Weekly n°148


Weekly n°148
N°148 - April 18, 2008
Local News
in English
Published by “Le Journal de Saint-Barth”
05 90 27 65 19 - [email protected]
at Janes Gallery, Eden Rock
First Annual Book Festival
Business Taxes and Vignettes
Readings and Books available Almost Two Million
in English For Anglophones Euros Collected
nglophones—both guests
and residents—have not
been forgotten in the
planning for the first edition of
the Book Festival, an event
which began in Saint Barth on
Thursday evening. On Saturday,
April 19, a poetry reading in
English, especially for Anglophones, will be held at 7pm at
the Tamarin restaurant in Saline.
This evening also includes a
reading in French and dinner for
those who wish to linger a little
longer with the two special
guests of the festival, French
playwright, novelist and poet
Jean-Pierre Siméon, and Chilean
poet-painter Luis Mizon, who
has lived in Paris since the early
1980s. On Sunday, during the
book exchange, there will be
quite a few volumes available in
English, and everyone is invited
to take part. The idea: you bring
- All of the events in the Book
Festival are free to the general
- The Saturday evening dinner
at the Tamarin is 40 euros and
the menu includes bouillabaisse,
dessert, coffee, and wine. Reservation are essential: 06 90 400
- The cost of the Sunday lunch
at Zion Garden is 15 euros.
For additional information:
06 90 400 195 or 06 90 838 400
Jean-Pierre Siméon
the books you would like to
exchange, and trade them for
others that would you like to
read… and it’s all free. If you
don’t have books to bring, not to
worry, you can always choose
one or two from those that have
generously been donated. The
book exchange is part of Saint
Barth’s celebration of World
Book Day, launched by
UNESCO in 1995, and which
provides the opportunity for the
authors on the island—as well as
invited guests—to host book
signing. There will also be events
for children, a booth for the
island’s bookstores, and a booth
for representatives of UNESCO,
the co-organizer of the event,
which is dedicated to the heritage
of Saint Barthélemy.
The closing event of the Book
Festival is an open-air lunch at
Zion Garden in Saline on Sunday, April 20—open to all. See
inset for Book Festival details.
2,160 “businesses,” of
which 309 are real
estate holding companies (SCI), have paid
the new business tax
put into place as of
January 1, 2008,
bringing in a total of
925,120 euros. This
fixed annual contribution (CFA) is set at
300 euros, plus an
additional variable
amount of 100 euros
per employee, with a
ceiling of 5,000 euros.
The new annual tax
for motorized vehicles
on the roads, called a
“vignette” (for the
sticker placed on the
windshield), was also
instituted as of January 1, 2008, and has
brought in almost one
million euros for the
COM. A total of 7,154
owners of two and
four wheeled vehicles
have paid the tax:
there are 545 questionable cases caused by
errors or lack of information concerning the
fiscal tax base on the
vehicle registration
cards, meaning that
the owners could not
pay the appropriate
tax. They have been
given a delay, until
June 30, without a
fine. Those who do
not have an excuse for
not paying for their
vignette will be fined
80% of the tax — for
example, 180 euros
for a vignette that
originally cost 100
Tourist Tax
874,389 euros for the hotels; 708,196 euros
from the villas: this makes a total of slightly
more than 1.5 million euros that have been
collected since January 1, 2008 for the new
5% tourist tax on all nightly rentals. This is a
lower number than expected by Bruno
Magras, who fears that the budgeted number
of 2.5 million euros will not be reached by
the end of the year.
Friday, April 18, 2008
with South African Tenor
Etienne van der Nest
(A classical tenor trained
at the conservatory of Pretoria)
Dinner accompanied by the powerful voice
of Etienne Van der Nest, with selections from
his opera repertoire and Neapolitan songs
Menu 75€
(beverages not included)
• Cocktail • Hors d’Oeuvres •
• Appetizer • Main Dish • Dessert •
• Petits fours •
Reservations & informations :
05 90 27 72 12
Transat ag2r Concarneau-Saint Barth
Jimmy Buffet Supports
The Race Gets Underway Antoine Questel
What a great thing to do! onships—held from April
On Sunday
In the name of his Margar- 5-10, 2008 at Marignane,
itaville restaurants, the
celebrated singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffet—
who gave a surprise concert on the dock in Saint
Barth during the recent
Saint Barth Bucket—
decided to support our
local windsurfing champion, Antoine Questel, who
will be 24 next September.
He has been part of the
Every other year since 1992,
Saint Barth has hosted the
arrival of a transatlantic sailing race called the Transat
ag2r. This event sets sail on
Sunday, April 20, from the
Port of Concarneau, the
third largest city in the Finistère region (Brittany), and
the largest tuna fishing port
in Europe. This is the second
time the race will leave from
Concarneau, which replaced
the original starting port of
Lorient in 2006.
This transatlantic event is a
race for identical single hull
Luc Poupon
Figaro Beneteau sailboats,
each with a crew of two.
The first boats could arrive
in Saint Barth as early as
May 9, 2008.
Two Saint Barth teams are
taking part this year, including the youngest sailor in the
fleet, 23 year-old St Barth
native Miguel Danet, aboard
the Figaro “ConcarneauSaint Barth” with Eric Péron
from Concarneau, and the
oldest tar in the race, 56
year-old Lucky Poupon, racing with Ronan Guérin
aboard “Solar Inox.”
Miguel Danet
in the South of France, he
came in third; this threepart competition has two
legs to go. Questel is currently in Leucate (a
French port on the
Mediterranean) where he
is competing this week in
the Euro-Cup Mondial du
Vent, an event that draws
the top windsurfers and
kite surfers on the planet.
Funboard team at Pôle
France for the past three
years, and today ranks
among the top French
windsurfers. In 2007, he
finished 13th in the World
Slalom Championships,
and showed his potential
be a real winner. During
the first round of the
French Funboard champi-
Additional information
about Antoine can be
found at: http://www.centrehautniveaufunboard.co
m or www.sailingnews.tv.
Thanks go to his other
sponsors as well: la Collectivity of Saint-Barthélemy, Eden Rock Hotel, and
Sooruz, a surf and skate
wear company.
2 bedrooms - 2,5 baths with
stunning view
Exquisite furnishing and decor,
among the finest on island
Very quiet yet close to airport
and Gustavia. Also available
3000m2 hillside land with permit
Amazing view
001 610 587 7441 and 001 610 775 1553.
or visit our website : www.stbartvilla.com
Stay in touch
St Barth Weekly n°148
Second Cybertech Challenge
The Cybertech Challenge in the
courtyard at Collège Mireille Choisy.
epresentatives of
the six winning
teams in the second
annual Cybertech Challenge will head to the
regional finals in MarieGalante, May 27-29, a trip
that was not possible last
year due to time constraints. But this year, the
teams are ready for the
finals in this national
competition that was
launched a dozen years
ago in the French schools
as a means to embrace
new technology. Organized for just the second
time at the local junior
high, Collège Mireille
Choisy, by technology
teacher Charly Gréaux,
the 2008 edition was held
on the morning of April 9.
The challenge was to
build a car that could cover 15 feet before stopping.
The car could not exceed
a length of 15 inches or a
width of 12 inches, and
the cost of fabrication
could not be more than 50
euros. Traditional ignition
systems and motors were
not permitted, but all other techniques were possible to make these funny
little cars move forward—
and stop. 32 teams made
up of four or five students
(most of which were in
the eighth and ninth
grades) participated in the
event, which had six winning teams. The students
had worked on their cars
since the beginning of the
school year.
The winner of the Speed
Challenge was team SBH
Conception, whose car
covered the 15’ in 2’42”,
exploding the record set
last year. Victory in the
Sustainable Development
class (use of recycled
materials and renewable
energy) went to team
Dolce Playa. Les Ravette
Attitude, a team of eighth
grade girls, won the
Design Challenge (for the
best looking car), while
the Dents Molles won the
Technical Challenge for
the most creative technical solutions, and Zanoli
Crew won the Communications Challenge for the
best marketing effort. A
special jury prize went to
the Zanolies who built an
unusual car…in the shape
of a pyramid!
Active Hurricane
Season Predicted
For 2008
Hurricane activity during the
2008 season in the Northern
Atlantic could be higher than
initially predicted last
December, according to the
climate experts at the University of Chicago. These
specialists are now saying
that as many as 15 tropical
storms, eight of which reaching hurricane force, could
form during the season that
runs from June 1 through
October 30, for a total of two
additional storms and one
extra hurricane more than
they originally envisioned.
The average in recent years
has been 10 tropical storms
and six hurricanes per season. Of the eight hurricanes
that could be on the horizon,
four are expected to become
major, reaching categories
three to five on the SaffirSimpson scale, which measures the intensity of hurricanes with winds that reach
75 miles per hour (a category
three hurricane, for example,
has winds over 110 mph).
Although expected to be
above average in activity, the
2008 hurricane season
should not reach the record
levels of 2004 and 2005.
St Barth Weekly n°148
arge changes are
afoot for two of the
island’s luxury
hotels, the Carl Gustaf
) and François Plantation
(www.st-barths.com/francois-plantation), both of
which are closing this
spring for renovations. In
fact, the Carl Gustaf, a 4star hotel overlooking the
Port of Gustavia (with
some of the best sunset
views of the island) closed
two weeks ago and demolition has already begun,
according to general manager Pierre-Alexander
Maillard. “We are going to
be enlarging the hotel as
well as completely renovating the restaurant, bar,
and lounge,” Maillard
explains. The expansion
calls for a new four-bedroom suite, the Royal
Suite, to be built over the
restaurant, as well as the
addition of a small spa and
boutique. “Today, a spa is
essential for a hotel like
this, especially with the
yacht clientele we attract,
thanks to our location so
close to the harbor,” says
Maillard. The spa will
include three treatment
rooms, one single and two
double, for massage and
other services, while a
Jacuzzi will also be
installed. The small swimming pool located adjacent
to the restaurant will be
removed. The re-opening
of the hotel is set for
December 15, 2008, so the
schedule is very fast track.
“The owner came up with
the basic design ideas and
did the initial sketches,”
adds Maillard, who notes
that a French architect has
been employed for the
project. The hotel, which
opened in 1992, is named
for King Carl Gustaf, the
King of Sweden, in tribute
to the historic Swedish era
in the island’s history.
The second hotel to close
this spring is the François
Plantation in Colombier,
whose restaurant closes on
April 13 and the hotel
itself follows on May 7. In
this case, the improvements are not of the nature
to be seen by guest, but
more in the line of bringing the hotel up to date in
terms of sanitation systems
and the kitchen (the hotel
has one of the most highly
regarded restaurants on the
island). François Plantation will re-open in midNovember 2008, with
additional improvements
on the drawing board for
the summer of 2009.
Stay in touch
L’Esprit Salines
Dinner Daily Menu
Asian Lunch Menu
Tropical Garden
come & taste
the difference
Close to Salines Beach
0590 52 46 10
[email protected]
St Barth Weekly n°148
Au Port
Bête à Z’Ailes
Café Victoire
Caviar Island
Do Brazil
Eddy’s Restaurant
La Crêperie
La Mandala
La Marine
La Route des Boucaniers
Le Bistro
La Saladerie
Le Sapotiller
Le Vietnam
Pipiri Palace
Repaire des Rebelles
The Strand
Ti Zouk K’fé
Wall House
05.90.27 62 36
05 90 29 74 09
09 90 52 46 11
05.90.29 06 66
05.90.27 54 17
05.90.29 52 24
05 90 27 84 07
05.90.27 96 96
05.90.27 68 91
05.90.27 73 00
05.90.27 51 51
05 90 27 52 48
05.90.27 60 28
05 90 27 81 37
05.90.27 53 20
05.90.27 72 48
05 90 27 90 60
05.90.27 71 83
Esprit Saline
Grain de Sel
Le Tamarin
05.90.52 46 10
05.90.52 46 05
05 90 27 72 12
K’fé Massaï
Le Bouchon
Le Wok
Le Portugal à St Barth
05.90.29 76 78
05 90 27 79 39
05 90 27 52 52
05 90 27 68 59
Le Régal
05.90.29 85 26
Le Gaïac
(Hôtel Le Toiny) 88
Saint Jean
Eden Rock
Kiki e Mo
Le Diamant
Le Jardin
Le Glacier
Le Piment
La Plage
Le Cesar
Nikki Beach
05.90.29 79 99
05 90 29 21 97
05 90 27 73 62
05 90 27 71 30
05.90.27 70 67
05 90 27 53 00
Pointe Milou
Ti St-Barth
05.90.27 97 71
Grand Cul de Sac
Bartoloméo (Hôtel Guanahani)
Indigo (Hôtel Guanahani)
Kazz’n Blues
Restaurant des pêcheurs (Le Sereno)
05.90.27 66 60
05 90 27 66 60
05 90 52 21 26
Les Bananiers
Chez Rolande
La Case de l’Ile
La Langouste
05.90.29 76 78
05.90.27 61 81
05.90.27 65 01
Anse des Cayes
Chez Ginette
Chez Yvon
Fellini Ristorante (Hôtel Le Manapany)
05.90.29 86 81
Hostellerie des 3 Forces
05 90 27 61 25
Santa Fé
Published by "Le Journal de Saint-Barth" ISSN-1766-9278
Ph. : - Fax :
email: [email protected]
Director & layout : Avigaël Haddad
Chief Editor: Pierrette Guiraute,
Translation : Ellen Lampert Greaux,
Photographe : Rosemond Greaux
Impression : Daily Herald
in touch
St Barth Weekly n°148
Where to go dancing? See an art exhibit?
Listen to live music? Time Out keeps you up to date on local happenings. Let’s party !
Special events
First Annual Book Festival
◗ Saturday, April 19, a
poetry reading in English,
especially for Anglophones,
will be held at 7pm at the
Tamarin restaurant in
Grand Cul de Sac
◗ Through April 26
The Ruby Trio combines the
soulful voice, the melodic guitar from 9:00 pm to midnight, Bet’a Z’ailes, Gustavia
◗ Wednesday
- We never know Evening,
Yacht Club, Gustavia
◗ Thursday
- Pure House Evening, Yacht
Club, Gustavia
◗ Tuesday
◗ Everyday
- Chic & Romantic, Jazz
blues, Saoul, Ti St Barth,
Pointe Milou
◗ Wednesday
◗ April 18 at 8pm
- From 60's to the 80's, Funny
Special opera evening, din& Sexy spectacle, Ti St-Barth,
ner accompanied by the
Pointe Milou
voice of Etienne Van der
◗ Thursday
Nest, a classical tenor, with
- Angels party, Ti St-Barth,
selections from his opera
Pointe Milou
repertoire and Napolitan
◗ Friday, April 18
songs at Le Tamarin, Saline - Latino Party, Ti Zouk K’fé
◗ April 18 at 8pm
◗ Saturday, April 19
Tanya Michelle & PapaGuyo, - Zouk evening, Ti Zouk K’fé
Live Music, at La Mandala,
◗ Sunday
◗ April 20 at 1pm & 7pm
- Brunch at Manapany,
Tanya Michelle & PapaGuyo, Anse dess Cayes
Live Music, at Do Brazil,
Mix music, from noon
Shell Beach, Gustavia
to 3:00 pm
◗ Tuesday 22 at 1pm
Tanya Michelle & PapaGuyo,
Live Music, at Do Brazil,
Shell Beach, Gustavia
◗ Every night
◗ Tuesday 22 at 8pm
- K N’B Club,
Tanya Michelle & PapaGuyo, Grand Cul de Sac Beach
Live Music, at La Mandala,
- Casa Nikki, Gustavia
- Yacht Club, Gustavia
◗ April 24 at 8pm
- Bubbles Club, Gustavia
Cesar’s Dancin’ - Cabaret
- Hot Spot Café, Lurin
show, the last show, at Le
- The Strand Supper Club
Cesar, Les Hauts de St Jean
◗ Monday
◗ Every Evening
- Electro evening, Yacht Club,
- Lounge mix by Jacques
Dumas, 7:30 pm to 1 am,
◗ Tuesday
Bar’tô, hotel Guanahani,
- Caribbean Influence, Yacht
Grand Cul de Sac
Club, Gustavia
- Alan Landry, piano, 6pm,
-Pink Party, dress code white
except Sunday, Kazz'n Blues, & pink, Casa Nikki, Gustavia
Live Music
- 1:30- 2 pm, Case de l’île,
Isle de France, Flamands
- 1.30pm & 8:30pm, fashion
show featuring Wild Side,
La Plage, St Jean
◗ Every Tuesday
- 6:30 pm, Hôtel Isle de
France Boutique, Flamands
- 9:30 pm, Fashion Show
Ti St Barth, Pointe Milou
◗ Through April 30
Christian Johnson, Janes
Gallery, Eden Rock, St Jean
◗ Through April 30:
Sue Mcnally at Les Artisans,
◗ Gerald Tessier,
Photography, Toiny Hotel
◗ Bruno Prost, “Cactus made
in St Barth” Wall House
Restaurant, Gustavia
◗ Alain le Chatelier,
Les Artisans, Gustavia
◗ Rose Murray at Comptoir
du Cigare, Gustavia
◗ Dave Stevenson
Jewelry & sculpture
les Artisans, Gustavia
Night Club
St Barth Weekly n°148
Michel and his staff are
happy to welcome you to their
pool-side restaurant for lunch & dinner.
Lobsters Fresh From The Tank
100 g for 6 euros
Hôtel Baie des Anges • Flamands • 0590 27 63 61
Lesser Antilles Iguana : A dangerous situation
little over a year ago, the marine
park notified the population that
the iguanas on the island were in
danger of disappearing, especially the
Lesser Antilles Iguanas (Iguana Delicatissima) since they have been hybrid
with the green iguana (Iguana Iguana), a
common species with dominant genes.
Several hybrid species have been discovered, and the disappearance of the
pure Lesser Antilles Iguana is considered even more likely today. This is
also due to the number of feral cats,
lack of native habitat…. Here’s a look
at the situation and what might be possible in the future.
Lesser Antilles Iguana (Iguana Delicatissima) female, photographed in St-Jean
(photo: Karl Questel)
The Regional Situation
The Lesser Antilles Iguana has already
disappeared on other islands and is an
endangered species here. Until the summer of 2007, the Iguana Delicatissima
population in Saint Barth was considered pure, but that has changed since the
discovery that summer of a hybrid, the
fruit of mating between an Iguana Delicatissima and a green Iguana, brought to
Saint Barth via Saint Martin, followed
by six others in the following months.
The Risks of Hybridization
✍ Why is the green iguana
(Iguana Iguana) a menace?
First because it is bigger—it can reach
two meters in length, while the Lesser
Antilles Iguanas do not get longer than
1.5 meters. They also lay more eggs and
are greedier eaters, in addition to being
very territorial: the males cover a large
area with several females inside the
zone—and the males can get vicious in
defending their territory. What can a
male Iguana Delicatissima do to protect
himself against a male Iguana Iguana?
It is a losing battle and the invader wins
the harem—and since the females prefer
to breed with the dominate male, they
give birth to hybrid babies.
✍ Why are the hybrids considered
a problem?
The problem with the hybrids is that
they are probably sterile, yet they seek to
mate like their parents.
Other menaces:
◗ Cats: Domestic cats will chase iguanas
and while they don’t eat them, they kill
A young green iguana (Iguana iguana) captured in Gustavia
(photo: Karl Questel)
then abandon them. The increase in feral capture all the hybrids on the island and
transfer them to the marine park in St
cats adds to the problem.
◗ Dogs: Domestic dogs also kill iguanas. Martin, which has a large iguana popula◗ Rats: These rodents go for the eggs tion. With this in mind, anyone who sees
an iguana of any sort, is invited to call
and baby iguanas.
◗ Goat: Wild goats eat everything on the one of the three people below, and to
hillsides leaving the iguanas to starve.
carefully note the place the iguana was
◗ Destruction of the habitat: There are discovered, its size, and if possible to
fewer and fewer isolated places for the take its picture. This is the first step in
reviving the Lesser Antilles Iguana popfemales to lay their eggs.
◗ Mankind: the number of iguanas ulation in Saint Barth. With this goal in
destroyed by man is very sad, with the mind, the Collectivity of Saint Barth is
number killed by cars continuing to in contact with herpetologist (reptile and
increase. People have to understand that amphibian specialist) Michel Breuil,
the iguana in the middle of the road will from the Museum of Natural Hisgtory.
move if you stop and let it takes its time.
What Does The Future Hold?
One can only hope that the iguana of
Saint Barth, an icon of the island seen
as part of the Arawak statue at the
Tourmente, does not finish like the
Arawak himself—a representative of a
bygone era.
To keep the Lesser Antilles Iguana
species alive, it would be necessary to
• Karl Questel:
Tel: 0690 58 40 22,
email: [email protected]
• Greg Moulbeur:
Tel: 0690 57 21 57,
email: [email protected]
• Marine Park:
Tel: 0590 27 88 18 or 0690 31 70 73,
email: [email protected]
Les Îlets de la Plage
Toes in the sand...
estled in lush tropical
vegetation, Les Ilets de la
Plage offers a warm,
informal lifestyle with a tropical flair.
Our comfortably appointed villas
open into pretty gardens or directly
onto the beach.
Set amid rows of stately palms, sweet-smelling
bougainvillea and brightly colored hibiscus, the
eleven villas are located within steps of St. Jean
beach, one of the most beautiful beaches on the
island. At Les Islets, the ambiance is one of total
relaxation, from a day at the beach, sitting by
the pool, or enjoying a morning coffee or
afternoon drinks in the outside living room at
“case Punch.”
Les Ilets de la Plage
Plage de St. Jean
Tel: +590 590 27 88 57
Fax: +590 590 27 88 58
[email protected]
Photos ©Olivier Rocques - Texte : ©Odile Habel
■ At your services
■ Local Weather
GUSTAVIA - 0590 27 78 62
Scattered Clouds
Scattered Clouds
High: 78° F / 26° C.
Wind ENE 15mph / 25km/h
Night : Scattered Clouds
Low: 75° F. / 24° C.
Wind ENE 17mph /28km/h
High: 80° F. / 27° C
Wind East 20mph. /32 km/h.
Night : Scattered Clouds
Low: 77° F. / 25° C.
Wind ENE 20mph/32km/h
Partly Cloudy
Scattered Clouds
High: 80° F. / 27° C
Wind East 17 mph. / 28 km/h.
Night : Scattered Clouds
Low: 77° F. / 25° C.
Wind ENE 20mph /32km/h
High: 80° F. / 27° C
Wind East 20mph /32 km/h
Night : Scattered Clouds
Low: 77° F. / 25° C.
Wind East 20mph/32km/h
Check the solutions
to the Sudoku
page 15
Stay in touch
■ Classified ads
Real Estate
For sale, a 3 bedroom villa
with pool with beautiful
view situated on the hillside
of Vitet. Very interesting
price. Not to be missed.
Contact St. Barth Property/
Realty : 0590 29 75 05
Extremely Rare. Spacious
apartment 3 bedrooms,
office and pool. Seaview on
Eden Rock Hotel. Contact :
Agency /
Christophe Sachot :
05 90 519 519.
For sale, a land with dramatic view situated in Dévé
with a building permit for a
2 bedroom villa with pool.
Contact St. Barth Property
/Sotheby’s International
Realty : 0590 29 75 05
For sale, 3 lands with very
beautiful views, situated in a
subdivision on the hillside
of Lurin. Contact St. Barth
P r o p e r t y / S o t h e b y ’s
International Realty :
0590 29 75 05
Marigot: Very nice 2
bedroom appartment like a
small house, recently renovated, nice decor and paintings, large view on Tortue
Island and Marigot Bay.
Contact Immobarth Agency
Benoît Loriou:
06 90 465 833
Anse des Cayes : Beautiful
piece of land, nice view on
the ocean, Building permit
for a 3 bedroom villa with
large pool. Size about sqm
600. Contact Immobarth
Agency / Benoît Loriou: 06
90 465 833
Vitet : Breathtaking view
above Toiny and Petit Cul
de Sac, facing the ocean,
uphill. For this charming
villa with 3 bedrooms, 4
bath, pool, deck, large piece
of land sqm 2 200. Contact :
Immobarth Agency /Benoît
Loriou: 06 90 465 833
Vacation house exchange
wanted. 1 or 2 weeks in St
Barts in Jan, Feb or March
2009 in exchange for our
Nantucket home in July,
Aug or Sept 2008. email
[email protected]
Les Jardins de St Jean
97133 St Barthelemy
Tél.: 05 90 27 67 70 - Fax : 05 90 27 84 40
[email protected]
■ Puzzle
Olivia : 06 90 57 76 86
There's no
m a t h
The grid has
numbers, but
nothing has
to add up to
else. You
solve the
puzzle with
and logic.
It's fun. It's
It's addictive!“Fill in the grid so that every row, every
column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through
9."That's all there is to it.
St Barth Weekly n°148
Carte professionnelle 06-039 T/G/S - Caisse de garantie SOCAMAB
For sale : Pretty two bedrooms villa in a small residence
recently renovated, full equipped kitchen
Price: 600.000Euros Including agency fees
For sale : Two bedrooms villa located in a quiet area
tastefully equipped and furnished, pool and terrace surrounded
by a pretty garden Wonderful view,
Price: 1.900.000Euros
Including agency fees