afgn 2000 11 - Arrowhead Fish and Game
afgn 2000 11 - Arrowhead Fish and Game
AFBLG NEWSLETTER Volume 00 Issue 11 ARROWHEAD FISH & GAME CONSERVATION CLUB The Trophy Flies South NOVCMbCT 2OO[] Green Turkeys in October Bob Denton, with a little help from his friends, once again hosted a very successful and well attended event Thirteen AF&G shooters made the south to the with no snow or rain. Over 30 participants enjoyed beautiful San Clemente Trap & Skeet Club. The great weather, shooting and a whole lot of special beach weather was gorgeous and the four event dishes to eat. For those of you who never attended this schedule r.vas challenging. The morning staried wlth shoot it is divided into three "Lewis" classes based on donuts, whoops, I mean final scores, which means more winners The fun pan by shooting double skeet and then a slider. Next the is during the normal course of shooting an occasional high speed continental "green" colored target will be thrown, break it and you kept everyone on their toes. We concluded with trap win a turkey. It took a ten bird shoot off on wobble doubles set on wobble, which was really fun. San (not gobble) at twenty seven yards, to determine who Clementes' Vice President, Greg Martz, with his was the biggest turkey. Scott Leslie barely edged out cool, calm and collected style showed all thirty Tom Cooper for High Overall honors. Class winners three shooters how it was done and ended the day were as follows: with "Top Gun" honors scoring of 89 out of 105. I think he received extra style points for hanging ten Class C Class B Class A on the skeet house. Zacharras Drew Chris Schierhold San Clemente got the best of AF&G 430 to 394 and Scott Leslie Fred Harris Don Jamroz Tom Cooper regained possession of the infamous traveling Ann Atcheson Bill Creegar Denton Bob trophy at least till we meet again in 2001 at our Fred Offeney Gene Crawford Richard range. Bob Farnswerth John Anderson Bob Estrada Chris Schierhold Chuck Raymond Carl Ferguson TOp GLjN = Gres Martz RESULTS: San Clemente Ryan Martz J. C Conrad Will Karns Mike Eber Dcn Burke IMPORTANT REMINDER AF&G 88 88 85 85 84 Carl Ferguson Gene Crawford Gerry Zambel Don Marquis Denny Turner Wink Winner: Joe Viescas Buddy Shoot: Carl Ferguson/J.C. Conrad 84 82 79 78 7I !!:::!! Winners must pick up their gourmet turke-vs at the range: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, between 910 a.m. San Clemente shooters rvho really made us feel welcome and especially to Don Jamroz, "Chef' Greg Martz, Lenny Kuhn, Will Karns and J.C. Conrad for their extra effort ensuring a sreai dav for all the shooters. A special thanks to all Annual Dinner |ust in time for Winter This is your iast reminder to send in your dinner reservations for our annual Installation of officers and dinner set for\or'. 11. 6 30 p rn lt u'iil be held at Burnt Mi11 Beach Club iocated iust u'est of Lake Arrowhead Reson Hotel Ratle tickets for the Brou'ning BPS shotgun. Ruger \fli@ 308 rifle and Ruger ll rifle are stiil arailable Separate raflle tickets will be ar,ailable onlr at the dinner lor a Browning Citori Satin Hunter 12 gauge and a SIG p220..45 pistol. it appeared with Thanks to the hard required. much structural repair rvork of Chuck Raymond and Jared Cooper the rrfle,/ pistol side has a great new roof. I'm sure shooters rvill enjoy AND PROIECT the new roof Shooting benches are completed and will be out Verv soon. The task was much harder than Special Gun Raffle Winners Duck-walk and Shoot! -.4: .'---- ,:, The drawing for the special gun raffle was heid Oct 7th durirrg our "Turkey Shclot". Proceeds'will be used torvards purchasing a doubJes trap machine. 20 year member Horvard Hyatt won the SIG SA3 Hunter 12 gauge shotgun. Don Jamroz'Non the SIG PRO SP2340 pistol. Congratulations to the ra'inners and thanks to all that participated. .- l-i,-'.i:', e: .:r; "e :_g::l: , ::'.: :: I -.: li -..:js '." :a'.' :-:ls :he talget ..":i .'=-, :. .. :iJ :r' :e -.-:: ' -. :lte S -'! - L'riC: lc r:a:1".:'.-: :ite i'-'-r'afci .r. ::1,.i::lq a Son.'l i--:k riaik niriie '.1:i lillL-rJSS1: ie S. i'.ae ;li.-rSi AF&G Election Results Presuirs tbllor.r C:rce aga;i, \1r.:,' iirsl pia'e at the podrunt u'ith nis Firestar i -1-< ACP;, fuch Plemons received the second place trophy with his custom Colt (.45ACP) and Paul Whitside balanced the podium in third place with his HK ( 45 ACP) Follor,ving each shoot rr g vr2l s tile tr:lditionai BBQ r,r,rlgJg shoole i's gei ii- :,i':li-:. .lrooiin!r e \pci ic;:. The nert "matcir . Lrails. l-:on,ling l'' ,: O.l I:. n. an,r .-,:rt l.litl 'li,..ttte'. !1 ,,.-,i1-' i:iL"l siii,,,.itn'ittll .'.' -,'li7-i 'cfeal from the annuai open elections are as s President Vice President Second V.P. Sec/Treasurer Scott Lesiie Bob Denton Frank Van Diest Tom Cooper Board Members Don marquis Chris Schierhoid Kevin Smith Bill Cregger Jim Freiberger Gerry Zambel Pat Wright Paui Whiteside tsob Farnswerth 2OOO Photo Funf!! Presidents Message VOTE!!VOTE!: VOTE!I D.p@fyourloca1posta1dtlnkey,hopeful1yyourreadingthisbeforeNov.7.h.i don't need to tell you the importance and impact this election could have on certain rights that are near and dear to all of us. Do vour homework and make sure you vote. With Octobels "Turkev Shoot'' and Gerry's Pistol shoot another outstanding season has come to an end. In rel'ieutnc tire resuits flonr the competitions as well as just weekly casual shooting, a lot of neu, and expedenced shooters har,e really raised the level of their game. This brings me to the value of mentonng \\hether ) our eight or eighty please use these winter months to rnentor a friend, be mentored by a fnencl. help someone young, help or ask someone for help to raise their game or yours to a higher level. With that I l.vould like to thank JoeJiescas for teaching me the value ofjust ''Shut up and Shoot", Bob Denton for all his technical advice and Kevin Smith for heiping me dramaticailv raise m1, fccr;s ar',,1 1e",'el of concentration. Thanks to even'one tor a $eat season. Good Sltootittg. Scon MEMBERSHIP VENDOR Cedar Glen Trading Post 28946 Hook Creek Rd Cedar Gien 909-337-33 10 Range Info 909-3 3 7-7000 vJ 'oYsHla,OuuY ilrv-I '199 XOS 'O'd sn]c Nolrv^uSsNoc 311v0 ? Hsll ov3HMouuv zss7,6 U3II=I'ISM3N C?IV
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