Jesus has been the Greatest Teacher who ever walked on this earth


Jesus has been the Greatest Teacher who ever walked on this earth
Volume 6
Issue 9
The Lord says, “ I will teach you the way you should go;
I will instruct you and advise you. Psalm 32:8
Our social development actions
Jesus has been the Greatest
Teacher who ever walked on this
earth! And the Greatest Teacher
who ever will be to all eternity.
What a privilege to know this
Teacher as our personal Saviour.
Friends Focus
September 2016
September 5th is celebrated as Teachers’ Day every year from 1962
in India for the appreciation of teachers. The day commemorates
the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakhrishnan, a philosopher and a
teacher par excellence, and his contribution towards Indian education
system. Dr Radhakhrishnan believed that "teachers should be the best
minds in the country". On this day, we gratefully remember the great
educationist, apart from honoring all the teachers who have made our
life much more knowledgeable and fulfilled, as serving as our beacons
of light. In this tradition, FMPB also serves many young minds who are
deprived of their right to get educated, by providing quality education
and other needed things for a child. In addition to running children
homes, day care centers and primary schools we also run two English
Medium Schools in Gujarat and Jharkhand in the neediest districts.
Thus far, 192 children have completed their 10th std and 83 have
completed their 12th std. from the Jhavda school in Gujarat. Mr.
Fulesh Bhai and Mr. Phoolchand Bhai, the alumni of the school, have
completed their M.Sc. Biology and secured the University first and third
rank respectively. The school in Pandeni, Jharkhand also serves the
needy Malto community children and 5 of them have completed their
Engineering courses. A few number of students from these schools
have joined us as missioanries. FMPB is humbly fulfilling its part in
nation building.
I would like to share with you something which is burdening my heart.
I was in Thildega, Chhattisgarh to conduct a 5 days’ workshop for 24
missionaries serving the Lord in that remote place. Within the span
of 5 days, out of the 24 missionaries participated, 5 missionaries
caught malaria and became seriously ill. Our missionaries working in
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Asom are repeatedly affected by malaria,
yet serving the Lord cheerfully. FMPB appreciates your sincere prayers
for the missionaries who are carrying the light of gospel in the darkest
Deuteronomy 32:2 “Let my teaching fall like rain and my words
descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on
tender plants.”
Friends Focus
September 2016
The task of the modern
educator is not to cut down
jungles, but to irrigate
- C.S. Lewis
The disciple is not above
his master: but every one
that is perfect shall be
as his master.
- Luke 6:40
My mother was a Sunday
school teacher. So I am a
byproduct of prayer.
My mom just kept on
praying for her son.
- Steve Harvey
If any of you lack wisdom,
let him ask of God, that
giveth to all [men] liberally,
and upbraideth not; and it
shall be given him.
- James 1:5
Teachers can change lives
with just the right mix of
chalk and challenges.
- Joyce Meyers
FRIENDS FOCUS is the official organ
of Friends Missionary Prayer Band
FMPB is an indigenous Missionary
Movement presenting the Gospel of
the Lord Jesus Christ to unreached
people groups in India.
FMPB serves as an arm of the Church
to plant Churches across the country.
FMPB does saturation evangelism
among various people groups.
FMPB invites Churches, institutions,
families and individuals to pray and
support its work.
For remarks, recommendations and requests
[email protected]
A monthly blossom of FMPB
Publisher & Editor
Rev. D. Simon Ponniah
H.Q: 29, High School Road, Ambattur,
Chennai - 600 053
Tel: +91-44-2657 0404 Fax: 2657 3353
Cell: 9444394342
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
Layout and Preparation:
Communication Dept., fmpb
Friends Focus
September 2016
ear partners
in the mission,
Loving greetings in our
Lord’s Holy Name! Let me
share from my meditation of
Psalm 67.
a) God’s Blessing: Vs. 1
Verse one speaks of God blessing
us and looking at us with a
countenance filled with joy,
which is a way of understanding
the phrase, ‘to make his face
shine upon us’. God blesses up
and he is happy to do that.
b) The purpose of the
Blessing Vs. 2
- They are under God’s guidance Vs. 4b
God’s blessings are not meant to
be contained within us. God’s
purpose in blessing us is that we
might make known his ways and
salvations to all people.
d) The cycle goes on Vs. 6
c) The outcome of the
Blessing Vs. 3 – 5
The result or outcome of people
coming to know of God’s
salvation and ways is that
Friends Focus
September 2016
They praise and worship God Vs. 3,5
They experience the joy of being justly ruled by God
Vs. 4a
We are further blessed, materially
as well Vs. 6 and the people of
the earth fear the Lord Vs. 7. I am
indeed thankful to god for many
of you I meet day in and day
out who have been abundantly
blessed by God and hence are
eager to partner with us as a way
of sharing God’s blessings so
that God’s ways may be known
on earth.
Ministry Development
Council Meeting
Punjab visit
This is a forum within FMPB
to plan and discuss strategies
for the ministry both on the
expansion and consolidation
fronts. This met on the 4th and
5th of August and God gave us a
long range and a short duration
plan to keep the ministry on the
path of growth. Our mobilization
staff will share details of these
plans with you. Pray for the
implementation of these plans.
All our missionaries serving in
Punjab gathered from the `10th
to the 13th of August at Faridkot
for three days of fasting and
prayer and a day of planning
for the way ahead. All of them
left with two sets of plans, one
for expanding the ministry and
the other for strengthening the
fruit of our ministry so far. Pray
specially for our missionaries to
as they work hard to carry out
these plans.
National three days Fasting
& Prayer
Thanks for your continued
prayers and support.
As informed in last month’s
issue, three days of fasting and
prayer were observed on the
12th, 13th and 14th of August
at several places in our mission
field and in our prayer groups.
Yours in Christ,
Sudarshan Thomas
Chartered Accountant (CA) needed for FMPB to work in HQ.
Qualification : CA (Chartered Accounant) and born again Christian.
Place of Work : HQ (Ambattur)
: To help the Finance Department by suggesting
the accounting system and Internal Auditing.
Brothers/Sisters are welcome to apply.
Apply to
HRD FMPB, 29, High school Road, Ambattur, Chennai 600053
Friends Focus
September 2016
My dear brothers and sisters,
‘What kind of FMPB movement we want
to have ?’
This is a question that encourages and
challenges each one of us to orient
our intentions and aspirations, our
expectations and hope about the FMPB
More than 50 years ago, God gave
our founding fathers and our leaders, a
grand vision to build and nurture a noble
missionary movement, that will proclaim
the Gospel, work for the revival of the
churches and teach Christians their duty
to spread God’s love. How do we take this
God-led movement forward in achieving
the God-inspired vision ? How can we
make this movement a great blessing to
the whole nation ?
We want to strengthen and enlarge FMPB
as a model movement, with Jesus model
of governance and servant leadership..
We want to build and sustain a noble
mission movement, that serves noble
purposes, irrespective of caste, colour,
creed, region or gender. We want to
Friends Focus
September 2016
nurture a prayer movement, that will
be an enormous blessing to every
person in India. We want to mould a
fellowship movement, where there is
overflowing unity and love, integration and
collaboration. We want to script a national
missions movement with a national vision,
involving leaders from every language and
tribe, every region and community. Yes,
FMPB stands committed to do this and
we seek your whole hearted support. ‘Let
us rise up and build’
Where no one is willing to go and help
transform the society, be it valleys or
mountains, tribal or backward areas,
villages or slums, we want to be there
and give hope and light to the people
of our land. It was due to the committed
missionaries like Bro. Durairaj, Bro.
Jeyaraj, Bro Paul Kannan, Bro Johnson
Barnabas, Bro Israel Davadoss and
other missionaries, today, we
see a transformed and joyful
community among Malto
and Kukna tribes. It was due to the
faithful leaders like Bro Emil Jebasingh,
Bro P Samuel, Bro Theodore Williams,
Bro Sam Kamalesan, Bro Patrick Joshua,
Prince annan and others, today we see
a new generation of God’s children being
nurtured and developed. It was due to
the countless prayer group leaders and
prayer partners at every town and village,
bending their knees and pleading for the
nation, today, we see God’s grace and
mercies covering the whole nation.
Now, we want to raise a multitude of
missionaries and prayer partners, who
will be ‘role models’ in true service
and holiness, in honesty and integrity,
in prayer and love. We want to raise
leaders, young and old, men and women,
pastors and laymen, with exceptional
strategic leadership potential for Gospel,
Kingdom values and Church impact. We
want to raise thousands of Bible teachers
and Bible translators, Christian teachers
and doctors, Christian businessmen and
professionals, who will make a difference
in the society. Above all, it’s our prayer
that our nation of 125 crore people knows
Jesus Christ. It’s for this purpose, we
seek your sacrificial involvement and
Wherever we are located in life’s arena,
in our work place and in the mission
fields, in our homes and in our churches,
God calls us to manifest abundant fruits,
with full potential. Our communities
should be safer, delightful, righteous and
prosperous. Our schools should excel in
learning and research, building boys and
girls of character and competence. Our
families should be overflowing with love,
care and hospitality. The people of our
nation should be filled with God’s love
and holiness. Bottom line is that when
God’s children are involved, there shall be
God’s Kingdom, filled with abundance of
creativity and productivity, righteousness
and truthfulness. This is what we want to
achieve through FMPB movement.
All the Senior Secretaries and their
families, along with the General Secretary,
came together at Jhansi recently and I
had the opportunity to interact with them,
teaching them on the Kingdom culture of
‘Beatitudes’. The eight beatitudes of Jesus
Christ as given in Mathew 5 mandates
God’s children to have God’s character,
quite different from the world’s view. True,
in the DNA of FMPB, we need to have
Godly values – humility and accountability,
gentleness and righteousness, forgiveness
and honesty, togetherness and courage,
as revealed in the Beatitudes. Only then,
FMPB can be a truly God-led movement.
Recently, I was in Mumbai speaking at the
FMPB Missions Conference. The active
involvement of many young people in
FMPB programs in Mumbai was quite an
encouragement. A few committed families
are providing excellent leadership to help
the youth, teens and children. Well done
! We wish to have such a model in every
town because the youth represent the
future of FMPB. We want to strengthen
and enlarge the FMPB Youth wing and
FMPB Women’s wing across the nation.
Will you please come forward ?
I thank God that the Lord
Friends Focus
September 2016
enabled us to have 60 new missionaries
during this year and they are full of
enthusiasm and commitment to ‘go, teach,
baptise and make disciples’. When I met
them in NIM, Jhansi, I found in them a
new breed of people, who have a great
passion in bringing the Gospel to their own
people, tribe and community. Out of the 60
new missionaries, many have come from
the North and North East Indian states,
specially Jharkhand, Manipur, Orissa, UP
etc. Many FMPB missionaries invested
their lives in these States and now, we
see the abundant fruits, in the form of local
missionaries coming forward. A turning
point in the history of FMPB !
Can we pray that the Lord of the harvest
will raise more missionaries so that we will
be able to touch the lives of 125 crores
people ? Can we pray that we will be able
to multiply the number of our sponsors, our
prayer partners and our leaders in order
to ‘enlarge’ the ministry ? For this, let us
pray and organise programs, specially
Youth Camps, Teens Camps, Gideons
Camps, Missions Conferences, All Night
Prayers, Family Retreats etc on a regular
basis. I encourage each one of you to
take steps in this regard.
All the General Body members are
meeting on 3 September in Chennai for
a day of Retreat and Prayer, followed
by GB meetings. We would appreciate
your prayers, as the GB members chart
the road map of FMPB’s future course
of action.
Brother and Sisters, Christians don’t just
Friends Focus
September 2016
set goals; they set very high standards
based on God’s values. Christians don’t
just work in their work place ; they take
it as a calling and work with integrity and
competence; Christians don’t just establish
missions; they transform the nation into
empowered and enriched communities.
Christians don’t just go as missionaries;
they embrace love and compassion, to
touch the lives of every one in the society;
Christians don’t just do the ordinary things;
they do noble and extra-ordinary things.
In FMPB, we have been called to do
noble things, great things, honourable
things, extra-ordinary things in every
area of our life so that God’s name is
glorified. Don’t settle for the ordinary; go
for the extra-ordinary, because our God
is a Great God and Extra-ordinary God.
“Lord, make me an instrument of
Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy”
God bless you and God bless FMPB
John Samuel
President - FMPB
Email: [email protected]
t is God’s will that Christians are to
be holy. Before the foundation of this
was laid, God purposed that
Christians were to be holy and without
blame. “Even as he chose us in him
before the foundation of the world, that
we should be holy and blameless before
him.”(Ephesians 1:4) Paul the Apostle
tells us that God saved us in order to
make us holy “who saved us and called
us to a holy calling, not because of our
works but because of his own purpose
and grace, which he gave us in Christ
Jesus before the ages began”(2 Tim. 1:9).
Peter writes: "…as he who called you is
holy, you also be holy in all your conduct,
since it is written, “You shall be holy, for
I am holy” (1 Peter 1:15-16).
Holiness is exemplified in the life of
Christ. So Christ-likeness is holiness. To
be holy in thought, word and deed is to
be Christ-like in thought, word and deed.
To have a holy heart is to have a heart
like Jesus. To be holy in our attitudes,
ambitions and activities, is to be Christ-like
in our attitudes, ambitions and activities.
In short, to be Christ-like necessitates
having the mind of Christ."Let this mind
be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
who, being in the form of God, did not
consider it robbery to be equal with God,
but made Himself of no reputation, taking
the form of a bondservant, and coming
in the likeness of men. And being found
in appearance as a man, He humbled
Himself and became obedient to the point
of death, even the death of the cross"
(Phil. 2:5-8).
Jesus left us an example that we should
follow in His steps. He was and is totally
obedient to the Father. He humbled
Friends Focus
September 2016
Himself, renouncing all selfish ambitions
or considerations, and did the will of
the Father even though it cost Him His
life."For to this you were called, because
Christ also suffered for you, leaving you
an example, that you should follow His
steps: ’Who committed no sin, nor was
deceit found in His mouth…” (1 Peter
2:21-22).Holiness begins in a person’s
life the moment he/she is born again.
His/her sinful past is forgiven and he/she
is made a new creature …if anyone is in
Christ, he is a new creation; old things
have passed away; behold all things have
become new" (2 Cor. 5:17). This is the
beginning of Christ-likeness!
Positional and Practical Holiness
God’s holiness is a holiness that brings
about the holiness of His people. It is a
creative holiness, a goodness that can
be transferred to His people and that
must be transferred to His people if they
are to be His people at all. This is called
‘positional’ holiness. Though we are not
totally sinless, we are in a position of
holiness before God because of what
Christ did for us. We are made holy when
we have faith in Jesus. Paul sees this as a
central element of holiness. We are saints
only because God’s holiness has made
us holy (Col.1:13, 2 Cor.5:17, Col.2:10).
Conversion is an instantaneous miracle.
The new birth is a sudden occurrence
in the life of a believer. The moment
one person exercises faith in Christ, that
person is placed in the body of Christ.
We are made holy in Christ in our standing
before God, and called to be holy in our
daily lives (1 Cor. 1:2). When the Holy
Spirit comes in our lives at salvation, He
comes to make us holy in practice. We
Friends Focus
September 2016
are saved not only from the penalty of sin,
but from its dominion too (its hold on us
in our Christian walk).Christianity is more
than a moment-in-time conversion; it is
the radical transformation or conversion
which leads to a whole new way of life.
It implies the forsaking of our former
way of life, and our commitment to live
as God requires, by His grace. In other
words, discipleship is used because it
compresses conversion and Christian
living, salvation and sanctification,
into one term. Conversion to Christ,
in the Gospels and the rest of the New
Testament, was inconceivable without a
commitment to follow Him in life. That
is why our Lord persistently challenged
would-be followers to count the cost, as
well as the rewards.
Lessons from the Wesleyan’s
‘Holiness Movement’
The founder of the Methodist Church,
Wesley started the ‘Holiness Movement’
and reports in 1725 that he committed
himself to "entire holiness of life". Wesley
described the aim of the movement as the
spread of “scriptural holiness". Wesley’s
compelling vision of the Christian life
was ‘Christian perfection’. It captivated
his imagination, reordered his desires
and directed his own spiritual quest
for ‘whole-life discipleship’. ‘The pursuit
of Christian perfection’, or ‘holiness in
heart and life’, is Wesley’s language for
‘whole-life discipleship’. It is a spiritual
maturity that describes not only a fullness
of God’s love, reordering all our selfcentered and worldly desires, but a
completeness of devotion and dedication
to God’s will in every aspect of our lives.
Perfection in love is embodied in works
of piety – including all kinds of prayer,
searching the Scriptures, receiving the
Lord’s Supper, participating in Christian
fellowship, fasting or abstinence; and in
works of mercy – doing all the good we
can for the physical and spiritual needs
of whomever God should bring our way:
family, friends, neighbors, strangers and
enemies. It is a diligent witness to the truth
of our faith in whatever circumstances we
may be found: at home, in the workplace,
or at church. These good works flow from
the fullness of our communion with God.
Discipleship requires Believers’
Active Co-operation with God
While salvation is solely of God (Jon 2:9;
Eph. 2:8-9), in sanctification, God and man
cooperate. This is not to imply that man’s
and God’s role are equal in sanctification.
God’s work is primary and man’s part
is secondary. Phil. 2:12-13 provide the
biblical picture for sanctification. Here
the apostle Paul exhorts believers to
work out (to bring to completion) their
salvation; but then Paul adds “for it is God
who works in you.” Sanctification is not
a mystical experience in which holiness
is ours without effort. God sanctifies us
by engaging our minds, wills, emotions
and actions. We are involved in the
process. That is why biblical teaching
on sanctification appears in both the
indicative (“I the Lord sanctify you”) and
the imperative (“sanctify yourselves this
In fact, Scripture exhorts the believer
to work at becoming holy. “As obedient
children, do not be conformed to the
passions of your former ignorance, but
as he who called you is holy, you also be
holy in all your conduct” (1 Peter 1:15).
Other commands given to the Christian
to pursue holiness include:
• “Make every effort to live in peace with
all men and to be holy; without holiness
no one will see the Lord”(Heb. 12:14).
• “For this is the will of God, your
sanctification (holiness) that you abstain
from sexual immorality”(1 Thess. 4:3).
• “Flee from sexual immorality” (1 Cor.
• “let us cleanse ourselves from every
defilement of body and spirit, bringing
holiness to completion in the fear of
God”(2 Cor. 7:1).
Goal and the Process of
The goal of discipleship is to transform
the believer into the likeness of Jesus.
“For those whom he foreknew he also
predestined to be conformed to the image
of his Son.”(Rom. 8:29) The phrase “to
be conformed to” indicates more than
just an external or superficial likeness;
it signifies the complete character of a
person. Of course this was the thrust of
Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount when He
warned about the motives of the heart.
It is not sufficient for His followers simply
to appear to be righteous. True disciples
need to transform their inward disposition
toward sin. While this is primarily the work
of the Holy Spirit, God has commanded
all believers to participate in the process
of discipleship. For example, the believer
• Study Scripture (Ps. 1:2; Matt 4:4;
John 17:17)
• Pray (Eph. 6:18; Phil. 4:6)
Friends Focus
September 2016
• Worship (Eph. 5:18-20)
• Make disciples (Matt 28:19-20)
• Fellowship (Heb. 10:24-25)
• Self-control (Gal. 5:23; Titus 1:8)
The apostle Paul understood the sober call
to discipleship and labored vigorously to
“present everyone mature in Christ.”(Col.
1:28) He admonished the church to ensure
that men and women not only receive
Christ as Lord, but also pattern their lives
after Jesus.(Col. 2:6) Paul was greatly
concerned that believers move beyond
spiritual infancy (1 Cor. 3:1-2) to become
wise (2 Tim 3:15), pure (1 Cor. 6:18), and
godly (1 Tim. 4:7). He fervently prayed for
the complete sanctification of believers (1
Thes. 5:23). Significantly, Paul understood
that his role as a mentor necessitated
strenuous work. He describes his toil as a
struggle, as if he were enduring an athlete.
Then he sent Timothy, his beloved and
faithful child in the Lord, to remind the
Corinthians of the ways of Christ. This
was the heartbeat of Paul.
Israel People and the Concepts
of Holiness and Discipleship
Firstly, we notice that when a person
comes to God, God separates him out of
the world. He called Israel out of Egypt. As
we know, Egypt represents the world in the
OT. God separates people out of the world
in order that they may serve Him. This
separation from the world is what holiness
is about. Paul quotes the same thing in
the New Testament. In 2Corinthians 6:17,
he quotes directly from a passage found
in the book of Numbers and applies it
to the Christians. Therefore, come out
from among them, and be separate (be
Friends Focus
September 2016
holy), says the Lord… Separation from all
uncleanness is what holiness is all about.
Secondly, the people that God separates,
He redeems them. The Israelites are
spoken of as God’s redeemed people.
We are redeemed from our old way
of life. We are bought out from there.
Paul talks about this in Romans and in
1Corinthians. 1Corinthians 6:20 says, For
you were bought at a price … God bought
us with a price, with the blood of Christ.
We don’t belong to ourselves anymore.
We belong to God in the sense of being
His possession. And to be holy means to
belong to God.
Thirdly, we find that the redeemed
people, the people who now live under
God’s covenant and God’s command
to holiness, are the people with whom
God dwells. They are holy because they
become His dwelling place, His temple.
This is the point that Paul is making and
applies to the Christians in 2Corinthians
6:16: … for we are the temple of the
living God … So we are holy because
God lives in us.
Fourthly, everywhere in the OT as in
the NT, God’s holiness is expressed in
a concern to impart this holiness to His
people by the power of His Holy Spirit. In
Ezekiel 11:19: Then I will give them one
heart, and I will put a new spirit within
them, and take the stony heart out of
their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh.
That’s holiness, to have a heart of stone
transformed into a heart of flesh, according
to God’s righteous standards. Paul applies
the same thing to the Christians in
Ephesians 4:24 when he says … put on
the new man which was created according
to God, in righteousness and true holiness.
Our change into a new creature gives
us the responsibility to live according to
God’s holiness.
Fifthly, God’s holiness will be expressed
in judgment upon His holy people if they
don’t live a life that is in line with God’s
sanctifying work in them. God called His
people to holiness in order that His name
be glorified. And failure to live the kind of
life to which He called His people will bring
condemnation. The people of Israel, the
holy people, came under God’s judgment
when they failed to live holy lives. Ezekiel
18:30 puts it very specifically. I will judge
you, O house of Israel… I will judge you
because you have not lived according
to my ways.
Rewards of Discipleship
There are rewards to a life of discipleship.
However, that should not be our motive
for being a disciple. They are a blessing
we can experience as we are consistently
faithful. Our real motivation should be
that desire for an intimate relationship
with Jesus and to follow Him wherever
He desires to take us.
1. We Are Acknowledged By Christ: Matthew 12:49,50
2. We Are Enlightened By Christ:
John 8:12
3. We Are Guided By The Spirit:
John 16:13
4. We Are Honored By The Father:
John 12:26
5. He Confides In His Disciples:
Psalm 25:14
6. We shall be saved from the wrath of God which is to come – Acts 17:31;
Ro 5:9
7. We can look forward with joyful
anticipation of eternity with God,
free from sorrow, pain and death
– Rev. 21:1-8
8. Jesus offers peace the world cannot give, to calm the troubled heart
- John 14:27
9. His words inspire joy to lift our
spirits out of any depression.
John 15:11
10.He offers to those who follow Him, the abiding love of God, which
casts out fear - John 15:9; 1Jn 4:18
11.He makes it possible for us
to be members of the family of God.
Mk. 10:28-30
One challenging old FMPB song reads
like this:
Let us all become the good disciples of
Jesus Christ
We will walk forward in the faith
Now, all of us, for the sake of His ministry
Work in unity all the days
In the beginning history of FMPB such
challenging songs called out many young
believers to leave their parents and places
to become the disciples of Jesus to go
as missionaries in the unreached places
to plant churches and many to support
them by their prayers and sacrificial
lives. Let us all continue that legacy in
our movement so that we will live as the
fruit bearing disciples of Jesus to fulfill the
Great Commission in our mother land.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Happy Birthday
Mr. Paul Renganathan P
Mr. Vincent Premraj
Jammu & Kashmir
Laulin Bhuinya & Kiran
Bhengra, Arun Ghanta & Renu
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed
to 270 persons in new villages.
Kakku, addicted to alcohol for many
years was relieved from the same
through prayers. One-day meeting was
conducted at Parthal village.
Pray: For the safe return of the two
children of Kala missing from home;
amidst opposition only four families
remain in faith from a total of 200
families and pray for the remaining
families to accept Jesus Christ.
Udampur: Local Evangelists
Praise: Neelam who had been
affected by paralysis was brought
to satsang programme, everyone
prayed for him and after three days
he began to walk. Bablu married for
13 years was blessed with a baby.
Night meetings were conducted at
seven places.
14 Friends Focus September 2016
Pray: For the healing of Kantha Devi
affected by brain fever who has been
declared that she would not survive
more than six months; for Kotta who
has suffered huge loss in business to
reconcile and recover from the loss.
Jammu & Samba: Johnson
& Santhammal, Dongminlal
Haokip, T. Sianlunthang Zou
Praise: Night meetings at 29 places
and satsang programmes at four
places were held. Aman and Kajal
were relieved from the grip of evil
Pray: For the proclamation of Good
News at the villages of Khada,
Sundarpur, Thak, Kharde and Kariya
where there are no believers; for
Ramesh to accept Jesus Christ; for the
registration of church land at Samba.
Separated family united
Seema from Maldhan Chour
field Uttarakhand state was
haunted by an evil spirit and was
mentally depressed and hence
she was deserted by her husband.
Magicians and medicines could
not bring any relief. And she was
bound by chains by her relative. At
this juncture missionaries visited
Seema and undertook fasting
prayer. Within two weeks Seema
recovered and now lives with her
Happy Birthday
Pray: For the repentance of workers
of other organization who try to divert
the attention of evangelists; for the
speedy registration of church land;
for the new missionaries to acquire
linguistic skill in Dogri language.
Mrs. Anjana Masih Satya Prakash
Miss. Chiinsianmuan
Basohli: Surkar Rameshbhai &
Praise: Radhika aged 45 could find
a suitable life partner. Aman Kumar
recovered from dengue fever and
Rajini Devi from asthma. Good News
was preached at three new villages.
Vasave Elesh Prabhu & Sunita
Vechya, Jeewer Joeswa &
Kshetrimayum Priya
Praise: Rajput and Ramdasi people
are receptive to evangelism. The
backslid believers of Khai village
worship centre came back into faith.
Rajpur worship centre closed due
to stiff opposition, resumed worship
Pray: For the repentance of religious
fundamentalists who oppose our
ministry at the villages of Thappat,
Thanlam, Poka, Khadigrund, Kanetti,
Lambadi, Bakkad, Set, Geethpur,
Pareri, Noniyal and Polokda.
Jammu Region:
Chittaranjan Tandy &
Tejaswita Beborta
Praise: Four-day training on Dogri
language was imparted to missionaries.
37 church elders attended the training
for elders held at the regional level
and planned about future course
of action. 429 children attended
children’s meeting.
Gavit Sunitaben Rashyabhai
Pray: For Johinder to get healing from
liver problem; for believers such as
Sumar, Neelan, Shobra Kumar and
Radha Devi to find suitable spouses;
for new believer Bishan Das who has
suffered loss in his business.
Himachal Pradesh
Thanedar: Thsangse Sangtam
& Zuchano Yanthan
Praise: Night meetings at 14 places
and training for church elders and
classes for children were conducted.
Krishna who had been suffering due
to a boil on his head for 15 years
attends church worship for four months
and has laid his faith on Jesus Christ.
Pray: For the registration of church
land without any hitch donated by
Premchand; for new contacts such as
Mothilal, Mahinder, Thaniran, Sanjay
and Lal Bahadur to accept Jesus
Friends Focus September 2016 15
Happy Birthday
Mr. Egalaivan K
Mrs. Ching Hoih Kim Gin Sawm
Khetovi Sumi & Khatoli
Praise: Moorang village worship
centre run on rented building has
obtained land to build a church.
Backslid believers have come back
into faith and are attending Sunday
worship. Many new persons are
attending church worship. Om Prakash
through prayers recovered from
psychiatric disturbance.
Pray: For a new Bible translator to
translate Bible into Rajput language;
for the people taking part in Kailash
Yatra to accept Jesus Christ.
John Arulraj & Thanapushpam
Praise: Gospel was propagated at
13 new villages. Meeting for children
was conducted.
Pray: For open door to proclaim
Good News at all the villages under
Karsog field; for the missionaries to
Friends Focus
September 2016
get accustomed to local language at
the earliest; for those who had given
their ears to Good News to accept
Jesus Christ.
Sanjib Anand & Prastuta Pati
Pani, Ruben Tudu, Naba
Praise: Buddha Singh after seven
years of married life was blessed with
a baby. Kurmit Singh who suffered
fracture in his leg during an accident
Pray: For Baljinder Singh, who
encroached on church and threatened
the believers and missionary, to accept
Jesus Christ; for the healing of Bajan
Gaur from cancer, Gaurav from mental
disorder and Budhran Singh from renal
Valvi Netaji Dadu & Kalpana
Praise: Gurucharan quit alcohol
through prayers. 10 ladies attended
women’s meeting held at this field.
Pray: For the new contact Nandam
Lal to accept Jesus Christ; for backslid
Kasthura and Saida to come back to
Jesus Christ; for the healing of little
boy Preethan from tuberculosis.
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Malangmei Sanalung Ditungbou
Nehalsingwala: Nijwm
Muchahary & Sarojini Narzary
Praise: Night meetings and fasting
prayers were held without any
Pray: For all villagers to come into the
fold of Jesus Christ; for Shipok Singh
to accept Jesus Christ; for Shinddi to
recover from cardiac problem; for the
peripheral expansion of Nehalsingwala
Leharagaga: Pradeep Kumar
& Jebish Ponsily
Praise: 30 persons attended film
show ministry held at Papren village
for the first time. Maya received
healing from back pain.
Pray: For the repentance of Madanlal,
Antal and Theep who disturb our
ministry; for Good News to be
proclaimed at the villages of Khokkar,
Kandebah, Lehargara, Chottiyar, Khai,
Haryav, Rampura and Jawaharwala;
for Butta Singh, Mitta Singh, Manjith
Singh and Keval Singh to quit alcohol.
Budhlada: Jeruel Pani &
Jyotsana Rani, Priya Hethzi,
sonali Bebarta, Hebzibah
Jamima Joy
Praise: Prayer groups were launched
at four new places. Meeting for church
elders was conducted at five places.
Pray: For the success of Annual
Mela scheduled on October; for the
blessings of the meetings scheduled
this month; for Samper, Sughan, Rajni
and Santhosh to find suitable spouses.
Jeevan Nagar:
Bibhaba Pani & Bithika Pani
Praise: Buddha Singh who would
often quarrel with his wife under the
influence of alcohol gave up alcohol
and believes in Jesus Christ. A family
at Malarampura village has come into
the fold of Jesus Christ and as a result
open door for evangelism at this village
has been established.
Pray: For Rajan to get justice in the
remaining cases in the court of law;
for Madhan and Bhola to give up
alcohol; for believers to be steadfast
in their faith amidst opposition; for
people to come into Jesus Christ in
droves in villages where Gospel has
been proclaimed.
Friends Focus September 2016 17
nine years was relieved from the same
through prayers.
Happy Birthday
Mr. Esakkiah R
Mr. Dharmendra Parrichha
Mr. Joshi Malto
Maldhan Chour (Bazpur):
Pray: For the targets of this field to
be achieved; for Kala Singh, Meher
Singh, Keksish, Kala, Om Prakash
and Roshan lal to come into the
fold of Jesus Christ along with their
families; for Swetha to land a job and
the domestic problems in her family
to be amicably settled.
Shishu Pal,
Vabei Khohmo Choza
Kherwada: Vasava Sunil
Praise: Prayer meetings were
launched at two villages. Gospel
was propagated at the villages of
Bhikrampur, Kheshewala, Uraha and
Sultanpur. Meeting for children was
started at Ithawa village.
Praise: Open door toward evangelism
has been established at Devas, Mada
and Renkela villages. A new worship
group was launched of Manas village.
Pray: For Gospel to be preached
at the villages of Brainy, Periya and
Pargha; for Attham to give up alcohol;
for open door to evangelism among
Dhesi people group; for the healing of
Jaswinder Gaur from heart problem.
Sri Ganga Nagar:
Bodar Amrut Bhai & Suvera
Martha Bahen
Praise: Gospel was preached at five
villages through film show ministry.
Aman under the grip of evil spirit for
Friends Focus
September 2016
Kumar & Beenakshi
Pray: For land to build churches at
Saranath and Chottanada villages;
for the opposition against ministry
at Jadapiple village to disappear;
for the witnessing life of believers
migrate to other states for jobs; for
the construction of a Home for children
of believers.
Faith one
Bablu Bhai hailing from Gainad
village Dahanu field woke up from
bed. He could not speak and his
hand became non functional.
His wife Sintha Ben with all faith
prayed for the recovery of the
husband and God healed him.
objects to church construction.
Uttar Pradesh
Ebenezer G. Sam & Jebarani
Selvam Thavamani & Hepzi
Praise: Believer Aman was declared
the topper in her std. X examination
in the district. Believer Bola Singh and
his wife came out for personal works,
it rained heavily; their house with mud
wall collapsed and God protected both
from any damage.
Pray: For the new contact Jegadeesh
to be freed from fear and evil spirit;
for Iqbal who faces many hardships
and difficult days at home to be firm
in his faith on Jesus Christ and the
problems in the family to be settled.
P.G. Christopher & Mabel
Praise: Trilokpur church construction
stopped by anti-Christians has started
the work with permission from officials.
Paulraj and Bharat found out their
Pray: For men to be liberated from
evils such as alcohol and gambling; for
the healing of Padmini from stomach
tumor who is financially very weak;
for the repentance of Mahaveer who
Praise: Believer Lalu rejected all the
idols and believes in Jesus Christ with
heart and soul. Ranu from Rania field
did not perform any Pooja for her
daughter’s wedding and has inscribed
Bible verses on the wedding invitation.
Pray: For Ram Babu to attend
worship; for the villagers of Jasora,
Veersinghpur, Maharapur and
Kurwapurwa to accept Jesus Christ;
for the salvation of Rachel; for Sonu,
Suresh, Hayokhin and Arvind to give
up alcohol.
Sikandra: Peter Hariram
& Prema, Suresh H. Patil,
Thonkholun Haokip
Praise: Gospel was preached at
Thesai village. 23 ladies attended
women’s meeting held at Sindandhira
church. Worship group was launched
among Panjara people group.
Pray: For Panjara people to accept
Jesus Christ; for Sheela, an important
person of Paski village to give
permission for the launching of worship
group; for those at Sahanipur village
receptive to evangelism to come into
the fold of Jesus Christ along with
their families.
Friends Focus September 2016 19
Fasting Prayer Day
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Evangelin Jemi Roby
Vasava Pachiyabhai &
Savita Ben
Praise: Night meetings were held
at 10 places without any obstruction.
Many new persons attend Sunday
worship every week. 450 children
attended special meetings for children
conducted at 15 places.
Pray: For land to build church at
Bibipur village; for a committed
volunteer to help the ministry; for the
people of Akasi and Rajwa villages to
be firm in their faith on Jesus Christ.
Parthana: J. Srinivasan &
Sheeba G. Chandra, Anil Kumar,
Arun Kumar
Praise: Meeting for children at 13
places, meeting for church elders and
soul winners’ camp were conducted.
Keran whose wedding was postponed
found a suitable life partner. Good
News was proclaimed at 15 villages.
Pray: For Smitha’s husband to
accompany Smitha in attending church
worship and husband to heal from
20 Friends Focus September 2016
psychiatric problem and for their son
who suffers oozing of pus from the
body, for which the cause could not
be diagnosed by medical doctors.
Basti: Om Prakash Gupta &
Tumpa Chowdhury, Pumsonchin
& Lunching
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed
without any hindrance. Paasi people
are receptive to evangelism. Bandana
was freed from evil spirit through
Pray: For new believers to be firm in
faith; for open door towards evangelism
among all people groups of this field.
Clement Bakia Raja & Lourthu
Mary, Rajan & Jeba Malar,
Madhusmitha Pani, Emimal.
Praise: Good News was preached
at 13 villages. Chandran miraculously
survived electrocution. Sushma under
the clutches of evil spirit for 20 years
was relieved from the same through
Pray: For Kanakpura villagers to be
freed from alcoholism; for the ongoing
church construction at Mubarakpur
without any crisis; for land to build
churches at Tibiapur and Rahal
Lalabath villages; for the healing
of four-year-old boy Samuel from
cerebral fever and epileptic fits.
Ghatampur: Suresh Malto &
Premlata, Nisha, Manpreet Kour
Gonda Home:
Jangkholun Touthang & Ngai
Thianching Hauzel
Praise: 120 children joined the Home.
Home children along with missionaries
conducted children’s classes. Home
children were admitted in Christian
school to further their studies.
Pray: For the higher studies of senior
students of Home children and for their
spiritual life; for justice to be delivered
at the earliest in the Gonda land case.
Mongwaiphom & Nisha,
Anuratha, Nesam, Shanti Malto
Praise: Sunday worship was
conducted newly at Mandi village.
Meeting for believers was conducted
at Kalvi village. Meetings for children
and adults were held at Machha village
in which many people participated.
Pray: For the healing of Maya
from cancer; for peace to prevail
in the family of Sukumani Rani; for
Santhakali to recover from psychiatric
Praise: During church construction
at Jahanabad, Vinial fell down and
God protected him and the church
construction is going ahead smoothly.
Classes for children were conducted
at five places.
Pray: For the new believers to be
steadfast in faith; for the blessing
of the church dedication service
scheduled in October; for Prema to
recover from paralysis.
For the repentance of
magician and husband’s
Jamuna Ben of Anadu village
Mosda field Gujarat had been
suffering from epileptic fits and
various physical sufferings.
Magician could not help her to
relieve her suffering. He also
declared that if Jamuna Ben had
physical relationship with him
she could be cured. Jamuna
Ben’s husband family accepted
the proposal. But Jamuna Ben
rejected the proposal and attended
church worship. There has been
perceptible improvement in her
health. Pray for the recovery of
Jamuna Ben and repentance of
magician and her husband family.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Bilhaur: John Victor & Sathya
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Yesurethinam Thyagarajan
Mr. Anil Kumar Bisoyi
Mrs. Rani Sukanto Kumar Singh
Mr. Ruben Tudu
Bakhshi Ka Talab: Ramasamy
Jerome & Anthoni Rajam
Praise: Gospel was preached to
1200 persons through film show at
nine places and Gospel ministry at 12
villages. Ajith recovered from cerebral
malaria. Child Abai Tagore survived
snake bite through prayers.
Pray: For peace to settle down in
the family of believer Maya; for the
healing of Ruby from jaundice; for
three month old Anmol to tide over
physical weakness.
Freed from fits
Agalsampia of Jaganathpur field
Jharkhand had been suffering
from fits since childhood. She
attended our prayer meetings and
prayed for her healing God brought
healing to her and the new
believer helps the prayer group.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Praise: Believer Anil who could not
send his four children to school due
to poverty overcame the problem
through financial assistance and the
four children have been admitted in
the school.
Pray: For believer Pooja’s husband to
give up alcohol; for believer Vishal’s
mother to accept Jesus Christ and the
tumor in her throat to disappear; for
the healing of Ashok from headache
suffering for three years.
Madhya Pradesh
Chiriya: Vinu M. & Subila L.R.
Praise: Ram Singh suffering from
stomach pain for seven days, was
brought to the residence of evangelist
and the latter prayed for him and
God healed him from stomach pain.
Eher Singh survived snake bite and
Mosha Bhai from scorpion sting. A
new worship group was formed at
Thawdia village.
Pray: For the launching of worship
groups at the villages of Rashpoidi,
Soppali, Tithrarya, Vadi and Hella
Padawa; for the safe return of
evangelist’s son who has been missing
for the past five months; for the
repentance of Paw Singh and Nan
Singh of Mundiyamal village who
oppose our ministry; for construction
of churches at Mengiricumal and
Chirondiamal villages.
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Sapna Om Prakash
Pal & Khandwa Children
Home: Egalaivan James &
Beril Siromani
Praise: A new worship group was
formed at Pipel village. 22 children
newly joined the Home. Three days
camp and one-day excursion for
children were conducted. Pal field
which had been experiencing drought
for three years received copious rain.
Pray: For the so-called people of
upper caste in Pal field to accept
Jesus Christ; for little girl Rekha weak
in studies to excel in her academic
activities; for the safe return of Rohit
studying at VII std. absconding for
two months; for a Home for boys at
Jerald Xavier J., Ravi.S
Praise: Medhi Bhai who was on
death bed due to paralysis and other
ailments escaped from death through
prayers of missionaries and believers.
Pawar Singh survived scorpion sting.
Pray: For Bhai Ram to be relieved
from alcoholism and come back into
faith; for the healing of speech and
hearing impaired children Kavitha
(13years) and Akash (3 years) of Rem
Singh and Nandhu Bhai.
Paul Durai & Yahel Ponnammal
Praise: Meetings for children were
held at the villages of Jarin Bhaor,
Palasur and Rampuni. Meeting was
conducted for the first time among
people who have never heard of Jesus
Christ at Nepa Mathanpur village.
Pray: For the liberation of people of
Nepanagar from fear and magicians;
for the consolation of Lakshmiamma
whose son had expired; for Rekha
whose tumour in the breast though
surgically removed four times still
grows and hence her marriage is
To be freed from fear
Tribals and other people of
Selemba field are under the fear
psycho of magicians and pujaries.
As a result they become slaves
to pujas. Many young women are
haunted by evil spirit. Pray that
these people are relieved from
fear psycho and accept Jesus
Friends Focus
September 2016
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Kasheli Yecto Chophy
Udai Nagar:
Daniel Marvel Raj & Jebaseeli
Praise: 12 persons attended prayer
meeting conducted anew at Putipara
village. Gospel was proclaimed at
five new villages. Computer training
and Gospel stories were imparted to
Pray: For the students who were
given training in computer to accept
Jesus Christ; for sister Ranu who
has expressed willingness to conduct
prayer meeting at her home in Teachers’
colony and for the repentance of the
society which hinders her.
Khandwa Region:
D. Wilson & Rashmita Parida
Praise: New fields were opened
at Koda Dhongri and Pestha
areas. Though church construction
was completed two years ago at
Chippeapura village, the church could
not be dedicated due to opposition,
but the evangelist boldly implanted
the cross on the front of the church
Pray: For the protection of family of
24 Friends Focus September 2016
believers on which witchcraft is being
worked out; for believers addicted to
alcohol and narcotics to be liberated;
for the launching of worship groups at
the villages of Khodha, Khot, Nandurai
and Kaushat.
Araria: Edwin Selvaraj &
Cindu, Dharmender, Anandan
Praise: People are receptive to
evangelism at Rangada and Nathpur
villages. Sunil Rithi Dev donated a
piece of his land to build a temporary
church at Sakkarhar village.
Pray: For the safety of Musahar
people who are accommodated in
government schools due to heavy
downpour; for Sakkarhar people to
boldly declare their faith inspite of
opposition from their own people; for
the launching of worship groups at
Kundelpur and Rangolaha villages.
Raharia: Roby Arulappan &
Evangelin Jemi
Praise: Sunday worship was
conducted for the first time at the
residence of Sonu. Sandar has
volunteered to help the ministry.
Pooja suffering from various ailments
overcame all crises through prayers.
Pray: For Sonu who is ready to
declare his faith to give up tobacco
and boldly confess his faith on Jesus
West Bengal
Haldibari: Udipta Kumar Bag
& Surjyakanti, Jennis J.B. &
Happy Birthday
Praise: Film show ministry was
undertaken at Prinkidonkha village.
God gave open door to evangelism at
Halthipada area. Perceptible changes
in the behaviour are noticed among
those who attend church worship
newly. God’s protection was felt during
heavy downpour.
Mrs. Mabel Christopher
Lakhimpur: C.H. John & Veni
Praise: God protected Missing people
from sudden flash flood.
Pray: For the new contacts at the
villages of Devpil, Pamundoluni,
Ohjansandhi, Jhorikuru and phoghipil
to accept Jesus Christ; for the healing
of Keshe Thabe, Marterraj Nera,
Prema Kumari and Punitha Milli from
Narayanpur; Sunil Prasad
Singh & Joy Bella Evangeline
Praise: 75 children and 20 adults
attended VBS classes conducted at
three villages. Jesus film was screened
at two places. God protected believers
from flash floods.
Pray: For the speedy completion of
church construction in this field; for
Mukul Tuni and Akash Tuni to accept
Jesus Christ; for the repentance of
Negho, Rotten Doli, Pongiyal Sokiyer
and Soida Milli who try to reconvert
believers into their old religion at
Sokiyal village.
Pray: For those attending church
worship newly to accept Jesus Christ;
for Biswas Kanak Roy, Sudhir Roy,
Aroop Roy, Reena Roy and Meena
Roy to come into the fold of Jesus
Christ; for the healing of college girl
Anna Roy from arthritis and immunity
related disorder.
Dadra Nagar Haveli
Khanvel: Bidush Kumar Nayak
& Pritibala Pradhan
Praise: Mahesh Bhai and Leena Ben
were blessed with a baby after four
years of marriage. Santhi Ben’s child
was protected from venomous snake.
Pray: For the youth of this field to be
firm in faith and come forward to do
ministry; for the people of villages of
Raimal Nagar, Dolara, Anklash and
Sudhrahar to come into the fold of
Jesus Christ.
Friends Focus September 2016 25
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Leela Johnson Barnabas
Devgarh: P. Shankar & Jelin
Praise: Thakkar Sahu family of Bahulal
village is receptive to evangelism.
Seekers’ camps were conducted at
two villages. Permission has been
continuously granted to undertake
jail ministry. The plan of finding one
person from each village to make him
disciple of Jesus has commenced.
Pray: For Ramu Pehera family
married for five years to have a
baby; for Kiero Sahu and Suman
who oppose the missionary to accept
Jesus Christ.
Angul: Pratyush Nayak &
Marithai Leona
Praise: New worship group at
Dalapokka village and Sunday worship
at three places have commenced.
Believer Bipin recovered from renal
disorder through prayers.
Pray: For the repentance of Juhal,
Mangho, Pinno and Ranjan who try to
26 Friends Focus September 2016
create confusion among believers. For
Porsom villagers whose houses were
gutted to get necessary assistance and
help. For three new churches to be
built in this field
Jashipur: Haramohan
Prabhudas & Susama, Sukinlal
& Jeyarani
Praise: Magicians such as Kusha,
Lodo and Lebin have come into the
faith of Jesus Christ. Rajendra Barla
was freed from evil spirit through
Pray: For the hindrance against church
construction at Kuchharpal village to
disappear. For the repentance of
people who confuse the land owner
who has donated land and unity to
prevail among believers.
Pallahara: Basudeo Malto &
Basanti Malto, Rajendra Prasad
Praise: Women’s one-day fellowship
prayer was held at Anthani village.
God protected Missionaries and
Evangelists during rainy season
infested with snakes.
Pray: For the Evangelist from
Juang people to find a suitable
accommodation; for believers to
volunteer for ministry among Juang
people; for the new believer, magician
Rama Nayak to stand as a testimony
among his own people.
into faith. For the healing of believer
Rebecca from Malaria.
Fasting Prayer Day
Happy Birthday
Mr. Francis J Singh
Mr. Lakshmanan M
Champa: Rameshwar Dayal
Nirmal & Madhu Kala
Praise: A new worship group was
formed at Kamasda village. Gospel
was preached to about 1000 persons
at two villages.
Pray: For the new believers to be
deep rooted in Jesus Christ. For
committed Evangelists to undertake
mission work in this field. For
Mukhesh and Chottilal Sahu to give
up alcohol.
Muthukumar & Nethravathi
Praise: A new worship group has
been formed at Pinthupura village.
Groups containing 12 persons each
were formed in six places so as to
encourage and get people involved
in ministry.
Pray: For the healing of Veeraswathi,
Divya and Nithya from epileptic fit. For
the backslide believers to come back
Pathalgaon: Padvi Somalia
Mansubhai & Mahala Shilaben,
Priscilla, Manjusha Gautam,
Praise: Open door for Evangelism
among youth of Rahoot, Chauhan
Lohan, Sarathi and Yadav people was
established. Monisa suffering from fits
for 15 years brought to the camp by
believers and all prayed for her and
God healed her.
Pray: For magician Eshwar to recover
from paralysis and the entire family
to accept Jesus Christ. For the
repentance of religious fundamentalists
who threaten believers attending
worship centre at Amanara. For the
15 families who have been threatened
to turn to their old religion and these
families to attend church and be firm
in their faith.
from epileptic fits
Two year old boy Aiyush of Tapti
region had been suffering from
fever and epileptic fits. A huge
amount was spent on medical
doctors and magicians but in vain.
The little boy was taken to the
evangelist for prayers and God
healed him miraculously.
Friends Focus
September 2016
recovered from cerebral malaria.
Bablu Tehri survived snake bite.
Happy Birthday
Mr. Ezekiel Perumal
Mr. Vasava Bhangsingh Moulya
Mr. Paul Dayasingh A Y
Mrs. Savithiri Kumar
Mr. Malkit Singh
Miss. Emimal A
Birpara: Manasseh Daniel &
Selva Merina
Praise: Survey was held at Thinkatta
area. Three day fasting prayer was
undertaken at Halthipani village. God
gave us open door for evangelism in
this field.
Pray: For the tribals living around
Birpara area where flood has
damaged their life to get suitable
assistance. For the success of film
show ministry scheduled at the villages
of Santhalpura, Thothopara, Dalmuni
and Sesupani. For the missionaries to
learn Chandri language at the earliest.
Mohulpahadi, Talahi &
Children Home: B. Sateesh &
Mutha Ratnakumari
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed at 16
new villages. Jesus film was screened
at five villages at Talahi area. Kalu
Tehri, Pulmuni Rani and Daniel Kuwar
28 Friends Focus September 2016
Pray: For Kalu Tehri to get government
job. For a volunteer to work at the
field of Mohulpahadi. For Bhaneet
Pajan who opposes ministry to accept
Jesus Christ. For open door to drama
ministry at all villages.
John Dinesh & Binny Gnanam
Praise: Amidst heavy downpours,
about 60 persons viewed Jesus film
held at Hamar Chinduria village.
Song books were printed at Kardha
language. Four Buriyan believers
attended soul winners’ camp.
Pray: For backslide Kushal Yadav
family and Sadev Roy and wife to
come back into faith. For Buriyan
people group to come into the fold
of Jesus Christ.
Bhagaiya & Tinpahar:
Jebakumar P. & Pon Latha
Praise: Evangelist Samuel Malto who
works among youth has started three
youth prayer meetings. After attending
night meeting at Pachariya area, the
youths attend church service regularly.
Pray: For training to be imparted to
evangelists to work among youths.
For the launching of Adult Literacy
program at 10 villages. For revival
among Masubeda villagers. For the
healing of Sunil Malto suffering from
epileptic fits for three years.
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Hanna Gansalves
Pakuria & Maheshpur:
Ramesh Velraj & Priscilla
Praise: Night meetings at 15 villages
and drama ministry at eight villages
were held.
Pray: For Rajendra Murmu who
opposes ministry to accept Jesus
Christ. For the repentance of the
people of upper caste who beat
believers and handed them over to
police. As a result Madaiya family at
Pulshanjari having accepted Jesus
Christ. For Shanthi murmu and Saimat
Soran to recover from Kala-azar and
Malto Children Ministry:
Surendran & Annaselvam
Praise: 49 people attended VBS
training conducted at Pahadiya and
Singarsi areas. They have pledged
to conduct children classes at 16
places and have started the classes
for children at nine places. TAFTEE
classes have commenced in Hindi and
Malto languages.
Pray: For the checking up of lesson
plans of Sunday classes. For the
success of training of evangelists to
work among children scheduled for
three months starting from October.
For evangelists’ children to get suitable
educational facility.
Jehovah Jireh CDC:
Gajen Champramary & Roshila
Praise: Missionaries recovered from
Pray: Many of the children of CDC
suffer from Malaria, typhoid and
viral fever. For the church elders
to encourage believers to conduct
Sunday worship at five churches which
have been closed for many months.
For the back slide believers to come
back into faith. For eight students to
get admission in high school.
Rajmahal Primary School
- Malto: John Paul Harris &
Vimala Daisy
Praise: Students and parents benefited
from the medical camp conducted at
Keppa Kudia, Pochhakudia and
Bedopokria areas. Teachers Michael,
Samu and Devraj survived snake bites.
Pray: For the betterment of road
facilities at Thumbi, Keppakudiya and
Pochhakudiya areas. For the healing
of student Mary Malto from epileptic
fits. For good protected water at
Kustan village.
Friends Focus September 2016 29
Happy Birthday
Mr. Abraham I K
Community College –
Malto: Albert Samuel &
Hepzibah, Krishan Kumar &
Shantilal, Agustian Biji & Manna
Raja Vidhya, Malla Vidhyasagar
Praise: A local trainee has joined the
faculty of Production of Metal Plates.
Suhasini Besra and Salomi Malto who
had completed their training last year
have joined Chandrakoda Medical
Centre. Vijay Malto, Mathias Malto
and Sheela Malto who had completed
their training at community college
are undergoing missionary training at
NIM, Jhansi.
Pray: For more students to join the
community college. For the healing
of Mathias Malto from tuberculosis.
For the protection of students and
missionaries during monsoon.
Ephraim Malli & Prosonsita
Praise: Believers attended one-day
soul winners’ camp held at Pahutia and
hence vowed to proclaim good news at
neighboring villages. Sub-centre was
opened at Singpurna village.
30 Friends Focus September 2016
Pray: For new believers to be
steadfast in faith. For Ajith, receptive
to good news to accept Christ. For
the healing of Pittanjar undertaking
treatment in hospital for psychiatric
Vinod Kumar & Sanam Joyce
Praise: Persia, daughter of Evangelist
Mothilal recovered from cerebral
malaria. Though Papahara village
is known for anti Christian activities,
one dead believer was buried as per
Christian faith.
Pray: For Sumithra to recover from
psychiatric disorder for three years.
For Poojari Prankana Somprai to
accept Christ. For the people of
Kalaiya, kathpanth, Laghasai and
Palkantha villages who are receptive
to gospel to accept Jesus Christ.
Clinging to the shrub
Our evangelist from Motaponda
field Gujarat slipped and fell into a
well of 50 ft depth. During his fall
he clang to a shrub and shouted
for help and prayed to Lord to help
him overcome from the crisis.
The passers-by who happened
to move through that area lifted
the evangelist safely. Thus God
miraculously saved the evangelist.
Happy Birthday
Mr. John Stephen Y
Mr. Raphael Murmu
Utkal Region & Badajamda:
Samarendra Singh & Sushmita
Praise: Night meetings at 20 places,
training for church elders at two places
and proclamation of good news at 73
villages were conducted.
Pray: For the opposition against our
ministry at Pokhne and Majikhan to
cease. For the repentance of youths
of Ho Mahasabha who beat and
tortured evangelist Soma Hebron. For
great revival among Pan people group.
Bauvha people live. For good rain at
the village of Kushtampura, Lazares,
Sarskunda, Khaji, Kundampura and
Savitha where agriculture is the back
bone of people.
Thanakla: Yuvanesh & Jhansi
Rani, Ruth Malto, Sara Malto
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed to
400 persons through film ministry.
Two new missionaries have joined
this field to work among youths.
Church construction was completed
at Ralaiyambha village without any
Pray: For revival among Jatri people.
For the protection of believers and
missionaries from seasonal diseases.
For good news to be proclaimed at
Vahume village.
Bodali: Titus Babu & Mohana
Kumaran & Jelin Jeya Pratha
Praise: 100 persons viewed Jesus
film screened at Rusthanapura and
Kanpura Vashat areas. Open door
for evangelism was established at
Kanpur Vashat villages.
Praise: Sunday classes were
conducted at two new villages. Gospel
was proclaimed at Saklapakki and
Jalaiyamat villages.
Pray: For the spiritual uplift of
believers of Kundarpur village and
medical camp to be conducted among
these people who are afflicted with
various diseases. For the new worship
centre at Kanpur vashat area where
Pray: For the consolation of 14-yearold boy, whose mother Kamala Ben
died recently and his father had died
earlier. For the healing of Sunil from
renal disorder whose hand and leg
have become dysfunction.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Glory Robert William
Mr. Pratyush Nayak
Yesu Babu & Usha
Praise: Tumor in the heart of Pushpa
Ben disappeared through prayer.
Speech impaired little boy Kumar is
able to speak through prayers. Gospel
was proclaimed to 430 persons.
Gomathi Ben suffering from jaundice
frequently received healing through
Pray: For the recovery of believer
Nirmala Ben whose both kidneys have
become non-functional and for medical
expenses to be met with.
Vijaya Nagar:
Paul Raj R. & Koilpushpam
Praise: We had been praying for
Kanniyalal, an important person in this
field and he attended church worship.
Though surgeon advised to remove
the tumor, in the stomach of 2 ½ years
old boy, through surgery, believers
prayed and the tumor disappeared.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Pray: For the leucodermic patches
in the lip of believer Rathanlal to
disappear and to find a suitable
spouse. For the person who had
borrowed money from Mahendra
bhai and now refusing to give back
the money.
P. Vinu & Suhi Malar
Praise: Good news was proclaimed
to 60 persons at Madhapat village.
Gandhi Ben, Kandu Ben and Oli Ben
newly attend church worship.
Pray: For backslide Kedia Bhai and
Kansuya Bhai and their families to
come back into faith and those who
guided them wrongly to accept Christ.
For Mohani, Kudawan and Pada to be
freed from evil spirit and accept Christ.
Ramsingh Bhai Vasava &
Urmila Ben
Praise: 50 persons attended all night
bhajan program held at Kooti village.
Gospel was preached at Rettati,
Podawada, Varoli and Verakkuyi
Pray: For Navesh Bhai, Kamlesh,
Koman Bhai and Binoth Bhai to come
into fold of Jesus Christ along with
their families.
Thalar village. For those who listened
to good news to accept Jesus Christ.
Tapti Region:
Madhavaroy & Jebathangam
Happy Birthday
Mr. Johan Malto
Samuel Ganesh & Mini
Praise: Raisingh Bhai and Pushpa
Ben survived snake bite. Susha Ben
and Raju Bhai were blessed with a
baby after 10 years of married life.
Good news was proclaimed at seven
Pray: For the repentance of religious
fundamentalists Baghu Bhai, Prakash
Bhai, Mohan Bhai, Maharal and
Rajesh Bhai who oppose our ministry
at Sithapur village. For Gandhi Bhai
who spreads false news against
gospel at Mokshan village to accept
Jesus Christ.
Asir Moses & Amirtha Golda
Praise: 90 persons watched Jesus
film at Jadoli village. Night meeting
was held for first time at Thalar village.
Pray: For Sathish Bhai to recover
from paralysis. For Kemu Bhai to
regularly attend church worship. For
the launching of worship group at
Praise: Special night meeting at
Mighan village, meeting for children
at Suhali and meeting for women and
Evangelists were conducted. Meeting
was started newly at Thasadi village.
Pray: For children’s meeting to be
held regularly on Saturdays at Suhali
village. For the Hindi speaking
people who attend prayer meeting at
Itechajrun area to accept Jesus Christ.
Aravalli Region:
P. Rajadurai & Bathsheba
Praise: The missing goat of believer
Tulsi returned home after eight days.
Gospel was proclaimed at six villages.
Samsi’s four year old son fell into hot
water and was protected by God.
Pray: For the healing of 13-year-old
girl Saila from elephantiasis and the
family to accept Jesus Christ. For
the new believers who attend weekly
prayer meetings to be deep rooted in
faith. For the completion of church
construction at Jamnia village. For
Kalu bhai and Aphu bhai who oppose
ministry to accept Jesus Christ.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Motaponda (Vapi): Govindaraj
@ Benjamin & Goma
Fasting Prayer Day
Happy Birthday
Mr. Prasantha Kumar K
Chodri Bible Translation:
Christopher Thomas & Vasanthi
Praise: Books of Nehemiah, Jonah,
Ruth and first four chapters of Daniel
were subjected to secondary checkup. 14 more chapters of Jeremiah
were translated. 12 chapters of I
Samuel were translated and are final
Pray: For the analysis and verification
of translated books of Judges, Ezra
and Nehemiah by linguistic experts.
Satpura Region:
Ruban Ravi & Vijayarani
Praise: Mumbai prayer group leaders
and youth conducted two day meetings
for home children. Many children
accepted Christ and two of them
committed themselves to ministry.
Pray: For good yield of crops in
the fields of believers. For the new
warden Thiru bhai to execute his job
with commitment. For the healing of
senior evangelist from paralysis.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Praise: Night meeting was started
newly at Pardi taluk. Many new
persons eagerly attend the meeting
to listen the good news. Open door
was formed to proclaim gospel at
three villages. Church construction
commenced at Kakatgopar and Parai
Pray: For the commencement of
church construction at Kudliad,
Babardate villages. For the people
of Parsi and Pordia to whom gospel
has been preached to come into the
fold of church.
Mayilsamy & Yesumani
Praise: The village president of
Ughatmand has invited missionary to
preach good news in the village and
he himself listened to gospel. 20
new families attend church worship.
Gospel was propagated at 13 villages.
Pray: For the repentance of people
who oppose evangelism at Kate
village. For the construction of church
at Poripada and Sonkir village. For
Meera bai to be freed from evil spirit
and get healing from swelling all over
her body.
Gurunath and Usha with their families
to accept Jesus Christ. For the
success of training for church elders
scheduled this month.
Khandesh Bhili Bible
Binaya Kumar Guru & Ruhama
Ajayakumar Lima & Pratyasini
Praise: Through prayer Arun gave
up alcohol. He received a Bible and
reads the same. Kavita leads her
mother into Jesus Christ. God blessed
this area with good rain.
Praise: Some of the chapters of Mark
already translated were subjected to
final review. Gospel was preached at
eight villages.
Pray: For Lakshman, Sheela, Kanlus
and Kavitha who gave their ears
to good news first time to accept
Christ. For the healing of Sheela from
arthritis. For the spiritual growth of
youths such as Prathik, Kandhu and
Shivam and to excel in their studies.
LTI Igatpuri: Sanjeeb Kumar
Andrap & Swarnalatha
Praise: 54 evangelists attended
and benefited through the training
for evangelists held at Poscra and
Nandurbar. Mahesh, Gurunath and
Sumitha attended prayer meeting for
the first time held at Portha Nagar
Pray: For the healing of new contact
Mahesh who suffers from sores all
over the body for two years. For
Pray: For the completion of New
Testament in Kandesh Bhili Language
at the earliest. For the formation of
worship groups at the villages of Thikri,
Rohan, Umpra, Gondas, Theshirvat
and Sitthant.
Boisar: Hemanta Kumar Sabar
& Rasmita Rani Rout
Praise: Sunday worship was started
newly at Thalwada village. Little girl
Monah was delivered from the clutches
of evil spirit through prayers. The
domestic issues in the family of Anil
and Akshaya were solved.
Pray: For getting no objection
certificate for church construction at
Thalwada village. For the healing
of Sandhu bhai from mouth cancer.
For the opening of Day Care centre
in this field.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Happy Birthday
Mr. Daniel Vijayaraj
Mrs. Lourdu Mary Giri Babu
Mrs. Jasmine Kavitha Rani Densingh
Dharni: Binit Prasath Bardhan
& Amojitha Nayak, Kulam
Kisku, Hiran Limma
Praise: 30 persons attended night
meeting in Pawra village. Parvathi
ben after attending fasting prayer was
freed from evil spirit.
Pray: For the repentance of Mothilal
who opposes evangelism at Kuttonga
and Pawra village. For the church
construction at Kalar and Pari villages.
For Rathanlal and Sithara to give up
M. Shankar & Anandhi
Praise: Gospel was preached at the
villages of Khoripatta, Pentagaon and
Kavada. Sitha ben recovered from
paralysis through prayers. Sivaji bhai
survived snake bite.
Pray: For the believers of Ibathpada to
be steadfast in faith amidst opposition.
For the backslide believers to be back
Friends Focus
September 2016
into faith. For the repentance of
anti-Christian elements who oppose
believers. For no objection certificate
to be received from government to
build churches in Kursha and Sarie
We will never give up
Jesus Christ.
Believer Balasingh of Suratgarh
town under the Hanumangarh
field died in Christ on
10.07.2016. The two elder sons
who have not accepted Jesus
Christ decided to conduct last
rites as per the Sikh faith and
Sikh priest was invited. The sikh
priest requested the intimates
of the house to remove all the
Christian symbols from that
house. And he said that he would
start the final rites only after the
removal. But the younger two
sons, believers, declared that
they would never give up Christ
and they the last rites conducted
as per Christian faith. Trouble
is slowly brewing. Kulzar has
initiated action to excommunicate
the believers from the society.
Pray for the repentance of Kulzar
and the believers to be steadfast
in the faith.
Babupada, Pawarpada, Thaminkav
and Jamkolikav.
N. Balaji & Jegadeeswari
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Premila George Edward
Mrs. Nirmala Mithran
Mrs. Shanti Lal Krishan Kumar
Mrs. Sanam Joyce Vinod Kumar
Vasava Bhangsingh Moulia &
Yemen Bhangsingh
Praise: Ravindra received healing
from skin allergy. An evangelist has
emerged from Gond people. Gospel
was proclaimed at six villages.
Pray: For Thinandia Adwas, Kamala,
Arsitha, kajana, Schidan, Snabash
Adaram and Mothiram who attend
worship for three years to accept
Jesus Christ. For the recovery of
Mahadev from ailment of unknown
Ramesh & Sunita Vasava
Praise: Good news was preached
to 318 persons. 150 ladies attended
women’s meeting conducted at three
Pray: For the healing of Subhah and
Tulsira from tuberculosis. For open
door to evangelism in the villages of
Praise: All night prayer meeting was
held for the first time in this field.
Prayer meetings were started at Vaghil
and Sherjkav villages.
Pray: for the blessing of ministries
scheduled at the villages of
Ganeshpur, Hakkav, Pimpri and
Ketgav. For Ramakrishna to recover
from paralysis. For the land to build
church at Harippur village.
Ettapalli & Allapalli Children
Home: Vijayan & Jebarose,
Saritha Paul, Naresh Kumar
Praise: Maruthi Adraman who was on
the death bed due to sickle cell anemia
received complete healing by prayer.
Ramu Ranot was struck by thunder
and lightning and was recovered from
unconsciousness. Medical camps
were conducted at three places.
Pray: For the healing of Home children
who suffer from various ailments one
after other. For the speedy completion
of church construction in Kattapalli
village. For Pasu Adram and Joba
who lost eye vision all of sudden to
receive sight.
Friends Focus
September 2016
suffers from stomach pain for the
past 10 years. For missionary Alex
Prabhu to learn Marathi language at
the earliest.
Happy Birthday
Mr. Ganesan M@Samuel Ganesh
Mr. Albert Prabhakaran N
K. Ramesh & Thoti Gurramvari
Praise: youth meeting at V.Kotta
and ministry by gospel ratham were
Pray: For the missionaries to excel
in the Marathi language. For open
door to evangelism in this field and
opposition to be ceased.
Peint Region:
Arthur Jebaraj & Gnanasundari,
Alex Prabhu
Praise: Though evangelist Manjunath’s
house was completely gutted, the Bible
remained unaffected. Good news was
shared at six villages. While Sakku
Bhai was up on a tree, a snake coiled
his hand and God protected him from
the vile creature. 155 persons came
to the church for prayers.
Pray: For the believers of Vadovi
village to get justice in the case against
them. For the healing of Jamuna who
Friends Focus
September 2016
Mundargi: Vinayaraj & Shantha
Praise: Haligamma and Nagaraj
couple was blessed with a baby after
nine years of married life.
Pray: For Sheshamma to recover
from hip and spinal cord problem. For
church construction in this field. For
the salvation of Suresh and Ganga
and their children.
Malur: Francis Duraisamy &
Jeyanthi, Xavier Kiro
Praise: Believer Sheilaja became
unconscious due to weakness and
was admitted in the hospital. When
believers prayed for her and God
healed her. After seven years of
marriage, Pavithra came to the church
and prayed, she is now pregnant.
Pray: For Subash, Hanik, Girish,
Munusamy Reddy, Malu Venkatappa,
M y l a n a h a l l i . Ve n k a t r a m a p p a .
Atopenpaplli manji and Pavahalli
Manju to be deep rooted in faith in
Jesus Christ and attend church service
regularly. For Missionary Xavier to
learn local language at the earliest.
Paul Ravi Raj & Hemalatha
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Rebacamma Paul
Mr. Siehkhothang Zou
Shirahatti: Sunil Kumar &
Sangeetha, Ganesh Nayak &
Praise: 18 years old Manjunath
miraculously survived electrocution.
Hemalatha was blessed with a baby
after 10 years of marriage. Good news
was preached at five villages.
Pray: For the youth of Shirahatti field
to accept Jesus Christ. For good rain
so that the believers can undertake
agriculture work in their field.
Andhra Pradesh
Chittoor Region:
Venkatesan & Sasikala
Praise: Survey was undertaken in
Kadappa. Drought region of Kadappa
received good rain when we prayed
for the same. Sumathi and Devendran
after 14 years of marriage were
blessed with a baby. Five days training
was conducted for new evangelists
who have joined the ministry recently.
Pray: For the opening of children
home and LTI in Chittoor region. For
church construction at the villages of
Appiniappalli, Kothapetta, Mithapalli,
Nathampalli and Konnapalli.
Praise: Believers’ children are
often tortured by teacher for being
Christians, but the children are bold
amidst negative approach by the
teachers. Paul Chandra who was
often sick overcame weakness after
confessing faith on Jesus Christ.
Pray: For Keerthana and Angelina
to find suitable spouses. For 1 ½
year old Vaishnavi whose neck is
very weak due to nervous problem
to receive healing from God. For the
consolation of David studying at std.
XII whose mother had expired and
his relatives have deserted him and
David to get help.
declared their faith
Magician Kuzar Saya residing at
Silthiya village, Jashipur field,
Odisha has been one of the
important persons opposing the
believers. All of a sudden he was
severely affected by an ailment.
Magicians could not help him.
Finally he approached believers
for prayers. Through the prayers
of believers God healed him. On
14.07.2016 he along with his family
declared their faith on Jesus Christ
publicly. On seeing the testimony
two more magicians accepted
Jesus Christ.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Hepzibah Deva Sundaram
Puthalapattu: Lakshmanan &
Princess Rositta
Praise: Good news was proclaimed
at two villages. Training program was
conducted for church elders. Survey
was undertaken at the villages of
Bundharlapalli and Nadimpalli.
Pray: For unity and oneness to prevail
among church elders and leader of
Pattu church. For the registration of
church land at Sankarambakkan and
Andravanippalli villages and church
construction to commence.
Ananthpur Region:
John David Raj & Gnanasekari
Praise: Mission vision camps
for volunteers and parents were
conducted on Saturdays. Two persons
became volunteers and four persons
joined the ministry on part time basis.
New fields were opened at C K Palli
and Pukkapattinam. Sister Bakkurni
a neighbour accepted the Lordship
of Jesus Christ and she gave up
alcohol business and is involved in
chips business.
Pray: For the launching of
night meetings at the villages of
Kondampalli, Chandragiri, Venkatapalli,
40 Friends Focus September 2016
Narayanapuram, Pyapuram and
Sainappam. For those who have
accepted Jesus Christ to boldly
declare themselves as Christians
amidst laws that forbid them to do
so and the new believers to get all
concessions as others and social
curbs on them to cease.
Tamil Nadu
Azariah Rajkumar & Jebarani
Praise: 18 persons attended soul
winners’ camp. Shankar, a contractor
from Jharkand who employs 50
persons has invited us to conduct
night meetings.
Pray: For open door to evangelism
among 150 persons who work at saw
mills at Korampallam. For introducing
night meeting at Tharuvaikulam.
Fear over death
At Siri village Talasari field
Maharashtra Vijay’s father, mother
and brother died one by one. His
last son Rohith became physically
weak and there was hair fall from
his head. Fearing that his son would
die Vijay approached magician but
there was no relief. Our evangelist
visited the house, shared Good News
and prayed for his recovery. And God
healed Rohith. Hair fall has stopped.
Through this miracle five families
have come into faith.
Fasting Prayer Day
Periamalai Region:
Local Evangelists
Praise: Good news was preached
to 200 persons through sound and
light program held at Ulaphan village.
Johnson was protected in a vehicle
accident. Meeting for women was
conducted at Thirumachandra village.
Pray: for constructing a church at
Ilayapuram. For Prabhu to give up
alcohol. For Jeyanthi to find a suitable
life partner. For the backslide believers
of Kalingavaram to come back into
Devadoss & Asnath
Praise: Residents from Jharkhand at
Manalipudu nagar have opened their
doors to conduct worships. Two-day
camp for believers was held. Amir,
Jeyesh and Rajesh share the good
news to their relatives and villages
through cell-phone and during their
Pray: For the repentance of the
contractor from Jharkand who threaten
the missionary through mobile phone
and the same contractor does not
allow the Santhal people working
under him to meet the missionary.
Matthew Jebaraj & Nagomi
Praise: Valli who was on the verge of
death due to serious health problem
received total healing through prayers.
Pray: For Sekhar to accept Jesus
Christ and Parimala to be freed from
the grip of evil spirit.
David Perumal & Stella
Praise: God gave good yield of cotton
in the field of believer Zacharia. Banu
Priya’s wedding was solemnized and
all the expenses were met with. The
couple of Balaji and Priyanka after
eight years of marriage were blessed
with a baby.
Pray: For believers of Gandhi Nagar
to regularly attend church worship. For
the repentance of Shanmugam whose
wife had died and he does not attend
church worship nor does he allow his
children to attend church service and
to give up alcohol.
Friends Focus September 2016 41
Happy Birthday
Miss. Angel Margret B
K. S. Joshua & Arul packia Bai
Praise: Gospel was preached to 27
persons first time. Indrani possessed
by evil spirit for many months attended
church worship regularly and was
delivered from the clutches of evil
spirit. For the consolation of Vennila
whose brother had expired. For the
healing of Lakshmi from cancer.
Pray: For Kumaresan and Nandakumar to find suitable spouses.
For the healing of Syaha whose
kidneys have failed to function. For
Karthik, Thangaraj, Manikkam, Jothi,
Govindammal, Venkiah, Sugumar,
Alagesan, Packiam and Paramasivan
to come into the fold of Jesus Christ.
Patchur: David Nickelson & Ivy
Praise: 15 new families are receptive
to evangelism. Five new contacts have
been identified.
Pray: For the open door to good
news in the villages of Arvipuchau,
Friends Focus
September 2016
P.Natham, Arasampatti and Patchur.
For the healing of Sannabaiya who
could not walk due to sore on his leg.
Magician’s change of
heart brought healing
62 years old Ramanayak from
Pallahara field Odisha state has
been a magician from youth
hood. The neighbours would
visit him to get relief from
their physical illness. His wife
Moulini suffered acute stomach
pain. Ramanayak’s magic
was futile. He spent huge
amount of money and senior
magicians and physicians, but
in vain. Finally, he requested
the evangelist to pray for his
wife and also told him that he
would give up all his evil deeds
and designs. The missionaries
shared the Good News with
the family and prayed for her
and God healed Moulini Nayak.
Rama Nayaks change of heart
brought healing to Moulini
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Tumpa Chowdhury Om Prakash Gupta
Road accidents are increasing day by day. In May 2016
alone, 14000 persons became victims to road accidents. More
of such accidents occur between 3 pm to 6 pm. In an hour
57 accidents take place in which 17 persons die. Younger
generation is the victim to a large extent. More accidents
happen in Mumbai and death toll up in Delhi. Pray for the
road accidents to be brought under check.
During investigation, National Investigation Agency
concluded that Pakistan is behind the Kashmir violence.
Pray for cross border terrorism in Kashmir to be stopped
and peace to prevail.
For flood affected people of Assam and Bihar to receive
relief. 170000 persons have been forced to vacate their
residences in central India.
India requires seven lakhs more medical doctors. Medical
colleges churn only 30000 doctors per year. Pray for the gap
in the medical services to be filled up.
Four thousand women disappeared in Bengaluru. Of
them 50% could not be traced out. Pray for the protection
of women in our country.
During south west monsoon, north Indian rivers are
flowing above the danger mark while in South India, there
is deficiency of rain during the same season. Pray for the
inter-linking of Indian rivers.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Teachers’ Day offers tremendous privilege for
students across the nation to honour their
teachers. They sing their praises and say their
accolades. Here is an accolade for the greatest
teacher the world has ever known.
He never had a classroom. Most of his lessons
were on the streets. He never
taught complicated theories. His
lectures included every day life examples. Most of his conclusions
were derived from parables he told. His teaching career lasted
just three and half years yet he is the greatest teacher the world
has ever known. He taught the highest truths that were ever
taught. He promoted the purest ideals that were ever presented.
He gave the greatest wisdom that men ever heard. Moses gave
laws, he came to fix flaws. His aim was to transform behavior
by transforming the heart.
Histories greatest humanitarian movements, like the International
Red Cross, was founded by men in response to his teaching to
care for the sick and the suffering. Florence Nightingale, Mother
Teresa were just two names on the long list of his followers
who followed this train.
His followers pioneered tens of thousands of schools throughout
Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands - providing education for
countless millions, even in the remotest jungles, giving the gift of
literacy to tribes which had never before had a written language.
The concept of graded levels of education was first introduced
by his German follower, Johan Sturm in the 16th Century.
Another one, Frederick Froebel introduced kindergartens. In the
19th Century, Louis Braille, another of his dedicated follower
who lost his eyesight at age three, developed the world’s first
alphabet that enabled blind people to read with their fingers.
His teachings changed hearts, introduced a respect for life
and liberty that was completely unknown before his coming.
In the ancient times, his teachings halted infanticide, liberated
women, abolished slavery, inspired the first charities and religious
organizations, created hospitals, established orphanages and
founded schools.In the medieval times, it built libraries, invented
colleges and universities, dignified labour and transformed the
Friends Focus
September 2016
barbarians.In the modern era, his teaching has advanced science, inspired political,
social and economic freedom, promoted justice and provided the greatest inspiration
for the most magnificent achievements in art, architecture, music and literature.
He was born in an obscure village. He grew up in another obscure village where he
worked in a carpenter shop until he was thirty when public opinion turned against him.
He never wrote a book, He never held an office, He never went to college, He never
visited a big city, He never travelled more than two hundred miles from the place
where he was born. He did none of the things usually associated with greatness.
He had no credentials but himself
He was only thirty three, His friends ran away. One of them denied him. He was
turned over to his enemies and went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed to
a cross between two thieves. While dying, his executioners gambled for his clothing,
the only property he had on earth.
When he was dead, He was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.
Twenty centuries have come and gone and today Jesus is the central figure of the
human race and the leader of mankind's progress.
All the armies that have ever marched, All the navies that have ever sailed, All the
parliaments that have ever sat, All the kings that ever reigned put together, have not
affected the life of mankind on earth as powerfully as that one solitary life."
May we safely add that He has been the most powerful person in transforming society
for the better across 2000 years. The Greatest Teacher who ever walked this earth!
And the Greatest Teacher who ever will be to all eternity. What a privilege to know
this Teacher as a personal saviour! Happy Teachers Day!
Personnel needed for
Communication Department
Born again Christians are needed for translating articles
from Tamil to English and English to Tamil, Proof reading, writing articles.
Apply to
HRD - FMPB, 29, High School Road, Ambattur, Chennai - 53
Friends Focus
September 2016
Some testimonies of the
graduated Missionary Trainees
of 2015 - 2016 batch
Mr. Thomas Charles Dani
How I was: I was in the Ministry before coming to NIM.
I was not able to speak in Hindi. I was not sure about my
calling and ministry.
Now I am: After I came to NIM, God changed my mind
and thoughts towards His Ministry. Now I am speaking and
writing in Hindi. My spiritual life and my perspective towards
our nation are changed in NIM. I learned group living in
believers’ fellowship.
My vision for mission: To plant churches across the
nation. God has given me burden to do ministry among the
tribal people and establish many congregations and involve
in Youth Ministry.
Miss. Suguna
How I was: God gave me an opportunity to serve Him in the
mission field at Nandurbar, Maharashtra. This experience gave
me the opportunity to understand the field ministry of FMPB.
Now I am: God helped me to learn Hindi language during the
training. The Community living also trained me a lot to have
good relationships, and to learn from one another. Various
subjects which were taught in the class room, gave me the
zeal to be a missionary, in order to establish the Kingdom
of God in our mother land.
My vision for mission: Reaching the under privileged
with the gospel. Encouraging the believers in day to day life
to grow in the Lord and starting the youth camp, children
ministry and to make sure that they also grow in the Lord. I
want to do Pastoral Care ministry also and plant indigenous
self supporting churches.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Retreat for EC & GB Members
Venue: YMCA, Vepery, Chennai
Date: 03-09-2016 Time: 9.30 am to 1pm
Speakers: Mr. Patrick Joshua
Mr. John Samuel
Rt. Rev. Robert Ali took charge of Bishop for
Diocese of Chhattisgarh on 10.7.2016. He had
been transferred from Bhopal diocese. A
thanksgiving service was conducted at St.
Paul’s Cathedral CNI, Raipur in which a large
number of Chhattisgarh congregation, heads
of Institutions and religious heads of various
Christian denominations graced the occasion
Friends Missionary Prayer Band greets the newly appointed bishop
and wishes him God’s blessings in all his endeavors in the expansion
of God’s kingdom on Earth
Some of you are sending your contributions through
Net Transfer. We are very grateful for your support.
We give below the A/c details for your ready reference.
A/c Name: Friends Missionary Prayer Band
ICICI - A/c No. 602701216912
- IFS Code ICIC0006027 - Branch: Anna Nagar
SBI - A/c No. 10402752621
- IFS Code SBIN0000987 - Branch: Ambattur
Indian Bank - A/c No. 406157474
- IFS Code IDIB000A095 - Branch: Venkatapuram
Kindly contact us at: [email protected]
Friends Focus
September 2016
Stalin Jeeva is the sixth son of
Late. Mr.S.Navamony & Mrs.Darling
of Chidambrapuram (Kalakad)
village of Tirunelveli district, Tamil
Nadu. He was nurtured in Christian
faith and practices from childhood
onwards. He accepted Jesus as
his personal saviour at the age of
24 through reading a book called
“Hell and its Punishment’’. Then
he gradually understood God’s call
through daily quiet time and God’s
interventions. He attended Mission
95 meeting conducted in Nagercoil
and committed his life for ministry and
joined FMPB as full time missionary
in June 1995. After few months of
promotional ministry in Chennai, he
was sent to Muzaffarpur for one year
missionary training and then sent to
work among Malto people group. He
worked in Bhagaiya home & school,
Borio and Singarsi mission fields.
Sis. Gnanaselvarani is the first
daughter of Mr. Joseph & Late. Mrs.
Rosebell of Saralvilai, Palappallam
of Kanniyakumari district. In 1990
she accepted Jesus as her personal
saviour. When she worked in a
hospital as nurse, she understood
God’s call and joined FMPB as full
time missionary in1996. She did
promotional ministry in Nagercoil
and Virudhachalam for few months
and she was sent to Jhansi for one
year Missionary training. Afterward
48 Friends Focus September 2016
Rev. Stalin Jeeva &
Mrs. Gnanaselvarani family
Rev. N.Stalin Jeeva
Miss. Rheni Deborah
Miss. Fanny
she was sent to work among Maltos
with Premjyothi Community Hospital in
Chandragoda, Jharkhand and worked
among Santhali people for some months.
Stalin Jeeva & Gnanaselvarani were united
through Holy Matrimony on 30.12.1998.
They started working in St. Thomas English
School and Children home, CDC in Pandeni
and Gangapada children home. Now they
take care of Gangapada Malto Girls Home
from 2014 onwards.
God has blessed the Missionary couple
with two daughters. Elder daughter Rheni
Deborah is studying in XII std. and younger
daughter Fanny is studying in VIII std. in
Santhosha Vidhyalaya Dohnavur. Let us
uphold the missionary family in our dayto-day prayers.
Rev. Balasubramanian is the last
son of the Hindu family of Mr.
Ponnan & Mrs. Chinnammal of
Madukkarai village, Coimbatore
district. He had been suffering
from physical ailment for more
than 15 years. In 1990, a pastor
of local church told him about
Jesus Christ and prayed for his
well-being and God healed him.
So he accepted Jesus Christ as
his Lord and Saviour. For four
years he undertook ministry in
Coimbatore. Through a prayer
group leader he came to know
about FMPB and joined FMPB in
1995. He worked with the SCAN
and in the headquarters for a few
months. After completing one year
missionary training in Muzaffarpur
in 1996, he started the ministry
among Kukna people in Gujarat.
Sis. Paranjothy Lucina was
brought up in Bethel Home since
childhood and completed B.Com.
She joined FMPB in 1995 and
completed missionary training at
Rev. Balasubramanian
& Mrs. Paranjothi Lucina
Paranjothy Lucina
Balasubramanian and Lucina were
united through marriage on 02.05.1997.
After marriage, the missionary couple
ministered at Jhavda School and among
Kukna and Varli people in the fields of
Vansda, Khergam and Bilod and Silvasa
and Talasari fields in Maharashtra.
God has blessed the missionary couple
with two sons. Elder son Daniel is
studying B.Th. 2nd year and younger
son Eunison is studying in std VIII. Let
us continue to uphold the missionary
family in our daily prayers.
Friends Focus September 2016 49
R. Isaac is the third son of (late)
Mr. Rajamani and Mrs. Seeniammal
of Mangudi Meenakshipuram,
Rajapalayam Virudhunagar district.
With the aim of earning handsome
salary to do away with poverty of
home, he entered into the portals
of Kamarajar college, Thoothukudi.
During the meeting conducted by
UESI, he accepted Jesus Christ in
October, 1990. In 1995, he attended
Mission’95 meeting conducted
by FMPB and joined the same
as missionary. After one year
missionary training at Muzaffarpur,
he worked Gujarat office.
Sis. Seetha is the last daughter
of the Hindu family of (late)
Mr. Annamalai and (late) Mrs.
Muthammal. During her school
days at Nallur High School,
she heard about Jesus Christ
through a missionary organization.
She accepted Jesus Christ as
her Lord and Saviour during a
meeting conducted at Courtalam
in September, 1992. She attended
Mission’95 meeting and joined
FMPB and completed one year
missionary training at Gonda.
She later ministered in Jammu &
Kashmir and Hisar.
Friends Focus
September 2016
Rev. R. Isaac &
Mrs. Seetha family
R. Isaac
Deborah Priscilla
Beulah Merit
Isaac & Seetha were united through
marriage on 11.02.1998. The missionary
family undertook mission work in Molgi,
Sindhukeda, Boradi, Parthana and
Nandurbar children’s home. Isaac was
ordained by CNI Gujarat Diocese in 2003.
From 2010 onwards, the missionary family
is doing ministry among Gond and Korku
people in Kalwa field.
God has blessed the missionary family
with the two daughters, elder daughter
Deborah Priscilla is studying B.Sc. Botany
1st year and younger daughter Beulah
Merit studying at std. XII in Santhosha
Vidhyalaya. Let us uphold the missionary
family in our daily prayers.
Bro. Samuel Jebakumar is the
fifth son of (late) teacher couple
Mr. Arul Gnanadoss and Mrs.
Jeevalakshmi from Kalakkadu,
Tirunelveli district. Even before his
birth his parents had committed
him for ministry. Since childhood he
actively involved in church related
activities. After college study he
forgot his parents’ commitment
and joined a company in Mumbai.
He became very sick and was on
the verge of death. At this juncture
Mr. Samuel Jebakumar &
Mrs. Glady Beulah family
he renewed his commitment
Samuel Jebakumar : 27.05.1968
with Jesus Christ in 1994 and
Glady Beulah : 30.05.1968
joined FMPB as a volunteer. The
Naveen Eliot : 02.11.1997
following year he joined FMPB as
Nithi Sneha : 22.04.2001
a full time missionary. He was with
Gospel Ratham for three years completed her theological studies through
and undertook theological studies TAFTEE.
through TAFTEE.
Sam and Glady were united through
Sis. Glady Beulah is the last marriage on 30.12.1996. After marriage
daughter of (late) Mr. Lazar and Mr. Sam worked with various departments
Mrs.Thankammal from Palliyadi, in Headquarters, and at North Field Office,
Kanniyakumari district. She was Jhansi. Mrs. Glady worked with Finance
nurtured in Christian faith from and Communication departments and
childhood. After completing school Mobilization ministry. At present the
studies she cleared examinations couple is with the Finance Department.
in typewriting and shorthand in God has blessed the missionary couple
English and Tamil. When it was with two children. Elder son Naveen Eliot
advertised that a steno was wanted is studying B.E. II year and younger
at the headquarters of the FMPB daughter Nithi Sneha at std. 10. Let us
she joined as fulltime missionary uphold the missionary family in our daily
with the Finance department. She prayers.
Friends Focus September 2016 51
Friends Focus
September 2016