Spring 2015
Spring 2015
THE VO ICE OF KOL EMET Spring 201 5 FROM THE PRESIDENT In This Issue... ANDREW FINKLE [email protected] I INSTALLATION OF RABBI ANNA BOSWELLLEVY APRIL 24 & 25 would like to use my space this issue to cordially invite the entire community to the Installation and Gala weekend commemorating and celebrating Rabbi Anna BoswellLevy as the Rabbi of Congregation Kol Emet. Rabbi Anna leads our community into the future with calm, compassion, poise and vision – capturing our minds, our hearts and our spirit. Her leadership and teachings have already helped us become better people and better Jews. So, let’s take this opportunity to celebrate our new Rabbi and Kol Emet’s future. We will celebrate from the evening of Friday, April 24th through the evening of Saturday, April 25th. You already received a formal invitation to the Spring Gala, but here is a rundown of the entire weekends’ events: Installation Service, Friday, April 24, 7:30 p.m. While officially beginning her tenure last summer, Rabbi Anna will be formally installed as permanent Rabbi of our congregation. The installation service will be led by Rabbi Anna, Our own Robert Glatzer will be providing musical accompaniment for the evening, and with a special guest sermon by one of Rabbi Anna’s mentors, Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell. For over 3 decades, Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell, PhD. has been exploring, teaching and writing about spirituality, and working towards creating and sustaining healthy and openhearted communities. Gala Oneg Shabbat, Friday, April 24, approximately 9:00 p.m. Rabbi Anna has invited congregants to bring their own special baked homemade desserts. Contemplative Shabbat Service, Saturday, April 25, 10:00 a.m. Spiritual alternative morning service that will appeal to adults with our special guest congregant, Sherry Hanck. Spring Gala, Saturday, April 25, 8:00 p.m. We deserve a party, and party we shall have! Come out and join the festivities at our Spring Gala in honor of Rabbi Anna's Installation. A delicious dinner will be served, and music will get us all up and dancing. Get your RSVP's in and join the PARTY! We also have several installation commemoration opportunities available: Special Opportunity – Your Spring Gala RSVP has a onetime special opportunity that must be returned to Lisa Gressen by March 14th ([email protected]) Ad Book – Consider sponsoring an ad for yourself, your family, or your business in the commemorative installation ad book (contact Ronni Fuchs at [email protected]) Tree of Life – Commemorate Rabbi Anna’s installation with an engraved leaf on our Tree of Life (contact Bob or Judi in the office – [email protected] or [email protected]) Finally, I would like to give a very special thank you to Amy Hampel and the entire Gala Committee (which there are many) who volunteered their time to make sure the Gala is an event not to be missed. The deadline to RSVP is April 7th, but respond today. Don’t miss out! I hope to see all of you at some point over this very exciting weekend of worship, celebration and partying. L’shalom, Andrew 1 President's Message.........................1 Carrie's Message...............................2 Announcements................................ 3 Pumpkin Challah Recipe.................. 4 Israel Trip........................................... 5 B'nai Mitzvahs................................... 7 Calendar.............................................9 Donations.........................................10 Contact Info..................................... 13 WANT TO GET INVOLVED? THE TIME IS NOW!! How often have you said, “I’d like to get more involved at Kol Emet?” Well now is the time to take action. The Nominating Committee is looking for YOU!! Kol Emet is bustling with activity and Rabbi Anna has so much passion and so many wonderful ideas for our Kol Emet community. We need your help on the board and on committees to ensure that Kol Emet continues to be a thriving and stimulating Jewish community. Currently we are looking for Executive Board members and Directors to represent the following committees: Social Action Fundraising Religious Education Early Education (Pre School) Adult Education Finance Membership Ritual If you would like to get more involved by joining any of our committees or by joining the Board of Directors please contact Melody Katz at [email protected] by March 14. Y ou have heard me say it often – I love my job! I love watching your children grow. I enjoy creating programs that are meaningful. I BY CARRIE SHAMES WALINSKY feel fulfilled when helping people find resources EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR and help. Every day brings new adventures, [email protected] situations, and of course, laughter. There is always something new to learn or a milestone to celebrate. Dr. Saul Wachs, a wonderful professor at Gratz College, always says to me “Carrie, everyone wants to feel needed.” When you don’t feel needed, you don’t feel useful or appreciated. Although there are Teacher Appreciation weeks or Secretary Appreciation days, every day should be a day to celebrate and appreciate the people in your lives and your children’s lives. It is for this reason we are planning the KOL EMET, FIRST EVER, COMMUNITY HELPERS APPRECIATION SHABBAT SERVICE. This will be held on Friday March 13th, starting at 7:00pm. We have invited local teachers, police, firefighters, and government employees into our congregation to be recognized. Please join us to celebrate and appreciate these community heroes. There are many up and coming programs on our school calendar that are worth sharing with you, our Kol Emet community. Whether you are a member without children in our school or you are interested in volunteering, I would be honored if you would sign up to help at any event. They are all engaging and fun! The events we have scheduled so far are: March 13th at 7:00pm Shabbat service honoring our Community Helpers, the Mechina Class, Shabbat Across America March 17th from 4:45pm – 6:45pm Pesach Live! (We could use A LOT of volunteers for this) March 18th from 4:45pm – 6:45pm Pesach Live! (We could use A LOT of volunteers for this) March 29th from 10:00am – 12:00pm Iron Chef Charoset and Chocolate Seder March 31st from 4:45pm – 6:45pm Religious School schoolwide Seder April 21st from 4:45pm – 6:45pm Holocaust Memorial Day April 22nd from 4:45pm – 6:45pm Holocaust Memorial Day April 28th from 4:45pm – 6:45pm Religious School Siyyum – Final Project Celebration April 29th from 4:45pm – 6:45pm Religious School Siyyum – Final Project Celebration FROM CARRIE If you have any free time and would like to “pay it forward” we would love to have you join us! During this school year we have had many wonderful volunteers help in our schools, such as Carol Bress, Jacki Shapiro, and Nancy Fisher. We also have our amazing aides who volunteer their time every week by helping in our religious school classrooms. Everyone can make a difference . . . and you will certainly FEEL and BE much appreciated! We could also use helpers to post preschool advertisements in local stores. If you are a frequent shopper we would appreciate your help. CHEERS TO VOLUNTEERS! Call me (2154938522 x4) or email me ([email protected]) SPECIAL PURIM EXCLUSIVE STORY SECRET HAMENTASHEN LAB DISCOVERED UNDER CONGREGATION KOL EMET BY MORDECHAI GROGGER, SHUSHAN NEWS WIRE SERVICE F ederal investigators have revealed that they have discovered a massive underground complex used to research, mix, and bake extremely delicious and highpriced hamentashen hidden beneath the Congregation Kol Emet in Yardley, PA. Hamentashen, the traditional jamfilled, triangular baked cookie that Jews enjoy during the holiday of Purim, is known to have a high sale price especially around the season of the early spring festival. FBI agents raided the facility last month after they were tipped off that a trap door leading into the underground bunker exists directly underneath the shed located on the synagogue property on the far side of the parking lot. Despite the protests and vigorous religious arguments put forth by Rabbi Anna Boswell Levy, the new spiritual leader of the synagogue, as well as President Andrew Finkle’s vicious assault with deadly weapons specially designed 2 to look like crutches, federal agents were eventually able to force their way into the secret bakery below. According to leaked documents obtained exclusively by the Shushan News Wire Service, what the FBI discovered beneath Kol Emet strains belief. A network of concrete tunnels extending for thousands of feet beneath the earth’s surface finally opens to a shiny and spotless lab. These reports allege that the tunnels were built over the years by Howard Solganick, a physical engineer and longtime Kol Emet member along with John Eichholtz, board member in charge of the building and grounds, and financed by the endowment fund through the sale of all “treasures” found in the shed, such as the former Holy Ark of the congregation. Financial records were “cooked” (as it were) to conceal the operation by Tom Kearns, treasurer of the congregation, and his wife Paula, who incidentally helped build the shed. However, the report also alleges that the lab is the brainchild of Robert Moses, longtime Ritual chair with a wacky sense of humor. The lab was filled with between 30 and 40 hamentashen bakers and researchers, busily creating ever more tasty and tantalizing varieties of the 3cornered pastry intended to mock and ridicule the failed antiJewish campaign of a villain named Haman (“Booooooooooooooooooooooooo!”) who lived long, long ago. The lab is the source of classic varieties like apricot and poppy seed, as well as daring new favorites like “black and white” hamentashen, Nutellafilled hamentashen, and pulled brisket hamentashen. As soon as the agents breached the final security gates of the lab, an alarm system went off. According to the leaked FBI report, the lab workers (these were allegedly “teen aides” for the Religious School, organized and led by Carrie Walinsky, Education Director) immediately reacted like a welltrained elite corps of secret agents, shedding their lab coats and quickly destroying lab equipment and detailed recipes for extremely highend hamentashen products. While several of the lab workers threw groggers and sticky, sweet hamentashen filling at the intruding federal agents, most of the secret staff escaped into a clandestine passage leading back into the synagogue. About five of the lab workers, apparently including Fran Fried and Vicki Umbro, beloved (continued on page 4) ANNOUNCEMENTS T SOCIAL ACTION IN ACTION here are short and long range activities that congregants can take advantage of in March and in the ensuing months. First is the annual Kol Emet Passover Food Drive. Please bring in Kosher Passover Food & $10 gift cards from ShopRite and Acme starting on Monday, March 16th until Wednesday, March 31st. The gift cards are especially helpful as they are used to buy perishable items such as chickens and fresh vegetables. The Passover food and gift cards will be donated to Tifereth Israel's Mitzvah Pantry in Bensalem. PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL FOOD IS KOSHER FOR PASSOVER. Volunteers are needed to transport the collected food items to the kosher food pantry at Congregation Tifereth Israel in Bensalem. Collection Passover food containers are in the lobby of the school and upstairs near the Sanctuary. The gift cards can be mailed in or brought into the office. Please put the gift cards in an envelope labeled "Social Action Passover". In these difficult financial times, a lot of Jewish families need our help, so they too can celebrate Passover. Please contact Wendy Simon for more information at [email protected] Second, Kol Emet will be participating for the second year with Beth El Min Ha’Aretz (from the land) Hazon Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). CSA is a way to purchase a share in an organic farm and get the benefits of the freshest, organic local food money can buy. CSA share at Beth El Yardley offers a Large farm share is priced at $646.00.(approx. 1012 items per week for 22 weeks). We will also be offering a Medium share ( approx. 67 items bigger than a half share for 22 weeks) for $445.00. You pay one price at the time of purchase and then you have your boxed share delivered to the synagogue every Wednesday during the summer and fall months. While your CSA share is improving your own health, you are supporting a local Bucks County farm family, (by providing them with financial capital to purchase seeds and equipment needed to successfully keep their farm running) and you are also helping to keep Bucks County land from being over developed, by contributing to an economic model that keeps farmland open for the benefit of our entire community. In addition, our CSA through food donations by CSA members and through donated CSA shares provides much needed fresh food for the Loaves and Fishes food pantry in Fairless Hills, PA. The MInHa'Artez Hazon CSA share at Beth El Yardley offers a Large farm share is priced at $646.00.(approx. 10 12 items per week for 22 weeks). We will also be offering a Medium share ( approx. 67 items bigger than a half share for 22 weeks) for $445.00. Please visit www.yardleycsa.org for further information and sign up instructions. If you have any questions please contact Joy Finkel, CSA Coordinator at [email protected] or by cell phone 2153411292. Third, on May 29th we will be celebrating our annual Social Action Shabbat. We have invited Reverend Darrell Armstrong of Trenton’s Shiloh Baptist Church. Reverend Armstrong, a graduate of Stanford University and the Princeton Theological Seminary, was the Director of the Division of (Child Abuse) Prevention and Community Partnerships (DPCP) for the NJ Department of Children and Families from March, 2006 to April, 2009. He will speak about AntiBullying efforts on Friday evening. On Sunday morning, May 31th we will have several events: Aid for Friends. This is a great opportunity for families to help prepare the meals that will be distributed throughout our community. Please note that all food to be donated should be cooked, including vegetables. Despite the snow, sleet and ice it will soon be Spring cleaning time. Start putting aside clothes, appliances and anything else that you’d like to donate. Collections for the Trenton Rescue Mission will also take place at the Kol Emet parking lot. We will also be preparing food at Sacred Heart Church in Trenton. For more information concerning the Social Action Committee, contact Howard Greenberg at [email protected] or 6096587975. The following young members of Congregation Kol Emet have been recognized by the Jewish Community Youth Foundation for their support in the JCYF Philanthropy program. Mazel Tov to: Sam Ackerman, Drew Bush, Andrew Hampel, Leo Hampel, Matthew Hampel, Brett Hoffman, Gregory Levy, Brooke Levy, Nathan O’Rourke, and Jessica Umbro. Our congregation is fortunate to have these teens in our midst as they truly are the future of the Jewish community. P INTERFAITH SEDER urim is over, and Passover is around the corner! Kol Emet is again hosting our annual Interfaith Seder, which this year will be on Friday night April 10th, the last night of Pesach. As usual, we are inviting a collection of local faith communities to participate in our seder and join with our entire community. It is important for our community to be wellrepresented, and we would love for you and your family to attend. The cost is $36 per adult and $18 per child. Please RSVP to the office by March 25th. As it says in the Pesach Haggadah, “et all who are hungry come and eat.” We are so pleased to be part of such a warm and diverse community that opens its arms to one another. 3 KOL EMET SINGS THE JEWISH BLUES K ol Emet welcomed Saul Kaye and his soulful Jewish Blues at the end of January. We had many wonderful events starting with a program for our kids on Thursday evening that had them singing and moving. On Friday night we had over 100 people share a Shabbat meal and join Rabbi Anna and Saul in soulful prayer and song. An intimate group meditated and learned the power of niggunim Shabbat afternoon and Saturday night we had a beautiful Havdalah service and concert with Saul. Thank you to all who assisted with set up, food orders and clean up. Thank you to the Religious School PTO for sponsoring the dinner on Thursday night and a HUGE thank you to the Endowment Committee for sponsoring Saul’s entire weekend with us! If you would like to help bring more wonderful programming to Kol Emet please consider making a contribution to the Endowment Fund of Kol Emet. (continued from page 2) PUMPKIN CHALLAH RECIPE FROM CARRIE (MAKES ONE CHALLAH) Ingredients: 11/2 cups warm water 2 tablespoons dry yeast 3 eggs 1 cup pumpkin puree 2/3 cup sugar 1/3 cup oil 2 teaspoons pumpkin spice 1 teaspoon cinnamon 21/2 teaspoons salt 68 cups bread flour Egg wash, finely minced pumpkin seeds for top (instead of sesame seeds) Instructions: In a large mixing bowl, briskly whisk together the water and yeast. Then, briskly stir in the eggs, pumpkin puree, sugar, oil, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, and salt. Add most of the flour to form a smooth but resilient dough (a soft but elastic bread dough). Add additional flour and knead 810 minutes. Shape dough into a ball and place in a lightly greased bowl and place this in a plastic bag and seal loosely. Let rise until doubled, about 45 to 60 minutes. On a floured board, gently deflate the dough. Divide into three strands or ropes and braid together as for a threebraided challah. Stack two baking sheets together and line the top one with parchment paper. Place the bread on this and brush with egg wash. Cover with a large plastic bag and let rise until almost doubled in size, 45 90 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 F Brush again with egg wash and generously sprinkle on chopped pumpkin seeds. Bake until bread is browned and seems done (hard to tell because the dough is dark in color), about 4055 minutes. Cool at least 20 minutes before serving. 4 teachers in the school, were apprehended and are now in custody. A spokesperson for the Kol Emet Board of Directors, Randi Davis, has denied this report, insisting that Vicki Umbro has been way too busy for any such activities given her son’s upcoming Bar Mitzvah. Ms. Davis went on to add that there is nothing illegal about having an underground secret lair for the research and production of holiday snack treats. Additionally, the lab violates no health codes and adheres to the strictest levels of kashrut (Jewish dietary law) due to the meticulous standards of cleanliness held by Ms. Davis, who is also a certified food safety manager for Kol Emet’s kitchen. Carrie Walinsky, Kol Emet’s Education Director, has also stonewalled reporters’ efforts to get anyone to comment on these developments. She smartly dodged questions on the matter by citing Jewish national security, or by answering at length but in Hebrew. She then turned tables on reporters at the press conference, giving them a pop quiz on the Book of Esther. Meanwhile, with the sudden hamentashen production stoppage, fears of a shortage right before Purim have entered the hamentashen commodities market, where the price of a whole package of pastries has soared from $18 per package to a staggering $613 in only a few days time. The President of the Commodities Exchange, Vashti AhashVerrosh, has urged investors to use restraint and to avoid eating their own supplies of hamentashen before the holiday of Purim actually begins. What will become of the massive underground Jewish bakery remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain: at $613 per dozen, people will be savoring every bite of hamentashen this Purim. ISRAEL TRIP We are doing it again! Kol Emet's Mission III to Israel! December 2016. Take a look at the exciting itinerary and please tell your friends and family! Keep your eyes posted for meetings and planning meetings. Kol Emet Israel Family Adventure December 21, 2016January 1, 2017 Day 1: Wednesday, Dec 21: Board flight to Israel Day 2: Thursday, December 22: Bruchim HaBaim Welcome to Israel You've arrived! Get ready for a fabulous adventure. Arrival to Ben Gurion on individual basis (arrival transfers are not included) Meet and greet at the hotel lobby around 7PM Welcome dinner at the hotel PM program: orientation and IsraelExperts program “The Changing Map of the Middle East” family activity and discussion program, focusing on the political and historical background that led to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and the current situation in Israel and the Middle East in general Welcome dinner & overnight: Dan Panorama or Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Day 3: Friday, December 23: Remembrances and Action Memory is a vital part of Israel's cultural fabric, from the realm of the individual to the communal. We'll explore Israel's attitude towards Remembrance and it's transformation into action. The rest of the day will be devoted to Shabbat preparation and celebration. Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum. The group can be divided for this portion if there are children who are too young for Yad Vashem. A parallel program can be done for them. Har Herzl – Visit Israel's National military cemetery and visit the grave of Michael Levin Machane Yehuda – Stroll through and eat lunch in the famous Jerusalem market Early Kabbalat Shabbat at the Kotel Shabbat dinner at the hotel Oneg Shabat Breakfast, shabbat dinner & overnight: Dan Panorama or Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Day 4: Saturday, December 24: Shabbat a moment in Time and Space Shabbat Tefilah with Bnai Mitzvah ceremony at the hotel or on the Egalitarian Plaza near the Kotel Optional: Walk (or take a taxi) to the Israel Museum and visit the museum (on your own – entrance fee is not included). Walking tour: The Old City Few hours walking tour of the Christian Quarter & sites Havdala at the Kotel Dinner on your own Breakfast & overnight: Dan Panorama or Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Day 5: Sunday, December 25: Holiness of History and the History of Holiness Visit some of Jerusalem's most important historical sites and learn ancient history of this holy city and our people. Understand the significance of Jerusalem for major world faiths, explore the City of David where over 3000 years ago King David established the city as a unified capital of the tribes of Israel, and see how Israel looked and felt as long as 4000 years ago. Yad LeKashish: Meet with the elderly City of David. We walk part of the recently opened Pilgrim’s route, which the High Priests walked from Shiloah Pool to the Holiest of Holiest. Tour the Old City of Jerusalem including the Southern Wall excavations and the Jewish Quarter Kotel Tunnel tour Dinner on your own Breakfast & overnight: Dan Panorama or Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Day 6: Monday, December 26: Challenges Then and Now Leaders make difficult choices. We’ll struggle with the challenges and choices of the Masada saga. In the afternoon we’ll float in the Dead Sea and hike in a nature reserve and enjoy the beauty of the wilderness. We’ll learn about Bedouin culture. Leave the hotel at 8AM Masada, the last stronghold of the Jewish Zealots against the Romans 2000 years ago. Take the Cable car up and visit the remarkable excavations including Herod's Palace and stables, the ancient synagogue and water system and hear about the defenders' anguished choice between slavery and death. We walk down the earthen Roman Ramp built to storm the desert fortress Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth for swim: Dead Sea swim at Ein Gedi Beach Bedouin Hospitality dinner, camel riding (must be before dark) and star gazing at Chan HaShayarut Breakfast, Bedouin Chafla dinner & overnight: Ramon Inn Hotel, Mitzpeh Ramon Day 7: Tuesday, December 27: Pioneers Visit the newly renovated visitor center. See the exhibition dedicated to Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon and his message for peace. Hike part of the Rim Lunch with the Culinary Queens of Yerucham. Enjoy a sumptuous meal and hear the personal and family stories of these great cooks, and provide them with much needed income. Please pick an option: Get to know the Western Negev. Few American tourists see these sites, although they are located in an area too frequently in the news…Among the points of interest: Where countries meet: the joint border of Israel, Egypt and Gaza Black Arrow Memorial, Lookout over the Gaza Strip, Iron Brigade memorial, Halutza, Aleh NegevNahalat Eran rehabilitative village OR Shvil HaSalat: Visit the green houses in Nachal Bsor region and see how fresh produce is grown in the middle of the desert. Pick and eat your own produce. Great tour for all ages (23 hours) Arrival to Tel Aviv 5 THINGS YOU WILL ONLY SEE IN ISRAEL! Breakfast & overnight: Dan Panorama Tel Aviv Day 8: Wednesday, December 28: Tel Aviv and the Mediterranean Palmach Museum Independence Hall Caesarea Experience Dinner at the Kibbutz Evening drumming circle with Bishara, a teacher and musician Breakfast, dinner & overnight: Kibbutz Guesthouse in the North Day 9: Thursday, December 29: The Beauty and the Magic of the North We'll spend the day enjoying the variety of activities that the North of Israel offers from hiking to getting to know the holy mystical city of Tzfat. Travel to the former military outpost at Har Bental and take in a stunning 360 degree view of Israel and Syria. Tel Banias largest waterfall in Israel, and visit the remains of an ancient city. Tzfat Tour the streets and synagogues of this ancient mystical city. Arrival to Kibbutz Guest House Dinner at the Kibbutz After dinner the bus will take us to Kibbutz Beit Alpha and meet with David Nachum. David is a painter & sculpturer and was president of his Kibbutz for many years. We enjoy coffee and tea in the coffeehouse he designed and built himself – (was arranged by Carrie) Breakfast, dinner & overnight: Kibbutz Guesthouse in North Day 10: Friday, December 30: Diverse Country, Diverse Ways of Life Contrast the very different ways of living in this spectacular and diverse country. Explore how the past influences the present and the future. Tree planting at Tzomet Golani Haifa: visit the Bahai Gardens and the Temple (if open) Arrival to Tel Aviv on time to catch the Nachlat BenYamin arts and crafts fair (closes at 5PM) Check in to the hotel We have dinner at a local restaurant in Jaffo (Old Man and the Sea) OR Shabbat dinner at the hotel Breakfast, dinner & overnight: Dan Panorama Tel Aviv Day 11: Saturday, December 31: The Price and the Glory of Independence Optional Shabbat services with Beit Tfila congregation (they will expect a donation) Neve Tzedek – Birth of Tel Aviv walking tour Kikar Rabin The struggle toward peace and security continues as we stand in Rabin Square, where Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated for his efforts toward peace Jaffo a tale of two cities learn about the ancient city of Yafo and its importance to both Jews and Arabs (by your own guide – local guides do not work Shabbat) Return to the hotel to fresh up and pack the suitcases Farewell dinner at Entrecote in Nachlat BenYamin Street One group transfer to the airport to board your return flights, which departs between 11:50PM – 1AM. Arrival to the US is on Sunday, January 1 Itinerary & flight schedule time are subject to change for reasons beyond our control! A perfect parking job! Hasidic family crossing signs... Soldiers who bring their kids to work... Sudoku while swimming... M16s are a fashion accessory... A hasidic family dressed like this... No cars on the road for an entire 24 hours... Israel is one of the only countries where the sun sets into the Mediterranean Sea. 6 B'NAI MITZVAH ANNOUNCEMENTS KOL EMET PROUDLY CONGRATULATES M EDEN MALINOFF MARCH 7, 2015 MEREDITH O'ROURKE MARCH 14, 2015 eredith is a 7th grader at William Penn Middle School in Yardley. She enjoys taking dance classes in Jazz and Tap as well as skiing and hanging out with her friends. She is the youngest in her family and has two older brothers, Nathan and Evan, whom are a senior and junior, respectively, at Pennsbury High School. Meredith has a great sense of humor and is fun, loving, smart and kind. She participates with her family every year at the Trenton Soup Kitchen where she helps prepare and serve food to hundreds of clients in the Trenton area. She has also recently prepared and packaged several dozen individual 1gallon ziploc bags of personal items and snacks to give to those in need. Meredith is an animal lover and plans on volunteering and helping at a shelter in the spring. ADIN GOLDBERG MARCH 28, 2015 A din is a busy seventh grade honor student at the William Penn Middle School. His favorite subject is science. He is a Jr. Black Belt in Kempo Karate. Adin also plays the trumpet in his school band. His Mitzvah project is to entertain senior citizens by playing a concert with his trumpet at the Greenwood House in Ewing, New Jersey. TYLER THOMAS APRIL 18, 2015 KAYLA SCHRAM APRIL 18, 2015 e are so proud of our daughter Kayla Schram who will become a Bat Mitzvah on April 18, 2015. Kayla has 2 older brothers Zach and Jared. Kayla's Bat Mitzvah project will be working with the Athletes Helping Athletes program. Kayla will be working with special needs students teaching them softball skills. She plays for the Rock travel softball program and attends Newtown middle school. W ZENON PETRO MAY 16, 2015 M MADISON PETERS MAY 16, 2015 adison has grown up in the Kol Emet building. She has been participating at Kol Emet since preschool when she was 2 years old. It is hard to believe that the time has come for her Bat Mitzvah. Madison is very excited for this special day and is working very hard to prepare. Madison is currently in the seventh grade at Pennwood Middle School where she is an A student and has made the honor roll each marking period. When Madi is not working on her school work she enjoys spending her free time dancing with the BC Discoveries Turning Out Performance Company. Madi also has a love for baking. It is this that inspired her Mitvah project where she chose to bake cookies to raise money for the Make a Wish Foundation. Madison we are very proud of the young women you have become! 7 Buying your groceries can save you money at Kol Emet. Do you do your grocery shopping at Giant, McCaffrey’s or ShopRite? Would you like to earn 2.5% of your grocery bill off of your Kol Emet dues? If YES, then you can purchase Giant, McCaffrey’s, or ShopRite scrip (Gift Cards) from Kol Emet And receive 2.5% of your total purchase credited towards your synagogue dues!! Purchase scrip for yourself, family members, friends, or anyone and YOU receive the credit! For example, purchase $1,000 of GIANT scrip. Receive $1,000 to spend at GIANT PLUS a $25.00 credit towards your Kol Emet dues! It’s that easy!! Email Melody Katz at [email protected] to place your order. You will be notified when it is available for pick up at the Kol Emet office. Cash or checks accepted for scrip payment. Office Use: Date Received: Circle One: One Time or Monthly Amount Circle One: One Time or Monthly Amount Circle One: One Time or Monthly Amount Our beautiful Aytz Chaim (Tree of Life) sculpture was donated by Eileen Wolf, a founding member of Congregation Kol Emet. At the base of the tree, there are a number of stones. The limbs of the tree spread into branches with golden leaves that become perpetual symbols of the joys of life. The stones and leaves may be inscribed to commemorate such happy events as births, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, or just to honor family and friends. Share the happiness by inscribing your family’s simchas on our Aytz Chaim. It will be a beautiful and permanent dedication to the meaningful and happy events that touch our lives. I wish to inscribe leaf (leaves) at $200 per leaf (max 4 lines/75 letters) I wish to inscribe boulder(s) at $700 per stone Please print carefully: Contributed by: Name: Address: Phone: Please make your check payable in full to Congregation Kol Emet. 8 CALENDAR SPIRITUAL CALENDAR – Thursday Morning Minyan is at 7:15am. Join us for a rousing, traditional service with Torah reading. Breakfast to follow. – Friday night Shabbat Services 7:30pm (unless otherwise noted) Join us for services including dvar Torah and thoughtprovoking discussion. Oneg to follow. – Saturday morning Shabbat Services, 10:00am (unless otherwise noted) A lively torah study with nosh followed by an informal service. MARCH 2015 3/13 Family Shabbat, starring our Mechina class and celebrating our Community Heroes, led by Rabbi Anna 3/14 Havdalah Service w/Bat Mitzvah Meredith O'Rourke, led by Rabbi Anna 3/15 Aqua Fun Run at the NAC 3/16 Passover Food Drive begins today and ends 3/31 3/19 Board Meeting 3/20 Havurah Shabbat Service and Dinner 3/22 Aren't You Dying to Learn about Death (at Levine's Funeral Parlor) (part 2 of 3) 3/25 BBYO Meeting 3/27 Shabbat Service, led by Rabbi Anna and Robert Glatzer 3/28 Shabbat Service w/Bar Mitzvah Adin Goldberg, led by Rabbi Anna 3/29 Sisterhood Event Iron Chef Charoset & Chocolate Seder Ritual Committee Meeting Aren't You Dying to Learn about Death (part 3 of 3) 3/31 RS Seder for Tuesday and Wednesday Classes APRIL 2015 4/1 No RS 4/3 No PS First Seder No Shabbat Service 4/4 Second Seder Shabbat and Pesach Service, led by Rabbi Anna 4/6 No PS 4/7 No PS/No RS 4/8 No PS/No RS 4/9 No PS 4/10 7th day Passover No PS Interfaith Seder and Shabbat Service, led by Rabbi Anna 4/11 8th day Passover Shabbat Service and Yiskor, led by Rabbi Anna 4/12 Author Nomi Eve 4/13 PS Resumes 4/14 RS Resumes 4/15 RS Resumes 4/16 Yom HaShoah Bucks County Coalition Meeting Board Meeting 4/17 Shabbat Service, led by Rabbi Anna 4/18 Shabbat Service w/Bar Mitzvah Tyler Thomas, led by Rabbi Anna Havdalah Service w/Bat Mitzvah Kayla Schram, led by Rabbi Anna 4/19 Enrichment 4/22 Yom HaZikaron 4/23 Yom HaAtzmaout 4/24 Rabbi Anna's Installation Shabbat, led by Rabbi Anna 4/25 Kol Emet Evening Gala 4/26 Hoppin' Through the Holidays 4/28 RS Siyyum 4/29 RS Siyyum BBYO Meeting MAY 2015 5/1 Tag Sale Havurah Shabbat Service and Dinner 5/3 Tag Sale Speaker on Genealogy Enrichment 5/7 Lag b'Omer 5/8 Aleph Consecration, led by Rabbi Anna 5/16 Shabbat Service w/Bar Mitzvah Zenon Petro, led by Rabbi Anna Havdalah Service w/Bat Mitzvah Madison Peters, led by Rabbi Anna 5/17 Bus Trip to the Lower East Side 5/19 Last Day of RS 5/20 Last Day of RS BBYO Meeting 5/21 Board Meeting 5/22 10th Grade Confirmation, led by Rabbi Anna 5/23 Tikkun Layl Shavuot 5/24 Shavuot Shavuot Service, led by Rabbi Anna 5/25 Shavuot 5/29 Family Shabbat Dinner (6p) and Shabbat Service (7p) 5/31 Social Action Day 9 DONATIONS FUND IN MEMORY OF DONOR Social Action Fund.................................................................... Fred Ryersbach, MD..................................................................... Jeanlu Ryersbach Caring Committee Fund.................................................................... Harry Schnapp.................................................................... Fran Fried Preschool Fund.................................................................... Sister of Jon Shavel.................................................................... Eric & Elyce Rosen Preschool Fund.................................................................... Sister of Doug Shavel.................................................................... Eric & Elyce Rosen Preschool Fund.................................................................... Nathan Weiss.................................................................... Eric & Elyce Rosen Building Fund.................................................................... Peggy Feinstein.................................................................... Steve & Barbara Gross Preschool Fund.................................................................... Uncle of Caren & Nat Bosk.................................................................... Eric & Elyce Rosen Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Edward Quimby.................................................................... Ann & Ed Kimball Social Action Fund.................................................................... Steve Hersh.................................................................... Gary Gilman & Deborah Zelitch Building Fund.................................................................... Kyle Atras.................................................................... Ann & Ed Kimball Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Maurice Cohen.................................................................... Corrine & Allan Cohen Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Grace Seltzer.................................................................... Paula & Tom Kearns Preschool Fund.................................................................... Grace Seltzer.................................................................... Eric & Elyce Rosen Building Fund.................................................................... Grace Seltzer.................................................................... Tony & Heidi Bush Building Fund.................................................................... Grace Seltzer.................................................................... Randi & Matt Davis Grace Seltzer.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Jay & Lori Frank Grace Seltzer.................................................................... Toby Frey Scholarship Fund.................................................................... Bob Frey & Randi Chud Grace Seltzer.................................................................... Caring Committee Fund.................................................................... Fran & Harvey Fried Michael Siegel.................................................................... Prayer Book.................................................................... Tom & Paula Kearns Michael Siegel.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Randi & Matt Davis Michael Siegel.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Jill & David Gordon Michael Siegel.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Sindey & Bud Dranoff Marga Rosa Knobloch.................................................................... Caring Committee Fund.................................................................... Jeanlu Israela Ryersbach Melvin Robert Yoffee.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Randi & Matt Davis Eugene Gordon.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... David & Jill Gordon Dave Davis.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Tom & Paula Kearns Dave Davis.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Sindey & Bud Dranoff Dave Davis.................................................................... Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Shelley Miller & Michael Seltzer Dave Davis.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Jay & Lori Frank Dave Davis.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Melody & Stan Katz Dave Davis.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Jill & David Gordon Dave Davis.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Heidi & Tony Bush Dave Davis.................................................................... Toby Frey Scholarship Fund.................................................................... Bob Frey & Randi Chud Dave Davis.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Andrew & Betsy Harrison Dave Davis.................................................................... Library Fund.................................................................... Fran & Harvey Fried Paul Sokoloff.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... The Hampel Family Herbert Eisen.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Claudie Williams Edward Freibrun.................................................................... Social Action Fund.................................................................... Michael Freibrun Irv Melamed.................................................................... Building....................................................................Paula & Tom Kearns Irv Melamed.................................................................... Preschool Fund.................................................................... Elyce & Eric Rosen Irv Melamed.................................................................... Building....................................................................Heidi & Tony Bush Irv Melamed.................................................................... Building....................................................................Melody & Stan Katz Irv Melamed.................................................................... Building....................................................................Sindey & Bud Dranoff Irv Melamed.................................................................... Building....................................................................Maggie, Andy, Ellen Myers Irv Melamed.................................................................... Building....................................................................Lori & Jay Frank Miriam & Benjamin Kimball.................................................................... Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Ann & Ed Kimball Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Social Action Fund.................................................................... Judy & Richard Gordon Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Sindey & Bud Dranoff Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Lori & Jay Frank Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Carol & Sol Bress Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Pasquale & Carlene Deon Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Allen W. Toadvine 10 Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Carol & Harold Kaplan Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Prayer book Fund.................................................................... Paula & Tom Kearns Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Elissa Goldberg Toby Frey.................................................................... Social Action Fund.................................................................... Robert Frey Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... The Law Firm of Gordon Liebmann Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Elliot Olen Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Francis & Ann Dillon Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Richard & Wilma Moore Deborah Zelitch.................................................................... Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Eric & Abby Hocky Carol Butler.................................................................... Prayer Book Fund.................................................................... Kol Emet Religious School Staff Carol Butler.................................................................... Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Heidi & Tony Bush Henry Sokalner.................................................................... Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Phyllis Eisner Ada Feldman.................................................................... Toby Frey Scholarship Fund.................................................................... Eileen Wolf Mitchell Z. Cohen.................................................................... Caring Committee Fund.................................................................... The Deodati Family Fay Schultz.................................................................... Charles Fisher Memorial Fund.................................................................... Ellen Slott Fisher Dorothy Fisher.................................................................... Charles Fisher Memorial Fund.................................................................... Ellen Slott Fisher Lee Eisner.................................................................... Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.................................................................... Phyllis S. Eisner Shane Frankel.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... The Davis Family IN HONOR OF FUND DONOR Birthday of Harold Kaplan.................................................................... Endowment Fund.................................................................... Stan & Melody Katz Birthday of Harold Kaplan.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Eileen & Robert Elias Speedy Recovery to Andrew Finkle.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Tom & Paula Kearns Speedy Recovery to Andrew Finkle.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Melody & Stan Katz Carrie Walinsky .................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Sindey & Bud Dranoff Birth of Brennan Frank.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... Sindey & Bud Dranoff Bat Mitzvah of Nicole Edelstein.................................................................... Building Fund.................................................................... The Gordon Family Adoption of Faith Benedetto.................................................................... Preschool Fund.................................................................... Denise Kaplan & Family Adoption of Faith Benedetto.................................................................... Preschool Fund.................................................................... Robyn Trause Adoption of Faith Benedetto.................................................................... Preschool Fund.................................................................... Kol Emet Preschool Staff Lisa & Eric Gressen’s Purim Spiel.................................................................... Adult Ed. Fund.................................................................... Paula & Tom Kearns Engagement of Rob Katz to Clara.................................................................... Social Action Fund.................................................................... Paula & Tom Kearns CONDOLENCES TO Angela Alexander, on the passing of her beloved sisterinlaw, Katherine Galdi Risha Neil, on the passing of her beloved grandfather, Melvin Robert Yoffee Michael Seltzer, on the passing of his beloved mother, Grace Stella Davis and Matt Davis, on the passing of their beloved husband and father, Dave Ira Melamed on the passing of his beloved father, Irv The Gilman family on the passing of their beloved wife and mother, Deborah Zelitch Stacey Haferl on the passing of her beloved mother Carol Butler 11 MITZVAH AND MEMORY Death often brings more than sorrow and grief. It creates changes and all kinds of disruptions in our lives. In times of confusion, pain, and personal loss, many of us seek support from community, and a connection with earlier generations. We do this through participating in rituals and traditions from our Jewish way of life. Whether we consider ourselves religious or not, whether we pray once or twice a year or regularly, we can derive meaning and rebuild our emotional foundation from the words, symbols, and faith of our spiritual heritage. Our Thursday morning Minyan, Shabbat evening and Shabbat morning worship can provide the spiritual nourishment and community connections you might need as you grieve a loss or mark the anniversary of a loved one’s passing. Coming to the synagogue on a Yahrzeit, anniversary, of a loved one’s death, and saying Kaddish, is a meaningful way to transform our memories into a living tribute to our departed. Our own lives are made holier by rising to proclaim our faith in the names of those who have passed. Please consider joining us in prayer at a time of Yahrzeit and perform a powerful mitzvah to pay tribute to your memories. ATTENTION KOL EMET BUSINESS OWNERS: ADVERTISE WITH KOL EMET IN THE NEXT VOICE In the spirit of building community, The Voice includes advertisements from Kol Emet congregants who have businesses offering products and services. In addition to your ad, we will list your name (if not included in your copy) so the reader knows which Kol Emet congregant is involved in the business. Your listing will include: Name of Company Address (if business has a storefront location) Contact (Phone, Email, and/or Web Address) 50 word description (images are welcomed) Cost is $36/issue. Send information to the Kol Emet Office ([email protected]) by the 15th of February, May, August, November for a listing in the next issue. KOL EMET DONATION COUPON Donor Name Address City, State Zip Enclosed is my gift of: $1 8 $36 $50 (for Prayerbook) $72 (for Oneg) $1 80 $360 Other - please specify Please use my gift for: Building Fund Membership Assistance Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Mitzvah Fund Bruce Levitt (Playground) Memorial Fund Caring Committee Social Action Prayer Book Fund Endowment Fund Toby Frey Memorial Fund Outdoor Sanctuary Fund Oneg (specify date) Charles A. Fisher Memorial Sanctuary Fund This gift is in honor of: This gift is in memory of: Send to: Congregation Kol Emet 1360 Oxford Valley Road Yardley, PA 19067 STAYING INFORMED AT KOL EMET There are many ways we try to keep you informed: The Voice: This Newsletter and past issues (www.kolemet.org/monthly.asp) Our Website: http://www.kolemet.org Our Calendar: www.kolemet.org/calendar.asp The Whisper: Weekly Email of upcoming events at Kol Emet and in the Jewish community (www.kolemet.org/weekly.asp) Religious school: Materials sent home with your children every week. Shouts: Emails sent to alert you to imminent events and meetings. Congregational Meetings: Meet at Kol Emet to both listen to, and be heard, by your Board. Make sure all the adults in your family get The Weekly Whisper email. If your family has more than one email address, please feel free to signup your multiple addresses. To get The Whisper, send an email to [email protected]. 12 Make sure all the adults in your family get The Weekly Whisper email. If your family has more than one email address, please feel free to signup your multiple addresses. To get The Whisper, send an email to [email protected]. CONGREGATION KOL EMET CONTACT INFORMATION Rabbi...................................................... Rabbi Anna Boswell-Levy ([email protected])..................... 21 5-493-8522 ext. 3 Executive Director.................................. Bob Frey ([email protected] ).............................................. 21 5-493-8522 ext. 11 3 Educational Director............................... Carrie Walinsky ([email protected])................................. 21 5-493-8522 ext. 4 Office Administrator................................ Judi Pogachefsky ([email protected]).................................21 5-493-8522 ext. 2 President................................................ Andrew Finkle ([email protected])................................. .... 21 5-968-7520 Vice President........................................ Tony Bush ([email protected] ) ................................. ...... 21 5-493-4080 Vice President........................................ Randi Davis (davis1 [email protected])................................. 267-392-5265 .... Secretary................................................ Beth Zuckerman ([email protected]).................................21 5-493-2996 Treasurer................................................ Tom Kearns ([email protected])................................. ........... 21 5-750-1 01 9 Past President........................................ Melody Katz ([email protected])................................. ........... 21 5-752-7705 Adult Education...................................... Ellie Fisher ([email protected])............................................ Caring Committee .............................Vacant Community Relations........................ Jeff Blankman ([email protected] ) ................................. 21 5-579-5947 Early Education...................................... Susan Steiner ([email protected])................................. 21 5-321 -7079 Finance...................................................Robert Siegel ([email protected])................................... Fundraising.............................................Vacant House..................................................... John Eichholz ([email protected] ) ................................. 21 5-862-41 87 Long Range Planning............................. Ken Hampel ([email protected]) ................................. 21 5-493-11 08 Membership .................................... Ronnie Fuchs ([email protected]).................................................................. Men's Club Co-President....................Josh Fishman ([email protected]) .................................21 5-321 -3059 Men's Club Co-President....................Michael Neil ([email protected] ) ................................. 21 5-428-1 884 Preschool PTO Co-President.............. Lauren Templeton ([email protected] ) ................................. 21 5-493-3064 Rabbi Transition Committee ................ Jill Gordon ([email protected]) ................................. ........... 21 5-295-8838 Religious Education .......................... Bob Fink ([email protected] ) .................................................................. 21 5-493-471 5 Religious School PTO Co-President...... Heather Finkle ([email protected] ) .................................21 5-968-7520 Religious School PTO Co-President..... Tabitha Peters ([email protected] ) .................................21 5-321 -31 61 Ritual ............................................. Robert Moses ([email protected]) ................................. 21 5-321 -9927 Sisterhood President......................... Genevieve Shultz ([email protected] ) ................................. 21 5-31 0-1 700 Social Action........................................... Howard Greenberg ([email protected] ) ................................. 609-883-2524 Youth Programming .......................... Risha Neil ([email protected] ) .................................................................. 21 5-428-1 884 GENERAL CONTACT INFO Congregation Kol Emet, 1360 Oxford Valley Road, Yardley, PA 19067 Email: [email protected], (phone) 2154938522, (fax) 2154933444 Find us online: www.kolemet.org and Facebook, LinkedIn, and WetPaint 13
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