View Full Mercy Alive Bulletin
View Full Mercy Alive Bulletin
MER CY A L I V E MAY 15 , 2016 PENTECOST VOL. 39 NO. 20 “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church The Spirit of the Lord has filled the whole world and that which contains all things understands what is said, alleluia – ENTRANCE ANTIPHON THIS WEEK SATURDAY MAY 14 8:00 am...... Daily Mass 3:00-4:00 pm .... Confessions 4:00 pm .... Vigil Mass 5:15-6:00 pm .... Confessions 6:00 pm...... Vigil Mass 6:00 pm .... Engaged Encounter–St. Jerome Welcome to our new Faithful Families! Justin & Alana Bent David & Kimberly Lajoie Bryce & Laura Black David & Charlotte Landry Travis & Lisa Bonfanti Claude Bromley, III SUNDAY MAY 15 7:00 am...... Mass 9:00 am...... Mass 10:30 am...... Mass 12:00 pm...... Mass 4:00 pm .... Edge–St. Ann 6:00 pm...... Mass MONDAY MAY 16 8:00 am...... Daily Mass 12:00 pm .... Daily Mass Scott Burke Timothy & Kelly Cannon Thomas & Heather Casselberry 8:30 am .... Rosary Makers–Coffee Shop 12:00 pm...... Daily Mass 6:00 pm...... Daily Mass & Novena 6:00 pm .... High School Bible Study–JPII House 6:30 pm .... Confirmation Open House–Emmanuel 6:45 pm .... Charismatic Prayer–St. Gabriel Megan McCormick Andrew & Celia Muhl Eleanor Murrell Gina Pendarvis James & Adrienne Coco Michael & Melissa Porter Joshua Coleman Charles & Ashley Quartararo Ryan Daboval Joseph & Amy Delaney Chris & Madison DeWitt Thomas & Kristen Duvic TUESDAY MAY 17 Derek & Kara Matthews Dante & Connie Eborda Orrin & Gabriel Fontenot Emanuel Station, Jr. John & Bethany Stinson Michael Thompson Jessica Tran Michael & Julie Tullier Michael Underwood Betty Herndon Valerie Van Zandt Alissa Jones Audie & Mary-Louise Williams Andrew Kimble WEDNESDAY MAY 18 8:00 am .... Daily Mass 10:00 am .... Chesterton–St. Jerome 12:00 pm .... Daily Mass 6:00 pm .... OLOM School Graduation THURSDAY MAY 19 8:00 am .... Daily Mass 12:00 pm .... Daily Mass FRIDAY MAY 20 8:00 am .... Daily Mass 12:00 pm .... Daily Mass Guardian Angels Nursery The Guardian Angels Nursery and Bible Class will be closed on SUNDAY, MAY 29 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. St. Matthew’s GUILD PRINCE Team Second COLLECTION Catholic Commentator Prayer LINE For Prayer Line requests, contact Ms. Genie Ogden: (225) 293-2367 2 OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE Congratulations to these 2nd graders who celebrated their First Eucharist on Sunday, April 10 Cooper William Alligood Geoffrey Paul Aydell Caroline Elizabeth Babin Ethan Joseph Babin Anna-Marie Elise Bargas Brayden Cole Barnett Kate Madeline Barrilleaux Riley Mareé Berry Skylar Ann Bordelon Claire Elizabeth Bourgeois Brendan Michael Marsala Bowie Lochlan Reilly Boxberger Dani Renee Brimer William Luke Bruton Grace Barnette Buras Caroline Louise Burkhalter Anne Margaret Burr Amelia Fay Carlson Charlotte Marie Carpenter Evelyn Rose Christofferson Olivia Ellen Convenuto Vincent Michael Cutrone Kendall Annette Dailey Rebecca Anne Dardis Charlotte Eliza Davis James Edwin Davis Isabella Diane DeLage Madeline Elizabeth DeSilva Mary Katherine Dulaney Pierce Beauregard Dunphy Austin Hayes Duvic Stephen Anthony Easton John Ryan Esnard Ellis Reid Evans Jonathan Reid Garner Mia Kathryn Gauthier Gabrielle Marie Gill Kenzie Sophia Gradney James Anthony Greco, III Emily Claire Guillet Rhett Joseph Guillot Gavin Paul Harrington Madilyn Rayne Harrison Carter Windham Hernandez Grace Sophia Hoffpauir Noah Luke Hoffpauir Lily Ruth Hyde Michael Maxwell Kimble Zane Alexander Kimbrell Lily Marie Klimavicz Sydney Frances Kline Andrew Julius Kocen Harrison Reid Lalande Claire Elisa Lanclos Reese Olivia Landry Elliot Joseph LeBlanc Ethan Joseph LeBlanc Colton John Lund Gracie Jane Mann Ava Riley Marchand Nathan Brent Martin William Murphy Martin Gage D’Attuso McDaniel Mischa Belle Mejia Mason Thomas Melancon Greysen Ann Millet Molly Jane Milligan Matthew Frederick Monsour Kathryn Shea Mooney Molly Dale Mouton Noah Mathew Mulkey Kennedy Khan Nguyen Samantha Susan O’Brien Elizabeth Middleton Odom Emily McIntyre Parnell Ella Jane Peek Rylan Scott Pepper Kaylin Morrow Perrone Charlotte Claire Rabb Catherine Elizabeth Raemsch Sophia Jolie Rodriguez Joseph Christopher Sanford Carson Benjamin Sarpong Hannah Clare Schiro Jacob Andrew Serrano David Douglas Smelley, Jr. Aidan Paul St. Pierre Beau Tyler Steady Ann Catherine Stocker Elliot Ryan Talley Mack Virga Tasman Kayleigh Nguyet Tran James Grey Traxler Wade Matthew Williams Gabrielle Renee Willis Jackson Henry Young BATON ROUGE, LA 3 Called to Prayer IN REMEMBRANCE Mass Intentions Sanctuary Light Memorials MAY 21, SATURDAY The sanctuary light in the church burns this week in loving memory of 8:00 am ..... Manuel F. Gan Sr. 4:00 pm ..... Elizabeth Bates, Valerie Bates, Vincent & Mary Dispenza / Theogene Andre Fmly / Greg Andre / Michael Andre / Michael Bourgeois / Dr. Larry Ferachi / Walter L. Abadie / Virgil & Eunice D’Armond, Sugar & Cookie Kane / Matt Weil / Robert Wood / Conchetta Cox / Marjorie Murphree / Pat Hannie / Roseland P. Rebaldo / Robby Cangelosi / John Fruge / Laurent Troxclair & Laurence Anne Troxclair / Pete Constantino / Bobbie Albares & Albares Fmly / Shirley Hartsfield / Ralph Brewer / Mary Lou Clements / Maude Amorello / Emma Jean Alello / Francis Michael Kleinpeter / Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Joseph Lasseigne / O. J. Lasseigne / Matthew “Todd” Kleinpeter / Scott Ambrose Kleinpeter / Sidney Blanchard / Enos & Amanda Chauvin & Fmly / Cecil Ethridge & Fmly / Robert Lee Wagner / Dena Nodier / SPECIAL INTENTIONS: Robyn Rissler & Rissler Trent Fmlys / In Honor of Brian Hightower / Jack & Mandy Robichaux / Stevens Fmly / Rhonda Wyckoff / Angelle Damare 6:00 pm ..... Sal Cashio MAY 22, SUNDAY 7:00 am...... All People 9:00 am...... Dr. Michael FaKouri 10:30 am ... Joseph V. Zito 12:00 pm ... James B. Fernandez / Ed & Vivian Cedotal & Fmlys 6:00 pm ..... Thomas Riker MAY 23, MONDAY 8:00 am ..... Parrino & Saia Fmlys 12:00 pm ... Lee Bellue MAY 24, TUESDAY 12:00 pm ... Manuel F. Gan Sr. 6:00 pm ..... Dr. Michael Fa-Kouri/ George Mervin Simon / Patricia Hannie / Robby Cangelosi / Pete Constantino / Nicole Helms / Jill Barfield Hamilton / Ralph Brewer / Emma Jean Roy Alello / Rene Joseph Tullier / Dena Nodier / Thomas Scherer Holligan, Katherine Mahoney Halligan, Thomas Sidney Halligan / Ty Gardner / SPECIAL INTENTION: John M. Byrnes Johnice Louise Daniel The sanctuary light in the Adoration Chapel burns this week in loving memory of Mary Crane Culbreath In Sympathy to the Families of: ! Loxi Oufnac ! Bill Efferson Altar Flowers Memorial Each week you may honor a loved one with a gift of $150 to dedicate the floral arrangement that adorns our Sanctuary. The Altar Flowers are dedicated this week in loving memory of Harold Christopher Truax, II. Memorial Gifts At the death of a loved one, many choose in lieu of flowers to encourage friends and family to make a donation to a special charity or cause. Our Lady of Mercy has nourished the spiritual life of so many parishioners and those throughout the Diocese who come here. A Memorial Gift to our Traditions for Tomorrow Capital Campaign is a wonderful way to acknowledge the lives of our beloved dead with a gift of loving generosity to the church that has been such a spiritual home. Ms. Deanie Smith can discuss beautiful ways for you to remember your loved one. Consider adding a planned gift in your last will and testament to remember Our Lady of Mercy. MAY 25, WEDNESDAY 8:00 am ..... Marjorie Granger 12:00 pm ... Vicari & Cretini Fmlys MAY 26, THURSDAY 8:00 am ..... Robert Dolese 12:00 pm ... Hilda Comeaux MAY 27, FRIDAY 8:00 am ..... Stella M. Burton 12:00 pm ... Comeaux, Eckler & DeLage Fmlys 4 OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH Mercy Prays Reagan Angers Sandy Ardoin Seth Bombet Randy Civello Joe Corsentino Francesca Ferarra Todd Fruge Marley Harris Joseph Landry Drew Moscona The men & women serving in our Armed Forces CAMPAIGN CHAIRS Steve & Kathy Nathanson HONORARY CHAIRS: Roland & Kay Toups CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE: Jeff Angers Tim Barfield Becky Bourg Cynthia Graves This is Commitment Weekend! Receptions have concluded and the Campaign brochure has been mailed to every family! Pledge Cards are in the hands of ALL registered parishioners. The parish family of Our Lady of Mercy asks that you make your Commitment TODAY! While we are asking every household to consider a pledge of $5,000, payable over a three-year period, we need gifts of all sizes to be successful. If you are able to consider a gift of $10,000, $15,000, $25,000 or above we ask that you prayerfully consider doing so. Remember, we are not asking for equal giving, but we are asking for equal sacrifice. If you did not place your pledge envelope in the collection this weekend, please mail it or bring it by the Parish Office this week. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Jeff Jenkins Sam LaVergne Walter Monsour Jim Purgerson Volunteer Follow-Up Set To Begin Volunteers will begin contacting all parishioners who were unable to attend a reception and who have yet to respond. By responding today, we will be able to remove your name from the follow up list. Please Respond Today! Ragan Richard Volunteers Are Still Needed! “We are the Easter people and Alleluia is our song!” - Pope St. John Paul II Volunteers are still needed for the Follow-up Phase! You are welcome to attend the first Follow-up volunteer meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, May 24 at 7:00 pm in the library of the PAC. The meeting should last approximately one hour and is for anyone interested in the campaign and its’ success. Please join us! For more information, contact: Ms. Renee Polka [email protected] (225) 926-1883 #PrayPromotePledge BATON ROUGE, LA 5 Called to Action PARISH LIFE Confirmation Open House Adult Co-ed Softball Tuesday, May 17 drop by anytime between 6:00 - 8:00 pm Parish Activity Center Friday nights in June and July Blue Jay Field All high school Sophomores who plan to make their Confirmation as high school Juniors, are invited to attend an informational meeting in the PAC with OLOM Formation Director, Mr. Jason Romero. For more information, contact: Mr. Jason Romero [email protected] (225) 926-1883 Behind the Veil Monday, May 23 following 12:00 noon Mass Tuesday, May 24 following 6:00 pm Mass Wednesday, May 25 following 8:00 am Mass Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church OLOM Adult Co-ed Softball is open to all Mercy parishioners, parents, and alumni ages 21 and up. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for fun and fellowship for all adults affiliated with the parish. No playing experience is necessary. Registration is available on the school website - For more information, contact: Mr. Jason Romero [email protected] (225) 926-1883 Mass Intentions for 2017 Wednesday, June 1 8:30 am- 4:30 pm Parish Activity Center OLOM Sacristan, Mr. Fred Gwin, will walk you through the history of our church, discussing the physical characteristics, tapestry, stained glass, Sanctuary, and more in this informative tour, “Behind the Veil.” Everyone is welcome to explore the history of our church and learn more about why certain pieces adorn our church with some surprises that you never knew existed. The tour will last approximately an hour. Mass Intentions ($5 donation), Sanctuary Light Intentions ($20 donation), and Memorial Flowers ($150 donation) are beautiful ways to express sympathy or to remember loved ones. Requests are to be made in person at the church office beginning June 1. For those who are homebound and would like to make a request, please call Ms. Brenda Brown. For more information, contact: Ms. Brenda Brown [email protected] (225) 926-1883 Mr. Fred Gwin [email protected] (225) 926-1883 For more information, contact: Life Teen Softball High School Bible Study Tuesday Nights JPII Youth House Monday Nights starting June 6 Various locations around town Feed your mind and your soul with us as we dive into Scripture, eat pizza, and enjoy some fun and fellowship! Calling all High School Teens - We want you to play softball with us this summer! Our group is open to all rising Freshmen to Seniors. Softball games begin June 6. Be there or be square! For more information, contact: For more information, contact: Ms. Amelia Gallagher [email protected] (225) 926-1883 Ms. Amelia Gallagher [email protected] (225) 926-1883 6 OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH Called to Action PARISH LIFE Vacation Bible School Life Teen Summer Camp June 6 - June 10 8:30 am - 12:00 noon Parish Activity Center July 11 - 16 Dahlonega, GA “Come Fly the Friendly Skies of Mercy: Soaring with the Saints.” Students entering grades 1-6, join us for a fun, faith-filled adventure centered around the Saints. Registration is now open on the church website: For more information, contact: Ms. Katie Tasman [email protected] Life Teen is taking a group to Camp Hidden Lake again this summer July 11-16! If you’re looking for a trip that balances perfectly a fun and wild time with an opportunity to dive deeply into the richness of our Catholic faith, this trip is for you! It is open to all rising 9th graders to graduating seniors. Spots are limited. For more information, contact: Ms. Amelia Gallagher [email protected] (225) 926-1883 ST. JOHN BERCHMANS AWARD The St. John Berchmans Award is given each year to young persons of the parish for altar service at Holy Mass. John Berchmans is the patron Saint of altar servers, and each year we honor our seniors who have given so generously of their time and talent to assist our clergy here at Our Lady of Mercy. Ashley Gremillion has been an altar server for 7 years and graduated from Our Lady of Mercy in 2012. She is a senior at St. Joseph’s Academy. She plans to attend LSU and study Psychology with a minor in Social Work. Ashley is the daughter of Craig and Aimee Gremillion. Kenneth Hingle has also been an altar server for 7 years and he, too, graduated from OLOM in 2012. He is a student at Catholic High School and plans to attend LSU in the fall. Kenny also plans to participate on the LSU “Ultimate Frisbee” team. Kenny’s parents are Stewart and Anna Hingle. Darren Holliday has been serving for 2 years and plans to continue serving during college. Darren will graduate this month from the Louisiana Connections Academy. He plans to attend Baton Rouge Community College and then Our Lady of the Lake Nursing program. Darren is the son of Linda Holliday. Devin Tullier has been an altar server for 8 years, and he was also an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion during this, his senior year. Devin is a 2012 graduate of Our Lady of Mercy and will graduate from Catholic High School and plans to attend LSU where he will major in Physics. He will also be a member of the Golden Band from Tigerland. Devin’s parents are Patrick and Renee Tullier. Katherine Vukovics has also been an altar server here at OLOM for 8 years. Katie is a 2012 graduate of Our Lady of Mercy and will graduate from St. Joseph’s Academy this year, but her choice of college for next fall is still unknown. She plans to study Neuroscience with a music education minor. Katie is the daughter of John and Marie Vukovics. We thank these young men and women for their service to our church, and we wish them only the best in the future. BATON ROUGE, LA 7 Called to Prayer ADORATION CHAPEL Commitments Needed for Our Adoration Chapel Ministry Committed adoration is a beautiful way to express your faith and devotion. Our Adoration Chapel is open to you 24 hours a day. We invite you to come visit the Lord and seek His counsel. Although every hour of the day is opened for commitment, your devotion is especially needed during the following times: SUNDAY...... 12 am, 1 am, 2 am, 4 am, 5 am, 12 noon, 2 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm MONDAY...... 1 am, 2 am, 5 am, 7 am, 9 am, 6 pm TUESDAY...... 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 12 noon WEDNESDAY...... 1 am, 2 am, 11 am THURSDAY...... 12 am, 1 am, 2 am, 5 am, 12 noon FRIDAY...... 1 am, 2 am, 5 am, 10 am, 12 noon, 8 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm SATURDAY...... 1 am, 2 am, 4 am, 12 noon, 9 pm, 10 pm If you are able to offer yourself in prayer to the Lord, please contact Ms. Martha Wells at (225) 928-5157. TRADITIONS FOR TOMORROW CAPTIAL CAMPAIGN NO GIFT IS INSIGNIFICANT LET US STAND TOGETHER SHOULDER TO SHOULDER EVERYONE CAN DO SOMETHING HOW MUCH DOES MERCY MEAN TO YOU? 8 OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH Called to Worship MASS SCHEDULE & TIMES MASS TIMES: WEEKDAYS M, W, Th, & F: 8:00 am & 12:00 pm Tues: 12:00 pm & 6:00 pm CATHOLIC COMMUNITY RADIO RECONCILIATION: M - F: 25 minutes prior to Mass 1380 AM – WPYR MASS TIME: 8:00 am SATURDAY RECONCILIATION: 3:00 – 4:00 pm & 5:15 – 6:00 pm VIGILS: 4:00 pm & 6:00 pm Listen daily at noon and 10:30 am on Sunday for Mercy’s Mass live broadcast MASS TIMES: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm & 6:00 pm SUNDAY NURSERY: 9:00 am & 10:30 am PRE-SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS: 9:00 am & 10:30 am (PAC) SATURDAY MAY 21 4:00 pm* 6:00 pm Fr. Milano Fr. Minj SUNDAY MAY 22 7:00 am* Fr. Milano 9:00 am Fr. Milano Extraordinary Ministers N Krzystowczyk L D’Armond J Stalls J Pastorek D Whaley J Stalls W Keyser M Killeen M Cullen C Abshire M Blouin J Jolissaint M Bourgeois S Jones M Downing P Shingleton R Brian P Bourgeois D McCrary T Laville J Blouin S Roppolo A Wilson E White J Frederick J Frederick B Babin I Bourque S Montagnino A Haywood C Guidry D Maggio S Maggio C Price Dcn Grant K Guidry B Moscona G Tibbetts F Heroman M Dietrich J Laville L Laville Fr. Minj 6:00 pm Fr. Minj K Poiencot K Sweeney J Angers L Gemmill G Ruiz deChavez Dcn Grant T Grant M Pinell J Pinell D Grant J Hebert B Benedetto C Benedetto L Attuso G Anderson G Anderson P Thomas L Roy S Harrington M Gillespie C Hopkins L Falcon R Covington C Peak C Schutte C Landry K Reaux C Formeller L Plaisance C Laird R Roland S Hopkins E Anderson B Vance O Cedotal E Floyd M Graves N Saurage Lectors S Montagnino P Alford A Wilson B Moscona C Price Altar Servers M Krzystowczyk G Warrington J Fruge’ Fr. Milano 12:00 pm Extraordinary Ministers Lectors J Stalls M Killeen 10:30 am C Burkhalter C Paine Altar Servers G Montagnino J Wysocki O Clark A Clark J Shiloh D Poiencot K Poiencot J Theriot The complete Ministry Schedule is published on our website at Called to serve? Contact Deacon Grant to volunteer for liturgical ministry. *These liturgies are celebrated without incense. BATON ROUGE, LA 9 WE ARE HERE FOR YOU Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church A PRAYER IN SUPPORT OF 445 Marquette Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Phone: (225) 926-1883 Fax: (225) 923-0448 [email protected] PASTOR ........................................................... Father Cleo Milano VICAR ................................................................. Father Nutan Minj, IMS PERMANENT DEACON ............... Deacon Richard Grant ADMINISTRATION............................ Mr. Randy Arabie SCHOOL PRINCIPAL..................... Mr. Brian Moscona OFFICE HOURS MONDAY – FRIDAY......................... 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Priests gladly see people by appointment. Heavenly Father, In this year of Mercy, we are mindful of the love of your son, Jesus, poured out for us. For more than 70 years, Our Lady of Mercy Parish has been a spiritual home to your people. A place of forgiveness and healing; A place of silent prayer and joyful celebration; A treasure of sacramental life and grace. Parish Activity Center 444 Marquette Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (225) 928-6216 Our Lady of Mercy Catholic School 400 Marquette Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Phone: (225) 924-1054 Fax: (225) 923-2201 Communications Ms. Christy Haldane [email protected] Through the intercession of Our Lady, whose presence is so strongly felt in this holy place, Renew your life in us; Increase our faith and trust; Bless the works of our hands and the Traditions for Tomorrow; Let us not be content with efforts of the past but lead us with your Spirit to serve the generations to come; Open our hearts to give generously of ourselves and our resources to provide for the needs of the future; Renew us from within; and Give us generous hearts. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. AMEN Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us Fr. Cleo Milano 10 OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH ALFORD SAFE & LOCK CO. 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