3-RSC_Power Point
3-RSC_Power Point
TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 MATOUSH EXCEPTIONAL URANIUM PROJECT Chibougamau, May 31, 2011 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Forward Looking Statements This presentation contains certain “Forward Looking Statements”, including but not limited to statements regarding the Company’s overall objectives and strategic plans, work programs, exploration budgets and targets and mineral resources estimates. Forward Looking Statements express, at the date of this presentation, the Company’s plans, expectations, estimates and beliefs as to future events or results. Forward Looking Statements involve a number of risks, many of which are beyond the Company’s control, and there can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate. Therefore, actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Risks and uncertainties that could cause results or future events to differ materially from current expectations expressed or implied by the Forward Looking Statements include, but are not limited to, factors associated with fluctuations in the market price of precious metals, mining industry risks and hazards, uncertainty as to estimation of mining resources and other risks related to the activities of the mining industry. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward looking statements. 2 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Highlights 1. QUALIFIED MANAGEMENT • One of the 4 companies in Canada which have been qualified by the CNSC 2. MATOUSH HAS ONE OF THE HIGHEST URANIUM GRADES OUTSIDE ATHABASCA • Grade is King in mining EXPLORATION POTENTIAL – OBJECTIVE TO REACH + 60M POUNDS • Major drilling program – 120,000 meters 3. 3 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Corporate Overview Recent Share Price $0. 60 Market Capitalization $84 million Options 4.8 million Warrants 14.8 million Management Ownership 5% Shares Outstanding 140 million Convertible notes: Unsecured and bearing no interest 15.7 million 52 Weeks High / Low $1.34 / 0.39 Working Capital $11 million (price $1.00 - $1.05) 4 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Guy HÉBERT President Paul EINARSON Vice President Finances Pierre H. TERREAULT Operations & Engineering Vice President Simon BERCIER Translator Éliane CHOQUETTE Administrative Assistant Mélanie GÉLINAS Purchasing clerk Donald JOANISSE Logistics Coordinator Jérôme VEILLEUX Mining Technician – Computer Graphic Designer Nathalie JODOIN Administrative Assistant Receptionist Maude HÉBERT Public Affairs Analyst Mélanie SWEENEY Accountant Patrick LACHANCE Technical Buyer Patrick RIVARD Mining Technician - Drafter Lisette LECOURTOIS BÉRUBÉ Chief Accountant Maria ABARZUA Senior Accounting Clerk Environnement Technician Gabriel R. MAURICE Human Resources, Health and Safety Director Executive & Exploration Vice President Operations and Engineering Caroline HARDY Environment Department Director Magaly Harvey Anne HÉBERT Legal Advisor Jean-Pierre LACHANCE Jonathan LAFONTAINE Mona BAKER Chief Geologist Assistant Chief Geologist Jean-Michel BELLEY Junior Geologist Martin AUCOIN Project Geologist Crystal MAHER Junior Geologist Pascal SIMARD Junior Geologist Francis GAUDREAU Technician Patrick LANDRY Senior Technician Luc LAPOINTE Occupational Health Coordinator Marc TREMBLAY Technician Daniel BERGERON Community Relations Manager Mining Engineer - Project Éric GAGNON Supervisor Infrastructure Construction Julie BOLDUC Occupational Health Coordinator Bruno Junior TREMBLAY Supervisor Infrastructure Construction Paulin SAVARD Logistics Coordinator Maxime CHARTIER Intern – Civil Engineering Patrick SIMARD Information Technology Coordinator Sébastien D’AMBOISE Computer and Electronic Equipment Technician 5 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 URANIUM MARKET DEVELOPMENT • There are now over 440 commercial nuclear power reactors operating in 30 countries. • Over 60 further nuclear power reactors are under construction. • Over 150 are firmly planned. Source: World Nuclear Association, 2011. 6 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 STOCK AND URANIUM PRICE CHARTS 7 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 8 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Access Road 9 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 The Matoush Project: Overview Advanced exploration project Originally discovered in 1980’s by Uranerz Drilling (1 to 4 rigs) active and turning since early 2006 • Major Drilling, operates one of the largest drilling fleets in the world Over 200,000m drilled, logged, and stored on site • Core storage area expanded in successive steps Over 475 DDH completed on the property • Including over 65 exploration holes completed on adjacent properties Over 40,000 man-days completed on the project • Including Strateco’s staff and contractors Current camp site constructed in 2007 to replace 2006 prospector style camp. • 2006 camp remains the core logging and storage facility • Camp expansion completed in winter 2010 • New office to be opened this year 2011 Access to project limited • Airstrip located approx. 6km south inaugurated Fall 2010 • Winter road pushed onto the site since 2007 10 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Located in the Western Otish Basin Project over relatively undisturbed archean crust • Sub-horizontal sedimentary contacts (minor S to SE dip) • Crust composed of felsic batholith and greenstone belts Located between Beaver Lake and Camie River uranium showings Drill-tested Matoush Fault extends approx 14km • Consistent strike and dip ± 10° 11 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Deposit-Scale Geology: Stratigraphy Repetitive stacking sequence alternating two relatively homogenous, laterally extensive facies: Channel-Bar Facies (CBF) ACF1 – Subarkosic sandstone, fine-to-medium grained, significant silt and clay content and rare pebbles – CBF1 to 3 CBF1 ACF2 CBF2 Active Channel Facies (ACF) – Arkosic to subarkosic, medium-to-coarse grained, locally conglomeritic, very high pebble (φ>2 cm) content with rarely noted sedimentary beds – ACF1 to 4 – ACF4 is thickest (approx. 400m) • • subdivided into ACF4A through ACF4E Subdivisions based mostly based on proportion of fine-grained beds intercalated between coarse-grained benches ACF4 ACF3 CBF3 a b c d e 12 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Deposit-Scale Geology: Faults & Intrusions Matoush Fault is the main controlling structure – Brittle strike slip fault • • • • – North-trending strike • – N007 ° in the main mineralized area Sub-vertical dip • – A priori senestral offset Local normal offset Local ductile deformation Local tectonic Breccia 85° to the E in main mineralized area Drilled over approx. length of 14 km Injected Mafic Intrusive unit localized in the open feature – Variably altered Nature of the intrusive under debate – Generally gabbroic in nature with local lamprophyric characteristics • • – Xenocrysts Geochemical values Altered portions of the intrusive spatially associated with mineralized lenses Local micro-shearing can be associated with mineralization 13 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Summary Geological Characteristics Mineralization Relatively clean hydrothermal uranium deposit • Abence of notable arsenides and sulphides • Pitchblende (UO2) as major U-bearing phase • No added value commodities Three main identifyable alteration assemblages Fuchsite-Chlorite-Muscovite assemblage Iron Oxide and Iron Hydroxide Assemblage Tourmaline and Cr-bearing tourmaline Structurally-controlled by the Matoush Fault Strong empirical relationship to mafic dyke intruded in the Matoush Fault Specifically related to alteration of the mafic dyke High grade zones are present where the Matoush Fault intercepts ACF sedimentary units Sedimentary units represent likely fluid flow channels Presence of S-plunging high-grade ore shoots in the main lenses. Other lenses do not appear to have the same structural control and are significantly less interesting. 14 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 MATOUSH MINERAL RESOURCES Tonnes (x 1,000) INDICATED Grade (% U3O8) Pounds U3O8 (x 1,000) AM-15 262 0.70 4,039 MT-34 174 0.89 3,420 436 0.78 7,458 AM-15 33 0.34 249 MT-22 822 0.53 9,526 MT-34 302 0.45 3,003 TOTAL INFERRED 1,157 0.50 12,777 TOTAL INDICATED INFERRED Notes : September 2009. Scott Wilson RPA 1.CIM Definition Standards have been followed for classification of Mineral Resources. 2.The cut-off grade of 0.1% U3O8 was estimated using a U3O8 price of US$75/lb and assumed operating costs. 3.High U3O8 grades were cut to 9%. 4.The Mineral Resource estimate uses drill hole data available as of September 1, 2009. 5.Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. 6.Totals may not sum correctly due to rounding. 15 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 MATOUSH LONGITUDINAL SECTION 16 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Schematic Longitudinal View 17 SCOPING STUDY TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Year 7 Year 6 Year 5 Year 4 FEBRUARY 2010 Mill Feed (x 1,000) Tonnes Grade % U3O8 Recovered Metal 97.6% (x 1,000 pounds) U3O8 1,648.6 0.501 17,775 TOTAL 2. Year 3 ( 4,00 x 3,00 1 , 2,00 0 1,00 0 0,00 0 Year 2 ORE PRODUCTION AND RECOVERED METAL Year 1 1. REVENUE The price scenario was established by SD Energy with a long term price from US $60.00 to US $90.00 per pound U3O8 over the life of the project with an evaluation price of US $75.00 per pound U3O8. The exchange rate US$/CAN$ is 0.85. Transport to smelter in North America is $0.10 per pound. (X 1,000) CAN$ Gross Revenue Transport to smelter Royalty NSR Gross Revenue after the Royalty 1,568,363 1,777 31,332 1,535,253 Royalty 2%. 18 SCOPING STUDY TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 3. OPERATING COSTS Mining $91.64/T milled Maintenance $24.86/T milled Process $92.74/T milled Site services $32.68/T milled Power (generators) $35.77/T milled G&A $22.43/T milled Average Operating Cost: $300.12/T milled CAN$27.84/pound 4. US$23.66/pound OPERATING PROFIT Year 7 Year 6 Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 (X1, 150,00 000 100,00 ) 50,00 CA 0,00 N$ Year 1 200,00 Total Operating Profit: CAN$ 1,040,484,000 • The scoping study is preliminary in nature, it includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the preliminary assessment will be realized. • *Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. 19 SCOPING STUDY TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 5. CAPITAL COSTS (x 1,000 CAN$) (x 1,000 CAN$) Direct Capital Costs 191,009 Mine 32,466 Process 143,146 Infrastructure 15,398 Indirect Capital Costs 48,568 Contingency 52,273 Capital Spare 980 Before Start Up 292,830 Sustaining Capital (6 years) 19,126 Closure 30,000 Mine Life Capital Costs 341,955 NET PRESENT VALUE (NPV) Before Tax 6. FINANCIAL Internal Rate of Return Before Tax: 41.5% Discount Rate % (x 1,000 CAN$) 5 475,550 8 377,640 10 323,530 15 218,070 20 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 SENSITIVITY 10% Discount Rate Grade % U3O8 NPV Opex Millions NPV $ 494,800 $ 323,530 0.80 $ 395,800 $ 380,480 235,990 0.90 $ 445,300 $ 352,000 0.501% $ 323,530 1.00 $ 494,800 $ 323,530 1.10 0.551% $ 411,060 1.10 $ 544,200 $ 295,050 1.20 0.601% $ 498,600 1.20 $ 593,700 $ 266,580 0.501 % $ 323,530 0.80 0.401% $ 148,460 0.90 0.451% $ 1.00 Price US$/lb NPV Capex Millions NPV $ 342,000 $ 323,530 0.80 $ 273,600 $ 376,950 148,260 0.90 $ 307,800 $ 350,240 $ 323,530 1.00 $ 342,000 $ 323,530 80.00 $ 381,890 1.10 $ 376,200 $ 296,820 85.50 $ 446,220 1.20 $ 410,300 $ 270,110 75.00 $ 323,530 0.67 50.00 $ 31,700 O.80 60.00 $ 1.00 75.00 1.07 1.14 21 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 PROPOSED RAMP DESIGN 22 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 SURFACE FACILITIES 23 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 PROJECT SCHEDULE Strateco Resources Inc. 2009 — 2015 Project Schedule Description Exploration/Geology Management & Studies Activities Matoush Project 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 H1 H2 H1 H2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Surface Drilling Geological Modeling & Resource Estimation Underground Drilling Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Project Description Exploration Ramp Design Scoping Study Permitting Rev. Exploration Ramp Construction & Production Feasability Study Exploration Ramp Infrastructure Access Road Surface Installations Development & Construction Portal and Exploration Ramp Lateral Development Production Ramp Infrastructure Construction Process Mill Construction Production Commissioning & Start-Up Q: Quarter H: Half 24 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES & PROGRAMS LIST OF HEALTH & SAFETY DOCUMENTS 25 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Matoush Project Interesting Economic Benefits The Matoush project will generate major economic benefits for the region as well as on a provincial and national scale. An investment in the range of $60M is planned for the underground exploration phase, and of $300M in the event of an exploitation phase. These funds will generate important economic benefits that will be felt over a long period of time. As previously stated, funding for the realization of the Matoush project will enable the hiring of 180 persons for the underground exploration phase and around 300 persons for an eventual exploitation phase. People coming from the region will hold several stations because of their competence and proximity. 26 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN ANY INVESTMENT 1. STRONG MANAGEMENT 2. EXCELLENT PROJECT 3. AGGRESSIVE INVESTOR RELATIONS PROGRAM THIS IS STRATECO RESOURCES (RSC) 27 TSX: RSC Frankfurt: RF9 Website: E-Mail: www.stratecoinc.com [email protected] Toll Free: 1-866-774-7722 Telephone: 1-450-641-0775 Fax: 1-450-641-1601 Address: 1225 Gay-Lussac Street Boucherville, Quebec J4B 7K1 CANADA
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