DragonTales Winter 2004 - HKIS Alumni Home
DragonTales Winter 2004 - HKIS Alumni Home
DRAGON Hong Kong International School The Alumni Magazine of HKIS Vol. 4 Winter 2004 Alumni Adventure Issue Alumni Profiles: Erik Weihenmayer ’87 - Climbing Mountains Derek Kwik ’86 - Crossing Deserts Faculty Profile: Karen Fish Winter 2004 4 Campus News Annual Fund Ball Raises HK$4 Million Interim Program Enriches High Schoolers Stork’s Class Lunches with Nobel Laureate 6 Faculty Profile Karen Fish – It’s About Art All Around 8 Alumni Profiles Erik Weihenmayer ’87 - World-Class Blind Adventurer Inspires the World Derek Kwik ’86 - Misery, Foot Blisters and Jelly Beans in the World’s Driest Desert 14 Reunions Aiiyaaah! It’s a Prom – Alumni Relive a Tradition New York Reunion Exceeds Expectations 16 17 Happy Hour HKIS DragonTales is published twice a year by the Community & Resource Development Office of Hong Kong International School. Christina Tung Director Reena Khubchandani Alumni Coordinator Juana Cheung Public Relations Manager Jennifer K. Chan Communications Manager Doreen Lui Secretary May Cagulada Secretary Editor: Jimmy’s Kitchen Provides Nostalgic Setting for Social Reena Khubchandani Alumni Board Alumni Directory Alumni Board Update 18 Class Notes 37 Faculty Notes 39 Reunion Notices Looking for a classmate and can’t find that address or telephone number? Email us at: [email protected] Keep Us Informed To make sure you continue to receive DragonTales, please keep us informed of any changes in your address. Contact us at: Alumni Office Hong Kong International School 1 Red Hill Road Tai Tam, Hong Kong [email protected] http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 2 Hong Kong International School Dear HKIS Alumni: Many of you may know me from my 21 years at HKIS, most recently as high school principal (1990-2004) and previously as elementar y principal (1983 - 1990). I am enjoying my new role as inter im Head of School for the 2004/5 academic year. Dr. Greg Sawyer, who is replacing me as interim high school principal, will also continue to serve in that position throughout this interim period. The new role has been both rewarding and challenging. In addition to facilitating better working relationships among all groups in our community, I am also responsible for moving forward with our Board of Managers and school wide projects such as the Strategic Plan, new structure for compensation and benefits for faculty and staff, a revised teacher appraisal system, and the master facilities plan f or future building and capital development at HKIS. There are some e xciting changes that we’re moving forward on at HKIS, particularly with our Strategic Plan. In addition, I will also work with the Search Committee of the Board during our process of identifying and hiring a new head of school for Hong Kong International School. office is on the middle school campus, fourth floor. It is always a pleasure for me to welcome back alumni. If you’re overseas and won’t be able to make alumni events here in Hong Kong or reunions elsewhere in the US, do feel free to respond to me by e-mail ([email protected]) or to our alumni office ([email protected]). We look forward to meeting you in person or reconnecting with you. If you return to the HKIS campus for a visit, please stop by and introduce yourself. I’m always interested in your comments on what y our education at HKIS has meant to you. What was valuable about it? What do you think we can do as a school to prepare students even better? My Blessings, James A. Handrich Head of School Dear Fellow Alumni: I am pleased to be able to give back to HKIS through the Annual Fund each and every year after benefiting from a strong f oundation for a solid education and having great memories to share with man y friends from HKIS . Despite the high tuition costs (which I know all too well with my twin daughters Madison and Morgan enrolled in Reception One), the actual costs of running HKIS are considerable. The Annual Fund is an additional and impor tant source of income to provide the highest standards of excellence, hire the best faculty, and to ensure the continuation of special programs. Please join me and Annual Fund Alumni Co-Chair Ning Li ’76, this year’s Ball Chair Wendy Hsu ’85 and other alumni b y making an investment in excellence and at the same time giving back to HKIS. Sincerely, Timothy Zee ’84 Alumni Co-Chair Annual Fund Cabinet HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 3 Annual Fund Ball Raises HK$4 Million Ball committee members Gisa Lee ’80, Eva Shum Patterson, Mira Yeh The 5th Annual Fund Ball held in May at the Grand Hyatt raised an unprecedented HK$4 million for the school. 470 members of the HKIS community (including alumni, faculty and staff, parents, friends and corporations) came out to show their support for the Annual Fund, which provides extra-learning experiences for our students. Tireless co-chairs Katherine Geicke and Sophia Kao Lo led the superb Ball committee that organized the fabulous evening. The theme of the Ball was “We Are the World”, and the night was a jour ney to inter national destinations. Students and guests were dressed in native costumes. Rosann Kao (Grade 10 counselor). and Jim Handrich (High School Principal) Moses Tsang and daughters Brietta ’04 and Alexis ’02 Maurice, Anna ’04, Diana ’02, Sophia Kao Lo 4 Hong Kong International School There was something to keep every guest entertained. HKIS students, led b y faculty members, perfor med in the Strings Ensemble, Glenda Allen Dance Academy, and Choirs. The live auction, conducted by auctioneers Moses Tsang and Mahmood Rumjahn, saw furious bidding between competitors, and managed to r aise HK$1 million. A generous donor then matched this $1 million, to the delight of everyone present. The sounds of the Tony Carpio band then enticed patrons to continue dancing until late into the evening. It was a f antastic way to celebrate the most successful Annual Fund Ball ever. In total, the Annual Fund raised $9.45M for the school. Interim Program Enriches High Schoolers Interim is a weeklong off-campus learning experience designed to challenge the hearts, minds and bodies of HKIS high school students. This alternative education program forms an integral part of the high school curriculum and is a g raduation requirement for all high school students. Interim is an ambitious program with many goals. By exposing students to cultural diversity and challenging their pre-conceived notions through discussion and reflection, the program seeks to develop communication and leadership skills, self-reliance and compassion. The Interim experience aims to help students gain greater selfknowledge and a richer understanding of the world around them, and is a truly unforgettable part of HKIS. Biking in New Zealand Diving in Australia Below is a list of the diverse, challenging and enriching HKIS 2004 Interims: Yunnan Nature Conservancy, photo by Calan Spielman Sun, surf and sanctuary in Australia Australia – Horseback Riding in the Snowy Mountains Australia – Kangaroo Island Australia – Out and About Down Under, Perth Australia – Perth and Surf Australia – Reef and Rainforest Cambodia – Community and Culture China – Beijing, The Forbidden City China – Children of Shangrila-Lijiang China – The Southern Silk Road China’s Wild West – Gateway to Tibet China – Yunnan: The Nature Conservancy Fiji – Habitat for Humanity, Nadi Fiji – The Way the World Should Be Hong Kong – Botanical and Zoological Art Hong Kong – Performing Arts Hong Kong – Service at Caritas Lok Yi School Hong Kong – Social Awareness Hong Kong – Spin the Wheel Pottery Workshop Hong Kong – Wind and Waves India – The Children of Calcutta Japan – Chrysanthemum and the Sword Japan on Foot Japan – Winter Mountaineering, Outward Bound Mongolia – Exploring and Service in Ulaan Baatar New Zealand – A Bend in the River Vietnam, North to South New Zealand – Abel Tasman Sea Kayaking New Zealand – Eco Challenge New Zealand – Habitat for Humanity, Hamilton New Zealand – Lord of the Rings, South Island New Zealand – Meeting of the Nations New Zealand – Mountain Biking New Zealand – Rock Climbing and Culture Philippines – Habitat for Humanity, Cebu Sri Lanka – The Finest Island in all the World Thailand – Advance Scuba Diving Around the Similian Islands Thailand – Beginner Scuba Diving Around the Similian Islands Thailand – Golf in the Kingdom Thailand – Sea Canoeing Around Koh Yao Thailand – Service in Pattaya Vietnam – Children of Hanoi Vietnam – From North to South Vietnam – Orphanage and Village Life, Hanoi Vietnam – Phu My Orphanage, Ho Chi Minh City Stork’s Class Lunches with Nobel Laureate HKIS class of 2005 students Jackson Shih, James Hay, Kwan Chi Chan and Jeffrey Weingard had a unique opportunity to meet Professor Douglas Osheroff, Stanford Nobel Laureate in Physics, and lear n about the investigation into the Columbia Shuttle accident. Professor Osheroff, the recent chair of the Physics Department, was awarded the Nobel prize in Physics in 1996 together with David Lee and Robert Richardson for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3. In March 2003, he was appointed to the team investigating the loss of the space shuttle Columbia. Professor Osheroff shared the team’s findings with Mr Stork’s advanced math class and discussed the implications of the accident on the US human space exploration program. HKIS Students had lunch with Stanford Nobel Laureate Professor Douglas Osheroff and talked about The Columbia Shuttle accident and the normalization of deviance HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 5 Karen Fish – It’s About Art All Working with this years AP art studio students What’s kept me here? The great faculty who Karen Fish (high school art teacher) was born in Sydney, Australia. She received a B. Ed. in art education and an M.A. in curriculum and teaching, and has been teaching for 24 years. She has been class advisor at HKIS to the classes of 1996, 1999 and 2001. Karen started in a country school in New South Wales and lived in a small town of 400 people… where all the locals thought she was one of those “weird ar ty types”. After A l bu r y s h e w o n a p o s i t i o n in Penang, Malaysia for three years a t t h e R oya l Au s t r a l i a n A i r Fo r c e S c h o o l , M a l ay s i a . S h e then returned to Australia to teach in a large suburban high school in Sydney. Karen enjoys spoiling her sister Narelle’s children: Te s s a , w h o j u s t l i ke h e r a u n t i e l ove s a r t , a n d Alexander, a great sportsman. Karen Fish 6 Hong Kong International School value learning, the students who are always fun, the special sense of community that I have never experienced in any other school. What brought you to HKIS? I went to a recruiting fair in Sydney not even 100% sure that I wanted a new job… then I heard Earl Westrick talk about HKIS. He described the students and the ethos of the school - a school that cared about students and their development as whole people. By the time Earl had finished speaking I knew I HAD to have the job! So what brought me to HKIS? Earl Westrick! What’s kept me here? The great faculty who value learning, the students who are always fun, the special sense of community that I have never experienced in any other school. How different was it teaching here as opposed to where you came from? Let’s compare… Penang - thatched walls, tin roof, no air cons and snakes in the storeroom… HKIS - three beautiful rooms, wonderful facilities and oodles of supplies, great colleagues - when Jim Handrich first gave me a tour of the art department I was sure I had been transported to ‘art teacher paradise’! As for the students, they were very different. My knowledge of American youth was based on w atching television, programs like Beverly Hills 90210. The class of 1992 educated me in the social habits and grooming of ‘the skater’, pile - ons, baggy jeans and boxers, it wasn’t just different, it was a whole new culture! But once you went past the surface, kids are kids no matter where they come from, each is an individual with his/her own special gifts and challenges. I Karen and senior, Katharine Watson soon felt right at home at HKIS. Drawing 1 class The Fish family on top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Around Karen and a few friends catching their reading in Bali! What do you enjoy most about what you do? The students in my art classes and seeing their artistic talent develop. Another great par t of my time at HKIS has been with the Hong Kong Dancers. I have been one of their advisors for quite a while now - this m a r k s my 6 t h y e a r. I l o ve t h e energy of HKD, it’s always exciting, challenging and rewarding. When we reach the last night of the charity performance each year it is always bittersweet. I’m happy for t h e s u c c e s s o f t h e i r s h o w, t h e chance to show off all their hard work but it always means another group of HKD seniors are leaving. Also, hear ing from alumni; I get such a blast out of getting emails and catching up with past students and hearing about their lives now and what they are doing. At the moment we are working on a new web site for the high school art department. The students suggested t h a t w e c r e a t e l i n k s t o t h e we b sites of HKIS Art Alumni. So if you are a past HKIS art student with an art related web site then send me yo u r d e t a i l s ! I t ’ s g r e a t fo r my current ar t students to see all the amazing successes of HKIS alumni. up on Tell us about your Interim experience this year. I have done lots of different Interims, however the last 4 ha ve been to Calcutta in India and I think they have been some of the best weeks I have spent as a teacher. It’s hard to put into words how much we all learn and grow in those 7 days of service learning. We volunteer each morning in the homes of the Missionaries of Charity and spend the afternoons with Future Hope. It is an incredible week. Interim is such a g reat program and is certainly a week of great experiences and learning for everyone. When alumni come to visit the conversation often turns to past interim experiences. What has been your greatest accomplishment as a teacher? All my students be it in an art class, an activity, club, HKD or Interim who walked away believing he or she had grown as an artist or person - hopefully there are a lot of them! What has been your greatest challenge? Just before I came to HKIS I had seriously considered giving up teaching and moving in a new career direction. In that process I realized that I love teaching, it is who and what I am, I’m proud to be a teacher. Coming to that understanding was a very important turning point. It set me on the path to meeting Earl Westrick and making the move to HKIS. With students from HKIS and Future Ho in Calcutta Interim pe 2004. How have HKIS students changed over the years? In a million ways and not at all. I don’t think about the students as a group but as a series of individuals, so when I think back over my 12 years at HKIS so many faces come to mind its hard to compare. I know one way they have changed - they come back as teachers! Mary Chen ’98, Austin Harvey ’99 and Kay Reilly ’97, to name a few. What else do you do besides teach? Travel! I look at my bank balance in ter ms of air line tickets and destinations. If there is a long weekend and I’m not jetting off somewhere, my friends wonder what’s wrong. Great holidays of the last few years include a summer in Italy visiting all the museums and churches that one art teacher could ever desire to see, and taking a week to brush up my cooking skills in Tuscany. Another favorite is New York. During my last trip I caught up with some alumni which was really rewarding. I loved hearing about their great adventures in that fabulous city. HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 7 Erik Weihenmayer ’87 - World-Class Blind Adventurer Inspires the World On May 25, 2001, Erik Weihenmayer ’87 became the first blind man in history to reach the summit of the world’s highest peak - Mount Everest. And on September 5, 2002, when he stood on top of Mt. Kosciusko in Australia, Weihenmayer completed his 7-year quest to climb the Seven Summits - the highest mountains on each of the seven land continents, joining only 100 mountaineers worldwide who have accomplished that feat. At age 34, he was also one of the youngest. Additionally, he has scaled El Capitan, a 3300-f oot overhanging rock wall in Yosemite; and Polar Circus, a 3000-foot ice waterfall in the Canadian Rockies. Erik recently joined 320 stellar athletes from 17 countr ies to compete in the Primal Quest, the richest and toughest multi-spor t adventure race in the world. A former middle school teacher and wrestling coach, Erik Weihenmayer is a world class athlete: acrobatic 8 Hong Kong International School skydiver, long distance biker, and marathon runner, skier, mountaineer, ice climber and rock climber. Despite losing his vision at the age of 13, Erik has become an accomplished athlete who has never let his blindness interfere with his passion for an exhilarating and fulfilling life. Here are a few thoughts Erik shared with the Alumni Office… What brought you to Hong Kong in 1975? When I was eight years old, my dad’s company, Pfizer, a pharmaceutical fir m, offered him a promotion, heading its human resources function in Asia. The job would require the family to move to Hong Kong. It was a huge leap, but my mother convinced me it would be exciting. We moved into an apar tment on W ong Nei Chung Gap Road. When were you at HKIS? It’s great to be connected with HKIS again. I was at HKIS for five years, from 2nd through 6th grades from 1975 -1980. I was the skinny kid with the really thick lenses on my glasses. What did y ou take from y our education at HKIS? I took away a sense of diversity. My friends were from all over the world and had f or med into one tight community. When I moved back to the States, things seemed pretty bland and boring. Describing his memories of HKIS he says, “I loved playing kick ball on the roof. At HKIS, it was the first time I asked a girl to “Go steady,” and she told me that she only liked me as a friend. It w as a good g rowing experience. I thought the teachers were very kind and accommodating, especially since I wore huge thick glasses and needed special attention.” What is most important to you? My family: my wife, Ellie, and fouryear-old daughter, Emma. Where were you last month? I wa s l e a d i n g a t e a m o f b l i n d Tibetan teenagers up a 7000 meter peak nor th of Everest. I hope the project will continue to spread a positive message of opportunity throughout the globe. You can learn about this educational project on www.climbingblind.org. Recognition Erik’s feats have ear ned him an ESPY award, recognition by Time magazine for one of the greatest spor ting achievements of 2001, induction into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, an ARETE Award for the superlative athletic performance of the year, the Helen Keller Lifetime Achievement award, and the Freedom Foundation Award. He has also carried the Olympic Torch for both the Summer and Winter Games. His Book and Film In addition to being a world-class athlete, Erik is also the author of the book, Touch the Top of the World. In this memoir, Erik recalls his struggle to push past the limits of vision loss. Weihenmayer tells his extraordinary stor y with humor , honesty and vivid detail, and his for titude and enthusiasm are deeply inspiring. He writes movingly of the role his family played in his battle to break through the barriers of blindness. Erik’s award winning film, Farther Than the Eye Can See, shot in the same stunning quality HDTV format as the ‘Star Wars’ prequels, is an intimate look inside one of the most successful Mount Ev erest expeditions ever. Bringing home Best of Festival awards at both the Taos Film Festival and the Montreal Inter national Adventure Film Festival, the film beautifully captures the emotion, humor and drama of Erik Weihenmayer’s historic ascent as well as his team’s four other remarkable ‘firsts’ on Mount Everest: the first American father/son team to summit, the oldest man to summit, and the most people from one team to reach the top of Everest in a single day. To date, the film has raised about $250,000 f or charitable organizations. Vision, teamwork and failure – Life’s important lessons Erik believes that people should have the vision to dream big; the courage to reach for near impossible goals; and the grit, deter mination, and ingenuity to transform our lives into “something miraculous.” His daring adventures have shattered the perceptions of people all over the world about what is possible in our lifetimes. “Often,” he says, “we are forced to throw out the expectations of others and rise to the level of our own inter nal potential.” He emphasizes the impor tance of having a vision. “A vision is deeper than a goal, more complex. It’s from where all our goals spring. It’s how we see ourselves living our lives, serving other people; and it speaks to the kind of legacy we want to leave behind.” Since often the key to his endeavors has been his superb ability to combine his strengths and talents with those of people around him. “Imagine ever yone connected by a giant rope, helping each other, compensating for individual weaknesses, using e ver yone’s abilities to the fullest. We’d be an unstoppable force.” While there are some things he cannot do on a climb, Erik refuses to be the token blind guy. In fact, he works hard to pull at least his share of the weight, wanting his own contributions to far outweigh any accommodations made for him. Erik’s many dramatic successes have not come without his share of failures. Since Erik sets tough goals for himself (most of his adventures have never even been attempted by another blind person), he knows he will fail as often as he succeeds... at first, but he’s learned a critical lesson: that failure is simply a part of the process of succeeding. “Success is not just the crowning moment, the spiking of the ball in the end zone or the raising of the flag on the summit. It is the whole process of reaching for a goal and, sometimes, it begins with failure.” When Erik does fail, he says it rarely is the result of his blindness; but is more likely because he just hasn’t quite figured out the “system” which will work for him. Too often, he says, we are paralyzed by fear, so we play it safe... and never reach out. Erik speaks of his beliefs to audiences around the w orld on overcoming life’s challenges, the impor tance of teamwork, and the daily struggle to pursue your dreams. Clearly, Erik’s accomplishments show that one does not ha ve to have perfect eyesight to ha ve extraordinary vision. He has inspired audiences from Bank of America, General Mills, Proctor and Gamble, Walmar t, Cisco Systems , IBM, Computer Associates, AT&T, General Electric, America On-line, Microsoft, J.P. Morgan and UBS. Erik has been published in Time, Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Outside, Climbing magazine, and Chicken Soup. His extraordinary accomplishments have gained him abundant media coverage, including repeated visits to NBC’s Today Show and Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, Oprah, Good Morning America, and the Tonight Show to name a few. He has also been featured on the cover of Time, Outside, and Parade magazines; with features in Sports Illustrated, People, and Men’s Journal. An ABC movie on his life is now underway. HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 9 Misery, Foot Blisters and Jelly Beans in the World’s Driest Desert By Derek Kwik ’86 Derek Kwik ’86 was born in Hong Kong and attended HKIS from grades 5 through 12. His most memorable teachers are of his French teacher of 6 years, Nancy Kroonenberg and his 7th grade homeroom teacher, Jan Westrick (then Ms. Schalk). Derek graduated from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles with a degree in finance and worked as an investment banker before returning to Hong Kong to continue his professional career. He joined an international management consulting firm traveling the Asia-Pacific region and was ultimately seconded to Tokyo. Derek then returned to Hong Kong to enter the dot-com fray as a Vice President of a venture capital firm. Derek has represented Hong Kong in several world class adventure races. He competed in what is arguably the world’s toughest adventure race, the Eco-Challenge, a 10-day, 500 kilometer, 24 hour non-stop expedition race through the harshest environments (Eco-Challenge Sabah 2000 and Eco-Challenge New Zealand 2001). He is the only person in Hong Kong to have run across the Sahara Desert, the Gobi Desert and the Atacama Desert. To date he has raised over HK$500,000 for the Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals and the Hong Kong Cancer Fund. Derek is also a motivational and corporate speaker at schools, corporations, conferences and rotary clubs. 10 Hong Kong International School I was once told, “What you do in life echoes in eter nity”. That axiom resonated in my head as I collapsed from a rather nasty blend of high altitude cerebral edema, dehydration and near h ypother mia at 4,100 meters. This was only Day One of a seven day, 246 kilometer ultr amarathon somewhere in the middle of the world’s driest wasteland, the Atacama Desert. Let’s rewind twelve months prior, back to the bright lights, towering buildings and tumultuous moneymaking commotion of Hong Kong. My name is Derek Kwik, 36 years old, single, MBA and one of the many unemployed financiers that the global economic meltdown has produced. The incessant search for a high flying direct investment job continues as I listen to the drone of my headhunter as he tells me that it will be at least 9 - 12 months of silence before the banks relax their global hir ing freezes. I ponder m y options and evaluate the paths that my friends have chosen. Lif e is shor t. Just what w ould I regret not having accomplished when I reach my 50th birthday? I wanted to make a difference in society - to inspire others, to lead by example, to make a positive impact on another’s life. After all, if you aren’t the lead dog pulling the sled, then the view will always be the same. Close friend, Mary Gadams, who had started-up RacingThePlanet, a company which organizes a series of footraces in the world’s four largest deser ts (the Gobi, the Sahar a, Antarctica and the Atacama in Chile), promised me a lifetime of memories that I would not soon forget in the upcoming Atacama Crossing. The Atacama Crossing is a six-stage, 7 day, 246 kilometer footrace across the Atacama Desert of Chile. All competitors must carry all their own food, gear and clothing while navigating through 30 checkpoints (CPs). Everyone has heard of or at least attempted a marathon. The ver y thought of running 246 kilometers a c r o s s t h e b a r r e n d e s e rt w h i l e c a r r y i n g a we e k ’s w o r t h o f l i fe sustaining supplies trespasses into the realm of the impossib le and unthinkable. I have never been to South America and the Atacama Crossing seemed like a good place to start. But I am not of character to jump into things on a whim so careful due diligence was in order. I quickly lear ned that the Atacama Desert is 15 million years old and is the world’s driest desert. In fact, some parts of the desert have never even seen r ainfall. The Atacama is 50 times more arid than California’s Death Valley. The terrain is so inhospitable and unforgiving that NASA routinely tests its Mars space vehicles there. backpack that will be filled with tangible pieces of equipment rather than a meaningless sack of rice. A challenge of this magnitude where perseverance overrides all else intrigued me. I had 6 months to prepare for one of the biggest challenges of my life. Since the race will involve a marriage of sor ts between me and m y backpack, I spent 75% of my time training with it . This tra ining was essential in getting my shoulders and back muscles attuned to carrying the weight of my equipment for prolonged periods of time. Since I am not a professional athlete or even remotely talented at running a very basic sub-four hour marathon, much of my training doctrine focused on the mental aspect of the ra ce. I needed m y mind to be ab le to comprehend and grasp the multitude of challenges that I was going to face because in situations in volving intense physical stress, your body will want to quit long before your mind is ready to give up. It’s “Mind Over Matter”, if you don’t mind, it don’t matter. My training began with the single most important piece of equipment - my backpack, affectionately nicknamed by my friends as ‘Mini-Me’. I stuffed my backpack with a laughable 16 kilograms of r ice. To the casual observer, the dead weight has the obvious benefit of strength training. More importantly, the psychological training is what I am seeking. Mini-Me is substantially hea vier than m y required mandatory equipment so I will come to appreciate a lighter It’s “Mind Over Matter”, if you don’t mind, it don’t matter. I have gotten used to the bewildered stares from passers-by as I was the only person at the gym running with a backpack, on the treadmill. As the months drew closer to r ace day, I replaced the ridiculous rice with my actual equipment. On the weekends, rain or shine, I took to the hills for strength training. Hong Kong lacks an adequate choice of trails so the majority of my routes were on pavement amid the hustle and bustle of traffic. Together with Mini-Me, I r an from the b ustling shopping district of Causeway Bay, dodging hordes of tour ists and shoppers up to the island’s highest point, Victoria Peak and then back. Time past quic kly and m y eight months of training had primed my endurance on three le vels: in the cardiovascular sense (this is obvious) but more importantly the psychological exertion to keep on motoring (even when my body says Stop, you moron) and to embrace discomfort (because I know that pain is inescapable). I was as ready as I’d ever be and I promised myself that the only way to get through this was one kilometer at a time. After 30 plus hours of leg cramping flying and “chicken or fish” meals, I finally landed in Chile and into the arms of the mandatory registration process of the Administr ative Controls and Medical Re view. Together with near ly 100 other competitors from 21 countries, we were herded like cattle to various pre-race gear and medical checks. The gear checks ensure that all competitors will have the basic tools for desert survival such as a sleeping bag, 2,000 calories of food each day, a headlamp, compass, pocket knife, whistle, survival blanket and signal mirror. The race organizers only provide competitors with water and a shared tent. Day One — 32 Km Today — 214 Km To Go — 0 Km Completed The alarm on my watch beeped ever so faintly as I lay within the warm confines of my sleeping bag. It was 6 A.M. and still very dark within my tent but I made out 7 other slowly waking bodies writhing in sleeping bags. I slept restlessly in anticipation of the eight months of training which will all be put to the test in just a couple of hours. No warm bed. No hot showers. No real f ood. No internet. No TV or newspapers. And no sex. Dar n. For the next seven days, my life would be reduced to the most primitive of behaviors: running, eating and sleeping. HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 11 only thing I didn’t do yet was vomit my snack which consisted of jelly beans and beef jerky. We were at an elevation of 4,100 meters above sea level. I couldn’t believe we were running at this altitude. That’s sky diving altitude. No wonder, the simple chore of rolling up my sleeping bag left me gasping for breath. At the start line, I wait in anticipation for the starting gun. There are lots of nervous handshakes and smiles as all of the competitors wish each other luck on this 246 kilometer epic journey across the old Inca Trail. The air is crisp and the cold air is creeping into my bones even though I am bound in a parka, fleece tights, a hat and gloves. My backpack weighs 10 kilograms and I welcome the added warmth as it shields my backside. The adrenalin coursing through my veins blocked the sound of the starter’s gun but the herd mentality of 100 runners instinctively got my feet moving. Through the red tint of my ski goggles I could see patches of snow sprinkled along the path. Imagine that. Snow in the desert. There is something very surreal about this sight. Only 8 kilometers from the start, I arrived at CP1 (Check Point 1) with relative ease. I was feeling abnormally winded but otherwise in good spirits. Everyone was full of energy and vigor but that would soon change. As I approached the Rio Grande river valley, I began to feel woefully out of 12 Hong Kong International School breath. In thin air, one is literally sucking air rather than breathing air. This is no longer an innate and instinctive bodily function b ut a laborious task that f eels like breathing through a drinking straw. I knew this was the onset of altitude sickness and that the symptoms would progressively worsen and multiply. No training in Hong Kong could have prepared me to cope with this. Hong Kong’s Victoria Peak sits at 396 meters and my 10th floor apartment is only a scant 30 meters above the street. Altitude sickness is common in individuals who ascend too rapidly to altitudes greater than 2,400 meters. The risk increases with faster ascents and higher altitudes. I was already at nearly twice that limit. I had 6 months to prepare for one of the biggest challenges of my life. In the late afternoon, I pulled into CP2. I still managed a weak smile and the field doctor checked over my pulse. I had all of the classic symptoms of altitude sic kness: throbbing headaches, nausea, dizziness, and loss of appetite. The The path to the day’s finish line and campsite was a winding trail through the canyons scattered with giant cacti. My condition had deteriorated to a point where I could no longer run and all I could muster was the shuffle of a 90 year old man. Getting to the campsite was no longer the goal for the day. Every ounce of my concentration was set on putting one foot in front of the other. Smaller more attainable goals were in order and all I wanted to do was move 20 paces to the next bend on the trail. Once there, it was 20 paces to the big boulder. To catch my breath, I sat on a big rock overlooking a 300 meter drop to the river below and took in the beautiful canyon landscape. Almost immediately, the sky abo ve me began to spin furiously and I shifted my weight to corrected my balance but in the wrong direction. I leaned out into the canyon below and nearly fell off my rock as the weight of my backpack pulled me towards the river below. Luckily, I reco vered my balance and returned to my shuffle towards the finish line. The sun set m uch quicker than normal as the crimson hue dipped behind the high canyon walls. And with that came the quiet hush of freezing air. I took out my headlamp and turned it on. Negotiating uneven terrain in low light conditions is precarious at best. I cursed the day’s race but it would not be the first. As I rounded a turn and began my descent into the r iver valley, my spirits lifted as I sa w the unmistakable orange glow of a campfire below. My approach to the campsite was met with the sound of rushing water. In the dar kness, somewhere in front of me, I would have to negotiate a small stream in the dark. I was already suffering from high altitude sic kness and dehydration. The last thing I wanted to do was get wet but I knew that was wishful thinking. I carefully looked for the widest channel which indicates slow and shallow water. As my shoes stepped into the river bed, icy cold water hit my knees and continued to creep up my running tights. I was so cold and exhausted I could not step up onto the dry river bank. Staff member, Jan, reached out his hand and pulled me out of the river. With Day One officially completed, I collapsed at the finish line. Joel from Chicago helped me to the medical tent. The doctor looked me over and scolded me for breaking the number one rule in running - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. One of the symptoms of altitude sickness is loss of appetite crawled into it. Paco took my muddy wet shoes and soc ks out to the campfire for dr ying. Paul from Singapore took care of m y wet running tights. welcome sound (much preferred over the sound of running water I must say). Mary stood at the finish line to congratulate me with a huge finisher’s medal. Throughout the camp word quickly spread among the competitors about my weakened condition. I was feeling so sick, I could ver y well be the Atacama Crossing’s first drop out before morning. Nancy from Chicago prepared my hot dinner which consisted of freeze dried beef stew. Joel and Mary retur ned from the campfire with a handful of hot water bottles to put into my sleeping bag. As I made my way thru the crowds, I felt an overwhelming sense of camaraderie with my fellow team mates, a sense of dependability to all my friends back home, a sense of national pride to my country and a sense of accomplishment unto myself. I would now be able to justify my bruised ankles, foot blisters and bruised feet. With hot water bottles stuffed into my sleeping bag, I could only manage a few bites of my hot dinner before passing out from exhaustion. I had no idea what the race had in store for me tomorrow or if I would even be able to handle six more days of this insanity. Please see the rest of Derek’s exciting Days 2 - 6 at http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk /alumni At the finish line, with the SAR flag and thirst. With my decision making abilities impaired, I had only consumed 10 ounces of water, a handful of jellybeans and a stick of beef jerky during the entire 32 kilometer section. No w, those symptoms were taking effect. In wet clothes, I began to shiver uncontrollably. The doctor recommended that I change into dry clothes but I had no spares other than the shirt on my back. Volunteer, Clare, escor ted me to m y tent. Leaving the warm confines of the medical tent and out into the open where temperatures have dipped to 2 degrees Celsius caused even more violent shivering. When I reached my tent, my tent mates took o ver. A tr io of Argentineans, Ernesto, Carlos and Paco leapt into action. Car los unpacked my sleeping bag and I Day Seven — 13 Km Today — 0 Km to Go — 233 Km Completed With our bac kpacks containing nothing more than a sleeping bag and a few miscellaneous items of mandatory equipment, we lined up at the star t line. Having battled the altitude, salt flats and the cold for 6 days, this would hardly even be a sprint to the finish line. The final run concluded in the urban and suburban areas around San Pedro de Atacama, finishing in the town square in front of the historic church, with roots dating back to 1641. Racing down the street, I reached behind me and pulled the Hong Kong SAR flag from my backpack. The crimson red and white flag flapped in the wind as I rounded the corner and made my final sprint to the finish line. The roar of the competitors and the applause from the crowds was a After all, if you aren’t the lead dog pulling the sled, then the view will always be the same. This race is not about putting your foot on the start line. And it’s not about crossing the finish line. It’s all about ever ything that happens in between those 7 da ys. My debilitating altitude sickness and the love from everyone, the wrath of the salt flats with Dan, the frigid cold river crossings, the insanely cold nights and even the Sw eet Tar ts that I shared with Patrick. A race is a lot like everyday life. You experience the highest highs and the lowest lows and that is no different from everyday life. You learn to keep things simple. You filter out the bad, keep the good and stay positive. No man was ever beaten by being knocked down. A man is beaten because he doesn’t get up. If you would like to get in touch with him, please email Derek at [email protected] HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 13 Aiiyaaah! It’s a Prom – Alumni Relive a Tradition On May 8, 2004 HKIS alumni, teachers and friends came together to celebrate an HKIS tradition – prom. It was Alumni Board vice president Todd Wong’s ’81 idea worked on tirelessly by Rohini Balani Chotirmal, president Kenneth Koo ’79, Todd, Kimberly Whiley (Todd’s friend), alumni and CRD staff. Lavish prizes included a 2 night Amanpuri package for the Prom King and Queen provided generously by Trina Dingler Eber t ’72 and a $1500 bottle of wine sent by good friend, Antonio Koo ’79. Everyone commented about our emcee extraordinaire, Andy Chworowsky ’81 whose wit was matched only by his blue suit with ruffles and wig. Andy announced the following prizes: 14 Hong Kong International School Prom King and Queen - Sam Devnani ’90 & his wife Guddi Best dressed lady - Leslie Choy Hsu ’85 Best dressed man - Peter Chworowsky ’77 Best dressed couple - Tara Whitehill ’75 and Paul Best dressed teacher - Ken Rohrs Best dancer - Mike Pepper Oldest alum - Vincent Li ’73 The carefully chosen music kept teachers and alumni dancing until the wee hours and the gym had never looked better. Thanks to May Cagulada, Juana Cheung and all the volunteers who put in valuable time and effort to create magic that night. New York Reunion Exceeds Expectations George Coombs (high school humanities teacher) and Jennifer Doman ’96 pulled off a most successful reunion on September 25, 2004 in New York City. The Happy Hour event exceeded all estimates; the Alumni office expected between 25 – 40 alumni, and 50 HKIS Dragons and Cr usaders showed up! The event was meant to last from 6:30 pm to a conservative 8:30 pm but our Dragons remained until 1 am! New York alumni take the cake. (The Februar y 2004 reunion organized by Metta Dael ’94 also had NY alumni swarming in after hours!) The Alumni Office would like to thank Jim Handrich, Jennifer Doman ’96 and George Coombs for providing alumni with the oppor tunity to strengthen the HKIS bond overseas. Are you looking for a Job in the Greater China region? Calling Amb rosia Artists Feel free to give me a call to have a chat about your goals and aspirations, and we can try to place you with a multinational corporation, a listed conglomerate, or a SME. As an alumna from the class of 1992, I hope to assist all you fellow alums. Currently I am working for Links Recruitment, a generalist recruitment firm helping people like you to find work. Whether you are a fresh grad, have a few years experience, or are a specialist, we may have something for you. Do not hesitate to contact me! If you are fr om the clas ses of 1999-2003 and would like to keep the Ambrosia masterpiece s that you su bmitted for publication, please cont act Lauren Jack son at ljackson@ hkis.edu.hk Ingrid Wong ’92 Consultant - Commerce Division Links Recruitment Limited Direct Line: (852) 3426 8653 Email: [email protected] HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 15 Ken, Victor, Elizabeth and Jim The Alumni Board rang in a new school year when an informal Alumni Happy Hour was organized on July 29, 2004 over at Jimmy's Kitchen in Central. Alumni Board president Kenneth Koo ’79, Josh Begbie ’96, Ingrid Wong ’92, John Hyun ’89, Matt Adams ’88, Sam ’89 and Guddi Devnani, Victor Tsang ’83, Tom Warden ’79 and several other alumni and faculty exchanged news and HKIS memories. Jimmy’s Kitchen Provides Nostalgic Setting for Social The social was followed by a dinner meeting attended by Elizabeth Wong ’98, Ken Rohrs, Tim Zee ’84 and Simon Lau ’80 representing your Alumni Board. Jim Handrich, Mike Lambert (upper primary faculty), Reena K. and Christina Tung joined us as w ell. The meeting w as a wellspring of new ideas and concepts which proved to be very exciting. Victor, Elizabeth, Jim and Tim Matt, John, Kiwan, Elizabeth, Christina, Mike Lambert, Ken Rohrs and Kenneth Koo 16 Hong Kong International School Ingrid, Tom and Josh Alumni Board Update The Alumni Office would like to thank those Board members who have served our Alumni Association for the last 2 years and whose terms have ended this year. Your commitment has been invaluable to HKIS. Committees and committee members decided were: Events: Sam Devnani ’90 - Chair Joyce Yin ’89 (service events only) Board Members - terms ended: Joseph Chan ’79 Shoumitro Goswami ’93 Emily Chan ’96 Brian Lee ’96 Timothy Chang ’03 Todd Wong ’91 Thank you all for your hard work and your ser vice to HKIS . W e’ll be counting on y ou as e x-Board members to remain active with the Alumni Association. Keith Bradsher ’82 A hear ty congratulations to the 2004-2006 Alumni Board members and the Board Officers who were elected on August 31, 2004. Newly elected Board Members 2004-2006 Matthew Adams ’88 Sam Devnani ’90 John Hyun ’89 Kelvin Limm ’79 Joyce Yin ’89 Simon Lau ’80 - renominated Kenneth Rohrs (faculty) - renominated Rohini Balani Chotirmal ’89 Alumni Resource Network: Kenneth Koo ’79 - Chair Matt Adams ’88 Rob Dorfman ’72 Communications / website: Simon Lau ’80 - Chair Justin Seliger ’05 Fundraising: Timothy Zee ’84 Officers: Kenneth Koo - President Rohini Balani Chotirmal ’89 - Vice-president (newly elected) Timothy Zee ’84 - Treasurer (newly elected) Elizabeth Wong ’98 - Secretary HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 17 ’68 Edmond Chan [email protected] Rebecca Lynne Byers Quirsfeld: resides in Weston, CT. She writes, “I attended HKIS during my first year and my two sons attended HKIS from 1991 to 1993. My mother Irene Byers taught at the school that first year.” ’69 David Vaughn [email protected] Christy McCaskill: currently lives in Paris, TX. She went to HKIS in her junior and senior years with sister Sally McCaskill ’70 and brother Dean McCaskill ’76. ’70 Rick Brackmann [email protected] ’71 Wilfred Koo [email protected] Akinori Fukue [email protected] Victoria Peters Bonner: now lives in Perry, GA. She went to HKIS in her junior and senior years and went on to get a degree in respiratory therapy from the University of Montana. “I have been a respiratory therapist 18 Hong Kong International School for 27 years and have been in management for 15 years.” Kären D. Cheney: currently resides in Novato, CA. She attended HKIS in her sophomore and senior years with brothers Philip B. Cheney ’70 and Guy B. Cheney ’72. Herbert Kwok: presently residing in Hillsborough, CA. He went to HKIS from his sophomore until his senior years. ’72 Debbie Smiley [email protected] ’73 Lynn BARRATT Frau [email protected] Bruce Kelsh – UP principal: Laurie Yabayashi Dyste sends her greetings. She lives in Detroit and is married to Mike Dyste whose parents live just down the road from my sister’s house in Crosby, Minnesota (population 3,000). We were all attending the saturday night service at Immanuel Lutheran where my sister’s husband, Paul, is the pastor. Small world. We come from HK, she comes from Detroit and we meet in Crosby. Mike Koyama: attended HKIS in grade 12. He went on to get a BSEE and an MSEE from Harvey Mudd College. Mike is now working as an electronics engineer and lives in McMinnville, OR. ’74 Scott Kendon Waterman [email protected] Amy Jocelyn Kwan Chan: presently lives in Hong Kong. She went to HKIS in her senior year with sister Mabel Kwan Chin ’79. She also has a daughter who went to HKIS, Jennifer Chan ’03. Shik Ming Chow: lives in Hong Kong. He attended HKIS in his senior year and went on to get a BS in civil engineering from California State University, Fresno. Jeanne Turnipseed Guernsey: went to HKIS in her sophomore and junior years with brother Rob Turnipseed ’72. Jeanne is now living in Chester Springs, PA, and works in testing for medical licensure, certification and re-certification. Bud Skennion Bud Skennion: I am still happily residing in Temecula, CA. I’ve been employed for the last 19 years at Sprecher and Schuh, a division of Rockwell Automation as a Western Regional Manager. My wife Gail and I will soon celebrate our silver wedding anniversary on September 8th and we’re trying to manage a quick getaway celebration in between raising the teens! Our daughter, Vanessa graduated from high school in June and has started college and her new era. My brother Matt ’76 and his wife Joy, in Ft. Lauderdale, and my dad living in Houston, all joined us in Temecula for Vanessa’s graduation in June. Our second daughter Ashley is a junior in high school. Gail and I are regularly in touch with Judi Rower ’75, living near each other in Temecula for the last 13 years. Gail and Judi do lunch when they can get free time and have recently enjoyed some Broadway plays together this summer. Patrick Gould (Ashley’s godpapa) and I talk regularly and still enjoy a love of horseracing that has spanned the decades. I have also been in touch with Mark Leonard, Linda Schwartzendrubber, and Sue Long over the years. Anyone who comes by southern CA for a visit, give us a call and we’ll s h ow yo u a r o u n d t h e b e a u t i f u l Temecula Valley wine countr y 28 or more wineries to visit at our doorstep here in the Valley! Looking forward to the next reunion in Hong Kong sometime in 07? Planning to be there! complain about the schools - they’re pretty good and that’s even by HKIS standards... Jen Tracy Harley My little one is Harley (9) - he’s my mellow, quiet baby. Jen is 16. She’s wonderful, personable, pretty as all heck and it’s hard keeping the boys away. She’s a handful and, well you know the old saying - what goes around comes around. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t given my folks so much grief in HS - paybacks are a... (bad word)! I would love to hear from my former classmates so please drop me a line when you get a moment. My email address is: [email protected]” church members do ministry work in some orphanages around Ensenada, Baja California, and Mexico. Greg ’76 is living in King City, California, with Denise, his wife of almost 26 years. They have two boys, Joshua, 9, and Justin, 5. He is pastoring a Southern Baptist church there and they are active in a local theater group in town. Jan ’79 is living in Riverside and works at a local Christian school in their development department as a grant writer. Amy ’81 is living in Mason, Texas, with Bob, her husband of 17 years. They have a daughter, Beth, 11, and a son, Ben, 8. Bob is the pastor of a Baptist church in Mason. Their mom, Billy Harvey, 77, has been living in Tim’s home since 1999. Their dad, Muerner, passed away in 1996. Karen Kenny Held: went to HKIS in grades 4 to 6. She got a BA in history from Georgia State University. Karen is now working as a CFO. ’76 ’75 Brad Doyle [email protected] Judi PORTER Rower [email protected] Greg A. Harvey: is presently living in King City, CA. He attended HKIS in grade 6 to his junior year with brother Tim Harvey ’74. He went to get a BS in political science/public administration from the California Baptist University and a degree of master of divinity from the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley, California. He has been working as full time pastor of churches for 20 years. Judi Rower: Tracy Gouldon Palmer now lives in Coral Springs, FL. She went to HKIS in high school. She writes, “Let’s see – to bring you ‘kinda’ up to date on me. I moved to Florida about 15 1/2 years ago from New York. After graduating from HKIS, I went to the University of Southern Carolina (for about 6 years off and on) and then back to NY. I’ve been married - I have two great kids out of it all - but am single for the moment. Currently, I’m a legal assistant for an enter tainment company and previously I managed a riding stable/boarding facility for about 65 horses. That was a dream job but the money was terrible so I had to snap back into reality and get a real job... ya know kids just want to eat (they’re funny that way). Florida has its ups and downs but mostly it’s a pretty great place to live. I can’t Greg Harvey ’76, Denise Harvey (Greg’s wife),Neal Har vey (Tim’s son – 23), Jan Har vey ’79, Tim Har vey ’74, Samuel Har vey (Tim’s son – 19), Amy Cheatheam Har vey ’81, Bob Cheatheam (Amy’s husband), Joshua Har vey (Greg’s son – 9), Justin Har vey (Greg’s son – 5), Billy Jane Har vey – grandma, Ben Cheatheam – (Amy’s son – 8), Jhocabet Har vey (Tim’s wife), Beth Cheatheam (Amy’s daughter – 11), not present - Jonathan Harvey - (Tim’s son – 18) Tim Harvey ’74 is living in Riverside, California, with Jhocabet, his wife of five years and they are expecting their first child in October. His three sons live with them and are attending local universities or working to save money for school. Tim teaches high school Spanish and, in September, star ts his 20th year with a local school district. They attend a church in the Riverside area and help other Brad Doyle: http://www.xplgame.com - Since my last update I have star ted two new businesses. One is a branded e-mail plug-in for Outlook and Outlook Express. A friend introduced me to the concept and a par tner and I redeveloped the product and launched it in Februar y 2004. (http://interbiz.onletterhead.com) Also, I patented an online business game patterned after the fantasy HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 19 spor ts model to help businesses increase productivity and sales and we are wor king with several major companies in building custom versions for their sales teams. I was in San Francisco in July Brad Doyle for the All-School Reunion and it was a tremendous success. Several of us were reunited from the two previous reunions in Washington, DC and Portland. Thanks to Dave Kohl, Chris Myers ’76 and Kelvin Limm ’79 for organizing and executing a fantastic reunion. Chris Myers, Don Rabe , Nand Harjani, and Jackie Hsu were also there from the class of 76. I am looking forward to the 2007, 40 Year All-School Reunion in Hong Kong. Make your plans to join us! Just a few weeks ago I spent the day with Mike McCoy ’75, his wife Eliza, and their three children in G r a n d H ave n , M I w h e r e h i s p a r e n t s B o b a n d M i l l i e h ave a summer home. He has a beautiful family and a great life. Mike and his family were on the tail end of a one year vacation where they traveled around the world. What a trip! It was great to see Mike. Mike and I were roommates for three years at the University of Michigan and we have kept in close touch over the years. Mike can be contacted at [email protected]. I am looking forward to seeing my sister, Renee ’78 in September in Minnesota where our parents live. She is in the financial ser vices business in Nairobi, Kenya and d o i n g ve r y w e l l . The only negative is that she is so far away and we don’t get a chance to see her more than two or three times a y e a r. I t i s h a r d e s t o n o u r parents as they get older. She can b e c o n t a c t e d by e-mail at [email protected]. 20 Hong Kong International School ’77 Rosemary Garvey (Sweden Geographical Class Agent) [email protected] Tom Burkard: www.surfboardjapan.com – resides in Yokohama, Japan. He went to HKIS in grades 7 to 10 and then in his senior year with brothers Andy ’80 and Darrell ’79. He got a BEd in art from the University of The Burkard family Hawaii and is now working as a missionary. He writes, “It’s been 27 since graduating from HKIS. My how time flies when you’re getting old, I mean having fun! After marrying Christine Rasmussen in 1986, we moved to Japan in ’88 to serve as missionaries and have been here in Japan ever since. We’ve been blessed with three beautiful daughters and a very outgoing boy, ages 6 -13. In the past couple of years my son and I have taken up surfing. This year we went on a surf vacation to Bali as a family and next week we are off to Hawaii for a couple of weeks of work and surfing. We’ve also opened a small business on the side producing and selling surfboards on the web. Last year my son and I were able to visit Hong Kong and hooked up with HKIS former faculty, David Landdeck. We stayed at the Silver Mine Bay Hotel, a quiet little place on Lantau Island, and took the ferry in to Central and Kowloon every day to take care of business. It brought back lots of memories, especially those of the many school day trips we took out to the outlying islands. Feel free to visit my site at www.surfboardjapan.com.” Susan BURR Baechle: currently resides in Eureka, MO. She went to HKIS in her senior year with sister Michele Fisher ’84, brothers Daniel Burr ’78 and Robert Burr ’80. She went on to get a BS in medical technology from St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO. Susan is now working in medical technology and microbiology. Tony Chau: is presently living in Chino Hills, CA. He went to HKIS in his junior and senior years. Dee SHEA Wong: resides in Mountain View, CA. She went to HKIS in high school and is now working as a landscape designer. Barbara Schwerdtmann Easton: Well good old Crusaders! How time is flying. My oldest, Craig started college this past week. He’s attending Cal State Monterey Bay and studying earth science system policy. It is a 7 hour drive from home and the poor thing is stranded without his truck. We’re dangling the keys for when he gets a job on campus. Amy, our high school sophomore, isn’t sure about being an only child, but likes getting the first choice in everything. My husband Ian and I celebrated our 22 nd anniversary this year, and I’ve announced we will celebrate our 25th in HK in ’07. At long last, I anticipate starting my MS in child development this fall. I only consult part-time now and currently am working full time with the Riverside County Child Care Consor tium on many interesting projects. We had a great family vacation last summer - took the kids to Europe for 3 weeks and then up to see the folks in Scotland for 2. It was a wonderful, hot, trip and the timing before college was great. If we ever win that dang lottery... Craig and Amy Coliseum Ian Barbara, Craig & Amy at the ’78 ’80 Richard Grayson [email protected] Patrick Pang [email protected] Kerry Cahill [email protected] David Brooks: I have just completed an amazing journey around the world with the Olympic Flame (check out [email protected] for the pictures and information), and also the Olympics in Athens - a great experience. Regarding my family, we live in Atlanta and enjoy the experience of living in the USA, even amidst the drumbeats of war and election-year rhetoric. These are the best of times; these are the worst of times! Oliver is 11 and in the 6th grade and now runs cross-country - a gesture to his dad’s favorite pursuit at HKIS. Nick is now 10 and is a super chess and soccer player. Both love the feeling of being in America for the first time. My role organizing the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Torch Relay took me to 27 countries this summer, and then the family joined me in Greece for the Olympics where we had an unforgettable time... a very special experience and timely reminder of what is good with the world. Pamela Gutlon: went to HKIS in grades 5 to11 with brother Rick Gutlon ’76 and received a BS in theatre from Emerson College and a EdM from the Har vard Graduate School of Education. She is currently residing in Durham, NC. Kamla K. Prasad: lives in Viena, VA. He attended HKIS in grades 8 to 10 with sister Sheela Prasad ’80. He went on to get a BA from Williams College and a MDU from University of Connecticut School of Medicine and now works as a physician and anesthesiologist. David Vogel: http://www.ehdd.com - now resides in Berkeley, CA. He attended HKIS in grades 5 to 11 and in his junior year with sister Valerie Vogel ’75. He received a BARCH from the University of Oregon. David works as an architect. ’79 Kenneth Koo [email protected] Christopher Brentlinger: currently lives in Portland, OR. He attended HKIS in grade 2 and went on to get a BA in economics from Drew University, Madison, NJ. He is now working as a development director and is involved in fund raising. Kenneth Koo: presently resides in Hong Kong. He went to HKIS in grades 2 to 12 with sisters Sandra Koo ’78 and Stephanie Koo ’79. His children are now studying at HKIS; daughters Emily 11, Ellen 5 and son Edward 9. Ken is the group managing director of a shipping and transport company dealing with the operation of crude oil tankers and ore/coal. He is also president of the HKIS Alumni Board. "I am a product of HKIS" Kenneth Koo, class of '79 and president of the Alumni Board welcomes new families into the HKIS Community at the New Parent Coffee held on September 15th. Thanks to tremendous support from Susan Mustian and Lily Lew of the PFO, HKIS Alumni were able to "give back" to the school by giving the new parents a very special insight into the unique history and tradition of HKIS in a way that only alumni know how to convey. About 100 parents were in attendance at a reception where Ken, an alum and a parent explained the role of the Alumni Association as a resource and as a repository of the history of HKIS. Mabel KWAN Chin: is now living in Mill Creek, WA. She went to HKIS in her sophomore, junior and senior years with sister Amy Kwan ’74. Rochelle RHOADES Venckus: went to HKIS in grades 2 to 11 with sisters Suzanne RHOADES Angelides ’81, Jessica Rhoades ’84 and brother Matthew Rhoades ’86. Rochelle is working as a realtor in Wheat Ridge, CO. Tom Warden: http://tomwarden.com - currently lives in Hong Kong. He studied in HKIS in his junior and senior years with brother David Scott Warden ’81 and sister Lisa Warden ’83. We last saw Tom at the Alumni Happy Hour at Jimmy’s Kitchen this summer. Tom is a strong supporter of HKIS alumni events. Kelvin Limm: I have constructed a web-based forum for all student and faculty alumni, called The Dragons’ Lair. This forum is entirely web-based and is for ALL alumni. There are currently 80 members that have all joined since the board’s inception, which was shor tly after the San Francisco Reunion in July. http://leadcommander.com/cgibin/YaBB_HKIS/YaBB.pl Please note that the URL address is case-sensitive. Denise COON Wallis: recently re-located to St. Louis, MO from Illinois. She went to HKIS from grades 3 to 10. Patrick Pang with Fred and his family Patrick Pang: After the reunion (San Francisco), Tree and I traveled along the California coast down to LA (ver y slowly - took us 18 days to finish an 11 hour journey). We met up with Fred Hall ’80 at his home. He is currently a lawyer in LA but lives just over an hour north of the city. We were fed an enor mous amount of food including his favorite, the thousand year old egg, before he would let us leave. Here is a picture HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 21 of Fred, his wife Celia, his son Brandon, and I. Their twin sons, Reilly and Dylan, were sleeping in another room after the meal. Several days later, we met up in downtown LA again and he treated us to the best dim sum I ever had in Chinatown! Scott Reed with wife Lisa and children Jessica and Matt on a family vacation in Colorado Scott Reed, Class of ’80 Scott Reed: Scott is lieutenant colonel in the US Air Force. He currently works as a squadron commander at Vance Air Force Base in Enid, Oklahoma. down from Oregon that same weekend and we decided to crash the party in San Francisco. What a blast we had, even though it was for just a few hours! Everyone looked fantastic and it was so much fun reminiscing about the good old days (the Peak Riders, the shack, tram parties etc.). Turns out Bog Tan lives 15 minutes from me and we’re getting together very soon. If anyone comes to the San Francisco Bay Area, please get in touch with me by e-mail at [email protected] or call me at 510-799-0673 or if you have a message for Johnny, just contact me and I’ll make sure he gets it. Take care everyone! Simon Yan Lok Lau: currently resides in Hong Kong. He went to HKIS in grades 7 to 12 and taught at HKIS in the year 1980. He received a BA from the University of San Diego and an MBA from University of Hull. Simon is an Alumni Board member and works closely with HKIS’ technology department. ’81 Anna Agell [email protected] Bill, myself and my two boys, Justin (13) and Connor (11) Linda REIZMAN Silvis: After working at Pacific Gas & Electric in Northern California for 10+ years, I got married, had two boys, Justin (13) and Connor (11 yrs), took a work break to raise kids, got divorced, and for the past five years have been living with my extremely significant partner, Bill. I’ve been working as a legal assistant for a workers’ compensation attorney for five years. It was so great to get a chance to meet up with Mike Heeney, Sheila and Julia Baker, Sheryl Wilcox, Bog Tan, Patrick Pang, Mike Roth and Julie Page at the 4th of July reunion. My brother, Johnny, came 22 Hong Kong International School Karen Staniek-Gerhardt [email protected] Anna Agell: Thanks everyone, we got a ton of responses to the class of 1981 e-mail questionnaire we sent out. Great to know you guys are still out there! Just a note on the side, for those of you whose names have changed, given that we are all getting on in years, we’ve got you down in our files under your names at HKIS. No offense intended, we just can’t remember all those “new” names at our age! We also got back a lot of our emails as undeliverable … so anyone who didn’t hear from us per email, please send us a quick note at the above addresses to let us know what you are up to. Our 25th Reunion is coming up in Boston in the summer of 2006. The actual dates need to be decided (any preferences? Let us know.) We’re hoping that as many of you class of 1981ers can come as possible while we all still look somewhat like we did in high school and can recognize each other. We were thinking that in lieu of the traditional commemorative mug or T-shir t, we’d just opt for a collective class of 1981 Botox treatment, a low-carb menu and some group Yoga/Pilates classes. OK, only kidding... Mike de la Pena writes from Boston that he can’t wait to see everybody at the reunion. He actually suggested all of us to go and see a Red Sox game together, since by then, the Sox will be going for another World Series title. A short but happy update from Paul Miller, who writes “I GOT TENURE!!!!”. Congratulations, Paul! Now you can finally kick back and relax, right? Jill Amstutz Velasquez wrote in to say that she and her husband Andres Velasquez and kids Manuela (4 I) and Sebastian (2) are living in a somewhat rural area in California in the coastal mountains between Palo Alto / Stanford and the coast – which is conveniently accessible to SF and San Jose, yet is remote enough that there is still no cell phone coverage. “Works out great, because my husband has a studio on the coast near Half Moon Bay (he’s a sculptor), while I commute to meetings in the other direction, when not working out of my home office.” A quick note from Sanda MacMillan to say that she has been living in Denver since 1986. Sanda is married, and has a twelve-year-old daughter — GREAT KID, she notes. Sanda star ted a public finance company with two partners 11 years ago. In her free time she dances salsa and west coast swing. Mike Harshfield wrote to tell us that he and family relocated from Philadelphia to Chicago on April 1st. This was a “bittersweet move as my wife was born and raised in Chicago but yet all immediate family is either in Phoenix, AZ or Jupiter, FL. We’ve returned to pick up with long time friends and are busier than ever with the twins (Morgan and Shay), two cats recently acquired through an adoption (7 years old) as well as two dogs we picked up yesterday from a rescue organization. We moved into Naperville, IL. Many projects within our home as it is a 1978 contemporary that was never, and I mean never, updated.” Mike works for McDonald’s in US IT Deployment. Jenny Isaacs writes “I arrived at the 20th reunion in L.A. newly pregnant with our third child: Sophia Helen Isaacs Perkins was born at home on March 27, 2002 with dad Matt and sisters Amelia and Susannah helping out the same midwife who caught Susannah in 1994. Sophie turned 2 this year, while Amelia will shor tly be 12 and Susannah 10...yikes! I can hardly believe that our 25th (reunion) is right around the corner.” Jeff Cheng sent in an update saying “I am residing in sunny Southern California where I have been since 1985. Wouldn’t trade it for anywhere else in the world! Not married although I am living with my soon to be fiancée. I am one of three par tners in a 30 person company that is involved in the automotive and boat business. We own a number of auction houses, salvage yards, etc. around the country. We also deal in classic and kit cars and high performance boats. We started the company in 1998 and it has grown in double digit percentages every year since then. Some may consider it work but it is fun to us as we are definitely “car and boat” guys.” That’s all for this update. Please keep sending in your news. And for those who want to get in touch with old classmates and don’t want to wait until the reunion, check out the new online directory at the HKIS alumni site. Karen KARR Nimarota: currently resides in Doha, Qatar. She went to HKIS in grades R1 to 12 with sisters Janice ’86 and Beverly ’79. ’82 Margot HAMEL Hutchins [email protected] Sheila BAKER Gujral [email protected] Terence Richard Anderson: now lives in Hanoi, Vietnam. He went to HKIS in high school and received a degree in economics from Ohio Wesleyan University. Rebecca SNAPP Chandler: I just found the [alumni] site and it brings back a lot of memories for me as a little girl. I was there from ‘69 to 74’, in K-4th grade! Lori Diane Hitchcock: http://mypage.iu.edu/~lohitchc/home.htm – is currently residing in Bloomington Indiana. She went to HKIS in grades 6 to 12 with brother Reed Hitchcock ’89. She received a degree in english literature from Kenyon College and an MA in East Asian languages & literatures. She also received an MA in communication & culture and a PhD (in progress) in communication & culture from Ohio State University, Indiana University, Bloomington. Lori is now a post-secondary teacher. ’83 Brett Rossuck [email protected] Michaela Fountain: now resides in Bilgola Plateau, NSW. She went to HKIS in grades 6, 9 to 12. ’84 James Hamel [email protected] Chris Reed with wife Ami and children Brian, Eileen and Kevin Chris Reed: currently lives in G e n e v a , Switzerland. He went to HKIS from 1979 to 1982 and now works as a fund manager. The attached photo was taken on a family vacation in London. Chadwick H. Saxelid: Has it really been almost 20 years? Here’s a photo of myself and my son Christopher, taken this year at Sonoma Train Town in Sonoma, CA. Patricia Bossany [email protected] Chris Reed Switzerland geographcal agent [email protected] Charles Kwai Chuen Ma: received a BA in economics from UBC, Canada and an MSc in logistics management from Golden Gate University. Charles lives in Hong Kong. Kimberley BERGLAND Fry: currently lives in Irvine, CA. She received a BS from Skidmore College and an MBA from Emor y University - Goizuetta Business School. She married in 2001 and had her first son (Christopher) in 2003. Virginia Todd: works as a quality analyst with MBNA America Bank and now resides in Wilmington, DE. She writes, “I got divorced in October 2003. Things just didn’t work out, but I am pleased to report that I am much happier now. I’ve been busy doing a lot of ballet and ballroom dancing these days. I participated in my first HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 23 ballroom/Latin competition in Philadelphia in April 2004 and took several first places in my level. I have a little dog named Jojo. I also have a new boyfriend, David. David and I share a lot in common including enjoying ballroom dancing and travel.” Sandra WEBER Slappey: presently resides in Chantilly, VA. She attended HKIS in grades 7 to 9 with brothers Steve Weber ’83 and Don Weber ’86. She went on to get a BA in social work from George Mason University, Virginia and a master of social work from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. Sandra is now working as a social worker. “I have been married since 1992 to a wonderful man, Tom. He was bor n and raised here in nor ther n Virginia, so I guess I’m settled! We’ve got two great boys Ben and Kevin - ages 6 and 8 this year. I love my job at the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information.” ’85 Michael Taylor [email protected] Lori Delahunty [email protected] Brian Boggess: http://www.spiffycox.com - currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. He attended HKIS from grades 9 to 12. Stephen Doe: works as manager in a department store and lives in North York, Ontario. He went to HKIS in grades 5 to 12 with sister Fiona Doe ’84 and went on to get a BA from the University of Western Ontario. John Tsung-Lin, Hsin: after HKIS, John received a BSc in economics with majors in finance and multinational management from the University of Pennsylvania. He received an MBA in finance from New Yor k University. John now works in asset management as an equity analyst and resides in Manhassett, NY. 24 Hong Kong International School Bryan C. Oaks: http://www.msnusers.com/allthepiks - presently lives in Simi Valley, CA, Bryan attended HKIS in his senior year. Lucy Woodham Stewart: is working as mar keting communications manager of Eastman Chemical Company and lives in Kingspor t, TN. She attended HKIS as a 3rd grader and stayed until 8th grade (1976-1981). Lucy is interested in finding some of her old classmates in hopes of rekindling some old friendships. Christina MADDEN Vernon: presently lives in Kanata, Ontario. She went to HKIS in her sophomore until her senior years with brother Sean Madden ’86. ’86 Francine Jacome [email protected] Lorrie NANCE Larson: currently resides in Leander, TX. She went to HKIS in grades 6 to 12 with sister Amy Nance ’89. Francine Jacome: I’ve been settling in nicely to my new life in Souther n Califor nia. My son, Nicholas is growing so fast it’s very hard to grasp the fact that these ear ly years will soon be gone! I recently had the wonderful surprise of bumping into a couple of former classmates. Last Apr il at the bir thday par ty of one of my son’s friends, I saw a somewhat familiar face and he seemed to recognize me. It was Jin Young Chang ’84, and it turns out that he is currently living ver y close - by with his wife and young daughter! Francine Jacome and son Nicholas Then a couple of weeks later I received word that another friend, Antonio Tambunan ’86 had relocated to Newpor t Beach as well. We’re practically next-door neighbors! I had a chance to get together with him and his wife and son and swap HKIS and child-rearing stories. It was nice to be able to do a bit of reminiscing after so many years away from Hong Kong. I know our 20-year reunion is coming up soon. Unfortunately, plans sort of fizzled out for our 15th, but it was difficult to organize something while I was living in South America. Now I’m back stateside and I don’t want to let you down. Plans are in the works for Las Vegas the weekend of April 7-9, 2006. Summer is not the best time of year to be in Vegas as the temperatures are usually over 100°F. NO THANK YOU! Hopefully, I’m giving you enough time to request a day off from work, and if not, you can fly in on Saturday and stay overnight. An email with more details will get out to you soon. If you’ve recently moved or changed your email address, please get in touch with me so I can be sure to send you reunion information: [email protected]. See you all soon! CLASS OF 86: 20-YEAR REUNION date :April 7-9, 2006 place :Las Vegas organizer :Francine Jacome email : [email protected] If you’re interested in attending our reunion or receiving information, please send your most current email to the address above. Russ Needels: http://home.houston.rr.com/needels - went to HKIS in grades 6 to 11 with brother Bill Needels ’84 and went on to get a degree in journalism/marketing from Texas A&M University. Russ initially wor ked in public relations, publishing and art direction and is now in software sales. He lives in Spring, TX. Matthew Rhoades: currently lives in Middletown, CA. He went to HKIS in grades R1 to 9. Sondra COWAN Stever: currently lives in Spring, TX. She went to HKIS in grades 8 to 9 and in her junior and senior years. She went on to get a BA in psychology, a BA in Japanese language, and a BSN in nursing from the University of Washington and Seattle University. Sondra is now a registered nurse. She is staying at home with her two boys, but is in the middle of an online cer tification program in forensics nursing. She loves the Seattle area. ’87 Gareth Matthews [email protected] Jeffery Tsai [email protected] Michiko KAWSHIMA Iida: presently resides in Matsudo Chiba, Japan. She went to HKIS in her sophomore, junior and senior years. Robert Chan: works as a logic chip designer with Intel as a project lead, designing next generation server chipsets. He resides in Saratoga, CA. He went to HKIS in grades 8 to 12 and received a BSEE from Santa Clara University. Karen Anne Goepfert: received a BA from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1991 and a JD from Boston University School of Law in 1996. She attended HKIS from grades 4 to 10 with brother Ian Goepfer t ’80 and sister Laura Goepfert ’82. Karen lives in New York City and works as a lawyer. Monique Elisabeth Disney: now lives in Mt. Mar tha, Victoria, Australia. She went to HKIS in grades 4 to 7 with sisters Christine Disney ’81 and Michele Disney ’82. Julie Jones: presently works in Chicago, IL. She attended HKIS in grades 5 to 7. Vivian Lo: received a BA from the hotel management school ‘Les Roches’ and now lives in Hong Kong. Bill Patterson: http:/www.williamppatterson.com –attended HKIS in grades 2 to 7 and went on to receive a BA in marketing from the University of Georgia. Bill is now wor king in sales for BellSouth in Boca Raton, FL. Christy (Boggess) Rosen: We are still living in Toronto, ON - going on our second year here. Our son, Zachary, is entering 1st grade this fall and our daughter, Zoe Marie, is entering junior kindergarten. They are both thriving as ‘Canadians’. My husband, Noah, is still with Procter & Gamble and I am volunteer ing at my kids’ school, teaching a women’s bible study at my church and studying spanish at the University of Toronto. Keeping busy! We are hoping to settle in the U.S. soon and find a place we can call home for longer than 1 or 2 years, as we have moved every year or two with my husband’s work for the past 13 years. My e-mail is [email protected] if any old friends would like to get back in touch. Marc Suhr: I am currently working in the airline business. I have also been able to receive my commercial pilots’ license. In my spare time I coach football and baseball and am also a volunteer firefighter. Marc resides in Bethlehem, PA. He received a BS in aviation management/flight technology from Flor ida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech), Melbourne, FL. Michael Taylor: lives in Toronto, Ontar io. He went to HKIS from grades 8 to 12 with sister Jennifer Taylor ’83 and brother John Taylor ’81. He went on to get a business degree from the University of Windsor and George Brown College. Michael now works as a demand (forecasting) manager in the beverage industry. ’88 Prescille CHU Cernosia [email protected] Molly GISS Wadhwani [email protected] Debby Tuck [email protected] Christine O. Dunn: now lives in Belmont, Massachusetts. She went to HKIS in her sophomore, junior and senior years with sister Alison Overholt ’94. She went on to get a BA from Tufts University and a master of arts in law and diplomacy from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Christine is working as a journalist. Shannon Frame: To all I once knew - I hope you are all as happy in your lives as I am in mine. I work all over the world but I am starting to find time now to contemplate married life. People that I am looking for are: Chris Campbell ’89, Rekha Kuala, Pat Bauman, Matt Abernathy ’89 or any of the old group. Drop me an email I would love to hear from you all! Alex Langley: attended HKIS in high school and went on to get a BA from UCLA. He is now working as a systems engineer. Suzette Shui-chin Lin: Hi everyone: This is my first update to pals at HKIS since I graduated! I went on to college in Japan and in the US and then finished law school at USF. I am presently a health and disabilities attorney at Legal Aid of San Mateo County in Northern California, but will be moving back to Hong Kong to study international public affairs at HKU. I hope to explore work opportunities in the non-profit sector in Asia. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. I am excited about the prospect of moving back to Asia! Angela (McKINNEY) Losieniecki: currently lives in Caribou, ME. She attended HKIS in her sophomore and junior years. HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 25 Jeremy Palmer: currently resides in New York, NY. He attended HKIS in his junior and senior years and went on to receive a BA from Stanford University and an MBA from Kellogg GSM. ’89 Jennifer Fresco [email protected] Angela STICH Easterwood [email protected] Michael W. Thompson [email protected] Stephanie Kay PARKS: currently lives in Mauston, WI. Kerry K. Ford: currently resides in San Francisco, CA. She attended HKIS from grades 6 to 12 with brother Jonathan Ford ’87 and went on to get a BA in inter national relations and french from Lafayette College. She also received an MBA from Thunderbird, Garvin School of International Management. Kerry is now working as a marketing manager at High Technology. Madeline Ann Fountain: Her sister Michaela Fountain ’83 also went to HKIS. She is now working as a designer and living in North Bondi NSW, Australia. Bradley R. Draper: I am temporarily living in Phoenix as I finish up some schooling at ASU (soon to be 2LT in the Army National Guard). I will be moving back to San Francisco as soon as humanly possible. Matt Spackman: currently resides in Springville, UT. He went to HKIS in his sophomore, junior and senior years. Christine Cheng: http://martinandjunjun.keenspace.com – “I am working as personal assistant to a company director of a local shipyard, in between HK & China. The communication and people skills I learnt at HKIS have equipped me in my job and for life. I thank HKIS everyday”. Christine currently lives in Happy Valley, Hong Kong. Her cousins Colette Ho Cheng ’86 and Bernice Cheng ’91 also went to HKIS. She went on to get a BA in education and visual ar ts from the University of Melbourne & Victoria College of Arts, Victoria, Australia. Pauline CHAN Lewis: http://www.oovoodesign.com - now resides in Alexandria, VA. She went to HKIS in grades 6 to 12 with sisters Sue Chan ’93 and Mary Chan ’97. She is now self-employed. Kathy Chia-Tung Yao: has moved from the UK and now lives in Hong Kong. She received a BA in economics from the University of California, Berkeley and an MBA from MIT, Sloan School of Management. 26 Hong Kong International School Myself, my husband Myles and our cat (Felix) Kanan Kappelman (Sankalia): After I graduated from HKIS in ’89, I went to Penn State and graduated with a degree in international relations and japanese language in 1993. I moved to Nagano, Japan and was a participant on the Japan English Teaching (JET) Program for 3 years. I met my husband Myles in Japan while on the program and got married in 1996. I have been living in West Des Moines, Iowa for the past 8 years and currently work at the Iowa Department of Economic Development as an inter national marketing manager. My sister, Rupal Sankalia, HKIS graduate from 1994 currently resides in Falls Church, Virginia. Special hellos to Bonnie Tucker, Lavine Sur tani, Cynthia Tsai, Belinda Bradley, Steven Wong, Rohini Balani, Ambareen Yakoob and Stephanie Parks. I can be contacted at [email protected]. Tanya MCGUINNESS: Received a BFA from Chapman University and an MBA from UAB. She lives in Naperville, IL. Michael Thompson: My wife, Tara, and I are still enjoying life in the Big Easy. This is my fifth season in the NBA, and I was recently promoted to the position of cor porate public relations manager for the New Orleans Hornets. Occasionally I get to fill-in for our public address announcer - always a fun experience. We have seen a number of HKIS alums over the past 12 months, including Stew Wennersten ’89 and his wife Maria who spent the July 4th weekend with us here in New Orleans. We enjoyed a great meal at one of Emeril’s restaurants in the French Quarter, took a Mississippi River cruise, and toured Oak Alley Plantation. Sound like a lot of culture for two HKIS alums? Don’t worry, we hit some of Bourbon Street’s finest destinations as well. Michael lives in New Orleans, LA. He attended HKIS in grades 6 to 12 with his sister Katy THOMPSON Ottesen ’93. He went on to get a BA in communications from Pacific Lutheran University. Vu Williams: attended HKIS in high school and now lives in San Francisco, CA. ’90 Betty Chung [email protected] Betty Chung: The class website has been moved to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hkis8 0sand ’90s. The website is primarily for 80s and 90s alumni but is open to all. Please check it out and add or update your information. Alexis Greeves wrote, “I’m living in Washington, DC and working at Gallaudet University, a university for the deaf. I’m a mental health counselor, specializing in play therapy. My dad, step-mom and 3 year old sister have just moved to Sydney and am hoping to move there myself in October of ’05. My sister, Eleanore (class of ’93) finished her MBA and is working in San Francisco. We meet up in New York City from time to time and hope to have a Altadena House reunion with Warren ’92 and Cathy Symon ’89 sometime soon!” Cynthia Yeung got in touch through the website. Since graduation, she received a BCA from the University of Wollongong, Australia and then worked in Hong Kong in the adver tising field. She joined a Buddhist Nun Order in Nov. 1999 and has a new name – “Chuen Shing” which means passing on faithfully. She is living in a Buddhist Nunnery in the Diamond Hill area in Kowloon and can be reached through the class website. Kelly (Cooke) & Lewis Reece had a beautiful May wedding ceremony in Princeton, New Jersey. Tara Butler flew in from Europe and other HKIS alumni who attended were her brother Scott Cooke ’88, Leon Kuan ’88, Pete Movisso ’89, Ned Gallagher ’89, Sue Harris ’91, Brooke Fierce Bronner, Jennifer Price Smith, Pat Nihan, Ed Altwies, Eric Yang, and myself. I also spent some time with Jean Ku over the summer. She is working hard at the National Renewable Energy Lab while getting ready for her marriage to Minh Tsai. She can be reached at [email protected]. Rhoel Dinglasan and his wife Trish have moved to Baltimore, Maryland. They were married in May on the beaches of Jamaica. He received his hard earned Ph.D and M.P.H. and now works at Johns Hopkins University’s Dept. of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology. You can contact him at [email protected]. Hope everyone is doing well! Stay in touch and enjoy the rest of 2004! Kathleen KO Hollowell: h t t p : / / w w w. k a t h o l l o w e l l . c o m - currently lives in Pearl City, HI. She went to HKIS in grades 4 to 11. Kelly Cooke: now lives in New York, NY. She went to HKIS in high school. Maki TAKAHASHI Kondo: attended HKIS in high school and is now living in Meguro-ku, Tokyo. Madaleen STANDER Jonker: resides in Roodekrans, South Africa. She went to HKIS in grades 8 to 10 with sister Cornel Stander ’88 and brother Ampie Stander ’90. Shelby Rae Mims-Lefkowitz: currently lives in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Meghan Walsh: attended HKIS with brother Michael Walsh ’94, and went on to get a BA in chinese studies from Wellesley College. Meghan now works as a CRM software consultant in San Jose, CA. Amy Wilkins: Hi, I was in the HKIS class of 90, although I left after my junior year. Having received my PhD in sociology from the University of Massachusetts this summer, I have begun a tenure-track faculty position at the University of MissouriColumbia. I am currently working on a book manuscript based on my disser tation. I moved to Missouri with my five year old son, Liam, and my partner, James Rose. Andrew K. Wong: Andrew is an attorney and lives in Los Angeles, CA. He attended HKIS in grades 6 and 7 with sister Rebecca Wong ’87. He went on to receive a BA in histor y and geography, from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a JD and MA in theology (pending) from Southwestern School of Law, Fuller Theological Seminary. Daniel Saul Tukaczynski (Tuck) currently lives in Westfield, NJ. He attended HKIS from grades 1 to 12. ’91 Desmond Chu [email protected] Angela Teng [email protected] Christine “Rio” Gaxiola Sikes [email protected] Heath Van Luchene [email protected] Lexi Garschagen : I am currently living near San Francisco in the East Bay and working as a 7th grade language arts and history teacher in Castro Valley Unified. I have been teaching now for 7 years, and am also going back to school at night to get my MS in educational administration. I will be finished with Playing in my friend’s band my degree in early 2005 and will most likely be applying for jobs as an administrator for the next school year. Working full time and going to school at night doesn’t leave too much extra time for much else, but I do find time to spend time with friends and my dogs. I have been playing guitar and bass a lot the last few years and even play in a friend’s band occasionally. I attended the all class reunion in San Francisco this year and was the only person present who graduated in the 90’s! Usually I feel old next to some of the new teachers, so it was nice to be the “young one” for a change. I have been in contact with more Hong Kong people the last few years thanks to email. I still have the same email address I have had since college, so drop me a line if you want to say hi - [email protected]. Franklin Bengson: now resides in Timonium, MD. He attended HKIS in grades 5 and 6. Albert Sheu: is an attorney living in Palo Alto, CA. He received a BA from Cornell University and a JD from Columbia Law School. Jose Lamug Carreon: works in adver tising/mar keting/public relations in Falls Church, VA. He attended HKIS in grades 2 to 12 and went on to get a BFA from Maryland Institute, College of Art and an MSM from John Hopkins University. Jun Chie (formerly known as “Jun Ho Choi”): currently resides in Colorado Springs. He went to HKIS in his senior year. HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 27 Arsheya Devitre: now lives in London. She went to HKIS in grades 2 to 12 with brother Zal Devitre ’93 and went on to get a BA in languages from Georgetown University. She also got an MBA from Harvard Business School and is working in public affairs. Tiffany Kirchner-Dixon: currently resides in Enumclaw, Washington. She attended HKIS in high school and went on to study at the University of North Carolina. Stephanie Lape de Vera : presently a housewife resides in Omaha, NE. She went to HKIS in grades 4 to 12 and received a BA in psychology from St. Peter’s College. She also got a masters degree in education from St. Lawrence University. Ruth Lok Neighbors: works as a web editor for corporate intranet & inter net at The McGraw-Hill Companies. She lives in Greenwich, CT. She attended HKIS in her junior and senior years with brother Mark Neighbors ’96 and went on to get a BA from Brown University. Adaarema Sparks Kelly: lives in Kailua, Hawaii. She attended HKIS in her junior and senior years and went on to get a BA from Susquehanna University and an MS from Bloomsburg University. Adaarema is a stay-at-home mom. Patricia Syu-Man Kung: daughter of Joseph Kung (HKIS science & math teacher, AV supervisor from 1969 to 1985, computer operations manager since 1985), was married to Felix Tian on March 6, 2004. The ceremony was held at St Margaret’s Church at Happy Valley - attended by Jim Handrich, Larry and Carol Eicher t, and Nestor & Natty Roldan (Nestor was librarian in the early 70’s). The banquet celebration attended by 360 guests including 30 teachers and suppor t staff from HKIS, was held at Jade Garden Restaurant in Kowloon. Bettina Hunt (now Bettina Pfeiffer): presently resides in Cave Creek, AZ. “Here is a picture of my babies, Sara, who is now 2, and Thomas who is 5. Thanks, keep the newsletter coming, I just love it! Thanks! Sara and Thomas 28 Hong Kong International School Kyoko Matsubara: lives in Arakawaku Tokyo, Japan. He went to HKIS in his senior year. Alyssa Anne Walker TUROCZI: I was married on August 14 at the Jersey shore. Several HKIS’ers were in attendance: Jenny Martin, Leesa Maule, Arsheya Devitre, Bryan Dooley ’92 and Mark Barrett ’92. Alyssa now resides in Hoboken, NJ. She went to HKIS in grades 2 to 12 with brother Alex Turoczi ’92 and sister Christine Turoczi ’03. She went on to get a BA from Tufts University and a JD from the New York Law School. She is now working in financial research. Bijoy Goswami: has published his first book, The Human Fabric which outlines the MRE (Maven, Relater, Evangelist) Framework. In true technology and Bijoy fashion, an excerpt of the book can be read at his website:http://www.bijoygoswami.com/ book/ (click on “Read an Excerpt” at the bottom of the page). The book offers a simple way to understand people and provides a prescription for creating great outcomes in the world. Bijoy also speaks about its application in cor porations, organizations, education and the world, See www.aviri.com/events.htm for his talks, and testimonials from others at http://www.aviri.com/quotes.htm In his brother Ranjan’s ’98 words, “Bijoy has had a lifelong passion for personal and organizational change and this led him to the development of the MRE Framework. The Framework categorizes people into one of three core types — Maven, Relater, or Evangelist — and shows how these types affect our perceptions of the world. The book is a synthesis of elements from eastern philosophy, the social sciences, and management theor y, offering an insightful and practical tool for understanding yourself and others, for building better teams, designing better products, and making sense of social and economic policies. I guess it straddles the bookstore sections of self-help/organizational theory/sociology/business. True to Bijoy, the book weaves in ideas and references from a myriad of areas, relating in some way to just about any reader. But I think what is most impressive is how he has captured the essence of each core type. You read it and think, “this is me” or “I know just the person”. For me, it has been a one of those reads of truly delightful discovery.” Congratulation Dijoy! ’92 Timothy Chen [email protected] Iain McGlashan [email protected] Patrick Chu’s wedding Patrick Chu: Everything is good with me. I just had dim sum in NYC with Anne Silin, Bonny Pratt and Derek Chen and it seems like transition time for all of us. Derek is getting married in the fall, Anne is moving to Seattle with her husband Doug and Bonny is moving (at least temporarily) to London. I was married this past spring and all three of them, as well as Cathryn Trotter ’92, and my cousins Prescille Chu Cernosia ’88, Shamsi Chu Gravel ’91 and Jehan Chu ’94 were all there. I also recently left the law firm Skadden Arps in New York after five years and will be starting at Wyeth, a pharmaceutical company in New Jersey, starting this fall. Jason Rego: currently resides in Phoenix, AZ. He went to HKIS in grades 5 to 12. Jason works as a software engineer with Rainbow Studios. Tracey SPRENGELER Harris: We have recently moved from Singapore to Hong Kong and I am getting used to living here again after so many years. It is strange to think that I now have to fill out my son’s application for HKIS! I had a great time at when as SFS President he provided his then SFS Secretary Aamir with sage counsel, Shoumitro was able to dissuade him from intercepting the lead runner in the woman’s marathon donning nothing but a smile, some body paint and an ad for the family business. (L-R) is Bobby, Mark, Tracey and Tyler Harris Tracey attended HKIS in grades 6 to 12 and went on to get a BSc in accounting from the Califor nia Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. She is now working as an accountant. Luis Sison, Jr.: attended HKIS in his sophomore, junior and senior years and went on to get a BSc in hotel and restaurant management from the University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, where he now lives. ’93 Timothy Gregg [email protected] Amy Ruhter [email protected] Spencer Chiu: lives in Hong Kong. He attended HKIS in grades R1 through to his senior year. Leontine Chuang: attended HKIS in grades R2 to 12 and went on to get a BA from Northwestern University and a JD from Northwestern University School of Law. She recently transferred from her law firm’s New York office to its Hong Kong office. Elizabeth and Tracey at Elizabeth’s wedding rehearsal Elizabeth McCauley an Bill Collard at the we d her husband dding reception. Liz MCCAULEY Collard’s wedding in New York in July, and am looking forward to catching up with some of the class of ’92 that are living in Hong Kong. Tim Gregg: The onset of the Sydney games - Shoumitro Goswami and Charlie Soule make a pact to take in each successive Olympic. Jobs, girlfriends or wives, be dar ned! Athens 2004 - the duo expect the usual (sober) expat experience: running into someone they know from the US, HK, or points in between. They are not disappointed. Aamir Ahmed, MIA randomly every two years, flew in from Karachi to meet his family in Athens and just happened to stumble across their paths. Harkening back to the day tro Goswami’93, Charlie (Athens, August 2004) Shoumi ’93 par ticipating in the Soule ’92 and Aamir Ahmed sport: synchronized barion trat ons dem Olympics newest hopping! It was Shoumitro’s intention on his way back to India, to stop in on Manesh Balani, resident playboy of Dubai’s Fork-and-Spoon Suppliers’ scene. While Manesh continues to relish his unattached lifestyle, fellow Hindu hear tthrob Vineet Dutt relinquished the freedoms of Bachelordom a few years ago when he settled down and got hitched. It was not until December 2003, that Vineet became fully domesticated, as he and wife Sweta welcomed the bir th of their son, Rohan. Rohan made pasty-skinned “Uncle” Tim’s acquaintance kicking and screaming, but Tim promises to take a different approach on his next visit to the Dutt estate, which by the way, is moving to a spacious new abode in the Toronto suburbs come November 2004. San Fransiscoite Pankaj Bengani would also like to make his way to Toronto to see Vineet’s brood, but is presently on the move attending “friends” weddings in London, Delhi, Laapland and (Survivor) Vanuatu. Though Christoph Hoashi-Earhardt’s attendance at weddings has been in slightly less exotic locales, participating in an Oregon ceremony, both he and wife Wendy were quite convinced that the Pacific Nor thwest (British Columbia anyone?) was the next HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 29 obvious stop on their “Where to call Home” Tour. Anticipating a Chicago departure in December 2004, the Haoshi-Earhardts intend to do some skiing in Idaho before vacationing for two months in South Africa. After an extended stint as the only Caucasian in his Church Choir and having the film Barbershop filmed on his very doorstep, Christoph, believes he now possesses the requisite amount of street credibility to validate his visit to Mother Africa. During her brief Toronto sojour n Kathy Yang was still able to organize an FTG (Feed Tim Gregg) Event, at her Aunt’s modest 20,000 sq feet, home/theme park. Kathy continues to be Shoumitro’s meal ticket as well, whenever he passes through San Francisco. tt as a husband Prom King Vineet Du Falls with son ld: or W e th of r de Won agara in the sights at Ni and father! Taking a. et Rohan and wife Sw Another, new addition to the extended 1993 family, came in the Spring of 2004 when Sean Kyric McMillan was born to class agent extraordinaire Amy Ruhter McMillan and husband Kyric. After a few months of reprieve and motherson bonding, Amy will once again make the trek from the suburbs to her job at IES in Chicago. Coming home at the end of the day will now be all the more worthwhile. Having found the ideal wife, (a woman so beautiful in fact, he had to show her off in three 2003 wedding ceremonies at different Asian locales), Yee Kee Lam, has been taking it easy and spending a lot of time with his Best Man: the couple’s bichon frise. Eric Wong, will be getting married in October 30 Hong Kong International School intent on experiencing “the breath of fresh air” to which the state’s musclebound governor so frequently refers. Life in Prescott, Arizona has allowed Danielle DRISCOLL Cummings to find the perfect sense of balance: raising her son Garrett and spending time teaching math. She couldn’t see herself doing anything else. n Sean Kyric McMilla 2004 where one would not be surprised to see guest Spencer Chiu harassing/stalking all the single ladies with embellished high school soccer exploits and 450 SAT verbal score as proof of his virility and TrueCantoneseness, respectively. Josh Goldberg, is still slightly perplexed why the security check for his State department application has taken so long (6 months and counting). Little does he know that Spencer, as one of his references, has taken it upon himself to ‘educate’ the US government about Josh’s shortcomings, including questionable thoroughness when it comes to cleaning along with his suspect cultural sensitivity. James Caradonna, continues to make Hong Kong home and has become ver y active in the Lance Armstrong Foundation, trying to raise its profile throughout Asia. Anna Marie Bautista supplied the following update to share with classmates, and I quote “Angela Gaspar gave birth to a boy! She and her husband are in Spain currently. I also got in touch with Joyce Weitz recently, which was really great, although only over the phone and email. I also met up with Ann Choi and Rana Cheng-Hwang who are living in San Jose and Oakland, respectively. And I’ve seen Sue Chan a couple of times when she comes to visit from Malaysia. Rana was in HKIS from 8th to 10th I think, while Sue left after 8th grade.” Anna also provided her own little update — she and husband Ron have moved from San Francisco to Manila to start afresh with their baby expected early 2005. Having left the wilds of Colorado behind, Julie Faber has moved to California with husband tobe Keith (October nuptials planned), “Ozer, we’re Millionaires!” Ozer Onkal (right) and friend, strike it rich at their fruit stand with the sale of their first banana. (Minor sidebar: September 2004 currency exchange 1 US Dollar=1,250,000 Turkish Lira) Taking what he learned with partner in crime Manesh Balani (i.e. party planning, fleecing unsuspecting teens of their belongings right down to their last toga) Ozer Onkal has embarked on an exciting new business venture in Istanbul. When not redesigning the home interiors of the established Turkish jet-set, Ozer and a friend have begun catering to hungr y youth by setting up fruit stands at local concerts. And word from Ozer’s old housemate Lyman Doyle? Rumour has it that he has become indoctrinated in Columbia University’s liberal leanings and for the Summer of 2004 jumped on board to help the Kerr y-Edwards ticket. By mid November, we’ll see if he made a difference. Emad Khan: I’m currently working with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. I recently met up with Shoumitro Goswami and got in touch with Chris Tsou, Sean Ward, and Alice Han. I would love to hear from others: [email protected] Emad currently lives in Toronto, Canada. He attended HKIS in primary, middle, and high school until grade 10. He did his Engineering degree from the University of Toronto, an MBA from the Schulich School of Business (York University), and PMI qualification from Stanford. Chris Mills Winkler: presently resides in Chicago Il. He went to HKIS in grades 2 and 3 and in his sophomore, junior and senior years. He received to get a BA from the University of San Diego and is now working in pharmaceutical sales. ’94 Tiffany Bissey [email protected] Michael Pemper [email protected] Norman Ho (Singapore Geographical Agent) [email protected] Alexander Brose: visited HKIS this fall. He resides in San Francisco, CA. He received a BA in Asian studies from Cornell University and works as director of admission with the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. “I came to HKIS for the first time since 1989 to recruit music students. Things have definitely changed!” Taken during my visit to HKIS in Sept. ’04 to recruit music students Michelle Katherine Hoeppner: attended HKIS in high school with her sister Sarah Hoeppner ’98 and went on to get a BA in east Asian studies, a BA in Spanish from Wittenberg University and an MA in international development studies from George Washington University. Michelle now lives in LaPorte, IN. David Leventhal: presently resides in Vienna, VA. He went to HKIS from R1 until his senior year and went on to get a BS from the University of Arizona. He is now working in the foreign service. Aravind Balagopalan Menon: After obtaining my dental degree at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine, I decided to continue my professional training by specializing in pediatric dentistry. I completed my specialty training from the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center/University of Connecticut Health Center on June 30, 2004. I got married on July 4th, 2004 to Leena Bardwaj (my best friend and soul mate; whom I’ve known for the past 10 years). Leena is a pharmacist and obtained her doctor of pharmacy degree at the University of Connecticut. She is currently in a residency/fellowship program in psychiatric pharmacotherapy at the Institute of Living in Har tford, Connecticut. We live in the New London County of Connecticut (near Long Island Sound). I am one of seven pediatric dentists at the Children’s Dental Associates of the New London County, P.C. Michal Fisher PEMPER: now resides in New York, NY. She went to HKIS in her sophomore, junior and senior years and went on to get a BA in economics and political science from Haifa University, Israel. She also got a degree in infor mation systems and management from New York University. Micah is working as a computer programmer/developer. Brenda Renee PULITO Runion: works as a physical therapist in Sagamore Hills, OH. She went to HKIS in grades 7 to 12 with sister Andrea Pulito ’94. Brenda received a degree in human movement science, MEd and MPT from Bowling Green State University and Cleveland State University. Alison K. Sasaki: presently resides in Germantown, MD. She went to HKIS in her junior and senior years. Thomas Bong On Scollon: works as a lawyer in Ft. Worth, TX. Nazish Kamal Siddiqui: now lives in Houston, TX. She went to HKIS in grades 3 to 7 and in her junior and senior years. Maria '94 and Zach Silveira with the bridal party Maria-Christina Rohrs: married Zachary Silveira on June 19, 2004 in San Diego, CA. Maria is the daughter of Ken Rohrs (middle school teacher) and Zach is the son of Cdr. Richard and Lucy Silveira. Several HKIS alumni were in the wedding party: Maid of Honor - Irene Rohrs ’97, bridesmaid - Ali Overholt ’94, Bridesmaid - Sarah Silveira ’01 and Best Man - Matt Silveira ’96.” istina Rohrs Silveira '94 Alison Overholt ’94, Maria Chr ira Silve h Irene Rohrs '97 and Sara , Jeremy Thomas White: currently lives in Rocky Mount, NC. ’95 Christie Yih [email protected] David Cheng [email protected] David Berman: attended HKIS from grade 8 to high school. He went on to receive a BS from Emerson College. Erin STROUD Scott: Erin is a QA analyst living in Alpharetta, GA. After HKIS, she received a BA in marketing form the State University of West Georgia. HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 31 Charles Tsui: is program manager of a software company and lives in Arlington, VA. He attended HKIS in grades 3 to 12 and went on to get a BSFS from Georgetown University. Katie TUCKER Casey: presently lives in Hilton Head Island, SC. She went to HKIS in grades 4 to 8. Genevieve Handler: now living in Oakville, Ontario, works in public relations. She went to HKIS in grade 12 and got a degree in anthropology and sociology from the University of Toronto. Edward Park: lives in San Francisco, CA. He went to HKIS from grade 3 through to high school with sister Christina Park ’97. He went on to receive a BA from Connecticut College. Edward is now working in finance. Karla May Portch: presently lives in Toronto, ON. She attended HKIS in grades 5 to 12 with brother Glenn Por tch ’92 and went on to get a degree in romance languages (Italian and Spanish) from the University of Georgia and a Representations of Italy from Royal Holloway, University of London. Amanda (Mandy) Joan NALEVANKO Settembre: currently resides in Arlington, MA. She went to HKIS in grades 8 and 9 with sisters Meg NALEVANKO Falcone ’91, Katie Nalevanko ’97 and Jill Nalevanko ’99. She went on to get a BA in psychology from Cornell University and an MEd (for thcoming) from Harvard University. Jimmy Yang: I have recently moved to Shanghai, China from Los Angeles, California and have started my new job as business development director for PG Design & Brand Consulting. The company focuses on developing brand strategy, brand marketing, and brand communication for MNCs entering China and local China firms looking to export. It has been a great learning experience, especially when it comes to applying wester n management techniques while maintaining easter n cultural sensitivities. Feel free to contact me if you’re in Shanghai at [email protected]. 32 Hong Kong International School Christie Faith Yih: I have one more semester at the Berklee College of Music, studying contemporary writing and production. I took the summer off and worked as an internship in the music industry in LA. While I was there, I met up weekly with Katy Wong who is doing well, working in banking and living in Alhambra. I also got to meet up with Jimmy Yang, who was running his own successful retail business after working in advertising and promotion. At the end of the summer, Jimmy moved to Shanghai to star t a new career out there. According to Jimmy, Chris Farrell is doing well in LA, playing in a successful band that performs regularly around town. Dave Berman is also in the entertainment industry, editing Hollywood film scripts (including the one for Lord of the Rings). Perhaps we should organize a mini-HKIS reunion in Los Angeles since many classmates are there! Eddie Park wrote in, “I live in San Francisco, but I work for an investment boutique in Menlo Park after 2 years at UBS and JP Morgan.” Kiran Rajasekhar also got married this year and Tisha Wong is engaged! Congratulations to them as well. This summer, I also saw Karen P. Lee, who is living and working in Connecticut, but still spending her weekends in New York. Karen tells me that Caroline Wu and Yu Kurebayashi got married this year! She planned Caroline’s bachelorette party in Las Vegas. Congratulations to the newlyweds! Coralie, Erin and Danielle - May 2004, Danielle’s birthday dinner in HK Coralie Charriol Paul: lives in NY with husband Dennis Paul but travels a lot for her business. She is now the creative director for the jewelry and leather goods of Charriol. Chinatown NY last winter - Dimsum lunch with old friends: (back row) Coralie Charriol Paul, David Cheng (just got engaged), Kemal Arsan, Danielle Huthart, Gautam Chhada (front row) Tammy Frankenberg and I in NY Debbie Teng, Erin Jun e 200 4. We had not see n Connor each other since high school in Tammy is doing her residency in s live but r me sum the for NY Argentina. Susan Strebel recently became the manager of special events for the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco. Friends can email her at [email protected]. ’96 Fahd Hakim [email protected] Sara Dallaire [email protected] Jennifer Doman [email protected] Erin was leaving Kelly Bissey for South America [email protected] for a while, looking for adventure.... Maria Cheng: is presently residing in Danielle and I have been friends since 1st grade and she was a bridesmaid at my wedding. She is an independent graphic designer. Hong Kong. She attended HKIS in grades 4 to 9 and went on to receive a bachelor of economics degree from Tufts University. Brie NELSON Koenigs: attended HKIS in her sophomore, junior and senior years and went on to get a BS in education & social policy with a concentration in human development & psychological ser vices from Nor thwester n University. She is working in sales and lives in Chicago, IL. Kim Kuok: resides in New York, NY. She went to HKIS in grades 7 to 12 and then received a BSc from Cornell University and an MSEd from the Bank Street College of Education. Berinda Lee: currently lives in Hong Kong. She went to HKIS in grade 7. Ingrid Lee: is working as an international management consultant and lives in Henderson, NV. She attended HKIS in grades 11 and 12 and received a BA in linguistics from Cornell University and an MBA from Thunderbird, the Garvin School of international management. Tomo Matsumoto: presently resides in Kanagawa, Japan. He went to HKIS in grades R2 through to 12 and went on to receive a BSBA from Washington University, St. Louis. Gina Dawn Kent PAYNE: now resides in Brandon, Suffolk England. She went to HKIS in grades 7 to 12 with brother Kevin Kent ’95. Maile Sedler: Maile is working as a financial analyst and lives in Honolulu, Hawaii. She attended HKIS in grades 7 and 8. She received a degree in sociology from the University of Washington. Ashika Singh: currently lives in New York, NY. She attended HKIS from her sophomore up to her senior years with her sister Ankura Singh ’03 and went on to get an AB (government) from Harvard, JD from the University of Cambridge (UK), NYU school of law and an PHD in inter national relations. Jonathan Weiss: attended HKIS in grades 6 and 9 and went on to get a BS from William & Mary and an MS from the University of Hawaii. He is working in marine geology & geophysics and lives in Honolulu, HI. Mike Will: I went to a reunion in NYC organized by Jen Doman, it was amazing and inspired me to check out the HKIS website. I’m fine, live in Long Beach, NY and work in NYC. I graduated from Hofstra University in Long Island in May of 2000 with a degree in finance. Toni Monaco Worden: I married Jack Worden in Dec. of 1998, whom I was dating in high school. I graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2000 with a BS in elementary education and a minor in spanish. I currently teach 2nd grade in Joshua, TX. I had my first child, a son in February 2004. We named him Quar tus Xavier Worden. I currently live in the country in a log cabin home. ’97 Meghan Smith [email protected] Lisa Tan [email protected] Victor Yeung [email protected] Tim Lo [email protected] Peter Brown: I attended HKIS from grades 3-8 then moved to Japan, where I attended ASIS. I graduated from Trinity College in Har tford, Connecticut and returned to Tokyo to take intensive Japanese. I was then hired as consultant in the International Division of A BEAM (previously Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu) in Tokyo in 2003. Lisa YARZUMBECK Heintz: went to HKIS in her junior and senior years with brother Bradley Yarzumbeck ’01 and received a degree in associate of science from Peninsula College. Lisa is now working in USCG and lives in Sequim, WA. Diya Raj: lives in New York, NY. She attended HKIS in her senior year and went on to get a BBA in marketing and inter national business from Emor y University. Diya is now working in BMW of North America. Sophia SAYERS Gilsdorf: presently lives in Camp Lejeune, NC. She attended HKIS from grade 7 up to her senior year. Catriona McGregor: lives in Queensland, Australia. She attended HKIS in her sophomore, junior and senior years with sister Alison Jane McGregor ’99 and brother James Stuart McGregor ’01. Catriona on to get a BSc in commerce, economics and marketing from the University of Melbourne, and a degree in graphic design from Shillington College. “I have recently started up my own business called - Catalyst Design here in Queensland. I have also just arrived back from a white water rafting trip in New Zealand!” Ethan Miller: is presently living in Chicago, IL. He went to HKIS in grades 2 to 11 with sister Emily Miller ’00 and received a BFA from the School of the Ar t Institute of Chicago. Ethan is now working as a web designer. Matthew O’Donnell: is presently residing in Hornsby NSW, Australia. He went to HKIS in grades 8 to 10 with sister Laura O’Donnell ’00. Adam Oetting: currently lives in Cedar Park, TX. He attended HKIS from grades R1 through to his senior year with sisters Jessica Oetting ’92 and Joelle Coutu ’95 and brother Aaron Oetting ’93. He received undergraduate degrees in liberal ar ts, histor y and religion from Concordia University. He is now working as a sales manager. He writes, “Happily married (for 4 years) with 2 wonderful sons, Isaac and Noah. A 3rd son is expected and his name is Caleb.” Joseph Walter Peace: currently resides in Columbus, OH. He went to HKIS in high school and now works as a mechanical/electrical engineer in an MEP firm that specializes in retail work around the country. Andrea Pierson: presently resides in Herndon, VA. She went to HKIS in her sophomore until her senior years with brother Bryan Pierson ’01 and went on to get a business, CIS degree from James Madison University. Andrea is now working as an operations supervisor. Jennifer Selvidge: went to HKIS in grades R1 to 9 and received an ESL education from Eastern Nazarene HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 33 University. She is working on a masters degree at the University of Kansas. Jennifer lives in Overland Park, KS. Ted Westerman: lives in Wilmington, DE. He went to HKIS in grades 3 to 5. ’98 Cheryl Yip [email protected] [email protected] Sarah Yeung [email protected] Walter Arnold: attended HKIS in high school and went on to get a BA in finance from the College of William and Mary. Walter lives in West Point, Virginia. Rebecca Beteet: currently lives in Waco, Texas. She went to HKIS in her freshman and sophomore years with brother William Beteet ’08 and received a degree in public relations from Baylor University. Meghan BREEDLOVE Morris: attended HKIS in grades 10 to 12 with sisters Sarah Breedlove ’00 and Laura Breedlove ’02. She received a degree in culinary arts from The Restaurant School and is now working as a chef in Pittsburgh, PA. Mary D. Chen: presently resides in New York, NY. She went to HKIS in high school with her brother David Chen ’96 and taught of HKIS in years 2002 – 2003. She got a BA in geology from Amherst College and an MA in secondary science education from the Teachers College Columbia University. She is now working as a high school science teacher. “New York City is fascinating... and produces some pretty special kids. I have been teaching biology to a bunch of uniquely interesting students at a great public high school this year. I have also found 5 excellent homemade ice cream shops. Mmm. Ice Cream.” 34 Hong Kong International School Charmaine Ching Li Lew: currently lives in Victoria, Australia. She went to HKIS in her senior year. this December. Any for mer classmates can reach me at: [email protected].” Ryan Coyle: www.sias.net.cn: - now lives in China. He went to HKIS in grades 3 to 12 and received a degree in TV production from Lee University. He now works as a student activities director (working with 10,000 students) in Chinese Business University. Lisa Talsness: she went to HKIS from grades 7 to 12 with sister Brea Talsness. Ryan Coyle during his visit to HKIS in October 2004. Kathryn Melissa Tynes: received an undergraduate degree in radio, television and film from Northwestern University. She received a graduate degree in fashion design from Marangoni Instituto Milan, Italy and has a career in fashion design. ’99 George Liao [email protected] Amanda Henck: presently resides in Seattle, WA. She went to HKIS in grades 1 to 12 with sister Jessica Henck ’99 and brother Justin Henck ’03. Amanda is currently a graduate student. “Currently I live in Seattle and am a graduate student at the University of Washington. I study landscape evolution in Southwestern China (NW Yunnan, Western Sichuan, and SE Tibet). When I am not at school, I like to road bike (on my very old beat up racing bike), rock climb, and backcountry ski. There seem to be no other HKIS alums in Seattle, so I am always jealous to hear about get togethers in NY and Boston. If anyone is ever in Seattle, please look me up!” Anthony Joseph Ickes: went to HKIS in grades 6 to 8 and received a BSc in accountancy from ABE International College of Business & Accountancy. He lives in Tacloban City, Philippines. Calvin Koo: After working in a corporate law firm for two great years in New York City, I’m returning to school to get my law degree. Anna Svedberg: Hi to the class of 1998, I moved from Hong Kong to Dubai in 1989. I graduated from ASD (Dubai) in 1998 and am currently studying at Stockholm University in Sweden. I am planning to graduate with a master’s degree in business and a minor in mandarin Kevin Kiwan Chung [email protected] Jonathan Ip [email protected] Eleanor Shing [email protected] [email protected] Anna Ingrid Berthelius: currently residing in Marina Del Rey, CA. She went to HKIS in grades 5 to 12 with sisters Kristina Berthelius ’05 and Helena Berthelius ’96. She went on to get a BSc in business administration from the University of San Francisco. Melanie Elisabeth Black: lives in Lake Waccamaw, NC. She went to HKIS in grades 1, 3 to 7 with brother William Black ’93. She went on to get a BS in information science and MA in teaching secondar y mathematics from UNC-Chapel Hill. Melanie is a secondary mathematics teacher. “I will be traveling to Namibia, Africa on October 19, 2004 to begin a 2 year service with the Peace Cor ps. I will be teaching secondary mathematics as well as hopefully teaching computer classes.” Charles V. Chen: received a BSBA in management information systems from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Alicia CHENN Abelmann: www.pbase.com/abelmanns – went to HKIS in grades 5 to 12 with sister Jennifer CHENN Isom ’93 and brothers Mason CHENN ’98 and Todd CHENN ’96. She went on to get a BA from Brigham Young University. “Hey everyone! As some of you already know, my husband Rick is just finishing up law school here at Washington University in St. Louis and we will soon be on our way to the West Coast or Asia after that. In the meantime, I have been working doing marketing for a local company here. We also started a non-profit organization called Help One Future to allow underpriveleged children in the Philippines get a basic elementary education. I would love to hear from any old friends and see what everyone else is up to.” Erin Anderson: received a BA from The George Washington University. Erin is now working with the Interamerican Institute for Social Development, Interamerican Development Bank. Ingrid Chen: now resides in Cambridge, MA. She went to HKIS in grades 7 to12 and went on to get a BA in psychology and studio ar ts from Wellesley College. Michelle Cheung: attended HKIS in grades 2 to 12 and went on to get a BA from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Kiwan Chung: went to HKIS from middle school to high school and went on to receive a BA in economics from Washington University in St. Louis. He lives in Hong Kong. Nicole C. Gibbs: presently residing in Vancouver, BC. She went to HKIS from grades 2 to 10 with brother Mark Gibbs ’96, and went on to get a BSc in commerce from Queen’s University. Pamela Heijmans: lives in Los Angeles, CA. She received a BS in applied math from UCLA and is working as a SEC - examiner. Frank Kwok: received an BA from Brown University and a JD (2006) from Georgetown University Law Center and lives in Washington, D.C. He attended HKIS in grades 8 to 12. Jill Nalevanko: currently resides in Alstead, NH. She went to HKIS in grades 4 and 5 with sisters Megan (Nalevanko) Falcone ’93, Amanda Joan (Nalevanko) Settembre ’95 and Katie Nalevanko ’97. She went on to get a BA in music from Cornell University. Ethel Tungohan: received a BA double major in political science (with honors) and women’s studies from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC and MSc in gender from the London School of Economics. She is currently residing in Vancouver, BC. ’00 Theresa Cheng [email protected] Meridith Aldridge: currently lives in Elon, NC. She attended HKIS in grades 8 to 12 with brother Zachary ’98 and went on to study at Elon University. Sachin Chopra: now resides in the US. He attended HKIS from grades 1 to his freshman year and went on to get a degree in finance from University Duquesne and a graduate degree in business management from Wharton Business School. He is presently a student. Rosalia Marie Brown: She went to HKIS in her junior and senior years with brother David Michael Brown ’03 and went on to receive a degree in foreign affairs from the University of Virginia. Rosalia is now working as a sales and marketing associate at Dow Chemicals Company in Chesterfield, VA. Christopher Griffin: graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in August 2004 major ing in economics and english and is currently in the mar ket for jobs preferably in finance, consulting, marketing, and advertising. He is looking to move back to Asia again. Mountain View, Northern California. She went to HKIS in grades 1 to 12 except grade 3. She received a BSc in computer science in 2004 from Stanford University. She is currently working at Google as an associate product manager. Mary Pashalidis: currently resides in Miami, FL. She attended HKIS in grades 8 to 12. She went on to received a BA in English and biology from the University of Miami and a JD (in progress) from the University of Miami. Stephanie She: attended HKIS in grades 8 to 12 with cousins Jeffrey Lui ’94, Jennifer Lui ’97, Tiffany Yip ’94 and Kevin Lui ’00. She went on to get a BA in business administration from the University of Michigan Business School. Lauren Anne Williams: h t t p : / / w w w. a u t o b a s e. c o m - presently resides in Indianapolis, IN. She attended HKIS in grades 8 & 9, and received a BA in communication at Hanover College in Hanover, IN. She now works as a training specialist. “After searching for a job in the Midwestern US for three months, I finally found the perfect one working for a software company out of Indianapolis. I will be traveling all over the countr y training buyers of the software, and hope to see many old friends.” Art Wong: http://www.greenwoodrock.com – went to HKIS in grades R2 to 12 with brother Allan Wong ’00. He now lives in Jackson, TN. He went to get a BA in teaching english as a second language from Union University. ’01 Lauren Tanner [email protected] David Munho Choi [email protected] Michelle EMMA James [email protected] Jessica Lee: presently resides in HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 35 Lydia Wing Bing Ho: presently resides in Hong Kong. She attended HKIS in high school with sister Tania Ho ’03 and cousin Adriana Mok ’01. She went on to receive a degree in biological sciences & psychology from Wellesley College. Sachin Chopra: attended HKIS from R1 to 12 and went on to get a degree in finance from Duquesne University. He is studying business management at Wharton Business School. Vandana Duggal: now resides in New Delhi, India. She went to HKIS in grades 2 to 6 and received a degree in public communications from American University. Kenneth Kee Hang: http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/dake nsian – currently lives in Katy, Texas. He went to HKIS in grades 2 to 8 and went on to receive a BA in finance from the University of Texas in Austin. Brandon Hsiung: attended HKIS in grades 5 to 12 with his brother Robert Hsiung ’98. He went on to receive a BS in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a master’s degree in infor mation systems management. Brandon is now working in information systems and finance in Pittsburgh, PA . Mika Mokko: http://slvrk155es.tripod.com – currently lives in New York, NY. She went to HKIS in grades 6 to 8. Sharlene Tan: now resides in Toronto, ON. She attended HKIS from middle school to high school. Mei Yee Mak: attended HKIS from middle school up to her freshman year and went on to get a BA in Economics from the University Bates College. ’02 Andrew Chan [email protected] Angela Ho [email protected] Bob Pan [email protected] 36 Hong Kong International School Joseph Assi: went to HKIS for 8 years and is now studying economics at Carleton. Sarah-Jane Lee: is currently living in Hong Kong. She went to HKIS in grades R1 to 12 and received an AA from Mar ymount College, Palos Verdes CA. She would like a job that has something to do with ar t management (art curator, art gallery owner, art auctioneer). Alaina Heather Messick: I haven’t attended a college yet, but as stated before, I’m getting my AA while I’m here at DLI as a linguist in the USMC. I’m more than happy to offer any and all the information I can about joining the Armed Forces. Rebecca Ann Whittle: is pursuing a degree in equine science from the North Dakota State University. Ryan Christopher: currently lives in Somers, NY. He attended HKIS from grades 3 to 7 and is pursuing an associate degree in criminal justice from the University of Tampa SUNY WCC. After that, he will be attending the Black Water USA Training program to become a cer tified personal security specialist. ’03 Timothy Chang [email protected] Kristen Chin [email protected] Candace Ho [email protected] Bradley Archie: presently resides in Pittsburgh. He attended HKIS in grades 1 to 9 and is studing for a paramedic degree from CCAC, an automotive degree and a psychology minor. Hanson Chan: currently resides in Waterloo, Ont. Canada. He attended HKIS in grades 5 to 8 and went on to study at the University of Waterloo. Jennifer Jamie Chan: http://xanga.com/jenniferjcs - lives in Mill Creek, WA. She went to HKIS in high school with cousin Francis Shih ’01 and is now studing at Seattle University. Micah Chan: lives in Mid-Levels, Hong Kong. She went to HKIS in her sophomore, junior and senior years. Laibond Cheng: lives in Hong Kong. He went to HKIS in his junior and senior years. Garth Sheldon-Coulson: presently resides in Riverdale, NY. He attended HKIS in grades 2 to 9 and is working on a BA from Swarthmore College. Emily Elisabeth Eliot: currently lives in Belvedere, CA. She went to HKIS from grades R1 to 7 with sister Caroline Eliot ’01 who is studying at Middlebury College. Meera Jain: currently lives in Ridgewood NJ and is studying at Bryn Mawr College. She attended HKIS in grades 6 and 8 with brother Karan Jain ’07. Isaac Liew Jing Hui: presently lives in Australia. He attended HKIS in grades 7 and 8 and is currently studying engineering at Melbourne University. ’04 Emily Ann Keith: presently resides in Charlottesville, VA. She went to HKIS in her junior and senior years with brother Andrew Keith ’07. Amit Krishnan: currently lives in Nanuet, NY. He attended HKIS in high school. Randy Ma: now lives in Hong Kong. He went to HKIS in grades 2 to 12. Peter Westrick: and family are now living in Valparaiso, IN. Peter went to HKIS from R1 to 12. Do you want a hard copy of the Alumni Directory? Yes or No - please let us know at [email protected] Barbara LeMond. About 100 faculty and staff attended the reception. Rich Pearson: currently lives in Mill Creek, WA. He taught at HKIS from 1976 to 1979. Victor Guy: I taught music and band with Werner Von Behren from 1970 - 72. At that time I was known as Victor Lee but I have changed my last name since 1972. William D. Rutherford: taught at HKIS from 1971 to 1974 and now resides in Houston, Texas. Victor lives in Nor th Vancouver, BC and works as a music teacher. Ken and Karen's wedding reception Ken Rohrs: Ken Rohrs and Karen Cook were married in Sydney on August 7, 2004 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church in a Catholic ceremony amongst family friends and faculty. Best Men were Wil Chan and Peter Dratz with Jeanne Yasso as bridesmaid. Greg and Jo Ladner attended from HKIS. A reception followed in Hong Kong, at the HK Cricket Club on August 14, organized by Kay Lambert, Marie Murphy and a Han on brother-in-law Kyihl Right: Victor with his 13, 2004 July his visit to HKIS on Lois Meyer Voeltz: a 1969 graduate of Concordia University, was awarded the Church Leadership in Outreach Award by her alma mater. Lois and Fritz now live in Arizona. Phil Koester, Ken Rohrs, Hugh Striker, Denny Strootman, Jerry Markin. Biking through Vietnam. Easter 2004. Donna Farquar: taught in HKIS from 1996 to 2002. She now resides in Ramona, California. Pati Weintraub: currently lives in Manhattan Beach, California. She taught at HKIS in the years 1988 to 1994. Her daughter Nancy Randall ’92 went to HKIS. William Luen Lee: taught in HKIS from 1991-1994. He is now working as a counselor/mathematics teacher in Mountain View High School and lives in in Mountain View, CA. His children Korey Lee ’01, Jeremy Lee ’04 and Klarissa Lee ’05 went to HKIS from 1991 to 1994. Korey is now a senior at UC Berkeley, Jeremy a freshman at UC Berkeley and Klarissa a high school senior at Mountain View High School. Diego Estrada: I hope this email finds you all well. We had a great summer. Our wedding (thanks VJ for your wise words -we had them in mind that day) went very well. Both Alexiss family and mine had a wonderful time. After the wedding, we spent a few days in Santander, in the nor th of Spain. Pleasant weather, green landscape and excellent food. It was a deserved break. We also visited the U.S., and we spent the last 10 days of our summer in Andalucia, the South of Spain. HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 37 He became Director of Biology Education at Emporia State University in Kansas in 1986 and, after 18 years, was asked to chair the Biology Department. The night before the wedding We have rented an apartment in a nice area of Madrid, with a guest room, just in case someone wants to stop by. Alexis is feeling much better since we moved. She is working for her father and is going to teach english classes. I might start my own practice again, but we would love to work at an international school here in Madrid, so we will pursue that path for next year. I hope everything is going well at HKIS. Thank you all for your help and support last year. And please keep in touch. Richard Schrock: It has been 26 years since Richard Schrock taught biology at HKIS. Schrock returned to the U.S. in 1978 to pursue a doctorate in entomology at the University of Kansas, studying Chinese for his foreign language requirement. “That was with the agreement that I could continue traveling back to China each year,” he emphasizes. Since 1993, he has lectured at East China Normal University, Shanghai Normal University, Nanjing Normal University, Wuhan Education College, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Education Institute, Henan Normal University, Hebei Normal University, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Qufu Normal University, and Shaanxi Agricultural University. “China has endured several thousand years of teaching-to-thetest,” he says, “but the memorization that it promotes does not get Nobel Prizes. They bring me to China to help the new generation of teacher-trainers learn questioning techniques, practice open-ended labs, etc. The expansion and modernization of China’s university system since 1998 is unprecedented.” Schrock is also an overseas editor for Shengwuxue Jiaoxue, the Chinese journal for biology teaching produced in Shanghai, where he is asked to interpret new Western developments in education. TE A D E H T SAVE “HKIS from 1975 to 1978 provided me with a model of what a school could accomplish with hard-working and excellent students combined with exper t and compassionate teachers,” says Schrock. “When it comes to changing students’ lives, helping them develop good character, and decide on possible career paths, the high school teacher is so much more important than a university professor. It wasn’t about tests scores. It was about being a caring community.” Hong Kong also provided him the oppor tunity to contrast the professional freedom of an American teacher with the scripted role of the British and Chinese teachers. “When I was in Hong Kong, I wrote ar ticles about insects for the Hongkong Standard. Today, I produce commentaries for our newspapers and public radio to defend the teachers’ professional responsibility to make the decisions on what, when, and how to teach. Not a week goes by without my remembering some HKIS students or reflecting on how we did it right, back then. Alumni Homecoming Wednesday January 5 2004 38 Hong Kong International School Reunion Notices: Class of 1981 – 25 Year Reunion Class of 1996 – 10 Year Reunion Remember, we’re having our 25th Reunion in Boston Jennifer Doman ’96 has offered to be in charge in 2006 - contact Karen Staniek ’81 or Anna Agell ’81 of the 10 year reunion in Vegas Summer of 2006, or email [email protected] so get prepared!! Email [email protected] Class of 1982 – 25 Year Reunion Class of 2001 – 5 year Reunion This reunion is in the preplanning stages. To help A Class of 2001 reunion is being planned for this and to send your contact information, email Sheila coming academic year and if you have not heard Baker Gujral ’82 at [email protected] about it yet please email Lauren Tanner ’01 at [email protected] if you would like to come! Class of 1986 – 20 Year Reunion Hong Kong Reunion 2007 April 7-9, 2006 For information contact Kenneth Koo ’79 - Las Vegas Contact Francine Jacome’86 at [email protected] [email protected] Class of 1995 – 10 Year Reunion Calling All Class Agents The reunion will take place sometime next year in 2005. We are still in the preliminary stages of getting things organized, so any suggestions are welcomed. The most important thing we need right now is to get as many names and addresses as we can. Please forward any contacts that you have of any former classmates of ours. Email David ’95 at [email protected] or Christie ’95 at To submit content to the HKIS Alumni site: 1. Go to http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 2. log on (on the left, or click on register, if you haven't already) and an extra menu will appear 3. One of the options will be SUBMIT CONTENT 4. Click on that and you'll get a page where you can add content 5. In the category box, be sure to select your class! 6. Once you're finished, hit save. 7. It will go to the Alumni Office before going live. 8. It will then appear on your class page. [email protected]. Do you want a hard copy of the Alumni Directory? Yes or No - please let us know at [email protected] 39 HKIS Alumni Website: http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/alumni 39 Our Alumni continue to give back to HKIS. The Annual Fund gives me an opportunity to reaffirm my connection to HKIS and to play a part in its quest for excellence. — Rob Dorfman ’72 Like Rob and many other alumni, you can help HKIS move to the next level of excellence, and support extra-learning experiences for our students. You will be helping to benefit both today’s and tomorrow’s students. Please contact the Community & Resource Development Office today with your gift to the HKIS Annual Fund. It’s all about excellence. Hong Kong International School 1 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam, Hong Kong http://giving.hkis.edu.hk (852) 3149-7820 [email protected]
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