running - Aultman College
running - Aultman College
g n i n n 13 20 2 1 20 ru the t r o p Re l ua Ann e c a r OUR VALUES ON OU SI R IS VI M SI R OU ON start Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences Board of Directors Our Vision Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences will be the leader in educating exceptional health care professionals who positively impact society. Our Mission As a partner in a unique integrated health care delivery system, Aultman College is a higher education institution offering a premier health sciences education. We serve current and emerging needs in Northeast Ohio and beyond through academically challenging and relevant degree and community education programs. Our Values Aultman College maintains a student-centered culture that values: Quality • We will deliver an outcome-focused, cost-effective educational experience. Integrity • We will build trustworthy relationships through transparency, collaboration, and personal and professional accountability. Caring • We will serve with compassion and respect and embrace diversity of ideas, cultures, and people. Knowledge • We will foster a rigorous academic environment that inspires critical thinking, creativity, and lifelong learning. Janet B. Baker, Chairperson Fr. Robert W. Kaylor, Vice Chairperson and Secretary Christopher E. Remark, Treasurer Sheila Markley Black, Esq. Rebecca J. Crowl Patricia H. Draves, Ph.D. Eileen W. Good Anne Gunther Adam Luntz John McGrath, Ph.D. Karen McQueen, Esq. Roslyn E. Messerly Teresa J. Purses, Ed.D. Edward J. Roth III Jeffrey L. Susman, M.D. Marilyn Thomas Jones William W. Wallace, M.D. Vince Watts Patrick Willoughby Lisa Zellers 1 Message From the Board President W Janet B. Baker Aultman College Board President ith great pleasure and pride, I introduce the 2012-2013 Aultman College Annual Report. An annual report aims to showcase the growth of an organization, declare its continuing strength, and testify to the organization’s faithfulness to its mission; this annual report is no exception. It is a glowing report and tribute to our many constituents: students, faculty, directors, graduates, supporters, and the larger community. At every commencement, I see happy new graduates eager to enter the workforce and fulfill their dreams in a health care profession. This past May, Aultman College launched graduates from two degree programs: the Associate of Science in nursing, of course, but also the Associate of Science in radiography. The college’s board of directors continues to explore opportunities for new programs that meet emerging community and national needs, realizing fully the challenges of the changing medical environment. This fall students are enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree completion program, fulfilling a need for advancing the expertise and the careers of many nurses who may already be employed but who have realized there is much to know and discover. We are committed to lifelong learning at Aultman College. We are grateful to President Rebecca Crowl and her excellent educators and staff. They have planned, filed paperwork, responded to queries, filed more paperwork and syllabi, and then met with accreditation visitors from the Higher Learning Commission to make our plans come to fruition. We celebrate the college’s progress in barely 10 years of shaping exceptional professionals. We have new programs and new facilities; we are poised for a bright future. Our students and graduates are central to the college’s focus in this “race.” Sometimes it feels more grueling than a marathon, but sometimes it’s an easy jog for our students in their coursework as well as for our leaders in discernment for the future. Happily, we all put on our sturdy shoes. On your mark … get set … go! Sincerely, Jan Baker Aultman College Board President 2 Message From the President I t’s no secret to my family, friends and colleagues that I love sports and competition. I admire the skill and focused preparation of athletes who set goals and work hard to reach them. But my favorite sports are team sports. There’s something special about a group of athletes all committing their talents and energy over the course of a season to achieve a common goal. That’s probably why this past year at Aultman College was so special to me. It would not be an overstatement to say this was one of the most critical “seasons” in the growth of our college. Our goals were aggressive: to earn ongoing accreditation and gain approval to begin offering bachelor’s-level programming. The path to reaching those goals required the support and talent of the entire Aultman College team. I’m proud to say we have accomplished what we set out to achieve. In April, I received notice of our 10-year accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). We also received HLC and Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) approval of a bachelor’s degree completion program for registered nurses that began in August 2013. Offering this program assures we will continue to meet the educational needs of the community and the industry we serve. The path to our goals was not an easy one. As a higher education institution that is part of a health care delivery system, we compete on a field marred by the current uncertainty and volatility of health care reform and the higher education regulatory environment. Consumers and regulators are scrutinizing quality, cost and outcomes. The self-studies we completed as part of our accreditation processes were detailed and arduous, but they have assisted us in analyzing our strengths and improving the value we offer to our students and community. As you will see in this report, we accomplished many other things in 2012-2013. We graduated the first class of students from our Associate of Science in radiography program, opened our first anatomy and physiology lab, expanded our simulation, library, and learning support resources and services, and completed our goal of teaching all general education courses on the Aultman College campus. We also completed our 2010-2014 strategic plan ahead of schedule, initiated our 2013-2015 plan in late 2012, and have begun our planning for 2016 and beyond. None of this would have been possible without a focused and dedicated team. I thank our board of directors, which expanded to 20 members in 2012-2013, for its engagement and support. I also thank our faculty and staff, who have worked tirelessly on our strategic projects while maintaining excellent service and instruction to students. Finally, I wish to thank our students and alumni, many of whom participated in our accreditation visits last year. It is my sincere wish that everyone on our team shares in my sense of pride in all we accomplished in 2012-2013. It is these achievements that will lay the foundation for the future successful seasons at Aultman College. Sincerely, Rebecca Crowl, MSN, NEA-BC President Rebecca Crowl, MSN, NEA-BC President “Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.” – T. Alan Armstrong 3 moving In The Right Direction The 2012-2013 year saw the college move forward in many important ways: Students Official enrollment in Fall 2012 was 343 students. Fifteen students made up the first graduating class in the Associate of Science in radiography (ASR) program. A total of 68 graduates received Associate of Science in nursing degrees. This brings the total of Aultman College graduates to 518. Highlights: • Kelsey Miller was named 2013 Outstanding Nursing Student by the Stark Carroll District Nurses’ Association. • Tara Gross continued to serve as a student intern for the Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists. • Christine Jurovcik was named an Aultman Points of Caring Award winner and ONSA Student Nurse of the Year. • Allen Ayers was the SAL Compassion Award winner. Fundraising Fundraising efforts focused on raising money for student scholarships. Highlights: 4 • Donations were plentiful during the Thanksgiving Appeal that led to nearly $7,500 in donations from benevolent alumni, community members, faculty, and staff. • Students, faculty, and alumni connected during the phone-a-thon held in April. Generous alumni contributed more than $5,000 to the college. • The fifth annual Aultman College Women’s Golf Scramble had a record number of golfers and raised more than $6,500. Community Outreach With a vision of educating exceptional health care professionals who positively impact society, community engagement is a priority at Aultman College. Highlights: • Aultman College Community Education (ACCE) increased CPR, baby sitter training, and Camp Scrubs offerings to meet community demand. In collaboration with Stark State, ACCE held two sessions of the weeklong Camp Scrubs. A total of 48 middle school students participated in hands-on activities focused on science and health care careers. • Faculty and staff supported the successful relationship with Canton Local Schools by assisting with a science camp for fifth- and sixth-graders. • Students participated in multiple fundraising walks, Special Olympics, blood drives, food drives, and other volunteer activities as part of their service learning requirement for graduation. • Sixth-grade students at Allen Elementary School worked alongside Aultman College faculty and staff over six weeks to research, discuss and ultimately present their poster to a panel of judges showing all that they had learned about health disparities. • In conjunction with the United Way Women’s Leadership Council, the college hosted more than 24 high school juniors and seniors for the third annual Get Connected event. Students practiced networking with volunteer professionals and participated in hands-on health sciences activities. • High school students from local health technology programs visited Aultman College to tour the campus, learn about nursing and radiography, and experience hands-on care in the skills lab. • Faculty and staff teamed up to volunteer at the Refuge of Hope, a mission in downtown Canton, to prepare and serve more than 100 meals to those in need. 5 5 Building Our Momentum Aultman College continues to expand its services to meet the needs of its rising student population. Highlights: • The Learning Resource Center expanded in staff, space and services by adding tutoring subjects and hours and increasing workshop offerings and learning resources. • The new Anatomy and Physiology Lab opened its doors in Spring 2013, allowing students to attend all classes on the Aultman College campus. • A restructure of the organizational chart took place and helped realign positions within the college to better fit the mission and values. A Track for Distance Education Distance education was first offered Fall 2012 in the form of hybrid courses. These are courses in which 70 percent of the content is offered online and 30 percent is offered in a more traditional face-to-face setting. This allows for students to become more selfdirected in their learning and creates better options for student scheduling. Additionally it allows faculty to spend time on more innovative teaching during the classroom meetings, as much of the traditional lecture material is covered online. Over the 20122013 academic year nearly 130 students took advantage of hybrid courses that included Introduction to Psychology, Language of Medicine as well as Human Growth and Development. The hybrid courses are a popular option with Aultman College students and a new emphasis in the current strategic plan initiates the continuing development of distance education options, specifically courses and even programs that may be fully delivered online. Training with eTutoring Aultman College is one of 43 Ohio two-and four-year institutions who are now a partner in the Ohio eTutoring Collaborative. Through the partnership, all Aultman College students have access to FREE online tutoring in the subjects of anatomy and physiology, chemistry, math and writing. 6 eTutoring services include: • Online Writing Lab which allows students to submit a draft of their paper to a tutor, ask for specific feedback, and receive a tutor’s response within 24-48 hours. • Live tutoring via eChat which allows the student to meet with a tutor in one-on-one tutoring sessions via a fully interactive, virtual online environment. • Offline eQuestions allows the student to leave a specific question for an eTutor, who will respond within 48 hours (but usually sooner). eQuestions may be submitted for any of the subject areas covered. strategic plan Strategic Plan Progress: Record-setting Results A ultman College has achieved much of the strategic body of work outlined in its 2010-2014 plan. Through the work of dedicated and resourceful board members, administration, faculty, and professional staff, the college has achieved the 2010 plan’s overarching goal of becoming a viable institution of higher education, able to manage its own destiny. It has devoted substantial resources to creating a student-centered environment that values and promotes lifelong learning for all its constituents. Based on these accomplishments, the thematic goal for the 2013 plan reflects our desire to strengthen our collegiate and community identity. The strategic initiatives below encompass a body of work that will enable interdisciplinary teams to collaborate. Accomplishments will support the development of our “distinctive collegiate identity” and allow us to measure the impact of our work. Specific objectives, action steps and time frames will be developed by the goal teams to accomplish measurable results that support these initiatives. 2013-2015 Thematic Goal Build a distinctive college identity by defining our unique collegiate culture, leveraging our health system affiliation, and communicating our identity internally and externally. i. Capitalize on opportunities for responsible growth. ii. Invest in our human resources. iii. Strengthen our financial position. iv. Enhance technology infrastructure and integration for higher education delivery. Learning through Simulation Student participation in simulation experiences continues to grow with expansion of facilities and equipment. The college received a generous donation of radiography equipment for the Bettie Sponseller Skills Lab. This additional equipment allows the radiography program students a hands-on simulation experience. The college has also met the growth needs by adding a second skills lab at the St. Paul’s church in the prior gymnasium, equipped to provide for learning and practicing of various clinical skills. 7 Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences 2012-2013 Reporting Quick Facts Location: • Aultman College is a higher education institution offering a premier health sciences education. Located in Canton, Ohio, the college is affiliated with Aultman Hospital, Stark County’s largest hospital and winner of numerous quality and value awards, including Magnet® designation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Campus: • The college is located in the Aultman Education Center, on the corner of Ninth Street and Dartmouth Avenue S.W., on the Aultman Hospital main campus. Degrees Offered: • Associate of Science in nursing • Associate of Science in radiography • Bachelor of Science in nursing completion (beginning Fall 2013) Facilities: • Nine State-of-the-art Classrooms • Chemistry Lab • Anatomy and Physiology Lab (opened in 2012) • Simulation Lab • Perinatal Simulation Lab • Bettie Sponseller Skills Lab • Skills Lab #2 at St. Paul’s Methodist Church (added in 2012) • Radiology Lab • Computer Lab • Learning Resource Center • Health Sciences Library • Student Study Areas Accreditation: Aultman College is proudly accredited or approved by: • The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (HLC) • Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) • Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) • Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) • Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN) Tuition (2011-2012): • $484/credit hour (full-time students) • $499/credit hour (part-time students) 8 Enrollment Fall Enrollment History Fall 2012 Enrollment by Age Fall 2012 Enrollment by Gender Fall 2012 Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity 9 NCLEX-RN Passage Rates NCLEX-RN is the National Council Licensure Examination. Graduates are required to pass the exam in order to become registered nurses. NCLEX First-time Pass Rates Based on all students taking NCLEX-RN for the first time in the calendar year, regardless of graduation date. In 2010, the NCLEX test plan changed, resulting in decreased test scores nationwide. Aultman College submitted an action plan to address the 2010 passage rate, which was less than 95 percent of the national average. The college was pleased to see immediate positive results from the action plan, resulting in an 87.5 percent overall passage rate in 2011 and continued growth in 2012 with a 94 percent overall passage rate. As the chart below indicates, passage rates for subsequent graduating classes have continued to increase. NCLEX First-time Pass Rates by Graduating Class Percentage of each graduating class that passed the NCLEX-RN on the first attempt. 10 Financial Aid Financial Aid Total Disbursements by Academic Year Final Reconciled Financial Aid Disbursements 2012-2013 11 faculty community service 12 faculty Faculty Female Male Full-time 14 0 Part-time 4 1 Adjunct 26 6 Total 44 6 Community Service Aultman College Volunteer Service Hours 2012-2013 Students: 1,589.35 hours Faculty and Staff: 3,121.3 hours Total: 4,710.65 hours O n May 3, 2013, Aultman College hosted the annual Donor Luncheon. This heartwarming event gives scholarship recipients an opportunity to meet and share their stories with the generous individuals who provide scholarship support. donor lunch donor lunch 13 In Appreciation T hank you to the following individuals, families and groups for their donations to Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences: Mrs. Dorothy Abraham Daniel Albrecht Daniel P. Albrecht Alice Allen Betty G. Allen Amgen Inc Political Action Committee Anonymous ASB Industries Inc. and John Lindeman Brenda Ashcraft Sherry Augustine AultCare AultCare Clinical Division Aultman Blood Center The Aultman Foundation Aultman Hospital Nursing Administration Austin Bailey Health and Wellness Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Roger E. Baker Frances Barber Mrs. Theresa L. Bartsch Barbara Battista Joyce Beachy Lettie Beasley Martha Bell Bell Stores Isabel Benington Mr. and Mrs. Bo Benzel Hanna V. Bett Sandra Bodnar Nicole Ann Borbonus Mrs. Jeanne T. Boughton Joyce A. Bowers Joyce A. Bowman Roger L. Breckenridge Mrs. Kimberly W. Bricker Nancy Brooks Dorothy R. Brown Joyce Buckley Rochelle Caddey Mrs. Pauline V. Caley Mr. and Mrs. William J. Campf Canton Chamber of Commerence Mrs. Linda S. Capes Jennie Carlson Kelly Carmany Judy Carpenter Linda Casey Jennifer Casserman Charity School of Kendal Mr. Roger D. Charleston Mrs. Lois J. Chicky Darlynn Clark RN Diane Clugston Mrs. Gayle L. Clugston 14 Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Cole Courtney Coleman Cathy Colley Perri-Anne Concialdi Mr. and Mrs. George Conkle Mary Cook Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coomis Christine Court Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cracknell Rebecca J. Crowl Ruth Dalessandro Kimberly S. Daniels Davies Pharmacy, Inc. Sandra Dawson Mrs. Rose M. Day Michelle L. Deist Vicki Desantis Discount Drug Mart Mr. and Mrs. James Dodez Shelly L. Donaldson Christine Donato Joan Dorkoff Patricia Draves Lani Drozda Karin Dudas Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Dudley Blanche Dulaney Karen Dunlap Mrs. Carole L. Easterday Mr. and Mrs. Michael Erlandson Beryl Eshelman Sondra Esporite Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fairless Kristen Fano Debbie Farra Karen Ferrara Susan E. Fitch Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fleischman Barbara Flynn Donald Foltz Laura Forchione Lorene Forehope Mr. and Mrs. John C. Frazier Fred F. Silk Charitable Foundation John Frutschy Mrs. and Mr. Valerie L. Furbee Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gauding Gemini Bicycle Center Fern Gerber Anne R. Gergel Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Getz III Dianne J. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Jesus F. Godoy Amy R. Good Mr. and Mrs. Clair Good Marlene Goodenow Shirley Stanford Goodman RN Patricia Gordon Mary A. Goudy Steve Graef Joanne Granquist Mary Green Estate Shirley Grieshaber Mr. and Mrs. William K. Grischow Marilyn Guittar Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gunther Carolyn Haas Ardella Hager Mr. and Mrs. Rick L. Haines Hall, Kistler & Company LLP Jane Hammond Dawn E. Hanna Donna Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Harris Judith Hartman Melanie S. Hartong Hasenstab Architects, Inc. Pamela S. Heim Shannon Helfinstine Kelli Henderhan Mr. and Mrs. Erick Hendrickson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hettinger Mrs. Donna L. Hicks Lauren Hiengphothichack Dianne Hill Matthew T. Hizer Martha Hoagland Glenda Hochstetler Mrs. Carol A. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Horning Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Horrisberger Jean Ilg Innis Maggiore Sandra L. Ionno Judith E. Johnson Harriet Jones Jennifer Jones Marilyn Thomas Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Jones Christine Jurovcik Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kaufman Father Robert W. Kaylor Mrs. Betty Lou Kee Judith Keevil Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kell Marlene Kelley Grace E. Kennedy Linda Kennedy Mrs. Joylen J. Kent Martin A. Kersten Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kessel Stella Kiko Kelly K. King Mr. and Mrs. Vern A. King Theresa Kline Sue Klotz Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kohmann Sue Konerth Barbara Korns Helen Kuchenbrod Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Kuska Kari Lab Kelly Laign Donna M. Lake Jean A. Lee Don and Vi Leggett Carol Lehr Irene Lemoine Lela H. Lengacher Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Lenhart Lori Leonard Patricia Limbach Connie L. Little RN Hallie Loomis Sonya R. Loomis Jenn Loretto Louisville Pharmacy, Inc. DBA Medicine Center Pharmacy Deborah Lumley Mr. and Mr. Adam Luntz Sarah Lusardi Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Macleod Adam Mann Mann Marketing Mrs. Gladys M. Markley Mrs. Sheila Markley Black Marilyn Martin Barbara Mathey Anna Mauch Beverly A. McCall Pamela McElroy Dr. John McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLean Mr. and Mrs. Richard McQueen Corey A. Meeks Mrs. Lois J. Meine Monica Mendenhall Dr. Mathew Hiestand and Dr. Lori L. Mertes Roslyn E. Messerly Robert C. Metcalf Florence Mihlbauer Mr. and Mrs. Logan Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Miller Valerie L. Miller Tom and Laura Moline Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Moore Beverly Morckel Mrs. Glennajean Muckley Marian Murphy Nationwide Insurance, MWCZ Auto Edwina Newell Lois Newell Mr. and Mrs. Fermin Olivera Robert Ott Kelly Owens Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Paddock Janet Painter Papa Gyros Jane Paumier Dorothy Pearce Ms. Anne Pennock Jennifer Penso Nancy Pigott Patricia Pilkington Loretta L. Pirolozzi Pizza Oven Melissa J. Poleon Sandra L. Pollock Linda Potocsnak Judith Potts Karen Pouliot Mrs. Mary E. Psolla Mrs. Carol Quesnel Gail Reeder Amanda Espenschied-Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Chris Remark Mrs. Marilyn Revoldt Rice’s Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sue A. Rinkes Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Roach Pamela Rohr Demetria Rossetti Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Roth III Katie L. Rowley Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Rush Lyn L. Sabino Bonnie Scallon Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Schaffner Stephanie Scharver Mrs. Marjorie A. Schirack Mr. and Mrs. Dave Schlemmer Susan Schmader Jacqui Schmotzer Karen E. Schneider Vera Schreiber Edie P. Schroeder Scott R. Schultz Kelli J. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scott Jennie Self Ellen E. Serban Darlene Seymour Bob and Jeannine Shambaugh Erma Shea Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shelton Brad and Susan Shepherd Jill A. Shiflett Michelle Shook Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shrock Amelia T. Sickafoose Helen Sickafoose Mr. and Mrs. William K. Sievert Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Silver Julie A. Sisco Weston Skaggs Christine Smith Nora Sommers Mr. and Mrs. Sean A. Speedy Cynthia Sponseller Vera Sponseller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spoonemore Stark County Voiture No. 10 Jean Starr Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Steepleton Mr. and Mrs. George W. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stolicny Mr. and Mrs. David Storlie Rebecca A. Surbey Helen L. Suttle Jean A. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Taubman Joyce A. Teeple Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andrew Tenaglia Nicole Thorn Mrs. Sandra Sperrow Tillis Beth Ann Toalston Clara S. Toledano Mrs. Carol A. Toms Karen A. Toohey Susan Tovissi Mr. and Mrs. David L. Van Dyke Eleanor Vlaovich Nancy A. Vogel Dr. and Mrs. William R. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wallace Shirley J. Warburton Carol A. Wasson Sara Weimer Mr. and Mrs. Arlow Weisen Jenna Lou Weitzel Linda A. Wernet Marcia Wherley Margaret A. Whiteford Connie S. Willhite Louise Williams Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Willoughby Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Winland Paula Wise Mrs. and Mr. Tiffany G. Witmer Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wolff The Women’s Board of Aultman Hospital Norma Woodyard Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Wright Betty J. Yelverton Glenda J. Yoder Mrs. Susan E. Yoder Mrs. Adelle E. Yost Cathleen Young Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Zellers Linda Ziccardi Mr. and Mrs. James L. Zimmer Jr. Polly Zimmerman Luella Zink Carol Zunic 15 scholarships 16 Endowed Scholarships Mary Roden Nursing Scholarship (est. 1991) Ella Mae Kuecher Nursing Scholarship (est. 1999) Helen Rajkovich Scholarship (est. 2002) 1892 Scholarship (est. 2007) Theresa & Ed Roth Scholarship (est. 2007) Rick & Vicki Haines Family Scholarship (est. 2007) Clair & Eileen Good Scholarship (est. 2007) Chris & Stacy Remark Scholarship (est. 2007) Bettie Sponseller Memorial Scholarship (est. 2008) Kathryn L. Greer Nursing Scholarship (est. 2009) Aultman Hospital Endowed Scholarship (est. 2010) Elsie Schroeder Endowed Scholarship (est. 2012) Mary I. Green Nursing Scholarship (est. 2012) Gifted Scholarships Alice Ott Memorial Scholarship Stark County Voiture No. 10 Austin-Bailey Health and Wellness Scholarship Charity School of Kendal Scholarship Class of 1959 Scholarship Dianne J. Gibbs Geriatric Scholarship Eileen Welker Williams Scholarship Ella M. Scott Minority Nursing Scholarship Elsie Schroeder Scholarship Josephine Walters CareStar Scholarship Margaret Lazar/Emma Lupher Scholarship SAL Compassion Award Suzanne Spahr-Dudley Nursing Scholarship T. Raymond Gregory Family Scholarship Thiel Family Scholarship
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