Weekly Revelations September 4 2014 low res
Weekly Revelations September 4 2014 low res
Revelations September 4 2014 HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL Mr Stewart Ross MOCK – THE TRIAL CONTINUES Last Friday the Mock Trial team competed against Coonabarabran High School in the 2nd elimination round. The team consisted of Tom Nobes and Maddison Crowe as barristers, Sophie Jones as solicitor, Rebecca Cole and Laura Van Uum as witnesses and David Mackender as magistrate’s clerk. The case was a civil case in which we claimed damages and an injunction against the Defendant, Burwood Council for private nuisance. We adduced evidence to show that the roots of three figs trees which were planted and maintained by Burwood Council were causing us loss of enjoyment of our land. We claimed that the fig tree roots had caused damage to our brick fence, walkway and verandah. The Defence argued that they had responded promptly to our complaints and taken all reasonable steps to stop the nuisance. They also argued that we had caused damage to the root blocker that they had installed. We managed to convince the magistrate that the council had caused interference with our enjoyment of our land by causing us great stress and inconvenience. We also won the important skills side of the trial 265-259 points. This means that we move into the 3rd elimination round, one of 16 schools out of the 185 in the competition this year. YEAR 11 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS The Year 11 Preliminary Course winds up this term and examinations commence next week. We have had to change the original schedule published in our calendar for these exams. Chemistry will be the first exam on Monday afternoon and students do not have to come to school on that Monday if they don’t do Chemistry. Tuesday is a normal school day with some students involved in ISA Athletics. Teachers I am sure will be having revision lessons. Students are expected to be at school whether they have an exam or not on the following days. HSC MUSIC & VISUAL ARTS Examiners from the BOSTES will be here next SPRING FAIR UPDATE NOTE TO PARENTS • Purchase your wristbands from Mrs Keogh (Junior School) and Mrs Wade (Senior School) save yourselves the rush! • Please let your year stall holder know if you can help on the day of fair! The list is in the VIM and REVs. Please contact Melanie Geyer [email protected] or Catriona Roach [email protected] if you are unsure of anything. • Please sell your raffle tickets and return to school. The prizes are fantastic! • Junior school children should be colouring in madly for our colouring in competition! Hand them in to Mrs Keogh when you’re finished. • Please hand in your gorgeous ‘lamb’ help required note, we need as many lovely parents as possible to help on the day. • Any parents out there who are able to contribute to the pavlova stall ([email protected]), Cake Stall ([email protected]) or Treasure and Book Stall ([email protected]) your help would be greatly appreciated. • We still require parents with an RSA for the bar and students who are willing to do a 15 minute stint in dunking machine. Thank you to all, we are looking forward to a fantastic fair! The Spring Fair Committee week to examine both Music I and II students who, I know, have been honing their pieces over the last few weeks. Tom Morris had to travel to Sydney this week to perform his music and by all accounts did well. We wish the other students all the best with their performances. The art major works were sent to Sydney this week for marking. I know that these students are pleased that they are completed giving them more time to devote to revision. FAST FACT We’re all pretty clued up about Twitter, (well I’m not) but what about a degree in it? At Leeds Trinity University, you’ll learn about the significance and philosophical implications of social media, as well as taking part in a 12week work experience placement in a digital agency. It’s a hands-on degree and with a staggering 91% employment or further study rate after university, perhaps one to watch. Thought : Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 TREASURE & BOOKS STALL Please bring in your ‘treasures’ and books to be sold at the Spring Fair. Stall coordinators are looking for past family treasures including books, records – yes, the vinyl ones!, prints that might need a new wall to hang on, children’s toys that are still happy enough to go to a new generation. All saleable items can be left on the Student Liaison Office verandah in the corner closest to carpark. These donations will be cleared away each day. College Calendar Thursday 4 September Netball Dinner PreKindergarten 2 day Fathers’ Day Breakfast P&F Executive Meeting Bathurst Eisteddfod Friday 5 September PreKindergarten 3 & 4 day Fathers’ Day Breakfast NCSS Challenge ends Bathurst Eisteddfod Saturday 6 September Bathurst Eisteddfod Sunday 7 September Confirmation Bathurst Eisteddfod Monday 8 September Bathurst Eisteddfod Tuesday 9 September ISA Athletics (TBC) P&F Meeting - Watson Bathurst Eisteddfod Wednesday 10 September Year 11 Preliminary exams RSA/RCG Course night time Bathurst Eisteddfod Thursday 11 September Year 11 Preliminary exams Bathurst Eisteddfod Friday 12 September Year 11 Preliminary exams Rugby Dinner Bathurst Eisteddfod Saturday 13 September OBU AGM Back to Saints’ OBU Dinner Bathurst Eisteddfod Sunday 14 September Spring Fair Uniform Shop Hours: Monday 8.30am to 5pm; Tuesday 12 noon to 2pm; Thursday 2pm to 4.30pm; Friday 8.30am to 3pm Cash, Cheque, Eftpos available; Phone: 6332 7303 or email [email protected] Eglinton Road (Locked Bag 9) Bathurst NSW 2795 ABN 43 418 897 717 Telephone +61 2 6331 3911 Facsimile +61 2 6332 2236 Email [email protected] Website www.saints.nsw.edu.au FROM THE CHAPLAIN Rev. Tony Card “Therefore just as one man’s trespass led to condemnation for all, so one man’s act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all.” (Romans 5:18, NRSV) As we come to the end of our series looking at humankind being made in the image of God we conclude by looking back to the beginning of our relationship with God whilst at the same time looking to the future. Paul reminds us of the consequences of Adam’s sin - that we are all tainted by it and are all victims of it. The consequence of this sin is that we are condemned. We are all essentially ‘dead men walking’. But Paul doesn’t leave it there, for sin does not have the last word. Paul encourages us with the reminder that Jesus’ act of sacrifice and resurrection has not only reversed the impact of Adam’s sin but has restored us to being reflections of God’s image. Because of our faith and trust in Jesus God no longer sees us as sinful creatures but as pure expressions of his wholeness and love. This is a blessing that we cannot take lightly. We should not be complacent about our forgiveness and our future with Christ. His sacrifice does not give us licence to keep on living life our own way and then accept his ‘get out of gaol free’ card. We have a responsibility to live our life reflecting God’s image to all around us. We don’t receive a gift and then leave it unopened until moments before our death. We want to enjoy the benefit of that gift now and into the future. It should be the same for the gift that God has given us…we should open it now and enjoy its benefits now and into the future. With every blessing, Rev. Tony Card Thought for the week: ‘If, because of the one man’s trespass, death exercised dominion through that one, much more surely will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness exercise dominion in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.’ (Romans 5:17,NRSV) Operation Christmas Child drawing to a close We have now collected six things to go into Christmas boxes. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so generously. I am sure that we will surpass last years’ tally of 213 boxes. If you still wish to donate items then they will be gratefully received. We will be holding a packing day on Saturday 11th October from 2pm in the Bickerdike to pack what we have received. Next week we are focusing our chapel collection on raising the money needed to send the boxes overseas. Freight costs $9 per box so we are looking to raise in excess of $1800. We have about $200 from cash donations so far so there is a way to go. If every student brought $4 to chapel next week then we would comfortably meet this target for about U15s Football Team into Final the same price as a cup of coffee. Confirmations As we were unable to proceed with confirmations at the College this year, the Dean of All Saints’ Cathedral, the Very Reverend Anne Wentzel has invited interested students to make their Confirmation at the Cathedral on Sunday, 30th November. Preparation classes will be held at the Cathedral commencing on Saturday 11th October at 3pm. Enquiries should be directed to Rev. Tony on 6332 7370 or [email protected] Registrations need to be completed by Wednesday, 8th October. A Father’s Day blessing It’s Father’s Day this Sunday. Here is a prayer of blessing I found that you may want to pray for your father. God our Father, in your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless these men, that they may be strengthened as Christian fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honour them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen Is s th his yo ou? ? The U15 Football Team made the final with a huge win against Churches United in the semi-final last Saturday. Ashleigh James scored three goals, Jakiya Whitfeld two goals, Phoebe Reynolds and Sophie Chirgwin one goal each. Ashleigh was player of the match. The College is looking forward to as many people as possible coming along and supporting both the U15 and U17 teams in their finals this coming Saturday, 6 September at Proctor Park at 1:30am. EsssayQuestion This Week’s Sport Draws 40marks s Basketball: Friday, 5 September 2014 Game Venue Time ASC Fighting Irish v Familiar with Floss Crt1 6.30pm ASC Nightlock v Make It Drizzle Crt4 4.15pm Bus departs Ess E ay Wr riting g Work ksh hop! Netball: Saturday, 6 September 2014 Game Venue ASC 1sts No game ASC 2nds No game ASC 3rds v Eglinton Flames Crt2 ASC 4 No game ASC 16 Red v Eglinton Hot Shots Crt11 ASC 14 Blue No game ASC 14 Red No game ASC 14 White No game ASC 13 Red v Scots Gold Crt7 Time Bus departs Returns 1.15pm 12.45pm 2.30pm 10.00am 9.30am 11.20am Venue ASC U13 Mixed No game ASC U15s v Kelso T1 ASC U13s No game ASC Minkey U7s & U9s No game Idea I al fo or st tude ents s in Year 9 & 10. Da ate: Mo onda ay 8th Se epte embe er Ti ime: 1.10pm m in n the e ILC C Br ring g: Ta akea away y lun nch, pen n, pa aper r RS SVP: Mr rs O’’Neil ll by y Fri iday y 5th h s.on [email protected] sw.edu.au 10.00am 9.30am 11.20am Hockey: Saturday, 6 September 2014 Game D Don’t t pan nic, atten a d the e Returns Time Bus departs Returns 10.00am Bathurst District Soccer: Saturday 6 September 2014 Game Venue ASC Under 15s Proctor Park ASC Under 17s Proctor Park Time Bus departs Returns (02) 6 6332 733 31 CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE www.saints.nsw.edu.au FOR THE LATEST NEWS & PHOTO GALLERIES @ the BIG NIGHT OUT 7-‐9pm Bickerdike Friday 5th September 2014 $5 entry at door (Bring $ for Drinks and snacks) 2014 Annual Hot Jumping Chips Castles Lollies Equestrian Stall Show Jumping Hoopla Stall Cool Drinks Animal Nursery Bottles Stall Face Painting Homemade Cakes Fathers’ Corner Café with Real Coffee BBQ Haunted House Raffle with Great Prizes Pavlovas and Puddings Colouring-in Competition Climbing Wall Fairy Floss Coin Toss Martial Arts Demonstration Showground Treasure Rides Garden and and Produce Books Stall Sunday 14th September 2014 10am-3pm Chocolate Wheel Bucking Bull Snow Dunking Cones Machine * D odgem Cars C a Jumping g Castles s * 2 Mega * Kiddie rides r for tthe little kids’ k & the e big kidss’ * Have H fun o on the Cllimbing Wall W * We are e bringin ng the “G GRAVITR RON” ride e to Spriing Fair! GIR RLS & BOY YS………… …………… …. hase your S Spring Fair Don’t forget to purch ANDS for $30 $ from M Mrs Keogh’s s WRISTBA office (Jun nior schooll) and Mrs Wade’s offfice (Senior sc chool) This gives s you UNLIIMITED rid des all day on all of the fantastic f rid des and ca astles! (The wristba and excludes s the Climbin ng wall and tickets can be b purchased on the dayy for $4 for 5 minutes of climbing c fun!) ng……For 8 years & Under – pa ay Introducin $15 on the e day and receive a sstamp! Thiis gives you access to all the LIT TTLIE Ride es including the t jumping castles a and the sm mall kiddie ride es only all day!!! d GARDEN STALL CALL FOR DONATIONS Please help us fill the Spring Fair Garden Stall with fresh produce to sell. We would very much appreciate any donations of eggs citrus bunches of herbs fresh vegetables Please bring them to the Fair on the day Thank you for your support For more information contact Catriona Roach 0402 417 252 Year 3 Lisa Hunter 0405 491 317 Year 4 Rae Cunningham 0408 960 228 Sarah O’Neill 0400 191 979 ASC Spring Fair Boarders Bottle Stall Sunday 14th September 2014 - 10am to 3pm Gourmet Delights such as: Jam Marmalade Chutney & Pickles Olive Oil Sauces Lemon Butter Chocolates etc Suggested donations for teenagers and younger children: Jars of lollies or chocolates Jars of colourful hair bands or pins Jars of lollies with a water pistol or a super ball, a small car etc Scratchie tickets Jars of small colourful soaps, bubble bath etc Please note: Bottles or jars will be sold for $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 or $10.00 No alcohol and label clearly with a list of ingredients Please leave donated goods at the following location: Dr Miller has offered his garage/shed for delivery of goods as it is closer to the fair and saves double handling Please label boxes clearly “ Boarders Bottle Stall” Roster: We would like to have 2 or 3 parents on each hour. Please see separate roster and phone or email your times through to me. Wendy Wass: Ph 68 334434 or [email protected] Lisa Hewitt: Ph 0409 444166 or [email protected] Please … Jump to it and volunteer your time on Sunday 14 September. Simply write your name and availability on the applicable volunteer slip and return in your child’s diary. YEAR Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ALL ALL ALL ALL STALL Hot Chips Hoopla Lollies ASC Café Garden Stall Garden Stall Drinks Cakes Chocolate Wheel & Coin Toss Pavlova Treasure & Books Jumping Castle & Climbing Wall ASC Café BBQ Dad's Corner Face Painting Haunted House Bar CO-ORDINATOR Peter Campbell Polly Goodlet Nikki Bryan Graham Cunningham Catriona Roach Catriona Roach Susie Dowd Catherine McEwen Lorna Van Rouyan Jo Murphy Christine Thompson Rachel Trounson Belinda Peterson Rosie Bayliss Stephen Geyer Deon Reynolds Leigh Haywood Tracey Finau CO-ORDINATOR EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] NOTE: If you’ve already contacted the stall co-ordinator, thank you! You do NOT need to complete this form. I am available to assist on the ________________________________________ stall. Available Times: __________________________________________________________________ My Name and Number: __________________________________________________________________ We need your help! Treasure & Books Dad’s Corner Garden Records, books and treasure that will sell like hotcakes!. Contact Christine Thompson. Senior school volunteers for the dunking machine. Lots of fun! Please contact Ruth Crampton. Any contributions will be very much appreciated. Catriona Roach. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Bar Lollies Pavlova Hoopla Tracey Finau could use any help with stocking the bar. Made up lolly bags would be appreciated. Are you an expert at making pavs? Contact Jo Murphy. Small prizes required and fish!!. See Polly Goodlet. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] See Nikki Bryan. [email protected] ASC Café Sandwiches, scones and slices. Contact Graham Cunningham. cunning1166@bigpond NOTE Please don’t feel constrained by your year group. You may contribute to any area where help is required, regardless of your year group. All Saints’ College Parents & Friends Association ollege ints’ C le 2014 All Sa Raff g Fair ......... Sprin ............ ............ .... Name ........ ............ ........ s ....... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ..... ............ ............ ........ ............ ............ ........ llege ............ ’ Co ............ All Saints ............ ............ Raffle 2014 ....... ........ ir .... Fa ........g Sp....rin ............ .... .... ........ Addres ... ........ . ............ ........................ ........ ............ ........................ .... ............ ............ ............ ............ ....................... ................ e .... Nam.... .... ........................ one ........ Ph........ ................ 0001 No: 0 Address ............. ........................ ........................ ....... ........................ ................ ........................ ........ ....... ........................ ........................ ........................ Phone ................ ........................ ........................ INTS’ ALL SA GE E COLL AIR GF SPRIN LE F ALLRSAAFINTS’ 0001 4 LL0E1GE No: 0 CO2 SPRING FAIR RAFFLE 2014 No: 00001 2014 RAFFLE PRIZES No: 00001 The 2014 All Saints’ College Spring Fair Raffle is bigger and better than ever. The Parents and Friends Association will use the funds raised from the raffle to support a wide range of activities for students at the school. There are some fabulous prizes to be won: 1st Prize: 3 Month Complete Family Membership at Pollet’s Martial Arts Centre Access to unlimited classes, cardio and weights training equipment. PLUS Starter Pack, including Karate uniform, boxing gloves, shin pads and T-Shirt. Valued at $1100 2nd Prize: Kip McGrath education Centre Bathurst One Term Free Tuition Voucher Valued at $550 3rd Prize: incy interiors Bathurst Store Gift Voucher Valued at $500 4th Prize: Dancin’ Divas Girl Nights Out For 12 Friends Valued at $420 5th Prize: 10th Prize: 2 Nights Accommodation & Breakfast for 2 people The Clan Lakeside Lodge Terrigal Valued at $360 6th Prize: Brabham’s Outdoor Power Centre Stihl BG56 Blower Valued at $350 7th Prize: Mitre 10 Black & Decker Cordless Cultivator & Mipro Wheelbarrow Valued at $259 8th Prize: reece Plumbing Bathurst Store Gift Voucher Valued at $250 9th Prize: Barcoo’s Barn B&B & Farmstay Bathurst One Nights Accommodation for a family of 4 including farm activities, linen & light breakfast Valued at $250 The Parents’ and Friends’ Association is grateful for the very generous donation of prizes from the All Saints’ Community and Bathurst Businesses. Tickets will be sent home with students’ and can be returned back in the envelope provided with money to Leonie Keogh in the Junior School office prior to the Fair. Aimee Cook Photography Gift Voucher Valued at $200 11th Prize: Dinner for 4 Hosted by by Thermixalot Bathurst Valued at $200 12th Prize: Cityfit Fitness Club Bathurst 10 Visit Pass Valued at $129 13th Prize: Lush Lashes By Tami Gift Voucher Valued at $125 14th Prize: Beautiful Glow Gift Voucher For Facial & Eyebrow Wax Valued at $119 15th Prize: Pulsanti Carcoar Gift Hamper Valued at $100 Extra tickets will be available for collection from Reception. The Raffle will be drawn at the Spring Fair on Sunday 14th September at 2pm. Winners may collect prizes from the Spring Fair or will be notified by telephone. A big thank you to those businesses who donated prizes. Tickets are 3 for $5 and can also be purchased on the day at the Spring Fair. Brabham’s Outdoor Power Centre MARTIAL ARTS CENTRE Lush Lashes By Tami P H 6 3 31 9 6 6 8 18 0 W I L L I A M S T R E E T, B A T H U R S T w w w. b e a u t i f u l g l o w. c o m . a u All Saints’ College Parents & Friends Association 2014 Sunday 14th September 2014 10am-3pm Thank you Spring Fair Sponsors A huge thank you to all of our Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsors. Many family businesses’ provide extra support to Spring Fair by sponsoring the the program of events. The money raised through the program provides a large contribution to the overall fundraising. These funds are administered by the Parents’ & Friends’ Association to improve our facilities and purchase additional school YLZV\YJLZ]LY`ULJLZZHY`HUKILULÄJPHS[VHSS SILVER $250 Newman’s Fuels & Bus Services Luxe Hair & Body Bridges Financial Services Paul Toole MP Bathurst RSL Club Rosconi Mazda Bathurst Courtyard Architectural Mouldings & Décor Cunninghams The Law Practice LJ Hooker Bathurst Steele & Co. Law & Conveyancing Best Western Petroleum Services Elders Insurance Bathurst Health & Fitness Supplies Australia Cain Kensit Messenger Solicitor & Attorneys Al Dente Kelly + Partners Chartered Accountants The Great Wall Chinese Restaurant Kenwood Homes Raine & Horne Bathrust Hines Constructions Adecco Venue Café Gorgeousness Barcoo’s Barn Devro GOLD $500 W.J Coote & Sons Encore Speech & Drama Studio Incy Interiors Pollet’s Martial Arts Centre Ray Morcoms Auto Body Repairs Bathurst Real Estate Kip McGrath Bathurst BRONZE $100 Hothams Sand, Soil, Gravel Supplies Abbetta Interiors Beecham Concreting JLD Dance Studio Lashes By Tami Angela J Morris Optometrist Vanessa Pringle Florist International Music Examinations Board Lambert & Lord Eglinton Tennis Academy Ivan Christian Photography The Kelso Hotel Paddy’s Hotel Pulsanti Carcoar All Seasons Cleaning Stewart St Veterinary Hospital LeGall Pattisserie Café Macquarie Skin & Day Spa Altech Air John Matthews Pharmacy Stitches On Keppel Little Bumble Bugs Bathurst Dry Cleaners Bathurst Veterinary Hospital Country Fruit Sheer Indulgence Dean Mobbs Gallery Terry White Chemist Bent Threads Disccover the W World on a W WEP Studen nt Exchange e Program! Are you ready for a bit of excitemen nt and cultu ure in your life? Lookin ng to push your boundaries in 2015? 2 Why not particip pate in a se emester or year‐long y sttudent exchange prog gram to one of over 20 countries, inccluding popu ular destinations such as the USA, Fra ance, Arge entina and Ittaly? Applica ations for Ja anuary programs are stiill open but will close soon! Don n't miss out on o this once e‐in‐a‐lifetim me opportuniity to do som mething out of the ordin nary, h a WEP high h school exch hange! with Sara ah in Belgium m: “I really lo oved the oriientation in Brussels, I ha ad such a fu n time. My host family were rea ally welcomin ng of me an nd have keptt me distrac cted for the first few we eeks, ed a lot. In fa act, I've bare ely felt homesick compa ared to whatt I was prepa aring whicch has helpe mysself for! The students we ere all very e excited to ha ave an Australian around d that they c could spea ak English with! w During classes I mo ostly do Fren nch workshe eets that theey have give en to me, or try to translate the w worksheet tha at the rest off the class is focusing on..” y Bird Specia al! Early WEP P is offering students in years 9 to 1 12 (excluding g year 12 in VIC) a $500 discount off the 2014 4/15 program m fee towarrds a semest er or year program to an ny of the folllowing coun ntries depa arting in July ‐ Septemb ber 2015: B razil, Belgium m, France, Germany, G Itaaly, Mexico, The Neth herlands, Po oland, Spain, Norway, Tha ailand or the e USA. Simply y submit you ur full applica ation onlin ne before 28 8 Nov '14. Find d Out More! ww.wep.org..au and req quest a FRE EE information pack fo r you and your Visit ww parents.. Our brochu ure contains everything you need to o know abou ut WEP’s nott‐for‐ profit sttudent excha ange program ms to help yo ou and your parents makke this important decision n. If you have any que estions abou ut any of ourr exchange programs p pleease feel fre ee to a call on 1300 884 733 orr email info@ @wep.org.au u. give us a WEP P Australia is a not‐fo or‐profit stu udent excha ange organisation regisstered with the Educcation Deparrtments in V VIC, NSW and d QLD.
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