Offenhauser catalog
Offenhauser catalog
*hause+ The Greatest Name in Racing AUTOMOTIVE PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS , COMPLETE CATALOG Exeter Auto Supply 255 West Pine Street Exeter, CA 93221 (559)592-2707 A BRIEF GLIMPSE AT nhauser, The Greatest Name Sn Racinge One of the few pioneer performance e q u i p rnent manufacturersthat has heldout against the acquisition and contrd by major conglomerates, OffenhauserSales Corp,mntinues to expand by innovat~onand magination In their products for perlorrnance and economy-minded oonsurners. "A rare bfend of tradition and ~nnovation"is more than a catch phrase. It's a way of do~ng busness. If yw were to check into a typical day's operation at the Offenhauser plant, you rnight see an c~derof cast aluminum heads tor '39-'48 Ford flatheads being processed for shipping. And in the new research facifity you might find engineers running a test cycle on the new dyno to determine erntssion lsvels of a new style manifold. This Issue of the Offenhauser catalog contains the latest manilold3for foreignand domestic cars includmg the famous Oual Port 360" and Dial-A-Flowas well as accessories fw pre-World War II Ford Flatheads! While some mandokd manufacturers wncentrate on raclngefforlswith "give away offers" and wild performance claims. Offenhauser has maintainedthe policy that their products will be made to the highest qualiy and performance standards and be available to everyone on an equal basis. Perhaps that's one of the reasons that Offenhauser rnanifotds are seen on more strmtrods. Ahot rodderthat builds a car from the ground up takes pr~dein his workmanship and that same pride carnes over to the equipment he chooses for hts rnachlne. Offenhauser innovationrn the freld of recreational vehides has h e n publidzed by wery RV magazine In the business. The Dual-Port360" is the perfect choice for economy as well as performance for 4-WD r ~ g s , campers, motwhornes, vans, and passenger cars. And consider the fact that menhauser offers for mini-cars more manifolds than all of the other man~foldmakers combtned! Small englne and compact cars are a fact of life in loday's economy. Offenhauser accurately prmcted this trendseveral yearsago and started develop~ng a tine of perfwrnance rntake man~folds for 4,6, and V-6 englnes. These power boosters offer max low end torque and detrver efficiency that can increase gas mileage. There are 2 and 4 bbls in the patented famous Dual Port design, 360" Equa-Flow, and speclal C Man~tolds. Check thls catalog for complete listings. When tt comes to all out competition, Offenhauser innovation has come up with the Port-0-Sonic and the Super-Sonic, not to mention the Turbo-Thrust h~gh rise maniidd with lnd~vldualrunner design. Innovation IS the product of people with imaginatron.A cornb~nationof people with skills, curiosity, and irnag~nafionat Offenhausermakes it happen Fred C.Offenhauser has h e n designing and manuiacturing performance equipment fm over 40 years. From the start of his racing career at theorrgrnal Oyl engine plant in 1933 topresident The Often hauser Research 8 Development facility contalns the most sophisticated instrumentation in the performance industry. DigFtal and chart readouts assure accurate checks on every phase of testfng. Over a quarter of a million dolFars were spent to make this lacilfty the best in the industry. of Qffenhauser Sales Corp., his achievements and firsts in the science of automotive engineering are a result of technical insight and irnagination and the desire for 'a better solution." The vital link between the factory and consumer is the sales network. Inchargeof sales is third generation Fred C. Offenhauser Jr., better known as Tay. He contributes to the success of the company by communicating with dealers and dislributws thrwghout the world In charge of Production and Quality Control, Jim Offenhauser organizes and dlrects a large staff of skilled workmen as he works to maintain the Offenhauser reputation ror first class technology and prduct quality. While innovation and tradition are Important ingredients In the manufacturing af products at Offenhauser, technology plays an equally Important role. Even as you read this catalog, Offenhauser engineers are working on new designs for better performance, fewer emissions, and improved fuel economy. Over a quarter of a million dollars worth of testing equipment has been installed in a special test center at Offenhauser. Everything from a simple horsepower bakeline curve to a 24 hour readout on emissions, fuel-flow, exhaust temperature, gaslair velocity and torque can be accomplished with thls test center. Many Offenhauser equipment customers have wondered why more of the top name drivers don't use or endorse Offenhauser manifolds. Tha fact is, many of the top names d o indeed usa Offenhauser manifolds. BUT, we feel that money spent to secure these endorsements ~ o u l dbe better put t o use in designing a manifold that will outperform all others. The real winner is you! When you buy a manifold with the Offenhauser name on it, you're getting the latest and best manifold that men and machinerj can produce. Over S M ] manifold llstlngs appear In this catalog. They are organizd according to manifold style and represent 40 years of research and development. The Intake Manifold Coverage Chart on page 3 will help you identify which manifold styles are available for your engine and where they can be found. The selection chart on page 4 shows torque and horsepower ranges for every popular type of manifold style. Be sure to refer to lt and you'll order the manifold best suited for your intended use. Mfenhauser contlnues to work on more projects that are based on future needs as we see them and as you see them. No matter what those needs turn out to be, you can bet that Offenhauser will meet them with the traditional innovation that has made us the Greatest Name In Raclng for wer 30 years. Exeter Auto Suoolv 559-592-2707 OFFENHAUSER INTAKE MANIFOLDCOVERAGE CHART which are available for each engine series listed in our catalog. The numbers in rhe chart represent the pages on which listingscan be found. LOW PROF l LE MODELS. Paw 2 1 . .J a OFFENWAUSER INTAKE MANIFOLD SELECTION CHART The Offenhauser Intake Manifold Selection Chart i s designed t o graphically illustrate torque and horsepower ranges relative t o different size ~ a r u u r etors In every popular type of Offenhauser manifold. The chart is very easy to read. At the bottom of this page is one example which expla~nsthe key t o the entire chart. Keep in mind as y o u use the chart that the horsepower and torque information i s based on an averaging of test results from different engine types and sizes using a variety of cams and compression ratios. Due t o these variables, different results can be obtained with different engine combinations. Additional carburetron tips also appear in Offenhauser's G u ~ d eTo Proper Carburetion. DATSUM, LUV DUAL PORT @ BU~CKIJEEP. DIAL-A-FLOW Ca y englne thatearnelactoryequippedwlthanEQRva m.1~ w u h r Refer to paw 16 for EGR value upply 559-592-2707 Exeter Auto Supply 559-592-2707 4 NEW DUAL QUAD MANIFOLDS FOR CHEVROLET 396-454 OVAL PORT HEADS First of its kind on the market! 4 New dualquad 360" Equa=FlowManifoldsfor all 396-454 Oval Port Chevrolet engines. The new Chevrolet dual quads are engineered with the revolutionary 360' Equa=Flow design that has been proven over and over again to out-perform any other dual quad design manifold. "YOU ASKED FOR IT - WE MADE If!" Part No. Description 6274 High-Rise Dual Quad for standard Holley/Carter carburetors." 6275 Low-Profile Dual Quad for standard Holley/Carter carburetors.* *Distance between carb centers on manifolds is 8%". Holley carbs requiring extra space must be mounted sideways using OFFY part #5832 carb adapters and #5967 linkage. This applies to #I6274 and #6275 only. Part No. 6276 Oescrlption High-Rise Dual Quad for QuadrajetlThermo-Quad carburetors.* 6277 Low-Prof ile Dual Quad for QuadrajetTThermo-Quad carburetors." *Dual Quadrajet manifolds do not have enough area for 2 Holley spread-bores. Use Carter, early Rochester, or Holley Model #4360 carburetors. Distance between carb centers is 8%". CHEVIGMCIJEEP V6 (173 C.I.D., 60") 4 BBL DUAL PORT MANIFOLD Born for street excitement, this performance intake manifoldwas designed specifically for the V6 60" engine to give optimum torque and horsepower increases from low to mid RPM range, Complete dyno and street tests show an excellent 23% horsepower increase with torque gain you can really feel on thestreet or highway. Through the unique and patented Dual Port configuration, this manifold is designed to provide small quantities of highvelocity fuel during low end acceleration and larqe quantities of slow-moving fuel for maximum top-end performance. 6272-OP PART M272-DP Uses Holley #0-6299 390 CFM, Holley #O-BOO"P CFM (linkage modifications necessary), Holley #0-9973450 CFM (requires additional OFW Adapter PlateW264 which is available separately and is listed on page 31). A special OffenhauserLow Profile Air Cleanere6273 (page31 is available and clears both the air conditioning pump and distributor cap. Ifthe stock distributor is retained,such as the one used on Chev SlOTruck orany other GMC vehicfewith the electronic advance system, a fixedtiming no advance will result. The ignition timing on this type should be set approximately 15" total advance. Ifa full mechanical or vacuum system is used, then set the timing at about 24"-26"advance. Manrfold comes with complete installation kit and linkage. NOTE T h i s Manifold is not made fw transverse mounted enaines. - DUAL PORT 360" MANIFOLDS V-G Section-Page 6 M i n i Car-Pages B to 13 V-8 Section-Page 7 HOW THE DUAL PORT INDUCTION SYSTEM WORKS The Dual Port 360 can best be described by saying tt's actually two separate rnan~folds in one. The entire rnantfold is divided from the base of the carburetor t o the head flange. The percentage of separation ir o f cwrse a closely guarded secrer on this now patented des~gnand it varies from engine t o englne In operation, the prirnav mixture is fed Into-the bottom runners and the engine opera ares on this smaller port until driver or engine demand cuts i n the secondaries - the top part. Many good things happen w i t h t h i s in. d u c t ~ o nsystem. I n the Dhal Port, the prlrnary system further restricts t h e alr f l o w after passing the carburetor and Increases it to the "speed of sound." Thts means that wen at low engine rpm (see dyno charts) we're getting near perfect aerodynamic efflclency, ar trenslated more HORSEPOWER! Thts extra horsepower on the prlmarles comes from a more perfect mixture rnovlng at near sonic speeds. a larger volump passing the intake valve and greater turbulence i n the combustion chamber for a highly eff~cientuse of fuel. The primary system (see cutaway illustration). being on the bottom unlquely provides t w o layers of manifold casting and a h ~ g hspeed mlxture flow which acts as a perfect ~nsulator far the secondary runners. And since she - CUTAWAY DUAL PORT 360"MANIFOLD SECONDARY Cutaway Dual Port 360- Manifotds are now svaitabhe for Sales Aids. Ideal t o use as a counwr d~splayor for a salesman to carry as a sample. Completely machined and finished surfaces and pollshed t o a high lustre. Part #6062 secondaries are insulated from engine heat. this means that when cut in the secondary mixture wil! be "cold" and "dense" - a further increase i n performance. Then, when the secondary mixture gets to the end o f the runner it IS picked up and "rammed" into the combustiun chamber b y the sonic veIoc$ty o f the primary port. Again, an ald i n pwslng a greater, colder and more dense airlfuel mixture past the intake valve and settlng u p an $deal combustion chamber c o n d ~ t i o nt o increase horsepower output. All the dyno tests so far - using a great variety of englnes. have ahown substantial horsepower increases over t h e ~ rentlre r p m range. By measuring the "brake spec~f~c" (see dyno chart), which rr the amount o f fuel con- Detrai t's re-discovery of the V-6 doesn't surprise Offenhauser engineers a t all. We've been making 360° Equa Flow manifolds for the V-6 since its original introduction in the early sjxties by Buick. See Page 19. Now also available i s the Dual Port design which gives the Y.6 extra punch in low t o mid RPM's and better gas mileage without altering the emissions. Uses standard 4bbl carb from 400 CFM t o 600 CFM depending on whether ~ t ' sfor street or competition. Part No. Description "6153-DP BuicklJeep. 198 C.1.. 1962-63 6035-DP ~ u i c k l ~ e e 225 p ; C. I 1964-72 +6035-OP Buick/Olds/Pontiac, 231 C.!.,1975 (will not fit HE[) *6167-DP Buick/Olds/Pontiac, 231 C.I., 1976-78 Will not fit Tall Port heads due to port sire. FOR PROPER INSTALLATION, FOLLOWING PARTS MAY BE NECESSARY .; High flow, low profile, chrome air cleaner w ~ t hemissbon control fittings. Part #5888 for 5 - 3 / 1 6 carbs Part W5887 for 4-3116" tarbs sumed per horsepower, per hour. further proves the value of the highly efficient Dual Port system as lela fuel was used to gain more horsepower. Due to the high efficiency of the Offenhauser Dual Port Induction System. I? has also proven itself capable of greatly reducing exhaust em~ssionsi n tests af an elaborate facility In the rntd-west. Th15 makes Offenhauser the FIRST speed equipment manufacturer ro produce a product that reduces exhaust emie srons yet increases horsepower! By taking an active interest in atr pollution problems, Offenhauser engineers are. attempting to help rhe automobile ~ndusfryas a whole and to spotlight the high performance facet w ~ t h their achievements. b-- .- SPECIAL INTAKE GASKETS Part $5996 (for 6035-DPonly) Part MI68 (for 6167-DP only) See page 16 for emission control adapter kit information. FORD v-6 LITRE RE 8 2.8 LITRE) MUSTANG 11, CAPRI, PINTO, BRONCO II & RANGER or aftermarket Later vehlcles such as Bronco I! and Ranger must use 1983 or earlier stmk d~str~butor with vacuum advanee equivalent. Manifolds also use 3 boll water neck (Ford part # D2RYB592A). The 2 bbl manifold uses a stock 2 stage 2 bbi carb and delivers a definite performance increase throughout all RPM ranges plus a reduction in fuel consumption. The quad manifoid (competition design) will actually allow the engine t o W r f o m with proper balance throughout all stages of RPM resulting from the high rate of velocity i n the primary circuit and perfect balance that automatically results when the secondary or acceleration portion takes over. Part No. Description 6096-DP FORD V& 2.8Litre 1074 and later, for stock 2 stage 2 bbl cartr. NOTE: Some 1975 & up models come stock w i t h 1 stage 2 bbl arb. I n these cases use early stock 2 stage or equivalent high performance replacement. 6096T 2 bbl top only + k i t t o f ~ 6096 t manifold base. *6097-DP FORD V6 2.8 Lltre 1974 and later, 4 bbl carb. (rec. Holley 04299) *6097T 4 bbl t o p only + kit t o f i t 6096 manifold base. 61 15DP FORD 2600CG Capri stock 2 stage 2 bbl carb. 61 15T 2 bbl top only + k i t to f i t 61 15 rnan~foldbase. '61 16.DP FORD 2 6 o C C Capri 4 bb1 (Hollsy carb 06299) *6116T 4 bbl t o p only + k i t to f i t 61 1 5 manifold base. . m. - *CALIFORNIA CUSTOMERS PLEASE NOTE: Vehicles that are sold i n the state of Catifornis and are used for driving on city and state highways must have the emissions equipment working as they were equipped from the factory. I f the vehicle came equipped w i t h a single barrel or a 2 barrel carb. and a 2 barrel or 4 barrel is not offered a a factory option i n California, then a car& uretor of different size and type can only be used for off-road o r racrn- =nnl~rations. Exeter Auto Supply 559-592-2707 V.8 DUAL PORT 7 SINGLE QUAD HIGH-RISE MINIFOLDS * NOTE: T . Manifolds below will accept 7973 and later emission controt devices by using the special Offenhauser adapter kit a t a nominal extra charge. Be sure and specify type of vehicle when ordering. See page 16. 2. For proper carburetion tips, refer t o page 5. 3. For torque and power range information, refer to page 4. Part No, Description AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN MOTORS, MOTORS, MOTORS, MOTORS, all all all all V-8 1967-69 Std. 4 bbl V-8 1967-69 Spread-Bore Qjet Carb V-8 1970 and later, Std. 4 bbl Carb Y-8 1970 and later, Spread-Bore Qjet Carb Jeep applications require jeep kit part #6094 (Page 46.) CHEVROLET 396-454 (Large rect. heads), Std. 4 bbl Carb CHEVROLET 396-454 (Large rect. heads), Spread-Bore Qjet Carb CHEVROLET 396-454 (Oval Port Heads), Std. 4 bbl Carb CHEVROLET 396-454 (Oval Pol t Heads), Spread-Bore Qlet Carb NOTE: When ordering Dual Ports for the Chevy 454 be careful! Most engines thru 1971 take 6003-DF/6004-DP. Most 1972 and later have Oval Port Heads and take 6045-DPJ6046-DP. This seems to be especially true for pick-ups and vans. CHEVROLET 262-400 Std. 4 bbl Carb CHEVROLET 262-400 Spread-Bore Qjet Carb NOTE: 6007-DP and 6008-OP come Std. without oil hole. Can be ordered "with ail*' at no extra charge. Does nol Ct 1980 and later CHRYSLER 340-360 Std. 4 bbl Carb CHRYSLER 340-360 Spread-Bore Qjet Carb m d e l s with air c d i i o n i n g . CHRYLSER 361-383-400 Std. 4 bbl Carb CHRYLSER 361-383-400 Spread-Bore Qjet Carb CHRYSLER 413-440 Std. 4 bbl Carb CHRYSLER 413-440 Spread-Bore Qjet Carb CHRYSLER 273-318 1966 and later, Std. 4 bbl Carb CHRYSLER 273-318 1966 and later, Spread-Bore Qjet Carb CHRYSLER 273 thru 1965 Std. 4 bbl Carb CHRYSLER 273 thru 1965 Spread-Bore Qjet Carb - 1 FORD 289-302 Std. 4 bbl Garb Does not have rear water FORD 289-302 Spread-Bore Qet Car b] o m r r o v r prorisim. FORD 351 Windsor Std. 4 bbl Carb. (8 bolt holes per side) NOTE: Late Ford 351 Windsor engines have 12 bolt heads Proper manifolds are 613 4 D P and 6140-DP. Be sure to check FORD 351 Wlndsor Spread-Bore Qjet Carb (8 bolt holes per side) FORD 351 Windsor 1975 and later, S t d 4 bbl Carb (6 bolt holes per side) FORD 351 Windsor 1975 and later, Spread-Bore Carb (6 bolt hales per side) FORD 351 Cleveland 4 V Heads Std. 4 bbl Carb FORD 351 Cteveland 4 V Heads Spread-Bore Qjet Carb NOTE: Will not accept stock Ford Motorcraft Spread-Bore Carb FORD 351 Cleveland 2 V Heads Std. 4 bbl Carb FORD 351 Cleveland 2 V Heads Spread-Bore Qjet Carb FORD 351M 1975 and later, Std. 4 bbl Carb FORD 351M 1975 and later, Spread-Bore Qjet Carb FORD Small Port 400 Cleveland late 1971 and later, Std. 4 bbl Carb FORD Small Port 400 Cleveland late 1971 and later, Spread-Bore Qjet Carb FORD 429-460 Cobra Jet (Not Boss) Std. 4 bbl Carb NOTE: Part nos. 6060-DP and 6061-DP can be adapted to later style 429-460 Small Port engines. We recommand angling off the port entry of the head about 45' to coincide with the larger Cobra Jet style port. This creates a venturi effect which means added power. FORD 429-460 Cobra Jet (Not Boss) Spread-Bore Qjet Carb NOTE: W111 no2 accept stock Ford Motorcraft Spread-Bore Carb. FORD 332-352-360-390-406-427-428 Std. 4 bbl Carb FORD 332-352-360-39Q-406-427 -428 Spread-Bore Qjet Carb OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOglLE PONTIAC 326-455 (except Ram Air V) t 965-1979, Std. 4 bbl Carb PONTIAC 326-455 lexceot Ram Air V) 1965-1979,Spread-Bore Qjet Carb 7001-DP 1 330-350-403 Std. 4 bbl Carb Will not flt 330-350-403 Spread-Bore Qjet Carb with H.E.I. 400-455 Std. 4 bbl Carb (Toronado requires hood modification) ignition 400-455 Spread-Bore Qjet Carb (Toronado requires hood modification) 1 Wlll not tit wFth H.E.I. Ignition ROVER VB 3.5 LITRE, Std. 4 bbl. Carb (ManifoldIs same height as stock) *CALiFORNIA CUSTOMERS - PLEASE NOTE: Vehicles that are sold in the state of California and are used for driving on city and state highways must have the emissions equipment working as they were equipped from the factory. If the veh~clecame equipped with a single barrel or a 2 barrel a r b . and a 2 barrel or 4 barrel is not offered as a factory option in California, then a carburetor of different size and type can only be used for off-roador racing applications. We have intake manifolds for all of the most popular mini engines: Datsun, Toyota, Courier, Mazda, Luu, Vega, Pinto, Capri, Jeep, etc. Most of the manifolds are available in 2 different designs (Dual Port and "C" Series) and can b e drilled a t the factory to accept either the stock carb or papular Holley OR Weber replacement carbs. These pages clarify manifold style differences and available accessories. Complete manifold listings begin on page 10. DUAL PORT SERIES The patented Dual Port is our S f REET PERFORMANCElECONOMY DESIGN. A detailed explanation of the Dual Pert system appears on page 6. In t h e Mini's, the prlmary section boosts the fuel mixture to nearly the "speed of sound", about 3 times faster than normal velocity. This positively gives each cylinder a full fuel charge every time to smooth out the power stroke. When engine or driver demand cuts in the secondaries. a cold (over 3 0' colder) and dense mixture i s sent down the secondary runner to be rammed i n t o the combustion chamber by the sonic f l a w of the primary runner. This adds up to: 15 - 30% more horsepower, quicker throttle response, extended RPM range, better gas mileage, quicker starting, reduction of exhaust ernissions. The two barrel mini Dual Ports come standard (order "DP") to accept the stock 2 stage carburetor. Howwer, as an alternative, most can be drilled a t the factory to accept the Holley 5200 series (order "DPH") or the Weber 32/36 series (order "DPW"] a t no extra charge. "DPH" ACCESSORIES (HOLLEY 5200) Some Mini Dual Ports (including Datsun, Toyota. Chevy Luv and Ford Courier), which have been drilled for a r b w ~ l usually l require a 1" carb spacer Mo. 6176 i n order for the carb linkage t o clear the manifold. Also available is a linkage accessory k i t (No. 6230) for CABLE OPERATED applications or CABLE CONV E RSlONS when installing the "DPH" manifold. A Universal Foot Throttle K i t (No. 6244) completes the installation where a change of throttle linkage i s desirable. The new Holley Datsun 5200 a r b s also w o r k very well with the Dual Port. In thls case, order the "DPH" and substitute our No. 6176 in place of the Holley carb plates supplied with the carb. The linkage accessory kit is n o t necessary. PART MO. 6176 6250 6230 6232 6235 6237 6240H 6244 DESCRIPTION 1" Holley Carb Spacer (pictured). Recommended See above 112'' Holley Carb Spacer Universal Cable Linkage Accessory K i t (Illustrated). Recommended- See above 1" Offset Riser (Used in place clf No. 6176 on later CourierlMazda OHC Engines where cam Daver is wider than cylinder head side surface Ipicturedl 1" Offset Holley 5200 Carb Adapt. (Holley 5200 to stock DP base. Fits Courier, Datsun, l u v , early Toyota, etc. with carb base measurement of 3.118'' x 1-314". See Carb Conversion Chart on page 9.1 Holley 5200 Carb Adapter t o stock manifold Adapts the Holley 5200 series carb to the stock manifold. Fits Courier, Datsun. Luv. early Toyota and others with carb base measurement of 3-1/8" x 1314". Offsets carb 1 " up and f '"away from engine. Courier 2300 cc Csrb Adapter (Holley) Adapts the Holley 5200 series carb to stock Courier 2300 cc manifold base. Universal Foot Throttle K i t (illustrated) See above 4 m the Holley 5200 Used with ANY 4 BBL, PBBL orsingle banel carb Fits large variety ef vehicle types and carb combrnatlons Super time saver and a MUST for minr tarltruck cable conversions No. 5230 - No. 6240 - Completes ease of cable convemion Great tor hybrid engine conversions where change of throttle linkapa is desirable. Na. 6176 No. "DPW" ACCESSORlES (WEBER 32/36) The Weber 32/36 will n o t usually require any accessories. A Weber Spacer plate (No. 6234) is included with the "DPW" to ensure linkage clearan=. Some minor linkage adjustments may be necessary and a Linkage Accessory Kit No. 6230 i s available it required. PART NO. 6230 6232 6234 6236 6238 6240W 6244 DESCRIPTION Universal Cable Linkage Accessory Kit. Available i f cable conwrsion is nmssary. (illustrated) 1" Offset Riser (used in place of No. 6234 on late CourierlMazda OHC engines where cam cowr i s wider than cylinder head side surface) (pictured) Weber Spacer Plate - Included with "DPW' Manifold. (112" for linkage clearance) 1" Offset Weber 32/36 Carb Adapt. [Weber 32136 to stock DP b s e . F ~ t s Courier, Datsun, Luv, early Toyota. etc. with carb base measurement of 3-118" x 1314". See Carb Conversion Chart on page 9.) Weber 32/36 Series Carb Adapter to stock Manifold. Adapts the Webr 32136 carbs t o the s t x k manifold Fits Courier. Datsun. Luv, early Toyota and others with carb base measurement of 5-118" x 1-314". affests cafb 1 "up and 1 " away from engine. Courier 2300 cc Carb Adapter (Weber). Adapts the Weber 32/36 aeries carb to stock Courier 2300 cc manifold base. Universal Foot Throttle Kit. Available if Cable Conversion is necessary. (illustrated) MINI-CARITRUCK MANIFOLDS 10 4 NEW CCMlN19S QUAD MANIFOLDS* KOYOTA DATSUN G.M. 151 C.1.D. "IRON DUKE'" These 4 bbl Dual Ports are the newest addition to the ccrmprehenslve llne of 2V and 4V Offy manifolds for demestlc and Import 4 cyllnder appllcatlons. REAL performers, each has achieved a hefty horsepower Increase with low and mid RPM range torque galns you can really feel! Complete dyno and street tests have shown aver 20% increase in horsepower with no loss of power in the bottom end! Recommended carburetor is the Holley 390 CFM (part 110-6299) with no modification. Some linkage adjustments are required and Qffy does advise purchase of the Untversal Linkage Accessory Kit (part 66230) for part M259-DP and 6267-DP. Recent tests were wndutted on a 1979 Toyole 4x4 at the B A E Performanoe and Emlssbns Lab and the results were umpruaslve. The 4 Y OW weked at 104 horsepower- a 10 hp lcrease ouer the OHy 2 V setup and an 18 hp(20 84 pereenB Lnereaseovsr lhe almk conf~guration -- 6259-DP 6267-QP Appllca fion Toyota 92R 1 0 B 1 and later part II 8258-DP Part # 826 7-DP Appllca tlon GM I 6 1 c.f.d. "IRON DUKE" 1979-f983 (erousflow h w d only) 30 40 OFFT 4 Y 50 60 MPH OFW PVIHOLLEY 5 2 0 0 BASELINE b 70 80 -------- -,- LOOK AT THESE TORQUE GAINS OVER STOCK! ---G: . .yr 6268-DP 6270-UP P8rt # gp6B-DP Part # Datwun NILPSZ f m O t h ~ u 62 10.DP 253 m ~ g i n t l ~ j f 980-1 SS3 (linkage k i t Includod with manifaldj ApplEcntlon Application Dateun NAPS-Z I224 engine) SS83 m d Ietar (linkage kit included with manifold] 30 *NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES. 40 50 60 MPH 70 80 OFFY QV OFFT 2VlHOLLEY 5200 , , , , , , , , , , , , , BASELINE 60%FOR SAKE OF COMPARISON. NEW ''MINI'' CARB ADAPTERS To fit HolIey5200seriesand Weber32/36 series carbsto Datsun, Toyota, Chevy Luv, Ford Courier, Marda, etc. PART NO. These adapters have been desqned to imprave the stability d alrllow~ntaanyrnanloldwhich has-rate pdmaryand sewn. dary throatsAll stakToyota 20R end 22R rnanildds ate of thls type,aswellas many ofthe Chwy Lw, Ford Courier. Mazda and Daksun models. The idlwWual porn on our adaptera allow srnootheralrflow than theopen centerswle alreadyon the marketsince there~snodisruptlontmmalrandfuelrunnln~ Into the manifold divider bar. Even when w e d on an wen plenum manifold, our adapters help to create a 'ram" effect wh~chwill Improve u v p r RPM performance.Thrsdes~gnfeature translates ante better wrformaoce and emnomy OF COURSE TWESE ADAPTERS ARE 4N ABSOLWTE4MUST WHEN USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUR DUAL PORT AdaptsWeber32136seriescatbto ~ k k 3 k " b " * l % ~ base. lndudsa Datsun 1800/1800/20M)cc.C h w Luv. Ford ~ o u r i e r / ~ a z d1800 . 8 -2 lg00/1800cc Heml early Toycta 1 B R C 6252 Toyota Adallts Holley 5200 series catb to slack SYd'xl !A" k s e . lmludes applicalbns as Ilsted in &me rln-rllli-.l "r-l lp"", I. 6253 Adapts Weber 32/36 sades mrb t6 Tcy0t.a 20R engine. & 6254. Adapts Holley 5220 series carb to Toyofa 2OR engine. 6255 Adapts Weber 32/36 mdes carb to tovota 22R MANIFOLDS. The''%sndwich''designisan advantage bacauae the adapter unlt keew a lower prdik. Assembled each complete adapter stands 1 ~nchhlghand this includssallowanoeforgask%tsThis Ls a plus In those appllcatlons where space for hood clearanca rscrit~cal APPLICATION engina 6256 Adapts Holley 5200 series carb to T errgme. m 22R MINI-CAR ITRUCK MANIFOLDS+ AMERICAN MOTORS 6 CYLINDER The Dual Port and ""2" Series accept the Carter or Hollev standard bow 4 bbl carb, Carb size recommended for DP is from 390 CFM to 500 CFM; far "C" Series - 500 CFM and gar r. Use Holfey No. 6299 or 8007, Carter 9400,or Carrer 9500 on Dual Port - REMOVE KICK-DOWN ARM FOR LINKAGE CLEARANCE. bs .~nstallationadds more horsepower to your 6 cyl than any other singfe piece of performance equrpment. Our universal Itnkege accessory kit (Part No. 62303 mav b e necessarv on later models. Manifatd fits w ~ t h any headers conforming to stock specs. NOT FOR AUTOMATIC TRANS. IHSTALUTlONB - CHECK WITH MANUFACfLIAER. TF QUAL PORT P A R T NO. APPLICATCON 5999-DP Thru 6257-OP '80.- Std Bore 4 bbl 1981 and later (water heated) - Std Bore 4 bbl "C" SERIES CHEvd81$h;~r PART NO. 6208-C 16258.6 APPLICATION Thru '80 Std Bore 4 bbl - h z 8 d U ~ B o r e $ ~ up Manifold end accessory information i s given on pages 8 and 9. Dyno and road tests have shown the Dual Port 2 bbls give a substantla4 horsepower increase wtthout sacrificing fuel economy. T h e new 4 bbt Dual P o r t offers in low and m i d range RPM's. DUAL PORT - 2 BBL PART NO. 6059.DP APPLlCATlON 1972-75 6059-DPH 6059.DPW' 6203-DP 1972-75 1972-75 1476 and later 6203-DPH* 1976 and later + 6203-QWV" 1976 and later (Stock 2 STG Orb) (See EGR Adapter Kit No.6106, page 16) I (Holley 5200 Car41 (Weber 32136) (Stock 2 STG Carbl (Use EGR from '77 or '7% models) No. 6263-DP (Hollev 5200 Garb) (Weber 32136) No. 6203-DP DUAL PORT- 4 BBL PART N?. 6263-DP APPLICATION 1976 and later 1Holle No. 082991 Order Ilnkage No. 6 2 h far proper ~ntrallation. "Cw SERIES - 2 BBL PART NO. 6204-C* APPLICATtDN 1976 and later (Holley 52001 6204CW' 1976 and later (Weher 321361 'Accesror~esmay be needed. See introduction on p a w 8 and 9.4 bbl information on page 10. 4 CHEVROLET VEGA DUAL PORT - 2 BBL DUAL PORT - 4 BBL Accepts only a Hollev 5200 or stock 2 s t a 2~ bbl carb. The 2 stage carb works most effect~velyw ~ t hthe exclusive Dual Port design. Complete with enstallation k t t and Instructrons. SPEClAL AIR CLEANER -Part No. 6050 PART NO. APPLICATION 6047-DP 197 1 and later 140 C.1 . .-- 1 - Use a Hotlev No. 8299 1390 CFM) or Carter No. 9400. I n either case. the k ~ c kd m arm must be removed. lnstallatlon k l t and instructions No. 6024 are included. This installation will add more horsepower to your V e a than any other piece af lperformance equipment. COMFET lTION M~NIFOLID. PART NO. APPLICATION 5998-DP 1971 and later 140 C.I. NO.6047.0~ No. 5498-DP - DATSUN 1600,1800.2000cc OHC on The fotlcmr~nqDual Port and "C" Series manifolds will not work the Oatrun applrcatrons whmre t h e stock manifold h= a provision for e%hav$t heat. Manrfold and accessory information i s gwen on pages 8.9 and 10. New 4 bbF Dual Port gives 25% increase in horsepower w ~ r h low and m!d range torque gains you can really feel! QUAL PORT !! - 2 BBC O PART NO A P P t l C A f ION 6002 DP 1600 cc 1968-74 (Stock 2 STG Carb) 6002 DPH* 1600 cc 1968-74 IMolley 5200) 6002 DPW* 1600 cc 7968-74 (Weber 32/36] 6 138-DP 16Ml cc 1975-77 ISlock 2 STG Carb) 6138-DPH* 1600 cc 1975-77 {Hobley 5200) 6138-DPW* 1600 cc 1975-77 (Weber 32/36] 6143-DP 1800 cc thru '74 {Stock 2 STG CarbJ 6143-DPH. I800 cc thrw '74 (Holley 52003 6143.DPWC 1800 cc thru '74 tWeber 32/36! Some late '7p Models take 6144-DPSeries. 6144-DP 2000 cc 1974-75 [Stock 2 STG Carb) 6144-DPH* 2000 cc 1974-75 (Holley 5200) 6144-OW*: 2000 cc 1974-75 IWeber 32/36) 5178-DP 2000 cc 1976.80 (Stock 2 STG Carbl 61 78-DPH*. 2000 cc 1976-80 (Holiey 52001 6178-OPW*' 2001)cc 197680 (Weber 321361 NO.6262-DP DUAL PORT - 4 BBL B A R T NO. 6262-DP APPLICATION 196880 4Holley No. 04299) Ordet linkage No. 6230 for proper installation. "6" SERIES PART NO. 6211C' 6211-CW* 6212-CX 6212-CW' - 2 BSL O APPLICATION 1600 cc 1968-74 1600 cc 1968-74 1600 cC 1975-77 1600 cc 1975-77 1800 cc thru '74 1800 cc thru '74 2000 cc 1974-75 2000 cc 1974-75 2000 cc 3976-80 *OoO cc 7976-80 (Holley 5200) IWeber 321361 IHollev 5200) No*6178-0 IWeber 32/36) ( ~ ~ ~ t ) 6213-C* (Holley 5200) 6213-CW* (Weber 321361 621PCf (Holley 5200) 6214-CW* (Weber 321361 O ~ u s use t h e d m mn Uaaun applications where stnek rnanlfold has provasron for 6215-C* (Holley 5200) exhauehaat. 6215-CW* (Weber 32136) * A m r i e s may be neded. See intrduction an paw B, 9, and 10. *If the 1974 or 1975 MOO cc engine measures 3%''across the EGR pad on the stock manifold, use e No. 6178 manifold. I f It -urea 5%". use a No. 6144 manifolld. All engines manufactured between Sept.lOct. 1975 and 19M uw No. 6178 manifold. t CALIFORNIACUSTOMERS- PLEASE NOTE Vehlcles that are a d d ~nthestaleolCallforn~aand afeu& fordnvlng oncrtynrrdstalehughwaysmuathavethe emlasl8naequlRmrmentWmklng as theywsr6-uqu#ppe~lromtheleclory..1f ~ h 8 . v e h ~ c I e c ~ m e ~ qwbthastrtgle uu~d b a m r 2 bsrrelar4ands2 barrelor4Dalrel mnol oflere;dassfactoryoollonlnC~Rioml~lhanacar,,rtor of diTferen1srzn and typecan only be used bfoli.road or raangappf~cslrons MINI- CARITRUCK MANIFOLDS' FORD COURIER/MAZDA 1800cc the and Mazda wrth F~ts ford Courier Mini Pickvp the 618 DlStDfl engine. Comes complete Manifold and accessory ~nforrnationis given on pages 8 and 9. IF CABLE CONVERSlON I S REQCIIRED,QRDER LlNKAGE PART NO. 6230. DUAL PORT - 2 BBL "C" SERlES metrlc tapped holes and installation instructions. - 2 BBL PART 1\10. APPLICATION 6216-C* 1972 and later (Holley 5200) 6053-DP 1472 and Later (Stack 2 STG Carb) 621BCW" 1872 and later l l e b e r 32/36) 6053-DPH* 1972 and later (Holley 5200) 6053-UPW* 1972 and tarer ( W e h r 32/36) No. 6053-DP 'ACCESSORIES M A Y BE NEEDED. SEE INTRODUCTION ON PAGES 8 AND 9. Some later Ford CourierlMazda OHC englne models have a cam cover which is wider than the cylinder head s ~ d esurface. When using the Hofley 5200 series or a Weber 32136 on our 2 bbl Duat Port or "C" Series same size base, it is necessary to use our special I " offset riser adapter rn order t o offset the carburetor fog proper clearance. Part No. 6232 retains the separation between prlrnary and secondam and is used with our Dual Port manifold. Part No. 6233 has an open center and i s used with our "'C' "ties. FORD COURIER/MAZDA 2000cc Manifold and accessory lnformatron IS grven on pages 8 and 9. I F CABLE CONVERS1ON IS REQUIRED. O R D E R P A R T NO. 6230. DUAL PORT P A R T NO. 6242-DP - 2 BBL "C" SERIES - 2 BBL APPL ICATION P A R T NO. APPLICATION 1979 and 1980 (Stock 2 STG Carb) 6245-C* 1979.1983 (Holley 5200) 6242-DPH* 1979-1983 IHolley 5200) 6245-CW* 1979-1983 (Webet 321361 6242-DPW* 1979-1983 1Weber 32/36] 'ACCESSORIES M A Y BE NEEDED. SEE INTRODUCTION ON PAGES 8 AN b 8. Some later F o r d Cowr~erlMazdaOHC engine models have a cam cover which is wider than the cylinder head side surface. When using the Holley 5200 series or a Weber 32136 on our 2 bbl Dual Port or "C" Series same size base, it is necessary t o use our special 1" o f f s e t riser adapter In order t o offset the carburetor for proper clearance. Part No. 6232 retains the separation between primary and secondary and IS u s e d with our Dual Part manifold. Part No 6233 has an open center and is used w ~ t hour "C" Series. FORD COURIER 2300cc 9. Manrfold and accessory jnformation DUAL PORT PART NO. 624 1-DP 6241-DPH* IS grven on pages 8 and - 2 BBt "C" SERIES APPLICATION PART NO. 1978 and later (Stock 2 STG Ca&) 624&C* 1978 a n d later IHollev 5200) 6246-CWC 6241-QPW* 1978 and later (webe; 32/35) "ACCESSORIES M A Y 8 E NEEDED. SEE INTRODUCTION ON PAGES 8 AND 9. FORD 2000cc SPECIAL O F F Y l N T A K E M A N I F O L D G A S K E T A V A I L A B L E FOR THESE MANiFOLDS DUAL PORT - 2 BBL DUAL PORT - 4 BBL - 2 BBL APPLICATlOW 1.97% and later 1978 and later - PART NO. 6026. (Hatley 5200) (Weber 32136) NO. 6001-DP Uses t h e Wolley 5200 or stock 2 stage 2 &BL carb. PART NO. APPLlCATlON 600 1-0P thru 'Sf Use Holley NO. 6299 or 8007. Dr Carter No. 9400. In either case. the kick down arm must be removed. L~nkage~nstallattonkrt and instructions No. 6025 are included. I F A U T O TRANS 0 D R INKAGE K I T NO. 6118. COMPETITION MANIFOLD. ' PART NO. 6000 b P thru '81 Atr Cleaner Necessary for QuadCarb Installatron. H ~ g hflow, low air cleaner w ~ t hemission control fittings. Part No. 5887 f o r 4-3/16" carbs. Part Na. 5888 for 5-3/16'' car@. APPLPCA~IO~ "C" SER'IES PART NO. 6221-C 6221-CW B - 2 BBL APPLICATION thru '81 thru '81 NO.6000-DP (Holley 5200) (Weber 32/36] a* FORD 2300cc DUAL PORT - 2 BBL DUAL PORT - 4 BBL Uses the Holley 5200 or stock 2 stage 2 bbl carb. Must also use the s t o c k Garb plate,Ford Part No. D52E9P697AA. BART NO. APPLICATION 6113-DP thru '82 Use Hotley No. 6299 or 8007 (must remove kick down arm for clearance); or Carter No. 9400 (clears ok wgth no mods). L I N K A G E INSTALLATION KIT FOR STD AND AUTO TRANS - AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE INCLUDED. COMPETITION MANIFOLD. PART NO. APPLICATION 61 14 DP thru ' 8 2 "C" SERIES PART NO. 6222-C - - 2 BBL APPLiCATlON thru '82 {Holiey 5200 and Weber 32136) Use stock carb plate and match to either carb. FORD 240-300 6 CYLINDER or The Dual Port and "C" Ser~esaccept the Carter Hollev STD bore 4 bbl carb. Carb stze recommended f o r DP is fwm 390 CFM to 500 CFM. for C" Series 500 CFM and larger Use Holtey No. 6299 Qr 8W7,-Carter No. 9400, or Carter No. 9500 on Dual Port Rema d llnkage clearance. Carbs clear "C" Series rnanltold without mad. Ofty universal ltnkage (1162301is recommended In most Installations.These manifotds on a stock 240 or 300 C.L. engina can Increase HP output by 50 HP! Dyno tests on a Ford six w ~ l hDual Port manifold, headers, and cam produced as much as 115 HP over the stocker! DUAL PORT "C" SERIES P 4 R T NO. 6019-DP PART NO. 6 2 2 7 C - - I M P O R T A N T : For proper installation following parts may be necessary.)ligh flow, l o w profile, chrome alr cleaner wrth emlsslon control fittin N o . 5888 f o r 5-3/16" a r b s No. 5% for 4dllC' -s tCAClFORNlA CUSTOMERS-PLEASE NOTE Vehicleethatamsdd in the atate dCnlltornluarrd areusedfordrivtngon cltyand statehghwayumust hamelhe emlesionsequlpment~(~rklng~~ theymerewu~ppadfromthefadow. ltlhe vehuclecamewuipwd with a single bmfrelora 2 hrrelcarb, anda 2 bnrrel o r 4 b s m l is not ofteredas afaNwaptim mCallfornla.thens carburetor01 dllferent sizeand l y w can ankh used lor oft-road or racing epplzatlons MINI- CAR ITRUCK MANIFOLDSt 1J TOYOTA 1600/1800cc HEMI Dyno and road tests have proven the "DP" c a n grve as much as a 22% HP galn over_the stock manifold without racrificing fuel economy. Manifold and accessory information 1s given on pages 8 and 9. DUAL PORT PARTNO. 6048.DP 6048-DPH* 6048-DPW* 6137-DP 6137 DPH* 6137-DPW1 6205-OP 6205-DPH* 6205-DPWnl. APPLlCAflOU - .o No. 6137- (Stock 2 STG Carb) (Holley 5200) (Weber 321361 1971-74 1971 -74 1971-74 (Stack 2 STG Carb) fHolley 52001 1975-78 1975-78 1975-78 1979 and later 1979 and latsr f 979and later "C" SERlES PART NO. - 2 BBL Weber 32/36] (Stock 2 STG Carb) (Holley 52001 $ 1 (Weber 32/36) - 2 BBL * *' APPLICATION 1971-74 No.6W-DP IHolley 5200) 6219-CW. 1975.78 (Weber 321361 BPOE* 1979 and later (Holley 52001 62ZOEWC 1979 and later *ACCESSORIES M A Y BE NEEDED. SEE 8NTRODUCTlON ON PAGES 8 AND 9. 6218-C" 6218-CW* 6219-C. 1971-74 1975-78 (Weber 32136) tHolley 52001 (Weber 321361 5 TOVOTA 21900/2000/2200cc OHC Dyno and road tes prove the bbl Dual Port g i v e these Toyotas as much as a 20% HP boost over t h e s k k rnanlfard Wlthout m r i f l c l n g fuel economy. MP gain w a s as much as 15%. Manifold and accessory informarlon 1s given on pages 8.9 and 10 Xha new 4 bbl's improve HP over 20% with -ernendous toraue qarns rn low to m ~ RPM d range. DUAL PORT PART NO. 5997-OP 5997-DPH* - 2BBL A APPLlCATlON 1970-74(also fjts l 8 A C ) (Stock 2 STG Carb) 1970 74 (also f i t s l8RC1 (Holley 5200) 1/?" l i d l e v Spacer Rate included. 1970-74(also frts 1SRCk (Weber 32/36) 1975-77{also frts 20R) (Stock 2 STG Carb) 1975-77(also fits 2OR) (Holley 5200) 1975 77 (also frts 20R) (Weber 32136) 1978-79 ( T I T S 2ORl (Sl& 2 STG Carb only) Check with m m u l e fw DDPH or DPW info. 1980 Ifits 20RI (Slock 2 STG Carb only) Check with manulaetuw for OPH or DPW ~nlo. DUAL PORT - 4 BBL Order l~nkageNo. 6230 for proper installation. APPLlCATlOlY PART NO. 6260.DP 1975-79 Holley Na. 062991 6261-DP 1980 20R Holley No. 0-62991 "C" SERlES PART YO. 62 1 0-C 6210C)?yf 52094 6209EW* 6217-C*d] 6217CF-6) 62246 6224-CW* I - 2 6BL t APPLICATIOIY 1970-74(also frts 18RC) 1970-74 la\sc f?rs 18RC) 1975-77 (atso frts 2OR1 1975-77[also l r t s 20R f 1978-79(a150 h t s 2 0 R I 1978-79 (also h t s 20RE 1980 (fits 2OR 19BO (fits 2 0 ~ 3 No. 6260-UP em- * W' &dl {Weber 321361 lWolley 5200) (Weber 32/36) No, 6179-DPb) {Holley 5200) {Weber 32/36] No. 8223.DP engine you haw is locaticn of TOYOTA 2400cc 2 designs Available in bbl and 4 bbl these Dual Ports give hefty performante improvements similar to the Toyota 20R engine. Mast noticeable power increase comes fr6m the new 4 bbl manifold {see page TO). Manifold and acces~oryinformarion is given on mges 8 , 9 a n d 10 DUAL. PORT PART NO. 6247-DP 6247-DPH* 6247-DPW* - 2 BBL DUAL PORT 1981 and later t22Rl 1 "C" SERIES - 2 BBL P A R T NO. 6246E4 6248CW* 5266-DP 828&DPHh 626&1)PWg APPLICAT ION 1982 and later (22R) (stock 2 STG Carb) 1982 and later (22R) (Hollw !iZW 1982 and later (22R) (Weber 32/35] - 4 BSt ?&flu$? NoA%$lq&atfir8pr installatian. 6259.DP PART NO. APPtlCATlON 1981 (22R) (Stock 2 STG Carbj 1901 (22R)(Hoiley 5200) 1981 (22R) (Weber 32/36) ., waterplate. APPLlCAftON 1981 and later (22R) IHolley 52001 1981 and later (22R) (Weber 32/36) .I No.6248-C NO.6247-OP *, 'ACCESSORIES MAY BE NEEDED. SEE INTRODUCTION ON PAGES 8 AND 9. TOYOTA 6 CYLINDER LANDCRUlSER DUAL PORT - 4 BBL The Dual Ports for the Landcrurser glue great low and mrdrange torque galnr which make rhem extellent choices for R V and o f f r o d use. t 817 cleaner larr cleaner adapter incluckd1. Each rakes std bore 4 bbl carb f r y 465 C F M t o 6OU CFM depending on intended Both f ~ stock use - normal ro competition. (For normal useage. you can use the Holley R1848 465 CFM w ~ t h mechanbcal choke or the Carter CS4758 500 C F M. T hera ere Jome exceptions see bslrml . PART NO. APPLICATION 6754-DP f 968-74 (NOTE. 1974 Landcruisers with mechanical linkage must use cable linkage from 1973 FJ 40 rndel.1 5155-DP 1975-76 (NOTE: Must install cable linkage from 1953 FJ 40 in plwe ofAstockmethan. ical linkage. AIE models with standard vacuum brake booster can take e~therHolley or Carter. On models w ~ t hlarge vacuum boosters for disc brakes y w can only use a smaller size carb such as the Carter CS 4758 or Holley 1-191.Due ro space prablem, i t wrll b necessary to remove the secondaw diaphragm on Holley a r b s . ) 1977 and later trmdcruisers can take either Dual Port mnly when headers ere used. You must install cable linkaqa in place of stock mechanical. There is also clearance p:oblms No-6154.OP with disc brake vacuum booster. BE SURE TO CHECK CARBURETOR SIZE BEFORE INSTALLING ANY TYPE CARB. - "C" SERIES - 4 BBL The "C" Ser~eshs geared for greater m ~ and d high range torque galns than f i e Dual Port. Thls is strictly cornpatit~ononly. Cad$ t l e a t a n ~ roblsm and Ilnk mods -me a%for DP series. Sm a h . $ART NO. 6225.C 1968-74 5226C 1975-76 (carb clearance problem see QP 6ection.l 6226-C 1977(must use headen: carb clearance ~ r o b l e mcable : linkaae nee.: see DP section.) t CALIFORNIACUSTOMERS- Fl. EASENOTE. Veh1Cle8tMtareoold h thoaInleofC.III~nla bnd #re vssd1ofdrMngandlyandntate h I g ~ m u f i I n W Ibrn~8equIpmentnmklng b SPLICATION - as lhe.r*ersesbrppcdlrom lhetudo'y I l ~ h s v e h ~ c ) e ~ m e e q u l ~ d 1 l 1 h a e 1 ~ e b e m ~ o r a ~ b M ~ a ~ ~bn ab m 0 21~ ~m~I o~ rO 4 n e ~ ~ a 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ t m I n C e H o r n 1 . m e n a h r e t 0 1 0 1 dllewm s8ze and Imcan Only DB udea for M-raaa or raclng sodat~ona l4 TURBO-THRUST - POWER PORT MANIFOLDS* TORQUE AND POWER RANGE IN FORMATION ON PAGE 4 . . . . .. "5907 . . .fit5977. . *5926 . . CHEVROLET #6161. . CHEVROLET s5g04 396-454 '5905 (Large Rect. Port) #5906 396-454 (OvalPort) CHEVROLET 283-400 I . . #6162 #6163 #6164, a6165. #6166. CHRYSLER 340-360 [See Note) & No. 6883 IMPORTANT R .P.M.Ranges. . . Single Quad Top . . Dual Quad Top , . . Thermo Quad Dual Top . . . 4 Weber Carb Top , , CHRYSLER 383 -400 (See Note) . . *5940 . . #5941 #5943 . . *5994 . . . Holley 4500 Single Top . Base Only . Single Quad Top . Dual Quad Top . Thermo Quad Dual Tap . . Special Single Quad Top . . Base Only . . . . Single Quad Top . . Dual Quad Top . . *5942 . . . a6103 . . . #5908 . . . #5909 . . . #5984 Out reason for suggesting this is that after hundreds of hwrs of test~ng wrth many types of flow systems we f~nalizledw ~ t hthe dwgn that IS mcorporated i n this unit. The center space bar 1s very tmportant t o stabll~ze the antarnal flow of this, manifold throuah all aanes of R.P.M. To modify in a n y way will d e f i n i h y be dGtrimental t o the efficiency of this engineered manifold throughout all . . Dual Quad Top . . Thermo Quad Dual Top . . 4 Weber Carb Top . . Holley 4500 Single Top . . Base Only *5978 . . . . 3 Weber Carb Top 85930 . . . . Holley 4500 Single Top No. 5984. No. 5981, No. 5982, To receive the maximum performance from w u r OFFENHAUSER TURBO-THRUST manifold it is verv. irnwrtant . that you do not modify the top in any way!?! Base Only . . Single Quad Top . . #5921 . . . *5922. . . "5923 . . . "5988 . . . *6101 3 Weber Carb Tap No. 5978 . . . . . Thermo Quad Dual Top . 3 Weber Carb Top . Holley 4500 Single Top . Special Single Quad f o p . Base Only . Dual Quad TOP . . . . Single Quad Top #'5989 . . . . Thermo Quad Dual TO~J #5979 . . . . 4 Weber Carb Top #5910 a5927 . . . . Holley 4500 Single Top COMPETITION MAN1FOLDS NOf E: The #5911 Base can be Special Ordered to fit the larger Ram Charger and Stage Ill Heads, Customer Must Port Manifold to Match Heads $65.00 [Net Extra) #5940 Base can be ordered Special for Chrysler 273 through 1965 or 273-318 1966-72 using 340 gaskets and porting heads No Extra Charge. - - NOf E: Special Offenhauser blower plate is ava~lableto mount a GMC 6-71 blower to our 85904, 6161, 5908, 591 1, 5944. and 5971 Turbo-Thrust Manifold bases. Order by description - Price $375.00 List NOTE: Blower and 4 Weber Tops are custom made for each application and w ~ l lrequire an eight week delay upon receipt of order. (Shipping Wt. 25 Ik.1 NO OTHER COMPONENT PARTS AVAILABLE OR SUPPLIED. SPECIAL LINKAGE KIT AVAILABLE Non-Progressivedual four barrel carb llnkage kit. For use with dual quad tunnel ram style manifolds using in-line carb mounting, Bubble packaged for easy display. PART NO. 6081 DESCRIPTION TUNNEL RAM DUAL QUAD "NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON POLLUnON CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES. I w- - - - T.M. ..I FOR SERIOUS RACERS Here's a manifold designed by Offy engineers for competition only. Specially designed plenums and runners match the volume of a specific engine for maximum power. Eliminates "leanlrieh" condition from cvlinder to wlinder commonlv found with other a Page 4 Part No. Application 6063 CHEVROLEf 283-400 Std. 4 bbl Garb 8064 CHEVROLET 283-400 Spread-Bore Olet Carb NOTE: 6063 8 6064 come Std without oll hole. Can be ordered "with oil" ai no entra charge. 6065 CHEVROLEF 396-454 Large Porl Sld 4 bbl Carb 6066 CHEVROLET 396-454 Large Porl Spread-Bore diet Carb *6071 FORD 289-302 Std. 4 bbl Carb *6072 FORD 289-302 Spread-Bore Qlet Carb DOES NOT HAVE REAR WATER CROSSOVER PROVISION. * 8120 6121 6121 6123 6147 6148 8157 6157SP 6158 6073 6074 6145 6146 6109 61 17 FORD 351 Ckveland 4V. Std. 4 bbl Carb FORD 351 Cleveland dV, Spread-Bore Ojet Carb FORD 351 GIeveland 2V, Sld. 4 bbl Carb FORD 351 Cleveland T V , Spread-Bore Qjet Carb FORD 332-352-360-390-406-427-428 Std. 4 bbl Carb FORO 332-352-360-390406-427428 Spread-Bore Qjet Carb FORO 429-460 Small Porl Std. 4 bbl Carb - FORD 429460 Small Port Holley 4500 Carb FORD 429-460 Small Port Spread-Bore Qjet Carb CHRYSLER 340-360 Std. 4 bbl Carb CHRYSLER 340-360 Spread-Bore Ojet Carb CHRYSLER 273-318 1966 and later Std. 4 bbl Carb CHRYSLER 273-318 1966 end laler Spread-Bore Qlet Carb OLDSMOBILE 400-455 Std 4 bbl Carb NO H.E.I. OLDSMOBILE 400-455 Soread-Bore. Olal Carb - Offy Popular OLD type Test *3 Less Popular OLD type OFF ENHAUSER takes the "EM and "X" out of the performance equation and replaces ~f with P.OS. (PORT 0 SONIC). Notice how closelv the power curves parallel each other ro 4000 RPM. This is 'typical of an independent runner open chamber manifold with the OLD style fixed runner sysrern. OFFENHAUSER'S advanced technology has developed a sonic air flow pattern In the w n that obviously makes the difference where rt really counts, 4000 t o 8000 RPM. T&t # 1 Test # 2 Oyno results are w i t h a Chevrolet 327 C.I.D. engine which is modified for racing. using a modified Hollev 600 cfm carburetor. 1 SUPER SONIC MANIFOLD* Designed for Holley 4500 Carb Competition Track & Drag Racing Allows carburetor to function properly a t all stages of R.P,M. Paravanes stabitize air flow Totally New Concept * Tried and Proven A refinement of the highly successful Port-0-Sonic, the Super-sonic is the first manifold ever designed to take full advantage of the Holley 4500 carb. From the mounting pad to the giant plenum through the big runners, the Super-Sonic is designed to produce the power. The secret i s the use of 4 paravanes at the bottom of the plenum to direct the gadair mixture through the runners in an even distribution pattern w i t h a minimum turbulence factor. Recommended c a r b is Holley Part *R-7320AAA. Torque and Power Range Information on page 4. FOR RACING ONLY! Part No, 609s 6105 6108 Application CH EV RO LET 283-400 CH EV ROLET 396-454 Large Port OLDSMOBI LE 400-455 *NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES 360" EQUA-FLOW HIGH RISE SINGLE QUAD MANIFOLDS' IT'S A PROVEN FACT: Looking back, over fifteen years ago Offenhauser broke away from the old 180" design and introduced a 360" design manifold which other manifold manufacturers are now following. You get full benefit of improved fuel passages on every single engine stroke, there is no down time with a 3600 - your engine operates at full capacity a t all times. So-called 180" manifolds operate on a parttime basis due to the fact that one side of the rnanifold is "down" while fuel is delhvered to t h e other side of the engine. . Exclusive plenum chamber design of Offenhauser 360" Equa-Flow Manifold wipes out flat spots in all RPM ranges. Gives you smooth . . . unrestricted flow of fuel . . . continuously. Each cylinder receives equal fuel flow without interruption or oscillation. You get vibration-free smoothness and power rammed distribution through balanced efficiency. Hands you more power off the line . . , a fantastic top end improvement. Dyno, StreetStrip Proven. Test results show a 20 H.P. increase at 6500 RPM over competitive manifolds. Part No. The Followinq Manifolds fit all regular Holley and Carter AFB 4-Barrel carburetors. 5771 5917 5874 5693 Torque and Power Range Information an page 4. 5766 5768 5822 5720 Mdel Shimina .. Weight American Motors all V-8 1967-69 21 American Motors all V-8 1970 and later 21 Buick 400 & 43Q455 thru 1971 20 Chevrolet 283,327,350,400 15 NOTE: 5693 now comes std. without ail hole. Can be ordered "with oil" at no extra charge. Chevrolet 396-454 (Lro. Rect. Heads) 19 Chevrolet 396-454 (&I Port ~ e a d s ) 19 Dodge 8 Plymouth 413-440 18 D o d ~ e& Plymouth 361-383-400 19 Dodge 273 thru 1965 (will not fit early 318) 20 Dodge 273-318 1966 and later 20 Dodge-Plymouth 340-360 20 Ford 221 -260-289-302 17 NOTE: Daes not have rear water CrwRKIwr provision. Ford 351 Windser (8 bolt holes per side) Ford 351 Windsor 1975 and later (6 bolt holes per side) Ford 351 Cleveland 4V Heads Ford 332,352,360,390.406.427-428 Oldsmobile V-8 400-425-455 NO H.E.I. Oldsmobils 330,350,403 Pontiac 326-455 1965-1979 IGNITION 19 19 19 29 22 22 14 CALIFORNIA CUSTOMERS - PLEASE NOTE: Vehicles that are sold in the state of California and are used for driving on city and state highways must have the emissions equipment working as they were equipped from the factory. If the vehicle came equipped with a single barrel o r a 2 barrel carb. and a 2 barrel or 4 barrel is nor offered as a factory option In California, then a carburetor of different size and type wn only b e used for off-road or racing applications. 360~&@a-8& SINGLE QUAD HIGH - RISE MANIFOLDS* DESIGNED OW LY FOR HOLLEY 4500 DOMINATOR CARBURETOR Torque and Power Range Information on page 4. PART NO. MOOEL NOT AN ADAPTER SHIPPING WEIGHT #5954 American Motors All V-8 1967-69 21 Ibs. American Motors All V-8 1970 and later 21 Buick 400-455 thru 1971 20 Chevrolet 283-327-350 & 400 15 Chevrolet: 396-454 Lg. Rect. Heads 19 Chevrolet 396-454 Oval Port Heads 19 #5955 #5956 Chrysler 413-440 Chrysler 361-383-400 #5950 #5951 #5952 #5949 #5953 18 19 PART NO. MODEL #5957 Chrysler 340-360 #5958 Ford 289-302 (No rear watw crolisover) #5959 Ford 351 Windsor #5966 Ford 351 Cleveland 4 V Heads #5960 Ford 390-428 Qldsmobile 400-455 NO H.EI. #5962 Oldsmoibile 330. 350, 403 #5963 Pontiac 326-455 1965-1979 #5961 *NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES. SHIPPING WEIGHT 20 IDS. 17 19 19 29 22 22 14 BUlCK & JEEP V-6 COMPETITION MANIFOLDS 19 7 3 6 0 ~C J~/ / ~ ~~ *A J~ ~ "NEW" ~ - "C9' MAN1 t Wlth the upsurge of rnterest and unl~rrr~tau pLILEllLId1 ~f the Buick V6 englne, Offy advances tts leadership in the V6 fteld and introduces the C Manifold designed specificalfy for the Bulck V6. A competrr~anrnantfold, the floor of the plenum area has been mod~fiedto broaden 1, the over all perfor mance ra nge and rmaximize In dlstribbution. Ava~lable in the Standard A.F.B. pattern and the Quadrajet Carb pattern. All Slngfe-Quad and All Hi Rise design. This Manlfold can also be machined for marlne use up to TZO. When ordering, be sure and specify ~f engine I S mounted towards t h e front or rear. NO extra charqe for thls service. " 8; .4& Part 571 1 Part 5712 *Part 5713 t Part 6169 - - Part 5714 - t Part 6170 - 1962-63 for the A.F.B. or Holley Carb 1962-63 for the Ouadrajet Carb 1964 7 2 for the A F.B. or Holley Carb 1975 I231 C.I.) A.F.B. or Hollsy Carb 1976-78 (231 C I.) A.F.B. or Holley Carb 1964-72 for the Qwadrajet Carb 1975 I231 C.I.) Quadrajet Carb 1976-78 (231 C.E.) Quadrajet Carb (Shipp~ng Weight 13 Ibs.) PART # lIds/Pontr lac, 231 C Part 6171-C 3 fit tallport heads due to port size - . .-- Part 61724 - Bu~ckIJeep,225 C.I., 1YfiL. Buick/Olds/Pontiac, 231 C Part 6173-12 Bu~ck/Jeep,f 98 C.I., 196; Part 6228-C Buick/Olds/Pontiac, 2 3 1 C 1979 ar~d Yater -- - ~ W I Enot I f ~ t ta l l p3~r t heads 6 8ue to port !; w e *WIII not fit H.E. I. - DESCR JEEP V6 ACCESSORIES I I i-.." AIR CHROME, LOW PROFILE CLEANER 6717 - 4-3/16" Carbs #5718 - 5-3/16" Carbs ' SPECIAL INTAKL u ~ , K t l : Part 5996 Part6168 Part 624" - Fit Fit -.. BUICK & JEEP V6 VALVE COVtiHs O f f y has varve covers to f i t Bulck V6 and Jeep engines (par1 #5881 - all models 1962-76). In 19; r7, 9r.J r~ ~ a i l y 1978 2>q1 0 I L,.,,U . ~:-1 1 . engines, a slight modification was made to the heads which changed placement of bolt holes on the valve covers. Part *I74 fits this limited appl~catio n. Refer to page 30 for speclf~cdifferences. Later 1978 231 cu. In. models returned t o the or~ginal design and take the normal 5881 valve covers. Advise any customer with 1977 or '78 231 cu. rn. ~ n q i n eto check carefully. nn. Part 6 8 8 7 - 1962-76, Late '78, '79 and later (231-3 Engine) Part X5774 - 1977 & Early '78 1231-A Engine) NOTE: Both Can be ordered with h o l ~ s Blocked Off - same price. *NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES * 2-r3 - - ffenhause~360"QUADRAJET MANIFOLDS SINGLE PUAQRAJE 4); I UADRAJET HIGH RISE MANIFnCnc * + -.c ' 5 Shimring Wt 20 Ibs. 21 ..- - - A . J %$ Part No. xlel 5743 Buick 407-4: 5885 &UIick 400, 4 . . 5745 C h e v r o ~ ez~a j , A?{-jsrl H.E.1.I - {NO > 5746 Chevrolet 348 Not 405I 5747 Chevrolet 396-454 (Lrcj. Rect. PI3rt) NO H.E 6276 Chevrolet 369-454 (Ova.I Port) (NC H.E.I.) 5750 Chrysler 361-383-400 5752 Ford 352-390-406-427-428 5755 Oldsmoblhe 330, 350, 4113 (NO H €.I.) 5753 Oldsrnob~le 59-64 5754 Oldsmoblle 400-425-455 (NO H E.I.) 5756 Pontiac 1955-64 5757 Pont~ac326-455 1965 and later (NO H.E.I.) II accept Hallsay spread-bore, Carter TQ Rochester (aiet carbs Shlpplng .I. >ue1 Wt. Ilt NO. 21 Ibs. 1772 Arne rlcan rvrurr3rs. a11 V- 8 1967-69 23 3rs, al! V- 8 1970 and later i918 Arnerlcan Mot< 20 i876 Buiclk 400, 43(3 a 455 tli r u 1971 A L .. fin-, ,,rm ~ n e v r o t e t2 8 3 - ; ) ~ 1 - 0 3 ~ 15 Chevroiet 396-454 (Oval Port Heads) 1.9 Chevrobet 396-454 (Lrg Rect Port) 19 Chrysler 273 thru 1965 (WIII not lit early 318121 Chrysler 273-318 1966 and later 20 Chrysler 340-360 20 Chrysler 361, 383-400 20 Chrysler 413-426-440 HI Block Wedge 18 Ford 221. 260, 289, 302 18 5889 Ford 351 Wlndsor 5965 Ford 351 Cleveland 4 V' Heads 5890 Ford 352-390-406-427-4 5823 Oldsmobrle 330, 350, 4 I 5769 Oldsmobile 40'0-425-455 55 1965 and later No 22 16 5342 Pont lac 326-4! Torque and Power 13ange Information on page 4. d 1R L , 36 25 22 28 24 23 Torque and Power Range lnformation on page 4. Carburetor Information a t bottom of page 21. -EGAL FOR IJSE IN CALI1 'ON CONTRCXLED MOTC I DUAL QUAQRAJET LOW PROFILE MAWIFOLQS* h43 t' COMPETITtOI ---% Q ~ - J J * . "b .- "4 * +? Part No. 5618 5603 5610 5605 6277 W l l accept HOIley spread-brIre.CarterTC and Rcchester qlet carbs Part No. 5607 re dual q~ I Shipping Modst Wt. Burck 401-425 Chevrolet 283. 327-350-400 Chevrolet 348 Not 409 Chevrolet 396. 454 Large Port (NO H.EJ ) Chevrolet, 369-454 (Oval Port) (NO H E I.) Dodge 361, 383-400 ~ o r 352-390-406-427-428 d Oldsmoblle 7959-64 Oldsmobtle 400, 425, 455 VO H.E.I. Oldsmobtle 330, 350. 403 Pont~ac1955-64 . -. Pont~ac326-455 1965 and latt!r (NO H.E.I. .. 18 tbs. 5608 5606 5612 5686 5604 5611 Torque and Power Range Information on pas -u--Carburetor Information a tr L uorrurrl of page 2' Shippin Wt. 56117 Chevro~erLUJ-JL r-a3u-400 14 4bs 5602 Ford 221 -260-289-302 5609 Dodge 273 thru 1965 (Will not fit early 31 5685 Dodge 273-318 1966 and later Torque and Power Range lnformation on page 4. &CALIFORNIACUSTOMERS - PLEASE NOTE Veh~clesthat are sold In the state of Cal~fornlaandare used fordrlvlng onc~ly andstateh~hwaysrnusthavetheem~ss~ons equipment woh~ng as rhey w ~ r egulpped e from thekctow If the vehlclo came equlpped w ~ t ha s~nglebarrel ora 2 barrel carb, and a 2 barrel or4 barrel 15 not offered as a facroryoptlonIn Cal~fornrathen a carburetorotdlfferants ~ z e and type can only be used for off-roador raclng appllcatlons * 51 k --- h I I *NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE: BECIAkL DUAL QUAD LINKI ge kits anI for use with any dual quad manifoh4 using irI-line cartj mountir DESCRlmlON PA! 3T NO. me8 OWAL QUAD IN-LINELlNKAbc * ,7fi0"&~&=~ F~AP nhauser MANIFOLDS Regardless of your present Offy carburetion 360" Equanew Flow will give you horsepower. a lot more P R O D U C E MORE HORSES "'Llile the hig hly-advonced new Offenhnussr 360" monifords a r e not twice efficient as the old 180' models, they are certaknly in a closs by themselves. DUAL [IUAD HIGH- RISE MANIFOLDS* I AFB and HOLLEY CARBURETORS 5785 5919 +5692 5882 +5694 5695 I 5696 6274 +5697 +5698 5701 *5702 +-/ 5703 5704 5705 5 8E 5706 5707 INOTE: We d AFB Ca1rbs for mosit Dual Que Is ., ,- . ,. ouw to carm c~earancw. ~n oraer t o use H o ~ r u y ~ a r o sIT m a y ae net-ry t o use our adapterr 6 8 8 0 or a5832. BE SURE AND CHECK. COMPETlTlON MANIFOLDS 8 d m - . . * . I 5708 Shipping Model Pert No. - Amerrcan Motors, all V-8 1967-69 Amer~canMotors, all V-8 1970 and later B u ~ c k401-425 Bu~crt 400. 430 & 455 Chevrolet 283-327-350-400 (NOH.E.I.) Chevrolet 348 - Not 409 Chevrolet 396-427-454 Lrg. ReCt. Port (NO H E 1.1 Chevrolet 369-454 oval port (NO H.E.I.) Chrysler 273 thru 1965 Chrysler 273-318 1966 and later Chrysler 361. 383-400 low block Ford 2 2 t , 260, 289-302 Ford 332-352-360-390-406-427-428 Oldsmolb~le59-64 Oldsrnoblle 400-425-455 NO H,E,I, Oldsmobile 330, 350, 403 P o n t ~ a c55-64 Pontlac 326-455 1965 and IaZer NO H.E.I. I Werght 22 Ibs. 22 F9 22 19 23 23 24 23 23 23 21 32 26 28 25 27 26 *WORKS WITH AFB CARBS ONLY - NO HOLLEYS WHATSOEVER, NOT EVEN SIDEWAYS. CARBURETOR INFOAMATION AT BOTTOM PAGE 21 Torque and Power Ranqe Information on page 4. CHEVROLET RAM MANIFO 283 - 350.400 CHEVROLET V - 8 396 -402 -427-454 CHEVRQLET 1-8 Des~qned. Eng~neeredand Proven ro dei~ver Maxtrnum Performance tor the Cornpet~tronEng~nes Carb Bases drllied to a c c e p t most a n y cornb~nat~on o f Large Quad Carburetors Works wlth stock height valve covers only. Dyno-Tested t o Offer The U l t ~ m a t ein Power Performa~ce Manjfold Ports are Matched to T h e HI-Performance Heads Desrgned t o Accept Most Any Cornblnat~onof Quad Carburetors. Works wlth stock helght valve covers only. P a r t No 5715 Shipplng Wt. 34 Ibs. Part No. 5593 I Shipping Wt. 3 2 Ibs. COMPLETE LINKAGE FOR ABOVE COMPLETE LINKAGE F O R A B O V E . . . . Part No. 5590 I 3593 COMPETITION MANIFOLDS NOTE: Ficcomrnodates Most S p ~ c i a llgn~tlonsif Not Over 5.114" rn Dlameter 'NOT LEGAL tun USE I N CALIFORNIA ON POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES. - A n . . . Part No 5716 DUAL QUAD ACCESSORIES - SE KIT FOR IN-LINE C A R b s #OW68 ESST 'ARb HJAPTERS O n Vc I V ! HOY' , . . . 2 This can be don Holley Carburetors u a l Quad Manifold II LINKAbt KI1 d Mount 23 For use with our popular *832 adapters staggeredI. of tour*s e ! ! ! ! ! 'type man'fold only . . . not old Carburetors are placed rn oppo51te d~rect~ons enabtlng the ~nsrallatbonof large C.F.M. Hc Carbruretors wh needled. b Part ~ 3 5 s ~ (Designates Pair: Due t o the slze of the carburetors, tt's necessary to mount them on the rnan~fold"crossw?vsd - one carb facbng one way and one the other so the primar~esfeed Into each chamber properly and unbformlv Offenhauser ~ u a l ~ tcomponents y throughout, k ~ cont tams everyth~ngyou need for t h ~ shot set-up. - Part #5967 These- special Offenhauser adapters perrnit mou the 4500 HolSey caburetors s~dewayson dual quad manifolds. For the fellows who really want t o all the way, try this hot set-up. But must have a t least 8% inches betw centers a t carburetor pads. IECIJ LINKAGE for DUAL HOLLE -JAPTERS I I blI for Regular Dual C & Part e5969 -"&&-' ifl--'*r Part * 5 8 8 0 This 11 nkage 1s ma& just for the Dual tiolley 4500 c a r b set-up. Rernernber, y o u must have a t 1m3... 0 uK ~nchesbetween centers a t carburetor pads nifolds ,A'Q (Designates Paw) Perm~tscarbure tors t o b e spaced 11; : r d c r ~way v d ~ c h rn some CaSBs WII I allow bnr,tal!at~onof Holley Carbs H I S O can ne useo ro space carbs to f r o n t or rear o f Man~folds. h , . CHEVROLETS - 194, 230, 250, 292 ENGINES, 1962 And Later* rlES, 1966 And Later (OHV ONLY)* Here are three d~fferentm a n ~ f o l dcomblnat~onsthat can be used on t h ~ salready proven englne, any of the manrfolds lunctron exceptionally well. The three and dual carb manifolds are des~gnedto accommodate t stock carburetors. All man~foldsare complete w ~ t hlnstallat~onk ~ and lnstruct~ons NOTE: Will not fit 1975 and later Chevrolet engill== I 5i integral part of head. T h r e e car-buretor m a n i f o l d c o m p l e t e r BROGRE!SSIVE LINKAGE Par -.t No. 5414.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S h i p p i n q Wt. 10%!bs. Dual carburetor m a n i f o l d c o m p l e t e w i t h kit. Part No. 5415. Shipping Wt. 9 Ibs. Cluad c a r b u r e t o r m a n i f o l d c o m p l e t e with kit. L:--:-I l ,.. Part No. 5416. S I I I ~ ~ I I I YY UILL . , I J, IDS. Polished a l u m i n u m valve cower f o r above engine. 4 I Bo; " ................. ................ Part No. 541 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shipping MIt. 12 lbs. --ta w - - carbs r is incluaec (Carl3 plate to f i t n o t ~ e y ~ c a r t e manifold WIWC~C i Uses o i l breather cap such as CP Auto Products Part No. 701 26 or equivalent. Note: Must use earlier 1%" valve st,,,, ,, ,, retainers. BARF D - V k OAR' IT, LA! 170 and 225 c u In Eng~nes ' W ~ t hHeat' accommodates most any quad carburetor Cornptete wlth In: ;tallallon k Uses sld 4 bbl carb from 400 CFM to 550 CFM dependrng on whether for street or competttlon NOTE: 5270 Installation Kit is designed for standard trans only. If you have a CABLE OPERATED carb linkage wit h autornatir trans, then order Part #5270A. THIS IS A KIT ONLY AND MUST BE ORDERED SEPARATELY FROM MANIFOLD 1970 AND LATER FO -200-21 TRIP1 l ,...,,f MANIFOLD* * Part # 5 2 ; %** . >, - , L. . , -- This 360° manifold is designed to use a 19/4 or earljer stock carburetor in the center and two smaller venrurl carburetors on each end. (Small 2 bolt-2-518"). The special throttle Ilnkage IS a proqressive type, w h ~ opens h the center carb f ~ r s t and then the end ones Manifold comes complete with linkage and detailed Instructions for proper installation NOTE. It i s necessary ro remove the cylinder head to install the rnan~fold. ....................... ?s Dual n .Shipping Wt. 7 Ibs. . .. Part with Complete I1nstalbatior1 K i t . Progressive T h r o t t.le System Will f i t elt her stand ard or au t o m a t i c t r a n s m ~ s sIns. ~c ,m Part #5017 Part #5205 "> -;'& 6- h54 *w ? d ' lpplng W t . 13 ibs. #50r ., VALIANT, LANCER ART V A L V E COVEF Fits a l l ":j l a n t Six" engines - V a l ~ a n t AHHAL -Dart. lr A B A R R A G u u n , V A L I A ,RI U' TI , L' P1 N I ; t r 1960-68 & DART 1962-6 MUSTANG 1960-69 FALCO N., can - TRIPLE MANIFOLDS* z3 Ship~ p i n gWt. - - - -- - 4 Part No. 5970. . . . -. E e a u t i f u l h i g h l y pollshed Alum~nurn. ''*--= 144 c. In. Enylnes . . . . . . . . S h ~ p p i n gWr. 8 1bs. 1961-69 170-200 cu. in. E n g ~ n e s . S h ~ p p l n gWt. 9 Ibs. I 3 I'art *52E Shi *NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON POLLUTTOM CONTROLLEU w r v Ivn v e n l t l r a . f . 10 I t 3 COMBINATIONS OF THE FABULOUS OFFENHAUSER L O W FROFILE R A M 00 CHEVROLE T ." . different comblnaYes, that is corr ect -,threr ttons are avallanhe ror tnrs low proflle ram mandold base. - b * S I N G L E QUAD* / D U A L QUAD * THREE WEBER CARBURETC Part No. Ei901 Single quad t o p for Convertible Base Part Na. 5893 S h ~ p p ~ nWgt . 1 Hur Ch.--.-YlllrCllllY lrVFIYrl Part If i t 9 lbs No. 5948 Holley Srngle Quad Top f o r 4500 Carb 1 have proven tlrat the Offenhauser l o w profile ram manifold is designeti t o suit y our particular needs. lours of d * ,,. . F a ,., Woula y o u aeireve 3 u n u n a t r u v v E R more than a slngte quad High rrse with the single quad low profile. Yml! that is a fact with a smooth perforr nance that makes yo1l r engine rm sspond eqt ally as welt on the street as on the drag strip. No flat spots frtIrn law R .F&.M. t o e x t t'erne top e r~ d . Pric es ~ncludegaskets an1j cap screuvs when or,dered as a unit. Rernember' '1'he 3 tops will f i t the! same Bas1?. Part No. 5893. CC)IV1Pt I I 1 I UN MAN1 FOLD 3R INFO : WILL. NOT ACCEPT LARGER THAIrl STOCK SIZE DISTRIBUTOR. 4 Shinnino 28% Ihs. -. - ,-,> Wt , Same Zrtible Base Qfl yf-,.y . <"' , The dual quad is even stronger than the srngle quad whlsch would r eally appe: 11 t o the albout racer., 20 Hor sepower plus over 7,C I00 R.P.M. or a total increase of crver 70 Hoirsepower plus when c.ompared t o the sungle quad hisrh rise man ifolds that are now bt:ing used. Part NO. &+?$+=?& J- SPECIAL DUAL L I N K A G E F O R ABOVE FITS CARTER OR HOLLEY CARBS Designed especially for thls dual setup, USITKJ ---5xr.t only high quality fittings. This setup IS defi n ~ t e l yrecommended for t o p performance. Part No. 5902 Dual qui~d t o p Part No. 5903 -5 *CbLlFORNIACU STOMERS- PLEASE NOTE:Vehlcles that aresold InIhestatuoICaltlornraand areusedfordnu~nqoncltyandstatehrghwaysmust haverheemissionsequipmentworkingas they were eaurawd from the factow If the vehiclecame equioped w ~ lr a f slngfe barrel ora 2 barrel carhand a 2 barrelord barn l a s a factowc mmia, then a c a rburetor of din 'type can onlybe used for oA-road or raclnq appllc atlons mqTDLE WEBEK COMBINATION* THREE WEBER C A R B U R E T O R S . Would y o u belleve even a better cornb~natlonIn low R.P.M. ranges than the dual quad. Then really comes on after 5,000 to 8.000 plus R.P.M.s. Out perf orms dual quad throughout all ranges. The amazlng thing IS that the combinat~on can'be d rlven on the street also. There agaln Offenhauser engineers wlth thew famous 360" the13ry have made thls, usually cons~deredtemperamental carburetar, Into a comhirlation that does not require a professronal Weber specralrst t o properly balance. This unique turbo-velocity deslgn wrthin the manifold harmontzes the trip18e carburetor system Into a unbelrevably smooth f l o w ~ n gpower unit. Part No. 5899 3 Weber Carb T o a for Convertible Base No. 5893 COMPETlTlON M A N ! FOLD Strrcfly designed t o be acceptable by the profffs~onalracer as well as the enthuslast. Specral I-inkage for T r ~ p l eW'eber setup. Part No. 5900 This c h o i c: ~of three different c ombinatior on our newJ f urbo, velocity baIse has reall rurnea qulte a few heaas I n t h e so-called hrgher echelon of knowledgeable engine specialists. LOOK for artrcles that w ~ lappear l shortly i n nat~onal publlcat~ons. Be the frrst one rn your area ,+ have thls e n t ~ r e l ynew performel again that Offenhauser engineer! capable of always productng the flnest performance products tha can be purchased anywhere. . G ASK: IMF'ORTANT! !! The ga~sketused Ibetween ta~p and bas* , , wr11 ,nave r. o aoe. repacea . , every once I n a of tnls manlrorn w h le ~ because your custc3mer must take apart t o remove mariifold base. Therefor,e y o u should have some ~nstock Note: Gaqket I S furn~shcdwlth unlrs Part: No. 5897 erther top or base when ordered 0 0, - LEGAL FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON . . /' 'ROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES. - DIAL-A-FLOW* The D I A L - A - F LOW opens up a new way of thinking when kt comes t o choosrng an Intake manifold. The key t o this new desrgn rs the specially des~gned plenum channber and F L O W CONTROL INSERTS. Simply stated, the f l o w cor~ t r o lInserts control the velocity, volume and flow o f the gaslair m r x ture ~ from TI3e plenum through the runners t o the lnrake parts. There arl three basic inserts SfAGE I 1Maxrrnurn , velocity high torque f a c t o r ) ; s r ~ c r 1t1 ( M i d RPM torque and horsepower range): STAGE III [Maxtmurn RPM torque and horsepower rang^). Staqe types are further erplarned In the rnantfold selectron chart on page 4 I n other words, rt's possible to run, say a 550-600 CFM carb, Monday throuqh Saturday w i t h a Stage I Insert and rnarntaln a reasonable level of fuel economy and low speed tractabrlitv. But on Saturday night y o u can b o l t rn a Stage tI Insert and, usrng the same carb, b e competitive on the strip. I n fact, sunce rt's only a matter of. un-bolting the carb, lrnkage and fuel fittings, Y O U can make the change right nn the pits. (To facilitate testing procsdvres. Offy enqineers outfttted carburetors with "qurck-change" Fittin gs that ar e very prac t ~ c a land avaifable through speed shops everywher e.) Now the best part: the Dial-A-Ftow manlfolid., can* be . t ailored t o the F l o w - ~ o n t0 1 r Inserts. yaur rndivldual requirements by nlodrf y i n ~ They're made of 316 alloy that c a n easily b e snaped wrth rotary trles or carborundum, yet they're tough enough t o take the extreme temperatures found rn the plenum chamber. And unlike a manrfold t h a t costs a hundred bucks, i t you slip wlth the grrnder, 11's only a few bucks t o replace the Insert. The D I A L-A-F LOW by Of fenhauser represent s performa nce, econwell as a challenge t o h o t rodder 5 . omy , VF! ... TEST DATA The chart at rlqht shows HP curves using the Dial-A-Flow manifold and Flow Control Inserts as they are sh~ppedfrom the factory. These figures were the average of three dlflerent engines and depict the performance prolrles of the Dnal-A-Flow manilold system. Maxrmum results can he garned b y using p r e - l e t t ~ dcarbs with spec~ficFCl's. The stock carburetor can be used with the Stage I insert and the Stage I I Insert. A d d ~ t ~ o n power al galns can b e made b y use of larger CFM carbs with the Stage II and Staqe I l l inserts. Drfferent cam d~slqns,portlng techniques, compression ratios, borestroke ratios, carbluretor size and type, a n d pistori des~gnsalI have an effect o n how the manrfold respond^ t o the dem ands of the engine. Onlv thde Dial-A-FIow man~fohdw l t h rts flow contr 01 ~nserts3mill allow y o u t o idter the i nternal flow patterns VI rithin the s; 3rne rnanrfc>Idt o suit your personal rsqurrements, The flow control Insert allows you t o control air flow patterns In several different ways. 1. I t regulates the volume of air flow bv means of ~ t size s relatlve t o f h manifold ~ receiver area size. 2. I t controls the v ~ l o c i t yof air flow through the manlfold b~ ~ t s shape and size. 3. 'lt controls t h e dlrectron of alr flow b y its shape and I r the rererver area. ***I. -. 4. I t controls drstribution of fuel and air flow *r u aeLlv L Y I I I I U C I UY r t s shape anr srze and locatran i n the rnanlfold. 5. 11t controls rnanrfold reversrons by the use of paravanes i n four d lfferent lac attons rnoLlntsd on the ~nsert. 6 T he flow cc~mtro[rnsert s allow you t o better balance all o f these facrors aT oitrerenr nrM ranqes dependtng on your needs bv beIng able t o change the shape, srze. and location of the Insert in rhe manifold. <r -- MANIFOLD APPLlCATlO NS Man~foldscan be ordered wrth anv insert. But, unless otherwise specifled, each manrfold i s complete w ~ t h a unrversal f l o w control adaptor plate and a STAGE I Flow Control Insert. A d d ~ t i o n a linserts as well as adapter plares can be ordered separately. Check with y o u r dealer for price information. PART NO. APPLICATION 61 24 Chevrolet 2 8 3 a Reg 4 Bbl Carb 6125 Chevrolet 396-454 large 8126 Ford 289-302Reg 4 Bbl Carb Does not have rear water crossover 61 27 Ford 351 Cleveland 4V Heads Reg 4 Bbl Carb 61 28 Ford 351 Cleveland 2Y Heads Reg 4 Bbl Carb 61 29 Chrysler 61 30 Chrysler 273-318 (1966 and later) R e g 4 Bbl Carb 61 31 Oldsmobile 400-455 R e g 4 Bbl Carb Pon Reg 4 Bbl Carb 340-360Reg 4 Bbl Csrb FLOW PnNTRU The following are part rlumbers f o versa! Adapter PI:ate. Keep in m i n d the f i t any of the Disit-A-F[ow rnanifolds e as noted. I t r o I lnserl1s and Uni:rts and adapter plate 3leveland a pplicarions APPLICATION P A R T NO. 6132 Flow Control Insert - STAGE I Order 6132-C for Cleveland A p p l ~ c a ' ~ ~ ~ , ~ . 6133 Flow Control In:jert - STA G E II Order 6133-C tor Clevelar3d Applica 6134 Flow Control In4rert - S T A GE Il t Order 61 34-C for Clevelar~d Applica, . " -, . Universal Flow Control Aoapter rlate 6135 Specral Gasket (for use between Adapter Plate and 6151 - Manifold Top) Note that any of the three FCls can be ordered w ~ t hthe manrfold. If no specifrc designatron i5 made when the manifold i s ordered, i t w i l l automatrcally come with a Stage I F l o w Conrrol Insert. Keep ~n mind that the FIow Contra r e designerfl t o work iwith a Std. 4 bbl Carb anly. m. , -- .. *NOT LEGAL FOR USE 1N CALIFORNIA ON POLLUTION C 0 N T R b t ~ t wm u l u n vtHICLES. pacesetters 6 CARE "C H E lt"-WITH .. " . Two Chevmlel msn~fotds-can be used from 2 to 6 cahun3t0rs. 3 bolt carbs only -L: 283-327-350 qC: pjvrr -.'k%# *3~18-ALL-Cad1llac thru '63 Wt 14 Ibs. 3919-'4g-'58 01ds Wt 14 Ibs 406&'59.'66 Olds .Wt 14% Ibs 3922-'53.56 Buick W t 121'2 Ibs 3923- 57-'66 Buick W1 14 Ihs 3946611-Pont, thru 1960 k i t 15% lbs 516L'61-'64 P ~ n t l a c Wt 17 Ibs 3941-'54-'61 Ford 272.292&3'12~t 131/2 Ibs 4062-'51-'58 Chry exc "8" Eng Wt 14 Ibs HEAT 7 4 nr. 17 lbs. 348 ENGifiE - Nnt 409 #3925 Wt. 17% Ibs. Balanced P o s i ~ n Rettanglrbr Passlre l e t klr Flo VtAtun Intake Parsage - - . include^ 392 HEM!) * H en Q - CARBURETOR PACESETTER 34063- 8 Carbure WATER OUTLET + 51-'58 Chrysler EXC*?pt "8" E El- cludes 392 H - O'L'DSMOBILE 392b1949-56 3921-1957 58 5197-1359 66 L Ing wt. 14 ~ b s -<A 'OLD - vvitk heat ...... -. _ . _ .......................... '55 thru 67 348 ENGINE ....................................... '58 thru '62 These are available for either the 283 cu. in. or 348 Impala engines. Can be ordered for 3 bolt carbs or 4 bolt carbs. S P E p l N "CHEV' 327 & 283 4-1 '"327": 350 En. glnes Large r o r t s - Foirr Larqe Carbsl #5263 Wt. 18 Ibs "348" Engjnes. Large Ports. F o u r L a r g Carbsl ~ I\lot 400. #5?84 Wt. I9 Ibs. PONTIAC-TEMPEST MANIFOLD no heat - 4 cylinder only - no k i t FOR DODGE 3955-57, 315 CUBIC INCHES Ah ENGINES DUALQUAD and 195fL325 cu. in, engines # 3 6 l b M a n i f a l d only 4 - ,'..\~,4c.' -- only. Shlpplng Wt. 1544 Ibs - TRIPLE CARB MANlFOtP is unlt may be ordered for rburetors or Sttomberg and sure t o s p e c ~ f y either stock Holler 3 b o l t 36TLManifold only Wt. 16% lbs LINKAGE NO L O N G E R A V A l LABLE 6 PLYMOUTH 1955 ~ n c h Dodge eng 372-3 bolt Carbs only Manifold only cublc 4 bolt type. Available I n 3 o r 4 bolt mountrng complete with thermostat Control Body. I f 4 bolt carbs are used, t h ~ smanrfold wrll only accommodate 2 carhs. Note. 3 holt Strornherg Carbs are used there is not enough r o o m on top for alr cleaners. There IS no heat ~nman~fold,therefore will not function properly in extreme cold weather. N o t recommended for novice-should be used when englne IS A L L OUT, camshaft, ~ncwasedcompresson ratio, etc., f o r proper functioninn. *5307.. .. Wt. 1 3 lbs. DODG ...... EXCEPT 500 SERIES # t l B 6 D u a t manltold ,[lt b1189-Valve Cover Caps, polrshed, per pair PLYMOUTH V8 1955 only # 3 1 3 b D u a l manrfold . . . Less KII Wt. 14 Ibs. Wt. 6% Ibs. Wt. 14 lbs. LINKAGE -c- N0 LONGER 14 V A I L A B L E 1190 na Wt. 12 Ibs SPORTS CAR OWNERS BEAUTIFUILVALYEGOYER forr TPlltlMPH TR.2 MPH RENOWNED :nl LAM 'PLUS 4 STUDEBAKERV8 1951-55 Part #31 ipping Wt. 8 Ibs ffll9brlalve Covers, pollshed per pair . Wt. 13112 Ibs. CALIFORNIA CUSTOMERS - PLEASE NOTE: Vehicles that are sold in t h e state o f California and are used for driving on c ~ t and y s t a t e highways must have the ernlssions equipment w o r k ~ n gas they were equipped from t h e factory. I f the vehicle came e q u ~ p p e dwith a sinqle barrel or a 2 barrel carb, and a 2 barrel or 4 barrel is not o f f e r e d as a f a c t o r y o p t i o n In Cal~fornia,then a a r b uretor o f d ~ f f ~ rsize ~ nand l type can o n l y be used f o r o f f - r o a d o r racing applications. INTAKE MANlFOlDS & A COVERS intake manifolds are cast of high grade aluminum alloy, expertly engineered and precision machined . . . manifolds provjde increa sed power, econtm i c a 1 operation, and a smoother, better tsalancedI engine. . +y,v--4 10: -11 Equalized fuel distributiot1 . .t o all 1 3 ~ I I U W S engine to operate a t maximum efficiency throughout all stages of RPM . . . in addition the custom appearance of our products i s a great improvement where pride of ownership is prevalent, 6 -4 % 10: A l l manifolds on this page are complete with throttle brac and instructions unless listed ''less kit. I# . , Our valve covers have speclal ~lnned-top,cast-aluminum alloy and hlghly polished for added engine beauty. Valve covers help reduce engine heat and rocker arm noise. CHEVROLET 235-261 6 CYL 1937-59 Ilncith oil filter mounting) F. A ~ ~ I Iatian C Part MP. Dual iNlanifold. --- fits 216;I .......1034 .- . . -St,d. Trans.. 1 !337-1953 Ilalso Dual rnandold, rower Lilrde - 1950-1952 ................. 1035 "Dual manifold, Std. & Power Glide - 1953-59 ........... 1035 Triple manifold, Std. Trans. 1937-1952 (also frts 21 6) . -1 177 . Triple manifold, Power Gl~de- 1950-1 952 ............ ..I409 *Triple manifold. Std. & Power glide - 1 953-1959.......1409 . . Valve Cower, polished - 1937-53............................. 1036 Valve Cover, polished - 1954-62 complete mth sruds .....2731 ) Shrpp~ngwt. 10 11 . . 11 10 12 12 10 11 6 OHV at~on . Part M o -. Dual manlrolu, bra, , , ,,,.,. 1~3~'-S . .J. . . . . . . . . . . . . Shrpp .I082 a Dual Manifold, Automatic Trans. - 1952-53 ... ILe.=.? .Yi!.. -2462.............. Dual manifold, Std, Trans. - 1954-56 ........... -2728 ......... 'Dual Manifold, Std Trans 1957 59 2728.8 Dual rnanrfold, hutornatrc Trans. - I954 56 tLes"ttl 2729 Triple man~fold,Std Trans. - 1952 53 3126 Triple man~fold,Std. Trans. - 1954 56 3128 *Triple manrfold, Std Trans - 1957 59 3128 Valve Cover, polrs hed 1083 *195s Cnevrolet & F ord 6 rnan~t olds will fit later engines thru 196 however there IS nc)t adequate hood clear: mce on passenger car I 9 9 9 9 I ' CADI I Part M U . Ipplic Dual m.,,,,,,. Valve C STUD Shrpp - Less Kit led per pa ........ R CHAIV DER 1037 Part N o . Shipp ing Wt. Dual M Dual Mi PLYM OUTH lk DODGE 6 Application Dual Manifold, Plymouth 193: ............................. 2691 Dual Manifold, Dodge 6 1938.1- ........................................ 2374 Dual Manifold, Dodpe 6 1938.1954 ($5 to 1% Ton Truck) ...2375 ...................... 'CALIFORNiA CUSTOMERS, PLEASE N OfE Vehlcle6 that are sold In the state of . nn c,hrnr Callfarnla and-a r m , , m a r l f ~ r r lillinn m m ~ d s t a t ehwr h ~iysmust have the emissions esuaprnent work~ngas t h w were equipped from the Tactc'W, Ifthe vehicle came equipped w ~ t ha srngle barrel or a 2 barrel carb and a 2 barrel or 4 barrel is not oflered as a tactowoptlon In Californ~qthen a cartiur6torofdlfferent slze and woe can only bo used (or off-mad or raclng *-/ : ? F , ' A \ 103.6 y+ >L 5 -&-A - . L - P- nhauser VALVE COVERS Offenhouser volve covers add ~ h cf ~ n o touch l to o n e n g l n e M o n u f a c l u r e d from t h e f ~ n e s ot l u m ~ n l r mand pollshed ro o high l u ~ t r eB e ~ ~ d e r ; addrng heoury 10 a p o w e r f u l F n a l n r these v o l u e c o v e r < reduce valve noise Part ..n l 1037 3798 6956 5047 561 4 5276 5187 and d ~ s s ~ ~ ho et e~ t Model A m c r ~ c a nMolors all V - 8 1966 and rater UUILL 1953-66 4 0 : 8 425 Bulck V-6 ii .lee0 1962.76 Cafe 78 1979 48 518 center to center 0 7 Oolts top 8 Bottomt Burck Y-6 & Jeeo 1977 R Early 78 ~ C e n t ~70 r cpntsr of bolts Top 8 5:8 8ot:om 8 3:8 1 Bulck S p e c ~ a lV - 8 & Tempest V - 8 A l ~ l r - E n g ~ n e ltvt'h anal? 4 bolts) Cadlrlac -1 Ild9-60 Chevrolet 1955-58 283 Chevrolct :327-350-400 195G and Laler Chevrolel :348.409 PC^...^,*, . b,, C V , U , C , 3QG-477 Corva~r Dodrje-Plyrnol~rh8, Chrvsler 361-383 & 4 1 3 13 Engmes thru 1964 NOTE: Shrpping Part Wt. No. ld 5608 11 9 5.490 9 7777 54 12 5487 5595 12 12 11 11 16 12 5188 3286 3286.7 a059 5043 5327 5189 8 14 1190 5591 Model D o d q p - r "mouth R Chrysler 383-400413.3 1 1965 and Later Dodgr 1.loulh all 273 cu rn eng 318 340-360 (WIH not 111 early 318) Ford 1954-53 272-312 cu In englne Ford 332-352-360-390-406-427.428 Ford 221-260 B 289-302 Q l d s m o b ~ l e 1965-uo and all 40n-425-455 Oldsrnob~leF-R5 Alum V - 8 Ino angle 5 holts) O l d s m o b ~ l c 1949.56 O l d s m o b ~ l e1957-58 Oldsrnobdle 7959-64 P o n l ~ a call thru 1979 P o n l ~ a cTemues! 4 cyl Rover 3.5L 21 5 G I Alum Y& (Wlth angle.4 bolts) Sludebaker 739-2591789 Toyota 6 cvl thru 1967 1. Any valve covers that have oil holes can be ordered w ~ t h o u t no extra charge. 2 . Pollshed valve cover breathers - See page 49. Shrpp~ng Wt, 14 12 14 12 11 10 11 1? 13 12 TA 8 12 12 '7 31 2 NEW CARBURETOR ADAPTERS Part #6264 Part #6265 ADAPTS HOLLEY MODEL 4360 CARBS TO SMALL QUAD BASE (3-3/4" x 3 - 7 / 8 ) . KIT INCLUDES GASKETS AND ALL NECESSARY HARDWARE. ADAPTS HOLCEY MODEL 4360 CARBS TO STANDARD HOLLEY AND CARTER BASE. KIT INCLUDES GASKETS AND ALL NECESSARY HARDWARE. FOR 4 CYL., 6 CYL., & V6 ENGINE A LJLPINI I t - BEAUTIFUL POLISHED ALUMINUM FINISH * MUST WITH OUR NEW CHEVIGMCIJEEP V6 (60') INTAKE MANIFOLD #b;272-UP. LOW PROFILE DESIGN REPLACEABLE PAPER FILTER FlTS MOST ALL 5-118" DlAM ETER CARBS (except Garter TQ) SMALL SIZE TO FIT IN SMALL ENGINE COMPARTMENT 9" DIAMETER - 2-118" HEIGHT BUBBLE-PACKED FOR ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY Part #6273 This new low profile "mini" air cleaner is especially suited for 4 cyl., 6 cyl., and V6 engines where space is limited and hood clearance is minimal. It requires only 2-118" clearance from top of carburetor to hood. Comes complete with PCV fitting so that the PCV can be reconnected where desired. A dimple i s provided on the air cleaner bottom to clear the float adjusting screw on the front bowl of most Holley carburetors NASH RAMBLER MANIFOLD OMV ENGINES* Accommodates rwo stock carburetors complete w ~ t hk ~ and t ~nstalla. tion rnswuctlons Part #5404 1956 thru 1964. F ~ t sall cast Iron 6 0 H.V. cylinder englnes Part #5405 1981 thru 1966. F ~ t all s alum~nurn6-O.H.V. cylinder englnes Shrpping W t 4 Ibs *NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON POLLUTION C 0 N T h u ~ ~MOTOR tu V t n l ~ ~ t s h 32 FORD & MERCURY INTAKE MANIFOLDS 1932 TO 1953 1'140 IPi2 manifolds are cast of high grade alumlnum al lov. ~ x o e r t l venplneered and nreclsron mac hjned . . manifolds p r o v ~ d eincreaied Giver, economical operation, and a smoother, better balanced engine. Equalized fuel d i s t r ~ b u t ~ oto n all cylinders allows engine to operate a t maximum efficiency throughout all stages o f RPM . In additin n the cus;torn apprzarance of our products 1 5 a great irr~provethere prid e of owns:rship is prevalent. '.take ' - 57 .. . . 48 . . , . . . Carnle,; , + , 10. 1 ~ - 5 i a r a l o X .l.o. LOYO . . Par! HI * Regular Dual Manifold, 1Y4Y S j * Super Dual Manifold, 19Q 53 1QJ5 12 1076 14 Ccnpl~tew t h gwera!or braci (N3t rectlrnrne~dedfor use W I ! ~au:Vmallc rransmlsslon) Triple Manifold, 1949 53 1077 Crmp'ete w t h gpnerztor brat\ ransn~sslond (Ngt r e c o r n m ~ n d ~fcr d use w ~ t t 1078 Single Carburetor four.thmat rnanlfold, 1949 53 1073 * Super dual manif~ld,1942 48 Csrrplcte w ~ t h~erle-at>r and fan carrier brackets. Triple manifold. !43248 1074 Complete hlth g~nera!orand fan carrier brackets 1090 * Regular dual manifold, 1932 48 S~ngleCarburetor Four-Throat manifold, I932 45 1074 * Suner dual manifold, 193241 1I111.. C C ~ leie D wl:n PIierator bracket Triple Inanifold, 193 2 4 1 1072 Ccmpl ete w ~ t hgen erator bracket. CAST ALUMINUM HIGH ~OMPRES?'-"'ORP - 53 . . . . . . CaralnK No. 1076 S h ~ p p l e gW t 14 og No. 1U77 14 14 15 19.3:) 1952 12 14 12 - > 4 . . . . . . ( _ a ~ a l u gLo. - 48 . . . . . . Catalog No. l,;''? 1079 *DUAL MANIFOLDS AT LEFT CAN BE MACHINED TO ACCEPTTHE HOLLEY 3 BOLT 21 10 CARBS AT NO EXTRA CHARGE IF ORDERED "FOR 21 10 CARB." 14 MERCY RY CYLINDER ADS 1939-53 . .- --- - J - A - - - - = - -- ~- - . -,?-- Part #lo69 See Chart-Spec,fy . Ratlo Part #I068 See Chart-Specl'y Extra heavy a luminum a lloy comstruction. Precision cast with maxi1mum rib design. Cooler runnin14 with ma1-e water capacity. . , More fin area Tor raplo neat dissipation. Water jackets close t o crit~calheat points. ~inest-availablefor street, highway or competition use. Extremely popular because o f superior workmanship and proven . . Rat8* --r . Part *I070 See Chart-Spec~fy Ratlo COMPRISSYOH RAT10 CHART twrne Sllr Ben Head Humbtrs Slr~kr lo. 425 Mu 400 HD 315 Mr 350 no. Cub quality. In the selection of a power head, do not be misled by high compression rat~os.I t is true, that ~f every porver factor involved were 100% efficient, then the higher the corn pressi ion ri~ t i o ,the more power developed. However, wh ere the engine is no1: custom nlade, it very often proves that a lower compryssian rati o will pro1luce a higher over- all efficiency. t o r s pecial compression rauos, aovlse oore, srroke, and whether block is rel~eved. CK OFF F pump block u l l pldLEll lur 42.48 Ford and IMercury FI I * 526 5 rulluvvl L C W 2 LITJ 3.J I'J J I1 J LJJ:!? EUMPLE Up. 400 l~d~crits 100 nlrr rltaraate # rlrrt m r l r l t t rsmprtss~raratlor are fyurtl r s MUrrlltrel Llrcks, ratio rq wrm lapib ti rclnV it Imrrtfl w N RH mu* m .ADAPTER I-B . carb~nttor~(4 3/1W dla. neck) . ,qndw l.~~.hODd& ....'..r..+ ....................... ................ a# CUmuammR LINKAGE mW.3thno M &ion. Sinjje and dodde"linIra@s, rod [email protected]!4*, 7",9 . 3!4 i&Qingb ...................... .-........................a......+.......................... JU1 I lneh :-angle .......................................................................................... 1W > - . .- .. ................................ ...................... :.,.: .............................. 1m 9, -8% 1 ~ r n l ......... s .................................. . r . . ?,ig - : 9'me,..,-.. A ..-&. ...-v.,v..u..-+..,,..+-...,.~ZZ....,..................3.........., . ,.. J T.!,I iiiiiii M - ' '-#hi&fqudi2eS fne( prmsye;-tq;aA.ea~buretprs,dual, ; - - . ; kgti.h~~d .*.-; .................................................. FlNNrn.<co%~R: - ;...: . .. srw . , . _ 1w --.bffiband strdght...... ...................... i...:............................. 1Bgf F f j @ ~ v & f c a i .... . . IW:.-: - im-haAd................,..... ........................................... JUB' Thw -- - cqBuret@-and , ,mu*QR ... iripI8.kRUI;..#m$s -on %l:Of *ma@ atth~bllsi @$. Wine o! nsoprans I@ - -MI Rmp ::........... s.. ,..., . : . ....................................... ,....,.nr..., - Y*,..Y* F . ~ ,. . I-. -' TI'. . ..!..,......................q-- .. .......... i.i.ii....l 9 h Ll&lilrlg.*,.. T h ~ R o -d3;$16" ~ Me ......:......... ;..; ..................... :.:....:..lW - W Hole .......................................................... J4# old 13' bqlf carbd. ............ . . . ...................1180. . - -- '&l&~Aitne~~~ . . . ; . ~a d:~. ~ ~ ;~i ~ p r ~ g r e s'.......................... ~ive ~ -W..& $.m zw M~ustab18;IN~n-Pmgress'ie ,. ...................... 2@ir For alt Tdpbalhdjustable, NmProgmsiw.......................... b-,aH'Ttiples,Ik&stabk, Prog............. ,........ ::..*................. .,....'a2m , ~ ,. ; 21bC CAmUREloR Pgl:,SOlOt tlva throat--wrliuietois. M lo. Jt# . ... ...#h-: - :%far#ardfiI&:Wuretar.hdd'-3. bolt :, ,..,.........., ,.............................. 1$87 --; V4i .F,gRiP- MERCURY THRQWE LINKAGE: 2: Far hrp base - ~ . ~ . --. - M HI.mLp GASKETS manlfda. @as mah-exactly the proper size fw F O ~ ~ mayAbe E kt#on b h k and, manifold, thm as gaskets when fiiiaed. I l f fit SPECIAL tQ&C kl piwpm I- ml for-.t 1 9 3 3 rwd r U ~ K U......................................................... ~Y IW - MISCELUNEPUS Fan a e r Br&t ,. W T*.W Wet ...........:..........d..... .................................................... 3W 3#B Fair Bdt Q& Cwer Pad I t & Fur Bait bib Covet Pad 2GC ................... . . ................................ 5248 .A,.; roe1 Lo. . ; , .......................... . .., ..,... . 1-.......,-. IS'8 6 for Generalor Chrancs - 1W53 ........................................ Oil FMer Bracket ............................................................................................ .,, 3497 W ... L ~ SMALL 2 BOLT ADAPT1ION A LA'RGE 2 BOLT ADAPTION B SMALL 4 BOLT 3 BOLT AOAPTlOM ADAFTION A 26C 4 BOLT ADAPTION B Average shipping weight on 2 bolt, 3 bolt & 4 bolt carb adapters is 1 Ib. 4 Bolt Adaptions (Continued3 2 BOLT ADAPTIONS a c c e ~ t s3 bolt Carb on 2 bolt adaption A base 3859 accepts 3 bolt carb on 2 bolt adaption B 3858 base 1710 .accepts 4 bolt a d a p t ~ o nA Carb on 2 bolt a d a p t ~ o nB base. 3 BOLT ADAPTIONS M a r ~ n e l e v e l l ~ n gblock, with Aljens 8', 10", 12" S p e c ~ f yd e s ~ r e dangle. E n g ~ n emounted fornard ~ r tboat. 3125. Marine l e v e l l ~ n gblock, same as above, b u t englne mounted Reverse in boat. 1314 accepts two 3 bolt carbs on either Quad adaption A or B base Complete w ~ t hAllens I660 accepts t w o 3 bolt carbs on Quad a d a p t ~ o n C base. 5858 accepts 3 bolt carb on 2 bolt adaption A base 3859 accepts 3 bolt carb on 2 bolt adaption B base 3860 accepts 3 bolt carb on 4 bott adaption A'base 4035 .accepts 3 bolt carb on 4 bolt a d a p t ~ o nA base. (must d r ~ l l1 hole In manifold base) 5096 accepts quad adaptron B or C, on 3 bolt manifold base. 5096-A. accepts 3 bolt carb on quad adaption B, or C base. 51.59 accepts 4 bolt a d a p t ~ o n A carb o n 3 bolt manifold base. 5452 .accepts 4 bolt a d a p t ~ o n C carb on 3 bolt manrfold base. 5452-A. accepts 3 bolt carb on a bolt adaption C base. 3724 4 BOLT ADAPTIONS 3124-5-48. Marine leveling block. Accepts 4 bolt adaption b carb to same base. 8, 10, 12" 3860 accepts 3 bolt carb on 4 bolt adaptton A base 4035.. accepts 3 bott car$ on 4 bolt adaptron A base. (must drrll 1 hole In m a n ~ t o l dbasel x 5095. accepts quad adaption B Q Y C on 4 bolt a d a p t ~ o nA 5095-A. accepts 4 bolt adaption A carb on quad adawt~on B or C b a v 5159 accepts 4 bolt adaptibn A carb on 3 bolt m a n ~ f o l d base. 5285 accepts quad adaption 0 or C on 4 bolt adaption B base. 5283-A. accepts 4 bolt a d a p t ~ o n B carb on quad adaption B or C base. 5413 ..accepts quad a d a p t ~ o n B or C on 4 bolt adaption C base. 5413-A. accepts 4 bolt a d a p t ~ o n C carb on quad a d a p t ~ o n8 or C base. 5451. accepts 4 bolt adaption C carb on 4 bolt a d a p t ~ o n A base. 5451-A. accepts 4 bolt adaption A carb on 4 bolt adaotion C base. 5452. 4 bolt a d a p t ~ o n c carb on 3 bolt manifold base. 5 4 5 2 4 . accepts 3 bolt carb on 4 bolt adaption C rnankfold base. 5710....accepts 4 bolt adaption A Carb on 2 bolt adaption 0 base. QUAD ADAPTIONS accepts quad adaption B carb on quad adaption A base. 3314.. accepts two 3 bolt carbs on either quad adapt ~ o nA.or B base. Complete w ~ t hAllens, 3409 8 - leveling block,, for oval track raclng. Accepts quad a d a p t ~ o n B carb on Quad adaption A manifold base. 3409-A. 8" leveling block for oval track raclng. Accepts quad adaption A or B on same size manifold base. 34094, 8" leveling block for oval track racing. Accepts quad adaption B only carb on same size manifold base. # 3311 >> modute 3-barrel Holley Carburetor. Con also be used an the same bole with quad corbvretor. Part n5775 5719 5710 5775 S ~ k l h m s mCar. The GENUINE A d a p t ~ mare now BEAUTI FULLY SKIN PACKAGED!! HI RISE CARBURETOR ADAPTERS n answe,r t o poylular dernand 01Ffenhauser has er~gineerel d these rlew adapters t o raise the existing carburetor ?" on di-Fferent a p~licatic 3ns w h e-~e a H I Fl l S E act ion can Ibe advarltageous for better gas flow. Shipp ing Wei: ~ h At P Proxi ~ matt?ly 3 Ibs. w &-# < k "4 I, 1 . kL. 1 --F a5 C - r I -' r - / versal Ad apter Part a6058 ur very pcjpular +r51 b adapter only with an -,, , . :enter.. Crrrllea ro accept e~therHolley or A F B our barre&I carburetors to same base manifold. 2" Universal ddapter Part *5619 Fits any quad or single quad manifold. Fits all quad carbs except new quadrajet and early . quad bases. - 'ki 4 > " ., F'art *581 8 3 Bbl. Holley new p r o f ~ l ebase to same base or1 rnanifol~ $. - Y Y Y Y '. - :^> Part *5831 - - > Larburetor to Quadralet base 3 Bbl. Holley to regular qu ad base. Quadrajet Carburetor to regular quad carburetor base. - - S C u m r r r'lTlOhl 4 Part r 5758 2"' Hi-Rise Adapter for 3 Bolt Stromberg Carbs Part # 5759 2" Hi-Rise Adapter for Small 4 Bolt Rochester Carbs (1-7/8"x3!4") Y Part #582f Quadrajet Carburetor t o Quadrajet base. - - Part #6091 4" Hi-Ris, Universal Adapter 1 " HOLCEY AND AFB C a -'C Engirleered to raise the Holley standard bore an carbs on applications where a HI RlSE action c advari t a g e o u s to better gas flow. This spa cer I S esF s u ~ t e dfor t h e roundy-round cars when there IS one lncn limrt on carb rlsers. Complete with extra long studs, washers, a n d nuts. Hole for vacuum takeoff is prov~ded. a a - - PART #6175 CARTERlHOLLEY 4 BARREL To Quadrajet Manifold To Quadrajet h'lanifold . .* d De <---- to f l o w 1Fuel p roper, not just I I another +4- , - J - Part #5876 i 4 t' % ' .. "9, 4 Reverse of above Spread Borpl I ~ C I U L aE1 1~I JI G L G ~ y~ ~sIt r e w ~ .~ ~ v au r ~a wuaa l ncl udes all necessary screws, studs and gaskets. HOLLEY SOBcfm H ~ A P T O R HBLLEY 4500 CARB I 'TOR Q I \ I Fits 4500 To Regular ._ - \ " AFB Manifold Base 500cfm t o a Bolt 3 I Part *5925 - ( 2.GC Irrlk, Ige c a n h c S10ck MSP U S P 011 ~ rnoht a p p l ~ c a t m r i s Come? tapped mrl ~ncludesspec~alcounter s u n k c a p Fcrews for easy In ?tallatlon Part a5895 CAR ADAPTER CARTER THERMO-QUAD CARDS .#. - "' P a ' A new carburetor adapter to a c c e p t the herrno-Quadand M"lley Spread-Bare carbs t o regular A.F.B base oue. 2-GC , 50Ocfm h VoLKSWAGEW CARB ADAPTORS , ,use on S o,, popular Part #5895A #=--- a;_ . -5 * d' A . adapters permit ac . - -.. . . ,,-,, carburer~on ro oe aoapreo ro vor~swasen nes. Out performs jo-called h igh pernance man1folds on stock setup. 8- - Part #5896 Spread-Bore and Therrno Quad Carbs, to Holley Manifold base Part aS896-A No 5894 Accepts Holley R 4 6 9 1 - A A S Bug i~ Buggy ! Spray and Carter CS 6123 DUT Deuce Stock man~foldthru 1970 N O 6027 Accepts Hollpv R ~ ~ Y T - A A ~ Part #5896A l LLUSTRATED --a Part *5894 *6027 . A - and Carl !3. Stock manifold nd later. hauser . m 0 P <; f /f f f z ;+htc /- PECIAL MANIFOLD GASKETS A must t o provide a positive seal bet ween Man! fold and Head. We recommend using our INTAKE GASKETS when install~ngan Offenhauser Manifold. ALL OFFENHAUSER GASKETS INDIVIDUALLY PACKAGED & LABELLED EXHAUST MANIFOLD GASKETS 00 5689 54 18 54 19 5601 5421 5688 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5687 5429 BU ICK 401-425 CM EVROLET 265-400 CHEVROLET 348 CH EV ROLET 396-454 PONTI AC 389-455 CH RYSLER 273-318 FORD 332-428 FORD 260-302 OLDSMOBILE 1954-56 OLDSMOBI LE 1957-58 OLDSMOBI LE 1959-60 OLDSMOBILE 1961-63 OLDSMOBI LE 400-455 BUlCK SPECIAL & OLDS F-85 Aluminum V - 8 0 G 45418 5875 3928 543 1 5996 6 168 6243 3880 3926 51 72 5305 4038 5598 5599 3929 5433 549 1 5434 5435 - a 0 ~5112 I #5428 INTAKE MAN1FOLD GASKETS 61 00 6157 3931 5431 503 589 605 1 6052 6206 6026 3312 3313 393 1 521 1 6207 5776 5432 3932 521 2 5600 3933 AMERICAN MOTORS V-8 1966 and later BU lC K 1953-56 B U l C K 1953-64 BUICK Y - 6 & JEEP V-6 1964-72, 1975 BUICK/OLDS/PONTIAC, 231 C.I., 1975-78 BUICK/OLDS/PONTIAC, 231 C.I., Tall Port, 1973CAD I L LAC 1949-62 CH EV R OL ET 265-283 CHEVROLET 283 w ~ t hF.I. Heads CHEVROLET 327-350 CHEVROLET ,348 CHEVROLET 396-427 Oval Port Heads CHEVROLET 396-454 Rect. Port Heads CHRYSLER 1951-58 CHRYSLER 1957-65 318 CHRYSLER 273-318 1966 and later CHRYSLER 361-383"8" BLOCK CHRYSLER 413-440 "B" BLOCK FORD MUSTANG & CAPRI 2800 C. C.Engine FORD MUSTANG & C A P R I 2600 C.C. E n g ~ n e O R D 272-312 ORD 260-302 w i t h Cork Seals ORD & LINCOLN 383-430 ORD 351 WINDSOR FORD 351 CLEVELAND 4 V HEADS FORD 332-428 FORD 429-460 Cobra Jet FORD PINTO 2000C.C. OLDSMOBI CE 1949-53 OLDSMOBI LE 1954-56 OLDSMOBI L E 1957-58 OLDSMOBI L E 1959-64 OLDSMOBILE 330-350 OLDSMORI LE 400-455 OLDSMOBILE F-85 & BUICK SPECIAL Aluminum V-8 PONTl AC 1955-60 PONTl AC 196 1-64 PONTIAC 1965 and later STUDEBAKER V - R I %5435 HEAD BOLT WASHERS for CHEVROLET V-8 MADE of SPECIAL HARDENED STEEL 1 Permits MI trm f orque Provides Mcre unlrorm Gasket Sealing Eliminates Galling & Breakage o f Cylinder Head Bosses Eliminates The Major Cause of Gasket Leakage PART -U5411 .......... Shipping Wt. M Ib. HEADLIGHT BRACKETS HI-PRESSURE OIL ruMr RELIEF SPRINGS 1 This spring approximately doubles all pressure w h ~ c hwould give 60 to 100 PSI. For Oldsmobile and Chevrolet engines w ~ t hsolid valve lifters for COMPETITION ONLY 1 ATTRACTIVF nlSPLAY CARD BOX .................... #do32 +4033 Oldsmobile Chevrolet V8thru and1965 6 cyi. ....... M I 4 2 Panziac V8 thru 1965 ......... #4044 Chrysler VB thru 1965 ..... #5208 Cadrllac 1949-56 . . . . . . A5209 Buick 1937-56 ................. $5219 Ford, Falcon and T-Bird 1958-59 332-352 Falcon 144 cu. in.. also 1959-6 1 430 .. CasY alflmlnurn, alrplane wing type des~gn,h~ghlypollshed r~ghtand lefthand s~des Meets state requ~rernentson proper h e ~ g h tIn most lnstzllat~ons Very sturdy Wt. 2% lbs. k5140-Per Parr set of 34 . Dual Headl~ghtBrackets for Quad (4)L~ghts. d5198-Per Parr Wt 4 Ibs. Sh~ppingWt. Per Box I/i Ib. RAM INDUCTION ADAPTERS This sensatronal creation b y Offerrhauser has mors t h a n proved itself over t h e recent years as t h e easlest and most inexpensive m e t h o d o f givIng y o u r engine t h a t R A M effect. These adapters can be holted on your present set.up, e i t h e r srngle or dual q u a d a n d then r e m o v e d for s t r e e t ..;e r f necessary. M a d e to accorr ost Jad carburetors A> - " -'- Part *5497 Q . ?a I' Wt 6 Ibs Part *5581-Dual Carb L~nkageKit Part P5582-S~ngls Garb l ~ ~ k a q,.,, e >- i S .T OF 10 d, I 01 w -I '. , FI a big, powerful, overhead Put e x t ~ CIUllLll ~n your Ford or M e r~~ r y lnsta valve V8 Engine the easy way . . . with an OFFENHAUSER engine adapter. , ________---______-0302 For 32-48 Ford or 39-50 MERCURY & Truck Transrniss~onthru 1952 Adapter Podel (-7-1 ,KC;. L-. F+ ADAPTERS ENGII ,1, , Make Cad~llac Oldsrnob~le Cad~llac Chevrolet V8 BUIC~ Bulck 0301 0301 0303 0307 0309 0315 >' '\, 0401 Chrysler ', ,n Chrysler 0 rgnltrons an front Ford "292" Mercury L~ncoln430 Edsel must use same Ford 332-428 year s f a l t e r !A:! 0304 8% 8 Y2 9 V2 7 1/2 7 VZ 7 1/2 51-64 54-58 55-61 52-58 0401 040 1 0401 shpg. wt. Year 49-54 49-64 55-64 55-66' 53-56 13 13 13 13 8 Vz II 9% 9 1/2 10 10 10 10 53-58 51-53 58-61 54-64 54-57 58-61 3-59 58-72 ers are furnrshed with pilot bearrng adapter and complete installation ~nstruclot bear~naa d a ~ t e r s may be purchased separalefy. See listing on this page. Must use 55-61 slarter and t'ywheel For 49-54 FORD or 51-64 MERCURY TRANSMISSIONS Make Cad~llac Cadrllac Oldsrnobile Bulck 0402 0402 0402 0402 I* , ... IU 17 17 17 All adapters are furnished with p ~ l o tbear~ngadapter and complete installation ~nstructlons. P ~ l o tbear~ng adapters may be purchased separately. See listing on t h ~ spage. Adapter Model 031 5 17 55-61 52-58 53-58 i dPILOT BEARING -. shpg. wt. 14% 101% 1UVz 12 Year 55-64 49-54 49-64 53.56 54-58 ADAPTERS Adapter ldodel Make Year 0400-I* Ghry. thru 58 49-59 thru 5 8 Jet-a-way 0402-l* Chry. 59 Cheu. 55-58 0410-1 Chry. Buick 53-58 0309.7 Bulck Special 'Specify %" or 15/16, cranmsnaft pilot h o l ~ OLOS STARTER SWITCH-DYER ADAPTER This unlt is a must for all '35 thru '53 Ford and Mercury - Oldirnabile englne n i t a lat~ons Sw~tchesthe starter motor t o the right srde 7 to elminate interference with the steer~ne.near. Plate ta re-locate all filter IS also requ~redw K e i startmoved. ship pin^ wt. 9 Ib. 3605 0300-1 0300-2 0307-1 0309-1 Make Year Cad & Olds. + -yx'Tvy -- OLDS OIL BY-PASS PLATE-V-B's THRU 1958 late t o cover the exist~ngo ~ filter l outlet allow~ngyou I mount the oil filter elsewhere. Shipping w t 1 Ib :at. # 3604 41 s t i l l MORE O F F E N H A U S E R e n g i n e a d a p t e r I I I I I I I i I ' I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I CHEVROLET Y3634 -55-72 CHEV oh" V 8 to 1952-53 F O R D pass car trans o r 1932-53 F O R D truck t r a m . O n 32-48 F o r d o r 39-48 Mere ' v w h e e h O u s n g8RT63g2 from Ford t r u c k On 49-51 F o r d pasr. car use f l v w h e e l bous~ngAC6392D. Plate and p ~ l o adapter. t Shlpplng Wr 5 Ibs 1 1 PACK-HUD-NASH 60 PONTIAC oh" V8 [ #3635-55-57 PACKARD, NASH, 1 #--55 I 1 #5"449-6r M'ERC Trarrsm~ss~ul~ rrd11 Cad.LaSalle Trans Sh,pp~ngW t 5% Ibs 1 #5160-0bovp t o Parkard PONTlAc to early FORD and MERCURY I & HUDSON ohv Y l to e a r l y FORD MERCURY t r a n s m i s s ~ o n s I I& I transmlssiOns I nulr m I ,,rl,l . .. .. ... Sh~ppng Wt 5 Ib I Ibs. Ship TRANS La hlle-Cad. Trans. A d a ~ f e r Cast alvrn~num,sand blast f ~ n i s h Has Ear. Shipping Wt. 5 lbs hN ADI Packard Trans. Adaplrers ty Ford mounf~ngflange or bolt pattern Adapts to any olher adaptor that has Early Ford Trans Flange From there to Cad. or LaSalle trans. Uses stock Early Ford Clutch Release, shaft. fork, throw out bnarlngs, etc. Th~sallows the use of the menhoned transmrss~ons in place of the Early Ford type Used a f t e r the ~ n s t a l l a t ~ ohas n been made w ~ t han Early Ford trans. and same does not stand up When urmg t h ~ sadaptor, no clutch linkage changes are necessary, such as pendalum pedals, slave cyl~nder, etc a3640 englne adaptor Sh~pping Wt. 10 Ibs. ;me as 3640 except it fits PACKARD trans. lipping W t . 11 Lbs. P364'1. Buick Tra ns. Adapt TER trans Same as 3640 except ~tfits, B U l C K R C sion. Shipping Wt. 10 fbs. *36 48. .-,,?A0 n *~D*OH WllE adapt following transmission t o early FORD flange. 3, BUlCK small; 39-42 B u l C K small, 36-55 PoNTlAC F 34-48 OLDSMOBI LE ALL. Shipp~ngWt. 10 Ibs. 041- l-pit I 1 #4040 55-60 V8 e n g i r l e l LU ,a LC FORD & MERCURY transmis- 1 *> 1 ICK I 1 CHEVROLET ~OS7-CHLvR'LET lange to PACKGRO Trans Shlpp~ng W t 31/i Ibs. "It 4OSB-CH[YROLLT I -----Trans Bolt - -- OFFENHAUSEiR OIL BY-PAS .... 'S ohv V - Whe n switch~ngstarter to tti e r t ~ h st ~ d eof the engine, the I~ i filter l has to be removed If no oil filter i s to be use d , the Ford oil pres sure sendin!: unit may be ~nstalled~n .. Llle , , I111 -,, .. . erthe~ ur u u ~uoenlnps of the By Pass Plate Olds uses st ock $ring ;~ n d cap ~ n s ~ dby-pass e #360b0ldsmob1le thru 1958 23644-Chrysler, DeSoto, Dotge Plymouth (block-off) 2 3 6 4 L C h r y s t e r , DeSoto, Dodge Plymouth $3639-Ford, Mercury and L~ncotn thru 312 $3646-Chevroiet "8 l95565 - L " E V - B ~ ~ ~V8 k thru 19511 'ontiat Oil By-Pass smd Bb C P ? n t ~ z cEy-Pas? all V 8 j-P:nt~ac E 1 o c i O f f all k LL. I I I I &-Pass #5317 Block off #5318 BUlCK 1961-63 By-Pass 85331 Blah oft 115332 1 I + r r S4ippmn~ Wt. 12 Ibs. E a n ~ eto SJUOrBRHER trans Shipp~ng Wt tVz Ibs. ---- --,L .- - . - .. ! 31 -51-64 to 43-64FrJt10 or 1 MERCURY transmi?sions I 7 I.*. 111 Engine Adapters , ADAPTER V ~ ~ ~ Chevrolet transrnbss~ont o 49-64 Ford or 51-64 Merc. B e l l h o u s ~ n g adapter flange. Chevrolet Transmission t o early 1932-48 F o r d or 1939-50 Merc. Bellhousing adapter flange. Pan$5173 a5174 Sh-pp~ngWt. 3% Ibs. I- Same as above anly reversed t o a l l o w l a t e Ford or Merc Trans t o be connected t o Chev Bellhnus- -- q+Ad3 '3 -1 $@ Ing adapter flange. 3 R F ADAPTER "'2 Above adapter O" shorter for application where spacer plate has been used. Sh~ppingWt. 8 Ibs. Sh pprng Wt. 3Y2 Ibs. PEClAL ADAPTER mits use of early F o r d clutch 2ase shaft, fork and 'hrowou' be: a ring, when connecting Chevrolet tra nsrniss~onto early Ford and MerCUI y adapter flange. Part ff5272 Shipplng Wt. 8% Ibs. Sarne as above except %" shorter fnr ap~licatlonwhere spacer plate has been used. 4, 1 KIN * lWJ Part #5272-A Shtpping Wt. 8 Ibs. ENGINE ADAPTER Studebaker V&, 1949 - 55 t o 32 - 48 Ford or 39 - 50 Mercury trans. Part#5194 Sh-oo:ng Wt. 11 Ibs. Corvair to Volkswagen 3 TIMES THE HORSEPOWER - EASY TO INSTALL! ADAPTER Th~sadapter permits the Corvair engine to be bolted to the Valks transmiss~oncomplete with spec~alcap screws and grease retainer. Part# 5273 Shipping Wt. 11Yz Ibs. STARTER ADAPTER Thls adapter permits installation of C hevrolet 6 cylinder, 6 volt starter Part#528QShloo1np Wt 1% ICs - 9 Sh~ppingWt. 8Y2 Ibs tf5174A Partq5204 - ?+ C ADAPTER Chevrolet V8 to 32-48 Ford or 39-50 Mercury Transmission+ Note. ~~~t use chev. automati tran;. plate. Part #5192 Shipping Wt. 8 Ibs. ENGINE APAPTER Chevrolet V8 to 19 64 Ford or 5164 Mercury Transmission, Note Must use Chev, automat:^ trans. plate. Part#5193 Shipp~ng Wt 11% Ibs. PONTIAC ADAPTERS f arly Trans /- 1961-64 Pontiac engines to 3248 For~ 39-50 Mercury transmissions. #5306 Shipping Wt. 10 rbs. Lafe Trans 1961-64 Pontiac engines t o 49-64 Ford or 51-64 Mercury transmissions. #SJlOShipping Wt. 14 Ibs. ENGINE ADAPTER 1951-53 CHRYSLER to the following: Packard Transmission ...................... f 5171 Chev. 37-39 Transmission ................ Chev. 40-54 Transmission ................ Chev. 55-72 Transmission ............ Chev., 55-72 Corvette Transmission.. Chev. 47-63 3 and 4 speed Trans. ... l.aSalFe Transmission ....................... MOPe NEW ENGINE >APTER! , %. *-* If' g$ &, , - f' -$-- ,, ,:-' .>- v, ,.. % .: , $27-454 CHEVROLET 283-31!7-350-396-400-d TO A L L 3 8t 4 SPEEi D FORD f RAhIS. 1965 n . I 4 IDS. ~ r No. t 58719 TERS JEEP Aruu 3ANSM ESSIONS I UYOTA I, Part No. 3 Speed T-90 Four Wheel D r i v a Jeep Tran ENGIK Part No. 3 Scmed Toyota Trans. Nt. 1 - Buick ' , 1834 5833 - Buick '57-'64 Inot V-6 or Alum. Y -, - -.-- 5835 I Wt. Cadillac '54 Cadillae '55-"64 Chevrelet V-8 '5 Chryslt!r '51- 5 3 Chryslt - .- n Front Fond '! Lincorr Mercur -Mash-P, -Oldsmc . Pontiat n .. --. ronrlac.: '61 -'64 Studeb --"aker '49.' With IIgnition Mounted - - Chrysls!r '54-'58 o-'52-'58 De Sat- , iuoage '53-'58 Jeep Speed T-90 )ur Whee INF *. I Wt. 4-6" I YI1 5920 [ 10 Chevl ,,., Ford & Mercury Flat Head 65-706 Bolt Bell Hsg. I --r v r u 289-302 - + Ford & Mercury 49-64 I 1 I Wt. 7 I)lfenhause; Oil F i l t e r l d s p t e r ~ ~ B I o ~ k - Oplate^ ff I PTERS -. NO. Olasrnoo~~e I W Y tnru r v m AII - low Chrysler Products V-8' Filter Block-Off Plate 3R D PRODUCTS F BLOCK-OFF PLATE All 332-428 and Lincoln NO. 107-B 01dsmobile '1959 thru 1964 All Lq - 5 d iac 1959454 All 01dsmobile '1959 thru 1964 AFI Exc. F-85 r40, Fil ter Block-O f f Plate 101-8 I .' REPLACES CANNIS'PER) iac 1959-t ff Platp Filter Block-0.. . BOL.T-ON Fl LTER BY-PASS Kl T CHE:VROLET & CORVETTE V-8 No. 308 -B Block ;-- >IN - ON d e r V-8 " >to All 1 Q! --. , t-e h . 4 thru t 964 All Exc. 11-6 &215 ock-Off PIlate Fl o . 102-8 Bu Y- --> - ,* j ' . I' +--=w ! ! I : - Euick 1953 thru 1960 All EXL. - .. - ..-. Dodge v-H--tr" & Hemi 1 ~ s ~ - u p Edsel All 1958-Up Ford All 1957 (Late)-Up Lincoln All 1957 (Late)-Up Mercury All 1957 (tatel-Up Rtyrnouth Y-8 "B'" Hemi 1959-Up Rambler Ambassador V-6 to Engine No. N-55755 1958-59 Rambler Rebel V-8 to Engine NO. G-503701958-59 Willys J-100 & G-230 1962-Up - ON" 1 4DAPTER II V-8 and - --.. Cad~TlacAII rvbuOldsmobile Al t 19 up Pontiac All 1960-1JP Rambler Arnbassador V-8 N '6 U ... 166- ave~lcrr JP ker Avant - -- - Bclick 1953 thru 1% iO All E x c. Special Fillter Block.Off Plate 1UO. 103-8 - FILTER b ~ u ~ n -Purr ~ I n For cars using 1 - -. --.< "SPIN For cars using 109 adapters Chrysler Products V-8's 1954-'58 Alt 109 BY-PASS PLATE FORD PRODUCTS TE R 9-B - el, all !aTe V-8,SIX cyllnaer and Vega engines ( 1 968 and Up) SPIN-ON BY PASS NO. 6088 No, 6088-8 CLEVELAND SERIES CHOKE BLOCK-OFF U NEW CARB ADAPTER HOLLEY MODEL 2300 CARBS TO STOCK "IRON DUKE" INTAKE MANIFOLD This Adapter gives added flexibility to carburetion for the "lron Duke" GM 151 CID Engine. It adapts the Hotley Model 2300 (350-500 CFM) carbs to the stock "lron Duke" intake manifold. Stands about 2%'' high. No previsions for Egr. All necessary hardware included. -- 2 1 Part #6249 ~ o k eblock-off plate for all eveland series intake maniIds. Part #626! . -- LAHELJRETOR STUD, NUT, AND WASHER KIT Vall ey Cover Breather Hole Black-off Plat1e for all Intake Manifolds. T h ~ sk i t includes 4-5/16" Carb Studs, 4 Nuts and 4 Washeys. Sets are skin packaged for easy d~splay. Part # 5 t l Y 6 Part * € OIL ME SING FILTER MOUNTING BASE m I u Highest Neoprene /2 I . U . Hoses w ~ t hprecision orass ends and fittings. This hose kit i s specif~callydesigned to be used wlth complete line of Offy by-pass adapters and remote oil filter mounting :ITTING KIT I ,-. , ; :'7 -., ':,>'3 ff-S . base. 24" hose length. Part #6067 FOR HP-1 FRAM OR EQUIVALENT O I L F I LKER Part 65877 B ~ a u t i f u l l yBubble Packaqed PARTS FOR CORVAIR Corvair t o Volkswagen ALUMINUM OIL PAN 3 TIMES THE HORSEPOWER - EASY TO INSTALL' A funct~onalnew a l l pan w h ~ c h1s f ~ n n e dboth ~ n s and ~ d out ~ thus p r o v ~ d ~ ntremendous g heat transfer-bear~ng I ~ l e1ncrease.l 011capacity ~ncreasedbw 2 qts. A boss 1s p r o v ~ d ~ for d ~nstall atlon of O I L temp qauge A must on Super-charged and hO t Corva~renglnes. All surfaces specral pollshed to a h ~ g hlust re. Part *5275 2 qt. larsqer capaclt . . . . . . . . S h l p rking Wt. 9 I bS. Part * 5 :309 3 qt. lar~ gcr capaclt ng Wt. 10 1 bs. ,u. alet Ca ADAPT'ER JG NU' . ,rt This adaclter permits the Corv,air engine .to be bolred to the ,,.--,....,*- . . --+..-I-** :+C. ^I Volks lrarta~rr~aarurl Lurllprcte VVILII ~ ~ C L I~ ~ dI SCIS l ~ ews and grease retiairier. Part "5273 Shippinq Wt. 11 X Ibs. #515a ^I- Highly chromed. Adds that f ~ n a touch l of d i s t ~ n c t i o nto your engine. Made especially START ER ADL for air cleanerson the Corvair engrnes. tapped 1/4-20 thread -, . . I h ~ sadaper permlts installation of Chevrolet 6 cylinder. 6 volt starter. P a r t ' 5 2 8 0 Shippinq Wt. 1% I G CAR Above1 stings moth ined for Do It Yourselt . car . -. . . . Inl7rucf ions included - necessary lo mac hine heads ond Wet i-Arc manilol d onto the rn not o.dvisable uriFess customer nas Droner focilitie Part MS. - 4LVE COVER Carb odopter to allow installation of 4 bolt two throot carbs or larger Rochester 2GC type an present cylinder heads. BE SURE to specify type carbstobeusedwhenordering. P k q d . p e r p a ~ r . 12. .. . .. Shipping Wt. l lb. . . .PnNTlAC . AND CHEVROLET IEEP OWNERS.. ADA1ITER PI \TTENTION!! Y.. These adapters enable th top wa t e r o u t l e t t o be plac ed I n EI forward ~ o s l t i o nII1 relatior1 to the englne, other wise I ? IS necessar y t o U S ? a flex hc) s f 0t1 latt: model irI stallaticIns r u l u I IAC CHEVROLET Farr rourd Part "6099 .. WlN4 FOR VAL\ For AMERICAN MOTORS V-0 JEEPS T h ~ stop water outlet rrser and choke black off plate 1s neces sary when ~ n s t a l l ~ nan g Offen hauser Intake Manlfold on thew models Curle your val v e ,cover ch i l leaks with this rugged cost olc~rninum :-- , r.-. n w c2r. Highly polrshed f,,,, , , rigadity and ord in cooling. Volve noise i s also reduced because of the heavy construct~on. Port n5276 polislled, oil surfaces . Shipping Wt. 8 lbs. Part 46094 Highly chromed - very Pol adds that f i n a l to uch of drsi to vout custom erigine. *"ran - Tappea - Tapped 3110.~4 tnrean 3/8-74 thrparl I TTER CHEVFRONTCOVER accepts S t x k Water Pump ChevroZet OHV-V8 265, 283, 327 Thts polished aluminum cover enables -he userto change ortirne thecamshaft hr~thoutremov~ng the pan. Stock1mater jump can be used after pressin~ghub ,ack approximatelly 9/16" Jse Chevrolet nullev #3524816. 2 Ibs. HEV F RONT COVERi -I feat uring a large pollshed alurn~numcover platt: whlch enables camshaft to be easlly remc)ved or tlming to be changed without havi ng to remove pan. Flts Chev V8 en- gine5-265 283 327 Shlpp~l 5. x5: SCOOra nl ; l This Alumlnum finned "HIGHLIGHT POLISHED" scoop can be adapted to most hoods with very slight mod!flcation, A "MUST" for the REAL GOERS'" Shipp~ngWt. 4,Ih Ibs. Part #5285 A t - An efficient, easy ro handle tool rnar will hold mosr OT me popular type carburetors in an upright p o s ~ t i o n .You w i l l - --w Drilled to Accept All Hall " " " 'N CAP SUPPOR I a -- Ha forger nece!isary to ins1tall heavy Nlain Caps these sappnrts constrU~ted af spe cia1 steel c omplete wit h .heat . .tmr . lted cap screws have been tested an0 proven on engines with outstanding HORSE POWER .. - dual purpose unll 1s the answer w > / I - L BODY t ERMO! be amazed how much faster you can repair and assemble a carburetor with t h ~ shandv tool. #, beautiful .nIvy ,y/-'v ---:,*, rlr "'~"'""V'"2 ,.. V' h ~ e l f i n , 31 rgrk,.lrnii Z&"Cb1G1 Y O . Y U . Y L ~ ~ ~ used on an englne where no provlslon has been made for heat control F~ts standard top water outlet and thermostat on Chevrolet Has provision for temperature **-*lng un~t also prov~desfor heater >=,8" IS - take- ng Wt. 1% Ih OUTPUT. EE WHE Erigine Part # n Ford and ~aI E R ~y~c 33-A C I I Blocks, kror11 a ~ i u Center .......... 3407 Ford and Mercury 8-BA Blocks, Front and I:enter .......... 3408 Chevrolet OHV-V8 265, 283, 327 & 350 ........................ 3650 O[dsrnobile OHV-VS lhru 1958. ...................... 3651 Oldsrnobile 1959-64 ............................................................ 5252 Pontiac OHV-V8 thru 1958 ....... ...3652 Pontiac OHV-V8 1959 and later ... 5036 Ford 260-289 ............................... ... 5586 Cadillac OHV-V8 ........................... ... 3937 D d g e and DeSotb OHV-V8 .................................. 3938 Chrysler 59-60 ..................................................................... ,5023 ..,- ..--,. -"* rrrlished alurn~nu~~~, rely ILLYIOIC, L~II- brated 360' in 5 " increments , These w ~ l lbe a v a I l a b l e In three d~fferent crankshaft slzes, as follows Crafibshtft Sire ............ 1 l/a" ............. I .......... 1 P o 9 ~ipplngWt. 1 lor rollnwlng: 42-48 Ford and Mercury Flal #5265 ........................................ Most all D.H.V. Engines # 5266 ................................................................... .... '327" and 28:3 cu. In. Chev Fuel pump PIOCK OTI plates ........................................... '.Z . -7 \ \ $\ 2 nhauser 'r Average Shipping Wt. 3 Ibs. I The Greatest I INTAKE AND EXHAUST HEADER TIPS QUAD VELOCITY STACKS -5, la " HIGH Provldes pror city for 4 t hroat carbs ! These p o l~shedalum~nurn I-,-,, *,.I U,lln.. , &I..< stacks f ~ mobl t I I U L I I E ~ L B I . L ~L E I U , ~ I I Un u l ~ c vIUUI M I I 21 carbs #53I5 lns~ded~a at base 5" k5314 rnside rlia. at base ., - r E l f l 7unm fnjEcmu du I w d BARREL VELOCITY STACK This polished chrome steel stack is for 2-518'' diameter Stromberg and Ford Holley two barrel carbs. *4030 REGULAR-1%" h ~ g h 7 EXHAUST HE For m a x iirnum prxformar -Ice - DO IT 'Y'OU RI ! - s r100th firlish stee I for pla ting 1-1:-Heavy gauue L-.. l o r easy welnlr ry. - STEERING COLUMN DROPS 8eavt1ful cap1 pnl~shedalum~niemstperlno ctrons for Ford-w~th or w ~ t h out column s h ~ f t . Can he reworke her makes of cars. SELF1 May be L i j e c t o r tubes or exhaust header tips as shuvvl I auuve. Part ." I ~/4" ( - -. - lD 34'' 1.D x J.D. x F Y2" 4027- rr* ,'< r e 4026 -%=- long 5141 2a't~ long 13/d" ,. C, e5141-4" Drr c5142-4" Drr G 5143-2" $5144-2" n and Shll n only D r a P - ~ ~ ~ and ~ r ~ S~hn~ i Drop-Column only - DEEP DISH DASH PANELS! red Alu IUT LIGHTS rt# WITH I Pa for Drcagste rs, Custorns, Sports Cars, Boots, efc. S 4U08.L 4 - 2 1/16" 3 - 2 1116" 4009-L 2 - 2 1,'16" 4030-L 2 - 2 1/16"&1.33/8" 2-25,8"&1-33;V 2 - 2 1/16"&lsrzefor Keltronir: Tach. 2 - 2 5; b 3-25:8" 4DUI-L 4011-L 4012-L 5026-1 5021-1 -DASH PANEL LIGHTS ONLY ++ - K W G SIZE FILTERED BREATHERS!! 49 NEW 5" HIGH RISE F~ltered, Two Piece, 30 Degree Angle, Vertical Breather Conta~ns same q u a l ~ t v parts as super sellers 5408-5409- & 5410. ---- Great - 6156 engines. for higher compression POL I!SHED A LUMINUM We can now ofrer you a breather wcth this new design to protect your en6line from dust and fc lreign P,articles thr~t is not a feature of 1other breat h. ers being manufa ctured. Filters are Polyurethane foam w h ~ c hhas a high dust capaclty 97% of t h e volume IS abr space, giving ir enormous dusr retentlon capacrty Etched strand s provrde for "depth load~ng" and arrest* arlcr of dust up t o twice the weiqht of the foam pad Itr - IT BREATHES- IT'S NE.. Easy t'O clean resists comrnol tS and so Ivents. So tough if can be hanc It special care. Can be wrung dry and wrrhin minutes i t is re:~ d y for con . . ,AIVIALIIV, . G? f fi 5409 Wertrcat Part 30 Deqree Angle - Vertlcat P a r t -t: 54 10 L1 , . 4 Stde Mount 30 Deqree Angle - Vertrcal High Rjse Part P 6 156 here's n crnnkrnse breather Vertical Part r: 5408 SMALL BREATHER t h t uchrnEEj* hrmthes ! OFRNHAWSEYS wpmrlor bofflm dnign inrum own p r u l g a r at dl oir timn - This rocker arm1 cover ari d valley cover engiii e breather I S made of high q~~ a l l t yalum~ i n u mpolis hed all over and I:i adaptable to any typbe or make of , . ,. covers and engrnes. turnlsneo wlrn gasKets and bolts. Includes template for drillrng. Not a f a l s ~ e lPolrshed alurn~num "Gets the Job Done." Approxlmately 2" w ~ d ea t top, 11/," htgh. Complete wrth lnstallat~on lnstructions and Gaskets. - Part Part Part Part no oit Iwknge *ran ak OII dminr h r k into m ~ r n m l yhigh rpm'r. cmnkmn 75408. . . Breather Side Mount Vertical ?r5409.. . Breather Vertical k reather 30 degree angle # reather 30 degree angle high rise lipping W t . 1 I b 1 I ntu, polished alum:-=- Designed to Relteve Pressure In V i~ l v eCovers G ~ v e sYour Englnc that Profesrlon;11 Appearanc I Very Popular - Attractive Mounts on Most Stock Valve cove^^ JIII~II - eaby IU rr~hrall If breathers are to be installed on custom style valve covers, 11will be necessary to remove a fln. #3861--Breathrr S h ~ o e ~ nVr I ~ I rh I - ond mountirg ~n~fructtonm uva~toblan rour d ~ ~ t r d k u t n r Shrppang W t l'h tb5 Part No.4039 " OFFENHAUSER'S GUIDE TO PROPER CARBURETION ENGINE C.I.D. inn engi ne capacity and c arburetor flow (co1nverted tcs volume]1 as base 1figures, t t is cemplicated cornputer f o rmula wa s des igned t o aid ~n the proper Offenhauser manil'old and carburetor selectio n. (Refe!r also to the Offer ihauser intake manif old alan+i-.. r -I...-. .3-..A..we +& i s~,~,,,,,, h a r t on page 4. Additional carburetion Enf~rma,,~,, m,,cm.. ,n.G,,., For engirles capable of dual quad manifolds, double 1'he above carbureti on guide is based 1on single quad mari i f o l d apl: t he CFM listed for v our applilcation. tIsing 4 ha..- 1To find the correct size carburetor in cubtc feet to use rwith an 0lffenhausf ?r manifo Id, look d own the r:olumn marked (Engine -. . . .. C.I .U.I F ~ n dthe djsplacernenf nearesl to your engine. Then look across the column marked ( E n g ~ n eR.P.M.) Locate the maxmum R.P.M. capability of your engine, and where the englne C.1.D. and engine R.P.M. intersect I S the minimum size carburetor In c u b ~ cfeet t o use on your engine for street or strlp applications. EXAMPLE: A 350 C.I.D. Chevrolet capable of 6500 R.P.M. would require a mrnirnum carburetor size of 658 cfm, rounded off t o 650 cfm. A 350 C.I.D. C3evrolet modified a n d cap;able of 8500 R.P.M. using an Offenh auser d u aI I d setup would requ~reeach folur barrel carburetor t o h e a rnlnlmum of 861 cfm, rounded off t o 850. - CA,RBYIRETI4 In order to o b t a ~ nalE of the perform; lnce engirleered int offered for your assistance ana conver 7. lnstall~nga carbUret0~of too large a size or due to over-carburetion. Select t h e prloper carbl 2. Carburetor jettinq has t o be altereb4 +m , c.,,, ;+ I . Averag e sugge& ~d j e t siz e changes: to corn1 ? t housandtlSI leaner for each 1000 fee t increas~ --temperature Increase above a /U' average. 8 uuLl NG TIPS USER 3EiO" Manifc ng t o properly mat ~r the manifold an1 ,zrences i n altitude un8 , ,, 3llowing tuning tips ar,e e of engir7e will reslu l t in poor performlance ccrmb~natl o n from the endo sed listinsIS. ~,,,,peratures. l r temper ature an[ i altitude are as f c,Ilows: Ptpprexim: ~ t e l ythre, de above sea level. One Ill thousand,ths leaner for each 30 degre 4I. Changt!S in cam timing t c1 the racirIF] t y p e alr;o affect c:arburetor size and jetting. H igh l i f t an d long du ration carns need tcI run r icher tharI stock. F ot chanqe. r s also telnds to 1%in o u t thr? carburel,ion from stock so that the type of headers wi IC also alter the am NOTE: When any high performance or custo rn equiprnent I S installed ori any eng ine intentlecl for u:i e an pub lic streets and v , 11rfp hfghways, b e sure to reconnect all of t h e emlss ion control devlces c o m n l ~ t ~hl ve f n r ~nnPratlr,.,.n +ha ,,oh ,.,% DUAL FA*IITV-6.4 V-8 I ,' "6" SERIES ~~~I-CAR LOW PROFI,LE RAV % ,. - .I d % Ford and Mercury qdinder heads and flathead accessories still available too! YOUR LOCAL DEALER IS SALES CORPORATION The OreatesfName In RaclngO Exeter Auto Supply 255 W. Pine Street Exeter, CA 932 11 559-592-2707 4