THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SAINT TIMOTHY PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA FOUNDED 1928 Saint Timothy Rectory Sunday Mass 3001 Levick Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 Saturday evening: 4:30p.m. Telephone: 215-624-6188 Fax: 215-624-1316 Sunday: 6:30, 8:30, 10:00a.m.12:00p.m. Open daily 9:00a.m. — 4:00p.m. Reverend Stephen F. Leva Pastor Reverend Patrick G. McCormick Parochial Vicar Daily Mass Monday to Friday: 6:30, 8:30a.m. Saturday: 8:30a.m. Reverend John A. Kolodziej, OSFS Sunday Ministry Deacon Edward F. Hanley Saint Timothy School Hawthorne and Levick Streets Permanent Deacon Telephone: 215-338-9797Fax: 215-331-6457 Pastoral Staff Mrs. Lucille Hillerman, Principal Sister Beatrice McElrone, SSJ Director of Social Services 215-331-5436 Saint Timothy Convent 3033 Levick Street Telephone: 215-624-8333 Information Ms. Anne Coneghen Director of Music Ministries 215-624-6188 x102 The Sisters of Saint Joseph Mrs. Cheryl Kirschman Coordinator of Religious Education 215-338-9797 x123 Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Wednesday in the lower church beginning at 9:00a.m. and concluding with benediction at 12:00p.m. noon. Reconciliation (Confession) Confessions are heard every Saturday from 3:15 to 4:15p.m. in the Lower Church or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick Please contact the rectory to make arrangements for anointing and Communion for the sick and dying. Baptism of Children The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1:00p.m. in the upper church. Parents are asked to 116 register for Baptism by calling to meet Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults with one of the parish priests. PreJordan Instructions are required for parents and are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00p.m. in the Rectory Dining Room. The next PreJordan conference is scheduled for (RCIA) RCIA prepares adolescents and adults for Baptism and full communion in the Catholic Church. For more information, please contact Father McCormick. Monday April 4th. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements for the Sacrament of Marriage must be made with one of the parish priests at least six months before the wedding date. Visits to Sick and Homebound The parish priests and deacon visit the sick in their homes and in area hospitals. Please contact the rectory to arrange a visit. 2 Religious Education (CCD) Religious instruction for elementary school students takes place on Wednesday afternoons during the school year. Please contact Mrs. Cheryl Kirschman for more information. New Parishioners New parishioners are most welcome, and are encouraged to register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving into the parish. Second Sunday in Lent Dear Parishioners, A Letter from the Pastor I know that over the past three years at Saint Timothy I have joked about my grades being the cause of my dismissal from Saint Charles Seminary when I was 21 years old. I can joke about it now, since that moment in my life led me on a journey that I could have never planned. I also believe that because of that turn of events in 1980, God opened my heart up to experiences that helped to mold me and change me. I met many wonderful people along the way that have helped me to see the face of Christ again and again. I can tell you however, that when it happened, and I was forced to deal with that reality and try to help my parents to deal with it, it seemed like my world was ending and in many ways it was. I was dying to an old reality and in need of seeking a new one. I am certain that over the past few weeks with the news stories and the announcements of the removal of 21 priests from active ministry indefinitely, most, if not all of us have felt as if our faith has been assaulted, shaken or rocked in some ways, and it has been to be sure. Our trust in the institutional Church has perhaps been brought into question and we are reminded once again that humans make up the institution of the Church. Human beings will sin, let us down and make bad choices. Our reality might need to be adjusted or we might need to seek out a new reality. The truth is my friends, that we can never forget that God is still at the heart of our Church and that God is still in charge of our Church and God still loves us all and wants us to be happy, faith-filled and content. People will inevitably let us down. Because we are human and we sin, our sins seem to jump from the pages of the newspapers and they seem to glow bright red. The one truth that will never change, the one hope that we must cling to and always and have in our hearts, is that our God loves us and has managed to steer the Church through some very rocky moments in history. I know for certain that God will not abandon us now. The reality is that the abuse of any person is wrong. The abuse of some of the most vulnerable among us, namely children is especially wrong and when perpetrated by people who are meant to be trusted and counted on, it seems horribly wrong; and it is. I am sorry that all of us have to go through this heart-wrenching moment again. I hope you will join me in praying always for anyone who is a victim of abuse, for anyone who is accused of being an abuser and for those who are guilty of abuse, as they need our prayers also. God and faith and hope will see us through! Peace, Father Steve Leva Parish Lenten Saint Timothy Fish Fry $15.00 per adult/ $7 per child 12 & under All take-out orders: $15.00 **TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE** NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR** BINGO 116 immediately following dinner Fry Friday, April 1 in the parish hall 6:00-9:00pm Dinner includes homemade crab cakes, Fish, Pasta French fries/Cole slaw Soda, water, coffee & tea Please bring a dessert to share! Fish -----------------------------------Ticket Request Name: Phone: # Adult Tickets: # Child Tickets: AMT enclosed: $ # Takeout orders: (will call for de- tails) Please return to the Rectory—make checks payable to Saint Timothy Church. Tickets must be purchased by March 25th. (no extension on deadline) TICKETS AVAILABLE IN THE SCRIP AND RECTORY OFFICES. 3 Eucharistic Celebration Mass Intentions MONDAY MARCH 21ST LENTEN WEEKDAY 6:30 AM Judith Valentino 8:30AM James J. Valentino CELEBRANT SCHEDULE FOR March 26th and 27th ND 4:30PM TUESDAY MARCH 22 –LENTEN WEEKDAY 6:30 AM Hugh Saunders 8:30AM Joseph & Michael Meyer WEDNESDAY MARCH 23RD–LENTEN WEEKDAY 6:30 AM Frank Rotchford 8:30AM Frank J. Kelly 7:00PM Mary Salvati CELEBRANTS FOR SUNDAY 6:30AM 8:30AM 10:00AM 12:00PM THURSDAY MARCH 24TH – SAINT TORIBIO DE MOGROVEJO 6:30AM Joseph Gallagher I.P.C. (living) 8:30AM Cathryn & Stephen Haughton Father Patrick McCormick Father John Kolodziej, OSFS Father Stephen Leva Father Stephen Leva Church Memorials-Week of March 20 th The Sanctuary Light in the Upper Church will burn in loving memory of Ted Lockton The Bread and Wine are offered in the Upper Church in loving memory of Margaret Hopkins FRIDAY MARCH 25TH - THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD 6:30AM Marvin Przeworski 8:30AM Roberta Ryan SATURDAY MARCH 26TH SAINT JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN M ARY 8:30AM Ben & Margaret 4:30PM Bernard J. King Third Sunday of Lent Father Patrick McCormick The Sanctuary Light in the Lower Church will burn in loving memory of Carl & Delores Fragale The Bread and Wine are offered in the Lower Church in loving memory of Carl & Delores Fragale Guzek & Family Parish Calendar Monday March 21 Tuesday March 22 3PM CYO Athletics Wednesday March 23 9AM—Golden Friends Seniors Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Benediction 6PM—Handbell RehearsalCancelled 7PM Rosary 7PM Scripture Study 3PM CYO Athletics 4:30PM CCD 7PM RCIA Thursday March 24 Friday March 25 Saturday March 26 Third Sunday in Lent 3PM CYO Athletics 3PM CYO 3PM Children’s Choir Rehearsal Athletics 7PM Adult Choir Rehearsal 7PM Stations of the Cross Sunday March 27 1PM CYO Athletics 4:30 pm Mass— Scrutiny C DR = Convent Dining Room L = Library LC = Lower Church PH = Parish Hall DR = Rectory Dining Room Altar Server Schedule-Week of March 20 th Mon., 8:30AM A. Kau, A. Wright Tues., 8:30AM C. Kacprowicz, A. Youse Weds., 8:30AM C. Wallace, K. Trice Thurs., 830AM A. Andalis, M. Basileo Fri., 8:30AM D. Decker, D. Blauser SATURDAY/SUNDAY, MARCH 26-27 4:30PM H. Schweizer, A. Stranzl, V. Stranzl 8:30AM J. Weinert, A. Whalen, M. Sapata 10:00AM R. Teel, J. .Padilla, E. Weldon 12:00PM H. Schweizer, E. Langlinais, A. Symes 116 Universal Call to Holiness EXPOSITION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT AND BENEDICTION: Wednesday in the Lower Church. Exposition takes place after the 8:30AM Mass until Benediction at 12:00PM. RECITATION OF THE HOLY ROSARY: The Holy Rosary is recited each morning at 8:00AM in the Lower Church. On Saturday, the Rosary is prayed at 8:00AM at the outdoor Marian Grotto (weather permitting). On Tuesdays at 7pm in the Lower Church. FIRST SATURDAY EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Saturday, April 2nd, 2011 from 8:30AM until noon. First Saturday Exposition runs from October through May. 4 Parish Prayer Intentions Financial Information—Sunday Tithing PLEASE REMEMBER OUR SICK IN YOUR PRAYERS God’s Plan for Giving: Thank you! Tithing is God’s plan to support His Church. Full tithing means 10% of income to God. We ask half of this, or 5% for your Parish Church. Joan C. Atkinson Elizabeth Bachmayer Ray Bastkowski Ron Bazzano Fran Beck Mary Campellone Deborah Cannon Raymond Carlin Cecelia Clancy Ray Cole Tracey D’Alessandro Joanne Daugherty Jillian Davis Tony DelColombo Sr. Katherine Denny Kim DiBattista Joan Dillon Margaret DiStefano Thomas Flynn Lucy Forgione Josephine Glennon Lew Hall Mark Haner Deacon Ed Hanley Annette Hart John Hess Christina Hoffmann John B. Howe Saye Howe Donna James Bill & Ruth Kelly William F. Kelly Richard Kelly Henry Keough Helen Laranko Jessica Leva Joyce Lolend Bernice Lombardi Erick Markland Michael McGuire MaryEllen Meginley Peggy Ann Meyer Joseph Minnich Bridgid Mullan Rosemarie Muhollen Kathleen Murray Sarah Natali James O. Nay David Norris Baby Michael Oberholtzer Sunday, March 13, 2011 Amt: $13,971 Envelopes: 1,009 Helena Phraner Raymond Pozelewski Frank Ramos, Jr. Kathleen Regan Dorothy Scheetz William Sharp Ed Sheehan Riley Stone Patricia Stokes Charles Sulzbach Mary Vizzard Lexie Taylor Detlov Tessel Thomas Thieroff Albert Walls William Wernery Nor’Easter 2010 Sunday, March 14, 2010 Amt: $9,969 Envelopes: 584 A Will can be a final expression of one’s love and concern for family, friends, and the Parish Community. Please remember the Saint Timothy Church in your estate planning! Reminder to High School and Grade School Parents: A participating parishioner is a member of Saint Timothy Parish who faithfully attends Mass on Sunday and who contributes to the support of our parish at that time through the use of Sunday envelopes with a minimum contribution of $10.00 per week. In addition, High School students should continue to use their envelopes as well. All contributions will be reviewed and tuition will be charged accordingly. Memorial Opportunities ** We will be happy to keep the name of your loved one on the sick list for three weeks. Hopefully, by that time, they will have recovered. If you wish to extend a request for prayers beyond that time, please call the Rectory in order to place the request on the prayer list again.** Amelia Leva Dorothy Lewis Monserrate Conception May the souls of the faithful departed through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen Sanctuary Fund In Loving Memory of William E. Scanlon Enrolled by the Geraldine Ibberson 116 5 SAINT TIMOTHY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Social Services—Sister Bea McElrone, SSJ, Religious Education—Mrs. Cheryl Kirschman 215-331-5436 215-338-9797 Ext. 123 RETREAT FOR WOMEN…who have lost a loved one to a sudden death: Marianist Retreat House, Cape May, Friday April, 29 to Sunday morning, May 1. To register, contact Kathleen O’Hara at 215-235-7722. AID FOR FRIENDS…is in need of volunteer visitors to deliver meals to shut-ins. Call Lynn or Jeannie at 215624-2224 if you can give some time to this charitable cause. PCA Attendant Transportation Service (ATS) provides door-through-door and upper floor assistance to impaired older adults. This service is provided in conjunction with SEPTA’s CCT-CONNECT Shared Ride services. Attendant services are meant to supplement rather than replace those of an informal or paid escort. Certification of eligibility is required. Call 215-765-9040. Thank you to all who took a lamb or a dove and are praying for the children preparing for the sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation. There are approximately 150 students being prepared for the two sacraments. For information regarding CCD classes, please contact Mrs. Cheryl Kirschman in the Religious Education office. 215-3389797 or email [email protected]. Music Ministry - Ms. Anne Coneghen 215-624-6188 Ext. 102 “Give thanks for music-making art, And praise the Spirit’s choice Of members called and set apart With instrument and voice. With work and wisdom, skills hard-won, Life-giving and life-long They celebrate what God has done, And lead the people’s song.” - Brian Wren Community Behavioral Health (CBH) provides mental health and substance abuse treatment to Medicaid recipients. 215-413-3100, Associated Services for the Blind provide support, education, training and advocacy for the blind and visually impaired. 215-627-0600, AVAILABLE THROUGH THE MINISTRY OFFICE: Medical equipment items: bed rail, bed alarm, toilet safety rail, oxygen tubing ,wheel chair, large therapeutic support knee high socks for men, raised toilet seat, crutches, blue pads, lg and xlg adult diapers, disposable liners, blue pads, shower chairs, abdominal binder, walkers (with wheels), canes (singles, 4 prong), commode, Safesport knee stabilizing brace (large, black), weekly pill containers. Homemaker-companion (assists Seniors in need) person who will shop, clean, prepare light meals, help with personal care), Drivers for doctors’ appointments, shopping, etc. (advanced notice needed for a ride), Cleaners These persons are parishioners whose service is done for a reasonable rate. Call Ministry Office, 215-331-5436. CORA SERVICES AT CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES…through its Family Intervention Program provides counseling and prevention programs for youth and their families addressing family relationship issues and child/parent concerns including substance use. Services offered at little or no cost. Call 215-324-7660, ext. 2450. FURNITURE / LARGE APPLIANCE DONATION PICK-UP: Call St. Vincent De-Paul Society, 215-2888160. The music ministry is looking for new members for both the Adult Choir and the Handbell Choir. No formal musical training is necessary. Come and join a wonderful group of parishioners in giving praise and glory to God here at Saint Timothy’s Church. Monday, March 21st Handbell Rehearsal - 6p.m. Thursday, March 24th Childrens’ Choir - 3 p.m. Adult Choir - 7 p.m. Church Memorials Available 29 May 2011: Sanctuary Light - Lower Church 5 June 2011: Sanctuary Light - Lower Church 26 June 2011: Sanctuary Light - Lower Church 26 June 2011: Bread & Wine - Lower Church 3 July 2011: Sanctuary Light - Upper Church 3 July 2011: Sanctuary Light - Lower Church 3 July 2011: Bread & Wine - Lower Church Call the Rectory for information. Also there are a good number of 6:30a.m. Mass intentions available. 6 What’s Happening Scripture Study Saint John’s Hospice / Saint Francis Inn are in dire need of Winter clothing and blankets — For drop-off, please call Ellie at 215-332-6465. Thank you for all of your help! Who: All are welcome! When: Tuesdays at 7:30 PM Where: Rectory Basement Topic: Next Sunday's Readings S.O.U.L. (Save Our Unborn Lives): We are especially in need of cribs, porta-cribs & bassinets right now. We always need baby clothing and furniture. If you can help, please call Ellie Walsh @ 215-332-6465. Thank you for your continued support of God’s little ones. Contact Norbert Moser: 215-332-3793 John W. Hallahan Catholic Girls School: Seventh Grade Practice Exam at Hallahan - will be administered to current 7th grade girls on Saturday, March 26, 2011. Cost is $25 due at time of registration. The registration form can be found on our website: under Admissions or you can call 215-563-830 ext. 251. Tours of Hallahan and an information session will follow the exam at approximately 11:45a.m. 8th grade Registration: If you haven’t already done so, there is still time to register your daughter for the 2011-2012 school year. Registration forms will be accepted and questions will be answered at this time as well. Mercy Vocational High School Open House (7th grade students): You are cordially invited to experience the Mercy difference by attending our Open House Program on Sunday, April 3rd, from 12-3p.m. Visitors should be present by 1:45pm to get the full tour. Invest an hour and see first-hand the many wonderful opportunities available at the only Catholic vocational high school in the country. Learn about our Academic Programs, our Career and Technical Programs, Technology, Outcomes for Graduates, Extra-curricular Activities, Athletics, Tuition Assistance , Transportation options and more! CORA SERVICES: 8540 Verree Rd., Phila. Flea Market/Craft Fair “Vendors needed” Indoor - $30 or 2 / $50 (includes 5’ table). Outdoor - $15 or 2 / $25 Saturday, May 7th - 9am—2pm Contact: 215701-2524 or [email protected] Round the Bases! Cross home plate at Citizens Bank Park for families facing cancer on April 10th! Support the mission of For Pete’s Sake Cancer Respite Foundation by joining us for a family-friendly Walk. Visit for more information. Unlock the Secrets to a More Vibrant Parish: Event sponsored by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Office for Formation of the Laity: Workshop will focus on: • FUNERALS: concrete ways to reach out to non-practicing Catholics in a gentle, compassionate way. • PARISH REGISTRATION: practical ways to help newcomers become part of the community. • LITURGY: specific suggestions to establish ministers of hospitality at weekend Masses ONE Workshop - FOUR Different Locations 7-9p.m. MONDAY, MAY 2: St. Ann, Phoenixville TUESDAY MAY 10: Holy Cross, Philadelphia THURSDAY, MAY 12: Queen of the Universe, Levittown MONDAY, MAY 16: St. Mary, Schwenksville Contact Information: Sister Louise Alf Phone: 215-587-0547— Email: [email protected]—Fax: 215-587-3561. 116 S C R I P Hours Golden Friends Seniors SAINT TIMOTHY GOLDEN FRIENDS SENIOR CLUB Senior Meetings: Wednesday, 9am-3pm (PH) May 16, 2011: Hunterdon Hills Playhouse Dinner Theatre. Noel Coward Blithe Spirit (comedy classic). September 12-16, 2011: (Monday 12-16) Double $366 Single $448 Triple $344. Pinegrove Dude Ranch 5 days and 4 nights Cocktail hour with Bloody Mary’s. 3 meals a day, shows nightly. Daily activities including bingo, horse racing, horseback riding and many more! $50 deposit per person to reserve your seat. Final payment August 10, 2011 Cancellation insurance included in price of trip. Please call Rose Peck at 215-335-2287 or Rosemarie Townsend at 215-332-5256. We’re a fun group! C a l l t o C o n v e r s i o n & H o l i n e s s The Sacrament of Confession - Let’s put this behind us Jesus does not insult us, or our intelligence, by pretending that our sins do not exist. The Cross certainly reminds us of their reality. In the Sacrament of Confession, we humbly acknowledge the reality of our personal sins, not so that they can be masked or ignored, but so that they may be truly forgiven for what they are. Then, we can put them behind us! You are invited to read Cardinal Rigali’s Pastoral Letter that can be found on the home page of the Archdiocese - 7 Market Summer 2011 6:30AM Mass Schedule and Intentions xxxMass as well as 8:30AM We will be having 6:30AM Mass during the Summer. The 6:30AM Masses are now available for Mass Intentions. Please stop by or call the Rectory Office if you would like to have a Mass celebrated. Thank you. Thank you for your Market Day order this month! We’re looking forward to seeing you when you pick up your order on Monday 03/28/2011 between 7:00PM and 8:00PM. You can find us in the parish hall. If you have any questions please contact Bill Marks at 215-520-0847. Thank you for your continued support. Miscellaneous Father Judge Beef, Beer, Bingo & Baskets—Friday, March 25th Dinner and Shopping at 7pm - Bingo 8pm - Tickets available for $25. Join us for a fun night out! Must be 21. Sponsored by Father Judge High School Mother’s Association. Call Barb for tickets at 215-677-7276 or email [email protected] Archbishop Ryan High School will be hosting a Welcome Home Reunion on March 26th at Ryan at 8p.m. for the following classes. 1975 and 1976 35 year reunion - 1985 and 1986 25 year reunion - 1995 and 1996 15 year reunion. The entire building will be open for you! Dance in the gym again, stop out onstage, and see your teams’ trophies on display. Dinner, Dancing and reconnecting. It won’t be the same without you! Tickets are $40 and available on line at ryanalumni.ccom or by calling Fr. Rene at 215-824-1190. First Annual Saint Timothy Reunion Golf Outing: Tim “Dags” Campellone Golf outing will be held on Sunday August 21 at John Bryne Golf Day News Course and Post Party at 3 Monkeys Café. Benefits St. Timothy’s Students. Call Joe Lavin at 215-776-2829 for details. Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Before summer is over, take time for your relationship. Our next couples experience will be May 13-15, 2011. For more information call 1-800-456 -8330. Wedding Couples, please note: The grounds of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, 4001 Grant Avenue are available for outside Wedding Pictures by appointment only. For information call: Sister Helen at 215-268-1040. Saint Hubert 3rd Gala Art Auction: Saturday, April 16, 2011 - 7pm art preview and Hors d’oeuvres, Wine, 8pm auction starts. $20 pp. St. Hubert Cafeteria hosted by the Alumnae Assn. Proceeds benefit the scholarship fund. Call 267-205-0674 for tickets or email [email protected] Program ads also welcome, all price ranges. First Annual St. Timothy’s School & Parish “Tigers Roar at the Shore” Reunion St. Timothy’s will host a parish and school reunion on Saturday, August 6, 2011 from 3:00 to 7:00 PM at Keenan’s Irish Pub in North Wildwood, New Jersey. This is shaping up to be a very special day as interest is tremendous. All members of Saint Timothy’s parish, staff, or school, past and present, are welcome to attend. “Friends of Saint Timothy’s” are more than welcome as well. Tickets for the reunion are $35 and includes both bottled and draft domestic beers, wine, soda, hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, macaroni salad, DJ and band entertainment. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. Tickets can be purchased in person or by mail at the following: St. Timothy’s Rectory 3001 Levick Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 215- 624-6188 (please make all checks payable to Saint Timothy Church) Tickets will be sold at the door as well but it is recommended that you purchase your tickets in advance as interest in the reunion is tremendous and continues to grow each day. Please know that Keenan’s Irish Pub has a very strict policy regarding underage drinking. ALL REUNION GUESTS MUST BE 21 YEARS OLD – NO EXCEPTIONS !! For more information please contact: Michael “ODES” O’Donnell 4243 Hellerman Street Philadelphia, PA 19135 215-333-7936 Saint Timothy Parish Mission Statement We, the parish Family of Saint Timothy Roman Catholic Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a diverse community of many generations, are dedicated to announcing God’s presence for all people Relying on God’s Spirit and a strong tradition of Word, worship and welcome, we seek to create a community of prayer, teaching and service. Parish Clergy Reverend Stephen F. Leva ............................ Pastor ..............................................215-624-6188 .............................. [email protected] Reverend Patrick G. McCormick ................... Parochial Vicar .................................215-624-6188 x119 .......... [email protected] Deacon Edward F. Hanley ............................. Permanent Deacon ..........................215-624-6188 x304 [email protected] Parish Pastoral Staff Sister Beatrice McElrone, SSJ ........................ Social Services .................................215-331-5436 Ms. Anne Coneghen ...................................... Music Ministries ..............................215-624-6188 x102 [email protected] Mrs. Cheryl Kirschman .................................. Religious Education .........................215-338-9797 x123 .............. [email protected] Parish Administrative Staff Mr. Dennis J. Kelley ....................................... Business Manager ...........................215-624-6188 x104 ..................... [email protected] Mrs. Mariane Fragment ................................ Parish Secretary ...............................215-624-6188 x101 .............. [email protected] Sister Mary Elizabeth Farrell, SSJ .................. Tuition Officer .................................215-624-6188 x110 ..................... [email protected] ..................................................................... SMART Tuition .................................888-868-8828 Saint Timothy School Mrs. Lucille Hillerman ................................... Principal ...........................................215-338-9797 ......................... [email protected] Mrs. Ann Marie Dinan ................................... School Secretary ..............................215-338-9797 .............................. [email protected] Parish Ministry Contacts Aid for Friends .............................................. Mrs. Lynn Trombetta .......................215-464-2224 Altar Servers ................................................. Father McCormick ...........................215-624-6188 x119 .......... [email protected] Choir ............................................................. Ms. Anne Coneghen ........................215-624-6188 x102 [email protected] CYO Sports .................................................... Mrs. Tricia Decker............................215-333-5203 ........................ [email protected] CYO Teenage Youth Group ........................... Mr. Thomas Sullivan ........................215-743-6344 Evangelization Committee ............................ Ms. Beth Wood................................215-624-1909 ....................... [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of Communion ....... Ms. Diana Dematteo .......................215-289-6325 Home and School Association ...................... Ms. Diane Welsh..............................267-253-1435 Lectors .......................................................... Ms. Margaret Stein ..........................215-624-6188 Spiritual Life Committee ............................... Father McCormick ...........................215-624-6188 x119 .......... [email protected] Men of Saint Timothy ................................... Mr. Paul Prendergast.......................215-342-2130 Pro-Life Group (SOUL)................................... Mrs. Ellie Walsh ...............................215-332-6465 RCIA .............................................................. Father McCormick ...........................215-624-6188 x119 .......... [email protected] Senior Citizens .............................................. Mr. John Sacchetti ...........................215-535-3697 Separated or Divorced Catholics .................. Family Life Office: Tara Seyfer .........215-587-3516 S.T.A.R. (Saint Timothy Alumni) .................... Mrs. Jackie Lardani ..........................215-744-3644 [email protected] Stewardship Committee ............................... Mrs. Angela Leech ...........................215-624-6188 x106 Swim Team (Tigersharks) .............................. Mr. John Berner...............................215-287-6865 ..................... T.O.D.A.Y. Program ....................................... Sister Margaret Maura, RSM ...........215-624-6188 x216 Ushers ........................................................... Mr. John Sacchetti ...........................215-535-3697
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Saint Timothy Roman Catholic Church / Saint Timothy Parish
priests at least six months before the wedding date.
Visits to Sick and Homebound
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