Cyclops 1960
Cyclops 1960
NORTH GEO R G -^^ ff ARCHIVES U428 C9 1960c. North Georgia College CYCLOPS 1 4455S Date Due Yearbook of NORTH GEORGIA COLLEGE DAHLONEGA, GEORGIA ISp.Col. U 428 .N6 C9 I9o0 Georgia College, Cyclops / 445b2 iNforth ORGANIZATIONS' EDITOR: Vivian Ingram BUSINESS MANAGER: Joy FEATURES: Dottie Harrison CLASSEiS: Pattie Newton PUBLICATION STAFF: Winifred Parris Susan Archer Linda Morey Marianne Thornton Pat Hubbard Kay Gissendaner Doris Carmichael -y Martin ^INESS STAFF: Bob Smith Barbara Henson Joyce Estes Sandra Durham »^—^^: ^*^*l Busb^ Sandra Brown MR. J. D. ANTHONY DEDICATION The outstanding qualities of what make him so loved by faculty man to teach will his students, his fellow his gentle keep him forever who have been privileged to manner, and know him. dedicate this annual to J. D. his desire alive in the hearts of of his retirement, we, the 1960 Cyclops MR. himself are members, and everyone who meets him. His keen sense of humor, all this ANTHONY. In the year staff, wish to ^^- y •--* Jk ''The Moving Finger Writes; And , Having Writ, Moves On: OMAR KHAYYAM / / Work .MfeV>.>v-vV/VV We Learn, ! rjy^. ;^ r<e«r-;-C-'^r And Finally Reap Our Re^a rd rcucjahM A GENERAL HOAG DEAN YOUNG President Dean D M I N I S T R AT O N MISS DONOVAN Dean of Women I CAPTAIN HAUSE Commandant of Cadets FACULTY J. D. Anthony, M.A. Biology W. D. Booth, M.A. M. Bouffard, M.A. P. Education English T. C. Bryan, Ph.D. Social Science AucE Donovan, Home B.S. Economics J. G. Bryson, M.S. Business Administration Sarah Drew, M.S. G. H. Engerrand, Ph.D. Social Science Modern Language 20 W. Carpenter, M.A. Mathematics S. W. H. EssARY, M.A. English R. H. Belcher, M.S. Chemistry Dorothy Brown, Ph.D. English C. J. DiSMUKES, Ph.D. Modern Language H. B. Forester, Ph.D. Biology FACULTY Joyce Fowler, M.A. Physical Education L. B. Freeman, M.S. business Administration B. L. Freeman, M.S. Economics Home FACULTY E. G. PiGG, W. M.A. Physics P. Roberts, Ph.D^ Social Science T .^> / B. W. Sanders, M.S. J. M. Smith, M.A. Orby Southard, Ph.D. Social Science J. B. Trammell, C. E. Stevenson, ma. Business Administration Jean White, M.A. English M.A. H. R. Suluvan, M.A. English Education Education M. Wight, Ph.D. Mathematics C. 22 J. T. Simpson, M.A. English Chemistry Biology F. C. SIMMS, Ph.D. C. M. Yager, M.Ed. Physics L. R. TowsoN, M.A. Mathematics W. D. Young, M.A. Social Science STAFF Mrs. Emory Bell Nurse LuaLLE Chambers Comp- Secretary to Assistant Audrey Bunkley Secretary to the Comptroller Miss Estelle David Secretary to President trailer Mrs. Ann Huff Secretary, Registrar's Office Arnold Hulsey Accountant, Comptroller's J. W. Philups Assistant Comptroller Frances Ragan Assistant Dietician Robert Ragan Manager Student Canteen Office Wendell Satterfield Cashier, Comptroller's Office Emory L. Stephens Bookkeeper, Comptroller's J. B. Jones Bookstore Assistant Office Kki^i 23 Mrs. Hazel Tyree Dietician Miss Patricia Wagner Secretary to the Dean STAFF J. G. Woodward Medical Officer Ola Brown Canteen Dr. "D" and Dr. Engerrand chat before Staff class. 24 Sara M. Wright Nurse re/)itwm I*p^^ .^ MR. AND MISS N. G. 1960 FRANK REECE and PAULA CAGLE C. SIBYL BAESZLER Friendliest RAY BROADAWAY i^/^ if^- Most Versatile 29 MARTHA LISTER ELLIS SKINNER Most Athletic SALLY FOSTER TOMMY HOLLEY 1^ 7 ^*sJ- Cutest Couple MARILYN McBRAYER BEECHER DuVALL Most Dependable JOYCE GREEN TERRY BAGGETT Most Loyal 33 BARBARA KNIGHT EDDIE SILLS who's Who in and Colleges Sitting left to right: K. Sanders, J. Swint, M Ellis, M Universities McBrayer. Back: K. Melton, T. Baggett, R. Waldrop, F. Reece. Back Sianding: Each year teachers their colleges in the United States who have been American J. W. Bowen, select students Green, dochois from outstanding leaders in scholar- and activities on the campus. These honored students are members of "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities". Frank Reece is Cadet Colonel of the Brigade. Roger Waldrop, a Lieutenant Colonel, is Second Battle ship, sportsmanship, citizenship, Group Commander. "F" Company Commander. Terrell Baggett is James Rivers a potential Medical student. is L. Harrison, J. Rivers, M. Capps, L. Horton, T. Mitchell, L. Skinner. Lieutenant Colonel Lee Harrison is First Battle Group Commander. Tilden Mitchell Bill Bowen is is "C" Company Commander. a pre-medical student. Leland Horton is on the Second Battle Group Staff. Melvin Capps is a member of Second Battle Group Staff. Jeanctle Swint is an English major. Joyce Cireen is an education major. Marilyn McBrayer is a home economics major. Karen Sanders is a biology major. Afartha Ellis is a biology major. JUNIORS: LINDA APPLING CHARLIE BREITHAUPT OUTSTANDING UNDERCLASSMEN FRESHMEN: LINDA KIMBROUGH JACKIE RAGSDALE SOPHOMORES: NANCY JORDAN PHILIP PLUMMER h \\] }l tSMBM m ;a ;_i :ii :i, jai ,u \ h', m 1960 CYCLOPS QUEEN MISS ALICE ALLEN "Holy, fair, The heaven and wise is she such grace did lend her That she might admired be." Shakespeare 37 if' . iH-t'X; ANITA ALLEN ^ / <v ^' NANCY JORDAN #%-! GAY RHODES ^1A> UNDA SROl ARSULA THOMAS Brigade Sweetheart 44 S,p(ytJiA Charles Burrell Pitcher Don Segars Bill Second Base Holcomb Charles Cantrell Third Base Left-field Varsity The 1958-59 North Georgia College Varsity baseball team joyed an over-all record of thirteen wins and eight losses. en- This won them third place in the G. I. A. C. By graduation, the team lost Jerido Ward, pitcher; John Cavender, catcher; and Larry Coleman, catcher. Ward, among those graduating, was the Most Valuable Player, and his excellent work on the mound will certainly be missed in the opening season. We will also miss him at the plate! The 1959-60 team is expected to be even better, relying on the efforts of many veteran players as well as new ones. The coming season should be one of the best North Georgia has seen in record several years. Frank Eubanks, Manager First row: Griffith, R. Davis, D. Davis, Cavender, Burrell, McPhaul, Eubanks. Second row: Coleman, Ward, West, Averett, McNair, Ashcraft. Third row: Otte (coach), Cantrell, Royal, Cobb, Holcomb, Smith, Segars, Matherly (coach). Sheffield, Broadaway, Dan Davis Shortstop BASEBALL The CADETS meet and all Carolina, over Mercer They University, College and our old both from out of state College, Western Valdosta State College, Berry a variety of teams, Georgia. play Erskin Piedmont College. is proud of the CADET baseball team. They are a fine group of boys doing an excellent job. The students are also especially proud of the new baseball diamond which the team will be playing on for the first time this year. Along with our new gymnasium, we will have one of the finest baseball diam.onds in the South. With such material and such facilities we expect much from the CADETS. rival, Everyone on the campus Ward preparing to bunt. Graduation for valuable player meant a great loss to the 1960 CADET team. this Ray Broadaway Second Base Bill Royal Right- field Robert Smith First Base Tai ver ANcixnt First Base Barbara Knight Captain Margaret Kennedy Margie Gunn Co-Captain Linda Appling Nancy Judy Fowler Sidney Biirrell Judy Colvin Phillips Cheerleaders The cheerleaders of North Georgia College are present at the basketball These games to cheer the team on to victory. The student body proud of the is pleased by their performance and qualities they represent. chosen by the faculty, the present cheer- Varsity cheerleaders are; Barbara Knight, Linda Appling, and some of the members of the student body. They are judged on the basis of poise, personality, and ability. Judy Fowler, Margie Gunn, Judy Colvin, Nancy Phillips, Sidney Burrell, and Margaret Kennedy. girls are leaders, Substitute Cheerleaders Left to Right: Peggi Walker, Nanci Cowart, Martha Hyde, Kay Norton. Doug Grindlc Jimmy Andy Edwards Spencer Boyd Carter VARSITY BASKETBALL The 1960 Basketball team has displayed tremendous fight under the direction of Coach Rufus Hackney. Spencer "Curly," Boyd, who sets an outstanding example, is fifth leading scorer in the N.A.I.A. In the game with West Georgia, Curly scored 44 points. The team for next year promises to be a good one; such Freshmen as Jackie Ragsdale, Cecil Chewning, spirit and Bobby Cook, Robin Miller, Mike Clark, and Paul Eber- hardt appear to have the qualifications for outstanding basketball players. Billy First Holcomb Tommy Holley row: Adams, Miller, Ragsdale, Tippens, Holcomb. Edwards, Boyd, Holley, Cook. Second Carter, Grindle, roic: Coach Hackney, Anderson, Eberhardt, Chewning, Brown, Thornton, Clark. M wm^i^^. _ y Ml ^f^-Wu n y vm Cecil Chewning Bobby Cook Jerald Brown Joe Thornton Paul Eberhardt, Robin Miller Paul Tippens, Jackie Ragsdale, Mike Clark 44552 Holcomb drives in for a shot. Cadets score again! Two more points for high-point man, Boyd. ^^_^ First Weyman row: Tison, Pat Quigley, Jack Tippens, Bobby Furcron. Second row: Paul Tippens, Joe Thornton, Jerry Akin, Frank Team Varsity Tennis The 1959 North Georgia Tennis we G.I.A.C. trophy. For that reason to an excellent season number one man on the Team won team, the are looking forward Returning this year. Weyman will be the Tison, un- beaten in match play. Also returning are Jack Tippens, unbeaten in singles play, and his brother Paul, unbeaten in doubles play. Last year the Tippens brothers Paul Tippens makes a nice return. The Tippens twosome. Jack and Paul, made their opponents appear to be novices. Their teamwork and coordination are the result of long hours of practice. Though the team lost Quigley, Bard, and Akin, there are still two very prominent and promising players left. Furcron and Thornton will compensate the loss. Varsity members are chosen from an everchanging challenge meaning ing board. The play is that one begins at the may work his way Poole, Coach Hackney. ladder challenge play, bottom and by challeng- to the top. 53 make North Georgia a formidable opponent. Rifle First row: Garrett, Surls, Teams Brown, Wilson, Williams. Second row: Wilkins, Skelton, Johnston, Armstrong, Marchesseau, Moelchert, Blackwell, Carlile, Capt. Levitt. GirL The Team Boys' composed of those girls who are willing to put forth time and effort for the sake of intercollegiate competition. Any girl, whether or not she has had experience, is eligible to compete for a position on the team. During the year many postal matches are entered against colleges and universities all over the United States. Points Girls' Rifle is are earned according to scores in the matches fired. At the end of the year each girl's total is made out and she receives a medal or college jacket according to her standing pared with that of the other team members. as com- The Jr., Boys' Rifle Jarrell, Casey, Ed Skelton, The team most modern shoot- led by Cadet Captain has defeated some of the nation's finest teams. has been completely equipped with the ing aids and to improve the atmosphere in which they shoot, the rifle range at North Georgia College has been completely remodeled and equipped. In the annual William Randolph Hearst Trophy Match Third Army area with Cadet the team placed third in the Captain Skelton taking the individual Army area champion- Cadet Captain Skelton's score was the same as the national individual winner, but the tie was broken by the ship. application of the First Team, NRA tied score rules. Busby, West, Feuchter. Second row: Hiuher, Couch, Coons, Burnette, Smith, Stephens, Driver. 1960 CYCLOPS The 1960 Annual Staff has tried to present to the students a book which is new, different and appealing. For the first time, we have set forth campus life "as it is." The many hours of planning and hard work that have gone into the production of this book will remain unknown to the majority of students, but the staff members will remember it as an unforgettable and rewarding experience. We have struggled together to produce what we hope will please the students and faculty. We hope it will be a foundation for better books in the future. As you look through your 1960 Cyclops, we hope you will see life on this campus — hard work, relaxation, and education. Each picture will represent some phase of your daily life. Every scene is typical of what we see each day, but of which we take little notice. As the years pass, we will see these scenes again in our mind's eye. We have tried to transcend time, select the images which will remain most vivid, and print them for future memories. Time will move on. There will be many memories we wish to the things typical of your recall. It to Editor, Vivian Ingram, checks is our sincere wish that the 1960 Cyclops bring those youthful years back into focus! Cyclops mail for daily notices. Vivian Ingram Editor Manager Joy Busby Dottie Harrison Pattie Newton Financial Adviser Mr. Gilbert Business Features Classes Adviser Dr. Brown Business Manager, Joy Busby, counts at registrar's office. 56 checks will be able Top left: Marianne Thornton, J. D. Whiting, Dottie Harrison. BUSINESS STAFF Top right, seated left to right: Joy Estes, Sandra Durham, Barbara Henson, Linda Morey, Martha Ash, Sandra Brown. Standing: Robert Smith. Left to right: Arthurlynn Dobbs, Pattie Janice Dorough, Ann Wilson. Newton EDITORIAL STAFF Bottom Margaret Kennedy, Judy Martin, Susan Archer, Pat Hubburd, Kay Gissendaner, Winifred Parris, Doris Carmichael, Gail Minton. right: CADET BUGLER The CADET BUGLER'S hardworking staff keeps the student body, the faculty, and the alumni informed on the every day life here at North Georgia College. The and literary aspects of college life much human interest as possible to provide sports, clubs, military, are reflected with as an interesting and informative picture of the present, past, and future of our school. The CADET BUGLER is written entirely by a student a quarterly magazine, staff. The which is writers are benefited by experience, while the student body as a whole has an appealing supplement from their everyday work. Hurley Daughtrey, Editor Peggy Ivey, Lynn Sprague Adviser Miss Business Bottom Manager left: Left to Susan Archer rig)tt: Harvey Cowan, Gayle Brand, Susan Archer, Business Mgr., Ellen Bolton, Betty Hopkins. Bottom right: Left Mary White Hurley Daughtrey Editor Sheats, Hurley Daughtrey, Beverly Bryan. to right: Left to right: John Hodges, Left to right: Judy Jarrell, Dunn, Sybil Baeszler, Carolyn Bonnie McNeal, Margaret Bryan. Hurley Daughtrey, John Lister Skinner. Moss, » ! I McCamy, Melcher, Bibb, Harrison, Capt. Levitt (Adviser), Vaughn, Morrison, Reed, Darden, Ponder. Second row: Hodges, Rivers, Thornton, Brackett, Hurst, Artley, Pirkle, Boyd, A. Smith, Geiger, Leverette, Baggett, Harrison, Gibson, West, Evans, Mitchell, Horton, Brown, Sills. Third row: Skelton, Anderson, Bowen, Holcomb, Winn, Waldrop, Daniel, Duke, Hogsed, Capps, Williams, Guest, Floyd, Higginbotham, Sewell, Parker, Potter, Driver, Tillman, Sims, Hayes. Tirst row: Skinner, Giindle. Melton, Hand, Hardy, Club Offi cers The Officers* Club is an organization which furnishes sup- port for both the students and college in the form of recreation, aid, The and ant aim leadership. Officers' Club sponsors the two largest formal dances North Georgia College each year — the Sweetheart Ball fall quarter, and the Military Ball at the close of spring quarter. Each quarter two movies are sponsored by this club. The money obtained from these movies is used for further entertainment and activities for the school as a whole. Banquets are planned each year for the officers and at during their dates. The purpose This organization provides a basis of experience into the life they will probably follow. An import- military form of of the banquets is to familiarize preparing the Junior Class cadets for Benning. The Club also sponsors a dance for the Junior Class members while at Fort Benning. This group publishes an address booklet each year with is to aid in "Summer Camp" all at Fort students of N.G.C. listed in it. This book has proven The Officers' Club provides a means by which Army. Left to right: Eddie Sills, Vice-Pres.; Fred Pope, Sec; Albert Hardy, Treas.; Grindle, Chaplain; Capt. Levitt, Adviser; and Lee Harrison, Pres. all officers can have a voice in the operation in the corps and student body. It sets an example for the remainder of the cadets. the cadet officer with his future social activities in the United States to be of great value to each cadet and coed. Doug Capt. Levitt Adviser Anita Aixen Sweetheart First row: Rickard, Harris, Winn, Lord, Breithaupt, Daughtrey, Horn, Turner, Cox, R. Davis, Brinson, Harpold. Whitehead, Watson, Conkin. Second row: Garth, Blount, Eidson, Hardy, D. Adams, Ireland, Hopkins, Melton, Johnson, Sumpter, Sales, J. Tippens, Brown, Sheffield, Duncan, Lancaster, D. Davis, Lovelace, Thayer, Butler, Kenyon, Carlile. Third row: J. Adams, Wheeler, O'Kelley, Rainwater, McCormick, Dyer, Grider, P. Tippens, R. Smith, J. Davis, Banks, Furcron, Drinkard, Miller, Cantrell, Payne, Benson, Couch, D. Watson, Eubanks, Pierson, Sneed, Mooney, Lowe, Scholes, WesLbrook, Norman. Non-Commissioned The North Georgia College N.C.O. Club is concerned and important supplement to military training, both for the present and for the future. Its activities include the reviewing of the branches of the Army, the with being a vital study of tactics as they are practically applied, the use of actual communications as used in the seeks to provide a balanced round field. The Club also for and night the field Club problems, firing on the range, observing at Army Ranger Camp, and a general review of military on a much better Stimmer Camp, which in turn fulfills the ultimate objective of producing able and capable leaders. North Georgia daily feels the influence of the N.C.O. Club science enable the individual cadet to put performance at members exert their respective leadership Seated: Charles Breithaupt, Pres. Standing: Ronnie Davis, Sec; Robert Turner, V. of social activities, not enjoyment, but also for understanding of the customs and practices of the Army. Practical work, like day only Officers' as its individual abilities. Major Smith Adviser Hurley Daughtrey, Chaplain; Barclay Cox, Treas.; Fredrick Home, Mrs. C. C. Breithaupt Glen DA Selman Sponsor Sweetheart Sgt. at Arms. P.; c p fiVsi s ^G^ ,iiii0SsStB^^^^ f! Sills, Winn, Breithaupt, Winn, Horn, Skinner. Second row: Macolly, Conkin, Hand. Blount, Hoover, Leverette, Woods, Turner, Garrett. Third row: Plummer, Baggett, Johnson, Smith, Watson, Cox, Sumpter, Smith, Sales, Benson. Mitchell, Garth. row: Bibb, Hardy, Lord, Thornton, Scholes, Heeth, Rex Fraternity Rex The Fraternity was founded in 1917 by a group of cadets who were original The motto is "The wreath is for those who con- active and the colors are red, white, and black. The present Alpha Chapter of REX is the oldest social group on the campus. The men of REX are proud of their fraternity and are always working together this to interested in forming a social group but were not desirous of joining a national fraternity. In 1933 national were banned from the campus. Sigma Nu, then on the campus, was disbanded and the members of formed REX. fraternities Seated left to right: Thornton, Sills, Winn. Standing: Lord, Smith. tend." flower is the tuberose, keep the fraternity progressive in the future. President Eddie Sills V .-President Secretary Treasurer Adviser .... Hewell Winn Furman Thornton Gerald Lord Major Smith Left to Floyd, Artley, right: Smith, Higginbotham. Hayes, Mr. Belcher. Ralph Hayes President V .-President . . Secretary Treasurer Linton Higginbotham Howard Floyd Harry Artle> Mr. Belcher .... Adviser Sigma Theta Fraternity The history of the Sigma Theta Fraternity at N.G.C. started in 1934, but the origin of the Fraternity dates back large The membership, so the Sigma Club split into two parts. national fraternities had lost their charter at N.G.C. further. because the college had become too small. At the old Georgia State College for Men in Tifton, there was an honorary leadership organization called the Sigma Club. Members were selected for their leadership in campus Omega members on activities as well as for scholarship. this An organization such as could not hope to compete with social fraternities for a The the faculty organized the patterned after the Sigma Omega and Sigma old Sigma Sigma Theta, Clubs. Mr. Belcher and Mr. Booth, members of our faculty, are both former members of the Sigma Club and organizers of the present Sigma Theta Fraternity. row: Hodges, Reece, Waldrop, Artley, Mr. Belcher (Adviser), Hayes. Smith, Higginbotham, Floyd. Second row: Hall, A. Thayer, Easley, Maples, Whitehead, Davis, Hale, Robinson, Blackmon, Gober. Third row: Freeman, Potter, Mooney, D. Thayer, Daughtrcv, \an Horn, Rikard. Cobb, Lancaster, Bowen, Melcher, Mason. First Business Administration Club The Business Administration Club is to help the business administration students by bringing them together to discuss problems they have encountered or might encounter in their problems of mutual concern. The meetings also give the club members a view into all phases of business by presenting speakers from large concerns all over Georgia. These representatives talk with the members about the different This organization, being one of the largest on the N.G.C. campus, shows its interests in many ways. They provide a used uniform exchange for the benefit of the Cadets, future jobs. Newton Oakes Terry Baggett. V. P.; Barbara Henson, reporter; Linton Higginbotham, Pattie Newton, Sec. Pres.; Joy Busby, Treas.; Adviser Mrs. S. Higginbotham Sponsor MM Home Economics Club The Home Economics Club home economics students of the strives to inform the opportunities for serv- home, family, and nation through art and an opportunity for fellowship among students on the campus as well as promotes professional attitudes and interests. The club also seeks to improve ice to the science. It provides education for the profession of home economics, de- velop leadership ability, and share with others the value of the profession. The Home Economics Club serves the school in many The members made the refreshments for the presi- ways. also make pimch and cookies for At Christmas time a reception is presented to exhibit projects done by the home furnishings class, cooking class, and Home Economics Club to acquaint outsiders with the Home Economics Department at North Georgia College. Near the end of spring quarter a tea is given in honor of the seniors. dent's reception. company parties. They First row: S. Fisher, K. Gissendaner, L. Gilbert, S. Durham, K. Gibbons, J. Keller, H. Daughtrey, S Stone, S. Stephens, B. Hopkins, Z. J. Fowler, T. Cheek, T. Thomas, B. Parks, J. Dunn, M. Bryan, L. Appling, J. Estes, A. AlThird row: S. Hartley, L. Bradley. H. Hooks, J. Moss, A. Hardy, L. Mooney, R. Butler, H. Cowan, T. Freeman, J. Bell. D. Daniels, Mr. Simpson (Adviser) Officers: H. Daughtrey, Pres.; E. Stephens, Vice-pres.; Sharlene Griffin, Sec. Davidson, B. McNeal, B. Bryan. Second row: len, E. Stephens. . Alpha Dramatics Club The Dramatic Club has one of the biggest club member- ships on campus. ficial student activities and It provides is many opportunities for bene- a great service to the North Alpha ternity. points. Psi Omega Psi is a Omega national honorary dramatic Georgia College campus. various duties connected with a stage performance. The club puts on one performance each quarter in the form of three one-act plays or a full-length play. Also the club is responsible for many of our fine chapel programs. ligious The purpose Mae Smith, Emily Stephens, Mooney. Hurley Daughtrey, Lister Skinner, Mr. Simpson A dviser Lister Skinner Presiden t Lowell and of this club social is "Using young talent for It is through this entertainment." re- or- ganization that the North Georgia students rise in the dra- matic Ida fra- To be a member of this organization one must earn A potential candidate earns points by assisting in field. j row: Martha Ellis, Jim Hubbard, Hurley Daughtery, John Potter. Second row: Martha Connell, First Rivers, Pat Alberta Susan Hoff, Tippcns, Jack Third Annette John Davis, Bell. Henryetta Brown, rotu: Tankersley, Shirley Emily Stephens, Fourth row: Johnson, Winn. Billy Karen Sanders, Betty Smith, Nan Young Tillman, Smith, Euphala Sosebee, Bill Bowen. Fifth row: Dr. Forester (Adviser), Officers: M. Ellis, Pres.; J. Rivers. Vice-pres.; J. Potter. Sec: P. Hubbard; Dr. Lloyd. Forester, Adviser Chemistry Club Biology Club The Chemistry Club is a professional organization composed of professional chemistry majors. The objectives of pemiission to organize a Science Club. This matter was the organization are the following: to provide programs of ferred to a committee headed by Dr. Forester, general interest on subjects which are not covered in and to class, provide social entertainment for students of similar academic interest. portance of chemistry in modern warfare. The club is capably supervised by Dr. Simms and Pro- fessor Belcher. First row: Dr. Simms, Carlile. Ray row: Guy Wood, B. Lips- Second comb, Ronald Norris, Bryan, Tommy How- Miller, Sharpe, William Furcron, Hall, Theo Robert ^iles, Lynn Sprague. Walter Parks, Pres.; E. Harrison, Vice-Pres.; James Officers: Carlile, Sec. - Simms, Adviser. Treas.; its fall quarter of 1939, a group of students applied for faculty adviser. In 1940 the Science Dr. re- who became Club was officially founded. In 1959, the name was changed to the Biology Club. associate members and members. Members are those majoring and the pre-professional in biology studies such as medicine, dentistry, medical technology, nursing, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine. Associate members are those two terminal courses in the Harrison, Walter Parks, James Lovelace, Joyce In Provision in the constitution provides for During the period of one year the club sponsors at least one major field trip and one program dealing with the im- ell, Lynn who are field of biology. taking one or Radio Club The Radio Club was World War. At W4KGD, and first later, organized during the Second the club operated under the in 1949 the club call of call of W4PYM was obtained. The first contact using the new call was a station on Guam Island. The first radio room was in the tower of Price Memorial Building and the present one is in the Science Building. They also have a shack on Radar Ridge, which is used for field trips, experimentation in VHF work, and for training in emergency work. The club has generators which can furnish power in case of power failure, and also eating and sleeping facilities. The is also open to become a ham radio operator. The club has transmitting and receiving equipment to cover all the most used amateur bands and is capable of com- club is primarily for hams, but anyone wishing to municating with other stations in any part of the world Mr. Pigg Adviser President J- Vice-President D. Seated: Hardy, Hardy Beauchamp, Mr. Pigg. Standing: Farr, Parks, Bisky, Ixiwe, Dismukes, Pigg. D. Biskey . Physics Club The science. Physics The Club was organized to promote interest in club has a very active program throughout the year. In addition to occasional guest lecturers, the club spon- sors trips to various scientific installations in show physical principles being applied, and an in effort turn, to members of this club apply this experience to the subject which they are studying. This year trips were made to the Lockheed plant at Dawsonville, and to Tullahoma, Tennessee. the Seated: Capps, Ponder, Hayes. Standing: Duke, N. Watson, D. Watson, Freeman, Hurst, Parker, Mitchell, Breithaupt, Eidson, Scholes, Worley, Hardy, Guthrie, Harpold, Sales, Bowden, Rikavd, Yager. Adviser: Mr. Yager. Officers: R. Hayes, Pres.; Melvin Capps, Vice-Pres.; LaiTy Ponder, Sec. First row: Martin, Swint, Johnson, Durham, Ellis, West, Newton, Smith, Dunn, Knight, J. Lee, P. Lee. Reynolds, Darrough, Braselton, Burnett, Bolton, York, Lunsford, Gunter, Brand, Williams, Davis, Bennett. Hooks, McDonald, Jones, Howell, Pyles, Anderson, Bell, Royal, Ivey, Dance Orchestra Glee Club The Glee Club is one of the most active organizations on North Georgia College. There are many trips Since scheduled to churches in the surrounding area during the social winter quarter. fraternity parties, the campus of Second row: Mrs. Bouffard, pianist; Estes, Third roxu: Morgan, Foss, Skinner, Moss, White, Cannon. DeLay. The combo was formed its and several ofF-campus activities. standard songs. various civic organizations. strumentals and vocalists. of the most enjoyable parts of the Glee Club trips is 1959. including company parties, club dances, functions, Most of the music done by the Glee Club is sacred, but occasionally a secular program is prepared to be sung for One in the winter quarter of beginning, the Crescents have performed at various This well-known group plays that adds much On life jazz, rock 'n' roll, and various occasions, they feature both in- The combo and color to is an organization N.G.C. campus activities. the wonderful food prepared by the hosts in return for the program. The Glee Club truly "sings for its supper." Jack Wheeler, piano; sax; W. Lynn Robinson, D. Wilford, sax; John cher, drums; Andy Hook, guitar. Mel- «/*™.^a.\, Richard Helmbold, Rudolf ButPenny Lunsford, Carol McCuller, Dr. Roberts, Hurley Daughtrey. ler, Dr. Roberts Adviser Forensic Senate The Forensic Senate is Georgia College campus. It the Education Club debate club on the North holds debates with other mem- Through this club debate has been discovered among the bers of various colleges and universities. hidden talent for cadets and co-eds on campus. N.G.C. students cational as well as enjoyable. find it edu- Membership dent-National in the John whose chief vocational social activities are of individual Some C. Sirmons chapter of the Stu- Education Association interest is open is students to and promote growth teaching. Professional sponsored in an effort to members. of the annual events include the state convention and in Atlanta, a Christmas Party for the faculty children, the annual banquet in the spring. activities of the future teachers These are a few of the during the year. Mrs. Buftard Dr. Southard Advisers First row: Cook, Charles Su- lane Stone, Ginny Dobbins, Nina Second Connell. O'Dell, Bernice Harrison, Wanda row: Patsy Parks, Dottie Marianne Thornton Smith, Mary K. Sheats Zenith David Third row: Mary Ann Mor- Betty A. Guest, son. gan, Alice Allen, Paula Cagle, Kay Gissendaner. Carole Day Dr. Southard, Judy Fowler, Wil liam Bumette, Terry Thomas Jurie Westmoreland, Sidney Jor Virginia Harris, Laverne dan. Young, Ranelle Hannah, Kathrine Tritt. Officers: C. Cook, bins, V.-Pres.; S. Stone, Pres.; J. Dob- N. Connell, Sec; Treas. Advisers: Southard and Mrs. Buffard. Dr. DeLay, Ellis, Wood, Sanders, Smith, Capps, Swint, Mr. Owens ( student pastor), Fisher, Holley, Freeman, Smith. Second row: Dunn, Fricks, Chastain, Gilbert, West, Brand, Dorough, Jones, Hayes, Faulkner, Ingram, Davis, l.oyd. Barber, Tankersley. Third row: Gibbons, Burrell, Hayes, Vickery, Watson, Mosley, Hooks, Lane, Cannon. Adams, Thornton. Officers: M. Capps, Pres.; J. Swint, Vice-Pres.; W. Smith, Sec; D. Vickery, Treas. First row: BSU The Baptist Student gram promoted by Union the is Wesley Foundation a distinctive student pro- Southern Baptist Convention for Baptist students in colleges and universities. It led, church-related The is student- and Christ centered. Union serves as a link or tie between and the local church in the college town. It is the church at work reaching out to students. The B.S.U. correlates and directs all Baptist student religious activities on the campus. All organizations of the church which serve young people — Sunday School, Young Woman's Auxiliary, Brotherhood, and Training Union — are included Baptist Student the Baptist students in the B.S.U. The Ideal of the B.S.U. is to assure students of a living, growing relationship with Christ through a local Baptist church. Wesley Foundation is a Methodist sponsored organization which provides fun, food, and fellowship. It serves as a church-home away from home. Members of Wesley Foundation never have a dull moment for they have parties, retreats at various tourist sites, and suppers every Sunday night. These suppers are planned and prepared by members of the college set. Interesting programs are always nowned speakers from their many experiences Camp all on hand at parts of Georgia visit of Christian life with the which reand share members. from Dahlonega, Wesley Foundation, especially in the springtime when the cool mountain stream invites the students "to come on in, the water's fine!" Beautiful is the site of Glisson, only five miles many activities for Young, Davis, Braselton, Styles. Second row: Harrison, Rev. Holt, Duvall, Reed, Mote, Tillman, Holcomb. Namen, Kent r/>melius, Eberhart, Cook, Loehr, Maples, MacoUy, Duke, Drinkard, White, Mr. Holmes. Third row: Daniels, McBrayer, Stewart, Hopkins, Wilson, Daniel, First row: Biskey, Averett, Griffin, Minton, Foster, Borders, Bennett, Ratterree, Hopkins. Kelly, Steele, Baeszler, Lunsford, P'ayton, Martin, Wilder. Veme Young, Vice-Pres.; Jim Rivers, Sec; Tarver Averett, Sec. JS£S Officers: r> -'^^-^ tJt; f HI illilt ^ >.Ai Sharlene Griffin, Pres.; La- First ner. row: Dobbins, Newton, York, SkinSecond row: Sims, Evans, Archer, Kennedy, Coons, Foster. Third Mr. Hill, Mr. Britenhart, Thayer, Boozer, Nixon, Rogers, Sizemore, Mr. Wright, row: Sanders. Newton, Officers: Pattie Vice-Pres.; ner, Ramona Pres.; Lister Skin- Dobbins, Virginia Sec; York, Treas. Westminster Fellowship The Westminster Fellowship is an organization for the Presbyterian students on the campus at North Georgia Col- The name YMCA-YWCA Fun and fellowship have been the keynotes of the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. for many years at North Georgia College. derived from the Westminster Assembly Jointly sponsored by both organizations, the weekly meet- of 1643 to 1649. This assembly established certain principles draw an enthusiastic group. the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. sponsor socials, panel discussions, a talent show, and many prominent and interesting guest speakers. It has become an lege. of faith now is accepted as authoritative by Presbyterian churches everywhere. Westminster Fellowship provides for spiritual fellowship, and fun every Sunday night for its members. Students food, ings have never failed to Throughout the year integral part of our life at N.G.C. prepare the suppers and programs each week. First roiv: Stone, Allen, Cowart, Swint, Capps, Daughtrey, Hooks, Bowen, Miss White (adviser). Second row: Smith, Bell, Ellis, Sanders, Loyd, Allison, Third row: Estes, Reed, Fisher, Braselton, Watkins, Hayes, Brown, Jarrell, Hubbard, Cannon. Fourth row: Cornelius, Tippens, Dr. Forester (adviser) Durham, Connell, Dobbins, West, . Gilbert, Bennett, Davidson, Green. Fifth row: Faulkner, Ingram, Wright, Smith, Bennett, McCuller, Parks, Johnston, Branch, Helmbold, Hayes. Officers: Y.M.C.A.: Melvin Capps, Pres.; Hurley Daughtrey, Vice-Pres.; Trenton Hooks, Sec; Bill Bowen, Treas. Y.W.C.A.: Jeanette Swint, Pres.; Nancy Cowart, A'icc Titv Alite Allen, Sec; Sulane Stone. Treas. Advisers: Miss WTiite, Dr. Forester. Fricks, : I .V ^ f. OFFICERS: Fred Pope, Pres.; Claire Foster, Vice-Pres.; Robert Holcomb, First Sec. row: Tate. Foster, Wilder, Lamback. Second DuVall, Boyd, Edwards, Third Holley, Leverette, row: Adams, Casey, row: Hand. Hardy. McNair, Cobb, Hopkins, Sheffield, Lord, Ray, Pope. Fourth row: Tison, MacoUy, Melton, Royal. Coach Matherly Adviser Physical Education made up Club Letterman's Club Education majors. This club sponsors beginning of the year. It also provides recreational equipment for the company socials. The "P.E." Club is known by all! The Lettermen's Club is one of the most active organizations of the North Georgia College Campus. The foundation of the club is based on the principles of developing good, clean sportsmanship. The purpose of the club is to develop character and create interest in all phases of intracollegiate and intramural athletics. The members of this club are those who have earned a North Georgia Letter. The Physical Education Club is "Get-Acquainted" dances for the Freshmen of Physical at the Mrs. Broadaway Sponsor Coach Hackney Adviser OFFICERS: Pres.; Ray Broadaway, Hewell Winn, Vice-Pres.; Spenser Boyd, Sec.-Treas. Boyd, Winn, Broadway, Cobb. Second row: Eubanks, Holcomb, Pope, Smith, First row: Holley, Davis. Third row: P. Tippens, Grindle, Sheffield, McNair, Surls. Fourth row: J. Tippens, Carter, Edwards, Harris, Cantrell, Brown. Hackney. mjmm President Terry Baggett Secretary Sally Foster Vice President John Melcher Treasurer SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS 76 Pat Daniel CAROL ANNE AGREE ALICE ANDREA ALLEN Calhoun, Georgia Buford, Georgia A. B. in Foreign Languages: Rec Club, Mercurcans (Co-Captain), Rec Club Council, Y.W.C.A., Dean's List, Honor's B. S. Education: in dation Wesley FounY.W.C.A. B. Beauty Court, Phi Alpha Theta. JAMES WADE ASH SIB'VTL Dahlonega, Georgia B. S. in Education: Sigma Theta. Y.M.C.A., S. S. Bugler in Home Staff Economics: Business Administration; WILLIAM TERRELL BAGGETT CALMES BAESZLER Atlanta, Georgia B. in Dramatics Club, Glee Club, Baptist Student Union. N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Flight Training, Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A., Business Administration Club. Rec Club, Mercureans, List, EDWARD ANDERSON Cadet. B. S. in Wesley toundation, Kec Club, Mercureans (co-captain), Rec Club Council, Y.W.C.A.. Home Economics Administration: Club, IntraRex, Business Ad- Business N.C.O. Club, Officers' tor), mural Club ministration Club (Vice-President), Dean's List, Senior Class President, Distinguished Military Student, Scabbard and Blade, Outstanding Cadet, Company "A", R.O.T.C. , Dean's List, "Friendliest". Sports, Summer Camp, "Who's Who", "F" Company Commander. 77 E. ARTLEY McDonough, Georgia Physical Education: DraClub, Wesley Foundation, Club, Officers' Club, Intra mural Sports, Tennis Team, Physical Education Club, Sigma Theta (Treasurer), Dean's List, Intramural Award, Public Speaking Award. B. in S. matics N.C.O. MARGARET Douglasville, Georgia (reporter, Feature Edi- (reporter) HARRY Marietta, Georgia (Vice-President), (Secretary), Student N.E.A., Dean's List. PHILIP E. BEAUCHAMP Atlanta, Georgia (ParliaBaptist Student Union, mentarian) Rec Club, Trahlytans, Y.W.C.A., Radio Club, Freshman Mathematics Award (1957), Clark Mathematics Award (1939), Dean's , List, Nu Gamma (Vice-President) . WILLIAM LOVETT BOWEN SPENCER STROUD BOYD Thomasville, Georgia Cleveland, Georgia Porterdale, Georgia Administration: Union, Baptist Student N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A., Business Administration Club, Rex, Dean's List, Scabbard and Blade, Distinguished Military Student. Pre-Med: Baptist Student Union. N.C.O. Club, Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A. (Treasurer), Chemistry Club, Biolog)' Club, Sigma Theta, Dean's List, "Who's Who." RANDOLPH TRACY B. S. in BIBB, JR. Business B. B. S., S. Club, Blue Ridge, Georgia in Physical Education: N.C.O. Officers' Club. Intramural Sports, Varsity Basketball, Physical Education Club, Lettermen's Club (Secretary -Treasurer), Most Valuable Player (Basketball), S. in G.I.A.C. DOUGLAS JERROLD BROWN VIRGINIA BRUCE Antioch, Georgia Hartwell, Georgia Dahlonega, Georgia (President), Sigma Theta, Intramural Award, Dean's List. "Friend- Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Flight Training, Intramural Sports, Business Administration Club. B. Conference Team. DAVID RAY BROADAWAY B. S. in Physical Education: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Varsity Baseball, Physical Education Club, Lettermen's Club MICHAEL W. BRACKETT Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Varsity Basketball, Business Administration Club, Sigina Theta. B. S. in S. in Secretarial Science. BEVERLY ELIZABETH BRYAN Doraville, Georgia A. B. Staff in English: Cadet Bugler Associate Editor), (Editor, Dramatics Club, Westminster Fellowship, Rec Club, Mercureans, Dean's List. liest". 78 LINDA M. BURNETT WILLIAM Alpharetta, Georgia H. Ellijay, in Biology: Glee Club, Wesley Foundation, Girl's Rifle Team (Cap- B. S. S. BURNETTE tain), Rec Club, Trahlytan, Biology Club, Y.W.C.A., Dean's List. B. LEWIS LOA'ELACE CARTER Covington, Georgia Buford, Gfeorgia in Student N.C.O. Officers' Club. Physics: Baptist (Vice-President), Union Club (Chaplain), Physics Club Vice-President) Sigma Y.M.C.A. (President) (Secretary, Theta, Dean's List, Clark Mathematics , , Honor's List, Award, Distinguished Military Student, "Who's Who." CLARENCE NEAL CANUP New Waleska, Georgia in Education: Baptist Student B. Union, Rec Club (President), MerS. cureans, Rec Club Council, PanHellenic Council, Y.W.C.A., Student N.E.A., Dean's List, Delta Company Sweetheart, First runner-up Brigade Sweetheart (1959-60), "MissN.G.C." MELVIN THO\L\S CAPPS S. PAULA LEE CAGLE Georgia in Education. Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Business Administration Club, Dean's List, Distinguished Military Student. B. S. in TONAWANDA K. CARTER S. in Secretarial Trahlytans, Club, ministration Club. Science: Business S. in Pre-Med: MARTHA ELIZABETH COOK Spring Place. Georgia Dahlonega, Georgia B. Holland, Georgia Baptist Student Biology Club, Chemistry Club, Science Club, Dean's List. B. Union, Rec Ad- B. S. in Education: Baptist Student Union, Rec Club, Hippolytans, Y.W.C.A., Student N.E.A. HAROLD W. DARDEN. JAMES PATRICK DANIEL Dawson, Georgia B. Business in S. Administration: N.C.O. Club (President), Officers' Club. Intramural Sports, Business Administration Club, Most Outstanding Junior, Senior Class Treasurer, Scabbard and Blade (Treasurer), Dean's List, Distinguished Military Student. Toccoa, Georgia Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Flight Training, Intramural Sports, Varsity Baseball. Y.M.C.A., Business Administration Club, Dean's List, Best Drill Master .\ward R.O.T.C. Summer Camp, Scabbard and Blade, Distinguished Military Student, "E" Middle Grades Education: Dramatics Club, Alpha Psi Omega, Baptist Student Union, Rec Club, B. S. CAROLE ANNE DAY ZENITH DAVIDSON JR. Americus, Georgia in B. S. in Mercureans, Student N.E.A., Speech Atlanta, Georgia Elementary Education: Rec Club, Mercureans, Y. W. C. A., Student N.E.A., Dean's List, Hon- B. S. in or's List. Festival. Company Commander. LEWIS FRAZER DRIVER JOSEPH REED DUKE REBECCA ANN DUNAHOO Hollywood, Georgia Flowery Branch, Georgia Statham, Georgia Student Union, N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Physics Y.M.C.A., Club, Dean's Westminster Fellowship, Rec Club, Trahlytans, Home Economics Club, Dean's List. Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Business Administration Club, Sigma Theta, Scabbard and Blade, Distinguished Military Student. B. S. in B. S. in Physics: Baptist B. List. S. in Home Economics: WARD BEECHER DuVALL Atlanta, Georgia in Physical Education: Wesley Foundation (Vice-Pres., Treas.), N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Varsity Basketball (Manager), Y.M.C.A. Council, Physical Education Club, B. S. Sigma Theta, Outstanding Platoon Sgt. I Mkm 80 (1958-.';9), "Cutest Couple." ANDREW ROGER ALLEN DYER Blairsville, A. MARTHA DUFF EDWARDS Pembroke, Georgia Georgia B. S. in Business Administration: (StewardBaptist Student Union ship Chairman), N.C.O. Club, Y.M.C.A., Business Administration Club, Chemistry Club. B. S. in Physical Education: Dramatics Club, N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Vai-sity Basketball, Physical Education Club, Lettermen's Club, Dean's List. Ellijay, B. S. in Biology; Cadet Bugler Staff, (Literary Editor), Glee Club, Bap- Student Union (Sunday School Representative) Rec Club, Trahly(Cabinet), Biology tan, Y.W.C.A. Club (President), Phi Alpha Theta Honor's (Secretary), Dean's List, . Nu Gamma Who", "Most HOWARD PATRICIA FINCHER B. in Foreign Languages: Dean's Club, Mercureans, Honor's List. A. J. FLOYD Rec List, Administration: Club, Intramural Sports, Business Administration Club, Sigma Theta (Secretary), Scabbard and Blade, Dean's List, Distinguished Military Student. B. S. in Business N.C.O. Club, Officers' Atlanta, S. in Business Officers' mural Sports, Rifle Rifle Team Team Awards. "Who's BETTY B. Georgia S. in Physical Education: Westminster Fellowship, Physical Education Club, Rec Club, Mercurean (Co-captain, Captain), Rec Club Council, Y.W.C.A., Vice President and President of Lewis Hall, Senior B. Class Secretary, EVANS Administration: Club, Intra(Co-Captain), Business Administration Club, Lettermen's Club, Sigma Theta, B. N.C.O. Club, MARGARET CLAIRE FOSTER Thomasville, Georgia Athens, Georgia (President), Versatile." D. Augusta, Georgia tist List, JAMES ELLIS Georgia "Most Athletic." B.S. in Education. GARNER ANNE CLARK GARRETT BILLY ROSS Home Economics: Bugler Dramatics Club, Glee Club, Home Economics Club (Secretary, Projects Chairman), Dean's List, Honor's List, Phi Alpha Theta, B. S. in Staff, GARRETT B. S. in Business N.C.O. Club, Rifle Administration: Club, Rex, Officers' Team. JAMES LUTHER GIBSON LAWSON GEIGER McRae, Georgia Athens, Georgia Hartwell, Georgia B. S. in Business N.C.O. Club, Administration: Club, Intra- Officers' mural Sports. Gainesville, Georgia S. in Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A., Business Administration Club. B. Nu Gamma. RAYMOND LANNY IRA GOBER Rockmart, Georgia S. in Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Brigade Color Guard. Business Administration Club, Sigma Theta. B. D. GOBER SHIRLEY B. S. in Physics: G. JOYCE GOSS L. GREEN Calhoun, Georgia Hapeville, Georgia in Business Administration: Club, Mercureans. Business Administration Club. S. in Education: Baptist Student Union, Cyclops Staff (Editor 1959), Rec Club, Meixureans, F. T. A., Y.W.C.A., Dean's List, Honor's List, Most Outstanding Junior Girl, "Who's Who" "Most Dependable." Gainesville, Georgia B. Rec S. B. DOUGLAS LAMAR GRINDLE BETTY ANN GUEST Dahlonega, Georgia Gainesville, Georgia B. S. in Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club (ChapIntramural Sports, Varsity lain) Basketball, Y.M.C.A., Business Administration Club, Dean's List, Dis- B. S. in Elementary Education: Rec Club, Hippolytans, Student N.E.A. (Vice-Pres.), Junior Class Treasurer, Dean's List. , JAMES ADRIAN CUES BILLY REX I" Bowman, Georgia Administration: Club, IntraBusiness Administration Club, Dean's List, Distinguished Military Student. B. S. in Business N.C.O. Club, mural Officers' Sports. HAND Tifton, Georgia B. S. N.C.O. Club, Intramural Rex, Intramural Award. in Physical Education: Club, Sports, Officers' tinguished Military Student. EVELYN RANELLE HANNAH ALBERT SIDNEY HARDY, Gainesville, Georgia Elementary Education: Wesley Foundation, Rec Club, Hippolytans, Y.W.C.A., Student N.E.A., Dean's List, Honor's List. Physical Education: Dramatics Club, N.C.O. Club (Treas(Treasurer), urer), Officers' Club Scabbard and Blade, Intramural Club, Sports, Physical Education Y.M.C..'^., Rex, Business AdminisList, DisClub, Dean's tration tinguished Military Student. B. S. in B. S. in VIRGINIA CAROL HARRIS JAMES HOLLIS HARRIS II Spring Place, Georgia Griffin, B. S. Business Administration: Club, Officers' Club, Drill in N.C.O. Intramural Sports, Rifle Team (Manager), Business Administration Club, Rex, Lettermen's Club. Platoon, 83 Thomaston, Georgia Georgia B. S. in Dramatics Elementary Education: Wesley FounClub, Rec Trahlytans, Club, Student N.E.A., Y.W.C.A. dation, ERNEST LEE HARRISON EUGENE RAY HARRISON RALPH EUGENE HAYES Winder, Georgia Toccoa, Georgia Columbus, Georgia Qub, B. S. in Chemistry: Baptist Student B. Officers' Club (Presicient), Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A., Dean's List, Association of U.S. Army Award, Scabbard and Blade, Distinguished Union, N.C.O. Club. Officers' Club, Chemistry Club, Sigma Theta, Dean's List. Staff, B. S. in Mathematics: N.C.O. Physics: in S. Officers' Cadet Club, Bugler (Vice- Intramural Sports, Sigma Theta (Secretary, President), Superior Cadet Ribbon, Military Student. Dean's List, Honor's C. HEETH Atlanta, Georgia Cyclops, N.C.O. Club Pres.), WYMAN List, S. in Business Administration: Club, Rex, Business Administration Club, Intramural B. N.C.O. Sports. Nu Gamma. SARAH J.\NIS HERRING JAMES L. HIGGINBOTHAM Bnmswick, Georgia A. B. in English: Rec Club, Trahlytans. Dean's List, Honor's List. Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A., Business Administration Club, (President), (Vice-President) Sigma Theta Dean's List, Distinguished Military Student. B. S. JOHN CARLTON HODGES FRED HILL Columbus, Georgia Columbus, Georgia Dahlonega, Georgia in A. B. in English: Phi (President), List. Dean's Alpha Theta List, Honor's B. A. in History: N.C.O. Club. (Military Editor), Of- Bugler Staff ficers' Club, Blue Ridge Rifles (Drill Master), Sigma Theta, Best Drilled Third Classman, Scabbard and Blade, Dean's List. , 84 GEORGE HAROLD HOGSED ROBERT Gainesville, Georgia Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports. Business Administration Club. Sigma Theta. B. S. in WIl I THOMAS lAM HOl.COMB Physical Education: Glee Club, Baptist Student Union, N.C.O. B. S. Club, in Officers' Club, LELAND HOLLIS HORTON 'WILLIAM HOLLEY LaGrange, Georgia Jasper, Georgia Tate, Georgia in Physical Education: Baptist Council, Varsity Basketball, Physical Education Club, Lettermen's Club (Reporter) "Most ness Administration: Club, Busi.Administration Club, Dean's List, Honor's Athletic." tinguished Military Student. B. S. Union, Student Intramural Sports, Varsity Basketball, Varsity Baseball, Physical Education Club Lettermen's Club, Dis(Secretary) , B. S. in Business N.C.O. Club, Officers' List, Who's Who, Dis- , tinguished Military Student. WILLIAM JACKSON HURST VIVIAN ELIZABETH INGRAM SYLVIA SYDNEY JORDAN Ochlochnee, Georgia Marietta, Georgia Macon, Georgia N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Flight Training, Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A., Physics Club, Intramural Sports Award. B. S. in Physics: B. A. in English: Rec Club, Phi B. S. in Omicrons, Cyclops Staff (Feature Editor 1960), Cadet Bugler Staff, Y.W.C.A., Home Economics Club, Dean's List, Dramatics Club, Honor's List, "E" Company Sweet- Elementary Education: Rec Omicrons, Y.W.C.A., Phi Club, Student N.E.A.. Dean's Editor, List. B.ARBARA ANN KNIGHT Gainesville, Georgia Home Economics: Glee Club. Wesley Foundation, Rec Club, Trahlytans, Cheerleader (Captain) Y.W.C.A., Home Economics Club (Treasurer) Brigade Color Guard Sweetheart, "Most Loyal." B. S. in , , heart. S5 THOMAS E. LEVERETTE LYNETTE LOYD ORA MARILYN McBRAYER Decatur, Georgia Cedartown, Georgia Ashburn, Georgia S. in Physical Education: Cadet Bugler Staff (Assistant Militai-y Editor), N.C.O. Club, Officei-s' Club, Intramural Sports, Physical Education Club, Biology Club, Rex, Scabbard and Blade, High Score Trainfire R.O.T.C. Summer Camp. B. S. in Union, (President, Vice-President), JAMES S. in Physical Education: Wesley Foundation, N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Rex. I. MASON JOHN FREDERIC MELCHER Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Color Guard, Business .Administration Club. Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, IntraMural Sports, Dance Band, BusiAdministration Club (Reness porter), Sigma Theta, Senior Class Vice-President, Scabbard and Blade. "Outstanding Band Cadet," Dean's List, Distinguished Military Stu- S. in B. S. dent. in Business Administration: "Who's Minneapolis, Minnesota B. McCAMY ' Albany, Georgia Leesburg, Georgia R. Chatsworth, Georgia B. S. in Home Economics: Wesley Foundation, Rec Club, Mercureans, Y.W.C.A., Home Economics Club Who," "Cutest Couple. JAMES WINFORD MACOLLY B. Biology: Baptist Student Y.W.C.A., Rec Club, Phi Biology Club. Oraicrons, JOHN in Band Company Commander. JUANITA DAVIS MILAM Ellijay, Georgia B. S. in Elementary Education: Baptist Student Union, Rec Club, Phi Omicrons, Y.W.C.A., Student N.E.A. (Secretary), Dean's List, Honor's List. TILDEN ABNEY MITCHELL, III ROBERT LEE MORRISON EDNA PEARL MURPHY Tifton, Georgia Jasper, Georgia Dahlonega, Georgia B. Physics: N.C.O. Club, Club, Intramural Sports, Club, Rex, Scabbard and in S. Officers' Physics Blade, B. S. in Business Administration: S. in Middle Grades Education: N.C.O. Club. Officers' Club, Business Administration Club. (1st Sgt.) "Outstanding Platoon Sgt. Second Battle Group," Dean's List, "Who's Who," Distinguished Military Student, "C" NEWTON PATTIE LULA Decatur, Georgia S. in Secretarial Science: Glee Club, Cyclops Staff (Class Editor), Westminster Fellowship (President), Rec Club, Mercureans, Girls' Rifle Team, Y.W.C.A., Business Administration Club (Secretary), Dean's B. List, Honor's List, Nu Gamma. Company Commander. HUGH PALMER NORMAN GEORGE WILEY O'KELLEY HENRY BENNY PARKER Hinesville, Georgia McDonough, Georgia Waycross, Georgia S. in Business Administration: History: N.C.O. Club, (Sgt. at arms), Officers' Club. Color Guard, Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A., Sigma Theta, Medal of the College-Meritorious Service. A. B. in N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Dean's List, Flight Training. Distinguished Military B. S. in Physics: Student. BARBARA JO PARKS Dahlonega, Georgia B. S. in Secretarial Club, Hippolytans. ministration Club. Science: Business Rec Ad- WALTER CLARENCK PARKS JERRY DEAN PIRKLE JOSEPH LARRY PONDER Dalton, Georgia Lula, Georgia Jacksonville, Florida B. S. in Officers' Club B Chemistry: N.C.O. Club. Club, Y.M.C.A., Chemistr\' (President), Sigma Theta. B. S. in Officers' Mathematics: N.C.O. Club, Club, Flight Training, In- tramural Sports, Varsity Baseball, Y.M.C.A., Scabbard and Blade, Dean's List, Distinguished Military Student, "B" Company Commander. B. S. ficers' CECIL DAVID POPE B. N.C.O. Club, OfIntramural Sports, (Secretary), Scabbard in Physics: Club, Physics Club and Blade. S. in Business N.C.O. Club, mural Sports, Administration: Club, Intra- Officers' Sigma Theta, Busi- ness Administration Club. FRED ROOKS POPE JOHN ALBERT POTTER FRANK SIDDALL REECE Tifton, Georgia Columbus, Georgia Blue Ridge, Georgia Flowery Branch, Georgia Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Brigade Wesley Foundation, Commander, Officers' Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Club, Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A., Business Administration Club, Dean's List. in Physical Education: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club (Secretary), Intramural Sports, Physical Education Club (President) Lettermen's Club, S. , Dean's List, Scabbard and Blade, Distinguished Military Student, "D" Company Commander. N.C.O. Club, OfIntramural Sports. B. S. in Biology: ficers' Biology Theta. Club, Club (Secretary), Sigma B. S. in Intramural Sports, Administration Business Club, Sigma Theta, Scabbard and Blade, Dean's List, Outstanding N.C.O. Com(1959), Outstanding Cadet pany "F", R.O.T.C. Summer Camp, Distinguished Military Student, "Who's Who", "Mr. N.G.C." 88 HAROLD EUGENE REED B. S. in MARNA CAROL RHODES CARL Smyrna, Georgia B. S. Home Economics: Glee Home Economics Club, Rec in Club, Club, Phi Omicrons. Business Administration: N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Business Administration Club. in JAMES LEWIS RIVERS, Georgia EDWARD GRESHAM Senoia, Georgia S. RICHARDSON B. S. Club in Business Club B. Freshman and Sophomore Class Vice-President, Junior Class President, Distinguished Military Student, "Who's Who." Cup in Biolog>': A. B. in History: Sigma Theta, Intramural Sports, N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club. Officers' Blue Ridge (Comniander-1959), IntraSports, Business Administration Club, Rex (President), Inter-Fraternity Council, Superior Cadet Award 3rd Classman, Scabbard and Blade (Captain), Runnerup Drill Master R.O.T.C. Summer Biology: Baptist Student Trahlytans, Club. Rec Union, Y.W.C.A. (Treasurer, President), Biology Club, Dean's List, N.C.O. Club Sweetheart (1958-59), Y.W.C.A. S. in (1959), mural "Who's Who." SAMUEL E. SKELTON, JR. Hartwell, Georgia B. S. Business Administration: Officers' Club, Rifle (Captain), Business Adminis- in N.C.O. Club, Team tration Rifles Distinguished Camp, Student, "Most Loyal." S. JACKIE D. SIMS Thomson, Georgia SILLS Administration: (Secretary), (Vice-President), Jonesboro, Georgia Dramatics Club. Wesley Foundation, N.C.O. Club. Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A., Biology Club (VicePresident), Chemistry Club, Rex, B. Augusta, Georgia N.C.O. EMILY KAREN SANDERS JR. Camilla, Georgia A. B. in Foreign Languages: Baptist Student Union, Color Guard. CHARLES RAY SEWELL B. N. Griffin. Club. Lettennen's Club. Sigma Theta, Most Valuable Rifle Team Member Individual High Scorer, Distinguished Military Student. Military 89 (1957-58) , JAMES LISTER SKINNER BETTY LOU SMITH EDITH NAN SMITH Decatur, Georgia Marietta, Georgia Covington, Georgia A. B. in English: Dramatics Club, Glee Club, 'Westminster Fellowship (President, Vice-President), N.C.O. Club, Intramural Y.M.C.A. (Cabinet), Rex, Dean's List, Honor's List, Scabbard Club, Officers' Rec Club, MerS. in BiologM cureans, Girl's Rifle Team, V.W.C.A.. Chemistry Club, Biology Club, Physics Club. B. B. Biology: Glee Club, Rec Trahlytans, Biology Club, in S. Club, GUY ASHTON S^^TH, JR. Rome, Georgia B. S. in Business Baptist Student Club, Sports, Officers' Varsity Administration: Union, N.C.O. Intramural Club, Baseball, Business Administration Club, Sigma Theta Sports, (Chaplain). and Blade, DistinaMished Military Phi Alpha Theta, Nu Student, Gamma, "Who's Who", "Most Versatile." IDA MAE SMITH Marietta, Georgia B. A. in English: (Secretary), Club Alpha (President), (Captain), Girl's Y.W.C.A. Dramatics Club Omega, Rec Phi Omicrons Rifle Team, Psi ROBERT V. SMITH Dahlonega, Georgia B. S. in Business Administration: Cvclops Staff, Intramural Sports, Business Administration Club, Dean's List. VIRGINIA K. STEELE Western Springs, Illinois B. S. in Home Economics: Caaet Bugler Staff, Glee Club, Wesley Foundation, Rec Club, Mercureans, Home Dean's Alpha Economics Club (Treasurer), Honor's List. Phi List, Theta, Alpha Company Sweetheart (1958-59). HARRIET STORY Waynesboro, Georgia Rec B. S. in Home Economics: Club, Trahlytans, Dramatics Club, Home Economics Club, Dean's List, Honor's List. JEANETTE SWINT MARY VERLINE TATUM ALLEN ROBERTS THAYER Atlanta, Georgia Dawsonville, Georgia Columbus, Georgia A. B. in English: Glee Club, Baptist (Vice-President), Student Union Rec Club, Hippolytans, Y.W.C.A. (President), Home Economics Club. Dean's List, Honor's List, "Who's B.S. in Secretarial Science: Rec Phi Omicrons, Y.W.C.A.. Club. Business Administration Club. .A. B. in History: Westminster Fel- N.C.O. lowship, Sports, Intramural Club, Sigma Theta. WILLIAM B. S. in THORNTON Officers' Sports, tration Blade, Student, Administration, Club. IntraBusiness Adminis- Business N.C.O. Club, mural Who." F. Hartwell, Georgia Club, Rex, Scabbard and Military Distinguished "A" Company Com- mander. B. HENRY YOUNG TILLMAN MARY KATHRINE TRITT Valdosta, Georgia Suches, Georgia S. in Biology: ^Vesley Foun- dation, N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Y.M.C.A., Bi- ology Club, Chemistry Club, Sigma Theta, Dean's List, Distinguished Military Student. B. S. in Education: Rec Club, Phi Omicrons, Y.W.C.A., Student N.E.A., Dean's List. GLENDA B. FRANK DIXON VAUGHN VARNEDOE Forsyth, Georgia Jasper, Georgia Rec Club, Phi Omicrons, Business Administration Club (Secretary 1958B. 59), 91 S. in Secretarial Dean's List. Science: B. S. in Business Administration: Dramatics Club, N.C.O. Club, OfAdminisBusiness Club, ficers' tration Club, Phi Alpha Theta, Dean's List. WILLIAM ROGER VVALDROP JOHNNY A. Dahlonega, Georgia Business Administration: N.CO. Club, Officers' Club, Intramural Sports, Varsity Baseball, Administration Business Club, Sigma Theta, Superior Cadet Business Administration: N.CO. Club, Officers' Club, Business Administration Club. B. S. in B. S. WANDA WEST Rockmait, Georgia in JUNE WESTMORELAND R.\CHEL WEST Warne, North Carolina Robertstown. Georgia Cadet Bugler Staff, Cyclops Staff, Glee Club, Baptist Student Union. Girls' Rifle Team, Rec Club, Trahlytans (Co- Education: in Dramatics Club, Westminster Fellowship, Rec Vice-President), (Reporter. Club Trahlytans, Student N.E.A. A. B. in History: B. S. Captain, Captain), Rec Club Coun- Award, Outstanding Cadet Company "H" R.O.T.C. Summer Camp, Scabbard and Blade, Dean's List, "Who's Who," Distinguished cil, Y.W.C.A. Military Student. WILLIAM A. WHITE BRUCE Gainesville, Georgia A. B. in History: R. HEWELL WILLIAMS Haralson, Georgia Business Administration: Club, Officers' Club, IntraSports, Business Administration Club, Rex. B. S. T. WINN JOYCE ANN East Point, Georgia in Business Administration: Club, Officers' Club, Drill Rifle Team, Lettermen's Club (Vice-President). Business Administration Club, Rex (Vice-PresiB. S. in WOOD Jefferson, Georgia B. S. in Chemisti7: Baptist Student (President) B.T.U. Rec N.CO. N.CO. Union, mural Platoon, Club, Hippolytans, Y.W.C.A.. isti7 Club, Dean's List. dent). 92 , Chem- SENIOR SNAPS BERTHA LEDFORD ANDERSON in B. S. cation. Elementary -DAVID B. Edu- S. in LAWTON BAGGS KATE Middle Grades Edu B. S. R. in BRAMBLETT Elementary LAURA JEAN DENARD Edu- 8. Elementary in S. Edu- cation. SUMMER GRADUATES MALCOLM McPHAUL B. S. in JMELLE MAYES SMITH Physical Education. B. S. in Elementary Edu- CARRIE LEE TALLANT B. S. in Elementary Edu- LOIS ELLEN B. S. in HATTIE TALLANT Elementary Edu- B. S. in G. WALLACE Elementary Edi SMHA U(£ LEWIS HALL OFFICERS: Pres. Sally Foster, Vice Pres. Peggy Ivey, Sec. Jackie Lee, Treas. Emily Stephen. Buford Allen, Anita Appling, Linda Archer, Susan Bennett, Alice Bolton, Ellen . Atlanta Cornelia Rome Norcross Campbell, Peggy Cheek, Thelma CoNNELL, Martha CowART, Nanci Bainbridge Atlanta Atlanta Bainbridge Atlanta Early, Farrell Dahlonega Busby, Joy Rome Fisher, Sandra Foster, Shirley East Point East Point Fowler, Judy Fuller, Phylis IS /^ f% ^} Smyrna Gissendaner, Kay Griffin, Sharlene Savannah Albany Dahlonega Henson, Barbara Hubbard, Pat Woodstock George, Sally Ellijay IvEY, Peggy Lambert, Jan Gainesville Atlanta Lee, Jackie VIcClure, Janice East Point Gumming Martin, Judy Decatur Morgan, Mary Ann Parris, Winifred Decatur Canton C^ Gainesville Reed, Azilee Sims, Sara Anne Smith, Judy Commerce Gainesville ©^© HBBBiB^I^H^^I ^^^IHilHHHHHB ^^^^^^^^^^^^^& Hi^^^^B^^^HH Sosebee, Eufaula Stephens, Emily Stone, Sulane Demorest Franklin Monroe Summerour, Martha Thomas, Arsula Thomas, Terry Wilder, Jesse Wills, Lenora Worley, Sue York, Ramona Marietta McCaysville East Point Lawrenceville Decatur JUNIORS Gumming Marietta 97 ^^taM t^^J Y^ ^ ^(p Barber, Jane Bennett, Bonnie Berry, Pat Borders, Linda Brooks, June Atlanta Toccoa East Point Perry Clarksville Cannon, Pat Carithers, Jo Ann Carroll, Mary Jane Casey, Pat Collins, Dry Branch Fairburn Cumming Atlanta Martha CoLviN, Judy Gainesville ....>.... Atlanta Lincolnton Connell, Nina Coons, Suzanne Crittenden, Floye Davey, Angeline Warner Robins Dublin Cartersville Davis, Susan Cornelia Davison, Pauline Carnesville College Park Dean, Ginny Dobbins, Virginia Marietta Atlanta Earnhardt, Jennelou Evans, Judy EzELL, Betsy Tallapoosa Elizabeth Freeman, Jo Nan Green, Martha Dahlonega Tucker GuNN, Margie GuNTER, Janice Guthrie, Beverly Hammond, Hilda Harrison, Dottie College Park Macon Fields, £££ Harvey, Carol HoFF, Alberta Hyde, Martha Johnson, Jo Johnson, Shirley . Atlanta Chicopee Lawrenceville Lincolnton Decatur Tifton . . Lyndhurst, New Jersey Chamblee Hartwell Blairsville Jones, Barbara Jones, Linda Murrayville Nancy Toccoa Jordan, KoKAL, Angela Lamback, Palmer Macon Marietta Macon SOPHOMORES Lee, Peggy Gainesville McGahee, Sara Jo Mills, Sue McRPHEY, Elaine Norton, Kay Lavonia Sandy Springs . Atlanta Marietta Chicopee O'Dell, Patsy Selman, Glenda Sewell, Joan Rockmart K Winder Sheats, Mary Smith, Jackie Smith, Wanda Sproull, Olivia Stewart, Joyce Styles, Sargent Atlanta East Point Atlanta Hollywood Ann Tankersley, Annette Tate, Ethel Thornton, Marianne Tison, Linda Tritt, Betty ^^£££ Ji^no Lincolnton Sylvania Toccoa Dahlonega Suches Weeks, Mary Frances Wrens Wiley, Joan Young, La Verne Atlanta Macon SOPHOMORES Acree, Bobbie Loretta Aiken, Barbara Akins, Janice Anderson, Juanita Andrews, Lucy Ash, Martha Bannister, Jackie Bartlett, Patsy Brand, Gayle Braselton, Nancy Calhoun Decatur Buford Dahlonega Decatur Gainesville Gumming Lavonia College Park Braselton FRESHMEN 99 Brown, Gail Brown, Henryetta Brown, Sandra Bryan, Margaret ?^s^© LithoniaNelson Flowery Branch Doraville Burns, Linda Dahlonega Burrell, Sydney Butler, Wanda Clarksville Dahlonega Capps, Diana Atlanta Doraville Carmichael, Doris Carrington, Lorraine Clyburn, Martha Coleman, Gloria Jean Coleman, Linda Couch, Ann Coulter, Betty Ann Bowman Atlanta Roswell Roswell Dawsonville .... Rock Springs Dawson Daniel, Gayle Daniell, Beth . Darrough, Becky Davidson, Julia Denman, Carolyn DoBBS, Arthurlyn DoROUGH, Janice Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Bainbridge Dunn, Judy Durham, Sandra Joyce Gainesville Estes, Kingston Faulkner, Virginia Ferguson, Roxie Feuchter, Mary Ann Ford, Carol Free, Diane Thomaston College Park Atlanta Flowery Branch Fricks, Dahlonega Gaskins, Dona Gibbons, Kitty Gilbert, Harriette Suwanee Alapaha Cedartown Dahlonega Grey, Sandra Groover, Linda Hayes, Dianne Henderson, Jan Hitchcock, Brenda Atlanta Marietta Braselton Atlanta Atlanta Betty Garner, Phyllis 100 Hartwell Hartwell Lithonia Ring FRESHMEN Hooker, Sue Hopkins, Betty Dalton Hapevillc Howard, Ann Macon Hubbard, Sammy Carnesville HuGGiNs, Angela Smyrna Ingram, Beverly Ingram, Marie Jamerson, Joan Jackson Chicopee Sylvania Atlanta Jarrell, Carolyn Jones, Martha Clarkesville Keller, Joanne Kelley, Charlotte Kelley, Claudia Kenaston, Barbara Atlanta ........ Smyrna Rabun Gap Atlanta Kennedy, Margaret Acworth KiMBROuGH, Linda Fairburn Dalton King, Jane Knight, Vivian LuNSFORD, Penny Gainesville Dawson McCuller, Carol Forest Park McNeal, Bonnie Atlanta Cornelia Atlanta Martin, Sue Meadows, Patti Minton, Gail Dublin Montgomery, Betty Atlanta Moore, Dale MoREY, Linda East Point Vidalia Parks, Bernice Payne, Glenda Payne, Gretchen Dewy Rose Sycamore Buford Payton, Brenda Kay Nancy Ratterree, Ann Ravan, Wyndall Duluth Canton Perkins, Phillips, Gumming ....... Reynolds, Hannah Rhodes, Gay Roe, Patricia Shipley, Teresa Smith, Margaret Hapeville Gainesville Covington Smyrna Marietta Macon Clarkston FRESHMEN Sprague, Lynn Chamblee Stamey, Donna Stephens, Beverly Stephens, Jane Gainesville Gainesville Hapeville Atlanta Stuart, Marilyn JThornhill, Nancy Vaughn, Linda Wade, Phyllis Walker, Peggi Watkins, Carolyn East Point Mountain City Atlanta Atlanta Marietta Webb, Sherry Wheeler, Sandra Atlanta Jasper Atlanta Atlanta Williams, Sally Wilson, Ann Wright, Barbara Smyrna Atlanta Wright, Celia FRESHMEN REC Council First row: Pat Casey, Pat Cannon, Sally Foster, Susan Archer, Susie Griffin, Jackie Lee, The Rec Club is composed of four teams are the and members given an opportunity their skill as a team, but also they are given to row: Linda Appling. Sharlene develop variety of individual an equal op- Points are awarded to each team according to the of West. Second obtain the trophy presented annually. However, the trophy in a is not the only award given, for girls who participate in portunity in individual competitive sports. number and team sports won by that team. The goal each team is to secure the most points and, by doing so. of individual Wanda softball. who compete various sports such as volleyball, basketball, Not only Coons. Glenda Selman, Arsula Thomas. and team sports may also receive em- blems and sweaters. Although the Rec Club centers its interest on sports, it also sponsors the Spring Formal and the annual "sleep-out" at Pine Valley. ( /' •m*^ row: M. Feuchtei, First C-Lrmichael, M. A. Tankersley, S. Denman, M. Ash, S. Brown. Second row: L. Young, C. Rhodes, D. Cannon, L. Appling, M. Stuart, S. Sims, J. Davidson. Third row: A. Bennett, A. Davey, N. Connell, B. Guthiie, Hubbard, M. Ingram, A. Howard, G. Rhodes, B. Wright, A. Huggins, P. Meadows, C. Kelley, S. Foster. Stone, P. Garner, C. Kelley, C. McCuller, B. Parks, C. Br>'an, S. Griffin, P. J. Wiley, S. Omicrons Phi Captain— Wanda West Captain— hwnA Appling Co-Captain—Arsvla Thomas Co-Captain— Pat Cannon Trahlytans Mrs. Luke Appung Sponsor of Phi Omicrons Mrs.'Mildred West Sponsor of Trahlytans First M. row: A. Dobbs. J. Dorough, J. Collins, B. Bennett, \V. Smith, row: M. Driver, P. Wade, Sosebee, M. Ellis, B. J. Wilder, P. J. Fowler, T. Thomas, Davison, W. West, A. Henderson, N. Smith. M. Weeks, Montgomery, S. ^ Webb. J. Estes, Thomas, S. J. M. Beauchamp, S. Fisher, K. Sanders, B. Ingram, D. Gaskins. Second row: Lee, D. Free, E. Bolton, E. Borders, J. McClure, S. Coons, P. Barlett. Third Davis, C. Wright, L. Burnett, A. Reed, P. Lee, N. Cowart, V. Faulkner, L. Hooker, E M. Sheats, P. Fuller, J. McGahee, J. Smith, B. Hopkins, S. Martin, A. Styles, B. Akin. C. Jarrell, P. Casey. Second roio: T. Shipley, M. Kennedy, D. Moore, L. Groover, N. Thornhill, M. Smith, G. Selman, S. Archer, S. Blue, M. Thornton, P. Lamback, S. Johnson, P. ODell, D. Harrison. Third row: F. Wright, B. Jones, B. Kenaston, P. Roe, B. McNeil, A. Couch, J. Dobbins, H. Bennett, A. Hoff, L. Morey, A. Ratteree, A. Wilson, L. Kim- First row: brough. J. Brewer, J. Svvint, J. Wood, E. Tate. Hippolytans Captain— SvsAN Archer Co-Captain— Glenda Selman Mrs. Captai7i—SAi.i.Y Foster Co-Captain— Mary Ann Morgan Mercureans Olan Archer Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Foster Sponsor of Mcicurcans Sponsor of Hippolytans row: Acree, P. Newton, C. Watkins, N. Braselton, H. Brown, V. Knight, G. Brown, N. Phillips, W. Davis, B. Darrough. Second row: M. Perkins, Carroll, P. Berry, G. Dobbins, S. Worley, F. Crittendon, S. Foster, W. Parris, R. York, B. Bryan, B. Smith, Colvin, R. Ferguson. Third row: A. Allen, J. First J. Hubbard, J. Barber, Hyde, S. Baeszler. P. J. Smith, O. SprouU, J. Stevens, S. Williams, K. Gibbons, S. Rurrell, C. Jones, L. Acree, G. Daniels, J. ^^ .W'W #1 ^•^ Coleman, L. Shiflet, M. UlijiJumi Military Department Colonel Hatcher P.M.S.T. Mrs. Je.\n Sutton Mrs. J. W. Phillip Secretary to Secretary to Commandant PM.S.T. Capt. Hause Commandant of Cadets Capt. Levitt Asst. P.M.S.T. SFC. Barnard Instructor SFC. Chandler SIC HlTlltR SFC. Wilkins Instructor Instructor Instructor Brigade Staff Lt. Col. Sills Maj. Hodces Brig. Exec. SI Lancaster Supply Sgt. Sot. Maj. PoNnER Maj. Grindel S4 Capt. Leverette M/ScT. Sumpter ScT. Phillips Asst. SI Drill Master Clerk .Ursula Thomas Brigade Mrs. Reece Brigade Staff Sponsor Staff Su'eetheart VaL J^ W^ Col. Reece - Hodges, Scholes, Grindle, Sumpter, Daniel, Reece, Brigade Sills, Commander Ponder, Phillips, Leverette. Blue Ridge Rifles Lt. Col. Sills Commander Capt. Levitt A dviser First row: Maples, Elliot, Whiting, Hemperly, Dalton, Duke, Davy, Alverson. Second row: Whitley, Pyles, Howell, Third row: Williams, W. B., Williams, M. J., Myers, Pulliam, House, Parkman, Cook, McFarlin, Miller, Branch. Norris. Fourth row: TeiTell, Hair, Hall, The purpose of the Blue Ridge Rifles is to demonstrate Cannon, Mote, Hawkins, Johnston, Qualification for Sauls. membership is the desire to become an of an elite, precision drilled organization. This de- to the public the military proficiency of the corps of cadets affiliate of North Georgia College and to gain further recognition of This precision drill unit is our principal source of representation and publicity of the corps of cadets. The name Blue Ridge Rifles was taken from a group of volunteers from the Dahlonega area which was formed during the War Between the States. These men organized to sire this institution. of leadership, excess of 50,000 spectators, as well as special performances defend their homes. for visiting military dignitaries. must be reinforced by the qualities of outstanding traits and exceptional attitude and personal appearance. Also each member must maintain an academic average of "C" or better. In the past this unit has performed in parades having an Color Guard Duval Adams Charles Cantrfll Barbara Knicht Sweetheart Leonard Ireland J. E. Lowi Mrs. G. O'Kelley, Cantrell, Gober, Ireland, Adams, Lowe. W. OKflley Sponsor Company Band Capt. Melcher Company Commander Lt. Bibb Company Erec COMPANY HEADQUARTERS Banks, Larry Gibson, James Drnm Major Training Officer FIRST PLATOON Lt. Brackett, Platoon Leader Brackett, Michael, Sr Akin, J. S., Fr Anderson, David, Fr Black, Joel, Fr. Brannon, James, Soph . . Blue Ridge Milledgeville Decatur . Inman, South Carolina Austell Burkhalter, Henry, Jr Cason, Kenneth, Jr Chewning, Cecil, Fr Culberson, Ralph, Fr Furcron, Robert, Jr HoLCOMB, Alfred R., Soph. McDonald, Benjamin H., Fr. Smith, Paul, Fr Tisdale, R. N., Fr Vaughn, D. E. Soph White, R. M., Soph White, William A., Sr Willis, M. H., Fr Zeigler, J. a., Fr Lindale Brunswick Lithonia Sylvania Elberton . . . . . . Atlanta Lithonia Atlanta Brunswick Bogart Decatur Gainesville Washington Savannah SECOND PLATOON Lt. Sewell, Platoon Leader Sewell, Charles, Sr Akin, Frank, Fr Bridges, Harold, Fr Carpenter, Benny, Fr Cook, Charles, Jr LaFayette '^^V' Blairsville ^k wB"^ Swainsboro Atlanta Marietta Remington, Soph Grant, T. A., Soph Hopkins, R. D., Fr Foss, ^t Savannah Washington C. H., Fr .^^ i *^^ *»" "* ^^ ' ^^ ] ^ «- a ^H[^~ B^ Sandersville East Point East Point Nolan, Willis, Jr Powell, Jon T., Soph fe *^^^ Macon Moss, John, Jr »^ H ^#^ ^Kr// Washington Daniel, Donald, Soph Davis, James, Jr Naman, ^^ ^^ ^^ Senoia Milledgeville f,.^ J H"^ ^W" ^^ ' > , mT^^i' ^m^^ W^^V^f fc. B ' W~ / __J^^ •bti^ Raines, Joe, Soph Robinson, G. L., Soph Southwell, Carlton, Soph. WiLFORD, W. D., Fr Thomasville Winder Dahlonega Thomasville . . Lt. HoLCOMB, Robert, Sr Abrahamson, Dale, Soph. Adams, Bobby, Soph Bradley, Charles, Fr Broxton, George, Soph Co^vAN, Harvey, Jr Diaz, Donald, Fr Eberhardt, Homer, Fr Harper, Travis, Fr Hartley, Selwyn, Fr Hook, G. A., Soph Hooks, Trenton, Jr Johnson, John, Fr McConnell, Jessie, Soph Ray, David, Fr Thomas, Fr Waddell, J. M., Soph Wheeler, Jack, Jr Spight, O'CT^ Jks^ ^*^ €^>4 ^^^\ THIRD PLATOON Holcomb, Platoon Leader Tate . . . Columbus Buford Camilla Gainesville Conyers Athens Atlanta Ocilla Davisboro Alpharetta Swainsboro Ashburn PucKETT, James, Fr ,.*j«-JI Griffin ^ ^L^ • 1 t «L. "''' ^P /'* ^m^' -i iL ^ f v ^t^ ^W^^^ ^*" y/v. L|^ ^- i ifc. fcw f j J* f ^.-^^"^^ •> ^P" ^pr' /^^ - 'fi^ ^ ( ' ^ k^fcl, ^ J ^^^ /^^'^^ ^^r^>- t^ ^ m^« ^fe- ^ '^ w*' ^B^y' Jy CT. 1 '^ ^J^ -^ Elberton Sparta ,-~^ B> ^P^ - , iw l^irb Ocilla _„__ Mfj^mra^^ Conyers Canton I ^^^_^ ^ ' ^^^i ^^ ^^ V' Mrs. J. F. Martha Cornell Melcher Sponsor Sweetheart The North Georgia College Brigade organizations on the campus. Since Band its is one of the oldest beginning many years ago, the Brigade Band oldest dormitory on campus. The Band, with around has been housed in the Band House, the sixty-five under the direction of Mr. Desmond Booth. Band members, is Company has the task of drilling with instruments as well as rifles, which makes company also such events The Band activities. the local it the most versatile company at N. G. C. The competes equally with the other companies in as inspections, progress tests, and intramural sports. has achieved recognition by participation in various Some of these are the annual Graduation Ceremonies, annual Gold Rush Day parade, the annual Rose Parade in Thomasville, Georgia, the Masters Golf Tournament Parade in Augusta, Georgia, as well as all the parades views of the North Georgia Corps of Cadets. Wednesday Inspection? Cook Reminiscences and re- Nothing like a good book for relaxation! Scabbard & Blade Seated left to right: Bibb, Darden, Pope, Thornton, Baggett, Sills, Morgan, Reece, Waldrop, Leverette, Hodges. Standing: Melcher, Hardy, Skinner, Daniel, Harrison, Pirkle, Driver, Floyd, Ponder. OFFICERS: Sills, Pres.; Baggett, V.P.; Daniel, Sec; Mitchell, Treas. Scabbard and Blade is a national military society with local chapters called compa- honor located in LSI leading colleges and uniwhich have Reserve Officer Training Programs. Here at North Georgia we have Company "I" of the 12th Regiment. This is an elite organization made up of selected seniors whose desire and purpose is to supplement the training program of the Military Department in order that the underclassmen be better prepared to meet the requirements set nies, versities forth at summer field sponsor Mrs. L. B. Sills training at Fort Benning each year. H4 First Battle Group Staff Mm^ Lt. Col. Harrison Comtna?ider Capt. Rivers SI Major Skinner Exec. Sweetheart Linda Groover Capt. Skelton S-2 Company Alpha Capt. Thornton Company Commander Lt. Tillman Company Sgt. Exec. Johnson 1st Sgt. COMPANY HEADQUARTERS J. C. Brinson Training N. CO. R. Butler Supply Sgt. Been L. P. Geicer Pit. leader Training O^iicer I J. AssI . . FIRST J. James W. Wright R. Guidon Bearer Clerk PLATOON Lt. Morrison, Platoon Leader Morrison, R. L., Sr Adams, J. M., Soph Branch, W. A., Fr Camp, R. H., Jr., Fr Cannon, Hoyt, Fr Clark, M. L., Jasper Buford Belleville, fr Daughtrey, Hurley, DeLay, J. L., Soph Mineral Bluff Miami, Fla. Morganton Athens Jr. . . Fort . Evans, R. E., i^r Hardison, Richard, Fr Jr. . 116 Gordon Morrow Morrow Toccoa . . W. S., Jr., Soph Thayer, Allen, Sr Ward, S. M., Fr Webb, James A., Fr Whitley, George W., Soph Shelfer, J. Marietta Clement, Jimmy, Fr Cochran, Archie, Soph Crawford, J. A., Fr Dalton, T.W., Fr Harpold, Dan, N. Morrow Macon Port St. Joe, Florida Atlanta Columbus West Point Atlanta Gay SECOND PLATOON Lt. Edwards, Platoon Leade Edwards, Andrew^ Sr Alsabrook, J. R., Soph Bauman, a. Charles, Soph Pembroke East Point Manhelm Kafertal, Cousins, Richard, Soph Fortune, ]. ¥., Gennany Greenville Fr Decatur Glen, James H., Fr Gooden, David, Ft Heeth, Wyman C, Sr Helmbold, Richard, Fr Hughey, H. p., fr Sautee Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Johnston, Fred W., Fr Augusta Kenyon, Lawrence, Jr Miller, W. G., Fr O'Hagan, Patrick, Soph. Joe L., Fr . . St. Millen Decatur Simons Island Commerce Sims, Thayer, David, /r. Word, William, Fr Kr\ ...... . Columbus Atlanta THIRD PLATOON Lt. Hand, Platoon Leader Hand, Rex, Sr Brookfield Bowman, R. W., Soph Augusta Atlanta Conkin, C. E., Jr Ingram, Robert, Fr KiMSEY, D. G., Fr Gumming McCoRMACK, Amon, ]r McCrary, R. T., Soph Augusta Gainesville Mayfield, C. B., Fr Morrison, J. S., Fr Newborn, J. L., Fr PiCKREN, James, Soph. Rountree, R. H., Fr Fr Sewell, H. J., Fr Seymour, H. V., Soph Seigler, John L., Tarver, M. C, Fr Temple, Joe, Fr Tinley, J. L., Fr _ Hiawassee Ellijay Jasper East Point . . . Jacksonville, Fla. Metter Loganville Sandy Springs Brunswick Dalton Hartwell Waynesboro - "^^n^. The "A" usually means "first" both in and here at North Georgia College. The gleaming array of trophies encased in GailLetter the alphabet lard Hall attest to the latter. From the beginning of the school year to the end, from the to the fourth, every cadet in Alpha is first year aware that teamwork and cooperation secure more regard Thus have the officers Company "A" worked and played in than individual attempt. and men of everything from Federal Inspection there Ramona York Sweetheart Mrs. Joel is little play) to football (in (in which which there Thornton Sponsor "If I die honey" . combat zone, "A" Company drills. Company Casualty! Lost class for the day! Just checkin'l is a lot of duty, work and cooperation, play), instilling a sense of fellowship, and honor in every cadet. North Georgia can be justly proud of her "Red Raiders" who have always attempt- ed to further the traditions of the college. men which make up "Alpha" Company proud of readily tell from justly this organization, their spirit and as The are one can attitude. Company Bravo Lt. DuVall Company Exec. Capt. Pirkle Company Commander 5^^ Winn 1st Sgt. COMPANY HEADQUARTERS T. V. Woods G. A. Guidon Bearer Smm Training Officer FIRST PLATOON Lt. Parks, Platoon Leader m W^ ^l J ^^ f>/ <i *='• ^^ * ^* '"t^ ^^ - K rj *^ ^M^^ 4; "^^^^-L imM^ ^w^ J^ m^ ^ Ar* jK/f^ "*^»Mt^ *- ^ ,,^- #^ i^ 9L^ j^^ '^ -^ ^L ^9^ ^?iw^ ^^ ^^ **" . t ^ 1/i '^ «*' **" ~ Wt^ jl --^^WWi'^ ' '^' M*"^ V"^ - Soph Marietta Grayson 'x^^^iiL B., Thomaston Macon IH, Fr Cox, Barclay, Jr Darsey, Ralph, Fr Davis, Daniel, /r Millen Montrose Dahlonega \^ 4 ^ 1' •*» mr^ ^t ' ^^. jj^^v-'^ K^ Collins, G. ^^ \^^ fS JiN 9^-^ ^. __-<»^^ |_ J. L., BuiCE, L. B., fr Iw ; ^C^ ^^^t^ ^'^ --mt^ \-^\ k\:h' Blackwell, Dalton Dahlonega Decatur Cochran, Larry W., Fr . AV ^^'?^ v «i^ «r jjl^J!\ \e!\i^ Parks, Walter, Sr ^^^' J^^^^ ^•' ^^ Ashcraft, F. W., Soph '^^^ .iMmr Ifv^ m ^' •|h'-» -*» • .^ml L <Bp> -<' ^^L^"' ^^JC jf^L^ '^vSKlksiv 120 Denny, W. W., Gaines, Glen Canton Sop/i T., Soph Lovelace, Guy M., Jr McCaslin, Silas D., Soph. MosELEY, M. G., Fr Gainesville Fairburn . . . Thomaston PiLCHER, R. T)., Fr Slaton, Roger, Fr Tankerslev, Mark, Soph. Wadell, Cecil, Fr Woodson, David, Fr Gainesville . . . Gainesville Gainesville Adairsville LaFayette Thomaston SECOND PLATOON Lt. Garrett, Platoon Leader Garrett, B. Athens Fairburn Blue Ridge R., Sr Duncan, Hugh, Jr Eaton, M. L., Fr Farr, Jake, Soph Hawkins, W. H., fr Columbus Macon KiLGORE, David M., Soph McKissAC, J. B., Fr Atlanta Columbus Meyer, H. M., Fr Payne, Charles A., Fr Pettit, Ronald, Fr Milledgeville VVhitestone Canton Richardson, C, Soph Marietta Dalton Waycross Sales, Cecil A., Jr Sawyer, Jimmy W., Fr Shields, James F., Soph ViNiNG, David G., Fr Atlanta Decatur Ward, William K., Soph Williams, Mitchell J., Soph. Covington . . . Wright, Steve, Fr Atlanta Ellijay THIRD PLATOON Lt. Boyd, Platoon Leader Boyd, Spenser S., Sr Brown, H. W., Jr Collins, John T., Fr Duke, James R., Fr Elrod, William C, Soph Fitzpatrick, Henry H., Fr. Porterdale Fitzgerald Forsyth Middleton Byronville . . . Howard, Ralph E., Fr Ivy, Robert N., Fr Jones, Bonner S., Soph Statesboro Norcross Atlanta Canton Kellogg, Charles, Jr Lane, Charles M., Fr McFarlin, Larry R., Fr Morgan, William N., Soph Nelson, Randy, Fr Robertson, William L, Soph. Sharpe, James A., Jr Smith, Harry D., Jr Thomas, Carroll Tippens, Jack, Jr TiPPENS, Paul, Jr M., Fr Covington Valdosta Columbus Rome Reidsville . . Covington Adairsville Columbus Athens Marietta Marietta To the men who are a part of Company Bravo, represents it teamwork and spirit to be found on the North Georgia College campus. We, who individually make up the greatest organ of small integral parts of this unit, feel that our college life has been enhanced and made more pleasant by each other's presence and co-operation. Bravo's record thus far in 1960 is as usual, excellent. We have pushed toward that goal, which every one knows is "Honor Company." Although we're not in any position to predict the remainder of the academic and military year, we know that whether Bravo ends up in first or seventh place, we will have worked hard together in unity. So, with the balance of the year still ahead, Company Bravo proudly, yet humbly, claims the place in our college life that we feel it deserves. 6e/ow: Class Break o smoke and a chat. . time for Woods goes out to cover the end. Woods up First row: for Ward on Broodjump. a pass! Howard, Nelson, Kilgore, Leverette, Gaines, Richardson, Ward, Lord, Winn, Woods. Second row: Garth, Moelchert, WiUiams, Denny, Vaughn, Smith. Third row: McFarlin, Pilcher, Vining, Payne, Shields, Hawkins, Sales. Farr, Ashcraft, Brown, Rivers, Km/D S21 • .<• I 12 4r> 1 to ^ .'^€fis t Company Charlie ^nn Capt. Mitchell Company Commander Lt. McCamy, SECOND PLATOON McCamy, Platoon Leader Chatsworth R., Sr J. Thompson Cook, James W., Fr Davy, D. C, Fr Dean, W. R., Jr., Fr Dearing, p. M., Fr East Point Atlanta Covington Dennis, Harold, Fr Atlanta Hinesville Soph Fowler, T. S., Fr Gordon, Joseph L., Fr Hemperly, Asa C, Fr Ellis, G. B., HoRNE, Chickamauga Columbus East Point Tifton Atlanta Decatur F. D., Jr Janoulis, N. J., Fr Kent, Guy, Fr Lipscomb, Lawrence, Fr Norman, James Toccoa Atlanta H., Jr PiERSoN, Lars G., Jr Marietta Tallapoosa Ray, Ronald, Fr Smith, Robert V., Sr SuRLs, W. J., Terrell, T. Dahlonega Soph Soph East Point Blue Ridge A., Thompson, Fred B., Soph Tilley, Richard B., Soph Watson, Jan F., Fr Marietta \tlanta Toccoa THIRD PLATOON Lt. Reed, Platoon Leader Reed, Harold E., Sr Bell, Dave, Soph Carter, James R., Jr Flowery Branch Chicopee Tallapoosa Harris, James H., Sr Griffin Harrison, T. C, Soph Jasper Soph Dewey Rose Miller, W. O., fr Parks, G. L., Fr Perry, G. D., Soph Albany Royal, W. Atlanta Hulme, J. D., K., Dalton Dublin Soph Sauls, R. N., Fx Sheffield, Wayne, Jr. Shoemaker, Sidney, Fr Stafford, G. W., Fr Styles, L. A., Soph ToNEY, Byron, Fr Van Horn, C. L, Jr East Point . . Ft. Campbell, Ky. Brunswick Thomasville Juno Carnesville Gainesville 125 Carole Harvey Sweetheart When someone mentions socials, everyone naturally thinks of Club on the combination of the excellent atmosphere, the fabulous music, and the general "At Ease" feeling one gets when he enters the always beautifully decorated lobby. The popular "Blue Room" is indeed the top attraction at all our socials. The Big Charlie is definitely on the way up. We have the men, the lively dances held by Charlie at the "Country You Hill." the spirit, can't beat the and the leaders to be the 1960 Honor Company ways is Race. We "company to beat" in the believe that determination the keynote of success in any endeavor. The Big C al- has determination. This feeling will always hold forth supreme in our minds. Let's compare! It's easier that way! He's got the technique! C Company First row: Home, Wishon. Third Breithaupt, Tilley, Florence, Brown, N. Watson, Nixon roio: J. get tips at the half. Watson. Second row: Melton, Pope, Thompson, Perry. Deen, Mote, McCamy, Ray, Carter, Anderson, Harrison, Pittman, Grier, Cook, Janoulis, Elliot. Flight Training Capt. Levitt, Benney Parker, Harold Darden. Mike Brackett, Jerry Pirkle, This is the second class to be in the R.O.T.C. flight College. This group of elite Cadets were selected on program at upon Rex Hand. North Georgia the successful completion of this course. program were selected on the basis of flight aptitude U. S. Army Aviation Physical Examination, and academic standing. The hours spent in preparation and study as well as actual flying time take a lot out of a cadet, but the final result is well-worth the time and effort. The prestige of those silver wings means a lot! These flight cadets are truly honored to have such an opportunity and appreciate the hard work of Captain D. M. Levitt in promoting such a worthwhile program. All cadets active in this tests, Hurst, Pat Daniel, a basis of flight aptitude and physical fitness. This program consists of thirty-six and one-half hours of flight time and thirtyfive hours of ground school. Successful completion of the program results in recommendation for further training as a military pilot by the Federal Aviation Administration and subsequent qualification for further flight training at the Army Aviation center, Fort Rucker, Alabama. Cadets may also earn their Private Pilot's license Hank Adx/iser Capt. Levitt Second Lt. Coi,. Waldrop Coiiiinander Major Hardy Exec. Battle Group Staff Capt. Higoenbotham Capt. Parker S-1 Cai'i. IlomoN Asst. S-I Sweetheart Jane Carroll S-I Sgt. Blount Company Capt. Pope Company Commander Delta Sgt. Ivev Lt. Carter Company Exec. 1st Sgt. COMPANY HEADQUARTERS Tommy Holley Harold Hocsed Guidon Bearer Training Officer FIRST Lt. PLATOON Broadawav, Platoon Leader Broadaway, Ray, Sr Abbott, Reggie, Soph Alverson, Frank, Fr. AvERETT, E. T., Soph Barron, W. M., Fr Cedartown Brunswick . . . Fort Rucker, Ala. Sandersville Baxley Blackstock, John F., Sopli Pymble, New South Wales, Australia BowDEN, James, Jr Cobb, Eddie, Jr Cornelius, James, Fr Couch, Luke, Jr Hale, Jeff, Soph Heard, J. D., Fr Hill, Wade C, Fr McClure, William, Fr McCranie, Von S., Fr Rikard, Frank, Jr Wamble, Thomas, Fr Webb, William, Fr Wilson, William, Soph 130 Perry, Fla. Marietta Ray City Lexington Marietta Franklin Columbus Marietta Willacoochee Birmingham, Ala. Moultrie Cartersville Toccoa SECOND PLATOON Lt. Winn, Hewell, Sr Griffin Dahlonega Bell, George, Jr CoPELAND, Gilbert, Fr Davis, Gainesville Myron, Fv W. Cairo H., Fr Hogansville Edison, R. B., Fr Plant City, Fla. •Davis, Winn, Platoon Leader Smyrna Albany Albany Hancock, Charles, Fr Hardy, K. D., /r Hopkins, Clarence, Jr Jackson, Toby, Soph Marietta LoEHR, William, Soph Mason, James, Sr Monroe, James, Fr Terry, M. A., Soph Plummer, Phillips, Soph Lavonia Albany Cartersville Columbus Albany Atlanta Pyles, H. T., Fr Starke, Stafford, Fr Marietta Stockton, Wiley, Jr Whiting, Julian, Fr Crawford Albany Commerce Wilkinson, Brannon, Fr THIRD PLATOON Lt. Harrison, Platoon Leader Toccoa Augusta Manchester Harrison, Eugene, Sr James R., /r Fowler, Charles, Fr Goodwin, W. D., Fr Davis, Douglasville Dal ton Gridfr, Robert, Fr Hall, H. D., Howell, T. Fr Austell New Fr Hubbard, Lewis, Fr Jones, A. C, Fr King, W. H., Fr E., Moultrie Atlanta Decatur McNair, Jack, Soph Atlanta Macon Myers, A. J., Fr Otte, John, Fr Rowe, James, Fr Segars, Don, Soph Thompson, Robert, Jr. Veal, Monte, Soph Wheeler, Stanley, Soph Orleans, La. Decatur Warner Robins Conyers . . . Raleigh, N. C. Atlanta Buford Pattie Ruth Goff PAUtA CAGLE Sponsor Sweetheart In Delta Company, the orders of the day are passed through the chain of command all the way down to the riflemen in the squad. Each person has a particular job assigned to do. One must live among the men of "D" Company for a while before one can appreciate the calm atmosphere and the lively clockwork of the inside of this mighty machine. There are few harsh words ever spoken, few feelings of remorse and vengeance, and a very small percentage of Delta Commandant's tea parties on men are required to attend the his triangle. The men of "D" Company are rounded individuals. This is not fighters, all: sportsmen, and well- the Black Dragoons will always have a soft spot in their hearts for the young ladies. Several times during the quarter the "hoppers" and the "waltzers" get together Delta and have a convention Company Day Room. work behind, in the Barracks are relaxing, leaving the strain of minds of the 22-5. But the fun is too soon and the routine duties are reluctantly resumed. clearing their First row: over, Hancock, Wamble, McCranie, Veal, Couch, Ivey, Broadaway, Otte, Pope. Hardy, Hubbard, Alverson. Second roxu: Goodwin, Deariso, Bowden, Heard, Plummer, Jackson, Thompson, Hogsed. Third row: McNair, Cobb, King, Carter, Hopkins, Johnson, Winn, Barrow, Davis. f**^ f^ jg »i *-.- ^••.^-^ Ivey Basketball Jackson, moves the ball out of cheerleaders. Wade Hill, Phillip Plummer, life to Delta Basketball games. odd a tight spot for Delta! Fred Pope, and Toby m^ Company Echo Lt. Guest Capt. Darden Company Company Commander ScT. Exec. Whitehead 1st. Sgt. COMPANY HEADQUARTERS Duke J. R. Training Officer F. N. Eubanks Training N.C.O. T. L. Freeman Clerk FIRST J. B. Gordon Guidon Bearer H. Norman H. R. Miller Sup. Sgt. Asst. Pit. Sgt. PLATOON Lt. Artley, Platoon Leader Artley, H. McDonough Sr E., Aiken, D. K., ]y Bargeron, W. Martin R., Blackmon, M. Fy H., Soph W., Soph Winder Easley, C. H., Soph K., Fr Bowman Draper, S. Guest, R. Gurley, a., Soph Hair, Ronald, Fr House, J. C., Fr 4 Dalton Dahlonega Dalton Winder V^ Long, T. R., Fr Sardis NoRRis, Ronnie, Fr \*» Sardis Tucker ^. Powell, R. N., Fr Rainwater, Jerry, Jr Stewart, F. L., Fr Stocks, W. L., VicKFRY, D. Watson, Yancey, J. Fr B., Soph Dalton Marietta Dahlonega Winder Dalton Atlanta D., Jr Columbus Fr Tifton J. L., SECOND PLATOON Lt. Hirst, Platoon Leader Hirst, William J., Sr Anderson, W. S., Fr Duke, J. E., Sr Hall, John M., Soph Hoover, J. C, Jr Kimbell, D. L., iMcCoNNELL, W. Fr Ochlochnee Commerce Flowery Branch Lavonia Augusta LaFayette Soph E., Macolly, James W., Sr Miller, B. R., Fr R., Fr J. Griffin Leesburg Atlanta Pine Lake Parkman, Shackelford, M. L., Fr Sherrer, C. W., Fr Smith, T. H., Fr Thornton, J. A., Soph TuTTLE, J. R., Fr AVhelchel, C. H., Soph WiLSDON, D. H., Soph Wilhelm, J. P., Fr Griffin Rayle LaFayette Springfield Warner Robins Clermont Decatur LaFayette THIRD PLATOON Lt. Sims, Platoon Leader Thompson Sims, Jack, Sr Coffey, D. C, Fr Drinkard, L. W., Jr Dyer, Roger, Sr Elliot, Van, Soph Decatur Swainsboro Blairsvillc Alpharetta Henry, C. C, Fr Calhoun R.E.,Fr Manly, R. F., Fr Atlanta Lee, Dalton Maples, J. A., Soph Marchesseau, L. J., fr Palmer, J. B., Fr PuLLiAM, Earl, Fr Robinson, J. R., Fr Shivers, Rodney, Fr Smith, Robert LaFayette Atlanta Dublin Cornelia Winder Manchester Jr Decatur Tate, Richard, Soph Gainesville TisoN, E., Weyman, Jr Wren, Richard C, Soph Cordele Augusta 135 Vivian Ingram Mrs. H. Sweetheart Echo, the "Green integrity to a W. Darden Sponsor Wave" campus of that unfurls open its and teamwork pride, ambition eyes, exemplifies the fiom within that is typical of the N. G. C. cadet corps. This teamwork is demonstrated daily through its accomplishments on a way to a goal: Honor Company! Echo won more football games in one season than any "Green Wave" team had won in the previous three put together. This same group of men put their heads together and came up with the highest scholastic average in the corps. In reflection of their cooperation and teamwork, only one Company Echo left the school at quarter's end and do specialized study elsewhere. It is a pride to know that wherever an Echo cadet may be seen he will uphold the standards of a gentleman, his unit, and his school. It is the desire of the Commanding Officer that the men from rank to rank in "E" Company will all, some bright June day, receive their Bachelor's degrees from this great institution and reserve or Regular Army Commissions in the United States of cadet from that was to America. Top: Whitehead done. shows Freshmen how Company Middle: clowns prepare for it's in- spection. 6e/ow: reports. Checking bulletin-board for daily Artley with the discus. Top: Campus watches high-point man Sims toss. 6e/ow: Sims around end for T.D. pass! Firsl roiu: Maples, Guest. Brannon, Hurst, Artley, Blount, Blackmon, Easley, Darden. .Second row: Coflee, Stocks. Third row: Norris, House, Duke, Hall, Stewart, Melton, Pulliam, Yanq-, Hair. 1 uttle, Siiuras, Paikman, Macolly, Sherrer, Norman, Tison, JL '^'"'^•^, ^0^ A\\ \1 *' O Company Capt. Baggett Company Commander Foxtrot Lt. Driver Company Exec. COMPANY HEADQUARTERS Johnny West Gilmer Conrad Boterwec Wiluam BiiiNErTE J. E. Training N.C.O. Guidon Bearer Clerk FIRST Training Officer PLATOON Lt. Williams, Platoon Leader Williams, Bruce, Sr Armstrong, R. K., Fr Barrett, James, Fr Bradwell, G. I., Fr Bridges, Haralson Donalsonville Atlanta Valdosta M., Fr J. Doraville Capel, L. H., Fr Carlile, Chamblee, James Cook, W. Fry, Griffin Columbus K., Jr J. Fr R., R., Fr Paul H., Soph Gandy, J. R., Soph Hanson, D. L., Fr Kinder, Mark, Fr Miles, T. F., So/,/. Richardson, Carl, Sr Rhodes, J. C, Soph Skinner, E. H., Soph Sneed, B. S., Jr Wilson, R. D., Soph Wilkes, R. C, Fr Gainesville Macon Atlanta Albany Riverton, N. J. Irvington, N. J. Thomaston Griffin Smyrna Riverdale Blue Ridge Gainesville Atlanta V , SECOND PLATOON Lt. Potter, Platoon Leader Potter, John, Sr Atkinson, Tom, Soph Columbus Campbell, Wayne, Soph GooLSBY, Dempsey, f Rockmart W. T., Fr Johnson, Jimmy B., Soph Jones, David C, Fr Keener, C. M., Fr Ellijay Allentown Tommy, Soph ^, ^^"*-' Turner, Robert W., Jr Williams, W. B., Soph. Wind, H. W., Fr Atlanta "^S^ ^ c?^^ ^ \i -v* *. ^|\ '^^ISw,i. ^^^m^ I | ^^p^ f ^ ' w / Jh^ ^^vl^' |*» . ^ f^^J^^ 0)1^^j^ 'T^i^ . ^ L^ ^ Ii Griffin ^^ ^'^K^ V ^~"_^ .^^SL ^Hfeh White Stone Blue Ridge MiNTER, v W . BLj^ Payne, R. L., /' Quintrell, W. N., Sop/i ^ \«rfc *^ jL ^ 1 ^^X Atlanta Jim, F? ' ^ L»- -rt#P^ ~~§ \ Jefferson w^ V J^P L»m. ^^ ^ Brunswick Decatur Land, Irwin, Fr Lawhon, ^fe^'' ^ ^ ^k-c- rs • ""^K' Atlanta Fr E., J. ^B^ Griffin Jackson, \ w"'!*'' Lincolnton I Irvine, Richarp, Fr Kesler, B^ Broxton .«^V, f"^^*" * "^ i ^ I- ^"^ Hanau, Germany ^IM \^ W Cairo THIRD •'^'•'^k^ -titl^f^ ^ /^ V i(^^ PLATOON Lt. Evans, Platoon Leader Evans, I. C. So/)/i. Hall, W. A., Soph Logan, John C, Fr W. L., McGee, G. Fr J. Rogers, Dan D., Soph Sellers, James, Soph Fr Tyson, W. G., Fr Waller, Thomas, Soph SiZEMORE, J. N., Wbaver, E. E., Fr Westbrook, W. R., /r Youngner, D. C Lincolnton m g Dublin Ragsdale, Tackie, Fr WL t*' Plains Smyrna W., Fr Odom, R. N., Fr Nash, '^ k. Qr***" I East Point Ochlochnee H., Jr., Fr ^) ^ ^^ s^w.. Jefferson Dalton Fitts, F. B., /r Long, W Augusta D., Sr J. Adams, •»-' M^ ' Buford Dahlonega Ringgold ^ »i-^ • '^^^^tv ^^^i \ ^fr*^ "iKl^, JI|L»^ Marietta Ji'">*^ Jb^ ^ \b^ mK^ ^^•'•^ ^ !••* «• ^ , -^JP^ * i^^^v__ ^^"^^K*^ Perry Tucker Brunswick -^ «.'. JJu^lk f 1^«C Valdosta East Point ^ ^<n» JT* '^' ^^^' ^ ^ \*1 » Emily Stephens Sweetheart Although Foxtrot is not noted for its wild Christmas parties, march and blow at the same time, we maintain that we are the outstanding unit on campus in the field of celebrities. Among the most noted are: Johnny "the Greek" Potter, George "Frenchy" O'Kelley, Bruce "Hormone" Williams, Terry "Casanova" Baggett, and Billy "The Colonel-Slayer" or the ability to Burnette. More seriously, however, Company Foxtrot wishes to say that we leave this year with the feeling of accomplishment and with a clear memory of the spirit of Foxtrot and the wholesome felThis school teaches everything!!! lowship that has been shared throughout the year. It has been a year of trying experiences, but the happy ones have far surmounted the unhappy ones. We, the men of Company Foxtrot, deem The Thinl<ing Man. it a privilege a fine organization. 140 and a pleasure to have been a part of such Placing bets the for afternoon games? ^ Foxtrot First in o fourth down situation. Foxtrot's John Potter leading the pack. row: Ragsdale, Price, Hanson, Evans, Armstrong, Bridges, Capel, Gilmer, Tyson. Second row: Turner, Johnson, Mills, Younger, Weaver, Barrett, Payne, Baggett. Third row: Driver, Rhodes, Williams, Keener, Gandy. Skinner, Burnette. Potter, Receiving instruction on the firing range. Summer Camp 1959 North Georgia College cadets won fourth place over other institutions represented at Fort Benning thirty-five last summer when comparative ratings of all factors were computed. They won first place in leadership ratings made by fellow cadets and Regular Army Cadre, and first in job performance and marksmanship. A comprehensive schedule of field training was followed, and the many campus hours of classroom theory were applied during actual field exercises. There were also many lasting friendships made at Summer Camp which will probably be renewed in the years to come. Top: Reece checks sights preparatory to firing. Below: study a mop before undertaking a field problem. Group of cadets Reece accepts the Honor Company award for Company "F" at formal ceremonies marking the close of Fort Benning's Reserve Officer's Training Corps Summer Camp. T »% I m:^ > --w*< -s- XJ -<^<»lv : m-. /•v^-;-- ^>>ff^^-' -^ hx t f ^RENOVATIOH IN PROGRESS TIME MOVES ON; -t - ftz-r-fTr-T.^rr• ^ Wi -f* OUR DAYS •#*•*•' 3 % f^^» -% \fL OUR LIFE FRIENDS; OUR - ^ i» * * %^~' iW\^ ti 'gjjif. .^4 / SWEETHEARTS; OUR 154 . MEMORIES . . . AUTOGRAPHS 156 AdA TRY CRANE CLEANERS FOR ECONOMY AND EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Fluff Dry Cleaning Dahlonega Georgia Compliments of CHICOPEE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION Georgia Chicopee 158 WHITAKER & GARRETT WHOLESALE CANDY — TOBACCO — NOTIONS 328 Oak Street Gainesville, Georgia For that look of distinction N.G.C. . CADETS PATRONIZE WOODY'S BARBER SHOP For thirty-three years we have been "ON-THE-SQUARE" 159 BEST WISHES DAVIS -WASHINGTON COMPANY LLWORK 402 S. LUMBER • Maple Street • — BUILDING MATERIALS "WHERE SAVINGS ARE GREATER" Gainesville, Georgia Phones: 4-5205 — Georgia Gainesville 4-5206 Compliments of FRIERSON-McEVER COMPANY YOUR MEN'S WEAR ARMOUR & COMPANY Gainesville Georgia SALESMAN GAINESVILLE FLORIST CHAMBERS LUMBER COMPANY "HOME OF FINE FLOWERS" BUILDING SUPPLIES 111 South Sycamore Street Phone LEnox LEnox 4-3551 4-7397 Gainesville, Georgia 1125 South Main Gainesville, Georgia BEST WISHES MINTZ JEWELERS from BROWN -WRIGHT "STORE FOR BRIDES" HOTEL SUPPLY CORP. 102 West Washington 512 Gainesville Georgia W. Peachtree Street, N. Atlanta 8, Georgia W. JAMES LEES & SONS, CO. PINE TREE DIVISION Makers of ^arn for THOSE HEAVENLY CARPETS by LEES Georgia Dahlonega BROCK HILL'S QUALITY MEATS, TIRE COMPANY INC. Service Center of Gainesville "QUALITY Gumming IS OUR MIDDLE NAME' TIRE REPAIRING, RECAPPING, AND VULCANIZING Phone LE Georgia 4-9902 302 East Broad Street Gainesville Georgia THEY WALK WITH A MILITARY STRIDE robaccos — Notions F & H Drugs — Candies — Paint FLEMING & HAWKINS WHOLESALE COMPANY CORCORAN, INC. Cornelia, Georgia Stoughton, Massachusetts Cornelia 214 Gainesville LIPSCOMB DRUG LE 2-2005 COMPANY WEST CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Dahlonega, Georgia YOUR COLLEGE DRUG STORE Laundry Agent for FOR OVER 30 YEARS IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "ON THE SQUARE" 331 Northside Drive Dahlonega Georgia Phone LE 4-5171 Gainesville, Georgia STANDARD FARM INSURANCE CO. STATE SERVICE STATION AUTO — FIRE — LIFE Roy Kay Abercrombie ATLAS TIRES, BATTERIES, & ACCESSORIES G. Huff, Agent Dahlonega, Georgia Dahlonega, Georgia BEST WISHES DAHLONEGA PAINT AND BODY SHOP Wrecker Service — Day or Night — Bodies Rebuilt Painting — Glass from Installed JAKE'S SING SERVICE William King, Owner Dahlonega Georgia Georgia DAHLONEGA HARDWARE & Royal Typewriters Electric Dahlonega — Standard — Portable SUPPLY COMPANY MENDENHALL Office Machine & Supply Quality Hardware, Building Material, and Farm Supplies Company Gainesville Georgia THE CAKE BOX BAKERY EVERYTHING IN BAKERY GOODS Visit Dahlonega Georgia NORTHERN FREIGHT LINES, INC. General Office Gainesville, Georgia Our Coffee Bar Gainesville Georgia "Safe Swift Service" THE DUTCH MILL 'EQUAL TO THE SOUTH'S BEST BARBECUE' DuLUTH Georgia CHEROKEE RESTAURANT BEST COFFEE IN TOWN WHERE THE STUDENTS MEET AND EAT REGULAR DINNERS WITH COMPLETE SHORT ORDERS HOME-MADE Dahlonega PIES Georgia GUARDED QUALITY ICE cneA^AA. GEORGIANNA MOTEL and RESTAURANT Compliments Specializing in STEAKS — CHOPS and of FULL COURSE DINNERS PRIVATE DINING ROOM FOR GROUPS Dial LE 4-7361 Georgia Gainesville SHERWIN-WILLIAMS BETTER CARE FOR YOUR HAIR . Gainesville Georgia CARDER'S BARBER SHOP Dahlonega Georgia I^njratulations to the graduating class Bottled Under Authority of The Coca-Cola Company by The Gainesville Coca-Cola Bottling Company 167 lui BEST WISHES Liic i^eauuig- rasmons ana Nationally Advertised Name Brands in from LADIES READY-TO-WEAR GORDON MAGIC-PAK in POTATO CHIPS Dahlonega it's PARK'S CLOTHING SHOP GEM JEWELRY COMPANY Compliments North Georgia's Largest Jeweler of MAKE OUR STORE YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS MILLNER'S Dahlonega Gainesville Gumming ToccoA Gainesville Georgia Georgia Evans Implement Co. Compliments of If If's HAVA TAMPA CIGARS Distributed by SALES Witt Cigar & Candy AND 7/'s Good SERVICE • JACOBSEN Power Lawn Mowers Eli Sdd by EVANS Co. • WORTHINGTON Gang Mowers-Tractors • MANCO-DEVERE Rotary Mowers of • WEST POINT COMMERCIAL MOWERS — HOME MO GOLF COURSE • AIRPORT • PAR CEMETERY • ESTATE • HOME SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Aerifiers-Verti-Cuts Athens, Georgia 611 North Ave., N.W. Atlanta, Georgia KING'S GULF SERVICE STATION WASHING ASK FOR POLISHING TIRE REPAIR Dial Dahlonega UN POTATO CHIPS Guaranteed Fresh! 4-3831 Georgia THE THREE STAR CHEVY SHOW Chevrolet ROBERT M. MOORE'S STORE Corvette CoRVAIR "A complete line of general merchandise' FRED JONES CHEVROLET Friend of All North Georgia Students COMPANY Dahlonega Georgia Dial UN 4-3621 Dahlonega Georgia CompliTttents of MATHER FURNITURE COMPANY WHEN IN DAHLONEGA Dial UN 4-2231 Visit Dahlonega Georgia COURTESY PROGRESS THE SMITH HOUSE 'Where the rooms are as nice as the meals are good' BANK OF DAHLONEGA W. B. FRY, Owner "A Bank You Can Bank On" Member Dahlonega F.D.I.C. Georgia Complivtents of CHARLES W. McSHEEHAN JAMES W. BUSBIN Resident Engineer Inspector General Building Contractor Lyerly, Georgia SUMMERVILLE, GEORGIA Compliments of Phone 42 5 D. C. COLE, P.E. Professional Engineer BEST WISHES . . . DAIRY QUEEN AND BRAZIER of DAHLONEGA, GEORGIA BETTER MAID MILK PRODUCTS, INC. Gainesville, Georgia H. C. WILKINS FRED HIGGINS Distributors In Dahlonega, Georgia 171 THE PLACE TO MEET . . . THE PLACE TO EAT THE DIXIE GRILL Jack Trammell, Manager Emory Brackett, Owner Across from the campus at Dahlonega, Georgia AND SCHOOL AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. THE STUDENTS ARE ALSO INVITED TO ENJOY THE COLOR TELEVISION IN THIS PART OF THE CANTEEN. BOOKS, UNIFORMS, SUPPLIES SUNDRIES AND POST OFFICE THE CANTEEN Robert Ragan, Manager SODAS, SANDWICHES, SWEETS, STATIONERY, AND OTHER PERSONAL NEEDS CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE NORTH GEORGIA COLLEGE STUDENT EXCHANGE. — INE PRINTING SINCE 1887— i|ij & That's the story of Foote Today we have one equipped plants of the Davies, Inc. most modern and best in the country. And fine Yearbooks have always been an important part of our business. Our craftsmen believe in quality and strive to produce the "best in the Industry." printing doesn't just it's Our excellent happen a combination of production research, craftsmanship, and painstaking supervision. FOOTE & DAVIES, 764 MIAMI CIRCLE, INC. N. E. / / .^j^^^. M/A^^^/^/,^^- ^o^J^an^a^/u^xe^ ATLANTA 24, GEORGIA bp.Col. U 428 .N6 C9 960 North Georgia College, Cyclops / 44552 J