Koyama
Tina Kwok
Joseph Lampe
Cara Laughlin
Elizabeth Leeper
Daphne Lemaire
Theodore Leung
Marianne Lee
Vincent Li
Bin Lo
Martha Banwell
Kathyrine Miao
Chris Champeau
Michele Moore
Jackie Hsu
Dennis Wang
David Lu
Susan Bradlaw
Sandra Murphy
Virginia Chan
Joel Morgan
Ranjit Ahluwalia
Rob Janssen
Lesley Wang
Karen Macquarrie
Paul Butcher III
Susan Oh
Judy Chapman
Lili Motamedi
Iku Ajiro
Edgar Johnson
Steve Westergren
Robert McCoy
Jan Canters
Huib Pendraat
Miriam Ching
Mariko Nakajima
Eric Allen
Ellen Johnston
Fleming Wong
Marla Minich
Kathleen Carlson
Miep Pendraat
William Chung
Sean O’Keefe
Jeanne Anderson
Marie Karr
Jade Wong
Irit Mor
Leslie Chao
Taco Proper
Lilia Co
Tracy Palmer
Melissa Anderson
Joseph Ketterer
Dennis Yip
Lanny Nizar
Alison Chow
Scott Redheffer
Margaret Cummins Raul Pangilinan
Andrew Arman
Alan Knisely
George Yip
Debbie Noren
Shik MingChow
Robert Rosenstein
Stephen Dingler
Sheila Pearce
Anne Banwell
Joan Kronenberg
Laura Obayashi
Scott Clayton
David Rotem
Christa Ebert
Elizabeth Peaslee
Brenda Bauman
Iris Lam
Joseph Olenik
Ken Dean
Doug Rowan
Mark Feldman
James Pendergast
Robert Bradlaw
Kalyphall Lamouth
Deborah Overton
Kadambari Divakaran Phyllis Saibel
Betsy Fisher
Julie Peterson
Leslie Brandt
Lharmony Lamouth
Derick Pao
Debra Dobrenky
Polly Schnick
Maureen Fogarty
Cliff Raborn
Thomas Buckle
David Lee
Jeanette Pinard
Marj Eid
Martha Schultz
Glenn Fok
Christopher Reaves
Anthony Cahill
Adeline Liau
Dianne Porter
Diana Erickson
Marshall Shimasaki Beth Garvey
Robert Reiner
Jonathan Cates
John MacMillan
Monica Ramsak
Amy Fong
Mark Shostrom
William Gouse
Susan Robbins
Constant Cha
Kathy McGown
Sandra Redheffer
Kathleen Furey
Kwok Hon Sung
Gary Hale
Brad Sandler
Lloyd Chao
Christian Myers
James Richards
Lisa Gim
Anne Tang
Karen Heck
Gregg Saunders
Richard Chen
Marla Naylor
Eileen Rubin
Pascal Golay
Laurie Taylor
Robert Hockett
Linda Schock
Amir Chitayat
Tommy Oh
Marjorie Shao
Amy Hart
Corinne Verpoorten
Patricia Holland
David Schwerdtmann
Christopher Collins
Megan O’Keefe
Michael Sullivan
Tim Harvey
Tina Vuong
Russell Ingram
Catherine Smith
Debi Coonan
Amber Ong
Lilian Tantosubroto Charles Hoffmann
Kenneth Wang
Kathleen Johnson
Stephen Smith
Cynthia Crossan
Frances Patterson
Jim Templeton III
Chi Tai Hong
Marcelina Wang
Todd Kehoe
Robert Steagall
Elizabeth Cummins
Cheryl Pendleton
Christine Tognetti
Toni Ketterer
*Scott Waterman
Edward Ketterer
Betty Sun
John Dewenter III
James Pendleton
Nakrady Um
Amy Kwan
Stephen Webb
David Knisely
Kyoko Takeda
Beth Dorf
Pamela Peterson
Jon Von Behren
Margaret Kwok
Renee Wolff
Steve Koch
Kit Ping Tang
*Brad Doyle
Kim Prechtl
Thao Vuong
Mark Kwok
Kenelm Wong
John Kortuem
Betsy Templeton
William Duncan
Donald Rabe
Evelyn Wai Sung
James Lampe
Karen Wong
Eric Y.C. Lee
Long Tran
Karen Eu
David Reaves
Dana Warren
Candace Latendresse Pam Wu
Melody Lee
John Trepanier
Timothy Fennell
Debra Reid
Sonya Washenko
Mark Leonard
Lik Lie
Paul Van Alstyne
Elissa Ferren
Sandra Rotem
Gregg Westrick
Violette Li
Cynthia Alexander
Genevia\ Liu
Ken Westrick
Barbara Fisher
Haresh Sakhrani
Grace Wong
Philip Lim
Deborah Barth
Sarah Lord
Tara Whitehill
Jean Garmany
Vicky Schaffer
Margaret Wong
Joseph Lin
Steve Bauman
Mary Luedtke
Alan Williamson
LuAnn Garvey
Phil Schock
Michael Wong
Paul Ling
Scott Bennett
Gordon Luk
David Wong
Martha Ann Goudey James Slaton
Elaine Wong
Walter Loh
Gavin Birnie
Alan Malonzo
Marcus Woo
Richard Gutlon
Linda Spalding
Victor Loke
Bianca Brahamsha
Michael McCoy
Lynette Wyse
Nand Harjani
Mohan Sumiyoshi
Peter Lucas
Marcy Brooks
Virginia McElroy
Robert Yamashita
Scott Hart
Ching-Man Sze
Neil Alexander
Yvonne Marks
Bruce Cahoon
Robert McLaren
Mark Young
Daniel Hohl
Denise Trepanier
Judith Aslan
James McElroy
Ronald Carrero
Masateru Miyata
Joseph Hotung
Mark Wallis
Grant Abel
Leslie Addis
Charles Anderer
Leslie Baker
Pip Bass
Allison Bell
Mary Blessington
Steve Bordwell
Barbara Brown
Thomas Burkard
Susan Burr
Kimberly Busacker
Daniel Byrne
Nancy Carrero
Mark Champeau
Michele Champeau
Tony Chau
Debi Chiao
Lois Christian
Peter Chworowsky
Sheryl Davis
Kathy Dewenter
Bruce Doolittle
Lisa Dufresne
Barbara Easton
Lisa Eu
Linda Ferren
Colleen Fogarty
Quentin Fong
Nancy Greenwood
Nick Rowan
Chun-Yin Chow
Katharine Liu
Roger Anderson
Kevin Kwok
Brian Dieckhoff
Diana Haig
Steve Schommer
Kathy Chow
Tracey Livingston
Neelima Apte
Mai Lee
Margaret Strahan
Ellen Dorf
Yonnie Heung
Dee Shea
Anthony Clark
Edwin Loh
Staphane Barret
Christina Leong
Eve Sweitzer
Deborah Dufour
Helen Hoenig
Kari Shimasaki
Joanne Clark
Dora Lu
Brad Broyhill
Erica Li
John Tan
Arnell Ellington
John Hunter
David Smith
Stuart Clark
Carolyn Lutz
Richard Burnside
Kelvin Limm
Michael To
Kenneth Flynn
Rodney Ingram
Francis Soen
Cathy Clasper-Torch
John McMullen
Claire Chao
Thomas Lo
Gary Tso
Liz Fortino
Bob Jankowski
Tony Soo
Carolyn Cooke
Michael Mensinger
Sorren Chiang
Edward Loh
Richard Van Dusen
Marcella Gipner
Tamara Jantz
June Steagall
Sandra Coonan
Renee Mordini
Alvin Chung
Andrew Luk
York Wang
Sue Gode
Susan Kim
John Suh
Denise Critchfield
Jonathan Nealis
Elizabeth Chworowsky
Robert Lusher
Charles Wanless
Ian Goepfert
Kevin Kinne
Anna Sung
Michael Dillon
Tom O’Sullivan
Alan Clarke
Florence Lusk
Tom Warden
Frederick Hall
Steve Ko
Ching-Hung Sze
Pimolrat Dulyanant
Carol Ann Patterson
Elizabeth Costin
Nickolay Mak
Jeff West
Kristine Hassa
Daizo Koda
Amat Tajudin
*Richard Eichelberger Marty Pigg
Michael Crowley
Yuko Matsumura
David Westrick
Michael Hebert
Dennis Lam
Natsuko Tanaka
Lisa Feldman
Kevin Riebe
Audrey Dejager
Tracey McAllister
Elizabeth Wong
Sabrina Hodgett
John Langford
Desiree Tang
Milton Fong
Marc Roeloffzen
Peter Demetros
Charles McGowan
Betty Woo
Ellen Hotung
Maribeth Lee
Selena To
Sharada Gilkey
Mark Salas
Makarand Deolalkar
Jane Anne Mcgregor Liza Yeung
Jeff Hsu
Lu Lemaster
Wesley Tongson
William Hoa
Sharon Salenius
Vrinda Deolalkar
Daniel McKinney
Tessa Yeung
Julian Hui
Linda Lierheimer
Linda Towery
Howard Hsu
Yuko Shibata
Mary Ding
Sandra Mial
George Young
Kathy Huizar
Janis Lindoo
Ginnie Webb
Heidi Johnson
Daizo Sudoh
Erin Dunn
Melissa Miller
Peggy Young
Randall Juergens
Gilbert Lo
Mark Weihenmayer Philip Jordan
Peter Sullivan
Pak Eng
Maria Murphy
Eileen Keenan
Barbara Mayben
Ada Wong
Carol Juergens
Kenneth Swan
Kerry Fogarty
Brian Myers
Raymond Abary
Cathleen McCoy
Pamela Wong
Scott Kahn
Anne Sweitzer
Malcolm Fong
Cynthia Newman
Joan Amy
Jim McGown
Bob Woo
Colleen Keenan
Philip Thomas
Robert Frank
Tanya Novak
Antony Anderson
Tamara Mehta
Vicky Wragg
William Keimig
Suzanne Torgersen
Peter Gilbert
Lola Pan
Geoffrey Ayers
Debbie Mercer
Vivian Yih
Helen Kim
Michele Trepanier
Grace Go
Rachel Raborn
Tracy Birnie
Laurie Miller
Richard Zee
Akiko Kimura
David Tse
Lisa Hamel
Rhonda Rasmussen
Debbie Bossard
Carol Morris
Cynthia Kinne
Gordon Tso
Piya Harnphanich
Patricia Reckendorf David Brooks
Ramesh Motwani
Bryan Anderson
Richard Ko
Stella Tyas
Paul Ho
Veronique Reynaud Kimberly Brown
Lertsak Nganthavee Menefee Bagnal
Winston Koo
Elizabeth Wallis
Ha Sun Hong
Gregory Rittger
John Carroll
Julia Obayashi
Haresh Balani
Sandra Koo
Allen Wang
Gary Hung
Bill Robb III
Scott Caslow
Sharon Pearce
Cynthia Bauman
David Kwong
David Wang
Lydia Hwang
Michael Robison
Alex Chan
Kathy Peaslee
Scott Bearden
Miranda Lai
Cindi Webb
Steven Ingram
Ian Rogers
Lingki Chau
Keith Quong
Deborah Blakney
Johnny Lam
David Webb
Theo Janssen
Christine Sandner
Julie Cheung
Ruth Raborn
Paul Blessington
Kitty Lam
Jeffrey Week
Laura Jensen
David Schmidt
Wantanee Chirathivat
Steve Rahmanan
Lloyd Bloom
Ronald Lam
Larry West
Michele Kiyota
Hal Schornstein
Miriam Choi
Martin Ranta
David Burnside
Alvin Lee
Paul Westrick
Karen Koch
Nancy Shirey
Karen Cook
Julie Rice
Daniel Burr
David Lee
Thomas Wong
Kenneth Koo
Karen R. Smith
Juanita Coumbias
Julie Richards
Eric Caslow
Stephen Leoganda
Stephanie Koo
Yoon Sohn
Lisa Crowley
Daniel McCoy
Rand Robinson
Randy Chadwick
Eric Lewis
Kathy Anderer
Mabel Kwan
Gary Soucy
Paul Demetros
Julia McMullen
Michael Kinne
Kimberly Knowles
Antonio Koo
Sherman Lam
Sophie Lam
James Langford
Simon Lau
Deborah Lee
Gisa Lee
Joyce Lu
*Jonathan Lutz
Kevin Lytle
Matthew Mak
Davin McAndrews
Bernice Mendoza
Claudine Michaut
Gina Tso
Paul Gilbert
Mari Sato
Calvin Chow
Naomi Lusk
David Wong
Louisa Kwan
Denise Moden
Elizabeth Tutnauer
Kris Grant
Timothy Schmidt
Gary Coonan
Donna Maibuecher
Jerry Wood II
Sheryl Mordini
Tim Vander Leek
Heather Gray
Barbara Semken
Roger Cormier
Michael Marshall
Eric Yau
Alysia Lee
Jennifer Osborne
Wesley Wan
Chandur Gulrajaney
Tom Sheehan
Lisa Dandrea
Cynthia McAndrews
John Lenell
Catherine Osmund
Allen Weintraub
Henry Hamel
John Shih
Antonio De Rosas
*Patrick Pang
Mark Westergren
Stephanie Harvey
Carolyn Siewh
Karine Piastunovich
Delphine Wood
Lea Henderson
Lynn Rasmus
Valerie Woods
Marcel Hoenig
Karen Redlinger
Terrence Yau
Karen Houghtaling
Lawrence Reed
Henry Yoshawirja
Kathy Houghtaling
Stephen Robison
Sully Jacome
Lourdes Rodriguez
Phyllis Afendoulis
Elizabeth Johnson
Laura Rose
*Anna Agell
Steven Jones
Robert Roth
Leslie Arnold
Karen Karr
Renee Babila
Robert Ketterer
Inawati Setiadji
Rochelle Baines
Susan Sherry
Richard Bauman
Lisa Kung
Grace Shin
Kay Bawden
Trina Lathrop
Linda Silvis
Jimmie Bray
Joe Lawrence
Jeffrey Sinfield
Freny Bunshah
Sandra Lee
Mike Skolnick
Mike Butkus
Donna Liang
Deborah Smith
Kelly Cary
Michael Lombardo
Dave Sohn
Keith Challberg
Darryl Malonzo
Shannon Stringer
James Chen
Kazuko Manabe
Stacie Stroud
Margaret Chew
Sanda McMillan
Heidi Struebing
Tim Chiang
Barry Michael
Hisae Sudoh
Enid Chien
Paul Miller
Russell Miller
Harold Sun
Harumi Takeuchi
Arthur Tan
Alwyn Tang
Katherine Tang
Sophia Tao
Narumal Tayjasanant
Agnes Ting
John Torgersen
David Trees
Michael Tse
Ellen Cook
David Dandrea
Ruth Davis
Mike De la Pena
Eddie Delahunty
Saskia Dijkstra
Christine Disney
Graeme Dyer
Michael Engelbrecht
Jeannie Foulkrod
Jenny Fung
Rachelle Mock
Sidney Mok
Roberto Moratti
Wendy Nelson
Karl Ostheller
Renee Rasmussen
Claudia Rednall
Suzanne Rhoades
Jennifer Rossuck
Vanessa Sapienza
Alison McKinnell
David Agell
Caesar Luk
Paul Delahunty
Stacy Mock
Harry Albukhary
Izumi Matsumoto
Judith Smith
David Dewenter
Lincoln Mok
Leslie Anderson
Susan McMullen
*Karen StaniekGerhardt
Stacy Dibble
Victoria Monroe
John Bauman
Mary Meath
Lynne Doolittle
Roger Mordini
Phillip Bloemink
David Milford
Ronit Douek
John Nisbet
Deborah Boyd
Eric Miltenburg
John Engelbrecht
Eva Paley
Sung Yup Chang
Joey Mok
Catherine Eubank
Lilianna Playton
Timothy Chen
Angela Monioudis
Brian Evans
William Potter
Danny Choi
Catherine Morgan
Pamela Fortin
Connson Chou
Patrick Mulligan
Lydia Chow
Allison Mulligan
Chris Christie
Young Shik Park
Margaret Costin
Alissa Porter LeGates
Tina Cure
Ian Prince
Craig Day
Carol Reif
Reinaldo Eala
Jessica Rhoades
Brent Eynon
*Brett Rossuck
Michaela Fountain
Seiichi Saito
Jack Getzelman
Alan Schmidt
Stephanie Giss
Bennet Sexton
Peng Goh
Pattie Gordon
Edward Shing
James Han
Wendy Shum
Miyuki Hirahara
Susan Simanaitis
Kian Holstead
Robert Six
Ann Huse
Cynthia Soo
Paul Janelle
Remi Sugiyama
Raymond Janssen
Catherine Surrency
Dianne Jones
Chisato Takeda
John Taylor
Odette Teodorovich
Chris Thorne
Morgen Tilling
Nobuhiro Toimaru
Maria Tongsen
Sandra Torgersen
Wally Tuchardt
Joseph Wai
David Warden
Jason Weckel
Patricia Wei
Bradley Westrick
Llewena Whiddon
Todd Wong
Conrad Wragg
Joseph Ziolkowski
Terence Anderson
Anna Au
Joyce Barrone
Scott Bauman
Arun Bedi
William Bossany
Cynthia Capistrano
Donald Carl
Andrew Carroll
Pamela Chang
Johnson Cheng
Ian Chew
Larry Foulkrod
Emi Fujikake
Robyn Fung
Laura Goepfert
Regina Grant
Andrew Hietala
Stephanie Hinshaw
Yumi Hirahara
Michele Hocevar
Benjamin Hollis
Nick Huffman
Timothy Hui
Lynne Hunt
Karen Jones
Edwin Lee
Maria Lee
Cheryl Lee
James Lenell
Christiana Leung
Mark Lin
Theodore Loh
Yvonne Loke
Kenneth Look
John Quinn
Michael Rehmeyer
John Reizman
Yves Reynaud
Scott Rogers
Mike Roth
Umesh Saraf
Nathalie Shiu
Donald Siao
Deborah Sims
Kelly Six
Greg Smith
Angelika Staniek
Carol Stark
Brian Suzuki
Aimee Tang
Mack Tilling
Catherine Tongson
Paul Travers
Nicholas Van
Dan Virata
Hazel Virata
Liza Wei
Rebecca Westrick
Glenn Whiddon
Elizabeth Juergens
Karen Ketterer
Seung YonKim
Stella King
Jennifer Taylor
Jay Templeton
Tracy Tierney
Matthew Tilling
Gillian Tso
Kris Tuchardt
Jack Hsu
Steve Sexton
Derek Capre
Teresa Lomotan
Mark Williams
Carl Engzell
Jill Watamaniuk
Lorna Hunt
Johanna Shafer
Bernard Chan
Christina Madden
Jacqueline Windsor
Richard Erisman
Amy Weinberg
Lesli Summerlin
Ian Chan
Melissa Mak
David Wolper
Susan Fichter
Sheryl Willcox
Miki Ikemura
Michi Tam
Christina Chang
Robert Fienberg
Teresa Winbigler
Ann Iribarren
Robin Tierney
Yun Jae Chong
Alexandra Sasha
Adelina Au
Doug Gallacher
Miho Yanagida
May Kan
Thomas Tilmant
Leslie Choy
Roman Azanza III
Lisa Geringer
Gerard Ko
James Toal
Constance Collins
Ken Bell
Geoffrey Hale
Philip Anderson
Paul Kwiatkowski
Virginia Todd
James Costello
Helen Best
Jennifer Harvey
Zulkifli Arifin
Lorna Lam
Anthony Travers
Tara Costello
Stephanie Bilkey
Yuko Hirahara
Tiffany Berggren
Paul Owens Langford
Minh Venator
Socorro Paulina Cristi
Leah Boggs
Hayley Hsu
Juliette Brandt
Jacki Lim
Tanya Vinson
Frederico De Guzman
Jennifer Boon
Jerry Hsu
James Brown
Maria Lomotan
Jill Vollertsen
Victoria De Rosas
Robert Bradley
Michiko Iida
Susan Burnett
Nancy Lusk
Alvin Wang
*Lori Delahunty
Wendy Brainard
Francine Jacome
Arati Chand
Celine Ma
Anna Wang
Fiona Ekander
Callen Campbell
Curt Jennewine
Tanuja Chandra
Kam Ma
Richard Whitehead
Julie Finerty
Ariya Chalermwat
Anju Jiandani
George and May Chang
Patrick Magnusson
Maria Williams
Chad Forrest
Regina Chang
Janice Karr
Jin-Young Chang
Kaori Matsumoto
Linda Wohleber
Eric Fung
Colette Cheng
Sonya Kilkenny
May Chang
Wynne Mayall
Adelina Wong
Valerie Gildersleeve
Calvin Cheung
Charlie Kim
Bey Chen
Anita McElvane
Gregory Wood
Michelle Hansmire
Carey Cheung
Gerianne Ko
Stephanie Choy
Mike McGivern
Janet Wortley
Jayce Henderson
Victor Cheung
Derek Kwik
Danielle Chung
Tracy McKinnell
Deborah Wynne-Parry John Hsin
Mingson Chou
Ross Kwok
Diane Clark
Paul Mengden
Liesl Yoars
Caroline Hsu
Camilia Chow
William Kwok
Kelly Costello
Sandra Morgan
Madeline Hsu
Koh-Ann Chu
Devra Langford
Fiona Day
Jennifer Morris
John Aexel
Wendy Hsu
Cynthia Chuang
Tak Hung Lau
Fiona Doe
Ann Mulligan
Grace Ajemian
Terri Irwin
Patricia Clem
Lin Lee
Francois Duchastel
David Napoleon
Atikah Arifin
Akiyo Ito
Tom Coleman
Timothy Lee
John Eichelberger
William Needels
Howard Au
Joseph Johnson
Sondra Cowan
Tracey Lesher-Limone
Leslie Fong
John Niem
Allison Bacher
Patrick Karls
Maurice Cruz
Annette Liu
Meiji Fong
Laura Nisbet
Anette Backstrom
Julianne Kemp
Paul DaSaro
Susan Loeffelholz
Sherry Fong
Crystal Ostheller
Alison Barker
Kathleen Kennedy
Brian Fortner
Karen Pfeifer
Stephanie Baum
Kenny Kim
Katrina Fortner
Arielle Piastunovich
Sean Best
Richard King
Kimberly Fry
Amer Quraishi
Brian Boggess
Kailee Knowles
Teresa Fung
Shamina Qureshi
Robyn Bradley
Karen Lakeman
Lynne Halpern
Christian Reimer
Roger Bradstreet
Alan Lee
Catherine Harris
Stephanie Rittmann
Andrew Brown
Emmy Lee
Lori Hitchcock
Fran Sapienza
James Burnett
Eugenia Lee
Victor Ho
Jay Setnicka
Randall Button
Christine Loh
Vanessa McDonald
Kathleen McKay
Michael Medina
John Monteiro
Si Morgan
Brier Muse
Kevin Neir
Joseph Niem
Bryan Oaks
Colleen O’Neill
Margaret O’Sullivan
Cristen Palmer
Stephanie Peck
Daren Povar
Phillip Prodger
Ellen Reimer
Chadwick Saxelid
Randy Schwartz
David Shapiro
Sheila Shih
Kristin Sieglaff
Jeffrey Sneddon
John Tan
Ju-Lyn Tan
Paul Tan
*Michael Taylor
Michelle Dauphinais Chris Loh
Linda Davis
Diana Lu
Bert De Guzman
Sophie Madden
Alexis Devlin
Sandra Marsh
Sri Viswanath
Mariano Robert
Bren McIver
Sandra Wang
Stephen Doe
Christine Westrick
Jorie Driskill
Juliette Wilkinson
Jay Edwards
Devon Williams
Samantha Efford
Vince Tobias
Bradley Tuchardt
Lanchi Venator
John Misa
Daniel Moore
Dorothy Moran
Melanie Musgrove
Donn Naito
Brad Bouten
Bonifacio Lomotan
Guillermo Tantoco J. Scott Cooke
Lorrie Nance
Kennedy Brown
Caroline (Moon) Lucas
Tanya To
Michael Darch
Shashi Narain
Frank Campbell
Fontaine Lui
Maria Tongson
Charlene Day
Amy Ng
Angela Carey
Zachary Lum
Andrew Tsai
Samantha Denham
Edmond Ngai
Eva Champagne
Katherine MacMillan
*Jeffrey Tsai
Debra Driskill
Susan North
John Chan
Amy Mak
Yvonne Tsai
Lisa Dugand
Angela Olsen
Robert Chan
Pamela Mar
Douglas Wang
Paul Duncan
Kathleen O’Sullivan Jeffrey Cheah
Christopher Markley
Amanda Wilson
Christine Dunn
William Ottiger
Christopher Mathis
Katherine Wise
Brett Enlow
*Gareth Matthews
Craig Wood
Melody Fong
Melissa McPheeters
Leon Wu
Leesa Forrest
Sheryl Miller
Tahira Yakoob
Shannon Frame
Mark Misemer
Raymond Yeen
Laura Fu
Henry Morgan
Jennifer Yu
Cecil Fung
Sandy Gremlich
Patrick Naughton
Bryan Alldredge
Cathey Hale
Hilary Newman
David Anderson
Melinda Hansmire
Akiko Niihara
Andrew Arenson
Keisuke Hirano
Diane Oberheim
Carolyn Barringer
Charles Ho
Heather Michelle
Kim Bauman
*Rita Hopper
Patricia Bauman
Erik Horneman
Karen Bennett
Amy Hsu
Janice Blomeyer
William Hsu
John Burdsall
Mari Iwata
Amelia Chan
Rekha Kaula
Lincoln Chan
Amy Kirschke
Chris Parkhurst
Milo Petty
Mette Poulsen
Michelle Pozon
Steven Pratico
Andree Richard
Jonathan Rowold
Mark Rush
Richard Surrency
Amy Tennis
Amy Thomas
Brian Thomas
Patrick Thomas
Kei Ki To
Cindy To
Darren Tse
Elaine Tse
Ryo Vavrunek
John Wade
Amy Watt
Graeme Wilkinson
*Christine Wong
David Wu
Tracey Abington
Antony Alumkal
Rifiyanti Arifin
Carl Aschan
Adam Biggs
Heidi Elizabeth
Esther Chiranakhorn
Casey Chow
Benjamin Choy
Kristin Connor
Shanti Crawford
Paige DaSaro
Teresa Devroe
Matthew Dowhy
Michelle Ferrell
Sumi Fink
Jonathan Ford
Richard Fung
Veronica Fung
Erik Gilbertson
Rob Gvozden
Kunal Handa
Dian Hsin
Alana Insko
Michael Johnson
Sujal Kapadia
Henry Kim
Loring Knoblauch
Bobby Kwan
Ernest Lee
Adam Levowitz
Janet Levowitz
Ricky Li
Grace Loh
Peggy Loh
Kelly Ostheller
Behram Parekh
Robert Potter
John Quinn
Piers Reddy
Mark Rittmann
Judd Rossuck
Brian Schroeder
Robert Scott
Deborah Shannon
Yong-Ho Sohn
Annette Spackman
Amy Sparrow
Suzan Steinberg
Deborah Strauss
Marc Suhr
Lay-heon Tan
Annette Tang
Young Hwi Chang Kwang-WiKoh
Antonius Chen
Kevin Koo
Grace Chen
Jeffrey Kresock
Vanessa Chien
Leon Kuan
Gina Choi
Gina Kwan
Prescille Chu
Alex Langley
Benny Chuchen
Tygir Lebedev
David Chung
Suzette Lin
Danielle Clarke
Douglas Lodge
Karin Cochran
Hans Lombardo
Susan Cofer
Melissa Longley
Sarimarijke Cohen Panayotis Malliris
Michelle Marking
*Debby Tuck
Deborah Dang
Vivien Janette
Bob Van Wormer
Ashok Daswani
Jason Vorderstrasse
Christopher Dooley
Jon Martin
Catherine Maule
Mahfuza Mazid
Janette McDonald
Richard McNeel
Zachary Mertens
Brad Mettee
Fiona Miliffe
Nadia Mir
Michael Monteiro
Chih We Mou
Peter Movizzo
Dina Narain
Vivien Ng
William Nihan
Henrik Nilsson
Kelly O’Leary
James Olson
Michelle Onderko
Jeremy Palmer
Joon Young Park
Angelica Pozon
Soo-Jin Rhee
Douglas Rosenquist
James Shelby
Tiffany Shultz
Cornelia Stander
Mark Stocker
Martina Straight
Lynne Sweeney
Rika Tachibana
Beatrix Tambunan
Terence Tay
Kimberly Tennis
Jay Thompson
Kevin Tranbarger
*Margaret Wadhwani Bradley Draper
Chad Walters
David Dreiske
Heather Walters
*Angela Easterwood
Freda Wang
Charles Eaton
Leslie Wang
Alyssa Enlow
John Watt
William Erisman
Melissa Weidner
Amy Weintraub
Ann Werner
Sabrina Wilhoit
Andrea Wong
Stephen Wong
Michael Wu
Steven Yang
Yoshiko Abe
Marika Abelsted
Neil Alumkal
Tanya Anderson
Rita Arifin
Rohini Balani
Mara Bautista
Anjali Bedi
Pinki Bengani
Jeffrey Boehm
Tanya Bossard
Jennifer Bostwick
Rachel Brinkley
Christian Campbell
Anthony Chan
Kitty Chan
Eveline Chang
Patricia Chen
Stella Chen
Amber Connor
Nathalie Faufeder
Belinda Faulkner
Marc Ferrell
Heather Fierce
Tracy Flannery
Kerry Ford
*Jennifer Fresco
Dominick Frosch
Sara Gaasholt
Charles Gallacher
Robert Gipson
Julie Glenn
Anna Marie Goco
Sam Golles
Juliet Halloran
Christine Hanchett
Cathryn Harris
Cynthia Haugen
Lili Herrera
Terence Hsu
Kimberly Kaiser
Veronique Kaneta
Achal Kapoor
Paul Karlsen
Dena Khasif
Soo YoungKim
Ty Hoa Kobler
Jennifer Koo
Dean Ku
Emily Schiffman
James Bradden
Ahmer Kalam
Charles Quinn
Susan Yen
Derrek Faber
Michelle Lung
Harriet Lam
Joanne Schmitt
Brooke Bronner
Anuroopa Kalbag
Ruth Rasmussen
Jennifer Young
Kerri Fijol
Wenson Lung
Timothy Lam
Erum Shah
Kathleen Cashman Jennifer Kestenbaum Tynlee Roberts
William Youngblood
Jennifer Fong
Renee Lux
Christopher Larsen
May Sheung
Daniel Chan
Maki Kondo
Steven Scannell
Jennifer Martin
Karen Lee
Anthony Simpkin
Janice Chan
Peter Kornberg
Saba Shah
Alexandra Garschagen
Mark Abernathy
Pauline Lewis
Matthew Spackman
Synthia Chan
Jean Ku
Sara Shaoul
Kikko Akamatsu
*Christine Rio
Stephanie Li
Christopher Starr
Anthony Chang
Heng-Yeh Kuo
Scott Shelby
Sunayana Arora
Andrew Glenn
Margaret McBride
Tom Lin
Eric Sun
Joe Chang
Voon San Lai
Robert Signer
Natalie Au-wen
Bijoy Goswami
Christopher Motion
Mark Lurer
Lavine Surtani
Joseph Chen
Lewis Lau
Jennifer Spielman Seth Baker
Matthew Hanson
Megan Nalevanko
Jeffrey Magarity
Seiichiro Suzuki
Ji-Young Choi
Suzanna Lee
John Stich
Miles Henderson
Ruth Neighbors
Joseph Marzullo
Roberto Tantoco
Casey Chu
Vanessa Lew
George Suzuki
Nuryanti Herlina
Antonio Ng
Megumi Hirano
Michelle Niem
Wallace Ho
Bethany Nocco
Andy Hou
Kumiko Ogoshi
David Hsia
Ian Ong
Vanessa Hui
Aimee Ipson
Yazdi Parekh
Laura Ivey
Anna Pena
Sean Kang
Bimal Kapoor
Hud Quistorff
Jennifer McDonald
Tanya McGuinnessBeck
Blair Mertens
Samuel Templeton
Jason Thatcher
*Michael Thompson
Cynthia Tsai
Hui-Chu Mou
Shauna Muschewske
Elizabeth Napoli
Julian Neale
Michele Neff-Franke
Abha Nijhawan
Julie Noethlich
Kumiko Onoda
Paul O’Sullivan
Meghan Parisi
Sun-Hee Park
Michael Pelphrey
Tania Phillips
Heather Pierce
Brooke Portwood
Darren Prodger
Bonnie Tucker
Brett Vinson
Bettina Virtusio
Colleen Walker
Daniel Wang
Jennifer Welker
Stewart Wennersten
Kendal Widtfeldt
Christopher Williams
Vu Williams
John Windsor
*Stephen Wong
Andrew Wu
Karen Rowe
Jennifer Rowell
David Sakai
Jackie Samtani
Sudesh Sani
Kanan Sankalia
Johnny Chuchen
*Betty Chung
Andrea Cicogna
Kelly Cooke
Jennifer Crawford
Carlo Cruz
Colin Curran
Juilanne Davie
Alma De Allende
Sam Devnani
Scott Dotson
Sarah Elliott
Sarah Ferguson
Nancy Fichter
Christina Gaw
Kathy Yao
Will Gemmel
Benjamin Yin
Heather Goeld
Joyce Yin
Maria Granstrom
David Young
Anne Roberts
Timothy Chu
Susan Gregg
Carol Groves
Christopher Adams
Stephen Harrington
Edward Altwies
Sunil Hemnani
Becky Bassett
Yu Sik Hong
Nicole Bast
Melissa Hum
Denise Blair
Duncan Ip
Kelvin Liang
Jesse Lim
Richard Liu
Amy Lynch
Alexandre Mabilon
Hannah MacMurray
Cheri McDonald
Cara McDowall
Kyle McGinty
Robert McNeel
Yulee Teng
Mark Teo
David Thomson
Deborah Tidbury
Megan Tilder
Renee Tokuyama
Bernice Tong
Kristina Torrado
Albert Tsai
Daniel Tuck
Jonathan Barden
Howard Berg
John Blomeyer
Jarrett Bostwick
Chris Brough
Richard Cardinal
Josemaria Carreon
Amanda Chan
Celia Chan
Renee Lynn Chang
Stephen Chang
Tiffany KirchnerDixon
Jamy Velho
Jason Choi
Andrew Kirschke
Satoru Mori
Vanessa Wagar
Amanda Chow
Asuka Kitamura
Scott Murdock
Jason Wallace
David Chow
Gerianna Ko
Amy Nance
Meghan Walsh
Carolyn Chu
Lawrence Koo
Desmond Ng
Ada Wang
*Desmond Chu
Lena Kuffner
Patrick Nihan
Kelly Wawrinty
Bora Chung
Patricia Kung
Gregory Novosad
Jonathan Webster Denise Dauval
David Kwok
Amy Olson
Lauren Whitehorn Maria De Toledo
Steven Lam
Lisa Ottiger
Collin Wilkerson
Stephanie De vera
Stacy Lambert
Stathi Pappadis
Trevor Willis
Arsheya Devitre
Roger Lara
Shannon Pearce
Edward Wong
Kristen Devlin
Jennifer Lee
Paul Pelican
Scott Wood
Kelly Donohue
Joung Ho Lee
Mark Pflederer
Trevor Wright
Brian Driscoll
Lorna Li
Paulo Pires
Michelle Wu
Charles Dube
Brian Ling
Michael Plunkett
Eric Yang
Christopher Dungworth
Alan Liu
Jennifer Price
Barbara Yeh
Martin Erhardt
Christopher Loh
Michael Misemer
Elizabeth Maule
Edward Kelley III Sharon Raccah
Reilly Cheung
Shelby MimsLefkowitz
Michelle Mathis
Wai Leng Loh
Stephen Reiutz
Shannon Remnant
Mieka Rhoades
Natasha Royer
Lavesh Samtani
Elizabeth Schiffman
Megan Schill
Margarita Schultz
Stephanie Schwartz
Sloane Sheffer
Albert Sheu
Hilary Shirven
Ed Sirivallop
Jennifer Sollenberger
Adaarema Sparks
Lance Starr
Rachel Stone
John Stralnic
Derek Chen
Jesper Ingerslev
Tammy Swanberg
*Timothy Chen
Elizabeth Jennings Jeff Sellers
Sunny Tan
Jun Chie
Dennis Joe
Angela Teng
Henry Chien
Nadine Schnell
Kenny Man
Gregory Tso
Emily Best
Joshua Goldberg
Gautam Bhagnari
ShoumitroGoswami Miki Maruko
Robert Serrano
Dana Bigelow
Sandra Grant
Brett Mason
Joyce Weitz
Matt Johannsson
David Sheerin
William Black
*Timothy Gregg
Yuki Matsumura
Thibaut Williams
Cassandra Thompson Rebecca Chien
Hyung Kee Kim
Anne Silin
Alice Han-Carlsson
Thomas Mayer
Jason Willis
Eric Tou
Tammy Chin
Suzanne Kingry
Luis Sison
Mona Brough
Maggie Harris
Arjun Menon
Eric Wong
Alyssa Ann Turoczi
Paul Cho
Catherine Kyle
Charles Soule
Shanon Hernandez
Jason Wong
Heath Van Luchene
Lily Choi
Hilary Lahey
Tracey Sprengler
Chris MillsWinkler
Katrina Virtusio
Holly Christianson
Charlotte Lee
Marianne Sullivan
Todd Walters
Patrick Chu
Dana Lee
Stephanie Tan
John Wang
Mervin Chun
Eugene Lee
Chantal Teodorovich
Michelle Wang
Christine Chung
Georgette Lee
Joseph Thatcher
Alan Watt
Bryan Cobery
Melanie Lee
Karen Ting
James Weldon
Elizabeth Collard
Yong Ho Lee
Traci Tong
Tyler J. Williams
Solomon Combe
Jerry Leung
Marcy Torreano
Sally Williamson
Katherine Curtiss
Dana Leventhal
Edward Tou
Sabina Wong
Pamela DeBord
Zachery Lewis
Cathryn Trotter
Christopher Wright
Mukesh Devnani
Christopher Lok
Patrick Tsai
David Wue
Christopher Dolan
Kyoko Matsubara
Alex Turoczi
Yuri Yasaka
Bryan Dooley
*Iain McGlashan
David Van Leeuwen
Karina Evans
Jimmy McKay
Nancy Weintraub
Omar Ahmed
Gustavo Fischer
AlexandraMitchell Melissa White
Dulce Austria
June Fok
Lillian Moh
Thomas Willoughby
Lana Baroudi
Teddy Fong
Sara Morad
Kevin Wolahan
Mark Barrett
Jody Fullerton
Meredith Murdock Ingrid Wong
Mary Josephine
Christine Go
Selma Naeem
Michael Wong
Baruchi Goldstein
Pravesh Narain
Robert Young
Donald Grant
Jessica Oetting
Ismene Zarifis
Randolph Guthrie
Kyoko Okamura
Bradley Harris
Seh HyuckPark
Aamir Ahmed
Susan Harris
Cristina Pires
Caroline Ahnell
Mutsumi Hata
Glenn Portch
Kemal Arsan
Amanda Heyse
Bonny Pratt
Wendy Heyse
Guy Raccah
Manesh Balani
Howard Hian
Corina Regazzo
Jason Rego
Mona Baroudi
Mari Saito
Pankaj Bengani
Arthur Berman
Jennifer Bickel
Adam Bigelow
Scott Bradley
Charles Broquard
Jens Buckler
Pablo Calvo
Kevin Carbognin
Edwin Chan
Evan Chan
Michael Chang
Leyla Hoosain
Charlotte Chapman
Joanna Hyun
Caroline Aw
Anna Bautista
Jodi Bernard
Kirsten Brown
Garcia Calvo
James Caradonna
Derek Chan
Jose Chang
Michelle Chang
Erica Cheah
Ivy Chen
Jennifer Chenn
Teresa Cheung
Spencer Chiu
Ann Choi
Mary Choi
Fu Min Chu
Leontine Chuang
Hee Gab Chung
Hwan Yee Chung
Shanna Connor
Lyman Doyle
Vineet Dutt
Mary Edwards
Michael Elliott
Jeremy Evans
Christopher Fang
Wayne Farlow
Robin Farrell
Rob Fissmer
Katherine Foos
Michael Fralick
Juan Garcia
Angela Gaspar
Greg Gilbert
Maggie Gilbert
Eul Sik Hong
Tina Hsu
Eugene Hui
Mark Huntley
Eli Johannsson
Shawn Joseph
Hyung Kon Kim
Jun Kim
Jonas Kinder
Elizabeth Komosa
Naoko Konishi
Alex Kuffner
David Kuo
Gregory Kwik
Tiffany Lai
Marcus Lam
Yee Kee Lam
Darlene Lanham
Javan Lee
Gregory Lewis
Adrian Liang
Audrea Ling
Greg Liu
Patrick Liu
Jeffrey Lui
Monise Luk
Emily Ma
Frances Ma
Hazel MacMurray
Alice Man
Nima Morad
Nayumi Nagase
Kelly Ng
Stephen Nichols
Rona Niles
Aaron Oetting
Masaki Okamura
Ozer Onkal
Jin Ah Park
Victor Pate
Victor Pena
Natalie Picquot
Jason Pierce
Adam Poulos
Sigrid Price
Darren Priday
Scott Rowe
*Amy Ruhter
Corey Van Luchene
Eric Yang
Kathy Yang
Kenneth Yang
Grace Yeung
Tiffany Yip
Marcus Yoars
Sharifah Albukhary
Brian Aldridge
Naomi Asukai
Arvin JoelBautista
John Dennis Bautista
David Begbie
Jade Bell
*Tiffany Bissey
Sean Bodkin
Brian Bozarth
Muzzammil Butt
Andrew Santoso
Denby Sellers
Matthew Chan
Christopher Selzer Marc Chenn
Wilbur Shen
Angeles Cheung
Maika Smith
Robert Chien
Charmain Soo
Stephen Chin
David Sousa
Ravi Choit ramani
Jason Swamy
Hoon Ki Chun
Tamotsu Tamura
Randolph Chung
Nadya Tengku
Roderick Copeland
Lisa Ting
Laura Copland
Brianna Tom
John Corcoran
Bonnie Tsang
Jessica Creamer
Ethan Sherman
Jeffrey Yang
Mary Anne Cox
Vinny Kobler
Cosmo Saunders
Ethan Alter
Lindsay Drummond Esther Lee
Tiffany Short
Alwin Yih
Daniel Coyle
Tyler Kroos
Andrew Scannell
Gia Antonellis
Kate Elliott
Albert Lemoine
Ian Smith
Baldwin Yih
Stephanie Crouch
Yu Kurebayashi
Arpan Shah
Nami Asaka
Uzma Farman
Albert Leung
Natalie Ying
John Danbeck
Michelle Kwok
Betty Shea
James Barry
Rizwan Farooqi
David Leventhal
Michael Allen
Cynthia Yu
Ruel Deaver
Samson Lau
Elizabeth Shen
Amanda Barton
Faith Fischer
Jill Lewis
Sheila Yu
Veronica Dio
Vicki Lawson
Nicole Shen
Joshua Begbie
David Frankenberg
Richard Lim
Jinsen Zee
Lauren Drumgoole
Bruce Lee
Sonja Signer
Frances Blatt
Stephen Fung
Cancy Liu
Jonathan Zeman
Sarah DucommunRumble
Karen Lee
Patrick Sin
Shannon Bozarth
Kelly Lee
Amber Spencer
Juan Canizares
John Lemoine
Eri Suzuki
Emily Chan
Derek Leung
Greg Swando
Keith Chan
Aron Liang
Davin Tan
Martin Chan
Karen Lo
Milana Teodorovich Sara Chan
Michael Lo
Stanley Ting
Christina Chang
Edwin Tom
Jennifer Chang
Joseph Ma
Kirsty Trim
Michael Chang
Indu Mahtani
Deborah Tse
David Chen
Kamal Malik
Sophia Tseng
Ivan Chen
Christy Mallen
Charles Tsui
Jonathan Chen
Alia Marwah
Jamie Van Hoften
Therese Cheng
Megan Medrano
Adam Voss
Todd Chenn
Hjalmar Mok
Josh Wetjen
Natalie Cheung
Annikki Muncy
Erin Williamson
Natasha Cheung
Alisa Ng
Justina Wong
Joseph Chiang
Anthony Ng
Katy Wong
Nicholas Chiang
Sean O’Brien
Mark Wong
Adriana Ching
Jillian Doman
Elaine Lee
Andrew Garschagen Howard Liu
Arthur Go
Joanna Liu
Lisa Groucott
Terence Lui
Noah Heath
James Martin
Kaarina Heino
Kei Matsumoto
Carina Ho
Mark Mcleod
Michelle Katherine
Aravind Menon
Martha Holloman
Hayppy Hsu
Amy Meyer
Darryl Miao
Anup Mirchandani
Rhett Hunter
Edward Hurley
Leo Hwang
Niels Ingerslev
Vivian Ip
Andrew James
Mindy Jennings
Connie Joe
Michael Johnson
Melissa Jones
John-Paul Kiesel
Chung-Hoon Kim
Vanessa Kim
Ga Young Moon
Miles Neale
Christopher Neppes
Amy Noel
Alison Overholt
Michael Palitz
*Michal Pemper
Sandra Pizarro
Sarah Polich
Andrea Pulito
Brenda Pulito
Smitha Ravipudi
Desiree Rogers
Gabrielle Ko
Maria-christina Rohrs
Russell Ko
Chikako Kobayashi
Karen Kwan
Charles Roy
Rupal Sankalia
Hannah Soule
Clyde Stroman
Matthew Swando
Janet Szeto
Teruo Takahashi
Karen Tan
Howard Tang
Erin Tarbuck
Sanjeev Thakkar
Suzette Thatcher
Minna Tirronen
Jackie To
Robynn Tokuyama
Ginger Tong
Chris Toomer
Ace Trask
Sheila Trillanes
Keith Tsui
Susan Uy
Ryu Voelkel
Caroline Wagar
Catherine Wang
Janice Wang
Holly Webb
Jeremy White
Simon Wild
Rolf Wilhelm
Benjamin Witt
Arlene Wong
Jane Wong
Ler-Min Kwan
Kevin Lam
Alison Sasaki
Matthew Wong
Amy Lee
Thomas Scollon
Tobin Wood
Daniel Lee
Ramez Sheikh
Erin Woodall
Jonathan Wong
James Adamovich
Elizabeth Alaspa
Megan Aldridge
Jared Andersen
Anda Aquino
Mari Asaka
Jessica Barry
Laura Bastian
David Berman
Mel Best
Ruchira Bose
Kimberly Brow
Anitra Buffington
Ann Buovolo
Monica Canizares
Deanne Carew
Bethany Evans
Christopher Farrell
Chantel Fernandes
Ioli Filmeridis
Amy Franklin
Pauline Fu
Mindy Gillespie
Daniel Goetz
Emily Groberg
Kelvin Hah
Bo (Matthew) Harvey
Tiffany Henry
Michael Hinton
Alton Ho
Junko Huang
Alanna Chan
Katherine Ann
Steven Chan
Jens Janssen
Joelle Oetting
Philip Wong
Katherine Cho
Jaalin Cheng
Mariam Kalam
Edward Park
Ray Wong
Vivian Cho
Jonathan Cheung
Brendan Kam
Hogunn Park
Tisha Wong
Kane Chu
Alan Ching
Sylvia Kao
David Patterson
Monica Woodruff
Christopher Clayton
Kevin Chiu
Kevin Kent
Janet Patterson
Caroline Wu
Sean Corbett
Hyun Cho
Nazlee Khalis
Jimmy Yang
Katherine Curry
Hee Na Chung
Moiz Khan
Caroline Picquot
Flora Yeung
Jenette De Leon
Susan Pizarro
*Christie Yih
Sam Diedrich
Susannah Churchill Nelson Kidd
Dave Coffey
Danielle Kiesel
Karla Portch
Allen Ying
*Jennifer Doman
Oriane Coquerel
Russell Knight
Emily Poulos
Jason Young
Lucyellen Doyle
Amy Corbett
Wendy Knoops
Kiran Rajasekhar
Albert Yung
Christine Drolette
Phillip Corcoran
Leonard Ko
Oliver Redfern
Timothy Zenner
John Jr. Drolette
Marcus Ko
David Dunoye
Ilana Lampell
Joseph Niesley
John Wong Michelle Erickson
David Lin Christopher Sheng
Rebecca Brabant
Elly Eng
Andrew Lane
Jason Pau
Maggie Wong
Zach Evans
Christina Liu
Brendan Sheridan
Rachael Bradford
Proctor Flanagan
Andrew Lawrence
Stuart Reilly
Samson Wong
Roberto Feldman
Kimberly Liu
Tiffany Sluk
Meghan Breedlove
Jeffrey Fong
Adam Lawson
Sarah Roesler
Toni Worden
Julie Foo *Timothy Lo
*Meghan Smith
Charl Burger
Luca Franchi
Berinda Lee Eleanor Roy
Karen Yan Wade Fox Matthew Longley
Devyani Srinivasan
Danae Busa
Karen Fresco
Brian Lee
Allison Ruhter
Iris Yeung Veronica Galbraith
Michael Longley
Brian Street
Jasmine Carl
Andrew Fullerton
Evelyn Lee Rigil Sanford
Patrick Yip Anne Garschagen
Mike Loughlin
Adelene Tan
Derrick Chan
Arpa Garay
Hye-Sun Lee
Mari Sasaki
Paul Yip
Sophia Gilsdorf
Alberto Lovison
Jason Tan Gregory Chan
David Gates
Ingrid Lee Sara Schiebout
Della Yu
Robert Jr. Go
Jennifer Lui *Lisa Tan Kylie Chan
Mark Gibbs
Jeriel Lee
Ann She Marisa Zeman
Amar Goplan
Kelly Lum Jay Taylor Wendy Chan
Victor Glowacki
Ryan Lee
Shahriq Sheikh
Daniel Zimmerman
Robert Hah
Vincent Ma Ryan Thomas
John Chang
Daniel Goodman
Terry Lee
Abigail Hedlund
Mukesh Mahtani
Joyce Tsang
Pamela Chao
David Goodman
Tonia Lee Sunniesa Sherman 1997
Jeremy Shulman
Nicole Allen
Lisa Hientz
Timothy Markin
Florence Tsui
Theodore Chastain
Tara Goodman
Brandon Leung
Matthew Silveira
Joe Anclien AlexanderHo
Yael Marwah
Elaine Chau
Ian Van Reepinghen
Gwynn Guilford
David Li
Ashika Singh
Rafael Aquino
Christine Ho
Catriona McGregor
Irene Wang
Mary Chen
Megan Guilford
Ivette Li
Sidharth Singh
Michele Auerbach
Reyko Huang
Russell Mezger
Jason Wang
Mason Chenn
David Hardoon
Karen Li
Ringo Siu
Joanna Bickel
Joshua Johnson
Amy Norton
Tracy Wang
Christina Cheung
Ayako Harvie
Eunice Liew
Avery Solco
Albert Chan
Lucienne Jugant
Adam Oetting
Jason Weber
Michelle Choi
Elizabeth Heckinger Leslie Lim Jeselle Solco
Gifford Chan
Noelle Julian
Melvyn Ooi Bethany Wetjen
Sarika Choithramani
Mauricio Hernandez Jeff Liu
Sunbin Song
Jessica Chan
Grant Kahler
Jeremy Palitz
Brandon Wolcott
Erik Christianson
Denise Ho
Jeff Lo
Sharon Su
Ian Chee
Heikki Kangas
Andrea Pierson
Benjamin Wong
Andrew Chung
Sarah Hoeppner
Jeffrey Lo Emi Takahashi
Philip Chen
Alvin Ko Rahul Pushkarna
Jocelyn Wong
Tom Chung
Anna Hurley
Jean Loh
Pauline Tam
Esther Cheung
Andrew Koehneke
Danielle Quercioli
Jocelyn Wong
Seth Clayton
Elizabeth Hutton
Howard Ma Jeffrey Tan
Gary Cheung
Samira Kovach
Budiman Rahardja
Cheryl Woodson
Alice Corcos
Jialipto Jiaravanon
Catherine Martin
Jason Tang
Lily Cheung
Matthew Krupa
Diya Raj
*Victor Yeung
Ryan Coyle
Luke Johannsson
Tomo Matsumoto
Michael Tang
*Josephine Chiang
Dennis Kwok
Garrett Rakover
Michael Yih
Ryan Cuddyre
Louise Jordan
Yuko Matsunaga
Candice Tong
Adria Chiu May Lam Katherine Reilly
Jerry Young
Jacqueline DeLima
David McDaniel
Dana Trang
Lance Chiu Rika Lam Nico Reyes Kent Young
Tyler DeWaal
Maria Kantartsis
Vijay Mehta
Anson Tsang
Wai Sze Choi
Michael Lane
Irene Rohrs Allen Ytzen
Nina Downing
Gina Dawn Kent
Darren Miao
Roger Tsang
Wing Sze Choi
Igor Lau
Maren Ross Emily Yu Eric Finnin
Omar Khan
Michael Mihaichuk
Kathy Tsay
Alex Lee Ishmael Salleh
Eun-Chung Kim
Teppei Miura
Gregory Lee
Jason Sander
Zachary Aldridge
Natalie Fung
Wallace Kim
Bridget Moran
Ray Santiago
Mike Amundson
Shirley Fung
Gregory Koehrsen
David Morris
Terence Lee
Ross Sargant
Patrick Anwar
Nicola Gillan
Brie Koenigs
David Moss Adrian Leung
Andy Schaffer
Victor Apps
Ranjan Goswami
Kim Kuok
Eric Mueller
Benjamin Leung
Amena Schlaikjer
Walter Arnold
Kenny Harms
Jeanette Lai
Molly Murphy
Vikki Leung
Lisa Shaw Kevin Baigi
Sachi Hattori
Kenneth Lam
Charis Ng Linne Tsu
Amy Turner
Hiroko Usui
Michael Wil
Bonnie Wong
Emmy Wong
Geethanjali Choithramani
Joanne Chow
Arnold Chua
Andrew Churchill
Benjamin Cooper
Tim Crouch
Joy Dio
Kane Douglas
Swee-Yang Lim
Geraldine Shen
Elena Beveridge
Derek Heijmans
Edwina Ng
Nathan Fischer
Amanda Henck
Allison Magarity
Mike Tricarico
Charles Chen
Stephen Hui
Becky Markin
Johnathan Tang
Howard Chau
Alan Hicks
Peter Mak
Robin Tsang
Chris Chen Maegan Hulihan
Suzanne Mceachern
Carmen Tong
Angie Chen
Robert Hsiung
Queenie Mak
Kevin Tse
Ingrid Chen William Hutton
Shakia Mitchell
Ronald Tsang
Grace Chen
Justin Ip Guy Marion
Mei Ling Tsui
Susan Chen Jason Ing dickie Mok
Ethel Tungohan
Jennifer Chen
Kazue Itoh
James Martin
Matthew Cheng
Jonathan Ip
Keleigh Montgomery
Amanda Wagner
Karissa Chen
Kiren Jolly
Hanaan Marwah
Heather Tyree
Sabrina Cheng
Sarah James
Anna Neunuebel
Liad Weizman
*Theresa Cheng
Sarah Juenger
John McEachern
Manuel Vargas
Kristian Jeffrey
Eric Ng
Daniel Williams
Tracy Cheng
Patrick Kan
Ryo Miyauchi
Jonathan Wang
Stephanie Chern
Myun HwaKang
Matt Nick
casey Winter
Alex Cheung
James Kelso
Cristina Muir
Mike Winn
Anthony Cheung
Sang Ok Kim
Adam Ohler Sharon Wolstencroft
Benjamin Cheung
Paul Kelso
Alex Mung
Denise Wong
Christine Cheung
Nathaniel Koehneke
Lisa Okazaki Kenneth Wong
Kevin Cheung
Olivia Keung
Suraj Nagrani
Irvin Cheung
Christopher Koo
Lorraine Ou Ricky Woo Youn-Seong Cho
Anel Kirsten
Eric Ng Emil Wong
Michelle Cheung
Evelyn Kuong
Sarah Paule Sara Yin
Kelvin Chong
Eric Koehrsen
Michelle Ng
Nelson Wong
Cassandra Ching
Frank Kwok
Karlee Marie Payne
Diana Yu
Sachin Chopra
Calvin Koo
Grace Niem
Nichole Wong
Calvin Choi David Lai Justin Petrancosta
Wannita Yueng
Jaime Chou
Brett Kroos
Eugene Oh
Harvey Wun
Dwayne Chow
Emma Lam
Elizabeth Petty
Hagiwara Yukiko
Felix Chow
Naoko Kudo
Amy Ohler
Kevin Yeh
Joanne Chow
Jeremy Lam
Frederic Poon Angela Yung
Jennifer Chung
Le-Shan Kwan
*Sarah Yeung
Pavlos Panayiotou
Jessica Lam
Kevin Poon Sarah Zimmerman
Jillian Collins
Christina Kwong
Eric Park
Wing Yip Chu
Stevenson Lau
Aerin Quinn
William Crawford
Adrian Lai
Joseph Peace
Jackie Yip
James Chui Anya Lazovsky
Sean Quinn
Klair Cristiani
Adrienne Ammerman
Tomoko Langtry
Alan Peng
Kevin Chung
Aurela Lee Deana Reyes Aaron Andersen
Sonu Daryanani
Lawrence Lau
Payal Rajpal
Un Sik Youn
Joseph Corcos
Caroline Lee
James Roy
Lauren Assi
Joshua De Waal
Phoebe Lau
Anita Santoso
Russell Yu
Nik Custodio
Frances Lee
Nathan Ruhter
Juliana Au Daisy Digmanese
Bora Lee
Anand Sathyaraj
Tony Yu
Vera nina Dio
Hyunwoo Lee
Michael Au Michael Drucks
Hans Lee
Michael Scannell
Eli Yuen
Matthew Fahnestock
Vinit Badlani
Juliana Durante
Jason Lee
Andrea Schafer
Jordan Zacharia
Jason Findley
Jessica Berman
Tao Fei
Kitty Lee
Noah Schatz
Robyn Foo Meggen Bickel
Edmund Flanagan
Loretta Lee
Eric Sell
Kyle Ford Alicia Abelmann
Rosalia Brown
Sonalie Galardi-Este
Scott Lee
Molly Sheridan
Andrew Galbraith
Aron Butcher
Christopher Griffin
Jason Shum
Robert Sofia
Fletcher Leung
Tetsu Sugano
Gillian Leung
Lew Sun Woo Sun
Lisa Talsness
Isabelle Libmann
Katie Beth
Blake Austin
Paige Baker
Patrick Barton
Anna Ingrid
Christina Capowich
Aaron Harms
Jason Carlson
Claire Harrison
Jonathan Carter
Richard Harrison
Edwin Chan
Amy Henderson
Jolli Lo Alexandra
Erin Biank
Jessica Henck
Victor Lo
John Taylor
Claudia Chan
Leanne Lu
Rishi Thankkar
Meggie Lu
Peter Tong
Sonia Chan
Terry Chan
Kai Chin Chang
Vanessa Jacqueline
Patricia Ho
David Hoff
Karen Hui
Jee Won Lee
Kristel Lee
Vanessa Lee
Tyler Leitch
George Liao
Tony Lin
Samuel Liu
Jaime Lo
Jennifer Lo
David Lu
Linda Lu
Amy Ma
Olivia Ma
Timothy Ma
Vicky Ma
Mary-Jane Ruth
Adrian Schweizer
Joy Caroline Semple
Wendy Shea
Jennifer Sheng
Eleanor Shing
Mark Skelding
Jennifer Sluk
Darcy Smith
Daniel Sprengeler
Johnson Stanley
Keili Stremel
Brandon Sutter
Nicole Tai
Jeremy Tan
Chi-Ying Leung
Raymond Tong
Alan Chu
Andrea Gonso
Neha Gupta Cindy Hah Justin Hardman
Austin Harvey
Jay Chan
Michelle Hess
Peggy Chan
Helen Ho
Angel Chang
Nikko Ho
Charissa Chang
Christopher Hong
Christina Chang
Jeremy Hunsucker
Hamilton Chang
Tiffanie Ing
Natasha Chang
Christine Kahler
Justin Kampa
Dana Park
Jessica Yang
Kay Chung
Brandon Kung
Joyce Kuo
Natalie Koehrsen
Mary Pashalidis
Wendy Yang
Jonathan Coombs
Fiona Kwan
Clara Kuo
Kim Reyes
Trisha Yeh
Claire Coulier
Alan Kwan
Alan Kwan
Jessica Richer
Alex Yeung
Lisa Cristiani
Richard Kwee
Gareth Kwok
Patrick Roberts
David Crowder
Vanessa Kwok
Fai Yeung
Erica Rose
Yvonne Yiu
Alexis Cuddyre
Natalli Kowng
Jeremy Laing
Alex Shyu
Norihiro Yogo
Divya Daryanani
Stephen Lam
Simon Lam
Joel Smith
Cedric YU
Julia Davidson
Bridget Lane
Aaron Somers
Jamie Lee
Kerry Lanzit
Ravi Stewart
MeridithAldridge AlexanderDunoye
Anna Lee
Adrienne Lee
Kelvin Su
Philina Fan
Michael Lee
Jessica Lee
Lisa Sweetman
Jason Fang
Alice Bae
Wai-Yin Lee
Song-Jae Lee
Irene Tam
Ricky Fok
Diana Birner
Janna Lemond
Cinci Leung
Cecilly Ann Tan
Carmen Frances
Thomas Bispham Fong
Jerry Leung
Jennifer Tan
Michael Gaudette
Jason Blackburn
Kandice Li
Yang-Ming Tham
Taylor Bradford
Kenny Li
Hilary Thompson
Erika Brown
Weisen Li
Swii Yii Lim
Sebastian Thong
Dustin Hinton
Angela Chai
Jennifer Lin
Victoria Ti
Denise Ho
Gary Chan
Justin Liang
Jennie Liu
Francis Tong
Lydia Ho
Doris Chan
Mandy Liu
Diana Lu
Jonathan Tse
Joshua Chan
Karin Lui
Sharon Tsui
Celine Chang
Kevin Lui
Erica Turner
Veronica Ho
Paul Chaveriat
Thomas Lo
Candice Luk
Stephanie Hon
Daniela Che
Jeffrey Lo
Stella Ma
Daniel Whitmore
Brandon Hsiung
Tim Chen
Cheryl Mainland
Allan Wong
Catherine Xiao
Victoria Lyo
Ryan Mak
Art Wong
Chester Hui
Mei Yee Mak
Louisa Marion
Charlotte Chen
Cedric Wong
Jessica Hunsucker
Hasnain Malik
Jeffrey Marquardt
Timothy Chen
Eric Wong
Taku Ichihara
Valerie Man
Benjamin Meyer
Cecilia Cheong
Henry Wong
Mamoru Inque
Lindsay Meyer
Sylvie Cheung
Lia Wong
Michelle James
Valerie Miller
Charles Cheung
Keren Mitchell
Silvia Wong
Theodore Kan
Brian Miu
Sam Cheung
Chun Ming Miu
Stanley Wong
Kirk Kao Chun Yan Miu
Cyrena Chih
Benjamin Mok
Susanna Wong
Duane Kauffman
Kyle Moyer
*David Choi
Adriana Mok
Timothy Wong
Andrea Kean
Bijan Nahavandi
Joseph Chou
Jeanette Mok
Tin Wong
Galina Kho
Eric Nelson
Carmen Chow
Edward Wu
Johann Kirsten
Scott Painter
Vincent Chow
William Mounce
Lillian Wu
Susan Koh
Nicole Pang
Thomas Chung
Richard Wu
Paul Kohli
Janet Kim
Lydia Parnell
Steven Yang
Vicky Chung
Morgan Kroos
Margot Moussempes
Tiffany Wong
Duncan Cheung
Young Jin Kim
Jeffrey Murphy
Jeffrey Wright
Justin Chiang
Cindy Kiow
Minori Nagatomo
Tiffany Yam
Roxanne Chiu
Sanmarie Kirsten
Beverly Ng
John Yasuda
Rachel Koehnke
Diana Lo
Catherine Wang
Simone Cheng
Stephanie Wang
Victoria Cheng
Herbert Wong
Vanessa Cheung
Jonathan YuHsiang
Cindy Chow
Esther Chow
Calton Chu
Joanna Chu
Ming Yi Chu
Jessie Chun
Jasmine Chung
Mayling Chung
Stephen Condon
Janine Cotter
Michael Cruz
Lucas Driscoll
Serena Fan
Mohamed Farooqi
Ciara Farquar
Silas Fok
Yukiko Fukuyama
Oriana Galardi-Este
Laetitia Gangotena
Julian Gil-Chang
Joffrey Hammond
Denise Hassan
Yvonne Ho
Angela Ho
Thomson Ho
Winson Ho
Korin Hoffman
Melanie Hofman
Joyce Hwang
Gregory Jeffs
John Kalo
Timothy Kao
Kardachova Jeremy Wong
Andrea Cheung
Laura Kesel
Christina Ng
Bernard Yau
Ivan Yeh
Matthew Ng
Janet Yeung
Yuki Nomura
Keith Yeung
Jessica Pang
Yancisca Yeung
Marc Pickering
Hyunsang Yim
Ryan Powell
Gary Yung
Jin Hee Ryoo
Jin Yung
Krystle Sarkissian
Daniela Zion
Leilei Shan
2002 Jimmy Shea
Francis Anwar
Luana Shen
Francis Shih
Jessica Shiu
Olivia Arellano
Keane Shum
Joseph Assi
Jack Simkin
Won Sik Bang
Kimmy Siu
Rachel Barton
Christian Stokkmo
Bisagni Joseph Tan
Enrique Cancel
Sharlene Tan
Jessica Lauren Tanner
Jules Theil
Alan Chan
Lauren Thomas
Andrew Chan
Marcus Tirronen
Ashley Chan
Weileen Tong
Vincent Chan
Maile Tou
Morgan Chang
Daniel Tse
Sarah Chang
Amy Tseng
Sharon Chang
Lucille Tung
Jerry Chen
Frank Cheng
Roanna Kong
Eri Kudo
Jonathan Kung
Tiffany Kung
Edlyn Kwee
Carrie Kwok
Davey Lagman
Flora Lai
Yumi Lam
Andrew Lam
Geoffrey Lam
Howard Lam
Kevin Lam
Kevin K Lam
Mary Lam
Michael Lamb
Victor Lang
Danielle Lau
Natalie Lau
Yong Jae Lee
Jonathan Lee
Michael Lee
Si In Lee
Tin Keen Lee
Brandon Leong
Christina Leong
Randee Lerma
Esther Leung
Jason Leung
Darren Li
Jennifer Li
Joanne Li
Chien Pang Lin
Jenny Suen Anna Berman
Robert Sullivan
Han-kit Lui Frank Luk Carol Lo
Jami Freyer
Tin Wai Lee
Jennifer Peikert
Tak Wong
Cheryl Chew
Adam Gallinat
Jon-Paul Erikatalan
Aldrinana Leung
Vincent Petrancosta
Karina Wong
Gwyneth Chew
Cedrick Jon Tan
Kabir Chadha
Marion Grossmann
Yvonne Leung
Rodan Poon Yuen-Ping
Wong Jonathan Chew
Sean Chin Hooi
Nicholas Chak
Hengyi Guo
Monica Li Charles Preston
Jessica Wright
Christopher Choi
Timothy Lynch
Stephanie Tan
Fiona Chan
Cheng Hsin Han
Dennis Li Natasha Pushkarna
Christine Wu
Sun YoungChoi
Lindsey Magdanz
Kah Fai Christopher
Jeffrey Chan
Jennifer Chan
Daniel Teng
Joshua Chan
Ju-Lin Tham
Juliet Chan
Brenton Todd
Justin Chan
Jodi Tong
Karen Chan
Elka Troedson
Micah Chan
Caleb Tse
*Timothy Chang
Gregory Tse
Ya Chin Chang
Amy Vlastelica
Bonnie Chen
Justina Wang
Jonathan Chen
Jenny Wei
Kaili Chen
Rebecca Whittle
Lai Bond Cheng
Julie Wilkinson
Siu Kwan Mike
Sarah Williams
Craig Harbert
Sonia Li
Kevin Quinn
Melissa Wu
Cindy (Yu Hsin) Chou
Alicia Hatton
John Liang John Andrew Romano Alex Yamashita
Ee Lynn Chow
Andrew Hatton
James Liao Fouad Samra
Joseph Yasso
Joe Chow
Charles “Justin”
Mark Liao Marisa Sauter
Erin Yeh
Roger Christianson
*Candace Ho
Oliver Lim Raphael Seghin
Kotaro Yoshida
Cathryn Chu
Caroline Ho
Rui Qi Lim Ashton Seliger
Aaron Yu
Vaneese Chu
Lowell Ling
Christina Shah
Ka Kay Ho
Jeffrey Liu David Shin Frederick
Michael Chung
Michael Ho
Liane Liu Alex Shum Gary Yung
Sangho Chung
Peter Sigur
Kent Lui
James Mainland
A.J. Mak
Angela Mak
Ashwin Makhija
Jenna Martin
Tatiana McCabe
Patrick McNally
Kellie Mitchell
Rebecca Moore
Nathaniel Mui
Anisa Ng
Alex Ng
Charles Ka Ki Ng
Sarah Olver
*Bob Pan
Chung Woo Park
Paul Peng
Spence Pitts
Warren Poon
Emily Poon
Ashok Rajagopalan
Melinda Ritthaler
Colby Rogers
Toni Santiago
Matthew Sears
Agnes Shea
Mahira Sheikh
Justina Shih
Kevin Shih
Linsey Smith
Megan Snyder
Jan Stanley
Christopher Stokkmo
Helen Ho
Tania Ho
Richard Allen
Andrew Condon
Stuart Lu
Min Hee Hong
Albert Lui *Jane Sit
Lauren Allhusen
Abigail Darby
Tyler Hosford
Jason Lui
Kyna So
Andre Andrade
Lawrence Darby
Joanna Lui Bridgette Sullivan
Sandeep Batavia
Karan Daryanani
Stephen Luk
Jennifer Sundqvist
Salil Benegal
Jonathan Dobzelecki
Khurram Kalam
Sean Lyngaas
Ran Suzuki Blake Berger
Christine Domingo
Kyle Kauffman
Dennis Ma Hilton Tam Monica Bolanos
Sandra Duifhuizen
Shelly Kaushik
Julian Ma Andrea Tang
Whitney Brown
Amy Easton
Derek Kean
Kenny Madrid
Christopher Tang
Derek Bullen
Diego Fietz
Sachindran Mahendran
Cedrick Mateo
Danielle McGrath
Massimo Melotti
Chelsea Meyer
Christopher Molitoris
Zohair Tariq Alina Chan
Giovanny Fietz
Emily Theil Ching Li Chan
Anna Flanagan
Sandhya Tiwari
Eric Chan
Fiona Fong
Allison Tong
Joanne Chan
Veronica Fung
Jacqueline Tsang
Kevin Chan
Clement Tse Leslie Chan
Alexia Gangotena
Te-Chung (Johnny)
Heidi Chang
Elizabeth Gilbert
Andrew Mulligan
Daryl Tso
Ostiane Goh-Livorness
Sahra Lam
Yoshie Nakayama
Jaclyn Tsui
Jonathan Cheh
Daniel Gray
Aaron Landau
Hilal Narin Phillip Wallace
Ingrid Chen
David Lane
James Ng John Wang
Li-Ru Chen
David Haase
Ashleigh Lau
Jeanneth Nodland
Jeffrey Wang
Rico Cheng
Johnson Lau
Ryoko Ouchi
Jeremy Wang
Katherine Elizabeth
Christopher Lee
Yoon ShikPark
Yael Weinstein
Gabriella Lee
Alex Lee Tyson Patterson
Darrick Cheung
Mahir Hamid
Nicholas Cheung
Rebecca Hanna
Nicole Cheung
Kristen Harvey
Stefani Cheung
Bosco Hui
Candace Cheong
Monica Woll
Dorian Cheong
Adrian Wong
*Kristen Chin
Jackie Wong
Samuel Chiron
Kevin Wong
Josephine Chiu
Charles Woo
Jackson Chow
Natasha Khan
Jennifer Woo
Derek Chu
Lorraine Kiang
Joanna Woo
Kingston Chu
Evelyn Kim
Annie Wu Sabrina Cotter
Carissa Koo
Kitty Wu Megan Daley
Kenzy Kroos
Erika DalsgaardNielsen
Neil Yajnik
Virna Marie
Bradley Yarzumbeck
April Done
Bernard Yip
Katherine Dratz
Michelle Yu
Katherine Fairhurst
Stephanie Yue
Emily Fan
Philbert Fan
Saurabh Agarwal
Arthur Fang
Tina MarieAssi
Patrick Favole
Blair Austin
Claire Fong
Elizabeth Belfer
Aditya Sikand
Melissa Hofmann
Sara Williams
Samantha Wu
Kevin Hui
Tyler Kusunoki
Wendel Kwan
Phoebe Lam
Charles Wente
Brian Westrick
Emily Healy
Mark Law Ping John On
Jacqueline Wong
Jason Choi
Henry Kerins
Rina Matsuoka
Rudy Sun
Gregory Hili
Annie Lee Jessica Pang
Michael Wong
Karen Chong
Tae YoungKim
Alisa Matthews
Mark Sun
Brian Ho
Choong Gun
Connie Choi Park
Yee Ling Wong
Sherman Chu
Christine Kim
Lily Miller
Eleanor Sze
George Ho
Kenneth Lee
Julia Parnell
Yukiyasu Yamada
Stephen Chua
Christopher King
Larissa Milo-Dale
Nikki Tam
Justin Ho
Gerald Leung
Mark Philp
Cathy Yan
Leonard Chung
Justin Kung
Aida Mok
Matthew Tanaka
Kelly Ho
Eva Leung Rachel Pilbeam
Jonathan Yeung
Kai Dalsgaard-Nielsen Yong SeukKwon
Priscilla Mok
Aimee Tang
Jing Leung
Nicola Pitt
Ying Ki Yim
Matthew De Felice
Cindy Kwong
Ean Mulligan
Evelyn Ting
Tiffany Leung
Richard Poon
Daniel Yu
Bradford Evans
Wing Yee Kwong
Ryan Murphy
Kathleen Ting
Angel Hsu
Justin Li
Darren Poon
Eric Yu
Camille Fan
Anna Lam
Dain Ning
Mikko Tirronen
Tucker Hudson
Elizabeth Liang
Valerie Quinn
Carmen Yuen
Leslie Fung
Nichola Lamb
Richard Novoa
Andrew Tsang
Brian Huie
Jennifer Chia
Anna Lo
Benjamin Lo
Briana Regan
Dara Yung
Amanda Gallinat
Kin Sing Casper Law
Andrew Otoshi
Jacqueline Wan
Leah Rittenhouse
Jun Yung
Courtney Gilbert
Allison Lee
Dickson Siu Chung Pak
Alan Wang
Janine Ayn
Christopher Zahn
Sara Gilman
Bianca Ling Cheun Lee Antonio Panunto
Theodore Lo
Pramod Sharma
Jasper Zee
Stephanie Glass
David Lee
Johnny Park
Christie Wei
Caroline Lucas
Eleen Shum
Lulu Zhou
Ravi K Govada
Delphine Lee
Seung Taek Park
Jeffrey Weingard
Justin Lui Hin Han Shum
Kevin Harrington
Gordon Lee
Benito Pascual
Marc Wente
Jessica Luk
Stephanie Si
Joel Amery
Mark Harty
Min Serk Lee
Jih-Wei Peng
Laura Wilcox
Wilson Lun
Ashley Smith
Alice Anderson
James Hay
Samantha Lee
Jacob Perrello
Katrine Wilkinson
Randy Ma Erica Speights
Nikita Andreev
Carolyn Hedge
So Jin Lee
Kevin Pheasey
Michael Woida
Kathryn Mager
Andrew Steinbach
Michelle Au
Elizabeth Hester
Stephanie Lee
Samantha Pilcher
Warren Wong
Chelsea Mak
Bryanna Sun
Haris Bazerman
Grace (Wing Ka) Ho
Theresa Lee
Nicholas Pitts
Elaine Wong
Wai Yin Mak
Willi Kuo Chen
Woo Hyun Lee
Jessica Poon
Ivy Wong
Rachel Martin
Yuko Takada
Helen Leeson
Rachel Poon
Patricia Wong
Kendall McCarthy
Kelly McEachern
Crystal Tang
Ryan Meader
Charleen Tong
Max Michelson
Mandy Hung
Winston Hwang
Joseph Jamieson
Bronte Jim
Elizabeth Johnson
Kyle Kane
Tae GyungKang
Jonathan Kao
Emily Keith
Jeffrey Keller
Aaron Kelsh
William Kerins
Manika Khanna
Mi Kyung Kim
Tae Jung Kim
Jeremy Ko
Joel Koester
Nikolas Kong
Amit Krishnan
Jason Kung
Dylan Kuzmik
Robyn Kwok
Alvina Lai
Hermann Lam
Emanuel Landau
Calvin Lang
Justin Lau
Jonathan Law
Kristina Berthelius Jennifer Ho
Melissa Ho
Elisa Beselt
Katherine Watson
Bethany Bouw
Joyce Chan
Sandra Ho
Jeffrey Leung
Jason Ryoo
Wei Wen Wong
Anastasia Holoboff
Jessica Leung
Michala Sabnani
Alexander Woo
Alex Chan
Jamie Hong
June Leung
Yannick Seghin
Felix Wu
Kenneth Tong
Andrew Kwan To
Albert Hu
Patty Leung
Justin Seliger
Kane Wu
Leon Mok Wesley Tong
Aaron Hui
Cheuk KeiLi
Rachel Sexton
Kelly Yamashita
Kwan Chi Chan
Lauren Mounce
Alda Tsang
Elizabeth Hui
Jason Li
Thomas Shambler
Wendy Yim
Lilian Chan
Karin Mowlem
Brietta Tsang
Jessica Hui
Ning Hui Li
Jackson Shih
Dason Ying
Ronald Chan
Catherine Muldowney
Ben Tse
Hin Yan Hung
Rocco Li
Jee Yoon Shin
Daisy Yue
Sung Yi Chan
Corey Tse
Felix Hung Hin Yan
Sheldon Li
Takuya Shoji
Monica Yue
Jeffrey Char
Ka Chun Tse
Brian Hupka
Vivian Li
Omar Newera
Agnes Tsui
Kevin Cheng
Carmen Nga Iao
Maika Lindsay
Alexandra Cheuk-Fung
Jennifer Zee
Audrey Chee
Karen Ng Denise Tsui
Jin Kyoung Cheong
Laura Jamieson
Katherine, Alexander,
Elizabeth Lo
Yuching Ng
Christopher Tsun
Jennifer Cheung
Chung-Man Ng
Melanie Tucker
Joanna Cheung
Gaurav Kumar
Kare Ng
Christopher Wade
Quentin Cheung
Daniel Nishball
Cyrus Wen
Vincy O’Dore
*Nicholas Wong
Deanna Jeffs
Jennifer Sneed
Ronald So
Kailee Loughlin
Guy Spielman
Pauline Lyman
Rachel Steinbach
Ho Keun Kang
Grace Ma
Mariko Stoeckel
Timothy Chiang
Roman Kardachov
Yvonne Man
Karsten Chien
Scott Keller
Joshua Mark
The HKIS CRD Office has been working with the American Chamber of
Commerce’s Publications Division to produce a book outlining the 40 year
history of the school. This book is scheduled to be launched in 2006-2007 in
time for the 40th anniversary of the school. You’ll hear about how to get a
copy in the next issue of Dragon tales.
Stay tuned!
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