Bringing people closer together
Bringing people closer together
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter Bringing people closer together Giant’s Causeway, County Antrim Bringing people closer together Translink, with support from the Rural Transport Fund scheme, operate 4 Rambler Services. These bus services operate along the scenic North Coast and through the rugged terrain of the Mourne and Sperrin Mountains. These services make an important contribution to reducing the rural isolation experienced by many local residents, but also enable more people to enjoy some of the most varied and interesting scenery in the country and by doing so, assists the local tourist industry. Special offers are available on Ulsterbus services throughout the summer, including Family and Friends tickets and Bus Rambler tickets. iLink tickets offer the perfect option for anyone planning to explore every part of NI this summer. Enjoying unlimited bus and rail travel throughout Northern Ireland with the iLink smartcard. For information on special offers and iLink zones visit Using your smartphone and a QR Code reader app, scan this image to view further information Win a £100 Ulsterbus Tours voucher Using sustainable modes of travel is a positive means of managing tourism to ensure that it provides benefits to today’s users and local communities whilst maintaining the integrity of the areas cultural and natural heritage for future generations. How To Enter: Submit your bus ticket receipt for proof of travel on one of the Rambler Services, along with the completed questionnaire on the back of the booklet for your chance to win a £100.00 Ulsterbus Tours voucher. Whether you are a leisurely or serious walker, Northern Ireland is for you. There are a number of useful websites that can offer you inspiration: Send details to: Translink, Rural Transport Unit, 3 Milewater Road, Belfast, BT3 9BG • • • • • • Terms & Conditions: Competition is limited to 4 entries per person, along with proof of travel for each rambler service. The competition prize must be redeemed and used as full or part payment towards an Ulsterbus Tours trip by October 2014. Winners must be available for any publicity photos. This competition is not applicable to Translink employees and relations. Remember, Seniors with a valid SmartPass travel completely free anytime, anywhere! Closing date: 25 October 2013 Ballintoy, County Antrim The Mournes where the mountains sweep down to the sea by Percy French The Mourne Mountains are an ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ dominated by a compact ring of 12 mountains with 6 peaks over 600m with Slieve Donard being the highest at 853m! The area actually provided the inspiration for CS Lewis to write the Chronicles of Naria. The Mourne Mountains and the surrounding areas are the perfect setting for any outdoor adventurers. bus services mourne 2 LocalHostels/Camping: • NewcastleBeachandPromenade • ToryBushCottages,Bryansford ( • TheMourneLodge,Attical ( • SilentValleyMountainPark-circledbythe rangeandbeautifulparkland,lakesandapond • MourneCycleTours(02843724348) • CornmillQuayHostel,Annalong (02843770714) • TheMourneWall • TollymoreForestPark • GlenadaY.M.C.A.,Newcastle ( • TollymoreNationalOutdoorCentre,Bryansford There are a number of useful websites that offer further information on the region: • MeelmoreLodge,Bryansford ( • SpelgaDam •Hare’sGap • • RoyalCo.DownGolfClub,Newcastle • TheRockAmenityArea,Bryansford (02843778932) Events • TollymoreNationalOutdoorCentre, Bryansford( mourne • MourneWayMarathon, KilbroneyParkRostrevor,8June2013 ( • CelticFusionInternationalMusicArtsFestival, Castlewellan,28-30June2013 ( bus services UsefulInformation KeyAttractions • MourneInternationalWalkingFestival,Mourne Mountains,Newcastle,28-30June2013 ( sperrin • WorldPoliceandFiregames, KilbroneyParkRostrevor (connectwithservice39fromNewcastle) Newcastle2-4&9August2013 ( Images: copyright Northern Ireland Tourist Board The granite peaks of the Mourne Mountains are the highest and most dramatic in Northern Ireland Mourne Mountains, Co. Down Day trips • • • • For further details of these timetables call into Newcastle Bus Station • S ervices17/17a/240areavailablefromNewcastletoCastlewellanForestPark,withitsCastleand lake.IfyouenjoyTollymoreForestParkthisisanotheroptionforwoodlandwalkinginthearea. • T oseewhat’sonofferfurtherafield,Service26BoperatesfromNewcastletoLisburnand SprucefieldShoppingCentre,withstopsinSeafordeandBallynahinch.Service20isalsoavailable forBelfast. • E xploreotherareasoftheSouthEastCoast,visitKilkeelandCranfieldBeachwiththe407Kilkeel Rambler.Service39isalsoavailableforRostrevor,WarrenpointandNewry. • S ervice17/17aalsoservesDownpatrick.VisittheStPatrick’sCentre,theDownCountyMuseum, theDownArtsCentreandtheDownpatrickandCo.DownRailway. 3 Route map 3 4 THE ROCK SHOP DRUMBONNIFF CRAIGDOO RIVER BANN SPELGA TO ROSTREVOR COCK MOUNTAIN 6 SLIEVE BEARNAGH SLIEVE MEELBEG SLIEVE BEG DOAN 8 SLIEVELAMAGAN CARN MOUNTAIN LOUGH SHANNAGH PIGEON ROCK MOUNTAIN WEE SLIEVEMOUNTAN PIGEON ROCK SLIEVEMOUGHANMORE SLIEVE MUCK 16 BLOODY BRIDGE WALK 16 407 Service Route Roads Rivers BLAEBERRY MOUNTAIN BINNIAN LOUGH THE BLACK CASTLES 9 LONG SEEFIN SPENCES MOUNTAIN 405 Service Route ANNALONG WOOD SILENT VALLEY Roads SLIEVE BINNIAN EAGLE MOUNTAIN SHANSLIEVE BLOODY BRIDGE Rivers SLIEVENAGLOGH LOUGH SHANNAGH WALK WEE BINNIAN bus servicesSLIEVENAGORE 10 MOOLIEVE 14 13 BINNIAN mourne CARRICK WALK Town/Hamlet ROURKE'S PARK GLASDRUMMAN LITTLE 15 Mountain Peaks 402 Service Route Forests Lakes/Reservoirs Roads 12 16 Rivers TO KILKEEL 11 Service Stops Sea ANNALONG Service Stops 16 mourne 0930 0940 0942 0944 0947 0952 0954 0956 0958 1001 1005 1008 1013 1018 1022 1025 1030 1032 1035 1045 1100 1110 1112 1114 1117 1122 1124 1126 1128 1131 1135 1138 1143 1148 1152 1155 1200 1202 1205 1215 1400 1410 1412 1414 1417 1422 1424 1426 1428 1431 1435 1438 1443 1448 1452 1455 1500 1502 1505 1515 1530 1540 1542 1544 1547 1552 1554 1556 1558 1601 1605 1608 1613 1618 1622 1625 1630 1632 1635 1645 1700 1710 1712 1714 1717 1722 1724 1726 1728 1731 1735 1738 1743 1748 1752 1755 1800 1802 1805 1815 Operates May Day 6 May, 27 May, 12 & 13 July ATTICAL bus services sperrin Tuesday - Sunday (does (does not not operate operate on on Mondays Mondays)except where noted below) Newcastle, Bus Station u Bryansford, Post Office a v Tollymore National Outdoor Ctr. w Trassey Road, for Hare’s Gap b Service Stops x The Rock Shop y Trassey Road, Moyad Road Junction c Town/Hamlet U Fofanny Dam Mountain Peaks V Ott Mountain, Car Park Caravan Parks W Spelga Dam (Slievenaman Rd Lay By) X Pigeon Rock at Slievenagore, for Lough Shannagh Path Forests ak Attical Village, Shop Lakes/Reservoirs al Silent Valley, Entrance Service Stops am Carrick Little Sea an Rourke’s Park ao Quarter Road Filling Station ap Bloody Bridge, Maggies Leap aq King Street, Glenada House ar Newcastle, Donard Park (O’Hares Pub) Newcastle, Bus Station Sea Mountain Peaks SHANNAGHMORE SLIEVENAGARRAGH CHIMNEY ROCK MOUNTAIN THE LONG MOUNTAIN ROCKY MOUNTAIN BLUE LOUGH TORNAMROCK 16 Town/Village MAGGIES LEAP Service 405 operates 6 May until 1 September 2013 Service 405 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SLIEVE DONARD COVE MOUNTAIN BEN CROM Rivers MILESTONE MOUNTAIN Mourne Rambler Timetable Lakes/Reservoirs Roads THOMAS'S MOUNTAIN SLIEVE COMMEDAGH Forests 403 Service Route DONARD WOOD SHAN SLIEVE SLIEVE CORRAGH 7 SPELGA DAM DONARD PARK 18 SLIEVENAMADDY DRINNAHILLY 17 SLIEVENAGLOGH SLIEVE LOUGHSHANNAGH OTT MOUNTAIN HEN MOUNTAIN SLIEVENAMISKAN Sea Service 405 Operates – 1 September 2013 Mourne6 May Rambler SLIEVENABROCK SLIEVE MEELMORE BUTTER MOUNTAIN Rivers NEWCASTLE TIPPERARY WOOD HARE'S GAP WALK 5 KINNAHALLA TO BELFAST Service Stops LUKE'S MOUNTAIN SLIEVENAMAN TO HILLTOWN 16 TOLLYMORE FOREST PARK TRASSEY BRIDGE Lakes/Reservoirs Roads TO CASTLEWELLAN BRYANSFORD 1 2 Alsooperating6May,27May,12-15July(inclusive) LPS © Crown Copyright and database rights, NIMA ES&LA211 Forests 403 Service Route Rivers Departure times are shown from main Ulsterbus Stations, intermediate timing points show estimated times which are dependent on traffic conditions. Lakes/Reservoirs Roads 16 Town/Village Service Stops Sea Mountain Peaks Forfurtherinformationonthewalksandtheareacall: sperrin 16 causeway NewcastleTouristInformationCentre02843722222 Service Stops 407 Service Route Town/Hamlet Roads Mountain Peaks Rivers Caravan Parks 405 Service Route Forests Roads Lakes/Reservoirs This timetable is available in a range of alternative formats, for examplelargeprint,brailleoraudiotapepleasecallTranslinkContact Centre02890666630 Rivers kilkeel 4 kilkeel Town/Hamlet Mountain Peaks 16 Service Stops Sea Images: copyright Northern Ireland Tourist Board causeway a–(GravityActionSportsParkisalsoaccessiblefromthisstop-onTullyreeRoad) b–(TrasseyValleyWalkingroute-approx.3/4milewalkfrombusstop) c–(ForMeelmoreMountainLodge-approx.1.3milewalkfrombusstop) (HappyValleyWalkingroute-approx.1/2milewalkfrombusstop) 5 Kilkeel a land rich in unique heritage and history mourne bus services Kilkeel,theseafoodcapital of the Mournes Located within the Kingdom of the Mournes is bus services the fishing port town of Kilkeel. Kilkeel boasts a harbour full of sights and sounds with a stunning backdrop of the Mourne Mountains. mourne The Blue Flag beach of Cranfield is a popular family seaside location with numerous caravan parks and a spectacular coastline. Kilkeel Harbour KeyAttractions UsefulInformation • BeachcomberCafé(CranfieldWest)–runs childrenscraftactivitiesduringJuly& August LocalHostels/CaravanParks: • CranfieldBlueFlagBeach&CoastalWalk (CranfieldWest) • ChestnuttHoliday Park,CranfieldWest ( • GamekeepersLodgeEquestrianCentre &LoughshannaghMountainWalk(near AtticalVillage) • CornmillQuayHostel,Annalong (02843770714) • TheMourneLodge,Attical ( sperrin • KilkeelNautilusCentre • KingdomofMourneFestival,Kilkeel 29Jul–2Aug ( kilkeel • Fishfest,Kilkeel 26Aug (02841762525) Images: copyright Northern Ireland Tourist Board kilkeel • Fiddler’sGreenInternationalFestival, Rostrevor,21–28July ( • • SandilandsHolidayPark,Cranfield ( • SilentValleyMountainPark-circledbythe rangeandbeautifulparkland,lakesanda pond Events • • KMBBallinranMourneCentre,Kilkeel (02841765727) causeway causeway • • CranfieldCaravanPark,Cranfield ( • GreencastleCastle • KilkeelHarbour sperrin There are a number of useful websites that offer further information on the region: Day trips • W alkalongCranfieldbeachtoGreencastleRoyalCastleattheentrancetoCarlingfordLough (approx.5miles).VisitMourneSeafoodCookerySchoolatKilkeelHarbourandgoshoppingin KilkeelTownCentre. • S ervice39fromKilkeeltoNewryfollowsthescenicroutetoWarrenpointandRostrevor.Bus connectionsarealsoavailabletoNewcastle. • F ishing,watersportsandgolfingactivitiesarewidelyavailablethroughouttheSouthEast coast.Forfurtherinformation,contactKilkeelTouristInformationCentre.Tel02841762525 For further details of the above timetables call into Newcastle Bus Station 6 7 Lakes/Reservoirs Roads LOUGH SHANNAGH MOUNTAIN WALK Route map ATTICAL 3 Rivers 16 Service Stops Mountain Peaks 4 MOYAD 16 AUGHRIM HILL SLIEVEBUG bus services 407 Service Route mourne 2 16 Sea 407 Service Route Town/Village SILENT VALLEY Rivers KNOCKCHREE Town/Hamlet Roads Mountain Peaks Rivers Caravan Parks Service Stops Town/Hamlet 405 Service Route Mountain Peaks Roads Caravan Parks Rivers Roads Service Stops Town/Hamlet Forests Lakes/Reservoirs 16 bus services Forests Roads Lakes/Reservoirs Rivers DRUMINDONEY sperrin MAGHERY mourne 16 Town/Hamlet Monday Service - Friday 337 337 337 337 337 337 Notes Service Sch NSch 337 337 337 337 NSch Sch 337 337 Greencastle St, opp Bus Depot Notes Asda Supermarket Greencastle St, opp Bus Depot Kilkeel, Greencastle Street Asda Supermarket Kitty’s Road, Casement Park Kilkeel, Greencastle Street ScroggRoad, RoadCasement Park Kitty’s Kilkeel, Newry Scrogg Road Street Kilkeel, Newry Graham’s Garage Kilkeel, Street Asda Supermarket Kilkeel, Graham’s Garage Service Stops Sea 1 Harbour 9 sperrin DERRYOGE Mill Bay 8 causeway 6 PIER GREENCASTLE causeway 5 Service 407: Asda Supermarket Kilkeel Bay Rambler Notes: 407: Service 407 Service DUNAVAL Asda Supermarket Notes: Derryoge Harbour CRAWFORDS POINT NICHOLSONS POINT u v w x 7 SOLDIERS POINT CRANFIELD SANDILANDS Cranfield Bay kilkeel KILKEEL 10 kilkeel IRISH SEA LPS © Crown Copyright and database rights, NIMA ES&LA211 u Images: copyright Northern Ireland Tourist Board y U V W X at 8 Kilkeel RamblerService 337 • Service 407A • Service 407B407A / 407B Service Service 407 Kilkeel Rambler / 407B Operates roundRoad - Scrogg Road Service 407A Kilkeelyear - Kittys Service 337 Kilkeel Kittys Road Scrogg Road Service 337 Monday - Friday Sea Mountain Peaks BUS STATION Service 337 • Service 407A • Service 407B KilkeelRamblerTimetable (inc.KilkeelTownService) Service Stops Mountain Peaks 405 Service Route u 0900 Sch NSch | 1055 0900 1100 || 0900 1055 0903 0903 1100 1103 | 0900 0906 0903 0906 1103 1106 0903 0909 0906 0909 1106 1109 0906 0915 0909 | 1109 | 0909 0915 0915 0915 | 1115 | NSch 1605 Sch 1355 1400 1355 1403 1400 1406 1403 1409 1406 | 1409 1415 | A 0915 B 1115 A B 1415 A B 0915 A B A B A 1555 1605 | 1600 || 1555 1603 1608 1600 | 1606 1608 1611 1603 1609 1611 1614 1606 | 1614 1630 1609 1615 | 1630 B 1615 A NSch B Sch B A B B 0915 1115 1415 NSch Sch 1615 Greencastle Street 0920 1120 1420 1620 Asda Supermarket 0915 1115 1415 1615 Tullyframe Road 0928 1128 1428 1628 Greencastle Street 0920 1120 1420 1620 Attical Village, Shop 0945 1145 1445 1645 Tullyframe Road 0928 1128 1428 1628 Bog Road 0946 1146 1446 1646 Attical Village, Shop 0945 1145 1445 1645 Grahams Garage Newcastle Rd 0951 1151 1451 1651 Bog Road 0946 1146 1446 1646 Asda Supermarket 0955 1155 1455 1655 Grahams Garage Newcastle Rd 0951 1151 1451 1651 Greencastle Street 1000 1000 1200 1200 1500 1500 1510 1700 1700 Asda Supermarket 0955 1155 1455 1655 St Columbans School | | | 1515 | Greencastle Street 1000 1000 1200 1200 1500 1500 1510 1700 1700 Sandilands Caravan Park 1004 1204 1504 1524 1704 St Columbans School | | | 1515 | Grange Primary School 1008 1208 1508 1524 1528 1708 Sandilands Caravan Park 1004 1204 1504 1704 CranfieldPrimary West School 1015 1215 1515 1528 1535 1715 Grange 1008 1208 1508 1708 Benagh Road 1020 1220 1520 1540 1720 Cranfield West 1015 1215 1515 1535 1715 Corcreaghan 1025 1225 1525 1540 1545 1725 Benagh RoadRoad 1020 1220 1520 1720 Dunaval Road 1030 1230 1530 1550 1730 Corcreaghan Road 1025 1225 1525 1545 1725 Greencastle Road 1035 1235 1535 1555 1735 Dunaval Road 1030 1230 1530 1550 1730 Greencastle Street 1040 1240 1540 1600 1740 Greencastle Road 1035 1235 1535 1555 1735 Asda Supermarket 1045 1245 1545 1600 1605 Greencastle Street 1040 1240 1540 1740 NSch Supermarket — School Holidays only Sch — School 1045 Terms only 1245 No Saturday Sunday Service Asda 1545or 1605 No Service 6 May, 12 & 13 July 2013 No Saturday or Sunday Service No Service 6 May, 12 & 13 July 2013 NSch — School Holidays only Sch — School Terms only NoService6May,12and15July Forfurtherinformationonthewalksandtheareacall: KilkeelTouristInformationCentre02841762525 This timetable is available in a range of alternative formats, for example large print, braille or audio tape please call Translink Contact Centre 028 9066 6630 9 TheSperrins encompasses a landscape of magical contrasts Beaghmore Stones An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the heather clad heights of the Sperrins encompasses a landscape of magical contrasts, creating the perfect environment bus for the services avid outdoor enthusiast and a hideaway treat for those seeking solitude. KeyAttractions • AnCreagánVisitorCentre,Creggan a b • BellaghyBawn,Bellaghy bus services • GortinGlenForestPark&Lakes • SpringhillHouse,Moneymorec mourne • BeaghmoreStones,Cookstown c • StruleArtsCentre,Omagh Events UsefulInformation • CityofCultureEvents,Derry/Londonderryd ( LocalHostels/CaravanParks: • OmaghMidsummerFestival&RoyalScottish PipeBandAssociationChampionships, Omagh22June ( • GortinAccommodationSuite&Activity Centre ( • KilcronaghanActivityCentre,Tobermore ( • AmericanIndependenceCelebrations,Ulster AmericanFolkPark 4-7July ( mourne • TheShepherd’sRestCampervan&Campsite, Draperstown( • TheGlenellyRockinbytheRiverFestival, Glenelly13-21July ( a–(TravelusingUlsterbusOmaghService92C) b–(TravelusingUlsterbusMagherafeltService127) c – (Travel using Ulsterbus Magherafelt Service 110 andexpress210fromCookstown) d–(TravelusingUlsterbusOmaghService273) e–(TravelusingUlsterbusOmaghService86) sperrin • UlsterAmericanFolkPark,Omaghd • DúnUladh,Killycloghere sperrin causeway 10 • GlenellyCottages,Plumbridge ( There are a number of useful websites that offer further information on the region: • • • • • • • • • • Images: copyright Northern Ireland Tourist Board Undisturbed by time the SperrinsaretheLargestand LeastexploredMountain RangeinNorthernIreland. Day trips • F orthoseinterestedinfindingoutaboutlocalhistoryvisittheUlsterAmericanFolkPark,just outsideOmaghwhichfollowsthestoryofIrishemigration.AlsonextdooristheMellonFunFarm. ExpressService273fromOmaghstopsonrequestoutsidethemaingatestotheFolkPark. • T hereareanumberofwalkingtoursintheMagherafeltDistrict,includingthe MagherafeltHighway toHealth( • G ortinGlenForestParkprovidesagatewaytotheSperrinMountainsandGortinLakes.Stroll alongnaturetrailsandenjoytheviewsofthesuperblandscape( For further details of the above timetables call into Omagh and Magherafelt Bus Stations 11 PORTGLENONE River Route map Lough Ash MULLAGHANEANY MOYDAMLAGHT FOREST PLUMBRIDGE MULLAGHASTURRAKEEN DRAPERSTOWN CARNANELLY CROCKNAMOGHILL BALLYNATUBRUT Owenreagh River le River CURRAGHCHOSALLY AMERICAN PARK GORTIN GLEN FOREST GREENCASTLE MULLAGHCARN OMAGH bus services DRUMNAKILLY CARRICKMORE bus services mourne SPRINGHILL HOUSE 402 Service Route Lakes/Reservoirs Roads Rivers 16 COAGH Service Stops KINTURK Sea TULLAGHOGUE POMEROY FOREST ARDBOE Killymoon River 403 Service Route DRUMCAIRNE FOREST Roads Rock River POMEROY sperrin STEWARTSTOWN Rivers Claggan River SIXMILECROSS Forests Lakes/Reservoirs 16 Sea BERAGH 16 FINTONA 407 Service Route SLIEVEMORE Roads causeway AUGHER AUGHNACLOY Rivers Town/Hamlet CLOGHER Caravan Parks Forests ARMAGH Sch NSch TO BELFAST & INTERNATIONAL NSch AIRPORT — School Holidays only Sch — School Terms PORTADOWN Lakes/Reservoirs 16 Service Stops Sea No Sunday Service Saturday1440service(LegcloghfinBusStoptoMagherafeltBuscentre)doesnot No Service 6 May, 12 & 13 July call at Convent School Mountain Peaks kilkeel Magherafelt, Buscentre 1010 1350 Desertmartin, Post Office 1015 1355 Tobermore, Main Street 1020 1400 Draperstown, High Street 1030 1410 Legcloghfin, Cranagh 1059 1100 1439 14 Plumbridge, Post Office 1122 15 Gortin, Bank Corner 1129 15 Lay-by at former Ulster History Park Service 1139 15 Omagh, Bus Station 1154 15 Saturday LURGAN TO DUBLIN AND ARMAGH 405 Service Route Roads CALEDON 12 Town/Hamlet M1 Mountain Peaks Rivers Oona River BALLYGAWLEY causeway kilkeel COALISLAND NIMA ES&LA211 Stops DUNGANNONLPS © Crown Copyright and database rights,Service SESKINORE sperrin FIVEMILETOWN ALTMORE FOREST Images: copyright Northern Ireland Tourist Board SESKINORE Quiggery FOREST River Service Omagh, Bus Station 1005 1345 1345 W Lay-by at former Ulster History Pk. 1021 Lay-by at former Ulster History Pk. 1020 1400 1400 403Corner has been made possible help of the Rural Gortin, Transport NI V Service BankFund Corner 1030 1410 Gortin, Bank 1031 with the 1410 U Plumbridge, Post Office Plumbridge, Post Office 1037 1417 1038 1417 y Legcloghfin, Cranagh Legcloghfin, Cranagh 1059 1100 1439 14 1100 1100 1439 1440 1440 x Draperstown, High Street Draperstown, High Street 1133 15 1133 1510 1510 w Tobermore, Main Street MOIRA Tobermore, Main Street 1143 15 1143 1515 1515 M1 v Desertmartin, Post Office Desertmartin, Post Office 1152 15 1152 1524 1524 Convent School, Magherafelt | Convent School, Magherafelt | 1533 | CRAIGAVON u Magherafelt, Buscentre Magherafelt, Buscentre 1200 15 1200 1533 Mountain Peaks agh 112 Magherafelt, Buscentre 1010 1350 1735 M2 Desertmartin, Post Office 1015 1355 1744 Tobermore, Main Street 1020 1400 1753 Draperstown, High Street 1030 1410 1805 Legcloghfin, Cranagh 1059 1100 1439 1440 Plumbridge, Post Office 1122 1503 Gortin, Bank Corner 1129 1510 Sperrin Lay-by at former Rambler Ulster History Park 1139 1520 Omagh, Bus Station 1154 1535 Monday to Friday LOUGH Notes No Sunday Service NEAGH X No Omagh, Bus6Station Service May, 12 & 13 July 1005 MOUNTJOY Service Stops Town/Village Saturday Service u v w x y U V W X MARINA Forests Ballymully River DRUM MANOR FOREST PARK Lough Bracken TOOME BALLYRONAN COOKSTOWN KILDRESS Monday to Friday MAGHERAFELT MONEYMORE Service Monday to Saturday TO BELFAST & INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CASTLEDAWSON CARNDAISY WOOD Lissan Water OUGHTMORE MT mourne Ballinderry River AN CREAGAN VISITOR CENTRE CREGGAN Cloghfin River GLENARUDDA FIR CASHEL WOOD Camowen River Drumragh River lough Fea DAVAGH FOREST Sperrin Rambler Newferry Moyola River SLIEVE GALLION SPALTINDOAGH Owenkillew River GORTIN Service 403 Operates year round BELLAGHY BAWN DESERTMARTIN INISCARN FOREST MULLAGHTURK CRAIGNAMADDY TOBERMORE Glenelly River WART DERRYNOID WOOD BELLAGHY lough Beg GOLES FOREST CRANAGH SperrinRamblerTimetable BALLYMENA MAGHERA MULLAGHMORE SAWEL MULLAGHCLOGHA MULLAGHCLOGHER To Ballymena PORTGLENONE FOREST Moor Lough GH HILL Clady River BANAGHER FOREST MULLAGHESH CLADY Colour Key GLENSHANE FOREST DONEMANA School Holidays (inc) • 31 October & 1 November 2012 • 24 December 2012 until 1 Janu • 18 & 19 February 2013 • 28 March until 5 April 2013 • 6 May & 27 May 2013 Service 403 has been made possible with the help of the Rural Transport Fund NI NoSundayservice NoService6May,12and13July Forfurtherinformationonthewalksandtheareacontact: MagherafeltTouristInformationCentre,02879631510 OmaghTouristInformationCentre,02882247831 StrabaneTouristInformationCentre,02871384444 This timetable is available in a range of alternative formats, for example large print, braille or audio tape please call Translink Contact Centre 028 9066 6630 13 The Causeway Coast One of Europes most scenic and breathtaking locations Dunluce Castle, Causeway Coast One of Europe’s most scenic and breathtaking landscapes the Causeway Coast is one of eight Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Northern Ireland. Majestic cliffs overlook the golden sands that merge into fishing villages and silent glens bus services creating a rich natural tapestry which man has interwoven with history, heritage, culture and Myth. Starting from the Dunluce Castle through the fishing village of Portballintrae ending at the unique world renowned Giants Causeway this walk was voted third in the top ten best British coastal walks, as featured in ‘The Independent’. Combined with Public Transport it is a great way to fully appreciate the North Coast. mourne sperrin KeyAttractions Events • Giant’sCauseway–thisWorldHeritageSite isNorthernIreland’smostfamousvisitor attraction.Theextraordinarygeometriccolumns were formed from crystallised lava that erupted 60millionyearsago • PortrushRaftRaceWeekend,Portrush25-26May2013 ( • Carrick-a-RedeRopeBridge–takethe exhilaratingchallengetoCarrick-a-Redeisland (aSiteofSpecialScientificInterest)andenjoy aclifftopexperience.Openallyear(weather permitting) • NIMilkCup,Coleraine29Jul-2August2013 ( mourne • WorldPoliceandFireGames,Portrush6-10August2013 ( sperrin • TheOldBushmills’Distillery-reputedtobethe worlds oldest licensed distillery • DunluceCastle • DunserverickCastle • Portbradden • WhiteParkBay • WhiteRocks causeway 14 • UlsterMilitaryVehicleShow,Portush3-4August2013 ( • Giant’sCausewayandBushmills Heritage Railway • Coleraine-offerssuperbshoppingand recreational opportunities causeway • Coleraine400,Coleraine28-29June2013 ( • Portrush-NorthernIreland’spremierseaside resort, offering a number of family attractions Images: copyright Northern Ireland Tourist Board The Causeway Coast offers majesticlandscapessteeped inMythsandLegends bus services 15 Causeway Rambler Timetable revised Service 402 Coleraine to Carrick-a-rede Causeway Operating 6 May – 29 September 2013 operates 6 May 2013 until 29 September 2013 only Rambler Service Monday - Sunday u v w x y U V W X UsefulInformation LocalHostels/CaravanParks: • BallynessCaravanPark,Bushmills ( There are a number of useful websites that offer further information on the region: • BushCaravanPark,Bushmills ( • • MillRestYouthHostel,Bushmills ( • • SheepIslandViewHostel,Ballintoy ( • • Rambler • • • WhiteparkBayHostel,WhiteparkBay ( bus services Rambler • PortrushHolidayHostel ( • T heAntrimCoasterService252isagreat way to continue along the scenic coastline to Ballycastle,Cushendun,Cushendall,Waterfoot, Glenarm,Larne,CarrickfergusandBelfast.This serviceoperatesuntil29September2012. mourne Rambler bus services causeway Rambler Rambler For further details of the above timetables call into Coleraine Buscentre. kilkeel sperrins Servicea 402 been made possible with help 1310 of the 1410 Rural Transport Fund NI Carrick rede,has Rope Bridge 1110the1210 1610 1710 1810 3 Ballintoy, Main Street 1112 1212 1312 1412 1612 1712 1812 White Park Bay, Mainbus Road services 1115 1215 1315 1415 1615 1715 1815 Dunseverick Castle, Main Road 1120 1220 1320 1420 1620 1720 1820 Giant’s Causeway, Bus Stop Main Rd 1126 1226 1326 1426 1626 1726 1826 Bushmills, War Memorial 2 1135 1235 1335 1435 1635 1735 1835 Bushmills, Ballyness Caravan Park 1137 1237 1337 1437 1637 1737 1837 Bushmills, Distillery 1139 1239 1339 1439 1639 1739 1839 Dunluce Castle bus services1146 1246 1346 1446 1646 1746 1846 Medical Centre, Dunluce Avenue 1 1154 1254 1354 1454 1654 1754 1854 Coleraine, Buscentre 1209 1309 1409 1509 1709 1809 1909 mourne 1 Bus Images: copyright Northern Ireland Tourist Board • T heNorthCoastOpenTopperService177 isanovelwaytoconnectfromtheGiant’s Causeway.Weatherpermittingthisopentop Double-DeckerbusoperatestoPortrushand Colerainefrom1July–1September2013. Service sperrin mourne Alsooperates6May,27May,12and13July Service 402 has been made possible with the help of the Rural Transport Fund NI bus services Daytrips 16 X W V U y x w v u Coleraine, Buscentre 1010 1110 1210 1310 1510 1610 1710 Medical Centre, Dunluce Avenue 1 1025 1125 1225 1325 1525 1625 1725 Dunluce Castle 1033 1133 1233 1333 1533 1633 1733 Bushmills, Distillery 1040 1140 1240 1340 1540 1640 1740 Bushmills, Ballyness Caravan Park 1042 1142 1242 1342 1542 1642 1742 Bushmills, War Memorial 2 1044 1144 1244 1344 1544 1644 1744 revised Main Rd Giant’s Causeway, Bus Stop 1053 1153 1253 1353 1553 1653 1753 Dunseverick Castle, Main Road 1058 1158 1258 1358 1558 1658 1758 Carrick-a-rede White Park Bay, Main Road to Coleraine 1103 1203 1303 1403Causeway 1603 1703 1803 Rambler 3 Ballintoy, Main 1107 1207 1307 operates 6 Street May 2013 until 29 September 20131407 only1607 1707 1807 Carrick a rede, Rope Bridge 1109 1209 1309 1409 1609 1709 1809 Monday - Sunday stops also available for Royal Portrush Golf club, Skerries Caravan Park and White Rocks Beach, Dunluce Road. 2 Bus stop also available on request for The Smugglers Inn, Whitepark Rd 3 Bus stop also available on request for Sheep Island View Hostel, Ballintoy. sperrin Forfurtherinformationonthewalksandtheareacall: CausewayTouristInformationCentre02820731855 ColeraineTouristInformationCentre02870344723 causeway This timetable is available in a range of alternative formats, for example large print, braille or audio tape please call Translink Contact Centre 028 9066 6630 causeway 17 Route map BENBANE HEAD BENGORE HEAD CONTHAM HEAD Port Moon GIANT’S CAUSEWAY Portnaboe Leckilroy Cove BUSHMILLS HERITAGE RAILWAY DUNSEVERICK CASTLE CAUSEWAY CENTRE DUNLUCE CASTLE 6 GID POINT PORTBRADDEN ARTIMACORMICK LISNAGONOGUE BUSHFOOT KILCOOBIN 8 BALLINTOY MAGHERABOY 7 CROAGHMORE TO PORTRUSH & COLERAINE bus services CARNANREAGH DONARD WOOD 1. Whichramblerservicehaveyouusedmostrecently?(PleasetickONE) ISLANDS OF CARNMOON CLARE WOOD BALLINEA UPPER BROUGHGAMMON WOOD CARNMOON WOODS 3 BALLYNESS (& WHITE ROCKS) CRAIGNAMADDY MOYARGET WOOD 402 Service Route Lakes/Reservoirs 16 sperrin Rivers Rivers LPS © Crown Copyright and database rights, NIMA ES&LA211 Forests DUNMORE HEAD Please indicate date and time of travel 2. Howwouldyouratetheservice?(PleasetickONE) * Good * Average 16 Sea 16 Service Stops 407 Service Route Town/Hamlet Roads Mountain Peaks Rivers Caravan Parks 405 Service Route Forests Other please state kilkeel * Shopping * Access to services * Sight-seeing * Getting to and from work * Gettingtoandfromschool/college * Social/Leisure Other please state 5. How did you find out about the service? Roads Town/Hamlet Mountain Peaks Lakes/Reservoirs 16 Service Stops Sea * Translink website * Tourist Information Centre * Newspaper Other please state 18 Poor * Very Poor ANNALONG 4. Whatwasthepurposeofyourjourney?(Pleasetickallthatapply) Service Stops Mountain Peaks Rivers * Lakes/Reservoirs Town/Village kilkeel Spences River 5 * Causeway * Everyday * 2-3timesperweek * Once a week * 2-3timespermonth * Once a month * Once a year causeway 403 Service Route * Sperrin 3. How often would you use the service? Service Stops Sea causeway Roads * Kilkeel Dundrum Bay Please give a reason Forests Roads BALLYCASTLE * Mourne * Very Good sperrin mourne KINBANE OR WHITEHEAD Portnakillew CRAIGNAGOLMAN KNOCKNAGARVAN ISLANDCORR 2 Port More Pleasehelpustoimproveourservices byansweringthefollowingquestions: BALLYNASTRAID LISNAGONOGUE WOOD BUSHMILLS 9 LANNIMORE HILL LEMNAGH BEG mourne 4 RAMBLERQUESTIONNAIRE SHEEP ISLAND Boheeshane CARRICKAREDE Bay Larry Bane ISLAND Bay White Park Bay LEMNAGH MORE bus services 1 ISLANDLEAN GEERAGH POINT CARROWREAGH 5 BUSHFOOT STRAND PORTBALLINTRAE ISLANDOO Colour Key Port na Spaniagh * Translinkstation/busstop * Magazine advertisement * Word of mouth 6. If the rambler service wasn’t available, how would you have travelled? * Other bus service * Train * Travel Elsewhere * Not Travel * Car * Taxi Other please state 7. If by other bus, please state service 8. What improvements, if any, do you think should be made to the rambler service? Thank you for your participation in this survey. To be entered into our competition, please provide the following personal details and return with your bus ticket receipt: Age: Sex: Contact Details: * 16 – 24 * Male * 25 – 34 * Female * 35 – 44 * 45 – 64 * 65+ Name PostalDistrict/PostCode Telephone/Email Address To assist with service development we may use this survey for market research, if you do not wish to be included please tick box. Your privacy is important to us. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. * Return form to: Translink, Rural Transport Unit, 3 Milewater Road, Belfast, BT3 9BG
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