Vurderte eksamenssvar i engelsk fellesfag
Vurderte eksamenssvar i engelsk fellesfag
Vurderte eksamenssvar i engelsk fellesfag Eksamenssvara er frå eksamen våren 2014. På finn du eksamensrettleiing med kjenneteikn på måloppnåing * førebuing til eksamen eksamensoppgåver * Karakterane er grunngjevne ut frå kjenneteikn på måloppnåing i eksamensrettleiinga. Eksamensrettleiinga finst på bokmål og nynorsk. Elevsvar med vurdering og grunngjeving for karakter ENG1002/ENG1003 (Klikk for å få fram ei einskild vurdering eller eit einskilt elevsvar) Eksempel på karakter 2 Grunngjeving for karakter Eksamenssvaret s. 2 s. 4 Eksempel på karakter 3 Grunngjeving for karakter Eksamenssvaret s. 6 s. 8 Eksempel på karakter 4 Grunngjeving for karakter Eksamenssvaret s. 11 s. 13 Eksempel på karakter 5 Grunngjeving for karakter Eksamenssvaret s. 16 s. 18 Eksempel på karakter 6 Grunngjeving for karakter Eksamenssvaret s. 21 s. 23 1 av 29 ENG1002/1003 engelsk fellesfag, eksamen vår 2014 Eksempel på karakter 2 Task 1A Use the information about Sebastian Knowles in Appendices 1 and 2 below and Texts 1 and 2 in the preparation material to discuss whether he is qualified and suitable for the job advertised below. Task 2B Create a text in which you inform tenth graders about a job that interests you. Use your own knowledge of development and changes in modern working life and information from Text 4 in the preparation material. Your text should include the following: • • • • examples of how and why employees’ tasks and the working environment have developed in recent years positive and negative consequences of the changes you have described what workplaces are doing to attract and keep good employees the extent to which people today can influence developments and changes in their workplace Feel free to add other relevant points. Give your text a suitable title. Beskrivelser av vist kompetanse Innhold 1A (oppgitt som 1B). Oppgavesvaret har et stort sett relevant innhold og noe refleksjon. Teksten inneholder relevante eksempler, men drøftingen er til tider overfladisk. 2B (oppgitt som 2A). Oppgavesvaret inneholder relevant kunnskap knyttet til eget utdanningsprogram, men bruker ikke innholdet i tekst 4, slik oppgaven ber om. Tekststruktur 1A og 2B. Tekstene har en viss logisk struktur og tekstbinding, og er noe tilpasset med hensyn til formål og struktur. Tekst 1A har et uformelt og muntlig språk som ikke passer til tekstens formål og situasjon, mens dette passer bedre i 2B. Tekstsammenhengen er til tider ujevn på grunn av språket. Tekst 2B har en god introduksjon. Språk 1A og 2B. Tekstene viser et enkelt ordforråd og en del grunnleggende mønstre for ortografi, ordbøyning og setningsstrukturer. Svaret på oppgave 2B mangler flere ord og uttrykk knyttet til eget utdanningsprogram. Beskrivelser av karakterer i forskrift til opplæringsloven • • • • • • Karakteren 6 uttrykkjer at eleven har framifrå kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 5 uttrykkjer at eleven har mykje god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 4 uttrykkjer at eleven har god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 3 uttrykkjer at eleven har nokså god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 2 uttrykkjer at eleven har låg kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 1 uttrykkjer at eleven har svært låg kompetanse i faget. 2 av 29 Oppsummering av samlet kompetanse og karakter Tekstene i eksamenssvaret viser ujevn kompetanse. Innholdet er stort sett relevant, men fremstillingen er bare delvis tilpasset kommunikasjonssituasjonen og formålet. Tekstene viser noe indre sammenheng. Språket preges av et lite idiomatisk språk og usikker bruk av enkle ordbøyingsmønstre og setningsstrukturer. Eksamenssvaret viser «låg» kompetanse og er samlet vurdert til karakter 2. 3 av 29 ENG1002/1003 engelsk fellesfag, eksamen vår 2014 Eksempel på karakter 2 Task:1B After reading Sebastian Knowles CV, mine first thoughts was, what a wonderful boy. He was blessed with a charming personality (he’s own word), and he also done it extremely well at school. He seems to have many friends and growing up in a wonderful home, with wonderful parents. He also got two years at college, where he studding Food and Nutritional Services. Some work experience he also got, but not much. Mine first toughs after reading was, they mustn’t let this opportunity to get a young and gifted boy go away. I think he was qualified. After more thinking I get in doubt. I do think he was qualified, but there were something wrong. I think it’s good to think well about our self, but it was too much. Some people are not honest with themselves; I think he is one of them. I get more and more in doubt, if he was the right person for this type of job? After reading Sebastian’s face book update, I am no more in doubt. When he writes about the boy and the old man he met on the buss, I get real shocked. He doesn’t really seem to care about people. What he writes in he’s CV, don’t matter in the real live. No I am not in doubt; he doesn’t fits in this type of job. In this type of job, you really have to care about other people, and not always think about yourself first. He is divinity not suitable for this type of job. Task: 2A Generation gap In this text I want to tell you about mine job. I have worked as a carpenter for 18 years. I will try to tell you a bit about how employee’s tasks and working environment have developed in recent year. In these changes are there positive and negative things, which I will try to show you. I will also try to tell you what firms have to do to keep good employees. At last I will say something about how you can changes your workplace. All sense I was a child I was interested to work as a carpenter. The best thing to working as a carpenter is for me, that I created something. As carpenter you get possibility to be at one workplace from the building started, till it finished. When you 4 av 29 worked as a carpenter, you will get a lot of possibility responsibilities, if you want to. In many cases, at work as a carpenter you are your one chef. Working outside in fresh air it’s for me freedom. When I started working as carpenter for 18 years ago, there only was one boss at the working place. Today is there bigger possibility to discuss a case with the boss, something I think it’s great. There were only men who working as carpenter when I started. In the last few years there are more women on the working place, its do something with the working environment, which I think are positive. Younger people at working place are often very kindly. But it is difficult for me to teach them something; it seems to me that they don’t like to be showed anything. They furtherer will learn me something. They often using their phone in their working time and they are often too late at work. I think we must tough with younger people and see what we can do with it. They are often very kindly, but it’s something with respect for the boss, they have to learn. The firm has big responsibility to keep good employees. Something they can do is to arranger something on their free time. They can also send their leaders at course, where they can learn how to be a boss in 2014. I think we have to do something with the generation gap. Younger people have a lot to learn older people, and older people have a lot to learn to younger. We must not counteract if we will have a good working environment. People, who will tough about difficult things as the generation gap, can influence their work place. I think those people can make a big extent at their working place. 5 av 29 ENG1002/1003 engelsk fellesfag, eksamen vår 2014 Eksempel på karakter 3 Task 1A Use the information about Sebastian Knowles in Appendices 1, 2 below, Texts 1, and 2 in the preparation material to discuss whether he is qualified and suitable for the job advertised below. Task 2B Create a text in which you inform tenth graders about a job that interests you. Use your own knowledge of development and changes in modern working life and information from Text 4 in the preparation material. Your text should include the following: • • • • examples of how and why employees’ tasks and the working environment have developed in recent years positive and negative consequences of the changes you have described what workplaces are doing to attract and keep good employees the extent to which people today can influence developments and changes in their workplace Feel free to add other relevant points. Give your text a suitable title. Beskrivelser av elevens kompetanse Innhold 1A. Oppgavesvaret har et relevant innhold med gode eksempler og selvstendig drøfting og diskusjon. Alle de oppgitte kildene er brukt. Svaret skiller ikke eksplisitt mellom ”qualified” og ”suitable” som oppgaven ber om. Det er også et par påstander som det ikke er dekning for i kildene, slik som at Knowles er en aggressiv person. 2B. (Oppgitt som 2) Oppgavesvaret er relevant og viser stort sett forståelse for oppgavens krav til omfang og kilder. ”Millenials” er ikke referert til direkte, men ser ut til å ha påvirket svaret indirekte. Svaret gjør mest rede for en ingeniørs arbeid og gir innsiktsfulle beskrivelser og eksempler, men drøfter ikke endringene og konsekvensene i like stor grad. Tekststruktur 1A. Oppgavesvaret er stort sett tilpasset formål og situasjon, og har en stort sett logisk og klar struktur, men mangler tekstbinding. 2B. Oppgavesvaret er informerende og dermed noe tilpasset formålet, men det er ikke like godt tilpasset den oppgitte situasjonen og målgruppen. Svaret har en stort sett logisk struktur, men mangler tekstbinding. Språk Beskrivelser av karakterer i forskrift til opplæringsloven 1A. og 2B. Tekstene har et generelt ordforråd og språket kommuniserer, men korrekt bruk av setningskonstruksjon, ordbøyning, rettskrivning og bruken av ord og uttrykk varierer. Teksten inneholder norvagismer som ”double so much money”, ”it” og ”there” forvekslinger, preposisjonsfeil som ”for 20 years ago” og manglende artikkel som i ”at office”. • • • • Karakteren 6 uttrykkjer at eleven har framifrå kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 5 uttrykkjer at eleven har mykje god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 4 uttrykkjer at eleven har god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 3 uttrykkjer at eleven har nokså god kompetanse i faget. 6 av 29 • • Oppsummering av samlet kompetanse og karakter Karakteren 2 uttrykkjer at eleven har låg kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 1 uttrykkjer at eleven har svært låg kompetanse i faget. Hovedinntrykket av eksamenssvaret er at innholdet er relevant, dekkende og ryddig. Samtidig gjør språkbruken fremstillingen uklar, både innholdsmessig og strukturelt. Eksamenssvaret gir inntrykk av ”nokså god” kompetanse og er samlet vurdert til karakter 3. 7 av 29 ENG1002/1003 engelsk fellesfag, eksamen vår 2014 Eksempel på karakter 3 English examination Task 1 A1 Sebastian Knowles is interested to the job and applied for the job as Food and Nutrition Associate. As we can se from his CV, he is educated from Essex Vocational College in Colchester. He has studied Food and Nutritional Services. He has a work experience as Assistant at Blessfields Care Home, but he worked there just for 7 months. He has also worked as Assistant for Koplan Catering Services in Brighton; they work with Food preparation and delivery. Sebastian has an experience with Food preparation and caring people, but he has just worked with those two things just for 2 or 7 months. He has not so much experience. On his excerpt he his describing him self with a charming personality. He wants to work at the hospital because it will be a great opportunity for him to help those who need help. He is also saying that he can tackle stress and is motivated to work hard. Sebastian wrote a status on his Facebook page that he sent an application for a job as Food and Nutrition Associate. He is quite the apposite of what he wrote on his excerpt then he is in his real life. He wrote this surprising sentence; “it just means I`ll be force-feeding the oldies”, that is not what he said on his excerpt. He said he would his motivated to work with elderly people, but that one sentence disclosed him. He wrote that the last job interview he went to, do not gave him any job. He did not blamed on him self; he blamed people who took the bus with him. A young guy who used crutches wanted Sebastian’s seat, and he refused to give him his seat to the poor guy with crutches. Sebastian blamed an old man too because he just wanted to know where Denton Street is. Sebastian’s explanation about why he did not have the job is because he came 5 min late for the job interview. Actually it maybe was because he was not qualified for the job. 8 av 29 He is not the person he is on his excerpt. He has been doing demonstrations and has been arrested once by the police. The police recognized him by his facial tattoo and piercings. I do not think that the elderly people would like to be feed by this kind of person who is an aggressive demonstrator and maybe have a good behavior at work but not out of job. So he is not qualified for this job because he tells about him in an apposite version of him, he has not so good experience to work with elder people and he is ignorant about his mistakes. He is not qualified for this job. Task 2 Benefits and costs of changes in modern working life The job I am interested in is something to do with engineering. There are many types of engineers, petroleum engineer, computer engineer, mechanical engineers, biological engineers and etc. I have not decided yet what kind of engineer I want to be, but it will be petroleum or mechanical engineer. To be an engineer it requires that you are focused all the time and think of different type of solutions when you are working with your tasks, for example if you are a petroleum engineer, so some of your task would be to find a solution to find oil or how to export oil and gas to other countries. It is a very interesting and fascinating job for those who love to work with machines, people, and technology. The employees’ tasks and working environment have changed a lot. The new generations who will take over job as petroleum engineers will have flexible work hours or days. If you work at an oil platform for example in Norway, you have 2 weeks of work and 4 weeks of vacation. This is a good deal for those who want to work at platform. The environments were the petroleum engineers are working at is tough. At the oil platform they have an alarm check and they do not conform the engineers that it would be a test, and you will have big problems if you are in toilet when the alarm test starts. 9 av 29 The Task is very hard for the employees` because sometimes there is storm out there were the oil platform is and you have to go out and do your work. Not everybody can work at the office so someone has to do it. You can easily be injured during your tasks if you are not careful enough. Those who work at office and are petroleum engineers have more psychological tasks then engineers at oil platform. Petroleum engineers who works at office have tasks like designing new machines, come up with a plan how to find oil in different types of areas where it could be oil or not. Those kinds of engineers do not have flexible workdays or hours, but they are not in danger to be injured. The engineers have started to earn much more money then they did for 20 years ago. It is because we need more and more engineers. If you work at oil platform one week extra, you will earn double so much money on that extra week. That is a factor that some of new generation want to be petroleum engineers. There are not just petroleum engineer who are earning lot of money, mechanical engineers have good workplace and equal salary as petroleum engineers. They are just working with all kinds of technologies and trying to make them more useful. It is little difficult to work as mechanical engineer because they have a lot of pressure at work. Their tasks require that they have to think of something new or new solutions for a product they have created. The new generation love technology and that’s why some students become mechanical engineers, and cause of the salary. The engineers today and future engineers cannot influence so much in their workplace. They know already how tough it is to be an engineer and what kind of tasks do they have. They have good salary; flexible workdays and they are becoming part of something that is changing the world. There are more Asian people who are becoming engineers today and that is great because most of those Asians have multicultural background. 10 av 29 ENG1002/1003 engelsk fellesfag, eksamen vår 2014 Eksempel på karakter 4 Task 1A Use the information about Sebastian Knowles in Appendices 1 and 2 below and Texts 1 and 2 in the preparation material to discuss whether he is qualified and suitable for the job advertised below. Task 2D Use information from Text 1 in the preparation material and your knowledge about controversial issues in English-speaking countries to discuss the issue of taking action to influence controversial decisions. Your text should include: • • • • a brief presentation of the fracking issue in Text 1 another social, political or environmental issue in an English-speaking country a discussion of different ways of influencing decisions your reflections on what personal sacrifices you would be willing to make in these cases Feel free to add other relevant points. Give your text a suitable title. Beskrivelser av vist kompetanse Innhold 1A. Oppgavesvaret har et relevant innhold, og drøfter og gjør rede for sin vurdering av Knowles som søker. Teksten viser også god bruk og integrering av innholdet fra de oppgitte kildene. 2D. Oppgavesvaret har et relevant innhold, og bruker og drøfter innhold fra ulike kilder. Innholdet viser god kunnskap om aktuelle nyheter og samfunnsforhold i det engelskspråklige landet Nigeria. Omtalen og bruken av forhold i Nigeria dokumenteres dog ikke med henvisning til kilder. Tekststruktur 1A. Teksten er tilpasset formål og kommunikasjonssituasjon og har en klar og logisk struktur med variert og hensiktsmessig bruk av tekstbinding. 2D. Oppgavesvaret har en god tittel som følges opp i avslutningen. Det har en hensiktsmessig bruk av setningsstrukturer med gode emnesetninger som bidrar til en klar og logisk struktur. Språk Beskrivelser av karakterer i forskrift til opplæringsloven Oppgavesvarene 1A og 2D har et stort sett funksjonelt ordforråd og for det meste idiomatiske uttrykk og setningstyper. Språket er stort sett korrekt med unntak av noen preposisjons-, ordvalgs- og ordbøyningsfeil, og for eksempel bruk av norvagismer som ”mean” og ”found place”, manglende artikler og samsvarsfeil. • • • • • • Karakteren 6 uttrykkjer at eleven har framifrå kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 5 uttrykkjer at eleven har mykje god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 4 uttrykkjer at eleven har god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 3 uttrykkjer at eleven har nokså god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 2 uttrykkjer at eleven har låg kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 1 uttrykkjer at eleven har svært låg kompetanse i faget. 11 av 29 Oppsummering av samlet kompetanse og karakter Eksamenssvaret har godt innhold og god struktur som gjør at det samlet grenser opp mot ”mykje god” kompetanse. Variasjonen i språkbruk og flyt hindrer iblant kommunikasjonen. Eksamenssvaret viser ”god” kompetanse og er samlet vurdert til karakter 4. 12 av 29 ENG1002/1003 engelsk fellesfag, eksamen vår 2014 Eksempel på karakter 4 1A According to Sebastian Knowles’ CV he is qualified to work at the Riverview Hospital for the Elderly. He was educated at Essex Vocational College, Colchester for two years, which goes well with the education the employer wants. As well he has work experience from among others kitchen work and personal companionship, and that is something the employers are looking for. In spite of this his respect and sight of the elderly are not what they are looking for. In his personal profile he writes that he did well at school, have a charming personality and think his job as an assistant in a local care home has taught him how to behave around elderly. What he writes on Facebook indicates to something else. He writes that he wouldn’t give his seat on the bus to a guy with crutches and he thinks old people shouldn’t be allowed to go out on their own. From this we understand that he has no respect for other people and especially not the elderly. The Facebook status shows us the real Sebastian Knowles. Besides this he still lives with his parents and got arrested after a demonstration. The demonstration was neither his first. To sum up he is qualified to the job at the hospital but his attitude to old people and generally what he does, show us that he are not suitable for the job. The employer should not give him the job, even though his education suits, because the old people need to be treated with respect, something I think we all assume Knowles won’t do. Sources 1A: “An excerpt from Sebastian Knowles’ application”, Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 “Sebastian Knowles’ Facebook update”, Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 “Brighton residents arrested in fracking demo”, Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 “Curriculum Vitae, Sebastian Knowles”, Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 13 av 29 2D Words are the best weapon All over the world we have different controversial decisions and issues. Some of them are big and some are just a trifle. One thing they have in common is that we can all try to influence them by using our heads. A demonstration found place 28th August in Balcombe, West Sussex. The reason of the demonstration is due to fracking. The Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a process where gas from rocks underground is being extracted. Because local activists are worried that this process can cause small earthquakes and pollute water supplies, they wanted to stop further drilling for oil by blockade the site near Balcombe. Several hundred protesters took part in the demonstration, and the police had to come. They started to push the protestors towards a small section of the road. Then several demonstrators left, but the remaining were forced to stay and twenty six people were arrested. The protestors meant they had behaved themselves, but the police said they became very aggressive when they were told to leave the site. The Chief Constable later said on TV that almost every demonstrator behaved well, but there is always someone that just appears to make trouble. The English speaking country Nigeria has been through some issues up against the years. From 1967 to 1970 they went through a civil war and there have been a lot of conflicts between ethnic and religious groups. The country has been ruled by military juntas for long periods of time, and oil reserves have made problems for the indigenous people. In Niger Delta region, there have been tensions between local indigenous people and foreign oil companies. The indigenous people mean that they are being leaved in poverty, because oil has been found in their land, and they claim that the oil installations have caused pollution and destroyed parts of the environment. This has led to among others terrorist attacks on the oil installations. The Nigerian military has been forced to step in, but that only made it worse. There are many different ways of influencing decisions. One thing that is very important if you want to influence a controversial decision is to get attention. You need to be heard, and the best way of doing that is to use internet. Write what you think is the best to do, and turn people to your team and what you think is the best. Media has a lot of power, and to get positive attention in media can help you a lot. Another way of influencing decisions is to 14 av 29 demonstrate like the people in Balcombe. But even dough you demonstrate you don’t need to be violent, that doesn’t solve anything. A demonstration with just posters and calls can affect. To have good arguments is important if you want to influence decisions. You can come up with solutions of why it should be like that or why it shouldn’t. An argument can also be a solution you think will be good for the case. If you are a good speaker and know what you stand up for, you can involve yourself in the politics. You can be member of a political party or even be a politician yourself. An example of a person who used her voice is Malala. She spoke out against the barbarism in Pakistan and has made a huge impact on the whole world. She stood up for what she meant, and even after she got shot she didn’t gave up. She is such a good example because of her peaceful protest. If I would have influence a decision, I would find good arguments and make people understand that this is the best solution. To say your own opinion is something everyone should be allowed to do, and I could have sacrificed a bit of my life to jail to say what I mean is right in a decision. In the Balcombe case I would be willing to be arrested if the demonstration could influence the fracking. But I wouldn’t have been violent. In the Nigeria case I think I would have been more careful, but I would have tried to stand up for the indigenous people, because they need their land. I know it is difficult to just talk in a country like Nigeria because they are being treated unfair, but if many people got together and talked instead of using terrorists, I think it could have made a difference. In both these cases they used violence but it would have been much better if they used their heads. If you mean something is important you should take to courage and do something about it. Today we have many controversial decisions and in conclusion I would say that if you want to influence one you should use your head, not violence. The solution is never to hurt someone. You have many ways to influence decisions, and all the good ones involve using words. Sources 2B: “Brighton residents arrested in fracking demo”, Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 “Malala is living proof that one person can indeed bring positive change in the world”, Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 Targets, Haugen, Haugum, Kagge, Ljones, Myskja, Rugset, H. Aschehoug & Co 2009 15 av 29 ENG1002/1003 engelsk fellesfag, eksamen vår 2014 Eksempel på karakter 5 Task 1A Use the information about Sebastian Knowles in Appendices 1 and 2 below and Texts 1 and 2 in the preparation material to discuss whether he is qualified and suitable for the job advertised below. Task 2C In Text 6 in the preparation material, Junior is struggling to make important decisions in life. Compare and discuss Junior’s dilemmas and personal choices with those of another fictional character you have studied in your English course. Give your text a suitable title. Beskrivelser av vist kompetanse Innhold 1A. Oppgavesvaret inneholder en god og relevant vurdering av Sebastian Knowles som søker på stillingen. Svaret beskriver ham som formelt kvalifisert, men ikke personlig egnet. 2C. Oppgavesvaret bruker og integrerer relevant innhold fra ulike kilder på en fornuftig og elegant måte. Det inneholder også velvalgte eksempler. Teksten har en selvstendig og litt filosofisk innledning basert på tittelen ”Before and after” samt en god, oppsummerende avslutning. Svaret legger vekt på livsvalg uten å tydelig få frem medfølgende dilemmaer. Tekststruktur 1A. Oppgavesvaret er tilpasset formål og kommunikasjonssituasjon. Teksten har stort sett logisk struktur med hensiktsmessig bruk av tekstbinding. 2C. Oppgavesvaret har klar og logisk struktur med ulike argumenter presentert på en tydelig og overbevisende måte. Språk 1A. Oppgavesvaret har en variert og korrekt språkføring, men har et muntlig preg. Teksten har et bredt ordforråd, samt hensiktsmessig og korrekt bruk av idiomatiske uttrykk, setningstyper og –strukturer og flerleddede setninger. De to siste setningene i første avsnitt er gode eksempler på dette. Samlet sett er språket presist og idiomatisk. 2C. Oppgavesvaret viser et bredt, generelt ordforråd, og variert og tilnærmet korrekt språkføring. Språket framstår som presist, idiomatisk og hensiktsmessig til tross for bruken av sammentrekninger og muntlig preg. Beskrivelser av karakterer i forskrift til opplæringsloven • • • • • • Karakteren 6 uttrykkjer at eleven har framifrå kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 5 uttrykkjer at eleven har mykje god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 4 uttrykkjer at eleven har god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 3 uttrykkjer at eleven har nokså god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 2 uttrykkjer at eleven har låg kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 1 uttrykkjer at eleven har svært låg kompetanse i faget. 16 av 29 Oppsummering av samlet kompetanse og karakter Eksamenssvaret viser selvstendighet, men innholdet er delvis begrenset. Svaret har god indre struktur og sammenheng. Språket er variert, idiomatisk og tilnærmet korrekt, men har et muntlig preg. Eksamenssvaret viser ”mykje god” kompetanse og er samlet vurdert til karakter 5. 17 av 29 ENG1002/1003 engelsk fellesfag, eksamen vår 2014 Eksempel på karakter 5 1A Sebastian Knowles applied for a job at the Riverview Hospital for the Elderly. The advertisement stated that applicants should have a background in the health care sector and at least a two year vocational college course in nutrition and hygiene. Sebastian Knowles happens to have both, but that’s not enough to make him a suited applicant. On his Facebook page, a staff member found an update which showed the real Sebastian. In the update Sebastian says that he will be “force feeding oldies” if he gets the job. Later in the update is a story about a bus ride. First Sebastian occupied a reserved seat. Soon, a boy with crutches asks Sebastian if he could have his seat. Sebastian then refused to move, even though there were several other seats which he could use. Later an old man asked which stop was the nearest to Denton Street and it takes a few minutes before the bus starts driving again. Because of these events he was late for a job interview, thus losing the job. In his Facebook update Sebastian blamed the old man and the young boy with crutches for losing the job, even though both events could have been avoided if Sebastian had just helped them at once. The job advertisement asked for applicants who could prepare and serve food to patients, and maintain order and hygiene in the kitchen. In the comment section of Sebastian’s Facebook update, his own mother writes that Sebastian hasn’t mastered cooking and cleaning at home. On paper Sebastian seems like a good applicant with both the education and experience needed, while in reality he’s not because of his bad attitude. 18 av 29 2C Before and After In a moment, a person’s life can change from a before to an after. It can be a phone call, an accident, an action or a decision. Everyone has a point of no return. Some have several. Some decisions affect one person and one person only. Other decisions affect a group of people or the entire society. Before Junior threw that calculus book he was just another student. After he threw it, he was the kid who broke a teacher’s nose. He will never be just another kid again. He can’t return to the before part and not throw that book. Junior decided to throw it, and moved forward to the after part. The other characters however, they stay behind. They’re still in the before. It was not their decision, it is not their progression and it doesn’t affect them. They’ve given up, and won’t move to the after part unless someone decides for them. Junior made his own decisions, but he’s not the only one who has done that. We’ve worked with several fictional characters who’ve struggled to make decisions. Harry Potter for instance, he makes several huge decisions that affect everyone in the world he lives in, but he doesn’t struggle to make them. He does what’s right and fights for the good side. Harry Potter’s decisions and Junior’s decision can’t really be compared, because they’re not of the same type. One lives in a fantasy world, the other in a world like ours. A fictional character we’ve worked with that does her own decisions, is Nazneen from the novel “Brick Lane” by Monica Ali. There is also a film based on the novel. Nazneen is Bangladeshi, but lives in England. She lives in a flat on Brick Lane, a street largely populated by immigrants from Bangladesh. Since birth, Nazneen’s mother told her that you can’t oppose fate. She was taught she wasn’t the master of her own life. She was taught to give up, just like the Indians on the Spokane reservation where Junior lives. This is exactly what Nazneen does. She listens to what her mother taught her for the first 32 years of her life. When she is 18, she marries an educated man that is old enough to be her father. Another 16 years pass before Nazneen goes against her mother’s teachings. After 16 years, she gets the courage to decide. She decides to control what is going on in her life. It 19 av 29 was expected that she would stay home with the kids, clean and cook food. The first things she controls is the small things, such as talking to new people, getting to know the neighbours and getting her first job. Even if the job is just sewing jeans at home, it’s still a job and that’s not normal for her. She was expected to raise children and support her husband, not help provide for her family. Junior and Nazneen don’t have very much in common. One is a thirteen year old Indian boy in America and the other is a grown up woman from Bangladesh. What they do however does have something in common. They both do unexpected things. Junior throws a book at a teacher and ends up becoming the only nomad in the reservation. He begins in a school in another town, and wants to travel the world. He wants to leave the reservation and his family behind. Junior can only hope that they will forgive him, and that he can forgive himself. Life is a journey. It’s like walking down a road. After some time you’ll get to crossroads. Each crossroad is a decision. Decisions are divided into before and after. Before is when you think about which road to take, after is when you take it. There’s no going back. You might go back to the same crossroad, but it’s still a new decision to make. The road that is the most taken is the path you’re expected to take. Junior and Nazneen took the path least travelled by, and that made all the difference. Sources The movie “Brick Lane” based on the novel by Monica Ali The preparation material- Texts 1, 2 and 6 Appendix 1 and 2 – Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 20 av 29 ENG1002/1003 engelsk fellesfag, eksamen vår 2014 Eksempel på karakter 6 Task 1A Use the information about Sebastian Knowles in Appendices 1, 2 below, Texts 1, and 2 in the preparation material to discuss whether he is qualified and suitable for the job advertised below. Task 2B Create a text in which you inform tenth graders about a job that interests you. Use your own knowledge of development and changes in modern working life and information from Text 4 in the preparation material. Your text should include the following: • • • • examples of how and why employees’ tasks and the working environment have developed in recent years positive and negative consequences of the changes you have described what workplaces are doing to attract and keep good employees the extent to which people today can influence developments and changes in their workplace Feel free to add other relevant points. Give your text a suitable title. Beskrivelser av vist kompetanse Innhold 1A. Oppgavesvaret er grundig og innhold fra kildene er relevant og godt integrert. Oppgavesvaret viser tydelig når kilder og sitater er brukt, selv om dette ikke gjøres på en konsekvent måte. Innholdet er relativt fyldig, men fremtrer som ”short and concise”, sett i lys av relevant informasjonsmengde og eksamenssvaret i sin helhet. 2B. Oppgavesvaret er relevant, presist og fyldig med selvstendig og godt innhold. Innholdet og kildelisten viser grundig forarbeid ved informasjonsinnhenting, og at denne informasjonen er godt integrert i besvarelsen. Kildene er oppgitt på en etterprøvbar måte. Tekststruktur 1A. Oppgavesvaret har en god indre struktur og logisk oppbygning med en god innledning og konkluderende avslutning. Teksten har variert og hensiktsmessig tekstbinding. 2B.Oppgavesvaret har en spesielt god og gjennomført tilpasning til formål og situasjon, med god innledning som henvender seg til et ungt publikum og en tjenlig og passende avslutning. Fremstillingen er logisk og sammenhengende med en variert og hensiktsmessig bruk av tekstbinding. Språk 1A. Ordforrådet og språkføringen i oppgavesvaret er meget variert og viser ulike setningsstrukturer og høyt nivå i idiomatisk bruk av språket. 2B. Oppgavesvaret viser et meget bredt ordforråd, god kjennskap til idiomatiske ord og uttrykk, og god bruk av relevante faglige ord og uttrykk fra emnet informasjonsteknologi. Språkføringen er meget variert og viser ulike setningsstrukturer. Det er tilnærmet korrekt ordbøyning, rettskriving og tegnsetting. Beskrivelser av karakterer i • • Karakteren 6 uttrykkjer at eleven har framifrå kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 5 uttrykkjer at eleven har mykje god kompetanse i faget. 21 av 29 forskrift til opplæringsloven Oppsummering av samlet kompetanse og karakter • • • • Karakteren 4 uttrykkjer at eleven har god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 3 uttrykkjer at eleven har nokså god kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 2 uttrykkjer at eleven har låg kompetanse i faget. Karakteren 1 uttrykkjer at eleven har svært låg kompetanse i faget. Eksamenssvaret viser ”framifrå” kompetanse med hensyn til innhold, struktur og språkføring. Svaret er samlet vurdert til karakteren 6. 22 av 29 ENG1002/1003 engelsk fellesfag, eksamen vår 2014 Eksempel på karakter 6 Task 1 1A Based on the information given in both the Appendices and Texts it’s quite easy to determine whether or not Sebastian Knowles is qualified and suitable for the job he is applying for. On one hand he does seem to have the required qualifications and background specified in the job description, but then on the other hand he seems to completely lack all of the personal characteristics for which the employer is looking for in the applicant. First off we can learn from the article in Text 1 that Mr Knowles was recently arrested. The article does not specify what year the protest took place, but I will assume that it was quite recently. Even though the arrest of a man does not prove him guilty, it can give employers an indication of what type of person they are dealing with. The article also stated that the police were able to identify Mr Knowles based on his distinctive looks, which they had observed during a previous demonstration. Therefore someone can only assume that this person is a man who has had trouble with law enforcement earlier. The job description doesn’t specify that the applicant needs a spotless record, but then again we can only assume that they would prefer someone who stays out of trouble if they are to look out for the elderly. If you were to compare the Mr Knowles’ CV and personal profile with his Facebook update, it’s ever so clear to see that this man is not at all suited for the job. In Appendix 1 he describes himself as a man with a charming personality, a team player and someone who tackles stress well. The Facebook update in Appendix 2 gives us a picture of a completely different person. Mr Knowles comes off as rude, inconsiderate and someone who lacks empathy and compassion for those less fortunate than himself. Berating a disabled man for wanting the priority seat, referring to an elderly person as an “old bat” and questioning why she is allowed to leave the house on her own seems like a man not suited for a job in the care sector. Even on the comment section of his Facebook update his aunt Daisy asks him to mid his attitude. If your own family doesn’t believe you have the correct attitude, why should the people you are looking to work for think any differently? So even though it seems like Sebastian Knowles does indeed have the formal education and background required for this job, it is quite clear that he completely lacks the personal traits 23 av 29 necessary to care for the elderly. He seems ignorant, rude and impatient and I would never recommend him for a position where his main priority is to take care off other people. And I doubt the administrative staff thinks any differently after seeing his Facebook update. The man clearly needs to clean up his act and stay away from trouble if he wants to progress in life. Sources: Appendix 1: An excerpt from Sebastian Knowles’ application (Eksamen 21.05.2014) Udanningsdirektoratet 2013 Appendix 2: Sebastian Knowles’ Facebook update (Eksamen 21.05.2014) Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 Text 1: Brighton residents arrested in fracking demo (Forberedelse 20.05.2014) Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 Text 2: Curriculum Vitae – Sebastian Knowles (Forberedelse 20.05.2014) Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 24 av 29 Task 2 2B Career day speech for the tenth grade at Norway High School Dear students of Norway High School, I stand before you today to tell you about an exiting opportunity for your future career. I was asked by the principal of your school to do a talk to all you tenth graders here at Norway High School on career day. If you don’t already know, my name is Steve and I work as an IT-consultant for a large computer firm in the UK. I was so fortunate to be asked to come here today, seen as I am in Norway for only a couple of days on business. So what I am going to talk to you about today is basically what my job consist off, the endless opportunities you have if you choose a career in the IT-industry, the work environment and also some of the challenges that lies ahead. I will keep this short and informative, so I hope I can have your attention for the duration of this presentation. First off. Some of you might think that what we do in the IT-world is nothing else than sit on our behinds all day and write away on the computer. Although that might have been the case some 15 odd years ago, it could not be more wrong today. The industry is changing, and it is changing fast! To use myself as an example of how different my tasks are today than what they were when I graduated from University. Around ten years ago I had just graduated with a bachelor degree in Information Technology. And to be honest, the first couple of years as a working man were quite boring and I felt I had just landed a dead end job at a company that was heading nowhere. Then suddenly it all changed. Facebook came out and was an instant hit among young people. The smartphones with all their apps were also enormously popular from day one. I believe that these two technologies changed nearly everything within the IT-industry. Suddenly we started working at a faster pace. In a matter of months we had to release new software and technology just to make sure we weren’t falling behind our competitors. In the first few years of this new development I thought we were never going to keep up with all the new trends. But lo and behold, we made it through and it has really paid off in the latter years. 25 av 29 The main reason in why I believe we became really successful after those years is the mixture of the people in our workforce. Even though many of the IT-companies today primarily consist of younger people, our boss made sure we keep on a few elder people and utilize them the best way possible. We used them for all their experience with business. What many fail to realise is that in the IT-world you need a good business strategy to stay alive. You can’t solely rely on the knowledge of the young people; you need a mixture between the fresh brains of the new generation and the vast experience of the older generation. Even though a whole lot has changed in the working environment since the “millennials” started coming through, it doesn’t really seem to bother the older people at our company. Changes like flexible working hours and the introduction of new technology seemed to go down well with almost everyone. I’d like to explain just how these changes affect our day-to-day business and why I believe it is the way to move forward for most companies. Some people might believe that flexible working hours seems a little silly. You might think to yourself that a company surely runs the most efficient when every employee comes in at the same time and do the same amount of hours in a day. But since personal computers, primarily laptops, became something nearly everyone owned, it suddenly wasn’t always necessary to do all your work in the office. For instance in my job, a lot of time goes to developing applications for smartphones and computers. I can just as easily do this from the comfort of my own home as I can at my desk in the office. Everything doesn’t have to be measured in hours. Is it fair if a slacker works the same amount of hours as a hard worker and then gets the same amount of money and recognition at the end of the month? Your work results should be measured in what you achieve not in how long you were working that particular day or month. Don’t get me wrong; I do see the importance of working together as a group and seeing other people than your family from time to time. But I do also believe that companies should implement the idea that working hours should not be the first priority, but rather focus on what the employee achieves as a result of his or hers work. I might be boring you with all this talk about how I believe a company should operate, but I think it’s important for young people to understand that the modern workplace is something that is changing quickly. And the better prepared you are for these changes, the better you will function in a modern office. 26 av 29 Let me describe more in detail of what the company I work for does on a day-to-day basis. When I first started there ten years ago we only made financial applications for lager companies. Although the business was going rather well, the work was quite boring and unfulfilling for a young guy straight out of University. When Facebook and smartphones started to gain popularity, our boss and the senior heads at the company eyed an opportunity to expand in to new territory. Basically what we do today is help larger companies with social media and application development. A company might come to us and tell us they want to develop an application for smartphones and create a new Facebook page. And then we do the rest from there. What makes this line of work so exiting and special is the constant variation of projects. Just four months ago I was on a project to develop a brand new Facebook page for one of England’s biggest football teams and now I am here in Norway to finalize a deal to develop an app for a big airline company. Some people might like the stability of a normal job where all you do is come in the morning, do the same job as every day and then leave in the evening. I consider myself completely opposite of that. I strive under the constant introduction of new challenges. I welcome the change that our modern world brings. I love to implement new ideas and technology with the business world. Naturally this line of work isn’t for everyone. And you need to be able to keep up with the pace if you want to keep your job or move on upwards. Seen as we work with other larger companies, we are 100% reliant on our good reputation. Just one dissatisfied costumer can undo years of hard work. Who would hire a company with a reputation for making bad apps and Facebook pages, when that is nearly the only thing they do? Therefore we do enforce strict demands for our employees and applicants. You have to have something to show for before you can start working here. An education by itself is seldom enough. And once you start working, your future depends on the feedback we get from our clients. We do this not only to attract the best, but also to keep the best. Do your job to a satisfactory level, and you will be fine. Slack off and you will be shown the door. You might think that sounds unfair, but it’s the reality of the new and fast paced work environment that is developing in the Western world. I have now talked a long time about all the positive sides of my line of work, even glorified it 27 av 29 to some extent. But be aware that with all this change there are still big challenges and risks ahead. In such a young environment it’s difficult to fully comprehend the long-term effects of these changes. Right now it might seem like a match made in heaven. Young people being able to work with what they really enjoy. No more sitting eight hours every day in a confined space, just to go home and do the exact same thing the day after. The people born before this generations, before the “millennials”, often have trouble adapting to this new environment. I told you how our company managed to keep their senior employees and utilize their strengths to strive and prosper in the new technological age. I like to think that we are the exception, rather than the rule. From what I have learned, ageism in the workplace is becoming a big problem in society. Older people being squeezed out of their position, due to their inability to adapt to the changes. Or the company’s inability to come up with new ideas on how to use the older generation more effectively. You can understand someone’s frustration or anger when a “kid” fresh out of University comes in and takes the job you have used decades to obtain. I believe that our biggest challenge for the future consists of finding a way to best implement the younger generation with older one. To make sure we use each person for their strength and make sure we utilize them the best way possible. Not to just ship them out if they don’t meet a certain age criteria. Us younger people have all to learn from the older generation, seen as their experience in business and the working environment far surpasses most of us. I hope you all learned something from this short presentation. The modern workplace is truly a place to get exited about, and I hope you all have the ambition to reach far. Whatever your aim may be here in life. Be it working in IT or becoming a coalminer. Make sure your environment becomes a product of you, and not only the other way around. Embrace the changes happening in society and you will have a memorable working experience. If anybody wants to contact me I will stay until the end of this career day and answer questions from you students. Thank you again for having me here today, I thoroughly enjoyed it. 28 av 29 Sources: Text 4: How millenials are transforming the workplace. Utdanningsdirektoratet 2013 Adapted from: The Week Staff, August 24, 2012, How millennials are transforming the workplace Retrieved Jan 17th, 2014 from millennialsare- transforming-the-workplace Alyson Krueger, should-know-about-working-with-millennials/ (download date: 20.05.2014) Author unknown (download date: 20.05.2014) Kelley Holland, reality-workplace-n95606 (download date: 20.05.2014) Mitchell Hartmann and-callow-like-their-parents.html?_r=0 (download date: 20.05.2014) 29 av 29