Author`s personal copy - Laboratoire d`étude des Transferts en
Author`s personal copy - Laboratoire d`étude des Transferts en
Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble Spécialité : Sciences de la Planète Synthèse des travaux de recherche Présentée en vue de l’obtention de L’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches Aquifères, recharges et transferts d’eau en zone non-saturée: Caractérisation par spatialisation et suivi temporel géophysique Marc Descloitres Ingénieur de Recherche à l’IRD LTHE (UMR IRD/UJF/CNRS/G-INP) Equipe Hydrogéophysique CERMO, 460 Rue de la piscine BP 53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9 Jury : MM Michel CHOUTEAU, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Rapporteur Michel DIAMENT, IPG Paris, Rapporteur Jean Pierre GOURC, LTHE Grenoble, Examinateur Anatoly LEGCHENKO, LTHE Grenoble, Examinateur Olivier RIBOLZI, LMTG Toulouse, Examinateur Pascal SAILHAC, EOST Strasbourg, Rapporteur Date de soutenance : 31 mai 2010 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 1 Résumé Ce document présente la synthèse de mes travaux de recherche, qui portent sur l’étude des aquifères et des processus de transferts d’eau dans le sous-sol par les outils géophysiques. Ces recherches ont été menées sur les chantiers de l’IRD dans les pays du Sud, souvent confrontés à la rareté des eaux de surface, et qui se tournent de plus en plus vers l’exploitation des ressources en eau souterraine. Les études antérieures permettent de décrire les principaux modèles conceptuels des aquifères et des processus hydrologiques associés (recharge, infiltration dans la proche surface). Néanmoins, selon le contexte géologique et climatique, des questions restent en suspens, comme le rôle que pourraient jouer les ravines de versant dans la recharge, ou comme la description fine du cycle de l’eau à l’échelle des tous premiers décimètres des sols sableux, support de la végétation. Pour mieux gérer la ressource, il est nécessaire d’avoir une meilleure connaissance i) des processus de recharge à l’échelle régionale, et ii) de la structure du sous-sol, notamment des formations argileuses, moins perméables. En zone de socle, les ressources en eau sont modestes et leur prospection est difficile sans l’aide des outils de la géophysique. Mes activités de recherches sont déclinées selon trois axes thématiques: i) la spatialisation des aquifères, ii) l’étude de leur recharge dans différents contextes géologiques et climatiques, et iii) la spatialisation des processus élémentaires de transfert de l’eau en zone non saturée. Un quatrième axe, méthodologique, permet l’adaptation de certains outils géophysiques aux spécificités des aquifères et des processus hydrologiques en jeu. La démarche scientifique utilisée comprend des allers-retours entre modélisations numériques et études de terrain menées sur des bassins versants expérimentaux permettant de disposer de données extérieures, et de croiser les interprétations avec d’autres disciplines. Les méthodes géophysiques utilisées sont principalement les méthodes d’imagerie de résistivité électrique (méthodes à courant continu ou électromagnétiques), et la Résonance Magnétique des Protons, méthode récente de l’hydrogéophysique. Un aspect méthodologique important est l’utilisation des suivis temporels pour traquer les lieux de recharge et les transferts d’eau dans les sols, ceux-ci créant des contrastes géophysiques suffisants pour les suivre spatialement et temporellement. Les résultats peuvent être synthétisés ainsi : i) La spatialisation géophysique des aquifères de socle à l’échelle du bassin versant permet de mieux comprendre l’organisation des régoliths (réservoir) et de leurs propriétés hydriques. A l’échelle régionale, ce sont les systèmes aquifères sédimentaires qui se prêtent le mieux à une spatialisation, en particulier s’ils comprennent des formations argileuses. Dans tous les cas, l’utilisation de la RMP permet de quantifier la ressource en présence. ii) Les lieux de recharge dans les versants dépendent du contexte géologique et climatique. Au sahel nous avons mis en évidence des processus d’infiltrations sous les versants sableux en zone sédimentaire, alors que dans les zones de socle, les versants ne participent pas à la recharge. En zone plus humide, les suivis temporels géophysiques permettent de connaître la forme des infiltrations temporaires sous les ravines. iii) Les processus hydriques dans les sols sableux peuvent être appréhendés par des suivis temporels de résistivité. Ceux-ci permettent de connaître les zones préférentielles d’infiltration et de dessiccation lors de cycles courts. Dans les sols argileux, les relations entre résistivité et variables hydrologiques sont plus difficiles à établir et cela limite les possibilités d’emploi de la résistivité. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 2 iv) D’un point de vue méthodologique, ces études mettent en évidence les sérieuses difficultés rencontrées lors de certains suivis temporels de résistivité. Nos études récentes permettent de proposer une fiabilisation de ces suivis. L’apport de la RMP a été déterminant, par sa capacité à quantifier des paramètres hydriques des terrains étudiés. Dans le cadre des prolongements du programme AMMA en Afrique de l’Ouest, les perspectives de mon travail auront principalement pour objectif la spatialisation des ressources en eau souterraine des zones de socle, l’identification des zones de recharge à plus grande échelle, en utilisant un couplage accru entre la RMP et les méthodes de résistivité, ainsi que les potentialités offertes par les suivis temporels électromagnétiques. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 3 Liste des abréviations utilisées • AMMA : Analyse Multidisciplinaire de la Mousson Africaine • AMMA-Catch : Observatoire ORE « Couplage de l’ATmosphére et du Cycle Hydrologique » • ANR Ghyraf: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, projet « Gravimétrie et Hydrologie en Afrique » • BRGM : Bureau de Recherche Géologique et Minière • BVET : ORE « Bassin Versants Expérimentaux Tropicaux » • EAGE : European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers • EC2CO « Ondine » : projet Ecosphère Continentale et Côtière » Impact des changements d’usages des terres sur la genèse des crues » • ERT : Electrical Resistivity Tomography • GEOFCAN : Réseau de Recherche sur la Géophysique des Couvertures Anthropisées et Naturelles • HSM : Laboratoire HydroSciences Montpellier • IRD : Institut de recherche pour le Développement • LMTG : Laboratoire de Mécanique des Transferts en Géologie • LTHE : Laboratoire d’Etude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement • ORE : Observatoire Régional en Environnement (maintenant SO : Service d’Observation) • OSUG : Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Grenoble • RMP : Résonance Magnétique des Protons • TDEM : Time Domain Electromagnetism • ZNS : zone non-saturée Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 4 Table des matières Pages 1ère partie : CURRICULUM VITAE 1 Diplômes 7 2. Etapes principales de ma carrière 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 2.1 2.2 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. Résumé 1992-1996: Affectation au centre IRD de Dakar, Sénégal 1996-1999: Préparation d’une thèse à Paris 2000-2003: Affectation au Burkina Faso, UR Geovast 2003-2006: Visiting scientist à l’Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Inde 2006-2010: Affectation au LTHE à Grenoble 3. Synthèse des publications 12 4. Encadrements et enseignements 13 13 13 16 4.1 Direction de thèses 4.2 Tableau des encadrements d’étudiants de 3ème cycle, 1992-2009 4.3 Enseignements 5. Participation à des projets scientifiques 16 2ème partie : TRAVAUX DE RECHERCHE Introduction 18 1. Questions scientifiques abordées 1.1. Les aquifères de socle a) Distribution verticale des propriétés hydrauliques b) Aquifères de socle sous climat sahélien c) Aquifères de socle sous climat soudanien à guinéen 1.2 Les aquifères sédimentaires en zone semi-aride 1.3 Les processus élémentaires à l’échelle de la parcelle ou de la séquence de sols 2. Méthodologie 2.1. Approche générale 2.2. Principales méthodes géophysiques employées a) Méthodes de résistivité b) La Résonance Magnétique des Protons (RMP) c) Autres méthodes utilisées 2.3. Exemples de mise en œuvre des méthodes géophysiques a) Site de Katchari, Burkina Faso b) Site de Moole Hole, Inde du Sud c) Site d’Ara, Nord Bénin d) Autres sites étudiés 3. Synthèse des résultats 3.1. Spatialisation des aquifères a) Spatialisation des altérites de socle et de leurs paramètres hydriques b) Spatialisation régionale des aquifères sédimentaires c) En résumé 3.2 Recharge des aquifères a) Les ravines de versant sont-elles des lieux de recharge ? b) Comment s’effectue la recharge des aquifères par les ravines de bas fond ? Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 19 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 27 29 29 31 32 32 33 34 34 35 36 36 36 40 43 44 44 48 5 c) En résumé 3.3. Etude des transferts d’eau dans les premiers décimètres du sol a) Les transferts d’eau dans une micro-dune lors de cycles de pluie b) Les transferts d’eau dans un système de sols c) En résumé 3.4. Apports méthodologiques a) Conception d’une sonde de diagraphie de résistivité en zone non-saturée b) Vers une fiabilisation des imageries de suivi temporel de résistivité 4. Perspectives Introduction 4.1 Projet de recherche au Bénin a) Spatialiser les ressources en eau en zone de socle à l’échelle régionale b) Spatialiser la recharge à l’échelle du bassin versant c) Mieux quantifier le bilan de l’eau souterraine à l’échelle du site 4.2 Autres projets a) Spatialiser la dynamique des infiltrations par suivi temporel de résistivité b) La résistivité est-elle un marqueur de la dégradation des déchets 50 51 51 55 57 58 58 58 62 62 63 63 65 66 68 68 69 Conclusion 71 Références bibliographiques 72 Annexe 1. Liste des publications 77 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Publications dans des journaux à comité de lecture Articles soumis Brevet Conférences internationales avec actes Conférences nationales, colloques et réunions scientifiques Rapports de contrats, de mission Contributions diverses Relectures d’articles pour revues à comité de lecture Annexe 2. Tirés à part des principaux articles Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 78 79 80 80 82 84 85 85 86 6 CURRICULUM VITAE Marc DESCLOITRES > Géophysicien, Ingénieur de Recherche 1ère classe à l’IRD > Depuis 2006 : membre de l’équipe Hydrogéophysique (HGP) au Laboratoire d’étude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement (LTHE), Université de Grenoble. Bat. CERMO, bureau 333 460 Rue de la Piscine BP 53, 38041 GRENOBLE Tel [email protected] 1 Diplômes ¾ 1998 : Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Paris 6, Laboratoire de Géophysique Appliquée. Sujet : « Les sondages électromagnétiques en domaine temporel (TDEM) : Application à la prospection d’aquifères sur les volcans de Fogo (Cap Vert) et du Piton de la Fournaise (la Réunion) ». Thèse de Doctorat de l’Université de Paris 6, direction A. Tabbagh. ¾ 1986 : DEA « Mécanique des Milieux Géophysiques et Environnement », IRIGM, Grenoble. Sujet : « Modélisation analytique des contraintes dans une formation calcaire soumise à des poussées horizontales». ¾ 1985 : Maîtrise de Géologie Expérimentale, Université Grenoble 1. 2. Etapes principales de ma carrière 2.1 Résumé Depuis 1986, j’ai exercé les fonctions d’ingénieur en géophysique dans diverses structures (CEA, bureau d’étude) et depuis 1991 à l’ORSTOM (IRD). Après ma thèse de doctorat en 1998, mon activité s’est orientée vers la conception, la réalisation et la valorisation de recherches en géophysique appliquée aux eaux souterraines, ce qu’on appelle maintenant l’hydrogéophysique. La plupart de mes activités se sont déroulées dans les pays du Sud où l’IRD développe des partenariats, déploie des dispositifs d’observation de l’environnement, et nous incite à former nos partenaires par la recherche. J’ai ainsi alterné des périodes d’expatriation avec des périodes dans des laboratoires en France (tableau 1). Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 7 Poste Organisme Structure Equipe Projet « Houillères de Provence » Ingénieur CEA VSN CEA Ingénieur SIMECSOL Ingénieur d’étude 2ème classe (IE2) ORSTOM (IRD) Laboratoire de Détection Géophysique Observatorio San Calixto Bureau d’étude (120 ingénieurs) Centre IRD d’île de France ORSTOM (IRD) ORSTOM (IRD) Centre IRD de Dakar Université de Paris 6 Géophysique IRD Centre IRD de Ouagadougou IRD Indian Institute of Science IRD LTHE IE2 IE2 Ingénieur de Recherche 2ème classe (IR2) Ingénieur de Recherche 1ère classe (IR1) IR1 Lieux Dates Paris 1987 La Paz, Bolivie Paris 1988 1990 Bondy 1991 Dakar, Sénégal Paris 19921996 19961999 UR Geovast Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 20002003 Cellule Franco Indienne de Recherche sur l’Eau Hydrogéophysique (HGP) Bangalore, Inde 20032006 Grenoble 20062010 « Mesures dynamiques » Géophysique Laboratoire de géophysique appliquée Tableau 1. Postes occupés durant ma carrière. 2.2. 1992-1996 : Affectation au centre IRD de Dakar, Sénégal Ingénieur géophysicien au centre IRD de Dakar, je développe, sous la responsabilité de Michel Ritz, une activité basée sur l’application de méthodes géophysiques aux problèmes d’eau souterraine. Les projets sur les aquifères du Sénégal en zone côtière, puis sur l’aquifère profond du Maastrichien étudié par l’équipe de Michel Chouteau de l’école Polytechnique de Montréal (Giroud et al., 1997) nous confortent sur la nécessité de renforcer à l’IRD une thématique géophysique dédiée aux eaux souterraines. Yves Albouy, géophysicien au centre IRD de Bondy, structure ces projets avec le programme « Géaquif » (Géophysique appliquée aux aquifères), et deux projets majeurs vont émerger en dehors du Sénégal: ¾ Le projet « Hydrofournaise » à l’île de La Réunion permet d’appliquer des sondages électromagnétiques de résistivité aux aquifères: Audio-Magnétotéllurique (AMT) et Very Low Frequency (VLF) tout d’abord, puis utilisation du Time Domain ElectroMagnetism (TDEM) sous l’impulsion de Pierre Andrieux (Paris 6) et d’Yves Albouy (IRD Bondy). A la suite de ces études, l’application de ces méthodes pour la prospection d’aquifères volcaniques est validée (Courteaud et al., 1996 ; Robineau et al., 1997 ; Ritz et al., 1997 ; Descloitres et al., 1997). ¾ Le projet « Aquifères du volcan Fogo » (archipel des îles du Cap Vert) étudie les aquifères de la caldeira et des flancs du volcan avec la méthode TDEM. Nos mesures TDEM montrent dans la caldeira des problèmes majeurs. Je décide de monter un Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 8 projet de recherche avec la mission de coopération Française au Cap-Vert, et les données collectées serviront pour la réalisation de ma thèse. Parallèlement à la réalisation de ces projets, des collègues travaillant au Cameroun (H. Robain et J. J. Braun) nous sollicitent pour prospecter les sols de bassins versants en forêt équatoriale (Robain et al., 1996). Grâce à l’émergence de nouvelles méthodes de mesures (tomographie de résistivité électrique, radar géologique), je contribue à la constitution d’un pôle d’étude des sols tropicaux par méthodes géophysiques. Ces études se poursuivront plus tard avec la création de l’équipe «Geovast», faisant suite au programme «Géaquif». 2.3 . 1996-1999: Préparation d’une thèse à Paris La mise en évidence de courbes de sondage TDEM anormales dans la caldeira du volcan Fogo me conduit à réaliser une thèse au Laboratoire de Géophysique Appliquée de l’Université de Paris 6 sous la direction d’Alain Tabbagh. Cette étude ne sera pas relatée dans ce document. Pour résumer, elle m’amène à proposer une méthodologie adaptée à la reconnaissance et au traitement des anomalies de résistivité complexe en TDEM (Descloitres et al, 2000). En parallèle, une nouvelle idée naît dans l’équipe Géaquif : celle d’introduire une paramétrisation à base de données géophysiques dans les modèles hydrogéologiques. Je monte, avec Roger Guérin de Paris 6, une action qui vient renforcer le programme PNRH de notre collègue Anne Coudrain (Paris 6) portant sur la dynamique d’un aquifère salé d’extension régionale en Bolivie (altiplano). Nos collègues hydrogéologues comptent contraindre la modélisation des flux souterrains par les limites géométriques données par la géophysique. Grâce aux données acquises en TDEM, j’établis une relation régionale permettant de délimiter des zones argileuses peu conductrices hydrauliquement (Guérin et al., 2001). Enfin, divers projets d’applications du TDEM et du radar géologique voient le jour, à mon initiative: • Premières prospections radar appliquées à la reconnaissance des épaisseurs des glaciers en France et en Bolivie au sein de l’équipe « Great Ice » de l’IRD (Descloitres et al., 1999). Les résultats sont largement utilisés dans la thèse d’Edson Ramirez sur le glacier de Chacaltaya en Bolivie (Ramirez et al., 2000). • Utilisation de la méthode TDEM pour l’étude des glissements de terrain argileux, dans le cadre de la thèse de Myriam Schmutz (Université de Strasbourg, Schmutz et al., 1999 et 2000). 2.4 . 2000-2003 : Affectation au Burkina Faso, UR Geovast Fin 99, je contribue à définir les objectifs d’une Unité de Recherche IRD montée par Henri Robain, l’UR « Geovast », qui réunit pédologues et géophysiciens. Cette équipe compte étudier la spatialisation des sols tropicaux et leur dynamique hydrique par le suivi temporel de paramètres géophysiques. Lors de mon affectation au Burkina Faso, je travaille principalement sur le terrain de l’équipe « Erosion et Changements d’Usage des terres » (ECU) de l’IRD où j’organise les opérations géophysiques. Elles sont couplées avec les études hydrologiques menées par Olivier Ribolzi et Jean Pierre Delhoume. Nous étudions avec nos méthodes respectives les mêmes processus hydriques de ces milieux semi-arides à Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 9 différentes échelles spatiales (de la parcelle au bassin versant), et temporelles (de l’évènement pluvieux à la saison hydrologique). Les résultats obtenus montrent les avantages, mais surtout les limites de certains suivis temporels de résistivité (Descloitres et al., 2003). La problématique de recharge des aquifères est aussi abordée grâce aux suivis temporels de résistivité en coupe 2D. Nous étudions aussi certains processus d’infiltration à fine échelle en conditions semi contrôlées (Descloitres et al., 2008). Ces expériences seront décrites dans la deuxième partie de ce mémoire car elles ont fondé une partie importante de mon travail de recherche des années suivantes. A ce moment (2003), la question méthodologique que je me pose est la suivante : « la méthode de suivi temporel de résistivité est-elle suffisamment fiable pour en tirer des renseignements utiles à notre compréhension des cycles souterrains de l’eau? ». Parallèlement à ces études sur le processus, je poursuis aussi mes recherches sur la caractérisation géophysique des aquifères de socle. J’encadre localement la thèse de Ghislain Toé (Paris 6) dirigée par Pierre Andrieux et Yves Albouy, portant sur une thématique d’imagerie géophysique des aquifères de socle (Toé et al., conf. EAGE, Paris, 2004). Je conçois une étude sur l’imagerie en suivi temporel de résistivité lors de l’hydrofracturation des forages de socle et encadre à cette occasion deux diplômants de Lausanne, Mathieu Beck et Denis Girardet, avec Dominique Chapellier (Beck et al., conférence Geofcan, 2001). Enfin, l’étude des aquifères de socle est abordée avec la Résonance Magnétique des Protons, méthode émergente et sujet de la thèse de mon collègue Jean Michel Vouillamoz : nous réalisons la première expérimentation de la méthode en zone de socle en Afrique (Vouillamoz et al., 2005). D’autres thématiques voient le jour au Niger et du Bénin : • • Au Niger, à l’occasion de la thèse de Sylvain Massuel (direction Guillaume Favreau) nous essayons de mettre en évidence les lieux d’infiltration profonde le bassin versant expérimental de Wankama (Massuel et al., 2006). A cette occasion, et en collaboration avec mon collègue Yann Le Troquer, je conçois et fabrique un outil de diagraphie, la sonde gonflable qui sera breveté par l’IRD. Il sera largement utilisé par la suite, par exemple en Inde (Braun et al., 2009). Au Bénin je réalise les premières mesures géophysiques sur le bassin versant du Service d’Observation (SO « AMMA-Catch ») avec l’aide de Maxime Wubda que j’encadre pour son stage de DESS. Les résultats, permettent d’enrichir la première compréhension des processus hydrologiques au Bénin (Kamagaté et al., 2007). Aussi, ce travail fournit des hypothèses sur le rôle des nappes perchées pour la modélisation hydrologique faite par Mathieu Le Lay, en thèse au LTHE (Lelay et al., 2008). 2.5 . 2003-2006 : Visiting scientist à l’Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Inde. L’expertise acquise au Burkina Faso m’amène à participer à un projet initié par Jean Jacques Braun et Henri Robain en collaboration avec nos collègues indiens de l’Indian Institute of Science (IISc). Différentes problématiques hydrologiques attendent la contribution des outils géophysiques sur les bassins versants expérimentaux de la Cellule Franco-Indienne de Recherche en Science de l’Eau (CEFIRSE), à Bangalore. Je propose de réaliser une spatialisation géophysique selon 3 échelles : Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 10 a) La parcelle de sols (collaborations L. Barbiéro, L. Ruiz et M. S. Mohan Kumar), qui nous permet de réaliser des expériences de suivi temporel de résistivité sur tout le cycle de mousson. Nous nous heurtons de nouveau à des problèmes d’artefacts d’imagerie de résistivité. La cartographie géophysique des sols à l’échelle du bassin permet de compléter la compréhension du fonctionnement des sols (Barbiéro et al., 2007). b) Le versant (collaborations L. Ruiz et M. Sekhar). A cette échelle, il faut comprendre la recharge des aquifères. L’utilisation de la méthode RMP par A. Legchenko montre l’apport de la modélisation 2D (Legchenko et al., 2006). Les résultats sont comparés avec succès avec les images de résistivité 2D, et je montre la faisabilité du suivi temporel en RMP pour l’étude de la recharge localisée (Descloitres et al., 2008). Ces études concrétisent nos espoirs de voir cette méthode applicable à des géométries d’aquifère complexes Pour le suivi temporel de résistivité, j’ai retrouvé à cette échelle les mêmes problèmes que ceux rencontrés au Burkina Faso. D’autres études montrent des problèmes similaires (Kemna et al., 2004). Je décide d’en faire un thème de recherche méthodologique et la thèse de Rémi Clément que je co-encadre au LTHE portera partiellement sur cette thématique. c) Le bassin versant (collaborations J. J Braun, J. Riotte et nos collègues de l’IISc). L’objectif final est de réaliser le bilan géochimique d’altération de ces roches cristallines sous climat tropical. Nous avons réalisé une étude couplée géochimie/géophysique, et Simon Fleury, stagiaire de l’EOST de Strasbourg, a réalisé sous ma direction une étude sur les incertitudes des paramètres d’inversion en imagerie de résistivité (Braun et al., 2009). Enfin, depuis l’Inde, je participe au montage de la nouvelle équipe Hydro-GéoPhysique (HGP) au LTHE, que je rejoins en 2006, pour approfondir ma formation d’utilisateur de la méthode RMP. 2.6 . 2006-2010 : Affectation au LTHE à Grenoble A mon arrivée au LTHE mes objectifs sont de fiabiliser le suivi temporel de résistivité, et contribuer ainsi à l’étude du bilan de l’eau. Outre la valorisation de nos actions « Inde », je participe à plusieurs projets : a) La spatialisation des transferts d’eau dans le sous-sol par suivi temporel de résistivité nécessite une amélioration des procédures d’imagerie existantes. C’est un des volets de la thèse de Rémi Clément. Récemment, des avancées très significatives ont été obtenues (Clément et al., 2009), grâce à l’outil d’inversion développé par le Dr Thomas Gunther du Leibniz Institute of Applied Geophysics de Hanovre avec qui nous avons monté une collaboration. D’autre part, nous profitons du projet ANR « Bioréacteur » (coordination J. P Gourc, LTHE) pour appliquer cette méthodologie à une thématique environnementale majeure, celle de l’optimisation de la biodégradation des déchets ménagers (Clément et al., 2010). J’y greffe aussi un suivi temporel de résistivité par sondage électromagnétique TDEM. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 11 b) Une approche couplée entre géophysique et modélisation est de nouveau tentée au Niger avec mes collègues IRD d’HydroSciences Montpellier (HSM). Cette approche est initiée au Niger par J. M. Vouillamoz et G. Favreau et j’apporte ma contribution à ce projet en réalisant des sondages électromagnétiques TDEM (Boucher et al., 2009). Un autre projet, près du Lac Tchad (coord. P Genthon) m’offre la possibilité de coupler le TDEM à la RMP. Avec Kostas Chalikakis (post-doc LTHE), nous réalisons la première prospection des aquifères de la vallée de la rivière Komadougou. Pierre Genthon (HSM) me propose de co-encadrer la thèse de Abdou Moumouni, hydrogéologue nigérien, commencée en 2009. c) Le programme Ghyraf (Gravimétrie et Hydrologie en Afrique de l’Ouest, coordination J. Hinderer, EOST Strasbourg) m’offre la possibilité de coupler les méthodes RMP et électriques sur des sites expérimentaux de l’ORE Amma-Catch, notamment au Bénin (Descloitres et al., 2010, soumis). d) La capacité de la RMP à détecter de l’eau liquide en fait une méthode idéale pour le projet d’étude de l’eau liquide dans les glaciers, monté en collaboration avec Christian Vincent du LGGE (Descloitres et al., 2010, rapport de mission LTHE). 3. Synthèse des publications La liste complète de mes publications est retranscrite en annexe 1. J’en donne la synthèse sous forme d’histogramme sur le tableau 2 ci-dessous. Tableau 2. Synthèse des publications depuis 1992 (mise à jour : 21/02/2010) Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 12 4. Encadrements et enseignements 4. 1 Direction de thèses Clément, R. Caractérisation de l’infiltration par imagerie et suivi temporel géophysique. Méthodes électriques, électromagnétiques et RMP. Thèse sur bourse Ministère de la Recherche, Directeur de thèse : J. P. Laurent ; LTHE, co-directeur de thèse : M. Descloitres, LTHE. 2007-2010. Moumouni, A. Hydrogéophysique des invasions salées de l’aquifère de Bosso, Est Niger. Caractérisation, modélisation et possibilités d’exploitation. Directeur de thèse : Pierre Genthon, DR IRD, HSM (partie hydrogéologie) ; co-directeur de thèse : M. Descloitres, LTHE (partie géophysique). Thèse préparée à l’Université de Niamey, en cours 2009-2012. Toé, G. 2004. Apport de nouvelles méthodes géophysiques à la connaissance des aquifères de socle. Tomographie électrique, électromagnétisme fréquentiel, sondages par résonance magnétique des protons. Applications au Burkina Faso. Thèse de doctorat de l’Université de Paris 6, soutenue le 11 juin 2004. Directeurs de thèse : Andrieux, P., Albouy, Y., Legchenko, A. Co-encadrant au Burkina Faso pendant 3x6 mois, membre du jury. 4.2 Tableau des encadrements d’étudiants de 3ème cycle, 1992-2009 Depuis 1992, j’ai encadré 24 étudiants de 3ème cycle, surtout de 5ème année universitaire, mais aussi lors de thèses, pour lesquelles j’ai apporté mon expertise sur certains outils géophysiques, l’étudiant mettant ensuite en œuvre lui-même la méthode sur le terrain. Je recense dans le tableau 3 ci-dessous le détail de ces encadrements, en précisant les sujets traités ainsi que les co-publications issues de leurs travaux (y compris pour les 3 étudiants en thèse cités plus haut). Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 13 THESES PARTENAIRES Post Docs THESES FRANCE Nom de l’étudiant Année/ durée Responsabilité Titre du mémoire Co-publications CLEMENT Rémi 2007-2010 LTHE Co-directeur Caractérisation de l’infiltration par imagerie et suivi temporel géophysique. Méthodes électriques, électromagnétiques et RMP * 2 articles: C. R. Geosciences (1), Waste M.(1), * 2 articles soumis (Near Surface Geophysics, Waste management), 4 conférences : EAGE (1), EGU (1), Geofcan (1), MRS2009 (1) TOE Ghislain 2002-2004 Paris 6 Co-encadrant Apport de nouvelles méthodes géophysiques à la connaissance des aquifères de socle au Burkina Faso * 1 conférence: EAGE (1) MASSUEL Sylvain 2002 HSM Participation * 1 article : Catena (1), * 3 conférences : MRS 2009 (2), Geofcan (1) SCHMUTZ Myriam 1998-1999 Univ. Strasbourg Participation Évolution récente de la ressource en eau consécutive aux changements climatiques et environnementaux du sudouest du Niger Apport des méthodes géophysiques à la connaisance des glissements-coulées. RAMIREZ Edson 1998 Paris 6 Participation * 3 articles : Journal of Glaciology (1), Pangea (1), Houille Blanche (1) COURTEAUD Michel Participation BOUCHER Marie 1994-95 Univ. La Réunion 2008-2009 HSM Influence de la variabilité climatique sur un glacier de la Cordillère Royale de Bolivie : le Glacier de Chacaltaya (16°S). Etude des structures géologiques et hydrogéologiques du massif de la Fournaise par la méthode AMT Participation Hydrogéophysique CHALIKAKIS Konstantinos MOUMOUNI Abdou Moussa 2008-2009 LTHE 2009-2012 U. Niamey Participation Hydrogéophysique * 1 article en cours de rédaction Co-directeur Les nappes salées de l’aquifère de la Komadougou, Est Niger * 1 article en cours de rédaction PARATE Harshad 2004-2005 IISC Inde Co-encadrant Modélisation des flux d’eau en zone non saturée * 1 article en review à Current Science (Inde) CHAUDURY Abhijit 2004-2005 IISC Inde Participation Modélisation stochastique d’un aquifère de socle * 1 article en review à Mathematical Geology * 2 articles : Revue Géotechnique (1), Surveys in Geophysics (1), * 1 conférence : EGS (1) * 4 articles : Geophysics (1), Groundwater (1), Comptes rendus Geosciences (1), Water Resources Research (1) *4 conférences : IAH (2), EEG (1), EEGS (1) * 1 article: Comptes Rendus Geoscience (1), * 2 conférences : MRS2009 (1), AMMA (1) Tableau 3. 1ère partie Etudiants encadrés en thèse Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 14 5ème année DEA / DESS/ M2P / Ingénieurs 5ème année universitaire : DEA Ingénieurs, Partenaires de l’IRD Volont. Internat SIMONOVICI Patrick Denis 2009, 5 mois INPG Responsable Application de la tomographie électrique au suivi infiltrométrique . Géophysique appliquée au suivi des déchets. Chatuzange. PARRA Johan 2007 6 mois M2P Coresponsable FLEURY Simon 2005, 6 mois EOST Responsable Determination of the weathered thickness at Moole Hole and Maddur watersheds using 2D electrical imaging SIMONATO Nelly 2003 2 mois DESS Participation Prospection géophysique du bassin versant de Moole Hole, Inde WUBDA Maxime 2003 DESS Responsable Prospections géophysiques sur le bassin versant d’ARA, Nord Bénin * 1 article soumis (Near Surface Geophysics) * 2 conférences : EAGE (1), AMMA (1) BECK Matthieu 2001-2002 10 mois Lausanne 2001-2002 10 mois Lausanne 1996 DESS Responsable Diagraphies électriques pour l’optimisation de l’hydrofracturation au Burkina Faso * 1 conférence : Geofcan (1) Responsable Diagraphies électriques pour l’optimisation de l’hydrofracturation au Burkina Faso * 1 conférence : Geofcan (1) Coresponsable * 1 conférence : Geofcan (1) LAMY Violaine 1995 DESS 4 mois CoResponsable Etude hydrogéologique et géophysique des aquifères de la zone du Ngalenka, périmètre irrigué de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal Application du radar géologique à l’étude des formations superficielles en régions sahéliennes et méditerranéennes FORGET Francis TCHANI Joseph 1994 DESS 4 mois 1995-96, Univ. Dakar CoResponsable Responsable GOMIS Raymond 1995-96 Univ. Dakar Responsable DIOUF Same 1995-96 Univ. Dakar CoResponsable KOUSSOUBE Youssouf 1992, 2 mois Dakar Coresponsable BOST Adelphe 2006-2007 Responsable * 1 article : Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (1) * 1 conférence : Goldschmitd Conférence (1) GIRARDET Denis ZANOLIN Anne Utilisation du VLF pour la reconnaissance de la structure du volcan Fogo (Cap-Vert) L'aquifère des sables quaternaires au Nord de la presqu'île du Cap-Vert (Sénégal): Analyse d'un cas d'invasion saline. L’aquifère des sables quaternaires de la presqu’île du Cap-Vert (Sénégal) : Morphologie déduite des données hydrogéologiques et géophysiques Application de la géophysique (électrique et sismique) pour l’étude du réservoir de l'aquifère du littoral Nord Sénégalais Etude géophysique du Nord Sénégal Geophysical, geological and cartographic survey at the Moole Hole and Maddur watersheds, South India * 3 conférences : EAGE (1), Goldschmidt (1), MRS2007 (1) Tableau 3. 2ème partie : Etudiants encadrés en 5ème année universitaire. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 15 4.3. Enseignements Impliqué depuis 1998 dans quelques formations professionnelles, principalement à destination de nos partenaires africains ou indiens, je participe depuis mon arrivée au LTHE à des sessions de cours sur l’hydrogéophysique, avec mes collègues S. Garambois et A. Legchenko. Le but est de donner une formation pratique adaptée à des ingénieurs, leur permettant de comprendre les techniques récentes de l’hydrogéophysique et d’en mesurer les avantages et les limites, dans le cadre de projets environnementaux intégrant plusieurs disciplines. • • • • Co-responsable du module « Hydrogéophysique» du Master2P « Eaux Souterraines » de l’UFR « OSUG » à l’Université J. Fourrier de Grenoble. Cours « Hydrogéophysique, méthodes électriques », 25 heures de cours –TD- TP terrain). Cours de géophysique de 3ème année du cycle Universitaire « Polytech » 2008 et 2009 à l’Université J. Fourrier de Grenoble (15 heures de cours –TD). « Géophysique appliquée aux problèmes environnementaux » Formation à l’imagerie par tomographie de résistivité, 2007, Institut Technologique du Karnataka, Suratkhal, Inde, 15 étudiants niveau 3ème cycle, 2 jours de cours et TD. Séminaire de cours « Géophysique Appliquée en Prospection Minière », 1999, IRD, Guinée Conakry, 5 jours. 5. Participation à des projets scientifiques Depuis 1992, j’ai participé à différents programmes d’expertise et de recherche. Depuis 1998, je suis responsable de volets de recherche au sein de programmes principalement nationaux. Ces programmes sont décrits dans le tableau 4 ci-dessous. Nom du programme et thématique Année(s) Origine des financements Montant géré Volets de recherche en tant que responsable, publications et conférences issues de ces actions (euros) Interreg Risques glaciaires 20102011 Projet Européen 15000 De l’eau liquide dans le glacier de Tête Rousse ? 2009 « TUNES » UJF France 12000 20082010 EC2CO France 5000 20092010 ADEME France 13000 « Bioréacteur » Optimisation de la gestion des déchets 20072009 ANR France 10 000 Ghyraf : Gravimétrie et Hydrologie en Afrique. 20082010 ANR Niger/Bénin 5 000 Ondine : Impact des changements d’usages des terres sur la genèse des crues Paraphyme : gestion des déchets anciens Resp : Christian Vincent, LGGE, Mesure de la quantité d’eau liquide dans un glacier par RMP. Resp : Marc Descloitres, Mesure de la quantité d’eau liquide dans un glacier par RMP. Coord. Olivier Ribolzi, LMTG Toulouse Suivi temporel d’une infiltration provoquée en tomographie électrique Publication(s) : 2 ; conférence(s) : 2 Coord : Jean Pierre Gourc, Mesures TDEM et RMP sur les déchets anciens Coord. :Jean Pierre GOURC, LTHE, Grenoble Suivi temporel de la résistivité des déchets par sondage TDEM Publication(s): 2; conférence(s) : 3 Coord : Jacques Hinderer, EOPGS, Strasbourg Caractérisation géophysique des sites des gravimètres : Lac Tchad, Bénin Publication(s) : en cours ; conférence(s) : 1 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 16 IRD Programme Structurant Pilote (PSP) Niger Lac Tchad : Ressources en eau et impacts environnementaux 20082010 Fonctionnement hydrologique des bassins expérimentaux du Bénin 2003 puis 20062008 AMMA Bénin 15 000 L’aquifère du continental terminal au Niger : limites géométriques 2006 AMMA Niger 10 000 Fonctionnement biogéochimique des bassins de la rivière Kabini, Inde du Sud. 20032006 ECCO et EC2CO Inde 15 000 Les aquifères granitiques de la région d’Hyderabad, Inde 20032005 CEFIPRA Inde - Relation entre sols et hydrologie en Afrique subsaharienne 20002003 PNSE Burkina Faso 30 000 Neige et Glaciers tropicaux 1998 Programme NGT IRD Bolivie Fonctionnement hydrologique de l’aquifère de l’altiplano Bolivien 1998 PNRH Bolivie 15 000 Etude du glissement coulée de Super Sauze 19981999 PNRN France 3000 Forage d’eau en milieu volcanique : apports des diagraphies géophysiques 1999 Conseil Général de l’île de La Réunion - 19941997 Conseil Général de l’île de la Réunion - 14 000 5000 « HydroFournaise » Les aquifères du Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion) Les aquifères du volcan Fogo (Archipel du Capt-Vert) Indurations des mines de phosphate de Taïba 1995 1992 Mission de coopération Française Archipel duCapVert Mines de Taïba Sénégal 7000 5000 Coord. Pierre Genthon, HSM, Montpellier Volet hydrogéophysique : caractérisation des aquifères de la Komadougou Publication(s) : en cours ; conférence(s) : 1 Coord. Marc Descloitres Apport de l’hydrogéophysique à l’hydrologie des bassins versants expérimentaux du programme AMMA Publication(s) : en cours ; conférence(s) : 1 Coord. Marc Descloitres. Guillaume Favreau Caractérisation électromagnétique TDEM des sites de mesures RMP Publication(s) : 1 ; conférence(s) : 1 Coord. Jean Jacques Braun, LMTG, Toulouse Apport de l’hydrogéophysique à l’hydrologie des bassins versants expérimentaux du programme ORE « Bassins versant expérimentaux tropicaux » Publication(s) : 3 ; conférence(s) : 3 Coord. Jean Michel Baltassat , BRGM Apport du TDEM à la reconnaissance des altérites de granite Publication(s) : - ; conférence(s) : 1 Coord. Henri Robain et Olivier Ribolzi Responsable des suivis temporels géophysique au Burkina Faso, gestion crédits de l’Unité IRD « Geovast » pendant 3ans,. Publication(s) : 3 ; conférence(s) : 4 Coord. Pierre Ribstein et Bernard Francou Apport du radar géologique à la détermination de l’épaisseur des glaciers. Publication(s) : 2 ; conférence(s) : 2 Coord. Anne Coudrain Paramétrisation des terrains aquifères de l’Altiplano Bolivien par sondage TDEM Publication(s) : 2 ; conférence(s) : 2 Coord. Olivier Maquaire, Strasbourg Sondages TDEM sur les glissements, thèse de M. Schmutz Publication(s) : 2 ; conférence(s) : 1 Coord. Pierre Andrieux et Marc Descloitres (Paris 6) Apport des diagraphies électriques, montage du programme. Publication(s) : - ; conférence(s) : Coord. Bernard Robineau et Jean Coudray (Univ La Réunion) Apport des sondages TDEM et des cartographies VLF à la détection de l’eau douce en milieu volcanique insulaire. Publication(s) 4 ; conférence(s) : 3 Coord. Marc Descloitres Apport des sondages TDEM et influence des conductivités complexes (thèse) Publication(s) : 2 ; conférence(s) : 2 Coord. Marc Descloitres 3 méthodes de détection des indurations latéritiques Publication(s) : - ; conférence(s) : - Tableau 4. Synthèse de ma participation à des programmes de recherche. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 17 TRAVAUX DE RECHERCHE Introduction Certains pays du Sud sont confrontés à la rareté de leurs ressources en eaux de surface, particulièrement en zone semi-aride. D’autres, favorisés par une pluviométrie plus grande, voient pourtant le débit de leurs cours d’eau diminuer fortement depuis les dernières décennies (Descroix, 2009). Alors, pour l’alimentation en eau des populations rurales ou urbaines, ou pour des besoins d’irrigation, ils se tournent vers l’exploitation des eaux souterraines par puits ou par forages. La gestion durable de ces aquifères nécessite la quantification des ressources, la compréhension de leur renouvellement et de leur vulnérabilité et ce, dans un contexte d’urbanisation rapide et de risque de pollution agricole ou industrielle. Certains de ces pays du Sud sont aussi confrontés à des problèmes de dégradation ou d’appauvrissement des sols par l’érosion, la déforestation, le changement d’usage des terres. Ces phénomènes peuvent être amplifiés du fait des changements climatiques, et des pressions anthropiques ou agro-pastorales accrues. Dans ce contexte, mes activités de recherches ont pour objectif d’apporter des connaissances sur les aquifères et sur les processus de transferts d’eau dans le sous-sol au moyen des outils géophysiques. Ces activités se situent dans différents contextes géologiques et climatiques, et sont déclinées suivant trois axes thématiques : i) La spatialisation des aquifères. En effet, il faut localiser les aquifères à partir de la surface et estimer du mieux possible la quantité et la qualité de l’eau en présence, avant de réaliser des forages. ii) L’étude de la recharge des aquifères. Pour modéliser les impacts que pourraient avoir dans le futur les changements climatiques et anthropiques sur la ressource en eau souterraine, il faut construire des modèles conceptuels les plus précis possible. Pour cela, la question de la localisation des recharges doit être abordée. Mes recherches concernent surtout l’échelle locale (l’hectare, le petit bassin versant). iii) La spatialisation de processus élémentaires de transfert de l’eau se produisant dans les premiers décimètres des sols, en zone non saturée. Ces processus sont généralement observés par des dispositifs localisés et la question de leur représentativité spatiale se pose. Un quatrième axe, méthodologique, permet l’adaptation de certains outils géophysiques aux spécificités des aquifères et des processus hydrologiques étudiés. Ces recherches ont été menées sur les chantiers de l’IRD dans les pays du sud, en collaboration avec des hydrologues, hydrogéologues, hydrogéochimistes, pédologues ou modélisateurs des zones vadoses et saturées. Ces différentes disciplines ont besoin de la géophysique de sub-surface car elles ont une difficulté en commun : passer d’une observation localisée (l’échantillon, la parcelle, le forage) à la compréhension du fonctionnement d’une unité plus grande (aquifère, versant, bassin versant, couverture de sols, région), jugée comme pertinente pour les processus étudiés et les modèles qui en découlent. En utilisant la géophysique, on bénéficie de ses facultés à spatialiser et quantifier d’une manière nondestructive certaines propriétés physiques du sous-sol. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 18 Ces études abordent nécessairement différentes échelles d'espace et de temps. Echelles spatiales, tout d’abord, puisque l’extension latérale des aquifères et les processus de recharge peuvent être très locaux (nappes perchées temporaires de quelques hectares, recharge indirecte localisée dans les axes drainants), ou régionaux (aquifère des grands bassins sédimentaires de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres carrés, recharges directes sur l’ensemble du paysage), et concerne des profondeurs allant de la surface à plusieurs dizaines de mètres de profondeur. Echelles temporelles ensuite, car pour comprendre les processus de sub-surface en zone non-saturée ou les flux dans les aquifères il faut s’intéresser à des échelles allant de l’évènement pluvieux de quelques heures à l’année hydrologique, voire interannuelles. Mon mémoire s’articulera autour de 4 chapitres principaux: • • • • Le premier décrira les questions scientifiques que j’ai abordées, en s’appuyant sur la description des principaux modèles conceptuels relatifs aux aquifères et aux processus. Le second présentera la démarche que j’ai suivie, décrira succinctement les principales méthodes géophysiques employées, et montrera leur mise en œuvre sur trois chantiers majeurs. Le troisième présentera les principaux résultats scientifiques obtenus pour les 3 axes thématiques (la spatialisation des aquifères, leur recharge, les processus élémentaires) et pour l’axe méthodologique. Pour cela je m’appuierai sur les publications, jointes en annexe 2. Le quatrième chapitre présentera les perspectives de recherche que je compte développer dans les prochaines années. 1. Questions scientifiques abordées Ce paragraphe décrit les principales questions scientifiques concernant la spatialisation des aquifères que j’ai étudiés, leurs modèles de recharge, et certains processus élémentaires en zone non-saturée. Pour les illustrer, je m’appuie sur des modèles conceptuels classiques de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Ces questions restent similaires pour les autres chantiers que j’ai étudiés, notamment en Inde (aquifères de socle de la région de Mysore en climat soudanien) et en Bolivie (aquifère sédimentaire de l’Altiplano Bolivien en climat semi-aride). Ils suivent en général les mêmes schémas conceptuels. Leurs particularités sont décrites dans les publications. 1.1. Les aquifères de socle Les aquifères de socle recouvrent une surface non négligeable en Afrique de l’Ouest (Figure 1). Les roches qui les contiennent regroupent l’ensemble des grandes familles géologiques : granites, gneiss, roches vertes, roches métamorphiques, d’âge précambrien en général. Sur cette figure, j’ai placé les sites que j’ai étudiés. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 19 Figure 1. Répartition des zones aquifères de socle (couleur brune) et des bassins sédimentaires en Afrique de l’Ouest. Les cercles indiquent les sites étudiés. Pour les aquifères de socle, il s’agit des sites de Katchari au Burkina Faso (1), des environs de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (2), des environs de Djougou, Bénin (3). Pour les aquifères sédimentaires, il s’agit des sites des environs de Niamey, Niger (4), de la vallée de la rivière Komadougou Yobé, Lac Tchad, Niger (5), des zones côtières près de Dakar, Sénégal (6). La ligne pointillée sépare approximativement les zones climatiques semi-aride et sahéliennes (pluies < 750 mm/an) au nord, des zones soudanienne et guinéenne, au sud (pluies > 750 mm/an). Fond de carte d’après MacDonald and Davies (2000). a) Distribution verticale des propriétés hydrauliques Les ressources en eau en zone de socle sont modestes, en particulier en contexte aride ou semi-aride (Lachassagne et Wyns, doc. BRGM, 2005). Les schémas de distribution verticale des propriétés hydrauliques les plus simples représentent les aquifères de socle selon des colonnes de sol comme celles de la figure 2. L’altération chimique des roches crée un profil d’altération (le regolith) surmontant le bedrock (ou protolith). Selon le type de roche, sa texture (grosseur des grains,), sa structure (foliation par exemple) ou sa fracturation initiale, divers matériaux d’altération se mettent en place, allant d’une arène (sable grossier) à des argiles de néoformation. Les auteurs s’accordent à dire que la conductivité hydraulique de l’aquifère augmente en général avec la profondeur. Généralement plus il y aura d’argile, plus la conductivité hydraulique diminuera. Figure 2. Schémas conceptuels simplifiés d’un aquifère de socle. A gauche, variations de la conductivité hydraulique et de la porosité cinématique avec la profondeur, selon Chilton et Foster (1995). Il ne s’agit pas d’une distribution immuable, et d’autres scénarios de distribution peuvent se rencontrer : Jones propose en effet un accroissement de la porosité de drainage (specific yield) avec la profondeur, à droite. D’après Jones (1985). Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 20 Ces auteurs soulignent aussi le rôle important que jouent les fractures situées au sein du protolith, qui conduisent le flux plus facilement. La conductivité hydraulique et l’épaisseur vont fixer le débit potentiel pour l’exploitation de l’aquifère. La porosité cinématique (effective porosity), qui aurait tendance à diminuer avec la profondeur selon certains auteurs, va constituer la partie mobilisable de l’eau par pompage. Le stock d’eau disponible est quantifié par la porosité de drainage (specific yield), généralement inférieure à la porosité cinématique. Selon d’autres auteurs, cette dernière pourrait au contraire augmenter avec la profondeur. C’est le réservoir de l’aquifère. On voit que la distribution verticale des propriétés hydriques des regoliths n’est pas forcément généralisable et qu’il convient de les préciser si l’on veut en apprendre plus sur le fonctionnement de l’aquifère sous le site étudié. La connaissance du profil d’altération, dont l’épaisseur peut atteindre plusieurs dizaines de mètres en climat tropical, est fondamentale pour l’exploitation de l’aquifère : si le regolith est argileux, la porosité de drainage sera faible, sa conductivité hydraulique aussi, et les réserves d’eau mobilisable par pompage par conséquent limitées. Si la partie inférieure du profil est peu épaisse, la transmissivité de l’aquifère (produit de la conductivité hydraulique par l’épaisseur) sera faible et le forage peu productif. En géophysique, la caractérisation du profil d’altération par des mesures de surface, avant le forage, constitue un véritable défi. En général, les méthodes géophysiques voient leur résolution diminuer avec la profondeur. Les argiles, électriquement conductrices, jouent le rôle d’un écran, car elles confinent les circulations des courants électriques créées par nos appareils. Enfin, les fractures du protolith sont profondes, et constituent des objets très difficilement détectables avec précision à partir de la surface. Seules les zones de fractures suffisamment larges pour avoir favorisé l’approfondissement de l’altération argileuse (zone de faille ou de cisaillement par exemple) peuvent être détectées depuis la surface. b) Aquifères de socle sous climat sahélien Modèle conceptuel La situation décrite sur la figure 3 correspond aux zones sahéliennes (400 à 700 mm de pluie annuelle). Dans ces régions, l’évaporation potentielle est très importante (supérieure à 2000 mm/an). L’absence quasi-totale de végétation, et d’arbres en particulier, rend le terme de transpiration très faible. En zone de socle, le proche sous-sol est généralement plus argileux qu’en zone sédimentaire. Cette situation défavorise l’infiltration. De plus, la formation de croûtes de dessiccation en surface favorise les ruissellements lors de la saison des pluies. L’eau qui arrive à s’infiltrer avant peut être reprise par évaporation directe. Descroix et al (2009) montrent que ce sont les zones de socle et les ruissellements accrus depuis les dernières décennies qui sont responsables de la modification du régime du fleuve Niger, rendant le pic de crue à Niamey plus court et plus intense. Les zones de socle de la zone sahélienne forment ainsi une vaste région d’exoréisme, à opposer aux zones sédimentaires, endoréiques. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 21 Figure 3. Schéma conceptuel des systèmes aquifères de socle en zone semi aride. Les rectangles délimités en pointillé correspondent aux zones clefs que j’ai étudiées au Burkina Faso. Questions scientifiques abordées En zone de socle, on considère qu’il n’y a pas de recharge directe des aquifères par infiltration généralisée sur l’ensemble du paysage. On admet généralement que les aquifères se rechargent de façon indirecte par les axes drainants et les mares de bas fond, mais ce schéma est cependant mal connu. Avec mes collègues hydrologues, nous avons abordé deux questions du cycle de l’eau : ¾ Les ravines de versant participent-elles à la recharge des aquifères? En effet, si ce rôle a pu être mis en évidence en contexte sédimentaire à la même latitude au Niger (Peugeot et al., 1997) en raison de l’épaisseur importante des sols sableux, aucune étude n’a été menée sur les versants en zone de socle. ¾ Comment se rechargent les aquifères dans les axes drainants (bas fond) ? Quelle est la géométrie de la recharge et sa dynamique temporelle? A une échelle plus superficielle, on admet que l’eau qui ne ruisselle pas se stocke préférentiellement dans des couvertures peu épaisses de sable éolien. Nous nous sommes intéressés à évaluer les capacités de stockage hydrique de ces sols sableux, question que je détaillerai plus loin. c) Aquifères de socle sous climat soudanien à guinéen Modèle conceptuel La figure 4 décrit les processus dans une situation climatique plus humide (climat soudanien à guinéen, c'est-à-dire avec des pluviométries de 750 mm/an à plus de 1200 mm/an). Deux différences fondamentales avec les zones plus arides apparaissent : a) les nappes peuvent, suivant la saison, alimenter les cours d’eau, et b) la végétation joue un rôle majeur dans le cycle de l’eau. La transpiration est augmentée, les ruissellements diminués, et la recharge peut être directe (elle se produit sur l’ensemble du paysage). La recharge indirecte par les cours d’eau de bas fond peut se rencontrer, particulièrement dans les zones à saisons contrastées lorsque les drains coulent de façon intermittente (situation rencontrée en Inde et au Bénin sur les bassins versants des Observatoires Régionaux en Environnement (ORE) Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 22 « BVET » et « AMMA-Catch ». Le battement de la nappe peut être important (plusieurs mètres) selon la saison en régime de mousson, comme c’est le cas au Nord Bénin. En zone forestière, les variations interannuelles du niveau des nappes peuvent être déphasées par rapport à l’année en cours, par la transpiration de la végétation (Ruiz et al, 2009). Figure 4. Schéma conceptuel des systèmes aquifères de socle en zone soudano-guinéenne. Les rectangles délimités en pointillé correspondent aux zones clefs que j’ai étudiées en Inde et au Bénin. Questions scientifiques abordées Le cycle de l’eau semble plus complexe dans ce contexte climatique : en effet, la nappe participe aux écoulements des rivières de façon sporadique, du moins sur les sites étudiés. Les déconvolutions des hydrogrammes de crues sont difficiles à réaliser, car plusieurs compartiments apportent leur contribution de façon déphasée. La reprise par la transpiration peut être considérable et affecter des épaisseurs importantes de zone non saturée. Mes collègues du LMTG se posent aussi la question du taux d’altération de ces roches sous climat tropical. Grâce à un couplage entre nos outils, nous avons abordé les questions suivantes : ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Quelle est la géométrie de l’infiltration sous les axes drainants ? Quelle est l’épaisseur du régolith et le modelé du toit du bedrock ? Peut-on mieux quantifier les taux d’altération tropicale des roches cristallines ? Peut-on mettre en évidence la recharge directe à l’échelle d’un versant ? Quelle est la contribution de la nappe à l’évapotranspiration ? Quelle est la porosité de drainage du regolith ? dépend-t-elle du type de roche mère ? 1.2. Les aquifères sédimentaires en zone semi-aride Les aquifères sédimentaires de l’Afrique de l’Ouest sont situés à plus haute latitude que les aquifères de socle (figure 1) au sein de formations sableuses, gréseuses, ou alluviales, d’âges tertiaire et quaternaire. Ces formations couvrent une surface importante des territoires du Sénégal, du Mali, de la Mauritanie et du Niger. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 23 Modèle conceptuel Les aquifères sédimentaires apparaissent plus simples, car leur géométrie peut être considérée généralement comme tabulaire. La nappe est dite « libre », et la géométrie de son toit est plus régulière. Sur la figure 5, je prends l’exemple de l’aquifère du continental terminal de la région de Niamey au Niger. Mais d’autres aquifères de ce type ont été étudiés (aquifère de l’altiplano bolivien, aquifère de la rivière Komadougou près du Lac Tchad au Niger). A l’échelle régionale, les études de Leduc et al (2001) font apparaître des remontées des niveaux des nappes suite à la période de sécheresse au Sahel. Ce paradoxe est expliqué par les changements intervenus en surface : augmentation du ruissellement, concentration des eaux dans les mares des points bas, dont le nombre augmente, et favorise ainsi un accroissement de la recharge indirecte. L’évaporation directe des sols est aussi favorisée par la disparition de la végétation, avec une diminution de la transpiration. Figure 5. Illustration de la géométrie et du fonctionnement des systèmes aquifères sédimentaires en zone semiaride : exemple de l’aquifère du continental terminal à l’est de Niamey, Niger. Les rectangles délimités en pointillé correspondent aux problématiques que j’ai abordées. Figure modifiée d‘après Massuel et al, conférence Geofcan (2003). Questions scientifiques abordées Les variations latérales éventuelles à l’échelle locale et régionale peuvent être étudiées avec un pas d’échantillonnage plus lâche. Pour le géophysicien, cette situation est favorable, car certaines méthodes se prêtent mieux à une approximation 1D. Les études entreprises en géophysique à l’échelle régionale concernent des questions assez classiques, mais qui peuvent être revisitées grâce au développement des outils géophysiques dans la dernière décennie : Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 24 ¾ Quelle est la profondeur de la nappe ? ¾ Le mur de l’aquifère (généralement argileux), présente-t-il un modelé régulier ? ¾ Au Niger, pour mieux comprendre et quantifier la hausse des nappes, quelles sont les variations régionales de la porosité de drainage de l’aquifère principal ? ¾ En Bolivie et au Lac Tchad, quelle est la répartition des formations sédimentaires argileuses pouvant faire obstacle aux flux souterrains ? A l’échelle locale du bassin versant, les questions abordées concernent l’identification des processus du cycle de l’eau. S’il est communément admis que les mares temporaires constituent la zone de recharge principale, certains auteurs (Peugeot, 1997) suggèrent aussi le rôle possible des versants qui, à la faveur de zones d’épandage sableux, pourraient favoriser une recharge indirecte. Il est donc important de savoir si ces versants contribuent, ou non, à la recharge. Avec mes collègues hydrogéologues d’Hydrosciences Montpellier, nous nous sommes intéressés à cette question sur le bassin versant expérimental de Wankama au Niger (ORE « AMMA-Catch »). 1.3 . Les processus élémentaires à l’échelle de la parcelle ou de la séquence de sols Modèle conceptuel La connaissance du cycle de l’eau commence souvent par documenter les processus localement. Ces processus élémentaires concernent la zone non-saturée (ZNS) à des petites échelles (parcelles, séquence de sols). Je prends ici l’exemple des micro-dunes sableuses du nord du Burkina Faso qui sont le support de la végétation herbacée naturelle (pâturage), ou des cultures ensemencées par l’homme (Ribolzi et al. 2006). Comprendre le cycle de l’eau au sein de ces objets fragiles, éléments incontournables de l’hydrologie sahélienne, a constitué un de nos objectifs au Burkina Faso. Sur la figure 6, nous voyons que ces micro-dunes sont stratifiées par l’effet des dépôts éoliens successifs. Elles présentent un bord abrupt, érodé par le vent, et un coté abrité où peut croître l’herbe en saison des pluies. Figure 6. Les micro-dunes en zone semi-aride. A : paysage en saison sèche au nord du Burkina Faso : les micro-dunes sont entourées d’un pointillé blanc. B : le foisonnement de l’herbe sur les micro-dunes en saison des pluies. C : coupe d’une micro-dune montrant sa stratification, l’action érosive du vent, et les premières herbes, poussant sur le coté sous le vent. D : Schéma conceptuel supposé des transferts d’eau au sein des microdunes sous une pluie : le coté au vent produirait des écoulements d’eau nouvelle, alors que le coté sous le vent produirait des eaux mélangées. d‘après Descloitres et al, conférence EAGE, (2006). Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 25 Questions scientifiques abordées Pour l’hydrologue, les questions qui se posent concernent un micro cycle de l’eau, car il s’agit par exemple de déterminer les fractions d’eau libre et d’eau liée dans ce milieu poreux. S’il s’agit de déconvoluer un hydrogramme de crue, il faut faire la partition, dans le ruissellement, entre l’eau nouvelle de la pluie et l’eau plus ancienne ayant acquis des signatures géochimiques différentes. Sur la figure 6D, le schéma conceptuel de fonctionnement lors d’une pluie implique un rôle important de la micro-stratification. Ce schéma est cependant hypothétique et nous avons essayé de le préciser. Ces processus peuvent être appréhendés par l’implantation, dans le proche sous-sol, de capteurs intrusifs. Cette intrusion n’est pas forcément sans conséquence sur les processus étudiés et, comme l’étude des aquifères, les mesures ponctuelles nécessitent souvent une spatialisation. Nous avons tenté d’apporter des réponses par la géophysique aux questions suivantes : ¾ Lors d’une pluie, quelle est l’influence des versants? l’eau pénètre-t-elle préférentiellement sur le coté herbeux? ¾ La micro-stratification canalise-t-elle l’écoulement ? ¾ Est-il possible de visualiser au sein de la dune les eaux nouvelles des eaux anciennes, piégées dans la dune lors des pluies précédentes ? ¾ Comment se répartit l’évaporation au sein de la dune et à quelle vitesse ? D’autres expériences à cette échelle ont été menées, en Inde notamment, sur des séquences de sols. Elles concernent aussi la spatialisation des transferts d’eau en ZNS, et le fonctionnement des sols argileux lors des périodes de mousson. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 26 2. Méthodologie 2.1. Approche générale Que ce soit en contexte sahélien ou soudanien, contribuer à répondre, avec la géophysique, aux questions précédentes nécessite des méthodes qui soient capables : a) d’estimer les volumes d’eau stockés en géométrie complexe (2D, voire 3D), b) de spatialiser les propriétés hydriques du regolith (souvent liées à la teneur en argile), c) de localiser les lieux de recharge, en prospectant de vastes zones pour identifier des recharges très localisées au sahel, aider à l’implantation des forages de reconnaissance, d) d’appréhender différentes échelles, de la microdune de quelques mètres carrés au bassin versant de quelques kilomètres carrés, e) d’estimer la dynamique des processus autrement qu’en quelques points de mesure, à différentes échelles temporelles, f) de fournir des paramètres clefs (géométriques ou propriétés hydriques notamment) pour contribuer aux modélisations hydrologiques. Au cours de mes recherches, j’ai mis en œuvre une méthodologie s’appuyant sur : • • • • Une description des sites d’étude en réalisant des spatialisations des paramètres géophysiques, de manière à faciliter l’implantation de méthodes ou de capteurs donnant des résultats quantitatifs sur les processus étudiés. Une étude des variations temporelles de résistivité électrique et d’autres paramètres géophysiques pertinents, à des échelles variables, de la parcelle au versant et de l’évènement pluvieux à la saison hydrologique complète. Une utilisation couplée de méthodes géophysiques, avec une préférence marquée pour les méthodes de résistivité: tomographie de résistivité électrique (ERT), cartographie ou sondages électromagnétiques et plus récemment, Résonance Magnétique des Protons (RMP). D’autres paramètres géophysiques ont aussi été considérés plus ponctuellement : permittivité diélectrique (méthode radar), potentiels électriques (méthode de polarisation spontanée) notamment. Une recherche des relations entre paramètres géophysiques et variables d’intérêt pour l’hydrologue, généralement au cours d’expérience de terrain semi-contrôlées d’échelle réduite. L’ensemble de ma démarche est schématisé sur la figure 7. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 27 Figure 7. Schéma de la méthodologie suivie au cours de mes recherches. Depuis la conception de l’étude (en gris), la modélisation numérique (en jaune), les mesures de terrain (en vert), jusqu’à l’interprétation (en bleu). En général, je m’intéresse dans un premier temps à des mesures obtenues à partir de la surface. C’est l’approche classique du prospecteur géophysicien, qui relève de considérations pratiques : ces méthodes sont moins coûteuses que la réalisation de forages, même si les méthodes de surface subissent une perte de résolution avec la profondeur. Mais, afin de contrôler les résultats des méthodes de surface, j’ai utilisé dans un deuxième temps, quand c’était possible, des données obtenues en profondeur, mises en place spécifiquement pour les besoins des expérimentations (diagraphies en forage par exemple). Ces vérifications par des données extérieures indépendantes ont des conséquences majeures dans mes travaux car elles ont générées des travaux méthodologiques sur les inversions géophysiques, notamment en suivi temporel de résistivité par imagerie en 2 ou 3D. Lorsque des reconnaissances en forage profond n’étaient pas possibles, j’ai parfois entrepris la réalisation d’expériences de taille réduite, toujours sur le terrain, afin de faciliter les contrôles au sein du milieu. Un autre aspect méthodologique implique une approche classique d’aller-retour entre les résultats de terrain et modélisations numériques, ces dernières étant utilisées pour a) tester l’adéquation de la méthode géophysique avec la spatialisation des modèles conceptuels de fonctionnement des processus hydriques, b) évaluer les équivalences possibles des modèles géophysiques issus des inversions. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 28 La plupart de mes travaux ont été entrepris à l’échelle du terrain, de quelques mètres à plusieurs kilomètres en surface, et jusqu’à environ 100 mètres de profondeur. En effet, établir des fonctions de transfert entre paramètres géophysiques et variable hydrologiques qui soient représentatives de l’échelle des phénomènes (ou au contraire montrer qu’elles sont trop complexes pour être utiles) réclame des expériences qui ne sont pas forcément reproductibles en laboratoire. Ma démarche comprend aussi l’acquisition d’informations clefs pour construire des modèles numériques géophysiques correctement renseignés, comme par exemple l’évaluation i) de la gamme de variation des paramètres, ii) des anisotropies éventuelles, iii) des effets de changements d’échelles, et enfin iv) des conditions de bruit électromagnétique relatives au site de mesure. 2.2. Principales méthodes géophysiques employées Les principes physiques des méthodes employées, les différentes configurations de mesure employées sur le terrain, et les procédures d’inversion sont décrits en détail dans les publications jointes en annexe 2 de ce document. Cependant, je reprends ici quelques éléments sur les méthodes de résistivité et de Résonance Magnétique des Protons (RMP), méthodes incontournables de l’hydrogéophysique. a) Méthodes de résistivité La résistivité d’un milieu quantifie sa capacité à s’opposer au passage d’un courant électrique. La résistivité d’un sol ou des formations géologiques dépend de facteurs très intéressants pour l’hydrogéophysique: porosité, teneur en eau, conductivité électrique de l’eau, tortuosité des pores, température, présence ou non de minéraux argileux. S’il n’y a pas d’argile, c’est la loi empirique d’Archie (Archie, 1942) qui décrit le mieux l’influence de ces différents facteurs. Les gammes de variations de la résistivité sont très étendues. En présence d’argile, la loi d’Archie n’est généralement pas applicable. En dehors de son intérêt évident dû à sa large gamme de variation selon la nature et l’état hydrique du sous-sol, l’emploi de la résistivité en hydrogéophysique est incontournable en raison de quatre avantages décisifs: • Toutes les échelles d’espace, de 10 cm à plurikilométriques, peuvent être abordées, à la fois sous forme cartographique ou par la réalisation des tomographies du sous sol, sur une profondeur qui peut atteindre plusieurs dizaines de mètres, • On peut prendre en compte, aux échelles citées précédemment, des géométries complexes 1, 2 et 3D, • On peut adapter le rythme d’acquisition à des échelles de temps variant de la minute à l’année hydrologique, • On peut mesurer la résistivité par induction électromagnétique, ce qui est d’un avantage considérable sur des sols secs, ce qui est souvent le cas en zone semi-aride. Mais l’emploi de la résistivité présente un inconvénient majeur dû à sa dépendance aux multiples facteurs cités plus haut. La déconvolution du signal de résistivité est une tâche complexe étant donné le nombre important de paramètres entrant en jeu (sans même compter Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 29 l’hétérogénéité naturelle du sous-sol, les anisotropies éventuelles, ou les effets de changement d’échelle). Cet inconvénient est contourné, du moins partiellement, par deux approches utilisées dans ma démarche: les suivis temporels de résistivité, et le couplage avec la Résonance Magnétique de Protons. En ce qui concerne les suivis temporels de résistivité en zone non saturée, on bénéficie d’un avantage : entre deux instants, les variations de la résistivité seront au premier degré uniquement dues à la variation de teneur en eau (si la conductivité électrique de l’eau d’imbibition ne change pas). De même, en zone saturée, les variations de résistivité dépendent au premier degré essentiellement des changements de la conductivité de l’eau. En suivi temporel de résistivité, on s’affranchit des variations spatiales et temporelles de facteurs restant invariants dans le sol : porosité, tortuosité, teneur en argile par exemple. Les variations de température restent à prendre en compte dans certains cas. Un suivi temporel de résistivité nécessite cependant une bonne résolution de ce paramètre : La figure 8 présente les résultats obtenus par Knight (1991). Dans la gamme de saturation 50 à 100%, les variations de résistivité restent faibles, particulièrement en phase de dessiccation (variations assez réduites de l’ordre de 10 à 25%). Le challenge pour le géophysicien est donc de pouvoir mesurer avec fiabilité de faibles variations de résistivité sur le terrain, de manière à espérer pouvoir les traduire en variations de saturation correspondantes. Figure 8. Variations de la résistivité en fonction de la saturation pour des échantillons de grès. On note le comportement hystérétique de la résistivité selon la phase d’humectation (carrés) et de dessiccation (cercles), d’après les travaux de Knight (1991) Hubbard et Rubin (2006) précisent que les imageries géophysiques en suivi temporel diminuent la dépendance des mesures géophysiques aux variations géologiques statiques du milieu, ainsi qu’aux procédures d’inversion et artefacts associés. Si je suis d’accord avec le fait que le suivi temporel permet de s’affranchir par exemple des variations de porosité (pour la résistivité), je suis plus prudent en revanche sur les améliorations que le suivi temporel apporterait lors des inversions. On verra lors de la synthèse des résultats que l’étude de la variation de résistivité dans le temps présente des difficultés majeures (Descloitres et al., 2004, Descloitres et al., 2008). Celles-ci sont essentiellement dues à la non-unicité des modèles de résistivité et aux processus d’inversion qui sont la plupart du temps conduits avec des facteurs d’amortissement importants, comme le remarquent aussi Kemna et al. (2004). Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 30 b) La Résonance Magnétique des Protons (RMP) La méthode RMP est une méthode géophysique récente et non destructive de détection des aquifères. Elle se démarque des autres méthodes géophysiques qui analysent des anomalies de structure ou de paramètres physiques qui ne sont qu’indirectement liés à la présence d'eau. Le phénomène de résonance magnétique concerne les protons +H de la molécule d’eau H2O. Lorsqu’on détecte un signal de résonance, il y a de l’eau liquide dans le sous-sol. Son principe physique est présenté dans de nombreuses publications, Legchenko et al. (2002a et 2002b) ou Lubczynski et Roy (2003 et 2004). La RMP apporte des renseignements importants pour les aquifères complexes de socle (Vouillamoz et al, 2004, Wyns et al., 2004) ou pour les aquifères sédimentaires (Vouillamoz et al, 2008, Chalikakis et al, 2009). On réalise un sondage RMP en auscultant le terrain selon des profondeurs croissantes en augmentant l’intensité du courant. Avec l’appareillage existant actuellement, seules les formations saturées sont étudiées. Deux paramètres sont déduits des acquisitions: • L’amplitude initiale du signal, qui est proportionnelle au volume d’eau présent dans le sous-sol. Un signal d’amplitude importante témoignera d’un volume d’eau liquide important. Dans un milieu poreux saturé on parle de « teneur en eau RMP ». Seul le signal de l’eau dite « libre » contenue dans le milieu est mesuré. L’eau « liée » aux parois des grains de la matrice (liaison par les forces capillaires - si le milieu est désaturé- et eau adsorbée sur les parois des grains), produisent aussi un signal de résonance, mais il se manifeste avec des temps de relaxation trop courts pour être mesurés avec l’appareillage RMP de terrain. • La forme de la décroissance de l’enveloppe du signal, caractérisée par la constante de temps T2*, peut être affectée par les propriétés magnétiques des grains. Ces propriétés magnétiques n’étant pas connues facilement, on préfère analyser la constante de temps de relaxation longitudinale T1, calculée grâce à l’acquisition de 2 signaux de relaxation appelés FID 1 et FID2, résultants de l’injection de 2 pulses de courant successifs. T1 est caractéristique de la taille des pores : plus la valeur de T1est grande, plus les pores sont gros. Un aquifère constitué de sable très grossier ou de graviers sera ainsi caractérisé par des temps de décroissance T1 supérieurs à 400 millisecondes. Les formations argileuses ne produisent pas de signal détectable par l’équipement actuel. L’utilisation de la RMP dans mes travaux date de 2003, lorsque j’ai participé aux mesures RMP sur les aquifères de socle au Burkina Faso dans le cadre de la thèse de mon collègue J.M. Vouillamoz. En 2007, A. Legchenko et moi avons employé cette méthode sur des aquifères complexes en Inde sur le site de Moole Hole, où la RMP apporte une image convaincante des propriétés hydriques des aquifères de gneiss et amphibolite altérés. Le couplage avec les méthodes d’imagerie électrique est particulièrement fertile, comme on le verra dans la synthèse des résultats (Legchenko et al., 2007). Je réalise aussi sur ce site les premières expérimentations de suivi temporel RMP (Descloitres et al., 2008). Si je ne développe pas moi-même la méthode, je m’attache depuis 2006 à l’employer dans des contextes novateurs qui seront décrits dans la synthèse de mes travaux. Mes travaux méthodologiques se situent à l’aval des développements de la méthode RMP, dans l’intercomparaison du signal RMP avec les autres méthodes sur des sites choisis. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 31 c) Autres méthodes utilisées D’autres outils utiles aux études hydrogéophysiques ont été employés ponctuellement: • Le radar géologique, sensible au premier degré à la permittivité diélectrique des milieux que traverse l’onde radar (et donc à la teneur en eau) a été employé sur les couvertures d’altération en 1995 (Descloitres et al., 1997, Geofcan), puis pour sonder les glaciers (Descloitres et al, 1999). Cette méthode s’est révélée également utile pour caractériser le toit de la nappe phréatique au sein de grandes dunes au Burkina Faso (Savadogo et al, conférence Geofcan, 2001), pour caractériser des stratifications au sein des micro dunes (Rejiba et al., conférence Geofcan, 2001), et enfin sur des filons de quartz aurifères au Sénégal (Lamy, 1995). J’ai finalement délaissé le radar au profit d’autres méthodes car la profondeur d’investigation était trop souvent limitée à quelques mètres sous la surface en raison du caractère très argileux des altérites tropicales, dont la faible résistivité (quelques ohm.m) atténue trop fortement les ondes radar. • La polarisation spontanée a été testée afin de repérer les lieux de recharge sur les bassins versants au Burkina Faso et en Inde, avant et après des pluies intenses. Ces tests n’ont pas produit des résultats interprétables. • Les méthodes de diagraphies nucléaires (neutron-neutron, gamma densimétrie) me permettent une comparaison des résultats, lorsqu’il est possible de forer des tubes d’accès dans le sol. 2.3. Exemples de mise en œuvre des méthodes géophysiques La majorité des études géophysiques que j’ai entreprises ont été réalisées sur trois bassins versants expérimentaux de l’IRD. Tous se situent en zone de socle : le bassin versant de Katchari, en zone sahélienne du Burkina Faso, celui de Moole Hole au Sud de l’Inde, et celui d’Ara au Nord du Bénin. D’une manière générale, j’ai privilégié les sites sur lesquels des validations des résultats géophysiques pouvaient être faites de façon indépendante avec d’autres méthodes. Sur ces bassins versants expérimentaux, la démarche d’implantation des méthodes géophysiques suit en général la logique suivante: a) Réalisation d’une cartographie de résistivité à maille serrée, de quelques coupes de résistivité, d’une reconnaissance géologique détaillée, conduisant à l’identification des zones clefs où se posent les questions hydrologiques. Ces prospections sont réalisées généralement avant la saison des pluies et constituent un « état zéro » géophysique. b) Sur les zones clefs, mise en place des dispositifs de suivi temporel (en général, des tomographies de résistivité). c) Suivi temporel de résistivité à pas de temps approprié sur les zones clefs. d) Réalisation d’expériences semi–contrôlées in-situ, dédiées à l’établissement des fonctions de transferts entre géophysique et hydrologie, ou au contrôle des interprétations géophysiques en profondeur (forages et diagraphies) e) Mise en œuvre d’autres méthodes géophysiques complémentaires, RMP notamment. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 32 a) Site de Katchari, Burkina Faso Le site de Katchari au nord du Burkina Faso (figure 9), est constitué de bassins versants emboîtés, de quelques hectares à plusieurs kilomètres carrés, permettant d’étudier les changements d’échelle des processus. Les états de surface sont représentatifs de toute la zone nord-sahélienne. Figure 9 .Bassin versant de Katchari au Burkina Faso. Les fonds de carte correspondent aux valeurs des résistivités des sols et des altérites de socle granitique à différentes échelles de profondeur. Quatre opérations majeures sont représentées : 1 et 2 : La recherche des infiltrations sous une ravine de versant caractéristique, avec une approche cartographique en suivi temporel de la résistivité apparente (Descloitres et al, 2003), et en coupe au travers de la ravine (Clément et al, 2009). 3 : La dynamique des infiltrations dans une micro-dune sous pluie simulée par tomographie de résistivité électrique (Descloitres et al, 2008). 4 : La spatialisation de la recharge sous une mare de bas-fond par suivi temporel par tomographie de résistivité au travers de la mare. Ce site présente un avantage important pour la géophysique: les sols, très secs après quasiment six mois de saison sèche, se trouvent brusquement inondés par les ruissellements consécutifs aux premières pluies de la mousson africaine. Les variations de résistivité sont donc très importantes (plusieurs décades) et cela procure un avantage méthodologique : ce fort contraste génère une réponse géophysique très prononcée, propice à la spatialisation des processus d’infiltration et de recharge. Le corollaire à cette situation est de subir de fortes distorsions géométriques des lignes de courant dans le sous-sol pouvant générer des effets d’équivalence indésirables lors des inversions des sondages géophysiques. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 33 b) Site de Moole Hole, Inde du Sud Le site expérimental instrumenté de Moole Hole en Inde (ORE « BVET ») est situé en zone tropicale humide, à régime de mousson (figure 10). Vierge de toute intervention humaine, il permet l’étude des processus hydrologiques naturels. La zone non saturée (ZNS) présente une épaisseur très variable latéralement, situation difficile à étudier pour la géophysique. Les versants sont équipés d’un réseau de forages, ce qui permet la comparaison avec les images de résistivité. Les variations de résistivité attendues en ZNS lors de la saison des pluies favorisent l’étude de la recharge directe saisonnière sur les versants, qui s’effectue au travers des systèmes de sols rouges. Les recharges indirectes sont étudiées sous la ravine principale, intermittente. Figure 10 .Bassin versant de Moole Hole en Inde du Sud. Le fond de carte correspond aux valeurs des résistivités des sols et des altérites de socle gneissique. Cinq opérations majeures sont représentées : 1 et 2 : L’étude des systèmes de sols et de l’infiltration durant la mousson (Barbiéro et al. 2007). 3 : L’étude du taux d’altération chimique des gneiss par la réalisation de coupes de tomographies de résistivité sur tout le bassin versant (Braun et al, 2009) 4 : La spatialisation de la recharge sous la ravine durant la mousson (Descloitres et al, 2008) 5. La caractérisation des propriétés hydriques des altérites de socle par RMP (Legchenko et al, 2006). c) Site d’Ara, Nord Bénin Le site expérimental d’Ara (ORE « AMMA-Catch ») au nord Bénin (figure 11) présente une situation climatique et géologique similaire à celle de Moole Hole (régime de mousson et socle constitué de gneiss et d’amphibolites). Les variations du niveau des nappes de plusieurs mètres entre la saison sèche et la fin de la mousson permettent d’étudier les Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 34 couvertures d’altération lorsqu’elles sont saturées, puis deviennent non saturées, situations idéales pour appréhender leurs propriétés hydriques. Ce site est instrumenté intensivement dans le cadre du programme AMMA (et suivi dans le cadre de l’ORE Amma-Catch), ce qui permet en particulier des comparaisons avec les mesures d’évapotranspiration. Ce chantier est encore en cours d’étude et constituera un site important de mes futures activités. Figure 11 .Bassin versant d’Ara, Nord Bénin. Le fond de carte correspond aux valeurs des résistivités des sols et des altérites de socle gneissique. 3 opérations majeures sont représentées : 1: La spatialisation des unités géologiques par cartographie de résistivité, couplée à des prospections géologiques, 2: La mise en évidence des altérites argileuses des versant par coupe de résistivité 2D (Kamagaté et al, 2007) 3 : La spatialisation des propriétés des altérites de socle par sondage de Résonance Magnétique des Protons autour du site de monitoring du gravimètre du programme ANR Ghyraf (Descloitres et al, soumis). d) Autres sites étudiés Sur les aquifères sédimentaires, en Bolivie et au Niger, mon intervention s’est faite sous forme de missions ponctuelles. Le site de l’altiplano Bolivien se prête bien à la Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 35 déconvolution du signal de résistivité, grâce à la présence de plusieurs dizaines de forages où la conductivité de l’eau de la nappe est connue. Cette situation se retrouve aussi pour l’aquifère du continental terminal de la région de Niamey, où la profondeur du substratum géologique repéré par géophysique peut être comparé à des données de plus de 30 forages. Dans la même région, le site de Wankama au Niger (ORE « Amma-Catch ») présente des zones de versant sableuses idéales pour vérifier les hypothèses d’infiltration profonde dans les épandages sableux. Nous y avons réalisé des forages de contrôle permettant un couplage de la géophysique avec les analyses géochimiques. 3. Synthèse des résultats Ce chapitre présente la synthèse des principaux résultats, en tentant, lorsque cela est possible, des parallèles entre les sites étudiés. 4 thèmes sont traités : ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ La spatialisation des aquifères, L’étude des recharges dans différents contextes, L’étude des transferts d’eau dans les premiers décimètres du sol, Les principaux apports méthodologiques. 3.1. Spatialisation des aquifères Six chantiers illustrent ce thème, trois en contexte de socle (sud de l’Inde, nord du Burkina Faso et du Bénin), trois en contexte sédimentaire (altiplano bolivien, Est de Niamey et rivière Komadougou près du Lac Tchad, tous deux au Niger). a) Spatialisation des altérites de socle et de leurs paramètres hydriques Initiée dans les années 1995 au Cameroun (Robain et al, 1996), l’étude des couvertures d’altérations de socle et des aquifères qu’elles renferment a été approfondie lors de la thèse de G. Toé que j’ai encadré au Burkina Faso et qui portait en particulier sur les géométries d’électrodes adaptées à la reconnaissance des failles de socle (Toé, 2004). Ces études se renforcent aussi grâce à la mise en œuvre de la résonance magnétique des protons au Burkina Faso par J. M. Vouillamoz en 2003, avec mon appui. Mes travaux dans ce domaine sont illustrés ici par trois études récentes. La première avait pour objectif de contraindre le bilan géochimique d’altération du bassin versant de Moole Hole en Inde par la connaissance de l’épaisseur du regolith. Cette question des géochimistes m’a conduit à proposer des méthodes de cartographie et de tomographie de résistivité (illustrées sur la figure 10 présentée page 34), couplées à des mesures de résistivité en forage. Pour cette étude, nous avons établi une relation entre résistivité et indices d’altération chimique « WIP » et « CIA » pour ces roches métamorphiques, présentée sur la figure 12. Nous avons constaté que la valeur de résistivité Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 36 de 400 ohm.m permettait, sur ces roches, de séparer le domaine du protolith du domaine d’altération, le regolith (Braun et al, 2009). Figure 12. Relations entre résistivité mesurée par diagraphie en forage et les indices d’altération chimiques des échantillons. CIA= Chemical Index of Alteration WIP = Weathering Index of Parker D’après Braun et al.( 2009). L’intérêt de coupler le paramètre de résistivité avec le degré d’altération permet de mieux comprendre comment séparer le réservoir de l’aquifère de sa partie fissurée / fracturée. A cette fin, nous avons réalisé une étude numérique de sensibilité des paramètres d’inversion de tomographie électrique pour déterminer l’incertitude associée à l’imagerie de la profondeur du regolith avec une limite de 400 ohm.m (figure 13). Figure 13 .Analyse de l’incertitude associée à l’inversion des tomographies électriques sur différentes géométries de regolith (travail de DEA de S. Fleury, d’après Braun et al, 2009). Au total, l’incertitude due à l’inversion nous conduit à ré-évaluer l’épaisseur d’altération de 17%. Grâce à la réalisation de douze transects géophysiques au travers du bassin versant (montrés sur la figure 10, page 34) nous déduisons une épaisseur moyenne d’altération de 17 mètres, ce qui pourrait correspondre à plus d’un million d’années d’altération chimique sous climat tropical. Même si la connaissance de l’épaisseur du regolith est d’un grand intérêt pour la compréhension de la dynamique d’altération des roches, elle ne suffit pas à estimer la ressource en eau stockée, ni les paramètres de flux, comme la conductivité hydraulique. Pour Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 37 cela, nous avons proposé d’utiliser la RMP. En raison de la complexité de l’aquifère, A. Legchenko a développé une modélisation 2D (Legchenko et al, 2006). Comparée à l’imagerie électrique (figure 14), la RMP apporte une information indispensable à la compréhension des aquifères (Descloitres et al, 2008). Figure 14 .Comparaison entre l’interprétation de la conductivité hydraulique déduite des mesures RMP (sans calibration par forage) et les résultats de la tomographie électrique réalisée à l’exutoire du bassin versant de Moole Hole (figure 10), d’après Descloitres et al. (2008). L’iso-contour 400 ohm.m marquant la limite régolith/protolith est tracé en rouge pointillé (Braun et al., 2009). La teneur en eau RMP suit presque les mêmes iso-contours, et montre des valeurs de l’ordre de 2.5% du volume total au maximum La RMP, même avec une faible résolution spatiale, identifie la partie aquifère sous l’isocontour 400 ohm.m. Les zones argileuses, détectées par la tomographie de résistivité, occupent la majeure partie du regolith, au dessus. Par cette comparaison, nous apprenons que le regolith ne forme pas ici un stock d’eau souterraine, et que la faible réserve d’eau (quelques pourcents du volume total) se situe au sein du protolith, probablement dans la partie fissurée mais non encore altérée de la roche. Ces résultats obtenus en Inde corroborent partiellement ceux obtenus sur des formations granitiques altérées (Vouillamoz et al, 2005). Sur le site du forage « KB 203 » au Burkina Faso par exemple, la résistivité électrique permet de distinguer, grâce à des diagraphies, les roches fissurées/fracturées des altérites (figure 15). 0 clay 20 weathered granite 30 fissured granite casing 10 00 10 10 10 0 00 0 -4 -5 Ro (ohm.m) 00 1x 10 4x 10 7x 10 1x 10 -5 -5 T (m/²s) 12 0 0 80 6 0 40 1. 0 Tpumping test = 3.10-4 m²/s T1 decay constant (ms) 8 water content (%) 0. Kombissiri KB203 Figure 15. Résultats géophysiques RMP et de diagraphie de résistivité obtenus sur le site test de Kombissiri au Burkina Faso. D’après Vouillamoz et al. (2005) 40 granite pegmatite 50 60 Q+ fresh granite fractured zones ? screen 70 Transmissivity 1 6 . 0 -6 0x 10 6 0x 0x 2. Hydraulic conductivity 10 -6 80 4. Depth (m) Q+ K (m/s) Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 38 A la différence des altérites des roches gneissiques de l’Inde, les altérites du granite apparaissent un peu plus poreuses (teneur en eau RMP 1.5%). On voit ici se dégager une discrimination possible des types d’altérites en fonction de la roche mère à l’aide de leur signature RMP. Cette faculté discriminatoire de la RMP m’a conduit à entreprendre des recherches au Bénin, avec pour objectif d’étudier les propriétés hydriques des altérites en contexte de roches métamorphiques pour contribuer à la compréhension du bilan hydrologique. En particulier, les parts respectives de la recharge et de l’évapotranspiration sur le bilan total sont mal connues. En connaissant les variations des niveaux des nappes, et à condition de connaître la porosité de drainage du regolith et ses variations spatiales, il est possible de mieux contraindre la recharge (Kamagate et al, 2007, Guyot et al., 2009). J’ai choisi pour ce site une approche impliquant une reconnaissance géologique, la cartographie électromagnétique du regolith (représentée figure 11, page 35) et la caractérisation par des sondages de résonance magnétique des protons des formations géologiques identifiées. La figure 16 montre le résultat de la spatialisation des teneurs en eau RMP sur le site grâce à l’identification géologique et la cartographie électromagnétique et ce, à l’échelle des mesures de scintillométrie micro-onde mises en œuvre dans notre équipe par J. M. Cohard et A. Guyot (Guyot et al, 2009). Figure 16. Spatialisation des teneurs en eau RMP à l’échelle des mesures scintillométriques sur le bassin versant d’Ara au Bénin (ORE Amma Catch). Les chiffres en caractères gras indiquent la teneur en eau RMP des altérites des formations métamorphiques. Les contours pointillés indiquent l’empreinte de sensibilité du scintillomètre en fonction du secteur du vent dominant au long du trajet optique de l’instrument, en rouge (voir Guyot et al, 2009). A : Micaschists B : Amphibolites C : Quartzites D : Gneiss migmatitiques d’après Descloitres et al. (2010), soumis. On constate que les teneurs en eau RMP sont assez variables d’une formation géologique altérée à l’autre : de moins de 1.5% pour les amphibolites (zone « A ») à plus de 10 % du volume total pour les quartzites (« C »), en passant par les gneiss migmatitiques (« D »). Pour l’instant (2010), les teneurs en eau RMP ne sont pas calibrées par essai de pompage, ce qui rend ce résultat relatif. En faisant l’hypothèse que les teneurs en eau RMP maximisent les valeurs de porosité de drainage, l’analyse des signaux du scintillomètre peut déjà être mieux comprise grâce à cette spatialisation (J. M. Cohard, étude en cours). D’un point de vue appliqué, cette étude confirme aussi l’intérêt de choisir des formations de quartzite fracturée pour l’implantation des forages ou des puits villageois, ouvrages qui Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 39 draineront des quantités d’eau 2 à 4 fois supérieures à celles des formations gneissiques ou schisteuses. b) Spatialisation régionale des aquifères sédimentaires Ces études entrent dans la continuité de ma thèse sur la méthode électromagnétique en domaine temporel (TDEM) appliquée aux aquifères volcaniques, montrant les capacités de cette méthode à reconnaître les substratums argileux électriquement conducteurs ou les biseaux salés (Ritz et al, 1997, Descloitres et al, 1997). La première étude décrite ici avait pour but de contribuer à l’élaboration d’un modèle conceptuel de fonctionnement d’un grand aquifère de l’altiplano bolivien (bassin endoréique en climat semi-aride, situé entre le lac Titicaca et les zones des lacs salés d’Uyuni). La salinité de l’eau souterraine varie notablement dans cette zone de 3000 km². Les eaux salées sont repoussées lentement vers le sud par les recharges du fleuve Desaguadero. Si la géochimie permet de quantifier la vitesse d’écoulement, très lente (1m/an), du flux souterrain et les évaporations de l’aquifère (Coudrain et al., 2001), les chemins souterrains de l’eau restaient inconnus, car tributaires de la répartition spatiale et en profondeur des formations argileuses, entremêlées avec des formations sableuses plus perméables. Nous avons réalisé une centaine de sondages électromagnétiques TDEM sur l’ensemble de la zone. La cartographie des géométries des formations argileuses et du substratum conducteur (probablement formé par des aquifères très salés) a été réalisée grâce à la relation que j’ai établie entre les valeurs de résistivité et la salinité de la nappe, connue par une trentaine de forages. La figure 17 permet de discriminer 3 grands types de terrain en présence : A) les formations sableuses, B) les formations sablo argileuses, C) les formations d’argile à eau douce. Un quatrième domaine (D) présente à la fois des valeurs de salinité élevées (> 3mS/cm) et des résistivités très basses (< 10 ohm.m). Cette situation conduit à une indétermination sur le type de formation en présence. Figure 17. Relation entre la résistivité interprétée des sondages TDEM et la conductivité de l’eau souterraine sur l’Altiplano Bolivien (Guérin et al., 2004). Les porosités des sables déduites de la loi d’Archie (figure 8) sont importantes, de l’ordre de 30%, ce qui représente un stock d’eau souterraine important à l’échelle régionale. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 40 Une telle relation, spécifique au site, permet de tracer les chemins probables de l’eau souterraine, empruntant préférentiellement les chenaux sableux dans le sous-sol : la figure 18 présente les cartes de répartition des formations du sous-sol, à 10 et 50 m de profondeur. Les formations sableuses favorisent un écoulement peu profond (10m) dans des chenaux au sudouest. Les formations argileuses font obstacle à la circulation de l’eau à l’est et au sud-est. Figure 18. Cartographie des formations sableuses et argileuses à 10 (a) et 50 mètres (b) de profondeur déduite de la figure 17. L’aquifère sableux est nettement développé à 50 mètres de profondeur sur la moitié de la surface étudiée, confirmant les potentialités d’exploitation de cet aquifère (Guérin et al., 2004). Les flèches bleues indiquent les flux souterrains possibles. Cette étude démontre les possibilités de spatialisation offertes par les sondages TDEM, et propose les contraintes géométriques de modèles hydrogéologiques d’écoulement (testés dans la thèse de A. Talbi, 2001, mais non publiés). Une conclusion importante ressort de cette étude : il existe une zone d’indétermination pour les formations électriquement conductrices : on ne discrimine pas les argiles des sables à eau salée, limitation très classique des méthodes de résistivité. Pour s’affranchir de cette indétermination, nos études se sont ultérieurement portées sur l’utilisation de la RMP, capable de discriminer les deux cas. Cette complémentarité a d’abord été montrée par nos études au Cambodge à la même époque (Vouillamoz et al, 2002) pour une zone aquifère où la présence de lentilles argileuses disposées très aléatoirement compromettait l’efficacité des programmes d’alimentation en eau potable des populations. Plus récemment, deux études du même type confirment l’intérêt du couplage des deux méthodes. La première concerne l’étude de l’aquifère du continental terminal de la région de Niamey (figure 5, page 24) initiée par mes collègues J.M. Vouillamoz et G. Favreau. Cette étude montre que le TDEM apporte une information clef sur l’épaisseur de l’aquifère. En effet, cette méthode permet la détermination très fiable de la profondeur du mur argileux, comme en témoigne la figure 19, où l’on voit que la corrélation entre le toit des argiles et les profondeurs repérées par forages est excellente (Boucher et al., 2009). Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 41 Figure 19. relation entre la profondeur du toit des argiles situées sous l’aquifère de Niamey calculées par TDEM et profondeur repérées par forage (compilation de G. Favreau, dans Boucher et al, 2009) Ce résultat, attendu, permet d’entrevoir une spatialisation régionale de l’épaisseur de l’aquifère, qui pourrait être faite sans difficultés par des prospections TDEM aéroportées. Néanmoins, les études de sensibilité du modèle hydrogéologique de recharge menées par M. Boucher montrent que la connaissance très précise de la profondeur du mur de l’aquifère n’est pas cruciale pour le calage du modèle, alors que les résultats RMP sont, eux, très précieux. Cette constatation m’a amené à proposer récemment une seconde étude dans le cadre du programme IRD « Lac Tchad », coordonné par P. Genthon. L’objectif de cette étude est d’améliorer le modèle conceptuel hydrogéologique de l’aquifère de la vallée de la Komadougou au Niger, proche du Lac Tchad. Autour de la ville de Diffa, seule la rivière participe de façon intermittente à la recharge. Les modifications de l’usage des terres (cultures intensives de poivrons, développements projetés de l’agriculture irriguée) nécessitent d’évaluer la ressource en eau souterraine disponible, ce qui constitue un second objectif, plus appliqué. Une coupe géoélectrique TDEM faite au travers de la vallée, accompagnée de sondages RMP, permet d’établir les bases du modèle conceptuel de l’aquifère. Sur la figure 20, on peut voir que la coupe géoélectrique délimite de grandes unités, surmontant un substratum argileux. Ces classes de résistivité indiquent des variations entre un pôle argileux (vert et bleu clair) et un pôle sableux (couleur rouge foncée). L’agencement des formations étant très complexe dans le détail (feuillets de lits argileux au sein d’une matrice sableuse), la méthode TDEM n’a pas la résolution suffisante pour les discriminer finement. Si la résolution de la RMP est aussi insuffisante pour cela, la teneur totale en argile de la colonne aquifère peut être calculée à l’aide des données RMP. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 42 Figure 20. Coupe géoélectrique TDEM de l’aquifère de la vallée de la Komadougou, Niger, en haut. Les pourcentages d’argile sur la colonne de terrain déduite des modélisations et des mesures RMP sont superposés à la coupe TDEM (Chalikakis et al., en préparation). En bas, modèle conceptuel proposé pour les futures modélisations hydrogéologiques (thèse de A. Moumouni Moussa, direction Genthon/Descloitres) En réalisant une modélisation numérique RMP, on peut calculer une équivalence en terme de pourcentage total d’argile de la colonne de terrain explorée sous le sondage. Cette modélisation montre latéralement des variations importantes d’argile (de 8 à 45 %). Cette information est cruciale si on veut appliquer un modèle d’écoulement dans ce système, car la transmissivité de l’aquifère pourrait varier significativement latéralement. En terme de ressource en eau pour l’irrigation, le couplage TDEM/RMP permet l’identification des zones favorables aux forages, clairement situées dans des formations de sables grossiers situées entre la surface et 40 mètres de profondeur. Notre étude montre aussi que l’absence de terrain argileux en surface rend cet aquifère très vulnérable à la pollution. c) En résumé Pour les systèmes aquifères de socle, les études présentées ici démontrent la richesse d’une approche multi méthodes. Les possibilités d’imagerie offertes par les tomographies de résistivité permettent d’appréhender des géométries complexes du sous sol. Nous avons constaté que les regoliths présentent, sur les sites étudiés, des résistivités inférieures à 400 ohm.m. Mais ces études souffrent de la difficulté à établir des fonctions de transfert entre la résistivité et les variables hydrologiques. Pour pallier cette situation, l’utilisation de la RMP apporte un éclairage essentiel sur les propriétés hydriques du regolith, principal compartiment de stockage des aquifères. Lorsque les conditions expérimentales sont excellentes, la RMP permet de reconnaître les zones fissurées. Néanmoins, la RMP ne permet pas encore d’obtenir rapidement une résolution suffisante dans les aquifères complexes (du moins sans réaliser une prospection RMP à maille très serrée), et la comparaison avec les méthodes d’imagerie électrique est alors idéale. Nous avons aussi constaté que la capacité de stockage de ces regoliths (spatialisée grâce à la teneur en eau RMP) semble bien dépendre du type de roche mère. Ce point mérite d’être approfondi et discuté à l’avenir, car cela permettrait à terme une cartographie des capacités de stockage des altérites de socle, et donc l’évaluation des ressources en eau à partir d’approches couplées géologie/géophysique. Les études en contexte sédimentaire montrent l’importance de l’identification des zones argileuses (y compris les substratums) pour la compréhension des systèmes aquifères. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 43 Si l’altiplano bolivien montre l’avantage du TDEM pour une spatialisation régionale et l’identification des eaux salées, le cas de Diffa montre lui la capacité de la RMP à discriminer les formations argileuses des formations plus sableuses, dans les limites de résolution de la méthode. Ainsi, en combinant la rapidité des sondages TDEM de résistivité à la possibilité de quantification des paramètres hydriques de la RMP, la construction des modèles hydrogéologiques régionaux est facilitée. 3.2. Recharge des aquifères Ce thème concerne les sites en contexte de socle du Burkina Faso et d’Inde, et en contexte sédimentaire à Wankama, au Niger. C’est principalement le suivi temporel de résistivité qui est utilisé, mais la RMP est mise aussi à contribution sur le site de Moole Hole (Inde). Ce thème illustre en particulier les difficultés des suivis temporels de résistivité, ainsi que les apports d’une approche multidisciplinaire. a) Les ravines de versant sont-elles des lieux de recharge ? S’il est généralement établi que les mares et les axes drainants de bas-fond sont les lieux de la recharge indirecte des aquifères au Sahel, les ravines de versant pourraient jouer aussi un rôle comme le suggèrent Peugeot et al. (1997) au Niger sahélien. Ils observent que l’infiltration s’accroît lorsque les écoulements sont localisés dans des ravines temporaires, et particulièrement lorsqu’ils traversent des sols sableux et caillouteux. Esteves et Lapetite (2003) concluent aussi que des infiltrations profondes peuvent exister lorsque les ravines de versant traversent des sols sableux épais (supérieurs à 10 m). La première étude est menée dans la zone sahélienne du nord du Burkina Faso, qui se trouve exactement dans la même situation climatique qu’à Wankama à l’est de Niamey au Niger. Mais au Burkina Faso, le contexte géologique est différent : la couverture de sols est très argileuse en raison d’une altération des roches cristallines comportant des minéraux plus sensibles à l’altération chimique. De plus nous avons observé, partout dans le paysage, que les ruissellements concentrés détruisaient les croûtes indurées et imperméables des horizons de surface pour former des ravines d’érosion. L’objectif de cette première étude était donc de vérifier si les ravines de versant pouvaient être infiltrantes, ou non, et si des infiltrations profondes pouvaient être influencées par certains états de surface. La ravine de l’exutoire du bassin versant sur le site de Katchari (figure 21) a été choisie parce qu’elle présente tous les états de surface de la zone, et traverse un filon de quartz fracturé qui pouvait favoriser l’infiltration. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 44 Figure 21. Ravine de l’exutoire de Katchari. Carte des états de surface et des dispositifs géophysiques. La ligne rouge représente le tracé des lignes d’électrodes pour la coupe géoélectrique. Rectangles rouges : fosses pédologiques de contrôle. D’après Descloitres et al. (2003) J’ai mis en œuvre une approche de suivi des résistivités apparentes sur toute la saison des pluies. En parallèle, un suivi temporel a été réalisé en tomographie de résistivité au travers de la ravine. L’ensemble a été contrôlé par des mesures neutroniques implantées dans 6 tubes d’accès à 6 mètres de profondeur, et par l’excavation de fosses pédologiques. Pour le suivi cartographique, les résultats obtenus sont présentés sur la figure 22. Figure 22. Variations des résistivité apparentes depuis le début de la saison de mousson (juin) jusqu’ au milieu de la saison sèche (mars). Dispositif Wenner, écartement d’électrodes : 5m. Les diminutions de résistivité apparaissent en bleu, les augmentations en orange et rouge. Le tracé de la ravine est souligné par des lignes noires continues. D’après Descloitres et al. (2003) Ces résultats montrent que, juste après les premières pluies, la résistivité apparente mesurée décroît dans certaines zones à l’ouest, y compris en dehors du tracé de la ravine, et augmente plutôt à l’est. Le tracé de la ravine n’est marqué par aucune anomalie de variation de résistivité apparente. La tentation est forte de traduire les décroissances mesurées directement en zones d’infiltration. Mais comment expliquer que la résistivité apparente augmente dans d’autres zones ? S’agit-il d’une dessiccation plus profonde ? Pourquoi à cette époque des premières pluies ? Illogisme, confirmé par les suivis neutroniques : aucune dessiccation n’a eu lieu en profondeur. Dès lors, tout notre travail a été d’expliquer ce résultat. Pour cela, j’ai construit un modèle synthétique des infiltrations possibles. Olivier Ribolzi a proposé de réaliser des expérimentations contrôlées dans des fosses de contrôle, implantées grâce aux cartes géophysiques. Nous avons constaté : a) dans la zone de diminution de résistivité apparente la présence de carbonates se diluant rapidement lors des premières pluies, Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 45 faisant considérablement chuter la résistivité des sols, b) des infiltrations très superficielles dans les tubes neutroniques. Les modélisations synthétiques représentant la réponse d’un sondage électrique à des scénarios d’infiltration, présentées sur la figure 23, montrent que, en cas de chute de la résistivité vraie dans les tous premiers décimètres du sous sol, la résistivité apparente peut augmenter pour les mesures à longueur de ligne intermédiaires. Or, c’est justement ces longueurs que nous avons utilisées pour la prospection de résistivité apparente ! Ce phénomène, dû à ce que les géophysiciens de terrain appellent le « retard à la remontée des courbes de sondage électrique », avait déjà été constaté par Louis Cagniard en 1959 pour des mesures sur glacier, où la neige recouvrant le glacier jouait le rôle de couche conductrice superficielle au dessus d’un milieu plus résistant, la glace! Dans notre cas, nous nous sommes fait « piégés » par ce phénomène, intrinsèque à la méthode. Figure 23. Courbes de sondage électrique synthétique construites à partir d’un scénario d’infiltration superficielle dans des sols non carbonatés. On montre la chute de résistivité apparente pour les courtes longueurs de ligne. La zone rouge souligne l’augmentation pour des longueurs de ligne intermédiaires Descloitres et al. (2003) Finalement, cette étude montre que les ravines de versant ne sont pas le siège d’infiltrations profondes dans ce contexte sahélien, avec des sols issus de l’altération de roche de socle. Notre cartographie de suivi temporel permet néanmoins d’identifier les zones de sols carbonatés. De plus petites longueurs de lignes d’électrodes auraient permis une cartographie plus fine de ces sols, grâce à leur facilité à faire chuter drastiquement la résistivité par la dissolution rapide de carbonates. Nous pensons que c’est bien la nature très argileuse des sols, associée aux temps de transit trop rapides des écoulements sur les surfaces potentiellement infiltrantes, qui sont responsables de l’absence d’infiltration dans les versants sahéliens de socle. Les résultats des suivis temporels en coupe de résistivité au travers de la ravine, interprétés à la même époque (2003) sont aussi problématiques. Même s’ils utilisent des écartements d’électrodes réduits pour tenir compte des infiltrations superficielles, ils mettent en évidence un problème sérieux pour le suivi temporel en tomographie : les augmentations de résistivité apparente dues à des infiltrations très superficielles semblent se répercuter dans l’inversion : La figure 24 montre en effet des zones d’augmentation de résistivités calculées apparaissant en profondeur dans les coupes, zones d’augmentation contredites par les mesures de sonde à neutron. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 46 Figure 24. Coupe de résistivité en suivi temporel au travers de la ravine de Katchari) D’après Descloitres et al. (conférence Geofcan, 2001) Les différentes solutions imaginées avec les outils d’inversion disponibles à l’époque, comme contraindre les inversions par les données de diagraphies, n’améliorent pas cette situation (Descloitres et al., conférence Geofcan, 2001). Je montrerai plus loin comment ce problème a été résolu depuis, dans le cadre de la thèse de Rémi Clément. Pour la deuxième étude, nous changeons de contexte géologique pour nous retrouver au Niger en zone sédimentaire. Cette étude avait pour objectif d’étudier les recharges des aquifères sur un autre élément morphologique du paysage sahélien de versant, les épandages sableux. Ces épandages étaient identifiés par mes collègues G. Favreau et S. Massuel comme potentiellement infiltrants, en plus des ravines localisées déjà connues (figure 25). Cette étude a été réalisée sur le bassin versant expérimental de Wankama au Niger (ORE « AMMACatch ») qui présente un épandage sableux caractéristique. Afin de faciliter l’implantation de forages destinés à prélever des échantillons pour l’analyse géochimique, j’ai proposé une approche par cartographie de résistivité électromagnétique à différentes profondeurs d’investigation, et une imagerie par coupe de résistivité positionnée grâce à ces cartes. Nous comptions ainsi reconnaître la zone non saturée sableuse très épaisse jusqu’à la nappe située à plus de 25 mètres de profondeur. Pour cette étude, j’ai imaginé, puis conçu et breveté avec mon collègue Y. Le Troquer, un outil de diagraphie en forage adapté à la zone non saturée. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 47 Figure 25. Bassin versant de Wankama, Niger. A et B : localisation des forages, cartographies de résistivité. C : coupe de résistivité Les diagraphies géophysiques réalisées dans les forages 1 et 2, placés grâce à la géophysique, sont comparées aux analyses géochimiques (D). D’après Massuel et al. (2006) Les résultats montrent que le positionnement très précis des forages par la géophysique a permis aux hydro-géochimistes d’identifier clairement des zones où le lessivage des éléments chimiques vers la nappe était prédominant. De plus, les résultats géophysiques montrent que les chemins de percolation à la nappe sont discontinus, de largeurs variables : à l’image des phénomènes d’infiltration préférentielle en forme de doigt (« fingering ») observés dans la proche surface de certains sols lors d’une infiltration, nous avons ici un phénomène analogue, mais à l’échelle d’un versant. Cette interprétation, qui enrichit le modèle conceptuel de la recharge dans ces zones, a été rendue possible grâce au couplage des données de résistivité en forage et de géochimie (Massuel et al., 2006). b) Comment s’effectue la recharge des aquifères par les ravines de bas fond ? Après les versants, l’objectif était de tenter de localiser et de quantifier les recharges indirectes au niveau des axes drainants de bas-fond. Au Sahel, ces axes concentrent l’essentiel des ruissellements. En milieu soudanien, il faut savoir faire la part entre une recharge directe de l’aquifère sur les versants, et des recharges indirectes dans les zones où les ravines peuvent être intermittentes, du moins sur les sites étudiés. Au Burkina Faso, au travers de la ravine de bas fond du site de Katchari (figure 9, page 33), un suivi temporel en coupe de résistivité a été tenté. Je ne le présenterai pas ici, car ce suivi, entaché probablement d’artefact d’imagerie, doit être réinterprété. Pour illustrer mes travaux, je m’appuie sur le cas de l’Inde, à Moole Hole, où les suivis de résistivité ont pu être comparés à des mesures en forages et enrichis par une tentative réussie de suivi temporel RMP. A Moole Hole, c’est aussi la zone de l’exutoire (figure 10, page 34) qui a été choisie en raison de la piste le longeant, seul endroit accessible aux camions pour les forages de contrôle dans cette forêt vierge. Sur la figure 26, je présente les résultats de la coupe de Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 48 résistivité électrique faite au travers de la ravine de l’exutoire. Pour obtenir une image géophysique fiable, il a d’abord fallu ajuster les paramètres d’inversion en comparant les modèles géophysiques avec les données de résistivité mesurées en forage. L’image obtenue est complexe, et montre que le socle rocheux pointe sous la surface en de nombreux endroits, pointements entrecoupés par des incisions profondes de matériaux plus conducteurs. La longueur d’onde des variations latérales de résistivité est très courte : par exemple, l’image électrique montre le socle à 5 mètres de profondeur au niveau du piezomètre 7, alors qu’il est situé à plus de 25 mètres sous le piézomètre 8, situé seulement 35 mètres à coté ! Figure 26. En haut ; coupe de tomographie électrique au travers de la ravine de Moole Hole, localisation des forages de contrôle, avec l’exemple de la diagraphie de résistivité dans le piézomètre n°7 comparée aux inversions. En bas, suivi temporel de résistivité dans la zone centrale. L’image représente les valeurs du rapport des résistivités calculées (état avant les pluies : état après les pluies).D’après Descloitres et al. (2008) Les paramètres d’inversion géophysique, ajustés par les données de forage, sont utilisés pour analyser les différences de résistivité obtenues après les pluies (en bas de la figure 26). Des zones de diminutions de résistivité sont identifiées en zone non saturée, sous la ravine, indiquant une recharge localisée, indirecte. Dans les versants, nous remarquons aussi des diminutions de résistivité dans les premiers mètres sous la surface, indiquant cette fois ci une possibilité de recharge directe, généralisée sur l’ensemble du bassin versant. Cette infiltration profonde est confirmée par des mesures neutroniques dans des trous de tarière. En zone saturée, dans la nappe, l’image géophysique montre que la résistivité diminue, ce qui pourrait correspondre à une concentration en solutés qui s’accroît. Ce résultat n’est pas corroboré par la mesure de la résistivité des eaux, qui augmente au contraire : en effet, la concentration en solutés diminue, suite à la dilution des eaux anciennes par l’arrivée de l’eau de pluie nouvelle dans l’aquifère. Un autre artéfact de l’imagerie géophysique est repéré : dans les versants en zone non saturée, le calcul nous montre une augmentation de la résistivité en dessous de l’infiltration de surface. Cela n’est pas très logique et ne pourrait être expliqué que par un prélèvement profond par les racines… Il existe une autre façon d’expliquer cette image : ce résultat peut être critiqué de la même façon que sous la ravine de Katchari (figure Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 49 24, page 47): un effet d’infiltration superficielle pourrait être mal pris en compte par l’inversion, en raison de modèles équivalents possibles. Je montre dans cette étude, par une modélisation numérique, que c’est bien le cas : on peut reproduire l’image de variation de résistivité uniquement par l’introduction d’une infiltration de surface, sans qu’il y ait de dessiccation en profondeur ! Cette conclusion renforce mon avis que la procédure d’interprétation de suivi temporel doit être l’objet d’une étude méthodologique spécifique, qui doit en particulier tenir compte des variations de surface, même quand il y a des fronts d’infiltration plus profonds. L’étude de l’infiltration a été aussi réalisée par deux sondages RMP centrés sur la ravine à deux époques différentes : l’objectif était de quantifier les volumes d’eau que le regolith peut contenir lors de la recharge. La figure 27 montre le résultat de l’interprétation des sondages RMP. Figure 27. Suivi temporel RMP, depuis la fin de la saison des pluies (novembre, aquifère à son plus haut niveau) et le milieu de la saison sèche (fin janvier, niveau minimum). A gauche, variation de la teneur en eau selon la profondeur. La partie poreuse de l’aquifère (2.5%) se retrouve non saturée, et fait apparaître la partie fissurée, qui contient nettement moins d’eau (0.5%) et présente une conductivité hydraulique plus faible (à droite). D’après Descloitres et al. (2008). Les conditions de mesure exceptionnelles de ce site (bruit de fond électromagnétique extrêmement faible) permettent de connaître la variation de stock d’eau possible dans l’aquifère, environ 2.5 % du volume total. Une fois le niveau de la nappe redescendu, seule la partie fissurée de la roche contient encore de l’eau, environ 0.5% du volume total. La RMP apparaît ainsi être un outil de suivi temporel intéressant pour quantifier les variations de stock d’eau lors de la recharge à l’échelle des ravines. c) En résumé Les suivis temporels géophysiques ont été utilisés pour localiser et spatialiser, sous forme de carte ou de coupes, les recharges indirectes des aquifères par les ravines. Pour préciser les modèles conceptuels en zone sahélienne, nous nous sommes intéressés aux zones de versants, mal connues. Deux situations se rencontrent selon la géologie: en zone de socle, les versants ne jouent probablement pas un rôle infiltrant malgré les multitudes de ravines Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 50 d’érosion existantes. En zone sédimentaire, en particulier lorsque les terrains sous jacents sont à dominante sableuse, les épandages sableux peuvent jouer un rôle dans la recharge. Une fois cartographiés, ces épandages pourraient être inclus dans les sources de recharge des modèles hydrologiques régionaux. Les suivis temporels géophysiques en zone plus humide ont été utilisés pour caractériser les recharges indirectes par les ravines de bas fond, mais aussi pour mettre en évidence des recharges directes dans les versants. Nous avons appris que les axes drainants intermittents sont bien le siège de recharges indirectes localisées. Dans les versants, nos études montrent des infiltrations généralisées. Si les études géophysiques menées ne quantifient pas les taux de recharge, elles permettent la spatialisation des phénomènes, et facilitent l’implantation de reconnaissances plus ponctuelles par forage à des fins d’analyses géochimiques ou autres. Les études ultérieures de Maréchal et al. (2009) et de Ruiz et al. (2009) s’appuieront en partie sur les résultats géophysiques pour étudier les termes de recharge directe et indirecte sur ce site, et dégager le rôle clef que joue le regolith, qui stocke des réserves d’eau utilisées par la forêt lors des années de sécheresse. D’un point de vue méthodologique, nous avons montré que les suivis temporels de résistivité peuvent présenter des artéfacts notables. Nous avons identifié des causes possibles à ces effets indésirables, notamment la variation de résistivité dans les premiers décimètres des sols, la non prise en compte des modèles équivalents et/ou les effets de régularisation dans les inversions. 3.3. Etude des transferts d’eau dans les premiers décimètres du sol Ce thème concerne l’étude des processus élémentaires du cycle de l’eau. Il s'agit de recherches menées à de petites échelles sur le terrain (parcelles, séquence de sols) avec pour objectif de contribuer à établir des modèles de description et de quantification de ces processus. Etant donné qu’on s’intéresse à des échelles d’espace et de temps réduites (de quelques décimètres à quelques mètres, de quelques minutes à quelques jours), ces études utilisent principalement la méthode d’imagerie de résistivité, adaptable à ces échelles. J’illustre ces études par l’expérience la plus complète, celle réalisée sur une micro-dune sous pluie simulée au Burkina Faso. Une autre expérience a été menée en Inde montrant les limitations du suivi temporel de résistivité dans des sols plus argileux a) Les transferts d’eau dans une micro-dune lors de cycles de pluie L’expérience de la microdune avait pour objectif de comprendre les processus d’infiltration et d’évaporation (ou de drainage) dans les sols sableux hétérogènes. Comme je l’ai expliqué en présentant la figure 6 (page 25), les microdunes présentent une structure interne complexe héritée de l'interaction entre les phénomènes hydriques et éoliens, structure qui pourrait également jouer un rôle clef dans l'infiltration car il existe des couches superposées de perméabilité différente. La végétation sur le coté sous le vent pourrait favoriser l’infiltration. Lors d’une pluie, on ne connaît pas la redistribution de l’eau en son sein, et il faut donc connaître la part d’eau ancienne et d’eau nouvelle participant aux Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 51 ruissellements démarrant de la micro-dune. Cela est nécessaire pour mieux comprendre comment déconvoluer les hydrogrammes de crues mesurés en aval du bassin. De même, pour comprendre la dynamique des ruissellements, on aimerait savoir si une microdune peut générer des écoulements rapides (démarrage de ruissellement de surface par engorgement rapide des premiers centimètres du sol) ou jouer le rôle de « tampon » en absorbant l’eau de pluie plus profondément. Nous avons décidé de coupler une approche hydrochimique et d’imagerie de résistivité, en contrôlant non seulement l’intensité des pluies, mais aussi leur chimie. Le dispositif expérimental est décrit sur la figure 28. Figure 28. Dispositif expérimental l’expérience « micro-dune ». A : simulateur de pluie sur le site Katchari (Burkina Faso). B : implantation des dispositifs surface et aperçu des rigoles récupération des écoulements, coté vent et sous le vent. C. Plan de position des capteurs surface. D’après Descloitres et (2008) de de de de au en al. Pour le géophysicien, cette expérience présente l’avantage de pouvoir accéder au cœur du terrain juste après la dernière pluie, en coupant la microdune en deux. L’image de la figure 29 ci-dessous a donc été prise après l’expérience. Nous avons implanté deux micro-forages pour mesurer la résistivité au sein du sol. De manière à prévenir des infiltrations préférentielles au long de ces tubes, ceux-ci ont été placés à la perceuse 8 mois avant l’expérience, permettant ainsi au terrain de se réaménager de façon naturelle autour des sondes géophysiques. Nous avons aussi mesuré les variations de température dans les 30 premiers centimètres. Cela permet de corriger les valeurs de résistivité dues aux amplitudes de variation thermique très importantes au sahel dans les premiers décimètres (plus de 15°C, soit plus de 30% de variation de la valeur de résistivité). Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 52 Figure 29. Dispositif expérimental géophysique, vu en coupe. a) principaux interfaces pédologiques repérés après l’expérience. b) implantation des électrodes, des tubes de diagraphie électrique, de mesure de température, et tracé des cellules de prélèvement (conception O. Ribolzi et J.P. Thiébaux). D’après Descloitres et al. (2008) Plusieurs pluies simulées ont été réalisées, la dernière utilisant un traceur salin pour amplifier le contraste de résistivité (et hydrochimique) et faciliter ainsi le traçage de l’eau nouvelle par rapport à l’eau ancienne. Dans un premier temps, les inversions géophysiques réalisées en routine ne permettaient pas d’être validées par la comparaison avec les valeurs des diagraphies de résistivité dans les micro-forages. J’ai conduit alors une étude sur l’optimisation des paramètres d’inversion. Il en ressort les conclusions suivantes : a) la connaissance de la zone invariante de résistivité en profondeur est essentielle pour limiter le domaine de calcul des résistivités à des endroits réalistes, b) il faut limiter l’inversion à 2 itérations pour ne pas amplifier les ajustements excessifs des valeurs de résistivité, pilotés uniquement par le critère de convergence. Malgré cette optimisation de l’inversion, les résultats des images de résistivité présentent, en profondeur notamment, des écarts de plus de 20% avec la réalité. C’est donc la limite de résolution obtenue. La figure 30 présente le résultat du suivi temporel sous les pluies successives, corrigé des variations de température. Après la pluie n°2, réalisée après 2 jours d’assèchement, on constate que l’infiltration se produit préférentiellement sous le coté au vent (à droite de la microdune sur ces images). L’évaporation se produit de façon plus homogène. Après la pluie n°3, salée, on constate que l’eau s’infiltre plutôt de façon homogène, remplissant les zones préalablement évaporées partiellement. De même, l’évaporation se produit ensuite de façon homogène. Les différences de dynamique de « versant » sont-elles dues à la fréquence des pluies ? L’hydrogéochimie nous apprend aussi que l’eau présente dans la microdune avant la pluie salée avait une concentration en soluté supérieure à la Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 53 concentration de l’eau de pluie salée…Dès lors, il devenait difficile de tracer les eaux anciennes des eaux nouvelles, malheureusement. Figure 30. Résultats du suivi temporel de résistivité au sein de la microdune, pour deux pluies successives, la première avec une eau déminéralisée (« rain 2 ») et la seconde après la pluie salée (« rain 3 ») En haut, les images de la résistivité calculée après optimisation de l’inversion. En bas, les rapports de résistivité permettant d’appréhender les zones d’humectation (diminution de la résistivité, couleur bleue à violette) et les zones de dessiccation (évaporation, en couleur orange à noire). Dans un deuxième temps, notre objectif était de tenter une spatialisation de la teneur en eau grâce à la spatialisation de la tension, elle-même déduite de la résistivité… Mais une relation directe entre résistivité et tension ne peut pas être établie en raison des variations importantes de porosité dans ces sables, influant significativement sur la valeur de résistivité. J’ai alors comparé les valeurs de variation de la résistivité avec les différences de tension mesurées par des micro-tensiomètres au sein de la dune. Cette comparaison donne les résultats montrés sur la figure 31. 1.2 Rain 1 : evaporation afteronly rain 6 Rain 2 : rain after rain evaporation 1 0.8 2 fit: Equation Y = -1.61 * ln (X) + 0.04 R-squared = 0.797 7 3 5 INFILTRATION DOMAIN 0.4 5 8 4 9 4 0 -4 T1 2 4 T6 T2 -8 T7 T3 T8 1 -12 T9 -16 -20 T10 3 7 6 T5 1.1 0.6 8 EVAPORATION (or drainage) DOMAIN T4 -0.8 0.5 2 1 6 7 tensiometers 0 8 5 9 -0.4 9 Figure 31. Relation expérimentale entre les rapports de résistivité (après / avant la pluie) et les différences de tension mesurée au sein de la microdune. Le domaine d’infiltration (en fond bleu) est défini par des différences de tension positives. La localisation des tensiomètres utilisés pour établir cette relation est montrée en encart en bas à gauche. Les données utilisées sont celles après la pluie n°1, avant et après la pluie n°2, toutes deux non salées. D’après Descloitres et al. (2008) 0.7 DECREASE 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 INCREASE 1 resistivity ratio (final / initial) 2 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 54 On établit ainsi expérimentalement une relation linéaire entre les rapports des résistivités et les différences de tension. Cette relation n’est pas vérifiée lors de la pluie salée, car les variations de conductivité de l’eau dues au traceur brouillent complètement le signal de variation de résistivité, en introduisant un deuxième paramètre dans la loi d’Archie, en plus du facteur saturation. Nous n’avons pas tenté de dériver cette relation vers la teneur en eau, en l’absence de relation expérimentale de tension/saturation bien établie, comme le montre la figure 32. Figure 32. Relation expérimentale entre la tension et la saturation sur les sables de la microdune. D’après Descloitres et al. (2008) b) Les transferts d’eau dans un système de sols argileux : les limites de l’emploi de la résistivité L’objectif de l’étude entreprise en Inde avec L. Barbiéro et L. Ruiz (cellule IRD de Bangalore) était d’établir le fonctionnement hydrique d’un système de sols complexe, où des sols argileux gonflants (les « sols noirs ») se développent au sein de sols rouges. Ces sols noirs alternent des phases de rétractation ou de gonflement selon les périodes de la saison hydrologique. Ce fonctionnement est important à analyser car il génère des phénomènes d’érosion en forme de « cuillère » (Barbiéro et al, 2007). Sur le site de Moole Hole, nous avons choisi la séquence de sols « T3 » (repérée figure 10, page 34), pour mettre en œuvre les suivis temporels géophysiques. Cette séquence présente une coupe naturelle permettant la description des horizons pédologiques. J’ai implanté des tubes d’accès neutroniques en arrière plan de cette séquence, comme le montre la figure 33. Les relations comptage neutronique/teneur en eau ont été obtenues par calibration à différents états hydriques. Des mesures du potentiel hydrique et de prélèvement des eaux interstitielles ont été faites à différentes profondeurs. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 55 Figure 33. Description pédologique de la séquence de sols T3 en Inde. Les tubes neutroniques, ainsi que les variations de teneur en eau entre mars et juin 2004 y sont représentés, et montrent les infiltrations préférentielles dans le tube A4 traversant les sols noirs. Nous avons constaté que les sols noirs (à l’aval, sous les sols rouges) ont une activité hydrique importante en début de saison des pluies, car les fentes de retrait y favorisent l’infiltration profonde. Ces fentes se referment ensuite, et les sols noirs jouent alors le rôle d’écran à l’infiltration. Avant d’utiliser les suivis temporels de résistivité, connaissant l’influence de la présence d’argiles sur la valeur de la résistivité, j’ai cherché à établir des relations entre résistivité et teneur en eau, en utilisant l’outil de diagraphie de résistivité à membrane gonflable créé au Burkina Faso. Un exemple en est donné sur la figure 34. Figure 34. Relation expérimentale entre la résistivité et la saturation sur les sols rouges et noirs de la séquence de sols T3. La photo montre le site en saison sèche, avec au premier plan la sonde à neutron. Les mesures de teneur en eau proviennent du tube neutronique A4 traversant les sols noirs (voir figure 33). Les données de résistivité ont été acquises par diagraphie dans un autre forage situé à 25 cm du tube A4. D’après ces résultats, on peut voir que ces relations ne sont pas simples. Tout d’abord, dans les horizons de sols rouges proches de la surface, il semble exister une décroissance de la résistivité en fonction de l’augmentation de la teneur en eau massique. La forme exacte de la relation est de plus très incertaine. Ensuite, au sein des sols noirs argileux à 200 et 250 cm de profondeur, la relation est très dispersée, et présente une tendance grossièrement inverse… Nous pensons que cette tendance pourrait être due à la diminution de la concentration des eaux interstitielles, qu’il nous a été techniquement impossible de mesurer malgré nos essais de Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 56 prélèvement à ces profondeurs. Ces relations mal établies et trop dispersées nous ont fait écarter la possibilité de spatialiser les variations de teneur en eau par la résistivité. c) En résumé D’un point de vue méthodologique, l’expérience menée sur les sols sableux montre que l’obtention d’une image géophysique des variations de résistivité mieux contrainte passe par l’optimisation des paramètres d’inversion d’une part, et par la connaissance de zones invariantes dans le milieu d’autre part, ce qui permet de limiter le calcul aux endroits-clefs. Cela a aussi pour corollaire d’avoir à disposer de données acquises au sein même du milieu, ce qui est contraignant. L’analyse de la résistivité doit s’affranchir des variations spatiales de porosité, et il faut donc traiter les données sous forme de rapport de résistivité. Les fonctions de transfert entre résistivité et variables hydrologiques d’intérêt sont difficiles à obtenir in situ. Une piste est esquissée pour les sols sableux en proposant une relation linéaire entre les différences de tension hydrique et les rapports de résistivité, mais elle doit être explorée à l’avenir pour la confirmer. Cette piste est intéressante car elle permettrait de spatialiser qualitativement par la géophysique les zones d’humectation ou de dessiccation dans un sol sableux. Cela donne l’espoir de pouvoir tracer les mouvements de l’eau par les suivis temporels de résistivité sans avoir à mettre en place de nombreux tensiomètres. Une spatialisation quantitative serait par contre indirecte puisque les tensions de l’eau doivent elles-mêmes être retranscrites en teneur en eau. D’un point de vue apport de connaissance sur les processus hydriques dans les micro dunes, nous mettons en évidence, grâce à l’imagerie géophysique, un rôle important du versant au vent, semblant favoriser les infiltrations, surtout après une période d’assèchement assez longue. Nous constatons aussi que la micro stratification ne semble pas jouer un rôle de guide des écoulements de sub-surface. Ces observations déduites de la géophysique ont conduit mes collègues à généraliser cette observation sur l’ensemble du paysage (Ribolzi et al, 2006) Pour les sols plus argileux, l’étude menée en Inde illustre les difficultés à vouloir suivre la dynamique des processus élémentaires dans les sols argileux à l’aide des variations de résistivité électrique, puisque la relation entre résistivité et teneur en eau est complexe. De plus établir ces relations in situ, à différentes profondeurs, est très difficile techniquement. Seules les données de sonde à neutron (et la cartographie des résistivités des sols à l’échelle du bassin, montrée sur la figure 10, page 34) seront utilisées par Barbiéro et al. (2007) pour compléter l’étude dynamique de ces systèmes de sol. Les études futures devront se tourner vers l’emploi de méthodes complémentaires, comme la résistivité complexe (IP fréquentielle par exemple) pour avancer dans ce domaine. Finalement, seule l’expérience menée sur les sols sableux permet de dégager l’utilité et les promesses du suivi temporel de résistivité pour l’étude non destructive des processus élémentaires. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 57 3.4. Apports méthodologiques Ce thème est illustré par a) la conception faible coût d’un outil de diagraphie de résistivité en zone non saturée et b) nos récents travaux sur l’amélioration des suivis temporels de résistivité. a) Conception d’une sonde de diagraphie de résistivité en zone non-saturée. S’il est facile de mesurer la résistivité en forage lorsque celui-ci est rempli d’eau, grâce au contact électrique ainsi réalisé entre l’électrode et le terrain, c’est en revanche impossible en zone non saturée, à moins de plaquer les électrodes sur la paroi nue du forage. Les outils existants sont issus du domaine pétrolier et utilisent des mécanismes de placage des électrodes (sorte de patins métalliques) actionnés mécaniquement ou électriquement. Depuis les années 50, d’autres concepteurs ont imaginé divers systèmes (par exemple des sortes de baleines de parapluie actionnées mécaniquement). Difficilement miniaturisables à l’échelle du trou de tarière (diamètre de 5 à 7 cm environ), ils restaient compliqués et donc peu attractifs. D’où l’idée d’utiliser des membranes gonflables et des électrodes constituées de colliers métalliques extensibles destinés à être plaqués contre la paroi. Avec mon collègue Y. Le Troquer, nous avons conçu l’outil de diagraphie montré sur la figure 35. Figure 35. A gauche, sonde 2 électrodes dégonflée, au milieu, une fois gonflée. A droite, la sonde est reliée au résistivimètre, et à la valve de gonflage pour réaliser les diagraphies dans les forages de Wankama (résultats des diagraphies, figure 25) Cet outil, adaptable à de multiples diamètres (depuis le trou de tarière de 4 cm jusqu’au forage d’eau de plus de 25 cm de diamètre) peut être construit à très faible coût. La plupart des diagraphies de résistivité réalisées pour nos études en zone non saturée ont utilisé cette sonde gonflable, qui a été brevetée par l’IRD. Les tentatives d’intéresser des constructeurs n’ont cependant pas abouties en raison du très faible marché potentiel. b) Vers une fiabilisation des imageries de suivi temporel de résistivité L’idée de ce travail a germé au cours des difficultés successives rencontrées lors des suivis temporels de résistivité, et des tentatives plus ou moins réussies pour les améliorer. Le diagnostique fait à l’issu de ces premières études suggère que les artéfacts obtenus sont dus i) Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 58 à la non-unicité des modèles de résistivité (difficulté intrinsèque à la méthode), ii) à des jeux de données de terrain incomplets qui renseignent mal les inversions, et iii) aux processus d’inversion qui sont la plupart du temps conduits avec des facteurs d’amortissement trop importants (mais qui sont nécessaires pour faire converger les calculs). D’autres auteurs soulignent aussi ces difficultés. Kemna et al (2004), ou Singha et Gorelick (2006), font état de leurs difficultés à traduire leurs images de résistivité en terme de concentration en solutés, à cause i) de la décroissance de sensibilité plus on écarte les électrodes et ii) des effets d’amortissement consécutifs au facteur de régularisation de l’inversion. Le travail méthodologique réalisé depuis fin 2007, concrétisé par Rémi Clément (en thèse au LTHE sous mon co-encadrement), comprend deux phases principales. La première consiste à traiter le problème de l’effet des infiltrations de surface (géométrie 1D ou approchante). La seconde s’attaque au problème des infiltrations pour des géométries 2 ou 3D. En effet, des études récentes réalisées lors d’injection de fluides conducteurs dans les déchets montrent des images géophysiques difficilement interprétables. Pensant qu’il s’agissait d’artefacts, nous avons cherché a) à les reproduire en modèle numérique, et b) à les éliminer. De plus, les infiltrations sous les ravines présentent aussi des géométries 2D, voire 3D, qu’il s’agit de fiabiliser : en effet, nous l’avons vu en Inde, ces images peuvent être distordues (approfondissement démesuré des diminutions de résistivité en zone saturée sous la ravine par exemple). Notre démarche générale utilise à la fois des modélisations numériques et des vérifications par des applications de terrain, à l’échelle d’un site industriel, mais aussi à échelle plus réduite, en conditions semi contrôlées dans une fosse remplie de sable. Effet des infiltrations superficielles sur le suivi temporel de résistivité Nous avons repris le problème posé par les suivis temporels en coupe 2D au travers de la ravine de Katchari au Burkina Faso. En profitant des possibilités récentes offertes par les logiciels de modélisation, en particulier celles de découpler le calcul d’inversion selon une ligne continue entre deux groupes de cellules, ligne dont la géométrie peut être déterminée par d’autres méthodes (sismique ou radar par exemple), nous avons cherché à prendre en compte la géométrie du front d’infiltration dans l’inversion. Ce front délimite en effet la frontière entre une zone de résistivité invariante dessous, et une zone d’humectation superficielle au dessus, où la résistivité chute après les premières pluies. Si l’on prend soin de bien caractériser la profondeur du front d’infiltration, en particulier en utilisant des dispositifs avec des électrodes très rapprochées, on arrive à forcer l’inversion vers une solution équivalente qui élimine presque totalement les augmentations fictives de résistivité en profondeur. L’exemple de la ravine de Katchari est présenté figure 36. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 59 Figure 36. En haut, interprétation standard du suivi temporel de Katchari. L’ellipse rouge souligne les augmentations considérables de résistivité calculées par le modèle (+ de 250%), irréalistes et non repérées par le suivi neutronique (au centre) En bas, ré-interprétation en utilisant le front d’infiltration comme ligne de découplage dans l’inversion. Les augmentations se cantonnent dans la limite de + 20%, considérée comme une limite de résolution pour ce jeu de données. D’après Clément et al. (2009) Le résultat montre que la prise en compte du front d’infiltration comme ligne de découplage permet d’éliminer presque totalement les artefacts d’augmentation de résistivité dans la zone superficielle. De plus, les valeurs de résistivité calculées au sein de la frange d’infiltration sont en meilleur accord avec les valeurs mesurées. Il subsiste tout de même des zones d’artefact en profondeur. Ce travail est donc perfectible, mais il confirme l’importance de l’introduction d’informations extérieures dans les modélisations, de manière à restreindre le domaine des solutions équivalentes. Il ouvre ainsi la voie à des fiabilisations des suivis temporels en conditions naturelles, en particulier sur les sites sahéliens ou soudaniens, où les fronts d’infiltration sont marqués par une chute de résistivité très forte lors des premières pluies de mousson. Il montre surtout que la très proche surface joue un rôle considérable dans l’inversion, et par voie de conséquence, oblige le géophysicien à acquérir des données avec des électrodes très rapprochées (quelque décimètres), ce qui est contraignant sur le terrain. Cas des infiltrations 2 ou 3D Dans le but d’optimiser la dégradation des déchets ménagers, la visualisation du contenu en eau et le contrôle de sa quantité dans les massifs de stockage sont des problèmes pratiques cruciaux pour les exploitants des sites, car la dégradation des déchets est contrôlée par la teneur en eau. On cherche donc à créer les conditions optimales de teneur en eau au sein des alvéoles de stockage en ré-injectant des lixiviats par des dispositifs d’injection qu’il faut optimiser. Pour ce faire, de nombreuses études ont proposé l’utilisation des suivis temporels de résistivité (voir par exemple Guérin et al, 2004). Une étude récente (Marcoux, thèse, 2008) a été conduite au LTHE sur l’imagerie géophysique des panaches de lixiviat issus d’injections provoquées au sein des déchets ménagers. Cette étude fait apparaître des images de résistivité suspectes, des « halos » d’augmentation de résistivité entourant les panaches d’injection. Un certain nombre de publications tentent d’expliquer ces images par le fait que le panache de lixiviat repousse le gaz autour de lui (par exemple Guérin et al., 2004). Cette migration de gaz Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 60 pourrait en effet désaturer partiellement le milieu, le rendant électriquement plus résistant. Cependant L. Oxarango, modélisateur des transferts hydriques, émet des doutes sur l’existence de migrations massives de gaz. Cela nous conduit, Rémi Clément et moi-même, à évaluer la production possible d’artefact d’imagerie électrique autour de ces panaches d’injection de lixiviat, qui sont de géométrie 2 ou 3D. Nous employons la démarche méthodologique suivante : 1) s’appuyer en premier lieu sur des modélisations numériques et 2) conduire une vérification in-situ à l’échelle du massif de déchets (sur le site de Chatuzange, Véolia Environnement). Grâce aux développements des outils numériques d’inversion des tomographies de résistivité électrique proposés par T. Günther (LIAG Hanovre) que j’ai sollicité, nous proposons une boite à outils spéciale « gommage des artefacts ». Quatre solutions techniques majeures, testées numériquement, et validées sur le terrain pour certaines d’entre elles, sont proposées: a) Si possible, on doit renseigner l’inversion par la prise en compte des zones invariantes. Ce résultat, esquissé déjà sous la microdune par la prise en compte d’un substratum invariant, se confirme en 2D. b) Si le site s’y prête, on préférera une acquisition comportant des injections de courant asymétriques et inversées (de type pole-dipôle direct et inverse par exemple), qui nécessitent la mise en place d’électrodes à l’infini. Cela permet de créer des jeux de données comportant des augmentations contradictoires de résistivité apparente dans l’espace de calcul, et guider ainsi l’inversion vers des solutions équivalentes. c) Lorsque les deux premières solutions ne peuvent être appliquées, on peut utiliser une procédure d’inversion qui limite les variations de résistivité entre deux itérations, technique proposée par Loke (2000) et implantée dans les logiciels de T. Gunther (2004). Selon ce dernier, cette procédure utilise une contrainte « minimum length » qui minimise entre deux itérations la différence du vecteur modèle et ce, selon la norme L2. Cette norme considère le minimum de la somme des carrés des différences entre les résistivités apparentes mesurées et calculées, utilisée pour analyser la convergence du calcul d’inversion. d) Si on s’intéresse à des panaches d’infiltration 3D, on utilisera une géométrie d’électrodes en étoile au lieu de lignes parallèles classiques, ce qui a pour effet i) de renseigner d’autres secteurs du terrain de façon plus homogène et ii) de croiser les lignes de courant d’une ligne à l’autre si nécessaire. e) En cas d’infiltrations superficielles enfin, la boite à outils comporte le découplage par la connaissance du front d’infiltration, déjà décrit plus haut, si des pluies ont eu lieu par exemple entre deux acquisitions. Pour illustrer l’efficacité d’un de ces outils, je reprends sur la figure 37 un exemple tiré de la récente publication de Clément et al. (2010) qui montre l’amélioration des images géophysiques obtenues pour un scénario d’injection simulé numériquement, lorsqu’on utilise un dispositif géophysique asymétrique. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 61 Figure 37. Effet de la symétrie des dispositifs d’électrodes sur l’imagerie de suivi temporel de résistivité. L’objet simulé ici est une infiltration de lixiviat 2D réalisée dans un massif de déchets à partir d’une tranchée placée en surface. Le panache, de taille réduite, est souligné par un rectangle pointillé. Seul le dispositif asymétrique permet de reconstruire l’image d’infiltration, dans les limites de résolution de la méthode, qui a toujours tendance à approfondir les panaches sous la limite réelle de pénétration. D’après Clément et al., (2010, in press) On voit sur cette image qu’en utilisant des dispositifs d’injection symétriques comme le Wenner ou le dipôle-dipôle, les zones d’augmentation de résistivité peuvent apparaître autour du bulbe d’injection (en rouge et noir sur l’image). Ces zones, interprétées par les exploitants des sites de stockage comme des migrations de gaz repoussés vers l’extérieur lors de l’injection, disparaissent complètement avec l’utilisation d’un dispositif asymétrique, le pôle-dipôle. Notre étude montre aussi que si des migrations de gaz augmentant la résistivité se produisent réellement, elles sont correctement vues par nos méthodes d’inversion. Les améliorations obtenues ces deux dernières années, si elles restent pour l’instant appliquées à des cas précis, sont extrêmement prometteuses pour relancer l’utilisation des techniques d’imagerie par suivi temporel de résistivité. Je compte à l’avenir reprendre certains jeux de données grâce de ces améliorations. 4. Perspectives Introduction Au cours des dernières années, je me suis progressivement spécialisé dans la recherche sur les aquifères en zone de socle et sur les processus hydrologiques associés, dans des régions à climat semi-aride ou soudanien. Je me suis aussi intéressé à des problématiques méthodologiques, en particulier sur l’emploi des suivis temporels de résistivité et leur amélioration lors des interprétations des tomographies de résistivité. Je compte, dans les années à venir, poursuivre mes études des aquifères de socle et des processus de recharge, et m’impliquer dans l’amélioration des outils géophysiques. Ces recherches auront pour finalité non seulement de mieux comprendre ces systèmes d’aquifères complexes mais aussi d’en améliorer les modèles conceptuels, par le croisement des outils de la géophysique avec ceux des autres disciplines. Cette approche multidisciplinaire devrait permettre à terme une meilleure paramétrisation des modèles numériques hydro(géo)logiques et améliorer leur fiabilité prédictive. Pour mener à bien ces recherches, je vais m’appuyer sur l’environnement scientifique procuré par l’ORE « Amma Catch » autour des bassins versants expérimentaux de cet Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 62 observatoire. Je compte renforcer l’implication de l’hydrogéophysique dans le futur projet régional faisant suite au projet AMMA (Analyse Multidisciplinaire de la Mousson Africaine). Au sein de la future équipe HyBiS (Hydrogéophysique et Bilans Spatialisés) du LTHE, je devrais être affecté fin 2010 au Bénin avec mon collègue J.M Vouillamoz pour travailler au sein des services de la Direction Générale de l’Eau (DG-Eau) de Cotonou, et avec le Laboratoire d’Hydrologie Appliquée (LHA) de l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi. 4.1 Projet de recherche au Bénin Dans le nord du Bénin, les questions hydrologiques restant en suspens ont été bien identifiées par nos collègues hydrologues du LTHE, de HSM et de la DG-Eau. La géophysique pourrait aider à répondre aux questions suivantes, posées à l’échelle du bassin versant: ¾ ¾ Quel est le cycle de l’eau dans les bas fonds herbeux, éléments clefs du cycle hydrologique ? Quels sont les échanges hydriques entre ces bas-fonds et les versants ? Quels sont les lieux de recharge directe, et dépendent-ils de la végétation ? Comment faire la partition du bilan de l’eau souterraine entre transpiration et recharge ? En effet, même si les dernières études de Guyot (thèse LTHE, 2010) concluent à une part importante du bilan due à la transpiration, le cycle d’évapotranspiration reste mal compris à certaines périodes de l’année. En plus de ces études sur les processus hydrologiques, notre équipe compte s’intéresser aussi à la spatialisation locale et régionale des ressources en eau souterraine. Pour des pays comme le Bénin où tombent pourtant des quantités de pluie importantes, le recours à l’eau souterraine est de plus en plus fréquent, pour l’alimentation en eau potable des centres urbains en particulier. Cela nécessite de planifier l’utilisation de la ressource, et donc de connaître les volumes d’eau qui pourraient être utilisés. J.M. Vouillamoz et moi proposons de réaliser cette étude au Bénin, et éventuellement sur d’autres zones de socle représentatives de la région. Pour répondre à ces questions, nous comptons mener des actions de recherche selon 3 axes: a) La spatialisation des ressources en eau à l’échelle régionale par une approche couplée géologie et géophysique au sol, voire en utilisant aussi des données existantes de géophysique aéroportée. b) L’étude des processus de recharge à l’échelle du bassin versant, en évaluant les potentialités des méthodes électromagnétiques. c) La quantification du bilan de l’eau souterraine à l’échelle locale par un couplage accru entre méthodes, en profitant notamment des développements de la méthode RMP en zone non-saturée, et de la présence au Bénin du gravimètre du projet «Ghyraf». a) Spatialiser les ressources en eau en zone de socle à l’échelle régionale Le constat que je dresse à l’issu de mes recherches est qu’il est possible de spatialiser, de la parcelle au versant, certains processus d’infiltration et de recharge des aquifères. De Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 63 plus, il est possible d’approcher, grâce notamment à la RMP, la caractérisation des propriétés hydrodynamiques des régoliths. Pour l’instant, la spatialisation des ressources en eau souterraine à l’échelle du bassin versant, et plus encore, à l’échelle régionale, n’est pas réalisée. L’objectif étant de caractériser les capacités de stockage, on s’intéresse donc essentiellement au réservoir de l’aquifère, le regolith. Notre approche impliquera l’utilisation de la RMP, dont on a reconnu les avantages en terme de quantification, et qui sera implantée grâce à une approche couplée résistivité/géologie. Le Bénin se prête relativement bien à ce projet, car il présente des catégories de roches de socle très variées (figure 38). Le nord du Bénin procure aussi un autre avantage méthodologique, car cette région est située en zone climatique soudano-guinéenne, par conséquent les regoliths sont saturés une partie de l’année seulement, et désaturés ensuite. C’est idéal pour étudier la réponse de résistivité et de RMP alternativement en situation saturée puis non saturée, ce qui augmente les contrastes géophysiques. Figure 38. Carte géologique synthétique du Bénin. En rouge, j’ai indiqué les principales unités de roches de socle présentes sur le bassin de la Donga, étudié dans le cadre de l’ORE AMMACatch. Les quartzites et les micaschistes ont déjà été partiellement caractérisés à petite échelle sur le bassin versant d’Ara (voir figure 16). Carte reproduite d’après un document du gouvernement du Bénin (« Orientations et plan d’actions stratégiques de développement du secteur minier en République de Bénin, Cotonou, 2007) Pour commencer, un certain nombre de sites de socle seront choisis dans les principales unités géologiques sur le bassin versant de la Donga (ORE AMMA-Catch). Dans un premier temps, une caractérisation hydrogéophysique sera faite à l’échelle du site de forage. Il faudra guider l’implantation de la RMP avec des méthodes de résistivité, car nous avons vu que la résistivité permet une spatialisation rapide et offre des possibilités intéressantes de changement d’échelle. Les sites choisis comprendront aussi des forages existants, dotés de mesures d’essais de pompages, de manière à croiser les interprétations des paramètres hydriques issues des méthodes géophysiques et hydrogéologiques. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 64 Dans un deuxième temps, je compte étudier la possibilité de spatialiser régionalement les ressources en eaux souterraines grâce aux données électromagnétiques aéroportées, les seules capables de couvrir l’échelle de la région. De nombreux pays africains se sont dotés de cartes électromagnétiques aéroportées en zone de socle (Burkina Faso, Niger, Ghana par exemple). Réalisées à des fins d’exploration minière, l’idée de les réutiliser à des fins hydrogéologiques n’est pas nouvelle : Paterson et Bosschart proposent, en 1987 déjà, d’utiliser ces cartes pour définir des sites de prospection au sol. Plus récemment, Bromlet et al (1994) utilisent cette approche au Botswana. Pour spatialiser les ressources en eau souterraine, Paterson et Bosschart conseillent de procéder à la vérification, sur le terrain, des « cibles » hydrogéologiques identifiées à partir d’une première phase de couplage entre carte géophysique aéroportée et autres « couches » d’informations (géologie, végétation, ou topographie par exemple). Ils préconisent d’utiliser des forages et des essais de pompage pour tenter ensuite une spatialisation régionale des ressources. Je pense que cette phase de contrôle sur le terrain pourrait avantageusement utiliser la RMP plutôt que des forages, et à des coûts nettement moindres. Mais avant de se lancer dans un projet de cartographie qui utilise les cartes issues des prospections géophysiques aéroportées, il conviendra de s’assurer, au sol, de la faisabilité de cette approche. Pour cela, il faudra : i) S’assurer que les cartes établies à partir de profil de résistivité mesuré en altitude représentent convenablement les distributions de résistivité au sol. Pour cela, des modélisations numériques construites avec notre connaissance du terrain devraient suffire. ii) Evaluer si les variations de résistivité pourraient traduire des propriétés hydrodynamiques différentes. Ce n’est pas forcement le cas, nous le voyons déjà sur le bassin d’Ara au Bénin : des formations de même résistivité peuvent avoir des signatures RMP très différentes (entre quartzites et micaschistes par exemple). La caractérisation par RMP au sol sera donc impérative. iii) Mieux connaître la réponse RMP de ces formations altérées, et réaliser un travail de calibration de la méthode sur des sites choisis. b) Spatialiser la recharge à l’échelle du bassin versant Si les recharges localisées peuvent être spatialisées localement à l’aide des mesures géophysiques au travers d’une ravine par exemple, la question se pose de la représentativité de ces mesures à l’échelle du bassin versant. Ces changements d’échelle impliquent l’utilisation des méthodes électromagnétiques, dont les potentialités en mode de suivi temporel restent encore largement inexploitées. J’ai déjà testé en 2003 des suivis temporels par méthodes électromagnétiques fréquentielles, sur le bassin versant d’Ara au Bénin. Les résultats, très préliminaires, sont montrés sur la figure 39 sur une petite zone test de 1km². Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 65 Figure 39. Suivi temporel électromagnétique EM34 réalisé sur 1km² au centre du bassin versant d’Ara au Bénin entre mai et août 2003 (données DESS de M. Wubda, 2003). Les données intègrent une tranche de profondeur jusqu’à 20 mètres. Sur ces cartes, on peut voir que seule la zone au sud de la prospection montre après deux mois de saison des pluies une extension d’une anomalie conductrice, ce qui pourrait indiquer une recharge dans cette zone. L’anomalie conductrice à l’ouest (en bleu sombre sur la figure) est située dans un bas fond herbeux. Cette anomalie ne change pas significativement de forme, indiquant que les sols sont toujours saturés et que les eaux de pluie nouvelles ne se marquent pas par des différences notables de résistivité électrique. Nous montrons dans cette étude qu’il serait possible de spatialiser des infiltrations et des recharges si des contrastes de résistivité sont présents. Poursuivre ces recherches nécessitera un travail méthodologique sur la calibration des mesures, la réalisation de mesures de vérification in-situ dans les sols, et la prise en compte de la réponse des méthodes EM à des structures 3D. Pour ce dernier point, je compte engager des collaborations avec les hydrogéophysiciens de l’UMR Sisyphe, qui possèdent des codes de calcul appropriés. c) Mieux quantifier le bilan de l’eau souterraine à l’échelle du site Sur le bassin versant d’Ara, la poursuite des observations hydrologiques dans les prochaines années procure l’avantage de pouvoir engager des actions géophysiques complémentaires, dont les résultats pourront être croisés avec d’autres méthodes. En particulier, des questions méthodologiques sur la RMP restent ouvertes. Je propose de mettre en œuvre 2 actions de recherche complémentaires destinées à mieux comprendre le signal de RMP produit par ces regoliths, avec pour objectif de connaître leur porosité de drainage et contribuer à mieux comprendre le bilan de l’eau. Deux échelles vont être étudiées : Echelle de l’échantillon Si la teneur en eau mesurée par la RMP peut, en première analyse, être considérée comme maximisant la porosité cinématique d’un aquifère (Vouillamoz et al, 2005), il reste à vérifier cette assertion dans le contexte des altérites de roches métamorphiques du site d’Ara. Nos prospections RMP montrent que ces altérites de micaschistes ont une teneur en eau RMP d’environ 3%. Or, l’analyse par porosimétrie mercure de cinq échantillons d’altérite prélevés Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 66 en puits sous un sondage RMP (figure 40) montre que la porosité utile pour restituer de l’eau à la végétation par transpiration est bien plus élevée, de 20 à plus de 40% du volume total. Ainsi, l’eau « vue » par la RMP n’est qu’une fraction de l’eau potentiellement utilisable par la végétation dans ces sols. Finalement, quelle fraction de la porosité mesure la RMP, avec l’appareillage dont nous disposons actuellement? Figure 40. Courbes de succion déduites d’une analyse de porosimétrie mercure pour 5 échantillons non remaniés d’altérite de micaschistes prélevés à cinq profondeurs dans un puits sur un versant au Bénin (analyses de J.F Daian et H. Denis, LTHE, non publiées). Le sondage de résonance magnétique effectué autour de ce puits montre une porosité RMP de l’ordre de 3% (volumes hachurés sur la figure). On note que la majorité du volume d’eau (plus de 30%) n’est pas « vue » par la RMP. Cette eau, non disponible pour les pompages, le reste cependant pour la végétation. Pour répondre à cette question, je compte analyser en laboratoire la réponse RMP d’échantillons d’altérites qui seront prélevés dans des fosses pédologiques réalisées durant la saison sèche au Bénin. Ces mesures peuvent désormais être faites grâce aux très récents développements instrumentaux au LTHE (A. Legchenko et H. Guyard). Ainsi, il devrait être possible de comparer les réponses de l’instrument RMP de terrain aux signaux obtenus sur échantillons, ceux-ci pouvant ensuite être analysés par d’autres méthodes classiques, telle que la porosimétrie. Echelle du site La future implantation d’un gravimètre supra conducteur sur le site d’Ara au Bénin (programme ANR « Ghyraf », Hinderer et al., 2009) sera une occasion de coupler les méthodes RMP et électriques avec la méthode gravimétrique, avec l’objectif de caractériser la variation du stock d’eau durant la mousson. Pour évaluer la faisabilité de ce couplage de méthodes, j’ai réalisé une première modélisation numérique. Celle-ci vise à reproduire les variations de signal gravimétrique que l’on obtiendrait par vidange de la nappe uniquement. Pour cela, il faut connaître la porosité de drainage de l’altérite dans la zone de battement de la nappe. En faisant l’hypothèse, encore critiquable, que la teneur en eau RMP maximise la valeur de porosité de drainage, le modèle numérique gravimétrique peut être reconstruit. J’ai rajouté une information sur le pendage faible des formations géologiques, qui reste encore à vérifier. Le résultat, très préliminaire, est présenté sur la figure 41. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 67 Figure 41. Modélisation 3D RMP en haut, et traduction de la géométrie RMP en terme d’anomalie gravimétrique en bas. On prend en compte la variation du niveau des nappes entre deux périodes contrastée. Le signal synthétique calculé par le modèle gravi est de l’ordre de 10 µgal ; alors que sur la même durée, le gravimètre mesurait 13µgal. La modélisation gravimétrique synthétique nous apprend que le signal théorique est de l’ordre de 10 µgal. Le gravimètre mesure 13 µgal sur le terrain pour la même période. La question est alors posée : la RMP ne minimise-t-elle pas la porosité de drainage, contrairement à notre hypothèse de départ? Quelle est la part du stock en zone non saturée qui pourrait contribuer au signal gravimétrique ? Cette modélisation nous apprend aussi l’influence du pendage : en déplaçant virtuellement les formations de 25 mètres sous le gravimètre, on peut changer le signal gravimétrique de 2 µgal. Ces études devront être affinées par une modélisation gravimétrique plus poussée ainsi que par des mesures complémentaires de terrain. Nous pourrons aussi tenter de caractériser les variations d’humidité dans les sols non saturés en réalisant des mesures RMP à petite échelle dans les sols, de manière à les comparer aux mesures d’humidité faites avec d’autres méthodes. 4.2 Autres projets Dans le cadre de projets existants, d’autres actions de recherche sont actuellement entreprises. Elles portent i) sur la spatialisation des infiltrations lors d’une expérience d’infiltrométrie (projet « EC2CO Ondine »), ii) sur l’étude de la résistivité comme marqueur éventuel de la dégradation des déchets anciens (projet « Paraphyme »). Les premiers résultats réclament d’approfondir un certain nombre de questions méthodologiques liées aux outils géophysiques. a) Spatialiser la dynamique des infiltrations par suivi temporel de résistivité Rémi Clément et moi avons commencé une étude de tomographie de résistivité 3D sous un infiltromètre dans le cadre du programme EC2CO « Ondine » (coord. O. Ribolzi). L’objectif est d’obtenir non destructivement des paramètres dynamiques utiles à l’interprétation de l’infiltration, comme la forme et la vitesse de propagation du front Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 68 d’infiltration. Cette expérience est un demi succès : le protocole de mesure géophysique permet effectivement de réaliser un film de la propagation de l’infiltration grâce à l’obtention d’environ 70 images successives du bulbe sous l’infiltromètre (thèse de R. Clément, à venir). En revanche, la comparaison avec les variations de tension a échoué à cause de problèmes instrumentaux. Nous comptons reprendre cette expérience inachevée, mais prometteuse. La possibilité d’obtenir des données de résistivité à haute cadence, permet de dégager de nombreuses perspectives pour l’analyse des courbes de variations temporelles de résistivité : la décroissance dans le temps présente t-elle la même forme pour un sol sableux que pour des sols sablo-argileux ? Telle pourrait être une des questions abordées dans le futur. Pour cela, je propose d’approfondir les relations entre résistivité et tension. Mais, pour avancer dans ce domaine, il faudra imaginer des systèmes couplant, aux mêmes endroits exactement, des mesures de tension, de résistivité et de température. Cette piste de recherche nécessitera donc des adaptations de capteurs existants. b) La résistivité est-elle un marqueur de la dégradation des déchets? En 2009, à l’initiative de J. P. Gourc de l’équipe Transpore du LTHE, nous avons obtenus des financements pour un projet d’étude sur la dégradation des déchets : La question cruciale pour un exploitant d’une décharge est de connaître jusqu’à quand les déchets sont totalement dégradés. Pensant que la résistivité pouvait être un marqueur de choix pour évaluer cette dégradation, nous avons couplé des sondages TDEM à de l’imagerie électrique sur un site présentant des âges de déchets différents. Les premiers résultats obtenus dégagent une question méthodologique importante pour la géophysique : la comparaison des mesures TDEM et électriques montrent en effet que les valeurs de résistivité obtenues en courant continu sont 5 à 10 fois supérieures à celle obtenues en TDEM, comme l’illustre la figure 42. Figure 42. Coupe de résistivité au travers d‘un site de stockage de déchets composé de 5 cellules juxtaposées. Comparaison entre la coupe de résistivité obtenue par TDEM (en haut) et celle obtenue par mesures à courant continu classique (en bas), sur laquelle est reportée les limites observées par TDEM. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 69 Cette discordance, déjà remarquée par notre équipe en 2008 (Descloitres et al., Conférence EAGE, 2008), n’a jamais été remarquée dans la littérature, et doit être expliquée. Une publication de Zhdanov et Pavlov (2001) montrent que des effets magnétiques pourraient conduire à distordre des courbes de sondages TDEM. Or, les déchets étudiés présentent des en surface des anomalies de champ total significatives (plus de 1000 nT). Autre possibilité, des anisotropies dans la distribution de résistivité des déchets pourraient aussi être à l’origine de cette discordance. Je compte réaliser des modélisations de la réponse TDEM en présence de terrains magnétiques et évaluer les effets 3D grâce aux nouveaux outils de modélisation qui se développent actuellement. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 70 Conclusion Les études menées permettent des avancées dans la connaissance des aquifères de socle et sédimentaires, situés dans des zones climatiques semi-arides ou plus humides, ainsi que de certains processus hydrologiques associés. Les méthodes géophysiques, capables de spatialiser, quantifier et suivre dans le temps les variations des paramètres géophysiques, à différentes échelles, apportent une contribution aux questions posées i) sur le rôle des ravines de versant dans la recharge des aquifères, qui se distingue selon le contexte géologique, particulièrement au Sahel, ii) sur l’infiltration dans les sols sableux, et plus largement iii) sur les propriétés des altérites, réservoirs des aquifères de socle. L’établissement des modèles conceptuels de fonctionnement est facilité par la spatialisation des formations argileuses, notamment pour les systèmes aquifères sédimentaires. D’un point de vue méthodologique, j’ai montré que l’étude des phénomènes de recharge des aquifères et d’infiltration dans les sols sableux peut être entreprise par le suivi temporel de résistivité, s’il existe des contrastes suffisants. Nos études récentes permettent de fiabiliser ces suivis temporels, longtemps handicapés par la production d’artéfacts indésirables, qui compromettaient une interprétation hydrologique fiable. Nous avons appris que le succès d’un suivi temporel de résistivité dépend beaucoup du soin apporté i) à l’acquisition de données produites par des dispositifs géométriques adaptés, ii) aux choix des paramètres d’inversion et iii) à l’incorporation d’informations extérieures dans la modélisation. L’utilisation de la modélisation numérique reste incontournable pour préparer l’application sur le terrain et pour conforter les interprétations. La difficulté à obtenir des relations expérimentales liant la résistivité aux variables hydrologiques d’intérêt a été soulignée, notamment pour les sols et les formations à dominante argileuse. L’utilisation de la RMP apporte la possibilité de discriminer la nature des formations en présence à l’échelle du sondage en quantifiant leurs paramètres hydrologiques, et offre des potentialités intéressantes en suivi temporel pour quantifier les volumes impliqués dans les recharges localisées sous les axes drainants. Les perspectives dégagées par mes travaux concernent principalement l’évaluation des ressources en eau souterraine des zones de socle, plus difficiles à spatialiser que celles des aquifères sédimentaires, et l’étude de leur recharge. Elles s’appuieront sur des suivis temporels de résistivité, avec notamment l’exploration des potentialités des méthodes électromagnétiques dans ce domaine, et sur l’utilisation de la RMP. Je compte mener ces recherches au sein de la nouvelle équipe HyBis du LTHE, dans le cadre d’un projet au Bénin, pays qui présente une grande variété de roches de socle. Les applications de ces recherches concerneront, outre des apports méthodologiques pour la prospection géophysique des aquifères et pour l’implantation des forages, une contribution aux modélisations hydro(géo)logiques. D’autres projets, plus méthodologiques, seront poursuivis sur des thématiques variées, allant de l’étude d’infiltration en situation semi contrôlée à l’étude de la dégradation des déchets ménagers, par suivi temporel de résistivité. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 71 Références bibliographiques Albouy, Y., Andrieux, P., Rakotondrasoa, G., Ritz, M., Descloitres, M., Join, J. L., Rasolomanana, E., 2001. Mapping Coastal Aquifers by Joint Inversion of DC and TEM Soundings. Three Case Histories. Groundwater, Vol. 39, n°1,pp 87-97. Archie E. 1942. The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in Determining Some Reservoir Characteristics. Technical Publication 1422, Petroleum Technology, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineer, New York, USA; 8. 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M., Descloitres, M., Bernard, J., Fourcassier, P., Romagny, L., 2002. Application of integrated magnetic resonance sounding and resistivity methods for borehole implementation. A case study in Cambodia. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 50, pp 67-81. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 75 Vouillamoz, J. M., Descloitres, M., Toe, G., Legchenko, A., 2005. Characterization of crystalline basement aquifers with MRS: comparison with boreholes and pumping tests data in Burkina Faso. Near Surface Geophysics, 3: 107-111. Vouillamoz, J. M., G. Favreau, S. Massuel, M. Boucher, Y. Nazoumou, A. Legchenko, 2008. Contribution of magnetic resonance sounding to aquifer characterization and recharge estimate in semiarid Niger, J. Appl. Geophys. 64, pp 99–108. Wubda, M., 2003. Prospections géophysiques sur le bassin versant d’Ara, Nord Bénin. Rapport de stage de DESS, IRD Ouagadougou, Université de Paris 6. Wyns, R., Baltassat, J., M., Lachassagne, P., Legchenko, A., Vairon, J., Mathieu, F., 2004. 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Contribution of geophysical surveys to groundwater modelling of a porous aquifer in semiarid Niger: An overview. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 341, 800-809. Braun, J-J., Descloitres, M., Riotte, J., Fleury, S., Barbiero, L., Boeglin, J-L., Violette, A., Lacarce, E., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Subramanian, S., Dupre, B., 2009. Regolith mass balance inferred from combined mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical studies: Mule Hole gneissic watershed, South India, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, doi: 10.1016 /j.gca.2008.11.013. Clément, R., Descloitres, M., Günther, T., Ribolzi, Legchenko, A. (2009), Influence of shallow infiltration on timelapse ERT. Experience of advanced interpretation. Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 341, pp 886-898. Hinderer J., de Linage C., Boy J.P., Gegout P., Masson F., Rogister Y., Amalvict M., Pfeffer J., Littel F., Luck B., Bayer R., Champollion C., Collard P., Le Moigne N., Diament M., Deroussi S., de Viron O., Biancale R., Lemoine J.M., Bonvalot S., Gabalda G., Bock O., Genthon P., Boucher M., Favreau G., Séguis L., Descloitres M., Galle S., 2009. The GHYRAF (Gravity and Hydrology in Africa) experiment: description and first results. Journal of Geodynamics 48, Issues 3-5, pp: 172-181. Ruiz, L., Murari Varma, R. R., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Sekhar, M., Maréchal, J. C., Descloitres, M., Riotte, J., Kumar, S., Kumar, C., Braun J.J., 2009. Water balance modelling in a tropical watershed under deciduous forest (Mule Hole, India): regolith matric storage buffers the groundwater recharge process. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 380, Issues 3-4, pp. 460-472 2008 Descloitres, M., Ribolzi, O., Le Troquer, Y., Thiebaux, J.P. Study of water tension differences in heterogeneous sandy soils using surface ERT. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol 64/3-4, pp 83-98 DOI information: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2007.12.007. Descloitres, M., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., Legchenko, A., Braun, J. J., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Subramanian, S., 2008. Characterization of seasonal local recharge using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Sounding. Hydrological Processes, Vol 22, pp 384 – 394. 2007 Barbiéro L., Parate, H. R., Descloitres, M., Bost A., Furian S., Mohan Kumar M.S, Kumar C., Braun J. J., 2007. Using a structural approach to identify relationships between soil and erosion in a semi-humid forested area, South India. CATENA, vol. 70 , pp 313–329 Kamagate, B., Favreau, G., Séguis, L., Seidel, J. L., Descloitres, M., Affaton, P, 2007. Hydrological processes and water balance of a tropical crystalline bedrock catchment in Benin (Donga, upper Ouémé River). Comptes Rendus Geosciences, Volume 339, Issue 6, pp. 418-429. Ribolzi, O., Karambiri, H., Bariac, T., Benedetti, M., Caquineaux, S., Descloitres, M., Aventurier, A. 2007. Soil surface characteristics and suspended load affect storm solutes behaviour in a semi-arid catchment. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issues 1-2, 15 April 2007, Pages 104-116. 2006 Legchenko, A., Descloitres, M., Bost, A., Ruiz L., Reddy, M., Girard, J-F., Sekhar, M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Braun, J. J. Resolution of MR Soundings applied to the characterization of hard rock aquifers. Groundwater 44(4), pp 547-554. Massuel, S., Favreau, G., Descloitres, M., Le Troquer, Y., Albouy, Y., Cappelaere, B. Deep infiltration through a sandy alluvial fan in semiarid Niger inferred from electrical conductivity survey, vadose zone chemistry and hydrological modelling. 2006. CATENA, 67 (2), pp 105-118. 2005 Vouillamoz, J. M., Descloitres, M., Toe, G., Legchenko, A., 2005. Characterization of crystalline basement aquifers with MRS: comparison with boreholes and pumping tests data in Burkina Faso. Near Surface Geophysics, 3: 107111. 2003 Descloitres, M., Ribolzi, O., Le Troquer, Y, 2003. Study of infiltration in a gully erosion sahelian area using timelapse electrical resistivity mapping. CATENA 53, pp 229-253. 2002 Vouillamoz, J. M., Descloitres, M., Bernard, J., Fourcassier, P., Romagny, L., 2002. Application of integrated magnetic resonance sounding and resistivity methods for borehole implementation. A case study in Cambodia. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 50, pp 67-81. Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 78 2001 Albouy, Y., Andrieux, P., Rakotondrasoa, G., Ritz, M., Descloitres, M., Join, J. L., Rasolomanana, E., 2001. Mapping Coastal Aquifers by Joint Inversion of DC and TEM Soundings. Three Case Histories. Groundwater, Vol. 39, n°1,pp 87-97. Guérin R., Descloitres, M., Coudrain-Ribstein A., Talbi A., Gallaire R., 2001. Geophysical surveys for identifying saline groundwater in the semi-arid region of the central Altiplano, Bolivia. Hydrological Processes, 15, 17, pp 3287-3301. Maquaire, O., Flageollet, J. C., Malet, J. P., Schmutz, M., Webder, D., Klotz, S., Albouy, Y., Descloitres, M., Dietrich, M., Guérin, R., Schott, J. J., 2001. Une approche multidisciplinaire pour la connaissance d’un glissement coulée dans les marnes noires du Callovo-Oxfordien (Super Sauze, Alpes de Haute-Provences, France). Revue Française de Géotechnique, 95/96, 15-32. 2000 Descloitres, M., Guérin, R., Albouy, A., Tabbagh, A., Ritz, M., 2000. Improvement in TDEM sounding interpretation in presence of induced polarization. A case study in resistive rocks of Fogo volcano, Cape Verde Islands. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 45, pp 1-18. Ramirez, E., Francou, B., Ribstein, P., Descloitres, M., Guérin, R., Mendoza, J., Gallaire, R., Joradan, E., 2001. Small-sized glaciers disappearing in the Tropical Andes: A case study in Bolivia, The Chacaltaya Glacier, 16°S. Journal of Glaciology, vol 47, Issue 157, p 187-194. Schmutz, M., Albouy, Y., Guérin, R., Maquaire, O., Vassal, J., Schott, J. J., Descloitres, M., 2000. Joint electrical and Time Domain Electromagnetism (TDEM) data inversion applied to the Super Sauze earthflow (France). Surveys in Geophysics, 21, pp 371-390. 1999 Descloitres, M., Guérin, R., Ramirez, E., Gallaire, R., Ribstein, P., Valla, F., 1999. Détermination de l’épaisseur des glaciers de Sarenne (Alpes) et de Chacaltaya (Bolivie) par prospection radar à 50 MHz. La Houille Blanche, Société Hydrotechnique de France, n°5, pp 29-33 Guérin, R., Descloitres, M., Coudrain-Ribstein, A., Talbi, A., Ramirez, E., Gallaire, R., 1999. Etude d’un aquifère salé de l’Altiplano Bolivien par prospection TDEM. Pangea, 31/32, pp 26-29. Ritz, M., Robain, H., Pervago, E., Albouy, A., Camerlynck, C., Descloitres, M., Mariko, A., 1999. Improvement to resistivity pseudosection modelling by removal of near surface inhomogeneity effects. Application to a soil system in south Cameroon. Geophysical Prospecting, vol. 47, pp 85-101. Robain, H., Albouy, Y., Camerlynck, C., Dabas, M., Descloitres, M., Mechler, P., Tabbagh, A., 1999. The location of infinite electrodes in pole-pole electrical surveys : consequences for 2D imaging. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 41, pp 313-333. Schmutz, M., Guérin, R., Maquaire, O., Descloitres, M., Schott, J.J., Albouy, Y., 1999. Apport de l’association des méthodes TDEM et électrique pour la connaissance de la structure du glissement-coulée de Super Sauze (Bassin de Barcelonnette, Alpes de Haute-Provence, France). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, IIa, 328, pp 797-800. 1998 Descloitres, M., 1998. Les sondages électromagnétiques en domaine temporel (TDEM) : Application à la prospection d’aquifères sur les volcans de Fogo (Cap Vert) et du Piton de la Fournaise (la Réunion). Thèse de Doctorat de l’Université de Paris 6, 238 p. Courteaud, M., Robineau, B., Ritz, M., Descloitres, M., 1998. Electromagnetic Mapping of Subsurface Formations in the Lower Northeast Rift Zone of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano : Geological and Hydrogeological Implications. J. Engineering and Environmental Geophysics, 2(3), pp 181-187. 1997 Descloitres, M., Ritz, M., Courteaud, M., Robineau, B., 1997. Electrical structure beneath the collapsed eastern flank of Fournaise volcano, Réunion Island: implication to the quest for groundwater. Water Resources Research, 33(1), pp 13-19. Giroux, B., Chouteau, M., Descloitres, M., Ritz, M., 1997. Use of the magnetotelluric method in the study of the deep Maestrichtian aquifer in Senegal. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 38, pp 77-96. Ritz, M., Descloitres, M., Courteaud, M., Robineau, B., 1997. Audiomagnetotelluric prospecting for groundwater in the Baril coastal area. Piton de la Fournaise. Réunion Island. Geophysics, Vol 62(3), pp 758-762. Robineau, B., Ritz, M., Courteaud, M., Descloitres, M., 1997. Electromagnetic Investigations of Aquifers in the Grand Brulé Coastal Area of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, Reunion Island. Groundwater, 35(4), pp 585-592. 1996 Courteaud, M., Ritz, M., Descloitres, M., Robineau, B., Coudray, J., 1996. Cartographie audiomagnétotellurique du biseau salé dans la zone côtière du Piton de la Fournaise (Ile de la Réunion). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.322, série II a, pp 93 -100. Robain, H., Descloitres, M., Ritz M., Yene Atangana, Q., 1996. A multiscale electrical survey of a lateritical soil system in African rain forest. Journal of Applied Geophysics 34, pp 237-253. 2 Articles soumis Chaudury, A., Sekhar, M., Descloitres, M., Godderis, Y., Braun, J. J. Stochastic modelling of steady groundwater flow in complewx aquifer with geoemetry cosntrain derived from 2-D ERT geophysics., submitted to Advances in water sciences, February 2009. 79 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 Clément, R., Oxarango, L., Descloitres, M., 2010. Contribution of 3-D Time Lapse ERT to Study Plume Migration in Landfill. Waste management, submitted March 2010. Clément, R., Legchenko,A., Quetu,M., Descloitres, M., Oxarango, L., Guyard., H. Laboratory and in-situ study of landfilled domestic waste using magnetic resonance measurements, submitted to Near Surface Geophysics, janvier 2010. Descloitres, M., Séguis, L Legchenko, A., Wubda, M. Hydrogeophysical identification of representative geological units as the first step of hydrodynamic modelling at a watershed scale in metamorphic context (North Bénin), Near Surface Geophysics, submitted december 2009 Parate, R. P. , Mohan Kumar, M,.S., Descloitres, M., Barbiero, L., Ruiz, L., Braun, J. J., Sekhar, M., Kumar, C., Comparison of electrical resistivity by geophysical method and neutron probe logging for soil moisture monitoring in forested watershed. Submitted to Current Sciences, janvier 2009. Séguis, M., Kamagaté, B., Favreau, G., Descloitres, M., Seidel, J.L., Galle, S., Peugeot, C., Gosset, M., Le Barbé, L., Malinur, F., Van Exter, S., Arjounin, M., Wubda, M. Origins of streamflow in a crystalline basement catchment in the sub-humid Soudanian one: the Donga basin (Benin, West Africa). Inter annual variability of water budget. Journal of Hydrology, submitted January 2009. Séguis, L., Boulain, N., Cappelaere, B., Cohard, J.M., Descroix, L., Descloitres, M., Favreau, G., Galle, Guyot, A., S., Hiernaux, P., Kamagaté, B., Lebel, T., Le Lay, M., Mougins, É., Peugeot, C., Ramier, D., Seghieri, J., Timouk, F. Contrasted land surface processes along a West African meridian rainfall gradient. Submitted to Atmospheric Science Letters, January 2010. 3 Brevet Descloitres, M., Le Troquer, Y., 2004. Sonde de diagraphie géophysique pour la mesure de la résistivité sur la paroi d’un forage. Brevet d’invention, Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle, N° publication 2 845 416, N° d’enregistrement national: 02 12191, date de mise à disposition: 24/12/2004. 4. Conférences internationales avec actes 2010 Ruiz, L., Varma., M. R. R., Mohan Kumar, M. S., Sekhar, M., Molenat, J., Marechal, J. C., Descloitres, M., Riotte, J., Kumar, S., Braun, J.J., 2010. Transpiration by tree roots in the deep unsaturated regolith buffers the recharge process in a tropical watershed under deciduous forest (Mule Hole, India) Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-2719, 2010, EGU General Assembly 2010 2009 Boucher M., Favreau G., Massuel S., Vouillamoz J.M., Descloitres, M., Cappelaere B., Nazoumou Y., Legchenko A. – Subsurface geophysics for constraining surface water - groundwater modeling in SW Niger. 3rd International AMMA Conference, July 20-24, 2009, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Po.2B.14, p. 66. Boucher M., Favreau G., Massuel S., Vouillamoz J.M., Descloitres M., Cappelaere B., Nazoumou Y., Legchenko A. – Contribution of MRS to groundwater modelling of an unconfined aquifer in SW Niger. 4th International Workshop on the Magnetic Resonance Sounding, October 20-22, 2009, Grenoble, France, pp. 5-10. Braun, J. J., Descloitres, M., Riotte, J., Deschamps, P., Violette, A., Marechal, J.C., Sekhar, M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Subramanian, S., 2009. Contemporary versus long-term weathering rates in Tropics: Mule Hole , South India. Goldschmidt Conference at Davos, Switzerland, june 2009. Clement, R., Descloitres, M., Günther, T., Oxarango, L., 2009. Comparison of three arrays in time-lapse ERT: Simulation of a leachate injection experiment., 7th Colloque “GEOFCAN” and 8th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, 9-12 september 2009, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France. Clement, R., Oxarango, L., Descloitres, M., 2009. Hydrodynamic of Leachate Plume in Bioreactor Landfill, contribution of 3D Time-lapse ERT. 15th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, “Near Surface 2009”, 7 - 9 September, Dublin, Ireland. Clément, R., Legchenko, A., Quetu, M., Descloitres, M., Oxarango, L., Guyard H., 2009. Laboratory and in-situ study of landfill domestic waste using magnetic resonance measurements. 4th International Workshop on the Magnetic Resonance Sounding, October 20-22, 2009, Grenoble, France, pp. 5-10 Descloitres M., Legchenko A., Séguis, L., Wubda, M., 2009. Contribution of MRS and resistivity surveys to local scale watershed hydrology. A case study in metamorphic context, North Bénin., Extended Abstract, 4th International Workshop on the Magnetic Resonance Sounding, October 20-22, 2009, Grenoble, France. Genthon, P., Sylvestre, F., Favreau, G., and the LAKE CHAD PROJECT Team. Water Resources in the Lake Chad Basin, Assessment, Uses and Social Organizations. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-0, 2009 EGU General Assembly 2009. Hinderer, J. and the GHYRAF team. The GHYRAF (Gravity and HYdrology in Africa) experiment: first results from GPS, GRACE and surface gravity observations in relation with water storage changes. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-0, 2009 EGU General Assembly 2009 Séguis, L., Galle, S., Descloitres, M., Laurent, J.-P., Grippa, M., Pfeffer, J., Luck, B., Genthon, P., Hinderer J. Monitoring water stock variations by gravimetry in Benin. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-0, 2009 EGU General Assembly 2009. 80 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 Wubda, M., Descloitres, M., Séguis, L., Legchenko, A., 2009. Hydrogeophysical surveys for local scale hydrology in north Benin. Poster session, 3rd International AMMA Conference, July 20-24, 2009, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. 2008 Clément, R., Descloitres, M., Günther, T., 2008. Influence of shallow infiltration on time-lapse ERT. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-09082, 2008 EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, april 2008. Descloitres, M., Laurent, J. P., Morra, C., Clément, R., Oxarango, L., Gourc, J. P. Monitoring resistivity in nonhazardous waste landfill using Time Domain Electromagnetism (Drôme, France). International Conference EAGE “Near Surface 2008”, Karkow, Poland, September 2008. Hoareau, J., Vouillamoz, J. M., Grammare, M., Descloitres, M., Kumar, C., Nandagiri, L., 2008. Fresh water mapping and quantification in coastal aquifers using Magnetic Resonance Soundings and Time Domain Electromagnetism. EGU abstract, Vienna, April 2008. 2007 Descloitres, M., Séguis, L., Wubda, M., Legchenko, A., 2007. Discrimination of rocks with different hydrodynamic properties using MRS, EM and resistivity methods. International Conference EAGE “Near Surface 2007”, Istambul, sept. 2007. 2006 Baltassat, J.M., Krishnamurthy, N.S., Girard, J. F., Dutta, S., Dewandel, B., Chandra S., Descloitres, M., Legchenko, A., Robain, H., Ahmed, S., 2006. Geophysical Characterization of weathered granite aquifers in the Hyderabad region, Andra Pradesh, India. Extended abstract of the 3rd Magnetic Resonance Sounding International workshop, MRS2006, a reality in applied geophysics, Madrid, 25-27 october, 2006. Braun, J.-J., Descloitres, M., Riotte, J., Barbiéro L., Fleury S., Boeglin, J.L., Ruiz, L., Muddu, S., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Kumar, C. Regolith thickness inferred from geophysical and geochemical studies in a tropical watershed developed on gneissic basement: Moole Hole, Western Ghâts (South India). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 70, Issue 18, Supplement 1, August-September 2006, page A65. Descloitres, M., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., Legchenko, A., Bost, A., Mohan Reddy, M., Parate, H., 2006. MRS and ERT for localizing temporary recharge in heterogeneous aquifer. Extended abstract of the 3rd Magnetic Resonance Sounding International workshop, MRS2006, a reality in applied geophysics, Madrid, 25-27 october, 2006. Descloitres, M., Ribolzi, O., Le Troquer, Y., Thiébaux, J. P., 2006. Spatializing Water Tension in Heterogeneous Sandy Soils with Surface ERT During Rain-Evaporation Cycles. 12th European Meeting of EAGE “Near Surface 2006”, Helsinki, Finland 4 - 6 September 2006. Extended abstract, Paper B039. Legchenko, A., Baltassat, J.M., Boucher, M., Descloitres, M., Girard, .J.F., Ezerski, M., Vouillamoz, J.M., 2006. Magnetic resonance sounding as a tool for imaging of hard Rock and karst aquifers., in Hydrogeophysical Workshop - Vancouver - British Columbia. 2005 Braun, J.J., Ruiz, L., Riotte, J., Mohan Kumar, M.S., MurariI, V., Sekhar, M., Barbiéro, L., Descloitres, M., Bost, A., Dupré, B., Lagane, C., 2005. Chemical and physical weathering in the Kabini River Basin, South India. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, Paper n° A691, Moscow, USA. Chaudurry, A., Sekhar, M., Descloitres, M., Legchenko, A, 2005. Stochastic modelling combined with geophysical investigations for groundwater fluxes at watershed scale in the weathered gneissic formations of South India. Prepublished Proceedings, ModelCARE 2005, 5th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling. The Hague, The Netherlands, 6-9 June 2005, pp 35-41. Favreau, G., Guéro, A., Massuel, S., Nazoumou, Y., Descloitres, M., Leblanc, M., Cappelaere, B., Descroix, L., 2005. La nappe phréatique en hausse du SO Niger, un paradoxe sahélien ? Nouveau bilan et perspectives. Conférence AMMA, Dakar, décembre 2005 Legchenko, A., Descloitres, M., Bost, A., Ruiz, L., Reddy, M., Girard, J.F., Sekhar, M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Braun, J.J., 2005. Characterization of fractured rock aquifers by surface geophysical methods. Abstracts of the EAGE European conférence « Near Surface 2005 », Palermo, Italy, 4-7 september. 2004 Barbiéro, L., Bost, A., Camerlynck, C., Descloitres, M., Kumar, C., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Sekhar, M., 2004. Understanding natural soil erosion vulnerability with dense electromagnetic mapping Example of the Moole Hole forested watershed, South India. Proceedings of GEORISK-2004, International Workshop on Risk Assessment in Site Characterization and Geotechnical Design, Bangalore, India. November 26-27th, p. 265-272. Robain, H., Camerlynck, C., Baltassat, J. M., Descloitres, M., Legchenko, A., Dewandel, B., Krishnamurthy, N. S., RAO, P., 2004. Groundwater depletion of a heavily irrigated watershed in Southern India: Detailed assessment using MRS and ERT. Eos Trans. AGU, 85(17), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract NS41A-03. Toé, G., Vouillamoz, J.M., Descloitres, M., Robain H., Andrieux, P. 2004 New Geophysical Tools to Study Hard Rock Aquifers Case Studies from Burkina Faso, W. Africa. International Conference EAGE Paris, 7-10 june 2004. 2003 Krishnamurthy, N. S., Baltassat, J.M., Robain, H., Legchenko, A., Descloitres, M., Lachassagne, P., Kumar, D., Ahmed, S. 2004. MRS and electrical imagery for characterizing weathered and fractured hard rock aquifer in theMaheswaram watershed, Hyderabad, India. 2nd International Workshop on the Magnetic Resonance Sounding method applied to non-invasive groundwater investigations, November 19-21, 2003,Orléans, France, pp 53-56. 2000 81 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 Ramirez, E., Francou, B., Ribstein, P., Descloitres, M., Guérin, R., Pouyaud, B., Jordan, E, 2000. La recesion del glaciar de Chacaltaya (Bolivia, 16°S) desde la pequeña edad de hielo, y su aceleracion actual. Xème Congreso Peruano de Geologia. Simposium de Glaciologia, Lima, Peru, 22/06/2000. 1999 Guérin, R., Descloitres, M., Coudrain-Ribstein, A., Ramirez, E., 1999. Sondeos electromagneticos en el dominio del tiempo (TDEM) en Bolivia (Altiplano y Salar de Uyuni). Jornadas sobre Actualidad de las Técnicas Aplicadas en Hidrogeología. Grenade. 10-12 Junio. Schmutz, M., Guérin, R., Maquaire, O., Descloitres, M., Schott, J. J., Albouy, Y., 1999. Contribution of the TDEM and electrical combination to a flowslide study. European Geophysical Society (EGS), La Haye, 19-23/04/1999. 1998 Robain, H., Albouy, Y., Camerlynck, C., Dabas, M., Descloitres, M., Tabbagh, A., 1998. Geophysical surveys contribution to structural and behavioural knowledge of tropical soils. Application to mapping purpose. World congress of soil science. AISS. Montpellier 20-26/08/1998. 1997 Boutard, G., Camerlynck, C., Dabas, M., Descloitres, M., Robain, H., 1997. Aerial features removing from Ground Penetrating Radar profiles. EEGS 3rd Conference, Aarhus, September 5-7th . Robain, H., Albouy, Y., Dabas, M., Descloitres, M., Camerlynck, C., Mechler, P., Tabbagh, A.,1997. The location of infinite electrodes in pole-pole electrical surveys and the resulting error for 2D electrical imaging. A practical point of view. EEGS 3rd Conference, Aarhus, September 5-7th. 1996 Courteaud, M., Robineau, B., Coudray, J., Ritz, M., Descloitres, M., Albouy, Y., 1996. Audiomagnetotelluric evaluation of saline water intrusion : Ste-Rose coastal area, piton de la fournaise, Reunion Island. 2nd Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Nantes, September 2-5th. Descloitres, M., Albouy, Y., Bouvier, A., Andrieux, P., Rakotondrasoa, G., Join, J. L., Coudray, J., 1996. DC and transient soundings to map coastal aquifers. The International Congress on Environment and Climate IGEC-96. Rome 04-08/03/96. 1995 Courteaud, M., Descloitres, M., Join, J. L., Albouy, Y., Coudray, J., 1995. TDEM survey in heterogeneous volcanic aquifers: correlation between basic one dimensional models and hydrogeological data at 15 borehole test sites of Reunion Island. Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeology, Edmonton, June 4-10th. Descloitres, M., Ritz, M., Mourgues, P. 1995. TDEM soundings for locating aquifers inside the caldeira of Fogo active volcano. Cape Verde Islands. First Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Torino, September 25-27th. Ritz, M., Robineau, B., Descloitres, M., Courteaud, M., Coudray, J., 1995. AMT and TDEM groundwaterprospecting on the eastern collapsed flank of Piton de la Fournaise volcano. Reunion Island. Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeology, Edmonton, June 4-10th. 5 Conférences nationales, colloques et réunions scientifiques 2009 Descloitres, M., Chalikakis, K., Legchenko, A., Moumouni, A., Favreau, G., Genthon, P., Le Coz, M., Oï, M., 2009 Ressources en eau souterraine de la vallée de la Komadougou (Diffa, Est Niger) Contribution géophysique., Workshop de restitution du projet PSP « Lac Tchad », Colloque de restitution , Niamey, 30 novembre- 1er décembre 2009 2007 Descloitres, M., 2007. Spatialisation et suivi temporel de la tension dans les sols sableux hétérogènes par méthode électrique DC : succès, difficultés et perspectives. Conférence lors du Colloque de restitution du projet WATERSCAN, Coord P. Sailhac – A. Legchenko, Autrans, 10-12 octobre 2007 Descloitres, M., 2007. Suivi des processus hydrologiques par méthodes électriques (DC) et Résonance Magnétique des Protons : succès, difficultés et perspectives. Conférence lors du Colloque de restitution du projet WATERSCAN, Coord P. Sailhac – A. Legchenko, Autrans, 10-12 octobre 2007. Descloitres, M., Legchenko, A., 2007. Caractérisation géophysique des aquifères par tomographie de résistivité électrique (ERT) et sondage de résonance magnétique (MRS). Journées scientifiques « Imageries » du groupement inter-laboratoires « GEMME », Grenoble, 8 février 2007. Descloitres, M., Séguis, L., Wubda., M., 2007. Caractérisation des Aquifères sur les sites du Bénin. Apport de la résonance magnétique des Protons. Premiers Résultats. Journées SO « AMMA CATCH », Mont Saint Odile, mars 2007. Descloitres, M., Boucher, M., Favreau, G., Vouillamoz, J. M., 2007. Apport des sondages Electromagnétiques temporels (TDEM) à la reconnaissance du substratum de l’aquifère du CT3 au Niger. Premiers résultats. Journées SO « AMMA CATCH », Mont Saint Odile, mars 2007. Favreau, G., Boucher, M., Vouillamoz, J.M., Descloitres, M., Massuel, S., Nazoumou, Y., Legchenko, A., (2007). Apport des sondages TDEM et RMP à une meilleure estimation des paramètres de la modélisation d’un aquifère libre en milieu semi-aride (Niger). GEOFCAN, AGAP, qualité, Géophysique des Sols et des Formations Superficielles 6 Colloque, Bondy, France,25-26-septembre-2007. 82 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 Favreau, G., Boucher, M., Descloitres, M., Vouillamoz, J.M., Massuel, S., Nazoumou, Y., Legchenko, A., 2007. Apport des sondages TDEM et RMP à une meilleure estimation des paramètres de la modélisation d’un aquifère libre en milieu semi-aride (Niger). Colloque GEOFCAN, septembre 2007. Hoareau, J., Vouillamoz, J.M., Beck, M., Reddy, M., Descloitres, M., Legchenko, A., Sekhar M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., and Braun, J.J., 2007 - Application des mesures de résistivité électrique et de résonance magnétique protonique pour décrire les structures et les écoulements souterrains d’un aquifère complexe. GEOFCAN, AGAP, qualité, Géophysique des Sols et des Formations Superficielles 6 Colloque, Bondy, France 25 et 26 Septembre 2007. 2006 Favreau, G., Vouillamoz, J. M., Boucher, M., Descloitres, M., 2006. Premiers résultats des prospections hydrogéophysiques au Niger, perspective au Bénin, Journées ORE AMMA CATCH, Toulouse, octobre 2006. Sekhar, M., Chauduri, A., Fleury, S., Descloitres, M., 2006. Stochastic modeling of groundwater flow in the saprolite of a tropical gneissic watershed, Colloque IAHR-GW Toulouse 2006. 2005 Braun, J.J., Riotte, J., Ruiz, L., Barbiéro, L., Descloitres, M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Sekhar, M., Bost, A., Dupré, B., Feydier, R., Lacaux Galy, C., Godderis, Y., Labat, D., Lagabe, C., Fritsch, E., Camerlynck, C., Murari, V., Parate, H., Chaudurry, A., Veena, S., 2005. Etude intégrée du bassin de la rivière Kabini (Inde du Sud) Influence des facteurs environnementaux sur les processus de fractionnement et les transferts hydro-biogéochimiques. Colloque ECCO-PNRH, Toulouse, décembre 2005. Favreau, G., Guéro, A., Massuel, S., Nazoumou, Y., Descloitres, M., Leblanc, M., Cappelaere, B., Descroix, L., 2005. La nappe phréatique en hausse du SO Niger, un paradoxe sahélien ? Nouveau bilan et perspectives. Conférence AMMA, Dakar, décembre 2005 Galle, S., Seguis, L., Arjounin, M., Bariac, T., Bouchez, J.M., Braud, I., Cohard, J.M., Descloitres, M., Favreau, G., Kamagate, B., Laurent, J.P., Le Lay, M., Malinur, F., Peugeot, C., Robain, H., Seghieri, J., Seidel, J.L., Varado, N., Zin, I., Zribi, M., 2005. Evaluation des termes du bilan hydrologique sur le bassin versant de la Donga par mesure et modélisation. Colloque ECCO PNRH, Toulouse, décembre 2005. Legchenko, A., Descloitres, M., Bost, A., Ruiz, L., Reddy, M., Girard, J.F., Sekhar, M., 2005. Etude sur la capacité des sondages RMP à localiser les aquifères de socle. Colloque Geofcan, Orléans, septembre 2005. 2004 Sekhar, M., Rasmi, S.N., Ruiz, L., Descloitres, M., 2004. Regional groundwater flow modeling in Kabini river basin: Issues and challenges. Seminar on Assessment and Management of Water Resources (AMWR-2004), Bangalore, India. 2003 Massuel, S., Favreau, G., Descloitres, M., Le Troquer, Y., Albouy, Y., Cappelaere, B. Infiltration profonde à travers une zone d’épandage sableuse de versant au Niger semi-aride: évidence par modélisation hydrologique et reconnaissance géophysique. Colloque GEOFCAN, Paris, septembre 2003. Vouillamoz, J. M., Descloitres, M., Toé, G., 2003. La caractérisation des aquifères de socle du Burkina Faso par sondages RMP. Colloque GEOFCAN, Paris, septembre 2003. 2001 Beck, M., Girardet, D., Chapellier, D., Descloitres, M., 2001. Diagraphies électriques pour l’optimisation de l’hydrofracturation en zone de socle. Premiers résultats au Burkina Faso. Actes du 3ème Colloque GEOFCAN (Géophysique des sols et des Formations Superficielles), 25-26 septembre, Orléans, France, pp 55-59. Descloitres, M., Ribolzi, O., Le Troquer, Y., 2001. Variations saisonnières de la résistivité des sols d’une ravine sur un versant sahélien. I. Etude cartographique par traîné Wenner. Actes du 3ème Colloque GEOFCAN (Géophysique des sols et des Formations Superficielles), 25-26 septembre, Orléans, France, pp 25-29. Descloitres, M., Ribolzi, O., Le Troquer, Y., 2001. Variations saisonnières de la résistivité des sols d’une ravine sur un versant sahélien. II. Interprétation des panneaux électriques 2D. Actes du 3ème Colloque GEOFCAN (Géophysique des sols et des Formations Superficielles), 25-26 septembre, Orléans, France, pp 31-34. Rejiba, F., Descloitres, M., Ribolzi, O., Camerlynck, C., 2001. Apport du radar haute résolution pour la reconnaissance des placages sableux au Sahel. Actes du 3ème Colloque GEOFCAN (Géophysique des sols et des Formations Superficielles), 25-26 septembre, Orléans, France, pp 67-71. Savadogo, A. N., Descloitres, M., Nakolendousse, S., Camerlynck, C., Bazie, P., Le Troquer, Y., Koussoube, Y., 2001. Etude géophysique du tracé de la digue du futur barrage de Yakouta au Burkina Faso. Complémentarité des méthodes électriques et radar en milieu dunaire. Actes du 3ème Colloque GEOFCAN (Géophysique des sols et des Formations Superficielles), 25-26 septembre, Orléans, France, pp 131-134. 2000 Coudrain, A., Loubet, M., Guérin, R., Descloitres, M., Talbi, A., Quintanilla, J, Ledoux, E. 2000. Reconstitution des écoulements souterrains de l’Altiplano bolivien pendant l’Holocène par modélisation hydrogéochimique. Colloque PNRH 2000, Toulouse, 16-17 mai, pp 217-223. 1999 Guérin, R., Descloitres, M., Coudrain-Ribstein, A., Talbi, A., Ramirez, E., Gallaire, R., 1999. Etude d'un aquifère salé de l'Altiplano bolivien par prospection TDEM. Colloque GEOFCAN, Géophysique des sols et des formations superficielles. 21-22/09/1999. Orléans (France). 83 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 Vouillamoz, J. M., Bernard, J., Descloitres, M., Fourcassier, P., Romagny, L. 1999. Implantation de forages d’eau au Cambodge. Utilisation conjointe des méthodes électriques, TDEM et RMP. Colloque GEOFCAN, Orléans, 2122 septembre. 1998 Schmutz, M., Guérin, R., Maquaire, O., Descloitres, M., Schott, J. J., Albouy, Y., 1998. Apport du TDEM à la connaissance du glissement-coulée de Super Sauze (Alpes, France). Séminaire "MAST", Ecole de Physique des Houches, 5-6/10/1998, pp 38-40. 1997 Descloitres, M., Robain, H., Dabas, M., Camerlynck, C., Albouy, Y., 1997. Apport des imageries électriques et radar à la reconnaissance des couvertures d’altération. Bassin versant de Nsimi, Cameroun. Colloque GEOFCAN “ Géophysique des sols et des formations superficielles ”, Bondy, 11-12 septembre. Zanolin, A., Tchani, J., Barbiéro, L., Boivin, P., Descloitres, M., 1997. Apport de la méthode électrique pour la reconnaissance hydrogéologique et l’étude des variabilités superficielles en zone sédimentaire subsaharienne. Colloque GEOFCAN “ Géophysique des sols et des formations superficielles ”, Bondy, 11-12 septembre. 1996 Join, J. L., Descloitres, M., Ritz, M., 1996. Reconnaissance volcano-structurale de la phase ante caldeira du volcan Fogo, Iles du Cap-Vert . 16ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Orléans, 10-12 avril. 1995 Courteaud, M., Descloitres, M., Join, J. L., Albouy, Y., Coudray, J., 1995. TDEM survey in heterogeneous volcanic aquifers: correlation between basic one dimensional models and hydrogeological data at 15 borehole test sites of Reunion Island. Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeology, Edmonton, June 4-10th. Descloitres, M., Ritz, M., Mourgues, P. 1995. TDEM soundings for locating aquifers inside the caldeira of Fogo active volcano. Cape Verde Islands. First Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Torino, September 25-27th. Ritz, M., Robineau, B., Descloitres, M., Courteaud, M., Coudray, J., 1995. AMT and TDEM groundwater prospecting on the eastern collapsed flank of Piton de la Fournaise volcano. Reunion Island. Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeology, Edmonton, June 4-10th. 6 Rapports de contrats, de mission Descloitres, M., Legchenko, A., Vincent, C., Guyard, H., Chalikakis, K., 2010. Recherche d’eau liquide dans le glacier de Tête Rousse par sondage de Résonance Magnétique des Protons. Rapport de mission, Projet Pôle « TUNES », LTHE-LGGE, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble I, 38 pages, 9 figures, 2 tableaux, 4 annexes. Descloitres, M., Legchenko, A., Clément, R., Quetu, M., Oxarango, O., 2009. Prospections géophysiques sur le site de Villiers sur Tholon, Rapport de mission du projet ADEM « Paraphyme ». LTHE, 40 pages. Descloitres, M., Chalikakis, K., 2008. Caractérisation géophysique de l’aquifère sur le site de Bagara (Diffa, Est Niger). Rapport de mission, Programme ANR Ghyraf, IRD-LTHE-HSM, 67 pages, 17 figures, 5 annexes. Descloitres, M., Wubda, M., Séguis, L., 2008. Caractérisation géophysique de l’aquifère sur le site de Nalohou (Djougou, Nord Bénin). Rapport de mission, Programme ANR Ghyraf, IRD-LTHE-HSM, 58 pages, 20 figures, 5 tableaux, 3 annexes. Descloitres, M., 2008. Projet ANR « Bioréacteur», site de stockage de Chatuzange. Prospections géophysiques (méthodes de résistivité). Rapport intermédiaire, 2008. Rapport interne LTHE, 26 pages, 18 figures, 1 tableau. Descloitres, M., Favreau G., Boucher, M., Vouillamoz, J.M, 2007. Rapport de mission de prospection TDEM au Niger. IRD-LTHE, BRGM, IRIS Instruments, Grenoble, février 2007. Descloitres, M., Séguis, L., Wubda, M., 2007. Caractérisation des aquifères sur les sites Amma-Catch au Bénin. Apport de la Résonance Magnétique des protons. Rapport de mission IRD-LTHE, Grenoble, mai 2007. Baltassat J.M., Krishnamurthy, N.S., Girard, J.F., Dutta S., Dewandel, B., Chandra S., Descloitres, M., Legchenko, A., Robain, H. 2006. Geophysical characterisation of weathered granite aquifer in the Hyderabad region, Andra Pradesh, India Cefipra project final report, BRGM report RP-54538, 117 p., 57 fig., 11 tabl., 17 appendices. Descloitres, M., Bost, A., Legchenko, A., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., 2005. Characterization of anistropic crystalline basement aquifers using Magnetic Resonance Soundings (Southern India). Complementary survey. Report of the Indo-French Cell for Water Science, IRD/IISc, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, february 2005. Baltassat, J.M., Robain, H., Descloitres, M., 2004. Geophysical investigation on the Maheswaram watershed, Hyderabad, India. Field report., BRGM/IRD/NGRI Cefipra project, Hyderabad. Legchenko, A., Descloitres, M., Bost, A., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., 2004. Characterization of anistropic crystalline basement aquifers using Magnetic Resonance Soundings (Southern India). Report of the Indo-French Cell for Water Science, IRD/IISc, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, IRD-IISc report, 106 p., 51 fig., 9 tabl., 2 ann. Descloitres, M., Wubda, M., Le Troquer, Y., 2003. Prospections géophysiques sur le bassin versant d’Ara, Nord Bénin. Electrique 2D et électromagnétisme EM34. Compte rendu de mission 5 –14 mai 2003. Projet AMMA, UR 027 Geovast, IRD Ouagadougou, mai 2003. Vouillamoz, J.M., Descloitres, M., 2003. La caractérisation des aquifères de socle par les sondages de Résonance Magnétique des Protons (RMP). Première mise en œuvre au Burkina Faso. Compte rendu de mission, décembre 2002 et janvier 2003. Projet PNRH N°01/22 Document IRD / AcF, UR 027 Geovast, IRD Ouagadougou, juillet 2003. 84 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 Albouy, Y., Andrieux, P., Descloitres, M., Robain, H., Sorensen, K, Vassal, J, 2001. Time Domain Electromagnetism. Comparison between 3 commercial systems. Centre de Recherche Géophysique de Garchy, IRD Bondy, France. Descloitres, M., Le Troquer, Y., 2000. Prospection géophysique sur le site du futur barrage de Yakouta, Burkina Faso. Rapport interne IRD Ouagadougou. Descloitres, M., Robain, H., 1999. Multi-electrode electrical and time domain electromagnetism survey at Maheswaram catchement (India). Field report,. CEFIPRA Project 2013-1. Descloitres, M., Join, J. L., Ritz, M., Dukhan, M., 1996. Prospection géophysique par la méthode TDEM du volcan Fogo, archipel des îles du Cap-Vert. Rapport final. Multigraphié ORSTOM Dakar, 30 p., 17 figures, 10 p. en annexe. Courteaud, M., Descloitres, M., Ritz, M., Robineau, B., 1995. Secteur pilote de Ste Rose. Etude géophysique par les méthodes TDEM et AMT. Rapport récapitulatif sur les mesures et données de terrain. Programme hydrogéologique du Massif de la Fournaise (Ile de la Réunion), Conseil Général de l'île de la Réunion. Multigraphié Université de St Denis de la Réunion. 55 p. Courteaud , M., Descloitres, M., Ritz, M. et Robineau, B. 1994. Secteur pilote du Grand Brûlé : étude géophysique par les méthodes TDEM et AMT. Implications géologiques et hydrogéologiques. Conseil Général de l'île de la Réunion. Multigraphié Université de St Denis de la Réunion. 43 p., 25 fig., 22 p. en annexe. Ritz M., Descloitres, M., Courteaud, M., Robineau, B., 1993. Etude géophysique VLF et AMT du secteur pilote du Baril. Conseil Général de l'île de la Réunion. Multigraphié Université de St Denis de la Réunion. 49 p., 35 fig., 4 planches, 7 p. en annexe. Descloitres, M., Ritz, M., Sylla, M., Samb, M., 1992. Etude des niveaux d'indurations du recouvrement du gisement de phosphate de Tobène-Taïba. Méthodes géologiques et géophysiques. ORSTOM Dakar, IST Dakar. 7. Contributions diverses ¾ Participation à l’élaboration de site Internet, audiovisuel • Descloitres, M., Dukhan, M., 1995. Quelques Méthodes de Géophysique Appliquée. Cellule audiovisuelle Dakar, VHS, 20 mn. Public : étudiants 2ème cycle. • Conception et réalisation du site web de l’équipe HGP au LTHE ¾ • • • • • • Organisation de formations / ateliers/ séminaires 4th International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Sounding « MRS 2009 » à Grenoble, 80 participants: membre du comité d’organisation de la conférence, logistique locale. Co-organisateur du colloque de restitution du programme INSU « Waterscan », Autrans, LTHE, 10-12 octobre 2007, programme scientifique et logistique locale. Organisateur des journées de formation des partenaires Burkinabé à la Résonance Magnétique des Protons, Ouagadougou, décembre 2002. Organisateur de la formation collective aux techniques de forage, 1 semaine, IRD Ouagadougou, 2001. Formateur dans l’atelier « prospection électrique 2D », centre de formation continue CEFOC, Ouagadougou, 2000. Intervenant dans l’atelier Formation continue IRD sur le technique TDEM, Garchy, 1996, 1 jour. 8. Relectures d’articles pour revues à comité de lecture Années 2000 2001 2002 2004 2003 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Journaux Revue des Sciences de l’Eau Water International Revue des Sciences de l’Eau Near Surface Geophysics Journal of Applied Geophysics Sud-Sciences et Technologie Hydrogeology Journal Near Surface Geophysics Journal of Applied Geophysics Near Surface Geophysics Comptes Rendus Geosciences Near Surface Geophysics Journal of Applied Geophysics Comptes Rendus Geosciences Journal of Applied Geophysics Total : Nombre 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 rang A, 6 rang B 85 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 ANNEXE 2 Tirés à part des principaux articles 1. Spatialisation des aquifères Braun, J-J., Descloitres, M., Riotte, J., Fleury, S., Barbiero, L., Boeglin, J-L., Violette, A., Lacarce, E., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Subramanian, S., Dupre, B., 2009. Regolith mass balance inferred from combined mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical studies: Mule Hole gneissic watershed, South India, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, doi: 10.1016 /j.gca.2008.11.013. Guérin R., Descloitres, M., Coudrain-Ribstein A., Talbi A., Gallaire R., 2001. Geophysical surveys for identifying saline groundwater in the semi-arid region of the central Altiplano, Bolivia. Hydrological Processes, 15, 17, pp 3287-3301. Legchenko, A., Descloitres, M., Bost, A., Ruiz L., Reddy, M., Girard, J-F., Sekhar, M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Braun, J. J. Resolution of MR Soundings applied to the characterization of hard rock aquifers. Groundwater 44(4), pp 547-554. 2. Etude de la recharge des aquifères Descloitres, M., Ribolzi, O., Le Troquer, Y, 2003. Study of infiltration in a gully erosion sahelian area using timelapse electrical resistivity mapping. CATENA 53, pp 229-253. Descloitres, M., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., Legchenko, A., Braun, J. J., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Subramanian, S., 2008. Characterization of seasonal local recharge using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Sounding. Hydrological Processes, Vol 22, pp 384-394 Massuel, S., Favreau, G., Descloitres, M., Le Troquer, Y., Albouy, Y., Cappelaere, B. Deep infiltration through a sandy alluvial fan in semiarid Niger inferred from electrical conductivity survey, vadose zone chemistry and hydrological modelling. 2006. CATENA, 67 (2), pp 105-118. 3. Etude des processus de transferts d’eau en zone non-saturée Barbiéro L., Parate, H. R., Descloitres, M., Bost A., Furian S., Mohan Kumar M.S, Kumar C., Braun J. J., 2007. Using a structural approach to identify relationships between soil and erosion in a semi-humid forested area, South India. CATENA, vol. 70 , pp 313–329 Descloitres, M., Ribolzi, O., Le Troquer, Y., Thiebaux, J.P. Study of water tension differences in heterogeneous sandy soils using surface ERT. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol 64/3-4, pp 83-98 4. Apports méthodologiques Clément, R., Descloitres, M., Günther, T., Ribolzi, Legchenko, A., 2009. Influence of shallow infiltration on timelapse ERT. Experience of advanced interpretation. Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 341, pp 886-898. Clément, R., Descloitres, M., Günther, T., Morra, C., Oxarango, L., 2010. Artefact removal in time-lapse ERT interpretation. Application to leachate injection experiment in landfills. Waste management, in press. 86 Dossier HDR – M. Descloitres, LTHE, 2010 Available online at Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 Regolith mass balance inferred from combined mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical studies: Mule Hole gneissic watershed, South India Jean-Jacques Braun a,b,*, Marc Descloitres a,c, Jean Riotte a,b, Simon Fleury a, Laurent Barbiéro a,b, Jean-Loup Boeglin b, Aurélie Violette b, Eva Lacarce d, Laurent Ruiz e, M. Sekhar a,f, M.S. Mohan Kumar a,f, S. Subramanian a,g, Bernard Dupré b a Indo-French Cell for Water Sciences (IRD/IISc Joint Laboratory), Indian Institute of Science, 560012 Bangalore, India b LMTG, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, IRD, OMP, 14, Avenue E. Belin, F-31400 Toulouse, France c IRD, Laboratoire d’Etude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement (LTHE), UMR/CNRS-IRD-INPG-UJF, BP53, F-38041 Grenoble, Cedex 09, France d INRA, US1106, Unité INFOSOL, 2163 Av. Pomme de Pin, F45075 Orleans Cedex 2, France e Sol-Agronomie-Spatialisation (SAS), UMR INRA, 65, rue de Saint-Brieuc CS 84215, F-35042 Rennes Cedex, France f Indian Institute of Science, Department of Civil Engineering, 560012 Bangalore, India g Indian Institute of Science, Department of Materials Engineering, 560012 Bangalore, India Received 4 February 2008; accepted in revised form 4 November 2008; available online 20 November 2008 Abstract The aim of this study is to propose a method to assess the long-term chemical weathering mass balance for a regolith developed on a heterogeneous silicate substratum at the small experimental watershed scale by adopting a combined approach of geophysics, geochemistry and mineralogy. We initiated in 2003 a study of the steep climatic gradient and associated geomorphologic features of the edge of the rifted continental passive margin of the Karnataka Plateau, Peninsular India. In the transition sub-humid zone of this climatic gradient we have studied the pristine forested small watershed of Mule Hole (4.3 km2) mainly developed on gneissic substratum. Mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical investigations were carried out (i) in characteristic red soil profiles and (ii) in boreholes up to 60 m deep in order to take into account the effect of the weathering mantle roots. In addition, 12 Electrical Resistivity Tomography profiles (ERT), with an investigation depth of 30 m, were generated at the watershed scale to spatially characterize the information gathered in boreholes and soil profiles. The location of the ERT profiles is based on a previous electromagnetic survey, with an investigation depth of about 6 m. The soil cover thickness was inferred from the electromagnetic survey combined with a geological/pedological survey. Taking into account the parent rock heterogeneity, the degree of weathering of each of the regolith samples has been defined using both the mineralogical composition and the geochemical indices (Loss on Ignition, Weathering Index of Parker, Chemical Index of Alteration). Comparing these indices with electrical resistivity logs, it has been found that a value of 400 Ohm m delineates clearly the parent rocks and the weathered materials. Then the 12 inverted ERT profiles were constrained with this value after verifying the uncertainty due to the inversion procedure. Synthetic models based on the field data were used for this purpose. The estimated average regolith thickness at the watershed scale is 17.2 m, including 15.2 m of saprolite and 2 m of soil cover. * Corresponding author. Address: Indo-French Cell for Water Sciences (IRD/IISc Joint Laboratory), Indian Institute of Science, 560012 Bangalore, India. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.-J. Braun). 0016-7037/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2008.11.013 936 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 Finally, using these estimations of the thicknesses, the long-term mass balance is calculated for the average gneiss-derived saprolite and red soil. In the saprolite, the open-system mass-transport function s indicates that all the major elements except Ca are depleted. The chlorite and biotite crystals, the chief sources for Mg (95%), Fe (84%), Mn (86%) and K (57%, biotite only), are the first to undergo weathering and the oligoclase crystals are relatively intact within the saprolite with a loss of only 18%. The Ca accumulation can be attributed to the precipitation of CaCO3 from the percolating solution due to the current and/or the paleoclimatic conditions. Overall, the most important losses occur for Si, Mg and Na with 286 106 mol/ha (62% of the total mass loss), 67 106 mol/ha (15% of the total mass loss) and 39 106 mol/ha (9% of the total mass loss), respectively. Al, Fe and K account for 7%, 4% and 3% of the total mass loss, respectively. In the red soil profiles, the opensystem mass-transport functions point out that all major elements except Mn are depleted. Most of the oligoclase crystals have broken down with a loss of 90%. The most important losses occur for Si, Na and Mg with 55 106 mol/ha (47% of the total mass loss), 22 106 mol/ha (19% of the total mass loss) and 16 106 mol/ha (14% of the total mass loss), respectively. Ca, Al, K and Fe account for 8%, 6%, 4% and 2% of the total mass loss, respectively. Overall these findings confirm the immaturity of the saprolite at the watershed scale. The soil profiles are more evolved than saprolite but still contain primary minerals that can further undergo weathering and hence consume atmospheric CO2. Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. INTRODUCTION Understanding the relative controls of forcing factors on the long-term silicate chemical weathering rates and the associated atmospheric CO2 consumption remains a major challenge (White and Brantley, 1995; Kump et al., 2000). Several publications based on small to medium granitogneissic watershed studies (1–100 km2) examined the relationships between temperature and runoff for different climatic and tectonic settings (Bluth and Kump, 1994; White and Blum, 1995; White et al., 1999). The authors stressed that the silicate weathering rates were not governed by any single parameter. In addition to climate, the importance of the thickness and nature of the blanket of loose and transportable weathered material, namely regolith, which overlies the intact bedrocks, was also recently invoked, especially in the tropical environment (Millot et al., 2002; Oliva et al., 2003; Braun et al., 2005; West et al., 2005). At the watershed scale the regolith cover is produced either by in situ weathering or by deposition (downslope colluviums and valley-floor alluviums) (Taylor and Eggleton, 2001). However, as the ubiquitous terms saprolite and soil used to describe the regolith compartments from bottom to top have often various meanings in the literature because of their trans-disciplinary usage (Ehlen, 2005; Dethier and Lazarus, 2006; Dewandel et al., 2006) it is germane to give here straightaway consensual definitions. The saprolite corresponds to the lower part of in situ regolith covers. It develops downward (weathering front) at the expense of the underlying fractured parent rock from which it does retain the structure and the fabric, i.e. isovolumetric weathering. The soils develop at the expense of either saprolite or colluviums/alluviums at the uppermost part of the regolith where the perturbation brought by both physical and biological processes lead to (i) the differentiation into horizons and (ii) the loss of the existing isovolumetric weathering features. The regolith thickness depends on the balance between deepening at the weathering front by chemical weathering and skimming off by mechanical erosion at the topsoil (Riebe et al., 2003; Anderson et al., 2007; Burke et al., 2007, and references therein). Chemical weathering rates are highly sensitive to the availability of fresh mineral surfaces, which would tend to be enhanced by increased physical erosion. A thin, immature regolith still containing a large amount of primary minerals able to weather, would increase the chemical weathering flux while a thick, mature regolith poor in weatherable primary minerals (e.g. strongly depleted lateritic cover) would slow it down (Oliva et al., 2003). Regolith characterization is therefore of fundamental interest to improve the model of the groundwater flow paths and to assess the long-term geochemical mass balance. Regardless, the assessment of the three-dimensional structure of regolith is still challenging (Thomas, 1994; Taylor and Eggleton, 2001; Anderson et al., 2004, 2007). Understanding where chemical weathering takes place within a landscape remains a critical missing piece in the complicated puzzle of this fundamental Earth surface process. Until now, only a few integrated watershed approaches have been carried out in tropical regions. The two most studied sites in terms of contemporary and long-term chemical silicate weathering have focused on humid tropics (i) in the Luquillo mountain tropical forest, Puerto Rico (Rio Icacos site, Water, Energy and Biogeochemical Budget; and (ii) in the South Cameroon plateau Nsimi site, developed as part of the project ‘Observatoire de Recherche en Environnement – Bassin Versant Expérimentaux Tropicaux, Both sites are characterized by rather thick regolith, i.e. larger than 5 m, still rich in weatherable minerals in the first case, while strongly depleted in the second case (laterites). A study of the steep climatic gradient and associated geomorphologic features of the Western Ghâts rain shadow located on the edge of the rifted continental passive margin of the Karnataka Plateau, Peninsular India was initiated in 2003 (Gunnell and Bourgeon, 1997; Gunnell, 1998a,b, 2000; Gunnell et al., 2003, 2007). This combined gradient from humid to semi-arid provides unique conditions to study the shift from deep mature to shallow immature regolith covers as well as the influence of their thickness and nature on the silicate chemical weathering. Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India 937 We started our investigations on the pristine forested Mule Hole Small Experimental Watershed, SEW (4.3 km2). The first results were published on the soil distribution and erosion processes (Barbiéro et al., 2007), on the performance of Magnetic Resonance Sounding method applied to the hard-rock aquifer (Legchenko et al., 2006) and on the seasonal local recharge processes at the stream outlet (Descloitres et al., 2007). The present paper focuses on the nature and the degree of weathering and the thickness of the regolith developed on the heterogeneous silicate substratum of the Mule Hole SEW. Our key issues are (i) to geochemically distinguish between fresh rocks and weathered materials since the initial parent rock composition is found to be variable, (ii) to spatially characterize the information at the watershed scale and (iii) to evaluate the long-term weathering mass balance. We have adopted a combined approach using geophysics, geochemistry and mineralogy. First, the gneissic protolith is differentiated from its weathering products by comparing geochemical and mineralogical compositions with electrical resistivity at the sample scale. Second, a detailed non-destructive Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) survey is performed on the watershed to produce representative ERT profiles that give resistivity distribution from the sub-surface down to 30 m. ERT uncertainty is then analyzed using a synthetic modeling approach that allows us to spatially characterize the distribution of soil and saprolite at the watershed scale. Finally, the volume of the weathered material is assessed and the main saprolitization and soil chemical processes are deciphered by a mass balance approach based on the ERT mapping. The impact on long-term chemical weathering rates at the watershed scale are then discussed. Forthcoming companion papers will address the contemporary chemical and erosion fluxes based on climatic, hydrological, hydrogeological and geochemical time series and long-term denudation rates determined with cosmogenic nuclides. Dharwar craton (Naqvi and Rogers, 1987), is dominated by complexly folded, heterogeneous Precambrian peninsular gneiss intermingled with mafic and ultramafic rocks of the volcano-sedimentary Sargur serie (Shadakshara Swamy et al., 1995). The Peninsular gneiss represents at least 85% of the watershed basement. The gneiss foliation is mainly oriented at N75° in the Northern part and at N100°– N120° in the Southern part. The dip angle of the gneissic units ranges from 75° to the vertical. Usually mafic and ultramafic rocks (hornblendite, amphibolite and serpentinite) come into sight as metric enclaves or seams intermingle with the gneiss layers. However an amphibolite body occurs in the southeastern part of the watershed and represents roughly 7% of the whole watershed area. At outcrop level, the basement rocks appear more or less fissured. The soil cover of the watershed has been mapped by Barbiéro et al. (2007) based on the FAO terminology (IUSS-Working-Group-WRB, 2006). The gneissic saprolite, cohesive to loose sandy, crops out both in the streambed and at the mid-slope in approximately 22% of the watershed area. Shallow red soils (Ferralsols and Chromic Luvisols) from 1 to 2 m in depth cover 66% of the whole watershed area (hillslopes). A stone line, composed of quartz pebbles and ferruginous nodules, often occurs at the boundary between the topsoil and saprolite. The total area covered by black soil is 12%. The lower part of the slope and the flat valley bottoms are covered by, on average, 2 m of black soils (Vertisols and Vertic intergrades). They are developed on both the gneiss and the mafic rocks. The other occurrence of the black soil is lithodependant with development of deeper soils (2.5 m) on gneissic zones rich in amphibolite layers located in the depressions on the crest line. 2. FIELD SETTINGS Previous soil and geological maps at the Mule Hole watershed scale are based on the observations of the parent rock and the saprolite outcrops and the electromagnetic surveys using a GeonicsÒ EM31 instrument coupled with both structural approach on a selected soil catena and an auger survey (Barbiéro et al., 2007). The EM31 equipment measures the electrical conductivity in milliSiemens per meter (mS/m) with a penetration depth typically ranging from 4 to 6 m (McNeill, 1980). Conductivities below 2.5 mS/m correspond to fresh rock occurrence between surface and 2 m depth. Values between 2.5 and 10 mS/m are characteristic of red soils, and above 10 mS/m of black soils or weathered amphibolite (Fig. 2). Red soil samples developed on gneiss were collected in both sites S1 and S2 (Fig. 2). S1 is located downslope close to the streambed and including the T1 soil catena described in Barbiéro et al. (2007) while S2 is located upslope on the North ridge crest. Two soil profiles, namely S1-P and S2-P were sampled down to the top of the saprolite (19 samples). The profiles S1-P and S2-P are 3.2 and 2.4 m thick, respectively. Fourteen soil samples (S1-T1) were also collected at different depths in the T1 soil catena (Barbiéro et al., 2007). The Mule Hole SEW (11°430 N–76°260 E) lies in the sub-humid zone of the climatic gradient of the Kabini river basin (Fig. 1). The morphology of the watershed is highly incised by the temporary stream network. The edge slope is relatively low with small depressions. The slope convexity is high upslope and concave by the streambeds. The streambeds are steep-sided up to 2 m down compared to valley floor. The average annual rainfall at the Mule Hole SEW is 1090 ± 230 mm/yr with a dry season lasting an average of 5.5 months. The average annual air temperature is 21.8 °C. The watershed is covered by dry deciduous forest with different facies linked to the soil distribution (Barbiéro et al., 2007). Currently, the Mule Hole SEW is dedicated to wildlife and biodiversity preservation (Bandipur National Park). The Mule Hole protolith presents high concentration of lithological, structural and compositional heterogeneities, which favor the water circulation and therefore the weathering processes. The lithology, representative of the West 3. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY 3.1. Previous studies and sampling 938 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 Fig. 1. Location of the Kabini river basin and the Mule Hole experimental watershed. The shaded area represents the boundaries of the subhumid zone with the 900 and 1500 mm/yr isohyets. The fresh gneiss samples were collected in the Mule Hole streambed. The deep regolith was studied through a network of thirteen boreholes (BH1–13) distributed on the watershed edges along the main roads (Fig. 2). Composite samples (i.e. cuttings) of saprolite and of protolith were collected for every 2 m along the depth of the eight boreholes (BH1–2–3–4–5–6–12–13). All boreholes were drilled in the gneissic basement but BH6 is mainly in the amphibolite body. Borehole depths range between 20 and 60 m. 3.2. Protolith/regolith geochemistry and mineralogy The mineralogy of 157 powdered composite samples of boreholes BH1–2–3–4–5–6–12–13 was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) at LMTG (Laboratoire des Mécanismes de Transfert en Géologie, Toulouse). Thin sections were also prepared from outcrop samples of gneiss and BH6 amphibolite. They were observed with optical microscope and SEM coupled with backscattered electrons and EDX. Major and accessory minerals were analyzed Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India 939 Fig. 2. Results of the electromagnetic survey (EM) and location of the 12 ERT profiles. The colored background is the soil electrical conductivity measured with electromagnetic devices (EM31) along N–S oriented profiles implemented every 100 m on the watershed (Barbiéro et al., 2007). ERT profiles are implemented to sample the main pedological units deduced from electrical conductivity distribution and pedological survey. Shaded areas indicate the zones of occurrence of seams and enclaves of amphibolite mingled with gneiss. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this paper.) with a SX100 Cameca microprobe at the LMTG. Bulk densities (q) were determined by the paraffin method with a SartoriusÒ density kit (10 replicates). Bulk chemical analyses were carried out on BH1, BH5, BH6 and BH12 (109 samples) at the SARM (Centre de Recherche Pétrographique et Géochimique-CNRS, Vanduvre-lès-Nancy). After LiBO2 fusion and HNO3 dissolution, Si, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Ti, P were analyzed by ICP-AES and Zr, Th and Nb by ICP-MS. The detection limits (in wt%) are 0.8 for SiO2, 0.3 for Al2O3, 0.1 for Fe2O3, 0.03 for MnO, 0.4 for MgO, 0.5 for CaO, 0.08 for Na2O, 0.05 for K2O, 0.09 for TiO2 and 0.2 for P2O5 and (in ppm) 0.5 for Zr, Nb and Th. The detection limit of the Loss on Ignition (LoI), the measure of volatile H2O, CO2, F, Cl and S, is found to be 0.02 wt%. 3.3. Geophysical investigations The bedrock and regolith cover was studied at the watershed scale through Direct Current electrical methods using a SYSCAL R2 resistivitimeter from IRIS Instruments (Descloitres et al., 2007). Our study benefitted from previous attempts to assess the geometry of regolith in the Tropics using these geophysical methods (Robain et al., 1996; Beauvais et al., 1999, 2004, 2007). Electrical resistivity of the regolith varies with porosity (bulk density), amount of clay minerals, temperature and both the water content and the salinity (Telford et al., 1990). These parameters make the electrical resistivity convenient for characterizing the regolith since it presents a lower density than the protolith, as well as significant clay occurrence and water content. Nevertheless, the separation limit between regolith and protolith cannot be based on uncalibrated resistivity measurements alone as the resistivity of the regolith can be site-specific. Three complementary electrical methods were carried out on the watershed: (i) Resistivity measurements on typical protolith outcrops and soils. For this, a Wenner array with an electrode spacing of 0.20 m was used. The resistivity calculated using such a small array is considered as the true resistivity of the medium. (ii) Resistivity logging in boreholes BH5, 6, 12 and 13 with a pole–pole (also called log ‘‘normal”) array with 0.30 m spacing between electrodes and measurement for each 0.25–0.5 m. The logging was carried out just after drilling, before casing when possible, with an inflatable probe in the vadose zone (Descloitres and Le Troquer, 2004) and with steel electrodes below the water table. The resistivity calculated using such a small electrode spacing is considered as the true resistivity of ground around the probe. (iii) 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) survey (Loke, 2000; Seaton and Burbey, 2002) to investigate the first 30 m of the sub-surface. ERT was carried out with two geometric arrays. The first one is the Wenner array, more sensitive to the vertical variations of the electrical resistivity (Loke, 2000). The second array is the dipole–dipole, more sensitive to the lateral variations of the electrical resistivity. The latter is particularly suitable in fractured hard rock studies (Seaton and Burbey, 2002) because of the 2D distribution of resistivity in such a medium. Twelve ERT profiles totaling 7600 m were setup according to the 940 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 topographical, EM31 and geological surveys (Fig. 2). ERT profiles 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12 and 9 are located above gneissic basement, whereas profiles 5, 10, 11 and 6 are mostly above the mingled amphibolitegneiss basement. Profiles 1, 2, 3 and 4 focused on the outlet area and crossed two patches of black soils. For comparison with true resistivity logging in boreholes, ERT profiles 1 and 2 are situated near BH1 and BH12, ERT profile 12 near BH5 and ERT profile 11 near BH6. 4. RESULTS 4.1. Boreholes and soil profiles Table 1 displays the bulk analyses of major and selected trace inert elements (Zr, Th, Nb), borehole electrical resistivity and mineralogy of major minerals for the composite samples of boreholes BH6, BH1, BH5 and BH12. Table 2 shows the same information for the soil samples of the S1 and S2 sites. The compositions of the main gneiss minerals, in wt%, are reported in Table 3. 4.1.1. Fresh gneiss and weathering products Combined XRD patterns, SEM–EDX observations and microprobe analyses indicate that the major minerals of gneiss are quartz, oligoclase (An14), sericite, biotite and chlorite. The accessory minerals are apatite, epidote, allanite, titanite, magnetite, ilmenite, pyrite and zircon. Fig. 3a shows the fine layering of the gneiss with both leucosome and melanosome. Sericitization of oligoclase crystals and chloritization of biotite crystals are frequent (Fig. 3b–d). Titanite and apatite crystals are closely associated with the presence of biotite (Fig. 3e). The zircon crystals observed in thin sections are particularly tiny (10–15 lm in length) (Fig. 3f). The gneiss is veined with epidote-rich quartz seams of hydrothermal origin. The bulk chemical compositions of the fresh to weathered gneiss reflect both the primary and the secondary mineralogical variability. The parent gneiss composition varies from felsic (oligoclase/quartz-rich) to mafic (biotite/chlorite-rich) end-members. Gneiss dominates in boreholes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12 and 13 and is present at a depth of 58 m in BH6. Significant clay mineral contents (kaolinite, smectite) occur up to a depth of 4, 20, 5, 15, 22, 14, 15 m in BH1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12 and 13, respectively. The range of the chemical compositions for fresh rocks and saprolite in the borehole samples was calculated without taking into account the near surface samples (less than 4 m in depth) because of the blend of soil layers with saprolitic materials. SiO2 ranges between 50 and 76 wt%, Al2O3 between 9 and 16 wt%, Fe2O3 between 1.3 and 16.0 wt%, MnO between the detection limit and 0.2 wt%, MgO between 0.3 and 8.5 wt%, CaO between 0.2 and 9.7 wt%, Na2O between 0.6 and 6.6 wt%, K2O between 0.2 and 9.7 wt%, TiO2 between 0.2 and 2.2 wt%, P2O5 between the detection limit and 0.5 wt% and LoI between 1.0 and 6.8 wt%. Negative correlations, with coefficient r2 P 0.6 (n = 63) exist (i) between SiO2 and Fe2O3, MnO, MgO and CaO and (ii) between Fe2O3 and Na2O. Positive correlations exist (i) between Al2O3 and Na2O, (ii) between Fe2O3 and MnO and MgO (iii) between MnO and CaO and (iv) between TiO2 and P2O5. The borehole electrical resistivity varies from 50 to 4500 Ohm m. In the soil samples derived from the gneiss (S1-T1, S1P and S2-P), SiO2 ranges between 61.9 and 78.8 wt%, Al2O3 between 8.5 and 16.7 wt%, Fe2O3 between 1.6 and 6.9 wt%, MnO between the detection limit and 0.13 wt%, MgO between 0.3 and 1.5 wt%, CaO between 0.5 and 2.1 wt%, Na2O between 0.4 and 4.5 wt%, K2O between 0.6 and 3.2 wt%, TiO2 between 0.1 and 0.7 wt%, P2O5 between the detection limit and 0.1 wt% and LoI between 2.3 and 11.6 wt%. Negative correlations, with coefficient r2 P 0.6 (n = 32) exist (i) between SiO2 and Al2O3, Fe2O3 and LoI and (ii) between Na2O and TiO2 and LoI. Positive correlations exist between Fe2O3 and MnO, TiO2 and LoI. The electrical resistivity varies from 10 to 100 Ohm m. 4.1.2. Fresh and weathered amphibolite (BH6) The major minerals of the mafic body are labradorite, Mg-hornblende, tremolite and chlorite. Fig. 4a and b portray a fractured seam of amphibolite and the corresponding minor and accessory mineral assemblage as Mg-rich calcite, serpentine and iron oxides containing Cr and Ti. The occurrence of quartz and epidote in the BH6 samples detected by XRD patterns suggests that the amphibolite is also veined with hydrothermal seams. SiO2 ranges between 46.3 and 51.1 wt%, Al2O3 between 10.9 and 16.0 wt%, Fe2O3 between 10.4 and 20.4 wt%, MnO between 0.2 and 0.3 wt%, MgO between 3.2 and 9.6 wt%, CaO between 2.0 and 10.7 wt%, Na2O between 0.8 and 3.6 wt%, K2O between 0.1 and 0.6 wt%, TiO2 between 0.7 and 1.7 wt%, P2O5 between 0.1 and 0.3 wt% and LoI between 1.5 and 14.1 wt%. Two positive correlations, with coefficient r2 P +0.6 (n = 35), exist between Fe2O3 and TiO2 and between TiO2 and P2O5. The borehole electrical resistivity varies from 10 to 10,000 Ohm m. In the borehole samples, large amounts of clay minerals occur between 10 and 12 m in BH6. However, observation carried out in pit shows that the first 3 m are composed of rock with a millimetric to centimetric fissured network filled with loose clayey materials that do not appear in the composite XRD analysis. There is no soil horizon topping this saprolite. 4.2. ERT profiles Twelve ERT profiles were analyzed and a routine inversion method was applied to the apparent resistivity field data. The distribution of the calculated resistivity is displayed along profiles between surface and 30 m depth (Fig. 5). Calculated resistivity ranges from 10 Ohm m near the surface to more than 5000 Ohm m downward with a strong lateral variability, showing high amplitude corrugations. Such complex geometry prevents any simple estimate of regolith thickness based on the resistivity alone: the resistivity limit between weathered and fresh rocks will be determined in the following section. Table 1 Bulk chemical analyses for major and selected trace inert elements (Zr, Th, Nb), electrical resistivity and mineralogy of major minerals based on XRD patterns for the composite samples of boreholes BH6, BH1, BH5 and BH12 and the soil samples of the S1 and S2 sites. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) and Weathering Index of Parker (WIP) are also mentioned. CIA is defined with molecular proportion of major element oxides by CIA = 100[Al2O3/(Al2O3 + CaO* + Na2O + K2O)] with CaO* = CaO 10/3P2O5; CaO is restricted to that derived from silicate minerals. WIP is calculated with the atomic proportion of Na, Mg, K and Ca divided by weighting factors corresponding to the bond strengths of the elements with oxygen: WIP = 100[(Na/0.35) + (Mg/ 0.90) + (K/0.25) + (Ca/0.70)]. The groundwater table level and the conductivity are indicated in each borehole. Key for XRD analysis: empty cell: absence, x: presence (<5%), xx: abundant and xxx: very abundant. Depth, m SiO2, % Al2O3, % Fe2O3, % MnO, % MgO, % CaO, % Na2O, % K2O, % TiO2, % P2O5, % LoI, % Total, % Zr, ppm Th, ppm Nb, ppm BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 40.0 42.0 44.0 46.0 48.0 48.78 51.15 49.37 46.99 49.65 50.74 51.09 50.44 48.97 50.72 49.21 50.84 49.99 50.43 50.68 47.06 47.27 49.53 49.78 50.31 49.71 50.62 50.51 50.86 10.87 11.02 13.53 14.15 12.89 12.78 13.23 13.65 13.50 13.28 13.92 13.41 13.22 13.53 13.31 11.01 13.27 12.93 12.16 13.30 13.50 15.99 13.74 14.65 15.67 14.84 15.81 15.36 14.79 14.95 15.21 16.42 15.52 16.81 16.69 15.36 16.32 15.33 14.63 20.38 17.08 17.02 13.88 11.64 12.71 10.43 12.91 11.77 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.20 0.28 0.19 0.22 0.27 0.23 0.27 0.28 0.24 0.19 0.18 0.20 0.24 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.16 7.11 7.33 5.20 6.08 3.21 3.63 5.12 5.02 4.92 4.16 4.47 4.17 6.30 5.50 5.60 6.61 7.01 5.29 9.60 7.05 7.05 3.95 7.60 4.87 10.10 8.67 8.20 8.52 2.04 3.68 6.83 8.56 10.41 6.51 10.54 10.60 5.74 7.70 9.11 6.76 8.14 7.13 7.90 10.44 9.92 8.81 10.17 7.17 0.82 2.02 2.26 2.73 1.28 1.65 1.97 2.08 2.09 2.27 2.45 2.33 2.71 3.33 2.95 1.32 3.20 3.60 2.18 2.63 2.73 3.52 2.42 2.35 0.58 0.23 0.17 0.24 0.10 0.11 0.14 0.26 0.14 0.28 0.22 0.15 0.38 0.39 0.27 0.65 0.32 0.45 0.32 0.20 0.31 0.62 0.19 0.10 0.96 1.12 1.30 1.03 1.21 1.22 1.16 1.33 1.22 1.38 1.35 1.27 1.30 1.30 1.26 1.62 1.55 1.67 0.80 0.76 0.74 1.00 0.81 0.89 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.26 0.14 0.18 0.08 0.06 0.09 0.10 0.08 0.10 5.12 3.03 2.74 4.19 14.11 10.76 4.70 1.85 2.53 3.74 1.46 1.73 4.50 2.32 2.85 4.50 2.49 2.69 3.11 2.77 3.66 5.49 1.93 6.58 100.30 99.72 98.94 99.57 99.67 99.85 99.81 100.01 99.65 99.55 100.71 100.21 100.77 100.11 100.99 100.40 100.68 100.69 100.00 99.34 100.58 100.73 100.54 99.50 56 58 86 56 82 85 79 81 87 86 84 74 76 82 72 84 85 96 36 47 41 60 53 68 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 1.7 1.7 3.1 2.2 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.4 3.7 3.6 3.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.7 2.2 2.4 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 50.0 52.0 54.0 56.0 58.0 46.35 49.52 48.67 57.78 67.22 14.07 14.00 14.13 16.69 15.93 11.41 11.40 13.23 7.01 3.57 0.16 0.19 0.20 0.14 0.06 5.42 5.94 5.91 2.40 1.37 9.13 10.70 10.53 7.79 4.37 2.32 2.25 2.46 4.21 5.18 0.11 0.14 0.24 0.54 0.88 0.89 0.83 1.10 0.83 0.41 0.08 0.08 0.12 0.09 0.11 8.95 4.08 4.04 1.95 1.14 98.90 99.11 100.63 99.42 100.24 59 58 80 56 86 0.3 0.3 0.4 1.2 2.2 2.4 2.1 3.3 2.7 1.6 Borehole Depth, m WIP CIA ER, Ohm m BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 58 63 57 65 26 35 35 37 42 41 69 58 10 24 45 11 8 19 Quartz Oligoclase XXX XXX XX XX XX X XXX XXX X X XX XX XX XX Anorthite Biotite Sericite Epidote Mg-hornblende X X XXX XXX XXX XXX X X X Tremolite XXX X XX Chlorite Calcite X X X (continued on next page) 941 Clays 2:1–1:1 Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India Borehole 942 Table 1 (continued) Borehole Depth, m WIP CIA ER, Ohm m Clays 2:1–1:1 Quartz Oligoclase Anorthite Biotite Sericite Epidote Mg-hornblende Tremolite Chlorite Calcite 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 40.0 42.0 44.0 46.0 48.0 50 57 60 51 63 61 60 68 68 52 72 69 69 72 72 71 71 54 46 42 38 46 38 37 47 41 38 43 40 41 40 36 37 42 38 47 162 1755 206 7547 8532 227 1416 3907 na na na 6329 6071 6461 3829 2654 3047 1450 XXX XXX XXX XXX XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XXX BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 50.0 52.0 54.0 56.0 58.0 60 65 67 70 70 41 38 38 44 48 5996 10,222 15,264 17,038 na XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Borehole Depth, m SiO2, % Al2O3, % BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 74.28 70.29 72.42 74.81 67.86 73.63 64.89 71.64 68.80 68.99 63.86 63.56 62.07 71.68 74.00 70.93 71.17 68.83 14.00 16.34 13.57 14.57 15.03 13.42 13.48 13.50 12.53 15.14 11.43 15.10 14.16 13.53 13.93 13.96 13.99 13.38 Fe2O3, % 4.05 4.31 4.93 1.91 4.70 3.91 8.47 4.23 5.99 3.32 8.13 7.16 7.49 3.69 2.64 4.05 3.47 4.57 X XXX XXX XX X XX XXX XX X XX XX XX XX XX X XXX XX X X XX X X XX XX X X X X XXX X XX MnO, % MgO, % 0.60 0.50 1.17 0.68 1.84 0.96 2.33 1.53 2.20 1.65 6.57 3.16 3.79 1.60 1.03 1.64 1.44 1.63 XXX XXX XX XX XX XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXX XXX X XXX XXX XX X XXX XXX XX X XX X X XXX X XXX XXX XXX X X XX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XXX XX XXX XXX XX XXX XXX XXX XXX X XX <L.D. <L.D. <L.D. <L.D. 0.04 <L.D. 0.04 <L.D. 0.05 0.03 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.04 <L.D. 0.03 0.03 0.06 XXX X XX X X XX XXX XXX XXX XXX X Groundwater table XX X 600–700 lS cm1 X CaO, % Na2O, % K2O, % TiO2, % P2O5, % LoI, % Total, % Zr, ppm Th, ppm Nb, ppm 0.11 0.16 0.15 0.33 0.18 0.66 0.37 0.79 0.65 0.57 1.46 2.31 1.71 0.82 1.51 1.52 2.86 1.79 1.10 2.59 4.15 3.62 3.31 2.64 3.19 4.30 5.95 2.13 4.84 3.72 4.49 4.88 4.27 4.59 5.20 2.11 1.95 2.21 1.55 1.63 1.74 1.59 2.11 1.14 1.08 1.40 1.55 2.54 1.88 1.92 2.35 2.28 0.95 0.34 0.35 0.46 0.18 0.50 0.37 0.80 0.46 0.61 0.31 0.36 0.59 0.84 0.50 0.20 0.47 0.38 0.40 0.04 0.04 0.04 <DL 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.13 0.12 0.07 0.15 0.14 0.18 0.04 0.15 0.09 0.09 3.57 5.88 3.43 2.86 4.72 3.11 5.90 3.40 3.78 3.04 5.50 3.37 3.42 1.68 1.36 1.62 1.64 2.45 100.77 100.88 100.98 100.85 100.31 100.66 100.86 100.48 100.32 100.29 100.08 101.00 100.55 100.97 100.82 100.99 100.59 100.42 728 610 476 184 334 661 469 521 377 213 85 137 257 257 139 236 243 162 10.6 15.7 10.3 14.9 8.0 9.1 5.8 10.1 5.3 8.2 1.9 1.7 6.1 9.7 9.7 11.7 7.9 2.3 22.3 10.8 12.7 4.3 11.4 15.3 19.2 13.7 14.0 6.3 10.1 13.7 17.1 8.1 7.6 14.3 6.4 8.5 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH6 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 38.0 40.0 42.0 44.0 46.0 48.0 50.0 72.93 64.99 70.88 57.79 74.43 73.91 76.00 14.14 14.36 13.39 11.01 14.44 13.85 12.90 2.86 5.94 4.26 11.33 1.77 1.86 1.70 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.10 0.04 <L.D. <L.D. 1.29 3.11 1.84 8.53 0.78 0.80 0.61 0.71 1.20 0.85 1.46 0.48 0.96 0.88 5.31 4.85 5.32 1.77 5.57 5.36 4.71 1.82 2.53 1.33 2.51 1.58 1.38 1.46 0.29 0.59 0.46 0.62 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.08 0.14 0.08 0.11 0.05 0.08 0.06 1.36 2.22 1.86 4.29 1.11 1.04 1.08 100.83 99.96 100.30 99.52 100.41 99.43 99.63 121 175 268 140 137 380 405 14.6 6.5 9.7 17.7 7.2 9.8 32.0 9.2 11.9 10.4 15.0 3.9 5.3 5.1 BH5 BH5 BH5 52.0 54.0 56.0 72.71 68.90 72.77 14.06 10.85 13.89 2.58 6.89 2.36 <L.D. 0.07 <L.D. 0.92 5.95 1.00 0.93 0.73 0.72 4.93 2.31 5.39 1.78 2.03 1.62 0.30 0.29 0.19 0.06 0.06 0.03 1.41 2.48 1.04 99.68 100.54 99.00 258 310 256 9.8 16.2 14.8 11.3 9.3 3.7 Borehole Depth, m WIP CIA ER, Ohm m Clays 2:1–1:1 Quartz Oligoclase Anorthite Biotite Sericite Epidote Mg-hornblende Tremolite Chlorite Calcite 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 40.0 42.0 44.0 46.0 48.0 50.0 36 28 46 54 53 48 46 52 57 70 51 70 72 66 66 67 69 67 69 77 67 65 68 66 60 73 80 66 62 65 64 65 63 57 56 66 56 53 53 55 54 53 48 55 53 54 58 55 54 54 142 106 66 56 108 75 93 81 92 80 127 184 395 490 na na na na na 579 1125 1565 1759 1585 3247 BH5 BH5 BH5 52.0 54.0 56.0 65 57 68 55 60 54 2102 2959 3450 X X X X X X X X X X X XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX X X XX XXX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX X XXX XXX XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XX XXX X X X X X X XX X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X XX X X X X XX XX X X X XX X X XX X XXX XX X X X X XX X X X XX X X X Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 BH5 X XX X X XX Groundwater table 600–700 lS cm1 XX X X Depth, m SiO2, % Al2O3, % Fe2O3, % MnO, % MgO, % CaO, % Na2O, % K2O, % TiO2, % P2O5, % LoI, % Total, % Zr, ppm 2.0 4.0 71.32 69.22 10.47 15.92 4.75 1.97 0.13 <L.D. 1.04 0.64 1.29 1.56 1.37 6.32 0.64 1.31 0.49 0.24 0.04 0.09 7.47 1.64 99.01 98.90 254 114 Th, ppm Nb, ppm 10.3 5.5 5.1 3.5 (continued on next page) 943 Borehole BH1 BH1 944 Table 1 (continued) Depth, m SiO2, % Al2O3, % Fe2O3, % MnO, % MgO, % CaO, % Na2O, % K2O, % TiO2, % P2O5, % LoI, % Total, % Zr, ppm Th, ppm Nb, ppm BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 70.36 69.29 70.45 70.85 67.45 72.35 71.88 68.41 50.19 68.08 62.91 63.86 71.69 53.02 53.11 53.14 57.21 16.29 16.16 16.47 15.81 15.52 14.61 14.72 13.27 14.13 13.57 11.82 14.14 14.24 9.74 10.57 10.52 9.03 1.74 2.25 1.59 2.25 2.06 1.58 1.30 3.57 8.31 3.90 6.40 3.98 2.89 11.71 15.83 16.04 10.98 <L.D. <L.D. <L.D. <L.D. <L.D. <L.D. <L.D. 0.04 0.10 0.04 0.08 0.07 0.03 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.22 0.47 0.86 0.36 0.34 0.91 0.60 0.46 2.36 4.99 2.61 6.41 1.90 1.57 4.96 5.64 5.73 2.61 0.91 0.87 0.68 0.47 1.86 0.88 1.74 2.20 7.27 1.98 2.72 3.98 1.61 8.88 5.56 5.41 9.68 6.54 6.28 6.63 5.96 5.62 5.50 5.62 4.50 3.37 4.56 2.70 3.80 5.77 0.75 0.64 0.64 1.91 1.50 1.71 1.66 1.93 2.09 1.78 1.60 2.05 3.57 1.98 1.37 2.74 1.44 2.18 3.30 3.29 1.19 0.18 0.22 0.17 0.23 0.26 0.18 0.17 0.32 2.20 0.38 0.29 0.52 0.29 0.84 0.78 0.77 0.43 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.06 0.05 0.09 0.46 0.08 0.06 0.15 0.08 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.12 1.34 1.56 1.14 1.21 2.92 1.48 1.75 2.21 4.09 2.03 4.29 4.01 1.30 6.80 4.16 3.89 5.30 99.39 99.27 99.21 99.14 98.80 99.02 99.27 99.02 98.68 99.21 99.05 99.14 100.91 99.21 99.95 99.78 98.68 107 103 99 121 119 103 111 105 213 195 94 114 127 89 102 107 96 10.9 4.5 2.7 6.7 4.5 7.7 8.5 5.1 2.9 5.0 4.8 3.5 7.0 2.1 1.8 2.2 4.3 3.0 3.2 1.8 3.1 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.6 19.5 5.8 4.5 5.5 5.7 5.9 4.6 4.6 4.9 Borehole Depth, m WIP CIA ER, Ohm m Clays 2:1–1:1 Quartz Oligoclase Anorthite Biotite Sericite Epidote Mg-hornblende Tremolite Chlorite Calcite BH1 BH1 2.0 4.0 24 75 67 52 na na BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 BH1 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 77 77 78 73 76 69 71 71 92 71 61 73 74 61 63 63 59 54 54 54 56 51 54 51 50 40 51 52 47 51 33 42 43 29 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Borehole BH12 BH12 Depth, m 2.5 3.0 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XX XXX XXX XXX XX XXX XX XXX XXX X X XX XX XX X X X X X X X XX XXX XX X X XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XX X X X X X XX X Groundwater table 200–300 lS cm1 X X X XXX X X XX XX X X X X XX SiO2, % Al2O3, % Fe2O3, % MnO, % MgO, % CaO, % Na2O, % K2O, % TiO2, % P2O5, % LoI, % Total, % Zr, ppm 69.64 68.98 12.60 16.12 6.76 3.52 0.22 0.04 0.47 0.67 0.81 1.48 0.96 3.62 0.67 1.06 0.46 0.36 0.07 0.04 7.73 4.90 100.38 100.79 269 156 Th, ppm 6.5 5.3 Nb, ppm 5.6 4.0 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 Borehole 4.0 6.0 7.0 72.02 64.51 67.24 14.64 14.85 15.54 2.61 5.59 4.12 0.02 0.06 0.04 1.11 2.42 1.62 1.84 3.24 3.65 4.59 4.54 4.97 1.00 0.39 0.45 0.29 0.49 0.46 0.03 0.06 0.09 2.47 4.22 2.75 100.64 100.37 100.92 139 104 128 3.9 10.7 2.0 2.9 3.7 3.9 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 8.5 9.0 10.0 10.5 11.0 13.5 14.0 15.0 17.5 18.5 20.5 22.0 23.5 25.0 26.5 28.0 29.5 31.0 32.5 34.0 35.5 37.0 37.5 40.0 41.0 71.43 66.82 71.04 70.23 70.37 67.93 66.91 71.61 70.81 63.24 62.13 69.97 69.50 70.14 66.52 67.39 70.28 68.63 57.50 64.72 64.59 63.74 67.55 69.72 67.49 14.20 13.28 14.52 14.39 12.78 10.20 10.29 12.87 15.34 12.46 12.24 14.47 13.44 13.14 14.00 13.75 14.52 13.88 13.92 13.00 14.21 13.99 14.17 13.25 14.30 2.76 5.38 3.05 3.22 5.13 8.40 8.07 3.81 2.50 6.57 7.81 3.23 3.83 3.79 5.33 5.02 3.28 4.38 9.59 6.94 5.05 6.43 4.29 4.24 4.56 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.09 0.08 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.05 1.33 2.65 1.39 1.91 2.03 4.35 5.09 1.14 1.31 3.82 6.77 2.93 3.23 2.73 4.11 3.34 1.89 2.95 4.34 3.38 3.07 3.30 3.05 2.59 2.91 2.23 2.41 2.42 2.01 2.55 1.40 1.26 2.95 1.67 5.41 2.18 0.69 1.10 1.70 1.55 2.28 1.87 2.04 6.43 4.12 3.12 3.93 2.17 1.80 2.39 4.88 4.04 4.86 5.06 3.34 1.54 2.03 4.33 5.78 3.43 2.73 6.16 5.02 4.47 4.16 4.06 5.26 4.88 2.80 3.74 5.30 4.20 4.57 3.94 4.61 0.89 0.42 0.98 0.69 1.62 2.39 1.93 0.96 1.15 1.13 1.99 0.49 0.83 0.92 1.69 1.63 1.29 1.06 1.73 1.18 1.38 1.47 1.39 2.13 1.56 0.31 0.42 0.34 0.26 0.48 0.70 0.46 0.45 0.26 0.60 0.60 0.25 0.39 0.36 0.45 0.39 0.31 0.37 0.85 0.61 0.46 0.58 0.41 0.43 0.46 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.06 0.11 0.08 0.09 0.15 0.08 0.12 0.11 0.06 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.12 2.17 5.29 2.13 2.54 2.32 3.95 4.41 1.45 1.36 3.12 2.82 1.57 1.71 1.59 1.94 1.68 1.47 1.70 2.31 1.98 2.26 2.16 2.18 1.73 1.95 100.30 100.82 100.86 100.39 100.75 100.97 100.60 99.73 100.26 99.98 99.45 99.86 99.18 98.97 99.91 99.70 100.29 100.02 99.71 99.85 99.63 99.98 99.95 100.00 100.39 159 125 221 121 243 500 598 334 175 100 87 61 118 116 107 83 76 136 123 153 178 173 288 244 205 4.5 4.7 6.7 4.0 5.2 11.2 6.0 9.4 8.5 4.1 2.5 1.9 4.5 7.1 6.1 4.7 3.4 7.5 3.8 6.2 11.0 10.6 25.4 14.0 14.7 3.5 4.5 3.6 2.6 7.3 15.6 15.6 6.3 3.8 7.3 8.7 3.2 5.1 3.7 5.7 5.9 4.1 5.0 5.3 4.9 5.5 5.3 5.5 7.1 6.2 Borehole Depth, m WIP CIA ER, Ohm m Clays 2:1–1:1 Quartz Oligoclase Anorthite Biotite Sericite Epidote Mg-hornblende Tremolite Chlorite Calcite BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 2.5 3.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 18 48 58 60 63 78 62 59 55 55 60 60 60 90 150 X X X X X XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX X XX XX XXX XXX X X X X X X X X X BH12 BH12 8.5 9.0 62 54 57 56 220 300 X X XXX XXX XX XXX X X X X X X BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 10.0 10.5 11.0 13.5 14.0 15.0 17.5 63 63 56 50 52 58 71 56 58 51 48 50 52 60 400 na na 155 167 165 370 X X X X X XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XX XXX XX X X XX XXX X X X X XX X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India BH12 BH12 BH12 Groundwater table 200–300 lS cm1 XX X XX 945 (continued on next page) 946 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XX 5.1. Determination of fresh and weathered materials X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X XX X X XX Mg-hornblende Biotite Oligoclase XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 43 51 66 61 57 58 54 58 57 42 47 53 49 56 54 55 ER, Ohm m CIA WIP 18.5 20.5 22.0 23.5 25.0 26.5 28.0 29.5 31.0 32.5 34.0 35.5 37.0 37.5 40.0 41.0 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 BH12 65 66 71 65 61 68 66 69 67 68 64 77 70 68 66 69 Depth, m Borehole Table 1 (continued) 1221 1703 2425 3481 3128 3445 3952 3823 4538 3003 2445 1303 2221 2475 1621 na Clays 2:1–1:1 Quartz Anorthite X XX X X X X X X X XX X XX XX X X X Sericite Epidote X Tremolite Chlorite Calcite 5. DISCUSSION Since the nature of the parent lithology is highly variable, we first distinguished the fresh parent material and saprolite samples from the boreholes using both LoI and [Fe2O3 + MgO] contents (Fig. 6). The LoI of fresh parent rocks depends on the relative abundance of the primary hydrated minerals, given the low carbon content of the silicate bedrock. When the rocks weather, the LoI accordingly increases with the formation of clays and clay minerals. Since iron and magnesium are present in all primary hydrated minerals of the watershed bedrocks, the comparison between [Fe2O3 + MgO] and LoI defines theoretical domains for fresh rocks, based on the XRD mineralogy for the borehole samples. LoI, used as a weathering index, will then be compared to the Chemical Index of Alteration, CIA (Nesbitt and Young, 1982) and the Weathering Index of Parker, WIP (Parker, 1970), more classically used. Both indices reflect the mobility of base cations. CIA considers aluminum as a conservative element and reflects the extent of plagioclase weathering, i.e. leaching of K, Na and Ca, and transformation into clay minerals such as kaolinite. As weathering progresses, CIA increases from about 50 for fresh rocks to 100 for optimum weathering. WIP differs from CIA in that it relies on all major mobile alkali and alkaline earth (K, Na, Ca, Mg) and can therefore be applied to both acid and basic igneous rocks. WIP may be upper than 100 for fresh rocks and tends towards 0 for weathered materials. However, its application to highly weathered material such as laterite is not recommended (Price and Velbel, 2003). Finally, the comparison will be carried out with the electrical resistivity measured in boreholes, rock outcrops and soil catena. 5.1.1. Determination of fresh gneiss, gneiss-derived saprolite and red soil The determination of fresh gneiss samples is made with the a priori condition that the samples should be located, in the bivariate plot [Fe2O3 + MgO] versus LoI, in the domain defined by three components: sericite-rich, biotite-rich and chlorite-rich. The sericite-rich component represents the leucocratic pool while both biotite-rich and chlorite-rich components represent the melanocratic pool. In the leucocratic pool, in which the lowest [Fe2O3 + MgO] content is 2 wt%, the LoI content is prominently influenced by sericite (LoI = 4.0 wt%; [Fe2O3 + MgO] = 7.2 wt%). For a [Fe2O3 + MgO] content of 2 wt%, the maximum amount of sericite is 27 wt%, so the corresponding maximum LoI is 1 wt%. Towards the melanocratic pool, in which [Fe2O3 + MgO] reaches 22 wt%, the LoI content is mainly influenced by the abundances and the relative proportions of chlorite and biotite. Knowing that LoI of chlorite is 11 wt% and LoI of biotite is 4 wt%, the maximum LoI values for the fresh melanocratic component range from 2.6 wt% for a biotite-rich sample to 5.9 wt% for a chlorite-rich sample. The samples above the sericite-chlorite mixing line obviously correspond to weathered samples, i.e. gneiss-derived saprolite and red soil. The samples within Table 2 Bulk chemical analyses for major and selected inert trace elements (Zr, Th, Nb) and electrical resistivity for the soil samples of the S1 and S2 sites. CIA and WIP are indicated. Soils SiO2, % Al2O3, % Fe2O3, % MnO, % MgO, % CaO, % Na2O, % K2O, % TiO2, % P2O5, % LoI, % Total, % Zr, ppm Th, ppm Nb, ppm WIP CIA ER, Ohm m downslope T1 catena 40–60 64.52 40–80 63.12 60–80 62.18 80–100 62.34 80–120 63.06 80–120 63.56 100–120 63.72 100–120 63.53 120–140 61.89 120–140 62.53 140–160 64.81 160–180 64.42 180–200 65.66 200–220 73.19 S1-P – profile sampled close S1-P 0–15 78.79 S1-P 25–35 77.10 S1-P 45–55 71.01 S1-P 65–75 67.09 S1-P 95–105 70.07 S1-P 120–130 72.67 S1-P 145–155 73.00 S1-P 170–180 71.22 S1-P 205–215 67.28 S1-P 225–235 67.36 S1-P 230–240 71.09 S2-P – upslope profile S2-P 0–5 71.31 S2-P 8–18 73.29 S2-P 25–35 76.60 S2-P 90–100 64.88 S2-P 190–200 68.85 S2-P 240–250 76.18 S2-P 285–295 76.96 S2-P 310–320 73.41 (Barbiéro 15.51 15.59 16.57 16.46 15.78 15.50 15.78 16.28 16.67 16.50 15.17 14.78 15.22 14.57 et al., 2007) 6.18 0.10 6.31 0.12 6.65 0.10 6.94 0.08 6.46 0.13 6.49 0.10 6.58 0.10 6.54 0.09 6.92 0.08 6.38 0.06 6.11 0.11 5.82 0.09 6.06 0.11 1.81 <L.D. 0.52 0.51 0.75 0.63 0.58 0.51 0.56 0.58 0.65 0.75 0.50 0.97 0.53 0.70 0.62 0.65 0.68 0.59 0.68 0.70 0.74 0.63 0.56 0.70 0.68 0.83 0.70 0.77 0.45 0.45 0.58 0.50 0.63 0.41 0.46 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.46 0.82 0.57 4.16 0.90 0.87 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.92 0.95 0.94 0.97 0.94 0.88 0.92 0.84 1.35 0.61 0.62 0.67 0.67 0.60 0.63 0.65 0.67 0.67 0.66 0.60 0.64 0.62 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 <DL 11.13 11.38 11.56 11.28 10.52 10.61 10.89 11.31 11.30 11.16 9.69 10.62 9.23 2.76 100.59 99.67 100.74 100.48 99.43 99.48 100.47 101.07 100.23 100.31 99.05 99.93 99.57 99.45 283 229 223 232 274 264 236 273 222 265 271 224 295 88 15.1 12.9 8.6 8.4 8.9 10.0 8.5 9.0 9.2 9.5 9.3 9.5 10.5 11.2 3.5 8.9 8.5 8.9 8.4 8.6 8.6 9.1 9.5 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.5 9.3 15 14 17 16 17 15 16 15 16 17 15 20 15 54 85 85 84 85 83 85 84 85 86 84 84 80 83 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 150 150 to the downslope T1 catena 8.50 3.03 0.04 11.26 3.81 0.04 13.31 4.62 0.07 15.21 5.15 0.03 14.57 3.39 0.03 12.69 4.15 0.03 12.30 3.87 0.03 13.06 3.76 0.04 14.81 4.55 0.05 16.69 3.31 0.06 16.51 1.61 0.02 0.61 0.65 0.66 0.66 0.75 0.95 1.34 1.20 1.53 1.13 0.51 0.74 0.68 0.56 0.49 0.55 0.76 1.08 1.32 1.50 1.76 2.08 0.69 0.62 0.48 0.42 0.51 0.90 1.26 1.63 2.02 3.79 4.55 0.79 0.82 0.81 0.79 0.81 0.72 0.81 0.79 0.76 0.58 1.05 0.36 0.42 0.45 0.50 0.51 0.40 0.36 0.37 0.40 0.29 0.21 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 6.76 4.35 8.10 9.01 8.35 6.72 6.15 6.16 6.72 4.67 2.27 100.36 99.80 100.12 99.40 99.55 100.02 100.23 99.56 99.64 99.66 99.92 260 306 230 221 285 234 195 236 144 109 124 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 16 16 14 14 15 19 25 28 33 47 58 73 79 84 87 85 78 72 69 68 62 57 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 150 150 150 0.60 0.64 0.53 1.44 1.17 0.79 0.74 0.35 1.11 0.86 0.69 1.05 1.10 0.81 0.79 0.63 1.15 1.22 1.22 1.11 1.75 1.72 1.73 3.96 0.81 0.77 0.75 0.90 0.85 0.89 0.90 3.16 0.55 0.58 0.51 0.65 0.53 0.35 0.37 0.14 0.08 10.65 0.05 7.56 0.04 5.69 0.02 9.59 0.02 7.28 0.02 4.92 0.02 4.82 0.02 2.44 99.37 99.48 100.27 99.42 99.94 100.09 100.33 100.09 292 304 313 193 170 177 216 79 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 22 22 21 24 29 28 28 66 66 71 71 75 70 66 67 56 60 60 60 60 150 150 150 150 8.99 10.30 9.77 13.96 13.19 10.22 10.74 14.15 4.03 4.13 4.41 5.77 5.14 4.16 3.23 1.83 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.01 Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India S1-T – S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 S1-T1 Depth, m 947 99 49 98 71 74 98 97.65 99.70 98.43 11.97 <DL 12.64 <DL 0.04 <DL 17.18 29.86 2.37 29.80 52.46 41.77 1.50 <DL 0.17 <DL <DL 5.85 11.04 <DL <DL 0.14 <DL 0.10 25.67 <DL 35.37 0.07 12.85 0.03 <DL 4.44 <DL 0.03 <DL 0.04 9 30 90 77 98.93 99.33 2.07 2.03 0.06 0.21 2.23 10.27 Mafic to ultramafic rocks Tremolite n = 18 Mgn = 10 hornblende Chlorite n=5 Labradorite n = 18 Serpentine n = 47 54.93 46.28 0.22 <DL 2.13 4.00 3.87 10.20 0.19 0.21 19.93 12.10 12.78 11.65 0.25 1.28 0.09 0.88 0 100 105 96 43 57 57 99.94 97.57 99.78 96.08 100.09 101.69 # <DL 4.00 4.42 11.69 1.89 1.18 # 0.09 9.26 10.19 0.02 <DL <DL Gneiss Quartz Oligoclase Biotite Sericite Chlorite Epidote Titanite # n = 30 n = 15 n=7 n=6 n = 16 n=2 100.00 66.61 36.72 49.25 27.25 38.45 31.53 # 20.75 15.22 29.18 20.87 23.19 2.23 # <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL # <DL <DL <DL <DL 13.25 2.03 # <DL 20.71 3.30 20.08 <DL <DL # <DL 0.25 <DL 0.23 0.17 0.17 # <DL 9.53 2.12 18.67 <DL 1.02 # 1.63 0.12 <DL 0.07 23.02 26.47 # 10.75 <DL 0.63 <DL <DL <DL # <DL 1.75 <DL 0.05 <DL 37.05 WIP Total, wt% LoI, wt% TiO2, wt% K2O, wt% Na2O, wt% CaO, wt% MgO, wt% MnO, wt% FeO, wt% Fe2O3, wt% Cr2O3, wt% Al2O3, wt% SiO2, wt% Table 3 Chemical composition, CIA and WIP of the main minerals from gneiss and mafic to ultramafic rocks. <DL: below detection limit; #: not determined. Quartz is assumed 100% SiO2. 0 50 60 73 100 34 34 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 CIA 948 the domain containing chlorite are fresh while those containing only biotite and above the sericite–biotite mixing line can be considered as weathered. Their selection is based on the XRD patterns. Both groups of fresh gneiss and saprolite samples spread on a wide range and show positive correlations (Fig. 6). Most of fresh gneiss and saprolite samples are however in the range of 2–10 wt% [Fe2O3 + MgO]. The average for fresh gneiss and saprolite therefore represents the parent rock at the watershed scale. The estimation of the modal abundances for the average gneiss takes into account the mineral occurrence on the XRD patterns. Assuming that apatite controls 100% of P2O5, its modal abundance is first determined; then the proportion of Ca linked to apatite is deducted from the bulk analysis. To estimate the modal abundances with the apatite-corrected bulk analysis, we apply a linear inverse method using least squares criterion (Tarantola and Valette, 1982). The solution and error is given by equations 47 and 48 in Tarantola and Valette (1982): 1 ^x ¼ AT C 1 AT C 1 ð1Þ y0 y0 A y0 y0 y 0 1 C^x^x ¼ AT C 1 ð2Þ y0 y0 A where y0 is the chemical composition vector of the rock, A is the matrix of the main mineral compositions and ^x the a posteriori solution (modal abundance vector), C 1 y 0 y 0 is the inverse of the covariance matrix and C^x^x is the a posteriori error covariance of the solution. The residuals are calculated by y 0 ^y , where ^y ¼ A ^x. The minerals selected in the matrix A are quartz, oligoclase, biotite, sericite, chlorite, epidote, titanite for the average gneiss. Both bulk compositions (±r), calculated modal abundances and their errors, estimated bulk compositions (^y ) and associated residuals, and the estimated contributions from each mineral to the whole rock are summed up in Table 4 for the average gneiss. It appears that CIA and WIP are not able to separate the saprolite samples from the fresh gneiss samples, while the red soil samples are distinguished (Fig. 6). The comparison of all three weathering indices to the electrical resistivity shows however a threshold between the fresh gneiss samples and the weathering materials at 400 Ohm m (Fig. 7). Compared to the measurements of electrical resistivity on fresh gneiss outcrops, which are in the range 1000– 2000 Ohm m, this threshold seems to be relatively low. An explanation could be the integration of the fissured unweathered bedrock layers common in hard-rock aquifers (Dewandel et al., 2006). More precise measurements, i.e. drill core sampling instead of cuttings, should be done to characterize with accuracy the boundary between fresh, unfractured rock, fissured rock and saprolite. The 400 Ohm m threshold will therefore be used in the modeling of the ERT profiles in the next section. 5.1.2. Determination of the fresh amphibolite and amphibolite-derived saprolite In the fresh amphibolite, in which [Fe2O3 + MgO] ranges between 17 and 28 wt%, the LoI results from the mixing between chlorite, serpentine and Mg-hornblende. We may Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India 949 Fig. 3. Petrographical features of the gneiss. (a) Handpicked sample of gneiss showing melanocratic and leucocratic parts at the decimetric and centrimetric scale, (b) SEM-BE microphotograph of gneiss section at lower magnification including (c) and (d), (c) detail showing a chlorite crystal, (d) detail showing sericite sticks within an oligoclase crystal, (e) biotite crystal with exsolution of titanite crystals, epidote crystals are also present, (f) apatite and zircon crystals. Note the small size of the latter (10 lm). consider that the chlorite/serpentine line delineates fresh and weathered samples as both minerals have similar LoI (–12 wt%) while the Mg-hornblende line (LoI – 2 wt%) delineates the lower boundary (Fig. 6). However some fresh samples can contain a large amount of carbonates in which the LoI goes up. Six points related to the fresh samples are clearly observed in the weathered domain. These points correspond to shallow samples up to 10 m in depth. Observations carried out in a 3 m deep pit dug close to BH6 shows clearly fresh highly fissured rock in which the joints between the angular boulders are filled with clayey materials (similar to the outcrop shown in Fig. 4). We suppose that this conductive material however does not show a difference in terms of chemical signature with the unweathered parent bedrock and is responsible for the low resistivity. The resistivity of the fresh amphibolite ranges between 10,000 and 1000 Ohm m but a clear resistivity limit between weathered and fresh amphibolite cannot be extracted from this data set and cannot be taken into account in the further mass 950 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 Fig. 4. Petrographical features of the BH6 amphibolite. (a) Outcrop of fissured dyke of amphibolite near BH6, (b) detailed SEMbackscattered electron (BE) section of the BH6 amphibolite showing the presence of crystals of Mg-hornblende, chlorite, serpentine, Fe–Cr oxide and Mg-rich calcite. Fig. 5. Result of ERT survey. Calculated resistivity resulting from ERT inversion of field data is presented versus depth for the 12 ERT crosssections. Bore hole locations (BH1, 5, 6 and 12) are noted. Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India a 951 Loss on Ignition (wt%) 15 10 Fresh gneiss Red soil Saprolite Fresh amphibolite Weathered amphibolite chlorite serpentine 1 chlorite 2 5 2 1 3 3 biotite sericite LoI = 1.7(Fe2O3+MgO) - 1.3 r 2 = 0.78 LoI = 0.3(Fe2O3+MgO) + 1.5 r 2 = 0.62 LoI = 0.1(Fe2O3+MgO) + 0.8 r 2 = 0.87 Mg-hornblende 0 0 10 20 30 Fe2O3+MgO (wt%) Loss on Ignition (wt%) b 15 c 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Weathering Index of Parker (WIP) Fig. 6. Property–property diagrams for Loss on Ignition versus Fe2O3 + MgO, WIP and CIA. balance calculation. Besides fresh gneiss and amphibolite have a similar resistivity range. Consequently it is not feasible to differentiate and to quantify the volumes of both lithologies with the resistivity alone at the watershed scale. 5.2. Assessment of regolith thickness with ERT The electrical resistivity measured in four boreholes located on ERT profile 2 (BH13, 7, 8 and 9) was earlier compared to the calculated resistivity of this ERT profile (Descloitres et al., 2007). This comparison shows the good agreement between both measured and calculated resistivities for a restricted data set. But, since the threshold of 400 Ohm m delineates fresh and weathered rocks, the uncertainty linked to the calculation of this resistivity value in the ERT profile has to be assessed. For this purpose, we carried out a modeling, based on typical geometries and resistivity ranges encountered in the watershed. Four geometries have been tested (Fig. 8): (i) one step in the regolith, (ii) three steps in the regolith, (iii) two thin resistive dykes and (iv) two deep conductive dykes. To fix the model resistivity values we chose the weathered materials with resistivities just below 400 Ohm m, and above 400 Ohm m for the fresh rock. Four materials and corresponding resistivities were defined: (i) thin topsoil of 100 Ohm m, (ii) clayey-sandy materials of 60 Ohm m, (iii) sandy-clayey materials of 350 Ohm m and (iv) fresh bedrock of 5000 Ohm m. The first step of the modeling is to generate a synthetic apparent resistivity data set, similar to field data with RES2DMOD software (Loke, 2000). Then this synthetic data set is inverted with RES2DINV software (Loke, 2000). We calculated simplified ERT profiles with the threshold of 400 Ohm m (Fig. 8). Inversions roughly reproduce the geometry of initial models but they are more reliable to reproduce intrusions of protolith in regolith than to detect intrusions of regolith in protolith. This may be due to the loss of accuracy of ERT with depth. For each model the uncertainty of ERT is noted as a deviation of regolith thickness from the model 952 Density, g/cm3 SiO2, wt% Al2O3, wt% Fe2O3, wt% MnO, wt% MgO, wt% CaO, wt% Na2O, wt% K2O, wt% TiO2, wt% P2O5, wt% LoI, wt% Total, wt% Zr, ppm Th, ppm Nb, ppm WIP CIA ER, Ohm m Average 2.74 68.21 13.68 4.78 0.05 2.60 2.02 4.49 1.67 0.40 0.10 1.93 99.92 172 8.8 6.2 68 53 400– 5000 ±r Estimate Residuals 0.05 5.27 68.21 0.00 1.35 13.94 0.25 3.32 5.28 0.50 0.05 0.05 0.01 1.86 2.57 0.04 1.50 1.63 0.39 1.40 3.98 0.51 0.56 1.59 0.08 0.17 0.40 0.00 0.03 0.79 1.65 0.27 83 6.3 2.9 5 5 Mode (%) ±r Gneissic protolith average gneiss n = 29 Mineral contribution to the whole rock composition SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 LoI Major minerals Quartz Oligoclase Biotite Chlorite Sericite 32 ± 7 38 ± 11 10 ± 12 8±6 6 ± 11 47 37 5 3 5 0 57 11 13 14 0 0 46 38 5 0 0 48 38 0 0 0 36 59 5 0 35 1 0 0 0 99 0 0 1 0 2 57 0 41 0 0 43 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 56 16 Accessories Titanite Apatite Epidote 0.60 ± 0.73 0.23 ± 0.08 3.74 ± 6.03 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 10 2 0 12 0 0 0 9 7 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 4 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 Table 4 Average composition, modal abundance and contribution to the whole rock for each mineral of the parent rock. Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India Electrical Resistivity (Ohm.m) a 953 100000 Fresh gneiss Red soil 10000 Saprolite Fresh amphibolite Weathered amphibolite 1000 400 Ohm.m 100 soil 10 1 0 5 10 15 Loss on Ignition (wt%) Electrical Resistivity (Ohm.m) b 100000 10000 1000 400 Ohm.m 100 soil 10 1 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) Electrical Resistivity (Ohm.m) c 100000 10000 1000 400 Ohm.m 100 soil 10 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Weathering Index of Parker (WIP) Fig. 7. Property–property diagrams for electrical resistivity versus Loss on Ignition, WIP and CIA. value. In the three-step model, ERT inversion underestimates the regolith thickness by 9.7%. The highest deviation is noted for the dyke model, 21%. Based on these models, the average underestimation of the regolith thickness by the ERT inversion procedure would be 15.8%. If this value is taken into account for the calculation of the regolith thickness 954 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 ERT forward modelling and inversion average regolith thickness for models calculated models synthetic models Distance (m) 21.70 m depth (m) 100 -10 -10 a -30 100 200 depth (m) depth (m) 0 -10 -10 depth (m) 150 150 -20 150 -20 100 200 -10 d 150 -20 model resistivity (Ohm.m) regolith fresh rock materials 350 9.70% 12.40 m - 5.55 m 15.80% 16.75 m - 7.35 m 21.00% 200 h -30 60 - 3.40 m g 100 0 100 12.55 m 200 -30 -10 -30 150 -20 0 -20 14.70% f -30 200 c -30 - 5.15 m 200 0 b -30 16.55 m e -30 0 -20 ratio to total model thickness 200 -10 100 24.10 m 150 150 -20 0 -10 100 17.95 m 100 0 -20 difference with model Distance (m) 200 0 100 15.95 m 150 average regolith thickness for ERT 5000 total model thickness : 35 m calculated resistivity with ERT (Ohm.m) regolith fresh rock < 400 > 400 Fig. 8. ERT modeling: synthetic models are (a) one step in the regolith, (b) three steps in the regolith, (c) two thin resistive dykes, (d) two deep conductive dykes. The models are computed with ERT forward modeling procedure. The resulting apparent resistivity cross-sections (not shown) are inverted with the same ERT procedure as field data to produce calculated resistivity profile. ERT final results (e), (f), (g) and (h) are presented using the resistivity threshold of 400 Ohm m (deduced from geochemical and mineralogical analysis) that separates regolith domain, in blue, from fresh rock, in red. The differences between the model regolith thickness and calculated ERT regolith thickness and their respective ratio related to the total model thickness (35 m) are indicated on the right for each model. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this paper.) V w qw C j;w V p qp C j;p ¼ þ mj;flux 100 100 in the 12 profiles (Fig. 9), then the regolith thickness would range from 13.5 m at the outlet of the watershed (profile 1) to 23.7 m at the top of the watershed (profile 9). The distribution of the regolith thickness along the 12 ERT sections is not related to the altitude (Fig. 10). The variation in thickness in each profile might be related to the heterogeneity in the structure and the fractures of the gneissic substratum and its availability to weather. On average, the regolith thickness in the Mule Hole watershed is 17.2 m, which corresponds to a volume of 74 106 m3 of weathered materials. As the average thickness of the soil cover estimated from both EM31 investigations and pedological survey is about 2 m, the saprolite thickness can be deduced to be 15.2 m. where the subscripts p and w refer to the parent and weathered materials, respectively. V is volume in cm3, q is bulk density in g/cm3 and Cj is chemical concentration of any element j in weight percent (wt%). The mj,flux represents the mass of an element j moving into or out of the system. The mj,flux is positive if the element j is accumulating in the system and negative if j is leaching from the system. The volumetric strain (e) or volume change is calculated from the density ratios q and conservative element concentrations Ci in the regolith by 5.3. Mass balance calculation ei;w ¼ The mass balance equation set is based on the principle of mass conservation (Brimhall et al., 1991; Oh and Richter, 2005). For a chemical element j Positive values of ei,w indicate expansion, negative ones indicate collapse and values around zero, isovolumic weathering. qp C i;p 1 qw C i;w ð3Þ ð4Þ Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India 955 Fig. 9. Interpretation of the 12 ERT profiles and corresponding average thickness of the regolith. 0 830 840 850 860 870 880 890 900 910 UPSLOPE 5 10 15 average thickness 20 25 30 35 40 DOWNSLOPE average altitude Regolith thickness inferred from ERT (meters) Altitude (in meters, above sea level) 820 Fig. 10. Relationship between regolith thickness and altitude along the 12 ERT profiles. The average regolith thickness (17.2 m) and altitude (860 m) lines are also marked. The addition or subtraction of a chemical element j, either by solute migration or mechanical translocation, is quantified by the open-system mass fraction transport function (sj,w) ! qw C j;w ðei;w þ 1Þ 1 ð5Þ sj;w ¼ qp C j;p Because the calculation of sj,w takes into account both residual enrichment and deformation, a positive value for sj,w reflects a true mass gain in element j of the weathered rock compared to the parent rock and a negative value indicates a mass loss. If sj,w = 0, the element is immobile during weathering with respect to the volume of regolith consid- ered. Moreover, quantification of the overall mass transfers during both saprolitization and soil processes can be approached by the estimation of the chemical component transfer. The total mass of any mobile element j (DMj) transferred through the weathering system with thickness z (cm), expressed in mol/ha, is given by Z z DM j ðmol=haÞ ¼ 106 qp C j;p sj;w dz ð6Þ 0 Mass balance requires precise verifications regarding the determination of the parent material composition prior to the chemical weathering onset and the choice of an inert element, which should be very insoluble and resistant to weathering. For the mass balance calculation, we propose 956 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 to consider the average thickness of saprolite and soil determined above and the average gneiss composition as parent material. 5.3.1. Selection of the inert element Even if it would be preferable to assess mass balance in weathering profiles based on the usual inert trace elements as Zr, Th and Nb (Braun et al., 1993; White and Brantley, 1995; Kurtz et al., 2000), the heterogeneous distribution of these elements in the Mule Hole parental gneiss prevents them from being used as references (see Table 1). In the gneiss, TiO2 is chiefly controlled by titanite and biotite (Table 4). Both minerals are among the first to breakdown in the incipient weathering stage and this leads to the in-situ precipitation of insoluble Ti-oxides. TiO2 may constitute the most suitable reference for the mass balance calculation even if we cannot dismiss a slight mobility in the weathering profile as shown by Tripathi and Rajamani (2007) in similar weathering profiles from the Mysore Plateau and by Cornu et al. (1999) and Taboada et al. (2006). Chemical weathering fluxes would be therefore slightly underestimated (Table 5). 5.3.2. Strain and elemental gain or loss in the average gneissderived saprolite The mass balance calculation for the saprolite first requires estimating its average bulk density, which obviously spatially varies according to the degree of weathering of the gneissic domains. For instance, the bulk density is 1.9 ± 0.1 g/cm3 for the saprolite samples derived from the gneiss at the bottom of the T1 soil catena. One way to estimate the average saprolite bulk density is to assume isovolumetric weathering. If so, eTiO2 ;w equals to 0 and then qsaprolite ¼ qp ðC TiO2 ;parent =C TiO2 ;saprolite Þ. The calculated average bulk density of the saprolite is 2.4 g/cm3. Within the Mule Hole saprolite the open-system masstransport functions indicate that all major elements except Ca are depleted with the following sequence: Mg (s = 0.42) > K (0.26) > Mn (0.22) > Fe (0.20) > Na (0.18) > P (0.17) > Si (0.13) > Al (0.11) (Fig. 11). Similar calculations carried out on the Rio Icacos quartz diorite provided different sequences with P > Ca = Na > Fe(II) > K > Mn > Si = Mg > Fe (total) > Al for a spheroid corestone/rindlet system (Buss et al., 2008) and Ca = Na > Mg > Si > K > Al > Fe (total) for the underlying saprolite, respectively (White et al., 1998). Buss et al. (2008) concluded that both sequences indicate (i) the rapid dissolution of plagioclase and apatite and slower weathering of Fe–Mg-silicates in the incipient weathering rindlets and (ii) the further weathering of biotite in the saprolite with loss of Mg. They argue that biotite oxidation is the most likely fracture inducing reaction in the rindlets allowing the solutions to dissolve the other mineral phases. At Mule Hole the s sequence primarily supports that chlorite and biotite, the chief sources for Mg (95%), Fe (84%), Mn (86%) and K (57%, biotite only) are the first to weather during saprolitization. The biotite loss may be estimated with s(K) if we consider (i) the stability of sericite and (ii) the total K leaching. It means that, at least, 49% of the biotite crystals are weathered in the average saprolite and trans- formed into smectite and kaolinite/smectite interstratified (Bourgeon and Larqué, 1992). The second information borne in the s sequence is that the oligoclase crystals are quite preserved into the saprolite. Oligoclase is the chief source for Na (99%) and Al (57%) and the second source for Si (38%) after quartz (48%) and for Ca (35%) after epidote (48%). As sericite, quartz is stable in the saprolite. Therefore, the chief sources of Al, Na and Si during weathering are the breakdown of oligoclase. The loss of oligoclase in the saprolite can be assessed if we assume that Na is congruently leached from the regolith; if so, s(Na) corresponds to the amount of oligoclase loss in the saprolite, i.e. 18%. The s(P) is also moderate, meaning that apatite, as the only P-bearing mineral, is partly conserved in the saprolite. A significant leaching of Fe and Mn also occurs in the saprolite. Ca is slightly accumulated in the saprolite. In the average gneiss, the chief Ca sources are oligoclase (35%), epidote (48%), titanite (9%) and apatite (7%). All these phases are weathered to some degree and should lead to the leaching of Ca. A differential weathering pathway of the primary Ca-bearing minerals cannot explain the Ca accumulation. Another explanation would be the precipitation of CaCO3 from the percolating solution due to current and/or paleoclimatic conditions; carbonate nodules formed within the saprolite are common in the watershed. Overall when integrated over the average saprolite depth of 15.2 m, the losses by total mass occur for Si, Mg and Na with 286 106 mol/ha (62% of the total mass loss), 67 106 mol/ha (15% of the total mass loss) and 39 106 mol/ha (9% of the total mass loss), respectively. Al, Fe and K account for 7%, 4% and 3% of the total mass loss, respectively. P and Mn account for only 0.04% and 0.10%, respectively. 5.3.3. Strain and elemental gain or loss in the average gneissderived red soil The calculated strain in the average red soil indicates a collapse of 38% of the volume due to bio-pedoturbation processes. The open-system mass-transport functions point out that all major elements except Mn are depleted within the red soil profiles: Na = Mg (s = 0.76) > P (0.70) > Ca (0.65) > K (0.55) > Si = Fe (0.19) > Al (0.17) (Fig. 11). The s sequence indicates that Na-plagioclase weathering is enhanced compared to saprolite; from s(Na), at least 80% of oligoclase crystals have broken down. The low s(K) emphasized that biotite is completely transformed as shown by its absence on XRD soil patterns. The remaining K may be attributed to the persistence of sericite crystals. Fe is slightly leached from the soil and Mn is accumulated. Both elements are precipitated as oxides and oxyhydroxides during soil formation. Their mobility is linked to climate changes (Tripathi and Rajamani, 2007). When integrated over the average red soil depth of 2 m, the most important losses occur for Si, Na and Mg with 55 106 mol/ha (47% of the total mass loss), 22 106 mol/ha (19% of the total mass loss) and 16 106 mol/ha (14% of the total mass loss), respectively. Ca, Al and K account for 7.9%, 5.8% and 3.8% of the total mass loss, respectively. Fe and P account for only 1.9% and 30–100 Loss () or gain (+) % Of the sum (loss only) Loss () or gain (+) % Of the sum (loss only) Total P Ti K Na Ca Mg Mn Fe Al Si sj,red soil Av. thickness = 15.2 m Av. red soil Av. thickness = 2 m sj,saprolite ±r n = 25 Average ±r mol/ha(106) % mol/ha(106) % 1.60 0.10 286 32 18 0.48 67 7 39 16 NR 62.2 7.0 3.9 0.10 14.7 8.6 3.4 55 7 2 0.04 16 9 22 4 NR 47.1 5.8 1.9 14.0 7.90 19.3 3.8 0.40 0.09 0.49 0.04 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.70 1.30 0.73 1.34 0.93 1.24 0.42 0.18 0.26 0.76 0.55 1.19 2.60 0.77 0.88 0.30 0.39 0.42 0.06 0.76 0.65 6.17 1.69 2.68 0.06 68.65 14.04 4.78 0.07 5.15 2.45 1.57 0.03 0.13 0.11 0.20 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.19 0.15 0.56 1.42 1.40 4.23 1.50 2.46 1.86 1.74 0.05 0.04 3.32 4.35 1.35 13.96 5.27 67.99 0.05 2.40 ±r n = 18 Average Av. saprolite 0.21 459 0.05 100 0.12 116 0.10 100 11 25 14 3.2 4.8 10.0 8.7 1.9 1.6 1.39 155 7.95 99.92 223 2.93 65 9 76 10 100– 400 5 62 0.17 0.45 0.03 0.09 0.79 83 3.27 100.01 217 6.3 2.9 6.6 6.8 5 54 400– 5000 53 68 8.8 6.2 1.93 99.92 172 0.10 0.40 1.67 4.49 2.02 2.60 0.05 4.78 13.68 2.74 n = 29 Average Av. gneiss 68.21 Total, Zr, Th, Nb, WIP CIA ER, wt% ppm ppm ppm Ohm m TiO2, P2O5, LoI, wt% wt% wt% 0.1%, respectively. Overall the soil profiles are more evolved than saprolite but still contain primary minerals able to weather. If the mass balance is computed within the soil zone only, 80% of the losses of Si, Al, Fe would be neglected. It thus becomes crucial to assess the weathering across the full depth of the regolith profile. Chemical weathering rates for landscapes are difficult to quantify because the timescales over which weathering occurs are often unknown. For an eroding landscape where the weathering system is adjusted to hydrobioclimatic conditions it is reasonable to assume that the rate of conversion of rock into saprolite equals the average long-term physical erosion rate, i.e. that the system has reached a steady state. This assumption supposes that the mass of weathered material in storage on the landscape is approximately constant through time (Green et al., 2006). Based on an approach combining landform, vegetation, water balance index, clay mineral and soil studies, the steady state assumption was argued for the landscapes of the rain shadow of the Western Ghâts in spite of inevitable fluctuations of erosion rates around median statistical values (Gunnell and Bourgeon, 1997; Gunnell, 2000; Gunnell et al., 2007). Subsequently the erosion rates of the gneissic substratum of the Karnataka Plateau were assessed based on cosmogenic 10Be measurements and steady state assumption (Gunnell et al., 2007). The average erosion rate is 13.6 ± 2.9 mm/kyr (Table 2 from Gunnell et al. (2007)) and consequently the average long-term chemical weathering, i.e. deepening of the weathering front, is of the same order. That supposes an average time span of 1.1 Ma to form 15 m of saprolite at the watershed scale. Density, SiO2, wt% g/cm3 Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% 957 5.4. Long-term chemical weathering rate and minimum age of the saprolite Gneissic regolith Av. thickness = 17.2 m Table 5 Average parent rock, saprolite and soil compositions used in the mass balance calculations. Open-system mass-transport function s and estimated elemental mass flux in mol/ha over the mean sampling depth during saprolite and soil weathering. The percentage of the sum of loss is also indicated. NR: not relevant. Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India 5.5. Consequence of chemical weathering on the alkalinity production potential on the Karnataka Plateau Even if the Mule Hole watershed is representative of only a very narrow bioclimatic transition zone wedged between the comparatively far more extensive humid and semi-arid zones of the rain shadow gradient (Fig. 1) it is worth discussing the potential of alkalinity production of weathering covers according to the regional climatic variability associated with alternating periods of depletion and intensification of the monsoon. Because of low reserves in unweathered base cation-rich primary minerals, we can argue that, whatever the intensity of the monsoon, the deeply depleted lateritic cover of the West end of the gradient will have a limited potential for producing alkalinity. However, in the event of increased mean rainfall over the region, one would assume that both the transition zone and the very extensive semi-arid zone containing a significant stock of unweathered primary minerals would significantly contribute to produce alkalinity and therefore to consume atmospheric CO2. It could be added that the vegetation, at least in the transition zone, would also probably change to evergreen forest instead of moist deciduous, with ecological parameters such as increased biomass and carbon 958 J.-J. Braun et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2009) 935–961 reconstructed weathering profile 1 ρbulk 1.5 0 average soil 2.5 3 2 Depth (meters) average saprolite 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 average parent gneiss gain loss -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 16 -0.2 0 0.2 -1 gain loss -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 -1 gain loss -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0 Depth (meters) 2 4 τ Si τ Mg τ Na τ τ τ Mn τ τ 6 Fe 8 Al 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 τ K 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 Ca P 12 14 16 Fig. 11. Estimated s for major elements referenced to Ti in the reconstructed weathering profile developed on gneiss of the Mule Hole watershed. Bulk density profile is also indicated. storage potential. Quantifying and modeling the contemporary chemical weathering fluxes along this ecocline based on hydrological and geochemical time series will be the scope of future papers. Regolith mass balance in a gneissic watershed, South India 6. CONCLUSION By combining investigations of geophysics, mineralogy and geochemistry on the SEW of Mule Hole the following conclusions can be arrived at: A relationship is found between weathering indices (LoI, WIP, CIA) and electrical resistivity in gneissic weathering profiles, which helps to constraint the ERT profile modeling and to define the most likely limit between protolith and regolith at the watershed scale. ERT is a suitable method to assess protolith/regolith geometry even in heterogeneous terrains. The average regolith thickness calculated from the 12 ERT profiles is 17.2 m. This result was obtained after correcting routine ERT with an estimate of ERT uncertainty using a synthetic modeling approach. It showed that routine ERT inversion underestimates regolith thickness by 15%. This underestimation is however related to the typical resistivity arrangement encountered in the Mule Hole watershed. For other watersheds, the synthetic modeling approach could lead to a different result. Saprolitization processes at Mule Hole are limited and lead to an immature material with low porosity and moderate base cation losses. In the incipient stages, biotite and chlorite are broken down leading to the transfer of Mg, Fe and K. Quartz and sericite are stable. Oligoclase moderately weathers as indicated by the Na and Si transfer functions. Nonetheless due to its abundance, Na, Al and Si are the elements that are the most significantly leached away. Soil processes lead to more mature material with a 90% loss of Na-plagioclase and 100% loss of biotite. The immature soil and saprolite of the sub-humid zone of the Kabini climatic gradient associated with geomorphologic features have a great potential to produce alkalinity by chemical weathering. Depending on the runoff and therefore climate variability with a more humid gradient (i.e. intensification of the monsoon), the production of alkalinity would increase and consequently increase the atmospheric CO2 consumption. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Kabini river basin is part of the ORE-BVET project (Observatoire de Recherche en Environnement – Bassin Versant Expérimentaux Tropicaux, Apart from the specific support from the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD), the Embassy of France in India and the Indian Institute of Science, our project benefited from funding from IRD and INSU/CNRS (Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers/Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) through the French programmes ECCO-PNRH (Ecosphère Continentale: Processus et Modélisation – Programme National Recherche Hydrologique), EC2CO (Ecosphère Continentale et Côtière) and ACIEau. It is also funded by the Indo-French programme IFCPAR (Indo-French Center for the Promotion of Advanced Research W-3000). The multidisciplinary research carried on the Mule Hole watershed began in 2002 under the aegis of the IFCWS (IndoFrench Cell for Water Sciences), joint laboratory IISc/IRD. 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Associate editor: Martin Novak HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) DOI: 10.1002/hyp.284 Geophysical surveys for identifying saline groundwater in the semi-arid region of the central Altiplano, Bolivia Roger Guérin,1 * Marc Descloitres,2 Anne Coudrain,3 Amal Talbi3 and Robert Gallaire4 1 UMR 7619 Sisyphe, Département de Géophysique Appliquée, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), case 105, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France 2 IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, BP 182, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso 3 UMR 7619 Sisyphe, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), case 123, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France 4 IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, casilla 9214, La Paz, Bolivia Abstract: In the central part of the Bolivian Altiplano, the shallow groundwater presents electrical conductivities ranging from 0Ð1 to 20 mS/cm. In order to study the origin of this salinity pattern, a good knowledge is required of the geometry of the aquifer at depth. In this study, geophysics has been used to complement the sparse data available from drill holes. One hundred time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) soundings were carried out over an area of 1750 km2 . About 20 geological logs were available close to some of the TDEM soundings. Three intermediate results were obtained from the combined data: (i) the relationship between the electrical conductivity of the groundwater and the formation resistivity, (ii) geoelectrical cross-sections and (iii) geoelectrical maps at various depths. The limited data set shows a relationship between resistivity and the nature of the rock. From the cross-sections, a conductive substratum with a resistivity of less than 1 Ðm was identified at most of the sites at depths ranging from 50 to 350 m. This substratum could be a clay-rich formation containing brines. Using derived relationships, maps of the nature of the formation (sandy, intermediate and clayey sediments) were established at depths of 10 and 50 m. Discrimination between sand and clays was impossible where groundwater conductivity is high (>3 mS/cm). In the central part of the area, where the groundwater conductivity is low, sandy sediments are likely to be present from the surface to a depth of more than 200 m. Clayey sediments are more likely to be present in the south-east and probably constitute a hydraulic barrier to groundwater flow. In conclusion, the study demonstrates the efficiency of the TDEM sounding method to map conductive zones. Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS Bolivian Altiplano; hydrogeology; TDEM sounding; formation resistivity and water conductivity relationship; geophysical surveys INTRODUCTION Transient modelling of flow and transport is an important aid to understanding trends in groundwater quality (Loftis, 1996) related to the effects of climate change (Jones, 1999) or to increasing groundwater uptake (e.g. Gore et al., 1998). A transient quantitative approach of this type requires a good knowledge of the spatial distribution of the aquifer thickness and of the nature of the sediments. Where such information is not available, geophysical surveys should be considered. The study area is situated in the central part of the Altiplano, a plateau covering 190 000 km2 . Lake Titicaca is located in the north of this closed basin at an altitude of 3810 m, and the salt crust of Uyuni is located to the south at an altitude of 3650 m (Figure 1). The Andes, rising to altitudes of over 4500 m, run along its western and eastern boundaries. The economy is divided between mining and agriculture (Montes de Oca, * Correspondence to: Dr Roger Guérin, UMR 7619 Sisyphe, Département de Géophysique Appliquée, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), case 105, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France. E-mail: [email protected] Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 27 July 2000 Accepted 6 February 2001 3288 67°30' 67°35' 67°40' 67°45' N adero (1.8 3740 8060000 0 5 W mS/cm) E 30 37 8055000 17°30' 10 km 3720 8050000 8045000 water conductivity (mS/cm) m Rio Desag u S Northing UTM Zone 19K (m) 8065000 67°50' 67°55' R. GUÉRIN ET AL. 10 3.9 17°35' 2 1 17°40' site 1 3720 8040000 30 8035000 17°45' 4 o 37 ALTIPLANO BASIN e fil pr 3710 N 8030000 W Titicaca lake Willa Khara E 17°50' S Ea rn ste 8025000 yll o pr electrical ssoundings ra am ca Poopo lake ra 8015000 highlands and outcrops ra ng e 30 68° W 68° 67° 655000 650000 645000 640000 635000 630000 625000 Uyuni salar 620000 615000 18° S 610000 37 8010000 17°55' piezometry (m) 18° 665000 ille o er ad Hu TDEM soundings 1 ar ille ord study area e fil 660000 rd 8020000 nC 18° Solito TDEM5 Co ster 17° u rio esag D We LA PAZ Easting UTM Zone 19K (m) Figure 1. Location map of the study area. The main hydrogeological data (hydraulic head and water conductivity) are taken from Coudrain-Ribstein et al. (1995), and have been completed to the south by some data from the 1998 survey. Ellipses indicate the 16 sites where geological logs, water conductivity and TDEM sounding data were available. The data obtained at these sites are used to construct the diagram in Figure 3 1997). The scarcity and the salinity of water resources increase from north to south and represent a serious obstacle in the development of the region. Mean annual rainfall in the central part of the Altiplano is about 350 mm/year. The only permanent surface water in this region is the Rio Desaguadero, which is fed mainly by the outlet of Lake Titicaca and, in the study area, has a mean electrical conductivity of 1Ð8 mS/cm. Since the severe drought of 1982, a Bolivian Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS FOR IDENTIFYING SALINE GROUNDWATER IN BOLIVIA 3289 non-governmental organization (YUNTA) has been active in the region attempting to provide clean, fresh water by drilling wells and installing hand pumps to replace open hand-dug wells in the main aquifer, which lies in fluvio-lacustrine sediments. The existing 100 wells have a limited penetration (10 to 20 m in general) and provide only limited point information where the study area extends beyond 1750 km2 . The aims of this study were to achieve a better knowledge of the geometry of this phreatic aquifer at depth and to contribute to the study on the origin of the salinity of the aquifer, which varies widely in space (Coudrain-Ribstein et al., 1995). In terms of electrical conductivity, the groundwater presents a wide range of values from 0Ð1 to 20 mS/cm. Geophysical methods have been used to identify the nature and the geometry of the aquifer at depths of at least a few hundred metres. Electrical resistivity expressed in Ðm (or its inverse, conductivity theoretically expressed in S/m and in practice in mS/cm, 1 Ðm corresponds to 1 S/m D 10 mS/cm), is widely considered to be a relevant parameter for hydrogeological studies. Resistivity values are indeed particularly sensitive to the porosity, the water content, the mineralization of the water and the nature of the rocks (McNeill, 1980). Many site-specific geophysical studies have tried to link resistivity to the hydraulic properties of the aquifer (Kelly, 1977; Mazác et al., 1990; Cassiani and Medina, 1997). Among geophysical resistivity methods, direct current soundings are generally well suited for shallow groundwater investigations down to the first 100 m below the soil surface (Ebraheem et al., 1997). In our study area, 24 electrical soundings were carried out over a period of 15 days by YUNTA to site a number of drill holes (Ledezma et al., 1995). However, these data showed severe limitations with regard to the investigation depth. In almost all the locations, the shallow layers present very low values of resistivity (<10 Ðm) and they channel the electric current lines close to the surface. This phenomenon limits the investigation depth to the first few dozen metres for the maximum distance between the current electrodes (AB), which was limited to 1000 m. Penetration to more than 100 m in depth requires a minimum AB separation of about 5000 m, which not only would be very time consuming but also would require a powerful current source. In such ground conditions, electromagnetic methods provide an alternative approach. An audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) survey had been carried out previously 50 km north of our survey area by Ritz et al. (1991) but the depth of exploration of AMT does not allow good resolution of the shallow layers and, in addition, provides information to a depth of several kilometers, which is beyond the scope of this study. Consequently, we decided to use time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) soundings as proposed by Fitterman and Stewart (1987). This method has been used successfully in saline water environments (Goldman et al., 1996) and in difficult areas with dry surface conditions (Robineau et al., 1997). Using TDEM, the geophysicist can explore the ground at depths ranging between a few metres and a few hundred metres. Moreover, this method is particularly sensitive and efficient in conductive environments. STUDY AREA AND HYDROGEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND The central Bolivian Altiplano is a complex Tertiary–Quaternary region of intermountain foreland basins. The very thick (3000 m) accumulation of sediments was deposited during Late Oligocene and Miocene times (Baby et al., 1990). The western part of the area under study is hilly and formed by the flank of a Tertiary overthrust fault system. All the Tertiary formations crop out through this fault, called the Chuquichambi Fault (Hérail et al., 1997). Immediately to the east of these hills, Tertiary sandstone units form confined aquifers. The eastern half of the province is a remarkably flat plain that consists of a series of largely lacustrine Quaternary sediments (GEOBOL, 1996) overlying the same Tertiary system that outcrops to the west. The area under study is bounded by the Rio Desaguadero to the north and east and by rugged hills to the west. The faulted Palaeozoic structure outcrops to the east of the area and underlies the Tertiary formation at great depth. Several dacite domes, some of which are mineralized, exist in the eastern part of the area (Columba and Cunningham, 1993). Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) 3290 R. GUÉRIN ET AL. The results of the hydrogeological study carried out in the area, which are published elsewhere (Coudrain et al., 2000), can be summarized as follows. The Quaternary sediments comprise coarse to fine sands, clayey sands and clays. The groundwater level generally is between 2 and 10 m below the soil surface. From the piezometric map (Figure 1), it can be seen that the aquifer is continuous with the Rio Desaguadero, constituting a hydraulic limit of the aquifer. This map reveals the different types of recharge and discharge of the aquifer. Fresh water (with electrical conductivity of less than 0Ð3 mS/cm) infiltrates from temporary runoff at the hinge line between the western hills and the plain. The relatively saline water of the Rio Desaguadero (with a mean value of electrical conductivity of 1Ð8 mS/cm) recharges the aquifer downstream of piezometric level 3735 m. The two main types of discharge are the outflow towards the south through the arbitrary south-eastern boundary corresponding to profile 1 in Figure 1, and the evaporative outflow from the aquifer (Coudrain-Ribstein et al., 1998). Steady-state hydrogeological modelling with present-day conditions enabled each of these recharge and discharge terms to be computed; they were found to be of the same order of magnitude, between 10 and 30 million cubic metres per year. Soil salinity is high in the flat eastern part of the area and is related mainly to the evaporative outflow from the aquifer. This is confirmed by LANDSAT and SPOT satellite images and soil cores (Ledezma et al., 1995). The groundwater conductivity of the Quaternary aquifer increases regularly from west to east, ranging respectively from 0Ð1 to 20 mS/cm (Figure 1). Extremely high values of 300 mS/cm are limited to the brines of the dacite domes that were sampled by the mining company. TDEM SURVEY AND DATA INTERPRETATION Method TDEM is a time domain controlled-source method that uses transient electromagnetic field diffusion (Nabighian and Macnae, 1991; McNeill, 1994). A current is alternatively turned on and off in a rectangular loop of wire laid out on the ground as a transmitter source. A static primary magnetic field, perpendicular to the plane of the transmitter loop, is created during current-on time. At turn-off time, an electromotive force is induced in the ground by the decaying primary field, producing eddy currents in conductive bodies. These induced currents penetrate into the ground. They create a secondary magnetic field with an amplitude that decreases over time. This is measured at the surface by a receiver coil or loop at several pre-set times during the turn-off period. The decay shape reflects the resistivity depth distribution. By increasing the period over which the decaying voltages are observed, information is obtained about deeper formations. The TDEM method uses a variety of transmitter and receiver configurations, the most common being the central loop configuration, which has a small receiver at the centre of the transmitter loop. The advantages of TDEM are its good sensitivity to conductive formations, a depth of investigation that is greater than the transmitter loop side length, good lateral and vertical resolution and, in addition, the convenience of not requiring any galvanic contact with the ground. The main disadvantages are poor sensitivity to resistive formations (above about 500 Ðm) and its limitation to depths of more than 15 m. Field survey The survey was carried out with a Protem47 system (Geonics Ltd) using a transmitter loop of 100 m ð 100 m, with a central receiver loop of 15 m ð 15 m, and an injection current of 1Ð8 A. More than 100 soundings were measured on a grid comprising several profiles orientated SW–NE (Figure 1) over a period of 15 days. The distance between profiles was approximately 5 km. A sounding was made every 3 km along each profile. The observation interval was sometimes varied to take advantage of the proximity of drill holes. Data interpretation All the TDEM soundings were interpreted as one-dimensional layered models using Temix interpretation software (Interpex Ltd). Two arguments allow corroboration of our assumption of layered earth. In one location, Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) 3291 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS FOR IDENTIFYING SALINE GROUNDWATER IN BOLIVIA measurements carried out in the three main directions showed that the structure is mainly one-dimensional, i.e. the layers are horizontal. Profiles made in the central part of the basin using an electromagnetic induction system (with an EM34 from Geonics Ltd) with an intercoil spacing of 40 m did not show any two-dimensional structure. However, at one site in the vicinity of an outcrop of magmatic rock in the south-eastern part of the study area, the sounding curve cannot be interpreted without considering a three-dimensional structure. Considering that the Quaternary sediments are mostly lacustrine, the layered earth assumption is quite probably valid. Two types of interpretation were conducted. The first involved a user-defined starting model (generally three or four layers following the form of the sounding curves) and used a curve-matching algorithm that yields a best-fit solution. This procedure also gives numerous equivalent solutions, as can be seen in Figure 2. The results of these interpretations were used to draw the resistivity cross-sections. The second method of interpretation involved a computer-generated model (using 15 layers) that defines a smooth variation of the resistivity with depth. This procedure is based on an Occam-type inversion (Constable et al., 1987) and was used in our study to construct resistivity maps at different depths. Data interpretations of TDEM and electrical soundings from site 1 in the centre of the study area are compared in Figure 2. As mentioned previously, the electrical soundings in the present environment give TDEM1 Resistivity Thickness (Ω.m) (m) 3.9 2.3 20 6 326 13 0.23 103 100 0 0 100 100 Depth (m) Apparent resistivity (Ω.m) 104 Depth (m) (a) 200 300 200 300 10 400 400 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 500 0.01 Time (ms) 500 0.1 1 10 0.1 100 Resistivity (Ω.m) 1 10 100 Resistivity (Ω.m) SE1 (b) 0 Resistivity Thickness (Ω.m) (m) 0.8 5 5.5 1 14 65 8 10 Depth (m) Apparent resistivity (Ω.m) 100 10 20 30 1 1 10 AB/2 (m) 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Resistivity (Ω.m) Figure 2. Example of TDEM interpretation procedures and comparison with electrical sounding interpretation at site 1: (a) left, TDEM sounding curve; centre, model with curve matching (solid line) and equivalent solutions (dashed lines); right: smoothed 15 layer interpretation; (b) left, electrical sounding curve; right, model (solid line) and equivalent solutions (dashed lines) Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) 3292 R. GUÉRIN ET AL. only well-defined information in the top 6 m or so. The two conductive shallow layers (5 Ðm, 0Ð8 m thick; 1 Ðm, 5Ð5 m thick) preclude the measurement of information below this depth. On the other hand, the TDEM sounding yields information from deeper formations. A third layer appears at a depth of 23Ð9 m (13 Ðm, 326 m thick) overlying a very conductive substratum (0Ð23 Ðm). The smooth model confirms the considerable thickness of resistive layers and a very conductive substratum. The depth of the substratum is not well-defined (ranging from about 270 to 420 m) as shown by equivalent curves and the smooth interpretation, whereas the parameters of the upper layers are well-defined by both types of interpretation. This example demonstrates the advantages of using the TDEM method in such conductive areas; in direct current (electrical sounding) the shallow conductive layers mask deeper formations, whereas deep conductive layers are detected using the TDEM method even with a limited transmitter loop size (e.g. 100 m ð 100 m). RESULTS Relationship between water conductivity, formation resistivity and the nature of the rocks Within the study area are16 sites (see Figure 1) where the following information was available: (i) a good geological description obtained previously by drilling, (ii) a subsurface groundwater conductivity value and (iii) a TDEM sounding from nearby (and sometimes also an electrical sounding). These combined data sets allowed calibration of the geophysical interpretation. Moreover they also were used to investigate the relationships between groundwater conductivity w , formation resistivity f and the nature of the sediments. For each site where the sediments were known as a result of drilling, the TDEM interpretation was constrained to fit the interface depths. The resistivity, f , of each formation was then calculated. An example of this procedure is illustrated in Figure 3 for the Solito drill hole and the corresponding sounding TDEM 5. From the drill hole information, a major sharp interface can be seen at a depth of 40 m between sands and massive clays. From the TDEM interpretation, below the superficial conductive layer, the sandy layer presents a resistivity of 22 Ðm. A more conductive layer (9 Ðm) corresponds to the underlying clays. In this well, the water conductivity w is 2 mS/cm. Hence this site provides two points on the graph of formation resistivity f versus water conductivity w (Figure 3). It is interesting to note that the 21 points available identify four domains. Domain A corresponds to sandy formations for which it is possible to calculate the porosity using the well-known Archie’s law (Archie, 1942), f w D am where f , w and are expressed in Ðm, S/m and by a fraction, respectively. The dimensionless coefficients a and m depend on the rock type. In our case, we have taken the values a D 0Ð88 and m D 1Ð37 following the values given by Keller (1988) for sands, sandstone and some limestone. In domain A, the calculated porosity varies from 29 to 36%, which is an acceptable range for such media. One point shows a value of 60% that is too high to be realistic. It is situated close to domain B and probably corresponds to more clayey sands for which Archie’s law is not applicable. Domain B corresponds to intermediate formations and marks the transition between sands and clays. In this geological context, the transition between sand and clay is not sharp as shown by some drill holes logs. Consequently the delimitation of domain B in Figure 3 should not be considered as final, particularly because it is only defined by four points. Domain C corresponds to clayey formations with a resistivity ranging from about 3 to 12 Ðm. Domain D, i.e. the intersection of domains A and C, corresponds to sandy and clayey formations with values of groundwater conductivity greater than 3 mS/cm. It is remarkable that sandy formations saturated with saline water (10 mS/cm) display resistivity values as low as 3 Ðm. The porosities of 40 and 44% calculated from Archie’s law for two pairs of values are too high to be realistic. These sandy formations may include a significant percentage of clay. Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) 3293 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS FOR IDENTIFYING SALINE GROUNDWATER IN BOLIVIA 100 Type of formation 90 80 70 porosity (%), calculated from Archie Law Sandy Sand Coarse sand 50 Intermediate Clayey sandstone Clayey sand 40 Clayey Clay 60 36 60 B 22 Undetermined 35 31 20 A 30 29 Resistivity (Ω.m) 10 20 30 pumping => σw = 2 mS/cm water level 30 sand 22 10 −40 m 40 (fixed) 99 8 7 34 Depth (m) Formation resistivity ρf(Ω.m) 30 6 44 5 C 4 massive clays 9 D 40 3 −150 m sounding TDEM 5 2 Solito drill hole 0.1 1 10 Water conductivity σw (mS/cm) 40 50 60 70 80 90 30 20 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 2 2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.3 0.2 1 100 Figure 3. Plot of formation resistivity against water conductivity for different types of formations. Inset at the right is an example of a constrained interpretation of the TDEM sounding number 5 with the geological log obtained at the Solito drill hole. The specific values inferred from this example are shown in squares on the diagram. The possible range of formation resistivities calculated using the Temix software are shown as deviation bars This diagram is a key tool for transforming the geophysical results into hydrogeological information on the nature of the sediments. However, the boundaries between the four domains should not be considered as final because of the small number of data points available. Moreover, for any pair of values situated inside the saline domain D, it is impossible to discriminate between sand and clay. Geoelectrical cross-section The two cross-sections presented in Figure 4 were established on the basis of the TDEM soundings interpreted with the assumption of one-dimensional structures. These cross-sections were drawn using the Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 121 1.04 16 46 241 7 28 0.3 3.5 65 0 205 1.4 9 66 90 16 17 20 0 1.04 15 2.8 1.06 12 2.8 6 km 132 61 14 48 14 255 74 1.7 7 51 189 118 0.5 2.8 15 201 3.5 27 68 67 68bis 5.8 4.2 4.7 8.2 20 33 112 42 12 47 5.2 348 8 1 20 240 3.2 0.6 4.4 10 49 69 130 33 6 km 1.5 20 70 132 40 13 1.8 13 71 9 22 5 10 Solito drill-hole 78 47 6 (2 km to north) 2 14 3.1 8 166 12 0.43 4.7 14 10. 3 164 22 50 0.3 4.5 72 305 2.5 0.35 6.5 0.9 0.4 5.3 73 170 50 25 51 6.5 27 4.9 74 7.6 145 14 121 11 71 4.4 75 0.52 2 6.2 52 6.2 76 20 135 4.2 76 0.2 1.8 53 124 2.5 268 60 1.57 2.9 77 2.5 18 NE 54 ρ(Ω.m) 2.5 4 9 16 60 Figure 4. Geoelectrical cross-sections derived from TDEM modelling along profiles 1 and 4. The location of the profiles is shown in Figure 1. Numbers along the top of each profile are TDEM sounding stations; those in italics and underlined inside the graphs are depth with equivalency bars to indicate the possible depth ranges of the interpretation; other numbers inside the graphs are resistivity values inferred from a classic layered interpretation. The vertical scale is exaggerated with respect to the horizontal scale 300 m 250 200 150 100 50 0 Profile 4 150 m 100 50 0 SW Profile 1 3294 R. GUÉRIN ET AL. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS FOR IDENTIFYING SALINE GROUNDWATER IN BOLIVIA 3295 results of interpretation with a minimum number of layers. The soil surface of the area investigated is flat. For several thousand years, the area was covered by a lake. The highest water surface level was reached 15 000 years ago. The profiles are presented with respect to their depth below the soil surface. Altitude was deduced using topographical maps of the area (contours every 20 m). In profile 1, the altitude of the soil surface varies between 3715 m (TDEM 46) and 3706 m (TDEM 5). In profile 4, the first two TDEM soundings (65 and 66) were carried out close to the hinge line with the relief. Their altitude reaches 3740 and 3730 m respectively. The cross-sections show the lateral resistivity variation with an exaggerated vertical scale. The apparently steep slope between two geophysical units is lower than 1Ð5° in the study area, and the juxtaposition of each one-dimensional interpretation to obtain the geoelectrical section therefore is justified. The resistivity range is divided into six major units. In the north-eastern part of profile 4, a high resistivity unit is plotted in black and has values greater than 60 Ðm. This could correspond to the underlying Palaeozoic formation that crops out as foothills oriented NW–SE (shown in Figure 1). The deepest unit has resistivity values lower than 2Ð5 Ðm. The resistivity of this conductive substratum presents values as low as 0Ð2 Ðm in the southern part of the study area at a depth between 112 and 170 m (profile 1). In profile 4, the resistivity and the depth of this conductive substratum show greater variations ranging from 0Ð3 to 2Ð5 Ðm and 78 to 348 m in depth. Above this substratum, the structure is more complex. The four resistivity units (between 2Ð5 and 4 Ðm, between 4 and 9 Ðm, between 9 and 16 Ðm, between 16 and 60 Ðm) do not show a simple spatial distribution. In profile 1, formation resistivity decreases from south-west to north-east, although remaining in a conductive range when water conductivity increases (Figure 1). In the central part of profile 1, close to the Solito drill hole, a small resistive unit (22 Ðm) appears at a relatively shallow depth. This unit is the only aquifer able to contain freshwater. In profile 4, the resistivity values of all units above the conductive substratum are relatively high. The conductive substratum is shallowest in the central part of the section (near site 8). Resistivities are higher to the south-west of this point than to the north-east. This could reflect an increase in water conductivity from the foothills of Huyllamarca located in the south-west towards the north-east. Resistivity maps at different depths Based on the results of geostatistical analysis, we compiled resistivity maps at four depths derived from an Occam type interpretation of each TDEM sounding (Figure 5). At a depth of 10 m, a resistive channel (with resistivity greater than 20 Ðm) orientated NW–SE, probably corresponds to a freshwater channel. The water supply in this channel seems to come from the Huyllamarca foothills to the west. Still, at a depth of 10 m, the eastern part shows a conductive body in the same area as the saline groundwater plume (Figure 1). At greater depth, the resistive channel does not reach the south-eastern boundary of the study area (see map at 50 m depth) but is closed off in the south. It almost disappears on the deeper maps (110 and 160 m). On these deeper maps, a conductive plug is present in the southern part. This may correspond to either a formation saturated with saline water or to a clay-rich formation. The resistivity contours become more tortuous with depth. The deeper map (depth: 160 m) shows well-defined irregularities (boundaries between conductive and resistive formations, dykes, etc.). Maps of the types of formation Lateral variation in the electrical conductivity of groundwater is generally smooth and a good estimation of this value can be inferred from a limited number of measurements. This is the case in the present study. Using conductivity maps of the groundwater, the value of the formation resistivity at a given point can be related to a given type of formation by referring to the diagram in Figure 3. In this way the resistivity maps at depths of 10 and 50 m have been converted into maps showing the type of formation, but it is important to bear in mind the following limitations and hypotheses: Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) 3296 R. GUÉRIN ET AL. 660000 8060000 8050000 650000 8040000 640000 8030000 630000 8020000 620000 610000 10 m 8010000 ρ (Ω.m) 98.5 50 m 50.5 32.3 20.7 13.3 8.5 5.4 110 m 3.5 2.2 1.4 0.9 0.5 160 m 660000 8060000 650000 8050000 N 30 km 630000 8030000 E 620000 S 8020000 W 40 km 640000 8040000 610000 8010000 20 km 10 km 0 km Figure 5. Resistivity maps at different depths (10, 50, 110 and 160 m) derived from smooth Occam TDEM interpretation Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS FOR IDENTIFYING SALINE GROUNDWATER IN BOLIVIA 3297 1. Most of the drill holes are less than 25–35 m deep. Consequently we consider that the water conductivity map in Figure 1 is valid only for this depth range. However, we consider that this map provides a reliable image of the variation in water conductivity for the entire area, even though it is constructed by interpolation between irregularly distributed drill holes. The water conductivity map is coherent even with a poor sampling because of the spatial continuity of this feature. This hypothesis can be challenged in the southern and south-eastern parts of the zone where the drill holes are scarce. 2. The diagram in Figure 3 is considered sufficiently reliable for the entire area but only for subsurface formations. 3. The information about the nature of the formation inferred from each TDEM sounding location is considered to be representative of a wide zone around the sounding (circles of 2 to 5 km for example). This hypothesis can be challenged if the lateral variations in the facies of the formations occur within a distance of less than 2 km throughout. The maps at 110 or 160 m were not drawn because the first of the two above-mentioned hypotheses are no longer valid. The maps at 10 and 50 m presented in Figure 6 show that the type of formation (sand and coarse sand, clayey sandstone and clayey sand, and clay) may vary spatially very rapidly. In the map at 10 m, the global distribution follows an interlocking scheme. The sandy formations are present in the central part of the zone and extend to the south. The intermediate formations are located mainly in the north-western part, whereas the clayey formations surround a wide zone of undetermined formations (sandy or clayey) located in the east. As mentioned previously, it is not possible to predict the type of formation in this zone from the geophysical results without additional information. A more clayey deposit along the Rio Desaguadero may roughly explain this distribution, whereas sandy formations could be related to the proximity of the hills at the west. However, this scheme is no longer valid for deeper deposits. In the map at 50 m, the results are related more closely to the main aquifer because the data used are only representative of the saturated zone. The overall arrangement shows a wide sandy zone in the north, reduced in the centre to a 10 km-wide channel bordered on both sides by clayey or intermediate formations, although a clayey zone almost blocks its extension to the south. The eastern part is made up mainly of undetermined sediments surrounded by three clayey zones. This arrangement suggests that this area also may be clayey. Moreover a clayey formation was identified between 40 and 135 m at the Solito drill hole located in the south. A thick formation of this type should extend far beyond the Solito area. However, even if the presence of sandy sediments cannot be excluded in this undetermined zone, the surrounding clayey formations as well as the clayey zone in the south would seriously limit groundwater flow at this depth. DISCUSSION Validity of the relationship between the resistivity of the formation and water conductivity Many studies have attempted to link the resistivity obtained by geophysical measurements to hydraulic parameters. When hydraulic conductivity data are available from pumping tests, a relationship is sometimes found between hydraulic conductivity and the resistivity of the formation in some site-specific cases (Mazác et al., 1990). In the area under study, the pumping tests available provided transmissivity values ranging from 5 ð 104 m2 /s close to the fault line in the Tertiary formation to 102 m2 /s in the central part of the area. The only geological logs available in this area are provided by drill hole reports. From such limited information, the different rock formations could be divided only into four types. Nevertheless, the results shown in Figure 3 indicate a rough arrangement of the data points that satisfy the resistivity ranges indicated in other studies (see, for example, resistivity ranges in the table given by Reynolds, 1997). In our case, the points corresponding to the clay domain indicate a resistivity constantly below 12 Ðm, whereas for the sand domain they generally remain in a higher range (10–80 Ðm). Logically, intermediate formations would be located between these two domains. Domain D (undetermined formations) corresponds either to sands saturated by water with a Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) 3298 R. GUÉRIN ET AL. 8065000 0 5 N 10 km 8060000 W E S 8055000 8050000 8045000 8040000 8035000 8030000 8025000 8020000 8015000 TDEM soundings 10 m 8010000 a 8065000 8060000 8055000 8050000 8045000 8040000 8035000 8030000 8025000 Formation type Sandy 8020000 Intermediate 8015000 Clayey 50 m Undetermined 665000 660000 655000 650000 645000 640000 635000 630000 625000 620000 615000 610000 8010000 b Figure 6. Maps of the interpreted type of formations at 10 and 50 m (a and b, respectively). These maps are inferred from the resistivity maps for depths of 10 and 50 m (Figure 5), from the water conductivity map (Figure 1) and from the diagram in Figure 3 Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS FOR IDENTIFYING SALINE GROUNDWATER IN BOLIVIA 3299 conductivity of more than 3 mS/cm or to clayey formations. The decrease in the resistivity value to below a few Ðm for sandy formations containing salt or brackish waters has been noted in many studies and is predicted by Archie’s law. Consequently we believe that, despite the small number of data points, Figure 3 can be used with confidence for preliminary identification of the formations. Three (or four) -layer model versus a 15-layer smooth model As stated previously, only a few drill holes show a variation in resistivity with depth. For example, the Solito drill log (shown in Figure 3) shows an abrupt transition between sands and clays at a depth of 40 m. On the other hand, the Willa Khara drill hole (not presented in this paper) indicates a succession of a few metres of clays and intermediate coarser sediments. The complexity of such deposits cannot be imaged by the geophysical data, particularly at depths of 50 to 100 m. To illustrate this point, we calculated the TDEM response to a 40-m-thick intrastratified medium made up of eight layers, each 5 m thick (clay, 5 Ðm and sand, 20 Ðm), overlain by a 50-m-thick sandy formation. The substratum is clayey. The resulting synthetic sounding curve was interpreted as either a three-layered model or a smooth model. Neither of the interpretations was able to image the intrastratified medium correctly. The three-layer interpretation indicates an intermediate formation with a resistivity value (8 Ðm) closer to the clayey domain. This illustrates one limitation of the resolution of the TDEM sounding and also indicates that an intrastratified medium would be identified as a clayey zone rather than as a sandy one. Hence, in our case, the resistivity cross-sections or maps can be considered only as a generalized image of resistivity variations without providing detailed information. Geological and hydrogeological implications of the geophysical results The hydrogeological studies of Coudrain et al. (2000) showed that the aquifer is recharged by the Rio Desaguadero and by infiltration of runoff from the western hills. The general direction of the groundwater flow is from north-west to south-east. The present-day salinity may be related to three processes: (i) the diffusion from the saline palaeolake that covered the area 13 000 years BP, (ii) the accumulation of salt in the unsaturated zone by evaporation from the aquifer over long periods and the subsequent return of the salt into the aquifer during short humid periods, (iii) upward leakage from deep brines. In order to quantify these three processes, it is important to know the geometry of the aquifer and its transmissivity variations. These two parameters are essential to determine the available quantity of water (fresh or saline) and the velocity of the groundwater. At this point, the hydrogeological information that may be derived from the geophysical results can be summarized as follows: The southern part of the zone is almost closed off at a depth of 50 m by clayey formations that limit groundwater flow towards the south. However, close to the surface, a shallow permeable path may channel fresh groundwater through sandy formations. In the centre, resistivity values at 110 m indicate formations between 10 and 30 Ðm. If the water conductivity values measured near the surface were extended to more than 100 m (this assumption is, however, highly hypothetical), this zone would correspond to formations between intermediate and sandy types (Figure 3). This would suggest the presence of a thick layer of sandy material in the central part of the area. In the eastern part, the occurrence of clayey formations surrounding some undetermined formations would again limit groundwater flow to a few paths. If this last undetermined formation were in fact a clay-rich formation, it would go a long way towards explaining the hydrochemical and isotopic data showing that the groundwater is several thousand years old and that the substitution of brackish waters by fresh waters is very slow. The conductive substratum identified by most of the TDEM soundings at depths ranging from 50 to 350 m is probably not closely related to the groundwater flow regime. However, its nature is questionable because Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 15, 3287– 3301 (2001) 3300 R. GUÉRIN ET AL. the resistivity values are quite low for a sedimentary context of this type; less than 1 Ðm and sometimes less than 0Ð3 Ðm, comparable to the resistivity value of saline water at 3%, i.e. 0Ð15 Ðm (Telford et al., 1990; Hurwitz et al., 1999). To the north of our study area, Ritz et al. (1991) have identified very conductive zones at depths of more than 1 km. They propose an explanation involving Tertiary sand and clay deposits (or volcanoclastic deposits). In our case, because this substratum appeared to be shallower, we hypothesized a clayey formation containing brines. In order to corroborate this hypothesis, we performed three TDEM soundings 600 km to the south on the hard crust of the Uyuni dry salt lake (Uyuni salar), where a 123 m hole had been drilled by Risacher (1992). Our results indicate a layer between 6 and 70 m thick, with a resistivity of 0Ð3 Ðm that corresponds to an intercalation of clayey sediments and brines within crystallized salt layers. However, in our area, the geometry of the top of the substratum is not as flat as the salt lake crust, and does not explain how brines and clays could occur in a sedimentary context of this type. We conclude that a deep drill hole is required in the central Altiplano to determine the actual nature of this substratum. CONCLUSION The efficiency of the TDEM method to map accurately conductive zones between the surface and a depth of a few hundred metres in a short survey period has been confirmed. For each type of formation, a relationship between the resistivity of the formations and groundwater conductivity has been derived using a limited set of control data. Even if the data set is not complete, it enables a rough classification of the nature of the formation into four domains (sandy, intermediate, clayey or undetermined) following the range of the groundwater conductivity. It has been used extensively to convert the geophysical results into hydrological information. The geoelectrical cross-sections as well as the resistivity maps at different depths allow delineation of the boundaries between fresh and saline waters, and between sandy and clayey formations. From north to south, from west to east and from shallow to greater depths, the resistivity of the sedimentary formations decreases and they are underlain by a conductive substratum (clay and/or brine). A paleochannel containing fresh groundwater is indicated, narrowing from north to south and with depth. This may correspond to a path along which fresh water pushes the shallow saline water towards the south-east, while a deeper conductive plug, probably clay, presents an obstacle to a fresh water outlet towards the south. Two maps of the type of formation at depths of 10 and 50 m were compiled using the conductivity–resistivity relationship and the geophysical interpretation. They provide a preliminary rough estimate of the distribution of the sandy formations, mostly present in the north and the centre of the zone and limited in the south by a clayey barrier at a depth of 50 m. Intermediate or clayey formations surround this zone to the west and to the east, while the sediments in the eastern part remain undetermined. This point illustrates one limitation to geophysical mapping in a zone where conductive waters (>3 mS/cm) are present. The deeper part of the aquifer (100 to 300 m) only remains difficult to interpret from TDEM results owing to the lack of geological information. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded by the French National Programme for Research in Hydrology (PNRH) from INSU, involving the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and the Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR 7619 Sisyphe) from Paris 6 University. The authors wish to thank J. C. Salinas, M. Guzman, A. Osco and the IRD team in La Paz for their field contributions. REFERENCES Archie E. 1942. The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in Determining Some Reservoir Characteristics. 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Mohan Kumar , and Jean-Jacques Braun Abstract The performance of the Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) method applied to the investigation of heterogeneous hard-rock aquifers was studied. It was shown using both numerical modeling and field measurements that MRS could be applied to the investigation of the weathered part of hard-rock aquifers when the product of the free water content multiplied by the thickness of the aquifer is >0.2 (for example, 10-m-thick layer with a 2% water content). Using a currently available one-dimensional MRS system, the method allows the characterization of two-dimensional subsurface structures with acceptable accuracy when the size of the subsurface anomaly is equal to or greater than the MRS loop. However, the fractured part of hard-rock aquifers characterized by low effective porosity (<0.5%) cannot be resolved using currently available MRS equipment. It was found that shallow water in the weathered part of the aquifer may screen MRS signals from deeper water-saturated layers, thus further reducing the possibility of investigating deeper fractured aquifers. A field study using the NUMISplus MRS system developed by IRIS Instruments was carried out on an experimental watershed in southern India. A heterogeneous unconfined aquifer in a gneissic formation was successfully localized, and MRS results were confirmed by drilling shortly after the geophysical study. The top of the aquifer revealed by MRS was found to be in a good agreement with observed static water level measurements in boreholes. Introduction Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) is sensitive specifically to ground water. The method allows a noninvasive detection of subsurface water using magnetic resonance measurements. Thus, a direct detection of subsurface water is the main advantage of MRS compared to other geophysical tools used for hydrogeological investigation. MRS is a large-scale method, and the investigated volume can be 1Corresponding author: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), LTHE, BP53, 38041, Grenoble Cedex 9, France; (33) 4 76 82 50 63; fax (33) 4 76 82 50 14; anatoli.legtchenko@ 2Indo French Cell for Water Science, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India 3Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), 3, Avenue Claude Guillemin, BP 6009, 45060, Orléans Cedex 2, France Received April 2005, accepted November 2005. Copyright ª 2006 The Author(s) Journal compilation ª 2006 National Ground Water Association. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2006.00198.x approximated by a cube of 1.5 3 a where 20 a 150 m is the side length of a square loop. The geometry and water content of water-saturated layers can be obtained after inversion of MRS data. However, when applied to the investigation of hardrock aquifers, MRS has some specific limitations that should be taken into account. The usual conceptual model of the hard-rock aquifer describes several zones that together form the same reservoir (Lachassagne et al. 2001; Wyns et al. 2004). The upper zone consists of weathered and decayed rocks of clayey-sandy composition. Their hydraulic conductivity is usually low, but their water-retention capacity can be significant, and they play the major part of storativity in the functioning of the aquifer. The underlying weathered-fissured zone is characterized by almost horizontal fractures that diminish in density with depth and often vertical fractures and fissures that enhance flow relationships with the fractures in the bedrock. This zone is characterized by increasing values of hydraulic conductivity. The deeper zone is represented by fractured bedrock. It is highly Vol. 44, No. 4—GROUND WATER—July–August 2006 (pages 547–554) 547 permeable only locally, where affected by tectonic fracturing, and it has very limited storativity. The geometry of these parts is guided mainly by the geological context and the history of the weathering processes and often exhibits two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) features. In this paper, we investigate whether MRS is able to characterize such a heterogeneous aquifer. We theoretically analyze the resolution of MRS over one-dimensional (1D) and 2D structures using numerical modeling. An example of a MRS study of a heterogeneous hard-rock aquifer in southern India is presented. Geophysical results are compared with those measured in boreholes. MRS Method A brief description of MRS is provided subsequently. A more detailed presentation of the method can be found in the literature (for example, Legchenko and Valla 2002; Legchenko et al. 2004; Lubczynski and Roy 2004; Roy and Lubczynski 2003; Weichman et al. 2000; Yaramanci et al. 2002). To an outside observer, the MRS field setup appears very similar to that of the transient electromagnetic method with a coincident transmitting/receiving loop (Figure 1). It consists of a wire loop laid out on the ground, usually in a square with the side length between 20 and 150 m. The depth of investigation is proportional to the loop size. The loop is then energized by a pulse of alternating current i(t) ¼ I0cos(x0t). The frequency of the current is equal to the Larmor frequency of the protons in the geomagnetic field. The Larmor frequency x0 ¼ 2pf0 is given by the spin Larmor resonance condition: x 0 ¼ c p B0 ð1Þ with B0 being the magnitude of the geomagnetic field and cp/2p ¼ 4.257707 3 107 Hz/T, the gyromagnetic ratio for protons. The Larmor frequency is obtained from measurements of the geomagnetic field (B0) on the surface using a proton magnetometer. Depending on the global geographical location of the investigated area, the geomagnetic field varies between ~20,000 and 60,000 nT, and the Larmor frequency correspondingly varies between 800 and 2800 Hz. For example, in southern India, the geomagnetic field is around 40,500 nT and the Larmor frequency is correspondingly around 1730 Hz. The pulse causes precession of spin magnetization of the protons in ground water around the geomagnetic field, which creates an alternating electromagnetic field that can be detected using the same loop after the pulse is terminated. Oscillating with the Larmor frequency, the MRS signal has an exponential envelope and depends on the pulse moment q ¼ I0s with I0 and s being, respectively, the amplitude and duration of the pulse. We assume the spin system to be linear, which is an approximation, but it allows calculating the MRS response using the first three harmonics generated by the pulse. The signal induced in the receiver loop is proportional to the sum of the flux of all precessing magnetic moments of protons. Considering Equation 1 and the pulse harmonics, the signal induced in the receiving loop becomes (Legchenko 2004): 548 A. Legchenko et al. GROUND WATER 44, no. 4: 547–554 Figure 1. MRS method for ground water investigation: (a) MRS system in a field; (b) two aquifers and MRS loop; (c) MRS results (vertical distribution of the water content). e0 ðqÞ ¼ Z X K 21 B1k ðrÞeju0k ðrÞ M’k ðq; rÞ wðrÞdVðrÞ ð2Þ I0k x0 V k¼1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where B1k ðrÞ ¼ ReðB1k Þ2 1 ImðB1k Þ2 is the magnetic field transmitted by kth harmonic of the pulse and I0k is the amplitude of this harmonic, qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 M’k ðq; rÞ ¼ ReðM’k Þ 1 ImðM’k Þ is the perpendicular to the geomagnetic field component of the spin magnetization for protons per unit volume for each harmonic with the corresponding frequency offset xk, K being the number of harmonics, and r ¼ r(x, y, z) is the coordinate vector. Considering that both the magnetic field generated by spin magnetization and the transmitted magnetic field B1 are complex and assuming a coincident transmitting/ receiving loop, we can express the phase of the signal generated by volume dV as u0k ¼ tan21 ðImðM’k Þ=ReðM’k ÞÞ 1 2 tan21 ðImðB1k Þ=ReðB1k ÞÞ ¼ uxk 1 2uqk ð3Þ where uxk and uqk are the phase shifts due to, respectively, the frequency offset and the electromagnetic shift caused by the electrical conductivity of rocks. Water distribution in the subsurface w(r) is the solution of Equation 2. Measurements of the magnetic resonance signal are performed while varying the pulse moment q. The currently available 1D inversion scheme assumes a horizontal stratification and reveals a vertical distribution of the water content w(z), where z is the depth. An increase in the water content in the MRS log corresponds to an aquifer (Figure 1). MRS provides an estimate of the total amount of water inR the subsurface VMRS (m3). In a general case, VMRS ¼ V wðrÞdVðrÞ. Assuming a horizontal stratification, an estimate of the volume of water per surface unit in a layer of thickness z (a column of a height z) can be obtained from VMRS 2 H ¼ Z wðzÞdz ð4Þ z This volume VMRS2H (m3/m2) provides an estimate of the amount of water in horizontally stratified earth and corresponds to a hydrostatic water column used in hydrogeology. Numerical Modeling In order to investigate the capability of MRS to characterize fractured rock aquifers, numerical modeling was carried out. Considering the usual conceptual model of the hard-rock aquifer (Lachassagne et al. 2001), the weathered zone was assumed to exhibit 2D features and to contain more water than the underlying weathered-fissured and fractured zones. For modeling, the weathered-fissured and fractured zones are united in one fissured-fractured zone considered as a 1D structure with low effective porosity. A geomagnetic field of 40,500 nT with an inclination of 20 (which corresponds to southern India) and a two-turns 50-m-side square loop (which corresponds to a standard configuration of the NUMISplus system manufactured by IRIS Instruments) were assumed. reliably detected by MRS (VMRS2H ¼ 0.01 3 30 ¼ 0.3 m). A synthetic data set was computed using Equation 2. Inversion of the synthetic signals was carried out using the well-known Tikhonov regularization method (Tikhonov and Arsenin 1977). It is known from the previous study (Legchenko and Shushakov 1998) that the MRS inverse problem is ill posed and it is characterized by a decrease in resolution with increasing depth. When the aquifer is deeper than approximately the loop side (in our case, 50 m), it cannot be resolved. Taking it into account, one can see that the second aquifer is generally well resolved when there is no water in the first aquifer (Figure 3a). However, when the water content in the first aquifer is increasing, it corrupts the resolution of the second aquifer (Figures 3b through 3d). Synthetic data are well fitted by the theoretical signals calculated using inversion results, thus demonstrating the accuracy of inversion (Figure 4). The misfit was calculated as average absolute (eabs) and relative (erel) errors. If we assume J soundings ( j ¼ 1, 2, ., J) with Nj (Nj ¼ N1, N2, ., NJ) pulse moments in each sounding and MRS signal measured (or simulated) for each pulse moment, e(d)i, j (i ¼ 1, 2, ., Nj), then the errors can be calculated as eabs ¼ J X j¼1 1D Modeling 1D modeling enables a threshold for the MRS instrument applied to the detection of homogeneous fractured aquifers to be established. Moreover, using a 1D synthetic data set, one can estimate the accuracy of the inversion algorithm, currently restricted to the 1D case. Considering the NUMISplus system, it is known that the aquifer would be reliably detected if the signal from this aquifer is >10 nV. Since the amplitude of the MRS signal is proportional to the total volume of water in the subsurface VMRS and for the horizontally stratified earth to its estimate VMRS2H (Equation 4), this parameter (VMRS2H) will be used for establishing a threshold of aquifer detection. In Figure 2, the maximum amplitude of the MRS signal against the depth to the top of the aquifer for different values of VMRS2H is depicted for a 50- 3 50-m square loop with two turns. The results show that MRS is able to detect, for example, a 20-m-thick aquifer with a water content of 1% down to 20 m and with a water content of 2% down to ~50 m. Consequently, if the fractured part of the hard-rock aquifers is characterized by an average effective porosity of 0.1% to 0.2%, then the total water volume is small (VMRS2H < 0.1, even for thick structures) and it would be barely detectable. Hence, only the weathered part of the aquifer with usually larger effective porosity and consequently larger water volume (VMRS2H > 0.15) could be a target for the MRS method (Figure 2). Considering the conceptual model of the hard-rock aquifer, let us assume an aquifer composed of two parts: (1) a 10-m-thick aquifer at a depth from 5 to 15 m with varying water content and (2) a 30-m-thick aquifer with a 1% water content at a depth from 15 to 45 m (Figure 3). According to previous results, the second part could be ! 21 Nj Nj J X X jeðdÞi; j 2 eðtÞi; j j; j¼1 i¼1 erel ¼ ðeabs =emax Þ100% ð5Þ where e(t)i, j are the theoretical amplitudes and emax ¼ maxi; j ðeðdÞi; j Þ is the maximum of the measured signal (Figure 3). For the examples presented in Figure 3 (models 1 through 4), the relative errors of inversion are 2.7%, 1.6%, 1.7%, and 2.7%, respectively. We observe that for all the models, the accuracy of inversion is comparable, even for model 4 (Figure 3d), which was not able to Figure 2. Maximum amplitude of the MRS signal vs. depth of the aquifer for different volumes of water in the subsurface (50- 3 50-m loop, two turns). A. Legchenko et al. GROUND WATER 44, no. 4: 547–554 549 Figure 3. Example of inversion of synthetic signals: models and resolved water content w(z). detect the second aquifer. This can be explained by a larger signal generated by the first aquifer, which screens a small signal from the second aquifer (the signal from the second aquifer alone is given by model 1). Some more details about the inversion of MRS signals can be found in the literature (Legchenko and Shushakov 1998; Legchenko 2005; Mohnke and Yaramanci 2002; Weichman et al. 2002). 2D Modeling At present, in the only commercially available MRS instrument (NUMISplus), the same loop is used as the transmitting and receiving antenna (a coincident Tx/Rx loop configuration). A multichannel measuring system for a separate transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) loop configuration does not exist, and 2D inversion software is still under development (Hertrich et al. 2005). For this reason, it is a matter of practical importance to study errors introduced by the 1D inversion algorithm when Figure 4. Synthetic signals and theoretical fit after inversion of the models presented in Figure 3. 550 A. Legchenko et al. GROUND WATER 44, no. 4: 547–554 measuring MRS data from a 2D target using a coincident Tx-Rx loop. For modeling, a 2D water content anomaly that is simulated by a rectangular 10-m-thick parallelepiped with varying width and with a 5% water content set in a matrix with a 0.5% water content was used. Its location, thickness, and width are given by Figure 5. The 2D MRS response was computed in two steps using Equation 2. First, the signal from the matrix with a 0.5% water content was calculated assuming the horizontal stratification, and then it was added to the signal calculated by limiting the integration in Equation 2 by the volume occupied by the parallelepiped with a 4.5% water content. For the inversion, the solution is composed of a set of infinite horizontal layers with varying water content (1D inversion). The goal of this exercise is to see how large the errors caused by a target smaller than the loop size would be. The inversion results of three individual soundings (models M1 through M3) with the loop position shown in Figure 5 reveal that the depth and thickness of the anomaly are reasonably well resolved, but the error Figure 5. Models of 2D water-saturated structure: a rectangular parallelepiped with varying width (25, 40, and 55 m) at a depth of 5 m and with a water content of 5% in a matrix with a water content of 0.5% from 5 to 50 m. Figure 6. Numerical modeling: (a) inversion of 2D models M1 through M3 presented in Figure 5; (b) the theoretical fit calculated using inversion results. in the water content depends on the size of the anomaly and may be very large (Figure 6a). In all cases, water in the matrix below the anomaly was not detected. Despite large errors in the water content, the misfit between the synthetic signals and the theoretical fits (Figure 6b) calculated using Equation 5 shows that the fitting errors are smaller than 8%, being larger when the target is smaller (7.9%, 6.5%, and 6.2% for models M1, M2, and M3, respectively). Hence, MRS signals from a 2D target can be well fitted by a 1D solution, thus introducing large errors in the results when the target is smaller than the loop. We then moved the loop over the target with a step of 25 m. For each sounding position, a 1D inversion was performed and the results of all 1D inversions were interpolated in the x direction (distance). The results presented in a cross section (Figure 7) show that the model was resolved. The misfit calculated using Equation 5 is 3.4%. Two important limitations are highlighted. First, the water content was underestimated by a factor of 2. Second, one can observe that the screening effect consists of attenuation of the signal from the deeper aquifer by that from water in the shallow aquifer, thus underestimating the water content in the deeper aquifer. Figure 7. Numerical modeling: a cross section of 2D water content distribution obtained by interpolation of the 1D inversion of MRS stations along a profile over the target presented on the plot as a rectangle (Figure 5, model M1). In this paper, we study the relationship between the size of subsurface structures and errors caused by 2D effects considering the hard-rock aquifers. More comprehensive MRS modeling considering the resolution of structures smaller than loop 2D and 3D structures (water-filled karst) can be found in the literature (Boucher et al. 2005; Girard et al. 2005; Vouillamoz et al. 2003). Field Example MRS was applied to the characterization of a heterogeneous hard-rock aquifer in southern India (Figure 8). The bedrock is mainly represented by gneiss with local amphibolite and hornblendite inclusions. At some outcrops, the rock exhibits a highly foliated structure. Observations at outcrops show that the foliation is close to the vertical (75 dip angle). Boreholes drilled in the outlet area of the watershed (Figures 8 and 9) allow quasicontinuous monitoring of the static water level. The depth of the boreholes, the corresponding MRS stations, and the depth to the water are presented in Table 1. In the 2004 rainy season, the depth to ground water varied between 5 Figure 8. Location map of the investigated area in southern India. A. Legchenko et al. GROUND WATER 44, no. 4: 547–554 551 Table 1 Moole Hole: Boreholes and MRS Stations in the Outlet Area Static Water Level (m) Depth of the Borehole (m) P1 P2 P3 P5 P6 P7 3.86 21.66 28.63 40.21 38.54 4.43 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 Borehole Date of Water Level Measurement MRS Station Depth to the Top of Aquifer (m) Date of MRS Measurement 45 60 24 54 55 18 November 26, 2004 November 26, 2004 November 26, 2004 November 13, 2004 November 26, 2004 November 26, 2004 9.53 18 November 13, 2004 18.84 18.42 5.01 11.76 11.01 23 29 16 40 40 November 26, 2004 November 13, 2004 November 26, 2004 December 4, 2004 December 4, 2004 MRS9 MRS12 MRS15 MRS2 MRS3 MRS1 MRS9 MRS8 MRS10 MRS11 MRS11 MRS9 MRS6 MRS5 4 No MRS signal No MRS signal No MRS signal No MRS signal 3 4 2 10 16 16 4 11 10 November 13, 2004 November 24, 2004 November 27, 2004 November 12, 2004 November 29, 2004 November 13, 2004 November 21, 2004 November 20, 2004 November 17, 2004 November 23, 2004 November 23, 2004 November 13, 2004 November 22, 2004 November 16, 2004 and 35 m around the watershed. Thus, the hydrogeological parameters of the weathered zone were expected to be highly variable. All MRS measurements were carried out using NUMISplus equipment. The data processing was performed using NUMIS standard interpretation software. Fifteen MRS stations with a 50- 3 50-m square loop were carried out in the area (Figure 9). For this loop, the depth of investigation of MRS could be considered as ~60 m. In a more heterogeneous area (known from boreholes), a 25-m distance between the neighboring stations was maintained. Along the profile, MRS revealed significant variations in the aquifer characteristics. For demonstration Figure 9. Moole Hole watershed: position map of MRS loops and boreholes along the profile. 552 A. Legchenko et al. GROUND WATER 44, no. 4: 547–554 purposes, we present the 1D inversion results (Figure 10a) and measured signals (Figure 10b) for three soundings (MRS1, MRS13, and MRS17). The noise measurements show the signal to noise ratio for the data. The fitting error calculated for each sounding using Equation 5 reveals 6.2%, 9.2%, and 7% for the MRS1, MRS13, and MRS17 stations, respectively. The repeatability of the MRS measurements was carefully verified. It was confirmed that the internal instability of the instrument or external electromagnetic noise could not cause these variations. Consequently, the observed variations can only be explained by a lateral heterogeneity of the subsurface. The MRS results along the profile in the outlet area are presented in Figure 11a. In each of the two plots, the elevation is represented along the y-axis and the distance along the profile along the x-axis. The color scale in each plot presents the MRS water content. In the southern part of the profile, a highly heterogeneous aquifer was detected. Its thickness varies between 4 and >40 m. This thick structure was unsuspected before the MRS survey. The aquifer is unconfined, and the top of this aquifer revealed from MRS data corresponds well with the static water level as measured in boreholes. The aquifer is not continuous, and it was not detected by MRS in the northern part of the profile. Considering the outlet area, a 2D block model of the water content distribution was created (Figure 11b). To do this, the water content cross section derived from MRS measurements was used as a first estimate. MRS did not reveal any water in the unsaturated zone and in fractured rocks. However, using hydrogeological considerations, we assumed that the water content above the water table is equal to zero and it is equal to 0.2% in fractured rocks. Each block in the model was set considering the size, position, and water content derived from MRS results. In each block, the water content was allowed to attain one of the discrete values 0.2%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, or 2%. Then, in all blocks the water content Figure 10. (a) Example of the 1D inversion of individual soundings (MRS1, MRS13, and MRS17) demonstrating variations in the water content distribution along the profile in the Moole Hole area. (b) Measured signals for these soundings vs. the pulse parameter and the theoretical fit calculated using inversion results. was kept fixed and the size of each block was iteratively adjusted aiming to minimize the misfit between the field measurements and the theoretical signal calculated from the block model. For every loop position, synthetic signals from each block were calculated separately using Equation 2 and limiting the integration by the volume of the block. The total signal measured by the loop is a sum of these signals. The misfit was calculated using Equation 5. For the model presented in Figure 11, the misfit was found at 9.1%. However, as has been shown Figure 11. MRS results in the outlet area: (a) cross section of the water content distribution derived from inversion of field measurements; (b) a 2D block model of the MRS water content. The thick and thin dashed lines show the static water level measured in boreholes and the depth of investigation of the MRS, respectively. in the previous sections, while the geometry and relative variations of the water content along the profile are rather reliable even in a 2D environment, a good fit of data does not guarantee a correct value of the water content revealed in the investigated aquifers. The errors can be estimated only if the exact geometry of the subsurface structures is known. The screening effect may also corrupt the reliability of the MRS results concerning the deeper part of the subsurface located between 75 and 350 m along the profile. A comparison between the static water level measured in boreholes and the depth to the top of the aquifer revealed by MRS is presented in Table 1. The correspondence between these two data sets is depicted in Figure 12. In the investigated area, the static water level measured in two boreholes both inside one MRS loop may vary Figure 12. Moole Hole: comparison of static water level measurements in boreholes with depth to the top of the aquifer given by the corresponding MRS station. A. Legchenko et al. GROUND WATER 44, no. 4: 547–554 553 significantly (for example, P7 and P8, Figures 9 and 12). MRS provides results averaged over the volume affected by the loop that often integrates different subsurface structures. For the same reason, two MRS stations (MRS8 and MRS10) around borehole P8 reveal very different results depending on what volume of the subsurface contributes more to the measured signal. Thus, when the aquifer cannot be approximated by the horizontally stratified media considering the loop size, the MRS system operating under 1D assumption can provide only qualitative results. Conclusions Numerical modeling reveals that MRS can reliably detect water-saturated rocks when the water volume produces a signal larger than the threshold of the instrument. The water volume can be estimated by a product of the MRS water content and the thickness of the structure. For example, a weathered rock aquifer with a water content of 2% can be detected if its thickness is >10 m. The fractured part of hard-rock aquifers characterized by low effective porosity (<0.5%) yields a very small MRS response, which is below the threshold of currently available MRS instruments, and thus these aquifers cannot be detected. It was shown that water in a shallow aquifer (i.e., between 0 and 15 m deep) may act as a screen for a deeper aquifer, if this deeper aquifer contains less water in comparison with the shallow aquifer. The screening effect may corrupt the reliability of the MRS results concerning the deeper part of the subsurface. A currently available measuring device and inversion routine operating within a 1D assumption is able to give a satisfactory image of the aquifers when the size of subsurface anomalies is equal to or greater than the MRS loop. Otherwise, larger errors should be expected. MRS was applied in southern India to the investigation of a heterogeneous aquifer with the bedrock represented mainly by gneiss. It was shown that MRS could be an efficient tool for characterizing the weathered part of this aquifer. The fissured part remains undetectable with currently available MRS equipment. Generally, a good correlation between MRS results and borehole measurements was observed. The top of this unconfined aquifer is correctly determined by MRS, except when the water level varies significantly at a distance smaller than the loop size. Acknowledgments The field work was supported by the French national research program ECCO-PNRH, IRD, and the Watershed Project of the Indo French Cell for Water Sciences of IISc and IRD in Bangalore. The authors are grateful to the Karnataka Forest Department for providing access to the site and to C. Kumar for his assistance. We specially thank P. Lachassagne, M. Lubczynski, A. Mazzela, and B. Steinich for their comments, which improved the clarity and readability of the paper. 554 A. Legchenko et al. GROUND WATER 44, no. 4: 547–554 References Boucher, M., K. Chalikakis, J.-M. Baltassat, A. Legchenko, and J.-F. Girard. 2005. Localization of a karst conduit using magnetic resonance soundings, a case study. In Extended Abstracts of the 11th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Palermo, Italy, 5-8 September 2005, paper A027, CD ROM edition. Co Production, Houten, the Netherlands. Girard, J.-F., M. Boucher, A. Legchenko, and J.-M. Baltassat. 2005. 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Lange, and M. Hertrich. 2002. Aquifer characterization using surface NMR jointly with other geophysical techniques at the Nauen/Berlin test site. Journal of Applied Geophysics 50, no. 1–2: 47–65. Catena 53 (2003) 229 – 253 Study of infiltration in a Sahelian gully erosion area using time-lapse resistivity mapping Marc Descloitres a,*, Olivier Ribolzi b, Yann Le Troquer a a Unité de Recherche 027 Geovast, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), BP 182, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso b Unité de Recherche 049 ECU, IRD, BP 182, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Received 28 March 2002; accepted 18 March 2003 Abstract Observing that concentrated runoff destroys indurate and impermeable surface horizons to form gullies on Sahelian slopes, we investigated whether these gullies are preferential places for deep infiltration and groundwater recharge processes. The primary aim of this study is to determine if resistivity mapping is an appropriate method to use for locating recharge zones from the surface. The study area, in northern Burkina Faso, is a typical (1 ha) gully erosion area located at the outlet of an 82-ha catchment with solonetz soils and a crystalline basement. Taking advantage of a long dry season followed by a short rainy season, we made use of a time-lapse approach to carry out electrical resistivity mapping and monitor apparent resistivity variations that occurred in the soils during the rainy season, between June and September. We made nine apparent resistivity maps in the year 2000 and two in January and March 2001. To monitor expected infiltration and percolation to depths of 5 m or more, we laid out Wenner array profiles with an inter-electrode spacing of 5 m. The time-lapse mapping was also controlled with: (i) neutron probe measurements; (ii) resistivity measurements on outcrops during infiltration tests; (iii) electrical resistivity logging in auger holes. Geophysical results showed that the apparent resistivity parameter can either decrease (typical case) or increase (unexpected case) after a rain. Neutron probe measurements indicated that infiltration varies within a few decimeters even at the centre of the main gully. Using one dimensional (1D) modelling based on resistivity variations monitored during infiltration tests, we concluded that apparent resistivity variations are linked to the presence of carbonate in the soils. When soluble carbonates are present, the resistivity of the infiltrated layer varies from 220 V m (dry state) to less than 5 V m (wet state), bringing about a decrease in apparent resistivity value for the 5m spacing. In the absence of carbonate, resistivity varies from 1500 to 180 V m, but produces an increase of the apparent resistivity value for the same spacing. Consequently, we found time-lapse apparent resistivity mapping to be an efficient way to delineate certain soil properties. It also provided additional * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Descloitres), [email protected] (O. Ribolzi). 0341-8162/03/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0341-8162(03)00038-9 230 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 information about punctual observations. However, our results have led us to conclude that the 5-m inter-electrode spacing is too large to monitor this type of shallow infiltration phenomenon and that the effect of temperature on resistivity should be considered when comparing maps over the period of a few months. Furthermore, this type of survey should be controlled using electrical loggings in auger holes, or electrical soundings in order to get a better understanding of in-depth resistivity variations. Finally, this survey indicated that deep infiltration processes are not occurring below the gully situated on the slope. Further studies are required downstream to identify the location of groundwater recharge in Sahelian crystalline contexts. D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Gully erosion; Infiltration; Resistivity mapping; Wenner array; Time-lapse measurements; Sahelian zone; Burkina Faso 1. Introduction Soil surface sealing is a common feature of most soils in arid and semi-arid regions (Valentin and Bresson, 1992; Fedoroff and Coutry, 1999). It reduces infiltration rates, triggers runoff, and hence increases soil erosion (Casenave and Valentin, 1992). In northern Burkina Faso, overgrazing, extensive farming (Marchal, 1983) and increasing climatic dryness (Albergel et al., 1984) aggravate erosion. The present study is a part of an interdisciplinary research program focused on erosion processes occurring in this area. Limiting our study to the scale of a small catchment located on a slope, we evaluated spatial flow variations during the rainy season. It is particularly important to be able to evaluate the impact of soil surface conditions and gullies on infiltration processes. Poesen et al. (2003) present an overview on gully erosion processes and its impacts on environmental change. They note that if the gully channel develops into more permeable horizons, it can increase infiltration. As described by Tooth (2000), dryland river floods are generally subject to downstream volume decreases. This phenomenon is primarily due to transmission losses resulting from the infiltration of floodwater into channel boundaries, and over bank floodings. On the other hand, Poesen et al. (2003) also report that the gullies can enhance the drainage of the hillslopes, and consequently dried out the soil profiles in the intergully area, lowering water tables. Generally, on Sahelian slopes, concentrated runoff destroys indurate and impermeable surface horizons to form gullies (Vuillaume, 1969; Mietton, 1988). Only a few other papers treat the subject of infiltration and groundwater recharge in the Sahelian zone of West Africa. To balance the hydrological budget of a small catchment, Peugeot et al. (1997) made a hypothesis based on their observations in Niger: Infiltration is increased when flows are located at the bottom of temporary gullies and streams, particularly when they cross gravelly and sandy surfaces. Downstream pools also contribute to groundwater recharge. Those observations also support the conclusions of the study made by Le Gal La Salle et al. (2001) in Niger: the wide variation in the electrical conductivity and oxygen-18 content of the groundwater indicate a heterogeneous recharge, occurring mainly through a drainage system of temporary streams and pools. The role played by the gullies in the Sahelian part of Niger for infiltration is also evidenced by Esteves and Lapetite (2003). At the scale of a M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 231 catchment (0.2 km2), they noted the reduction of runoff coefficients between two gauging stations. They concluded that a significant infiltration is active trough the sandy soil cover (up to 10 m thick) crossed by the gully. Although the Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso has the same climatic conditions as in Niger, the geological context differs. The soil cover is very clayey, due to the alteration of the crystalline substratum that forms the majority of the basement of the country. In comparison with Niger, thick permeable sandy soils are not widely encountered. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to determine if gullies located on slopes promote infiltration during the rainy season as evidenced in the sedimentary context of Niger. We had to find answers to the following set of questions: (i) Are the gullies actually the main zones of infiltration? (ii) What is the influence of surface conditions? (iii) Is infiltration concentrated in some places? Several authors have already demonstrated the utility of geophysics in soil studies. In a study dealing with tropical soils, Lamotte et al. (1994) used electrical resistivity mapping in order to delineate sandy horizons within the first 2 m associated with vegetation in the northern Cameroon. Robain et al. (1996) have investigated an elementary catchment located in the rain forest of southern Cameroon, using resistivity mapping and soundings in order to map the bedrock topography and soil cover thickness. Lateritic weathering over granite and metamorphic basement has been investigated in Senegal by Ritz et al. (1999), using two-dimensional (2D) electrical imaging. These previous studies advocate the use of electrical resistivity, as well as other geophysical parameters. This parameter (or its inverse, conductivity) is highly dependant on porosity, water content, the conductivity of the water, and the percentage of clayey minerals, as well as other factors such as temperature and the conductivity of non-clayey minerals (Telford et al., 1990, pp. 289 – 291). Electrical resistivity can vary on a wide scale of values, ranging from less than 10 V.m for clayey saturated material to more than 1000 or even 10,000 V.m for dry sand. Previous studies have also concluded that an in situ calibration is required to be able to link the resistivity to the natural and the hydric state of sub-surface layers. An increasing number of recent studies deal with the time variation of electrical resistivity. For example, Daily and Ramirez (1995, 2000) and Slater et al. (2000) present the successful monitoring of resistivity variations with cross-hole electrical imaging. These three studies deal with in situ trichlorethylene remediation, engineered hydraulic barrier testing and saline tracer injection, respectively. Yoon and Park (2001) have investigated the sensitivity of leachate and clay contents of sandy soils using electrical resistivity. They concluded that the variation of soil resistivity is highly influenced by both variations in the water content and chemical composition of the pore fluid. The resistivity parameter is found to be well suited for water infiltration monitoring. Benderitter and Schott (1999) have investigated the short time variation of the resistivity in an unsaturated soil and its relation to rainfall. They concluded that slight resistivity variations (of a few percent) can be measured during rainfall. Asch and Morrison (1989) have investigated the use of apparent resistivity measurements, using surface and subsurface electrodes. Their purpose was to demonstrate the interest of using sub-surface (buried) electrodes when trying to locate a target hidden by surface inhomogeneity (conductive overburden). They limited their work to the analysis of apparent resistivity 232 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 differences. In the study of Robain et al. (1998), electrical resistivity mapping was employed with a time-lapse approach and Wenner profiling techniques with three spacings (10, 20 and 40 m) over lateritic soil covers in a forest in Cameroon. The apparent resistivity variations were analysed, using a statistical discriminant analysis approach. This allowed them to delineate the main units of the soil cover. Furthermore, the apparent resistivities varied in the same way as the mineralisation of the groundwater, giving information about the dynamic of the soil units. In our study, the main idea was to take advantage of a very long dry season and short rainy season, which is characteristic of the Sahelian climate, to monitor spatial and temporal electrical resistivity variations which could be linked with infiltration and recharge processes. We opted for a mapping approach using apparent resistivity because our purpose was to estimate the influence of heterogeneous surface conditions on infiltration processes and groundwater recharge. Resistivity mapping is a wellknown technique, which can be used to map a large surface in a limited survey time (in this case, 1 ha in a half-day survey). It is also an indirect and non-destructive surface method, which allowed us to choose relevant investigation sites to implement auger holes and pedological pits. Moreover, it allowed us to extend local information laterally. The primary aim of this paper is to present the results obtained by mapping the spatial and temporal variations of apparent resistivity during the rainy season of 2000 in the area of the main gully, and to explain the practical consequences deduced from this example. 2. Material and methods 2.1. Site description The experimental site is located in northern Burkina Faso, 13 km to the west of the town of Dori (14jN, 0jW, Fig. 1), near the village of Katchari. It is a small, degraded 82ha catchment crossed and overgrazed by livestock. The climate is Sahelian, with only one rainy season (June to September). The average annual rainfall recorded at Dori is 512 mm, with a maximum of 181 mm in August (Casenave, 1998). There is wide year-to-year rainfall variability (244 mm minimum, 784 mm maximum). Mean annual potential evapotranspiration is about 2396 mm. The site soils are fundamentally haplic solonetz (Boulet, 1968; FAO – UNESCO, 1989) developed from granitic and amphibolitic rocks. No water table was found at less than 40 m deep in this zone. The (1 ha) study area is affected by a typical gully erosion (Fig. 1). It is located at the outlet of the catchment. We selected this area because the main soil surface features of a catchment are present and because some of them are more permeable horizons. Six surface features were identified according to the classification of Casenave and Valentin (1992): (1) erosion crust surfaces low permeable and bare, (2) structural surfaces also low permeable, Fig. 1. Location of the study area and map of the soil surface features around the main gully of the studied catchment. The locations of pits, auger holes and the data points of the Wenner profiles are indicated. M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 233 234 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 (3) drying surfaces corresponding to sandy aeolian deposits, (4) permeable sandy runoff surfaces inside the main gullies, (5) pavement surfaces mainly composed of quartz and ferruginous gravels, and (6) the outcrop of a highly fractured quartz vein inside the main gully. 2.2. Direct current (DC) resistivity measurements 2.2.1. Wenner mapping The objective was to map the area with a profiling technique, using as simple an array as possible to avoid the use of infinite remote electrodes. Consequently, we chose the Wenner array, a quadripole made with two current electrodes A and B and two potential electrodes M and N, using a regular inter-electrode spacing ‘‘a’’ in the order (A, M, N, B). A 1D Wenner electrical sounding at the bottom of the gully was made before the time-lapse mapping. The centre of this sounding is situated at the coordinates (42.5, 32.5) in Fig. 1. The directions of the electrical lines were chosen perpendicular and parallel to the gully. The resulting two curves were then interpreted in terms of 1D variations using a curvematching technique. The resulting models were used as initial models to evaluate a 20% resistivity decrease within the first 5 m, the expected phenomena when infiltration occurs. Both sounding curves exhibited a 30– 50% decrease of apparent resistivity between dry and wet states for inter-electrode spacings, between 1 and more than 10 m. The spacing ‘‘a’’ of 5 m was selected for the mapping, representing a compromise between a relatively shallow depth of investigation, estimated here at 2.5 m according to Loke (2000), and a reasonable spatial averaging to map the area (90 70 m) following a square grid of 5 5 m (266 measurements) within a half-day survey. Moreover, surface conditions had to remain as undisturbed as possible, which excluded the intensive use of a smaller array. Furthermore, a Wenner array with a = 1 m would have been extremely time consuming (more than 6000 measurements in a regular grid of 1 1 m) as well as quite ‘‘destructive’’ to surface conditions. Nevertheless, even though the array (a = 5 m) was simple and fast to lay out, it does not allow us to make a quantitative interpretation of our results, as other authors have proposed with three dipole separations (Robain et al., 2001). Between June 8, 2000 and March 15, 2001, 11 maps of apparent resistivity were made in the area, using a Syscal R2 resistivity meter. The results are presented in apparent resistivity (in V m), which is defined as the product of the resistance (R) calculated using the ratio voltage/intensity given by the quadripole AMNB (in V) by a geometric factor, K (in m). K = 31.4 m for a Wenner array with an electrode separation of 5 m. The apparent resistivity is equal to the resistivity if the medium is a homogeneous half space. But it is important to note that apparent resistivity is not equal to the resistivity of the ground at the investigation depth, when the ground is horizontally layered (1D case) or more complicated (2D and 3D cases). To recover the resistivity value at depth, direct or inverse modelling is necessary, but this can only be done if more than one electrode separation is used (i.e., soundings). 2.2.2. DC measurements inside auger holes and on outcrops A resistivity logging was done in the two auger holes (GEOP 1 and GEOP 2) at 5 m deep located along a profile crossing the gully (Fig. 1). For those measurements, the pole – M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 235 pole array (two buried electrodes A and M and two remote electrodes B and N) was used, placing the remote electrodes more than 150 m away, thus avoiding any geometric distortion (Robain et al., 1999). A sketch of the device is presented in Fig. 2. In the holes, the electrodes were buried every 0.5 m. These measurements allow a rapid and reliable indication of resistivity variations at depth. The results are in apparent resistivity, with K = 6.28 m, but, as the inter-electrode spacing remains short, the values are close to the resistivity. Some measurements were made after the time-lapse mapping on small outcrops near by and in the pits using nail-electrodes with Wenner array and an inter-electrode spacing of 0.05 m as shown in Fig. 2. The purpose of these measurements was to evaluate resistivity variations over time under induced infiltration and natural desiccation processes. They were made inside 0.25-m-diameter PVC rings, where infiltration tests were performed using a strip of 0.03 m thick of demineralised water, which corresponds to a mean rain. Again in this case, the apparent resistivity obtained with such a small array can be considered to be the actual resistivity, assuming that the medium remains homogeneous. The variation of resistivity was monitored during the infiltration phase (20 – 30 min) and for up to 1 week following, until the initial value of the resistivity was recovered. 2.3. Neutron probe measurements Neutron measurements were made inside the six auger holes (TN 22– 27) with PVC casing from the surface down to 4– 5 m deep as shown in Fig. 2. The holes are located along a profile crossing the gully (Fig. 1). Care was taken to prevent any preferential infiltration. The use of PVC instead of metal was necessary to prevent any distortion during geophysical measurements due to metallic conductors near the electrodes. To verify that PVC does not significantly alter the measurements, we did a preliminary measurement without any tube. The measurements were made down each tube with a 20-cm interval Fig. 2. Set-up of electrical measurements on outcrops and in auger holes. (A) Infiltration tests and small Wenner measurements. The tests were done after the time-lapse mapping near the pits and on their steps, for example at locations 1, 2 and 3. (B) Auger hole with buried electrodes for time-lapse pole – pole measurements. Couples of (A, M) electrodes were connected to the resistivity-meter successively. B and N infinite electrodes were placed 150 m away (not shown). (C) Neutron probe measurements in a PVC encased auger hole. 236 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 Fig. 3. Massic water content from neutron measurements before the rainy season (May 2000) and granulometry profile in the auger hole TN22. after every rainfall to assess if any infiltration occurred. Calibrations with water content were made, using two series of dry/humid weight measurements on soil samples correlated with the number of counts before and after the rainy season. Fig. 3 presents a representative example of the granulometry and neutron profiles for auger hole TN22 in its initial state in May 2000. The typical soil profile shows a sandy to clayey horizon from 0 to 20 cm, a gravelly horizon from 20 to 60 cm (from where infiltration was expected to be favoured), a clayey layer from 60 to 1.6 m, a sandy silt from 1.6 to 3.7 m, and a sandy layer after 3.7 m. The water content is low, between 2.5% and 7.5%. 3. Results 3.1. Apparent resistivity versus soil surface conditions Fig. 4 presents the results of the first map made in June 8, 2000. The contours of soil surface features have been superimposed on the same map. The apparent resistivity ranges from 20 to 130 V m. There is a good agreement between lower apparent resistivity zones and the water flow paths, which are generally sandy. The gully banks, generally more clayey surfaces, are more resistive. There are two notable exceptions to this pattern. The M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 237 Fig. 4. Apparent resistivity map of June 8, 2000, drawn from Wenner profiles with inter-electrode spacing of 5 m. The data are dotted. Contours of soil surface features (Fig. 1) are superimposed using continuous black lines. first is located at the coordinates (75,25), where the resistive zone crosses the gully. The area has an outcrop of the gravelly horizon. The second exception is located at the coordinates (30,20), where a conductive zone is found within a clayey bank. The analysis of the map shows that apparent resistivity is not in a clear correlation with surface conditions. Sandy soils would have been detected as resistive rather than conductive. One possible explanation is that the sand layer is very shallow (10 –20 cm), concealing clayey layers below. Clayey surface conditions would have been detected as conductive rather than resistive. But below this horizon, a gravel horizon (20 – 60 cm thick, more resistive) has been noted below a few decimeters, when digging neutron probe access holes, and by direct surface observations. This layer outcrops in some places within the gully, for example at the coordinates (65,45) near the fractured quartz vein. These observations indicate that the array is more sensitive to deeper layers (range 0.5– 2 m). Thus, the best explanation for the general pattern deduced from the apparent resistivity map (i.e., lower apparent resistivity values inside the gully, but higher ones on the banks of the gully) can be given as follows: The gully (25 – 40 cm deeper than its banks) has eroded the gravel horizon in most places and therefore only the deeper clayey material remains below the sandy cover at the gully bottom. In general, the presence of the more resistive gravel horizon and its thickness control the value of the apparent resistivity, even increasing it. At this first stage of the work, despite some exceptions, the general agreement between isocontours of apparent resistivity and water flow path was evidenced. The apparent resistivity arrangement can be explained, when considering the erosion processes that modify the arrangement of subsurface layers. However, we should note that the apparent resistivity using a Wenner array, with a = 5 m and a measurement each 5 m, does not make fine distinctions among detailed 238 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 surface conditions. In fact, the apparent resistivity map is more representative of the first meters of the sub-surface and cannot be considered to be a surface condition map. 3.2. Monitoring apparent resistivity variations Eleven apparent resistivity maps were produced at about a 15-day sampling interval during the rainy season. Each of them is quite identical to the others, if we consider the geometry of isocontours as well as the apparent resistivity ranges. Therefore, they are not presented in this paper. To compare these maps, we calculated the ratio between one map over the first one. Fig. 5 presents the results obtained when monitoring the area between the initial state (June 8), which corresponds to the drier state before the first rainfall of the year 2000, and the middle of the dry season in 2001 (March 15). The values of the variations have been limited to values above F 5%, to focus on significant phenomena. In Fig. 5. Time-lapse apparent resistivity ratios (current date/initial state, June 8, 2000) for four selected dates. Simplified contours of soil surface features are indicated using continuous black lines. The location of the pits and auger holes are also drawn. The cumulative rain for the rainy season of 2000 is also shown with the dates of measurements. M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 239 the same figure, we have drawn the curve of cumulative rain, which reached a total of 420 mm for year 2000. Five dates are selected to illustrate the focus of this work. 3.2.1. June 21 versus June 8 This map represents apparent resistivity variations 2 days after the first rain, which occurred on June 19 with an exceptional amplitude (80 mm). The variations are noticeable and range between 20% and + 20%. Half the surface does not show any variations above F 5%. If apparent resistivity may be considered here as the resistivity of the ground (this case occurs only if we consider a homogeneous half space), a decrease of the resistivity when the rainwater penetrates the dry soil becomes a classical situation. The majority of the decreases are located on the left side of the zone. A resistivity increase is abnormal, if the temperature remains constant. The majority of the increases are located on the right side. None of the decrease/increase zones fit the limit of the gully, neither do they fit any particular surface conditions. 3.2.2. August 2 versus June 8 This map corresponds to variations measured in the middle of the rainy season (when half the total rain had fallen). Again, decreases and increases of apparent resistivity are seen, while more than half the surface exhibit variations of less than F 5%. 3.2.3. September 27 versus June 8 This map represents the variations obtained at the end of the rainy season. Slight differences are noted, for example the persistence of a decrease zone on the left side of the map. Only a few increase zones and a majority of invariant zones (ranging F 5%) are noted. 3.2.4. March 15, 2001 versus June 8, 2000 This map is representative of the differences between two dry states. Almost the entire surface exhibits a general apparent resistivity increase. Temperature variation aside, if we consider also the apparent resistivity to indicate the actual resistivity of the media, this finding could be interpreted as the result of a global desiccation of the soil. The preliminary analysis of apparent resistivity variations obtained during the rainy season with Wenner profiling (with a = 5 m) has shown: (i) the areas where the apparent resistivity increases (to more than 20%); (ii) the areas where the apparent resistivity decreases (to less than 20%); and (iii) the areas where it remains in the range of F 5% (the majority of the surface). 3.3. Evaluation of infiltration using neutron probe measurements Fig. 6 shows the results of infiltration monitoring during the rainy season, using the data of the neutron probe in the three profile tubes crossing the gully. These measurements were made after each significant rain (i.e., >15 mm). The massic water content of the soil is plotted each 20 cm only for the first meter, because the values remain identical below. Only the dry and the final states are presented here, as all intermediate results remain 240 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 Fig. 6. Soil massic water content measured using a neutron probe at auger holes 22, 23 and 26 for the initial state (June 8) and the end of the rainy season (September 27). between those values. For tube TN 26, situated outside the major gully flow, the massic water content increases from 1.5% to less than 4% and above 60 cm deep. Tube TN 22 does not change significantly, remaining around 3% (the same results is obtained for tubes TN 25 and TN 27, not shown here). In the contrary, for tube TN 23, situated inside the flow area, we have monitored an increase of the water content from 3% to 9% within the first 80 cm (the same result is obtained for tube TN 24, not shown here). This result clearly indicates that apart from the first decimeters, no major infiltration process (i.e., phenomena which lead to several meters of moistening and groundwater recharge) takes place below the gully. These results are in agreement with the low infiltrability values obtained by Casenave and Valentin (1992) in other parts of the Sahel. Measurements in this gully, situated on a slope over a crystalline basement, yielded results that contradict the observations of M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 241 Peugeot (1997) or Esteves and Lapetite (2003) in Niger for other gullies also situated on slopes, but over sedimentary basements. 3.4. Pedological data We dug two pedological pits A and B (2 m deep) in the area further downstream on one bank of the gully, with the same surface conditions and a clayey erosion crust. They are located in two different zones identified on the map of the apparent resistivity ratio of August 2 to June 8. Pit A is inside a zone showing a decrease of apparent resistivity, while pit B is inside a zone of increasing apparent resistivity. The granulometry, pH and the electrical conductivity (EC) of the soils (measured from a massic water/soil ratio of 2.5) are presented, versus depth in Fig. 7. From the granulometry analysis, the two profiles are quite similar. On the other hand, the curves of the pH and EC are rather different. For pit A, where the apparent resistivity decreases, the pH remains above 7 with an EC above 200 AS/cm (0.02 S/m). For pit B, where the resistivity increases, the pH varies between 5 and 6, the EC decreases from 100 AS/cm (0.01 S/m) at the surface down to 30 –40 AS/cm (0.003 –0.004 S/m) at depth. These differences can be explained by the presence of secondary carbonates inside the soils for pit A. Fig. 7. Electrical conductivity (saturated paste), pH and granulometry measurements of the soil versus depth in the two pedological pits, A and B. 242 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 These carbonates primarily take the form of micrite of calcite, and of thin white coatings around ferruginous gravel. No carbonate minerals were found in the soil of pit B. This lateral heterogeneity is no doubt linked to differences in bedrock composition. The granitic rocks include some dykes or thin lodes of basic rock (mainly amphibolite) that release an significant amount of divalent cations under alteration processes, leading to secondary carbonate concentration. An alternate explanation could be provided by the evolution of the soils from solonetz to solod types. This could account for the superficial acidification observed at pit B and the low values of pH ( < 5) observed in other places outside the area. Considering the above observations, our preliminary conclusion is that zones where apparent resistivity increases are related to lower pH and EC zones (no carbonates); while higher pH and EC zones (carbonates) are related to zones where the apparent resistivity decreases. The index could be rather satisfactory if the relationship is observed elsewhere in the area. Fig. 8 presents the values of the pH and the soil conductivity, using soil samples from auger holes located on the profile across the gully. The general trend (low pH, low EC – high pH, high EC) is roughly respected. However, this set of data shows a notable dispersion. In the case of high pH samples, the dispersion of the EC from 200 to 400 AS/cm (0.02 – 0.04 S/m) could be due to a variable—a limited amount of carbonated minerals in one sample as opposed to another. In the case of low pH samples, the dissolution of other soluble mineral traces can modify the EC without increasing the pH. These results have led us to the preliminary conclusion that the presence of carbonates plays an important role in explaining the geophysical results. When it rains, the water that infiltrates the soil quickly dissolves these carbonates. Consequently, water conductivity is greater in zones where carbonates are present than in zones where they are absent. This Fig. 8. Relationship between mean pH and EC calculated from five soil samples collected between 0 and 1 m deep inside eight auger holes and pits A and B. M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 243 process is rapid because the calcite crystals are probably poorly crystallised and very small (Bouzigues et al., 1997). As a result, soil resistivity may drastically decrease. To assess this assumption, some tests on outcrops inside the pits were carried out. They are presented below. 3.5. DC resistivity variations during simulated infiltration on outcrops On the surface and on the steps of pits A and B, we monitored resistivity variations during a simulated infiltration, using a small Wenner array (a = 0.05 m). As previously mentioned, this spacing is small enough to enable us make the assumption that the apparent resistivity is equal to the resistivity because at this scale the medium is considered to be homogeneous. The results are presented in Fig. 9 for the shallower horizon. Other experiments on the surface of the gravel horizon showed the same tendency. In a dry state, Fig. 9. Comparison between variations in resistivity monitored during simulated infiltration tests on clayey superficial horizon of pits A and B. The measurements of the resistivity were done using a small Wenner array with an inter-electrode spacing of 5 cm. 244 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 before infiltration, the initial value for pit A was 220 V m. However, in pit B it was not possible to make good contact with the soil for a measurement. One minute after the introduction of the water into the PVC ring, both resistivities began to decrease. For pit A, with carbonates, the resistivity decreases noticeably from 110 V m to less than 6 V m within 30 min. The infiltration of the 0.03 m water strip was taken for 33 min. For pit B, the same tendency is noted, but it starts at 400 V m and decreases down to 180 V m within 10 min. The infiltration was taken for 20 min. At the end of the experiment, 7 days after, the resistivity level had reached values of 100 V m and more than 1500 V m for pits A and B, respectively. Some oscillations of the curves are due to temperature variations because the measurements were not taken regularly at the same time each the day. These results confirm that in the infiltration process, resistivity is always decreasing. These results have been confirmed by seven other experiments on various horizons, not presented here. Therefore, the increases of the apparent resistivity deduced from the maps are in complete contradiction with the observed resistivity decrease. The following questions are raised regarding the geophysical data: Is the Wenner array with a = 5 m able to accurately detect shallow infiltration? Is the increase of apparent resistivity a direct consequence of shallow infiltration? Could the temperature have influenced the results? 4. Interpretation and discussion 4.1. Temperature influence During a rainfall, cold rain penetrating hot soil may increase its resistivity. This point must be considered because of the wide daily temperature variations of the Sahelian climate. We have monitored surface and sub-surface temperatures (down to 40 cm) as well as apparent resistivity variations for three Wenner arrays with inter-electrode spacing a = 0.5, 1 and 5 m. This was done during 1 day in the dry season, when temperature variations are maximum (14 jC in the night, 37 jC in the day) over some of the areas where increase of apparent resistivity had been detected. The results (not shown here) indicate that apparent resistivity with a = 0.5 m increases from about 4% to 5%, when the surface temperature is at its lowest value in the night. For a = 1m, the increase remains less than 1%. This value is lower than 1% for the spacing a = 5 m used for the time-lapse survey. The conclusion is that even if a cold rain (25 jC) falls on a hot soil (35 jC), it is highly improbable that this phenomenon could lead to an increase of apparent resistivity of more than 1% for a large array. Giving an overview of the period of few months, the map of the apparent resistivity ratio between March 15, 2001 and June 8, 2000 (shown in Fig. 5) exhibits a general increase in apparent resistivity. Is this result the consequence of the soil drying up, or could it be attributed to annual temperature variations inside the soil? The monitoring of resistivity every 50 cm down to 5 m inside the auger holes GEOP 1 and 2 in the centre of the profile is shown in Fig. 10. At the depth of 2 m, for example, resistivity has increased between September 27, 2000 and March 15, 2001, when the deeper section of the clayey soil has received, with a phase shift, the cold wave issued from the coldest months (December– January, mean air temperature 24 jC). Resistivity decreased afterwards ( 9%) in June M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 245 Fig. 10. Variation of resistivity with depth measured with a pole – pole array inside auger holes GEOP 1 and 2 for 3 selected dates: end of the rainy season (September 2000), middle of the dry season (March 2001), and end of the dry season (June 2001). 2001 without any rain, when the soils received the heat wave from the hottest months (April – May, mean air temperature 36 jC). Moreover, the neutron probe measurements have not shown any variation between those dates. Knowing that a 2% resistivity variation corresponds to a 1 jC variation (Keller and Frischknecht, 1966), a 9% resistivity variation can correspond to a temperature variation of about 4 jC at 2 m deep. This is a rather high variation at this depth, but remains plausible variation in dry clayey materials. So, it is demonstrated that temperature variation cannot be neglected when we consider the maps over the period of a few months. The difference between the March 15, 2001 and June 8, 2000 map readings is likely to be the result of the temperature decrease at depth. 4.2. 1D synthetic modelling of DC resistivity variations A synthetic 1D resistivity model was built in order to calculate a series of Wenner sounding curves for shallow infiltration phenomenon. For this model, we made the following assumptions deduced from the neutron measurements and infiltration tests: Infiltration remains within the initial decimeters of the soil. We chose the value of 35 cm depth (mean value deduced from neutron probe measurements); 246 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 In the absence of carbonates, the first layer presents a resistivity variation from 1500 V m (dry state) down to 180 V m (wet state). In the presence of carbonates, the same layer presents a decrease in resistivity from 220 V m (dry state) down to 5 V.m (wet state). This allowed us to model the influence of resistivity variation within the infiltrated layer on the apparent resistivity value for the Wenner spacing a = 5 m. Fig. 11 presents the Fig. 11. Electrical sounding curves (Wenner) calculated from a 1D model for cases 1 (no carbonates) and 2 (with carbonates) as described in the text. Apparent resistivity is plotted versus the inter-electrode spacing a. The variation in apparent resistivity is indicated for the particular inter-electrode spacing of 5 m used in this study for drawing the maps. M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 247 results of this modelling. The first two models are calculated for dry soil, with the following 1D geometry: The first layer, clayey, 55 cm thick with a resistivity of 1500 V m (case 1, no carbonates) or 220 V.m (case 2, carbonates), The second layer, gravel, 300 V m, is 50 cm thick, The third layer, clayey, 80 V m, is 15 m thick, The final layer, 3000 V m, is the altered bedrock. The second two models, for after the rain, were calculated assuming that only the first 35 cm of the first layer is wet, with resistivity decreasing to 180 or 5 V.m (cases 1 and 2, respectively). The other deeper horizons remained invariable. In case 1, the curve clearly exhibits a decrease of apparent resistivity before the spacing a = 1.5 m, an increase between 1.5 and 10 m, and finally joins the previous curve for dry state. This proves that an increase of apparent resistivity can be produced for a spacing of 5 m by decreasing a shallow horizon’s resistivity under special arrangement (i.e., combination of thickness, resistivity and depth of infiltration). For case 2, representative of the soil with carbonates, the curve exhibits a general decrease of apparent resistivity. Despite the possibility that a 1D layered ground may be questionable, this model is a simple yet demonstrative example of the ‘‘shift to the right’’ of the electrical sounding curves for some particular geometry. This case is commonly encountered when carrying out Wenner soundings when overburden thickness is varying. This phenomenon is rather troublesome because it can create an increase in the measured parameter, when in fact, the resistivity may decrease only in the first decimeters, while the other layers remain unchanged. 4.3. Wenner resistivity mapping The Wenner array was chosen because pole – pole or pole – dipole arrays are less practical to lie out, the operator having to use remote electrodes (‘‘infinite’’ electrodes) even if they have a higher investigation depth. Similarly, the Schlumberger or dipole – dipole arrays have been avoided, because it is sometimes more difficult to get a good signal/noise ratio with them. But the major problem for all these arrays, including the Wenner, remains their sensitivity to shallow resistivity variations. For all the arrays cited above, we have calculated the resulting sounding curves for cases 1 and 2. For all of them, the value of apparent resistivity for a medium inter-electrode spacing (a = 5 m, for example) is influenced in the same way as with the Wenner array. It is clear that only a small inter-electrode spacing (a < 0.5 m) is able to restore the phenomena. Using spacing of 0.5 m or less and a measurement square grid was impracticable, because we wanted to preserve natural surface conditions. The Wenner array presents one small disadvantage compared to pole –pole array. It is more sensitive to lateral resistivity variations (2D near surface effects). In Fig. 12, we present the result of a calculation of a 2D structure, a resistive superficial patch in a layered half space, when making a profile with three arrays (Wenner, pole – pole and dipole – 248 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 Fig. 12. Theoretical electrical profiles for three different arrays (Wenner, pole – pole and dipole – dipole) calculated from a 2D model (near-surface resistive block included in a layered medium) for an inter-electrode spacing of 5 m. dipole). The responses show some ‘‘à-coup de prise’’, well known in geophysical prospecting (see, for example, Kunetz, 1966, pp. 43– 49). This is sometimes troublesome, and explains why we have some ‘‘eye-like’’ anomalies in the maps. All arrays are sensitive to shallow resistivity variations. These variations, even in the initial centimeters, have to be estimated for a correct understanding of the results. However, if deep infiltration processes (i.e., more than 1 –2 m) are encountered, reliable results can be obtained using arrays with large inter-electrode spacings. Frequency Electromagnetic (EM) surveys could be an alternative that would overcome (i) sensitivity to first layer resistivity changes and (ii) major eye-like features. However, these techniques are difficult to use if the ground resistivity is over 200 – 300 V m (Mc Neill, 1980, pp. 10– 11), which is sometimes the case for the dry horizons of the area. Some tests, which were made in the area using the well-known EM 38 equipment, have demonstrated that instrumental dispersion could be as large as 5 –10% even if a careful calibration is made many times a day at the same place. This instrumental dispersion is M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 249 attributed to electronic drift due to high temperature variations encountered during the day and this is obviously a problem for a time-lapse survey. However, further tests have to be made to avoid this problem. For example, the instrument could be protected against the wide variations of outside temperature. So, we do believe that time-lapse EM mapping could be an alternative to direct current methods when resistivity remains low and when conditions can be more carefully controlled. Using electrostatic equipment, we also made electrical measurements. This equipment used 0.5 m2 metal sheet electrodes isolated from the ground by a rubber film. The electrodes have to be dragged along the ground to get a good signal to noise ratio, destroying the surface conditions in the process. Because of this, the electrodes were not suitable for our case. However, we believe that the electrostatic method could be used in other cases, using, for example, cylinder electrodes. 4.4. Choice of time reference The results of time-lapse resistivity imaging are typically presented in reference to the initial state. This approach has been used by us in this paper and by Barker and Moore (1998), among others. However, we have observed that the annual temperature variation at depth can influence mapping results. In this case, temperature monitoring is also required. For shallow surveys, care should be taken with regard to daily temperature variations. One way to overcome this problem, and to also get different information, is to use a sequential representation, i.e. current date over preceding date. This is illustrated in this paper by the first map, which shows conditions just after the first rain. This way, it is possible to monitor the dynamic of a rainfall, as well as the return to the dry state if no rain occurs. A third approach has been tried by other authors (Robain et al., 1998) who are monitoring the apparent resistivity of the soils of a catchment in the rain forest of Cameroon. For each location, they took the median of the values obtained for all the readings and then drew the ratio between each map over the median value. This method is effective for smoothing out results and, importantly, it gives a lesser weight to errors. Moreover, in most parts of Cameroon, there is no long dry season, thus the ‘‘initial’’ state is more difficult to determine. This third way was not considered for use in our study, as we saw that we would lose the advantage of having a long dry season that fixes the initial state as a reference. Furthermore, we believe that in the present study, using a median value approach would have probably masked or smoothed out the temperature effect noted between the two dry seasons. 5. Conclusion In the gully area, the use of time-lapse apparent resistivity mapping using a Wenner array with an inter-electrode spacing of 5 m has shown that information about the physicochemical properties of soils can be deduced. Wenner time-lapse mapping alone can be difficult to interpret if a soil analysis is not done after the experiment. The geophysical anomalies can then be compared to the physico-chemical properties of the soils. However, 250 M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 soil sampling is easier to locate, considering the geophysical results. For our study, the results can be summarized as follows: A decrease of apparent resistivity was detected in some zones, where carbonates may be present and greatly lower the resistivity of the infiltrated horizon when rainfall occurs. An increase of apparent resistivity was also been detected, but not due to any increase of resistivity. The 1D modelling demonstrated that this phenomenon could be the result of a ‘‘shift to the right’’ of the sounding curve. In this case, the resistivity of the infiltrated horizon does not decrease enough to produce a decrease of the apparent resistivity curve, as is seen when carbonates are present, but on the contrary, increases the apparent resistivity. Temperature variation can influence the results. This was monitored in this study, where the array was sensitive to annual temperature variations ( < 4 jC) occurring at a depth of 2 m between the 2 dry seasons of 2000 and 2001. Some practical conclusions can be drawn from the results. From a methodological point of view, it is obvious that the Wenner array (or other arrays) with an inter-electrode spacing of 5 m is not well adapted to measure very shallow infiltration processes, where deeper infiltration were initially expected. Such an array can show unexpected apparent resistivity variations (i.e., increases after rain), which complicate the qualitative interpretation. One of the ways to overcome this problem would be to reduce inter-electrode spacing (for example 0.5 m or even less), but this would have meant much more work, as well as a degradation of surface conditions. In future studies, in cases where infiltration is shallow and the soil surface condition is less fragile, smaller arrays (and a multi-spacing survey) should be employed to obtain more reliable qualitative interpretations from time lapse-apparent resistivity mapping surveys. The temperature must be recorded at depth, in order to estimate its influence, particularly when resistivity variations are expected to be within the range of F 20%. If an outside air temperature is recorded near a site, one can estimate the temperature variations at depth, given the thermic capacity and conductivity of the soil. As the influence of temperature on resistivity decreases with depth, but could still exist down to 2– 3 m in clayey dry soils, care should be taken when interpreting resistivity variations separated by several months. This type of time-lapse mapping survey must be controlled in a few places by electrical logging in auger holes or electrical soundings, which give the actual or the apparent resistivity variations versus depth, respectively. We did so in our study with 2 auger holes, which allowed us to better understand the results. This can be a definite advantage when interpreting the data. Resistivity measurements during infiltration tests on outcrops allow us to know the range of resistivity variation. This supports the quantitative modelling of the data. If representative outcrops can be identified at the beginning of the experiment, tests must be done before the time-lapse mapping is carried out. This can aid greatly in choosing an M. Descloitres et al. / Catena 53 (2003) 229–253 251 appropriate ‘‘a’’ spacing. It was difficult in our case, as the surface conditions of the carbonated zones were no different from those of other zones. These practical conclusions can be applied when making 2D measurements, i.e. electrical tomography. Finally, we conclude that the deep infiltration (greater than 2– 3 m) expected in this gully area did not occur during the rainy season. Only shallow infiltration was seen in the first decimeters down to 80 cm maximum. Even though this study was limited to the main gully, we should note that this conclusion could be extended to all other minor gullies of the catchment, which exhibit the same surface conditions. Our results indicate that, in the context of this study (a semi-arid zone and a clayey soil cover over a crystalline basement), gullies situated on the slopes are not the primary location of the deep infiltration processes that recharge aquifers. Therefore, the location of this infiltration has still to be determined. Further studies should be carried out in the gullies situated downstream, where local ponds are filled during the rainy season, and a shallower water table (10 – 20 m deep) is present. Acknowledgements This work was funded and conducted by the Unités de Recherche 027 «GEOVAST» and 049 «ECU» of the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), and the INSU Programme National Sol Erosion (PNSE) project no. 99/44. We would like to thank William E. Kelly, J. Poesen and one anonymous reviewer for their constructive comments on the manuscript, the Institut National de l’Environnement et de la Recherche Agricole (INERA) of Burkina Faso for providing access to the site as well as the team of the Laboratoire de Géophysique Appliquée of Paris 6 University for their active participation in this study. We also thank the team of the hydrological laboratory of IRD at Ouagadougou, with a special mention of Maxime Wubda, Yves Dzouali and Boureima Tou for their help in the field. References Albergel, J., Carbonel, J.P, Grouzis, M., 1984. Péjoration climatique au Burkina Faso: Incidences sur les ressources en eau et les productions végétales. Cah. ORSTOM, Ser. Hydrol. XXI (1), 3 – 19. Asch, T.H., Morrison, H.F., 1989. Mapping and monitoring electrical resistivity with surface and sub-surface electrode arrays. Geophysics 54, 235 – 244. Barker, R., Moore, J., 1998. The application of time-lapse electrical tomography in groundwater studies. Lead. 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Subramanian1,6 1 3 Indo-French Cell for Water Sciences, IISc-IRD Joint laboratory, Indian Institute of Science, 560012, Bangalore, India 2 IRD, UR012-LTHE, UMR/CNRS-IRD-INPG-UJF, BP53, F-38041 Grenoble, Cedex 9, France INRA Agrocampus Rennes, UMR, Sol-Agronomie-Spatialisation, 65 rue de St Brieuc, CS 82415, 35042 Rennes, France 4 Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, 560012, Bangalore, India 5 IRD, LMTG-OMP, UMR 5563 CNRS-UPS-IRD, Toulouse, France 6 Department of Metallurgy, Indian Institute of Science, 560012, Bangalore, India Abstract: A groundwater recharge process of heterogeneous hard rock aquifer in the Moole Hole experimental watershed, south India, is being studied to understand the groundwater flow behaviour. Significant seasonal variations in groundwater level are observed in boreholes located at the outlet area indicating that the recharge process is probably taking place below intermittent streams. In order to localize groundwater recharge zones and to optimize implementation of boreholes, a geophysical survey was carried out during and after the 2004 monsoon across the outlet zone. Magnetic resonance soundings (MRS) have been performed to characterize the aquifer and measure groundwater level depletion. The results of MRS are consistent with the observation in boreholes, but it suffers from degraded lateral resolution. A better resolution of the regolith/bedrock interface is achieved using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). ERT results are confirmed by resistivity logging in the boreholes. ERT surveys have been carried out twice—before and during the monsoon—across the stream area. The major feature of recharge is revealed below the stream with a decrease by 80% of the calculated resistivity. The time-lapse ERT also shows unexpected variations at a depth of 20 m below the slopes that could have been interpreted as a consequence of a deep seasonal water flow. However, in this area time-lapse ERT does not match with borehole data. Numerical modelling shows that in the presence of a shallow water infiltration, an inversion artefact may take place thus limiting the reliability of time-lapse ERT. A combination of ERT with MRS provides valuable information on structure and aquifer properties respectively, giving a clue for a conceptual model of the recharge process: infiltration takes place in the conductive fractured-fissured part of the bedrock underlying the stream and clayey material present on both sides slows down its lateral dissipation. Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS groundwater recharge; hard rock aquifer; time-lapse ERT; MR sounding (MRS); Moole Hole watershed; south India Received 31 January 2006; Accepted 17 October 2006 INTRODUCTION Groundwater resource is a key for agricultural and human welfare in south India. Groundwater resource is increasingly used all over this region especially when the monsoon is irregularly distributed (Shivanna et al., 2003). In some areas, groundwater is the main source for irrigation (Rama Mohan Rao et al., 1996). The aquifers are mainly located in weathered and fractured hard rock. There is a need for better understanding of their hydrogeological functioning in order to protect them from excessive pumping and pollution, as well as helping in artificial recharge management (Krishnamurthy et al., 2000). Indirect recharge from water bodies and streams can contribute significantly to groundwater recharge (Scanlon et al., 2002). This process can induce local and ephemeral water table mounding. These short scale water level variations can cast doubt on the validity of a common monitoring of groundwater table at the watershed scale through a piezometer network. * Correspondence to: Marc Descloitres, IRD, UR012-LTHE, BP53, 38041 Grenoble, Cedex 9, France. E-mail: [email protected]. Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. In this paper, a methodology is presented to assess the spatial and temporal variability of water table level combining two surface geophysical methods: electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and magnetic resonance soundings (MRS). A field example is presented in a small experimental watershed set up in a tropical climate in the western Ghâts, south India (Braun et al., 2005). The geophysical survey was carried out during and after the 2004 monsoon with the objective to spatialize the recharge below the main stream and to evaluate the role of the slopes in the recharge process, if any. The results are compared with the borehole data. The advantages and limitations of both the methods are highlighted. Below the slope, some ERT results show discrepancies with borehole at depth, and are discussed using numerical modelling. Finally, a conceptual model of the recharge process below the stream is proposed. INVESTIGATED AREA The Moole Hole experimental watershed is situated in the western Ghâts, in south India (Figure 1), in the forested area of the Bandipur National Park, at 12° 385 CHARACTERIZATION OF SEASONAL RECHARGE WITH ERT AND MRS Eastern coordinates (UTM, in m) 656200 656400 656600 INDIA 12° N Bangalore study area 3 76°30′ E RT se E -lap time 1 km dl she ter wa t imi 2 9 10 8 1297500 1 7 11 1297300 repeated MRS track 13 12 MRS soundings piezometers Northern coordinates (UTM, in m) 1297700 5 1297100 Figure 1. Location map of the geophysical survey at the outlet of the Moole Hole experimental watershed of latitude and 800 m elevation. Climate is sub-humid tropical (1200 mm of yearly rain). The substratum of the watershed belongs to the basement of Dharwar super group (Moyen et al., 2001). It consists of a gneiss intermingled with amphibolite and some quartz dykes. The average strike value is N80° , with a dip angle ranging from 75° to the vertical. The weathered thickness varies a lot laterally (from a few metres to more than 35 m) according to the nature and the fracturing of the gneiss units, which are generally 5 to 25 m thick. In such hardrock context, the aquifer is generally of two types (Sekhar et al., 1994, Maréchal et al., 2004). One is in the porous clayey to loamy regolith with an apparent density lower than the rock bulk density. Its hydraulic conductivity is usually low. The other aquifer is in the fractured-fissured protolith. Its apparent density remains close to the bulk density of the rock. A network of fractures is present in its upper part and the fracture density decreases with depth. This aquifer plays a significant role for groundwater exploitation but the amount of water is generally lower than in the regolith. The geometry of the regolith as well as the directions of the fractures or fissures in the protolith can lead to an anisotropic hydraulic conductivity at the scale of the borehole (Maréchal et al., 2004). A set of piezometers (1, 2, 3) was implemented at the outlet and in the slopes (Figure 1) in order to monitor groundwater dynamics linked with the monsoon cycle. In April 2004, using the ERT results, complementary piezometers were implemented (7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Two piezometers (12, 13) where drilled after the MRS survey. Groundwater electrical conductivity was also monitored because it influences the electrical resistivity of the ground measured by geophysics. Variations of groundwater level and electrical conductivity of water observed in Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2004 are shown in Figure 2 for the piezometers 1, 2, 8 and 10. The others are not shown for the sake of clarity. Below the stream (piezometer 1, 7 and 11), groundwater level reacts very fast to the rain, and the amplitude of variation is about 10 m. In the slope, the reaction is delayed and less pronounced while moving away from the stream. In the piezometer 8, 35 m away from the stream, the level rises very progressively and the amplitude is about 3 m. In the piezometers 9 and 10, the rise in water level starts more than 4 months after the beginning of the monsoon, and the amplitude is only 1Ð5 m. In the piezometers 2 and 3, no increase in water level was detected. The two events of water level rise observed in the piezometer 2 are probably due to preferential infiltration along the piezometer pipe, due to an imperfect watertightness around the casing and a local topography allowing accumulation of water around the piezometer. The groundwater electrical conductivity ranges between 200 and 800 µS cm1 , with the piezometer located below the stream showing significantly lower values. Conductivities seem to decrease at the beginning of the rainy season, and slowly increase during the dry season. Although this seasonal trend is not very marked, it could indicate that low conductivity new water dilutes groundwater during the rainy season. METHODS ERT The ERT method is widely used to perform surveys where the sub-surface electrical resistivity is heterogeneous. It provides useful results on the geometry of regolith and bedrock where aquifers take place if their respective electrical resistivities are different. Electrical Hydrol. Process. 22, 384– 394 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 386 M. DESCLOITRES ET AL. Figure 2. Piezometric levels and groundwater electrical conductivity records during the 2004 monsoon resistivity is a parameter that depends on water content, porosity, electrical conductivity of water, type of minerals and temperature (Telford et al., 1990; Rein et al., 2004). Many authors used time-lapse ERT to locate and monitor infiltration in the unsaturated zone (see Daily et al., 1992; Barker and Moore, 1998; Binley et al., 2002; French et al., 2002). Generally, bulk electrical resistivity of unsaturated soils decreases if water content increases with time. In the saturated zone changes in bulk electrical resistivity are usually linked with changes in electrical conductivity of the groundwater. Resistivity variations with time are useful to locate the infiltration using apparent resistivity mapping, as shown in an arid gully area (Descloitres et al., 2003) or at the scale of a cultivated plot (Michot et al., 2003). Practically, apparent resistivity is measured at the surface using two current electrodes, A and B and two potential electrodes, M and N (see Reynolds, 1997). For a two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) data acquisition, lots of electrodes are sequentially connected using a multiplexer. Raw data are displayed in the form of apparent resistivity as a function of the electrode spacing. A longer spacing increases the depth of exploration. An inversion scheme transforms apparent resistivity field data into calculated resistivity. This calculated resistivity is expected to be equal (or close to) bulk electrical resistivity of the ground. Further details can be obtained in the publications of Loke and Barker (1996), and Loke (2000). The ERT experiment consists of two data sets. The first set is a complete survey of profile 1 (Figure 1). Its objective is to give a distribution of resistivity in the sub-surface with high resolution. This has been done in March 2004, a few days before the first monsoon rain. The second set is a survey that is focused on the stream area. It is made several times during the monsoon. Its objective is to delineate the infiltration and recharge making the hypothesis that the variations of resistivity Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. in the vadose zone between the two dates are due to significant variations of water content. In this study two geometric arrays were chosen to perform the acquisition. The first one is the Wenner array. It is more sensitive to the vertical variations of resistivity (Loke, 2000). Moreover, it is suitable for monitoring purpose because this array brings a high signal-to-noise ratio (Barker and Moore, 1998). The second array is the dipole-dipole. It is more sensitive to the lateral variations of electrical resistivity. It is well suited for detecting 2D or 3D objects because the two current electrodes are adjacent and create a focused injection pattern. This array is efficient in fractured hard rock studies as shown by Seaton and Burbey (2002) because in such medium, the distribution of resistivity is often 2D. In this study, a configuration of the dipole-dipole array is used with the distance between the electrodes A, B, M and N remaining constant. This maintains the signal-to-noise ratio as high as for the Wenner array. To combine the advantages of these two different arrays, the two apparent resistivity data sets are merged into the same inversion process (Loke, 2000; De la Vega et al., 2003). An in-line array of 64 electrodes was laid out and rolled along the profile 1 crossing the stream (Figure 1). The orientation of this profile is perpendicular to the strike direction of the gneiss. The electrode spacing is 4 m. This survey provides an estimated investigation depth of 25 to 30 m. Both sides of the stream (252 m long) were monitored during the monsoon in 2004 using a Syscal R2 resistivity-meter (Iris Instruments). The RES2DINV inversion software was used to process the field data. The time-lapse ERT data set is interpreted using the time-lapse procedure proposed by Loke (1999). For this procedure, a model of calculated resistivity is calculated when inverting the first data set. This initial model is then used as a starting model to invert the second data set in a sequential mode. The inversion parameters were adjusted to the field conditions using the Hydrol. Process. 22, 384–394 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp CHARACTERIZATION OF SEASONAL RECHARGE WITH ERT AND MRS following parameters: ž a damping factor that increases slowly (1Ð05) with depth, ž a limited range of resistivity, from 10 m (clayey soils) to 7500 m (fresh rock), ž an option minimizing resistivity differences from one data set to another, ž a robust (blocky) inversion (Loke et al., 2001) had to be used because the transition between the regolith (weathered zone) and the fresh rock occurs in a few metres, as observed by several resistivity logging (in this case the robust inversion is recommended, as proposed by Olayinka and Yaramanci (2000)), ž a fine finite element grid (2 m width, corresponding to the half of the electrode spacing) providing a better accuracy in the calculations. In addition to the ERT survey, resistivity loggings were carried out below the water level in the piezometers 7, 8, 10 and 13 to allow a comparison with the resistivities calculated by the 2D inversion. MRS The MRS method is a recently developed method for prospecting groundwater (Legchenko and Valla, 2002; Roy and Lubczynski, 2003). MRS differs from other geophysical methods for groundwater because it measures a signal that is produced directly by groundwater itself. It detects the presence of water by generating a resonance of the protons HC of water molecules. When they are excited by an alternating magnetic field at the Larmor frequency, they oscillate around their equilibrium position. The Larmor frequency value depends on the intensity of the earth magnetic field at the local survey area. In the field, a cable is laid on the ground in a square loop of 50 ð 50 m2 at the sounding point. A current oscillating at the Larmor frequency is injected into the transmitter loop to create a magnetic field. When the current is abruptly turned off in the transmitter loop, this loop acts as a receiver that records the secondary magnetic field amplitude produced by the relaxation phenomena when the protons go back to their original state. The secondary magnetic field is decaying with time. At present, the method measures only the protons located in the saturated part and only if they are ‘free’. Bound-water protons produce a signal that is too weak and too short to be measured with available equipment. For more information on the method, see Legchenko and Valla (2002), Legchenko et al. (2002), and Roy and Lubczynski (2003). The method sounds deeper for an increasing intensity of the excitation current and pulse duration. The sounding is performed using several current steps, while the pulse duration is kept constant. The resulting sounding curve is analysed to estimate the depth and thickness of the aquifer, the MRS free water content and the MRS hydraulic conductivity (see Lubczynski and Roy, 2003; Legchenko et al., 2004; Vouillamoz et al., 2005). The Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 387 MRS parameters can be correlated with the aquifer characteristics through a calibration procedure using pumping tests when available. A detailed 2D MRS survey was carried at the outlet of the watershed at the end of the monsoon (November 2004) using the NumisPlus equipment from Iris Instrument. This survey is presented in Legchenko et al. (2006). The results of these studies are used in the present paper for comparison with ERT. In addition to these data, the MRS implemented at the centre of the stream (Figure 1) above the recharge spot detected by ERT is presented. This sounding was performed twice at the same place to monitor groundwater depletion: in November 2004, when water level was at its maximum elevation, and at the end of January 2005 when water level has dropped to the lower level. This time-lapse MRS example is one of the first attempts to use the MRS as a monitoring tool, a promising goal for MRS as suggested by Lubczynski and Roy (2003). RESULTS ERT profile The results of the 2D electrical resistivity survey along profile 1 performed in March 2004 are presented in Figure 3. The calculated resistivity values range from 20 m to more than 7500 m. From chemical analysis on cuttings extracted from reference borewells in the watershed, a correspondence is made between resistivity and the type of rock. To highlight the main information, four intervals of calculated resistivity that corresponds to four types of material are displayed: ž From 20 to 60 m: This interval corresponds to soils (saturated or not) and clayey weathered materials. The weathered materials are distributed in patches mainly located at the south (between X D 64–140 m) between the surface and 10 m deep. Some large patches are also present between X D 256–320 m, but become scarce below the northern slope. ž From 60 to 150 m: This interval corresponds to highly weathered rock, loamy to sandy materials. This material is found mainly on the northern slope. ž From 150 to 600 m: This interval corresponds to weathered rock. ž Over 600 m (and up to more than 7500 m): This interval corresponds to the protolith. Its depth is highly variable, from 5 to 25 m producing a jagged shape. This may result from both the steep dip angle (more than 75° ) and the heterogeneous composition of the gneissic bedrock that may lead to differential weathering. From place to place (X D 150, 200, 320, 440 and 560 m) the fresh rock is cut down by weathered formations (i.e. electrically more conductive) that can go down to a depth of 25 m. The ERT results have been compared to resistivity logging performed below the water level in the piezometers Hydrol. Process. 22, 384– 394 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 388 M. DESCLOITRES ET AL. S N Elevation (m) 860 distance from the first electrode 576 (in m) time-lapse ERT eam 850 0.0 12 830 7 64.0 128 str 13 ma in 840 192 448 9 2 320 8 3 512 384 Resistivity (Ohm.m) 10 102 103 104 0 256 2 calculated 4 6 measured in november 2005 Depth (m) 820 810 8 10 12 measured 14 800 16 calculated resistivity (Ohm.m) 150 to 600 60 to 150 20 to 60 18 20 over 600 Piezometer 7 Figure 3. ERT results in March 2004 along profile 1. The calculated resistivity is plotted using four intervals. The RMS estimate for inversion presented here is 5Ð9%. The circled numbers correspond to the piezometers located in Figure 1 (piezometers 2 and 3 are situated outside the profile). Water level in March 2004 is drawn with a dashed line. Resistivity measured in boreholes with logging is presented at a depth using squares coloured with the same colour scale as the calculated resistivity. Resistivity logging for piezometer 7 is presented versus depth by comparison with ERT inversion results on the right side to illustrate the good agreement between calculated and measured resistivity 835 128 160 192 1 ma 7 in s trea m S Elevation(m) 224 8 256 288 distance from the first electrode N of profile 1 (in m) 9 352 320 825 800 resistivity ratio (final state / initial state) decrease 815 810 increase 0.2 to 0.4 0.4 to 0.6 0.6 to 0.8 0.8 to 1 1 to 1.3 Figure 4. Results of ERT time-lapse survey in the central part of profile 1 (see the location of the time-lapse survey in Figures 1 and 3). The ratio between calculated resistivity values at final state (19 May 2004) to initial state (26 March 2004) is plotted using five ratio intervals. The decrease of the calculated resistivity between the two dates (values below 1) is detailed using four intervals from black to light grey. Above 1, the calculated resistivity has increased. Water levels measured at the same dates in the piezometers 1, 7, 8 and 9 are plotted using dotted (26 March 2004) and continuous (19 May 2004) white lines 7, 8, 10, and 13. Resistivity logging results are shown in Figure 3 for some representative depths, and a complete comparison is shown for piezometer 7. They confirm the resistivity calculated by the 2D inversion. A noticeable result is depicted in Figure 3: in the piezometer 7 the resistive bedrock (above 600 m) is encountered at 7 m depth, while 35 m apart only weathered material (below 600 m) is found at 24 m depth at the bottom of the piezometer 8. This logging result corroborates the high lateral variability of resistivity calculated by the inversion and validates the parameters taken for the inversion procedure. highlight the variations of resistivity, Figure 4 shows the resistivity ratio between final to initial state. This allows us to identify the decrease of resistivity (values below 1), or an increase of resistivity (above 1). Before 26 March 2004 only 13 mm of rain was recorded on the site, so this date corresponds to a very dry status of the soils. The period between 26 March and 19 May 2004 was particularly rainy as 364 mm were recorded, resulting from heavy pre-monsoon convection storms. In the zone above an elevation of 815 m, which corresponds to the unsaturated part at the initial state, the major pattern is as follows: Time-lapse ERT Figure 4 presents the ERT time-lapse result obtained comparing the initial state on 26 March 2004 and the final state on 19 May 2004 when the rise of water level below the stream had already occurred (see Figure 2). To ž A decrease of the calculated resistivity is observed as a quasi-continuous layer just below the surface down to 2Ð5 m depth. ž A major decrease (more than 60%, i.e. values below 0Ð4) is located below the stream. Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 22, 384–394 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 389 CHARACTERIZATION OF SEASONAL RECHARGE WITH ERT AND MRS S P9 Elevation (m) 830 P7 water levelcalculated with MRS P8 820 810 800 time-lapse ERT 790 measured water levels 125 175 225 275 325 MRS hydraulic conductivity (m/s) N MRS soundings (loop extension) 1.2E-005 1E-005 8E-006 6E-006 4E-006 2E-006 375 Distance (m) Figure 5. MRS hydraulic conductivity across the stream in November 2004. The centres of the MRS loops (Figure 1) are indicated with black triangles, the loop extensions (50 m long) are attached to the symbol. The MRS performed twice (13 November and 26 January) above the main stream is shown using a bold line. The water level calculated with MRS and the measured water level in November 2004 are indicated using a black dashed line and black dots, respectively. The base of the section investigated with time-lapse ERT is shown using a grey dashed line ž In the northern slope between X D 250 and 300 m, below the uppermost layer with a decreasing resistivity, the inversion results show a wide zone where resistivity is almost constant (value around 1) or even increase (above 1 and up to 1Ð3). Below an elevation of 815 m that corresponds to the permanent water table, the calculated resistivity decreases. This is noticeable below the stream and at X D 288 m. A decrease of resistivity in the saturated part should be correlated with an increase of groundwater conductivity. But groundwater conductivity is decreasing at these dates (see Figure 2). Consequently, time-lapse ERT results below water level are highly doubtful and this discrepancy is investigated in the discussion. MRS The result of the MRS survey carried out in November 2004 and focused on the time-lapse ERT area is presented in Figure 5. To draw this cross section, each MRS have been interpreted using a one-dimensional (1D) assumption and the resulting 1D models have been interpolated along the profile to produce a pseudo-2D image of the sub-surface (Legchenko et al., 2006). Using numerical modelling, the MRS depth limit in the Moole Hole has been estimated at 60 m, that is twice the ERT investigation depth. The threshold of water detection with MRS was estimated as 0Ð3% (Legchenko et al., 2006). MRS water content provided by inversion of field measurements was calibrated near a borehole. This borehole (piezometer 13, Figure 1) was chosen as a reference because it is located in a 1D geological environment. It was found that the static water level corresponds to the depth where MRS water content reaches the half of its maximum value. The accuracy of the water level estimation with MRS is determined to be š1 m. In Figure 5, the MRS water level varies from 3 m (X D 225 m) to more than 15 m (X D 325 m). It matches the measured water table below piezometer 7 and 9, but overestimates it by 7 m below piezometer 8, due to the lack of lateral resolution of the MRS method using a Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 50 ð 50 m2 loop as investigated in Legchenko et al. (2006). Above the water table, the MRS hydraulic conductivity cannot be calculated (unsaturated medium). Below, the MRS hydraulic conductivity ranges from 2 ð 106 to 2 ð 105 m s1 and is irregularly distributed. The MRS hydraulic conductivity is bell-shaped just below the main stream. A MRS measurement is repeated on two dates above the stream (Figures 1 and 5) to monitor groundwater depletion. The MRS loop surrounds four piezometers: 1, 7, 8 and 11. The first sounding is performed on the 13 November 2004, at the end of the monsoon. The second sounding is done on 26 January 2005, once water has depleted close to its pre-monsoon level. The MRS water content and the MRS hydraulic conductivity versus depth are presented in Figure 6 for the two dates. Table I presents water levels measured on the dates of the MRS survey in the piezometers 1, 7, 8 and 11. In November 2004, water level is at its highest level below the stream, i.e. 3 to 4Ð15 m below the surface (piezometers 1, 7 and 11). At the end of January 2005, water level depletion is nearly 6 m below the stream. At the same time, the piezometer 8 shows a smaller depletion of 1Ð5 m. Estimated MRS water levels are 3Ð5 and 8Ð75 m on 13 November 2004 and 26 January 2005, respectively. This water depletion (5Ð25 m, Figure 6) is close to the value of mean depletion (6 m) given by piezometers 1, 7 and 11. Piezometer 8 is not considered for the mean water level calculation because water depletion is much lower (1Ð5 m) indicating a very different behaviour in this area. Table I. Measurements of water level (in metres) at the date of MRS measurements Piezometer 1 7 8 11 13 November 2004 26 January 2005 Water level decrease (m) 3Ð00 3Ð65 9Ð55 4Ð15 9Ð05 9Ð50 11Ð05 10Ð05 6Ð05 5Ð85 1Ð50 5Ð90 Hydrol. Process. 22, 384– 394 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 390 M. DESCLOITRES ET AL. 0 mean water level on november, 13 th -5 -5 mean water level on january, 26th -10 -10 Depth (m) Depth (m) estimated MRS water level 0 -15 -20 unreliable MRS results -20 -25 date of measurement th november, 13 january, 26 date of measurement november, 13th -25 th january, 26th -30 -30 0 (a) -15 0.3 1 2 3 MRS water content (%) 1E-007 1E-006 1E-005 MRS hydraulic conductivity (m/s) (b) Figure 6. (a) MRS water content and (b) MRS hydraulic conductivity versus depth calculated for the MRS above the stream in November 2004 and January 2005. For MRS water content (a), the hatched area corresponds to the results that are not possible to ascertain because of the low amplitude of the MRS signal measured in the field. Estimated MRS water levels are given according to a calibration with a reference borehole (see text). For the MRS hydraulic conductivity (b), the plot is limited to values above 107 m s1 for the same reason. The mean value of water level measured in the boreholes 1, 7 and 11 is shown for both dates Resistivity (Ohm.m) 0 75 150 225 300 375 0 -1 lower limit of infiltration Depth (m) The shallow aquifer seen in November (water content 2Ð7%, hydraulic conductivity 1Ð7 105 m s1 ) no longer exists at the end of January. The result obtained in January reveals a deeper aquifer (water content 0Ð5%, hydraulic conductivity 1Ð4 ð 106 m s1 ) that is hidden in November. This result shows the consequence of a screening effect by the shallow aquifer, as investigated by Legchenko (2005) and Legchenko et al. (2006). When a very shallow aquifer is present (between the surface and 5 m deep) a deeper aquifer may be hidden if its water content remains low compared to the superficial aquifer. The MRS hydraulic conductivity of the lower aquifer is revealed once the upper aquifer disappeared. Its value is 10 times less than in the upper part. As the main result of this time-lapse MRS experiment, results indicate that a significant depletion of water level occurs below the main stream after the monsoon, in accordance with piezometric measurements. -2 Auger hole monitoring moisture march, 26th moisture may, 19th resistivity march, 26th resistivity may, 19th -3 -4 DISCUSSION Time-lapse ERT In the vadose zone, the ERT resistivity decreases (from 40 to 80%) between the surface and up to 5 m down. To control this outcome, the results that were obtained when monitoring the water infiltration carried out on several auger holes located near the survey area are used. Measurements included neutron probe and resistivity logging down to 4 m through the vadose zone every 15 days. Figure 7 shows an example of the results obtained at the dates of ERT measurements. It shows that the infiltration front reached a depth of 1Ð5 m only on the 19 May 2004. The soil water content increases from 20 to 30%, inducing a decrease of resistivity from a mean value of 200 to 30 m, i.e. 85% decrease. This decrease is consistent with the results obtained by ERT. However the depth of the infiltration front obtained with time-lapse Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10 15 20 25 30 35 Volumetric water content (%) Figure 7. Resistivity logging and soil moisture variations measured in an auger hole for a typical soil near the survey. The two dates considered here are the same as the time-lapse ERT ERT (2Ð5 m) is overestimated compared to the neutron probe monitoring (1Ð5 m). This may be due to the large spacing between electrodes used in this survey (4 m) that is not adequate for very shallow investigations. Below the stream ERT shows a major decrease of resistivity by more than 60%. This is consistent with piezometer data that shows water level increase of about 10 m in the piezometers 1 and 7, and of less than 1 m in the piezometer 8 nearby. ERT results are consistent with the water level records and allow delineating the water table mounding below the stream (Figure 4). Hydrol. Process. 22, 384–394 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 391 CHARACTERIZATION OF SEASONAL RECHARGE WITH ERT AND MRS Below the northern slope, some patches show an increase of resistivity in the vadose zone. This result is surprising because a decrease of water content in the vadose zone during the monsoon is not likely. Moreover, below water level (13 m and deeper), the major part of the ERT section shows a decrease of resistivity. In the saturated zone, such a decrease could be explained only by an important increase of groundwater conductivity. However, groundwater monitoring shows that conductivity rather tends to decrease. Therefore, these ERT results are questionable. To address this question a synthetic model using a 1D layered ground is studied. Two models are generated. The first model is a typical resistivity arrangement of the sub-surface. From the surface and down, four layers are considered: ž a 1 m-thick dry soil (200 m), ž a 9Ð7 m-thick weathered medium (100 m), ž a 6Ð3 m-thick highly fractured rock and saprolite (400 m), ž a fresh rock (5000 m). The second model is equal to the initial one but the resistivity of the first layer (1 m thick) decreases from 200 to 30 m to simulate an infiltration equivalent to the infiltration measured with resistivity logging in the auger hole (Figure 7). The synthetic apparent resistivities are computed using the same time-lapse inversion algorithm used for the interpretation of the field data. The resulting calculated resistivities are shown in Figure 8 as a function of depth. The ratio of the initial to the final calculated resistivity is also plotted. The ratio shows first an infiltration thicker than the simulated one (2Ð5 m instead of 1 m). The decrease of resistivity is slightly underestimated (64% instead of 85%). This result confirms that the ERT inversion could overestimate the depth of infiltration. Second, an increase (C17%) and a decrease (–33%) are noted deeper, in a zone where no model variation was introduced. This phenomenon is damped initial 1m deeper. This modelling illustrates clearly that a time-lapse inversion can exhibit artefacts (false variation at depth) much deeper than the shallow infiltration. The reason why the time-lapse inversion does not give satisfactory results is an issue that cannot be addressed in detail in this paper. A combination of different factors could be involved. First, the characterization of the shallow infiltration in the field with an electrode spacing of 4 m is not adequate. To characterize efficiently a shallow infiltration (i.e. less than 2 m), smaller electrode spacing is required in the field for recovering of the actual resistivity variations near the surface. If a shallow infiltration occurs, which is generally the case if the soils are dry before the first rains, care should be taken when interpreting 2D time-lapse ERT data with a large spacing (i.e. 4 m or more) between electrodes because the infiltration is not well sampled. For thicker infiltration down to 5–10 m (or recharge), the unit electrode spacing of 4 m is suitable because it provides an investigation depth similar to the infiltration thickness. Another reason why the time-lapse inversion is not giving reliable results could be the non-uniqueness of the model calculated by the inversion, due by example to equivalence and suppression problems encountered in electrical prospecting (Parasnis, 1997). Some recent developments in inversion procedure could be considered in the future to improve the reliability of ERT timelapse inversion, as proposed for example by Nguyen and Kemna (2005) using difference inversion. The use of external information is also a promising way to reduce the non-uniqueness of the model and to get more reliable time-lapse results as suggested by Loke (2000). The modelling gives us an estimate of the uncertainty of the ERT method in this case. For a true infiltration of 1Ð5 m, the thickness of infiltration given by ERT is overestimated. Deeper, resistivity variations in the range 35% to C20% should be considered as the result of inversion inaccuracy rather than true (bulk) variations. final 200 Ω.m 30 Ω.m 0 - 64% -5 100 Ω.m model 400 Ω.m 17 m Depth (m) -10 10.7 m -33% -15 -20 5000 Ω.m + 17% inversion resistivity calculated by time-lapse 2D inversion -25 initial final + 6% decrease increase -30 10 100 1000 Calculated resistivity (Ohm.m) 10000 0.2 0.6 1 1.4 resistivity ratio Figure 8. Resistivity calculated for a shallow infiltration (1 m) simulated over a 1D model using the 2D time-lapse inversion algorithm. The ratio of the calculated resistivity (final/initial) is plotted versus depth and compared to the model resistivity ratio (right) Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 22, 384– 394 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 392 Elevation (m) 830 P7 820 N MRS hydraulic conductivity (m/s) S 840 stream M. DESCLOITRES ET AL. P9 P8 ? 810 800 790 1.2E-005 1E-005 8E-006 6E-006 4E-006 2E-006 780 125 165 205 245 285 325 Distance (m) 365 isocontour 600 Ohm.m ERT clayey material (20-60 Ohm.m) Figure 9. Comparison between ERT and MRS. For ERT, the resistivity interval 20–60 m is contoured and represents clayey materials. The isocontour 600 m is the limit between the regolith (weathered) and the protolith (fissured or fresh). The black arrows indicate the possible pathway for recharge below the stream. The shape of the water level is represented as a bold grey continuous line at the north. Because no water table level measurements were available for the southern part at the time of the survey, the shape of the water table is suggested at the south using a dashed line. The grey points indicate the water level measured in piezometers 7, 8 and 9 in November 2004 These uncertainties are related to the field data set (i.e. arrays, electrode spacing, and actual resistivity values) and may be different in other studies. Comparison between ERT and MRS A comparison between ERT and MRS is presented in Figure 9. At the north, the water table level interpolated from piezometer data is represented by a bold grey line. At the south, the piezometer where not implemented at the time of the ERT survey, thus the water table level is only suggested as a possible distribution. To facilitate the comparison, ERT results (Figure 3) are simplified and superimposed to the MRS hydraulic conductivity distribution. ž The clayey materials are delineated in Figure 9 using a resistivity ranging from 20 to 60 m. Their hydraulic conductivity should be very low. ž The clayey to sandy material are characterized by resistivity ranging from 60 to 600 m. They correspond to the lower part of the regolith, i.e. a weathered rock. These formations are usually considered as a potential reservoir. MRS is not able to quantify their hydraulic conductivity because those materials are mainly situated above the saturated zone, excepted below the stream when they are temporarily saturated during the monsoon. At this place, MRS indicates a hydraulic conductivity around 105 m s1 . ž The fractured-fissured rock (protolith) is characterized by resistivity above 600 m. The highest values of MRS hydraulic conductivity (4 ð 106 to 1 ð 2 105 m s1 ) are mainly situated deeper than the ERT 600 m contour. A noticeable correspondence is found between X D 120 and 230 m. From X D 230 to 340 m, the MRS hydraulic conductivity does not follow in detail the narrow conductive structures evidenced with ERT and boreholes. This is due to the lack of lateral resolution of the MRS when the MRS loop is Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. wider than the structure (Legchenko et al., 2006). This MRS hydraulic conductivity distribution indicates that the fractured-fissured rock can be hydraulically conductive in accordance with the conceptual model of the aquifer given by Maréchal et al. (2004). ž From X D 340 m northwards, there is no more detectable MRS signal. At this place, the bedrock evidenced with ERT is situated above water. Consequently, the free water content is much less in the ground, and the MRS is no longer able to detect it. This illustrates the lack of accuracy of current MRS equipment for formations that contain less than 0Ð5% water (Legchenko et al., 2006). Finally, the investigated aquifer is highly variable at a distance comparable with MRS loop size. MRS and ERT have very different field set-ups (a loop and a line, respectively). ERT gives a detailed image of distribution of weathered part (electrically conductive) and of the fissured-fractured part (electrically resistive) thanks to a multiple array acquisition and a 2D inversion code that provides an adequate lateral resolution. MRS gives an image that integrates a volume of the ground at the scale of the loop size, therefore with a lesser lateral resolution than ERT. MRS clearly identifies the fissured-fractured rock as a hydraulic conductive part of the aquifer, giving valuable information not provided with ERT. Thus, even though there is not perfect correspondence between the results given by these two methods, it is considered that results provided by both methods are giving very complementary information on the aquifer. Pattern of recharge inferred from geophysical results From the comparison between ERT and MRS shown in Figure 9, it is possible to propose a conceptual model of the recharge process. The stream is cutting into thick clayey materials. At this place the bedrock is close to the surface. The upper part of the bedrock is hydraulically Hydrol. Process. 22, 384–394 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp CHARACTERIZATION OF SEASONAL RECHARGE WITH ERT AND MRS conductive as observed with MRS measurements. The recharge takes place in this fractured-fissured part of the bedrock. The clayey materials with low hydraulic conductivity slow down the recharge laterally. In a truly 2D geometry, these clayey materials could act locally as hydraulic barriers. This hypothesis may explain the high lateral variability of water level measured in the piezometers. At the north of the stream, the shape of the water mounding can be delineated as proposed in Figure 9: the water level is almost flat below the stream and deepens steeply along a clayey barrier. At the south of the stream, another barrier is present and the water level may also exhibit the same shape, but additional boreholes are required to confirm this hypothesis. CONCLUSION At the outlet of the Moole Hole experimental watershed, water level variations and recharge below the main stream are studied during and after the 2004 monsoon using ERT and MRS methods with the objective of spatializing the phenomena. For ERT, the bedrock and the regolith materials are studied using the electrical resistivity distribution before the monsoon. The results exhibit a jagged shape of the regolith/bedrock interface due to differential weathering of the vertically-foliated gneiss. The recharge is then investigated during the monsoon using time-lapse ERT, expecting resistivity variations linked with water content variations. The time-lapse ERT results show first a shallow infiltration down to 2 m confirmed by neutron probe measurements. Second, a recharge is marked as a major decrease of resistivity below the stream (more than 60%), while the piezometric level was rising at the same time. Third, in the slopes, the calculated resistivity variations show an increase (C30%) at intermediate depth (4–10 m) and decrease deeper (more than 60%) below the water table, not confirmed by water conductivity that decreases at the same time. Modelling shows that an ERT inversion artefact occurs. This artefact may be a consequence of the decrease of resistivity at shallow depth when infiltration begins. Consequently, it was found that time-lapse ERT can suffer from severe interpretation artefacts. These artefacts are troublesome to ascertain the bulk resistivity variations at depth in the slopes. In forthcoming studies, to design surveys or during the interpretation, a synthetic modelling approach constrained with appropriate external data such as time-lapse resistivity logging could be decisive to discard inversion artefact. This limitation could be also investigated with synthetic modelling. Regarding the recharge below the stream, it can be ascertained using time-lapse ERT because the decrease of the bulk resistivity (more than 60%) is significant and deep enough to make the phenomenon detectable and to avoid inversion artefact. A MRS survey is performed across the stream. MRS is suffering from a lack of lateral resolution when the water level is varying within the MRS loop. Some future Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 393 developments of the MRS equipment could overcome this lack of resolution by using a smaller transmitter loop combined with low-noise acquisition. MRS hydraulic conductivity ranges from 2 ð 106 to 2 ð 105 m s1 and is clearly delineated, exhibiting significant variations laterally. Preliminary slug tests carried out in some of the piezometers give hydraulic conductivity values that are in the same range of magnitude (Legchenko et al., 2005). A survey including a long duration pumping test is scheduled in the site to confirm these results. A single sounding was repeated in the stream area once the water level had depleted after the monsoon. This depletion is clearly evidenced by MRS, confirming that MRS is a very promising tool to monitor water level fluctuations. From the comparison between ERT and MRS, a clearer picture of the groundwater recharge is given. The ERT determines the regolith/bedrock interface, whereas MRS quantifies the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated materials. The combination of time-lapse ERT and MRS is found efficient to detect and outline the main recharge phenomena below the stream. In the slopes, ERT evidences a decrease of resistivity linked with a shallow infiltration down to 2 m. Deeper, no infiltration/recharge is detected (i.e. down to more than 5–10 m) that would have been evidenced by the time-lapse ERT as a major resistivity decrease. The stream has cut into clayey material, and the recharge takes place in the fractured-fissured part of the bedrock favouring the infiltration through hydraulically conductive materials. Laterally and both sides of the stream, clayey materials marked as electrically conductive structures by ERT, are acting as a barrier slowing down the lateral infiltration of water. The pattern is confirmed by the piezometric data on one side of the stream. In this hard-rock aquifer, it is found that the combination of ERT and MRS methods is an efficient way for localizing the main recharge below the stream. In this case, care should be however taken when interpreting time-lapse ERT in the presence of shallow infiltration, as some artefacts may occur in the inversion deeper than 2 m. Despite this limitation, in similar environments with localized recharge, borehole implementation can be more easily optimized using this combination of nondestructive surface geophysical methods. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was carried out thanks to research grants provided by: - ‘Kabini river basin project’ of ORE-BVET (, - French programs ‘ECCO-PNRH’ and ‘ACI-Eau’, - Indo-French Cell for Water Science in Bangalore, - Embassy of France in India, - Indo French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR) WA 3000. Hydrol. Process. 22, 384– 394 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 394 M. DESCLOITRES ET AL. The authors thank the Karnataka Forest Department for all the facilities and support they provided. The field and laboratory assistants of the IFCWS are greatly acknowledged for their contribution. The first author wishes to thank Dr M.H. Loke (University of Sciences, Penang, Malaysia) for the fruitful discussions on timelapse ERT inversion and J. Riotte for the pre-review of the manuscript. REFERENCES Barker R, Moore J. 1998. The application of time-lapse electrical tomography in groundwater studies. The Leading Edge 1454– 1458. 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Process. 22, 384–394 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 Deep infiltration through a sandy alluvial fan in semiarid Niger inferred from electrical conductivity survey, vadose zone chemistry and hydrological modelling Sylvain Massuel a,*, Guillaume Favreau a, Marc Descloitres b, Yann Le Troquer c, Yves Albouy c, Bernard Cappelaere a a IRD, UMR HydroSciences (IRD/CNRS/UMI/UMII), MSE, B.P. 64501, 34394 Montpellier Cedex 5, France b IRD, UR Geovast, Bangalore, India c IRD, UR Geovast, 92143 Bondy cedex, France Received 21 July 2005; received in revised form 20 January 2006; accepted 23 February 2006 Abstract In semiarid southwestern Niger, most of the groundwater recharge is indirect and occurs through endoreic ponds. Elsewhere in the landscape, there is no evidence of deep infiltration, with a possible exception for gullies and alluvial fans on sandy slopes. In order to verify this hypothesis, a detailed geophysical and geochemical survey was conducted on a large, representative mid-slope fan (6 ha). At this site, distributed hydrological modelling conducted over the encompassing endoreic catchment (190 ha) showed high losses of runoff water by infiltration. Electromagnetic mapping and 2-D electrical imaging survey were used to investigate the 35 m deep vadose zone; in addition, 8 boreholes were drilled following the geophysical survey to constrain the interpretation. Variations in apparent electrical conductivity measured in boreholes appear to be mainly linked with changes in the soil solution mineralization. An extrapolation throughout the area shows that apparent electrical conductivity of the ground is systematically lower below channels; this suggests localised leaching through the unsaturated zone. A physically-based, 2-D distributed hydrologic model was used to estimate the amount of surface water loss by infiltration for the 1992 – 2002 period. Depending on year, infiltrated volumes range from 1000 to 24 000 m3. This represents between 5% and 16% of the runoff that reaches the final outlet of the basin, an endoreic valley bottom pond where recharge to the aquifer has been shown to occur. Because leaching of the vadose zone is observed down to a depth of 10 m below channels, episodic groundwater recharge through sandy mid-slope fans is highly probable during rainy years. D 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Niger; Semiarid area; Infiltration; Local recharge; Alluvial fan; Geophysical survey; Unsaturated zone chemistry 1. Introduction In southwestern Niger, since the early 1990s, hydrodynamics and geochemical methods have been applied at a regional scale (4000 km2) to estimate natural groundwater recharge to the unconfined aquifer (Leduc et al., 1997; Favreau et al., 2002). In arid and semiarid Niger, studying groundwater recharge is of paramount importance for sustainable development, as most of the population depends * Corresponding author. Fax: +33 4 67 14 47 74. E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Massuel). 0341-8162/$ - see front matter D 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2006.02.009 upon this single permanent water resource for its own consumption. In this environment, most of the groundwater recharge is indirect and occurs through endoreic ponds, natural outlets of a mosaic of catchments of the order of a few square kilometres (Desconnets et al., 1997; Martin-Rosales and Leduc, 2003). Elsewhere in the landscape, infiltration deeper than 5 m below the soil surface, estimated by neutron probe and soil moisture surveys, has not been evidenced and has only been suggested as possible under specific locations such as narrow banded vegetation on the plateaux (Galle et al., 1999) and gullies in the sandy hillslopes (Peugeot, 1995; Peugeot et al., 1997; Esteves and Lapetite, 2003). Surpris- 106 S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 ingly, whereas rainfall decreased by about 20% since the 1950 – 60s, hydrodynamics investigations have revealed a continuous increase in groundwater reserves of about 4 m for the last four decades, a phenomenon explained by the intense land clearing that has induced crusting of the top cm of the soil; as elsewhere in the Sahel, soil crusting has enhanced Hortonian runoff, thus increasing both the number of endoreic ponds and the amount of surface water reaching the ponds (Leduc et al., 2001; Seguis et al., 2004). Increased runoff may also have enhanced deep infiltration at some runoff collecting sites other than ponds, but those have not been identified yet. The main objective of this study is to investigate the possibility of deep infiltration (i.e. typically deeper than 5 m) below the drainage network on the sandy slopes of this area. In semiarid areas, deep infiltration producing groundwater recharge is very localized in time and space and difficult to estimate; combining various methods is often the key to obtain reliable results (Scanlon et al., 1999a; Simmers, 2003). Our approach is based upon a combination of sub-surface and borehole geophysics, vadose zone chemistry and physicallybased hydrological modelling. Subsurface geophysics used in this study is aimed at mapping differences in electrical conductivity that could be linked to variations in water content and/or conductivity of the pore water and/or soil texture within the unsaturated zone, both laterally and vertically. Such differences are expected in the study site (Fig. 1), a densely braided sandy channel area where infiltration is supposed to occur (Cappelaere et al., 2003). When correlated with unsaturated zone profiles of geochemical tracers, electrical conductivity mapping can provide reliable extrapolation of punctual estimate of recharge; subsurface geophysics can also help to spatially better constrain hydrological models of surface/subsurface flows. Previous investigations in semiarid areas have shown that geophysical methods based on electrical conductivity measurements are often well suited to delineate electrical properties of the subsurface. Among the methods measuring electrical conductivity at various depths, the more suitable are: (i) Direct Current (DC) resistivity mapping or sounding (e.g. Descloitres et al., 2003) and 2D-DC electrical imaging when the ground cannot be approximated by a 1D model (e.g. Beauvais et al., 2004), (ii) Frequency-Domain Electromagnetics (FEM) mapping (e.g. Cook et al., 1989; Scanlon et al., 1999a,b), while (iii) Time-Domain electromagnetic method (TDEM) is also considered as a suitable tool in some situations as deep aquifers and mineralised waters (e.g. Guérin et al., 2001). Within the scope of this study, the main objective was to map the heterogeneities in electrical conductivity down to depths exceeding 30 m below a large mid-slope alluvial fan. FEM mapping was carried out at the site-scale; in addition, a 2D-DC electrical imaging was performed on a representative cross-section of the fan. Vadose zone geochemistry is a widely used approach in semiarid areas to infer mean groundwater recharge rates and estimates of its temporal changes (e.g. Edmunds et al., 1991). This approach has also been frequently used as a supplementary tool in regional groundwater balance studies (e.g. Wood and Sanford, 1995). Because it provides only point-scale estimates, more representative results are obtained when it is used with complementary approaches, including sub-surface resistivity mapping (Cook et al., 1989; Scanlon et al., 1999a,b). In southwestern Niger, data on the deep unsaturated zone are limited. In the study area, Fig. 1. The Wankama watershed with zoom in on the alluvial fan area and drill holes (small inset); the thin black lines refer to the watershed Digital Elevation Model and the white network to the main gullies recorded by GPS survey in March, 2003. Inset: AAV: location of the 2D electrical profile (cf. Fig. 4). Numbers refer to the drill hole locations and D indicates the inlet of the alluvial fan where hydrological runoff estimations were computed. Aerial photographs of November, 1992 (IGNN, Niamey, Niger). S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 previous data were limited to the first upper metre (e.g. Wezel et al., 2000), and for a single study, to a depth of up to few metres (Nagumo, 1992). However, tracking deep infiltration requires getting information down to several tens of metres (ideally, to the water table). In this study, vadose zone chemistry is used, along with other parameters (water potential, texture, water content), both to interpret the measured differences in electrical conductivity and to better estimate the solute and water balance in the studied area. In semiarid regions, the difficulty in obtaining good quality data records of ephemeral and episodic floods is widely recognized (e.g. Lange et al., 1999). Physically based, spatially distributed hydrological modelling is a way to overcome these difficulties, and can be used to generate data for ungaged parts of a catchment. This approach was chosen for the catchment that includes the studied mid-slope alluvial fan (Fig. 1; Peugeot et al., 2003; Cappelaere et al., 2003). For the present study, the water balance of the fan was computed at the rainfall-event scale through the 1992 – 2002 decade, thus providing consistent values of annual surface water loss by infiltration. From this set of data, a hydrological functioning of the deep unsaturated zone under sandy slopes is proposed. 2. Study site The study site is located in the Sahelian southwestern Niger, at 60 km east of Niamey (Fig. 1). The climate is semiarid, with a mean annual temperature of 29 -C, a mean potential evapotranspiration near 2500 mm yr 1 and a yearly mean precipitation of 567 mm (Niamey, 1908 –2003; Niamey Airport, pers. com.); these values are considered to be representative for the study site. The rainy season from June to September (90% of the annual rainfall) consists in intense rainfall events of convective origin. These short duration events produce Hortonian runoff that rapidly (within 1 – 3 h) concentrates in temporary ponds, natural outlets of endoreic catchments of a few square kilometres. In this environment, all hydrological data indicate that most of the unconfined aquifer recharge is indirect and occurs by deep infiltration below the ponds (Desconnets et al., 1997; Leduc et al., 1997; Martin-Rosales and Leduc, 2003). The geological context is sedimentary and shallow formations belong to the Continental terminal (Tertiary) made up of loosely cemented clays, silts and sands of continental origin; this formation outcrops over a surface area of 150 000 km2 in southwest Niger. Dating from drier periods of the Quaternary, aeolian sand deposits occur in some places and can reach a few metres in thickness. The water table elevation exhibits a classical pattern for semiarid areas: a continuous, smooth surface (hydraulic gradients < 1), with transient potentiometric fluctuations of up to few metres below temporary ponds during the rainy season (Leduc et al., 1997; Favreau et al., 2002). Depending on the topography, the depth to the water table varies between 75 m below the lateritic plateaux to less than 10 m below the 107 dry valleys. The natural vegetation of the region is a wooded savannah but under increasing clearing much of the area is now a patchwork of fallow and millet fields. The Wankama catchment (Fig. 1) has been intensively studied since 1992; details about the hydrological survey and data analysis are available elsewhere (Desconnets et al., 1997; Peugeot et al., 2003). To summarize, the catchment area is of 190 ha, with a mean slope gradient of 1.5% from west to east. At the lower end, the endoreic, elongated temporary pond acts as the natural outlet of water runoff of the basin; the gully reported in Fig. 1 represents its main tributary. According to runoff simulations for the 1992– 2002 period, surface water reaching the pond varies between 23 000 and 149 000 m3 yr 1 (Table 1). Most of this water (about 90%) infiltrates and creates a temporary mound below the pond. At mid-slope a large sandy alluvial fan (‘‘spreading zone’’) acts as a natural collector of most of the surface runoff from the upstream basin (Cappelaere et al., 2003). Such large alluvial fans are a common feature in the landscape (D’Herbes and Valentin, 1997). Hillslope soils of the catchment are mainly sandy, weakly structured and can be classified, according to Soil Taxonomy, as a sandy siliceous isohyperthermic psammentic Haplustalf (Bielders et al., 2000). Organic carbon content is less than 0.5%, with fine particle content typically within the range of 5– 20% (Nagumo, 1992; this study). Within the catchment, this study focused on the alluvial fan of about 6 ha (3% of the catchment area) occurring at mid-slope; this fan represents the main outlet of the upper part of the drainage basin (Fig. 1). Its main characteristics are as follows: mean slope of 1.6% (close to the one of 1.5% for the whole catchment); water table depth between 32 to 41 m; land surface occupied by shrub fallow (mainly Guiera senegalensis), millet fields and sandy channels (17% of the area in 2002). Whereas the main gully is narrow and reaches few metres in depth in the upper part of the catchment, the braided channels are typically large and shallow (< 0.5 m) within the alluvial fan. Consequently, this results in possible changes of the channel patterns after exceptionally high flooding years. Table 1 Computed runoff at the point of inflow for the alluvial fan (V D) and at the pond (V p) for the 1992 – 2002 period (rainfall is reported as the sum of the recorded events used for hydrological modelling) Year Rainfall (mm) V D (103 m3) V p (103 m3) V D / V p (%) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Mean 485 474 541 513 537 353 510 489 433 247 291 443 17 21 8 24 10 13 18 12 16 1 4 13 117 129 75 149 91 84 127 84 107 23 36 93 15 16 10 16 11 15 14 14 15 5 10 13 108 S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 3. Methods 3.1. Electrical conductivity Ground electrical conductivity (ECg) is a complex function of the soil characteristics (mineralogy, texture, and structure) and of its water and solute contents. The wellknown Archie’s law (Archie, 1942) originally expressed for saturated formations can be transformed for the unsaturated zone as follows (Keller, 1988): EC g ¼ 1 IEC w ISwn I/m a ð1Þ where ECg is the ground electrical conductivity (S m 1), ECw is the conductivity of the pore water (S m 1), U is the porosity (dimensionless), S w is the pore space saturation (dimensionless, L3/L3), a is the saturation coefficient (dimensionless), m is the cementation factor (dimensionless), and n the saturation exponent. For the sandy formation, Keller (1988) proposes the values of 0.88, 1.40 and 2 for a, m and n respectively. This empirical law is valid for sandy formations; when present, clayey particles could play a role in increasing the value of the ground electrical conductivity, because of their possible high cation exchange capacity (CEC). As a consequence, the ground electrical conductivity ECg can vary over a wide scale of values, ranging from more than 1000 AS cm 1 for clayey saturated material to less than 10 or even 1 AS cm 1 for dry sand. The ECw and S w variables are difficult to obtain in the field. In this study, these parameters are estimated by surrogates obtained in the laboratory, respectively the experimental conductivity ECwe produced with the usual lixiviation protocol, and the gravimetric water content h w (moisture weight / total weight). From Eq. (1) it is shown that the ground electrical conductivity ECg given by geophysical methods is highly dependent on the saturation, the porosity and the electrical conductivity of the water in the soil. Electromagnetic (EM) mapping was performed using a Geonics EM-34 electromagnetic device to survey the watershed with three intercoil spacings, 10, 20 and 40 m. The operating frequencies are respectively 6400, 1600 and 400 Hz. For practical reasons, the coils were aligned vertically (horizontal dipole mode), providing a stable reading of the ground electrical conductivity at three depths of investigation. This survey design provides a good sensitivity to the upper surface layer conductivity, and an investigation depth that can be roughly comparable to the intercoil spacing. The ratio of secondary to primary magnetic field over a uniform earth is directly proportional to the ground electrical conductivity ECg (Mc Neill, 1980). In the case of an electrically layered ground (1D case), the reading is given as an apparent electrical conductivity ECa, which is a function of the respective conductivities of each layer. Two measurement campaigns were performed. In August, 2002 the entire catchment was covered using the 40 m intercoil spacing (Fig. 2). Then the survey was dedicated to a preliminary mapping of the fan area using the intercoil spacings 10 and 20 m, with measurement every 40 m (Fig. 3a and b). In March, 2003, a map of the whole alluvial fan (425 400 m) was performed using the 20 m intercoil spacing, with measurement every 10 m. For each campaign, a base station was monitored every 2 h to overcome any problem due to instrumental drift. A 2D electrical imaging survey was conducted in March 2003 along the profile AAV (Fig. 1), using a Syscal R2 resistivity-meter with 64 electrodes (IRIS instruments). A couple of electrodes (A and B) was used for current injection and the resulting potential difference was measured with a second couple of electrodes (M and N). The basic field procedures, electrode arrays and interpretation technique are described in Loke (2000). For our survey, the electrodes were laid out every 4 m allowing a spacing of 252 m, that was repeated once to perform a profile of 508 m (Fig. 4). Due to the very dry sandy surface, the contact resistance was decreased by digging 20 cm deep pits, filled with a salty clayey mud. The acquisition was performed combining 2 arrays, the Wenner and Dipole – Dipole, taking advantage of their different sensitivity to 2D distribution of the ground resistivity. The Wenner and Dipole –Dipole data sets have been interpreted jointly using the RES2DINV inversion software (Loke, 2000). Electrical conductivity logging was performed in the vadose zone using an inflatable logging tool (Descloitres and Le Troquer, 2004) in each of the 8 drilled auger holes (Fig. 1); the acquisition was done using the ‘‘normal’’ pole – pole array. This quadripole involves two inner electrodes A Fig. 2. EM-34 mapping at the catchment scale, intercoil spacing 40 m (August, 2002); measurement locations are indicated by black dots. The white network refers to the main gullies. Inset: zoom in on the apparent electrical conductivity changes at the fan scale; drill holes 1 and 2 are located on high and low conductivity anomalies respectively. S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 109 Fig. 3. EM-34 mapping in the lower part of the fan area, W to E direction, intercoil spacing 10 m (a) and 20 m (b), August 2002. c): EM-34 mapping, intercoil spacing 20 m, N to S direction, March, 2003. Measurement locations are indicated by black dots. The white network refers to the main gullies. Background: microlight aircraft photograph of the fan area, August, 1998 (J.L. Rajot, IRD, Niamey, Niger). and M and two remote surface electrodes B and N at 150 m away from the drill hole. The AM spacing was 0.25 m. The measurements were done every 0.5 m down the hole. The short spacing between electrodes A and M allows measurements of the ground electrical conductivity ECg within an estimated radius of 20 cm around the sampling point. 3.2. Vadose zone chemistry For this study, 8 boreholes of 50 mm of diameter were drilled without any fluid to depths between 5 to 25 m in August, 2002 (drill holes 1 and 2) and March, 2003 (drill holes 3 to 8) with a power engine drillmite auger (locations are shown in Fig. 1). At surface, soil samples were collected each 0.5 m and rapidly poured using plastic gloves into 335 cm3 aluminium tins to preserve samples from evaporation and contamination. For this study, gravimetric water content, water potential measurement, particle-size analyses, experimental conductivity of the pore water, major ion chemistry and pH were measured. Analyses were performed in Montpellier, France, within a few months of sampling. Random duplicates showed good reproducibility. On selected samples, X-ray diffractions were also performed to determine the soil mineralogy. Gravimetric water content (h w) was measured after drying an aliquot of about 100 g of each sample in an oven for 24 h at 105 -C. Water potential was estimated for some duplicate samples by the filter-paper method described in Hamblin (1981), using Whatman-42 filter paper, with an uncertainty of about 20%. Solute content was obtained after elutriation of 20 g of dry sediments in 50 ml of doubledeionised water (< 1 AS cm 1) during 30 min; experimental conductivity of the pore water (ECwe) was subsequently measured on a 0.45 Am filtered aliquot with a commercial conductimeter (WTW, Tetracon). On an unfiltered aliquot, pHH2O and pHKCl (1 mol L 1 KCl) were measured with a commercial pH-metre (WTW, Sentix). Major ions were analysed on 0.45 Am filtered aliquots by capillary ion analyser (precision of about 5%). Particle-size was analyzed by sedimentation on 25 selected samples from drill holes 1 and 2 using the pipette-method with an automatic particlesize analyser. 3.3. Hydrological model The physically based, 2D-distributed hydrologic model of Cappelaere et al. (2003) was used for the present study. This model was built using the abc-rwf generic model developed by these authors from the original r.water.fea model of Vieux and Gaur (1994). In this model, time and space are discretized consistently and finely enough to represent the water flow dynamics of individual storm events over the whole catchment (grid resolution of 20 m). Infiltration, runon/runoff production and routing functions (kinematic-wave with Green– Ampt and Manning equations) are fully coupled, and solved concurrently using finite 110 S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 elements in space and finite differences in time. The model was calibrated and validated for the Wankama catchment based on the rainfall events that occurred from 1992 to 2000 and reproduced the observed catchment behaviour satisfactorily (Cappelaere et al., 2003). The alluvial fan is represented in the model by a 7.6 ha area with the normal DEM slope. 4. Results 4.1. Electromagnetic mapping Electromagnetic mapping was used to delineate relative differences in vadose zone conductivity. In Fig. 2 are presented the EM34 40 m-spacing mapping results at the catchment scale. Apparent electrical conductivity values range from 10 to 200 AS cm 1 (1000 to 50 V m respectively) and show a general increase from upslope (west) to downslope (east). This trend is explained by a decreasing thickness of the vadose zone with decreasing elevation: when going downward, the thickness of the resistive (unsaturated) ground decreased from more than 60 m down to less than 20 m, thus raising the measured apparent electrical conductivity value. On the sandy fan area (Fig. 2), the values lay between 36 at the north and 83 AS cm 1 at the centre (between 280 and 120 V m respectively). The two deeper drill holes (1 and 2, Fig. 2) were installed to explain this contrast: drill hole 1 was located at a higher apparent electrical conductivity anomaly near a large channel, whereas drill hole 2 was located in a low apparent electrical conductivity spot, corresponding to a small-slope fallow plot (Fig. 2). Results from the shallow sub-surface were obtained using shorter intercoil spacings. Fig. 3 presents the results of the EM mapping focusing on the sandy fan area, using intercoil spacings of respectively 10 (Fig. 3a) and 20 m (Fig. 3b, c). The 10 m spacing map shows apparent conductivities lying between 11 and 50 AS cm 1 (from 900 to 200 V m respectively). The distribution of the poorly conductive zones appears complex: in the centre, it could be linked with the dense channel distribution. Except for the middle part of the northern gully, large spots of higher apparent electrical conductivity occur away from the main gullies. The 20 m spacing map shows the same range of values, from 11 to 50 AS cm 1 (Fig. 3b). The less conductive spots (below 17 AS cm 1) are distributed at the centre and in the northeastern part of the area, and higher apparent conductivities are observed in the southern and nortwestern parts. In details, significant differences appear with the 10 m intercoil spacing map; this may be due to the time-lag between the two field measurements (¨ 1 month) and to subsequent surface water infiltration (see ‘4.4) and/or to locally heterogeneous distribution of apparent conductivities with depth. In March, 2003 a larger EM-34 survey of the fan (18 ha, intercoil spacing of 20 m, north –south tracking, measurement each 10 m) confirmed the observations obtained in the lower part of the fan (Fig. 3a and b); in particular, (i) though the measurements took place by the end of the dry season, the same range of values was observed and (ii) large spots of higher apparent electrical conductivity occurred around the fan, with, in details, a more complex zonation (Fig. 3c). In order to compare methods, EM-34 measurements with intercoil spacing of 20 m were performed simultaneously to the 2D electrical imaging on a single profile (AAV in Fig. 1; Fig. 4). In accordance with EM-34 mapping results, relatively lower apparent electrical conductivity was observed below the main gullies. 4.2. 2D electrical imaging A two dimensional (2D), 508 m-long electrical imaging profile was performed perpendicularly to the fan area (Fig. 1). In Fig. 4 is reported the calculated ground electrical conductivity versus depth obtained by joint inversion of the Wenner and Dipole – Dipole 2D data sets. The number of iterations was limited to three because there was no significant decrease of the RMS criteria for further inversions. As the inversion had to comply with two sets of data, the corresponding RMS is relatively high (19%). Fig. 4. Joint analysis of Wenner a and b profiles (mutual inversion) by Res2Dinv; unit electrode spacing 4 m, iteration 3, RMS error 19.1%. A higher conductivity layer is displayed (blue colours) between 5 and 10 m depth; below most sandy channels this conductive layer is interrupted. Upper part of the figure: apparent electrical conductivity measured by EM-34 survey (intercoil spacing 20 m, measurement each 4 m). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 111 Fig. 5. Physical parameters measured in drill holes 1 and 2; a) ground electrical conductivity ECg, b) matric suction, c) water content and d), e) grain size distribution for drill holes 1 and 2, respectively. The soil surface is respectively at 226.84 and 227.05 m a.m.s.l for drill holes 1 and 2. The conductivities range from 1.25 to 330 AS cm 1 (8000 to 30 V m respectively). From the surface down to 2 – 3 m a resistive layer is noted, and corresponds to a dry sandy layer (March 2003, dry season); from 3 to 10 m, a conductive layer is observed. Its conductivity ranges from 60 to more than 300 1 in a discontinuous way, forming patches with higher conductivity separated by lower conductivity ones. Below this level, from 10 down to 35 m (maximum depth of investigation), the vadose zone is mostly resistive. Its conductivity mostly ranges from 1.25 to 3.3 AS cm 1 with at some places, some more conductive patches. 4.3. Electrical conductivity logging and vadose zone analysis Results of electrical conductivity logging are shown on Figs. 5a and 6a for the two deepest drill holes (1 and 2) and on Fig. 7a for the others. Each of the two drill holes 1 and 2 represents a distinct pattern of electrical conductivity change with depth. For the drill hole 1, ground electrical conductivities are ranging from 0.8 to 15.3 AS cm 1 (12 500 to 650 V m). Those values are typical for an unsaturated sandy formation, with low water content. Drill holes 3, 6 and 8 display the same behaviour as the drill hole 1 with ground electrical conductivity below 20 AS cm 1 (500 V m) all along the logging profile (Fig. 7a). For the drill hole 2, the range is wider, from 1.6 to 200 AS cm 1 (6250 to 50 V m). Ground electrical conductivity rapidly increases from surface to 4 m deep. From 5 to 10 m depth, the ground is more conductive, values are over 150 AS cm 1 (below 65 V m) with a maximum at 8 m in depth. These higher values typically indicate that the formation is either more clayey, contains more water or presents an increase in the water solute content. Drill holes 4, 5 and 7 have the same behaviour Fig. 6. Chemical parameters measured in drill holes 1 and 2; a) ground electrical conductivity (reported from Fig. 5), b) experimental conductivity of the pore water, c) anions, d) cations; e) pH and pH-KCl. 112 S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 Fig. 7. Physical and chemical parameters measured in drill holes 3 to 8. a) ground electrical conductivity ECg; b) anions; c) water content; d) experimental conductivity of the pore water; e) cations; f) pH. Because both Ca vs. Mg, and pH-H2O vs. pH-KCl appeared to be well correlated (r 2 of 0.98 and 0.87 respectively), Ca and pH-H2O were chosen to represent their changes with depth for drill holes 3 to 8. as the drill hole 2 with ground electrical conductivity over 100 AS cm 1 (below 100 V m) when reaching 4 m depth (Fig. 7a). Grain size distribution analysis shows that sedimentary formations are homogeneous between the drill holes 1 and 2 (Fig. 5d, Fig. 5e). Grounds are essentially sandy (33% to 90%) to silty (3% to 28%) with variable content of clay (3% to 41%); pebbles occur between 5 and 10 m in small proportion (< 10%). Two stratums are more clayey and occur at depths from 5 to 7 and 10 to 12 m for the two drill holes. For these layers, X-ray diffractions confirm the abundance of quartz (sand) and show that clay fraction is made almost exclusively of kaolinite (goethite is also present). For the whole profiles, such a similar grain size distribution suggests that porosity could be the same for the two drill holes. Consequently, the influence of porosity U in Eq. (1) may be similar for the two drill holes. Because kaolinite is known to have a low CEC, influence of the clay content on the apparent electrical conductivity is expected to be low. Matric suction measurements were performed on dedicated duplicates for drill holes 1 and 2. For both profiles, deeper than 4 m, values are high and lie between 25 to 75 bar; around 2 to 3 m, matric suction is even higher and can reach 150 bar (Fig. 5b). At surface, it displays a rapid decrease, down to 0.05 bar at 0.1 –0.7 m below the soil surface, followed by a steep rise in the top cm for drill hole 1 (Fig. 5b). Considering that sampling occurred during the rainy season (August, 2002), such a typical ‘‘S’’ shape can be explained by recent infiltration of rain water at shallow depth, followed by incomplete re-evaporation. However, though the two holes are located at various distances from gullies (Fig. 1), very similar water potential profiles are obtained and no noticeable difference in infiltration at the time of sampling can be inferred. This can be explained by the low amount of rainfall and runoff that occurred in 2002 (see below, ‘4.4), thus preventing any significant infiltration through gullies. Gravimetric moisture content profiles are similar in drill holes 1 and 2 (Fig. 5c). The measured h w range from 1.8% to 11.3% and are closely related to the grain size distribution (Fig. 5d and e). Except for the top metre where h w partly represents recent infiltration (as shown by matric suction values), higher values systematically correspond to increases in clay content, and conversely lower values to decreases in clay content. Almost the same range of moisture (0.6 – 10.7%) is observed for drill holes 3 to 8 that S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 present a single pattern of increasing moisture with depth (for these holes, the lower moisture content near the soil surface can be explained by sampling during the dry season; Fig. 7c). Consequently, the influence of the saturation parameter S w in Eq. (1) could be considered as invariant in time, space and depth (> 2 m). Experimental conductivity of the pore water (ECwe), pH and ionic contents profiles are reported in Fig. 6 for drill holes 1 and 2 and in Fig. 7 for drill holes 3 to 8 respectively. For each profile, ECwe appears to be well correlated to ground electrical conductivity (ECg). As for ECg profiles, two distinct families of ECwe change with depth can be distinguished, being respectively represented by drill holes 1 and 2 (Fig. 6b; Fig. 7d). For profiles of the first group (drill holes 1, 3, 6, 8) ECwe is rather constant with depth (except for the first top four metres) and ranges from 4 to 24 AS cm 1; this implies a low ion content. For profiles of the second group (drill holes 2, 4, 7), the maximum ECwe lies within the range 46 to 276 AS cm 1. Drill holes 5, though related to high ECg values, display relatively low ECwe at depth and represents an exception (Fig. 7d); this may be due to local small-scale heterogeneity at the sampling location, the ECg value representing a larger ground volume. ECwe represents an integrated value of the ionic water composition. In order to determine the chemical composition of the solute content, major ion analysis (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, for cations, SO42, NO3 and Cl for anions) were performed for each sample; pH-H2O and pHKCl measurements were also performed to determine free and exchangeable H+ respectively. For these two parameters, values range between 4.6 and 8.8 pH units (pH-H2O) and between 3.9 and 8.2 pH units (pH-KCl), the positive difference ranging between 0.1 and 2.4 pH units (Fig. 6e; Fig. 7f). Ion contents are reported graphically on Fig. 6c and d for drill holes 1 and 2 and on Fig. 7b and e for drill holes 3 to 8. Increases in ECwe appear to be mainly linked with increases in NO3 for anions, and in Ca2+ for cations; for the highest solute contents (drill hole 4), NO3 and Ca2+ reach respectively 1.86 meq L 1 (288 ppm) and 1.05 meq L 1 (53 ppm). Mg2+ appears to be highly correlated with Ca2+ and follows the same variations with a lower content. Some higher levels in Ca2+ and Mg2+ correspond with increases in pH values up to 8.6 or 8.8 pH units (drill holes 2 and 4 respectively), thus suggesting the presence of carbonate minerals. SO42 content is always low (nearly 2 / 3 of the analyses are below the detection threshold) and never exceed 15% of the anion content. Cl and K+ contents are always low (< .1 meq L 1, i.e. <9 ppm) and do not correlate with the bulk mineralization. In details, the vadose zone chemistry changes in chemical composition with depth, with Na+ for cations and Cl for anions being dominant for some drill holes at discrete depths (Fig. 6; Fig. 7). These results are in good agreement with previous findings in the same region of an important small scale chemical heterogeneity within the first upper metres of the ground (Nagumo, 1992). 113 4.4. Hydrological modelling The Wankama catchment model was run on an event basis from 1992 to 2002 (Table 1). Rainfall input was recorded with rain-gauges located on the basin. The hydrological balance was computed for each cell of a 20 m resolution grid. According to the fully distributed model, for the whole period, all of the incoming flow was lost in the alluvial fan by infiltration. Runoff volumes (V D) computed at point D (the point of inflow for the alluvial fan, see Fig. 1) are compared with runoff volumes computed at the downslope endoreic pond (V p), where recharge has been shown to occur (Desconnets et al., 1997; Leduc et al., 1997). V D ranges between 5% to 16% (mean 13%) of the total surface flow production computed in the pond; this represents between 1000 and 24 000 m3 of surface water infiltrating through a sandy channel area estimated near 1 ha (17% of the active part of the alluvial fan). Compared to the surface of the pond, the infiltrating fan area appears smaller (the maximum surface of the pond is near 9 ha). However, as reported in Table 1, the maximum annual V D entering the fan (24 000 m3) exceeds the minimum V p value (23 000 m3), for which groundwater recharge was indeed observed. Therefore, all other things being equal, it could be concluded that groundwater recharge may have occurred through the alluvial fan for the 1992– 2002 period, at least for the highest computed yearly runoff. Two other points inferred from the hydrological modelling approach lie (i) in the relative importance of V D vs. V p depending on years and (ii) in the non-linear relationship between rainfall and runoff. According to computed values reported in Table 1 (and beyond the logical observation that high V D are positively correlated with high V p) the relative contribution of V D increases with total runoff (V D + V p); in other words, the higher the runoff, the more (in relative part) the fan area may contribute to deep infiltration. In Fig. 8a are displayed computed V D as a function of time for respectively a wet (1995) and dry year (2002). Fig. 8b displays total rainfall events for the same two years. Though rainfall in 1995 (513 mm) is 1.8 times higher than in 2002 (291 mm) both the number of runoff events (7 vs. 3) and the runoff volumes V D reaching the fan (24 000 vs. 4000 m3) vary in greater proportion (respectively by a factor of 2.3 and 6.0; Table 1; Fig. 8a). This further emphasizes the fact that depending on years, larger changes in runoff and eventually deep infiltration can be expected than simply inferred from changes in rainfall (Table 1). 5. Discussion 5.1. Ground electrical conductivity (ECg) interpretation In the study area, direct measurements in drill holes have shown a good relationship between ECg and ECwe (Fig. 6a and b; Fig. 7a and d). In our case, ECwe is relatively high compared to the contribution expected from a solid matrix 114 S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 Fig. 8. a) Runoff volumes computed by hydrological modelling at the point of inflow for the alluvial fan in 1995 (wet year) and 2002 (dry year). b) Measured event rainfall for these two years; vertical arrows (1 to 5) indicate dates of measurements for 2002: 1: EM-34 with 40 m intercoil spacing mapping, 2: EM-34 with 10 m intercoil spacing mapping, 3: drilling of hole 1, 4: drilling of hole 2, 5: EM-34 with 20 m intercoil spacing mapping. made of quartz and kaolinite with low CEC (estimated about 7.5 meq/100 g; Nagumo, 1992). Other matrix terms involved in ECg values, such as porosity U and granulometry do not seem to act significantly upon its observed changes (Fig. 5). Assuming that the relationships between the Archie law variables ECw and S w on one hand (Eq. (1)), and their experimental surrogates ECwe and h w on the other hand, can be acceptably approximated by some linear or power functions (i.e. of the general form y = k 1 I x k2, with constant k 1 and k 2 for a given soil), then the transformed Archie empirical law, Eq. (1), can be reformulated as: logEC g ¼ K þ alogEC we þ bloghw ð2Þ where K, a and b are new unknown constants (K incorporates in particular the effects of Eq. (1)’s a, m and U). These parameters in Eq. (2) can be estimated from the drill hole data by applying linear regression of Eq. (2) from the drill hole data, yielding K = 0.89, a = 1.3 and b = 0.87 (Fig. 9). The resulting R 2 is 0.82 with a contribution by ECwe and h w to the expressed variance respectively of 63% and 19%. This simple analytical model confirms that ECwe values play a prominent part on the ECg measurements; this observation is valid for the whole scale of ECg measurements, with no significant change in the determination coefficient with the ECg range considered. In the study area, the quasi-exclusive ECg / ECw relationship is in accordance with (i) the large, two order in magnitude change in ECwe (Fig. 6b; Fig. 7d), (ii) the kaolinic nature of the clay fraction, with consequently very low CEC and (iii) the lack of any deep infiltration during the 2002 rainy season (Fig. 5b; Fig. 8). Elsewhere in the landscape, such a simple correlation between ECg and ECw may not be observed, particularly in clayey valley bottoms (shallow water table, higher h w, smaller range of ECw and presence of vermiculite/smectite within the clay fraction; Nagumo, 1992), and for more humid periods of measurements (possibly high and transient h w signal). Within the investigated alluvial fan area, ECg changes measured by sub-surface geophysics (EM-34, DC) are interpreted in terms of changes in ECw. EM-34 mapping at 40, 20 and 10 m intercoil spacing show significant changes at small scale within the studied fan area (Figs. 2 and 3). Even if the EM34 device measures only an apparent electrical conductivity ECa in a nonuniform ground, the apparent conductivity variations measured with EM34 can be roughly related to ECg calculated from 2D electrical imaging inversion along the DC profile (Fig. 4). The EM34 apparent electrical conductivity variations are a representation of various vadose zone leaching intensities. Because the resolution is decreasing with depth, these differences are probably more related to leaching of the upper part of the investigated zone (depending on the intercoil spacing considered). Higher leaching may be observed below the densely braided channel area, whereas lower leaching is observed at distance, below fallow and millet fields (Fig. 3c). Although complex in details, the generally lower conductivity observed within the fan area expresses its hydrological functioning as a deep infiltration area. In the upper part of the fan, shifting braided channels from year to year makes difficult a detailed interpretation. In Fig. 3a and b, small changes in ECa can be noticed within the fan and could be linked with transient changes in h w; however, in most parts of the fan, the general distribution of ECa remains constant for the survey period and express a stable leaching pattern. 2D-DC electrical imaging (Fig. 4) highlighted the spatial extent of changes in solute contents already characterized by EM-34 and drill hole measurements. At surface, a leached Fig. 9. ECg computed as a function of ECg measured for the 127 measurements of the 8 drill holes with ECg = 10K I ECwea I h wb and K = 0.89, a = 1.3 and b = 0.87 (the measured ECg are reported as a function of depth in Figs. 5a and 7a; for drill holes 1 and 2, the first two metres of measurements were excluded from the data set, the ECg being impossible to be correctly measured due to broadening of the upper part of the hole during the drilling). S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 sandy layer of about 2 to 3 m in thickness is observed throughout the transect, and could represent the mean annual depth of rain water infiltration. More in depth, a high solute content layer is mostly present between 4 to 10 m. Different hypotheses about this solute accumulation are developed in conclusion. To the best of our knowledge, no previous evidence of a high mineralized vadose zone layer had been reported before in the region, as soil studies were restricted to the first top metres of the ground. This deep mineralized layer is interrupted at discrete places, below the main sandy channels (Fig. 4); this denotes occasional deep leaching, down to depth of at least 10 m (for minor channels, this relationship is less obvious, due to lower runoff and/or more recent functioning). Between this depth down to more than 25 m (the maximum drilling depth, at hole 1), the vadose zone displays lower solute contents, as reported in DC modelling (Fig. 4). A calculation of model uncertainty (not shown here) using RES2DINV software displays an uncertainty percentage ranging between 20% and 30% below the depth of 20 m. This uncertainty remains probably underestimated: for the drill hole 1, the inversion displays a value of 900 V m, while the resistivity logging displays a value of 1250 V m, indicating a 38% difference. However, those uncertainties remain relatively low and it can be concluded that the 2D electrical imaging provides a reliable estimate of the bulk conductivity down to 30 m. 5.2. Dynamics of deep infiltration One of the main challenges when dealing with groundwater in semiarid areas is to determine the main process in play for deep infiltration and eventually groundwater recharge (Simmers, 2003). The results from this study, using sub-surface geophysics and vadose zone chemistry, confirm previous conclusions obtained with other methods in southwestern Niger: deep infiltration and groundwater recharge follow an indirect process, occurring only where surface runoff concentrates (Leduc et al., 1997; Desconnets et al., 1997; Favreau et al., 2002). For the studied fan area, hydrological modelling shows that runoff and deep infiltration are largely discontinuous, both at an intra-seasonal and inter-annual scale (Fig. 8); annual runoff and deep infiltration vary by about one order of magnitude for the investigated decade (Table 1). This result is consistent with previous studies (e.g. Cappelaere et al., 2003) that showed that runoff is more dependent on rainfall events distribution and magnitude than on annual rainfall amount. Next to the study area, infiltration capacity of sandy gullies was reported in Peugeot et al. (2003) at 450 mm h 1. Considering the 1 ha surface of sandy channels in the alluvial fan, the infiltration capacity could reach 4500 m3 h 1 and therefore easily infiltrate the mean runoff event of 1600 m3 computed at point D for the studied decade. A changing pattern of deep infiltration has also to be considered for the fan area, considering its long-term dynamics. Following land clearance for the last decades, a 115 general runoff increase by a factor close to three has been computed at the catchment scale (Seguis et al., 2004). This increase in runoff has led to an upslope shifting of the D point (Fig. 1) due to the progradation of sandy deposits. Aerial photographs from 1950, 1992 and 1998 show that it moved westwards by about 143 m between 1950 and 1992, and of 79 m between 1992 and 1998. In Fig. 3c, the large, low conductive area, interpreted as being the most leached zone of the fan, appears to be located downslope of the densely braided gully zone, where the most active infiltration is supposed to occur. Considering the westwards movement of the fan for the last decades, the downslope location of the most leached zone within the study area can be interpreted as an integrated result of past leaching and deep infiltration in the downward part of the fan. 5.3. Solute content of the vadose zone Chemical analyses of the vadose zone solute contents were performed in order to decipher their possible origin. A comparison with the dry and wet deposition reported for the area (Ca and N dominated; Drees et al., 1993; Freydier et al., 1998; Galy-Lacaux and Modi, 1998) show that the chemical composition of the most mineralized part of the vadose zone (Ca, Na and NO3 dominate, in various proportions) could only partly be explained by a simple rainfall infiltration– re-evaporation process. On the other hand, the matrix mineralogy is mostly made of quartz and kaolinite and its incongruent dissolution could not lead to the observed vadose zone chemistry. Considering that all of the solute content stored in the vadose zone originates from atmospheric deposits (dust deposits and rainfall events), calculations based on published inputs (Drees et al., 1993; Freydier et al., 1998; Galy-Lacaux and Modi, 1998) show large discrepancies for the time scale required for accumulation, depending on the element considered. For instance, for the most mineralized part of drill hole 2 (the vadose zone between 5 and 11 m, representing 75% of the solute content of the profile; Fig. 6), the equivalent time scale for the accumulated solute content would range from about 100 years for Cl, up to 1200 years for Na (marine constituents), while of about 300 years for Ca (terrigenous constituent). Obviously, other sources and processes may be involved. Within the study region, in cultivated areas and fallows with the same dominant shrub species (G. senegalensis) Wezel et al. (2000) described an important small scale variability of the chemical properties of the top 0.10 m of the soil; they showed that the chemical composition of the shrub litter seems to influence the degree of soil enrichment. In southwestern Niger, another possible source of nutrients lies in the nitrogen fixing process, either by leguminous woody plants (Acacia sp.) or by microbial crusts at the soil surface (Malam Issa et al., 2001). All of these sub-surface processes can contribute to the complex, nitrogen-rich solute content observed at depth within the unsaturated zone. A detailed study of the deep unsaturated zone, that 116 S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 could include isotope analysis for the biogenic constituents (15N – NO3, 14C/13C of organic C) or transient neutron probe measurements would be necessary to determine whether processes having led to this deep accumulation of solute are still active (e.g. by occasional deep infiltration followed by transpiration through deep rooting) or represent paleoconditions dating back to the humid periods of the late Quaternary. Though deep rooting cannot be ruled out, most studies have shown that G. senegalensis mostly extract water from the top two metres of the soil (Brunel et al., 1997; Gaze et al., 1998). The well known deep rooting Faidherbia albida is also present on the site but its today’s density is too low to explain the observed high solute content within the deep unsaturated zone. Further analyses are obviously needed to better interpret the vertical distribution and solute fluxes within the deep vadose zone. 6. Conclusion This local scale study of an alluvial fan in southwestern Niger combines sub-surface geophysics, vadose zone analysis and hydrological modelling. Two main conclusions can be outlined: (1) Channels in the alluvial fan act as preferential pathways for deep infiltration. By exploring the deep part of the unsaturated zone, our results confirm the occurrence of leaching down to 10 m below sandy channels. On the basis of hydrological modelling at the catchment scale for the decade 1992 – 2002, computations show that infiltration through the fan range from 1000 to 24 000 m3, i.e. between 5% and 16% of surface water reaching the final outlet of the basin, an endoreic pond where recharge to the aquifer occurs annually. In the study area, deep infiltration and eventually groundwater recharge was reported to occur only through endoreic ponds, where surface runoff concentrates (Desconnets et al., 1997; MartinRosales and Leduc, 2003). This study demonstrates that deep infiltration can also occur episodically through alluvial fans on sandy slopes, thus representing additional potential sites for groundwater recharge. This result confirms previous hydrological investigation in nearby catchments that showed important surface water losses through sandy gullies for intense runoff events (Peugeot, 1995; Esteves and Lapetite, 2003). However, our conclusion differs from a similar study in Burkina – Faso (granitic context with very clayey regolith), where surface water was reported to infiltrate not deeper than 0.80 m below main gullies (Descloitres et al., 2003). As outlined by Poesen et al. (2003), further studies are needed to better understand how gullies interact with hydrological processes and to determine their importance in hydrological balances. (2) Next to recharge areas, there is a continuous layer, approximately located between 5 and 10 m below the soil surface, where the vadose zone displays high solute contents. This second conclusion is of much interest for the hydrological and geochemical balance of soil studies. To the best of our knowledge, the presence of a (quasi) continuous mineralized soil layer at depth between about 5 and 10 m below the soil surface was unknown in the area. Buerkert and Hiernaux (1998) have emphasized the complex pattern of nutrient transfers in the West African Sahelian zone. Considering the possibility for some Sahelian trees to reach several ten metres below the soil surface (e.g. Faidherbia albida; Canadell et al., 1996) there is obviously the need to take into account a deeper part of the vadose zone to balance hydrological and nutrient cycles for the Sahelian biome. For groundwater recharge and salinity, the existence of a nitrate-rich layer at depth within the vadose zone appears as a key information to explain some observed changes with time. In southwestern Niger, some seasonal and long-term changes in groundwater chemistry have been observed near infiltrating ponds (Elbaz-Poulichet et al., 2002); these changes have been explained by seasonal recharge and leaching of the thick unsaturated zone. Our results, by identifying an important source of solute for the hydrological cycle, confirm and clarify this interpretation. In particular, some important increases in nitrate content that occurred during exceptional recharge events, at distance from any usual source of pollution (Favreau et al., 2003), could be explained by leaching of nitrate-rich layers of the vadose zone by massive infiltration of surface water. From a methodological point of view, the absence of any relationship between chloride and bulk mineralization is another puzzling observation. In semiarid areas, the Chloride Mass Balance (CMB) method has been widely used to infer groundwater recharge rates, assuming that the Cl content closely represents the bulk salinity of the vadose zone under piston-flow recharge process (e.g. Bromley et al., 1997). However, in our study area, considering deep infiltration and groundwater recharge as a steady pistonflow process is probably not relevant. As for soil studies, a better description of the deep unsaturated zone appears as a basic prerequisite for groundwater recharge studies in semiarid areas. This study has shown the importance of combining various methods to obtain reliable results on deep infiltration through a thick unsaturated zone. In our zone, a simple relation between soil solution conductivity (deduced from soils samples) and an apparent electrical conductivity measured by geophysics has been evidenced. As outlined in other semiarid areas (Cook et al., 1989; Scanlon et al., 1999a,b) apparent electrical conductivity mapping used to delineate changes in recharge rates and process appears as a powerful method that should be used more systematically S. Massuel et al. / Catena 67 (2006) 105 – 118 for groundwater recharge studies. When adding more sophisticated geophysical tools such as 2D electrical imaging or vadose zone electrical logging, quantification between electrical conductivity and other pertinent parameters becomes a definite advantage to better understand the processes of deep infiltration and groundwater recharge. Acknowledgements This study was funded by IRD and partly by a PhD grant from the University of Montpellier II. O. Ribolzi, H. Robain, J. Touma, L. Barbiéro and L. Ruiz (IRD) are thanked for helpful discussions that improved the data interpretation. The collaboration of Sandrine Caquineau (IRD-Bondy), Monique Oı̈ (Hydrosciences Montpellier), François Monat and Abdoulaye Koné (IRD, Niamey) and of the DRE in Niger (Direction of Hydraulic Resources, Ministry of Water Resources, Niamey) are warmly acknowledged. References Archie, G.E., 1942. The electrical resistivity log as an aid in determining some reservoir characteristics. Am. Inst. Min., Metall. Pet. Eng. Tech., paper 1422. Beauvais, A., Ritz, M., Parisot, J.C., Bantsimba, C., Dukhan, M., 2004. Combined ERT and GPR methods for investigating two-stepped lateritic weathering systems. Geoderma 119, 121 – 132. Bielders, C.L., Michels, K., Rajot, J.L., 2000. On-farm evaluation of ridging and residue management practices to reduce wind erosion in Niger. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64, 1776 – 1785. Bromley, J., Edmunds, W.M., Fellman, E., Brouwer, J., Gaze, S.R., Sudlow, J., Taupin, J.D., 1997. 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Geografia, Avenida Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338, CEP 05508-000, Universidade de São Paulo-SP, Brazil Received 5 April 2006; received in revised form 22 October 2006; accepted 27 October 2006 Abstract Biogeochemical and hydrological cycles are currently studied on a small experimental forested watershed (4.5 km2) in the semi-humid South India. This paper presents one of the first data referring to the distribution and dynamics of a widespread red soil (Ferralsols and Chromic Luvisols) and black soil (Vertisols and Vertic intergrades) cover, and its possible relationship with the recent development of the erosion process. The soil map was established from the observation of isolated soil profiles and toposequences, and surveys of soil electromagnetic conductivity (EM31, Geonics Ltd), lithology and vegetation. The distribution of the different parts of the soil cover in relation to each other was used to establish the dynamics and chronological order of formation. Results indicate that both topography and lithology (gneiss and amphibolite) have influenced the distribution of the soils. At the downslope, the following parts of the soil covers were distinguished: i) red soil system, ii) black soil system, iii) bleached horizon at the top of the black soil and iv) bleached sandy saprolite at the base of the black soil. The red soil is currently transforming into black soil and the transformation front is moving upslope. In the bottom part of the slope, the chronology appears to be the following: black soil N bleached horizon at the top of the black soil N streambed N bleached horizon below the black soil. It appears that the development of the drainage network is a recent process, which was guided by the presence of thin black soil with a vertic horizon less than 2 m deep. Three distinctive types of erosional landforms have been identified: 1. rotational slips (Type 1); 2. a seepage erosion (Type 2) at the top of the black soil profile; 3. A combination of earthflow and sliding in the non-cohesive saprolite of the gneiss occurs at midslope (Type 3). Types 1 and 2 erosion are mainly occurring downslope and are always located at the intersection between the streambed and the red soilblack soil contact. Neutron probe monitoring, along an area vulnerable to erosion types 1 and 2, indicates that rotational slips are caused by a temporary watertable at the base of the black soil and within the sandy bleached saprolite, which behaves as a plane of weakness. The watertable is induced by the ephemeral watercourse. Erosion type 2 is caused by seepage of a perched watertable, which occurs after swelling and closing of the cracks of the vertic clay horizon and within a light textured and bleached horizon at the top of black soil. Type 3 erosion is not related to the red soil–black soil system but is caused by the seasonal seepage of saturated throughflow in the sandy saprolite of the gneiss occurring at midslope. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Erosion; Structural analysis; Electromagnetic induction; Chromic Luvisol; Vertisol; South India ⁎ Corresponding author. Indo-French Cell for Water Sciences (IRD-IISc Joint Laboratory), Indian Institute of Science, 560 012, Bangalore, India. E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Barbiéro). 0341-8162/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2006.10.013 314 L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 1. Introduction In recent years, several studies are carried out to understand the bio-geochemical cycles of major and trace elements, to calculate the mechanical erosion and chemical weathering rates, to estimate the role of the major parameters (relief, climate, lithology, vegetation, anthropisation…) that are likely to control the chemical weathering processes, to quantify the effects of rock chemical weathering on the carbon cycle and to find its potential role on climate changes (Gaillardet et al., 1997, 1999; Oliva et al., 2003). The integrated study of small watersheds is one of the best ways to provide direct and accurate information for the analysis of ecosystems. Although this integrated ecosystem approach is common for the temperate zone, it has not yet been widely applied to the tropics and especially under semi-humid climate (White et al., 1998; Braun et al., 2005). Such a study is currently developed on small experimental watersheds in South India, namely, surface and groundwater flow (Descloitres et al., in press), regolith thickness and chemical weathering, physical erosion, dynamic of the soil cover and including interactions among the aforementioned aspects (Braun et al., 2006). Although it is widely known today that internal transformation of a soil cover can influence or even govern landscape evolution through intensification or decrease of physical erosion (whatever could be the parental material or topographical gradient, Boulet et al., 1977; Planchon et al., 1987; Filizola and Boulet, 1996; Barbiéro et al., 1998; Furian et al., 1999), the soil cover itself is still a black box in many studies on soil erosion. Moreover, very little is known about natural erosion in forested areas in South India where human activity is minimal, although features of erosion have been observed. The aim of this study is to identify the dynamic and to present the main factors intrinsic to the soil cover that govern natural erosion on a forest area with a widespread red and black soil system, by using a structural and a spatially distributed approach. 2. Site In South India, the Western Ghats parallel to the western coast of the peninsula form an orographic barrier, inducing an important climatic gradient, with annual rainfall decreasing progressively from about 5000 mm in the west, to less than 750 mm just 80 km to the east (Pascal, 1982; Fig. 1). The climatic sequence (climosequence) is associated with changes in landscape geomorphology from convex hills intermittent with flat floors to long concave glacis (Gunnell and Bourgeon, 1997; Gunnell, 2000). In connection with the geomorphological changes, the soil types (FAO-ISRICISSS, 1998) range from Ferralsols to thin red soils (Chromic Luvisols) associated with black soils (Vertisol, Vertic intergrades) in the climatic semi-humid transition area, and in the semi-arid area we find Calcic Luvisol and Calcic Vertisol (Murthy et al., 1982; Pal and Deshpande, 1987; Bourgeon, 1991; Jacks and Sharma, 1995; Gunnell, 2000). This association of red soils (Luvisols) and black soil (Vertisols) is widespread on the semi-humid to semi-arid area of the Deccan plateau (Bourgeon, 1991). The passage in the clay mineralogy from the kaolinite-dominated humid area to the smectite-dominated semi-arid area is achieved progressively via an intermediate area with 2:1 K clay such as illite and sericite (Bourgeon and Pedro, 1992). Fig. 1. Climatic gradient on the backslope of the Western Ghats (black lines are isohyets), main river course and location of the Mulehole studied site in southern India (modified from Gunnell and Bourgeon, 1997). L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 Red soils occurring in the current seasonal semi-humid to semi-arid conditions (b1500 mm annual rainfall and high evapotranspiration) have been considered as Paleosols or relict soils (non-buried Paleosols) that formed in an earlier period with a moister climate than the present, but this assertion is still under debate. Some authors consider that the climatic conditions are not conducive to the soil-forming processes of red soils such as deep weathering and kaolinite formation (Bronger and Bruhn, 1989; Brückner and Bruhn, 1992). However, Gunnell and Bourgeon (1997) emphasize that the presence of clay minerals yielding an X-ray diffraction peak at 7 Å in dry climatic zone does not necessarily mean that these are inherited from a Paleosol formed in more humid periods in the past. They suggested further analysis, and in particular the comprehensive down-profile consideration of the entire spectrum of minerals, before reaching a conclusion. In the prevailing semi-arid conditions (b 900 mm annual rainfall), secondary carbonate is currently accumulating in the saprolite and lower parts of the red soil horizons (Bronger et al., 2000). Micromorphological studies of the calcrete in the semi-arid area reveal a multistage origin (Durand et al., 2006) and recent dating of calcrete nodules suggests fairly stable climatic conditions at the ≥ 200 ky time scale (Durand et al., in press). The climatic and pedoclimatic conditions are decisive in the formation of red soils (Bourgeon, 1991), whereas the formation of black soils depends mainly on the slow down of the solution and lack of drainage usually in bottom part of the landscape. In black soils, the presence of smectite clay minerals causes appreciable shrink–swell, which induces formation of cracks and distinctive structural elements such as wedge-shaped peds with smooth or slickensided surfaces (Bourgeon, 1991). 315 Field work was carried out on a 4.5 km2 watershed located in Bandipur National Park, close to the Mulehole check post at 11° 44' N and 76° 27' E (Karnataka state, Chamrajnagar district). The watershed area is mostly undulating with gentle slopes and the elevation of the watershed ranges from 820 to 910 m above sea level. Because it belonged to the hunting reserve of the Maharaja of Mysore, the region has been preserved from agricultural activity at least since the 17th century. Later it was incorporated into the Bandipur National Park, and today the only human activities are limited to surveillance by the rangers of the Forest Department. The studied site is located in the climatic semi-humid transition area (Fig. 1) and the mean annual rainfall (n = 20 years) is 1120 mm. The climate is characterized by recurrent but non-periodic droughts, depending on monsoon flows. The mean yearly temperature is around 27 °C. Streams are temporary flowing for a few hours to a few days after the stormy events of the rainy season. Rainfall and runoff measured at the outlet of the Mulehole watershed were respectively 431 mm and 1 mm in 2003, 1216 mm and 59 mm in 2004, and 1434 mm and 181 mm in 2005. The substratum belongs stratigraphically to the Precambrian Dharwar supergroup (Moyen et al., 2001) and consists of gneiss with amphibolites and quartz dykes. The mean strike value is N80°, with a dip angle ranging from 75° to the vertical. The vegetation consists of dry deciduous forest (Pascal, 1982; Agarwala, 1985; Pascal, 1986) where 4 different types of vegetation have been identified: 1 — a forest with vegetation mainly dominated by three species, namely Anogeissus latifolia, Terminalia alata and Tectona grandis, called ‘ATT facies’. 2 — a vegetation called ‘Shorea facies’ characterized by the presence of Shorea roburghii and Fig. 2. The studied watershed of Mulehole, topography (in metre), streams, North–South ECm measurement transects (……) and soil sequences T1 and T2. 316 L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 Lagerstroemia microcarpa. 3 — the ‘Swamp facies’ consisting of grass-covered glades with scattered trees (Ceristoides turgida). 4 — the discontinuous ‘riverine facies’ along the talwegs characterized by the presence of Syzygium cumini, Mangifera indica, Ficus recemosa and Derris indica. The first 3 above-mentioned vegetation ‘facies’ have been identified in the Mulehole watershed, whereas the fourth one was not clearly developed and/or occupied very small area. 3. Method 3.1. Study at the watershed scale A contour Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was generated from 2780 topographical measurements on the area (Fig. 2), with higher density close to the talwegs and to the main topographical changes. An exhaustive GPS georeferenced survey of the streambeds and the soil erosion pattern was carried out for the entire watershed. The eroded soil volume was roughly estimated by measuring the length, width and thickness of each eroded area in relation to the surrounding non-eroded area. Electromagnetic induction is becoming widespread for soil survey in general, although it has been used mainly for the monitoring of spatial and temporal changes in soil salinity (Corwin et al., 2006). Preliminary studies on the watershed have shown that red and black soils have a different apparent electrical conductivity (EC). Therefore, soil distribution was first attempted by conducting an electromagnetic conductivity survey, using an EM31 portable device (Geonics Ltd, Ontario, Canada). The device measures an apparent conductivity (ECm values) in milliSiemens per metre (mS/m). The EM31 has a fixed 3.66 m space between the coils (transmitter and receiver) and the measurements were carried in the vertical dipole configuration, which affords an investigation depth of about 4 to 6 m (McNeill, 1980). The measurements were carried out along 31 North– South oriented transects and with a space of 100 m between the transects (Fig. 2). The measurement points were taken and stored automatically by a data logger every 5 s. A Global Positioning System (GPS) was coupled with the EM31 device in order to get the geographical coordinates of each measurement point (Cannon et al., 1994). The survey was carried out in January 2004, i.e. in the middle of the dry season. The ECm data underwent a geostatistical treatment before kriging. Duplicates were removed from the data set before treatment, on the basis of a 2 m tolerance in the X and Y directions. These duplicates are due to local difficulties in progressing through the vegetation or in crossing obstacles (topographic accidents) during the survey. A chi-squared test showed that the data might not be assumed to have a normal distribution. Therefore, the calculation was performed on a theoretical distribution of the data by lognormal transformation as recommended by Dowd (1982), zðxi Þ ¼ lnðsðxi ÞÞ ð1Þ where s(xi) is the ECm data at xi, z(xi) is the log-transformed data. An estimate of the sample variogram is given by the formula: N ðhÞ gðhÞ ¼ 1 X ðzðxi Þ−zðxi þ hÞÞ2 2N ðhÞ i¼1 ð2Þ Where N(h) is the number of pairs of points and z(xi) and z(xi+h) are the logarithms of the ECm values at xi and xi+h. Fig. 3. Plan view of the toposequence T1, red and black soils distribution, streambed and neutron probe access holes. L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 Raw and directional variogram were calculated to detect a possible anisotropy in the field. The kriged map is built from a model of variogram fitted to the sample variogram. In order to relate the ECm map to the soil distribution, forward modelling was carried out using the PCloop software (Geonics, Ltd) and was based on (i) the theoretical response of the EM31 over an horizontally layered medium (McNeill, 1980); (ii) resistivity measurements of representative horizons in red and black soils along soil profile; and (iii) resistivity logging down auger holes drilled into representative soils (Ferralsols, Luvisols and Vertisols). A geological survey was carried out from the identification of about 300 georeferenced rock outcrops within the watershed and the extrapolation of the data was carried out using the ECm survey. The development of vegetation depends narrowly on the hydric regime of the soil, and consequently on the type and thickness of soil. Therefore, a survey of the three main types of vegetation, namely the ATT, Shorea and Swamp facies was carried out across the watershed in order to extrapolate the soil data. 3.2. Comprehensive study along soil sequences Two soil sequences were studied on the watershed (Fig. 2). An existing spoon-shaped erosional landform (rotational slip type) was targeted for the excavation of a 80 m long trench (T1) in order to understand the soil morphology of the portions of landscape vulnerable to soil erosion (Figs. 3 and 4A). The second soil sequence (T2) located where the streambed appears to be currently incising (just a few metres upstream from the current incision, Fig. 4E), was studied in order to understand if any specific morphology of the soil cover could favour the development of the talweg. The soil pattern was studied in detail, emphasizing the geometrical relationships between the different horizons identified from basic field observations (colour, texture, structure, porosity, presence of coarse elements, intensity of biological activity…). The procedure follows routine techniques developed by Boulet et al. (1982) and Fritsch et al. (1992). In the first step, 2D electrical imaging was performed around toposequence T1 to locate the red soil/black soil contact and to characterize its morphology. Five boreholes were drilled down to the saprolite in the red soil, black soil and transition area, along a line parallel located at a distance of 5 m from T1 (Fig. 3). The different horizons of the boreholes were identified and compared to the description from the trench T1 in order to map the layout of the red soil– black soil system. Soil moisture was monitored during the rainy seasons 2004 and 2005 through neutron probe measurements (soil moisture probe type I.H. II, Didcot Instrument Co. Ltd., Abingdon Oxon, England). Measurements were carried out at every 10 cm, every 15 days, and daily during heavy rainy periods. Between two successive neutron probe measurement periods, the boreholes were clogged 317 with inflatable rubber tubes inserted into the holes in order to prevent any infiltration from the topsoil runoff or along the hole during rainfall. For each horizon, a relationship was established between the neutron probe measurements and the volumetric water content. For this purpose, bulk samples were collected while drilling holes and immediately placed and sealed in metallic boxes. Simultaneously the neutron probe measurements were carried out at the corresponding depth. Gravimetric water content was determined in the laboratory by weighing the samples before and after oven drying for 24 h at 105 °C. This procedure was carried out at the end of the dry season (dry state) in the monitored holes and at the end of the monsoon season (wet state) in new holes drilled at about 50 cm away from the previous ones. The bulk density was measured using the paraffin method on aggregates collected along the trench T1 in each horizon (Singer, 1986). The volumetric water content in the boreholes was estimated by multiplying the gravimetric water content by the bulk density of the corresponding horizon. The calibration was established for each horizon using linear regression between the volumetric water content against the R/Rw ratio, where R denotes the number of counts per second of neutron probe in soil and Rw denotes the number of counts per second in a water standard. The calibration was established on a volumetric water content range of 16 to 31% in red soil (horizons 2, 3, 4 and 5), 21 to 35% in black soil (horizons 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11), 12 to 30% in organic topsoil horizon (6), and 13% to 29% in the saprolite (horizons 1 and 13). 4. Results 4.1. ECm measurements and ECm survey From the 10,935 ECm measurement points, 439 duplicates were discarded before treatment. The conductivity values range between 0.1 and 52 mS/m, with an average value of 7.21 mS/m, and a standard deviation of 7.06 mS/m. The variation coefficient (0.98) indicates a low dispersion of the data around this average value. The experimental variogram built from log-transformed ECm data is presented in Fig. 5. A slight anisotropy is detected by comparing the raw and directional variogram, showing a higher dependence of the ECm values in the direction N63.6° (East-Northeast/West-Southwest). This anisotropy was taken into account for the kriging computation. In N63.6° direction the experimental variogram shows a nugget effect of almost zero, a range of about 300 m and the scale of 0.105 (log value), and therefore it fits better with an exponential model with the following characteristics: Scale = 0.105; range = 300 m. The kriged map presented on Fig. 6 shows that the soil electromagnetic conductivity is not distributed regularly throughout the watershed. High conductivity values are located in the flat bottom part of the watershed and on some 318 L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 Fig. 4. A) A rotational slip erosional landform (erosion type 1) was targeted for the excavation of an 80 m long trench (T1); B) seepage erosion (type 2) at the top of black soil profile; C) midslope erosional landform (type 3) resulting from the combination of seepage and mass movements into the non-cohesive material of the gneiss saprolite; D) rotational slip, the material has been partially evacuated; E) linear depression where the stream is currently incising; F) detail of the profile in the depression of T2 showing the vertic structure (defined by vertical and sub-horizontal cracks indicated by arrows) preserved in the sandy material due to silica cementation (knife is about 25 cm); G) roots of Tectona grandis crossing the streambed at about 1 m high from the bottom, indicating recent incision. L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 319 where, namely in the valley bottom, along the slope or on the crest line. Paragneiss is dominant and consist mainly of quartz, feldspar (plagioclase and potassic) with a low quantity of biotite. Bedrock exposures are usually poorly weathered, except along the talweg at the higher third of the watershed where the gneiss occurs as non-cohesive loose saprolite. 4.3. Vegetation survey and soil–vegetation relationships Fig. 5. Experimental variogram for electromagnetic conductivity (ECm) data and adjusted model. areas on the crest line, while low conductivity values are mainly observed along the slopes. 4.2. Geology As presented on the lithological map (Fig. 7), most of the watershed is developed on paragneiss (peninsular gneiss) and basic rocks (amphibolite and derived facies). The latter cover about 17% of the watershed and are not related to any particular topographic locations. They can be found any- The ATT vegetation type is dominant, covering about 70% of the watershed, and has developed on both, thick red soils and thin black soils with a vertic horizon usually less than 1 m thick. A few isolated Ceristoides trees have developed into the ATT type although they are usually associated with Swamp vegetation. In this case, the presence of the Ceristoides is always associated to higher ECm values and with the presence of a 0.5-m-thick black soil developed from an alternation of metre-thick veins of gneiss and amphibolite saprolite. However, Ceristoides is absent in the southeastern part of the watershed with ATT vegetation type and high ECm values. Observations carried out along auger holes and a pit indicated that in this area, close to the topsoil (e.g. at 0.3 m depths), we also find the presence of a conductive saprolite consisting of weathered amphibolites. The Swamp vegetation type is mainly located in the low parts of the watershed with some spots along the crest line, and always associated with higher ECm values. Field observations indicated that it grows exclusively on thick black soils (N2 m) in the lower part of the watershed as well as on the crest, covering about 5% of the area. The Shorea vegetation type covering about 15% of the watershed occurs Fig. 6. Kriged map of soil electromagnetic conductivity (ECm) at the Mulehole watershed. 320 L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 Fig. 7. Lithological map of the studied area. on very shallow red soil overlying a sandy gneiss saprolite found very close to the topsoil (0.2–0.4 m below the topographic surface). 4.4. Soil distribution The map presented on Fig. 8 was drawn from the overlay of ECm, lithology and vegetation survey and crosschecked with about 60 isolated soil observations. A clear relationship was observed between the soil electromagnetic conductivity and certain soil characteristics explained below. Ferralsols are usually 2 to 3 m thick and have lower conductivity, whereas Luvisols are thinner and have higher conductivity. Since the EM31 response depends on both the thickness and the apparent conductivity, no significant contrast was detected with this method, and it does not make it possible to discriminate the spots of Ferralsols from the surrounding Chromic Luvisols. Therefore, both Ferralsols and Luvisols have been grouped together into a red soil unit. The boundary between red and black soils was identified at an ECm value of 8–10 mS/m (0.9 to 1 log value) and ECm values above 18 mS/m (1.26 log value) indicates thick black soil, and this boundary is strictly in agreement with the distribution of the Swamp vegetation type. However, although the relationship between ECm and soil type was tested in many places on the watershed, it was not valid for the southeastern part where the saprolite of an amphibolite type rocks was observed close to the topsoil and associated to higher ECm values (Fig. 7). The major part of the watershed is covered by red soils that are about 1 or 2 m thick and can reach about 4 m at certain locations. Thin red soils (about 0.2 to 0.5 m thick) overlying loose gneiss saprolite and associated with the Shorea vegetation are mainly located on the central wash divide between the two main talwegs and in a discontinuous crescent-shaped area along the slopes. Black soils have developed on two types of location: (i) the low-lying area, occupying the lower part of the slope and the flat valley bottoms. Black soil areas are about 2 m thick at the perimeter but can reach more than 6 m at the centre. They have developed from both gneiss and amphibolite saprolite. (ii) At higher levels black soils are about 0.2 to 0.5 m thick, except at the depressions (50 to 100 m in diameter) on the crest line where the black soils can reach 2.5 m. They are always associated with gneiss, which alternates with amphibolites. 4.5. Streambed features and soil–streambed relationships Although the stream is meandering in the valley bottom, there is no undermining of the banks in the convex curves or point-bar deposits inside meanders, and the stream seems to have sunk on its own bed. The bottom of the streambed is steep-sided of about 2 to 4 m and flows on the hard saprolite on the lower 2/3 of the watershed, and on the soil cover on the upper 1/3 part of the watershed. At several places of lower third of the watershed, roots of trees such as Tectona grandis are occasionally crossing the streambed at about 1 m from the bottom (Fig. 4G). A peculiar distribution of streambed was observed in relation to the black soil developed downslope: When the streambed enters a black soil area, it does not flow straight through it but gets around the thick black soil area and meanders into the thin black soil as shown on Fig. 8. L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 321 Fig. 8. Soil cover on Mulehole watershed and distribution of erosion spots. 1 — rotational slip; 2 — seepage erosion at the top of black soil; 3 — seepage erosion and mass movement in non-cohesive saprolite at midslope. 4.6. Types and distribution of erosion spots All the erosion spots are located in the vicinity of the talwegs (i.e. less than 30 m). Three main types of erosion were identified (Sidle et al., 1985) and their descriptive statistics are given in Table 1. The first and the most widespread type is a rotational slip (25 sites) with vertical edges, whose standard dimensions are about 5 m wide, 25 m long and 2 m deep (Fig. 4A and D). In most of the slips, the material has been subsequently evacuated towards the stream. This type of erosion is well developed in the bottom area and within the lowest third of the watershed. All the slips are distributed at the crossing between the streambeds and the iso-conductivity line of 11 mS/m, i.e. very close to the contact between red and black soils. More precisely they are slightly inside the black soil area (Fig. 8) and always develop towards the red soil domain. The second type (14 sites) refers to superficial erosional scars whose widths and lengths are about 2 or 3 m, respectively, with depths of about 0.5 m thick (Fig. 4B). This landform is provoked by occasional seepage occurring at the top of the black soils at a textural contrast between a clay horizon and the sandy topsoil horizons with many coarse elements such as ferruginous nodules, quartz, etc. It was found in several places such as at the bottom parts of the watershed, along the slopes and close to the crest line. The third type (7 spots) is much wider than types 1 and 2 and the average eroded soil volume reaches 3300 m3 per spot (Fig. 4C). Although the lower part is predominantly a flow movement, the upper part involves recurrent small sliding. It has developed in the vicinity of the streambeds, but only at places where the non-cohesive saprolite of the gneiss is close to the topsoil. In other words it occurs within the uppermost third of the watershed and at the intersection between the streambeds and the crescent-shaped area where the Shorea vegetation was surveyed. 4.7. Soil morphology at the red soil–black soil contact Fig. 9a shows the soil distribution pattern along the contact between red and black soil, which can be easily divided into two domains. Upslope, a 3 m-thick red soil overlies white gneiss saprolite. In the saprolite (1) the structure and the sub-vertical foliation of the rock itself is still preserved. Five horizons (2 to 6) have been distinguished in the red soil. From the bottom to the top of the profile, these horizons differ mainly by their colour evolving from grey (7.5YR6/1), brown (7.5YR4/4), reddish-brown (7.5 to 5YR4/4) then red (5YR4/3 to 4/2), and also by the structure evolving from angular blocky to micro-aggregate and granular. Ferruginous nodules (3 to 6 mm) are observed from the top of the gneiss saprolite to the topsoil horizon (6), with a maximum of concentration at the top of horizon (4). The Table 1 Descriptive statistics of the erosion area at Mulehole watershed Erosion type Number of spots Type 1: rotational slips 25 Type 2: seepage erosion 14 Type 3: recurrent combination of 7 earthflow and sliding Mean eroded Standard soil volume deviation of eroded soil m3 volume 250 5 3300 48 1.4 926 322 L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 above-described horizons (2 to 6) are parallel to each other and to the topography of the slope. Downslope, lateral morphological changes occur from the bottom of the soil to almost close to the topsoil, where clay films coat the structural faces of the soil aggregates. The presence of clay films defines horizon (7), which intersects horizons (2), (3), and (4) without changing their respective structures. The clay films become thicker in horizon (7) while moving downslope and it progressively turns into a 10 to 20 cm-thick clay horizon (8), which is dark red–brown (5 to 7.5YR3/2 to 4/2) with a coarse angular blocky structure. The blocks are compact, hard and separated by vertical and sub-horizontal cracks but without slickensides. Horizons (7) and (8) have many ferruginous nodules, and they extend the maximum of nodules observed into horizon 4. Horizon (9) differs from horizon (8) wherein the colour shifts to dark brown (5 to 7.5YR3/2 to 2/2) and the structure becomes clearly vertic (15 cm wide) with sub-horizontal slickensides. Horizon (10) below (9) is horizontal, concordant with the flat valley bottom occupied by black soil cover on the right side of Fig. 9b. It is more greyish (10YR3/1 to 3/2) and the vertic structure of about 7 to 8 cm is still dominant but with an angular blocky sub-structure. At horizon (11) the soil material progressively turns into saprolite of the gneiss in which the lithologic structure is still preserved. Isolated volumes of the saprolite preserving the orientation of the parental material are observed up to the base of horizon (10). In addition to the above-mentioned description, two bleached horizons have been identified, discriminated from a contrast in colour (lighter) and texture (more sandy) and structure (massive). The first one (12) lies above horizons (7) and (8), evolving downslope progressively from dark (5YR3/ 2) clay–sand to light (7.5YR4.5/3) sand. In this horizon the bleaching increases downslope and there is a higher proportion of coarse elements (centimetre-sized angular quartz fragments, ferruginous nodules). The presence of nodules is an extension from the already mentioned nodules in horizons (4), (7) and (8). At the upslope part of horizon (12), the coarse elements are separated from each other by a sandy clay matrix whereas downslope they are more frequently in contact with each other. Towards the stream, horizon (12) becomes thicker and its organisation intersects the black soil system comprising of horizons (8) to (11). Horizon (12) is itself intersected by the incision of the talweg, but a similar sandy bleached material, although cemented probably by amorphous silica, was observed in the middle of the streambed. A second bleached horizon (13) is observed within the saprolite of the gneiss between 11 and 1. It is about 0.8 m thick close to the streambed, wedge-shaped and extends up to 30 m upslope. Fig. 9. Cross section along the toposequence T1, showing a: the morphology of the red soil–black soil system (numbers refer to the horizons described in the text); b: relationships with the development of the stream and the erosion types 1 and 2 (letters refer to the different steps in the development of the soil cover and streambed described in the text; cross-hatched area is part of (C) cemented by amorphous silica). L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 323 Fig. 10. Morphology of the soil cover along the toposequence T2 showing the development of bleached horizon 12 in the depression before the incision by the stream (numbers refer to the horizons described in the text, and letters refer to the different steps in the development of the soil cover and streambed described in the text). Sequence T2 is located across a depression developed along a red soil-black soil contact (Fig. 10). The layout along T2 is almost similar to that along T1, except that it is not intersected by the incision of the streambed (Fig. 4E). In the depression, a sandy horizon, with location and characteristics similar to those of horizon (12) of T1, has developed at the top of the vertic clay horizon. At the downslope of horizon (12) although the texture is sandy, the vertic structure of a previously clay horizon is preserved (Fig. 4F) probably due to the cementation by amorphous silica. The shape and the size of the structure are similar in every respect to that observed in the vertic clay horizon (10). 4.8. Hydrodynamic behaviour of the red soil–black soil system There is a strong contrast in the evolution of the water contents between A5 and A2 whereas along A3, A1 and A4 the evolution is intermediate. Therefore, the description here will be limited along these two end members, i.e., A5 for the Fig. 11. Neutron probe monitoring along red soil profile A5 (a), and black soil profile A2 (b) and (c), numbers on the curves refer to comments in the text. 324 L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 red soil and A2 for the black soil. At the end of the dry season, a uniform 20% volumetric water content is found along the red soil profile A5 (Fig. 11a, curve 1). At the beginning of the rainy season, the moisture content increases and the moisture front lowers regularly down to the saprolite (curve 2). During the wet season, the volumetric water content remains almost uniform along the profile, oscillating from about 30% immediately after the rainy events (curve 3) to 27% after draining the gravity water (curve 4). Along A2, at the end of the 2004 dry season (Fig. 11b, curve 1), the water content was more contrasted. Values of about 20% at 0.2 m depth increased progressively to about 27% in the vertic clay horizons (9) and (10) between 0.8 to 1.8 m depth, and decreased again down to 20% in the saprolite (11) and, at further depth, reached 15 to 19% in the bleached horizon (13). Similar to what was described along the red soil profile, a regular progression of the moisture front is observed at the beginning of the wet season at the topsoil horizons (6) and (12) (curves 2 and 3). When the moisture front reached the clay horizons (8) and (9), the water rapidly descends to the bottom of the clay horizon (10) until the top of the saprolite (11) and the moisture content reaches 35% (curve 4). A strong rainfall event occurred on August 5, 2004 (Fig. 11c, curve 2). The water content increased by about 3 to 5% all along the profile whereas an abrupt increase was observed at 3 m in horizon (13). The water content increased up to 65% but this value is not reliable because it is beyond the calibration range of the neutron probe (maximum water content of 35%). A few hours later the water content had decreased again to about 20%, indicating that the water drained out quickly at horizon (13) (curve 3). In 2005, the moisture conditions at the end of the dry season (Fig. 11c, curve 1) were very close to those at the same period in 2004 (Fig. 11b, curve 1). The 2005 rainy season started earlier but with two main rainfall events in April and July separated by a dry period. In the black soil, a different behaviour of the moisture front was observed during these two rainy periods. During the first one, similar to what was observed during the previous rainy season of 2004, the moisture front reached clay horizon (8) and moved quickly along the profile A2 down to the top of the saprolite (11). During the dry interval, the moisture content decreased along the profile, and particularly in the topsoil horizon. At the following rainfall event, the moisture content increased again in the topsoil horizons with maximum water in the sandy horizon (12) (Fig. 11c, curve 4). After a few days, the water content increased again in the clay horizons (8), (9) and (10). 5. Discussion measured by the EM31 device. It also indicates that the high density of measurements is sufficient to take into account the variations and describe the spatial structure of conductivity at short distance. Moreover, the interspace between the transects (100 m) is below the range value of 300 m shown on Fig. 5, indicating that the density is also sufficient for a good assessment of ECm distribution between the transects. The elaborated ECm map is therefore a reliable tool for the extrapolation of soil and rock data on the studied area, and to discuss soil distribution. 5.2. Hydrological behaviour of an area vulnerable to erosion The neutron probe monitoring carried out along sequence T1 shows two different types of hydrological behaviour of the black soil during the season. At the beginning of the wet season, the cracks of the vertic clay horizon are open, favouring infiltration down to the saprolite after the moisture front reached the vertic horizons (9 and 10). This distinctive behaviour has often been described in black soils of South India (Hodnett and Bell, 1981). Several authors have observed that the cracks are usually open down to 2 m deep at the beginning of the wet season, and ending at the slickenside zone which is most strongly expressed at or just below the depth of the cracks in thick black soils (Kalbande et al., 1992). A similar information is given by Hodnett and Bell (1981), who found essentially no infiltration below the black soils where the clay horizons were deeper than 2 m whereas large quantities of water infiltrates at places where the saprolite is observed at less than 2 m deep and is reached by the cracks. The effect of the swelling and closing of the cracks is emphasized with the neutron probe monitoring in 2005. During the first rainy event, the cracks are open and allow a fast distribution of the water down to the saprolite, whereas during the second one, the cracks are closed which significantly decreases the infiltration that results in the formation of a perched watertable in the subsurface at horizon (12). Radhakrishna and Vaidyanadhan (1994) reported that the seasonal changes in water infiltration in some black soils can shift from more than 70 mm h− 1 at the beginning of the rainy season to less than 0.1 mm h− 1 after swelling and closing of the cracks. The monitoring along T1 also indicates a substantial but fleeting increase in the moisture content observed below 3 m depth during the floods (Fig. 11c, curves 2 and 3). It is attributed to a lateral flow from the streambed into the porous horizon (13). The water is very quickly evacuated from horizon (13), which confirms that bleaching in this horizon can be attributed to a currently ongoing process. 5.1. Reliability of the ECm survey The experimental variogram built from ECm data shows no nugget effect, which emphasizes that there is no variability in ECm response at short distance. The absence of a nugget effect testifies to the stability of the ECm values 5.3. Soil distribution and relative chronology in the soil cover On the one hand, black soils mainly occur in the valley bottom although not exclusively, because they are also found L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 at certain spots along the slope and at the crest line. On the other hand, black soils are sometimes related to the presence of amphibolite, but they are not exclusively on amphibolites alone since they are frequently observed on gneiss saprolite as well. Therefore, although dry climate (b 1200 mm), downslope topography and lack of drainage are considered important factors in the development of black soils, our observations suggest that both topography and lithology have influenced their formation. The soil cover morphology, comprising the layout of the horizons in cross section and more precisely the concordances or discordances between several sectors of the soil cover, make it possible to draw the relative chronology in the formation of the soil–streambed system. Five different ensembles are distinguished, namely the red soil, the black soil, the bleached horizon (12), the streambed, and the bleached horizon (13), and they are referred as systems A to E on Figs. 9b and 10. The red soil system A is developed along the slopes under good drainage conditions, and consists of horizons concordant with the slope topography. The regular evolution from the saprolite of the gneiss to the topsoil suggests that this material is autochthonous and has developed from the gneiss. B is the black soil system with horizons concordant to the flat valley bottom and developed under bad drainage conditions. The following two arguments allow us to conclude that B progresses at the expense of A. 1. At the contact between the two systems A and B, we observed that B is developing from the base of the red soil system, first with the clay films on the structural faces of horizons (2), (3) and (4). The clay films are located around and not within the aggregates, and this pattern must be interpreted as formation and not destruction of clay material. 2. The morphology of the red soil is intersected by that of the black soil, indicating that the latter has developed more recently and at the expense of the red soil material. Within horizon (11), isolated volumes of the saprolite still preserve the orientation of the parental material, which indicate autochthony. The same is observed at the base of the black soil on the right side of the stream, and no morphological discontinuity nor evidence of alluvial/colluvial deposits has been detected towards the top of the black soil profile. Therefore, we suppose that the black soil has developed on autochthonous material. This point could be debated because the vertic horizon is known to homogenise the material due to the shrinkage–swelling effect, and could have removed a possible discontinuity in the soil profile. The structural approach alone does not make it possible to settle the argument. On the left side of the stream, the morphology of the black soil B is in its turn intersected by horizon (12) (C), which has therefore developed subsequently after B. Because C starts occurring close to the topsoil and just downslope from the contact between A and B, it suggests that C is induced by lateral and sub-surface drainage at the top of B where a perched watertable is fleetingly occurring during rainfall. It develops downslope due to a longer duration of the episaturation. 325 The fourth system (D) is the streambed itself, which intersects B and C. The black soil morphology B is horizontal and observed on both sides of the stream, and the vertic horizons (10) and (11) of the B system are in particular intersected by the streambed D. We conclude that the soil cover, previously continuous and almost horizontal, was removed by the later incision of the streambed, which is also confirmed by the presence of roots crossing the streambed. The streambed D also intersects unit C. The chronology of C with respect to the formation of the streambed is debatable. On the one hand, C could have been provoked or favoured by the drainage induced by the talweg and therefore have developed subsequently. On the other hand, C could have developed first and have been subsequently incised by the streambed. The soil cover morphology along sequence T2 shows that C is continuous and had developed before the incision of the streambed D (Fig. 4). Therefore, and because of the similarity in the morphology of both T1 and T2, it suggests that the same had occurred at T1. Eventually, the bleached horizon (13) E has developed at the base of the black soil and within the saprolite of the gneiss. E intersects the red soil-black soil contact and is almost horizontal, i.e. concordant with the water level in the stream. Therefore we attribute the bleaching in E to the fast oscillation of the watertable induced by the stream and highlighted by the neutron probe monitoring. E is well developed on the left side of the stream in the gneiss saprolite, i.e. towards the red soil system. On the right side of the stream, however, the thickening of the vertic clay horizons (10) and (11) obstructs its development and it is therefore only a few decimetres wide. 5.4. Downslope landscape evolution We previously concluded that the development of the streambed is a recent process that took place after the development of the soils. Moreover at the watershed scale, we observed that the streambed lies within the thin black soil, skirting around the thick black soil area. It suggests that the thin black soils have favoured or guided the development of the drainage network. Based on the above-mentioned observations of the relative chronology and hydrological behaviour of the soil cover we can propose a model of recent evolution for this downslope part of the landscape described in four steps (Fig. 12): At stage 1, red soils occupy the slope, whereas black soils are developed on the flat valley bottom. At the beginning of the rainy season, the cracks are opened down to about 2 m deep in the thick black soil area and they end within the clay horizon, which prevents deep drainage. However, close to the border of the black soil area, although the cracks reach the same depth, they end at the sandy and permeable saprolite located below that enables the infiltration of a large quantity of water during the first events of the rainy season. At stage 2, the chemical erosion or leaching is likely to have provoked the formation of a depression that will 326 L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 Fig. 12. Four-stage model showing the relative chronology in the recent formation of the soil cover at downslope. 1. Initial red soil–black soil contact (arrows denote the water flow along cracks and within the saprolite); 2. Development of the depression in the thin black soil; 3. Bleaching in the depression and hardening due to amorphous silica; 4. Incision of the stream and bleaching in the saprolite below the black soil (system E). develop preferably in the thin black soils. Infiltration in the black soils occurs only at the onset of the wet season. During the rainy season and after the closing of the cracks, permeability of the black soils decreases and the depression behaves as a gutter collecting the runoff water. In its turn, the flow of water in the depression at the outer part of the black soil will favour the soil bleaching and horizons will progressively turn sandy. L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 Soil bleaching leads to stage 3 that corresponds roughly to the morphology observed along sequence T2. Observations at sequence T2 confirm that the formation of the streambed is preceded by the presence of the depression along the contact between red soil and black soil where the bleached system C has developed. The central part of the system C is cemented and a vertic structure is observed. The vertic structure could not have developed within the sandy material observed at present in system C but within a swelling clay horizon of the system B. During bleaching and textural change from B to C, the vertic structure is supposed to disappear. The presence of the vertic structure in C suggests that cementation and bleaching have occurred simultaneously, which made it possible to maintain the vertic structure in the sandy material C. On the left and at the contact between A and B the soil solution slows down, favouring the formation of clay coating around aggregates through over saturation of the soil solution with respect to silicate clays that led to the development of horizons (7), (8) and (9). At stage 4, the streambed had developed down to the saprolite of the gneiss into the depression and in the sandy horizons of system C. A portion of C is preserved because of cementation by amorphous silica. The presence of the streambed could favour the bleaching in horizon (12) at the top of the vertic clay. During the rainy season, the rapid oscillations of the watertable provoke the bleaching in the saprolite and the formation of system E. 5.5. Soil erosion relationships The afore-described model for the formation of the soil cover is in agreement with the observations made at several scales on our study site. At the watershed scale, the model explains why the streambed is passing through the thin black soil area instead of crossing directly through the middle of the flat bottom area covered with thick black soil. At the scale of the sequence, the model is in agreement with the soil morphology observed along T2 and T1, respectively before and after the incision of the streambed. It also agrees with the hydrological behaviour in the black soil along soil profile A2. The development of the natural erosion in this area can be explained through the interaction of the stream and its distribution, with the type of soil cover and its hydrological behaviour. We will consider landform types 1, 2, and 3 successively. Rotational slips (type 1) and seepage erosion (type 2) occur close to the contact between red and black soil. The type 1 features are favoured by the presence of system E. The neutron probe monitoring shows that a temporary watertable occurred very fleetingly within E when the water level was up in the stream. The thickening of the vertic clay horizon is obstructing the development of the system E towards the centre of the black soil area, but it developed predominantly from the streambed towards system A into the permeable saprolite. Because the system E is the plane of weakness for the erosion type 1, the rotational slips are also predominantly 327 developed towards the red soil system A, and concern the whole soil cover down to the saprolite. Seepage erosion (type 2) develops in system C at the upper part of the black soil. Because of the swelling in the black soil, the cracks get closed usually in the middle of the wet season, i.e. during the month of July. Later, heavy rainfall and less infiltration provoke the formation of a perched watertable within C and the water flows sub-superficially towards the streambed. Whatever the process of clay elimination may be (leaching, ferrolysis…), the bleaching increases downslope resulting in a relative accumulation of the coarse elements, which become contiguous. Hence the whole bleaching process increases the vulnerability to erosion, which probably occurs in soaked (C) material during heavy rainfall, leading to sub-surface seepage erosion at the contact between (B) and (C). The third type of erosion is not related to the red soil– black soil system, but to the non-cohesive sandy saprolite of the gneiss when it is exposed close to the topsoil. The erosion is due to the seasonal throughflow seepage of the watertable occurring within the sandy saprolite over the less permeable fractured rock during the rainy season. The combination between earthflow and sliding (type 3) occurs mostly in midslope positions (Fig. 8) and further studies should focus on it as a possible regional feature. In this case, these large erosional scars could influence the geomorphologic landscape evolution at wider scale and further study should also focus on the agreement between midslope erosion and the regional geomorphologic model proposed by Bourgeon and Gunnell (1998) and Gunnell et al. (2003). 6. Future directions The objective of this study was to understand the distribution, dynamics and the factors intrinsic to the soil cover that are likely to influence or even govern the development of present and recent natural erosion in the forested area of South India. This aim was tackled through a structural approach of the soil cover, which includes the overlay of various types of survey at the watershed scale (electromagnetic induction, soil, geology, vegetation), and the study of concordances–discordances between horizons along representative soil sequences. The present erosion is not randomly distributed. Three different types of erosion have been identified: Downslope rotational slips are governed by a temporary watertable within a bleached saprolite at the base of black soil–red soil transition. Seepage erosion is caused by a perched watertable occurring after closing of the cracks at the top of the vertic clay horizon of black soil. At midslope, a combination of earthflow and sliding occurred at places where the noncohesive sandy saprolite of gneiss is exposed close to the topsoil. Our study highlights the relative chronology in the development of the downslope soil cover and in particular we show that the geomorphology of valley bottoms and their 328 L. Barbiéro et al. / Catena 70 (2007) 313–329 erosion have been recently reactivated with the development of streambeds. Further research effort should focus on the study of the pedological processes prior or subsequent to the development of the streambeds in order to identify their contribution to the quality of the stream water. In particular, because silica cemented horizons have been observed at several points along the streambed, they are likely to be integral components of the soil system. Therefore, further study should focus on the identification of the soil forming processes that provide aqueous silica to this part of the system. Acknowledgments This study was supported through the research project “Kabini river basin” of ORE-BVET (Observatoire de Recherche en Environnement-Bassin Versant Expérimentaux Tropicaux,, the French national programs “ECCO-PNRH” and “ACI-Eau” funded by IRD/ INSU/CNRS, the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR WA-3000), and the Embassy of France in India. We thank Dr C. Camerlynck from UMR 7619 Sisyphe, University of Paris 6 for providing the EM31 equipment, Dr R. Wins (BRGM) for its contribution to the geological survey, the Karnataka Forest Department for providing the access to the site, and Dr. Vasanthi Dass for editorial advice. 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Available online at Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83 – 98 Study of water tension differences in heterogeneous sandy soils using surface ERT Marc Descloitres a,⁎, Olivier Ribolzi b , Yann Le Troquer b , Jean Pierre Thiébaux b a IRD-LTHE, UMR 012 IRD-CNRS-UJF-INPG, 38041 Grenoble, France b IRD-UR 176, Ban Sisangvone, BP 5992, Ventiane, Laos PDR Received 12 October 2006; accepted 27 December 2007 Abstract Herbaceous vegetation in the Sahel grows almost exclusively on sandy soils which preferentially retain water through infiltration and storage. The hydrological functioning of these sandy soils during rain cycles is unknown. One way to tackle this issue is to spatialize variations in water content but these are difficult to measure in the vadose zone. We investigated the use of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) as a technique for spatializing resistivity in a non-destructive manner in order to improve our knowledge of relevant hydrological processes. To achieve this, two approaches were examined. First, we focused on a possible link between water tension (which is much easier to measure in the field by point measurements than water content), and resistivity (spatialized with ERT). Second, because ERT is affected by solution non-uniqueness and reconstruction smoothing, we improved the accuracy of ERT inversion by comparing calculated solutions with in-situ resistivity measurements. We studied a natural microdune during a controlled field experiment with artificial sprinkling which reproduced typical rainfall cycles. We recorded temperature, water tension and resistivity within the microdune and applied surface ERT before and after the 3 rainfall cycles. Soil samples were collected after the experiment to determine soil physical characteristics. An experimental relationship between water tension and water content was also investigated. Our results showed that the raw relationship between calculated ERT resistivity and water tension measurements in sand is highly scattered because of significant spatial variations in porosity. An improved correlation was achieved by using resistivity ratio and water tension differences. The slope of the relationship depends on the soil solution conductivity, as predicted by Archie's law when salted water was used for the rain simulation. We found that determining the variations in electrical resistivity is a sensitive method for spatializing the differences in water tension which are directly linked with infiltration and evaporation/ drainage processes in the vadose zone. However, three factors complicate the use of this approach. Firstly, the relation between water tension and water content is generally non-linear and dependent on the water content range. This could limit the use of our site-specific relations for spatializing water content with ERT through tension. Secondly, to achieve the necessary optimization of ERT inversion, we used destructive resistivity measurements in the soil, which renders ERT less attractive. Thirdly, we found that the calculated resistivity is not always accurate because of the smoothing involved in surface ERT data inversion. We conclude that further developments are needed into ERT image reconstruction before water tension (and water content) can be spatialized in heterogeneous sandy soils with the accuracy needed to routinely study their hydrological functioning. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Electrical resistivity Tomography (ERT); Water tension; Sandy soil; Soil moisture; Sahel 1. Introduction The degradation of natural resources in the arid parts of the Sahel, is currently a quite serious problem leading to desertification, loss of biodiversity, increase of surface runoff and soil losses. Within this degraded landscape, sandy deposits are islets of fertility (Thiombiano, 2000) which often take the ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Descloitres). 0926-9851/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2007.12.007 shape of microdunes (Casenave and Valentin, 1992). Microdunes are very important ecological units where significant infiltration of water takes place (Ribolzi et al., 2000) and are therefore potential starting points for regeneration of the Sahelian environment. Little is known, however, about their hydrological functioning during and after rainfall, processes such as infiltration, evapo-transpiration and drainage which can only be studied using destructive soil moisture and water tension measurements. Since these fragile sandy soils are unstable, they cannot be brought back from the field or reproduced in the 84 M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 laboratory. All experiments must be carried out in the field. To replicate the controlled experimental conditions of the laboratory, we used simulated rainfall to reproduce natural rain/evaporation cycles in the field. The primary objective of our study was to spatialize water content variation during infiltration and evaporation using surface Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), which is a technique highly suitable for groundwater studies. To achieve this objective, two methodological problems must be overcome. Firstly an experimental relationship between resistivity and water content has to be established. Secondly, a protocol for accurate ERT inversion is necessary to reconstruct actual resistivity distribution in the subsurface. The first problem requires simultaneous water content monitoring and ERT acquisition at several measurements points and/or laboratory experiments on soil samples. These measurements could not be practically undertaken because of the lack of experimental sensors to measure directly water content at several point measurements in a thin dune. Also the soil is too fragile for resistivity measurements on small cores. Therefore, we investigated possible approaches for determining a relationship between resistivity and water tension, which is more easily measured in the soil and a potentially interesting way to study hydrological processes linked with infiltration and evaporation. As with resistivity, soil water tension is strongly related to water content. Soil water tension measurements are well suited for determining soil water status in the field (Richards, 1931). Water tension (or pressure head, or matrix potential) is generally expressed as a negative value that reaches zero when the soil is saturated. Water tension data can be considered in two ways: first, there is a direct relationship between water tension and water content, as studied by Van Genuchten (1980) for example. This relationship is generally non linear. Second, the difference between water tension at the final state and initial states, provides important information on the movement of water: a positive difference shows an increase in water content, whereas a negative difference indicates a decrease. A difference of zero suggests zero flux with drainage (below) and evaporation (above). Hence, by spatializing water tension differences we can get a better understanding of water movement in the vadose zone. Therefore, the development of a spatialized image of water tension differences during natural or artificial infiltration (and evaporation) experiments would be of strong interest. But the number of sensors (small ceramic cups) that can be used remains limited because if too many are inserted the medium will be destroyed. This makes it difficult to spatialize the results laterally when the soil is heterogeneous. Thus, if a relationship between water tension and resistivity can be established, ERT offers attractive possibilities for spatializing water tension. In this study, we investigated both aspects of tension (its actual value and its differences from one state to another) in relation to resistivity. This was done using experimental data collected in the field during artificial rainfall cycles. A possible extension of this approach was also considered: we attempted to establish an experimental relationship between water tension and water content with the aim of using ERT to spatialize water content. Because of scattered results due to unexpectedly heterogeneous soil, this final objective was not achieved. The second issue we addressed was how to use ERT to reconstruct spatial and temporal variations in resistivity from one hydric state to another within a dune. In the vadose zone, electrical resistivity mainly depends on 3 parameters: water content, water conductivity and porosity. The empirical Archie's law (Archie, 1942), which is applicable for studies on sandy soils, integrates these three parameters. Temperature and clay content can also modify resistivity values (Telford et al., 1990). For saturated sandy soils, Archie's law is convenient for monitoring variations in water conductivity, when water content and porosity remain constant. Singha and Gorelick (2006) investigated the use of Archie's law for monitoring tracer concentration. They found that water conductivity values derived from Archie's law using ERT agreed with experimental data only if the formation factor (the porosity-dependent parameter of Archie's law) was varied in space and time. In the present study, the effect of spatial variations in porosity inside the dune was taken into account when interpreting our results. In unsaturated soils, such as those in our study, it is more difficult to derive resistivity variations into hydrological parameters because water content has also a significant influence on resistivity values. On the other hand, the sensitive dependence of resistivity on water content is an advantage for tracking hydrologic processes, especially if we consider that water tension is also sensitive to water content. French et al. (2002) found that ERT is suitable for localizing infiltration zones, even if resistivity is affected by changes in saturation values and tracer concentrations. In this study, we tried to minimize the extent of water conductivity variability by using demineralized water for the 2 first experimental rainfall events. We also investigated the use of salted rain to evaluate the effect of water conductivity, during the third (and final) experimental rainfall. Despite the methodological difficulties involved, resistivity remains an attractive parameter because it offers the advantage of being easy to measure using non-destructive ERT surface measurements. Moreover ERT can be applied at different scales of investigation and is well adapted for plot studies. For example, Michot et al. (2003) used ERT and additional measurements to study water uptake by plants by successfully monitoring corn crops growing under irrigation. In our study, we specifically adapted miniaturized arrays to the scale of the dune, following the concept proposed by Depountis et al. (2001) in their ERT centrifuge modeling experiment. In addition, ERT can be used to study 2 or 3D geometry which is a promising technique/method for reconstructing complex resistivity distribution patterns in the subsurface. Although, in many studies, cross bore hole ERT was considered as an efficient method for resistivity imaging (see the pioneering studies by Daily et al., 1992 as well as work by Slater et al., 2000, or Kemna et al., 2002), we did not use cross bole hole imaging in this study because our main methodological objective was to evaluate the efficiency of non destructive surface ERT. Several authors reported that ERT resolution is limited due to the spatial smoothing of inversion algorithms (see Kemna et al., 2002; Singha and Gorelick, 2006), thus in this paper we also focus on the following issues: does ERT give a reliable estimate of resistivity? Finally, is ERT monitoring a useful technique for M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 determining water tension distribution in sandy soils? To address these questions, we performed a field experiment with artificial rainfall. ERT was applied before and after each rainfall. In a first step, to evaluate ERT accuracy, ERT inversion was optimized by comparing the calculated resistivity with in-situ resistivity. In a second step, we investigated the experimental relationship between water tension and resistivity before and after rain. The relationship is then discussed and enlightened with Archie's law. In conclusion we discuss practical considerations for using surface ERT for spatializing water tension in heterogeneous sandy soils. 2. Experimental setup The site is located in northern Burkina Faso (Fig. 1). It is a small degraded 82 ha catchment overgrazed by livestock. The climate is Sahelian, with only one rainy season (June to September). The average annual rainfall is 512 mm and mean annual potential evapotranspiration is 2396 mm. Sandy soils are formed by aeolian and/or runoff deposits. They are thin (0.3 to 1 m thick) and form more than one third (1/3) of the landscape surface. The microdune (5.3 m2) shows a typical crescent form (Fig. 1) depending on wind direction. The windward side is bare and steeper because of wind erosion, while the leeward side has vegetation (typically grass) that grows protected from wind. The root system is sparse (2.6 to 6% of the total volume), consists of fine roots (diameters 1 to 5 mm) and is not developed below a depth of 3 to 4 cm. This same dune shape and vegetation distribution is noted for all sizes, namely from the microdune (a few meters square) to large sandy deposits (10–50 m long or 85 more). Such dunes generally overlay a more clayey and compact impervious horizon, which forms the substratum and is an obstacle to deeper infiltration. 2.1. Hydrological and soil analysis methods The rainfall simulator used in this study (Asseline and Valentin, 1978) consists of a sprinkler system mounted at a height of 4 m (Fig. 1) connected to a constant flow pump that provides a kinetic energy similar to tropical rainfall (Valentin, 1991). We performed three simulations (Rain 1, Rain 2 and Rain 3) on different dates in February 2002. The rainfall intensity was set at 70 mm/h for 40 min, typical for this climatic zone. For Rain 1 and Rain 2, we used demineralized water with a low electrical conductivity (3 μS/cm) identical to natural rain. For Rain 3, we added salt (NaCl) for hydrochemistry studies so that the electrical conductivity was 1000 μS/cm. Rain 2 was simulated 24 h after Rain 1, and Rain 3 was simulated 1 h after Rain 2. A total of six ERT data sets were obtained, each measurement was made just before or just after rain. The detailed sequence of ERT experiments is described in the Results section. Before Rain 1, the sand was too dry to accurately measure resistivity because the electrodes could not form a good contact with the soil. Thus, we considered only the data acquired after Rain 1 when the soil was wet. Following Rain 3, the microdune was destroyed for soil samples. We took 42 samples (Fig. 2) simultaneously from a vertical cross section along the alignment of the ERT electrodes using a grid sampler. Later we calculated porosity, sand, silt and clay contents in the laboratory. Fig. 1. A) Location of the experimental site. B) Rain simulator in the field. C) Map of the microdune. ERT surface electrodes were located along the EW line. The location of the temperature and electrical probes is also shown. 86 M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 Fig. 2. Experimental set up. Cross section of the central section of the microdune showing the location of surface electrodes, electrical probes 1 and 2, temperature probe and tensiometers. It was not possible to activate tensiometer 10. The soil samples were collected according to the grid. The model block arrangement used for geophysical inversion of pole-pole data sets is shown. For water tension measurements we used very small ceramic cups (model SDEC 220, length: 11 mm, diameter: 2.2 mm, pore size: ≈ 1.5 μm, air entry value: 1.5 bar, hydraulic conductivity: 5.10− 7 cm s− 1) to get very localized measurements. We set-up 10 micro-tensiometers along 2 diagonals (Fig. 2) to measure the water tension below the leeward and windward slopes, which may exhibit different lateral properties. We attempted to determine an experimental relationship between water tension and water content by sampling the sand at different depths. For this, we drove in thin copper tubes vertically at different periods of time at 1 m away from electrode line. The volumetric water content was calculated by weighing soil samples before and after drying. Water content was related to tension measurements at the same depth. 2.2. Geophysical measurements Surface ERT requires an in-line electrode setup. In order to get dense resistivity data at shallow depth, we set the electrode spacing to 4 cm. To minimize disturbance and to provide an acceptable surface for low contact resistance, the electrodes were small 5-cent copper coins driven vertically into the soil (plane perpendicular to the profile). We achieved a good contact resistance (lower than 5 kΩ) only after Rain 1 due to the rain itself. The array set-up used in this experiment was pole–pole array. This array has the advantage that it provides a better depth of exploration compared to other arrays for a limited lateral extension (Loke, 2000a), and also a good lateral coverage using a limited number of electrodes. We primarily used 32 electrodes along the profile shown in Fig. 1. We used another 14 electrodes to focus on the central zone of the dune where water tension measurements were made, (Fig. 2). We measured 91 apparent resistivities within 6 min using a Syscal R2 resistivity-meter (IRIS Instruments). We inverted the data using Res2Dinv software (Loke, 2000b) to produce a 2D calculated resistivity section of the subsurface. Fig. 2 details the block arrangement chosen for inversion. It is well known that ERT inversion is subject to solution non-uniqueness. Therefore to perform an optimized ERT image reconstruction using a unique inversion parameter set, we tested several parameters and compared the calculated resistivity results to actual resistivity as proposed by Loke (2000b). For this purpose, some point measurements of electrical resistivity at depth were required. The resistivity data measured along the probe was only used for optimizing the inversion, but not as data in the inversion. The use of external data points was also reported in Liu and Yeh (2004). They recommended that sparse point measurements should be used to enhance ERT accuracy (i.e. lowering its non-unique inverse solution). They used a stochastic information fusion concept to invert their data sets. Their approach also relied on point measurements of moisture content (considered as essential in their approach) and electrical potential. This type of data were not available for our study but our approach was similar to that of Liu and Yeh's in that ERT inaccuracy was reduced by using optimized inversion parameters. We positioned electrical and temperature probes in the ground a few months before the rainy season to avoid preferential infiltration along the probes and so the soil had time to reorganize around them. Because resistivity varies with M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 87 temperature, we also recorded temperature every 5 minutes, vertically inside the ground using thermistors at every 2 cm along the probe, as shown in Fig. 2. During experiments, the temperature varied on the surface from 8 to 24 °C and at 10 cm depth it varied from 14 to 18 °C. At 25 cm depth, it remained around 18 °C ± 1 °C. We corrected calculated resistivity values using the formula given by Keller and Frischknecht (1970) at a reference of 25 °C, expressed as follows: qd;25- C ¼ qd;Td ⁎ð1 þ 0:025⁎ðTd 25ÞÞ ð1Þ where ρd,25°C is the calculated resistivity at depth d (in Ω m), corrected for a reference temperature of 25 °C, ρd,Td is the calculated resistivity at depth d (in Ω m), at temperature Td, and Td is the temperature at depth d during the measurement (in °C). For a 12 °C variation on the surface, a resistivity variation of 30% is expected, showing that the correction is compulsory. For resistivity probes, the electrodes were nickel-made rings (diameter 1 cm), equally spaced (2 cm) along a plastic tube. We calculated the geometric coefficient necessary to get bulk resistivity of soil in the laboratory using a tank filled with water of known resistivity. The location of the two electrical probes with 16 electrodes is shown in Fig. 1. They were placed within the 2 slopes as shown in Fig. 2. We performed these measurements using pole-pole array just before and after each ERT acquisition. From these repeated logging measurements, it was possible to ascertain that there was no resistivity change (within 2% deviation) during ERT acquisition. Therefore 6 min of surface ERT acquisition provided a snapshot of resistivity distribution in the ground. Fig. 3. Resistivity monitored at depth with electrical probes on the windward side for Rain 2 and Rain 3, after each ERT surface acquisition. Resistivity values were corrected with temperatures recorded at the same depth and time. Note the sharp variations in resistivity between 15 and 21 cm deep and invariant resistivity below 27 cm. 27 cm and below, there were no variations in the resistivity, and therefore, this zone was considered as invariant. 3. Results 3.2. ERT inversion optimization 3.1. Resistivity logging An example of the results logged with the electrical probe on the windward side is shown in Fig. 3. The trend was similar on the leeward side. We corrected the data using temperature (at 25 °C reference). The result shown was obtained for Rain 2 (demineralized water) and Rain 3 (salted water). Prior to Rain 2, resistivity varied between 400 Ω m (at 7– 11 cm) to more than 700 Ω m (at 27 cm, and deeper). A sharp variation in resistivity was noted between 15 and 21 cm. Just after Rain 2, the resistivity decreased down to a depth of 15 cm. One hour later, just before Rain 3, the resistivity further decreased down to a depth of 21 cm, indicating that water had penetrated deeper. The lowest value, 320 Ω m, was measured at 9 cm (decrease of 20%). This decrease is significant for understanding the hydrological process, hence ERT must be sufficiently reliable to monitor such 20% resistivity changes. For Rain 3, variations were recorded down to a depth of 27 cm. Because the salt lowered the water conductivity, larger decreases in resistivity were measured in the upper part of the soil compared to Rain 2, and reached 50% at 3 cm depth (400 to 200 Ω m). Resistivity variations in the lower part of the profile (below 17 cm) did not exceed 20%. This range is almost equal to the decrease noted for Rain 2 (demineralized rainwater). At To optimize ERT inversion we used the Rain 3 data set because it showed the highest resistivity variations. The initial resistivity model for each data set is defined as a homogeneous medium with a mean resistivity calculated from all apparent resistivity data. We did not use the time-lapse mode proposed by Loke (1999), which uses the final model obtained for inversion of an initial data set as the starting solution for the second data set inversion. Thus we avoided any inter-dependence with an initial model. We used a 3 step approach. Firstly, we fixed grid geometry as shown in Fig. 2. Secondly, we adjusted several inversion parameters to standard values that remained invariant for all data set inversions. The initial damping factor was set to 0.15, applicable to a low-noise data set, to optimize reconstruction smoothing according to resistivity probe data that showed smooth variations down to the substratum. We set the flatness ratio to 1 to avoid resistivity patterns oriented in the vertical or horizontal direction. Previous tests on other parameters such as the mesh size, reduction of side effects or Jacobian calculations were not considered because their effect was not significant (i.e. different values gave similar results when compared to resistivity probe data). Thirdly, by fixing the previous parameters, we focused on other important parameters that are known to contribute 88 M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 Fig. 4. Comparison between resistivity values logged on the leeward and windward sides and the calculated resistivity given by inversions, just after Rain 3. The effects of different inversion parameters are shown. A) Effect of incorporating an invariant substratum (zone with a constant resistivity of 650 Ω m). B) Effect of the iteration number. The gray arrows indicate notable discrepancies from measured data. significantly to calculated resistivity patterns, some of which were previously investigated in other studies. These parameters are the number of iterations (Olayinka and Yaramanci, 2000a), the incorporation of a priori information (i.e. regions with fixed resistivity), the smooth or blocky inversion mode (Olayinka and Yaramanci, 2000b; Loke et al., 2001), and the type of topographical modeling. The results of inversions were compared to resistivity probe data from both the leeward and windward sides. To demonstrate inversion optimization, two examples are presented in Fig. 4 to illustrate the effect of these parameters: a) incorporation of a substratum of known resistivity, and b) varying the iteration number. Both are compared to the resistivity probe data to give an estimate of ERT accuracy. Although not included in Fig. 4, the two other parameters also had a significant impact on inversion and were also tested once the first two parameters were chosen. 3.2.1. Incorporating a priori information As shown previously in Fig. 3, resistivity did not vary below 27 cm, hence we decided to incorporate a flat substratum of invariant resistivity. We chose a mean resistivity of 650 Ω m. We applied the fifth iteration because it varied by less than 0.5% from the fourth iteration. Without setting an invariant substratum, the ERT inversion produced for the leeward side was a homogeneous layer of 300 Ω m between 10 and 30 cm deep. However, this geometry does not fit well with the pattern Fig. 5. Evaluation of ERT accuracy. The ratio of measured resistivity (final/initial) from electrical logging before and after Rain 3 is represented with a continuous line. The ratio of calculated resistivity derived from optimized inversion is represented with a dotted line. The result using 5 iterations is also represented by a gray continuous line to highlight severe discrepancies with actual data. M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 Fig. 6. A) Calculated resistivity using optimized inversion for 6 ERT surface data sets. Two rains (2 and 3) are considered only. The blocks are drawn according to the block arrangement shown Fig. 2. B) Ratio of calculated resistivity (after/before). The decrease in resistivity (values below 1) is detailed using a range of cold colors. The increase in resistivity is shown with 2 classes in order to simplify the figure. The locations of tensiometers are shown to facilitate the location of results shown in Figs. 11 and 12. 89 90 M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 seen with electrical probe data. By including the invariant substratum, the agreement with electrical probe data improved. However, this inversion remained imperfect, as can be seen for the windward side for instance: the calculated resistivity has shifted significantly from the logged values. 3.2.2. Effect of iteration number As shown in Fig. 4, the best inversion was obtained for the windward side following two iterations (RMS 3.4%). Conversely, iteration 5 (better RMS, 1.65%) generated an inversion result significantly different from the actual data. Iterations 3 and 4 show intermediate values. Thus, if the number of iterations is set too high, the inversion tends to lead to a decrease in RMS by using resistivity values that are far from the actual range determined with electrical probe data. Even though the RMS value decreased, the inversion extended too far. Thus we used iteration 2 even if the RMS was higher than subsequent iterations. Of note, even iteration 2 values did not match perfectly with the electrical probe data. For instance, some sharp increases in resistivity measured on the leeward side at a depth of 20 cm were not represented in the iteration 2 inversion. Lastly, using the same approach, we tested the effect of smooth versus blocky mode and several types of topographical correction (not shown here). The best results were obtained using a smooth (non-blocky) mode and topographical correction with the Schwarz–Cristoffel option provided by RES2DINV. This topographical method calculates the distortion in the subsurface layers in cases with a large topography curvature (Loke, 2000b). Finally we collated all the parameters that led to the best agreement with the electrical probe data into a unique parameter set for the entire experiment. 3.2.3. ERT accuracy estimate We analyzed the resistivity ratio calculated before and after rain. By using this ratio we could determine ERT accuracy more efficiently. We compared resistivity ratios measured with logging and those calculated from optimized ERT. This comparison is shown in Fig. 5 for data from both the leeward and windward sides. For the leeward side, the optimized inversion gave an acceptable result from the surface down to 23 cm, with a small deviation value of − 0.12 between 5 and 12 cm and +0.10 between 12 and 23 cm. Below 23 cm the deviation is higher, at + 0.25, showing an increase in resistivity that was not measured by electrical probe data. Thus our findings demonstrate that at depth, ERT did not reproduce accurately resistivity variations, for data from the leeward side. On the windward side, we found deviation values of + 0.16 between 5 and 17 cm, and − 0.17 between 17 and 24 cm. In summary, the optimized inversion produced accurate results close to the actual resistivity variations, with deviations mostly between − 0.1 (− 10%) and +0.15 (+ 15%). On the leeward side, at depths below 25 cm, an unrealistic increase in resistivity appears to have occurred. Without optimization, ERT results would have been useless. As an illustration, if we consider results obtained with the same set of parameters, but for the fifth iteration (with an improved RMS) as seen in Fig. 5, severe discrepancies are noted for data regarding the leeward side (0.25 between 10 and 20 cm) and regarding the windward side: in this area the calculated resistivity ratio reaches 1.5 at 10 cm deep (+ 0.75 from the actual value 0.72) which is a false increase in resistivity. 3.3. Surface ERT We chose data from Rains 2 and 3 to illustrate ERT results in Fig. 6. For Rain 1, incomplete ERT results were obtained before rain 1 due to bad contact resistance for some electrodes and are not shown. To facilitate comparisons between rain and evaporation phases, resistivity ratios between ERT acquisitions (after/ before) are shown in Fig. 6. Values below or above 1 indicate a decrease or an increase in resistivity, respectively. Just prior to Rain 2 the calculated resistivity ranged from 250 to more than 1000 Ω m. The highest resistivities were recorded on top of the microdune, while at the center of the microdune Fig. 7. Water tension variations on leeward and windward sides during and after Rain 2. M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 they ranged from 300 to 600 Ω m. Below 26 cm , resistivities were very close to 650 Ω m which is the value measured for the invariant substratum. Just after Rain 2, the calculated resistivity values were lower close to the surface, both on the windward and leeward sides (ranging from 200 to 300 Ω m), and the number of highly resistive cells was reduced at the top of the microdune. At the center, calculated resistivities remained above 300 Ω m. The resistivity ratios showed a general decrease, for example a 40% decrease on the windward side was seen up to a depth of 12–15 cm. Following 1 h of evaporation, just before Rain 3, there were more resistive cells on top of the microdune, while at the center values between 300 and 450 Ω m were recorded. Resistivity ratios showed an increase from the surface down to 10 cm at the center. A decrease of −5 to −15% was found below that. Just after Rain 3 the lowest resistivities were located on the surface (40–100 Ω m). Resistivity ratios indicated i) a major decrease down to 8 cm at the center and on the leeward side (−90%), ii) a small decrease (−15%) on the windward side at a depth of 10–15 cm, and iii) a moderate decrease (−30%) at the bottom of the microdune. We also noted a slight increase on the leeward side at the depth where accuracy in the ERT optimized inversion falls (see Fig. 5). One hour after Rain 3, calculated resistivities ranged from 90 to 500 Ω m. The resistivity ratios indicated a general increase in resistivities (up to + 75%) between the surface and down to 10 cm, below which there was no noticeable changes. 3.4. Soil water tension Fig. 7 shows an example of soil water tension measured during and after Rain 2. For Rain 1 and 3 the trends were similar. We focused on the windward side using tensiometers 6, 7, 8, 4 and 5 and on the leeward side with tensiometers 1, 2, 3 91 and 9. At the initial stage before Rain 2, water tension ranged from − 1.2 m near the surface to − 0.6 m at 15 cm deep. At the end of Rain 2 (40 min) the water tension was close to or equal to 0 near the surface (saturation) while at 20 cm it remained the same as at the initial stage. One hour after Rain 2 (just before Rain 3), the water tension near the surface had started to increase with evaporation. It decreased below 7 cm indicating drainage. This trend was also found for the leeward side, but evaporation started at a slightly deeper level of 10 cm. Evidence of evaporation and drainage on the leeward and windward sides after Rain 2 is in agreement with ERT results that showed a resistivity increase at shallow depths, up to 12 cm, and a decrease of resistivity below it. The slight difference between the slopes (evaporation taking place at a deeper level on the leeward side) is also seen with ERT in Fig. 6. 3.5. Porosity and particle size distribution The porosity and particle size distribution obtained with soil samples using 5 value ranges are shown in Fig. 8. Total porosity ranged from 27% to 52%. The highest porosities were generally encountered near the surface of the leeward side (45–52%) where root density was higher also. Particle size distribution showed that the percentage of sand (50–2000 μm) was between 50 and 80%, while the percentage of silt (2–50 μm) was between 16 and 45%. No particular spatial distribution was noted for these two classes of particles. The percentage of clay (particles smaller than 2 μm) ranged from 2 to 20%. The highest percentage, 20%, was found in an isolated section of the leeward side at a depth of 6 cm. Apart from this value, the other values range from 2 to 9% and the highest amounts of clay were found in samples from the bottom of the microdune. The higher values correspond to the clayey Fig. 8. Soil sampling results following the sampling grid shown Fig. 2. Porosity was not calculated in the top surface because of a lack of soil when the samples were made. The percentages of sand, silt and clay material are plotted according to 5 classes. 92 M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 function expresses volumetric soil water content θe as a function of water potential ψ as follows: he ¼ ½1 þ ð agwÞnm Fig. 9. Experimental data fitted using the Van Genuchten's retention curve function (Van Genuchten, 1980). The Van Genuchten's function using the parameters α = 1.45, m = − 1, and n = 2.68 (see Eq. (2) selected by Carsel and Parrish (1997) for typical sandy soils is also drawn. Water tension is expressed here in centimeters (cm), and is negative. It has been converted into absolute values for using a logarithmic scale. horizon of the microdune substratum. Porosity distribution was not clearly correlated with particle size distribution. The large range of porosity (27 to 52%) indicates a highly heterogeneous soil. This may have had a significant effect on the resistivity values, which also depend on porosity. 3.6. Relationship between tension and water content In Fig. 9 values for water tension measurements made with tensiometers, were plotted with respect to saturation. Experimental data were fitted using the Van Genuchten's retention curve function (Van Genuchten, 1980). Van Genuchten's ð2Þ where αg is conceptually the inverse ψb [m− 1], ψb being the bubbling pressure, and n and m the fitting coefficients (with m = 1 − (1 / n). The retention curve function has been extended in Fig. 9 to high water tension values for demonstration purposes only. In Fig. 9, we also added Van Genuchten's function using parameters (α = 1.45, m = − 1; n = 2.68) selected by Carsel and Parrish (1997) for typical sandy soils. Although the experimental fit remains close to a typical curve for sandy soils, our data points are scattered, and therefore this curve could not be used to derive further conclusions. 4. Discussion 4.1. Relationship between ERT resistivity and water tension The relationship between ERT resistivity and water tension measurements is shown in Fig. 10, taking Rain 2 as an example. 3 points were drawn for each tensiometer. They correspond to the values of the resistivity–water tension couple taken before and just after Rain 2, and following 1 h of evaporation. The results show that there is no correlation between resistivity and water tension, with a scattered relationship. Data from tensiometers 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 located near the surface show the same behavior: decreases in water tension were accompanied by decreases in resistivity. During evaporation, an inverse trend occurred where water tension and resistivity increase. Measurements made with tensiometer 4, 5, 8 and 9 located at a deeper level, showed an initial decrease in resistivity while water Fig. 10. The raw relationship between resistivity calculated with inversion of surface ERT and water tension measured during the Rain 2 cycle. Two groups are evident: tensiometers 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 near the surface exhibit one class of similar behavior, and tensiometers 4, 5 8 and 9 at a deeper level exhibit a second class of another behavior (dotted lines), as described in the text. M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 tension remained almost constant (tensiometer 5) or increased slightly. When water tension increased significantly, resistivity did does not show much variation. However, as shown by the results of the optimization, resistivity is not accurately calculated at depth. The absence of a correlation between ERT resistivity and water tension means that the relationship cannot be used for any spatialization. We thus investigated the cause of the scattered relationship between ERT resistivity and water tension by examining it in relation to heterogeneous distribution of porosity. The empirical Archie's law (Archie, 1942) is expressed as follows (see Keller, 1988): qg ¼ a: qw :Um Swn ð3Þ where ρg is the resistivity of the ground given by geophysical measurement (in Ω m), a is the saturation coefficient, ρw is the resistivity of the soil solution (in Ω m), Φ is the porosity of the ground (dimensionless), m is the cementation factor (dimensionless), Sw is the saturation (volume of pore filled by water, dimensionless), and n is the saturation exponent (dimensionless). The validity limit of this law is restricted to sandy formations. Parameters a, m and n are taken as 1.37, 0.88 and 2 respectively for sand, from Keller (1988). 93 In our case, for a given soil solution resistivity and saturation, Archie's law shows that when the porosity increases by 15% the resistivity decreases by 40%. In the field, porosity varies by at least 15% from place to place. Therefore variations in resistivity of 40% are expected in the microdune due to porosity differences. Hence, in order to improve the relationship it is necessary to avoid porosity effects. 4.2. Relationship between resistivity ratio and water tension difference To avoid the porosity effect we used the resistivity ratio instead of resistivity itself. Indeed, as deduced from Eq. (3), the resistivity ratio between two hydrological states (for example before and after rainfall) depends only on the variation of soil solution resistivity and saturation. In order to compare water tension between two states, we used water tension differences rather than ratios. By determining the difference between two hydrological states we could evaluate water movement: a positive difference indicates an increase of water content while a negative difference indicates evaporation. We compared the resistivity ratio (final over initial state) to water tension differences (final minus initial state). On the same graph in Fig. 11 we considered both Rain 1 (evaporation phase only) and Rain 2 with demineralized water. The water tension Fig. 11. Comparison of resistivity ratio (final/initial) calculated from surface ERT results and water tension differences (final-initial) for Rain 1 and 2. Data from Rain 1 (evaporation phase only) and Rain 2 (rain and evaporation phases) are plotted with different symbols. For rain 1, points from tensiometers 9 and 5 (in gray) appear doubtful and were not included for fitting the data. ERT deviation bars are deduced from ERT accuracy analysis shown in Fig. 5. Water tension deviation bars are deduced from an inter-comparison of data between tensiometer 3 and 8 (not shown here). The doted line indicates the fitting (equation and R-squared criteria given in legend). 94 M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 measured at the end of Rain 1 from tensiometers 5 and 9 was not reliable due to bad readings and was omitted. For resistivity ratios, we added deviation bars taking into account the limited accuracy of the ERT shown in Fig. 5. The following values were used: ± 0.05 for leeward (tensiometers 1, 2 and 9) and ± 0.075 for center and windward (tensiometers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8). For water tension, the measurement errors were very small (within 2% deviation) and not taken into account. But when tensiometers 3 and 8, which were situated close together, were simultaneously compared, a difference of ± 0.05 m (not dealt in this paper) was found, probably due to local variations in soil properties around the sensor. Consequently, we included a possible variation of ± 0.05 m as a deviation bar for water tension values. We found that the relationship followed a logical trend: the lower the resistivity ratio, the higher the water tension difference. The relationship was adjusted by conversion to a logarithmic relationship with a coefficient (R-squared) of 0.79. The relationship obtained is well suited for tensiometers close to the surface: ERT is able to delineate the tension differences with confidence within the first 15 to 20 cm from the surface. We noticed also that a few group of points deviated significantly from the logarithmic relationship. For example, points for the tensiometers 4, 5 and 9 for Rain 2 at depth show resistivity ratio values that are too low to fit with the logarithmic relationship. Therefore, the accurate spatialization of water tension differences remains difficult for the deeper parts of the microdune. We have shown that a porosity-independent relationship can be established between the calculated resistivity ratio and water tension difference. But limitations to ERT reconstruction can lead to errors that remain troublesome for reliably recovering detailed water tension differences, especially at depth and this problem was also reported by Day-Lewis et al. (2005). They showed how core-scale relationships between geophysical properties and hydrologic parameters are altered by the inversion, which produces smoothly varying pixel-scale estimates. Using synthetic examples, they proposed an approach using cross-bore well ERT and radar tomograms to delineate the patterns of correlation loss in the inversion. For future work on sandy soils, this approach could be used if the scale of the experiment allows radar antennae to be used. In our case the microdune was too small to use high frequency radar because the size of the transmitter-receiver system is too large (20–30 cm) compared with the size of the dune (50 cm). 4.3. Effect of soil solution resistivity When looking at the relationship between resistivity ratio and water tension difference for Rain 3, salted with NaCl, there was a wide range of variation for resistivity ratios (0.1 to 1.8) as shown in Fig. 12. The range of differences in water tension was Fig. 12. Comparison of resistivity ratio (final/initial) calculated from surface ERT results and water tension differences (final-initial) for the salted Rain 3 (rain and evaporation phases). See also description of Fig. 11. M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 low (− 0.1 to + 0.2 m) because of the short periods of evaporation considered in the experiment. A logarithmic relationship was hardly achieved with a coefficient (R-squared) of 0.30 that improved slightly (0.45) if we remove tensiometers 4 and 5. The value obtained from tensiometers 4 and 5, and to some extent tensiometers 8 and 9, located deeper, deviate from the logarithmic relationship. We also observed that points obtained with tensiometers 4 and 5 are situated closer to the previous curve determined for Rains 1 and 2 with demineralized water. This suggests that perhaps at the end of rain 3, salted water had not yet reached the deeper part of the windward side, and therefore the resistivity ratio remained low. To highlight the effect of soil solution resistivity in the experiment, we investigated its influence using Archie's law. We plotted soil solution resistivity versus soil resistivity in Fig. 13 taking into account a constant porosity of 40% and various saturation states from 0.25 to 1 (25 to 100%). This illustrates how variations in water resistivity can be tracked using variations in soil resistivity. Starting an experiment at 25% saturation, with a soil solution resistivity of 40 Ω m, the corresponding soil resistivity is 2000 Ω m (point number 1 in Fig. 13). If we proceed until saturation state, 3 scenarios are possible: • Scenario A: the water used in the experiment is demineralised, which reproduces a typical scenario of rain infiltrating soil. The soil solution is diluted during infiltration leading to increased resistivity. Once the soil gets saturated, point 2 is 95 reached (Fig. 13). The corresponding soil resistivity ratio (final/initial) is 0.3 for scenario A. • Scenario B: water resistivity in the experiment is close to the actual soil solution resistivity. If we assume that there are no chemical exchanges in the soil then the soil solution should remain constant. Once the soil becomes saturated, point number 3 is reached, and the soil resistivity ratio reaches 0.06. • Scenario C: water used for the experiment is more salty than the actual soil solution. It leads to a concentration (decrease of soil solution resistivity), and the soil resistivity ratio is 0.015. A huge contrast in soil resistivity between initial and final states is created. If a direct link between water tension and saturation is assumed, then dilution (scenario A) will produce a highly sloped relationship between resistivity ratio and tension difference (small ratio of resistivities for a given saturation difference). On the contrary, concentration (scenario C) generates a relationship with a low slope (higher ratio of resistivities for the same saturation difference). Moreover in case C soil resistivity would drastically decrease and that could be troublesome for calculations using ERT. Our experimental results showed that the relationship obtained between resistivity ratio and water tension difference depends on soil solution resistivity as predicted by Archie's law. The slope of the relationship depends on the situation created, i.e. dilution or concentration of the soil solution. In the case of Fig. 13. Example of Archie's law for a sandy soil with a homogeneous sand with 40% porosity and parameters a, m and n fixed at 1.37, 0.88 and 2 respectively. Soil solution resistivity was plotted versus soil resistivity for different saturation states. Points 1 to 4 correspond to situations described in the text. 96 M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 Rain 3, the addition of the salt modified the slope obtained from Rain 1 and Rain 2. Recent studies have also used Archie's law in their investigations. Singha and Gorelick (2005, 2006) illustrated, with both synthetic and field cases, that ERT response is difficult to match with measured fluid conductivities in saturated soil. This difficulty is due to the variability in the effects of ERT regularization, which change in both space and time. For this reason, they suggest that Archie's law cannot be used to directly scale ERT conductivities to fluid conductivities. Our findings agree with their conclusion. We can add that for unsaturated soils, the scaling of ERT conductivities to water tension could be difficult if the soil solution conductivity is not constant in time. In other words, if several sprinkling tests are made with water of different conductivity, a clear relationship between resistivity ratio and water tension differences could not be identified. Therefore, we advocate the use of constant water conductivity for repeated infiltration tests monitored with ERT. Water conductivity changes are maintained in the same value range, minimizing the slope change in the relationship. When salted water was used in our study, the range of variation in the resistivity values was found to be too great compared to the range of tension differences (the time period of evaporation was too short). Therefore the relationship was not reliable. For further experiments with salted water, longer evaporation periods should be allowed for, to generate a wider range of tension differences and thus enhance the reliability of the relationship. 4.4. Spatialization of water content using ERT Spatializing water content using ERT remains a tenuous objective in our study. This important goal was not considered essentially because the experimental relationship between tension and water content, sketched in Fig. 9, is not linear if we fit it using a conventional Van Genuchten's model well suited for sands. This model is non linear and therefore, an identical difference in water tension leads to different water tension differences depending on the range of water content considered. In the middle water content range, between 20% and 85%, the relationship should be approximately linear. In the upper range, between 85% and 100% (saturation), the same linear trend was observed in the model with a slightly different slope, but was not seen for our data because we had too few data points for this water content range. Thus for an identical water tension difference, say 0.1 m (10 cm), the difference in water content is 5% in the middle range and 3.3% in the upper range. We conclude that even if ERT could be useful for accurately spatializing the water tension difference, the conversion of results obtained with ERT to determine water content would only lead to approximations of the water content restitution which is dependent on the water content range, not known from ERT results. Nevertheless, for soils, or a specific water content range, where a linear behavior can be ascertained, the conversion of ERT to determine water content (through an experimental relationship derived from tension measurements) would be feasible. A second difficulty could arise when using ERT to estimate the water content distribution. Several studies reported a hysteresis behavior in the experimental relationship between resistivity and water content obtained on soil samples in laboratory experiments. In other words, the resistivity was not the same for a known identical water content depending on whether the sample was being wet or dried. This case was also encountered in our field study: water was infiltrating the upper part of the dune at the same time as drainage was occurring in the lower section. Knight (1991) as well as Roberts (2002) suggest that hysteresis should be taken into account when measuring vadose zone resistivity. The saturation history of the soil is therefore a factor that complicates the use of ERT. It was not addressed in this study essentially because we found that inaccuracies in reconstructing the ERT were by far the most important sources of error which must be resolved prior to considering resistivity- water content hysteresis, if indeed it exists here. 5. Conclusion In this field study, we compared the soil electrical resistivity with water tension measurements under a series of 3 simulated rainfall events, with the aim of using electrical resistivity as a parameter to facilitate spatialization of hydrological processes (infiltration, evaporation) within a typical sahelian microdune. For this, the usefulness of surface ERT for examining the distribution of soil resistivity in the microdune, with heterogeneous sandy soils, was evaluated. Our first set of conclusions stem from attempts to optimize ERT inversion. • ERT inversions cannot be conducted routinely and confidently using default parameters, especially if the RMS is considered as the ultimate parameter for deciding if the inversion is accurate enough or not. ERT results were found to vary considerably depending on the different sets of inversion parameters and this can result in an under- or overestimate of the resistivity. • We generated an optimized inversion using a comparison between inverted and in-situ resistivity. During the optimization process, we highlighted that the comparison is strongly influenced by the number of iterations and the incorporation of a priori information. The best results were obtained with only 2 iterations. After the third iteration, the calculations lead to inaccurate calculated resistivity. Our results show that an invariant zone of constant resistivity (the substratum in our case) is instrumental in obtaining more reliable results because the inversion is confined within strict geometrical limits that are otherwise overtaken. • Optimized ERT inversion results can be compared to actual resistivity data to provide an estimate of their accuracy. We found that the variations in actual resistivity were small (20%) during the first two rainfall events with demineralized water, but higher (up to 50%) during the last salted rainfall event. The calculated resistivity values generated with the optimized ERT were within the same value range , but a few discrepancies still M. Descloitres et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 64 (2008) 83–98 occurred for data collected at depth. We estimated the ERT accuracy using the resistivity ratio (final state/initial state), and found it to be 10 to 15% of the actual ratio, but it may be higher (25%) at depth on the leeward side. We attribute this inaccuracy to inversion smoothing. Consequently, localized variations could not be precisely determined, especially where there were sharp contrasts in resistivity. Thus, in this study, for the ERT reconstruction to generate more reliable estimates of the resistivity, in-situ measurements are needed to facilitate comparisons between calculated and actual resistivity data. We found that this difficulty limits the interest of using non-destructive surface ERT measurements. Our second set of conclusions derives from comparisons between ERT and water tension measurements at a few locations within the microdune. • There was no correlation between ERT calculated resistivity and water tension during rain and evaporation. We explained this lack of correlation using soil-sampling results which showed that porosity was very heterogeneously distributed. • We found a clear correlation between the resistivity ratio (final state over initial state) and the difference in water tension (final state minus initial state), using the data for Rain 1 and 2 (both with demineralized water). As predicted by Archie's law, this relationship is porosity-independent. When the resistivity ratio decreases, the water tension difference increases. • Time lapse ERT is able to confidently track water tension differences within the first 20 cm from the surface. However, below 20 cm, we noticed a lack of ERT accuracy that made it difficult to recover the distribution of water tension differences in some parts of the microdune because sharp contrasts in resistivity have been smoothed out. • We used salted rain to examine how the relationship (resistivity ratio–tension difference) may vary with soil solution conductivity. The slope of the relationship changed as predicted by Archie's law. The dependent relationship with soil solution resistivity was clearly seen in our field experiment but could not be reliably determined. • Lastly, we could not derive water content using the resistivity ratio–water tension difference experimental relationship because of the non linear behavior between tension and water content. Moreover, we found that this experimental relationship was scattered, but further studies may take this into account. We can conclude from our findings that the relationship between resistivity ratio and tension differences should be investigated in more detail under various experimental conditions. To obtain less scattered results future work should concentrate on point resistivity measurements coupled with tensiometers at the same place. Nevertheless even if the relationship may be improved, the effect of ERT smoothing could still compromise efforts to reconstruct a detailed picture of localized processes at depth. The inclusion of a priori information is essential for optimizing ERT inversion. This was 97 also reported in others recent studies, for example by Yeh et al. (2002) who used a sequential, geo-statistical inverse approach with inclusion of a priori knowledge and point electrical resistivity measurements, that also permitted sequential inclusion of different data sets. In our study we found that even if a relation between the resistivity ratio and water tension differences could be established, a more reliable ERT reconstruction is also needed to foresee a valuable spatialization of hydrological functioning of heterogeneous sandy soils using resistivity. Acknowledgements This work was funded and conducted by Unités de Recherche 027 and 049 of Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), and INSU Programme National SolErosion (PNSE) project no. 99/44. We greatly acknowledge Institut National de l'Environnement et de la Recherche Agricole (INERA) of Burkina Faso for providing access to the site. We also thank the team of the hydrological laboratory of IRD at Ouagadougou, with a special mention of Moussa Barry, Yves Dzouali, Harouna Karambiri, Dial Niang, Boureima Tou and Maxime Wubda for their help in the field. References Archie, E., 1942. The electrical resistivity log as an aid in determining some reservoir characteristics. Amer. Inst. Min. Met. Eng., Tech. Publ. 1422. Petroleum Technology. 8 pp. Asseline, J., Valentin, C., 1978. Construction et mise au point d'un infiltromètre à aspersion. Cahiers de l'ORSTOM. Série Hydrologie 15, 321–343. Carsel, R.F., Parrish, R.S., 1997. 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Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics) Influence of shallow infiltration on time-lapse ERT: Experience of advanced interpretation Rémi Clément a,*, Marc Descloitres a, Thomas Günther b, Olivier Ribolzi c, Anatoli Legchenko a a Laboratoire d’étude des transferts en hydrologie et environnement (LTHE), UMR 5564, CNRS, INPG, IRD, UJF, université de Grenoble, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9, France b Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany c Laboratoire des mécanismes de transfert en géologie (LMTG), IRD, CNRS, UPS, OMP, 14, avenue Edouard-Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France Received 17 June 2008; accepted after revision 1 July 2009 Available online 26 September 2009 Written on invitation of the Editorial Board Abstract Previous time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) studies have experienced difficulties in reconstructing reliable calculated resistivity changes in the subsurface. Increases or decreases of resistivity appear in the calculated ERT image where no changes were noted in the subsurface, leading to erroneous hydrological interpretations of the geophysical results. In this article, we investigate how a variation of actual resistivity with time and at shallow depth can influence time-lapse ERT results and produce resistivity artefacts at depth. We use 1 and 2-D numerical modelling to simulate infiltration scenarios. Using a standard time-lapse inversion, we demonstrate the resistivity artefact production according to the electrode spacing parameter. We used an advanced inversion methodology with a decoupling line at shallow depth to attenuate or remove resistivity artefacts. We also applied this methodology to a field data set obtained in a semi-arid environment in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Here, time-lapse ERT shows several resistivity artefacts of calculated resistivity if a standard inversion is used. We demonstrate the importance of a dense sampling of shallow resistivity variations at shallow depth. Advanced interpretation allows us to significantly attenuate or remove the resistivity artefact production at intermediate depth and produce reliable interpretation of hydrological processes. To cite this article: R. Clément et al., C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009). # 2009 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. Résumé Influence des infiltrations superficielles sur le suivi temporel en tomographie de résistivité électrique : expérience d’interprétation améliorée. Certaines études de suivi temporel par Tomographie de Résistivité Electrique (ERT) ont montré des augmentations ou des diminutions de résistivité bien identifiées dans les images de résistivité calculée dans des zones où aucun changement hydrologique n’a eu lieu. Nous montrons comment une variation réelle de la résistivité dans le temps et dans la proche surface peut influencer les résultats de suivi temporel ERT et produire des resistivity artefacts. Nous utilisons des modèles synthétiques 1-D et 2-D pour simuler des scénarios d’infiltration. L’utilisation d’une approche standard d’inversion en suivi temporel montre la production de resistivity artefacts en fonction de l’écartement inter-électrode unitaire. Nous utilisons ensuite une * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Clément). 1631-0713/$ – see front matter # 2009 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2009.07.005 Author's personal copy R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 887 méthodologie d’inversion avancée qui apporte une information a priori en introduisant une ligne de découplage à faible profondeur pour atténuer ou enlever les resistivity artefacts. Nous expérimentons cette méthodologie sur des données de terrain obtenues en milieu semi-aride au Burkina Faso, Afrique de l’Ouest. À cet endroit, le suivi temporel ERT montre des resistivity artefacts importants de variations de la résistivité calculée lorsqu’une inversion standard est utilisée. Nous mettons en avant l’importance d’un échantillonnage dense de la variation et aussi que l’inversion avancée réduit de façon significative et même élimine les resistivity artefacts à profondeur intermédiaire, pour aboutir à une meilleure description des processus hydrologiques. Pour citer cet article : R. Clément et al., C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009). # 2009 Académie des sciences. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés. Keywords: Electrical resistivity tomography; Shallow infiltration; Resistivity artefact Mots clés : Tomographie de résistivité électrique ; Infiltration superficielle ; Artefact de résistivité 1. Introduction Thanks to their specialization and quantification capacities and non-destructive character, geophysical methods are often considered to help in implementing point measurements to study hydrological processes. Among them, Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) is a recent but mature geophysical method increasingly popular in environmental and hydrogeological studies [1–3]. ERT is well suited to 2-D and 3-D field data acquisition and interpretation, and can be adapted to various scales. Time-lapse ERT can also be used to monitor changes in electrical resistivity linked to groundwater flows, because they create variations in water content and/or water conductivity. Time-lapse ERT consists in performing an identical ERT survey several times in the same place, before, during, and after the hydrological process under study. In an unsaturated zone, time-lapse ERT is primarily sensitive to water content variations. Most of the time, a decrease of resistivity indicates an infiltration, and an increase indicates an evaporation. In a saturated zone, time-lapse ERT is sensitive to changes in water conductivity. A decrease of electrical resistivity measured by ERT corresponds to an increase in ionic concentration of the groundwater. An increase of electrical resistivity corresponds to a dilution of groundwater. Controlled experiments in tanks [10,20] demonstrated the potential of time-lapse ERT. In the laboratory or in-situ, timelapse ERT works best with strong contrasts in resistivity values if salt tracers are used or if pollution plumes are monitored [4,19,22]. In natural conditions in the field, resistivity contrasts are often weaker [17] (i.e. variations from 10 to few tens of percent) and obtaining reliable time-lapse ERT results could be a challenge when trying to locate deep infiltration or recharge zones [6]. Although noticeable improvements have occurred in time-lapse ERT, some recent studies also report image reconstruction difficulties, due to the smoothing effect of the algorithm [10,21]. Some time-lapse ERT surveys fail to recover reliable actual resistivity changes because the calculated resistivity model displays resistivity artefacts (increase or decrease of calculated resistivity) where no changes are expected or measured [6]. Severe misinterpretations of time-lapse ERT surveys can occur, leading to erroneous hydrological understanding of pollution plumes, of groundwater recharge or erroneous modelling. Previous authors [6] have suggested that if a shallow surface infiltration or evaporation occurs during an ERT survey, it could be misinterpreted during ERT inversion. These authors [11] have already demonstrated that a variation of actual resistivity in shallow layers can lead to an opposite variation of apparent resistivity at intermediate electrode spacing. This situation could be particularly acute when the ground is composed of a resistive first layer above a more conductive layer, and when shallow rain infiltration (or evaporation) occurs between two measurements in the field. In the example given by Kunetz [11] with a 2-layer ground, a decrease of actual resistivity within the uppermost part (first quarter, thickness h/4) of the first layer of thickness h can produce an increase of apparent resistivity at intermediate electrode spacing distances between 3 h and 20 h. Then, the easiest model obtained by inversion is one that produces an unexpected increase of calculated resistivity. This article investigates how a variation of actual resistivity with time and at shallow depth can influence time-lapse ERT results and produce resistivity artefacts at depth. In addition, it presents an advanced time-lapse interpretation to reduce and remove those resistivity artefacts. We used numerical modelling, standard and advanced time-lapse inversions based on a classical addition of a priori information. Then we used a field data set exhibiting typical resistivity artefacts obtained with a standard inversion to show how these resistivity artefacts can be removed. Author's personal copy 888 R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 2. Material and methods To investigate the effect produced by a shallow infiltration on the ERT method, we adopted a classical method with three stages. The first stage is the construction of two scenarios of shallow infiltration and their translation into experimental apparent resistivity synthetic data sets. The second stage is to use a standard inversion procedure for the time-lapse inversion. The last stage is to introduce a priori information to constrain the inversion of apparent resistivity data. Here, this is referred to as ‘‘advanced interpretation’’. 2.1. Synthetic models Fig. 1 presents the synthetic models: a background (initial) model and the two superficial infiltration scenarios. One represents a 1-D resistivity model and the second 2-D resistivity model. From the surface down, the background model has three geological layers: variations of resistivity. The second one is the dipole– dipole that is sensitive to the lateral variations of resistivity. As proposed by De La Vega et al. [22] and Loke [13], the data sets were combined to form a joint data set for inversion. The apparent resistivity for the three different unit electrode spacings of 4, 1 and 0.5 m was calculated and 1.5% of Gaussian noise was added. Fig. 1 presents also an example of an apparent resistivity data set for three different unit electrode spacings and a Wenner alpha array. We also plotted the ratio of the final apparent resistivity after infiltration to the background initial model. The ratio of apparent resistivity shows: with 4 m spacing, an increase of apparent resistivity at intermediate and shallow acquisition levels; with 1 m spacing, the apparent resistivity decreases for data close to the surface and increases at the intermediate acquisition level; with 0.5 m spacing, the apparent resistivity decreases significantly at low level and increases at the intermediate acquisition level. 2.2. Standard time-lapse inversion the superficial layer has a thickness of 2.5 m and a resistivity of 500 Ohm m in dry periods, similar to a sandy loam layer; the second layer has a thickness of 3 m and a resistivity of 30 Ohm m, similar to clay; the third layer has a resistivity of 500 Ohm m and represents the substratum. The first scenario represents 1-D vertical infiltration, which can occur during a rain event (A, left). This model is the same as the background model at initial time but the resistivity of the first layer decreases in the subsurface (0.40 m thick) from 500 to 50 Ohm m. This shallow infiltration simulation is similar to the average infiltration thickness measured in the field data set. The second scenario represents vertical infiltration but with a slight 2-D geometry that represents deeper infiltration under gullies, 0.80 m and 5 m wide (A, right). Topography was not introduced into the synthetic models, in order to focus only on the shallow surface phenomena effects and avoid topographical effects. The resistivity of the first layer decreases in the subsurface from 500 to 50 Ohm m. Apparent resistivities were calculated with the software package DC2DinvRes [8]. A finite difference method was used to simulate the synthetic apparent resistivities. Two arrays were chosen to calculate the synthetic apparent resistivity. The first one is the Wenner array because it is more sensitive to vertical Inversion of the synthetics data set was performed with the DC2DInvRes software package, with standard parameters (inversion type Gauss-Newton, Z-weight factor = 1, fixed regularisation, medium smooth constraint l=30). For a detailed description of these factors, see [8]. This software allows the introduction of a priori information into the time-lapse inversion procedure. For the inversion, we defined a fine mesh introducing: (i) two cells between every electrode; and (ii) a userdefined thickness for the cells. The thickness of the cells is constant for all data sets. We used a standard timelapse inversion following the approach by Loke [12]. First, the initial background model without infiltration was computed. Second, we used it as a reference model in the time-lapse inversion of the two infiltrations models. Finally, we compared the resulting calculated models using the ratio of calculated resistivity (the final calculated resistivity model divided by the initial calculated resistivity model). 2.3. Advanced time-lapse inversion The third stage consists in incorporating a priori information into the time-lapse inversion. In this study, we tested the possibility of decoupling shallow cells from the rest of the model. This approach has already been investigated for bedrock determination by incorporating a seismic line at depth [9]. During Author's personal copy R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 889 Fig. 1. Forward Modelling. (A). Synthetic model. (B). Apparent resistivity model obtained for a Wenner array and three electrode spacings. (C). Ratio of apparent resistivity (final stage divided by initial stage). Note the increase of apparent resistivity at intermediate acquisition levels. The 4meter spacing data set contains fewer data points (84) than the 0.5-meter spacing data (6048) with a Wenner array. Fig. 1. Modélisation directe. (A). Modèle synthétique. (B). Modèle de résistivité apparente obtenu pour un dispositif Wenner et trois écartements d’électrodes différents. (C). Rapport des résistivités apparentes (état final/état initial). On note l’augmentation de la résistivité apparente aux niveaux d’acquisition intermédiaires. Le jeu de données avec un écartement de 4 m contient moins de points (84) que celui avec un écartement de 0,5 m (6048) avec le dispositif Wenner. inversion, individual model cell boundaries can be weighted by using a blocky model option. In the presence of a known boundary, the weight can be set to zero resulting in sharp gradients at this point. Knowledge may be derived from borehole information, seismic or GPR surveys or observations on the surface [8,9]. We considered that (i) the infiltration front information is known, and (ii) this front is not the only scope of the time-lapse ERT survey that focuses preferably on deep infiltration or deeper changes in resistivity. Hence, we introduced the knowledge of the infiltration front position as a priori information. Author's personal copy 890 R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 3. Results We present in Fig. 2 the results using the ratio of resistivity after infiltration and before infiltration. A ratio below 1.0 therefore indicates a decrease of resistivity and above one an increase of resistivity. 3.1. Synthetic models 3.1.1. 1-D case In the area between 0 and 0.4 m (thickness of the simulated infiltration), the ratio of calculated resistivity ranges between 0.6 and 0.8 for a standard inversion, for a unit electrode spacing of 4 m. For unit electrode spacing of 1 m, it ranges from 0.2 to 0.6, which is closer to the expected value of 0.1. Finally, with the smallest unit electrode spacing of 0.5 m, the ratio of the calculated resistivity is between 0.1 and 0.3, close to the required theoretical value. Using advanced inversion, the ratio of calculated resistivity follows the same trend for all the spacings. A slight improvement was noted for 0.5 m spacing data: the ratio reaches the ideal value of 0.1. In the area between 0.4 and 2.5 m, the actual resistivity does not change; consequently, the calculated ratio should be 1.0. With standard inversion, all unit electrode spacings show an increase of the calculated resistivity model, the ratios have values ranging between 1.2 and 6 (Fig. 2, 1-D red arrow). When the advanced inversion is used, a clear improvement is obvious: the ratio is limited to the range between 1 and 1.2 only. In the area between 2.5 and 5.3 m (clayey layer), the actual resistivity does not change; consequently the calculated ratio should also be 1. With standard inversion, an increase of 1.1 to 2.5 between 2.5 and 3.5 m is still found. With spacing of 0.5 m and standard inversion, the variation is limited to a value of ratio ranging between 1.1 and 1.7. It remains between 1 and 1.3 with advanced inversion. Deeper, between 3.5 and 5.3 m, the ratio of calculated resistivity is close to the expected value of one whatever standard or advanced inversion is used. In conclusion, it seems that the depth interval affected by resistivity artefacts is reduced with smaller unit electrode spacing. Fig. 2. Result of time-lapse inversion of synthetic data sets (combined Wenner and dipole–dipole arrays). Ratio of calculated resistivity using standard and advanced inversion. Red arrows represent increases of resistivity, and blue arrows represent a decrease. The ratios of the calculated resistivity after infiltration to the initial calculated resistivity before infiltration are attached to the arrows. Fig. 2. Inversion en mode suivi temporel des jeux de données synthétiques (dispositifs Wenner et dipôle–dipôle combinés). Rapport des résistivités calculées en utilisant les modes d’inversion standard et amélioré. Les flèches rouges représentent des augmentations de résistivité calculée, les flèches bleues des diminutions. Le rapport de la résistivité calculée après l’infiltration sur la résistivité calculée initiale avant l’infiltration est indiqué à côté des flèches. Author's personal copy R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 Below 5.3 m in the sandy substratum, with a standard inversion, the resistivity decreases (ratio between 0.7 and 1 for all units of electrode spacing). With advanced inversion, the ratio remains between 0.9 and 1.1. We drew two major conclusions. First, the resistivity variations at shallow depth and the infiltration depth are logically better resolved with shorter unit electrode spacing (0.5 m in our example). Second, the use of advanced time-lapse inversion with a decoupling line limits the resistivity artefacts. For example, the false increase of resistivity below the infiltration zone is limited to 1.3, while with standard inversion, it is greater than 5. 3.1.2. 2-D case From the surface down to 0.8 m at the centre of the model, the results are similar to the results obtained with the 1-D model. With standard inversion, the decrease of electrode spacing improves the delineation of the bulb. The ratio of calculated resistivity approaches the theoretical value of 0.1. Using advanced inversion and 4 m spacing, the bulb is poorly defined. The resistivity ratio lies between 0.5 and 0.24, quite far from the required value of 0.1. For unit electrode spacing of 1 and 0.5 m, the advanced inversion shows a homogeneous ratio with a value of less than 0.2. In the zone 0.4 to 2.5 m, all spacings show that the ratio of the calculated resistivity model increases with both standard and advanced inversion as in the 1-D case. The calculated resistivity ratio reaches very high values (up to 19) with the standard inversion. For advanced inversion, the increase remains much smaller (around 4) with 1 m spacing. Between 2.5 and 5.3 m, the calculated models are similar to what we obtained for the 1-D case. For the substratum zone, the calculated variations are more noticeable. With both standard and advanced inversions and 4 m spacing, the ratio of the calculated resistivity model remains between 0.9 and 1.1, an acceptable result. With shorter spacing, the ratio of calculated resistivity varies between 0.5 and 0.8 for standard inversion, and between 0.8 and 1 for advanced inversion. However, even if the advanced inversion seems to give better results, the patterns of the resistivity ratio distribution appears complicated by the 2-D geometry of the infiltration. Some resistivity artefacts (increases) are visible in the lower left and right corners. They are considered to be boundary effects and are not analysed in this article. The numerical modelling shows that at shallow depth, the ratio of calculated resistivity and the 891 geometry of the infiltration are better resolved using the smallest unit electrode spacing. The false increase in the apparent resistivity during infiltration is reduced when the advanced inversion introducing a decoupling line is used. In the advanced approach, the calculated ratio is limited to 1.5 in 1-D (50%) and to 1.7 (70%) in 2-D, while with the standard approach, ratios of 2.5 (250%) or even 8 (800%) with 1 and 2-D cases are obtained, respectively. At depth, the numerical modelling shows that the reduction of unit electrode spacing could generate several symmetrical zones on the cross-section with a decrease or increase of calculated resistivity. The contrast is greater in the 2-D case. Because we focused our work primarily on the removal of the most severe resistivity artefacts (increase of calculated resistivity) below the infiltration zone, the origin of smooth oscillations at depth is not investigated in this article. Effects of the regularization parameter, array used, or even data density might explain this phenomenon. Finally, we showed that using the advanced timelapse inversion, the calculated resistivity ratio is significantly closer to the resistivity model ratio, and is generally limited to 0.2 (i.e. 20% of resistivity variations). 3.2. Field data example The field data set is a typical case showing resistivity artefact production after time-lapse inversion. This survey was not dedicated to shallow infiltration monitoring but rather to study recharge processes under an ephemeral gully in Burkina Faso, West Africa [5]. In regions with a low rainfall index and a monsoon climate, there is an increasing need for sustainable groundwater resources. This requires a better understanding of groundwater recharge zones. Recharge processes in semi-arid climates (rain < 600 mm) are mainly located below seasonal ponds [14,15], alluvial sandy fans [16] and intermittent (ephemeral) streams during monsoon events [7]. Quantification of infiltration rates and groundwater recharge relies generally on field measurements in boreholes by means of neutron probes, tensiometers, capacitive probes and piezometer networks. These point measurements need an optimized implementation with geophysical surveys. The study area, in northern Burkina Faso, is a typical (1 ha) gully erosion area located at the outlet of an 82 ha catchment with a crystalline basement (Fig. 3). The surface conditions in the area are favourable to infiltration due to: (i) a fractured quartz vein; and (ii) sandy or pebble surfaces. Taking advantage of a long Author's personal copy 892 R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 resistivity for short spacing (< 1 m) varied by less than 5% in the morning thus keeping temperature effects at an acceptable level. The infiltration pattern was also monitored with neutron probe measurements in six auger holes shown in Fig. 3. The results obtained with both standard and advanced inversions are presented in Fig. 4. We positioned the decoupling line at a constant depth of 0.25 m corresponding to the average value given by the infiltration front derived from neutron probe measurements. Fig. 3. Location of the experimental site, geophysical survey and neutron probe measurements. Fig. 3. Localisation du site expérimental, des mesures géophysiques et des tubes d’accès de sonde à neutron. dry season followed by a short rainy one, we used the time-lapse ERT approach to carry out electrical resistivity monitoring during the rainy season, between June and September. We used two apparent resistivity data sets obtained just before (June) and just after the rainy season (September) to obtain a significant infiltration phenomenon. The stainless steel electrodes were left in the soil for the duration of the experiment. The cables were laid out each time. To monitor expected infiltration down to depths of 5 m or more, we laid out a Wenner array profile along a line crossing the gully. A first acquisition was made with 1 m spacing along the entire length of the profile. The data set with 2 m was extracted from the 1 m data set for demonstration purposes in this paper. Then, three panels of apparent resistivity with the 0.5 m spacing data set were acquired by a classical roll-along technique, with three successive acquisitions involving 64 electrodes each. The data with 1 m spacing were added at depth to the 0.5 m panels. This avoids inversion distortions due to the lack of data at depth. Measurements were made before noon to avoid high temperature variations. In addition, apparent resistivity variations were also monitored with time on a test site during the day to evaluate the effect of temperature on resistivity variations. We found that the apparent At shallow depth between 0 and 0.4 m, with a large unit electrode spacing of 2 m, the ratios of calculated resistivity are 1.3 and 4 using standard and advanced options respectively, indicating that the infiltration is not visible. For smaller spacing (1 m) the infiltration is still not detected with the standard inversion. With advanced inversion, the infiltration is clearly seen with a ratio below 0.5 and 1.With the smallest spacing of 0.5 m, the ratio of resistivity is lower than 0.5 whatever type of inversion is used; between 0.5 and 3 m, for all spacings, the standard inversion shows a calculated resistivity ratio, which ranges between 1.2 and 5. When advanced inversion is used, the increase is limited to a ratio ranging between 1 and 1.5; below 3 m, for all inversion and with a unit-electrode spacing of 2 m, the ratio of resistivity remains between 0.9 and 1.2. With unit electrode spacing of 1 m, the ratio of calculated resistivity is in the range of 1–1.3 for standard and advanced inversion. For a spacing of 0.5 m, results show noticeable variations between 1 and 1.3 marked by a red arrow in Fig. 4. At the right of the cross-section below the position of 44 m, the ratio of calculated resistivity ranges between 0.5 and 0.8 as shown by a blue arrow. 4. Discussion 4.1. Comparison with neutron probe data Fig. 5 presents the comparison between standard and advanced time-lapse inversion of ERT with the smaller electrode spacing (0.5 m) versus neutron probe data. The infiltration front is drawn according to the measurements of the six neutron tubes (TN 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27). Only TN 23, 24, 25 and 26 are shown for clarity. All tubes show infiltration down to less than 0.4 m except TN24 where the infiltration deepens to 0.80 m. In addition, below TN24, a very localized water invasion was recorded at a depth of 4 m during the rainy Author's personal copy R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 893 Fig. 4. Standard inversion and advanced inversion results for field data with three different unit electrode spacings (2, 1 and 0.5 m). Fig. 4. Résultats des inversions en mode standard et amélioré pour le jeu de données de terrain, avec trois écartements unitaires d’électrodes (2, 1 et 0,5 m). season. We attribute this phenomenon to a local lateral invasion due to the proximity of the fractured quartz vein. Five major conclusions were drawn from the comparison of neutron probe data and ERT: by neutron probe data. They could also be the result of geometrical oscillations in the inversion, as already noted at depth with our numerical modelling of a 2-D infiltration object. first, for the standard time-lapse inversion, we note that if we draw the contour line of ratio 0.8 near the surface, the shape of this line is in agreement with the neutron probe variation; second, the increase of calculated resistivity just below the infiltration was not corroborated by neutron probe measurements as expected from our numerical modelling. We confirm here the resistivity artefact creation using standard inversion. In the deeper part of the section, the variations of the ratio are high (range 1 to 1.7); third, for the advanced inversion using a constant thickness of decoupling (0.25 m), the decrease of calculated resistivity is strictly limited inside the decoupling zone; fourth, the increase of calculated resistivity below the infiltration is clearly reduced, not only with the reduction of the area involved, but the ratio also remains limited to less than 2. In addition, in the deeper part of the section, the variations of the ratio are not only lower (range 0.9 to 1.1 with some local values reaching 1.3), but affect a smaller area of the section; fifth, the water invasion noted for tube TN24 at 4 m depth is noticed by both inversions. It is, however, comparable to other variations calculated laterally at the same depth. These variations are not corroborated Finally, we noted that using standard inversion, severe resistivity artefacts of increasing resistivity were produced below the infiltration front, as predicted by the numerical modelling. The only benefit obtained from the standard inversion is that the irregular shape of the infiltration front fits the neutron probe data. With the advanced inversion, we noted a clear improvement in resistivity artefact removal. We used a constant thickness of decoupling line. Zones with an increase in calculated resistivity at depth are still present, but within a smaller variation range. This is not entirely satisfactory. We investigated further in the decoupling. 4.2. Influence of the geometry of the decoupling line Considering that the infiltration geometry could not be well known in the field due to a lack of boreholes or other methods, we investigated the effect of three different geometries of the decoupling line. The results are presented in Fig. 6. Three cases are discussed: (i) no knowledge of the depth of the infiltration front (decoupling line at a constant depth all along the ERT profile); (ii) a precise but punctual knowledge of the depth of the infiltration front; (iii) a complete knowledge of the depth of the infiltration front. Author's personal copy 894 R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 Fig. 5. Comparison of neutron probe data with standard (top) or advanced (bottom) time-lapse inversions. For standard inversion, the contour line of 0.8 is marked by a continuous grey line to show the good accordance with neutron probe data (the infiltration front is shown by short red lines). For advanced inversion, the position of the decoupling line is marked by a black dotted line. The blue arrow shows the localized water invasion at 4 m depth below neutron probe tube TN 24. Fig. 5. Comparaison des résultats obtenus avec la sonde à neutron et les inversions en mode de suivi temporel pour le mode standard (en haut) et amélioré (en bas). Pour le mode standard, la ligne d’isocontour de rapport 0,8 est marquée avec une ligne grise continue, pour montrer la bonne correspondance avec les données de sonde à neutron (le front d’infiltration est montré avec de courts traits horizontaux rouges). Pour le mode d’inversion amélioré, la position de la ligne de découplage est marquée par une ligne noire pointillée. La flèche bleue montre une invasion d’eau très localisée à 4 m en dessous du tube neutronique TN24. The first case corresponds to the one where the interpreter gives only an estimate of the thickness of the infiltration front as we did when interpreting our field data. As shown in Fig. 6a, and b, for two different decoupling depths, the time-lapse ERT gave different results: for a decoupling depth of 0.1 m, the increase of calculated resistivity remains acceptable and lower than 1.25 just below the infiltration. This result is comparable, or slightly better, than what we obtained with a decoupling depth of 0.25 m (as shown also in Fig. 4). Using a much higher infiltration depth as decoupling line, for example 0.75 m (Fig. 6b), ERT time-lapse inversion no longer fits the neutron probe data. ERT exhibits a significant increase of resistivity (ratio of more than 3) at the north of the section for example, not corroborated by neutron probe data. The second case corresponds to a precise but punctual knowledge of the depth of the infiltration front. We introduced six decoupling lines at six constant depths indicated by the six neutron probe data. Each line Author's personal copy R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 895 Fig. 6. Effect of the geometry of the decoupling line. (a) and (b). Decoupling line with a constant depth of 0.1 and 0.75 m, respectively. (c). Decoupling line using information obtained with neutron probe data. (d). Decoupling line with irregular shape deduced from contour line of ratio 0.8 obtained with standard time-lapse inversion with smallest unit-electrode spacing of 0.5 m (see Fig. 4). Fig. 6. Effet de la géométrie de la ligne de découplage. (a) et (b). Lignes de découplage placées à 0,1 et 0,75 m de profondeur respectivement. (c). Ligne de découplage placée selon l’information obtenue avec les tubes neutroniques. (d). Ligne de découplage avec une forme irrégulière déduite de l’isocontour de rapport 0,8, obtenu avec le mode d’inversion standard et le plus petit écartement d’électrodes de 0.5 m (voir Fig. 4). Author's personal copy 896 R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 is centred with respect to the tube, its length is arbitrarily limited laterally to the mid point between two tubes. The results shown in Fig. 6c exhibit promising improvements in resistivity artefact removal, especially in the northern part. However, at the centre of the gully, an increase of calculated resistivity is magnified. The third case considers a complete knowledge of the infiltration front as a continuous line. This information could be extracted from other data in the field (dense TDR measurements or ground penetrating radar profiling). For our study, we took advantage of the good agreement noted between the shape of the ERT contour line produced with the standard time-lapse inversion and the neutron probe. We thus generated a decoupling line that respects exactly the shape of the calculated contour line. By comparison with neutron probe data, we choose the contour line of 0.8. The results are shown in Fig. 6d. A general improvement is noted. The increase of the calculated resistivity is significantly reduced or even removed just below the infiltration front. The oscillations of the resistivity ratio at depth are still present but their amplitude stays within a limited range (between 0.85 and 1.25). The decrease of the calculated resistivity at 4 m depth below the neutron tube TN 24 appears magnified (slight decrease of the ratio). We demonstrate here that the position and the geometry of the decoupling line are of great importance. Acceptable results are obtained with our field data using a small thickness of decoupling (0.1 m). In addition, and for other surveys, the approach considering a continuous knowledge of the depth of the infiltration front is by far the best, even if some resistivity artefacts are still present but limited to a range between 0.85 and 1.25. Then one can use the shape of the infiltration given by standard time-lapse inversion as the decoupling geometry, but it is in any case essential to have external data at some points along the profile. Moreover, small unit electrode spacings are required during data acquisition. For further studies, additional improvements could be made in time-lapse inversion by using other a priori information such as invariant zones (for example the knowledge of the groundwater conductivity with time). This approach has already been tried by Vesnaver et al. [23] for seismic inversion and by Nguyen and Kemna [18] for ERT inversion, but it was not tested in this study, because the field data did not allow us to fix an invariant zone at depth. 4.3. Discrimination between resistivity artefact and true hydrological processes We examine here the capacity of the advanced interpretation to discriminate between a resistivity artefact and a true hydrological process. We chose a common but important case for soil and agronomical sciences: the characterisation of the zone where the plants are taking up water within the root zone and where resistivity is likely to increase. Therefore, as we have seen from the modelling and field data, the resistivity artefact of increasing resistivity at intermediate depth might be wrongly interpreted as a drying zone (root-zone). Finally, the question arises: if a true drying zone exists below the infiltration in the same place as resistivity artefacts, what is the efficiency of the advanced inversion? Does it display correctly the true phenomenon of an increasing resistivity? A scenario that includes a shallow infiltration and a drying zone below was simulated using the 2D model presented in Fig. 1. Fig. 7 presents the model that includes the drying zone and the results obtained with standard and advanced inversions. The standard inversion displays Fig. 7. Comparison between standard and advanced time-lapse inversion using a scenario with a drying zone below the infiltration as shown on the model. The true increase of resistivity is 2 and it is satisfactorily reconstructed with advanced inversion using a decoupling line (below). Fig. 7. Comparaison entre les modes d’inversion en suivi temporel standard et amélioré en utilisant un scénario de dessèchement, dans une zone située juste au-dessous du front d’infiltration, comme le montre le modèle synthétique (en haut de l’image). La véritable augmentation de résistivité d’un facteur 2 est reconstruite de façon satisfaisante, avec le mode d’inversion amélioré qui utilise une ligne de découplage (en bas de l’image). Author's personal copy R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 a strong increase of resistivity, ratio more than 8, between 2 and 5 m, and a strong decrease below (ratio less than 0.4). When one looks at the advanced inversion, the increase of resistivity below the infiltration is also seen and its value (ratio near 2.5) agrees well with the expected value of 2. Below, the variation of resistivity remains within the range 0.7 to 1. As a conclusion, if a true increase of resistivity is present in the soil at intermediate depth, it can be identified and correctly quantified by the advanced time-lapse inversion. Using standard inversion, unreliable values are obtained as resistivity artefact and the true phenomenon add their effects. 5. Conclusion Time-lapse ERT inversion can produce resistivity artefacts in certain circumstances already pointed out in previous studies. For example, when the actual resistivity decreases at shallow depth, a typical resistivity artefact is an increase of calculated resistivity at intermediate depths, whereas the actual resistivity does not change. Therefore, results of time-lapse ERT could lead to false interpretations and ERT may not be reliable for studying changes in resistivity at depth. We investigated the effect of a shallow variation of resistivity within the first decimetres of the soil on time-lapse ERT inversion using numerical modelling to show a typical ERT resistivity artefact. We show that 2D infiltration geometry enhances the resistivity artefact production by creating additional oscillations of calculated resistivity variation at depth. We used an advanced time-lapse inversion introducing a shallow decoupling line as a priori information corresponding to a constant thickness of the infiltration front, supposed to be known from external data. Using this advanced inversion, the resistivity artefact production is significantly reduced. The wrong increase of calculated resistivity is limited to a ratio of less than 1.3 whereas it grows to 3 or even more when standard time-lapse inversion is used. The advanced time-lapse inversion was tested on field data and the results corroborate the conclusions derived from the numerical modelling: data sets using short unit-electrode spacing are required to provide a convenient base for time-lapse ERT in case shallow infiltration (or evaporation) is present; using a standard (non-decoupling) approach, the resistivity artefact creation (i.e. increase of calculated resistivity at intermediate depth) is confirmed; 897 using standard inversion, the infiltration front can be delineated if short electrode spacing is used. In this case, a comparison with neutron probe data is necessary to identify the correct calculated resistivity isocontour and thus delineate the position of the infiltration front in the ERT image. Then, the infiltration front positioned with ERT can be used for advanced inversion; when advanced inversion that incorporates a decoupling line of constant thickness at shallow depth is used, the resistivity artefacts noted at intermediate depth are significantly reduced. We increased the resistivity artefact reduction by using a continuous line of variable thickness. The position of this line was deduced from the comparison between neutron probe data and standard inversion data. This allowed us to remove almost completely the resistivity artefact of increasing resistivity at intermediate depths. However, some oscillations at depth within a range of ratio 0.8 to 1.2 (i.e. 20%) are still present and could be smoothed by tuning other inversion parameters such as regularisation factors. Finally, when performing time-lapse ERT surveys in the presence of shallow infiltration or evaporation, we advocate measuring dense apparent resistivity data at shallow depth using small unit-electrode spacing (or shallow electromagnetic profiling). Even with short electrode spacing, a standard time-lapse inversion may exhibit false resistivity variations below the infiltration or evaporation front. To remove those unwanted resistivity artefacts, we need to incorporate a shallow continuous decoupling line into the inversion. In case of infiltration, this decoupling line is the infiltration front. The position and the shape of this line need to be defined and controlled with external information such as neutron probe data (or any other method available) as well as deduced from the ERT survey itself. With this approach, more reliable time-lapse ERT results are obtained, not only for shallow depths, but also on deeper changes in resistivity in the pseudo-section, leading to a better characterization of hydrological processes. Acknowledgments We wish to thank French EC2CO project ONDINE for funding part of this research. The INERA Institute in Burkina Faso provided access to the experimental site. Yann Le Troquer and Burkinabese staff are warmly thanked for field data acquisition. We are very grateful to Dr Thomas Ingeman-Nielsen for his helpful comments on the first version of the manuscript. Author's personal copy 898 R. Clément et al. / C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 886–898 References [1] R. Barker, The application of time-lapse electrical tomography in groundwater studies, The Leading Edge 17 (10) (1998) 1454– 1458. [2] Y. 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Gourc a a Laboratoire d’Etude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement, LTHE, UMR 5564, CNRS, INPG, IRD, UJF, B.P. 53, 38041, Grenoble Cedex 9, France Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Stilleweg 2, D-30655 Hannover, Germany c PROKHEM/Floralis, 6 allée de Bethléem, 38610 Gières, France b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Accepted 2 October 2009 Available online xxxx a b s t r a c t Leachate recirculation is a key process in the scope of operating municipal waste landfills as bioreactors, which aims to increase the moisture content to optimize the biodegradation in landfills. Given that liquid flows exhibit a complex behaviour in very heterogeneous porous media, in situ monitoring methods are required. Surface time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is usually proposed. Using numerical modelling with typical 2D and 3D injection plume patterns and 2D and 3D inversion codes, we show that wrong changes of resistivity can be calculated at depth if standard parameters are used for time-lapse ERT inversion. Major artefacts typically exhibit significant increases of resistivity (more than +30%) which can be misinterpreted as gas migration within the waste. In order to eliminate these artefacts, we tested an advanced time-lapse ERT procedure that includes (i) two advanced inversion tools and (ii) two alternative array geometries. The first advanced tool uses invariant regions in the model. The second advanced tool uses an inversion with a ‘‘minimum length” constraint. The alternative arrays focus on (i) a pole– dipole array (2D case), and (ii) a star array (3D case). The results show that these two advanced inversion tools and the two alternative arrays remove almost completely the artefacts within +/5% both for 2D and 3D situations. As a field application, time-lapse ERT is applied using the star array during a 3D leachate injection in a non-hazardous municipal waste landfill. To evaluate the robustness of the two advanced tools, a synthetic model including both true decrease and increase of resistivity is built. The advanced time-lapse ERT procedure eliminates unwanted artefacts, while keeping a satisfactory image of true resistivity variations. This study demonstrates that significant and robust improvements can be obtained for time-lapse ERT monitoring of leachate recirculation in waste landfills. Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The concept of bioreactor landfill has been studied and tested since 1970 in the United States of America (USA) and for more than a decade in Europe. This technology aims at enhancing the waste biodegradation in landfills. Many studies have pointed out the potential benefits of the bioreactor approach, namely: A quicker stabilisation of organic content can be achieved (10– 15 years compared to 30–100 years with a classical land filling operation) (Pacey et al., 1999). The biogas production can be improved (Hossain et al., 2003) providing a significant improvement of the efficiency of biogas power plant. The environmental hazard is reduced because bioreactor requires a better monitoring (Reinhart et al., 2002). * Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 (0)4 76 63 58 67; fax: +33 (0)4 76 82 50 14. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. Clément), Thomas.Guenther@ (T. Günther), [email protected] (C. Morra). If a leachate recirculation system is used, the volume of leachate to be treated is reduced as a part of the liquid retained by the waste matrix (Pohland, 1980; Warith, 2002). In situ operation of a landfill as a bioreactor requires a careful monitoring and control of the operating parameters. The moisture content has a major influence on the efficiency of the methanogen bacteria (Reinhart and Townsend, 1998). The anaerobic methanogenesis is enhanced by a high moisture content that can only be reached by adding water to the waste. Indeed, under temperate climate, the waste disposed in landfill is generally too dry to ensure an optimal biodegradation. The leachate recirculation appears to be a very favourable process since it could increase the moisture content. Moreover, the leachate recirculation tends to uniform the spatial distribution of adapted micro flora. As far as an efficient monitoring of the bioreactor is concerned, measuring the water in landfills is a key issue (Imhoff et al., 2007). In particular, the optimisation of leachate injection systems remains a challenging and ongoing problem for bioreactor landfill operators. Addressing this issue requires monitoring of these systems during long term field 0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx situations. Geophysical methods applied to landfill may be of assistance. Over the past ten years, various geophysical studies have shown that it is possible to use resistivity methods (mainly Direct Current -DC- and Electromagnetic -EM- methods) to: Characterise the waste landfill structure (Bernstone et al., 2000; Cossu et al., 2005; Meju, 2000); study the contamination of groundwater by leachate leaking from a landfill (Mondelli et al., 2007; Olofsson et al., 2006; Radulescu et al., 2007; Santos et al., 2006; Soupios et al., 2007; Zume et al., 2006); map the plume geometry and monitor the movement of the plume segments (Acworth and Jorstad, 2006; Guérin et al., 2004); Evaluate the spatial and temporal water variation in waste (Acworth and Jorstad, 2006; Frohlich et al., 1994; Guérin et al., 2004; Jolly et al., 2007; Mondelli et al., 2007; Moreau et al., 2003). Measure Induced Polarization (IP) effect during gas migration in landfill (Cossu et al., 1990). Most of these studies have shown that surface electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) can be a suitable method to study resistivity distribution (2D and 3D) at a large scale (ten to hundreds of meters wide and down to 30 m deep). ERT is becoming a common tool to study recirculation experiments in landfills. During the recirculation process, if a leachate content variation or gas migration creates resistivity variations, ERT can be considered using a time-lapse approach (i.e. repeating an ERT survey several times during the injection). Time-lapse ERT has been widely considered in areas other than landfill such as studying environmental processes as it focuses on electrical resistivity changes in the subsurface produced by groundwater flows. The main potential applications are pollution plume monitoring (Benson, 1995; Benson et al., 1997; Day-Lewis et al., 2003; deLima et al., 1995), and the location of shallow or deep infiltration or recharge zones (Deiana et al., 2007; Descloitres et al., 2003, 2008a,b; Frohlich et al., 1994). Delineation of leachate plume in landfills can be studied with time-lapse ERT (Grellier et al., 2008; Guerin et al., 2004; Guérin et al., 2004; Rosqvist et al., 2003, 2005). Several recent studies have however shown that some timelapse surveys are not easy to interpret. They show unexpected variations of calculated resistivity (Descloitres et al., 2008b; Guérin et al., 2004; Jolly et al., 2007); however several explanations could be provided to explain those ambiguous results. First, the results are mainly attributed to the regularisation process that is necessary due to the non-uniqueness of the solution, i.e. for the same data set of apparent resistivity there are different solutions of inversion. Second, they could be the result of regularisation in inversion which produces a smooth reconstructed image. Some authors explain there are abnormal variations of calculated resistivity in areas near the injection (Guerin et al., 2004). In most cases, these changes lead to unexpected increases in resistivity with time. On the one hand, some authors suggest these changes could be linked to a desaturation of medium due to gas migration in some areas (Grellier et al., 2008). Indeed, a leachate injection could push the gas away from the injection point (Guerin et al., 2004; Moreau et al., 2003; Rosqvist et al., 2003, 2005). Consequently, the decrease of water content in the waste results in an increase in electrical resistivity. On the other hand, some authors stress that these variations are questionable as they may appear in reverse resistivity anomalies that can lead to ambiguous interpretations (Guerin et al., 2004; Jolly et al., 2007). When using methods in other areas than leachate injections, similar problems have been encountered. Some timelapse ERT surveys have failed to detect reliable actual resistivity changes due to the calculated resistivity model displaying artefacts (increases or decreases of calculated resistivity) where no changes are expected or detected (al Hagrey, 2007; Descloitres et al., 2003, 2008b; Nimmer et al., 2007). The reconstruction algorithm can produce a significant increase in resistivity (Singha and Gorelick, 2005). The aim of this paper is to show that false variations of calculated resistivity (artefacts) can be obtained with time-lapse ERT inversion in some situations if standard parameters are used for ERT inversion. We propose a classical numerical modelling approach to test typical scenarios of infiltration in landfill waste, with 2D and 3D geometries. In order to achieve this, we build numerical models to generate synthetic ERT data set with symmetrical and asymmetrical electrode arrays (2D case) and parallel and star array (3D case). This study demonstrates that it is possible to obtain artefacts of increasing resistivity with standard time-lapse ERT inversion. Then, advanced procedure is tested using two inversion tools to determine whether it is possible to limit or eliminate these artefacts. Based on the conclusion derived from the numerical results, the star array was applied on a real data set obtained in the field during leachate recirculation experiment, comparing the time-lapse ERT image to independent data. Finally, we evaluate the reliability of the advanced procedure using a synthetic modelling simulating both an injection and a biogas migration respectively, corresponding to both a real decrease and a real increase of resistivity around the infiltration. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Methodology To show artefact creation and their remediation, this study uses a classical methodology applied in several papers (Clément et al., 2009; Radulescu et al., 2007; Yang, 2005) using ERT numerical modelling. The methodology applied in this paper is based on three steps. The first step is the creation of resistivity models corresponding to two realistic scenarios of leachate recirculation. The second step produces synthetic apparent resistivity data sets using a forward calculation with several electrode arrays. The third step is the inversion of the synthetic data set using (a) common inversion parameters used for time-lapse ERT, referred to as ‘‘standard inversion” in this paper and (b) advanced inversion tools which produce significant improvement for artefact removal. Both standard and advanced calculated models are then compared to the initial synthetic models to evaluate the efficiency of arrays and advanced inversion tools on artefact removal. 2.2. Synthetic 2D and 3D models Realistic scenarios of leachate recirculation have been considered. Leachate injection systems commonly used on waste landfills are either systems which create an elongated injection close to the surface, frequently assimilated with horizontal trenches filled with highly porous materials (Haydar and Khire, 2005; Khire and Haydar, 2003), or a punctual injection in wells or pits as discussed in some articles (Khire and Mukherjee, 2007; Morris et al., 2003). They represent typical 2D or 3D infiltration geometries, respectively. The hypothesis is that the model blocks are isotropic and homogeneous. The injected leachate is considered to be more conductive than the waste. It is further hypothesised that there is no rubber or plastic liner covering the site which could limit the electrical current flow. The structure of the initial model before infiltration is composed of two layers of soil (Fig. 1a, center). The surface Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 3 Fig. 1. (a) 2D and 3D infiltration synthetic models and (b) variation of real resistivity between initial and final state of the synthetic models (longitudinal cross section). The variations are show using Eq. (1) (see text). layer is a loamy-sandy soil; 1.5 m thick with a resistivity of 100 ohm m. This resistivity corresponds to a resistivity observed in July 2008 on our experimental site (see field results). The second layer, the waste, is 1.5 m thick. Its resistivity is 15 ohm m. The model space is 71 m long, 40 m wide and has a thickness of 15 m. The mesh size of the synthetic model is 1 m2 or 1 m3 (2D and 3D models, respectively). Injection geometries are as follows: 2D: A trench 2 m wide and 1.5 m deep which creates a cylindrical infiltration 2.5 m high with a radius of 8 m (Fig. 1a, left). 3D: A square pit 2 m wide and 1 m deep which creates a 3D oval infiltration with a radius of 4 m and a height of 2.5 m (Fig. 1a right). To build a realistic resistivity variation due to the leachate infiltration, several examples of variations of resistivity associated with leachate injections can be found in the literature. Several studies have shown that resistivity decreases by 60% to 70% when a highly conductive leachate is injected in the top soil layer (Yoon and Park, 2001). Inside the waste layer, other studies show that resistivity decreases by 30% to 60% (Guerin et al., 2004; Moreau et al., 2003; Rosqvist et al., 2005). Taking into account these studies, the resistivity variations were set as follows, for each layer resistivity: In the first layer (top soil), resistivity decreases by 70%: the resistivity is 100 ohm m before injection and 30 ohm m after injection. In the waste, leachate resistivity decreases by 60%: the resistivity is 15 ohm m before injection and 6 ohm m after injection. Fig. 1b shows the synthetic resistivity ratio (i.e. what should be ideally obtained with time-lapse ERT). We present the relative variation of bulk resistivity between initial and final synthetic models. In this study, whatever the resistivity being considered (apparent, calculated, or bulk) the variation of resistivity is expressed as a per- centage change. If the resistivity decreases, the percentage is negative. If the resistivity increases the percentage is positive, based on Eq. (1) Dq% ¼ ½ðqf =qi Þ 1 100 where Dq% is the percentage variation of the resistivity, qf is the apparent resistivity at final stage (in ohm m) and qi is the resistivity apparent at initial stage (in ohm m). In Fig. 1, we present only the image for the 2D case. The image for the 3D case is indeed similar in a vertical plane, thanks to the axy-symmetrical pattern of the model. 2.3. Tested electrode arrays Software DC3DInvRes was used to calculate synthetic apparent resistivity data sets (Günther, 2004). This software uses a finite difference forward calculation. To obtain more realistic apparent resistivity data, random noise of 1.5% and voltage dependent noise have been added to simulate a low-noise acquisition. This study focuses on several electrode arrays, some of which are well known and widely used in geophysical surveys, both for 2D and 3D acquisitions. For 2D, we tested the Wenner-Schlumberger, the dipole– dipole and the pole–dipole arrays, whilst for 3D; we focused only on the electrode configuration using only the dipole–dipole array to limit the length of the paper. Firstly, a classical parallel line array was tested, and subsequently a star array. Details of these arrays are outlined below, and in Fig. 2. 2.3.1. 2D arrays All 2D arrays use an electrode acquisition line that is perpendicularly oriented to the infiltration trench (Fig. 1a, left). This line has 72 electrodes, with a unit spacing of one metre, small enough to monitor shallow infiltrations, whilst the total length of 71 m is long enough to investigate an infiltration bulb which was spread down to 4 m deep. We chose the Wenner-Schlumberger array (Fig. 2a), as it is more sensitive to the vertical variation of resistivity. Secondly, Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Fig. 2. Array geometries tested for numerical modelling: (a) Wenner-Schlumberger, (b) dipole–dipole, (c) forward pole–dipole, (d) reverse pole–dipole, (e) 3D parallel line arrays, (f) star array. we choose the dipole–dipole array (Fig. 2b), due to its sensitivity to the lateral variations of resistivity. The Wenner-Schlumberger is frequently used by several authors (Seaton and Burbey, 2002). Anticipating the results obtained in numerical modelling, it is hypothesised that the artefact production, in addition to inversion process, could be generated by the symmetrical geometry of Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole. Indeed, the two arrays inject and measure currents and voltages with a symmetrical pattern regarding the injection bulb similarly as artefact pattern. To investigate the possible effect of array symmetry on artefact production, we chose the pole–dipole forward and reverse arrays (Fig. 2c and d), a typical asymmetrical array described in many publications (Telford et al., 1991). This array is becoming popular due to providing better penetration depth, lateral coverage, and sensitivity to both lateral and vertical variations of resistivity (Loke, 2004). For those reasons Grellier et al. (2008) have used this array to monitor leachate injection in landfills. However, the main disadvantages of this array are (i) the need of an electrode to be located ‘‘at infinity” (at a distance more than five times the maximum spacing used in measurement sequence) and (ii) the need to obtain a double data set (called forward and reverse) which double the acquisition time, and this can be troublesome in time-lapse ERT for monitoring fast phenomena. We generated two data sets with forward and reverse pole–dipole array (Fig. 2c and d), merged into the same inversion. sampled if it is faster than the acquisition time. We also tested another 3D electrodes array with four-line layouts with a star pattern (Fig. 2d). Again, there were no quadrupole connections between each line. 2.3.2. 3D arrays For the 3D case, we used only the dipole-dipole array to limit the length of the paper. First an electrode set up with five parallel lines was used, with 48 electrodes only to limit the calculation time required for calculations with Gauss–Newton inversion. The unit electrode spacing is still 1 m and the lines were equally separated by three metres (Fig. 2e). For this 3D array with parallel lines, we did not simulate any current injection between adjacent lines. Indeed such a connection protocol would require more time to be created in the field. The phenomena under study could be under- 2.4.1. Inversion with standard parameters The following standard time-lapse inversion parameters were used in this study namely an isotropic smoothness constraint, Gauss–Newton minimization, and a fixed regularization parameter (regularization parameter k = 30), see Günther (2004). First, the initial model without infiltration is inverted. Second, we used the resulting calculated model of the initial state as a reference model in the time-lapse inversion of the two final infiltration models. Finally, we calculated the ratio of calculated resistivity (final calculated resistivity model divided by initial calculated resistivity 2.4. Time-lapse inversion procedures The third step is the inversion of the synthetic data set using (a) inversion parameters used commonly used in previous studies for time-lapse ERT, referred to as ‘‘standard inversion” is this paper and (b) advanced inversion tools that produce significant improvement for artefact removal. Both standard and advanced calculated models are then compared to the initial synthetic models to evaluate the efficiency of advanced inversion tools on artefact removal. The inversions were performed using DC2DInvRes and DC3DInvRes software packages (Günther, 2004), which allowed the introduction of a priori information into the time-lapse inversion procedure. For the 2D case, Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole arrays are inverted independently in a first step, and combined in the same inversion in a second step, as proposed by de la Vega et al. (2003) or Loke (2004). The authors also used forward and reverse pole–dipole in the same inversion. This data set was not combined with other array in order to test only the effect of the asymmetry. Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx model). This time-lapse image was then compared to the timelapse image shown in Fig. 1. This procedure is common for most time-lapse surveys as proposed by Loke (1999). In this study, the ‘‘blocky model” option was used in order to yield sharp resistivity contrasts. The grid is chosen with two cells between neighbouring electrodes. We used a user-defined logarithmic thickness for the cells. Günther (2004) provides a detailed description of these parameters. 2.4.2. Inversion with advanced procedures We tested a first procedure fixing invariant resistivity regions in 2D and 3D inversions. The resistivity value of the selected regions does not change with time. Such an approach was already experimented by Descloitres et al. (2008b) but for a fixed substratum at depth. In the leachate injection context, we assumed knowledge of an invariant region not only at depth (where the leachate does not flow) but also on both sides of the injection point, a few metres away from leachate injection influence. We considered that the fixed region can be known by external methods such as neutron probe monitoring, or electromagnetic profiling or soundings as shown in our field example. Such regions are then considered as a priori information that can be incorporated into the inversion procedure. For synthetic modelling, fixed regions geometry is arbitrarily fixed. The second procedure was applied directly into the inversion process. We used an alternative constraint method that minimizes the variation from one calculated model (initial model) to another model (subsequent or final model). Basically, the first model (initial state) is calculated using a smoothness constraint commonly used in ERT inversion. Then, the second data set is inverted using a minimum length constraint (Günther, 2004; Loke, 1999). In doing so, the inversion tries to minimise changes from the initial model regardless of the neighbouring relations such that merely the L2 norm of the model vector difference is minimised. 5 3. Numerical modelling results 3.1. Example of synthetic data Fig. 3a, presents an example of apparent resistivity data sets for symmetrical arrays (Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole). The pole–dipole array is omitted to lengthen Fig. 3. We plotted the percentage of variation of the final apparent resistivity in relation to the background initial model after infiltration (Fig. 3b). The apparent resistivity decreases for data close to the infiltration point (pointed with a blue arrow). The apparent resistivity increases at intermediate acquisition levels (red arrow). All profiles show a decrease of apparent resistivity in the central section, which corresponds to leachate infiltration. The apparent resistivities on both sides of the infiltration bulb increase at intermediate levels close to the injection (Fig. 3b). Synthetic apparent resistivity obtained with the Wenner-Schlumberger array increase by +20% on both sides of the injection. With 3D injection, apparent resistivity increases by +38%. These increases are symmetrical on both sides of the injection. The percentages of increase of apparent resistivity are highest with a 3D injection. The dipole–dipole array shows an increase of apparent resistivity under the infiltration with an increase by +40% with the 2D infiltration. In regards to the 3D infiltration, apparent resistivity increases by more than +60%. The dipole–dipole array generates two diagonals where the apparent resistivity decreases by 62% both for 2D and 3D. These variations of apparent resistivities can be however far from real variations in the ground. Data sets need to be inverted to reconstruct real model using an inversion procedure (Loke, 2004) to be able to reconstruct the leachate injection geometry. 3.2. Standard inversion of synthetic data Prior to analysing the results, we decided to set the limits of detection of calculated resistivity variations between 5% and Fig. 3. Forward modelling: (a) synthetic apparent resistivity data obtained with DC3DInvRes software. A Gaussian noise of 1.5% and voltage dependent noise are added to the synthetic data. Two arrays are used, Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole with a unit electrode spacing of 1 m. The apparent resistivity pseudo section is presented along a line of 71 m. (b) Variation of apparent resistivity (ratio) for 2D and 3D models. Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx +5%. This range is close to variation of apparent resistivity obtained in the field with very noisy data sets. Inside this range, the resistivity variations could not be accurately described. Therefore any time-lapse ERT survey targeting such a small variation of resistivity with time is not considered in this study. Also, to clarify the description of the results we have identified four model areas corresponding to different types of calculated resistivity variations. The guidelines are as follows: AIs areas correspond to shallow Artefacts of Increase (AI) of calculated resistivity that could exist around the infiltration trench in the soil cover (i.e. between 0 and 1.5 m deep). AId areas correspond to deeper Artefacts of Increase of calculated resistivity, between 1.5 m and 15 m. AD areas correspond to Artefacts of Decrease (AD) of calculated resistivity. RV area corresponds to Real Variations (RV) of resistivity corresponding to the real infiltration zone. 3.2.1. 2D case Fig. 4 outlines the results obtained over 2D infiltration pattern using (a) symmetrical arrays: the Wenner-Schlumberger and the dipole–dipole and combining these two arrays (i.e. Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole) into the same inversion and (b) the asymmetrical array, the pole–dipole array, using an inversion combining both pole–dipole forward and reverse data sets. For the symmetrical arrays, Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole– dipole arrays, and their combination, we noted the following: In the central zone (Fig. 4a–c, RV area) the two arrays and their combination reconstructed correctly the decrease of the resistivity within the area of infiltration, with a calculated resistivity that decreases by 60% to 70%, close to the required model value of 60%. On both sides of infiltration, there are unexpected variations of the calculated resistivity for Wenner-Schlumberger only (+50%), noted AIs in Fig. 4a. Deeper, in areas noted AId located around and sometime below the infiltration; there are unrealistic increases of calculated resistivity with a significant value of +30% to +40%. These areas are noted whatever the symmetrical array used or their combination. They are typical artefacts of increase of calculated resistivity. This false resistivity increase could be considered at a first glance as drying phenomenon (such as biogas driven deep down by the piston effect of the bulb). Under the infiltration we noted for the Wenner-Schlumberger only a decrease in resistivity between 4 m depth to 14 m. This decrease is about 40% with the standard inversion, noted as AD area. Again, this false decrease of resistivity could be considered as false infiltration phenomena if not recognised. The results obtained using the pole–dipole arrays are presented in Fig. 4d. The standard inversion shows a decrease of resistivity by 60% at the centre of the profile, according to the synthetic infiltration pattern. At shallow depth, below two metres, weak artefacts of increase of resistivity are noticed with the infiltration bulb being slightly larger than the true bulb. The major result is the removal of strong artefacts originally obtained with symmetrical arrays and their combination. 3.2.2. 3D case To facilitate the presentation of 3D model results, this study presents only a selected cross-section located under electrode line (drawn in blue in Fig. 2 for both parallel line and star array). Identical results are obtained in other directions. Fig. 5 presents the results obtained with a 3D standard inversion using only the dipole–dipole configuration. We outline the result obtained with both parallel line Fig. 4. Standard time-lapse inversion of 2D synthetic data, with: (a) Wenner-Schlumberger array, (b) dipole–dipole array, and (c) combining Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole arrays and (d) pole–dipole (combining forward and reverse data sets). The synthetic data were inverted with smoothness constraints. Areas are indicated as follows: AIs = Artefact of Increase of resistivity at shallow depth; AId = Artefact of Increase of resistivity deeper; AD = Artefact of Decrease of resistivity; RV = Real variation of resistivity. Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 7 Fig. 5. Standard time-lapse inversion of 3D synthetics models using dipole–dipole data set. Tested electrode set up: (a) parallel line array; (b) star array. array and star array in Fig. 2 and performed the same 3D inversion with a dipole–dipole array. The results obtained with Wenner-Schlumberger array are not significantly different from the dipole–dipole array. Consequently, they are not presented in this article. With the parallel lines array (Fig. 5a), the resistivity increases inside the superficial layer between 0 and 1.5 m on both sides of the trench infiltration. These variations are between +10% and +20%. The calculated resistivity variation is 68% in the injection pit. This variation is in-line with the real resistivity decrease (60%). In the waste between 1.5 and 4 m deep, at horizontal distance between 21 and 28 m, the variation of calculated resistivity ranges from 60% to 50%. This variation represents the leachate infiltration. In the lower part of the profile (between 5 and 9 m), the resistivity decreases by 50% at the centre. This is not the real infiltration. Therefore, significant artefacts of increase of resistivity (more than +30%) are also seen with 3D case around the infiltration. These increases are comparable to the increases generated with a 2D code. Finally, we demonstrate that 3D standard inversion using parallel lines (without connecting the lines between each other) does not remove the artefacts. With the star array, the results are presented in Fig. 5b. With standard inversion, the result shows a single area of decreased resistivity at the centre (50%) corresponding to the real infiltration. On both sides the resistivity variation ranges from 5% to +5%. We show that the star array is much more adequate to reconstruct the real infiltration pattern than parallel line array, even if the lines are not connected to each other. 3.3. Advanced inversion of synthetic data 3.3.1. 2D case Similarly to the results presented for standard inversion, Fig. 6 shows the results obtained over 2D infiltration pattern using symmetrical arrays: the Wenner-Schlumberger, the dipole–dipole and combining these two arrays into the same inversion. The advanced inversion procedure is not applied to the pole–dipole array in this paper because the pole–dipole with a standard inversion provides satisfactory results by itself. For Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole arrays, we noted the following: In the central zone (Fig. 6a and b, RV area), the ‘‘fixing region” tool, the calculated resistivity decreases by 60% to 70%. It corresponds well to variations of real resistivity (60%). With the ‘‘minimum length” tool, or combining ‘‘minimum length” and ‘‘fixing region”, the variation of calculated resistivity in the RV zone is between 45% and 55%. Thus the real decrease of resistivity is slightly minimized by the inversion. On both sides of infiltration at very shallow depth, there are unexpected variations of the calculated resistivity by +20% to +48%, noted AIs in Fig. 6a, but only for the Wenner-Schlumberger array. Deeper around the infiltration, there is a significant improvement in artefact removal (seen previously with standard inversion, see Fig. 4a). With the ‘‘fixing region” tool, ‘‘minimum length” tool and combining them, there are no longer unexplained increases of calculated resistivity, excepted a slight artefact for the dipole–dipole array with ‘‘fixing region” (10% to +6%). Changes in calculated resistivity are in the region of +5 or 5% considered as out of the detectability limit. A false decrease in resistivity was noted just under the infiltration (AD area) but their extensions are significantly limited, remaining between 4 and 6 m deep, and exhibiting variations between +5% and 20%. If significant improvements are obtained when considering Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole array independently, Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS 8 R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Fig. 6. Advanced inversion of 2D synthetic data with: (a) Wenner-Schlumberger array, (b) dipole–dipole array, and (c) combining Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole, arrays. The synthetic data were inverted with: (1) smoothness constraints for both initial and final data sets and fixing an invariant region around the injection; (2) using a smoothness constraint for the initial data set and a minimum length constraint for final data set and (3) combining fixing regions and minimum length tools. Areas are indicated as follows: AIs = Artefact of Increase of resistivity at shallow depth; AId = Artefact of Increase of resistivity deeper; AD = Artefact of Decrease of resistivity; RV = Real variation of resistivity. the combination of the two data sets into the same inversion and applying advanced inversion tools does not improve the result. As seen in Fig. 6c, on both sides of the infiltration, there is a persistence of areas AIs and AId, whatever the advanced inversion tool used (increase of calculated resistivities from +10% to +40%). Several tests (not shown) have been made to lower the artefact production using different values of regularization factor. We conclude that some improvement could be achieved, but without eliminating artefacts. Moreover, the choice of an optimised regularisation factor was not considered in this study, in an attempt to keep a constant regularisation factor for all inversions, allowing their inter-comparison. 3.3.2. 3D case We applied the two advanced inversion tools (‘‘fixing region” and ‘‘minimum length”) to the parallel line array only, that exhibited significant artefact as shown previously in Fig. 7 using standard inversion parameters. Advanced tools are not tested on the star array, due to providing satisfactory results for artefact removal (see Fig. 5). For the ‘‘fixing region” tool, the inversion results (Fig. 7a) show that resistivity variations are negligible at shallow depth between 0 and 1.5 m. The calculated resistivity variation remains between +5% and 5%. Infiltration is well detected at the center of the profile. The variation of resistivity is from 40% to 60%. In the waste layer between 1.5 and 4 m, the calculated resistivity variation remains within the range of 50% to 70% at the centre of the profile, as expected. Apart from the infiltration bulb, the calculated resistivity variation remains weak (5% to +5%). In this area arte- facts are totally removed. Below 1.5 m, the variation of resistivity remains between +10% and 10%. For the ‘‘minimum length” tool, the results show that in the first layer between 0 and 1.5 m, there are limited variations between 5% and +5% (Fig. 7b). But some isolated blocks show increases of resistivity (+20 to +40%). This is an effect of the minimum length tool that results sometimes in scattered resistivity values for blocks close to the surface. This situation is not troublesome when looking for large patches of resistivity changes. In other studies, if very small patches of resistivity are under consideration, care should be taken when using this tool for interpreting shallow variations. At the centre of the waste between 1.5 and 4 m, calculated resistivity decreases by 50% at the correct location. On both sides, resistivity variation range is limited from 5% to +8%. Below 4 m, the variation of resistivity remains weak within +/2%. There are no changes deeper, in agreement with the model. 3.4. Summarizing numerical modelling results With standard time-lapse inversion, using both symmetrical array for 2D case and a parallel line array for the 3D case, we demonstrated that variations of calculated resistivity can be greater than +40% in unexpected areas. Further, an artefact production could lead to severe misinterpretation. The advanced inversion tools significantly limits (‘‘fixing region”) or remove totally (‘‘minimum length”) the increase of calculated resistivities whatever the array used, if resistivity variations within +/5% are ignored. The real variation of resistivity remains very close to the model value (but Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 9 Fig. 7. Advanced inversion of 3D synthetic data using the Wenner-Schlumberger array and an electrode set up using five parallel lines (see Fig. 2c). The synthetic data were inverted with: (a) smoothness constraints for both initial and final data set and fixing an invariant region around the injection (grey area); (b) using smoothness constraints for the initial data set and a minimum length constraint for final data set without fixing invariant regions. slightly underestimated with ‘‘minimum length”). Both advanced inversion tools reconstruct the expected geometry properly. When combining the two advanced tools in the same inversion, it improves even the results obtained if Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole data are taken separately. If two arrays are combined into the same inversion in addition to the combination of advanced tools, it does not improve the ERT reconstruction model at all. This is contrary to what was expected using these combinations as one of the most appropriate solution. Furthermore, it generates wrong oscillations with calculated resistivity increases of about +20%. Further improvement at this stage was not carried out, however for future modelling, a regularisation tuning could be considered. Regarding the effect of asymmetrical array for 2D case, the study showed that the pole–dipole array could reduce or even eliminate the artefact production even if standard inversion parameters are used. For 3D case, we found that using a star array instead of parallel lines, it is possible to eliminate the artefacts, even if standard inversion parameters are used, at least when the lines are not interconnected. 4. Field experiment results 4.1. Experimental setup The experimental site is located in southern France. It is a class 2 landfill for non-hazardous municipal waste. The layering of the deposit consists of a 1 m thick soil cover (Fig. 8). This soil is separated from the waste with a geotextile GCL (Geosynthetic Clay Liner) with very low permeability. Below the geotextile, the waste thickness is from 15 to 25 m. The landfill cell is equipped with a biogas extraction system. Fig. 8. Location and description of the experimental site and geophysical survey. Location of the ERT lines, EM31 and neutron probe measurements. Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS 10 R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx A leachate injection was carried out using a pit located in the centre of the star shape array set up. The pit was dug so that it reached the top of the waste deposit. The geotextile GCL has been removed from the bottom of the pit. The pit was 2 2 m with a depth of 1 m. The injection lasted 72 h. About 10 m3 of leachate were injected, maintaining a constant hydraulic head H of 0.6 m at the bottom of the pit. During the experiment, the leachate was stored in a tank located 35 m away from the pit, with the leachate electrical conductivity and temperature remaining almost constant (12700 ls cm1 at 20 °C). We took advantage of this experiment to monitor the infiltration plume migration using time-lapse ERT. A Syscal PRO resistivity meter was used, combined with a Switch Pro unit (IRIS instruments, Orleans, France). 168 electrodes were placed on the soil cover and the electrodes remained on the site during the experiment. Measurements were taken of the contact resistance of electrodes before each measurement. For all dipoles, the contact resistance was always less than 4 k ohm. During the experiment, the weather remained dry, avoiding shallow resistivity changes that could have produced shallow resistivity artefact as evidenced by Clément et al. (2009). Two arrays were applied (Wenner-Schlumberger and dipole–dipole). Both arrays allow us to operate with a fast (10-channels) acquisition mode. To get benefits from the synthetic modelling presented above, we used a star array as shown in Fig. 5. Four independent electrode lines were used with 1 m unit electrode spacing. The star is built with one line of 72 electrodes, a perpendicular line of 24 electrodes. Two other lines of 36 electrodes are oriented at 45° from the previous ones. We also used in-line acquisition sequences. No inter-line measurements were used as it was necessary to collect the data as fast as possible in case of fast leachate migration. Every hour, four data sets were acquired with dipole–dipole array, resulting in a total of 30 data sets being collected. This article will present only two data sets: the initial data and the data taken 40 h after the beginning of the injection process, which depicts representative phenomena. To compare time-lapse ERT field results, additional geophysical surface measurements and neutron probe loggings were carried out before, during, and after the injection (Fig. 8). First, we conducted electromagnetic measurement profiling at the surface using frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) profiling system EM31 device (Geonics Ltd.). The vertical dipole configuration was used, allowing the deepest investigation. FDEM profiling is a popular geophysical method widely used for soil surveying, which has been outlined in McNeill (1980). Some studies report FDEM monitoring of spatial and temporal changes in soil salinity (Corwin et al., 2006). For waste, Guerin et al. (2004) reported a successful mapping of the waste cell using EM31. The main advantages of using electromagnetic profiling in this study are the following: firstly, the EM31 with vertical dipole mode provides a suitable investigation depth to focus on the main infiltration phenomena without being too sensitive to very shallow variations of resistivity (McNeill, 1980). Secondly, EM is very sensitive to conductive ground, as waste. The EM31 measures an apparent electrical conductivity (ECm) in mS/m. To show the lateral infiltration extension (and consequently invariable zones around), an initial and a final profile were achieved. ERT cables were removed to avoid any disturbance with FEM measurements (EM induction into the electrode cables). We used neutron probe logging performed in some borehole drilled around the injection point. Neutron logging is a well known method for the detection of water content variation in soils and rocks. In this study, a lack of calibration (technically difficult to complete in waste) did not allow to derive water content variations. However, the neutron signal variation can clearly be interpreted when the leachate penetrates the volume of influence of the probe. We drilled two bore holes before the experiment equipped with access tube for neutron probe logging. Fig. 9. Field results using the star array. Time-lapse ERT inversion results 40 h after the starting of the leachate injection. The longest line (72 electrodes) is presented as a 2D cross-section to lighten the figure. Comparison of time-lapse ERT results with EM31 (above) and neutron probe logging (below). 4.2. Time-lapse ERT inversion results The results are presented in Fig. 9. The results show that the calculated resistivity variation is close to 0% in the shallow soil layer between 0 and 1.5 m. At a horizontal position X between 0 and 30 m and between X = 40–72 m, variations of calculated resistivity are within the range 5% to +8%. These variations are unexpected (no rain producing shallow infiltration during experiment). Those variations are not confirmed with electromagnetic profile, where EM31 shows stable values. At the center of the profile at X = 36 m, the resistivity decreases by 60%. According to resistivity variation measured in situ inside the injection chamber (not shown), this result was confirmed. On both sides of the infiltration pit at very shallow depth, we noted the presence of small patches of false increase in resistivity of +20% to +30%. These increases are similar to small shallow AIs area evidenced on the synthetic models in 2D and 3D. In the waste layer between 1.5 and 6 m deep and between X = 30–38 m, the calculated resistivity decrease by 60%, which should correspond to the infiltration plume. On both sides, ERT shows a lower decrease in resistivity: 30% to 60%. This decrease should correspond to the lateral extension of the plume. The decrease of resistivity extends to 4 m depth, excepted at the centre of the profile where it is limited to 2.5 m. The deeper area below 5 m does not show any significant resistivity variation between 5% and +5%. 5. Discussion 5.1. Comparison of time-lapse ERT field results with external data Fig. 8 shows EM31 measurements performed along a profile parallel to the longest electrode line (72 m) the results are shown Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx in Fig. 9. The EM31 conductivity did not vary between X = 0 and 20 m during infiltration. There was no variation in this area in the range between 0 and 6 m deep, which is in agreement with the ERT results that did not show any variations at that area. Between X = 16–50 m, the conductivity increases from about 110 mS/m (initial state) to 140 mS/m (after injection) (see Fig. 9). This is in perfect agreement with the decrease of calculated resistivity seen in the ERT profile. In the zone between 50 and 72 m, there is no major change in conductivity. The EM31 shows the same slight asymmetry of infiltration (the plume is more extended to the left of the injection pit rather than to the right). Thus EM31 is able to confirm the limited lateral extension of the injection delineated with time-lapse ERT. A comparison with data obtained with neutron logging is shown in Fig. 9. Along the ERT profile, two neutron loggings were implemented respectively at X = 20 m (depth to 4 m) and at X = 36 m (depth of 8 m). At X = 20 m, the neutron probe result shows a counting ratio that is identical between the initial state and the final state. Thus there were no changes in water content. This result is in agreement with time-lapse ERT, which shows no variation of resistivity in this section. At X = 36 m, the counting rate increases between 0 and 2.5 m. The infiltration reached 2.5 m deep. ERT data show the same geometry with a decrease of resistivity of up to 3 m, slightly deeper than neutron probe logging. We demonstrated here the good agreement between the data obtained with EM31 and neutron probe with the results of the time-lapse ERT, as predicted with numerical modelling. 11 5.2. Robustness of advanced inversion tools: differentiation between artefacts and true biogas migration Standard ERT time-lapse inversion can produce false resistivity increase artefact as shown in Fig. 4. In the modelling result part, we have shown that using advanced tools on the 2D infiltration scenario, we were able to fairly evaluate the geometry of the infiltration phenomenon while avoiding the incidence of unwanted increases of calculated resistivity. This then begs the question: if a true increase of resistivity occurs within the subsurface during the injection process, are the advanced tools still able to image not only the injection plume (resistivity decrease) but also the drying phenomenon or biogas migration (resistivity increase) that can also occur? In other words, are the advanced tools robust enough to remove artefacts but also to reconstruct both true increases and decreases of resistivity at the same time? To answer this question, we used the same numerical modelling approach. A more complex geometry was used and four 2D infiltration models were chosen, with true increase of resistivity located in different areas at depth. They are presented in Fig. 10. From scenario A to scenario D (Fig. 10A–D, respectively) the true increase in resistivity is +100%, and is located successively at four different areas, the first close to the surface at the left of infiltration (A), the last one just below the infiltration plume (D). The apparent resistivities data sets were generated for a dipole–dipole array. The apparent resistivities were inverted using two advanced inversion tools proposed in the results part, i.e. fixing invariant regions at depth and laterally and Fig. 10. Simulation of a true biogas migration during a 2D leachate injection. Four scenarios of increase of resistivity are presented built (A, B, C, and D). A real increase of resistivity corresponding to a desaturation of the waste with biogas migration at different positions around the infiltration is display with black colour. A decrease of resistivity corresponding to leachate plume migration is display with blue colour. The inversions of dipole–dipole 2D synthetic data are done using ‘‘fixing region” (middle) and ‘‘minimum length” (right). Areas are indicated as follows: AIs = Artefact of Increase of resistivity at shallow depth; AId = Artefact of Increase of resistivity deeper; AD = Artefact of Decrease of resistivity; RV = Real variation of resistivity. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS 12 R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx using a minimum length constraint when inverting the second data set. For scenario A with the ‘‘fixing region” tool, in the range 0– 1.5 m, resistivity decreases by 60% at the center. Between 1.5 and 4 m deep, resistivity decreases by 60% at the center, which is in agreement with the infiltration bulb. To the left of the infiltration there was an increase of calculated resistivity of +80% to +100% in agreement with the synthetic model. Elsewhere there is no significant variation greater than +5% or below 5%. Therefore, this advanced tool is considered as efficient to reconstruct both decreases and increases of resistivity. Scenarios B and C show similar results as scenario A, but with slight differences: the infiltration bulb and the areas with increasing resistivity are fairly delineated. However, it is noted that the real increase of resistivity distorts slightly the shape of the infiltration bulb. With the ‘‘fixing region” tool, there is persistence of false increase or decrease of resistivity around the gas bulb, especially close to the edge of the fixed regions. Therefore care should be taken when using the ‘‘fixing region” tool when interpreting small anomalies. To the contrary, better results are obtained for scenarios B and C using the ‘‘minimum length” tool as demonstrated in Fig. 10: it is noted that only weak artefact is still present at shallow depth for scenario B. For scenario D the increase of calculated resistivity is correctly located but its value is only +30% instead of +100%. The same results were obtained using the ‘‘fixing region” tool or ‘‘minimum length” tools. The calculated resistivity variation is clearly minimized by the inversion. This result is however in-line with the physics of the electrical resistivity method. Indeed, there is a significant loss of resolution with depth when using surface electrical methods, such as ERT (see Telford et al., 1991). Therefore it is important to note that the advanced inversion tools proposed in this paper to reduce or even eliminate artefacts cannot overcome this classical limitation. 6. Conclusion Electrical resistivity tomography is becoming popular to monitor leachate injection plume within waste during recirculation in bioreactors. The starting point of this study was the evidence of artefact in time-lapse ERT images in some previous studies dedicated to monitor natural hydrological processes such as infiltration below streams. Those artefacts were obtained after a time-lapse ERT inversion using standard parameters. They typically result in increases in calculated resistivity in areas where the resistivity remained actually the same. Such a situation is troublesome to reconstruct reliable hydrological processes: indeed, an increase in resistivity could be interpreted wrongly as a loss of water. The occurrence of such artefacts has been investigated in this study for two leachate recirculation scenarios. We used a classical approach using numerical modelling of typical injection scenario with 2D and 3D geometry. These scenarios correspond to injection in shallow trench or pit respectively. Three well known arrays were used (two symmetrical and one asymmetrical) for calculating the synthetic apparent resistivity data sets for the 2D acquisition, and two different electrodes arrays (parallel lines and a star array) for 3D acquisition. For the 2D case, the numerical results showed that when standard time-lapse inversion parameters are used, typical artefacts result in an increase of at least +30 to +50% if the symmetrical arrays are used. They are located around the true infiltration where the resistivity decreases combining these different symmetrical arrays into the same inversion could lead to worse results. The asymmetrical array (i.e. the pole–dipole) was tested successfully to remove the artefact, even if standard time-lapse inversion parameters are used. This result gives promising perspectives for future time-lapse ERT surveys. However, this array could not be easily applied in some survey conditions on waste landfills as it requires longer distances to locate the electrode at infinity. We conclude that further studies should be done in the future to explore the advantages and limitations of asymmetrical arrays for time-lapse ERT, like multigradient array as proposed by Dahlin and Zhou (2004). For the 3D case, we have shown that artefacts are also present when using parallel lines (without inter-connection between the lines). On the contrary, the star array is efficient in removing artefacts, even using standard inversion parameters. For symmetrical arrays and for parallel line array (for which artefacts are persistent with standard inversion parameters) two advanced inversion procedures were tested to remove the artefacts. These procedures involve two inversion tools used alone or jointly. The first advanced inversion tool use invariant regions into the inversion. The second one uses a minimum length constraint instead of a smoothness constraint for the inversion of the second data set. The two advanced tools were tested both for 2D and 3D geometries. The ‘‘fixing region” tool removes almost completely the artefact whatever the symmetrical array used (Wenner-Schlumberger or dipole–dipole). This option requires however an a priori knowledge of the invariant regions, that can be achieved using external methods. For ‘‘minimum length” tool, we have shown that it removes almost completely the artefacts. However, the decrease of resistivity inside the infiltration plume is slightly underestimated: in our numerical modelling, we have shown that an expected decrease of 60% is reconstructed only with a 40% value. Therefore, care should be taken when trying to interpret the resistivity ratio in terms of water content (if such a relationship can be obtained in the field). Following the results obtained with the numerical modelling, we tested the star array during a 3D leachate injection field experiment. Time-lapse ERT results were compared to external data obtained in the field during injection. This comparison with (i) electromagnetic profiling and (ii) borehole neutron probe data, are in accordance with ERT time-lapse imaging. At last, the robustness of the advanced tools is tested using a more complicated infiltration model that not only shows a true decrease of resistivity, but also a true increase of resistivity that could be due to biogas migration around the infiltration plume. The advanced tools are able to reconstruct satisfactorily the biogas migration, but with a decreasing resolution in depth, as expected with ERT. From the results obtained both with numerical modelling and the field data, we foresee significant improvement in leachate recirculation imaging. Due to the complicated process of ERT inversion, we advocate for a numerical approach on simulated injection scenario before building the field ERT setup. This numerical modelling is used to evaluate both ERT layout and interpretation strategy, as well as for an early recognition of possible artefacts. The advanced procedures proposed in this study can be useful to many other geological or hydrological situations where time-lapse ERT is considered, or for Induced Polarization (IP) data sets. This study also demonstrated that information obtained with external geophysical methods can be of significant advantage to obtain more reliable ERT time-lapse results. Acknowledgements This work was funded and conducted by LTHE (Laboratoire d’étude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement) and the ANR PRECODD project ‘‘Bioréacteur”. We greatly acknowledge VEOLIA Property for providing access to the pilot landfill and to very convenient facilities for leachate injection. Mustapha Hidra is warmly acknowledged for his support in this project. We also Please cite this article in press as: Clément, R., et al. Improvement of electrical resistivity tomography for leachate injection monitoring. Waste Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.10.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS R. Clément et al. / Waste Management xxx (2009) xxx–xxx thank the LTHE teams ‘‘HydroGeophysics” and ‘‘pôle expérimentation”, with a special mention to Konstantinos Chalikakis, Hélène Guyard, Etienne Maury, Henri Morra, Lisa-Maria Mic, Lucas Muller and Truong Tran Xuan. References Acworth, R.I., Jorstad, L.B., 2006. 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