the voice - Kol Emet
the voice - Kol Emet
THE VO ICE OF KOL EMET Spring 201 4 Special Rabbi Search Issue President's Message Andrew Finkle [email protected] I am extremely excited to share the latest news with you regarding our rabbi search process. After a nearly ninemonth process, which began with the selection of the Rabbi Search Committee last June, the process cul minated last evening when the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendation of the Rabbi Search Committee, to enter into negotiations with Rabbi Anna BoswellLevy. Negoti ations will begin immediately, after which we will call a Congregational Meeting in April to endorse the Board’s recommendation, assuming that nego tiations prove successful. For those of you who attended the events of Rabbi Anna’s weekend, you received a firsthand look into our future, and it is exceptionally bright. Rabbi Anna is scholarly, insightful, passionate, and mature beyond her years. She is also humble, sincere, and calming. The zest and enthusiasm Rabbi Anna dis played during her weekend visit was both invigorating and infectious. She was able to connect with virtually every segment of our community. was to complete and submit a Place ment Form to the Reconstructionist Placement Office, which rabbinic can didates use to determine whether or not to submit a resume. We began receiv ing resumes in early October, obtaining 18 resumes in all, which is a very high number in our movement. The Com mittee carefully vetted all resumes and ultimately selected six candidates to in terview via telephone. Of those six, five were asked back for an inperson inter view. Three were then invited to spend a weekend to lead services and meet our community. The weekends were long, but intentionally so, so that our congregants could see the candidates in a variety of different settings. The feedback from the congregation was particularly valuable to the Committee in ultimately recommending Rabbi Anna. Finally, I would again like to thank the Rabbi Search Committee for all of their hard work. I am quite certain that each Committee member grossly underes timated the amount of time (entire Sundays, in some instances) the com mitment would entail, but they worked extremely well together, selected three outstanding candidates to present to our congregants, and recommended the candidate they thought would be best for our community both now and As a brief recap of the rabbi search for years to come. So, my sincerest process, the Rabbi Search Committee and most heartfelt thanks to Ellie Fish first convened in July. Their first task er, Mike Frantz, Fran Fried, Jesse Levy, 1 In This Issue... President's Message.........................1 Rabbi BoswellLevy Bio................... 2 Scrip Form......................................... 2 Announcements................................ 4 B'nai Mitzvah..................................... 6 Endowment Fund.............................. 6 Kamp Kol Emet..................................8 Calendar.............................................9 Donations.........................................10 Contact Info..................................... 12 Dino Martin, Robert Moses, Fran Rosenbaum, Burt Sutker, Beth Zucker man, Mitch Goldberg (Vice Chair), Lisa Gressen (Secretary) and Steve Santar siero, who so ably Chaired the Com mittee. Your passion for Kol Emet will help secure its future for generations. L’Shalom. A Special Thank You To The Rabbi Search Committee: Steve Santarsiero (Chair) Mitch Goldberg (Vice-Chair) Lisa Gressen (Secretary) Ellie Fisher Mike Frantz Fran Fried Jesse Levy Dino Martin Robert Moses Fran Rosenbaum Burt Sutker Beth Zuckerman RABBI ANNA BOSWELLLEVY vices, and served as Hillel's Religious Director and then its President. After college, she decided move to Philadelphia to explore Recon structionist Judaism, and so before entering rabbinical school she worked for the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation for two years, where she learned about congregationbuilding and the movement from the inside out. Rabbi Anna has lived and studied in Israel on four separate occa sions, the first time as a 12 yearold when her father was beginning cantorial school. She became a Bat Mitzvah that year in Jerusalem. Rabbi Anna's experiences in Israel are a foundational part of her de cision to become a rabbi. It was her experiences in Israel that sparked a passion and concern for social justice. While studying in Israel during rabbinical school she interned for Bat Shalom, an Israeli feminist peace organization as an Aaron Zeigelman Social Justice Fellow. Rabbi Anna was part of the first American Jewish World Service rabbinical student delegation to El Salvador 2004, where she learned firsthand the effects of globaliza tion on the local economy and rural poor families. An influential trip in her rabbinate, she is currently active with the Philadelphiabased Fair Food movement and recently visited Immokalee, Florida to witness the living and working conditions of migrant farmworkers. She is proud to serve as the Board cochair of T'ruah (formerly Rabbis for Human Rights North America) and has served on its board since 2005. Since 2001, Rabbi Anna has also served congregations in Am bridge, PA (just outside Pittsburgh) Blue Bell, PA, Flemington, NJ, and Punta Gorda, FL. She is 2006 graduate of the Reconstructionist Rab binical College. She is a member of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association and is a former board member of RENA: Reconstructionist Educators of North America. Rabbi Anna lives in Huntingdon Valley, PA with her husband Josh, an attorney, and their 2 yearold daughter Adar. They are sources for much laughter, inspiration, and continued devotion to Jewish life. Rabbi Anna BoswellLevy is the rabbi and spiritual leader of Tzedek v'Shalom, a dy namic Reconstructionist community based in Newtown, PA. During her six years with the congregation, she also served as Education Director for their parent coopbased Reli gious School. She is a creative educator, service leader, and ritual maker, infusing song and spirit into her services and teach ings. She is at heart a congregational rabbi, and is passionate about helping individuals and families find meaning and purpose dur ing life's peaks and valleys, and the quieter yet precious moments in between. Rabbi Anna places a high emphasis on relationships based on trust and mutual respect. She is dedicated to the creation of healthy and inclusive congregations where every voice can be heard. In the last six years, Rabbi Anna has built important ties to larger Bucks County Jewish, interfaith, and faithbased groups. She is an active mem ber of the Newtown Ministerium, and has been a regular participant in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Interfaith Service, as well as a guest preach er at local churches. She served as the chair of the Bucks County Rabbis Council and worked with area rabbis to organize the first interdenomina tional Introduction to Judaism class in Bucks County. She is a former board member of the Delaware Valleybased Interfaith Community for Middle East Peace. Rabbi Anna was raised in a family that consciously chose Judaism; her mother converted to Judaism, and her father left his career as a biophysi cist to become a cantor. She attended Reform summer camps and was in volved in synagogue youth group. At Smith College she concentrated in Religion and Biblical Literature and Elementary Education. During that time she was active in Hillel, where she taught Israeli dancing, led ser BUYING GROCERIES HELPS KOL EMET We all eat, right? Helping Kol Emet is as easy as going to the grocery store. Kol Emet sells gift cards and certificates to GIANT and McCaffreys grocery stores. Just place your order with Melody Katz [email protected] by the 25th of each month, or place a recurring monthly order and pick up at Kol Emet at the beginning of the next month with your payment by check or cash. Kol Emet receives 5% of your total order. How easy is that! Thank you to the many families that participate in this easy fundraiser to help Kol Emet. Please join them to help our community thrive. Office Use: Date Received: Please fill out your name, phone and email address, then check which local supermarket's scrip you wish to purchase, how often and amount. Circle One: One Time or Monthly Amount Circle One: One Time or Monthly Amount Circle One: One Time or Monthly Amount 2 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS TO OUR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FAMILIES We have had a wonderful religious school year, despite the snow and ice. There is no greater joy than to witness engaged and enthusiastic students learning about their heritage, customs, and traditions. This year we are instituting new programs that we hope to keep for years to come. Please save the dates of Tuesday April 29th and Wednesday April 30th. Parents will be invited to school from 5:30pm – 6:45pm to share in reflection and celebration. Our Holocaust remembrance ceremony will be combined with a Siyyum of presentations of our experiential learning projects. Similar to a science fair, your child’s final projects will be on display to share, learn, and celebrate. As a reminder: Kadima and Mechina – Mitzvah Aleph – Famous Jewish People Bet – All About Israel Gimel – What is in my Hebrew name? Daled – Jewish Philanthropy Your children are very excited to share their hard work with you. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite friends, grandparents, siblings, and relatives, as well. Our annual school wide Seder will be on Tuesday April 8th from 4:45pm – 6:45pm. THIS SEDER IS FOR TUESDAY CLASSES, WEDNESDAY CLASSES, AND THE HEY CLASS. To get in the Passover spirit we are adding a unique program on March 25th and March 26th called “Pesach Live”. Your children will have the ultimate Passover experience, complete with building bricks from clay, a 10 plagues relay race, crossing the Red Sea with Moses, dancing with Miriam, and singing (of course). The results of our annual survey are in, and we thank you for all of your candid and honest responses. Our staff, board representative Bobby Fink, and I spent a lot of time discussing and reevaluating our curriculum. Many of you feel that writing and speaking Hebrew is not an important priority, and realistically, we do understand. It was interesting as well that many felt that Reconstructionist philosophy was also a lower priority. On the flip side, many families would love more Family Education opportunities, as well as an Enrichment program. You have my words these programs will be implemented next school year. At the beginning of April, you will be receiving a comprehensive newsletter reviewing the accomplishments of every classroom since the last marking period. As you read the newsletter, please take the time to read not only what your child’s class is doing, but other classes as well. You will notice that our curriculum builds from one year to the next, creating a seamless continuity. Thank you for your continuous support as we create a dynamic Jewish legacy. Carrie JEWS AND BLUES On January 24, Saul Kaye, the pioneer of JEWISH BLUES came to Kol Emet. Sixty people shared a warm and wonderful Shabbat meal followed by a soulful and spiritual service led by Saul on his guitar. Saul has shared stages with all the top name performers in the Jewish world in the last 2 years. He is illuminating the Jewish World with old soul and new melodies. Saul received such rave reviews that we are 4 planning to bring him back next year for a whole weekend of events. Thank you to the Endowment Fund for sponsoring Saul’s visit as well as sponsoring the dinner for our community. $1,000 CAN BE YOURS NOW Summer IS coming…Time to think about camp! Did you know there are over 150 different Jewish camps? There is a camp for EVERY child. Music, arts, sports, science, special needs, and academics in addition to fun, friends and a lifetime of memories are all a part of a Jewish camping experience. Jewish camping experiences have proven to be the best way to promote Jewish identity for our children. Anyone who has been to a Jewish camp will tell you how many wonderful memories and lifelong friends they made during their years at camp. The “One Happy Camper” grant sponsored by Jewish Federation will give you $1,000.00 towards your child’s first year at camp. Many Kol Emet children attend Camp Harlam, Camp JRF and so many more…..For more information or to speak with another Kol Emet parent whose child attends a camp please contact Melody Katz at [email protected] or Carrie Walinsky at [email protected] or 2154938522 ext. 4. (continued on page 6) GIVE BACK WHILE YOU GET T his is an easy way to help our community maintain and improve the wonderful programming and opportunities we bring to our Kol Emet family. If you have any questions or would like to help please contact Melody Katz at [email protected] MCCAFFREY'S CASH REGISTER TAPE FUNDRAISER We have partnered with McCaffrey's in fundraising through collecting their cash register tapes. Kol Emet will be receiving 1% from all of the receipts we collect. Please ask your family, neighbors, and friends to collect their McCaffrey's cash register tapes and bring them to Kol Emet. We have marked containers in the main office upstairs, and in the downstairs foyer. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION TARGET REDCARD FUNDRAISER Please cut out Box Tops on all of your favorite participating products. Please place the box tops in a sandwich bag. There will be a collection container located in the downstairs foyer and main office. You can also mail them in or send them into school with your child. Our school will receive 10 cents for each Box Top. Designate "Kol Emet Preschool and Kindergarten" and Target will donate one percent (1%) of your Target Credit Card, Target Visa Credit Card or Target Debit Card purchases at any Target store and, and onehalf percent (1/2%) of your Target Visa Credit Card purchases made. Have fun shopping and helping KE at the same time! Please tell your friends and family to select Kol Emet as their school too! GIANT A+ SCHOOL REWARDS PROGRAM Through March 22, 2014, ID #06714, Kol Emet has the opportunity to earn cash through the Giant A+ School Rewards Program. You can register online starting September 1, 2013. All you have to do is (1) Log on to to designate our school online using your Giant BonusCard OR (2) Return this form to school with your child or bring it to the main office. (11digit BONUSCARD) _________________________ Last Name_______________________ Telephone #______________________________ Email________________________________ After you register your card, each shopping trip at Giant using your BONUSCARD earns CASH for our school! Registration is easy and makes a HUGE difference to our school. Please be sure to register your card to benefit Kol Emet Preschool and Kindergarten using ID #06714. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. 5 ENDOWMENT FUND (continued from page 4) THE GIFT THAT GIVES BACK THROUGH SONG A LETTER FROM THE JEWISH COMMUNITY YOUTH FOUNDATION Dear Carrie, The Kol Emet Choir performed at the High Holiday Services under the guidance of a new choir director, Maryanne Knutson. Please consider joining them next year! The resources for the choir director were provided by the Endowment Fund—a pool of contributions generously donated by the congregants of Kol Emet and used for the enrichment of our Kol Emet Community. Please consider donating to the Endowment Fund—The Gift That Gives Back. Contact Lisa Gressen [email protected] for further details. On behalf of the Jewish Community Youth Foundation, I would like to thank you for supporting our program. The following students from your congregation have significantly enhanced this year‛s group: Andrew Hampel, Leo Hampel, Matthew Hampel, Anna Hoffman, Brett Hoffman, Brooke Levy, Gregory Levy, and Nathan O‛Rourke. Sincerely, Celeste Albert - Coordinator B'NAI MITZVAH ANNOUNCEMENTS KOL EMET PROUDLY CONGRATULATES JESSICA UMBRO MARCH 1, 2014 LEAH STOOGENKE MARCH 22, 2014 WILL STEINBERG MARCH 15, 2014 L eah's mitzvah project was selling hair ties to raise money for World Wildlife Foundation. F or Will’s Bar Mitvah project, he volunteered at Briar Bush Nature Center. His work there was to plant trees and pull weeds. The work was needed to be done to allow a replenishment of new saplings and to create the proper environment for them to grow and thrive. This also helps the animal ecosystem as in time it will give many animals a place to live and food to eat. He chose this mitzvah project because of his love of the outdoors and animals. During his time volunteering Briar Bush Nature Center personnel made Will more aware of how he can play a bigger role in helping. He learned that doing mitzvahs such as this can make one feel good and he has planned to volunteer his time there again in the future. (continued on page 7) 6 (continued from page 6) DYLAN KLEVAN APRIL 5, 2014 ZACHARY SITKO MAY 31, 2014 D Z ylan is a 7th grader at Newtown Middle School. Dylan's mitzvah project was working with seniors at Chandler Hall. It was a project that was very meaningful to Dylan. Dylan is naturally friendly and outgoing and his kind and compassionate personality was very much enjoyed by the seniors. Dylan is a blue belt in karate at East West Karate. He works very hard obtaining each belt and is a dedicated student of the martial arts. He is also a talented musician and plays the trombone in multiple bands at Newtown Elementary. Dylan is a boyscout in Newtown's Troop 99. He enjoys all of the camping trips and has earned many badges due to his diligence and dedication to the scouts. He honored our nation's veterans by placing flags on their graves and paying homage to their service. Dylan loves animals and has two dogs, Isabel and Daisy, that love him very much. Dylan's mom and stepfather, Shara and Jim, grandmother Sybil and sister Chloe are very proud of him. ach Sitko, son of Mike and Lainie Sitko, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on May 31st. Zach enjoys spending his weekends playing video games with his close circle of friends, or hanging in the great outdoors, while riding his ATV or hunting and fishing. Zach really enjoyed working as a team on the Israeli tour guide project this year in Bonnie Gold’s class. For his Mitzvah Project, Zach will be collecting donations for the Women’s Humane Society, America’s first animal shelter, founded in 1869. A donation “drop box” with a list of what Zach will be donating can be found in the lobby at Kol Emet through the months of April and May. Thank you for your contributions. JEREMY FASH JUNE 14, 2014 ALI HAFERL JUNE 21, 2014 AMANDA HALLY APRIL 5, 2014 A li Haferl is very excited to become a bat mitzvah on June 21, 2014. She is a 7th grader at William Penn Middle School and enjoys playing field hockey, softball, surfing and spending time with her friends. Ali’s favorite place to be is on the beach in Fenwick Island, Delaware. She loves animals, especially her two dogs, Duke and Babs. Ali’s parents, Bob and Stacey, and her big brother, Ben, are very proud of her accomplishments and look forward to seeing her achieve her goals! CASEY SIMON MAY 3, 2014 C asey Simon, son of Wendy and Jason Simon, will be a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, May 3, 2014. Casey's love for dogs led him to volunteer with ResQPets. This is a non profit volunteer run small dog and cat rescue from Hamilton, NJ. Casey started volunteering every Sunday since this past fall during their adoption days at Petsmart. Besides volunteering over 60 hours, he has also raised more then $1,200 and many donated supplies. He has brought awareness at 4 community events and collected donations. He also has brought awareness to the plight of shelter and puppy mill dogs and the need for adoption. Casey is still actively volunteering, collecting donations and will continue past his Bar Mitzvah. If you would like to donate, adopt, foster or volunteer please go to their website. For Ali’s mitzvah project, she will be volunteering at the ZANDER FEST 2014 5K Run/Walk. The first annual ZANDER FEST 5K Run/Walk for The UNTOLD Foundation, will be held at Historic Washington Crossing Park, Washington Crossing, PA on May 17th, 2014 from 9:00 am 12 Noon. This event is open to all ages and will prove to be an exciting community event. There will be food, entertainment and fun activities for all. The goal for this event is to raise awareness about the effects of concussions on young athletes’ brains and their mental health. This event is designed to raise funds for the SLICE Program for concussion education. In addition; the event will support educational programs to help prevent teen suicide. BRANDON GAYNOR JUNE 28, 2014 MICAH KATZ MAY 17, 2014 7 YOUR CHILD’S SUMMER AT “KAMP” KOL EMET Please plan on an exciting and fun summer for your child this year at your favorite preschool. Our summer “kamp” is staffed with seasoned teachers and teens who just love children, especially YOURS! Water play, petting zoos, nature hikes, crafts, specialists, creative snacks, pine forest adventures, peer socialization, picnics, plays, laughter, outdoor adventures, and nature walks abound at Kamp Kol Emet. Registration materials are now available! Our 2014 summer play dates will be Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, June 24th through August 14th. Our summer hours are from 9 – 12 or 9 – 1, with pizza Wednesdays! As always, before and after care is available for our campers. Please have your child(ren) join us this summer anywhere from two weeks to eight! Families who register in advance for 8 weeks will receive last year’s rates! Children from ages 2 through 5 are welcome to join us for a special summer with guaranteed laughter, socialization, exploration, creativity, love, and imagination. Kamp Kol Emet pamphlets and registration materials have been sent home in your child schoolbag. Please feel free to contact Amy Goldstein, Kamp director and Kindergarten teacher, at [email protected] or via the school office at 215 4938522 with any questions about upcoming summer fun in Yardley. We cannot wait! Our beautiful Aytz Chaim (Tree of Life) sculpture was donated by Eileen Wolf, a founding member of Congregation Kol Emet. At the base of the tree, there are a number of stones. The limbs of the tree spread into branches with golden leaves that become perpetual symbols of the joys of life. The stones and leaves may be inscribed to commemorate such happy events as births, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, or just to honor family and friends. Share the happiness by inscribing your family’s simchas on our Aytz Chaim. It will be a beautiful and permanent dedication to the meaningful and happy events that touch our lives. I wish to inscribe leaf (leaves) at $200 per leaf (max 4 lines/75 letters) I wish to inscribe boulder(s) at $700 per stone Please print carefully: Contributed by: Name: Address: Phone: Please make your check payable in full to Congregation Kol Emet. 8 CALENDAR SPIRITUAL CALENDAR – Thursday Morning Minyan is at 7:15am – Friday night Shabbat Services are at 7:30pm (unless otherwise noted) – Saturday morning Shabbat Services will be at 9:30am (unless noted). MARCH 2014 3/29 Casino Night 3/30 Trip to Lakewood APRIL 2014 4/3 Interfaith Study Session with Rabbi Cove 4/6 Sisterhood Cooking with Comfort Foods "Passover Style" Youth Group Event 4/8 RS Seder for both Tuesday and Wednesday Classes (incl. Hey) 4/9 No Religious School 4/10 PreSchool Class Seders Ritual Committee Meeting 4/11 PS Class Seders 4/13 Sunday RS Enrichment Class 4/14 First Night of Passover (Seder) No PS 4/15 No PS or RS Office is Closed Second Night of Passover (seder) Passover Service, led by Rabbi Cove 4/16 No PS or RS Office is Closed Interfaith Seder at Kol Emet 4/17 No PS Board Meeting 4/18 No PS 4/19 Work Day Earth Day at Silver Lake 4/20 Yiskor Service for 7th day of Passover, led by Rabbi Cove 4/21 No PS 4/25 Family Shabbat Service 4/27 Yom Hashoah Program Bar/Bat Mitzvah Parent(s) Informational Breakfast, 10am 4/28 Yom Hashoah MAY 2014 5/2 Kadima & Mechina Class Shabbat Service, led by Rabbi Cove 5/4 Sunday RS Enrichment Class 5/5 Yom HaZikaron 5/6 Yom Haatzmaoot 5/9 Joint Shabbat Service with Congregation Tzedek v'Shalom 5/15 Ritual Committee Meeting 5/16 Aleph Consecration Service, led by Rabbi Cove 5/18 Lag B'Omer Spring Cleaning for Trenton Rescue Mission at Kol Emet 5/20 PS Conferences 5/26 Memorial Day No PS Office closed 5/27 Snow make up day for RS/Last Class 5/28 Snow make up day for RS/Last Class 5/30 10th Grade Confirmation Service, led by Rabbi Cove UPCOMING HOLIDAYS PASSOVER Monday, April 1 4th Tuesday, April 22nd 41 0 2 e Jun 14 Tu e srdsadya,y, J u n e 5, 2 0 Th u SHAVUOT3 , 9 DONATIONS IN MEMORY OF FUND DONOR Myron Davidson..................................................................... Caring Committee.................................................................... Jacki & Larry Shapiro and family Susan Davidson...................................................................... Mitzvah Fund.................................................................... Jacki & Larry Shapiro and family Jim Jacobs............................................................................. Building Fund.................................................................... Elise Bernstein’s Aleph Class Jim Jacobs........................................................................... Caring Committee.................................................................... Andrew & Heather Finkle and Family Jim Jacobs.......................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... KE Religious School Staff Eugene Gordon................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... David and Jill Gordon Maurice Cohen........................................................................ Library Fund.................................................................... Corrine & Allan M. Cohen Florence (Kitty) Blacker................................................................. Caring Committee Fund.................................................................... Bill Blacker Evelyn Gladstone................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Wendy & Seth Kursman Franklyn Spiezle........................................................................ Preschool Fund.................................................................... Eric & Elyce Rosen Erwin Gaston......................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Stan & Melody Katz Erwin Gaston........................................................................... Prayerbook Fund.................................................................... Staff of Byron Gaston Erwin Gaston............................................................................. Building Fund.................................................................... Shelley Miller & Michael Seltzer Beloved father of Glenn Bergenfield.................................................. Preschool Fund.................................................................... Elyce and Eric Rosen Jerry Weisberg............................................................................. Preschool Fund.................................................................... Elyce and Eric Rosen Selma Yarrow............................................................................. Social Action Fund.................................................................... The Templeton Family Shane Frankel............................................................................. Building Fund.................................................................... Randi and Matt Davis Edward Kearns............................................................................. Building Fund.................................................................... Carol & Harold Kaplan Edward Kearns............................................................................. Building Fund.................................................................... Andrew & Heather Finkle Edward Kearns............................................................................. Building Fund.................................................................... The Bush Family Edward Kearns............................................................................. Building Fund.................................................................... Steve and Barbara Gross Edward Kearns............................................................................. Endowment Fund.................................................................... Linda and Arthur Finkle George Browne............................................................................ Toby Frey Scholarship Fund.................................................................... Phyllis Browne Kate R. Silver............................................................................. Endowment Fund.................................................................... Linda and Arthur Finkle Jules N. Silver............................................................................. Endowment Fund.................................................................... Linda and Arthur Finkle Lee R. Eisner............................................................................. Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Phyllis Eisner Henry Sokalner............................................................................. Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Phyllis Eisner IN HONOR OF FUND DONOR Bat Mitzvah of Lauryn Cove............................................................................. Rabbi’s Discretionary.................................................................... Lisa and Andrew Casel Engagement of Ari Fried............................................................................. Caring Committee.................................................................... Andrew & Heather Finkle and Family Stan and Melody Katz............................................................................. Building Fund.................................................................... Iris & Stephen Hersh Bat Mitzvah of Jessica Umbro............................................................................. Preschool Fund.................................................................... Kol Emet Preschool Staff Bat Mitzvah of Jessica Umbro............................................................................. Caring Committee Fund.................................................................... Fran & Harvey Fried Bat Mitzvah of Jessica Umbro............................................................................. Religious School Fund.................................................................... Shari BeckNahman CONDOLENCES TO Byron Gaston on the passing of his beloved father Erwin Larry Shapiro on the passing of his beloved mother, Doris Tom Kearns on the passing of his beloved brother, Edward MITZVAH AND MEMORY Death often brings more than sorrow and grief. It creates changes and all kinds of disruptions in our lives. In times of confusion, pain, and personal loss, many of us seek support from community, and a connection with earlier generations. We do this through participating in rituals and traditions from our Jewish way of life. Whether we consider ourselves religious or not, whether we pray once or twice a year or regularly, we can derive meaning and rebuild our emotional foundation from the words, symbols, and faith of our spiritual heritage. Our Thursday morning Minyan, Shabbat evening and Shabbat morning worship can provide the spiritual nourishment and community connections you might need as you grieve a loss or mark the anniversary of a loved one’s passing. Coming to the synagogue on a Yahrzeit, anniversary, of a loved one’s death, and saying Kaddish, is a meaningful way to transform our memories into a living tribute to our departed. Our own lives are made holier by rising to proclaim our faith in the names of those who have passed. Please consider joining us in prayer at a time of Yahrzeit and perform a powerful mitzvah to pay tribute to your memories. 10 ATTENTION KOL EMET BUSINESS OWNERS: ADVERTISE WITH KOL EMET IN THE NEXT VOICE In the spirit of building community, The Voice includes advertisements from Kol Emet congregants who have businesses offering products and services. In addition to your ad, we will list your name (if not included in your copy) so the reader knows which Kol Emet congregant is involved in the business. Your listing will include: Name of Company Address (if business has a storefront location) Contact (Phone, Email, and/or Web Address) 50 word description (images are welcomed) Cost is $36/issue. Send information to the Kol Emet Office ([email protected]) by the 15th of February, May, August, November for a listing in the next issue. KOL EMET DONATION COUPON Donor Name Address City, State Zip Enclosed is my gift of: $1 8 $36 $50 (for Prayerbook) $72 (for Oneg) $1 80 $360 Other - please specify Please use my gift for: Building Fund Membership Assistance Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Mitzvah Fund Bruce Levitt (Playground) Memorial Fund Caring Committee Social Action Prayer Book Fund Endowment Fund Toby Frey Memorial Fund Outdoor Sanctuary Fund Oneg (specify date) Charles A. Fisher Memorial Sanctuary Fund This gift is in honor of: This gift is in memory of: Send to: Congregation Kol Emet 1360 Oxford Valley Road Yardley, PA 19067 STAYING INFORMED AT KOL EMET There are many ways we try to keep you informed: The Voice: This Newsletter and past issues ( Our Website: Our Calendar: The Whisper: Weekly Email of upcoming events at Kol Emet and in the Jewish community ( Religious school: Materials sent home with your children every week. Shouts: Emails sent to alert you to imminent events and meetings. Congregational Meetings: Meet at Kol Emet to both listen to, and be heard, by your Board. Make sure all the adults in your family get The Weekly Whisper email. If your family has more than one email address, please feel free to signup your multiple addresses. To get The Whisper, send an email to [email protected]. 11 Make sure all the adults in your family get The Weekly Whisper email. If your family has more than one email address, please feel free to signup your multiple addresses. To get The Whisper, send an email to [email protected]. CONGREGATION KOL EMET CONTACT INFORMATION Rabbi...................................................... Rabbi Howard Cove ([email protected]) 21 5-493-8522 ext. 3 Executive Director.................................. Bob Frey ([email protected])........................ 21 5-493-8522 ext. 11 3 Educational Director............................... Carrie Walinsky ([email protected])......... 21 5-493-8522 ext. 4 Office Administrator................................ Judi Pogachefsky ([email protected]). ........... 21 5-493-8522 ext. 2 President................................................ Andrew Finkle ([email protected]).... ........... 21 5-968-7520 Vice President........................................ Randi Davis (davis1 [email protected]).............. 267-392-5265 Vice President........................................ Wendy Simon ([email protected])......... 21 5-321 -1 465 Secretary................................................ Tony Bush ([email protected])..... ........... 21 5-493-4080 Treasurer................................................ Tom Kearns ([email protected]).... ........... 21 5-750-1 01 9 Past President........................................ Melody Katz ([email protected]) .... ........... 21 5-752-7705 Religious Education................................ Bob Fink ([email protected])...................... 21 5-493-471 5 Adult Education...................................... Barbara Lavine ([email protected])........ 609-883-2854 Early Education...................................... Beth Zuckerman ([email protected]).. ........... 21 5-493-2996 Finance................................................... Eric Feder ([email protected])..... ........... 21 5-942-201 2 Community Relations............................. Jeff Blankman ([email protected]).......... 21 5-579-5947 House..................................................... Rich Nedelman ([email protected]).... ........... 21 5-493-5587 Long Range Planning............................. Burt Sutker ([email protected])........... ........... 609-730-0837 Membership............................................ Julie Asplen ([email protected])....... ........... 21 5-736-3692 Preschool PTO Co-President................. Lisa Picker ([email protected]).. ........... 267-392-5644 Religious School PTO Co-President...... Heather Finkle ([email protected]).. ........... 21 5-968-7520 Religious School PTO Co-President...... Tabitha Peters ([email protected])............. 21 5-321 -31 61 Ritual...................................................... Robert Moses ([email protected]) ... 21 5-321 -9927 Social Action........................................... Jill Gordon ([email protected])..... ........... 21 5-295-8838 Men’s Club Co-President........................ Josh Fishman ([email protected])............. 21 5-321 -3059 Men’s Club Co-President........................ Michael Neil ([email protected]) ........... 21 5-428-1 884 Youth Programming................................ Risha Neil ([email protected])...................... 21 5-428-1 884 Sisterhood Co-President........................ Shara Aaron ([email protected]).......... 21 5-321 -1 743 Sisterhood Co-President........................ Genevieve Shultz ([email protected])........ 21 5-31 0-1 700 Fundraising............................................. Caring Committee Chair......................... GENERAL CONTACT INFO Congregation Kol Emet, 1360 Oxford Valley Road, Yardley, PA 19067 Email: [email protected], (phone) 2154938522, (fax) 2154933444 12
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