Selected Proceedings from the 12th International
Selected Proceedings from the 12th International
SELECTED PROCEEDINGS FROM THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PROJECT ENGINEERING ZARAGOZA, JULY 2008 Selected Proceedings from the 12th International Congress on Project Engineering, AEIPRO, 2009 Edited by AEIPRO (Spanish Association of Project Engineering) ISBN–13: 978–84–613–3557–2 The works here published are "open access literature". This means that it is freely available on the public internet, permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and to ensure that they are properly acknowledged and cited. The Publishers are not responible for any statement made in this publication. Data, discussion, and conclusions developed by authors are for information only and are not intended for use without independent substatianting investigation on the part of potential users. Opinions expressed are those of the Author and are not necessarily those of the AEIPRO (Asociación Española de Ingeniería de Proyectos). 2 INDEX INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................7 Creation of the Scientific Committee ........................................................................................8 Evaluation of Submitted Papers ...............................................................................................9 TOPIC AREA: FOOD AND FOREST INDUSTRIES .................................................................13 Values of efficiency in galician dairy exploitations with different productive characteristics Irimia, S; Resch, C. and Álvarez, C.J. ..............................................................................15 Technical-economic analysis of the pig exploitations in the Autonomous Community of Galicia (Spain) Marey Pérez, M.F.; Sobrado Castro, O.; Riveiro Valiño, J.A. and Álvarez López, C.J. ...27 TOPIC AREA: LAND MANAGEMENT, URBANISM, ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING ..........................................................................................................................35 Strategies for sewage treatment in rural areas Muiño, D.; Cancela, J.J.; Marey, M.F.; Neira, Xan X. and Cuesta, T.S. ..........................37 Automated vectorization of urban areas by using visible and infrared spectrum images De Cos Juez, F.J.; Prendes Gero, M.B.; García Fernández, R. and Alonso A. ...............47 Model for agricultural production planning Cardín, M. and Álvarez, C.J. ............................................................................................58 Definition of a methodology for fostering integrated collaboration in small-to-medium companies of the housing development / construction sector Santos Fonseca, S. ..........................................................................................................71 Analysis of the factors that condition the expansion of a coastal village through cellular automata simulation García, A.M.; Santé, I.; Crecente, R. and López, F.J. ......................................................82 Development of an experimental procedure to anaylse the temperature field in the welded joint of structural stainless steel Miguel, V.; Estrems, M.; Martínez, E. and Martínez, A.....................................................93 Validation of a model of typification of agrarian exploitations by technicals of discriminant analysis Riveiro, J.A.; Marey, M.F. and Álvarez, C.J....................................................................104 TOPIC AREA: PRODUCT ENGINEERING .............................................................................119 Applicability of the B-Cube model to the services sector Chulvi, V. and Vidal, R....................................................................................................121 3 Paradigms of exploration and paradigms of exploitation. The artificial disc case Barberá-Tomás, D.; De los Reyes, E. and Jiménez-Saéz, F. ........................................132 Models for airbag simulation in vehicles adapted for disabled drivers Masiá, J.; Eixerés, B. and Dols, J...................................................................................142 Cylindrical parallel gear trains design by means of genetic optimization Sánchez Caballero, V.; Colomer Romero, R.; Pla Ferrando, A.V. and Martínez Sanz, S. ..........................................................................................................................150 An ontology-based approach to integrating Life Cycle Analysis and Computer Aided Design Abad-Kelly, J.; Cebrián, D. and Chulvi, V.......................................................................161 Design process for an electromagnetic power brake with ABS function: Corporate knowledge management Villanueva, P.; Martínez, P. and Pérez, A. .....................................................................173 TOPIC AREA: ENVIRONMENT ..............................................................................................185 Analysis of eco-efficiency progress in industrial production Fernández-Viñé, M.B.; Gómez-Navarro, T. and Capuz-Rizo, S.F. ................................187 Land occupation and transformation by Spanish roads Garraín, D.; Vidal, R. and Franco, V...............................................................................198 The noise impact category in Life Cycle Assessment Garraín, D.; Franco, V.; Vidal, R.; Moliner, E. and Casanova, S....................................211 Creation of Ozone maps to register the evolution of this pollutant using geostatistical techniques López-Rodríguez, F.; Moral, F.J.; Valiente, P. and Pinilla, E. ........................................222 Spatial multiscale model for the forest areas of planning: An example in the region of Eastern Marine (Galicia NE) Díaz Varela, E.R.; Rodríguez Vicente, V. and Marey Pérez, M.F. .................................231 Analysis of packaging waste generation and management in Spain Paneque, A.; Cháfer, C.; Pacheco, B.; Capuz-Rizo; S.F. and Hortal, M. .......................241 TOPIC AREA: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGIES ...............................253 Urban transport project by hydrogen technologies for international exhibition EXPOZARAGOZA 2008 Montaner, P. ...................................................................................................................255 An example of bioclimatic construction.The building PETER López-Rodríguez, F.; Segador, C.; Cuadros, F and Mena, A. .......................................261 4 TOPIC AREA: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING...................................................................................................273 Software for determining dripline irrigation pipes using a Pocket PC Molina Martínez, J.M. and Ruiz Canales, A. ..................................................................275 Ontologies and FBS framework Cebrián-Tarrasón, D. and Vidal, R. ................................................................................281 Development of project based learning techniques by the implementation of Information Technologies Mesa, J.M.; Villanueva, J.; Rodríguez, V. and Rodríguez, F..........................................292 Techniques of remote detection in precision viticulture Beltrán, P. and Montesinos, S. .......................................................................................299 TOPIC AREA: RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION PROJECTS .......................307 The European Regional Policy, keys for the success: Analysis of the Spanish experience Regalado, J.; Díaz-Puente, J.M. and Figueroa, B. .........................................................309 Taking into account food and nutrition security in the measurement and assessment of human development Afonso Gallegos, A. and Trueba Jainaga, I....................................................................319 Selecting and assessing fair trade suppliers using multicriteria techniques Cobo Benita; J.R.; Ortíz Marcos, I. and Mataix Aldeanueva, C......................................328 TOPIC AREA: PRODUCTION PROCESS ENGINEERING ....................................................341 Development of a water treatment plant for a rolling-mill train Martínez, S. and Gaicoechea, I. .....................................................................................343 Workplaces redesign in a food industry to minimize musculoskeletal injuries in workers Planas, A.E.; Ducun, M.; Tomás, J.A. and Azcona, I. ....................................................356 TOPIC AREA: PROJECT MANAGEMENT.............................................................................365 Analysis of decision-making models for project management Poveda-Bautista, R.; García-Melón, M. and González-Cruz, M.C. ................................367 R&D&I project management in Spanish universities Varas, M. and Caamaño, J.............................................................................................378 Construction risk management: Application and education El-Dash, K. .....................................................................................................................390 TOPIC AREA: TRAINING IN PROJECT ENGINEERING .......................................................405 5 Support to creativity in the semester project using TRIZ Aguilar-Zambrano, J.; Valencia, M. and González-Cruz, Mª. C. ....................................407 Project management teaching in engineering higher education: A new perspective for developing competencies De los Ríos, I.; Ortíz, I. and Díaz-Puente, J.M. ..............................................................418 6 INTRODUCTION The Spanish Association of Project Engineering is pleased to publish the following selection of the best papers presented at the 12th International Congress on Project Engineering. After having organized an annual Congress with an array of universities over the last 15 years — first at the national and then at the international level— by the end of 2007 the AEIPRO Directive Board decided to establish a Scientific Committee to evaluate the papers presented at the Congress. The Scientific Committee has also chosen the works to be published in the selected proceedings of the Congress. The procedures to establish the Scientific Committee and evaluate the submitted papers are explained below in detail. It is the hope of the Committee that the compiled works contribute to the improvement of project engineering research and improve the transfer of results to the job of Project Engineers. The Spanish Association of Project Engineering (Asociación Española de Ingeniería de Proyectos — AEIPRO) is a non-profit organization founded in September 1992. It is an entity for the professionalization of Project Engineering with the following goals: to facilitate the association of scientists and professionals within the Project Engineering area; to serve as a tool for improving communication and cooperation amongst these professionals; to improve experts’ knowledge in the different fields of Project Engineering; to promote the best professional practices in these fields; to identify and define the needs that may arise in the every day development of these activities; and finally, to adopt positions in order to orientate society when faced with differences within the fields of action. At present it is a National Association within IPMA (International Project Management Association), an international association that brings together more than 45,000 members and represents about half a million professionals from 47 countries. From its beginnings, AEIPRO has been holding an annual Congress with growing concern for the improvement of the evaluation process of the presented papers. This consideration has led to the establishment of a scientific approach capable of adopting the evaluation criteria of the scientific activity. These criteria, specific to each scientific field, were defined by 7 the Presidency of the CNEAI1 in its Resolution of 11/11/2008. The key issues in the area of Project Engineering are presented in subfield 6.3. In paragraph 3.b) of the mentioned subfield, one of the relevant types of contributions is: “The works published in the proceedings of congresses that are peer reviewed, whenever these proceedings serve as a vehicle to knowledge diffusion similar to prestigious international journals”. Taking the preceding statement into consideration, during the 12th International Congress of Project Engineering, held in Zaragoza in July of 2008, a scientific procedure was developed so that the works published in the proceedings of this Congress would meet these requirements. Tasks to create a Scientific Committee and design the action procedures for the evaluation of the presented papers at the Congress were developed in order to meet these goals. The results of these tasks are described in the following sections. Creation of the Scientific Committee AEIPRO gathers prestigious Project Engineering professionals as well as university professors involved in Project Engineering and related areas. The first step in creating the Scientific Committee was to agree on criteria of excellence for the two groups that are to be represented in the Committee. For university professors to be considered, they must have at least one Research Incentive Award (known as a Sexenio) granted by the CNEAI after a positive evaluation of their research activity over a six-year period. The criteria for a professional is to have a Certification in Professional Competences level C according to the criteria established by IPMA for the international Certification system in Project Management. The Scientific Committee then had to be formed by professionals and university professors that meet these requirements of excellence, and are willing to assume the commitments as members of the Committee. These commitments include the participation in the evaluation of the presented papers and selection of the works that will be awarded by the Committee each year. Additionally, the Scientific Committee members are expected to demonstrate 1 Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora (National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activities) in Spain. The Royal Decree 1086/89, of August 28th, concerning the retribution of professors defines two independent systems to evaluate teaching and research in Spain. The first is defined as an exclusive competence of the University, while the evaluation of research is the responsibility of the State entrusted to the CNEAI. The Commission’s role is to carry out the evaluation of the research activities of university professors and the scientists within the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas — CSIC). Application for a Research Incentive Award (known as a Sexenio), requiring an evaluation of research activity over a six-year period according to the requirements of the Decree 186/1999 of August 28th and its following modifications, is voluntary. The purpose of providing benefits for productivity is to improve the quality of academic research activities, along with the diffusion of the work on a national and international level. CNEAI applies the advice of scientific community members; and for each evaluation a committee of advisers is created according to 11 scientific fields. 8 confidentiality during the evaluation process. Taking into account the described criteria and commitments, the Scientific Committee of the 12th International Congress of Project Engineering was established as detailed in the following table. Members of the Scientific Committee in the 12th Congress of Project Engineering 2008 Role Name Institution President Ignacio Trueba Jainaga Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Carlos José Álvarez López Universidad de Santiago de Compostela José Luis Ayuso Muñoz Universidad de Córdoba Juan Luis Cano Fernández Universidad de Zaragoza Salvador Capuz Rizo Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Adolfo Cazorla Montero Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Manuel de Cos Castillo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Eliseo Gómez-Senent Martinez Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Jesús Guillén Torres Universidad de Zaragoza Fernando López Rodriguez Universidad de Extremadura Jesús Martínez Almela SELCO MC. Ingeniería Ángel Mena Nieto Universidad de Huelva Joaquín Ordieres Meré Universidad de la Rioja Isabel Ortíz Marcos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Ignacio de los Ríos Carmenado Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Rosario Vidal Nadal Universidad Jaime I Rubén Rebollar Rubio Universidad de Zaragoza Vocals Secretary The members of the Scientific Committee were organized into different topic areas within the Congress depending on their curricula. Each member of the Committee participated in three areas. The topic areas represented in the AEIPRO annual Congresses are: At-1, Food and Forest Industries; At-2, Land management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering; At–3, Product Engineering; At–4, Environment; At–5, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies; At–6, Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering; At–7, Rural Development and Cooperation Projects; At–8, Production Process Engineering; At–9, Project Management; At–10, Training in Project Engineering. Evaluation of Submitted Papers A blind peer–review process was established to ensure independence between evaluators and those evaluated. The complete action protocol is presented in the following chart. 9 Paper received Corrections made Format Revised NO Correct Returned with comments YES Paper made anonymous Sent to evaluators Evaluators read paper Evaluation report filled out Report sent to secretary Report sent to author Author reads report Author makes corrections YES Accepted End of process NO Corrections sent Substantial corrections needed? NO Secretary compares with reports YES Evaluators compare with reports Correct NO Notify author YES Update database Send confirmation to author End of process 10 Implementing this protocol, 100 submissions that scored more than 80 points in the peer– review process were selected at the end of the 12th Congress of Project Engineering in Zaragoza. The authors of the selected works were contacted by the AEIPRO Directive Board and invited to undergo a second peer–review process and —if passing this second review— to have their works translated into English and published online. Authors of 74 selected papers expressed interest to participate in the second peer–review. In order to evaluate these, additional criteria needed to be defined — in addition to the original parameters used to define the Scientific Committee— to select a Subcommittee for the subsequent peer–review. The members of this Subcommittee were required to have at least two Research Incentive Awards (Sexenios) granted by the CNEAI or to hold a level A or B of the IPMA certification. The selected members of the Subcommittee are presented in the following table. Members of the Scientific Subcommittee for the second peer–review in the 12th Congress of Project Engineering 2008 Role Vocals Name Institution José Luis Ayuso Muñoz Universidad de Córdoba Salvador Capuz Rizo Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Adolfo Cazorla Montero Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Manuel de Cos Castillo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Eliseo Gómez-Senent Martínez Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Jesús Guillén Torres Universidad de Zaragoza Fernando López Rodríguez Universidad de Extremadura Jesús Martínez Almela SELCO MC. Ingeniería Ignacio Trueba Jainaga Universidad Politécnica de Madrid The procedure followed for the second peer–review by the Scientific Subcommittee coincided with the previous protocol and resulted in the selection of 48 papers. The authors of the selected works were then requested (and most of them did) to translate their works into English in order to publish them on line, both by AEIPRO and IPMA. The following publication is the final result of the entire process and includes 37 selected, peer-reviewed papers. 11 Area: Food and Forest Industries TOPIC AREA: FOOD AND FOREST INDUSTRIES 13 Area: Food and Forest Industries VALUES OF EFFICIENCY IN GALICIAN DAIRY EXPLOITATIONS WITH DIFFERENT PRODUCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Irimia, S. Resch, C. Álvarez, C.J. University of Santiago de Compostela Abstract Based on the data from 2007 Analysis of the European Dairy Farmers, the state of labour productivity (efficiency), measured in kilograms of milk per hour of work, are in Spain at 120, while the average for the countries of the Old EU Countries a little more than 180. These values are even worst in the Autonomous Region of Galicia. In this paper we describe the critical factors that limit efficiency taking into account three differential points with regard to the transactions carried out by labour on farms, food, milking and cleaning in 11 selected dairies with different characteristics. It should be noted that regardless of measuring time employees in the activities it has been determined the adequacy of the same, in order to obtain objective results. As overall results, we can conclude that food is more efficient when done through automated means and less efficient farms are those that perform grazing. Milking reaches higher values in the presence of waiting rooms. While cleaning is more appropriate in the exploitations with emparrillado beds and rubber. Keywords: Productive efficient, dairy, Galicia 1. Introduction Throughout the past decades, the dairy Galician sector, NO of Spain, underwent a process of rationalization with two main features, first the reduction of the number of exploitations, a result of the entry in 1986 of Spain in the EU, which led to many exploitations leaving their activity; and secondly it was increased the number of specialized exploitations in milk production and consequently increased its size. In Table 1 can be appreciated the magnitude of this structural change. 15 Area: Food and Forest Industries 1993 2003 Ranges Nº exploitations Nº dairy Nº dairy cows Nº exploitations 1-2 28.200 39.840 1.336 2.270 3-4 12.693 42,960 1.035 3.562 5-9 17.230 114.009 4.605 32.356 10-19 12.383 163.791 6.522 88.750 20-29 3204 74.527 3.490 82.597 30-49 1502 51.142 2.753 99.987 >50 193 15.352 880 61.078 Total 75.405 501.621 20.620 370.600 cows Table 1: Distribution of dairy cattle exploitations in Galicia in 1993 and 2003 (IGE, 2005). From the above data it is showed that despite the dramatic reduction in the number of farms, centered mainly in the smaller dimension, there was an increase in milk production. Also, we can point out that the number of dairy cattle also fell. These two factors indicate that the dairy sector which presents a dynamic that clearly looks for an improvement in productive efficiency. If we define efficiency as the rational use of the means to achieve a predetermined objective. Efficiency is the requirement to avoid or cancel costs and errors, which will provide us the ability to achieve the planned objectives and goals with minimal available resources and time, making their optimization. In this regard the improvement of the productive efficiency of the bovine exploitations of milk integrates various factors, quality of food, genetics improvement and productivity of labor, because this affects the economic benefits (Richards & Jeffrey, 2000). In this work we consider the improvement of productive efficiency from the increase of productivity of the workforce, as at present according to previous studies of this team, many of the exploitations in Galicia, are not profitable, or rather they are profitable when we do not consider the labor of farmer and / or help family that uses the exploitation and which normally are not counted as production costs (Richards & Jeffrey, 2000). During the years 2006 and 2007 it was made a survey to a representative sample of Gallego Dairy Sector (Riveiro et al., 2008), to determine the status of productive efficiency. It interviewed 106 dairy exploitations of Galicia, selected for their productive typology, size and geographic location (Alvarez, et al., 2007), obtaining the values in Table 2. In the survey was asked to farmers for the time spent on the most significant operation, particularly in the milking, feeding and cleaning. Subsequently, the values have been compared with milk production, resulting productive efficiency values expressed in kilograms of milk per worked hours (kgl / ht). 16 Area: Food and Forest Industries Efficiency (Kgl/h) Cows Kgl/cows Milking Food Cleaning Total 10 a 24 19 5767 102 114 374 38 25 a 39 30 6989 174 332 685 84 40 a 54 45 7422 245 389 1568 119 55 a 69 60 7565 234 474 1424 128 More of 69 78 7073 268 953 2332 157 Average 41 6895 193 405 1116 97 Table 2: Result of efficiency in the tasks of milking, feed and cleaning. This information has helped to place Galicia in the set of countries within the European Union (EU), as we see in Table 3. Country Effectiveness of work(Kgl/h) Sweden 190 Denmark 275 Ireland 195 UK 210 Netherlands 230 Belgium 145 Germany 200 France 155 Switzerland 80 Spain 120 Italy 120 Poland 90 Czech Republic 145 Slovakia 140 Hungary 60 EU (new) 95 EU (former) 190 Table 3: Productive efficiency in different European countries (EDF-European Dairy Farmers, 2007). 17 Area: Food and Forest Industries As we can see the status of the efficiency of Galicia (97 kgl / ht) is very far from the Spanish average (120 kgl / ht), and even more of the old EU countries (190 kgl / ht). Different authors have studied possible actions related to the organizational improvement of production systems of dairy cattle in different areas (Kompas & Che, 2006; Haghiri et al., 2004). In these works it is indicated the need to consider the relative importance of different used inputs, the effects of different technology in the exploitation and work procedures. For over a decade there are multiple systems to determine the effectiveness of a dairy farm and as to include its result in the characterization of exploitations (Coelli, 1995). Procedures that allow to identify the exploitations more efficient (Bravoureta and Rieger, 1991), ie, wich show that a lower cost. Which may or may not be related to the size of the farm or the used technology (Romain and Lambert, 1995). These systems define procedures to identify the more efficient farms and to characterize exploitations. More recently it is affirmed the use of other systems for studying the efficiency of dairy farms, information systems (Grossi & Freitas, 2002) to monitor exploitations in search of productive efficiency. Or the use of "Data Envelopment Analysis” (DEA) for this purpose. Finally highlight the work of this team, in an attempt to obtain information on the results of the 106 surveyed exploitations, and due to the limited correlation of results given the wide variability of typologies and size ranges, sought an approach applying neural networks that related variables of the productive system with the productive efficiency of the exploitation (Alvarez et al., 2008). In this article, within the overall objective of improving the efficiency of dairy cattle farms in Galicia, we seek the genuine determination, that is measured on the farms, of the efficiency of the workforce. It is necessary to consider the value of 97 kgl / ht, wich is provided previosly, and was based on survey of 106 representative farms of Galicia, where the values were based on estimates of the farmers. By contrast, in this case the values will be determined performing the direct measurement of times of the different operations in their own farms. The work also includes the designed specifications to train the system of search of information, the definition of the number of repeated measurements, the consideration of operations to perform and finally some preliminary attempts of determination of the key variables of the productive system and its relationship with efficiency. 2. Methodology 2.1. Choice of sample To make the study randomly were selected 11 dairy farms in the sample of 116 defined above, in proportion to the number of exploitations in each of the defined ranges. Our intention was to obtain a representative sample of different typologies of farms, covering the different characteristics of productive employees systems. 18 Area: Food and Forest Industries 2.2. Interview to the farmer through a survey Our intention was to take into account the one hand, three different aspects regarding the operations carried out by the workforce on dairy farms: the tasks of cleaning, feed and milking, assessing the cleanliness of each of those areas, and secondly, how long do they lead. The exploitations were subjected to an initial visit where a preliminary survey was developed with the aim of characterization. It was sought information regarding the number of cows in production, and total milk production and per cow, the cleaning used system (slatted, by waterjet or automated with earth scoop), the milking system (in place or room) and the feeding system (manual or truck mixer), as well as the costs and benefits involved in the productive process. It also will provide information on the constructive parameters of the exploitation shape, dimensions and materials used in the different units. The interviews were conducted directly to the workers of the exploitation (owners), which introduced a number of drawbacks: the limited available information on the actual costs of operation (not being independent from the family home), and on the other hand, the mistrust of many of them to provide actual data (for fear of penalties for excess production and to maintain a disrepute between them). 2.3. Data capture This task was in the direct measurement of time, used by farmers in the different tasks, which was followed the following routine for that information was comparable. The measure of time of milking was considered since the moment in which was introduced the first cow in the waiting room, until the milking room was ready for the next milking of the day. For the measure the spent time in the food was taken from the time to preparate the food until it was finished the distribution of food for livestock. Regarding the cleanliness of the exercise yard was seen with ordinary character that wich was done manually; if the cleaning was done by mechanical means it was considered that the spent time on cleaning was zero. In the cleaning of the beds was considered the spent time to clean or accommodate the beds The spent time to clean the feeders and drinkers it was considered the spent time in these operations. The above measures were repeated three times, on each farm, ignoring the first half due to the influence that caused "novelty" of taking measurements in the productive routine and it was obtained the average of the other two. It is important that all operations were performed in days of the week than either Friday or Monday, after to check that there were no distinct or specific routines of work in the rest of the weekly calendar. 2.4. Desk work The obtained information was standardized, because the measurements and observations troop point values, and our desire was to reflect the values of each year. For this, we consider the productive system in the area, with concentration of births in spring and lactations of 305 days, taking into account changes in the work of milking and food. 19 Area: Food and Forest Industries 3. Results The studied sample had exploitations from 12 to 119 cows in production, where only 5 had a waiting room for milking, of which, less one square, the rest had a rectangular shape. There were 4 milking system in circuit and different types of milking room 1 in parallel, another in tandem and 5 in thorn, of which only two had automatic withdrawal of teatcups. Cleaning systems are specified in 6 slatted, 4 earth scoops and 1 exploitataion that cleaned with water by hand. Regarding the assessment of the state of cleanliness changed between 2 and 4, in a range of 0 to 5, emphasizing the highest level of the cleaning the earth scoops and manual cleaning with water. As for the cleaning of bed was performed in all cases by hand, emphasizing its cleaning (value of 4) which used rubber, straw and sawdust us material of rest of livestock. As for the food systems, 8 used self cars and 3 performed the operation manually. It is noteworthy that there was no significant correlation between the different systems and the level of production or in the quality of this. Regarding to efficiency was obtained as standardized average results the values that are shown in Table 4. EFFICIENCIES (kgl/ht) nº cows average 43 Milk (kgs) Milk/cow Milking Cleaning Food Total 361627 8249 315 399 113 361 Table 4: Average values of the studied sample. Comparing these data with estimates of Table 3, we note that the average number of cows of the exploitations are practically equal in value, while in terms of milk production per cow, we are significantly better, which shows the goodness of the selected sample in the quality of the tested exploitations. In terms of values of overall efficiency we are somewhat below the Spanish average of 120 to 113 kgl / ht. As for the reference value of Galicia, in Table 2, we are just over approximately 16%, which meaning that the estimates are exaggerated by the farmers in this ratio compared with measurements. Regarding the differentiated values of efficiency according to tasks, we have that the milking shed actual measurements in the estimates of farmers, at 63%; while that in the cleaning values are much higher than the estimates (over 300%) and in food values are similar values between the measures and estimates. The previous consideration indicates that estimates of the farmers are pessimistic regarding of milking and overly optimistic for cleaning, but given the impact of these tasks on the total, the values of overall efficiency are quite similar. The operative obtained procedure to determine the overall efficiency is based on measurement of the milking values which are considered three activities, preparation, milking and cleaning of milking room; in the cleaning was considered whatever the cleaning of coutyards, beds, feeders and drinkers, and in terms of food was determined operations of preparation of silos and forage, preparation, and preparation of the ration and tapping. 20 Area: Food and Forest Industries In following Table 5 there are the overwall data of studied exploitations including the different efficiencies. Efficiencies(Kgl/h) nº cows MIlk (kg) MIlk/cow Milkink Cleaning Food total ABADÍN 12 110126 9177 114 91 114 35 GRUEIRA 28 200000 7143 179 274 82 47 LUDRIO 28 230000 8214 238 252 503 98 MONDRIZ 35 200000 5714 94 103 109 34 SAA 43 365000 8488 395 750 280 135 PICATELOS 48 503000 10479 495 435 550 163 FRAIALDE 58 400000 6897 328 263 200 84 LEA. POL 58 500000 8621 656 1174 1093 304 BAILLE 63 657000 10429 446 1286 1292 263 LOMBAS 67 456000 6806 309 625 598 154 VILAFRIO 119 1241000 10429 1163 785 1017 321 MÁXIMUM 119 1241000 10479 1163 1286 1292 321 MÍNIMUM 12 110126 5714 94 91 82 34 Table 5: Values of efficiency measured in the considered exploitations. Facing the values of total efficiency and in number of cows (Figure 1), as was expected, we obtain a regression line with a very limited correlation. But if we divide it in two portions, we can say that it adjusts of more suitable way for exploitations with fewer than 50 cows, which may be representative, while for older exploitations is totally useless. 3.1. Efficiency in the milking If we consider of independent manner the activities we have that in the milking, it is observed that the more efficient exploitation is wich has the largest number of cows, although in the range of 50 cows, there are exploitations that are above of the average and others not, this is because in this range there are exploitations with circuit and other rooms, and logically the milking rooms are the most efficiency. Preparation: We emphasize that the devoted time to the preparation of milking is around 1020%, and the exploitations that devote less time to this task are those that have waiting room, and within these are more efficient those who have pushed, because it prevents the farmer leaves the room to introduce to lots of milking. 21 Area: Food and Forest Industries Milking: It is the activity which devotes more time, around 60-70%. In this case there is clear evidence that the spent time on this task is directly proportional to the number of cows. Although we must stress the exploitations that milk few cows, do not perform this task in a much less time, due to the milking system is not properly designed. Logically it was noted that the exploitations with milking rooms are more efficient than those that use circuit. Cleaning of the milking rooms: The spent time on this task is between 10-30%, although we have not clear evidence of why more time is devoted in some exploitations than other, however it is stressed the efficiency of exploitations that have a larger number of cows. We can stress that are a little more efficient those with milking room compared to those that use circuit 3.2. Efficiency of cleaning Regarding to cleaning it is noted that the range of more efficient exploitations are those that are around 60 cows, this is because the task of cleaning of major spent time is the cleaning of cubicles and in these exploitations, the system of used bed is bed of rubber which is the more efficient system. Courtyard of exercise: Spent time at this stage is between 30-40% of the spent time in cleaning. Although there are exceptions in exploitations with slatted and have not performed cleaning, considering sufficient the autocleaning that it being done with slatted, neither is considered the spent time to this task, when is performanced with earth scoop if this is automatic. Cubicles: Within the cleaning is the stage to which is devoted more time between 30-60%. Cubicles in general have an acceptable cleaning, and exploitations have greater efficiency are those in which the bed is made of rubber because they are cleaned more quickly. It is also noted that efficiency is inversely proportional to the number of cubicles, this task is done manually because it is not possible to mechanize. 22 Area: Food and Forest Industries Feeding troughs: This task deals between 30-40% of the spent time on cleaning. Here we do not establish a clear evidence of the cleaning state with the spent time to it, because it should be proportional to the devoted time to this task with the number of cattle and this is not the case. Drinking troughs: The cleanliness of the drinking troughs is a relative parameter. In some exploitations are cleaned only when they are dirty, i.e., there is not a routine cleaning; in others have a very efficiency because the cleaning consists in to empty the drinking troughs using a lever. We also note that are more efficient the linear drinking troughs than of cup, this is due because a linear drinking trough does the same function than three of cup. 3.3. Efficiency of food With regard to food the more efficient exploitations are those that have more cows, this is because the larger one exploitation less time devoted to this task and this is the result that these farms use mixer truck to prepare the ration and provide it for livestock, thus saving much time. On this stage, we have very different efficiencies due to the exploitations where the food is done by hand, to provide green fodder includes the time it takes to go get it. Among the exploitations where food is provided by truck mixer, the low efficiency is because the silos are removed from the farm. Tapping: On this point we have very little data, because the majority of exploitations do not apply an independent tapping of the ration. 3.4. Relationship of the total efficiency with characteristics of the exploitation In an attempt to find the relationship of the total efficiency with the exploitation together in this paragraph we use the total surface and the shape indicators (Alvarez, et al., 2007). Per square meter and cow: If we calculate the total area of the exploitation as the surface of the exercise yards, cubicles, feed yard and milking room; and set the ratio of m2/cow we can compare the values of gained efficiencies. In Figure 2 we see that the greatest efficiencies, are in exploitations with 20 square feet per cow, to higher or lower surfaces the efficiency decreases. Total efficiency per index of shape of the exploitation: The index of shape is defined as: The occupied area by the exploitation divided between the perimeter of the square. The results are in Figure 2. 23 Area: Food and Forest Industries m2/cow Index of shape Graphic 2. Relation of the Efficiency. We note that the highest efficiencies are in the exploitations where the index of shape is around 0.04, and in general with higher and lower values the efficiency decreases. However, noting the figure 2 we see, for the two previous cases, there is no clear evidence between these rates and the efficiency, so we cannot set conclusions. 4. Conclusions In relation to the presented data and keeping in mind the number of analyzed exploitations, and differences between them in terms of number of heads and management, we will proceed to see the connections between the various parameters: Milking: The preparation of milking is reduced when we have a waiting room, and within them with the available data, we can say that it is a little more efficient the rectangular waiting room than the square room, if both have pushers. In the milking, we can say that is the stage more efficient in those exploitations which have milking room compared with those with circuits, and regarding to type of room, we do not have enough data to know which is more efficient. In the cleaning of milking systems, we are unable to differentiate clearly between the different milking systems, although there is more efficiency in the farms that have milking room against those that have circuit. Cleaning: Regarding to the exercise yard, we see that this task becomes more efficient when it is mechanized a little. In the exploitations the cubicles that having a higher efficiency are those that have a bed made of rubber, and lower efficiency are those with bed made of straw. Rubber beds despite being the most efficient are also those with a good assessment of the state of cleaning. As for feeders we cannot establish a clear relationship between efficiency and the value of the state of the feeding troughs. In the drinking troughs we note that the linear drinking troughs have more efficiency than the cup drinking troughs. Food: In the preparation of the silos and fodder we note that are more efficient the exploitations with ration compared with those that have not ration and within these, the exploitations with major efficiency are those where the silos are in the vicinity of the exploitation and on the other the farms that provide green fodder have very low efficiency because the spent time on collecting. 24 Area: Food and Forest Industries Preparation for the ration: The most efficient exploitations are those that have this mechanized task facing those which do it manually. Tapping: In this case we cannot establish the more efficient exploitations, because not all them apply tapping, some of the Vilafrío have the freely disposition to the animal, in other is applied with feed and most of them do not apply it. Finally to stress the importance for the future to continue with these studies given the large impact that the results of efficiency, both total and each operation have regarding to productivity of dairy farms in Galicia; and in therefore the potential increase of output if it is made a productive management. References Álvarez, C.J.; Cuesta, T. S.; Iglesias, G.; Marco, J. L. and Resch, C. J., 2008. Neural Network Analysis of Dairy Farm Efficiency in Galicia. Summited Transation of ASABE Álvarez, C. J.; Riveiro, J. A. and. Marey, M. F., 2008. Typology, Classification and Characterization of Farms for Agricultural Production Planning. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 6 (1), pp. 125-136 Álvarez, C.J.; Marey, M.F.; Amiama C., 2007. Criteria for assessing dairy farm types Recursos Rurais 1(3), pp 51-59, Lugo. Bravoureta, B. E. And Rieger, L., 1991. Dairy farm efficiency measurement using stochastic frontiers and neoclassical duality. American of Agricultural Economics 73(2): 421-428. Coelli, T. J., 1995. Recent developments in frontier modelling and efficiency measurement. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 39(3): 219-245. EDF-European Dairy Farmers, Analysis 2007. Cost of Production Comparison (2007). Institute of Farm Economics and Rural Studies, Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL), Germany Grossi, S. D. and Freitas, M. A. R. 2002. Reproductive and productive efficiency in commercial dairy herds monitored by information system. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science 31(3): 1362-1366. Haghiri, M., Nolan, J. F. and Tran, K. C., 2004. Assessing the impact of economic liberalization across countries: a comparison of dairy industry efficiency in Canada and the USA. Applied Economics 36(11): 1233-1243. IGE., 2005. Encuesta de explotaciones de vacuno en Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Instituto Gallego de Estadística. Kompas, T. and Che, T. N., 2006. Technology choice and efficiency on Australian dairy farms. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 50(1): 65-83. Maseda, F., Díaz, F. and. Álvarez, C. J., 2004. Family Dairy Farms in Galicia (N. W. Spain): Classification by Some Family and Farm Factors Relevant to Quality of Life. Biosyst Eng. 87(4): 509-521. Richards, T. J. and Jeffrey S. R., 2000. Efficiency and economic performance: An application of the MIMIC model. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 25(1): 232-251. 25 Area: Food and Forest Industries Riveiro,J.A.; Marey, M.F.; Marco, J.L.; Álvarez, C.J., 2008. Procedure for classification and characterization of farms for agricultural production planning. Aplication in the Nortwest of Spain Computer and Electronics in Agriculture, 61(2) pp. 169-178. Romain, R.; Lambert, R., 1995. Technical efficiency and costs of production in the dairy sector of Quebec and Ontario. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne D´economie Rurale, 43(1) 37-55. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the General Secretariat R & D of the Galician regional government, for funding this research through the project "Improving the efficiency of dairy farms in Galicia, with reference: PGIDIT06RAG29101PR. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Sonia Irimia Fernández – GI Projects and Planning Polytechnic University. University of Santiago de Compostela. Departamento de Agricultural Engineering Department Campus Universitario s/n, 27002, Lugo, Spain. Phone: +34 982 285900 ext 23262 E-mail: [email protected] 26 Area: Food and Forest Industries TECHNICAL-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE PIG EXPLOITATIONS IN THE AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY OF GALICIA (SPAIN) Marey Pérez, M.F. Sobrado Castro, O. Riveiro Valiño, J.A. Álvarez López, C.J. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Abstract Since the mid-50's of the past century in Galicia has evolved subsector pig until today where an average 1,220,000 slaughtered pigs with a production of 94,400 tonnes per year originate mainly from industrial exploitations 581 breeding and the 745 existing feedlots. The sector is in a complex process of adaptation to new market conditions characterized by an increase in production costs. This paper shows the results of the analysis of the production process of 33 pig exploitations bait selected randomly in 4 provinces of Galicia. The results are organized so that from the weight (Kg) and the average price per (€/Kg) of the animal priming and marketed analyzes all elements of the productive process (acquisition of piglet, food, animal health costs, costs of legal proceedings production facilities, costs of hand work) in terms of their influence on the performance end of it. It shows the different strategies exploitations classified according to their efficiency. Keywords: Subsector pigs, productive process, efficiency analysis 1. Introduction Spain is the second country of the European Union and the fourth country in the world in terms of pork production. In recent years, pork production has grown strongly and continuously in Spain. The last census reported that there are a total of 23,5 million heads, of which 2,5 million is in line with Iberian pigs, reaching a production of 3.122.577 kg of meat. Most of the pig hut is distributed in Catalonia, with 26% of the total, followed by 18% of Aragon and Castile and Leon 14%. (I.N.E.,1999). The distribution of holdings reaches 31.000 pig exploitations. Throughout the past decades occurred processes of modernization and verticalization of production chains. The merger is also very sharp and there are very little independent exploitations. In most cases they are cooperative societies or associations with the feed, or even to slaughter their own meat industries. The production of pig meat cannot be absorbed by internal demand, so that exports are an essential resource for the survival of the sector. Exports came to 617.300 tons or representing an increase of 16,8%. The main client of this foreign trade is France with 32,1% of the total, followed by Portugal with 19,4%. According to industry 27 Area: Food and Forest Industries experts, by 2010 production will continue growing strongly in Spain (12%) while it will slow down in most of the European Union. When making an overview of the pig Galician compared with Spanish noted the significant weight loss within the national context in the past thirty years. While the total Spanish census has tripled in three decades, Galician remained constant. The pig subsector is one of the most important subsectors of the industrial Galician livestock. In 1997, the pigs received a total of 114,26 € million which represented 10,5% of the final Galician production livestock (PFG). In Galicia in 1998 had a total of 841 exploitations with a total production of 82.779 places. Most of the exploitations, 74% had a capacity of 99 units or less, while 70% of the places were concentrated in exploitations bait was 385, 89% of such exploitations had room for 200 or more concentrated where 98% of places bait. In 1998 there were 206.789 places in fattening exploitations. In Galicia in 1998, the average price of animal feed was 0,83 € / kg pig and of piglet was 29,33 €/UD (I.G.E., 2007). The prices of feed compounds showed a sharp rise over the past months, which affected all livestock sectors, but especially for pig farmers. This increase is mainly due to poor grain harvest. (Ministry of the Presidency, 2000) Royal Decree 324/2000 (Ministry of the Presidency, 2000) and R.D. 3483/2000 (Ministry of the Presidency, 2000) amending the previous, established the basic standards of management of pig exploitations. Its main objectives were: 1) Be a new regulatory framework in the management. 2) Adjust the harmonious growth of the sector. 3) Reduce the maximum dissemination of diseases. 4) To preserve natural resources and protect the environment. 1.1 SWOT Analysis of the pig subsector in Galicia A SWOT synthetic analysis of the pig subsector in Galicia produces the following results Weaknesses - Most of the pig exploitations do not have the relevant management plan slurry. - The health status of Spanish pig hut poses certain limits on exports. One of the main problems is Aujeszky's disease. - The urban pressure put up the price of rural land that makes it difficult causes install new exploitations, especially in coastal areas. Strengths - The favorable reception by the Royal Decree 324/2000 of the pig sector, mainly in its zootechnical classification and productive capacity. - The protection of the environment increases the maximum capacity defined pig exploitations. - The establishment of the minimum distance promotes a proper health management of pig exploitations. - The government and industry can anticipate the emergence of potential epizootics. - The production systems "throughout the entire inside out" as a measure of biosecurity on bait exploitations and transaction of piglets, can improve sanitary conditions. 28 Area: Food and Forest Industries - Implementation of the farmers by the rules in respect of sanitary infrastructure, and measures of hygiene. - Proper maintenance of the Registry Book of the exploitation and the correct identification of the animals, which ensures both the control on the movement of animals and the traceability of the final product. - Trend to the capacity increase of exploitations, and that is causing a lowering of production costs. - The application of new production systems reflect the sector's interest in being in the forefront. Threats - Environmental management of slurry and manure, disposal of pig carcasses can cause sanitary risks and environmental damages. - The competition between tourism and the pig is causing the closure of many exploitations, especially in coastal areas. Opportunities - Ensure that the distribution of pig exploitations in all territory results uniform and rational with available resources. - Control and eradication over the medium term of certain diseases. - The significant support that will ensure the start of a one-stop shop to facilitate administrative tasks to the farmers. - The use of genetic of quality will allow for greater adaptation to market demand, while minimizing costs and offering different products. - The guarantee of traceability will allow increasing the consumer confidence in pork products. 2. Object Development and validation of an analytical methodology to identify in the current conditions in the near future, the current situation and the potential production in Galicia for the production of the pig subsector by learning from the current situation. Specifically this study aimed to explore the technical and economic situation of the exploitations selected. 3. Materials and methods 3.1 Area of study The work covered the entire region of Galicia. 3.2 Preparation of census exploitations the pig subsector It is made a request to the Rural Counseling requesting information on the pig sector in Galicia. From the response is established a census classified into three groups: 29 Area: Food and Forest Industries 1 Industrial breeding exploitations: 581. 2 Small exploitations with breeding: 2.749 3 Feedlot: 745. 3.3. Selection and distribution of the sample 30 exploitations were selected randomly from groups 1 and 3 (industrials with breeding and feedlot). They were located geographically and established a program of visits for the completion of the questionnaire, consisting of telephone contact with the owner of the farm and arrange an appointment for the survey. In this first contact was made in explaining the objectives of the survey and were guaranteed anonymity in all phases of it. 3.4. Elaboration and implementation of the questionnaire The questionnaire was divided into three parts; 1) location of the farm. 2) specific purpose of this work, related to the production process in which they ask for race and working method as well as the costs of this process, 3) refers to the facilities available to the operating state that the data were not provided by respondents, because in most cases unknown. The interviewer made the measurement field for each section. Is shown as an example to analyze the questionnaire conducted at an exploitation. Survey nº1 1 The situation of exploitation - Santiago of Compostela ( Coruña) 2 Race - Pietrain Use system - Intensive Number-300 Percentage of lows exploitation - 2% Reset - No Bait end units - 294 Hours/year dedicated workforce - 792 Desired weight of pigs fed - 105 kg Price € / kg fattening pig – 1,15 Kg. of feed they eat to be fattened - 220 Kg. feed prices - 0,22 € / kg Piglet price - 40 € / u Zoosanitary expenditure – 178,5 € / year Cost of electricity every 2 months - 45 € Veterinary expenditure - 75 € / year Labor costs € / year – 5.544 3 m² of accommodation - 240 m² store - 24 m³ of liquid manure pit - 200 Cost of accommodation - € 54.000 Cost of storage – 1.200 € 30 Area: Food and Forest Industries Cost of the slurry pit - € 11.000 3.5. Analysis of the questionnaire When the data collection finished, its organization and subsequent analysis was carried out using the program SPSSTM 15.1. The analysis were of descriptive type and correlation among which we have Central tendency: Media. Sum of all values divided by its number. Median. Value below which is 50% of cases Fashion. Value that is repeated over Sum. Sum of all values Scattering: Standard deviation. It measures the degree to which the values a variable that takes away from the average. It is obtained as the square root of the variance. Variance. Measure of dispersion is obtained by dividing by n-1 the sum of the squares of the differences between each value and the average. Amplitude. Difference between the maximum and minimum value. Minimum. Smaller value. Maximum. Larger value. Form of Distribution. Asymmetry. Index that expresses the degree of asymmetry of the distribution. Positive asymmetry indicates that more extreme values are above average. Negative symmetry values indicate that the most extreme are below average. Rates close to zero indicate symmetry. Kurtosis. Index that expresses the degree, to which a distribution accumulates values in its queues, compared with the values accumulated queues a normal distribution. The positive kurtosis indicates that in the queues of distribution there are accumulated more cases than in the queues of a normal distribution. The kurtosis indexes close to zero indicate similarity with the normal curve. Correlation Analysis The standard measure of correlation is the correlation coefficients, which are numerical indexes that have the important property to quantify the degree of linear relationship between two quantitative variables. It is usually selected the following: Correlation coefficient of Pearson (Equation 1). The most commonly used to study the degree of relationship between two quantitative variables. It is obtained typifying the average of the products of differential ratings in each case (deviations from the average) in the two correlated variables: 31 Area: Food and Forest Industries ρ xy = Cov(x, y) Var(x)Var(y) (1) Cov Covarianza Var Varianza 4. Results Race - All feedlot use the same race of pigs: the Pietrain, which comes from Belgium, a town called Brabant. It originated from pigs Normans. It has a high-quality channel, but low growth rate, conversion index and reproduction (requires a high level of food to increase its weight and reproduction). By contrast is the highest percentage of noble pieces, but with quite fat intramuscularly. It is one of the races that which shows PSE (white meat, soft and exudative). In Spain is considered one of the most muscular of the world, besides having best qualities as a reproductive and production of ham, very well adapted to the different means of exploitation. Use system - In all cases the use is intensive. The characteristics of the installations, discussed in another work presented at this conference and facilities of management and increase profitability, incites that this is the most appropriate method for exploitations breeding pigs. Changes in environmental regulation and management of animals for meat production, are promoting the need for soften allowing the introduction of more extensive productive processes. A significant number of exploitations surveyed were raised that possibility in the future. Number of pigs - The average number stands at 967 pigs per exploitation and year, the median is 840 and the fashion 800. The standard deviation of this variable reaches a value of 613, reaching the rank of the same in 2.250, which states very clearly the different sizes of exploitations. Orense province is presenting the largest installations with 1.230 pigs per farm on average. The largest exploitation of the surveys was located in the province of Lugo with 2.400 pigs. On the other side smaller exploitations are located in Pontevedra, which averaged 716 pigs are like the smallest of all exploitations with 150. As expected the number of pigs and positively correlates well with all the economic variables. In the opposite direction is found the percentage the lows per death which decreases, suggesting that larger installations are more efficient in the early stages of rearing which are often the most crucial, and this is because it is most modern installations. Percentage of casualties in the exploitation - the medium area is 2,52%, the median stands at 2,45% and the fashion is 2%. The standard deviation of this variable reaches a value of 0,008, reaching the rank of the same at 4%. Province Lugo is in this case with a 2,59% which is the highest value and at the other end is Orense with only 1,76%. The correlation analysis shows interesting results. As had been discussed the size of exploitations is related to the decrease in the number of casualties, which is the same in the work on the exploitation, so the devoted hours to the management are correlated negatively in -0,352. On the contrary seems to have no relation to the hours for disinfection with at -0,01 not being significant Pearson's 32 Area: Food and Forest Industries correlation. The reason behind this may be in the fact that a greater number of hours is due to installations and cleaning systems are older. Hours / days of labor - the medium work in the Galician pig exploitations is 2,68 hours/ day, the median and the fashion is at 2 hours. The standard deviation of this variable reaches a value of 1,28, reaching the rank of the same in 2. It is in Orense, where the average is at 4 hours and Lugo at 2,44 to the contrary. The correlation analysis are especially significant regarding to the size of exploitation 0,55. As a result of this variable shows the dedication to the Galician pig farm is of partial character, in many cases be linked to other activities such as the exploitation of veal. Costs of labor € / year – the average of this cost, of great importance to the profitability of these exploitations are located in the 7880 €, the median is 5.880 € and fashion have the same value. The standard deviation of this variable is worth 3.325 €, with the same range of 13.075 €. The province that spent more on labor per exploitation is Orense with 10.882 € on media and the least Pontevedra is just of 6.205 € of media. The correlation analysis, shows as expected, high correlations with all dimensional variables and significant negative correlations with variables related to the bad management of exploitations such as the percentage of lows. Price € / kg fattened pig - The result is always the same for this variable and has a value of 1,15 € / kg. That price has not increased in recent years, but it has got down. Kg of feed consumed per pig – Considering that the average weight of sale of the pigs in Galicia is at 110 kg, it is necessary to achieve an average of 277,9 kg / pig, with a mode of 300 Kg. / pig and a range of 100 kg. By province are pigs of Orense with 316 kg while in Coruña on average is 256 kg. The feed consumption is highly correlated, values 0,596 and 0,564, with variables such as hours dedicated of the exploitation. These results seem to indicate a lower efficiency of the work, which may be associated with older installations that require more work and represent worst conditions for animals that have an impact on declines in production. Price of Kg. of feed - The medium price stands at 0,26 € / kg, median and mode at 0.30. The standard deviation of this variable reaches a value of 0,03, reaching 0,08 in the range. By provinces the prices do not seem to vary and do not seem to depend directly of the given consumption which is not correlated with consumption. 5. Conclusions The pig subsector in Galicia has gone through a phase of recession in recent decades. At present, as a result of difficulties in the markets and rising prices of raw materials need to enter in a phase of change that will suppose a new process of recession in the number of exploitations. It should be noted that currently there are two types of productive models in the pig installations of Galicia. On one hand we find with exploitations with a greater number of years and with more traditional forms to work and other side with more modern exploitations applying a more exhaustive management in its activity. The same happens for provinces, the phenomenon of the integration in COREN (Cooperatives of Orense) more widespread in the province of Orense incites that there are the biggest and most modern installations. A crucial factor for the future of these exploitations is in the fact of not having a sufficient size to save costs and adapt to new market circumstances. In an economic model of product prices to 33 Area: Food and Forest Industries the low and cost of raw materials and models of production increasing, the solutions have to pass by the diversification and specialization or by increasing the size. However, obtained results indicate that none of these circumstances is occurring. References I.G.E. Prices of pigs 2007 (Online). In: Internet Consultation in May 2007. I.N.E. Agricultural Census 1999. (Online). In: Internet <http//> (Consultation, May,2007). Ministry of the Presidency, 2000. Royal Decree 324/2000, of March 3, laying down basic rules for management of pig exploitations"B.O E., (58). Pp 9505 – 9511 Ministry of the Presidency, 2001. Royal Decree 3483/2000 of December 29, amending the Royal Decree 324/2000 of march 3, laying down basic rules for management of pig exploitations", BOE (11). Pp 1434-1435 Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Manuel Francisco Marey Pérez University of Santiago of Compostela. Agricultural Engineering Department. Polytechnic University. University Campus. 27002 Lugo. Spain. Phone: +34 982252231 Fax: +34 982241835 E-mail: [email protected] 34 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering TOPIC AREA: LAND MANAGEMENT, URBANISM, ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING 35 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering STRATEGIES FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT IN RURAL AREAS Muiño, D. Cancela, J.J. Marey, M. F. Neira, Xan X. Cuesta, T. S. University of Santiago de Compostela Abstract The application of the Water Framework Directive and the Directive 91/271/CEE conditions the objectives of the Plans of Wastewater management approved in different Autonomous Communities in Spain. In all the lines of performance the treatment of the towns with more than 2,000 e-i has been prioritized. It is foreseeable that in one second phase the smallest towns will study. In this case, the collective, individual or decentralized systems will be valued of wastewater management. This paper analyzes the present situation of the wastewater management in the rural scope of the province of Lugo by means of a survey in the 67 city councils. The high-priority lines of performance and the methodology for the selection of the suitable technology are defined from the collected data. Keywords: Wastewater management, rural planning 1. Introduction During recent years in Spain is making a major financial effort to adapt the infrastructure for sanitation and sewage treatment. This is so due the growing awareness about the need to rationalize the use of a limited natural resource as water and the obligation with existing legislation. The explicit requirement to purify the waste urban water is collected in the European Directive 91/271/EEC (European Commission, 1991). With the aim of achieving the compliance with this Directive approved the National Plan of Reorganization and Purification 1995-2005 (Council of Ministers, 1995) and the Royal Decree Law 11/1995 (B.O.E. 312/1995) transposing EU legislation in our legal framework. In the case of cores with particular entity, due to the volume and variability of the composition of the treated water, are conditioned to the use of so-called conventional systems. In small cores the problem is completely different because the volume of waste is not as important 37 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering and, moreover, is made almost entirely of organic components. This allows great flexibility to select the best treatment for each core or group of cores considered (Muiño et al., 2005). In Spain, the way to assimilate this European normative within the provided period, varies depending on the populational organization of the territory (Garcia et al., 2001). In the case of Galicia, where there are the 50% of all entities of the population of Spain, exists with a homogeneously populated territory (INE, 2004). This particular demographic distribution explains the fact that almost 89% of institutions of habited population have a census of less than 100 inhabitants, as illustrated in Table 1. Cores Population Inhabitant Number % Number % <100 25.625 88,79 664.213 24,15 101-500 2.838 9,83 539.694 19,62 501-2.000 300 1,04 271914 9,88 >2.001-10.000 98 0,34 1.275.0054 46,35 Total 28.861 100,00 2.750.875 100,00 Table 1: Singular entities of population in Galicia according to inhabitants of right 2003 (INE, 2004). This geographical and demographical reality conditions the wastewater treatment (Alvarez et al., 2006). The irregular topography of the region, with a great orographical variability, but without high altitudes, makes it difficult connecting of next cores by collectors. In Galicia, for the purpose of transposing the European and national legislation to our legal framework were adopted the Law 8 / 2001 (Presidency of the Xunta, 2001) and the drafting of the Plan of Sanitation of Galicia 2.000-2.015 (Presidency of the Xunta, 2001). The Plan of Sanitation of Galicia is focused almost exclusively on the cores of population older than 2.000 h-e believing in the fulfilling of the Directive 91/271/EEC. It must be remembered that in Galicia are no less than 28.763 cores minor than 2.000 inhabitants which agroup almost 54% of the population (INE, 2004). In this sense, it is proposed to connect of the cores of more than 100 people. In the case of cores with less than 100 inhabitants, is proposed its connection to an urban agglomeration or their considering as isolated core with individual sanitation. Although in the Plan of Sanitation of Galicia does not contain the pollution load caused by the livestock, considering the same of diffuse character, the management of wastewater generated by this sector is an issue of paramount importance. The census of livestock of Galicia is close to 900.000 head of cattle, one million head of pigs and about 300.000 head of sheep. However, in rural areas, the influence of this activity in the management of wastewater depends on the type of exploitation and its location (Cuesta et al., 2006). We start from a current situation where the availability of existing infrastructures is very uneven in the set of the territory (Cuesta et al., 2006). In this reality we have to unite the growing social and legislatitive demand, of new actions that are financed and implemented 38 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering by different agents (local entities, private initiatives, Deputations, Counseling or the Administration of State). This situation is compounded by the wide range of technical solutions, adapted to different situations, that now the technology offers us (Cajaraville et al., 2007). Each of the systems of available treatment is associated with different levels of demand in the purification and the necessary investment and, what is particularly important, in maintenance costs. From the above description of the problem of wastewater management in rural areas seems necessary to promote the coordination of social involved agents. It is therefore important to establish basic standards or recommendations on the use of different technologies and to define the main lines of action for a proper planning for wastewater management in the rural areas. 2. Preliminary approach Considering the Council as the unit of action, and watershed as planning unit, is proposed an open system that allows us to simulate, considering the reality, different alternatives from a technical, economic and social approach. The variables that must be considered are: • Demands and needs of purification. • Economic and technical capacity for the proper maintenance and functioning of installations. • Ecological factors of the receiving environment and social factors of acceptance. To identify the possible locations of the WWTP and the most appropriate treatment systems, it needs to start with the knowledge of the characteristics of wastewater, the legal conditions and the desired quality in the effluent (Cuesta et al., 2006). It is always essential to seek the balance between the cost of installation and performance while minimizing the production of waste and try to obtain profits when this is possible. Furthermore, we must link the different alternatives in the purification with the alternatives in the design of sanitation networks. In this way, at different levels or stages, it is necessary to assimilate the current situation and generate alternatives to the raised problem. Thus, in the definition the initial data relating to a council, it is obligatory to consider the following aspects: (Muiño et al., 2005) • Points of current discharge: geographical location, and characteristics of the discharge and characteristics of the receiving environment. • Typification of the basic characteristics of different discharge depending on the flow and seasonality, population (number, type and forecasts), organic load and possible individual products. • Existing infrastructure of sanitary and purification. • Elements of demographic and economic character. • Environmental and social characteristics. Based on existing data, the next step is the location and dimensioning of the potential points the purification and establishment of potential clusters. For this, we must assimilate a number of sections such as: 39 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering • Defining of treatments of purification more suited for each core or grouping. • Location of possible points of discharge and requirements of the receiving environment. • Basic definition of potential networks of sanitation. • Elaboration of alternatives and economic evaluation of the implementation and maintenance. An open design of the system should allow us to pose a problem from different perspectives. In this way we can compare different solutions to a precise problem, analyze the reality of a local entity or watershed (Carballo et al., 2007). This will allow us the selection of alternatives in the design of sanitary networks and support to other planning entities. The proposed methodology is developed in three different stages and is applied to a pilot basin for the purpose of validating the results for the design of a model of general application. Currently we are working to get results in three small watersheds, particularly in the following rivers: Estanco (Antas of Ulla), Madalena (Vilalba), Ferreira (Guntín) and Mao (Monforte de Lemos), all in the province of Lugo (Carballo et al., 2007). The methodology described suggests that, once defined the prevailing levels of quality in the receiving environment, through its characterization, we must, in accordance with the characteristics of the generated wastewater, to determine the level of required treatment in each case and, then, to select the most appropriate technology of treatment. In a final phase alternatives of dimensioning and location will be generated and the technical and economic evaluation of them. 3. Characterization of the receiving environment If is taken as work unit the watershed, then will be characterizated the receiving environment under the Water Framework Directive (European Commission, 2000). This methodology, applied to the definition of ecological status and other characterizations in the pilot basin is based on a complete tour of the river. The roadmap is divided into three phases: information gathering, river tour, sampling and analysis of the results (Muiño et al., 2007). The phase of gathering information aims to locate, analyze and synthesize all the necessary documentation to know the characteristics, ecological quality and uses of water from the basin. The information collected before of integral tour will allow doing a previous tranches and planning the field work. This step of doing tranches could be amended subsequently, so that they can integrate of logical form all the indicators at the time of the definition of the state of the different tranches of study and the receiving capacity of them. This phase includes the following tasks: • Mapping analysis to 1:5000 scale of the basin. Calculation of average heights and slopes. • Geological and hydrogeological analysis of basins. Analysis the climate of the area. • Analysis of land use: crop, forest areas, livestock, activities of tourism, socioeconomy. 40 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering • Inventory of hydraulic existing and future infrastructure for supply and discharges. • Study of water demand through the interpretation of features practices. • Hydrological analysis by tranches using methods of simulation (Témez) and data of the foronómica network. • Analysis of the physico-chemical quality of water from the collected samples in the integral tour of the river. • Analysis of the biological quality of the river (aquatic vegetation, macroinvertebrates, ichthyofauna). • Analysis of the natural environment, especially the characteristics of the riparian forest, wildlife associated to riparian environments and areas of natural interest. • Analysis of different hydraulic factory in the area. • Study of the artistic and cultural heritage. • Georeferencing of all elements in a GIS. In the second phase is observed the integral tour of the entire river, and also the rest of the basin. Throughout this phase should be made the remarks in continuous, sampling and differentiation of the river in tranches (description and qualitative assessment). The comments in continuous allow recording of all those anthropic condition referring to physicochemical and hydromorphological indicators. Sampling embraces the measure of flows of the municipal supply catchments in order to determine the availability of water, sampling of benthic macroinvertebrates by surber network and its subsequent identification in the labarotary and water sampling for analysis physico-chemical. As for the differentiation of the basin in tranches our interest is in to describe the hydromorphological characteristics (variation in depth, width of the channel, type of substrate, the presence of fast, backwaters and weirs), the physical-chemical characteristics (analysis of samples and visual quality) and biological characteristics (ichthyological and benthic wildlife of invertebrates). These elements will allow us to make the qualitative valuation by hydromorphological, physical-chemical and biological parameters. WFD specifically mentions three types of indicators: • Hydromorphological indicators: regime of flowrate, continuity, variation in depth and width, velocity of water, structure and substrate of the bed, structure of the riparian zone. • Physicochemical indicators: visual quality of the water (transparency, colour, presence of foam, smell), water quality (analysis in laboratory). • Biological indicators: spatial and temporal variation in the capture of salmonidae species (trout) and cyprinid, taxonomic composition and abundance through indexes TBI and BMWP '. (Jaimez et al., 2006) The ultimate objective of the phase of Analysis of the results is the definition of ecological status and determining the ability of the river as a receiving environment of wastewater. 41 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering 4. Definition of the needs in the management of wastewater Once that the objectives of current quality are known for the receiving environment, it is necessary to determine the pollutant load of issued wastewater. With these data it could establish the necessary level of treatment and technology available alternatives. 4.1. Definition and location of the discharge In the GIS is necessary to have an inventory of existing discharges and with possible discharges of defined groupings previously. These singular points must characterized and categorized for future generalization. 4.2. Determination of the level of treatment To determine the level of necessary treatment of wastewater of a specific core it is necessary to consider the local conditions and the objective of defined quality for the receiving environment and the maximum and minimum required limits of the purification. The guidelines in determining the level of wastewater treatment in the case of small cores in rural areas have that adapted to the previously defined reality assuming limitations on the financial capacity and management. To set the level of performance of elimination of DBO5 and MES contemplate us: • The ability of the receiving environment, taking into account the expected uses of water (maximum concentration of BOD5 in mgO2/l and maximum concentration of MES measured in mg / l). • The pollutant discharged load (total number of inhabitants equivalent of 60 g DBO5/day). • Equivalent connected population to systems of secondary treatment. • Equivalent population that still has not systems of secondary treatment. • The flow of drought in the water course of the receiving environment with a return period of 5 years. 4.3. Alternative in the purification Once determined the profits it is proposed alternatives in the different treatments. The primary treatment is reserved for populations who poured into fragile water channels, with a significant dilution and having little severe drought. The secondary treatments are necessary in the rest of cores. They may consist in a primary treatment (optional), followed by a natural treatment or, if necessary, of a conventional treatment. It is necessary to make a special evaluation in the following cases: • When the discharge takes place in an Area of Natural Interest or in a particular volume of water susceptible to eutrophication. • When the discharge takes place in an area with an aquatic life of special interest. • When the discharge takes place in a volume of water that is used as a source of supply. 42 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering • When the receiving channel presents a very strong seasonality. In the first three cases, is necessary to consider the need to eliminate the ammonia nitrogen. In the third case, also it will be necessary to achieve nitrate concentrations below 10 mg N03N per liter. When this limit is exceeded, the system will be provided of a process of denitration. In the latter case, when exists circumstances of low dilution and vulnerability of the receiving environment, will be a priority the elimination of discharges during the critical period. This can be achieved with an effluent storage or a direct application on the ground. 5. Conclusions As a final conclusion of this study is proposed the definition of a Support System for decision making which must meet a number of conditions on the geometry of the system and the mathematical structure. A Spatial Decision Support System in the management of wastewater is a practical application of Spatial Decision Support System (Spatial Decision Support System SDSS). These tools are based on an integrated set of software, which allows helping in determining the optimal location of various equipments. The necessary system must facilitate: • The exploration of the treated problem, with the aim of formulating hypotheses that get it resolved. • The generation of alternative abundant and varied solutions. • A precise assessment (if possible quantitative) of the merits and disadvantages of different solutions. To meet these requirements are necessary different components: a graphics generator, a report generator, a system of database management, a system of management of mathematical models capable of generating alternatives and solutions and to evaluate them. As for the geometry of the system, the spatial allocation of infrastructure and services in rural areas is an important engineering problem, with significant economic, social and environmental impacts. In this way, the inadequate situation of a filter system causes unnecessary expenses, lack of consideration of the environmental characteristics produce excess of costs and important nuisance to the population in addition to damaging the natural environment. It is necessary to determine the characteristics of the WWTP (EDAR), of the emissaries and the sewage network, for its proper digital representation in GIS: • Spatial distribution of WWTP: Concerning a specific point (or centroid of each of the spatial considered areas). One of the essential elements of the procedures that are discussed later is the obtaining of the location and the consistent distances between offer and demand. • Spatial distribution of the emissaries: In principle, the offer is always linked to specific points in space and that is due to homes or rural cores. • Relationship between points WWTP / Emissaries and the sewerage network: To connect points (of offer and demand) and sanitation system are added new linear 43 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering elements (tranches), so that each point of reported of offer / demand (which is not located in a network node) with the nodes of the network surrounding it and near that point. As to the mathematical required structure we should describe the requirements of the model that constitutes it. The objective of this model is to maximize the amount of products of the population, the demand for each item and the distance to the nearest WWTP, ie, the minimum distances between each point with the population and the installation (Lopez-Rubio et al., 2002). It aims to achieve the maximum spatial efficiency from the viewpoint of the affected population, as the separation between unwanted installations and the set of the population that is the highest possible. The purpose of the model is the maximizing of the minimum distance between installations and the centres of the closer core (Woods & Franco, 1995). This model raises the concept of maximum spatial efficiency of different way than the previous ones. The objective is to ensure that the shortest distance between WWPT and some of the cores result the possible largest (and thus the nuisances are becomed in the minimum possible), given the spatial distribution of the populated places and raised candidates points. For the evaluation of the raised solutions is intended to use, as Multiapproach technique, the linear weighted sum of the scores of the various generated solutions, it is assumed the procedure of the linear weighted sum of the established values for each solution on different criteria for to be used for the evaluation. Thus, the solution to get the highest score will be the best solution (Pomerol et al, 2000). References Alvarez C.J., Cuesta T.S., Cancela J.J. and Marey MF, 2006. Management of wastewater in rural areas in Galicia, Spain (European Union). Information Technology, Vol 17 (3), pp.87-96. B.O.E. 312/1995. Royal Decree Law 11/1995 of December 28, which establishes rules governing the treatment of urban wastewater. Head of State. Cajaraville, A., Cancela J.J., Cuesta T.S., Fandiño M. and Marey M.F., 2007.Current status of wastewater treatment in rural communities in the province of Lugo. Water Technology 284: 48-52. Carballo, R. Cancela J.J., Cuesta T.S., Churches G. and Neira X.X., 2007. Integrated management of water in a small agricultural basin: the purification of water in small villages. XI International Congress on Project Engineering, Lugo, Spain. Carballo, R. Cancela J.J., Cuesta T.S., Iglesias G., Martinez E.M. and Neira X.X., 2007. Definition of the ecological status of a small agricultural basin in northwestern Spain under the Water Framework Directive. IV National Congress and Congress Iberian Agroingeniería, Albacete, Spain. Council of Ministers, 1995. Resolution of 28 April 1995, which provides for the publication of The Council of Ministers of 17 February 1995, by approving the National Plan of Reorganization and sewage treatment. Ministry of Environment and Housing. 44 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Cuesta TS, Alvarez CJ, Cancela JJ, Miranda D. and Neira XX, 2006. Wastewater management evaluation by using the opinion survey in Galicia, Spain. Water Resources Management, Vol 20 (3), pp.104-115. Cuesta T.S., Cancela J.J., Cajaraville A., Fandino M., Marey M.F., Muiño D. and Neira X.X., 2006. Diagnosis and planning systems, wastewater treatment in rural communities in the province of Lugo (Spain). X International Congress on Project Engineering, Valencia, Spain. Cuesta T.S., Carballo R., Soto M. and Neira X.X., 2006. The wastewater in small rural communities: introduction of cleaner low-cost systems. V Iberian Congress on Water Management and Planning, Faro, Portugal. D.O.G. 104/2001, 2001. Resolution of 22 May 2001, which gives publicity to the approval of the Plan of Reorganization of Galicia 2000-2015. President of the Xunta de Galicia. D.O.G. 155/2001. Law 8 / 2001 of August 2, Protection of water quality of the Galician Rías and Public Management of urban wastewater purification. Presidency of the Xunta. European Commission, 1991. European Directive 91/271/EEC of 21 May 1991 on the treatment of urban wastewater. European Commission. Brussels, Belgium. European Commission, 2000. Water Framework Directive, Directive 2000/60/EEC of 22 December 2000 establishing a framework for community action in the field of water policy, Off. J. Eur Comm., Vol 327, pp.1-72. Garcia J., Mujeriego R., Obis and Bou J., 2011. Wastewater treatment for small communities in Catalonia (Mediterranean region), Water Policy, Vol III (4), 2001, pp.341-350. INE, 2004. “List 2003". National Institute of Statistics. Ministry of Economy and Finance, Madrid. Jaimez P, Palomino JA, Luzon J and Alba J, 2006. Comparison of methodologies for evaluating the ecological status of watercourses. Water Technology 278, 42-57. Lopez-Rubio, E., Munoz-Perez, J., Gomez-Ruiz, J.A., 2002, Self-Organizing Dynamic Graphs, Neural Processing Letters 16 (2) 2002 93-109. Muiño D., Cuesta T.S., Iglesias G. and Neira XX, 2005. Alternatives to the sewage treatment in small rural communities: the case of the Autonomous Community of Galicia. Proceedings of the IX International Congress on Project Engineering, Malaga, Spain, pp.115-116. Muiño D., Cuesta T.S., Cancela J.J., Carballo R., Marin A. and Neira X.X., 2007. Definition of ecological status of river Estanco (Antas of Ulla, Lugo) under the Water Framework Directive. Water Technology 290: 58-63. Pomerol, J.-Ch. and Barba-Romero, S., 2000. Multicriterion decision in management, principles and practice, Kluwer, Dordrecht. Woods, J., Franco, S., 1995. Location-allocation models and Multicriteria Evaluation for the Location of unwanted facilities. Geographical Series 05, University of Alcalá. Publishing Service 45 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Thomas S. García Cuesta Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Santiago de Compostela Polytechnic School, Campus s / n 27002 Lugo, Spain. Phone: +34 982 22 39 96 Fax: +34 982 28 59 26 E-mail: [email protected] URL: 46 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering AUTOMATED VECTORIZATION OF URBAN AREAS BY USING VISIBLE AND INFRARED SPECTRUM IMAGES De Cos Juez, F.J. Prendes Gero, M.B. García Fernández, R. Universidad de Oviedo Alonso, A. Seresco S.A. Abstract A GIS is a computer system capable of capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced information; that is, data identified according to location. The power of a GIS comes from the ability to relate different information in a spatial context and to reach a conclusion about this relationship. The extension of their use is limited by the possibility to incorporate information. Most of the times it must be done manually through the digitalization of the images. Unfortunately this is a complex and tedious task and it represents the maximum contribution to the cost and source of mistakes. The present work shows a software application destined to be used as support for the soil uses planning in the concrete case of urban environments. Present application, throw the combined analysis of images in visible and infrared spectrum, is capable of providing vectorized information so much of the buildings and streets as of the location of green spaces without human intervention. Keywords: GIS; Urban design; Infrared imaging, automatic vectorisation 1. Introduction The constant evolution of technology based on capturing aerial or satellite images, as well as the more sophisticated computer resources, have managed to act as a substitute for fieldwork related to the extraction of geographic characteristics. This means a considerable cost-saving, resulting in a globalization of resources and systems a short time ago reserved only to a few organizations. Nevertheless, these processes are still far from being fully automated (Clapp 1997); therefore it is necessary to do some research on the development of intelligent software in order to deal with certain processes which, although they may be seen as simple for human understanding, they are far from being so for a machine (Pijanowski 2002). 47 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering This particular case is located into the digital cartography field. The purpose of this work is to automate as much as possible the making of a territory/ field map from high resolution images. It is proposed the development of an automated tool capable of providing information on street axes and borders displayed in those images, as well as green areas. The starting point of every Geographic Information System is the capture of aerial images, either taken at low altitude or by satellite. In any case, prior to the beginning of the image acquisition process, it is advisable to establish the requirements of our system. The highest resolution is not always necessary, since a great amount of information could have the opposite effect if what is required is a roughly field analysis. Generally speaking, it is convenient to take several exact images of the same position. If we capture images from a satellite, two pictures taken at two different times may be used to identify and discard shades and objects in motion which could be easily mistaken. Provided the images are captured at low altitude, they must be taken simultaneously and avoid retakes. In order to solve this problem, the best option considered is the combination of images with complimentary information, as the ones taken with thermographic and digital cameras. Thermographic cameras allow us to highlight vegetation areas where RGB images have colour values close to black; or else detecting objects at first glance hidden in shades, though its infrared radiation is enough to identify them in a second RGB image. 2. Methodology To achieve the proposed aims and objectives, a series of characteristics must be fixed as to indicate whether something should be considered as green or urban area. In connection with colours, all greyish areas should be considered as urban areas (streets). This is due to the fact that the asphalt colour varies depending on its type and age, being thus impossible to determine its exact tonality accurately. In addition, given the amount of shades shown in the images, black areas should also be taken into account. Generally speaking, colours with similar components are taken into consideration, except those closer to white. On the other hand, any green coloured area must be analysed in order to identify vegetation areas, as such areas vary their colour tone depending on their type, typology and preservation status. In relation to form, different perspectives are used depending on the required typology. In the case of streets, their specific width limits are essential to leak those areas which do not meet those limits. Likewise, another key feature to be taken into account is the streets interconnection. Therefore, isolated segments are immediately discarded from filtering. The following diagram represents the general process: 48 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering + RGB Image IRG Image Graphic Editing Program Difference RGB- IRG (all channels) Street Detection Diferencia RGB- IRG (red channel) Green Areas Detection 2.1 Previous steps. Prior to the implementation of this process comes the combination of IRG and RGB images to create input images. Two different versions of the same image (IRG and RGB) are merged by a graphic editing program. Applying the “minus” arithmetic operation between IRG and RGB images (in this particular order) and covering all colours (red, green and blue), we will get an image where green areas are displayed in red, while urban areas are highlighted in green. Unfortunately, grey areas cannot be accurately filtered. Streets and grey areas will remain in black. Illustration 2 displays the input images as well as the results of this training process. 49 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Illustration 1: Input and output images alter merging IRG and RGB images for the process of street detection. The previous arithmetic operation was applied among images, in this case covering red colour only. In this particular case, the output is a black and white image with green and urban areas separated from the rest, as it can be seen in Illustration 3: Illustration 2: Output image alter merging IRG and RGB images for the process of detection of green areas. 2.2 Street detection The following diagram shows the street detection process (Illustration 4): 50 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Street Binary Image Generation 1 Binary Image Generation 2 Binary Binary Classification Result Illustration 3: Diagram for the street detection process. 2.3 Generating binary image 1 To generate the binary image from the input images, it was first covered the IRG image pixel by pixel, assigning a false value to every with RGB average components higher than 180; or else, when the difference between the maximum and minimum of their components is below a certain threshold, being 40 for this case. This method allows us, on the one hand, to discard most of the pedestrian areas as well as white areas, and on the other hand, it helps also to discard some set of pixels which cannot be properly evaluated by the generating binary image 2. Illustration 5 shows the results of the implementation of the aforementioned techniques on the input images. Illustration 4: Result of generating binary image 1. 51 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering 2.4 Generating binary image 2 To generate the binary image 2, an algorithm is used to classify the pixels of the input image depending on the values of its R, G and B components. The resulting image is scanned pixel by pixel, separating those pixels with a difference between its red and green components is higher than a certain threshold of the rest. When the algorithm is finished, it will show a binary image where green areas are represented by 1, and the rest of the image is represented by 0. A. A dilatation algorithm will be applied to the output image to reduce noise. Once green areas are apart, it was performed a similar process for buildings, which will be green coloured. It was necessary to scan the image once again pixel by pixel, classifying those pixels depending on the one hand on their different green and blue components, and on the other hand on their green and red ones. At this point, a binary image is obtained where buildings are represented by 1 and the rest by 0. However, contrary to what occurs with green areas, it is not yet possible to reach a conclusive result. As one may see taking a closer look, it can be noticed not only backyards and roof windows, but also shades produced by the difference in height levels, as not belonging to the same domain. On the contrary, small street areas were classified as buildings - red coloured cars – Therefore, it was necessary to scan once again over those areas. It is essential to pay further attention to those areas which are not considered as “buildings” due to their small size. In order to do that, a flood fill is applied to the image, so that different parts of the image are coloured differently, as can be seen in Illustration 6: Illustration 5: Images resulting form binary image application. 2.5 Classification It was first implemented on those areas with not enough width to be considered as streets.These areas are frequently found in parks with asphalted paths or areas with adjoined buildings at different heights, projecting shadows which lead to misleading classifications. The Chamfer Distance System (Echeverria 2008; Yeh 2002), is used to measure distances up to the edge of every pixel. 52 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Finally, the line formed by pixels with a distance value higher than those corresponding to opposite pixels in any possible directions in window 3x3. It must be added those pixels whose distance value is equal or higher than that of their neighbours. Once the dividing borderline is calculated, its pixels are covered, searching for those with a distance value is lower than the minimum threshold considered for a street; then they are rejected. Coming to this point, it is possible to yet consider certain areas as part of the domain (Calijuri 2002). These areas are not considered as streets, however they have not been erased in previous stages by the cleaning algorithm, sue to their size. The elimination of these areas was made according to width and continuity criteria. Given the interconnection among streets, those areas with no connection with borderlines must be rejected as discontinuous. Using the condition of appearing in 2 of the 4 borderlines and not in all of them is made to reduce loss of information. Finally, the image is once again covered calculating the minimum width for each continuous border area (Choi 2000). If that width value is surpassed by a tolerance value determined by a percentage of the size image, it is then considered too wide to be a street and is rejected from the domain. This is used to eliminate rivers or asphalted areas, like courts or fields in corners. It is at this point when we get the definite image. The results must be highlighted to be finished, as pictured in illustration 7: Illustration 6: Final result of automated identification algorithm for streets in urban areas. Plaza del Pilar. 2.6 Green areas detection As with the previous case, to detect green areas a scheme as represented in Illustration 8 was followed: 53 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Green Areas Binary Image Generation 1 Binay Image 1 Green Areas Isolation Intermediate Result Classification Result Illustration 7: Diagram of detection of green areas process. 2.7 Generating binary image 1 In this case, the image resulting from the previous stage is already a binary image. Therefore, it is applied an enhancement process similar to the one used in other binary images, in order to reduce the noise. 2.8 Green areas isolation This is the process in charge of classifying elements within a green area. First, the grass area must be separated from the rest. One of the characteristics observed when working with grass areas is the high level of uniformity, compared to urban tree areas. Therefore, the green area is covered pixel by pixel, searching those whose colour dissimilarity is lower than a certain threshold (Phua 2005). Although the homogeneity level is higher than in other areas, certain level of heterogeneity is also found in adjoined pixels. A low number of discordant elements is allowed among neighbouring pixels, adjusting thus the thresholds on the grounds of acquired experience when applying the algorithm. In any case, windows wider than 3x3 should be used, as the number of pixels to be compared with each other must be wide enough to discard urban tree areas. The proper size of windows will be determined by image resolution. The corresponding widening algorithm will be applied the same as in other processes. The orphan pixels will be cleaned before a conclusive result. 54 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Illustration 9 shows the result of the application of the proposed algorithm to an image detail. It is also included the original infrared and RGB details. Illustration 9: Results of application of grass detection algorithm. The last stage of the 3 process consists in separating different species within the same urban trees area. For this purpose, we concentrate on their different colour tones in the RGB as well as infrared images. In this particular case, the attention is paid mainly on tress with dark green foliage. When it comes to classifying, the heterogeneity level of adjoining pixels must be taken into account, as it is higher in urban tree areas (Mathey 2008). As a consequence, although it may be seen as uniformity from the distance, it may not be quite so. This makes us allow more pixels which do not meet the colour requirements, widening thus the conditions and tolerance of the set. Therefore, the algorithm to be used would be similar to the one used for separating trees from grass, allowing for RGB values more than for the uniformity of the set. 55 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering As the presence of little shades is constant in all areas throughout urban trees, it must be taken into account the frequency of darker pixels we are bound to find. When a slightly darker pixel from those around is found, it will be checked if any of its “neighbours” belong to the seeking set (Wong 2008). Supposing these pixels are not yet scanned, it must be then calculated which set they belong to, t is then incorporated to the domain if a significant number of their neighbours belong to the same set. The same will be applied to pixels with some shades around it, which will be included in the domain along with their adjoining neighbours. The process finally finishes with the application of the above mentioned clean and enhancement algorithms, proceeding afterwards with the merging of the input and output images for the final result, as can be seen in Illustration 10: Illustration 10: Result of the application of tree classifying algorithm. 3. Conclusions As a conclusion, a code implementation allows for a 75% automatic street detection and 85% green area detection within an urban area. This represents an important step forward in what such type of tools are capable to perform. The generated tool enables to store new content in the geographic information systems for the Local Administration, thus improving their own management and making them more efficient in customer service. Finally, regarding future steps on this project, it is expected to maintain and update the generated code with new generated data (input images from new locations). This will not only enhance its usefulness, but also serve of great hep to contrast and filter the algorithms expressly designed for this application. 56 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Likewise, it lays the foundations for future species classification for the defined green areas. References Bhering, E.; Calijuri, M.L., Marques, E., Meira, E. and Maia, F., 2000. Digital land-use cartography—the example of Viçosa, Brazil, Engineering Geology, Volume 63, Issues 1-2, pp1-16 Brown, G.; Manik; G.; Pijanowski, B. Shellito, B., 2002. Using neural networks and GIS to forecast land use changes: a Land Transformation Model, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 26, Issue 6, pp. 553-575 Clapp, J.M., Rodriguez, M. and Thrall, G.; 1997.How GIS Can Put Urban Economic Analysis on the Map; Journal of Housing Economics, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 368-386 Coomes, D., Echeverria C.; Hall, M. and Newton A.C. Spatially explicit models to analyze forest loss and fragmentation between 1976 and 2020 in southern Chile; Ecological Modelling, Volume 212, Issues 3-4, 10, pp 439-449 Keechoo Choi and Wonjae Jang, 2000. Development of a transit network from a street map database with spatial analysis and dynamic segmentation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 8, Issues 1-6, FebruaryDecember 2000, Pages 129-146 Krcmar, E.; Mathey, A.; Dragicevic, S. and Vertinsky, I.; 2008. An object-oriented cellular automata model for forest planning problems, Ecological Modelling, Volume 212, Issues 3-4, pp. 359-371 Minowa, M. and Phua, M.; 2005. A GIS-based multi-criteria decision making approach to forest conservation planning at a landscape scale: a case study in the Kinabalu Area, Sabah, Malaysia, Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 71, Issues 2-4 Sumić, Z., Venkata, S. and Yeh, E., 2002 Intelligent Tools and Their Applications in Geographic Information Systems, Expert Systems, pp 489-551 Wong, N. and Jusuf, S.; 2008, GIS-based greenery evaluation on campus master plan. Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 84, Issue 2, 6, pp. 166-182 Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Francisco Javier De Cos Juez. Área de Proyectos de Ingeniería Universidad de Oviedo. C/ Independencia 13, 33002 Oviedo (España). Phone: +34 985 10 42 72 Fax: + 34 985 10 42 56 E-mail: [email protected] URL: 57 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering MODEL FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION PLANNING Cardín, M. Álvarez, C.J. University of Santiago de Compostela Abstract In this paper is described one of our most successful projects, which was the establishment of a Model for Agricultural Production Planning in 21 rural areas (“comarcas”) of Galicia. The first part of our research consisted in obtaining field information about these areas. Fieldwork was carried out between 2002 and 2004, and consisted of 4.348 surveys made to farmers from these 21 “comarcas” of Galicia, more than 350 interviews to experts, and of course bibliographic, statistical and cartographic research. The second part consisted in the generation of a Model for Agricultural Production Planning (including agricultural and livestock farming, and forestry), which could be used for decision-making assessment in the application of policies, programs and plans at this “comarca” scale. It was created to be an instrument to plan agricultural uses of land, to rationalize and optimize the sustainable exploitation of rural soils, and to achieve higher levels of rural development The core of this model was the establishment of 44 indicators of sustainability (social, environmental and economical indicators), and the integration of them in a computer application. Keywords: Agricultural Production Planning, indicators of sustainability, indicators of rural development. 1. Introduction By the end of 2001, the University of Santiago de Compostela, under a form of joint venture (Unión Temporal de Empresas or UTE) with EIDO GALICIA, S.L. Consultants, successfully tendered for a contract to provide technical assistance on the project ‘Development of Agricultural Production Planning Surveys in 22 comarcas of the Autonomous Community of Galicia, 2001-2002’, funded by the Galician Administration. (UTE EIDO-USC, 2004) The aim of our Agricultural Production Planning Studies was to generate an objective Model of Agricultural Production Planning (comprising agriculture, farming and forestry) to support and dynamize production sectors, which could be used as a decision-making tool to implement policies, schemes and plans aimed at rural comarcas (Andersen et al, 2007)The model was used as an instrument to allocate agricultural land uses, to rationalize and optimize the sustainable use of rural land and to promote rural development (Álvarez et al., 2008; Riveiro et al., 2008). 58 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering The Objective Agricultural Planning Model for Galician Comarcas synthesizes the information pertaining to the distinctive features of the current situation and of the parameters that govern the evolution of the situation based on the analysis of a number of elements that characterize the agricultural subsystem of an area (natural environment, socioeconomic conditions, infrastructure and legal framework). By using this model, the potential situation of agricultural production in the area considered can be delineated. (De Wit & Van Keulen, 1988; Riveiro et al. 2005). Agricultural Production Planning was considered as a process for the spatial organization of agricultural and forestry products that allocated specific land uses to priority land areas at the comarca level. The aim of such a spatial organization process was to achieve sustainable development by optimizing agricultural production systems according to structural and socioeconomic conditions and by considering environmental concerns (Riveiro et al., 2005). The Comarcas included in the Agricultural Production Planning research were: • Province of A Coruña: Arzúa, Bergantiños, Noia, Ordes, Terra de Melide and Ortegal. • Province of Lugo: A Fonsagrada, Os Ancares, Terra Chá, A Ulloa, A Mariña Occidental and Terra de Lemos. • Province of Pontevedra: O Baixo Miño, Tabeirós-Terra de Montes, Caldas, O Salnés and A Paradanta. • Province of Ourense: Terra de Celanova, Terra de Trives, O Ribeiro, O Carballiño and A Limia Figure 1: Location of the 22 comarcas studied in the Autonomous Community of Galicia, NW Spain. 2. Methods 2.1. Characterization of Comarcas The characterization phase involved the systematic and comprehensive collection of data pertaining to aspects that could be used to describe the current situation of the structures and productive sectors that form the agricultural structure of the comarca The collected data were structured into three levels: 59 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering 1) ‘Objective information’, obtained by reviewing all the documentary sources available (literature, maps, statistics, internet information…). 2) ‘Field information’, obtained from a survey on the agricultural sector that was conducted through direct and personal interviews with experts who were well acquainted with the situation of the comarca (more than 350 experts over the 22 comarcas studied). 3) ‘Individual information’, obtained from a field survey among 4384 farm owners of all the parishes and productive sectors in the different comarcas. The farmers survey was a valuable source of information because it checked a variety of aspects related to the attitude and competence of producers, which is particularly relevant in the assessment of the response of affected farmers to the implementation of specific measures and actions. 2.2. Zoning of Comarcas Although the contract was regional in scope, the research team searched for homogeneous units within the regions or comarcas in order to increase the definition of the Objective Agricultural Planning Model and to correct the internal heterogeneity of comarcas. The defined homogeneous units were composed of groups of parishes with similar characteristics. The research scope changed then from a municipal to a parish range; that meant an additional effort to obtain the pertinent information. Based on parish units, the regional territory was subdivided into a number of units with a given level of homogeneity that could be useful in crop planning. To delineate such units, the environmental, structural and socioeconomic characteristics of the different parishes were analyzed. The 88 units resulting from the subdivision of comarcas were termed Ecological and Economic Units (EEUs) and became the basic units of analysis and production of results. The method used to perform such a subdivision was based on multivariate cluster analysis. Cluster analysis is aimed at solving problems in the classification of variables into homogeneous groups. Consequently, cluster analysis defined parish groups (EEUs) or clusters, so that the variance between variables of the same group was minimized and the variance between variables of different groups or EEUs was maximized. 2.3. Data management After the main characteristics of the initial situation were known and every comarca was divided into homogeneous units, the following step was to compare the suitability of every crop or land use for a given Ecological and Economic Unit (EEU). To that end, the so-called Suitability Matrix was constructed to contrast the information obtained from the characterization of comarcas for every EEU and every crop and land use considered. 2.4. Estimator design To construct the matrix, a set of ‘Sustainability Indicators’ or ‘Estimators’ was defined. Sustainability indicators provide information about the social, environmental or economic constraints that determine the feasibility of farms for a given agricultural or forest land use in every EEU. These estimators used information from the 1999 Agricultural Census, and also from the conducted interviews and surveys. 60 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering By constructing estimators (one for each answer -or group of answers- to the survey, one for each specific aspect -or group of data- from the Census), the total score obtained (number of positive responses or specific value), which was interpreted in absolute terms, was transformed into a relative value that was used to compare different EEUs and Comarcas. By using relative values, the deviations of the analyzed values (e.g. responses to survey questions or census data) from the mean of the entire set of comarcas can be known. The general construction of the estimators is described below. There are three types of estimators, classified according to the operational procedure used: simple, complex and composite estimators. The method developed to obtain a Simple Estimator can be best described by way of an example. Let us consider the percentage of positive responses to a question in the field survey, named question K. The construction of the corresponding simple estimator, EK, consists of the following steps: 1. Estimation of the percentage of positive responses to question K (or aspect K) in Unit X, denoted by PK,X. 2. Estimation of the percentage of positive responses to question K (or mean value of aspect K) for the whole set of comarcas, denoted by PK,T. This value, which coincided with the mean value of positive responses, was assigned a Simple Estimator EK value of 0.5. 3. Search for the Unit with the lowest value of positive responses to question K (or minimum value of that aspect) from among the whole set of comarcas. Such a value was denoted as MINK, and was assigned a Simple Estimator EK value of 0. 4. Search for the Unit with the highest value of positive responses to question K (or maximum value of that aspect) from among the whole set of comarcas. Such a value was denoted as MAXK, and was assigned a Simple Estimator EK value of 1. 5. The value of the Simple Estimator EK for Unit X was obtained by interpolation: if the value of PK,X was lower than the mean for the Comarcas, the EK value for Unit X was obtained by interpolation between MINK and PK,T. If the value of PK,X was higher than the mean, the EK value for Unit X was obtained by interpolation between PK,T and MAXK. Figure 2 shows the construction method. Highest % of positive responses % of positive responses for unit X Average % of positive responses Lowest % of positive responses 0,0 0,5 Value of the estimator for unit X 1,0 Figure 2: Conversion of total scores into homogeneous units. 61 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Simple estimators were built such that low values of the estimator (minimum = 0) represented frequencies of positive responses below the mean for the comarcas, and high values of the estimator (maximum = 1) represented frequencies of positive responses above the mean. The mean value for the comarcas was set at 0.5. Such a method was valid when assessing responses to simple questions. However, the response could sometimes take more than two values (positive/negative) or values lying in different ranges. In such cases, another type of estimator had to be defined: Complex estimators. The methods used to construct Simple or Complex estimators can be used to construct virtually any numerical value based on field survey values (% positive or negative responses to over 60 questions) or census values (% area allocated to a specific land use, as compared to the average for Galicia). The problem comes down to simplifying the information available, which is too rich and sometimes redundant, and to applying it to a suitability matrix. For simplification purposes, Composite estimators were constructed. Composite estimators were used to group (as a mean or weighted mean) the responses to two or several related questions, such that the value of each estimator provided considerably more information than the mere survey results or census data. 2.5. Suitability Matrix The Suitability Matrix included two sets of elements, grouped into ‘Rows’, in which up to 50 different crops or livestock productions were represented, and ‘Columns’, in which up to 44 sustainability indicators were identified and tabulated. A suitability matrix was constructed for each EEU, such that a total of 88 suitability matrices were obtained. Each matrix contained data pertaining to the estimators for the relevant area and assessed such information for every product. The suitability of the crop or land use ‘n’ was equivalent to the following value: 44 PS n = ∑ WFi xTEi ,n (1) i =1 Where: PSn: Total value of the suitability of crop or livestock product ‘n’ for an EEU, between a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1000. The matrix construction method allows for the comparison of the PSn value obtained with the values obtained for other EEUs, such that the suitability of the different comarcas for producing a crop or land use can be compared. WFi: Weighting factor for Constraint i. Weighting factors are used to adjust the relative weights of the different constraints or limiting factors. Weighting factors are constant for all the EEU and crops, but can be modified by the user. 62 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering TEi,n : Transformed Estimator of Weighting Factor i for crop or land use n. The transformed estimator stands for the value of the sustainability indicator defined to characterize constraint/limiting factor i, weighted for each specific crop or land use. The weighting factors defined above are unique because each estimator is weighted for each crop. By calculating Suitability PSn, a numerical value between 0 and 1000 is obtained that includes the weighted sum of the different estimators by crop and EEU, and represents the potential carrying capacity for a crop or land use in an EEU. This value presents two remarkable characteristics: - It represents a relative comparison value among the 50 crops/land uses considered. This allows to set a hierarchy for these productions in the EEU, and so to establish the most suitable crops/land uses for that EEU, which will undergo the following analysis. - Suitability Values are obtained through a homogeneous method for all the EEUs, so it is possible to recognize for which Units a crop/land use is more suitable, thus the suitability values for a crop or land use can be organized by EEU into a hierarchy. Each factor was assessed by using the sustainability criteria defined in the above section, and could be transformed into numerical values that varied for every EEU and crop or land use. 2.6. Calculation of Transformed Estimators A key element must be considered in the calculation of transformed estimators: the sensitivity of every crop or livestock product to each of the issues included in the numerical values of the estimators. For example, one can obtain a numerical value for the average slope of a given geographical area, and this value will be included numerically in the Slope Estimator. However, the effect of slope on the suitability of a crop is dependent not only on the average slope value, but also on the suitability of the slope value obtained for crop productivity. Thus, slope values exceeding 10% may impede the introduction of a given crop in an area, while the same slope range may be suitable for other crops. Accordingly, the value of each estimator must be adjusted to the sensitivity of each crop or livestock product. For that purpose, various transform functions were applied. These transform functions were different for each estimator and for each crop or livestock product considered within each estimator. By applying the specific transform function for a crop to an estimator, a new value was obtained: the Transformed Estimator. 63 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Table 1: List of Estimators (I). 64 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Table 1.List of Estimators (II) Table 1: Shows the 44 estimators used in the model and the weights assigned to each estimator. 3. Results To illustrate the potentials of the model, an example is provided below. The example discusses the results obtained for Baixo Miño, a comarca located in Southwest Galicia; more specifically, for its EEU-1. The five EEUs obtained from the spatial zoning process were distributed as shown in Map 1. 65 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Figure 3: Division of Baixo Miño comarca into EEUs. Table 2 includes the results of the suitability matrix for EEU-1, and table 3 the joint analysis of the matrix for EEU and crop (Mixed classification). 66 Area: Land Management, Urbanism, Architecture and Civil Engineering Table 2: Suitability matrix for EEU-1 67 Area: Product Engineering Table 3: Mixed matrix for EEU-1 /crops. As shown in Table 2, the most suitable crops are horticultural crops, followed by a group of crops composed of cut flowers, vineyard, mirabelle plum (native variety of plum, Prunus domestica L. var. syriaca) and ornamental plants. The analysis of the overall assessment of the results sorted by order (relative classification within an EEU, obtained from the suitability matrix) and magnitude (overall classification of a crop or land use for all the comarcas considered as a whole) and summarized in Table 3, coincides with the situation shown in the previous table, only with some differences in the relative position of crops, which do not affect the election of the suitabilities assessed. Mirabelle plum ranks first because of the current weight of the crop, which is limited to the Baixo Miño comarca. 68 Area: Product Engineering The main factors that maximize the suitability of these crops and uses are: - Horticultural crops: The EEU presents good weather conditions for this product. Availability of established commercial channels and a processing industry in the region. High membership of farmers to associations or groups. The comarca is near seasonal consumption areas. Availability of hired labour. High potential for these crops. - Cut flowers under cover: Proximity to large seasonal consumption areas. Availability of hired labour. High current weight of the crop. - Vineyard: Good suitability of the EEU for this product. Good integration of the crop in the agricultural landscape of the EEU. Good marketing conditions, favoured by the existence of a good commercial channel, the strong presence of processing industries in the region, and the availability of hired labour. PDO Certificate. - Mirabel: Good marketing conditions, favoured by the existence of a good commercial channel, and presence of processing industries in the region. Proximity to large seasonal consumption areas, and high potentiality of internal markets. Availability of hired labour. Production of the crop is almost exclusive of the region. High potentiality of the crop. - Ornamental plants: Good integration of the crop in the EEU, as the climate is very suitable for this product. Good marketing conditions, favoured by the existence of a good commercial channel and a high potentiality of the foreign markets. Availability of hired labour. High current weight and potentiality of the crop. 4. Conclusions Our first consideration for the drawing of conclusions is based on the premise that no model, regardless of its quality, can replace the work of a technician; we expect it to be an efficient help. The model presented in this paper has proved useful in agricultural production planning and has enabled the Galician Administration, Xunta de Galicia, to define operational measures and action policies based on the results of the model. Moreover, comparative assessment methods, which are typical of project engineering, have a high potential for prioritizing objectives and for using all the information available. This model can be further developed by introducing more (comprising more aspects) and better (more detailed) information. The expansion of the model to the whole Autonomous Community of Galicia would produce more efficient assessments. Furthermore, in the decision process new indicators can be introduced, or existing ones improved. Obviously the model must be more deeply tested, and is widely open to new improvements, particularly in aspects as the weighting coefficients for the indicators or the automatic use of transformed indicators to obtain an immediate assessment system. The limitations of the model derive from two main aspects: 1) the need to analyze the weighting of the indicators, i.e. the relative weight of each indicator in the final result and 2) the use of transformations that represent the suitability of environmental factors for the characteristics of each crop or land use. 69 Area: Product Engineering References Álvarez C.J., Riveiro J.A., Marey M.F., 2008. Typology classification and characterization of farms for agricultural production planning. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 6 (1), pp. 125-136. Andersen E., Elbersen B., Godeschalkc F., Verhoog D., 2007. Farm management indicators and farm typologies as a basis for assessments in a changing policy environment. Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 82 (3), pp. 353-362. De Wit C.T., Van Keulen H., 1988. Application of interactive multiple goal programming techniques for analysis and planning of regional agricultural development. Agricultural Systems. Vol. 26, pp. 211-230. Riveiro J.A., Álvarez C.J., Miranda D., Pereira J.M., 2005. Profitability and production requirements for land use allocation of farming and forestry land. Biosystems Engineering. Vol. 90 (4), pp. 477-484. Riveiro J.A., Álvarez C.J., Marey M.F., Marco J.L., Alvarez C.J., 2008. Procedure for the classification and characterization of farms for agricultural production planning: Application in the Northwest of Spain. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Vol. 6 (1), pp. 169–178. UTE EIDO-USC., 2004. Estudios Comarcales de Ordenación Productiva Agraria de 21 comarcas, Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Política Agroalimentaria e Desenvolvemento Rural. Santiago de Compostela. Acknowledgements This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, General Research Directorate, CICYT, within the framework of Research Project ‘Integration of information into a methodological model applied to decision making in the management of agricultural production planning processes, AGL2006-04789/AGR” (X-2006 to IX-2009) (National Programme). Research group: GI 1716-Projects and Planning-USC. Also contributed the FPU Program of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Marta Cardín Pedrosa G.I. 1716 - Proyectos y Planificación Escuela Politécnica Superior. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Departamento de Ingeniería Agroforestal. Campus Universitario s/n, 27002, Lugo, Spain. Phone: +34 982 285900 ext 23323 Fax: +34 982 285926 E-mail: [email protected] 70 Area: Product Engineering DEFINITION OF A METHODOLOGY FOR FOSTERING INTEGRATED COLLABORATION IN SMALL-TO-MEDIUM COMPANIES OF THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT / CONSTRUCTION SECTOR Santos Fonseca, S. Encauza; G.I.C.C. Alanta, SL Abstract The project aims to create a methodology for managing construction projects, in a way that area, quality, information technology and legislative factors are taken into account. The methodology has been developed to facilitate both awareness and definition of the legal requirements in the area and for each company. It also aims to manage all the documents that fulfill these requirements through Microsoft Sharepoint Server Services in conjunction with Small Business Server 2003 and Terminal Server licenses, while also working along with other software such as PRESTO, CONTAPLUS and Microsoft OFFICE. As a result, the company has become better prepared to understand its role in society and the importance of INTEGRATED COLLABORATION for bringing together information that was previously dispersed within the company. In this way, it integrates different processes of a real estate enterprise, from choosing the adequate plot for its execution up to its concrete realization, including the definition of the ground plan. Keywords: Project Management, Technology of the Information, Systems of Management, Tools of Management, Quality, Real Estate Promotion and Construction. 1. Introduction This works aims at developing a methodology for integrating all the distinct processes involved in the construction sector. It is supposed to be a tool for helping the coordination of different professionals in each stage of the project, the management of all the knowledge produced within the company during the execution of a project and the operational and strategic communication of the guidelines and goals of each different project. The small to medium sized company would benefit most from this methodology in the area of development and construction. Its directive body should be clearly interested in enhancing the deployment of resources in the performance of tasks, be interested in getting to know the gap between real versus planned for all the activities encompassed in the project and be interested in a type of structured information, in real time, for facilitating decision-making. ALANTA, a small-to-medium developer and constructor in need to develop its organizational capacity through the implementation of information technology tools, has decided to invest in the creation of a methodology to guide the updating process of its managerial tools. The 71 Area: Product Engineering managerial deficits identified by ALANTA are common to many other companies of its sector and size. Many companies which have achieved the implementation of a certified system of management, such as UNE-ISO 9001/2000 and 14001/2004 by AENOR in the case of ALANTA, still notice that they need to integrate their managerial systems. The fact that information technology might provide the tool for helping decision-making has prompted in many companies the willingness to reform their organizational structures in relation to data flow, collaboration, coordination and adaptation to an ever changing legal environment. 2. The Development / Construction Sector The Spanish Development/Construction sector has been extensively regulated. There is, in this sense, an opportunity for keeping legislation as a guideline for designing the data flow of a company, as each company has the need to organize its internal processes in relation to the legal requirements that regulate a real estate enterprise. Undoubtedly, the existence of a specific legislation for this sector demonstrates the importance of the real estate activity within the Spanish economy. Real estate purchase is normally an important step in the customer's life, and they, for making such a decision, usually require a great deal of warranties, state-of-art technological improvements and increasingly a selfsustainable relationship with the environment. All these factors impact upon the legislation regulating the sector and it becomes necessary for the company to adopt a strong managerial attitude as to cope with both new and old legal requirements. Among the extensive legislation in the sector, some can illustrate what has been above said: − Law 57/1968, regulating the anticipated amounts in construction and sale of housing units (BOE #181, July, 29th 1968). − RD 515/1989 about the protection of consumers in relation to information access in the purchase and rent of housing. − Law 38/99, Ordination of Edification, November, 5th, published in the BOE# 266, November, 6th 1999 - pages 38925 to 38934. − Royal Decree 314/2006, March, 17th, bring into force the Technical Code of Edification. − Ley 32/2006, October, 18th, regulates subcontracts in the Construction Sector. − Resolution from August, 1st 2007, from the Dirección General de Trabajo, in which it is incribed in the record and published the IV Convenio Colectivo General del Sector de la Construcción. − Royal Decree 105/2008, February, 1st, which regulates the production and management of debris and refuse from construction and demolition. Among the examples, its is possible to notice that the legislation refers to the relationships of development/construction companies with its clients, workers, providers, public administration, environment and the execution of the work itself. It reinforces, therefore, all the legislation that is normally applicable to any other company in a different sector. For better comprehending the operation of the real estate sector, with the help of the Law 38/99 – Regulation of Construction, it is possible to identify all the different agents in the construction process: the developer, the project designer, the construction site director, the execution director, institutions and labs of quality control for construction the providers and the 72 Area: Product Engineering customer. Through this list, it is possible to understand that the coordination of collaboration is one of the key elements for the success of construction project. In order to develop a methodology for the implementation of an integrated collaboration platform, one has to follow the usual structures of coordination in construction projects, in accordance with market practices. Thus, it is possible to distinguish: Coordination centered around Optional Direction (Construction Director and Execution Director); In order to form the Optional Direction, the most traditional way of conducting construction projects, developers, either guided by their experience or by a preliminary viability research, hires a Project designer. This designer normally ends up as the Construction Director, normally indicating a trustful Execution Director, who jointly are the Optional Direction. The Optional Direction helps the Developer to formalize a construction contract with the main contractor (constructor) for effectively executing the project. The main contractor becomes responsible for the execution of the construction and for hiring all necessary subcontractors. The Optional Direction remains with the technical and economic coordination of the construction. Even though the Optional Direction is present in some processes in the project, even helping the developer to articulate the project and select the constructor, its participation should not be characterized by a integrated coordination, as it does not take part in all stages of the project and does not stay close to the decision-making processes. Coordination centered in the Main Contractor; In another version, the coordination of the project is through the developer, which becomes the Main Contractor, managing the effective implementation of the Execution Project and becoming responsible for contracting all the specialized subcontractors. For designing the project and forming the Optional Direction, it is usual to follow the same above mentioned procedure, but the Execution Direction is normally indicated by the Developer or becomes part of its responsibilities. In this arrangement, Developers are better structured for carrying out the execution of the construction. However, the coordination of the project is not yet fully integrated, as there might be a gap between the technical coordination, the projector and future Construction Director, and the coordination of the remaining areas of the project, in the hands of the Main Contractor. Coordination centered in the Delegated Developer; In the case there is a Delegated Developer, it is assumed that the entrepreneurs, generally from outside the sector, are going to take the economic responsibility and seek for support from someone who can coordinate the project in its entirety. This one would be responsible for the preliminary assessments, the contraction of a projector for designing a project, the formation of an Optional Direction, contracting several specialized subcontractors and the sale (if that is the purpose) up to the sale follow-up. There is a very professional relationship between proprietor and delegated developer, as the latter has to be well prepared for providing periodical information about the situation of a project. In this sense, it would be easier for the Delegated Developer to perform its tasks if the coordination better integrates all the participants that cooperate in the project and knows, in real time, the condition of each activity in the project as to report all the information as readily and accurately as possible. The development/construction sector is extremely complex and there are many aspect which need to be further developed. In this work, it has been attempted to provide to small-to-medium companies a methodology in which theuy can rationalize the use of their resources. 73 Area: Product Engineering 3. Objective Analyse the peculiarities in the real estate sector, mostly identifying its key managerial aspects and its context. Develop a methodology which can fit the singularities of the real estate sector, in order to offer a tool easy to implement and direct application for the directing body of a company in development and construction. Implement the methodology in a small-to-large company in development and construction. 4. Methodology and Case Study 4.1 ALANTA ALANTA is a small-to-medium developer and constructor which has decided to support and finance an academic research within its working environment as to qualitatively improve its organizational structure for facing new challenges in a more competitive, complex and uncertain market. Its CEO, Luis Gracia Adrián, used to say at that moment: “The real estate market is increasingly more developed, its customers increasingly more demanding, and there is no room for non-professionalized companies”. In January 2005: It achieved its credentials from Aenor in both UNE-ISO 9001/2000 and UNE-ISO 14001/2004; It prepared itself for facing an imminent crisis in the real estate market and attempted to adjust its internal organizational structure, its internal processes, its operational communications and enhance its projects in a digital culture, as to create a more competitive portfolio and maximize its resources; It kept all its documentation in paper-based archives, even though electronically generated through spreadsheet and word processors (Microsoft Office); It was not fully integrated, since all the tasks that were not necessary for the certification processes were not within the system. This situation appeared to rely on two distinct and informal systems: one for “quality” and the other for management; It used to communicate its values through the Management Handbook, whose hardcopies were sent to every collaborator. Besides costly and environmentally inappropriate, it required an excessive workload to keep it updated; It had a technological base with computers connected through a simple network without client/server protocol. The files were organized within Windows Explorer with a few rules for the creation of folders. The interpretation of users, however, resulted in a hardly controllable process, in which documents produced by a third party were not easily accessed; It used CONTAPLUS for accounting, PRESTO for project control and Microsoft OFFICE. 4.2. Definition of a Methodology for implementing a Platform for Integrated Collaboration In order to face the challenge of developing and implementing a Platform of Integrated Colaboration, three main goals were set: 74 Area: Product Engineering Check / adapt the continuously compliance with all the requirements that are imposed to the company and the projects, by verifying the records generated in the execution of different processes in order to avoid duplication of compliance; Guide the collaborators of the company through a Map of Processes, which allows for the inclusion of a new contribution, at any time, of an action within the scope of the project and the company. On the top of it, the agents should be capable of understanding the requirements satisfied with each record and the responsibility originated by the generation of each record; Shift from a fragmented management, paper-based, to an integrated management, based on computerized tools, with the possibility of remote collaboration (as the construction projects are geographically dispersed) in a standardized and organized setting for facilitating the consult of documents and information of the projects and the company; 4.3 Reduction by Adherence Layers The reduction by adherence layers has been planned to facilitate a systematic verification if all the records in the management system satisfy all the requirements in ALANTA, but also for enabling an ongoing adjustment to new requirements that come to be enacted later. Each layer of reference will mirror at least the normative guideline of reference (it is considered to be an internal normative guideline when the requirements are created within the company itself), the source of reference and the class of application (Construction, Management, Environment, Development, Health and Safety, Urbanism) and any other requirements to be observed. Requirement (6) Requirement (7) ren ce La ye r( 3) Once identified the reference layer, the definition of requirements will take place in relation to their application character (legal, those required by the legislation for the sector, and strategic, those that the company deems necessary to be implemented according to a strategic normative guideline); the application activity, the execution unity (construction unities, a stage in the process, or a sub-process), the execution process, the record that proves its compliance (the document that shows the fulfillment of a requirement); the responsible for the requirement and the requirement client (the one who demands its compliance). ren ce La ye r( 2) Re fe Requirement (8) Layer of Adherence Requirement (4) Registry - 1 (1 y 5) Registru - 3 (3 y 7) Registry -2 (2, 4 y 6) Registry - 4 (8) Re fe ren ce La ye r( 1) Re fe Requirement (5) Reduction by Adherence Layers Requirement (1) Requirement (2) Requirement (3) Total Requirements = 7 There is ADHERENCE only when they match Registry, Responsible of requirement and Requirement client Total Registries = 4 75 Area: Product Engineering 4.4 The Processes Map The Processes Map ought to offer any participant the opportunity to place him or her, while developing a task, at least in relation to: his/her needs: which documents are necessary for developing the task; his/her understanding: what has been fulfilling while developing the task; his/her importance: which client will deploy the result of the task; However, the Processes Map should work as a “road map” in which at any time the participant might understand all the possible ways for a project to be borne, grow and turn into a database (documental flow). It also has to allow for finding out all the criteria that the company needs to fulfill for assessing its viability (profit margins indexes and strategic necessity) and the criteria for decision-making that needs to be embodied in the project. The previous Reduction by adherence layers facilitates drawing the Processes Map. However, for facilitating the interaction of processes and documents, given the complexity of some management systems, there should be reminded that the Processes Map might be unfolded through auxiliary documents. The work of coordinating constructing projects is very complex as it depends on bringing together distinct areas of knowledge. It can be from technical areas, as architecture and engineering, but it may also involve salesman, administrator, accountants and computational technical support. On the top of it, the level of acquaintance and understanding of those diverse collaborators varies greatly within a project or company. Therefore, it requires an extra effort form the company for achieving a Processes Map which can coordinate all these collective contributions. 4.5 Information Technology The definition of a software tool which can be used as a Collaboration Platform is not easy to achieve, as the selection parameters are so variegated and full of technicalities, making it not user friendly. Hence, following the methodology of Reduction by adherence layers and designing a good Processes Map enables the company to be in a better position for knowing its information flow. It makes possible to reduce the information to a minimally necessary flow and to define those who need it and when it is needed. This has helped to develop a standard for sensibly evaluating complex tools: I. In relation to the type of solutions available in the market: o Classify solutions: Mix of functional tools (integration solution that encompasses tools for different branches of knowledge) or tools of single database, the so-called ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning – integration solution for distinct branches of knowledge in a single tool which defines, internally, the data flow); o Sub-classify the tools of single database among the so-called developed ERPs (solutions developed by technology companies from their own needs) and vertical (solutions developed for a sector from an open source standardized platform). II. In relation to the level of compatibility between the resources of the application and the needs of the company (software): o Establish the processes which should be covered by the software; o Define the level of compatibility by determining to which extent each software fulfills the minimum processes of the company 76 Area: Product Engineering III. In relation to the need of resources for the implementation: o Define the typology of the network and the configuration of the equipment for running each of the options (hardware); o Define the amount of time and human resources needed for set-up, implementation and loading of historical database for getting each solution operative; o Define the cost of implementation. IV. Select the most appropriated solution for the company o Classifying Solutions – assign higher scores for tools of a single database; o Sub-classifying tools of a single database – assign higher scores for the vertical and modular ones; o Level of compatibility – the higher the level of compatibility the the higher the score and discard solutions whose level the compatibility is below 70%; o Resources for implementation – higher score for the lower costs; Results in ALANTA ALANTA has followed the steps of the methodology in a way that: ■ Application of Reduction by Adherence Layers: ○ It has been obtained the minimum records for complying with all the requirements of implementation in the company; ○ it has been identified about 200 records to comply with all the requirements, remaining near 75 records for construction projects, 70 records for development projects and 55 records for the management of the requirements of a project called Administration. However, the number of necessary records may change based on some characteristics of development or construction projects; ○ It has been proved easy to adequate records of the system by changing both the Layers of Reference and the requirements of application, as there were regulatory changes over the implementation period; ■ Map of Processes: It has been noticed that, when adjusting the Map of Processes to premises of the methodology, it has been transformed into an efficient browser for situating collaborator in relation to the task that is going to be performed. The collaborator has all information, in a structured way, to carry out the task, generating greater fluidity in operational communication with the recipient of the work. the the the the ■ Information Technology: ○ it has been defined the process of documentation management as the most important to encourage a more integrated collaboration in ALANTA; 77 Area: Product Engineering o it has been taken into account that ALANTA already worked with PRESTO, CONTAPLUS, MS Project, as well as Microsoft Office; o few options provided a solution with a Level of Compatibility above 70% (adopt a solution with a low Level of Compatibility means either to relinquish some features already planned or incur a higher cost for adaptation); o the solutions were still very focused on the accounting aspects of the projects (economic and financial management) and deficient in the management of flows and documents; o in general the applications did not encompass both the management of development and of construction, or they were very strong in one area at the expense of the other; o some solutions for the management of development projects proposed the integration for the management of construction with the use of PRESTO; o the need to invest in new hardware and operating systems would cost between 10,000 and € 20,000 €; o the cost of the solutions in information technology was too broad, starting from 30,000.00 € up 240.000,00 €; o the solutions that showed a Compatibility degree of more than 70% were above of 80,000 €; o the time of implantation and burden of historical data for the implementation of a new solution was not less than 90 days, but it could reach up to 180 days; 4.7. Platform of Integrated Collaboration in Sharepoint Server Services It was not possible to find tool that could adjust itself 100% to ALANTA expectations in relation to cost/quality among the 11 softwares analysed. Hence, it has adopted a strategy of introducing small changes for later facilitating the impementation of a management tool, giving time to the market for providing a more complete and less expensive management tools in the meantime. These small changes required the company to: Base the internal network in a client/server protocol with a powerful server and a good system of backup; Renew the hardware as to allow everyone to work with the same operational system; Enable the remote connection to ALANTA's server through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Terminal Server; Integrate PRESTO and Contaplus, while acquiring more licenses from PRESTO; Develop an intranet for the document management on Sharepoint Serveices Server, which comes without charge within Microsoft Server 2003. In order to take the results of the Reduction by adherence layers and the Map of Processes into a structure for document management, it has been necessary to: - Create lists for Reference Layers, Application Requirements, Processes, records, Projects and Users; - Create a list for filing all documents created or received in ALANTA in terms of the projects where a document belongs, the type of record it satisfies and the stage in which it takes place; - Define windows for Project management, Process execution and management of each agent records; 78 Area: Product Engineering - Set up Warnings for telling each participant of new entries, changes or elimination of documents. In Figure 2 it is possible to see a diagram of the relationship between lists by their attributes and a suggestion for the minimally necessary attributes which should be defined for each type of list. Layer of Adherence Requirements of Application Regulation Character of Application Source Activity Class of application Execution unity Requirements Records Process Records Process Type Class Responsible Execution unity Process client Projects Type Status Filing User Project Name Record Position Document Status Sharepoint’s Lists Relation between Lists Sharepoint’s Alerts Figure 2: Relationships between lists and its attributes. Figure 3: Screen of Management of Documents in a Project. In Figures 3 and 4 are reproduced the computer screens generated for the project managements and execution of processes. For the project management, all the documents of each project can be observed by processes and records, as they can also be filtered by 79 Area: Product Engineering projects and by a tab in which the abstract of processes can be accessed. In the project execution screen, there are a number of windows for browsing the different stages of the process, including entry registers, exit registers and also the description of each stage in the process in interactive way that offers access to systems forms. Figure 4: Screen of Process execution. 4. Conclusions The challenge faced in this work has brought many advantages, as it has been possible to implement, besides what had been originally planned, other functions which have complemented the Integrated Management System in ALANTA. There is no doubt, though, that it has only been possible to manage the reluctance to changes with the dedicated support from the company direction throughout the process of implementation. However, it is important to bear in mind that this methodology is a cheap alternative for smallto-medium companies aiming at digital management. The SSS has two important disadvantages in relation to ERPs, as it is not a tool with a single basis and the SSS lists are not guided in a relational way. Nowadays there are a lot of management tools, more encompassing and with lower costs of implementation, than at the time this study was conducted. It is important to keep in mind, though, that even with the increase of open source tools, also for ERPs, the lessons of this work can also be applied in these new scenarios. In relation to the implemented tool, ALANTA has already managed two construction projects. The first is in Barbastro (Huesca), which is in its concluding stage, and the other is in Labuerda (Huesca), already concluded. It has also been deployed in two projects of development and construction, one in Arròs (Lérida), concluded, and the other in Laspuña (Huesca), under execution. It has also managed a number of preliminary analysis of construction and development/construction projects which have been turned down or under negotiation. Besides these constructing projects, ALANTA manages all its administrative documents as just another project, named Administration. All these projects have taken place concomitantly with the development of this tool. 80 Area: Product Engineering The experience we had up to now offers some important conclusions: 9 It is increasingly imperative that companies have more than simply spreadsheets and word processors in their range of computational tools, incorporating also standardized platforms of open source. “The Sharepoint Services Server” has proved to be easy to implement and a great potential for developing business; 9 It has been noticed that ALANTA has become much more flexible in adapting itself to changes in normative and market frameworks, rendering the company much more competitive. The easiness in which these adaptations took place was certainly due to the readiness of the tool for incorporating such shifts in its structure (recent legal changes, real estate crisis, new requirements for public contracts); 9 In ALANTA, the management system has been capable to integrate corporative language and improved operational communication; 9 Each new project in ALANTA has improved in terms of quality, as it became easier to check the flow of documents of past projects and provide readily information. Finally, it has been possible to implement in ALANTA a tool which enables INTEGRATED COLABORATION in construction projects. This tool presents itself as an option for other organizations, as these companies in construction and real estate will always have an enhanced position if they are formally structured to follow the current legislation, to produce high quality items and to keep the balance with the environment in which they operate. References Buyens, J., (Traducción: Eloy Pineda Rojas); 2006. Windows SharePoint Services. Translated from the first English edition of Windows sharepoint services inside out Mexico: McGraw-Hill Interamenricana. Instituto Nacional de Estadística Español (INE) Kaplan, M. and Norton, D. (Traducción: Adelaida Santapau); 1997. Cuadro de Mando Integral – The Balanced Scoread. Barcelona: edición Gestiones 2000, S.A. Lock, D. 2003. Fundamentos de la gestión de proyectos. Spain: AENOR. Scasso, R.H. 1999. Dirección Integrada de Proyecto – DIP - Project Management. Madrid: Publicaciones de la E.T.S. de Ingenieros industriales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Vargas, R.V.; 2000. Gerenciamento de Projetos. Rio de Janeiro – Brazil: Brasport. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Salazar Santos Fonseca Ph.D. Candidate in the Inter-University Doctoral Program in Project Direction at Navarra University and Knowledge and Management Consultant at Encauza. Plaza Fernando El Católico, 2 - bajos, 22300 Barbastro - Huesca (España). Phone: (+34) 974 31 42 12 E-mail: [email protected] 81 Area: Product Engineering ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS THAT CONDITION THE EXPANSION OF A COASTAL VILLAGE THROUGH CELLULAR AUTOMATA SIMULATION García, A.M. Santé, I. Crecente, R. López, F.J. University of Santiago de Compostela Abstract Cellular automata, conceived by the mathematician Stanislaw Ulam and the physicist John von Neumann, have proven to be good tools for implementing models to predict and analyze land use change and urban growth dynamics. The implementation of such tools requires knowing the singularities of the processes to be simulated. Most of the models implemented so far have been concerned with the expansion of big cities but little has been done in relation to small urban areas. In this paper, we analyze the variables that govern urban growth in Ribadeo, a town of about 9000 people in northeastern Galicia, Spain, using logistic regressions and a simple cellular automata model that will allow us to study the factors that must be considered when performing simulations with these tools in small urban areas. Keywords: Cellular automata, urban growth, variables. 1. Introduction 1.1. Urban simulation background In the late 1950s and early 1960s, a stage of sociopolitical development arose, which resulted in the growth of big cities. Such urban growth led to the appearance of new problems in urban areas, mainly related with transport. The need to scientifically analyze these new problems led to the development of the first models for the study of traffic. Later, land use allocation models were developed that were eventually coupled with the former, constituting integrated models. In the 1970s, new growth dynamics emerged due to the rapid development of urban areas. These new processes were more complex than the processes that inspired the creation of integrated models. To make the study of such a complexity more accessible, the models were divided into subsystems, avoiding the establishment of too many relations between them. This led to a reduction in the capability of the models to simulate responses to changes in the 82 Area: Product Engineering dynamics. Models became complex, they needed a great amount of input data and provided a very general view that was not really useful to planners. All this led to the need to use new modeling methods that could overcome such limitations. With the development of computer science in the 1970s and the consequent increase in the computing power of computers, using new methods became possible. In 1970, Waldo Tobler developed a new population growth simulation model based on cellular automata (CA). With the advances in computers in the 1980s, the interest in the study of cellular automata increased and Helen Couclelis established the theoretical basis for the application of such paradigm to the simulation of urban growth (Berling-Wolff and Wu, 2004). 1.2. Cellular automata Cellular automata were developed by the mathematician Stanislaw Ulam and the physicist John von Neumann to study self-reproduction and the modeling of biological processes. In the 1970s, the English mathematician John Hotton Conway created “The game of life”, the first application of a cellular automaton aimed at reproducing the growth of an animal population. The model was composed of a grid in which each cell could adopt two states; “alive” or “dead”, according to some transition rules that determined that: • If a grid cell was dead and surrounded by 3 living cells, the cell was born. • If a live cell was surrounded by 2 or 3 live cells, the cell kept living. • If a live cell was surrounded by less than 2 live cells, the cell died of loneliness and if it was surrounded by more than 3 live cells it died of competence. These rules were applied at discrete time intervals, such that at each iteration of the model all the cells were updated simultaneously. The game of life is a formal cellular automaton. Therefore, CA are composed of: • A grid or raster space. • A group of states that define the cells of the grid. • A definition of the neighborhood of each cell. • A series of transition rules that define the state of each cell based on the states of the neighboring cells. If the game of life is iterated several times, complex patterns emerge. This complexity arising from underlying simplicity makes CA a powerful tool for the simulation of urban growth because of their emergent behavior, given that CA can exhibit complex global dynamics arising from simple rules on a local scale. Cellular automata are able to reproduce growth patterns with fractal geometry, which can be found in most cities. Because CA work on a grid, they facilitate the use of raster data obtained with a geographical information system (GIS) or remote sensing techniques. The simplicity of cellular automata and their ability to simulate urban growth allow us to easily analyze the processes simulated by them. For this reason, CA are useful tools for research. A number of authors (Sui and Zeng, 2001; Wu and Martin, 2002; Cheng and Masser, 2004; Aguilera, 2006) have studied the processes that control the growth of large cities using cellular automata. Almost all the existing studies tackle the growth of large urban areas, but only a few models have been developed to study the dynamics of small towns. In this work, CA are used 83 Area: Product Engineering to analyze urban growth in Ribadeo, a coastal municipality on the border between Galicia and Asturias, Northwest Spain. Earlier in this section, we defined a formal CA using the Conway’s game of life and its basic rules as an example. Formal cellular automata do not have the abilities required to correctly simulate urban growth processes. Consequently, some relaxations to the formal rule should be adopted in order to obtain more accurate results (Verburg et al., 2004; White, 1997). To design a model that can produce accurate results, the variables and processes that influence urban growth processes and interactions must be known. In this paper, we have performed an analysis based on the research by Sui and Zeng (2001), Wu and Martin (2002), Cheng and Masser (2004) and Aguilera (2006) in order to identify the variables that may condition urban development using logistic regression techniques. Such an analysis allowed us to select the most important variables to include in a CA based model and to determine its capacity to simulate urban growth. Results were analyzed and some conclusions were drawn from the results. 1.3. Methods Ribadeo is a municipality of 9619 people located in the province of Lugo, Spain, on the border between Galicia and Asturias. The urban core of Ribadeo constitutes the administrative and service center of the area. In 1987, the Puente de los Santos Bridge was built over river Eo estuary, communicating the north of the municipality with Asturias. This infrastructure brought added value to Ribadeo and the village became the service center of the Asturian municipalities on the other shore of the estuary. The construction of the bridge fostered the growth of population and commerce. New infrastructures like the Transcantabrian motorway will attract more growth to the area. To perform the present analysis, photointerpretation techniques were used to obtain land use maps of Ribadeo and its four surrounding parishes for the years 1995 and 2003. These data were converted to raster format with a pixel size of 25x25 m. Later, we considered the variables that could be used according to the available data. After having analyzed other models, we decided to consider the following variables: • Accessibility (distance to roads). • Height. • Distance to forested land. • Distance to main urban core. • Distance to peripheral urban cores. • Distance to the shore. • Distance to main roads. • Distance to secondary roads. • Distance to other roads. • Distance to railways. • Distance to railway station. 84 Area: Product Engineering • Distance to port. • Distance to residential land uses. • Distance to commercial land uses. • Distance to industrial land uses. • Distance to parks and green areas. • Distance to institutional land uses (educational centers, cultural centers, administrative buildings, public sport facilities, welfare and health centers and churchs). • Orientation. • Slope. • 300 m radius neighborhood. To calculate the neighborhood, we have considered a square region around each central cell with a cell radius equivalent to a distance of 300m measured between the edge and the center of the area. In this area, we applied equation (1), where I is 0 if the cell is non-urban land and 1 if the cell is urban land; w is a coefficient that weights the value according to the distance of each cell in the neighborhood to the central cell, computed as follows: the neighborhood window is divided into several concentric squares, separated by a cell, w will have the same value in each square and it will decrease with the increase in distance to the central cell. The decrease in the value of coefficient w will be related to a line whose slope has the same value as the fractal dimension2 of Ribadeo village. N = ∑w× I (1) • Zoning (the current urban planning instrument in the municipality is the Local Development Plan 1977, which establishes only the zoning of Ribadeo urban core). • Shape index. The shape index is a spatial index that defines a relation between the perimeter and the area of a patch on a map (equation 2). In the present study, the areas of built land were defined and the value of the shape index of each urban patch was assigned to the nearest non-urban pixels. IF = perimeter / 4 area • Area of the cadastral parcels. • Shape index (equation 2) of the cadastral parcels. (2) Following the method used by Aguilera-Benavente (2006), we used Idrisi software to estimate logistic regressions for each variable, using a binary map that considered the built up area between the years 1995 and 2003 as independent variable. Roads were not considered in these maps. A mask was used to exclude the following elements from the regressions: built up cells in 1995, water surfaces and the 100m coastal fringe protected by the Spanish Coastal Act. Such elements were excluded from regressions because the variables present in those zones 2 The fractal dimension is determined considering ring areas concentric to the urban core center, so that the ratio that relates built up area and total area is calculated in each ring. Then a line is fitted to the values of the ratios obtained. The slope of the line is the fractal dimension of the urban area considered. 85 Area: Product Engineering did not influence urban development during the period considered. In order to reduce computation time and spatial dependence between variables, not all the cells were used in the regressions. Systematic sampling was used to choose the cells that would be considered in the regressions. Logistic regression considers the probability of a cell being urban and determines the relation between such a probability and the variables considered by fitting the following equation (3): P( y = 1 | X ) = exp(∑ BX ) 1 + exp(∑ BX ) (3) where: • P is the probability of the dependent variable being 1 (urban). • X are the independent variables. X = ( x 0 , x1 , x 2 ..., x k ); x 0 = 1 • B are the estimated parameters. B = (b0 , b1 , b2 ..., bk ). By linearizing the equation is linearized, the following expression is obtained (equation 4): Ln( P /(1 − P)) = b0 * x 0 + b1 * x1 + b2 * x 2 + ... + bk * x k + error (4) This equation can be fitted by using a linear regression. The results were analyzed by using two parameters: • Pseudo R2 indicates the degree of fit of the regression. If the value was greater than 0.2 the fit was considered to be good. • ROC considers the degree of relation between the independent variables and the dependent variable. If the value was greater than 0.5 it was considered that there was a dependence. • Once the variables were analyzed, those with the highest ROC were chosen for use in a multiple logistic regression model, thus allowing us to know the weight of each variable in urban growth. Then, we used the weights obtained and Cheng and Masser (2004) model as a reference, and applied the following transition rule in the cellular automaton (equation 5): P = (∑ ri × Xi + n × N ) ×ν (5) Where: • P is the probability of change. • ri is the coefficient of each variable i obtained by logistic regression. • Xi is the value of variable i. • N is the neighborhood. • n is the neighborhood coefficient obtained by logistic regression. • ν is the stochastic variable, which introduces randomnesss in the system and is calculated from equation (6): 86 Area: Product Engineering RA = 1 + (− ln γ ) α (6) Where γ is a random number between 0 and 1 and α is a coefficient that controls the degree of randomness introduced in the model. The value of α used in the model was equal to the fractal dimension of Ribadeo (Aguilera, 2006). The urban area map for 1995 was used as a starting point, and the model was iterated a number of times equivalent to the number of years between 1995 and 2003. At each iteration, the urban area was determined by dividing the built up area in the considered period by the number of years. At each iteration, the cells with the greatest probability of urbanization changed to urban use until the previously calculated area was reached. Variable ROC 300m radius neighborhood 0.8463 Distance to institutional land uses 0.8162 Distance to main urban core 0.8049 Distance to commercial land uses 0.7996 Distance to forested areas 0.7966 Distance to main roads 0.7857 Distance to railway stations 0.7827 Distance to residential land uses 0.7773 Distance to port 0.7734 Distance to industrial land uses 0.749 Accessibility 0.7461 Height 0.736 Distance to other roads 0.7356 Distance to parks and green areas 0.7336 Distance to peripheral urban cores 0.7233 Zoning 0.6759 Distance to the shore 0.6719 Shape index 0.6667 Distance to railways 0.6557 Distance to secondary roads 0.6106 Area of cadastral parcels 0.6057 Shape index of cadastral parcels 0.5864 Orientation 0.3793 Slopes 0.0401 Table 1. Variables chosen to perform the simulation. The variables with the highest ROC were chosen (Table 2). 87 Area: Product Engineering From among the variables included in Table 3, distance to main urban core, distance to railway station and distance to port were eliminated because of their correlation with distance to institutional land uses. All these elements are close to one another and near Ribadeo urban core. The variable ‘distance to institutional land uses’ was not removed because it showed the highest ROC. In addition, distance to commercial land uses, distance to industrial land uses and distance to residential land uses were eliminated because they were correlated with neighborhood, whereas distance to main roads was removed because it was related to accessibility. A new logistic regression was calculated to obtain the relative weight of each selected variable and to determine its influence on land change from non-urban to urban (Table 3). Variables Coefficient Error parameter -2.06422057 Neighborhood 2.15979110 Accessibility -24.39321381 Height -3.63615921 Distance to forested areas 1.34067087 Distance to institutional land uses -3.53720871 Table 2. Coefficients obtained for each variable by multiple logistic regression. Negative coefficients suggest that the higher the value of the variable, the lower its influence on urban growth, whereas positive values indicate the opposite relationship. • ROC = 0.8760 • Pseudo R2 = 0.2260 Because the value of pseudo R2 is greater than 0.2, it can be considered that the fit is good. The value of ROC is also high. In table 3, we can observe that distance to roads plays a key role in the urban growth process. The fact that neighborhood does not have as much weight in this model as in other revised models may be due to the sprawl of growth during the study period. The coefficients of the variables were rounded and applied in equation 4. After 8 iterations, results were crossed with 2003 data and analyzed (figure 1). 88 Area: Product Engineering Figure 1. Comparison between real data and simulation results with a cell size of 30x30 m. Red cells: non-urban land, black cells: urban land in 1995, yellow cells: urban land in 2003 unpredicted by the model, green cells: wrong predictions, orange cells: correct predictions of the model. With this model, we did not intend to make an accurate simulation of reality, but to observe the growth patterns obtained in order to be able to analyze the growth dynamics that generates such patterns and draw some conclusions about which elements should be considered when implementing models in similar areas. This is the reason why visual analysis of data is considered more important than statistical analysis. The results suggest that the ring road north of Ribadeo attracts a lot of growth. However, in reality, this road gives access to Puente de los Santos and is fenced. Therefore, there is no direct access to it, such that it does not attract growth. For this reason, the model was run another time without considering the ring road in accessibility maps. Removing the ring road modified one of the variables, such that its weight in the model varied. Consequently, the logistic regression was performed a second time to calculate the new coefficients. The following results were obtained (Table 4): Variables Coefficient Error term -2.00074547 Distance to institutional land uses -4.35845586 Height -2.71871732 Distance to forested areas 2.35060711 Accessibility -29.20497587 Neighborhood 1.09300021 Table 3. Coefficients of each variable calculated by logistic regression, using the variables selected for the model. In this simulation, the ring road has not been considered. After the model was run a second time and the results were crossed with the urban land map for the year 2003, we obtained the following results (fig. 2): 89 Area: Product Engineering Figure 2. Comparison between real data and simulation results with a cell size of 30x30 m, not considering the ring road. Red cells: non-urban land, black cells: urban land in 1995, yellow cells: urban land in 2003 unpredicted by the model, green cells: wrong predictions, orange cells: correctly predicted cells. The results of the simulation have improved. For example, the growth that appeared in the small villages along the provincial road heading northwest and inside the urban core is approximate to the actual core growth trend. In addition, we can observe unpredicted growth to the southeast and southwest of the urban core. Maybe these areas were favored because their slopes are oriented to the estuary. In the first case, the location of the parcels near the urban center and the sea could have favored the urbanization of these parcels. In the second case, the parcels are near Ribadeo and they are well communicated with the village. These factors should be considered in further analysis, including the visual basins and the proximity to the shore in the analyzed variables, despite the fact that the analyzed variables show a lower ROC than the variables used. The results of the model could also be improved by considering different land uses in the simulation in addition to urban and non-urban land. Thus, more detailed models could be implemented, which could better reproduce the dynamics and avoid the mistakes derived from assigning the same growth attraction power to all urban land uses or by considering that the variables influence the location of the different land uses in the same way. 2. Conclusions The results of this work have allowed us to draw some conclusions about the future development and application of more suitable CA based models for the simulation of the singularities of the Galician urban system. Logistic regressions show that one of the variables with the highest weight in the model is distance to roads. After having run the model, we can observe some distortions derived from considering that all roads attract urban growth in the same way. To improve the results, 90 Area: Product Engineering different road proximity variables based on the kind of road should be used. In the case of ring roads and highways, the distance to access points could be used as a variable. Neighborhood is the variable that most influences urban growth, but its relative importance with respect to other variables inside the model is low. In the neighborhood used in this study, only the proximity to urban land has been considered and no difference has been made between the different land uses that constitute urban land. If we analyze variables such as proximity to industrial, commercial or residential areas, we observe that they are closely related to growth. However, such variables have not been used because we have assumed that they were represented in the neighborhood. Models will be more accurate if the influence of different land uses on the neighborhood is considered. All these conclusions point to the need to develop more complex models that better simulate growth in small urban areas. Because most of the CA models used for urban simulation have been applied to the analysis of large cities, they use a coarser spatial scale than the scale used in this work. Besides, a relatively small time scale has been considered because meaningful growth cannot be appreciated in an 8-year period. These two issues hamper the application of CA models to the simulation of growth in characteristic Galician urban areas. To overcome this problem, wider temporal and spatial scales should be used when designing cellular automata for predicting the growth of small urban areas, such that the patterns are well defined and allow for simpler analysis and identification. Thus, we will be able to make simulations with simpler models that can be better analyzed. However, we must not forget that by increasing the time scale we may cover different periods in which growth may depend on different variables and, consequently, the model should be calibrated for each of these periods. The same applies to the use of small scales; since the geographical area covered is greater, there will be more heterogeneity in the processes and variables that condition urban growth. For this reason, it is necessary to consider a balance, defining more or less homogeneous areas and considering temporal spaces where changes in urban trends have not occurred, such that the performance of the models is good and reliable predictions can be made. References Aguilera Benavente F., 2006. Predicción del crecimiento urbano mediante sistemas de información geográfica y modelos basados en autómatas celulares, Geofocus, Vol. 6, pp. 81112. Berling-Wolff, S. and Wu J., 2004. Modeling urban landscape dynamics: A review, Ecological Research, Vol. 19, pp.119-129. Cheng J. Q. and Masser I., 2004. Understanding spatial and temporal processes of urban growth: cellular automata modelling. Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design, Vol. 31, pp.167-194. Sui, D. Z. and Zeng H., 2001. Modeling the dynamics of landscape structure in Asia's emerging desakota regions: a case study in Shenzhen. Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 53, pp.3752. 91 Area: Product Engineering Verburg P. H., Schot P., Dijst M. and Veldkamp A., 2004. Land use change modelling: current practice and research priorities. Geojournal, Vol.61, pp.209-324. White R. Cities and cellular automata. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 1997, pp. 111125. Wu F. L. and Martin D., 2002. Urban expansion simulation of Southeast England using population surface modelling and cellular automata. Environment and Planning A, Vol. 34, pp.1855-1876. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Andrés Manuel García Lamparte Laboratorio do Território. Escola Politécnica Superior de Lugo. Pavillón II Rúa Benigno Ledo s/n. Campus Universitario s/n. C.P. 27002 Lugo, Spain Telephone number: +34 982 25 22 31 ext. 23292 Fax: +34 982 28 59 26 E-mail: [email protected] URL: 92 Area: Product Engineering DEVELOPMENT OF AN EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE TO ANAYLSE THE TEMPERATURE FIELD IN THE WELDED JOINT OF STRUCTURAL STAINLESS STEEL Miguel, V. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Estrems, M. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena Martínez, E. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena Martínez, A. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Abstract In this work, an experimental procedure to determine the temperature distribution in sheet buttwelded joints has been established. Related to light structures, the experiments are focussed on stainless steel elements welded by GTWA procedure. The proposed methodology lets the authors analyze the influence of welding parameters on the heat affected zone. The experimental method can be applied to other types of structural steels and arc welding processes. Keywords: Temperature field, electric arc welding, metal structure, stainless steels 1. Introduction The metallic structure is a design and construction alternative which over the last few decades has been developing into a structural solution. Nowadays its use has been fully consolidated. The variety of industrial applications of welding systems have led them to substitute the traditional nuts and bolts and rivets in the construction sector, not just because welding is an easier and faster operation, but also because the draughtsman can combine sheets, plates, bars, tubes, profiles etc. limitlessly, to apply a great number of design possibilities which will enable to improve the relation between resistance/weight and stiffness/weight with greater economic viability (Benhayon, 1994). Stainless steels are very important in the construction of equipment for the process industry as well as for building. These steels are used instead of conventional ones due to their excellent properties, such as: resistance to corrosion, hardness as low temperatures and good properties at high temperatures. 93 Area: Product Engineering The high resistance to corrosion of stainless steels is due to the passivation which they go through with the formation of a surface film of impermeable chrome oxide which isolates the steel from the corrosive medium. Stainless steels have a thermal conductivity lower than that of carbon steels, which leads, in comparative terms, to more pronounced temperature gradients and greater permanent deformation. Applied to the welding operations, a slower diffusion of the heat through the base metal represents that the welded zone will remain hot for a longer time and permits the possibility of precipitation of chromium carbides on the grain edges if the transition from 800ºC to 500ºC during cooling is not carried out sufficiently rapidly. Moreover, due to the greater concentration of the heat in the zone of the bead, less heat is required to produce the fusion, as compared to the welding of ordinary construction steels; which means that in similar conditions, the welding speed can be greater (Gomez de Salazar, 2003). In relation to the coefficient of thermal dilatation, this is much higher in stainless steels than in carbon steel, which generates a greater complication for their welding, from the point of view of deformations and residual tensions after cooling (Mazur et al., 2002). In electric arc welding processes, the energy is applied in a localized zone, reaching temperatures far superior to the fusion temperature of the base material. The large temperature differences which are established between the zone where heat is applied and adjacent zones, together with the good thermal conductivity, in general, which the metals to be welded show, originates an important thermal flow which conditions the behavior of the welded structures, modifying the properties which result, both in the weld bead as well as in the zones near to it. When the harmful effects that the thermal cycle of the welding can produce in the welded piece are analyzed, the interest does not lie necessarily in the zone of fusion or the bead, but also in the zone near to this, denominated the heat affected zone (HAZ), which usually presents a greater degree of weakness in its mechanical properties than the bead itself. Therefore, knowledge of the evolution of the temperature in the vicinity of the weld bead, during the welding process and in the cooling process, is essential in order to determine the degree to which the material is affected and serves to establish strategies which minimize these thermal effects, such as using preheating, post-welding thermal treatments, the positioning of hot points, etc. The principal results that can be determined with the experimental thermal analysis are the evolution over time of the temperature field in any point of the pieces to be welded, as well as the isothermal map of any instant during the welding process. The corresponding effects of the temperature on the material are quantified in different conditions (González et al,2006; Mazur et al, 2002; Alhama et al, 2005). The present study analyses the results of the temperature field of a welded joint of AISI 304 structural stainless steel by means of the TIG technique without the contribution of material. 2. Materials The material tested experimentally is AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel, X5CrNi18-10 according to the UNE norm (Aenor, 2006). The fusion point for this steel is estimated to be at 1400º C and the chemical composition of the steel tested is indicated in table 1. In tables 2 to 4 the physical properties are shown (Aenor, 2007); the variation in mechanical properties with the temperature; and the thermal properties at different temperatures. The test-tubes used for the tests are 75 mm long and 30 mm wide, the thickness varies depending on the test carried out. 94 Area: Product Engineering I N R .07 % % % .045 .015 .11 8 % % % % I % Table 1: Composition of the AISI 304 steel. Density Thermal Thermal Capacity Electrical Conductivity 7.9 kg/dm3 15 W/m K Magnetizable Resistivity 0.73 Ω .mm2/ m 500 J/ kg K No Table 2: Physical properties of the AISI 304 steel. Temperature (º C) 20 100 200 300 400 500 Elasticity Modulus( GPa) 200 194 186 179 172 165 Table 3: Values of the elasticity modulus for the AISI 304 steel at different temperatures. Temperature º C 100 200 300 400 500 Thermal Dilatation C.(10-6 K-1) 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 Table 4: Thermal dilatation coefficient of the AISI 304 steel at different temperatures. 3. Welding Procedure The welding procedure used is that of electric arc with protection by inert gas and nonconsumable electrode or TIG procedure, also denominated GTWA, habitually utilized for the welding of stainless steels. As the protection gas, commercial argon C-50 has been selected, supplied by Carburos Metálicos. The volume of gas utilized is 12 l/min., and the welding has been done without contribution material. The welding has been carried out “in position”, that is to say, in a horizontal position. The electrode employed is made of thorium-lanthanum of 1.6 mm in diameter, with a fusion point estimated to be at 4000ºC. The type of current selected is continual with direct polarity. At all moments the point of the electrode has been guaranteed to be sharp according to the established norms for the type of current employed to maintain the arc stable. A small electrode diameter has been selected in order to concentrate the arc and obtain a reduced fusion bath. The zone of the welded joint was superficially prepared with a brush with stainless steel bristles to eliminate any type of surface oxidation which might complicate the stability of the electric arc during the welding. Finally, to eliminate possible 95 Area: Product Engineering traces of dirt from the base material, acetone was used to clean the area to be welded. Due to the thickness of the plate, the welding could not be carried out without preparing the edges. The welding variables considered are indicated in table 5. I A Intensity of the current V V Voltage e mm Thickness of the plate v m/s Lineal velocity of welding Tabla 5.Experimental welding variables. 4. Description of equipment and instrumentation 4.1. Thermocouples Initially, type K thermocouples were used encased in a sheath of stainless steel, figure 1, although finally the measurements were made with type K thermocouple wire to increase the response speed. To improve the contact between the tip of the thermocouple and the base material, the plate was drilled to insert the wire, as can be seen in figure 2. Drilled Thermocouple 5 mm Thermocouple Figure 1: Encased thermocouples. Figure 2: Thermocouple Position. To measure the real distance between the drills made on one side of the bead, a profile projector has been used. Figure 3 shows three drills of 1 mm made in one of the tests to insert the thermocouples. 4.2. Temperature logger For the measurement of the plate temperature a USB TC-08 logger for thermocouples has been employed, connected to a PC which permits compiling, analyzing, and visualizing the data from eight channels. Moreover, the data logger offers connection through USB port. To log all 96 Area: Product Engineering the temperature data that are registered with the TC-08, we utilized Picolog commercial software for Windows 5.15.6. It has a wide range of temperature scales, with a vertical resolution of 20 bits. HAZ Bead 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm Figure 3: Distance thermocouples-bead. 4.3. Welding equipment The equipment employed (figure 4) is a transformer-rectifier; model MAGIC WAVE 2600, made by Fronius. This equipment permits the execution of manual TIG welding, as well as with coated electrodes and allows the possibility of choosing the type and polarity of the current. The electricity tension is rectified by means of transistors and the control is Fuzzy type. 4.4. Control of the welding speed To maintain a constant welding speed a milling machine has been used with a tool made expressly to house the welding machine’s torch fitted into the head. In this machine we can select several forward velocities and thus consider that as a test variable (figure 4). 4.5. Support for the base material To carry out the tests a wooden support has been produced to hold the plate and thus avoid deformations during the welding. The support is housed on the milling machine table. Wood has been chosen for the support in order to avoid the existence of heat losses by conduction. 5. Description of the test method The tests are initiated with the preparation of the base metal to be welded, as indicated in section 2. The following step consists in positioning the thermocouples in the base metal. It must be ensured that the thermocouple remains in contact with the base metal in order to 97 Area: Product Engineering guarantee the correct measuring of the plate temperature at all times. Different methods have been adopted for the positioning of the thermocouples but finally that indicated in figure 1 has been selected. To guarantee the contact during the initial manipulation of the plate, adhesive resin has been employed. Milling machine Torch Bench Welding machine Thermocouple Data logger Figure 4. Experimental equipment. Next, the base metal is placed in the wooden support and held in place by clamps to thus avoid deformation of the plate. All this is then finally placed on the milling machine table and bolted into place. Following that, the TIG torch is positioned by means of the corresponding tool to the head of the milling machine. Then the mass clamp is placed on the metal to be welded, the gas volume and the intensity of the welding current are regulated, the velocity of movement of the milling machine table is programmed, and finally the thermocouples are connected to the data logger, which is in turn connected to the PC. Once the test set is prepared, the arc is charged, the feed velocity is switched on (milling machine table) and the test commences. While the weld bead is made the temperatures are recorded. Finally, the data obtained are exported to a spreadsheet for later analysis. 6. Results and Discussion 6.1. Preliminary Tests To fine-tune the test method, initially the first experiments were carried out with eight thermocouples encased in a sheath of stainless steel. With this system it was detected that the 98 Area: Product Engineering thermocouples furthest from the weld bead scarcely varied in temperature and that, moreover, the highest temperature registered by said thermocouples did not surpass 500º C, as can be seen in Figure 5. Figure 5. Result of the test with 8 thermocouples (preliminary tests). Registers temperature-time. In addition, in order to be able to move the plate towards the encased thermocouples, a tool was designed made in aluminium (figure 6). This tool was excessively rigid and did not allow for compensating the deformations which are produced in the plate during the welding process. Thus, contact between the thermocouples and the plate was lost, and non-real temperate readings were obtained. Loss of contact thermocoupleplate Thermoco uple holder Figure 6: Tool used to hold the encased thermocouples (preliminary tests). 99 Area: Product Engineering 6.2. Final tests Table 6 indicates the welding variables considered in the two tests carried out with the final procedure. Test I Test II Description I 79 120 A Intensity of the current V 15 20 V Voltage η 0.7 0.7 EBA 3.485 5.263 kJ/mm Gross Energy Contributed e 2 4 mm Plate thickness v 0.0034 0.0034 m/s Lineal weld velocity Yield of heat contributed Table 6. Experimental welding variables. In figure 7 the temperature values registered according to time at 5, 10 and 15mm distance from the axle of the bead and the weld are represented. A cooling time of 200 s is considered, which corresponds to the time in which the temperatures at the different points become the same. Temparatura ( ºC) Temparatura ( ºC) Resultados Experimentales Resultados Experimentales 1200 1200 1100 1100 1000 1000 900 900 800 800 700 700 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 0 0 Exp. 5 mm Exp. 5 mm Exp. 10 mm Exp. 10 mm Exp. 15 mm Exp. 15 mm 50 50 100 100 150 150 200 250 300 200 250 300 Tiempo ( s) Tiempo ( s) 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 Figure 7. Experimental results test 1. 100 Area: Product Engineering One of the important parameters to determine in welded joints of stainless steels is the time taken between the temperatures of 800 and 500ºC during cooling, that is to say, the well-known t 8/5. The determination of this parameter is shown in figure 8. Temperatura (ºC) Tiempo Enfriamiento 800-500ºC 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 t8/5 1 51 101 151 201 251 301 351 401 Tiempo ( S) Exp. 5 mm Exp. 10 mm Exp. 15 mm 800 ºC 500º C Figure 8. Determination of the parameter t 8/5. The tests allow to also determine the variation of the temperature with the distance from the weld bead, as is indicated in figure 9. Tmax Exp-Distancia cordon Temperatura (º C) T max 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 5 10 15 Distancia ( mm) Figure 9: Variation of the values of maximum temperature with the distance to the weld bead. In figure 10 the experimental results from Test II can be seen, according to the parameters from table 6. In this test, the thickness of the plate and the intensity of the current have been modified. It can be observed that, although the intensity employed has been greater than in the previous test, the maximum temperature reached is considerably lower. This demonstrates the sensitivity of the phenomenon to the plate thickness, which, being greater in this case, 101 Area: Product Engineering generates greater thermal dissipation acting as a thermal cooler. In this last case one more thermocouple has been considered, so that a greater distance to the main bead has been analyzed (fourth thermocouple). Resultados Ensayos 1000 900 Temperatura 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Tiempo Termopar 1 Termopar 2 Termopar 3 Termopar 4 Figure 10. Registers for temperature time for an intensity of current of 120 And a plate thickness of 4 mm. 7. Conclusions An experimental procedure has been designed to calculate the distribution of temperatures in the zone adjacent to the weld bead of a structural stainless steel. It has been seen that it is more adequate to measure the temperatures in the zone of the weld bead by means of type K thermocouple wire, since thermocouples encased in a sheath of stainless steel do not provide good results due to the elevated thermal inertia of the cover. During the welding time an important increase occurs in the temperature in the zone of the joint, this produces a deformation of the base material. With this experimental analysis the temperature in the HAZ can be calculated in order to reduce the deformation of the base material. By means of this analysis of the temperature field, the dimension of the HAZ can be calculated. The data obtained with these tests can serve to validate the calculation of the HAZ with a numerical method. This experimental procedure can be used for other types of steel and for other welding procedures by electric arc such as MIG/MAG. References Alhama F., Alcaraz D. and González C.F., 2005. Rev. Metal. Madrid Vol. Extr. pp.304-308. 102 Area: Product Engineering Benhayon M, 1994. Introducción al Proyecto de las Construcciones Metálicas Soldadas. II Congreso Colombiano de Soldadura y III Exposición Industrial (Colombia), Centro Argentino de Tecnología de la Soldadura. CATS Gómez de Salazar J.M., Moreno P., 2003. “Soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables bajos en Ni” Congreso de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales. Lugo (Spain) González R., Suárez J.C., Vicario F.J. and Muñoz A., 2006. Rev. Metal. Vol.42 pp.255-269. Mazur Z., Gonzalez G. , Urquiza G., Salazar O., Mariño C. and Hernandez A., 2002. Rev. Metal. Vol. 38 pp.14-22. UNE-EN 10088-1:2006. Aceros Inoxidables. Parte 1: Relación de Aceros Inoxidables UNE-EN 10028-7:2007. Aceros Inoxidables Parte 7: Productos planos de acero para aplicaciones a presión. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Laboratorio de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales del Instituto de Desarrollo Regional de Albacete of the UCLM, for the support received in carrying out this work. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Eusebio José Martínez Conesa. Profesor Ayudante de Universidad. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de la Edificación. Área: Construcciones Arquitectónicas. Escuela Técnica de Ingeniería Civil. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Pº de Alfonso XIII, 52, Edificio de Minas Despacho nº 15 Cartagena, Spain Phone: (+34) 968325666 Fax: (+34) 968325931 E-mail: [email protected] 103 Area: Product Engineering VALIDATION OF A MODEL OF TYPIFICATION OF AGRARIAN EXPLOITATIONS BY TECHNICALS OF DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS Riveiro, J. A. Marey, M.F. Álvarez, C.J. University of Santiago of Compostela Abstract Galicia (no Spain) is an example of agriculture characterized by the existence of a variety land uses, different productive models, dimensional diversity and geographical dispersion of farms, in a highly heterogeneous territory in terms of constraints for farming development. Any action aimed to improve production efficiency in this activity, must fulfill the characterization of the production models, and needs of a methodology for data analysis, and the obtention of technical-economical and financial results based on models developed from representative farms in the various areas. For this reason, a methodology of grouping farms in different types was developed, based on variables from the microdata Agricultural Census, and using a combinatory analysis technique subject to constraints. In this paper, is described the validation process of this methodology by applying Discriminant Analysis techniques on population census of commercial Dairy farms in Galicia, using characterizing variables of production systems. Keywords: Productive Agricultural Management, Rural Development, Discriminant Analysis, Types of farms, modelling of farm production systems 1. Introduction Agriculture Galician (northwest Spain), is characterized by the existence of many land uses and a great diversity in the productive structure of land exploitations. In the middle-twentieth century in Galicia, the agrarian activity was based on smallholder and a destined production almost entirely to subsistence, with a great structural complexity and with more than 70% of the population employed in this sector, in more of 433.000 exploitations (Bouhier, 2001). In 1999, there were 270.053 exploitations in 696.691 ha of useful land surface (2.58 ha. per such exploitation) destined for the largest of cases to the production for own consumption, with very different dimensions, from those with less than 1 ha, compared with those that made it possible the marketing of production (I.N.E., 1999). This regional situation has endured a largely structural transformation in the last years. At present, EEEA (Survey about the structure of the agrarian exploitations) in 2005, (INE-EEEA, 2005) shows that the number of exploitations are reduced to 91,813 while the cultivated area (UAA) is maintained in values similar (about 700,000 ha.). On the other hand, it is retained a degree of structural complexity and usually, in 104 Area: Product Engineering each exploitation there is more than one specific productive guidance, which integrates various land uses, and is sometimes confused the own consumption with the commercial production. In a highly dynamic setting in terms of transformations is referred, in 2002, the Administration of Galicia promoted the realization of studies of Productive Land Management, which took place on the 21 of the 53 regions of Galicia, (UTE EIDO-USC, 2004). To meet the needs arising in the development of works, emerged different patterns of help, among them stressed Gestop ®, a model of analysis of the different agroforest existing and potential uses in Galicia, (Riveiro et al., 2005). This model was used to generate technical and economic results that could be integrated with other indicators (structural, social and environmental) allow developing a support system in decision-making to prioritize the activities to promote in every territory in the region. The application of Gestop ® required information from the current situation, so that the provided results were real useful. It was necessary to develop other systems and models to provide information, specifically in regard to the typification, classification, territorial analysis and characterization of land exploitations, as tools of support in processes of Productive Land Management. With a view to improving the initial tool, a combinatorial method was developed. Such a combinatorial method used official census data to classify farms based on the different production processes, sizes and geographical locations of farms, among other factors. The combinatorial method proved very useful as a source of differentiated data for the decision support system. Yet, validating the results using robust statistical methods was considered essential in order to guarantee the suitability of the model for use. In the international literature there are many different proposals of models and developed systems as an aid in planning for agrarian activity. Le Show & Benoit, (Le Ber & Benoit, 1998), devised a model based on agronomic quality rules, which allows describing the spatial organization of land uses, creating maps of uses. Hardin et al. (Hardinan et al., 1990), use the Cluster analysis for the identification and classification of systems of exploitation in a region of China. Such analysis allowed for the identification of three representative groups (slope was the principal component for discerning the groups) and seven subgroups. This was useful for determining the geographic boundaries of different systems of exploitation, and to choose the appropriate areas for the introduction of new technologies and also to make taxonomy of systems of exploitations. Because a large number of production systems would be obtained if we assumed that each farm is unique in its characteristics, such an approach is not realistic or efficient. Köbrich et al. (Köbrich et al., 2003) raise a system of taxonomy from typical or representative situations, using statistical techniques of multivariate analysis, selecting the factors to consider in the analysis Cluster. Such techniques were implemented with data of farms in Chile and Pakistan. In both cases, the quantitative and qualitative information was rich, such that some variables had to be excluded before performing a principal component analysis of the remaining variables and obtaining the factors that should be considered in the cluster analysis. The main discussion issue focused on where the tree (dendrogram) could be cut in order to obtain the optimal number of groups using heuristic procedures. Kostov and McErlean (2006) tried to find the appropriate number of clusters by using the mixture of distributions model (MDM) as a clustering technique that proved effective in classifying dairy farms in Northern Ireland. Another perspective of classification, which is provided by Girard et al. (Girard et al., 2001) propose a model which allows cataloging the systems of exploitations based on the practices of land use, accepting the temporal and spatial analysis. The authors identified the attributes that characterized land use practices and defined the main models or farmland 105 Area: Product Engineering use categories by combining the identified attributes based on different farm models. The model was applied to a set of sheep farms in the South of France. The results obtained from this categorization approach allowed for the analysis of farms in terms of time and space. Some researchers considered the size of the exploitation as a suitable variable for typological classification and the analysis of different aspects. Tavernier and Ptolemy (Tavernier & Tolomeo, 2004) analyzed exploitations according dimensional ranges, finding a significant positive correlation between the small farms and the practices of sustainable agriculture. Demircan et al. (Demircan et al., 2006) conducted an analysis of the economic structure of cattle farms in Turkey, based on their dimensional classification. This allowed them to detect significant differences in technical and economic obtained results, in relation to the size of the farm. Judez et al. (Judez et al., 2001) also based on a dimensional classification of the exploitations from the number of UDEs, to analyze the effects of the application of the called "Diary 2000" on beef cattle farms. 2. Background In a process of Agrarian Productive Management requires differentiated identification and evaluation of different productive systems. In the described work is classified and established groups of exploitations with some specific specialty or are studied systems or rules that allow such classification, however, none of them gives the appropriate results to the established objectives in the context of an Agricultural Productive Management. That is why was developed an original procedure for the clustering of exploitations in disjoint classes, taking into account the differences between agrarain exploitations of a region (typification by combinatory analysis), (Riveiro et al., 2008) and its temporary development, (Álvarez et al., 2008) that is based in the hypotheses that this differentiation will depend on the number and type of uses belongs to exploitation (they define their productive orientation, degree of complexity and diversity), and its productive dimension (usually associated with different degrees of mechanization, specialization and productive efficiency), which will lead to different productive systems. All these results can be used by the Administration in the decision support system for Agricultural Production Planning. The typification methodology of exploitations based on Combinatorial Analysis has advantages over other techniques of statistical analysis. In this sense, Iraizoz et al. (Iraizoz et al., 2007) found problems in the formation of groups by Cluster techniques, from the multicollinearity among variables, which is a common feature of agrarian systems, regarding to the variables that characterize the exploitations. This forces frequently to carry out an analysis of major components to eliminate some of these variables. The technique that is objective to validate, is based on combinatorial analysis, and allows the selection of the variables to use accordance with the objectives of clustering, and to establish the rules of the game through the restrictions to the process of generation of groups, from the available information for each exploitation. The combinatorial methodology uses the principal and most extensive source of information regarding the volume of exploitations in question, that are the Agricultural Census, and the last done in Spain was in 1999, (I.N.E., 1999), which are available the microdata. As there is a extensive information for each individual exploitation, coupled with the consequent possibility of incorporating in a rational way, other information with a degree of equal or major aggregation, make of the Agricultural Census the suited source to deal different studies or research and at different scales. Censuses are compiled for every EU (European Union) country in order to 106 Area: Product Engineering have official statistics at the regional and other levels. Given the relevance of such censuses, some non-member countries have been compiling agricultural censuses. For example, China compiled the first National Agricultural Census in 1997. The census revealed substantial differences among farm types and allowed for the redefinition of the geography of Chinese agriculture (Fanfani and Brasili, 2003). In the census, (I.N.E., 1999), each exploitation is characterized by the following: identification of the exploitation, ownership, legal personality and management, total surface and parcelization, tenure of land, irrigation, land use, crop, machinery, livestock, installations for the storage of fertilizers, labor and marketing of production .Considering the Agricultural Census as a reference source for researchers, with the volume of information that it provides and for its international character, it was opted for the use of the microdata, specifically those made in 1999, (I.N.E., 1999), as main source of data for development of typification procedures of agrarian exploitations. 2.1. Typification by Combinatorial process Based on a mathematical combinatorial process subjected to different restrictions, and is performed by an application that is developed in Excel which automatically generates various possible combinations of use, making the composition and number of exploitations in which is present in each of them. This process is carried out in successive stages, with the possibility of obtaining different intermediate or final results, as described by Riveiro et al. (Riveiro et al., 2008). Once completed, will generate a specific number of combinations of land uses, whose analysis allows establishing the types of representative exploitations, of which are known the integrated land uses and the number of exploitations that are present. These types collect from simple combinations of two uses until complex combinations of several land uses with a maximum of 11 (the main and 10 secondary). 2.2. Results of the Combinatorial process with dairy farms The Agricultural Census of 1999 collects for the area of study (Galicia, NO Spain), information of a total of 29.180 dairy farms that sell milk. Of this population has been excluded all exploitations with fewer than 10 productive units, arguing that proposals do not address to productive commercial approaches. Thus, the analyzed population was reduced to 16.445 exploitations. Applying the referenced methodology allowed to differentiate the galician exploitations with the presence of dairy cattle, in three representative types: (T1) exploitations of cattle with a dairy production linked to the land and based in the forage crops grasses, with the presence of the maize crop, whatever of that there are other additional activities such as beef rearing, potatoes crop or forest uses, among the most common. In these exploitations will not exist cattle of beef in a greater number than 4 animals (T2) identical to the T1 but without the presence of the maize crop, and (T3) consisting of exploitations that differ from previous (T1 and T2) by the presence of cattle of beef in a greater number than 4 animals. Moreover, regarding the distribution of exploitations as defined types and taken dimensions, serves the expressed values in Table 1. Exploitations of the types T1 and T2 together represent 91% of all concerned. The evolution of the sector since 1999, corresponding to the census data, has led to a significant decrease in the mixed exploitations T3, (INE-EEEA., 2005) tending to his disappearance, which minimizes the importance of this type of exploitations. 107 Area: Product Engineering The objective of this article is to validate this procedure, using a statistical methodology of Discriminant Analysis (DA) that allows contrasting the existence of differences between the identified groups by Combinatorial Processes subjected to restrictions. The D.A. is a technical of Multivariant classification very used by researchers for the classification of products and agrarian productions with different objectives. Davidson et al. (Davidson et al, 2007) used it for comparison of the ecological status of different agroforest models, Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2006) used it in combination with spectroscopy techniques, for the classification of wines from different origins belongs to the same variety; Cozzolino et al. (Cozzolino et al., 2008) to analyze the reliability and accuracy of a spectroscopy technique as a tool to verify and authenticate the type of used silage in feed for ruminants; Bowler et al. (Bowler et al., 1996) to explore different models of farms in the North of England. The D.A. was also used to study the different responses to diseases regarding with different types of crop models, (Van Schik, 1998) or compare different models of management of exploitations and their economic performance, (Arriaza & Gómez-Limón, 2003). In addition, Hodge, (Hodge, 1978), used these techniques to study the environmental impacts posed by different types of farms, and Somda et al, (Somda et al, 2005) used it to study the viability of farms in terms of use of family labor and its economic structure. 3. Methodology of clustering by D.A. The described methodology, based on Discriminant Analysis will be used for the purpose of validating the methodology of typification through a Combinatorial process. Both methodologies of typification (Combinatorial process and D.A.), are made from the selection of the exploitations with an use in common. The discriminant analysis starts in a data table of n individuals who have been measured p independent variables, which act as a profile of characteristics of each of them. An additional qualitative variable, dependent or qualifying, with two or more categories, defines the group to which the individual belongs. It is thus a table of n • (p +1) cases in which each figures with a profile and an allocation to group. From the table of n • (p +1) it will be obtained a mathematical discriminant model against which will be contrasted the profile of the new individual whose group is unknown to, according to a numerical result, be assigned to the most likely group. The discriminant function of Fisher (D), (equation 1), it is obtained as linear function of k explanatory variables. The discriminant scores are the obtained results by giving values to X1, X2,..., Xk in that equation. The mathematical problem is to obtain the coefficients of weighting uj that best allow distinguishing the individuals of the different groups. D = u1 X 1 + u 2 X 2 + ... + u k X k (1) The discriminant cutoff point (C) (Equation 2) is used to classify each individual in its corresponding group. The considered criteria for the selection of the variables are Wilks Lambda (λ ) (equation 3) and the F statistical. The results are interpreted according to the following criteria: if the value of λ is close to unity, the groups will be mixed and the set of independent variables will not be adequate to build the discriminant function, because the higher rate of variability would be represented by the variability within the groups. D = u1 X 1 + u 2 X 2 + ... + u k X k − C (2) 108 Area: Product Engineering λ= Within group sum of square Total sum of square (3) The approach of Wilks Lambda identifies the best discriminant variables but the F statistic will determine those variables that should be to consider in the model. For this, if F> 3,84 the variable will be considered, otherwise will be eliminated. The value of the F statistic is determined by equation (4), where n is the number of exploitations; g, the number of groups; p the number of independent considered variables; λp the calculated λ before including the selected variable and λp+1 the calculated λ after including the selected variable. ⎛ n − g − p ⎞ ⎛⎜ λ p +1 ⎟⎟ ⋅ 1 − F = ⎜⎜ λp ⎝ g − 1 ⎠ ⎜⎝ λ p +1 ⎞ ⎟ λ p ⎟⎠ (4) For a population n with p independent variables, each exploitation can be considered as a point on a p-dimensional space. The coordinates of each point will be obtained from p independent variables. Based on the representation of n exploitations in an area Rp, it is claimed to obtain a new space of minor dimension (Þ) such that, by projecting the point cloud on this space, the corresponding points to exploitations including in different groups, are removed. In the studied case there are only two groups (T1 and T2), which will be obtained a discriminant function (equation 5), in which, the value Di corresponds to the discriminant score for each exploitation, Xp the value of variable p in the exploitation i, and â some estimated coefficients so that the obtained values for Di carry out the following conditions: a) maximizes the obtained auto values by the equation 6, b) minimize the calculated Wilks Lambda (λ)by equation 3, and c) maximize the canonical correlation according to the equation 7. Di = â0 + â1 X 1 + â2 X 2 + ... + â p X p Autovalore s = n= Between group sum of square Within group sum of square Between group sum of square Total sum of square (5) (6) (7) Once obtained the discriminant function (equation 5), that can be used to make a classification of the same used cases to obtain the function, allowing checking the effectiveness of the discriminant function to make the classification. If the results are successful, the discriminant function can be used to classify future cases (exploitations) of that, knowing the values of the independent variables, are not known to group which they belong. When groups of different sizes are managed, it is necessary to compensate the inequality to classify the cases. If is assumed that discriminant scores attend a normal distribution, it can be calculated the associated probability with an event in each of the used groups in the analysis (conditional probability), equation 8. To classify each new case where is not known to which group belongs, is necessary to compare the conditional probabilities that correspond in each group of analysis, using the Bayes theorem of the equation 9. 109 Area: Product Engineering P = (D > di G = g k ) P( g k d i ) = (8) P( d i g k )P(g k ) (9) g ∑ P( d k =1 i g k )P(g k ) 4. Results of validation of typologies by D.A. The validation will be performed using the same data source, the agrarian census. The information that this provides allows selecting some direct variables or to establish calculated variables (as relations between direct variables), which may serve to establish groups of exploitations with significant differences in their productive systems. Of the three defined types from the combinatorial methodology, the typology T3 does not need validation about the differences in their productive system according to the other two types, because the systems of management of the beef cattle are different than dairy cattle, and so, its exclusive presence in these exploitations will tick significant differences. Moreover, as this typology is also represented by a small number of exploitations, even tend to disappear, it is chosen by their exclusion and focus the discriminant analysis in the exploitations of the typologies T1 and T2. These represent a whole (Table 1), a total of 15.004 units. Of this amount a total of 36 exploitations are invalid for errors in the values of some of the variables. From 14.798 valid exploitations, are established two groups: one with 7.456 exploitations on which the discriminant analysis forms a random sample of approximately 50% of the total the valid exploitations. The 7.512 remaining exploitations are reserved to test the quality of the resulting model. Size dairy class nº V. L. Type 1 Number Type 2 % Number Type 3 % Number Total % Number % 10-24 3.906 64,1% 6.507 73,0% 1.173 81,4% 11.586 70,5% 25-39 1.462 24,0% 1.723 19,3% 200 13,9% 3.385 20,6% 40-54 462 7,6% 497 5,6% 43 3,0% 1.002 6,1% 55-69 131 2,1% 108 1,2% 7 0,5% 246 1,5% > 69 133 2,2% 75 0,8% 18 1,2% 226 1,4% Todas 6.094 100,0% 8.910 100,0% 1.441 100,0% 16.445 100,0% Table 1. Results of the typification by combinatorial analysis. . 110 Area: Product Engineering T1 (3.041 valid) Variables T2 (4.415 valid) T3 (7.456 valid) Average Stand. Dev. Average Stand. Dev. Average Stand. Dev. ST 18,631 13,938 16,416 11,473 17,320 12,583 SAU 13,598 11,123 11,869 8,859 12,574 9,881 UGM_Bov/UTAT 15,056 19,946 16,795 144,411 16,086 111,851 2,562 1,222 3,926 45,272 3,370 34,851 11,813 10,708 18,707 176,607 15,895 136,108 %_SF_Meadow 0,433 0,056 0,498 0,009 0,472 0,048 %_Corn 0,133 0,112 0,004 0,017 0,057 0,096 %_Rearing 0,238 0,203 0,202 0,202 0,216 0,203 27,383 25,215 27,032 23,357 27,175 24,131 1,743 1,494 2,033 1,879 1,914 1,738 45,497 11,127 47,094 11,227 46,442 11,213 S_unitary_plot 1,263 3,044 1,139 2,476 1,189 2,722 Sf_Tot/S_Tot 0,710 0,196 0,681 0,223 0,693 0,213 UGM_Bov/SF_Tot CV_Trac_Pr/SF_Tot NºPlots NºPlot/ha_ST Responsible Age Tabla 2. Stadistics of group. Initially were selected the 13 following variables: ST, (Total area of exploitation), UAA (Utilized agricultural area); UGM_Bov / UTAT (Major Cattle Units per Unit of Agricultural Labor); UGM_Bov / SF_Tot (Major Cattle Units per hectare of Forage Total Area); CV_Trac_Pr / SF_Tot (Horsepower in Own Tractors per hectare of Forage Area Total); _SF_Meadow% (Percentage of forage area occupied with Meadows); _Corn% (Percent of the Forage Area busy with Forage Corn); _Rearing% (percentage of animals in period of Rearing); Nº Plots (Number of Plots in the Exploitation); Nº plot/ ha_ST, (Number of Plots per hectare of Total Area of the Exploitation); Responsible_age (Age of Responsible of the exploitation); S_unitary_plot (Unitary Surface of agricultural Plots) and Sf_Tot / S_Tot (Ratio between of Forage Area of the exploitation and its Total Area). The Table 2 shows the distribution and the statistics of group (T1 and T2) for the 13 variables. The use of F statistic of the equation 4, for a value of n =7,456 exploitations and g=2 groups, allowed selecting as variables to include in the analysis, the 8 considered statistically significant (F> 3,84), reflected in Table 3, which will allow to establish the ownership of the exploitations to one or another analyzed group (T1 or T2). The other variables of the 13 originally considered have been excluded because the value that takes the F statistic is minor than the output value (F <2,71). 111 Area: Product Engineering Variable Tolerance F exclusion (λ) %_Corn 0,991 5.735,804 0,978 SAU 0,111 12,925 0,553 Sf_Tot/S_Tot 0,435 66,984 0,558 ST 0,103 19,650 0,554 S_unitary plot 0,778 2,766 0,553 NºPlot/ha_ST 0,398 33,761 0,555 NºPlots 0,372 26,330 0,554 Responsible Age 0,974 5,640 0,553 Table 3. Inclusion of variables in the analysis. The discriminant function indicated in equation 5 is applied for a value i =7,456 exploitations and a value p=7 independent variables. In Table 4 presents the corresponding results for the test of significance of the discriminant obtained function (equation 5).The values of lambda 0,500 are low, evidence of differentiation between groups, which confirmed high levels of statistic, and above the value of significance less than 0,05%. F exact Step (λ) nºp nºF nº Ex. 1 0,568 1 1 7.454 5.673,065 7.454 0,000% 2 0,563 2 1 7.454 2.893,854 7.453 0,000% 3 0,560 3 1 7.454 1.949,483 7.452 0,000% 4 0,556 4 1 7.454 1.485,823 7.451 0,000% 5 0,556 5 1 7.454 1.191,413 7.450 0,000% 6 0,555 6 1 7.454 995,553 7.449 0,000% 7 0,553 7 1 7.454 860,213 7.448 0,000% 8 0,553 8 1 7.454 753,861 7.447 0,000% Stadistic G.L. Significance nºp: number of variables in the discriminate function nºF: number of discrimínate functions nºEx.: number of considerated exploitations G.L.: Degrees of freedom Table 4. Test of significance of the discriminant function. 112 Area: Product Engineering In Table 5 shows the results of the all comparisons by pairs of groups, for the F statistic and its significance. Due that the values of F are high and the level of significance inferior than 0,05%, can be indicated that all the included variables in the discriminant analysis differentiate significantly the typologies, two to two. Group Step Group T1 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Signif. T1 T2 2.893,854 0,000% 2.893,854 0,000% 1.949,483 0,000% 1.949,483 0,000% T1 T2 1.485,823 0,000% 1.485,823 0,000% T1 T2 1.191,413 0,000% 1.191,413 0,000% T1 T2 995,553 0,000% 995,553 0,000% T1 T2 860,213 0,000% 860,213 0,000% T1 T2 Signif. 5.673,065 0,000% T1 T2 F 5.673,065 0,000% T1 T2 G.L. T2 753,861 0,000% 753,861 0,000% 7.454 7.453 7.452 7.451 7.450 7449 7.448 7.447 F: stadistic Sig.: significance G.L.: Degrees of freedom Table 4. Comparisions of groups by pairs. The obtained autovalor for the discriminant function (equation 6) is 0,810, and the obtained value for the canonical correlation (equation 7) is 0,669. Both values are close to the unit, which is a clear indication that the discriminant obtained function allows distinguishing the average of the groups T1 and T2, indicating that the points relating to the exploitations of both groups have a high degree of differentiation according to the discriminant scores (Di). 113 Area: Product Engineering Coeff. Variable Group T1 T2 1,047 1,012 a1 ST a2 SAU -1,122 -1,088 a3 %_Maíz 31,385 6,410 a4 NºParcelas -0,012 -0,023 a5 NºParcel/ha_ST 1,729 1,897 a6 Edad_Responsable 0,423 0,430 a7 S_unitaria_parcel -0,035 -0,013 a8 Sf_Tot/S_Tot 41,902 40,057 a0 (Constante) -30,938 -27,760 Table 6. Value of the coefficients of the discriminant function. The obtained value for the Wilks Lambda (λ) by equation 3, is 0,553, which is contrasted of hierarchical way the significance of the obtained function by the null hypothesis, getting a significance of 0.00 (<0,05), which suggests that the model discriminates well between the two groups. The centroids put the typology T1 in the positive part with a value of the function equal to 1,084, and to the typology T2 in the negative part with a value -0,747. The Table 6 shows the values of the estimated coefficients for equation 5 of the discriminant function. These will allow calculating the values that will determine which typology is included such exploitation of the tested population. The Table 7 shows the obtained results of ranking for both cases, selected and new or not selected. In selected cases, were able to classify correctly 84,7% of the exploitations (Mardia et al., 1994). The percentage of correct classification of the used exploitations in the validation sample (new cases) reaches values of 62,8% for the type T1, and 99,7% for type T2, representing a 84,8% of exploitations. In set it is achieved a good result of classification, which stands at 84,6% of exploitations whose classification matches as both methodologies, discriminant analysis and combinational process. 114 Area: Product Engineering Group Recount Selected cases Percentage Recount Not selected cases Percentage Forecast group Total T1 T2 T1 1.918 1.123 3.041 T2 20 4.413 4.433 T1 63,07% 36,93% 100,00% T2 0,45% 99,55% 100,00% T1 1.909 1.133 3.042 T2 15 4.473 4.488 T1 62,75% 37,25% 100,00% T2 0,33% 99,67% 100,00% Table 7.Results of the clasification. These results are similar or even better than those obtained by other researchers using techniques of discriminant analysis, for example Liu et al., (2006), achieved an overall rate of correct classification of wines from 76,6%. Stewart et al., (Stewart et al., 1979) regarding the prediction of land use and depending on the number of considered groups and selected variables, classifies correctly between 51,65 and 62,7% of cases. 5. Conclusions The developed methodology for to group exploitations according to different types, based on a combinatorial algorithm, is validated when after the completion of the Discriminant Analysis, the results show a high coincidence in the classification. As shown in this paper, the development of new heuristic classification or clustering methods aimed at conducting production planning initiatives suited to each of the resulting farm groups demands validation actions that verify the quality of results. This is of great importance because the validated methodology of grouping, based on a combinatorial algorithm, allows establishing different groups of exploitations from a public source of information such as the Agrarian Census, covering all agrarian exploitations in the territory. Moreover, given that the methodology generates the cases and then the selection of groups is made through a manual process of analysis and valuation, the resulting types are more realistic than those obtained by other statistical methodologies subjected to the restrictions of the number values of different variables and to the subjectivity of the imposed weights by unrelated criteria with the differing characteristics of the productive processes that govern the exploitations. 115 Area: Product Engineering References Álvarez C.J., Riveiro J.A., Marey M.F., 2008. Type, classification and characterization of farms for agricultural production planning. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 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Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain, for the financing of this research through the project "Integration of information in a methodological model applied to decision-making in the management of agrarian productive management”, with reference: AGL2006 - 04789/AGR. 117 Area: Product Engineering Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Carlos José Álvarez López Polytechnic University. University of Santiago de Compostela. Agroforest Engineering Department Universitary Campus s/n, 27002, Lugo, Spain. Phone: (+34) 982 285900 ext 23262 Fax: (+34) 982 285926 E-mail: [email protected] 118 Area: Product Engineering TOPIC AREA: PRODUCT ENGINEERING 119 Area: Product Engineering APPLICABILITY OF THE B-CUBE MODEL TO THE SERVICES SECTOR Chulvi, V. Vidal, R. Universitat Jaume I Abstract With the concept of globalization and the delegation of tasks that require large amounts of manpower, the core of the economies of the larger towns and cities of the major world powers has shifted to the tertiary sector (services sector). In this field, it is not enough just to remain competitive, it is also necessary to continue to improve in order not to be pushed out of the market by others. Functional design, which is widely and successfully used in all engineering fields, has been proved to be a useful tool in the tertiary sector when it comes to designing companies and establishing relations between departments based on the functions they have inside the company. B-Cube is a new approach to functional design through the FBS framework. This approach proposes a three-dimensional scheme that uses definitions as Behaviours concepts. The key to this approach is that a Behaviour is not defined by a word or a taxon, which could lead to ambiguity and misinterpretation, but rather it is defined as a threedimensional vector (X, Y, Z), which is set by its characteristics and qualities. In this work we present the process for elaborating a functional design of a company in the services sector through the B-Cube model, and illustrate its use with a practical application. Keywords: FBS, Behaviour, functional design, B-Cube, business & management 1. Introduction In recent years the tertiary sector has grown considerably, above all in first world countries. So much has this been the case that this sector has become the engine driving the economies of the larger towns and cities of the major world powers. One of the main causes of this trend is globalization and the ensuing transfer of tasks with higher labour requirements, like agriculture or manufacturing, to developing countries. This can be corroborated by observing the percentages of participation of the third sector in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in countries like the United States of America, Japan, Germany, Spain and Portugal, where this sector contributes over 50% of their GDP (OECD, 2000; INE). For this reason, improving competitiveness is very important for enterprises in this sector so that they are not pushed out of the market. In other words, such enterprises need continuous improvement and innovation (Bharadwaj and Menon, 2000; Hipple, 2003; Jacob et al., 2001; Stevens et al., 1999). Functional design has been broadly and successfully used within all engineering fields (Chakrabarti and Blessign, 1996; Liu et al., 1999; Zhang et al., 2002a), but nowadays it has also been shown to be a useful tool in the services sector (Earl, 2001). The FBS (Function121 Area: Product Engineering Behaviour-Structure) framework has established itself as one of the most effective and widely extended frameworks with which to include all the parts that characterize functional design, i.e. functions, behaviours and structures (Umeda et al., 1996; Umeda et al., 2005; Umeda et al., 1990; Zhang et al., 2002b). Within this framework, Function represents the function or functions performed by the design; Structure represents the set of physical elements that compose the solution; and Behaviour acts as a link between the other two, and refers to the specific way in which a Function is performed by a Structure. The B-Cube (Behaviour Cube) model (Chulvi et al., 2008) is a three-dimensional tool that has been developed in order to improve the functional design process, allow it be automated, and make it possible to link it with CAI (Computer Aided Inventing) and environmental assessment tools. The development of the B-Cube model is based on the upper-level ontology DOLCE (Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering) (Masolo et al., 2003), the functional proposal developed by Garbacz on this ontology (Garbacz, 2006), and Rasmussen’s concept of SRK (Skills, Rules and Knowledge) for defining human behaviours (Rasmussen, 1983). The main characteristic of B-Cube is that Behaviours are not defined using a single word or taxon. Instead, they are defined as three-dimensional vectors (X, Y, Z) that will determine their characteristics and qualities. The application of functional design to organize enterprise structures is a new field in which several studies have been started in the past few years (Bottazzi and Ferrario, 2006; Masolo et al., 2005; Masolo et al., 2004; Singh and Gero, 2007). This paper shows the process for elaborating the functional design of a service sector enterprise using the B-Cube model, and an example is also given to show how it can be applied. 2. B-Cube and Abstract Qualities The B-Cube model was developed from the three basic definitions of DOLCE, i.e. endurants, perdurants and qualities, with the support of Garbacz’s functional proposal on them, which were adapted to fit the model. An endurant is defined as the entity or element (Structure) referred to by the input into B-Cube. It is supposed that the number of elements in the universe tends to infinity. Endurants are divided into physical endurants (PED) and non-physical endurants (NPED). A perdurant (P) is one of the characteristics that define a Behaviour. It describes the kind of behaviour that the aforementioned entity or element refers to. The values for perdurants in the B-Cube model are: achievement (non-cumulative and atomic), accomplishment (noncumulative and non-atomic), state (cumulative and homeomeric) and process (cumulative and non-homeomeric). For a better understanding of these concepts, cumulative is when the mereological sum of two cases of the same type maintains that same type; homeomeric is when all the temporal parts are described by the very same expression used for the whole occurrence; and atomic is when the case is immeasurably short in time. On the other hand, qualities are characteristics linked to another entity, and they are used to help to define a Behaviour. There are three different kinds of qualities: temporal (TQ), physical (PQ) and abstract (AQ). The next value needed to set a Behaviour is determined by a PQ when the Behaviour affects a characteristic of a PED, or an AQ if it affects an NPED. PQ values are fixed as: spatial location (the PED’s position in space); topological connectedness (the kind of connection achieved by the PED); energy (the energetic state of the PED); magnitude (a physical magnitude of the PED is affected); and signal (related to any sort of signal or information flow). AQ values are skills, rules, and knowledge, and these will be explained below. Finally, TQ constitutes the third axis. It refers to the direction in which the Behaviour affects the SoA (State of Affairs) of the PQ or AQ mentioned above. So, the values for TQ are: initial SoA (PQ or AQ is at the beginning and it is reduced or disappears); immutable SoA (the Behaviour does not vary the PQ or AQ); and final SoA (the PQ or AQ is achieved at the end of the action). 122 Area: Product Engineering Figure 1 shows a graphic representation of the B-Cube model with all its values as names, but when actually working with it numerical values will be used instead of the full terms. That is to say, on the X axis “spatial location” = 1, “topological connectedness” = 2, “energy” = 3, and so on. For example, instead of defining a Behaviour as (Energy, State, Initial SoA), for the sake of convenience it will be transcribed as (3, 2, 1); or (Spatial location, Achievement, Terminal SoA) will be given as (1, 4, 3). Figure 1: B-Cube model. Within the functional design of a company, the members of staff can be seen from two different perspectives when it comes to defining them. On the one hand, they are considered to be physical entities (PED), since they are clearly tangible structures. Their properties, therefore, correspond to the physical field (PQ). On the other hand, however, there are the duties that these workers carry out in the company, that is to say, the "role" that they play (Masolo et al., 2005; Masolo et al., 2004). In this case we are talking about an NPED, the properties of which are to be considered as lying on the abstract level (AQ). As an example, it can be seen that a person taking a box of tomatoes to market has a Behaviour (1, 3, 3), where the first value (1) corresponds to the PQ, while the same person trading (role: merchant) with the same tomatoes presents a Behaviour (-2, 3, 1), where the value -2 corresponds to the AQ. In order to understand the definitions of the AQ correctly, it is necessary to resort to the terms coined by Rasmussen to define human behaviours: skill, rule and knowledge (Figure 2). Skill is a previously-learned behaviour which does not need any conscious control, although such control may have been needed during the learning process. Rule needs a procedure or “written rule” that guides how the task is to be carried out. It does not entail an exhaustive intellectual involvement, but the subject must bear in mind the rules to be followed at all times. Knowledge refers to those actions that need a high conceptual level. Table 1 shows examples of the application of Rasmussen’s concept of SRK and of the application of the above-mentioned terms within the B-Cube model. 123 Area: Product Engineering Figure 2: Algorithm for determining human behaviour. Rasmussen Skill, Rule and Knowledge define a human Behaviour B-Cube Skill, Rule and Knowledge define an AQ, but they do not define a Behaviour by themselves Examples (applicable to) Skill Rule Riding a bicycle Driver Seeing Secretary making a clean copy Playing the violin Assembly of strings on a violin Cooking following a recipe Racing driver Recognizing Secretary answering the phone Playing the violin (with a score) Violin tuner Knowledge Planning F1 engineer Identifying Manager (making decisions) Composing a score Composer Table 1: Examples of the use of SRK. 3. B-Cube in a small enterprise in the services sector In order to verify the applicability of the B-Cube model to the functional design of an enterprise, a small vehicle dealer was chosen as an example. The main function of the enterprise is defined as “selling vehicles” and as elements that are external to the enterprise, i.e. the environment, it is necessary to define the customers and the supplier. Four different Behaviours 124 Area: Product Engineering must be fulfilled so that a company can carry out the above-mentioned function (Figure 3), namely, selling, understood as meaning that the element moves towards the customer (1, 3, 1); buying, the element comes towards the company (1, 3, 3); invoicing, the element enters the enterprise (1, 4, 3); and paying, the element leaves the enterprise (1, 4, 1). Since a Behaviour is, by definition, the specific way in which a function is performed, the function of selling can be exercised in many different ways. In this case, the vehicle dealer, the above-mentioned function takes on a definite concrete form with these four Behaviours, and in those that will be seen during the development of the present section. Figure 3: Behaviours derived from Function. At the Structure level, the first thing that is required is an element that is capable of carrying out behaviours (1, 3, 1) and (1, 3, 3), that is, the vehicles. Yet, other structures are also needed inside the enterprise in order to sell or purchase these vehicles (Figure 4). In this figure, relations between Structures that carry out a Behaviour and this Behaviour are represented by thick discontinuous lines ending in arrowheads, and relations between Structures that affect in a secondary way and the Behaviour affected are shown as a thin dotted line ending in dots. 125 Area: Product Engineering Figure 4: Behaviours (1, 3, 1) and (1, 3, 3) related to the Structure and Environment levels. In the same way, it is necessary to establish another Structure to be able to carry out Behaviours (1, 4, 1) and (1, 4, 3): Euros (€). These are fully defined with the Structures ‘trader’ and ‘administrative assistant’, and with the environment elements ‘customer’ and ‘supplier’ (Figure 5). Figure 5: Behaviours (1, 4, 1) and (1, 4, 3) related to the Structure and Environment levels. 126 Area: Product Engineering At this level, it is necessary to define the roles and the elements that are going to perform them in order to be able to continue with the functional level of an enterprise. First of all, only two of the defined Structures are capable of carrying out roles, i.e. ‘trader’ and ‘administrative assistant’. Abstract or role Behaviours are derived from the previously defined Behaviours on a second level. Thus, in order to manage the sale of a vehicle, both the ability to process the sale (-1, 3, 1) and the ability to negotiate the conditions under which it will take place (-2, 1, 2) are needed. The Behaviours ‘placing orders’ (-2, 4, 3) and receiving payment (-1, 3, 3) are established in a similar way. At this level, a differentiation is drawn between ‘paying' in the sense of making a payment to the supplier (-1, 3, 1) and that of elaborating the payslips for the workers (-1, 3, 1). Apart from Behaviours derived from the first level, which can be accomplished by the existing Structures, the condition “designing an enterprise” requires a Behaviour of management and coordination (-3, 2, 1) over the rest of the role Structures. This new Behaviour needs another Structure that is capable of being carried out with it: the director. This Structure must be reanalysed with the rest of the Behaviours in the scheme in order to see whether it is related to any of them. If this is the case, then it is related with the Behaviour (1, 4, 1). Figure 6 shows the direct relations between the role Behaviours and the Structures capable of carrying them out. The parameters (X, Y, Z) of the derived Behaviours do not need to be similar to the corresponding ones on the upper level, since the Structure that is directly affected is not the same. Figure 6: Role Behaviours and their directly affected Structures. Lastly, Figure 7 shows the definitive scheme representing the final result of the functional design of the enterprise chosen as an example in this paper. Regarding derived Behaviours, secondary relations have been omitted in order to simplify the scheme, but these relations correspond to the other Structures affected by the first-level Behaviour. That is, Behaviour (1, 3, 1) has ‘vehicles’ as its primary Structure and ‘trader’ and ‘customer’ as the secondary ones. So, since the Behaviour (-1, 3, 1) has its primary relation with ‘trader’, then its secondary relations are with ‘vehicles’ and ‘customer’. 127 Area: Product Engineering Figure 7: Functional design of a service-sector enterprise through the B-Cube model. 4. Conclusions The process of developing a functional design for a service-sector enterprise has been shown in this paper. This functional design was carried out within the FBS framework and through the B-Cube model. An example has also been used to show how it can be applied in enterprise structure organization. Thus, Figure 8 shows the Structures needed to establish the organization chart of an enterprise. This will be performed with the Structures that are capable of carrying out with role Behaviours (those which are in the negative part of the X axis of the BCube). In this example, a trader, an administrative assistant and a director are needed for the organization to work properly. The volume of the other Structures will determine the number of the first ones. That is, if we look at the flow of vehicle transactions in the enterprise, which is directly related to Behaviour (1, 3, 1) and which is at the same time indirectly related with the ‘trader’, the higher the number of vehicles on sale, the more traders will be needed. So, it is necessary to establish quantity ratios between Structures in order to know how many vehicle sales are needed to increase the number of traders. It can be appreciated from the development of functional design that structures capable of having a direct relation with role Behaviours only have this kind of relations with them, but they can have secondary relations with the rest of the Behaviours. Classifying the Behaviours on different levels helps in the visualization and comprehension of the functional design, although there is no direct relation between the kind of Behaviour and the level it is placed on. Therefore, although in the example the Behaviour (-3, 2, 1) appears on the second level, this is only to make the scheme clearer and easier to understand by showing all role Behaviours on same visual level. It can be seen that it is not derived from any other Behaviour, so it is considered to be primary level Behaviour. 128 Area: Product Engineering (X, Y, Z) parameters of the derived Behaviours do not have to be related to first-level ones because the Structure which they act directly on are different. Thus, X parameters are normally different because they come from a direct quality of the Structure. The Y parameter refers to the kind of Behaviour, so it is completely independent with regard to other Behaviours. However, as Z parameters are related to the action direction, both first-level and derived Behaviours will normally have the same value, but this is not a hard and fast rule. For example, on looking at Figure 6 it can be seen how practically all the second-level Behaviours share their Z value with their origin Behaviour. So, if the Behaviour buy (1, 3, 3) a vehicle means that this vehicle will be inside the enterprise at the end of the action (terminal SoA Æ Z = 3), it is logical to expect its derived Behaviour ‘place orders’ (-2, 4, 3) to have the same direction, since the final result of the action will be the vehicle inside the enterprise. The exception can also be seen in the same example. In the Behaviours derived from selling (1, 3, 1) it can be seen that one of them, negotiating (-2, 1, 2) does not share the direction, since it does not necessarily entail the vehicle’s leaving the enterprise (sold) or its remaining there (not sold). Therefore, it can be deduced that although the Z values usually coincide between one Behaviour and its lower-level derivates, it can be said that the three coordinates remain fully independent between levels. Logically, although the example in the present paper has focused on a services sector (or third sector) enterprise, the procedure can be applied to functional design of enterprises from other sectors (first sector or raw materials, and secondary sector or industry). This work is part of a project that has as its objective the creation of a computer application for functional design automation. Thus, the B-Cube model is perceived as an optimization of the process of defining the structural organization of an enterprise and its resources. References Bharadwaj, S, Menon, A., 2000. Making innovation happen in organizations: individual creativity mechanisms, organizational creativity mechanisms or both?. Vol. 17, pp. 424 - 434. Bottazzi, E, Ferrario, R., 2006. Preliminaries to a DOLCE Ontology of Organizations. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management. Chakrabarti, A, Blessign, L., 1996. Representing functionality in design. 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Zhang, WY, Tor, SB, Britton, GA, Deng, YM., 2002b Functional design of mechanical products based on behaviour-driven function-environment-structure modelling framework. Singapore, p 8. Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge funding by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (ref. DPI2006-15570-C02-00) and the FEDER funds from the European Union. We are also grateful to the other members of the Engineering Design Group (GID) for their help with this work. 130 Area: Product Engineering Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Vicente Chulvi Ramos Grupo de Ingeniería del Diseño (GID) Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y Construcción. Universitat Jaume I. Avenida Sos Baynat s/n. 12071 - Castellón (Spain) Teléfono: +34 964 72 9252 Fax: +34 964 72 8106 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Rosario Vidal Nadal Grupo de Ingeniería del Diseño (GID) Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y Construcción. Universitat Jaume I. E-mail: [email protected] 131 Area: Product Engineering PARADIGMS OF EXPLORATION AND PARADIGMS OF EXPLOITATION.THE ARTIFICIAL DISC CASE Barberá-Tomás, D De los Reyes, E. Jiménez-Saéz, F. Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Management INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) Abstract Technological paradigms are heuristic models which guide organizations in their learning and searching process for solutions of technological problems, as the seminal contribution of Giovanni Dosi puts it. In the organizational learning literature, this model of solution is divided in exploration paradigms and exploitation paradigms. Although Dosi’s analysis identifies properly the exploitation paradigms, it does not happen the same with the exploration paradigms. This article pretends to identify and analyse the heuristic behaviour of two technological paradigms (both exploration and exploitation ones), used to solve a specific technological problem: the substitution of a diseased intervertebral disk with an artificial prostheses. For this we will study carefully the design characteristics of both paradigms; also, a quantitative analysis of a patent citation database of this kind of artefacts is performed. Keywords: technological paradigm, artificial disc, product design 1. Introduction In his seminal article, Giovanni Dosi (1982) proposed to transfer some of the historicist notions of philosophy of science developed by TS Kuhn (1969) to technological evolution. A Kuhnian scientific paradigm includes the set of theories that shape the kind of problems to be studied by ‘normal’ science and, in this context, for Dosi a technological paradigm is a “model and pattern of solutions to solve some technological problems, based on certain principles derived from the natural sciences and certain materials" (italics in original), where the words in italics relate to the particular nature of each paradigm. In addition to this technological adaptation of the philosophical concepts of science to technology, Dosi’s early work has had a profound influence on evolutionary economics, which deals mainly with technological change. The evolutionary perspective suggests that the behaviour of economic agents in contexts of change (e.g. technological change), must be based on learning and searching processes and on the bounded rationality of the agents (Simon, 1957). Technological paradigms constitute the set of heuristic rules that guide these processes of learning in the environment, which in its turn will shape the technological trajectories followed by the agents involved in the process of innovation. In modern economies, these agents are corporations (Dosi, 1988). 132 Area: Product Engineering The processes of organizational learning and search have been characterized as exploration or exploitation heuristics (March, 1991). Exploitation consists of learning through the refinement and extension of previously existing knowledge, (Larrue, 2003) while learning through exploration occurs through the combination of existing knowledge and new knowledge (Abernathy and Clark, 1985). Exploitation includes local searches, close to the technological point of departure of the searching agent; exploration implies a process involving 'long jumps' to remote areas of the technological space (Hovhannisian, 2004). In the same way, technological paradigms can be characterized by these two search heuristics: while exploitation paradigms are based on the refinement of existing knowledge and local search, exploration paradigms are characterized by the combination of new with existing knowledge, the former originating in remote areas of technological space. The original work by Dosi identifies exploration paradigms with an organization’s areas of expertise and, therefore, with existing knowledge, which exploitation refines (Dosi: 1982: 155). However, Dosi situates exploratory paradigms as originating exclusively in the scientific advances that act as a deus ex machina. This trend to "exogenization" of exploration may be due to the ambiguous nature of the innovation process. Innovation is inherently uncertain in nature and impact: were it certain and known about it would not be innovation (Silverberg and Verspagen, 2005). However, the emergence of new technologies is far from a purely stochastic phenomenon and usually occurs in very specific areas of the technological space, regardless of the degree of novelty (Silverberg, 2002). These seemingly paradoxical properties are explained partially in terms of the creation of knowledge through exploration, as a phenomenon that emerged due to interactions between the organization and others agents in the innovation system. Thus, instead of "science" being an abstract black box which produces new knowledge in unexplained ways, this perspective enables the study of learning by interaction among the players, which may be scientific institutions but also could be users or providers or other organizations (Kamp, 2002). In other words, the "new knowledge" that emerges from interactions is the essence of organizational learning by exploration, as confirmed by several empirical studies devoted to joint ventures (Koza and Lewin, 1998). In order to study exploratory paradigms, therefore, it is necessary to focus on the interactions among the players in innovation system under review. These relationships are strongly sectorally-specific (Malerba, 2002) and can be categorized in the taxonomy devised by Pavitt (Pavitt, 1984), which classifies industries into four sectors according to the agents involved: (1) supplier dominated; (2) specialized suppliers, (3) scale intensive; and (4) science-based. This paper identifies and analyses heuristic paradigms of exploration and exploitation involved in the resolution of a particular technological problem: the replacement of an anatomical disc by an intervertebral disc prosthesis. Section 2 provides a detailed study of the case of the artificial disc, which distinguishes the technological paradigms of exploration and exploitation based on existing capabilities and patterns of interaction among agents. In section 3, the analysis of a patent database for these devices deepens our understanding of the heuristic rules and searching behaviour in both types of paradigms. Section 4 discusses the major findings and limitations of our study. 133 Area: Product Engineering 2. The identification of paradigms: a case study 2.1 Introduction Arthroplasty of the intervertebral disc (i.e., artificial disc replacement using an implantable device) is a surgical procedure used in the treatment of degenerative disc disease (hereafter DDD). DDD is the major cause of pain and disability in developed countries (Errico, 2005). Intervertebral disc arthroplasty has been postulated as being a more efficient alternative treatment for DDD than other surgical procedures, such as vertebral arthrodesis, which has been used systematically since the late 1970s to treat DDD (Acosta et al., 2005). Arthrodesis involves the fusion of the two vertebrae adjacent to the degenerated disc. Arthrodesis eliminates abnormal movement of the damaged disc, thus removing the pain this causes. However, fusing two previously articulated vertebrae involves several biomechanical alterations in the behaviour of the vertebral column: (i) the movement of the instrumented articulation must be incorporated into the discs of the adjacent vertebral articulations; (ii) the loads that were absorbed by the now immobilized disc must be absorbed by the discs in the adjacent articulations. These kinematic and dynamic alterations following arthrodesis can provoke ‘adjacent disc degeneration syndrome’: following fusion, excess movement and load, result in the appearance of DDD in the discs adjacent to the fused ones, frequently requiring some kind of surgical intervention (Denoziere and Ku, 2006). The insertion of an artificial disc is to try to avoid these problems associated with vertebral fusion. In the history of artificial discs, one fact in particular stands out. As previously stated, an artificial disc must fulfil two tasks in order to prevent the DDD syndrome of the segments adjacent to the disc that was originally symptomatic: it must not cause any alteration to the kinematic or dynamic conditions of the anatomic intervertebral discs in these segments. However, as we show in the next section, commercially available discs meet only one of these prerequisites: preservation of the kinematic properties of adjacent discs. None of the artificial discs that have been produced commercially are able to mimic the dynamic properties of the anatomical disc in being able to absorb loads (Oskouian et al., 2004), since they are all constituted of articulations between materials (polyethylene, Cr-Co, steel…) with much smaller load absorption capacities than the anatomical disc. The medical literature has formulated a hypothesis to explain this shortcoming (Szpalski et al., 2002): designs for vertebral disc articulations were influenced by the enormous efficacy of the implants used to replace hip articulations. In the early 1960s Sir John Charnley designed the hip prosthesis, which some years later became the standard implant in the treatment of degenerative hip disease. Charnley’s hip prosthesis (and succeeding designs) was integrated by two spherical articulation elements (‘ball-and-socket’) made of rigid materials. This rigidity does not imply a functional shortcoming, since the anatomic articulation of the hip does not have the viscoelastic ‘shock absorbing’ properties of the intervertebral disc. Hence, transferring the hip prosthesis principles to disc replacement, as in the artificial discs commercialized to date, implies the assumption of an important deficit: if the artificial disc cannot absorb loads, the corresponding overloads will be charged on the adjacent discs at the instrumented level, which can lead to the degeneration of these discs (McNally, 1996). This possibility of adjacent degeneration is the main reason why arthrodesis (vertebral fusion) is considered to be a suboptimal procedure in the treatment of DDD. However, in the history of artificial disc design we can find a considerable amount of past and current technological activity in other directions than the hip-like artificial disc, although without 134 Area: Product Engineering the same market success. Szpalski et al. (2002) reviewed currently marketed artificial discs, and also several devices tested only in vitro or in animal models, and devices that had been clinically tested, but never commercialised. They found that there were many artificial disc designs based on the principle of ‘shock absorbing’ biomaterials that actually enabled the reproduction of viscoelastic properties of the anatomical disc, but that they were limited to nonmarket applications. They concluded that artificial disc designs can be categorised according to two principles: shock absorbing ‘dynamic’ designs, or the already described ‘hip like’ devices commercialised to date. Other reviewers of artificial discs, such as Lee and Goel (2004), agree with this classification. In this paper, we employ the term ‘paradigm’ rather than ‘principle’ to refer to the ‘dynamic’ and the ‘hip like’ solutions. 2.2 The exploitation paradigm. In characterizing the paradigms, we referred to local search and refinement and the extension of existing knowledge to define the exploitation heuristic process. Here, what seems to be important is the prior existence of prior knowledge. So, in trying to identify exploitation in the invention of the artificial disc, we need to concentrate on those activities that employ knowledge that is already possessed by the innovative agent. Again, as already mentioned, many of the artificial discs that have been developed (and all those commercialised to date) ‘apply the design principles commonly used in total hip arthroplasty’ (Fraser et al., 2004). These hip design principles can be identified with the above mentioned local search strategies, because the hip-like paradigm for the artificial disc consists basically of recombining the components of hip prostheses and adapting them to spinal anatomy (Santos et al., 2004). This reutilization of an early technology for use in other applications than the original corresponds to what we characterize as the exploitation paradigm. The following paragraphs propose some historical justifications for agents developing implants within the hip-like paradigm, to refine the knowledge previously developed in the design of hip prostheses. Since Sir John Charnley’s development of a hip prosthesis in the 1960s, the orthopaedic industry has been marked by developments in total hip replacement to the point that some reviewers refer to pre-Charnley and post Charnley eras. Charnley’s discovery also became the basis for the subsequent development of prosthetic knees, shoulders and elbows (Fraser et al., 2004). The first disc prosthesis to be marketed in the world (and the only one until 1999) was the SB Charité, based on a 1982 design in the form of two metallic platforms encrusted into the adjacent vertebrae, which were articulated with a polyethylene body. A German company (Waldemar Link), dedicated to the manufacture of hip implants since the late 1960s, was on the development team. This is an important part of the story: in the mid 1980s, artificial hip joints were already successful and used technological capabilities that were built on the ‘ball-andsocket’ paradigm established by Sir John Charnley. Waldemar Link brought its technological experience in artificial hip manufacture. Following incidents of fractures of the prostheses endplates in the non-forged stainless steel, a new Co-Cr cast alloy was developed and began to be used, with the SB Charité becoming commercially available in Europe in 1987 (Link, 2002). Ultimately, the paradigm, which we call "hip like", allowed the creation of knowledge (through refinement to and extension of existing knowledge) in the invention of a new prostheses for the replacement of a different articulation (the disc), using the benefits of tribological knowledge 135 Area: Product Engineering previously developed with great success for synovial joints such as hip and knee (Szpalski,2002). Therefore, we can identify this paradigm as the exploitation paradigm. 2.3 The exploration paradigm In our definition of exploration activities in the first section, we indicated the long jump search and the recombination of knowledge as properties of the heuristic process. We also discussed that the exploration of new knowledge is not random: there are search areas that are more likely to be explored. These areas correspond to the location of the innovative agents that are part of the knowledge base specific to the sector (Malerba, 2002). The medical equipment industry has often been conceptualized as a capital input in the medical services sector (Geljins et al., 1996). There is also evidence that medical surgical equipment is an area where user innovation is relevant (see, e.g. Kahn, 1991). Therefore, it seems justified to classify this sector, according to Pavitt’s (1984) taxonomy, as a typical ‘specialised supplier’ sector. In such sectors, innovative activities relate mainly to product innovations, which enter other sectors as capital inputs; firms within this classification operate in close contact with users. Specifically related to medical surgical equipment, recent empirical studies have proved that surgeons are the source of radical new paradigms and influential innovations (Lettl et al., 2006). For medical technology, the users are the professionals: they use the medical technology in their lives, and can apply their ‘professional’ knowledge to develop innovative solutions. The physical properties of the spine can be regarded as the ‘basic science’ of orthopaedic spinal surgery, as they are the professional knowledge indispensable to interpreting, analysing and, if necessary, correcting abnormal human anatomy and physiology (White y Panjabi, 1978). The ‘shock absorbing’ properties of the spinal anatomical disc have been known about since 1954, when Hirsch and Nachemson (1954) published the results of compression tests. Nachemson (1962) was the first person to propose replacement of interverbral discs, and reported trials using silicon (a material with shock absorbing properties) prostheses. Basalla (1989) has shown that the origin of some invention is the imitation of natural objects (or, as the author called "naturfact”). In the case of the disc prosthesis, this mimetic force is even more powerful, since the device is functionally designed to replace a "naturfact": an organ of the human body. This imitative mechanism can be seen clearly in the Nachemson’s journey from the original description of the dynamic properties of the intervertebral disc in 1954 until the first test of an artificial prosthesis in 1962. This biomechanical knowledge possessed by advanced users as surgeons is the remote area of technological space where the explorative interaction takes place. 3. The heuristic properties of paradigms: analysis of patent citations 3.1 Design of research, data and analysis. Section 2 identified and discussed the paradigms of exploration and exploitation in the invention of the artificial disc; in this section we apply quantitative methods to study the heuristic properties of these paradigms. To do this, we use the results from an analysis of patent citations. Our database consists of 303 patents for artificial discs recorded between 1972 and 2004, derived from a keyword search of US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the European Patent Office (EPO) patents. After a review of the technical information with the help 136 Area: Product Engineering of two experts (a spine surgeon and an engineer involved in designing artificial discs) we classified the patents into hip-like or dynamic paradigm. Thus, we include “richer information than the categories [listed by the International System of Patent Classification (IPC)] allow” (Fleming and Sorenson: 1026). In addition to a detailed description of the patented device or process, patents include citations to one or more patents. These citations are mainly a legal instrument. They are an indication of the knowledge described as patentable, and that part of the knowledge claimed by a previous patent(s). Also, as proposed by several authors (see Jaffe and Trajtenberg, 2002, for a review) citation to earlier patents indicates that the knowledge developed in the cited patents was used to build the knowledge contained in the citing patent. This information is useful in studying the heuristic properties of paradigms. If the inclusion of a citation to an earlier patent means a "construction" of knowledge, we can assume that these patents are in the proximity of multidimensional technology space (Silverberg and Verspagen, 2005) of the citing patent. Indeed, for the creation of new technological knowledge it is necessary for closely related knowledge in the same technological space to be already “discovered” (Silverberg, 2002). We can identify this neighbouring knowledge through patent citations. In Section 1 we referred to some of the limitations of exploratory paradigms, and especially that searches in remote areas of the technological space are more uncertain than in the case of exploitation, where searches are conducted in areas adjacent to the technological space in which the agent is innovating. This uncertainty is reflected by the larger number of citations to patents in exploitation areas. Therefore, we can hypothesize that: Hypothesis 1: Patents belonging to the exploitation paradigm are more frequently cited than patents in the exploration paradigm. On the other hand, contiguity of the technological space can acquire different meanings depending on the dimensions of the technological space studied. Citations in patents are included by the inventors but can also be added by the patent examiner. Jaffe et al. (2002), based on interviews with inventors and patent examiners, find that patent citations refer to two types of prior knowledge: application-related and technology-related. If patent X cites patent Y, this might mean that patent X represents an alternative way of doing something that has already been discovered (e.g., patent X is for a mousetrap incorporating a titanium spring which improves the performance of the patent Y trap which uses zirconium). Alternatively, it could be that patent X uses a similar technology to patent Y, but for a different application (patent X relates to a mouse trap incorporating a titanium spring and patent Y is for a pen incorporating a titanium spring). We consider the first case "application-related" and the second case "technology-related." According to this classification, citations between exploitation and exploration paradigms are application related, since, as discussed in Section 2.1, both technologies are unique: if a device is driven by the operational principle of one of the paradigms (kinematics of rigid bodies or the viscoelastic behaviour of materials) it cannot relate to the other, so that citations across paradigms can never be technology-related. This is the "incommensurability" of technological paradigms referred to by Dew (2006), translating Kuhn’s concept of incommensurable scientific paradigms. Assuming that this aspect of technological space (application-related) is the same for both paradigms, there is no reason, in principle, why the numbers of application-related citations to be different (exploratory to exploitation, and vice versa). Thus, we can hypothesize that. 137 Area: Product Engineering Hypothesis 2: The number of cross-citations between paradigms will be the same regardless of whether the citation is from the exploratory to the exploitation paradigm or vice versa. This distinction between citations is the basis for our third and fourth hypotheses. According to the theoretical framework described in Section 1, exploitation paradigms refine existing knowledge. Therefore, in the exploitation paradigm, all other citations will be intra-paradigmatic, i.e. will be to patents within the same paradigm. In the case of the exploratory paradigm, citations to existing knowledge can be applicationrelated and intra-paradigmatic citations. However, the element of new knowledge that characterizes the exploratory heuristics is not included in these categories. Citations to new knowledge will refer to extra-paradigmatic patents not related to artificial discs, as the technology-related search will have extended to farther areas of the technology space. Hypotheses 3 and 4 reflect this proposition. Hypothesis 3. Patents cited in the paradigm of exploitation (in addition to patents related to the application) belong to the same paradigm. Hypothesis 4. Patent citations in the exploratory paradigm include (in addition to patents related to the application) patents for technologies unrelated to either paradigm. 3.2 Resultados Table 1 shows the results of our analysis: Cites to exploration patents Cites to Number Citation number Media Cites to explotaition patents Exploitation patents 161 457 2,83 227 (49,67%) 54 (11,82%) 176 (38,51%) Exploration patents 150 336 2,24 34 (10,12%) 130 (38,69%) 172 (51,19%) extraparadigmatic patents Tabla 1: Descriptive statistics of the patent database. Hypothesis 3 is not confirmed by these results; hypothesis 3 suggests that the exploitation paradigm does not make extra-paradigmatic citations, based on the idea that the exploitation heuristic refines the existing knowledge, and that therefore intra-paradigmatic and applicationrelated patents will be cited. However, 38.51% of our patent citations refer to extraparadigmatic patents not describing artificial discs. The deductive argument related to Hypothesis 4 is similar, therefore this hypothesis is also rejected. 138 Area: Product Engineering 4. Discussion and limitations This paper identifies the exploration and exploitation paradigms used to solve a technological problem (replacement of an anatomical disc by an artificial prosthesis) and analyse the heuristic searches of both paradigms. The aim was to deepen our understanding of Dosi’s technological paradigms, through the concepts of organizational learning and behavioural theory of organizations, at the sectoral level. However, our statistical analysis contradicts our hypothesis that the exploration paradigm only refines knowledge. Since the existence of the two paradigms described in our case study has been confirmed by other historians writing about the development of the artificial disc (Szpalski et al., 2002; Lee and Goel, 2004), the problem must lie in our second theoretical assumption related to the type of knowledge that can be identified with an agent in the innovation system. The concept of learning by interaction in the innovation system helps to resolve these problems: the type of agent with knowledge can be indicative of the type of heuristics that we can assign to a paradigm (exploratory and exploitative), but only based on a historical analysis to determine the type of agent that originally possessed the knowledge, since the same interactions between the players leads to the knowledge being distributed throughout the innovation system, which explains the failure of Hypothesis 3 and 4. This type of historical analysis is well suited to the case study described in Section 2, but it invalidates our analysis of patent citations in Section 3. Although this type of research is used in the study of patent databases (a recent example is Lettl et al., 2006), the statistical refutation of some of our hypotheses proves that a dynamic framework is best suited to studying the essential historicity of evolutionary analysis (Nelson and Winter, 1982). 5. References Abernathy, W. and Clarck, KB, 1985. Innovation: Mapping the Winds of Creative Destruction, Research Policy, 14, pp 3-22 Acosta, F.L. Jr, Aryan, H.E., Ames, C.P., 2005. Emerging directions in motion preservation spinal surgery. Neurosurgical Clinical North America 16(4), pp. 665-669. Basalla, G., 1989. The Evolution of Technology: Cambridge Studies in the History of Science, Cambridge. Denoziere, G., Ku, D.N., 2006. 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Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the Plan Nacional de I+D+i, 2004-2007 (SEJ200508603/PSIC), financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC), “Influencia de la cultura organizacional y los flujos de conocimiento en el rendimiento científico de grupos de I+D tecnológicos. Aplicación a la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.” Correspondence (for further information, please contact): David Barberá Tomás [email protected] 141 Area: Product Engineering MODELS FOR AIRBAG SIMULATION IN VEHICLES ADAPTED FOR DISABLED DRIVERS Masiá, J. Eixerés, B. Dols, J. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Abstract The car control adaptations are used in vehicles in order to facilitate the driving to persons with physical handicaps. This does not have to suppose a decrease of the passive safety that is required to the vehicles. In order to analyze this relation there will be characterized the different control adaptations that are in use together with the different devices of passive safety that can be mounted in the vehicles in diverse cases of impact in order to generate models of simulation. The methodology used to generate this simulation consists of the first phase in which there develops the three-dimensional model of the driving place. For it, there has been used a commercial software of three-dimensional design. Once realized this one divides, the model is imported to the finite elements software in which meshing is generated. Finally, a dynamic simulation software is used to assign the most important characteristics like material properties, contact interfaces, gas expansion models, airbag fold types, etc. Keywords: airbag, passive security, disabled driver, steering control devices, finite elements 1. Introduction An increasing number of components are used in vehicles. These components reflect a functional design that meets various requirements such as passive safety. These requirements should also be met by any control adaptations fitted to enable disabled people to drive. While the main requirement of these adaptations is to enable individuals with various disabilities to drive, their use need not imply a decrease in the vehicle passive safety level. Consideration should also be given to recycling these components in compliance with established environmental policies. The redesign of these components is considered so that they meet functional requirements and increase the passive safety level for disabled drivers. The environmental repercussions of the materials and processes used in design and manufacturing are also considered. To undertake such a redesign, the various situations that may occur are analysed – together with the passive safety devices that are currently fitted in vehicles. Load hypothesis is analysed from the functional and passive safety perspectives. Airbags and steering adaptations have an 142 Area: Product Engineering important impact on the passive safety level of a vehicle and these factors are analysed in this article. 2. Objectives The work begins with a series of study stages in which the ultimate goal is to recover the materials used when these vehicle parts reach the end of their useful life. To analyse the behaviour of these adaptations in normal service, as well as in the event of an accident, the various loads to which these adaptations are subjected must be studied. This study will verify the levels of force to which these adaptations are subjected in normal use. This will give rise to the establishment of several loading hypotheses which will facilitate the design of these adaptations from a functional perspective – the applied loads being those considered worst from the functional point of view. Moreover, during the redesign of these adaptations those loads which are caused by passive safety devices fitted on the vehicle should be specified. In addition to verifying how these adaptations are affected, it is essential to assess whether these adaptations reduce the passive safety of the vehicle. A growing number of devices are being fitted to prevent injury in the event of an accident. Therefore, the assembly of these devices must be examined to see if they affect passive safety. Steering wheel airbags are a clear example. These devices can subject adaptations to high loads that can cause their deformation or breakage. In addition, the safety function of an airbag may be affected by these adaptations if they intrude into the passenger safety cell. 3. Methodology The process used to evaluate the adaptations and assess the need for a redesign is a finite element software simulation of the dynamics of the model of the accident (Morgan et al., 1998). To achieve this, analytical models are available which have been calibrated and homologated for impacts, impact barriers, as well as impacts on dummies that simulate the vehicle occupants, etc. An airbag is one of the most important elements of passive safety. There are many airbag systems in use, but one of the most important airbags is the unit that prevents frontal impact. The simulation of the deployment of this airbag is a major factor in the evaluation of adaptations (Figure 1). Figure 1: Modelling an explosive airbag opening. 143 Area: Product Engineering The methodology used to generate this simulation consisted of an initial phase in which a threedimensional model of the driving position was developed. A commercial 3D software design package was used for this task. Once this task was accomplished, a finite element model was imported and a finite element mesh generated (see Figure 2). Finally, the main constraints of the model were specified in the dynamic simulation software – such as the materials and their characteristics, contact interfaces, gas expansion models, technique of folding the airbag, etc. Figure 2: Model of a steering wheel with a double knob. Geometric parameters from commercial vehicles which take into account the minimum distances in passenger safety cells were used for modelling the driver's position. The range was set taking into consideration that these vehicles must accommodate drivers with differing sizes and abilities. Other important factors include: the shape of the airbag, the steering wheel angle of inclination, airbag folding technique, and rate of pressure inflation. Two fundamental aspects in the deployment of the steering wheel airbag were evaluated: the airbag folding technique, and the modelling of the thermodynamic gas expansion (Motevalli and Bedewi, 1996). The way in which an airbag is folded is one of the factors influencing its deployment; and the folding technique also affects the time/pressure curve of the airbag. Figure 3 shows three of the folding techniques used for the simulations. These include the use of fine pleats, internal folds, and a spiral fold. 144 Area: Product Engineering Figure 3: Airbag folding techniques. Differing models representing various laws of behaviour were used to model the expansion of the gases. The most widely used are simple, adiabatic, and hybrid. Only the interaction of the airbag with the adaptation device was analysed. The driving position was the nominal or standard driving position, and the distance of the driver from the wheel, and therefore the front airbag, was set at the most appropriate distance for the correct functioning of the airbag. However, it is often considered that a disabled driver using an adapted device sits closer to the steering wheel than is normal. Firstly, a simulation was made of a conventional airbag deployment on a steering wheel without any fitted adaptation. This enabled the distances occupied by an expanding airbag to be measured, as well as with the timings. Figure 4 shows a simulated steering wheel airbag deployment sequence made using dynamic finite element software. Figure 4: Modelling an airbag opening. The central flat surface of the steering wheel is taken as a reference, and when the airbag inflates the distance is measured from the halfway line or the outside edge of the airbag. This 145 Area: Product Engineering measurement serves as a benchmark for subsequent analysis when the various devices being tested are fitted to the steering wheel. If no adaptation is fitted, then the outer edge of the airbag is parallel to the steering wheel's central surface and the distance is the same in every position. Once adaptations are fitted, the minimum and maximum distances are measured with respect to the central surface of the steering wheel, in order to determine by how much the airbag has changed position. Figure 5: The studied adapted steering controls. We carried out the simulation using four different types of steering control adaptations: a simple knob; a remote control knob; a forked knob, and a double knob. These adaptations are typical of the variety available on the market, and according to a previous study on the influence of such devices on passive safety, these types of adaptations are among those most likely to interfere with the proper functioning of the frontal air bag. This interference is caused because they are clamped to the steering wheel itself and intrude on the interior space of the wheel. As shown in Figure 3, these devices can be placed in any position on the steering wheel according to the ability and comfort of the driver. The simple knob is relatively smaller than the other devices and also interferes less. This knob enables the steering wheel to be turned with one hand. The remote control knob is larger, although it does not apparently create more difficulties than the simple knob. The remote control enables the lights, indicators, window-wipers, etc., to be activated without taking the hands from the wheel. The forked knob is larger than the others and its design may affect the operation of the airbag. It is used in cases of tetraplegia. Finally, the shape and size of the double knob would seem to suggest that it could be the design most likely to interfere with the deployment of the airbag. This design is also used for cases of tetraplegia, where the drivers are totally disabled in the hand and wrist (Dalrymple, 1996). 4. Results The pressure/time curves have been obtained from the interior of the bags (Figure 6) in order to assess the characteristics of the airbags and how they inflate. The figure below illustrates how the pressure develops over time – from detonation to the bag being filled with air. Depending on the model used, this representation enables graphics to be produced that reveal how the bags fill and expand under pressure. A clear indication is offered by the shape of the curve during the catapult stage. This air filling process is crucial to avoid injury following an impact (Werner, Roberson, Ferguson, Digges and Day, 1996). 146 Pressure in N/m2 Area: Product Engineering Airbag filling Catapult phase Detonation phase Time in milliseconds Figure 6: Pressure/time curve of the airbag. Figure 7 shows one of the developed models. Representative models of airbags in action are produced by combining various folding techniques with the expansion models. Figure 7: Simulation of an airbag deployment. Table 1 shows the average distances values obtained according to the various fitting positions. 147 Area: Product Engineering Type of adaptation Knob Remote control knob Forked knob Double knob Reference surface on steering wheel Minimum Maximum Timings (ms) distance (mm) distance (mm) Dist. min Dist. max 10 33 8 14 16 41 9 22 7 122 7 26 3 112 6 24 Table 1: Maximum and minimum distances are shown from the reference surface on the steering wheel to the outside edge of the airbag. Timings are also shown. 5. Conclusions We have studied various combinations of expansion and deployment of airbags and this has enabled us to obtain the time/pressure curve produced in the interior of the airbag. This curve offers a clear indication of the shape of the explosive opening of the airbag. Reliable models have been obtained for comparison with the actual results – and so enable an analysis of the level of passive safety available to physically handicapped individuals in the driving position. The study suggests that the interference of the control adaptations in the area of airbag deployment significantly affects the positioning of the airbag following a collision. This means fitting such adaptations causes a notable decrease in the passive safety of disabled drivers. The forked knob and double knob are the adaptations that most intrude into the space occupied by a deployed airbag and so produce the worst positioning of the airbag. References Dalrymple G., 1996. Effects of assistive steering devices on airbag deployment, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, SAE International Congress and Exposition. SAE paper 960223, 1996. Morgan, R.M., et al., 1998. The Effect of Redesigned Air Bags on Frontal USA NCAP, 16th ESV Conference, Windsor, Canada, June 1998. Motevalli, V. and Bedewi, N.E., 1996. Airbag Modeling, © GWU/NCAC. 1996. Werner, J., Roberson, S., Ferguson, S., Digges, K., Day, A., 1996. Air Bag Deployment Frequency and Injury Risks, SAE # 960664. February. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the R&D&I Linguistic Assistance Office, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain), for translating this paper. 148 Area: Product Engineering Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Jaime Masiá Vañó Instituto de Diseño y Fabricación Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Campus de Alcoy Plaza Ferrándiz y Carbonell, s/n. 03801 Alcoy (Alicante) Telephone: 96 652 84 77 Email: [email protected] 149 Area: Product Engineering CYLINDRICAL PARALLEL GEAR TRAINS DESIGN BY MEANS OF GENETIC OPTIMIZATION Sánchez Caballero, V. Colomer Romero, R. Pla Ferrando, A.V. Martínez Sanz, S. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Abstract In this paper a genetic algorithm (GA)-based optimization procedure for the design of gear transmissions is presented. For gear design, simultaneous discrete (p.e. pitch) and continuous variables nonlinear related are used. However, most optimization methods are suited for continuous design variables. The approach presented uses Gas as a tool to achieve not only the optimal design, but also near-optimal designs. First, the optimization problem is formulated. It must be multiobjective (maximum strength, minimum energetic losses, etc) and restricted. A mechanism to transform the constrained problem into unconstrained thought penalty functions is proposed. Recommendations on the objective function and penalty terms are proposed. Next a design variables coding and decoding method, as well the genetic operators of reproduction, crossover and mutation are presented. Finally, it is analyzed an example in which the developed genetic algorithm has been used, comparing the obtained results from a previous optimization. Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, optimization, transmission, gear 1. Introduction During last thirty years, lots of methods to solve specific mechanical optimization problems have been developed (Gallager et al, 1973; Hillier et al, 1990). However, a fully efficient robust and simple method applicable to the full range of optimization problems have not been found (Rajeev et al, 1993). Gear transmission problems represent one of the most complex optimization problems that can be found, not only for the range of the optimization objectives, but also the relationship between different variables which take part in this process. Variables involved in the design process can be discrete (p.e. modulus, number of teeth, etc), or continuous (p.e. helix angle, width, teeth displacement, etc). However, most of traditional optimization methods are only suitable for continuous variables. Getting maximum and minimum in an optimization problem where discrete variables are involved, is much more complicated and difficult than when continuous take part. Only a few methods (Arora, 2002) are suitable to fulfill this kind of optimization, among them full enumeration techniques, integer programming, branch and bound algorithms and dynamic programming can be stand. 150 Area: Product Engineering When in addition continuous and discrete variables are mixed and non linear related, the spectrum of methods are even more reduced. During last fifteen years, it has been produced a growing interest in optimization methods based in which has been called soft computing, among them can be outstand evolutionary algorithms and simulated annealing. From this group of techniques, not only it has not been found any of them which have been proved more profitable in any case, but each problem has one or several suitable techniques. Existing optimization methods in gear design (A. Daidie et al, 1993) search for a general optimum for a general mechanics applications, without allowing other kind of optimization like cost or specific power minimization, efficiency maximization, etc… 2. Objectives This work intends to develop a general technique which can be used in any case and can be adapted to specific optimization conditions in any case. From these techniques, previously described, evolutionary algorithms were chose. This group of techniques is also classified in: evolutionary programming, evolutionary strategies and genetic algorithms. From this group of techniques, genetic algorithms were chose because of its implementation easiness and because, in a way to certain extent, all other can be developed in the future from this one. Must be considered, as has been told, that it is not possible to foresee which technique is the best suitable beforehand. Only employing all of them will be possible to state which of them is the most suitable for this case. 3. Genetic Algorithms description Genetic algorithms are based on the strategy of model development based on genetic evolution mechanisms based on Darwinian theory (David et al, 1988). The main characteristics of genetic algorithms (GAs) are based on best fit survival and environment adaptation. The starting point is an random generated population, which design variables are coded following the genetic laws. Each design variable is represented by a gene or genotype, which is normally coded in binary code. This binary representation is called phenotype. All the genotypes (or phenotypes) form an individual which is named chromosome. Next the algorithm generates, following several rules, new populations formed by best adapted to environment individuals. In other words, those individuals which best fit the objective function are selected. Basic rules which rule new population generation are: reproduction, crossover and mutation. This is achieved through the implementation of genetic operators of reproduction, crossover and mutation, whose nature is mainly stochastic. Main advantage of this method in front of traditional ones settles in the fact that it explores simultaneously all the solution domain. In any case, convergence to a maximum is assured. It might not be the absolute maximum, but it has more probabilities to obtain an absolute maximum than traditional criterion based on gradient. This is because of this method allows 151 Area: Product Engineering some individuals of the population to jump in the optimum search in spite of the most ones are focused on the search of the same optimum. This jump is generated by the mutation operator. Convergence speed, and the global mínimum/máximum depends mainly on the parameters and the kind of the three genetic operators. 4. Gear optimization problem formulation Optimum teeth geometry determination is a complex operation. The parameters quantity which takes part of the calculation formulation is significant. Gear calculation methods are also numerous: AGMA, ISO, DIN, VDI, AFNOR, Henriot, Niemann, etc… It is intended to develop an automatic cylindrical gears sizing method, which gets an optimum result with minimum designer effort. In near future it is intended to implement this algorithm in a gear design software. 4.1 Parameters Parameters in standard optimization problems are: Transmissible power Ptrans, reduction ratio i=n2/n1 (where n1 represents input speed and n2 output speed) and endurance N. Reliability, surface finish, input speed ni and safety coefficient n are also needed. 4.2 Design variables Main design variables are: width b, gear teeth number z1 and z2, teeth displacement coefficients x1 y x2, an normal modulus (cutting tool) m0, helix angle β, and gear materials MAT1 y MAT2. Only teeth displacement and helix angle are continuous variables, while all other variables are discrete. 4.3 Calculation Formulae Details about gear calculation theory can be found in standards ISO 6336 Method B and Henriot’s book (Henriot, 1979) Graph Trend equations corresponding to the calculation method have been obtained. gs1 and gs2 are sliding speeds in first and last contact point. They are obtained from the peripheral gear speeds u1 and u2. These speeds are obtained through turning gear speed and curvature radius in the considered contact point: ui = ωi ⋅ ri (1) Sliding speed is the difference between both peripheral speeds:: 152 Area: Product Engineering vg = u2 − u1 = ω2 ⋅ r2 − ω1 ⋅ r1 (2) Pinion specific sliding is the ratio between specific speed and the contact point speed: g s1 = u2 − u1 u2 ω ⋅r r 1 = −1 = 2 2 −1 = i ⋅ 2 −1 = i ⋅ −1 α' ' a ⋅ sen ω1 ⋅ r1 u1 u1 r1 −1 ra22 + rb22 gs2 = u1 − u2 u1 ω ⋅r 1 ⎡ a '⋅ senα ' ⎤ = −1 = 1 1 −1 = ⋅ ⎢ − 1⎥ − 1 u2 u2 ω2 ⋅ r2 i ⎢ ra21 + rb21 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ (3) (4) Where a’ is the working center distance, α’ is the working contact angle and rai ,rbi are tip and base radius. Specific sliding is wear responsible, so in the optimization process both gear specific sliding must be balanced in order to achieve an equal wear. Strength calculation considers the possibility of flank surface and foot teeth failure. Surface failure is prevented by Hertz theory implementation applied to two cylinder surface contact, whose radii are the instantaneous flank curvature radii. Maximum transmissible power in order to prevent surface failure Ppres is obtained by comparison between the teeth flank contact stress and the maximum contact material strength. Foot teeth failure is prevented by the teeth flexure calculation. Maximum transmissible power in order to prevent foot teeth failure Prup is obtained by comparison between foot flexure stress and the maximum admissible material strength. It must be checked that both transmissible powers are higher than the desired one, with an adequate security factor. Likewise, both transmissible powers must be as equated as possible. 4.4 Particular goals of the optimization problem The optimization problem requires a series of particular goals as well as the general goals previously enunciated. These particular goals are: 1. To equate, with certain tolerance range, specific sliding for both gears. This factor has a direct influence on wear and efficiency. 2. To equate transmissible powers Ppres, Prup according to a failure criterion. 3. To insure a minimum transversal contact radius. 4. To restrict maximum peripheral speed. 5. To insure that interference does not take place during the assembly. 6. To insure that the width/diameter ratio of the gears is within a possible range. 4.5 Problem algebraic formulation Based on previous description, the problem can be algebraically formulated: 153 Area: Product Engineering − To minimize the gear weight: F = f ( b, z1 , z2 , m0 ) = b ⋅ ⎡⎣ m02 ⋅ ( z12 + z22 ) − ( d i21 + d i22 ) ⎤⎦ = W (5) Where di1 and di2 are the hole diameter of the gears Subject to: G1 ( MAT , b, m0 , z , ω , K ....) = Prup − n ⋅ Ptrans ≤ 0 (6) G2 ( MAT , b, m0 , z , ω , K ....) = Ppres − n ⋅ Ptrans ≤ 0 (7) G3 ( MAT , b, m0 , ω , z , K ....) = Prup − Ppres ≤ 0 (8) G4 ( g s1 , g s 2 ) = g s1 − g s 2 ≤ 0 (9) G5 ( a, amin ) = amin − a ≤ 0 (10) G6 ( z1 , z1min ) = z1min − z1 ≤ 0 (11) G7 ( z1 , z2 , v ) = v ⋅ z1 100 G8 ( b, m0 , z1 ) = z22 − 10 ≤ 0 z12 + z22 b − 2, 5 ≤ 0 m0 ⋅ z1 G9 ( m0 ,... ) = san − 0, 2 ⋅ m0 ≤ 0 G10 ( z1 , z2 , i ) = z1 −i ≤ 0 z2 z1 ∧ z2 ∈ impares (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) bL ≤ b ≤ bH ∈ z1L ≤ z1 ≤ z1U ∈ z2L ≤ z2 ≤ zU2 ∈ (17) x1L ≤ x1 ≤ x1U ∈ x2L ≤ x2 ≤ xU2 ∈ Where G1, G2 y G3 represent the break and surface contact strength condition, as well as the equality condition between them. G4 represents the specific sliding equally condition between gears. G5 shows the non interference condition between gears, assuring the minimum center distance between gears. G6 assures that the teeth number of the pinion is higher than the minimum needed, in order to avoid that undermine is produced by the cutting tool. G7 represents the gear peripheral speed limitation. G8 prevents against an excessive gear width. G9 prevents against an excessive gear sharp tip. G10 forces the relation between the number of teeth and the reduction ratio. 154 Area: Product Engineering Constraint (16) forces one gear to have an odd teeth number. Remainder constraints (17) settle the nature and limits of different variables. As can be appreciated, the design variables appear in the problem formulation as explicit form but also implicit. 5. Genetic algorithm formulation for problem solving Solving optimization problems by means of genetic algorithms does not generate only one algorithm to solve a specific problem. Reproduction, crossover an mutation operators are not the only ones, but also exists several ways to implement them. Likewise, the way of treat the fitness or penalty function or the constraints is not also solely. Several approaches could be taken: static penalty functions, dynamic, adaptative, coevolutionary, sudden death, etc. … This is way different algorithms are obtained, whose convergence speed and capacity to obtain the global optimum change between them. Determination of the optimum algorithm to solve a specific kind of problem requires to carry out several essays with different types of operators. This benchmarking is done by means of “class problems” which represent the class of problem in question. 5.1 Design variables coding In order to make easier the coding process, and speedup the calculations, the variables which take part on the gear design process are not coded altogether. From the whole variables range, the previously exposed variables are selected. It would not be excessively complicated to add more variables to the whole, however some variables as the working parameters described are used to be determinate a priori by the designer in the optimization process. This way, the genotype (or chromosome) of any individual of the population would be ever settled by the following vector: (18) {b z1 z2 m0 x1 x2 β MAT 1 MAT 2} Binary coding of the variables in binary form is made in a different way depending if the variable is continuous or discrete. The bit chain length for a discrete variable is calculated using this equation: 2n = λ (19) Where n is the coding needed number of bits and λ is the number of possible values that can take the variable. In this way, if the number of standardized modulii of the preferential class is of 34, 6 bits will be needed to code this variable. The total number of values that could be coded would be of 26= 64 values. Provided that the number of values needed in the list of modulii is about 34, it would be 30 “gaps” in the list. In order to avoid this disadvantage, its usual to fill the gaps repeating the first 30 elements of the list either are filled with 30 list random elements. Bit chain length for a continuous variable is obtained by means of the Hajela’s equation (Hajela, 1992): 155 Area: Product Engineering 2n ≥ XU − X L AC (20) Where XU y XL are the upper and lower limits of the continuous variable X and AC is the required precision in the discretization progress of the continuous variable. This way if discretizing the gear displacement variable x is desired, with a lower and an upper range between -0,5 y 0,5 with at last 0,025 precision it would be needed: 2n = 0,5 − ( −0,5 ) 1 = = 40 0, 025 0, 025 (21) Therefore, 6 bits would be needed to be able to code this parameter with the desired precision. The number of discretizing number of divisions would be of 64, so the step between values would be of: δ= 0,5 − ( −0,5 ) = 0,015625 64 (22) As can be seen in the solution, the required discretization resolution is higher than the initial required one. Following the described method, all variables are coded with following resolutions: width 4 bits, number of teeth 6 bits, modulus 6 bits, tooth displacement 6 bits, helix angle 4 bits and material 3 bits. When coding the variables in binary form it would be obtained the phenotype, above which genetic operators would be applied: GENOTYPE {b z1 z2 m0 x1 x2 β MAT 1 MAT 2} (23) PHENOTYPE {1001 110011 101111 100101 101111 101111 1101 011 101} (24) 5.2 Penalty / Fitness function Fitness of the individuals in consecutive generations is measured by means of the penalty function. There are several differences between de previously stated penalty function (5) and the one used to assess the individual fitness. Penalty function is used in order to convert a constrained optimization problem (or multicriterion) into a non constrained problem. This is achieved by introducing the constraints into the initial fitness function, so if any constraint is violated, a penalty proportionally to the violation grade is added. This modified fitness function is called penalty function. There are several approaches when building the penalty function: statics, dynamics, adaptatives, coevolutionaries, etc. … The one used in this optimization was a quadratic static function. Penalty function formulation was made in this way: m F = W ⋅ ∏ Φi (25) i =1 Where Φi is the penalty value for constraint Gi, and W is the total weight. Calculation of the penalty function values was carried out by means of the following quadratic expression: 156 Area: Product Engineering Φ i = 1 + ri ⋅ ( qi − 1) (26) Where ri is the “i” constraint quadratic penalty foreground and measures the importance given to the constraint violation. qi is defined as: pi ⎧ si ≤1 ⎪1 ( pi )max ⎪ qi = ⎨ pi ⎪ pi si >1 ⎪ ( pi ) p ( ) i max ⎩ max (27) Where pi is the constraint parameter and (pmax)i is the limit value for that one. 5.3 Genetic operators Reproduction or selection operator: There are several ways to implement this genetic operator: proportional reproduction; ranking group or tournament selection, etc. … Group selection has been used in this study, in which individuals are sorted according to its fitness form best to worse. Next, population is divided into two groups, setting a selection probability to each group Crossover operator: Like all other operators, there are several models for crossover operators: fixed, flexible, uniform, adaptative, etc. … In this study one point chromosome cut by genotype has been chosen. This is one of the simplest and is form by cutting parents chromosome through selecting the cut point between phenotypes in the bit chain P.e.: FATHER {1001 110011 101111 100101 101111 101111 1101 011 101} (28) MOTHER {1011 100011 100111 111101 101001 101001 1001 001 111} (29) CUT CHILD1 {1001 110011 101111 111101 101001 101001 1001 001 111} (30) CHILD2 {1011 100011 100111 100101 101111 101111 1101 011 101} (31) Mutation operator: This operator allows exploring other areas from the solution domain, yet when most of solutions tend to an optimum. This is what allows jumping from a local optimum to another one where le convergence progress became poor due to a local optimum focus. For its implementation, not may individuals are chosen afterwards the selection an crossover processes. The ratio of selected individuals is determined by the mutation probability which usually is not higher than 1% of the population. Typical value is 0,1%. 157 Area: Product Engineering Once individuals have been selected, one or more aleles (chain bits) are chosen and then their values are swept from 0 to 1 (or vice versa). P.e. NATURAL CHILD {1011 100011 100111 100101 101111 101111 1101 011 101} (32) MUTATED CHILD {1011 100011 101111 000101 101111 101101 1101 011 101} (33) The evolution mechanism is repeated trough several generations until no increase on individual fitness is produced. The highest fitness member will be the optimum design. 6. Implementation example This test analyses a typical gear optimization problem from the bibliography (Marcelin, 2001). A gear pair optimization is planned in order to accomplish the following design specifications: Power to transmit: 73 kW. Input angular speed: n1 = 2800 rpm Reduction ratio: i = ½ Manufacturing quality: ISO 6 Endurance: 3650 h. Normal work, without impacts. Pinion material: 34CrMo4 hardened (34CD4 AFNOR, F 125 UNE). Gear material: 20MnCr5 cemented (16NC6 AFNOR, F 158 UNE) Following table shows reference values, a previous optimization obtained by other author and the one obtained by the described method. In order to check the optimization method improvement, pinion and gear material have been fixed in the analysis. Strength and fatigue security coefficients have been defined as reference values. 158 Area: Product Engineering Variable Reference Solution Initial optimization Improved optimization Modulus (mm): m0 3 2.5 2.5 Width (mm): b 27 20 45 Pinion number of teeth: z1 24 29 17 Gear number of teeth: z2 48 116 38 Pinion displacement: x1 0.16 0.3 0.2273 Gear displacement: x2 -0.16 0.008 -0.0038 0 0 Helix angle: β 36º Pinion foot strength security coefficient 1.4170 0.9559 1.4633 Gear foot strength security coefficient 2.1737 1.3386 2.1090 Pinion foot endurance security coefficient 0.5673 0.5618 Gear foot endurance security coefficient 1.1567 Weight (kg) 4.31 0.5763 1.1179 1.1101 3.24 2.78 Table 1: Result summary. As can be appreciated, weight reduction is about 35% with regard to initial solution and about 14% to the previously suggested one. Security coefficients are more balanced and no strength variation with respect to original solution has been produced, while is something higher to the previously suggested one. Putting the material as a variable, including a penalty term which represents the economical cost, would allow optimizing the problem even more. 7. Conclusions From the initial design and after 240 generations, an optimum solutions range is found. Values shown in table 1 represent the best solution, according to the obtained penalty function. Described method is a really tool to help designer, who finally selects the optimal solution between a range of optimum results. It must be taken into account that the constraint altogether does not represent 100% of possible limitations or design criterions. Is then designer responsibility to make the fine tuning by selecting between possible results the best suitable that he considers. 159 Area: Product Engineering Designer can also adapt the algorithm to an specific problem by simply adding more variables to the problem, by coding them according to the described method. In the future is expected to implement the calculus and the genetic algorithm into a software which even would allow to compare optimum results form different calculation methods References Arora, J., 2002. Methods for discrete variable structural optimization, in Recent Advances in Optimal Structural Design, S.A. Burns, Editor, ASCE. p. 1-40. Daidie A., e.a., 1993. Dimmensionnement optimal d'un train d'engrenages à l'aide d'un logiciel CAO. in PRIMECA. Ecole Centrale de Paris. David, E.G. and H.H. John, 1988. Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning. Mach. Learn., 3(2-3): p. 95-99. Gallagher, R.H.a.Z., O.C., 1973. Optimum Structural Design: Theory and Applicacions: John Willey and Sons. Hajela, P., 1992. Stochastic Search in Structural Optimization: Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing. p. 611-635. Henriot, G., 1979. Traité Théorique et Practique des Engrenages., París: Dunod. Hillier, F.S.a.L., G.J., 1990. Introduction to Mathematical Programming: McGraw-Hill. Marcelin, J.L., 2001. Genetic Optimisation of Gears. Advanced Manufacturing Tecnology. Rajeev, S.a.K., C.S., 1992. Discrete Optimization of Structures Using Genetic Algorithms. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 118(5): p. 1233-1250. Acknowledgements To Notre Dame University professor Mihir Sen, for rediscovering me the genetic algorithms. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Polytechnic School of Alcoy Polytechnic University of Valencia Department of Mechanical Engineering C/ Plaza Ferrándiz i Carbonell 2, 03801 Alcoy (España) Phone: +34 966 52 85 75 Fax: + 34 966 52 84 09 E-mail: [email protected] 160 Area: Product Engineering AN ONTOLOGY-BASED APPROACH TO INTEGRATING LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN Abad-Kelly, J. Cebrián, D. Chulvi, V. University Jaume I Abstract One of the principal problems faced by engineering design today is the exchange of product information across different applications and environments. Ontological engineering systems, an evolution of KBE (Knowledge-Based Engineering) systems, seek to facilitate this integration while incorporating additional design information. An ontology, in the engineering domain, can be defined as an explicit specification of a shared conceptualization. This paper proposes the integration of an ontology with a Computer Aided Design (CAD) program, while also accessing a database of information on environmental impact. The proposed ontology is based on the AsD (Assembly Design) formalism, which describes spatial relationships and features of CAD models. The use of OWL (Web Ontology Language) and SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) ensures machine interpretability and exchange across different environments. Ultimately, the ontology will be used to represent a CAD model and related information (such as joining methods, materials, tolerances) in formal terms. Concurrently, a database of information on environmental impact of the materials, processes and transport involved will be accessed to evaluate the model on an environmental level. As a practical illustration, the evaluation of an underwater camera is used as an example. Keywords: ontology, Knowledge Based Engineering, environmental, Computer Aided Design Introduction Effective collaboration and information sharing is essential across the various stages of product development. The increasing use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems serves as a great aid to this process, however, communication between programs is often difficult if not impossible. This is mainly due the use of proprietary formats and a lack of true integration across different platforms. A parallel issue in the design field is the growing importance given to environmental concerns and impacts generated by products. Both private initiatives and government regulations are placing a great emphasis on reducing contamination and the use of resources. This paper proposes a method that, with the aid of an ontology, communicates a threedimensional CAD model of a product with information related to environmental impact data. In 161 Area: Product Engineering the first section, a general background is given of the terms and concepts that the paper is based on. The following section provides a detailed explanation of the proposed method and each of its constituents. In section 4, the results of a practical application of the method itself are given, followed by a section of discussions and conclusions. 1. Background 1.1. KBE Systems and ontologies The nature of product design as an inherently collaborative process and the increased dependency on computer systems have placed great emphasis on the importance of effective information sharing between designers. As a solution to this need, Knowledge Based Engineering systems have been created in order to correctly capture, represent and structure product-related information. These systems seek to facilitate the exchange and reuse of design know-how, going beyond the limits of a CAD system to include design intent, objectives and specifications, in addition to geometric models [Chapman & Pinfold, 1999]. However, many of these systems lack the ability to efficiently utilize the knowledge itself, and are rarely more than just elaborate information bases. As the successor to knowledge engineering, Ontological engineering seeks to overcome the aforementioned deficiencies by providing methodologies that allow for more effective knowledge use [Kitamura & Mizoguchi, 2004]. The definition of an ontology can vary according to the field in which it is applied. Within the engineering and knowledge-sharing disciplines, an ontology can be described as a formal, explicit specification of a conceptualization shared by an agent or group of agents [Mizoguchi, 2003]. That is, an ontology facilitates knowledge sharing and reuse by establishing an explicit agreement of objects and relationships within a specific domain of discourse [Gruber, 1993]. The use of the term formal implies that the ontology is machine-readable, but without being too cryptic for human understanding [Mizoguchi, 2003]. By establishing a common language for use and interpretation of information, ontologies allow for efficient and organized exchange and reuse of knowledge. Within the engineering design domain, one can distinguish between task and domain ontologies. The first refers to ontologies related to design activities themselves, while the latter deal with the targets of the design process, whether products or manufacturing processes [Kitamura & Mizoguchi, 2004]. 1.2. Computer Aided Design From the point of view of knowledge engineering, Computer Aided Design systems provide a basis for representing and sharing a large amount of information related to a products and their components. Within a three-dimensional model, data such as geometry, dimensions, relations, structure and other information can be stored. Current CAD programs are being developed to increasingly include more product-related data, such as CATIA PLM Express or DriveWorks for SolidWorks. These modules allow for product models to contain additional information such as configurations, rules, analysis and cost. However, no true integration of knowledge engineering and CAD has yet been achieved [Skarka, 2007]. The use of a CAD model as the core of a knowledge management system allows abstract information to be directly related to the product itself, making use of the system much more visual and effective. 162 Area: Product Engineering 1.3. Environmental impact assessment Another area that is currently of great interest within the engineering design community, and the world at large, is the environmental impact created by products and processes. Environmental criteria are being increasingly integrated into the design process at earlier phases, along with the development of strategies for end of life management. Taking these criteria into consideration at earlier stages in the design process reduces the need to make costly changes at a later stage. While some of these changes can refer to material use, processes and transport, others may relate to the geometry of the product itself. One method for evaluating the environmental impact of a product is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) which assesses the impact generated by the product throughout the various stages of its life cycle [Lewis H. et al, 2001]. This process consists of four main stages: definition of goal and scope, inventory analysis, impact assessment and interpretation [Curran, 2006]. In order to carry out an LCA it is necessary to define, among other things, the material and process flows that occur during the life cycle of the product. For example, for a product that can be broken down into components, the amount of material used for each component and the process used to manufacture it must be defined. The impact is then calculated for each step of the product’s life: obtaining the raw material, intermediate and final processes, disposal, and so on. Several existing software tools, which incorporate large material and process databases, can be used to facilitate carrying out an LCA [Lewis H. et al, 2001]. Even though many assumptions and estimations are made, these tools help give a general idea of the main sources of impact generated by a product and at which stage they occur. An LCA software tool of extended use is SimaPro, developed by PRé Consultants. SimaPro contains a variety of databases and methods for impact assessment, such as Eco-indicator 95 and EPS 2000. At the present time, several tools exist to directly evaluate a product design from an environmental perspective using different methods, among which is the LCA. These tools include Green Design Advisor [Feldmann, K. et al., 1999], ECoDe [Lye S.W. et al., 2002], LASeR [Ishii, 1994], DFD/E [Dewhurst and Boothroyd, 1992], and RecyKon [Meerkamm, 1995]. These analytical tools exist as stand-alone programs. That is, much like most of the software used by product designers, they only deal with the evaluation itself and do not offer integration with other environments or programs. Not only is it necessary to develop an automatic and efficient way to evaluate a product from an environmental perspective, it is fundamental to be able to integrate this method with other areas of product design. 2. Methods 2.1. CAD model The first step of the proposed method consists of creating a three-dimensional model of each part of the product that will be evaluated. It is fundamental to create models that precisely represent each component, given that they will later be used for evaluation. For this step, the authors have used SolidWorks 3D CAD software. Once each part is modeled, sub-assemblies and an assembly of the entire product are created. Within each part file, a material is specified and its properties (such as density, conductivity, Poisson’s ratio, etc.) are applied to the part. In SolidWorks, materials can be chosen either from the standard database or a user-defined set of materials. Upon completion of this stage, an accurate representation of the product geometry and material is obtained. 163 Area: Product Engineering 2.2. Environmental impact assessment data As previously mentioned, SimaPro software is a tool to assist in carrying out Life Cycle Analysis. For this work, the Eco-Indicator 95, a versatile and comprehensive method, was applied. Eco-95, developed by PRé Consultants for the Dutch government, groups impacts into three categories: human health, ecosystem health and resources [Lewis H. et al, 2001]. Single score results are given in Eco-Indicator points (Pt) where 1Pt is representative of one thousandth of the yearly environmental load of one average European inhabitant [Goedkoop, 1996]. In order to analyze the impact of a material or process, an amount must be specified, such as mass, surface area or length. At this phase of the method, only an analysis based on mass is carried out. For each unit of mass, the material required and the relevant manufacturing process is analyzed. In order to do so, a separate impact assessment of one kilogram of each of the materials specified in SolidWorks was completed. Single Score results are used, in order to facilitate comparison between different parts and materials. As a result, the outcome of the LCA of each material is exported to an Excel spreadsheet. 2.3. Impact evaluation macro At the present time, the link established between the CAD model and the results of the LCA is carried out by a macro developed in Microsoft Excel. This software was chosen because of the possibility of creating a macro that could easily be executed by a user with little or no knowledge of either CAD or LCA. The macro was written in Visual Basic, a language supported by the SolidWorks Application Programming Interface (API). In the Excel file that contains the macro are two buttons that execute different commands when selected by the user. The button labeled “Get Component Properties” lists the components of the CAD assembly model, the material assigned to each one and its mass in kilograms. If no mass property is available for a component, the returned value is “-”. The command button labeled “Evaluate Component Impact” calculates the environmental impact of each component and returns a numeric value in Pt. In the case of a sub-assembly within an assembly, a nil value is returned. This calculation is based on the LCA data previously exported from SimaPro for each material. The result of this simple and automated step is a concise evaluation of the impact generated by each component, giving the designer a clear picture of the product’s environmental impact. 2.4. The ontology An ontology consists of three main elements: classes, properties and individuals. The ontology developed for this work is based on the program Protégé 3.2 and is represented using OWL (Web Ontology Language). As part of the Semantic Web, the use of OWL as a common vocabulary for ontology representation ensures data sharing and re-use across different environments [Daconta M.C. et al., 2003; World Wide Web Consortium, 2004]. In order to develop the OWL code in a more intuitive way, the aforementioned program is divided according to the classification of an OWL ontology. Afterwards, the tools employed will also be explained. Classes: OWL classes are interpreted as sets that contain individuals. They are described using formal (mathematical) descriptions that state precisely the requirements for membership of the class. The structure of the ontology, based on the Assembly Design (AsD) ontology [Kim K.Y, 2006], consists of the following classes. Each class is defined by the indicated properties: 164 Area: Product Engineering Structure: Elements with a spatial location and a degree of topological connection between them. This class defines the physical elements that constitute a design. Assembly: Elements that are a part of the structure of an object and consist of at least 2 parts. Part: Elements that are part of the structure and may have a topological connection with other parts in order to form an assembly. Material: This class indicates the materials of which parts of a structure may be made. It is essentially related to data properties, in order to completely define physical properties. Topological Connectness: This class is based on the spatial relationships originally put forward in by Ambler and Popplestone [Ambler and Popplestone, 1975]. It indicates the type of connection that exists between two parts and is subdivided in the following classes: • Against: the mating surfaces touch at some point. This relationship is the most basic spatial relationship and applies to any assembly. Any combination of two parts can possess this property. • Aligned: two features are aligned if their centerlines are collinear. • IncludeAngle: the inclination relation holds for an include angle between two planar faces in their positive normal direction. The rotation is clockwise with respect to a normal of a picking face. The rotational axis has to be parallel to the normals of above two planar faces. • ParallelOffset: the parallel relation holds between planar faces, cylindrical and spherical features. In the case of two parallel planar faces, the outward normals are pointing in the same direction. This relationship exists without physical contact of two features with an offset distance. • ParaxOffset: this relationship is similar to parallel-offset but the outward normals of the parallel planar faces are in opposite directions. Properties: Properties are binary relations on individuals - i.e. properties link two individuals together. Object Properties: These properties essentially exist in order to establish the necessary logical rules between elements of a structure. The types are: has_Spatial_Location; isPartof; isAssembledBy; and hasMaterial. Datatype Properties: The properties that are applicable to classes can be divided into the following two areas: • Physical properties, which are applied to the structure area. This information is obtained from the macro that links SolidWorks to a spreadsheet. For example: density. • Environmental impact of the materials, applied to the information extracted from SimaPro. The Protégé interface contains a series of Tabs that allow for the ontology to be applied to different areas. Below is a brief explanation of the Tabs that have been applied in order to develop this work: 165 Area: Product Engineering DataMaster Tab – DataMaster is a Protégé plug-in for importing schema structure and data from relational databases into Protégé [The CO-ODE Project, 2007]. It allows for information from the macro to be linked to the ontology. TGViz Tab – TGViz Tab is a plug-in for Protégé which allows visualizing ontologies using the TouchGraph library. TouchGraph provides a java library for rendering networks as interactive graphs. This library has been modified and integrated with Protégé as a tab plug-in [Stanford Protégé Wiki, 2007]. It allows for the different relations that exist between components of an object to be defined. OWLViz Tab – OWLViz is designed to be used with the Protégé OWL plug-in. It enables the class hierarchies in an OWL Ontology to be viewed and incrementally navigated, allowing comparison of the asserted class hierarchy and the inferred class hierarchy. OWLViz integrates with the Protégé-OWL plug-in, using the same color scheme so that primitive and defined classes can be distinguished, computed changes to the class hierarchy may be clearly seen, and inconsistent concepts are highlighted in red. OWLViz has the facility to save both the asserted and inferred views of the class hierarchy to various concrete graphics formats including png, jpeg and svg [TouchGraph, 2005]. Individuals Individuals represent objects in the domain that we are interested in. Individuals are also known as instances. Individuals can be referred to as being ‘instances of classes’. In each of the previously mentioned classes, the relevant instances are represented in order to organize the available knowledge. The ontology allows for the available knowledge to be organized according to the information provided by the macro, and makes it possible to infer new knowledge and search the existing one. This capability is provided for by the use of the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL). In this way, the ontology achieves the integration of the structural information and the environmental impact data. 166 Area: Product Engineering Figure 1: The ontology. 3. Practical application and results In order to illustrate the proposed method, the previously described steps have been applied to an assembly of an underwater camera. This particular assembly consists of 9 parts manufactured with different materials and processes, and held together by standard fasteners. An image of the three-dimensional model of the assembly is shown below. A new database of materials was created in SolidWorks, containing ABS, Spring Steel, Cast Stainless Steel and Aluminum 6061 Alloy. Within each part file, a material was selected from this database. 167 Area: Product Engineering Figure 2: CAD model of underwater camera assembly. The next step is to carry out an LCA of each of the above materials (and their relevant manufacturing processes) in SimaPro and export the results to an Excel spreadsheet. Below is an example of the results of analyzing one kilogram of ABS with the Eco-Indicator 95 method. Figure 3: Screenshot of LCA of ABS. Once the CAD model and LCA are completed, the first part of the macro is executed in order to obtain the mass properties for each component of the assembly. Next, the second command button is selected, and the environmental impact of each component is obtained. 168 Area: Product Engineering Figure 4: Excel spreadsheet of assembly. The final result is a clearly visible analysis of the environmental impact generated by the assembly. Due to the fact that each component is analyzed separately, the designer is able to clearly identify which component has a greater impact in relation to its mass. In this case, it is evident that the component “TV Camera” generates the greatest environmental impact. If changes are made to the assembly, the macro is newly executed and any improvements in the impact are instantly visible. Once all of the available information has been gathered, it is incorporated into the ontology. As a result, the existing relations between the components are specified in the terms used by the ontology, and the information related to each component is displayed. The figure below is a part of the graphic representation of the ontology as applied to the camera assembly (the entire image is too large). By structuring the available knowledge in an ontology, it is now possible to carry out searches or even infer new knowledge. Figure 5: Ontology representation of a sub-assembly of the camera. 169 Area: Product Engineering 4. Conclusions and discussion Despite being an initial exploration, this work is an important step in a new direction that explores the possibilities of integrating three-dimensional CAD models with Life Cycle Analysis by means of an ontology. The growing importance of environmental criteria and the competitiveness of product design today create the need for an effective way to incorporate LCA into early design phases. Following a notable trend in engineering design, the use of an ontology allows for the incorporation of additional knowledge and possible integration with other programs. The developed ontology could be expanded to include cost analysis, manufacturing, product functions and many of the other areas that product design encompasses. Rather than a solution in itself, the research carried out demonstrates the feasibility of incorporating environmental criteria into design without the use of specialized software. The fact that this analysis is almost entirely automatic implies that tedious and manual analyses can be avoided, and the effects of improvements on a design are instantly visible. Using a three dimensional model as a central part of a knowledge management system gives users a much more visual and effective way to interact with the system and the abstract data it contains. In the future, the proposed method could be expanded to include a more complete environmental analysis, such as alternative evaluation methods and data libraries. Impact could also be calculated based on surface area and length as well as mass, depending on the material and process chosen. Another possibility would be to develop the macro into an independent User Interface, which would allow for more flexibility and the inclusion of additional environmental criteria. References Ambler, A. P., and Popplestone, R. J., 1975. Inferring the Positions of Bodies from Specified Spatial Relationships, Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 157-174. Chapman C.B. and Pinfold M., 1999. Design engineering - a need to rethink the solution using knowledge based engineering, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 12, pp. 257-267. Curran M.A., 2006. Life cycle assessment: principles and practice, Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati. Daconta M.C. et al., 2003. The semantic web: A guide to the future of XML, web services, and knowledge management, Wiley, Indianapolis. Dewhurst, P. and Boothroyd, G., 1992. New software developments in design for assembly, disassembly and service, International Forum on Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Newport. Feldmann, K. et al., 1999. The green design advisor: a tool for design for environment, International Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Volume 9, No. 1, pp.17–28. Goedkoop M, 1996. The Eco-indicator 95 manual for designers, PRé Consultants, Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Gruber T.R., 1993. Toward principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing, International Journal Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 43 (1993), pp. 907-928. Ishii K., 1994. LASeR, Life-cycle Assembly, Service and Recycling – User’s Manual, Life-cycle Engineering Group at Ohio State (LEGOS), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 1994. 170 Area: Product Engineering Kim K.Y, 2006. Ontology-based assembly design and information sharing for collaborative product development, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 38, No. 12, pp. 1233-1250. Kitamura Y. and Mizoguchi R., 2004. Ontology-based systematization of functional knowledge, Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 15:4 pp. 327-351. Lewis H. et al., 2001. Design + environment book: a global guide to designing greener goods, Greenleaf Publishing Limited, Sheffield. Lye S.W. et al., 2002. ECoDE – An environmental component design evaluation tool, Engineering with Computers, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 14-23. Meerkamm, H. ,1995. Design for recyclability – an analysis tool in the engineering workbench, International Conference on Life Cycle Modeling for Innovative Products & Processes, pp. 501511. Mizoguchi R., 2003. Tutorial on ontological engineering part 1: introduction to ontological engineering, New Generation Computing, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 365-384. Skarka W., 2007. Application of MOKA methodology in generative model creation using CATIA, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp.677-690. Stanford Protégé Wiki. DataMaster plugin. 2007. The CO-ODE Project. OWLViz Protégé plugin. 2007. TouchGraph Vizualization Tab for Protégé. 2005. World Wide Web Consortium. Web ontology language (OWL). 2004. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science for their support under the project numbered DPI2006-15570-C02-00 as part of the national I+D+i plan (2004 – 2007) y and the FEDER funds from the European Union. They would also like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Environment for their support as part of project number 08I055. A final thanks goes out to the rest of the Engineering Design Group (GID) at the University Jaume I for their continued support. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Jessica Abad-Kelly Engineering Design Group Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction University Jaume I Av. Sos Baynat s/n. 12071 - Castellón (Spain) Phone: +34 964 72 9252 / Fax: +34 964 72 8106 171 Area: Product Engineering E-mail: [email protected] URL: David Cebrián Engineering Design Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction, University Jaume I Vicente Chulvi Engineering Design Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction, University Jaume I 172 Area: Product Engineering DESIGN PROCESS FOR AN ELECTROMAGNETIC POWER BRAKE WITH ABS FUNCTION: CORPORATE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Villanueva, P. Martínez, P. Pérez, A. Public University of Navarre Abstract This paper will explain the methodology used to develop a new electromagnetic power brake, which, used together with the brake master cylinder, will reduce driver force required during the braking action. Until now, these mechanisms were assisted by engine vacuum, pneumatic pressure or hydraulic pressure. The idea was to create a new power brake design that would use the power from the vehicle battery to meet the pressure and volume requirements, functioning by using the principles of electromagnetism. The design team applied the company’s highly valuable knowledge in the field of certain power brake models and made good use of its integrated corporate knowledge management framework. The result is a new product with a braking system that is connected separately to each wheel and which provides the pressure and volume requirements in accordance with the specific vehicle-road environment. The new design includes a considerably simplified ABS electronic control. Keywords: methodology, design, knowledge management, environmental impact, brakes. 1. Introduction The pressure applied by a driver to the brake pedal must be boosted to adequately adjust the pressure needed to stop or slow down the vehicle. Normally to achieve this pressure, power brakes are designed that are regulated by the force on the pedal. Depending on the vehicle system, these systems generally use vacuum, air or oil pressure, the former being the most frequent system. When the vehicle is also fitted with a brake ABS control unit, it needs a supplementary hydraulic circuit with hydraulic solenoids, which are electronically regulated in accordance with the wheel speed and slip to control the pressure sent to the brakes by the driver. Depending on their requirements and usage, vehicles are fitted with a source of vacuum, air or oil pressure. All vehicles have a battery; this can be used as a power source to obtain the braking assistance that drivers need. In this project, the electronic control braking assistance would function via electrical inputs without the need for any mechanical parts. This would therefore potentially obtain a more direct regulation and dispense with the need for parts that can produce annoying mechanical vibrations in braking processes with ABS application requirements. 173 Area: Product Engineering This paper will present the development process for a specific product. It will highlight the design and development process, and how this can be used to improve the company’s knowledge. When suitably classified and filed, this knowledge will help to manage and add to the company’s experiences and knowledge. Moreover, this paper will underscore how this power brake has environmental advantages through reducing the waste generated at the end of its working life. 2. Design process The product design process must be based on a method that identifies the stages of the product design and development throughout the project’s entire life cycle. Work methods are a useful tool to help industrial designers achieve their goal – to design an efficient product that meets the needs of the customer and manufacturing company alike. Pugh’s ‘Total Design’ philosophy was adopted to develop this power brake. The model used in this projects includes four of the major stages in product design. • Market analysis and product feasibility • Design specifications • Conceptual design • Detail design • Prototypes and tests • Manufacturing • Sale In this case, the market analysis and product feasibility stages were avoided as this project was to initially develop a product using new technologies to then later study its technical feasibility. And the project logically had to end with the prototyping and testing stage, which is when conclusions could be drawn on the product’s technical and economic feasibility to see whether it could be commercialised. The life cycle of this development project therefore ran from the design specifications stage to the prototype and testing stage The product-specific knowledge of the company and its assets was applied in these different stages as they were carried out. 3. Design specification (PDS) In order to develop a useful product for immediate use, the aim was to create a prototype that could be mounted on a current vehicle. The PDS therefore had to be drawn up with a specific vehicle in mind. Once the vehicle was chosen, a method was used to establish the product design specifications (PDS). 174 Area: Product Engineering In this case we did not have to meet the needs of a particular customer. The design team itself was the customer. The RED method was used, with the following stages: • Intuitive search • Life cycle and environment • Sequential analysis of functional elements • Movements and forces • Internal reference products • External reference products (benchmarking) The company’s knowledge could be used in any stage of this process. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 1: Knowledge Repository. With the prior knowledge that the prototype had to be adapted to vehicle (A), the repository was consulted (figure 1, folder 1), as an example and to minimise the specifications, the following functional requirements or PDS were defined. • Braking pressure: 75 bar • Driver force on the pedal: 300N • Volume to fill in the brakes: 5.34 cm3 • Brake master cylinder: Ø 23.8 mm or 4.45 cm2 • Cylinder pressure: 10 bar • Braking starts: 100 N • Oil: Dot 4 • Operating Temperature: 20 ºC – 110 ºC. • ABS: Pressure regulation on each wheel • Pedal ratio: 5 to 1 Once the design specifications were defined and the knowledge was stored by the company, information was provided on the way in which product performance level had to be reached along with the details of the product operation: Presión = Pressure; Volumen = Volume 175 Area: Product Engineering 80 Operating point 70 60 Pressure area Presión (bar) 50 40 30 20 Volume Area 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Volum en (%) Figure 2 Volume-pressure curve (Repository Folder 2). Fuerza pedal = Brake Pedal Force; Presión freno = Braking Pressure Operating point 75 bar ends at Presión freno Braking 300 N Braking 100 N starts at 300 N Fuerza pedal Figure 3 Pressure-Force Curve. (Repository Folder 2) 176 Area: Product Engineering 4. Conceptual design Once the PDS were defined, the next step was the conceptual design. Here, we had to bear the following features in mind: • A single pressure generator behind the brake pedal • A power brake per wheel that increased the pressure on each wheel differently so as to separately regulate the pressure on each wheel. • Sensors on each of the wheels • Power supply for each of the power brakes from the battery. • Power supply regulated by an electronic control that reacts to pedal force signals and wheel signs of speed and deceleration. Taking these features into account we arrived at the conceptual design shown in figure 4. The brake master cylinder is unique, a first section of pressure is generated inside it to fill the brake calipers or brake wheel cylinders. As can be seen in the volumes area of figure 2, the pressure the cylinder has to achieve must be adjusted to the needs of that section and to the force Fp, which is set according to regulations and specified in the PDS at 300N. The volume (4.45 cm3), also contained in the PDS document, determines the stroke. The brake master cylinder feeds 4 power brakes, one for each wheel, where an increase in pressure takes place until the braking pressure is reached – established in the PDS document at 75 bar. The power brake starts to operate when the pressure reaches the end of the volumes area and therefore only has to fill 40% of the wheel volume. As each wheel has its own power brake, only ¼ of that volume needs to be filled. To increase the pressure reaching the wheels, an energy source is needed to create a controlled force to add to the pressure that is transmitted from the cylinder. That energy source is the vehicle battery. An electronic circuit was used to create this controlled force: its inputs being the force exerted on the pedal and the wheel slip and its outputs being the different currents transmitted to each power brake to regulate the brake assist force. Fp = Brake Pedal Force Bateria = Battery Pbom ba Bom ba Fp Controlador = Control Unit Servofreno = Power Brake 2 1 Fp C o n tro la d o r 3 S e rv o fre n o 4 Pinza = Clip Pf Sensor = Sensor I Bomba = Master Cyclinder w P in z a B A T E R IA S e n so r P Bomba Pressure = Master Cylinder Pf = Brake Pressure W = Angular Velocity Figure 4: Conceptual design. I = Current 177 Area: Product Engineering The design team had prior experience in designing brake master cylinders and vacuum power brakes. This experience is stored in the folder 5 of the Knowledge Repository. This experience was also to be used for hydraulic part of the power brake and an alternative solution had to be devised to vacuum, air and oil power brakes. 5. Conceptual design and sizing of the hydraulic components 5.1 Brake master cylinder. Prior experience and knowledge was used to size the brake master cylinder. The brake volume was a conditioning factor in the cylinder diameter. After making a calculations, we established a Ø 23.8 mm brake master cylinder, which, based on the PDS, gives a pressure output of 29 bar at the operating point. The remaining pressure to reach 75 bar had to be generated through the power brake. 5.2. Power brake Our experience led us to use a tried and tested solution. The conceptual design of this solution is shown below in figure 5. Servofreno Circuito hidráulico en reposo Pb Pf Servofreno Circuito hidráulico trabajando Figure 5: Power brake conceptual design. • Servofreno = power brake • Circuito hidráulico en reposo = quiescent hydraulic circuit • Circuito hidráulico trabajando = operational hydraulic circuit • Pf = brake pressure • Pb = Master cylinder pressure The operating conditions are determined by the curve in figure 3. The power brake had to provide the force necessary to raise the 29 bar pressure generated by the cylinder to 75 bar, 178 Area: Product Engineering which in turn, had to determine the size of the whole system. The hydraulic part is shown in Figure 6: pushrod piston Fs power brake Pf Pbomba Figure 6: Balance of power in the hydraulic area. Pbomba = master cylinder pressure; Pf = brake pressure; Fs = Power brake force We made the relevant calculations and sized a Ø 12 mm piston and a Ø 5 mm pushrod, which required a force of 675 N to be received from the power brake. Figure 6 shows the conceptual design of the electromagnetic power brake and the forcegenerating magnetic element – an electrical coil that is powered from the battery and a magnetic circuit with a fixed cover and mobile pushrod that generates the force to transmit to the hydraulic circuit Once the required force and displacements were calculated, the coil and circuit were sized. A coil was designed with an operating current of 25 A. Figure 7 shows the curves calculated for different currents and positions. Force 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 Fs (N) 450 400 Current 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Positio 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x (mm) Figure 7: Curve of forces depending on the position and current. 179 Area: Product Engineering 6. Detail design The total design (figure 8) was reached by using the conceptual design and the sizes. The structural solutions of this design take into account similar designs included in the Knowledge Repository, folder number 6. Figure 8: Electromagnetic power brake. Moreover, as this was a prototype that needed to be tested, this first design had to allow the positions of the different parts to be easily and quickly changed. 7. Control: detail design The conceptual design of the control unit had the following stages: • Input signal conditioning • Analog-to-digital conversion • Calculator • Power stage • Error check Fp U N ID A D D E C O N TR O L 1 2 3 B A T ER IA Figure 9: Control unit Block design. Fp = Brake Pedal Force; Unidad De Control= Control Uni t; Bateria = Battery 180 Area: Product Engineering 8. Control unit design details This was the last stage. The design is shown below in figure 10 Figure 10: Control Unit Matlab Model. • P alta = high pressure • P baja = low pressure • P alta = high pressure • Intensidad = current • Fuerza = force • Curva fricción = friction curve • Peso = weight • Par Frenado = Brake torque • Velocidad vehículo = vehicle speed • Deslizamiento = slip • Par rozamiento = friction torque • Velocidad rueda = vehicle speed • Velocidad vehículo (angular) = Vehicle Speed (angular) 181 Area: Product Engineering • Distancia de frenado = Braking distance 9. Prototype and tests To validate the product it had to tested to check it met the requirements set out in the PDS document. The prototype was built and placed on the test bench as shown in figure 11. A computer was used to simulate the characteristics of a vehicle in transit. Bomba Fp Pbomba Pf Fp Etapa de potencia Servofreno Pf Pf I x x Batería Bench Apagado/ Encendido Figure 11: Bench • Bomba = cylinder • Pbomba = cylinder pressure • Batería = Battery • Etapa de potencia = Power stage • Apagado / Encendido = Off / On • Servo freno = power brake • Pinza = clip • Esquema = Layout • Tarjeta de adquisición = Acquisition card • Ordenador = Computer • Controlador = control unit • Modelo rueda = Wheel model • Pf = Brake pressure • Fp= Brake pedal force • I = Current Pinza Tarjeta de adquisición I ORDENADOR Controlador Modelo rueda Pf Esquema 182 Area: Product Engineering • X = Magnetic body displacemen 10. Results A pressure-force curve was generated using the test results (figure 12). This demonstrates that the product fulfils its function to increase pressure, which depends on the force. And a slip curve was also generated, which shows the ABS function is successfully performed. 90 120 80 70 100 60 Pa (bar) Pb (bar) 40 V(Km/h) P (Bar) 80 50 Vr (rad/s) Vv (rad/s) 60 30 40 20 20 10 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 1 2 50 3 4 5 6 7 t (s) F (kg) Figure 12: pressure-force curve and slip curve. 11. Environmental impact In the electromagnetic power brake, the coil replaces the vacuum power brake and the brake pressure modulation system has less parts and a set of valves, which operate with a high level of vibrations and consume oil, is completely dispensed with. 12. Conclusions • The electromagnetic power brake design met the specifications set out in the PDS document. • Both when drawing up the PDS document and seeking conceptual design and detail design solutions, the company’s information and past experiences gathered together in the Knowledge Repository were useful. • The design replaces other designs currently in use and has clear advantages in terms of recycling and the use of less polluting materials References Aguayo, F., 2002. Metodología del diseño industrial., RAMA. Arias-Paz, M., 2000. Manual de automóviles. Cie Dosswat. Eder, EE. 2007, Design Engineering, CRC PRES. 183 Area: Product Engineering Happian-Smith, J., 2003. Modern Vehicle Design, BH. Luque, P., 2004 Ingeniería del automóvil. Sistemas y comportamiento dinámico THOMSON. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Dr. Paulino Martínez Landa. [email protected] Dr. Pedro Villanueva Roldán. [email protected] Dr. Amaia Pérez Ezcurdia. [email protected] Public University of Navarre. Campus Arrosadía s / n 31006 Technical School for Industrial Engineering and Telecommunications Projects and Rural Engineering Department Phone: (+34) 948 169 330 / 948 169 330 331 184 Area: Environment TOPIC AREA: ENVIRONMENT 185 Area: Environment ANALYSIS OF ECO-EFFICIENCY PROGRESS IN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Fernández-Viñé, M. B. Gómez-Navarro, T. Capuz-Rizo, S.F. Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas. Venezuela. Abstract An eco-efficient business manages to produce high-quality, profitable goods and services, with an environmental impact compatible with the Earth's carrying capacity. Eco-efficiency is currently in a phase of expansion; numerous environmental management systems and tools, support initiatives, and application experiences now exist. To understand how this strategy is being developed and which driving forces enhance the implementation of eco-efficiency, a comparative analysis of case studies both directly and indirectly related to eco-efficiency is presented in this work. These surveys were undertaken in Canada, United Kingdom, Holland, Finland, Spain and Latin America. In addition, an assessment of eco-efficiency performance in small and medium sized business in Venezuela has been conducted. The first findings of this assessment in Venezuela and their comparison to the other case studies are also discussed in this paper. The comparison enables us to draw conclusions regarding the driving forces of ecoefficiency which are: training and motivation of human resources, the market (costumers, suppliers, and competitors), environmental legislation, production technologies and infrastructures, among others. The conclusions of this research highlight the differences and similarities between regions, establishing cause-and-effect relationships between the driving forces and the evidence of eco-efficiency found, allowing for a better understanding of how to promote eco-efficiency in businesses. Keywords: Eco-efficiency, Cleaner production, Ecodesign, EMAS 1. Introduction Eco-efficient production represents the most important contribution of industries to improve quality of life by developing added-value products without reducing business profits while progressively reducing environmental impacts (UNEP-WBCSD,1998). The path that leads companies from pollution control of the production processes to eco-design and eco-innovation goes through the concept of eco-efficiency. Eco-efficiency is a strategy to reduce environmental impact along the life cycle of the product (and not only during the production stage) while increasing business competitiveness. In 1991 the World Business Council for Sustainable Development defined Eco-efficiency as 187 Area: Environment “the delivery of competitively priced goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life while progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity throughout the product life cycle, to a level at least in line with the earth's carrying capacity” (UNEPWBCSD, 1998). Next is the list of eco-efficiency strategies put forward by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (2002), which are essentially mirrored on those of the WBCSD. ECO-EFFICIENCY STRATEGIES - Reduce the amount of material required in the production of goods and services - Reduce the amount of energy required in the production and delivery of goods and services - Reduce toxic emissions - Design products to be recyclable - Maximize the use of renewable resources in the production and delivery of goods and services - Design products that are durable and easy to repair - Design products that serve multiple purposes and that can be easily upgraded Table 1: Eco-efficiency strategies (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 2002). According to Coté et al. (Coté, Booth and Louis, 2006), Eco-efficiency is enhanced by factors referred to as “driving forces”, “success factors” or “stimuli”. Briefly, eco-efficiency driving forces can be enumerated and classified depending on whether they arise from inside or outside the company, as shown in Table 2: INTERNAL DRIVING FORCES EXTERNAL DRIVING FORCES Cost reduction Consumer demand for “greener” products Increase in the quality of products and services Influence of the parties involved in the process Innovation Access to capital Increase in employee motivation Competition Personal community commitment/responsibility to or stakeholders Government regulations Management of risks and liabilities Public pressure Maintaining or increasing market share Global pressures, e.g. climate change Table 2: Eco-efficiency driving forces (Coté, Booth and Louis, 2006). 2. Objective of the research The aim of the present research is to identify the driving forces that contribute to improving ecoefficiency in SMEs in Venezuela. For this end a comparison analysis of eco-efficient practices in different countries was performed. The level of development of the countries was identified in 188 Area: Environment terms of level of implementation of eco-efficient practices and their relationship with barriers and stimuli for eco-efficiency. This analysis allows a diagnosis of the situation of Venezuelan SMEs as compared to the other countries under analysis. The main objective of the present research work is, then, to review other surveys directly or indirectly related to eco-efficiency and to compare the results with a preliminary diagnosis of the level of implementation of eco-efficient practices in Venezuelan SMEs. The diagnosis was obtained through a survey undertaken in small and medium-sized industries in the central region of Venezuela, by far the most industrialized region of the country. 3. Methodology and Case Study 3.1. Analyzed Surveys Table 4 shows the results of the comparison analysis. It presents the eco-efficient practices and management systems implemented in 7 regions or countries (including Venezuela). The surveys used in the comparison analysis are: ‐ ‐ van Hemel and Cramer (2002), who analyzed 77 small and medium manufacturing companies of The Netherlands belonging to the metal-mechanic, timber, plastic, textile and electronic industrial sectors. The study analyzes SME eco-design barriers and stimuli, an essential eco-efficiency tool (van Hemel and Cramer, 2002) Coté et al. (2006); a survey of 25 SMEs in Nova Scotia, Canada, was conducted to measure the levels of eco-efficiency in the SMEs of the region (Coté, Booth and Louis, 2006). ‐ Erkko et al. (2005); their study analyzes to what extent Finish companies with EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) statements have added eco-efficiency strategies to their practices. The study is based on the EMAS reports published by 40 companies in the chemical, paper, plastic and metal-mechanic sectors (Erkko, Melanen and Mickwitz, 2005). ‐ A study carried out in April 2005 by NETREGS, the UK resource for the protection of the environment, through a telephone survey of 5554 SMEs, which represent 99% of the business activity developed in the country (Netregs, 2005). ‐ The work by Gómez (2004) analyzes the environmental performance of the SMEs in the Region of Valencia, Spain (Gómez, 2004). ‐ Vives et al. (2005) conducted a comparison analysis in SMEs of different LatinAmerican countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela) in order to determine the level of implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility. CRS is oriented towards sustainable development and, as a result, towards environmental sustainability ‐ Although most of these surveys have similar general objectives and methodologies, they differ in their specific objectives. Thus, the survey undertaken in The Netherlands focuses on the implementation of eco-design in SMEs (van Hemel and Cramer, 2002), whereas the study developed in Finland (Erkko, Melanen and Mickwitz, 2005) analyzes what is done and how ecoefficiency is reported by the companies that elaborated their environmental reports; on the other hand, the Canadian study (Coté, Booth and Louis, 2006) and the Spanish study of the Valencian Region (Gómez, 2004) analyze the levels of implementation of eco-efficiency in SMEs, whereas the survey undertaken in the UK (Netregs, 2005) analyzes environmental 189 Area: Environment management on a general basis; finally the survey conducted in Latin-America and the Caribbean (Vives, Corral and Isusi, 2005) studies the corporate social responsibility of the SMEs in different countries of the area. Likewise, these works differ in target and scope; for example, the Finish study is not addressed to SMEs, and the number of companies ranges from 25 in the Canadian survey to 5554 SMEs in the UK study. Finally, some studies present detailed and, therefore, easily interpreted descriptions of the findings, whereas other works, like the Canadian survey, present general results using statements like “most say”, “the most frequent indicators” or “many SMEs do not perceive…” but they do not provide specific figures or percentages. Despite these difficulties and the lack of other available sources in the scientific literature, we made an attempt to measure the level of implementation of eco-efficiency strategies using the qualitative scale shown in Table 3: % OF COMPANIES QUALITATIVE SCALE 80-100% VERY HIGH 60-79% HIGH 40-59% MEDIUM 20-39% LOW 1-19% VERY LOW 0% NOT STUDIED Table 3: Qualitative scale. Table 4 shows the comparison analysis of the reviewed research works as well as the study conducted in Venezuelan SMEs. The issues not addressed in the surveys are indicated under the heading “NOT STUDIED”. In the last three rows, an X indicates those surveys that identify saving as a key internal force for the implementation of practices aimed at reducing the use of energy and materials, those surveys that identify customer demands and environmental legislation as external driving forces to take into consideration for the implementation of environmental actions and plans, and those surveys that report a close relationship between company size and environmental commitment. 3.2. Situation of the SMEs in Venezuela According to the National Institute of Statistics, in 2003 (latest data available) there were 5970 industries in the country, 1592 (26.67%) of which are medium-sized industries, 3820 (64%) are small industries and the remaining 9.33% are large companies (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2003). The total taskforce of Venezuela is 11,172 million workers, 56.5% of whom, i.e. about 6.3 million, work in the formal sector and about 5 million in the informal sector. The informal sector of the economy refers to workers that offer their products and services in the street and do not enjoy any labour benefits or social health care. The private business sector employs 81.5% of the total formal taskforce, i.e. 5,150 million workers, and about 1,167 million work as civil servants. About 99% of the workers in private companies (5,093 million) work in SMEs (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2007). 190 Area: Environment Only 2 to 5% SMEs are oriented towards the international market; 80% produce for the local market, and 15 to 18% for the regional and national markets (Páez, Rodríguez, Itriago and Cuárez, 2004). To verify the results of the comparison analysis, a survey on the issues shown in Table 4 was undertaken in 54 SMEs of Venezuela. i. Analysis of overall environmental performance by industrial sector The graph in Figure 1 was designed to better illustrate the environmental performance of the industrial sectors under study. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BY INDUSTRIAL SECTOR 100,0% 90,0% 80,0% 70,0% 60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0% FOOD METALMECH PAPER TEXTILE BUILDING PLASTIC CHEMICAL Consider environment in products/processes Green marketing of products Environment Department Asign budget for pollution reduction Personel training in environment Enviromental Management System Environmental regulations knowledge Pollution control Pollution prevention Product Life Cycle Assessment Energy consumption reduction Material consumption reduction Recuperation and recycling of waste materials Ecodesign Packaging and packing management Environmental efficient product transportation WOOD Figure 1: Analysis by industrial sector. As depicted in the graph, the Food sector is the industrial sector more actively engaged in the prevention of environmental pollution, closely followed by the Chemical industries; and in decreasing order, the Textile, Metal-mechanic, Building, Paper, Plastic and Wood industries (from left to right in the graph). ii. Analysis of overall environmental performance by company size Figure 2 shows the overall environmental performance by company size (micro, small and medium-size industries). This figure reveals the tendency of the SMEs to improve their environmental performance depending on company size; micro-companies obtain slightly better results than small businesses. These results may partly be due to the fact that only a few microcompanies answered the questionnaire, particularly those best managed and more sensitive to environmental impact. It was difficult to interview micro-companies as they were reluctant to participate in this kind of surveys. The results of the survey in the Venezuelan SMEs were added to the comparison analysis of 191 Area: Environment the other surveys undertaken in different countries and described above. The comparison analysis can be seen in Table 4. ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE BY COMPANY SIZE 100,0% 90,0% 80,0% 70,0% 60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0% MICRO-BUSINESS SMALL BUSINESS MIDDLED-SIZED Consider environment in products/processes Green marketing of products Environment Department Asign budget for pollution reduction Personel training in environment Enviromental Management System Environmental regulations knowledge Pollution control Pollution prevention Product Life Cycle Assessment Energy consumption reduction Material consumption reduction Recuperation and recycling of waste materials Ecodesign Packaging and packing management Environmental efficient product transportation Figure 2. Environmental performance by company size. 4. Discussion The comparison analysis shown in Table 4 indicates that: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ The average level of environmental commitment of the SMEs in the different countries studied is medium-high. By contrast, Venezuelan SMEs generally present a low level of environmental commitment. This can be explained by the fact that Venezuela, like other Latin-American countries, has serious social problems which are more important than sustainable development. The market, though considered as an influential external driving force, receives little attention in the industries analyzed in the reviewed surveys. In Venezuela, the market is even a weaker driving force as the population lack environmental education. The level of implementation of an environmental management system is low or very low in the studies of the comparison analysis. The situation is similar for the case of Venezuela as only a very small number of companies report on the use of environmental management systems and tools. The surveys analyzed indicate that SMEs have no environmental department nor trained personnel in environmental issues. Besides this, the budget allocated to reduce environmental impacts is small if any. Surprisingly enough, except for the Dutch case, the rest of surveys report a poor or very poor knowledge of the environmental legislation. By contrast, Venezuelan SMEs seem to be better informed. Most companies do not conduct Product Life Cycle Assessment. This again evidences that this useful tool is only relevant in academic environments or in large businesses. Energy and materials reduction, recovery and recycling are the most common environmental practices mentioned in the studies under analysis, suggesting that such activities seem to be more motivated by the cost savings they generate than by environmental concern. The same behavior is observed in the Venezuelan SMEs. 192 Area: Environment SURVEYS NETHERLAND CANADA VAN HEMEL & CRAMER COTÉ et al. (2002) (2006) FINLAND UNITED KINGDOM VALENCIA LATIN AMERICA ERKKO et al. (2005) NETREGS (2005) SPAIN Vives et al. (2005) ASPECTS CONSIDER ENVIRONMENT IN PRODUCTS/PROCESSES ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING VENEZUELA (2003) NOT STUDIED HIGH NOT STUDIED HIGH NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED HIGH MEDIUM-HIGH MEDIUM LOW MEDIUM LOW NOT STUDIED VERY LOW ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED MEDIUM-LOW LOW NOT STUDIED VERY LOW BUDGET ASSIGNED TO ENVIRONMENT NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED MEDIUM NOT STUDIED LOW TRAINING IN ENVIRONMENT NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED LOW NOT STUDIED LOW ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED LOW NO ANSWER VERY LOW VERY LOW HIGH NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED VERY LOW LOW NOT STUDIED MEDIUM HIGH VERY LOW LOW ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION KNOWLEDGE POLLUTION CONTROL NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED MEDIUM-LOW NOT STUDIED POLLUTION PREVENTION MEDIUM-HIGH NOT STUDIED LOW NOT STUDIED VERY LOW NOT STUDIED LOW LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED VERY LOW NOT STUDIED VERY LOW NOT STUDIED VERY LOW ENERGY CONSUMPTION REDUCTION HIGH MEDIUM HIGH VERY LOW HIGH LOW LOW MATERIAL CONSUMPTION REDUCTION HIGH MEDIUM LOW NOT STUDIED HIGH NOT STUDIED MEDIUM RECUPERATION AND RECYCLING OF WASTE MATERIALS HIGH NOT STUDIED MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH LOW HIGH ECODESIGN PACKAGING AND PACKING MANAGEMENT VERY LOW NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED LOW NOT STUDIED VERY LOW MEDIUM-HIGH NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED HIGH NOT STUDIED MEDIUM X X X X X X X X X X NOT STUDIED X DRIVEN BY SAVINGS X RELATION BETWEEN COMPANY SIZE AND ENVIRONMENT NOT STUDIED DRIVEN BY CONSUMERS AND LEGISLATION X X X NOT STUDIED NOT STUDIED X X Table 4: Comparison analysis of the reviewed surveys and the case study of Venezuela. 193 Area: Environment ‐ ‐ Special attention should be paid to the issue of waste material recycling and recovery. In the highly developed countries, this activity is regulated by law (rather than by environmental awareness) through authorized entities and systems and compliance costs require that companies incur in expenditures to adjust themselves to the norms set in the regulation. By contrast, in Latin-American countries recycling is a profitable business that generates production cost savings to the companies as it is based on human labour rather on automatic systems. The surveys of the analysis also suggest a lack of eco-design strategies in SMEs. Thus, Ecoefficiency practices are generally addressed towards the production process rather than to the end product. This trend is changing in Europe with the so called “Environmental New approach”, but no changes are expected in Latin America or Venezuela unless there is an increase in the export sales. ‐ Legislation and customer demands are considered powerful external stimuli in most of the surveys, although a low or very low number of companies report on having a deep knowledge of the legal regulations and few companies report Green Marketing. Venezuela shows a similar situation: SMEs declare to have a fair knowledge of the legal framework and to pay great attention to their customers’ demands, but when asked whether they emphasize the environmental issues in their commercial actions, very few companies answer affirmatively. ‐ The studies that include SME size in the analysis show a positive close relationship between size and environmental commitment. This is also the case in the Venezuelan SMEs ‐ The analysis of the results by regions reveals three levels of eco-efficiency implementation in the industries under study. At the highest level of implementation we find the Dutch companies. At a second level, the companies of Finland, United Kingdom, Canada and Spain. And at a third level the Latin-American companies. These implementation levels correlate to the overall perception of the situation of the markets in these regions and countries. The comparison analysis of the driving forces acting on each case explains the different levels of ecofficency implementation. 5. Conclusions The comparison analysis of the surveys shown in Table 4 allows us to draw the following conclusions on ecoefficiency driving forces: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ In all surveys cost saving seems to be the most influential internal driving force that enhances the implementation of ecoefficient systems, and in the Venezuelan case it is also a powerful stimulus for reducing the environmental impact of products and processes On the other hand, although the issue of product quality is of general concern, environmental respect is not considered a quality criterion. Similarly, no relationship between innovation and environmental concern was observed, and although many companies innovate to keep their competitiveness, they generally do it to improve the quality of products but not to reduce environmental impacts Increasing employee motivation and environmental responsibilities does not seem to be a key issue for SMEs. This is even more remarkable in Venezuela, where there is a general lack of environmental concern Management of risks and liabilities only try to comply with the minimum standards set out in the legislation. In Venezuela, a weak formal enforcement regime allows the 194 Area: Environment companies to have higher non-compliance rates ‐ Finally, as regards the measures to maintain or increase the market share, SMEs seem to be very reactive, acting locally to customer demands. In Venezuela, the efforts made in this direction do not seem to be guided by a reduction of the environmental impacts of the product On the other hand, with respect to the external driving forces acting on the environmental performance of the SMEs, it can be concluded that: ‐ Consumers do not seem to strongly demand for “green” products; in Venezuela, as mentioned earlier, due to the little environmental concern from consumers, this situation is more dramatic and the Green Marketing is practically non existent. ‐ No effective influence of the stakeholders on SME’s attitude towards environmental protection is observed. For example, access to capital is not affected by the adoption of environmental practices like publishing environmental reports in the companies. civil associations, educational institutions, national organizations and experts in environment do not exert any effective pressure to force SMEs to introduce the required changes for process and product environmental impact minimization ‐ Companies do not seem to address their technical efforts to improve competitiveness regarding the environment; rather they address them towards the operational improvement of the product. Compliance with the environmental regulations depends on the enforcement system. In Venezuela despite the extensive environmental legislation, compliance rates are low due to their weak regulatory procedures ‐ Although in general SMEs seem very reactive to punctual demands from customers, they do not seem very sensitive to media campaigns in favour of the preservation of the environment as SMEs generally think that large companies should take the lead in the adoption of environmental practices. The analysis of the surveys and the case study of Venezuela suggests the following causeeffect relationships among the driving forces and the eco-efficiency evidences observed: ‐ Those countries whose SMEs have high export sales, are influenced by the environmental legislation for product import of the countries they sell their products to. This is a key external driving force for these companies. As mentioned earlier, Venezuelan SMEs have low export sales, so that they are little influenced by global environmental demands ‐ In the countries where taskforce and energy are expensive additional investment is required for materials and waste recycling. In Venezuela it can be observed a high rate of materials and waste recovery and recycling motivated by cost savings rather than by environmental awareness, since both taskforce and energy are very cheap ‐ In countries with a more degraded environment, local and global pressures in favor of the environment find more support since the environmental situation is more evident to the community. In Latin-American countries, in particular in Venezuela, which have a less degraded natural environment, global campaigns of environmental protection do not make the same effects on people. ‐ The efficiency of the enforcement mechanisms greatly affects environmental performance in SMEs. In particular, in Venezuela due to the lack of efficient regulatory procedures, this driving force is not very influential on the firm’s environmental decisions ‐ Incentives for environmental protection that have already been implemented in many developed countries but which have not yet been adopted in countries such as Venezuela (e.g. subsidized credits, fiscal incentives and eco-labels) can contribute to raise environmental awareness in the population, to stimulate Green Marketing and to facilitate access to capital to those SMEs with proven eco-efficiency practices ‐ On the other hand, it has been observed that the driving forces are closely inter-related 195 Area: Environment ‐ ‐ and are synergic in the positive and negative aspects. For example, consumers’ environmental concern compels both firms and regulators towards the adoption of ecoefficiency practices. Regulators, in turn, regulate eco-efficiency norms and also compel firms towards the adoption of eco-efficiency practices. By contrast, a lack of social interest makes companies and mass media not care about the environment, and as a consequence, they do not exert any pressure on public administration for the regulation and protection of the environment On the other hand, the companies’ improvement of ecoefficiency generates more ecoefficiency by the effect “example for the competitor”, the effect “consumer awareness raising” and by the effect “demand for eco-efficiency along the supply or value chain” Therefore, the countries or regions enter a vicious circle in which there is no offer because there is no green-product demand nor awareness nor enforcement; there is no enforcement (by the administration) because there is no demand (by the citizens) and there is no demand because there is no offer (and the publicity generates other different shopping needs). However, when eco-efficiency improves, that generates a virtuous circle as more companies discover the potential market opportunities of eco-efficiency, or they are compelled to it as the driving forces are strengthened and inter-reinforced. References Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, 2002. Eco-efficiency fact sheet. Moncton: New Brunswick. eco-efficient fact sheet eng.pdf Coté, R., Booth, A., Louis, B. 2006, Eco-efficiency and SMEs in Nova Scotia, Canada, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 14, pp. 542-550. Erkko, S., Melanen, M., Mickwitz, P., 2005 Eco-efficiency in the Finnish EMAS reports – a buzz word?, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 13, pp. 799-813. Gómez, T., 2004. Propuesta metodológica para la mejora de la ecoeficiencia de los productos industriales a lo largo de su ciclo de vida. Aplicación a las PYME de la Comunidad Valenciana. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Valencia. Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2003 Estadísticas Económicas. Obtenido el 10 de febrero de 2006, de Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2007 Estadísticas Económicas. Obtenido el 12 de marzo de 2007, de Netregs, SME-nvironment, 2005 A review of changing environmental attitudes and behaviors among small and medium sized business in the UK”, 2005, Obtenido el 1 de octubre de 2006 en Páez, T., Rodríguez, B., Itriago, D., Cuárez, M., Observatorio PyMEs y nuevas tendencias de la información y la comunicación, Ceatpro, Caracas, 2004. UNEP-WBCSD, 1998 Cleaner production and Eco-efficiency: from ideas to action, Geneve: UNEP. van Hemel, C., 2002 Cramer, J., Barriers and stimuli for ecodesign in SMEs. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 10, pp. 439-453. 196 Area: Environment Vives, A., Corral, A. Isusi, I., 2005 Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa en las PyMEs de Latinoamérica, Subdepartamento de Empresa Privada y Mercados Financieros, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Washington DC. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): María Blanca Fernández Universidad Metropolitana Facultad de Ingeniería, Terrazas del Ávila, 1070 Caracas, Venezuela. Phone: 58-212-240.35.03 Fax 58-212-240.34.96 Email: [email protected] 197 Area: Environment LAND OCCUPATION AND TRANSFORMATION BY SPANISH ROADS Garraín, D. Vidal, R. Franco, V. Universitat Jaume I Abstract The term ‘land use’ is traditionally used to denote a classification of human activities which occupy land area. In the field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), the terms ‘land use’ or ‘land use impact’ have been used to designate the environmental impacts related to physical occupation and transformation of geographic areas. Our study focuses on the calculation of land surface occupation attributed to Spanish roads, stressing the discrepancy of results determined by the choice of data source. Occupation values are subsequently used to calculate temporal occupation and transformation values of soil into roadways. Transformation values can be incorporated into LCAs of this type of infrastructures, since they can be expressed in terms of vehicle flow. Finally, the need to consider the potential territorial fragmentation and implications on land productivity during road planning is highlighted. Keywords: Land Use, Occupation, Transformation, Roads, Land Fragmentation 1. Introduction The term ‘land use’ has traditionally been used to denote a classification of human activities that occupy an area of land. In the field of LCA the term ‘land use’ or ‘land use impact’ is used to denote environmental impacts relating to the occupation and transformation of physical areas of terrain (Weidema & Lindeijer, 2001). In studies to assess the environmental impact of products or processes through the application of LCA, the impact category for land use is not always considered or may not be appropriate in the carrying out of these assessments. This circumstance, together with the scarcity of available data, has meant that the application of land use indicators is still complex today due to a lack of definition of the parameters to consider and the methodology to use. Land use, whether for agriculture, forest resources, mining resources, construction of housing, industry, infrastructure, etc., involves environmental impacts that are often substantial, especially those affecting biodiversity and its quality. Various authors have revised the different indicators for the calculation of land use impact. Initially, assessment was based on the area of terrain occupied. The impact category of land use was related to the occupied area used in relation to the life cycle of the product or system, calculated without distinguishing between the different forms of land use and without 198 Area: Environment considering the original state of the land (Lindeijer, 2000a). Then there was a consensus that occupation should be combined with the time during which human activities were carried out; therefore, the period of time when the activity was performed was considered in addition to the area occupied and the impact was measured as area multiplied by time (Guinée, 2002). However, this occupation value must be accompanied by a qualitative assessment of changes undergone by land as a result of its use. It is now internationally accepted that the life cycle inventory phase must focus on two aspects of land use: the area occupied and the changes caused to the land quality. Thus two concepts are involved: occupation and transformation of land (Weidema & Lindeijer, 2001; Antón, 2004). Later studies have developed methods for presenting indicators that measure the deterioration of biodiversity and the alterations to the life support functions of the land due to its use. Among these methods, the most noteworthy are those developed for the analysis of land use impact on biodiversity (Köller, 2000, 2001, 2007, 2008; Goedkoop & Spriensma, 2001; Michelsen, 2008; Müller-Wenk, 1998; Vogtländer et al., 2004); those developed to analyse the impact on life support functions (Cowell, 2000; Milà i Canals, 2003; Milà i Canals et al., 2007); and those assessing the impacts on biodiversity and on life support functions separately (Weidema & Lindeijer, 2001; Lindeijer, 2000b; Mattsson et al., 2000). Furthermore, some authors (Muys & García Quijano, 2002; Wagendorp et al., 2006) have developed new methods for analysing the impact due to land use based on measuring the capacity an ecosystem possesses to dissipate exergy. Kloverpris et al. (2008) present an inventory model of land use resulting from the consumption of crops. Other authors have performed qualitative comparisons of the methods that take into account impacts on biodiversity and life support functions (van der Voet, 2001), or they have applied some of these to particular cases: construction materials (Lindeijer et al., 2002), greenhouses (Antón et al., 2007) and vegetable oil crops (Mattsson et al., 2000). This study calculates the values of the land occupied by the Spanish roads and of the transformation into road surface. Moreover, it considers the potential effect this infrastructure can cause on the fragmentation of the territory and calculates the ecological footprint of the CO2 emitted by vehicles using the roads. 2. Occupation of land by Spanish roads The purpose of this indicator is to provide an estimate of the amount of land occupied by road infrastructure to enable the subsequent assessment of its environmental impact. In order to determine the area equivalent to the occupied land, various data sources have been used. 2.1 Source 1: National data and direct calculations In this case the data sources were: 199 Area: Environment • • The Ministry of Development (MFOM, 2005) to find the length of the road network for which the Spanish Government and the autonomous communities are responsible. The average width estimated for each type of road was 25 m for major trunk roads and motorways; 17 m for dual carriageway roads; 10 m for roads > 7 m in width; 6 m for roads between 5 and 7 m in width; and 5 m for roads < 5 m in width. The current legislation at a Spanish Government and autonomous community level to obtain data on the affected area that will be provided by the affected width, or easement, described in Table 1. Region Motorways & major trunk roads Easement (m) Dual Width Width carriag >7m 5-7 m eway Width <5m Source SPAIN 25 8 8 8 8 Andalusia1 Aragon Asturias Balearic Islands Canary Islands Cantabria Castile-la Mancha Castile and León Catalonia Extremadura Galicia La Rioja Madrid Murcia Navarre Basque Country Region of Valencia2 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 17 10 50 25 25 8 8 8 18 17 8 8 8 8 2 8 10 30 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 8 8 8 8 2 8 10 30 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 14 8 8 8 8 2 8 10 30 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 2 8 10 30 8 8 RD1812/1994 RD1211/1990 Ley 25/1988 Ley 16/1987 Ley 8/2001 Ley 8/98 Ley 13/86 Ley 5/1990 Ley 9/91 Ley 5/96 Ley 9/90a Ley 2/90 Ley 7/93 Ley 7/95 Ley 4/94 Ley 2/91 Ley 3/91 Ley 9/90b Ley Foral 11/86 Ley 2/89 25 8 8 8 8 Ley 6/91 1 Ceuta and Melilla are included here. 2 General values have been assumed for the easement (25 metres for motorways and major trunk roads, and 8 metres for other roads) since there is no distinction between the easement and the protection area. Table 1: Width of easements according to Spanish and autonomous community legislation. Considering these sources, the total area occupied by Spanish roads in the year 2004 was 449,313.5 hectares. 2.2 Source 2: European data and indirect calculations In this case the data sources were Eurostat (2006) for calculating the length of the road network and the European Environment Agency (EEA, 2000) for obtaining an indirect occupation factor that takes into account the effects caused by the areas adjoining the roads. Table 2 shows the results. 200 Area: Environment Type of road Motorways and major trunk roads Spanish Government roads Provincial roads Community roads Road network (km) (Eurostat, 2006) Occupation factor (ha/km) (EEA, 2000) Area occupied (ha) 9,571 7.5 71,782.5 17,074 6 102,444 69,167 67,987 4.5 2 311,251.5 135,974 Table 2: Length of the road network, indirect occupation factor and area occupied for Spanish roads according to European data for 2004. Therefore, the total area occupied by Spanish roads in the year 2001 according to these sources was 621,452 hectares. 2.3 Source 3: Data from the CORINE Land Cover project The CORINE Land Cover (CLC) project or programme has the fundamental objective of capturing numeric and geographic data for the creation of a European database, at a scale of 1:100,000, of the Cover and/or Use of the Territory. The European Topic Centre on Terrestrial Environment (ETC/TE), accountable to the AEMA, is responsible for the acquisition and release of data corresponding to distinct European land uses. One of the land uses that it distinguishes is that corresponding to “road and railway network and associated land”, determined in hectares. Therefore the value of this land use will be that corresponding to the indicator. Table 3 shows the data gathered in the CORINE Land Cover project, provided by the European Topic Center on Terrestrial Environment (ETC/TE), that correspond to the changes in land use that occurred in Spain from 1990 to 2000. Therefore, it is only necessary to take into account the data that correspond to the “road and rail network and associated land” in the year 2000. The table below shows the data on this land use and from what other type of use the land was transformed. 201 Area: Environment Code Type of use in 1990 Area (ha) 111 Continuous urban fabric 92 112 Discontinuous urban fabric 14 121 Industrial or commercial units 55 122 Road and rail networks and associated land 3.835 131 Mineral extraction sites 32 133 Construction sites 174 211 Non-irrigated arable land 815 212 Permanently irrigated land 132 222 Fruit trees and berry plantations 105 223 Olive groves 81 231 Pastures 386 241 Annual crops associated with permanent crops 89 242 Complex cultivation patterns 575 243 Land principally occupied by agriculture (with areas of natural vegetation) 108 244 Agro-forestry areas 84 311 Broad-leaved forest 38 312 Coniferous forest 99 313 Mixed forest 33 321 Natural grasslands 296 322 Moors and heathland 28 323 Sclerophyllous vegetation 187 324 Transitional woodland-shrub 96 333 Sparsely vegetated areas 49 Table 3: Area transformed into road and rail network and associated land in 2000 according to the CLC project (CLC, 2000). So the total area occupied by Spanish roads according to the CLC project for the year 2000 was 7,403 hectares. 2.4 Discussion of the results A great difference between the values can be observed when comparing the results obtained. From the point of view of greatest accuracy, the calculation method based on national data is the most suitable and exact since it takes into account every type of road, every width, and above all, every piece of legislation applicable to the type of road and autonomous community. 202 Area: Environment The higher value obtained with European data is mainly due to the higher values for both the length of the network of Spanish roads and the width in comparison to national data. The value obtained with the CLC source is in the order of 100 times lower, due mainly to the low resolution used in the project data capture. The minimum mapping unit for the CLC project is 25 hectares with a minimum polygon width of 100 metres. Therefore, considering that each map unit corresponds approximately to a rectangle of 100 x 2,500 metres, it is very difficult for the satellite to distinguish the area occupied by a normal road, since the majority of transport infrastructure in Spain is of less than 100 metres in width. However, it does consider the large motorways, major trunk roads and other important road networks, leading to the very much lower value obtained by this method. Figure 1 shows an example of the data capture. Figure 1: CLC interpretation of major road networks (CLC, 2000). Taking into account the total area of Spain (50,464,500 ha) and using national data, the land this infrastructure occupies represents almost 0.9% of the total. In comparison with other countries in the European Union (Belgium 4%, Luxembourg 2.5%, the Netherlands 2.3% and Germany 2.1%), and considering Europe as a densely populated continent saturated with transport infrastructures, Spain has one of the lowest percentages of occupation, well below the average of 1.3% (EEA, 2002). However, the progressive increase of the length of the roads, particularly motorways and major trunk roads, and the development of new routes mean that this percentage is increasing, and thus this land use is increasing, resulting in fragmentation of the territory. 3. Land transformation for Spanish roads The methodology used for the calculation of land transformation for Spanish roads is based on studies of the impact on and degradation of biodiversity (Lindeijer, 2000a, 2000b; Spielmann et al., 2004; Frischknecht, 2002) found in the occupied area per metre of network length and per year, therefore the functional unit is m2/m·yr. Data availability means that the temporal reference for the study must be the period of 14 years from 1990 to 2004 (MFOM, 2005). Taking into account the increase of the road network during this period, the percentage change was 5.75 % (from 156,172 to 165,152 km). 203 Area: Environment Applying this value proportionally to the total occupation found above, the occupied area at the beginning of the study was determined. Taking into account the values for the length of the road networks and the period of time of the study, the value for transformation was thus calculated. Type of infrastructure National data (m2/m yr) European data (m2/m yr) Motorways and major trunk roads 0.307 0.173 Inter-urban roads 0.098 0.146 Tabla 5: Indicator of land transformation impact caused by Spanish roads per type of road and methodology used. When performing LCA of the roads, this transformation value can be incorporated into the environmental effects they cause, since it can be expressed as a function of the flow of vehicles or unit of transport. Using this value, comparisons can be made in a suitable manner, since the EEA suggests that environmental results be expressed as a function of this unit, in passengers per km (pkm) and in tonnes per kilometre (tkm) annually. If we include the product of the number of vehicles by the distance they travel in a year, we obtain the number of vehicleskilometre per year. Based on this data, the number of passengers-kilometre is the result of multiplying the vehicles-kilometre travelled by cars, motorcycles and coaches (classified as light) by the average occupation of these, not counting the driver of the coaches; and the number of tonnes-kilometre is obtained by multiplying the vehicles-kilometre travelled of heavy vehicles by their average load. The impact values assigned for each type of road were based on the passing frequency of each type of vehicle (light or heavy) and were obtained based on the following data: • Traffic and transport by road type and vehicle type (MFOM, 2005). • Total length of each road network (MFOM, 2005). • Assignment factor of the intensity and passing frequency per type of vehicle (77% light and 23% heavy) (Spielmann et al., 2004). The assignment factors obtained are shown in Table 5. Assignment factor Motorways and major trunk roads Inter-urban roads m yr / pkm 4.44E-05 5.37E-04 m yr / tkm 1.40E-05 2.17E-04 Table 6: Assignment factors of the impact of the intensity and frequency of passing of the Spanish roads, by type of road, in 2004. Finally, with the values in tables 4 and 5, the transformation values as a function of vehicle flows were obtained. Figure 2 shows these results according to the data source. 204 Area: Environment 90 Motorway s and m ajor t runk roads I nt er-urban roads 80 m/p (t)km 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Nat ional dat a (pk m) European dat a (pkm) Nat ional dat a (tkm) European dat a (tkm ) Figure 2: Transformation of land caused by Spanish roads per type of road, per km and per data source. 3.1 Discussion of the results Considering the results shown in the above figure, we can state that motorways and major trunk roads are more sustainable than inter-urban roads. This is due to a much greater circulation of vehicles and means that substantially less land use is required for the same unit of transport. However, comparing these values with those for other transport infrastructure at a European level, railways require the least land use per unit of transport (e.g. area per pkm): the area required per pkm for railway lines is approximately 3.5 times less than the area per pkm for roads (EEA, 2002). 4. Fragmentation of the territory The construction of transport infrastructure, especially the road network, is one of the main anthropogenic causes of fragmentation in terrestrial ecosystems, and therefore, it is very important to consider this when planning the development of a new road. The impact that infrastructure has on natural ecosystems is not limited to physical occupation or the direct effects on communities of flora or fauna (animals run over, fleeing, etc.). The fragmentation of ecosystems caused, above all by the heaviest networks (motorways and major trunk roads), is a well-documented cause of ecological degradation, directly related to the loss of biodiversity and productivity. These infrastructures act as true barriers to fauna movements, reducing the territory for development and genetic exchange of some species to such an extent that it endangers their reproductive potential and their very survival. The consequences of fragmentation by roads include the reduction of the net and functional area of the ecosystem, 205 Area: Environment increased isolation and increased permeability to external impacts due to the proliferation of marginal or border zones (Forman et al., 2002; PDSTIB, 2002; Delgado et al., 2004). Another important area for consideration is the visual impact or impact on the countryside that a road can cause, since its design introduces large elements with an artificial geometry that are discordant with the natural forms in the territory. Moreover, the presence of areas bereft of vegetation or the colour of the materials used in the road itself causes great chromatic contrasts with the surroundings (PDSTIB, 2002). The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity considers the fragmentation of territory as a significant threat to both biodiversity and species, as reflected in the Strategy on Biological and Landscape Biodiversity, as well as in the European Commission’s Biodiversity Strategy and in the European Commission’s Habitats Directive. The average size of contiguous units of terrain not cut through by transport infrastructure in the European Union is 175 km2. In Spain, this value is around 250 km2 due to low infrastructure density. Other countries have much lower undivided areas, such as Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, where the average undivided area is below 50 km2 (EEA, 2002). 5. The concept of the ecological footprint A very didactic indicator reflecting the significance of the emissions caused by transport and of the difficulty of managing them can be obtained through the application of the concept of the ‘ecological footprint’ (Wackernagel & Rees, 1995). The ecological footprint of an activity (in this case transport) is defined as the area of land necessary to provide the resources that this activity uses and to assimilate the wastes that it generates. The ecological footprint of transport would be, in terms of its emissions, the quantity of earth with plant cover needed to absorb all of the CO2 generated by transport. In the case of Spain, after prior study of the polluting emissions due to road transport (Garraín & Vidal, 2007), we obtained an approximate value of 44 million hectares of forest needed to absorb the more than 96 million tonnes of CO2 emitted during 2004. This area is equivalent to approximately 40% of the total area of Spain, which means that a territory of almost the same size as Spain would be required, uninhabited and completely covered in forest, to assimilate current transport emissions. 6. Conclusions The outstanding conclusions of this study are as follows: The method of calculating the occupation of Spanish roads based on national data is the most suitable and accurate, since it takes into account each type of road, width and above all, each piece of legislation applied to road type and autonomous community. This value does not exceed 0.9% of the total area of Spain, and thus Spain occupies one of the lowest rankings on a European level, much below the average of 1.3%. In terms of land transformation for roads, motorways and major trunk roads are more sustainable than inter-urban roads. This is due to the much higher circulation of vehicles, making the land use required much lower for the same unit of transport. The fragmentation of land caused by infrastructure is very significant. 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Weidema, B., Lindeijer, E., 2001. Physical impacts of land use in product life cycle assessment. Final report of the EURENVIRON-LCAGAPS sub-project on land use, Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management, Technical University of Denmark. Acknowledgements This study has been carried out as part of the project “Indicadores de impacto y vulnerabilidad de las infraestructuras de transporte” (Impact and vulnerability indicators for transport infrastructure) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works in the 24th Public Call for Research Grant Applications, 2005, for infrastructure subjects (Order FOM/2376/2005). Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Daniel Garraín GID – Engineering Design Group. Dept Mechanical Engineering & Construction, Jaume I University . Av. Sos Baynat, s/n. E-12071 Castellón (Spain) Tel. +34 964729252 Fax +34 964728106 e-mail: [email protected] URL: Rosario Vidal GID – Engineering Design Group. Dept Mechanical Engineering & Construction, Jaume I University. Vicente Franco GID – Engineering Design Group. Dept Mechanical Engineering & Construction, Jaume I University. 210 Area: Environment THE NOISE IMPACT CATEGORY IN LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT Garraín, D. Franco, V. Vidal, R. Moliner, E. Casanova, S. Universitat Jaume I Abstract The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology is used to evaluate environmental impacts by grouping the negative effects upon the environment of a given product or process into a reduced set of impact categories. Global warming, ozone layer depletion, fossil fuel depletion and acidification are the most typical of these categories. Unfortunately, reliable methodologies are lacking for the assessment of some categories, as is the case of noise. Considering that transport and housing are cornerstones of the world production system, traffic noise is one of the categories that is likely to gain relevance in the near future, given its effects upon human health. In our work, several studies about noise in the LCA methodology are analysed. Also, the guidelines to include noise in the environmental assessment of products and processes within the LCA methodology are presented. Finally, the DALY (Disability Adjusted Life Year) is supported as the best unit to measure the negative impacts of noise upon human health. Keywords: Noise, Life Cycle Assessment, Impact Category, DALY 1. Introduction 1.1 LCA and impact categories In recent decades awareness of environmental issues has increased among the population and this has led to the generation of strategies and methods for evaluating the impact on the environment so that levels of pollutants can then be lowered. One of the tools that is most widely accepted by the scientific community for evaluating environmental impact is Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), an analytical procedure that assesses the entire life cycle of a process or activity. According to standard UNE-EN ISO 14040:2006, LCA “addresses environmental aspects and potential environmental impacts (such as the use of resources and the environmental consequences of emissions) throughout the whole life cycle of a product from the acquisition of the raw materials to production, use, final treatment and recycling and finally disposal (that is to say, from the cradle to the grave)”. One clear advantage of the methodology is that it makes it possible to detect situations in which one particular system seems cleaner than another simply because it shifts the environmental loads to other 211 Area: Environment processes or to a different geographic region, with no real improvement from a global point of view (a phenomenon known as “problem shifting”) (Iglesias, 2005). This method allows the composition and the amounts of the pollutants that are generated and the resources that are consumed to be evaluated in terms of their impacts on the environment by grouping them in a small number of environmental categories. The impact categories that are most commonly considered in LCA of processes or products are the greenhouse effect, the thinning of the ozone layer, the depletion of fossil fuels, acidification, eutrophication, human and environmental ecotoxicity, tropospheric ozone precursors or emissions of heavy metals. Unfortunately, to date, no reliable methods have been developed to analyse some categories, such as the impact on land use, the visual impact or impact on the landscape, or the impact of smells or noise. These last impact categories are not always taken into account or are simply not really suitable for environmental impact assessments. If this is added to the scarcity of available data, we find ourselves with a situation in which the application of indicators for these categories is still a time-consuming, complex task due to the lack of agreement as to which parameters are to be considered and the methodology to be followed. Bearing in mind that transport or housing are cornerstones of the world productive system, one of the categories that is likely to become one of the most significant in the future (given its effects upon human health) will be noise from road traffic. 1.2 Effects of noise on human beings Noise has become one of the major issues affecting people’s quality of life, especially in city centres and in suburban areas that lie close to main roads, where the noise generated by vehicles makes the problem even more important. In fact, it has been estimated that 80% of the noise produced in cities can be attributed to motor vehicles. In our part of the world, the issue is particularly serious because, in 1986, an OECD (Organisation for Cooperation and Economic Development) report ranked Spain as the second noisiest country in the developed world after Japan. According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), noise can have negative effects on human health when the equivalent levels exceed 65 dB(A) during the day and 55 dB(A) at night. High levels of noise can have many physical and mental side effects on human beings, including impaired oral communication, sleep disorders, increased levels of stress, damage to the circulatory system and effects on balance, apart from obviously giving rise to hearing disorders. It can also have negative effects on relationships with family and neighbours lower the selling price of housing or affect people's fundamental rights to their own privacy or that of their family, as well as the inviolability of the home. This situation has led to the introduction of strict regulations in several European countries to limit the amount of noise the population is exposed to, depending on the activity that is being performed and the time of day. 2. Noise in LCA Most studies on environmental noise that have been conducted around the world focus on quantifying or predicting it, on estimating the percentage of the population exposed to different levels, or on describing its effects on people. Very few, however, attempt to establish a relation between the emission of a particular type of noise and its real, measurable impact on human beings. 212 Area: Environment The Swiss professor Rudolf Müller-Wenk stands out as a reference for his studies on the impact produced by noise from road traffic. His work (Müller-Wenk, 1999, 2002, 2004) has enabled him to develop a methodology for quantifying the effect of noise on health, using the DALY (Disability-Adjusted Life Years) as the unit of measurement, and to incorporate it into LCA. Nevertheless, other authors, such as Doka (2003) or the Danish researchers Nielsen & Laursen (2003), have developed other methodologies for assessing the real impact on health. The main features of these methods are outlined in the following. 2.1 The Müller-Wenk methodology The method developed by Müller-Wenk (1999, 2002, 2004) is based on the cause-effect chain. This methodology consists in analysing any modification undergone by a variable (with a direct effect on a pollutant) that is registered in the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) and affects human health. The procedure for creating this chain is made up of the following stages. • The fate analysis, which describes the increase in concentration of the pollutant, in this case acoustic (noise level), caused by changes in some variable registered in the LCI. • The exposure analysis, which shows how many people are affected by such changes and to what extent. • The effect analysis, which describes the incremental effect on health that would occur if human beings are exposed to a certain increase in the concentration of the pollutant (noise) over a certain period of time. • The damage analysis, which describes the total extent of the damage to human health that is represented by the above-mentioned effects on health. The road traffic noise model that is applied in the method is the one developed by SAEFL (Swiss Agency for Environment, Forest and Landscape) (Balzari et al., 1998). This is a simple model in which the noise emission from a road (LAeq) are determined by the noise from cars (LE1) and from lorries (LE2) that, in turn, depends on the volume of traffic (N1 and N2), the average speed (V1 and V2) and the slope of the road (i), in accordance with the following equations. ( LAeq = 10 ⋅ log 100.1⋅LE1 + 10 0.1⋅LE 2 ) (1) where: LE1 = E1 + 10 ⋅ log N1 (2) LE 2 = E 2 + 10 ⋅ log N 2 (3) E1 = max[{12.8 + 19.5 ⋅ log V 1}, {45 + 0.8 ⋅ (0.5 ⋅ i − 2 )}] (4) E 2 = max[{34 + 13.3 ⋅ log V 2}, {56 + 0.6 ⋅ (0.5 ⋅ i − 1.5)}] (5) Once the result has been obtained for the overall level of emission, the first step in the chain consists in recalculating the previous value with the addition of, in this case, an increase that is proportional to the initial value for the flow of vehicles. The difference between the two values of overall levels of emission is ∆LAeq, which indicates the noise that is produced by adding a proportional increase in the number of vehicles. 213 Area: Environment The transport that is to be evaluated is not considered as a single isolated event, but rather as a small part of the annual increase in traffic density on the whole network of roads within a region or country. According to this author, there are statistics to show that the annual increase in traffic on the different routes is, as a preliminary approximation, proportional to the level of traffic from the previous year. The calculations, together with the theoretical considerations, show that the value of ∆LAeq is more or less constant on all segments of the road network, with small differences that can be attributed to different speeds of different vehicles and to the properties of the road surface. In fact, the ∆LAeq due to an increase of one vehicle per hour is more or less proportional to the first derivative of the logarithm of the number of vehicles (N), which is inversely proportional (1/N). But if the increase in road traffic in each segment is proportional to N, instead of a constant corresponding to a higher number of vehicles, the ∆LAeq value is proportional to N multiplied by its reciprocal [N (1/N)]. It thus remains independent of N and the same value is considered for roads with high and low volumes of traffic. The second step consists in calculating the number of people exposed to excessive noise levels. This was carried out by using a computer model to find the data on exposure to road noise for the Swiss canton of Zurich (which accounts for approximately a sixth of the total population of Switzerland). The findings for this area were then extrapolated to obtain the exposure data for the whole Swiss population. Later, subjective disturbance values were collected, in this case using surveys answered by people exposed to traffic noise. In these questionnaires respondents were asked about the extent to which they considered they were disturbed by noise and whether it impaired both sleep (in order to measure night-time effects) and oral communication (in order to measure daytime effects). Müller-Wenk comes to the conclusion that the approximate percentage of persons who report that they suffer from sleep impairments increases linearly by 1.7% per dB, starting at a night-time outdoor level of 46 bB. The conclusion drawn from the daytime disturbance curve is that the approximate percentage of persons who report that they suffer from communication impairments increases linearly by 2.5% per dB, starting at a daytime outdoor level of 55 dB. The last steps consist in quantifying the effect and the damage caused to human health. The foregoing data on exposure and disturbance were used together with the so-called ‘disability weights’ (DW) to obtain values for health damage in DALY units, in other words, the number of years spent adapting to a disability (see point 4). 2.2 The Doka methodology According to the Swiss author Gabor Doka (2003), no linear relationship exists between the value of a noise in decibels and its effects on human health. The decibel is a logarithmic measure of acoustic energy. As such, there is no single characterisation factor in LCA that can be multiplied readily by a value in decibels to give a DALY. The methodology proposed by this author has managed to adapt Müller-Wenk’s concept (1999, 2002, 2004) so as to be able to calculate the DALY resulting from noise generated by different models of cars in Switzerland. To achieve this, reasoned approximations were taken to arrive at a simplified formula to measure the damage, in DALY, per vehicle-kilometre (vkm, which is obtained by multiplying the number of vehicles on the road network under consideration by the distance travelled in a certain amount of time) depending on the emission noise measured in decibels, according to equation 6. 214 Area: Environment (a⋅L +b ) ⎡ DALY ⎤ Damage ⎢ = K ⋅10 p ⎥ ⎣ vkm ⎦ (6) The terms are defined as follows: • • Lp is the standard unit of measurement of noise, measured in dB. a, b and K are regression parameters depending on the time of day in which the journey is undertaken: Parameter Unit a b K 1/dB dimensionless DALY Average journey (7% of vkm at night) 0.099962 -6.243371 1.23406E-07 Daytime journey Night-time journey 0.09998766 -6.3738654 7.60872E-07 0.999043 -5.5943622 2.30486E-07 Table 1: Values of the regression parameters of Doka's formula (Doka, 2003). Different emission noise values can therefore be used to calculate the value of the DALY per vkm, resulting in graphs like the one in Figure 1. Figure 1: DALY per vkm depending on the decibels caused by rolling traffic on an average journey, during the day and during the night (Doka, 2003). 2.3 The Nielsen and Laursen methodology These Danish authors have focused their study (Nielsen & Laursen, 2003) exclusively on noise that disturbs human beings while goods are being transported. The effects in areas that are potentially more sensitive to noise (such as natural parks or recreational zones) and on animals have not be taken into account to allow a clearer, simpler model to be developed. They also considered other simplifications with regard to the distribution of noise and the quantification of the extent to which it disturbs people. 215 Area: Environment The noise model proposed by these authors can be represented diagrammatically as in Figure 2, which shows the isophones around a source, as well as the number of persons in each one. The noise level decreases as the distance increases, due to the attenuation caused by the divergence of the sound waves and absorption by the atmosphere. This reduction may also be influenced by several factors such as the topography and the acoustic properties around the source, the presence of walls or buildings, wind speed and direction, relative humidity, temperature gradient, noise directionality, position of the source with respect to the recipients, and so forth. Figure 2: Model of the distribution of the population (x) in isophones at a distance d around a source of noise (o) (Nielsen & Laursen, 2003). The isophones in the previous figure only appear in flat, open landscapes when the atmosphere is homogeneous. Moreover, in many situations the isophones are not circular and are shaped by the different conditions of the moment. For the sake of simplicity, they assumed a circular isophone model and a noise level given by simple mathematical formulae. Noise Nuisance (NNd) at a specific distance (d) from a source-point can be defined in terms of person-hours, according to equation 7. NN d = Pd ⋅ T proc ⋅ NNFL p (7) The terms are defined as follows: • Pd is the number of persons within a distance d from the source (this can be counted or estimated). • Tproc is the duration of the noisy process (in hours), that is to say, the time usually required to produce a product or service unit, depending on the functional unit. It may be determined by direct measurements or by calculations of the average. • NNFLp is the specific noise nuisance factor for the current noise level, Lp being the relative background noise (dimensionless). It represents the inconvenience caused by noise in human beings and is a subjective parameter that is determined by aspects such as the noise level, the composition of the frequency of the noise, the background noise and the qualities and characteristics of each person, and so forth. The following equation shows the relationship between noise and the specific nuisance factor, in which the exponential factor expresses the part of the noise that exceeds the background noise. NNFL p = 0.01 ⋅ 4.22 ( 0.1 L p − K ) (8) 216 Area: Environment The previous terms are defined as follows: • • Lp is the noise level, which can be measured or calculated (dB). K is the background noise relative to 20 µPa, also measured in dB. The total noise nuisance caused by a specific process (NNproc) can be determined by the sum of the nuisances for all the persons in each isophone, in accordance with equation 9. NN proc = Tproc ⋅ ∑ Pd ⋅ 0.01 ⋅ 4.22 ( 0.1 L p ( d ) − K ) (9) In this equation Lp(d) is the noise level at a certain distance d from the source. Finally, the total nuisance (NNprod) is determined by summing up all the previous processes, in accordance with the following equation. NN prod = ∑ NN proc (10) This method can be used to calculate the noise due to goods transportation by road and rail. With a series of modifications, it can also be employed to calculate the nuisance caused by noise from other sources such as industry, loading, building works and sea or air transport. 2.4 Discussion of the methods Of the methods described above, the one proposed by Müller-Wenk (1999, 2002, 2004) is the most commonly cited. Despite apparently being difficult to use at first, in fact it greatly simplifies the tasks of determining the increase in cases affected by a rise in initial traffic flow and calculating the DALY, thanks to the constants that have been determined. This method is very useful for obtaining generic overall impacts of noise, regardless of the route followed, that can be applied to large areas such as an entire country. Nevertheless, the method has several aspects that need to be improved, such as the noise emission model, which is a little obsolete, and it should also take into account other effects on human health. Doka's method (Doka, 2003) is quite practical because, by obtaining adjustment parameters, it establishes a direct relation between the harmful effects on health and the noise produced by traffic. Drawbacks of the method include the fact that, as it is based on the one by Müller-Wenk (1999, 2002, 2004), it possesses the same features that are in need of improvement, as well as being applicable over a very restricted range because it only considers the Swiss population. Nielsen & Laursen (2003) also provide a method that is simple to apply to vehicle traffic because it takes into account only the population density, the distance to the centre point, noise emission and the process time, and from these data it calculates the number of persons affected. This method does not consider the subjectivity of potentially affected persons, since it does not take into account the degree to which individuals are disturbed. 3. Guidelines for incorporating the effects of noise into LCA The purpose of studies aimed at incorporating the category ‘noise’ into LCA must be to analyse the disturbance caused from the product-oriented point of view. This will allow the noise nuisance to be taken into consideration as an environmental aspect in the development of products. The environmental behaviour of products and services could also be compared when conducting an LCA. Thus, in the future, noise will be assessed and taken into account on the same level as any other impact category. 217 Area: Environment We therefore believe it is wise to consider the cause-effect chain as the basis for incorporating this category into LCA. To achieve this, it is necessary to start out with the data on noise emission available for different types of vehicles. This is used to model a flow of vehicles that simulates the entire vehicle fleet and a virtual network of roads with a virtual population distributed around the roads. The model must be up-to-date and has to estimate the noise of a flow made up of different types of vehicles (mopeds, motorcycles, lorries, vans, buses, cars, etc.), in terms of their speed and the flow of traffic. Furthermore, other adjustment parameters must also be considered, such as the environmental temperature, acceleration and deceleration, the slope of the road, humidity, type of road surface, type of tyres, type of engine, the use of studs, illegal exhaust systems, and so forth. Introducing these adjustment parameters makes it possible to model the virtual road network and its virtual vehicles with the same characteristics as the roads under study, thereby simulating the vehicle fleet. One of the most widely accepted models in Europe for this purpose is that of the IMAGINE project (IMAGINE, 2007). In a later stage a second flow of vehicles has to be modelled with a small increase (compared to the initial level) and the noise levels are recalculated without varying the initial conditions. This operation has to be repeated for each of the stretches of virtual road, which results in an overall increase in noise that can be attributed to the increase in traffic. In this way the differences between levels can be used to quantify the effect of this increase. It must be noted that, because it is an incremental model, the conditions under which the noise is transmitted are no longer a problem because they are the same in both the initial and the final situation. In order to determine the impact of the increase in noise on human health, it is necessary to have access to data about the population frequency distribution with respect to the different levels of noise. The distribution of this frequency can be determined, in principle, by using a combination of strategic noise maps from roads and geographic data about the population density within the areas under study. Once the population exposed to excessive levels of noise has been quantified, all that remains to be done is to calculate how this exposure affects those who experience it. This must be achieved by means of surveys and population studies that establish a relation between the number of persons who report that the exposure is an “important disturbance” and a particular level of noise. The graphs that represent this relation allow psychological aspects of noise to be introduced. They also have the advantage that the more they tend to follow a straight line the easier it is to determine high-disturbance traffic noise. Finally, the DALY, which depends on the above-mentioned DW, is the unit that must be used to quantify the negative effects of noise. This unit of measurement is internationally recognised and recommended by the WHO, and its chief characteristics are defined in the next section. 4. The DALY In the early 90s, the concept of the unit known as the DALY started to be developed in opposition to the QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Years). After long reviews and discussions at an international level and based on the findings of a study aimed at quantifying the overall burden of a disease on human life, Murray & López (1996) published “The global burden of disease”, where they laid down the foundations for defining and calculating this unit. A DALY can be defined as a variant of the QALY that expresses the number of life-years lost due to premature death and the number of years spent with a disability that has a specific 218 Area: Environment severity and duration. A DALY is therefore a healthy life-year that has been lost (Seuc et al. 2000). This unit is the one chosen and recommended by the WHO to quantify the weight of diseases and their sequelae in human populations. Years lost due to premature death are calculated by subtracting the age of death from the life expectancy. Years spent with a disability are calculated from the moment the disease begins until it ends, using the conversion factors known as DW. DW are listed by the WHO for each disease category depending on how severe the associated damage is and they act as factors that compare the weight of any disability with death. Thus, they are measured on a scale that goes from zero to one, where zero means optimal health and one means death. They are recorded in tables drawn up by the WHO for each type of disease. Table 2 shows some examples of diseases and the corresponding range of DW. DW range Diseases as indicators of conditions 0.00 – 0.02 Mild obesity, facial marks 0.02 – 0.12 Diarrhoea, anaemia, bad sore throat 0.12 – 0.24 Fracture of the radius, infertility, tonsillitis, erectile dysfunction 0.24 – 0.36 Dumbness, below-the-knee amputation 0.36 – 0.50 Down’s syndrome, mild mental retardation, rectovaginal fistula 0.50 – 0.70 Severe depression, blindness, paraplegia 0.70 – 1.00 Lung cancer, active psychosis, dementia, severe migraine Table 2: Evaluation of the disability (DW) resulting from some diseases (Murray & López, 1996). The WHO database does not include DW data produced by noise and, hence, several authors have conducted studies and surveys to obtain coherent data quantifying the damage produced by noise in human beings: • Müller-Wenk (1999, 2002, 2004) conducted a survey involving 41 physicians and psychologists. His findings (obtained by statistical processes and interpolations) provided DW values for the most significant effects of noise, which were found to be the disturbance caused by impaired sleep (night-time) and impaired communication (daytime), with values of 0.055 and 0.033 respectively. • Within the LCA framework, Meijer (2006) carried out a study on improvements to the quality of buildings by using materials with better soundproofing specifications. To be able to perform comparisons on the effects of noise in human beings, this author uses the DW provided by Müller-Wenk (1999, 2002, 2004). • Westerberg & Glaumann (2002) conducted an analysis of health risks in buildings and outdoors and used their findings to draw up a table of values; one of these problems affecting comfort was outdoor noise, which ranged from 0.01 to 0.05. 5. Conclusions The most notable conclusions of this study are as follows: 219 Area: Environment Because transportation now plays a key role in the worldwide system of production and is continually expanding, the category of noise has to be included in assessments of the consequences of vehicles on the environment and their effects on people’s health. The cause-effect methodology is the ideal procedure to be able to include the effects of noise on people when evaluating environmental impact with methods like LCA. The DALY is the unit of measurement that offers the best characteristics for quantifying the effects of noise on health because, in addition to being recommended by the WHO, it is also simple to calculate. Furthermore, despite the complexity involved in attempting to measure the state of health in a population, it is also an indicator that is easy to interpret. The DW related to the effects of noise, however, have yet to be tabulated, but can easily be predicted either by conducting comprehensive surveys with experts or by making use of previous studies. References Balzari & Schudel, Grolimund & Peterman, 1998. Modèle de bruit du traffic routier dans les zones habiteés, CDE report n. 15, SAEFL, Berne, Switzerland. Doka, G., 2003. Ergaenzung der Gewichtungsmethode für Oekobilanzen Umweltbelastungspunkte'97 zu Mobilitaets - UBP'97, Doka LCA, comisionada por ASTRA, Switzerland, (download from Iglesias, D.H., 2005. Relevamiento exploratorio del análisis del ciclo de vida de productos y su aplicación en el sistema agroalimentario, Contribuciones a la Economía, (Full text at -- last accessed November 2007). IMAGINE., 2007. The noise emission model for European road traffic, Deliverable n. 11 of the IMAGINE (Improved Methods for the Assessment of Generic Impact of Noise in the Environment) Project, (available at Meijer, A., 2006. Improvement of the life cycle assessment methodology for dwellings, Thesis Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN 1-58603-690-4. Müller-Wenk, R., 2004. A method to include LCA road traffic noise and its health effects, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 9 (2), 76-85. Müller-Wenk, R., 2002. Attribution to road traffic of the impact of noise on health, Environmental series n. 339, SAEFL, Berne, Switzerland. Müller-Wenk, R., 1999. Life-cycle impact assessment of road transport noise, IWÖ, Universität St. Gallen, Switzerland. Murray, C.J.L., López, A.D., 1996. The global burden of disease. A comprehensive assessment of mortality and disability of diseases, injuries and risk factors in 1990 and protected to 2020, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, UK. Nielsen, P.H., Laursen, J.E., 2003. Background for spatial differentiation in LCA impact assessment - The EDIP2003 methodology – Part 9: Integration of external noise nuisance from road and rail transportation in life-cycle assessment, Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Denmark. 220 Area: Environment Seuc, A.H., Domínguez, E., Díaz-Díaz, O., 2000. Introducción a los DALYs, Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol ; 38 (2): 92-101. UNE-EN ISO 14040:2006. Gestión ambiental – Análisis de ciclo de vida – Principios y marco. Westerberg, U., Glaumann, M., 2002. Weighting health risks in buildings and outdoor environment, Sustainable Building 2002, Oslo, Norway. Acknowledgements This study was conducted as part of project C46/2006, entitled “Desarrollo de categorías de impacto aplicadas a materiales cerámicos usando la metodología del análisis del ciclo de vida”, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Daniel Garraín GID – Engineering Design Group Dpt. Mechanical Engineering &Construction, Universitat Jaume I Av. Sos Baynat, s/n. E-12071 Castellón (Spain) Tel. +34 964729252 Fax +34 964728106 e-mail: [email protected] URL: Vicente Franco GID – Engineering Design Group Dpt. Mechanical Engineering &Construction, Universitat Jaume I Rosario Vidal GID – Engineering Design Group Dpt. Mechanical Engineering &Construction, Universitat Jaume I Enrique Moliner GID – Engineering Design Group Dpt. Mechanical Engineering &Construction, Universitat Jaume I Sonia Casanova GID – Engineering Design Group Dpt. Mechanical Engineering &Construction, Universitat Jaume I 221 Area: Environment CREATION OF OZONE MAPS TO REGISTER THE EVOLUTION OF THIS POLLUTANT USING GEOSTATISTICAL TECHNIQUES López-Rodríguez, F. Moral, F.J. Valiente, P. Pinilla, E. Universidad de Extremadura Abstract Ground-level tropospheric ozone is one of the air pollutants of most concern. It is mainly produced by photochemical processes involving nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the lower parts of the atmosphere. Ozone levels become particularly high in regions close to high ozone precursor emissions and during summer, when stagnant meteorological conditions with high insolation and high temperatures are common. Tropospheric ozone levels in Europe continue to exceed both target values and the long-term objectives established in EU legislation to protect human health and prevent damage to ecosystems, agricultural crops and materials. In this work, some results of urban ozone distribution patterns in the city of Badajoz , which is the largest (140.000 inhabitants) and most industrialized city in Extremadura region (southwest Spain) are shown. Keywords: Ozone, Geostatistics, Geographic Information System, Variogram, Kriging, Map. Introduction The environmental policy is an issue which attracts an important attention in the European Union and, particularly, in Spain, due to the increasing alarm that economic development causes on human health and security, and the worrying events as the Chernobyl disaster, acid rain, and at worldwide level, greenhouse effect or destruction of the ozone layer. Today´s society worry for nature and its progressive degradation, due to pollution, has as a consequence that people are demanding a less aggressive way of life for the environment, claiming clean industries, ecological produces, etc. Citizens also demand to their governing class different measures and facts to benefit the environment where they live, favoring a better life quality. Moreover, from a planning point of view, future proceedings in urban areas should consider distribution patterns of pollution. For the particular case in the city of Badajoz, southwestern Spain, the incidence and the spatial distribution of the atmospheric pollution was studied. Therefore, some geostatistical techniques were used to properly analyze and characterize the spatial distribution of the tropospheric ozone, which is taken as indicative of the pollution level, that is, an excessive level of ozone is 222 Area: Environment indicative of high pollution. Later, this information was incorporated in a geographical information system (GIS) to produce accurate ozone maps, where a continuous graphic representation of the pollutant is shown. 1. Materials and Methods The first stage of the work was to take samples in the city. Thus, 138 urban locations were chosen as sample points, covering the majority part of the city and taking into account its different characteristic, as inhabitants density, type of streets or roads, etc. Sampling interval was not uniform, ranging from, approximately, 75 to 500 m. This favours the geostatistical study and, in consequence, the interpolation and mapping process. An automatic portable analyzer, based on UV absorption, was used to obtain air ozone concentration, in parts per billion by volume (ppbV). 14 sampling campaigns, one per month (two in August), were carried out between May 2007 and August 2007. All noise measurements were made on working days and under suitable meteorological conditions (no cloudy days). Ground ozone levels were measured between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. for all sampling campaigns, because during that time span maximum ozone concentrations occur. Therefore, the final data set consists of ground-level ozone measurements from 138 locations situated throughout Badajoz. For each location, its geographic coordinates were ascertained using a GPS device. From this information, using the GIS software ArcGISG (version 9.2) and its extension Geostatistical AnalystG, the geostatistical study was carried out and different maps were generated to visualize the spatial distribution of the variable in the experimental area, that is, the city of Badajoz. 2. Geostatistical Estimates Geostatistics can be defined as the set of tools and techniques to analyze the spatial patterns and predict at unsampled locations the values of a continuous variable distributed in space or in time. It is also denominated spatial statistics, due to its direct application to GIS. All geostatistical study has to fulfill 3 stages (e.g. Isaaks y Srivastava, 1989): 1. Exploratory analysis of data. Geographical distribution of data is not taking into account. Statistics was applied to check data consistency, removing outliers and identifying statistical distribution where data came from. 2. Structural analysis of data. Spatial distribution of the variable was analyzed. Spatial correlation or dependence can be quantified with semivariograms (or variograms). These function relate the semivariance, half the expected squared difference between paired data values Z(xi) and Z(xi+h), to the lag distance, h, by which sample points are separated. When a experimental variogram is defined, i.e. some points of a variogram plot are determined by calculating variogram at different lags, a model (theorical variogram) should be fitted to the points. 3. Predictions. The main objective of a geostatistical study is to get estimates of values of the studied variable at unsampled locations, considering the spatial distribution pattern and integrating information from sample points and observed or known trends, if they 223 Area: Environment exist. Simulations can also be carried out, taking into account the chosen spatial patterns. Usually, the variogram is the function used to model the spatial variability. For discrete sampling locations, the function is estimated as: 1 N(h ) {Z( x i ) − Z( x i + h )}2 γ (h ) = 2 N ( h ) i =1 (1) ∑ where γ(h) is the experimental semivariance value at distance interval h, Z(xi) are the measured sample values at sample points xi , in which there are data at xi and xi+h; N(h) is the total number of sample pairs within the distance interval h. For irregular sampling, h is represented by a distance band because the distance between the sample pairs to be exactly equal to h is very rare. Geostatistics offers a great variety of methods that provide estimates for unsampled locations. These methods are known as kriging, in honor of Danie Krige, who first formulated this form of interpolation in 1951. Kriging is regarded as the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE), which is a process of a theoretical weighted moving average: n Ẑ( x 0 ) = ∑ λ i Z( x i ) i =1 (2) Ẑ(x ) 0 is the value to be estimated at the location x , Z(x ) is the known value at the where 0 i sampling place xi, n is the number of the closest samples used for estimation, and the weights for sample values, λi, are calculated based on the parameters of the variogram model. The sum of all weights must be one due to the necessity for ensuring that estimates are unbiased. The main characteristics that make kriging superior to other traditional interpolation techniques, as inverse distance weighting, triangulation, etc., have been described elsewhere (e.g., Goovaerts, 1997; Moral, 2003). The more important idea of kriging is based on the theory of regionalized variables (see, for instance, Isaaks y Srivastava, 1989), which show spatial autocorrelation such that samples close together in space are more alike than those that are further apart. All different types of kriging are distinguished depending on the chosen model for the trend of the random function (e.g. Goovaerts, 1997). In this work, the geostatistical interpolation method known as ordinary kriging was used. This procedure considers that the mean fluctuates locally; thus, stationarity is limited to local areas. Deutsch and Journel (1992) described ordinary kriging as the anchor algorithm of geostatistics because of its robustness under different conditions. 3. Results From measured values of tropospheric ozone, for all sampling locations (Figure 3), a map, where estimated values of that pollutant are shown everywhere in the experimental area with an adequate accuracy, should be generated. A complete geostatistical study was performed to achieve the objective. Thus, during the phase of exploratory analysis of data, histograms and 224 Area: Environment normal QQplots for each sampling campaign indicate normality: the shape of the histograms looks bell shaped and the points of these plots are located close the 45º line (Figure 1 contains the histograms and QQplots for one sampling campaign, which is similar for all others). Moreover, descriptive statistics (Table 1) confirm the normality of the data distribution. The fact that mean and median are very similar and the skewness values are near zero is also indicative of data coming from a normal distribution Frequency 28 22,4 16,8 11,2 5,6 0 2,52 2,68 2,84 3 3,16 3,32 3,48 Data 10 3,64 3,8 3,96 4,12 -1 Figure 1: Histogram (left) and QQplot (right) for data, ground-level ozone (ppbV), corresponding to the 17th-19th of July 2007 sampling campaign. Table 1: Statistics of the ground-level ozone measurements made in 138 points of the city and for all sampling campaigns. May 21-24 June 25-28 July 17-19 August 8-10 August 18-20 Mínimum (ppbv) 25.90 26.20 25.20 35.00 27.00 Maximum (ppbv) 43.20 45.70 40.70 47.00 42.00 Mean (ppbv) 33.13 36.21 33.21 39.73 36.41 Median (ppbv) 33.10 36.70 33.10 39.00 37.00 Standard Deviation (ppbv) 4.25 4.32 3.30 2.57 2.93 Skewness 0.04 -0.42 -0.04 0.62 -0.67 Kurtosis 2.02 2.62 2.65 3.21 3.39 Experimental variograms were determined assuming isotropy conditions because there were no reasons to justify the consideration of anisotropy and, what is more important, with 138 sample points, the influence of different directions in space had supposed the impossibility to define acceptable directional variograms. Therefore, spatial correlation does not depend on directions and experimental variograms were calculated with a directional tolerance of 360º (omnidirectional). When the experimental variogram was calculated, a theoretical variogram was fitted to their points. It is known how the choice of a particular variogram model implies a belief in a certain kind of spatial variability. Possibly, a variable like ground–level ozone is not 225 Area: Environment evenly distributed in reduced distances. In these cases, exponential and spherical models are the most suitable (e,g. Isaaks y Srivastava, 1989); the spherical ones were finally chosen. Finally, during the most important stage of a geostatistical work, the estimation, the ordinary kriging method was used (e.g. Moral, 2003). A grid, constituted of 40 m side square cells, was designed and superimposed on the city, and estimates were conducted at center of the cells, i.e., ozone concentrations were estimated at a spatial resolution of 40 m throughout Badajoz. The number of observations (neighbours) that were used to estimate the value at each location is at least the closer 15 sample points. From the estimated values, the distribution of ozone levels in the city of Badajoz can be mapped (Figure 3). Figure 2: Experimental variograms (red points) and theoretical spherical variograms (yellow lines) for data th th th corresponding to the 25 -28 of June (left) and 8th-10 of August (right) 2007 sampling campaigns. One important advantage of the geostatistical interpolation techniques with respect to other estimation methods is the possibility of obtaining the reliability of estimates. Thus, together with the estimated value, another output of kriging can be obtained for each location: the kriging variance, or its square root, the kriging standard deviation (KSD). KSD can be mapped similarly to estimates, giving an idea of the quality of the estimates at different places. However, these maps should be used with caution because the reliability of kriging depends on how accurately the variation is represented by the chosen spatial model. Thus, if the nugget effect is overestimated, our estimates could be more reliable than they appear. In general, areas with many sample points or areas where data were sparse but evenly distributed had the most reliable estimates. Another interesting application of geostatistics related to ground-level ozone studies is the generation of probability maps (Goovaerts, 1997), which are based on the combination of kriging map and KSD map. For example, if ozone levels higher than 42 ppbV are not considered optimum, according to the regional directive, areas which are likely to surpass that threshold can be delimited. Thus, Figure 4 shows the probability maps corresponding to the 25th-28th of June and 8th-10th of August 2007 sampling campaigns, in which areas with high risk of ground-level ozone exceeding the proposed limit are represented, with the probabilities providing a measurement of confidence for hazard assessment of ozone concentration. Areas with low probabilities, for example <25%, could be regarded as “clean” zones where the ozone level is unlikely to be higher than 42 ppbV and, on the other hand, areas with high probabilities, for example >50%, could be regarded as “dangerous” zones where the noise level is very likely to be higher than 42 ppbV. 226 Area: Environment 4. Conclusions In this work, using geostatistical techniques, the double objective of characterizing the spatial variability of ground-level ozone and including this information in the interpolation algorithm is achieved; it would not have been possible if other interpolation methods had been applied. The proposed techniques provide some reliable surfaces at enough spatial resolution to correctly visualize the spatial patterns of this pollutant. Considering different sampling campaigns, the temporal evolution of tropospheric ozone can be analyzed. Polluted areas in the city have to be delimited. Future actions against ozone should be particularly aimed at reducing the high levels in these zones. Consequently, the ozone maps can influence decisions concerning air-quality policy. 227 Area: Environment Figure 3: Kriged maps of ground-level ozone in Badajoz city for the 25th-28th of June (up) and 8th-10th of August (down) 2007 sampling campaigns. Scale unity is ppbV. Green points correspond to sampling locations. 228 Area: Environment Figure 4: Probability maps of ground-level ozone higher than 42 ppbV in Badajoz city, for the 25th-28th of June (up) th and 8th-10 of August (down) 2007 sampling campaigns. Scale unity is probability. 229 Area: Environment References Deutsch, C.V., y Journel, A.G. 1992. Gslib: Geostatistical Software Library and user’s guide, Oxford Univ. Press, New York. Goovaerts, P., 1997. Geostatistics for Natural Resources Evaluation, Oxford Univ. Press, New York. 1997. Isaaks E.H., and Srivastava, R.M. 1989. An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics, Oxford Univ. Press, New York. Moral, F.J. 2003. La Representación Gráfica de las Variables Regionalizadas. Geoestadística lineal. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Fernando López Rodríguez Phone: (+34) 649833585 E-mail de contacto: [email protected] Empresa / Institución: Universidad de Extremadura 230 Area: Environment SPATIAL MULTISCALE MODEL FOR THE FOREST AREAS OF PLANNING: AN EXAMPLE IN THE REGION OF EASTERN MARINE (GALICIA NE) Díaz Varela, E. R. Rodríguez Vicente, V. Marey Pérez, M. F. University of Santiago de Compostela Abstract Development in recent years of new trends in forestry planning - in the framework of Sustainable Forestry Planning - has acknowledged the need to widen the scope of action to one with multiple scales or functional levels in forestry areas. It also required from the compatibilization of different objectives of forestry production, corresponding with the multifunctional possibilities of the forest, oriented to the economical, social-cultural and ecological sustainability of forestry systems. In this work an application of spatial strategies at multiple scales is proposed, with the goal of establish a coherent compartimentation of the territory for forestry activities. With this objective, successful examples of spatial planning are analyzed, in order to identify the key spatial concepts that ensure their successfulness. Next, a multi-scale structure is developed responding to the dynamics and spatial arrangement of land uses in a shire in NE Galicia (Spain). As a result, a reference model is obtained for forestry planning, adapted to the characteristics and needs of land use in the study area, and which interconnects three spatial levels. micro-, meso- and macroscale. Keywords: Sustainable Forestry Planning; multi-scale; spatial concept; land use; land use planning. 1. Introduction The sustainable forest management seeks the multifunctionality of forest ecosystems and landscapes, assuming that they can assume a variety of functions: to the basic productive function (wood and wood products, plus other alternative uses) is joined to the carbon sequestration, protection aquifer, habitat for plant and animal species, biodiversity, recreation, social uses, cultural identity, etc. (Von Gadow et al, 2000). In order to maintain or increase such multifunctionality, several factors must be taken into account. Among them, the search for spatial complexity of forest landscapes has been identified as a critical factor that can have positive effects on the ecological character of the forest areas (ecosystem stability, diversity of species ...), as in the productive (increased production, resistance to pests ...). Consequently, the inclusion in forest planning strategies to increase the spatial complexity is of great importance. However, it is precisely the definition of two components: first, a spatial oriented 231 Area: Environment design to optimize the different functions of the forest; on the other, the ability of actual implementation of normative instruments and management. The development of an optimal spatial design can take the form of a spatial concept (Van Lier, 1998) which orientates in a strategic and precise way the actions to specific points in the territorial system. Such concepts should not only serve as static references for planning, but allow the development of strategies that allow the development of agroforestry activities, while avoiding the removal of elements of ecological importance with the evolution in land uses. But for the application in the real world of a spatial concept is successful, it must include the distinction between different levels or spatial scales with different functional characteristics, depending on the objectives of the planning, and development to provide tailored solutions to the specific properties of such level. This utility to consider several hierarchy levels in the planning was highlighted in the specialized literature (Dramstad et al, 1996; Mander et al, 2003). 2. Objectives This work seeks the development of spatial strategies to multiple scales with the goal of establishing consistent different territorial areas in forest planning. The basis for this development is, on the one hand, the analysis of successful examples in spatial planning, to obtain spatial concepts of general interest that can be combined in a multiscale strategy of planning. Moreover, the differentiation of scales or levels of planning from the structural analysis of the landscape. The subsequent analysis of the dynamic of land uses in the considered area, will allow determining the necessary concepts for planning at each level. 3. Methodology and/or Case of study 3.1. Study area The study area is the region of Eastern Marine in the northeastern part of the Autonomous Community of Galicia (Spain, EU). This region presents a great diversity in their geographical characteristics due to a marked gradient interior-coast, as well as imbalances between agricultural and forest areas with different intensities of production. This diversity is reflected in the landscape pattern, providing an interesting source of study for planning at different levels in different areas. Figure 1: Location of the study area (Region of Eastern MarineGalicia). 232 Area: Environment 3.2. Identification of appropriate scales for planning The identification of reference scales for planning in the study area of previous works (Díaz Varela, 2005; Díaz Varela & Crecente, 2007), through an analysis of spatial heterogeneity done on digital mapping of land cover in raster format. Such mapping has been obtained from interpretation of aerial photographs 1:18.000 scale and post field tests (Marey, 2007), and then processed with software ArcView 3.3 ®. The pixel size is 10x10m, and the Minimum Area Mapping of 400 m2. On the same, the Shannon-Wiener index was applied (Shannon & Weaver, 1949) by mobile windows of different sizes, allowing generating maps of spatial distribution of landscape heterogeneity in the study area at different scales. For this, it has used the software FRAGSTATS (Mcgarigal et al, 2002). As a result, it is identified three scales of interest: "microscale", consisting of areas of change in the heterogeneity of the landscape in small areas (between 4 and 40 ha), inserted into larger units, which define a "mesoscale" and that divided the study area in different areas for its landscape heterogeneity (see Figure 2). A third level, "macroscale", defines the regional context of the study area, which can be defined by working on such levels. The multiscale model of planning will answer, therefore, these three levels. Figure 2: Landscape differentiated units to macro-, meso and microscale. The units to mesoscale are divided into "A", homogeneous mosaic. "B", agroforestry homogeneous mosaic. "C" agroforestry heterogeneous mosaic. "D", large seminatural stain. E1 and E2, marshes. "b" and "c" correspond, respectively, to small heterogeneous and homogeneous areas in mosaic the contrary trend in terms of heterogeneity. 233 Area: Environment 3.3. Correspondence between scales of planning and forest planning instruments The units and scales identified in the different levels of planning must have a Correspondence with planning instruments currently in the study area. In Galicia, and with special emphasis on forest planning, can perform the following identification of instruments: Microscale: Units of forest management (UXFOR) / Forest Management Plan Mesoscale: Plan Management of Forest Resources (PORF) The instruments to macroscale must be dependent of determinations of a larger spatial ambit, such as Territorial Development Guidelines, which are not currently approved in Galicia. The UXFOR, established by autonomic law 3/ 2007, "Prevention and Protection against Forest Fire of Galicia", are defined as forest management units requested by any number of forest owners in excess of 50% of the area of forest contiguous plots with a minimum extension of 15 ha. This type of groupings has by objectives to avoid the process of leaving the forest property, the creation forest economies with a minimum scale to return profitable the forestry activity and fire-fighting and finally the promotion and multifunctional enhancement of forest. Management Forest Plans under the Forestry Law 43/2003 with the structure established in the General Guidelines for Management of Forest Trees (IGOMA) adopted in 1970 which is the main instrument for sustainable forest intrinsic management to the forest Spanish and thus Galician forest that achieving an adequate scale that in any case exceed 50 ha. The PORF are defined in state Law 10/2006, of 28 April, amending the Law 43/2003 of November 21, of forests. This law established the need for forest planning on a global scale, creating the existence of the Spanish Forest Strategy and Spanish forest Plan. In this area, the most important innovation of the law is the plans for the management of forest resources (PORF). They are configured as forest planning tools of regional space integrated in the framework for regional planning, so that the forest management and planning are connected with the crucial area of territorial management. In Galicia in 2002 took out the first proposal of PORF in Spain (Marey et al, 2004). 3.4. Generating strategies spatial of planning Identification of spatial concepts of interest A detailed analysis of spatial concepts such as ecological networks (Cook Van Lier,1994; Jongman, 1995; Jongman et al, 1995), the territorial systems of ecological stability (Petch & Kolegka, 1995; Miklös, 1996; Sustek, 1998), the concept framework (Van Langevelde, 1994; Vrijlandt & Kerkstra, 1994; Van Lier, 1998), or the spatial solution (Forman, 1995a; Forman, 1995b; Forman & Collinge, 1996; Forman & Collinge, 1997) can distinguish a generic set of common general principles, that underlie the basis for application. These could be summarized as follows: Ecological Stabilization: Protection of the ecological function in natural and seminatural ecosystems, protection areas of water resources, or areas with little intensive dynamic in terms of land use, training areas of compensation against other land uses (agriculture, forestry, urban ) more intensive. Spatial strategical disposition: Using the spatial configuration of the elements in the territory to promote the multifunctionality in it. 234 Area: Environment Connectivity: Ensuring the continuity of processes across geographical areas with similar functions (e.g. between areas of high ecological value, productive forest areas, etc.). Segregation: Separation of the territory in different areas according to their different characteristics, which will protect through administrative intervention. Protection: Elaboration of spatial strategies for the protection of elements of high quality or fragility. Divergence of scales: Alternance of elements or areas of fine and thick grain in the mosaic of landscape. The use of these principles in the generation of spatial design allows the adaptation them to the characteristics, needs and opportunities in each hierarchical level of planning. Dynamic classification of the territory In order to facilitate the process of design of the spatial concept, it has classified the different land cover in terms of the dynamic of uses that has generated it. This will allow differentiating areas according to their dynamic, optimizing the location of the elements of the spatial concept according to their Correspondence to areas with a high dynamics of land use, or more stable trend. Five classes have been distinguished to a better adaptation to the characteristics of the study area, and the evaluated criteria for application in the spatial design. These five categories are: Metastable: the dynamic is based in natural biogeochemical cycles, and in disruption of non-human origin. The intervention of man, although existing, is weak and hardly affects the development of the ecosystem (seminatural deciduous forests, vegetation of marshes, etc.). Transition: associated coverages with neglect or lack of management in land uses. They are constituted mainly of scrub trees with seminatural species, forest mixed of seminatural species and intensive production. Low intensity: Insensitive dynamic but with some length of time periods (12-50 years) between cycles of production. It is formed, in general, for activities of forest production. High intensity: Intensive dynamic with short time periods between production cycles (0-3 years). Agricultural areas of forage production, horticulture, fruit, etc. Artificial: Urban areas and infrastructures. Once defined this basic legend, the map of land cover of the original ground is reclassified obtaining a map of the intensity in land uses. This map represents the spatial distribution of areas based on their dynamic of use. Based on, the location of the components of spatial concepts can be done precisely according to the spatial detected dynamic. 4. Results Spatial concepts applied to microscale Centers of ecological stabilization (1). Spots of major stability, large size and spatial continuity, a high percentage of interior area (to minimize edge effects), and an edge adapted to the 235 Area: Environment characteristics of the surrounding land uses. Two types are differed: centers of native deciduous forests (1a) and centers of thicket (1b). Areas of stabilization (2). Grouping of spots of seminatural ecosystems whit adjacent areas, not seminatural, which was intended to be in a metastable state by a decrease in the dynamics of land use. Transition zones (3).- They are abundant areas in spots of transitional coverage, although not directly adjacent to seminatural areas, its position become them in strategic to give continuity to the spatial concept. This is essentially a connective element, based in spots of coverage the use of which shows a decrease in the dynamics of land use. Corridors of connection (4). Elements used for the increase of the connective capacity between constituent elements of the spatial concept. Areas of forest intensive production (5). Broad areas in which, by the current existence of forest crops, or their potential for production, are designated for carrying out an intensive forest production, with high homogeneity in species (usually Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus radiata) Areas of agricultural intensive production (6). Broad areas in which, by the current existence agricultural or fodder crops, livestock activity, or their potential for agricultural production, are designated for the realization of agricultural production more intensive. Urban zones (7). Populated areas, usually embedded in areas of intensive agricultural production. Figure 3: Elements of the spatial concept to microscale (fragment). The numbering corresponds to that adopted in the text. Spatial concepts applied to mesoscale The elements described above are combined spatially depending on the characteristics of the territorial structure and each planning unit identified to mesoscale. The combination of elements leads to three basic structures: 236 Area: Environment A matrix of forest uses (a) and agricultural (b) of medium intensity, which is alternated agricultural land for the production of forage and different types of crops, and forest areas with plantations of eucalyptus and pine. A network of stabilization (c) (in areas of low dynamic) and/or protection (d) (in areas of dynamic algae), that surrounding the agroforest matrix and establishes a structure in which the forest uses are low dinamic. They are composed of cores and areas of stabilization and transition to microscale, and by connecting corridors. Usually they are areas of deciduous native vegetation, corridors of vegetation of riverside and abandoned areas that seem to advise a transition to low land use dynamic. Cores of stabilization (e). Structures formed by a set of centers and areas of stabilization, whose main function is segregation and preservation of areas of high metastabilization which occupy a high extension. Figure 4: Elements of spatial concept to mesoscale (fragment). The numbering corresponds to that adopted in the text. Spatial concepts applied to macroscale There are three major territorial units, functioning as: Units of intensive land use.- They are consisted by areas with an productive outstanding vocation, both agricultural and forest. Consequently, they are areas with great development of urbanization and infrastructures. Its main function is the agricultural and forest production. Units of transition .- Units in which are compatible the intensive use of land (agriculture, forest activities, urbanization) with extensive uses (traditional and ecological agriculture, etc.) and conservation of natural resources, through the spatial concepts developed in lower levels. The result is a zone of transition between units of stabilization and other intensive land uses. 237 Area: Environment Units of stabilization.- The elemental function is the ecological stabilization, on the basis of structures that promote for the whole unity of the low dynamic in land use, with human intervention affecting natural processes minimally. Figure 5: Spatial concept to macroscale. a, units of intensive land use; b, units of transition; c, units of stabilization; d, elements of the network Natura 2000 are shown for comparison of the area of action. Integration into a multiscale model The integration of spatial concepts developed for each different level or differenciated scale initially is essential for the validity of the model. The structuring of the model about spatial coordinated strategy with the dynamics of land use at various scales allows the consistency of the same in different areas of intervention through planning. Also, once defined the spatial model, it must develop its implementation through policy current instruments, previously described. 5. Conclusions The differentiation of units of planning depending of the variation of its heterogeneity is one of the basis of the exposed methodology, and has allowed the identification of relevant scales in the planning of the study area (Diaz Varela, 2005). However, this study has helped to articulate the descriptive aspect about the hierarchical organization of agroforestry landscape, in a planning methodology at multiple scales. Microscale design focuses on the individual properties of territorial elements. To mesoscale, is the spatial structure which harbors the properties of interest, once formed by elements the lower level, which combined effect leads to a functionality adapted to local conditions of land use in the area. To macroscale, the structures reflect regional dynamics, both socioeconomic as the geographical and climate conditions belong to this level. The obtained result is a multilevel structure adapted to the local 238 Area: Environment peculiarities of the forest production and with ability to coordinate with other spatial strategies of planning in its different administrative and geographical levels. The ultimate objective of this structure is to facilitate, through a spatial strategy disposition, the realization of a consonant planning with ecological integrity of the landscape system, as with the multifunctional use of natural resources, through the simultaneous combination of an analytical perspective for each levels and synthetic for the system in set. The combination of areas of different intensities of land use allows the coexistence of productive activities in the forest and agricultural fields, with others ecological, cultural and social functions of the mosaic agroforest. The implementation of the spatial presented model precise of the development, updating and implementation of current instruments of forest planning. The UXFOR, to microscale, and the PORF and PORN to mesoscale, and appropriate guidelines of orientation seem, in a first analysis, the most appropriate instruments to capture in the territory a multilevel strategy that allows the multifunctional use of agroforest mosaic. References Cook, E.A.; Van Lier, H.N., 1994, Landscape Planning and Ecological Networks. Elsevier Science B. V. Amsterdam. Díaz Varela, E., 2005: Ecological Planning multiscale with sytems of geographic information for sustainable landscapes: application to the region of Eastern Marine (NE of Galicia, Spain). PhD thesis. University of Santiago of Compostela, Service of Publications and Scientific Exchange. Santiago of Compostela. Díaz-Varela, E.; Crecente, R., 2007: Delineation of landscape units at diverse scales using moving windows for heterogeneity analysis. In R.G.H. Bunce, R.H.G. Jongman, S. Weel, L. Hojas: 25 Years of Landscape Ecology: Scientific Principles in Practice. Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress. Wageningen, Holland. Dramstad, W.; Olson, J.D.; Forman, R.T.T., 1996: Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning. Island Press, Washington. Forman, R.T.T., 1995a. Land mosaics: The ecology of landscapes and regions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Forman, R.T.T., 1995b. Some general principles of landscape and regional ecology. Landscape Ecology, 10 (3): 133-142. Forman, R.T.T.; Collinge, S.K., 1996. The “Spatial Solution” to Conserving Biodiversity in Landscapes and Regions. In R.M. DeGraaf; R.I. Miller (Eds.): Conservation of Faunal Diversity in Forested Landscapes. Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 537-568. Forman, R.T.T.; Collinge, S.K., 1997. Nature conserved in changing landscapes with and without spatial planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 37: 129-135. Jongman, R.H.G., 1995. Nature conservation planning in Europe: developing ecological networks. Landscape and Urban Planning, 32: 169-163. JongmaN, R.H.G.; Külvik, M.; Kristiansen, I., 2004. European ecological networks and greenways. Landscape and Urban Planning, 68:305-319. 239 Area: Environment Mander, Ü.; Külvik, M.; Jongman, R.H.G., 2003. Scaling in territorial ecological networks. Landschap, 20(2): 113-127. Marey-Pérez, M.F., 2003. Land tenure in Galicia. Model for the characterization of forest owners. PhD thesis. Digital Publishing (CD). Publications Service of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Marey-Pérez, M. F., Fernández-Alonso, S., Crecente, R., Aboal-Viñas, J., 2004. Manual for the realization of PORF in Galicia, Xunta de Galicia. Mcgarigal, K.; Cushman, S.A.; Neel, M.C.; Ene, E., 2002: FRAGSTATS: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Categorical Maps. Disponible en internet, URL: MIKLÖS, L., 1996. The concept of the territorial system of ecological stability in Slovakia. In: R.H.G. Jongman (Ed.): Ecological and landscape consequences of land use change in Europe. Proceedings of the first ECNC seminar on land use change and its ecological consequences, Tilburg 16-18 February 1995. ECNC publication series on Man and Nature, vol. 2. European Centre for Nature Conservation, Tilburg, pp. 385-406. Petch, J.R.; Kolejka, J., 1993: The tradition of landscape ecology in Czechoslovakia. In R. Haines-Young; D.R. Green; S.H. Cousins: Landscape Ecology and GIS. CRC Press, Boca Raton-Florida, pp. 39-56. Shannon, C. E.; Weaver, W., 1949. The mathematical theory of communication. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois. SUSTEK, Z., 1998. Biocorridors. Theory and practice. In J.W. Dover; R.G.H. Bunce (Eds.): Key concepts in landscape ecology. IALE (UK), Preston, pp. 281-296. Van Langevelde, F., 1994. Conceptual integration of landscape planning and landscape ecology, with a focus on the Netherlands. In E.A. Cook; H.N. van Lier: Landscape Planning and Ecological Networks. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 27-69. Van Lier, H.N., 1998. The role of land use planning in sustainable rural systems. Landscape and Urban Planning, 41:83-91. Von Gadow, K., Pukkala, T. and Tome, M., 2000. Sustainable Forest Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 356 p. VrijlandT, P.; Kerkstra, K., 1994. A strategy for ecological and urban development. In T. Cook; H.N. van Lier (Eds.): Landscape Planning and Ecological Networks. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 71-88. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Emilio Díaz Varela. University of Santiago de Compostela. Agricultural Engineering Department.. Polytechnic University. University Campus. 27002 Lugo. Spain. Phone: +34 982252231 Fax: +34 982241835 E-mail: [email protected] 240 Area: Environment ANALYSIS OF PACKAGING WASTE GENERATION AND MANAGEMENT IN SPAIN Paneque, A. Cháfer, C. Pacheco, B. Capuz-Rizo, S.F. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Hortal, M. Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística (ITENE) Abstract The objectives for packaging waste valorization set out by the European Union for 2008 have mostly been achieved in Spain. However, generation of packaging waste continues to rise following economic growth very closely. This paper presents an analysis of the current situation of packaging waste production in Spain compared to other types of waste and its evolution in the last years indicating some factors which may have affected waste streams. In addition, some actions and policies that are being taken are also described: prevention in packaging waste generation and waste material and energy recovery. Keywords: Packaging waste, waste management 1. Introduction Packaging waste is any package or packaging material thrown away by users. Packaging materials soon become packaging waste, which generate significant amounts of waste that enter the waste disposal, recycling, and recovery streams, contributing to the environmental impacts brought about by these activities. The characteristics of packaging waste vary depending on the type of material of which the packaging is composed. Household waste comes from households and it may have a primary (sales packaging) and secondary (group packaging) sources from products purchased by the end consumer in shops. Household waste is recovered by selective collection, or by defect, by mixed USW (urban solid waste) collection. On the other hand, industrial or commercial packaging waste is waste from packaging whose use and consumption takes place exclusively in industries, shops, services or farms (BOE, 1997). Tertiary (transportation packaging) and secondary packaging that are used to group quantities of packaged goods for distribution and for display in shops and thus are not acquired by the end consumers make up the third type of packaging waste (Aucejo et al., 2007). In this case, the sales point should provide proper waste disposal and management systems, generally through agreements with authorized waste 241 Area: Environment managers. Industrial packaging waste is more easily recoverable than household waste due to the great quantity, concentration, homogeneity and quality of the waste. Regarding waste composition, packaging waste can be composed of different materials, such as paper, cardboard, glass, wood, plastic or metal either individually or mixed (complex packages). For example, wood is widely used in the manufacture of pallets; plastic in food packaging, and glass in beverage packaging. 2. Packaging waste generation in Spain Packaging waste generation has steadily increased between 1997 and 2005, rising by about 33.66% as shown in Figure 1. The reason for the apparent reduction in the amount of waste generated in the years 2001 and 2002 is actually due to the lack of available data about wood waste and the so called “other materials” waste. There is also no accurate data available on wood waste generation in 1997, but it was included in the “other materials” waste category. In 2005 a total amount of 177 kg packaging waste per capita was generated in Spain. ( Figure 1 was elaborated from the data of the European Commission about the different EU member states with the aim of monitoring the compliance of the EU’s directive. In turn, each member state collects the data supplied by the entities and organizations in charge of packaging waste management. Some of such Spanish entities are Ecoembes, Ecovidrio, Recipap/Aspapel, Cicloplast, Ecoacero, Arpal or Fedemco (MMA, 2007). Thousand of tones 8.000 7.000 Other 6.000 Plastic 5.000 Paper/cardboard Wood 4.000 Glass 3.000 Metal 2.000 1.000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Figure 1: Packaging waste generation in Spain (1997 – 2005). Source: Elaborated by the authors based on the data of the European Commission ( Figure 1 shows the distribution of the amount of packaging waste by material. Paper and cardboard are the most widely used packaging materials in terms of weight, followed by glass and plastic with similar amounts. In 2005, paper and cardboard accounted for 40.28% by 242 Area: Environment weight of all packaging, glass 21.47%, plastic 20.12%, wood 12.12%, metals 6.02% and other materials 0.25%. Observe that, although glass and plastic present similar percentages, the number of disposed individual plastic containers is higher than that of glass. Plastic is by far the material that has increased the most over this period. Plastic packaging waste increased by 51.68% in detriment of glass waste, which only increased by 19.96%, thus becoming the packaging waste material with the least growth. A moderate increase can be observed for metals (+37.47%), wood (+36.52% between 1998 and 2005) and paper-cardboard (+30.02%). Generation of packaging waste is closely related to current production and consumption trends in our society, so that it follows the growth of GDP very closely, i.e. the wealthier a country becomes the more it consumes and the more waste it generates. For this reason, the big challenge of waste management policies is the “de-coupling” of waste generation from economic growth (AEMA, 2004). Figure 2: Evolution of packaging waste (PW) generation vs GDP in Spain (1997-2005), taking 100 in 1997 as base year. Source: Elaborated by the authors based on the data of the European Commission ( and the INE ( Figure 2 represents the evolution of GDP vs the generation of metal, plastic, cardboard and glass packaging waste, expressed in percentage taking 1997 as base year. Wood packaging waste has been excluded from the graph because of the lack of data available for the years 1997, 2001 and 2202, as mentioned earlier. The growth of the Gross Domestic Product in the period between 1997 and 2005 has been closely followed by an increase in the amount of packaging waste generated. 243 Area: Environment Figure 3: Evolution of packaging waste generation vs GDP in Spain (1997-2005), taking 1997 as base year. Source: Elaborated by the authors based on the data of the European Commission ( and the INE ( Figure 3 presents the rates of packaging waste generated by material (expressed in percentage for the four materials under analysis) vs the GDP. Observe that plastic packaging waste is the type of waste that grew the most, far beyond the GDP, whereas glass packaging waste shows a lower increase. Regarding metal packaging waste, it grew faster than the GDP until 2002, but since then it has experienced a slight reduction. This is due to the evolution of packaging technology and the changes in the consumption habits of Spanish consumers. Among the factors that affect this growing trend of packaging waste generation we can mention: • The reduction in the size of family homes brings about a higher consumption of individual packages to avoid wasting products (out of date products), which in turn results in an increase in the amount of individual packaging (Ecoembes, 2003). Figure 4: Waste generation per capita according to home size (Ecoembes, 2003). • • The consumption of pre-cooked food, of an increasing demand in developed countries, is closely linked to the generation of packaging waste. The lack of time for cooking or shopping leads to an increased consumption of packaged and pre-cooked food (AEMA, 2004). A higher purchasing power allows consumers to buy customized products, that is, adapted to the consumers’ needs, instead of a single larger product for all the family 244 Area: Environment • members. Food, hygiene and beauty industries are the most strongly affected by this reduction in package size (Ecoembes, 2003). Market globalization means that the goods manufactured in one part of the world must arrive in perfect conditions at the end consumer thousands of kilometres away, which results in more quantity of packaging per product. 3. Packaging waste management The prevention of packaging waste generation is a key factor of any waste management strategic policy and system. Reducing the amount of packaging waste and the toxic components in the waste greatly simplify the tasks of waste management. This reduction should take place during the process of packaging design. Packaging design must ensure packaging functionality as well as reduce the environmental impacts associated with the package life cycle. Some strategic actions for environmentally-friendly packaging design are the selection of low-impact or “clean” materials, limited use of materials, optimization of production techniques, optimization of product distribution systems and optimization of the product life cycle (Capuz et al, 2004). Royal Decree 782/1998 of 30 April sets down the regulations for the development and implementation of Law 11/1997 on Packaging and Packaging Waste. One of the key mechanisms set in the Law to meet the waste prevention and reduction objectives and targets are the Business Plans for Waste Prevention. The Business Plans for Waste Prevention use indicators such as reducing the weight of the materials used in packaging, increasing the number of reusable packages over one-way systems and recyclable over non-recyclable packaging, limiting unnecessary packaging or using secondary raw materials obtained from packaging waste recycling. Packaging companies putting on the market, during a year, packages that can generate more than: 250 t, only glass 50 t, only steel 30 t, only aluminium 21 t, only plastic 16 t, only wood 14 t, only cardboard or compound materials 350 t, several materials when any of them exceed individually the previous quantities BUSINESS PLANS FOR WASTE PREVENTION They have the obligation to elaborate Content: -Quantified targets of prevention -Planned measures to achieve the objectives -Control mechanism to assess its compliance The BPWP can be elaborated by the Management Integrated System in which the packaging company participate. They must be approved by the Autonomous Region They have a triennial periodicity Figure 5: Commitment of developing a Business Plan for Waste Prevention. Source: Elaborated by the authors based on Hortal et al., 2006. Despite these prevention measures, as mentioned earlier, the quantity of packaging waste continues to grow. Any end-of-life treatment of a packaging waste product causes environmental impacts. According to the binding hierarchy of disposal options set out in Law 10/1998 on Waste Disposal the different possible alternatives of waste management are prioritized according to their associate environmental impact from low to high as follows: Prevention, re-use, recycling, energy valorization and disposal (landfill and incineration with no or low energy recovery). 245 Area: Environment 100,0% 90,0% 80,0% 70,0% 60,0% 50,0% 40,0% Landfilling Energy valorization Recycling 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0% 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Figure 6: End-of-life treatments of packaging waste in Spain. Source: Elaborated by the authors based on the data of the European Commission ( Figure 6 presents the evolution rates of waste recycling, energy valorization and landfilling. Till 2004 the amount of dumped packaging waste was higher than that of valorized waste. In 2005, a total amount of 56.1% was valorized, 54.4% by the recycling method and 5.7% by energy valorization. Recycling is the product end-of-life treatment that has changed the most since 1997, increasing by 50.45%. Energy valorization has increased by 42.5% and landfilling has decreased by 29.76%. The comparison of the evolution rates of the end-of-life treatment methods in Spain and the European Union reveals that until the most recent data available for 2004, the recycling and energy valorization rates in Spain are lower than the European average rates. The greatest difference can be observed in the energy valorization rates as the European rate in 2004 was about twice as much as in Spain (11% in the EU vs 5.6% in Spain). However, with these overall valorization and recycling rates, Spain approaches the targets set out for 31 December 2008 by Directive 2004/12/CE (which amends Directive 94/62/CE). Figure 7: Evolution of the overall rates towards the targets set out for 2008. Source: Elaborated by the authors based on the data of the European Commission ( 246 Area: Environment Packaging end-of-life treatments depend on the type of material of which the packaging is composed, according to whether it can be easily recycled or used as fuel. Metals have the second lowest recycling rate after paper-cardboard. Metal recycling brings about substantial water and energy savings as compared to metal extraction from the ore. Ferrous metals are easily recoverable by means of electromagnets; by contrast, non-ferrous metals require more sophisticated recovery techniques. In 2005 a total amount of 59.7% metal packaging waste was recycled, 1.4% was valorized and 38.9% was dumped. The European target of 50% metal recycling has been exceeded since 2004. Glass is a material easy to identify and sort out for further recycling and, among other advantages, the re-use of glass containers as raw material for the manufacture of new glass containers saves substantial amounts of energy. During 2005 a total amount of 44.4% glass waste was recycled and the rest (55.6%) was dumped. Due to its properties, glass cannot be energetically valorized. The 60% target for glass recycling has not been met yet as there is still 15.6 percentage points missed to meet the objective set in Directive 2004/12/CE. 247 Area: Environment Landfilling Energy valorization Recycling *Unavailable data. Figure 8: Packaging end-of-life treatments by material. Source: Elaborated by the authors based on the data of the European Commission ( Paper and cardboard possess high calorific value so that they can be incinerated and the energy recovered. After plastic, paper and cardboard wastes present the highest energy valorization. However, their high value as raw material for the paper industry prevents the use of natural cellulose from woods; this along with its facility to be recycled causes this type of packaging waste to present the highest recycling rates. In 2005 a total rate of 69.2% paper waste was recycled and 24.3% was dumped. In 2004 the objective of 60% paper and cardboard recycling for 2008 was exceeded. 248 Area: Environment Plastic is the most energetically valorized material although it is also the most frequently dumped to landfills. Plastic packaging waste possesses a high calorific value so that it is used as fuel in solid urban waste incineration plants. Additionally, there is a great variety of plastics that have to be previously sorted out for further recycling, thus increasing the cost of recycling. According to the 2005 data, a total amount of 20.7% plastic packaging waste was recycled, 13.4% was energetically valorized and the remaining 65.9% was dumped. With these rates, plastic lies 1.8 percentage points below the EC target of 22.5%. Finally, wood is a material with a high potential to be energetically valorized due to its combustible capacity, but wood packaging waste is also used in the manufacture of conglomerate boards. In addition, some wood packages, e.g. pallets, are frequently re-used either by the company itself or supplied by recyclers (second-hand pallets). In 2005 a total amount of 43.9% wood packaging waste was recycled, 2.6% was energetically valorized and 53.4% was dumped. Therefore, the European objective of 15% has been significantly exceeded. Figure 9: Packaging end-of-life treatments by material (2005). Source: Elaborated by the authors based on the data of the European Commission ( Figure 9 shows the comparison of the end-of-life treatments of the different packaging wastes by material using the 2005 data. As can be observed: • Plastic is the most frequently dumped, less commonly recycled and most energetically valorized material • Paper and cardboard are the materials with the highest recycling rate, the second in energy valorization and the least frequently dumped to landfills • Glass and wood present similar recycling rates; but due to the fact that glass, unlike wood, is energetically little valorized, the volume of dumped glass waste is slightly greater • The rates of dumped metals are only slightly higher than those of paper or cardboard thanks to the great efforts made in metal recovery and recycling because of their high economic value 249 Area: Environment 4. Conclusions European current trends tend to reduce the amount of packaging waste that ends its life in open dumps or landfills (AEMA 2007). For this end, the solution is to recycle or energetically valorize larger amounts of waste. As mentioned earlier in the paper, energy valorization is more or less feasible depending on the type of waste material. In the case of plastic packaging waste, the trend is to increase the amount of energetically valorized plastic either by the incineration method with energy recovery or by alternative processes like gasification (Cicloplast 2005). As regards paper and cardboard, paper industries bet for raising the recycling tax through the improvement of the paper waste collection systems and using the incineration method only when the paper conditions prevent it from being recycled. With respect to glass and metals, the trend is to increase their recycling rates and reduce the amount of dumped waste. Regarding wood packaging waste, in addition to increasing its recycling rate, the trend is to significantly increase its energy valorization rate and take advantage of the combustible properties of this material. As for the reduction in waste generation by means of prevention measures, it is a task that concerns all stakeholders involved in the process (Public Administration, materials manufacturers, packaging industries, suppliers and consumers); this means to apply a general approach that takes into consideration the overall life cycle of the packaging product thus avoiding the transfer of environmental impacts from one stage of the process to the next (Ecoembes 2003). Finally, a comment on the problem of data availability. Although the data on packaging waste generation and management are easily available as it is mandatory for the EU member states to submit fact sheets and reports to the European Commissions for waste monitoring, the data about the different materials are collected by different entities and each of such entities uses a different data collection method. Thus, data availability depends on the type of material and the waste collection method. References Aucejo S., Capuz S. et al., 2007 Estudio comparativo de las características técnicas y de tratamiento y disposición final del cartón frente al film retráctil como materiales de envase y embalaje, Ed. ITENE, Valencia. BOE (Boletín Oficial del Estado), Ley 11/1997, de 24 de abril, de Envases y Residuos de Envases, BOE nº 99, april the 25 th. Madrid. 1997. Capuz S., Gómez T., Vivancos J.L., Viñoles R., Ferrer P., López R. y Bastante M.J., 2004, Ecodiseño. Ingeniería del ciclo de vida para el desarrollo de productos sostenibles, Ed. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia. Cicloplast, 2005. Estadísticas de consumo, generación, reciclado, valorización y mercados de los plásticos, España. 250 Area: Environment EC (Comisión Europea). Web consulted in february 2008, Ecoembes, 2003. Catálogo para la prevención de residuos de envases, Madrid. EEA (European Environment Agency), 2004. European packaging waste trends and the role of economic instruments, Brussels. EEA (European Environment Agency), 2007. The road from landfilling to recycling: common destination, different routes. Hortal, M.; Vivancos, J.L.; Aucejo, S. 2008. How to combine environmental tools to minimize packaging environmental impacts. Proceedings 15th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging. Tokyo, Japan. 2006. INE. (Spanish Statistics National Office). Web consulted in march 2008, MMA (Spanish Ministry for the Environment), 2007. Versión Preliminar del II Plan Nacional Integrado de Residuos 2008-2015, Madrid. Acknowledgements The findings reported in this paper are part of a more extensive work carried out within the general project “Identification and Analysis of the Critical Points in Waste Management Systems for Plastic and Cardboard Packaging from food industry, through Environmental Indicators - ECOWASTECH”, financed by the Spanish Ministry for the Environment within the 2007 R&D&I Project Call Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Ángela Paneque de la Torre Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Departamento de Proyectos de Ingeniería. Camino de Vera s/n. 42006. Valencia, Spain. Phone: +34 96 387 7000 (ext. 75688) E-mail: [email protected] URL : 251 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies TOPIC AREA: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGIES 253 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECT BY HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGIES FOR INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION EXPOZARAGOZA 2008 Montaner, P. IDOM Engineering Abstract This summer, 2008, Zaragoza hosted an international Exhibition with the theme of Water and Sustainable Development. With this baseline EXPOAGUA, the managing company, decided to carry out an urban transport project with hydrogen technologies. The project began with the opening of the Exhibition in June 2008, and it continues alive in the city today. The project, pioneered in Spain, developed a completely sustainable model. The vehicles selected for the project consume only hydrogen as energy for their engines and they generate only water steam as waste. The provision of hydrogen for these vehicles is done at a new hydrogen filling station with hydrogen generated on-site by electrolysis. Keywords: Hydrogen, Electrolyser, Fuel cell, Project management 1. Introduction This summer an International Exhibition was held in Zaragoza (Spain) with the theme of “Water and Sustainable Development”. In line with this marvellous philosophy, EXPOAGUA, the management company of the exhibition, invested firmly on developing a green urban transportation project with vehicles powered solely by hydrogen. The aim of the project was not only to be ready for the opening of the exhibition but also to continue this as a lifelong project in the city, as a reminder of the sustainability philosophy. This pioneering project is aimed at the future. Taking advantage of the success of an International Exposition, it aims to familiarize people with hydrogen technologies and to make them aware of the need to avoid using contaminant fuels, in an effort to reduce the harmful effects that contaminating fuels have on the environment. In the same way, the idea of transforming Zaragoza into a strategic point of the future Hydrogen Highway, with a hydrogen supply network for national transport as the European Community already foresees, is also important. The project was composed of two main areas. On the one hand to build a hydrogen supply infrastructure, and on the other to get a fleet of hydrogen vehicles, as various and versatile as possible, with no emissions. According to the idea of a completely sustainable project, all the electricity consumed by the exhibition facilities was obtained from renewable resources. For this purpose EXPOAGUA installed two wind farms and two solar gardens, where it generated the energy required for all of EXPO’s needs, including the hydrogen station. Through this route, the circle of sustainability was closed, showing the technical viability and the possible establishment of this kind of technology. 255 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies Figure 1: Energetic circle of the project. 2. Hydrogen Filling Station “Hidrogenera EXPO” was the name we familiarly called the hydrogen filling station. This station, located in a new neighbourhood in the south of the city, was the first non-private installation of hydrogen, and the only one in operation in Spain during the summer of 2008. Furthermore, it had the peculiarity of being able to produce its own hydrogen on-site, meaning that is was not necessary to take the fuel by road, as is the case with traditional filling stations for conventional vehicles. The operation of the hydrogen station can be split into several clearly differentiated phases. In the first phase, the production of hydrogen is carried out by a water electrolysis process. The system takes water from the city network and demineralises it with an inverse osmosis filter. The electrolyser takes this water and with the application of an electric current produces the disassociation of the water molecule into its two components, hydrogen and oxygen, according to the following chemical reactions: Catod (−) : 2 H 2 O + 2e − → 2OH − + H 2 Anode(+ ) : 2OH − → H 2 O + 1 O2 + 2e − 2 Figure 2: Diagram of alkaline electrolyser. 256 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies The alkaline electrolyser uses as an electrolyte, a dissolution of potassium (KOH), and is capable of producing a maximum of 12 normal cubic meters of hydrogen with a purity of over 99.5% with an outset pressure of 8 bar. The system is designed for continuous operation, so the maximum capacity of daily generation is close to 25 kg of hydrogen. The use of hydrogen in fuel cells requires a very high purity of gas, more than the hydrogen that is obtained directly from the electrolyser. This means that it is necessary to use a purifier unit, so that we can get a high purity of hydrogen (99,9995%) with a maximum waste of 5 ppm of oxygen. In case the hydrogen production is not enough to satisfy the demand or in case of maintenance or failure of the electrolyser, the station has the ability to get an external supply of hydrogen from 200 bar hydrogen platforms. The hydrogen produced in the electrolysis process is compressed by a two-phase membrane compressor, increasing the outset pressure from the electrolyser to the storage pressure designed at 420 bar.The compressor connects automatically when the pressure of the storage system decreases below the key point and it stops when the storage is full. The gas is stored in high pressure bottles with a total maximum capacity of storage at over 56kg of hydrogen. The supply to vehicles is done through a special hydrogen dispenser which is capable of refilling at two different storage pressures: 200 bar and 350 bar. This special condition exists because of the need to be able to refill the different kinds of vehicles that have been used during the International Exhibition. The whole system has been measured to supply hydrogen to a standard fleet of three to four buses, so that they can be refilled daily according to the operating schedules of the charge and discharge of storage bottles. 257 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies Electrolyser BackBack-up Storage Compressor Control Unit Figure 3: Diagram of components. Each one of the phases mentioned is carried out within a new facility which has the most up to date control systems and the most secure facilities ensuring correct operation. 3. Vehicle fleet With respect to vehicles, the project had two main goals. On the one hand, to take advantage of the Exhibition to combine a fleet of various kinds of hydrogen vehicles, as extensive and various as possible, showing their functionality and working at the same level as internal combustion engine vehicles. On the other hand, it aimed to keep a small fleet of these vehicles in operation in the city once the exhibition finished, using the new hydrogen station for refilling. The current reality of hydrogen vehicles is a little virtual. Though many possibilities can be found at an international level, few of them are available or developed enough. Most of the small number of vehicles on offer are simply prototypes or are in test phase, so there is no real possibility of purchasing one. The small number of options with any real possibility of being purchased, are very costly. So it is very difficult create a fleet with enough units for a new transport system. Working within this scenario our project chose to acquire some of the vehicles and to borrow or rent others from covenant firms with a view of returning them once the exposition finished. The project’s own fleet included three minibuses with a capacity of 22 people and range of over 200 km. They are small sized vehicles, less than 6 meters long, so they are very adapted to a 258 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies city centre or areas with restricted mobility. During the international Exposition they were doing special shuttle services inside EXPO for diplomatic staffs, but they will be used in city standard transport service now that the exposition has finished. Apart from these minibuses, there were also a number of other vehicles. The primary one used was a large capacity bus, capable of transporting more than 100 people and with range of over 400 km. There were several single-seater vehicles too, such as scooters and bicycles, also powered by hydrogen. Between them all, a distance of more than 19,000 km was covered in the three months of the exhibition. And they transported over 60,000 people. Photograph 1: EXPO hydrogen vehicle fleet. Although fuel cells are not the only technology available for use in hydrogen vehicles, all the vehicles in the EXPO project, were fed from fuel cells. The process for obtaining electricity from a fuel cell is the opposite to that used in the electrolysis process. In this process, hydrogen stored in tanks and the oxygen taken from the atmosphere are mixed to get a water molecule which generates an electric current that is used to feed the electric engines. This process, for a PEM fuel cell, follows the following chemical reactions: Anode(+) : H 2 → 2 H + + 2e − Catode(+) : 2 H + + 1 O2 → 2 H 2 O 2 With this technology, the only waste produced by the vehicles is the water steam of the chemical conversion. There is no other possible type of contamination. If we can obtain the hydrogen from water electrolysis with electricity from renewable sources, as we currently do, we are able to assure that the total process is completely free of any contaminant emissions. 4. Project challenges and conclusions The management of a project of these characteristics, with such a so innovative technical development, and with a very tight schedule, supposed a big challenge just only for the management of all the works and stakeholders. Some of the key challenges for the project were issues related to authorisation and licensing, as well as standards and regulations for these types of installations. In fact there are no specific directives in Spain for hydrogen stations, so it was necessary to work together with the Municipal and Regional Governments to agree the applicable regulations and security procedures to improve at the current installation. 259 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies The solution to this problem was to apply all the regulations referring to any facility related to the present installation, in all or in part, with specific consideration of the most restrictive conditions for each of them. Because of this, the hydrogen station complied with all the requirements in the main industrial regulations including the Fire Protection Rules, Chemical Products Storage Rules, Electrical Standards, and so on. The application of all these regulations made the station one of the most secure industrial installations. Another area that really created a big challenge was the project schedule. Though the project began some months before, the first important milestone of the project was the contracting of the supply and construction of the hydrogen station, which was signed on August 2007. So, it was necessary to develop the main part of the project described above in less than one year. The authorisation projects were finished on November 2007 and the building and activity licences were organised at the beginning of 2008. The work of building and urbanizing the station was finalized in April in order to start the assembly of the hydrogen facilities. The testing phases were done by the first half of May, only one month before the opening of the Exhibition. As a conclusion of the project it is necessary to say that although it has been shown that hydrogen technologies are theoretically viable, the actual reality of hydrogen is not as advanced as that of currently operating technologies. It is obvious that the future establishment of hydrogen as a replacement for petroleum fuels should begin with the hard support of government and with all the initiatives that prompt these independent projects. References Bossel, U. 2006. Does a Hydrogen Economy Make Sense?. Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 94, Issue 10, Page(s):1826 - 1837 Gobierno de Aragón. 2007. Plan Director del Hidrogeno en Aragón, Fuel Cells Handbook, 7th edition, Department of Energy, DOE, US. 2004 Ochoa, J.R., 2008 Normativa y Reglamentación de seguridad en materia de Hidrógeno Diploma de Especialización en Tecnologías de Hidrógeno, Univ. de Zaragoza. Ponencias, 2007. 3er Encuentro Sectorial del Hidrógeno y las Pilas de Combustible. Santiago de Compostela. Pool, R.; 2005 Pump up the gas [hydrogen storage for transport applications]. Power Engineer. Volume 19, Issue 1, Page(s):18 - 21 T-Raissi, A.; Block, D.L.; 2004. Hydrogen: automotive fuel of the future. Power and Energy Magazine, IEEE Volume 2, Issue 6, Page(s):40 - 45 Zabalza, I. Valero, A. Scarpellini, S., 2005 Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible, Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Nuevas Tecnologías del Hidrógeno en Aragón. 2005. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Pedro Montaner Izcue. IDOM Phone: +34 976 561 536 E-mail: [email protected] 260 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies AN EXAMPLE OF BIOCLIMATIC CONSTRUCTION.THE BUILDING PETER3 López-Rodríguez, F. Segador, C. Cuadros, F. Universidad de Extremadura Mena, A. Universidad de Huelva Abstract The principal objective of this communication is to show an example of bioclimatic building. It is about the construction of an Intelligent "Zero Energy Building" (ZEB) of 1.000 m2 in the Campus of the University of Extremadura in Badajoz. The concepts of energy efficiency, power storage, environmental impacts, etc., in construction will be put in practice. A comparative analysis between the different conventional technologies and the renewable ones will be carried out. Between the used technologies are those of passive and active solar heating, photovoltaic power, ventilated façade, Trombe walls, use of an hybrid solar-biomass system to feed an absorption engine for refrigeration, etc. Finally, a complete control and analysis of the more important confort variables will be made in real time. Keywords: Zero Energy Building (ZEB), Energy Efficiency in Edification, Bioclimatic Building 1. Introduction Energy consumption in the housing and service sectors has great relevance in the ambit of the European Union, provided that it exceeds 40% of the total. All European countries have taken steps to restrict the energy demand (like for instance the new Royal Decree for the Technical Building Code –TBC- in Spain). Therefore, the application of sustainability criteria to building activity in order to favour energy collection is a priority task for public administrations. Spain is the most energy consuming country in the European Union if referring to the tertiary sector. It has also the greatest potential for harnessing renewable energy sources. 3 PETER. Parque Experimental Transfronterizo de energías renovables, (Experimental Transborder Park on Renewable Energies) 261 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies The use of bioclimatic architecture is far from being a modern technique: caves and most traditional constructions are based on bioclimatic principles. However, bioclimatic buildings are an unusual type of housing at present. Although there is no specific official registry, it is estimated that there are between 5000 and 10000 buildings of this type in Spain, according to the Centre for Energetic, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT). Unfortunately, many housing projects are promoted nowadays as bioclimatic, although they should not be taken as such. To what extent should a building be considered to be bioclimatic? Such a denomination is wrongly being assigned to buildings that have a single eave as passive shading element and that integrate certain renewable energy devices. It is important to note that the concept of bioclimatic construction might be seen as new from a textual point of view, but it is not as the constructive concept itself. Yet the Romans designed ventilated covers, and the Arabs invented the tile, the courtyards with ponds and convective loops, and inside gardened zones. In this sense, let us cite some examples like the ventilated adobe walls in centenary constructions of Marrakech, or the efficient cow-dung huts of the Nubis people in the High Nile. There are some projects being undertaken both inside and outside Spain which are similar to that proposed in the present communication. Some of the most relevant are the following: Sustenergy (Sustenergy, 2007). It was supported by the INTERREG III C Program, and ended in 2007. Six different institutions took part in this project, and was led by the Centre of Environmental Resources of Navarra (CRAN). The main goal was the development of common technologies in order to achieve energy saving and efficiency strategies in construction. One of the actions promoted was the set up of thirty pilot experiences, among which the Program for Efficiency in Construction was the most relevant. PSE-ARFRISOL(http:/ /suplementos/arfrisol/ psearfrisol.htm). Bioclimatic architecture and solar cooling. It is a Singular and Strategic project included in the National Plan of MEC and led by the CIEMAT. It is developed by twelve institutions, like solar energy technology companies and research groups from different universities and from the CIEMAT itself. Project CONAMA VII. It was presented in the Sustainable Development Conference held in November 25th 2004, in connection with the topic of Ecoefficiency in Construction. This project allowed to carry out detailed studies on the evaluation of the environmental behaviour of several buildings in Spain. Contest of ideas for the construction of a rural house in Chile, according to the principles of sustainability and energy saving Cities for a More Sustainable Future, which can be looked up at the website of the Department of Urban and Landscape Planning in the Superior Technical School of Architecture (Polytechnic University, Madrid). Agenda for Sustainable Construction (Sustainability and construction, 2000) , a website designed by the Official College of Master Builders and Technical Architects of Barcelona, the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Vallés, the Association for Geobiological Studies and the Cerdá Institute. New York’s Department of Design and Construction. Office for Sustainable Design. This website is specialised in resources for sustainable construction, and is organised in six categories: projects, local legislation, reports and manuals, specification documents, pilot projects and reference examples. Website of the Official College of Architects of Cataluña (, devoted to the Environment in the ambit of sustainable construction. 262 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies CIEMAT, a technology centre linked to the Ministry of Education and Science devoted to promote Research-and-Development projects in the fields of energy (energy use of conventional and alternative sources), of environment (impact of energy on population and environment), of radiation protection (control and surveillance of ionizing radiation generated at CIEMAT), of magnetic confinement fusion (study of the device Stellerator Heliac flexible TJ-II) and also on basic research. Project LIFE-EcoValle. Bioclimatic conditioning of the road C-91 of UE-1 in the outskirts of Vallecas, in collaboration with CIEMAT. Project Regen-Link, for the restoration of buildings and commercial lots in San Cristóbal, Madrid. In collaboration with CIEMAT. Ecocity in Sarriguren, promoted by the Department of Environment, Landscape Planning and Housing of the Government of Navarra. The actions for planning and management are being held by the public company Navarra de Suelo Residencial (NASURSA). Forum Barcelona, a recent project based on the recycling of urban land. The present communication describes the development of a project for the construction of an intelligent zero-conventional-energy building (“bioclimatic”) in the Campus of the University of Extremadura. It is linked to the development of the Project PETER (Experimental Transborder Park on Renewable Energies), which involves the Spanish institutions University of Extremadura, Province Deputation of Badajoz, Government of Extremadura (General Direction of University and Technology, Regional Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Innovation), IDEA and CIEMAT, and the Portuguese institutions University of Évora, INETI and ADRAL. The project is being carried out under the auspices of the Program INTERREG III of the European Union. This proposal corresponds to what is referred to as sustainable edification, which includes actions in three different aspects: economic, environmental and social, and can be regarded as the continuation of other previous works performed by the research group DTERMA, from the University of Extremadura (Cuadros et al., 2007; Lopez-Rodríguez et al., 2006; García SanzCalcedo et al., 2008) The main goal of the project described here are: - To put in practice the concepts of energy saving and efficiency for the energy transformation devices relating different sources, energy storage, environmental impact, etc. - To carry out a comparative empirical analysis among different energy sources, in order to emphasise the advantages of renewable versus conventional energy sources. 2. Description and technologies The main features and technologies used in the construction of the bioclimatic building are listed below. The building is projected to have two floors with approximately 400 m2 each, and a 300 m2 cellar. Laboratories and office rooms will be oriented to the south, whereas rooms of general use (like bathrooms, meeting rooms, conference room...) will face North. The building shape is rectangular and its main facade will be oriented to the South. Figures 1 and 2 show some views of the building as it will definitively look 263 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies Figure1: Views of PETER building. Figure 2: Views of the North and South facades of PETER building. The concrete technologies involved are the following: • Construction according to the local climate parameters of Badajoz. • Monitoring of energy fluxes and of wind, as well as installation of human presence detectors, in order to achieve an automatic operation to control such fluxes. • Application of the specific concepts concerning passive solar heating. Use of Trombe walls. Ventilation of South facade by installing photovoltaic panels. Avoid direct solar radiation into the building during the summer (and vice versa during the winter). • Efficient thermal insulation, avoiding thermal bridging. • Window and cover shadowing. • Natural lighting, combined with high efficiency artificial support lighting. • Mixed solar-biomass acclimatisation. Installation of approximately 70 m2 high efficiency solar surface collectors using a biomass boiler (pellets), which will serve as energy supply to a cooling absorption engine. • Full monitoring of the building. • Real time data transfer to the internet. 3. Techniques The most innovative techniques will be applied in order to ensure the bioclimatic behaviour of the building, the installation of efficient insulation and the use of renewable energy sources. The specific actions concerning each of the technical aspects are described in next subsections: 3.1. Use of solar radiation The position of the sun has been simulated along the whole year in order to evaluate its influence and project actions to avoid heating during the summer and to favour solar exposure during the winter. This will be of special interest for rooms of general used, which will thus be facing South. Figure 3 shows the trajectory of the sun for all months, referred to the concrete location of the building. The aim is to avoid shadowing by surrounding buildings. 264 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies Figure 3: Position of the sun referred to the concrete location of PETER building. 3.2. Insulation The process of thermal energy transmission in a building of these features takes place mainly by radiation process (75%), but also involves residual conduction and convection (25%). Therefore, any type of building insulation project should be designed mainly to impede the radiative thermal energy flux, but it should also account for residual conductive processes. This way, reflective insulation appears as the most adequate and efficient technique, provided very high output due to high reflective power and to the specific structure for the retention of air bubbles. The results achieved by reflective insulation (versus traditional methods) are quite significant. Figure 4 shows the thermal resistance for several types of insulation (values of thickness between 1-10 cm, with 5 mm step interval). Reflective insulation presents a flat curve from a concrete value of the air chamber thickness, and efficiency is not improved for higher values. However, thermal resistance is significantly higher than that of a conventional insulating material. In sum, this feature favours the optimisation of useful interior space. 265 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies Figure 4: Comparative plot of thermal resistance of a wall as a function of thickness for several types of insulating materials. Let us describe as an example the insulation pattern projected for both South and West facades of PETER building, following the actual order of the insulating coatings: • Marble shield (model Frontek de Venatto), 2 cm thick. • Low-emissive air chamber (4 cm). • 4 mm reflective insulator, with intrinsic resistance 0.11 m2 K W-1. • Structural panel (12 mm). • Natural fibre insulator (25 mm). • Low-emissive air chamber (2 cm) (ε = 0.03). • 4 mm Superpolynum reflective insulator, with intrinsic resistance 0.11 m2 K W-1. • Low-emissive air chamber (4 cm) (ε = 0.03). • Laminated plaster sheet (15 mm). The total transmission coefficient (the U-value) of this type of wall is U-value=0.31 W m-2 K-1. The next step is the comparison of the thermal conductivity parameters with those of the TBC, DB-HE 1, which indicates the maximum limitation of the energy demand of a building, considering maximum required transmittance according to the type of walled enclosure and to the climatic zone of the location of the building. Taking this aspect into account, a detailed analysis of the energy demand shows energy savings over 69% in winter and over 86% in summer with respect to the values stated by the TBC (see Table 1). 266 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies Winter values Summer values Walls TBC Project Reduction TBC Project Reduction N 4 294.0 1 259-50 71% 4 294.00 557.30 87% E 1 073.50 354.08 67% 1 073.50 156.67 85% W 1 073.50 354.08 67% 1 073.50 156.67 85% S 2 147.00 708.17 67% 2 147.00 313.35 85% Winter values Summer values SE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Σ= 8 588.00 2 675.84 8 588.00 1 184-00 69% 86% Table 1. Values for the energy efficient of the envelope of PETER building, compared with those stated by the TBC. Such a reduction of the energy demand will lead to lower power in the heating and the acclimatisation systems. Besides, if renewable energy devices were installed, then fossil fuels or conventional energy sources would not be required. The use of those devices would not only result in environmental benefits, but also in notable economic savings. 3.3. Heating system The heating system of the building is designed as the combination of the following installations: • Radiant floor warming. • Solar thermal panels. • Biomass boiler support. • Hot air support for rooms of general use from photovoltaic panels installed in walls. The installation of 25 solar thermal panels (50 m2 effective surface, approximately) will provide 56% of the energy demand of the building. A biomass boiler will work as energy support equipment. Besides, the air flow along the back side of the photovoltaic panels installed as a chimney on the South facade will serve as supplementary heating system in winter. On the other hand, the thermal energy obtained from the photovoltaic panels will be transferred to the surroundings, according to the principles of Trombe walls. Thermal energy supply to the building will be made by radiant floor warming, which is currently considered to best approach the ideal heating profile, since it provides very high efficiency and maximum thermal comfort. Figure 5 shows values for energy supply of photovoltaic panels. 267 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies NEEDS AND SAVINGS SAVINGS NEEDS Figure 5: Energy supplied by the solar thermal panels heating system. 3.4. Cooling system Some of the installations projected will also be used for the cooling system of the building. • Upper air grilles. • During night hours, use of grilles to collect cool air flow generated at an artificial lake located in front of the South facade. • Absorption engine, supplied by solar thermal panels and a biomass boiler. • Automatic natural ventilation support at nights. Figure 6 describes the cooling circuit of the building. The analysis of data from the 30 solar thermal panels shows that the absorption cooling engine supplies 88% of the acclimatisation needs of the building. The remaining 12% will be supplied by the supplementary biomass boiler. The absorption cooling system, together with the solar thermal panels, provides a high efficiency since the greater the energy demand for cooling is, the higher will also solar radiation be. This will make the photovoltaic panels work at maximum capacity. 268 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies Figure 6: Working scheme of the absorption cooling engine. 3.5. Electric system A set of photovoltaic solar modules are projected to be installed on the South facade of the building in order to work as electric energy supply. Part of this energy will be used to design a high output installation for lighting. The remaining energy will be transferred to the electricity grid, which will allow the perception of the bonus for photovoltaic solar energy production, according to the Spanish legislation. The photovoltaic panels are designed to be installed at an angle of 85º with the horizontal. Despite such value is not optimum (i.e. it does not maximise the production of electricity), this configuration favours the integration of the panels to the design of the building, which in the end should also be a priority goal. 3.6. Rest of installations An installation for the management of water is also projected. For this purpose, the following actions are considered: • Collection of rainwater and storage in an artificial lake. • Use of water for cooling of air and radiating floor. • Recycling of wastewater for WC and for garden irrigation. Moreover, all the systems are designed to be fully integrated and monitored by a control unit, so that a global quantification of systems and resources can be carried out at any moment. The main actions regarding this are: 269 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies • Lighting control. • Temperature control for the solar collection system, the photovoltaic installation, the biomass boiler and the adsorption engine. • Control of the photovoltaic installation connection to the electricity grid. • Control of blinds at night. • Control of blind slats according to solar radiation. • Control of the natural cooling system at night. • Control of the heating of common use rooms with the air from the chambers between the photovoltaic panels and the facade of the building. 4. Conclusion The aim of the construction of a building with these particular features is to put in practice the most innovative technologies in order to minimise the energy demand. The basic line of work is the detailed analysis of all equipment, as well as the focusing on the thermal insulation of the building so that energy supply –always from renewable sources- is reduced as much as possible. Following the principles of sustainable construction, the project described in the present communication is intended to show that renewable energy technologies can be satisfactorily integrated in construction, with similar efficiency to conventional ones. It is also relevant to note that important economic savings and high profitability will be achieved during the life of the building. The PETER building is projected to work as a laboratory that will allow the comparison of results obtained in real situations with simulation data generated in the present study. In sum, our efforts are focused towards the industrialisation of construction, and we believe this project to provide an important “know how” reference in such direction. References Cities for a more sustainable future. Website of the Department of Urban and Landscape Planning in the Superior Technical School of Architecture (Polytechnic University, Madrid) and Housing Ministry. http:// habitat.... Contest of ideas: energy efficiency development for rural social housing. Chile. -de-eficienciaenergetica-para-vivienda-social-rural/ Cuadros F., Lopez-Rodríguez F., Segador C., Marcos A., 2007. A simple procedure to size active solar heating schemes for low-energy building design, Energy and Building. Vol 39, pp. 96-104. García Sanz-Calcedo J., López-Rodríguez F., 2008. Cuadros Blázquez F., Moura Joyce A., Energy Management in Health Centres, Energy Conversion and Management. Sent for publication. Lopez-Rodríguez F., Segador C., Marcos A., and Cuadro F., 2006. Cálculo y comparación de rendimientos para distintas aplicaciones, Era Solar, Vol 131, 2006, pp. 73-77. 270 Area: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies PSE-ARFRISOL. Bioclimatic architecture and solar cooling. CIEMAT. http:/ Sustainability and construction: applications and lines of work. Gerona: Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the University of Girona. D.L.2000. Sustenergy. Project financed by Program INTERREG III C, 2007.. Website of the Official College of Architects of Cataluña. Acknowledgements The authors wish to express their gratitude to Program INTERREG III of the European Union – as to the rest of cofinancing institutions- for financial aid for PETER Project. Cooperation among all members of the Project is also acknowledged. 271 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering TOPIC AREA: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 273 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering SOFTWARE FOR DETERMINING DRIPLINE IRRIGATION PIPES USING A POCKET PC Molina Martínez, J.M. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena Ruiz Canales, A. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche Abstract This communication presents the development of a freeware for mobile devices (Smartphone and Pocket PC). It was developed with a LabVIEW program, and enables engineers and installers to calculate commercial diameters to be used in laterals of drip irrigation, without the need for being at the personal computer. Input data required: drippers flow rates, number of drippers, spacing between the drippers, medium pressure in the lateral and pressure tolerance. As results, it shows commercial diameters that can be used with diode LED, maximum and minimum pressures for each lateral, and a graphic that shows, on a comparative, wether it exceeds each lateral of the pressure tolerance or not. Keywords: Software, Irrigation, PocketPC, LabVIEW 1. Introduction Requirements in agricultural production, environmental protection and water resources optimisation have been made farmers to modernize irrigation systems. One of these modernisations is the installation of drip irrigation systems (López, 1996; Valiantzas, 2003). Drip irrigations system is characterized by high water use efficiency. Another advantage of this irrigation system is the precision in water and fertilizers application under adequate design conditions (Pedras and Pereira, 2001; Holzapfel et al., 2001). Hydraulic design of drip irrigation subunits is integrated in the drip line calculation. The calculation of the drip line is carried out after the agronomic design. This design is based on several data (characterization of choose emitter, field topography, etc). In order to design an irrigation subunit is necessary to combine the hydraulic calculation (flow, diameters and pressure of drip line and sub main pipes) with irrigation net distribution plane. Specific agronomic features (plant frame, crop water demand…) are used in drip irrigation systems design. The results of the design are the number and the distribution of the emitters (Medina, 1997). As the crop is growing it is used to add new emitters in order to supply the increasing crop water needs. In some cases, when the farmer wants to increase the plant density or he decides to change the crop and to maintain the existing irrigation system he have 275 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering to adapt to the new situation. This is to change the number of emitters in drip line to the new water requirements. On this case, if flow and pressure required at the beginning of drip line are known, it is very useful to provide software that let it to know if drip line is ready to these changes. It is necessary that this software must be quickly and precise. This software would indicate immediately to the farmer what decision he would take. Some software under Windows but not in mobile devices is used for agronomic and hydraulic design in drip irrigation (Rodrigo and Cordero, 2003). One adequate solution is the installation of developed software for mobile devices as Smartphone or PocketPC. In the last years there is a lot of programming languages used in mobile devices. One of this is LabVIEW, that it is a revolutionary system of graphics programming used for applications that includes acquisition, control analysis and data presentation (Lajara and Pelegri, 2007). This software is imposing in engineer applications because its great versatility and simplicity to use. This paper shows developed software for this kind of Mobile devices using LabVIEW PDA as programming language. This is a freeware, for this reason its use is limited to fed drip lines from the extreme, with no slope terrain. This software could down from the next link: 2. Basis of calculation Theoretical base of used formulas in the hydraulic design of drip irrigation is considering that flow distribution in a drip line is coming close to a continue distribution. A description of the calculation procedure is described in the next lines. Head losses hL (m) in a pipe of length L (m) has been calculated with the next equation: ΔhL = F ·J*· L (1) Where, F is the Christiansen’s reduction factor and J* (m. m-1) is the head losses coefficient that includes lineal and singular losses. The formula used to estimate the Christiansen’s reduction factor is: F= β −1 1 1 + + 1+ β 2n 6 n2 (2) Where the value of β is 1,75 in Blasius formula for polythene pipes and n is the number of emitters in the dripline. Unit head losses J*, have been determined using an empirical formula that includes the singular head losses of the emitters by means the next expression: J *= J e + fe e (3) Where e (m) is the distance between emitters and y fe (m) is the equivalent length of the emitter that depends on the kind of the emitter and the diameter of the drip line. Linear head losses, J (m·m-1), has been determined using the Blasius’s formula in polythene pipes: 276 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering J = 0,473 ⋅ Q 1,75 D 4,75 (4) where D (mm) is the pipe diameter and Q (l·h-1) is the flow. In order to estimate the singular head losses, fe (m), has been considered table 1. ∅ interior (mm) fe (m) Big Standard Little 10,3 0,32 0,24 0,18 13,2 0,20 0,15 0,11 16,0 0,14 0,11 0,08 18,0 0,11 0,08 0,06 20,4 0,09 0,07 0,05 28,0 0,05 0,04 0,03 Table 1: fe values for upperline conexions The pressure distribution in a drip line is showed in figure 1. hmáx ΔhL = J*·F·L hmín = hu Q Figure 1: Pressure distribution in a drip line fed by the extreme in a plane zone. The maximum of pressure coincides with the pressure in the begining of the drip line, hmax (m), which is determined by means the next expression: hmax = ha + 0.75 ΔhL (2) ha (m) is the average pressure in the drip line. The minimum pressure, hmin (m), is the same pressure in the last emitter, hu (m), which is determined by: hmin =hu = hmax - Δh (3) If the difference of pressure hmax-hmin is under the value Δhp (m), the commercial diameters are adequates. 277 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering 3. Software The graphic interface of the developed software consists of three flaps: a) In the flap “Inicio” is introduced, at the top of the screen, the data for calculation and at the lower part valid commercial diameters are showed the valid commercial diameters by means illuminated leads (Figure 2). Required data are: nominal flow of the emitter qe (l·h-1), number of emitters Ne, drip line length L (m), distance between emitters Ee (m), average pressure in the drip line ha (m) and pressure tolerance hp (m). After the data introduction the button named “Cálculos” have to be pressed in order to show the results in the frame. Figure 2: Initial flap. b) The flap named “Resultados” shows, in every commercial diameter, the head losses in the drip line Dh (m), maximum pressure hmax (m) and minimum pressure hmin (m). At the lower part, is showed a comparative graphics that indicates if the allowed pressure tolerance hp (m) is exceed or not, for every drip line (Fig 3.). Figure 3: Flap of results. c) The last flap “Ayuda”, shows the contacting data for the authors. 278 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering The block diagram of this software is developed under while loop structure that allows ending the software execution by means the button “Salir” (Figure 2). This button determines the true and false values of a case structure included in the while loop. Pushing this button the case structure takes the true value and the internal programming is carried out. In figure 4, is showed the block diagram used to determinate if the pipe with a diameter of 13.2 mm could be used in the drip line considering general data entry. Figure 4: Block diagram to determinate the use of a pipe with a diameter of 13,2 mm in the drip line. A similar block diagram (Fig. 3) has been developed for every commercial diameter (10.3; 13.2; 16.0; 18.0; 20.4 and 28.0). This diagram determines what diameters of commercial pipes could be used for the drip line and the results could be compared. After calculations, this could be showed in the console. 4. Conclusions Software has been developed with LabWIEW PDA. This software allows installers and engineers of drip irrigation companies to calculate in the field commercial diameters used in drip lines. This is an accessible freeware, contacting with authors or from the link This software version is limited to drip lines fed by the extreme in a horizontal land References Holzapfel, E. A. and Jara, J.; Matta, R., 2001. Nivel de agua aplicado y fertirrigación bajo riego por goteo en cítricos, Agro-Ciencia. Chillan, Vol.17, pp.20-31. Lajara Vizcaino, J.R. and Pelegri Sebastia, J., 2007. LabVIEW 8.20 Entorno Gráfico de Programción, Marcombo S.A., Barcelona. Lopez, J. R., 1996. Riego localizado II. Programas informáticos, Mundi-Prensa, Madrid. Medina San Juan, J.A., 1997. Riego por Goteo, Mundiprensa (4ª ed), Madrid. 279 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering Pedras, C. M. G. and Pereira, L. S., 2001. A simulation model for design and evaluation of micro-irrigation systems, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, ASCE, New York, Vol. 50, n.4, pp.323-334. Rodrigo López, J. and Cordero Ordóñez, L., 2003. Riego Localizado. Programas Informáticos para Windows, Mundi-Prensa, Madrid. Valiantzas, J. D., 2003. Explicit hydraulic design of microirrigation submain units with tapered tanifold manifold and laterals, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, ASCE, New York, Vol.129, n.4, pp.227-236. Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their gratitude to National Instruments Spain, S.L. for its help spreading the developed software in its website. ( Correspondence (for further information, please contact): José Miguel Molina Martínez. Departamento de Ingeniería de los Alimentos y del Equipamiento Agrícola. Área de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Paseo Alfonso XIII, 48, 30203. Cartagena. (Murcia) España. Phone: +34 968 32 59 29 Fax: + 34 968 32 57 32 E-mail: [email protected] Antonio Ruiz Canales Departamento de Ingeniería. Área de Ingeniería Agroforestal. Escuela Politécnica Superior de Orihuela, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Crtra. de Beniel, km 3,2, 03312 Orihuela (Alicante), España. Phone: +34 966 74 96 39 Fax: + 34 966 74 97 18 E-mail: [email protected] 280 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering ONTOLOGIES AND FBS FRAMEWORK Cebrián-Tarrasón, D. Vidal, R. Universitat Jaume I Abstract In the past years there have been great advances in the development of ontologies applied to the field of engineering design, essentially in functional and structural models. A great diversity of methodologies for the analysis of the design process in relation to the FBS (Function Behaviour - Structure) framework have been modelled, thereby attaining a profound knowledge of the subject. Hence, it is possible to carry this knowledge to the industrial domain through the use of ontologies. In the article, an in-depth analysis of the existing methodologies based on the FBS framework is carried out. Later, the focus is shifted onto the ontologies that were based upon the aforementioned framework. From this review, a discussion of the ontologies is made, pointing out their main virtues. The aim is to insist upon the benefits of ontologies and to encourage their wider industrial application. Keywords: ontology, conceptual design, FBS 1. Introduction The end goal of Engineering Design is the conceptual creation of an object, product, system or process that meets functional requirements in order to fulfill the customer’s needs in a workable, economical, ecological and manufacturable way. The development of technologies based on artificial intelligence and CAE (Computer Assisted Engineering) has facilitated access to information related to the structure and form of objects, although design know-how used in the conceptual design phase remains hidden due to its subjective nature and implicitness (Kitamura and Mizoguchi, 2004). The development of KBE (Knowledge-Based Engineering) systems is aimed at improving this aspect (Cebrián-Tarrasón, Muñoz et al., 2007; Chulvi, Sancho et al., 2007). Nonetheless, the full use of these technologies is limited by the impossibility of fully reusing and sharing knowledge in KBE systems, along with the lack of common knowledge from which to create a knowledge base and the limited success of methodologies for the extraction of knowledge (Mizoguchi 2003; Baxter, Gao et al. 2007). In the field of engineering design, more and more attention is being focused on the development of ontologies as a possible solution of the aforementioned deficiencies of KBE systems (Ahmed and Wallace 2004; Ahmed and Storga, 2007). An ontology can be described as an explicit specification of a shared conceptualization, which can be taxonomically or axiomatically based (Gruber, 1993). Ontologies can be based around a single taxonomy or several taxonomies and their relationships. Taxonomies consist of concepts and relationships that are organised hierarchically and whose concepts can be 281 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering arranged as classes with sub-classes (Cottam, Milton et al., 1998; Gómez-Pérez, FernándezLópez et al., 2004). Abbreviation Source Description A-Design Campbell et al. (Campbell, Cagan et al., 2003) Agent-Based Approach to Conceptual Design in a Dynamic Environment Axiomatic Design Suh (Suh, 1990) Axiomatic theory of design FBRL Sasajima et al. (Sasajima, Kitamura et al., 1995) Function and behaviour representation language FBS Umeda et al. (Umeda, Takeda et al., 1990) Theory of objects described in terms of function, behaviour and structure FBS Gero et al. (Gero, 1990) Theory of objects described in terms of function, behaviour and structure FEBS Deng et al. (Deng, 1999) Function-Environment-BehaviourStructure modelling FPPT Klein Meyer et al. (Klein Meyer, Cabannes et al., 2007) Function, Physical Principle and Technology Formal theory of objects and object functionalities FR Chandrasekaran et al. (Chandrasekaran 1990; Chandrasekaran, Goel et al., 1993; Chandrasekaran, 2005) Reconciled Functional Basis Hirtz et al. (Hirtz, Stone et al., 2002) Taxonomy of flows and functions HSA Zhang et al. (Zhang, Tor et al., 2002) Heuristic State-Space Approach NIST Design Repository Szykman et al. (Szykman, Racz et al., 1999) Formal model of objects from object-oriented perspective FB Pahl and Beitz (Pahl and Beitz, 1984) General theory of design activity PFM Roy et al. (Roy and Bharadwaj, 2002) General theory of objects Theory of Technical Systems Hubka and Eder (Hubka and Eder, 1988) General non-formal theory of objects Table 1: Investigations related to the FBS Framework. 282 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering The structure of an ontology should be based on a taxonomy that allows for the modelling of a system based one certain functional descriptions (Garbacz, 2006). In this way, a great diversity of methodologies for analysis of design process based on the FBS framework have been modelled (Umeda, Takeda et al. 1990; Hirtz, Stone et al., 2002; Umeda, Kondoh et al. 2005; Borgo, Carrara et al., 2006). Notwithstanding, Suh (Suh 1990) describes design as a zigzag between functional requirements and design parameters and Veyrat et al. (Veyrat, Blanco et al. 2007) questions whether design is actually a direct mapping between functions and structure. In order to resolve this question, Cebrián-Tarrasón (Cebrian-Tarrason, Lopez-Montero et al., 2008) combines the concept of the OntoRFB (ontologically clean Functional Basis), Garbacz (Garbacz, 2006) based on DOLCE (Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering) (Masolo, Borgo et al., 2003) and the model B-FES (Behaviour-driven Function-Environment-Structure) (Zhang, Tor et al., 2003; Zhang, Tor et al., 2005) and create a new ontology with special emphasis on the importance of behaviour as the link in the FBS framework. The purpose of this paper is to show what the reasons are which a better application in the industrial scope of the existent ontologies in the field of engineering design would allow. For that, an updated analysis of the existent methodologies in the field of engineering design referred to the FBS framework is carried out. Next how those methodologies have been related to the field of ontologies is pointed out. From this cited analysis, a discussion about the different improvements in the subject is carried out. 2. FBS framework Though the terms function, behaviour and structure had been used before, it wasn’t until 1990 that they were clarified and used to define a framework to model and represent system functionality (Gero 1990; Umeda, Takeda et al., 1990). In the FBS framework (FunctionBehaviour-Structure), function represents the functions that the system performs; structure represents the physical elements of the solution and behaviour acts as the relationship between F and S. In design synthesis, behaviour is derived from an intended functionality in order to reach a solution from it. When a solution is defined, its behaviour is deduced from it to evaluate if the solution reaches the intended functionality. Then, behaviour is related to the design physical state, which may be static or variable with time. The FBS framework can also be used as a methodology for analysing the design process, through the representation of the evolution of design state from the analysis of design protocols (Takeda, 1994). From a review of literature on design theories related to this topic, an updated list of investigations carried out in Table 1 is formed (Garbacz, 2004; Camelo, 2007). Roughly speaking, two approaches to FBS can be distinguished (Chandrasekaran, 2005). In the first, one relates functions to behaviours of an element, and then relates these behaviours to structural-physical descriptions of the elements. It was developed by Gero (Gero, 1990), who proposed a Function-Behaviour-Structure model of designing, and by Umeda et al. (Umeda, Takeda et al., 1990), who proposed a Function-Behaviour-State model of designing. The first approach considers behaviour as a key concept that suggests a clear ontological ordering: technical objects have their physical structure. This structure, in interaction with a physical environment, gives way to the objects’ behaviours; and these behaviours then determine in some way the objects’ functions (Borgo, Carrara et al., 2006). Several investigations have been developed with respect to this approach. Mizoguchi et al.(Mizoguchi 2003) use the FBRL (Function and Behaviour Representation Language) model based in the work of Sasajima et al. (Sasajima, Kitamura et al., 1995) and expresses behaviour as a conceptualization of the change of attribute values in the spatio-temporal space over time. Also, they consider that function is a teleological interpretation of behaviour under a given goal. 283 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering Klein Meyer et al. (Klein Meyer, Cabannes et al., 2007) proposed the Function, Physical Principle and Technology (FPPT) theory which states, with respect to functional analysis and technology selection, that modelling concepts are based on FBS approach with the objective of allowing behavioural analyses at the beginning of the design process, when no geometry is available. The possibilities of search, exploration, combination and selection systems based on FBS representation have increased thanks to the B-FES model proposed by Tor et al. (Tor 2000; Tor, Britton et al., 2002; Zhang, Tor et al., 2005). This model is an extension and a refinement of the dual-step function environment-behaviour-structure (FEBS) modelling framework by Deng et al. (Deng, 1999). In the second approach, one models functions of objects in terms of inputs and outputs, and then relates these functions directly to structural-physical descriptions of objects (Szykman, Racz et al., 1999). It is also known as Functional Modelling because it considers behaviour as a mathematical representation of the states of a mechanism (Pahl and Beitz, 1986; Szykman, Racz et al., 1999; Hirtz, Stone et al., 2002). Functional Modelling is created with the aim of reducing the existent ambiguity at the level of modelling of an object. For that, some discrimination between the meaning of function and flow is carried out. Flows are divided in three types mainly: material, energy and signal. That definition comes from the previous work of the Value Analysis and later from Pahl and Beitz (Pahl and Beitz, 1986) because they inspire the classification of functions in classes. Thus the joint of functions and flows is called functional basis. Later it was improved with the name of Reconciled Functional Basis (RFB) (Szykman, Racz et al. 1999; Hirtz, Stone et al., 2002). From that revision, a priori great amount of works developed in the field of engineering design were applied to the FBS framework. Likewise the diversification of the grasp between the several researches in the matter is perceived. 3. Ontologies in Engineering Design In this section, we briefly discuss ontologies in the domain of engineering design. Generally, ontologies can be categorized by the subject of the conceptualization (Gómez-Pérez, Fernández-López et al., 2004), among others: Top-level ontologies or Upper-level ontologies describe very general concepts (e.g. substance, tangible, intangible) and provide general notions under which all root terms in existing ontologies should be linked. The aim is to get a great number of ontologies based in an upper-level ontology. Domain ontologies are reusable in a given specific domain (engineering, manufacturing, design, etc). These ontologies provide vocabularies about concepts within a domain and their relationships, the activities taking place in that domain, and the theories and elementary principles governing that domain. Task ontologies describe the vocabulary related to a generic task or activity (e.g. diagnosing, scheduling). They provide a systematic vocabulary of the terms used to solve problems associated with tasks that may or may not belong to the same domain. Application ontologies are application-dependent. They contain all the definitions needed to model the knowledge required for a particular application. Application ontologies often extend and specialise the vocabulary of the domain and of task ontologies for a given application. There is a great diversity of languages for ontology representation, each one with several capacities of knowledge representation and reasoning mechanisms, although the most 284 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering frequently used is OWL (Ontology Web Language). Nonetheless, the capacity of the restriction representation in OWL is not fitted for the implementation of relation in the field of design (Kim, Manley et al., 2006). With that aim SWRL (Semantic Web Reasoning Language) is used which is a language based in a combination of OWL sublanguages with the rules language RML (Rule Markup Language). The tool which is more used for its development is Protégé (Protégé3.4, 2008), an environment for the development of ontologies, based in Java and open source, created by Standford University. In the domain of engineering design, such ontologies can be categorized into task ontologies and domain ontologies (Cebrian-Tarrason, Lopez-Montero et al., 2008). Table 2 contains a review of engineering design literature related to ontologies, carried out by Kitamura (Kitamura and Mizoguchi, 2004), in order to relate it to the field of FBS framework and indicating the type of ontology, where a description of the more relevant ontologies is carried out, pointing out the type of ontology and its language. Abbreviation Source SOFAST® Kitamura et al. (Kitamura, Sano et al., 2002; Kitamura and Mizoguchi, 2003; Kitamura and Mizoguchi, 2004; Kitamura, Washio et al., 2006) Masolo et al. (Masolo, Descriptive Borgo et al., 2003) Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering Kim et al. (Kim, Manley Assembly Design et al., 2006) Ontology Garbacz (Garbacz, Taxonomy of 2006) artefact functions Ahmed et al. (Ahmed, Engineering 2006) Design Integrated Taxonomy Storga et al. (Storga, Design Ontology Andreasen et al., 2005) Van Rennsen et al. (Van A taxonomy of Rennsen, Vermaas et functions on al., 2007) Gellish English Liu et Bason (Liu and Distributed Bason, 2007) Design Assistant Bryant Arnold et al. A Function-Based (Bryant-Arnold, Stone et Component al., 2007) Ontology For Systems Design DOLCE AsD OntoRFB EDIT DO Gellish English DiDeas II FB Ontology Description Type of Ontology ontology language Domain Non-formal ontology of ontology objects in the Hozo FBRL language Upper-level ontology OWL Task ontology Domain ontology Domain ontology Domain ontology Task ontology Domain ontology Domain ontology OWL/SWRL OWL OWL OWL OWL OWL OWL Table 2: Ontologies in the domain of engineering design. As one of the principal ontologies of the Semantic Web, DOLCE provides a common reference framework for ontologies in order to facilitate sharing of information among them. In its representation, DOLCE aims at capturing ontological categories underlying natural language and human common-sense (Masolo, Borgo et al., 2003). 285 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering Gero, who improved his former study of FBS representation, establishes the basis for the computational modelling of process to support the design process based on the FBS representation (Gero and Kannengiesser, 2002; Gero and Kannengiesser, 2004). He also developed the term “FBS Ontology” to refer to his model. Engineering Design Integrated Taxonomy (EDIT) (Ahmed 2006) consists of several taxonomies and their relations. As the integrated taxonomy is populated with instances, the relationships between concepts (or multiple concepts) are captured and the ontology emerges. EDIT ontology was developed for the purpose of indexing, searching and retrieving design knowledge (Ahmed, 2006). The DO (Design Ontology) is related to the before mentioned work (Ahmed and Storga 2007). Storga et al. (Storga, Andreasen et al., 2005) created the DO as a potential formal description of the shared engineering knowledge in design domain. Along these lines, Ahmed and DO (Ahmed and Storga, 2007) created a comparison between both, where the DO is described as ontology conceived to describe design as a product. On the other hand, the EDIT was established design as an activity, incorporating the process as well as the product. Eventually, several works of special relevance are pointed out. The first is based in a exhaustive study of the different design theories, where Garbacz (Garbacz, 2006) shows OntoRFB, a taxonomy of artifact functions, based in DOLCE and RFB and analyzed from a perspective of philosophical logic. On the other hand, AsD ontology (Kim, Manley et al., 2006) is the one which uses OWL as well as SWRL applied to the field of manufacturing. Finally, applied to the industrial field, the ontology developed by Kitamura et al. (Kitamura, Washio et al., 2006) is the only one that manages to develop a domain ontology and apply it to a practical example by means of the SOFAST® program. 4. Discussion Through the ontology discussion, a set of improvements in the developed works can be observed in order to achieve a better application of ontologies to the industrial field. In FBS framework, the first possible improvement comes from the existence of two different approaches differentiated in its first definition. This situation has allowed advances in the researches carried out in this field and also allows a great margin of progress. Specifically, the concept of behaviour could be studied in depth in the approach related to the functional modelling in order to achieve some efficient links between those structures whose behaviour is necessary to relate to the functional area (Vermaas and Dorst, 2007). This progress would allow a stable conceptual scheme since it boosts the connexion with the definition of the function, behaviour and structure areas (Chandrasekaran, 2005; Borgo, Carrara et al., 2006; Vermaas and Dorst, 2007) As known solutions in this field and due to the great interest which is being developed in ontologies, several authors, who come from the branch of philosophy, are planning formal schemes with the aim of proposing solutions. Those works provide a new point of view since their studies are based in logical formalism (Garbacz, 2004; Borgo, Carrara et al., 2006; Garbacz, 2006; Van Rennsen, Vermaas et al., 2007; Vermaas and Dorst, 2007). This possibility of improvement increases even more when an ontology is set out, based in FBS framework. As it has been pointed out, the definition of an ontology involves the conciseness and explicitness of all the selected knowledge, which a precise formalization implies. The mentioned formalization constitutes a task where a lot of work lies ahead. Its consecution would allow the optimization of the industrial design process since all the knowledge about a product would be available. This fact would suppose a considerable reduction of time and costs(Ahmed, 2006; Vermaas and Dorst, 2007). One example is the work of Kitamura (Kitamura, Washio et 286 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering al., 2006), who could apply his complex model in a production chain of a Japanese company with great success. Other element that has allowed the advance of the application of the ontologies in the field of engineering design, has been the progressive adoption of the definition of ontology considered nowadays in computer science (Storga, Andreasen et al., 2005; Garbacz, 2006; Ahmed and Storga, 2007; Liu and Bason, 2007; Van Rennsen, Vermaas et al., 2007; Vermaas and Dorst, 2007). It has to be considered that some years ago, Gero coined the term "FBS Ontology" in order to refer to his model (Gero and Kannengiesser, 2004), without developing a taxonomy based in that. There is criteria unification in the level of representation of ontologies because the majority of ontologies developed in this field (Table 2) make use of OWL language. This standard language allows for the use of logic which allows the inference of new knowledge by means of queries based on reasoning (Antoniou, Bikakis et al., 2008). However, only the AsD ontology (Kim, Manley et al., 2006) makes use of this application to the area of manufacturing, and is also the only one to link the results of the ontology with a CAD program. In conclusion, in a short-term the field of ontologies applied to engineering design could be considered with great possibilities of progress and capacity of application in the industrial field. The increase of applications based in ontologies related to FBS framework, practical examples in industry (Vermaas and Dorst, 2007), a better homogeneity or depth of the abilities of an ontology are aspects which would allow the success (Cebrian-Tarrason, Lopez-Montero et al., 2008). 5. Conclusion This work has been presented with the aim of showing some means in order to incentive the industrial application of the ontologies developed in the field of engineering design. This study analyses several existing schemas around FBS framework as well as ontologies based in that mentioned framework. The study of FBS framework shows the great advance achieved in the investigations carried out in this field although an improvement in the connection in the definition of the sections of function, behaviour and structure. Respect to the methodologies in the field of engineering design, the inference of new knowledge is observed as the great advantage of the application of the ontologies. Other remarkable fact in this analysis is the great possibility of expansion of ontologies in the field of engineering design, waiting a great peak in its application in the industrial level of this technology in next future. The achieved results of this study establish the basis for the building of an ontology which could combine advantages of the researches discussed previously. With that aim, OntoFaBeS (Cebrian-Tarrason, Lopez-Montero et al., 2008), is being developed for its application to the industrial level. In next researches is expected to develop OntoFaBeS through other areas of engineering design as environment field (Garraín, Vidal et al., 2007), evaluation criteria (Justel, Vidal et al., 2007) or creative techniques (Chulvi and Vidal, 2007). 287 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering References Ahmed S. and Wallace K., 2004. Reusing design knowledge, 14th CIRP Desing Seminar, Cairo. Ahmed S.,2006. 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Acknowledgements The authors are greatly appreciative of the funding provided by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (project DPI2006-15570-C02-01, with FEDER funds). They would also like to thank the rest of the Engineering Design Group (GID) at the University Jaume I in Castellón (Spain) for their support. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): David Cebrián Tarrasón GID – Engineering Design Group. Dept Mechanical Engineering & Construction, Jaume I University . Av. Sos Baynat, s/n. E-12071 Castellón. Tel. +34964729252 Fax +34964728106 e-mail: [email protected] URL: Rosario Vidal Nadal GID – Engineering Design Group. Dept Mechanical Engineering & Construction, Jaume I University . 291 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT BASED LEARNING TECHNIQUES BY THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Mesa, J. M. Villanueva, J. Rodríguez, V. Rodríguez, F. University of Oviedo Abstract The Project Engineering Area of the University of Oviedo uses, in order to obtain an important part of its learning objectives, the development of practice projects by groups of students. This technique is called Project Based Learning (PBL). From the learning point of view, the objective of this technique is to promote the teamwork and to stimulate the realization and evaluation of technical judgment on projects related with every technical discipline. In this paper, a project of educational innovation sponsored by the University of Oviedo and developed during the period 2007-2008. Such Project aims to provide the students with the necessary tools to develop those activities through the use of information technologies and it is structured in two main blocks: firstly a set of tools for the complete management of Project teams has been customized and secondly a virtual library for the use of the students with previous Project examples was designed and installed. Keywords: Project Based Learning (PBL), Information Technology (IT), Innovation in education 1. Introduction This paper describes de development of a project approved on the 7th Call for Innovation Projects (2007-2008) summoned by the Vice Chancellorship for Quality, Planning and Innovation of Oviedo University. The Oviedo University Project Engineering Area uses group-based learning techniques for the practices of the Project Management subject following the Project Based Learning methodology (PBL) (De Graaff, 2003), to achieve a very significant part of the learning objectives of the practicum for the subject on Project Management. The Practicum Projects aim to reflect as close as possible the professional work of the students, with special encouragement to team–based work, analysis and discussion. Therefore, both internal coordination and work planning are essential for success. Individually speaking, the development of the project means taking responsibilities which affect directly on the work of every group, on searching information and finding of solutions (Palmer, 2003; Pulko, 2003). 292 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering Students spend much of their working time on searching, managing and sharing a great amount of information and documentation within each group (Mesa, 2007). This work also requires the use of a series of tools for its internal management, so as to document decisionmaking, assign duties and responsibilities, and to control the development of the project. Before this project was developed, communication among group-members was mainly via email, which resulted in difficulties with websites and sending files. To avoid this, students would create internet groups in websites such as Google or Yahoo. However, these sites do not meet the specific requirements to develop a practicum project, since they are space-limited. This issue among others makes monitoring difficult for the tutor. On the other hand, the use of former practicum projects in paper format as reference for current students faces some problems: • It is not available any time required for students. It is therefore subjected to a restricted schedule. • It gets damaged gradually, resulting in untidiness or even loss of documents. • It demands a great storage capacity. • It requires periodical updating and management to keep the standards. • It makes it difficult to be checked for corrections or comments by the academic staff. 2. Objectives Facing the above mentioned difficulties, the purpose of this Learning Innovation Project was to provide the students with the necessary tools they may need to perform these activities by using Information Technologies (IT). As well as the working environment in real engineering companies has implemented the use of new tools and working methods, the teaching staff must also be adapted to the possibilities that the Information Technologies can offer. It dealt with developing an environment adapted to the use of methodology of the Project Based Learning and to the specific competence and professional skills demanded for the Project Engineering Area subject included in the project. Therefore, the objectives are as follows: • To provide each group with a web site for managing, storing and sharing files. Learning how to manage this tool is a goal for this subject, since it will be essential for success in their future professional careers. • To improve coordination and communication within groups out of monitoring meetings, providing communication tools such as forums and chats. This allows exchanging any kind of information or opinion among students and teachers, thus improving collaboration in the learning experience. • To contribute with a virtual tutorial tool for teachers; this allows the groups to make the most of doubts or clarifications made by teachers. • To serve as a tool to develop evaluation criteria and personal tutor sessions. It provides information on the performed activities and implication of each student in the group. • A more efficient management of groups in terms of access, grants, modifications, notices, etc. 293 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering • A tool restricted to the teacher staff, which allows them the assessment of practice groups. Both the tutor and the examining board will enter their assessments as well as their personal comments on presentation and documentation. As regards the consulting material, it is suggested: • To develop a Virtual Library to store all Practicum Projects performed in the previous years. Such information, once evaluated and checked, will be available for future students as on-line consulting material to access during practices. This information should be available under student registration and log-in. It is also essential that the uploaded documents would be protected against editing. • The compilation of rules, regulations, journals, specific bibliography, price tables and similar documents, as well as links to different useful web pages. Added and updated contents available every year. 3. Methodology and development The first basic requirement of the project is the data-processing equipment and corresponding software. The Learning Innovation Project is structured into two major parts. Firstly, a set of tools for the Project Groups Management and secondly, a series of utilities based upon the development of a Virtual Library for this subject. Regarding the software selection, there is plenty of teaching experiences using Educational Platforms such as WebCT (Manning, 2004) o Moodle (Moreno, 2007) to improve the teaching quality in Higher Education. However, in this particular case, a specific tool for Project Management was chosen (Microsoft Sharepoint), so as to favour the approaching to a real professional working environment. Such a tool is normally used by companies to manage their engineering projects; therefore students must learn how to use it properly in order to pass the subject. That is the reason why it is important not to customize the system just as an educational tool, but also as a professional one. This software allows companies to build a web portal which enables different users (students in this case) to interact with each other and create work groups. At the same time, it brings the opportunity to create work groups in their own internet portal, allowing them to manage and control all information available on the site. Besides, SharePoint tool allows users to work with Microsoft Office Applications and web explorers to create, manage and share information among the members of an organization. Therefore, this tool fulfils the necessary requirements besides being the best integrated with Microsoft Office Programs, which is the most popular software used to create project documents. Afterwards, Microsoft Sharepoint Tools were customized and adapted to the project requirements. After a trial period of its functionalities, the system was eventually adapted to the development of Projects Subject on Industrial Engineering. A Users Guide for students was also developed, handed along with the Practice Guide at the beginning of the term, so as to provide the students with all the necessary information and guidelines to help them make a proper use of this application. This guide is also available in digital form to help immediate access online. Detailed below is the teaching material developed in this project: The User Guide was first developed. It covered the following points: 294 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering Learning objectives agreed for this practice. Meetings and deliverables schedule. Practice methodology and dynamics Evaluation criteria Available resources A website model was developed to be reproduced by each practice group. Each group was provided with the following elements online after validation: • Documentation area – Shared documents: stores useful external documents – Final documentation: stores the final documents for the project. – Internal management: records the minutes and other internal documents – Temporary documents: stores documents made by the students of the practice group. • Listing area – Schedule: to arrange meetings and to manage dates for documents and presentations. – Project planning: project implementation planning. – Contact information: stores contact details (phone number, email) of each group member. – • Web links: gathers web addresses useful for the project development. Discussion area: – Group discussion: for internal group discussing and decision-making – Tutor Query: doubts and questions for group tutors. Illustration 1 shows the developed work environment: 295 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering Figure 1: Web Site for the Industrial Engineering Practicum. Taking into account the availability of the Visual Library from every Microsoft Sharepoint environment, it is expected to grow and develop for the academic years to follow until it is completed and filled with the following parts currently established: • Common errors: where the most frequent mistakes are included, taken from practice project documentation. • Legislation and regulation: it compiles norms and regulation sorting them by sector and coverage. • Example documents: it gathers different real project documents to be used by students as practice reference. • Links: links to some useful web pages for the development of the project. • FAQ: frequently asked questions As indicated, new sections and contents will be added periodically depending on necessities. Illustration 2 shows. 296 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering Figure 2: Virtual Library. The use of this application as working environment in the first term of the course has been positive, especially the use of some of its tools. Both Documentation Area and Discussion Groups have been generally in use; the latter was used for internal coordination as well as for making any queries to the tutors. Among the least used tools, were the internal planning and schedule tools. It is here where future attention should be paid to improve its use. 4. Conclusions The academic team involved in this teaching innovation project considers the application of these developed tools to be a remarkable improvement in the quality of teaching Projects Subject. It is also properly integrated in the use of the methodology of Based on Project Learning. Finally, some relevant conclusions are detailed below: • The implementation of Information Technologies encourages team work and helps internal coordination among students. • It provides a virtual tutorial tool where questions get registered to be consulted afterwards by fellow group students. • Apart from providing monitoring through weekly meetings, the web platform provides the teacher with relevant information about the students’ virtual work. • Though most of the students were generally positive about the use of the web platform for the practices, some of them were reluctant about the uploading of internal work group documents. Finally, it is essential to remark the achievement of all the main objectives of the subject practices, emphasizing the performance of some remarkable final projects from some of the groups. 297 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering References De Graaff E. and Kolmos A., 2003. Characteristics of problem-based learning, International Journal of Engineering Education, 19, pp. 657 - 662 Manning, C. K., 2004. Web CT discussions in problem based learning (PBL): analysis of use by representative groups in an introductory food science course, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 104, Supplement 2, 40-341. Mesa J. M., Ortega F., Villanueva J., Álvarez V., 2007. Aplicación de la metodología PBL a la enseñanza de la dirección de proyectos de ingeniería, 1ª Jornada Internacional UPM sobre Innovación Educativa y Convergencia Europea Moreno, L., Gonzalez, C., Castilla, I., Gonzalez, E., and Sigut, J., 2007. Applying a constructivist and collaborative methodological approach in engineering education, Computers & Education, 49, 3, 891-915. Palmer S. R., 2003. Framework for undergraduate engineering management studies, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 129, pp. 92 – 99. Pulko S. H. and Parikh S., 2003. Teaching 'soft' skills to engineers, International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 40, pp. 243 - 254 Correspondence (for further information, please contact): José Manuel Mesa Fernández University of Oviedo, Project Engineering Area. C/ Independencia, 13, 33004 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain Phone: +34 985 10 42 72 Fax: +34 985 10 42 56 E-mail: [email protected] URL: 298 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering TECHNIQUES OF REMOTE DETECTION IN PRECISION VITICULTURE Beltrán, P. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Montesinos, S. Geosys S.L. Abstract Since 1999 several commercial satellites capable of taking very high resolution images, have had the capacity to obtain information about any object on the earth's surface larger than 60 cm. Such satellites orbit the Earth and supply customized information (the user chooses how, when and where the satellite acquires the image). The satellite images record the interaction between vineyards by means of the electromagnetic radiation of the visible and near-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. These interactions are directly related to the greenness of the plants, the photosynthetic activity rate and the biomass of the plant. Information from satellite images can be immediately used to improve vineyard management because it allows us: i) To assess the current variability of exploitation during critical periods of vegetative growth, and ii) To establish areas with homogeneous characteristics in their exploitation Information obtained before harvesting allows improved planning of the work and a more selective way of carrying out the process. An integrated analysis, using data from the plant-climate-soil sensors and information from satellite images, provides continuous spatial-temporal information for agricultural management aiming to achieve greater homogeneity of the area under cultivation. Keywords: Precision growing viticulture, teledetection, remote sensors, plant-climate-soil sensors 1. Introduction The vine growing and wine making industry has experienced substantial growth since the 1990s. The wine producing countries of the New World (Australia, the United States, South Africa, Chile and New Zealand) have undergone great change, increasing their yield and aligning production towards international markets. As a consequence, the sector becomes every day more competitive (figure 1). By practising precision viticulture, countries such as Australia, Chile and the United States have 299 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering achieved significant improvement in the quality of their wines and also sustained very competitive levels of productivity. Such an approach regards the variation within a vineyard as being the result of factors intrinsic to the place of production, such as climate, topography and the nature of the soil, plus extrinsic factors like irrigation, fertilization and other agricultural practices. Traditional vine growing methods are uniform over a single area and do not take into account the variability in factors that impinge upon production. The process is not maximally efficient since different areas are treated in the same manner, leading to economic and environmental losses. The principal economic impact of precision viticulture is an increase in the quantity of premium quality wine and a reduction in production costs. USA Italy France Spain Australia Chile South Africa New Zealand Germany Portugal Hungary Bulgary Competitivity Aggressivity Figure 1: Illustration of world wine production (Montesinos y Quintanilla, 2006). Australia and California (USA) have been pioneers in the application of precision viticulture, each adopting a different approach. In California, the emphasis has been upon remote sensors, or what amounts to the same thing: obtaining multispectral images of the vines from satellites and planes (Johnson et al. 1996 and Nemani et al. 2001). In Australia, where the wine industry is highly mechanised, data is collected via GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) receivers, installed on the combine-harvesters themselves (Bramley, 2000). In Spain, we have been advocating since 2004 a methodology based upon the integrated use of remote sensors and plant-climate-soil sensors (Montesinos et al., 2006 and Álvarez et al. 2006). While the latter give us continuous data about a single plant, remote sensors provide multispectral data about all the plants in an operation. Their continuous flow of spatial-temporal information is recorded digitally, thus allowing it to be analysed via GIS (Geographical Information System). 300 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering 2. What is Teledetection? Teledetection is the capacity to acquíre information by analysing the electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted from the earth's surface by an object. The human eye is a sensor that picks up electromagnetic radiation in a person's field of vision. However, the eye cannot detect infrared reflection - the very area of the spectrum where vegetation has maximum reflection, determined by a crop's dominant features and its vegetative growth rate (Figures 2 and 3). Multispectral sensors mounted on satellites and planes can detect such infrared reflection and allow us to “see” features of the vegetation that are invisible to the human eye. Figure 2: Physical principles of teledetection. The sun is a source of energy that emits radiation all along the spectrum. This radiation passes through the atmosphere via so-called “atmospheric windows” and interacts with objects on the earth's surface. Suitable sensors can pick up this radiation and convert it into a digital image. Figure 3: Reflectance spectra of the principal elements that cover the earth's surface. The spectral response of vegetation is more significant in the infrared region than in the visible range. These sensors codify radiation in the form of multispectral images that can be geo-referenced (in suitable form for cartographic presentation) and also analysed by computer programs that 301 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering allow us to extract the information they hold. The images record the interaction of the vines with electromagnetic radiation in both the visible and near-infrared areas of the spectrum. Such interactions correspond to the greenness of the plants, their rate of photosynthetic activity and their overall biomass. There is a direct relationship between the Vegetation Indexes revealed by multispectral images and the Leaf Area Index (LAI) estimated in the field. These Vegetation Indexes are used to categorise the vines into homogeneous areas according to the lushness of their growth. It has been demonstrated that such categorisation is of great value in maximising the production of quality wines. Recent studies in France, undertaken by the ICV (Institut Coopératif du Vin Vallée du Rhône) and Cemagref have demonstrated that there is a direct correlation between the readings of the Vegetation Indexes extrapolated from an image and the quality of the grape juice. 3. Methodology Beginning in 1999, several satellites capable of taking very high resolution images have been launched, each one capable of obtaining information from any object on the earth's surface larger than 60cm. These satellites are constantly orbiting the earth and are able to record images of anywhere on its surface. Compared to other sources of data such as orthophotos (as produced by SIGPAC and PNOA), satellite images afford a more personal form of information gathering where the user selects how, when and from where the satellite should record the image. Images are taken during the ripening stage, when the foliage is fully developed, and at a critical moment for obtaining high quality fruit. As we have seen, the images record the interaction of the vine with electromagnetic radiation in both the visible and near-infrared areas of the electromagnetic spectrum. Using this data and applying arithmetical calculations that combine the spectral response of the plant in these areas of the spectrum, one can calculate the Vegetation Indexes. There is a direct correlation between the Vegetation Indexes obtained from a combination of the red and near-infrared bands, and the Leaf Area index (LAI), estimated in the field (Nemani et al. 2001). Vegetation Indexes are used to categorise the vines into homogeneous areas according to the lushness of their growth. It has been demonstrated that such categorisation is of great value in maximising the production of quality wines (Johnson et al. 1996). Such information obtained in advance of the harvest allows the administrator to plan grape collection with greater precision and to undertake harvesting in a selective manner. Informed by the overall vision of the area provided by a satellite and aware of the varying degrees of grape ripeness, the farmer can implement a plan to reduce such variation. By employing suitable agricultural practices, it is possible to reduce variation within the farm so that the characteristics of the grapes in each plot are as similar as possible. This same process can be applied to plots planted with the same variety of vine. 302 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering Figure 4: The following figures show data generated from multispectral images: i) image of a vineyard in infrared, ii) chart of vine varieties by sector, iii) zoning of the cultivated area according to the greenness of the plants, their rate of photosynthetic activity and vegetational mass and iv) detail of zoning. An image enables us to obtain multispectral information about all the plants under cultivation in other words, continuous spatial information, even though this is limited to the moment when the image is taken. To show the vines' vegetative growth rate, it is useful to combine this continuous spatial information with the continuous temporal information provided by the plant-climate-soil sensors. The plant-climate-soil sensors continuously measure the humidity of the soil at various depths, the variation in thickness of the vines' trunks and also significant climatic variables. Our practical experience of viticulture means that we can characterise a variety by means of a carefully selected point of sampling (Álvarez et al. 2006), while multispectral images allow us to pinpoint representative points of sampling. An integrated analysis of data drawn from plant-climate-soil sensors and information from multispectral imaging allows its extrapolation to the whole of the farm and provides a useful tool for carrying out agricultural management practices which allow greater homogeneity of the cultivated area (figure 5). 303 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering 2005 2006 Figure 5: Monitoring the homogenising plan for the Merlot variety (2005-2006). In red, the position of the plantclimate-soil sensor. In the upper part, zoning based upon multispectral images taken in 2005 and 2006. In the lower part, graphs indicating precipitation (in green), irrigation (in blue), reserves of water in the soil (in black) and plant growth (in pink). With this simple example, figure 5 demonstrates the potential of such an integrated diagnostic methodology. The two images on the upper part of the figure show a pair of maps of the zoning applied to a plot over two consecutive years (2005 and 2006). Each colour represents the area of the plot where the vegetation has similar characteristics. The variation in colour indicates differences in vigour of growth and leaf cover of each zone, ranked from minor to major according to the gradation: pale yellow, yellow, ochre, green and dark green. Both images were taken in summer, at a time when variation in the state of the vegetation is at its maximum, thus allowing a direct comparison. In both instances, the colour distribution 304 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering permits the highlighting of zones with common characteristics within the plot and also an appreciation of the degree of difference between each. The red rectangle indicates the position of the plant-climate-soil sensor positioned on the plot; this collected data continuously during the 2005 and 2006 seasons. In the lower part of the figure, the graph represents the continuous recording of four variables during the 2005 and 2006 seasons. i) rainfall intensity (in green), ii) the degree of irrigation (in blue), iii) the percentage of useable water in the soil (in black) and iv) the thickness of the plant's stem (in pink). The graph plotting the degree of humidity in the soil shows the reserves of ground water between the boundaries (indicated by horizontal black lines) of Field Capacity and Withering Point. The evolution of the plant is represented (in magenta), calculated from the correlation between its growth rate and cumulative growth during the season. In this example, it is noticeable that both the satellite image and the graph representing the degree of stem growth indicate that in 2006 the vegetative growth was less than in 2005, a year when, according to the winery's technician, the quality of wine made from grapes grown in this area was at its best. It can be seen that the accumulated growth of the plant in 2005 was greater than in 2006. This is because during the most critical period for vegetative growth (June 2005) there were significant rains, which increased water reserves to more than 60% and continued until the end of June. However, in June 2006 water reserves were very low, resulting in slower leaf growth. In the light of this information, we can conclude that if irrigation had been carried out previously, this would have corrected the situation and improved the quality of the product. As can be observed from figure 3, all the data obtained by this integrated diagnostic method is automatically incorporated into a GIS (Geographical Information System), creating a data base of “experiences”. In this way we can attempt to replicate conditions obtaining in those years when best results are achieved in terms of quality and/or quantity. This Geographical Information System is a computing tool that allows us to store in a rapid, simple and user-friendly way all the data collected by the sensors (images, maps and graphics) in what is termed a geodatabase. It also performs all the functions required to recover, visualise and analyse the data, without our needing to be specialised technicians. 4. Conclusions Awareness of the variation within vines can lead to improvement in a business's profitability by allowing us to adopt preventative agricultural measures within homogeneous crop sectors. To know the variation within their vines, 40 wine producers in Spain are these days using diagnostic methods based upon the combined use of remote sensors and plant-climate-soil sensors. Such integrated diagnostic practices give a continuous spatial-temporal information flow for every variety present in our vineyard. This knowledge will allow us to identify and define the most productive zones for each variety and also to institute suitable agricultural practices for rendering the remainder of the plots more homogeneous. All data obtained by such a diagnostic method are automatically integrated into a GIS and 305 Area: Information and Communication Technologies and Software Engineering transformed into a database of “experiences” that can be replicated in subsequent years. References Álvarez, R.; Huete, J.; López, M.; Bea, M.; Fernández, L. and Montesinos, S., 2006. Integración de nuevos métodos de diagnóstico en la gestión de información agrícola para mejorar la rentabilidad y la sostenibilidad, ("Integration of new diagnostic practices in the management of agricultural information in order to enhance profit and sustainability”). Fruticultura profesional, no. 161: 81-87.4 Bramley, R., 2000. Measuring within vineyard variability in yield and quality attributes. Vineyard monitoring and management beyond 2000. Wagga Wagga: 8-14 Montesinos, S. and Quintanilla, A., 2006. BACCHUS: Methodological Approach for Vineyard Inventory and Management. European Commission. DG Research. RTD Action: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development. Murcia.190 pp.ISBN: 84-611-0107-3. Montesinos, S.; Fernández, L.; Bea, M.; Martínez, A.; Erena, M.; Francisco, J.; García, P.; González, F. and López, J.A., 2006. BACCHUS: Una herramienta para mejorar el inventario y la gestión de la viña ("BACCHUS: A tool for improving inventory keeping and vineyard management"). V Foro Mundial de la Viña (5th World Vine Forum). Logroño. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Pedro Beltrán Medina Director Cátedra de la Viña y del Vino Escuela Técnica Superior del Medio Rural y Enología. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 21. 46010 Valencia. Teléfono 963 87 71 44. Fax: 963 87 71 49 Email: [email protected] Página web: 306 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects TOPIC AREA: RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION PROJECTS 307 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects THE EUROPEAN REGIONAL POLICY, KEYS FOR THE SUCCESS: ANALYSIS OF THE SPANISH EXPERIENCE Regalado, J. Colegio de Postgraduados Díaz-Puente, J. M. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Figueroa, B. Colegio de Postgraduados Abstract The regional policy of the European Union (EU) in order to reduce inequalities deal with the a set of basic elements: the need of regional policy, the presence of an institutional model and the participation of regions, a set of operating principles, a development objectives with territorial orientation and financial instruments for regional development. The present paper examines the result of this policy and its various elements in Spain. The methodology consisted of the review of variables and findings documented in various studies, monitoring of a set of indicators, which affect the structural funds. It concluded that the financial instruments have been emphasized in particular on the creation of infrastructure and human capital formation; have an impact on national convergence with the EU, but on the regional convergence has been lower. Success is more on improvement institutional, linked to the Regional Development, from the point view of programme management and coordination between national and regional plans, improved institutional evaluation, which has strengthened by public investment. Keywords: European Union, Structural Funds, Regional Development, Convergence 1. Introduction The evolution of the regional question in the historic construction of the European Union (EU) is divided in four general action lines (Yagüe,2007): 1)the lacking of a explicit regional orientation from 1950 to 1974, 2) the creation of FEDER and the foundations of a community regional policy (1975-1985), 3) the consolidation of a community regional policy (1986-1999), which coincides with the first reform of the Structural Funds, and 4) the definition of a regional policy searching for a stronger economic and social cohesion for those less favored regions (20002006) and (2007-20013). The E.U. in a progressive way was creating the Structural Funds at the same time that the economic and social cohesion, and regional integration objective was established. These funds have as central purpose elaborating regional, agrarian, and labor structural reforms. These structural funds have been the European Fund of Regional Development (FEDER), created in 1975, the European Fund of Orientation and Agrarian Guaranty – 309 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects Orientation Section (FEOGA-Orientation), constituted in 1962 and 1964; the European Social Fund (FSE); and after the last reform in 1993 –a fourth fund was created, the Fishing Orienting Financial Instrument (IFOP). The cohesion fund appeared from the signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1994. The centrality of the Structural Funds in the model of application, management, and cohesion of the UE regional policy allows addressing questions related to Spain. Related subjects to intervention areas, contribution to the regional and national convergence, and the institutional learning derived from the principles of application and management of the Structural Funds. Documenting these changes, is the central objective of this paper. The research is based on diverse studies about the effects of the regional policy in Spain. Specifically in some autonomous communities the impact of infrastructure and the building of human capital is analyzed. These variables are treated from the perspective of a dataset of indicators contained in the National Strategic Program of Reference 2007-2013. 2. Application and management model of the Structural Funds 2.1 Application and management principles The application and management of the principles among the member States is based on the results from the first reform of the Structural Funds, which produced four principles: concentration, cooperation, programming, and additionality. In later reforms due to the EU needs other principles were added. This days twelve principles are documented including the first four already mentioned: A) Solidarity, B) Subsidiarity, C) Association (also called cooperation and partnership), D) Co-financing, E) Complementarily and coherence, F) Additionality, G) Concentration, H) Programming, I) Monitoring and evaluation, J) Efficacy, and K) Equality and sustainable development. 3. Impact of the EU regional policy in Spain 3.1 Financial resources allocation As a first outcome of the systematized process financial support was granted to Spain as a consequence of a shared responsibility among the playing parts: European Commission, member State, regional and local governments. Financial 1986-1988 1989-1993 1994-1999 2000-2006 2007-2013 Structural Funds ------ ------- 41.080 49.569 28.207 Cohesion Funds ------ ------ 9.574 12.322 3.250 4.822 18.707 50.654 61.890 31.457 Instruments Total Table 1.Resources granted to Spain from 1986 to 2013 (millions of Euros, 2004). 310 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects 3.2 Prioritary lines of intervention The incoming financial resources from the Structural Funds are addressed to infrastructure improvement (transportation and communications). An important aspect is the investment in human capital building. In the 2007-2013 period once again human capital building and physical infrastructure investments are outstanding. Environment preservation and equality in opportunities among others are also included. (Sánchez, 2004. (Inforegio, 2007). Addressing financial resources from the Structural Funds in these areas generates results in the regional and national convergence and in the institutional learning as well. These aspects are described below as impact areas of the regional policy. 3.3 Results in infrastructure and human capital The community regional policy through investments in infrastructure and human capital building enables the regions to attract more investments (Drap and Herce, 1999). This allows the EU to be more competitive in both, production and distribution of goods and services. This is the case for the transportation infrastructure and especially to the Great Capacity Network, which includes toll-highways, freeways, railways, and double-way roads. This network shows an outstanding growth since 1983 from 314 Km to 25.415 Km in 2005. 30500 Longitude ( Km) 25500 20500 15500 10500 5500 500 1983 1993 2000 2005 Years Figure1. Evolution of the Great Capacity Network in Spain 1983-2005. In a study about the strategic role played by roads explains such growth from the Great Capacity Network analysis (Delgado, 2003). This study emphasizes that the elements related to this growth are: 1) the establishment of General Plans of Roads from 1984 to 1991 and the Infrastructure Director Plan 1993-2007, 2) the Autonomous Communities participation, and 3) the incorporation of Spain to the European Community. This confluence of efforts makes Spain to have in 2007 163.000 Km of toll and free roads, railways, double-way and conventional roads. From this amount 24.415 Km are State roads, 70.755 correspond to the Autonomous Communities, and 69.476 to the provincial deputies. It is clear the role played by the provision of transportation infrastructure for regional development, which includes energetic and sanitation infrastructure. Since 2000-2006 the monitoring of some indicators was established. About the final use of energy consumption in Spain there are some variations. The use of petroleum and coal tends to decrease among the population, 4.4% in 1998, 4.0% in 2002, and a provision of 3.6% in 2006 confirms this trend. A similar scenario is observed in the final consumption of petroleum: 66.5% in 1997, 62% in 2002, and 16.6% projected for 2006. These kinds of advancements are reinforced by the program of Savings and Energy Efficiency in Spain 2004-2012. In this context it is very important the 311 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects electricity produced from removable sources, in which Spain shows significant advancements being the European leader in wind-power production. During 1997, 2002, and 2006 Spain has increased its production in Gwh/year; 26.246, 37.121 and 43.320. About sanitation infrastructure the national government makes efforts in order to provide these physical assets to the regions. The results show that this kind of infrastructure has been increased during the period from 1998 to 2006. For example, the increase in number of hospitals is one indicator of this. 1998 there were 394 hospitals, 406 in 2006, and for 2006 the number was projected in 413. This growth in the number of hospitals also increases the number of hospital per 100.000 inhabitants, and the number of physicians per 1.000 inhabitants. However, the indicator number of beds in hospitals per 1.000 inhabitants shows a decrease for the projection in 2010, which later is increased by 2012. These results represent the total engineering projects funded with resources from the Structural Funds addressed to infrastructure development in transportation, energy, and social services. In rural development, mainly in agro-food and livestock industries, engineering projects also have been developed. In the period 2007-2013 the European Fund of Regional Development (FEDER) is proposing to apply financial resources for projects related to: 1) Transportation and energy infrastructure (highways, railways, railroads, and airports) and 2) Development of removable energy distribution and energy saving networks. Education is an investment in human capital that renders benefits later. In this matter Spain has made important efforts in order to improve the schooling level of the population (De la Fuente A y Doménech R, 2006). In 1960 about 10% of the population was illiterate, and most of the population only had primary school. By 2001 the illiteracy was dropped below to 3% mainly among the elderly. This increase in human capital provision has been more intense during the 1980s. During this period, the proportion of people with primary education has decreased in contrast to those with secondary and university studies, which have been increased. 3.4 Convergence at national level The analysis of economic and social profitability of the Structural Funds shows convergence in profits per capita and social cohesion (Cordero, 2006). This study finds evidence in the contribution of financial resources from the Structural Funds with the implementation of the HERMIN model. Its results show that from the 9,2 percent points reduced in the difference between the Spanish rent and the European average rent between 1988 and 1999, 3.5 points are due to the effect from the structural help. This is more than one third of the reduction in the difference was due to the application of structural resources provided from the community budget. In the same line to demonstrate the impact of the European regional development model through the Structural Funds management and implementation in Spain, it is demonstrated that the Structural Funds have significantly contributed to the growth of the poorer counties. This study used an econometric model composed by three components (a value-added function, an employment equation, and one private investment function) and estimates that the structural policies or community cohesion have been worked very well in the Spanish case (De la Fuente, 2003). Another study makes a balance in the integration of Spain with the EU and is analyzed from three variables (Jordan, 2003), the economic growth, the growth in the employment and in the labor productivity. The results show that the real GNP is variable with periods showing increases and others not. About the employment rate, the data show that there is an increase compared to the 15 European states. While Spain in the period of 1985-1990 the growing rate 312 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects was 3.3% in the 15 states of the EU was 1.4%. In the period of 1995-2000 Spain grew 2.7% in contrast to the EU, which grew 1.2%. From the analysis of the regional development policy impact a positive effect in the rents convergence is observed. This situation is confirmed in Spain with some variations among the Spanish Autonomous Communities (Lazaro, 2004). The Spain’s GDP per capita in purchasing power parity has been closed to the community average in the EU. This growth rate is of one point percent per year from 1986 to 2001. The Spanish GDP per capita in 1986 was equivalent to 70% of the community average, and in 2001 to 84%. These data indicates that there is a convergence with the EU. However, this has not decreased internal regional unbalances in Spain, which on the contrary have increased. This situation is called by the author as the paradox of the divergent (to inside) convergence (to outside). 3.5 Convergence at regional level A study was conducted to know the Structural Funds in the incidence of Spanish regional cohesion. The justification was that previous studies in the Spanish regions considered variables related to the regional rents to know the convergence levels but not socioeconomic characteristics, which in this case were the core of the analysis. In order to know the incidence factor, this study utilized the strategic factors grouping methodology that means a grouping by cluster in order to group the Autonomous Communities by conglomerates. As a final reflection, the study regards that inside the Autonomous Communities from 1990 to 2000 significant territorial inequalities still persist in the milieu of the socioeconomic variables. The big number of clusters and the fact that some territories consolidate their divergence related to the less favored Autonomous Communities confirms this trend. This means that the territorial distribution of the Structural Funds has not increased significantly the Autonomous Communities cohesion level (Torres and Salas, 1998). With the same purpose of knowing how much the Spanish regions converge, but using other variables and without mentioning the regional policy effects (Cuadrado, 1998), other variables are considered such as general unemployment rate and observed trend, evolution of labor productivity, and value added per capita. The more general conclusion from this study is that the convergence in the Spanish regions is not being achieved. This fact is demonstrated when the economic disparities measured in Gross Value Added –productive effort made by each sector among the Spanish regions during the period 1983-1995-, remain staged. An extensive descriptive study of the Spanish regional policy and its impact retakes the financial issue (Perez and Rowland, 2004). The efficiency of regional concessions is analyzed and evaluated, not only those from the Spanish government but also those granted by the European Community. Firstly, the study documents that the Europe’s regional assistance received by Spain in terms of resources, was in most of the cases much bigger than that received from the Spanish government, which is an example of the importance of the role played by the European Community (and later the EU) in the Spanish regions development. In the context of addressing financial resources the initial hypothesis is that the wellbeing of the poorest regions is improved compared to the rich regions only when the regional policy is effective. If, on the other side, the relative wellbeing of the poorest regions has not improved, the transferences program is not effective and the regional policy has failed. Using a measure of wealth it was tried to know how the regions responded to the donations from the Spanish government through the Inter-territory Compensation Fund (FCI) and those from the European Community. The results suggests that these programs have not significantly affected the poorest regions, therefore the regional policy has not been effective. 313 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects However, other authors argue in their studies the incidence of the Structural Funds at regional level. The analysis about the correcting policy of regional disequilibrium in Spain concludes that the structural policies on economic and social cohesion during 1989-1999, have signified a major convergence among the Spanish Autonomous Communities, from the investment in the provision of basic infrastructure, labor qualification, and improvement in the productive environment (Farinos, 1999). In the same topic, other study is developed using two complementary methodologies (Ramon and Garcia, 2001). One is about conventional calculations of convergence, and the second deals with switching models. The results from the study highlight that the Funds influence the infrastructure and human capital levels that can obtain the receptive Autonomous Communities from the funds. The provision of these factors plays a positive role in the regional convergence of Spain and in the reduction of regional inequalities. As a consequence of the convergence, the Spanish citizens’ wellbeing increases. These results present a close relationship with the premise of the EU in terms of the strategy to advance towards the regional convergence through infrastructure provision and human capital building. In general, these studies deal with the impact of the regional policy in Spain from the Structural Funds perspective, arguing with pros and cons about the role of the Funds in the convergence. In what they agree is that such incidence has been more at country level than at the regional domain. In a dataset from 1986 to 2006 the process of convergence in the Spanish regions in contrast to the EU is shown. 160 140 U E = 15 120 100 GDP 1986 80 GDP 1996 60 GDP 2006 40 20 Ca st Ex tr e m a An d u r d a il la alu cí la a M an ch Ca G a a st il la li ci a y Le Ca ó nt n ab ri M a ur c C a ia na r As ia s t u Va r l e ias nc ia, Ar C . ag C a ón ta lu R i ña oj a, N a La va rr a M Pa adr id ís Va B a sc o le ar es 0 Autonomous communities Figure 2. Regional convergence in contrast to the EU=15 1996-2006. This data show an increase in the GNP per capita in the Autonomous Communities since the incorporation of Spain to the EU. This shows that if Spain grows, the regions grow in the same way. This growing relationship is explained through evidence confirming the hypothesis about the progressive closeness on such relationship found by other studies in 1995. This demonstrates that the Spanish growth is linked to the community growth (Cuadrado, 1995). This trend is confirmed when territorial inequalities are analyzed into the Spanish State. A study makes a balance of the GNP per capita from 1955 to 1995. The main conclusion is that territorial inequality, measured in terms of rent per inhabitant, decreased from1955 to 1980, and later a stagnation has taken place or a slight divergence has been observed. In this fashion, the final tradeoff is a process of convergence among the different regions (Delgado, 1999). 314 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects However, the presence of disequilibrium among the regions is still observed (Figure 2). Minimum and maximum percentages of the GNP per capita of the Autonomous Communities in contrast to the EU=15. In 1986 the minimum value of GNP per capita shown by the Autonomous Communities was 45%, which corresponded to Extremadura, and the maximum was 91% corresponding to Baleares. By 1996, Extremadura rises to 54%, and still was the minimum, while the maximum corresponded to the Community of Madrid. In 2006 Extremadura is again the minimum with 73% and the Pais Vasco showed the maximum. This relationship between the minimum and maximum values reflects a difference of 46% during 1986-1996, and 52% in 2006. These data not only confirm the presence of regional disequilibrium and the lack of convergence, they are also growing. This is the case of the Pais Vasco, Madrid, Navarra, and Cataluña, which outweigh both, the Spanish and the EU average. Others such as Extremadura, Andalucía, Galicia, and Castilla la Mancha increased their growth rate during the last 20 years; however, they still remain below the community average. Due this growth rate, these later communities are in the target for the convergence in the budget period 2007-2013. 3.6 Institutional learning Beyond the analysis of the macroeconomic factors of the regional community policy, this policy has had an important impact on the public administration (national, regional, and local). This was a result of the provision of a methodology which focuses on the improvement of resource management through the establishment and evaluation of programs. The main improvement in the application process of the Community Funds has been made on institutions linked to regional development. This improvement has been observed in better program management, better coordination between national and regional plans, and better program evaluation, which has reinforced the public investment. This analysis concludes that the financial provisions coming from the financial instruments of the regional policy and cohesion serve as catalysis. In addition, these resources contribute to mobilize national and regional policies and resources and to address them more properly to the EU objectives. This situation has changed the institutional structures in all levels to adequate them to the resources management. The incorporation of functioning principles and lines has been helpful in addressing general policies of the member states and those from those recently incorporated. The experience generate by the regional policy in Spain is that the resource mobilization is not enough, as is not effective by itself, if it is not accompanied by a set of basic principles that rule their application and management. The institutional learning of this experience is linked to resource management and institutional evaluation. These results are not isolated; they have their origin in the organizational processes in Spain before its incorporation to the European Communities. This is, its conformation in Autonomous Communities and the experience derived from the autonomic financing. In the organizational processes, but especially in the financing system, figured some of the application and management principles, which later appeared in the European model of regional policy: sufficiency of the granted resources, autonomy in the expenditures management, coordination, and solidarity. With this background and the principle of programming applied to the elaboration of national plans, Spain joined the EU. The institutional arrangement changed as a consequence of this merge, and it has been adjusting to the financial resources application and management model established by the EU. The incorporation of the management principles in the financial model of the regional policy has promoted the modernization of the public management in the country. It has transformed both, the management model and the understanding of public management. Therefore, one of the most outstanding effects of the European influence is the deep cultural transformation, mainly 315 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects in the introduction of the idea of the citizen as a client. In this process, the evaluation plays a fundamental role. This activity is included in the management and application principles of the Structural Funds since 1993. In Spain there was no culture in evaluation of results. Administrative and legal controls were the dominant methods. However, as a member State that manage resources from the Structural Funds, Spain had to adopt community programming norms and procedures, which require an ex-ante, intermediate, and ex-post evaluations of the operative programs and performing frameworks. In this sense, the European Commission contributed creating the evaluation Technical Teams, organized conferences, and published documents to guide the evaluation practice. From the Commission the different levels of evaluation were organized at local, regional, national, and community levels. A programming logic was designed in order to evaluate programs. The control, follow up and evaluation were articulated, and the different stages of the evaluation (ex-ante, intermediate, and ex-post); key aspects of evaluation were defined and recommendations were given on the most appropriate methods and techniques for evaluating programs financed by the Structural Funds. This expansion of the evaluation culture in Spain has as a result the creation of the Spanish Society of Public Policies Evaluation in 2001, and the creation of the State Agency of Public Policies and Service Quality in 2007. 4. Conclusions The objectives and intervention ground of the funds, territory criteria of application, main principles of application, financial resources, responsibility of the European Commission, the States, and other regional institutions, as well as the beneficiaries from the help, procedures for programming, procedures for administering, following up, evaluation and financial management constitute the model of the European regional policy. Studies indicate that the resources coming from the Structural Funds contribute to the convergence in Spain with the UE community average. While in the regions, even when an economic growth is perceived, the regional inequalities still persist. The convergence showed by the Spanish State regarding the EU, is linked to the incidence of the model to address financial resources coming from the Structural Funds in areas of infrastructure for transportation, telecommunications, energy, sanitation, human capital building, among other areas of expenses. The conclusions given by the studies indicate that the success factors of the model are more notable in the development of institutions linked to the regional development, improvements that go from program management, coordination between national and regional plans, a better institutional evaluation that has reinforced the public investment. References Cuadrado R. J. R., 1999. Divergencia regional versus convergencia de las disparidades regionales en España. EURE (Santiago), set, Vol. 24. No 72, pp. 5-31 Cuadrado R J. R., 1998. Convergencia regional en España: Hechos, tendencias y perspectivas. Vol. 8: Colección economía española. Cordero M. G., 2005 La rentabilidad económica y social de los Fondos Estructurales: experiencias y perspectivas. Presupuesto y gasto publico 39,pp. 151-172. 316 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects De la Fuente A., 2003 El impacto de los Fondos Estructurales: Convergencia y Cohesión interna. Revista de Economía Publica, Vol. 165, pp. 122-129 De la Fuente A y Doménech R., 2006. Capital humano, crecimiento y desigualdad en las regiones españolas. Instituto de Análisis Económico (CSIC), pp. 47 Delgado R. MA de J. y Álvarez, A. I., 2003. Efectos de la red viaria de gran capacidad sobre el desarrollo territorial de España. Economía Industrial No 353/ V, pp. 25-32 Delgado C. M y Sánchez F .J., 1999. Las desigualdades territoriales en el Estado español 1955-1995. EURE (Santiago), set, vol. 25 No 75, pp.41-62 Drap M. y Herce A., 1999 Infraestructura y crecimiento: un panorama, Revista de Economía Aplicada 6:, pp. 129-170 Inforegio., 2007. Marco Estratégico Nacional de Referencia 2007-2013 de España.pp. 227 Jordán G. M., 2002 La ampliación de la Unión Europea hacia el Este: repercusiones para España. Boletín Económico de ICE No 2733, pp. 9-17 Farinos D. J., 1999. La política correctora de desequilibrios regionales en España: efectos de la integración comunitaria. En cuadernos de geografía de la Universidad de Valencia, Num. 65/66, pp. 193-211 Jordán G. M., 2002. La ampliación de la Unión Europea hacia el Este: repercusiones para España. Boletín Económico de ICE No 2733, pp. 9-17 Lázaro A. L., 2004 Integración económica y cohesión: una visión española de la experiencia europea. Seminario sobre integración económica y social: lecciones aprendidas y perspectivas., pp. 85-98 Perez G. y Rowland V. P., 2004 Políticas económicas regionales: cuatro estudios de caso. Documentos de trabajo sobre economía regional No 47, pp. 58, Sánchez G. L., 2004 Integración económica y regionalismo: la Unión Europea. Presentada en la sexta reunión de economía mundial en Badajoz 2004. Facultad de Estudios Empresariales y Turismo. Universidad de Extremadura. pp. 13 Serrano C. L., 2006. Los reglamentos de los Fondos Estructurales 2007-2013 y sus implicaciones para España. Boletín Económico de ICE No 2897. From November 27th to December 3rd, pp. 3-16 Torres S. T y Sala R. M., 2003. Incidencia de los Fondos Estructurales en la Cohesión Regional Española, pp. 25 available in Perez G. y Rowland V. P., 2004 Políticas económicas regionales: cuatro estudios de caso. Documentos de trabajo sobre economía regional No 47, pp. 58, Yague B. J. L., 2007 Modelo de Regionalización para el Desarrollo Local: Aplicación a la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Doctoral Dissertaion. Departamento de Planificación de Proyectos de Desarrollo Rural. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 317 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects Correspondence (for further information, please contact) José Regalado López Colegio de Posgraduados Km. 36.5 Carretera Mexico-Texcoco Montecillo Edo. de México. C.P. 56230 Phone: (595) 95 2 02 00 Texcoco / (55) 58 04 59 00 D.F E-mail: [email protected] 318 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects TAKING INTO ACCOUNT FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY IN THE MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Afonso Gallegos, A. Trueba Jainaga, I. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Abstract Human Development Index (HDI) has become a very useful tool for measuring development and making inter-country comparisons. The observation of its trajectory and evolution by country arouses the curiosity of students of development and invites them to question the underlying causes of the behaviour of the index. In order to provide answers to such questions the Human Development Report complements the HDI by offering varied, valuable and relevant statistical information related with every dimensions of human development. From its very beginning, experts have debated about the strengths and weaknesses of the report and have acknowledged a need to include new indicators in the measurement of human development. It is in this context that Mahbub ul Haq, the creator of the Human Development Reports said: “Here we have a broad framework; if you want something to be included in this list, which may deserve a table in the Human Development Report tell us what, and explain why it must figure in this accounting. We will listen”. As a response to this demand, this paper proposes the inclusion of food security in the measurement of human development, as well-being can only be achieved when there is not food insecurity. Keywords: Food Security, Human Development, Indicators 1. Human Development: Concept, Measurement and Analysis It is opportune to start by establishing the general foundations of the matter of discussion. This paper deals about the measurement of human development. Hence, defining such a concept and studying and analysing how it is measured is the starting point to which this first section is devoted. The concept of human development was formulated by the United Nations Development Program in 1990 and can be summarized as follows: Human development is the process of enlarging people’s choices. These choices are infinitive and can change over the time but some of them are changeless and common to every human being: adequate nutrition, access to safe water, better health services and access to knowledge. The primordial goal is to satisfy the most basic of human needs. A country’s level of development may be considered as the degree to which basic human needs are met. 1.1. GDP as an indicator of human development Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP per capita have been used for a long time to measure and compare development, on the grounds that development can be identified with economic growth since welfare arises from economic growth. 319 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects Economic growth is important for the achievement of development as it creates the “means” to reduce deprivation. However, if growth is not properly managed, its advantages can be squandered. There is no an automatic and direct relationship between economic growth and human development (Sen, 1999). It is more meaningful to measure development as a reduction in the extent of deprivation amongst the most needy rather than as a process of enrichment that tends to benefit most those who are already rich. Moreover, poverty is not equivalent to lack of income but rather to a shortage of entitlements. Thus, income growth is not an end but a means by which to achieve development. But it is not right to equate development with economic growth because income is significant as a means of obtaining entitlements which are intrinsically important but it is not the only instrument through which opportunities and entitlements can be generated. Besides, the relationship between income and entitlements varies between different communities and even between families and individuals (Sen, 1999). 1.2. Human Development Index and Human Development Reports In the nineties in international debates on development policies it was acknowledged that development is more than merely material growth and that it should have broader objectives related to human wellbeing (Fukuda-Parr, 2002). Development is, therefore, no longer simply a matter of economics and the concept of Human Development emerges. For a long time the perennial question of those concerned with development has been: How much is a country producing? From the nineties the leading question has been: How are people going on? The reason for this change is an increasing acknowledgement that the real objective of development is to enlarge people’s choices (Ul Haq, 1995a). It is within this context that the concept of the Human Development Index (HDI) emerged. HDI is an index used to measure and compare development between countries since 1990 and it is calculated as the mean of three components: GDP per capita, life expectancy at birth (LE) and educational level (EL) – measured as adult literacy rate and combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary school. The three variables included in the HDI are inter-related. When GDP per capita increases, LE and EL also tend to increase. However, HDI establishes a ranking of countries that differs significantly from the ranking obtained when considering only GDP per capita. For example, the position occupied by Equatorial Guinea is one hundred places below its position when only GDP is considered. Similarly, Botswana and South Africa occupy a lower place (about 70 places below) their positions when only GDP is taken into account. On the contrary, other countries as, for example, Sweden, Cuba or Uruguay have higher quality health and social services than could be expected considering their GDP per capita. There are countries which have achieved an increase in LE and EL as a result of economic growth, for example, Algeria, Iran or Mexico. Others have achieved economic growth out through improvement of social services as for example post-reform China, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Amartya Sen (1999) distinguished between two types of successful development which he termed respectively Growth-Mediated and Support-Led processes. HDI has become a very useful tool for measuring development and making inter-country comparisons. The observation of its trajectory and evolution by country arouses the curiosity of students of development and invites them to question the underlying causes of the behaviour of the index. In order to provide answers to such questions the Human Development Reports (HDR) published by the UNDP complements the HDI by offering two other types of information: statistical information and analytical information. Varied, valuable and relevant statistical information related with every dimensions of human development is provided by the HDR. This statistical information is grouped in tables including 320 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects indicators with the aim of putting forward a global assessment of the achievements of countries with regard to different fields of development. Main tables are organized by topics. Indicators which are considered to warrant inclusion in the HDR change from year to year. For example, recent reports include statistics about cell telephone users or women who play a role in politics that were not included in the early reports. Statistical data provide a framework for the analysis of global human development. Every year, the HDR analyses an important issue with the aim of stimulating debate which might eventually lead to the implementation of new policies with repercussions on human development. 1.3. HDR encourages innovative use of statistics The most significant contribution of the HDR has been the Human Development Index (HDI) that has always aroused and continues to arouse great expectations. The success of the index rests on the fact that it provides the basis for a ranking of countries from the most to the least developed as well as a classification of countries between high, medium and low developed (Streeten, 2000). For this reason, from its very beginning, experts have debated about its strengths and weaknesses and have acknowledged a need to include new indicators in the formulation of the HDI. It is in this context that Mahbub ul Haq, the creator of HDR, made the point that: “Here we have a broad framework; if you want something to be included in this list, which may deserve a table in the Human Development Report (and may even be considered for inclusion in the Human Development Index) tell us what, and explain why it must figure in this accounting. We will listen”4 The HDI does not include any indicator of the extent to which the most basic need of all, that of food security is met. This has been acknowledged as an important gap: “How can we incorporate food security in the HDI? We do know how to make shoes of leather and energy out of coal or water power. But we know very little about how precisely to transform social services, adequate food and certain institutional arrangements into long, healthy, productive, creative, enjoyable lives” (Streeten, 2000). At present is widely acknowledged that the expansion of education and health constitute important targets of development that have to be considered in assessing poverty together with income (Kanbur,2001). There is now a tendency to identify the concept of human development with its measure (Fukuda-Parr, 2002). However, it would be a great mistake to concentrate too much on the HDI, or any other such aggregative index. The real merit of the Human Development Report lies in the attention it brings to bear on so many aspects of development. The openness of the creators of the Report to suggestions to extend the ways in human development is evaluated is also important (Sen, 2000). 2. Why to include Food and Nutrition Security Dimension in the measurement and assessment of human development? Arguments are presented bellow to defend the idea that, being both an end and a means of development, food and nutrition security should be taken into account in the measurement of human development, as well-being can only be achieved when there is not food insecurity (Afonso and Trueba, 2005). 4 Quotation from the article by Amartya Sen, (2000), entitled “A Decade of Human Development”, published in the first edition of the Journal of Human Development. 321 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects Good nutrition it is an end of development as it is a basic human need: a chronically hungry person will never reach a satisfactory state of well-being. A hungry person is deprived of a basic need and of the most fundamental of human rights (Streeten, 1982). It is also a means of development as it conditions every aspect of development: malnutrition is reflected in high rates of disease and mortality (Grantham-McGregor, 1999), (Caulfield, 2004a) and (Caulfield, 2004b), limited neurological development (Scrimshaw, 1998) and low productivity among current and future generations (Arcand, 2001). It is a major constraint to a country’s ability to develop economically, socially, and politically (Who, 1997). Observation and analysis of statistical data provides different examples of how an improvement in development can be achieved by improving nutrition. Support-Led Development can be promoted by investing in food security. The measure of adequate nutrition happens to be a good indicator of lack of poverty: health, shelter, educational level and health level are reflected in the nutritional status (Lipton, 1983) and so that nutritional situation of a country is internationally acknowledged as an indicator of development (OMNI, 1998). In order to achieve a sustainable improvement of the situation of a country food needs should be known and considered in any strategy of development (FAO, 2004). Hunger and malnutrition are internationally acknowledged as a main problem to be solved by humanity. When the Millennium Development Goals where established (Millennium Project, 2000) the first goal was to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger with the target of reducing by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger by 2015. It is fair to acknowledge that International Community pays more attention to malnutrition problem and identifies it as a main concern that should be implicit in any human development program. There is an increasing awareness of the importance of achieving world food and nutrition security for development. Yet, hunger and malnutrition remains being a problem largely silenced. A datum that corroborates it is the fact that malnutrition problem is overlooked both in the Human Development and in the World Health Organization Reports. Malnutrition has never been considered sufficiently relevant for human development as to be the analysis topic of any of the 18 reports published till date (UNDP, 1990-2008). Different topics that rise world concern have been addressed, as for example, democracy, cultural diversity, international cooperation, world water crisis or climatic change. But world food security has never been the topic of discussion even after 2000 when the Millennium Development Goals fix the world agenda for human development. Hunger and malnutrition are also overlooked when evaluating world health. World Health Organization (WHO) publishes every year data concerned with health and causes of mortality. Although WHO acknowledges that malnutrition is a main source of many illnesses that afflict humanity it is not included as an explicit cause of mortality in the statistics. The inclusion of food and nutrition security in the measurement and assessment of human development could be a tool of fighting against hunger and malnutrition. And seeks to meet both: the general demand of new dimensions to measure the complex multidimensional concept of human development and the specific demand to take into consideration the nutritional situation of countries. It seems that “the inability to recognise malnutrition as a predominantly social problem is widespread in the medical profession. This inability causes the problem being addressed in an inappropriate and, sometimes, callous manners” (Ramani et. al., 2006). 3. Why is it necessary the elaboration of a new indicator of food and nutrition security? The inclusion of food security dimension in the measurement and evaluation of human development requires the elaboration of a new indicator. To measure food and nutrition 322 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects insecurity, different indicators have been proposed but they are inadequate to asses the nutritional situation of a country at per capita level for different reasons. Some of them only contemplate one dimension of nutrition. This is the case of FAO’s indicator which is an estimation of the proportion of people having access to fewer kilocalories than the minimum daily requirement for a healthy life (Mernies, 2003) and only measures energy deficiency (food quantity) neglecting micronutrients deficiency (food quality). Different indicators measure deficiency of particular micronutrients but do not include other dimensions of nutrition. There are other indicators that are indirect indicators and thus, the relation between them and the real nutritional situation is indirect and difficult to determine. This is the case of the proportion of children under five who are underweight, that is an indicator of the nutritional status of children an is also an indicator of the nutritional status population as a whole (Onis, and Blössner, 2003). This indicator can reflect other dimensions of nutrition besides quantity of energy (Smith and Haddad, 2001) but only gives a partial approach of the situation. Underweight may be an outcome of other causes different from malnutrition (Osmani, 1992) and some undernourished children are not underweight (Van den Broeck et. al. 1994). Besides, the nutritional status of children is not always extrapolating to the whole population (FAO, 2001). Being aware of these deficiencies, the appropriateness of creating new systems to evaluate the nutritional situation considering all relevant factors has been emphasized: malnutrition is much more widespread than energy deficiency, and likely larger than deficiencies identified through anthropometric measures (Mason, et. al. 2001). 4. A new Indicator of Food and Nutrition Security (ISAN by its Spanish Acronym) A new Indicator of Food and Nutrition Security (ISAN) is proposed. The design and formulation of ISAN has been developed in a PhD thesis and was presented and discussed in a Seminar held in FAO in July, 5, 2007. The ISAN has been designed as a mean of three sub-indexes that respectively measure three dimensions of food and nutrition security – quantity, quality and biological utilization) as shown in the figure bellow (Figure 1). 1. DES per capita Quantity Energy Dimension 2. % of carbohydrates, I1 Energy Dimension Nutritional Status proteins and fat 3. nº of food groups Quality Diversity Dimension providing at least 90 % of energy I2 Diversity dimension ISAN 4. % contribution of the main food group 5. % of population with access to safe water Biological utilization Sanitary Dimension 6. % of population with I3 Sanitary Dimension access to sanitation DIMENSIONS VARIABLES SUBINDEX Figure 1. Food and Nutrition Security Index (ISAN). Towards a multidimensional Index. 323 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects Access to enough food energy in adequate proportions of macronutrients is measured through I1 sub-index that is developed from the combination of two variables: Dietary Energy Supply (DES) per capita and the proportion of DES of carbohydrates, proteins and fat. Access to needed food is determined through I2 sub-index that measures diversity dimension combining two variables: number of food groups providing at least 90 per cent of energy and share of the contribution of the main group. Variables used to evaluate the sanitary dimension obtaining I3 sub index are proportion of population with access to safe water and proportion of population with access to sanitation. The relevance of ISAN lies in the fact that it brings together considerations of dietary energy supply and the quality of nutrition. It also breaks new ground by bringing in a water/sanitation dimension. The validity of ISAN rests on the selection of the variables involved and the criteria used to combine them into a single index, which requires scientific knowledge of the factors conditioning nutritional status. ISAN fulfils the conditions of good indicators, in particular: it proposes targets to reach and measures the degree of attainment of such targets; it is sensitive to changes and changes happened in any variable are measurable in the short term and are reflected in the index; it has temporal and spatial specificity as there are data of the variables that conform the index for a large number of countries; it is efficient in terms of cost benefit as can be readily applied at low cost because its variables require the use of data that is already available on FAO and UNDP websites. In addition, the estimate of malnutrition in the world using ISAN is very consistent with previous estimates. 5. ISAN as an indicator of Human Development The ISAN seeks to respond to the general quest for new indicators which throw greater light on the complex and multidimensional concept of development, and on the particular issue of its nutritional dimensions. It also responds to a FAO’s quest for better indicators of food and nutrition security in order to enlarge the range of measurement including the trends of micronutrients, besides the usual points linked to food energy (Mason, 2002). This paper does not propose that ISAN should replace the publication of the other food security indicators, but argues that it should be treated as a complement to the information already being published. It also argues that ISAN should be presented in a table in the Human Development Report in order to complement the statistical information with which to assess human development achievements at country level. The inclusion of ISAN as a forth dimension of HDI could also be considered. 5.1. Presenting ISAN and its Components in a Single Table The usefulness and efficacy of an indicator when utilizing it for assessing and evaluating progress or and in the process of policy decision-making process require that those who are interested know how to interpret the data and understand them correctly. If the process of obtaining the data is not clearly understood the implications of the indicator could be misinterpreted (UNDP, 2006). The way in which the indicator is presented is important to a better understanding of its message. Since ISAN is an index which combines three dimensions, obtained as a mean of three sub-indexes, it is advisable that the table in which it is normally presented should also include the three sub-indexes. When ISAN is accompanied by the three sub-indexes from 324 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects which it is derived, an observer interested in the nutritional situation of a country can check, through examining the three sub-indexes, which is the main source of weakness and the reason why the ISAN has not reached a higher value. In order to facilitate the interpretation of the data, a short description of what each sub-index measures can be included at the head of each column, as illustrated below (Figure 2). Energy Dimension Country .. .. .. .. Diversity Dimension (Sufficient food and balance of macronutirients) (Needed Foods and micronutrients) I1 I2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sanitary Dimension (Environmental Safety) ISAN 1/4 (I1+I2+2I3 ) I3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Figure 2: A Statistical Table for the ISAN. 5.2. Incorporating the ISAN within the HDI: HDI-2 When the Human Development Index was designed as a mean of three dimensions (life expectancy, educational level, and income per capita) the convenience of including other variables that reflect other development dimensions was considered. Among those variables, the inclusion of DES (kilocalories per capita) was considered but it was not included in the end as it was concluded that it was not a good indicator of malnutrition because malnutrition is conditioned by many other factors (Ul Haq, 1995b). The ISAN reflects these different factors and has been designed as an index such that its incorporation in the HDI as a new dimension should be feasible. Although there is a high correlation between the three-dimensional HDI and ISAN, the ranking obtained by applying this new tetra-dimensional HDI, which has been called HDI-2, differs substantially from the ranking obtained with the three-dimensional HDI. The new ranking differs from the former ranking in such a way that positions of countries fall by as much as 22 places or rise by up to 20 places. 6. Conclusion Undernutrition denotes a flaw in the development process where it has failed to reach certain groups of the population. In order to achieve a sustainable improvement in a country’s situation, food needs must be identified and considered as part of any strategy of development (FAO, 2004). Therefore, no appropriate method to measure development can afford overlooking the nutritional dimension: food security should be given explicit attention in the assessment and measurement of human development. In this paper, the incorporation of a Food and Nutrition Security Index that enables to establish a ranking of countries in per capita terms, in official databases related to human development has been proposed. This might lead countries to increase their level of attention (and resources) to the reduction of hunger and malnutrition. 325 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects References Afonso, A. and Trueba, I., 2005. Incidencia de la seguridad alimentaria en el desarrollo. In Trueba, I. (ED), El fin del hambre en el 2025: Un desafío para nuestra generación, pp. 165-182. Mundiprensa, Madrid. Available in Arcand, J.L., 2001. Undernourishment and Economic Growth: The Efficiency Cost of Hunger. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper. Caulfield, L. E., Richard S. A and Black. R. E. 2004a. Undernutrition as an Underlying Cause of Malaria Morbidity and Mortality in Children. American Journal of Tropical Medicine Hygiene 71: Suppl. 2 S55 – 63 Caulfield, L.; Onis, M.; Blössner M. and Black, R. 2004b. Undernutrition as an underlying cause of child deaths associated with diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria, and measles. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 80, No. 1, 193-198. FAO, 2001. The World Food Summit Goal And The Millennium Development Goals Committee on World Food Security. Twenty-seventh Session. Rome, 28 May - 1 June 2001. FAO, 2004. Incorporating Nutrition Considerations into Development Policies and programmes. Brief for Policy-makers and programme planners in developing countries”. Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko. 2002. Rescuing the Human Development Concept from the HDI: Reflections on a New Agend in Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and A. K. Shiva Kumar (eds.). Readings in Human Development: Concepts, Measures and Policies for a Development Paradigm. New Delhi:Oxford University Press. Grantham-McGregor, S.M.; Fernald, L.C.; Sethuraman, K. 1999. Effects of health and nutrition on cognitive and behavioural development in children in the first three years of life. Part 2: Infections and micronutrient deficiencies: iodine, iron and zinc” Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 20: 76-99. Kanbur, R. 2001. Economic Policy, Distribution and Poverty: The nature of Disagreements. World Development. Volume 29, Issue 6. Pages 1038-1094. Lipton, M. 1983. Poverty, Undernutrition and Hunger. World Bank Staff Working Paper nº 597. Mason, J.B., 2002. Measurement of hunger and malnutrition. Keynote paper in the International Scientific Symposium on Measurement and Assessment of Food Deprivation and Undernutrition. Rome. Mason, J.B., Hunt, J., Parker, D. & Jonsson, U., 2001. Improving child nutrition in Asia. Food Nutri. Bull., 22 (Suppl. 3). Mernies, J., 2003. Measurement of food deprivation. FAO Statistics Division. Millennium Project, 2000. Millennium Development Goals. Targets and indicators. OMNI, 1998. The Final Report. The OMNI Experience: Using global lessons to move local programs. Washington D.C. Onis, M. and Blössner, M., 2003. The World Health Organization Global Database on child growth and malnutrition: methodology and applications. International Journal of Epidemiology, pp. 518-526 Osmani, S. R. 1992. On Some Controversies in the Measurement of Undernutrition In: S. R. Osmani, ed. Nutrition and Poverty. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 121-164. 326 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects Ramani, A. V.; D’Souza, Ravi 2006. Misunderstanding malnutrition. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. Vol III No 3 Scrimshaw, N., 1998. Malnutrition, brain development, learning and behaviour Nutrition Research. (18) 351-379. Sen, A., 1999. Development as Freedom. Oxford University Press. Sen, A., 2000. A decade of Human Development. Journal of Human Development. (1) 17-23 Smith, L. C., and Haddad L. 2001. How important is improving food availability for reducing child malnutrition in developing countries?. Agricultural Economics 26 (3) , 191–204 Streeten, P., 2000. Looking Ahead: Areas of future research in human development. Journal of Human Development. (1 ) 25-48 Streeten, P., 1982. First things first: meeting basic human needs in the developing countries Oxford Universities Press. Ul Haq, M. 1995a. The paradigm of Human Development. In: Reflections of Human Development. Chapter 2 and 3. Oxford University Press. Ul Haq, M. 1995b. The Birth of Human Development. In: Reflections of Human Development. Chapter 2 and 3. Oxford University Press. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). 2006. Human Development Report. New York: Oxford University Press. UNDP, 1990-2008. Human Development Reports. New York: Oxford University Press. Van den Broeck, J., Meulemans, W. & Eeckels, R. 1994. Nutritional assessment: the problem of clinical-anthropometrical mismatch. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 48: 60-65. WHO (World, Health Organization), 1997. Health and Environment in Sustainable Development. Five years after the eight submit. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Ana Afonso Gallegos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. GESPLAN (Grupo I+D Planificación y Gestión del Desarrollo Rural-Local). Dpto. Proyectos Y Planificación Rural ETSI Agrónomos. Avda. Complutense, s/n. 28040 Madrid. Phone: +34 91 336 39 86 E-mail: [email protected] 327 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects SELECTING AND ASSESSING FAIR TRADE SUPPLIERS USING MULTICRITERIA TECHNIQUES Cobo Benita, J.R.; Ortíz Marcos, I ; Mataix Aldeanueva, C. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Abstract Fair Trade has consolidated itself during recent decades as a useful instrument in co-operation for development, especially for small producers in the South. However, there is some concern that a situation of dependency between the producer organisations and the organisations that market their products in the developed countries may materialise. To avoid this situation of dependency, the producer organisations must progress and develop in order to become strong, sustainable entities even in traditional competitive markets, out of the protective reach of Fair Trade networks. This paper presents the development of a holistic methodology, based on the application of multicritera techniques, and is focused on supporting the selection and assessment process of Fair Trade Suppliers so as to understand what organisations are ready to enter the Fair Trade Networks and which ones are prepared to do business in competitive traditional markets. Keywords: co-operation for development, fair trade, multicriteria analysis 1. Introduction A weak, maybe small producer organisation lacking in many things decides to become part of the Fair Trade circuits to find a more favourable market that will allow it easier access to the developed markets. For a time, the producer organisation changes, improves, becomes strengthened and a few years later is in a position to manage on its own outside the protection afforded by the Fair Trade market. It is now time to launch out into the traditional market and relinquish its position to another organisation in a less developed stage. In respect of supplier management, standard ISO 9001 states: “The organisation must assess and select suppliers in accordance with their capability to supply products that meet the organisation’s requirements. Selection, assessment and re-assessment criteria must be established”. It is precisely these criteria that give rise to a certain complexity in the process, since in most cases their nature is eminently subjective (Ballou, 1999), hence there are marked differences when assessing a supplier as this depends on who is making the assessment. As supplier management is of the utmost importance, it is imperative to eliminate subjectivity (Herrera y Osorio, 2006). This requires more specific tools to bring tranquillity to the decisionmaking process, regarding both the outcome and the intervening process. In the current organisational environment, the multicriteria paradigm has appeared as an effective aid to organisational decision-making and management (Romero, 1993), offering a set of techniques and methods capable of taking account of the decision-making centre’s 328 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects preferences and which assist decision-making in any area of scientific research or human life. Supplier selection is not outside the scope of application of these techniques and methods. This paper presents the development of a methodology based on the application of methods by experts and on multicriteria techniques focused towards the process of selecting Fair Trade suppliers. The paper is organised as follows: the first part explains what Fair Trade is and the need to apply multicriteria decision-making techniques to supplier assessment; further on, the model put forward for solving the decision-making problem is set out, and finally the conclusions about the model and its implementation. 2. Objectives and scope The object of this paper is to find a validated hierarchical structure for the application of the Analytic Hierarchy multicriteria assessment method (Saaty, 1994) to the assessment and selection of Fair Trade organisations working with small producer groups in developing countries. The tool produced will allow knowing: • which organisations are prepared to join the Fair Trade network, • which are prepared to be sustainable in the traditional market. This paper sets out a set of criteria suited to the design of a model to assess and grade Fair Trade suppliers that will allow identifying progress and the detection of best practices that could then be propagated throughout the studied network or other Fair Trade networks. Extending the model to the realm of Fair Trade in both the area of supply management and the construction and application of multicriteria decision-making methodologies suited to the assessment of Fair Trade suppliers is deemed to be of great interest, not only for its practical use – already confirmed by other sectors – but also for its innovative nature that makes feasible its dissemination among the scientific community. 3. Fair Trade. Criteria, current situation and a description of the problem Fair Trade is built on a basis of equality and transparency in labour relations that will enable the living conditions of producers in countries in the South to be improved and guarantee the consumers in the North that the products they purchase have been produced in decent conditions. The activity of producers is always sustainable in their economic, environmental and social context. In order to reach these goals, the products are purchased as directly as possible from the smallholders and craftsmen; these are offered better remuneration for their toil and the prices of their products are fixed in agreement with the producers. The producers in the South commit themselves to working and making decisions democratically at the core of their organisations, thereby creating more participatory structures. Fair Trade is radically opposed to the exploitation of child labour and encourages women to take part in decision-making on an equal basis, the starting point always being that women and men should receive the same wages. For their part, the Fair Trade organisations in the North commit themselves to giving products from the South direct access to the markets in the North and paying a fair price that will let the producers cover their basic needs and production costs while leaving a margin for investment. The organisations in the North also commit themselves to paying part of the price of the production in advance to avoid indebtedness. The trade relations agreed are always medium to long term, which gives the organisations in the South sufficient time to develop and become sustainable. 329 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects The importers offer technical back-up for producing and distributing the product, such as information and assessment concerning European trends and fashions, health and safety regulations concerning the product, or the end packaging required to make it easier for the producer to gain access to the international markets. If needed, help is also provided to develop new products with finance being made available through credits and technical and administrative training. The ultimate goal is to give producers in the South an opportunity to become self-sufficient. At the same time, Fair Trade organisations organise awareness-raising and political impact campaigns aimed at changing the present unfair international trade frameworks. Work is also undertaken to educate western society about responsible consumption and make it aware of the culture, identity and living conditions of the producers. 4. Model for assessing organisations and co-operatives and integrating them into the Fair Trade network 4.1. General framework and development of the procedure There are 44 craftwork organisations in the Fair Trade network studied. Up to the present, the supplier relationship with these suppliers has been dependent on the organisation’s level of development; however, performance in quality issues, delivery dates, and the product’s success in the market has not always been satisfactory, with a considerable effect on sales figures. Supplier selection. Defining and characterising quality. Reduce, maintain or increase orders. New opportunities. Terminate contract. Supplier evolution. Improvement or a step back. Best supplier. Registered supplier. Quality characteristics. Management assessment. EFQM. New product development. Follow up to action plans deriving from the assessments. Figure 1. Continuous improvement cycle for the assurance and development of Fair Trade suppliers. Stages and expected results in each of the stages. The solution put forward classifies organisations according to their development as an organisation, their product market share and the quality of these products, with the purpose of learning what measures to take and what budgetary amount to allocate to each organisation in line with the criteria that are most relevant for the companies purchasing products from these small organisations and co-operatives. The procedure employed to approach the problem is set out in the figure below followed by an explanation of the results. 330 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects Defining the criteria for assessment 1º. Select experts. 2º. Select criteria for assessment. 3º. Design the grading scale. Determination of the relevant importance between criteria 1º. Objective weighting. 2º. Subjective weighting. 3º. Final weighting. Supplier assessment 1º. Design matrix. the supplier-criteria 2º. Levelling down. Grading the suppliers 3º. Standardisation. Overall performance assessment of critical suppliers Figure 2. Procedure for supplier assessment and selection. 4.2. Defining the criteria for assessment The organisations purchasing Fair Trade products draw up an annual purchasing budget where it is decided how much is to be purchased from each South organisation. This decision is mainly based on commercial criteria (the producer’s capacity for growth, development of new products, and the market potential of its products) and on the development criteria for each of the organisations worked with. It is attempted to strike a balance between both points. When an organisation is assessed according to development criteria it is attempted to quantify the group’s key development factors. To do so, the Human Development Index (HDI) is borne in mind together with the Human Poverty Index to which the group or organisation belongs, the producer group’s gender composition and the organisation’s level of sustainability. In this way, purchases are prioritised from groups in countries with a low level of growth that comprise women and small groups, with little experience, with not very competitive product ranges and with hardly any sales diversification. Another of the great challenges to be overcome consists in improving producers’ compliance with product delivery dates. For this reason, it has been proposed to include quality criteria in the model. These criteria not only ensure that products arrive on time but that they also meet the specifications in the contract. The model, therefore, is designed with these criteria in mind: 331 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects Making FT’s organisations sustainable in the traditional market Main objective To select and assess fair Trade suppliers Criteria Development Sub-criteria Market Quality Ability to adapt HDI Gender composition Specifications Delivery date New product development Sustainability Product potential Alternatives Productor 1 Productor 2 Productor 3 … Productor n Figure.3 Hierarchical structure of the problem. 4.2.1. Criteria for Development • Sub-criterion: ‘HDI’. The Human Development Index is a per country measurement drawn up by the United Nation’s Programme for Development (UNPD). It is based on a statistical social indicator comprising three parameters: a long healthy life (measured according to life expectancy at birth), education (measured according to the adult literary index and the combined gross rate of enrolment in primary, secondary and further education), and decent standard of living (measured by the per capita GDP in USD). • Sub-criterion: ‘Gender composition’. The number of women with a remunerated job unrelated to agriculture has gradually continued to grow. The greatest increases have been recorded in the regions where women were less present in the labour market (in central Asia, western Asia and Oceania). The decision-making centre sets five levels for this criterion depending on the proportion of women making up the producer group, as depicted in the following table. 332 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects Level Very high High Medium Low Very low % women in the group 95-100% 75-94% 55-74% 35-54% 0-34% aij* 1 0.85 0.65 0.45 0 Table 1. Experts’ ratings for the sub-criterion: ‘gender composition’. • Sub-criterion: ‘Producer group level of sustainability. In order to measure each producer group’s degree of organisational progress a tool has been designed based on the EFQM Excellence management model, which comprises five criteria (leadership and strategy, financial resources and materials, people management, alliances and processes) and four indicators (beneficiary results, people results, customer results, key results) which allow identifying areas for improvement with an eye to market sustainability. The decision-making centre can score each producer group in line with the annual progress reflected in the score obtained in the EFQM model designed. Level Δ EFQM score aij* Very high High Medium Low Very low >100 70 to 100 30 to 70 10 to 30 <0 1 0.85 0.65 0.45 0 Table 2. Experts’ ratings for the sub-criterion: ‘level of sustainability’. 4.2.2. Market criterion • Sub-criterion: ‘Ability to adapt’ to changes suggested by the organisation. The producer group’s degree of adaptability to the changes suggested by the organisation for continuous improvement. Level Very high High Medium Low Very low Definition Shows no resistance to change and quickly implements the required changes and proposes new improvements to remain sustainable in the traditional market Shows no resistance to change and implements the proposed changes Accepts the changes to be carried out but with some reluctance Shows resistance to change and finds it difficult to adapt to the changes Shows strong resistance to change and does not agree to make changes Score aij* 5 1 4 0.85 3 0.55 2 0.35 1 0 Table 3. Experts’ ratings for the sub-criterion: ‘ability to adapt’. 333 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects • Sub-criterion: ‘Developing new products’ and innovation. The creation of new products and the ability to adapt to the demand required by the organisation. Level Very high High Medium Low Very low Definition The producer group regularly proposes developing new products and successfully adapts, insofar as possible to the demand for new products The producer group regularly proposes developing new products but does not always successfully adapt to the demand for new products Occasionally proposes developing new products but does not always successfully adapt to the demand for new products Rarely proposes developing new products and does not adapt to the demand suggested by the organisation Never proposes developing new products and does not adapt to the demand suggested by the organisation Score aij* 5 1 4 0.85 3 0.65 2 0.25 1 0 Table 4. Experts’ ratings for the sub-criterion: ‘developing new products’. • Sub-criterion: Product potential’. Level of success of the products in the preceding financial year classified according to product type, sales channel, purchases, and sales and profitability of the product in the two previous financial years. Level Very high High Medium Low Very low Products sold 95-100% 75-94% 55-74% 35-54% 0-34% aij* 1 0.85 0.65 0.45 0 Table 5. Experts’ ratings for the sub-criterion: ‘product potential’. 4.2.3. Quality Criterion. • Sub-criterion ‘Meeting specifications’. Level of quality of products supplied. Level Very high High Medium Low Very low Compliant products 95-100% 90-94% 85-89% 75-84% 0-74% aij* 1 0.85 0.65 0.45 0 Table 6. Experts’ ratings for the sub-criterion: ‘meeting specifications’. 334 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects • Sub-criterion ‘Delivery date’. With the dispatch of an order, the purchaser proposes a shipping date. If the producer agrees, the purchaser will deem the delivery date to be agreed. If the producer does not accept the proposed date, they negotiate the delivery date or either partial delivery dates are agreed or a final date. Total number of days’ delay 0 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16-20 >20 Level Very high High Medium Low Very low aij* 1 0.85 0.65 0.45 0 Table 7. Experts’ ratings for the sub-criterion: ‘delivery date’. 4.3. Multicriteria assessment applied to the assessment and selection of suppliers. Results of the model. The different methods of multicriteria Assessment have a series of characteristics, requirements and properties that define each one individually. Likewise, the type of assessment, type of data to be considered, the nature of the objectives as well as the decisionmaking centre’s point of view, have a bearing on the choice of a particular method (Qureshi et al., 1999). Other issues, such as computer system capability should also be assessed when deciding whether or not to use a specific method, since although the initial input information may occasionally be similar whatever method is used, certain components of its internal assessment structure may condition the way they are used (Hwang and Yoon, 1998). Intelligent phase Defining the problem One objective. Various objectives. Conflictive. Complementary. Understanding and acceptance of the context of the decision and the study. Agreement regarding the problem. Generating alternatives. Identifying and shaping criteria Scoring criteria Standardisation Weighting criteria Design phase Discussing and accepting the models: preparing decision matrices Selecting assessment methods Selection phase Selecting alternatives Sensitivity analysis Recommendations and explanation of results Figure 4. Phases of a multicriteria process (Barba-Romero y Pomerol, 1997; Malczewski, 1999). 335 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects An analysis of the problem set has revealed the following aspects: The number of producer groups, at present, is modest and small in number (44 in this case) and it is aimed to keep this as such by providing an outlet to the traditional market for these and an entry for more needy organisations into the Fair Trade network. The decision will not only involve groups entering or leaving the network but also in what proportion the budget allocated for Fair Trade purchases will be distributed among the different organisations. Both quantitative and qualitative information is worked with. The decision-making centre will be made up of Fair Trade experts. Bearing these points in mind, the Saaty Analytic Hierarchy method will be used to know what weighting is obtained by each organisation assessed in line with the criteria defined above. Having identified the assessment method to be used, together with the different criteria to be borne in mind in the model, and having decided the weighting for each of these criteria, it will then be possible to know which organisations are best prepared to be sustainable in the traditional market and which parameters can be improved in other organisations to enable them to continue advancing in this direction. The following figure shows the weightings obtained for each organisation after applying the analytic hierarchy methodology: Figure 5. Assessment of alternatives regarding the general objective. 336 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects 5. Conclusions Taking into account the results of the model, organisations can be classified into four groups according to their growth rate and their product market share. In so doing, the recommendations and steps to be followed can be made for each of these groups. M A R K E T 0.05 DEVELOPMENT Market share Figure 6. Classification of organisations in respect of Development and Market criteria. 3 1 4 2 Growth rate. Development Figure 7. Classification matrix of Fair Trade organisations. 337 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects According to the results of the model the supplier organisations of Fair Trade products can be classified into 4 types: Type 1 organisations ⇒ Good level of organisational development. ⇒ High market share of the products marketed. ⇒ Organisations prepared for access to the traditional market. ⇒ Consultancy on international markets. Health and safety standards for products. Required certificates and quality seals. Type 2 organisations ⇒ Good level of organisational development. ⇒ Low market share of the products marketed. ⇒ Organisations that need to improve their product to pass to level 1. Improvement of the process of the developed product. New product lines. Successful consultancy on other products: information and assessment on European trends and fashions. Type 3 organisations ⇒ Low level of organisational development. ⇒ High market share of the products marketed. ⇒ Organisations that need to improve their management system. ⇒ Technical and administrative training. ⇒ Recommendations on management systems. ⇒ Indicators on progress in organisational management. Type 4 organisations ⇒ Low level of organisational development. ⇒ Low market share of the products marketed. ⇒ Organisations at risk of leaving the Fair Trade network. Need to improve their management system to pass to level 2, or Need to improve their product to pass to level 3. 338 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects References Anaya Tejero, J. J., 2000 Logística Integral. La gestión operativa de la empresa. Editorial ESIC, Madrid. Ballou, R., 1999 Business Logistics Management. Planning, Organizing and Controlling the Supply Chain. Fourth edition. Prentice Hall. New Jersey. Barba Romero, S. Y Pomerol, J., 1997: Decisiones multicriterio. 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Moore, T.J., Horvath, E., 1997. Spatial group choice: a SDSS tool for collaborative spatial decision making. International Journal of Geographical information Science, 11 (6). Malczewski, J., 1999. GIS and multicriteria decision analysis. New York. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Mareschal, B., 1986: Stochastic multicriteria decision making and uncertainty. European Journal ot Operational Research, vol. 26, pp. 58 – 64. Prida Romero, B., Gutiérrez Casas, G., 1996. Logística de Aprovisionamientos. El cambio en las relaciones proveedor-cliente, un nuevo desafío para la empresa del siglo XXI. Mc Graw Hill, Madrid. Qureshi, M.E., Harrison, S.R., Wegener, M.K., 1999 Validation of multicriteria analysis models. Agricultural Systems, 62. Romero, C., 1993. Teoría de la decisión multicriterio: conceptos, técnicas y aplicaciones. Alianza. Madrid. Saaty, T. L., 1980: The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Planning, Priority setting, resource allocation. Mc Graw Hill, New York. Saaty, T. L., 1994. Fundamentals of Decision Making and Priority Theory with the Hierarchy Process, Volume VI the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series, RWS Publication. Voogd, H., 1983 Multicriteria Evaluation For Urban and Regional Planning. Pion. London. 339 Area: Rural Development and Cooperation Projects Correspondence (for further information, please contact): José Ramón Cobo Benita C/José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006 Madrid. ETSIngenieros Industriales. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Phone: 913363146 E-mail: [email protected] 340 Area: Production Process Engineering TOPIC AREA: PRODUCTION PROCESS ENGINEERING 341 Area: Production Process Engineering DEVELOPMENT OF A WATER TREATMENT PLANT FOR A ROLLING-MILL TRAIN Martínez, S. Goicoechea, I. Universidad de Vigo Abstract A plant of water treatment consists of an installation in which the water is treated and submitted to diverse processes depending on the industrial use to which it is destined. In case of a plant of treatment of waters proceeding from the refrigeration of a constant train of lamination, the elimination and separation of oils, filtration, refrigeration or the thickened one and dehydrated of mires they are some of the processes to which these waters surrender. In the majority of these plants, a circuit is dedicated to the direct refrigeration (water circuit of contact) and other one to the indirect refrigeration (water circuit of not contact). As the water circuit of contact it takes pollutant materials that reduce the useful life of the equipments of the rolling mill the principal aims of the plant they will be to extract these pollutant materials and to reduce the temperature of the fluid that is re-circulated to the train. In order to design the process we use a series of pre-established technical requirements, such as, for example, the increase in temperature needed to cool the fluid, the speed, flow, and pressure at specific points and the different concentrations of materials permitted in the water. Beside fulfilling the above mentioned requirements, one tries to optimize the process applying the following criteria: - To re-circulate the whole of the wealth that flows for the lines. - To reduce the consumption of the water. - To improve to the maximum the quality of the water that is re-circulated to the train. - To reduce the costs of maintenance, project of installation and costs of equipments. Using this information we will determine a water treatment process and then design and dimension the civil works. The fluid conduits will be calculated, and the equipment for pumping, filtering, cooling, extracting solids and oils will be selected, along with the instrumentation needed to control the plant. Keywords: Waste-water purification plant, rolling-mill train, water treatment. 1. Introduction In the rolling-mill train the “billet” used as raw material is heated to 1080 ºC using natural gas in a glory hole with a radiant dome and three temperature control zones: preheating, heating and equalisation. The billet moves forward by means of walking beams and lateral discharge and 343 Area: Production Process Engineering exits the furnace by means of an internal roller conveyor. When the product exits the furnace it is sent via a roller conveyor to the rolling-mill train formed by 18 continuous lamination jigs which reduce the diameter of the material for market consumption (after it has passed through a blunting and shearing area). Figure 1: Billet exiting the furnace. The material then passes on to two different final phases. • First phase for the production of sections, rounded bars and corrugated bars. • Second phase for the production of wire rolls. The water has the following function in the lamination process: All rolling-mill trains must have a water treatment plant for cooling purposes and to eliminate the particles which the water picks up in the lamination process. In the entire process water is present with the main function of cooling, essentially due to the need to protect the machinery which enters into contact with the material during the production process from excessive temperatures, performing the quenching of the product in the water boxes and the cooling of lubrication oils and hydraulic equipment.(Montalvo,2007) There are two different effluents to be treated: contact water and non contact water. Contact water cools the different points and materials subject to high temperatures by contact. It is a non-watertight circuit which cools the rolling-mill train (guides, rollers, etc.) as well as the furnace. It is also used in the flushing process, which consists in the application of a direct jet of water to eliminate remains of steel deposited on the furnace floor. This effluent is subject to a series of conditions that increase its temperature, and it is also mixed with solid particles (mainly scale - iron oxides), plus grease and oil which is removed by the effluent. (Mataix, 2006) In the case of non contact water the circuits are watertight and cooling affects the billet heating furnace components and the oil in hydraulic systems and oil used for lubrication in the production process. These cooling points have their own filtering equipment, and so the non contact water is only heated during the productive process. 344 Area: Production Process Engineering The two types of effluents must be treated in totally independent circuits, without any possible communication between them. 2. Environmental study All of the Regulations to be considered for the Supply of Water, Discharge and Purification, the Environment, Environmental Impact and Waste, are analysed, and the following points considered: 2.1. Waste Products. Destination and Management. The following products may be analysed as elements which have an environmental impact: ● Drainage Water The appropriate authorisation for discharges used for the discharge of controlled water is required for the system. In addition, a Water Service Technical Report may be provided certifying this for any such plant. Said report shows that the concentrations of chlorides and the conductivity present in the drained water do not exceed the concentration limits established by the council’s General Urban Plan. ● Inorganic sludge after the filter press process. This sludge is the result of the process performed in the filter press, and once obtained is taken to the corresponding recycling plant. ● Chemical additives. The chemical additives are stored in the tank in such a manner that they do not come into contact with the atmosphere until they are mixed with the water. These additives, responsible for carrying out a chemical process, have the following functions: - Biocide action - Dispersing action - Rust inhibitors - Incrustation inhibitors ● Oil and grease from the separation process in the Oil Skimmer. This oil collects in a gutter in the decanters and is carried to an oil tank (after having been separated from the water). From this tank it is carried to the corresponding recycling plant. 2.2. Water inflow requirements: Consumption and source Water inflow comes from a river located some 67 metres from the scale ditch and 108 metres from the non-contact reservoirs. These are the inflow points. The effluent receives an antialgae treatment via the incorporation of a biocide product which is automatically added using a pump and tank. 345 Area: Production Process Engineering It is used when the reservoirs are first filled during plant start up, and later, on occasions when the concentrations have to be varied. 3. Specifications to be satisfied by the facilities 3.1. Requirements in the effluent circuits In general terms, two water circuits are required, one for the contact water, and another for the non-contact water. The contact water circuit requires 2500 m3/hour, according to the supplied design information, and has been designed to support up to 3000 m3/hour and a pressure of 6.5 bar, plus the pressure required to overcome losses. This water flow is divided into two circuits: the first circuit (1400 m3/hour) will be used from the kiln to box 18; the remaining flow will supply the quenching process and will be used from box 18 to the output of the lamination process. The water is then treated in the Scale Pit (or in the Receiver Pool in the case of the water from the quenching process and the water used to cool the area from box 18 to the outflow). It then undergoes a second decantation in the dual decantation reservoirs and the process continues via the oil skimmer, filtration and cooling, with cooling towers calculated to withstand a temperature variation of 15 degrees centigrade (45ºC inflow and 30ºC outflow). The non-contact water circuit requires a flow of 1200 m3/hour and has been designed to function with a flow up to 1440 m3/hour at a pressure of 5 bar, plus the pressure required to overcome losses. It will supply the kiln/lamination circuits and the lubrication circuits. The water is then cooled using towers which are designed to withstand a temperature drop of 15 degrees centigrade (45ºC inflow and 30ºC outflow). For the evaluation of the drops in pressure in the water treatment system's pipes, the maximum speed for the circulation of the water has been taken to be 1.5 m/sec. As a consequence the characteristics of the pumps and the dimensions established for the pipes have been chosen in accordance. 3.2. Effluent flow The flows of effluents supplied by the water treatment plant will depend on the operating status of the production process. The following cases have been identified: • Full production: the nominal flows of the effluents correspond to this situation. • No production and the kiln hot: in this situation production is halted, but the kiln is hot and ready to begin production in a short period of time. This situation corresponds to moments when different types of repairs and adjustments to the production machinery are being carried out. • No production and the kiln cold: all of the machinery has been halted. There is no need to provide cooling water. In all the water flow figures for the design of the water treatment plant, an overload margin of 20% has been used. Tables 1 and 2 show the flows for contact water and non-contact water respectively, in each area, once overdimensioning has been applied. 346 Area: Production Process Engineering CONTACT WATER FLOWS NOMINAL PRODUCTION FLOW OVERDIMENSIONING (m3/h) DESIGN FLOW (m3/h) Kiln-box 18 inflow 1100 20% 1320 Box 18-kiln outflow 900 20% 1080 Thermal treatment 500 20% 600 Total to be processed 2500 20% 3000 OVERDIMENSIONING DESIGN FLOW NOMINALS FLOW WITHOUT PRODUCTION (m3/h) (m3/h) Hot kiln 1000 20% 1200 Cold kiln 0 20% 0 Table 1: Contact water flows NON-CONTACT WATER FLOWS NOMINAL PRODUCTION FLOW OVERDIMENSIONING (m3/h) Total to be processed DESIGN FLOW (m3/h) 1200 NOMINALS FLOW WITHOUT PRODUCTION 20% 1440 OVERDIMENSIONING DESIGN FLOW (m3/h) (m3/h) Hot kiln 1200 20% 1440 Cold kiln 0 20% 0 Table 2: No-contact water flows. 3.3 Physical-chemical characteristics of the effluents The following tables show the physical-chemical characteristics of the effluents in terms of solute concentrations, Ph, temperature, pressure, etc. during the normal operation of the system. 347 Area: Production Process Engineering CONTACT WATER Ph 7-8,5 Alkalinity 50-300 mg/l CaCO3 30-380 mg/l Mg2 0-120 mg/l Cl max 250 mg/l Fe max 0,5 mg/l SO4 max 200 mg/l PO4 max 0 mg/l SiO2 max 75 mg/l TDS (total dissolved solids) 1500 mg/l Total suspended solids 50-80 mg/l Maximum size of suspended solids 200 µm Maximum oil content 10 mg/l Minimum pressure 4 bar Maximum temperature 30 ⁰C Table 3: Physical-chemical characteristics of the contact water. NON‐CONTACT WATER Ph 7‐8,1 Alkalinity 3,2 mg/l CaCO3 19 ppm +2 Ca 240 ppm Mg+2 84 ppm Cl‐ 102,9 ppm Fe+3 4,4 ppm PO4 1,85 ppm SO4 725 mg/l HCO3 195,2 ppm Total suspended solids 10‐20mg/l Maximum size of suspended solids 0,1 mm Minimum pressure 4 bar Maximum temperature 30 ⁰C Table 4: Physical-chemical characteristics of the non-contact water. 348 Area: Production Process Engineering Bearing in mind that, amongst other reasons, given the evaporation of the water in the effluents, the concentrations of solutes will tend to increase, the water treatment plant, should, as far as possible, counteract this effect. During continuous operation the plant will not be able to treat the concentration of each solute independently. As a result, the measure used to control the level of solutes will be by means of conductivity meters, measuring the conductivity of the contact and non-contact water. Based on these readings the circuits will be flushed with clean water. The plant will have suitable resources to perform this operation. The effluents will be subject to periodical chemical analyses, performed by qualified staff. They will determine, based on the information received, any preliminary treatments needed and the amount of water inflow required so that the flushing operations have the desired effect. They will also determine the frequency with which said analyses need to be performed and the corresponding conductivity of the aforementioned solute concentrations. The water treatment plant will not contain devices for the chemical conditioning of the inflow water, and will only have effluent drainage and inflow lines. As a consequence of this, the water treatment plant must ensure that the following parameters are observed for the effluents: CONTACT WATER Conductivity To be determined Maximum size of suspended solids 200 µm Maximum oil content 10 mg/l Minimum pressure 6,5 bar Maximum temperature 30 ⁰C Table 5: Parameters for the contact water. NON‐CONTACT WATER Conductivity To be determined Minimum pressure 5 bar Maximum temperature 30 ⁰C Table 6: Parameters for the non-contact water. It should be borne in mind that, for the contact water circuit, the evaporation of water as it passes through the production process has been established at 2.5% of the total flow. All of the devices used to cool the non-contact water have individual filtering equipment. Thus, control of the size of solids in suspension in this effluent will not depend on the water treatment plant. 3.4 Particles removed by the effluents During cooling, when the effluents pass through the production process, their temperature increases and they also remove a series of different particles. The contact water removes 349 Area: Production Process Engineering solid particles of different sizes, mainly scale. If we consider that the maximum capacity of the rolling-mill train is 90 Tonnes/hour, and we estimate a formation of scale equal to 0.2% of the production total, the maximum amount of scale that the contact water will remove is 18 Kg/hour, with a density of 7.65 g/cm3. It will also remove a maximum quantity of 40 l/hour of oil and grease from possible overflows and leaks in the greasing and lubrication mechanisms. Given that the contact water circuit is closed and water-tight, it will not remove significant amounts of particles. Moreover, all of the equipment which functions in the productive process possesses its own individual filtering devices. As such, for the treatment process of this effluent the possibility of the existence of particles which interfere with the normal operation of the circuit will not be considered. 3.5 Thermal information The maximum temperature of the water inflow after having passed through the production process will be 45ºC; the water treatment plant will be capable of reducing its temperature tp a value less than 30ºC. In relation to tower cooling a wet bulb temperature of 21ºC is applicable. 3.6 Refrigeration towers The possible presence of the legionella bacterium in the cooling towers needs to be borne in mind, as this bacterium develops rapidly in water in the temperature range of 20 to 45ºC, and it is carried on the air. The following design factor swill be considered: • The cooling towers will have highly-efficient drop separators. (The amount of water removed will be less than 0.1% of the flow passing through the tower.) • To avoid the formation of rust in the towers plastics, galvanized steel and stainless steel will be used. • Sections of dead-end pipes will be avoided, and drainage valves will be fitted. • The equipment will be accessible for their inspection and cleaning. • The water collector will have a minimum gradient of 2% to drain off the water and will also have water outlets. Other preventative actions will be carried out via factors external to the design, as a specialised company will be hired which will be responsible for the inspection and cleaning of the equipment. Disinfection will be carried out using authorised disinfectants. 5 ppm of chlorine will be injected along with the biodispersant in the tray. The pumps will then be left running for five hours with the fans switched off. Next, all the water will be removed from the circuit and it will be thoroughly cleaned, with further water added until the drained off water appears to be clean. Lastly, it will be filled with clean water and 10 ppm of chlorine will be added, with the pumps operating and the fans switched off for five hours. The chlorine levels will be checked every hour. The water’s conditions will be controlled in a continuous, automatic manner, via the flushing out of dirty water and replacement with clean water, the addition of biodispersants and biocides, 350 Area: Production Process Engineering lime prevention agents, and agents designed to prevent the rusting of the metal parts in the circuit. The water will be drained from the tray when the apparatus is no longer in use. 3.7 Surface treatment of tubing which is prone to rusting All of the pipes which are prone to rusting must be treated on the outside with an appropriate coating for outdoor weather conditions, with the average lifetime for the system being 15 years. 3.8 System reliability All of the effluent pumping systems will have redundant systems (one reserve system). This will start automatically if any of the pumps suddenly fails. Floating level indicators will be fitted and will operate in conjunction with the ultrasonic level indicators to thus increase the safety of the level measurements if the ultrasonic level indicators fail. 3.9 Power supply The electrical power supply for the water treatment plant will be a triphase voltage of 380 V / 50 Hz, a monophase voltage of 220 V / 50 Hz , and an earth connection. It will also have a 7 bar compressed-air pipe, used to supply and operate the pneumatic equipment, and another 2 bar line to control the lines using suitable devices (such as pressure gauges). 351 Area: Production Process Engineering 4. Process description Figure 2 shows a simplified version of the process followed in the water treatment plant. As we mentioned in section 1, there are two water circuits: the contact water circuit and the non-contact water circuit. (Diaz, 2007). The path of each circuit is described below. Figure 2: Basic schema of the process in the plant. This is a closed circuit where water is not contaminated by scale particles, grease or oil. The circuit runs between the cooling towers and the train, where the water cools the lubrication systems and some of the furnace components. There are two phases in this process: effluent cooling and feedback to the production process. As can be seen in figure 2, part of the flow used for cooling the furnace, during lamination, and for cooling purposes during quenching is directed to the reception pool or the mill scale pit; the other part of the flow is used to cool the rest of the furnace and lamination. In the billet heating furnace water is used as a fire damper in open areas of the combustion chamber. In the lamination section this effluent is sent via manifolds to each lamination cylinder, and a direct jet of water is applied to the surface of each cylinder in order to protect them from overheating due to contact with the material in the production process. The jets also remove scale particles from the cylinders’ surfaces which could cause defects in the product. As a result of passing through the interior of the lamination boxes the effluent contains oil and grease particles (from leaks and spillage in the machine’s lubrication systems). The flow used in the quenching process has a temperature of less than 30ºC and is directed through tubes from the water treatment plant to the suction header of the quenching pumps. It is then carried to the inside of the guiding tubes through which the material circulates in the production phase (shaped so that the material acquires the required physical properties). As a result of the direct contact between the water and the incandescent steel (of the product) the water carries scale particles to an open channel which is used to direct the effluent. The channel has the same morphology as that of the furnace/lamination area. 352 Area: Production Process Engineering Figure 3. Layout of the contact circuit in the train. After having performed these functions, the water is carried by force of gravity through two similar channels. The channels have a gradient which ensures that the effluent circulates at a sufficient speed so as to avoid sedimentation of the solids in suspension. As can be seen in figure 3, one of the channels leads to the scale pit and the other to the reception pool. The flow being treated consists of water with a maximum temperature of 45ºC, with scale particles of different sizes, and a maximum of 40 l/hour of oils/grease. The loss of effluent via evaporation during the production process will be 2.5% of the total inflow. The phases of this circuit are as follows: • Separation of solids in suspension Separation of solids in suspension is carried out by decantation in several phases taking into account that the solid particles to be separated in the first phase will be scale particles, with a density of 7.65 g/cm3. This phase is performed in both the scale pit and the reception pool, where the water is carried by force of gravity. The second phase of decantation takes place in the decanters, where the water is sent through a pressure pipe line from the pumping areas of the scale pit and the reception pool. In addition, the decanters will receive water from the cleaning of the filters, from the thickener, and the floating material reservoir, after carrying out their corresponding processes as explained in detail below. The dimensions of the decantation reservoirs will be determined taking into account that the minimum size of the particles to settle in the scale ditch is 200 µm (worst possible case), with a variable decantation time in each reservoir. In the scale ditch the particles are heavier and less time and decantation space will be required. The decanted solids 353 Area: Production Process Engineering will be extracted using a suspended amphibious grab and will be deposited in areas destined for that purpose. The decanters will be calculated for a decantation time of 75 minutes. • Separation of oils Oil separation occurs in a pond designed for that purpose. Separation takes place due to the difference in density between the oil and water. The oils tend to form a film on the surface of the water. This is then extracted using a belt oil remover. The extracted oil is then sent to a hermetic storage tank. • Filtering As a precautionary measure a series of automatic-cleaning filters with a micronage of 200 µm., are used, in case any particles are still present after the decantation phase. • Cooling of the effluent The flow to be processed is sent by means of a series of pumps through the abovementioned bank of filters to the top of several prefabricated cooling towers. The cooled water is stored in pools beneath the towers which support the towers themselves. • Feedback to the production process Part of the total flow is pumped at a specified pressure from the contact water ponds to supply the furnace-lamination areas; the rest of the flow is carried by its own weight from the pool to the quenching area. 5. Conclusion If one compares the design of this water treatment plant to that of the majority of the plants currently used in the iron and steel industry, the following points standout: • The water treatment process is based on decantation and not filtration (that is why time required for decantation is so high). It results in economic savings as less filtration equipment is required. • The decanters are rectangular and not circular, which results in more uniform sedimentation. As for the scraping beams, the force which the beam applies when moving along the pond is also more uniform, whilst in the case of beams used in circular decanters the end of the beam furthest from the centre is subject to much higher momentum, thus requiring the use of a more powerful electrical engine and a more robust beam. • Filtering before the cooling towers is performed using a ring filter and not sand filters. The most important advantages of using this system are as follows: In the sand filters, during the washing phase generated by back-flow water supported by an air flow in the same direction, of particles of scale are found in the filters then, the back-wash will first expel sand particles of a lower density. These scale remains will be retained in the filter. When this scale rusts it may cause discolorations and impurities in the outflow water, amongst other effects. This is not the case in the ring filters. Here the particles are trapped between the lower and upper discs. A considerably lower amount of cleaning water is required during the cleaning phase of the ring filter. A specially designed system allows the rings to be separated which helps when removing the filtered particles from the equipment. For sake of comparison, in the set of 354 Area: Production Process Engineering designed ring filters, the cleaning phase may last a total of 6 minutes every two hours, creating a washing flow of 5.3 m3/every two hours. With an equivalent sand filter, the duration of the cleaning phase may be 10 minutes per filter. If a system with 6 filters was designed, then this would mean 60 minutes every two hours, that is, 250 m3/every two hours. This would create the need for more tubing, pumps, pool civil works, consumed energy, introduction of sand into the system, recycled water flow, etc. - The plant only requires a 9 by 2 metre area, and thus takes up less space. - This avoids the need for reloading or cleaning of sand because of oil or grease. Filtering efficiency is constant and never varies: it does not vary as the size of retained particles depends on the distance between the rings; and filtering is constant because “preferred channels” do not form (which occurs in sand filtering). This means that the proposed solution is more compact, more efficient, and requires less energy and civil works. For these reasons and also considering the experimental results obtained in plants with similar designs, we may conclude that this design has several advantages with respect to others. References CEPIS-Environmental Health protection Programme-HPE, 1981. Evaluación de plantas de tratamiento de aguas. Tomo I, Manual DTIAPA C-5. Diaz,O and House, M (Russula), 2007 Improved steelworks process water treatment. Millennium Steel International Edition, Editor: Dr. David James Price, pp 167-169 Giama (Universidad de La Coruña) and Russula., 2006. Estudio de Generación y de la tratabilidad de las aguas residuales producidas en un tren de laminación de acero en caliente. Universidad de la Coruña. Mataix, C., 2006. Mecánica de fluidos y máquinas hidráulicas. Ediciones del Castillo., pp 660 Montalvo L.T, 2007. Ingeniería hidráulica. Ediciones VJ, pp. 420 Correspondence (for further information, please contact): E. T. S. Ingenieros Industriales y de Minas. Universidad de Vigo. Departamento de Diseño en la Ingeniería. Área de Proyectos en la Ingeniería. Campus Universitario Lagoas - Marcosende 36200 Vigo Phone: +34 986 813647 Fax: + 34 986 812201 E-mail: [email protected] 355 Area: Production Process Engineering WORKPLACES REDESIGN IN A FOOD INDUSTRY TO MINIMIZE MUSCULOSKELETAL INJURIES IN WORKERS Planas, A.E. Ducun, M. Tomás, J.A. Azcona, I. Mutua Universal Abstract Musculoskeletal disorders are a cause of concern not only because of the health effects on individual workers but also because of the economic impact on businesses and social costs. More than 70% of occupational diseases and 33% of accidents declared at work with days off work are musculoskeletal. Working layouts and processes, awkward postures, high demand repetitive movements, sustained efforts, insufficient muscular rests, are responsible for these losses. Optimal workplace design, selection of appropriate equipment and the ability to predict musculoskeletal load and physical demands of each process are key tools to prevent the emergence and development of injuries. A case study conducted in a food industry which recorded continuously days off work because of epicondylitis and wrist tendinitis is presented. The factory had old machines, without economic possibilities of being renewed. Muscular and biomechanical demands on workers, ergonomic risk factors and characteristics of various production processes were analyzed. Workplaces were redesigned, accessories to the old machines were joined and production processes were changed. As a result, a performance improvement, an increase in productivity and the disappearance of days off work because of epicondylitis and tendinitis were obtained. Keywords: redesign, workplace, ergonomics, musculoskeletal, off work 1. Introduction This case study is presented as a result of an ergonomic analysis carried out in a food industry dedicated to packing and distribution of snack products. In the last year 49 work accidents with days off and 3 accidents with relapse were registered for a staff of 390 workers. The incidence rate was 125,6 accidents every 1000 workers, this number is higher than the average one in its activity sector that was 107,4. 34 of such accidents were musculoskeletal and mainly located at hands, arms and back. Several cases of epicondylitis and tendinitis in wrist were diagnosed. In addition to accidents with leave, workers expressed to suffer from discomfort in hands, wrists, forearms, lumbar spine, cervical spine and legs. Activities related with the most of the injuries where located at packing products line. The main part of these activities involved picking up packets from a conveyor belt, putting them into 356 Area: Production Process Engineering boxes or bags by hand according to its size, closing boxes or bags by hand and putting them into a pile to transport them. A packet weighted between 100 g (the lightest) and 1 Kg (the heaviest), conveyor belt speed was regulated according to this parameter. Afterwards a detailed analysis of the ergonomic risks in the packing line was developed. It was found that the critical activity was the packing of nuts in 1 Kg packets. Workers exerted repetitive movements of fingers, hands and forearms in addition of high and continuous forces, standing for a long time in the same place. 2. Objective Once workplace environment and processes causing injuries and discomfort in workers were identified, a collection of changes in procedures and layout of the workplaces were suggested, specially the redesign of packing nuts in packets with the greatest weight. The objective of this work is to valuate quantitatively the improvement achieved in muscular activity and energy worker solicitudes by the comparison of the old packing workstation design with the new packing workstation redesign. This previous assessment before implementation will be useful to guarantee the investment. 3. Methodology To detect risk factors related to the old design and to check the improvement related to the new design has been applied the following methodology: • Register of conditions of the packing line during work in the food industry. • Simulation of working conditions at laboratory, comparing both ways of carrying out the process: old design and redesign. • Film of the work processes. • Register of muscular activity of muscular groups responsible for movements and forces. 4. Results 4.1. Old Design Packing nuts operation involves opening a plastic bag, taking 1 Kg nuts packets from the conveyor belt, one by one, putting them into the plastic bag, getting the full bag into a knot, and putting it into the container for finished products (see Figure 1). This cycle lasts 18 seconds on average. Each worker handles on average 1000 Kg per hour (16,6 Kg/min). There is not a stipulated break for a rest, workers only take a break when a change of product is made. 357 Area: Production Process Engineering Figure 1: Packing of five 1 Kg-packets into a bag. Risk assessment for this workplace yields the following results: • High probability of developing specific injuries in distal part of upper limbs (epicondylitis, de Quervain´s disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger) and other non-specific injuries. According to Moore and Garg (Moore, 1995), it has been obtained a strain index of 72. • High manual forces related to repetitive handling of heavy products, higher than 1,6 times values recommended by Snook and Vaillancourt (Snook, 1995) for similar tasks. The workers´ hands are tensed during 62% work cycle. • Awkward postures for hands and wrists. Flexo-extension movements for right hand ranged between 40º extension and 50º flexion, and for left hand between 70º extension and 30º flexion. Lateral wrist movements ranged between 15º radial deviation and 40º ulnar deviation for left wrist, and between 35º radial deviation an d 30º ulnar deviation for right wrist. All these movements exceed completely limits recommended by UNE-EN 1005-5:2007. • Flexion of neck and back, in a static and continuous way, with values higher than limits recommended by UNE-EN 1005-4:2005. 4.2. New Design To solve awkward postures, high forces and repetitive movements, workplace redesign was recommended. To avoid stressful postures in hands and wrists, high strains in muscles and tendons during picking, a new output ramp for the machine was redesign. This new output ramp guided packets to final destination (a bag or a box). Then, workers operation only involved pushing packets, without picking and without handling weights. Figure 2 shows the redesign recommended for packing into sacks or bags. Figure 3 shows the redesign for packing into boxes. With this new procedure, the final container for nut packets was located at the extreme of the sloping conveyor belt. Nut packets could fall by gravity. Worker only should supervise the operation and help for the correct guide of the packets to the final container. It was recommended an automatic sealing device to avoid manual knotting for bags, because it was proved that this action implied a high physical demand to the worker. Putting the boxes or sacks on a mobile cart could make packets evacuation easier and could avoid a new manual handling. 358 Area: Production Process Engineering Nuts packet Flange for turning packets Conveyor belt Mobile cart Sacks Figure 2: Redesign for packing into bags. Nuts packet Conveyor belt Box Mobile cart Figura 3: Redesign for packing into boxes. For packing into boxes, it was proposed to put mobile and adaptable guides suitable to each packet size. As workers were standing for long periods of time, it was suggested to change the standing workstation for a sit-stand workstation. It was introduced a pedestal stool with adjustable height, to let workers change posture and let legs muscles rest. 359 Area: Production Process Engineering Figure 4: Pedestal stool to introduce a sit-stand workstation. 4.3. Comparison Old Design – New Design Packing operation with the old design and with the new design has been analysed in order to assess the physical load for the worker. The activity of muscular groups responsible for movements and postures has been examined for a working cycle. Muscular groups analysed in right and left upper extremities are flexors and extensors of the wrist, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, trapezius and anterior part of deltoid. Muscular activity has been registered by surface electromyography. To be able to compare between processes, results have been calculated as maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) of the worker. Right Deltoid- anterior part C1 Right Flexors C5 Left Flexors C9 C2 Right Extensors C6 Left Extensors C10 Right Trapezius C3 Right Biceps Brachii C7 Left Biceps Brachii Left Deltoid- anterior C11 part C4 Right Triceps Brachii C8 Left Triceps Brachii C12 Left Trapezius Table 1: Muscular groups analysed. Muscular Activity (%MVC) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Old Design 19,7 20,4 20,4 21,7 18,5 New Design 16,5 12 6 11 11,5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 12 10,4 5,7 9,2 11,5 10,5 8,1 10 7 5 3 6,5 4,5 4 Table 2: Muscular activity for each muscular group for old design and new design of packing workstation. 360 Area: Production Process Engineering In Figure 4 is shown the comparative graph of muscular activity required in old design and in new design for the packing workstation. For all muscular groups, effort suffered by the worker is smaller in new design than in old design. Numerical values are presented in Table 2. Muscular Activity 25 %MVC 20 15 Diseño antiguo Old Design Rediseño New Design 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Muscular Groups Figure 4: Muscular activity required in both designs. New design of the packing workstation means a decrease in muscular activity of the right upper extremity of 16% in flexors, 41% in extensors, 70% in biceps brachii, 49% in triceps brachii, 67% in anterior part of deltoid and 43% in trapezius. Also it means a decrease in muscular activity of the left upper extremity of 37% in flexors, 16% in extensors, 32% in biceps brachii, 12% in triceps brachii, 62% in anterior part of deltoid and 44% in trapezius. Muscular energy demands have been examined in packing to complete the analysis. As it is shown in Table 3 and in Figure 5, the redesign of the workstation implied a decrease of the energy demands in the right upper extremity of 61% in flexors, 72% in extensors, 85% in biceps brachii, 76% in triceps brachii, 85% in anterior part of deltoid and 73% in trapezius. Also it means a decrease of the energy demands for the left upper extremity of 71% in flexors, 60% in extensors, 69% in biceps brachii, 57% in triceps brachii, 81% in anterior part of deltoid and 74% in trapezius. 361 Area: Production Process Engineering Muscular energy demands 3500 3000 uV.s 2500 2000 Old Design Diseño antiguo New Design Rediseño 1500 1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Muscular Group Figure 5: Muscular energy demands required in old design and in new design of the packing workstation. Muscular Energy Demands (μV.s) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 Old Design 2084 3032 2367 1652 1578 1480 1449 717 1681 830 1563 721 New Design 811 822 333 396 457 581 449 305 244 220 285 183 Table 3: Muscular energy demands required by each muscular groups in old design and in new design of the packing workstation. 5. Conclusions The redesign of the workstation of packing has allowed to reduce between 57% and 85% the muscular energy demands to the worker. Movements and unnecessary manual handling have been avoided, especially manual handling of weights. Postural comfort of workers have improved. This has led not only to higher welfare for workers but the possibility of increase the production rate without risks for health of workers. A small change in the output ramp of the machine, the inclusion of a mobile cart, a device for automatic sealing bags and the purchase of a pedestal stool with adjustable height have allowed this improvement. A suitable ergonomic intervention implies a very positive cost-benefits relationship for the company. To guarantee the success of the ergonomic intervention is important to know in detail the technical faults of the workplaces and processes design about postures, movements and forces demanded, what risks for heath they introduce, how they become evident, why they are 362 Area: Production Process Engineering caused, and also to know which the most suitable options are, their viability and the way of implanting them. In many occasions, as the case study shown, a detailed analysis of working postures and movements of the worker, the alternatives that a machine could take, the introduction of unsophisticated tools and a small change in the layout of the workplace, all of them without a high economical investment, allow to decrease the musculoskeletal discomfort in workers, to improve the safety at work and to reduce the productive and social costs. References Moore J.S., Garg A., 1995. The strain index: a proposed method to analyse jobs for risks of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 56(5), pp. 443-458. Snook S.H., Vaillancourt D.R., Ciriello V.M., 1995. Webster B.S., Psychophysical studies of repetitive wrist flexion and extension, Ergonomics, Vol. 38, pp.1488-1507. UNE-EN 1005-4., 2005. Seguridad de las máquinas. Comportamiento físico del ser humano. Evaluación de las posturas y movimientos de trabajo en relación con las máquinas. UNE-EN 1005-5., 2007. Seguridad de las máquinas. Comportamiento físico del ser humano. Evaluación del riesgo por manipulación repetitiva de alta frecuencia. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): MUTUA UNIVERSAL Laboratory of Ergonomics Polígono Industrial Arazuri-Orcoyen, Calle C, nº 25, 31170 Arazuri (Navarra), Spain Phone: +34 948 01 04 70 Fax: + 34 948 01 04 90 E-mail: [email protected] URL: 363 Area: Project Management TOPIC AREA: PROJECT MANAGEMENT 365 Area: Project Management ANALYSIS OF DECISION-MAKING MODELS FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT Poveda-Bautista, R. García-Melón, M. González-Cruz, M.C. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Abstract In the present paper an empirical study about the decision-making processes in Project Management areas in valencian SMEs is presented. The work is based on previous studies where it was concluded that: - the decisions made in Project Management environments are of the type multicriteria, multiexpert and discrete, Valencian SMEs do not use any Decision Support System. The following work is focused on establishing relationships between the companies decision making models and their Maturity Model in Project Management. The methodology used is based on qualitative research techniques, e.g. focus interviews. These relationships obtained will be used as guidelines to propose a Decision Support Methodology based on MCDA techniques to help these companies. Key words: Project Management, MCDM, PMMM, decision making 1. Introduction A previous survey conducted by the authors of the present work (Poveda et al., 2005; García et al., 2006; García et al., 2005) revealed that the analysis of Project Management decision processes has been mainly based on existing approaches, models and tools for General Management, a field which presents significantly different characteristics from the one under study. Therefore there is a methodological niche and the urgent need for the development of a decision analysis tool that takes into consideration the particular nature of project management. This support tool will allow a more systematic and rigorous decision-making process throughout the project life cycle as well as high excellence in the project management process for successful project implementation. On the other hand, the need of working with faster and more flexible organizational structures, which forces companies to operate through projects that successfully materialize their objectives, as well as a more competitive business market make it necessary that the 367 Area: Project Management successful results of one project can be extended to future projects through the use of standardized procedures. In this context, new management techniques and tools adapted to project development that allow for systematization and standardization of project management procedures have to be developed to reach acceptable levels of maturity in project management. Maturity in Project Management consists of developing repeatable processes and systems leading to project success (Kerzner, 2000). The present study is part of a wider research work on Project Management decision-making processes with the main objective of developing a decision support tool to help Valencian companies in their project management decision process. The tool will allow decision makers to gain a better understanding of the decision problem and to model the main parameters involved in the decision process (alternatives, criteria, criterion weights, utility aggregation procedure …) The decision support tool must solve decision problems found in Project Management (PM) processes and adapt to the level of maturity of the companies involved in the process. In this sense, the tool should provide a modelling system for solving complex PM problems. Therefore, it seems reasonable to gain a deeper knowledge on the way decisions are made as well as on the organizational features of the PM processes used in the companies under analysis. In a previous survey, a questionnaire was used to analyze the typology of the commonest PM decisions and the way companies formulate the decision-making problem. The present work describes the findings of an empirical study conducted on Valencian companies with the aim of classifying these companies according to their PM culture using a model that assesses their level of maturity. 2. Background A previous survey conducted by the authors showed that the PM decisions made in Valencian companies are of a multiexpert multicriteria and discrete type. Based on the findings of that preliminary survey, in the present work the relationship between the use of conventional decision analysis models and the company’s organizational culture in PM is analyzed. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding both of the formal aspect of the decisions and of the organizational aspect of PM as a general framework for the application of the decisionmaking processes. For this end, in this work we analyze the level of maturity in PM within the organizational culture of the companies involved in the projects. It is difficult for most companies to accurately determine the level of application of PM practices. One of the main reasons for classifying Valencian companies according to their level of maturity is to establish an unbiased indicator of the degree of definition of the processes and of the correct application of widely accepted PM practices and tools. According to Ibbs and Kwak (Ibbs and Kwak, 2002) most companies consider the use of practices and support tools useful in project management processes as they permit them to adapt to changing business environments, yet they need a reference model for the efficient implementation of such tools. Project Management Maturity Models (PMMMs) emerge to provide companies with the necessary mechanisms to allow them to identify the key 368 Area: Project Management opportunity and improvement areas in project management activities. Additionally these models serve to develop comparison indicators for the application of PM practices and techniques across organizations operating in the same business environment or sector. Recent studies have identified the advantages of applying methodological practices and welldefined procedures in the area of PM. Most of such studies are based on research works conducted in the professional and academic environments. Some studies basically focus on qualitative assessment of PM practices and tools rather than on establishing quantitative indicators (Al-Sedairy, 1994; Boznak, 1988; Bu-Bushait, 1989; Cleland, 1993; Deutsch, 1991; Gross and Price, 1990; Kwak et al., 1995; Ziomek and Meneghin, 1984). Other works analyze possible improvements in project success through the use of projectoriented organizational structures based only on the analysis of PM practices (Donnelly and Kezsbom, 1993; Gobeli and Larson, 1986; Larson and Gobeli, 1989; Lundin and Soderholm, 1994; McCollum and Sherman, 1991; Might and Fischer, 1985). More recently, Dooley (Dooley, 1998) has studied the impact of maturity and best practices on new product development projects. In this work we present a new proposal for the quantitative measurement of the level of application of procedural methods and well-defined processes in the companies under study. The measurement procedure is based on Project Management Maturity Models (PMMMs). This will allow the quantitative comparison of the PM organizational culture in Valencian SMEs with the aim of establishing a relationship between this company’s culture and the PM decision process. The results of the analysis will then be used to define adequacy criteria which in future works will be used to develop a PM decision support system adapted to Valencian companies. For this end, our study uses the data from questionnaires sent to the Valencian companies under study. The results of the questionnaires were used to classify the companies according to the decision making model used: well-structured decision models vs ill-structured decision models. 3. Objectives The objectives of the present work are: To classify Valencian companies according to their Project management culture using a model that measures their PM maturity level. To study the relationship between the companies’ maturity in project management and the decision process. With this objective in mind, the impact of organizational maturity in project management on decision making processes is analyzed. 4. Research methodology 4.1 Stages of the survey The different stages of the research are To review the state of the art in the areas of Project Management and Decision Making. To develop a methodology of general analysis of the companies’ maturity level and of the use of decision making models. 369 Area: Project Management To design a questionnaire to identify the decision model used in the company. To analyze the data on the basis of how the company structures the decision making process. To strategically select the study cases (companies) of the survey. To design an interview outline in order to measure the level of maturity in Project Management based on PMMMs. To assess the degree of application of methodological practices and well-defined processes in PM (classifying the companies in levels according to PMMMs). To analyze the companies’ strengths and weaknesses in decision making and PM. To establish the relationship between the decision models used and the companies’ level of maturity in PM. 4.2. Survey design The methodological approach is aimed at establishing the relationship between the companies’ decision models and their level of maturity in PM. The methodology and survey were based on the Maturity Models proposed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) in 1990, Kerzner (Kerzner, 2000) and other renowned authors, as well as on PMMMs used by Project Management practitioners. The PMMMs propose 5 levels of maturity (initial, repeatable, defined, managed and optimizing). The most significant features of the methodology developed are: Strategic selection of the study cases. Exes Company size Decision models Variables/Factors -Project Management -Decision Making process Model/Procedure - PMMM - Decision Model vs. PMMM Research methodology Tools/Analysis -Decision model questionnaire / Statistical analysis -Interview guidelines PMMM / Qualitative analysis Objective Relationship between decision models & PMMM Table 1: Methodology for establishing the relationship between decision models and maturity levels (designed by the authors). The analysis conducted at this stage of the research is the basis for the subsequent development of a decision support tool. An in-depth interview with the decision makers was considered the best way to reach the first objective, i.e. to better understand the relationship between project management decisions and project management maturity. The purpose was to discuss with the decision makers on key Project management issues: Decision Making Models, and PM methodological practices and standardized procedures; however a discussion on issues as intangible as these is a difficult task. For this reason we decided to focus the analysis on specific situations so that the respondent explained his/her 370 Area: Project Management experiences in more detail. These personal experiences were then used as the basis of the discussion and further interpretation of relevant aspects for the present study. The survey was devised in such a way that the respondent could analyze the project management processes and activities conducted on a specific decision-making environment. For example, decision makers were asked to describe the procedures for resource allocation followed in a particular project, focusing on how resource allocation decision problems were formulated. The interviewed decision makers were asked to think about and describe situations according to certain criteria: The situations should belong to a well-defined Project: the Project should present well-defined strategic goals, extend over a given time length and be strategic for the company. The situations should be complex in the sense that they involve highly-qualified personnel from other departments and/or organizations and areas of knowledge. The respondent should have been actively involved in the resolution process. The situations should be extrapolable to the overall performance of the company in similar decision problems. With their descriptions, the respondents were asked additional questions about their organization with the purpose of finding out the company’s level of maturity. Therefore, most of the empirical work focused on the identification of paradigmatic indicators about the companies’ level of maturity in project management. At this stage of the research, therefore, the basic tool was the in-depth interview, in the sense of a non-programmed standardized interview as defined by Vallés (Vallés, 1996), i.e. with certain general guidelines that are adapted to the particular conditions of each specific discussion. Most of the interviews lasted less than one hour and were recorded for further analysis. 4.3. Design of the in-depth interview guidelines The guidelines of the first part of the survey were based on a questionnaire sent to the companies at an earlier stage of the research work. The results of the questionnaire allowed the classification of the companies into companies that follow a well-structured model and those which follow an ill-structured model in their decision making process. This classification was used in the strategic selection of the study cases (companies) for the present survey. The second part of the survey focused on questions about how the companies develop their project management activities through standardized procedures. That is, how they structure and systematize project management processes by measuring their level of maturity. The interview covered the following aspects: Detailed description of the selected decision case. Description of the stakeholders indicating their responsibilities and roles in the process. Questions about the decision making process. Questions about the company’s degree of orientation towards the project. Questions about the status of the project management process. Mechanisms, project plan, monitoring and control tools. Questions about the stakeholders’ degree of involvement in the project. 371 Area: Project Management Although during the interview, the respondent felt free to express his/her opinions and viewpoints on the different issues, certain elements of the PM theoretical framework were included. Key conceptual categories were included in the interview with the aim of identifying the level of maturity (for example, when the respondents were asked to define “Project Office”). 4.4. Strategic selection of the study cases The selection of the survey sample followed the sampling criteria reported in Vallés (Vallés, 1996) about strategic selection of study cases based on the theoretical sampling approach that consists of generating a typological matrix by crossing two criteria in order to identify cases or situations within each resulting category. The matrix that collects all the study cases (companies) distributed according to the decision model - company size exes is as follows: the numbers correspond to the companies as listed on the ARDAN Business Database of the IMPIVA (Valencian Institute of Small to Medium Sized Industries). Size Well-Structured Ill-Structured Medium 3, 10, 15*, 20, 22*, 33, 44, 51, 59*, 63, 64*, 69*, 74, 79, 80, 82, 83, 87, 90*, 93, 99*, 100*, 105, 107 50*, 70, 73*, 95, 106, 113, 116, 118, 121 Small 2, 4, 5*, 6, 7, 8*, 9, 11*, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25, 26*, 29, 31*, 32, 34, 35*, 36, 37*, 39*, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47*, 48, 49, 52, 53*, 54*, 55, 56, 57, 60*, 61, 62, 67*, 71, 75, 77, 81*, 85, 88, 91*, 97, 98, 103, 108, 109, 110*, 111, 112, 122*, 124, 127 1*, 12*, 13, 21, 24, 27*, 28, 30, 38*, 45, 58*, 65*, 66, 68, 72*, 76, 78, 84, 86, 89, 92, 94, 96, 101*, 102, 104, 114, 115, 117, 119, 120, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129 Table 2: Surveyed companies distributed in the typology matrix. Strategic selection of study cases:*surveyed companies. The survey was conducted on companies belonging to the four different categories as defined in the matrix. The companies were distributed in the matrix cells according to their answers to the questionnaire that had been sent at an earlier stage of the research and whose data were used to classify the companies on the basis of the decision model used. The survey of the four company groups was as follows: Midsize companies with well-structured decision models: a total of 8 interviews were conducted on project managers or heads of department who had actively participated in project management. Midsize companies with ill-structured decision models: the respondents belonged to two companies of this group and had profiles similar to the respondents of the above group. Small companies with well-structured decision models: subjects with similar profiles from 17 companies belonging to this group were interviewed. 372 Area: Project Management Small companies with ill-structured decision models: the interviewed subjects belonged to 8 different companies. Although the strategic selection was determined by the cells in the matrix, the criterion of non-uniformity within each group was taken into consideration for the selection of the companies to interview in order to cover a wider range of companies. Thus, about 20% of the companies that had answered the questionnaire were interviewed. In order to cover a wide spectrum of possibilities, the selection was done on an organizational basis such as type of business organization (familiar, managerial different from ownership, filial-Head), industrial activities and geographical location. On certain occasions it was not possible to personally interview the subjects in the selected companies. For such cases, a qualitative questionnaire that included the main interview issues was elaborated and sent by e-mail. 4.5. Survey data analysis and interpretation After the interviews, the recorded material was processed and the interviews were typed and further summarized in the final report of results. The survey guidelines described in Section 4.3 above helped the analyst to better organize (coding, classification, integration) the survey data. The analytical processing of the data followed these four steps: The transcripts of the interviews were analyzed, and the segments related to key issues were underlined. Notes were taken on the sides to indicate the interview section the fragment belonged to. After coding each interview transcript, all fragments belonging to one section were grouped together. This meant separating the fragments from their original interviews and grouping them in the corresponding section. Finally, the material collected in each section was re-classified and interpreted, adding sub-sections when necessary. After integration, section by section, the next step consisted of the coherent organization of all sections following a narrative coherent sequence. The analysis of the information collected in the interviews suggested that Valencian companies have different levels of PM maturity mainly due to the great differences in their organizational structure. About 45% of the surveyed companies are at low maturity levels (levels 1 and 2) whereas about 45% are at high or very high maturity levels (levels 4 and 5), although very few companies reach the Optimizing level. The rest of the companies (10%) are at an intermediate maturity level. However, the objective of the present work was not the accurate characterization of the companies’ maturity level; for this goal the definition of indicators difficult to measure would have been necessary. Rather the main objective of this study was to provide a qualitative classification of the organizations in order to find differences in their project management process. Two company groups were identified: companies with high or very high levels of PM maturity (including the companies with an intermediate level of maturity as they were considered to possess a well-defined structure in project management) and companies with low or very low levels of maturity. In the group of companies with well-structured decision models we found that: These companies are project-oriented. The Project and the Project chief manager are formally announced and designated. 373 Area: Project Management They generally use Project management qualitative tools. Project management processes are standardized. The companies tend to continuous improvement in their Project management processes. The main conclusion drawn from the interviews and their transcripts was that there is a close relationship between the way the organizations manage their PM decisions and their level of PM maturity. The companies that use well-structured decision models are at high levels of PM maturity, whereas the companies that use ill-structured decision models are at low levels of PM maturity. No clear relationship was found between maturity levels and company size as high and low levels of PM maturity were found in medium as well as in small companies. 5. Conclusions From the findings presented and analyzed in the previous section the following conclusions can be drawn: There is a close relationship between the company’s level of maturity in project management and their decision process. The higher the level of maturity the more they use well-structured decision models. The statement that the higher the level of maturity the better the company performs in modelling its project management decisions is based on the fact that higher maturity levels bring about benefits to decision models. As an illustration of this we can mention: The higher the level of maturity, the greater the availability of well-defined and welldocumented projects, which improves the PM decision process. A better communication among the stakeholders involved in the project, resulting in a higher satisfaction with and acceptance of the decisions made. This is partly due to the use of a common language at high levels of maturity. Alignment and coordination of goals across projects and with the company’s strategic goals in aspects such as human resources, purchases, taskforce … Definition of a framework for the decision making process and its consequences in the project plan and project change management (this generally takes place at high maturity levels). Availability of databases about the company PM capabilities. This will facilitate decision making management. According to Project Management Process Maturity (PM)2 (Ibss and Kwak, 2002), at maturity levels 4 and 5 there is an integrated planning and control of the company’s project portfolio, and complex decisions, like project portfolio selection, are better solved. Authors like O´Toole and Mikolaitis (O´Toole and Mikolaitis, 2002) identify maturity level 3 with the use of decision models implemented in the company and well-documented project processes, and maturity levels 4 and 5 with assisted decision making and continuous improvement in the decision making process. The results of the analysis do not reveal any characteristic PM maturity level in Valencian companies. Certain authors like Andersen and Jessen (Andersen and Jessen, 2003) postulate that the level of maturity of a company is subjective rather than objective. On the other hand, the percentage of Valencian companies at an intermediate maturity level is significant. This consideration is valid only for 374 Area: Project Management companies with high maturity practices. Ibbs and Kwak (Ibbs and Kwak, 2002) in the application of (PM)2 consider that certain companies can be assigned a maturity level N+1, yet they do not possess all the features of level N. This is due to the fact that companies that lie at level N+1 are capable of selecting efficient practices and tools for their projects. For this reason, level-3 companies are included in the group of companies with high maturity levels. Although we could not establish a typical maturity level in Valencian companies we have drawn some conclusions that help define adequacy criteria for the future development of a decision support tool for these companies: In general, level-1 companies do not have a well-structured project plan; in addition, they have no project management information system available. Level-2 companies use support tools and practices for project planning as well as a well-structured organizational project system. Companies at maturity level 3 define and manage formal project management methodologies and models, and possess information systems that collect, review and deliver well-documented processes for project management. Companies at maturity level 4 have integrated or comprehensive welldefined project control processes that are coordinated by the different departments of the company. The project management information system comprises all the company’s areas and projects. In companies at maturity level 5 the project management processes are planned and optimized with a focus on continuous improvement. High maturity levels are mainly observed in companies that manage projects in which different organizations or departments are involved. These companies need a common PM methodological framework that ensures project success; they also need well-defined management processes to solve conflicts in organizations in which projects are an essential part of the business (Mulder, 1997). Certain companies classified as with high maturity levels, however, do not present a well-defined project management training program, i.e. the participants in the project may not have upgraded knowledge. Most companies in the groups level 3 and higher, although they have project management teams and departments, the team members also play other roles in the company. The conclusions presented here suggest that a decision support system adapted to the organizational project management culture of Valencian companies should take into account the following considerations: Companies at maturity levels 3 and higher possess project management information systems that allow them to count with valuable data and documents during the decision making process. However, for companies with maturity levels 1 and 2, most of which do not have such information systems available, the decision support tool should help them in structuring and modelling project information. For maturity levels 4 and 5, characteristic of companies that develop acrossorganizations projects, the decision support system should allow remote problem solving and help solve conflicting interests among the stakeholders. The decision support system should adapt to interdisciplinary problem solving and help professionals with little knowledge on project management. 375 Area: Project Management 6. Future research lines For future research work we propose to develop a decision support system for project management decision making, based on Multicriteria Decision Analysis techniques, adapted to the maturity level of the Valencian companies. The system may help in the modelling of complex project management problems. In this sense, the support system will help companies at low levels of maturity to structure decision problems. References Al-Sedairy, S.T., 1994. Project Management Practices in Public Sector Construction: Saudi Arabia, Project Management Journal, pp. 37-44 Andersen, E.S. Jessen, S. A., 2003. Project maturity in organisations, International Journal of Project Management 21 pp. 457-461 Boznak, R.G., 1988. Project Management- Today’s Solution For Complex Project Engineering, IEEE. Bu-Bushait, K.A., 1989. The Application of Project Management Techniques To Construction and R&D Projects, Project Management Journal, pp. 17-22. Cleland, D., 1993. The Future of Project Management, PM Network, pp. 6-8. Deutsch, M.S., 1991. An Exploratory Analysis Relating the Software Project Management Process to Project Success, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 38, No. 4. Donnelly, R.G. and Kezsbom, D.S., 1993. Overcoming the Responsibility-Authority Gap: An Investigation of Effective Project Team Leadership for a New Decade, AACE Transactions. Dooley, K., Subra, A., and Anderson, J., 1998. The Impact of Maturity and Best Practices in New Product Development, Quality Management Conference, Arizona State University, USA. García Melón, M., Aragonés P., Poveda R., Zabala, J., 2005. Decision making in NPD projects. An empirical study, International conference on engineering design, ICED 05, Melbourne, Australia. García Melón, M., Poveda, R., Aragonés, P., Pastor, J., 2006. Analysis of the decision making processes in innovative companies. Empirical study for the Valencian Region (Spain), 18th international conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, MCDM 2006, Chania, Grecia. Gobeli, D.H. and Larson E.W., 1986. Matrix Management: More than a Fad, Engineering Management International, Vol. 4. Gross, R.L. and Price D., 1990. Common Project Management Problems and How They Can be Avoided Through The Use of Self Managing Teams, IEEE International Engineering Management Conference. Ibbs C.W., Kwak Y.H., 2002, Assessing project management maturity, Project Management Journal, 31(1):32–43. Kerzner H., 2000. Applied Project Management best practices on implementation. Ed. John Wiley & Sons. USA. 376 Area: Project Management Kwak, Clark, Grilo, Betts, and Ibbs., 1995. “Contemporary Strategic Planning Tools and Applications for Construction Managers”, First International Conference on Construction Project Management, Singapore, pp. 25-40. Larson, E.W. and Gobeli, D.H., 1989, Significance of Project Management Structure on Development Success, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 36, No. 2. Lundin, R.A., and Soderholm, A., 1994, Conceptualization and Learning- The Black Environment of PM, PMI 25th Annual Seminar/Symposium”, Vancouver, Canada. McCollum, J.K. and Sherman J.D., 1991. The Effects of Matrix Organization Size and Number of Project Assignments on Performance, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 38, No. 1. Might, R.J. and Fischer, W.A., 1985. The Role of Structural Factors in Determining Project Management Success, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. EM-32, No. 2. Mulder, L., 1997. The importance of a common project management method in the corporate environment, Blackwell publishing: R&D Management, 27(3):189-196 O'Toole, M., 2002. Corporate Event Project Management, John Wiley & Sons. USA Poveda Bautista R., García Melón, M., Aragonés B., 2005. Análisis de los procesos de decisión en Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos. Estudio empírico en PYMES innovadoras de la comunidad Valenciana. IX congreso internacional de ingeniería de proyectos, Málaga Vallés, M.S., 1996, Técnicas cualitativas de investigación social. Reflexión metodológica y práctica profesional. Síntesis. Madrid. Ziomek, N. L., Meneghin, G. R., 1984. Training- A Key Element In Implementing Project Management, Project Management Journal, pp. 76-83. Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Rocío Poveda-Bautista Departamento de Proyectos de Ingeniería Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Camino de Vera, s/n 46022 Valencia Phone: 96 387 98 60 E–mail: [email protected] 377 Area: Project Management R&D&I PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN SPANISH UNIVERSITIES Varas, M. Universidad de Antofagasta Caamaño, J. Universidad del País Vasco Abstract The new role that universities possess in innovation, was promoted from an evolution both of the universities themselves and of the social frame in which they are inserted Thus, university research becomes one of the props of the development of society But, this new role, carries new difficulties and organizational challenges to an institution already complex (Bricall, 2000), (Sanyal & Bikas, 1995)]. In this process of adjustment universities have tested several models of management, to give fulfillment to the expectations of society. The intention of this paper is to understand how the R&D&i projects managed in spanish universities. The analysis is carried out from a field study that shows that researchers, feel alone and lacking of the necessary resources to manage the R&D&i projects Keywords: Management R+D+i, Project management 1. Introduction 1.1. History of the changes in university Before the democratic transition, Spanish universities had very few opportunities to assimilate the Humboltiano model, based on the narrow link between teaching and research that had spread over Europe and The United States throughout the 19th century. According to (Sanz, 2003), the "transformations in the European and American universities scarcely reached the Spanish universities. Only after Franco's regime, they approached the necessary institutional reforms that helped to define, in the context of an extraordinary autonomy and capacity of self-government of university, the possibilities of normal development of the research and of reinforcement of the bows with the productive environment". In the seventies other opinions arose about the problems that the R&D systems that had been created had and a worry developed about the difficulties in the utilization of the knowledge produced by universities. Thus, the transfer of technology and the connection with industry emerged as essential topics for the government, together with the later 378 Area: Project Management incorporation of technological innovation. Simultaneously, from the theories and policies of regional development (Malecki, 1991), it pointed out that universities, and their scientific technical capacities were a potential mechanism, a lever for regional development. Therefore, to both traditional missions of university, consolidated in the binomial teaching and research throughout the 20th century, a new mission was added in the last years: the transfer and exploitation of research results. In line with these observations new argumentations have been constructed about the radical changes that this new orientation produces in the nature of the way of knowledge production (Gibbons et al, 1994); it says that a new mode (Mode 2) characterized by the specificity, the trans- disciplinarity, has arisen. In addition the relations among university, government and company have changed with the emergence of a "triple helix " [(Etzkowitz & Leydersdorff,1997), a "new" type of institutional arrangement for the production and utilization of knowledge. Thus, the evolution of university begins with efforts carried out by the state to promote research in general and, specifically, to improve the research level of Spanish university. In any case, the major weight of university in the Spanish research activity is also due to significant growth of the expense in high education that takes place in the eighties and first part of the nineties (OECD, 2002).Another factor that has influence on this evolution of Spanish university towards research has been the availability of public competitive funding of research activities, so that the normal development of R&D projects was allowed.It seems relevant, to indicate that the project policy understood as a general promotion policy of research activities by means of public summons, had its introduction in the eighties, and it meant a radical innovation in the Spanish science and technology system. Also thanks to this policy, and to the creation of the National Agency of Evaluation and Futurology (ANEF), one of the institutional structures in which the above mentioned policy was shaped, a healthy culture of competitive summons has been developed in Spain. On the other hand, the normative reforms carried out in the university in 1983, with the approval of the Law of University Reform (LRU), aimed at a model's change in which research and service to society, by means of the transfer of technology, carrie to represent important values added to the traditional one of training by means of teaching (Jimenez &Moya, 2003). The LRU raised a program of university opening to society and companies, besides a conceptual integration of research in its activities. The article 11, which authorized the contracting of scientific works out of the university, created specific incentives to university teachers for the development of research under contract with companies and public administrations This article, now replaced with 83 of LOU (6/2001), established a special regimen for university government employees, in which these could increase their income by means of the establishment of " research contracts " or the rendering of services to Public Administrations or private entities. Therefore, individual incentives, supported by improvement of teachers' fee, were created for the development of R&D under contract. Later on, this system was complemented by the approval of "researchers' sexenios" that were established remunerations for researchers dedicated to the Basic R&D, which have served to stimulate research commitment and scientific production (Jiménez Contreras et al., 2003), simultaneously they have turned into elements that demonstrate the researchers is 379 Area: Project Management reputation, in spite of not being so lucrative in remunerative terms as the derived from the contracting with companies. In the same way, LRU introduced, and LOU confirmed, the possibility that public universities could formalize agreements and contracts with the private sector to finance the accomplishment of research and development activities. This one was the first step that put the base for a culture of collaboration that is developing progressively, in the year 2002 a 19,63 % of the budget expenditure in research was financed by the private sector. Nevertheless, the research in Spanish university has been financed mainly by Public Administrations. This progressive adaptation of university was made through different organizational schemes and even with new legal structures to manage these services. In this sense, Spanish university has created foundations in charge of continuous formation, has promoted independent legal institutions to favour the connection between university and company, has set up companies to manage some of its services, etc. To sum up, it has tested which is the best way of organization to give each type of service. Some recent analyses of the ways to carry out research and continuous formation in universities offer many examples of the enormous variety of organizational solutions that have been given in the performance of the different university services. 1.2. The services of research management in universities The services of research management in universities are created from the Sciencie Law, in 1986, which entrusts functions of contracting (Article 17), creating or taking part in mercantile societies (article 19). For this reason, structures dedicated to research management, with different functions and with different organic and functional dependence are created. In addition, the administrative services from universities have among their functions the support, advice, management and rendering of necessary services for the fulfillment of the university purposes. The article 39 of LOU, ratifies the exposed in the LRU, and establishes "research as a university function". Therefore, the services of research management are in charge of facilitating the researcher with necessary specific support, with rapidity and efficiency, for the correct execution of research. According to the article 40 of LOU, the researcher has the right to have the information, advice and necessary administrative assistance to carry out research, since research is a right and duty of university professors. 2. Research Methodology 2.1. Selection of a sample To select the public universities that took a part in the study they considered the income that they obtained from their research activities, including public and private financing derived from research projects. The criterion of selection was all those universities that possess a incomp bigger or equal to 10.000.000 Euros, qualifying 20 universities, representing 42 % of the total population of public universities. 380 Area: Project Management 2.2. Evaluation of Vice President for research To know the opinion of Vice Presidents about research management, Vice Presidents / chiefs of research were consulted about the processes that they carried out to manage projects. The sample target of study is formed by: 1-Vice Presidents or chiefs of research from 20 selected public universities. Population universe 20 public universities Perimeter of research Spain Modes of data collection Personel mail intercept survey and personel in home survey. Date of accomplishment Begin: 15 de March 2007 End: 15 de September 2007 Sample size 20 Vice President research Rate of response 55 % (11 Vice President Research ) Table 1: Specification sheet of the survey Vice President Research public universities 2.3. Questionnaire Vice President Research The development of the questionnaire, was based fundamentally in checking the procedures of delivery of information, follow-up, control and evaluation of research projects, present on a R&D&i project cycle of life a, that Vice President Research carry out. Initial Phase In this phase, it is necessary to manage and promote the participation of university researchers in projects summons and the collaboration with other organizations in the field research. The carried out activities are: 1. Dissemination of public summons, information about requirements, conditions and period. 2. Advice, taking into account the needs of every group of research. 3. Support on interested companies search. 4. Collaboration in contracts negotiation. Execution Phase This phase begins with the project authorization to researcher, or with the signing of the research contract (in case of contracts art. 83 L.O.U.). In this phase,the different regulations that are going to mark in any way the economical administrative management of a research can't be forgotten. Tasks of the research management service: 381 Area: Project Management 1. Information to the researcher of the conditions of the project authorization (initial date, admitted expense, possible modifications, date of ending, justification and reports). That is to sag, the requirements established by sponsor. 2.-. System of budgetary countable follow-up of expense and income derived from projects. 3. Exact Information to the researcher on the economic situation of research project. 4. Information on system of assistant personal and scholars selection. 5. Control of times of dedication and remuneration of PDI (researcher teaching staff), involved in the aforementioned project. 6. Juridical advice. 7.-Reports elaborated by the internal Control Unit / intervention in projects. Does transfer of funds exist among projects? Closing Phase Tasks of the research management service: 1. Justification to the different sponsors. 2. Justification in case of audits and controls. 3. Elaboration of Databases. 4. System of evaluation of project results and its effective application, as well as the internal procedure of intellectual property and exploitation results. 5. Claims presented by sponsors of the different projects and if it was the case the financial repercussion of them and the person or unit that takes the expense. A consultation that had relation with the opinion that Research Vice President had of researchers fulfillment (periods, costs) was added. 1-Does periods and requirements fulfillment of the established documentation, exist on the side of the researcher? 2.4. Analysis of research groups The research groups that took part in this study were selected. For that purpose, a size of sample of 20 % of the stratum was designed, which means 956 research groups. A designed sample was chosen since by a previous study the reticence that researchers had to answer this type of instruments was known. The minimal sample limit marked by statistic was of 355 show units, for a confidence of 95 % and a mistake of 5 %, but a major sample was gave guarantee of the validity of results. In relation to the number of research groups that are inquired by university, the same percentage that represents every university inside the universe was applied to the size of the sample. The selection of show units was carried out by means of simple random sampling. According to the table of random numbers. The specification table of the survey of research groups from public universities is shown Table 2. 382 Area: Project Management Population universe Research groups 20 public university. Perimeter of research Spain Modes of data collection Personel mail intercept survey and personel in home survey. Date of accomplishment Begin: 1 de February de 2007 End: 15 de May de 2007 Sample size n 956 (Designed sample) Rate of response 46% (university = 407,Centers and institutes = 36, Total corrected sample 443) 1,9 % sample be not valid Mistake 3,7 % Confidence level 95% , P = Q Types of sampling Sampling stratified with election of sample units by means of random simple system distributed in proportional form by university. Table 2: Specification sheet of the public universities survey. 2.5. Questionnaire of research groups It aims to know the opinion of the interviewed person about the processes of project management that Vice President Research carry out. These questions that then must be contrasted with the answers of Vice President Research organisms, were designed in the following way: Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of the research support services the university that. Management service of research Initial Phase 1. Dissemination of public calls, information on requirements, conditions and terms. 2. Advice, taking into account of every research group. 3. Support on search of interested companies. 4. Collaboration in contracts negotiation. Execution Phase 5- Information to researcher on economic situation of Project research. 6- Information on system of assistant staff and scholarship holders selection. 7- Legal advising. 8- Support the use of computer science applications and electronic communication channels. 383 Area: Project Management Closing Phase 9- Internal rules to regulate intellectual property and explotation results. 10- Claims presented by sponsors of different projects. Researcher Management 11- Do you fulfil the targets and term stablished in the contract? 12- Do you deliver partial and final informs on time? 13- Do you fulfil the laws and statutes that affect research? 3. Results The results are compared, following the order Project Life Cycle Tabla 3. The analysis of the data picked up from vicepresidents in the starting phase indicates that: o The dissemination process is evaluated as effective by all the universities, opinion that share researcher evaluating their average with 4,78. o About the process of individual advising to research groups, the Vice Presidents indicate that it is only carried out when it is asked for or “sometimes” and researchers indicate in a 42.5% that the support is regular and 35.8% values it as bad. Average Average Vice President Frequency of the Process Researcher Evaluation of the process Dissemination 4,0 Always 4,78 Good Needs 2,91 3,47 Regular -Bad Contracts negotiation 3,09 3,23 Regular Search of companies 2,45 2,91 Bad Personal Information 3,55 Always 3,71 Regular -Good European Projects 3,27 Always 3,13 Regular -Bad Computer application 2,55 3,16 Regular -Bad Regular -Bad sciencie When it is asked for Sometimes When it is asked for When it is asked for Legal Advising 3,64 Always 3,20 Tracking Information 2,64 Always ** Economic Tracking 2,82 Always 4,17 Results projects 1,64 Never ** Registry nonconformities 1,82 Never 2,58 Good I do not know Table 3: Average of the processes of projects management in public Universities. ** Processes nonconsulted to research groups 384 Area: Project Management o Related to the support in the search of companies, Vice Presidents Research indicate that it is only carried out when it is asked for; however the activity was valued as bad by a 41% of researchers. It was analyzed, in addition, if there was difference of opinion with respect to the search of companies process by a researchers it existed, following the amount of budget that the group managed, Table 4.The results indicated that those groups that managed a major budget estimated on 300,000 Euros, had equal or worse opinion that those than handled a lower budget. Search of companies to research groups Annual R&D&i Total It does not exist I do not know Bad Regular Good 5 10 12 4 3 34 6001-300.000 euros 38 55 138 64 20 315 300.001-600.000 euros 4 6 12 9 3 34 600.0011.500.000 euros 2 5 2 4 0 13 1.500.00130.000.000 euros 0 1 3 1 1 6 Sobre 30.000.000 1 1 0 2 1 5 50 78 167 84 28 407 Budget 0-6000 euros Total Table of contingency 4: Annual budget R+D+i. Search companies groups public universities. o Referring to the collaboration in the contract negotiation a 41.7% of the Vice Presidents indicate that the activity carried out is, nevertheless researchers have a great dispersion of opinions, 27.5% consider it regular, 19.2% of them consider it good and 19.4% consider it bad. The Table of contingency 5 was carried out, to know if the contract processes that were well evaluated by researchers corresponded to contracts with companies. The analysis of data indicated that only 14% of the research groups that worked with companies evaluated the management well since the other 5.2% corresponded to the opinion of the research groups that managed public projects. Demonstrating this way that the process of contract support with companies is evaluated of regular to bad by researchers. 385 Area: Project Management Negotiation of the contract for the group Budget finance 0% by companies Between 1% and 20% Between 21% and el 50% More of 50% I do not know Total It does not exist I do not know Bad Regular Good 23 80 29 33 21 186 4 15 30 39 32 120 5 3 13 25 12 58 5 2 5 11 11 34 1 0 2 4 2 9 38 100 79 112 78 407 Total Table of contingency 5: Budget financed by companies * Negotiation contract group. Public universities. In the phase of execution of the project they carried out six consultations whose answers are given next: With respect to the support to the researcher for the selection of staff and scholarship holders, Vice President Research in a 66.7% of the sample, indicated that it was an activity that carried out was. Researchers, however almost 65.1% as evaluate it a service of regular to good. o o As far as the legal advising on intellectual property and results of explotation is concerned, a 66.7% of Vice President Research indicate that it is an activity that is always carried out opposed to a 44.2% of research groups that consider the activity of regular to good showing a clear disagreement with the process. o In relation to the support in the management of European projects a 50% of the sample of Vice President Research indicate that they carry out realise the activity. The rest of universities execute it only, when it is asked for, nevertheless, a 53.6% of researchers think that the service is only of regular to bad evaluating in only a 12.8% as good. o As far as the support to researcher in the use of electronic communication channels to postulate to projects is concerned a great dispersion of answers exists among universities, Table 6, where it is shown that a part of universities only carry out this process when it is asked for. The opinion of research groups is that support is evaluated as regular or bad by a 58.7% of the sample. 386 Area: Project Management Truthful Frequency Percentage Truthful Percentage Accumulated Percentage Never 2 18,2 18,2 18,2 When it is asked for 4 36,3 36,3 54,5 Sometimes 2 18,2 18,2 72,7 Always 3 27,3 27,3 100,0 11 100,0 Total Table 6: Computer science applications. Public universities. o In relation to consultations regarding the sending to researcher in a permanent way of the economic situation of the project, a 91% of Vice President Research indicate that an economic tracking of projects exists and 81.8% (only) reveal that information about tracking project is carried out, being only economic tracking. As far as research groups is concerned 47.2% of research groups consider good the economic tracking and 33.2% as regular. In the closing phase the two processes consulted to Vice President Research are not carried out, being the system of evaluation of the project results the least used, as it is shown on Table 7 of frequencies. In relation, to the processes of nonconformities registry research groups do not receive information on the complaints made by sponsors, therefore, a 50.6% do not know if this information exists against a 7.9% who consider it as good. Results projects Registry nonconformities No Sometimes Yes Frequency 7 1 3 Percentage 63,6 9,1 27,3 Frequency 6 1 4 Percentage 54,5 9,1 36,4 Table of Frequencies 7: Vice President Research public universities. The analysis of these results in the context of the changes that Spanish universities live make evident that weaknesses and problems exist in the model of management of the centralized research that universities have adopted. The evaluation of Vice President Research management lets us know that the organism owns a better opinion of the services that it gives than the one researchers do. But also the belief exists that they must improve support services, lack of personnel specialization, rotation and deficiency of resources are factors that Vice President Research indicate as variables that affect the projects management that they carry out. 387 Area: Project Management 4. Conclusions The valuation of service management of Vice President Research from public universities that researchers carry out “is bad”, they feel alone and devoid of the necessary resources to manage projects. Vice President Research however do not value their management bad and are conscious of a series of problems which must be considered nowadays as: o Deficiency of human resources described in relation to the activity to develop. o Lack of budgets or lack of economic resources to manage research. o Exponential increase in the number of public calls in projects in the last years. o The demands for the control and audit of aid. o Little clear norms of sponsoring organisms as far as eligible expense and term (in some autonomic funds) is concerned. o The general norms of Public Administration, sometimes too rigid, that makes difficult the research management. References Bricall, J.M.; 2000. Informe Universidades 2000. Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas. Recuperado el 20 octubre 2005, de Delgado López-Cozar , E.; Jimenez Contreras, E.; de Moya Anegón, F., 2003,.The evolution of research activity in Spain: the impact of the National Comisión for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI), Research Policy vol. 32, 123-142 Etzkowitz, H. and Leydersdorff, L. 1997. Universities and the Global Knowledge Economy: Atriple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations. London: Pinter Gibbons, M., Limoges, C., Nowotny, H., Schwartzman, S., Scott, P. and Trow, M. 1994. The newproduction of knowledge. London: Sage Malecki, E.J. 1991. The dynamics of Local, Regional and National change. Technology and Economic Development. Essex: Longman. Sanyal, Bikas C. 1995. Innovations in University Management, Paris: UNESCO. Publishimg: IIPE. International Institute for Educational Planning Sanz Menéndez, L. 2003 La investigación en la universidad española: la financiación competitiva de la investigación, con especial referencia a las Ciencias Sociales y Económicas Publicado en Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 109: 181-218, Enero-Marzo 2005. OECD 2002. Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2002. Paris: OECD. Sánchez Ferrer, L. 1996 Políticas de reforma universitaria en España; 1983-1993. Tesis doctoral. CEACS-Instituto Juan March, Madrid, España 388 Area: Project Management Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Dra. Marinka Varas Parra Ingeniería Industrial. Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antofagasta Av. Jaime Guzmán E. s/n Antofagasta. Chile E-mail: [email protected] 389 Area: Project Management CONSTRUCTION RISK MANAGEMENT: APPLICATION AND EDUCATION El-Dash, K. College of Technological Studies, Kuwait Abstract Construction risk management emphasizes the application of risk management in the construction industry, focusing on large scale and innovative projects. The application of risk management in construction projects is still less than its true value. The present study compares the level of the needs of the construction industry and the current level of acquired risk management knowledge and skills. The study demonstrates the response of many industrial foundations in Kuwait that contribute to construction projects, focusing on infrastructure projects. The responses were used to deduce the major elements required to implement construction risk management in the market. Moreover, the current levels of knowledge and skills of those elements were assessed, also based on the collected data. The requirements to narrow the gap between needs and actual education level are discussed. Finally, factor analysis methodology was used to categorize and evaluate the parameters that affect the implementation of risk management in the construction industry in Kuwait. Keywords: Construction, risk, education, management, Kuwait 1. Introduction Construction management education has been of interest for more than forty years. Most university civil engineering departments offer fundamental construction management courses for undergraduate students.Some departments offer specialized courses, such as contracts, specifications, equipment, scheduling, and/or computer applications. Meanwhile, the subject of construction risk management has received little attention in undergraduate curricula. On the other hand, more universities offer graduate courses that focus on risk management in the construction industry (Banik, 2004; Niewoehner, 2005). Risk management is a complicated process that interrelates with many other processes in the construction industry and on construction projects (Alexander, 1998; Chapman, 1997; Grey, 1995; Holland, 2006). Investigating project risks includes studying potential events that may affect the scope, cost, time, or performance of the project's objectives. Investigating potential risks requires the collaboration of all disciplines contributing to the project. Technical, managerial, financial, and administrative departments of the participating firms 390 Area: Project Management need to cooperate to identify and respond to expected risk events. This integrative process needs practical experience to adapt the required environment (Edwards, 1995; Sherer, 2004; Smith, 1999). This is the main reason for the reduced risk management content taught to undergraduate students. The target of the present study is to compare the current level of knowledge and skills with that required to implement risk management in the construction industry based on the opinions of construction practitioners in Kuwait. The study considered the following steps: • identifying the knowledge required to conduct the process of risk management in the construction industry and on construction projects; • assessing levels of awareness and implementation of risk management; • assessing the level of risk management knowledge required to improve its implementation; • comparing the required knowledge to the current status of implementing risk management (comparing the previous two items); and • determining the major parameters that contribute to progress in implementing risk management in construction projects and the construction industry. 2. Method of study A simple model is proposed for the parameters required to implement the risk management process. The model was prepared based on preliminary discussions with construction practitioners and academics. A questionnaire was developed based on preliminary discussions and the proposed model. Participants with more than 15 years of experience in construction projects and currently working on mega projects were selected to ensure a good understanding of risk management requirements. The items of the model were discussed with 52 participants to clarify any misunderstandings regarding the issues under investigation. The sample included 32 participants from the government and 20 from the private sector. The questionnaire included two categories of questions: 1. The current level of awareness and implementation of risk management concepts and tools in construction projects; and 2. The target level of awareness and implementation. The questions included evaluations of the required level of knowledge and skills for junior engineers with up to five years of experience and senior engineers with more than five years of experience for each of the previous two categories. The levels found for junior engineers show a trend that satisfaction is strongly related to undergraduate education level. On the other hand, senior engineers' satisfaction with implementation is strongly correlated to postgraduate education, training programs, and interactive experience. 3. Risk management processes The risk management requirements model presented in Figure (1) illustrates the main 391 Area: Project Management requirements to implement the process of risk management. The risk management process is divided into four subprocesses, which are identification, analysis, response, and review. 3.1. Risk planning and identification Identification of potential risks is usually the first practical process and the most crucial one in the risk management process. The risk identification process usually is a part of the project plan and is based on the collection of institutional policies and regulations that place many constraints on the process of risk management, such as budget contingencies, time delay thresholds, human resources rules of hiring and firing, rewards and penalties, performance control limits, reporting systems, and procurement policies. A risk management environment is subject to the support of higher authorities in the project, the organization, and the construction industry. The support of governmental, educational, and industrial institutions helps to improve the awareness of risk management. This awareness leads to a better collaborative environment that improves risk planning and the identification process. Risk identification depends on many other parameters, such as project management knowledge and skills, and technical, finance, accounting, economics, and legal capacities. Analysis SWOT Monte Carlo Grids Insurance Risk indices Statistics EMV Training Executives support Reliable management Sponsor support Planning & Government support PM Finance Accounting Law Economics Response Creativity Organizational Policies Management Capacity Auditing Review Identification Figure 1: Risk management requirements. 3.2. Risk Analysis Risk analysis usually includes qualitative and quantitative analyses. Qualitative analysis is concerned with determining the prioritization of the expected risk events based on the anticipated possibility and impact of each. Quantitative analysis is concerned with numerical determination of the consequences of these risk events. 392 Area: Project Management Many tools may be used in the qualitative and quantitative analysis, such as SWOT analyses (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), risk indices, grid analyses, Monte Carlo simulations, EMV analyses (expected monetary value), and statistical calculations. 3.3. Risk Response The risk response process includes planning for the required action to be considered in case a risk event occurs. It also includes taking planned action if required and following up with the consequences of these actions to ensure that a risk plan results in the required outcome. Risk response is determined by proposing several alternatives to eliminate or mitigate an expected risk and assigning the optimum alternative as a response. Most risk responses are based on contractual agreements, insurance, and managerial solutions. 3.4. Reviews Knowledge Risk Management Decision making Creativity Value Engineering Economics Scope Management Communication Management Contract Management HR Management Insurance Law Finance Accounting Quality Statistics Management Time Cost Management Management Experience Figure 2: Risk management body of knowledge. Reviewing the risk plan is a continuous process that starts with initial planning and continues into identification, analysis, and response processes. However, the review of the overall risk management lifecycle is fundamental to the subsequent step of whether to change the risk plan or to plan for another risk event in the same or different project. Auditing is the usual form of review at the end of the risk management lifecycle, while other forms like checklists could be used at particular times during the process. 4. Risk management body of knowledge A construction project risk management body of knowledge integrates with that of the management of other projects. Figure (2) shows schematically the constituents of a body of 393 Area: Project Management knowledge. These items are distributed in the figure according to proposed requirements of knowledge and experience. The proposed distribution is configured specifically for construction engineers. These constituents can be rearranged with respect to level of education as follows: 4.1. Undergraduate level a. Time management b. Cost management c. Quality management d. Scope management e. Statistics 4.2. Postgraduate level (including professional training and practice) a. Human resources management b. Communication management c. Contract management d. Finance e. Accounting f. Law g. Economics h. Value engineering. 5. Results and analysis The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed using statistical descriptive analysis to compare the results for each parameter and then analyzed using the factor analysis method to facilitate categorization of the considered parameters. 5.1. Statistical descriptive analysis The data collected considered the requirements for risk management in terms of level of education and skill required for application. The questionnaire developed included three categories for each item as follows (Table 1): a. The current implementation level, which represents the awareness level of the specified item; b. The required level for a junior engineer involved in risk management, which represents the education and skills of freshly graduated engineers; and c. The required level for a senior engineer involved in risk management, which represents the education, knowledge, and skills of engineers with more than five years of experience in the construction field. 394 Area: Project Management Each item was evaluated using a scale from one (lowest level) to five (highest level). The number of choices from the participating 52 practitioners was multiplied by the chosen rank (from one to five) and the sum divided by 10. The calculation process could be presented in the mathematical form as follows: WS = 1 * n1 + 2 * n 2 + 3 * n3 + 4 * n 4 + 5 * n5 10 (1) Where WS is the weighed sum for the specified item and ni is number of participants who voted (i) for this item. The results of these calculations are presented in Figures (3)–(6) in the form of a comparison among the weighed sums for the item's implementation level, required level for junior engineers, and required level for senior engineers. The data collected were categorized in the following four categories. 5.1.1. Risk management awareness The first part of the collected data considered the general awareness of construction management and construction risk management specifically. The results, shown in Figure (3), indicate that the current level of knowledge is reasonable with respect to junior engineers. The allocated required level for freshly graduated engineers is less than the general current implementation level. On the other hand, the required level of senior engineers is higher than the implementation level. All categories show the same trend for the senior engineers, especially when it comes to strategic risk management, program risk management, and project risk management. 5.1.2. Risk analysis tools Qualitative and quantitative risk analyses include many parameters that could be utilized. The items shown in Table (1) and Figure (4) were chosen because they are common tools in construction project risk management. Figure (4) shows the gap between the actual practice in using these tools and the required level of education and skills for the tools considered. Practitioners pointed out that CPM is the most necessary tool to be utilized in construction projects. Statistical calculations and EMV follow CPM in implementation importance. Figure (4) also shows that the difference between the required level of knowledge for junior engineers and the required level of knowledge for senior engineers is marginal. This slight difference could be attributed to the fact that the participants in the study were senior engineers and they considered that these technical processes are usually carried out by junior engineers while the seniors only review the processes. The other tools considered in the study (decision trees, grids, risk indices, and Monte Carlo simulation) received slightly less interest from the participating practitioners. The results in this category demonstrate the need to improve the level of the application of risk analysis tools in undergraduate courses and the corresponding practical training during study or during the early periods of junior engineers' construction careers. 395 Area: Project Management Implementation Junior need Seniors need Construction management awareness CM experience 18.6 12.6 24.5 RM experience 15.3 9.2 18.9 Strategic Risk management 10.9 6.7 19.7 Program Risk Management 11.2 8.6 19.0 Project Risk management 13.3 12.6 20.3 EMV 10.4 17.6 19.3 Statistical sums 12.0 17.9 21.6 Monte Carlo 8.8 14.8 13.9 Decision Trees 9.6 16.2 17.3 Risk indices 9.1 15.5 15.1 Grids 12.5 17.2 17.9 CPM 18.4 21.6 24.3 Insurance 10.1 9.7 18.0 Policies 13.7 13.0 19.3 Management 13.9 15.2 22.5 Auditing 14.1 12.5 17.4 PM experience 16.5 9.2 24.7 Finance 13.8 11.5 20.4 Accounting 13.7 10.6 18.2 Equipment management 15.1 11.9 18.6 Law Economics 13.7 9.9 18.1 12.9 13.8 18.9 Risk analysis tools Risk response capacity Risk management knowledge Table 1.Risk management items considered in the questionnaire and the corresponding weigh sum (WS). 396 Area: Project Management Figure 3.Evaluation of construction risk awareness level versus requirements. Figure 4.Evaluation of risk analysis tools implementation versus requirements. 5.1.3. Risk response capacity Risk response is a cyclical process that includes planning, execution, and control. This process requires a high level of managerial knowledge and skills. These requirements are evaluated quantitatively in the results of the collected data. Figure (5) shows the results of this partial study. The most necessary knowledge area is found to be the capacity to manage project risks by utilizing acquired knowledge and skills. Next to management come organizational policies, such as distribution of roles and responsibilities, risk management strategy, and risk threshold. The results show that the required level of knowledge of insurance is slightly below that of organizational policies and slightly higher than that of auditing processes. The insurance culture is still weak in the construction field. The manipulation coverage of insurance in construction is usually limited to physical losses like accidents, injuries, fatalities, and construction damage. Project managers and sponsors seldom exploit insurance for other managerial risks like liquidation damages, cost overruns, and schedule delays. The assignment of appropriate premium and determination of the conditions required for the insurance agreement vary from one project to another depending on the complexity, managerial capacity, experience, and stakes of the project. These are the major barriers to expanding insurance to cover similar risks. Establishing a systematic approach to calculating an insurance premium and insurance contract clauses could be performed in a well-documented construction environment but not in developing countries. 397 Area: Project Management Figure 5: Evaluation of risk response capacities implementation versus requirements. Figure 6: Evaluation of risk knowledge areas implementation versus requirements. 5.1.4. Risk management knowledge Construction risk management body of knowledge includes a diversity of knowledge areas (Figure 2) that are difficult for an individual engineer to accumulate. Hence, risk management is a cooperative process that must be carried out by a management team that acquires the required knowledge. The study considered the major required branches of knowledge, including project management, finance, economics, accounting, equipment management, and law. Figure (6) illustrates the collected data for the implemented and required levels of risk management body of knowledge. As can be seen in Figure (6), project management knowledge and skills are currently the most commonly implemented knowledge areas, followed by equipment management. The other knowledge areas, considerably behind the previous two areas, are at a similar level. The importance placed on equipment management could be attributed to participants' background as senior engineers. The results (Figure 6) show that the required knowledge level for project 398 Area: Project Management management is most necessary for senior engineers. The engineering practitioners affirmed that finance is the second most important area and economics is the third. The lack of importance reported for law reflects low awareness of the very strong relation between construction risk on one side and contract clauses, construction changes, and dispute resolution on the other. The gap between the actual, practical level and the requirements for senior engineers is significant for all areas considered, especially project management. The required improvement in project management is reported mainly as risk management and contract management capabilities, which was concluded from individual notes and discussions with the participants. The self-assessment of the senior practitioners in this regard is greatly appreciated. It reflects awareness of the great need for more effective acquisition and implementation of management knowledge. The required level of knowledge for the junior engineers was satisfying, as shown in Figure (6). However, participant practitioners noted that acquiring higher levels of knowledge and skills by juniors is usually attained through practical implementation. These results direct the strategies of the construction industry in developing countries toward improving the capabilities of the top and middle management personnel to attain the required competition through long training courses by international experts, gaining experience from benchmark firms, or intermingling with well-established firms in local projects. 25.0 WS 20.0 15.0 Governm ent Private 10.0 5.0 Motivation Reward Change Funds Management Security Positions Policies Training Quality Innovation RAM Standards Culture Sponsors 0.0 Figure 7: Positive contribution to risk management processes. 5.2. Factor analysis The results of the factor analysis show three main factors that contribute to the variability of the data collected. These three factors and the corresponding parameters are discussed below in sequence that accord to the variability encountered in the factor analysis process. Figure (7) presents the weighed sums (WS) for these parameters. The responses in this regard were on a scale from one to five, where a score of five meant the implementation of the item was the highest positive contribution. It could be noticed from the figure that the financial aspects and security are the main contributions in the governmental sector. On the other hand, Standardization and the support from senior management are the main contribution in the 399 Area: Project Management private sector. The three parameters encountered by the deduced factors are introduced in the following discussion: 5.2.1. Culture of the organization The first factor considers the parameters correlated to organizational culture. Table (2) introduces theses parameters and the correlations among these parameters. All the correlations have positive values which points to the strong correlations among these parameters. The highest value is between Standardization of the organization and implementing quality standards. The relationship between quality and standardization is obvious and convincing. Sponsors Culture Standards RAM Innovation Quality Sponsors 1.000 0.589 0.424 0.333 0.143 0.530 Culture 0.589 1.000 0.699 0.387 0.549 0.407 Standards 0.424 0.699 1.000 0.593 0.475 0.804 RAM 0.333 0.387 0.593 1.000 0.209 0.741 Innovation 0.143 0.549 0.475 0.209 1.000 0.486 Quality 0.530 0.407 0.804 0.741 0.486 1.000 Table 2: Correlation matrix for parameters considered by the first factor. 1. The contribution of sponsors. 2. The culture of the construction organizations. Standardization of the organization. 3. Responsibility assignment matrix. 4. Encouraging innovative attitude. 5. Implementing quality standards. 5.2.2. Motivation and development The second factor considers the parameters correlated to the motivation and development of the personnel who are supposed to participate in risk management processes. Table (3) shows the correlations among these parameters. The correlation values are even higher than those obtained for the first factor. The highest correlation is between sufficiency of training programs and support from direct and senior management staff. Both parameters show that the participants in need for more technical and managerial support to enhance their performance. 1. Sufficiency of training programs. 2. Encouraging organizational policies. 3. Availability of appropriate positions. 4. Adequate job security. 400 Area: Project Management 5. Support from direct and senior management staff. Training Policies Positions Security Management Training 1.000 0.609 0.572 0.459 0.763 Policies 0.609 1.000 0.641 0.375 0.591 Positions 0.572 0.641 1.000 0.483 0.303 Security 0.459 0.375 0.483 1.000 0.670 Management 0.763 0.591 0.303 0.670 1.000 Table 3: Correlation matrix for parameters considered by the second factor. 5.2.3. Risk management retention. Table (4) shows the correlations among these parameters. The correlation values in this set of parameters are less than the previous two sets. The highest correlation is between rigidity of change rejection environment and sufficient reward system. There is no distinguished relationship between these two parameters and the other two parameters. Funds Change Reward Motivation Funds 1.000 0.197 0.316 0.390 Change 0.197 1.000 0.406 0.223 Reward 0.316 0.406 1.000 0.110 Motivation 0.390 0.223 0.110 1.000 Table 4: Correlation matrix for parameters considered by the third factor. 1. Availability of funds required for development. 2. Rigidity of change rejection environment. 3. Sufficient reward system. 4. Enthusiasm and ambition. 6. Conclusions The following are the conclusions from this study, which was conducted to assess the current level of, and the improvements required to enhance the implementation of, construction risk management in Kuwait. The current level of construction project management knowledge at B.S. level is satisfactory based on the multidisciplinary interaction required to acquire an advanced level of risk management skills. More practical training is required for college students and junior engineers to acquire know-how in utilizing risk management tools. 401 Area: Project Management More awareness is required for senior engineers working in construction project risk management with respect to the following fields: - Insurance; - Organizational policy planning and implementation; - Project management and general management skills; and - Finance, economics, law, and accounting. Both government and private construction organizations need to be reengineered to reflect the importance of risk management in their systems. - Top management must encourage innovative solutions to enhance earned value through risk management processes. - Organizations' policies need to include clear motivational clauses to encourage employees to develop themselves and to acquire new techniques. - Organizations must construct and enforce a standardized system for all managerial and technical processes in their work flow. - Construction organizations need to define well-organized responsibilities and authorities for all stakeholders, by which risk management processes can be established. - Training programs should be controlled by monitoring the outputs of these programs to achieve the required added value. Reward systems should be provided for employees who acquire knowledge of risk management through academic or training programs. In addition, there should be a reward system for the implementation of this knowledge and skills. References Alexander, C, 1998. Risk Management and Analysis, Volume I, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, England , 1998. Banik, G. C., 2004. Teaching Real-Life Management to MS Construction Students, Proceeding of ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah. Chapman, C. and Ward, S., 1997. Project Risk Management: Processes, Techniques, and insights, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, England. Edwards, L. 1995: Practical Risk Management in the Construction industry, Thomas Telford Publications, London, UK, 1995. Grey, S., 1995. Practical Risk Assessment for Project Management, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England. Holland, J. K., 2006: Risk Management & Contract Guide for Design Professionals, Arden Publications, Vienna, VA, USA. Niewoehner, R., 2005. Implementing and Teaching Risk Mitigation in Project Courses, Proceeding of ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon. Sherer, B., 2004: Portfolio Construction and Risk Budgeting, Risk Books, Spain. Smith, N. J., 1999. Managing Risk in Construction Projects, Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, UK. 402 Area: Project Management Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Karim El-Dash Civil Engineering Department College of Technological Studies POB 42325, Shuwaikh Kuwait 70654 Phone: +965-99310261 Fax: +965-22314533 Email: [email protected] 403 Area: Training in Project Engineering TOPIC AREA: TRAINING IN PROJECT ENGINEERING 405 Area: Training in Project Engineering SUPPORT TO CREATIVITY IN THE SEMESTER PROJECT USING TRIZ Aguilar-Zambrano, J. Valencia, M. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana – Cali González-Cruz, Mª C. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Abstract This article shows a qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of the use of TRIZ, a systematic creativity strategy, as a tool to support the creative competence within the Semester Project in the curriculum of Electronic Engineering. The analysis is based on an experience carried out with second year students from the Javeriana University in Cali, Colombia. The Semester Project is a pedagogical activity seeking to boost different student competences. The project is based on the formulation of a problem that must be solved by using more than one curriculum course currently taken by the students. The project is evaluated by a set of professors throughout the semester. The results obtained show that the proposal of ideas using TRIZ is higher compared to those generated by trial and error without any creativity technique. TRIZ's potential for engineering work is corroborated because it uses the accrued knowledge of designers over the years helping new generations attain this knowledge. It addresses, from the curriculum, the formation of professionals with abilities to face the new oriented to project enterprises. Keywords: Creativity, TRIZ, formation competences, integrated curriculum. 1. Introduction The student formation processes in engineering are currently focused in the development of competences, known as the know-how in a context (Aguilar & Rivera, 2005). On the other hand, it is required that the curricular structures explicitly respond to the new working challenges of the surroundings (Yorke et al., 2006) and that the curriculum must be taken into account as a whole, as opposed to an aggregate of subjects along time guided by academic interests (Koksal & Egitman, 1998). Context recognition and application of pertinent knowledge in this context calls for new teaching methodologies as well as new attitudes of professors and students for these purposes. The Semester Project is one of those new methodologies which seek to look at the curriculum as a whole and form professionals with skills to deal with problem solving, with specific experiences carried out at the university (Aguilar, 2001). 407 Area: Training in Project Engineering Creativity is a predominant element in product development because it allows the generation of ideas that can then be materialized for the improvement or the generation of new products. There are various techniques that enhance creativity, some focused on a personal internal search for inspiration (brainstorming, analog thinking, lists of attributes, SCAMPER, and many more) and others, such as TRIZ, which invite the design engineer to use a set of knowledge already developed by other designers to boost inspiration (Ogot & Okudan, 2006). The article begins with the presentation of the Semester Project, then describes in a general way the strategy of systematic creativity - TRIZ and finally presents the pilot experiment conducted with Electronic Engineering students from second year from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Cali, Colombia. 2. The Semester Project Since the year 1996, the Electronic Engineering undergraduate program of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana sectional Cali, Colombia, has worked with a pedagogical strategy known as the Semester Project. The Semester Project is a strategy in the training of future engineers that from the enunciation of a practical problem, which is related to the subjects that the student is enrolled in the semester, seeks to develop a set of competences that will be of professional usefulness both in the disciplinary and labor field. The Semester Project is done each semester for three years of the programme, from the fourth to the eighth semester. In the fourth semester, it only involves one subject and it is the preparation of the student for this type of learning, based on project-based learning. In higher semesters it will have a larger number of subjects associated to it. The Semester Project seeks to promote the following types of competences: the academic, aimed to strengthen the disciplinary formation; the argumentative, which enables the student to propose and defend an idea; the behavioral, which permits the student to recognize the different contexts in order to act properly in them; the communicative, which lets the student interact properly through different means of expression; the conceptual, which recollects the fundamental elements of the phenomena to make proper use of them; and the creative one which enables the student to propose new ideas for finding solutions (Aguilar & Rivera, 2005). 2.1 Characteristics of the Semester Project The Semester Project stems from the collective work of professors of each academic semester. These professors, before starting the semester, define the problem to be solved and elect a professor as the Semester Project coordinator. This professor is responsible of coordinating the project throughout the semester and acts as the information contact with students on all issues pertaining to the project. Professors act jointly, like a Board of Directors, with the students in three different moments of the project to receive the results. Professors act on individual basis throughout the project in guiding students from their area of knowledge. The following characteristic elements of the Semester Project are recognized: Formulation of a project, of average complexity, by the group of professors of the semester. Planned solution of the problem. Collective assessment of reports on a regular and programmed basis. 408 Area: Training in Project Engineering Formal documentation of technical reports submitted by students. Practical and oral verification report of the project results. Table 1 shows how the Semester Project is evaluated based on the instruments used and on the aims of the academic activity. Activities Instruments Schedule and Presentation of proposed solution to the problem First and Second Project Submission Written document Final Submission Communicative, argumentative, Behavioural Competences Academic Competence Conceptual Competence, Research Methodology X X X X Oral Presentation Paper X X X X X Document X X X Oral Presentation X X Written document, Table 1: Assessment characteristics of the Semester Project. 3. The strategy of systematic creativity -TRIZ The theory of inventive problem solving TRIZ was developed by Genrich Altshuller and his colleagues in the former Soviet Union in the year 1946. This methodology, which combines principles and algorithms, is now used worldwide. The investigation of TRIZ assumes that there are universal principles of invention which are the basis for creative innovations that promote the advancement of technology (Salamatov, 1999). When these principles are identified and codified, the invention processes can be more predictable. The Altshuller’s research team has analyzed through 50 years over two million patents. They have classified them by their level of inventiveness and they have analyzed them to identify the principles of innovation. The key concepts in TRIZ theory are Ideality, ARIZ, Contradictions, SubstanceField Analysis, Laws of systems evolution, and Knowledge Base of the Effects and Inventive Principles (Goel & Singh, 1998). At present, there are various works of effective use of TRIZ with other design engineering methodologies such as Axiomatic Design (Kang, 2004; Shin & Park, 2006) that help engineers in problem solving. 409 Area: Training in Project Engineering Altshuller’s work presents a set of tools to solve problems where the notion of contradiction is a key aspect in TRIZ theory. It is affirmed that through a careful analysis of a problem its inherent contradictions can be identified. The tools that TRIZ provides should be applied every time a contradiction has been identified (Cavallucci, 2002). Figure 1 shows an overview of Altshuller’s work. Sources Analysis Analysis of patents Classification Essential notions Analysis of inventiveness of solutions Analysis of psychological behaviour, biographies and creativeness of inventors Tools to avoid or prevent psychological inertia Analysis of technical system evolution’s history Analysis of existing methods and tools Analysis of scientific and technical literature Solving tools Results •Psychological inertia •Ideality •Contradiction •Resources •9 screens •Miniature men •Alternative systems •Size, time, cost operators •Vépoles and standards •Matrix for solving technical contradictions •Method for solving phsysical contradictions •ARIZ •Data base of scientific effects Figure 1: Fields analyzed by Altshuller and the results (Cavallucci, 2002). Using TRIZ methodology, a design team changes its specific design problem into a general design TRIZ problem (see Figure 2). The general TRIZ design problem derives from the analysis and classification of a large number of problems in various engineering fields and suggests a set of general design solutions. From the general design solutions, the design team can derive particular solutions for their specific problem. Therefore, the power of TRIZ is in its inherent ability to bring solutions from different and seemingly unrelated fields of knowledge to use them in a particular design problem of innovative characteristic. Salamatov [6] states that "engineers usually think concretely but not systemically. After establishing a problem often they focus their attention on a particular object that must be improved. For example: if the problem describes a tree, they only consider the tree. In systems thinking, it is necessary to imagine not only the tree itself but simultaneously the forest (supersystem) and separate the branches and leaves (subsystems). Possibly, he must consider the wood, climate, the cells of the leaves too ". Regarding this aspect, which doesn’t permit to have a broad vision of the problem, appears the concept of mental inertia which refers to the internal and external characteristics of people which don’t permit them to overcome a 410 Area: Training in Project Engineering predetermined way of conventional thinking to have access to non-conventional mental operations. Figure 2: Characteristic of TRIZ methodology for solving a problem (Cavallucci, 2002). Figure 3 shows the nine windows diagram or multi-screen that gives a broader vision of a problem and it is a strategy that is suggested by TRIZ theory to overcome mental inertia. The horizontal axis is associated with time, where the problem is analyzed, and the vertical axis with the structure of the problem. It is suggested to follow the strategy according to the numbers indicated in the windows so that the contradictions associated with the problem can be identified (Cavallucci, 2007). 411 Area: Training in Project Engineering Figure 3: Nine windows diagram (Cavallucci, 2007). 3.1 The Contradiction Matrix A contradiction is a situation in which a parameter is affected negatively when wanting to improve another parameter in the analysis of a problem. For example, if one wants to make a very fast measuring device, the accuracy of the measurement is affected by the traditional methods. In this case, the parameter wanted to be improved is speed, but the one which would negatively be affected is accuracy. Altshuller suggested a matrix of parameters that allows finding inventive principles of problemsolving from the identification of contradictions in those parameters resulting from the analysis of a problem. The parameters originally proposed were 39 and the inventive principles, 40. The parameters can be classified into three groups (Savransky, 2000): Common physical and geometric parameters, negative parameters independent of the technique and positive parameters independent of the technique. Contradictions are classified into technical contradictions and physical contradictions. A technical contradiction is one that has two different parameters and a physical one, the one that has two equal parameters. To use the Contradiction Matrix, the Main Function of the system which is going to be designed must be identified first and the contradictions arise from the analysis of that function. When the contradictions have been identified, the cell which contains the inventive principles suggested to overcome such contradictions is identified in the matrix. The cell is the intersection of the parameter that is improved (column 1 in Figure 4) with the parameter that is worsened (row 1 of Figure 4). The nine windows allow the identification of both the Primary Function of the system as well as the contradictions of the problem. Contradictions are found analyzing state transitions at the time. For example, between window 1 and 9 (see Figure 3), it is possible to find a contradiction because to reach a new state (window 9) one or more contradictions must be overcome from the previous state (window 3). 412 Area: Training in Project Engineering With the contradictions identified, particular ideas must be generated from the inventive principles suggested. Figure 4 shows an example of the use the Contradiction Matrix. A contradiction is found analyzing a problem that could be the design of a sturdy table of low weight. The parameter you want to improve is the strength (14), but the parameter that worsens is the weight of the stationary object (2) for the case of a traditional table. In the cell of the intersection are the principles suggested to overcome the contradiction and help in the design process. For example, the suggested principles are: 40, 26, 27 and 1 for the use of composite materials (40), Use copies (26), disposable Objects (27), and Segmentation (1). The order of the suggested principles is associated with the highest use frequency in similar situations in other types of problems. One possible solution could be to build a table with composite materials like fiberglass which has high resistance and is of low weight, taking into account the suggestion of the 40th principle. Figure 4: Example of the use of the Contradiction Matrix. 4. The use of TRIZ in the Semester Project A pilot experiment was conducted in order to assess TRIZ’s potential in supporting the creative competences within the Semester Project. There wasn’t any previous work with creativity strategies and students used intuitively knowledge drawn from textbooks, Internet and brainstorming. The first experience was carried out with second year Electronic Engineering students who for the first time are participating in this pedagogical experience and only involves one subject, Electric Circuits. The proposed project was the manufacturing of equipment which could pour and weigh ground coffee in definite weights. The problem arises from a real necessity of small organic coffee producers in Colombia, who require of automatic systems for 413 Area: Training in Project Engineering this type of work and who have few monetary resources to buy an automatic machine for such purpose. Students participated in a short TRIZ training, basically in the use of the Contradiction Matrix and the nine windows, and the instruction was complemented with the use of CREAX Innovation Suite © software. The training was done in a remote way through video conference from Valencia, Spain. To guide the work in the use of the Contradiction Matrix, students were asked to carry out an activity consistent with the scheme of problem-solving by TRIZ following these steps: • Problem Clarification. Each group had to adjust the requirements of the proposed system in the Project Semester. • Reformulation of the problem. Identification of contradictions. Each group had to identify three parameters that could favor the fulfillment of the requirements of the problem and from them the ones that will be worsened. It was suggested the use of the nine windows in order to broaden the vision of the problem and identify contradictions. • Generic Solution. From the contradictions, the groups had to find the solution principles using the Contradiction Matrix. • Specific solution. With the principles identified, each group had to generate at least two ideas per group for the solution of the problem. 5. Results Sixteen students, organized in four groups, participated in the experience voluntarily. The groups carried out the proposed tasks, identified the contradictions based on the analysis of the problem, selected the principles suggested by TRIZ and generated a set of solutions to their problem. To illustrate the results, one of the groups presented the analysis that is shown in Table 2. Some of the students’ ideas generated using the principles were: ● Principle 2. Separation. The circuit must be separated by functions of power supply, switch control, signal reception of the balance scale, visualization, and reception of other signals of administration and control. ● Principle 5. Combination. A solenoid valve must be used that works together with data from the balance scale to control the flow of the ground coffee. ● Principle 35. Parameter Changes (physical states). For an industrial implementation, the material which the prototype should be built must be stainless steel and also a drying system must be added in order to prevent the coffee from accumulating and thus impeding the normal flow through the main funnel. 414 Area: Training in Project Engineering Favourable factors Measurement accuracy (28) Ease of operation (33) Reliability (27) Harmful factors Loss of substance (23) Time Consumption (25) 28,34 10,16 Ease of manufacturing (29) 6,35 10,28 2,28 2,5 10,30 10,35 Table 2: Use of the Contradiction Matrix by a group of students in experience with TRIZ in the Semester Project. After the groups submitted the results of the experience with TRIZ, a discussion group was held in order to assess their experience. The discussion was focused on the following aspects: The understanding of the functioning of the TRIZ Contradiction matrix The assistance of TRIZ to the Semester Project work. The difficulties in using the TRIZ principles. The results show that there is an easy understanding by engineering students of the strategy of systematic creativity TRIZ, particularly of the Contradiction matrix. Regarding the support that the tool gives to the Semester Project, the students consider it worthy but that they require more time to fully understand the extension of the principles. According to this, it was verified that students restricted the use of the principles to generate ideas for aspects associated with electric circuits rather than the overview of the problem. Likewise, the results have helped generate a reflection about the importance of providing tools to enhance creativity in engineering students such as TRIZ. However, a training course with more examples is required in this particular case of the Semester Project so that students can understand the meaning of the inventive principles and can use better its potential, since in the results mental inertia was detected. Despite the fact that some authors consider that little knowledge makes less effective the use of these techniques in first year students, the authors of this paper consider that they should be used to favor creative competence. Currently, the authors are conducting empirical studies with TRIZ with multidisciplinary design teams, which will analyze the specific characteristics of manipulation of the nine windows and the identification of contradictions in these teams. 6. Conclusions In a qualitative way, comparing this experience with the experiences of authors in past years with the Semester Project, it is verified that the proposition of ideas using TRIZ is higher and of greater variety than with the absence of techniques to promote creativity. Students using the TRIZ methodology make better use of information they have obtained from the review of similar systems and information available on the Internet and a greater variety of proposals between the different groups involved can be achieved. The knowledge and use of strategies for generating ideas in engineering courses help strengthen the creative competence of students. An additional asset, when using TRIZ, is the 415 Area: Training in Project Engineering change that occurs in the way of generating new proposals for solutions in a guided and convergent manner that deviates from the traditional form of trial and error. For engineering students, accustomed to procedures and techniques, TRIZ is a strategy of easy assimilation that allows them to generate new concepts using the experience of many inventors throughout history. However, unlike other strategies of more intuitive creativity, TRIZ requires a process of training accompanied by examples to appreciate better its convenience. The Semester Project has been enriched with the use of this methodology that fulfills an absence detected within the creative competence that was not explicitly worked with students. The integrating educational activities such as the Semester Project, which have clearly defined its working structure and are supported with adequate tools for their execution, address from the curriculum the formation of professionals with skills to face the new oriented to project enterprises. References Aguilar, J and Rivera L. 2005. Elaboración de un currículo basado en competencias proceedings XXV Conferencia Nacional de Facultades de Ingeniería ACOFI. Colombia In Aguilar, J., 2001. El Proyecto de Semestre: una Actividad para la Formación de Líderes Académicos. In proceedings XXI Conferencia Nacional de Facultades de Ingeniería ACOFI. Colombia, pp. 123-128 Cavallucci, D., 2002. TRIZ, the Altshullerian approach to solving innovation problems. In Engineering Design Synthesis. Amaresh Chakrabarti (Ed), pp. 131-148 Cavallucci, D., Lutz, P and Thiébaud F., 2002. Methodology for bringing the intuitive design method's framework into design activities. In Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, pp. 1303-1307 Cavallucci, D., 2007. Theoretical grounding and principles of TRIZ. Course Handouts, Strasbourg. Insa. Goel, P and Singh, N., 1998. Creativity and Innovation in Durable Product Development. Computers Industrial Engineering Vol. 35 Nos. 1-2, pp 5-8 Kang, Y., 2004. The method for uncoupling design by contradiction matriz of TRIZ, and case study. In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Axiomatic Design, Seoul, pp. 21-24 Koksal, Gulser and Egitman, Alpay., 1998 Planning and Design of Industrial Engineering Education Quality. Computers Industrial Engineering. Vol 35, Nos. 3-4, pp 639-642 Ogot, M and Okudan G., 2006. Systematic creativity methods in engineering education: a learning styles perspective. International Journal Education. Vol 22, No.3, pp. 566-576 Salamatov, Y., 1999. TRIZ: The right solution at the right time. Insytec B.V. Savransky, S., 2000. Engineering of Creativity. CRC Press. Shin, G. y Park, G. 2006. Decoupling Process of a Coupled Design using Triz Modules, In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Axiomatic Design. Firenze. Yorke, M. and Knight, P., 2006, Curricula for economic and social gain. Higher Education Vol. 51, pp. 565-588. 416 Area: Training in Project Engineering Correspondence (for further information, please contact): Jaime A. Aguilar-Zambrano Science Engineering and Production Department Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Cali Calle 18 No. 118-250 Cali, Colombia [email protected]: [email protected] 417 Area: Training in Project Engineering PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEACHING IN ENGINEERING HIGHER EDUCATION: A NEW PERSPECTIVE FOR DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES De los Ríos, I. Ortíz, I. Díaz-Puente, J.M. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Abstract This paper sets out the methodological basis of a cooperative model for interdisciplinary training focused towards developing competencies for the certification in Project Management. The model is being gradually phased in a new way by the GIE-project Group at graduate and post-graduate educational levels (in an International Erasmus Mundus Master’s, an international PhD course, and a Post-Graduate Seminar). The educational cooperation strategy is directed towards obtaining a validation of competencies as to knowledge, experience and attitudes in line with the standards of the International Project Management Association (IPMA). The results show how phasing in teaching aims across different educational levels facilitates a gradual training in the 46 elements of competencies required to obtain the IPMA’s certification in Project Management. The educational strategy is conceived as a new teaching dimension within the framework of the EHEA, taking the course projects - a Preliminary course plan of the subjects, a Final Degree Course Project and a Final Master’s Course Project- as an educational component suited to generating a "pre-work experience" to link teaching activity to the business and industrial environment. Keywords: Competent Project Management. Cooperative Education. Project-Based Learning. International Certification. International Erasmus Mundus. 1. Introduction: Certification of competencies We are currently witnessing a qualitative change in the concept of what constitutes a job that goes beyond skills and qualifications to focus on competencies. According to this new concept, job competencies form the foundations of the job world. What business is demanding nowadays are competent professionals rather than experienced experts. As part of the framework of the European Higher Education Area emphasis is placed on the fact that one of the measures needed to become employable shall be through the development of transversal skills and competencies such as communication and languages, an ability to handle information, solve problems, work as part of a team and perform 418 Area: Training in Project Engineering well socially (Convención de Instituciones Europeas de Enseñanza Superior, Salamanca, 2001). Competence is an extension of the concept of skill and qualifications, the result of the way the organisation of work and planning activities are rapidly evolving technologically (Grootings, 1994). Vocational action competence (Delcourt, 1999) is thus referred to and may be understood as the sum of the worker’s competencies that are essential if a work task is to be done well (Delcourt, 1999). Other authors define vocational action competence as the set of knowledge, procedures, attitudes and abilities that a person possesses and are necessary to effectively tackle –with the level and quality of performance required- the tasks demanded by a profession in a particular job to solve any problems that may arise in an independent and creative manner, and contribute to organising the work and the social working environment (Echeverría, 2002). Numerous studies throughout the world are proposing this new focus on competence-based education (Parsons, Caylor and Simmons, 2005), as a process that must integrate knowledge, skills and values (Mulcahy, 2000). This new approach has led to certification taking on a more important role in all disciplines both within the sphere of engineering and other professional fields (Nelly, 2007). In this context different models of competence certification are appearing (EMCI, 2007; ASCE, 2005; CHEA, 2001; CONOCER, 1997; Long, and Kishchuk, 1997) with different approaches in their outlines, processes and certification systems. The concept has also taken deep root in the working environment for selecting staff and in “management by competencies” when evaluating human capital and even in the form of competence-based remuneration (Echeverría, 2002). 2. Competence certification in the sphere of Project Management The basic terms for certification in the area of project management derive from the international standard ISO/IEC 17024 “General requirements for organisations that issue individual certifications” [8]. Within this international scope of competence certification, competence is defined as the aptitude shown for applying knowledge and/or skills, and when applicable, proven personal attributes (UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17024, 2003). In the area of competence in project management the IPMA model (AEIPRO-IPMA, 2006) proposes a certification system based on three areas of competencies: technical, behavioural and contextual competencies. The IPMA developed these competencies (ICB-IPMA Competence Baseline) from the National Basic Competencies (NCB). In the case of Spain, AEIPRO, a member of the Spanish section of the IPMA, draws up the Requirements for Competence in Project Management (NCB) that set out the main work experience for the IPMA’s universal certification system in combination with the 40 IPMA member associations spread across the world. For many years the qualifications and competence programmes have been a matter of great importance for project management associations throughout the world. Apart from the IPMA model that has been around since 1965, there are other project management certification Institutes: the Project Management Institute defines a certification system based on areas of functional knowledge (Project Management Institute, 2000) while Austria’s Project Management system refers to people’s knowledge (explicit) and experience (Gareís, 2002) In the sphere of engineering projects the cooperative education programmes are presented as an approved option for students to improve their acquisition of competencies (Parsons, Caylor and Simmons, 2005; Bartkus, 2001; Hackett, Martin and Rosselli, 1998). 419 Area: Training in Project Engineering 3. A model of de cooperative education for competence in Project Management Although certification, education and training need to be completely separate [8], candidates need to receive education and training in project management if they are to be successful in the certification process (AEIPRO-IPMA, 2006). This is why higher education institutions oriented towards training future professionals in the area of project management must enhance the chances of their pupils, students or course participants obtaining a specific certificate that reflects their personal attributes, education, training or work experience. Therefore, the UPM’s Educational Innovation Group, part of the GIE-Project formed by a group of teachers from the UPM’s Project Engineering area is implementing a cooperative education model directed towards student competence in project management. This model is geared to generating a new teaching dimension around the Course Projects – a Preliminary course plan of the subjects, a Final Degree Course Project and a Final Master’s Course Project- as an educational component suited to generating a "pre-work experience" to develop new learning methods within the framework of the EHEA to link teaching activity to the business and industrial environment (GIE-Project, 2007). The cooperative education model is gradually developing competencies in the different educational levels in the field of engineering in accordance with the IPMA’s international standards: two degree subjects, two post-graduate programmes and an international PhD. Cooperative education (co-op) is developed using a multidisciplinary group of Engineering Projects teachers from Madrid Technical University (UPM) and through agreements with numerous Public Institutions –the Agricultural and Rural Development Department of the Madrid Regional Government and the Regional Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work (IRSST) of the Madrid Regional Government– Local Action Groups, development project managers and Business. These educational agreements between the UPM and the different public and private institutions jointly define the scope of the projects, the partners and the interested parties and the requirements and goals of the projects. The projects are carried out by a team in a real context. Each group of students with the help of a teacher-tutor must solve the problems set in the real context of their work, structure their project, decide the work to be handed in, plan the project stages and schedule them according to the time available and the team’s resources, manage the changes, periodically inform the teacher-tutor and the promoter of the progress being made and finally document the results obtained and verbally inform the representatives of the institutions collaborating of these results. In some cases -as with the subject called 5th course rural development Projects- the teams have some financial resources at their disposal to develop the projects. In many cases these projects are the object of new phases, and may even be actually put into practice. These tasks off cooperation are the mechanism for gradually facilitating access to the three spheres of competencies: technical, behavioural and contextual. The teaching programmes designed allow evaluating knowledge concerning the basic elements of Project Management. The strategy is being designed in collaboration with the Spanish Engineering Projects Association (AEIPRO), a part of the IPMA since the beginning of the 90s; this ensures that the competencies in the teaching programmes are up-to-date and are incorporated into the international corpus of knowledge on project management (Kerzner, 2000; Huemann, 2000; Crawford, Pollack and England, 2006; Crawford, 2005; Morris, Patel and Wearne, 2000). Table 1 summarises the programmes of the different levels of education and the external institutions that are cooperating on this educational innovation experience. 420 Area: Training in Project Engineering Programme Levels Programme Name ECTS Institutions UPMETSI Grade Projects (1 group of students) 3 DPPR-ETSI Agricultural Scientists Mexico Postgraduate School Integrated Rural Development Projects 3 DPPR-ETSI Agricultural Scientists DG Agriculture and Rural Development (Madrid School) Agricultural Scientists Forestry INFODAL. 4th course Grade 5th course International Master’s Postgraduate Postgraduate Seminar International Master’s Erasmus Mundus 60 Industrial Engineers Certification in Project Management: Requirements for the Competence 2 Agricultural Scientists Industrial Engineers External Institutions U. Cork; CNEARC EPTISA, IDOM IDOM Engineering Company CPV-Project Management Company Civil Engineers. PhD Sustainable planning and management of Development Projects 60 Agricultural Scientists Forestry Mexico Postgraduate School Industrial Engineers Table 1: Programmes and subjects of the different degree and postgraduate levels. All the educational actions of the programmes are based on the method of learning by doing that the UPM’s Department of Projects and Rural Planning and the Madrid Regional Government have been developing since 1989 for advising on the design of Engineering Projects in rural areas (Cazorla, 2006; Cazorla, De los Ríos, 1998, 1996; The degree programme courses -4th and 5th course Project subjects and the Final Degree Course Project- aim to prepare students for a possible IPMA Level D certification (Expert in Project Management). The Erasmus Mundus Master’s programme ( ) and the Postgraduate Seminar in Project Management ( seek to ensure that those taking part are well-prepared to pass the IPMA Level D certifications, and if they can prove work experience in simple projects they can opt to do Level C (Project Management Professional). Students with work experience who can prove satisfactory use of the elements of competence in complex projects will be able to opt for Level B certification (Project Manager). For Level A (Programme Manager or Project Managers) satisfactory use of the elements of competence in programme or portfolio coordination must be proved. It must be borne in mind that education and training cannot replace a person’s having the appropriate level of experience needed to pass the IPMA’s Levels C, B and A certification, which means that at these levels in no case will access be possible without possessing the required experience. Figure 1 shows an outline of these educational cooperation strategy levels aimed at validating 421 Area: Training in Project Engineering individuals’ competence in project management within the IPMA system. 46 elements of competence for project management are gradually approached. The first training levels look at elements of technical competence, while the postgraduate levels approach the elements of contextual competence, connected with the context of the project and organisation, and the elements of the sphere of behavioural competence related to the attitudes and personal skills required for project management. + WORK EXPERIENCE = Experience + Attitude + Knowledge CO N BE TEX HA TU Co VI A mp OU L a ete RA nd nc L e Knowledge + International PhD Sustainable Project Planning and Management UPM Postgraduate Seminar Project Management Competence Requirements 1 ECTS International Master Erasmus Mundus UPM Master of Science TE Co CH mp NIC et AL en ce IPMA certification certification system system IPMA Competence 60 ECTS Project Subjects UPM Degree 4th Course + 5th Course + Final Degree Course Project Figure 1: Levels of the training model focused on the development of competencies in project management in line with the IPMA system. As we have seen, the IPMA proposes a Project Management certification model based on three areas of competence: technical, behavioural and contextual. The following table lists the 46 elements of the three spheres of competence that are gradually approached in the educational cooperation strategy presented. 422 Area: Training in Project Engineering Grade Postgraduate PhD Final TRAINING-EDUCATION MODEL COMPETENCES 4th course 5th course Degree Course E. Mundus Master’s 3 Postgraduate Seminar4 International PhD Project 1. Technical competences 1.01 Project Management Success 1.02 Interested Parties 1.03 Project requirements & objectives 1.04 Risks & opportunity 1.05 Quality 1.06 Project organisation 1.07 Teamwork 1.08 Problem resolution 1.09 Project structures 1.10 Scope and deliverables 1.11 Time & project phases 1.12 Resources 1.13 Cost & finance 1.14 Procurement & contracts - - - - 1.15 Changes Grade Postgraduate PhD Final TRAINING-EDUCATION MODEL 4th course 5th course COMPETENCES Degree Course E. Mundus Master’s 3 Postgraduate Seminar4 International PhD Project 1. Technical competences 1.16 Control & reports 1.17 Information and documentation 1.18 Communication - 1.19 Start-up - 1.20 Closure 2 Behavioural competencies 2.01 Leadership - 2.02 Engagement & motivation - 2.03 Self-control - - - 2.04 Assertiveness 2.05 Relaxation - - - - 423 Area: Training in Project Engineering 2.06 Openness 2.07 Creativity 2.08 Results orientation 2.09 Efficiency 2.10 Consultation 2.11 Negotiation - - - - - - - 2.12 Conflicts & crisis 2.13 Reliability 2.14 Values appreciation 2.15 Ethics 3 Contextual competences 3.01 Project orientation 3.02 Programme orientation 3.03 Portfolio orientation - 3.04 Project-programme implementation - 3.05 Permanent organisation - 3.06 Business - 3.07 Systems, products and technology 3.08 Personnel management 3.09 Health, environment security, safety - & 3.10 Finance 3.11 Legal Competence partially developed in the training programme Competence fully developed in the training programme FDCP: Final Degree Course Project; 4. Conclusions The educational strategy goes back to 1989 as part of the scope of a 5th course Project subject as part of an agreement with two Engineering Firms IDOM and CPV, with the backing of AEIPRO with the Madrid Regional Government to advise on the design of Engineering Projects in rural areas. During the 2004-05 course, it was validated as a pilot experiment in the UPM within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). After a new educational innovation project, the following course took a further step by involving one of Mexico’s major postgraduate institutions, the use of ICTs, a system of virtual tutorials and the use of video conferences Educational cooperation was extended to the international sphere by an International Erasmus Mundus Master’s –in cooperation with 6 EU Universities and another 9 from outside the EU- and a joint PhD with the Mexico Postgraduate School. Since 2006 the 424 Area: Training in Project Engineering strategy has been complemented by a Postgraduate Project Management seminar in collaboration The educational strategy generates a new teaching dimension, taking the course projects as an educational component suited to generating a "pre-work experience" within the framework of the EHEA to link teaching activity to the business and industrial environment. 46 elements of competencies are gradually approached. In the first courses 20 elements of technical competence are taken into account that are basic for managing projects. In the postgraduate levels the sphere of contextual competence is examined in greater detail where 11 elements related to project context and organisation are covered. Finally, within the sphere of behavioural competencies 15 elements are taken into account that cover the attitudes and personal skills required for project management. References AEIPRO, 2006. Internacional Project Management Association (IPMA). 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Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons. catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=29346 426 Area: Training in Project Engineering Acknowledgements We should like to acknowledge the collaboration of the institutions participating in the International Erasmus Mundus project entitled, “Rural Local Development” Master’s Course, of the International PhD between the UPM and the Mexico School of Postgraduates in “Sustainable Planning and Management in Rural-Local Development” and of the postgraduate Seminar, “Certification in Project Management: Requirements for Competence”, for their contribution to the results of the paper. Correspondence (For more information contact): Ignacio de los Ríos GESPLAN (Grupo I+D+i Planificación y Gestión del Desarrollo Rural-Local) GIE-Project. Grupo Innovación Educativa. Sustainable Development IMR&LD Agris Mundus Director UPM Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Dpto. Proyectos y Planificación Rural. 28040 Madrid. Spain Phone: + 34 (0) 91 336 58 38 / 610 877 699 Fax: + 34 (0) 91 336 58 35 E–mail : [email protected] 427