november - Australian Clay Target Association
november - Australian Clay Target Association
AN OUTSTANDING SUCCESS MIROKU 9000 The winning advantage of the MIROKU9000gives your score the lift to put you in the winner's circle. The MIROKU 9000 is designed using traditional shooting values combined with modern manufacturing technology to give you the fit, feel andpointability to smoke target after target. THE MIROKU 9000 FEATURES: GRADE 1 * Ventilated barrels. * Adjustable wide crisp trigger. * Presentation grade walnut. * lnvector choke system. TRAP (regular or mon* Palm swell grip. tecarlo) OR SPORTING Built to last. $1899 GRADE 5 FEATURES HAND ENGRAVING AS C/ F Grade 5 engraving. I FULLER FIREARMS GROUP PTY LTD PO BOX 77 BEACONSFIELD NSW 2014. Recommended Retail Prices Only. The gun that has done and is doing more for shooters in 26 year$ since I introduced them in commercial quantities into West Australla, than other guns that have bean available over very long penods. Wlth the most modwn and u p t d a t e technology built into them. it is designed to give you more value for far longer for the dollars you spend when you buy a Permi - no dwbt about that. It's a lonpterm nvestment for your enloymenl so why no1 .on the very wise shwlen who knew wst to selml Permi and when you also are ready to tnvest n a lop gun you mmedalay lnnk to yoLnei "PERAZZI FROM YOZZI" - the most iavo-rec name and Perm centre n Australla s nee 1972 We now OHer yo^ for mmed ate oe very tne follow#nglarge range of mwels MXI MX3 trap MX3C sporter MX4C trap, skeet or field MX2 MX3 skeet MX5 sporter MX8 trap with 28'K and 31%" barrels M2L MX3C trap MX4 trap MX8 skeet MX8 gold line trap DB81 special trap SC3 trap and skeet We try to have for immediate delivery stocks of all abuve models, but apologise should at times we may be temporarily out of stock. Ail orders including special orders get my personal attention in order to fulfil your persanal satisfaction. What better could you wish for? Now be positive and buy your "PERAZZI FROM YOZZI" (since 1972) It shoots as good as it rhymes. The rest is up to you. The wise or otherwise decision is your?. You can't say I haven1 advised you. Now I thank all past clients and I twk forward to giving my best assistance to all my past and future clients. Tony Youi Sports, 460 William Street (Cnr. Brisbane Street) Perth, Western Australia, 6000 Ph. (09) 328 4981 A/H (09) 271 2766 SOLE FACTORY EXCLUSIVIN FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR PERAZZI FIREARMS AND ACCESSORIES. KROMSON CLAY TARGET MACHINES. ROBOT MODEL 350A - trap skeet and personal models. SENELLI FIREARMS MODELS 121. 123, 123-3" Mag., 121-Y Mag., Montefeltro, Super 90 in field, trap and interchangeable choke models. ALL ABOVE GOODS IN STOCK AND AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NOW FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND SATISFACTION. - PRODUCT SBLFETY CALL ATTENTION OWNERS OF WINCHESTERm 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN SHELLS If you are in the possession of Winchester 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE I t has come to our attention that ceaain lots o f WINCHESTER@ shotshell camidges~'manufacnuedduring March 1990 and identified b y the following product description and lot numbers may produce l o w pressure ballistics causing the wad to become lodged in the gun barrel T h i s condition in turn may result in damage to the f r e m and possible injury to the shooter. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION WINCHESTER 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN SHELLS SYMBOL W12SS SHOT SIZE 2 CODE LOT - AEDZEC 02 AEDZEC 12 AEMEC 22 AELXEC 61 AEDZEC 91 SHOT SIZE 4 CODE LOT - ' AELXEC 22 AEDZEC 32 AEWEC 51 If you are in possession ofshotshell camidges to which the above description and lot numhers apply, DO N O T USE THEM. Return the shotshells meeting the above description to your Winchester dealer from whom replacement product will he available. N o other Winchester ammunition or rhobheUs are affected b y this Recall. Ifyou have any questions concerning this notice, c d WINCHESTERe Product Senrice at (052) 48 2000 or write to the following address: WINCHESTER Product Service Department P.O. Box 776, Geelong, Victoria, 3220. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGETNEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 PAGE I All correspondence should be addressed to: Alan J. Maher, Executive Director, P.O. Box 557, Mount Waverley, Vic. 3149. Phone: (03) 807 7577. Fax: (03) 807 2716. Business Address: 3 Essex Road, Mount Waverley, Vic. 3149. Subscription rate is $25.00 per annum. Copy Deadlines: December issue closes October 31. Januaty issue closes November 30. The CTSN is published monthly at Newsprinters Pty Ltd, Melbourne Rd, South Shepparton, Vic. 3630.Phone (058)20 1555. Typesetting by BP Typesetting Pty Ltd, 7 Hampshire Road, Glen Waverley 3150.Phone (03)561 2111. National Director of Coaching: Mr Guy Boileau. ACTA Historian: Mr George Biggs, 4 Hugh St, Knoxfield, Vlc. 3180. Phone (03)801 2748. [World Championships- U.I.T. Inspection ....... . . .......... International Results ................ . . . . . ......., , , . . . ....... ,, ... Australian Olympic Cornminee ..... . .D. Wis/A. Maher U.LT. World Cups 1 W o in a row for M SoflShot versus Hard Shot .................. . ........R. Williams Beaufoa Gun Clu 3\ 3 4 6 ....,,,,,,.....,..,......, ...... ., . . ,, , ,,,, ,.., ,...,......,,.....,..... Know Your State Coaching Director.......,Arthur Kenna 12 Gold Coast ...onthe move ...... . . . ............. . . .....Colin Win 13 Geraldton Gun C Skeet CamivaI Out ofthe Past ................ . . .......... Bundaberg Gun Club Honorary Life Registrations: C. Mon 1.M. Wilson (P.P.) E.F. Hawkins (P.P.) J.M. Tyquin EP.) G.H.Hall (P.P.) E.G.Biggs R.M. Holtheter P.P.) R.H. Moyse PAGE 2 A.Ped-n (PP.) D.R.Taylor R. Mule. N.Wells A N . Rowe L.G.Connon (P.P.) N. Hardy I . . . . . .. . , . . 16 ....,., , , . . .. 16 17 ..................................... 17 18 19 . 22 Club News, Programs & Results ... ..........,...,.., ... . .. . . . . 23 Vale 24 ,, Front Covec The Northam Gun Club hosted their Annual Bailee Farm Field Shoot. High Gun winners over' the two days of competition were ( L a ) : Ladies' J. Whltcroft, Juniors M. Shipp, Veteran Peter McBride, with the Overall' Winner W.A.C.T.A. President John Fissloli. 1 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 seven World Championships, established SIX World Records, with qold medals at the 1964 and 1968 Olymp~cGames ~n300;metre free rifle. We are indeed fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from such a world class renowned shooter who is also widely recognised as an accomplished writer with his work accepted worldwide. As he is making his first vlsit to Australia it will b e interesting to obtain his views on the Whiteman Park Shooting Complex of which we are in no doubt 1s in world class. We'trust that his stay in A u s tralia is enjoyable and that following his technical inspection of the shotgun ranges in Perth he also shares our view of it a s a world class venue. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPSU.I.T. INSPECTION INTERNATIONAL RESULTS Mr Gary Anderson, USA Executive Comm~neeMember of the U.I.T. has been appointed as technical delegate for the World Shotgun Championships which are to b e held at the Whiteman Park Shootina Com~lex. . . Perth. WA durlna- November of 1991. Mr Anderson who will be arriving in Australia in late November of this year to conduct his inspection of the grounds will during his visit be involved incoachins seminars that should b e of undoubted lnterest to shooters as a whole As an m&catlon.of h n proficiency m his chosen sport it is interestlng to note that he has won twelve Natlonal Champlonsh~ps. - I Olympc Trap shooter Russell Mark has figured prominentlv 17 recenl compel~l~ons shot in three dlfferenl countries Durlna Auaust Russell comDered in !he Brllish Grand Prix wh~ch was shoi in k a i e s attractins 192 competitors with 18 countries represented, finishing in second place with a score of 216/225, two targets behind the winner K. Gill (England) 218/225. Again in August and following the World Championships in Moscow, Russell took part in the Grand ltalia shot at Monte Catini. This event attracted 192 competitors from 28 countries and again Russell shot well to finish second with a score of 121/125 two targets behind the winner M. Tommassini (Italy) 123/125. September produced the result that Russell was attempting to achieve as his score of 181/200. two targets ahead of Ireland's D. Evans, won for him the Cyprus Grand Prix in which there were 12 entries from 11 countries. All in all Russell would b e leased with these excellent results whoh relnlorce hts posnion'as one of The counlry's best cJmpel~lorsa! Olympc Trap I SUPER BROWNING SPECIALS TRAP B1.T6 83. T6 B2G. T2 C2G. T2 D5E. T6 CI.T2 POINTER. T6 PIGEON, T6 New New New New New New New New In Box In Box In Box In Box In Box In Box In Box In Box SPORTING RJF ~ u n s E i t h i nPty ~ Ltd 112 Wollongong St Fyshwick ACT 2609 Phone (06) 280 6303 Fax (06) 280 4064 - . AUSTRALIANCLAYTARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 New In Box New In Box New In Box (3 pce for end) SKEET New In Box New In Box New In Box ~ - PAGE 3 AUSTRALIAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEE The Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) is the body responsible for the participation of Australia's athletes at Olympic Games. The AOC is a member of the Internattonal Olympic Federation (IOC) as are approximately 160 countries or National Olympic Committees (NCO). The AOC is comprised of members elected m accordance with the requirements of its Constitution with members elected for a 4-year term in keeping with the Olympic 4-year cycle. Various Sub-Commitleesoperate under the control of the AOC. These include: 0 Planning & Review @ Finance e Fund Raising 0 Apparel 0 Education Medical Athletes All of which are dedicated to the goals and ideals ofthe Olympic movement. From an athlete's point of view probably the most important Committee within the AOC is Planning & Review. Under the chairmanshio of AOC Vice-President Tohn Coates this Committee determ.ines the criteria for 01~mpic;election in the long term and in the short term is responsible for pre-Olympic funding for athletes who have met their strict criteria for the two years prior to the Games. SO far as the shooting sports are concerned, the Planning and Review ~.Committee invite aoolications throuah the Australian Shooting Association (ASA) f o i f u n d : n ~ for ath6tes whc are c a p able oi linishing m the first 16 places in the next Olymplc Ghrnes With shoottno considered bv the AOC to be the one soort, the ..-~ -~~~ ASA through lis~~ompetttloni Committee presents a combined suhm>saionin of review. This submission is .. the ~- AOC - far the ueriod ,~ presen:ed in perso' t y the ASA De.e(iates to t t e AOC Pres~dent W11l.sand Vice-President Alan Maher Each shco:ing afkltate provioes supporting dozurnenlai.on atteainy m the aerformances ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .-" -. ~ yu-...- ~~~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ " The procedure that has been adopted by the ASA for the two years prior to the Olymplcs ensures that those who had performed are recognlsed by the compehtlou points that they have achieved in the tvro years prior to the Olymplc Games m Internattonal Comeetition outside Australia. This procedure eliminates the posslbility of persons being overlooked and agaln ensures that no one discloline or athlete is able to receive an advantage over the othe;. While points are important they have no meanlng whatsoever unless Olympic Quotas have been secured for the country and minimum qualifying scores have been achieved by the athlete. Olympic Quotas are available at designated World Cups and World Championships and are won by the athlete for hidher country and not for hidher self. Minimum qualifying scores (MQS) are also able to be achieved at designated competitions and as such are the first steps needed to be taken to obtain eligibility for uominatiou to the AOC for Olympic selection. OLYMPIC GAMES SELECTION SYSTEM The purpcse ol this system whicll is an agreed domrnent between tne Australion Assoc~aitonand the Australian Olymplc Federalton is destgned to be both slnple anc lair with the basic guidelines being Rule 29 sf the Olymp~cCharter which s:ates. Nationdl 0:ympr C9mmit:ees are reminded that, whle the Olynlptc Games welcomes the youth oi 1t.e v~orld i t is physically imoosa!ble to ac:omm3oate all of the youth of the w3rld and they are asked to use dtscretlon and send to the Games only competitors adequately prepared for high level International Competitions ' ATHLETE ELIGIBILITY 7 To be eligible for consideration of recommendatton by the ASA the AOC an athlete must Shoot the appropriate Mtnlmum Qualtfying Score (MQS) at the approprtate In~ernat~onal Competitions. and PAGE$ 2. Score points under the ASA Ranking System as detailed in Appendix A (see below), and 3. On the basis of performance in recent International Competition. be likely to finish highly placed in the next Olympic Games, and 4. Demonstrate a satisfactory standard of physical fitness, which must b e maintained, ATHLETES The basis of ASA recommendation to the AOC shall be that a!hletes will be recommended on the basis that: 1. They have met the athlete eligibility criteria, and 2. They are likely to finish in the top 18, and 3. Australia has an Olympic Quota place or "Wild Card" in the event. TEAM CHANGES All athletes and officialsshould clearly understand that they are liable to have their membership of the Team terminated at any time by the AOC for breaches of the AOC's Doping Policy, the AOC's Comeetitor's and Official's Agreements, discipline or mi% behaviour: illness, injury or other medical reasons; ioss of form, team unsuitability or reassessment for any reason whatsoever. Any such athlete or official may b e replaced. ANNOUNCEMENT OF TEAM It is the sole perogative of the AOC to announce and make public the names of Athletes and Officials chosen under this system. APPENDIX A - OLYMPIC SELECTION RANKING SYSTEM (As mentioned above 1. This system is based on points gained a s a result of participation in Major World Championships, in the World Shotgun Championships, and in the World Cups of the UIT, with a competitor finishing in 1st to 16th place. First place 16 points, sixteenth place 1 point. 2. Major World Championships have a multiplying factor of 2. 3. The aualification eeriod covers the duration of the UIT comeetilions bffering ~ u o t aplaces. However, it is expected thai the period would be completed prior to the 31st December of the year preceding the Games. 4. Points achieved as per 1 and 2 above will b e aggregated across the three best results achieved in the period as d e f i e d in 3 above. 5. A constantly upgraded Ranking List to b e maintained and published by the ASA after each World Championship or World Cup in whtch ASA representatives partic~pate. The obtainment of a MQS and Australia 'having an Olympic Quota for any particular event does not in itself guarantee Olympic selection. This is determined by the AOC as a result of: 1. MQS being achieved. 2. Olympic Quota being available. 3 Points scored m World Cups/Champlonships by finishing from 1st to 16th place 4 Athletes considered abillty to itntsh m the first 16 at the Olympic Games .. ~ ~ ~ ~ Providing that points 1,2and3 can be demonstrated to the AOC, the ASA are able to nominate an athlete ior consideration for Olvmoic selection. The final decision in this reaard is taken bv the AOC baving considered point 4 ar.d the finances avatlable to the Australian Olymptc Team as a whole. This brief summary has been prepared by !he ASA Delegatesto the Australian Olymplc Committee and is provtded to enable memters oi ACTA dnd any other interested persons to understand and apprec:are the diff~culLesthat athletes from the shoot:ng sports ere faced wi:h as they ahempt to ga:n Olymptc selection. We wish them well in thtsendehvour and assure them that as their sports representatives to the AOC we are ;I all times working on their behall as 1ndividu6lsand lor shooting on the whole Dick Willis& Alan Maher Australian Olympic Committee Shooting Delegates ~ AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 U.I.T. WORLD CUPS 1991 Five World Cups have been set down for the 1991 vear. all of which contain a Country Olympic Games Q ~ o t aand 'the opportunity for competitors to achie\,e minimum qual~fy~ny scores(MSQ) In both Olvm~tc . . Trao. and Skeet ~~~-~ sdverre vieather :rndi:.ons :+ddlnq up tc the shcst lo instzii a new iraphouse and prepare :he qrolnes snc ci~lshouse. Special !hanks iS!eni to l:.tchen r!qailis?r C:arrie Leven ann h ~ s band of ladles for tt.c e:.:ct.:lur.t relnicr d!rner prepared for Sa-urday night and !he d?!lc.ctjs ?f.srnc:r icas ~ the refund of nominations won by Goondiwindi shooter Garry Scudamore. competing in the World Cup for an Olympic Quota and minimum qualifying scores with an additional two competitors shooting to achieve their MSQ. Australiar paructpation i n World Cup events 1s subject to the conditions r u down oy the ACTA so far aseligib~lityio compete 1s concerned. If a person wishes to participate in any one or more of the designated UIT World Cups for 1991 they must first ensure their qualification to do so and having done that take the appropriate steps to obtain approval to compete at international level. Once approval has been obtained the personcs) concerned is required within one (I) month from their return to Australia to submit to the National Office full details of scores and performances. Please refer to the procedure for international competition which is published in this issue of the CTSN. TWO IN A R O W FOR M A R K MclNNES Nanabri AA shooter Mark McInnes won the Overall High Gun at the Narrabri Club's Open %day shoot on July 21 and 22 for the second year running. In a close contest decided only by the r i a l event. Mark beat off challenges from Tamworth's Rod Prior, Sunny Corner's Peter Hayman and Guyra's Ray Hammond to win the sash and trophy, again donated and presented by Blackwoods. AA grade went to Ray Hammond with Rod Prior taking A grade whilst Narrabri vice-president Brian Holcombe took B grade and Singleton shooter Andrew Garvie, with excellent B grade scores took out C grade. Local sponsors included Aaron Inn. Barry Keys. Jim Robertson, Harvey World Travel, Hedley's Tyres, Wilson's Mufflers, Cramsie McRae Dalqety, National Bank, State Bank, ANZ Bank, Tapscott Services. Watsons Kitchen. Narrabri RSL Club. Faulkners, GEC Wholesale. Baguleys, Electro Disco. Jeff Kiss, - , Barrakets. -~~~~- -. R Avro Distributors. Habate. Williams Concrete. McFariand R ;. Thomas. Wt-.Waa D ~ s ~ o s a R.-cl i s Prior. Esso ard Humes Pipes ES \%,el!as n:I*;rciis c : 2" members ~~ Centre: Mark Mclnnes, OA HG, flanked by GradeBection winners. Eighiy-five shuoters travelled from as fdr afield as Lqngreach Qld and Morphettville. SA to attend the Club s 25th anniversary of 11sestabltshment in its present locatiirn dnd lo compete for over $6000 in troph~esIn presentlnq tho trophies Pres~dentRay Faber extended h ~ grat~tude s to all club members who workedbard in AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGFT NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 ~~ ~~ ~ The Saturday night reunion saw many old members return for dinner and entertainment by country and western singer "Speedy" Rhodes (assisted by "Shorty"). It was also a reunion for the McPherson clan who have a long association with the club going back to its mception. Dinner was preceded by the calcutta on event 7 conducted by Mark McInnes with auctioneer Bernie Thomas. The festivities were dampened a little by the news that Linda and Ross McPherson will leave the district in August to settle in Longreach. Linda has been club secretary for a number of years and Ross has served in a number of committee positions. Their depanure will be a big loss for the Narrabri club. State President Peter Hayman congratulated the club for a well conducted shoot and noted that five ladies competed with three of them winning individual trophies. I VIDEO GOACHlNG TAPES TRAP AND SKEET SHOOTIHG Written and Produced by George Biggs For the Australian Clay Target Shooter I 0 ~ 'Shooting Trap The techniques of shooting trap both single rise and double rise targets plus a 15 minute talk on gun handling and gun pointing on the trap house. Where to point and how to look forthetarget leaving the trap house. Price $45 'Shooting Skeet The mechanics of skeet shooting in a step by step demonstration round the skeet field plus a talk on types of guns etc and a 15 minute explanation of how to determine Price $45 correct gun fit fortheindividualshooter. 'Commonsense Reloading An all new tape that demonstrates and explalns lrom A 10 Z shotshell reloading lor lhe A~stralan snooter Price 540 'Each tape is supplied with a 2-page leaflet with advice on gun fitting and gun selection. Immediate Delivev. Prices include post & packing to all states. I Phoneorwrite to George Biggs 4 Hugh Street, Knoxfield, Vic. 3180. Phone (03) 801 2748 Please send money order or cheque when ordering. PAGE 5 So the spreading effect of a qreater nu1:lber of deformed pslleis by an edrller breaa-up a r d rhe result all else betng equal, should b e similar pattern densities. However, because plated pellets are lighter, slze for size, they are rathermoreeasily deflectedby turbulence and wind. Soit'snot unknown for them to yield slightly looser patterns than the best chilled shot. Thelr toughness has one practical advanlaqe. alkeu sllyht 11 Improves the11penetration in game An easy way to test shct frum different sources is to squeeze in. dlvtdua! pellets wlth a 9a.r of pliers The pellets must be !he same size and placea in exactly the same position between the laws ci the pliers The harder shot vrtll o!ter more reststance However thls method lacks precision. Some manufacturers use a drop tes: A slngle No 6 pellet 1s measured from several d~fierentdlrecltons by mtcrcmeter, to find 11sshonest aats, a2d placed in a dtmple on a po:~shed steel plate with the shortest axis vertical. Then a flat-bottomed steel cylinder weighing EXACTLY two pounds is dropped on to the pellet irom a height of EXACTLY 0.75 inch. The deformed pellet .s agaln mecsured so that the amount of flat. tening can be ccnvened to a percentage of lhe ortqnal measurement Thts percentage IS called the crush value ' Altoge'her ten pellets from the same lot are tested and the results conform to tolerances set by the manufacturer. A simple alternative, using a more manageable %ounce weight and a less critical height of 76mm to obtain comparable crush values, was described in detail by Ron Forsyth in the January 1989 edition of the Australian Shooters' lournal. NFP:Copyright (c)Sept. 1990,RB & BR Williams, Muckleford Vic. 1s matchea SOFT SHOT VERSUS HARD SHOT Ross Williams has been writinga weekly shooting column for the sports section of The Weekly Times, Australia's biggest-selling isreorinted bv rural newsoaoer, since 1977. The followincra~ticle permission fiomthat c~lumn. Many factors affect the patterns thrown by shotguns, but one of the most important- and least considered - is the hardness of the pellets. As we all know, a portion of each shot charge is deformed by the stresses of firing. The pellets at the rear end of the charge are crushed out of shape when the front ones press back on them during acceleration. At the same time, those around the outside of the charge are partly flattened against the bore, despite the intervening wad petals. In the open air, the deformed pellets not only lose speed more rapidly than their rounder brethren but also fly wider, causing the charge to apen up and spread. Therefore, because son shot is more easily deformed than hard shot, it produces more scattering and longer shot strings - all else being equal. This need not be a bad thing. Skeet shooters, for example, want a fast-spreading shot charge because their targets hurtle past at close range, either approaching, crossing or going away. But the same shot.pattern would b e useless to trap shooters, whose shots must b e taken at longer ranges, alwayswhile the distance between mulzle and target is increasing. In other words, beyond skeet distances, a skeet-class pattern becomes so thin that many targets can slip right through. Conversely, the patterns suited to trap shooting are no good for skeet: because they needmore time to spread, they increase the chances of missing at short range. Obviously one way to cope with these varying requirements is to select a different choke constriction. But chanmna t h -e cartridon --:ec.ceS will afiecr the pattern t o ~even , 1hough;hechoke rematns the same Thiscan bedone by swttchlng loanorher brand oifactory ammuntllon or by alterlng one or more components of a reloaded - round .. ..-. - Since shot hardness is one ofthe possible variables, how much eifect can it have? Lead shot ismade froman alloy of lead, tin andantimony, the lastnamed being the ingredient with the most influence on the shot's hardness. Cheap, soft shot has about 0.5% antimony, while good quality hard shot, usually called "chilled shot, has 2 to 3%. Thisdifference alone is enough to cause as much a s 10 or even 15% variation in the average pattern density. So the lesson is obvious: the effects of hardness changes should be considered. Shot plated with copper and especially nickel is reputed to give denser patterns. But the pellets chosen for plating are usually superior chilled shot and they are bound toshoot tighter whencomDared with softer black shot. Hlgh-speed have shown that alter leaving the muzzle a charge oi unplated pellets tends to cling together in a mass lor a sl~ghtlylonger tlme than a charge of plated shot It seems friction and deformation within the unplated charge help 10 lock the pellets.together. But the plated product, being more resistant to deformation and behaving as though it were more slip pery (even though graphited black shot probably has greater lubric~ty),is able to separate sooner. PAGE 6 BEAUFORT GUN CLUB The Beaufort Gun Club held the annual Brian Foreman Memorial DaylNightShoot on Sept. 8th. The weatherwasnear perfect and 48 shooters attended irom 12 clubs. Beth Foreman attended and presented the overall trophy, which as usual was donated by the Foreman family, to Phil Graefe, who shot 89/89. Results in full are contained in the shoot reports at the back of the magazine. The main winners were as follows: 20 target B. Foreman Memorial DIB Graded: O/A winner: P. Graefe 89/89: A Grade: P. Carroll 88/89; B Grade: K. Goon 53/54; C Grade: B. Dowslng 19/20. 20 target hanmcap - 1st S Horval48/48,2nd S LVhtte 47/48 3rd P Carroll 4@/41 Back marker I Mathey 22/24 NIGHT 20 target Points Graded - O/ A wtnner V Barby 28/28 A Grade N Marlnos 83/84. B Grade T Jcily 59/60 C Grade R Aldrtct. 60160 20 target SIB Graded - G/A: V. Barby 28/28.: A Grade: G. Cassells; B Grade: G. O'Shannassy 20/21; C Grade: R. Aldrich. OIA High Gun - Vern Barby 119/120. JuNor High Gun - N. Cassells 107/120. Over 60 High Gun - N. Paterson 116/120. Vern Barby shot very well to win the High Gun for the second year in succession. Nathan Cassells from Maryborough in winning the Junior High Gun again showed his potential. This lad has been shootingcompetittvely only ior acouple of monthsand is already in B Grade. Norm Paterson in winning the Over 60s High Gun, again showed his consistency and ability. Bob Aldrich the Beaufor] vlce-prestdenl only dropped three targets for the day and for ;C Grader 77/80 1s a very credttable performance. The Beaufor: Gun Club sould :!4e to ]hank all shooters who attended lor making the day the success that .I undoubtedly was Jack Matthey Sec. Beauf0rtG.C. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 N O R T H A M GUN CLUB One hundred shooters gathered for the BaileeFarm Field Shoot held over Saturday and Sunday, September 8 a n d 9. Shot in mostly fine conditions, winners for Saturday were A grade T. Rose, B grade M. Goudie, C grade R. Henderson. Skeet AA/A R. Ballev. B m a d e W. Whrtcroft, C grade T. Smlth. Best lady shooter on the day was J Whltcroft On day hvo T. Rose shot consistently to again take the A grade, G. Jones the B grade and M. Ponta C grade. Skeet: I. Llmm took AA/A honours. P. Hodgson B g r a d e and D. Clint C grade. J. Pearson the Ladies section and M. Shipp the Junlor section. WACTA Prestden~Jonn Fissioli look ou' the Overall Hc3hGun I Wh~tcroflthe Ladies OA Jun.or Championsh~pwent to E Maley wnde P McBrlde won !he OA Veterans Trophy Spacial mentton and thanks must be given lo our major sponsor Un~onInsurance, the Southern Brook Ter.n~sClub for runnlng the traps and also to Bruce Smart for tne u s ~oi hts farm M A R Y B O R O U G H TIT BITS, QLD Take two guns some ammo. two bags of qolf clubs 5L bails for h!rnand 10for her and you havethe right tnqredienrsfor acoupleol weeks holtday Flrst stop, Brlsbane Exhibltlon shoot August 11 and 12 Kaye shot Overall m ZST DB with 81-81, took the Ladles trophy in 30T Meadows Transport Medley 58-60 along wlth the Ladles Htgh Gun Rob took OA m Stevens & Sons 30T DB C'ship plus the OA HG A few days of chaslng that little whlte ball and turned up at the Gold Coast Gun Club Auu 18 & 19 Rob shootins AA m a d e m lO0T Peter McLachlan Event and Kaye taking B grade in the same event. Rob also won the OA HG for the four days of shooting over both shoots(Bnsbane and Gold Coast). Good shooting to Kaye and Rob. of course I am talklngabout the Rehbeinsof Bundy, who then had to hurry back to Bundy to help prepare for Bundy's Two Day Shoot September 2 and 3, where 53 shooters from varted clubs came to try their luck Our own Peter Shaw beina featured m most events to take the OA Mungungo's One Day Annual Shoot was a day out for Gtno Serglacomi of Bundy who won B grade 2ST Medley - lSpr DR 30TDB Pts- plus the B yrade High Gun with D. Jones alsoof Bundy taking C grade in the 15pr DR and the 30T DB Pts. Good shooting fellas. Maryborough September 23: Our one day Heritage Shoot was sponsored by Carswell & Co - Dix Weldlng Works - Fuller Firearms - National BankTorquay - Tarrants Ford - W i d e Bay Firearms. Thanks to all the sponsors and visitors at the shoot being: Mitchell and Fred Foon from Wonthaggi, Jim Cassimatis (Pres) Redcliffe, all on holidays at Hervey Bay. New shooter to the club Barney Glass from Sale (Gippsland Vic), and Max Weldon and Doug Grant also new shooters. Not forgetting thanks10 our regulars from Gympie, Sylvia and Bill, and a number of Bundy shooters to whom all but one trophy went ...Good shooting Bundy. Reminders - that Gold Nugget worth $1100 at Gympie November I lth it could b e vours November 3 and 4 Redcllffehas ds Grand Opening Shoo1 whlch will b e a blg weekend says President Jlm, hope you both have good turn up of shooters Good shootlng to all, ttll next tlme, s e e you at the shoots LonBird SPECIALIST GUNSMITHING BARREL PORTING $75 BARREL Small holes machined in one or both barrels to reduce muzzle jump and recoil. LENGTHENING FORCING CONES $60 BARREL Altering and lengtheningthechamber of your gun to reduce recoil, improve patterns and reducedistortion of pellets. TIGHTENING OF PERAZZI AND BROWNING GUNS (Prices on application) PLUS ALL PERAZZl PARTS AND SOME BARRELS NOW IN STOCK. CHOKES REAMED AND ALTERED $40.00 PER BARREL. PADS FITTED, STOCKS BENT OR ALTERED. Call us for quotes on all work at 445 Smollett St., Albury. Phone (060) 21 8494 Fax (060) 21 7258 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 PAGE 7 I asslsted my father who was on the Comm!ttee of the A.C.P.S.A. (forerunner of the A.C.T.A.)to set up the Camberwell Gun Club (Bulleen) prior to World War 11, I eased off shooting just prior to W.W.11 as I had to concentrate on Architectural Course. The war years interrupted my shootlng although I did gain respect for firearms and explosives and lectured alter the war as a Reserve Englneer Officer (to C.M.F. lads). PAST 13c PRESENT By George Biggs A.C.T.A. Historian Fred Burns. Newton Thomas - were an example to me in my beginner days. Each of these champions had their own particular style - but bastcally they were spot-on at gun handllng and gun pointmg. These shooters were truly champions of our sport in past years. One of our champions in more recent years is an old frlend of mine, Btll Delaney. Blll was shootlng the pants off everyone at skeet when I came Into the sport aiter World War T\.ro. It was Bill and myselfviho pushed ahead with the introduci!on of American Skeet at our National Championships for the flrsi time in 1970 at PeRh Gun Club. The iollowing story 1s from B~ll'sown pen and relates briefly some of his experiences over the years at clay target shooting. W. W. (Bill) Delaney I was introduced to clav. taraet - tran shootrna at IOM vears and coached bv Horrie .lames (.~ u x b a c l . ~ b n a l d ~ a c k l n t o s h -~ recopntsed Ir!y e?r:) sk!ll ana r s q ~ s s ~ eI s:qn d and r ~ r c q r a ~h!sh Fxure Ch~mplcnsB~ol.'wclct he kept in :t!s Ecu11:r Sirdel Sur. Shop 1 w a ! 3 de31ly love tc kn~v:wh?i hsayeneri to -ha1 bo3k I first shot at Benielgh Gun Club (Centre Road President Lou Bertram), with such shots as Calrosste and Dotiald Mackintosh I shot In open competdlon - no grades - and on occasions beat Calrossie. James and W G Downte, two of them being more famous as llve btrd shooters At 13%I ICO,: 11-me 1t.e largest bacj 1f1r:pllres at l i ? t :!me irs~n Beatle!gh Gun CI,>!, - lnree Ilrsl one socond, from a !.ve wen: ptoqram. The c:her club then operaill:? was Nobel Gun C ~ u b behind Kobe! s A.~munllloniacloly 31 Totnnham M.! 1.rearm was an ~rnp~ovea cylinder itde-by-slde e x ~ o s e dhamnr7r 12-core designaled " D r e ~ o n o ~ g hby l ' Alcoci: 3r.d Pearce - second hanc and well used At 145: year: I won 1t.e Uonsld Macl:~n'csnceniennlal Cup In open ccrnger.:.on wl:h runner-up G?o!qe T'!:nseni o! the Benllelgh Gun Club H o r ~ ~j aer e s 1 1 . 4 to e down as he cons:dered I p3wdernd 1% days 1-0 c.ose !o ir3Fs b ~rernelnoer t I was uslng a very open bore. ~~ ~ ~. ~ ~~~~~ This shows Bill enjoying Hi-Tea at Singapore Gun Club with Minister for Sport Tunku Makota (Ruler) of Johore. ~ ~~ I completed the arch~iecruralc2urre. plajjea qc!f and dld nor use a qur. un!tl Jaiy 1965 when 3n old rhoc!.ng buddy Des O', cuexed x e 011113Ausirhlla Gur. C.ub I was introduced to skeet at that club and establtshed the first event - taken by a German competitor where I appear in some frames. 1initiated and captatned the firs International Teams In Olympic Skeet and Trap to gain experience m luternational shootlng by arrangement wlth the Stngapore Govt. - Pesta Sukan Games. During the three attendances I captamed, I scored gold, silver and bronze medals m Olympic Skeet. Others were won by Dr Carrol and one of my earlier pupils in Alex Crikis. I am pleased to have been approached by shooters On thelr early years) for coachlng and count among my successes John Summers, Alex Crtkls and latterly Lee Brownblll, who took out two Ladies' National Championships after only two years of coachlng I was also instrumental m obtaining the financial grants from both the State and Federal Governments to stage the 1973 World Shooting Championships when W.A.. who had applied for the event. were unable to finance the event and were about to hand the event back to the Federat~onThis vrould have- made Australla -~~ the lauqhlng stccl: ol shooters ivorld-i,,lde Me1bourr.e Gun club loo): up !he challenga and ! war respons~blefor grmnd layouts and club houses for both Meltourne Gun Club and the Spontng Shooters' Club. The 1973Championships viere a complete success and I elected to b e an Official Skeet Referee rather than b e a competitor because of prior experience. incidentally thls was the first time in history that no complarnts were fonvarded by shooters. ~~ Photo shows Bill Delaney acting as referee, Pesta Sukan Games in Singapore. Bill was Team captain on this occasion. PAGE 8 ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ My record for Annual Gold Badge-Aggregate for Skeet at Melbourne Gun Club still stands - three consecutive years with top score percentage for the year, around 9697%. I :v!Il be 70 thls mont!t and hope I am sl~llable tocontr~buteback lo lor the icy and memories I heve gelned frcm the spolt AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 DONALD MACKINTOSH Donald Mackintosh celebrates his 85th birthday with a straight 100 at Coburg Gun Club. The following story is from Jack McCraith who was Club President at the time. Jack also gives his personal opinion on a few of the past champions of our sport. "Donald Mackintosh was invited to ourCoburg Gun Club for his 85th birthday as our special guest, vie contacted Victorrian Scottish Regiment and they agreed to send their full regiment out as Donald was a member. They arrived at the terminus in Sydney Road at where it is still today, you can imagine the interest it created. We had over 85 shooters and everyone formed two rows and they marched between us. "Donald spoke over the address system and said he would shoot a score on the board of 100. In those days we had red washers for a hit, white ones for a lost bird. He shot the 100 straight. I was very youcg to see hlm snoor at Br~ghronGun Club at llve btrds I was taken there by my father He was the best rhat 1 can iemember. the nexl best be~ngJack Sutherland (Cairossle) probably because there was shooting three days a week at live birds. "At clay targets Fred Burns and Newton Thomas were the best Victorian shooters ior quite some years in the major shoots. "I was assistant to Stan Cole as a referee in the Olympic Games 1956 and without any question, to anyone who witnessed Bruino Rosini shooting would know his amazing ability which won him a medal. Before the Games started, some 12 years prior I shot live blrds at Salamanka in the mlddle of Spain and Brutno Roslni won the main events, so ior our boys from Australia to win they need to have full access to unlimited money to b e full time at shooting. similar to iull time golfers." Yours truly Jack McCraith 60 SEMINAR Dear Shooter. On behalf the ~ ~shooting ~~ ~~and the A~ ~ ~ lian Clay Target Association I am pleased to be able to invae you Gary Anderson, Executive D , ofthe~ to attend a seminar National Rifle Association of Amersa. Gary held fourteen World Records in shooting, and still holds some of those records today. However his strengths now lie in his ability to coach and his breadth of knowledge in the administration of shooting generally. Because his time in Australia is limited, this will b e your only opportunity to take first hand advantage oi his knowledge and skills. Furthermore, you are invited, in advance, to suggest topics for discussion, or ask questions to b e answered on the day. I can only repeat that this is a unique, BUT LlMlTED opportunity ior you. Details of the Seminar are: e Date - December 1. 1990. e Starts - 9.15am. Concludes - 4.30pm. Cost - $25 per head. a Includes - Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea. e Seats Available - 110 maximum. e Basis of Allocation - First in first seated. e Place - Sandringham Club. Cnr Beach Rd and Beaumont St, Sandringham. All shooting disciplines in Victoria are being invited - Smallbore. Pistol, Bigbore, Clay Targets and Sporting Shooters. Thus there are only 22 tickets available ior clay target shooters in Victoria. Early acceptance will b e essential. Reply with your cheque for $25 to: MrB.McCarthy. S.B.R.A.Vic., Unit 9, 47-49 Bean St, Mordialloc. Vic. 3195, as soon as possible to be part of this unique learning opportunity. Yours sincerely Baa McCarthy ... Combined optical technology Bud Decot, USA Heinz Straub, Australia INT'L D&WY-LO World's Newest Unique Multi Adjustable Sport Glass!! - Normal W position HY position Self adjustable bridge with '/iN (12mm) variable HY-LO * Newly designed CR-39 lens especially for Trap, Skeet, Field & Game Fantastic versatility for golfers, tennis players, fishermen, pilots, etc. UV hardened in all our famous colours Plano $135.00 * Complete with 2 sets lenses Available m 721: S* %hhC, 8#ld d 7h@d AVAILABLE FROM EARMOLD AUST. PIL. PHONE (08) 264 lo%, FAX (08) 263 7394 Trade Enquiries Welcome. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 PAGE 9 ~~ ~ ~ ~ OLYMPIC DISCIPLINES 1. NATIONAL TRAINING SQUAD A. Composition: OLYMPIC TRAP I.S.U.S E E T A ten (10) member open squad shall b e named for each discipline as a result of scores achieved at each years National Olympic Discipline Championships. (ii) Any member of the National Training Squad winning individual gold-silver-bronze at any full World Shooting Championships. Olympic or Commonwealth Games shall gain automatic entry into the following year's National Training Squad, being included in the order of qualification (if applicable) or a s an additional member of the Squad providing that he/she has participated in the program that determines the Cornposit~onof the National Raining Squad. (iii) In addition to the open squads. two women and two juniors shall be added to each squad by A. Scores achieved at each years National Olympic Discipline Championships. JUNIOR:MINIMUM STANDARD TO APPLY, TRAP 350/400. SKEET 350/400 WOMEN: MlNIMUM STANDARD TO APPLY. TRAP 330/400, SKEET 330/400 B. When minimum standards are not achieved invitations to the NTS may b e issued as a result of consultation behven members of the National Shooting Committee on known abilities. B. Funding: (i) Funding when applicable will b e to the top six (6) members of each squad with (a) The remanlng four (4) membersof the open squad (b) Two Women (c) Two Jun~ors Included at then own expense C Squad Requirements Members of the Natlonal TratnlngSquad must b e prepared to (a) Comply wlth all reasonable requests made of them (b)Maintain reasonable fitness levels that may be determined from time to time. (c) Maintain reasonable levels of competltlon performance that may be determined from time to time. (dl . . Partlcioate in soecified scheduled com~etitionsthat may b e reasonably determined from timd to time. D. Team Selection: Austraiian Team Selection shall b e determined from all members of the National Raining Squad. (See i l , 1991 only). E. Elimination: (i) Australian Team Selection shall b e determined through the conduct of an elimination program(s). (ii) Participation in any scheduled elimination shall be at the expense of the competitor unless otherwise determined. (iii) All persons to commence the elimination program on an equal score basis. (iv) . . Where more than one elimination is conducted scores will be carried fonvard. (v) In the event of any persons not being able to provide an acceptable reason for non-anendance at any scheduled elimination then hidher position on the National Training Squad shall b e forfeited with the position being oflered to the next qualified person according to the s c o r e s (and conditions. women/junior) recorded from the Olympic Discipline Nationa) Championships from which the National Training Squad was determined. F. Raining: (1) The A.C.T.A. will endeavour to obtaln traintng camp (i) PAGE I0 factlit~esat the Australlan Institute of Sport on an ongoing basis (11) Wherever poss~blea mlnlmum of three months notlce of approved training camps will be given to all members oi the National 'Raining Squad. (~il)All members af the National Training Squad including women and jun~orsare to attend all tratnlng programs unless an acceptable reason (E.D./Nat. Shooting Commitiee Chairman) is given at the time of notice of their inab~lityto attend. (iv) In the event of any persons not being able to provlde an acceptable reason for non-attendance at any scheduled tralning program then hidher position on the National Training Squad shall be forfelted wlth the pos~tionbeing offered to the next qualified person according lo t h e s c o r e s (and conditions. women/~unior)recorded from the Olympic Discipline National Champ~onshipsfrom which the National Trainlng Squad was determined. G. Doping - Drugs: All members are bound by the conditions governing the illegal use of substances in accordance with the regulations of the Australlan Olympic Federation, Australian Cornmonwealth Games Association and the Australian Shoohng Associatlon. 2. INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION A. Guidelines for International Team Selection shall include: Current Australian rankino Current International .ankino Past comceilttve performances at level Consdered falllr~mlentlal a1 lnlernallonal level Tesm compst b.111y General standlng as an Ambassador ior the sLort B No member of tne Assocta~~on shall be ellg~bleto ccmpele l n any lnlernaltond ?)en1 vi~thouthaving re-orded a score ln compelttlon equal to or betlar r h ~ nt h e mlnlmum performance score as may b e determined from time to. time, in the four years preceding the event in which they wish to compete. As at 1.1.90 OlymplcTrap 182/200, I.S.U. Skeet 184/200. C. No member of the Assoc~ationshall b e eligible to compete In any internat~onalevent where hidher attendance would be recogn~sedas being a representative of Australia without having received the prior consent of the Associatlon through the National Office. D. Any person who fails to g a ~ nor omlts to apply for approval to compete internationally and competes in any international event where he/she is ~ e c o w l s e das being representative of Australia shall b e deemed to b e inellglble for selection m any team or galn approval to compete internationally for a period of twelve months from the dale af the event contested. E. Any person who having gained the approval of the Association competes in ~nternationalcompet~tions:lall with~none month from the~rretumtoAustralia submit to the National Office lull details of hidher scores and performances. F Fcrsons qual~fymgfor a poctllcn or any Inlerncl~~onelTeam must of lhelr avallabt!ay lo take their place on the tearn v~lthtnthe prescribe? per~odof rime Once a date that allows reasonable time for acceptance to be given has expned, the pos~tlonon the team wtll be offered to the next available qualtied person. ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ 3. INVITATIONS Any person who may recelve a personal lnvltatlon to trarn or compete outs~deof Ausiral~amay only do so with the consent of the Assoc~atlonlf hls/her tralnlna and or colIlDetitlon 1s recognlsed as b e ~ n grepresentatlveof Australla a s aga~nst ~nvolvementon a personal b a s s AUSTRALIANCLAY TARGETNEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 4.COMPETlTORS ACCEPTANCE A. Any person who asaresult ofthe scores recorded by them are named as being a member of the National 'Raining Squad, are to advise the National Office of their non acceptance of a position on the National Raining Squad if they are not prepared to accept the conditions of the Association which have previously been advised to them either by mail or via the C.T.S.N. B. In the absence of any advice as in 4A all members of the National Training Squad have indicated their acceptance of the terms and conditions relating to the NationalTraining Squad and International involvement under the auspices of the Australian Clay Target Association and the Australian Shooting Association. C. A11 team members must be prepared to sign a team members agreement and abide by the conditions therein. 5. JUSTIFICATION COMMITTEE A. Shooters selected to represent the Association by any method that may b e determined by the National Executive Committee shall be subject to gaining approval from the JustificationCommittee. B. The National Shooting Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Justification Committee so far as selection for any international team is concerned. C. The National Management Committee of the day shall assume the role of a lustification Committee ~~~~~~D. In the event of any person being declared ineligible by the Justification Committee for International Team selection the National Executive Committee of the dav shall act as a Committee of appeal whose decision shali be final. 6. REVIEW A. The terms and conditions of membership of the National Raining Squad together with accompanying conditions relating to the Olympic Disciplines shall b e reviewed onan annual basis by the National Shooting Committee. Any variance to the existing conditions shall b e determined by the National Executive Committee in accordance with 6B. B. The terms and conditions of membership of the National Raining Squad together with accompanying conditions relating to the OIympicDisciplines shall b e asagreed to by the National Executive Committee of the day. C. The terms and condttlons of the Nalional Tralnlng Squad together w!!h accompanying zondtt~onsrelailng to Olymplc D~sctpl~nesshall be publtshed ~n!he Novemoer Issue ofthe C.T.S.N. for the ensuing year. D. The Executive Committee of the day shall b e the sole arbitrator in any area of dispute. 7.TEAM FUNDING A. In keeping with the distribution of funds by the Australian Olympic Federation, Australian Sports Commiss~onand Commonwealth Games Association participation in International comoetition shall at all times b e subiect to the ava~labtlityof funds In !he event o! funds not betng made available for any or all members of a team, particlparlon w~llbe on !he basts of sell fund~ng B. Should anv team member decline their nosition then a position wlil b e made available to the next qualified person from the National Training Squad. 8.TEAM UNIFORMS A Eachwrsoncompertng for thef~rstttme a s a member ~ f a i ! offlc:al Aurraltan Team shall recelve the followtn~ ~temsof team uniform. (i) Australian Blazer - Rousers/Skin, Shin, Tie. (ii) Australian Shooting jacket and patch B. The replacement of items of team uniform for future occasions will b e considered on merit. 9. ELlGlBLlTY RULE To b e eligible for international competition under the jurisdiction of the Australian Shooting Association competitors AUSTRALIANCLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 must be acle~ocoir.plyw:th the E;lgibiloy Rulesol the UITand IOC as desrrlbed in thc UIT El!gtbtlitv Rcles 1-10 effrc1:ve as at July 19th 1988. ANNEXES Rule 26 - Eligibility Code I.O.C. By-law to rule 26 Guidelines UIT ELIGIBILITY RULES 4 Ellglbltiy cfcumpolt1o:s 5 Sponsorship 2r.d 6 Commerclal narklnqs or equipment 7. Support for shooters 8. Controls and sanctions 9/10. Authority 10. EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY The Executive Committee of the day reserves the right to at any time amend, substitute or cancelany or allofthe termsand conditions relating to the Olympic Disciplines format as described herein. NOTE: In certain years it may b e necessary to name teams without adopting the preferred elimination program which enables teamsto b e named as close as possible to the competition dates. 11. WOMEN AND JUNIORS 1991 ONLY (i) Oceania Championships Teams selected over 27ST (badge match & ZOOT championship) (8) World Shotgun Championships Teams se:ecied over IOCT of Nattonal Olymplc I)lsclp:.?.e ham!z~onshlos.(Subject lo Mlntnum Scores see I [lit]) AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET ASSOCIATION PRELIMINARY NOTICE 1991 NATIONAL OLYMPIC DISCIPLINE CHAMPIONSHIPS To be held at THE STATE SHOOTING PARK, VIRGINIA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. I JANUARY 28,29,30 (Mon/Tues/Wed) 200T National Olym ic Trap Championship 200T National tSU tkeet Championship I JANUARY 31, FEBRUARY 1 & 2 (ThurIFrilSal) 200T Commonwealtn Olympic Trap Championsh p 200T Commonwealth ISU Skeet Championship FEBRUARY 3 (Sunday) IOOT Double Trap Championshlp ***** THE 1991 OCEANIA CHAMPIONSHIPS ARE TO BE INCORPORATED WITH THE ACTA CHAMPIONSHIPS A 75T Badge Match (open) wdl be conducted prior to lne commencement of the ACTA C'ships. JANUARY 27 (Sunday) 75T Badge Match The Oceania Championships will be held in conjunction with the 200T Commonwealth Championships in both ISU Skeet 8 Olympic Trap. JANUARY 31, FEBRUARY 1 & 2 (ThurlFrilSat) 200T Oceania Olympic Trap Champ'onshi (Closea) 200T Oceanla IS" Skeet Championshlp (8osed) PAGE I1 COACHING CORNER Recenlly a club coach from a country area expressed hls concerl. lo me ihal he had virtually no work lo do He asked vrhal 1 could do 10 help, out !here was l~trleI could thlnk of a! the time The problem has been nagging at me ever since. More recently, a parent of a young shooter with potential in an Olympic discipline asked me for advice on bringing the young person up to international standard. The appropriate State Coaching Director and I have discussed the matter and the short answer is "coachins". Whv was this not obvious to the parent? Membersoflhe publlc frequently phone Nallonal Office expressingan interest in laklng up the spon and asking ior !he addressof a nearby club where they can receive instruction or coaching. Often we are hard put to do other than to refer potential new members to the strongest (coach-equipped) clubs - which presumably have a lesser need for new members - when the rule of equity really requires us to provide a list of suitable clubs for the customer to investigate. These episodes indicate that we possibly have supply and demand problems with coaches. In May, the Australian Coaching Council informed us that we had 356 coaches - 292 at Level I, 51 at Level 2 and 7at Level 3. That is, one and a bit coaches per club and better than one coach per 30 shooters. It is interesting to compare this with netball, a very welldeveloped Australian sport. This has 360,000 registered players and 2649 accredited coaches - 2577 at Level I. 72 at Level 2 and NIL at Level 3. T h ~works s out at one accredited coach per 136 participants. A number of these Netball coaches are at the Australian Institute of Soort and at state-based soorts institutes.Bv cornoarison w~thnetba1l:we in Clay ~ a r g e~hoot;ngseem t to havein exiremely strong coachlng base If there are supply and demand problems. what are the reasons? With the underemoloved coach(esl, knowledae and understandina are oan ofthe droh~em.lf shooters do not know thattheir club has-a coach thev a;e unhkelv to use h ~ mor her If thev think. or 11 YOUR CTATC a#! Arthur Kenna Arthur commenced clay target shooting in Winton in the early 1960s. He then moved to Townsville where he is a member to this day. Upon the coaching scheme being introduced in Queensland, he not long after commenced coaching himself. Arthur assisted Tom Comerford for a time and then was appointed Assistant State Coach in 1987-88, he was appointed State Coaching Director in 1988. Anhur issull lnvolved in the spon in a number of ways bur stales he finds rhe coaching positlon the mos: exciting 'Ihe folluvi~ng piece of edltor~alAnhur suppl~edas an lnsighl Into h.s coachlng ro!e SHOOTING WITH GLASSES Because of the importance glasses appear lo play in the sport today 1decided to raise the topic while conducting a zone coaching seminar at Dalby recently. This group consisted of shooters with a broad range ofage and experience and they came up with some interesting ideas. The first question 1 posed was why do shooters wear glasses? Answers covered: I) Necessity 2) Protection of eyes 3) Reduce glare 4) Enhance performance Necessity:A great number of sports competitors find that wearing glasses becomes a necessily. point in an upcoming article. Protection:If shooirrs !he club or zone coach is a quiet old coci and a This is an area where liltle imoortance is placed. It has become modest shoster whocould not possibly help Illem they should thlnk necessary to protecl your eyes especially when shoot in^; skeet again and the people who wear normal sun glasses for protecl:on are lust Any accredlled coach has been forinally lnstrucred and tested .n kidding themselves lechn~calaspec's of shooting rules and et~qliertesafety measures. Reduce Glare:basic psycPology and melhods of ~nslrua~onAbove all acSome m to reduce d a r e . . o .d e find it necessam to wear alasses credited coaches are volunteers %whoIn many cases belleve they By reduclng glare you are also reduclng tenslon on eye muscles. can contribute more to the sport as coaches than as shooters. And and others and avo~dingrhechance of headaches I have found thls they can necessary when competing a! clubs ilke MI lsa If noone knows who or where !he caachesare thenall ofus~nofEnhancing Performance:f.claldom have a role lo c:ay in geltlng the ~nformallonoul A lo1 of A greater number of shooters are experimenting with coloured tlme a r d money has been Invested in our coachlng resource The lenses to improve performance. product is too valuable to leave on the shelf. Guy Boileau I found the article "Shooting andLensesMin the February ediiion National Director of Coaching to b e an excellent article panicularly the following statements. a) "Use the lens to isolate the target from the background" b) "Unfortunately, everyone sees colours differently and their perception of any colour isdifferent.Some trial anderror is p r o bably necessary to discover what lens colour is best for any individual shooter". C) "The most important thing is to use the lightest tint that you can possibly stand on the brightest day. There is a very loglcal reason for this. The more light to which your eye isexposed, the 30" FULL CHOKE BARRELS more your pupil will constrict. If your pupil 1s constricted, you will experience better focusing ability and superior depth Completely restored by webknown perception. Therefore, you will b e abie to pick up the target more rapidly, focus on it more clearly, and shoot better a s a result" Telephone: (03)596 1822 B.H. A publ~caiionthat may assist you inchoosing tnecorrect lenscol(03)528 4377 A.H. cur is a book by Kodak called 'Filters and Lens Altachmenls" particu!arly the section on lighl and colour. FOR SALE BROWNING F GRADE TRAP AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 The group then raised a point that you never thlnk of until it h a g pens to you and that isthe need to wear prescription glasses. This is a problem that a lot oicoachesnever encounter; therefore they do not understand the anguish that this personmay go through. It issurprising the number of people who say to you "I didn't realise I needed glasses. I can now actually see the target and not a blur". The first question this raises is: Who should test your eyes and prescribe your glasses? Thisis your choice and is usually one of the following. 1) Eye specialist 2) Optometrist specialising in sports glasses 3) Optometrist Having your eyes tested is the easy part - now you have to select the tvoe of lens and frames to suit vour soort. The most imnortant aspect of selecting your frames etd. is fiiding an optometrkt who wlll listen to the requirements of your sport. Some of these reouirements are: 1) The actual positioning of the prescription within the lens. 2) Comfortable bridge; so that they do not cause discomfort on Y ,-D-~- ~n To w 3) Thln frames, to glve greater field of vision 4) Wings that will hold your glasses in place and not shifi due to the effects of recoil. There are a tremendous number of frame shapes, different bridge shapesand typesofwings. If you have never had to select a pair of glasses for yourself my advice to you is consult with people who have encountered this problem for advice. With the high cost of glasses remember: investigate the type of alasses vou reauire and find an accommodatino ootometrist who K80 TRAP, SKEET, FIELD From $5400.00 J. S. Miatt PO Ebx 1868, Launceston. Tas 7250 Phone [003] 31 8285 N.S.W. A ent M. J. Facer PO Ebx 94, h t o n . NSW 2571 Phone [046] 57 1062 AH [046] 54 5255 @BROWNING 05 L GRADE PROBABLY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GUN IN AUSTRALIA. This special order D5 in %AME GUN" configuration was engraved by M. THEUNES, has gold inlaid duck on cross lever, gold inlaid U & 0 at selector, gold medallion in stock. Magnificent wood in three piece forend and pistol grip stock. 2714" Blls, chokes **-, *-.near rnint-cased. $17, 750 o.n.0. Photos (3X), send $5 to Box 2139. Nth Brighton 3186 Viewing by Appointment A.H. (03) 848 7951 GERALDTON GUN CLUB 1990 CRAYFISH CARNIVAL my own preference ... GOLD COAST ON THE MOVE The Gold Coast Clay Target Club is on the move again, aiter several years of marking time. The layout at Rifle Range Road. Pimpama was set up in 1916 but alas, progress has caught up with our venue. The move to Gross Road,WOONGOOLBA, our second since the early seventies, is set down for November 1990. Watch the Queensland Program section of future CTSNs for programs and our "Giant Opening Shoot" in January 1991. Set some holidays aside for two and a half days' shooting on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 1820 January 1991. At the time of reading this article the grass will b e sprouting up everywhere on the new grounds and the committee will b e doing everything in its power to assist. The new club boasts a four-trap layout for DTL shootlng superimposed with two skeet layouts (one capable of ISU) and provision for a future ball trap The shootlng wlll bemeat as this isa return to flat grounds not exper~encedsince the original cluo was lccated at the old Igloo on the Southport Racecourse. The background is superb however the selection of target colours will depend on testing of various targets under differing light conditions. The Clubhouse is constructed with Besser Blocks (fully painted and lined) and complete with up to the minute kitchen, bar and toilet facilities (please gentlemen tell your ladies the toilet door swings the right way this time). Upon movlng the Club will adopt a new name being Gold Coast & Alberi Clay Target Club in recognition oi the ass'stance gtven to us from the Alben Sh~reCouncil Colin Win President AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 The Geraldton Gun Club hosted its 10th Annual Crayfish Carnival, with competitors coming from as far as Esperance in the south to Newman in the north. Day one saw 104 competliors shootlng the 4-event proqramrne Event I was 25 D/B Trap Cash Divide wit!^ only Neil Johnson from the Leonora Gun Club shco!lna- 25/25 wlth manv comcetllors shooting 24/25. Event 2 was 5 Pair Double Rise Pages Special, which was eventually won by Max Cubic 17/20 from the Collie Gun Club. Event 3 was 25 Pair Commonwealth Double Rise Championship which was won by Neil Johnson 51/60 after a shoot-off with Max Cubic 50/60 and Darryl Wiese 48/60. Event 4 was 25 D/B Crayfish Carnival Graded with Stuart Johnson and Michael Boscheni of A and B grades both shooting 25/25. Day two saw 108 competitors shooting the three events scheduled. Event 5 was 23 D/B P/S CITY OF GERALDTON CHAMPIONSHIP which was won by Bert Boschettl who shot the on:y poss!ble for !he event Tne event was full of shoot-ofis for places in iheir respective grades. Event 6 was the 40 State Mixed Target Championship which was won by Darryl Wiese 70/74 from Narrogin after a shoot-off with Max Cubic 68/74 who then took first in A Grade. Shirley Hocking won first in B Grade 56/60 and Vlnce Oliveri first in C Grade with 52/60. The Ladies' prize went to Helen Wiese with 50/60, the 1uniors went to Eric Maley with 48/60 and the Veterans' went to Alan Brown with 50/60. The 3 MAN TEAMS was on this event and was eventually won by the team consistina of P. Tvler 54/60. M. Cubic 57/60 andT. Fraser 48/60 with a com6ined toial of 159/180 There was a good shoot-off for third in B Grade between Michael Boschetti and Kim Newbold, with Michael eventually winning 104/116. Cont'd over page PAGE 13 Cont'd fmm previous page Event 7 was 25 D/B Crayfish Handicap which was won by a Junior - Eric Maley. who shot the only 25/25 of the event. There were a lot of 23/25s shot and these competitors were then involved in shoot-otfs. The Ladies' High Gun Winner was Helen Wiese with 209/260 and the Junior High Gun was won by Eric Maley with 189/260. The Overall High Gun was won by Darryl Wiese with 242/260. A1:hough Inere were no: a s many poss!ole scores s?o'over The 2 days ofcompet~t~on the shoollng for places vias vcry cmpet.llve Overs11 competitors had a good weekend and the CluS vr0u.d !:kc lo thank them and our sponsors for a suzcessfu: carnlval L to R: Neil Dimmick being presented with the Overall High Gun lor the George McKeon Memorial Championship by the late George's grandson Jason McKeon with Tom Robinson looking on. Craflish Carnival Event. From lefi to right - seated: D. Walker, M. Boschetri, T. Harris, J. Davis, A. Hocking and H. Wiese. Standing: D. Browning, Julie Davies, D. Cardwell, D. Lee, T. Genge, S. Johnston, 8. Whiteaker, D. Wiese, E. Maley and R. McDonald. Absent: B. Boschetti and A. Brown. TOOWOOMBA PRENATIONAL SKEET CARNIVAL The Toowoomba Clay Target Club conducted "The Toowoomba Pre-National Skeet Carnival" on the 18th and 19th August. Anyone who missed this carnival really missed a great weekend, the weather was perfect a s was indicated by the scores. Dave Dundon was the overall winner with a magnificent 199/200, missing High 3 in the eighth round. d !he lack oi supporl irom our We were c ~ s a p p o ~ n l e wllh Norlhern NSW Skeer~esand were unable lo conducl our Q!d v NSW Team Event :'ne 4-Msn Team cc:lslsung of one from eacn G r a a e - XA A . B & C - ctcalea much !nserest ll~rougnoul,he weekend w,lh learns compeung and would yoo belleve st !he end ol the 200 targets, we had a tle! 738A300! The teams were N. Dimmick, R Porter, W. Clarke & M. Field and D. Dundon. M. Barton, D. McCartin & C. Hedley and the case of shells was divided between the two teams. 42 shooters contested the Aldo Scereslni Memorial Championship on Saturday afternoon and the Overall was won by Kei Madsen 68/68, AA - Dave Dundon 67/68, A - Ray Porter 60/61, B - David Hopkins 47/50, C - Richard Brook 45/50. Saturday evenlng the Clubhouse was really buzzing with Christine Barton, Therese Harwood and helpers busily preparing the evening meal for approximately 60 people. The meal was pumpkin soup, apricot chicken and rice followed by l r ~ n eand cream - our thanks to Chris a n d Therese for a job well done. Following the evening meal the first ever Skeet Calcuba was PAGE 14 OverallHigh Gun Dave Dundon with TV(199/200). L to R: AA Nell Dimmrck 195. AgrRay Potier 194, Bgr D. McCafltn 179 and Cgr W. Smith 178. conducted by our Club and was a resounding success. Our slncere thanks to our auctioneer, Gundy Manning. With the formal part of the evening over, shooters and their families relaxed to the music of Lyn McCartin on keyboard. Keith "Mountain Man" Murphy on guitar and vocals, Max Barton on trumpet and last but not least, ourtrapper by day and drummer by night - Michael McCartin. The evening concluded at 1.30am and on leaving the grounds the Last Post was sounded for the Brisbane shooters camping on the grounds with "Jackie Frost". On Sunday morning 38 shooters contested the Garden City Cash Handicap and after a lengthy shoot-off for Overall, Neil Dimmick took the honours from Dave Dundon, and Wade Smith finished third. Our thanks to Dave and Neil for their decision lo split the Calcutta which saved us valuable time to complete the George M-;Kesn Memor~si Championship Overall wnner was Ned D ~ n l m l c1!1/1!2. ~ AA - Ross Tlpp!er 110/112, A - Nlck Alrd €0162 B - Cav!d Hopklns 48/50 and C - Chris Hedley 51/58 Overall High Gun Sash a n d Colour TV went to Dave Dundon 199/200, AA - Ne11Dimmick 195/200, A - Ray Porter 194/200, B - Dan M c C a a ~ n189/200. C - Wade Smith 178/200. In conclcd~nq.I would 1:be to personally hank the shooters who ~ravelieolong distances to suppon us a d for the lellcwsh~pwhlch was shared OF. and ofi the !lacks Good shooting, Max Barton AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 OUT OF THE PAST TWENTY YEARS AGO The 1970 Natlonal Championships conducted at the Perth Gun Club, WA over SIX successive days of Saturday February 28 through to March 5. The Champlon of Champrons Cup shot SO targets from 20 yards saw Doug Smith of Rr~sbanev~cto:.ous wlth I IS/ 1 IS. The Double Barrel Champlonsh~pwent to Jlm Ellls of NSW wah 370/370, John Harrrs of Cunderdin. WA plshed hrm all !he way and managed second place r u h 369/370. Jlm Ellis also took the Srngle Barrel honours with the only posslble of SO/SO ofi 16 yards The Double R ~ s eGhamplonsh~pwas won by lpswrch (Qld) shooter N. 1ohns:on wah 48/50. The Australla-New Zealand l t a p Charnpronship wlth a score of 180/ 180 was taken out by Nemom Thomas (Vic 1. Nemon also vion the Nat~onalSkeet Champlonshlp. [he first 1 1 b e shot for. with 60/61 It was this year that the 24th International Teams Match for the Mackintosh Trophy was conducted, the final section of this prized event was conducted at Wanvick. England on July 18, after all contesting countries had lodged their sealed scores by mail. In attendance representing Australia was Perth Gun Club Immediate Past President Jules Steiner, who for 1970, was a n Honorary Vice President of the Australian Clay Target Association. The results showed the New Zealand team win with a score of 7304/7500, AUF tralia could only manage third place on this occasion with a score of 7213/7500. Australia had won this prestige event nine times in the 12 years to 1969 and although varying methods of scoring have been used, the 1969 Australian figure of 7414/7500 points for this 30member team event was a huge 201 points up on this year's score. TEN YEARS AGO For many years, the "unsung heroes" of the ACTA have continued to work at developing the sport, without receiving very much more than criticism. The National Executive is concerned at the lack of awareness on the part ofthe general membership, a s to the vital nature of the role played by the special people. Consequently, at its last meeting, the Committee authorised the core group to prepare a format for the introduction of a n award to be known a s the Presidential Medal. In an effort to guarantee the integrity of the award, a s the highest possible commendation in clay target shooting, the assessment of applications will b e extremely thorough a n d detailed. The Association's intention is to announce the first winner/s at their meeting in September. INC. Bundaberg Gun Club held its Annual Two Day shooting carnival onSaturday and Sunday last with a good roll-up of shooters from a s far away a s Mt. Isa in the north and irom Tyrendarra in Victoria in the south. Shooting commenced at 1.OOpm with five possibles shot in the first event. In the second another five possibles were shot in the ALAN POWELL FORD double barrel event. J. Buckingham taking out the 11-14 mts group. D. McKay the 1817 mts. group, P. Rehbein the 1820 mts. and D. Cassagrande the 21-25 mts group. In the WIDE BAY CAPRICORN 25 Taraet Double Barrel ~ o i n t s charnplons&the Overall was taken out by Rockhampton sliooter R Maroske Ray shot well to take 11 out. He shot 151/150 pornts. In rhe fourth event. the WOYWELD 20 tareer medley. Rob ~ e h b e f nand Danny ~ a s s a g r a n d eshot the only possibles io take out the A Grade first. S. Smith from Hervey Bay took out the B Grade and P. Campbell the C Grade. In event five, the 25 target Double Barrel, sponsored by SUNCORP, Gamy Redmond of Brlsbane shot well to take out the AA Grade with a score of 44/44. On to the money event which was keenly contested. The only possible was shot by local shooter Tony Millman, who also lost a metre for his effort. In the Teams event, which is sponsored by BUNDABERG SUGAR COMPANY, the RMs Team consisting of R. Rehbein, P. Rehbein, T. Millman and G. Redmond, gained 1st. A Team from Rockhampton came in second. In the REIIBEIN'S GUNS & FISHING GEAR 15 pair double rise Neil Berry from Ipswich Club shot well to win the AA Grade with a score of 26/30. The Overall High Gun for the shoot was closely contested wlth only a polnr or two separating the top four or five shooters The H~ghGunfor the shoot tvasa irlp for twcon theLADY MUSGRAVE CATAMARAN. sponsored by BARRIER REEF e Guns w e r e sponsored by CRUISES. B Grade and C ~ r a d High WINCHESTER (OLIN) AUSIIUUJA. On the first day of shooting Paul Rehbein and Peter Shaw had not lost a point on the close of shooting. They had shot 125/125 over three events. ~~~ ~~~ "Jenkin NewionThomas has been awarded the Medal ofthe Order of Australla for his services to clay target shooting" TOsay that clay target shoollng l s a way of lifelo the Mulesfamily would b e an understatement At the 1980 South Austral~anState Carn~valBob Mules caDtured the State Double Barrel C h a m ~ l o n shio some 40 vears aft& h e won his hrst State title. He then had the ple'asure oi witch nq hls son Ph~lMules wln the State Slngle Banel Champlonshlp and hls orandson Andrew Mutes wln the Junior lltle In bcth the Double and Srnqle Barrel Champronsh~ps The 1980 National Championships saw Russell Mark at the a g e of 16win the bluerlbbon event - the AustralianDouble Barrel Championship with a score of 3491349. Russell was pushed by Doug Smith who went on to win the National Championof Championscup with 205/205. LynCurtis(Bairnsda1e)made his first appearanceat a Natjonals Series and finished victorius in the Grand Australian Handicap with 74/74. George Biggs. celebrating his birthday. gave himselfa present a s the Overall winner in the I lth Australian Skeet Title shooting 62/62. All the way from the US of A came Leo Harrison who showed his fine shooting style by capturing both the Overall High Gun (480/500) and the Trap High Gun (432/450). PAGE 16 n v n n l t Saqh ~ n n n z n r ~bdv WINCHESTER IOLINI AUSPRALIA AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 score of 222/250 al?d the WINCHESTER (OLIN) AUSTRALIA C Grade Hlah - Gur: :vas vion bv I Rulh2rfc:d C J I I a~ score oi 193,250 Ladles' Htgh Gun, sponsored by BETTA STORES, was won by K Rehbe~n.Veterans' Htgh Gun was won by D McKay w ~ t ha score of 210/250, and Tunlor High Gun bv G Conner Shooters from tXa~yborough Dysari. Cympie Gold Coasl Korumburra. C e n t r ~ Burnett l Tyrendarra. Newcaslle, Rockhamo:on Mt Ica. Br~sbane.Sunshme C o a s ~Inst~iicb2nd our local shooters attended. Ftity-three shooiers parkclpated In the seven-event oroaramme . The Bundabers Gun Club acknovrledges the support and donations ilon ;he lollo:v!ng people BARRIER REEF LADY MUSGRAVE CRUISES, ALAN POWELL FORD, ALLOYWELD. SUNCORP. BUNDABERG SUGAR CO.. WINCHESTER(OL1E;)AUS TRALIA, WESTPAC BANKING GROUP, FUUER 'FIREKR, GROUP, NORTH SIDE PRODUCE, WIDE BAY CAPRICORN, REHBEIN'S GUNS AND FISHING GEAR. BETTA STORES and MR. TED JENSEN. We thank you. Results: rear section - CLUB BADGES In addition to the clubs who have responded to our request for club badges to b e sent to the oiftce (as published in September CTSN), the following clubs have shown their support for our endeavour to create a club badge board. If your club has not forwarded its club badge, w e would b e most pleased to receive such in the near future, New South Wales Victoria Batemans Bay Hamilton Bombala Horsham Mornington Cobar Cowra Toolondo Graiton Werrlhee Griiiith ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Majura Park Mathoura South Australia Nariandera International NSWCTA R~verinaZone Port Augusta Port Pule Tamworth Wzlkawati Wagga Queensland Burdekin Gold Coast Karumba Tallawalla e The Eagle has landed. Western Aushalia CMT e Steve Savvas with President Ken Selwood. ANNUAL SHOOT 2nd Aua - 6th Aua 1990 THURSDAY NIGHT and RUG: WINCHESERSTATE NIGHT DB CA & A- Tony Brad. shau, 5253,2nd Gery Hayden 51.53 B 1st John Gniliths IRSG 2nd Howard Hewhra 47-50 C. LEI Xerw Evereit 46-50.2nd Rrberi Young 49-56 FRIDAY3rdAUG:CITY OFDAPWINTRENCHC'SHIPOP.& k Ballles4FM. 2ndKen Selivmd42.M B 1st RobNebei41.M Zndlj!enHuyden38-MC IstNeallohnron39-50. 2nd .~ lnhn Grtffiths ~. .24-50 SRTURpA'I41hRUG I.~CLG'tIhl)'.EXCK ::rnC:.ll l o r .: C: Y T t : ' . i . . f h S A P . . .:a'r :...:?:.:;:?8 B ??dt.L,~:iir!:? 3nd.'l..:i!Ilr3:>l? C lz$!,.?v<j j , , . v 3 : : 3 :~..l:,??.'Zr.-r. r JPG. LP.Zlr< ':r>?:c,> ;<..:.I l.'N!CR c r . ,a,, > ? ? 1: :. \,i- ,..I :.,v. :'!52 6CT Ctlrll,lP Or CHAMPS LA 51. 1 c; ;:.: k i ' j e .:' .:' '.:A ? IPel G , . : i ; - ' . l l o i c ' : IM B >.I<,:'la13 >F??32>:,..,!.,'2::,. .W < :: -::,r ,,.. ' -7 T > ' ; . , ~ # ;8? .?C L;.Z.E. . ..'# .' ): 'UI;I'>P C-i"i.i,,:...b. . . 'i rr,,. . , . : , ? ~ ~~ ~ ' AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 ,. PAGE 17 NSW STATE SKEET CARNIVAL The State Skeet Championships were held at Wagga Gun Club on 10th-12th August 1990. A successful carnival though numbers were down for varlous reasons other than the bad weather condalons. Shooters had to contend wlth rain, hail, strong winds and cold weather which had covered the entire State. Despite that competltion was tough and scores were generally good for the conditions. Excessive rain on the Wagga Wagga ground tends to make it boggy. The Wagga Wagga City Council kindly spread extra sand and gravel over the boggy areas (68 inches in some areas), it made a great difference and no one got bogged. The Club is extremely grateful for the ongoing support and assistance recelved from the Wagga Wagga City Councll. Continuing assistance through the NSW Department oi Sport, Recreat~onand Racing has enabled the Club to fully line the new clubhouse (walls and ceiling). The next major project will be the floor covering. Shooters travelled long distances to compete, from all over NSW, Victoria and Queensland, and regular New Zealand visitors to Australia, Ted and Van McRae. behall of Col and Jenny Burt. NSWCTA Championship winner Graham Guy. It was good to see a great roll-up from the Veteran shooters and Juniors as well a s some new Lady shooters Many people admired Bob Hansen's determination to shoot. Bob had a stroke over 30 years ago and was paralysed down hls left side. 4special gun stock was made and with the assistance of a essfully. During this period he harness Bob is able has won a State C .J;:"&\ and attends the big shoots regularly. , d; ,., PAGE 18 .g ;" ~~. . ~ Wagga 1990 Sate Team. 3l.onsorship was again excellen1 and Ccca-Cola'songo.nq sponsorsn~pensured a superb &nay oi trophies. Med~& coverage was agaln outstandirlg wilh coverage by The Wanga Dolly Advenlser kverina Leader. Prlrne Television. 2WG radio and ABC radio. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 WILKAWATT GUN CLUB By HOT SHOT What a weekend! The weather was "beautiful one day, perfect the next", for the gun clubs anniversary weekend held on the8th and 9th of September. Visitors came from Adelaide, Kangaroo Island, Kaniva, Bordertown. Boinka, Tasmania, Monarto, Meningie and Noarlunga a s well a s local members. On the iirst day there were 43 shooters competing. The 10T EO wasshared by 9 shooters. 25T Whelan Family Handicap went to K. Przibilla with 27-27.20T Wilkawan Gun Club SB C'ship A grade and OA G. Michell22-22. 25T Wild Dog Skeet C grade and Overall T. Pfeiiier 24-25. The 25T Wild Dog Skeet was shot in conjunction, for the first time with a three man team ior the Wild Dog Skeet Shield. This was won by the Wilkawan G.C. No. !team who had to shoot off with the Wilkawan No. 2 team. The members were L. Shubert. K. Przibilla and D.Beelitz shooting 77-87. kturwl with Stat A familiar skeet sight - Maree Rwke. Thanks must also go to the hard working comminee, ladies in the kitchen. Rotary Club who provided the hard working trappers, referees and scorers who had to endure the extra time out in the weather after shooting. The raffle was won by ACTA President Jim Scott. Congratulations to those NSW shooters who gained selection in the State team and especially to those in the Shoulder to Shoulder team. Wagga Gun Club's Past President and the Club's hardest worker and supporter, Barney Rooke, will b e taking a low prorie from the Club's activities for a few years. Now retired from his own business, he and wife Kathleen intend to travel around Australia for a few years. No doubt he will b e seen around the shooting tracks. Scott Wright from Wakehurst has proved to b e an up and coming, dominant shooter winning both the State Championship and Overall High Gun. Next year Skeet shooters will travel to Tamwoah for the Carnival, Trap shooters will journey to Wagga for the State Carnival. Anniversary DB Championship P. publicity 0fiicer D, Bedih on behalf of Sony Australia. Wagga Gun Club Inc. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGETNEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 Cont'd over page PAGE 19 A.C.T.A. P.O. Box 557 Mount Waverley 3149 AUSTRALIANCLAY TARGETNEWS-NOVEMBER 1990 Cont'd fmm previous page The evening proved to be an enjoyable and relaxed one. The night started oil with a four course meal including lamb on the spit for the main course. Bottles of choice red and white wine were included in the meal. Lucky spins on the wheel for either a meat tray or a bottle of port were held throughout the night. The Wilkawatt oval was a beehive of activity on the Sunday with 64 shooters competing. It certainly has been a long time since the club has seen so many people on the grounds. Main results on this day were: 10T EO shared by 16 shooters. 30T Anniversary DB C'ship (Sponsored by Sony) A & OA P. Rundle 54-54.11 don't know how Rundv won this shoot offwhenhe drooped his gun during !he even?.butil was good lo see !ha1 he dld it was well worth watching a good shoot off- haven r seen one 61 the club for a wh~le.) * 251 Lameroo Hotel OA winner I. Campbell with D. Beelitz representing the Hotel board. e High Gun winners: OA Wayne Haywad; Ladies' Sandie Appelkamp. 25T Lameroo Hotel PS C'ship went to Ian Campbell who shot 111-111 to take OA & A grade. This event was shot in conjunction with the Killick and Whelan Team Shield. This was won by Wilkawatt No. 1 team consisting of P. Rundle. D. Beelitz, R Ahrns, C, Havward shootino 121-125. This also coincided - . Warner .. ...and -..- W . ~..-, . . with the "Dontlingatoolonga.' ~hielgwhichis between Monarto. Lake Albert and Wilkawatt clubs. Of course Wilkawatl won this again (for the 3rd consecutive year) - well done boys. TLe High Gun over the w2 days was sponsored by Sony Aus.ralld The mdgoificent p r w was a CD/Casselre Player whlch vras won D Y Wayne Hayward v111h 147-150 The Ladles High Gun was won by Sand~eAppelkamp with 84-150. The club would sincerely like to thank the Whelan family. Rodney Ahms, Sony Australia, Lameroo Hotel and B. Killick for their generous support over the weekend. PAGE 2 1 ~~ 0 "Dontlingatwlonga" Shield winners, Wiikawatf No. 1 team (L-R): G. Warner, P. Rundle, R. Ahms, D. Beelitz, W. Hayward. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGETNEWS-NOVEMBER 1990 B The Q.C.T.A. would like t o announce the winners of the ART UNION RAFFLE drawn at the 1990 Skeet Nationals. 1st prize was won by Dennis Hawood, of Toowoomba. Ticket No. 0085. 1990 NATIONAL SKEET CHAMPIONSHIPS RESULTS Overall AA 1st 2nd 3rd A 1st 2nd 3rd B 1st 2nd 3rd C 1st 2nd 3rd Ladles Junior Veterans National S k e e t D o u b l e s Davld Dundon Bruce Barlow Scott W~ight Alex Crikls Maree Rooke Barney Roake Tib Gedson Justin Ehrenreich Cavln Blackman Ron Smith Bob Gelger Bill White Wayne Reeves Maree Rooke Iusttn Ehrenreich Ted McRae - 28pr Championship 49/50 Bnsbane, Qld 47/50 H a w k e s b w . NSW 54/56 Wakehurst. NSW 57/62 Melbourne, Vic 49/52 Wagga. NSW 48/52 Wagga. NSW 53/38 Opotiki. NZ 51/54 Brisbane. Qld 50154 Townsville, Qld 45/50 Mallala, SA 43/50 Cairns. Qld Tomsuille. Qld 41/50 44/84 Normantan. Qld 47/50 Wagga. NSW 47/50 Brisbane. Qld 44/50 T~maru.NZ Cifl of Townnrille S k e e t C h a m p i o n s h i p Overall AA 1st 2nd 3rd A 151 2nd 3rd B 1st 2nd 3rd C 1st 2nd 3rd Ladles Veterans Overall AA 1st 2nd 3rd A 1st 2nd 3rd B 1st 2nd 3rd C 1st 2nd 3rd Ladles Jun~ors Veteran All States S k e e t C h a m p i o n s l u p 100t Brian Thompson 99/1W Melbourne Vlc Peter Vella 112/114 Hawkesbury, NSW Paul Johnston 111/114 Melbmme, Vtc Gary Lxle 102/106 Waitemata, NZ Reg Clarke 111/113 Hawkesbury, NSW Nick Aird 109/113 Bnsbane. Qld Maree Rooke 97/1W Wagga, NSW Justin Ehrenrelch 97/100 Bnsbane, Qld Ned Hardy 116/120 Townsvdle. Qld Kevm Weatherall 11S/120 Tamwonh, NSW Wayne Reeves 92/1 W Normanton, Qld Ralph Escriva 90/1W Burdektn, Qld till1 Bzam 89/1W Arnhem. NT Maree Roake 97/lW Wagga. NSW Justln Ehrenreich 97/100 Bnsbane, Qld All Nqar 951100 Wakehurst. NSW Overall AA 1st 2nd 3rd A 1st 2nd 3rd 1Wt Commonwealth Skeet Championship lW/lW Townsville, Qld Arthur Kenna Brian Thomson 99/1W Melbourne, Vic 114/136 Brisbane, Qld Neal Dtmmick 113/116 New Zealand Graeme Webber 98/1W West Australian, WA Robin Bailey 111/114 Tamworth, NSW Oeofi Waiters 110/114 Townsvrlle, Qld Bill Holmes junior 54/54 SO/S1 fi?/fi4 . . .~ 62/64 4940 84/86 83/86 94/55 63/55 SO/S2 45/50 44/50 47/54 46/60 52/55 47/50 - 5Gl Mark Mclnnes Chrislian Naudln Smtt Wrioht ~ a v n ~e c c a r t h v Robln Balley Nick A ~ r d Reg Mwdy Noel Beale Evan Stephenson Gavln Blackman Bob Geluer Andrevriarsen George Hogarth Maree R w k e Juam Ehrenrelch Ali Najar inverell, NSW Wakehura, NSW Wakehurst .......-. ~,NSW Bendioo. Vlc West i.usuallan, WA Bnsbane, Qld Melbourne, V e Townsvllle, Qld Broken Hlll NSW Tovmsv~lle,Old C a m s Old ~ r i s b a n Qld i Charters Towers. Qld Waaoa. NSW ~ n s g n eQld Wakehurst. NSW ~ Ron Smith Angelo Zapalla Kevin Weatherall B111 Bro\vn John Keah M ~ c kMdeia Maiee Raoke Bill Holloway Rav Melville 97llW %/lW 103/108 93/1W 92/IW 95/103 95/IW 9S/100 9SllW Mallala, SA Burdekln. Qld Tamworth, NSW Amhem. NT Tawnsv~lle.Qld Allce Spnngs. NT Wagga, NSW Wangaratta. Vic Tamworth. NSW Overall AA 1st 2nd 3rd A 1st 2nd 3rd B 1st 2nd 3rd C 1st 2nd 3rd Ladles Junior Veteran National Skeet Reg Clarke Paul Johnston Davld Dundon Graham Guy Maree Rooke Scatty Glbson Daniel Burton Geoii Archer Greg Bateson Peter Caddv Peter Bell Sylvarno Zarietto R~chardSchrock Maree Roake R~chardSammon Henry Weluel 111/112 110/112 123/126 122/126 98/100 107/110 106/100 95/1W 94/1W 93/1W 911100 90/IW 69/101 98/IW 94/LW 96/IW Hawkesbury. NSW Melbourne. Vlc Bnsbane. Old ~ e l b a u r n e Vlc ; Wagga, NSW Katannmg. WA South Auarahan. SA Charters Towers. Qld Arnhem. NT Barnera. SA Charters Towers, Qld Herben River. Qld Dysart. Old Waooa. NSW waigarana, Vlc Metropolitan, Vlc -- .993 \.V~nn.n<tSlate ltew ?ou!h Wales i36/253 (Col Barton 46 Ceaii Waiters 46. Sc:tt Nilqhl l 8 Bruce Barlavr 46 Zhljstian Naudln 48) 2r.d Quee-ulaco 231 - 3rd Werter;l Aurtral~a232 - - - - G l e n n Trophy Austraha v N e w Zealand 251 19SO Wlnc~noCountry iZuc%r>lla 120'125(Reg Clarke 25. Paulloh1!aon24 Mare< R~7i.e24 Daniel C.rtcn 23 S x a y Glbran 24) - 40M F.I.T.A.S.C. C l u b Teams M a t c h Wlnnlng Club: Melbautne 1888/2W0 (PaulJohnrton 386, Graham Guy 378. Brian Thomson 385. Carol Ogden 373. Alex Crikis 368) - 2nd Tomsville 1821 - 3rd Tamv;mth 1722. Two Man Teams - 400t Winnlng Pair. Scott Wright 384 and Chxrsuan Naudin 382. Tyo Lady Team ~ - PAGE 22 1st 2nd 3rd C 1st 2nd 3rd Ladles Juntor Veteran - 40M Winning Pair Maree R o o k 338 and Margaret Denton 310. - 4M)t M i x e d Pair Wlnn~ngPan: Maree Rooke 338 and Barney Rwke 327. High Guns Paul Johnston 341/350 Melbourne, Vic Open Maree Rooke 338/350 Wagga. NSW Ladles 320/350 Brisbane. Qld Jun~or Justin Ehrenreich 326/350 Wakehurst, NSW Veteran All Najar O~en ~ i uJohnston l Brlan Thornson Scott Wnoht ~ a r e Rdbke e Chrlsttan Naud~n Reg Clarke David Dundon Scolty Glbwn Mark Mclnnes Nlrk Aird . ... .. . ...Reg Mwdf Les Charles Graham Guy Bill Holmes Carol Ogden 1990 Australian S k e e t Teams ladies 34 1 Maree Rwke 340 Carol Ogden 338 Maroa~etDenton 338 ~ e bvr ~ c e 336 Dlanne Reeves 336 335 Veteran 234 Alf Napr 334 Henw Welael 333 Rav Melv~lle 332 Ted P a n e r a n 332 Peter Caddy 331 331 330 ~ ~ ~ 338 330 310 ~~~~. ~ ~~ ~~~~ Entries Event 1 - National Skeet Doubles Championship - Entries 128. AA 19. A 37. B 39, C 33. Vlc 21, NSW IT. SA 7, Tas 0. NT 7, WA 2, Qld 60, NZ 9. Event 2 Cl!y olTovmsvllle Skeet Championship Entries 144. AA 19, A 39. B 47, C 39. Vlc 23. NSW 20. SA 7, Tas 0, NT 7. WA I, Qld 71, NZ 9. Event 3 AllStatesSkeet Championship - Entries 135. AA 31, A33. B 46, C 35. Vlc 23, NSW 18. SA 7. Tas 0. NT 7, WA 6.QId 66. NZ 8. Event 4 Commoniveallh Skeet Champlonshlp Enmes 144. AA 17, A 36, B 53, C 38. Vlc 24, NSW 19, SA 7, Tas 0, NT 1, WA 7. Qld 72, NZ 9. Event 5 National Skeet Championship - Entries 150. AA 18, A 39, B 52. C 41. V a 23. NSW 21. SA 7. Tas 0, NT 7, WA 7. Qld 17. NZ 8. - - - AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS -NOVEMBER 1990 NORTHERN TERRITORY........................ 35 WISMAMA ............................................... 35 VICTORIA ................................................. 35 CLUB NEWS KYNETON GUN CLUB INC. 1991 The 11th International Clay Target Championships FEBRUARY 1lth-15th Held in conjunction with the 1991 N.I. VETERAN GAMES Contact your Ansett Office for all travel arrangements. Sydney (02) 268 1210 Melbourne (03) 668 2535 Brisbane (07) 854 2626 or Contact Desley Ryan of Lawsons Travel, Biloela, Qld. Ph. (079) 92 1799 Fax (079) 92 1191 The Secretary Norfolk Island Gun Club Box 719, Norfolk Island, South Pacific Kyneton Gun Club wishes to notify shooters that we are forced to cease shooting after December 1990. Owing to complaints by nearby residents that the noise created by our shooters once a month is in excess of the 65dB (decibels) as recommended by the Environment Protection Authority in their guidelines. At present our future is very uncertain. M. O'Meara. 10 Clowes St, Kyneton. (054) 22 2735. CHARLEVILLE GUN CLUB INC. Annual General Meeting held on 25.8.90 the following office bearers were elected - President: Mr Robert Calcino: Vice President: Mr Barry King: Secretary: Mr Ian Beale: Treasurer: Mrs M. Denton: Shoot Captains: DTL Mr James Mahony, Skeet Mr Allan Mahony. INVERELL RSM GUN CLUB AGM held on 10th September 1990 the following office bearers were elected - Club President: Peter Jensen: Club Secretary: Mark Fox. 23 Oliver Street. Bundarra. NSW 2359. 106n 23 7123: Club Handicappers Ken Fuller, Jeff Roberls, Club coach M Wade Club Delegates I Ken!. R McKay HAMILTON GUN CLUB AGM held on 6.8.90 the following office bearers were elected President: Murray Sutherland; Treasurer: Ian Christie; Secretary: Peter Cleggett, PO Box 500, Hamilton. ESPERRNCEBAY 9-9-94- F ~ n e.l l S. \SOTDB . Con, Club C'shio: H. Mlller 4 4 5 0 D. Burchard 57-55. L. Naylor S&SS. ESERRNCEBAY 299-W-Ftne(l9. 25Sh: D. Neale 24-25.1. k k e 3b33.25 DB hur: D. Neale 3031. D. Hotker 2931. GERALDTON 26990-Fine, warml29). 10 H'cap EO: D. Allan, P. Sfuan 1&10.25 Club H'cap C'rhip: H. Harmer 24-25. E. T w m e y 2525. 2 9 DB: D. H a s . E.Toomey, M. Wat. $0" 2125: H. Harmer. A. H o c l i i s 24.25. HG: H. H s m e r . Mon Imp: P. Mnagliolla. Inter Mod- W Worn LEONORA2.ssa-FmelSO). 5 Pr D R M : 1. N e v e 29-30. 15Pr StateTwr DRC'shio: M. l8&190, Ladles HG: 1. Dav~s15ZiSO. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 PRESIDENT R. HALL PH. 57 2676 AFFILIATED A.C.T.A. P.O. Box 492 Charlestown 2290 SECRETARY R. EDWARDS PH. 58 1859 LAST o$~+@ ss Sun. 18th November 9.00am Start over $2000 in cartridges and trophies!!! EVENT1 20 TARGET EVE OPENER Graded Cash Div $10.00 NEWCASTLE ON THE MOVE EVENT 2 50 TARGET DIBARREL EVENT $25.00 + $3.00 Sweep Scorpio cartridges 4 GRADES + Trophy 1st - 500 ctgs; 2nd - 250 ctgs; 3rd - 100 ctgs. M S T LUGW LAST EVENT 3 30 TARGET POINT SCORE $25.00 + $3.00 Sweep Scorpio cartridges 4 GRADES + Trophy 1st - 500 ctgs; 2nd - 250 ctgs; 3rd - 100 ctgs. OLlMPYG 100 Graded High Gun Events 1-3 Broken Targets Only To Count - 500 Cartridges each Grade Overall High Gun Points to Count - 500 Cartridges Complimentary BBQ Lunch COMEANDSHOOTATAUSTRALIA'SBESTOCEAN BACKGROUND BEFORE WE RELOCATE TO AWABA NB. Committee reserves the right to alter the program. ----- AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 COOMA99-90-Ccol, mamly sunny ( 2 n IOT EO CD Ism: D. BlewltI. W Hayden. R Ham. W Rlchards. R 0evan.P Ewan. K Pearce. CSheehan.J.lasnas. B. Smith. G. Bennet, R Gaul! 1&10 297 DB L?ke Eucumbene C'rhtp. OA: W. Rlchards 8 b m . A. I. EUls T W O . W Mickay 2325. B R Bevan 5959.1 Jasnor 29-30; C. C. Sheehan 2829, P. Ewart 2425 25T DB H'cap W W o a d h o u e Mem T'phy P Ewan 2425. J. JamDs 2628. S. Mcln. iyre 25-26 FM C Sheshan 22-25 10 h DR ManaroDlst C'shtp: OA: 1. Eills 1820: A D Blevillt 17-20. D Pennet 23-30, 8. I Jasnos 1620, R Bevan 2530, C: P. Ewan 15.20. C Sheehan 14-20 HG j larnoi 74-50 Inter HG: P. Ewan 72-80 COROWA 2 8 8 9 0 - O'crsi, cold (34)...Im HC EO: P o s . S. Guest, C. Brandon. P. Clemson. G Tallent, J P c a r r . P Green:?. Gabriel 1&10 15T HC: I. Pearce 1615, S Colllns 1415, T. Banon 1520 Btd C Miilhorw 11-19. 2OT PS C ' E ~ ~O PA : & A: R. Ehlem M 0 . B 8. C w p e r 67-60. C N Nvon 5460. lni: S. Pinner 51.50.20T DB C'rhlp: OA 8 A, C Brandon 4646. B V Tomason1 45-46. C. G. Tallen! 21-22. Fairey Rd, South Windsor ~ ~ ..i ::< ::i .. :.... .:. s :::: $5 .... :::: .5' DORRlGO 2-9-90- Lqht vilndn [ I n IODB 1Sm EO CD L. McDonald. I. Luplon. A Mlf"hell ID10 20 DB PS Ism CD A Mlfchell M).50. M Lvpren 52.60.1, Lupton 51-60. Dorrrga Coni Cship A & OA A Mltcheil25-25: B. J Cvnnlngham 2MS; C: G. Penolt 2225; D C Cunnlngham 2625 20 DB H'cap CD A Mitchell 19-20. M Lupion. C. Cunnlngham 1820. 1 5 5 0 ism CD A hl8:chell 15-15 M Lupton. B Lasker 14.15, B. Moncrlef 1515. 5 Pr DR 15" CD M Luplon 810. D Bcrginion. M Bermnlon. A. Mitchell, B. Moncnefi. W. Uskei. J Cuanlnsham 7-10 HG A Mllche11 136140. DOWNSIDE INTER 22-990 - Fme. sunny (SO) 25T DB C'chlp. OA: R. Ehlers: AA: G, Bnyd. A A tdcKeniio. B I Poola. C T Haam; Ladles: L. Charles, Inr &Tyro Champ: D. Graham 25TPS C'shlp OA. G Boyd. AA M Casella; A: S. Papndero; B. V. Tomason,: C G T~ffm.Ladies L Bleke: Irn D Graham 25T SB C'shlp. 0.4 D. Mason: M:P. Mason. A A Paonnr. B T Jose. C G Tlffen: Ladies. L. Blake. 25T H'eap. OR: T. Penm y , 11-14 D Graham. 15-18 C Ceely. 19-21 L.Kn~ght:2223:V.Tomasonl; Ladles L. Blake, hi C T ~ m nChrisMazan Mem ChampolChamp: 0.4 A. Paonne;AA: R. Ehlerr: A C Ccelg. B D Lrlaosn, C G Tbiien OA W Charlion. HG: G. Boyd 146150 D w B C 2 W O - fine (Ian1 IOT EO R Naef, K Keaugh. R. Jenkms. K. Walton 1510 ?ST C ' ~ ' s h gA S Sillmmi 123-125.E. E Tucker 121-125.C . R Naef 116125. 2OTH'cap. I S M Whale. 2nd R Nali LOT Quad R Naef. R Carr 9 1 0 GLEN INN€. 2 8 9 0 fine runny (14) 25T DB Canl I 5 m A B. Sweeney 24-25, R. Vsrley 23-25. B R Hys112525. C R Donald 1825. T White 1625.30TMed 1 0 0 8 , 10.30. 10 F 3 Club Cant C'sh,p A A Kernpion 4850. N. Comptan 49-50. B. D Cunnrngham 6675. K G r c e n w d 61-75: C T While 39-50. R Hyatl 3850. 25T H'cap R. Donald. T. Whlfe. P Brummcll 22-25 HG A Kemgion 6 9 W : FM. R. Donald, T. Whlte77-IW~ - CLM TARGET CLUB INC, NSW ISU ELIMINATION SHOOT ISU Trap - Nth. end Majura Rd. (old location) ISU Skeet - Kowen Forest - (New location 10 kms from Queanbeyan on Kings H i g h w a y look f o r sign). - SAT 17 NOVEMBER 1990 - 9.00am start 100Tgt BURBONG ISU Skeet andTrap Championships. NOMS............................................................... $30.00 O D ~sweeps . $1 each 25, $ 1 OIA. Graded AA, A, B, C. SUNDAY 18 NOVEMBER 1990 - 9.00am start 100 Tgt ACT ISU Skeet and Trap C h a m p i o n s h i p s NOMS ........................................................... $30.00 Opt. Sweeps $1 each 25, $1 O/A. Trophies f o r OIA, AA, A, B, C. TOTAL WEEKEND NOMS. ............................ $70.00 ISU Skeet Brian Prosser Contacts: (06) 291 0126 (AH) ..i Details in December CTSN DON'T FORGET! J. Allotta Pres. R. Hunt Sec. (02) 631 8919 (02) 601 7594 (bh) GUN CLUB (Affil. A.C.T.A.) SHOOT LOCATIONS - I ::j .... .... PRELIMINARY NOTICE BOXING DAY SHOOT ISU Trap Norman Simms (06) 258 2033 (AH) Three Automatic Traps - Skeet range. P.O. Box 342, Hay 27 11. Sunday November 4th, 12 noon l o t Points EO CD 20t S B Championship ABC. Sponsored by Riverina Hotel. 20t Hay Gun Club D.B. H'cap 1.2.3 Sponsored by Rob Vance. 50t Cup Day S.B. Championship A.B.C. Sponsored by Col Mabon. l o t S.B. Club Mug Handicap. President: Brian Doyle Ph (069) 9 3 1782 Secretary: Neil Headon Ph (069) 9 3 1601 AUSTRALIANCLAY TARGETNEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 0 Q Nnnmnoo snia Nno wannom Nnnainoo am3 uns sue!lrqor.lilnnainoo an13 Nno suanuom Nnnainoo % AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGETNEWS - NOVEMBER 1991 PAGE ..7 - ORAITON 9 4 9 0 Great (161 2OT DB H'cap Cash T'phy G. Lavnence 2023, j Rodgerr 1923, Jnr C. Cunnmgham 1620 3 0 7 0 8 15m CashT'phy.A I McDonald3cMo. B I Cvnnlngham 3030: C N. Rodgers 2530. 257 DB PS 6096 30% IP/: J Cunningham 24-72.1 Farre11 24-69. G. Harrlsan 2443 IOT SB .CS I McDonald. G Harrison. J Farrell 3-10. 0.1. Cunnlngham 910; C: M Harrison 8.10 OA HC I Farre11 85.121 GOULBJRN 9-9-90 F e e , sunny (25) lm' DB EO. P l s s R Marman!. R Wlilkams R Hdi. F. Luccoroa. W Banter. F Rabenr. P Crokei D Pncc. C Buckley. P.Lyons 1010. 25T DB C'shlp OR. G Bucliley 27-27. AA L Heaine 2C-27. A. i Luceoroa 25-26, B R Hlll33-W, C: G Todd 2525 25T PS C s h ~ pOA : F Roberts 74-75. AA W Barter 72-75.r1. B Naylor 73-75. 8: M. Stevenson 70-75. C 1 Allan 61-75 i5T SB C s h ~ pOA, P Croker 3533: AA: P. Lyons 2526: A: R. Marmont 3233. 0 R. Hll122.25. C G. Todd 22.25 Event 5 10hrDR AA A G . Hatherley 1920, S Stramarcos 18.20; B D.Turnei 1620. R Wdliams. A. Stramarc- 1220; C: I. Allan. G Todd 1520 HG F. Robcns 147 H A m S B U R Y 7.990 - Mlid. bne(31). ZOT € 0 DB- K. Bo%anko 2020 20T DB c a n t A K Bosanka. E. Zadro 19.20: 8: W Root* 1920, C. I. Navello 1920 25T DB Con, C'shlp OA: M. N e m a n 24.25; A E Zadm B W. Rwts: C I Novello HAWKESBURY a58.W- W a d y , coId(25) 75T ChvmpolChampn OA & B D Goodwtn 115125.A: E Zadra 114-125. c A Thatchei 102-125 H A m S B U R Y 2 4 8 3 0 Cml. hne (20). 20'7 DB € 0 . B Kellcy 20-20 2oT DB CD A: P. Farrvgia 2020. B. P. Cauchi. K e l o r 1920. C. A Thalchci. I Novello 1920 25T DB T'phy: OA: M. Newman 2525. A P Famugla. B. P Caucht: C:K Stuan HEMIDALE 22.P90 Sunny, hght breeze (14) 15T € 0 15m D Oeboine (Snr). G Klimanm. W. Dewhvrst ZWDB I5m 1 1 T. Turner Onr). 2nd G Kklmartln, 3rd B Jelieiy 25TCrazy Rs la1 I. Memck. 2nd S Osbarne. 3rd G Kllmililrn 3OTlack EdgellT'phy 1 Mernclc. 30 Mxd T'phy. 1st S Osboine. 2nd T Turner and. 3rd C Currans HG S Dsborne~ IllrRWARM 9-930 - Cold, wet (21) !UP PS Kenweld C u p A Roe 3 0 3 0 25T DB con, C'shlp. OA & AA R Smtth 24-25. F Racie; 20-25. A A Roe 23-25. R W e b b 21.25: B D Granger 2525. W Petrone 2025. C bi Krelly 21-25. D Cardillo 2025 25T PS Cont C'shtp OA & AA. R. Smllh 7675. F Biadivr1163-75. A R W e b b 59-75, R Castle 6675. B A. Bat1 5675, M.Hadges 6275: C S R-6575. D Caidilio 6675 25TSB Con, C'ship OA & B D. Granger 24-25. AA F. Rapley 13-26. R Smith 17.25. .\.A Rm 23-25. D O'Biien 2225; B: D. Granger U-25. R. R e 17-25. C S. Ro? 19-25, D Cardillo 17-25: jnr. c Davler. HG: R Smith 145155 !.LLAWARRA 19990- Cold O'cak(23). S i h n Zana ISU Trench IWT OA: P, ~ t a m o n d 901W.AA. J.Manvell89-1W.A-P.Falrall72-IW. F . ~ a r l o u h 7 I - I W , B :R W e b b 7 h I W . G Kable 6 9 l W ; C: N Fatrali 691W. E. Zadro 6 5 I W , Ladies A. Lloyd 461W. Inr S. Zabro801W S'thnZaneISUSkt O A & A:], Wllberforce 103-128: 8:R.Kennetr61-100, C: R. Bunon 6c-1W HAY 2 8 9 0 S l o m y (22). IOT PU, EO: R. Glenn 3G30. I. Headon, I Evans 29-33 2m' DB. A & 0.4 R. Glenn 48.48; 8: C. Mabon 2%21: C: B. R a w 15-20. 25'7 Spring PS C'ship: A: W. Ronald 7575; B C . Mabon 57-75. C. 0. Ragg 52-75 20T DB H ' a p Mbtchell Cup. I. Evans 24-25. I. Headon 2525. B. Ragg 21-23 HG I Headon 137.145 N N E E 25490- Rne, warrn(34). IOT PS €0. R Dully, C. Brandon. V.Tomasoa 1010. G e o f i S e a v Mem PS C'ship: OA: G. Boyd 147-150, AA R Ehicrs 144-160; A. T. Pcnney 142150. 8: V. TomaMnl 142150, C. W W w d 129150, Ladles: L. Blake 12E150 Em ' - SUlUIC1IW -13HlllER 11 th NOVEMBER 1990 Club situated 4 kms aiomg Portland Rd. from Walierawang. 2ND ANNUAL OPEN SHOOT $2,000 WORTH OF TROPHIES - OVERALL SASH. TROPHY FiRSTPLACE EACH GRADETOTHEVALUE OF $400. TROPHY 2ND PLACE EACH GRADETOTHE VALUE OF $100. TROPHY FOR 1ST PLACE IN LADIES, JUNIORS &VETERANS. SUNDAY 1 I T H NOVEMBER SAM START EVENT 1. SUNNY CORNER 1 0 0 Noms. $60.00 - - Sweeps $1 each25 plus $1 overall Total $65.00 AA. A. B & C Grades. OVERALL HIGH GUN. Ladies, Junios &Veterans half noms. if shooting full programme. Winchester cartridges available on round Food and refreshments available. ' Accommodation available-Lithgow,Wallerawang and Portland. - FOWST CLAU TAlRGETCLlJB NOLANS ROAD, LAKESLAND m&DNANNrnrnM! SHOOT 17th and 18th November .. SATURDAY 17 .l.OOpm start 15 target DIB E l 0 Noms. $6.00 Norns. $18.00 0 1 s $3.00 4 5 target DIB SHELLEYS SHIELD CHAMPIONSHIP Norns. $12.00 30 target SIB Graded CID. 10.00am start SUNDAY 18th Noms. 6 15.00 4 5 target PIS Graded CID. 1 free target each trap. Norns. $18.00 0 1 s $3.00 4 5 target DIB ANNIVERSARY CHAMPIONSHIP. Noms. $8.00 20 target DIB Graded CID. ... Trophies 1st G 2nd AA,A, E and C o n Euents 2 and 5 and Sashes for Grade winners on Euenls 2 and 5. HIGH GUN ON ALL FOUR GRADES OVER THE WEEKEND. Onsite camping facilities. Lunch and refreshments auailable on both days. Barbecue facilities, and ammunition auailable. Nominations $77.00 for the weekend, plus $6.00 O/Sweeps. HALFNOMS. FOR LADIES AND JUNIORS OVER FULL PROGRAM. PAGE 28 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 N.S.W. GUN CLUB LTD* NOVEY BER '90 PROGRAM SAT. NOV 3rd 11.00am PRACTICE. TRAP 8 SKEET WED. NOV 7th 2.00orn PRACTICE. TRAP 8 SKEET 6.30brn NIGHT SHOOT. Mixed Events. wlth TroDhies. SAT.'NOV 10th 10 Warn SIMULATED FIELD SHOOT 100 Graded AA, A, B 8C. $300001S$400 WED. NOV 14th 2 mom BREMWORTH CARPETS -Skeet Hco 251 6.mbrn NIGHT SKEET. Mixed Events with ~roihie$. SAT. NOV 17th 12.00prn SKEET 75 targets. High Gun Sash A.B.C. 251Eye Opener $6.04 01s $2.00 50tCh'shio-Troohv $15.00 WED. NOV 2lst 2.Wpm PRACTICE Trap 8 Skeet. 6.30pm NIGHT SHOOT- 251Point Smre- PerptualTrophy. SAT. NOV 24th ?.Wpm TRAP €4targets. A. B 8 C plus High G ~ l nSash. 10t 016-El0 $4.00 25t 016-Ch'ship-Trophy $12.00 OISS2.W 251PIS CID $9.00 WED. NOV 28th 2.Wpm PRACTICE T a p 8 Skeet 6.30pm NIGHT SHOOT Mixed Events, with trophies. - - - .. - - - - - DECEMBER '90 PROGRAM SAT. DEC. 1st 10.OOam MEMBERS ONLY N.S.W. GUN CLUB CHISHIP 25T 018 AA. A. 8. CTmpny $10.00 251SIB AA, A. B. ~ ~ r n p n$10.00 y 25tSkeet AA. A, B, CTropny $10.00 25tTrench AA. A. B. CTrophy $10.00 OIA High Gun N.S.W.G.C. Shwtlng Jacket. WED. DEC. 5th 2.WDm PRACTICE Trap 8 Skeet. 6.30pm NIGHT SHOOT Mixed Evsnts, with Trophies. SAT. DEC. 8th 10.OOpm OPEN CHRISTMAS SHOOT Trophies- Hams. Turkeys 8 Chickens. Gd. AA. A, B. - - - - HUNTER VALLEY CHAMPIONSHIP CASH AND CARTRIDGES SHOOT Saturday 24th and Sunday25th November, 4990 Location: Corner Maitland Road and Duffey Drive. Cessnock. All championships will be graded events, AA, A. Band C with 1st and 2nd prize on each grade and a badge for overall. 1st in each grade 1 case of cartridges 2nd in each grade Noms (for that event) back Saturday - 10.00am Start EVENT 1 $10 25Tgt DIE Graded Cash Divide 15m $20 + $3 opt sweeps EVENT 2 25Tgt Hunter Valley DIB Championship $20 + $3 opt sweeps EVENT 3 2 5 T g t Hunter Valley PIS Championship Sunday - 10.00am Start EVENT 4 $10 25T DIB Graded Cash Divide 15m $20 + $3 opt sweeps EVENT 5 25Tgt V i n t a g e DIB Championship $20 + $3 opt sweeps EVENT 6 25Tgt Hunter Valley DIB Cont. Championship 6.30bm NIGHT SHOOT 1 2 5 1 PIS - Permtuai TroDhv SAT. DEC. 22nd 1.00am PRACTICE Trap 8 Skeet. CLOSED UNTIL SATURDAY 5th JANUARY 1991 - Nominalionscimefwthslirsteventone houraneradvefiiwdslarting time. The Directwsreservetherighttochangethspublishsdprogramarj required. LOCATION:131 BOORALIE ROAD, TERREY HILLS, N.S.W. 5 KMS FROM MONA VALE ROAD. PHONE: (02) 450 1775 PRES1DENT:John Philipson, Ph. 949 4846 SECRETARY: GBan Harvey. Ph. 449 6068 TREASURER: John Richardson. Ph. 489 5906 CLUB CAPTAIN: John Arslanian. Ph. 626 6714 Graded High Gun over the 6 events $100 badge each grade. Ladies, juniors and veterans half noms. if nominated for the whole program. Refreshments, meals and cartridges available Free camping on the grounds. Additional events if time permits. Managementreserves the right to alter the program. T. Turner President 8 Aberdare D. Porteus Secretary 40 Kennedy Street Road CESSNOCK N S W 2325 SINGLETON NSW 2330 Phone: (049) 90 1 6 4 8 Phone: (065) 72 1575 --- AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGETNEWS -NOVEMBER 1990 PAGE 29 Riveiina PS C'shlp OA G 81yd W-%.AA R Ehleis 74-75, A: 1. Rue 85%. 8. H. Peters 73.75; C I Neviblgging 70-75. Ladxer: L Pelers 54-75.2OT DB CD. C. Smcla~r.S. Baron. S Clemran. I Rue. W Wood. R Blake. G Boyd. V Tomaron$.G Schubach. L. Peters 20-20 HG G Boyd 256275 HG aver 2 days- G Boyd 414.425, MARCON1 31-8-90 -Cold night 1181 2OT £0 3 porslbles. DB Nlght C'ship: AA: A. Welsh 4450. A L h e i v 50-50. B S Bonamisl SZSS C: M. Smnh 4650. HG. L n e w 70-70 MARCON1 2-990 - Flne1551 IST EO. I5 poss Borsely ParkPSC'ship. AA: I. Baulor 177.177, K Bosanko 134-135, A G McDonald 176177. L h w 8 3 8 1 ; B M. Schmitt8687. E,Boulor 8587, C D Beatlie 6475. S Rtiieleifi G7-75 Boszely Park DB C'shlp: AA: K, Perklnn 100lW. J Boulor 1W-110. A L Ciema31-32. L h e w 8b52; B. M Schmln 3839. R Kennedy 30-31. C M Smllh 24.23. D Beattle 30-32 15T H'cap C D 2 p o r s H G M. Schmltt 129-130 NARRANDERR 11.090 -Showery Rtver~nsZone Nr PS C'shlp: OA. G. Tflen; A: M. Casella; B M Slanmare. C B. Charles Riverma Zone Nt Mxd T C'rhlp: OA: S. Guest; A: M. Casella, B M Stanmore: C M Weymoulh NARRANDERA 19-090 -(21) 2ST C'lral Rlverlna DB Cont C'ship: OA & A. T. Salaiia. G. Pmner; B 1st M Slanmlre. D L u c a ~C A. Cell. A. Devine; j n ~G nKen a n d S. pinner.Vet. M. W e ~ m o u t hRivezina Zones0 Con1 C'ship O A & A: S Guest. 2nd G. M~ils:B D Lucns. I lasnor. C J Allen. A Devme. Vet M. Weymoulh lnr: G. T~ifen.S. P~nner. C i i a l Riv PS C'shlp. OA & A. T Salaiia. 2nd I Biam: 8: D Fraser. M. Stanmore; C- A. Cell. W Malthews. Vet. A Murdocb: Jni.S Ceely. G. Tillen HG: T Salafia. Jnr HG:. G, niien / GUYRA GUN CLUBINC NOVEMBER 25th, 1990 Commencing 9.30am EVENT 1 $5.00 5T Single Barrel 15m 1 case of ammo to winner. EVENT 2 $15.00 25T New England Single Barrel Championship Sash Overall, Trophies 1st G 2nd each grade AA, A, B, C. Optional sweep $1. EVENT 3 $15.00 25T Masters Championship 15m DB Sashoverall, Trophies 1st G2nd each grade AA, A, B, C. Optional sweep $1. EVENT 4 $15.00 2 0 7 DB Handicap Trophies lst, 2nd. 3rd overall. Also 1st E 2nd each meterage group: 11-15,16--18 19-21, 22-25. EVENT 5 SYDNEY 24890 -Cold 1251 IOT EO: 3 PO-. 3OT DB T'phy: AA. A. Welsh 2930; A: L, Se=ano 25.31.8: I. Adamopoulm 2632. C F. Sgambellone 2530.30T PST'phy: AA: I. Setnna 8590. A. L Reiv 8&90, B I Adamopoular 67-90 C: V Curumono 6690. SYDNEY 7-990 Cold night (241. 10T €0. I m s . 20T KC: A. Raws ZZW; R Tesnero 22-24. E Boul~s21-243OT Cont D B AA. C. Tilley 4548, C. Davenpan 44-48:A Peter A. 31-34. B Naylor 3031: 8: 1. A d d m o ~ a u l m2630. A. Tropea 24-30. C. G. Curcurulo 2C-31). H. Smith 15-20, HG. B Naylor52.6D SYDNEY 4 0 9 0 - Cold (351 SOT DB T'phy. AA K. BosankoS554. P. Mus&al5254; A: L, Tzew 50-51. P Abela 49-51. B G. Kidd 62-65. F Dezne BbW, C: A. Salem 4250. 1. Sharpies 3950. IS Prs DR C'shbp. A A C Tilley 2630.1. Pelrlna 3510; A: G. Macdonald 2430. B. Samuel* 2530; B F.Den= 2230.1 Kldd 27-30. C: G. Curcumlo 1740. A. Salem 15.30 20 Prs DD C ' s h l ~ B. : Samuels& Peter A 22-22. L Trew & I Pernna 21-22. HG: P. Mklcrat .........74-80 TAM\'lDRTH 18990 - i n e runry 0 ?iT Ski H'cap CD C Wa.lerr C Barion M S:r?alc S ! I m R P c r H B y I c t 2 - 2 5 S2T Ei-I C r5.p OA C Barcn 4813. A G ':!:!ll'ri;17 I! 8 S NaT1 IC-SC C P Frcc:iori-41-50 2.;TSVl.L1 c l P C D G Waters. K !.c?(ic ic S Ili,.n ZSE : OA HG G W=.lcr:SEIM THE FOP.EST 22-P.90 - f#cc.u..noy (1.7 I5T Mxa EO S Zvlio 2325 i5T SZ DB C cc 8r ;%A&O V C12111^.1-25 A L'lelzn 243C r, C K>?.r 3:-35. D Flrrler ?535 B ).I :. ; I , r - . l ? i ': I TILD?:!~(C C I Re.~l2?-::.6 H,ne:al-?F ?5TSZF3C'-hlp AAC - FAGE 30 $15.00 25T New England Double Barrel Championship Sash Overall, Trophies 1st G 2nd each grade AA, A, B, C. Optional sweep $1. - HIGH GUN TROPHY LADIES G JUNIORS HALF NOMINATlONS. CHIZZOTTI SHIELD MATCH ON EVENT 4. R. Hammond President (067) 7 9 1009 R. Varley Secretary (067)79 1261 - AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 AUSTRALIANCLAYTARGETNEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 PAGE31 [UNCQ)) QLD MT. PETRiE ROAD, BELMONT, BRiSBANE. 4153. I I NOVEMBER SHOOT PROGRAM I SATURDAY 3RD 12.30PM -TRENCH 100 TARGETS SWEEPSTAKES -- * * *-* SUNDAY 4TH 9.30AM SKEET EVENT 1.25TDOUBLESSWEEPS EVENT 1. SOTHANDICAPTROPHIES EVENT2.50TCASH EVENT **** **** WEDNESDAY 21ST 7.30PM NIGHT TRAP $8.00 $13.00 $13.00 SATURDAY 17TH 12.30PM TRENCH 100 TARGETS SWEEPSTAKES EVENT 1.25TDIB CASH EVENT EVENT2.25TPOlNTS BADGE EVENT $8.00 $8.00 CAIRNS 2-9 SO - We73 w a y ( 1 1 IOT DB EC) A D S.mp13n P S.cchvell 1CL10. B N N u n a l a l O 2STMec 1s 10 N Bruce C Morle G W l d L Cccn N Bruce S Zcrzcilo E 23TDBCrhlp A PI S.mprcn25-25 B N 8 : ~ : 25-2: e . C 9 Be1 2325 2C: H'cap 11.1s C S:ore ! 3 2 1 i l - I S D Hun! P S, I 3 i l 2C2S R Sin0:-r 1520 10 PT DR 151 N Bruce 2ra P S ~ o c ~ l eKl l Sny.:cn lo?, D \.lie Dbl 1x1N BX-C B BcII 2nd ? S ~ m k a c l lR. S n c r c r OA ilG PI li L i l I e 10.1 C -, 7 . . I @C Mac93 ~ **** PRACTICEAVAILABLE FROM 10.30AM WEDNESDAY TO FRIDAY. SKEET PRACTICE FROM 9.30AM SATURDAY AND TRAP PRACTICE FROM I P M SATURDAY. PRESIDENT CAPTAIN JOHN PORTER ROD MOODY (07) 398 4257 (07) 208 9362 ~ CHARLMLLE 2M.90- Flnc urlrdy OS] 50TDB B B:ym iCL23. N Gazroy. A Con. icn I527 ?T : SB B Bryan! 1920 B Kn.; 1821 N G ~ d r b y17?0 !:T Pls A Demo, TOOWQOMBA CLAY TARGIET CLUB INC. DAY TRAP PROGRAMME SUNDAY 11th NOVEMBER 1990 Commencing 1 Oam EVENT 1 Nom. $8.00 25T DOUBLE BARREL - 15 METRES - Graded Graded Troohies EVENT 2 $8.00 25T SINGLE BARREL - 15 METRES - Graded Graded Tro~hies EVENT 3 $8.00 25T POINTS - 15 METRES - Graded Graded Trophies The WELLS-DONOVANTRAPTEAM CUP in conjunction with thisevent, 3 perTeam - iA grd + IB grd IC grd. Trophies to winning Team. $1.00 $4.00 EVENT 4 20T STATE WINCHESTER JUNIOR EVENT (10T DB 107 PTS) Sponsored by WINCHESTER AUST. 500 Cart. Divided 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Juniors under 18 vears on dav of event. EVENT 5 $8.00 20 PAIR ALDO SCERESINI DEAUVILLE DOUBLES CHAMPIONSHIPS - 20M Badges 1st -Trophies lst, 2nd (Jnr HG - Vet HG if 3 or more noms)Cll-15MHG - OIA HIGH GUN + + I I ' PAGE 32 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 CLAY TARGET CLUB IMC. Banks Pocket Rd. Gympie. Qld. (Next to Calf Saleyards) Saturday 12 noon November 3 Sunday 9.30am November 4. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 11TH 1990 9.00AM SHARP $12.00 25T DOUBLE BARREL, AA, A, B, C. EVENT 1 **GYMPIE GOLD EVENT'" $1100 GOLD NUGGET FOR OIA $1100 (Kindly donated by PRALANGE PTY. LTD. EVENT 2 $25.00 50T DOUBLE BARRELCHAMPIONSHIP, AA, A, B, C. (IST & 2ND) $15.00 25T POINTS CHAMPIONSHIP, OIA, AA, A, B, C. EVENT 4 $12.00 25T HANDICAP 1ST. 2ND. 3RD. EVENT 5 $12.00 25T CONTINENTAL AA, A, B, C. $76.00 TOTAL NOMINATIONS $76.00 Optional Sweeps on 50T Event Teams event on 50T event (6 to a team) $6.00 per team. GRADED HIGH GUNS AA, A, B, C. (Sponsored by Winchester) EVENT 3 Ladies High Gun if 3 Lady Shooters attend AA Trophies only apply if minimum of 5 AA shooters atlend. REMEMBER 9.OOAM SHARP START W.G. FOSTER(Pres) (074) 82 1974 AIH (074) 82 2467 W J.D. GARDNER (Sec) (074) 82 7221 AIH (074) 82 6222 W AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 Saturday November 3 Event 1. 25t RedcliffeCity D.B. Ch'ship $12.00 AA.A.B.C. Badge & Trophy each grade. Sponsored by Peter & Kathy Langford. Event 2. "PRESIDENT'S TROPHY. 25t Pts. AA.A.B.C. $12.00 Event 3. 25t Redcliffe City S.B. Ch'ship $12.00 AA.A.B.C. Badge & Trophy each grade. Lady-Junior-Veteran Trophy. Sponsored by Alfo and Amanda Coco. Sunday November 4 Event 4. 25tD.B.TROPHY.AA.A.B.C. $12.00 Sponsored by Etna Building Construction Ptv. Ltd. Event 5. 25t FOUNDATION MEMBERS PTS CHAMPl0NSHlPAA.A.B.C. $15.00 Badge &Trophy each grade. Sponsored by John &Myra Burlinson. $12.00 Event 6. 25t South East Zone Hcp. Sash OIAll. Trophy lst, 2nd, 3rd. Sponsored by Redcliffe City Ladies' Kitchen. Event 7. 30t Redcliffe City Mixed Ch'ship $15.00 AA.A.B.C. Badge G Trophy each grade. l o t DB, l o t SB, 10t Pts. Sponsored by Private Health Service Pty Ltd. AA.A.5.C. High Gun. Sash each grade. Sponsored by Teny Reming Motors. Lady, Junior G Veteran reduced noms. on full program. Ladies kitchen and refreshmenfs. Near the beach hotel.motel accommodalion available, miles of beach and other entertainments. Committee reserves the right to alter the programme. President: J i m Cassimatis SecTTreas.: John Burlinson (07) 284 8022 (07) 283 3623 PAGE 33 DYSAXT 2-990 - W ~ r mhigh cloua 30T Slate Tivr PS C'shsp. OA 8 A. P Field 198.201:B.T Cums6iaO.C C Ennis6690 SriTBTStuleC'shlp OA&A:J. Paul4M0; B: D. Scully 3650. C E Bales 29-50, t5T DP CD A i Pitul. S %dona 25.25, R. Meaney. M Hnod 24-25. B T Cdrili 2s-5. Ti Sculir 24-25 M Fuiiyer 22-25. C: E Bates 21-25. P. Meaney 17-25. C Eonis 16-25 Exfin t v in P:i il cap OA. j Paul ETON U C K A Y 8.890 Firit.. v;indy (161 liul. € 0 DB oil Ism: A: R. h n n 10; B. J. Hnban 10. C E Rlics 9 2Cm PB FI;cli 1 % A G D:!Thnmris 51: B J Hoban 41: C: E. Bales 50 20T DB H cap A F Duon 17. E I Hcban 17: C J Sheale 18, 2OTDB Con! off 15m A R Duno, C DeThomazi;. B I. Hotan IG. C K Hanan 17. I S P i D R o n Ism: A: G. DeThomasis 16, B J Haban I?. C I Sheaie 17 GDIDSTONE87.90- Cool, sunshlne [I61 ICWTSkr ClubC'shlp A K. R w 9 6 1 W : 0: M. Hanvood 92190. C A Chapiin 9 S l M . OA 1( Ross GLADSTONE 2 5 8 9 0 ilne 06) MT Nt DB C'ship AA: 1. Riggr 4850; A: J. Yanko 1WO. B M Whatley 44-50. C P W o u j r 4550 15 Pr Ni DR A- J. Rjggs 20-3Q 0: M. Whulley 17.30. C P WwAs 2Z40 Speckman, 2nd M Halion HO W Turner inter HG T Mnchell, f M HG 11-lam M Halton - - GLENDEN 16990 - Fiao windy (81 IOT DB EO Ism G Kasper 1810. A. Cameron 9-10, G Suns1 6 1 0 2VT SB Ism. M A h e n 1520. A Cameron 14.20. J O'Raurke 14-20. 2% H'cap Cill~landT phy K Bnpry 22.25. G Webb. I Ogaurke. A Cameron 2 w 5 2ST DB 15m G KarPr 2?5. h$ Ahcm. M G ~ l l h m22-25. A Cameron 2825. K Bapty. G. Kunrl I 9 2 5 2OTDB Conl 15m C;.Kaspii 18-20, M Ahem 17-20, K. Bapv, G. Webb, A. Cameron I620 GOLDCOASPS490-Fme, m11dnlnhtil51 ZOTDBSS 15m. A: C. W1t.M. %ale 1920: B R. Tnndall2820, C . J. Underh&ll.D. Noble iG2O ZOT Pis Ism: A: C. Will 5860: 8: K. %eney 5960. C D Noble 3550 15T SB SS Ism A: S Laliey. P. Harvey 1815: B. K. Seeney IZIS. C D Noble 11-13 10 Pr DR SS Ism- A- M Swale 1920; 0: K. Seeney 1220: C: M. Bany. D Noble 1 5 2 0 ~ - PORT DENISON 27-9 90 - 2CtI DB l a D McDannell, 2 r d V M c h n n e l i , 3rd P W e W a r d 207Conl !st V McDonnrli 2nd T Bananno 3rd D McDonnell REDCIIFX C!IY :D'.; 2.2; C 1 ' :?-I: G ' n.. :>= 77>.':c, 1. 3 .;"/a -:,, PAGE 34 I , . ' 4 : : :. ': . .. i.2 F:rl.i>, 22.25 C selkc ? - . UB1-.iC..n.:, A i: &","day . . :,.! .t,,c. ::?. : : T ~ ~ =A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , . . ., . . I : ' ! ? l:.:iri.::'P: 2::~a:'m.l. A 1' ;. .. ' ;:, In. PC' I!~. !cr$ Ve! HC !.I I"r '.". c . , ,--. c . : , :"". . . -. , .. :...-).:. 21:; . ' i. . . MALLALA 3390 V/mEy V,am (31) 25: Tela Sn. OA t3 A R Sn.!h 2 4 . b . B T OConrot 24-2:. C C bleinny 3525 Team Sh.r' h t a ~ ~ C l ol r C l ~ 112-121. s In'crrll l ~ w Cun l C:uo IOF125, SAGC LC?-I25 20T FSTpny O A G A T Kenlo, 5 9 f J . C Z a p pld TC60.C Melncy 51CO HG T Lenyc?8385 :5TCon'C,ip .4 R Sm.!t 14-15. 9 ? 0 C : : n i r I?!: C C Yeaccy 11!5 1 , . . . . - .- :. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 ROBE GUN CCUB Zvooa 2 2 2 5 . 0 1 HG: T Keone 169-195 25t Rock Lobster Ch'ship. A.B.C. 1 & 2, Sash OIA. 20pr Double Rise Ch'ship. A.B.C. 1 & 2, Sash OIA. Other events time permitting. SOUTH CiuSTRCiLIflN GUN CLUB Saturday 24th November 1990 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1 1,1990 0A: 1. Peek21-25, W. Lymn 2025: 0: 8. Britcher 2025: I. Cunir 14-25, BSTPS: A 8 OA: D. Lymn 2525, S.Edmondr 2225: 8: 0. Britchei 2525. I. Cuntr 21-25; C: I. Averis 2225.5. Moroan 1025. HG: D. Lvmn. WRTAUGUSTA IMLsO-Vew n.nCl I131 25TShH'caD M Sm,.h 51-58 C. Pe"C.eV 5257 C S p a c h a n 34-39 3?r C l m S'F T v~ C r ' l p R e.n 9693 M Sam 95-99 R Fleenarc e690 2 m D B H c a p 4 ! 5m.m L neo.l:xk I920 M s ~ a rC. S p a c m a n C - - - ~ ~ - -~ ~~ ROBE l W 9 0 rlne wlnay (23) ?.ST 0 8 C 3h.p OA L A P Cleen 23-25. C Sleelc 24.2'1.0 S Henderror2631 L S m s 2 8 3 1 C P Rapp24-26 D Beyerib25 2 m H C !5m 2025m V Beyer 2520 1619n C. H:egt.l2320 11-15m C Burns 1920 iVTPfr 16- SS 6060 8 L stms saeo c c 3~~~ 4360 A F T.YIO, P clpen SOUTH A U M 25890 Fine cold \k:nd (8:) 25T S h C rhlD OA 6 A. L Charles 5858. R K ~ m 57-58. r 8 L Sum 3C35 P Marcolonni 32-34. C A P a w c h a a . lambcur 2825 R P L ~ I J L 2526 2 m H'CIF D ~awte1820. T Keanc 16-21 P M b e 2529 2 m P S T w r C s h p O A 8 A I Bvrnc~81.81R Dower 8081 B C :ohnr5%69 T Keane6063.C T Edgar 71-72 T CvrrF872 5 m D B C rh.p O A 8 A A 0 O:.vero5aM. D L ~ m 4PM. n A P M~ne62-64 P Mdes61-€4.0 T K c r e 49-50 L Cnar.er47-50. C C l;mhsdSSO C Meanrv 4 3 5 1 Vet: L Simr 47-50 - DNONPORTLbW3-Smny. warm(23) 5'3TSk1Cch8~ACOA C ~ l t r a 1 4 9 5 3B K Blarely 4854 C L Hardw1zke4550 23TDB A C L>!norn 17-23 R P I ~ r v ; 3 1 - ? <C K hrcomoe 1820 20TCont DB A C Lvham ,921 3 B ' : c # ~ . ~ Y I+TO C I Sin!cld 1820 CREM 2m ! d , vmdy ra.n nall(4C) Im DB € 0 fC M H e r e r 5 Yaer C Blasken. K W m l . T. Pvlrord 1 lnurpby C Arnri !O 10 IWT D 3 C ' s t p A 6 OA I. M u ~ h y%1W. B P h m e : 91-IM C Y H e r e r YP-::C 13: N 3 i HCIP C Laredo 16.17 NORRlERNDPiRICTS2a990- coX(43. 53TSil : i h r, A 8 OA !: Curbahly 5050 B A BeerlsSO C C Clsh!o-,52.55 4CTDST;1If A & O A .' M l r p 2 ~ 4 7 - 4 7R I 81yan4040. C P. Undcrl1n41.45 3 n ~ s c ' c t ~A p6 CP. M 6uri.n: PBSC. B ? 3lakr 8590. C K Larcombe 96-90 HS A Beer .72-.St RQT)PMN S4.W Fse. wndy (8) IOT PS EO Cln: T Dl i b y 25-X 0 F0.d. C Aylen L H a r d n c k e 1730 25TCcnt C rnlp 8 & OA 1: r\).lil': >23 C A C u z n I925 25T C rhm B & o h R Abbien 21-25 C A 0u:m Zi-!5 - - - wm.NwAL,E 1-9-90 Fme. d d (29). iOT EO Pfr CD. M. Manan,. P Wanen. R. Barlw.~2430. 15T G r p Mw.11-1% R. Lawen- 144% 1620 L Fkncham 1616.21-25 L. Cunis 1s-15. 25T Gm Met: l a R. Barlow. 2nd I. SmLh, 3rd W Smllh. 50T SM. L. Curtis 4w.C. Davis4aM. HG: A: L.C m r 72-80, B: R Bailwr 7 8 D . C G Moeat 6680. C a k e shm: A. nansn. BCTC v BF&G lnte~c~ub shoot. BF&G 338SM. BCTC a o m m . BEAUFORT8980 Fme, mdd. sunny (48). 2VT 0. Foreman hlem C r d DB C'ship OA: P. Graere 8989: A: P. Cm011 eC89. G. Casmlls 69-70; B E Good SSS4, 8. Malseed IM1. C: 8. D o w ~ m g19.20. R. Aldrich 2 0 2 2 2 0 T H ' c a p S Howat 4 M 8 , S. While 4748, P. c a n ~ 1 1 4 ~BM: I : I. M$ilhey 2224. N1ght2OTGrd Ptr. OA. v. Barby 8484:A: N Martnos 8384. N. hterwm'B6B3: 8: T, Jouy 5960. G ~ o h n m n4w:C: R. Aldrh-h €OW, W. - AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 Tuesday, November 6th, 12 noon start Event 1. 25t D.B. Championship 70% noms. back to shooters. Placing first to fifth. Sash E- Cash OA Winner. Event 2. 25t D.B. Championship A.B.C. First each grade % case shells. OA % case shells & sash. Event 3. 25t D.B. Championship Shoot A-18, B-16, (2-14. 70% noms. back to shooters. Sash & Cash OA Winner. NOTE: November 2 5 t h S h o o t Cancelled. REMINDER.. . XMAS SHOOT Saturday December 1 - 1.30pm start. A11 ten target events ... heaps of hams - turkeys - chickens. Pres: T. Maskell (058)62 2224 Sec: T. Hicks AH (058)62 2106 BH (058)62 1166 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 METROPOLITAN CLAY TARGET CLUB Presents November 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th ... ... Monday 5th Day Three Z.Z. Shoot 1 Oam Practice, Events start 1 1am Tuesday 6th Day Four 1Oam Start. 1st event closes 1 1.30am Saturday 3rd Day One Eye Opener and First Event close 1 pm Event 1 Event 2 10T Pts CD ... $7.00 $10.00 25T DB A.B.C. Cash $12.00 Event 3 15T HlCap Damian Mollica Cup 1st Tin Powder, 2nd 1000 Primers, 3rd & BM (22-25) lOkg Shot. $10.00 Event 4 25T Pts A.B.C. Cash Event 5 $20.00 50T Skeet Metro Grand Prix Round 1 Cash 1st & 2nd A.B.C. -~ ... Sunday 4th Day Two 1 lam Start EO C 1st event close 12.30pm Event 1 $7.00 10T Pts EO CD Event 2 $15.00 Event 3 $24.00 25T Club SB A.B.C. Set Driving Lights 1st A.B.C. 1000 Primers 2nd A.B.C. 50T DB A.B.C. 1st Free Noms for Tuesday All DTL 2nd Free Noms for Metro Cup - Tuesday Event 4 50T Skeet Metro Grand Prix Round 2. A.B.C. Event 1 $15.00 25T DB Club DB C'ship A.B.C. Inc Bill Attwood Shield 1st A.B.C. Tin Powder 2nd A.B.C. 1000 Primers 2 ~ $25.00 Event . ~ 30T DB 41st Grand Prix OlAll 3 Cases Shells 1st A.B.C. 2 Cases Shells 2nd A.B.C. 1 Case Shells Best Lady G Junior 1000 Primers $25.00 Event 3 30T Bill Williams Memorial Handicap Metropolitan Cup lst, 2nd, 3rd G BM22-25 1st Trophy value approx $400 2nd Trophy value approx $240 3rd & BM Trophy value approx $80. $20.00 Event 4 50T Skeet Final Round Metro Grand Prix Skeet A.B.C. 1st A.B.C. 20kg Shot 2nd A.B.C. lOkg Shot Overall Round 1-2-3. 500 Shells Plus Sash High Gun O/AN Program Sat, Sun. Tues. High Gun DTL AII DTL Program Sat, Sun, 11 - Tues. . Skeet High Gun ooer 150T Metro Skeet Grand Prix Champion Cartridges and Shot provided courtesy of BALLANTINE AMMUNITION Powder and Primers courtesy of V C N DISPOSALS, DENILIQUIN President Bert Lobley 467 5935 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 Secretary Norm Pengelly (054) 28 2268 PAGE 37 BENDIG0 1999) - 2end:23 S:hl Plr C:n.p 2ST 5 0 OA I El.~att 2827. Snr bvr D Lloyd 2525.!nr 0%; : Clmeron 17-20, Inr C r l r H Weri 1-20 Terms event EChu?>Te:h CII S McKehle P L n".bsrj hl V e s y L Celll. P Hener PO Box 557, Mt Waverley, Vic. 3149 Please note my Change of Address Name: .................... . . ............................. From: ....................................................... - COLBlNRBBM 23-990 S ~ n n ) .5: :OT FS CD K SneJrri 29-?9 H Hawkmg T 8 1 3 z k r 27-3! li? U3 C st.#;, 0.4 D1 A T e~uchcr5050.R h a 11 47-50, B H. Hawkmg 45%. A Ed,,iards 455! C R We:l lnr 19 50. C bro*n 3:59 i5T H c i p R lVen lni 15.6, r F J ~ C YI.L.G. P T , ~ , I22.31 I To: ........................................................ , . COLAC 9.980 -Fine, runny 13-31 IGT EO Pis CD. F. Dignan. 0. Fame., I. Manhey, R. Parker 3 W . Z5T iwke Colac DB C'shlp. OA- W. Calaby 6666: A: R. Parker 6S66. G. Hayden 52-64: 0' G. lohnaon 3637. J Hollowa~3334; C: W. Hamar 27-28, R. M n n l e y 24-27. 25T Lake Calac Rs C'rhlp. OA: V. Barby 7S.75: A- M Pollh-k 77-70 B: P. McDonald757S; C: M. Carllle 71-75 2STLakeCCacSB C'ship: OA: N. Manna.ZS25:A. V. Barby 2930; B: D. Con 2621; C: W. Hamer 21-26. DENILIQUM 1-Sunny, ,deal (35)IGTPS E 0 . 6 ~ 1 sB. H w w r . B. McLrod. 0. Ford. R. Cugley, I. Wh~llakec;.R. Dulfy. T Penny. R. AUen SGT PS C'ship: OA: R Alien 149150; A: 0. Boyd 152-158, T Penny 152159: 8-S. Decker 152-368. T. Smith 157.168. C: R. Thome 12blW. 5. Leo 121-160. SOTDBC'ship: 0A:J. Whittakers6666: A: M. Absalan 6566. G. Bqrd 61-66; B: C . Gwdvnn 49-50. T. Smllh 52-55: C: S. Ina61-68.8. Miller 6 W . LOT Club M u g G. Soyd 1514. HG: R Allen 235238 ....................................Plcoder................. - FOSTER 9.980 Cml. ml:z I161 10T F 5 C D H :3D P \'/cbo 3033. I D l n d v n 27-30, R Blrllvr. 5 Allen W Parks ;%?I :OT :C cfi h'cw 16 011 15m K BcU ZWO. 5 Allen N 2 R B3rlorr 31-12 l l F ? DR B W c b b 1630. K Barlo?i !GZO K Eel1 1420 D a l y HG B Webb $550. 3 L4cnlhly HO P Blrlc'w 137-140 i.rh Sboci R W e b b L Fmcbam. D \vlll,,rs FBANEmN29.7.90- :IT Fc?:t.rir OA T Pleiicn47-M. AA 8 S n d e r s a n 5 x 0 R Evan: 495: A P Av4r.x 4F50. D t.Ien,ra 44.50 B R Green 5 x 0 G A v u r n 52-13. C H C h n 3950. R Hew3 37-I0 Lldle: R G a ~ 137.5; I Alrger 2 8 W I n i D Dunn ?l-M. S l.lcroan 2310 V i l C Pr?rqilly 3i-30. D ti13away 2 8 % HUGE 2 DAY SHOOT (A NICE WEEKEND AWAY FROM HOME) I KORIIMBCIRM GUN CLUB ANNIVERSAIIV SHOOT Satunlay Wowember 24UI, 12.00 won sharp Sunday Wowember 25th, 12.00 noon sharp 50T DIB ANNIVERSARY CH'SHIP 50T STHE BALLTMP CW'SWIP A.B.C. 1 & 2. A.B.C. 1 & 2 (loz loads only) 50T ANNIVERSARY SKEET CH'SHIP A.B.C. 1 & 2. TAKE THE FAMILY TO 'COAL CREEK' Enquiries: Neil Bull (03) 798 1655 Mobile 018 351 311 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 TRAP NOVEMBER 9 , I O & 14 ECHUCA GUN CLUB Friday 9 Event 1' - MlTlAMO ROAD, EGHUCA loam start Victorian State Hcp Nom. $20.00 50 targets off handicap marks lst, 2nd, 3rd & Backmarker. BM 22-25111. ~ ~ dsections i N ~ ~60% d ~ ~ Event 2' 25pr State DlRise Ch'ship 15m Nom. $20.00 OA winner & AA, A, B, C grades. 2nd trophies each grade. LadiesNnrNets - Noms 60%. Saturday 10 9am start Event 3' 50TState DB Ch'ship 15m Nom. $20.00 OA, AA. A. B, C grades. 2nd trophies each grade. LadieslJnrNets - Noms 60% Sponsored by Winchester Australia. Event 4. 5 0 ~ ~ t a t e ~ ~ ~ 15m h ' sNom. h i ~ $20.00 OA, AA, A, B, C grades. Ladies, Junior, Vets sections. 2nd trophies each grade. LadieslJuniorsNets 60% noms. Sponsored by Mulwex Powders. - Event 4a Zone Shoulder to Shoulder Teams Match 9.30am start Sunday 11 ~Event ~, 5" ~SOT State ~ Pts~Ch'ship 15m Nom. $20.00 Sponsored by Bay City Clay Targets. OA winner AA, A, 6 ,C grades. LadiesNuniorlVets sections. 2nd trophies each grade. LadiesIJunlVets Noms 60"!0. Event 5a 50T Open State Postal Team. 15 highest scores events 3, 4. 5. Ten highest scores to count. 25T Ladies State Postal Team. 6 highest Scoresevent 3.4,5. Five highest scoresto count. 255 Junior State Postal Team. 6 highest scores events 3,4.5. Five highest scores to count, High Gun, Sash &Trophy-Open. Ladies &Junior Teams. ^Events to be shot one visit - 6 members oer sauad. State Open High Gun events 1, 2 3,4, 5. ' State Veteran, Ladies & Junior High Gun events 7, 2, 3, 4, 5. State Junior Perpetual "Winchester" Australia Trophy and trophy. Five highest qualifiers in the open team to receive State Team Jacket of $50 to previous winners to represent Victoria at the 7997 Nationals. Optional purse $5 events 7, 2, 3, 4, 5. Division 60%, 30%, 10%. VCTA President & Tournament Director: Glenn Woodhatch (054) 40 2536 VCTA Secretary: Arch Mackinnon (058) 26 2470 VCTA Annual Meeting at close shooting Friday 9th at Echuca Gun Club Clubhouse. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 PAGE 39 - FRRNKSTON 14890 Gwd (51) 25T Pis C'rhlp. A & OA: G Ash 74-75;B. J. O'Rorke 87-90. C K Hare 65-75 25T SB C'shlp: A & OA: T Gmmen 27.28: B. M Giapimkii 22-25, C G Trapler 2&25 25T DB C'ship: A h OA: K. Calder 27-2$ 8: M. GiaplUakrs 25-25.C V Rino 24-2525T BT C'ship A & OA G. Ash 23-25; 8. G. Hayden 22-25. C: R. Heard2 5 2 7 IWTSk! C'ship. A & OA. B Thomson 9S.IW; B:B. Mack 92-lW: C. M. Baln @ 2 l W 1ooTRenchC'shlp. A & OA: P Clancy 8ZIW. B: R. SlnclaU 69-IW; C: J. Rlro PJOVEMBER PROGRAMME Saturdav - -. . . . ...~3rd d FRANgSTON 1-490-Good (551 SOT Sponlng OA G Eames 5155. AA IHale 61-78 8 Webley 5&75 A G Thayer 5&58 W Eames42SO. B G Panie 39.P Passarm 38 C S Event 1. W.T. Henwood Points Grd. Ch'ship 40t. Grd. A.B.C. Nom. Event 2. Rupe Henwaod D/B Grd. Ch'ship Nom. 40t. Tartan Sash, Ribbons. Nom. Event 3. B.N Jones D/Rise Grd. Ch'ship A.B.C. 15 Pair. Tartan Sash, Ribbons. Event 4. Neville Moore Skeet Grd. Ch'ship Nom. A.B.C. 751. Tartan Sash. Ribbons. BENALM GUM CLUB IIUG. Saturday November 10th - Iprn Event 1. l o t Pointscore C.D. Event 2. 30t "Rose Festival" Ch'ship. A.B.C. 1st & 2nd. Event 3. 20t "Repco Australia" D.B. Handicap. lst, 2nd, 3rd & B.M. Event 4. 15t D.B. Tower. 1st 15 in shoot-off then points. High Gun Sash. $14.00 $14.00 $10.00 $22.00 Saturday 10th Event 1. 251 Pts Grd. Ch'ship. A.B.C. Event 2. 251 DIE Grd. ch'ship A.B.C. Event 3. 25t Pts U D Grd. A.B.C. Event 4. 501 Skeet Grd. Ch'shiu A.B.C. Event 5. 501 Skeet Hcp 1-2-3 AA 0. A 1, B 2, C 4. Nom. $9.00 Nom. $9.00 Nom. $9.00 Nom. $14.00 Nom. $14.00 Saturday 17th . . - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 DTL 1.00PN START Event I 10 Tgt Continental Double Barrel Eye Opener 84.00 Sponsored by Col Mackie Motors. Event2 20 Tgt Continental Double Barrel 88.00 Championship 1st E2nd ABC OIS81.00 Event 3 20 Tgl Pointscore Championship 88.00 1st G 2nd ABC OlS$1.00 Event4 20 Tgt Double Barrel Championship $8.00 1st E 2nd ABC + Best JuniorOIS $1.00 Event 5 20 Tgt Handicap 1st. 2nd E 3rd + 88.00 B.Marker OIS81.00 HlGH GUN TROPHY OVER PROGRAM NNAL SriOOT OFF FOR YEARLY SENIOR HlGH GUN TROPHY (To be ronlcrred bg llrlnners 01th~ rnonlhly Hgh Clrn Trophies lhroughoul 1990)6 1990JUNIOR CHAAIPlOh - lo k conresled bu w.nners of Besl j w l o r Trophres lhroughoul lhe year. - - SUNDAY NOVEMBER 18 SKEET 12 NOON START JUNIOR OTL 1.30PM START Event 1 50 Tgt Col Mackie Skeet Championship $15.00 Sponsored by Col Mackie Motors. 1st G 2nd ABC + Best Junior 01s $2.00 Event 2 50 Tgt Col Mackie Motors Skeel Championship $15.00 OIS $2.00 Sponsored by Col Mackie Motors 1st E 2nd ABC + Best Junior Ladies. Junior and Velemns % Noms E w n h 2. 3, 4 G 5 DTL and Eucnh I C 2 Skeel. Membem please nolr Annual Meeling at Club House an Thursday Nowmber 2Znd a1 8.OOpm. President . Secretary Bev Penny Tony Penny Ph(060)24 4215AH Ph(050)55 5452BH Event 1. Jeff Hanson Trench 200 Grd. Ch'ship. A.B.C. Junior. Under 21. Saturday 17th: 1001Trench Grd. Ch'ship A.B.C. Nom. $26.00 Sunday 18th: 1001Trench Grd. Ch'ship. A.B.C. Nom. $26.00 HlGH GUN OVER 200T Event 2. Frank Cuartero DIE Grd. Ch'ship AA.A.B.C., Novice. 50t Nom. $16.00 All trophies donated by Frank Cuartero. Event 3. 251 Points Grd. Ch'ship. A.B.C. Nom. $9.00 Event 4.251 DlB Grd. U D Nom. $9.00 Nom. $21.00 Event 5. 75t Skeet Grd. Ch'ship Sundav 18th - . ~,. ~ ~ - ~ . ~ i00tTrenchGrd.Cn'ship.A B.C.(JuntarsUnder 21 years). i O O t I.S.U. Skeel Grd. Ch'ship. A.B.C. (Junior Under 21 years). Saturday 24th Event 1. Event 2. Event 3. Event 4. 25t Points Grd. Ch'shio. A.B.C. 25t DIB Grd. Ch'ship. A.B.C. 25t DIB Grd U D 75t Skeet Grd. A.B.C. Cash O D Nom. $9.00 Nom. $9.00 Nom. $9.00 Mom. $21.00 Saturday 1st December Note: For skeet shooters of all ages. 1001"Fred Thatcher" Skeet Ch'ship. AA.A.6.C. &Junior. All trophies donated by Fred Thatcher. 401 Points Grd. Ch'ship AA.A.B.C., Novice Nom. $14.00 401 DIB Grd. Ch'ship A A. A.B.C. 'Nom. $14.00 15 Pair DlRiseGrd. Ch'ship. A.B.C. Nom. $10.00 ., -- PAGE do AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 SATURDAY 3rd - I P M - PRACTICE FROM 12 NOON 15 TARGET POINTS CASH DlVlDE 20 TARGET GRADED DOUBLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP OIA Sash plus 25%. 1st A, B. C 15%; 2nd A. 8. C. 10% 20 TARGETS GRADED SINGLE BARREL 1st B 2nd A. 8. C 15 TARGETS HANDICAP lst, 2nd. 3rd plus Best Back Marker 22-25m EVENT 1 EVENT 2 EVENT 3 EVENT 4 WEDNESDAY 7th EVENT 1 EVENT 2 - 6.30PM - PRACTICE FROM 6PM 15 TARGETS POINT SCORE CHAMPIONSHIP lst, 2nd, 3rd Sash Overall plus Best Front Marker 11-15m GEOFF MARK SPORTS GRAND PRlX 15 TARGETS DOUBLE BARREL OFF 15 METRES Overall: Case of Shells plus Sash 1st ll-15m. 16-20m, 21.25111: % Case of Shells pius Ribbon. 2nd '14 case Trophy Best Lady B Best Junior THIS EVENT SPONSORED BY GEOFF MARK SPORTS - BALLARAT (053) 33 2709 WEDNESDAY 14th EVENT 1 EVENT 2 EVENT 3 SATURDAY 17th EVENT 1 EVENT2 EVENT 3 EVENT 3 EVENT 3 President: MI R. Ahmllng Bus: 376 1522 Home: 318 3151 $8.00 10 TARGETS DOUBLE BARREL CASH DIVIDE 40 TARGETS GRADED DOUBLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP OIA Sash plus 25% 1st A. B, C 15%; 2nd A. 8. C 10% 15 TARGETS POINT SCORE CHAMPIONSHIP 1st. 2nd, 3rd OIA Sash. Best Front Marker l l - 1 5 m HIGH GUN SASH OVER PROGRAM 56.00 $15.00 $7.00 - - 6.30PM - PRACTICE FROM 6PM 15 TARGETS POINTS CASH DIVIDE - 16m 15 TARGETS GRADED DOUBLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP OIA Sash plus 25%, 1st A, B, C 15%: 2nd A, B, C 10% 15T SINGLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP 1st 2nd. 3rd Sash Overall plus Best Front Marker ll-15m WEDNESDAY 28th EVENT I EVENT2 $8.00 $8.00 - I P M - PRACTICE FROM 12 NOON WEDNESDAY 2 l s t EVENT I EVENT 2 - 6.30PM - PRACTICE FROM 6PM 15 TARGETS POINTS CASH DIVIDE 15 TARGETS GRADED DOUBLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP QIA Sash plus 25%: 1st A, B, C 15%; 2nd A, B. C 10% AA - 20m; A - lam; B - 16m, C - 14m, 1st. 2nd, 3rd $8.00 $8.00 58.00 - 6.30PM - PRACTICE FROM 6PM 15 TARGETS POINT SCORE CASH DlVlDE IS90 VICTORIAN GUN CLUB DOUBLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP 20 TARGETS OFF 15 METRES OIA Sash plus 25%; 1st A, B, C 15% plus Ribbon: 2nd A. B. C 10% Trophy Best Lady plus Best Junior 15 TARGETS DOUBLE BARREL C/D 16 METRES EVENT ONE closes one hour alter start LADIEWETERANWJUNIORS REDUCED NOMINATIONS $1 00 Optional Sweep on all Championships Off-The-Fence Shot Every Night Excellent Canteen Facilities AUSTRALIANCLAY TARGETNEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 Secrstaly: Maureen McKenna 27 Baggon Drive, Hoppan Crossing 3030 MS Ph: 749 2796 IPJGE 41 1 GEELONG CLAY TARGET CLUB INC. NOVEMBER PROGRAM 1990 Sunday, 18th November, 1990 to be held at Sunday 4th 1pm start. E.O. closes 1.45pm Event 1. 10t Points E.O. C.D. $4.50 Event 2. 25t D.B. Pts Championship $8.00 Graded A.B.C. 1st & 2nd ea. grade. Badge OA. Event 3. 25t D.B. Championship $8.00 Graded A.B.C. 1st & 2nd ea. grade. Badge OA. Event 4. 25t Mixed Meterage Championship (A-18) (B-16) (C-14) $8.00 lst, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Badge OA. Event 5. Skeet Sweepstakes time permitting. HIGH GUN SASH OVER EVENTS 7-2-34 Metropolitan Clay Target Club Inc. O'Herns Road, Epplng. Event 1 l o t EYO Pts. Nom. $6.00 1st A, B G C. Event 2 20t SIB Nom. $9.00 lstG2ndA, B G C . *Red. nom. $7.00 Nom. $9.00 Event 3 20t Pts. 1st G 2nd A, B G C. *Red. nom. $7.00 Event 4 30t DIB Norn. $13.00 1st G 2nd A, B G C. 'Red. nom. $9.00 25t Skeet Nom. $10.00 Event 5 1st A. B 6 C. *Note: Reduced norns. for Ladies, Juniors G Veterans. & This shoot is generously sponsored by: Saturday 24th 1pm start. E.O. closes 1.45pm I Event 1. 10tPolnts E O.C.D. $4.50 $15.00 Event 2. 50t D.B. Champ~onship Graded A B.C. 1st 2nd, 3rd ea. grade. Badge each grade wlnner. Event 3. 25t D.B. Cont. Championship $8.00 Graded A.B.C. 1st & 2nd ea. grade. Badge OA. Event 4. 25t Ball Trapchampionship $8.00 Graded A.B.C. 1st & 2nd ea. grade. Badge OA. President Graham Mahoney (052) 63 2286 W Secretary: Peter Cleary Box 857 Geelong (052) 48 1536 A. FAVPhEORO PLUMBING PTY. LTD. - COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL - DOMESTIC PLUMBING MASTER PLUMBER 6 GASFITTER 41 Collins St, Thornbury, Vic. 3071 Phone 484 7183. Mobile 018 352 681 Thesupportof the following organisattonsisgreatly appreciated: a T&C Motors Pty Ltd, 118 Dundas St, Thornbury. P h 4 8 4 251 5 Nillumbik Cellars Pty Lt4 379 Eelmore Rd, Balwyn P h 8 5 7 8320, & 11 Chute St, Diamond Creek. P h 4 3 8 1249. Concorde Liquor Pty Ltd, 7 0 Railway Rd, Blackbum. P h 894 2555. Hillon Business Agency, I st Floor, 7 0 Doncaster Rd, North Balwyn a Mobos Constructions Pty Ltd, 6 Swanston St, Preston. P h 4 8 0 5100. S. Zotti 480 3028 E. Montanaro 846.1718 - - AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 RflflF POINT COOK AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARIiET CLUB INC. cicln CLUB NOVEMBER '90 PROGRAM Club: Rossiters Road, Carrum Downs Phone 782 1626 Friday November 2 NOVEMBER PROGMM IOtgt U O CID 20tgt PTS. 1st G 2nd each grade. 20tgt DIB CID SATURDAY 3RD NOVEMBER Friday November 9 lOtgt PTS CID 20tgt SIB. 1st G 2nd each grade. 20tgt PTS CID Friday November 16 lOtgt PTS CID Cont. 20tgt DIB Cont. 1st G 2nd each grade. 20tgt SIB CID Sunday November 18 CHRISTMAS SHOOT - CLUB MEMBERS ONLY. 75T Sporting Championship Olall, M.A.B.C. L.J.V. $20 SUNDAY 4TH NOVEMBER 1. 401 Points-Cash each Grade A.B.C. 2. 50T Double Barrel Championship M.A.B.C. 3. 25T Ball Trap - Trophy A.B.C. 4. lOOT Skeet Cham~ionshioA.B.C. 5. 100T Trench chahPionship A.B.C. $13 $15 $8 $23 $25 SUNDAY 11TH NOVEMBER 40T Points Championship A.B.C. 40T Double Barrel Ch'ship A.B.C. 25T Ball Trap - Trophy A.B.C. 50T Skeet Championship M.A.B.C. 50T Skeet Trophy A.B.C. 6. lOOT Trench Championship A.B.C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $13 $13 $8 $13 $13 $25 SUNDAY 18TH NOVEMBER Friday November 23 l 5 t g t PTS CID 15tgt SIB CID 20tgt DIB CID Friday November 30 lOtgt PTS CID 20tgt DIB. 1st & 2nd each grade. 20tgt SIB CID NOTE:All Friday shoots commence at 6.30pm. AU Sunday shoots commence at 1 1.30am. Enquiries Phil Pegg Digby ~ i c h a r d s A.H. only WIH 368 1421 (03) 369 6042 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 1. 40T Points-Cash each Grade A.B.C. 2. 50T Double Barrel Championship M.A.B.C. 3. 25T Ball Trap -Trophy A.B.C. 4. 50T Skeet Championship M.A.B.C. 5. 50T Skeet Troohv A.B.C. 6. 50T Trench championship A.B.C. 7. 50T Trench Trophy A.B.C. $13 $15 $8 $13 $13 $15 $15 SATURDAY 24TH & SUNDAV 25TH NOVEMBER VIC MASTERS GAMES TO BE HELD ON CLUBGROUNDS No Nominations will be accepted on Shoot Days. Practice traps will also be closed on both these days A W m N D W GUN CIfllB Sunday November 4 - 12.30pm 301 D.B. Club Championship 20pr DIDoubles Club Ch'ship Swann Rd, Alexandra. - Great family atmosphere. BY0 BBQ facilities - Afiemoon tea. On the banks of the Goulbum River. Pres: Jack Woolmer (057) 7 2 1 0 5 0 Sec: S u e McNair (057) 74 21 18 N@@R@U a a N EaaB ONE, Saturday IYcrvember 24, 1990 at 1 p m 30t STATE S.B. TOWER CH'SHIP 25t Terang Jewellers D.B. Ch'ship 25t Points Ch'ship Mcikoiror37 A Crawley 34. Ladles L Thafer 28 J AtngerU jnr J Vandemel 23. Vei B Mitchell 40. A Walker 33 Team P Ginlhoni K Morgan 93-1W Sunday 18th Novem - 12.30pm start 25 Tgl D/B Champlomhlp. O/A 8 Grades. Event f Noms. $8.00 Event2 Event3 Evenla 10 Pr Dwbla Rlss Champlonshlp. OIA & Grades. 25Tgl Ball Trap Championship. OIA & Grades. Nams. S0.W POTgt Handlcsp. Ist. 2nd. 3rd & EM. Sweeps on all E m t s , PrscWce from 11.30srn. Jackpot on Events 1 . 2 & 3. COSGROVE GUN CLUB INC. Friday November 23,1990 - 7.00prn XMAS SHOOT E CHAMPIONSHIP 2 x lOtgt Hcp l o t 15m. 1st. 2nd. 3rd ea 1 0 tgt. Norn. $12 - O/S $1 ea 1 0 tgt. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP 30tgt OA,A,B,C.Norn.$9.O/S$l. HIGH GUN. Secretary G.N.T. Ballintine (058) 28 5205 C A B A A T Brac:larCObl A D eltnrs6C-65 B I Vixcer 4650 C X ~oru.:!147-53 3 T Ft;G:: C'rh~pOA e A A Ble3re 9490. B B Ro4n::n 73-75 C U I1cnr;cI 72-78 7 j T S k G.3 C s3.p C A & AA B R r m p n n 7S75. A B A i r r d 73-75 9 S i#r:e;71-7! C S hldccoia i s 7 5 2 j T S P Ubl Oh & A 6 Tr>.Tiron 2i-2:. B 5 ecnre1121.25. C P - . ..,.... .. . GOROKE 1-9-90- Fine,a'casl (25) IoOT Med C ' r h g . OA & A. G Helghl 151-161. T Rerhke 150151. 6.C. Jarred 13&150. F Phlpps 126150, C- D. Harrlr 117-150. L Hesrd 981W ~ 1.lETROPOLITRN 2-990 - \'let dull (2;) I5T n: LO bl GIII)II?IX.L 44.45 B LYD~CY 41.4: P 9111:~44.45 ? j T CB A B Lrtley 2323 6 M G,lp.l:?ik.; 1 P 2 0 C C War3 .72- 25: D I ~A b L?b!ey 2525 a D I.I:C%:IP~Y 27-?9 c N ~.ngi.!ly :a:= :S F,; C m A E".n 4a48. G Ward 4548.8 Llblcy 47-48 26 S h A P Xrumlrr 2.'-BS 3 C; \Yard 2&3l C S Mian 21.25 METROPOLITAN 23I1.90- 1W R s E O P Krumas. F Cuanero 3030. T. Spence. G Ward 2MO. 1ST DB. A: B. Lobley 2S-29: 8: f. Cuanero 2&20, C.S Scalora l a 1 9 1W DB B. Lobley 22-28, S. Scdora 27-28. N. Aamar 2627. 15T H'cap G.Ward 42-42. N. Asmar 41-42. V Melchlone 20.21; BM. E. Labley 14-15. 25 Skl: A. P Krurnms 24-29: 8: G Ward 2829: C: j. Mvli 23-28. NOORATZ5890- Cold. wmdy(21) 2STDBCont C'shlp OA & A. T. Grurnmel! 24-25. W. Calaby 22-25. B: G Carbury 2345. M. Greene 2&29: C: M Nash 19.25. L Densely 1625. ZST DB C'shtp: OR & A N. Marlnos 2825. A Klnnear 34-35: B: S Dlgnan 24.25. G. Carbury 23-26: C. M Nash 2325.8. Aldrich 1825 25TSB C'shtp OA & A T Grummrll 2s25. W Calaby 22-29: B. M. Green 21-27, K Vagg2&27. C: M Nash 14-25. L Denrlcy. B Aldrrch 12-25 1100RAT 2 3 4 9 0 - Warm IUT Flr EO A Blnl ?&LC G Haydell U C Hiyocn 2130 5UTO #moycTmF~erpCnelz OA & A r o v e ~ ; l la??? ~ C; lI3y;lcn 81.87 9 B A d z :b 47.50 A A~i.thu1;4752 C C H.zn#c I&!) L Orn-'1.i ?4 50 5T ., PAGE44 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 GQSULEiMQONE Q@lNEL@B0133G, MELBOURNE CUP SH 12 noon Start Event 1 - 5t Eye Opener Event 2 - 20t Melbourne Cup P.S. Grd Ch'ship Event 3 - 20t Melbourne Cup D.B. Grd Ch'ship Sashes each grade. A.B.C. 1st & 2nd prizes. Ladies' Sash. High Gun on Events 2 & 3. Barbecue facilities available ... BY0 chops and sausages etc. Information: Chris Langridge 72 3661 SHEPPfiVON CLRY TflRGET CMB lHl. Sunday November - l a m start 4 1 Ladies, Juniors C Veterans Reduced Noms. - Lunch Auallable. Event 1. l o t D.B. E.O. C.D. Norns. $4.00 Red. Noms. $6.00 $8.00 OSOA $1.00 Event 2. 20t Grd Lenons Tyre Power D.B. Ch'ship Sash plus 1st G 2nd each grade. Event 3. 20t Grouped Sheppaiion Outdoor Sports Centre Handicap 11-15m, 16-19m,20-25m Red. Noms. $6.00 $8.00 OS OA 5 1.OO Event 4. 20t Grd D.B. Championship. Shepparton Outdoor Sports Centre. Sash plus 1st & 2nd each grade: Red. Noms. $6.00 $8.00 OSOA $1.M) Event 5. 2Ot Grd Shimano Continental Ch'ship Red. Noms. $6.00 $8.00 OSOA $1.00 Red. Noms. $32 Full $40 Sash plus 1st & 2nd each grade. xrcllfis SFIO~T Sunday December 2nd Event 1. 30tgt Shepparton Adviser Champion of Champions Mixed Target Championship. Event 2. 2OtGrd Nu-Brik D.B. Xmas Championship. Sash plus 1st G 2nd each grade. Red. Noms. $5.00 Full $8.00 OSOA $1.00 Event 3. 20t Tony Calandro Metred D.B Championship. Sash plus cartridges 1st G 2nd each grade. % case 1st. !4 case 2nd. Red. Noms. $8.00 Full $12.00 OSOA $1.00 Event 4. Alan Kriss Memorial ... Off the fence. Noms. $3.00. Red. Noms. $24.00 Full $34.00 Free barbecue and plenty of beer after the shoo:. Shooters' families welcome to BBQ Cornplimenfs of the Calandro family. - President: Steve Threlfall Ph. (058)21 6572, AH (058)21 3679 Secretary: Alan Sims Ph. (058)2 1 2908 Club location: Riuer Road, Kialla. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 PAGE 45 MO ): Vagg 3533 157 DB CD: G. Hayden 16-15. A Ban1 1+1S. C Rchre: B Aldnch IXIS .. .. PTCOOK31890- 10TDBCD A V c r l r o C M~HZIII, :! 11-.:Jcn 1010 2OT PI G:d A Ll llouaen 5780 G McHenry 6h72. B D Gr.1 I.-. . !: !rial I t d o C L C n u m r l ~ m 4 W Ll Doyle 4ejO 2?fl DB CD t.4 I m p - l r - . M H c i d a r / " la." .".-,." PT COOKl.990 - (22) LOT DB CD. L. Orth. T Demun. M Zamceron~.N hrmar. W lles 10.10. 20T n s G i d A: W. nesSMO. R. Howden 687% B A Hnndcn SO-6'1. P P e w 4860. C W. H~tchcack5%60. D. Henry 50.60.2OT DB CD D. Hcnw. M. Zamwconh. A Howden. R. Howden. M. Houden. W Ues 2S20 Racecourse Reserve. Deniliquin SUNDAY NOVEMBER 18th Hawden SRM N Ivmnr G Srmlh 87-56 ~~. Fhl. A Faraoda 17.20. ~~ ~ iii 0. Gray 20.20.1. Newmann 20-21, K Carbe:! ID 20 1 2 noon start Event 1. 10T Continental Points Eye Opener Event 2. ZOT Continental Points Championship. OA & 2 grades. Sponsored by Deni Discount Electrical Event 3. 30T Double Barrel champions hi^. OA E 2 grades plus 2nd in grades. Sponsored by Deni Discount Electrical Event 4. 20T "Bill Cakebread Snr" Single Barrel Memorial Championship. OA & 2 grades plus Perpetual Trophy. Event 5. Time Permitting - Repco Club Mug. High Gun on Events 1, 2, 3 , 4 . Ribbon &Trophy. The club reserves the right to change the program. ***** REMINDER NOTICE DENILIQUIN "GRAND PRIX" SUNDAY JANUARY 27,1991 Australia Day weekend held in conjunction with the Deniiiquin Sun Festival 25.26-27th. More details December issue. VENETO/&RUZZO 16490- Fme. dull 138) IOT Fio EO A. S 20111 23511. W B %oils 30.30. C S Scalora. I. Bullanon1 3030. 2OTPls A P. KNmm: 55.60, I Smith 64-ED 8 G Ferronsto 5860. B Scotla 57-60; C: I. Bulla?.wnl SMO. C Chant 11-78 3OT DB A P Kmmms 3 0 3 0 A Blease 2930. B M. Llvalore 4343, 8.Smrla 4143. C C Scina 3G30. D. Slgmorano 32-34. 10 Pr DR A E Lobley 1620, B b b l e y 2230. B N A m u r 16-20.A DtPl~lro1520. C. S Scaloia 12-20. C. Scotla 1WO 25 SL1. A hl Piccdo 23-25.5 D Lobley Zr25. C. S. Mlian 2526. VICMRlAN IS890 Cold. 1ST Fts CD: A. Toner,. C Cutajar 45-45. S Rmdsll. D, NellronIC45 lSTSBC'rh,p:M Itaha 17-18.D.Nellron IE16.R P e w 14-16 iSTGrdD5 C'ship- OA R Godfrey W63: A. R. PenY 6263.1 Gliaplds 61.62. B A Varano39-40. G Zaqorc 262$ C. D. Henry 22-23. P. Galea 21-23 VICMRlAN 2 2 8 9 0 Cold (53). ISTCD. G Vella. G. Went 4593. A. Dminoaie 44.45 15TDBCsh~p.W llen35-35. M. Gaverella 34-35, A Dinstale 30-31. 15T Crd DB Csh>p. OA A Vsran94545: A J. Smith 4345. G. Went 4MS: B: D lervss14546. S Rzza342-45, C I. Harbaiile 41-45. D. Henry 4045 ***** President Ron Cugley (058)81 4139 Secretary Heather King PO Box 115, Deniliquin 2710 - - - YICTORllUl6W Cooi(S1). 1ST Grd SB C ' s h ~ pDA V Ilea 16-IS, A P Howden 22-23. M, Howden 21-23: 8: G. Zagorc 14-15.1 Harbanle ISIS. C P Rhoder iC1S. M. Cavsrella 151s. 1SP Crd DB C'shlp: OA: M Howden 64-64, A W lles 63-64. G Mark 5960.B. G Mazdnan ls2O.I. Harbottle 1819.C. A Scalora 14-16. N Eksmai 1515 15T Grd PS C'shlp: OA: A. Varano 4746: A. V. Floaer 4648. A Dmalale. M. H m d e n , B A. Howden 41.4s. G. Zagorc 40-45; C: S. Scalora 4-5. P Rhdem 36-45 - YICTORlAN I 6 4 9 0 Mid. LST n s C D R A.nnhng. R. Elan$. C Nelsca 15T DB C'shm V Flower In. 1 RiaoZnd, I. HarboNe3rd, ISTH'cap R Hsdlow 1st. A Demuii 2nd. 1ST Oid DB: A. G Prllchaid In. V. Flower 2nd. 0' N Asmar 11. C Nelrcn 2nd: C H. Ralih I s . D Henry 2nd. WANGARAlTA -1 -Sunny. rme (35). IOT PS € 0 . Pas;. T. Harmeaue;. V. Ryen. C. Sanders. R. Allen. 2OT PS C'shlp OA & B. 0. Ford 6666.D Hunt 6263: A V Ryan 63.66. G. Boyd 116-116: C: P. Ounsan 4660. B. Heam 47-63. 20T DB C'rhip. OA & A. G Boyd 8585. T. Hargreaves U-W 8: P Green 20.21, C. Sanders3631. C. L. Peters I5ZO. P. Dunrian 1820: lnr: S Plnnei 11-20.2OT Con, C'E~IP: OA & A A Penney 24-24. G Pmner 2524; B. P. Penlt 1520, V Tomasoni 2525: C. P. Dunliin 1823. H Slolw 17-23 HG T Harmeaves 61-70. WEEXIBEE 9990--Fie(SS). € 0 LOTPS: P. M g . G. Pnmhaid. G Grant. M Barnloid. R. RUM!!. T. Brown 2OT Conl. A: D. Waring 4040. T. Demur1 3%40,0' P Pegg 2&28. I Flnch 21-28: C: H Chamberlain 2020. N. Stockdale 1520 20T SB A & OR T Gourdon 25-26, V Flower 2428. 8. V. Malllcalnr 20.22. D. Gray 1522. C N Slmkdale 1820. B ECHUCA GUN CLUB Please note: State Carnival November 9,10 & 11. Saturday November 24 12 noon start Event 1 Noms. $14.00 50t Skeet Championship Event 2 Noms. $7.00 20t Ball Trap Championship. Noms. $7.00 Event 3 20t D.B. Championship. R. Traill President (054) 84 1356 - p - D. W. Penn Secretary (054) 82 3604 -- AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET NEWS- NOVEMBER 1990 GUN CbUB SUNDAY 25th NOVEMBER, '90 I 1am START 20 Targets DIE from 25m Postal Nominations $75.00 (to be sent to Secretary) MAXIMUM OF 55 SHOOTERS 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE = = = = = $1000 $500 $300 $200 $150 6TH TTH 8TH 9TH lOTH PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE = = = = = $100 $75 $75 $50 $50 (if full quota) Trophy Awarded to: Juniors 18 and Under Ladies and Veterans Optional Sweep - $10.00 each 10 Targets & all Sweep $10.00. PRACTICE 9.00 to 11.00am Sunday 25th November. 1990. A SHOOT WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY 24TH C/D EVENTS. NOVEMBER, 1990 AT 1.00prn SECRETARY PRESIDENT Mary Walker Reg Walker "Glenvale" RMB 1260 (057) 96 2460 AVENEL 3664 - SOUTHERN PEMINSULB MonT)rly PROGR~H NOVEMBER CERBERUSGUNCLUB Sec Mr Uld Cenol(03) 789 7926 Mehvay 104 H 2 SATURDAY 3rd 12.30 START EVENT 10 Tgt Pts 50 Tgt Dl8 Club Championship 25 Tgt Points Final Headlight and Heater High-Gun MORNINGTON CLAY TARGET CLUB (INC) Ssc M r S f w M JJame(O3) 7119 7452 Mskay 146A 7 1 SATURDAY 24th 12.30 STAR1 EVENT 10 DIB El0 5 Tgt Dl8 Champ Grd J. Ferrero Memorial NEPEAN CLAY TARGET CLUB (INC) Ssc R ~ k S c o f l ( O 5 98)6 6445 MeMay ZW K 2 SATURDAY 17th 12.30 START EVENT 10 Tgt DIB CD E l 0 75 Tgt Scorpio DIB Championship ABC 1&2 State Mini Continental SIB Chamoionshi~ABC 182 50 Target Simu1atedAA.BG Ladies Veterans & Juniors NOTICE Change of date of the Boort Gun Club November DayINight Shoot. Postponed from the 10th of November and will now be held on November 17. PROGRAM Saturday November 17 - 12 noon start DAY l o t Eyeopener. 25t Meering West S.B. Graded Ch'ship. 25t Grouped Handicap 11-15, 16-21. 22-25. 20t Durham Ox D B Graded Ch'ship. NIGHT 15t Twilight Pts Eyeopener. 50t State Night D.B. Graded Ch'ship. High Gun over Events 2, 3, 4 & 6. Tea provided at the grounds. For any further information contact: Miss Susan Rigney, Box 48, Boort, 3537. Phone (054) 55 2218 UIEIRRIBEE GUN CLUB 19NC Cnr Leakes & Derrimut Rds SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1 1th Commencing 12.30 Eyeopener 10T Points $4.50 Event 1 $7.50 20T J. Pistone Pointscore Graded Chamo 1 & 2 each arade Event 2 $7.50 20T Double Barrel Graded 1 & 2 each grade - SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25th Eve Ooener 10T Points $4.50 ~ient.1 $7.50 25T Club Balltrap Graded Champ 1 G 2 each arade Event 2 $7.50 25T Werribee Champion of Champions Double Barrel Graded 1 & 2 each grade - President: Bill Abbott Secretary: Trevor Brown AH 749 2422 I AUSTMLIAM C M H "EfARGET ASSOCIATION INC 1991 Annual Registration and CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (To be handed to the Club Secretary with your Registration Form) 'Please use Registration Number 'Registered Number .................... .......................................................................................................................................... . Surname.............. . ....................................................... . Christ~anNames.......................................................................... Postcode................................ Telephone Number My existing (or last recorded) shooting details are: Australian Common Mark o Australian Down The Line Handicap e Australian Skeet Handicap ............................ . . ................................................................ e I.S.U. Trench Grading .............................................................................................................. ....................................................................................... e I.S.U. Skeet Grading.................... . . G u n Club as a I hereby apply for membership of the Continuing or New member, together with my application for A.C.T.A. registration for the year endina 31st December, 1991, and attach hereto the following fees: - Type of Membership Club Life Member .......................................................................................................................... Club Membership .......................................................................................................................... Members Accident Insurance $3.50 ......................... . . ............................................................ A.C.T.A. Annual Registration Adult Fee $43 ......................................................................... Second and Successive Adult Family Members of Common Address $27 ................. Veteran Concession: Over the age of 65 years at date of registration $27 ................ Long Service Concession: Over the age of 60 years at date of registration with 30 years continuous membership with the A.C.T.A. $27 ................................................. Junior Membership: Under the age of 18 years at the date of registration $10 (Nil "Shooting News" if registering as a Junior) ............................... ................................... New Adult Registered Shooters includes $5 levy Legislation Fighting Fund $48 ..... TOTAL Signature................................................................................................................................. Date........................................... THIS ACCOUNT IS TO BE PROCESSED BY YOUR CLUB PAGE 48 - THE FORM WHEN COMPLETEDIS TO BE RETAINED B Y THE CLUB. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGETNEWS - NOVEMBER 1990 Winchester Ball Powder The case for the Defence. When the allied defence forces introduced Winchester Ball Powderduring World War2, wear and tear on weapons was drastically reduced. Barrel life was significantly increased. Accuracy improved. And reater consistency was achieve$. As a result Winchester Ball Powder Propellants have been used in over 90% of all U.S. Militarysmall calibre ammunition in the past 40 years. Today the same applies for the military and civilian sporting shooters alike. \VD(iiii,ibIa.n, I, Greatest chemical stability High accuracy ever attained. and ballistic uniformity. Lower flame temperature. Less muzzle Minimum pressure and flash. velocity variations at shooting temperature extremes. Super With the results achieved from using Winchester Ball Powder.. . the Defence rests. You can too. Send the coupon forwinchestel's FREE Loading Data Book- now in ts 10th Edition. ster Reloaders Service ster Division Olin Australia Ltd. 776, Ceelong, Vic 3220. Address ..................................... ................... TARGET LOADS Setting the pattern others can only follow. Win )ur leaders is in amm~,,,.,,,, .,,ducts leaendarv. In the toughest trap and skeet competitions, shooters have learned to rely on - Winchesterwinningconsistency. From primer to crimp, Winchester best quality components are loaded for performance. Fast with light recoil and att terns with ~ e r f e c t distribution of shot )ff after shc legendary consistencv and won through, time and tlme agaln. Over the past 10 years, Winchester Target Loads have Australian Shooting Titles than all other brands combined. Maybe i f s the consistent dense even patterns Maybe it's Winchester's exclusive soft recoil design. 1 1 25 TAR .,", ", Whatever the reason, Winchester sets the pattern the winning pattern others can only follow. -