PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &e—contd. Young Men's Christian Association, CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, Duncan st—William Bell, librarian Stamp Office, New quay—Mr. Gerald ON T H E W A T E B F O R D AND L I M E R I C K L I N E Fitzgerald, distributor Temperance Hall, Duncan st—Patrick Station, in the immediate vicinity of Byan, secretary the town—William CorneiEe, station Tipperary County Club House, Bagmaster CAES. well st—William Lane, secretary and tieasurer To CASHEL, a Car from Mrs. O'Brien's Town Clerk's Office, Prince Edward Johnson st. at three afternoon, place—Jolm Thomas Luther, town Sunday excepted CONVEYANCE BY WATEE. To DUNGARVAN, a Mail Car, at three Town HaU, 74 Main st—P. & T. Suir Steam Navigation Company; office, morning Murphy, proprietors New Bridge. To FETHARD, a Mail Car, from post Turkish Baths, Suir Island—Robert office at five morning Malcomson, proprietor Boats ply daily between Clonmel, Weights & Measures Office, Nelson st Carrick on-Suir and Waterford —Michael O'Donnell, inspector for borough of Clonmel CLOYNE AND CASTLE-MARTYR, WITH THE VILLAGES OF AGHADA, EOSTELLAN AND WHITEGATE. C:LOYNE is a market town and parish, and the seat of a diocese, in the barony of Imokilly, county of Cork, 159 miles s. from Dublin, aud 18 s.w. from Cork ; situated on the road between Youghal and Cork harbour, about four miles from the sea coast, and comprises two streets crossing each other at right angles. The houses are irregularly built and the town appears to be going to decay. The See of Cloyne, whose bishop was a suffragan of the Archbishop of Cashel, was founded in the sixth century, and is%olely in the county of Cork. In the year 1430 it was united to Cork, but since the year 1638 it was governed by its own bishop, and constituted an independent See. On the death of the late bishop, in 1835, it was again united to Cork as it now is. With the exception of boot and shoes made here, the trade of the place is very inconsiderable. The cathedral is a venerable cruciform, inelegant structure, one hundred aud twenty feet long, having lateral aisles, divided by Gothic arches ; it is kept in excellent repair, and ".ontains several ancient monuments of the Tliomouds. Longuevilles, and Fosters. The Bishop's Palace (now called Cloyne House) is a large and commodious building, occupied by a private gentleman. The Eoman Catholic church is a plain and spacious structure. There is a charity school for educating, clothing and maintaining eight boys, which is supported by a bequest of Dr. Crow; and there are other public schools and a dispensary supported in the town. Adjoining the cathedral is a pleasingly planted cemetery. Beyond the enclosure is a round tower ten feet in diameter and ninety feet high. In 1749 this tower was damaged by Bghtning, and a bell which was within it was thrown down, About a mile and a half from Cloyne is Castle Mary, the beautiful residence of M. John Longfield, Esq. J.P. In this demesne are some druidical remains. Bostellan Castle, formerly the seat of the Marquis of Thomond, but now the residence of James Wyse, Esq. and Ballymaloe Castle, the seat of William Lichfield, Esq. are also in the immediate neighbourhood. The market, which is very large, is held on Thursday. Fairs : February 24th, Tuesdays in Easter and Whitsun weeks, August 1st, September 12th, and December 5th. The parish of Cloyne contained in 1851 5,148 inhabitants, including 1,713 for the town. The population of the parish in 1861 was 3,897, and in 1871, 3,529, and the town 1,235 of the latter number. C A S T L E - M A R T Y R is a small market town (formerly a parliamentary borough), partly in the parishes of I T E R M U R A G H , B A L L Y O H G H T E R A and M O G E E L Y , same county as Cloyne, between four and five miles N.E. from that town, chiefly to be noticed as containing the residence of the Earl of Shannon, who has a noble seat here, which is approached from the Midleton road by a magnificent avenue of lofty elms, one mile in length. This place, which was formerly the residence of a branch cf the Fitzgeralds, was incorporated in the year 1663, through the influence of the first Earl of Orrery, and gives the title of baron to the noble family of Boyle. The only place of worship in the town is the Protestant Episcopal church ; but there are several Eoman Catholic churches in the neighbouring hamlets, together with a number of schools, and a dispensary. The scenery in the neighbourhood is particularly fine, and the land around is in a good state of cultivation. The market is held on Tuesday. Fairs ; May 2nd,(July 19th, October 2nd, and December 19th. Population of the town in 1861, 711, and in 1871, 536. A G H A D A is a parish on the western border of the barony of Imokilly, county of Cork, about four miles s.w. from Cloyne. It contains the villages of L O W E R A G H A D A , F A R SID and W H I T E G A T E . These villages, which are pleasantly situated on the east side of Cork harbour, are much visited by excursionists from that city, facilities of conveyance being afforded by constantly plying steamboats. There are National schools at Aghada and Whitegate, and also a parochial one at the latter place. Population of Aghada parish iu 1861, 2,205, and in 1871, 1,951; of Lower Agliada, at the latter period, 106; Upper Aghada, 197 ; Farsid, 184, aud Whitegate, 951. B O S T E L L A N is a parish in the same barony and county as Aghada, and is situated about 2§ miles s.w. by w. from Cloynes, on the east side of Cork harbour. It includes a beautiful little peninsula at the extremity of Great Island, and is much resorted to by pleasure seekers from Cork and neighbourhood. There are Protestant Episcopal and Eoman Catholic places of worship here ; also a National school. Population of the parish in 1861,584, and in 1871, 448. P O S T O F F I C E , C L O Y N E , Patrick Probin, Post Master.—Letters from all parts arrive (by road car from Midleton) at half-past six morning, and are despatched at half-past five evening, thirty minutes past eleven morning, ( and seven evening. P o s t Office, R O S T E L L A N , Daniel Shannahan, Post Master.—Letters from aE parts arrive (from Midleton) at seven morning, and are despatched at twenty minutes past six evening. The nearest Money Order Office is at W H I T E G A T E . P o s t Office, W H I T E G A T E , James Synnott, Post Master.—Letters from all parts arrive (from Midleton) at thirty minutes past seven morning, and are despatched at six evening. Money Order and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank. P o s t Office, C A S T L E - M A R T Y R , John Linehan, Post Master.—Letters from all parts arrive (from Cork) at five morning and seventeen minutes past three afternoon, and are despatched at ten minutes before niue morning, and twenty minutes past eight night. Money Order and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank. a d 45 NOBILITY, GENTRY & CLERGY. Adams Wallace, Esq. Kilbreagh House Anerh Rev. Michael, Castle-Martyr Barry Rev. John, Castle-Martyr Bertram Mr. James, Castle-Martyr Bolster Rev. Robert, Castle-Martyr Bowles John, Esq. Snugborough Bowles Spottiswood Esq. Spi nglield Cahill Mr. William, Spittle rottage Carbery James, Esq. J.P. Knockhead Costine Mr. James, Cloyne Creed Richard, E«q. J.P. Cloyne House Cronin Mr. Daniel, Cloyne Donegan Mr. William J. Cloyne Donovan John, Esq. Kilmountaiu Eagar Rev. William, Rathcallan Eager Rev. William, Castle-Martyr Fair Mr. George, Wood View, Cloyne Fermoy the Right Hon. Lord, Whitegate Field Mr. William, Kilbeck House Fielden Rev. Charles, Castle-Martyr Fitzgeia'd Mr. Michael, Castle-Martyr Fitzgerald Mr. Penrose, Rostellan Fitzgerald Robert W. Esq. J.P. Whitegate Flemming Rev. H. F. Rectory Furlong Sir. Charles, Rostellan Gabbet Mr. Thomas, Castle-Martyr Garde Mr. Thos. Hny. Castle-Martyr Gleeson Mr. James, Ca6tle-Martyr Hall Henry, Esq. Cooladerry House Hayn^s Mr. John, Maryland House Holmes Thomas, Esq. Rostellan Hunt Mr. William, Drumdiali Lawless Mr. H. Cloyne (Castle Litchfield Wm. Esq. J.P. Ballymaloe Longfield M. John, Esq. J.P. Castle Mary Lowe Mr. William, Castle-Martyr MSweeny R>v. John. Cloyne Mullany Mrs. Margaret, Cloyne O'Brien Rev. William, P.P. Cloyne O'Halloran Mr. William, Castle-Martyr O'Niell Rev. James, Castle-Martyr Roche L. G. Esq. J.P. Whitegate Russell Mrs. Mary, Whitegate Rylan'Major T. R. Carrestown Sandford Mr. Thomas, M.D. CastleMartyr [Castle-Martyr Shannon The Right Hon. the Earl of Stewart Thomas B. L. Esq. j.p. Whitegate Swain Mr. B. C. Loughderry House Taylor Mr. James, Castle-Martyr Taylor Mr. Walter, Cloyne Thackwell Major, Whitegate Townsend Rev. Thomas, Rostellan Uniacke Robert, Esq. Uniacke Wigmore Richard H. Esq. Ballynona, Wise James, Esq. j.p. Rostellan Wordsley Mr. Frederick, Whitegate Garde Thomas, Castle Martyr Scanlan Lawrence, Castle-Martyr Sullivan Maurice, Whitegate Swanton Denis. Cloyne Walsh Thomas, Cloyne BLACKSMITHS. Galwey Nicholas, Castle Martyr Healey Daniel, Cloyne Holmes Thomas, Rostellan Keuetick Denis, Rostellan Kenely John, Cloyne Muruane Michael, Castle-Martyr Murray Richard, Whitegate Walsh James, Whitegate BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Boyan .Tames, Cloyne Bride Thomas, Cloyne Burns James, Whitegate Collins Patrick, Cloyne Croly William, Castle-Martyr Donovan Thomas, Cloyne Dowling John, Cloyne Hennessey Joseph, Cloyne Higgins Michael, Cloyne Hosford J. Whitegate Magrath Patrick, Cloyne Motlierway William, Castle-Martyr Murphy Andrew. Cloyne Murphy William, Cloyne Murry Richard H. Whitecate O-Reeffe James, Castle-Martyr Scannon Michael, Cloyne Sheehan John, Clcyne Sisk James, Cloyne Sullivan James, Castle-Martyr White John, Castle-Martyr White Martin, Castle-Martyr Williamson Thomas, Cloyne BUTCHERS. Day John, Caslle-Martvr Fitzgerald James, Castle-Martyr Forrest James, Cloyne Kaneilly Richard, Cloyne O'Callaghan James, Cloyne Rowan & Barry, Whitegate ~ CARPENTERS. Barry Thoma a , Cloyne Callaghau David, Rostellan Fitzgerald Denis, Rostellan Kearney David, Castle-Martyr Leahy David, Castle-Martyr Marr Edward, Whitegate Morrissy William, Castle-Martyr O'Brien Michael, Cloyne O'Brien Patrick, Cloyne Power Daniel, Castle-Martyr Quinlan Timothy, Cloyne Ronayne Richard, Castle-Martyr SCHOOLS^ Smith William, Whitegate NATIONAL SCHOOLS : — Stewart William, Rostellan Aghada—Peter Macavoy, master Castle-Martyr — Patrick Scanlan, Walsh Patrick, Castle Martyr Wliplahan David, Cloyne master Cloyne — Ellen Cronan & Ellen COAL DEALERS. Flavin, mistresses [tress Rostellan—Margaret Gallaher, mis- Blake William H . Rostellan Galway Walter, Castle-Martyr Whitegate—William Bible, master ; Garde Thomas, Castle-Martyr Ellen Lynch, mistress Griffin Michael, Castte-Marlyr PABOCHIAL SCHOOLS : — Castle-Martyr—Jane Webb, mistress Hawkins John, Whitegate Cloyne—John E. Moorhead, master Lindsay Robert, Cloyne Whitegate — Hannah B. Nelson, Shannahan Denis, Rostellan mistress GROJERS. BAKERS. Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers. Blake William H. Rostellan Ahem Daniel, CaBtle-Martyr Corry Patrick, Castle-Martyr "Ahern John, Clune Fitzgerald James, Cloyne I 'Ahem Mary, Castle-Martyr * Ahern Maurice, CloyneBlake Wm. H. Rostellan Column Mary, Castle-Martyr Crogan Joseph, Cloyne Cronin D aniel, Cloyne Daly William, Cloyne Donovan William, Cloyne Fleming Mary, Whitegate Galway Walter, Cattle-Martyr Garde Thomas, Castle-Martyr Geary Ellen, Whitegate Hannan William, Castle-Martyr Hawkins John, Whitegate Laheivo Patrick, Whitegate "Lawton David, Cloyne M'Donald Margaret, Whitegate Macgregor Robert, Cloyne Murray Richard, Whitegate * O'Callaghan Fanny, Rostellan Quin Ellen, Cloyne Russell Mary, Whitegate 'Savage Thomas, Whitegate Shannahan Daniel, Rostellan 'Sheehan David, Cloyne Sisk James, Cloyne Stanton Mary, Castle Martyr Stanton Mam-ice, Castle-Martyr Steede Mansfield, Whitegate S w a n t o n D e n i s . <&.baker&pawnbr ker), Cloyne Wall Margaret, Castle-Martyr Walsh John, Cloyne INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Ahern William, Mogeely Barry John, Whitegate Bellamy Catheriue, Castle-Martyr Burgess John, Aghada Creamer Patrick, Cloyno Curry Patrick, Castle-Martyr Dorgan Michael, Cloyne Dunn Catheriue (hotel), Cloyne Flynn Michael, Castle-Martyr Kanniely Bridget, Cloyne Leary John, Aghada M'Grath Patrick, Cloyno Murray Margaiet, Rostellan OLaughlin Alexander, Rostellan Rowan John, Whitegate Savage Thomas, Whitegate Scanlon Lawrence, Castle-Martyr Sheehan Jeremiah, Whitegate Walsh Maurice, Rostellan IRONMONGERS. Baillle J o h n &. s e e d m e r c h a n t , Cloyne &. t i m b e r Cronin Daniel, Cloyne Garde Thomas, Castle-Martvr Macgregor Robert c h a n t , Cloyno ^di s e e d m e r - Walsh John, Bloyne LEATHER SELLERS. Creamer Patrick, Cloyne Cronan Daniel, Cloyne Macgregor Robert, Cloyne Walsh Thomas, Cloyne LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Conway James, Cloyne Daly WiUiam, Cloyne Donovan William, Cloyne Garde Thomas, Castle-Martyr Garey John, Whitegate Hawkins John, Whitegate O'Connor Mary, Cloyne Pugh William, Cloyne MILLINERS" & DRESSMAKERS. Ahern Ellen, Cloyne O'Connor Mary, Cloyn» PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Dewane Thomas M. M.D. Cloyne Ross Thomas, Cloyne Sandiford Thomas, Castle-Martyr Travers Robert Boyle, M D. Bostellan SADDLERS. Bryan Thomas, Cloyne Gumbleton Terence, Castle-Martyr Motherway William, Castle-Martyr O'Callaghan Thomas, Whitegate Stafford Edward, Cloyne SEED MEBCHANTS. B a i l l i o J o h n , Cloyno Cronin Daniel, Cloyne MacgrreKor l i o b e r r , C l o y n e Walsh Thomas, Cloyne SHOPKEEPERS & DEALEBS IN SUNDRIES. Barry John E. Whitegate Donoyan Mary, Castle-Martyr Flynn Michael, Castle-Martyr Garland Mary, Bostellan Meade^Elleu, Bostellan Murphy Anne, Whitegate Murphy Margafet, Castle-Martyr Murphy Mary, Cloyne O'Callaghan Anne, Cloyne O'Connor Timothy, Castle Martyr O'Leary Timothy, Whitegate O'Mahony John, Castle-Martyr —— SLATERS. Callaghan Thomas, Castle-Martyr Heffernon Thomas, Castle-Martyr Readen Cornelius, RosteRan Daly John, organist, Cloyne Hannan Josiah, coach builder, CastloMartyr [Cloyne Mullany Margaret, corn merchant, O'Sullivan Andrew, tin-plate worker, Cloyne Sullivan John, Cloyne Summers Jane, Cloyne Summers Peter, Clovne STONEMASONS. Frances Johu. Cloyne Power John, Cloyne Power Maurice, Cloyne Power Stephen, Cloyne Scully John, Castle-Martyr Swanton Denis, grocer, Cloyne TIMBER MERCHANTS. (fit ironmonger;, Cronin Daniel, Cloyne Maegregor Robert colour), Cloyne (&, WHEELWRIGHTS. Fenton Maurice, Cloyne M irr Edward, Whitegate Quinlan Timothy, Cloyne & WigmoreCatherine,earthenware dealer, Cloyne TAILORS! Hogan Denis, Cloyne O'Keeffe David, Castle-Martyr Lynch Jeremiah, Whitegate Lynch Joseph, Whitegate M Carthy Eugene, Whitegate M'Carthy Florence, Whitegate O'Keeffe Bartholomew, Castle-Martyr Pendergast John, Castle-Martyr Scannell John, Cloyne WuEace Michael, Castle-Martyr Baillie John Cloyne pawnbroker oil & PLACE S OF WORSHIP AND T H E I R MINISTERS. CATHEDRAL, Cloyne — Rev. ^ H. F. Flemming, rector CastleMartyr—Rev. Robert Bolster, rector PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL C H U R C H , BOMAN CATHOLIC C H U R C H E S : — Cloyne—Bev William O'Brien, P.P.; Bev. J. M-Sweeny, eurate Mogeely—Rev. James O'Niell, p.p. Upper Aghada—Rev. John Ryan, p.p.; Rev.EugeDe O'Readen & Rev. John O'Keeffe, curates Dispensary, Cloyne—John Ross, M.D. surgeon CONVEYANCE BY BAILWAY. The nearest Station to Cloyne is MIDLETON (on the Cork & Youghal line), 4 miles distant The nearest Station to Castle-Martyr is M O G E E L Y , 1J miles distant CONVEYANCE BY WATER" ~ MISCELLANEOUS. Steamboats ply several times a day Brophy James, wool comber, Cloyne between Queenstown & Aghada ; Coates William, nail maker, Cloyne cars from Cloyne 1S1 Ballycottou, Sic. Collins John, painter & glazier, Cloyne await their arrivals & attend their Cronin Daniel, agent for the Life departures Association of Scotland, Cloyne MISCELLANEOUS—continued. Hudson John Thomas, sub-sheriff' Cross Bridge st Kennedy Michael, agent for Lane & Co. Limited, brewers (CorIc), Bridge st. aud at Youghal Longau Bobert T. commissioner for taking affidavits for the county of Waterford, and clerk of petty sessions, Bridge st M'Grath Denis, stonemason. Main st Mansfield Martin, clothes dealer, William st [Augustine st Mulcahy Michael, sail maker, St. Murphy Jeremiah, hairdresser, Chapel street O'Brien Maria, toy dealer, Main st Sheehan & Kiely, woollen manufac turers & dyers, Main st Stokes George, plumber, Square White, Budd & Co. salt merchants, Main st Thomas Haunigan, P.P.; Bev. John Friary (St. Augustine) St. Augustine st—The Very Rev. Wm. P. Dundon, M Cann, curate O.S.A. superior [manager POOR LAW UNION. Gas Works, New lane—James Lennon, Workhouse, Spring Dukes. Income Tax Office, Square—R. Edwd. Governor—Matthew F. Shine Brenan, collector [prietor Matron—Mary Shine Loan Office, Main st—Wm. Ryan, proProtestant Chaplain—Rev. John Bain Loan Office, Cross Bridge st—Thomas Roman Catholic Chaplain—The Very Williams, proprietor Bev. Dr. James V. Cleary, D.D. Stamp Office, Square — R. Edward Clerk to the Board of Guardians—Mr. Brenan, sub-distributor Town Commissioners' Office, Bridge st John F. Boyle —Edmond Morrisey, clerk Medical Attendant—Mr. Ambrose Hunt Relieving Officers—Thomas Dee and John Mahony CAR. Schoolmistress — Miss Quirk To CLONMEL, the Royal Mail from the Post Office, Square, at five afterREGISTRARS noon OF B I R T H S , D E A T H S AND M A B R I A G E S . Superintendent Registrar — John F. Boyle, Spring rd CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, Registrar of Marriages for the District of Dungarvan—Jolm Harris, Church ON T H E W A T E R F O R D , DUNGARVAN A.ND LISMORE L I N E . PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES, &c. street Registrar of Births, Deaths and Mar- Station, DUNGARVAN—Patrick Cunningham, station master PLACES OF WORSHIP riages—Henry Anthony, M.D. WilAND T N E I B M I N I S T E R S . liam s t ; Thos. Walsh, deputy CARRIERS. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL C H U B C H (St. Mary's), Church st—Bev. John Bain, Barrack (Constabulary), Blackpool— To CLONMEL, James Walsh, from M.A. vicar Oliver Milling, sub-inspector his house, The Buttery, on Tuesday ROMAN CATHOLIC C H U R C H E S : — Barrack (Military) Barrack st To WATERFORD, Ellen Foley, from Devonshire st—The Very Rev. Dr. Butter Market, Main st — Matthew her house, Buttery lane; Michael Scanlan James V. Cleary, D.D. P P. and Macnamara, from his house. The vicar general: Rev. Edmond Dum- Coast Guard Station, BaUinacourty Buttery ; Patrick Leniliau, from his pily, Rev. Michael Burke, Bev. County Surveyor's Office, Square—A. house, The Buttery; and Nicholas Patrick J. Flynn, and Rev. E . E. L'Estrange Duffin, surveyor Power, from his house, Nicholas pt. Foran, curates j Court House, Bridge st—Robert T. Tuesdays and Thursdays St. Augustine st. (St. Augustine)— Longan, clerk of petty sessions The Very Rev. AVm. P. Dundon, j Custom House, Devonshire st—James CONVEYANCE BY WATER. O . S . A . superior; Rev. Jeremiah Shanahan, collector, comptroller, & O'Brien, O.S.A.; Rev. Jas. Williams, port surveyor, Church st To CORK & WATERFORD, Coasting o s . A . ; Rev. Patrick Murphy, O.S.A. | Dispensary, William st—Hy. Anthony, Vessels, from the Quay, when reAbbey side and Ballinroad — Bev. I nudical attendant quired DUNMANWAY, FAIR and post town, in the parish of F A N L O B B U S , in the manufacture long since declined, and is now totally exthe western part of the barony of East Carbery, county of tiuct. The parish church of Fanlobbus, a plain structure, Cork, on the road from Bandon to Bantry, is 17 miles w. was erected in 1821. The Roman Catholic church, at the of Bandon, and '20 E. of Bantry. It is situated ou the eastern end of the town, is a commodious pile; and there Bandon river, and nearly surrounded by rocky and rugged is also a chapel for Wesleyan Methodists. The Model Nahills. The town is principally composed of one long street, tional school, outside the town, on the Bantry road, is a at the western end of which several smaller ones diverge, very elegaut edifice, and has a pleasing effect; there is also There is a gentle declivity down to the bridge leading to a court house, constabulary barrack, and a poor law union the Bantry road. Sir Richard Cox, the second baronet, workhouse. Market day is Tuesday. Fairs are held on the endeavoured to establish hero, on a permanent foundation, 4th of May, first Tuesday of July, September llith, and Nothe linen manufacture, and in 1749 there were in the town vember 2(5tli, and monthly fairs ou the last Thursday in 230 flax wheels and 25 woollen wheels, besides several every month. Population in 1801, 2,008, and in lb71, belonging to the spinning school, which he supported ; but 2,040. P O S T O F F I C E , DUNMANWAY, John Wagner, Post Master.—Letters from Dubl'n, England, and all parts arrive ut twenty minutes before seven morning and a quarter-past five evening, a id from Bantry at half-past seven evening, and are despatched to Dublin, England, &c. at nine morning and seven evening, and to Bantry at seven morning. Money Order and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Meade Miss Barbara, Bridge mount MODEL N A T I O N A L SCHOOL — Thomas Bryan Hamilton, Esq. Underbill Cot- Nagle the Misses—.Dunmanway Walters, master; Richard B. Smith, tage Norwood William, Esq. j.p. Bally- ] assistant master; Mary Hogg, misBryan John H. Esq. J.P. Prospect hill halwick [House' tress; Julia O'Donovan, assistant Conner Daniel, Esq. J.P. Mauch House O'Sullivau Bev. Cornelius c.c. Chapel mistress Cotter Rev. John, P.P. Chapel House Sullivan Richard, JSsq. Knockduli NATIONAL ScnooL—Georgo Magahy, Deacon Rev. George, River View master ; Mary A. Magahy, mistress Tuckey Major John, Kibonan Fitzinaurice Mrs. E. Duumauway Tuckey the Misses —, Dunmanway Fuller George, Esq. Batlyhalwick AGENTS. t Fuller Thomas Esq. Woodbrook SCHOOLS. (See also Fire, die. Office Agents.) Harrington Rev. John, c.c. Chapel INFANT F E M A L E NATIONAL S C H O O L — Fitzmaurice (land), Duumauway [way House Julia Donovan, mistress Heaze Robert, Esq. Dunmanway Wagner John (emigration), Dumnan- GROCERS & DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Marked thus s are also Spirit Dealers. BAKERS. Atkins James G. Dunmanway Atkins James G. Dnnmanway Atkins Robert, Dunmanway Bryan Francis, Dnnmanway sBernard Jeremiah, Dunmanway Crowly Florence, Dunmanway Bryan Francis, Diinmauway Hall Susan, Dnnmanway sBryan Thomas R. Dunmanway Kearney James, Dunmanway Clarke Goodhand, Dunmanway Clarke Thomas, Dunmanway ConneU WiUiam, Dunmanway BANK. M O N S T E R B A N K , L I M I T E D — d r a w s o n sCrowley Florence, Dunmanway Union Bank of London — John S. sDonovan James, Dunmanway Donovan Biehard, Dunmanway Mason, manager HaU Susan, Dunmanway •s-Hennessy Daniel. Dunmanway BLACKSMITHS. sHurley Patrick. Dunmanway Mahony Peter, Dnnmanway Hurley John, Dunmanway Sheehy Timothy, Dunmanway sKearney James, Dunmanway Kingston John, Dnnmanway BOOT & SHOE MAKEBS. Murphy Michael, Dunmanway Atkins Andrew, Dunmanway sNynan James, Dunmanway Atkins John, Dunmanway [way sO'Donovan Bickard, Dunmanway Bryan Thomas B. (dealer), Dunman- sO'Neill John H. Dunmanway Bncldey Daniel, Dnnmanway sO'Sullivan Patrick, Dunmanway Buckley John, Dunmanway sO'Sulhvan Timothy, Dunmanway Cashen Patrick (dealer), Dunmanway •s-Began Patrick, Dnnmanway Hurley John (dealer), Dunmanway Spencer Thomas, Dunmanway Kingston John, Dunmanway Tanner Thomas. Dunmanway M'Carthy James, Dunmanway Wagner John, Dunmanway Mahony James, Dunmanway sWaUace Julia, Dunmanway Sullivan Jeremiah, Dunmanway Walsh Patrick, Dunmanway Tanner Thomas, Dunmanway ARCHITECT. Bryan Joseph, Dunmanway BUTCHEES. Burke Daniel, Dunmanway Collins Daniel, Dnnmanway CoUins Michael, Dunmanway HARNESS MAKERS. FuUer Thomas Dunmanway Wilson Charles, Dunmanway CARPENTERS. Donovan Denis, Dunmanway Driseoll Denis, Dnnmanway Hourihane Timothy, Dunmanway Neill Richard, Dunmanway HOTEL & CAR PROPRIETORS. (.See also Public Houses.) Bryan Joseph, Dunmanway Jones William H. Dunmanway Wallace Joseph, Dunmanway COAL DEALERS. Atkins John, Dunmanway Bryan Thomas R. Dunmanway IBONMONGEBS & HARDWABEMEN. Atkins John, Duumauway Atkins Bobert, Dunmanway COOPERS. Bryan Thomas B. Dunmanway Collins Timothy, Dunmanway Clarke Thomas, Dunmanway M'Carthy John & Daniel, Dnnmanway Hurley John, Dunmanway EARTHENWARE DEALERS. Brennan EUen, Dunmanway Bryan Bartholomew, Dunmanway Kingston Samuel, Dunmanway M'Carthy Denis, Dunmanway M'Carthy Eugene, Dunmanway M'Carthy Timothy, Dunmanway O'Donovan Eliza, Dunmanway Tanner Thomas, Dunmanway Walsh Patrick, Dunmanway WUson Charles, Dunmanway LEATHER SELLERS. Atkins Andrew, Dimmanway Mahony James, Dunmanway M'Carthy James, Dunmanway Tanner Thomas, Dunmanway LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Atkins Charlotte, Dunmanway Baldwin James W. Dunmanway Buttermer James, Dunmanway Clarke Goodhand, Dunmanway FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. ACCIDENT INSURANCE Co. — F. Fitz- Mahony Mary, Dunmanway maurice, Dunmanway Peyton Francis F. Dunmanway CROWN—F. C r o w l e y , D u n m a n w a y Spencer Thomas, Dunmanway ENGLISH A S C O T T I S H L A W — John Wagner John, Dunmanway Welpley EUen E. Dnnmanway Wagner, Dunmanway L I F E A S S O C I A T I O N OF S C O T L A N D — J . P . WUson Thomas, Dnnmanway Curran, Munster Bank P A T R I O T I C (fire& life)—John S. Mason, MEAL & FLOUR STORES. Munster Bank S C O T T I S H ACCIDENT—John S. Mason, Atkins John, Dunmanway Bryan Bartholomew, Dunmanway Munster Bank Clarke Thomas, Dunmanway SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND—John S Connell WiUiam, Dunmanwayj Mason, Munster Bank S C O T T I S H P R O V I N C I A L — John Atkins, Kingston Samuel, Dunmanway Dunmanway [manway M'Carthy Denis, Dunmanway S T A N D A R D (life)—F. Fitzmaurice, Dun- M'Carthy Eugene, Dunmanwaj M'Carthy Timothy, Dunmanway Ross Samuel, Dnnmanway Walsh Patrick, Dunmanway MILLINERS & DRESSMAKEBS. Atkins Charlotte, Dunmanway Atkins Eliza, Duumauway Doheny Eliza, Dimmanway Wagner John, Dunmanway PAINTEBS. Brennan James, Dunmanway Murphy William, Dunmanway Wright Thomas B. Dunmanway PHYSICIANS & SUBGEONS. Holmes Stephen, M.D Dunmanway Shipsey Edward, M.D. Dunmanway Young John B. Duumauway PLASTERERS & SLATERS. Culnane Thomas, Dunmanway O'ConneU William, Dunmanway O'SuUivan CorneUus, Dunmauway O'SulUvau Michael, Dunmauway PUBLIC HOUSES. Bernard John, Dunmanway Burke Daniel J. Dunmanway Collins Denis, Dnnmanway Cotter Edmund, Dunmanway Crowley David, Dunmauway Crowly Bartholomew, Dunmanway Deane Benjamin, Dunmanway Forbes Edward, Dunmanway Hurley Jeremiah, Dunmanway Jones WiUiam F. Dunmanway Murphy James, Dunmanway Sullivan Michael, Dunmanway SEEDSMEN. Atkins John, Dunmanway Atkins Bobert, Dunmanway Bryan Thomas li. Dunmanway SOLICITOB. Fitzmaurice Francis, Dunmanway TAILOBS. Carey Patrick, Dunmanway Connolly Jeremiah, Dunmanway Kelly Denis, Dunmanway TIMBEB MERCHANTS. Atkins John, Dunmanway Bryan Joseph, Dimmanway MISCELLANEOUS. In Dunmanway. Atkins John, tanner, iron and slate merchant Cotter James, flax spinner Fuller Joseph, pawnbroker; FuUer Thomas, loan office Jones WiUiam F. builder M'Lean Patrick and Son, woollen manf Mahony Joseph, InlaudBevenue officer Mason John S. agent foi' the Life Association of Scotland, & the Scottish "W dows' Fund, Munster Bank ovan Timothy, nail maker »• ner John, commissioner in Chancery and for taking affidavits P U B L I C B U I L D I N G S , O F F I C E S , &c. Medical Attendant—Rev. R. Young, Constabulary Barrack — E d w a r d J. Kerin, sub-inspector; W m . Follis, Protestant Chaplain—Rev.Geo.Deacon head-constable P L A C E S OF W O R S H I P Roman Catholic Chaplain—Rev. J o h n Court House (petty sessions 1 eld every AND T H E I R M I N I S T E R S . ! Cotter, P.P. alternate Monday)—Jas. G. Atkins, P R O T E S T A N T E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H — B e v . Schoolmistress—Ellen Donovan clerk George Deacon, rector Relieving Officers—Denis Leary, JereR O M A N C A T H O L I C C H U R C H — Rev. J o h n CARS. miah Collins and Jeremiah Horgan Cotter, p.p. Rev. Cornelius O'Sulli- Superintenaent Registrar — Peter To BANDON, a Mail Car every aftervan & Rev. J o h n H a r r i n g t o n , curates noon at a quarter past three O'Sullivan M E T H O D I S T (Wesleyan) C H A P E L — R e v . Registrars and Dispensary Medical To BANTRY, a Mail Car every mornJohn Hadden ing at balf-past six Officers—Andrew H . Bryan, for i B a l l i n e e n ; Edward Shipsey, for CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, POOR L A W UNION. Coolmountain; and Stephen Holmes, ON T H E CORK AND BANDON L I N E . Master—Timothy Burke j for D u n m a n w a y Station close to the town—John J o h n Matron—Catherine Burke son, m a n a g e r ; J o s h u a Keemes, Clerk of the Union—Peter O'Sullivan station master M.D. DUNMORE, W I T H P A S S A G E E A S T AND K I L L E A . I) U N M O R E , or D U N M O B E E A S T , is a sea port in the parish of KILLEA, barony of Gaultiere, county of Waterford, 10S miles s. w. f r o m Dublin, 11 S.E. from W a t e r f o r d ; seated at the bottom of a beautiful sloping valley, at t h e head of a bay on t h e western shore of Waterford h a r b o u r . This place has risen f r o m a mere fishing village to a weil-frequented watering place. I t is t h e head-quarters of a fishing district, and a coast-guard station, aud vessels making for Waterford h a r b o u r take in their pilots from this port, T h e harbour, constructed for the shelter of the packets, which formerly took in the mails from here, cost £100,000, b u t this business has, for the sake of convenience aud dispatch, been transferred to Waterford. The Marquis of Waterford erected an exceedingly commodious hotel, which is very liberally conducted by Miss F l a h a v a n . The m a r i n e scenery around is highly interesting; headlands, recesses, cliffs, and caverns diversify the views, and enliven the rides and walks. T h e sea, too, is here remarkably pure and saline, and t h e pier affords protection for excursive parties in landing from their boats or yachts. I n the rocks of t h e bay is a fissure, called t h e Cathedral, and to t h e west of it, near the promontory of Red Head, is auolher called the Bishop's Cave,one hundred feet in length,and about a fourth of t h a t space iu width. There is a handsome c h u r c h , rising amid a group of pretty white houses, presenting a pleasing picture to t h e vessels approaching the h a r b o u r , The parish of KUlea, the area of which is 3,953 acres, contained in 1861, 1,521 inhabitants, and in 1871, 1,347 ; at which latter period the population of Dunmore was 383. : P A S S A G E E A S T is a fishing village situated upou t h e river Suir, six miles S.E. from Waterford and opposite to the village of Ballyhack, county Wexford. T h e scenery in the neighbourhood is very Btriking, splendid views being obtained of the river Suir and a large stretch of country, T h e places of worship consist of a Protestant Episcopal church, and one for R o m a n Catholics, t h e former a small building, which i3 beautifully situated upon rising ground overlooking the village, commanding extensive views of t h e s u r r o u n d i n g country. There is also a good school, conducted u p o n ' t h e National p l a n . POST O F F I C E , D U N M O B E , Nicholas Murphy, Post Master.—Letters from all p a r t s arrive (from Waterford by mail car) at forty-five minutes past seven morning and six evening, and are despatched thereto at nine morning and five minutes past five evening. Money Order and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank. P o s t Office, P A S S A G E E A S T , Catherine Condon, Post Mistress.—Letters f r o m all parts arrive by mail car f r o m Waterford at seven in the morning, a n d are despatched thereto at six evening. Money Order and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank. N O B I L I T Y , G E N T R Y & C L E R G Y . \ P a t t e n Mr. WiUiam, Knockaveelish, I N PASSAGE. Delahunty E d m . Meade J o h n Alcock Mr. E d w a r d H . Dunmore Power J o h n Armstrong Captain WiUiam, J.P. BaUy- P a u l Sir Robert J . J.P. BaUingan, Fleming J o h n Passage Gough Patrick Power Nicholas david, Passage Perry Mrs. Mary, Cliff House Maher Thomas Shannon William B u r k e Rev. Thomas, D u n m o r e Meade Garrett Walsh Patrick Carew L a d y Dowager, Woodstown Roberts Mr. Richard U. D u n m o r e Walker Mr. —, Rossduff, Passage House, Passage I N BATHMOYLAN P A B I S H . Whelan Rev. Richard, Passage Chadwiclc Mr. Samuel, D u n m o r e Meade J o h n Fitzgerald J o h n Coughlan Captain William, Dromina, Power J o h n | Kirwan Margaret Passage SCHOOLS. | Kirwan Michael | Power T h o m a s Dennis Mr. Charles, Bellake [age N A T I O N A L S C H O O L , Dunmore—Ellen : Kirwan WiUiam W a l s h Austin D u n c a n Mr. William,Woodstown,Passi Lodge A. G. Wood, mistress Fortescue the Hon." D. F . S u m m e r - N A T I O N A L S C H O O L , Passage—Patrick ville House Moylan, m a s t e r ; Mary Moylan, INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Gimblette Rev. T h o m a s , D.D. Dunmore mistress Crane Catherine (& hotel), Passage Guilbride Mr. F . Woodstown, Passage N A T I O N A L S C H O O L , Killea (boys')— Cherry Christopher, D u n m o r e Jacques Mr. William C. N y m p h Hall Maurice Buckley, master Dobbyn Mary, Passage Kirk Mr. Michael, L r . Kilcop, Passage P A B O C H I A L ScnooL, D u n m o r e — M i s s Dunmore Hotel, Dunmore—Agnes Malcolmson Mrs. Nettie, Ville Marine, Sides, mistress F l a h a v a n , proprietress Dunmore Galgey Charles, D u n m o r e Moiris Mr. George, BeUake I H a u l o n Patrick, Passage Moiris George, E s q . J.P. Woodville FARMERS. I Kavanagh J o s e p h , Passage O'Donnell Bev. E d w a r d , KUcop House, IN KILLEA PABISH. Kennedy J o h u , Passage Dunmore Love Catherine (& hotel), Passage O'Farrell Mr. Nicholas (surgeon), Wel- HaUey Walter,] un. Power T h o m a s Martin Alice, Passage lington ter [age H e n n e b e r r y Rich. Ronan J a m e s Spencer J o h n Morris James, Killea O'Neill Mr. A r t h u r N. Glenbower,Pass- P h e l a n J o h n P h e l a n Maurice W a l l Patrick F . Morrissey J a m e s , Killea P a r s o n s Mrs. -, D u n m o r e Walsh John M u r p h y EUen, D u n m o r e Pasley Rev. George L . Rock Lodge, P h e l a n WUUam Power Alice Stapleton Richard, D u n m o r e Passage