Audacity No 18 Spring 2015
Audacity No 18 Spring 2015
Con’t from page 1 Reliable enough (sic) to have been seconded to Iraq in 2004 and 2005, where he assisted in training the puppet police services of the Baghdad occupation-regime and was of such significance to have played a role in the show-trial of the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, a process that actually resulted in what many jurists call his judicial-murder. Today, Kaldas serves in Lebanon, investigating the assassination of a senior politician, such that Israeli and American 'intelligence' may pin the killing upon Syria, a function that may prefigure war." "In other words, in the very person of Nick Kaldas there is a suggestion that under his leadership of the New South Wales political police, the logic of counter-terrorism has imposed itself upon political policing generally; further, it could be equally concluded that their fight in Iraq against the national resistance is seen by Kaldas's controllers as the same thing as their struggle against patriotic dissident Australians. In one sense that is correct: each targets the New World Order system of economic and political and cultural globalisation, albeit on behalf of very different peoples and through rather different means. Whatever some Australians may think of this equation, the political police are in no doubt of its validity and proceed accordingly." I can only say that when Mr. Kaldas speaks and acts, he speaks and acts with the force of the state. In the raging Muslim terrorism debate in Australia and given the broad experience and knowledge of Mr. Kaldas, it is unlikely that neither he – nor the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation – have failed to miss the far broader issues behind the comments made above about the young killer in Sydney. Indeed, many ordinary people grumbled that Mr. Kaldas was being naïve and over-generous towards the killer; quite the contrary as we said, he was concealing a dark truth amidst a few facts about the psychology of adolescents. For our part, we have arrived at a conclusion on the future nature of terrorism in Australia. We have no doubt that our counter terrorism agencies understand this too. They would be totally incompetent if they did not. We say: Any discussion of Islamist terrorism in Australia must begin with the obvious social, cultural and economic marginalization of Muslims. Back in 2005 after the Civil Uprising in Cronulla, which occasioned the reactive politically and racially motivated violence of Middle Eastern groups against white Australians, ASIO realized that its model of Islamic radicalization - was wrong. It would no longer be a matter of certain persons attending prayer halls and Mosques and learning of the supposed visionary message of Islam, 'radicalizing' in opposition to the 'enemies' of Islam and eventually becoming terrorists. Rather, it would be criminal, underemployed, long-term unemployed, anti-social and pure trash elements in the Middle Eastern communities who would embrace Islamism as an ideological explanation and ‘answer’ for their limited access to the goodies and ‘respect’ of Australian society. Their lack of social mobility and place and their rejection of any rules of fair conduct- would create the next generation of terrorists. And it did. But from this moment in history on, we have entered a whole new stage in the social alienation of Muslims and the growth-factors of terrorism. With the passage of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the soon-to-be China Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), Australia will be uniformly globalized economically and given a new surface globo-culture demanding of general loyalty. Australia can only be increasingly Asianized in population terms. There is no real place in globo-land and in a Chinese controlled Northern Zone of Australia for the followers of Islam - except perhaps as cheap (refugee) labour on the plantations, or as casual or sweated workers in menial jobs in the big cities and larger towns. Even then, they will be heavily competed against by the armies of contract labour in the North and the body-hire companies, foreign students and so on - elsewhere. The essential ideological (religious) and social backwardness of the Muslim groups would at that point tell against them, creating new endemic resentments and hatreds. Why? Because the principles of Islam and the cultural backgrounds of these immigrant communities do not lend themselves to this new free market of technowizardry and financial manipulation, of specialized service industries and tourism, of trade centres and university cities. The Muslims will be further shut out of whatever wealth and fame, or access to whatever gizmos Graphite’s Book review : The Wake – by Paul Kingsnorth "And so the English groaned aloud for their lost liberty and plotted ceaselessly to find some way of shaking off a yoke that was so intolerable and unaccustomed” - Orderic Vitalis (1075-c.1142) English chronicler and Benedictine monk, describing the aftermath of the invasion of England by the Norman French in 1066. Introduction IN September 1066, England was invaded by William, the Duke of Normandy. William defeated and killed the English king Harold at the Battle of Hastings on the 14th of October. On Christmas Day 1066, William was crowned King of England in London, extinguishing the Saxon royal line forever. So began what author Paul Kingsnorth describes as ‘probably the most catastrophic single event’ in England’s history. Kingsnorth points out that the Norman invasion and occupation of England ‘brought slaughter, famine, scorched-earth warfare, slavery and land confiscation to the English population, along with a new ruling class who had, in many cases, little but contempt for their new subjects. It wasn’t until 1399, over three centuries later, that England again had a king who spoke English as his first language.’ The Story The Wake tells the story of a small landholding English farmer Buccmaster of Holland - in postinvasion Lincolnshire. ‘Holland’ in .in this case refers to a region of Lincolnshire, rather than the Netherlands. The story follows Buccmaster’s thoughts and actions in the lead-up to the invasion, his response to it and his resistance to the ‘ingenga’ (invaders) afterwards. The historical fact of Saxon resistance to the Norman invasion is not widely known, but it is well recorded. Several records exist, for example, of the life of Hereward the Wake – an 11th century leader of local resistance to the Norman invasion. Hereward’s base was in the Isle of Ely and according to legend he roamed The Fens (including Lincolnshire) leading popular opposition to William the Conqueror. The Wake and it’s characterisation of Buccmaster of Holland provide many parallels to the historical Hereward. The story also suggest a possible origin for the folk concept of ‘green men’ - with outlaws living wild in the forests. This idea reappears perennially in tales such as Robin Hood and perhaps explains the enduring appeal of rural folkheroes, all the way through to Ned Kelly. The Language Buccmaster’s tale is told in the first person and is written in what Kingsnorth describes as a ‘shadow tongue’ of his own making – a language that’s meant to be understandable for contemporary readers of English, but also close enough to Old English to lend an atmosphere of authenticity to the work that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. The effect is enhanced by the plain and earthy language used by Buccmaster; furious at being treated like ‘fuccan swine in our own land’ and impatient with ‘dumb folc’ who do not see the reality of their situation, but would blithely ‘harro and plough and drink and fucc like the blaec will nefer cum’ The effect of this use of language is double-edged. On the one hand, the story is certainly unique in its presentation of 11th century society - and the use of a language that’s not-quite -English emphasises how different life was for the people of the time. Most reviewers of The Wake celebrate this enthusiastically on the grounds that it represents a novel literary approach. And that’s true, although it’s not one that goes without precedent. The Edinburgh grunge novels of Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting and others) use a similar technique – and are equally difficult to understand for the first time reader. Kingsnorth provides a useful glossary explaining the meaning of many of the words he uses, but if you don’t realise it’s there until you finish the book, it’s possible to get over half way through before you work out what a ‘fugol’ is (it’s a bird). So The Wake is hard reading, at least until one becomes accustomed to the language. Truth and Lies Superficially, the story relates to themes of truth and deception, reality and self-delusion. Buccmaster is presented as a broken and flawed character who convinces himself of his own greatness, despite the evidence of his imperfection. He beats his wife for arguing with him, but after her death tells himself and others that he always treated her like a queen. He Con’t page 7 and fancy lifestyles as may be available to others. And we might note too that many of these ‘others’ will be arrogant colonizers who could just as easily regard the Muslims as cultural and non adaptive primitives. The perception by Muslims of this as ‘unfairness’ would then be coloured by the presence of ‘superior’ Islamist ideology. After all, Islamism ‘explains’ (sic) the corruption of the social order, its satanic nature and the need for redemptive revolution. Jihadi activism would only expand through the Muslim wasteland suburbs on that basis. It would follow Islamist terrorism could become a growth industry. The hatreds that Islamist groups had towards the 'former' AustralianEuropean society (that will remain) would be generalized into an explosive desire to renew the Muslim community and ethos in fulsome terror. In other words, we must suggest that Islamist terrorism in Australia is now permanent, that it cannot be bought off by community-centred games to advance ‘inclusion’ and ‘tolerance’ (although that will be tried) or dealt with by 'police methods'. If Islamist terrorism is one essential product of the very logic of Australia's new stage of globalist capitalism, it has a social and economic and cultural context. The two things are linked together in contradiction. We may ultimately thank (sic) this new breed of terrorist for one thing. He will tear up the multiculturalist system and render globo-land dysfunctional. We Australian nationalists practice our own identity politics of ethnic defence and we are determined to prevail in the name of the historical Australian Nation. Will the chaos caused by the new generation of Islamist terrorists and the cost borne by the state render the system susceptible, amidst its innumerable other infirmities (many unrecognized by both people and state), to overturn (?) – will be the real question for the next two decades. ____________________________ About Audacity Established 1977. Re-established 2007. The Bulletin of the 21st Century That which failed to destroy us, only made us stronger. Subscription: Audacity will be published seasonally. $12 for 4 issues. Cheques / money orders payable Australia First Party. Our logo is the Janus head imposed upon the Southern Cross. This Roman god looked backwards and forwards, binding past, present and future Audacity, printed and authorised by A.F. Norwick 725 Princes Highway, Tempe, 2044 The Greek Tragedy And The Rest Of The World Helping To Save The Private Banks Allan R. Jones THE Greek people have been experiencing first hand the result of government borrowing from private investment banks. By cooking the books to hide the real situation from the taxpayer and worker, the debt paralysis having originated from dealings with Goldman Sachs from 2001-5 which had helped cover up the extent of Greek debt due to derivative trading not being included into the national debt accounts. Then Greek Prime Minster Lukas Papademos had negotiated currency swaps with Goldman Sachs, whereby the Euro was exchanged for US dollars by the Greek National Bank. The Greek government then sold bonds that paid high interest to those private banks which were insolvent in Europe before doing the Goldman Sachs currency swaps. This saved them at the expense of the Greek taxpayer and producer who had to pay increased taxes to pay the government bond coupon (interest) on those bonds. The Greek government had used a type of derivative called currency swaps. In the case of Greece, the swaps were to earn interest on the dollar until 2019; however as the situation deteriorated Goldman Sachs sold back the troubled bonds to the Greek National bank, a bank that supported only private banks in Greece. Derivatives Cooked Greece, and Residential Mortgage Backed Securities have the potential to cook Our Economy In Australia in 2007-9 the bankers, local councils, and others, who collect money from the taxpayer to carry out “services”, thought it more profitable to squander the public savings and invest in Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS) - as flogged by greedy investors in America who told the sellers to unload the junk bonds on “dumb Aussies” and many other countries including Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, and UK. What has followed is a cover up in Australia as the story was told that this country avoided the Great Financial Crisis, (GFC). In fact, much of the debt that was incurred during this time, lies buried in silence except for a few reports on the pages of The Age and Sydney Morning Herald. Other sources about the actual debt are found in the records of the Federal Reserve Bank of America, and in the files of the Office of Financial Management in Australia. The debt that Australia incurred at that time has also gone unreported. We do not know how much of it has been repaid and some of the US bailout funds channelled to the Reserve Bank of Australia, were to be on very short term. According to records, the interest cost to taxpayers cannot be established. Surely China did not lend to Australia $42 Billion dollars at rates that Australia received from the Federal Reserve Bank of America at the time either? Some borrowing figures are to be found after diligently searching for them, while the national news media including the public national broadcaster ABC ran documentaries on “what makes Australia great” and “The Killing Season” where both of these pieces of hype claim that Australia had avoided the GFC. In fact people like Peter Costello former treasurer claimed that Australian banks “didn’t lose a cent during the GFC”. This is very misleading from Peter Costello. It may well be the private banks in Australia did not lose a cent, as this was the strategy, but how about the taxpayers and workers in Australia, did they lose any money? It would seem certain that they did as the imposition of austerity in this country is starting to resemble the Greek austerity, and this is the point. Is there a cover up in Australia of the cost of the GFC? We know for certain that there was a lot of bailout activity put into place, and there is no such thing as a free lunch from foreign lenders. If we avoided the GFC, why is it that the Liberal Party is now blaming the Labor Party for the spending during the time of the GFC and that this has added so many billions to the federal budget deficit? Indeed it was this spending that actually helped the country pull out of what could have been quite a problem, and a bigger problem mainly for the private banks in Australia. Golden Dawn giving food to needy Greeks loans, the State and Federal governments help out here by not opening up more land and subdivisions. This tends to increase demand for existing homes and the redevelopment of some that are being purchased just for the land, in many cases by foreigners. The State governments love this situation as they can collect much more on land tax, stamp duty, all the while capital gains flow back into the tax collection of Federal governments. What is happening in this housing boom, is the windfall from the extra cash collected by governments. They have along with the private banks devised another huge tax collection without having to pass it in the parliament or even reveal it plainly to the public. The public in Today the Liberal politicians and return are thinking that the housing the media are engaged in trying to boom might line their pockets, and tell the Australian people that the while this may happen in the interbudget deficit has produced a situ- im period it will not work out that ation where it will have to suffer way in the long run. austerity measures. They say it is the public’s fault for claiming too Why this is self-negating in the long many entitlements, which will have run for homebuyers and investors to be stripped away bit by bit, and in real estate, is the looming and as much as the public will tolerate, gradually increasing unemploywhile they also dig up muck on the ment, especially among the young Labor Opposition by having com- who at present are finding it hard missions of inquiry into union prac- to find a job. Finding a job that tices - to lower wages. pays well is also fast disappearing over the horizon. Essentially, there What is not understood here is the is a push for lower wages being puppet pantomime that is taking gradually implemented as well and place. The Labor Party is not going this will see a new generation of to reveal the extent of the bailout poor, and underprivileged. that happened during the GFC, and neither is the Liberal Party, or the The Federal government is rearGreens, because if they did the ranging the status of the Australian true amount of debt that govern- public. There are now new classifiments have incurred would be re- cations of what are “wealthy peovealed and the public would not be ple”; this is piggy backed on the so docile about any application of present “housing boom” whereby a austerity measures of which there pensioner who happens to live in are more to come. one of the big cities is experiencing a house price rise interpreted as We are still suffering the debts “wealth” that will attract more of the 2007-9 GFC council rates. Further, if they happened to buy an investment properThe saving of the banks is the main ty years ago for a retirement, it will reason for our debt problems of now be assessed as assets that today. The GFC has not gone away may well mean a reduction in the as its debt remains and it has to be pension - which has already been paid, so there are other measures tagged to be shrunk in the future. to be implemented to attempt to make sure the private banks in What good will it do a pensioner Australia will not suffer. For the who doesn’t want to move, who has government there is too much at no control over falsification of his stake and other measures are the home value, and who earns a little deliberate price hike of housing, from investments that may equal where the private banks are able to the basic wage, to be told he is now double the size of loans while hav- “wealthy” - when going out to a ing to lower the interest rates. This restaurant once a year is considmeans that the profit margins are ered extravagant!? This is absurd being kept above their average treatment of a onetime taxpayer earnings. the only source of wealth for the nation now victimised as the excuse As the private banks also sell these for a nation which has borrowed too mortgages for ready cash instead much from private banks! of waiting many years, they are able to loan out to more in housing What you are also seeing in this story is the gradualism of shrinking incomes, the disappearance of good paying long term jobs, while the cost of almost everything is increasing. The governments are raking in the cash to reduce their borrowings ahead of more trouble, while the “reforms” they put in place will reduce the debt paying capacity of the public. The public debt is the highest in the “developed world” and all it needs is a further reduction in unemployment or pay to begin a landslide. Low wage capitalism and slavery While we wait for this eventual outcome the governments are engaged in inviting more immigration, with more enticements and assistance for resettlement of migrant workers who are being ripped off by unscrupulous employers. The attack on unions is reducing their ability to bring these happenings to the attention of the public, while plans are being made to invite more cheap labour into the country especially in the northern parts of the country. Countries that will resist further immigration due to increasing austerity will be forced to accept immigrants from “regime change” war zones. Governments play on the sympathy of the general public, which has forgotten the huge disruption that America and its allies have deliberately carried out in Iraq and other countries, forcing people to flee from once stable and relatively secure countries that are now shattered into pieces. This activity will see an extra influx that their governments caused by these initial counterproductive activities. Again, if you research the countries that have been attacked and brutalised, causing the spread of refugees to end up on your shores, we find it has all been done for resources and the fact that these countries had their own government-run public banks, and that they were doing very nicely. These were the real reasons, and not the falsification of suspicions of weapons of mass destruction; indeed, terrorism was born during invasions and murderous plunder. When you add up all these inputshidden debts, austerity measures, unemployment, housing booms and busts, increased indirect taxes under the guise of stamp duty, and capital gains, the new “wealthy pensioner”, the push for lower wages, the increase in immigration and the use of them for slave labour, the erosion of union power - you see the new poor. There is the new poor generation of younger people, the older generation are undermined, the overloaded charity outlets, increased violence in the home or from invited terrorists in Cont’d p 7 Corporate And Political Plans For Lowering Wages In The Western World Allan R. Jones RIGHT now, a distinct plan is in motion for the lowering of wages across the board in Western countries. Corporations and bankers are calculating the savings being made by off-shoring, not only with tax avoidance schemes - but for labour. There is advanced planning to put together a mosaic of suppliers in low wage areas of the world that can be economically drawn together to produce all kinds of goods and services to be sold in corporate owned conglomerates - like Walmart and Bunnings in the Western world. Corporations have now increased their eligible workforce worldwide. Between the years of 1983 and 2015, the available workforce in the Western global sphere of influence has increased from 1.5 billion to above 3 billion. This extra influx of workers have come from places like India, Vietnam, Mexico, Romania, UAE, Thailand, China, even Russia and many others. Politicians contribute by the signing of secret trade deals, allowing the economic circumstances such as the increase of a pool of unemployment among the young, or the lowering immigrant 457 visa supervision, as well as extending the retirement age without providing for more jobs. These actions pit worker against worker in a scramble for jobs. The tremendous effect of this worldwide plan, combined with the technological means of greatly improved communications, payment systems, and coordination of logistics involving shipping and other transport, has brought about for the first time in history the means whereby up to thirty countries can be involved in the production of one product, all being controlled from one building in one city whether New York, London, Paris or Sydney and all competing with each other for wages. Examples are corporations like Toyota, Ford, Intel, Hewitt Packard, IBM, Coca Cola, Proctor and Gamble, Telstra, and Australia’s four big banks. Invariably most if not all of the big corporations around the world are farming out work to the low-wage areas, then combining the production of products to sell in places like Walmart, Bunnings, Coles, and Woolworths, High tech IP shops, motor vehicle sales outlets, even direct mail order, or in fact any sales outlet where you can purchase low cost low wage products. It is the very cheaply made products and services that are the problem, simply because it means very cheap labour, and the fact that it is Western corporations that are both making and selling these products anywhere - will impact on the wages in the West. This fast becomes a brake on any remaining high paying jobs left in the Western countries. This situation cannot be good for high wage demands in the countries expected to become the consumers of cheap labour products or services they once produced themselves at better wage levels. There are three obvious actions that are unfolding and will accelerate in pace as unpayable debt resulting from a lower standard of living. The first will be the bank up of over-produced goods in the Western countries as the wages cannot extinguish available products at any price. The second will be the economic conditions that have been introduced by budget changes that have forced more and more people into the workforce without there being enough well paid work. Thus politicians will point toward the low wage work offered, but the amounts being paid will not match living wage expectations, consequently more policy enforced austerity will result. The third one is already with us in Australia, ever since the privatisation of the Commonwealth Employment Service in 1998. There has been a shift toward contractors to tap inexperienced and young workers from overseas set up on 457 visas or seasonal backpackers for exploitation usually on farm work. This move has created a underclass in Australia of wage slaves that clearly resembles the capitalist exploitation of the 1890s. The setting up of labour hire companies that source and supply labour to employers is permeating the landscape in many industries, a move which allows for an extra layer of exploitation whereby yet another corporate structure can reduce the wage received for work done by taking a cut out of the workers entitlement for themselves. Deregulation of Banks and Industrial Relations in 1983 The overall postulated picture is that Western countries will be employed in “good paying white collar jobs” aka Paul Keating’s statements in the 1983 deregulation era. This does not stand up to resulting developments either, as many of the jobs that are being off-shored are in fact white collar jobs, but those doing those jobs now will be pitted against a vast army of willing and waiting cheap labour sources in the yet untapped markets being cultivated by Western capitalists every day. “Gradualism” is the catch phrase from the “Global” plotters and planners. It is happening over time and from say 1983 to 2015, we have all heard of the call centres, the bank customer service staff, and billing inquiries being made from Mumbai or Manila; but it goes much deeper. Look at Toyota which has over thirty thousand contractors and suppliers worldwide; some are owned by Toyota and others are subcontractors and all have to meet stringent deadlines and quality standards. There is a pool of trained and dedicated cheap labour and it is easy to understand that Toyota can pick and choose performance levels across such a range of competition for work. From these few examples, given it is easy to imagine the ease of which labour and products will become global, as will the wage structures, the lower moving toward the higher and higher trending down until there is very little difference. Free trade agreements will provide the setting up of manufacturing or services in any country and by any global employee from any country, meaning that sources of labour will be global and located in any suitable country. At present it is not well known that wages in some industries in America or Japan already approach $7.00 - A 7/11 store - at the centre of a cheap labour rort using foreign students. This is the new capitalism $9.00 per hour as an example, while Walmart has its lowest paid worker in Bangladesh at 20 cents per hour x 14 hour day = around $30.00 per month, with 10 days holiday per year. All the American auto manufacturers are now studying and implementing the Toyota model. This has not gone unnoticed by other companies all over the Western capitalist world. Specific training is now on the spot and production of qualified personnel is well under way globally, and while it is understood that cheap labour countries will demand increases in wages eventually, there is a time lag to reach developed country wage levels which are in decline. Further, there is always a pool of unemployed in all the countries concerned to slow any wage increase activity; thus a low wage level playing field will be created worldwide, with a potential to go lower not higher. Pressure is being brought to bear on the developed countries’ union organisations by politicians. The spectre of “we will go offshore” or “union corruption” dampening demands, is a reality being recognised by union bosses. So corporate pressure can be applied all the way up and down the production chain; the pool of workers elsewhere guarantees a much more compliant workforce; exchange student and corporate training programs are being developed with assistance from various governments in many countries including Australia so that their workforces can participate by entering the low wage level of this global “integration”. An example is TAFE colleges in India. Specialized contracting companies are already established There are corporations that are wholly set up for contracting the hire of labour right through to the organization of production, health and safety, delivery times, packaging, transport and any other requirement that a major manufacturer may need to satisfy a market worldwide. Companies like Flextronics Incorporated is a leader in the worldwide engagement of low wage workforces for transnational companies. It has a revenue of $15 billion annually. Such an integration of workers goes beyond media references of any declared enemies, as there are now scientists and engineers employed in Russia for $40.00 an hour taking the place of American scientists and engineers that would cost $120.00 an hour to work on American projects. The new program of seeking low wage employees knows no enemy, unless it interferes with profit margins or sources of resources. Education standards in the Western world are being lowered, and made more expensive while Western labour wage rates have not moved very much at all since 1980. This was the very same year that the transnational export of jobs begun in earnest, there is remaining in the West very few good paying jobs in the global administration of low wage offshore production administration. There are some jobs in the area of capital investment based on profit outcomes from slave labour, or local housing speculation in derivatives and other debt instruments that tend to secure the private banks temporarily, but this can easily fail if job losses increase, or wages are reduced. As none of this activity is helpful for the continuance of Western lifestyles based on an adequate income to meet rising cost of living, often there is no prospect for high paid work in the future. The predictions of economic collapse or failure can therefore Paul Keating: paid well, worth $60 million. be more easily seen. The massive escalation in house prices can only be kept up so long as wages continue to keep up with these rising costs; that means high wage jobs. These high paying jobs are now disappearing, and the collateral damage will be a collapse in house prices - due to the relocation of the means of production, sales, and even markets into low wage countries. Wage reduction and unaffordable housing in the West A future collapse in housing prices Con’t p. 5 Con’t from p. 4 existed; until he asked for it from the bank, not a minute before did the bank have that loan capacity! is guaranteed by the drive for lower wages, off-shoring over time being the main instrument that will herd the working classes toward accepting lower wages. The boom in house prices suits only the banking investment class for their short term gains in selling inflated residential mortgage backed securities, or other debt instruments, giving them the capital to invest in shares of the profits coming from the exploited low wage initiatives. But this is a last ditch capitalist move to save themselves. Round one was the 2007-9 GFC taxpayer bailouts which is also short circuiting itself; the selling of a mass of products to the Western world is solely dependent on high wage incomes. This is already being felt by the lack of increases from 1980 in wage levels, but the debt that will also mount up due to any future fall in wages. This is already being anticipated by governments and will see an escalation in foreclosures of homes, thus sounding the death knell to the investors riding on the back of homeowners at present buying RMBs. It is obvious that government and the capitalists are working together to reduce the costs of production. This in turn will increase profits to corporations as long as the consumer in the West can afford to buy. The problem of overproduction that will soon arise, usually translates into a war where the excess productive capacity can be gobbled up in bombs and bloodshed, while corporate profits are increased. This is reluctantly supported by the working classes, due to unemployment resulting in volunteering or conscription with an income from a bankers’ battlefield. However, the next war will see global manufacturing bases widely dispersed around the globe, with only communication systems keeping them going. The collection of parts and pieces may be a problem due to interruptions of communications and transport. This is remedied by the military industrial complex locating in low wage production areas near the countries that have initiated world wars - such as for example the USA using Mexico, a low wage production base already a part of NAFTA. Multinationals destroying Australian farmland by for export products:is the monestising of Australian debt. There is mass resistance. chemicals and pharmaceuticals are a panacea for every illness, oil dominated industries restricting alternate energies, the destruction of land and water resources due to the frantic fracking search for gas or coal, and the insidious attempts to employ robots to displace workers. Nowadays, Third World countries make robots to do away with higher wage areas of Western economies. Indeed, these are already employed in Western supermarkets. The governments that attempt to pay global companies to stay in a high wage environments will be wasting their taxpayers’ money. What they should be doing is investing in providing alternative industries that are not integrated into the global monopolies. This could be for example organic foods, and alternate medicines, these two especially suited to Australia with improved water distribution systems that have been on the drawing board since the 1930s; but to do this you need a public banking system, that can fund national initiatives and not the globalist dictatorship. Austerity will eventuate - due to no interest in high wage job creation ‘Austerity’ is a plan taking place every day in Australia. We see the lowering of wage levels, the removal of entitlements and penalty rates, and adjustments to the pensions. There is ‘same payment’ for working day or night. All women and the 70 year olds must work, with refugees of capitalist imperial wars competing with the locals for wages. There is the weakening of union powers, the Innovation and invention be- ramping up of the debt on housing, comes corporate technological the collapse of certain parts of the determinism economy - and on top, the competition of foreign workers in low wage The main emphases of this discus- countries. sion is the plan for lower wages, the way this will be implemented, The invasion of our economy by and the end results. The very coun- countries like China with new found tries that led innovation and inven- wealth based on low wages profits tion of most of the world’s ad- can use this leverage to foreclose on vanced products and are deserving parts of Western countries. All of of appropriate incomes, will be de- this is an attempt to salvage the moted to the ranks of low wage capitalist system which must always coolie lands. Other countries will require competition and the reduccompete to make the products that tion of costs in order to raise profits. the corporations have acquired by Capitalism is being undermined due means of being part of the family of to mounting debts, competition for corporate dictators, where capital resources and markets, a burden of can always be derived from the non-performing speculative investworking classes by way of private ments and industrial upheaval. The banking debt, tax burdens, preven- cost of proxy wars is driving this intion or acquisition of technology sane system to full scale war as it and unfair competition. has always done in the past. The impossibility of continuous profit Thus the direction of technical ad- based on fictitious debt gets out of vancement will be determined only hand due to collapsing leverage, ulby corporations for profit. The ef- timately resulting in a worldwide fect of this is already being felt worker uprising against the capitalist where genetically modified foods system. are destroying the organic natural and safe food production, where This Revolution is biggest since the Industrial Revolution The move to the process of “integration” as economists will refer to this phenomenon is unprecedented in capitalist history; it can be likened to the industrial revolution for the disruption it will cause. Labour unions and workers will have to unite to protect their interests, but they will have to define their interests more clearly. Even excessive immigration of people’s fleeing imperial wars are to be used to lower wages and add confusion to those who see only empathy rather than deliberate intensions to culturally distort and spread low wage slavery around the globe. Research from the United States Business Council has pointed out that as far back as 2002, the numbers involved are staggering; it said that there are at least seven countries that have populations well over 100 million and these are rapidly entering the world markets. We may speak of China, Russia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Mexico, the former communist countries of eastern Europe, the former Soviet republics, plus there is the rapidly growing countries of Vietnam, Philippines, and Turkey where each of these have over 50 million each. This researcher also commented that the flow of workers up until 1980 was gradual, and at that time the wage and industrialisation was mainly national, not global. Once the penny drops and the reader sees the capitalist plot of a move to shift offshore all high wage production, it will be plain for all to see that there would be no interest in any job creation that results in a permanent good paying manufacturing or industrial jobs in Australia. Instead, politicians will blunder along deliberately allowing countries like China to take advantage of the wage competition that will develop among high wage countries and low wage countries. Cash strapped politicians will welcome China here for resources, food supply, or other global free trade interests, creating booms and busts by rise and falls of demand, all of which will impact on the lowering of entitlements and wages for workers in our country. Austerity therefore is a plan not an accident. The whiteanting of workers within Australia has already been allowed to get a foothold, with the labour hire contactors who exploit the migrant workers on farms which supply the big supermarkets. All the while unions are collectively smeared, big corporations will claim immunity, but the contagion will spread. Eventually it will be aligned with the off-shoring of the higher wage earners and thus there will be a meeting of the exploited layers. This may result in a shadow boxing political debate about “budget repair” measures, but the end result will be crushing of the bottom layer of workers by the top-heavy layers to produce lower wages across the board. The global workforce has drastically changed The total of available, willing, excess workers is in the billions; they are all eager to get onto the imagined gravy train, and the capitalist corporations are equally eager to exploit them. They will be used to lower the wages of the Western world employees who still have a job and because of the increasing supply from each contributing country they can all be pitted against each other if they demand too much in wages. Thus union power is being eroded Alarming as comments here are, it must be stressed that the capitalist and private banker elite have always exploited the working classes. The institution of private banking with its ability to create credit out of nothing was the foundation stone for the rise of the multinational corporation. As part of the elite structure of capital domination by the integration of banks and corporations, loans for them was no problem. Any cost in this lending between friends was treated as a tax deduction and one way or another the worker as borrower paved the way for these conglomerates with sweat, labour, blood, and taxes all to pay an illusionary but legalised debt that never Malcolm Turnbull: an ex banker for Prime Minister The vastness of the conglomerates and low wage combinations Even local large companies and entrepreneurs in each Western country are not going to withstand the conglomerates that can tap the connections they have in low wage offshore production. Combined with a web of fellow megalithic corporations which supply the very equipment and knowhow sourced from the low wage countries and which can be brought to bear; the multinational capital connections are all linked together to form one power. This is global power which makes a select club of exploiters. They are the sharks in the same pond with the sardines. This is especially so of the stock exchanges parasites, international banks and the labour racketeers. Australia in particular is confronted with this multi-pronged attack on its living standards. The scramble for money to pay debt will accelerate, while its ability to pay is undermined forcing the governments to Con’t p. 6 Con’t from p. 5 borrow more from private bankers. This reduces living standards and wages again and the nation is deliberately hamstrung to increase national wealth by its own means of investment and so it turns to foreign investment. Thus it increases its debt burden again, and while this is going on the country will accept trade deals, tariff removal, that will contain the requirements to lower the pay-rates of labour. In this way, Australia will join those nations comVast reserves of Chinese capital, the product of exports to peting in a race to the bottom America, now get value—Aussie homes, lands, resources. among billions of eager workers who annual defence debt to the Australi- hands of the government) “can make will never find enough work. an people of $70 billion dollars for money available to governments or One must bear in mind that this la- equipment suiting the defence of to others on such terms as it choosbour game is stacked against the American interests. es, even by way of a loan without worker anywhere in the world. In interest, or even without requiring reality it was the worker who in the Colonisation has cost us our nation’s either interest or repayment of prinbeginning that enabled the growth future so far, and politicians are ciple”. of the transnational conglomerates again sucking up to a third contendand in the first stages of growth the er - China. Sources; worker was indispensable to the batFlextronics web site: tle of the titans. That was often sort- While it is difficult to see that these ed by warfare, and so the workers three previous, past and future Book; Low Wage Capitalism — Fred were paid well on this part of the powers all are controlled by the Goldstein, publisher World View journey. However the nature of the money power in one way or anothForum. beast that has grown up on the back er, the first two, the UK and Ameriof labour will now cause them to beg ca, are now willingly jumping into ABC Four Corners documentary— in multitudes just for a chance to bed with China. The potential is life “Slaving away”— Australia’s dirty sesaving for the capitalist and the survive on a meagre wage. cret behind the fresh food industry. communist; both are willing participants. They will now exploit their Offshoring Contracting Services exPrivate debt creating banks are varied abilities, technology and ample in Australia the driving force behind it all knowhow from the capitalists in ex- - -view From an earlier age in our history of change for cheap labour, with one from the corporate perspective the economic world, is the private aim - the preservation of the money Australia First Inc.–--National Credit bank, The Money Power. This insti- power which has no allegiance to Economic Development policy directution no matter what its name in any of these countries in particular. tions and archives -- PO box 593 any country, applies the same hisRockdale NSW 2216. torical leverage of being able to cre- Australia is sandwiched in between ate nearly all of its money out of no- these cooperating countries that Banking directions website and blog where. It lends to governments who seek to save the private banks -are afraid of questioning it. While it again when public and private debt wields its Zombie Economics that become unpayable to them as au makes no sense whatsoever, it planned. Methods used for this sav- ______________________________ freely funds the pockets of the cor- ing of private banks are bailouts, The Wake, Con’t from page 7 porations which help entrench its haircuts, and bail ins. It passes the power. The ability of the Money costs to the taxpayer and borrower Power to then make the fiat (created of the bailouts, thus saving those of national sovereignty associated on the ledger) money appear by law capitalists who are in league with with the invasion more keenly, beto be real (because all that is bought the banks. The plan is to reduce the cause he had a stake in the old Saxand sold is real), is clear, but when cost of production by the use of on system and has lost that. Today, the peoples of the world find they cheap labour and between the two we commonly find Australians apaare slaves this also will be real, but of these solutions the bankers and thetic about the loss of our jobs and it will be the result of that which was capitalists intend to survive, but at industry to internationalist free trade tremendous cost to everybody else. not real. initiatives. This is, at least partly, because employees mostly have no maMay this document be a warning to This author has many times put for- terial stake in the organisations that all that the time is approaching that ward the response to this Money they work for. Publicly listed compawill test our sanity. Will we all be Power with its creation of money nies are ‘owned’ by shareholders fools without a paradise, men and from nothing. Money is ‘lent’ to the who, usually, have contributed nothwomen seemingly without a brain, people at debt incurring interest, ing directly to the company but exslaves who supply our own chains? thus giving the private bankers a pect to financially benefit from it. If Will we accept all we are told, and huge leverage over all others in- the board decides to ‘offshore’ prowill we say “what can I do” while cluding the stupefied governments. duction to lower costs, the employees doing nothing? Surely we have sacri- The answer is so simple it is beyond will find another company to work for ficed enough in the fights for belief that is has not been intro- and feel no sense of loss. Under “freedoms” that end only in econom- duced long ago. The answer is for such circumstances, feelings of colic bondage? We can all learn today the government to take back the lective belonging and loyalty seem from many sources that it is the pri- power to issue money, but also at very misplaced. vate debt-creating banks which are the same time this money issue the main problem behind all our oth- must not charge a profit of any The Norman Yoke er problems and by removing this kind, or if there is a small profit burden can rebuild our world of pro- from the operation of such a bank, Importantly, The Wake reintroduces the profit should be paid to the gov- the concept of The Norman Yoke to ductive effort. ernment for public works. modern readers. Kingsnorth inAustralia need not support any cludesan endnote to the book entitled As most of my readers know the ‘A Note on History’ in which he of this global capitalist plot government already has the power makes clear the profound effect that Australia has always been under to issue its own money. This comes the Norman invasion had on English some colonial regime. In the past from the Australian Constitution, history. While it is true that the dethe ”mother country” has extracted Part V section 51 subsections 4, 12, mographic profile of England was lit600 railway wagon loads of gold to 13 ,20, 31. As for the application of tle changed after the events of 1066, pay The Bank of England; we were interest or excessive charges this many other aspects of English life did involved in imperial wars aimed at also has been established as a falla- change significantly. The trajectory reduction of competitors of British cy in Australian law, as established of England’s social evolution was also global trade. America also has come by the Royal Commission into Bank- changed forever – and generally in to our rescue with embargoes and ing and Monetary Policy of 1937. ways that did not benefit the average sanctions against Japan resulting in The findings of this Commission had English citizen. Kingsnorth points another war. America remains in our to refer to the presiding Justice Na- out: country to control our top 20 per- pier who had to interpret what was forming companies plus most of our revealed: “This statement means In 21st century England, 70% of the private banks by means of proxy that the Commonwealth Bank (at land is still owned by less than 1% of directorships of at least 30% on that time this bank was the central the population; the second most unebank of Australia in the each board, while extracting an qual rate of land ownership on the planet, after Brazil. It is questionable whether this would be the case had the Normans not concentrated all of it in the hands of the king and his cronies 1000 years ago’. And; “Other Norman legacies remain with us too, or have only recently been purged from our society. Automatic hereditary monarchy, the ‘ownership’ of a wife by her husband, the inheritance of land and titles by the first-born son, the legal ownership of all land by the monarch; all are Norman introductions’. In contrast to the grim reality of post -Norman England, mediaeval Iceland developed along lines that might have paralleled a Saxon or Saxon / Danish England if William had been defeated at Hastings. In the three centuries from Viking settlement to 1260 when the king of Norway took control, the Icelanders created a remarkably modern free state, governed by laws and notions of honour instead of warlords and kings. Iceland had no king, no lords, no peasants, a relatively flat economic structure - and the world’s oldest extant parliament, the Althing, which was established in 930AD. As it was, England was fated for a very different future. Six hundred years later, following the First English Civil War, a group of Protestant radicals called The Diggers (or The True Levellers) were still claiming that the common people of England had been robbed of their birthright and exploited by a foreign ruling class. Gerrard Winstanley wrote for The Diggers; “O what mighty Delusion, do you, who are the powers of England live in! That while you pretend to throw down that Norman yoke, and Babylonish power, and have promised to make the groaning people of England a Free People; yet you still lift up that Norman yoke, and slavish Tyranny, and holds the People as much in bondage, as the Bastard Conquerour himself, and his Councel of War.” - Gerrard Winstanley (1609-1676) from ‘The True Levellers Standard Advanced’. For expressing such views, The Diggers leadership were beaten, arrested and killed. State power in England – and by extension, later in Australia – remained fearful of challenges to its authority and loyal to ideas that are foreign to – and rejected by - the nation’s people. The Norman Yoke is still with us today. Hereward The Wake — Resistance leader Conclusion The Wake won the inaugural book of the year prize at the Bookseller industry awards. It was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize and the Folio Prize, shortlisted for the Goldsmiths Prize and won the Gordon Burn Prize in 2014. It is highly recommended. ___________________________ Editor’s Note: Regarding wars for oil and resources. See: Ted Wheelwright Oil And World Politics: From Rockefeller To The Gulf War (1991) Con’t from p. 3 trying to impose their laws and way of life on a native population is one which obviously has parallels today. Another subterranean theme running through the story, but relevant to today, is that of place and territory. the streets, the setting up of trade zones in the country by foreign countries like China - where again the push will be for lower wages and colonial leverage attempts all aimed at lowering debt. Does this activity cause you to mistrust the political parties within our parliament? Why is it that there is no goal for the country? The planned infrastructure will not eventuate due to hidden debt, given to private contractors who will be foreigners charging tolls. The housing bubble will deflate, and with it further debt and disruption. The lack of jobs will cause further social upheaval, resulting in the imposition of harsher laws. An attempt to stifle social media from subjective criticism is under way. A suspicion must form even in the most distracted mind that something is wrong? It is time for Nationalism to put forward a vision for how the country should be governed. It must not be for foreign entities, nor for any other colonial master or masters. Nor should it be for private banks that need constant bottle-feeding with debt and neither for protracted warfare in parts of the world that mean nothing to Australia except the invited terrorism. We need no secret deals that could enslave and restrict freedoms and prosperity. We denounce the brainless zombies in the parliaments, who can only see gay marriage, “death cults” and union bashing as relevant issues while the Nation implodes. Leveraging the past present and future Government open ignorance of economic welfare is apparent when they allow the control of our largest banks to be in the hands of foreigners, as well as that of our retail food suppliers. Other ineptness is in the suggestion that we need foreign investment. This is another word for corporate takeover and privatisation, as it is the foreign corporations and not other countries that have anything to invest in Australia, and that will be only in their interest. We Australians are also encouraged to join in wars on once peaceful countries that have their own government banks and oil and other resources, and we join this warmongering because of the ability of the United States to create as much debt as it needs to buy influence and vast amounts of war equipment, when we could have lent to ourselves the same amount without interest, without having to crawl to other nations and suffer debts and violence because of it. All this poor governance has been repeated in Australia in the past, in the 1890’s, and in the 1930’s and it was caused by the same old activity, the private bankers had overleveraged their investments and increased the debt upon the public. Then came the collapse resulting in the governments of the day having to load up the taxpayers with debt to save those private bankers. The only reprieve from this iniquity for small Australian business and our farmers and workers, was during the time of the Commonwealth Government Bank which only existed for eleven years of prosperity 1911 to 1924. People and Place So-called ‘leftist’ Greek PM Tsipras - selling Greece’s assets to the bankers The solution This is why the Australia First Party has adopted the policy of introducing back into Australian life and prosperity a government public bank, a bank that does not have to make a profit, and therefore does not need to have a huge national debt to use as its deposits, a bank that ensures the country is never in debt. Instead it will use the National Credit which is the wealth of all national assets, in conjunction with the public credit of the people and it will operate on the principle of whatever is physically possible can be made financially possible, at the lowest cost to the people, a nonprofit bank a people’s bank. ____________________________ Book review: The Wake from page 2 The Greek People should celebrate the occasion to default and invite the world to have a holiday there as it is indeed an occasion for freedom. The Greek people should celebrate that a default may occur and work to get out of the European Union and go their own way. They will not take long to become peaceful and prosperous, no matter what they call their currency, or whether they join another organisation such as the BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India and China - they should celebrate and invite the world to have their holidays in Greece, this will quickly build up foreign reserves of cash to combat the unforgiving treacherous banksters of the world who hate opposition If Greece ultimately ‘defaults’, so should we. It is the beginning of freedom. objects to his sons going off to join the ‘fyrd’ (local army) because he needs them on the farm, but when _____________________________________________ it becomes apparent that they have been killed, he implies – and possibly believes - that they went to fight with his blessing. He is shown as being arrogant, driven and unforgiving; qualities which initially appeal to those who join his motley band of rebels, but which ultimately repel them. These themes are easy to discern and provide a good foundation for the story of a complex man. There are other, less obvious, themes woven into the story too, and from the nationalist perspective these are very interesting. Identity On one level, the whole story could be easily viewed as a tale of identity and of mediaeval identity politics. Buccmaster and his followers regard the Norman French as foreign and unspeakably alien to their culture and way of life. And so they are. Their language is different. Their clothing and customs are strange. They have very different views about who gets to own property and the rights of those who don’t. And they have come to rule, to assume the sovereignty of the land and to impose their beliefs. By contrast, Buccmaster’s most loyal follower – the boy called Tofe - is a descendant of earlier Danish invaders. He is not of ‘Anglisch’ blood, but Buccmaster reconciles this by observing that the Danes were culturally closer to the Saxon English than the ‘ingenga Frenc’ and that Tofe himself was a ‘denisc boy, becum anglisch’. Historically this rings true. The Danes had already imposed their own laws over the northern part of England wellprior to the arrival of Canute – which led to this part of the countrybeing called the Danelaw. But their culture, laws and customs were closer to the established Saxon ways than those of the Normans. Later kings officially converted to Christianity. The Normans were altogether alien and were Pagan, Indo-European deity, the Green Man. Commonly found throughout Europe and who inspired Robin Hood style myths. widely despised as a result. In Buccmaster’s case, this resentment is exaggerated because he identifies the invaders with the coming of Christianity to England. The story makes it clear that by 1066, Christianity was already well established in England but Buccmaster rejects it completely. He is a worshipper of the old pagan gods who talks to trees and hates the priests and their hypocrisy. Throughout the story he is haunted and driven by visions of Saxon gods and the voice of Wayland the Smith, who – family legend holds – gave a rune-inscribed sword to Buccmaster’s grandfather. In one chapter, Buccmaster also seeks relief from the heat by immersing himself in a stream in the dead of night. While in the stream, he experiences a transcendent experience where he sees the ‘eald god’ Odin and understands that this is a sovereign blessing of him and his mission. Again, there is a historical basis for the scene in that all of the Saxon kings of England, from Hengest and Horsa through to Edmund Ironside all claimed descent from Odin. This was true even after the later kings officially converted to Christianity. Buccmaster hates the invaders and can inspire others like him to kill them because they have intruded on his lands and his space. There is no suggestion that he has a pathological hatred of them simply because they are different. It’s the fact that they are different and in his space that’s relevant. This becomes clear when the reader compares Buccmaster’s response to the Normans (homicidal loathing) to his opinion of the Welsh. The Welsh get a couple of passing references throughout the story and are clearly regarded as foreign, uncivilized and immensely different. But they are in their own place and Buccmaster is comfortable with that – even considering the possibility of an alliance with them at one stage, but dismissing it due to their apparent unreliability. Buccmaster is also clearly attached to his own lands, exhibiting a spiritual attachment to The Fens that springs from his heritage there. While on the run, he and his band spend some time deep in the forests, hiding out and preparing for their next (undefined) fight. But some time later they return to the Fenlands and Buccmaster is inspired and motivated by being back in his own territory. The theme is one that will resonate with Australian nationalists. Our opponents routinely portray us as slackjawed haters; xenophobes afraid of anyone ‘different to us’. This is nonsense, of course. Our love of our country and people is a positive thing and we ask nothing more than to be allowed to evolve as a people, free from the imposition of foreign masses, laws and cultures. We may be descended from people in Europe or elsewhere but our spiritual inspiration lies here, on the old continent. Many recent reviewers of The Wake find nothing to like or admire in Buccmaster of Holland and - by any estimation - he is far from perfect. But despite his obvious character flaws, I found myself cheering him on at every turn, hoping that in the end he’d overcome his egotism and throw in his lot with Hereward – whose deeds haunt a jealous Buccmaster throughout the later part of the story and provide stark contrast to Buccmaster’s own lack of effective strategy or action. A big part of his appeal, then, is in the essentially human love for his own people and place that he shows consistently throughout the story. Nothing to lose Another theme relevant to contemporary Australia is the apathy of those who have no material stake in their society. In one short episode, Buccmaster and his gang arrive at a village of English peasants who are enjoying themselves in a simple harvest festival. They are ‘steppan and smercan’ (or dancing and smiling) and seem unconcerned about the arrival of the Normans. When Buccmaster appeals to them for help in fighting the invaders, the villagers refuse – saying that none of them owned any land anyway and were formerly forced to support their Saxon lords, so they are no worse off under the new regime. This reaction enrages Buccmaster with predictable results. He feels the loss Con’t page 6 THE Australia First Party has participated in the various Reclaim Australia and similar rallies in recent months. The party has kept its independence and initiative in dealing with the audiences and the leaders. The party’s aim has been to intersect with a large number of people who have seen an immigration problem in Islamic migration but all the while seeking to lead them into a general opposition to the immigration process. This has brought us into conflict with the leaders who basically and generally stand for ‘Diversity Minus Islam’. Of course, taking Islam out of the pot — still leaves the diverse (sic) society to the detriment of Australianity. THE unity of the nationalist forces remains a crucial goal of the party. The party has operated its united front tactic in dealing with all sorts of patriotic people, but it pursues the goal of unification with the vanguard nationalists. The unity of genuine people can be achieved if there is the will to do it. Australia First Party is the core of this unity. However, the party remains completely open to genuine people from smaller groups to take roles and contribute to overall development. The party sees itself as a vehicle for the service of the Australianist ideal which wages political struggle. EUREKA YOUTH LEAGUE A new nationalist youth movement, led by Australian youth, has formed. The Eureka Youth League (EYL) operates a website and a blogsite. See: http:// The EYL is the future of the Australian people’s movement. It publishes an array of leaflets and adhesive stickers ($5 per 100). The EYL sells a T-Shirt at $12 posted (all sizes). Write to P.O. Box N291 Grosvenor Place 1220 for materials CLASSIC AUSSIE TEXTS BY FRANK ANSTEY, MP The Kingdom Of Shylock and The Money Power explained the rise of finance capital in the early 20th Century. What is money? How is it created by private banks? What was the nationalist alternative? ___________________________ REGISTER THE PARTY! The party is on a membership drive to ensure it has a strong base to win back its Federal registration. Why not join up? The Eight Core Policies Of Australia First: A Programme And A Method For National Rebirth! Whatever will benefit Australia, that we are for; whatever will harm Australia, that we are against. William Lane 2 THE Eight Core Policies of Australia First are the basis of association for the party. They are (with explanations and the implied ninth point) as follows: 1 Ensure Australia Retains Full Independence Protect our sovereignty (national, constitutional and personal) and maintain an adequate defence, whilst being reasonable and fair in our nation's international dealings. 2 Rebuild Australian Manufacturing Industries This is the only way we can be self_ sufficient. It will provide jobs for our children, and help buy back the farm and allow Australia to be free of foreign debts. Our infrastructure has been run down over many years - it must be rebuilt. We must improve the practicality and relevance of our educational systems, and target government support for industry to diversify, innovate, perform and expand. We recognise that small business is fundamental to this policy. A satisfactory financial environment is also urgent and essential. 3 Control Foreign Ownership Bring foreign ownership and investment back under control. 4 Reduce and Limit Immigration Immigration mistakes can be big long-term 9 Democratise Other Policy Issues mistakes. Immigration policy must take into account social cohesion, employment opportu- All other policies (non-core policies) are matters of free conscience and are not binding nities, urbanisation and environmental issues upon Australia First’s future parliamentarians or councillors who are to represent their elec5 Abolish Multiculturalism torates. End the divisive, government -funded and inIssues of public interest on which Australia stitutionalised policy of multiculturalism. First needs to formulate policy will be canvassed with the party membership, and plebi6 Introduce Citizen-Initiated Referenda scites conducted where deemed appropriate Amend the Australian Constitution such that by the party’s National Council. The party also the people can initiate a constitutional referen- permits branches to formulate specific elecdum which, if approved by the Australian peo- toral policies or community policies not inconple, will amend the Australian Constitution. sistent with the Eight Core Policies. This simple step will confirm the political authority of voters and make legislators aware From time to time, the party will issue materithat they are the servants of the Australian al that provides interpretation of the core poliPeople, not their masters. The people directly cies. This interpretative material would reflect should also possess the sovereign right and the spirit of the party. the power to initiate other legislation The organizational purpose for this statement of policy and system for policy creation is sim7. Strengthen the family ple: Australia First does not require weighty tomes which change from month to month, as Promote policies that strengthen and protect do the programmes of the Establishment parthe traditional family. ties and those who ape them. It requires a focus for action and for unity within the party. 8 Strive to Rebuild A United Australia Promote policies that recognise the interdependence of city and country. Where To Find Australia First National Contact Line: 02 8587 0014 National Council e-mail: [email protected] New South Wales: Australia First (NSW) office: P.O. Box 593 Rockdale 2216 Blue Mountains: P.O. Box 202 Katoomba 2780 Coffs Harbour: 0419 492 917 Sutherland Shire: P.O. Box 2499 Taren Point 2228 Australia Wide: Qld. State committee: [email protected] Australia First (Qld. Secretary): P.O Box 107 Springwood 4700 Australia First (Adelaide) [email protected] P.O. Box 101 Holden Hill 5088 Australia First (Western Australia): P.O. Box 129 Collie 6225 Australia First (Victoria): P.O. Box 223 Croydon 3136 Australia First is to build a new national movement. Practicality is method. ‘Australia First’ Web Sites New South Wales: Queensland: Victoria: Blue Mountains: http:// South Australia:http:// australiafirstsouthaustralia. Truth Television: Other Australia First Contacts Western Australia: Facebook Riverina: http:// Australia First also operates in other locales such as Newcastle, NSW Central Coast, Riverina and other towns and cities. Contact the National Contact line.