2360 Telegraph Avenue
2360 Telegraph Avenue
Z O Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 1 of 166 N I N G A D J U S T M E N T S B O S t a f f A R D R e p o r t FOR BOARD ACTION JANUARY 10, 2013 2360 Telegraph Avenue Use Permit #12-10000037 to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants, with incidental beer and wine service and hours of operation until 2 a.m. I. Application Basics A. Land Use Designations: General Plan: Avenue Commercial Zoning: C-T, Telegraph Avenue Commercial B. Zoning Permits Required: Use Permit to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 square feet (plus storage) exceeding the limits on the number and size of such uses (30 restaurants allowed, 47 existing; 1,500 sq. ft. size limit), under BMC Section 23E.56.040.B Administrative Use Permit to allow service of beer and wine incidental to food service, under BMC Section 23E.56.030.A Use Permit to allow service of beer and wine until 2 a.m., seven days per week (code otherwise allows 10 p.m., Sunday-Thursday, and 12 midnight, FridaySaturday), under BMC Section 23E.56.050 C. CEQA Determination: Categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). D. Parties Involved: Applicant/Architect Property Owner Mark Thieme, 77 Solano Square #134, Benicia, CA 94510 Ken Sarachan, 2401 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510.981.7410 TDD: 510.981.7474 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 510.981.7420 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 2 of 166 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 2 of 12 January 10, 2013 Figure 1: Vicinity Map UC Campus File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 3 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 3 of 12 Figure 2: Floor Plan File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 4 of 166 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 4 of 12 January 10, 2013 Table 1: Land Use Information Location Existing Use Zoning District General Plan Designation Subject Property Subject space: storage (formerly retail) Other spaces: food service, retail C-T Avenue Commercial Surrounding Properties North Retail C-T Avenue Commercial South Food service, retail C-T Avenue Commercial East Food service, retail C-T Avenue Commercial West Parking garage (commercial uses on ground floor) C-T Avenue Commercial Table 2: Special Characteristics Characteristic Applies to Project? Explanation Alcohol Sales/Service Yes Incidental beer and wine service proposed. Historic Resources No Building is not a designated historic resource. Other than new commercial signage, no exterior changes are proposed. Table 3: Project Chronology Date Action September 13, 2012 Application submitted December 21, 2012 Application deemed complete December 21, 2012 Design review approval posted December 24, 2012 Public hearing notices mailed/posted January 10, 2013 ZAB hearing February 19, 2013 PSA deadline II. Project Setting A. Neighborhood/Area Description: The subject property is located on Telegraph Avenue, one block south of the UC Berkeley campus. This portion of Telegraph is devoted primarily to retail and food File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 5 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 5 of 12 service uses, with some mixed-use buildings (apartments on the upper floors) and a bank on the corner of Durant and Telegraph. A public parking garage with groundfloor commercial uses abuts the property to the west. B. Site Conditions: The site is developed with a one-story, 7,920-square-foot commercial building with three tenant spaces. The subject tenant space is the largest space, with a ground floor area of 4,647 square feet and a storage mezzanine of approximately 1,100 square feet. The space was formerly occupied by a clothing retailer, Wet Seal, and is currently being used for storage by Rasputin’s, a nearby music store. The other tenant spaces are occupied by Naan ‘n’ Curry, an Indian restaurant, and Hi Times, a retail store specializing in pipes and other smoking paraphernalia. III. Project Description The proposed project would change the existing retail space to a Quick Service Restaurant (i.e., a restaurant with on-site customer dining but no table service) with a seating capacity of approximately 150. The restaurant would serve “salads, gourmet pizza, and pasta” (according to the applicant statement) and would be operated by Ken Sarachan, owner of nearby Blondie’s Pizza and Rasputin Records. The restaurant would also serve beer and wine under a Type 41 Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license, which allows beer and wine sales for on-site consumption only. IV. Community Discussion A. Neighbor/Community Concerns: None received as of this writing. Any communications received prior to the hearing will be forwarded to the ZAB at the hearing, with additional staff analysis as necessary. B. Committee Review: None required. However, the project does require staff-level design review for replacement of the existing windows. Notice of design review approval was posted on December 21, 2012. Staff will notify the ZAB at the hearing if this decision is appealed. V. Issues and Analysis A. Key Issues: 1. Consistency with Purposes of District: As noted above, the C-T District limits the number of Quick Service Restaurants to 30, although this limit may be exceeded File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 6 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 6 of 166 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 with a Use Permit. In order to allow this, the Zoning Adjustments Board (ZAB) must find that “granting an exception will result in enhancement of the purposes of the District”, in addition to a second finding regarding parking and transportation impacts, which is discussed in the following section. The purposes of the District are as follows, along with staff’s analysis of how the proposed project would enhance each purpose: A. Implement the General Plan’s designation of Avenue Commercial for this area. Analysis: This purpose is broad and does not have specific applicability to the proposed project. B. Implement the Southside Plan’s designation for the Telegraph Avenue Commercial Subarea. Analysis: This purpose is broad and does not have specific applicability to the proposed project. C. Regulate development in the Telegraph Area Commercial District in order to satisfy the needs of the population groups using the District, especially the University population and the surrounding resident population. Analysis: The project would help satisfy demand for relatively fast, affordable food by University students and staff, and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. D. Encourage the availability of a variety of goods and services which serve residents in the District and the University population but do not generate a high volume of vehicular traffic. Analysis: The project would serve District residents and the University population but would not generate a high volume of vehicular traffic given that the vast majority of customers would arrive on foot due to the proximity of the University and other institutions, and high density residential neighborhoods located in the vicinity. Due to the nature of the neighborhood and its proximity to the University, it is unlikely that the project would generate a substantial number of vehicle trips specifically to this site. E. Allow for uses which maintain the cultural quality of the District giving it its regional appeal without generating substantial vehicular traffic. Analysis: See previous response regarding traffic. The existing adjacent tenants would remain, thereby maintaining the existing cultural quality of the District. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 7 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 7 of 12 F. Discourage uses which because of size, the type of the products sold, vehicular traffic generated or other considerations, are more appropriately located elsewhere in the City. Analysis: See analysis for Purpose D regarding traffic. Although the proposed types of food are already available at other restaurants in the area, it appears based on the application that there is unmet demand for these products. In any event, the ZAB’s decision should not be based on the type of food sold, because this could be changed in the future without any further discretionary review by the City required. G. Encourage a mix of goods and services which will preclude the dominance of any one type of use and which will produce variations within the same category of uses. Analysis: Quick Service Restaurants do not currently “dominate” this District. Less than 25 percent (47) of the approximately 200 ground-floor commercial spaces in the District are devoted to this use, and the addition of one more Quick Service Restaurant would not cause this use to dominate. In addition, Quick Service Restaurants comprise approximately 58 percent of the total food service uses (47 out of 81). Therefore, there would continue to be adequate variation within the food service category after approval of the proposed restaurant. In addition, total food service uses would constitute less than half of the total ground-floor spaces in the District. H. To encourage the establishment and maintenance of uses which will satisfy the needs of all age groups and attract a range of users and interests. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes C and E. Providing an additional Quick Service Restaurant would help ensure that the food needs of all age groups and users are satisfied. I. Encourage the creation of additional housing in the District which is affordable, including housing for those who work or study nearby. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. J. Encourage those uses and structural architecture that reinforce, and discourage those uses and architecture that interrupt, the pedestrian orientation of the District. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 8 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 8 of 166 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 Analysis: The project would reinforce the pedestrian orientation of the District because it would draw the vast majority of its customers from surrounding residential and institutional uses. K. Encourage mixed Commercial and Residential Uses. Analysis: The project is located in an existing mixed-use building. L. Encourage the construction of new housing in mixed use development on vacant properties and surface parking lots. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. M. Encourage the redevelopment of single-story structures that are not historically significant resources with housing and mixed use development. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. N. Protect and enhance historically and architecturally significant buildings by ensuring that new development and alterations complement their existing architectural character. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. O. Encourage the establishment and survival of small, locally-owned businesses, thereby contributing to the vitality and diversity of the District. Analysis: As noted earlier, according to the applicant, the restaurant will be owned and operated by Ken Sarachan, who is locally based and also owns other businesses on Telegraph. By contrast, the former tenant was a national chain based in Orange County, California. While the size of the subject space is relatively large, there are several commercial spaces on Telegraph that are comparable in size or larger, including the three-story retail building to the north. P. Discourage the type of Commercial Use whose establishment will contribute to the displacement of businesses that supply neighboring residents with essential goods and services. Analysis: The subject tenant space is currently vacant (except for storage by the owner), and therefore the project does not displace any existing business. The type of retail conducted by the former tenant, Wet Seal, could not be characterized as an “essential” good or service. While there appears to be a general trend in the District toward conversion of retail spaces to food service, there are retail uses nearby that do supply more basic neighborhood goods, such as Sam’s Market and Walgreen’s, and File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 9 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 9 of 12 these uses do not appear to have been adversely impacted by the increasing number of food service uses. Q. Ensure that new buildings, additions and renovations harmonize with and enhance the unique character of the District. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. R. Provide environmental protection for the residents of mixed residential commercial structures and surrounding residents from such detriments as noise, fumes and litter. Analysis: The permit, if approved, would include a condition of approval requiring adequate controls for smoke and odors from cooking, as well as monitoring of the sidewalk to prevent litter and excessive noise. See under “Alcohol Service” for further discussion of noise impacts. S. Preserve the ethnic diversity of the resident population and users of the District and of the types of businesses providing ethnically diverse goods and services in the District. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes F and P. The project would not displace any existing businesses, and the former business could not be characterized as contributing to the District’s ethnic diversity. T. Protect and encourage the development of properties accessible to the disabled for both residential and Commercial Use. Analysis: All tenant improvements within the subject tenant space would have to comply with the accessibility requirements of the California Building Code. U. Discourage uses which are widely available in other shopping Districts throughout the Bay Area and detract from the unique type and mix of goods and services available in the District. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes F, G, P and S. Although Quick Service Restaurants are widely available in other shopping Districts and throughout the Bay Area, the proposed business would be locally owned and operated, and would serve the specific needs of the C-T District. As noted in the analysis for Purpose G, there would continue to be an appropriate mix of goods and services in the District after approval of this project. 2. Parking and Transportation Impacts: The second required finding is that “Adverse parking and transportation impacts of the proposed use are negligible or have File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 10 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 10 of 166 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 been mitigated so as not to adversely affect circulation or parking capacity on adjacent streets or in the immediate neighborhood.” As discussed in the analysis for Purpose D above, the project would not generate substantial automobile trips because it is located in a high-density, pedestrian-oriented area and would draw the vast majority of its customers from surrounding residential and institutional uses within walking distance. It should be noted that the C-T District, unlike other districts, does not require off-street parking due to its high level of pedestrian and transit accessibility. Furthermore, the proposed business would be subject to the City’s Commuter Benefit Program Ordinance (BMC Ch. 9.88), which requires businesses with 10 or more employees to provide either (1) a program for excluding employee transit expenses from taxable earnings, (2) a transit subsidy equal to the value of a monthly AC Transit bus pass, or (3) a shuttle service. 3. Alcohol Service/Hours of Operation: An Administrative Use Permit is required for incidental service (i.e., on-site consumption) of beer and wine at Quick Service Restaurants in the C-T District. A Use Permit is required for uses with alcohol service that propose to operate later than 10 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, or 12 midnight, Friday and Saturday. The proposed restaurant would serve beer and wine for on-site consumption and would operate until 2 a.m., seven days per week. As with all uses involving alcoholic beverages, staff has requested input on the proposed use from the Police Department. The Police Department reviewed the application materials and issued a memorandum that expressed concern regarding “the potential for creating a bar atmosphere or allowing a third-party promoter to rent the facility” and “the hours of operation and the possibility of the noise associated with … large intoxicated crowds leaving the property.” However, the Police Department did not request that the ZAB deny the application. See Attachment 6 for the Police Department’s memorandum. In response to these concerns, staff has worked with the applicant and the Police Department to clarify the intent of the proposal and to identify the following conditions of approval that would help minimize the potential for detrimental impacts: No live entertainment shall be permitted without specific authorization from the ZAB. The premises shall not be rented out to third-party “promoters” or for any kind of special event or party without specific authorization from the ZAB. In order to prevent a “bar atmosphere,” a condition of approval has been included stating that alcohol sales may not exceed thirty-three percent (33%) of the gross receipts generated by the primary food service use. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 11 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 11 of 12 The owner or operator of the establishment shall take reasonable measures to prevent disturbances by patrons in the immediate vicinity. Such measures shall include signs reminding patrons of nearby residences and requests not to congregate or loiter near such residences nor operate vehicles in a noisy manner on residential streets. The operator shall give surveillance to public areas near the establishment, keep such areas free of trash and litter, provide lighting, and otherwise attempt to prevent conduct that might disturb the peace and quiet of residences in the vicinity. Based on these conditions and further conversations with the applicant, the Police Department’s area coordinator stated in a subsequent communication that the Police Department’s concerns had been addressed (see Attachment 6). Generally, over the last several years, the City has relaxed the restrictions on incidental alcohol service and hours of operation in the C-T District. As discussed in the Southside Plan (e.g., Policies ED-B3 and ED-C3), the purpose of this policy shift has been to promote economic vitality and help create a safer, more active commercial district by allowing more businesses to remain open in the later nighttime hours. With appropriate restrictions in place to address alcohol-related problems, staff believes that a relatively large new restaurant operating until 2 a.m. would help achieve the policy goals discussed above. Staff has included conditions of approval that address alcohol-related impacts, such as requirements for ABC training for servers, participation in the Police Department’s Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) survey, and use of non-disposable glassware for alcoholic beverages. B. General and Area Plan Consistency: General Plan Policy Analysis: The 2002 General Plan contains several policies applicable to the project, including the following: Policy LU-27–Avenue Commercial Areas, Action E: Maintain and encourage a wide range of community and commercial services, including basic goods and services. Analysis: See above analysis for purpose G. Southside Plan Policy Analysis: The following policies of the adopted Southside Plan are applicable to the project: Policy ED-C1: File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 12 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 12 of 166 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 Analysis: These two policies support retention of the existing quota regulations for Quick Service Restaurants. As discussed above, the project would be consistent with these regulations. Policy ED-C3: Better meet the needs of student residents by encouraging retail uses, such as eating establishments and cafes, to keep later hours. Analysis: See discussion of hours of operation in “Key Issues”. VI. Recommendation Because of the project’s consistency with the Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Southside Plan, and minimal impact on surrounding properties, Staff recommends that the Zoning Adjustments Board APPROVE Use Permit #12-10000037 pursuant to Section 23B.32.040 and subject to the attached Findings and Conditions (see Attachment 1). Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Findings and Conditions Project Plans, last revised November 20, 2012 Applicant Statement Notice of Public Hearing Communications (including Police Department) Staff Planner: Aaron Sage, AICP, [email protected], (510) 981-7425 File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_SR_2360 Telegraph.docx Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 13 of 166 Attachment 1 Findings and Conditions JANUARY 10, 2013 2360 Telegraph Avenue Use Permit #12-10000037 to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants, with incidental beer and wine service and hours of operation until 2 a.m. CEQA FINDINGS 1. The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. and California Code of Regulations, §15000, et seq.) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). Furthermore, none of the exceptions in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 apply, as follows: (a) the site is not located in an environmentally sensitive area, (b) there are no cumulative impacts, (c) there are no significant effects, (d) the project is not located near a scenic highway, (e) the project site is not located on a hazardous waste site pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5, and (f) the project will not affect any historical resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. GENERAL NON-DETRIMENT FINDING 2. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23B.32.040, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the proposed project, under the circumstances of the particular case existing at the time at which the application is granted, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the area or neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements of the adjacent properties, the surrounding area or neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City, for the following reasons: A. The project would be consistent with the purposes of the C-T District, as described in Finding 3 below. B. The project would enhance the well-being of users of the District, and the economic vitality of the District, by occupying a vacant commercial space, establishing a locally owned business, and helping satisfy the high demand for Quick Service Restaurants in this District. C. The project does not alter the exterior of the existing structure, other than new signage and windows, and therefore will help preserve the existing physical character of the commercial district. FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 2 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 14 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 D. Potential adverse impacts from the proposed alcohol sales and hours of operation will be addressed by requiring alcohol sales to be terminated one hour before closing time, requiring training for employees serving alcohol, requiring the establishment to monitor customer activity on the adjacent sidewalk, and other requirements included in the following conditions. OTHER REQUIRED FINDINGS 3. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.1, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project is compatible with the purposes of the C-T District, as follows: A. Implement the General Plan’s designation of Avenue Commercial for this area. Analysis: This purpose is broad and does not have specific applicability to the proposed project. B. Implement the Southside Plan’s designation for the Telegraph Avenue Commercial Subarea. Analysis: This purpose is broad and does not have specific applicability to the proposed project. C. Regulate development in the Telegraph Area Commercial District in order to satisfy the needs of the population groups using the District, especially the University population and the surrounding resident population. Analysis: The project would help satisfy demand for relatively fast, affordable food by University students and staff, and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. D. Encourage the availability of a variety of goods and services which serve residents in the District and the University population but do not generate a high volume of vehicular traffic. Analysis: The project would serve District residents and the University population but would not generate a high volume of vehicular traffic given that the vast majority of customers would arrive on foot due to the proximity of the University and other institutions, and high density residential neighborhoods located in the vicinity. Due to the nature of the neighborhood and its proximity to the University, it is unlikely that the project would generate a substantial number of vehicle trips specifically to this site. E. Allow for uses which maintain the cultural quality of the District giving it its regional appeal without generating substantial vehicular traffic. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 15 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 3 of 12 Analysis: See previous response regarding traffic. The existing adjacent tenants would remain, thereby maintaining the existing cultural quality of the District. F. Discourage uses which because of size, the type of the products sold, vehicular traffic generated or other considerations, are more appropriately located elsewhere in the City. Analysis: See analysis for Purpose D regarding traffic. Although the proposed types of food are already available at other restaurants in the area, it appears based on the application that there is unmet demand for these products. In any event, the ZAB’s decision should not be based on the type of food sold, because this could be changed in the future without any further discretionary review by the City required. G. Encourage a mix of goods and services which will preclude the dominance of any one type of use and which will produce variations within the same category of uses. Analysis: Quick Service Restaurants do not currently “dominate” this District. Less than 25 percent (47) of the approximately 200 ground-floor commercial spaces in the District are devoted to this use, and the addition of one more Quick Service Restaurant would not cause this use to dominate. In addition, Quick Service Restaurants comprise approximately 58 percent of the total food service uses (47 out of 81). Therefore, there would continue to be adequate variation within the food service category after approval of the proposed restaurant. In addition, total food service uses would constitute less than half of the total ground-floor spaces in the District. H. To encourage the establishment and maintenance of uses which will satisfy the needs of all age groups and attract a range of users and interests. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes C and E. Providing an additional Quick Service Restaurant would help ensure that the food needs of all age groups and users are satisfied. I. Encourage the creation of additional housing in the District which is affordable, including housing for those who work or study nearby. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. J. Encourage those uses and structural architecture that reinforce, and discourage those uses and architecture that interrupt, the pedestrian orientation of the District. Analysis: The project would reinforce the pedestrian orientation of the District because it would draw the vast majority of its customers from surrounding residential and institutional uses. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 4 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 16 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 K. Encourage mixed Commercial and Residential Uses. Analysis: The project is located in an existing mixed-use building. L. Encourage the construction of new housing in mixed use development on vacant properties and surface parking lots. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. M. Encourage the redevelopment of single-story structures that are not historically significant resources with housing and mixed use development. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. N. Protect and enhance historically and architecturally significant buildings by ensuring that new development and alterations complement their existing architectural character. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. O. Encourage the establishment and survival of small, locally-owned businesses, thereby contributing to the vitality and diversity of the District. Analysis: As noted earlier, according to the applicant, the restaurant will be owned and operated by Ken Sarachan, who is locally based and also owns other businesses on Telegraph. By contrast, the former tenant was a national chain based in Orange County, California. While the size of the subject space is relatively large, there are several commercial spaces on Telegraph that are comparable in size or larger, including the three-story retail building to the north. P. Discourage the type of Commercial Use whose establishment will contribute to the displacement of businesses that supply neighboring residents with essential goods and services. Analysis: The subject tenant space is currently vacant (except for storage by the owner), and therefore the project does not displace any existing business. The type of retail conducted by the former tenant, Wet Seal, could not be characterized as an “essential” good or service. While there appears to be a general trend in the District toward conversion of retail spaces to food service, there are retail uses nearby that do supply more basic neighborhood goods, such as Sam’s Market and Walgreen’s, and these uses do not appear to have been adversely impacted by the increasing number of food service uses. Q. Ensure that new buildings, additions and renovations harmonize with and enhance the unique character of the District. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 17 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 5 of 12 Analysis: Not applicable to this project. R. Provide environmental protection for the residents of mixed residential commercial structures and surrounding residents from such detriments as noise, fumes and litter. Analysis: The permit, if approved, would include a condition of approval requiring adequate controls for smoke and odors from cooking, as well as monitoring of the sidewalk to prevent litter and excessive noise. See under “Alcohol Service” for further discussion of noise impacts. S. Preserve the ethnic diversity of the resident population and users of the District and of the types of businesses providing ethnically diverse goods and services in the District. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes F and P. The project would not displace any existing businesses, and the former business could not be characterized as contributing to the District’s ethnic diversity. T. Protect and encourage the development of properties accessible to the disabled for both residential and Commercial Use. Analysis: All tenant improvements within the subject tenant space would have to comply with the accessibility requirements of the California Building Code. U. Discourage uses which are widely available in other shopping Districts throughout the Bay Area and detract from the unique type and mix of goods and services available in the District. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes F, G, P and S. Although Quick Service Restaurants are widely available in other shopping Districts and throughout the Bay Area, the proposed business would be locally owned and operated, and would serve the specific needs of the C-T District. As noted in the analysis for Purpose G, there would continue to be an appropriate mix of goods and services in the District after approval of this project. 4. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.2, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project will encourage and maintain the present street frontage of the District, will not interfere with the continuity of retail or compatible service facilities at the ground level and will not interrupt a continuous wall of building facades, because the project does not include any substantial exterior alterations. 5. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.3, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project is compatible in design and character with the District and the adjacent residential neighborhoods, because it does not include any substantial File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 6 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 18 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 exterior alterations, is compatible with the purposes of the District as discussed in Finding 3 above, and the use is similar to existing commercial uses in the District. 6. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.4, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project will not generate traffic or parking demand significantly beyond the capacity of the Commercial District or significantly increase impacts on adjacent residential neighborhoods, as discussed in Finding 3, Purpose D. 7. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.C, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the extended hours will not generate excessive noise, traffic or parking problems affecting the well-being of the residents of the District, because the establishment will not offer live entertainment and will not create a “bar atmosphere” leading to excessive noise and other problems. The applicant has worked with the Police Department and Planning staff to identify appropriate restrictions to ensure that proposed alcohol service and hours of operation do not create adverse impacts on the neighborhood. These include requirements for ABC training for servers, participation in the Police Department’s Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) survey, and use of non-disposable glassware for alcoholic beverages. 8. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.E, the Zoning Adjustments Board grants a Use Permit to exceed the numerical and floor area limitations of the CT District, based on the following findings: 9. 1. Granting an exception will result in enhancement of the purposes of the District, as discussed in Finding 3 above; and 2. Adverse parking and transportation impacts of the proposed use are negligible or have been mitigated so as not to adversely affect circulation or parking capacity on adjacent streets or in the immediate neighborhood, as discussed in Finding 3, Purpose D. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.F, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project complies with the Southside Plan’s adopted Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP). There are no mitigations in the MMP that apply to this project. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ALL PROJECTS 1. Conditions Shall be Printed on Plans The conditions of this Permit shall be printed on the first sheet of each plan set submitted for a building permit pursuant to this Use Permit, under the title ‘Use Permit Conditions’. The second sheet may also be used if the first sheet is not of sufficient size to list all of the conditions. The sheet(s) containing the conditions shall be of the same size as those sheets containing the construction drawings; 8-1/2” by 11” sheets are not acceptable. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 2. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 19 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 7 of 12 Applicant Responsible for Compliance with Conditions The applicant shall ensure compliance with all of the following conditions, including submittal to the project planner of required approval signatures at the times specified. Failure to comply with any condition may result in construction being stopped, issuance of a citation, and/or modification or revocation of the Use Permit. 3. 4. Uses Approved Deemed to Exclude Other Uses (Section 23B.56.010) A. This Permit authorizes only those uses and activities actually proposed in the application and excludes other uses and activities. B. Except as expressly specified herein, this Permit terminates all other uses at the location subject to it. Modification of Permits (Section 23B.56.020) No change in the use or structure for which this Permit is approved is permitted unless the Permit is modified by the Zoning Adjustments Board, in conformance with Section 23B.56.020.A. Changes in the plans for the construction of a building or structure may be modified prior to the completion of construction, in accordance with Section 23B.56.020.D. The Zoning Officer may approve changes to plans approved by the Board, consistent with the Board’s policy adopted on May 24, 1978, which reduce the size of the project. The Zoning Officer may also approve a maximum two-foot variation to Board approved plans, provided that such variation does not increase a structure’s height, reduce the minimum distance to any property line, and/or conflict with any special objective sought by the Board. 5. Plans and Representations Become Conditions (Section 23B.56.030) Except as expressly specified herein, the site plan, floor plans, building elevations and any additional information or representations submitted by the applicant during the Staff review and public hearing process leading to the approval of this Permit, whether oral or written, which indicated the proposed structure or manner of operation are deemed conditions of approval. 6. Subject to all City and Other Regulations (Section 23B.56.040) The approved use and/or construction are subject to, and shall comply with, all applicable City Ordinances and laws and regulations of other governmental agencies. 7. Exercised Permit for Use Survives Vacancy of Property (Section 23B.56.080) File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 8 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 20 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Once a Permit for a use is exercised and the use is established, that use is legally recognized, even if the property becomes vacant, except as set forth in Standard Condition #8 below. 8. 9. Exercise and Lapse of Permits (Section 23B.56.100) A. A permit for the use of a building or a property is exercised when, if required, a valid City business license has been issued, and the permitted use has commenced on the property. B. A permit for the construction of a building or structure is deemed exercised when a valid City building permit, if required, is issued, and construction has lawfully commenced. C. A permit may be declared lapsed and of no further force and effect if it is not exercised within one year of its issuance, except that permits for construction or alteration of structures or buildings may not be declared lapsed if the permittee has (1) applied for a building permit or (2) made substantial good faith efforts to obtain a building permit and begin construction, even if a building permit has not been issued and/or construction has not begun. The applicant shall hold the City of Berkeley and its officers harmless in the event of any legal action related to the granting of this Permit, shall cooperate with the City in defense of such action, and shall indemnify the City for any award of damages or attorneys fees that may result. CONDITIONS BY PROJECT TYPE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SERVICE CONDITIONS (on-site) 10. Alcoholic beverage service shall be “incidental” to the primary food service use, as defined in Zoning Ordinance 23F.04.010. An incidental use shall not exceed twentyfive percent (25%) of the floor area of the primary use, and if it consists of the commercial sales of a different line of products or services than the primary use, such incidental use may not generate gross receipts in excess of thirty-three percent (33%) of the gross receipts generated by the primary use. In addition, the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) allows this alcohol use only as part of a “bona fide eating place” making “actual and substantial sales of meals,” and stringently enforces this requirement. 11. The establishment shall comply with all applicable regulations of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 12. The applicant shall comply with ABC regulations for License Type 41 (“On Sale Beer & Wine – Eating Place”), which requires that the food establishment operate as a bona File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 21 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 9 of 12 fide eating place, make actual and substantial sales of meals during normal meal hours, and that the establishment operate at least five days a week. In addition, the applicant shall request that the ABC place the following conditions on the ABC permit for this site, and this Use Permit shall only be operative for as long as these conditions are placed on the associated ABC license: a. The sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises is strictly prohibited; b. There shall be no bar or lounge area upon the licensed premises maintained for the sole purpose of sales, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages directly to patrons for consumption; c. During operating hours, 100% of the service area shall be designed and used for and must possess the necessary utensils, and condiment dispensers with which to serve meals to the public; d. There shall be no exterior advertising or sign of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. Interior displays of alcoholic beverages or signs which are clearly visible to the exterior shall constitute a violation of this condition. 13. A Berkeley Police Department Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) survey shall be completed prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy or final inspection. 14. All employees selling and/or serving alcohol, or directly supervising such sales and/or service, shall complete the Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) program, or another equivalent program offered or certified by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control within 6 months of employment at the establishment. Employees who have completed the course within the last five (5) years shall be exempt from this requirement. 15. Employees shall not serve alcohol to patrons who appear to be inebriated or otherwise unable to behave in an orderly manner upon consuming alcohol. 16. The service of alcohol shall be limited to beer and wine and limited to the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. seven days per week. The Zoning Adjustments Board or designee shall approve any change in the hours of restaurant operations, of alcohol service, or both. Hours of operation are subject to review and amendment by the Zoning Adjustments Board as necessary to avoid detriment to the neighborhood or to achieve conformance with revised City standards or policies. 17. Neither alcohol-dispensing facilities nor sign(s) advertising alcoholic beverages shall be visible from the public right-of-way. 18. All alcohol served to patrons must be served in durable restaurant tableware – i.e. either cups or glasses. No alcohol may be distributed in its original bottle or can, or in any other potentially disposable container. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 10 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 22 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 19. There shall be no service or consumption of alcohol in the public right-of-way. 20. No alcohol may be transported off-site from the establishment to any other establishment or to the public right-of-way. 21. The owner or operator of the establishment shall take reasonable measures to prevent disturbances by patrons in the immediate vicinity. Such measures shall include signs reminding patrons of nearby residences and requests not to congregate or loiter near such residences nor operate vehicles in a noisy manner on residential streets. The operator shall give surveillance to public areas near the establishment, keep such areas free of trash and litter, provide lighting, and otherwise attempt to prevent conduct that might disturb the peace and quiet of residences in the vicinity. Furthermore, the operator shall assume reasonable responsibility for ensuring that patrons do not block the entrance or interfere with pedestrian activity on the adjacent public sidewalk. 22. The applicant shall establish cash handling procedures to reduce the likelihood of robberies and theft. 23. This Use Permit, including these and all other required conditions, shall be posted in conspicuous location, available for viewing by any interested party. 24. The premises shall not be rented out to third-party “promoters” for any special events or parties. FOOD SERVICE CONDITIONS (These requirements are in addition to any other requirements under the City's Building, Health or Fire Codes or by agencies such as the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department of the State of California. The applicant is responsible for contacting these and other departments and agencies to identify and secure all applicable permits and licenses). 25. This permit is subject to review, imposition of additional conditions, or revocation if factual complaint is received by the Zoning Officer that the maintenance or operation of this establishment is violating any of these or other required conditions or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or is detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. 26. Changes in the nature of the operation including, but not limited to, the addition of seating beyond the capacity indicated in the application, expansion of hours beyond 2 a.m., and the addition of live entertainment, shall require modification of this permit (or a new Use Permit, if required by the Zoning Ordinance) subject to approval by the Zoning Adjustments Board. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 23 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 11 of 12 27. The approved floor plan, including the number of seats, shall be followed and the operation shall be conducted as presented to the Board. The maximum occupancy shall be as specified in the application unless otherwise required by applicable regulations. 28. Changes to the building's facade, including doors or windows, site plans, landscaping, signage, and awnings are subject to Design Review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 29. The hours of operation of the restaurant portion of the business shall be limited to: 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. (see Condition 16 above for further restrictions on alcohol service). Hours of operation refer to arrival of the first patron and departure of the last patron. Any change in the hours of operation shall be approved by the Zoning Adjustments Board or designee. Hours of operation are subject to review and amendment by the Zoning Adjustments Board as necessary to avoid detriment to the neighborhood or to achieve conformance with revised City standards or policies. 30. Cooking odors, noise, exterior lighting and operation of any parking area shall be controlled so as to prevent verified complaints from the surrounding neighborhood. This shall include noise created by employees working on the premises before or after patrons arrive. 31. Smoke and odor control equipment approved by the City Environmental Health Division and providing adequate protection to residential uses in the vicinity shall be installed prior to issuance of an Occupancy Permit. 32. Garbage and trash containers that are suitably enclosed and screened from view shall be provided subject to approval of the Zoning Officer, the Health Department and, where applicable, the Design Review Planner. Any establishment selling beverages in cans or bottles that are subject to the State of California Container Deposit Law shall provide separate bins or cans for the placement of such cans or bottles to ensure recycling of such containers. 33. Containers used for the dispensing of prepared food shall identify the establishment. Polystyrene foam food packing is prohibited by Section 11.60.030 of the Berkeley Municipal Code. 34. Any establishment selling beverages in cans or bottles that are subject to the State of California Container Deposit Law shall recycle such containers. 35. The operator of the restaurant shall place a waste receptacle near the entry way and shall insure that garbage on the sidewalk in front of the establishment and within 50 feet thereof will be picked up periodically during each day, so that the sidewalk remains clean. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 12 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 24 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 36. The operator shall assume reasonable responsibility for ensuring that patrons do not block the entrance or interfere with pedestrian activity on the adjacent public sidewalk. 37. The applicant shall comply with Berkeley Municipal Code Chapter 9.88, which requires businesses with 10 or more employees to provide either (1) a program for excluding employee transit expenses from taxable earnings, (2) a transit subsidy equal to the value of a monthly AC Transit bus pass, or (3) a shuttle service. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 25 of 166 ATTACHMENT 2 ZAB 01-10-13 Page 1 of 2 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 26 of 166 ATTACHMENT 2 ZAB 01-10-13 Page 2 of 2 4 Sep 12, Rev 20 Nov 12 ATTACHMENT 3 Attachment 5 - Admin Record ZAB 01-10-13 Page 27 of 166 Page 1 of 1 City of Berkeley Planning Department 2120 Milvia Street Berkeley, CA 94704 Re: AUP Application – Project Statement 2360 Telegraph Avenue Biondi’s Café The proposed Restaurant, to be named Biondi’s Café, will feature salads, gourmet pizza and pasta. It will cater to the student and staff population at UC Berkeley, as well as the surrounding neighborhood. It will feature restaurant tables, booths and counter seating with a bistro style atmosphere. The previous use was Wet Seal, a clothing store. The project area is approximately 4,647 square feet of ground floor space, plus an existing storage mezzanine of approximately 1,100 sf. The interior improvements will include a new commercial kitchen, open seating areas, booths, counter type seating, accessible restrooms and a product lift for storage of goods on the existing mezzanine. The restaurant plans to serve a menu of pasta, pizza and salads and will cater to the student lunch crowd as well as evening dining. Beer and wine will also be served with meals. Exterior improvements will be limited to replacing a portion of the storefront with new operable window panels, plus a new sign. The new sign and all associated lighting will be under a separate permit. The seating capacity will be approximately 150 as allowed by the Building Code. Distance travelers will be able to utilize street parking or the Sather Gate Public Garage on Durant Avenue. Architecture Planning Design Regards, Mark Thieme, Architect [1225 AUP Project Description LH.doc] 77 Solano Square Number 134 Benicia.Ca.94510 Fon.707.748.7150 Fax.707.641.0102 ATTACHMENT 4 Attachment 5 - Admin Record ZAB 01-10-13 Page 28 of 166 Page 1 of 3 2360 Telegraph Avenue Use Permit #12-10000037 to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants restaurants,, and with incidental beer and wine service until 2 a.m. The Zoning Adjustments Board of the City of Berkeley will hold a public hearing on the above matter, pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Section 23B.32.020, on Thursday, January 10, 2013 at the Maudelle Shirek Building Building,, 2134 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way, second floor Council chambers (wheelchair accessible). The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. PERMITS REQUIRED: • • • Use Permit to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 square feet (plus storage) exceeding the limits on the number and size on such uses (30 restaurants allowed, 47 existing; 1,500 sq. ft. size limit) Administrative Use Permit to allow service of beer and wine incidental to food service Use Permit to allow service of beer and wine until 2 a.m., seven days per week (code otherwise allows 10 p.m., Sunday-Thursday, and 12 midnight, Friday-Saturday) APPLICANT: Mark Thieme, 77 Solano Square #134, Benicia, CA 94510 ZONING DISTRICT: C-T, Telegraph Avenue Commercial ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STATUS: Categorically exempt under Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (“ (“New New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). The Zoning Application and application materials for this project is available online at: http://www.cityofberkeley.info/zoningapplications The agenda and staff report for this meeting will be available online 3 to 5 days prior to this meeting at: http://www.cityofberkeley.info/zoningadjustmentsboard 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510.981.7410 TDD: 510.981.7474 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 510.981.7420 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 4 Attachment 5 - Admin Record ZAB 01-10-13 Page 29 of 166 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Page 2 of 3 Posted December 24, 2012 Correspondence and Notice of Decision Requests • Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Please note: e-mail addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission or committee, will become part of the public record. If you do not want your e-mail address or any other contact information to be made public, you may deliver communications via U.S. Postal Service or in person to the secretary of the relevant board, commission or committee. If you do not want your contact information included in the public record, please do not include that information in your communication. Please contact the secretary to the relevant board, commission or committee for further information. • To distribute correspondence to Board members prior to the meeting date -- submit comments by 12:00 noon, seven (7) days before the meeting. Please provide 15 copies of any correspondence with more than ten (10) pages or if in color or photographic format. • Correspondence received by 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday before the meeting will be posted on the ZAB web site for review by the Board and public prior to the meeting. Correspondence received later, and after the meeting, will be posted to the web site following the meeting. • Any correspondence received after this deadline will be given to Board members on the meeting date just prior to the meeting. • Staff will not deliver to Board members any additional written (or e-mail) materials received after 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting. • Members of the public may submit written comments themselves early in the meeting. To distribute correspondence at the meeting, please provide 15 copies and submit to the Zoning Adjustments Board Clerk just before or at the beginning of the meeting. • Written comments, or a request for a Notice of Decision should be directed to the ZAB Secretary at: Land Use Planning Division (Attn: Steven Buckley, ZAB Secretary), 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 OR at [email protected]. Accessibility Information / ADA Disclaimer This meeting is being held in a wheelchair accessible location. To request a disability-related accommodation(s) to participate in the meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact the Disability Services specialist at 981-6342 (V) or 981-6345 (TDD) at least three business days before the meeting date. Please refrain from wearing scented products to this meeting. SB 343 Disclaimer Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Permit Service Center, Planning and Development Department located at 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, during regular business hours. G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\2012-1224_ZAB_PHN POSTER_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 4 Attachment 5 - Admin Record ZAB 01-10-13 Page 30 of 166 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Page 3 of 3 Posted December 24, 2012 Notice Concerning Your Legal Rights If you object to a decision by the Zoning Adjustments Board regarding a land use permit project, the following requirements and restrictions apply: 1. If you challenge the decision of the City in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Zoning Adjustments Board at, or prior to, the public hearing. 2. You must appeal to the City Council within fourteen (14) days after the Notice of Decision of the action of the Zoning Adjustments Board is mailed. It is your obligation to notify the Land Use Planning Division in writing of your desire to receive a Notice of Decision when it is completed. 3. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6(b) and Government Code Section 65009(c)(1), no lawsuit challenging a City Council decision, as defined by Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6(e), regarding a use permit, variance or other permit may be filed more than ninety (90) days after the date the decision becomes final, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6(b). Any lawsuit not filed within that ninety (90) day period will be barred. 4. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), notice is hereby given to the applicant that the 90-day protest period for any fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions included in any permit approval begins upon final action by the City, and that any challenge must be filed within this 90-day period. 5. If you believe that this decision or any condition attached to it denies you any reasonable economic use of the subject property, was not sufficiently related to a legitimate public purpose, was not sufficiently proportional to any impact of the project, or for any other reason constitutes a “taking” of property for public use without just compensation under the California or United States Constitutions, the following requirements apply: A. That this belief is a basis of your appeal. B. Why you believe that the decision or condition constitutes a "taking" of property as set forth above. C. All evidence and argument in support of your belief that the decision or condition constitutes a “taking” as set forth above. If you do not do so, you will waive any legal right to claim that your property has been taken, both before the City Council and in court. Further Information Questions about the project should be directed to the project planner, Aaron Sage, at (510) 981-7410 or [email protected]. All project application materials, including full-size plans, may be viewed at the Permit Service Center (Zoning counter), 2120 Milvia Street, during normal office hours. G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\2012-1224_ZAB_PHN POSTER_2360 Telegraph.docx ATTACHMENT 5 Attachment 5 - Admin Record ZAB 01-10-13 Page 31 of 166 Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT 5 Attachment 5 - Admin Record ZAB 01-10-13 Page 32 of 166 Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 5 Attachment 5 - Admin Record ZAB 01-10-13 Page 33 of 166 Page 3 of 3 Sage, Aaron E. Nabozny, Jessyca A. Wednesday, November 21, 2012 2:24 PM Sage, Aaron E. Fomby II, Spencer 2360 Telegraph Ave From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: ! # $ % % & % ) " # ' ( * & % & +% , % % + ( . / 0 % * 1223 4 ! 5' / & 6 4 789 8:22 7 $ ;<=2 >732:=993 " #;<=2 >732:=327 2 , Captioner’s Report, ZAB, 01-10-2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 34Page of 1166 of 3 I, KATHRYN ROBSON, a Certified Realtime Reporter, do hereby certify that: I am a subcontractor of TERI DARRENOUGUE, a Certified Realtime Reporter who has been commissioned by the City of Berkeley to transcribe, for the purposes of captioning, the Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board meetings. Because of my inability to stop the proceedings and clarify what exactly has been spoken or who has spoken, the transcript may contain errors or may not be a verbatim transcription. With the exceptions noted above, the captioning transcript constitutes a true and correct report of the January 10, 2013 meeting of the Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunder subscribed my hand on January 10, 2013. Captioner’s Report, ZAB, 01-10-2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 35Page of 2166 of 3 >> M. Alvarez-Cohen: Welcome. Welcome to the zoning adjustments board meeting for Thursday, January 10, 2013. Let's start with a roll call, and if anyone has any ex parte communications, please indicate that. Terri? >> T. Blount: I have received word from the chair, George Williams, he will not be here tonight. And also from Board Member Groves, also will not be here. Calling the roll, Board Member Donaldson. >> S. Donaldson: No ex parte communications. >> T. Blount: Board Member Allen. >> R. Allen: Here, I visited the Scenic Avenue site and the Amador Avenue, and met with neighbors at both sites and I visited the childcare facility and met with four or five of the people and toured the site. >> T. Blount: Board Member Feller. >> F. Feller: Present. >> T. Blount: Did you have ex parte communications? Thank you. >> T. Blount: Vice-Chair Cohen. >> M. Alvarez-Cohen: Present, no ex parte. >> T. Blount: Board Member Tregub. >> I. Tregub: Present, no ex parte >> T. Blount: Board Member Hong. >> S. Hong: Present. >> T. Blount: You did not speak with any person regarding any of the items outside of the meeting, that's what the question is about. >> S. Hong: Sorry. No, I did not. >> T. Blount: So that would be no, thank you. >> M. Alvarez-Cohen: Thanks, Terry. Public comment, would anyone in the audience like to speak to any item not agendized on the meeting tonight. I don't see anyone. Let's move to the gentleman even, I'm going to approve the action minutes as part of any consent calendar, did anyone have any proposals on the consent calendar? Bob? >> R. Allen: Tell me if there are any cards on these. But I'm suggesting we put on consent, number 3, 39 canyon road. Number 4, 809-A Allston. Number 10, 2068 center street. And number 11, 2360 Telegraph. >> M. Alvarez-Cohen: Okay. On number 3, 39 canyon, all I have is one card in support of this. Anyone in the audience in opposition to that topic? No. Okay, we'll put number 3 on. Number 4, Allston Way, no cards. Anyone in the audience want to speak in opposition to that? No. Number 10, center street, all I have is one card, mark wants to speak in support. Anyone in opposition to number 2068 center street? No. Number 11, I have no cards on that. Anyone in opposition to 2360 Telegraph? No. Before we make -- anyone second that motion? >> Second. >> M. Alvarez-Cohen: Great, thank you. The action minutes, leapt me ask, does anyone want to make a motion to approve those as well? >> I make motion to approve those. >> I. Tregub: I have one suggested correction for staff before we approve it. For compliance determination number 4 on page 3, Captioner’s Report, ZAB, 01-10-2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 36Page of 3166 of 3 where there's the final vote, I believe should show, it should be 8-0, 0-1, rather than 8-0 to 1-0, since Commissioner Groves didn't abstain, she recused herself. >> T. Blount: I'll doublecheck that. I think we have recused there, but you're saying 8-0-0-1. >> I. Tregub: Correct >> T. Blount: We'll correct that, if it is incorrect. >> M. Alvarez-Cohen: Okay. Anyone have a second on the approving the action minutes? >> I. Tregub: Second. >> M. Alvarez-Cohen: Great. So let's have a vote, on the consent calendar. All in favor of putting on consent calendar number 3, number 4, number 10 and 11, say aye? >> Aye. >> M. Alvarez-Cohen: Anyone against? Anyone abstaining? No. Okay. >> T. Blount: I'm sorry, the first was Board Member Donaldson and the second was Board Member Tregub? >> M. Alvarez-Cohen: On the consent it was first was Bob, and then the second, correct. >> T. Blount: Apologies, we're still down an intern. >> M. Alvarez-Cohen: I'm moving quickly, I know. Number 39, canyon road, you have your use permit, appealable to the City Council. Number 809-A, Allston Way, you have your use permit, appealable to the City Council, you may leave. Number 2068 center street, you have your use permit, it is appealable to the City Council, you can leave. And finally number 2360 Telegraph have a, you have your use permit, appealable to the City Council as well, you can go as well. Let's take a vote on the action minutes, all in five favor? Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 37 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 38 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 39 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 40 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 41 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 42 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 43 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 44 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 45 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 46 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 47 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 48 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 49 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 50 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 51 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 52 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 53 of 166 Sage, Aaron E. From: Sent: To: Subject: Sage, Aaron E. Thursday, October 11, 2012 3:39 PM '[email protected]' 2360 Telegraph - application incomplete Hi Mark, I’ve reviewed this application and it is incomplete pending receipt of the following: 1. Photo of yellow pre-application poster sign, per Item I.E of the Zoning Project Submittal Requirements. 2. Zoning Use Questionnaire (under “Alcoholic Beverages” on the second page) states that alcohol will not be served at a bar, yet this conflicts with the applicant statement and the floor plan. Please submit a revised questionnaire with this In addition, I’ve determined that we overcharged for this application. The correct fee for the Use Permit is $5,458.80, not $6,871. However, this application requires an additional Use Permit to exceed the 1,500 sq. ft. limit for quick service restaurants found in Section 23E.56.040. We did not charge for this Use Permit, so a fee of $414 will be deducted from the amount overpaid, leaving a refund of $998.20. In order to process this refund I need you to turn in the original receipt or fill out the attached declaration. I still anticipate being able to get this to the ZAB on December 13, if not earlier. Please let me know if you have any questions. Aaron Sage, AICP Senior Planner City of Berkeley ph 510-981-7425 fax 510-981-7420 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 54 of 166 Sage, Aaron E. From: Sent: To: Subject: Sage, Aaron E. Thursday, October 18, 2012 3:11 PM '[email protected]' RE: 2360 Telegraph - further info/questions Hi Mark, Just wanted to follow up on my previous e-mail (see below) and confirm you received it. Also, I have some new information and questions for you: 1. Upon further review of the Zoning Ordinance I’ve learned that a Use Permit is required to allow a use involving alcohol to operate past 10 p.m. Sunday-Thursday and midnight FridaySaturday. See Section 23E.56.060.B. This will be added to your application with a fee of $414, and the refund I mentioned below would be $584.20 rather than $998.20. 2. The Police Dept. has concerns about possible live entertainment. Please confirm no live entertainment is proposed. 3. Please note that Use Permit applications involving alcohol are usually initiated by the operator of the establishment rather than the property owner. The ZAB has been hesitant to approve, and in some cases has denied, such applications without knowing who the operator is. Any further information you can provide as to who the operator will be, and what type of restaurant this will be (e.g. sample menus, example of similar existing restaurants) may help address the ZAB’s concerns. Thanks for your attention to these items. Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, Aaron ! "! #! $ % ! & ' &&% " " " !&% Hi Mark, I’ve reviewed this application and it is incomplete pending receipt of the following: 1. Photo of yellow pre-application poster sign, per Item I.E of the Zoning Project Submittal Requirements. 2. Zoning Use Questionnaire (under “Alcoholic Beverages” on the second page) states that alcohol will not be served at a bar, yet this conflicts with the applicant statement and the floor plan. Please submit a revised questionnaire with this Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 55 of 166 In addition, I’ve determined that we overcharged for this application. The correct fee for the Use Permit is $5,458.80, not $6,871. However, this application requires an additional Use Permit to exceed the 1,500 sq. ft. limit for quick service restaurants found in Section 23E.56.040. We did not charge for this Use Permit, so a fee of $414 will be deducted from the amount overpaid, leaving a refund of $998.20. In order to process this refund I need you to turn in the original receipt or fill out the attached declaration. I still anticipate being able to get this to the ZAB on December 13, if not earlier. Please let me know if you have any questions. Aaron Sage, AICP Senior Planner City of Berkeley ph 510-981-7425 fax 510-981-7420 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 56 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 57 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 58 of 166 Sage, Aaron E. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mark Thieme [[email protected]] Tuesday, October 30, 2012 7:50 AM Sage, Aaron E.; 'Renee Thieme' 'Mark Thieme' Re: 2360 Telegraph - application incomplete 2360 Telegraph - Use Permit Poster FINAL.pdf Please find attached a copy of the project site poster for 2360 Telegraph Avenue. Also, here are the answers to your questions: 1. I talked to Ken Sarachan, the building owner, who is also the operator for this business. He owns the properties and operates a number of businesses on the avenue including Blondie's Pizza, Rasputin Music and Bear Basics. 2. We discussed the bar area and he said that they will only be serving beer and wine, no hard liquor. The bar area is an eating 3. counter and not 'bar' in the typical sense. Do you want me to re-label the plans to say eating counter? Please let me know. There will be no live music at this location. Please let me know if you need anything else. !" # $ " % &% !" #'$ " %( %" ") * $ " %! "% " +++ , Please consider the environment before printing this email %%%%%- 3 3 3 3 %%%%% ./ ,$ 0 * 1 - ,* )) )" ) "$) 3 3 3 3 .$) (" 4 % 44 , 1 2 4, Renee, Please use the following project description: ?Proposed Biondi?s café serving beer and wine with hours of operation until 2 a.m. in an existing retail space?. If this is too long for the available space, I?d suggest deleting ?Biondi?s? and ?in an existing retail space?. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 59 of 166 Please use a floor plan. Let me know if you have any further questions. Aaron 3 / ,$, 0 , 1 - ,* )) )" ) "$ ) . 3 .$) (" 4 % 44 , 2 4, Aaron, Per Mark?s request, I am sending you a draft of the 2360 Telegraph Application Use Permit Poster for your review. Do you recommend using the elevation or floor plan to be placed in the required space? I am also waiting for the final s.f. number. Please let me know if you have any other corrections and a final will be sent to you for your approval. Renee Thieme Mark Thieme Architect 77 Solano Square #134 Benicia, CA 94510 707.748.7150 phone 707.641.0102 fax %%%%%- %%%%% ./ ,$ 0 * 1 1 - ,* )" ) " $ 5 3, 0 , 3 ) (" 4 % 44 , 4, 2 Hi Mark, I?ve reviewed this application and it is incomplete pending receipt of the following: Photo of yellow pre-application poster sign, per Item I.E of the Zoning Project Submittal Requirements. Zoning Use Questionnaire (under ?Alcoholic Beverages? on the second page) states that alcohol will not be served at a bar, yet this conflicts with the applicant statement and the floor plan. Please submit a revised questionnaire with this In addition, I?ve determined that we overcharged for this application. The correct fee for the Use Permit is $5,458.80, not $6,871. However, this application requires an additional Use Permit to exceed the 1,500 sq. ft. limit for quick service restaurants found in Section 23E.56.040. We did not charge for this Use Permit, so a fee of $414 will be deducted from the amount overpaid, leaving a ) Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 60 of 166 refund of $998.20. In order to process this refund I need you to turn in the original receipt or fill out the attached declaration. I still anticipate being able to get this to the ZAB on December 13, if not earlier. Please let me know if you have any questions. Aaron Sage, AICP Senior Planner City of Berkeley ph 510-981-7425 fax 510-981-7420 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 61 of 166 PROPOSED PROJECT PROJECT INFORMATION: 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE: Proposed Biondi’s Cafe serving beer and wine with hours of operation until 2 a.m. in an existing retail space. 4,647 s.f. ground floor 1,100 s.f. mezzanine PROPOSED RESTAURANT FLOOR PLAN APPLICANT INFORMATION: Mark Thieme Architect 77 Solano Square #134 Benicia, CA 94510 707.748.7150 For more information check the Planning Department Web Page: www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/planning or call 510.981.7410 PUBLIC NOTICES: 8.5” x 11” Space for Clear Plastic Sleeves for Board Notices 8.5” x 11” Space for Clear Plastic Sleeves for Board Notices Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 62 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 63 of 166 4 Sep 12, Rev 20 Nov 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 64 of 166 City of Berkeley Planning Department 2120 Milvia Street Berkeley, CA 94704 Re: AUP Application – Project Statement 2360 Telegraph Avenue Biondi’s Café The proposed Restaurant, to be named Biondi’s Café, will feature salads, gourmet pizza and pasta. It will cater to the student and staff population at UC Berkeley, as well as the surrounding neighborhood. It will feature restaurant tables, booths and counter seating with a bistro style atmosphere. The previous use was Wet Seal, a clothing store. The project area is approximately 4,647 square feet of ground floor space, plus an existing storage mezzanine of approximately 1,100 sf. The interior improvements will include a new commercial kitchen, open seating areas, booths, counter type seating, accessible restrooms and a product lift for storage of goods on the existing mezzanine. The restaurant plans to serve a menu of pasta, pizza and salads and will cater to the student lunch crowd as well as evening dining. Beer and wine will also be served with meals. Exterior improvements will be limited to replacing a portion of the storefront with new operable window panels, plus a new sign. The new sign and all associated lighting will be under a separate permit. The seating capacity will be approximately 150 as allowed by the Building Code. Distance travelers will be able to utilize street parking or the Sather Gate Public Garage on Durant Avenue. Architecture Planning Design Regards, Mark Thieme, Architect [1225 AUP Project Description LH.doc] 77 Solano Square Number 134 Benicia.Ca.94510 Fon.707.748.7150 Fax.707.641.0102 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 65 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 66 of 166 Planning and Development Department Land Use Planning Division 2120 Milvia Street, 2nd Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 67 of 166 Zoning Adjustments Board NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Use Permit #12-10000037 WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 2012. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm. WHERE: Council Chambers, Maudelle Shirek Bldg. 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, 2nd Floor. Wheelchair accessible. «NAME1» «NAME2» «ADDRESS1» «ADDRESS2» Planning and Development Department Land Use Planning Division 2120 Milvia Street, 2nd Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 Zoning Adjustments Board NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Use Permit #12-10000037 WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 2012. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm. WHERE: Council Chambers, Maudelle Shirek Bldg. 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, 2nd Floor. Wheelchair accessible. «Next Record»«NAME1» «NAME2» «ADDRESS1» «ADDRESS2» SUBJECT: 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 68 of 166 Use Permit #12-10000037 to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants, and with incidental beer and wine service. CEQA STATUS: Categorically exempt under Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). NOTICE CONCERNING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS: If you challenge the decision of the City in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Board at, or prior to, the public hearing. All persons are welcome to attend the hearing and will be given an opportunity to address the Board. Comments may be made verbally at the public hearing and/or in writing before the hearing. The Board may limit the time granted to each speaker. Send written comments to: Zoning Adjustments Board, Permit Service Center, 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704, or e-mail to: [email protected], or fax to: (510) 981-7420. To ensure inclusion in the packet, submit correspondence seven (7) days before the hearing. For any correspondence submitted less than seven days before the meeting, submit 15 copies for staff to deliver to the Board at its meeting. This meeting is being held in a wheelchair accessible location. To request a disability-related accommodation(s) to participate in the meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact the Disability Services specialist at 981-6342(V) or 981-6345(TDD) at least three business days before the meeting date. Please refrain from wearing scented products to this meeting. PLEASE NOTE: email addresses, names, street addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission or committee, it will become part of the public record, and will become accessible on the City Website. Post and Mail Date: December 21, 2012 The Zoning Application for this project is available at the Permit Service Center, 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, and at our website: http://www.cityofberkeley.info/zoningapplications The agenda and staff report for this meeting will be available 3 to 5 days prior to this meeting at the Permit Service Center, 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, and at our website: http://www.cityofberkeley.info/zoningadjustmentsboard SUBJECT: 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Use Permit #12-10000037 to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants, and with incidental beer and wine service. CEQA STATUS: Categorically exempt under Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). NOTICE CONCERNING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS: If you challenge the decision of the City in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Board at, or prior to, the public hearing. Post and Mail Date: December 21, 2012 All persons are welcome to attend the hearing and will be given an opportunity to address the Board. Comments may be made verbally at the public hearing and/or in writing before the hearing. The Board may limit the time granted to each speaker. Send written comments to: Zoning Adjustments Board, Permit Service Center, 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704, or e-mail to: [email protected], or fax to: (510) 981-7420. To ensure inclusion in the packet, submit correspondence seven (7) days before the hearing. For any correspondence submitted less than seven days before the meeting, submit 15 copies for staff to deliver to the Board at its meeting. This meeting is being held in a wheelchair accessible location. To request a disability-related accommodation(s) to participate in the meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact the Disability Services specialist at 981-6342(V) or 981-6345(TDD) at least three business days before the meeting date. Please refrain from wearing scented products to this meeting. PLEASE NOTE: email addresses, names, street addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission or committee, it will become part of the public record, and will become accessible on the City Website. The Zoning Application for this project is available at the Permit Service Center, 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, and at our website: http://www.cityofberkeley.info/zoningapplications The agenda and staff report for this meeting will be available 3 to 5 days prior to this meeting at the Permit Service Center, 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, and at our website: http://www.cityofberkeley.info/zoningadjustmentsboard 2360 TELEGRAPH AVE NAME1 ASUC Attn%253A Municipal Lobby Telegraph Avenue Residents Group Willard Neighborhood Group Carol Lipnick Telegraph Area Association University of California Berkeley PDC Dept Urban Creeks Council Bananas Inc. REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF C JANGMI LLC CHANNING WAY 2003 LLC AFFAIRS LLC & THREE SMART MONK ZEMEL ARTHUR & LEVIN DOROTHY T 2509 DURANT LLC TAYLOR SPRINGS MANAGEMENT LLC FORTUNEWORLD INC LIVING CITY INVESTMENTS LLC AYYAD FUAD & MUNA I SARACHAN KENNETH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF B RUE ELL ENTERPRISES INC CHITRCHARATN NIRAMOL DOWNEY NANCY B TR & ROUSH VIRG LANDIS JUDSON R & SHERON C TRS RSGF GRANADA BUILDING LLC CAMOU TELEGRAPH AVENUE PROPERT TOWNSEND I LLC DURANT PLACE MAHONEY MICHAEL T TR & WHITE K GOODHUE NEIL B & DIANE C TRS HUNOLT JAMES B TR & THOMAS E T FUENTES JENNAN K BERKELEY ASSOCIATES LLC DABEL GREGORY J & KAREN L ETAL OCCUPANT 196 NOTICES NAME2 MUNICIPAL LOBBY DIRECTOR WAYNE ABBOT SHEILA HOLDERNESS (OCUPT) CAROL LIPNICK (OCCUPANT) KATHY BERGER (OCCUPANT) UNIV. OF CA BERKELEY CAROLE SCHEMMERLING (OPT) ARLYCE CURRIE 1111 FRANKLIN ST 6 1144 CAMINO VALLECITO 1367 27TH AVE 140 2ND ST%2C 2ND FLOOR 1504 S EL CAMINO REAL 1900 S NORFOLK ST 350 1901 OLYMPIC BLVD 100 200 CREEDON CIR 2301 ASHBY AVE A 2312 TELEGRAPH AVE 2401 TELEGRAPH AVE 2407 DANA ST 2437 DURANT AVE 2511 CHANNING WAY 360 17TH ST 206 3701 WINDING CREEK RD 551 FIFTH AVE 631 TANGLEWOOD DR 731 SANSOME ST 2ND 7705 POTRERO AVE P O BOX 2277 P.O. BOX 11015 PO BOX 156 PO BOX 2905 PO BOX 680 PO BOX 85 2301 TELEGRAPH AVE Attachment 5 - Admin Record MAILED OUT 12-20-12 Page 69 of 166 ADDRESS1 200 ESHLEMAN HALL 2449 DWIGHT WAY APT 45 2440 STUART ST 2510 TELEGRAPH AVE 2509 HASTE ST 300 A&E BUILDING 861 REGAL RD 5232 CLAREMONT AVE OAKLAND CA94607 LAFAYETTE CA94549 SAN FRANCISCO CA94122 SAN FRANCISCO CA94105 SAN MATEO CA94402 SAN MATEO CA94403 WALNUT CREEK CA94596 ALAMEDA CA94502 BERKELEY CA94705 BERKELEY CA94704 BERKELEY CA94704 BERKELEY CA94704 BERKELEY CA94704 BERKELEY CA94704 OAKLAND CA94612 SACRAMENTO CA95864 NEW YORK NY10176 SYKESVILLE MD21784 SAN FRANCISCO CA94111 EL CERRITO CA94530 BORREGO SPRINGS CA92004 OAKLAND CA94611 MANCHESTER CA95459 BERKELEY CA94702 ALAMO CA94507 GRATON CA95444 Berkeley, CA 94704 ADDRESS2 UNIV. CA BERKLEY BERKELEY CA 94704 BERKELEY CA 94705 BERKELEY CA 94704 BERKELEY CA 94704 BERKELEY CA 94720 BERKELEY CA 94708 OAKLAND CA 94618 PROJECT 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 TELEGRAPH AVE OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT Attachment 5 - Admin Record MAILED OUT 12-20-12 Page 70 of 166 196 NOTICES 2310 TELEGRAPH AVE 2327 TELEGRAPH AVE 2328 TELEGRAPH AVE 2347 TELEGRAPH AVE 2350 TELEGRAPH AVE 2360 TELEGRAPH AVE 2369 TELEGRAPH AVE 2375 TELEGRAPH AVE 2380 TELEGRAPH AVE 2386 TELEGRAPH AVE 2392 TELEGRAPH AVE 2409 TELEGRAPH AVE 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 206 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 208 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 210 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 212 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 214 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 302 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 304 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 306 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 308 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 310 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 312 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 314 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 316 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 402 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 404 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 406 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 408 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 410 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 412 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 414 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 416 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 502 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 504 Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 TELEGRAPH AVE OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT Attachment 5 - 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Admin Record MAILED OUT 12-20-12 Page 74 of 166 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 75 of 166 Planning and Development Department Land Use Planning Division PROOF OF SERVICE DATE: January 15, 2013 TO: Whom It May Concern FROM: Melinda Jacob, OSII SUBJECT: USE PERMIT #12-10000037 – 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE I, the undersigned, certify that I am employed in the City of Berkeley, County of Alameda, California; that I am over eighteen years of age; that I am not a party to the within action; and that my business address is 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, California 94704. On this date, I served the following documents: DECISION OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD FOR USE PERMIT #12-10000037 – 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE On the parties stated below by placing true copies thereof in sealed envelope(s) addressed as shown below by the following means of service: Mark Thieme 77 Solano Sq., #134 Benicia, CA 94510 Ken Sarachan 2401 Telegraph Ave. Berkeley, CA 94704 By First Class Mail - I am readily familiar with the City's practice for collecting and processing of correspondence for mailing. Under the practice, the correspondence is deposited with the U.S. Postal Service on the same day as collected, with First Class postage thereon fully prepaid, in Berkeley, California, for mailing to the addressee following ordinary business practices. By Personal Service - I caused each such envelope to be given to the City of Berkeley mail service person to personally deliver to the office of the addressee. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on January 15, 2013 at Berkeley, California. Melinda Jacob, OSII 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510.981.7410 TDD: 510.981.7474 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 510.981.7420 Z O Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 76 of 166 N I N G A D J U S T M E N T S B O N o t i c e A o f R D D e c i s i o n DATE OF BOARD DECISION: January 10, 2013 DATE NOTICE MAILED: January 15, 2013 APPEAL PERIOD EXPIRATION: January 29, 2013 EFFECTIVE DATE OF PERMIT (Barring Appeal or Certification)1: January 30, 2013 2360 Telegraph Avenue Use Permit #12-10000037 to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants, with incidental beer and wine service and hours of operation until 2 a.m. The Zoning Adjustments Board of the City of Berkeley, APPROVED the following permits: Use Permit to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 square feet (plus storage) exceeding the limits on the number and size of such uses (30 restaurants allowed, 47 existing; 1,500 sq. ft. size limit), under BMC Section 23E.56.040.B Administrative Use Permit to allow service of beer and wine incidental to food service, under BMC Section 23E.56.030.A Use Permit to allow service of beer and wine until 2 a.m., seven days per week (code otherwise allows 10 p.m., Sunday-Thursday, and 12 midnight, FridaySaturday), under BMC Section 23E.56.050 APPLICANT: Mark Thieme, 77 Solano Square #134, Benicia, CA 94510 ZONING DISTRICT: C-T, Telegraph Avenue Commercial ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STATUS: Categorically exempt under Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (“New Construction or Conversion of 1 Pursuant to BMC Section 23B.32.090, the City Council may “certify” any decision of the ZAB for review, which has the same effect as an appeal. In most cases, the Council must certify the ZAB decision during the 14-day appeal period. However, pursuant to BMC Section 1.04.070, if any portion of the appeal period falls within a Council recess, the deadline for Council certification is suspended until the first Council meeting after the recess, plus the number of days of the appeal period that occurred during the recess, minus one day. If there is no appeal or certification, the Use Permit becomes effective the next business day after the certification deadline has passed. ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD NOTICE OF DECISION Use Permit # 12-10000037 2360 Telegraph Avenue January 15, 2013 Page 2 of 5 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 77 of 166 Small Structures”). The Zoning Application and application materials for this project is available online at: http://www.cityofberkeley.info/zoningapplications FINDINGs AND CONDITIONS ARE ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE BOARD VOTE: 6-0-0-3 YES: ALLEN, ALVAREZ COHEN, HONG, KOPELSON, FELLER, TEGRUB NO: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: GROVES, MIKITEN, WILLIAMS TO APPEAL THIS DECISION (see Section 23B.32.050 of the Berkeley Municipal Code): To appeal a decision of the Zoning Adjustments Board to the City Council you must: 1. Submit a letter clearly and concisely setting forth the grounds for the appeal to the City Clerk, located at 2180 Milvia Street, 1st Floor, Berkeley; or by facsimile to (510) 981-6901. The City Clerk’s telephone number is (510) 981-6900. 2. The appeal must be received prior to 5:00 p.m. on the "APPEAL PERIOD EXPIRATION" date shown above (if the close of the appeal period falls on a weekend or holiday, then the appeal period expires the following business day). 3. Submit the required appeal fee (checks and money orders payable to “City of Berkeley”): a. The fee for persons other than the applicant is $500. This fee may be reduced to $100 if the appeal is signed by persons who lease or own at least 50 percent of the parcels or dwelling units within 300 feet of the project site, or at least 25 such persons (not including dependent children), whichever is less. The fee for all appeals by Applicants is $2500. If no appeal is received, the permit will be issued on the first business day following expiration of the appeal period, and the project may proceed at that time. g:\landuse\projects by address\telegraph\2360\up 12-10000037\documents finals\2013-0115_zab_nod_2360 telegraph.docx ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD NOTICE OF DECISION Use Permit # 12-10000037 2360 Telegraph Avenue January 15, 2013 Page 3 of 5 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 78 of 166 NOTICE CONCERNING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS: If you object to this decision, the following requirements and restrictions apply: 1. If you challenge this decision in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Zoning Adjustments Board at, or prior to, the public hearing. 2. You must appeal to the City Council within fourteen (14) days after the Notice of Decision of the action of the Zoning Adjustments Board is mailed. It is your obligation to notify the Land Use Planning Division in writing of your desire to receive a Notice of Decision when it is completed. 3. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6(b) and Government Code Section 65009(c)(1), no lawsuit challenging a City Council decision, as defined by Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6(e), regarding a use permit, variance or other permit may be filed more than ninety (90) days after the date the decision becomes final, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6(b). Any lawsuit not filed within that ninety (90) day period will be barred. 4. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), notice is hereby given to the applicant that the 90-day protest period for any fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions included in any permit approval begins upon final action by the City, and that any challenge must be filed within this 90-day period. 5. If you believe that this decision or any condition attached to it denies you any reasonable economic use of the subject property, was not sufficiently related to a legitimate public purpose, was not sufficiently proportional to any impact of the project, or for any other reason constitutes a “taking” of property for public use without just compensation under the California or United States Constitutions, your appeal of this decision must including the following information: A. That this belief is a basis of your appeal. B. Why you believe that the decision or condition constitutes a "taking" of property as set forth above. C. All evidence and argument in support of your belief that the decision or condition constitutes a “taking” as set forth above. If you do not do so, you will waive any legal right to claim that your property has been taken, both before the City Council and in court. g:\landuse\projects by address\telegraph\2360\up 12-10000037\documents finals\2013-0115_zab_nod_2360 telegraph.docx ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD NOTICE OF DECISION Use Permit # 12-10000037 2360 Telegraph Avenue January 15, 2013 Page 4 of 5 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 79 of 166 PUBLIC COMMENT: Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Please note: e-mail addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission or committee, will become part of the public record. If you do not want your e-mail address or any other contact information to be made public, you may deliver communications via U.S. Postal Service or in person to the secretary of the relevant board, commission or committee. If you do not want your contact information included in the public record, please do not include that information in your communication. Please contact the secretary to the relevant board, commission or committee for further information. FURTHER INFORMATION: Questions about the project should be directed to the project planner, Aaron Sage, at (510) 981-7410 or [email protected]. All project application materials, including full-size plans, may be viewed at the Land Use Planning Division, 2120 Milvia Street, 2nd floor, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (except on holidays and reduced service days; check City’s website for details). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Findings and Conditions 2. Project Plans, received NOVEMBER 20, 2012 ATTEST: cc: Terry Blount, Secretary Zoning Adjustments Board City Clerk Building and Safety Division Central Library - Reference Desk Public Works Engineering Division ZAB Members First Source Kathryn Hoover, Housing Department Applicant: Mark Thieme 77 Solano Square, #134 Benicia, CA 94510 g:\landuse\projects by address\telegraph\2360\up 12-10000037\documents finals\2013-0115_zab_nod_2360 telegraph.docx ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD NOTICE OF DECISION Use Permit # 12-10000037 2360 Telegraph Avenue January 15, 2013 Page 5 of 5 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 80 of 166 Property Owner: Ken Sarachan 2401 Telegraph Avenue Berkeley, CA 94704 g:\landuse\projects by address\telegraph\2360\up 12-10000037\documents finals\2013-0115_zab_nod_2360 telegraph.docx Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 81 of 166 Attachment 1 Findings and Conditions JANUARY 10, 2013 2360 Telegraph Avenue Use Permit #12-10000037 to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants, with incidental beer and wine service and hours of operation until 2 a.m. CEQA FINDINGS 1. The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. and California Code of Regulations, §15000, et seq.) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). Furthermore, none of the exceptions in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 apply, as follows: (a) the site is not located in an environmentally sensitive area, (b) there are no cumulative impacts, (c) there are no significant effects, (d) the project is not located near a scenic highway, (e) the project site is not located on a hazardous waste site pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5, and (f) the project will not affect any historical resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. GENERAL NON-DETRIMENT FINDING 2. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23B.32.040, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the proposed project, under the circumstances of the particular case existing at the time at which the application is granted, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the area or neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements of the adjacent properties, the surrounding area or neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City, for the following reasons: A. The project would be consistent with the purposes of the C-T District, as described in Finding 3 below. B. The project would enhance the well-being of users of the District, and the economic vitality of the District, by occupying a vacant commercial space, establishing a locally owned business, and helping satisfy the high demand for Quick Service Restaurants in this District. C. The project does not alter the exterior of the existing structure, other than new signage and windows, and therefore will help preserve the existing physical character of the commercial district. FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 2 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 82 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 D. Potential adverse impacts from the proposed alcohol sales and hours of operation will be addressed by requiring alcohol sales to be terminated one hour before closing time, requiring training for employees serving alcohol, requiring the establishment to monitor customer activity on the adjacent sidewalk, and other requirements included in the following conditions. OTHER REQUIRED FINDINGS 3. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.1, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project is compatible with the purposes of the C-T District, as follows: A. Implement the General Plan’s designation of Avenue Commercial for this area. Analysis: This purpose is broad and does not have specific applicability to the proposed project. B. Implement the Southside Plan’s designation for the Telegraph Avenue Commercial Subarea. Analysis: This purpose is broad and does not have specific applicability to the proposed project. C. Regulate development in the Telegraph Area Commercial District in order to satisfy the needs of the population groups using the District, especially the University population and the surrounding resident population. Analysis: The project would help satisfy demand for relatively fast, affordable food by University students and staff, and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. D. Encourage the availability of a variety of goods and services which serve residents in the District and the University population but do not generate a high volume of vehicular traffic. Analysis: The project would serve District residents and the University population but would not generate a high volume of vehicular traffic given that the vast majority of customers would arrive on foot due to the proximity of the University and other institutions, and high density residential neighborhoods located in the vicinity. Due to the nature of the neighborhood and its proximity to the University, it is unlikely that the project would generate a substantial number of vehicle trips specifically to this site. E. Allow for uses which maintain the cultural quality of the District giving it its regional appeal without generating substantial vehicular traffic. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 83 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 3 of 12 Analysis: See previous response regarding traffic. The existing adjacent tenants would remain, thereby maintaining the existing cultural quality of the District. F. Discourage uses which because of size, the type of the products sold, vehicular traffic generated or other considerations, are more appropriately located elsewhere in the City. Analysis: See analysis for Purpose D regarding traffic. Although the proposed types of food are already available at other restaurants in the area, it appears based on the application that there is unmet demand for these products. In any event, the ZAB’s decision should not be based on the type of food sold, because this could be changed in the future without any further discretionary review by the City required. G. Encourage a mix of goods and services which will preclude the dominance of any one type of use and which will produce variations within the same category of uses. Analysis: Quick Service Restaurants do not currently “dominate” this District. Less than 25 percent (47) of the approximately 200 ground-floor commercial spaces in the District are devoted to this use, and the addition of one more Quick Service Restaurant would not cause this use to dominate. In addition, Quick Service Restaurants comprise approximately 58 percent of the total food service uses (47 out of 81). Therefore, there would continue to be adequate variation within the food service category after approval of the proposed restaurant. In addition, total food service uses would constitute less than half of the total ground-floor spaces in the District. H. To encourage the establishment and maintenance of uses which will satisfy the needs of all age groups and attract a range of users and interests. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes C and E. Providing an additional Quick Service Restaurant would help ensure that the food needs of all age groups and users are satisfied. I. Encourage the creation of additional housing in the District which is affordable, including housing for those who work or study nearby. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. J. Encourage those uses and structural architecture that reinforce, and discourage those uses and architecture that interrupt, the pedestrian orientation of the District. Analysis: The project would reinforce the pedestrian orientation of the District because it would draw the vast majority of its customers from surrounding residential and institutional uses. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 4 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 84 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 K. Encourage mixed Commercial and Residential Uses. Analysis: The project is located in an existing mixed-use building. L. Encourage the construction of new housing in mixed use development on vacant properties and surface parking lots. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. M. Encourage the redevelopment of single-story structures that are not historically significant resources with housing and mixed use development. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. N. Protect and enhance historically and architecturally significant buildings by ensuring that new development and alterations complement their existing architectural character. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. O. Encourage the establishment and survival of small, locally-owned businesses, thereby contributing to the vitality and diversity of the District. Analysis: As noted earlier, according to the applicant, the restaurant will be owned and operated by Ken Sarachan, who is locally based and also owns other businesses on Telegraph. By contrast, the former tenant was a national chain based in Orange County, California. While the size of the subject space is relatively large, there are several commercial spaces on Telegraph that are comparable in size or larger, including the three-story retail building to the north. P. Discourage the type of Commercial Use whose establishment will contribute to the displacement of businesses that supply neighboring residents with essential goods and services. Analysis: The subject tenant space is currently vacant (except for storage by the owner), and therefore the project does not displace any existing business. The type of retail conducted by the former tenant, Wet Seal, could not be characterized as an “essential” good or service. While there appears to be a general trend in the District toward conversion of retail spaces to food service, there are retail uses nearby that do supply more basic neighborhood goods, such as Sam’s Market and Walgreen’s, and these uses do not appear to have been adversely impacted by the increasing number of food service uses. Q. Ensure that new buildings, additions and renovations harmonize with and enhance the unique character of the District. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 85 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 5 of 12 Analysis: Not applicable to this project. R. Provide environmental protection for the residents of mixed residential commercial structures and surrounding residents from such detriments as noise, fumes and litter. Analysis: The permit, if approved, would include a condition of approval requiring adequate controls for smoke and odors from cooking, as well as monitoring of the sidewalk to prevent litter and excessive noise. See under “Alcohol Service” for further discussion of noise impacts. S. Preserve the ethnic diversity of the resident population and users of the District and of the types of businesses providing ethnically diverse goods and services in the District. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes F and P. The project would not displace any existing businesses, and the former business could not be characterized as contributing to the District’s ethnic diversity. T. Protect and encourage the development of properties accessible to the disabled for both residential and Commercial Use. Analysis: All tenant improvements within the subject tenant space would have to comply with the accessibility requirements of the California Building Code. U. Discourage uses which are widely available in other shopping Districts throughout the Bay Area and detract from the unique type and mix of goods and services available in the District. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes F, G, P and S. Although Quick Service Restaurants are widely available in other shopping Districts and throughout the Bay Area, the proposed business would be locally owned and operated, and would serve the specific needs of the C-T District. As noted in the analysis for Purpose G, there would continue to be an appropriate mix of goods and services in the District after approval of this project. 4. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.2, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project will encourage and maintain the present street frontage of the District, will not interfere with the continuity of retail or compatible service facilities at the ground level and will not interrupt a continuous wall of building facades, because the project does not include any substantial exterior alterations. 5. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.3, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project is compatible in design and character with the District and the adjacent residential neighborhoods, because it does not include any substantial File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 6 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 86 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 exterior alterations, is compatible with the purposes of the District as discussed in Finding 3 above, and the use is similar to existing commercial uses in the District. 6. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.4, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project will not generate traffic or parking demand significantly beyond the capacity of the Commercial District or significantly increase impacts on adjacent residential neighborhoods, as discussed in Finding 3, Purpose D. 7. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.C, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the extended hours will not generate excessive noise, traffic or parking problems affecting the well-being of the residents of the District, because the establishment will not offer live entertainment and will not create a “bar atmosphere” leading to excessive noise and other problems. The applicant has worked with the Police Department and Planning staff to identify appropriate restrictions to ensure that proposed alcohol service and hours of operation do not create adverse impacts on the neighborhood. These include requirements for ABC training for servers, participation in the Police Department’s Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) survey, and use of non-disposable glassware for alcoholic beverages. 8. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.E, the Zoning Adjustments Board grants a Use Permit to exceed the numerical and floor area limitations of the CT District, based on the following findings: 9. 1. Granting an exception will result in enhancement of the purposes of the District, as discussed in Finding 3 above; and 2. Adverse parking and transportation impacts of the proposed use are negligible or have been mitigated so as not to adversely affect circulation or parking capacity on adjacent streets or in the immediate neighborhood, as discussed in Finding 3, Purpose D. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.F, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project complies with the Southside Plan’s adopted Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP). There are no mitigations in the MMP that apply to this project. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ALL PROJECTS 1. Conditions Shall be Printed on Plans The conditions of this Permit shall be printed on the first sheet of each plan set submitted for a building permit pursuant to this Use Permit, under the title ‘Use Permit Conditions’. The second sheet may also be used if the first sheet is not of sufficient size to list all of the conditions. The sheet(s) containing the conditions shall be of the same size as those sheets containing the construction drawings; 8-1/2” by 11” sheets are not acceptable. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 2. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 87 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 7 of 12 Applicant Responsible for Compliance with Conditions The applicant shall ensure compliance with all of the following conditions, including submittal to the project planner of required approval signatures at the times specified. Failure to comply with any condition may result in construction being stopped, issuance of a citation, and/or modification or revocation of the Use Permit. 3. 4. Uses Approved Deemed to Exclude Other Uses (Section 23B.56.010) A. This Permit authorizes only those uses and activities actually proposed in the application and excludes other uses and activities. B. Except as expressly specified herein, this Permit terminates all other uses at the location subject to it. Modification of Permits (Section 23B.56.020) No change in the use or structure for which this Permit is approved is permitted unless the Permit is modified by the Zoning Adjustments Board, in conformance with Section 23B.56.020.A. Changes in the plans for the construction of a building or structure may be modified prior to the completion of construction, in accordance with Section 23B.56.020.D. The Zoning Officer may approve changes to plans approved by the Board, consistent with the Board’s policy adopted on May 24, 1978, which reduce the size of the project. The Zoning Officer may also approve a maximum two-foot variation to Board approved plans, provided that such variation does not increase a structure’s height, reduce the minimum distance to any property line, and/or conflict with any special objective sought by the Board. 5. Plans and Representations Become Conditions (Section 23B.56.030) Except as expressly specified herein, the site plan, floor plans, building elevations and any additional information or representations submitted by the applicant during the Staff review and public hearing process leading to the approval of this Permit, whether oral or written, which indicated the proposed structure or manner of operation are deemed conditions of approval. 6. Subject to all City and Other Regulations (Section 23B.56.040) The approved use and/or construction are subject to, and shall comply with, all applicable City Ordinances and laws and regulations of other governmental agencies. 7. Exercised Permit for Use Survives Vacancy of Property (Section 23B.56.080) File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 8 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 88 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Once a Permit for a use is exercised and the use is established, that use is legally recognized, even if the property becomes vacant, except as set forth in Standard Condition #8 below. 8. 9. Exercise and Lapse of Permits (Section 23B.56.100) A. A permit for the use of a building or a property is exercised when, if required, a valid City business license has been issued, and the permitted use has commenced on the property. B. A permit for the construction of a building or structure is deemed exercised when a valid City building permit, if required, is issued, and construction has lawfully commenced. C. A permit may be declared lapsed and of no further force and effect if it is not exercised within one year of its issuance, except that permits for construction or alteration of structures or buildings may not be declared lapsed if the permittee has (1) applied for a building permit or (2) made substantial good faith efforts to obtain a building permit and begin construction, even if a building permit has not been issued and/or construction has not begun. The applicant shall hold the City of Berkeley and its officers harmless in the event of any legal action related to the granting of this Permit, shall cooperate with the City in defense of such action, and shall indemnify the City for any award of damages or attorneys fees that may result. CONDITIONS BY PROJECT TYPE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SERVICE CONDITIONS (on-site) 10. Alcoholic beverage service shall be “incidental” to the primary food service use, as defined in Zoning Ordinance 23F.04.010. An incidental use shall not exceed twentyfive percent (25%) of the floor area of the primary use, and if it consists of the commercial sales of a different line of products or services than the primary use, such incidental use may not generate gross receipts in excess of thirty-three percent (33%) of the gross receipts generated by the primary use. In addition, the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) allows this alcohol use only as part of a “bona fide eating place” making “actual and substantial sales of meals,” and stringently enforces this requirement. 11. The establishment shall comply with all applicable regulations of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 12. The applicant shall comply with ABC regulations for License Type 41 (“On Sale Beer & Wine – Eating Place”), which requires that the food establishment operate as a bona File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 89 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 9 of 12 fide eating place, make actual and substantial sales of meals during normal meal hours, and that the establishment operate at least five days a week. In addition, the applicant shall request that the ABC place the following conditions on the ABC permit for this site, and this Use Permit shall only be operative for as long as these conditions are placed on the associated ABC license: a. The sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises is strictly prohibited; b. There shall be no bar or lounge area upon the licensed premises maintained for the sole purpose of sales, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages directly to patrons for consumption; c. During operating hours, 100% of the service area shall be designed and used for and must possess the necessary utensils, and condiment dispensers with which to serve meals to the public; d. There shall be no exterior advertising or sign of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. Interior displays of alcoholic beverages or signs which are clearly visible to the exterior shall constitute a violation of this condition. 13. A Berkeley Police Department Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) survey shall be completed prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy or final inspection. 14. All employees selling and/or serving alcohol, or directly supervising such sales and/or service, shall complete the Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) program, or another equivalent program offered or certified by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control within 6 months of employment at the establishment. Employees who have completed the course within the last five (5) years shall be exempt from this requirement. 15. Employees shall not serve alcohol to patrons who appear to be inebriated or otherwise unable to behave in an orderly manner upon consuming alcohol. 16. The service of alcohol shall be limited to beer and wine and limited to the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. seven days per week. The Zoning Adjustments Board or designee shall approve any change in the hours of restaurant operations, of alcohol service, or both. Hours of operation are subject to review and amendment by the Zoning Adjustments Board as necessary to avoid detriment to the neighborhood or to achieve conformance with revised City standards or policies. 17. Neither alcohol-dispensing facilities nor sign(s) advertising alcoholic beverages shall be visible from the public right-of-way. 18. All alcohol served to patrons must be served in durable restaurant tableware – i.e. either cups or glasses. No alcohol may be distributed in its original bottle or can, or in any other potentially disposable container. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 10 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 90 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 19. There shall be no service or consumption of alcohol in the public right-of-way. 20. No alcohol may be transported off-site from the establishment to any other establishment or to the public right-of-way. 21. The owner or operator of the establishment shall take reasonable measures to prevent disturbances by patrons in the immediate vicinity. Such measures shall include signs reminding patrons of nearby residences and requests not to congregate or loiter near such residences nor operate vehicles in a noisy manner on residential streets. The operator shall give surveillance to public areas near the establishment, keep such areas free of trash and litter, provide lighting, and otherwise attempt to prevent conduct that might disturb the peace and quiet of residences in the vicinity. Furthermore, the operator shall assume reasonable responsibility for ensuring that patrons do not block the entrance or interfere with pedestrian activity on the adjacent public sidewalk. 22. The applicant shall establish cash handling procedures to reduce the likelihood of robberies and theft. 23. This Use Permit, including these and all other required conditions, shall be posted in conspicuous location, available for viewing by any interested party. 24. The premises shall not be rented out to third-party “promoters” for any special events or parties. FOOD SERVICE CONDITIONS (These requirements are in addition to any other requirements under the City's Building, Health or Fire Codes or by agencies such as the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department of the State of California. The applicant is responsible for contacting these and other departments and agencies to identify and secure all applicable permits and licenses). 25. This permit is subject to review, imposition of additional conditions, or revocation if factual complaint is received by the Zoning Officer that the maintenance or operation of this establishment is violating any of these or other required conditions or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or is detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. 26. Changes in the nature of the operation including, but not limited to, the addition of seating beyond the capacity indicated in the application, expansion of hours beyond 2 a.m., and the addition of live entertainment, shall require modification of this permit (or a new Use Permit, if required by the Zoning Ordinance) subject to approval by the Zoning Adjustments Board. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 91 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 11 of 12 27. The approved floor plan, including the number of seats, shall be followed and the operation shall be conducted as presented to the Board. The maximum occupancy shall be as specified in the application unless otherwise required by applicable regulations. 28. Changes to the building's facade, including doors or windows, site plans, landscaping, signage, and awnings are subject to Design Review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 29. The hours of operation of the restaurant portion of the business shall be limited to: 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. (see Condition 16 above for further restrictions on alcohol service). Hours of operation refer to arrival of the first patron and departure of the last patron. Any change in the hours of operation shall be approved by the Zoning Adjustments Board or designee. Hours of operation are subject to review and amendment by the Zoning Adjustments Board as necessary to avoid detriment to the neighborhood or to achieve conformance with revised City standards or policies. 30. Cooking odors, noise, exterior lighting and operation of any parking area shall be controlled so as to prevent verified complaints from the surrounding neighborhood. This shall include noise created by employees working on the premises before or after patrons arrive. 31. Smoke and odor control equipment approved by the City Environmental Health Division and providing adequate protection to residential uses in the vicinity shall be installed prior to issuance of an Occupancy Permit. 32. Garbage and trash containers that are suitably enclosed and screened from view shall be provided subject to approval of the Zoning Officer, the Health Department and, where applicable, the Design Review Planner. Any establishment selling beverages in cans or bottles that are subject to the State of California Container Deposit Law shall provide separate bins or cans for the placement of such cans or bottles to ensure recycling of such containers. 33. Containers used for the dispensing of prepared food shall identify the establishment. Polystyrene foam food packing is prohibited by Section 11.60.030 of the Berkeley Municipal Code. 34. Any establishment selling beverages in cans or bottles that are subject to the State of California Container Deposit Law shall recycle such containers. 35. The operator of the restaurant shall place a waste receptacle near the entry way and shall insure that garbage on the sidewalk in front of the establishment and within 50 feet thereof will be picked up periodically during each day, so that the sidewalk remains clean. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 12 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 92 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 36. The operator shall assume reasonable responsibility for ensuring that patrons do not block the entrance or interfere with pedestrian activity on the adjacent public sidewalk. 37. The applicant shall comply with Berkeley Municipal Code Chapter 9.88, which requires businesses with 10 or more employees to provide either (1) a program for excluding employee transit expenses from taxable earnings, (2) a transit subsidy equal to the value of a monthly AC Transit bus pass, or (3) a shuttle service. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 93 of 166 PLANS APPROVED by ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 ATTACHMENT 2 ZAB 01-10-13 Page 1 of 2 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 94 of 166 ATTACHMENT 2 ZAB 01-10-13 Page 2 of 2 PLANS APPROVED by ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 95 of 166 Planning and Development Department Land Use Planning Division February 20, 2013 Mark Thieme 77 Solano Square, #134 Benicia, CA 94510 Subject: USE PERMIT: #12-10000037 – 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Dear Applicant: Congratulations on the approval of your Use Permit – you can now remove your yellow Project Development Sign! Attached is your Use Permit with Findings and Conditions (and environmental mitigations if appropriate). Please carefully review the attached information so that you understand the Findings and Conditions. If you will be submitting plans to the City's Permit Services Center for a building permit, please be aware of two standard conditions of approval that will apply to your project: 1. The attached Findings and Conditions must be reproduced in one central location in the plan set, preferably on the title or cover sheet of the plans. 2. There may be Findings and Conditions that require signatures from other City agencies (such as Solid Waste Management or Traffic Engineering). Those signatures (on a copy of the Findings and Conditions page) must be accompanied by the plans or documents that were approved by that agency. These items must be submitted with the plan check submittal for routing to the Land Use Planning Division. To help avoid delays during plan check review, please submit all of the required information with your plan check submittal. If your use permit requires a building permit, please contact the Permit Service Center at 981-7500 for permit submittal requirements and to schedule an appointment to submit your project for plan review. If the above mentioned items are not included with your plan check submittal, you will automatically receive a correction notice. If you have any questions, please contact your Project Planner at (510) 981-7410. Thank you. Land Use Planning Division Planning and Development Department Attachment: Use Permit, Findings and Conditions, Plans 2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510.981.7410 TDD: 510.981.6903 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 510.981.7420 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 96 of 166 Planning and Development Department Land Use Planning U S E P E R M I T CITY OF BERKELEY ZONING ORDINANCE Berkeley Municipal Code Title 23 USE PERMIT # 12-10000037 Property Address: 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE Permittee Name: MARK THIEME Use and/or Construction Permitted: to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants, with incidental beer and wine service and hours of operation until 2 a.m. Use Permit to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 square feet (plus storage) exceeding the limits on the number and size of such uses (30 restaurants allowed, 47 existing; 1,500 sq. ft. size limit), under BMC Section 23E.56.040.B Administrative Use Permit to allow service of beer and wine incidental to food service, under BMC Section 23E.56.030.A Use Permit to allow service of beer and wine until 2 a.m., seven days per week (code otherwise allows 10 p.m., Sunday-Thursday, and 12 midnight, FridaySaturday), under BMC Section 23E.56.050 FINDINGS, CONDITIONS AND APPROVED PLANS ATTACHED The Use Permit herein described has been duly granted by the Zoning Adjustments Board and is in effect on January 30, 2013. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 97 of 166 Attachment 1 Findings and Conditions JANUARY 10, 2013 2360 Telegraph Avenue Use Permit #12-10000037 to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants, with incidental beer and wine service and hours of operation until 2 a.m. CEQA FINDINGS 1. The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. and California Code of Regulations, §15000, et seq.) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). Furthermore, none of the exceptions in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 apply, as follows: (a) the site is not located in an environmentally sensitive area, (b) there are no cumulative impacts, (c) there are no significant effects, (d) the project is not located near a scenic highway, (e) the project site is not located on a hazardous waste site pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5, and (f) the project will not affect any historical resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. GENERAL NON-DETRIMENT FINDING 2. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23B.32.040, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the proposed project, under the circumstances of the particular case existing at the time at which the application is granted, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the area or neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements of the adjacent properties, the surrounding area or neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City, for the following reasons: A. The project would be consistent with the purposes of the C-T District, as described in Finding 3 below. B. The project would enhance the well-being of users of the District, and the economic vitality of the District, by occupying a vacant commercial space, establishing a locally owned business, and helping satisfy the high demand for Quick Service Restaurants in this District. C. The project does not alter the exterior of the existing structure, other than new signage and windows, and therefore will help preserve the existing physical character of the commercial district. FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 2 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 98 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 D. Potential adverse impacts from the proposed alcohol sales and hours of operation will be addressed by requiring alcohol sales to be terminated one hour before closing time, requiring training for employees serving alcohol, requiring the establishment to monitor customer activity on the adjacent sidewalk, and other requirements included in the following conditions. OTHER REQUIRED FINDINGS 3. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.1, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project is compatible with the purposes of the C-T District, as follows: A. Implement the General Plan’s designation of Avenue Commercial for this area. Analysis: This purpose is broad and does not have specific applicability to the proposed project. B. Implement the Southside Plan’s designation for the Telegraph Avenue Commercial Subarea. Analysis: This purpose is broad and does not have specific applicability to the proposed project. C. Regulate development in the Telegraph Area Commercial District in order to satisfy the needs of the population groups using the District, especially the University population and the surrounding resident population. Analysis: The project would help satisfy demand for relatively fast, affordable food by University students and staff, and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. D. Encourage the availability of a variety of goods and services which serve residents in the District and the University population but do not generate a high volume of vehicular traffic. Analysis: The project would serve District residents and the University population but would not generate a high volume of vehicular traffic given that the vast majority of customers would arrive on foot due to the proximity of the University and other institutions, and high density residential neighborhoods located in the vicinity. Due to the nature of the neighborhood and its proximity to the University, it is unlikely that the project would generate a substantial number of vehicle trips specifically to this site. E. Allow for uses which maintain the cultural quality of the District giving it its regional appeal without generating substantial vehicular traffic. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 99 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 3 of 12 Analysis: See previous response regarding traffic. The existing adjacent tenants would remain, thereby maintaining the existing cultural quality of the District. F. Discourage uses which because of size, the type of the products sold, vehicular traffic generated or other considerations, are more appropriately located elsewhere in the City. Analysis: See analysis for Purpose D regarding traffic. Although the proposed types of food are already available at other restaurants in the area, it appears based on the application that there is unmet demand for these products. In any event, the ZAB’s decision should not be based on the type of food sold, because this could be changed in the future without any further discretionary review by the City required. G. Encourage a mix of goods and services which will preclude the dominance of any one type of use and which will produce variations within the same category of uses. Analysis: Quick Service Restaurants do not currently “dominate” this District. Less than 25 percent (47) of the approximately 200 ground-floor commercial spaces in the District are devoted to this use, and the addition of one more Quick Service Restaurant would not cause this use to dominate. In addition, Quick Service Restaurants comprise approximately 58 percent of the total food service uses (47 out of 81). Therefore, there would continue to be adequate variation within the food service category after approval of the proposed restaurant. In addition, total food service uses would constitute less than half of the total ground-floor spaces in the District. H. To encourage the establishment and maintenance of uses which will satisfy the needs of all age groups and attract a range of users and interests. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes C and E. Providing an additional Quick Service Restaurant would help ensure that the food needs of all age groups and users are satisfied. I. Encourage the creation of additional housing in the District which is affordable, including housing for those who work or study nearby. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. J. Encourage those uses and structural architecture that reinforce, and discourage those uses and architecture that interrupt, the pedestrian orientation of the District. Analysis: The project would reinforce the pedestrian orientation of the District because it would draw the vast majority of its customers from surrounding residential and institutional uses. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 4 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 100 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 K. Encourage mixed Commercial and Residential Uses. Analysis: The project is located in an existing mixed-use building. L. Encourage the construction of new housing in mixed use development on vacant properties and surface parking lots. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. M. Encourage the redevelopment of single-story structures that are not historically significant resources with housing and mixed use development. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. N. Protect and enhance historically and architecturally significant buildings by ensuring that new development and alterations complement their existing architectural character. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. O. Encourage the establishment and survival of small, locally-owned businesses, thereby contributing to the vitality and diversity of the District. Analysis: As noted earlier, according to the applicant, the restaurant will be owned and operated by Ken Sarachan, who is locally based and also owns other businesses on Telegraph. By contrast, the former tenant was a national chain based in Orange County, California. While the size of the subject space is relatively large, there are several commercial spaces on Telegraph that are comparable in size or larger, including the three-story retail building to the north. P. Discourage the type of Commercial Use whose establishment will contribute to the displacement of businesses that supply neighboring residents with essential goods and services. Analysis: The subject tenant space is currently vacant (except for storage by the owner), and therefore the project does not displace any existing business. The type of retail conducted by the former tenant, Wet Seal, could not be characterized as an “essential” good or service. While there appears to be a general trend in the District toward conversion of retail spaces to food service, there are retail uses nearby that do supply more basic neighborhood goods, such as Sam’s Market and Walgreen’s, and these uses do not appear to have been adversely impacted by the increasing number of food service uses. Q. Ensure that new buildings, additions and renovations harmonize with and enhance the unique character of the District. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 101 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 5 of 12 Analysis: Not applicable to this project. R. Provide environmental protection for the residents of mixed residential commercial structures and surrounding residents from such detriments as noise, fumes and litter. Analysis: The permit, if approved, would include a condition of approval requiring adequate controls for smoke and odors from cooking, as well as monitoring of the sidewalk to prevent litter and excessive noise. See under “Alcohol Service” for further discussion of noise impacts. S. Preserve the ethnic diversity of the resident population and users of the District and of the types of businesses providing ethnically diverse goods and services in the District. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes F and P. The project would not displace any existing businesses, and the former business could not be characterized as contributing to the District’s ethnic diversity. T. Protect and encourage the development of properties accessible to the disabled for both residential and Commercial Use. Analysis: All tenant improvements within the subject tenant space would have to comply with the accessibility requirements of the California Building Code. U. Discourage uses which are widely available in other shopping Districts throughout the Bay Area and detract from the unique type and mix of goods and services available in the District. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes F, G, P and S. Although Quick Service Restaurants are widely available in other shopping Districts and throughout the Bay Area, the proposed business would be locally owned and operated, and would serve the specific needs of the C-T District. As noted in the analysis for Purpose G, there would continue to be an appropriate mix of goods and services in the District after approval of this project. 4. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.2, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project will encourage and maintain the present street frontage of the District, will not interfere with the continuity of retail or compatible service facilities at the ground level and will not interrupt a continuous wall of building facades, because the project does not include any substantial exterior alterations. 5. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.3, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project is compatible in design and character with the District and the adjacent residential neighborhoods, because it does not include any substantial File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 6 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 102 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 exterior alterations, is compatible with the purposes of the District as discussed in Finding 3 above, and the use is similar to existing commercial uses in the District. 6. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.4, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project will not generate traffic or parking demand significantly beyond the capacity of the Commercial District or significantly increase impacts on adjacent residential neighborhoods, as discussed in Finding 3, Purpose D. 7. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.C, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the extended hours will not generate excessive noise, traffic or parking problems affecting the well-being of the residents of the District, because the establishment will not offer live entertainment and will not create a “bar atmosphere” leading to excessive noise and other problems. The applicant has worked with the Police Department and Planning staff to identify appropriate restrictions to ensure that proposed alcohol service and hours of operation do not create adverse impacts on the neighborhood. These include requirements for ABC training for servers, participation in the Police Department’s Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) survey, and use of non-disposable glassware for alcoholic beverages. 8. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.E, the Zoning Adjustments Board grants a Use Permit to exceed the numerical and floor area limitations of the CT District, based on the following findings: 9. 1. Granting an exception will result in enhancement of the purposes of the District, as discussed in Finding 3 above; and 2. Adverse parking and transportation impacts of the proposed use are negligible or have been mitigated so as not to adversely affect circulation or parking capacity on adjacent streets or in the immediate neighborhood, as discussed in Finding 3, Purpose D. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.F, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project complies with the Southside Plan’s adopted Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP). There are no mitigations in the MMP that apply to this project. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ALL PROJECTS 1. Conditions Shall be Printed on Plans The conditions of this Permit shall be printed on the first sheet of each plan set submitted for a building permit pursuant to this Use Permit, under the title ‘Use Permit Conditions’. The second sheet may also be used if the first sheet is not of sufficient size to list all of the conditions. The sheet(s) containing the conditions shall be of the same size as those sheets containing the construction drawings; 8-1/2” by 11” sheets are not acceptable. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 2. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 103 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 7 of 12 Applicant Responsible for Compliance with Conditions The applicant shall ensure compliance with all of the following conditions, including submittal to the project planner of required approval signatures at the times specified. Failure to comply with any condition may result in construction being stopped, issuance of a citation, and/or modification or revocation of the Use Permit. 3. 4. Uses Approved Deemed to Exclude Other Uses (Section 23B.56.010) A. This Permit authorizes only those uses and activities actually proposed in the application and excludes other uses and activities. B. Except as expressly specified herein, this Permit terminates all other uses at the location subject to it. Modification of Permits (Section 23B.56.020) No change in the use or structure for which this Permit is approved is permitted unless the Permit is modified by the Zoning Adjustments Board, in conformance with Section 23B.56.020.A. Changes in the plans for the construction of a building or structure may be modified prior to the completion of construction, in accordance with Section 23B.56.020.D. The Zoning Officer may approve changes to plans approved by the Board, consistent with the Board’s policy adopted on May 24, 1978, which reduce the size of the project. The Zoning Officer may also approve a maximum two-foot variation to Board approved plans, provided that such variation does not increase a structure’s height, reduce the minimum distance to any property line, and/or conflict with any special objective sought by the Board. 5. Plans and Representations Become Conditions (Section 23B.56.030) Except as expressly specified herein, the site plan, floor plans, building elevations and any additional information or representations submitted by the applicant during the Staff review and public hearing process leading to the approval of this Permit, whether oral or written, which indicated the proposed structure or manner of operation are deemed conditions of approval. 6. Subject to all City and Other Regulations (Section 23B.56.040) The approved use and/or construction are subject to, and shall comply with, all applicable City Ordinances and laws and regulations of other governmental agencies. 7. Exercised Permit for Use Survives Vacancy of Property (Section 23B.56.080) File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 8 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 104 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Once a Permit for a use is exercised and the use is established, that use is legally recognized, even if the property becomes vacant, except as set forth in Standard Condition #8 below. 8. 9. Exercise and Lapse of Permits (Section 23B.56.100) A. A permit for the use of a building or a property is exercised when, if required, a valid City business license has been issued, and the permitted use has commenced on the property. B. A permit for the construction of a building or structure is deemed exercised when a valid City building permit, if required, is issued, and construction has lawfully commenced. C. A permit may be declared lapsed and of no further force and effect if it is not exercised within one year of its issuance, except that permits for construction or alteration of structures or buildings may not be declared lapsed if the permittee has (1) applied for a building permit or (2) made substantial good faith efforts to obtain a building permit and begin construction, even if a building permit has not been issued and/or construction has not begun. The applicant shall hold the City of Berkeley and its officers harmless in the event of any legal action related to the granting of this Permit, shall cooperate with the City in defense of such action, and shall indemnify the City for any award of damages or attorneys fees that may result. CONDITIONS BY PROJECT TYPE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SERVICE CONDITIONS (on-site) 10. Alcoholic beverage service shall be “incidental” to the primary food service use, as defined in Zoning Ordinance 23F.04.010. An incidental use shall not exceed twentyfive percent (25%) of the floor area of the primary use, and if it consists of the commercial sales of a different line of products or services than the primary use, such incidental use may not generate gross receipts in excess of thirty-three percent (33%) of the gross receipts generated by the primary use. In addition, the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) allows this alcohol use only as part of a “bona fide eating place” making “actual and substantial sales of meals,” and stringently enforces this requirement. 11. The establishment shall comply with all applicable regulations of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 12. The applicant shall comply with ABC regulations for License Type 41 (“On Sale Beer & Wine – Eating Place”), which requires that the food establishment operate as a bona File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 105 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 9 of 12 fide eating place, make actual and substantial sales of meals during normal meal hours, and that the establishment operate at least five days a week. In addition, the applicant shall request that the ABC place the following conditions on the ABC permit for this site, and this Use Permit shall only be operative for as long as these conditions are placed on the associated ABC license: a. The sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises is strictly prohibited; b. There shall be no bar or lounge area upon the licensed premises maintained for the sole purpose of sales, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages directly to patrons for consumption; c. During operating hours, 100% of the service area shall be designed and used for and must possess the necessary utensils, and condiment dispensers with which to serve meals to the public; d. There shall be no exterior advertising or sign of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. Interior displays of alcoholic beverages or signs which are clearly visible to the exterior shall constitute a violation of this condition. 13. A Berkeley Police Department Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) survey shall be completed prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy or final inspection. 14. All employees selling and/or serving alcohol, or directly supervising such sales and/or service, shall complete the Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) program, or another equivalent program offered or certified by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control within 6 months of employment at the establishment. Employees who have completed the course within the last five (5) years shall be exempt from this requirement. 15. Employees shall not serve alcohol to patrons who appear to be inebriated or otherwise unable to behave in an orderly manner upon consuming alcohol. 16. The service of alcohol shall be limited to beer and wine and limited to the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. seven days per week. The Zoning Adjustments Board or designee shall approve any change in the hours of restaurant operations, of alcohol service, or both. Hours of operation are subject to review and amendment by the Zoning Adjustments Board as necessary to avoid detriment to the neighborhood or to achieve conformance with revised City standards or policies. 17. Neither alcohol-dispensing facilities nor sign(s) advertising alcoholic beverages shall be visible from the public right-of-way. 18. All alcohol served to patrons must be served in durable restaurant tableware – i.e. either cups or glasses. No alcohol may be distributed in its original bottle or can, or in any other potentially disposable container. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 10 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 106 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 19. There shall be no service or consumption of alcohol in the public right-of-way. 20. No alcohol may be transported off-site from the establishment to any other establishment or to the public right-of-way. 21. The owner or operator of the establishment shall take reasonable measures to prevent disturbances by patrons in the immediate vicinity. Such measures shall include signs reminding patrons of nearby residences and requests not to congregate or loiter near such residences nor operate vehicles in a noisy manner on residential streets. The operator shall give surveillance to public areas near the establishment, keep such areas free of trash and litter, provide lighting, and otherwise attempt to prevent conduct that might disturb the peace and quiet of residences in the vicinity. Furthermore, the operator shall assume reasonable responsibility for ensuring that patrons do not block the entrance or interfere with pedestrian activity on the adjacent public sidewalk. 22. The applicant shall establish cash handling procedures to reduce the likelihood of robberies and theft. 23. This Use Permit, including these and all other required conditions, shall be posted in conspicuous location, available for viewing by any interested party. 24. The premises shall not be rented out to third-party “promoters” for any special events or parties. FOOD SERVICE CONDITIONS (These requirements are in addition to any other requirements under the City's Building, Health or Fire Codes or by agencies such as the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department of the State of California. The applicant is responsible for contacting these and other departments and agencies to identify and secure all applicable permits and licenses). 25. This permit is subject to review, imposition of additional conditions, or revocation if factual complaint is received by the Zoning Officer that the maintenance or operation of this establishment is violating any of these or other required conditions or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or is detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. 26. Changes in the nature of the operation including, but not limited to, the addition of seating beyond the capacity indicated in the application, expansion of hours beyond 2 a.m., and the addition of live entertainment, shall require modification of this permit (or a new Use Permit, if required by the Zoning Ordinance) subject to approval by the Zoning Adjustments Board. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 107 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 11 of 12 27. The approved floor plan, including the number of seats, shall be followed and the operation shall be conducted as presented to the Board. The maximum occupancy shall be as specified in the application unless otherwise required by applicable regulations. 28. Changes to the building's facade, including doors or windows, site plans, landscaping, signage, and awnings are subject to Design Review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 29. The hours of operation of the restaurant portion of the business shall be limited to: 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. (see Condition 16 above for further restrictions on alcohol service). Hours of operation refer to arrival of the first patron and departure of the last patron. Any change in the hours of operation shall be approved by the Zoning Adjustments Board or designee. Hours of operation are subject to review and amendment by the Zoning Adjustments Board as necessary to avoid detriment to the neighborhood or to achieve conformance with revised City standards or policies. 30. Cooking odors, noise, exterior lighting and operation of any parking area shall be controlled so as to prevent verified complaints from the surrounding neighborhood. This shall include noise created by employees working on the premises before or after patrons arrive. 31. Smoke and odor control equipment approved by the City Environmental Health Division and providing adequate protection to residential uses in the vicinity shall be installed prior to issuance of an Occupancy Permit. 32. Garbage and trash containers that are suitably enclosed and screened from view shall be provided subject to approval of the Zoning Officer, the Health Department and, where applicable, the Design Review Planner. Any establishment selling beverages in cans or bottles that are subject to the State of California Container Deposit Law shall provide separate bins or cans for the placement of such cans or bottles to ensure recycling of such containers. 33. Containers used for the dispensing of prepared food shall identify the establishment. Polystyrene foam food packing is prohibited by Section 11.60.030 of the Berkeley Municipal Code. 34. Any establishment selling beverages in cans or bottles that are subject to the State of California Container Deposit Law shall recycle such containers. 35. The operator of the restaurant shall place a waste receptacle near the entry way and shall insure that garbage on the sidewalk in front of the establishment and within 50 feet thereof will be picked up periodically during each day, so that the sidewalk remains clean. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 12 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 108 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 36. The operator shall assume reasonable responsibility for ensuring that patrons do not block the entrance or interfere with pedestrian activity on the adjacent public sidewalk. 37. The applicant shall comply with Berkeley Municipal Code Chapter 9.88, which requires businesses with 10 or more employees to provide either (1) a program for excluding employee transit expenses from taxable earnings, (2) a transit subsidy equal to the value of a monthly AC Transit bus pass, or (3) a shuttle service. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 109 of 166 PLANS APPROVED by ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 ATTACHMENT 2 ZAB 01-10-13 Page 1 of 2 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 110 of 166 ATTACHMENT 2 ZAB 01-10-13 Page 2 of 2 PLANS APPROVED by ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 111 of 166 TRA Christine Daniel City Manager 2180 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 March TELEGRAPH RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION 24, 2013 Dear Ms Daniel, I was the person who spoke at the last City council meeting representing several restaurants concerned about the issuance of the Quick Service Use Permit at 2360 Telegraph Avenue. Since the Mayor specifically asked you to look into the issues discussed in my presentation I thought I would share relevant information with you that we discovered during our investigation into this matter. As you will see below, there were many irregularities and illegalities surrounding the application and issuance of the Quick Service Permit at 2360 Telegraph. In particular we will describe: 1. Failure to notify numerous businesses on the same block as 2360 Telegraph. 2. Questions whether mailings of the Notice of Hearing even went out to anyone. 3. Lack of posting of the Proposed Development sign as required under the Municipal Code. 4. Failure of Applicant to submit the required photo showing the Proposed Development poster located at the Site. Because of these irregularities, we are requesting that the City rescind, without prejudice, the Quick Service Use Permit granted at 2360 Telegraph. Rescinding the permit without prejudice, would allow the applicant to reapply for the Quick Service Use Permit, provided they follow the correct notification and posting guidelines as required by the Zoning Department and Municipal code. Additionally, as the applicant may be applying for a building permit, we ask the City to delay the issuance of such a permit until this matter can be fully investigated and resolved. This whole issue became relevant two weeks ago, when we were stunned to learn that the former Wet Seal clothing store at 2360 Telegraph is now set to be a quick service restaurant featuring salad, pizzas and pasta. This would create the largest ground floor restaurant on the entire avenue at over 4,500 sq. ft. We received no notice of a proposed change and in fact, there was no yellow "Proposed Development" sign in the window of 2360 Telegraph until two weeks ago. Upon seeing the sign last week we went to the zoning website to check when a hearing might be scheduled, only to discover the ZAB hearing already took place on January 10th! None of the businesses in our Association received any notice of the proposed development, hearing or appeal period as a required by law. Upon further review almost EVERY business within the required notice guidelines was left off the mailing list. The following businesses were NOT notified of the proposed change of use at 2360 Telegraph: alphabetize Cream Smart Alec's Tako Sushi 2399 Telegraph 2355 Telegraph 2379 Telegraph Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 112 of 166 Pasta in a box Hi Times Big Al's The Melt Noah's bagels Crepes a Go Go Pappy's Grill Hot Topic Gypsy’s IB Hoagies Manhattan Grill 2384 Telegraph 2374 Telegraph 2382 Telegraph 2400 Telegraph 2344 Telegraph 2334 Telegraph 2367 Telegraph 2332 Telegraph 2519 Durant 2513 Durant 2518 Durant This is by no means an exhaustive list. This is just the businesses we looked into. What’s more, several tenants and business owners that were on the purported “Zoning mailing list” never received ANY notice from the City about the proposed development. This includes, but not limited to: Sam's Market Kips Restaurant Fat Slice Pizza Tenant Tenant 2312 Telegraph 2439 Durant 2375 Telegraph 2500 Durant Apt # 503 2500 Durant Apt #501 We cannot find a single business owner or tenant in the notification area that received the notice of proposed use, notice of hearing or the notice of appeal period. We have attached a map of Telegraph Avenue showing the lack of Notice mailing. FURTHERMORE, the Proposed Development Project Sign posting requirements were also violated. As mentioned, we noticed the required PROPOSED PROJECT poster was only put in the window of 2360 Telegraph only 2 weeks ago. We have talked to numerous business owners, street merchants and property owners and the general consensus is that the poster has only been in the window a couple of weeks. Additionally, the applicants OWN records show the development poster was never displayed as required by Berkeley Municipal code even though the applicants OTHER projects on Telegraph Avenue met the posting requirements. The applicant knows the law and posting requirements, but chose to ignore it in this case. We have attached pictures supporting this in Exhibit 1: Page 1: Proposed Project Poster PHOTO for the applicants project at 2501 Haste. Page 2: Proposed Project Poster PHOTO for the applicants project at 2401 Telegraph Page 3: Proposed Project Poster PHOTO for the applicants project at 2545 Telegraph Page 4: a PDF file for a Poster (NOT A PHOTO OF THE POSTER ON THE SITE) for 2360 Telegraph Page 5: First page of Applicants Zoning Project Application Form showing the filing date of September 5th, 2012 Page 6-8: EMAILS between the zoning department and the Applicant's architect requesting "Photo of yellow pre-application poster sign per item I.E of the Zoning Project Submittal Requirements" DATED OCTOBER 11 and 30th. the applicants Architect DID NOT SUBMIT A PHOTO as required, but rather a PDF VERSION OF THE POSTER as shown on page 4. Page 9: item I.E of the Zoning Project Submittal Requirements which CLEARLY STATES "a color photo of the pre-application poster installed at front of site, visible to passersby." Clearly, the applicant KNEW of the posting requirements for the Proposed project Sign as Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 113 of 166 evidenced by his other projects. When the zoning department requested the photo, the response was a PDF file of the poster, not a photo of the Poster on the site. At this time we would like to point out the requirements under the City Municipal Code: 23B.32.020 Public Notice Requirements Prior to the Board’s consideration of any Use Permit, a notice of the public hearing on the matter shall be given as described herein: A. The Zoning Officer shall prepare a Notice of Public Hearing containing information on the proposed construction or use, for each Use Permit application to be considered by the Board including the following information: 1. A written summary of the project; 2. The number of Dwelling Units or square feet of gross floor area; and 3. Attachments or other information that, in the judgment of the Zoning Officer, are necessary to describe and illustrate the application. B. The notice shall also include the environmental review status under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), directions on how to obtain further information, the location and times in which the application may be reviewed by the public, how to submit written comments and information on the time and location of the public hearing. C. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be posted at three visible locations in the vicinity of the subject property, and at a bulletin board at the Zoning Counter, not fewer than 14 days prior to the hearing; except that the time period for posting the notice may be either for a longer time period when required by state law or extended by the Zoning Officer and/or Board to a maximum of 30 days for applications of major significance. D. The Notice of Public Hearing shall also be mailed, not fewer than 14 days prior to the hearing, to: 1. Neighborhood and community organizations listed in the registry of neighborhood/community organizations within whose expressed area of interest the project falls; 2. The owners of properties and residents in the affected area; and 3. The Main Library. We also had several people at the main library research this issue and they could not locate a copy of the notice. They have a summary of the January 10th ZAB meeting with contains a copy of the notice, but they could not locate a mailed copy prior the ZAB meeting. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 114 of 166 IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED We are asking that immediate action is taken and that you halt the issuance of any building permit and rescind, without prejudice, the Quick Service Food Use Permit granted at 2360 Telegraph. It appears there are numerous irregularities and illegalities associated with the issuance of this permit. We cannot allow a project of this magnitude, both in physical size and potential damaging consequences to our existing businesses, to go unchallenged. If the City rescinded the permit without prejudice the applicant could reapply, following proper notice guidelines and the issue could be properly heard. Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter. Very truly yours, Alex Popov Telegraph Restaurant Association [email protected] (415)269-1849 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 115 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 116 of 166 2501-2509 Haste For this recent project, the same applicant properly posted the sign, and submitted this photo with his application showing the poster on the site. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 117 of 166 2401 Telegraph Ave ALSO, for this recent project, the same applicant properly posted the sign, and submitted this photo with his application showing the poster on the site. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 118 of 166 2545-2460 Telegraph Ave AGAIN, for this recent project, the same applicant properly posted the sign, and submitted this photo with his application showing the poster on the site. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 119 of 166 2360 Telegraph Ave HOWEVER, for 2360 Telegraph, the Applicant DID NOT SUBMIT a PHOTO and instead only submitted a PDF file of the sign as shown above, further confirming the poster WAS NEVER POSTED ON THE SITE. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 120 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 121 of 166 Sage, Aaron E. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mark Thieme [[email protected]] Tuesday, October 30, 2012 7:50 AM Sage, Aaron E.; 'Renee Thieme' 'Mark Thieme' Re: 2360 Telegraph - application incomplete 2360 Telegraph - Use Permit Poster FINAL.pdf Please find attached a copy of the project site poster for 2360 Telegraph Avenue. Also, here are the answers to your questions: 1. I talked to Ken Sarachan, the building owner, who is also the operator for this business. He owns the properties and operates a number of businesses on the avenue including Blondie's Pizza, Rasputin Music and Bear Basics. 2. We discussed the bar area and he said that they will only be serving beer and wine, no hard liquor. The bar area is an eating 3. counter and not 'bar' in the typical sense. Do you want me to re-label the plans to say eating counter? Please let me know. There will be no live music at this location. Please let me know if you need anything else. !" # $ " % &% !" #'$ " %( %" ") * $ " %! "% " +++ , Please consider the environment before printing this email %%%%%- 3 3 3 3 %%%%% ./ ,$ 0 * 1 - ,* )) )" ) "$) 3 3 3 3 .$) (" 4 % 44 , 1 2 4, Renee, Please use the following project description: ?Proposed Biondi?s café serving beer and wine with hours of operation until 2 a.m. in an existing retail space?. If this is too long for the available space, I?d suggest deleting ?Biondi?s? and ?in an existing retail space?. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 122 of 166 Please use a floor plan. Let me know if you have any further questions. Aaron 3 / ,$, 0 , 1 - ,* )) )" ) "$ ) . 3 .$) (" 4 % 44 , 2 4, Aaron, Per Mark?s request, I am sending you a draft of the 2360 Telegraph Application Use Permit Poster for your review. Do you recommend using the elevation or floor plan to be placed in the required space? I am also waiting for the final s.f. number. Please let me know if you have any other corrections and a final will be sent to you for your approval. Renee Thieme Mark Thieme Architect 77 Solano Square #134 Benicia, CA 94510 707.748.7150 phone 707.641.0102 fax %%%%%- %%%%% ./ ,$ 0 * 1 1 - ,* )" ) " $ 5 3, 0 , 3 ) (" 4 % 44 , 4, 2 Hi Mark, I?ve reviewed this application and it is incomplete pending receipt of the following: Photo of yellow pre-application poster sign, per Item I.E of the Zoning Project Submittal Requirements. Zoning Use Questionnaire (under ?Alcoholic Beverages? on the second page) states that alcohol will not be served at a bar, yet this conflicts with the applicant statement and the floor plan. Please submit a revised questionnaire with this In addition, I?ve determined that we overcharged for this application. The correct fee for the Use Permit is $5,458.80, not $6,871. However, this application requires an additional Use Permit to exceed the 1,500 sq. ft. limit for quick service restaurants found in Section 23E.56.040. We did not charge for this Use Permit, so a fee of $414 will be deducted from the amount overpaid, leaving a ) Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 123 of 166 refund of $998.20. In order to process this refund I need you to turn in the original receipt or fill out the attached declaration. I still anticipate being able to get this to the ZAB on December 13, if not earlier. Please let me know if you have any questions. Aaron Sage, AICP Senior Planner City of Berkeley ph 510-981-7425 fax 510-981-7420 Zoning Projects – Application Submittal Requirements City of Berkeley Planning & Development Dept. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 3 of 14 June 2012 Page 124Effective of 166 I. Required For All Projects E. Pre-Application Poster Required / Submitted? Submit a color photo of the pre-application poster installed at front of site, visible to passersby. Guidelines available online at: http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/uploadedFiles/Online_Service_Center/Planning/GuidelineI.E.PreAppSignInstructions.pdf. Sample signs available online at: Small projects: http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/uploadedFiles/Online_Service_Center/Planning/GuidelineI.E.PreAppSignSample_SmallProjects.pdf Large projects: http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/uploadedFiles/Online_Service_Center/Planning/GuidelineI.E.PreAppSignSample_LargeProjects.pdf F. Site Photographs Submit One Set: 1. On 8½" x 11" sheets with captions or a key giving the location of each photo. 2. Provide adequate photos to show entire project site and all adjacent buildings. Where possible, take wide-angle shots showing project site and adjacent buildings together. Grayscale preferred. A. II. Required For All Projects Involving Construction (Includes New Structures, Additions, Demolition or Exterior Alterations) Plans – General Requirements 1. All plans must include: Project address Scale (common architect’s scales preferred) North arrow Dates of preparation and revision Legend describing all symbols and notations Name of person preparing the plans Building Code, Construction, and Occupancy Type Tabular Data G:\LANDUSE\Forms & Instructions\Land Use Planning Forms\WORD Files\FORMS_All\Zoning Project Submittal Requirements_05-14-2012.doc Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 125 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 126 of 166 Planning and Development Office of the Director Date: April 11, 2013 To: Whom it may concern RE: 2360 Telegraph Avenue Use Permit (UP) Application No. 12-10000037 On January 10, 2013 the Zoning Adjustment Board approved UP 12-10000037 for a restaurant at 2360 Telegraph Avenue as described in the attached Notice of Decision (NOD). In a March 24, 2013 letter to the City Manager, Alex Popov, representing the Telegraph Restaurant Association (TRA), raised several issues about the public noticing of UP No. 12-10000037. I have investigated the complaint and believe it is in the best interests of the City of Berkeley to cure and correct any possible noticing issues associated with UP No. 12-10000037. Therefore, you are receiving this re-issue of the NOD for UP No. 12-10000037. The re-issued NOD is being sent to the Main Library, property owners and occupants within three hundred feet of 2360 Telegraph Ave as well as any organizations listed with the City within whose expressed area of interest the project falls. The reissuing of the NOD will start a 14 day appeal period during which anyone aggrieved by the decision of the Zoning Adjustment Board to approve UP No. 12-10000037 may appeal that decision to the City Council. If such an appeal is filed, it will be scheduled for review by the City Council in the most expeditious manner possible. Sincerely, Eric Angstadt Director of Planning and Development Planning a Safe and Sustainable Future for Berkeley 2118 Milvia Street, Suite 300, Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510.981-7400 TDD: 510.981-6903 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 510.981-7470 Z O Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 127 of 166 N I N G A D J U S T M E N T S B O N o t i c e A o f R D D e c i s i o n DATE OF BOARD DECISION: January 10, 2013 DATE NOTICE MAILED: April 11, 2013 APPEAL PERIOD EXPIRATION: April 25, 2013 EFFECTIVE DATE OF PERMIT (Barring Appeal or Certification)1: April 26, 2013 2360 Telegraph Avenue Use Permit #12-10000037 to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants, with incidental beer and wine service and hours of operation until 2 a.m. The Zoning Adjustments Board of the City of Berkeley, APPROVED the following permits: Use Permit to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 square feet (plus storage) exceeding the limits on the number and size of such uses (30 restaurants allowed, 47 existing; 1,500 sq. ft. size limit), under BMC Section 23E.56.040.B Administrative Use Permit to allow service of beer and wine incidental to food service, under BMC Section 23E.56.030.A Use Permit to allow service of beer and wine until 2 a.m., seven days per week (code otherwise allows 10 p.m., Sunday-Thursday, and 12 midnight, FridaySaturday), under BMC Section 23E.56.050 APPLICANT: Mark Thieme, 77 Solano Square #134, Benicia, CA 94510 ZONING DISTRICT: C-T, Telegraph Avenue Commercial ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STATUS: Categorically exempt under Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (“New Construction or Conversion of 1 Pursuant to BMC Section 23B.32.090, the City Council may “certify” any decision of the ZAB for review, which has the same effect as an appeal. In most cases, the Council must certify the ZAB decision during the 14-day appeal period. However, pursuant to BMC Section 1.04.070, if any portion of the appeal period falls within a Council recess, the deadline for Council certification is suspended until the first Council meeting after the recess, plus the number of days of the appeal period that occurred during the recess, minus one day. If there is no appeal or certification, the Use Permit becomes effective the next business day after the certification deadline has passed. ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD NOTICE OF DECISION Use Permit # 12-10000037 2360 Telegraph Avenue April 11, 2013 Page 2 of 5 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 128 of 166 Small Structures”). The Zoning Application and application materials for this project is available online at: http://www.cityofberkeley.info/zoningapplications FINDINGs AND CONDITIONS ARE ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE BOARD VOTE: 6-0-0-3 YES: ALLEN, ALVAREZ COHEN, HONG, KOPELSON, FELLER, TEGRUB NO: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: GROVES, MIKITEN, WILLIAMS TO APPEAL THIS DECISION (see Section 23B.32.050 of the Berkeley Municipal Code): To appeal a decision of the Zoning Adjustments Board to the City Council you must: 1. Submit a letter clearly and concisely setting forth the grounds for the appeal to the City Clerk, located at 2180 Milvia Street, 1st Floor, Berkeley; or by facsimile to (510) 981-6901. The City Clerk’s telephone number is (510) 981-6900. 2. The appeal must be received prior to 5:00 p.m. on the "APPEAL PERIOD EXPIRATION" date shown above (if the close of the appeal period falls on a weekend or holiday, then the appeal period expires the following business day). 3. Submit the required appeal fee (checks and money orders payable to “City of Berkeley”): a. The fee for persons other than the applicant is $500. This fee may be reduced to $100 if the appeal is signed by persons who lease or own at least 50 percent of the parcels or dwelling units within 300 feet of the project site, or at least 25 such persons (not including dependent children), whichever is less. The fee for all appeals by Applicants is $2500. If no appeal is received, the permit will be issued on the first business day following expiration of the appeal period, and the project may proceed at that time. g:\landuse\projects by address\telegraph\2360\up 12-10000037\documents finals\2013-0411_zab_nod_2360 telegraph.docx ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD NOTICE OF DECISION Use Permit # 12-10000037 2360 Telegraph Avenue April 11, 2013 Page 3 of 5 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 129 of 166 NOTICE CONCERNING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS: If you object to this decision, the following requirements and restrictions apply: 1. If you challenge this decision in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Zoning Adjustments Board at, or prior to, the public hearing. 2. You must appeal to the City Council within fourteen (14) days after the Notice of Decision of the action of the Zoning Adjustments Board is mailed. It is your obligation to notify the Land Use Planning Division in writing of your desire to receive a Notice of Decision when it is completed. 3. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6(b) and Government Code Section 65009(c)(1), no lawsuit challenging a City Council decision, as defined by Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6(e), regarding a use permit, variance or other permit may be filed more than ninety (90) days after the date the decision becomes final, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6(b). Any lawsuit not filed within that ninety (90) day period will be barred. 4. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), notice is hereby given to the applicant that the 90-day protest period for any fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions included in any permit approval begins upon final action by the City, and that any challenge must be filed within this 90-day period. 5. If you believe that this decision or any condition attached to it denies you any reasonable economic use of the subject property, was not sufficiently related to a legitimate public purpose, was not sufficiently proportional to any impact of the project, or for any other reason constitutes a “taking” of property for public use without just compensation under the California or United States Constitutions, your appeal of this decision must including the following information: A. That this belief is a basis of your appeal. B. Why you believe that the decision or condition constitutes a "taking" of property as set forth above. C. All evidence and argument in support of your belief that the decision or condition constitutes a “taking” as set forth above. If you do not do so, you will waive any legal right to claim that your property has been taken, both before the City Council and in court. g:\landuse\projects by address\telegraph\2360\up 12-10000037\documents finals\2013-0411_zab_nod_2360 telegraph.docx Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 130 of 166 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD NOTICE OF DECISION Use Permit # 12-10000037 2360 Telegraph Avenue April 11, 2013 Page 4 of 5 PUBLIC COMMENT: Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Please note: e-mail addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission or committee, will become part of the public record. If you do not want your e-mail address or any other contact information to be made public, you may deliver communications via U.S. Postal Service or in person to the secretary of the relevant board, commission or committee. If you do not want your contact information included in the public record, please do not include that information in your communication. Please contact the secretary to the relevant board, commission or committee for further information. FURTHER INFORMATION: Questions about the project should be directed to the project planner, Aaron Sage, at (510) 981-7410 or [email protected]. All project application materials, including full-size plans, may be viewed at the Land Use Planning Division, 2120 Milvia Street, 2nd floor, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (except on holidays and reduced service days; check City’s website for details). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Findings and Conditions 2. Project Plans, received NOVEMBER 20, 2012 ATTEST: cc: Terry Blount, Secretary Zoning Adjustments Board City Clerk Building and Safety Division Central Library - Reference Desk Public Works Engineering Division ZAB Members First Source Kathryn Hoover, Housing Department Alex Popov, Telegraph Restaurant Association Applicant: Mark Thieme 77 Solano Square, #134 g:\landuse\projects by address\telegraph\2360\up 12-10000037\documents finals\2013-0411_zab_nod_2360 telegraph.docx ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD NOTICE OF DECISION Use Permit # 12-10000037 2360 Telegraph Avenue April 11, 2013 Page 5 of 5 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 131 of 166 Benicia, CA 94510 Property Owner: Ken Sarachan 2401 Telegraph Avenue Berkeley, CA 94704 g:\landuse\projects by address\telegraph\2360\up 12-10000037\documents finals\2013-0411_zab_nod_2360 telegraph.docx Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 132 of 166 Attachment 1 Findings and Conditions JANUARY 10, 2013 2360 Telegraph Avenue Use Permit #12-10000037 to establish a Quick Service Restaurant of 4,647 sq. ft. (plus storage), exceeding the C-T District’s limitations on the number and size of such restaurants, with incidental beer and wine service and hours of operation until 2 a.m. CEQA FINDINGS 1. The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. and California Code of Regulations, §15000, et seq.) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). Furthermore, none of the exceptions in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 apply, as follows: (a) the site is not located in an environmentally sensitive area, (b) there are no cumulative impacts, (c) there are no significant effects, (d) the project is not located near a scenic highway, (e) the project site is not located on a hazardous waste site pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5, and (f) the project will not affect any historical resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. GENERAL NON-DETRIMENT FINDING 2. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23B.32.040, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the proposed project, under the circumstances of the particular case existing at the time at which the application is granted, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the area or neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements of the adjacent properties, the surrounding area or neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City, for the following reasons: A. The project would be consistent with the purposes of the C-T District, as described in Finding 3 below. B. The project would enhance the well-being of users of the District, and the economic vitality of the District, by occupying a vacant commercial space, establishing a locally owned business, and helping satisfy the high demand for Quick Service Restaurants in this District. C. The project does not alter the exterior of the existing structure, other than new signage and windows, and therefore will help preserve the existing physical character of the commercial district. FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 2 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 133 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 D. Potential adverse impacts from the proposed alcohol sales and hours of operation will be addressed by requiring alcohol sales to be terminated one hour before closing time, requiring training for employees serving alcohol, requiring the establishment to monitor customer activity on the adjacent sidewalk, and other requirements included in the following conditions. OTHER REQUIRED FINDINGS 3. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.1, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project is compatible with the purposes of the C-T District, as follows: A. Implement the General Plan’s designation of Avenue Commercial for this area. Analysis: This purpose is broad and does not have specific applicability to the proposed project. B. Implement the Southside Plan’s designation for the Telegraph Avenue Commercial Subarea. Analysis: This purpose is broad and does not have specific applicability to the proposed project. C. Regulate development in the Telegraph Area Commercial District in order to satisfy the needs of the population groups using the District, especially the University population and the surrounding resident population. Analysis: The project would help satisfy demand for relatively fast, affordable food by University students and staff, and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. D. Encourage the availability of a variety of goods and services which serve residents in the District and the University population but do not generate a high volume of vehicular traffic. Analysis: The project would serve District residents and the University population but would not generate a high volume of vehicular traffic given that the vast majority of customers would arrive on foot due to the proximity of the University and other institutions, and high density residential neighborhoods located in the vicinity. Due to the nature of the neighborhood and its proximity to the University, it is unlikely that the project would generate a substantial number of vehicle trips specifically to this site. E. Allow for uses which maintain the cultural quality of the District giving it its regional appeal without generating substantial vehicular traffic. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 134 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 3 of 12 Analysis: See previous response regarding traffic. The existing adjacent tenants would remain, thereby maintaining the existing cultural quality of the District. F. Discourage uses which because of size, the type of the products sold, vehicular traffic generated or other considerations, are more appropriately located elsewhere in the City. Analysis: See analysis for Purpose D regarding traffic. Although the proposed types of food are already available at other restaurants in the area, it appears based on the application that there is unmet demand for these products. In any event, the ZAB’s decision should not be based on the type of food sold, because this could be changed in the future without any further discretionary review by the City required. G. Encourage a mix of goods and services which will preclude the dominance of any one type of use and which will produce variations within the same category of uses. Analysis: Quick Service Restaurants do not currently “dominate” this District. Less than 25 percent (47) of the approximately 200 ground-floor commercial spaces in the District are devoted to this use, and the addition of one more Quick Service Restaurant would not cause this use to dominate. In addition, Quick Service Restaurants comprise approximately 58 percent of the total food service uses (47 out of 81). Therefore, there would continue to be adequate variation within the food service category after approval of the proposed restaurant. In addition, total food service uses would constitute less than half of the total ground-floor spaces in the District. H. To encourage the establishment and maintenance of uses which will satisfy the needs of all age groups and attract a range of users and interests. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes C and E. Providing an additional Quick Service Restaurant would help ensure that the food needs of all age groups and users are satisfied. I. Encourage the creation of additional housing in the District which is affordable, including housing for those who work or study nearby. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. J. Encourage those uses and structural architecture that reinforce, and discourage those uses and architecture that interrupt, the pedestrian orientation of the District. Analysis: The project would reinforce the pedestrian orientation of the District because it would draw the vast majority of its customers from surrounding residential and institutional uses. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 4 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 135 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 K. Encourage mixed Commercial and Residential Uses. Analysis: The project is located in an existing mixed-use building. L. Encourage the construction of new housing in mixed use development on vacant properties and surface parking lots. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. M. Encourage the redevelopment of single-story structures that are not historically significant resources with housing and mixed use development. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. N. Protect and enhance historically and architecturally significant buildings by ensuring that new development and alterations complement their existing architectural character. Analysis: Not applicable to this project. O. Encourage the establishment and survival of small, locally-owned businesses, thereby contributing to the vitality and diversity of the District. Analysis: As noted earlier, according to the applicant, the restaurant will be owned and operated by Ken Sarachan, who is locally based and also owns other businesses on Telegraph. By contrast, the former tenant was a national chain based in Orange County, California. While the size of the subject space is relatively large, there are several commercial spaces on Telegraph that are comparable in size or larger, including the three-story retail building to the north. P. Discourage the type of Commercial Use whose establishment will contribute to the displacement of businesses that supply neighboring residents with essential goods and services. Analysis: The subject tenant space is currently vacant (except for storage by the owner), and therefore the project does not displace any existing business. The type of retail conducted by the former tenant, Wet Seal, could not be characterized as an “essential” good or service. While there appears to be a general trend in the District toward conversion of retail spaces to food service, there are retail uses nearby that do supply more basic neighborhood goods, such as Sam’s Market and Walgreen’s, and these uses do not appear to have been adversely impacted by the increasing number of food service uses. Q. Ensure that new buildings, additions and renovations harmonize with and enhance the unique character of the District. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 136 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 5 of 12 Analysis: Not applicable to this project. R. Provide environmental protection for the residents of mixed residential commercial structures and surrounding residents from such detriments as noise, fumes and litter. Analysis: The permit, if approved, would include a condition of approval requiring adequate controls for smoke and odors from cooking, as well as monitoring of the sidewalk to prevent litter and excessive noise. See under “Alcohol Service” for further discussion of noise impacts. S. Preserve the ethnic diversity of the resident population and users of the District and of the types of businesses providing ethnically diverse goods and services in the District. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes F and P. The project would not displace any existing businesses, and the former business could not be characterized as contributing to the District’s ethnic diversity. T. Protect and encourage the development of properties accessible to the disabled for both residential and Commercial Use. Analysis: All tenant improvements within the subject tenant space would have to comply with the accessibility requirements of the California Building Code. U. Discourage uses which are widely available in other shopping Districts throughout the Bay Area and detract from the unique type and mix of goods and services available in the District. Analysis: See analysis for Purposes F, G, P and S. Although Quick Service Restaurants are widely available in other shopping Districts and throughout the Bay Area, the proposed business would be locally owned and operated, and would serve the specific needs of the C-T District. As noted in the analysis for Purpose G, there would continue to be an appropriate mix of goods and services in the District after approval of this project. 4. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.2, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project will encourage and maintain the present street frontage of the District, will not interfere with the continuity of retail or compatible service facilities at the ground level and will not interrupt a continuous wall of building facades, because the project does not include any substantial exterior alterations. 5. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.3, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project is compatible in design and character with the District and the adjacent residential neighborhoods, because it does not include any substantial File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 6 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 137 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 exterior alterations, is compatible with the purposes of the District as discussed in Finding 3 above, and the use is similar to existing commercial uses in the District. 6. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.B.4, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project will not generate traffic or parking demand significantly beyond the capacity of the Commercial District or significantly increase impacts on adjacent residential neighborhoods, as discussed in Finding 3, Purpose D. 7. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.C, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the extended hours will not generate excessive noise, traffic or parking problems affecting the well-being of the residents of the District, because the establishment will not offer live entertainment and will not create a “bar atmosphere” leading to excessive noise and other problems. The applicant has worked with the Police Department and Planning staff to identify appropriate restrictions to ensure that proposed alcohol service and hours of operation do not create adverse impacts on the neighborhood. These include requirements for ABC training for servers, participation in the Police Department’s Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) survey, and use of non-disposable glassware for alcoholic beverages. 8. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.E, the Zoning Adjustments Board grants a Use Permit to exceed the numerical and floor area limitations of the CT District, based on the following findings: 9. 1. Granting an exception will result in enhancement of the purposes of the District, as discussed in Finding 3 above; and 2. Adverse parking and transportation impacts of the proposed use are negligible or have been mitigated so as not to adversely affect circulation or parking capacity on adjacent streets or in the immediate neighborhood, as discussed in Finding 3, Purpose D. Pursuant to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23E.56.090.F, the Zoning Adjustments Board finds that the project complies with the Southside Plan’s adopted Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP). There are no mitigations in the MMP that apply to this project. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ALL PROJECTS 1. Conditions Shall be Printed on Plans The conditions of this Permit shall be printed on the first sheet of each plan set submitted for a building permit pursuant to this Use Permit, under the title ‘Use Permit Conditions’. The second sheet may also be used if the first sheet is not of sufficient size to list all of the conditions. The sheet(s) containing the conditions shall be of the same size as those sheets containing the construction drawings; 8-1/2” by 11” sheets are not acceptable. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 2. Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 138 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 7 of 12 Applicant Responsible for Compliance with Conditions The applicant shall ensure compliance with all of the following conditions, including submittal to the project planner of required approval signatures at the times specified. Failure to comply with any condition may result in construction being stopped, issuance of a citation, and/or modification or revocation of the Use Permit. 3. 4. Uses Approved Deemed to Exclude Other Uses (Section 23B.56.010) A. This Permit authorizes only those uses and activities actually proposed in the application and excludes other uses and activities. B. Except as expressly specified herein, this Permit terminates all other uses at the location subject to it. Modification of Permits (Section 23B.56.020) No change in the use or structure for which this Permit is approved is permitted unless the Permit is modified by the Zoning Adjustments Board, in conformance with Section 23B.56.020.A. Changes in the plans for the construction of a building or structure may be modified prior to the completion of construction, in accordance with Section 23B.56.020.D. The Zoning Officer may approve changes to plans approved by the Board, consistent with the Board’s policy adopted on May 24, 1978, which reduce the size of the project. The Zoning Officer may also approve a maximum two-foot variation to Board approved plans, provided that such variation does not increase a structure’s height, reduce the minimum distance to any property line, and/or conflict with any special objective sought by the Board. 5. Plans and Representations Become Conditions (Section 23B.56.030) Except as expressly specified herein, the site plan, floor plans, building elevations and any additional information or representations submitted by the applicant during the Staff review and public hearing process leading to the approval of this Permit, whether oral or written, which indicated the proposed structure or manner of operation are deemed conditions of approval. 6. Subject to all City and Other Regulations (Section 23B.56.040) The approved use and/or construction are subject to, and shall comply with, all applicable City Ordinances and laws and regulations of other governmental agencies. 7. Exercised Permit for Use Survives Vacancy of Property (Section 23B.56.080) File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 8 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 139 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Once a Permit for a use is exercised and the use is established, that use is legally recognized, even if the property becomes vacant, except as set forth in Standard Condition #8 below. 8. 9. Exercise and Lapse of Permits (Section 23B.56.100) A. A permit for the use of a building or a property is exercised when, if required, a valid City business license has been issued, and the permitted use has commenced on the property. B. A permit for the construction of a building or structure is deemed exercised when a valid City building permit, if required, is issued, and construction has lawfully commenced. C. A permit may be declared lapsed and of no further force and effect if it is not exercised within one year of its issuance, except that permits for construction or alteration of structures or buildings may not be declared lapsed if the permittee has (1) applied for a building permit or (2) made substantial good faith efforts to obtain a building permit and begin construction, even if a building permit has not been issued and/or construction has not begun. The applicant shall hold the City of Berkeley and its officers harmless in the event of any legal action related to the granting of this Permit, shall cooperate with the City in defense of such action, and shall indemnify the City for any award of damages or attorneys fees that may result. CONDITIONS BY PROJECT TYPE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SERVICE CONDITIONS (on-site) 10. Alcoholic beverage service shall be “incidental” to the primary food service use, as defined in Zoning Ordinance 23F.04.010. An incidental use shall not exceed twentyfive percent (25%) of the floor area of the primary use, and if it consists of the commercial sales of a different line of products or services than the primary use, such incidental use may not generate gross receipts in excess of thirty-three percent (33%) of the gross receipts generated by the primary use. In addition, the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) allows this alcohol use only as part of a “bona fide eating place” making “actual and substantial sales of meals,” and stringently enforces this requirement. 11. The establishment shall comply with all applicable regulations of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 12. The applicant shall comply with ABC regulations for License Type 41 (“On Sale Beer & Wine – Eating Place”), which requires that the food establishment operate as a bona File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 140 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 9 of 12 fide eating place, make actual and substantial sales of meals during normal meal hours, and that the establishment operate at least five days a week. In addition, the applicant shall request that the ABC place the following conditions on the ABC permit for this site, and this Use Permit shall only be operative for as long as these conditions are placed on the associated ABC license: a. The sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises is strictly prohibited; b. There shall be no bar or lounge area upon the licensed premises maintained for the sole purpose of sales, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages directly to patrons for consumption; c. During operating hours, 100% of the service area shall be designed and used for and must possess the necessary utensils, and condiment dispensers with which to serve meals to the public; d. There shall be no exterior advertising or sign of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. Interior displays of alcoholic beverages or signs which are clearly visible to the exterior shall constitute a violation of this condition. 13. A Berkeley Police Department Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) survey shall be completed prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy or final inspection. 14. All employees selling and/or serving alcohol, or directly supervising such sales and/or service, shall complete the Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) program, or another equivalent program offered or certified by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control within 6 months of employment at the establishment. Employees who have completed the course within the last five (5) years shall be exempt from this requirement. 15. Employees shall not serve alcohol to patrons who appear to be inebriated or otherwise unable to behave in an orderly manner upon consuming alcohol. 16. The service of alcohol shall be limited to beer and wine and limited to the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. seven days per week. The Zoning Adjustments Board or designee shall approve any change in the hours of restaurant operations, of alcohol service, or both. Hours of operation are subject to review and amendment by the Zoning Adjustments Board as necessary to avoid detriment to the neighborhood or to achieve conformance with revised City standards or policies. 17. Neither alcohol-dispensing facilities nor sign(s) advertising alcoholic beverages shall be visible from the public right-of-way. 18. All alcohol served to patrons must be served in durable restaurant tableware – i.e. either cups or glasses. No alcohol may be distributed in its original bottle or can, or in any other potentially disposable container. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 10 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 141 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 19. There shall be no service or consumption of alcohol in the public right-of-way. 20. No alcohol may be transported off-site from the establishment to any other establishment or to the public right-of-way. 21. The owner or operator of the establishment shall take reasonable measures to prevent disturbances by patrons in the immediate vicinity. Such measures shall include signs reminding patrons of nearby residences and requests not to congregate or loiter near such residences nor operate vehicles in a noisy manner on residential streets. The operator shall give surveillance to public areas near the establishment, keep such areas free of trash and litter, provide lighting, and otherwise attempt to prevent conduct that might disturb the peace and quiet of residences in the vicinity. Furthermore, the operator shall assume reasonable responsibility for ensuring that patrons do not block the entrance or interfere with pedestrian activity on the adjacent public sidewalk. 22. The applicant shall establish cash handling procedures to reduce the likelihood of robberies and theft. 23. This Use Permit, including these and all other required conditions, shall be posted in conspicuous location, available for viewing by any interested party. 24. The premises shall not be rented out to third-party “promoters” for any special events or parties. FOOD SERVICE CONDITIONS (These requirements are in addition to any other requirements under the City's Building, Health or Fire Codes or by agencies such as the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department of the State of California. The applicant is responsible for contacting these and other departments and agencies to identify and secure all applicable permits and licenses). 25. This permit is subject to review, imposition of additional conditions, or revocation if factual complaint is received by the Zoning Officer that the maintenance or operation of this establishment is violating any of these or other required conditions or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or is detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. 26. Changes in the nature of the operation including, but not limited to, the addition of seating beyond the capacity indicated in the application, expansion of hours beyond 2 a.m., and the addition of live entertainment, shall require modification of this permit (or a new Use Permit, if required by the Zoning Ordinance) subject to approval by the Zoning Adjustments Board. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 142 of 166 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 11 of 12 27. The approved floor plan, including the number of seats, shall be followed and the operation shall be conducted as presented to the Board. The maximum occupancy shall be as specified in the application unless otherwise required by applicable regulations. 28. Changes to the building's facade, including doors or windows, site plans, landscaping, signage, and awnings are subject to Design Review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 29. The hours of operation of the restaurant portion of the business shall be limited to: 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. (see Condition 16 above for further restrictions on alcohol service). Hours of operation refer to arrival of the first patron and departure of the last patron. Any change in the hours of operation shall be approved by the Zoning Adjustments Board or designee. Hours of operation are subject to review and amendment by the Zoning Adjustments Board as necessary to avoid detriment to the neighborhood or to achieve conformance with revised City standards or policies. 30. Cooking odors, noise, exterior lighting and operation of any parking area shall be controlled so as to prevent verified complaints from the surrounding neighborhood. This shall include noise created by employees working on the premises before or after patrons arrive. 31. Smoke and odor control equipment approved by the City Environmental Health Division and providing adequate protection to residential uses in the vicinity shall be installed prior to issuance of an Occupancy Permit. 32. Garbage and trash containers that are suitably enclosed and screened from view shall be provided subject to approval of the Zoning Officer, the Health Department and, where applicable, the Design Review Planner. Any establishment selling beverages in cans or bottles that are subject to the State of California Container Deposit Law shall provide separate bins or cans for the placement of such cans or bottles to ensure recycling of such containers. 33. Containers used for the dispensing of prepared food shall identify the establishment. Polystyrene foam food packing is prohibited by Section 11.60.030 of the Berkeley Municipal Code. 34. Any establishment selling beverages in cans or bottles that are subject to the State of California Container Deposit Law shall recycle such containers. 35. The operator of the restaurant shall place a waste receptacle near the entry way and shall insure that garbage on the sidewalk in front of the establishment and within 50 feet thereof will be picked up periodically during each day, so that the sidewalk remains clean. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS Page 12 of 12 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 143 of 166 2360 TELEGRAPH AVENUE January 10, 2013 36. The operator shall assume reasonable responsibility for ensuring that patrons do not block the entrance or interfere with pedestrian activity on the adjacent public sidewalk. 37. The applicant shall comply with Berkeley Municipal Code Chapter 9.88, which requires businesses with 10 or more employees to provide either (1) a program for excluding employee transit expenses from taxable earnings, (2) a transit subsidy equal to the value of a monthly AC Transit bus pass, or (3) a shuttle service. File: G:\LANDUSE\Projects by Address\Telegraph\2360\UP 12-10000037\DOCUMENTS FINALS\ZAB 2013-01-10\2013-0110_ZAB_FC_2360 Telegraph.docx Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 144 of 166 PLANS APPROVED by ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 ATTACHMENT 2 ZAB 01-10-13 Page 1 of 2 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 145 of 166 ATTACHMENT 2 ZAB 01-10-13 Page 2 of 2 PLANS APPROVED by ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD January 10, 2013 2360 TELEGRAPH AVE NAME1 ASUC Attn%253A Municipal Lobby Willard Neighborhood Group Carol Lipnick Telegraph Area Association Benvenue Neighbors Association University of California Berkeley Capital Projects Urban Creeks Council Bananas Inc. Adams Broadwell Joseph & Cardoza Berkeley Central Library REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF C JANGMI LLC CHANNING WAY 2003 LLC AFFAIRS LLC & THREE SMART MONK ZEMEL ARTHUR & LEVIN DOROTHY T 2509 DURANT LLC TAYLOR SPRINGS MANAGEMENT LLC FORTUNEWORLD INC LIVING CITY INVESTMENTS LLC AYYAD FUAD & MUNA I SARACHAN KENNETH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF B RUE ELL ENTERPRISES INC CHITRCHARATN NIRAMOL DOWNEY NANCY B TR & ROUSH VIRG LANDIS JUDSON R & SHERON C TRS RSGF GRANADA BUILDING LLC CAMOU TELEGRAPH AVENUE PROPERT TOWNSEND I LLC DURANT PLACE MAHONEY MICHAEL T TR & WHITE K GOODHUE NEIL B & DIANE C TRS HUNOLT JAMES B TR & THOMAS E T FUENTES JENNAN K BERKELEY ASSOCIATES LLC DABEL GREGORY J & KAREN L ETAL OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 387 NOTICES NAME2 MUNICIPAL LOBBY DIRECTOR SHEILA HOLDERNESS (OCUPT) CAROL LIPNICK (OCCUPANT) KATHY BERGER (OCCUPANT) SHARON HUDSON (OCCUPANT) UCB CAPITAL PROJECTS CAROLE SCHEMMERLING (OPT) ARLYCE CURRIE Janet Laurain MAIN REFERENCE DESK 1111 FRANKLIN ST 6 1144 CAMINO VALLECITO 1367 27TH AVE 140 2ND ST%2C 2ND FLOOR 1504 S EL CAMINO REAL 1900 S NORFOLK ST 350 1901 OLYMPIC BLVD 100 200 CREEDON CIR 2301 ASHBY AVE A 2312 TELEGRAPH AVE 2401 TELEGRAPH AVE 2407 DANA ST 2437 DURANT AVE 2511 CHANNING WAY 360 17TH ST 206 3701 WINDING CREEK RD 551 FIFTH AVE 631 TANGLEWOOD DR 731 SANSOME ST 2ND 7705 POTRERO AVE P O BOX 2277 P.O. BOX 11015 PO BOX 156 PO BOX 2905 PO BOX 680 PO BOX 85 2300 TELEGRAPH AVE 2301 TELEGRAPH AVE 2305 TELEGRAPH AVE ADDRESS1 200 ESHLEMAN HALL 2440 STUART ST 2510 TELEGRAPH AVE 2509 HASTE ST 2501 BENVENUE AVE APT 21 300 A&E BUILDING 861 REGAL RD 5232 CLAREMONT AVE 601 GATEWAY BLVD. Su 1000 2090 KITTREDGE STREET OAKLAND CA94607 LAFAYETTE CA94549 SAN FRANCISCO CA94122 SAN FRANCISCO CA94105 SAN MATEO CA94402 SAN MATEO CA94403 WALNUT CREEK CA94596 ALAMEDA CA94502 BERKELEY CA94705 BERKELEY CA94704 BERKELEY CA94704 BERKELEY CA94704 BERKELEY CA94704 BERKELEY CA94704 OAKLAND CA94612 SACRAMENTO CA95864 NEW YORK NY10176 SYKESVILLE MD21784 SAN FRANCISCO CA94111 EL CERRITO CA94530 BORREGO SPRINGS CA92004 OAKLAND CA94611 MANCHESTER CA95459 BERKELEY CA94702 ALAMO CA94507 GRATON CA95444 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Attachment 5 - Admin Record MAILED OUT 04-11-13 Page 146 of 166 ADDRESS2 UNIV. CA BERKLEY BERKELEY CA 94705 BERKELEY CA 94704 BERKELEY CA 94704 BERKELEY CA 94704 %28MC 1382%29 BERKELEY CA 94720 BERKELEY CA 94708 OAKLAND CA 94618 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080 BERKELEY CA 94704 PROJECT 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 TELEGRAPH AVE OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT Attachment 5 - Admin Record MAILED OUT 04-11-13 Page 147 of 166 387 NOTICES 2307 TELEGRAPH AVE 2309 TELEGRAPH AVE 2310 TELEGRAPH AVE 2311 TELEGRAPH AVE 2312 TELEGRAPH AVE 2315 TELEGRAPH AVE 2324 TELEGRAPH AVE 2327 TELEGRAPH AVE 2328 TELEGRAPH AVE 2332 TELEGRAPH AVE 2333 TELEGRAPH AVE 2334 TELEGRAPH AVE 2338 TELEGRAPH AVE 2338 TELEGRAPH AVE 30 2338 TELEGRAPH AVE 304 2338 TELEGRAPH AVE 316 2338 TELEGRAPH AVE 332 2338 TELEGRAPH AVE 336 2338 TELEGRAPH AVE 411 2340 TELEGRAPH AVE 2342 TELEGRAPH AVE 2344 TELEGRAPH AVE 2347 TELEGRAPH AVE 2350 BOWDITCH ST 2350 TELEGRAPH AVE 2355 TELEGRAPH AVE 2360 TELEGRAPH AVE 2366 TELEGRAPH AVE 2367 TELEGRAPH AVE 2369 TELEGRAPH AVE 2374 TELEGRAPH AVE 2375 TELEGRAPH AVE 2379 TELEGRAPH AVE 2380 TELEGRAPH AVE 2381 TELEGRAPH AVE 2382 TELEGRAPH AVE 2383 TELEGRAPH AVE 2384 TELEGRAPH AVE 2386 TELEGRAPH AVE 2387 TELEGRAPH AVE Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 TELEGRAPH AVE OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT Attachment 5 - 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Admin Record MAILED OUT 04-11-13 Page 149 of 166 387 NOTICES 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 506 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 508 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 510 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 512 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 514 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 516 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 600 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 602 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 604 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 606 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 612 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 614 2414 TELEGRAPH AVE 616 2416 TELEGRAPH AVE 2419 DURANT AVE 2419 DURANT AVE 1 2419 DURANT AVE 10 2419 DURANT AVE 2 2419 DURANT AVE 22 2419 DURANT AVE 23 2419 DURANT AVE 24 2419 DURANT AVE 25 2419 DURANT AVE 26 2419 DURANT AVE 27 2419 DURANT AVE 28 2419 DURANT AVE 29 2419 DURANT AVE 3 2419 DURANT AVE 30 2419 DURANT AVE 31 2419 DURANT AVE 32 2419 DURANT AVE 33 2419 DURANT AVE 34 2419 DURANT AVE 35 2419 DURANT AVE 36 2419 DURANT AVE 37 2419 DURANT AVE 38 2419 DURANT AVE 39 2419 DURANT AVE 4 2419 DURANT AVE 5 2419 DURANT AVE 6 Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 TELEGRAPH AVE OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT Attachment 5 - 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Admin Record MAILED OUT 04-11-13 Page 154 of 166 387 NOTICES 2510 BANCROFT WAY 207 2510 BANCROFT WAY 208 2510 BANCROFT WAY 209 2510 BANCROFT WAY 210 2510 BANCROFT WAY 211 2510 BANCROFT WAY 212 2510 BANCROFT WAY 214 2510 BANCROFT WAY 215 2510 BANCROFT WAY 216 2510 BANCROFT WAY 217 2510 BANCROFT WAY 218 2510 BANCROFT WAY 219 2510 BANCROFT WAY 220 2510 BANCROFT WAY 221 2510 BANCROFT WAY 222 2510 BANCROFT WAY 223 2510 BANCROFT WAY 224 2510 BANCROFT WAY 225 2510 BANCROFT WAY 301 2510 BANCROFT WAY 302 2510 BANCROFT WAY 303 2510 BANCROFT WAY 304 2510 BANCROFT WAY 305 2510 BANCROFT WAY 306 2510 BANCROFT WAY 307 2510 BANCROFT WAY 308 2510 BANCROFT WAY 309 2510 BANCROFT WAY 310 2510 BANCROFT WAY 311 2510 BANCROFT WAY 312 2510 BANCROFT WAY 314 2510 BANCROFT WAY 315 2510 BANCROFT WAY 316 2510 BANCROFT WAY 317 2510 BANCROFT WAY 318 2510 BANCROFT WAY 319 2510 BANCROFT WAY 320 2510 BANCROFT WAY 321 2510 BANCROFT WAY 322 2510 BANCROFT WAY 323 Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 CA 94704 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 TELEGRAPH AVE OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT MARK THIEME 387 NOTICES 2510 BANCROFT WAY 324 2510 CHANNING WAY 2510 DURANT AVE 2511 CHANNING WAY 2511 DURANT AVE 2512 BANCROFT WAY 2513 DURANT AVE 2514 BANCROFT WAY 2515 CHANNING WAY 2515 DURANT AVE 2515 DURANT AVE 2516 BANCROFT WAY 2516 DURANT AVE 2516 DURANT AVE A 2516 DURANT AVE B 2517 DURANT AVE 2517 DURANT AVE A 2517 DURANT AVE B 2517 DURANT AVE C 2517 DURANT AVE D 2518 DURANT AVE A 2518 DURANT AVE B 2518 DURANT AVE C 2520 CHANNING WAY 2521 CHANNING WAY 2535 CHANNING WAY 2538 CHANNING WAY 77 SOLANO SQ., #134 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 Berkeley, CA 94704 BENICIA, CA 94510 Attachment 5 - Admin Record MAILED OUT 04-11-13 Page 155 of 166 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 2360 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 156 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 157 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 158 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 159 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 160 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 161 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 162 of 166 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 163 of 166 Sage, Aaron E. From: Sent: To: Subject: Worthington, Kriss Monday, April 29, 2013 4:51 PM Worthington, Kriss TELEGRAPH RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION SAYS “NO ON #57” TELEGRAPH RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION SAYS “NO ON #57” For Immediate Release Contact April 29, 2013 Alex Popov (415) 269‐1849 Linda Gilman (510) 486‐2310 (Berkeley) – Dozens of Restaurants say NO on Relaxing the Quota System. Item #57 on the city council agenda proposes to relax the quota system for three years. See below for the complete letter from Telegraph Restaurant Association. Please call or email the City Council to support our local restaurants. To email all council members copy and paste the email string. Add No on 57. Support our local restaurants. to make your point easy and clear. Email String: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Tom Bates (Mayor) Linda Maio (D.1) Darryl Moore (D.2) Max Anderson (D.3) Jesse Arreguin (D.4) Laurie Capitelli (D.5) Susan Wengraf (D.6) Kriss Worthington (D.7) Gordon Wozniak (D.8) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 510-981-7100 510-981-7110 510-981-7120 510-981-7130 510-981-7140 510-981-7150 510-981-7160 510-981-7170 510-981-7180 TELEGRAPH RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION 1 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 164 of 166 Dear City Council We would like to introduce you to the new Telegraph Restaurant Association. This Association was founded to foster a stronger business environment for Telegraph’s locally owned and operated independent restaurants. We understand the Council will be considering many proposals on April 30th, including the relaxation of the quota system for three years. We strongly believe this would be a bad policy for the Telegraph Area for a number of reasons: Too Many Restaurants Although the quota system specifies a limit of 19 carry out establishments and 30 quick service establishments, we have recently counted 72 quick service and take out establishments and 95 total restaurants. In the last eighteen months there have been SIX new food related businesses permitted in NONFOOD space in the C‐T District‐ The Melt, Toaster Oven, Pasta in A Box, Sheng Kee Bakery, Uncle Dougies Deli, and U‐Café. Also, several restaurants have closed recently due to too much competition including Toaster Oven, Souvlaki, Pepe’s Pizza, Zanzibar, Uncle Dougies and Naan N Curry. The C‐T District is already way over quota on the number and types of restaurants allowed and SIX restaurant vacancies exist. We Need Retail Diversity The relaxation of the quota system will only further remove retail diversity from the District. Several new restaurants have replaced diverse non food uses: Previous Use Current Food Use Joys Cal Clothing The Melt Nigin’s Gifts Pasta In A Box Volcom Clothing Sheng Kee Bakery Sprint Cellular Toaster Oven United Postal Center U Café bakery Yoga Bikes Uncle Dougies Deli Tower Records Souvlaki Greek Food Peking Express Chinese Food Manhattan Grill These conversions are great loss in diversity for the District. We can look to other areas in Berkeley to consider what might happen to Telegraph Avenue if we allow a relaxation of the quota system. On Center Street between Shattuck and Oxford there are 18 retail store fronts and 17 are food use. We do not want to turn Telegraph Avenue into one big food court. We truly care about the Avenue and its attractiveness as a retail destination and we are concerned there will not be an attractive retail mix on the Avenue if the proposal to relax the quota is adopted. The Southside Plan and the General Plan for the City preach “Encourage a mix of goods and services which will preclude the dominance of any one type of use” we need the City Council to keep this in mind when considering this proposal. Expansion of Food Offerings There has also been a dramatic expansion in food offerings from different establishments that previously offered minimal food items. For example, C’est Café on the corner of Telegraph and Bancroft was a café that offered coffee and baked goods. Now it is a Subway sandwich franchise offering a full lunch and dinner menu. Additionally, Sam Market which was previously a Rexall Drugs that offered no food, now has a full kitchen and cook line offering rotisserie chicken, sandwiches and breakfast. Even Walgreens, which most people would consider a drug store installed a “Café W” offering prepackaged meals including sandwiches and salads. Additional examples: Little or No Food Offerings New Food Offerings Bogeta Café Chipotle Rexall Drugs Sam’s market (with full kitchen cook line) C’est Café Subway Sandwiches Coffee Source Gordo Mexican Food Walgreens Café W offering prepackaged foods to go 2 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 165 of 166 This food use expansion is probably not noticed by the Zoning department or City Council, but our members are impacted as each new offering is more competition spreading the limited food dollars over more and more food outlets. Existing Food Use will be Harmed All of the existing food use businesses in the District have made great commitments to the Avenue. They have invested time, money and energy to establish and maintain their business. Each of us has felt the impact on our bottom line of each new food use permit issued over quota. The customer base is not increasing, yet the competition is greater than ever before. After Sheng Kee bakery opened up next door to Toaster Oven earlier this year, Toaster Oven’s sales went down 40%. They closed 3 weeks later. Existing restaurants sales have been down over the last three years. Naan N Curry sales went down 30% over the last three years and they closed last week. C‐T District Vacant Restaurant Spaces Toaster Oven 2309 Telegraph Uncle Dougies Deli 2328 Bowditch Zanzibar 2431 Durant Pepe’s Pizza 2516 B Durant Naan N’ Curry 2366 Telegraph Souvlaki 2518 Durant Discussing these vacancies with our members, many who have been operating in the District for more than 20 years, we cannot recall a time with so many restaurant vacancies. With so many restaurant vacancies we do not need to relax the quota system to allow new entrants into nonfood spaces. Rents are Too High We believe Landlords are pushing for a relaxation of the quota system so they can fill nonfood use vacancies with restaurants. However, doing so will price nonfood use businesses out of the market, and distort the commercial vacancy market. For example, Toaster Oven signed a ten year lease at $10,000 per month. As they recently closed, they are trying to sublease this space. If the proposal to relax the quota system is adopted, current nonfood use spaces will be competing with this space. The vacant nonfood use space formerly occupied by Tiendo Ho at 2493 which has a current asking rate of $4,000 / month would be more attractive to a new food use, thus keeping Toaster Ovens space vacant. The very reason restaurant rents are higher in the District is because of the limited food use permits under the quota. Existing restaurants who signed leases under the quota system will be paying much higher rent than new entrants to the District if this issue is approved. This will place the existing, locally owned and operated businesses that have made commitments to Berkeley and the District at a competitive disadvantage to new entrants. Summary Our members have been working hard to keep their businesses operating during these difficult economic times and relaxing the quota system would be devastating. The quota system has already been relaxed over the past few years as evidenced by the addition of many new restaurants as discussed above. This has negatively impacted many restaurants and has resulted in six restaurant vacancies in the District. Relaxation of the quota system will increase the number of restaurant vacancies as many fragile existing restaurants would be unable to continue. Additionally, relaxing the quota system will distort the commercial leasing market in the District as vacant restaurant spaces will stay vacant due to new entrants leasing nonfood use spaces. We need the Council’s support to protect our livelihood by voting against the proposal to relax the quota system. Sincerely, Alex Popov ‐ Pappys Grill Jahanshah Jowharchi ‐ Gypsys Tratoria Linda Gilman ‐ Crepes A‐Go‐Go Jimmy Shamieh ‐ Cream 3 Attachment 5 - Admin Record Page 166 of 166 Kriss Worthington Councilmember City of Berkeley, District 7 2180 Milvia Street, 5th Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 (510) 981-7170 phone (510) 981-7177 fax [email protected] http://www.cityofberkeley.info/council7/ 4