Publication2 (Read-Only) - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church


Publication2 (Read-Only) - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church . Naperville IL . 630.355.8980
All Saints Catholic Academy . Naperville IL . 630.961.6125
Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet-in-Illinois
Most Rev. R. Daniel Conlon, Bishop . Most Rev. Joseph Siegel, Auxiliary Bishop . Most Rev. Joseph L. Imesch, Bishop Emeritus
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 7 2013
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, IL 60563 e-mail: [email protected]
630 355-8980 (Main Office)
Visit us on the internet at
630 305-6318 (Religious Education)
630 355-0521 (Facsimilie)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Parish Staff
Rev. Don E. McLaughlin – Pastor, x102, [email protected]
Rev. Rodolphe Arty, C.S.C. – Parochial Vicar, x 103, [email protected]
Rev. Bob Colaresi, O. Carm. – Weekend Associate, [email protected]
Permanent Deacons
Rev. Mr. Michael (Kathryn) Barrett – x220, [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Jim (Mary Jo) Breen – 630.357.4853, [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Larry (Susan) Kearney – x225, [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Chuck (Sue) Lane – x220, [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Pat (Mary Jo) Lennon – x220, [email protected]
Kate Cuddy – Director of Music and Liturgy, x112, [email protected]
Scott Knisley – Asst. Director of Music and Liturgy, x111, [email protected]
Lori Culberson – Liturgy Coordinator, x120, [email protected]
Theresa Sheliga* – Sacristan Coordinator, x116
Faith Formation
Sandy Renehan – Principal at All Saints Catholic Academy 630.961.6125
Patti Dougherty – Director of Religious Education, x109, [email protected]
Brett Adams – Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry,
x117, [email protected]
Peggy Goralski – Director of Middle School Faith Formation,
x123, [email protected]
Chari Rosales – Director of Adult Education & RCIA x138, [email protected]
Nancy Cirmo – Religious Education Assistant, x118, [email protected]
Outreach and Social Justice
Michael Ryder – Director of Outreach & Social Justice, x121, [email protected]
Anne Schultz – OSJ Partner, x113, [email protected]
Sally Meno* – OSJ Financial, x137, [email protected]
Pastoral Care
Jan Olah – Director of Pastoral Care, x124
Felicia Lawlor*, M.S., R.N. – Faith Community Nurse, x104, [email protected]
Rose Grumbine*, R.N., – Faith Community Nurse, x140, [email protected]
Janet Simmons – Finance/Business Officer, x106, [email protected]
Diane McQueen – Gen Office Administrative Asst, x101, [email protected]
Kathy Ferguson – Gen Office Administrative Asst, x100, [email protected]
Elizabeth Fisher* – Evening/Saturday Receptionist
Mary Wright* – Evening/Saturday Receptionist
Marge Coronado – Administration and R.E. Asst, x219, [email protected]
Marilyn DeMeo* – Database Coordinator (T/Th), x107, [email protected]
Angie Tuttle – Bulletin and Web Editor, Liturgy Asst, x110, [email protected]
Bob Hartmann* – Facility Manager, x133, [email protected]
Pastoral Leadership Community
Christine Berta 579.4294
Pam Foster 699.3044
Charles Haydon 369.2262
Nick Furibondo 898.5224
Richard Strassburger 499.5676
Kate Cuddy
Chris Baker
Charles Haydon
Carol Healy
Bruce Patterson
*indicates part-time staff
In the Hospital or Home Bound
Call the Church Office to receive prayer/Eucharist
from a priest, deacon or Minister of Care.
Baptisms are usually celebrated 2-3 Sundays each
month at a 12:30 p.m. service. On selected dates,
Baptisms are celebrated at weekend Masses. Parents
are required to attend an awareness and renewal
evening prior to the Baptism. Call the Church Office
a few months in advance to make arrangements.
A couple planning on being married at St. Thomas
should contact the church six months in advance.
One year is preferred. Either the bride or groom,
or their parents, must be a registered parishioner
for at least three months prior to calling to set a date.
Religious Education
Call the 630.305.6318 to register.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Any person wanting to learn more about the Catholic
Faith, or to join our Catholic community should call
the church at 630.355.8980.
Counseling Service
Call Samaritan Interfaith 630.357.2456 or Jan Olah,
Pastoral Care 630.355.8980 x 124.
Sunday Nursery
Nursery care is available for your child age one
(walking) to four at the 9:30 a.m. Mass.
For more information call the church office.
Liturgy Schedule
(Monday — Friday)
Communion Service — 6:30 a.m.
Rosary — 8:10 a.m.
Mass — 8:30 a.m.
Mass — 8:30 a.m.
Commission Facilitators
Parish Life
Faith Formation
Finance Chairman
Reconciliation is available Saturday, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m.,
in the Reconciliation Room of the Chapel. Our priests
are available during the week by appointment. Communal Penance services are held occasionally during the
Saturday Vigil — 4:30 p.m.
Sunday — 8:00, 9:30, and 11:15 a.m.
(The Sunday 6:00 p.m. Mass
will resume in the fall.)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
every first Friday, 9:00 — 9:30 a.m.
From the Pastor’s Desk...
I hope everyone has had a wonderful
July 4th holiday however you celebrated.
But beyond the fireworks, parades, rib-fest,
concerts, cook-outs and time off from work,
July 4th should also be a time of reflection
and prayer for our nation and its leaders.
In considering our Declaration of Independence we should note that our nation was
founded on belief in God – that we are DEPENDENT on God. This dependence on
God is clearly stated in our Declaration of
Independence. It begins thus…”We hold
these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and that
they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights…” And it
ends “with a firm reliance on Divine Providence we pledge our lives,
our fortunes and our honor….” The President takes his oath of office
by placing his hand on the Bible, the Word of God, and ends with “So
help me God.” In our pledge of allegiance we say, “One nation under
God.” Engraved on our money is “In God we trust.” Our Congress has
a chaplain, begins each session with a prayer and provides for chaplains
for the Military. The authors of our Declaration of Independence opted
for a separation of Church and state but NOT for a separation of God
and state. What the Constitution guarantees is not freedom FROM religion but freedom OF religion, freedom to practice religion.
When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land,
God said: “This is the land I will give you for your own. But remember,
you are my people, and this is how you shall give. You shall not harm
the alien for you were once aliens; you shall not wrong widows and
orphans; you shall not charge interest to the poor. If they cry to me I
shall hear them. And I will destroy you.” That proclamation cannot help
but remind us of our own national beginning. To a significant degree,
we were social, political, criminal and religious outcasts of Europe. We
came to this wilderness land for a fresh start. We determined that it
would be a land of freedom for all with discrimination toward none.
We positioned a huge statue in our harbor inviting the poor and
wretched and homeless of every land. We vowed that we would be a
nation under God. It has been history’s most noble experiment in government – another attempt at combining religion and politics.
The Israelite experiment failed; we are still working on ours. Why
did the Israelite experiment fail? It failed because they got their priorities mixed up. They forgot their ultimate value as a People of God and
plunged themselves into the penultimate values of politics. History records that Israel fell as a result of faulty politico-economic-social structures, but her own sacred history called it a lack of faith. While Congress and the Supreme Court may define the laws of the land, those
laws do not always reflect the laws of the God on whom our nation was
founded. Let’s pray that history doesn’t record us as a nation that, like
the Israelites, fell for lack of faith!
14th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
July 7, 2013
May I never boast except in the cross
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
— Galatians 6:14
Welcome Guests
and Visitors!
We’re so glad you’re here and invite
you to walk the path of faith with us.
St. Thomas strives to provide a spiritual
home where all are welcome, where the
healing, reconciling, liberating love of
God is shared by all. We believe the
church is the sacrament of God’s saving
presence in the world, join us!
Would you like to become
a Parishioner?
Stop by the Welcome Desk or the
General Office. You may also contact
Kathy Ferguson 630.355.8980 x 100
Ministry Signup
Please consider signing up for a Liturgical or Music Ministry – YOU ARE NEEDED! There are opportunities for all ages and all time commitments.
Please contact the Liturgy and Music Office iF you
are interested.
Hymnal Information
Focusing on the Gospel
In today’s Gospel, Jesus sends the disciples out to
plant the seed of the Good News and harvest its fruit of
peace and love. The kingdom of God is at hand because wherever disciples are present and received, God
is present and received. Despite the disciples facing
“wolves” and sometimes being rejected, their labor will
bear fruit for it is God’s power that works through
them. For this divine power and presence the disciples
– and we – rejoice.
The new St. Thomas hymnals will be placed in the
pews in the next couple of weeks. The liturgy office
would once again like to thank the St. Thomas Community for their generous support of this project.
They have plans to donate many of the old hymnals
to parishes in need. Once the new hymnals are in the
pews, if you would like to purchase one, the old hymnals will be sold for $5 each. Contact Scott or Kate in
the liturgy office for more information.
Today’s Readings
Readings for the Week
First Reading —As a mother comforts her child, so
will I comfort you (Isaiah 66:10-14c).
Psalm — Let all the earth cry out to God with joy
(Psalm 66).
Second Reading — May I never boast except in the
cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:14-18).
Gospel — Jesus sends out the seventy-two
(Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 [1-9]).
Mon: Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4, 14-15ab;
Mt 9:18-26
Tues: Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b, 15;
Mt 9:32-38
Wed: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a;
Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7
Thurs: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Ps 105:16-21;
Mt 10:7-15
Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28,
39-40; Mt 10:16-23
Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-4, 6-7;
Mt 10:24-33
Sun: Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34,
36, 37; or 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Presider’s Schedule July 13/14
4:30 pm – Fr. Dof Arty, Deacon Jim Breen
8:00 am – Fr. Don McLaughlin, Deacon Mike Barrett
9:30 am – Fr. Don McLaughlin, Deacon Pat Lennon
11:15 am – Fr. Dof Arty, Deacon Larry Kearney
NO 6:00pm MASS
Schedule is subject to change. Changes are posted to
the St. Thomas website
July 7, 2013, Page 4
No 6:00 p.m. Mass
During the Summer
There will be no 6:00 p.m. mass
this summer. The mass will resume in
the fall with renewed spirit and energy.
Pray For Our Parish
Christ Jesus,
Come and open our eyes,
Our minds,
And our hearts,
To receive the healing
That we so desperately need.
We believe beyond believing
That you are new sight
And new life for us
When we trust in you
And relinquish our lives
To your care and protection.
Come now,
Heal the darkness of our lives.
Please Pray for our Men and Women
Serving in the Military
Our parish community would like to recognize and
remember the following individuals in prayer:
U.S. Air Force
Staff Sgt. Brooke Sica
Lt. Joseph Zito
A1C Maxwell Dempsey
Joseph Michalowicz
AB Jon Babiarz, Special Forces
Air Force National Guard
Senior Airman Jacob Brancaleon
U.S. Army
Lt. Alanna Casey
Cpt. Matthew Haselhorst
Staff Sgt. Aaron Simms
Sgt. William Stuart
PFC Sean Wesley
1st Lt. Chris Turley
Matt Nelson
SPC Zachary Howell
Medic Jeremy See
Cpt. Mike Reilly
Warrant Officer Aviation Kyle Zimmerman
U.S. Marine Corps
Cpl Aaron Murphy
Capt Brad Rothman
Lt. Colin Miller-Ratcliffes
LCpl Brandyn Tagliavia
LCpl Oliver Buckley
LCpal Tommy Baldacci
Col James Arthur Hogberg
U.S. Navy
Ensign Jason Coons
Alex Metzger
Airman Alex Dworak
John Osborne
Jennifer Slown
Pvt. Sonia Carrillo
PVT Cody Kolar
Lt. Kevin Martin
SN Joel Curry
SR Jeffrey Bates
U.S. Coast Guard
Call the parish office 630.355.8980 to include
someone you love in the Military prayer list.
For the sick…
Marilyn Ferris
John Clark
Lorraine Ryane, sister of Rich Becker
Emily Rose Topping, grand-daughter of Betty
Carolyn Gibson, friend of Jerry & Betty Sinco
Dick Mastropietro, friend of John & Carol Ball
Bess Patterman, mother of Jan Irving
For the deceased…
Virginia Pojeau, wife of Earl
Gino Madonia, nephew of Jennie Sirois
Edmund Dembek, father of Christine Gosciniak
Mass Intentions
Monday, July 8, 2013
8:30 †Richard Slaskon, by Pastoral Care Office
†Michael Ray Atkinson, Jr.,
by Rich & Louis Dumelle
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
(Saint Augustine, Zhao Rong, Priest and Companion,
8:30 †John “Jack” Hess,
by Frank & Mary Ellen Niederman
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
8:30 †Michael O’Toole, by The Crowley Family
†John Lamitie, by The Crowley Family
Thursday, July 11, 2013
(Saint Benedict, Abbot)
9:00 †Dennis Slanicky, by Mary Wright
Friday, July 12, 2013
8:30 †Special Intention for Dulcie Chew, by Lola Marie
4:00 Wedding Ceremony:
Megan Wylder & Charlie Bullen
Saturday, July 13, 2013
(Saint Henry, BVM)
8:30 †Thomas Pozen, by St. Thomas Pastoral Care
4:30 †Francis E. Pratt, by McDevitt & Bird Investment
Mgmt., Alan W. Bird & Martin A. McDevitt
†Shirley Mann, by Dick & Adela Auskalnis
Sunday, July 14, 2013
8:00 †Mary Ellen Jackson, by Audrey Easton
†Loudean Schmitt, by Bill Mann
9:30 †Marilyn Kane, by Ed Kane
†Anthony Rizzi, by Family
11:15 For the People of St. Thomas
Page 5 — July 7, 2013
Luke 10:1-2, 17-20
Jesus sends 72 disciples to communities he intends to
visit. They are told to teach and heal the people they
encounter. This work of Jesus continues in the universal mission of the Church today and is entrusted to
each of us upon our Baptism. What do you do for
Every flock needs a shepherd and the Catholic
Church is no different. We know that throughout
our approximately 2000 year history, we haven’t
always had “good” shepherds. But the Catholic
Church has taken great pains over the centuries to
insure continuity from the time of Christ to the present day when it comes to matters of faith and morals. Our Church has attempted to stay unified in a
special way under the leadership of our primary
shepherd, the Pope.
The Pope is responsible for the care of souls,
especially for those members of the Catholic
Church. But we bear the same responsibility. Our
Church is apostolic, which means missionary. We
are all called to be apostles who are sent and invested with the authority to bring Christ and His
Good News to our little corners of the world. Fortunately for us, we don’t have to bear that burden on
our own strength. Matthew’s gospel, chapter 28,
verse 20, reminds us that Jesus promised “I am
with you always, until the end of the age.”
July 7, 2013, Page 6
Have you ever wished you could put names with the
faces you see every week at St. Thomas? This is your
St. Thomas has chosen to partner with Lifetouch to
create a new pictorial directory for the parish. Each
family will receive a free 8 x 10 professional portrait
just for participating, and there is no obligation to buy
anything. In addition, for each participating family,
Lifetouch Photography will make a donation to the
St. Thomas Food Pantry which provides food for local
families in need.
Make your appointment today! Go to the St. Thomas
website to schedule your appointment. You will find a
link on the homepage.
The St. Thomas directory won't be the same without
YOU! Sign up today!
Mining Wisdom’s Gold
Have you wondered how to share your life story
with those you love? In a one-day workshop for men
and women on Saturday, July 13, from 9am-4pm, spend
some quality time with Edna Groves, a certified Guided
Autobiography Facilitator, reviewing the history of
your ancestors and reflecting on the meaning of your
life. Through guided reflection and writing, you will be
enabled to create a unique heirloom letter to your descendants and family.
Pre-registration is necessary and closes July 10;
there will be no opportunity for same-day registration.
The fee for the day is $110. Snacks and beverages will
be provided; please bring your own lunch. Registrations
flyers are available in the Gathering Area or by contacting Chari Rosales in the Adult Faith Formation Office.
Faith Formation / Religious Education of
Children PreK through 8th Grade
Families: Take some time to discuss
and reflect on the readings.
Registration forms for Religious Education
are now due for grade levels: Pre-K
8th Grade. New parishioners / participants
How do I let others know about my faith?
may pick up a registration packet from
the Faith Formation Office/Religious
Education Office or in the Gathering Area or downloaded Youth Ministry Corner
One of my favorite Catholic authors is Joan Chittisfrom our website Click on Religious
a Benedictine nun. In a recent newsletter, she talks
the importance of play time…not just for chilPlease note: Forms were not mailed this year due to
for everybody.
rising costs and complications with bulk mailing, so pa“Here we see again what far too many of us forgot
rishioners must pick up the forms in the church narthex or
far too long ago: there is something about taking the
download them from the St. Thomas website
time to do nothing important that is important. Play Return the forms as soon as possible
washes ambition out of the soul. Instead, it is about
for the lowest registration fees.
doing something simply for the pure joy of doing it.
Contact the Religious Education / Faith Formation OfFor one brief moment in the midst of striving to stay
fice for assistance at 630.305.6318. They are happy to asalive, there is no product to be produced, no personal
sist in any way!
gain to be sought, nothing to prove….
Play releases the mind to think outside the boundaries
of both the self and the society that shapes us. It
teaches us the joy of freedom and gives us the right to
break all the rules: we can dirty our shoes, laugh out
Serving in Our Name
loud, slide in the grass and blow bubbles to nowhere
The members of our parish Just5Days team will leave for
and no one will care. It enables us to stop taking ourtheir service week in St. Joe, Michigan on Monday. They
selves too seriously, an insight of eternal importance
have prepared for this service event through formation
if we are to live well with others…”
sessions and prayer. Please pray for them during the
Far too soon, the summer months will be behind us
week, that their experience will be marked by joy and
and we will be back to the school year routine. Before
hope, that their service to those in need will be fruitful,
and that they will grow in knowledge and faith through the that happens, enjoy some play time…LOTS of play
experience. The team’s youth members include Sophia
Cook, Arianna Fritz-Vierling, Callie Vitro, Sarah Vitro,
Grace Makris, McKenzie Mansholt, Rachel Ingal, and
Question of
the Week...
High School Youth Ministry Survey
High School Youth Ministry and Confirmation Prep needs your input! A simple ten-question survey is available
online through Survey Monkey and can be accessed through the youth ministry website
( or by going directly to Any parishioner can complete this survey, but it is directed mostly towards former, current, and/or future parents of high school
youth. Your input is valuable! Contact Brett Adams in the Youth Ministry Office with questions or further input.
High School Registration Update
Registration materials and schedule for the 2013-2014 year are being finalized. Stay tuned to the bulletin, website, and e-mail for further information. The tentative estimate for availability of high school registration materials is
in the next week or two.
Car Wash for High School Missions
High school teens doing missions this summer will host a car wash fundraiser during morning Masses on Sunday,
July 14. Drive up for a wash while you’re at Mass and find your sparkling car waiting for you in a designated part of
the parking lot. Free will donations accepted.
Page 7 — July 7, 2013
St. Thomas Charity Golf Outing
Monday, July 15, Cress Creek Country Club
Noon Shotgun Scramble Start
Open Bar Social hour 5:30 – 7:30
Dinner at 7:00
GOLFERS: Only a few golf slots remaining for the July 15 Charity Golf Outing.
DINERS: About 15 more diners are needed! (open bar social hour; salad, pasta, and dessert bars; fresh fish; and a
prime rib carving station.) If you were there last year, consider attending again. If not, gather a group of friends and
enjoy a fun evening.
SILENT AUCTION: The silent/auction auction is going to be excellent again this year. Go to and
type “Silent Auction” in the search window to get the detailed write-ups.
To register for golf or dinner only, contact the General Office 630.355.8980 or email [email protected].
New Silent Auction Items for Sports Fans – autographed memorabilia: Jim McMahon helmet, jerseys (Jaokim
Noah, Mike Ditka, Roger Staubach, Derrick Rose, Magic Johnson, Gayle Sayers)
The proceeds benefit St. Thomas CARES emergency help for families in the area, parishioners and nonparishioners. That help includes rent, utilities, and medical expenses. It can be as simple as a gas card to start a job
or as significant as a major auto repair. Due diligence is done before providing assistance.
This fiscal year, St. Thomas Cares provided $58,000 in financial help to 440 client cases, and $38,000 or 65% of
that money came from last year’s golf outing. A successful golf outing is critical to St. Thomas outreach work.
The staff and volunteers in the Outreach and Social Justice Ministry realize and understand that many are unable
to participate in this event. This ministry is so blessed and so appreciative of all the support received from the St.
Thomas community in so many ways. The Spirit is with you. Thank you.
Successful Food Collection
A number of Care Pantry volunteers spent part of their
weekend at the Jewel food store at Washington and
Ogden). The manager was very supportive in allowing
volunteers to pass out fliers as people entered the store.
When all was done, 295 bags of food were collected for
the St. Thomas Care Pantry. Thanks to Jewel, the volunteers, and the shoppers that donated.
Naperville CARES Seeks Volunteers
St. Thomas Cares and the Saint Vincent de Paul Conference work closely with Naperville CARES. It is a
valuable organization in the St. Thomas community.
Parishioner Janet Derrick is the Executive Director.
If you would like to make a difference in someone's
life, become a CARES volunteer. You will conduct telephone interviews of Naperville residents seeking help to
pay rent, utility bills, or medical bills. These neighbors
may have lost their job, had a serious illness, or recently
gone through a divorce. They are facing a financial crisis
and don't know where to turn. You can help improve their
lives. Hours are flexible and training is provided. If interested email [email protected] or call Mary
Jane or Barb at 630.369.0200.
July 7, 2013, Page 8
Planning a Summer Barbecue?
The St. Thomas Care Pantry can help you and you
can help the Care Pantry. The Care Pantry is sponsoring
Market Day sales for the months of June, July, and August. The July Market Day offerings (see flier in Gathering Area) provide many wonderful options for a backyard barbecue.
Order forms in the flier can be returned to the box in
the Gathering Area through Monday July 15. Online
ordering is also possible through Wed July 17.
( Orders can be picked up Saturday morning, July 20, 12:15 to 12:45 pm.
Parish Picnic Planned
Sunday, August 25
While many picnic committee volunteers will be helping again this year, some new faces and ideas are welcome! If you want to be involved with people who are
organized and like to have fun, please consider helping.
Someone is needed to coordinate the logistics of the
overall picnic (where activities go, when to set up and
take down), someone to oversee the Minute-to-Win-It
game (or some game similar), someone to coordinate
volunteers, someone to solicit prizes for raffle baskets
and many other volunteers to help out for an hour or two
during the picnic to help supervise one of the activities so
everyone has a chance to have fun. If you can participate,
please inform Patti Dougherty at
[email protected] or Mary Wright at [email protected] respectively.
Principal of Our Lady of Peace Catholic
Elementary School, Darien, Illinois
Ideally located in southwest-suburban Darien, Illinois;
Our Lady of Peace Catholic Elementary School offers
world-class educational experiences that are firmly
rooted in traditional Catholic doctrine to students in
grades pre-school through eight. This Diocese of Joliet
Catholic elementary school offers an integrated faith formation curriculum, rigorous academics that are aligned
with both state and national standards, and a variety of
before and after-school programs that address specific
student needs. School programs are designed to ensure
that all Our Lady of Peace students are formed in faith,
educated in excellence, and sent to serve.
Applications for a faith-filled, energetic, dynamic, and
effective educator to serve as principal beginning in August, are currently being accepted. Potential candidates
must be professed and practicing Catholics who are
passionate about and committed to bearing witness to
their faith through their words, deeds, and Christ-like
actions. In addition, candidates must possess advanced
degrees in educational leadership, hold Illinois Type 75
(General Administrative) certification, and have at least
five years of successful administrative experience, preferably as principal in a Catholic school. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications.
The deadline for receipt of complete applications is
July 19, 2013. To request an application packet, please
forward a resume and a letter of interest to: Karen R.
Udell, Assistant Superintendent of Leadership and Personnel, Catholic Schools Office, 101 W. Airport Rd.,
Romeoville, Illinois 60446. Mrs. Udell may be contacted
by e-mail at the following address:
[email protected].
Seniors Trip
Wednesday, July 10
Horseshoe Casino
Thursday, July 10
40 people needed
$25 includes bus trip and buffet.
Questions? Call Tom Dederichs 630.445.5331
Be in the St. Thomas parking lot at 8:30 a.m.
Bus returns from Casino at 2:40 p.m.
In the event you are a patient at
Edward Hospital, please name your
religion and church on admission.
Their computer system has been improved, and at this time St. Thomas
Ministers of Care will be given your
St. Thomas Pastoral Care requests a
phone call if possible when you request
a visit. Call Jan Olah at 355.8980x124.
Thank you for your patience.
Jan Olah
Page 9 — July 7, 2013
St. Thomas Jobs Ministry
Wed, July 24, 7:00 pm:
Speaker Night: Deborah Leoni
"The Balancing Act-Being and Doing"
This presentation will help you gain clarity around the
significance of who you are being in the world versus all
you are doing, and how it affects what you are manifesting.
Deborah is owner of Insight Out Life Coaching, and is a
motivational speaker, life coach, and meditation instructor.
Bring your spouse for this special night of gifting!
Deborah Leoni, owner of Insight Out Life Coaching, is
a motivational speaker, life coach and meditation instructor. Her mission is to offer a safe space to explore truth, to
discover and express one's authentic self, and to assist clients in taking dramatic actions to foster transformation to
make a difference by creating the life of their dreams.
Fri, July 12, 9:30 am: Despite the sometimes confusing
nature of the workforce system in Illinois, there are many
resources available to local job-seekers who are unemployed or underemployed. And the workforce system can
be pretty easy too once you’ve found the right point of entry. Gideon Blustein, Deputy Director from the Illinois
Department of Employment Security (IDES) will give a
candid talk about Illinois’ Workforce System, why it is
set up the way it is and how to best navigate it toward a
new job, a new career or a new business venture. Gideon
Blustein is nearing his first anniversary as IDES’ Deputy
Director where his job is simply put “to transform IDES
from the unemployment office into the re-employment
Fri, July 19, 9:30 am: "Impactful and Effective Networking" presented by Bryan McDonald, founder of the
Greater Naperville Networking Group, formerly one of the
largest networking groups in the western suburbs, with
over 2700 members. Did you know that the vast majority
(80-85%) of new hires in these economic times, get their
positions primarily through networking? Bryan will talk
about how he has built large networks to obtain job offers
and build client bases through different industries by focusing on helping people get what they want. His presentation
will be based around the "state of mind" he has applied to
networking, achieving great success.
Monday, July 8
7:00—9:30 p.m.
Coed Volleyball, Gym
Tuesday, July 9
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Baptism Class, Senior Center
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Charismatic Prayer Group, Lounge
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Adult Basketball, Gym
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Parish Mission Planning, Cana
Wednesday, July 10
Thursday, July 11
7:00—8:00 p.m.
Jubilate Rehearsal, Church
8:00—9:00 p.m.
Genesis Rehearsal , Church
Friday, July 12
9:15am-12:00 p.m.
Jobs Ministry, Gym
Saturday, July 13
8:30am-4:30 p.m.
9:00—10:30 a.m.
Legacy Writing Workshop, Lighthouse
Men’s Saturday Sharing, Resource Center
Sunday, July 14
7:30am-12:30 p.m.
Missions Car Wash
Summer Office Hours
St. Thomas offices will close at
1:00 p.m. on Fridays during the summer
(Memorial Day through Labor Day. The
office will also close 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, IL 60563 (630)355-8980. Friday meeting formats
include announcements, speaker presentation, and 2 rounds of networking. Prepare your elevator speech, and bring enough
handbills to pass out to 20 fellow networkers. Wednesday night is speaker only, no formal networking. Contact Bob
Hronek <[email protected]>; or Ben Willingham <[email protected]>; for more info.
July 7, 2013, Page 10

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