View Full Mercy Alive Bulletin
View Full Mercy Alive Bulletin
MER CY A L I V E Photo by Christy Haldane AUGUST 21 , 2016 XXI SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VOL. 39 NO. 34 “Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.” Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church Turn your ear, O Lord, and answer me; save the servant who trusts in you, my God. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long. – ENTRANCE ANTIPHON THIS WEEK SATURDAY AUGUST 20 8:00 am...... Daily Mass 9:00 am .... Altar Server Training 3:00-4:00 pm .... Confessions 4:00 pm .... Vigil Mass 5:15-6:00 pm .... Confessions 6:00 pm...... Vigil Mass SUNDAY AUGUST 21 7:00 am...... Mass 9:00 am...... Mass (Nursery & Bible School) 10:00 am .... Confirmation Session–Emmanuel Hall 10:30 am...... Mass (Nursery & Bible School) 12:00 pm...... Mass 6:00 pm...... Mass MONDAY AUGUST 22 8:00 am...... Daily Mass 12:00 pm .... Daily Mass TUESDAY AUGUST 23 8:30 am .... Rosary Makers–Coffee Shop 12:00 pm...... Daily Mass 3:00 pm .... Edge Bible Study–OLOM School 6:00 pm...... Daily Mass & Novena 6:30 pm .... High School Bible Study–JPII House 6:45 pm .... Charismatic Prayer–St. Gabriel Welcome to our new Faithful Families! Gary & Elizabeth Bergeron Trula Brousseau Michael & Brandi Clay Ryan & Monica Cooney Conner & Victoria Graham Shannon LaNasa James & Melissa Lawton Carey & Kathleen LeGrange Christian & Kathleen Lopiparo Gail Marquette Maxine Hagan Genevieve Mayeux John & Latisha Hall Brian & Courtney Minor Jody & Angela Hammett Paul & Laura Monteilh Patti Hayes O’Neil & Stephanie Parenton Christine Labat Donavon & Jaclyn Lafleur Reid & Lacey Lamy Ben Polcer Kerry & Paula Ruiz Cheryl Summers William Webb WEDNESDAY AUGUST 24 8:00 am .... Daily Mass 10:00 am .... Chesteron–St. Jerome 12:00 pm .... Daily Mass 6:00 pm .... Extraordinary Ministers Training–Church THURSDAY AUGUST 25 8:00 am .... Daily Mass 9:30 am .... Magnificat–St. Vincent de Paul 12:00 pm .... Daily Mass 6:00 pm...... OLOM School Board Mtg–St. Jerome FRIDAY AUGUST 26 8:00 am .... Daily Mass 8:50 am .... School Liturgy 12:00 pm .... Daily Mass 2 OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH St. Matthew’s GUILD MONDAY MORNING Team Prayer Line For Prayer Line requests, contact: Ms. Genie Ogden: (225) 293-2367 TRES TURNER IS FINDING PEACE IN GOD’S WILL While I am very excited for my future now, I was quite surprised when God initially revealed to me that He might be calling me to the priesthood... I’m really looking forward to continuing my path of fulfilling the Lord’s will for me as a seminarian! I was born and raised here in Baton Rouge, and Our Lady of Mercy has been my home parish for as long as I can remember. I also attended OLOM School from Kindergarten through eighth grade, and this May, I graduated from Catholic High. My journey to what may or may not be priesthood began toward the end of my junior year. One of my good friends asked me an out of the blue question, “Tres, have you ever thought about becoming a priest?” I sat there in disbelief because I had never really considered priesthood as an option in my life. I had always believed that I was going to go on to be a doctor. This remark sparked an interest in me, so I began to do some “cyber-discerning,” researching as much as I could to get an understanding of how the priesthood works. After I had done all that I could on the internet, I decided to bring it to God. That summer, I began a 54-day novena with the intention for my discernment of my vocation. Now that I look back on it, that was when I began to feel a calling to priesthood, but still I needed more. On my senior retreat, Fr. Josh Johnson said Mass for us, and stayed to eat dinner with us afterwards. By some chance, he sat right next to me, and we began talking about priesthood. Shortly after, he asked to be my spiritual director, and from then on, he was there for me to ask questions and guide me through prayer and general life skills to discern my vocation. The real difference maker in my decision to apply for the seminary was the March for Life in January of this year. On this week long trip to Washington DC, I was exposed to a different side of priesthood that I hadn’t seen before, and it was extraordinary because I was surrounded by priests the whole time. And then one night in particular, I had beautiful experience in Adoration in which God revealed a little part of His plan to me. I knew then that I at least needed to go to seminary to truly discern God’s plan for my vocation. So then in March, I began applying to the seminary, and I found peace in doing God’s will! As I continue my journey of discernment, I ask for your prayers and in return, I will be praying for you. BATON ROUGE, LA 3 Called to Prayer IN REMEMBRANCE Mass Intentions AUGUST 27, SATURDAY 8:00 am ..... Patrina Vince 4:00 pm ..... Elizabeth Bates, Valerie Bates, Vincent & Mary Dispenza / Percy, Ann & Paul Moise / Donaldson, Giannoble, Ruhl, Danna, West, Wilcox, Wintz, Fiebig, Molina & Calandro Fmlys / Walter L. Abadie / Jay Gallagher / Robby Cangelosi / Pete Constantino / Allen Dufrene / Timothy Michael Conley / Betty Dugas / Sam & Veta Schittone Fedele / John Schittone, Sr. / Joann Fidele Watkins / Jim Watkins / Elizabeth Bourgeois / Eris Ginn / SPECIAL INTENTIONS: Robyn Rissler & Rissler Trent Fmly 6:00 pm ..... Debbie Gwin AUGUST 28, SUNDAY 7:00 am...... All People 9:00 am...... Earl & Linda LeJeune, Sr. 10:30 am ... Joseph V. Zito 12:00 pm ... Joseph Amorello 6:00 pm ..... Allen, Patty, Bonfiglio, Wall, Graham, & Crawford Fmlys AUGUST 29, MONDAY 8:00 am ..... Van & Viola Gaudin 12:00 pm ... Chauvin & Smith Fmlys AUGUST 30, TUESDAY 12:00 pm ... Dimattia & Ortego Fmlys / MiMi Wetta / Rita Talbot 6:00 pm ..... Jason Julian/ Dr. Michael Fa-Kouri/ Pete Constantino / Patricia Hannie / Special Intention: Shannon Cormier AUGUST 31, WEDNESDAY 8:00 am ..... Ken McCay 12:00 pm ... Anthony Zito Sr. SEPTEMBER 1, THURSDAY 8:00 am ..... Joseph H. Darensbourg 12:00 pm ... Joseph W. Bergeron Sr. Sanctuary Light Memorials The sanctuary light in the church burns this week in loving memory of Pat Hannie The sanctuary light in the Adoration Chapel burns this week in loving memory of Anthony Zito, Sr. In Sympathy to the Families of: ! ! Jerry Lowe Gloria Griggs ! ! Patrina Vince Ida Mae Stevens Altar Flowers Memorial Each week you may honor a loved one with a gift of $150 to dedicate the floral arrangement that adorns our Sanctuary. Memorial Gifts At the death of a loved one, many choose in lieu of flowers to encourage friends and family to make a donation to a special charity or cause. Our Lady of Mercy has nourished the spiritual life of so many parishioners and those throughout the Diocese who come here. A Memorial Gift to our Traditions for Tomorrow Capital Campaign is a wonderful way to acknowledge the lives of our beloved dead with a gift of loving generosity to the church that has been such a spiritual home. Ms. Deanie Smith can discuss beautiful ways for you to remember your loved one. Consider adding a planned gift in your last will and testament to remember Our Lady of Mercy. SEPTEMBER 2, FRIDAY 8:00 am ..... V. J. Caruso 12:00 pm ... Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel J. Chatelain Mercy Prays Valerie Carter Mona Gilbert Ralph Gossard Marley Harris Msgr. Gerald Lefebvre Deacon Fallon Lorenz Tracy Louis Fr. Bob Marcell Roland Toups Officer Nick Tullier The men & women serving in our Armed Forces 4 OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH Called to Prayer LIFE TEEN - HIGH SCHOOL BATON ROUGE, LA 5 Called to Action PARISH LIFE That Man Is You! Magnificat Prayer Breakfast Wednesday, August 31 6:00 - 7:30 am Parish Activity Center Saturday, August 27 9:00 am -12:00 noon Oak Lodge Reception Center That Man Is You! continues with guest speakers every Wednesday this year. Join Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women, for their upcoming Prayer Breakfast featuring guest speaker, Ms. Donna Speeg. Registration is open through August 23. *Cost is $22.00. For more information, contact: Deacon Richard Grant [email protected] (225) 926-1883 RCIA Monday, September 12 6:30 pm Parish Activity Center RCIA is a program for adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. If you are interested in becoming Catholic, join us for an informational meeting on Monday, September 12 in the Parish Activity Center. For more information, contact: Mr. Jason Romero [email protected] (225) 926-1883 For more information, contact: Ms. Gwen Gillis [email protected] (225) 505-7050 Called By Faith Women’s Bible Study Tuesday, September 13 9:00 am Parish Activity Center If you would like to have a deeper relationship with God and a better understanding of your faith, then join us for “Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible.” To sign up, visit and click on “Prayer” then “Christian Formation” then “Women’s Bible Study.” For more information, contact: Save the Date - Guest Speaker Ms. Renee Tullier [email protected] Wednesday, September 14 7:00 pm Parish Activity Center - Emmanuel Hall Pilgrimage to Italy Author and speaker, Mr. Steve Binz, will speak on the topic of “The Legacy of St. Peter Inspires the Vision of Pope Francis.” For more information about Mr. Binz, visit his website: For more information, contact: Mr. Jason Romero [email protected] (225) 926-1883 6 OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH October 10-21 Rome, Assisi, and Florence Join Fr. Brad Doyle and Fr. Nutan Minj on a pilgrimage to Italy. Visit the beautiful cities of Rome, Assisi, and Florence, Italy. Enjoy guided tours, daily Mass, and more! For more information, contact: Proximo Travel (855) 842-8001 Called to Action PARISH LIFE RCIC Parish School of Religion Wednesdays, starting September 14 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm OLOM School Campus Wednesday, September 7 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Parish Activity Center RCIC classes is for children who are interested in exploring the possibility of being received into full communion with the Catholic Church. Families with children in grades 1-10 not attending Catholic school may register their students for the Parish School of Religion 2016-17 school year through the church website: Tuition for the school year is $30/child or $60/family. For more information, contact: Ms. Jessica Milburn [email protected] (225) 926-1883 Youth Mass Sundays during the School Year 9:00 am Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church If your child is interested in participating in the Youth Mass complete the form on the church website. Join us for a Back to School “Meet and Greet” on Wednesday, September 7 in the Parish Activity Center where you will be welcomed by Fr. Milano and will have the opportunity to meet your child’s religion teacher. *A pizza dinner will be served For more information, contact: Ms. Jessica Milburn [email protected] (225) 926-1883 For more information, contact: Ms. Ann Soike [email protected] (225) 923-1915 THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Before ascending into Heaven, Jesus told the disciples, “go out and teach all nations and Baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Infant Baptism is important in our Catholic Tradition. Baptism removes original sin, places an indelible mark on our souls that say we belong to Jesus Christ and gives us the Holy Spirit to dwell within the soul. BAPTISMAL SEMINARS BAPTISM DATES Monday, September 12, 2016 Monday, October 10, 2016 Monday, November 7, 2016 Monday, November 28, 2016 Monday, December 12, 2016 Sunday, September 18, 2016 Sunday, October 16, 2016 Sunday, November 13, 2016 Sunday, December 4, 2016 Sunday, December 18, 2016 BATON ROUGE, LA 7 Called to Prayer ADORATION CHAPEL Commitments Needed for Our Adoration Chapel Ministry Committed adoration is a beautiful way to express your faith and devotion. Our Adoration Chapel is open to you 24 hours a day. We invite you to come visit the Lord and seek His counsel. Although every hour of the day is opened for commitment, your devotion is especially needed during the following times: SUNDAY...... 12 am, 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am*, 5 am, 12 noon, 2 pm, 3 pm MONDAY...... 12 am, 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, 7 am, 8 am, 9 am, 3 pm TUESDAY...... 12 am*, 1 am, 2 am, 3 am WEDNESDAY...... 12 am, 1 am, 2 am*, 4 am, 9 am THURSDAY...... 12 am, 1 am, 2 am*, 4 am, 5 am, 6 am FRIDAY...... 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 7 am, 8 am, 10 am, 10 pm, 11 pm SATURDAY...... 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am*, 11 am*, 12 noon, 9 pm, 10 pm *Urgent Needs - Sunday 4:00 am, Tuesday 12:00 am, Wednesday 2:00 am, Thursday 2:00 am Saturday 4:00 am & 11:00 am If you are able to offer yourself in prayer to the Lord, please contact Ms. Martha Wells at (225) 928-5157. A PRAYER FOR PROTECTION DURING HURRICANE SEASON O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed Your Son’s command, when He calmed the stormy waters and delivered the disciples from fear and harm. During this hurricane season, we turn to You, O Loving Lord, for your Mercy is without end. Spare us from tragedies like those of the past and keep us safe in your loving care. O Virgin Mother, Star of the Sea, we seek your powerful help. Plead for us with Your Son that we might be spared all harm, whether natural or made by human hand, and walk safely in His footsteps until we reach our heavenly home. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us! 8 OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH Called to Worship MASS SCHEDULE & TIMES MASS TIMES: WEEKDAYS M, W, Th, & F: 8:00 am & 12:00 pm Tues: 12:00 pm & 6:00 pm CATHOLIC COMMUNITY RADIO RECONCILIATION: M - F: 25 minutes prior to Mass 1380 AM – WPYR MASS TIME: 8:00 am SATURDAY RECONCILIATION: 3:00 – 4:00 pm & 5:15 – 6:00 pm VIGILS: 4:00 pm & 6:00 pm Listen daily at noon and 10:30 am on Sunday for Mercy’s Mass live broadcast MASS TIMES: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm & 6:00 pm SUNDAY NURSERY: 9:00 am & 10:30 am PRE-SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS: 9:00 am & 10:30 am (PAC) SATURDAY AUGUST 27 4:00 pm* Fr. Milano 6:00 pm Fr. Minj SUNDAY AUGUST 28 7:00 am* Fr. Milano 9:00 am Fr. Milano Extraordinary Ministers C Abshire R Prince K Kiesel M Killeen C Giffin T Turner M Cullen G Albares E Giffin I DeNicola P Shingleton M Richard M Bourgeois M Downing A Meche R Brian E Chenevert P Bourgeois S Jones F Gwin A August I Bourque E White A Wilson S Roppolo L Guillot J Frederick J Frederick B Babin J Pastorek C Price J Nola R Huber F Heroman Dcn Grant D Maggio S Maggio G Tibbetts M Huber D Meche D Meche C Meche Fr. Minj 6:00 pm Fr. Minj K Poiencot K Sweeney C Benedetto B Benedetto P Prosser Dcn Grant M Taylor L Gemmill J Angers G Ruizde Chavez C Hopkins G Anderson G Anderson L Plaisance P Thomas L Attuso C DiBenedetto R Clement E Hurst S Say C Schutte C Steele C Landry C Peak R Covington C Roberts P Persac L Deavers C Laird S Hopkins C Melder S Hingle E Anderson E Shore B Beale G Huye G Huye R Huye Lectors J Gardemal S Darensbourg E White P Alford H Landry Altar Servers J Fruge’ T Turner T Turner Fr. Milano 12:00 pm Extraordinary Ministers Lectors M Hagan G Lalonde 10:30 am S Daigle B Gossard Altar Servers K Allen P Kelly N Saurage A Raemsch D DeLage C Taylor D Poiencot K Poiencot The complete Ministry Schedule is published on our website at Called to serve? Contact Deacon Grant to volunteer for liturgical ministry. *These liturgies are celebrated without incense. BATON ROUGE, LA 9 WE ARE HERE FOR YOU Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church A PRAYER IN SUPPORT OF 445 Marquette Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Phone: (225) 926-1883 Fax: (225) 923-0448 [email protected] PASTOR ........................................................... Father Cleo Milano VICAR ................................................................. Father Nutan Minj, IMS PERMANENT DEACON ............... Deacon Richard Grant ADMINISTRATION............................ Mr. Randy Arabie SCHOOL PRINCIPAL..................... Mr. Brian Moscona OFFICE HOURS MONDAY – FRIDAY......................... 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Priests gladly see people by appointment. Heavenly Father, In this year of Mercy, we are mindful of the love of your son, Jesus, poured out for us. For more than 70 years, Our Lady of Mercy Parish has been a spiritual home to your people. A place of forgiveness and healing; A place of silent prayer and joyful celebration; A treasure of sacramental life and grace. Parish Activity Center 444 Marquette Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (225) 928-6216 Our Lady of Mercy Catholic School 400 Marquette Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Phone: (225) 924-1054 Fax: (225) 923-2201 Communications Ms. Christy Haldane [email protected] Through the intercession of Our Lady, whose presence is so strongly felt in this holy place, Renew your life in us; Increase our faith and trust; Bless the works of our hands and the Traditions for Tomorrow; Let us not be content with efforts of the past but lead us with your Spirit to serve the generations to come; Open our hearts to give generously of ourselves and our resources to provide for the needs of the future; Renew us from within; and Give us generous hearts. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. AMEN Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us Fr. Cleo Milano 10 OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH ALFORD SAFE & LOCK CO. 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