Saint Timothy Roman Catholic Church / Saint Timothy Parish
Saint Timothy Roman Catholic Church / Saint Timothy Parish
THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SAINT TIMOTHY PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 11 AUGUST 2013-THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY FOUNDED 1928 IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 11, 2013 - THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sunday Mass Saint Timothy Rectory Saturday evening: 4:30p.m. Sunday: 6:30, 8:30, 10:00a.m., 12:00p.m. 3001 Levick Street * Philadelphia, PA 19149 Telephone: 215-624-6188 * Fax: 215-624-1316 Daily Mass Open daily 9:00a.m. — 4:00p.m. Reverend Michael S. Olivere Pastor Reverend Daniel J. Dwyer Parochial Vicar Reverend John A. Kolodziej, OSFS Sunday Ministry Pastoral Staff Sister Beatrice McElrone, SSJ Director of Social Services 215-331-5436 Ms. Anne Coneghen Director of Music Ministries 215-624-6188 x102 Monday to Friday: 6:30, 8:30a.m. Saturday: 8:30a.m. Summer Daily Mass Schedule: May 28-September 2 Monday to Friday: 8:30a.m. & Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Holydays No Vigil Mass the day before the Holyday. Mass on the Holy day of Obligation: 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Blessed Trinity Regional Catholic School Hawthorne and Levick Streets Telephone: 215-338-9797 * Fax: 215-331-6457 Ms. Linda Milewski, Principal Mrs. Cheryl Kirschman Coordinator of Religious Education 215-338-9797 x123 Information Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Wednesday in the lower church beginning at 9:00a.m. and concluding with benediction at 12:00p.m. noon. Reconciliation (Confession) Confessions are heard every Saturday from 3:15 to 4:15p.m. in the Lower Church or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick Please contact the rectory to make arrangements for anointing and Communion for the sick and dying. Baptism of Children The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1:00p.m. in the upper church. Saint Timothy Convent 3033 Levick Street Telephone: 215-624-8333 The Sisters of Saint Joseph Parents are asked to register for Baptism by calling to meet with one of the parish priests. PreJordan Instructions are required for parents and are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00p.m. in the Rectory Dining Room. The next Pre-Jordan conference is scheduled for Monday, September 9th. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements for the Sacrament of Marriage must be made with one of the parish priests at least six months before the wedding date. Visits to Sick and Homebound The parish priests and deacon visit the sick in their homes and in area hospitals. Please contact the rectory to arrange a visit. PAGE 2 - 116 ST. TIMOTHY Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA prepares adolescents and adults for Baptism and full communion in the Catholic Church. For more information, please contact the Rectory office. Religious Education (CCD) Religious instruction for elementary school students takes place on Wednesday afternoons during the school year. Please contact Mrs. Cheryl Kirschman for more information. New Parishioners New parishioners are most welcome, and are encouraged to register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving into the parish. WWW.ST-TIMS.ORG AUGUST 11, 2013 - THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mass Intentions Eucharistic Celebration CELEBRANT SCHEDULE FOR August 17th and 18th MON. AUGUST 12TH– ST. JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL 8:30AM Deceased Sisters of Saint Joseph TUE. AUGUST 13TH– STS. PONTIAN & HIPPOLYTUS 8:30AM Frances Adelizzi—7th Anniversary WED. AUGUST 14TH– ST. MAXMILLIAN KOLBE 8:30 AM Michael Masanis, Sr. THU. AUGUST 15TH– THE ASSUMPTION OF THE 6:30AM 8:30AM 12:05PM 7:00PM BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Dec’d. members of the Tufts Family John Boyle Jack McLean, Sr. Patricia Cooper Church Memorials-Week of August 12 th FRI. AUGUST 16TH– SAINT STEPHEN OF HUNGARY 8:30AM The Harrity Family SAT. AUGUST 17TH– NINETEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 8:30AM 4:30PM The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30 PM Father Daniel Dwyer CELEBRANTS FOR SUNDAY 6:30AM Father Michael Olivere 8:30AM Father Michael Olivere 10:00AM Father Daniel Dwyer 12:00PM Father John Kolodziej, OSFS Frank Carmichael John Cannon Please note: Summer Daily Mass Schedule is in effect as of Tue, May 28th - Daily Mass 8:30AM Tue, Sept 3rd. The Sanctuary Light in the Upper Church will burn in loving memory of Anthony Gryszka The Bread and Wine are offered in the Upper Church in loving memory of Anthony Gryszka The Sanctuary Light in the Lower Church will burn in loving memory of Michael Masanis, Sr. The Bread and Wine are offered in the Lower Church in loving memory of Michael Masanis, Sr. Parish Calendar Monday August 12 Tuesday August 13 Wednesday August 14 Thursday August 15 9AM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Feast of the Assumption 6:30, 8:30 a.m., 12:05 & 7:00 7PM Rosary Altar Server Schedule—August 12th Mon., 8:30am N. Gatto, J. Gatto Tue., 8:30am S. Keyes, J. Saunders Wed., 8:30am R. Kirschman, C. Manzi Thu., 8:30am K. Keating, K. Gibson, T. Gibson 12:05pm M. Brummett, E. Brummett, D. Blauser 7:00pm R. Kirschman, J. Gatto, N. Gatto Fri., 8:30am M. Saunders, J. Razler Saturday, August 17, 2013 4:30pm B. Spicer, R. Kirschman, J. Weinert Sunday, August 18, 2013 8:30am C. Baird, E. Brummett, M. Brummett 10:00am S. Sinclair, A. Teel, R. Teel 12:00pm J. Gatto, S. Pirmann, R. Whelan PAGE 3 - 116 ST. TIMOTHY Friday August 16 Saturday August 17 Sunday August 18 Parish Office Closed Universal Call to Holiness EXPOSITION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT AND BENEDICTION: Wednesday in the Lower Church. Exposition takes place after the 8:30AM Mass until Benediction at 12:00PM. RECITATION OF THE HOLY ROSARY: The Holy Rosary is recited each morning at 8:00AM in the Lower Church. On Saturday, the Rosary is prayed at 8:00AM at the outdoor Marian Grotto (weather permitting). On Tuesdays - 7pm in the Rectory. Pre-Jordan Classes for the month of September will be held on Monday, September 9th at 7pm at the Rectory. WWW.ST-TIMS.ORG AUGUST 11, 2013 - THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish Social Ministry 215-331-5436 PHLASH—CENTER CITY LOOP TROLLEY (Free to Seniors): The Phlash is the quick, easy and inexpensive connection to key Philadelphia historic attractions and cultural institutions. The bright purple trolley is one the best ways to get around to more than 19 key locations in Center City and is FREE to seniors. It’s quick with service every 15 minutes (10 a.m. – 6 p.m.) from May through October. Note: Service available Friday, Saturday and Sunday only during May, September and October. It’s easy with 19 stops in Center City Philadelphia including stops near Sister Cities Park Café & Visitor Center, Barnes Foundation Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia Zoo and Please Touch Museum®. · Children 4 and under and seniors are always free. All PHLASH vehicles are wheelchair accessible. For visitor information, contact a Visitor Center representative at (800) 537-7676 CAREGIVERS’ MEETING: Dates: 8/29. Place: St Katherine of Siena 9700 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia PA 19114 The Parish Center, McBride Hall, Large Meeting Room Time:7-9PM. The purpose of this group is to provide support, information and fellowship for those providing support of any kind for their dependent family member. For information call Kathy J - 215 632 4015, cell# 215 512 2210. COUNTY VETERANS AFFAIRS: For Information on all benefits that may be due you or your dependents and to obtain current local fees and eligibility requirements, contact the Veterans Affairs Office at 215-686-3256 CHILDREN’S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM (CHIP): provides free or low-cost health insurance for uninsured children from birth through 18 who are ineligible for Medicaid or whose families are unable to afford private coverage. Call 1-800 986-5437 for further details. AVAILABLE THROUGH THE MINISTRY OFFICE: Medical equipment items: bed pan, elevated toilet seat with arms, commode, walkers (with/without wheels), canes (single and 4prong), reach sticks, pill boxes, adult quality bibs, small cervical collar, sock aid-easy pull, Men/Women Depends large, xlarge, xxlg Parish Ministries Volunteers needed! Are you looking for a way to serve in your parish using your God given time and talent? The Church Angels need a few volunteers to assist with cleaning the Church on Tuesday mornings after the 8:30 AM M ass. Contact Jane P resser at 215-332-8373 if you are interested. Consider volunteering as an Usher we have positions at all M asses. Contact John Sacchetti at 215-535-3697 if you are interested. PAGE 4 - 116 ST. TIMOTHY Religious Education—Mrs. Cheryl Kirschman 215-338-9797 Ext. 123 PREP: Any family with children entering first grade in a nonCatholic school in the fall is invited to register for the Saint Timothy PREP program, formerly known as CCD. Registration forms are available from the Rectory Office or on the Religious Education page of the parish website. Registration fee for the year is $60. Class is held on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30 PM until 5:45 PM. There will be a Back-to-School meeting for parents in September. As a reminder, sacrament preparation takes place as part of the Religious Education program. Any parent/guardian with a child wishing to make sacraments should contact the Religious Education Office. Baptism arrangements should be made through the Rectory Office. High School students and adults wishing to receive sacraments are invited to contact Father Daniel Dwyer in the Rectory. Volunteer Catechists are still needed to teach PREP classes. Please contact the Religious Education office for details. 215338-9797 ext. 123. Music Ministry 215-624-6188 Ext. 102 Ms. Anne Coneghen Adult Choir Rehearsal is scheduled for August 14th at 7pm. Handbell Rehearsal will resume after Labor Day. GOLDEN FRIENDS SENIOR CLUB Senior Meetings: Wednesday, 9am-3pm Contact John Sacchetti 215-535-3697. Sept. 24: (Tuesday) Price $50. Leaving 9:45 Home 6:30-7 POLYNESIAN FIRE SHOW—includes buffet, 3:30 show & $20 slot play. Final payment Aug. 24. Oct. 7—Oct. 11, 2013 $630 Myrtle Beach SC, leaving 6:45a.m. Ocean view rooms, Dinner show, breakfast & dinner incl. One overnight dinner show with breakfast. Cancellation insurance not incl. Final payment due Aug. 9, 2013. Oct. 28, 2013: (Monday) - Price $70 Leaving 9:15am Home 6:30-7pm TROPICANA (Bobby Rydell) Buffet 1pm show $15 slot play. Payment due Sept. 15, 2013. December 2, 2013:(Monday) - Price $62 Leaving 9:15am—final payment Oct. 15, 2013: Tropicana Nat King Cole & Natalie Cole (Unforgettable Christmas Show: 1pm show, $15 slot play & Buffet). Contact: Rose Peck: 215-335-2287 or Rosemarie Townsend: 215-332-5256 We are a fun group! We really enjoy your company! WWW.ST-TIMS.ORG AUGUST 11, 2013 - THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH PRAYER INTENTIONS Ruth Aleo George Aspen Joan C. Atkinson Joannie Atkinson Baby Gracie Anna Vince Balla Kevin Beck Betty Bennett Laura Berry Joan Black Richard Borell Mary Campellone Betty Chiorizo Cass Chobot Russell Coobaugh Colleen Costello Mary Demski Sr. Katherine Denny Kim DiBattista Krystie Dillman Joan Dillon Margaret DiStefano Lucy Forgione Barbara Fusco Kevin Galin Hamel Galin Kevin Gallagher Mary Gantz Cindy Garbacki Corey Gavett Josephine Glennon Dot Green Timothy Green, Sr. Bill Greene Kevin Hamel Galin Hamel Deacon Ed Hanley Ann Harmon Annette Hart Patrick Heckert Destiny Herkturn Christina Hoffmann Jeffrey Holden Marty Jewell Rod Jones Helen Kakolewski Bill & Ruth Kelly Ed Kelly William F. Kelly Bridget Kenney Brian King Paul King Dennis Kirschner, Sr. Patrick Kitchenmann Georgia Landis Mary Lawson Jessica Leva Betty Levins Brady Mattox Rosemarie McComb Jane McFadden Peggy Ann Meyer Jennifer Morrone Bridget Mullan William Mullan Sarah Natali Frank Ramos, Jr. Mathew Rotenberg Fred Sabatino Debbie Schmidt Nora Schneider Dwayne Schwarz Ellen Schreiber Bob Shelkin Sr. Eleanor Shields Sr. Dorothy Smith Marge Sullivan Lexie Taylor Rosemarie Townsend Emily Urbanski Megan Vecchione Rita Vitale Renee Wade Ellie Walsh Joseph Walters Ryan White ** We will be happy to keep the name of your loved one on the sick list for three weeks. Hopefully, by that time, they will have recovered. If you wish to extend a request for prayers beyond that time, please call the Rectory in order to place the request on the prayer list again.** Mary Devlin Harry McCall Marie Hirsch Catherine Thompson May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Bible Study Who: All are welcome! What: Next Sunday's Mass Readings Where: Deer Meadows When: Thursdays 6:30-8:00 PM Questions: Norb Moser 215-332-3793 [email protected] PAGE 5 - 116 ST. TIMOTHY Financial Information—Sunday Tithing God’s Plan for Giving: Thank you! Tithing is God’s plan to support His Church. Full tithing means 10% of income to God. We ask half of this, or 5% for your Parish Church. Sunday, July 28 2013 Amt: $9,365 Env: 539 Sunday, July 29, 2012 Amt: $9,071 Env: 553 Sunday, August 4 2013 Amt: $10,557 Env: 488 Sunday, August 5, 2012 Amt: $10,661 Env: 636 A Will can be a final expression of one’s love and concern for family, friends, and the Parish Community. Please remember Saint Timothy Church in your estate planning! Ne e d a No t a r y ? Contact the Rectory Office during regular business hours if you are in need of notary services. Summer Tithing With Summer vacations approaching your kind remembrance of Saint Timothy Parish is most appreciated. It Is most helpful over the Summer months that Saint Timothy be remembered in your weekly tithing. Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness. Blessed Trinity Regional Catholic School Tuition Officer - Sr. Mary Elizabeth Farrell, SSJ BTRCS Tuition Office SUMMER Hours: Monday: 10:00 am - 3:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:00am-3:00pm Contact: 215-624-6188 ext. 110 SCHOOL OFFICE: Tues - Thu 9am-12pm SUMMER SCRIP HOURS S C R I P Summer Hours Wednesday 8 am to 11 am Thursday 8 am to 11 am Friday 8 am to 11 am WWW.ST-TIMS.ORG AUGUST 11, 2013 - THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Society for the Propagation of the Faith - Parish Appeal On behalf of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, our parish will be visited by a representative of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Lynette Kyle will speak at all the Masses next weekend to help raise mission awareness in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. This religious community of women is involved with missionary work in 24 countries where they have served in ministering to the poor and oppressed through education, retreats, pastoral and social outreach and Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament present on the altar. The Handmaids invite others to experience the missions through Project FIAT International, a short term volunteer experience in San Salvador, El Salvador. For more information visit their web site at Sanctuary Memorial Fund In Loving Memory of George Fulmer Enrolled by Richard & Jeri Cherrin Tina McElvarr Marianne & Dennis McFadden Teresa Gresh Joseph & Patricia Sullivan Francis & Janet Oetinger In Loving Memory of Ken Young Enrolled by Kathleen Young Jeffrey & Colleen Long Memorial Opportunities Sanctuary FIFTH ANNUAL FATIMA HOLY HOURS FOR WORLD PEACE: The fourth in the series of Fatima Holy Hours sponsored by the Philadelphia Archdiocesan Division of the World Apostolate of Fatima will be at Saint Anselm Church, 12670 Dunks Ferry Road, on Tuesday, August 13 at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome. St. Joseph’s Preparatory School: Current 8th Grade Boys ae invited to St. Joseph’s Prep for a Pre-Applicant Social on Tuesday, August 13 from 6-8p.m. This is an Open-Gym Social; students will be able to participate in a variety of indoor activities including : Dodgeball, Basketball, Soccer, Wiffleball and Board Games. In addition, there will be an Ice Cream Sundae Bar and other snacks. Please R.S.V.P. by visiting no Saint Timothy Golf Outing Saint Tim’s Golf Outing sponsored by Macks of Mayfair candle: A sanctuary candle burns in both our upper and lower church to remind us of the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. If you wish to have the sanctuary candles in the upper or lower church burn for a full week in memory of a loved one, please contact the rectory. The suggested offering is $10. Bread and Wine: In the early Church it was customary for the People of God to provide the bread and wine to be used at the Celebration of the Eucharist. If you wish to participate in the ancient tradition of providing the bread and wine for the Celebration of the Eucharist in either the upper church or lower church as a memorial for your Family or your deceased loved ones, please call the rectory. Suggested offering: $10. Sanctuary Memorial Fund: This fund is an ideal way to memorialize deceased loved ones and friends. At the time of a funeral, funds can be directed to the Parish Sanctuary Fund. An acknowledgement of the gift is sent to the Family of the deceased. The fund is used for the upkeep of Saint Timothy Sanctuaries. Grotto Bricks: This fund is re-opened to assist in the Convent Fundraiser efforts. An addition to the Grotto is underway. Sandwich Shop 6716-6718 Frankford Ave in Memory of Tim Campellone - Sunday, Aug. 18 at Noon - Shotgun start at John Byrne G.C. - After party at 3 Monkeys Café. $80, Call Joe Lavin for information at 215-7762829. PAGE 6 - 116 ST. TIMOTHY Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels. Heb 13:2 WWW.ST-TIMS.ORG AUGUST 11, 2013 - THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Catholic Journey Rev. Daniel Dwyer 215-624-6188 x119 Are you considering becoming Catholic? Are you a Catholic interested in Being Confirmed? Are you a Confirmed Catholic who’s ready to explore your faith anew? Join us for R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Each year men and women embark on an exploration of the Catholic faith. Some are deciding if they are called into the Catholic Church; others have been Catholic all their lives and are now interested in discovering what this really means. Together we witness to the fact that our search for God is a lifelong journey, a journey on which we make the most progress when we walk it with others and with intention. When: Wednesday evenings, 7-8p.m. What: Exploring the Catholic Faith Who: Non-Catholics & Catholics together Contact: Fr. Daniel Dwyer at 215-624-6188 or email: [email protected] R.C.I.A. Contact Form: Please return this form to the Rectory or in the collection basket. Please contact me: _________________________________________ Name _________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________ Email Baseball Mania WINNING TICKETS 3656 86 354 102 2272 3072 1550 W E E K 7 1780 3933 3123 1366 2723 2803 2943 1240 2367 2381 1242 3274 3843 3594 W E E K 6 2762 506 2765 807 3976 2960 3981 Congratulations to the winners! Lift Up the Sisters Fundraisers Pancake Breakfast: Wind the summer down with breakfast and catch up with parishioners at Applebee’s, 9142 Roosevelt Blvd., Saturday, August 31, 2013 from 8:00am to 10am—Adults: $7.00 * Children: $4.50 All proceeds go to St. Timothy Sister of Saint Joseph Convent Fund ADVANCE TICKET SALES ONLY. Please note: If we do not get enough response this event will be cancelled - Be sure to get your advance tickets now. Contact 215-624-8333 J. Heisler @ 215-331-3386 / V. Sypherd @ 215-360-1210 St. Timothy Flea Market: Saturday, September 14, 2013 Vendors Spaces $20 *42 indoor spaces available* Early Bird Shopping Pass from 7:30 to 8:30am just $5 per person… doors open to public 8:30am Contact 215-6248333—J. Heisler @ 215-331-3386 / V. Sypherd @ 215-360-1210 Coach Bag BINGO: St. Timothy’s Parish Hall Sunday, September 29, 2013 from 1:30pm—4:30pm $30 per person. RED HOT SPECIAL - $25 per person before July 1st. 15 Games - Baskets - Raffles - 50/50s. Contact 215624-8333 J. Heisler @ 215-331-3386 / V. Sypherd @ 215360-1210 PAGE 7 - 116 ST. TIMOTHY WWW.ST-TIMS.ORG AUGUST 11, 2013 - THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saint Timothy Alumni Remembers - S.T.A.R. Consider a tax deductible gift of Catholic Education for a child in this Parish! Sponsor-A-Student is a program that provides tuition assistance for deserving children who desire a Catholic Education. Gifting Levels include: ____Full Tuition Sponsorship $3,175 ____Partial Tuition Sponsorship $1,500 ____Partial Tuition Sponsorship $ 850 ____Additional Assistance $500 ____ $200____ Other____ Yes, I would like to participate in the Saint Timothy SPONSOR-A-STUDENT Program! Name: Address: City: Ph: (H): Email: State: Zip: (W): Gifting Level: $ Payment Method: ____Check enclosed. Please make your tax-deductible gift payable to Saint Timothy Parish (Sponsor-A-Student Program). Co mmunity News There are still many people that did NOT apply for City of Philadelphia Real Estate Tax Reduction All City of Philadelphia Property Owners can qualify for a deduction in Real Estate taxes. In order to qualify, you must own your home and live in it. The Real Estate Tax Homestead Exemption means your home would be eligible for a property tax deduction once the reassessment process is completed. In order to quality, you must complete and file the Real Estate Tax Homestead Exemption Form and return it before September 13, 2013. There are no age or income guidelines and all homeowners in the City of Philadelphia are encouraged to apply. For more information, or to receive an application call United Social Services, Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 215-923-1900. PAGE 8 - 116 ST. TIMOTHY Blessed Trinity Regional Catholic School Opening Schedule All students in grades 2 to 8 should report to the schoolyard at the Hawthorne Street entrance in School uniform for the first day of school, Wednesday, September 4th. The first day of school will begin at 8:00 AM. The first grade students should report to the Hawthorne Street school yard at 8:30 AM. Students who are NEW to the school building (students who are transfers from other Catholic Schools, charter and/or public schools) will be directed where to go by teachers who will be in the school yard. To have the first day run smoothly No parents/guardians will be permitted in the school yard. Dismissal for all students will be at 11:50 AM. The schedule for Thursday and Friday, September 5th and 6th for grades 1 to 8 is: Students will come directly into the school building at 7:40 AM and go to their classrooms. Dismissal will be at 11:50 AM. Please feel free to send in a snack with your child(ren). Beginning Monday, September 9th, school will be in full session: 7:40 AM to 2:50 PM. All students stay in school for lunch. Please send in a lunch with your child(ren) since the hot lunch program will not be in operation until late September or early October. Students entering Pre-K 3 and 4 will receive letters from their teachers concerning the beginning of the school year. The first day for the Pre-K students will be September 9th. IRS Regulation “Our parish school admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at our school. Similar policies apply to the school staff. Our school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, its admission policies, or in any school-administered program.” WWW.ST-TIMS.ORG AUGUST 11, 2013 - THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saint Timothy Parish Mission Statement We, the parish Family of Saint Timothy Roman Catholic Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a diverse community of many generations, are dedicated to announcing God’s presence for all people Relying on God’s Spirit and a strong tradition of Word, worship and welcome, we seek to create a community of prayer, teaching and service. Parish Clergy Reverend Michael S. Olivere ......................... Pastor .............................................. 215-624-6188 Reverend Daniel J. Dwyer .............................. Parochial Vicar ................................ 215-624-6188 x 119 [email protected] [email protected] Parish Pastoral Staff Sister Beatrice McElrone, SSJ ........................ Social Services ................................. 215-331-5436 Ms. Anne Coneghen ...................................... Music Ministries .............................. 215-624-6188 x102 Mrs. Cheryl Kirschman................................... Religious Education ......................... 215-338-9797 x123 [email protected] [email protected] Parish Administrative Staff Mr. Dennis J. Kelley ....................................... Business Manager ........................... 215-624-6188 x104 Mrs. Mariane Fragment................................. Parish Secretary .............................. 215-624-6188 x101 Sister Mary Elizabeth Farrell, SSJ ................... Tuition Officer ................................. 215-624-6188 x110 ...................................................................... SMART Tuition ................................ 888-868-8828 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Blessed Trinity Regional Catholic School Ms. Linda Milewski ........................................ Principal .......................................... 215-338-9797 [email protected] Mrs. Anna Marie Kelly ................................... School Secretary.............................. 215-338-9797 x120 [email protected] Mr. Michael Gondos ...................................... Director of Advancement ................ 215-338-9797 x 121 Home and School Association ....................... ....................................................... 215-338-9797 (option ‘6’) - (voice mail only) Parish Ministry Contacts Aid for Friends ............................................... Mrs. Lynn Trombetta ...................... 215-464-2224 Altar Servers .................................................. Mr. & Mrs. John Kirschman ............. 215-338-9797 x123 [email protected] Choir .............................................................. Ms. Anne Coneghen ........................ 215-624-6188 x102 [email protected] CYO Sports ..................................................... Mrs. Tricia Decker ........................... 215-333-5203 [email protected] CYO Teenage Youth Group ............................ Mr. Thomas Sullivan ........................ 215-743-6344 Evangelization Team ...................................... Ms. Margaret Stein ......................... [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of Communion ........ Ms. Diana Dematteo ....................... 215-289-6325 Lectors ........................................................... Ms. Margaret Stein ......................... [email protected] Men of Saint Timothy .................................... Mr. Paul Prendergast ...................... 215-342-2130 RCIA ............................................................... Rev. Daniel Dwyer ........................... 215-624-6188 x119 [email protected] Senior Citizens ............................................... Mr. John Sacchetti........................... 215-535-3697 Separated or Divorced Catholics ................... Family Life Office: Tara Seyfer......... 215-587-3516 S.T.A.R. (Saint Timothy Alumni) ..................... Mrs. Jackie Lardani .......................... 215-744-3644 [email protected] Stewardship Committee ................................ Mrs. Angela Leech ........................... 215-624-6188 x106 Swim Team (Tigersharks) .............................. Ms. Angela Kaminski ....................... 215-331-8145 [email protected] T.O.D.A.Y. Program ........................................ Sister Peg Kirby, RSM ...................... 215-624-6188 x216 Ushers ............................................................ Mr. John Sacchetti........................... 215-535-3697 PAGE 9 - 116 ST. TIMOTHY WWW.ST-TIMS.ORG
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