Now`s The Time To Get Involved!
A N E W S L E T T E R F O R T H E S T U D E N T S O F A U LT M A N C O L L E G E O F N U R S I N G A N D H E A LT H S C I E N C E S PULSEPULSEPULSE SEPTEMBER 2010 Fall Semester 2010! Inside This Issue! Meet Student Senate president Matt Hizer page 2 Now’s The Time To Get Involved! T ake your college experience to a new level by getting involved in activities on campus. Every month, the Student Life Department puts out a calendar of events and activities to help you meet other students and become part of college life. Look for the calendar outside the Student Life Office. You can also become part of the action by getting involved in student organizations. Here are a few to consider: Student Senate Making Social Media Work For You page 5 NAMI Service Learning Opportunity page 10 Student Senate is a student-led, studentrun organization that plays an important role in the College’s administrative structure. The organization’s mission is to encourage students to become engaged in social, professional and service activities within the College, and to facilitate communication between students, faculty, staff and administration. Student Senate meets regularly to discuss activities and Collegerelated issues that are important to students. In addition, Student Senate hosts Town Halltype meetings to give all Aultman College students an open forum for discussion. Membership consists of at least ten elected students, representing each class. Senators will be nominated and elected during Constitution Week Sept 13-17. Aultman College Student Nurse Association (ACSNA) ACSNA is the Aultman College chapter of the Ohio Nursing Students’ Association (ONSA) and the National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA). By joining NSNA, you automatically become a member of ONSA and ACSNA. Your membership in these organizations unites you with students and professionals locally and nationally who share your vision and are shaping the future of nursing. In addition, you can take advantage of programs, scholarships and leadership opportunities, along with discounts on nursing student products and services that are available to all members of the NSNA. The president of ACSNA is fourth semester student, Amy Foltz. The organization meets monthly and cosponsors many Student Life activities. Last year, several members were sponsored by the College and the Alumni Association to travel to Columbus for the ONSA convention. All of these benefits are available for a membership cost of $30/year. Learn more and join by visiting continued on page 2 SEPTEMBER 2010 continued from page 1 Student Mentoring Program The Student Mentor Program connects new students with upperclassmen to build lasting relationships. New students: Don’t go it alone! Get the benefit of advice and support from someone who has been there! Upperclassmen: Reach out! Share your experiences and strategies for success. Mentoring is easy and flexible and can be done via email, phone, text or Facebook. To sign up to be a Mentor or to get a Mentor, email StudentLife@ by Sept 20. Aultman College Veterans Association Membership in the Aultman College Veterans Association is open to all students who have served or are serving in any branch of the military, including the National Guard. The purpose of the organization, which was formed in the Spring 2010 semester, is to provide fellowship and networking opportunities for veterans and provide members with important benefit updates. Third semester student Cathleen Young is coordinating the organization’s activities and encourages all veterans to contact her at cathleen.young@aultmancollege. edu and get involved! Start Your Own Club! Aultman College is a young college. You can be part of growing the activities within Student Life by getting together with classmates who share a common interest and starting your own club. For more information, check out the Start Your Own Club guide on the Student Portal! Meet Your Student Senate President Constitution Week Sept 13-17 Along with the rest of the nation, Aultman College celebrates Constitution Week Sept 13-17. Constitution Week honors the birth of the American government system and culminates in Constitution Day, officially celebrated on Sept. 17. According to the National Constitution Center, “On Sept. 17, 1787, the U.S. Constitution was signed by thirty-nine brave men who changed the course of history. Now Constitution Day is a time for us to continue their legacy and develop habits of citizenship in a new generation of American.” Constitution Week Activities include: Mon, Sept 13 – Student Senate Matt Hizer President Student Senate Meet Matt Hizer, Student Senate president for the 2010-2011 Academic Year. Under Student Senate bylaws, the office of Student Senate president is filled by the student who was elected to office of the vice president the previous year. A third-semester student, Matt first became involved in Student Senate because he liked the idea of being able to make a contribution to improving the College. “Because Aultman is such a small school, it’s easy to be active and it’s easy to make an impact,” said Matt. “Whether we’re raising money, supporting good causes or providing input on College policies, we get satisfaction out of knowing our organization makes a difference.” Nominations for Student Senators are being accepted through 4 p.m. on Mon, Sept 13. Elections will be held on Sept 18. “Senators are the eyes and the ears on campus,” said Matt. “They bring up issues they are hearing from the student body and act as representatives for their classmates.” Matt says anyone considering running for a Student Senate position should plan on approximately 1 ½ -2 hours per month for meetings. The meeting schedule will be determined based on the Senators’ schedules and availability. Matt will share news from Student Senate in a regular column in Pulse, beginning with the October issue. 2 nominations due by 4:00 pm Wed, Sept 15 – Constitution Week Movie Matinee Disney’s “National Treasure”, starring Nicholas Cage 11am – 1pm – Classroom 1 Bring your lunch! Thurs, Sept 16 – Constitution Week Movie Night Disney’s “National Treasure”, starring Nicholas Cage 6pm – Amphitheater Friday, Sept 18 – Constitution Day! Free treats and desserts 10 am – 1pm – Classroom 1 Student Senate Elections – All day in the hallway and online PULSEPULSEPULSE News You Can Use! Parking Update Faculty/Staff Additions and Changes Get your complimentary 20102011 Aultman College Student Handbook and Planner when you register your vehicle and receive your parking decal. This is the first year Aultman College has distributed planners. Let us know what you think! Sasha Annan Faculty Mathematics Jen Hillyer Faculty Anatomy and Physiology Steve Graef Faculty Psychology Jim Hoskins Faculty Sociology Aultman Hospital has designated an entire parking lot for all the students attending Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences, effective immediately. All Aultman College students will now park in Aultman Lot 11. The entrance to the student lot is on Dartmouth Avenue and Shannon Helfinstine, Ph.D. Faculty Microbiology Part-time Alumni Relations Coordinator is directly across the street from the main entrance to the College. If Lot 11 is full, students should park on the 3rd level of the Aultman Hospital Parking deck. The entrance Staffing Change to the parking deck is on 7th St. SW. Deck parking is Brittany Fehlman has taken on a covered by your $50 parking fee. There are no additional new position as Coordinator of Adult costs. Simply show your student ID to the deck attendant Education. Her office is now located in when leaving. Aultman College advises students NOT to the Main Office corridor. Brittany is still park on the streets surrounding the College. Cars parked occupying her previous role as Student on the street may be towed by the City of Canton. Affairs Coordinator while the College Due to the new parking policy, all students are fills the position. She is available in the Student Life Office REQUIRED to register their vehicle with the Main Office during posted office hours. For Student Life/Student and receive an assigned parking decal. The decal is new Affairs questions and issues outside of these hours, please and different from previous Aultman College decals come to the Main Office. issued in the past. Students MUST register their vehicle In addition to congratulating Brittany on her new job, and receive an assigned decal by OCTOBER 1, 2010. you can also congratulate her for being a recipient of one To register and receive your decal, please complete the of the American Heart Association’s Start! Heart Walk Fall 2010 Parking Registration Form and turn it into the Lifestyle Change Awards, sponsored by The Health Plan. College Main Office for decal assignment. 3 SEPTEMBER 2010 Walk for a Cause! A ultman College students are invited to participate in the 6th annual NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Summit County Walk. The goal of the fundraiser is to raise money and awareness of the need for a worldclass treatment and recovery system for people with mental illness. Aultman College has a long history of supporting NAMI. Assistant professor Perri Concialdi, who teaches the psychiatric component of NRS 220 and 240, was named 2009 NAMI of Summit County Volunteer of the Year for her work in raising awareness and promoting volunteerism for the organization among her students. Last year, approximately 20 students assisted or walked in the event. “College students have really enjoyed this event and leave knowing that their efforts really make a difference and are truly appreciated.” said Mrs. Concialdi. “They have participated in many different capacities: set-up, clean-up, food services, parking services, fund-raising activities (car washes, bake sales), material distribution, etc. There is a number of ways students can help and earn service learning hours---even if they cannot participate in the walk itself.” In addition to walkers and volunteers, Mrs. Concialdi is looking for two or three students who can help coordinate activities as team captains. Students interested in walking can sign up to be on the Aultman College team through the link on the Student Portal. To make a contribution or volunteer in other ways, e-mail Mrs. Concialdi. The Summit county chapter of NAMI serves Stark, Portage and Summit counties so students are welcome to direct their contributions to services in a particular county, if desired. NAMI- Summit County Walk Saturday, Oct 2 Registration: 8:30 Walk: 10:00 Location: Munroe Falls MetroPark All walkers receive a t-shirt and the satisfaction of making a difference! I WILL CHECK THE STUDENT PORTAL. I WILL CHECK THE STUDENT PORTAL. I WILL CHECK THE STUDENT PORTAL. Checking the Student Portal on a daily basis is one of your important responsibilities as a student at Aultman College. The Portal is the first place current news or information about the College is posted and includes up-to date messages about registration, scholarships and student life events. The Portal also allows you to check assignments, grades, messages and updates from your instructor as soon as they are posted. Regular review of the Portal allows you to be knowledgeable about your status and is a critical part of being an informed Aultman College student. 4 PULSEPULSEPULSE Digest It is our goal at Aultman College to promote and encourage a culturally diverse and inclusive environment. We strive to be a facility where differences are recognized, accepted, appreciated and celebrated. Each month, the Diversity Digest section of the Pulse will share multicultural concepts and information, understanding that a diverse student body has far-ranging and significant benefits for all students, as well as the community at large. Financial Aid News Aultman College is working hard to develop and identify scholarship opportunities for students. Links to the scholarships can be found on the Student Portal. Please pay close attention to scholarship criteria, application requirements and deadlines. Remember, you can’t get a scholarship if you don’t apply! Rosh Hashanah/New Year Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the Jewish High Holidays and marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year. The term Rosh Hashanah, translated in Hebrew, means ‘head of the year’ or ‘first of the year’. Yet, unlike traditional American New Year’s celebrations, Rosh Hashanah is considered one of the holiest days of the year. It is considered a day of judgement and a day of remembrance. Much of the day is spent in the synagogue, where an important tradition is the sounding of the “shofar” or ram’s horn. Over the course of the Rosh Hashanah service, 100 blasts of the shofar occur. Many Jewish people spend Rosh Hashanah in introspection, reflecting on the blessings and mistakes of the past year and making plans for change in the New Year. Rosh Hashanah is a 48-hour holiday, created that way in ancient times to ensure that Jews around the world were celebrating the holiday together. In 2010, Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Sept 8 and ends at sundown on Sept 10. The ten days following Rosh Hashanah are known as the Days of Awe and lead to Yom Kippur, considered by many Jews to be the holiest day of the Jewish year. Y ESSA HIP LEARN LARS O SCH H AND NC LU t 21 Sep t 27 Sep 2:30p 0a-1 m 3 3 : 1 o 1 ssro a l C Are you afraid of scholarship essays? Don’t let your fear keep you out of the running for the many scholarship opportunities that become available over the year at Aultman College. Writing a scholarship essay isn’t hard. It’s all about telling your story in a compelling way so that a donor wants to help you reach your dream. Come to the “How to Write Stellar Scholarship Essays” Lunch and Learn on Sept 21 or Sept 27. A representative from the Stark Community Foundation will cover how to break down the essay-writing process and how to write a winning essay in 50 words or less. IMPORTANT DATES FROM THE ACADEMIC CALENDAR Labor Day (Offices Closed)September 6, 2010 Last Day to Add/Drop ClassesSeptember 7, 2010 Financial Aid Freeze DaySeptember 7, 2010 Last Day to Withdraw Classes with a 100% RefundSeptember 7, 2010 Last Day to Withdraw Classes with a 90% RefundSeptember 17, 2010 Last Day to Withdraw Classes with a 50% RefundOctober 1, 2010 5 SEPTEMBER 2010 Golden Owl Students of the Month September September is a special month with two Golden Owl Students of the Month. Congratulations to Pamela Heim and Herman (Lee) Eichhorn! Pam and Lee were nominated by an Aultman Hospital employee whose sister hired the students to care for a family member during the final days before his passing. Her nomination letter stated, “I went to visit Doris (the widow) last night, and she expressed to me how wonderful Lee and Pam were with her husband, “Huffy”. She thanked me for helping her find these two wonderful people who helped them so much during this difficult time. Lee was there when Huffy died late in the evening on Easter. Doris said she doesn’t know what she would have done without Lee being there. He helped take care of everything for her. It sounds like this community is lucky to be getting two wonderful nurses. I wish them all the best. Please forward this email to them and their nursing instructors, as I feel it is important for them to know what a difference they have made.” In addition to being praised by their employers, Pam and Lee were both recognized by faculty and staff members for the compassion and care they show in their clinical experiences. Both are actively involved within the College and have volunteered for several Student Life events. Congratulations Pamela and Lee. You make Aultman College proud! 6 Q&A Learn More About Pamela! What led to your decision to pursue your Associate’s degree in Nursing? “I decided to go back to school so I could provide more for my children. I had worked in the health field before and always felt that it was a rewarding career. I enjoy being able to work with people and I enjoy being able to give back to my community.” Why did you select Aultman College for your education? “I chose Aultman College because of its excellent pass rate with the NCLEX exam. Upon visiting the College, I was impressed with the College and the program. I felt I would receive a better education at Aultman College.” What characteristics do you feel are important to be a successful nursing student? “I think it is important to have good communication skills. As a student, you will need to communicate with your instructors, peers, patients and other nurses. It is also important to have confidence in yourself.” Is there any information you would like to share about your hobbies or family? “I am married. My husband, Kevin and I have 3 active young boys. C.J., Joshua, and Andrew. As a family, we enjoy camping.” Favorite Food: Lasagna Favorite TV Show: Bachelor Favorite Book: Linda Warren, series Favorite Way to Spend Your Free Time: Camping Favorite Class (so far): NRS 110 Best Advice For First Semester Students: Talk to your instructors. Your instructors are there to help you. Be confident!!! PULSEPULSEPULSE Golden Owl Student of the Month The Golden Owl Student of the Month recognition program recognizes student accomplishments in academics, clinical settings, patient care, service learning and effort. Students may be nominated by faculty, staff, hospital employees, patients or other students. The Golden Owl Student of the Month is acknowledged in The Pulse newsletter, on the Student Portal and by posters in the hallway kiosks. One of the perks of the award is a reserved, front-row parking space in the Aultman Education Center parking lot. Nomination forms are available on the Student Portal. Q&A Learn More About Lee! What led to your decision to pursue your Associate’s degree in Nursing? “It all started with the loss of my grandma. She passed away of a massive heart attack when I was nineteen. After her loss I felt a sense of guilt. At the time of her heart attack, no one around, including myself, knew CPR. After her death, I felt a strange unexplainable feeling thinking why did I not know something so simple as CPR. I joined the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman (equivalent to a LPN) the following year. I knew this was my calling. After I became a reservist in 2008, I decided it was time to finish my schooling and look into nursing school. I wanted to help people and prevent people from feeling the loss of a love one if it could be prevented. I also wanted to help people be aware of their current health status and help them manage or cure their health problems to enjoy a happy and healthy life.” Why did you select Aultman College for your education? “As a former employee of Aultman Health Foundation, I learned about the College from a wide variety of people, including graduates of the school, who where amazing nurses at Aultman. I took many tours and spoke to many people. At the end, the staff and program curriculum helped me make the final decision in where to continue my education.” What characteristics do you feel are important to be a successful nursing student? “Devotion, determination, organization, compassion, and the ability to be able to make friendships. The best characteristic I believe is compassion. You have to want to not only go through nursing school for yourself, but have the heart and yearning to help others.” Is there any information you would like to share about your hobbies or family? “I am the first person in my family to attend college and, besides my parents, the first of my cousins and siblings to complete high school.” Favorite Food: Anything with chicken, and when stressing about finals, red cherry licorice. Favorite TV Show: House, Greys Anatomy, Friends, Will and Grace Favorite Book: Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey Through His Son’s Addiction Favorite Way to Spend Your Free Time: With friends and family Favorite Class (so far): I would say my NRS 110 and 120 clinical. Best Advice For First Semester Students: Nursing courses are not like any other college course. Before Nursing school, I had A’s and B’s. Those A’s and B’s are now B’s and C’s. Nursing courses require more time, and it is harder to achieve the grades you wish. The first semester is like a test run so to speak, you have to find your footing and develop a routine. I am going to end with THERE IS NO EASY “A”! It takes a lot more then just showing up to class to succeed in your studies. 7 SEPTEMBER 2010 Making Social Media Work For You F or many people, using social media (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube) is as much a part of their daily routine as eating or brushing their teeth. Social media offers ways to connect and share information that were never available before. Many organizations, including Aultman College, are investigating the best ways to use social media to meet the needs of their customers, while at the same time developing policies to make sure legal and ethical issues are considered. To help students get the most out of social media, Pulse will begin a regular feature called “Making Social Media Work For You.” We’ll share social media trends and pitfalls and recommend ways you can use social media to enhance your health sciences education. We’ll also provide suggestions on how you can use social media to create your “brand”. “It’s important for students to understand that the way they convey themselves online, even as college students, has the potential to either help or harm their future career paths,” said Brittany Fehlman, Aultman College’s resident social media expert. “It’s important to think about the image you want to convey and then carry that image over to your Facebook page.” All students sign the Aultman College Information Technology Acceptable and Fair Use Policy at College orientation. The policy contains important information regarding Aultman College’s social media policies. You can review the policy on the College website or in the Student Conduct section of the Student Handbook and Planner . In the meantime, here are some of Brittany’s top do’s and don’ts suggestions for Facebook posts: Facebook Do’s Facebook Don’ts Ask questions related to your program for general feedback Bash instructors/staff “I wish that Prof would get off their lazy #@! and post grades!” “Does anyone know when grades are posted?!” Post appropriate pictures Post pictures where you may be intoxicated or participating in inappropriate behavior Post general information about your work/school life Complain about work/school or post specific information about patient cases “On my way to class!” “Ugh…hate my nursing instructor…off to class…” “I’m learning there’s a lot more to being a nurse than I thought…” “Took care of a guy with flesh-eating bacteria today- gross!” Keep postings regarding your social calendar to a minimal Make frequent posts about plans to party “Can’t wait to go OUT this weekend!!!” This may seem innocent, but can interpreted in negative ways Friend your Aultman College classmates 8 Friend your fellow ACNHS professors or staff members PULSEPULSEPULSE LRC Tips: Get Off To A Good Start! Trying to figure out how to balance your school and personal life? The Learning Resource Center (LRC) recommends the “60 Hour Formula for Academic Success”. Credit Hours + Study Time + Weekly “Job” Hours = 60 Hours or Less Here’s how to define the factors of the equation: Credit Hours = the number of credit hours you are taking this semester Study Time = Multiply the number of credit hours you are taking by 2. Weekly “Job” Hours = the total amount of time required for clinicals, an outside job, parenting responsibilities, volunteering, etc. The goal is to manage your weekly “job” hours to keep the total under 60. For example, if you are taking 12 hours this semester, you should plan on 24 hours of study time and no more than 24 hours of weekly “job” hours (responsibilities outside of school). Any more than that will result in an overloaded schedule which may have an impact on your health and your grades. 12 credit hours + 24 hours (study time) + 24 (weekly job hours) = 60 Hours The Learning Resource Center can help you develop a plan for academic success! Stop by or call 330-363-3233 for more information! Area Child Care Centers Offer Discounts to Aultman College Students Three area child care centers are offering a 15% discount to Aultman College students. The child care centers are: Little Angels Preschool Little Learners, LTD Little Learners, LTD 702 Raff Rd.SW Canton, OH 44710 330.477.6749 3550 13th St NE Canton, OH 44708 330.455.1940 1433 Whipple Ave. NW Canton, OH 44708 330.455.1940 Ask for the child care center director to discuss the Aultman College student discount. Aultman College has arranged these discounts for the convenience of our students. The discounts do not represent an endorsement of these centers. Please evaluate them as you would all other child care options. For more information, contact Monica Mendenhall, campus coordinator, at 330.363.4281. Some Aultman College students may qualify for child care assistance through Stark County Job and Family Services. For more information about eligibility, call 330-452-4661. 9 SEPTEMBER 2010 Who Do I Ask? WHOM SHOULD I ASK? Wondering who you should contact for academic issues? Let the chart below point you in the right direction… REGISTRAR LRC COORDINATOR STUDENT ADVISOR FACULTY ADVISOR Jessica Bartolone Michelle Speedy Jennifer West Check CAMS! Graduation Oversight of registration process Transfer credit Special accommodations Primary advisor for all students LRC Referrals Registration and schedule/ degree planning Proctor ATI, special accommodations Add/Drop Transcript requests Academic Success Plans Tutoring Education Verifications Exit interviews (Includes dismissals and complete college withdrawals) Proctor COMPASS College /Academic policy/procedure clarification Direction to tutoring and academic resources Demographics data entry 10 Supplemental advisor to students in a particular program Program specific course questions Program specific policy/ procedure questions 11 7 - 8 PM 6 -7 PM 5 - 6 PM 4 - 5 PM 3 - 4 PM 2 -3 PM 1 - 2 PM 12 - 1 PM 11 - 12 AM 10 - 11 AM 9 - 10 AM 8 - 9 AM Time Peer Tutor NRS 110, 120, 130, 140, 210, 220, 240, Chem I & II, A &P I & II, SOC, Psych, Ethics, Math, ECON Open Skills Lab Open Skills Lab A&P Tutor Monday Peer Tutor NRS 110, 120, 130, 140, 210, 220, 240, Chem I & II, A &P I & II, SOC, Psych, Chemistry Ethics, & Math Math, Tutor ECON Tuesday Open Skills Lab Open Skills Lab Open Skills Lab Peer Tutor NRS 110, 120, 130, 140, 210, 220, 240, Chem I & II, A &P I & II, SOC, Psych, Ethics, Math, ECON Peer Tutors are fellow students who can help you with various subjects. Peer Tutor NRS 110, 120, 130, Open 140, 210, Skills Lab 220, 240, Chem I & II, A &P I & II, SOC, Psych, Ethics, Micro Math, Tutor ECON A&P Tutor Wednesday LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER OPEN TUTORING - FALL 2010 Micro Tutor Thursday Open Skills Lab Open Skills Lab Walsh University tutors are avai contact Ryan Sweet at 330-49 details. *Ask LRC staff for specific ro The subjects that Peer Tutors can and not all PTs are qualified to he subject. PTs have earned a B+ or subject(s) they tutor, which are liste need help that a PT can’t provide schedule to work with one of our fa make an appointment to consu instructor. Peer Tutor Open NRS 110, Skills Lab 120, 130, 140, 210, 220, 240, Chem I & II, A &P I & II, SOC, Psych, Ethics, Math, ECON Friday
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