Jun - Bonnet Shores Fire District Home
Jun - Bonnet Shores Fire District Home
Bonnet Shores Fire District Council Bonnet Shores Fire District Community Center 130 Bonnet Shores Road Narragansett, Rhode Island Monthly Meeting June 15,2011 Meeting Minutes Call to Order: Chairperson Lenny Mercier called the Council meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Those in attendance included Council Members Janice McClanaghan, Lloyd Albert, Matt Mannix, John Pariseault, Paul Farley and Mary McGinn. Treasurer Natalie McDonald, Tax Collector Helen Patience, District Manager Erin Rooney, and Clerk Carole Duffy were also present. Pledge of Allegiance The Assembly recited the Pledge of Allegiance along with observing a moment of silence for the men and women serving in the Armed Forces. Urgent Business: E.Rooney explained that the BSFD Annual Meeting could not convene at Narragansett High School as anticipated due to lavatory renovations. Town officials recommended meeting at the Pier Middle School on S.Pier Rd. but that there would be an additional charge for chair set up. Motion: M.Mannix moved to convene the Annual Meeting with the extra cost on the same day and time at the Pier Middle School; 2nd J. McClanaghan. Discussion: none Motion passed 7-0. Ratification Of Minutes: May 18,2011 Motion: M.McGinn moved to accept minutes; 2nd J .McClanaghan. All that were present at the May 18th meeting were in favor of accepting the minutes. 6-0 P .Farley abstained. Motion: P. Farley moved to accept the budget for 2011-2012; 2nd J.McClanaghan. Discussion: none. Motion passed 7-0 Committee a) b) c) Reports Beautification Committee - none Bylaw/Ordinance/Bonnet Days Committees' Report - M.Mannix reported that the Rental Ordinance VIII will be finalized at the July 27th Committee meeting and he is recommending a Council vote for August. There will be a By-Law change presented at the Annual Meeting (see report). Bonnet Days will occur on July 9th at 9 AM. Volunteers are welcome and needed. Harbor Committee Report - L.Mercier reported that all but one mooring is paid up and there are 9 names on the waiting list. "Ecological mooring" installations have begun but ledge has been encountered which may require cement blocks to be used instead. Cost for this endeavor will be determined. d) Beach /SecuritylNominating Committees' Report - see J. McClanaghan's attached report w/ additional comments: Donna Monaghan chaired the Nominating Committee e) Social Committee Report- L. Mercier reported that on 7/13/11, resident, Mary Flynn, would present her recent book on nutrition (The Pink Ribbon Diet) and the annual BBQ at the BSBC would be on 7/15/11. f) Public Works Report: L. Albert updated the Council about recent meeting with Dave Ousterhout (Narragansett Public Works) outlining future road upgrading plans. There will be brush cutting, stop signage at Col. I.Gardner & Bonnet Pt. Rds; attention to What Cheer Rd and Onondega Rd in the fall. Huron Rd. is an ongoing project because of drainage problems. L.Albert has sent a letter on behalf of the Council to Narragansett Public Works to thank them for their efforts for Bonnet and to encourage continuation of work in the future which is much appreciated. g) History & Trash Report- M. McGinn reported that there was no current History update but that she and J. McClanaghan were working to finalize the trash contract. Bulky waste removal for District will be on July 27th. BSFD Minutes Page 1 I h) Community Cleanup/Gardens Report: J. Pariseault reported that the 2nd monthly cleanup went well with the help ofL.Albert. A resident with gardening experience has come forward to offer guidance for planning a community garden at the cc. Treasurer's Report Treasurer, Natalie McDonald, submitted attached report with the following discussion at the meeting ... new budget will be May 1st - April 30th• She questioned the Chair about new costs for moorings' renovations. Response ... "If out of budget, only three moorings instead of four will be upgraded." Tax Collector's Report ... see attached report. H.Patience also stated that 99.2% oftaxes were collected for last year. Land Trust Report- None District Manager's Report - Erin Rooney reported on the following items: need to reorder recycle bins; lifeguard orientation tomorrow; Camp begins on the 27th; Yoga is being offered on the beach; CSO will be in Bonnet on the weekends to check for illegal parking; sex offender in community but State reg.s will be referenced before any public posting. Old Business: 1) Traffic Calming Initiative ... J. Pariseault outlined the next steps as recommended by the individual from the DiPrete Company. A committee /people should identify traffic problem areas and report findings to the Council. Once that is completed, a plan would be created in conjunction with a company specializing in this area such as the DiPrete group. 2) Rental Ordinance ... Motion: M.Mannix moved to table voting on Rental Ordinance VIII until the August, 2011 Council Meeting; 2nd J.McClanaghan. Discussion: none. Motion passed 7-0 th 3) Newsletter. .. Jean Albert needs all information by June 18 for the Newsletter. As an afterthought, N.McDonald stated that the new mil rate would not be in the Newsletter as Narragansett has not released the assessment information as yet. New Business: 1) Tax Assessor to be named in place of deceased member (Doris Baris). Clerk, Carole Duffy, recommended Linda McMillen. Motion: M.McGinn moved to accept the recommendation of Linda McMillen; 2nd J.McClanaghan. Discussion: none Motion: passed 7-0 2) Motion: M.Mannix moved to accept Annual Meeting agenda as proposed including site change; 2nd L.Albert. Discussion: none Motion: passed 7-0 see attached agenda. 3) M.Mannix asked about boulders blocking entrance to Kelly Beach from Bonnet Point Rd. and whether they were permanent for the summer because he wanted to be able tell people who asked about it. J.McClanaghan responded with ..."Yes, they will be there but there is a path around the boulders if people want to access the beach that way." Period of Public Comment -None Adjournment There being no further public comments or district business, L.Albert moved to close the meeting, seconded by J.Pariseault. All were in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM. Meeting's minutes will be available on tape in the District Manager's office. Respectfully submitted, Carole Duffy, Cle~ ~ Minutes ratified by the Council on: ~ BSFD Minutes Page 2 To: Bonnet Shores Fire District Council From: Janice McClanaghan Chair -Beach Committee Date: Subject: June 15, 2011 Beach! Security Committee Report 1. Beach committee: Lifeguard procedures have been reviewed and retyped. Attached is a copy for your review. Erin and I will meet with the lifeguards on June 16th for two hours to review all procedures for this year and requirements for this year. Signs need to be reposted at breachway, Dunes Road and at the fork. Volunteers will man the breachway for the first 3 weeks to ensure that stopping of cars at breachway dose not happen. Lifeguard chairs need to be repainted to cover graffiti. 2. Security Committee: Will be meeting with supervisor for NESTC to discuss duties of guard at Dunes Road and to reset the schedule for the night guard for the summer months. 3. Nominating Committee: The committee met three times and all slots have been filled. The list of endorsed candidates will be forwarded to Jean Albert for the news letter and to Carol Duffy for the ballot. 4. Bus- Have notified the bus company of our summer schedule and asked that they tract the usage thru the summer to get a better handle on numbers. 5. Emergency Contacts: Will be looking for volunteers to go street by street to distribute form to gather information for emergency contacts. This process was suspended so that summer residents can be around to respond. rel 6. Other: Have been working with Erin to move abandon car on Treasurej' and skull and crossbones at entrance to Bonnet. 1 I Bonnet Shores Fire District Committee Reports for June 15, 2011 • Ordinances Committee. The Ordinance Committee has received a great deal of input from the council in its past two meetings regarding the Rental Ordinance. To maximize input from taxpayers, the committee will hold a meeting after this year's Annual Meeting to draft a Rental Ordinance. This ordinance has gone through many revisions, so we plan to put it on the August monthly meeting for a vote by the council before the end of the summer season. • Bonnet Days Committee. The t-shirts have been ordered and we have begun to contact sponsors for this year's Bonnet Days, to be held on July 9 at 9:00 am. Volunteers are needed for this fun community event. Please contact Matt Mannix if you can volunteer for Bonnet Days. • By-Laws Committee. There will be one By-Law amendment on the Annual Meeting agenda to move the Annual Meeting from late July to the start of the summer. The council voted to submit this amendment to the Annual Meeting voters at the last council meeting in May. Respectfully submitted, Matthew M. Mannix By-Laws Committee Chairman Harbor Report Bonnet Shores Fire District Council Meeting Wednesday, June 15, 2011 The Harbor is open and all but one is paid for the season. With the weather being on the cool and rainy side, many of the boats have not been launched. To date Harbor Master Mike Tortolani has gone through 9 names on the waiting list. We estimate that a couple more people on the list will be getting moorings. The mooring installer has run into problems with installing the new moorings. There is ledge under the sand, making it impossible to install the mooring anchoring screws. Mike and the installer is working on a solution which will probably be a cement anchor that can be buried just below the surface. Happy boating and pray for sun. Len Mercier Harbor Chair ) / TAX COLLECTORS REPORT BONNET SHORES FIRE DI9TRICT May 18, 2011 ~ ..JUY1€Monthly Meeting FN 2011 TOTAL ASSESSMENT: ASSESSMENTS ABATED: TOTAL TAXABLE ASSESSMENTS $529,404,000 -$6,655,400 $522,748,600 TOTAL COLLECT ABLE TAXES: $245,888.00 TAXES COLLECTED TO DATE: $243,959.36 RETURNED CHECK FEES: INTEREST COLLECTED: PERCENT AGE COLLECTED: OUTSTANDING TAXES 2011: $50.00 $6,201.51 99.22% $1,777.46 FY10 r- TAXES DUE: FY09 $1,459.19 TAXES DUE: $809.20 FY08 TAXES DUE: $792.48 FY07 TAXES DUE: I $376.65 Bonnet Shores Fire District Balance Sheet Accrual As of June 15, 2011 Basis Jun15,11 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings General Operating Funds Checking Account-81 081961 Money Market Account-16600942 Total General Operating Funds Special Fund Account-90555600 Community Ctr Renovation Fund Social Activities Bonnet Daze (Camp Activities) Hall Rental Replacement Fee Playground 13,292 31,689 44,982 5,337 4,520 1,058 1,405 7,297 Total Special Fund Account-90555600 19,617 Capital Funds Account-90713550 Historical Comm. MM-89973019 Land Trust MM Acccount-90313320 Harbor Improvement Fund 16,268 3,102 7,416 Total Checking/Savings 13,849 105,234 Other Current Assets Prior Years Taxes Receivable Sanitation Cart Inventory Recycle Bin Inventory 5,247 2,730 110 Total Other Current Assets 8,087 113,321 Total Current Assets 113,321 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Total Accounts Payable Other Current Liabilities Deferred Income Hall Rental Refunds Payable Payroll Liabilities Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities 2,850 2,850 150 650 271 1,071 3,921 3,921 Total Liabilities Equity Fund Transfers Retained Earnings Net Income (229) 120,220 (10,590) Total Equity 109,401 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 113,321 Page 1 Bonnet Shores Fire District Revenue & Expense Actual vs. Budget May 1 through June 15, 2011 Accrual Basis May 1 - Jun 15, 11 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Tax Revenue Prior Yr Surplus (Deficit) Hall Rental Fees Interest Earned - Bank Accts Interest Earned - Tax Revenue Newsletter Advertising Permits/Plans Fees Website Advertising 0 0 0 0 191 2,400 0 100 Total Income 2,691 Expense Administrative Expense Administrative Postage Advertising Expense Annual Meeting Expense Council Discretionary Expense Insurance Land Trust Operating Alloc'n Historical Committee Expenses Legal Fees Newsletter Editor Comp Newsletter Postage & Printing Office Supplies Payroll Services Public Awareness Programs Security Tax Collection Costs Web Site Expenses Total Administrative 0 0 0 0 Beach Expense Beach Bus Beach Raking & Maintenance Beach Salaries Beach Guard Beach Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 153 0 0 276 (189) 0 240 Day Camp (Income) Camp Proceeds Camp Salaries Camp Supplies 0 267,720 (265,029) (176) (175) (2,600) (100) (5,750) (1,500) (200) (2,500) (700) (5,700) (1,797) (610) (1,500) (5,060) (2,189) (500) 31,297 (31,057) (7,505) (6,700) (16,275) (2,277) (1,400) 34,157 (34,157) Expense (7,800) 6,800 1,000 0 0 0 Total Day Camp (Income) Expense Harbor (Income) Expense Mooring Fees Mooring Wait List Fees Ramp Fees Harbor Supplies & Maintenance Harbormaster Expense Reimb. Harbor Improvement Fund Tfr Total Harbor (Income) Expense Admin Compensation Manager's Salary Clerk Tax Collector Treasurer Payroll taxes & Taxes Total Admin Compensation Property Expense Beautification Electricity (245,888) (13,732) (3,850) (250) (309) (800) (200) 0 7,505 6,700 16,275 2,277 1,400 0 0 0 0 0 Total Beach Expense 245,888 13,732 3,850 250 500 3,200 200 100 176 175 2,600 100 5,750 1,500 200 2,500 700 5,700 1,950 610 1,500 5,336 2,000 500 0 Expense $ Over Budget Budget 0 (6,600) 0 (450) 339 0 0 1,800 0 0 0 177 90 75 (3,180) 25,000 3,000 5,000 3,500 4,423 1,977 0 0 (10,050) (80) (1,100) 1,050 3,500 3,500 (6,711) & Taxes 7,800 (6,800) (1,000) 40,923 600 2,100 3,450 80 650 (711) (3,500) (3,500) (3,531) (23,200) (3,000) (5,000) (3,500) (4,246) (38,946) (510) (2,025) I Bonnet Shores Fire District Revenue & Expense Actual vs. Budget May 1 through June 15, 2011 Accrual Basis May 1 -Jun 15, 11 Maintenance Natural Gas Pond Telephone & Internet Water 56 351 0 103 0 Public Works Clear Breachway Equip. & Tools Maintenance Landscaping Sanitation Snow Removal Total Recreation 9,013 (Income) 15 Other Income/Expense Other Expense Capital Expenditure Appropriation to Capital Fund Capital Improvement Total Capital Expenditure Net Income (5,000) (1,000) (8,080) (99,249) (375) 122,717 (113,704) 15 0 15 Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Other Income (9,102) Expense 235,691 (2,518) 32,029 (230,481 ) (34,547) (6,529) (17,428) 6,529 25,500 0 8,072 15 0 5,210 Total Expense Total Other Expense 9,777 5,000 1,000 8,350 107,992 375 0 0 270 8,743 0 Total Public Works (1,444) (2,649) (1,100) (1,174) (200) 1,500 3,000 1,100 1,277 200 675 Total Property Expense Recreation (Income) Social Activities $ Over Budget Budget 8,072 32,029 (23,957) 8,072 32,029 (23,957) (8,072) (32,029) 23,957 (10,590) 0 (10,590) Bonnet Shores Fire District Profit & Loss Detail Accrual May 1 through June 15, 2011 Basis Type Date Num Name Ordinary IncomelExpense Income Interest Earned - Tax Revenue Deposit 6/6/2011 Memo p 90 Total Interest Earned - Tax Revenue Newsletter Deposit Advertising 5/24/2011 Deposit Total Newsletter Advertising Website Deposit Balance Amount 191.47 191.47 191.47 191.47 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 Advertising 5/24/2011 Deposit Total Website Advertising Total Income Expense Administrative Expense Office Supplies Bill 5/9/2011 Staples Account #: 6035 5178 2021 3667 Total Office Supplies 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2,691.47 2,691.47 152.85 152.85 152.85 152.85 184.00 92.00 184.00 276.00 276.00 276.00 -188.50 -188.50 -188.50 -188.50 240.35 240.35 -1,250.00 50.00 -1,800.00 -1,800.00 -1,800.00 -1,250.00 -1,200.00 -3,000.00 -4,800.00 -6,600.00 -6,600.00 -6,600.00 -100.00 -50.00 -300.00 -100.00 -150.00 -450.00 -450.00 -450.00 79.60 78.70 39.91 75.00 0.00 65.50 79.60 158.30 198.21 273.21 273.21 338.71 338.71 338.71 -6,711.29 -6,711.29 28.85 31.40 29.78 28.85 60.25 90.03 90.03 90.03 Security Bill Bill 5/11/2011 6/8/2011 BS050711 BS060411 NESCTC NESCTC Security Agency .. Security Agency .. Winter security Beach Guard Total Security Tax Collection Deposit Costs 6/6/2011 Total Tax Collection Total Administrative p 90 Costs Expense Harbor (Income) Expense Mooring Fees Deposit 5/3/2011 5/3/2011 Check Deposit 5/3/2011 Deposit 5/24/2011 6/6/2011 Deposit 4407 Healey, Rosemary Deposit Mooring overpayment Deposit Deposit Deposit - refund Total Mooring Fees Ramp Fees Deposit Deposit Deposit 5/3/2011 5/3/2011 6/6/2011 Deposit Deposit Deposit Total Ramp Fees Harbor Supplies Check Check Check Check Check Check & Maintenance 5/9/2011 5/9/2011 5/9/2011 5/9/2011 5/24/2011 5/26/2011 4416 4416 4416 4416 4430 4432 Tortolani, Michael Tortolani, Michael Tortolani, Michael Tortolani, Michael Monaghan, George Monaghan, George Postage Boat Stickers Deck Screws Tow Ramp laminate sign laminate sign Total Harbor Supplies & Maintenance Total Harbor (Income) Expense Property Expense Beautification Bill Bill Bill 5/24/2011 5/25/2011 5/26/2011 Murphy, Mary Beth Manning, Margorie Thomas, Rosalyn 01) Barrels at Gardenia Lane & Bost.. Barrels @ Col John & Bonnet S .. Barrels @ Little Beach Total Beautification Electricity Bill 5/2/2011 National Grid Acct 88017-84009 Total Electricity 74.86 74.86 74.86 74.86 56.00 56.00 56.00 56.00 350.73 350.73 350.73 350.73 Maintenance Bill 5/26/2011 Signs by Bob Signs at fork Total Maintenance Natural Gas Bill 5/4/2011 Total Natural Gas National Grid (NE Gas) Customer # 0100026065511297 .. Page 1 Bonnet Shores Fire District Profit & Loss Detail Accrual May 1 through June 15, 2011 Basis Type Telephone Bill Date Num & Internet 5/15/2011 Total Telephone Memo Name Accl: 001 6610 310 106601 Cox Communications Balance Amount -----103.02 & Internet Total Property Expense ------- 103.02 103.02 103.02 674.64 674.64 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 Public Works Landscaping Bill 5/112011 R-7311 Coastal Property Services, .. 4/29 Service --_.-- Total Landscaping Sanitation 8,743.42 8,743.42 Total Sanitation 8,743.42 8,743.42 Total Public Works 9,013.42 9,013.42 15.37 15.37 15.37 15.37 15.37 15.37 3,232.49 3,232.49 -541.02 -541.02 5,700.00 2,371.66 5,700.00 8,071.66 8,071.66 8,071.66 8,071.66 8,071.66 8,071.66 8,071.66 -8,071.66 -8,071.66 -8,612.68 -8,612.68 Bill 5/31/2011 Recreation (Income) Social Activities Bill 301335 Customer Waste Haulers, LLC Expense Don Bousquet Thomas, Rosalyn (V) 5/11/2011 Total Social Activities Total Recreation (Income) Expense Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other IncomelExpense Other Expense Capital Expenditure Capital Improvement Bill 5/9/2011 Check 6/6/2011 Total Capital Improvement Total Capital Expenditure Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income No: 010125 9953 Coastal Diving Services, John Deere Credit L.. Presentation Page 2 I I DUIlllel ouures ..,Ire UISlrICl Bonnet Shores Fire District Community Center 130 Bonnet Shores Rd. Narragansett, Rl 02882 Special Meeting August 9, 2011 Meeting Minutes Call to Order: Clerk, Carole Duffy, called the Organizational Meeting to order at 7:39 PM. In attendance were current Council members: Janice McClanaghan, Matt Mannix, John Pariseault; re-elected members: Lenny Mercier & Paul Farley; and newly elected members: Natalie McDonald and Terry Fracassa. The Clerk asked for nominations for Council Chair. P.Farley nominated L.Mercier and Natalie McDonald 2nd• Since there were no other nominations, the Clerk cast one vote for L. Mercier. At that point, Chair Mercier asked for nominations for Vice Chair. J.McClanaghan nominated P.Farley, 2nd N.McDonald and there were no other nominations. Therefore, the Clerk cast one vote for P.Farley. Organization: Chair Mercier explained to the new members that a division of responsibility was the next item of business. Each Council member must be on one or more ofthe standing committees and a copy of the current breakdown of responsibilities was distributed. It was noted that those members who currently Chair certain committees can choose to continue or not. A question was raised about the purpose of the Development Committee. L..Mercier provided background about the Committee which sort ofmorphed into the Ordinances Committee this past year. He went on to explain that residents who have plans for new houses must bring those plans to the Council for review with the stipulation that by the time the Council sees the plans all permits must have been secured from Narragansett Planning and Zoning plus CRMC if applicable. There was some discussion about developing guidelines for development which other similar communities have in place. It was mentioned that the Land Trust should be involved in these discussions. Monthly meeting days and times were reviewed. It was decided to tryout 7 PM instead of7:30; but retain Wednesdays and not return to Thursdays. Committees: see L. Mercier's PDF Adjournment: P. Farley moved to adjourn the meeting; 2nd J.Pariseault. All were in favor. The time was 8:10 P After the meeting adjourned, M.Mannix suggested that the Council consider moving Public Comment to the beginning of each Council meeting rather than at the end. L. Mercier said that he would give it some thought and P.Farley added that he preferred that it remain as is. Respectfully submitted, Carole Duffy, Clerk Ratified by Council: ~ 2011-2012 Bonnet Shores Fire District Council and Committees Council Chair - - Len Mercier Council Vice Chair - Paul Farley Committee Chair / Co-Chair John Pariseault Beach Committee Janice McClanaghan Social & Beautification Committee Len Mercier Bonnet Days Committee Matt Mannix By-Laws Committee Matt Mannix John Pariseault Public Works, Facilities & Traffic Committee Paul Farley :J~t.tYl Harbor Committee Len Mercier Janice McClanaghan Historical Committee Matt Mannix Pond Committee Terry Fracassa Recreation Committee Paul Farley Trash Natalie McDonald Janice McClanaghan Development & Ordinance Committee Matt Mannix Terry Fracassa Finance Committee Natalie McDonald ~e.c...vr-;~ I rn '("I s: D". •• O-J- Natalie McDonald J£1..nL CL. M Cror. AI h/!htJA't ..jvhV1 !=aIlJ..#""" v -------------- ._ .. - ---- -_. 1':1-