Ready, Set, Go! - Plain Local Schools


Ready, Set, Go! - Plain Local Schools
Volume 9 • Number 1
August 2016
Ready, Set, Go!
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back to the 2016-2017 school year. Summer
went by quickly, but we are excited for yet another great school year. Much work has been done across the
district to ensure that your child receives the best education in Stark County. We are very proud of what has
been accomplished, and the future is bright in Plain Local!
This edition is filled with information about the start of the school year. As you review, if there are questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call any school building or Central Office at 330-492-3500. Our
goal in Plain Local is to provide the best service to you and your family as we begin this school year. I know
as a father that the beginning of school can be stressful, and we are here to help at any time.
The entire staff has been working hard over the summer as we welcome back your children this month.
Many improvements have been made across the district, and I hope you will be happy as you attend opening
events in all of our buildings. Back to school information is located on our web site at Please
use this site to access updates, email addresses, and contact information. Our goal is to answer your question
within 24-hours.
I am honored to serve you as your superintendent. I have great excitement as my wife Becky, and I send
our three children to our schools this month, I see the quality in our staff each day as a father in the Plain
Local School District. There is no other school system that I would rather have my children attend! We are
going to have a great year, and your children are going to experience an amazing staff!
Go Eagles!
Brent May, Superintendent
Plain Plans 2016 Convocation With The Stars!
We hope you will join us on Monday, August 22, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. at the GlenOak High School Theatre
for the Plain Local School District’s Annual Convocation. We are planning an exciting event filled with guest
speakers that will talk with our staff about the history and legacy of the Plain Local School District. We hope
this will serve as a catalyst for a memorable and innovative 2016-2017 school year! Throughout the morning, we will introduce the new members of our teaching team, celebrate the start of the school year, and learn
about the many excellent opportunities available to students, staff and community members in Plain Local.
The pride of Plain Local! The GlenOak marching band, color guard, majorettes and cheerleaders performed at the
2016 Pro Football Hall of Fame parade!
Page 2 • Plain Paper • August, 2016
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Warstler Elementary Opens New Star Room
This world wasn’t made
for everyone. 67 out of 68
of us get along fine. But that
1 in every 68 sees his world
in a totally different way. It’s
a rough existence. Everything sounds too loud, lights
flicker like strobes, ordinary
smells can be sickening and
all of the senses are basically
out of whack.
This is the world Andrew
Schumacher lives in. Andrew, an Oakwood Middle
School 8th Grader, has
“Andrew’s whole life has
been about therapy and
behavior modification to
teach him how to live in our
world,” says Paul Schumacher Jr., Andrew’s brother
and President of Star Room
LLC. “It’s a burden that I
got tired of watching him
struggle with alone.”
Plain Local Schools is happy to announce that we have
partnered with the Love,
Andrew Autism Foundation and Star Room LLC to
bring our students the first
sensory-neutral environment crafted with revolutionary building methods
that holistically address the
entire space, creating the
most optimal environment
to manage sensory overload. Backed by 45 years of
scientific research, The Star
Room provides a calming
and therapeutic place to de-
escalate, regroup, and then
emerge feeling renewed and
ready to return to class.
“The Warstler Star Room
is really a new and improved
Star Room,” says Nicole
Schumacher, PhD., Andrew’s mother and President
of the Love, Andrew Autism
Foundation. “We built a pilot Star Room at Glenwood
several years ago out of desperation. Andrew desperately wanted to go to school,
and we wanted to do everything we could to help him
get through the day. It was a
great testing ground to see
how we could improve for
the Warstler Room.”
Dr. Schumacher credits
her son, Paul Jr., and his
uncompromising drive to
create the best environment
for children with autism,
with the construction process that led to the Warstler
Star Room.
“I called on the best autism doctors in the country,”
said Schumacher, Jr. “I met
with scientists; families
affected by autism and
autism therapists. I wanted
to know everything about
the brain and behaviors of a
child with autism. I needed
a well-rounded perspective
of what could help children
with autism get through
their day. Then I spoke with
professional builders and
their vendors. Their advice
Plain Paper is published by Plain Local Schools. It is distributed
free of charge to community residents, businesses and Plain Local
staff. The purpose of Plain Paper is to provide our readers information about life and learning in the Greater Plain Township community. It is not intended to be a public forum.
Editor: Mary Beddell, Plain Local Public Relations Director
Plain Paper ~ Plain Local Schools
901 44th Street NW, Canton, Ohio 44709
Office: 330-492-3500 • Fax: 330-493-5542
Questions or comments regarding Plain Paper can be emailed to
[email protected]
For advertising information please contact
Michelle Stahleker 330-323-2993
email: [email protected]
Federal Law prohibits Plain Paper from carrying ads containing
offers of insurance policies, credit cards and travel promotions. The
Plain Local Schools Board of Education reserves the right to reject
any press release or advertisement based on content.
Plain Paper logo and design are trademarks of Plain Local Schools.
All advertising art and editorial content is copyright protected and
cannot be used without express written permission. The publisher
and its affiliates are not liable for damages arising out of errors in
advertisements beyond the amount paid for the ad.
The Plain Local School District is an equal opportunity employer
and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, religion, disability or age with respect to employment or educational programs and opportunities to students.
Civil Rights Compliance Officer, Brent May 330-492-3500.
Andrew and Paul Schumacher visit the new Star Room at Warstler Elementary and
test out the lighting feature.
helped me narrow down
how I needed to build a Star
Room to make the biggest
The Warstler Star Room
provides recording studio
soundproofing, odor and
toxin absorbing drywall
and paint, lighting that is
indirect, with no annoying flicker; soothing colors
on the walls, and comforting carpet made of silk.
Because of the Star Room,
these children experience
a dramatic change in their
school life and their social
life during the school day.
The environment the room
provides allows them to be
at ease with one another,
from personal connections
and get through their school
day without the agitation
that is the offset of sensory
“It was amazing to see
how quickly the Star Room
impacted the learning environment in such a positive calming manner,” says
Mark Yocum, Principal of
Warstler Elementary. “This
helped increase the amount
of instructional time for students that would otherwise
not be able to return to class
so quickly.”
At present, there are no
disability accommodations
for children with autism.
The Star Room is an exceptional, first of its kind venture to provide the accommodations currently lacking
in schools.
“The Star Room provides
a one-of-a-kind experience
for all students especially
those with particular sen-
sory needs,” says Jennifer
Ondo, 1st Grade Teacher
at Warstler Elementary. “It
was a calm and therapeutic
environment that allowed
students to de-escalate and
return to the classroom
ready to learn.”
“I was born with the
inherent ability to go anywhere and do anything,
without limitation -- abilities that children with
autism don’t naturally have,”
says Schumacher, Jr. “I am
passionate to create these
spaces that allow children
with autism to flourish.
Spaces where they can be
comfortable, make friends
and have a normal day at
school. My family and I applaud the Plain Local School
District for its commitment
to autism acceptance.”
This year the 1:1 initiative will be expanded and
all fifth grade students will
receive a Chromebook. This
means that every student in
grades 5-12 will be issued
a Chromebook to enhance
their learning experience
in the Plain Local School
There will be no upfront fee
for the use of the Chromebook for any student; however, appropriate fees may be
applied on a per student basis
for any Chromebook that is
damaged or lost. Students
in grades 5-12 will be using
Google Classroom as their
learning platform.
Students in grades 7-12 will
be using Mastery Connect
to take some of their assessments online. Mastery Connect aligns with standards
assessed on state tests.
Additionally, it allows for
the instant grading of assessments and timely feedback
for students.
1:1 Technology Continues To Grow
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Two GlenOak Grads Join
District Administrative Team
Brett Niarchos. Smith will
take over for JR Easterling who will lead Frazer
Elementary School in
the fall. Smith was most
recently the Principal of
Fairfield Freshman School
in Fairfield, Ohio a suburb
of Cincinnati. Larissa has
roots in Stark County; she
graduated from Mount
Larissa Union University in 2007
a distinSmith will and GlenOak High School
in 2003. Her relocation
counselor who
the role of back to the area is a fantastic opportunity to the
served at GlenOak High
Plain Local School DisPrincipal
School during the 2015trict. She brings with her
at Glen2016 school year, has been
wood Intermediate School five years of leadership
appointed to lead the 9th
experience and an excitegrade Academy at Gleunder the leadership of
ment for new growth and
learning opportunities.
Both Gagnon and Smith
assumed their new positions on August 1, 2016.
dlebranch, Mr. McKean
is not new to Plain Local
will be
Schools. During his seven
years in Plain, he has served
as school counselor at Barr,
the Middlebranch Frazer and Glenwood. Durstaff during ing recent years, he has also
been the director of Plain
the upcoming school year,
The Plain Local School Disas Dean of Students. In this Local’s Saturday Enrichment.
With all of the experience trict is in need of substitute
new role, he will assist in
bus drivers. Those interested
that he brings to our team,
preparing students for sucmust have a CDL class B with
cess in the present and in the we are looking forward to
S&P endorsements and a
another great year at Midclean driving record. The poAlthough new to Middlebranch!
sition pays $11.00 per hour.
The Plain Local School District currently has substitute
custodial positions available.
Classified applications are
McKinney-Vento Act
to download online
It is the policy of the Plain Local School District to
at or can
enroll, educate and not segregate or stigmatize chilbe filled out at the Admindren on the basis of their status as homeless. Any peristration Office, 901 44th St.
son suspecting a child is homeless should notify the
Administration at 330-492-3500 to ensure that homeIf you have questions conless children enroll in school and have the opportunity
cerning these positions please
to succeed academically.
contact the Business Office at
Title I / Idea-B Flow Through Notification
330-492-3500, ext. 331.
The Plain Local School District receives notification
of their entitlement of federal funds allocated in accordance with the Title I/ Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA), Public Law 92-142. Utilization of the funds is designated to provide services and
programs for disabled students. Persons who wish to
comment on how to utilize these designated funds are
welcome and encouraged to contact Mark Parent, in
the Special Education Department located at GlenOak
High School at 330-491-3839 or email at parentm@
The Plain Local Schools
Board of Education met
on Wednesday, July 13,
2016 at 6:30pm for a
regularly schedule board
meeting, during which
two new Administrators
were approved for employment.
nOak High School this
fall. Gagnon has worked
in education for the last
12 years and has been a
school counselor in the
Plain Local School District
since 2009. Matt will be
replacing Mike Babics who
has taken over as Principal
at GlenOak. Gagnon is a
1996 GlenOak graduate.
Middlebranch Welcomes Tim
McKean As Dean Of Students
Bus Drivers,
Important Notices
Title I Evaluation
Each spring, parent and teachers evaluate the Title I
program. Comments and input from both are used as
plans are made for services the following school year.
If your child is not receiving services or you would
like to provide input on the Title I program please
contact Deb Nicodemo, in the Curriculum Department located at GlenOak High School at 330-4132128 or email at [email protected].
August, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 3
2016 Plain Local Schools
Board Members and Meetings
Board Members
Dr. Ambrose Perduk, Jr.
Term: 2014-2017
h: 330-904-4620
Eugene M. Cazantzes
Vice President
Term: 2016-2019
h: 330-456-5787
Monica Rose Gwin
Term: 2016-2019
h: 330-493-9561
Donohue Guardado
Term: 2014-2017
w: 330-489-3395
h: 330-497-2828
John W. Halkias
Term: 2014-2017
w: 330-497-3003
h: 330-494-4719
Meeting Dates
The Board also adopted the following dates and locations
for their 2015 regular meetings. All meetings are to begin at
6:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated. Most meetings have
been scheduled for the third Wed. of the month.
7:00am ................Administration Building
August 17 September 21 6:30pm ................... GlenOak High School
October 19 6:30pm ..............Oakwood Middle School
November 16 6:30pm ............................. Barr Elementary
December 14 6:30pm.................Administration Building
The 2017 Board of Education Meeting Schedule will be
posted at in January.
Page 4 • Plain Paper • August, 2016
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GlenOak High School Accepted As International
Baccalaureate Dipolma Programme Candidate School
GlenOak High School
has been accepted as an International Baccalaureate
(IB) Diploma Programme
(DP) Candidate School
beginning in September
2016 and will complete
the authorization process
to become an IB World
School in the fall of 2018.
Schools must complete the
authorization process and
demonstrate school and
community support for
the IB to be able to offer IB
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop
inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young
people who help create a
better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding
and respect. IB World
Schools strive to develop
and support the learner
profile in students to be
inquirers, knowledgeable,
thinkers, communicators,
principled, open-minded,
caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective. The
IB offers four academic
programmes for students
in preschool through high
school. GlenOak is a Candidate School for the DiParents will see a few changes during the 2016-17 school ploma Programme, which
educates junior and senior
year when accessing a student’s grades online. Sungard
students both through a
will replace Pinnacle. The Sungard platform will be used
comprehensive IB proby all of the school districts in Stark County. One of the
gramme of courses as well
advantages to Sungard is the parent portal, which can be
as through individual IB
downloaded directly to a person’s smartphone. This will
allow a parent or guardian to view a student’s schedule,
GlenOak will develop,
attendance, and grades quickly via any smartphone. Sunwith
the training and supgard will also be accessible from the Plain Local website.
Information on how to login to Sungard will be provided port of the IB, the following two-year rigorous IB
to parents during the first few weeks of school.
courses beginning with the
junior class in the fall of
Students choosing to
participate in the program
as a “DP Candidate” will
take six courses plus TheoAndroid and iPhone users
can download a new Plain
Local Schools application
in the “App Store” on their
devices. Simply search
Plain Local Schools to
download the FREE
app powered by
Sungard Replaces Pinnacle
NEW Plain Local
Schools App!
Right from your
fingertips you can
check all the up to date information
on events, athletics, lunch menus,
grades and more! Additionally the
new app links to all Plain Local
Schools social media account, gives
you access to sign up to be on our
mailing list, and lets you specialize
your preferences based on which
schools you’d like to follow. If you want
to stay connected to all things Plain Local Schools
download our FREE app today.
Social Media: Where to find us!
Looking for all the up to date information on all things Plain Local?
Here’s where to find us to stay connected. Remember to use the hashtag #plainpride when sharing
photos, stories and updates on anything Plain Local!
Twitter: @PlainLocal
Instagram: @PlainLocalSchools
Superintendents Twitter: @eagletweets14
ry of Knowledge, complete
Creativity, Action, Service,
and write a 4,000-word Extended Essay. Students also
may choose to take one to
several of these courses,
similar to GlenOak students participating in Advanced Placement (AP) or
College Credit Plus (CCP)
courses. Additional IB
courses and teachers plan
to be added as the program
Students and parents
with an interest in the
future IB courses should
focus on student academic
skills in writing, reading,
research, speaking, and
critical thinking in challenging freshmen and
sophomore courses as well
as spend time helping others in community service
and leadership roles. Additional information will
be shared with students
and parents about the program through the school
year. Any questions and
interest in IB, please either
see or email
GlenOak’s IB Coordinator,
Emily Palmer, at palmere@
GlenOak High School is
a candidate school* for the
Diploma Programme. This
school is pursuing authorization as an IB World
School. These are schools
that share a common
philosophy—a commitment
to high quality, challenging, international education
that GlenOak High School
believes is important for our
*Only schools authorized
by the IB Organization
can offer any of its four
academic programmes: the
Primary Years Programme
(PYP), the Middle Years
Programme (MYP), the
Diploma Programme or the
Career-related Programme
(CP). Candidate status gives
no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For
further information about
the IB and its programmes,
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August, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 5
PayForIt.Net Offers Online Payment Convenience
What is PayForIt?
PayForIt (PFI) is a Secure
Online Payment system,
which simplifies payment,
collection and balancing
of funds for School Districts. Plain Local Schools
is pleased to offer Pay For to our parents for the
Internet convenience of
paying for school fees and
student meals.
• The meal and fee process is automated for both
the parents and the school
so errors are minimized and
the process is standardized.
• Using PFI, there is not a
chance of lost money from
home to school!
• Payments can be made
by credit card 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week at the
parents’ convenience.
• Payments can also be
made by ACH (Electronic
• Parents can review what
their students are actually
purchasing along with account balance information.
• Account balance infor-
Gage Pickering pictured with Ernie the Eagle and
big brother Ryder is ready for Kindergarten at Middlebranch this fall after successfully completing the
SPARK Kindergarten Readiness program.
SPARK Holds End Of
The Year Celebration
Supporting Partnerships
to Assure Ready Kids, also
known as SPARK, held a
“end of the year” celebration
at the Stark County District
Library, North Branch for
students who successfully
completed their program and
are ready to begin Kindergarten at Plain Local Schools.
SPARK is a family-focused
program that works collaboratively with families,
schools, and the community.
Each month, children receive
a new book, a lesson activity, and educational supplies,
and participate in home- or
group-based learning opportunities—all with the goal of
increasing the child’s success
in school and life.
mation is readily available
to the parents, the school
and the staff.
• Parents can opt to
receive an email when a
student lunch balance dips
to certain threshold (set by
the parent).
• Parents can opt to use
an auto-replenishment feature that replenishes their
student lunch account(s)
when a balance dips to
a specific level (which is
specified by the parent).
• School messages are
automatically emailed to
• Student information is
automatically transferred
from year-to-year.
• Parents can manage
more than one student account.
• PFI is PCI compliant
and maintains industry
standard SSL certificates.
This ensures all data is safe
& secure as defined by the
How to sign up?
If you used the service last
year, your user name and
password will remain the
New users - Log on to and select
the “Sign Up” option from
the menu. The screens will
guide you through the
process to establish your
1. You will be prompted
to enter your contact data,
password, payment information, etc.;
2. You will need to indicate which student(s)
to attach to your account.
Students are already loaded
in the PFI system.
Once all information is
entered, PFI will email a
validation code for you to
confirm the registration.
Once confirmed you can
begin using PFI as often as
you’d like.
Each time you log on,
school messages and the
balance(s) of the student(s)
on your account are displayed on the Home Page.
You can also submit feed-
Expires 9-15-16
back via an ongoing survey
for PFI.
Once your account is
established, please visit the
“My Account” menu option
to set up preferences for
your email options.
How to get help?
How Do I … Each major
function used in PFI, has
online help available under
the menu option of “How
Do I …”. The “How Do I”
provides step by step instructions as well as screen
Help: Within the “Help”
menu option, Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ) and
a Contact Us feature are
available to you. These areas
are addressed directly by
the PFI Help Support Staff
at QSP to assist you.
Expires 9-15-16
Page 6 • Plain Paper • August, 2016
Powered by Plain
Glenwood Coverts Courtyard To Learning Lab
Glenwood Intermediate
School utilized this summer
to continue to improve on
their educational opportunities for students. The Glenwood Administration and
Plain Local Business office
partnered with community
business Rice’s Nursery and
Landscape Architect Kevin
Rice to transform Glenwood’s outdoor courtyard to
an Outdoor Learning Lab.
This fall Glenwood students
will have a hands on learning experience that incorporates a multitude of Ohio’s
state learning standards. Stu-
dents will be able to explore
a water ecosystem, inspect
various rock types on the
rock walk, collect, chart
and analyze weather data
from an electronic weather
station that will wirelessly
connect to students’ individual Chromebooks. The
incorporation of a compost
station will allow students
to study the decomposition
of cafeteria food as it turns
into compost soil that will
be recycled back into the
learning lab.
This project transforms an
outdoor space once used for
students to gather and enjoy
being outside to a learning
space that will allow students to immerse themselves
into 21st century learning
that will promote creativity,
critical thinking and problem solving.
The creation of the Outdoor Learning Lab was
made possible through the
work of the Glenwood PTO,
Principal Brett Niarchos
and Rice’s Nursery. If you are
interested in contributing to
the GWIS Outdoor Learning Lab, please contact Brett
Niarchos at niarchosb@ or call at 330
491-3780 to discuss further.
The GWIS Learning Lab is
a sustainable environment
that will impact thousands
of students throughout the
Oakwood 8th grade Math
Teacher, Tyler Adkins, has
been involved in a “classroom improvement” project
this summer. Thanks to a
newly established partnership with Lowe’s Home Improvement, Mr. Adkins has
all of the resources he needed
to cover every desk with a
whiteboard. Lowe’s agreed to
donate everything Mr. Adkins needed for this project
in partnership with education. Oakwood is proud of
Mr. Adkins for his efforts in
improving his classroom environment and appreciative
of our local Lowe’s store for
supporting our teachers!
Lowe’s Helps Classrooms
The new outdoor learning lab at Glenwood will feature a pond where students can use
what they learn in the classroom for a hands on experience studying a water ecosystem.
Mr. Adkins spent his summer working to improve the
classroom thanks to help from Lowe’s Home Improvement
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August, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 7
Beginning Band, Strings Available At Glenwood
Is your student entering fifth grade this year at
Glenwood Intermediate
School? If the answer is
YES, then now is the time
to take the first step to be
Mattress Sale Benefits GO
Marching Band NY Trip
Support the GlenOak Marching Band at the 2016 Mattress Sale on August 20th. What better way to support the
GlenOak Marching Band’s performance in the 2017 New
York St. Patrick’s Day Parade than doing something good
for yourself! Join us on August 20 from 10 AM - 5 PM at
GlenOak High School Band Room. These new mattresses
come with a warranty and we carry name brands like Restonic, Simmons, Beautyrest, and Southerland! Free layaway
Every mattress sale supports the GlenOak Marching
Band! Come check out our mattress showroom and see
what this sale is all about.
Singers Selected For OMEA
All-State Children’s Chorus
Congratulations to the following students who were
selected for the All-State Children’s Chorus for the 20162017 School year. They were selected among the top music
students in the state of Ohio for students entering Grades
4 and 5 and will be performing at the OMEA (Ohio Music
Education Association) convention this school year on
February 2, 2017, which will take place in Cleveland Ohio.
The students are: Kyle Swarny, Clare Caldwell, Alexandra Salvino, Lucy Shaheen, and Amelia Richardson. All
students worked with music teacher Deanna Harris last
spring at Avondale and Middlebranch.
Summer Busy For Frazer Staff
During the summer the
buildings around Plain Local, like Frazer Elementary,
take on a quiet and empty
feel. The only action is of the
custodians and maintenance
crews hard at work cleaning, fixing, and turning the
building over getting it ready
for the return to school in
the fall. Students are off with
their families enjoying trips
or just time at home having
fun. Teachers also take time
with their families, but are
also getting ready for the
returning students. Many of
the staff in Plain Local have
different workshops, classes,
and trainings they attend-here is just a snapshot of the
things our Frazer staff have
been doing to prepare for
the 2016-2017 school year.
Tricia King and Katy
Prather attended a two-day
workshop put on by the
Curious K.I.D.S.S (Kindling
Inquiry and Discovery in
Science and Social Studies) in partnership with the
Ohio Department of Natural
Resources. The focus was
on enhancing the science
and social studies learning
through reading and outdoor activities.
A few teachers attended
McGraw-Hill Summer
Workshop designed to improve English Language Arts
instruction on August 4th.
We had staff attend training to improve technology
instruction in schools, connections to science through
the Ohio Energy Project,
and development and implementation of Problem-based
learning (PBL) units.
David Thompson, the
music teacher at Frazer and
Barr Elementary is working
on his doctorate degree in
music education. He had his
first article “Band, Orchestra, and … What?: Alternative Instrumental Ensembles
in the United States,” published online by Kent State
Several Frazer teachers attended the Ron Clark workshop at Penn State University in Altoona, Pennsylvania
on August 5th. Ron Clark is
a New York Times best-selling author and educator. His
academy focuses on ways
to enhance student achievement, academic rigor, and
the creation of a climate for
academic success.
This is only a small sample
of all the ways our staff at
Plain Local has continued to
retool to offer our students
the best education!
in the Glenwood Band or
Strings program.
Did you know that
statistics show that 1 in 3
school-aged students will
hold an arts related job
someday? NOW is the time
to become part of a performing arts path that can
lead your child in an exciting direction.
On Wednesday, August
24th, fifth grade students
will have the opportunity
to play band and string
instruments so they can
see what instrument they
might like to try this year.
At the end of the day, students will have the opportunity to hear the GlenOak
String Ensemble and the
GlenOak Golden Eagle
Marching Band! Please be
on the lookout for important information the students will be brining home
regarding this process.
There will be information
provided about which instrument fits your student
the best and where to find
a good instrument rental.
By September12, students
choosing band or strings
will begin their musical
journey! This information
will also be available at
as well.
If you have any questions along the way, please
contact Band Director, Bob
Esterle at [email protected] or Strings Director,
Dan Nauss at naussd@ Playing
an instrument can be an
exciting part of your child’s
school life!
Music Takes Shape At
Middlebranch Elementary
Due to a grant from
ArtsinStark and the Canton
Symphony, Mrs. Harris’ Middlebranch 3rd Graders were
selected to create a large tetrahedron connecting musical
form with the shape. Each
student decorated their own
tetrahedron with musical
notes, terms and expressions
while listening to some of the
musical selections featured
on the upcoming concert
including Pachelbel’s “Canon
in D” and Copeland’s “Variations on a Shaker Melody”!
MJ Albacete then came
and helped the music class
combine their personal
tetrahedrons into a larger
tetrahedron, similar to a Sier-
pinski Triangle Fractal. The
creation will be featured on
the Canton Symphony webpage this Fall and will be on
display at the Young People’s
Concert entitled “Music
Takes Shape” on October 20,
Prior to the construction,
students listened to various
classical selections including Beethoven’s 5th Symphony and discussed how a
simple theme or motif can
be developed into a major
work similarly to the triangle,
becoming a tetrahedron,
then forming a larger tetrahedron. The concert is FREE
and open to all Stark County
Start and finish
at Your Hometown University!
Page 8 • Plain Paper • August, 2016
Powered by Plain
Building Contact List
Plain Local Schools
Administration Office
901 44th St. N.W.
Canton, OH 44709
Phone: 330-492-3500
Hours: 7:30am - 5:00pm
Superintendent of Schools
Brent May, [email protected]
Linda Stambaugh,
Administrative Secretary
330-492-3500 ext. 311
Assistant Superintendent
Mike Labriola,
[email protected]
Licensure / Financial
Andres Krynicky,
Beckie Rice,
Administrative Secretary
330-492-3500 ext. 321
Business Manager
Tom Brabson,
[email protected]
Mary Frisbee,
Administrative Secretary
330-492-3500 ext. 331
N. Kathleen Jordan
[email protected]
Curriculum Department
Brian Matthews,
Director of Curriculum
[email protected]
Deb Nicodemo,
Director of Title I/Auxiliary
[email protected]
Jenna Steinberg,
Curriculum Specialist
[email protected]
Michael Milford,
Director of School Improvement
[email protected]
Cassandra Sponseller,
Director of Teaching and Learning
& Gifted Services
[email protected]
Linda Clark, Secretary
330-491-3877 Special Education Department
Mark Parent,
Director of Special Education
[email protected]
Lisa DiLoreto, Secretary
Technology Integration Coordinator
Joe Andrews, 330-491-3942
[email protected]
Athletic Director
Scott Garcia,
[email protected]
Director of Nutrition Services
Jennifer Rex,
[email protected]
330-491-3800 ext. 3658
Transportation Director
Steve Monte,
[email protected]
Public Relations Director
Mary Beddell,
[email protected]
330-492-3500 ext. 360
Data Analyst
Ann Wacker,
[email protected]
Avondale Elementary
3933 Eaton Rd NW
Canton, OH 44708
Principal: Maria Smith
Phone: 330-491-3720
Fax: 330-491-3721
Secretary: Pam Babics
9:10am - 3:50pm
Barr Elementary
2000 47th Street NE
Canton, OH 44705
Principal: Ann Bartley
Phone: 330-491-3730
Fax: 330-491-3731
Secretary: Nicki Horaitis
9:10am - 3:50pm
Frazer Elementary
3900 Frazer Ave NW
Canton, OH 44709
Principal: JR Easterling
Phone: 330-491-3740
Fax: 330-491-3741
Secretary: Wendy Royer
9:10am - 3:50pm
Middlebranch Elementary
7500 Middlebranch Ave NE
Canton, OH 44721
Principal: Jill Downing
Phone: 330-491-3750
Fax: 330-491-3751
Secretary: Meghan Humes
9:10am - 3:50pm
Taft Elementary
3829 Guilford Ave NW
Canton, OH 44718
Principal: Scott Esporite
Phone: 330-491-3760
Fax: 330-491-3761
Secretary: Michele Rivard
9:10am - 3:50pm
Warstler Elementary
2500 Schneider Street NE
Canton, OH 44721
Principal: Mark Yocum
Phone: 330-491-3770
Fax: 330-491-3771
Secretary: Marie Fletcher
9:10am - 3:50pm
Glenwood Intermediate School
1015 44th Street NW
Canton, OH 44709
Principal: Brett Niarchos
Asst. Principal: Larissa Smith
Phone: 330-491-3780
Fax: 330-491-3781
Secretary: Lynn Kovacs
8:10am - 3:10pm
Oakwood Middle School
2300 Schneider Street NE
Canton, OH 44721
Principal: Jeanne McNeal
Asst. Principal: Trisha Williams
Phone: 330-491-3790
Fax: 330-491-3791
Secretary: Lisa Haswell
8:10am - 3:10pm
GlenOak High School
1801 Schneider Street NE
Canton, OH 44721
Principal: Mike Babics
Deputy Principal: Gayle Kimbrough
Phone: 330-491-3800
Fax: 330-491-3801
Secretary: Lori Gay
7:25am - 2:20pm
Matt Gagnon, Academy Principal
9th Grade Academy
Jerad Buck, Academy Principal
Business & Marketing, Human
Services, 330-491-3910
Leigh Anne Kummer, Academy
Principal Arts and Communica- tion Environmental Studies,
Career Tech Coordinator
Chicola Whitfield, Academy
Principal, Engineering and Indus trial Technology, Health Sciences
Eric Henderson, Compact Director
Powered by Plain
Back To School For Students
Elementary (K-4)
Meet the teacher night.................................... August 23
Last Name: A-L 6:00pm; M-Z 7:00pm
First Day of School Kindergarten:
Last name A-L............................................. August 30
Last Name M-Z........................................... August 31
First Day of School Grades 1-4...................... August 25
School Day: 9:10am-3:50pm
Glenwood Intermediate School (5-6)
Open House.................................................... August 22
5th grade: 5:30pm; 6th grade: 7:00pm
First Day of School 5th grade........................ August 24
First Day of School 6th grade........................ August 25
School Day: 8:10am-3:10pm
Oakwood Middle School (7-8)
7th grade/New Student Orientation............. August 17
10:00am or 6:00pm
First Day of School 7th grade........................ August 24
First Day of School 8th grade........................ August 25
Open House................................................ September 8
School Day: 8:10am-3:10pm
GlenOak Start of Year information:
First day for students entering grade 9......... August 24
First day for grades 10-12.............................. August 25
Student access to GlenOak will be at 7:10 daily.
School Day: 7:25am-2:20pm
GlenOak Schedule Pick Up:
Students must have a completed Emergency Medical Form
in order to pick up their schedule or purchase a parking pass.
Please plan to attend the date and time listed below with your
completed Emergency Medical form:
Senior Pictures & Schedule Pick-up.............. August 17
Juniors Pictures & Schedule Pick-Up............ August 18
Sophomores Pictures & Schedule Pick-up... August 19
Make up session for Pictures/Schedule Pick-up
9th Grade Orientation................................... August 16
GlenOak High School will host a 9th Grade Orientation
for students and their families at GlenOak High School.
Students with the last name beginning with the letters
A-L should attend the 5-6:30 sessions.
Students with the last name beginning with the letters
M-Z should attend the 6:30-8:00 session.
9th Grade Transition Day.............................. August 24
GlenOak High School will have a 9th Grade Transition
Day. This will be a regular scheduled day for 9th Grade
students only. The day will be a normal school day from
7:25 until 2:20.
Information for these events has been mailed home. If you
have not received the information or have any questions,
please contact Matt Gagnon at (330) 491-3909 or e-mail
him at [email protected].
Bus Information
Information regarding Bus routes will be sent to homes
on Friday, August 19, 2016. If you have questions about
your bus route call the bus garage at 330-492-1918.
The bus garage will have extended hours during the week
of August 22 for your convenience.
August, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 9
Applications for School Meals
Program Available Year Round
Applications are accepted
at any time during the
school year for assistance
in school meals program.
Many community members may qualify for free
and/or reduced priced
breakfast and lunch at
Those that feel they may
qualify, or have applied
before, but had a change in
the household, are encouraged to re-apply. If you
were on the program last
school year, you must apply
annually. Applications are
available in each school
office, or can be down-
loaded from the Child
Nutrition website at www.
plshealthymeals. org. If you
have any questions about
The Plain Local School District is pleased to offer parents
a convenient way to pay their
child’s fees and manage meal
accounts over the Internet by
using, an online
school management tool.
There is no charge for using
the service during the 20152016 school year. If you used
the service last year, your user
name and password are the
Parents or guardians may
go to the Pay For It link
the website or
visit The
program allows the user to
create a secure online account
where they can add money
to their child’s account with
a credit card, debit card or
even an electronic check.
Parents can have peace of
mind knowing that students
will have money available for
meals, and that the money
will only be used for breakfast or lunch instead of other
the school meals program
contact Jennifer Rex, Child
Nutrition Director at 330491-3800 extension 3658.
School Breakfast, Lunch Prices
Complete Breakfast
Elementary K-4 $1.25
Glenwood Intermediate $1.50
Oakwood Middle $1.50
GlenOak High School $ 1.60
Reduced price K-12 no charge
Complete Lunch
Elementary K-4 $2.25
Glenwood Intermediate $2.50
Oakwood Middle $2.75
GlenOak High School $3.00
Reduced Price K-12 $.40
Additional Milk $.50
If you would like to apply for free or reduced priced meals,
you may receive an application from your student’s school
building or by going to our child nutrition website www. and search “school meals application” or
you may call our District Food Service Office at 330-493-5569.
Online Payment Available With No Usage Fees
Parents can view their
child’s account balance and
make payments any time of
day. Parents may also view
what the student has purchased. Families with multiple children enrolled in the
District can add money to
each child’s account during
the same transaction.
The District will continue
to accept cash and checks for
school fees and meal purchases along with payments made
through the PayForIt system.
Page 10 • Plain Paper • August, 2016
Powered by Plain
Foundation Promotes ‘Thank A Teacher’ Program
the children of Plain Local delivered to the teacher of
your choice. If you choose
Schools each day, but also
contribute to the Teacher
to donate $20 or more, a
small gift will also be given
Grant Fund, which helps
educators in the district
to your teacher as an extra
continue to be creative and bit of acknowledgement
innovative in the classroom. for their outstanding work.
All donations to the Thank Additionally, your teacher’s
can find more information
The Third Annual Alumni
• Pita Pit
• Plain Local Food Services by contacting the individu- A Teacher program will be principal will be notified
Tailgate Party will be held
contributed to a fund which of this special recognition,
als below:
on Friday, September 23rd
• Potbelly Sandwiches
and they will be recognized
provides roughly $10,000
Band and majorette
• Smoke The Burger Joint
starting at 5:30pm, prior to
in grants to educators each through the Plain Local
alumni, please contact De• Sonic
the varsity football game
nise Yohe Evans at 330-575- year. These grants are what social media. The Thank A
• Taco Bell
against Green High School.
Teacher program is a wonmake the classrooms in
• TD’s Tailgate
This all-alumni event will
Plain Local Schools some
derful way to show your apCheerleading alumni,
feature a tailgate dinner, pre• Winking Lizard
preciation for our schools’
The dinner will be $12 for please contact former advi- of the best in the country,
game field access, alumni Teducators, while also helpby supporting programsor, John Namey at 330shirt, and reserved seating in adults and $8 for students,
ing to facilitate progress
ing that stimulates young
alumni section for the game. alumni seating for the game 936-1730 or Johnnamey@
and innovation within Plain
minds through collaborawill be $7, and alumni
Local restaurants donatLocal Schools.
tion and ingenuity. Once
Football alumni, please
ing either dinner options or t-shirts will be $12. To
Visit http://plainfoundaregister for the event, visit
contact Scott Garcia at 330- your Thank a Teacher
other support to-date are:
donation is received, your
• Baja West Coast Kitchen, 491-3779.
All other alumni and those personalized acknowledge- to make your donation
contact the Alumni office at
• Basil Asain Bistro
ment message card will be
organizing class reunions
• Bill and Mary’s Diner
This year, we are seeking that want to include the tail• Bistro at Oakwood
band, majorette, cheerlead- gate as part of their events,
• Cara’s Cupcakes
please contact the founda• Chic-Fil-A
ing, and football alumni
who would like to partion/alumni office at 330• Fisher Foods
If you are getting ready to plan your class reunion for
• Gervasi Vineyard
ticipate pre-game activities. 491-3870 or foundation@
2016, consider hosting it the weekend of the Alumni
Alumni from these groups
• Old Carolina BBQ
Tailgate Party. The tailgate party is being held on September 23, 2016 and can offer another activity for your
class to attend and to visit the GlenOak Community
Campus. For more information contact the foundation
/ alumni association office at [email protected]
or 330-491-3870.
Each year, the educators in the Plain Local
School District continue
to promote excellence in
our children, as well as our
community. Their hard
work never goes unrecognized, and The Plain Lo-
cal Schools Foundation is
excited to offer a way for
parents to not only thank
the educators who inspire
Alumni Tailgate Party Plan Expands
Plain Local Alumni Reunions
GlenOak High School Class Of 1981
35th Class Reunion
August 20th, 2016 Reunion in The Crystal Room at
La Pizzaria, 6:00 pm- Social hour, 7:00 pm- Dinner,
8:00 pm- Dancing
Mark Vollono and The Wanderers will be performing
Email [email protected] for more information
Glenwood High School Class Of 1966
50th Class Reunion
Friday, September 9th 3:00 pm - Tour of Glenwood
High School; 5:00 pm- Happy hour at Arrowhead
Golf Club
Saturday, September 10th 5:00 to 7:00 pm - Reunion
at Arrowhead ($50)
Sunday, September 11th 10:30 am - Brunch at Arrowhead ($14)
Other optional activities throughout the weekend.
Please RSVP by June 15th to Don Siegfried at 330685-3299 or [email protected]
GlenOak High School Class Of 1986
30th Class Reunion
Saturday, September 10th Reunion in The Fresco
Room at La Pizzaria, 6:00 pm- Cocktails, 7:00 pmFamily style dinner, 8:00 pm- Dancing to the band,
“The Wanderers”
Attire is semi-casual. Contact Jennifer Valentine at
Glenwood High School Class Of 1967
50th Class Reunion
Send contact info to: [email protected]
Follow planning on website: glenwood67.wordpress.
Join Facebook page: Glenwood High School Class of
Glenwood Class Of 1974
Looking for classmates contact Robin Howes Kratzer
at 330-806-6020
Powered by Plain
August, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 11
Plain Alumni Inducts Five Into Hall of Distinction
The Plain Local Schools
Foundation and Alumni
Association is inducting five
new members into its Hall
of Distinction in September. The Hall of Distinction
is a very prestigious honor
given to outstanding alumni
or members of the community. Our honorees have
all distinguished themselves
personally and/or professionally, contributed time
and talent to the Plain
Local School District and
exemplified the education
and moral values that are
respected by their community and school system. This
year, the five Plain Local
Graduates we are honoring
in our Hall of Distinction
are; Denise Yohe Evans
(Class of 1982), John Ewing
(Glenwood 1969), John
Hibbard (GlenOak 1980),
Mary Kay Stamatakis
(GlenOak 1984) and
Stephan Wilder (Glenwood
Denise Yohe Evans
graduated from GlenOak
High School in 1982. She
is an exceptionally accomplished realtor with
Cutler Real Estate, and
has sold over $21 Million
in Real Estate over her 14
years with the company.
She was awarded the Ohio
Association of Realtors
President Sales Club Award
of Achievement from
2004-2014. Evans serves
the community as a Board
Member for The Rotary
Club of Plain Township,
The Canton Palace Theatre,
and Friends of Plain Township Parks. She has also
been an active supporter
of extra-curricular in the
Plain Local School District,
volunteering often for the
Cross Country team and
John Ewing gradu-
ated from Glenwood High
School in 1969, and currently serves as the Curator
of Film at the Cleveland
Museum of Art. Ewing is
also the co-founder of the
Cleveland Institute of Art
Cinemantheque, an alternative film theatre that showcases foreign, alternative,
and experimental films. He
has won numerous awards
throughout his career
in film, including being
named a Chevalier (Knight)
in the Order of the Arts
and Letters of the Republic
of France for his contributions to French culture.
Past recipients of this award
include T.S. Elliot, Robert
Redford, and Leonardo
DiCaprio. During his time
at Glenwood, Ewing served
as editor of the Eagle’s View,
president of National Honor Society, and co-consul of
Latin Club.
John Hibbard gradu-
ated from GlenOak High
School in 1980, and is
currently a scientist at the
National Radio Astronomy
Observatory, where he has
been since 2006. Following his time at GlenOak,
he went on to graduate
Foundation Seeks Board Members
The Plain Local Schools
Foundation and Alumni
Association was established
in 1989 to help ensure quality educational experiences
by serving as a receptacle
for special private gifts and
funds on behalf of Plain
Local Schools. Funds have
been established to benefit
innovative programs across
all disciplines of education.
Over the years, alumni and
foundation friends have
contributed more than $1
million to the foundation
endowment and scholarship
The foundation is seeking
boards members who are
advocates for public education, and are passionate
about what private support
can do to enhance that public education.
Board members meet
6-times per year for full
board of trustee meetings,
participate in various committees, support the annual
campaign and fundraising
events, and act as representatives of the foundation
at various school district
Committees within the
foundation include marketing, major donor development, alumni association,
signature event, scholarships, grants and finance.
Fundraising efforts include annual all-school ballet, targeted mail campaign,
major donor relations, grant
writing, alumni tailgate
party, and annual signature
For more information
contact Diane Pilati at 330491-3870 or foundation@
Magna Cum Laude from
Case Western Reserve
University, and continued
on to Columbia University,
where he earned a Master’s Degree and a PhD in
Astronomy. Throughout his
career, he has won many
distinguished awards for
his research in Astronomy,
including the Ronald J.
Trumpler Award, and the JJ
Naussau Astronomy Award.
His work has been published in various research
papers and journals, and he
has been invited to speak at
many prestigious events all
over the world.
Mary Kay Stamatakis
graduated from GlenOak
High School in 1984, and
is currently the Dean of the
West Virginia University
School of Pharmacy. Stamatakis spent her time at
GlenOak working on the
newspaper staff and participating on the Speech
team. She has won many
prestigious awards throughout her career, including
the Jerry Siegel Clinical
Achievement Award, The
Smith Kline & French
Laboratory Award for Superior Achievement in Clinical Pharmacy, and Teacher
of the Year at West Virginia
University School of Pharmacy. Stamatakis has also
published an abundance of
material in studies, journals, and book chapters.
Stephan Wilder
graduated from Glenwood
High School in 1969, and
has been the North Canton
Chief of Police since May of
2011. While at Glenwood,
Wilder was a member of
the Wrestling, Track, and
Cross Country teams. He is
a highly accomplished volunteer throughout the community, specifically with
Boy Scouts of America, and
was recently awarded their
prestigious Silver Antelope
award. He has won numerous other awards, including
the D.A.R.E. Citizenship
Award, Friends of Education Award, and Volunteer
of the Year Award for the
North Canton YMCA.
Wilder has completed 36
Marathons nationally and
internationally, 7 JFK50
Ultra Marathons, and 5
National Triathlon Championships.
Page 12 • Plain Paper • August, 2016
Powered by Plain
2016 Golden Eagle Fall Sports Schedules
Fri. 8/26
Woodside Virginia
Massillon (Comm. Partners)
Fri. 9/9
7:00 H
Akron Buchtel
(Elementary Night/Military Appreciation)
Fri. 9/16
Fri. 9/23
Green (Alumni Tailgate)
Fri. 9/30
Fri. 10/7
St. Ignatius (Homecoming)
Fri. 10/14
McKinle (PLMF/Middle School)
Fri. 10/21
Fri. 10/28
Perry (Senior Night)
Sat. 8/27/16 12:00
Sat. 9/3/16 12:00
Sat. 9/10/16 10:00
Sat. 9/17/16 10:00
Sat. 9/24/16 10:00 Sat 10/1/16 10:00
Sat. 10/8/16 11:00
Sat 10/15/16 10:00 Sat. 10/22/16 10:00
Akron Buchtel
St. Ignatius
Mon. 8/15/16 4:00
Tue. 8/16/16 4:00
Wed. 8/17/16 4:00
Mon. 8/22/16 4:00
Tue. 8/23/16 4:00
Thur. 8/25/16 4:00
Mon. 8/29/16 4:00
Tue. 8/30/16 4:00
Wed. 8/31/16 4:00
Thur. 9/01/16 4:00
Tue. 9/06/16 4:00
Wed. 9/07/16 4:00
Thur. 9/08/16 4:00
Mon. 9/12/16 4:00
Tue. 9/13/16 4:00
Mon. 9/19/16 4:00
Tue . 9/20/16 4:00
Wed. 9/21/16 4:00
Sat. 9/24/16 9:00
Wed. 9/28/16 4:00
Thur. 9/29/16 4:00
New Philadelphia
Cardinal Mooney
St. Thomas
Cardinal Mooney
St. V St. M
Federal Lg. Tourn.
Central Catholic
Wed. 8/17/16 5:00/7:00
Sat. 8/20/16 1:00/3:00
Tue. 8/23/16 5:00/7:00
Thur 8/25/16 5:00/7:00
Tue 8/30/16 5:15/7:00
Thur 9/08/16 5:00/7:00
Sat 9/10/16 1:00/3:00
Tue 9/13/16 5:15/7:00
Thur 9/15/16 5:00/7:00
Tue 9/20/16 5:15/7:00
Thur 9/22/16 5:00/7:00
Sat 9/24/16 5:00/7:00
Tue 9/27/16 5:15/7:00
Sat 10/1/16 5:00/7:00
Tue 10/4/16 5:15/7:00
Thur 10/6/16 5:00/7:00
Sat 10/8/16 11:00/1:00
Tue 10/11/16 5:15/7:00
Stow (S)
Walsh Jesuit
Austintown Fitch
Revere High School
Kent Roosevelt
Wed. 8/17/16 5:00/7:00
Sat. 8/20/16 5:00/7:00
Tue. 8/23/16 5:00/7:00
Sat. 8/27/16 5:00/7:00
Wed. 8/31/16 5:15/7:00
Sat.. 9/3/16 5:00/7:00
Sat. 9/10/16 11:30/1:00
Wed. 9/14/16 5:15/7:00
Sat. 9/17/16 5:00/7:00
Mon. 9/19/16 5:00/7:00
Wed. 9/21/16 5:15/7:00
Sat. 9/24/16 1:00/3:00
Wed. 9/28/16 5:15/7:00
Sat. 10/1/16 1:00/3:00
Wed. 10/5/16 5:15/7:00
Sat. 10/10/16 5:00/7:00
Wed. 10/12/16 5:15/7:00
Home Home
Away Away
Away Home
Kent Roosevelt (S)
Austintown Fitch
WRA (Senior Night)
Louisville (K. For C)
Wed. 8/17/16 8:00
Away Green
Thur. 8/18/16 8:00
Away JV @ Sable Creek
Tue. 8/23/16 3:30
Home Perry
Wed. 8/24/16 8:00
Home Stark County Championship
Thur. 8/25/16 3:30
Away Hoover
Tue. 8/30/16 3:30
Home Lake
Wed. 8/31/16 3:30
Home Massillon
Thur. 9/01/16 3:30
Home McKinley
Thur. 9/08/16 3:30
Home Jackson
Fri. 9/09/16 2:00
Away Pfieffer Inv. @ Oak Knolls
Sat 9/10/16 8:00
Away Pfieffer Inv. @ Twin Lakes
Mon. 9/12/16 8:00
Away Wooster Invite. @ Wooster CC
Tue. 9/13/16 3:30
Home Green
Thur. 9/15/16 3:30
Away Perry
Mon. 9/19/16 3:30
Away Massillon/McK. Tri-Match
Tue. 9/20/16 3:30
Away Hoover
Thur. 9/22/16 3:30
Away Lake
Sat. 9/24/16 8:00
Away JV Black Tiger Invite.
Tue. 9/27/16 3:30
Away McKinley
Dates and times are subject to change. Please check the district calendar at for the most up-to-date schedules.
Wed. 8/17/16 8:30
Sat. 8/20/16 1:30
Mon. 8/22/16 3:00
Tue. 8/23/16 3:30
Thur. 8/25/16 3:30
Mon. 8/29/16 1:00
Tue. 8/30/16 3:30
Tue. 9/06/16 3:30
Thur. 9/08/16 3:45
Sat. 9/10/16 1:00
Tue. 9/13/16 3:30
Thur. 9/15/16 3:30
Tue. 9/20/16 3:30
Thur. 9/22/16 3:30
Sat. 9/24/16 8:00
Tues. 9/27/16 3:30
Tue. 10/04/16 TBA
Tue. 10/11/16 TBA
GO JV Tournament
Midwest Classic
Perry + JV
Hoover + JV
Walsh – Hudson CC
Jackson @ Shady + JV
Turkeyfoot Invitational
Green + JV
Perry + JV
Hoover + JV
Lake + JV
Stark Co. Championship
Medina + JV
Sectionals @ Elms
Districts @ Legends
AwayState @ Columbus
Sat. 8/20/16 1/2:15/3:30
Tue. 8/23/16 5:30/7:00
Thur. 8/25/16 5:30/7:00
Sat. 8/27/16 9:00
Mon. 8/29/16 5:30/7:00
Wed. 8/31/16 5:30/7:00
Tue. 9/06/16 5:30/7:00
Wed. 9/07/16 5:00
Sat. 9/10/16 10:00/11:30
Tue. 9/13/16 5:30/7:00
Thur. 9/15/16 5:30/7:00
Sat. 9/17/16 10:00
Tue. 9/20/16 5:30/7:00
Wed. 9/21/16 5:30/7:00
Thur. 9/22/16 5:30/7:00
Tue. 9/27/16 5:30/7:00
Mon. 10/3/16 5:30/7:00
Tue. 10/04/16 4:30
Thur. 10/06/16 5:30/7:00
Mon. 10/10/16 5:00/7:00
Tue. 10/11/16 5:30/7:00
Thur. 10/13/15 5:30/7:00
NDCL (All)
Hoban JV, Varsity)
JV Tourn. Medina High.
Hoover (All)
Lake (All)
Green (All)
Sandy Valley
Chippewa (All)
Perry (All)
McKinley (All)
Jackson (All)
Hoover (All)
Lake (All)
Green (All)
Sandy Valley (Fresh.)
Perry (All)
Massillon (All)
McKinley (All)
Jackson (All) (Senior)
Sat 8/27/16 9:00am
Sat 9/03/16 9:00am
Sat 9/10/16 9:00am
Sat 9/17/16 9:00am
Sat 9/24/16 9:00am
Sat 10/01/16 9:00am
Sat 10/08/16 9:00am
Sat 10/15/16 9:00am
Sat 10/22/16 tba
Sat 10/29/16 tba
Sat 11/5/16 tba
Golden Eagle Invitational
Ashley White-Stumpf Memorial at Marlington
Jackson Invitational
Boardman Invitational
Malone Invitational
Stark County Championships
Stow Inv. (Silver Spring Pk.)
Federal League @ Green H.S.
District (Malone)
Regional (Boardman)
State (Nat’l Raceway Columbus)
Keeping You Informed
To be in compliance with federal and state law, the school district is required to inform residents about various programs, policies, and procedures that are in place in the district.
The Plain Local School District is an equal opportunity employer and
does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability or age with respect to employment or educational programs and opportunities to students. This applies to all educational programs including vocational, community education, and special education.
Civil Rights Compliance Officer, Brent May 330-492-3500.
The Plain Local School District is participating in a consolidated Preschool Grant program with other Stark County Local Districts. Some
of these preschool disability classes and enrichment classes are located
in Plain Local. The program provides services to identified pre-school
children with disabilities. A portion of ECSE, IDEIA funds are used for
this program. This application is on file and available for examination
and recommendations by district residents. Contact Mark Parent at 330491-3839. If you have further questions about a pre-school child with a
suspected disability.
The Plain Local School District provides educational services to disabled students from birth to age 21 utilizing federal assistance through
IDEA funds to enhance the basic program.
Disabilities including the areas of hearing, vision, learning, behavior,
speech/language, health/physical disabilities, traumatic brain injury, autism, or any combination of these, are considered handicapping conditions.
An application is on file at the Administration Building and is available for examination and recommendations by district residents. If you,
or someone you know, may be in need of special education and related
services, please contact Mark Parent at 330-491-3839.
Any member of the school community who believes that he/she has
been the subject of discrimination (including racial harassment) will report
any incident(s) to his/her teacher, school administrator, guidance counselor, or if employee, immediate supervisor. The superintendent may also be
notified and serves as the district’s Grievance Officer, unless the superintendent delegates that assignment to another administrator.
The Plain Local School District ensures that all eligible students with
disabilities in kindergarten through 21 years of age, residing within their
attendance area, have available to them a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. The rights of children with disabilities and their parents will be protected in accordance with state and
federal laws.
School districts must locate and identify individuals who have disabilities
from birth to age 21. If you, or someone you know, may be in need
education and related services, please contact Mark Parent at
Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its implementing regulations (“Section 504”), no otherwise qualified individual
with a disability shall, solely by reason of his/her disability, be excluded
The Stark County Department of Education developed a “Plan of Serfrom participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimi- vice” during the 1988-89 school year for its member districts. The Plain
nation under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Local School District is one of 13 local districts served by the plan. The
The Board of Education does not discriminate in admission or access to, purpose of the Service Plan is to promote excellence through cooperation
participation in, or treatment, or employment in, its programs or activities. while acknowledging the diversity and uniqueness of each member disAs such, the Board’s policies and practices will not discriminate against trict. The plan is on file and available for review at the Plain Local Board
employees and students with disabilities, will provide equal opportunity of Education office at 901 44th St. NW.
for employment, and will make accessible to qualified individuals with
disabilities its facilities, programs, and activities.
In compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
A copy of the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the passed by Congress in 1986 the Plain Local School District has an
Americans with Disabilities Act may be obtained from the district’s Com- AHERA Management Plan on file in the Principal’s office at each buildpliance Officer, Mark Parent, at 330-491-3839.
ing and at the Board of Education Office, 901 44th St NW, Canton. AnyTITLE IX
In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, no
person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded in participation in, denied
benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program
provided by the Plain Local Board of Education. Any questions should be
directed to Superintendent Brent May at 330-492-3500.
one interested in viewing the plan can stop by these locations and ask to
see a copy. Asbestos inspections are completed in the school buildings
every six months, and a major reevaluation is done every three years. A
major re-evaluation was completed during the 2009-2010 school year.
To be in compliance with federal and state law, the school district is
required to inform residents about various programs, policies, and procedures that are in place in the district.
* The Plain Local School District is in compliance with the H.R. 1, “No Child Left Behind Act of 2001” that was enacted in January of 2002.
Powered by Plain
August, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 13
GlenOak Softball Boosters To Host Golf Outing
The GlenOak High
School girls’ softball program needs you!
Preparation for its 20162017 campaign is well
underway and the GlenOak Softball Booster Club
is looking for community
minded sponsors to contribute towards a memorable year for the group.
Varsity Coach Mike Hagy,
his staff and, players look
forward to building the
school’s softball varsity and
junior varsity programs.
The team is hosting their
2nd Annual Golf Outing
Oct.2nd 2016 and is looking for Hole Sponsors to
help with their event. Hole
Sponsor’s information and
fees are due by September
28, 2016.
This is a great way to
not only help out a team
in your Community but
as well as have the opportunity to advertise your
The GlenOak Softball
Booster Club wants to raise
these funds to upgrade the
facilities and equipment
for the teams. One of the
exciting new ideas being
discussed is the funding
of a new concession stand
and junior varsity dugouts.
We also would like to offer
more tournaments for our
teams, but we need you to
make our dreams become a
reality. If you are unable to
provide a cash donation for
a Hole Sponsor any dona-
tion would be appreciated
as we will be having games
with prizes as well as giving
away door prizes.
GlenOak Softball Booster
1837 Spring Valley Ave
NW. Canton, OH 44708
Please Make Checks Payable to: Softball One
Summer Soccer Success
GlenOak student Michael Adelman and his
soccer team, Team Challenger, participated in the
Youth Soccer National
Tournament and finished
with a ranking of 5th in the
United States this summer.
During the tournament
Team Challenger beat the
2015 National Champions.
Congratulations, Michael!
Pictured: Back row R to L: Coach Ryan, Coach Mike, Darrion Williams, Nick DiGiacomo, Jakeb Wagner, Josh Williams, Alex Pimpas, Brock Barbato, Nathaniel Danks, and
Coach Dan. Front Row R to L: Coach Duke, Johnny Brown, Manny Vazquez, Ben Frustaci, Chris Yoder, Nick Rossetti, and Coach Bernie.
14U Golden Eagles Make Trip To State
Congratulations to the 14U Golden Eagles! Under the leadership of manager Mike
Manoff, the team finished with a record of 44-14. They placed 3rd in the state at the Nations
State Tournament in Columbus vs. teams from all over the state of Ohio.
GlenOak soccer player Michael Adelman poses with his
plaque from the Youth Soccer National Tournament this
Cheerleaders Hold Clinic
Future Eagles Cheerleaders grades 2-6 are invited
to receive instruction from
our GlenOak High School
Cheerleaders on September
7th 6:00-7:30pm at GlenOak High School Gym. $20
Clinic Fee Includes T Shirt
and Admission to the Varsity Football game against
Participants are invited to
cheer along side the GlenOak Cheerleaders during
the first half of the Varsity
Football game vs. Buchtel.
Support Your GlenOak
Cheerleaders & Promote
Your Company by becoming a T-Shirt Sponsor for
our Youth Cheer Clinic.
Registration information at www.goeaglescheer.
North Canton YMCA Sets
Registration For Fall Sports
The North Canton YMCA
has opened registration for
their fall sports programs
for children and adults. For
school aged kids; Y members
$40, non-members $80:
Volleyball (Grade 2-8; plays
on Saturdays)
Soccer (Ages 5-10; plays on
Flag football (Grade K-2;
plays on Saturdays) and Track
& field (Ages 8-14; Sundays)
For Adults, the Y will offer
Men’s (Mondays) , Women’s
(Wednesdays) and Co-ed
(Sundays) Volleyball Leagues
at $300 per team. There is a
new league, Co-ed Ultimate
Frisbee ($30 per person or
$300 per team).
Registration for all of these
programs is through August
31, 2016, and Fall sports
season begins the week of
September 5th. For More information, contact Mick Ryan
at 330.499.2587 or mryan@ or go to www.
Page 14 • Plain Paper • August, 2016
Farmers’ Market Continues
Make plans to join us for the
Plain Township Farmers’ Market every Monday, except Labor
Day through September 26 at
Veterans Park, located at 1714
Schneider Street NE, Canton,
44721 next to the Plain Township Central Fire Station and
across the street from GlenOak
High School from 4:00-7:00
PM. Vendors include beef,
pork, poultry, plants, produce,
fudge, baked goods, candles,
organic household cleaners
and soaps, wreaths and other
goods. Different food trucks
are also on hand so visitors can
have dinner while shopping.
Musicians, arts and crafts, and
even some appearances by the
Aultman WOW Van will be at
the Market.
Vendors include a wide variety of local growers, farms, and
bakers that include State Street
Market, Stark Fresh, Fichter
Farms, Brown Bothers Farms,
Rainbow’s End Nursery, Burkey
Farm, Nanny Goat Naturals,
Know Your Roots, Irish Lass
Bakery, Dogtown Bakery which
specializes in organic dog treats,
Elm Run Farms, Victoria’s Cottage, After The Rain Creations,
Maiden Moon Apothecary, Bob
The Baker/BYOB Home Bakery, MNK Candle, Wholesome
Hive, Westbrook’s Cannery, and
Bonnie’s Bread, and food trucks
such as Destefano’s Concessions, Johnnie’s Gyro King Concessions, and Lobster Louie’s,
and musicians Bill Shankle and
Mary Pusateri and students
perform. Vendors do vary week
to week based on schedules and
market registrations.
Most of the foods and goods
provided at Plain Township’s
Farmers’ Market are honestly
raised, without hormone or
chemical enhancement. For
more information about our
vendors visit
homepage_panel for our
Facebook page or our Twitter
page @plaintwp . We even have
a Plain Township Farmers’ Market page. Interested participants
or visitors can view at: https://
shipFarmersMarket/?fref=ts to
get the latest news on who will
be at the Market each week! You
can’t buy happiness, but you can
buy local, and that’s kind of the
same thing!
For more information, please
contact PlainTownship Parks
Director Rob Steinberg via
phone at 330-492-4689. Rob or
Jena Groschmidt can also be
emailed at [email protected] or jenag313@
Powered by Plain
Township Update
Veterans Memorial Hillside Paver Program
Plain Township is pleased to offer its Veterans Park
Hillside Paver Program. Pavers may be purchased in
memory of, honor of, thanks to, or simply to recognize
a Veteran. You may also purchase a paver in your own
name or your family’s name to show support for our
veterans. The paver order forms can be picked up at
Plain Township Hall, or printed from the Plain Township website at . Orders must be
mailed or dropped off to Plain Township Hall, located at
2600 Easton Street NE, Canton, 44721. Cost for the pavers varies. Pavers 4”x8” are $50.00. Pavers that are 8”x8”
are $100.00. There is limited space for copy and emblems
on the pavers. They can be purchased through March
31, 2017. Cash or checks made out to Plain Township
Trustees only please. For more information, please call or
email Parks Director Rob Steinberg at 330-492-4689 or
[email protected].
On Saturday October 1, 2016 Plain Township will be
hosting its “Howl-O-Ween” Pooch Parade and Pet Expo
at Veterans Park located at 1714 Schneider Street NE,
Canton, 44721 next to Plain Township’s Central Fire
Station and across the street from GlenOak High School.
The event wil be held from 11:00 AM – 2:00PM.
There will be a costume party with awards for most
bootiful, original, most humorous, and best person/dog
combo costume. There will be local four legged vendors
setting up shop, food, music, and raffle baskets! Proceeds
go toward maintenance and enhancement of the dog
park at Veterans Park.
We invite both pets and their human families to join
us for Yappy Hour from 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM Saturday
October 1, 2016. Come HOWL at the Moon with us for a
barking good time!
Second Annual Plain Township Salute To Veterans
Plain Township is extending an invitation to Veterans,
currently serving members of the armed forces, their
families, and the entire community to join us for the
second annual Plain Township Salute To Veterans on Friday November 11, 2016. The event will again be held at
Plain Township’s Veterans Park located at 1714 Schneider
Street NE, Canton, 44721 and Plain Township’s Central
Fire Station next to the park and across from GlenOak
High School. The morning will begin at 9:00AM consisting of a free meal provided to Veterans to say thanks for
their service, followed by a ceremony including the National Anthem, moment of silence for all those who have
given the ultimate sacrifice, keynote speaker, and official
dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for the Veterans Park Keystone Memorial Monument and Blue Star
Memorial Marker. The Stark County Recorder’s Office
will be on hand providing Veterans Identification Cards
with presentation of a DD-214 official discharge paperwork. Other vendors will be on hand to serve Veterans
by providing information on how they can help, and say
Later in the day there will be a flag retirement ceremony at approximately 5:30PM. This ceremony will take
place at Central Fire Station around the flag pole.
Messy Hands Session 1
Session 1 of Messy Hands will begin Monday September 12, 2016 at Diamond Community Park. All classes
will begin at 10:00AM. Messy Hands is an arts and crafts
class for ages 3-5 Pre-Kindergarten students and their
parents/guardians. Each session is $37.00 per child and is
five classes in length. Class space is limited and sessions
fill fast! To register stop at Township Hall or print the
PDF from the parks page at .
Drop or mail cash or check made out to Plain Township
Trustees to Plain Township Hall located at 2600 Easton
Street NE, Canton, Ohio 44721. For more information
call 330-492-4689 or email rsteinberg@plaintownship.
Powered by Plain
August, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 15
Stark Parks Adventures Continue Into September
The first day of school may
be right around the corner,
but the adventures continue
at Stark Parks! Get outside
and play with us as we hike,
bike, kayak, run, and explore
our way from summer into
fall. Here are just a few, free
adventures coming up.
Have you always wanted to
shoot a bow and arrow? See
what it takes at our Youth Archery Class on September 1!
Learn about the equipment,
proper shooting technique,
and safety before spending a
few hours working on your
skills. The class begins at 5:30
p.m. at the Wildlife Conservation Center at Sippo Lake
Park, located at 800 Genoa
Ave NW in Massillon. All
equipment will be provided.
This program is designed for
School, Library Partner For Successful Students
The Plain Local School
District and Stark County
District Library are proud
to announce a new partnership that combines our
strengths and resources to
offer students and families
the best supportfor academic
Students and families will
benefit in many ways from
this joint effort:
• All Plain Local School Di
strict students will have access to books and magazines
with no fines or fees for late
or missing items*. Kindergarten through 4th grade
students can check out books
simply by giving their name.
For older students, their
student identification card
will function as a student
library card allowing easy access to boo ks and electronic
• Librarians from Stark
County District Library will
work with Plain Local School
District educators to provide outreach, instructional
support, and supplementary
materials throughout both
the school year and the summer.
• Students and families will
be informed of events and
activities at the Library and
will be encouraged to visit
the Library as part of their
regular routine.
• Ready Rosie will be
offered to families of all
preschool and Kindergarten students. Ready Rosie
is a convenient daily digital
subscription that provides
fun and educational activities
for adults to do with children birth to six years old.
The activities are simple and
are modeled in a two minute video sent via email or
SMS text message. An email
will be sent soon with more
information about this free
service that helps prepare
young children for reading
and school success.
*If a student already has a
Stark County District Library
card, they can continue to
use that card to access books
as well as the many other
resources available at the
Library such as books on
CD, Playaways, kindergarten
readiness packs, and more.
Together, we can offer our
students more resources for
school success; instill a love
of reading and lifelong learning; and empower them as
they become the leaders of
Library Branch Offers Something For All Ages
Join us at the Plain ComELEMENTARY
munity Branch of the Stark
County District Library to
LEGO® Club
enjoy great programs for all
Saturday Sep 24,
ages. Some programs request
10:30 am–12:00 pm
registration; please call, stop
Imagine, create, and build
in, or visit
with LEGO® and/or DUand choose the Calendar tab
PLO® bricks (provided).
for more information.
Book Sale
Sponsored by Plain
Friends of the Library
Saturday Sep 17
9:00 am–5:00 pm
Visit the Library during
Plain Family Fun Day to
browse for great bargains at
our Book Sale.
(6TH - 12TH GRADE)
Plain Family Fun Day
Knitting Club Needlechat
In partnership with Plain
Every Wednesday
Wednesday Sep 7, 21,
FOL and Plain Local
10:00 am–11:00 am
2:30 pm–3:45 pm
Join fellow knitters and
Hang out with your friends
Saturday Sep 17
crocheters to work on projand make new ones at the
9:00 am–1:00 pm
ects at all skill levels while
Library. Enjoy activities
Explore the Library to play,
sharing tips and tricks.
including music, art, STEM,
read, and create a craft.
Book Club
snap circuits, and more.
Browse the Plain Friends
Thursday Night Book Club
Each day will bring someof the Library book sale to
Thursday Sep 15,
thing new to do and explore.
stock up for the new school
4:00 pm–5:00 pm
Enjoy lively discussions
with others on today’s most
intriguing books and topics.
Interested in learning more about our community?
Consider attending a meeting of the Plain Township
Historical Society. Meetings are open to the public.
Story Time Preschool
Plain Township Hall located at 2600 Easton Street
Tuesday Sep 13, 20, 27
N.E., Canton, OH 44721.
10:30 am–11:15 am
General Membership meetings are held at the Plain
Township Hall, 2600 Easton Street N.E., Canton, OH
Story Time Baby / Toddler
44721-2655. Meetings begin at 7 PM
Wednesday Sep 14, 21, 28
September 21, “Preserving Your Antiques” by Re10:30 am–11:00 am
Story Time Pajama
October 19, “Plants and Wildlife in Plain Township”
Monday Sep 12, 19, 26,
by Lynette Reiner
7:00 pm–7:30 pm
Historical Society Meetings
ages 8-17.
On September 5, try your
hand (and feet!) at Log Rolling at Sippo Lake Park. Drop
in any time from 2:30 to 4:30
p.m. to test your skills. Once
you get used to staying on
the log, see if you can challenge the clock or an opponent. We will be set up in
the water near the Marina,
which is located at 5300
Tyner St NW in Canton. We
highly recommend wearing
shoes that you don’t mind
getting wet!
Be a citizen scientist
and help survey wildlife at
BioBlitz – a 24-hour Wildlife
Investigation! On September
9 and 10, make your way to
Quail Hollow Park, located
at 13480 Congress Lake
Ave in Hartville to enjoy
presentations from researchers, displays from ecological
organizations, and scheduled programs and hikes. All
activities are free and suitable for all ages. Food and
beverages will be available
for purchase. The tentative
schedule is as follows:
5pm- Begins
6pm- Bug Hike
7pm- Meet the Animals
8pm- Owl Prowl
9pm- Mothing
7am- Sunrise Bird Hike
11am- Bug Hike/ Fish
12pm- Wildflower Walk
1pm- Meet the Animals
2pm- Pond Dip
3pm- Pond Dip
4pm- Tree ID Hike
On September 14, get up,
get out, and Pokémon Go!
Whether you’re new to the
craze or a Pokémaster, come
with us as we explore Sippo
Lake Park for our Catch ‘Em
All Hike. We’ll take a leisurely 2 mile hike as we search
for Pokémon and collect
items at the many Pokéstops
located throughout the park.
We will meet at the Marina
at 5 p.m.
Visit for a
complete list of all programs
can be found.
Page 16 • Plain Paper • August, 2016
Powered by Plain
Brush Twice, Floss Once Daily.
Family Fun Day Set Don’t Make Your Dentist Cringe
In partnership with Mercy Medical Center, the Plain
Township Rotary Clun and the GlenOak Adult Booster
Club, the Plain Local School District and Plain Township Rotary are pleased to announce the date for the 21st
Annual Plain Family Fun Day scheduled for Saturday,
September 17, 2016 from 7am-12pm at GlenOak High
School 1801 Schneider Street N.E.
enter through door 17
at the upper parking lot.
FREE Family Fun Day Activities include: Obstacle
Courses, Make It Take It Grafts, Face Painting, Dodge Ball,
Wii Dance, Corn Hole, Nail Painting, Mini Putt Putt Golf
and more! A detailed schedule of events will be available
on the district’s website at and in the
September Issue of Plain Paper.
Plain Township Rotary Pancake Breakfast
Cost is $5 for adults & $3 for children 12 and under.
Tickets can be purchased at the door.
George Williams, DDS
Mercy Dental Services
Certain things about dentistry make me cringe – namely,
this all-too-common patient
confession: “I only brush in the
morning and floss only when I
get food stuck in my teeth.”
According to a recent American Dental Association poll,
just over 50% of Americans
brush twice a day, and 50.5%
of Americans report they floss
daily. Unfortunately, I’m a little
disappointed that more people
aren’t brushing at least twice
a day and quite skeptical that
the percentage of daily flossers is that high. (Dentists and
dental hygienists are human lie
detectors when it comes to oral
hygiene. In fact, some of us have
taken these skills beyond the
scope of oral hygiene... Believe
me, my dentist is my dad.)
Food content, consistency and
location matter tremendously
in determining the rate of acid
production and tooth demineralization. Remember, when you
consume food, you’re also feeding the bacteria in your mouth.
Snacking throughout the day
means an unending supply of
fuel for bacteria. The stickier
your food, the harder it is for
your tooth brush to remove it.
Also, food and plaque accumulate in between your teeth and
in the grooves of your teeth.
car and then going for a drive in
a field of mud.
Second, food and bacteria
get to have an all-day AND allnight party in your mouth, constantly bathing your teeth with
acid. I tell patients all the time I
would rather have them brush
at night if they only brush once
a day. Little Susie may not want
to talk to little Johnny at school
because of his bad breath, but
saliva, drinking water and
chewing gum throughout the
day can help buffer your teeth
Your Tooth Brush Can’t Go It and flush away unattached bacteria and food. At night, there
is no such relief and often saliva
Unfortunately, it is nearly
impossible for your toothbrush production decreases, especially
in those who mouth breathe.
bristles to get into these tight
places. Fortunately, floss, tooth This is why it is so important to
picks, water picks and interden- have as little plaque as possible
tal brushes can get the job done. in your mouth before bed.
So, jump on the bandwagon
Flossing also helps fight against
for brushing at least twice a day
gingivitis and gum disease
for two minutes and flossing at
Why the Tooth Brush Was
by removing bacteria in your
least once a day. It will draInvented
gum pockets. Deep grooves
Cavities occur when acidcan be sealed as a preventative matically improve your oral and
total body health while giving
producing bacteria establish
measure. They’re quick, painyour dentist one less reason to
an intra-oral biofilm known
less and you don’t even need
as plaque. Over time, saliva
to be “numbed.” These tools,
buffers are unable to neutralize along with low sugar intake
About Mercy Dental Services
the bacterial acid production
and a lower frequency of food
Mercy Dental Services offers
and the pH of the mouth drops and drinks (i.e., less snackdentistry for the whole fambelow 5.5, causing tooth demin- ing), help mechanically break
ily, including a complete range
eralization. (Anything below
down plaque and prevent tooth of preventive, cosmetic and
a pH of 7 is acidic). The only
demineralization, the cause of
restorative dental services for
way to destroy the biofilm is to cavities.
adults and kids. We have two
mechanically break it up; hence,
Furthermore, most people
state-of-the-art offices, includthe invention of the tooth brush who don’t brush twice a day
ing one in northeast Canton at
and the answer to why we can’t compound the problem by only Mercy Medical Center at St. Paul
just swish some mouthwash.
brushing in the morning before Square. For more information,
It may surprise you that not
breakfast (especially true of
call 330-588-4893.
all plaque is created equal.
children). It’s like washing your