board packet - Bellevue School District
board packet - Bellevue School District
BOARD of DIRECTORS Regular Meeting June 23, 2015 Wilburton Instructional Service Center Rainier Room BOARD PACKET 10 Financial Services, Operations, Accountability & School Support 20 Student Academic Performance & Instructional Leadership 30 Human Resources 40 Office of the Superintendent 1 BELLEVUE SCHOOL DISTRICT Bellevue, Washington June 23, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 FINANCIAL SERVICES & OPERATIONS – Melissa deVita 13 14 14A 20 Budget/Fiscal Services – Marie Telecky/Marlyn Keating ....................................... 10.1 Acknowledgement of Donation (Exhibit 10A)…………………………… .. 13.1 Approval of Travel (Exhibit 13A)………………………………………… . 13.2 Approval of Warrants, Electronic Transfers, Canceled Warrants, Recalled and Rejected Electronic Transfers, Replacement Checks, and Non-Warrant Expenditures (Exhibit 13B)……………………………………………… ... 13.3 Stevenson Student Support Fund – Resolution 15-11 ................................... Facilities/Operations – Jack McCleod 14 “Old” Newport Heights Elementary School – Jing Mei ................................ Changer Order No.1 Capital Construction – Kyle McLeod ..................................................................... 14A.1 Transportation Maintenance Facility Construction Project Final Commissioning Report (Exhibit 14 A.1) ....................................................... 6 7 8 9 9 STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE & INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP – Eva Collins 21A 30 Curriculum and Instruction – Sharon Kautz 21A.1 Instructional Materials Adoption………………………………………….. 11 HUMAN RESOURCES – Dr. Jeffrey Thomas 31 Human Resources 31.1 Certificated Personnel – Elections, Leaves of Absence and Separations (Exhibit 31A)……………………………………...................... Classified Personnel – Elections, Leaves of Absence and Separations (Exhibit 31B)………………………………………………. ..... Coaches, Certificated and Classified - Assignments & Separations (Exhibit 31C) ...........................................................................……………. Cabinet Compensation (Exhibit 31D)............................................................ 31.2 31.3 31.4 40 4 5 5 13 13 14 14 OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT – Tim Mills, Ed.D. 40 Office of the Superintendent 44 School Support 44B Executive Directors of Schools – John Harrison / Patty Siegwarth / Cindy Rogan 44B.1 Extended Field Trips ......................................................................... 17 2 44B.1.1 Bellevue High School to Port Townsend, WA …………… 44B.1.2 Tyee Middle School to Chine 44B.1.3 Sammamish High School to Fort Casey, Whidbey Island, WA……… 44B.1.4 Chinook Middle School to Japan…………………………. 44B.1.5 Newport High School to New York City, NY……….... 44B.1.6 44B.1.7 Newport High School to Ellensburg, WA………………………… 44B.1.8 Newport High School to Fort Flager, WA…………………………. 44B.1.9 Newport High School to San Diego, CA …………………… 44B.1.10 Chinook Middle School to Lake Retreat, Ravensdale, WA…………… 44B.1.11 Interlake High School to Portland, OR ……………………. 44B.1.12 Interlake High School to Pasco, WA ………………………….... 44B.1.13 Interlake High School to Port Angeles, WA ………………………….. 44B.1.14 Bellevue High School to Ravensdale, WA ……………………………. 44B.1.15 Bellevue High School to San Diego, CA ……………………………. 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 44B.2 Board Delegating Authority to WIAA for Sport Oversight (Exhibit 44A)………. 22 44B.3 KingCo League/Conference Participation (Exhibit 44B)…………………………. 22 EXHIBITS……………………………………………………………………………….............. .. 23 Exhibit 10A Exhibit 13A Exhibit 13B 24 25 Exhibit 13C Exhibit 14A Exhibit 14A.1 Exhibit 31A Exhibit 31B Exhibit 31C Exhibit 31D Exhibit 44A Exhibit 44B Somerset Donation Agreement ...................................................................... Approval of Travel ......................................................................................... Approval of Warrants, Electronic Transfers, Canceled Warrants, Recalled and Rejected Electronic Transfers, Replacement Checks and Non-Warrant Expenditures ............................................................................ Stevenson Elementary Student Support Fund Res. No. 15-11 ..................... Change Order Proposal “Old Newport Heights” .......................................... Transportation Maintenance Facility Commissioning Report……………… Certificated Personnel – Elections, Assignments, Leaves and Separations… Employment & Separations of Hourly, Part-Time & Full-Time Classified Personnel ....................................................................................... Coaches – Assignments & Separations…………………………………….. Cabinet Compensation July 2015-2017 ......................................................... Board Delegating Authority to WIAA for Sports Oversight ......................... KingCo League/Conference Participation ..................................................... BOARD AGENDA PLANNING MATERIAL ............................................................................. July Board Meeting Planner........................................................................... August Board Meeting Planner ...................................................................... 3 26 28 30 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 10 FINANCIAL SERVICES & OPERATIONS Melissa deVita, Deputy Superintendent 11 Data Analysis – Christine Lindberg 12 Transportation/Warehouse/Nutrition Services/Operations/ Security/Property 13 Budget/Fiscal Services – Marie Telecky/Marlyn Keating 14 Facilities - Operations – Jack McLeod 15 14A Capital Construction – Kyle McLeod 14B Capital Construction – Kyle McLeod 14C Capital Construction – Bill Jones 14D Maintenance/Facilities/Athletics – Nancy Larson Technology – Carl Sweetland 4 10 FINANCIAL SERVICES & OPERATIONS – Melissa deVita Agenda Item #10.1 Acknowledgement of Donation CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 6-23-15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: The Board acknowledges the generous donations submitted to the Superintendent’s office. The following donation/grant agreements were received and approved through the Superintendent’s office this past month: o Somerset Parent Teacher Association (PTSA) will grant to Somerset Elementary School one hundred thousand dollars and no cents ($100,000) for the purpose of hiring four Instructional Aids for 28.75 hours per week to be utilized at the discretion of the principal at Somerset Elementary for the 2015-2016 school year. This grant was approved by the PTSA’s Board of Directors on May 15, 2015 and the PTSA General Membership on June 5, 2015. ATTACHMENT: Exhibit 10A 13 Budget/Fiscal Services - Marie Telecky/Marlyn Keating Agenda Item #13.1 Approval of Travel CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 6-23-15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: Travel requests summarized in Exhibit 13A be approved with the understanding that amounts listed are maximum. BACKGROUND: Current travel requests according to major fund source are listed in Exhibit 13A. These requests are submitted for approval in accordance with Board Procedure 6213 (Active Procedure 7250.1) and include all estimated travel costs except for conference registration fees. The budgeted and year-to-date expenditure figures are listed at the bottom of the exhibit. ATTACHMENT: Exhibit 13A 5 Agenda Item #13.2 Approval of Warrants, Electronic Transfers, Canceled Warrants, Recalled and Rejected Electronic Transfers, Replacement Checks, and Non-Warrant Expenditures CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 6-23-15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: Warrants, electronic transfers, canceled warrants, recalled and rejected electronic transfers, replacement checks, and non-warrant expenditures be approved as submitted. BACKGROUND: The vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, are presented for the consideration of the board. In addition, payroll warrants and electronic transfers in the amount of $13,079,001.01 as well as canceled warrants, recalled and rejected electronic transfers, replacement checks, and non-warrant expenditures not previously submitted are presented for approval. ATTACHMENT: Exhibit 13B 6 10 FINANCIAL SERVICES & OPERATIONS – Melissa deVita Agenda Item #13.3 Stevenson Student Support Fund - Resolution 15-11 CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 6/23/2015 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: That Resolution No. 15-11, as shown in Exhibit 13C, for the Stevenson Student Fund be adopted by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: In 2009, the District received $10,000 from the Bacon Family Foundation via the Bellevue Schools Foundation for the purpose of establishing the Stevenson Student Support Fund which is within the Private-Purpose Trust Fund. The donor has continued to provide such funding. The Fund was originally established to support students and their families by paying for such things as Full-Day Kindergarten and Summer School tuition, dental care and other medical support, support of families in the form of food, shoes, and coats for students, and meals for students who do not qualify for free or reduced lunches but whose families are unable to pay for meals. The principal, with the donor’s consent, also wishes to utilize the Fund for general operating expenditures, if needed, for school supplies, school events, and classified staff to support struggling students. When the transactions are for expenditures that properly belong in the General Fund, the State requires that they be recorded in the General Fund and that the equivalent amount be transferred from the Stevenson Student Support Fund as a donation to the General Fund. When transactions are made for the support of individual students, they are to be recorded in the Private-Purpose Trust Fund. This resolution authorizes the District to accept all past and future donations from this donor for the Stevenson Student Support Fund for these purposes. ATTACHMENT: Exhibit 13C 7 14 Facilities/Operations - Jack McLeod “Old” Newport Heights Elementary School – Jing Mei Change Order No. 1 AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 6/23/2015 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: That Change Order No. 1 in the additive amount of $222,679.11 with respect to the contract with Edifice Construction for the “Old” Newport Heights Elementary School (Jing Mei) project be approved as submitted. BACKGROUND: A contract for the renovation of the “Old” Newport Heights Elementary School (Jing Mei) was awarded by the Board on February 3, 2015 to Edifice Construction Co. in the amount of $4,388,714.00. Since the original contract for construction was awarded, the District made a decision to move five Early Learning Program classes to the “old” Newport Heights Elementary School facility. This move necessitated some building modifications to provide additional hand-washing stations resulting in casework redesign and moving electrical and data outlets as well as other interior classroom modification to accommodate this younger student population. Further, an age appropriate playground was necessary to accommodate these additional Early Learning Programs. There will not be a need for additional remodeling work once Jing Mei enrollment necessitates their use the entire campus. While there is an increase in the contract amount, the contractor is able to do this additional scope of work without impacting the substantial completion date of August 17, 2015. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 14A Back-up Detail - Construction Change Directive – 10: Revisions to Building 500 for Pre-school and other Early Learning Programs. 8 14 Facilities / Operations – Jack McLeod 14A Capital Construction – Kyle McLeod Agenda Item #14A.1 Transportation Maintenance Facility Construction Project Final Commissioning Report Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: AGENDA X 6/23/15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: That Resolution 15-08, as shown in Exhibit 14A.1, accepting the Final Commissioning Report for the Transportation Maintenance Facility Construction Project be adopted by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: To comply with the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s “D” Form application process for funding assistance for the Transportation Maintenance Facility Construction Project, the Board is asked to adopt a Resolution accepting the Final Commissioning Report submitted by Welsh Commissioning Group. A copy of the completed commissioning report is available at the office of the Superintendent. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 14A.1 – Resolution No. 15-08 9 20 STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE & INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERHIP Eva Collins, Deputy Superintendent 21 Curriculum and Instruction– Sharon Kautz 21A Curriculum – Heather Edlund 21B Career and Technical Education – Eric Ferguson 21C Instructional Technology – Kathee Terry 22 Special Education – Jean Anthony 23 Student Services– Judy Buckmaster 23A Title – LeAnn Tuupo 23B LAP – Kristin McChesney 23C ELL – Heidi LaMare 23D Student Placement– Glenn Hasslinger 23E Graduation Success – Shomari Jones 23F K-12 Counseling – Deborah Kraft 23G Social Emotional Learning – Randi Peterson/Stephanie Wright 23H VIBES – Sue Hanlon / Mary Ellen Zemlin 10 20 Student Academic Performance – Eva Collins, Deputy Superintendent 21 Curriculum and Instruction - Sharon Kautz, Executive Director Curriculum and Instruction 21A Curriculum – Heather Edlund, Director Agenda Item #21A.1 CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: June 23, 2015 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: That instructional materials processed by the Instructional Materials Committee at the meeting on June 1, 2015 be adopted. BACKGROUND: The following texts were processed by the Instructional Materials Committee meeting on June 1, 2015. All texts were recommended by teachers and the Curriculum Developer for the subject area. All texts had been used with students as part of a pilot process of evaluation or were required for college credit and were found to be suitable for the students in the courses for which they are approved. The Instructional Materials Committee voted unanimously to approve each title. Title Tejidos The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People Construction Management: Emerging Trends & Technologies Biotechnology: Science of the New Millennium Author(s) Megan Cory, Janet Parker Alan Brinkley Publisher Wayside Copyright 2013 Subject/Type World Language McGraw-Hill 2014 Social Studies Trefor Williams CENGAGE Learning 2010 CTE Construction Management Ellyn Daugherty EMC Publishing 2012 CTE Biotechnology 11 Course(s) Spanish 4 IB Spanish 4 AP US History 30 HUMAN RESOURCES Dr. Jeffrey Thomas – Executive Director 31 Human Resources – Dr. Jeffrey Thomas 12 30 HUMAN RESOURCES – Dr. Jeffrey J. Thomas 31 Human Resources Agenda Item #31.1 Certificated Personnel – Elections, Leaves of Absence and Separations CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 6/23/15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: Personnel actions identified in Exhibit 31A be approved BACKGROUND: Exhibit 31A lists recommendation for new hires, for granting requests for leave of absence and for notices of separations which have occurred since the last meeting of the Board of Directors on <Prior Board Date>. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 31A Agenda Item #31.2 Classified Personnel – Elections, Leaves of Absence and Separations CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 6/23/15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: Personnel actions identified in Exhibit 31B be approved BACKGROUND: Exhibit 31B lists recommendation for new hires, for granting requests for leave of absence, and for notices of separations which have occurred since the last meeting of the Board of Directors on <Prior Board Date>. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 31B 13 Agenda Item #31.3 Coaches, Certificated and Classified – Assignments & Separations CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 6/23/15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: Personnel actions identified in Exhibit 31C be approved BACKGROUND: Exhibit 31C lists recommendation for new hires and for notices of separations which have occurred since the last meeting of the Board of Directors on <Prior Board Date>. Coaching positions must be renewed on a yearly basis before the start of the applicable season or, if for a school-year position, before the start of fall practice. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 31C Agenda Item #31.4 Cabinet Compensation: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2017 CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 6/23/15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: That the contracts for the administrative cabinet level employees holding the positions shown on Exhibit 31D be approved effective July 1, 2015, and continue through June 30, 2016 at salary rates as shown in Exhibit 31D. BACKGROUND: As part of the continued goal of establishing and maintaining competitive salaries, the recommended cabinet level salaries reflect moving the executive director salaries into the top 1/3 of our comparable districts. In a highly competitive environment, the need to attract and retain quality leadership is met by this recommendation. In addition, the salaries of director level positions serving on cabinet are increased at the same rate as other certificated administrators for 2015-2016. The director salaries reflect an additional increase of 1% associated with 14 responsibilities as a member of the superintendent’s cabinet. In addition, consistent with the recent approval of a doctoral stipend for certificated administrators, cabinet level positions will also be eligible for this stipend of $3,000. The summary increase in cabinet salaries is 3% for deputy superintendent and director positions and 4% for executive director positions for 20152016. No increase is recommended for the 2016-2017 contract year. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 31D 15 40 OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT J. Tim Mills, Ed. D., Superintendent 41 Communications – Elizabeth Sytman 42 Research & Accountability – Naomi Calvo 43 Department of Equity – José de Jesus Meléndez 44 School Support 44A Executive Director of Schools – Patty Siegwarth 44B Executive Director of Schools – John Harrison 44C Executive Director of Schools – Cindy Rogan 16 44B Executive Director of Schools - John Harrison Activities and Athletics – Jeff Lowell Agenda Item #44B.1 Extended Field Trips CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 6.23.15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: Extended field trips listed in the Board Packet be approved with the understanding that amounts listed are maximum. 44B.1.1 Bellevue High School to Port Townsend, WA A request has been received from John Hill, staff at Bellevue High School, to travel with approximately 50 cross country students from Bellevue High School on August 25, 2015 to August 27, 2015. The objective of this trip is participate in the 12th team retreat, team bonding and athletic training. John Hill and 1 other chaperone will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $9,627 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families and Booster Club. 44B.1.2 Tyee Middle School to China A request has been received from Erica Mallin, counselor at Tyee Middle School, to travel with approximately 25 7th and 8th graders from Tyee Middle School on April 2, 2016 to April 11, 2016. The objective of this trip is for historical and cultural learning and community service language exchange. Erica Mallin and 1 other chaperone will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $75,000 which includes housing, meals, transportation and registration. All costs to be paid for by families, fundraisers and scholarships. 44B.1.3 17 Sammamish High School to Fort Casey, Whidbey Island, WA A request has been received from Todd Craig, coach at Sammamish High School, to travel with approximately 50 varsity football players on July 23, 2015 to July 26, 2015. The objective of this trip is team bonding and knowledge of the sport. Todd Craig and 11 other chaperones will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $9000 which includes housing, meals, transportation and registration. All costs to be paid for by families and Booster Club. 44B.1.4 Chinook Middle School to Japan A request has been received from Miyuki Stuart, teacher at Chinook Middle School, to travel with approximately 20 Japanese class students from Chinook Middle School during spring break of 2017. The objective of this trip is to learn about the imperial history and culture of Japan. Miyuki Stuart and 3 other chaperones will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $61,650 which includes housing, meals, and transportation. All costs to be paid for by families and fundraisers. 44B.1.5 Newport High School to New York City, NY A request has been received from Christine Gero, teacher at Newport High School, to travel with approximately 78 Chamber Orchestra and select Wind Ensemble students from Newport High School on March 3, 2016 to March 6, 2016. The objective of this trip perform at Lincoln Center for National Orchestra Cup. Christine Gero and 9 other chaperones will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $136,703 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families and scholarships. 44B.1.7 Newport High School to Ellensburg, WA A request has been received from Christine Gero, teacher at Newport High School, to travel with approximately 220 Orchestra, Symphony, Wing, Brass and Percussion students from Newport High School on October 23, 2015 to October 25, 2015. The objective of this trip is to participate in the annual orchestra retreat and work with CWU faculty. Christine Gero and 20 other chaperones will be accompanying the students. 18 The cost of this trip is approximately $34,415 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families, scholarships and Booster Club. 44B.1.8 Newport High School to Fort Flagler, WA A request has been received from Caryn Landau-Walter, teacher at Newport High School, to travel with approximately 50 cross country students from Newport High School on July 25, 2016 to July 29, 2016. The objective of this trip is to for cross country team season prep. Caryn Landau-Walter and 6 other chaperones will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $10,250 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families and scholarships from Booster Club. 44B.1.9 Newport High School to San Diego, CA A request has been received from Farrah Kunkel, coach at Newport High School, to travel with approximately 15 boys water polo students from Newport High School on October 28, 2015 to November 1, 2015. The objective of this trip is to for athletic experience. Farrah Kunkel and 1 other chaperone will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $15,750 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families and scholarships from Booster Club. 44B.1.10 Chinook Middle School to Lake Retreat, Ravensdale, WA A request has been received from Christi Chang, teacher at Chinook Middle School, to travel with approximately 88 orchestra students from Chinook Middle School on October 17, 2015 to October 18, 2015. The objective of this trip is for peer tutoring, orchestra rehearsals, and coaching. Christi Chang and 9 other chaperones will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $9,570 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families and scholarships. 44B.1.11 Interlake High School to Portland, OR 19 A request has been received from Jami Hoeger, teacher at Interlake High School, to travel with approximately 28 cross county students from Interlake High School on September 25, 2015 to September 26, 2015. The objective of this trip is to compete in a cross country meet. Jami Hoeger and 2 other chaperones will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $2,702 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families and fundraisers. 44B.1.12 Interlake High School to Pasco, WA A request has been received from Jami Hoeger, teacher at Interlake High School, to travel with approximately 18 cross county students from Interlake High School on November 6, 2015 to November 7, 2015. The objective of this trip is to compete in state cross country. Jami Hoeger and 2 other chaperones will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $2,008 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families. 44B.1.13 Interlake High School to Port Angeles, WA A request has been received from Jami Hoeger, teacher at Interlake High School, to travel with approximately 55 cross county students from Interlake High School on September 18, 2015 to September 19, 2015. The objective of this trip is to compete in a cross country meet. Jami Hoeger and 2 other chaperones will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $3,977 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families and fundraisers. 44B.1.14 Bellevue High School to Ravensdale, WA A request has been received from Chase Chang, teacher at Bellevue High School, to travel with approximately 87 orchestra students from Bellevue High School on October 16, 2015 to October 18, 2015. The objective of this trip is peer tutoring, orchestra rehearsals and coaching. Approximately 8 chaperones will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $12,291.45 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families and boosters. 20 44B.1.15 Bellevue High School to San Diego, CA A request has been received from Ed Brovick, coach at Bellevue High School, to travel with approximately 14 water polo students from Bellevue High School on October 29, 2015 to November 1, 2015. The objective of this trip is to play tougher competition, team building, exposure to college water polo. Ed Brovick and approximately 1 other chaperone will be accompanying the students. The cost of this trip is approximately $10,740 which includes housing, meals and registration. All costs to be paid for by families and fundraisers. 21 Agenda Item #44B.2 Board Delegating Authority to WIAA for Sport Oversight CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 06/23/15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the School Board Resolution Delegating Authority to WIAA, as written in Exhibit 44A (Resolution No. 15-09) BACKGROUND: The administration recommends that the Board of Directors of the Bellevue School District continue to delegate the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) the authority to control, supervise, and regulate interschool activities consistent with the rules and regulations of WIAA. The Board of Directors retains the right to establish eligibility standards that meet or exceed the rules and regulations of WIAA. ATTACHMENT: Exhibit 44A Agenda Item #44B.3 KingCo League/Conference Participation CONSENT AGENDA Informational (no action required by the Board) Action Report (Board will be required to take action) For Action: 06/23/15 SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve Bellevue School District participation with KingCo related to interscholastic athletic and activities (Resolution No. 15-10, Exhibit 44B). BACKGROUND: That the Board approves the Bellevue School District to participate in the KingCo League/Conference. For the period of September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016, the Board delegates to the KingCo Conference authority to assist with the organization of interscholastic athletic and extracurricular activities of an athletic, culture, social, or recreational nature for students in the Bellevue School District. ATTACHMENT: Exhibit 44B 22 EXHIBITS 23 24 NAME SITE PRIOR APPROVAL # TRAVEL PURPOSE TRAVEL DESTINATION BUDGET CODES FOR .0810 COSTS ONLY BURFORD, SUN TYEE AMERICAN COUNCIL ON THE TEACHING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ANNUAL CONFERENCE SAN DIEGO, CA T12525 0338710131.0810 CHACON, JOANA FALL IB WORKSHOPS: LANGUAGE A INTERLAKE HOUSTON, TX T12771 0547000131.0810 HANIFY, TJ BIG BANG CONFERENCE BIG PICTURE NEW ORLEANS, LA T10294 0440100131.0810 ROGERS, BRETT IB DP CATEGORY 2 HISTORY INTERLAKE ATLANTA, GA T12770 0547000131.0810 SPINLER, BETHANY BIG BANG CONFERENCE BIG PICTURE NEW ORLEANS, LA T10294 0440100131.0810 BUDGET FOR 2014-2015 EXPENDED YEAR TO DATE AS OF 6/15/2015 DATES PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT FUNDS FUNDS CERTIFIED CLASSIFIED GRANT & SPECIAL CATEGORY FUNDS DISTRICT TRAVEL EXHIBIT 13A PAGE 1 BOARD MEETING DISTRICT FUNDING FOR EXTENDED TRAVEL 6/23/2015 STUDENT TRAVEL (FEE SUPPORTED) TOTAL DISTRICT FUNDS BUILDING TRAVEL 11/19-11/22 2015 $ 1,130.00 $ 1,130.00 10/11-10/13 2015 $ 1,410.00 $ 1,410.00 8/4-8/7 2015 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 7/7-7/9 2015 $ 1,595.00 $ 1,595.00 8/4-8/7 2015 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 12,250.00 $ 128,129.00 $ 149,650.00 $ 117,238.00 $ 205,285.00 $ 622,552.00 $ 19,069.33 $ 5,371.79 $ 74,919.77 $ 98,561.90 $ 339,903.92 $ 542,594.69 25 4,767.98 $ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 EXHIBIT 14A.1 BELLEVUE SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 405 Bellevue, Washington 98005 RESOLUTION NO. 15-08 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Bellevue School District No. 405 has received the final Commissioning Report from Welsh Commissioning Group, for the Transportation Maintenance Facility Construction Project, and WHEREAS, WAC 392-344-160 requires Board approval of the final Commissioning Report for the project. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bellevue School District Board of Directors accepts the final Commissioning Report for the Transportation Maintenance Facility Construction Project as submitted. ADOPTED this 23rd day of June, 2015. ______________________________ President ______________________________ Vice-President ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Attest: ______________________________ Secretary to the Board of Directors 48 CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL - ELECTIONS, ASSIGNMENTS, LEAVES & SEPARATIONS 1.New LILLEJORD, JEBADIAH - Research Technology Specialist, Interlake High School. 1.0 FTE effective 9/1/2015 2. Returns from Leaves of Absence None 3. Separations ANTHONY, JEAN - Executive Director of Special Education, Special Education Department. 1 FTE resignation effective 6/30/2015 FRENCH, NICHOLAS - Supervisor of Special Education, Special Education Department. 1 FTE resignation effective 6/30/2015. GALBREATH, HOLLY - Supervisor of Special Education, Special Education Department. 1.0 FTE resignation effective 6/30/2015 MCDOWELL, ERIC - Middle School Principal, Odle Middle School. 1 FTE resignation effective 6/30/2015. 4. Requests for Leaves of Absence for 2014 - 2015 School Year GUARANTEED ANSTETT, KRISTIN - Social Studies Teacher, Sammamish High School. 1.0 FTE Special leave of absence effective 9/1/2015 ARNAUD, NATHALIE - French Teacher, Tillicum Middle School. .8 of a .8 FTE contract Special leave of absence effective 9/1/2015. BECK, KATHERINE - 3rd grade teacher, Enatai Elementary School. 1.0 FTE Special leave of absence effective 9/1/2015. BYKER, JOCELYN - 3rd grade teacher, Woodridge Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence effective 9/1/2015. FICKEN, KATHERINE - Elementary teacher, Phantom Lake Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence effective 9/1/2015. FORREST, KATHARINE - Elementary teacher, Phantom Lake Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence effective 9/1/2015. GOEBEL, CHRISTINA - Instructional Technology Curriculum Coach, Medina Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence effective 9/1/2015. 49 HOLTHAUS, SARAH - Elementary teacher, Spiritridge Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence from a 1.0 FTE contract effective 9/1/2015. JOHNSON, MARY RUTH - Elementary teacher, Medina Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence from a 1.0 FTE contract effective 9/1/2015. KURTZ, LYANNE - Elementary teacher, Spiritridge Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence from a 1.0 FTE contract effective 9/1/2015 MCCLELLAND, KIRSTEN - Elementary teacher, Medina Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence effective 9/1/2015 NHAN, BETTY - Instructional Technology Curriculum Coach, Medina Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence effective 9/1/2015 TATTERSON, MARYANN - 3rd grade teacher, Cherry Crest Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence from a 1.0 FTE contract effective 9/1/2015. THERRIAULT, KATHY - 3rd grade teacher, Cherry Crest Elementary. 0.5 FTE Job share leave of absence from a 1.0 FTE contract effective 9/1/2015. NON-GUARANTEED None 50 EMPLOYMENT & SEPARATIONS OF HOURLY, PART-TIME & FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL 1.New CONNELL, MARIA – Centered Paraeducator, ESC. Effective 5/18/15. 766 FTE HEIDT, LONY - Night Custodian, Operations. 1.0 FTE. Effective 5/27/2015 KARWAL, CRAIG - Bus Driver, Transportation. Effective 5/29/2015. 0.3448 FTE. SHAW, DIANA - Bus Driver, Transportation. Effective 6/12/15 .3448 FTE SHEEHAN, MIKE - Central Coordinator, Early Learning. Effective 6/1/2015. 1 FTE. WALTERS, TERRY – Bus Driver, Transportation. 0.3448 FTE. Effective 6/8/15. 2. Returns from Leaves of Absence None 2.Separations AGUILAR-MCMILLAN, CRYSTAL –Office Manager, Maintenance Department. 1.0 FTE resignation effective 6/11/15. FACTOR JR., REUBEN. – Bus Driver, Transportation. 45689 FTE. Resignation effective 6/5/15. KOPP, EMILY – Centered Paraeducator, Phantom Lake Elementary. 448 FTE Resignation effective 5/29/15 ROHR, TIMOTHY – Landscape Technician, Maintenance Department 1.0 FTE resignation effective 5/29/15. 4. Leaves of Absence None 51 COACHES - ASSIGNMENTS & SEPARATIONS 1. New None 2. Separations (other than non-renewals) None 52 BELLEVUE SCHOOL DISTRICT # 405 CABINET COMPENSATION July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2017 CABINET POSITIONS SALARY Deputy Superintendent Financial Services and Operations $165,340 Deputy Superintendent Student Academic Performance and Instructional Leadership Executive Director $146,868 Director of Equity and Graduation Success $127,954 Director of Research and Accountability Director of Communications $108,970 53 SCHOOL BOARD RESOLUTION Electronic form available at: Return by the second Friday in June annually. Public School District: Bellevue School District -– OR -– Private School(s): Type name here Resolution # (optional): 2015-09 Date: June 9, 2015 By action of the 1976 Legislature, each School District Board of Directors may delegate control, supervision, and regulation of any extracurricular activity to the WIAA and compensate such entity for services provided. The local SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENT and SUPERINTENDENT must sign this resolution form to indicate that the School Board has approved the Public School District’s or Private School’s membership with the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) and as members, these schools will follow the WIAA Rules and Regulations. DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO WIAA WHEREAS Chapter 32, Laws of 1975-76, 2nd Ex. Sess. grants authority to each school district board of directors to control, supervise and regulate the conduct of interschool athletic activities and other interschool extracurricular activities of an athletic, cultural, social, or recreational nature for students in the district. WHEREAS Chapter 32, Laws of 1975-76, 2nd Ex. Sess. authorizes school district boards of directors to delegate control, supervision and regulation of any of the aforesaid activities to any voluntary, nonprofit entity and to compensate any such entity for services provided subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions and approval by the State Board Of Education. WHEREAS the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association is a voluntary, nonprofit entity which has satisfied the conditions, expressly set forth in Chapter 32, Laws of 1975-76, 2nd Ex. Sess. and has further been approved by the State Board of Education in action taken on August 17, 1977. WHEREAS the board of directors of directors of the following School District or School being otherwise fully informed of the rules and regulations of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association as approved by the State Board of Education and recognizing that said rules and regulations provide for private sponsorship of post-season tournaments for extracurricular activities by WIAA, consent to abide by such rules and regulations. NOW THEREFORE, the board of directors of the following School District or School hereby delegates to the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association the authority to control, supervise and regulate interschool activities consistent with the rules and regulations of WIAA. The Board of Directors retains the right to establish eligibility standards that meet or exceed the rules and regulations of WIAA. INTERSCHOLASTIC OFFICIALS L&I COVERAGE STATEWIDE Beginning July 1, 1988, interscholastic sports officials were covered by Washington State Labor and Industries via a common rate and payment system that eliminated game-by-game calculations and record keeping by school and/or district business offices. WIAA will guarantee payment of L&I premiums for WOA registered officials for all interscholastic activities under WIAA’s jurisdiction and will assess WIAA member schools via classification rates at the same time service fees are billed. Officials L&I coverage is only in effect for activities authorized and offered by School Board approval and listed on the school’s WIAA membership form. By signing below the School District Superintendent/Head of School, School Board President (for Public School Districts), and school board members agree to the information above for the public school district or private school listed above, on or before the date listed above. Superintendent/Head of School: J. Tim Mills School Board President (if applicable): Steve McConnell Signature:____________________________ Signature:____________________________ School Board Members (list WIAA Contact as first school board member): 1. Steve McConnell Signature:____________________________ 2. Christine Chew Signature:____________________________ 3. Krischanna Roberson Signature:____________________________ 4. My-Linh Thai Signature:____________________________ 5. Chris Marks Signature:____________________________ 54 SCHOOL BOARD RESOLUTION DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO KINGCO CONFERENCE BELLEVUE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 405 BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION NO. 2015-10 WHEREAS, RCW 28A.600.200 grants legal authority to each school district board of directors to control, supervise, and regulate the conduct of interschool athletic activities and other interschool extracurricular activities of an athletic, cultural, social, recreational nature for students in the district; WHEREAS, RCW 28A.600.200 further authorizes school district boards of directors to delegate control, supervision, and regulation of such activities to any voluntary not for profit entity and to compensate any such entity for services provided, subject to certain limits set forth in said statute; WHEREAS, the KingCo Conference is a Washington State not for profit corporation that meets the requirements of RCW 28A.600.200 and the Board of Directors desires to delegate to that corporation that portion of its authority over such interschool activities for end of season KingCo League play-off events and sharing of League and play-off broadcast revenues, as set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of Bellevue School District resolves: 1. For the period of September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016, the Board delegates to the KingCo Conference pursuant to RCW 28A.600.200 and subject to the limits therein, its authority for the organization, management and financial supervision of the end of year play-off events for high schools in the District participating in the KingCo League, including the collection of revenue from these events, payments to officials working the events, and subsequent distribution of the remaining proceeds to the members of the KingCo Conference, and the receipt and distribution of broadcast revenues for League and end of season play-off events for the District’s teams participating in the KingCo League. 2. The Board further accepts membership in the KingCo Conference and appoints the Superintendent or his or her designee to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the KingCo Conference pursuant to the Bylaws of the KingCo Conference not for profit corporation. Dated this 23rd day of June 2015. _______________________________________ President, Steve McConnell _______________________________________ Vice-President, Christine Chew _________________________________________ Chris Marks, Board Member _________________________________________ My-Linh Thai, Board Member _________________________________________ Krischanna Roberson, Board Member Attest: __________________________________________ J. Tim Mills Secretary to its Board of Directors 55 BOARD AGENDA PLANNING MATERIAL 56 July 2015 Meeting Planner Topic Format Planned Time Nominal Meeting Adjust Time # ment Total Meeting Time Meeting #1 Section Total #1 3:25 General Meeting Activities Pledge, Roll Call, Approval of Agenda, Consent Agenda Public Comments Break Old Business, New Business Board Comments Agenda Planning Plus Delta State Required Board Actions None Board-Required Reports Preliminary Budget Review Report w/ Q&A (nominal) 0:30 Board Priority Area Review Community Engagement Board Focus (follow up) 0:45 School Review None - Program Review None - Student Performance Review None - Stakeholder Review None - Board Business Board Self Evaluation Review Annual Report to the Board Policy Updates, 1st Reading Miscellaneous Topics None Other Other Other Other Other Other Other 0:05 0:10 0:05 0:10 0:10 0:05 0:05 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 0:05 0:10 0:05 0:10 0:10 0:05 0:05 0:50 - Other Report w/ Q&A (short) Report w/ Q&A (nominal) 0:30 0:20 0:30 1 1 1 1 0:30 0:30 0:45 0:45 0:30 0:20 0:30 1:20 - Special Meetings for July 2015 NOTE: This document is for planning purposes only. Topics and dates are subject to change. Please check the board agenda for specific meetings to confirm final topic scheduling. Printed 06/17/15 14:24 57 August 2015 Meeting Planner Topic Format Section Total Planned Time Nominal Meeting Adjust Time # ment Total Meeting Time Meeting #1 Meeting #2 #1 #2 0:50 0:50 0:10 0:20 0:40 - - - - - 2:55 3:25 General Meeting Activities Pledge, Roll Call, Approval of Agenda, Consent Agenda Public Comments Break Old Business, New Business Board Comments Agenda Planning Plus Delta Other Other Other Other Other Other Other 0:05 0:10 0:05 0:10 0:10 0:05 0:05 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 0:05 0:10 0:05 0:10 0:10 0:05 0:05 0:05 0:10 0:05 0:10 0:10 0:05 0:05 State Required Board Actions Other Other Report Only Report Only Report w/ Q&A (short) Report w/ Q&A (short) Report Only/Consent Agenda Report Only/Consent Agenda 0:10 0:05 0:15 0:15 0:20 0:20 0:00 0:00 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 0:10 Board Priority Area Review Hold Budget Hearing Approve Budget District CTE Plan ALE Program Review and Adoption Final Annual Plans Final 3-5 Year Plans Interscholastic Activities State, Federal, and Grant-Required Reporting Areas None School Review None Program Review Food Service Professional Development - Teachers and Principals Report w/ Q&A (nominal) Report w/ Q&A (nominal) 0:30 0:30 2 2 0:30 0:30 - 1:00 Student Performance Review Health Nursing Report w/ Q&A (nominal) Report w/ Q&A (nominal) 0:30 0:30 2 2 0:30 0:30 - 1:00 Stakeholder Review Community at Large / Community Engagement Plan Voters Report w/ Q&A (long) Report w/ Q&A (short) 0:45 0:20 1 1 0:45 0:20 1:05 - Board Business Board Retreat (Separate Meeting) Policy Updates, 2nd Reading 0:10 - Other 0:10 1 0:10 - - Board-Required Reports Miscellaneous Topics 0:05 0:15 0:15 0:20 0:20 0:00 0:00 None Special Meetings for August 2015 Board Retreat TBD NOTE: This document is for planning purposes only. Topics and dates are subject to change. Please check the board agenda for specific meetings to confirm final topic scheduling. Printed 06/17/15 14:24 58