P,oneer sound. vision. soul TS-W8102SPL TS-W5102SPL 8000~/NOM·3000w 6000~/NOM·2500w Be sure to read this instruction manual before installing this speaker. CAR-USE COMPONENT SUBWOOFER HP D'EXTREME-GRAVE AUTOMOBILE SUBWOOFER PARA AUTOMOVIL Antes de instalar el altavoz es imporlante que lea estas instrucciones, Leia es!e manual de ins!ru~oes antes de ins!alar 0 alto-falan!e. Priere de lire obligatoirement ce manuel d'installation avant de monter les haut·parleurs, Lt.WARNING We Want You Listening For A Lifetime Used wisely. your new sound equipmenl will provide a lifetime of fun and cnjoyment. Since hearing damage from loud noise is often undetectable until it is too late, PIONEER ELECTRONICS and the Electronic Industries Association's Consumer Electronics Group recommend you avoid prolonged cxposure (O excessive noise. This list of sound levels is included for your protection. lJecibel Level Selecting fine audio equipment such as the unit you've just purchased is only the start of your musical enjoyment. Now it's time to consider how yOll can maximize the fun and excitement your equipment offers. PIONEER and the Ele<:tronic Industries Association's Consumer Electronics Group want you to get the most Qut of your equipment by playing it at a safe level. One that lets the sound come through loud and clear without annoying blaring or distortion - and. most importantly, without affecting your sensitive hearing. Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing "comfort level" adapts to higher volumes of sound. So what sounds "normal" can actually Example 30 Quiet library, soft whispers 40 Living room, refrigerator. bedroom away from traffic 50 Light traffic, nonnal conversation, quiet office 60 Air conditioner at 20 fcet, scwing machine 70 Vacuum cleaner, hair dryer. noisy restaurant 80 Average city traffic, garbage disposals, alarm clock at two feet THE FOLLOWING NOISES CAN BE DANGEROUS UNDER CONSTANT EXPOSURE 90 100 Subway, motorcycle. truck traffic. lawn mower Garbage truck, chain saw, pneumatic drill be loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard against Ihis by setting your equipment at a safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts 120 Rock band concert in frontofspeakers,thundcrclap To establish a safe level: 140 Gunshot blast. jet planc • Start your volume control at a low setting 180 Rocket launching pad • Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, and without distortion Infonnation courtcsy of the Deafness Research Foundation. Once you have established a comfortable sound level: .Setthedialandleaveitthere. Taking a minute to do this now will help to prevent hearing damage or loss in the future. After all, we want you listening for a lifetime. ~CAUTION .&.ATTENTION Th,.p<oducl,"a.de$Ognedl",u",",.o>ut>dp<e•• ute"',el""",pal"""'._u.ngilcom~~I""'1y _"ernaon inrhe""hicle ••••P"SU'.tohogll ""'fldp<......'" 1e",,1. can cau •• hearing dam.go OP<lra,.tf\e.y.,.mfrom"u"rdelhe,.hIcl.U&If\Q • ,.mot. control, ,"Ith Ihe cl<><>nandlWldt>v<. loglllly$hul TOP,• .,.nld.magolOy<JUr.PO"".~pl •••• ob..."'.th.loI<wo'lr.gcautK>n.Athogll"'k"".......,.Ll Ihemu.ic.<>und.d,.I"".doradOllKlnaloourldsa",perce,..dk;rw.rrho""'umeTh"maybecau..d by ••ce•• iv."","ttotrHlSp!lak.~.The.ound)'OU"'.h.arin9couldbetheSp!lak.,c"""becomin9 0Ul '" control or ~ m.y" I.. ,.,.,. cOil actually c"""no onto conlact Wfth rho m'lJ"Ollo a,... mbly Unde<lhe'.""C"'"ot""",,•. ~,.prudefl1tolO ....rlhe_lolu.lbelOwlh<>poonlwhereth.... •••udep.....iOllKOllll;que N.P.A.fSPlI8ound Pr u", Loovell, 1.0", d·un. com"'titi.n, .fin d·'Yi'« I•• occid.nl. pTDYOqu., pa' I....r.""'phonique.r.v uirlo...n.""ute ..rticdu "'hi'ul... com....""",. r.i", f.nctionnerr.wo,.ir .....lomen'.p,......i.f.nn.\eopoTlM ..... Yi\... duY.hi,ule Afond'••i,.. d'.ndo",,,,.,..luh.u",,,,"l.un.. ot-",•• r.. p.-.c••hon•••i.an"'•. Si r. "'uoiqu..."'br. d.formk ou .oi de" ....,....;"' n'~ ",Ium••r••• , be,...,,, Ie ",r."",. Ceo probr.",•• pou"'n' ..... <a...... parr.n"'".ueu.i Wl u rloun.Le.I'".... i"'.pou••nt.''"'d... l'aff~'''''n'dnt6n.du "'"u.. p"'l.urou.rabobinem.bif "'m'.nronta<'.,ecl'.n....,bf...ap;itiq"". O dJ'COl\$..."""., il ..'prnden'd.i>a...... Ie"'ru unni....uj......u.d u.dupoin''''' ... pl>eoorMne produi..n' Sil'"",-plifie.teu, ..,m.rUd'unecem...-nd.dell'.in. ,I ~..,manrlo!debo.i""""'teromma""" ro!c',."",nl.find'.mpOch.,r•• pbOnom<neod... ",produ,re. O coruino<..,.'ily.un.pl;..,UJ"d.... r. .yotemo, on pout.u'" oj , r. cemm.nd. d.. pou•• mpk/l.. r.. pheoo""".. de .. produi.., s,r. "'rumooul.niveau.dep i"".""'''iqu.(.prJ.upo!rieu,...coWlq r.h.nt·p•.,reucpoul,.produi....nl d••i..., ir ..I,..."'mand.d·$jOuleTdeoh.ul-pocleure.uppr.m.n...i y."'me, Onpou,.inoiobtoniT do•• ugm.nla'i"".~dOT.bl•• ...,n'...wrdorp_iorI"O\"tiqu•. O.no"' in.Cll.""pO"'.rri••,. douhr.,lap.i... """""~du.,.U,ma"""'rlo!t< . ....'i.ndor.quaIM.o,,,> rno...lI.n'lo<Iha""parr.u", on'p<NI...vo.iTinotallH. v.m.,iIt .... p""."""""".,."I.utodi.ph.egnt.. {.n Ia;..un'tomho,d...u. d., ooj<ta"",pan". paT • """'ple)co,i"po......i.nlftre.nd"",,,,agO.e. Si I. hau"po,IoUT ••I utiliW tel qn.1 moot<,uT un ",If.., r1OII'lo ",rum...lpr""ll"'ooqu.l. laiU. """,m...noUe ou.'ir .., utiriW. l'.i,r'hre •• duTObifiUi .....moindrio .. Unoque.u..id.tombe,.nponn. Min cr"YiIe. d'.bim.r Ie haut·"".lour .""" u,", .mplifio.ti..n Hue.. PIONEI!R r<lCOmrnande d'ulili""r d"" amplif'in,",ure cIont r. niYoau d. pui... nce ""ntinu. (RMSI eet inf.ri.u.... Ia pui...nc.nnlllln.l.dub.ut·""cr.ur, • Comm. co prodnil ... 'rk roun!, "'y.. ,,... p",d.n' l"""lu, VOU' I~ ...,all..... ~=~~:~n~' r:P:'~': ~~ ~bu:=~, d:n ~~r~rit<, utili"T 1"r>Pmn .pT'k 1"• ...,;T inst.n. " pl>enorne""occ"',"Y""'.mp.fie'l\a""",,,oOlttrolitWOOl<ll>ead>'~tolowe,"".oontrol •,jghllyIOp<....enltl>isl'om'oocourmg Insomaoase'.illI>e,.lsanOQua"., ... II>e,y.t.m II>e ba•• controlont".unlleouldal.obe,.adju.,MtOp<"",,"ltlll,r,omh.ppenongrfo.pr,olIlme'" .ound p<u.uro I.,... I.pl) In.n tho•• wTWch lhe sp.a'.' can ,.p,oduo. aro d••i'.d, ~ " ,ecomn>en<lMth.t.mblionalwea'orsbeaddedIOlhe.y".mBydcwlg.oltj.p"""ble'ogain .,gnd,canlino,e••e.in.oundl'f...urole,.ts,rn.OfIWca•••,yoomaydoublet n9perc..,.d. y""", output"'lhOlJlanyde1""""tion" ooundqu.ilj' Wh.n "'.talll"lllhe.pea••".or.ft.' ...."'I.bOn ",.k. ""~noIlO"""""ttn.<loapIIr.ll"'.lOdir.c's/lQc.llor ... mple,~OPP"'Q.h"'p·edQOdoblecl. on'o tn.m) •• lI1e ."..,... "'Il)' be ~amO\led. II litIS 'P.al<., i. u...d •• " .. 1TlWI1'.d on' c.bonel """"e,,",,"""i,'argerlhenltl."""<wnmen<led.i•• oru.ed»one .. atr•• ,,,r.ilWflnotonlyt>e de'e'iofal.dindural>i~b\Il»SOt>eOlJIOrorde' PlONEEIl recomm.nd. In.t thl • •peak., be u..d In conjunclion witn .mp4rll... who.e conljnuou, (IlM5) OUlput r, ro..., than lh. nominar rnput pow., 01 lhi. .peak.' • T1.. producl"""ryh.".")',sou•• caution_""lalli"9.ndMndlng~ • The.ubwool.r""'l0....r. "",.. I>e oecu",1y & dt,.ctly.tt.ct.ed 10 the """"'Ie • TI\e.paakers ma,becomo,.ryhol",""nthe,y.temi.opera,.d.,hlgnl'O'W"f con!II1\IO\JSlyf", a long lime, Ne"'"directly touch tn. """ak.rs witn your haoo. untl 1lI• •".a••,. Mv. c<>Oled • N • .,., conn.d only on. vole. coir of &. Ceprodui,.et<.pkiaJ."",n'<01lf\Ipou,~,,,ul.ili"lo,"d'unorompHiliond.ni ""v.. • l'.o u,iri.. l.hou'·parr.uTcontinu.lI.m.nl pooo.n' uno ",riod.d."'mPOPfOIOII~' haole puw.IK",I...mpO'..u"'du ...ort.parr... ,.'o!fI,ve ....lui..:i,b.uff•. P.u'col....i""',veuilf•• f.iTO • Uenti"".nopo.touohorl.h.u'· ,leuT r.. m.i... .V... iff....JIOf.u"'procOdOfil'i"" n.li.n n'ili••ntr.. p,_.d... i~.I~n.lalfationf... mi.. romm.OCUIO..ire••_r.p",roir • Leroq ... • Ui....~b"v~nnect •• lhi. Du.1 VoOc. CoIlIDVC) ,,,.,,,.,. • •mplil;e'lo,co".ctop...tlon ~voOc.coll.mu.lb.conn.cl.dtoln un. ""ul. bobin. ~",~l::::'~':'~iY.nt m ..bil. de ce b.u"pul.u. d. Doubl. Bob!"" PRECAUCION E ... prodUClO 00 h. dj,"~odo p.,. r•• eompeticion•• d. SPl, En.1 momen'o de I. COmp.,ici6n, co..;e"ur. 'OI"Odu«i6nd.sp.... d...ri'd.rcooh.yc."., compr...men'. I•• pu. ".. yr"'M'.n•• "",. ""if.'.ooid.n'.. cau.odoopc","o, ",njdo• .v.,i. P.,. .,i,., d••u•• If.,ocu.•i"'a.. D•••"'., I. . .igul.m•• p,.c.uo",,,,,o. Sj" mU.ic. ,. "p'Oduc• •no,rnalmenl. 0 ou-ndO •• ,.cib.n sonido••dieion.'... b'j. er volum.n. E.I" pu"". p'..."I....edebOdoarae.ce..... o.,g••obr.lo.alla.""••. EI.onOdo pu.deoi".an"""'lm.n'..... de",ontrola.lconod.r.iIa.o,ocu.ndOr.bobin.mO>'ilseponoenoonlllClooon.roonjnnlornagnOtlOO Ene,I•• oirounOl.nciu,e,necesa,iol>lli'Jel.clu",enh.staelpuntodOndede.apare,oan ..r", 1.o6meoo., Si ou .mpril".dO' cu.nl.con un conl,ol deg.""""ra.•ed. m.jo, bajar Ijge,.manl. esl. oonlror"", ••,il.,qu.ocu".nlo.l"n6m.noIm.""""ado•. En''ouno.oasos,.iel.;,rem••stap,o",sto d.un.cu.ri..do',.leon"old.gro••• de .... unld.dpued.'••iu.larsetamb"n pa'a ....ta' que OCU'" djeho p,obl.m., Sj d.... log'" un ""Ium.n mas .~o que .1 oIlt.n,do oon er an.",,. p,olrlolo. so '..,,,,,,iand• • ~.dl, ."."""•••djoion.lu .1 ,ist.m •. Con ul. adiciOn.•• po.ibl• •um.nt., oo... id.,.br.m.nt••1 nl,.r der oi.,.m•. En ciano. c..... u,,"" podIa duprjc., I. salOde d.1 ...lemo.inningundat.riQ,o.nlao.rid.d.on.,•. Cu.ndOjnot.'.io•• 0 d••pu" d. h.berlos jn>l.r.dO,ce,ciO,e•• d.qu. 'u. "'.l'.grna. no ,.cjb.n90'pe, lpor'ie"pl., .rd.jarcaerobja'ot punli.guOO'.ob,••..,.ly.qu.pOdri... d...." •. Si .. u'ili'•••I••".-o...lcom. . . jn.t.'""o.nun caDinele cuyo volumen •• mayor qu••l der I.ma"" rocom.nd.do ".i .. ull~.a .i,. rib". no oolemen'esed.t.,io,.,aendu,aoiOn sino ..mbi'nsee.trOl'f"" Con.r obl"'o d•• d.~o dltbrdo. nr..r••••ce.rvo. de ... I,.d•. PIONEEIl ,.comr.nd. Ulffl••'Ul••II.voIJun,ocon ... pflllce<lo'•• Cuy.pol.ncl.deulld.conllnu.Itl""IIY.... mano' quer.po'.ncr.nomln.rd....U.d. d...,•• rl.vOI . .E.,.p'Odn"'o •• muype'.dO,por.'O,t~.cufd.do.l+n'I.I.'loom.n.Jarlo. .Con.lobjeIOd.d..t,ul.,der.onOd.oonoogu,fdoa, urilica Ie oat><na 1'1 adafirmem.m•• r.o."""on. ""'0'0 1I.""".., ""0.' "11.' III .&. PRECAUC;:AO E"" pro,..". c". p,ojolado ""',. eompc,i.<1o", de SPl, N. ",,,iOo d. ,~mpc'i~Oo. io"'" • ropro<l"l"Oo 'pO> , ... do ,arro e f«har ,om~I" ...,.,,,., pO""'" j.n"b, r>''' ui". ""de"e, "u,ado, pm ",n. ",r."",,,,•. 1'. .. e.i", d.n., n., o<u,.I,.·f.r.n..,. "'" r..". '."" 0' "gu'"'e"u;d>do•. C."'o<pc"'eb•.••h...ol"""'"q"" .m~';".c>ljdi>l"',id.o,~"""i'..m"'•• e""nh"'.•b....c",,,I"me.h.ode.. '''"•• ~0l''''enuld.,,«..... ""••lro·r.I "'mqu< ",,""e>l.l iodo p<id,",de,idoaud,>co..rur"dn'''''' "".r",_ r.r.n.., "" "",un"", dlbnbin dli.. 'om."""".J' J.I'i... N",", ""u."I",i••. '"J"'-"'boi..,,,.ol"'.. p".n",nl,,r .b.i'"''.po.''''mq.....''' f"nbmo"'" "',.fo<... Soo><u'''phf,,,,iOf I""'"'o,on""l'd< ...phn'OC1o,1 a<on",lhlv.1 .boj"" " .. '''''''010 I." ...." 1"" 1"""." ...",.,"'n,l. 00' r"<1o...",,,. Em .r~." COlO'. ".0 • ",n", '0" • oqu.ri..""" ° ""tr"l, ... 1'''' do ,,,,,,po,,,,.I. podo .., " .. bem "'.)0" palO ~, o,' ~' ...,...... eo", 1.' produ,i, 'oro"",. OIl ,i•." do pro"Oo do ..m {,prJ ,or q r'.·f.I pod< prOdo"','''''''''''od.· i.''.roclork.f1o·r.,.ot''' Idic,,,,,.,, """,t.m•. Com , lpo"l.d,oo"'I"'u" ••meo," """I'e.. rk rn<..i.d.",m. Em.110n,,,,,,,,.,,,1 ''''''''I'''''''' duphe". "J'f0\" Oode ..id.d"""c,,", ,em q•• Iq .., de"".,,~w •• qo.I,..."" do ,om, ,~. bora d. ",..IOC1o d ho·r.I."",. ou .pO> • ,n,,,I.,io. "n,nq""·,,, d. q." .. d,.fr,~m.. nw <>lio 'u/<"... ,boqu", d"".. ("' pm «empl", qu,d. d, objo'''' ponu.~udo> ,oo'e .. ,.,."" ..), I"'i, "'" <I.,ifi" ••he-f.l,n'•. 0 .'" 0.", .r'o·f.I.." den"o de ."'" , .... "uj<> '.ru""'/m...'q.. o.«.""',"odo.ou ••• ,or""O\"On.o ..·hm("m ......).n.. >6pudc,.di",,,.i,.,•• ,id. eomo"mb<'m.pudc,;r..",omq""de,,.d<funcion,, Anm .... .,.Il.,don....u••dnop"••r..,•• ,,<S>1..........,.d••• PIOSEER' q UU..." ••U.· ~~~~~:r'::{~~~::.~,:,:::,~.tl~:::':." ,uj' pu".,r. d••• Id. "••lIn•• (RMS) ..j , qo•• pu"""i. ° .i".m. • E", ",.j,,, p'od.'" I p.....o. PO' i"", I""'" ,.i<lado n. ,n".r•• IoOll m"".jod. mo,,,,,, d<,ho", " "'''''"''' "'O".... o'ili." • ",,,. Ii..... 10"",,,,,,,,. n.,."",.,i. • A .En.r c.so de QU. util"••1 .r..v", en 10,m. con'inu. y PO' un lI.mpo p,olong.do. un... ~ • r.t:"j:~~~ ~~m~':.':~~'~::a~i~":'no:u",enla,., c.rj.nlanOO•• En oonsecu.nei•. ton9l' ouid.do • o,;h... 0 .r",·!or.n" '''Mi.o '''. J"'f lonlo l<mpo •• U. "",. . '"~ ""pc'''.'' .u....'..;e ...,,,mo,, oqu,,,orl.A,,j ... to euidodof"" nlo 'ou, o."o·f.l.n" <<>0\ " mlo• • Fijelo u,jrjlan<lo."n • FO\"•• fl'O\"Io "hli".oo .... r.u ... pel" d" fi..~i. qu. ooom",oh.m I.ll•. r.. pO.... de f•• oi6n que .comp.~." ar p,Odulo fi.. 0. ,i., C.", ° prod"" ti!!!l£! rj.", 'po"'"N ro. d••.•• 'OIl< .r'if.,••,. d, Bobl•• d. \.•• flu.r {IlVCl ~ ... urn ,.,r«l. I.n<l.... m.n'....."' ... ro", ,i.. d. ri••d.....mI'4ifond., •.Nl!!l.tl"onecl. un. ';n'c. bobln. d.r .r,O'o. Doubr. Bobln. MOvlf (DVe) S. d_n con.ct., .mb•• bobln. . .r .mprilicedo, p.'. qua luncron. co"..,t..m""t., • • • ""Of et.. conn.." •••ur l'.ml'lIfiut.u• •fin d·a•• u... TOn WARNING Han<lI"lI cord OIl Ih" prOd""t or oord. a.."".. \e~ WIth ace...on•• "'Id Wfth tile prO<loct will chemtCal.I..I.d on pr<>posillOlt 65 known to th. Sial. 01 Callro,,,,a and oth.r gov"",m""t'" Mldi.o 10 cau•• O""".r and biM def.ot or orner '''I'fOduct". harm .'1"". Ill. yOIJ 10 W".hh.nd••It.,h.ndling. • FEATURES I HIGHPOWEIlHANDLINGCEIlAMICCOATVOrCECOILW'RE:C.ranucoo.a'Wlrep,o\'ide. oupe,iofh..ltapabdity,odoubl.,h.,nprJlpow.rhandll"\l0apaMtyCeramlOoo.bn9""ula,es • I. ~:.~~~. TC:O:$prc·~~~'~"'~":b~~~;~~~~.~~t.~~~~~~~~2d'~d~~%'~~~:n,i~::;~~:~~ ~:;:':~~i::;,prac.m.n1. Th. C.'am" Coa' Vo"'. COd Virtually .Imlnat., railu,•• dUling SPl 2.0VERHUNG5URROUNDDE51GN:().r.r!lung.urlOunade.i9l1P"""d•• n%large'con. ~Oai",,~~~.g~".:~r'ii'.~B":~'~b"v~~""·~~N~~~~r~~~~B~~jSUIlIlOUND : The .urrOlJnd '. reQuired 10 pred'.1y conlrol the huge POWOIMMlingandeXl.M.drin.ar.<curs""'.Thi. palonl'IH!Min~de"gn ,""'inal.S 'urround puc,oring at r3<go .'Cut,ion, ",.ulting in loud.r. mo,. cOltlrolied bass ,~spoo.e "'lh ompfo'ed dur.bili'y Th. honeycomb pan.rn r.a>lo,c ..g clo'h .,.nly (l;Slfibut., Wenll'h IIIrOU~UI 'f\e ,unOlJM mal."», obmin.llr\9 any w•• ~ po<nrs of 'U'r<lund an<l jmpro",ng htgh powo' c.p.bil~y •. 'NTERLACEDCARBONFrBERRErNFORCEDrMPPCONE:Topro,ontoon.la,lu,oat highpro..urol".r•. an",tr.molyr'll'dy.tIJgnlw.'Ilhfcon.w"'.'l''''.dA,,"wpa'enl p""ding rMPp oon. u"ng a I'fOIl'''t8ry blend of C.rbOn lLb." wa' d.,.loped. Th.Iongoart>on fibO~ontM'C.loge!"",tol0,,,,an inolMlbIy '.S1II.nt hb., wee,., p,o,Od,"g 'I,englh aM 3 5. ~~1;tiO~~g~~"o MAGNET & THICK PLATE. HrGH POWEll MOTOIl ASSEMBLY: Tho ~;~~I:~~~i~~~:~U~~O!IOo~~~:~~:~~~i~~.~:n~:;:::"br~~~r~o r;,~;~~: ~'::r~~o~b~ ADMG (AERO DYNAMrc MAGNETrc GAPI DEsrGN : Eaoh po'" pi.c. & '00 pl.t. h•••n • irch.nner..,naaowm'9".tIC9ap"n.,.byr.d""'"9m.ch3f\lc." ••i.l.ocebymD'elh.nW% Ther••ultj.gr.aUyimprr,w.drinea,lty atn'llhpow.rinpu1. 1 ALUMrNUM DIE·CAST ONE prECE IlIGrD CHASSIS, Anyrle,o,>'ibrallOn In,ne t>.a.."t otruclurowQuId,.duc.th.Oulpu'.Mrwofthewoofe, Am."i,. d,.-<;aSl b.a.k.lwlth nUll<' 1(1mm (:lIS") th,Ck ngld .pok•• Mid' 1110 top & ~o!lom ,i~e 01 mOlor .truClu'" ,"cu,.ry, • fle<;",~lyll\lnlll'll.l:inganyuMe'i'Moutpullo .. e.IlEINFORCEDCOMPOSlTEOUSTCAP:3-lay.,compos" ••lrucM.",thcarbonr;t,." gla.. I,be,aMI""",edac'yI"'polym~,c,eale."'.m.Iy'i!li<l-Y.('Qhl,".ignld ••i9l1 9 SUPEIl AIlAMID FIBEIl SPIOER: A'am"ljber'nd C""", m.'.ri""""'''.hlgndu'ability a"",.lrength r", inc'••••d pow.' handling 10. TITANIVM vorCE corl BOBBIN: Extr"mely "lOng y.l igntweight. tit","um IS used '0 cr.al.po••iI>lyth.mo.tpowerlut"OlO.co1bollbln .....rcr.al.d. T,t8nlumcon'lrucbonc,eal•• ,",c.plionoll)'.lrongdu'9"loc,.al.lh.pow.r1u11oro.r.qu".df",,,,,.. 1S0dB 11. ~~p~~,~rNG WjRE : Supportmg Wlr. Wfndln~. ,.~uo.' ""'c~ clMl Wlr. hea' r.llu,"' al h,gn ~, 2. 3. CARACTERISTIQUES FIL METALUQUE DE MOBILI! VOCALI! RECOUVERT DI! CERAMIQUE CAPAHI.E Ol! SUPPOIlTIlR UNE Tats GRA/Io"D1! PUISSANCI! : Loo fil """",..n d·""" poUi",d••n ....miqU< off"'UJIO,._i"'h.rmiqu••u"'ri.u.. quidoubf.I.".p..i~d"ro!«pl;"ndor.pui. ..n""d'.n\r<e l.o rov~"'m.nt d. "...miqu. ponnol d·ilOl•• r. fil d. I. bobin. mobir., p.....non' .in.; I... "'un"i",uiu provoque. par un. """,h.uff. ot augnl.n'.'" ron<rid.",br.m.n' r. r..biliU; du di'pooiti(. Loo. Subwoof."con....nh"nnel.utirioOoh.hi'ue!r."'entJo... d.. compOliti."'N.P.A.-f;riUen," """'lmmm' ,,,,,de.,,ompOti'ion','"'in/:c...i.."tun .... "'pr...""'n'fr+qu.n'.L.bobin."'obil.l'O<ouv.rtde " ..miquO (I;.e miqu. Coo, Voice Co;!) ~Iimi .... Ie. dOntl\j/<m."u dn,.nl r.. co",,..'i'ioru de niv•• n do p,."';o" hqu.N.P.A CONCEPTION DE Lf:\lRE SURDIMENSIONEE En:.'IDUE -OVERHUNG SURROUND- : Loo rleaiJn·o.orl>wlJs~· ......,""'.urf... olr""""2:Moprn.impon.n"'qu.«rlod'unrOOe.,dln.i'" rt~~·~~l!d'~':ru:.~UreR~;:;gRd~ll!,.~~nFl~:~q".:iu.MIDE : 1.0 10.1' Tequi, po.... ".n,rol.,a"'o<pl"l:cUi"nr.".i"'....n'd.I. pm,.."". ",n.id.",bl••tr."uni.nh i." ...ndu. ".nrophon qui I.it l'olIj.1 d'uno d.m.nd. d. b,••ol.timi". I•• in!<.f•••n,.. "'YipMYiqu•• Co,,,, ~"'mt:':::.:,~:=n.~':~;"'~li~·:~:.'l~'~ir;:~ ~·:·:~;;;:'~~~~"fo-;:'"::·~~l.r:.::i';i: diotribu.unifrmn.m.nll.pui"."co.,,,,..... I'.noembl<odu"'."ri'u"'riphOriq,,,,d.r••TO,.r""' .....nl ~, ~~,,~::.i;t'R~~~H~t"Or~";I:~:i'~~·6J:OO&~<i~~~~¢t~~'t;n p....ni, do. d".nge",.nu d. ""no • dH ni'...... rio p....'ion .l~, un ....n••"n!",• ..,.n' 'ill'ide m.i. tou..r.;. r~ge ..... no!<HuiTO. 0" • d...lop", u" nou'..u .... no «pl.iUl,,' I.. n"," dun "",r.~ b""",'" rIor,bre.do ...,bo"".'f.i.. n,r'obje'd'un.d.",.nd"deb",v.I.l.elIlo~ .. fib",.rIe,.,bono.n'TOI.~, "numbl. fOl'm.n, un li..u d. fib", m"roy.bremenl .r.otiqu....u,.nl de I.....i.t.n"".1 d. t. 'ill'idi" ou c<ln• S. BLOC MOTllUR GRANOI! PUISSANCE. TRIPLE A1MANTS F:f PI.AQUE F.PAiSSE • 1.0 "n>clu,. ",..si•• du ",.leUT' ,npr. ,upoTj>OOi,;"n u.. uno f"". pr"" pn.... n'" poul' .upl..., r.....mbraged.o:ln.,f'oTc<qui ••tindi,pen..ble""' "nnon"',I._.Uln.. "'na;';O,.bl.d.I. 6, 1. de :;~~~~~~~T .:ri~~~~{:·ri;;;i.~~ ~"::N~..;~t~~"['~t:ti~~~~ MAGNETIQUE AtRO·OYNAMIQUt:1 , Ch.qu. pike du pbl••, pl.que .upOri.n,. _~" u" "....I d·.i, dan. ".".,,,,,,n' mopoltiq"" ..roll. l'O<Iui..n,.i""; Ie ..,t".".. mOc."iQuede p1... d" 10%. Coci. pouT ~=I~':;~~~~i~~;:'I'c\~i!:r~F~NTd#k.~~~~d·;~=~~;",ou >'ih..ti.n d.n. r...rurt"roduo.....i, TOdn'''' ron.";. de "',,;. du h."t-porr.u,. Un ,b.."" ",...ifm""r. .... d'''r>a'' "'yoM ricid.. de IOmm 13/8-) m.inti...t ",rid.me"t \eo ,..ni., .u"'''''n,.., i"f.neu'. 8, ~~~::;.: ::~~S:I::~:' :U:::~':~::S~;: ::F::~:~~: :~::: v."""t de" polymeTOll ~Wci(SI·~~·~ ;'::'R:~U~I!:·~~E'': ~d~::, ~~:':~: ::I:::·.'::~~urig,~:I.::,: un" ".colf.n'" du..b,liu.1 ......10.""" POU' un. ""'I'll'" nomin.r•• ffi"",.occrue BOBINE MOBII.E EN TITANE : 1:.1";"",m.n' oi.lo.nl tou, .n d.mouc.nl r.ger, r. litan , '.m"""i.... ""'.h'u.. ..., ....... """,h...... d•• fob... do ,,,,bono. d•• flb... do 9. 10. ultlio< POU'<TOe' co qui ]H"";"'bl.m.n' r. pr., pui, nle bobi t,;r.jam,w, prud~i"'. 1.0. II lu,", .n lit.no"'" un de.,,;n ••copti.Rnelfement ••,i,lanl I"'u u,., ra puiooa"""i"'?Ottan'" requi .. ~ plu. d. 180 dR 0, ~Ilti~ ~~~~R1 h.:,;;,:~;:::.~n~::.~~.d•• upport ~u" I.. p.nne. ,auo_ pa' r. fir d" • • CARACTERISTICAS CABLE DE BOBlNA DE SONrOO CON IlEVESTrMrENTO CEIlAMICO QUE SOPORTA ALTA POTENCrA:Ercable<;<>n'.v••n nloce'.n'IIOo.,'.c.un.cap.cidadd.c.lenla",len'o que dupl",. la polenda rle .nl'ado. EI ,.v.sti nlo o."m,oo ...r. al o.~le rle la boll,n. d. son""', .vi'andO oonoo,cuilOOc.usadO,po"Ob,ecalenlarni.ntoyaum.nl.ndo,.noonsecu.nd.,r.confiabilidaden fOr",••o,p,.ndenl•. Loo.ub.wOOr.rsgr.v•• lIp,co.p.,.comp.llclonUd.SPL·,.quernan" oo",lan'em.nledu,.nle l.compelioi6n, •• igi.ndOl,,,,,uentes,•• mpl.lo•. L. Bob«1. d. S<>nido con R.veSl,ml.n'oCe,imico.ljmjn., lelllic.m.n,., 'odoolo. delet:IO.qU. pod'i.n"",,,,I,po,c••u.lid'd duronl.r.oompeticl6nd.SPl. 2. D1SENO CONcIIlCULOPIlOTUBEIlANTE: Con erobi.tode.uman'a,.' n".r deprosi6nsonor.,.1 di ...tIoconci,culop,o,uberant"l'fopo,oion.u"".uPO,rio"oOnica22%ma••mpri.qu. 10. di.....,.de 10000<>0•• ng.n.,., 3, CIRCULODEcaUCHOREFORZADOPORTRENZACONABRADEARAMrOA,DEROLLOANCHO Er .urr.und ... """"'silO con.' obI.'o de control., preci••m.nt••, m.n.jo de g'en po,.""I. y r. ..cu'.iQnlin••, .... nd,da.E.I.di.o"",royap.'.nl. . . .".,u.nlro tr.mil.,.,imlnalosplia9u•• d.r ci,culo.n un. g,an excu"iOn, dando oomo ,e.u"adOg..,e.m." "e.ycontrolado',COlt "'.yo, durat>i,id.d.l.t.lede,erue"ooon""I,On..,rc,rnadeoor",en.djst"buy.dernane,aunrlO,,,,el. ,.",iOn po, IOdo er m.te,ial ci,oundanle, .,jmin.ndo cu.'e.qulero punlo. di.ile. del ci,cuio y p,Oporo"'nondOC"l'acid.dd••n.pote""i•. 4,CONOI'''''PREFORZAOOCONfrBIlASENTIlELAZADASDECAIlB6N:Con0401lie'ode ....ta' d.r.Clotd.lcono.nl,ele.de."apr.o.iOn, r..>idon.ce....'io.bt.n.'uncono.um.menl.'lgidoy, .In.mb.,go, ultr.li,"'no. Oo ••I.lo'm., 00 h. de.."ofl.do un nu.,o«>no I~PP(p.l.n,••n"'mila) qu. u,iri.. un.combinuiOnp.,.n,.d.d.libi•• d.ca,bOn. L•• libra. rar5fll' d.ca'bOn ....n".I..an 1. 5 ~~~ c:::rEb:Ade~:'::~:~Z::~·:E·uT:aE:·::;:;t·;'::N::~:·:lli:;:::'i~:.::~: POTENCIA,L•••lruchu••61,d.enl,e.capasrlelmol",.u",inj.Urnaj'O,potenciapa,ade",r..a, m" In""e""",l. a' oonjunto del COM, ioque ... neoe••,io palO .u"..., r. ana ,e"ste""i. de I. p,e.iOnder."ee.r.l.nl••nun.mbien,.d.110+dB. 6, PROYECTO ADMG IIlANUIlA MAGJjI!:TrcA AEIlODIN.f.MrCA) : pie.. d.r polo y flI ~.c. .up.,"" po...n un c.n.r de .;,••n un. ,.nu,. magnil"'•• ngo.... 10 QU. '.d"". r. 'aoi."nei • C."" 7. r~~r~~Il~:r::' ;:~E~:r;:a:;~t:;~:·:::·~I:;;~·;~~::·::b:: ::r r: : : : : : : : : : • ."uc,u,••nlO!m.rlec.stopued.reducirl.pole""iade ...lid.derwool.r.Unc",Iclundido.olidO oon"yos.norm•• , ,i9ido.ygfU.OO', de lOmm (3IS"),oopo,lali,me",ente 10.raclo••upefio,y ~~:~:"a~e I. e"rnOlu,A del mo'or. ""nimi,.ndo efi",..,temente cu.l.sQnie,a "''''id•• de ..Ud. no B, GUAIlDA·POLVOOECOMP6s1TOIlEFORZADO :Un••,"uc'ufOd.oompO.itod.30.maducon fibi.d.C.rbOn.fibfOde ...d,ioypoUme,od••c,lficod.ospum.c,i.undlbuiobaot.nl.lig.'o,,,.'o • .".m.d.m.nto,lgid<> 9.SUPEA·CIlUCETAOEFrBRADEARAMtDA:L.fib,.rle.,.",;day.rmot.,laICon.xpropo,oionAn .h.. durobilid.dyruiot.""iap.,.m.n·lo ••".p<>t.ncia 10. SoarNA ESprllAL OE VOZ oE T1T,,~ro: Er b..nio. aunqu. ulip.ro", e.I,.mada"",nt. rue,t•. S. u'ih.par.produ'i,uMuobin.eO!><,.lde,oz,po.ib'.",ont.l.mhluort.c,oad.n..I•• horo,El d,bujod.m.n"' .. hac••xcepoion.I"'.nl.par.producl,pol.nci.nec....i.p.'.mi.d.'SOdB ", ALAMBIlE DE SOPOIlTE : los .n,or.mi~n'o. de .I.mb,. d••opo". '.ducon I•• 1.lles POf c.r.n'.mi.nlod.l.l.mb,. d.r••spirol rle '01 .nnj,er••• ~o.de .nt'ada RECOMMENDED ENCWSURE VOLUMES I PORT SIZES VOLUMENES DE LA CAJAI TAMANOS DE LAS PUERTAS RECOMENDADOS SEE Vl':R VOrl! VElA F<XSe_E~Poul'coi"""d". P",alaca,'a"'I_ P..... "i.. v........ F"'Bass-reflo' Enclosure P.'.IO.<aia'.-adebajo. CARACTERiSTICAS r. CAitO 01: BOlllNA DE SO~I CO~, Iln·[STfMR/IoTO CERAMrco QlI[ SlIpORTAAI.TA POTENCfA : 0 ~::"f~~n,:e:;;:~~,~.;:,::~: ~'~~n:'r:::'''~~:.t':'':''~~~:~~i~:u~t'':, :::~ ::.:~;,:.:<~::::'~~ ~ "on.. ~.en"men'e. "m,n".M •• ,p, d m'''•• ,•• ri.b,lid"'. U, .ob·..oof"" I'"'' lip"", p,,, "om",,'i,lo<. d' SPi. -q""ma...,,," ''''''I m.n" do"n". ,"..pc".io, ui~i,oo ,0b>lLl.'~'" h.qii,"'''' A 8<11>; ..... S".. "Om R...,lim. .'oCorlmi,•• Iimin•. 'co"e.m,,'e. '00.,,, (.Ib., qu, pudc,..", ooon'e", 2, l 4, S, 6. 7. ~~~~~ ~~~I~t.~~rci"·PROTlIll[RANTE , Vi,.ndo .umr"" 0 ,r"d de I"e,'" '0""". " de,i~n ,om elrruroprotubo",,, p'oporc'.....m•••f"',fiei,'<1o.,"'nll> m.i••mpr.q ... "'d<"J"rfi"'''n,,,mJ<,,1 c1RClILO DE ltOIlRACIU RHORl;ADA PUR TRA:';l;A CUM FlllRA DE ARA~UDA. DE ROI.O LAIIGO: P"'e,,"'ud .. p,,,·i......" "m.no>",od< lr••de po'~""" • """... h.... ''''odi «,,,,,,,, ",u,,,,.od E", prujelU. ,"jo "limo 0. pal"" ..,""'''....mpror:...'''.'rJ ..i•• o'f'.... do '''i''uro •• e..u...lnl"""". ,,,ol,,ruIo,.. b.,,o ...,, 10'" " <on".r.do. '".. du""ljd.... ".1 ,,,,.d•. A,,,r. de "fo'"" '0" p...,I",",,"rmei.di.u,l>1Ji",,lo,,.,.,.,.n... ,,,,",opor,OOoom,,,,,i.I,.. ,,,I,,.•hmi....... qu.;"In"po.,.. f,ar.. <Iod".Io,p,.por"on"do"poold,ded<.I" "",Inc" CONE IMP!' RElOIIl;ADO COM .·rltIlAS ESTIlELAl;ADAS])E C""HU:>iO: 00/<"'''00 ""it" f.lh., 00 ,"110 • •1••" ",.II.p""i., r.in"'..,iriooo'c,·.. um"'."""...."'.n" ,llid., po,lm. ,rtr.r.v<, 0 . ." f"'"", foid.....or.·idoumoo'.e"IIOIMPP,p.'en".mp''''..'o)q.. o''rizaumo'.mbIn•• lopo..n....,.dofLb'.. ,,, "rbooo.A,rOOI" fib,,,'"","'on,,>< enud...m ,n"e ,i pm form.,.m1f.n.>do ,"rem.m,",e,e,i"".", ~"~::~e;~~i~'; 'E"~;;'~;';;'Z'~~'A EMPIl.lIADA TRIPLAME1'o"TE E CONJU~"TO DO MOTOR DE AI.TA POTE"l;)A ,A06fi".""",u<odo ..,t\o,'''p,rh.d."ipl."",n,, "refC<,mII;' "",.od.p".d<'I"''''m.'' ~:rtt'7";;~'~" ,,,oj."" do 'n.....""",iIt,i. P''' ,ope"" .1,. ,,,i,,~nci. d. p""I" <10" ",j"".,,, , .....bionl< PROJIITO AVMG IFE..''WA MAG~'hIC" AEHOOl:>i.f.MICA): C.... pc~. d. p6io<. pi",. ,uPC''''' po,,",m o"'''••rolror<.. I'nd....ln<tl''.'''',to.• q... "dUL' ''''>l<nci. mc""m,, "m m.i. delfl'l,o,...r,ado. ~':'t\';';'t~1~~~~"::~;:~'m··r~·;~~~~;~1~: ~~\'rr~~;t~ro, Qn.r~"".Joh •• 0' .'ih,O\"Io" e"r.'." '10 lo'm. de«>l."""" "d'''''I''''inc" de ,.id. do ~'oo(". lim <eM rund,do >tIh"" '''10 "i", ,"u,.."rrlid"'. "pc,,,,,,," 10..10 1311'). 0<1""fi,,,,,,,,,,,",, "" lodo,.o"",io, e;nf,,,.,, d.o>u.'". 00 mot"'. """''''''''00 I. r::~::~~~'R'trl:';~~~.~p"6~:~~ ~~~~~~~DO: lim ••"","" do , ...p6>i,,,do) ,,"'..... <"m fib" do ~r~~':~~~~'f·~~ '~~,~md~·~~:rn~'.":': I"~:;'~:I ·~~~~:'7';~:;~"'.:I" ~~;:;i~~'t~~~~~"~~ ~gt~~u~:~";;~":"~~:;~io. 'pC'" de I"e, • ,"rem'm,"" rm" e...d" 1'''' 9. ~~E,,::~~,~:;,~~ro])~~r::~~ rll. ~r""umumlbob,",,,pl,.Id<'·.<.I"',,"·el,,,,, .... ,,,.,,lo"'<""""""J0,..Opr<>}r"''''li,lni"od<"nh>do e'''pclO"r'''''.''p'''pro<I•• i,'''''en'i.nc<,..lri.p......"okrMldll t,. ARAr.n:D[SlIPORTE:O"n'ol.mro'''' ... ''...''d<.upon.''.. " ..... f.lh.. p''''''I''''" ... n'.d".",.,.dI ..pi .. loI< .... 'm.I"'••i,.i'oI< .."od• I EVENT • CONCEPTION POUR CAISSON • VOLUME DA CAIXA ITAMANIIO DO ORIFICIO RECOl\1ENDADOS F",~'B3ndt>MSEncIOSur<I Pou'C«'oaon ......nt r.... oc"'.rkron."'''''p." POUTuioaon~d.ubf.,hmbTO P",alacajo"..OlWld,,,_,,,,,,.p,,.,,a;>.ajri_iOletonrk,,f1..oumplo. r f ' ri1 ,. ....::T---$ ® • SPECIFICATIONS Mod. Mod~le Modelo Modelo TS-W8102SPL • CARACTERISTIQUES • ESPECIFICACIONES • BCll.ftlro.SIIt",,)±1O'Ilo 325ctJ.ft(92.0ile"1±10% .4"(,Q2rnm)x5.5"iI40rrol) 1.5ro,ftl02,SIIt.rs)±10'llo 2,Ocu.ftI5MIaersI±10% o~"(IQ2rrol) Freqllencylesponse Nominal impedance Impedance nominale Impedancianominal JmpedancianominaJ Sensrtivity Sensibilite Sensibildad Sensibilidade Bandepassante Respuestadefrecuencia 15' 3000W 8000W dual2Q 91 dB 15 Hz-1 500 Hz 2500W 6000W o4-{'ll2rrol)Xe'(Z<l3rrol) HP. ESPEClnCAyOES Max,music power Puissance musicale maximum Maxima potencia de mu~ca POlcnciam:bdmadamusica 12' .-I-{1Q2rrol) XS"1121rrol! l2'5ctJ._135.'lIIers)±'O% Os volumes cnclausurados recomendados ineluem 0 deslocamento do alto-falante. Nominal power Puissancenominale PotBncianominal POfcncianominal (30cm) 2.0cu.~(56.6ritcn)±I0% 125<;u.ftl35.• ~)±1Q% Los volumenes enclaustrados recomendados incluyen el desplazamiento del altoparlante. R.sposladefre'liicncia Magletwei!ttt Poidsaimant Pa50deliman Peso do magnelo Displacement D(iplacement Dasplazamiento DesJocamemo 110009(390 oz) 0.283cuJt 8.00 liters .~h 9100g(3200z) O,215cu.ft 6.10 liters 15 "oh (38cm) TS·W5102SPL 2.0cu.ftISMIIIe",)±IO% Les volumes de caisson recommande comprennent Ie deplacement Taille Tamai'lo Tamanho Si" xe.2S"(21O""") The recommended enclosure volumes rnclude speaker drsplacement. dual2Q 88 dB 18 Hz-2000Hz R.~ L~, F, (0) (mH) ("'I 1.5 5.56 5.09 am, a" Qt, V" Rm, Mm, em, Diarn BL Xmax (cu.ft) (N.S/m) (9) (mIN) (inch) (mm) (T.m) (inch) (mm) 13.5 3364 0.61 15.4 30.18 0.45 11.5 (I~ers) 23,2 5.72 300 760 0.33 036 0,31 2.478 70.14 20.367 800,11 60xlO's 034 0,944 26.72 13,470 550,50 5,35x10' s 342 10.75 273 • DVC (DUAL VOICE COIL) CONNECTION • CONNEXION DVC (DOUBLE BOBINE MOBILE) 20 6rlOge<l mono (p...anlll 2DMonopontktPorolill.) 2nSiol.m.monol6tl"opontU<lO(P.,.III.1 lDM.,o"'ponletPo"lc'o) • CONEXI6N DE DVC (DOBLE BOBINA M6Vll) :g ~I~~~n ~~. 10llMge<lrnonO lllMonopontk 1I1Si.1.""' .......16nirooonll_ 10 Moaoemponoe alambr.1 B... p""rn.I......I\>ihd.d< 10WMg :gg~~~~~n d.~. ~gg~:::'~~nd.lo$al.mt".1 Amplofiu~ord"plo 10 Lilao;6e. l!l.CAUTION' ~C<l/V't8C(od!oo."o".coO o1tOi.Du3lV"",eC<>il(DIIC)._ke' ~ ,,<>ice coil.......1 be coo"""t.d to tM .~he' lor CONect ",,"'"tion Bobin~ M6vi1 (OIlCI. S. dtt>.n con.ol., omD.. DobinIS ~I .mpllfiOIO'" quo tU"""'n. co".cl~m.n1.. p"," l!l. PRECAUCION : Nuncl conect. unl uniCI bobln. d.1 .Itl,,", Ooubl. • TEMPLATE • CALIBRE .PlANTIlLA .GABARITO <".. TS·W8102SPL o o o TS·W5102SPL • HOW TO INSTALL .INSTALACION o • MODE D'INSTALLATION • COMO INSTALAR o ~ '"clio",ap, bande de. fro~tement cinta de friccl6n o Model ~)) n""r,,,<,o ~ • CHARACTERISTICS • CARACTERISTIQUES • CARACTERISTICAS TS·W8102SPL Mounting depth Modele Orifice de d6«lupe Profondeurd·encastrement Modelo Agujerocortado Profundidademontaje Furode <'"Qrle Profundidackde momagem TS·W8t02SPL $352 {13·7/8 Dia.) 311.4(12·1/4} TS·W5102SPL $278 {10-7/8 Dia,) 266 {1Q-l/2) mm(in.) • CARACTERISTicAS ""~, 'III -" .~~ ::·.·. " • '. rn ' . :IYI .~ ~ 10 .~ 20 50 100 200 500 I. 10 h~H..11 ., ~ 50 100 200 500 1k · o , .. ..' :15 :15 .~ .~ ~ 10 20 ""~, ""~, o Culouthole TS-W5102SPL ""~, ~ 'm l!l.ATTENTlON:~,.o ..cle, un< 01.1. hobine mobile d.ce hu'-p,leurde D.ubl. Boble. MObile mvel. Leo de"s bobl ... dO;'II.t~".ronee<l<!. . I'.mplific.te.rlfin d' ..,,, ..,un fondion..me.' ••""" l!l. PMECAUCAO:!!l!..!o:! iii" 09<o.. "m fiode '"" d,," .I"f.t.ao" de Bob,no de Vo. D•• I COVC), P.... om <0",,"0 I.,rio"m«... ombo. 0. f;o. It", de lilaO<>• .., .mplifi<l~'" o o A~oo Goodlorrwgtll<o..,..1,,,,W Unl,eooibi[;tfpl.oflevf' Ap"oplld.porlunlmlyo,Olnoil>ilidld Bom p4" ...."', ,,",;bilo~ode 20Wimg Bi.lmplifirlte.r Amplilicooo'dobil N"""e Ve<~v Ilia' y<>ur "",plof,.r Can OPerl'."' a I Ornono c""figu,al'on Remlfq"e : Wrifier q". l'amplifirlu"r p."' fooetioooor on coof..." ..lioo mono ''''0 rblf'. III : A..qu" .. dequ•• l.mpliticldo, pU.de .., opelldo en unaconlig"'aclOn .......16n... de 1 ll. Nrn.: V",fi~"e«. «. omphfirodo' pode "1"'''' em ronfol"'''I"lO """'. de ,(} Good lor l'»gI1.r 1..,,.I''''ly Un. oeooibili" pl"o ~le." APfOl'i_p.,.u.lmlyo, •• nolb<II~ld Boml'''' m,"" .. n.ib;[;~od< al.ml"•• 10 Lil"l"6e. 6'-Amp • CONEXAO DVC (BOBINA DE VOZ DUAL) Good for 1'II\;t>e' .enlil,vil~ Une .. n,ib;IMplu,~le.~e Ap'OpOl<Ioplllunamavor ..nllbilidad 40W,""g .~ 20 50 100 200 -~, 500 Ii< . ""~, 10 20 50 20 50 SP\.j(l6) -" 100 200 500 Ik 100 200 -~, 500 1k o ., :10 " " .~ .~ .~ 10 20 50 100 200 500 1k r~H:>:1 10 o o • PARTS INCLUDED • PIEZAS INClUIDAS Register your product at Enregistrez votre produn au • PIECES COMPRISES • PECAS INCLUIDAS (j)------- ....-----7 http://www.pioneerelectronics.com ~ o F1{EMIEI{. o @PIONEER CORPORATION 2006 PRINTED IN JAPAN IMP RIME AU JAPON IMPRESO EN JAPON c--------- ® X8 4-1, MEGURO l-CHOME, MEGURO-KU, TOKYO 153-8654, JAPAN f JAPON (TRD128D·A) RtEMIEI{ PIONEER ELECTRONIQUES DU CANADA, INC. PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. GARANTIE L1MITEE . . . GARANTIE VALIDE SEULEMENT DANS LE PAYS OU LE PRODUIT A ETE ACHETE GARANTIE Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. (PUSA) et Pioneer Electronique du Canada, Inc. (POC) garantissent que les produits distribues par PUSA aux Etats-Unis et par POC au Canada qui, apres avoir ete installes et utilises conformement au manuel de I'utilisateur inclus avec I'unite, ne fonctionnent pas de fa90n appropriee dans des conditions d'utilisation normales en raison d'un vice de fabrication, seront repares ou remplaces par une unite de valeur comparable, au choix de PUSA ou de POC, sans que vous deviez payer pour les pieces ou les travaux de reparation. Les pieces incluses en vertu de la presente garantie peuvent etre neuves ou remises neuf, au choix de PUSA ou de POCo a LA PRESENTE GARANTIE L1MITEE S'APPLIQUE AU PROPRIETAIRE INITIAL AINSI QU'A TOUT PROPRIETAIRE SUBSEQUENT DU PRESENT PRODUIT PIONEER PENDANT LA PERIODE DE GARANTIE, A CONDITION QUE LE PRODUIT AIT ETE ACHETE CHEZ UN DISTRIBUTEUR OU DETAILLANT PIONEER AUTORISE AUX ETATS-UNIS OU AU CANADA. VOUS DEVREZ FOURNIR UN RELEVE DE CAISSE OU UNE AUTRE PREUVE D'ACHAT VALIDE INDIQUANT LA DATE DE L'ACHAT INITIAL OU, SI VOUS LOUEZ LE PRODUIT, VOTRE CONTRAT DE LOCATION INDIQUANT L'ENDROIT ET LA DATE DE LA PREMIERE LOCATION. SI JAMAIS UN SERVICE DE REPARATION EST REQUIS, LE PRODUIT DOlT ETRE EXPEDIE PENDANT LA PERIODE DE GARANTIE, EN PORT PREPAYE, A L'INTERIEUR DU PAYS OU L'ACHAT A ETE EFFECTUE SEULEMENT, TEL QU'IL EST EXPLIQUE DANS LE PRESENT DOCUMENT. VOUS litES RESPONSABLE DU DEMONTAGE ET DE L'INSTALLATION DU PRODUIT. PUSA OU poc, LE CAS ECHEANT, PAIERA POUR VOUS RETOURNER LE PRODUIT REPARE OU REM PLACE, A L'INTERIEUR DU PAYS OU L'ACHAT A ETE EFFECTUE. PERIODE DE GARANTIE DES PRODUITS Appareil audio central pour automobile a marque PREMIER Amplificateurs de puissance, Lecteurs de CD "Multi-Play" et Reseau actif de separation Haut-Parleurs a marque PREMIER Pieces a marque PREMIER . . 2 ans 2 ans 1 an Main-d'ceuvre 2 ans 2 ans 1 an La periode de garantie pour les clients qui louent Ie produit commence Ie jour au Ie produit est utilise pour la premiere tois (a) pendant la periode de location au (b) apres la vente au detail, selon ce qui se produil en premier. ELEMENTS NON COUVERTS PAR LA GARANTIE UN PRODUIT ACHETE CHEZ UN DISTRIBUTEUR NON AUTORISE N'EST COUVERT PAR AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS QUELQUE GARANTIE IMPLICITE DE QUA LITE MARCHANDE OU D'ADAPTATION A UN USAGE PARTICULIER QUE CE SOIT. DE PLUS, CE PRODUIT EST STRICTEMENT VENDU " TEL QUEL " ET " AVEC TOUS SES DEFAUTS EVENTUELS ». PIONEER N'EST PAS RESPONSABLE DE QUELQUE DOMMAGE CONSECUTIF ET(OU) INDIRECT QUE CE SOIT. PIONEER NE GARANTIT PAS LES PRODUITS ENUMERES CI·DESSUS LORSQU'ILS SONT UTILISES A DES FINS COMMERCIALES OU PROFESSION NELLES, OU AU SEIN DE TOUTE APPLICATION INDUSTRIELLE OU COMMERCIALE QUE CE SOIT. LA PRESENTE GARANTIE NE S'APPLIQUE PAS SI LE PRODUIT A ETE SOUMIS DOCUMENTS S'Y APPLIQUANT. A UNE PUISSANCE NOMINALE EXCEDANT CELLE QUI A ETE ETABLIE DANS LES LA PRESENTE GARANTIE NE COUVRE PAS LES TELEVISEURS OU LES ECRANS ENDOMMAGES EN RAISON DE L'APPLICATION D'IMAGES STATIQUES ET IMMOBILES PENDANT DE LONGUES PERIODES (IMAGES REMANENTES). LA PRESENTE GARANTIE NE COUVRE PAS LE COFFRAGE OU LES ELEMENTS ESTHETIQUES, LES ANTENNES INSTALLEES PAR L'UTILISATEUR, LES DOMMAGES AUX DISQUES OU AUX RUBANS OU DISQUES D'ENREGISTREMENT, LES DOMMAGES AU PRODUIT DECOULANT D'UNE RETOUCHE, D'UNE MODIFICATION NON AUTORISEE PAR ECRIT PAR PIONEER, D'UN ACCIDENT, D'UN USAGE INAPPROPRIE OU D'UN USAGE ABUSIF, LES DOMMAGES PRODUITS PAR LA FOUDRE OU LA SURTENSION, LES DOMMAGES SUBSEQUENTS DECOULANT DE FUITES, LES DOMMAGES DECOULANT DE PILES DEFECTUEUSES OU DE L'UTILISATION DE PILES NON CON FORMES A CELLES QUI SONT SPECIFIEES DANS LE MANUEL DE L'UTILISATEUR. LA PRESENTE GARANTIE NE COUVRE PAS LE COUT DES PIECES OU DE LA MAIN-D'CEUVRE QUI SERAIENT AUTREMENT OFFERTES SANS FRAIS EN VERTU DE LA PRESENTE GARANTIE, SI ELLES SONT OBTENUES AUPRES D'UNE SOURCE AUTRE QU'UNE SOCIETE DE SERVICE OU AUTRE AUTORISEE OU DESIGNEE PAR PIONEER. LA PRESENTE GARANTIE NE COUVRE PAS LES DEFECTUOSITES OU LES DOMMAGES CAUSES PAR L'UTILISATION D'UNE MAIN-D'(EUVRE OU DE PIECES NON AUTORISEES, NI D'UN ENTRETIEN INADEQUAT. LES NUMEROS DE SERlE MODIFIES, OBLITERES OU ENLEVES ANNULENT LA PRESENTE GARANTIE DANS SA TOTALITE. INVALADITE DE TOUTE AUTRE GARANTIE AUX ETATS-UNIS - PIONEER LIMITE SES OBLIGATIONS EN VERTU DE TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE QUE CE SOIT, Y COMPRIS ENTRE AUTRES LES GARANTIES IMPLICITES DE QUALITE MARCHANDE OU D'ADAPTATION A UN USAGE PARTICULlER, A UNE PERIODE N'EXCEDANT PAS LA PERIODE DE GARANTIE. AUCUNE GARANTIE NE S'APPLIQUE APRES LA PERIODE DE GARANTIE. CERTAINS ETATS NE PERMETTENT PAS LA LIMITATION DE LA DUREE D'UNE GARANTIE IMPLICITE, ET CERTAINS NE PERMETTENT PAS L'EXCLUSION OU LA LIMITATION DES DOMMAGES CONSECUTIFS OU INDIRECTS. LES LIMITATIONS ET EXCLUSIONS ETABLIES CI-DESSUS PEUVENT DONC NE PAS S'APPLIQUER A VOUS. LA PRESENTE GARANTIE VOUS DONNE DES DROITS LEG AU X SPECIFIQUES. VOUS POUVEZ JOUIR D'AUTRES DROITS, QUI PEUVENT VARIER D'UN ETAT A L'AUTRE. AU CANADA - SOUS RESERVE DE CE QUI EST EXPRESSEMENT STIPVLE DANS LES PRESENTES, AUCUNE REPRESENTATION, GARANTIE, OBLIGATION OU CONDITION, QU'ELLE SOIT IMPLICITE, OBLIGATOIRE OU AUTRE, NE S'APPLIQUE A CE PRODUIT. SERVICE (A L'EXCEPTION DES HAUT-PARLEURS D'AUTO VENOUS SEULEMENT AUX ETATS-UNIS) PUSA et POC ont designe un certain nombre de societes de service autorisees partout aux Etats-Unis et au Canada si jamais vous avez besoin de services de reparation pour votre produi!. Pour profiter du service en vertu de la garantie, vous devez presenter votre releve de caisse ou, si vous louez Ie produit, votre contrat de location indiquant I'endroit et la date de la transaction par Ie premier proprietaire. Si vous expediez I'unite, vous devez I'emballer soigneusement et I'envoyer une societe de service autorisee, en port prepaye et selon une methode de transport pouvant etre suivie et assuree. Emballez Ie produit au moyen de materiaux coussines adequats pour eviter les dommages pendant Ie transport. La boile d'origine est ideale a celte fin. Incluez votre nom, votre adresse et un numero de telephone ou nous pouvons vous joindre pendantles heures de bureau. a SERVICE (POUR LES HAUT·PARLEURS D'AUTO VENOUS AUX ETATS-UNIS) Si votre produit necessite une reparation, veuillez Ie retoumer a votre marchand pour I'echanger. Pour profiter du service en vertu de la garantie, vous devez presenter votre releve de caisse indiquant I'endroit etla date de I'achat par Ie premier proprietaire. SI, pour une raison ou une autre, vous ne pouvez echanger Ie produit aupres de votre marchand, communiquez avec Ie service de Soutien a la clientele au numero ci-dessous. Pour toutes les plaintes et problemes aux Etats-Unis, communiquez avec Ie service de Soutien a la clientele au 1-800-421-1404. Au Canada, communiquez avec Ie groupe de Satisfaction de la clientele au 1-877-283-5901. Pour Ie raccordement ou Ie fonctionnement de votre unite, ou pour trouver une societe de service autorisee, appelez ou ecrivez a : AUX ETATS-UNIS AU CANADA CUSTOMER SUPPORT DIVISION DEPARTEMENT DE SERVICE AU CONSOMMATEUR PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. PIONEER ELECTRONIQUES DU CANADA, INC. P.O. BOX 1760 300 ALLSTATE PARKWAY LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90801 MARKHAM, ON L3R OP2 1-800-421-1404 (905) 479-4411 . . 1-877-283-5901 http://www.ploneerelectronlcs.com http://www.pioneerelectronics.ca REGLEMENT DES CONFLITS a a AUX ETATS-UNIS - Si un confllt se produit entre vous et Pioneer apres la niponse une demande initiale faite au service de Soutien la clientele, vous pouvez avoir recours au Programme de resolution des plaintes de Pioneer pour resoudre Ie confli!. Ce programme vous est offert sans frais. Vous devez avoir recours au Programme de resolution des plaintes avant de vous prevaloir de vos droits ou de chercher reparation en vertu du Titre I de la loi Magnuson-Moss Warranty-Federal Trade Commission Improvement Act, 15 U.S.C. 2301 et S.S. Pour avoir recours au Programme de resolution des plaintes, appelez au 1-800-421-1404 et expliquez au representant du service a la clientele qui vous repondra Ie probleme auquel vous faites face et les demarches que vous avez entreprises pour faire reparer Ie produit pendant la periode de garantie, puis donnez-lui Ie nom du distnbuteur / detaillant autorise aupres duquel vous vous etes procure Ie produit Pioneer. Une fois que votre plainte a ete expliquee au representant, un numero de resolution vous sera communique. Pioneer etudiera Ie conflit et, dans un delai de quarante (40) jours apres la reception de votre plainte, (1) repondra votre plainte par ecrit pour vous aviser des demarches qu'elle entreprendra pour resoudre Ie conflit, et indiquera combien de temps ces demarches prendront; ou (2) repondra avotre plainte par ecrit pour vous indiquer les raisons pour lesquelles elle n'entreprendra aucune demarche. AU CANADA· Communiquez avec Ie directeur de la Satisfaction de la clientele au (905) 946-7446 pour discuter de votre plainte et resoudre rapidemenlle probleme. a No. du modele : Dated'achat : ENREGISTREZ LE LIEU ET LA DATE D'ACHAT POUR REFERENCE ULTERIEURE No. deSerte : Achetede: PRENEZ SOIN DE GARDER CETTE INFORMATION ET VOTRE REC;U D'ACHAT DANS UN ENDROIT SUR POUR REFERENCE FUTURE _ _ < CRY1070-D > Imprime au Japan RtEMIEI{ PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. PIONEER ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC. LIMITED WARRANTY WARRANTY VALID ONLY IN COUNTRY OF PRODUCT PURCHASE WARRANTY Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. (PUSA), and Pioneer Electronics Of Canada, Inc. (POC), 'warrant that products distributed by PUSA in the U.S.A., and by POC in Canada that fail to function properly under normal use due to a manufacturing defect when installed and operated according to the owner's manual endosed with the unit will be repaired or replaced with a unit of comparable value, at the option of PUSA or POC, without charge to you for parts or actual repair work. Parts supplied under this warranty may be new or rebuilt at the option of PUSA or POCo THIS LIMITED WARRANTY APPLIES TO THE ORIGINAL OR ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNER OF THIS PIONEER PRODUCT DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD PROVIDED THE PRODUCT WAS PURCHASED FROM AN AUTHORIZED PIONEER DISTRIBUTORIDEALER IN THE U.S.A. OR CANADA. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A SALES RECEIPT OR OTHER VALID PROOF OF PURCHASE SHOWING THE DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE OR, IF RENTED, YOUR RENTAL CONTRACT SHOWING THE PLACE AND DATE OF ARST RENTAL. IN THE EVENT SERVICE IS REQUIRED, THE PRODUCT MUST BE DELIVERED WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIOD, TRANSPORTATION PREPAID, ONLY FROM WITHIN THE COUNTRY OF PURCHASE AS EXPLAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT. YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF THE PRODUCT. PUSA OR POC, AS APPROPRIATE, WILL PAY TO RETURN THE REPAIRED OR REPLACEMENT PRODUCT TO YOU WITHIN THE COUNTRY OF PURCHASE. PRODUCT WARRANTY PERIOD PREMIER Brand Car Electronics Head Units, Amplifiers, CD Changers and Active Crossovers PREMIER Brand Loudspeakers . . Parts Labor 2 Years 1 Year 2 Years 1 Year The warranty period for retail customers who rent the product commences upcn the date product is first put into use (a) dUring the rental period or (b) retail sale, whichever occurs first. WHAT IS NOT COVERED IF THIS PRODUCT WAS PURCHASED FROM AN UNAUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR, THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ATNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND THIS PRODUCT IS SOLD STRICTLY "AS IS" AND ''WITH ALL FAULTS". PIONEER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL ANDr'OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES. PIONEER DOES NOT WARRANT ANY PRODUCT LISTED ABOVE WHEN IT IS USED IN A TRADE OR BUSINESS OR IN ANY INDUSTRIAL OR COMMERCIAL APPLICATION. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY IF THE PRODUCT HAS BEEN SUBJECTED TO POWER IN EXCESS OF ITS PUBLISHED POWER RATING. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DISPLAY SCREENS DAMAGED BY STATIC, NON-MOVING, IMAGES APPLIED FOR LENGTHY PERIODS (BURN-IN). THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER THE CABINET OR ANY APPEARANCE ITEM, USER ATTACHED ANTENNA, ANY DAMAGE TO RECORDS OR RECORDING TAPES OR DtSCS, ANY DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT RESULTING FROM ALTERATIONS, MODIRCATIONS NOT AUTHORIZED IN WRmNG BY PIONEER, ACCIDENT, MISUSE OR ABUSE, DAMAGE DUE TO LIGHTNING OR TO POWER SURGES, SUBSEQUENT DAMAGE FROM LEAKING, DAMAGE FROM INOPERATIVE BATTERIES, OR THE USE OF BATTERIES NOT CONFORMING TO THOSE SPECIAED IN THE OWNER'S MANUAL. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER THE COST OF PARTS OR LABOR WHICH WOULD BE OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITHOUT CHARGE UNDER THIS WARRANTY OBTAINED FROM ANY SOURCE OTHER THAN A PIONEER AUTHORIZED SERVlCE COMPANY OR OTHER DESlGNATEDLOCA11ON. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DEFECTS OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE USE OF UNAUTHORIZED PARTS OR LABOR OR FROM IMPROPER MAINTENANCE. ALTERED, DEFACED, OR REMOVED SERIAL NUMBERS VOID THIS ENTIRE WARRANTY NO OTHER WARRANTIES IN THE U.S.A. - PIONEER LIMITS ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ATNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TO A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THE WARRANTY PERIOD. NO WARRANTIES SHALL APPLY AFTER THE WARRANTY PERIOD. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS AND SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH MAY VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. IN CANADA - EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, OBLIGATIONS OR CONDITIONS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, APPLICABLE TO THIS PRODUCT. TO OBTAIN SERVICE (EXCEPT CAR SPEAKERS SOLD IN THE U.S.A. ONLY) PUSA and POC have appointed a number of Authorized Service Companies throughout the U.S.A. and Canada should your product require service. To receive warranty service you need to present your sales receipt or, if rented, your rental contract showing place and date of original owner's transaction. If shipping the unit you will need to package it carefully and send it, transportation prepaid by a traceable, insured method, to an Authorized Service Company. Package the product using adequate padding material to prevent damage in transit. The original container is ideal for this purpose. Include your name, address and telephone number where you can be reached during business hours. TO OBTAIN SERVICE ON CAR SPEAKERS SOLD IN THE U.S.A. Should your car speaker require service please return it to your retail dealer for exchange. To receive warranty service you will need to present your sales receipt showing place and date of original owner's retail purchase. If, for any reason, you can not exchange speakers at the selling dealer call Customer Support at the number below. On all complaints and concerns in the U.S.A. call Customer Support at 1-800-421-1404, or, in Canada, call Customer Satisfaction at 1-877-283-5901. IN THE U.SA For hook-up and operation of your unit or to locate an Authorized Service Company, please call or write: CUSTOMERSUPPORTDIVISION PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. POBOX 1760 LONG BEACH', CALIFORNIA 90801 1-800-421-1404 http://www.pioneerelectronics .com IN CANADA For additional information o~ this warranty, please call or wnte: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GROUP PIONEER ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC. 300 ALLSTATE PARKWAY MARKHAM, ON L3R OP2 (905) 479-4411 1-877-283-5901 http://www.pioneerelectronics.ca DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN THE U.S.A. - Following our response to any initial request to Customer Support, should a dispute arise between you and Pioneer, Pioneer makes available its Complaint Resolution Program to resolve the dispute. The Complaint Resolution Program is available to you without charge. You are required to use the Complaint Resolution Program before you exercise any rights under, or seek any remedies, created by Title I of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty-Federal Trade Commission Improvement Act, 15 U.S.C. 2301 etseq. To use the Complaint Resolution Program call 1-800-421-1404 and explain to the customer service representative the problem you are experiencing, steps you have taken to have the product repaired during the warranty period and the name of the authorized Distributor/Dealer from whom the Pioneer product was purchased. After the complaint has been explained to the representative, a resolution number will be issued. Within 40 days of receiving your complaint, Pioneer will investigate the dispute and will either: (1) respond to your complaint in writing informing you what action Pioneer will take, and in what time period, to resolve the dispute; or (2) respond to your complaint in writing informing you why it will not take any action. IN CANADA - Call the Customer Satisfaction Manager at (905) 946-7446 to discuss your complaint and to obtain a prompt resolution. RECORD THE PLACE AND DATE OF PURCHASE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Model No. Serial No. Purchased From Purchase Date _ _ KEEP THIS INFORMATION AND YOUR SALES RECEIPT IN A SAFE PLACE < CRY1070-D > Printed in Japan