The Connection Newsletter Fall 2008
The Connection Newsletter Fall 2008
Connection ...linking successful alumni with tomorrow’s leaders! Issue 3, Volume 3 October 2008 Aultman Graduates, 50-Year Club Gather for Celebration in Canton Also among the group are those who took their skills to other countries, such as Turkey and Argentina. 50-Year Club members and guests gather in the sanctuary of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church for the program portion of the 2008 Dinner. Dinner On August 13, 2008, Aultman Hospital School of Nursing alumnae from the class of 1958 and distinguished guests gathered at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Canton, Ohio, to share memories and celebrate the class’s entry into the “50-Year Club.” Following an early evening social hour, Aultman College Alumnae Rose Day and Nancy Dolvin welcomed the attendees and congratulated them on their fifty year commitment to Aultman as successful alumnae. The dinner guests were then witnesses to the installation of the Alumni Association’s 2009 Officers. The guests enjoyed a delicious dinner after the Reverend Terry Livengood delivered the invocation. Following dinner Marilyn Revoldt (Class of 1951) presented “Laughing Your Way to Health.” The 50-Year Club Dinner committee members assembled a treasury of information regarding classmates of 1958, which was distributed to all dinner guests. The Class of 1958 is privileged to have had most of its graduates stay in Ohio throughout their careers, yet honored that many others shared their caring touch in states as far away as Maine, California, Indiana, A smiling group of a few 50-Year Club Members Pennsylvania, Florida, enjoying themselves at the Aultman Hospital Texas, and Georgia. Tour on August 14th. Hospital Tour August 14th was also a special day for the Class of 1958, as those in attendance were treated to a luncheon and tours of Aultman Hospital and College. As guests were escorted by current Aultman College students Martin Kirstin, Angie Ovard, Rachel Starr, and Kristen Young, they visited and learned about the changed places and innovations of Aultman Hospital and the exciting growth and technology of Aultman College. Current students Martin Kirstin and Kristen Young served as hospital tour guides. As an added benefit, the attendees met College educators (and Aultman alumnae) Kathy Hendrickson and Kathleen Gordon as they demonstrated the outstanding technology available to students in the nursing and simulation laboratories. As irony would have it, August 14th was also Aultman College’s New Student Orientation Day! New students gathered to learn what is ahead for them in their Aultman education, just down the hall from the Class of 1958 luncheon. Some students and alumni engaged in sharing the way it was “then” with the way it is “now.” Both events occurring at the same time was a meaningful end to a wonderful 50-Year Club celebration, meshing the past with the future of Aultman College nursing education. Alumni Karen Toohey, Jennifer Jaquay, and Dominic Fischio address questions from new students at the Fall 2008 New Student Orientation. Class of 1958 50-Year Club Dinner committee members: Sue Beck, Nancy Dolvin, Carol Rabel, Betsy Theken, Carol Toms, and Virginia VanVoorhis. New Aultman College Alumni Association Officers inducted Higher Learning Commission to visit ACNHS in November The 2009 Aultman College Alumni Association officers were established in office on August 13, 2008, during the 50-Year Dinner in Canton. The new officers are as follows: Aultman College will welcome a team of evaluators representing The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) November 12–14, 2008, as they visit and conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the College. Accreditation Candidacy Status was awarded to the College by HLC in November of 2006, and since that time, we have worked fervently to continue along our planned path to Initial Accreditation. As a routine practice within the HLC, Aultman College must undergo periodic reviews by its accreditors to maintain its status with HLC. President — Jennifer Jaquay, BSN, MBA Class of 1997. Jennifer is the Director of Home Health Care and Infusion Services at Aultman’s Woodlawn facility. President Elect — Kim Poorman, RN Class of 1991. Kim is a Case Manager at Aultman Hospital. Secretary — Carol Leidtke, BS, RN Class of 2007. Carol is a nurse in Aultman’s Medical Intensive Care Unit. Treasurer — Rose Day, RN, BSN Class of 1959. Although she is officially retired, Rose continues to stay involved in nursing as a part-time educator at Malone College and a part-time nurse in Aultman’s Same Day Surgery unit. Each year alumni volunteers are nominated to fill the available positions of office within the Aultman College Alumni Association. The nominations are then announced and voted upon in the spring. The position of Treasurer serves a two-year term and all others are annual terms, with the President Elect progressing to the position of President. “There has been 100 percent effort from all areas of the College, including administration, faculty, and professional staff,” states College President Rebecca Crowl. As a team, the College personnel participated in the writing of a very detailed self-study report which was recently forwarded to the evaluation team for review prior to their visit. “The result of this teamwork was the production of a well-written and incredibly thorough collection of information about the College,” added President Crowl. “I’m very proud to send this information to the committee and look forward to their visit and comments.” The College administration, faculty, staff, students, and community have always been an integral part of the success of Aultman College and it is anticipated that all parties will have interest in participating in the HLC visit. “We are very grateful for the support of not only the alumni, but also that of the students and community,” shares President Crowl. “I welcome and encourage your input. I will talk to you personally.” Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences Invites Public Comment for Initial Accreditation Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences is seeking comments from the public in preparation for its evaluation by a regional accrediting agency. The College will undergo a comprehensive evaluation visit November 12–14, 2008, by a team representing The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Aultman College was granted Candidacy Status (the first step toward accreditation) from the Commission in February 2008. The team will review the institution’s ability to meet the Commission’s Criteria for Initial Accreditation. The public is invited to submit written comments regarding the College online at (select “File Third Party Comment”) or by mail to: Public Comment on Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences The Higher Learning Commission 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400 Chicago, IL 60602 Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs. Comments must be in writing and signed and cannot be treated as confidential. All comments must be received by October 13, 2008. 2 Aultman College Alumni Connection ● October 2008 Although a detailed schedule of events surrounding the visit has not yet been determined by the HLC, it is anticipated that everyone will be welcome at some point to participate in the visit. If you would like to share your thoughts, well wishes, and/ or concerns with President Crowl, please contact her at 330-363-6164. The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is an independent corporation and one of two Commission members of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), which was founded in 1895 as one of six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. The Higher Learning Commission accredits, and thereby grants membership in the Commission and in the North Central Association, to degreegranting educational institutions in the North Central region: Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Generous gifts help support Aultman College Aultman College prides itself on the quality of education it can provide to students. We attract and retain dedicated students, who receive the highest quality of nursing education, then move into a career filled with a commitment to care giving. This is largely due to the outstanding support of our generous donors. The education many of our students crave depends on the kindness of our benefactors. Scholarship opportunities are critical to the students who are struggling with the elevated costs of higher education. We are fortunate enough to have a rich history from which to draw support. The 2007-2008 Annual Report highlights the accomplishments surrounding the College’s scholarship fund drive. “…the Second Annual 1892 Scholarship Fund Drive was held and continued to draw support from students and college staff, as alumni and friends generously donated funds for student scholarships.” Additionally, the College continues to develop fun ways for alumni and individuals in the community to participate in scholarship fundraising efforts. For example, in August of this year the 1892 Scholarship Fund grew by nearly $1,100 as a benefit golf outing was held at Wilkshire Golf Course in Bolivar, Ohio. Six teams of supporters participated in a nine-hole outing and shared their financial commitment and support of Aultman College. Donors can also contribute to the College through The Aultman Foundation. The Aultman Foundation was created in 2006 to improve the health of our community through targeted grant funding. Since its inception, The Aultman Foundation has granted $250,000 to 44 organizations, including: • ABCD for increased transportation services; • Big Brothers/Big Sisters of E. Central Ohio for expansion of program to Tuscarawas, Carroll, and Holmes counties; and • Faith in Action of Western Stark County for senior wellness outreach. The Aultman Foundation accepts charitable gifts to support the mission of the Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences and the Aultman Health Foundation. Participants in the 1892 Scholarship Fund golf outing fundraiser pause for a group photo at the close of the day’s activities. If you or members of your graduating class would like to donate to Aultman College, you can do so by check, by telephone, or online. Online, please visit and “target” your donation to “ACONHS.” For more information on The Aultman Foundation, please contact Vicki Haines, Vice President, The Aultman Foundation and Community Vicki Haines Relations, at 330-363-4976. ACNHS Annual Report now available! The academic year 20072008 Aultman College Annual Report is hot off the press and full of exciting information about the College. Statistical information about the College, as well as accolades of the year’s accomplishments is highlighted throughout the document. The Report also includes a list of the College’s gracious donors who contributed in the 2007-2008 academic year. To view the Annual Report, please go to the College website at www. Click the “Annual Report” option, which is found under the “About Us” tab. You can also request that a copy of the Report be mailed to your home by calling the College office at 330-363-6347. Aultman College Alumni Connection ● October 2008 3 Aultman Alumni suffer loss We are always saddened at the news of any loss within the “Aultman Family” and send our condolences to the families whenever we learn of such tragedy. As such, it is with heavy heart that we announce the loss of our beloved classmates and staunch Aultman Alumni supporters, MarcyLou Gay and Margaret Lazar. The following testimonials were received among many others, upon their passing: MarcyLou Gay “Marcy was instrumental in assisting the Aultman School of Nursing make the transition to the Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences. She was so engaged with alumni, from making centerpieces for the Spring Dinner to giving the Welcome to Alumni address to graduating seniors. Throughout her illness she was a fighter with a cheerful attitude which inspired us all.” Margaret Lazar “Those of us who were fortunate enough to have at some time walked along life’s path with Margaret are grateful for those experiences. She was a guiding light in the Aultman Alumni organization and was a fervent worker in Prime Time for Seniors and in the community. We will miss her [yet we are] comforted knowing that she will receive her heavenly reward for her assignments here on earth done well!” Condolences Ruth Barrick, Class of 1944 MarcyLou Gay, Class of 1959 Margaret Lazar, Class of 1940 Donations In memory of: Ruth Barrick, Class of 1944—from: Nancy Cross, the Class of 1949, and Mildred Downerd MarcyLou Gay, Class of 1959—from: Janice Blass, Nancy Cross, the Class of 1949, Rose Day, Hilda Gantz, Betty Kee, Nancy Lenarz, Connie Little, Lois Miller, Carol Richards, Ruth Sieber, Joyce Teeple, Karen Toohey, and Linda Ziccardi. Margaret Lazar, Class of 1940—from: Kenneth & Carol Andrew, Nancy Cross, the Class of 1949, Rose Day, Carol Easterday, Betty Kee, Patricia Limbach, Connie Little, Nancy Marino, James Oswalt (nephew), and Marilyn Revoldt. Aultman staff and alumni support community Heart Walk & JDRF Walk Aultman College alumni, students, faculty, staff, participated in both the American Heart Association Start! Heart Walk and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk by raising funds and/or walking the Walk to show support! The Walks drew hundreds of people together in a healthy activity for a worthy cause, raising money to help find a cure and support education. Aultman Alumnae Ellen Serban and Joan Parcell (ACNHS Alumni Relations Coordinator) joined forces at the JDRF Walk. Domestic Violence Project, Inc. ACNHS Staff Members Michelle Speedy and Sheri Fox join Aultman College Alumni Association President Jennifer Jaquay at the Start! Heart Walk on Kent State Stark Campus. The Aultman College Alumni Association recently took part in a collection of needed items in support of the domestic violence campaign. Items collected and distributed to the area shelter aid in the safety and protection of women and children in our community. 4 Aultman College Alumni Connection ● October 2008 Aultman College Open House Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences is hosting a Community Open House Friday, October 17, 2008 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Open House will include showcase tours of the Aultman Health Sciences Library, the Aultman College Simulation Lab, and the Skills Lab. All are welcome to attend and learn about our Nursing, Radiologic Technology, and Nuclear Medicine Technology Programs. You and your friends and family are invited to come see what Aultman College and Aultman Health Sciences Library have to offer the community. If you have any questions, please call the College office at 330-363-6347. Calling all Alumni in Florida! Join the Aultman Alumni Florida network! We plan to get together often and share stories as well as news about Aultman College. If you are interested in getting a group together and having lunch or dinner in Florida with the College President, please let us know! Contact Aultman Alumni Coordinator Joan Parcell at 330-3634287, ([email protected]), 2600 Sixth Street SW, Canton, Ohio 44710. Join the Aultman Quilters Club CEU Opportunity Home Health Care Rules, Regulations and Criteria Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 6:30 p.m. Aultman Education Center Join Woodlawn’s Director of Home Health Care and Infusion Services, Jennifer Jaquay, (BSN, MBA, Aultman College Alumni President), as she reviews the rules, regulations, and criteria behind home health care. Earn 1½ RN and LPN contact hours through this presentation, which is being co-provided by Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences and Aultman Hospital Education and Development Department. t n e m o M y c a g Le Aultman College Are you a quilter who would like to participate in the Aultman College Quilters Club? We each create a block then bring all of the blocks together to make a quilt for the College as a fundraiser. This is a great opportunity to stay in touch with alumni! Contact Alumni Coordinator Joan Parcell @ 330-363-4287 or [email protected] to get involved. Aultman College Logo Store needs YOU! The Aultman College Logo Store is seeking Alumni volunteers. Volunteers will be asked to work in two or four hour shifts and scheduling can be very flexible. The hours available are weekdays from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon or weekdays, 12:00 noon until 2:00 p.m. Stay connected and come see what’s happening at the College! For more information, contact Logo Store Coordinator, Monica Mendenhall at 330-363-6347 or by email: [email protected]. Sue Beck, class of 1958, and granddaughter Megan Beck, new ACNHS student fall 2008 We recently captured an Aultman College Legacy Moment! Sue Beck, class of 1958, and granddaughter Megan Beck (new fall 2008 ACNHS student) are pictured here as their respective events found them on campus at the same time. Sue was attending the 50-Year Club hospital tour and luncheon while Megan was experiencing her New Student Orientation at the College. If you have a Legacy Moment you would like to share, please forward your photos and information to Alumni Relations Coordinator Joan Parcell at [email protected]. Aultman College Alumni Connection ● October 2008 5 Aultman College Alumni Association 2600 Sixth Street SW Canton, Ohio 44710-1702 office hours: Monday—Friday, 8 a.m.—4 p.m. EST phone 330.363.4287 fax 330.580.6654 Alumni Relations Coordinator, Joan Parcell President, Jennifer Jaquay President-Elect, Kim Poorman Secretary, Carol Leidtke Treasurer, Rose Day COPYRIGHT © 2008 by Aultman College Alumni Association, All Rights Reserved. Calendar of Events Wednesday, October 8, 11:30 a.m.—Alumni Meeting, Aultman Education Center, Founders’ Room Friday, October 17, 1pm – 4pm — College Open House, Classrooms 1 & 2 Wednesday, November 12, 11:30 a.m. — Alumni Meeting, Aultman Education Center, Founders’ Room Tuesday, November 18, 6:30 p.m. — CEU, “Home Health Care Rules, Regulations, and Criteria” Tuesday, December 2, 10am to 2pm — Christmas Coffee for students and alumni Save the Date in 2009 2009 Spring Dinner at Skyland Pines, April 24, 2009 2009 50 Year Dinner (Class of 1959), August 12, 2009 Call for History The Aultman Alumni Association is always working to build on its collection of historic artifacts and memorabilia associated with nursing and the College. If you have any photographs, artifacts, or other items you believe would add value to this collection, please forward a copy to us or consider a loan for educational and informational purposes. Please contact Alumni Association Historian JoAnn Weinland at 330-363-3933 for more information. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID Canton, Ohio Permit No. 809
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